irclog2html for #wowroster on 20061216

02:44.45*** join/#wowroster Zeryl (
02:44.45*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zeryl] by ChanServ
02:44.53Zerylhi all
02:45.48Anaxhey hows it going
02:45.57Anaxcheck dev channel
02:46.03Anaxill post the dl link
02:52.28Zerylanax:   you can download the osurce code to their game
03:05.46Anaxah whats this
03:05.51Anaxhey Zanix hows it going
03:06.00Zanixits going alright
03:06.10Zerylit's a web-based game
03:06.12Zeryland hi Z
03:06.37Zanixwhat's it do?
03:06.56Zerylit's a web-based game, lol.  It's just a game, that they released under GPL
03:07.43Zanixhmmm, interesting
03:36.29ZanixI just got a beta key
03:39.58ZanixIm excited
03:54.56Zerylgrats :(
03:56.12Zanixdo i detect a bit of sadness?
03:56.48Zerylheh, nah, i'm patient :)
03:56.58Zerylplus BC = nurf to me :(
08:00.41Zanixsigh, I was hoping anax would be back
09:26.07*** join/#wowroster Zanix (
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12:55.22*** join/#wowroster Orphis (
14:28.22*** join/#wowroster [SD]|FoolyCooly (
14:28.50*** part/#wowroster MattMiller (
14:28.52*** join/#wowroster MattMiller (
14:29.17MattMillerhi all!
14:32.32MattMillerthe pleegster!
14:32.54MattMillercan you make me a perma op plz
14:32.59MattMillerim registered
14:33.25*** mode/#wowroster [+o MattMiller] by PleegWat
14:33.41PleegWatcs level list
14:34.19PleegWatI don't have the clearance
14:34.37PleegWatYou need zanix or zeryl
14:34.45PleegWatAnd you're already in there as autoop on Matt_Miller
14:37.25*** part/#wowroster MattMiller (
14:37.27*** join/#wowroster MattMiller (
14:37.39PleegWatNot on that nick
14:37.43MattMillerwhat nick
14:37.50PleegWatWith the _
14:38.03*** mode/#wowroster [+o Matt_Miller] by ChanServ
14:38.09*** part/#wowroster Matt_Miller (
14:38.11*** join/#wowroster Matt_Miller (
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14:44.07*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
14:44.07*** mode/#wowroster [+o Anaxent] by ChanServ
14:44.33Anaxentgood morning
14:47.53Anaxentim sure tired this morning it was hard getting out of bed
14:47.56PleegWatYou missed zanix by half an hour
14:48.04PleegWatHe went in
14:48.09Anaxentah really....what he finally went to bed
14:50.05Anaxentso after you guys have taken a look at this framework granted it dont seem to be functional for some reason
14:50.19Anaxentdo you by chance have a list of needs and wants or fixes
14:50.22PleegWatI ran into 2 real bugs
14:50.35PleegWatThere's the shortlist of main features I called yesterday night
14:50.50PleegWatThere's a short open tag in the top of cpmain.php
14:51.07Anaxentyes the short tags need to be changed
14:51.27PleegWatthere's a call to self::_member() in the users class near the bottom of the login class, that needs to be self::_guest() or self::_error()
14:52.16PleegWatPermission system,
14:52.18PleegWatconfig system
14:52.20PleegWatinstall system
14:52.23PleegWatreverse translation
14:52.38Anaxentreverse translation?
14:52.41PleegWatlua uploading, to be processed by all modules
14:52.56PleegWatCP delocalizing
14:53.11PleegWatand all locale-specific stuff we do with CP data
14:57.08Anaxentok making notes of this and I will bring it up to him when I see him
14:57.26Anaxentgood morning Matt_Miller
14:57.32Matt_Milleri think we should use my PDO class i made
14:57.48Matt_Millerinstead of his db abstraction layer
14:57.58PleegWatAnd apart from that there seems to be some awkward stuff in the DB class. The whole thing might be more dependable when moving to mysqli
14:58.00AnaxentPDO? I read something on this the other day can you refresh my memory
14:58.15Matt_MillerPHP Data Object
14:58.15PleegWathis db layer seems awkward
14:59.22Matt_Millerbasicly PDO is a class which allows you to connect to most databases and do database stuff with them , it has some advanced features
14:59.35Matt_Millerlike transactions, prepared statements, variable binding
14:59.51PleegWatTransactions slow stuff down. We don't need transactions.
15:00.54Matt_Milleri made an entire "wrapper" or abstraction layer for it
15:00.54PleegWatwe're doing data storage and processing. We're not running a bank or something.
