irclog2html for #wowroster on 20070216

00:01.05Stravidesunfortunately I am too dim to resolve this :(
00:01.15ZerylI just don't know why it's happening :(
00:01.26Zeryli'm no javascript person in the least bit
00:01.58unschwayWe have tons of people here who program... to bad I can't have them look at it
00:02.13Stravideshehe fix fix fix ;)
00:04.52Stravidesif I replace the overlib with the original one from the web - notice the siggen overlink now
00:20.28Tsikurathat is weird :O cant see alchemy on the roster
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07:44.49Guestwell hullo
07:54.42Zanixhi again
07:54.49Zanixstill having problems?
07:55.45Zanixhello? Stravides?
07:57.10Zanixi think I know whats going on
07:57.44Zanixtrying to talk to Stravides
07:58.50Stravidessorry m8
07:59.01Stravidesyea still having probs
07:59.08Stravidesam all ears ;)
07:59.38Zanixopen this file lib/commonfunctions.lib.php
07:59.45Zanixfunction setTooltip( $var , $content )
08:00.28Stravidesgot it
08:00.29Zanixchange this line
08:00.31Zanix$content = addslashes($content);
08:00.34Zanix/$content = addslashes($content);
08:00.37Zanix//$content = addslashes($content);
08:00.56Stravidescomment it out ?
08:01.05Zanixyou some php?
08:01.10Zanixyou *know
08:01.30Zanixor general programming, Just wanna know what level you are, lol
08:01.40Stravidesgeneral hacker
08:01.55Stravideshack code together with decent base
08:01.59ZerylWOOT!!!! the CORRECT usage of hacker!!!!
08:02.09Zanixthat line is supposed to add slashes to the tooltip variables
08:02.22Zanixi wanna se if the line does anything
08:02.26Zanixif its not there
08:02.33Zanixk, let me look
08:02.56Stravidesmessages I get are things like overlib_22 not defines
08:03.14Zanixthey are, really, they are near the bottom of the file
08:03.17Stravidesand occasionaly the ; error
08:03.36Zanixview source, scroll almost all the way down
08:03.38Stravidesyea i seen em - even changed the order of the css to have the overlibs at the top
08:03.58ZanixError: missing ; before statement
08:03.58ZanixSource File:
08:03.58ZanixLine: 905, Column: 37
08:03.58ZanixSource Code:
08:03.58Zanixvar overlib_30 = "‹div style="white-space:nowrap;" class="levelbarParent" style="width:200px;"›‹div class="levelbarChild"›XP 10202/41400 : 12524‹/div›‹/div›‹table class="expOutline" border="0" cellpad
08:04.11Zanixok, now uncomment it
08:04.34Zanixtell me when its saved
08:04.51ZanixError: missing ; before statement
08:04.51ZanixSource File:
08:04.51ZanixLine: 905, Column: 37
08:04.51ZanixSource Code:
08:04.52Zanixvar overlib_30 = "‹div style="white-space:nowrap;" class="levelbarParent" style="width:200px;"›‹div class="levelbarChild"›XP 10202/41400 : 12524‹/div›‹/div›‹table class="expOutline" border="0" cellpad
08:04.56Zanixsame error
08:05.09Zeryllooks like it's being utf_8'd
08:05.14Zanixwhat version of php do you have?
08:05.33Zeryltry adding in a utf8_decode around the stripslashes
08:05.53ZanixI dont think that wil help
08:06.01Zanixalso, that change I pm'ed you
08:06.03Zanixundo it
08:06.14Stravidesok undoing
08:08.14Zanixit doesnt seem like addslashes is working on your server
08:08.28Stravidesutf decode - sorry lost me
08:08.39Stravidesdoes the SIGGEN use the slashes ?
08:08.41Zerylit still doesn't explain the &#8250 stuff
08:09.31Zanixthats html special characters encoded
08:09.43Zanixthats why i told him to undo a change i asked him to make
08:09.56Zerylbut it should be <
08:09.59Zerylnot that number thing
08:10.03Zanix'now this is the error
08:10.04ZanixError: missing ; before statement
08:10.04ZanixSource File:
08:10.04ZanixLine: 958, Column: 31
08:10.04ZanixSource Code:
08:10.05Zanixvar overlib_30 = "<div style="white-space:nowrap;" class="levelbarParent" style="width:200px;"><div class="levelbarChild">XP 10202/41400 : 12524<\/div><\/div><table class="expOutline" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="200"><tr><td style="
08:10.48Stravidesso the slashes are snafu the situation then ?
