irclog2html for #wowroster on 20061223

00:00.21draculawe didn't do well  :s
00:00.55draculaone hunter had its pet on aggressive in Buru's room and it attacked an egg when we jumped in
00:01.50draculaI find the boss fights in AQ quite enjoyable though
00:03.04Anaxyes aq is fun for me as well as long as everyone has there shit together
00:03.11Anaxlike your hunter you talk about
00:04.13draculayeah, we wiped 2 times on Buru, and the 3rd time we killed him, but still wiped on the remaining adds :)
00:33.42Anaxthere are some nice drops there as well imo
00:46.53*** join/#wowroster PleegWat_ (
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00:48.57AnaxPleegWat, you ok?
00:49.00*** join/#wowroster PleegWat_ (
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00:49.07Anaxi wonder...
00:58.26AnaxPleegWat, Welcome back i bet your already asleep though
00:58.37Anaxim so bored today
01:30.03Anaxwell guys im heading home now
01:30.24Anaxill log back in when I get there after the beer gets open ofcoarse
01:53.27Anaxentyo whats up
02:09.26Anaxentjust got home had to leave early
02:09.26Anaxentnothing going on there that they needed me to stay for
02:14.52draculawhat country you live in anax?
02:15.00Anaxentso Chris|AFK how close are you to being done with works project
02:15.06draculaah ok
02:15.45Anaxentrained here today, i havn't seen rain in ages it seems
02:16.19Anaxentand you dracula?
02:16.21Chris|AFKchris, do you mean the packaged version?
02:16.25Chris|AFKits basicaly done
02:16.30Chris|AFKjust a matter of uploading it
02:16.37Anaxentnah work, sundays timeline
02:16.40draculaI have seen rain last week ;)
02:16.50Chris|AFKthat project
02:16.59Chris|AFKi got more then 1 cant you tell
02:17.03Chris|AFKeven got multiple at work
02:17.06Anaxentdon't tell me you havn;t touched it today...
02:17.14Chris|AFKi did a lil
02:17.21Chris|AFKactualy tweaked my server
02:17.32Chris|AFKbeen meaning to hack at apache for a while
02:17.36Chris|AFKmade some mod_security rules
02:17.53Chris|AFKtweaked performance
02:18.04Anaxentah cool I hate mod_security in many ways but then again you have to love it
02:18.13Chris|AFKlots of vmstat today lol
02:18.24Chris|AFK1 window for vmstat.. 1 for bash
02:18.39Chris|AFKtrying to get my poor servers load down
02:18.44Chris|AFKi need a better box
02:18.51AnaxentI need to put me together a new freebsd box at home and do them tests for admin
02:18.57Chris|AFKmy loads always is under 10
02:19.02Chris|AFKbut, memory spikes bad
02:19.08Chris|AFKand when it hits swap apache chokes
02:19.28Chris|AFKmy.cnf got tweaked hard today too
02:19.32Anaxentwith a load of 10 whats using all your mem
02:19.39Anaxentah how much you have in it
02:19.40Chris|AFKmysqld and apache
02:19.52Chris|AFKmy server during the day has 2 request a second
02:20.04Chris|AFKdoesn't sound like a lot.. but
02:20.19Chris|AFKit's a shitty server AND some of those connections take a while to close
02:20.30Anaxentright I see what you are saying
02:20.45Chris|AFKand alot of them contain a good amount of data
02:20.48Chris|AFKcause notes and crap
02:20.52Chris|AFKmainly POST requests
02:20.53Anaxentim sure
02:21.06Chris|AFKit's funny cause it just shows how crap that box is
02:21.16Anaxentis what duane is working on reside on your box at home our one of our dedis
02:21.26Chris|AFKI've worked on a project with someone who averaged 60 requests a second in peak hours
02:22.00Chris|AFKwe made a lightweight mvc similar to cpframework to run it
02:22.05Anaxentare you looking to get a dev or admin job or just stay put where you are at
02:22.06Chris|AFKran off a single server just fine
02:22.18Chris|AFKwell, I move to dev on the 17th so i hear
02:22.28Anaxentoh really grats man
02:22.31Chris|AFKI like my job.. but ill see how dev is
02:23.07Chris|AFKi dont know if i can type code for 8 hours a day
02:23.07Anaxentah with my uper managment my job is getting a bit stressful even if its only 4 days aweek
02:23.24Chris|AFKi hear ya
02:23.25Anaxentwell thats the thing you will have deadlines
02:23.40Chris|AFKTodd's a great guy, and sultan is just the man
02:23.49Chris|AFKso it's going to be a good learning experience
02:24.01Anaxentand typing code for 8hrs aday...could be tough or atleast make it a job rather then hobbie/fun
02:24.25Chris|AFKya word
02:24.42Chris|AFKTHe biggest obstacle will be coding on a team
02:24.46Anaxentthen again the new things you will learn
02:24.51Anaxentwith them 2 at the helm
02:25.03Chris|AFKI've been apart of several projects, but I was the head developer for all of them
02:25.08Anaxentyes you are not just one man anymore
02:25.10Chris|AFKhaven't had to report or bow down to someone before
02:25.26Anaxentah you are coming fromthat
02:25.31Chris|AFKGetting a practice into my head that im against is... hard
02:26.10Chris|AFKill have to change that to
02:27.06Chris|AFKBut ya, im kinda excited, but i havent discussed anything with sultan or todd about it
02:27.13Chris|AFKIt was told to me by my boss directly
02:27.34Anaxentid be talking to them
02:27.43Chris|AFKBasicaly bro, my site has caused major friction
02:27.46Anaxentto get a better grip of the transition
02:28.10Chris|AFKSo sultan sat down with eric about a month or two ago and said we want stockton under our dept.
02:28.17Chris|AFKand, eric said F-OFF
02:28.23Chris|AFKso they tried to shut my server down
02:28.24Anaxenti bet as they are set in there own ways
02:28.30Anaxentoh they want full control
02:28.31Chris|AFKthen thomas said F-OFF it stays on
02:28.49Chris|AFKso now sultan and todd say F-OFFhe needs to come to dev
02:29.13Anaxentsound like it will be fun
02:29.19Chris|AFKand they told eric ill be dedicated to building tools like i am now
02:29.29Chris|AFKbut... i have a feeling my priorities will change
02:29.34Anaxentbut not on what yoiu are doing now
02:29.46Chris|AFKWe have alot of things coming up
02:29.54Chris|AFKthe new ticket system, billing db.. all kinds of crap
02:29.57Anaxentyes i have heard about some of them
02:30.09Anaxentall the branding issues and all as well
02:30.16Chris|AFKif they see the light of php and realize it's a solid language
02:30.25Chris|AFKill be a very busy guy
02:30.34Anaxenti hope
02:30.35Chris|AFKbut slightly more happy
02:30.39Anaxentas it is a great language
02:30.48Chris|AFKi dont want to wind up writing vdeck crap
02:30.56Chris|AFKperl is so shitty
02:31.00Chris|AFKawesome.. dont get me wrong
02:31.02Anaxentbut not looking good due to todd being on the board of java community and all
02:31.03Chris|AFKbut not for that
02:31.16Chris|AFKwhats todd?