15:00.54Matt_Milleractually pleegwat prepared statements speed things up a LOT
15:00.54Matt_Millerand so does fetching rows as objects as no memory is copied
15:00.54PleegWatdunno nothing about prepared statements
15:00.54PleegWatwhat are they
15:00.55Anaxentany pre reqs needed for pdo
15:00.55Matt_Milleras opposed to associative or numbered arrays
15:01.08PleegWatDoes it still use SQL?
15:01.26Matt_Milleronly the extension enabled
15:02.06Matt_Millerim using it at work with an ODBC connection, which tells me i can essentially use it with ANY database if i just use ODBC
15:02.52Matt_Millerits very fast too, brb ill post my latest version of my pdodb class
15:03.53AnaxentI know my friend is bulding a new milti db class and I think the reason why the mysql class may look odd is due to the framework allowing it to be loaded or not per plugin/module
15:04.05PleegWatcould be
15:04.10Anaxentin fact just about ever class should be a load on demand
15:05.07Anaxentfor templating if we do not load the template class with in a plugin/module it should defalt to the users default template as well
15:05.14Anaxentfrom what he has told me
15:05.33*** join/#wowroster Matt_Miller (
15:05.33*** mode/#wowroster [+o Matt_Miller] by ChanServ
15:05.43Anaxentwelcome back!
15:06.31Matt_Milleri emailed the file to myself from the work computer using vpn
15:06.42PleegWatWe'd have to limit not using the template module
15:06.55PleegWatWe'd still want to run the templating engine to put in the menu and stuff
15:07.05Matt_Millersmarty is what we should use :(
15:07.12Matt_Millersmarty is the god of templating engines
15:07.29PleegWatIt does use smarty
15:07.46Matt_Milleri dont think we need his "framework"
15:08.06Matt_Millerwe already have smarty, authentication, and soon database abstraction already
15:08.28Matt_Millerjust my opinion
15:11.12PleegWatThere's some nice ideas in that framework
15:11.46PleegWatAnd there's more up his sleeve that we haven't seen yet, cause of the company network intermingling etc
15:12.51Matt_Milleri dont like tricks
15:12.55Matt_Milleri like simplicity
15:18.12Matt_Millereverything in programming always comes down to Occam's razor anything vague or tricky causes problems
15:19.34PleegWatHowever, simplicity can be deceiving in its own right
15:20.54Matt_Millerright, you have to be able to see deeper than 1 or 0
15:21.15PleegWatAnd the idea of putting all framework functions behind a single static class is a pretty good one
15:22.01Matt_Milleri dont think so, dont you think its easier to seperate all the areas into different classes ?  it seems easier to organize the application
15:22.34PleegWatno, that's not how it works
15:22.38Matt_Millerdid i scare off Anaxent LOL
15:22.40PleegWatThere's one static main class
15:22.56PleegWatBut stored in it are all the actual function classes
15:23.16Matt_Millerhrmm maybe i dont see how that would be beneficial
15:23.51PleegWatSo you can call cpMain::$instances['pdo']->queryprepare(...) or whatever anywhere without messing with globals and stuff.
15:24.34PleegWatphp5 protected/private functions take care of the security aspects
15:24.38Matt_Millerso the application layer is outside the class right?
15:25.08PleegWatThose are in seperate modules
15:25.50Matt_Milleryou can have multiple "instances" of the roster application going?
15:26.23Matt_Millerbrb gotta throw my cloths in the washer
15:26.48PleegWatDepends on what you see as the roster
15:27.21PleegWatThere'd be a load of function classes, just like we have in 1.7.x and 1.8. All would contribute to the roster functionality
15:28.35Matt_Millerthats intersting
15:29.44Matt_Millerwhen you get some time can you please take a look at my pdodb class
15:29.56PleegWatI'll take a look
15:30.04PleegWatnot sure if pdo is installed on my local server though
15:30.33Matt_Millerthis is actually the first class ive ever built
15:31.02Matt_Millerit has good exception handling
15:31.07Matt_Millerand benchmarking
15:31.19Matt_Millerquery/exec history
15:31.40Matt_Millerits protected by private/public keywords
15:32.05Matt_Millerwell commented
15:32.10Matt_Milleri really like pdo
15:32.22PleegWatI'd like to use a central logging class in R2
15:32.25Matt_Millerim making our colleges new cms using this class and its very easy to use
15:32.37PleegWatThere's more going on inside than running DB queries
15:32.37Matt_Millerfor auditing yes
15:33.00Matt_Millerin mine?
