irclog2html for #wowroster on 20070313

00:07.24Zanixto anyone that uses UniAdmin, im releasing 0.7.6 soon
00:08.03Anaxent_wWOOT!!! WOOT!!!
00:09.00Devlinmhey zanix
00:09.04Zanixhiya Devlinm
00:09.15Zanixdid you get what I said a few lines up?
00:10.26Foxy378UniAdmin woot! :D
00:11.33DevlinmWhen you free up zanix, I was wondering if you could take a look at that issue on my site
00:11.50Zanixguess you didnt get what I said then
00:12.06ZanixId like you to install the standalone version of roster on your server
00:12.13Anaxent_wline 383 of wowdb.php error right
00:12.15Zanixand siggen with it
00:21.27ZanixI wanna see if that fails as well
00:27.29Foxy378other than char and guild is there any other modes to an update?
00:29.11Devlinmits uploading now
00:32.57Foxy378lol, man that guy is messed up lol
00:33.15Foxy378yeah mace the druged up guy that'll work
00:34.28Devlinmok, one sec man, my dtp client keeps dropping getting a new one
00:41.16ZanixI may be afk for periods of time
00:46.12Devlinmthat is fine, as you see i may not answer right away aswell
00:47.44Foxy378Hum... this is strange :P It seems to be triggering but the file is not being parsed...
00:48.08Anaxent_wcould file size be an issue with trigger files Zanix?
00:48.28Zerylit was parsing for me foxy
00:50.03Foxy378did you get an empty row inserted into the database?
00:56.54Zerylone thing I see, is that you are assigning variables, but not doing anything with them
00:57.20Zerylmove your queries into the same area as the if(is_array($value)) area
00:57.53Devlinmi never realized how many files are in that package, grrrr
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01:05.54Devlinmim chmod the files now
01:07.14Foxy378now nothing is inserted, not even a blank row
01:10.21Zerylmodify your code to look like that
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01:14.01Guest056fucking fags:^)
01:14.16Zerylhrmm, ok
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01:15.34*** mode/#wowroster [+b *!?=Guest@*] by Zeryl
01:19.07ZerylI need to figure out how to make this use a ton less queries
01:19.26Devlinmalright zanix
01:21.03Zeryl108 seconds to update 7500 rows :(
01:21.45Zerylmaybe an index on the columns i'm pulling on
01:22.23Foxy378Zeryl... maybe I've just lost it but that change still gives me nothin
01:22.38Zerylyou did over-write your upload.php w/ mine right?
01:23.52Foxy378yeah seen the changes there too... I just had made mine out of order it looked... but yes over wrote it
01:24.01Foxy378trigger now works..
01:24.18Foxy378but the array seems to not be parsing?
01:24.51Zerylit's doing fine for me it seems
01:27.58Zerylok, so I got it down to 3seconds for updates!
01:28.12Zeryladded quite a few index's
01:32.04Foxy378I must be a tard or something I can't even get this working on my end... at least in the roster addon form
01:32.08Zerylone sec
01:32.16Zerylit's NOT working here
01:33.21ZerylNSERT INTO `roster_gatherer_nodes` (continent, zone, node, gtype, xPos, yPos, count, lastharvest, lastinspect, collector) VALUES('', 'AZSHARA', '2850', 'OPEN', '0.3195', '0.5151', '0', '0', '0', 'IMPORTED');
01:33.25Zeryli have a ton of those
01:34.30Zerylin your block where you assign variables, add in echo(<<<<yoursql statement here>>>>);
01:40.51Zerylway down, 108 seconds -> 5.1 seconds
01:42.04Foxy378if we're both on the same page I should have my functions.php looking like this?
01:42.31Zerylforeach ($GatherData
01:44.23Zeryldo you have more nodes in a newer file?
01:45.41Foxy378perhaps but I have been using the same file to test with the past few days
01:46.10Foxy378I haven't been using the most recent copy from my WTF directory
01:46.51Zeryli just found a file w/ 15386 data points
01:52.06Zerylbut it doesn't seem to jive very well with the data I am currently using fromy ou
01:53.02Foxy378you're most likely looking at a version from pre- 2.0 gatherer...