02:31.18Anaxentthey don't like peral eaither
02:31.35Chris|AFKu being sarcastic or is he really on a damn comittee
02:31.43Chris|AFKcause dont get me started on java or sun
02:32.01Anaxenthe was the president of the java board here then made a new position so he could goto school and stay at the top of that board
02:32.37Chris|AFKjava applets and servlets and all that crap
02:32.37Anaxentdoa google search on his full name you will see his background and really is great to have him on our team
02:32.41Chris|AFKjust not into it
02:32.49Anaxententerprize shiznit
02:33.44Chris|AFKthe thing is
02:33.49Anaxenthim and sultan have a great background from what I have gathered and far rom what we are doing now
02:33.58Chris|AFKoh i know this
02:34.13Chris|AFKbut i just dont understand what makes java so powerfull, ive played with it
02:34.20Chris|AFKi compiled silly little java applets
02:34.24Anaxentand thomas is listening to them for the most of it
02:34.40Chris|AFKtried to get some java servlet pages going.. didnt get their yet
02:34.55Chris|AFKC++ thats something i like
02:35.04Anaxentthis  is all the .jsp language
02:35.23Chris|AFKjava servlet pages is jsp ya
02:35.31Chris|AFKit's compiled into byte code
02:35.38Chris|AFKstill read through a interputer
02:35.48Chris|AFKnot into machine code nor is asp
02:36.05Chris|AFKso all these people with their MIT computer science high horses are just silly sometimes lol
02:36.19Chris|AFKcompiled this and compiled that
02:37.37Chris|AFKbut funny ive thought about going to school for it
03:15.30Zanixbusy today
03:15.34Zanixhow is everyone
03:16.00Anaxentdoing good
03:16.23Anaxentmy morning was very busy but the rest was a breeze
03:20.33Anaxentstockten was just here a good 1/2 hr ago though
03:21.01ZanixI keep missing him
03:21.11Zanixand I haven't even got to look at the cpframework
03:21.22Anaxentyeah he is online in work chat I think though
03:21.27Anaxentah really
03:21.36Anaxenthe is getting a new version of it ready for us
03:21.49Anaxentbut what is online in PleegWat post is basiclly all of it
03:22.04Anaxenti think he is adding a few more classes for us though
03:23.03Zanixyeah, I have been trying to keep up with those conversations
03:23.14ZanixI trust that pleeg knows what we want
03:23.26Anaxentyes it seems tha he does
03:23.33AnaxentI can feel him think sometimes
03:23.43Zanixlol, that much power huh?
03:23.47Anaxentputting things together for us
03:23.57Anaxentlol yeah
03:24.31Anaxenti feel that he does have a decent understanding of the power of this framework
03:24.57Anaxentjust getting used to it from what we have been using meaning our ways of doing things
03:25.34ZanixI need to sit down with it and play around
03:26.33Anaxentyes you must
03:26.49Zanixen quick looks at it, and I like what I see
03:26.56ZanixI have taken quick
03:26.59Anaxentthe fact we can take most of roster now and make small classes of all the code and load anywhere on demand basicly
03:27.25Anaxentjust figuring out some of the core workings
03:27.31ZanixI need to figure out how we are going to handle addons then
03:27.38Zanixbut core first
03:27.38Anaxentwho will we incorperate uploading of luas
03:27.58Anaxentthe core is about handling addons
03:28.22Zanixlol, duh
03:28.48Zanixi think a single module that other modules/plug-ins register with for lua uploading would be good, kinda like in 1.8
03:29.25Anaxenti also see that 1.8 or the work for its direction can still work here
03:29.45Anaxentas you guys have been building it for this goal in many ways
03:29.58Zanixyeah, we have
03:30.01Anaxentits now we have more of a good starting point
03:30.20Zanixpleeg and I just made the decision to just start on 2
03:30.30Zanixand use 1.8 as learning material
03:30.42Anaxentbuilding the framework yes we would have known it start to finish using someone else we have to learnin it
03:30.48Zanixas well as the current 2.0 material
03:30.53Zanixsince that has smarty code in it
03:31.29ZanixIm so glad Chris is willing to do this for us
03:32.14Anaxentyes it is cool
03:32.34Anaxentand very open on our imput
03:32.55Anaxentgranted he will be releasing the framework to the public....
03:33.45Anaxentbut with very strict guide lines that we will be able to bypass on a few of them
03:34.21Anaxentso we have what he would call plugins and modules
03:34.44Anaxenti see this more as if they were blocks and modules in other terms
03:34.59Anaxentas blocks are 1 page modules can be more than one
03:35.29Anaxenthow do we break roster down in to these groups
03:35.41Anaxentbig question is admin cp and user auth
03:35.50Anaxentwhere is Silancer
03:35.56Anaxentits been along time
03:37.07Zanixyeah it has
03:37.16ZanixI dont understand his user auth system at all
03:38.51ZanixI dont wanna deal with this
03:39.04Zanixthe wowamp or ampwow site
03:39.20Zanixusing our beta code, even though it is forbidden to do so
03:39.43Anaxentwhos auth? deal with the wowamp shiznit?
03:39.50Anaxentyeah really
03:40.06Anaxentbeta code, removing of all credits....
03:40.10Anaxentneed i say more
03:41.52Anaxenthe had explained the auth system earlier and it made sence and seemed like it owuld be easy to add groups
03:42.35Anaxentdamn my cpu is not keeping a log file of chat I can only see so many lines up
03:43.11Anaxentand dudes offline otherwize id ask him to come back in
03:44.25Zanixi ment silencer's
03:45.06AnaxentI have not seen it yet my self
03:45.28Zanixits in Roster2
03:45.31Zanixin the SVN
03:46.05Zanixhe said that you should just be able to add one file and it can merge with a cms's auth
03:46.52Anaxenti can see that as login.php is one file that was changed to match df
03:47.55Zanixin R2 in the SVN?