08:12.41Zanixit fails because it hits another " before the line is finished
08:14.04Zanixadd this line below $content = addslashes($content);
08:14.25Zanix$content = str_replace('"','&quot;',$content);
08:17.41Stravideswant me to re-upload my character ?
08:17.48Zanixno, that wont help
08:17.57Stravidesok its not a parsing thing then
08:18.07Zanixyou havent done any modification correct?
08:18.12Zanixto the code?
08:19.07Stravidesonly what you have asked me to
08:19.40Stravidesadded the overlib (full package) from the web, then changed it bac - all it did was change siggen tips blue
08:20.00Zanixyeah, the overlib code isnt changed much for our use
08:20.09Zanixjust some default settings
08:20.28StravidesFIXED !!!
08:20.28Zanixok, now for something different
08:20.41Stravidesyea i gimped out for a moment
08:20.58Stravides$content = addslashes($content);
08:21.05Stravidesthen the quot line
08:21.18Stravidesi placed it originally at the end of the changes
08:21.46Stravidesnot in colour - but at least they are there
08:22.09Zanixi dont understand
08:22.16Zanixwhy your server isnt slashing
08:22.25Stravidesneither do I
08:22.40Zanixand the    <br />    in each of those tips should be    <br \/>
08:22.54Zanixsame thing with </div>
08:22.59Zanixshould be <\/div>
08:23.10StravidesI seen that somewhere in my travels
08:23.28Zanixyou dont have anything funny set in your php settings do you?
08:23.51Stravidesonly joke of the day ;)
08:24.10Zerylthat does it
08:24.12Stravidespossibly ?
08:24.13ZerylEVIL thing
08:24.17Stravideshow do I kill
08:24.20Zerylzanix, we really need to include an .htaccess
08:24.27Zerylyou can do it in php.ini if you have access
08:25.17ZanixIf magic_quotes_sybase is on, a single-quote is escaped with a single-quote instead of a backslash if magic_quotes_gpc  or magic_quotes_runtime  are enabled.
08:25.37ZanixIf magic_quotes_runtime is enabled, most functions that return data from any sort of external source including databases and text files will have quotes escaped with a backslash. If magic_quotes_sybase  is also on, a single-quote is escaped with a single-quote instead of a backslash.
08:25.53Stravidesso php.ini ?
08:26.02Zeryldo a search for magic_quotes
08:26.15Zanixi would turn them all off
08:27.13Zerylzanix, can we start including a .htaccess now?
08:27.18Zerylwith register_globals off
08:27.23Zeryland same with magic_quotes?
08:27.25Zanixwhat about IIS servers?
08:27.41Zerylcheck for it in the installer
08:27.43Zeryland make them turn it off
08:27.50Zerylor use ini_set, but that is more prone to failure
08:28.04Zanixif ( !get_magic_quotes_gpc() )
08:28.06Zanix$_GET = escape_array($_GET);
08:28.08Zanix$_POST = escape_array($_POST);
08:28.10Zanix$_COOKIE = escape_array($_COOKIE);
08:28.12Zanix$_REQUEST = escape_array($_REQUEST);
08:28.29Zanixthat is what we are doing now
08:29.04Zanixwe could
08:29.05Zanixset_magic_quotes_runtime(0); # Disable magic_quotes_runtime
08:29.31Zerylthere is a thing there to fix it
08:29.38Zerylfirst comment
08:30.26Zerylphp_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
08:30.32Zerylthat's the .htaccess we'd have to add
08:32.15Stravidesjust changed it in the php.ini - there were 3 magic quotes set in there
08:32.28Stravidesrebooting the server so I can clear out all the crap too
08:32.44Zanixalso remove the &quot; thing so we can see if its fixed
08:35.14Zeryli'm off to bed, night all
08:38.14Stravides:D :elephant
08:38.33Stravidesbut do not understand why used to work before ?
08:42.21Zanixneither do I
09:54.45Zanixok, UniAdmin 0.7.5 is released
09:54.49Zanixgood night everyone
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11:14.47TinoMlong time no see
12:26.48draculahey, a chanop I've never seen before :)
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14:38.33TinoMoha, i have op?