01:54.00Zerylya, i'm guessing that's it
01:54.37Foxy378yeah... that's the tsv files...
01:54.52Zerylhave you imported those
01:55.16Foxy378I did in my model database... seen here:
01:55.30Zerylshould i import those?
01:55.32ZerylI can do that
01:56.17Foxy378I had planned to do that, I just want to get the parser going... so later others can add to it for Outlands and what not
01:56.31ZerylI'm not sure if tainting the data with it is worth it
01:57.25Foxy378the data on that site was submitted via uploads over 6+ months...
01:57.56Foxy378the only tainting would be bad data nodes submitted by anyone you don't trust right?
01:58.10Foxy378or am I missing something?
01:58.33Zerylwell, I just don't know if the nodes int hat file are similar to the way the ones from the current gatherer are
01:58.39Zerylif that makes sense
01:58.57Foxy378they are...
01:59.06Zerylthen I guess I could import them
01:59.21Zeryland the way I was going to deal with tainted data, is a required 5uploads of the data
02:01.03Foxy378I had the same idea except the number of uploads would be higher for public rosters ;D
02:01.30Foxy378that is the TSV files moved to mysql
02:01.42Foxy378the structure is not far off what we have here
02:02.03Foxy378instead of using node numbers he parsed them as names
02:02.04Zerylthe only issue i'm thinking of, is a node in your file vs a node int eh tsv being like .001 coords off
02:02.23Foxy378oh oh I see...
02:02.42Zerylbut I guess that really is the problem with ANY of these, and soem sort of back-end logic would need to be applied
02:03.16Foxy378sure a tolerance for node positioning...
02:03.35Foxy378that's what your getting at yeah?
02:04.24Zeryla bad thing in the tsv is that there isn't a "map"
02:04.46Foxy378nope, see my files for the correction :-)
02:04.48Zerylnevermind, i see it
02:05.27Foxy378map is Zone #
02:06.24Foxy378the way I approached the mapping was via
02:06.58Foxy378this seems to be or at least had been the approach of those making mods for wow utilizing maps
02:08.10Foxy378so my thought was if I had a parser to use and insert the data, extracting it to a map system and even making it use other languages (French and German perhaps) would not be a problem
02:08.42Foxy378back to [] - 1 the parser hehe
02:10.57Zeryli'm just happy i got my parse time down so much
02:11.06Zeryli mean 108+ seconds down to 14
02:11.21Foxy378that's awsome btw 8)
02:12.00Foxy378that's on parsing it local though right not via the roster update.php on a remote?
02:12.15Zerylits all the mysql stuff
02:12.38Foxy378did you find a way to chain it or something
02:12.58Zeryli added indexes
02:13.12Zerylwhich makes it know where certain things are without having to look through all the records
02:14.36Foxy37804*Foxy looks for Gnome engineering device to tap into Zeryl's brain and extract all knowledge*
02:16.55Foxy378^Good read
02:20.59Guesti seem to be stuck, i am using joomla and i want to use wowroster. i chose to "wraP" wowroster, but sadly joomla's menu really crowds the wowroster. is there a fix? thanks!
02:21.15ZerylI don't know if anyone has created a joomla wrapper
02:21.29Zerylso I'm not exactly sure how it would work :(
02:21.33Guestit built into the menu options
02:22.04Foxy378Guest, I tried something like that with PHPNuke and found issues too... I wou;d suggest using the standalone version of roster
02:23.00Guestonly issue i seem to run into with that is, the navigation back could be an issue for less web savvy types i fear
02:23.13Guestback to the home page more or less
02:23.31Foxy378By clicking the top banner on the roster you go to the site root
02:23.53separerah! sorry i am new, and thanks for the help!
02:24.04separertotally expected to get flamed lol
02:24.04Foxy378no problem :D
02:24.24Foxy378na the flame is reserved for me typing in blue hehe
02:26.01Foxy378Zeryl you think I should just scrap making this a roster addon and stick to a standalone app?