03:47.57Anaxentnah from what you just said
03:48.07Anaxenti havnt seen r2 code yet
03:48.24AnaxentI should really grab it though
03:48.46AnaxentI want to be a big part in designing the next gen roster with all of you guys
03:49.23Anaxent1.7.2 will be the last port you will see me do im thinking as we move forward
03:51.24Zanixno problem
03:51.45Anaxentgrabbing them now
03:52.02Zanixthere is some good stuff there, like the cahracter pages
03:52.08Zanixi will be reusing alot of that
03:52.15Zanixand some of warlas code as well
03:52.29Zanixespecially the design and look
03:52.46Anaxentyes it really does look nice
03:53.36Anaxentso with addons and themes...
03:54.02Anaxentwould there be away to unpak .zip .tar after uploaded?
03:55.06Anaxentman i love svn download speeds
03:55.25Zanixyeah, definatly
03:55.34ZanixI can use the code from UniAdmin to do that
03:55.51Zanixit only does zip, but I can find a different lib
03:55.55Anaxentwas talking to pleeg about addons
03:55.58Zanixto handle others
03:56.01Anaxentsay on server side
03:56.20Zanixi hope pleeg logs in tonight
03:56.27ZanixI wanna package up a RC1
03:56.33Anaxentif we were to make avaliable all roster approved addons we could auto install them to users dirs
03:57.17Anaxentbut if the user had the ability to package up there addons/themes and install that way would be great
03:57.38Anaxenti would think tar would be better then we could probably do a file check before unpak
03:58.29Zanixyeah, I wanna build in zip uploading for themes, addons, interface imagepacks
03:59.14Anaxenttar -tzf is the command to list contents of tars in ssh
03:59.27Anaxentthen we could make sure there is atleast this and this file
04:00.49Zanixthat would work well
04:00.55Anaxentsee im i kind of in awe... where do i start
04:01.13Zanixthe zip lib that UniAdmin uses can do that as well, just list files in the archive
04:01.38ZanixI would do that instead of extracting everything, but UniAdmin needs md5 hashes of every file
04:01.47Anaxentit feels like there needs to be some core things finished first before we can really dive in and most of it is going to be talk to see what way we want to go
04:01.49Zanixand the zip lib doesnt do that when listing
04:02.51Anaxentthe md5 hash is a good idea to make sure nothing has changed and all is well
04:03.33Anaxentand needed in ua/uu to compaire right?
04:04.05Zanixfor chcking if UniAdmin has a newer version of an addon
04:04.13Zanixthen UniUploader grabs the zip file
04:04.24Anaxentthats what i thought yeah
04:04.42Zanixhmm, seems that calvins images suck....
04:05.02Anaxentthere was a guy i sw on the forums that made nice images
04:05.10Zanixyeah, looking for that now
04:05.20ZanixI need to get them in the SVN
04:05.27Zanixand generate a download
04:05.36Anaxenttime restraints can hold people back from major ichievments
04:06.15Anaxentthat should be in a hallmark card for sorry i was late type of card
04:07.05Zanixvery nice
04:10.54ZanixI have to pick up my GF in 30 minutes
04:12.44Anaxentyeah mine should be home soon
04:14.00ZanixNet Balance:  $285.08
04:14.07Zanix23rd Dhovin $50.00
04:14.34Zanixwe're going to have a nice surplus for january when no-one has money to donate, lol
04:16.25Anaxentlol yeah
04:17.04Anaxentthen if Flukes builds this .dll where we could get addons right from there will have a field day
04:24.28Zanixit shall be glorious, lol
04:27.35Anaxentso silencer is using liveuser as a auth pear auth framework
04:30.05Anaxentliveuser seems to be setup for php5
04:30.30Anaxentbut yeah ur right its a bit confusing or atleast to me
05:06.27*** join/#wowroster PleegWat ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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09:30.15Zanixwell, I guess I better update the Interface Iconpack download
10:02.57ZanixPleegWat: are you around?
10:18.09PleegWatHi, I'm in but I'm reading the backlogs first
10:28.08PleegWatso what's up
10:28.12Zanixsorry I haven't been available recently
10:28.19Zanixa whole bunch of crap
10:28.25PleegWatwow big donation again
10:31.21Zanixso when everyone is broke in januaray, we will be ok
10:38.45ZanixI havnt got a chance to look over cpframework as of yet
10:38.56PleegWatyeah, you've said
10:39.35PleegWatThere's not much actual interesting functionality in there, but th ideas are excellent
10:40.10PleegWats/ th / the /
10:42.29Zanixwell, from what I have read of your conversations, it seems like you got a good hold of what we can do
10:42.55Zanixand once I get time to actually sit down and really look at it and how it is doing what it is doing
10:43.08ZanixI may be able to insert some opinion
10:43.44PleegWatThe more I think about it the more I like the idea to store non-volatile framework data in PHP-parsable files
10:44.19Zanixsuch as?
10:44.35Zanixconfig pages?
10:45.09Zanixi admit that the config pages in Roster was more of a toy than a good way to accomplish the task
10:45.22PleegWatWell, I'm talking storage not GUI
10:45.35Zanixthe config table should just be setting -> value
10:45.38PleegWatThe way the roster config table was set up was nice for the idea
10:45.51Zanixyeah, very easy to implement with files as well
10:46.02PleegWatAnd you should have it like that, probably. You can't have the settings there and the config type hardcoded.
10:46.04Zanixand easier to update, updating SQL is kind of a pain
10:46.33Zanixwell, im my opinion, the config type should be in a file
10:46.38PleegWatMy idea is having a php file with entries like
10:46.45PleegWat# form_type and other config metadata
10:46.56PleegWat$roster_conf['keyname'] = setting;
10:47.09PleegWatOr whatever the config will be stored in
10:47.18Zanixid like this way
10:47.21PleegWatThen when loading the config it'll do to just include the file
10:47.49PleegWatWhen actually changing it, the file can be parsed so the metadata is also pulled
10:47.51Zanixthen addons or modules can have their own array
10:48.44Zanixi think dragonfly does it this way
10:48.47PleegWatWhen writing the changes you need to be able to edit the file, or you could create a new one that can be uploaded (though that would be some hassle)
10:49.04PleegWatAnd it allows for manual config changes if needed
10:49.12Zanixyeah, we could use a cache folder so the user only sets one folder writable
10:51.00PleegWatBesides I think it'd be cpMain::$instances['config']->config['module']['key']
10:51.24PleegWator cpMain::$instances['config']->fetch('module','key')
10:52.54Zanixyou would know better than I, lol
10:53.16ZanixI trust you when talking this over with chris
10:53.30Zanixeverything I read is good with me
10:57.56PleegWatWell, there's a couple of ideas of stuff we need in a thread in the R2 forums. If there's one in there that you like, you're welcome to take it up.
10:58.27PleegWatMe doing the bottom and you the top worked fine for the addon installer in 1.8, and I'm fine with doing it like that again, but I think you need more of an idea what the bottom will look like before starting that
10:58.59Zanixvery true
10:59.13Zanixand to be honest, we need more than just you and me
10:59.30Zanixand also, I would like a new name...
