IRC log for #wowroster on 20070412

00:10.56lhunaththere - GPL
01:04.27*** join/#wowroster Robojerk (
01:29.56lhunathzanix: could you provide the logo md5 as an attibute to the logo tag in the settings xml?
01:30.19lhunathfeels so silly to do an extra GETFILEMD5 for it
01:30.24Zanixid does huh?
01:30.40Zanixas always, ill add it if UU doesnt break
01:45.07lhunathonly just now converting juu to use GETSETTINGSXML rather than GETSETTINGS
01:45.12lhunathnaughty me
06:30.55*** join/#wowroster Tupsi (n=lumpi@
06:33.39*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
09:34.50*** join/#wowroster PleegWat (
09:34.50*** mode/#wowroster [+o PleegWat] by ChanServ
12:11.54*** join/#wowroster Sylphid (
12:14.10lhunathpleegwat: why'd matt not agree with implementing https? I mean, sure, self-signed certs are not 100%, but at least the traffic is encrypted.
12:39.51PleegWatI think he didn't know how to
12:40.29PleegWatIMO it's definitely safer than sending the passwords or the password hash directly
13:05.24PleegWatAlso, I have no idea how you'd properly support secure auth on the server side
13:05.34PleegWatapart from running the whole roster on an encrypted connection
14:10.30*** join/#wowroster Sylphid (
14:22.16*** join/#wowroster [Beercow] (
15:02.04lhunathpleegwat: only encrypting access to update.php ought to be enough, no?
15:03.07PleegWatAnd any other file using login features
15:03.19lhunathin any case; I don't really care for the moment; but if wowroster ever implements the option of using https only, jUU will be made to support that soon after
15:03.30PleegWatPlus the login is stored in a cookie, which basically contains the password hash
15:03.31lhunathwell, yes
15:03.58PleegWatI don't know, but I assume just putting roster in the secure dir would work
15:04.00lhunaththeoretically one can assume that so long as the communication is secure, the data is secure
15:04.14lhunathshould assume the client's pc is not being tampered with
15:04.48PleegWatif the client pc has been tampered with nothing's secure
15:05.00PleegWateven a officiall-signed certificate isn't secure then
15:05.52lhunathmy point precisely; so yeah, as long as the client pc is safe; assuring security of communication will keep guild data trustworthy
15:07.17lhunathI was quite taken aback with the fact that anyone can update anyone's roster info, if only by changing their char name in the lua file and uploading
15:07.17PleegWatThere isn't much of an alternative
15:07.23PleegWatyou'd need everyone to have a trusted account name.
15:07.35PleegWatThough I have at some point considered automatic user/pass creation
15:07.50PleegWathaving pass=md5(charName.guildName) or the like
15:08.08PleegWatpossibly a random string generated at install included in that
15:10.09PleegWatA such algorithm should be reproducable ingame, so you can reliably send your members their passwords using ingame mail.
15:10.25PleegWatThough I don't know if the wow mail data is encrypted on the net, and it's against the ToS to check
15:14.37lhunathcan easily be done using an ace library
15:14.49lhunaththat provides encrypted channels for guild communication
15:14.55PleegWatI'm no good at lua.
15:15.02lhunathme neither
15:15.57PleegWatI've just, at some point, considered automatic user/pass generation
15:16.23*** join/#wowroster Sylphid|work (
15:17.56lhunathsuch as ssl's keypair system
15:19.10PleegWatI'd say ic, but I don't
15:19.11PleegWathow'd that work here
15:20.06lhunathoh; it
15:20.26lhunathit's a complicated mess of keypair encrypted messages exchanged
15:21.05lhunathkeypairs are two keys, a private and a public key; a message can be encrypted by one, and decrypted by the other key
15:21.26lhunathserver has one key, client has the other
15:21.34PleegWati iknow that
15:21.39PleegWatbut how'd it work for auth
15:21.49PleegWathm nm
15:21.53lhunathwell; server encrypts a message, say 'Hello'
15:21.54PleegWatbut how to distribute the keyts
15:22.09lhunathsends it to the client, if client can decrypt it; it has the valid key and is authorized
15:22.56lhunaththeoretically, every guild member would have a private key, and the server would have all the public keys
15:23.49lhunathor every guild has one private/public keypair
15:23.49lhunathand every guildmember installs the private key
15:23.50PleegWatYou're missing a very important point here
15:23.55PleegWatnoob-security. lazyman-security.
15:24.10lhunathyeah. Well. Need to keep the private key safe.