15:33.27PleegWatwell, dunno bout that
15:33.30PleegWatbut in the roster as a whole
15:33.42Matt_Millerahh yea i noticed that
15:33.49PleegWatA more complete log would help debugging stuff
15:33.54Matt_Millerit should only have db stuff in the db class
15:33.58PleegWatwowdb was two things at the same time
15:34.12Matt_Millerthere should have been a roster and a db class
15:34.18Matt_Millermakes it more abstract
15:34.18PleegWatIn R2 I want DB layer and CP processing seperate
15:34.26Matt_Millerright exactly
15:34.31PleegWatCP processing would probably even be a module
15:36.05Matt_Millerwe should make a fork in the svn for an experiment using this "framework"
15:36.30Matt_Millerbtw i highly doubt many people have the pdo extensions enabled
15:37.36Matt_Millerso do you think we should do anything that is php 5 only?  or even specific extension only?
15:38.02PleegWatWe're most probably going php5 only
15:38.07PleegWatand mysql 4.1 only
15:38.13PleegWatThen we can use mysqli
15:38.15PleegWator that was my idea
15:38.29Matt_Millerwhat mysqli
15:38.35Matt_Millerisnt that an extension too?
15:39.11Anaxentah sorry im back
15:39.27Anaxenthad to meet with my crew here and lay out the game plan for the day
15:39.34PleegWatmysqli is a class-based mysql interface for php5+ and mysq4.1+
15:39.48Matt_Milleroh sweet
15:39.55Matt_Millerit has bound variable capability
15:40.00PleegWatand I think it's active by default
15:40.19Matt_Millerprepared statements
15:40.31Matt_Millerand transaction support
15:40.40Matt_Millerwow too bad its mysql only
15:40.51Matt_Millerpdo is basicly mysqli for every database type
15:41.08PleegWatmost ppl use mysql anyway
15:41.21Matt_Millerand mssql
15:41.32Matt_Millernobody uses postgres lol
15:41.43Matt_Millerthats true pleegwat
15:42.09PleegWatpdo isn't loaded by default in my xampp install
15:42.23Matt_Millerit isnt loaded by default in anything yet
15:42.28Matt_Millerits a brand new technology
15:42.59Matt_Millerwhich is why people with managed servers wont be able to use pdo
15:43.08Matt_Millerand would be the death of roster
15:43.29Matt_Millerdont you think?
15:43.57Anaxentwell alot of what is going on today sounds alot like the death of roster
15:44.03Anaxentas php5 only and such
15:44.10Anaxentbut this will not be true
15:44.46Anaxentdue to alot of new hosts now offering such things and now looking into a hosting solution
15:45.10PleegWatWe could run a poll on it, but I'd advise against it.
15:45.12Anaxentas a hosting solution we will have full control over our enviorment
15:45.31Matt_Millerwell if were going to be doing our hosting solution, then we should use what we want and not what would work for other hosts
15:45.37Anaxentand in reality most users only get a host just to run a forum and roster
15:46.12Matt_Milleri can rent another server for this and using plesk
15:46.29Anaxentyes there are a few that do more and understand more there for we still allow the download for them
15:46.33Matt_Millera LAMP server
15:46.57PleegWatPlus there's home-hosters
15:47.12Anaxentthe home hosters can install what is needed to make roster function
15:47.13PleegWatI definitely want something I can run locally
15:47.39Matt_Millerwe should perfect roster 1x then use that for hosting
15:47.40Anaxentusing php and this framewrok or our own if it came to it allows us to make faster and more advanced interactive code
15:48.09Anaxentnothing should be aable to hold us back
15:48.17Matt_Millerwe would have to take down for a day at least
15:48.29Anaxentwhys that
15:48.40Matt_Millerto reformat the hard drive, and reinstall the os/plesk
15:48.50Anaxentash we get a new server
15:48.51Matt_Millerand ill have to figure out how to force it to use php5
15:49.02Anaxentthats where I come in
15:49.24Anaxentall of our servers that run plesk dedis or virtuals run php5 already
15:49.31Matt_Milleryou have a high bandwidth pipe?
15:49.36Anaxentsure do
15:49.40Anaxent2x oc4
15:49.42Matt_Millerwe need a dedi not a virtual
15:49.56Matt_Millerat least 1.7 gig
15:50.08Matt_Miller1.5 gig ram
15:50.09Anaxentand a nerw datacenter being built here in phx 32k square feet
15:50.11Matt_Miller80 gig hd
15:50.22PleegWatWe've got what, 2k5 downloads on 1.7.x?
