irclog2html for #wowroster on 20070128

00:03.41*** join/#wowroster scapegoat (
00:12.59Anaxhey hows it going
06:06.29*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
06:07.16Zeryl!weather 63125
06:07.43Zerylweather 63125
06:07.48weather23232Yeah, weather for 63125
06:07.49weather23232Condition: N/A
06:07.49weather23232High: 0
06:07.50weather23232Low: 15
06:07.50weather23232Wind: 0
06:07.51weather23232Wind Degrees: N/A
06:07.51weather23232Wind Direction: N/A
06:07.53weather23232Precipitation: 20
06:07.55weather23232Humidity: N/A
06:08.00Zerylphp preg_match
06:08.01weather23232Fetching php function preg_match
06:08.01weather23232mixed preg_match ( string $pattern, string $subject, [array $&matches], [int $flags], [int $offset])
06:36.57*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
06:37.05Zerylphp preg_match_all
06:37.06weather23232Fetching php function preg_match_all
06:37.06weather23232int preg_match_all ( string $pattern, string $subject, array $&matches, [int $flags], [int $offset])
06:53.06*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
06:53.12Zerylphp preg_match
06:53.41*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
06:53.42Zerylphp preg_match
06:53.43weather23232Fetching php function preg_match
06:53.43weather23232Couldn't find function preg_match
06:53.47Zerylphp preg_match_all
06:53.48weather23232Fetching php function preg_match_all
06:53.48weather23232Couldn't find function preg_match_all
06:54.56*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
06:54.59Zerylphp preg_match_all
06:55.00weather23232Fetching php function preg_match_all
06:55.49*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
06:55.50Zerylphp preg_match_all
06:55.51weather23232Fetching php function preg_match_all
06:56.50*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
06:56.52Zerylphp preg_match_all
06:56.53weather23232Fetching php function preg_match_all
06:56.53weather23232Function Name: preg_match_all
07:00.17*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
07:00.18Zerylphp preg_match_all
07:00.18weather23232Fetching php function preg_match_all
07:01.15*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
07:01.16Zerylphp preg_match_all
07:01.17weather23232Fetching php function preg_match_all
07:01.49*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
07:01.50Zerylphp preg_match_all
07:01.51weather23232Fetching php function preg_match_all
07:01.52weather23232Function Name: preg_match_all
07:02.33*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
07:02.34Zerylphp preg_match_all
07:02.35weather23232Fetching php function preg_match_all
07:02.35weather23232Function Name: preg_match_all
07:05.18*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
07:05.21Zerylphp preg_match_all
07:05.22weather23232Fetching php function preg_match_all
07:05.22weather23232Function Name: preg_match_all
07:06.16*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
07:06.29Zerylphp preg_match_all
07:06.30weather23232Fetching php function preg_match_all
07:06.30weather23232Function Name: preg_match_all
07:06.31weather23232Description:  Searches subject for all matches to the regular expression given in pattern and puts them in matches in the order specified by flags.
07:07.18*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
07:07.20Zerylphp preg_match_all
07:07.21weather23232Fetching php function preg_match_all
07:07.21weather23232Function Name: preg_match_all
07:07.22weather23232Description:  Searches subject for all matches to the regular expression given in pattern and puts them in matches in the order specified by flags.
