IRC log for #wowroster on 20070405

00:06.37Zerylbah, my bank is off by $1 :(
00:22.32Zanixthats not good
00:22.36Zanixbut not too horrible
00:35.09Zerylact 5 of nod
01:17.58Zerylman, i failed this mission after 45 minutes
01:18.07Zerylbecause i destroyed a base, rather than capturing it :(
01:18.17Zerylso it's even my fault :)
01:19.41Zeryloh well, life goes on :(
01:20.12Zanixand theres always "Restart Mission"
01:22.10Zeryldid you hear that the RIAA is going after websites that were hosting the songs from Year Zero that Trent Reznor released for people to share?
01:23.41Zanixyeah, funny stuff
01:24.35Zerylblows my mind
04:11.56*** join/#wowroster Robojerk (
06:24.43*** join/#wowroster GingerbreadMan (n=drwily@
06:26.31*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
06:50.12*** join/#wowroster Kaos_ (
07:22.01*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
07:27.40*** join/#wowroster Kaos (
09:28.08*** join/#wowroster Guest (
09:29.58Guestsomeone is online? i needed some informations on uniadmin :P
09:37.00*** join/#wowroster PleegWat (
09:37.00*** mode/#wowroster [+o PleegWat] by ChanServ
11:50.17*** join/#wowroster Foxy (
11:50.27FoxyHello everyone!
12:15.43Foxyhey what do you know someone else is awake :-D
12:16.15PleegWatI'm always awake at this time
12:16.27PleegWatit's 2:15 PM
12:16.47Foxyoh my where are you? It's 8:15AM here
12:20.19*** part/#wowroster Foxy (
14:34.39GingerbreadManI need a quick yes or no vote on if I should buy this and any commnts as to what would be a sutable replacement:
14:35.18*** join/#wowroster Sylphid|work (
14:35.25Zerylgreat name there wily ;)
14:35.33ZerylI wuoldn't buy it because it's open box
14:35.36Zerylit was returned for a reason
14:36.04DrWilyah, yeah, the sealed one is only $50 more, just pretend I didn't link the open boxed one
14:36.15Zerylthen yes, i'd buy it in a heart beat
14:36.17Zerylif I had the money
14:37.06DrWilyI like my nick, been using it since 1998 on a lot of IRC networks
14:38.10Zerylif you had the ability, i'd buy two of those ;)
14:38.16Zeryl8800's in sli :)!
14:38.23Zerylyou're not using vista are you?
14:42.51DrWilythe new PC I just got from this slickdeal is what I'm going to put it in:
14:43.01DrWilyI suppose I could wipe it and load XP Pro
14:43.20DrWilybut I figured since it came with vista I'd give it a look
14:43.24Zerylfrom what i've read, the 8800's don't play well with vista thus far
14:43.30Zerylgo check out nvidia's forums
14:43.47PleegWatI've got a single 6600
14:43.51Zerylgood deal!
14:43.57DrWilymaybe I'll look for a DX10 ATI card
14:44.05PleegWatAnd on each boot the nvidia driver complains I removed one of my SLI cards while I never had a second
14:44.28PleegWatAnyway is it even possible to run SLI if all my other PCIe slots are 1x?
14:44.38ZerylI don't recall
14:45.05DrWilyfound this deal too late
14:45.08DrWilyOOS now
14:45.20DrWilyI do not think so
14:45.30ZerylI woulodn't get the sapphire card,
14:45.32DrWilyI think the slots need to match
14:45.57Zeryli've had issues with them
14:46.16PleegWatISTR you need at least a x4 or an x8 on the second card for SLI, and x16 for the first one. But I never read anything official
14:46.38DrWilyhahaha, this is funny
14:46.56Zerylthat's insane
14:47.01ZerylI don't even know what you'd use it for
14:49.03DrWilybraging rights probably
14:51.14DrWilyhrm, don't see any ati cards in my price range with more than 256mb of memory
14:57.07PleegWatHeh, you specifically need an nForce MB to be able to use SLI...
14:58.07DrWilyI'll worry about SLI in my next PC 3 years from now
15:01.41PleegWatYeah, I'm not really in need of an upgrade yet either
15:03.02PleegWatI currently have a pentium D at 3ghz
15:03.28PleegWatMight upgrade once quadcores become common.
15:04.37*** join/#wowroster Kieeps (
15:05.17DrWilyI have a P4 3Ghz but the system has started to act flakey so I jumped on the new PC deal when I saw it
15:08.11Zerylwhoa, it's possible to make coliding x509 certs now
15:22.16DrWilywhat's that?