10:59.44Zanixbecause we can just call this WoWRoster anymore
11:00.10PleegWatDunno. WoWRoster works for me
11:00.17PleegWatOr R2
11:00.51ZanixR2 could work
11:00.57Zanixno meaning, just R2
11:01.02ZanixR2 CMS
11:01.11PleegWatI'm not one for complicated naming. I'm bad at thinking up names
11:01.22Zanix<< same here
11:02.05PleegWatI'm fine if you set up a naming contest but I'm not gonna judge the entries, I'll stick with yelling at the judges if they end up with a name I don't like
11:02.58Zanixhehe, the way it should be =P
11:04.15Zanixby the way, what do you say to getting RC1 out this weekend?
11:04.22PleegWatfine with me
11:04.33Zanixkind of like a christmas present
11:04.39PleegWatWe're not getting any more bugreports on beta2
11:04.58Zanixnope, just the realmstatus thing that one guy is having problems with
11:05.02PleegWatAnd so few bugreports on beta2 anyway that there's unlikely to be any left in
11:05.07Zanixand I think its his server
11:05.22Zanixdid you see my last update?
11:05.24PleegWatDunno bout realmstatus. I'm europe and that's broke on blizz side
11:05.40Zanixyeah, but his a US server
11:05.45PleegWatMy local repository for SVN isn't up to date
11:05.45Zanixon the xml feed
11:05.54Zanixi was kinda board on that last one
11:06.59Zanixim not sure if I got the french translation in for the two new config options
11:09.15Zanixdo we still want a dummy file for admin/update.php?
11:09.45Zanixoh and the update times
11:09.49Zanixi forgot about that
11:15.02ZanixI think I fixed that error just now
11:15.21PleegWatwhere the memberlog date is a day oiff?
11:15.21Zanixthe time we got for updates was only based on hour minutes, not a full date/time
11:15.56Zanixit converts the time that is in GuildProfiler
11:15.57Zanix["timestamp"] = {
11:15.57Zanix["Members"] = 1166585791,
11:15.57Zanix["init"] = {
11:15.57Zanix["TimeStamp"] = 1166585791,
11:15.57Zanix["Date"] = "2006-12-19 20:36:31",
11:15.59Zanix["ServerTime"] = "20:35",
11:16.01Zanix["DateUTC"] = "2006-12-20 03:36:31",
11:16.12Zanixit was using this     ["ServerTime"] = "20:35",
11:16.21Zanixand that is not a full qualified date
11:16.26PleegWatNeed to go off for lunch
11:16.30Zanixi changed it to    ["TimeStamp"] = 1166585791,
11:16.36Zanixok, see you in a few
11:16.40Zanixill be here
11:42.08Zanixok, commited
11:50.07Zanixand stuff
11:50.18ZanixIm making a download of the interface imagepack
11:50.31Zanixand updating the SVN  with it
11:50.41PleegWatWhich one you using? Calvin's?
11:51.41Zanixno, the ones in the beta forum are better qaulity
11:52.05PleegWatCalvin's weren't too high quality this time
11:52.25Zanixmaybe he was in a rush
11:53.23PleegWatWhen will we put the framework in SVN, when the final version is out?
11:55.01Zanixyeah, I would say that is best
11:56.04Zanix733 new icons
11:56.23PleegWat10-15 new talents per class
11:56.28PleegWatLoad of new spells
11:56.45PleegWatIcons for all of the new TBC gear, probably
11:56.57Zanixmost likely
11:59.07Zanixso will we have to change the credits now?
11:59.14Zanixsince we are not using calvin's images?
11:59.39PleegWatWe use calvin's profiler
11:59.43PleegWatAnd we don't bundle the images
12:00.04Zanixwe do have the icons specifically in the credits
12:01.00PleegWatmight wanna fix that then, just mention the profiler
12:01.23ZanixI trying to ake your advice, commit after each fix
12:04.39Zanixand original dev links point to non-existant sites now
12:05.12Zanixcept rubic and konkers
12:05.27PleegWatKeep them for 1.7.2
12:05.42PleegWatAnd forget about original dev links altogether for R2
12:08.14Zanixwont need them
12:08.22Zanixsince we are re-writing
12:08.31Zanixhows this
12:08.40Zanixim updating the credits
12:09.16Zanixwe should remove the beta team
12:09.27Zanixsince we are doing public betas now
12:09.35PleegWatMove the javascript library block there
12:12.14ZanixI really wanted to add that extra for anthony
12:13.14Zanixmaybe not the we will miss you
12:13.22Zanixim getting al sentimental
12:14.41Zanixdid you know that this used to be called mordon Roster?
12:14.49Zanixa little trivia
12:15.06PleegWatI didn't
12:15.17Zanixyep, mordon coded this before 1.04
12:15.26Zanix1.04 was me and anthony
12:15.40Zanixerrm, anthony and me
12:16.52Zanixim trying to add little things to the inactive side
12:17.21Zanixoo, gotta move shinx over too
12:17.33Zanixh etold me that he doesnt have tim e for us anymore
12:18.47PleegWatdidn't want to mention him. Haven't seen him lately but didn't know if he's still active
12:19.02Zanixmaybe I should just put inactive then
12:19.18ZanixI dont have official word form him
12:19.40Zanixseleleth pops in once in awhile
12:19.47PleegWatKeep him in for 1.7.2, and start clean on R2
12:20.00Zanixand I havent seen silencer-ch-au for some tim eeither
12:20.58Zanixwe have eqdkp listed twice
12:21.04Zanixdo we need both?
12:21.14Zanixin the purple table and again below the tables
12:21.30PleegWatI think we can drop the one below
12:21.40PleegWatdamn wait
12:21.44PleegWatthat's the license mention
12:21.55Zanixah, ok
12:22.34Zanixthat makes sense
12:24.39Zanixso ,that look ok to you?
12:25.13PleegWatfine with me
12:26.15Zanixill commit when the icons are done
12:34.34Zanixjust a note about the icons
12:34.42Zanixthe buttons folder is gone now
12:34.59Zanixbecause of the way that calvin does the icon textures now
12:35.03Zanixwithout the full path
12:39.05Zanixoh well
12:39.17Zanixthis is just fine
12:39.29Zanixman, icons take forever
12:57.37Zanix...still uploading
12:57.56PleegWatwhich ones you upping, 40x40?