07:07.43Zerylphp moocow
07:07.44weather23232Fetching php function moocow
07:08.25*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
07:08.30Zerylphp moocow
07:08.31weather23232Fetching php function moocow
07:09.01Zerylweather 23423
07:09.02weather23232Yeah, weather for 23423
07:09.02weather23232Condition: PM Showers
07:09.03weather23232High: 0
07:09.04weather23232Low: 47
07:09.04weather23232Wind: 13
07:09.05weather23232Wind Degrees: 239
07:09.05weather23232Wind Direction: WSW
07:09.07weather23232Precipitation: 30
07:09.09weather23232Humidity: 60
07:13.20Zanixweather 83201
07:13.24Zanixah damn
07:13.26Zerylione sec
07:13.34Zerylchanged a few things, had to reload it
07:13.38*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
07:13.38Zerylwish i could auto-reload it :(
07:13.41Zeryldo it now
07:13.44Zanixweather 83201
07:13.45weather23232Weather for 83201
07:13.45weather23232Condition: N/A
07:13.45weather23232High: 0
07:13.46weather23232Low: 3
07:13.47weather23232Wind Direction: N/A
07:13.47weather23232Precipitation: 10
07:13.47weather23232Humidity: N/A
07:13.57Zerylnot much info for ya, lol
07:14.15Zanixi do live in idaho afterall
07:23.17*** join/#wowroster [Beercow] (
07:31.15*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
07:31.19Zerylphp preg_match_all
07:31.20weather23232Fetching php function preg_match_all
07:31.20weather23232Function Name: preg_match_all
07:31.21weather23232Description:  Searches subject for all matches to the regular expression given in pattern and puts them in matches in the order specified by flags.
07:33.09*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
07:33.11Zerylphp preg_match_all
07:33.12weather23232Fetching php function preg_match_all
07:33.13weather23232Function Name: preg_match_all
07:33.13weather23232Parameters: string $pattern, string $subject, array $&matches, [int $flags], [int $offset]
07:33.14weather23232Description:  Searches subject for all matches to the regular expression given in pattern and puts them in matches in the order specified by flags.
07:34.30*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
07:34.34Zerylphp preg_match_all
07:34.35weather23232Fetching php function preg_match_all
07:34.35weather23232Function Name: preg_match_all
07:34.36weather23232Parameters: string $pattern, string $subject, array $&matches, [int $flags], [int $offset]
07:34.36weather23232Description:  Searches subject for all matches to the regular expression given in pattern and puts them in matches in the order specified by flags.
07:35.25*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
07:35.50Zerylphp preg_match_all
07:35.51weather23232Function Name: preg_match_all
07:35.51weather23232Parameters: string $pattern, string $subject, array $&matches, [int $flags], [int $offset]
07:35.52weather23232Description:  Searches subject for all matches to the regular expression given in pattern and puts them in matches in the order specified by flags.
07:38.38*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
07:38.39Zerylphp preg_match_all
07:38.40weather23232Function Name: preg_match_all
07:38.40weather23232Parameters: string $pattern, string $subject, array $&matches, 4,0[int $flags], 4,0[int $offset],
07:38.41weather23232Description:  Searches subject for all matches to the regular expression given in pattern and puts them in matches in the order specified by flags.
07:39.30*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
07:39.33Zerylphp preg_match_all
07:39.34weather23232Function Name: preg_match_all
07:39.34weather23232Parameters: string $pattern, string $subject, array $&matches, 4[int $flags], 4[int $offset],
07:39.34weather23232Description:  Searches subject for all matches to the regular expression given in pattern and puts them in matches in the order specified by flags.
07:41.10*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
07:41.13Zerylphp preg_match_all
07:41.14weather23232Function Name: preg_match_all
07:41.14weather23232Parameters: , 4[int $offset]
07:41.15weather23232Description:  Searches subject for all matches to the regular expression given in pattern and puts them in matches in the order specified by flags.
07:42.05Zeryltrying to get color working
07:42.09*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
07:42.11Zerylphp preg_match_all
07:42.12weather23232Function Name: preg_match_all
07:42.13weather23232Parameters: string $pattern, string $subject, array $&matches, 4[int $flags], 4[int $offset]
07:42.13weather23232Description:  Searches subject for all matches to the regular expression given in pattern and puts them in matches in the order specified by flags.
07:43.01Zerylphp echo
07:43.02weather23232Function Name: echo
07:43.02weather23232Parameters: string $arg1, 4[string $argn...]
07:43.03weather23232Description: echo is not actually a function (it is a language construct) so you are not required to use parentheses with it. In fact, if you want to pass more than one parameter to echo, you must not enclose the parameters within parentheses.
07:43.24Zerylphp return
07:43.25weather23232No matching function found.
