IRC log for #wowroster on 20070516

00:19.29*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
00:19.29*** mode/#wowroster [+o Anaxent] by ChanServ
00:25.25RobojerkI dont think Sarah likes me on Myndworx
00:27.09Anaxentyeah I just read that
00:27.24Anaxentand its not you they do not like it is really the main df devs
00:27.54RobojerkI know
00:28.02ZerylI wanna defend your honor!
00:28.05Anaxentthe main df devs should talk to the bbcode module dev to add it to the core so all modules can take advantage
00:28.43RobojerkWell Zeryl, I wasnt cussed out or anything..  I just stepped in politcal drama regarding CMS development
00:29.01Anaxenthaha well that is very true
00:29.31AnaxentRazac updated the recruitment module and then i just posted an update to it
00:29.45RobojerkI'm kind of surprised some of those guys even go to the DragonflyCMS website anymore
00:29.49Anaxentim thinking the index.php page needs a design change
00:30.02Anaxentah really the module should be converted to use theme code
00:30.11RobojerkI'll have to look at it later..  Finally got my HD DVR up and running
00:30.20Anaxentoh nice
00:30.30Anaxentthat has to be some fun
00:30.36Robojerkgoing to spend some time setting up season recordings
00:30.46Anaxentwellits a dvr you can watch all the hd tv you want later
00:30.51Anaxentlol oh
00:30.55Zanixhiya robo
00:31.02RobojerkHello Zanix
00:31.35AnaxentI started downloading the patch this morning at 11am and im only 63% done
00:31.45Zeryltivo series 3?
00:32.06Zanixgrr, itemstats is pissing me off
00:32.11Zanixit horrible code
00:32.16Zerylyes it is
00:32.20Zeryli edited back awhile ago
00:32.28Anaxentwell do you think there could be a better way to do it using wowhead
00:32.40RobojerkIt's just some hack that has gotten mosterously popular.
00:32.55ZanixFatal error: Call to a member function getItem() on a non-object in C:\server\www\xent\modules\item_stats\itemstats.php on line 575
00:33.25RobojerkRegarding wowhead: they are/were supposed a SDK or something and people are waiting for that
00:33.44Zerylya, they are willing to work with us :)
00:34.04RobojerkBut!  that's been going on for a few months now
00:34.04Zanixanother problem with itemstats, is that I barely understand the code
00:34.28Zerylhow is that?
00:35.22RobojerkI dont understand that stuff at all..  converting xml -> database
00:35.24Zanixits jumbled
00:35.25AnaxentI know really Zeryl , Zanix understand everything look at my code and he can decifer it
00:36.06Zanixthat error should not exists
00:36.06Zanixbut its there
00:36.14Zanixthose objects are being initialized in the itemstats class constructor
00:36.54Zerylcan you post the relevant code?
00:38.15Zanixfirst is the code its erroring on
00:38.34Zanixsecond is the class initializtion in the itemstats constructor
00:38.52Zerylare you sure it's loading?
00:39.17Zerylwhat happens if you try to instantiate a class without it being valid?
00:39.35ZanixI know theres an error of sometype
00:39.43Zeryland are you sure the constructor is being called?
00:40.05Zanixif it has the same name, it always gets called
00:40.44Zerylecho something in the constructor
00:40.53Zerylmake sure it's being called, because it looks like it SHOULD be working
00:42.18Zanixomfg, its working now
00:46.30Zanixok, it works in normal mode, but not script mode
00:56.00Zanixok, get this
00:56.24Zanixitemstats has two methods for writing the tooltip and itemname
00:56.40Zanixnormal - write it all directly into the html
00:57.18Zanixscript - insert a script tag that links to some php that writes the info in js
00:57.44Zanixso script gives something like this
00:57.45Zanix<script src="item_stats/viewitem/item=Evoker%27s+Helmet+of+Second+Sight/type=item.html" type="text/javascript"></script>
00:59.06Zanixwhere normal just ouputs all of this
00:59.15Zanixbut when autosearch is off
00:59.32Zanixall the items are grey because there is no info for them
01:00.01Zanixso theres a link to update the info
01:00.06Zanixin normal mode, it works
01:00.13Zanixin script mode, you get this error
01:00.55Zanixthe links are exactly the same too
01:01.02Zanixnormal -
01:01.16Zanixscript -
01:02.57ZanixI think my server may have crashed
01:03.59Zanixah, found it
01:04.14Zanixthis is in the constructor
01:04.45Zanixit returns before the site parsers are active
01:10.32Zanixremoving the return: works
01:12.35Zanixok, well I think im almost ready for a itemstatsDF 2.0 release
01:35.40Zerylhow do you add google apps to your site?
01:40.07ZanixI dunno, never tried
01:40.41Zeryli'm trying to figure this out
01:41.08Zerylmy mom is using google, but the domain is pointing to my servers, I don't know how to make it use google's pages instead
01:44.30Anaxentyou add google apps by adding cname records to your dns or by changing your a records to cnames to pint at there apps site
01:44.50Zerylright, but what cnames?
