irclog2html for #wowroster on 20070117

01:05.42Zanixeveryone playing wow?
01:13.53ZanixAnaxent, are you there?
01:14.07ZanixI see you in the forums
01:58.20*** join/#wowroster Satis (n=Satis@
01:58.37*** part/#wowroster Satis (n=Satis@
02:01.54*** join/#wowroster Guest184 (i=CPGGuest@
02:02.14*** part/#wowroster Guest184 (i=CPGGuest@
02:09.57Anaxentyes im here
02:10.00Anaxentwas eating dinner
02:10.05AnaxentWhats up Zanix
02:10.13Zanixnot much
02:10.16AnaxentI need to get rosterdf released to everyone
02:10.20Zanixthinking aobut pushing 1.7.3
02:10.25Anaxentah whatch think of BC
02:10.50Zanixroster df is up to date with roster in the svn
02:10.50Anaxenteveryone is waiting for the new updates
02:10.50Zanixeven the edited bank bags
02:10.53Zanixwell, bank contents actually
02:10.53Anaxentoh really cool
02:11.02Zanixyeah, check it out, then check it out
02:11.13Zanixill just show ya
02:11.22Anaxentwhat are we going to do about the addon.php
02:12.29Zanixso if we release 1.7.3, roster df will be 1.7.3 as well
02:12.40Anaxentim going to add if is_user() and if is_admin() to the bank and bags
02:13.03Zanixbut add it to the config part
02:13.24Zanixill show you what i mean in a bit
02:13.24Anaxent...ah so the admin could say turn it on or off?
02:13.28Anaxentok cool
02:13.37Zanixexactly right
02:14.00Zanixim making images for siggen right now
02:16.06Anaxentwhat about a trigger that would check dg groups table and create a new group if it is not there and then add all the users to it via rank
02:16.21Zanixuh, k
02:16.42ZanixI dunno how DF adds groups, but it could be done
02:22.10AnaxentI will try to find out how it adds groups
02:22.23Anaxentbut I know if is_group() function works
02:36.54*** join/#wowroster Guest692 (
02:37.38Anaxentwhats going on Machenna
02:37.47MachennaWhat's up?
02:37.48Anaxenthow was work today
02:37.55MachennaIt was work
02:38.01Anaxentit always is
02:38.26MachennaHow was BC?
02:38.32Anaxentit has been fun
02:38.51Anaxentstill not feeling all that great so I didn't play to much
02:39.03Anaxentwent to bed right after i installed it last night
02:39.16Anaxentbut i did make a shaman he is lv 7 now
02:39.39AnaxentI need to make him some big bags he is a miner/gem
02:40.57AnaxentZanix this is the admin/group.php
02:42.00MachennaWhat server?
02:42.42AnaxentAlexstrasza (PvE)
02:43.00AnaxentRita is the guild leader of Secret Order on that server
02:43.01MachennaI didn't pick up BC just because I was beat and didn't want to have to stop 3 places just to find it, but I think I'm going to abandon the toon i was playing with Duane and just pop over there
02:43.22Zanixanyone play the frFR or deDE client in here?
02:43.39MachennaDidn't know that Rita actualy played
02:45.58MachennaI'm thinking I'm gonna start a character tonight and level a bit.
03:06.52*** join/#wowroster Guest655 (
03:08.30Zanixim sorry
03:12.00Anaxentholy shit man..... Machenna
03:12.57Anaxentaperantly we have way too much porn going into our forums where our moderators are so tired that we do nt upgrade that they will quit
03:16.17MachennaYou are talking about mel and pb right?
03:17.41Anaxentyep all of them
03:18.13Anaxentalex and brian
03:18.50Anaxentman al it needs is an upgrade
03:19.05Anaxentshit I could do that but no access
03:19.14Anaxentfriday Ill do something
03:20.54MachennaYou're going to be getting it handed off to you
03:21.10MachennaThen you can do the upgrade
03:23.02MachennaI'm serious
03:23.02MachennaBut I didn't tell you that
03:23.02MachennaJust didn't want you to be the last one to know this time ;)
03:23.02MachennaI was just talking to Duane on the phone when you said that.