07:45.01Zanixphp highlight_string
07:45.02weather23232Function Name: highlight_string
07:45.02weather23232Parameters: string $str, 4[bool $return]
07:45.03weather23232Description:  highlight_string example ');
07:45.04Zerylred = not required
07:45.12Zanixvery nice
07:53.05*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
07:53.06Zerylroll 2d10
07:53.06weather23232I rolled , 1 for you.
07:54.02Zanixphp imagetruecolor
07:54.03weather23232No matching function found.
07:54.09Zanixphp imagecreatetruecolor
07:54.10weather23232Function Name: imagecreatetruecolor
07:54.10weather23232Parameters: int $x_size, int $y_siz
07:54.11weather23232Description: imagecreatetruecolor returns an image identifier representing a black image of size x_size by y_size.
07:54.14Zerylnot everything is there, this document is kinda old :(
07:54.39Zanixseems to cut off the params
07:54.50Zerylya, that one it did, one sec, i'll find it
07:54.55Zanixwhat document?
07:55.01Zanixthe php docs you have?
07:55.26Zeryland those are the only parameters it has in there
07:56.56*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
07:56.57Zerylphp imagecreatetruecolor
07:56.58weather23232Function Name: imagecreatetruecolor
07:56.58weather23232Parameters: int $x_size, int $y_size
07:56.59weather23232Description: imagecreatetruecolor returns an image identifier representing a black image of size x_size by y_size.
07:57.07Zerylphp preg_match_all
07:57.08weather23232Function Name: preg_match_all
07:57.08weather23232Parameters: string $pattern, string $subject, array $&matches, 4[int $flags], 4[int $offset]
07:57.09weather23232Description:  Searches subject for all matches to the regular expression given in pattern and puts them in matches in the order specified by flags.
07:57.13Zeryldice 2d10
07:57.19Zerylroll 2d10
07:57.20weather23232I rolled , 4 for you.
07:57.55Zerylhave to typecast that one i think
07:57.58*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
07:58.00Zerylroll 2d10
07:58.00weather23232I rolled , 1 for you.
07:58.05Zerylstill not working
07:58.16Zeryli'm a retard
07:58.23Zerylif($str = '');
07:58.28*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
07:58.29Zerylinstead of if($str == '');
07:58.32Zerylroll 2d10
07:58.32weather23232I rolled 6, 3, 3 for you.
07:58.49Zeryland i can't count ;)
07:58.54*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
07:58.56Zerylroll 2d10
07:58.57weather23232I rolled 3, 1 for you.
07:59.12Zerylroll 5d1029842
07:59.12weather23232I rolled 1010146, 112604, 11341, 110818, 964410 for you.
07:59.35ZanixI dont understant that one
07:59.36Zeryldice roller :)
07:59.51Zanixroll 1d100
07:59.52weather23232I rolled 69 for you.
07:59.54Zerylit's  roll <number of dice>d<number of sides>
08:00.08Zanixhe rolled 69 for me
08:00.13Zanixwhat a nice bot
08:00.26Zanixroll 2d2
08:00.27weather23232I rolled 1, 0 for you.
08:00.35Zerylnot good
08:00.46Zanixdid i found a bug
08:00.52Zerylyep ;)
08:01.00*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
08:01.00Zanixim good at that
08:01.05Zanixroll 2d2
08:01.06weather23232I rolled 2, 2 for you.
08:01.11Zanixroll 2d2
08:01.11weather23232I rolled 2, 1 for you.
08:01.14Zanixroll 2d2
08:01.14weather23232I rolled 1, 2 for you.
08:01.17Zanixroll 2d1
08:01.17weather23232I rolled 1, 1 for you.
08:01.19Zerylroll 5d1
08:01.20weather23232I rolled 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 for you.
08:01.20Zanixroll 2d1
08:01.21weather23232I rolled 1, 1 for you.
08:01.38Zanixroll 6d10
08:01.38weather23232I rolled 1, 3, 7, 2, 5, 5 for you.
08:01.44Zerylroll 1d0
08:01.44weather23232I rolled 1 for you.
08:01.56Zerylrolled :)
08:01.57weather23232I rolled  for you.
08:02.01Zanixroll 2d0
08:02.01weather23232I rolled 1, 1 for you.
08:02.08weather23232I rolled  for you.
