IRC log for #wowroster on 20070530

00:18.16*** join/#wowroster Guest883 (
00:19.55SilrocIs anyone around that wouldn't mind trying to answer a question?
00:24.37Harshmagenot really, but go ahead and ask
00:26.30SilrocIve been reading the forums and faqs, and I've seen my problem mentioned a dozen times.. I hate to ask for more info, since its probably me being stupid, but.. I am trying to install and I use godaddy.. Im getting the "MySQL Module not available" problem. I've seen people say you have to reset the server, but I cant figure out how with godaddy.
00:26.54SilrocI also tried editing install.php but cant seem to figure out where to put the database info
00:27.25HarshmageYou can't...GoDaddy's SQL servers aren't up to par with the requirements in Roster since 1.6
00:28.36SilrocSo it simply won't work on any site hosted by godaddy? Bleh.
00:31.41HarshmageYeah...I bleh'ed too...I even live a couple miles from them...I complained.  They still won't upgrade their SQL...
00:31.57Harshmagetheir techs said it's just not going to happen.
00:32.12Silroc*Sigh* Well, guess they'll be losing my account, then. Thanks for the help.
00:33.08HarshmageI would suggest LunarPages, or any number of hosts listed within the Roster forums...
00:33.47SilrocYeah. I'll check them. I only used Godaddy because another guildie already had an account with them for another site and he got an upgrade discount. So much for that.
00:34.42HarshmageYeah, I understand....heck, reason I went with Godaddy the first time was that they were in the same was a local phone call for me...
00:35.26Harshmageand they have GREAT customer skills...just not willing to upgrade on the "fly"...even if SQL 4.1x has been out for a couple years
00:39.47SilrocWish I knew. The database admin page on godaddy lists them as version 4.1
00:41.20HarshmageRequirements are here:
00:41.43Harshmageit could be their PHP too
00:42.00SilrocYeah, I checked the requirements. I thought everything matched. Guess I'm out of date on my web design
00:44.14HarshmageGodaddy has an odd SQL server system...the SQL isn't on the box you're being hosted on (you've probably noticed that already) what the page you're seeing says may not be true...
00:45.26SilrocAye, I did see that. Ah, well. Im through wasting my time with this - I'll focus on getting a different host. Thanks again.
00:56.57*** join/#wowroster Robojerk (
02:33.02*** join/#wowroster Kyrin (
02:37.33*** join/#wowroster [PUPPETS]Gonzo (n=gonzo@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:37.51*** join/#wowroster _[PUPPETS]Gonzo (i=gonzo@
02:48.51*** join/#wowroster [PUPPETS]Gonzo (i=gonzo@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:44.26*** join/#wowroster [PUPPETS]Gonzo (i=gonzo@
07:05.26*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
10:24.58*** join/#wowroster Stromgald (i=CPGMembe@
10:26.13stromhi all ;) anyone can help me with EZ portal Latest loot? i have a problem to insert in 1 table 2 eqdkp ;)
11:00.41*** join/#wowroster Andral (
13:40.00*** join/#wowroster Sylphid|work (
13:43.58*** join/#wowroster vecnah (
13:47.47vecnahI am trying to make my own public roster from 1.7.3
13:48.11vecnahI am looking for the file where wowdb class is defined
13:48.41vecnahme stupid :)
14:26.13*** join/#wowroster Guest470 (
14:29.44*** join/#wowroster planetW (
14:36.30*** join/#wowroster Harshmage (
14:55.10vecnahok , I did modify the update.php so it uploads characters
14:55.21vecnahno I need to modify the display :)
14:56.44Harshmagewell, that patch this morning was a pain...
15:05.58vecnahI don't understand where it blocks :(
15:24.53vecnahcould you give me your php display files :x
15:32.21*** join/#wowroster Zanix|Work (n=Zanix@
15:33.15vecnahhi Zanix
15:33.25vecnahI am trying to make my own public roster :x
15:33.30vecnahbut I am kind of blocked
15:33.33vecnahupdate is ok
15:33.41vecnahbut I got problems with display
15:36.40Zanix|Workhonestly, Id wait for 1.8
15:38.53vecnahthere is public support for 1.8?
15:39.06vecnahwell I am into the php
15:39.15vecnahbeen for about 2 hours :x
15:39.40vecnahbut I can't find where some messages come from
15:39.58vecnahrequires and includes are really mixed up to sort
15:40.54vecnahwow :)
15:41.01vecnahI just read the announcement
15:41.21PleegWatYeah, 1.8 has native multiguild
15:41.43vecnahwhen is the beta supposed to be out?