12:58.22Zanixthose look the best in roster
12:58.37Zanixand offer best quality vs file size ratio
13:23.36Zanixok, its up
13:25.41Zanixupdating download
13:31.26PleegWatUpdating SVN now
13:32.47Zanixthat took forever
13:33.01Zanixim soooo tired now
13:43.13Zanixwiki updated
13:44.58Zanixdamn, I cant do this
13:45.01ZanixI need to sleep
13:45.37ZanixRC1 tomorrow, unless you want to package it up with the file and amke a new post in the beta forum with the changes from svn 351
13:46.00Zanixmy head is coming close to hitting my keyboard
14:38.28[PUPPETS]Gonzoany chance for a new beta / rc / release of 1.72 before christmas? :)
14:39.11PleegWatRead up 3 lines
14:40.34[PUPPETS]GonzoI am very sorry
14:41.01[PUPPETS]Gonzoi read nearly the whole page up, but my brain seems to have shutdown just 3 lines before end :)
15:24.01Anaxent[PUPPETS]Gonzo, <Zanix> RC1 tomorrow, unless you want to package it up with the file and amke a new post in the beta forum with the changes from svn 351
15:24.01Anaxent<Zanix> my head is coming close to hitting my keyboard
15:24.19PleegWathi anax
15:24.19Anaxentgood moning
15:30.07Anaxentalmost rdy for work, i think i need to pick up some coffee first thoough
16:28.22*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
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17:46.10AnaxentPleegWat, r u there
17:46.45Anaxentim looking at this filing system comparing it to r2 and cms apps
17:47.11Anaxentand trying to get an idea on how we would be putting everything together
18:49.04*** join/#wowroster Guest867 (
18:49.41Guest867:banana huhu
19:00.40PleegWatWell, addons could become modules or plugins
19:01.11PleegWatCentral roster should use classes where that's plausible to reduce duplicate code in addons
19:01.31PleegWatHaven't checked, but are the template files in a module subdir or in a smarty subdir?
19:03.43Anaxentcurrent file system
19:04.14Anaxentthose are all the folders that make up the framework
19:04.37Anaxentthere is a template dir that would hold the templates for main and each module/plugin
19:05.31PleegWatThat's nice for how the framework was designed
19:06.04PleegWatBut to have the addon system work comfortably, it'd be better to have the templates in the module/plugin directory
19:06.23PleegWatSame with language files
19:06.52Anaxentwouldn't the addons and plugins just output to the .tpl files based of the user default theme
19:06.55PleegWatOTOH we could have 3rd party classes too, and we could construct a module installer that accepts a zip file
19:07.13PleegWatSimple addons wouldn't need their own template
19:07.36PleegWatStuff like the members list could probably be done without its own template file
19:07.50Anaxentright but  then some of the more complex like dkp, event calendar would need there own themes
19:08.09PleegWatThey'd need their own template files to fit in with the main theme
19:08.15Anaxentor at least the base .tpl that the themese css would populate
19:08.33PleegWatAnd I think the framework enforces each plugin/module to have at least one template file
19:08.49Anaxentyes from what i can tell
19:09.17Anaxentso all devs would have to make atleast one template file which isn't a problem
19:09.21PleegWatYeah, it does.
19:09.40PleegWatThe plugin filename or the module folder+filename also determine the template filename
19:09.55PleegWatsry was behind a bit
19:11.07PleegWatAnyway I think we need some stuff like templates linked to classes. Stuff like the borders and such; those need to go into a format that they're usable in template files
19:11.22Anaxentyes you are right
19:12.00Anaxentopen/closetable() and open/closeborder() functions
19:12.53Anaxentit could be a good idea to check out other cms type apps to get an idea on how they do things what makes there way better and all
19:13.35PleegWatwell you're the expert there
19:13.54Anaxentlol yeah i suppose so
19:16.41Anaxentthis is how ive seen most apps function with there theme dir
19:16.45Anaxentor file system wise
19:17.29Anaxentin the theme.php is where all the open/close functions are stored
19:17.51Anaxentand the header/footer.tpl is with in the template dir
19:18.11Anaxentwith each of the modules/plugins templete files in there own dir
19:18.43PleegWatNot sure if smarty supports actual open/close functions or only file inclusion
19:19.22PleegWat OK it supports functions
19:21.31Zanix|awayyes, it does
19:21.37PleegWathi zanix
19:21.47PleegWatHave you had your healthy 8 hours yet?
19:21.58Zanixmore like 6
19:22.03PleegWatnot even 6
19:22.13Zanixi kinda wooooozzzzy
19:22.15Anaxentgood morning sunshine
19:22.16PleegWat5:40 since you stopped chatting here
19:22.58Zanixyeah, you are right
19:23.06Zanixi actually went to sleep at 6:30
19:23.34Zanixso we can create a bordering function in smarty code
19:24.03Anaxentyes it seems that we can
19:24.20Anaxentso there for we could make more than just border functions
19:24.44Anaxentwe can make functions for all form actions like select, text, check box and such
19:25.44PleegWatAnd we can loop over arrays, so we can to stuff like the members list but also the config page via that
19:26.21Anaxentwhat do you mean about loop over arrays?
19:26.54PleegWatYou can assign an array as a template variable, and the template can do a foreach over that array
19:28.56ZanixI gotta go take GF to work
19:30.04PleegWatSo anyway, we can do template functions, foreach, if/elseif/else. Allows for quite some dynamics within a template.
19:38.30Anaxentyes for sure
19:49.17PleegWatAnyway zanix and I talked a bit about how to make config work
19:49.35Anaxentreally how did that come out
19:49.38PleegWatI think it might be a nice idea to write config to a php-parsable file for speed
19:49.59PleegWatThat's probably slower than DB for saving, but it's definitely faster for loading
19:50.07Anaxentyes we were talking about that as well the other day
19:50.21Anaxentloading is the key here though
19:50.39PleegWatSomething like $array['key'] = setting # metadata
19:50.43Anaxentand how much of the config would be saved in text form
19:50.55PleegWatWhere metadata is the form type and such
19:50.56Anaxentall of it or will there still be a db config
19:51.14PleegWatIf we can get it to work nicely I don't see a reason to stick to DB for config
19:51.40Anaxentand how will this effect addon config
19:51.59PleegWatDunno yet
19:52.06PleegWatSeperate file per module/addon prolly
19:52.40PleegWatWe're definitely gonna need a plugin to extract modules/plugins to all the right directories if we keep this up
19:54.07Anaxentyes plus this would in the support area
19:56.42PleegWatehm, what do you mean?