15:31.11DrWilyouch, just read this about Nvidia cards:
15:31.36DrWilyI remember when I paid $60 for a used Voodoo 3 card and was all too excited that it played the Quake 3 demo
15:33.22Zerylx509 certs are the ssl certs for a website
15:33.31Zerylit's possible to make a cert that "looks" like the real thing
15:54.00lhunathor is that not what you meant?
15:54.25lhunathoh coliding; seriously?
15:56.52lhunathoh based on MD5
15:56.58lhunathnot terribly surprizing
15:57.21lhunathshould at least use SHA-512 imo.
17:07.14Zerylthat boggles my mind
17:12.09lhunathoh yeah capitalize Ramode's replies
17:12.15lhunathway to be neutral
17:12.21lhunathamerican press --
17:12.24Zerylno, that's the way she did it
17:12.46lhunathshe actually sent it capitalized?
17:13.13Zerylfrom what it looks like (the first email or two are not, and then it's capitalized), and it also mentions in the video clip that she was sending it in caps
17:14.54lhunathheh never mind then :P
17:17.38*** part/#wowroster vecnah (
17:18.50*** join/#wowroster Harshmage (
17:20.12Zerylsorry, I probably shouldn't have posted that
17:20.18Zeryli realize it's a touchy subject
17:21.40HarshmageI like being touched thou-
17:23.23DrWilySo it looks like is the one to buy
17:23.40DrWilyand if vista doesn't like it then I'll revert to XP
17:26.15lhunathamerican army ftl.
17:45.11*** join/#wowroster ds001 (
18:10.58*** join/#wowroster Tupsi (
18:19.43*** join/#wowroster Sylphid|work (
18:25.33ZerylI love the weather here
18:25.41Zerylit was 85 on monday, and it's 35 today...
18:29.50lhunathfahrenheit is mindboggling.
18:30.07lhunathtotal lack of sensible relativeity towards anything
18:30.12Zerylit's relative
18:30.15Zeryl32 = freezing
18:30.22lhunathcelcious being relative to water makes sense
18:30.28lhunathand boiling being 100
18:30.30Zerylcould use kelvin ;)
18:30.45lhunathyeah; makes that bit more sense
18:30.57lhunathbased upon celcious just with a massive offset heh
18:31.11Zeryl273 kelvin
18:32.23*** join/#wowroster Foxy (
18:32.39FoxyHi everyone :-D
18:32.50FoxyI see you're all finally awake hehe
18:33.33Zeryli'm sleeping
18:33.40Foxydoh, nap time at work huh
18:36.03Zerylwater doesn't boil at 100 celsius
18:36.07Zerylit's 99.9839
18:37.09Zerylthat shuld be the celsius notation
18:42.01DrWilyI hate the F scale, and the whole "english" system of measurement for that matter.... I'm going to move to canada
18:42.25Foxy:-D some one doesn't like fractions hehe
18:53.27DrWily Fraction Fever FTW
18:54.08FoxyCommodore, hehe I had a Commodore 64 when I was 6 :-D
18:54.46FoxyI read it's worth $6,000 to collectors :-D
18:55.27FoxyOMG, I HAD THAT GAME hehe
18:56.16FoxyMan I'm old hehe
18:56.45ds001yer.. what.. 30?  thats not old.
18:57.38Foxy:-P not according to MTV, they put the music of my day on the oldies station, see VH1 Flashbacks
18:58.15FoxyI heard Metalica instermental in an elivator last year, I almost died
18:59.06Foxyanyone have a quick way to check the differences between 2 mysql tables?
19:00.59DrWily26 here, I played Fraction Fever before kindergarden
19:06.09FoxyI'm going to be bald by the end of the month, I'm pulling my hair out trying to understand how users of  Gatherer Roster Addon aren't able to insert their data... :-P
19:18.21Foxyoh my....
19:19.08Foxythis is strange, I'm using a few gatherer.lua files  Borsti  posted to test this...
19:19.29Foxy2 have 166 nodes inserted per file...
19:19.44Foxythe third has 477
19:20.33FoxyIf I upload the 477 and then upload one of the others only 1 row is added... meaning that there is only 1 unique node... or should be...
19:20.55Foxyif I upload the 166 and then the 477 it errors and nothing is inserted...
19:21.14FoxyNotice: Undefined index: BLOODMYST_ISLE in C:\apache2triad\htdocs\roster\addons\gatherer\functions.php on line 61
19:21.38Foxygives me this per zone on the upload of 477 with 166 in the table
19:27.10lhunathds001: did you install windows in a folder other than C:\Windows?
