irclog2html for #wowroster on 20070119

01:10.15*** join/#wowroster Aitana (
02:54.00*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
02:54.00*** mode/#wowroster [+o Anaxent] by ChanServ
02:58.07*** join/#wowroster leagacyknight7 (
02:58.43leagacyknight7what up
02:58.49leagacyknight7can amyone help me
02:59.32Zeryli can try
03:00.06leagacyknight7thanks :) I just made my website
03:00.16leagacyknight7I using joomla
03:00.51leagacyknight7I used a component to bridge joomla and phpbb2
03:01.12leagacyknight7if you goto login type this leagacy password starwars
03:01.52leagacyknight7then click on forums
03:02.43leagacyknight7sorry have to enable forums
03:03.29leagacyknight7refresh now forun the under menu
03:03.47leagacyknight7forum there under main menu
03:04.14leagacyknight7siad something about debug
03:04.56leagacyknight7using this program that zanix and me talked about
03:05.55Zerylso what's the question?
03:06.04leagacyknight7did you login in
03:06.18leagacyknight7then click forums
03:06.24Zerylinvalid user/password?
03:06.42leagacyknight7login leagacy password starwars
03:07.04Zerylthat works
03:07.18leagacyknight7click on forums now
03:07.18Zerylyou'v got an infinite redirect
03:07.31leagacyknight7which means
03:07.48Zerylit's redirecting back to a redirect, i'm not sure
03:08.28leagacyknight7SQL Error : 1146 Table 'sixwekxf_phpbbdoom.joomphpbb_bridge' doesn't exist
03:09.04Zeryli think this would best be asked on their website.  I don't know the internal workings of joomla
03:09.50leagacyknight7k thabks for trying
03:56.36*** topic/#wowroster by Zeryl -> Trouble registering? Check here -> - This room is for the support of WoW Roster only.
04:34.46*** join/#wowroster laststanding (
04:40.43draculaPleegwat: yes Edgewalker is my main, Crossbow is my 2nd favorite (and most recent 60)
04:40.59draculayou're on my friends list so I can watch your progress :p
05:22.46*** join/#wowroster leagacyknight7 (
05:23.22leagacyknight7zeryl you there
05:29.40leagacyknight7hey guys you there?
09:12.58*** join/#wowroster Vecna (
09:21.50PleegWatdraculs: Yeah, I put you on mine too
09:29.32*** join/#wowroster Guest560 (n=Guest@
09:29.46Guest560Hi all
09:30.34stapperanyone else having problems with the site? Like not being able to download?
09:34.52Vecnanot me
09:35.52stapperi cant log in, and when I click on a file it takes me back to the main page of that project
09:37.49Zanix|awayare you accessing the site at, NOT or
09:39.30Zanix|awayyep, that would do it
09:39.36Zanix|awaymake sure to use
09:39.45stappernow it works... tnx!
09:40.39stapperaaaah finally have the addon :)
10:44.41*** join/#wowroster Orphis (
12:56.48*** join/#wowroster [Beercow] (
13:16.14*** join/#wowroster Guest445 (
13:17.05*** join/#wowroster Orphis (
13:18.12Guest445can some one help witha simple question about the insallation?
13:20.44draculaGuest445: ask the question, instead of asking whether you may ask it :s
13:22.42Guest445cool.... i canty find this 'CharacterProfile.lua' file anywhere.. is it a file specific to the person who started the guild?
13:26.00draculadid you install the addon, and did you see a 'save' button on your character info panel ?
13:29.20Guest445i have not got that far yet... i have downloaded the files... confg the database, now im getting a message to upload the guild.. and to browse to the characterprofiler.lua file.. which i cant find on my system.. i have not actively DL any addons that i know of
13:30.24draculawell, you need to install the addon to gather this data for you
13:31.10Guest445which addon is this?
15:02.48Liandrasuch impatience.
15:28.07*** join/#wowroster Harshmage (
16:22.00draculawhat's the status of CharacterProfiler 2.0.5 in comb. with roster ?