19:57.10Anaxentwould make things easier for our users to install addons and themes
19:57.17PleegWatah, ic
19:57.25Anaxentone upload that extracts its self in the correct areas
19:57.30*** join/#wowroster Matt_Miller (
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19:57.38AnaxentMatt_Miller, Welcome
19:57.40PleegWatI'd definitely want it to accept zip files on a web form yes
19:57.50Matt_Millerhi Anaxent and Pleegwat
19:58.42PleegWathi matt
19:58.43Anaxentusing UA code we can check the zip to make sure atleast these files are incuded befor eit installs
19:58.43Anaxentwhat do we have here
19:58.43Matt_Millerits not complete yet
19:58.43Matt_Millerthe svn is set up
19:58.49Matt_Millerand i have a link to the password file
19:59.09Matt_Millerso all i have to do is append a line to the file using php when someone "registers"
19:59.27Matt_Millereventually i want this to auto pack each addon and let people download em
19:59.42Matt_Millercomplete automation of the addon hosting :-)
19:59.58PleegWatis that for wow addons or roster addons
20:00.03Matt_Millerroster addons
20:00.18Matt_Milleri noticed you guys were talking about wow addons and UA i think i confused you lol
20:04.34Anaxentwb zanix
20:05.05Matt_Millerhi Zanix
20:07.20Zanixare you making something like ?
20:07.36Zanixbut a little more it seems
20:09.44PleegWatI think though it might be wise to offer the config stuff in a class and have the modules implement it for themselves.
20:10.20PleegWatAll the registration stuff in 1.8 made things too complicated I think
20:10.38Matt_Millerperhaps zanix
20:11.09Matt_Millerthe problem we will have with the addon repository is:  people can change each others addon subtrees
20:11.38PleegWatYeah, you'd need permissions per tree'
20:11.47Matt_Millertheres virtually no way around it withough that
20:12.12Zanixi wonder how wowace handles this
20:12.33Matt_Millerthere IS an alternative but it involves making system accounts for each author on our box
20:12.39Matt_Millerwhich is nasty
20:13.02Anaxentgranted it is nasty, but is there away for them to register system account that we would activate?
20:14.11Matt_Millerand also they have to use SSH
20:14.34Matt_Millerits just nasty
20:14.45Matt_Millerits not meant to be automated at all
20:15.20Matt_Millerwere just gonna have to tell the authors to keep backups of their addons "in case" something happens
20:15.22Anaxentno... don't look like it at all
20:15.35Anaxentlol backups
20:15.38Matt_Milleri dont think anyone would be malicious
20:15.41Matt_Millerlol right
20:15.44Zanixwell, you can rollback svn
20:16.26Anaxentis svn the best way to go about this idea Matt
20:16.39Matt_MillerI think so
20:16.47Anaxentor could a download module like wowroster is using work as well
20:16.51ZanixI would think so as well
20:17.14Matt_Milleras well maybe but who wants to code that
20:17.16Zanixthen addon devs could have a svn repo
20:17.21Matt_Milleri have 90% of this done
20:17.42Zanixanyway we could make this into a Df module for the site?
20:17.47*** join/#wowroster Chris|AFK (
20:17.50Anaxentright svn repo
20:17.58Anaxentoh im sure we could
20:18.12Anaxentim getting pretty good at understanding the df module system
20:18.16ZanixIm getitng all sorts of ideas
20:18.18Anaxentwhats up Chris|AFK
20:18.25PleegWathi chris
20:18.37Chris|AFKHows things coming along for yall
20:18.40Anaxentalmost everyones logged in today
20:19.09Chris|AFK: )
20:19.12Matt_Millerlmao cow tossing
20:19.13PleegWatDiscussing a bit over how to set up some stuff
20:19.21PleegWatConfig, module installing
20:19.52PleegWatI think we're going to do config with php-parsable files. Store the metadata (field type etc) in comments.
20:20.42Chris|AFKYou talking about like things seperate from core components
20:20.46Chris|AFKOr just all config
20:21.02PleegWatWell, config doesn't really have to be a core component
20:21.15Chris|AFKAnd does the user put in that information, or does it get generated by a script
20:21.16PleegWatIt would be a class, and quite essential to some of the functionality
20:21.35Chris|AFKpretty cool idea
20:21.42Chris|AFKI never thought about doing config stuff in comments
20:21.51Zanixhaving a lib for admin/user config pages
20:21.56PleegWat$array['key'] = setting # metadata
20:22.07PleegWatWhere the metadata is the field type, etc
20:22.08Chris|AFKI thouhgt you meant..
20:22.19Chris|AFKlike /** config stuff */
20:22.27PleegWatSo you could just run it through the php parser to get the config loaded
20:22.37Chris|AFKsounds good just gotta make sure no line breaks on metadata hehe
20:22.41PleegWatAnd you can parse it with a script if you need the metadata to build a config page
20:22.57Zanixwell we could do this then
20:23.05Zanix$array['key'] = setting /* metadata */
20:23.20Chris|AFKSound kewl
20:23.35PleegWatyeah, /* */ might be nicer than #
20:23.36Chris|AFKThis data; is it setup by the system, or user data?
20:23.59Chris|AFKLike, entered by a user
20:24.04PleegWatWell, the system (modules, plugins, possibly framework) decide what there is to configure
20:24.12PleegWatBut there'd need to be a user page to make the settings
20:24.28PleegWatMeaning we'd also need a function to write back changed settings
20:24.36Chris|AFKgotta just make sure you dont like unescape something and leave some config exposed i reckon
20:25.12Chris|AFKso what is metadata
20:25.22Chris|AFKlike, the settings for different methods?
20:25.36PleegWatThe metadata would say what kind of setting it is
20:25.48Zanixwhat type of form type to draw
20:25.58Chris|AFKahhh so just for forms
20:26.01PleegWatLike is it an edit box, or a couple of radio buttons, or a dropdown, or whatever
20:26.08Zanixyeah for the config page
20:26.18Chris|AFKDId ya'll know that smarty has plugins
20:26.41Chris|AFKmight wanna look around at it to, might have something that will save you time with form handling
20:26.43PleegWatFor normal page calls, you don't need the metadata but only the $array['key']=setting part
20:27.29Zanixlol, if I even get a wii, I have to get that gfame
20:28.40Zanixlol, two tupos
20:29.37Zanixlol, at 5min 30sec ->
20:31.10Zanixpooping bunnies
20:31.24Anaxentyou and your bunnies today
20:31.29Zanixyeah, I know
20:31.30Chris|AFKwierd looking game lol
20:31.43Zanixi have always liked rayman
20:32.12Matt_Milleri want to buy a wii just for that game lol
20:33.40ZanixWTF? -> "Issues with 1.7.2 and phpNuke 7.9"
20:34.05PleegWatWho's in charge of defending the license?
20:34.30ZanixI dunno
20:36.53Zanixdoes anyone want this job?