14:43.03PleegWatYeah, appearantly you do
14:43.26TinoMi should make a post into the dev forum ;)
14:43.43PleegWatHaven't seen you in a while
14:43.44TinoMi've no time at the mooment to help with the roster
14:44.14PleegWatWell, we're currenlty mainly working on R2, which is a lot of framework building and very little that needs translating
14:44.18TinoMand it's way too complex now for my minimal php-knowledge
14:44.37PleegWatAnd I think there's some background work for a community translation program somewhere
14:52.55TinoMyou can contact me via PM in the forum, when there is some translation work to be done and/or to be verified
14:54.14PleegWatNot much going on in the 1.7.3 translations, as far as there were any new ones
14:54.38PleegWatMight be some addons needing translations, I don't really keep track on anything but AM.
14:56.03TinoMvery nice addon, PleegWat . i'Ve installed it today
14:56.47PleegWatAny bugs I missed in 2.0.1?
14:57.32TinoMnone spotted atm
14:58.05TinoMbut all my guild's note have to be written with the correct information, i am no officer
14:58.37TinoMgerman translation of the config is fine
14:58.39PleegWatI've had 2 reports of it. One of those is the old assumption of it getting all relations right in one go while i keep telling them it doesn't. THe other was a bug in the spanish translation that affects uninstalling.
14:59.29PleegWatYeah, it is possible to write a bit more flexible regex but it gets slower fast as the regex gets complicated
15:00.20PleegWatI could take a look for a good regex for you if you want
15:00.37TinoMi would include the guild rank into consideration
15:00.50PleegWatIt doesn't support that I'm afraid.
15:00.54TinoMmost guilds have an own rank for twinks
15:01.01PleegWatI know
15:01.09PleegWatThe one on the front page works on that
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15:01.35PleegWator in the menu I mean. The alt counter.
15:01.46TinoMproblem is the limited amount of chars in the notes. so using e.g. a rank instead of "ALT-" would save 3 chars
15:02.05TinoMbut then you have the problem to find the main-name in the note...
15:02.32TinoMthe current system is fine ;)
15:02.32PleegWatWell, you can use first word as main name, then if that's not a char in the guild assign main status
15:03.31TinoMor a way of clicking the main-alt together in the config. no parsing necessary at all then
15:03.59PleegWatThe code actually supports that.
15:04.07PleegWatI just never managed to think of a workable interface
15:04.59PleegWatThat's how it will probably work in R2; assigning characters to accounts then having the user select which one is their main and which characters to show/hide on the main interfaces.
15:05.25TinoMsounds fine
15:06.03PleegWatThe idea is to have that built in. Then not support detection with regex matching at all
16:24.42*** join/#wowroster Vecna (
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16:30.59Zeryl|Sleephowdy anax
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16:31.14Anaxentgood morning
16:31.20*** mode/#wowroster [-o Anaxent] by Zeryl|Sleep
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16:35.45Zeryl|WFHhiya pleeg
16:38.01Anaxenthey PleegWat and Zeryl
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16:49.16PleegWatphp explode
16:49.22PleegWatdamn wrong channel
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17:36.14draculaPleegWat: did you get my ping earlier ?
17:38.12draculaI grabbed AltMonitor from SVN and uploaded it to my roster
17:38.14PleegWatyou mean triggering my nickalert in the middle of the night?
17:38.20draculahehe yes that ;)
17:38.53PleegWatNo I don't have any chars with special characters in my guild
17:39.39draculadon't you think that  /Alt of ([^\s]+)/i  should match anything ?
17:39.46draculawith or without fancy chars
17:40.22PleegWatI think it should
17:40.23draculabut it got worse: when I pressed the "Update relations" button all relations were gone
17:40.39draculalog said "main - no alts" for everyone
17:42.31PleegWatyeah, looks fine here
17:42.44PleegWatIf it says main right away though, the regex isn't matching
17:43.04PleegWatIf it's got an invalid main name it'll say Main: <detected name> first
17:43.26draculaLitespeed - Main: Litespeed - Main - No alts
17:43.51draculafor every guild member
17:44.08draculawhat exactly do you mean with "invalid main name"?
17:44.47PleegWatWell, it says Main: Litespeed
17:44.53PleegWattaht means Litespeed is the detected main name
17:45.23PleegWatIf that name isn't a guild member, it makes the member either a main or a mainless alt, depending on other settings
17:46.04PleegWatI've got my own way to get at that
17:46.12PleegWatConfig data's in the bottom
17:46.35PleegWatThat also reveals the officer notes if AM is set to use those
17:46.47draculaoh evil
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17:47.52draculaI cannot understand why the regexp doesnt match anymore
17:47.52PleegWatThe action=debug page is meant primarily for my use. It lists the columns that are relevant to AM's update algorithms
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18:02.49draculaPleegWat: do you understand what's happening?  the regex should match the notes, right?
