IRC log for #wowroster on 20070528

00:42.27*** join/#wowroster Beela (
01:26.05*** join/#wowroster mathos__ (
03:39.19*** join/#wowroster Robojerk (
04:02.25*** join/#wowroster Tupsi (
07:03.38*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
08:44.51*** join/#wowroster PleegWat (
08:44.51*** mode/#wowroster [+o PleegWat] by ChanServ
09:37.28*** join/#wowroster Beela (
15:41.17*** join/#wowroster [Beercow] (
18:03.47*** join/#wowroster Guest923 (
18:21.44*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
19:27.03*** join/#wowroster Mathos (
19:27.04*** mode/#wowroster [+o Mathos] by ChanServ
19:39.45*** join/#wowroster Robojerk (
20:02.19ds001anyone have a specialized Alchemist and would be willing to email me your CharacterProfiler.lua file?
20:21.12ds001Woot.. got the data.. thx..
22:53.06*** join/#wowroster sanssucre (
22:53.14sanssucrehi everyone
22:53.25sanssucreet bonjour si il y'a des francais
22:54.06sanssucrei have a lil small question
22:54.21sanssucreit has been a week since my last connection
22:54.53sanssucreand i tried real hard to access to my website via filezilla
22:55.04sanssucrebut i couldn't
22:55.24sanssucredoes anyone has a tip or smthin?
22:57.03sanssucrei know most of u r working at the time and i am sry to anoy AGAIN with stupid noobies stuff

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