20:37.06PleegWatI don't
20:37.24Anaxentoff topic - Zanix i modded my site a bit more this morning my top center block can now show on any page not just the home page and i can set the blocks to only be visable on what modules I want them to be on
20:37.42Anaxentworse comes to worse ill take on the job
20:38.12Anaxentso now the guild msg of the day is shown on all pages
20:39.32Zanixcrap, I need to fix my car todya
20:40.17Matt_Millerthe ball fell
20:40.21Matt_Millerteh ball fell
20:40.28Matt_Millercrap, teh ball fell
20:42.09Zanixoooo   "CharacterProfiler/GuildProfiler 2.0.2 released"
20:42.51Zanixnice, RC1 gets help off until we make sure CharacterProfiler and GuildProfiler 2.0.2 works
20:57.05Anaxentso we were talking about user/group permissions yesterday, what came out of that do we have better pans now?
20:58.02AnaxentChris|AFK, you were saying it should be really easy to add right on tot he usertables that are included?
21:07.37Anaxentlooking great
21:11.18Zanixthis is how wowace controls their SVN
21:12.31Zanixthere are main trunk, tags, and branches folders
21:12.52Anaxentand they are also manually creating all theuser accounts
21:12.56Anaxentit seems
21:13.29Zanixi do like the organization though
21:13.48Matt_Milleri quiver at the word "manual"
21:15.44PleegWatDoing it manually is the only way to keep things secure though
21:16.54Matt_Millerlets see where this goes
21:17.02Zanixwell, is there some way we can capture registrations
21:17.07Zanixthen approve them?
21:17.17Matt_Millerthen if something gets rotten ill implement a "admin aprooval" process
21:19.47Zanixgot the honor points in
21:25.21Zanixdownloads page updated for CharacterProfiler and GP 2.0.2
21:31.53Matt_Millervery nice zanix
21:34.58Zanixnote about my commit for the honor points
21:35.06ZanixI removed the lifetimeCP field in the db
21:41.56Chris|AFKSorry was afk
21:42.29Anaxentyeah your username shows this Chris|AFK
21:42.43Anaxentman it is a slow day here
21:42.45Chris|AFKAnax, Yea, depending on the architecture of your permissions system.
21:42.57Anaxentat work that is
21:43.00Chris|AFKGroups, whatever it maybe called
21:50.42Zanixcommit in 5
21:55.16PleegWatheh lol
21:55.25Chris|AFKhave you guys decided if your using cpframework?
21:55.39PleegWatYeah, we are.
21:55.49Chris|AFKI have the new version
21:55.53Chris|AFKWith proper headers, and comments
21:57.21Zanixor wootsauce
21:57.26Zanixooo wootcakes!!!
21:57.33Zanixhmmm cakes.....
21:58.38PleegWatSo, tag the current R2 and wipe it for cpframework?
22:00.01Zanixgo for it
22:00.18PleegWatwhat should I tag it under
22:01.03PleegWatoriginal? legacy?
22:01.38Matt_Millerall done!
22:02.47Matt_Millerzanix can i make an announcement
22:03.03Matt_Millerwe can at least have people testing it right>
22:03.05Zanixi dunno what to call it "firstattempt"
22:03.14Matt_Millerlol yup
22:03.32Zanixso how is this going to work then matt?
22:03.46Matt_Millerauthors register a user/pass
22:03.54Matt_Millerand they use that to make their folder in the repos
22:04.08Matt_Millerand whoever wants to browse/download can without a user/pass
22:05.01Zanixdo we wanna "copy" anything from
22:05.07Zanixlike rules and such?
22:05.16Matt_Millerdid they say we can
22:05.30Zanixno, but I was asking if we want to?
22:05.38Chris|AFKyou guys wanna take a look?
22:05.41Matt_Milleri think we should use our own materials because its not hard to think of FAQ items
22:06.19Matt_Millernot the organization stuff
22:06.30PleegWatThere, old R2 out of the way
22:07.33PleegWatIf you've got the whole repository local it'll redownload it into tag, but I want to have it still available somewhere
22:07.48Matt_Milleri want to copy this
22:08.03Matt_Millerits CC 2.5 so were ok to copy it
22:08.27PleegWatChris|AFK, can you send me the new cpframework version?
22:08.53Chris|AFKgoign to make documentaiton in a few
22:08.54PleegWatlinks don't work
22:09.03PleegWatI get a html page with 'coming soon'
22:09.39Chris|AFKmod rewrite
22:09.40Chris|AFK1 sec
22:09.53Chris|AFKshould be good now
22:09.54PleegWatsuspected as much
22:10.41Chris|AFKlol hold on
22:11.01Chris|AFKadd release after cpframework for them all
22:11.30Chris|AFKthat wasnt a very smooth rollout
22:12.17Chris|AFKlet me know if their is errors in the packaged version
22:12.20Chris|AFKi honestly didnt check
22:12.29Zanixwhat is the difference between core and packaged?
22:12.36Chris|AFKcore has nadda
22:12.37Anaxentwell Chris you are going to be a great dev with them rool outs or atleast fit in here at sl
22:13.05Chris|AFKpackaged has users, templating, and language handling built in
22:13.11Chris|AFKcore, is just the bare bones
22:13.16Zanixok, I get it now
22:13.20Chris|AFKmethod handling/singleton
22:13.26Zanixpackaged is the one for us then?
22:13.28PleegWatThere, it's in SVN
22:13.42PleegWatInserted the packaged lua
22:13.50PleegWatWe can always kick out the stuff we don't need
22:13.52Chris|AFKYou guys probably wanted packed, then you can delete/change classes as you please
22:14.15PleegWatWe'll want to keep the templating at least
22:14.18Anaxentright that is what i was thinking go with packaged
22:14.20Zanixdefine("PATH_LOCAL", "C:/htdocs/myprojects/cpframework/current_core/");
22:14.31Chris|AFKim dev'n on windows
22:14.45Zanixi mean, why dont you use php to get that pathing
22:14.58Chris|AFKit's a config file = )
22:14.58PleegWatdefine("PATH_LOCAL", dirname(__FILE__));
22:15.42Zanixthat auto grabs the path, so no setting it
22:15.43Chris|AFKin all honesty because i believe that it should not have any logic/functions in it
22:15.46Chris|AFKya i know
22:15.53Zanixgood point
22:15.55Chris|AFKyou guys could add it in though
22:16.17Anaxentit would make it easier for our user base to add it in
22:16.20Zanixfor the release version yeah
22:16.24Chris|AFKReally if your auto generating the config file
22:16.27PleegWatWe're basically in a different situation
22:16.33Chris|AFKyou could make it write the path
22:16.50PleegWatPersonally I'd prefer to have the config file such that we can install the DB from the framework
22:17.04PleegWatThat's also why I'd like file-based config
22:17.34PleegWatMeans we can have the DB installer for the roster itself run from inside the framework, and use the same DB installer for the roster and the addons
22:17.50Zanixthats nice
22:19.02Anaxentdman - Character transfers are intended only between accounts which are registered to the same user.  You will be required to verify both accounts, and the last name on each account must match.  At this time it is not possible to bypass this restriction, even amongst friends and family.