08:02.22Zanixyou should have it do something in that case
08:02.33Zanixlike I threw that dice at name
08:03.22Zanix"I threw the dice at Zeryl, picker better number fucknutz!"
08:03.36*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
08:03.38Zanixok, maybe not that
08:03.41Zerylroll 1d0
08:03.41weather23232Sorry, can't roll 0
08:03.45weather23232I rolled  for you.
08:03.47Zerylroll 1d10
08:03.48weather23232I rolled 10 for you.
08:04.03Zanixroller 2d50
08:04.04weather23232I rolled 40, 39 for you.
08:04.26Zanixroll 23d1
08:04.26weather23232I rolled 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 for you.
08:04.45Zanixyou should put a limit on dice as well
08:04.54Zanixfor people like me to sploit it
08:05.00*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
08:05.03weather23232Proper usage is roll <number of dice>d<number of sides>
08:05.12Zanixthats good
08:05.17Zanixroll 23d23
08:05.17weather23232I rolled 14, 10, 11, 1, 2, 2, 15, 22, 1, 4, 5, 5, 21, 3, 6, 2, 1, 5, 9, 16, 10, 20, 22 for you.
08:05.56*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
08:05.59Zerylroll 1d100
08:05.59weather23232I rolled 87 for you.
08:06.01Zerylroll 100d1
08:06.02weather23232Too many dice, can roll up to 10.
08:06.02weather23232I rolled 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 for you.
08:06.20Zeryldidn't return on that one ;)
08:06.25*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
08:06.28Zerylroll 100d1
08:06.29weather23232Too many dice, can roll up to 10.
08:06.55ZanixI can roll?
08:07.01Zerylwhy not?
08:07.03Zanixroll 23d1
08:07.04weather23232Too many dice, can roll up to 10.
08:07.19ZanixToo many dice, can roll up to 10.   I think should be     Too many dice, I can roll up to 10.
08:07.36Zanixima grammer freak sometimes
08:07.41Zerylthis is too easy ;)
08:07.51Zanixroll 23d2
08:07.51weather23232Too many dice, can roll up to 10.
08:08.03Zerylwon't change in-line, gotta restart it
08:08.09Zanixwe should call him sparky
08:08.11ZerylI need ot figure out a way to fork a child, and kill the parent
08:08.22Zerylame is in use
08:08.50Zerylroll 1d100
08:08.50weather23232I rolled 19 for you.
08:08.57Zerylroll 2d6
08:08.58weather23232I rolled 1, 1 for you.
08:09.26Zanixgotta think of a better name
08:09.33ZerylI like this since I can actually write in php ;)
08:09.50Zanixim almost surprised out names are not taken here
08:09.57Zerylcan easily extend the functionality
08:10.14Zanixand now that we have the svn xml
08:10.23ZanixI think we have the addon xml
08:10.30Zanixmay be DB based now
08:10.45Zeryli'm not running this on my vps, although I can
08:10.48Zerylright now it's running from home
08:11.16Zanixcould we run it on
08:11.34Zerylas long as matt is willing to install at least one or two pear classes
08:11.59Zanixhey, the last commit is in xml
08:13.00Zerylonly one commit?
08:13.08Zanixjust the last one
08:13.29Zerylguess I could have it store the comit number, and on a new commit, have it echo it to the room
08:14.02Zanixwe could make an output from the DB
08:14.15Zanixthe log is stored there
08:16.09ZanixI could use DF's rss generator
08:16.15Zanixto make a SVN log
08:16.33Zanixshould be really easy
08:26.14Zerylshould probably remove the svn timeline link from the website, it's a broken link
08:27.27ZanixI want it to link to SVNergy when it's finished
08:28.00Zerylso what is SVNergy?
