irclog2html for #wowroster on 20070311

01:28.47FoxyZanix... you on here still?
01:50.20Zerylhe left
01:50.22Zerylwhat's up?
01:51.43Foxyoh not too much... still working on parsing my data out... I've got the parse down to the node leve data of the gatherer.lua but I'm not able to break the sub-array into values for some reason
01:52.23Foxywhat was the site we used last night to post sniplets?
01:52.29FoxyI'll post this
01:53.55Foxygives me this... Value: 1ArrayArray
01:55.14Foxyvalue (last array) should print something like:
01:55.16Foxy0.3195, -- [1]
01:55.27Foxy0.5151, -- [2]
01:55.32Foxy0, -- [3]'
01:55.38Foxy0, -- [4]
01:55.46Foxy0, -- [5]
01:55.51Foxy"IMPORTED", -- [6]
01:56.16Foxywith out the comments :-)
01:58.05Foxysneaky sneaky!
01:58.10Zerylyou needed one more level of for-eaching
01:58.46Zerylwhat is 1 2 3? are they the zones?
01:58.51Zeryli mean continents?
01:59.01FoxyWarning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/gathertest/index.php on line 30
01:59.25Zeryli know, i haven't done much in the way of error checking ;)
01:59.30Foxyshould be zones... actuall names, but that's bringing it as a count of array...
02:00.30Foxygatherer's lua is very poorly laid out for this I think]
02:00.40Zerylnot too bad, one sec
02:06.01Zerylgonna figure out what number = what zone
02:07.12FoxyI was looking at that the numbers should match the zones in Alphabetical
02:08.02Zeryltreasure = 0, herb = 1, ore = 2
02:08.51Foxyso that's nodeType then...
02:16.01Zerylermm, ya
02:16.05Zerylwell, the url that works
02:17.31Zerylazshara = kalimdor correct?
02:20.50Zerylsorry, i don't know anymore, i forgot ;)
02:21.22Zerylrefresh the page, more info now ;)
02:28.47Zerylso do you happen to know the NodeType -> True Name?
02:29.13Zerylfound it
02:30.01Zerylhrmm, no i didn't
02:32.39Zeryl[2040] = {
02:32.39Zeryl0.5760000000000001, -- [1]
02:32.39Zeryl0.2149, -- [2]
02:32.39Zeryl0, -- [3]
02:32.41Zeryl0, -- [4]
02:32.44Zeryl0, -- [5]
02:32.46Zeryl"IMPORTED", -- [6]
02:32.49Zeryl}, -- [1]
02:32.51Zeryldunno what the 2040 is
02:32.58Zerylhaha, that's you posting on the forums!
02:37.42Foxyhehe, sorry was AFK
02:38.25Foxyme posting...?
02:38.39Zeryla person using the name foxy, 2 days ago, on the gatherer forums
02:38.48Foxyoh yeah :-D
02:38.59Foxythey changed a lot on the db
02:39.19Foxyuse to be seperated by continent and zone... now just zone
02:40.03Zerylit is by continent and zone
02:40.39Foxywhat designates the continent now?
02:40.40ZerylI'm trying to find what NodeType translates into, and it'll be complete
02:40.48Zeryl1 2 3 in the top array
02:41.58FoxyNodeType is in the rest of the lua see the bottom section ["items"]
02:42.08Zerylit doesn't translate necessarily
02:42.17Zeryli.e. NodeType = 181555
02:42.29Foxyor... ["cats"] = {
02:44.24Zeryli can't find 181555 in the file at all
02:46.30Zerylin fact, most of them don't translate
02:46.50Zerylmake that all of them
02:47.43Foxy181555 I think is a new ore from outlands... not listed in the cat section
02:48.28Zerylbut even in azshara, it wasn't down there
02:48.29Foxyyeah there is no listing in the cat for any of the new ores that I see
02:49.07Foxygatherer is still in Gama or pregama this could be a problem...
02:49.26Zeryllike i said, NONE of the things are lining up with the stuff at the bottom
02:53.25Zerylfound it
02:53.34ZerylI was looking at an older version of gatherer for the data
02:54.02Foxysnap I forgot about that :-D
02:55.14Zeryldo you have this all mapped out already in an array/
02:55.40Foxythe GathererCats?
02:56.19Foxyna, but I can use case switch to echo it back
02:56.52Foxyor is there a better model for doing this?
02:57.34Zerylalmost done with it ;)
02:58.02Foxy^ Mega credits to you! 8)8)
03:14.54Zerylcheck that out
03:16.29FoxyWhahoo! that's it! :-D
03:17.31FoxyYou're awsome Zeryl!
03:18.48Zerylyep ;)
03:19.46*** join/#wowroster Foxy (
03:20.17Foxysilly browser crashed :@
03:20.34FoxyYeah that works like a charm!
03:21.01Zerylnow to make it insert to a db, rank the locations, and start a gatherer sharing program
03:22.33FoxyYeah got part of it right now from past test... Will you be on a while still? (You're in Russia right?)