18:04.32PleegWatYeah, but appearantly it isn't matching them
18:05.42draculawell, I meant the regexp does match (and always used to), but the main's name is not detected
18:06.49PleegWatafter Main:, does it always say the char's own nick?
18:08.12draculayup for all of them
18:08.19PleegWatThat's wierd
18:08.36PleegWatLemme check the source
18:09.31PleegWatTry setting defmain to false
18:09.42PleegWatwhat's that setting called again
18:09.50PleegWatno result
18:10.01PleegWatwait doesn't matter
18:10.12PleegWatIt's not matching at all
18:11.22draculaif I change that setting it says:
18:11.23draculaLitespeed - Main: - Mainless alt
18:11.35PleegWatfor all chars
18:11.46PleegWatKeep it at that makes easier debugging
18:12.08PleegWatI'd say try \pL but you're on a too low php version
18:12.40draculayeah, that's why I used the ^\s
18:13.11draculabut even with \w nothing matches :s
18:13.38PleegWat. /Alt of (.+)\b/iu
18:13.40draculasomething with different char encodings?
18:13.44PleegWattry that one
18:13.57PleegWatwon't work
18:14.21PleegWat. /Alt of \b(.+)\b/iu
18:15.15draculano change
18:19.23PleegWatHm. You don't happen to have the version that uses the CP data from memory but doesn't have the sql change to go with it do you?
18:19.28PleegWatTry updating to the latest AM
18:20.25draculaCP data from memory?
18:20.34draculaI updated SVN yesterday
18:21.30draculaah another update ;)
18:21.34PleegWatYou probably have the broken version then
18:21.37draculalol ok
18:21.39PleegWatit's calling itself 1.6.0 and that's a clue
18:24.36dracularight, that fixes it
18:27.30draculasometimes it takes 3 updates before all Alt of Alts are resolved right ?
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18:29.10PleegWatI think it should do it in 2
18:29.15PleegWat3 should always have it
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20:02.20*** join/#wowroster unschway (n=greg@
20:02.37unschwayHey guys
20:02.46unschwayAnaxent, Any luck on the siggen install?
20:03.02Anaxentnot yet
20:03.17AnaxentZanix said if he had time this weekend he would rewrite it for us
20:04.49unschwayoh cool
20:17.45unschwaySo..  Anyone here play WoW?
20:17.56PleegWatDamn I hate when this happened
20:18.51PleegWatIf I do monetdb_num_rows(), and the request has post data, apache crashes. Reproducably.
20:21.05PleegWatnot really
20:32.57Zerylwhat is it? never heard of it
20:33.06PleegWatIt's a different database engine that's also used in the DB course I'm following
20:33.12PleegWatI've been trying to convert wowroster to it
20:33.21Zerylahh, cool
20:33.29Zeryli've thought about doing it for oracle and mssql
20:33.32Zeryland postgresql
20:34.24PleegWat1x does have a DBAL but no real multidatabase support
20:34.24PleegWatYou'll need to mod index
20:34.25PleegWatinstall I mean
20:34.32PleegWatAnd settings to load the correct DBAL
20:34.47Zerylunfortunatly, I think that roster is quite MySQL heavy.  It would be tough to convert some of it
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20:35.12PleegWatWell, I had quite some changes to get it to install on monetdb
20:35.36PleegWatI didn't really get to try roster itself before I ran into the crashing issue
20:36.35Guesthow can i integrate this with IPB
20:37.48PleegWatCheck the IPB integration forums
20:37.56Guestthere is nothing there
20:37.57PleegWatNoone here even owns a IPB license
20:38.12*** join/#wowroster Mathos (
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20:38.17PleegWathi mathos
20:38.23Mathosyo Pleeg
20:38.29MathosHows it going peeps ?
20:38.37PleegWatGoing fine.
20:38.45PleegWatBeen trying to convert wowroster to run on monetdb
20:38.58PleegWatBut I'm getting apache crashes
20:39.00Mathoswhich is ?
20:39.21PleegWatFree DB engine, reputed to be one of the fastest around
20:40.05Mathosis there a php function lib for it ?
20:40.35PleegWatyeah, comes with it
20:40.35Mathosah okay
20:40.35Mathosthough I am a bit afraid of stuff that is brought by a vendor.