02:27.25Zeryli'm not sure
02:29.24Anaxent_wwell if it can work as a standalone
02:29.33Anaxent_wwhy would it not work as an addon
02:30.39Foxy378Um... I'm a tard and can't even get it to work as a standalone fully let alone bothering everyone to teach me how to bring it in to the roster addon form?
02:30.56Zerylit's ready for an addon ;)
02:31.02Foxy378^ I admit it! ;)
02:32.40Anaxent_wah lol no worries
02:33.06Zerylhrmm, should i install vista?
02:33.08Anaxent_wwell guys
02:33.09Zeryli got a copy of it today
02:33.15Anaxent_wit is now time for me to hfinally head home
02:33.23Zerylcya later anax
02:33.25Foxy378on a test pc maybe...
02:33.34Foxy378later Anaxent
02:33.36Anaxent_wI do like vista for alot of what they offer now
02:33.57Anaxent_wbut to fully switch over right after you reinstalled the other day
02:34.06Zerylghost ;)
02:34.08Anaxent_wyeah what Foxy378 said
02:34.13Foxy378The big concern for me would be is it more or less stabel (security) than XP when it released
02:34.15Anaxent_wghost would work as well
02:34.38Anaxent_wbut yes pls test it for me let me know if it will be good for me to install or switch over
02:34.46Anaxent_wI love having ginee pigs
02:34.48Anaxent_wlol j/k
02:34.50Foxy378^ 8)
02:34.51Anaxent_wlater guys
02:34.53Zerylheh, okie
02:35.02Zeryli'm gonna be out too, i'm gonna go to bed a bit early :)
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02:52.07Guestahhhhg, I broke it!!!
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02:53.41Zanixstupid computer
02:53.45Zanixit failed on me
02:53.54Zanixand now I have to use my GF's laptop
03:01.03Devlinmits better then not having a pc
03:03.11Devlinmstill the same error on the new site zanix, the version before this would show the pics but not save, so im sure its in my settings somwhere
03:03.34Devlinmdont know if it asks you to download index.php though like it did earlier
03:08.28Zanixcan I have a url to an image?
03:22.20Zanix404 error
03:25.19Devlinmi see why, the code posted on the top is missing a /
03:30.54Zanixtaking a long time to load
03:31.05Devlinmno crap
03:31.30Zanixi dunno, what version did you have before this one
03:31.32Devlinmnow what about that fix for the call to member instead of name, is that in this newest version i just got from the site
03:31.50Devlinmi had the one that came with the df release
03:32.05Zanixwell, DF already called it with member
03:32.11Zanixso it doesnt need fixed
03:32.59Devlinmhmmm, i dont know, it has got to be in my srver setup somwhere, cause both the standalone and the df port wont show pics
03:34.04Devlinmbut that is alright man, ill figure it out, for now, i have to be at work by 4 in the morn, so sleep is a must.  thank you for taking the time Zanix
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09:21.55PleegWathow's life?
09:23.10TinoMwork, work :)
09:25.40PleegWatSimilar here. Homework.
09:34.07TinoMwohha, i can still access the svn-rep
09:35.14PleegWatI don't think we ever clear the access files for that up
09:36.09PleegWatThe localization format changes slightly. Instead of assigning strings to $wordings['deDE']['watever'] you assign to $lang['whatever'] and it's reassigned later
09:36.27PleegWatMakes copying english text to other langs easier
10:07.55TinoMhmm, 2 nested svn-repos are trouble
10:08.28PleegWatyeah, sounds likely
10:09.26TinoMbut there has to be a easy way to put the Interface-icons into the roster1 structure....
10:10.14PleegWatnot that I know of
10:10.27PleegWatYou can set roster to use interface icons from a different dir though
10:16.18TinoMperhaps the best solution, thx
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19:05.37Guesthello room
19:28.20lhunathI wonder sometmes what possesses people to use that webirc thing
19:28.29lhunathsay hello and leave
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20:35.22PleegWatOooh, what does this button do?
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