22:19.10Chris|AFKyou could totaly do that by setting the db info to blank, and setting default method/plugin tot he installer
22:19.24Chris|AFKbut the only problem is the pathing config.. which with that function you can fix that
22:19.37Zanixand I usually redefine DIRECTORY_SEPERATOR as DIR_SEP
22:19.49Chris|AFKit's shorter
22:20.06Zanixlol, yeah only reason
22:20.11Zanixcuz I hate typing
22:20.14Chris|AFKIt's deprecated in smarty because of some standards discussion
22:20.17PleegWatIf we have a file-based config module, we don't need to store the DB info in the main config file at all
22:20.32Zanixhow so Chris?
22:20.35Chris|AFKso it was more clear it's representation
22:21.09Chris|AFKyou guys should totaly change things
22:21.14PleegWatThough I think apache accepts / as a directory seperator, even in windows
22:21.27Zanixi think php handles that
22:21.31Zanixor is supposed to
22:21.40ZanixI have seen it fail, on my server
22:21.50Zanixtrying to use / fails
22:21.55Zanixwhere \ works fine
22:22.07Zanixstupid windows
22:22.39Chris|AFKI prefer constants for anything sensitive myself
22:22.49Chris|AFKits all preferences :D
22:22.53Zanixsame here
22:22.55Chris|AFKbut let me know if ya guys have any problems
22:22.59Zanixso how does the locales work in this?
22:23.16PleegWatThe way I'd implement config it's read only anyway
22:23.24Zanixdoes it load them all or just the one specified?
22:23.32PleegWatprivate storage array with a get function
22:23.44PleegWatSo only the config module itself can change it
22:24.39Chris|AFKsounds sweet
22:24.54Chris|AFKa thousand ways to build roster... have fun lol
22:25.06Zanixok, i need to eat
22:25.09PleegWatIf we automate the pathing we should move it to index
22:25.20PleegWatThe default settings can be in config if we autoload taht
22:25.36PleegWatthat's the SYSTEM_DEFAULT_ defines
22:25.38Chris|AFKAFK guys, have fun :D
22:25.45PleegWatThink that means we can dump the config file altogether
22:25.52Anaxentok Chris|AFK thx
22:26.10Zanix|awaywe will let you know if we break it
22:26.24Anaxenthaha you said break it
22:27.36Zanix|awayill be back alter
22:29.13AnaxentChris|AFK, what about your ajax class you had made
22:29.22Anaxentare you adding that to the packaged version
22:36.39Matt_Millerim done with my initial cleanup, does anyone see any problems @
22:37.14PleegWatLooks good optically
22:37.19PleegWatNeeds some work on the contents
22:37.54Matt_Millerwhats wrong with them
22:38.07PleegWatLoad of specific wowace references
22:38.38Matt_Millerin the contents?
22:38.51PleegWatWell, I mean the entire text
22:39.03PleegWatSry that was bad english for a moment
22:39.14Matt_Millerits CC 2.5 licensed
22:39.25Matt_Millerill put the logo at the bottom
22:39.47Matt_Milleri copied the page and took out all the wowace stuff, where do you see wowace stuff
22:39.53Matt_Milleri cant even find the word ace...
22:40.22PleegWatlemme check better then
22:40.42PleegWatWell the first paragraph, the one with the exclamation mark, is specific to WIKI.
22:41.59PleegWatk sorry the rest is fine
22:42.38Matt_Millergood call
22:42.40Matt_Millerrefresh plz
22:43.20Anaxentlooks good
22:43.41AnaxentI read through it all and what u just fixed seems to be the last of ace stuff
22:43.49Anaxentfrom what I can tell
22:45.02Matt_Millerthanks for proofreading it guys
22:45.34Anaxentwell PleegWat was the only one with real proof that he read it
22:45.55Matt_Millerits ready for production
22:46.02Matt_Milleror at least semi production
22:46.16Matt_Millerwe can ease this into the community :)
22:55.30Anaxentso I know this is abit far off
22:55.47Anaxentbut what are we planning on doing about forum intergration
22:56.26Matt_Millerif i had time i would make our own forums but ive been working on a whole CMS for my work lol
22:57.05Anaxentdid you at one time start building a forum
22:57.23Matt_Milleri havent worked on it lateley
22:57.38Matt_Millersomeone can take over or scrap it cuz i wont be working on it anytime soon
22:57.39Anaxentdepending on how far along it is I wonder if it would work out for us here
22:57.53AnaxentI hear you there time is always against us
22:58.54PleegWatmeh, why would it be
22:59.11PleegWat1.7.2 is compatible with wow 2.0
22:59.24Matt_Millerit is?
22:59.36Matt_Millerwhen did this happen?!?!
22:59.58PleegWatCourse, we can't take a year or more to develop R2
23:00.22PleegWatBut I don't see any reason to stress ourselves to be done for the TBC release either
23:02.37PleegWatGoing to bed. Night.
23:13.22Chris|AFKHow did that release look, missing anything?
23:15.20AnaxentI have opened it and looked around but have nto installed it yet
23:15.33Chris|AFKYou want my ajax library?
23:15.35AnaxentI believe we have uploaded to the svn so we can start working
23:15.48Anaxentid like to see us use ajax yes
23:16.13Chris|AFKI'll show you guys my ajax functions if you promise to keep the critique constructive = )
23:16.19Chris|AFKas I am now web2.0 master or anything
23:16.35Chris|AFKno *
23:16.38Chris|AFKnot now
23:16.46Chris|AFKwish I was now a web 2.0 master, lol
23:16.59Chris|AFKI am like <table>'s kinda guy still unfortunately
23:20.01Chris|AFKhaha not interested?
23:20.11Chris|AFKit's so easy to make fun of my javascript skills is why ;p
23:21.34Zanix|awayim sure pleeg would like to see what you have...I havent really looked into ajax stuff
23:23.22Chris|AFKits actualy not THAT bad
23:23.34Chris|AFKi had some major problems with it for a while though
23:23.43Chris|AFKneeded a queue system.. ajax is very fussy and loves to lock browsers up
23:24.52Chris|AFKit's usage is a tad easier then these huge javascript libraries
23:24.58Chris|AFKthose things confuse me
23:25.07Chris|AFKgotta load 1 meg of raw text to make a div layer hide
23:25.30Chris|AFKafk a sec

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