20:40.43MathosRather have zend program it :)
20:42.04Guesti own an IPB licence
20:43.24PleegWatFeel free to port roster to it then
20:43.42PleegWatMight wanna take a look at the phpbb port to see how they hooked it into roster
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20:48.43RazernokCould anyone posssibly help me?
20:49.54RazernokI could really use help with addon writing
20:51.39Mathosyou can ask questions here
20:51.49Mathoshave you seen the addon framework ?
20:52.14Mathosassuming you are talking about Roster Addons
20:52.22RazernokHow can I get when the player types /ap <some number>
20:55.09Mathosif you are talking about WoW Addons, this is not the place to be
20:55.17Mathossome write addons
20:55.22Mathosbut most just use em
20:55.23Mathoslike me
20:55.49Mathoswhat is /ap anyway? never seen that addon
20:55.50RazernokI have no where to go then
20:56.01RazernokI'm trying to make an addon
20:56.10Mathostry starting at the wiki
20:56.16Razernoki did
20:56.20Razernokso confusing
20:56.27Razernoki can't find what i need
20:57.07Mathosif it is confusing....maybe you should just use addons that others create tbh
20:57.16Mathosit is definately not something simple
20:58.04Razernokthe addon i need doesn't exist
20:58.16RazernokI've looked
20:59.33Razernokall i need is to do that single event
20:59.40Mathosconsider that whatever your requirements are, blizzy will not even allow it
20:59.48Razernokits the only event my addon needs
21:00.19Mathosso basicly, someone is using your addon
21:00.24Mathosand he type /ap 100
21:00.32Mathosyou want to feed it into a channel ?
21:00.44Razernokthe number is actually your Arena Rating
21:01.00Razernokfor example
21:01.12RazernokI have /ap 1300
21:01.46Razernokit would return 366.8
21:02.00Mathoswhich is a third ?
21:02.19Mathoshmm, does not look like a third lo
21:02.43Razernokbasicly the arena would tell you how many arena points you'd get for your current rating
21:02.58Mathosmaybe wowace libs might be the answer
21:03.12Mathosthey got quite nice docs too
21:03.16Razernokthe addon doesn't exist
21:03.25Mathosyou said that
21:03.30Mathosbut they have libs buddy
21:03.45Mathoseverything you can do ,they have made simpler and more accessable
21:04.09Razernokall i need is one event to grab /ap <some number> and a lua to do the math then return it
21:04.34PleegWattry /print <some number> / 3
21:04.41PleegWatWith ace or sea installed
21:04.52PleegWatProlly more mods out there that do /print
21:05.03Razernokomfg, no one understands
21:05.46Anaxentwhat is the switch in ssh to show tables in human readable
21:05.48PleegWatYOU don't understand. You're in the wrong spot
21:06.05Anaxentselect * from phpbb_users \h
21:06.13Anaxentok thx
21:06.18Mathosdunno mate
21:06.22Mathosyou talking about php ?
21:06.29Mathosor sql ?
21:06.45Mathoscause ssh is just a tunnelling piece of software lol
21:07.17Anaxentmysql via command line
21:07.34Mathosmight be something with -h /h or something like that
21:08.01Anaxentah iot must me the /h
21:08.07Anaxentthe only one I didn't try
21:09.04MathosHey dude.....
21:09.12*** kick/#wowroster [Razernok!] by PleegWat (Go ask your question in a LUA support channel. We only do PHP. 03#105)
21:09.12ZerylOk, first off, Razernok, this isn't an lua support channel
21:09.16Mathosyou are close to a kick
21:09.22PleegWatHe's beyond it
21:09.45*** join/#wowroster Razernok (
21:10.16MathosNow please keep a temper
21:10.45*** mode/#wowroster [+b *!*n=Guest@*] by Zeryl
21:10.45MathosMay I ?
21:10.49PleegWat03(Razernok03): You know what a ban is? You can get one if you just go back to the same behaviour
21:10.49*** kick/#wowroster [Razernok!] by Zeryl (bye)
21:11.03MathosI wanted too .... :(
21:11.16Mathossome people lol
21:12.11Anaxentthe switch I was looking for is \G
21:12.44Mathosah....Grumpy Human readable ?
21:13.09MathosI would have expected:   \NOG
21:13.20Mathoslike: No Geek Readable :p
21:13.34PleegWatDon't you mean Non-Geek readable? GEEK
21:14.11PleegWatI know
21:14.15PleegWatgot anything against it?
