irclog2html for #wowroster on 20070303

01:24.34*** join/#wowroster Guest027 (i=CPGGuest@
01:25.20dechalaanyone here>
01:36.21Anaxent_yeah whats up dechala
01:46.59*** join/#wowroster PleegWat_ (
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01:59.18*** join/#wowroster xaldin ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:03.29*** join/#wowroster Anaxent ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:03.29*** join/#wowroster Tupsi ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:03.30*** join/#wowroster Anaxent_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:03.30*** join/#wowroster Vecna ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:03.30*** join/#wowroster Div9|pavo ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:03.30*** join/#wowroster Sylphid|work_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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02:03.31*** join/#wowroster dracula (i=dracula@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:03.31*** join/#wowroster [PUPPETS]Gonzo (i=spaminat@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:03.31*** join/#wowroster Kyrin ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:03.31*** join/#wowroster Marticus ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:03.32*** join/#wowroster Liandra ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:03.32*** mode/#wowroster [+oo Anaxent Zanix] by
02:03.47*** join/#wowroster Guest424 (i=CPGGuest@
02:03.47dechalaso I'm having what I believe is a minor problem
02:03.48dechalaI can't get the updater to update all the spell/stat/etc info for more than just my original character even though I'm uploading character profiles
02:04.00Anaxent_ao how are you uploading from UniUploader or update.php
02:04.00Anaxent_oh he left
02:04.01lhunathhe's not very patient
02:04.01lhunathweb irc clietns suck
02:36.34Anaxent_well guys time to head home
02:36.38Anaxent_take it eay
02:42.19draculaany php guru's left? :)
02:45.13Zerylor at least i think i am
02:46.11draculaI used this inside a class:  $this = $tmp;
02:46.19draculabut in php5 this won't work anymore
02:46.36draculacannot re-assign $this
02:47.06draculabtw $tmp = unserialize( $_SESSION[ "user" ] );
02:48.07ZerylI THINK you would do     $this->user = unserialize.....
02:52.13draculathat sets a variable inside the class yes
02:52.40draculaapparently I cannot serialize the entire class instance, and unserialize it
02:57.27Zerylyou should be able to
02:57.36ZerylI asked that question before, i can't remember the answer
02:57.49Zeryllol, look at the VERY bottom
02:59.19Zerylhey, are you the one who wrote the irssi log thingie in php?
03:01.05ZerylFeb 13 17:52:34 <Xyphoid>zeryl: if you have the same class defined in your script before you unserialise it.
03:01.16Zerylthat was the response when I asked about serializing a class object
03:04.33draculado I understand what he means ?
03:04.58Zerylfrom what *I* understand, you have to initialize the class, and then unserialize the object
04:01.43*** join/#wowroster Tupsi3472 (
04:47.15*** join/#wowroster Guest997 (
06:11.15*** join/#wowroster Zanix2 (
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06:45.02*** join/#wowroster Zanix2 (
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07:55.35*** join/#wowroster PleegWat (
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08:33.39*** join/#wowroster Zanix2 (
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10:01.01lhunath v0.2 ++
10:01.13lhunathactually usable to some degree now
10:01.46lhunathnot sure it'll run well, so I'd like to see what gives on Windows/Linux when you start it
14:55.27PleegWatAnyone here who knows a bit of CSS?
14:55.56PleegWatHow do I convince FF/IE to put a <span> float on the same height as its containing <p>?
15:24.55*** join/#wowroster DrWily (n=drwily@
16:25.09*** join/#wowroster Anaxent_ (
16:26.07Anaxent_good morning
18:45.02*** join/#wowroster Zanix2 (
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19:48.06lhunathpleegwat: that's a dodgy operation
19:48.54lhunathpleegwat: could make the p position:relative, and the span position:absolute with top and left defined (top 0 and left 0 will attach it to the p's top left corner)
19:55.31PleegWatHeh, given that up about 3 hours ago
19:55.38PleegWatI decided it's tabular data
21:10.02lhunathlittle layout bug with me
21:10.08lhunathlet me show you
21:10.20lhunathright above the weapons.
21:10.34lhunaththe stats are a tad out of place.
21:10.51lhunathand the coins as well
21:59.14*** join/#wowroster DrWily (
22:29.12PleegWatYou're using larger-than-normal font
22:29.50PleegWatI had trouble enough keeping stuff lined up in 11px
22:30.56Zeryli have a small small font trouble on that page too
22:31.04Zerylcrit rating is about 2-4 px too high
22:31.19Zeryland the copper piece in the coins is about 1 px too right
22:31.31Zerylbut it's too close to worry about
22:32.49*** join/#wowroster Harshmage (

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