16:22.23draculathere were some reported problems of the entire guild member list being cleared
16:56.23*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
16:57.20*** mode/#wowroster [+o Anaxent] by ChanServ
17:40.19Anaxenthey PleegWat hows it going
17:40.33PleegWathey anax
17:40.35PleegWatgoing fine
17:59.36Anaxentmy druid is only 61
18:12.44draculaI've parked my mage in an Inn, and now levelling my druid.... sooo much faster now you know where the quests are
18:15.09PleegWatPart of the fun is taking your time the first time round though
18:15.27draculayup, exploring the place is fun indeed
18:15.30PleegWatRead the quest backgrounds, admire the environments
18:15.51draculait's nice to have a high-level zone that looks like Mulgore again :)
18:16.10PleegWatHaven't been there yet actually
18:16.19draculano, only on test realm ;)
18:16.33PleegWathellfire peninsula and zangarmarsh, with a couple of quick trips to terokkar
18:16.35draculaI got a bit tired of all the burning red desolated zones
18:23.01Anaxentbut i do also have a lv 10 shaman I have been playing
18:26.26draculaso much to do...
18:26.57draculamy lvl 1 paladin already has 6 mooncloth bags, but hasn't done anything yet :)
18:36.50*** join/#wowroster ThisIsChris (
18:40.02Anaxentwhats up ThisIsChris
18:40.14ThisIsChrisWhats up
18:42.50draculaclearly all blizzard devs play a druid... every quest so far has an awesome feral or caster druid item :)
18:43.56Anaxentyeah and do not have to spend 5000g for a mount nor have to wait until lv 70
18:44.42*** join/#wowroster ThisIsChris (
18:44.56Anaxentwelcome back ThisIsChris
18:45.06ThisIsChrisCan't get a user list to display in XChat
18:45.10Anaxentis the client not working?
18:45.12ThisIsChrisStupid worthless gui crap
18:45.22Anaxentim using the java client
18:45.36Anaxentit really suxs that I have to though
18:46.05ThisIsChrisim missing a bar on the right dang it
18:46.07ThisIsChrisit wont display
18:46.10ThisIsChrisits all bugged i think
18:47.34*** join/#wowroster ThisIsChris (
18:48.16ThisIsChrisHows development coming
18:48.50Anaxentit has been slow for me
18:48.56Anaxenthey PleegWat u still here
18:49.35Anaxentim trying to get over this cold i have
18:50.18Harshmagethe bonus to being on hold with Blizzard Sales:  The hold music is good. *gasp!*
18:50.59HarshmageI've got my TBC:CE on backorder with them
18:51.05draculaso when you get an operator you ask him, can you please put me on hold ? :)
18:51.14HarshmageI want to make sure it's still going to go through
18:59.12Harshmagethey lost my order
19:00.44Anaxentnow that sux
19:03.29*** join/#wowroster marticus-boss (
19:09.42PleegWatI'm playing actually
19:09.46PleegWatBut alt-tab sometimes
19:09.54HarshmageAnaxent, yeah, they forgot to tell me they weren't going to make any more, and I should go find it myself....
19:10.07Harshmageso I just ebay'ed for $79 with overnight shipping
19:24.14Anaxentfor the collecters edition?
19:24.44AnaxentI went to a local warmart here in the states and picked another one up yesterday night
19:25.24draculahere people fight for the last CE box in a shop
19:27.20PleegWatI'd have wanted one, but I didn't even try when I found out that the number of CE's shipped to NL is in the order of 10-20
19:37.16draculadidn't know it was that bad
21:35.51*** join/#wowroster Khue (n=khue@
21:35.55Khueoh neat
21:36.13Khueonce again... freenode has all the useful channels
21:39.54Anaxenthaha yes
21:48.06*** join/#wowroster phoebus (n=phoebus@
22:26.22draculaso, did you pick Scryers or Aldor?  ;)
23:33.36*** join/#wowroster Matt_Miller (
23:33.36*** mode/#wowroster [+o Matt_Miller] by ChanServ
23:45.14Anaxenthey hows it going Matt_Miller
23:45.39Matt_Millerim working on the post commit hooks for our svn repositories
23:47.39AnaxentI was going to ask about that
23:48.48Anaxentnice work here
23:49.00Anaxentwe could easly add this to a reader
23:49.05Matt_Milleryes :)
23:52.32Anaxentwell I tried to cicks and giggles to add it to wowroster site for dev view only no luck
23:52.39AnaxentThere seems to be a problem with the URL for this RSS feed
23:52.48Matt_Millerits not an rss
23:52.52Matt_Millerits a raw xml file
23:53.14Matt_Millerdetailing the commit i specified (the latest commit) when i get the hook to work
23:54.10Anaxentvery close
23:59.11AnaxentSo Matt I never did start over on a new server yet
23:59.27Anaxentbut I transfered my toons to Alaxstrzsa
23:59.49Matt_Milleri got the expansion its awesome
23:59.51Anaxentyou are more than welcome to come on over tot his server
23:59.54Anaxentyes it is

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