21:14.28MathosErr......will you smack me with a trout ? chrisAFK => LUA Parser Chris ?
21:15.13PleegWatChris Stockton
21:15.15Mathosah, shame
21:15.18PleegWatcollegue of anax
21:15.22Mathosah oki
21:15.26PleegWathe wrote the base of the framework we mutilated
21:15.34MathosOh right now I remember
21:15.42Mathosta for tghat
21:15.59Mathosoki, gonna play wow for an hour orso
21:42.18draculalol @ razernok
21:53.33*** join/#wowroster unschway (n=greg@
21:53.58Anaxentcome on now be nice dracula
21:55.09unschwayOff topic question, anyone know how to setup user groups in the DF forums?
21:55.16unschwayI have a group, but don
21:55.25unschwaydon't see a way to associate users with it
21:58.00Anaxentdid you create the group in DF admin
21:58.18Anaxentafter you create the group you would associate that group to a forum
22:00.01Anaxentthen visit your site /Groups.html
22:00.06Anaxentto add users
22:00.18Anaxentand if you have the know how and all
22:00.44Anaxentlook into creating an addon trigger file to auto add users to these groups on upload of there toons
22:02.07unschwayMembers > Groups
22:02.10unschwayCreated Officers
22:02.37unschwayForum > Permissions > Officers
22:02.53unschwayIt as Public Private Mod
22:07.51Anaxentdo u use forums or forumspro
22:29.55*** join/#wowroster DiscoWay (
22:40.43unschwayWhatever comes with DF
22:40.51unschwayForums I guess
23:04.20*** part/#wowroster TinoM (
23:09.14DiscoWayNot sure if you're here Anaxent, but ill ask anyways.  In theory, if were to go through every php file in AltMonitor 2.0.1 and looked for href links like this <a href="#update"><font size="4">'.$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['update_link'].'</font></a><br /><br />
23:09.52DiscoWayand replaced them with the proper link like this <a href="index.php?name='.$module_name.'&amp;file=addon&roster_addon_name=AltMonitor#update"><font size="4">'.$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['update_link'].'</font></a><br /><br />
23:10.02DiscoWayThen, it should work right?
23:10.36DiscoWaygiven im using the right leolink? i think thats what you called it heh
23:11.16DiscoWayI figured id use an older version of AltMonitorDF as a guide
23:25.10Anaxent<a href="index.php?name='.$module_name.'&amp;file=addon&roster_addon_name=AltMonitor#update"><font size="4">'.$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['update_link'].'</font></a>  would work
23:26.06Anaxentbut best to be written like
23:26.08Anaxent<a href="'.getlink($module_name.'&amp;file=addon&roster_addon_name=AltMonitor').'#update"><font size="4">'.$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['update_link'].'</font></a>
23:26.51Anaxentthen the url would be seen like
23:28.17Anaxentwhich with leo activated would read
23:30.56Anaxent   is how it would look with leo enabled
23:31.50*** join/#wowroster PoloDude (
23:31.50*** mode/#wowroster [+v PoloDude] by ChanServ
23:31.54PoloDudeevening all
23:33.16DiscoWayAah ok, thanks Anaxent.
23:33.31DiscoWayAfternoon PoloDude
23:33.32Anaxenthey hows it going PoloDude
23:33.35Anaxentlong time no see
23:33.41PoloDudegood good :)
23:33.46PoloDudeye indeed
23:34.09PoloDudebeen bussy irl and lvling to 70 :p although that's done long time ago hehe
23:34.43PoloDudestarted editing CTRaidTracker too yesterday ^^
23:35.43*** join/#wowroster PleegWat (
23:35.43*** mode/#wowroster [+o PleegWat] by ChanServ
23:37.17*** join/#wowroster Zanix2 (
23:39.19PoloDudehi pleeg, hi zanix2 :)
23:45.02PoloDudethis is kinda funny: think Zarctus only meant to give french support on RaidTracker addon and they all post on regular roster issues lol
23:51.40draculaif I understood french I would have found it funny as well ;)
23:55.48PoloDudepleeg you there,
23:59.07ZerylHOLY CRAP!
23:59.10Zerylit's POLO!
23:59.12Zerylwhat's up man
23:59.27PoloDudeomg Zeryl :D you don't have any _ behind your name :p
23:59.33Anaxenthey DiscoWay I have madeby converted for wowrosterdf
23:59.38PoloDudei'm fine thx :)
23:59.47PoloDudelike i said before, bussy ya know :)

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