08:28.54Zanixthat will be our new commit log
08:29.03Zanixregistering for SVN access
08:29.15Zerylahhh, cool
08:29.22Zanixno more svn timeline link
08:31.46Zerylif you wanted to move to saint louis, i know a job you could get w/ no problem
08:31.51Zerylmaking $40k
15:15.31PleegWatDamn. Outland world server down
15:23.34Zeryl|sleepphp str_replace
15:23.52*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
15:23.55Zeryl|sleepphp str_replace
15:23.56weather23232Function Name: str_replace
15:23.56weather23232Parameters: mixed $search, mixed $replace, mixed $subject, 4[int $&count]
15:23.57weather23232Description:  This function returns a string or an array with all occurrences of search in subject replaced with the given replace value.  If you don't need fancy replacing rules (like regular expressions), you should always use this function instead of ereg_replace or preg_replace.
15:35.39Zeryl|sleepdunno why it's timing out :(
15:49.22*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
15:49.45Zeryl|sleepphp moo
15:49.46weather23232No matching function found.
15:51.08*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
15:51.10Zeryl|sleepphp moo
15:51.42*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
15:51.43Zeryl|sleepphp moo
15:51.44weather23232No matching function found.
15:54.14Zeryl|sleeproll 1d100
15:54.20Zeryl|sleepdice 1d100
15:57.49Zeryl|sleepphp regex
15:58.37*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (
15:58.38Zeryl|sleepdice 1d100
15:58.47Zeryl|sleepeoll 1d100
15:58.51Zeryl|sleeproll 1d100
15:58.51weather23232I rolled 12 for you.
15:58.58Zeryl|sleeproll 1d100
15:58.58weather23232I rolled 70 for you.
15:58.59Zeryl|sleeproll 1d100
15:59.00weather23232I rolled 41 for you.
15:59.02Zeryl|sleepphp regex
15:59.03weather23232No matching function found.
15:59.05Zeryl|sleepphp preg_match
15:59.06weather23232Function Name: preg_match
15:59.06weather23232Parameters: string $pattern, string $subject, 4[array $&matches], 4[int $flags], 4[int $offset]
15:59.06weather23232Description:  Searches subject for a match to the regular expression given in pattern.
16:11.11*** join/#wowroster weather23232 (n=weather2@
16:11.20Zeryl|sleepwow, that connects so much quicker from my vps
16:11.23Zeryl|sleepphp regex_match
16:11.24weather23232No matching function found.
16:11.37Zeryl|sleepphp preg_match
16:11.38weather23232Function Name: preg_match
16:11.38weather23232Parameters: string $pattern, string $subject, 4[array $&matches], 4[int $flags], 4[int $offset]
16:11.38weather23232Description:  Searches subject for a match to the regular expression given in pattern.
16:12.55PleegWatroll 3d5
16:12.56weather23232I rolled 5, 1, 5 for you.
16:13.13PleegWatroll 6d20
16:13.14weather23232I rolled 13, 18, 9, 9, 10, 8 for you.
16:13.16*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
16:13.47Anaxentgood morning guys
16:13.51Zeryl|sleephopefully this stays up longer ;)
16:13.55Zeryl|sleephi anax
16:14.05*** mode/#wowroster [+o Anaxent] by ChanServ
16:14.11ZerylI'm thinking of extending this bot, dunno how much though
16:14.14Zeryloh, anax
16:14.17Zerylphp preg_match_all
16:14.18weather23232Function Name: preg_match_all
16:14.18weather23232Parameters: string $pattern, string $subject, array $&matches, 4[int $flags], 4[int $offset]
16:14.18weather23232Description:  Searches subject for all matches to the regular expression given in pattern and puts them in matches in the order specified by flags.
16:14.45Anaxentphp eval
16:14.46weather23232Function Name: eval
16:14.47weather23232Parameters: string $code_str
16:14.47weather23232Description:  eval example - simple text merge ]]> The above example will show:
16:15.29PleegWathi anax
16:15.29Anaxentoo I like this
16:15.32Anaxenthey PleegWat how ya doing
16:15.39Zerylheh, dudes XML is a little screwed up ;)
16:18.07Zeryli could start logging channels now too
16:18.30Zerylphp str_replace
16:18.31weather23232Function Name: str_replace
16:18.32weather23232Parameters: mixed $search, mixed $replace, mixed $subject, 4[int $&count]
16:18.32weather23232Description:  This function returns a string or an array with all occurrences of search in subject replaced with the given replace value.  If you don't need fancy replacing rules (like regular expressions), you should always use this function instead of ereg_replace or preg_replace.