01:44.57Zerylthat's what I need to figure out
01:45.12Anaxentonce your domains points to then it comes down to there conf entries to pioint you to your apps pages
01:45.31Anaxentah when you set up an app the app will generally let you know what cnames to use
01:46.17Anaxentthere for you will need your moms google apps alogin to see what is needed
01:46.17Anaxentits something like
01:46.22Zerylthat's the part I need to know :(
01:46.38Anaxentdo you have her google login by chance
01:46.45Zerylya, i'm looking at her page
01:46.49Anaxentif ya do you should be able to find it with np's
01:46.51Zerylbut it doesn't say where to point the DNS entries to :(
01:51.19AnaxentI have it set up for one of my domains im looking for the dns settings for ya
01:51.56Zeryli have the mx settings, but I need the cname
01:52.50Zerylthis stuff sucks
01:55.33Zeryli'm tempted to buy a domain through google just to get this sorted out :(
01:58.45Zerylok, i think i got it
01:58.52Zerylnow if there were only a way to query the root NS servers
02:01.38Zanixfeel like testing something?
02:02.25ZanixitemstatsDF 2.0?
02:03.24Zanixor Robojerk, you can test too if you want
02:04.04Anaxentsure thing
02:04.47Anaxentit will be in a few though water guy is here dropping off and picking up bottles
02:09.04Zanixthe readme probably isnt complete, but I think all the code is sound
02:09.15Zanixand I want to add a button to the admin page
02:09.21Zanixclear all items
02:09.29Zanixto remove all the item in the database
02:09.36Zanixill be right back
02:09.42Zanixgoing to the gas station
02:09.49Zeryli'm gonna be going upstairs, later all
02:37.21lhunathzanix is back!
02:44.48Zanixyou are entirely too happy
05:06.08Zanixnight guys
06:19.01*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
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18:25.37MacNdsanyone use a macintosh?  Looking for an MP3 player app...  I *need* to listen to music and I hate iTunes...
18:28.04PleegWatSorry. Linux.
18:36.06MacNdsall good.. I found an app... 'Audion 3'.. it has playlists etc.. yay..
18:36.11MacNdsgawd I hate macs..
18:44.05PleegWatwhy are you on one then
18:44.13PleegWatI've never been on a mac
18:44.41MacNdsSomeone got fired at my work and they tricked me into helping in this department for a while...
18:45.08MacNdshehe.. well not tricked..but.. I hate Pre-Press work..
18:45.23MacNdsbeing a mac noob don't help much :)
18:45.26PleegWatI've switched from windows to linux three weeks back, and I like it so far
18:46.55MacNdsLinux ftw... you got WoW playing through Linux ?
18:47.28PleegWatCopied over from windows, set to opengl, and it worked
18:48.03MacNdsdo you get all the eyecandy with openGL?
18:48.11PleegWatThough it worked better once I got rid of mobinfo. Either the linux version takes a bit more cpu or the windows version supports the dual core better
18:48.47PleegWatYeah, openGL supports everything that directx supports. WoW runs on mac too, and macs don't have directx
18:55.30*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
20:53.45*** join/#wowroster Tupsi (
20:55.30*** join/#wowroster Harshmage (
22:36.18*** join/#wowroster Guest (
22:37.10Guestneed help to setup uniadmin up to work
22:39.17Guestcan get the uniuploader to send the infomation to the web page
22:40.27Guestcan one help me plzz
22:41.50Guesthallo are there some here???'
22:48.07Zanixhey, before screaming, read the room's topic
22:48.30Zanixespecially this part "The devs have lives, they're not monitoring 24/7"
22:49.04Zanixalso, remember there is a wiki for helping with basic set up issues
22:51.44Guestokey sorry
22:54.05Zanixits ok
22:54.25Guestcan stil not get it to work
22:54.49Guesthave read the wiki on uniadmin
22:55.24Zanixso what exactly is the problem
22:56.42Guestuniuploader is sending the info to the uniadmin server and it is sending it to the webserver in roster?
22:57.48Zanixwhat info?
22:57.51Zanixthe lua files?
22:58.11Harshmagenope...dosen't work that way
22:58.20Zanixhes right
22:58.23Guestokey can you tell
22:58.48Zanixthe only url that the lua files are sent to is the url set on the first tab in UniUploader
22:59.31Guestokey the uniadmin
22:59.40HarshmageUniUploader gets settings from UniAdmin.
23:00.47Guesthmm is there a program there is sending the lua files to the webservers?
23:01.17HarshmageThat's what UniUploader does
23:01.45Guestokey in settings
23:02.18Guestthere are config URL: 8interface file an the web)
23:02.46Guestis it the interface on uniadmin or on roster
23:02.59HarshmageThat's the Roster URL
23:03.18Harshmage  for more info
23:03.18Guestokey the upload.php?
23:04.06Guestokey tanks taking a lock
23:06.35Guestit is working now tanks
23:08.46Harshmagewhich language is .dk associated with?  Dutch?
23:10.09ZanixI dunno for sure
23:11.04Harshmageprobably using babelfish to translate....I wish there were a universal translator that would put tenses and words in the right order....
23:11.38Zanixno kidding
23:13.00Harshmageoh well...StarTrek one of these days...
23:19.56Zanixno kidding

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