15:24.20lhunathIt's only as safe as the private key is
15:24.39lhunathwhich is why private keys are usually encrypted with a password heh
15:25.09lhunathwhich brings passwords back in the loop; not for communication authentication but for access to the real private key
15:26.02PleegWatThe safest thing I've thought of so far is that the user creates the account, sends an ingame message to the webby, the webby then activates the account for guild-level access
15:26.05lhunatheasy enough to distribute private keys through wow if one were to make a distribution addon
15:26.44PleegWatno it wouldn't be easy because the user needs to have the addon already (probably before being able to access UU)
15:26.58lhunathbuild it into characterprofiler
15:27.31lhunathI don't see why.
15:27.50PleegWatI think it's too complicated
15:27.58lhunathGM has his characterprofiler set up with the private key; any new member has his characterprofiler poll the GM for the key
15:28.13lhunathwould all happen behind the scenes
15:28.24lhunathbut yeah, it's just a scenario
15:28.28PleegWatand data encrypting would be done by CP?
15:28.46PleegWatI don't think it's capable of that. CP files are big.
15:29.58lhunathCP just needs to make a 'privatekey.lua' SV as well as a 'characterprofiler.lua'
15:30.12lhunathwith the former containing the key that jUU/UU can use for authentication
15:31.04lhunathI wouldn't trust lua to do encryption of big files optimally
15:31.22PleegWatprobably wow would kill the script for stalling
15:31.28PleegWator smth like that
15:31.53lhunathbut yeah, just brainstorming
15:32.15PleegWatYou'd have to contact calvin about stuff like that, he's the CP author.
15:32.29PleegWatbut AFAIK he doesn't use IRC, but the only way to reach him is the rpgo forums
15:41.14*** join/#wowroster Tupsi (
15:45.53*** join/#wowroster Kieeps (
17:25.57*** join/#wowroster Kieeps (
18:25.37*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
18:43.16*** join/#wowroster Harshmage (
18:43.36HarshmageOoookay, this is it....who's going to BlizzCon?
18:48.34PleegWatNope. Too expensive
19:05.42*** join/#wowroster Sylphid|work (
19:18.50ds001fawk.. 100 bucks?! sheesh
19:20.03ds001100 bucks to get bombarded by blizzard ads and promotions.. hmm.. yeah.. I'll pass.. :P
19:28.50PleegWatMeh, if it was just those 100 bucks I'd probably go
19:29.04PleegWatbut I'm not sure I want to know how much a plane ticket there from europe costs
19:30.59PleegWatand the hotel costs
19:32.10*** join/#wowroster Kaos_ (
19:57.41HarshmageLast time, I got the hotel for $74 a night...and it was a hotel right across the street, in a room that was normally (I looked up the price later) $500 a night
20:00.51HarshmageIt was on the same block as Disneyland
20:40.31*** join/#wowroster apt (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
20:40.31*** topic/#wowroster is This room is for the support of only [R-v1.7.3,UU-v2.6.4,UA-v0.7.8] | The devs have lives, they're not monitoring 24/7 | Troubles registering/viewing our site? Check here->
21:11.05*** join/#wowroster Sylphid (
21:50.49*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
21:50.49*** mode/#wowroster [+o Anaxent] by ChanServ
21:54.48Anaxentwhats up guys
21:57.12HarshmageFilling out fresh job app and resume thingo...
21:57.47Anaxentah cool
21:58.02AnaxentI went and looked for a new apartment today
21:58.06Anaxentright downtown
21:58.38Anaxenta good 2 blocks from my work
21:59.04Anaxentwhat kind of job are you looking for
22:00.39HarshmageWe've got a bunch open over here...just looking to move up...
22:01.24Anaxentah yeah I hear ya there
22:01.49AnaxentI think there is a new position opening up soon at my work im gonna apply to
22:02.33Anaxentim planning on working the managment scene then move my self into dev in a good 5yrs or so
22:18.38Harshmageahh...yeah, this is a management job....course, it's the same job I've been doing...
22:20.27Anaxentlol it always works out that way but this time you get the tittle
22:20.53Anaxentyeah thats basiclly what im after right now as well
23:08.12*** join/#wowroster draztik (
23:09.06draztikhey, looking for the armoury sync code on, not having much luck. Any directions?
23:11.31draztikyeah i read kristoffs post, pretty clear that i need to edit index.php just not sure with what
23:17.06draztikthe code not the editor ;)
23:17.57draztiknm ill figure it
23:23.08draztikim not talking about what tool i use to edit index.php. I was wondering what code I have to include to have the roster sync with armoury..
23:23.33draztikdid not see it included in the forum thread or am i missing something
23:28.37lhunathI am aware
23:29.13lhunathI am not aware of the solution to your problem, though :)
23:29.18ds001you need to be logged in to the Site to see file downloads.
23:37.10draztikgot it thx

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