19:28.17Zeryli'm gonn abe afk after today until monday night
19:28.47Foxyhidding out are ya :-D
19:35.28ds001yeah its installed under C:\WinNT
19:37.26*** join/#wowroster Kaos_ (
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20:34.52*** join/#wowroster Orphis (
20:35.18Foxyhi there
20:35.36OrphisWhy are you developping a SQL abstraction layer when there is already PDO ini PHP ?
20:39.50OrphisAnd why do you convert UTF8 when receiving strings from GET/POST ? PHP and MySQL work fine with UTF8
20:40.37Foxyare you addressing the question to me on the gatherer addon for roster?
20:41.02Foxyor the roster it's self
20:44.07*** part/#wowroster Foxy (
20:57.14*** join/#wowroster Kaos___ (
21:37.13lhunathorphis: because they're silly.
21:37.41lhunathorphis: imo they should be converting TO UTF-8 if anything.
21:37.50lhunathand PDO is terribly nice.
21:37.59OrphisReally yeah
21:38.03lhunathwhich I can NOT say for their sql layer
21:39.03lhunathI'd do things different, but I cant build everything I want to use :)
21:39.36lhunathalready short on time for wow because of jUU
21:40.03PleegWatI plead innocent. The db layer existed for a long time when I joined the team
21:40.40lhunathit's a common thing though; everybody always starts out with a DB layer, even I did
21:40.44OrphisThat's not an excuse for keeping it
21:40.54lhunathuntil I met PDO; and even then I still use a small one
21:41.09PleegWatPDO needs php5
21:41.14PleegWatroster 1x supports php4
21:41.19OrphisWell a PDO wrapper is nice but not necessary
21:41.25PleegWatwe're not dropping php4 with the 1x branch
21:41.37OrphisPHP5 is almost everywhere now
21:41.39lhunathfair enough.
21:41.55OrphisI'm thinking of the 2x branch
21:41.55lhunathhow about R2?
21:42.24lhunathI imagine converting is going to eat at your targetted deadline
21:43.07PleegWatThe R2 framework isn't even done yet
21:43.56OrphisAnd why is there a i18n module in R2 when it can be done in Smarty ?
21:44.35lhunaththe template thing?
21:44.35PleegWata what module?
21:45.00Orphisi18n is short for internatinalization
21:45.30lhunathI'd call it localization but yeah.
21:45.36Orphisthere's also t10n translation
21:46.53lhunathpleegwat: do you know about wowrosterdf?
21:47.09PleegWatvery little
21:47.32Anaxentwhats up lhunath
21:47.41lhunaththey keep telling me to implement support for uploading CP.lua to it but dont tell me what post variables to use
21:47.47lhunathlike I'll be able to guess.
21:47.49Orphishum no translation... is was thikning of localization l10n
21:50.40PleegWatAnyway insofar I've looked into smarty I haven't seen anything specific to handle localization
21:50.40lhunathbah.  I hate UU for using .NET. Can't even run it on wine.
21:50.41lhunathI wonder what mono'll do to it ..
21:52.26OrphisPleegWat, look for plugins
21:53.19PleegWatWell, I haven't looked too extensively
21:53.46PleegWatWe actually do have a smarty plugin to fetch our language strings from the template
21:53.58PleegWatthat sentence doesn't make sense, or doesn't mean what I want it to
21:55.31Orphisfetch the localized strins from your files
21:55.55PleegWatOur localization module fetches the strings from the file, and stores them
21:56.05PleegWatthey're then reachable from the php code, and using a smarty plugin
21:56.45PleegWatI added the plugin cause I thought injecting all locale strings as smarty vars is ugly
21:59.58PleegWatI definitely like our language solution better than those listed here
22:03.39lhunathHeh? UniUploader is unable to run due to constraints set by the current .NET Framework secutiry policy.
22:04.41Harshmagethat was "uh-oh", but I'm a little bit less of u today
22:05.09lhunathseems like it
22:05.55OrphisYou should have used gettext, it's better
22:06.26lhunathorphis: are you volunteering for joining the dev team?
22:06.44OrphisI have toooooo much work on my own :(
22:06.52lhunathseeing as it's open source, you're probably very much invited to submitting patches =)
22:07.11PleegWatI am reminded of a dutch proverb. It goes: 'De beste stuurlui staan aan wal'
22:07.14lhunaths/ing / /
22:07.42lhunaths/ing p/ p/
22:07.53lhunaths/ting p/ p/
22:08.34PleegWatCurrently though, I'm getting a headache from some 1x menu dilemmas
22:08.34lhunathpleegwat: good point.