16:18.39Zerylweather 63125
16:18.40weather23232Weather for 63125
16:18.41weather23232Condition: Partly Cloudy / Wind
16:18.41weather23232High: 23
16:18.42weather23232Low: 14
16:18.42weather23232Wind Direction: WNW
16:18.42weather23232Precipitation: 10
16:18.43weather23232Humidity: 47
16:18.45PleegWatphp explode
16:18.46weather23232Function Name: explode
16:18.47weather23232Parameters: string $separator, string $string, 4[int $limit]
16:18.49weather23232Description:  Returns an array of strings, each of which is a substring of string formed by splitting it on boundaries formed by the string separator. If limit is set, the returned array will contain a maximum of limit elements with the last element containing the rest of string.
16:19.05Anaxentphp mysqli
16:19.07weather23232No matching function found.
16:19.56weather23232No matching function found.
16:20.04Zerylphp mysqli_num_rows
16:20.05weather23232Function Name: mysqli_num_rows
16:20.05weather23232Parameters: object $result
16:20.06weather23232Description: Procedural style:
16:21.51PleegWatphp list
16:21.52weather23232Function Name: list
16:21.53weather23232Parameters: mixed $varname, mixed $...
16:21.53weather23232Description:  Like array, this is not really a function, but a language construct.  list is used to assign a list of variables in one operation.
16:22.45PleegWatCan you make it so it also outputs a link to the manual page for that function?
16:24.33PleegWatWell, I'm going off. Choir performance
16:24.34Anaxentoh that would be cool
16:24.36PleegWatCU later tonight
16:24.45Anaxentok take it easy
16:24.54Anaxentand good luck with that
16:25.05*** join/#wowroster [Beercow] (
16:29.07*** join/#wowroster [Beercow] (
16:31.43Anaxentphp MCRYPT_MODE_CBC
16:31.44weather23232No matching function found.
16:31.58Anaxentphp MCRYPT_ENCRYPT
16:31.59weather23232No matching function found.
16:59.51Anaxentweather 85016
16:59.52weather23232Weather for 85016
16:59.52weather23232Condition: Partly Cloudy
16:59.53weather23232High: 70
16:59.53weather23232Low: 47
16:59.53weather23232Wind Direction: ESE
16:59.54weather23232Precipitation: 10
16:59.54weather23232Humidity: 33
17:24.38*** join/#wowroster Zeryl_ (
18:21.01Kieepsi need help here. i was gonna use the phpbb converter but i get this
18:21.05Kieepsbah wait
18:21.10KieepsFatal error: Call to a member function sql_query() on a non-object in /home/kieeps/public_html/converter/converter/phpbb_step4.php on line 11
18:21.13Kieepsi get that
18:21.16Kieepsanyone know why?
18:28.00Anaxentno not sure at all
18:28.26Kieepshave ye seen the code for it?
18:29.47Kieepsglobal $row,$result,$count;
18:29.49Kieeps// phpbb_posts_text
18:29.51Kieepsecho "Exporting {$p_prefix}_posts_text to {$n_prefix}_bbposts_text<br>";
18:29.53Kieeps$result=$dbp->sql_query("SELECT * FROM {$p_prefix}_posts_text");
18:30.29Kieeps$result=$dbp->sql_query("SELECT * FROM {$p_prefix}_posts_text"); <-- row 11
18:30.51Kieepscant really figure out what the hell $dbp is:/
18:34.48Zanix|awaythe database object?
18:42.42Anaxenthey hows it going Zanix
18:53.56Zanix|awayim ok
18:57.02Zanix|awayI added rss feeds for the SVN log
18:59.22Zanix|awayand when we get the SVN module up and running, they will point to that revision
19:05.52AnaxentI found a new image for my menu today
19:07.09Anaxentso have you tested an upgrade of and the forums yet
19:26.20Zanix|awaynot yet
19:26.25Zanix|awayi plan on doing that today
20:53.38*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zeryl] by ChanServ
23:28.25*** join/#wowroster ThisIsChris (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.