03:22.55Zeryli'm in the US
03:23.03Zeryli'll be here until about 2am CST
03:23.11Foxyoh hehe... the domain name tossed me for a loop
03:23.14Zerylermm, before the time change
03:23.23Zerylusing my host for irc ;)
03:23.28Foxykewl kewl... yeah stupid DST...
03:24.06Foxybrb in a few smoke break and then testing my insert :-D Got a check in it for known nodes :-D
03:30.54Anaxentso whats up guys
03:30.59Zerylnot much
03:34.06Zerylok, i'm kinda pissy now, this product i bought, they released a new version, and won't let me upgrade, OR download the old version
03:39.11Foxylet me guess, Nero or Sonic? Those bastards did that to me on my DVD-Burning software
03:40.08Zerylit's an amazing interface to a remote sql isntallation when you don't want phpmyadmin installed
03:42.46FoxyI think I've seen that before, allows you to copy databases remote and sync them right
03:56.35Anaxentyeah that sucks
03:58.23Zerylhrmm, it's only going down to 4 decimal placed
03:59.08Zeryland it's taking freaking FOREVER to insert a line
04:01.39*** join/#wowroster Tupsi3472 (
04:12.38Zerylgot it working
04:16.29Foxybeen a while :-D Unix Time Stamps never exceed 10 charictors in length right
04:18.00Zerylhrmm, don't think so?
04:23.22Anaxentno they have not
04:23.41Anaxentlol ah yeah daylight savings time
04:24.30Zerylok, so my next idea is to construct a file that can be downloaded from this data
04:58.05FoxyZeryl, the data inserts perfectly and in less than a few seconds for 7495 total
05:11.27Zerylmine takes forever, but it's a slow server
05:12.34Foxythat was on localhost for me :-D
05:12.44ZerylI haven't tried it on my box, guess I could
05:12.53Foxy3.6ghz P4 mysql5.0
05:13.06Foxyon Apache 2
05:13.20Zeryllemme try it locally
05:15.01Foxyoh 2 quick questions... the functions.php we've been going over, it's set right now to use a local file rather than the uploaded one from the update.php, can this be changed? And the parser in the functions.php, is this a customer parser just for gatherer.lua?
05:15.47Zerylno, the parser is the parser from wowroster
05:15.52Zeryland ya, you can change it over
05:18.53Zeryllooks like it took 11 second to insert 7495 rows
05:20.14Zerylbut i also have it see if the data exists, and if it does, updates the row to increase the number of times it was seen
05:22.07Zerylso the number of queries is MUCH higher than what you are using i'm sure
05:23.21Zerylya, 15000 queries ;)
05:24.00Foxyyeah, just for quick test I just inserted :-D 11 sec is long, but too long?
05:24.28Zeryli guess i COULD chain them together
05:30.35Zerylheh, 2 seconds on the insert!
05:45.47*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
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05:49.12Foxyphew... tested yours... that is quite a query :-D
05:49.41Anaxentman my video drive is screwed
05:49.57Anaxentevery time i log out of wow i have toi reboot to fix display issue
05:49.59Foxyinstall a new driver lately?
05:50.06Anaxentyes just last week
05:50.13Anaxentrolling back in a few secs
05:50.17Foxywhat card? or driver set
05:50.24FoxyI would :-D
05:50.36Anaxentthis box is a gf 5700 ultra
05:50.44Foxyoh my...
05:51.34Anaxentyeah... amd 64 3200 but 764 chipset
05:52.00Anaxentso no pci-x slots
05:52.08FoxyZeryl (228.647977829)
05:52.15Anaxentand a very out dated card IMO
05:52.46FoxyI have an ATI 9800 :-)
05:52.46Foxytalk about out dated
05:52.52Anaxentbrb rebooting
05:53.36Zerylwhat was that foxy?
05:54.00Foxyexecution time on your server for updating db
05:54.40Zeryli'm doing some other work too ;)
05:55.01Zerylmoving everything to 1 query
05:55.07Foxyaugh... sorry don't mean to kill the processor :S
05:55.19Zerylheh, np
05:55.45Foxytest server isn't dev machine right? :$
05:56.19Zerylit's really not liking the queries for some reason :(
05:58.00Zerylwow, the mysql stuff is pegging the server....
05:59.40Foxyyeah that's a lot of processor usage...
05:59.59Foxymine was spiked for a while
06:00.41*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
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06:01.28Anaxentok new drivers installed and everything so far feels ok
06:02.24Zerylwow, you can't chain updates :(
06:03.44Foxywell that puts a stop to a speedy update... hum...
06:04.25Zerylya :(
06:06.26Anaxentwoot my issue is fixed
06:07.02Foxykewl wb to the world of no frame lag :-D
06:07.58Anaxenthaha yeah it feels great
06:09.13Zerylalright, i'll talk to you all later.  I'm gonna think of how to do this cleaner
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16:16.08FoxyHello! 8)
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