22:09.20PleegWatnice toy innit
22:09.45lhunathyeah, but does not seem to support escaping
22:09.53PleegWatI suppose you've got plenty of ideas on how to make the side panels configurable?
22:10.52lhunathimo you're too linear in your design.
22:11.01PleegWatCurrently I've got options to switch each between a list of possiblities, but the possibilities need a bit of config. If the same one is on both sides they need separate config. It needs to work within the config framework
22:11.23OrphisWhat's the problem ?
22:11.40PleegWatWell, in 1.8 the menu side panels have been made configurable
22:11.49Orphiss/\?/with the current menus ?/
22:11.54lhunathas in, choose what data to show?
22:12.01lhunathor to configure the formatting
22:12.19lhunathor to choose one out of x types of sidepanels
22:12.44PleegWatCurrently the options are: hide it, show the level list (2 styles, I've got the long style on the left), show the class distribution list (all levels, 50+, 60+, 70+), or show realmstatus
22:13.12PleegWatBut I've also got an applet ready that'll show a bargraph, either linear or logarithmic, for level/class distribution
22:13.22PleegWatthat's turning into too many options for my taste
22:13.43lhunathoptions should come by three.
22:14.03lhunathif there's more you can try and solve the problem by grouping them.
22:14.12lhunathbut three leaves the user happy.
22:14.24PleegWatWell, currently there are 3 options for the menu. One is turning the top bar on/off
22:14.34lhunathless leaves him as though there's barely any choice and more leaves him wondering what to pick.
22:14.35PleegWatthe other 2 are select lists, with the options I named above
22:14.37OrphisThe different plugins should give an array telling what options they need
22:14.55PleegWatNot supported in the current config framework, and I'm not rewriting that
22:15.11PleegWatthis is for 1x, it's not for R2
22:15.31OrphisWhy not doing this already for R1 ?
22:15.33PleegWatconditional visibility of options is difficult
22:15.45PleegWatcurrently R2 doesn't support it either
22:15.58OrphisWhat does R2 support ? ^^
22:16.17OrphisIt seems to be only a framework, not something usable yet
22:16.33PleegWatR2 already has a config framework
22:16.34lhunathis it being written from ground up?
22:16.59PleegWatIt supports more complicated control types than 1x does, because you can have one control store an array of options
22:17.28PleegWatstill, that doesn't get you at options depending on other options being supported correctly
22:17.37OrphisThen backport it
22:17.50PleegWatthat doesn't help here
22:18.24OrphisHmm... you mean that some options should be hidden depending on the value of other options ?
22:18.48PleegWatNo, you're saying that. .:00·12·32:. «Orphis» The different plugins should give an array telling what options they need
22:19.10PleegWatOr do you mean I should have all the options visible for all the plugins the user is not using? You think that isn't confusing?
22:19.43PleegWatanyway they aren't plugins. They're hardcoded into the framework. Actual block support is outside the development scope atm
22:20.24OrphisNo, you should only show the options for the current plugins
22:20.26lhunathrefractoring in php sucks imo.
22:20.38OrphisThen hardcode the settings HTML in it and the decoding of it
22:21.01lhunathyou have no code safety and on compiler throwing errors at you when you forget to change a part of the application.
22:21.18lhunaths/ on / no /
22:23.07Orphisthat's true... if some code isn't evaluated then you don't get the errors :(
22:23.33PleegWat I've set the bargraph visible
22:24.54PleegWatThe colors are (or could be) configurable
22:24.54OrphisBargraph is ugly
22:25.26OrphisPleegWat, you could have some string options like "opt1=bla,opt2=blo"
22:25.52PleegWatWe're wanting user-friendly here
22:25.52OrphisAnd then have a simple function to convert that to an associative table that the plugins use
22:26.11PleegWatI'm not getting any further with you
22:26.24PleegWatit's half past midnight. I'm going to bed.
22:26.55OrphisThere's no magic trick for that kind of problem
22:26.56PleegWatIf you think of any constructive criticism I'm sure you'll find a way to reach me
22:27.43OrphisWhere are the plugins config stored ?
22:28.05PleegWatThey are no plugins. They're functions in menu.php
22:28.17PleegWattheir config needs to be in the roster config table
22:29.19OrphisWhen the user change some settings through your user friendly interface, where is it stored  ? Do you serialize the config table ?
22:29.51PleegWatEach setting translates to one row in the config table
22:30.05PleegWatCheck roster/admin.php
22:30.21PleegWatthat's the file running it
22:37.15*** join/#wowroster Orphys (

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