03:23.22MachennaOk... off to decide on a toon and get a couple levels before bed.
03:24.25Anaxentthx man
03:25.01Anaxentand u should get bc for a new char
03:25.22Anaxentgoto walmart they will have it
03:25.59MachennaLOL only I've got to wait for 179 other people who had the same idea
03:25.59MachennaI know...
03:25.59MachennaWonder if I can pick it up anywhere close rightnow
03:26.21AnaxentI went last night and got it np
03:26.32MachennaI'll be back
03:52.10*** join/#wowroster Guest009 (
04:00.43draculajust before server restart
04:26.49draculaso any of you been playing the new content yet?
04:27.03draculaeither Outland, or the new race
04:33.38Anaxentyes i have done both
04:33.54Zanixbeen too busy to play
04:34.03Zanixwith siggen and roster needing updates
04:34.17Zanixim making new images for siggen right now
04:45.00Zanixill brb
05:03.09draculaah, the bloodelf en dranei stuff :)
05:05.48draculaoh I should increase the roster level cap
05:09.10draculahmm, it's only in the siggen settings
05:10.25dracula    check the xp bar for Edgewalker
05:44.43draculaoff to bed, before sun comes up
06:02.42Zanixim back
07:25.07*** join/#wowroster Orphis (
07:25.10ZanixAnaxent, you still around?
12:08.18*** join/#wowroster [Beercow] (
13:33.51*** join/#wowroster [Beercow] (
15:47.53*** join/#wowroster Harshmage (
16:36.11*** join/#wowroster smaug77 (n=jbascom@
16:37.31smaug77quick question...
16:37.57Harshmagewow, that was quick
16:40.27smaug77My char's jewelcrafting isn't updating on the site
16:40.32smaug77it's stuck at 220
16:40.41smaug77on my char it's 271 i think..
16:40.56smaug77I tried purging the cp for the char
16:41.01smaug77same exact setup
16:41.18Harshmagehave you physically deleted the CP savedvariable file?
16:41.21smaug77I need to see if I can track down an error while uploading...
16:41.33smaug77no, did a /cp purge char
16:42.06smaug77I'll try that... one sec.
17:03.29smaug77got sidetracked by new siggen :)
17:09.49*** join/#wowroster Guest268 (n=Guest@
17:09.58Guest268can anyone help me with siggen
17:11.20Harshmagenot really, but go on and ask a question
17:12.11Guest268its not working on my server
17:22.04Anaxenthuh? we would need a little bit more info to figure this one out Guest268
17:30.46smaug77ok, uploading now
17:31.38smaug77update with no errors on roster.. checking data
17:32.23smaug77that fixed it
17:32.31smaug77i disabled all addons as well
17:32.36smaug77I wonder what's conflicting
17:36.56*** part/#wowroster smaug77 (n=jbascom@
18:37.56*** join/#wowroster [Beercow] (
19:39.50*** join/#wowroster Marticus_ (
20:20.34*** join/#wowroster Pheratral (
20:43.04*** join/#wowroster pyrran (
21:02.34*** join/#wowroster marticus-boss (
21:02.43marticus-bosshi marticus!!!
21:03.06marticus-bossworking hard?
21:03.53marticus-bossseeing pink elephants
21:04.49marticus-bosswhat's wrong?  
21:38.37*** join/#wowroster ds001 (
22:05.34*** join/#wowroster ds001 (
22:26.21*** join/#wowroster Mathos (
22:26.21*** mode/#wowroster [+o Mathos] by ChanServ
22:26.54MathosYo Peeps
22:33.53*** join/#wowroster marticus-boss (
23:34.35*** join/#wowroster Harshmage00 (
23:39.54MathosNN everyone
23:46.43*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
23:46.44*** mode/#wowroster [+o Anaxent] by ChanServ

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