15:41.57vecnahok :)
15:42.01PleegWatthere's some stuff that needs to be finished up first
15:42.06vecnahI ll stay around then
15:42.45PleegWat demo site
15:51.55PleegWatIf there's anything you're missing, please say
15:52.01PleegWatSome crosslink stuff isn't complete yet though
15:58.49Zanix|Workyeah, what pleeg said
16:39.38*** join/#wowroster Guest498 (n=Guest@
16:59.33Guest498Anyone know what the problem is when you get an internal server error when trying to go to the installfile of wowroster through the browser?
17:03.06ds001Could be the server doesn't have php installed, or more likely the upload of the roster is bad (might have uploaded in binary mode?)
17:07.11Guest498php should be ok
17:07.40Guest498gonnna try and upload it again and see if it works
17:48.47Guest498found the problem the hidden files aren't uploading properly but no settings I do show them
17:49.09Guest498changed the folder to show hidden files but it doesn't help
17:53.17Guest498the file shows up in the ftp program aswell but wont get uploaded
18:03.20dreamssthe following error occured: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-41, 50' at line 1
18:03.29dreamssdam googlebot
19:31.56PleegWatNice, 2.1.1 fixed my framerate issues
19:45.47PleegWatHm, the rates over skettis still leave me wanting, Well, at least the shattrath ones are better
20:35.39Zanix|Workman, you should see this places's web site
20:35.53Zanix|Workit's over 1 gb of crap
20:36.15Zanix|Workand a bunch of it you cannot even get to unless you know the exact url
20:47.23Zanix|Workand even more pages of what seems to be an older site
20:50.00PleegWatSo what's your job, cleaning it up?
20:55.50Zanix|Worknot really
20:56.00Zanix|WorkIm just system admin
20:56.05Zanix|Workweb admin
20:56.21Zanix|Workfirst I have to figure it out
20:56.29Zanix|Workthen I want to clean it up
20:57.33Zanix|Workthey eventually want me to redesign their site
20:58.26PleegWatWell, remember the licensing on roster's code, I'd say. I'd prefer you don't reuse the bigger chunks while dropping the license
20:59.38PleegWatno offense meant
21:03.26Zanix|Workdont worry about that
21:03.35Zanix|WorkI doubt any of the code can be re-used
21:04.06Zanix|WorkI think any code will be from siggen
21:04.18Zanix|WorkI want to use some gd stuff for making thumbnails
21:04.33PleegWatthere's probably a framework anyway, and any small functions that could be useful are so ancient and widespread noone can claim anything on them anymore
21:11.00Zanix|Workfor this site?
21:11.27Zanix|Workits mostly a combobulation of html and a smattering of php pages
21:11.44PleegWatAKA a mess?
21:11.50PleegWatAre you looking at a fixup or a rebuild?
21:12.15PleegWatIs there any logic/presentation separation?
21:13.00*** join/#wowroster Sylphid|work (
21:16.03Zanix|Workyes and no
21:16.16Zanix|Workfix up a little for now
21:16.23Zanix|Workand rebuild in the future
21:17.35Zanix|Worksome pages have that separation, others do not
21:18.02Zanix|Workthe web folder is a complete mess
21:18.10PleegWatSounds like you'll be busy for a while
21:18.50Zanix|Worksure will be
21:19.47Zanix|Workbut I only work on this from 9-6
21:20.06Zanix|Workthis all stays at work
21:20.21PleegWatunlike roster/siggen, which taunt at you every free moment of the day?
21:21.46Zanix|WorkI havent even looked at the forums since last wednesday
21:22.01Zanix|Work1 week worth of post
21:22.06*** join/#wowroster Harshmage (
21:26.39PleegWatnot much interesting stuff lately
21:39.56Zanix|WorkI bet
21:44.35Zanix|WorkI think Im going to like my new job though
21:53.20Harshmagegood stuff?
21:54.11Zanix|Workyes and no
21:54.31Zanix|WorkI am the system administrator
21:55.16Zanix|Workand web
21:55.52Zanix|Worktheir site and file servers are a complete mess
21:56.52Zanix|Workand how they update pages is a joke
22:01.13Harshmageit dosen't look TOO bad....though the flash anim at the top distracts...
22:01.57Zanix|Workits a smattering of html shtml and php
22:02.03Zanix|Workso inconsistant
22:02.25Zanix|Workand there are many, many reminants of older pages from previous versions of the site
22:15.27Zanix|Workthey want the site re-designed completely
22:15.54Zanix|WorkIm downloading a copy of the entire web folder via ftp
22:16.04Zanix|Workso far it's up to 1.7gb
22:16.17Zanix|Workin just one folder
22:37.27Harshmage........that's...nasty.....backup & delete!
22:43.27HarshmageI wish they would expand the text field for guild titles...Mine isn't's supposed to be The Big Giant Head....but nooooo...
22:47.24Zanix|Workwhats the limit, like 48 chars?
22:52.53HarshmageI think it's more like 15....currently, I'm The Big Head....
22:54.56Zanix|Workjust have "Big Giant Head"
23:33.33Zanix|Workgoing home, later

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