IRC log for #wowroster on 20070428

00:04.28Harshmagemeh, in Arizona, any fluid is a good thing to drink....and I'm heading home
01:23.23*** join/#wowroster boniggy (
01:23.33Boniggyis anybody around?
01:33.09*** join/#wowroster Foxy (
01:33.19FoxyHiyas all! :-P
01:33.52FoxyMan getting up at 430am and getting to bed at 10pm really sucks
01:39.15FoxyZanix you about?
01:54.59Zanix..Im here now
03:18.00*** join/#wowroster Vathral (
04:02.24*** join/#wowroster Tupsi3472 (
05:03.48*** join/#wowroster Tsikura (
05:36.02*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
05:49.38*** join/#wowroster Zanix2 (
05:49.56*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix] by ChanServ
06:07.41*** join/#wowroster Zanix (
06:07.41*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix] by ChanServ
06:16.51*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
07:38.57lhunaththere, uploaded jUU 0.9.9 - actually made too many internal changes to make it eligable for beta release :\
07:39.06lhunathso beta will be 0.9.10 I spose.
07:39.24lhunathguess I'll translate it to dutch for 0.9.10
07:39.45lhunathif only as a demonstrational translation
08:22.09PleegWatyou're dutch? I didn't know
08:22.27PleegWatI've never bothered trying on a dutch roster translation. I don't see the need. Someone else can do it if they want.
10:58.58*** join/#wowroster Guest (
10:59.29Guesthello anyone on that could help me right quick with UA?
12:07.08*** join/#wowroster PleegWat (
12:07.08*** mode/#wowroster [+o PleegWat] by ChanServ
15:46.48lhunathpleegwat: granted, but it's the only translation I can provide
15:47.02lhunathI'd rather not attempt a french one
15:47.18PleegWatWell, just post the strings you need translated on the forum somewhere
15:47.26PleegWatTranslations generally turn up in time.
15:47.33lhunaththat's good.
18:15.37*** join/#wowroster apt (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
18:15.37*** topic/#wowroster is This room is for the support of only [R-v1.7.3,UU-v2.6.4,UA-v0.7.8] | The devs have lives, they're not monitoring 24/7 | Troubles registering/viewing our site? Check here->
19:05.24*** join/#wowroster Kaos_ (
20:37.26*** join/#wowroster apt (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
20:37.26*** topic/#wowroster is This room is for the support of only [R-v1.7.3,UU-v2.6.4,UA-v0.7.8] | The devs have lives, they're not monitoring 24/7 | Troubles registering/viewing our site? Check here->
21:04.04*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
22:18.15tendocan anyone tell me how to upload my raid data into eqdkp?

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