15:50.23Matt_Millerwhere do you work
15:50.35Anaxenti workd for StartLogic
15:50.35PleegWatHow much installs would we be looking at
15:50.46Matt_Millerid say 100 on one server
15:50.57Anaxentwhen looking at installs keep symlinks in mind
15:51.09PleegWatWe're gonna hit much more than a hundred installs over our userbase
15:51.19Matt_Millerwhats our 1.7.1 base storage total
15:51.33Anaxentand a dedi could handle upto 500 - 600 clients I would think
15:51.47Matt_Millerif its high power
15:51.50Matt_Millerlike a 3ghz
15:51.57PleegWat6.8 MB without image pack
15:52.17AnaxentDual Xeon 3.2   4 X 250 GB SATA RAID5  4 GB  3500 GB
15:52.21PleegWatwithout DB too
15:52.23Matt_Miller5 gigs for 600 installs LOL
15:52.29Matt_Millerhd storage
15:52.37Matt_Milleroh shite that would handle it easy
15:52.40PleegWatanother 1.3MB of database, and mine's a small roster
15:52.55Matt_Miller1.2 gigs for db
15:53.10Matt_Millerstorage is no problem using symlinks
15:53.13PleegWatNah, HD space isn't the interesting factor
15:53.20PleegWatCPU power, bandwidth
15:53.28Anaxentyeah i know the hd is not the need here
15:53.33Matt_Milleranaxent do you have unmetered plans?
15:53.52Anaxentno unfortanatlly
15:54.02Matt_Millerwhats the b/w package
15:54.25Anaxent3500gb for this server
15:54.37Anaxentcost is a bit high thiugh for retail
15:54.53Matt_Milleri think thats enough to be honest
15:55.04Matt_Millerhow much does a fully loaded roster use a month
15:55.11Matt_Millerand forums
15:55.36Anaxent349 is retail per month - 100 users at 3.49 covers the server cost
15:56.07Matt_Millerso 1/6 of the max users will cover the cost?
15:56.39Anaxentthis could handle more users thogh being a duel xeon 3.2
15:56.47Matt_Millerpayment methods, i think we should use paypal and the PAypal IPN API to do accounting
15:56.48Anaxentwith 4gb of ram
15:56.58Matt_Milleri have lots of experience with it
15:57.15PleegWatI've got no experience on it, so i'll leave the tech details to you two
15:57.59Matt_Millerbasicly when someone does anything with a subscription to us, all the details are sent to us via a HTTP POST to a URL set in the Paypal account
15:58.09Matt_Millerso we can store the details in a mysql table easily
15:58.21Matt_Millerits instant
15:58.26Anaxentwe have a hosting module that connects with paypal already made for our df site
15:58.35Matt_Milleri know i set that up
15:58.43Anaxentlol cool
15:58.43Anaxentwhere at
15:59.00Matt_Millerit doesnt use the IPN API, it used to in older version, now it relys on the user to click "return to site" after paying
15:59.21Matt_Millerwhich is very crappy and unreliable
15:59.34Matt_Millertheres like 10 people who donated that arent in the list on the homepage
15:59.39Matt_Millerbecause they didnt click
16:00.21Anaxentwell im sure that could be changed
16:00.29Matt_Milleri gotta go pick up some beer brb 1/2 hour
16:00.29Anaxentyou are a very bright guy
16:00.52Matt_Milleryou guys get some details about the symlinks and plesk worked out plz
16:01.59PleegWatI'd guess personally we'd still want to use symlinks to not copy out too much of roster. Should save in RAM.
16:02.07Anaxenthere ill set you up with a pleask account
16:08.02AnaxentI just pm you matt
16:08.18Anaxentwith a root usr/pw for one of my plesk servers
16:11.25Anaxentand matt if you have not had a chance to check out this framework code here is the tar
16:11.57Anaxentand for the docs on most of it
16:12.17*** join/#wowroster Guest256 (
16:14.05Guest256hi there peeps trying to install wowroster and i cant find CharacterProfiler.lua anyone help ?
16:15.02Anaxentcp is an addon that you have to install into your wow interface/addons dir
16:15.08Anaxenthave you done this already
16:15.20Anaxentyuo will need both characterprofiler and guildprofiler
16:15.48Anaxentthen after you  have installed these and logged into the game to gather the data
16:16.03Guest256lol are thay in the aip file or do i need to download from new site ?
16:16.47Anaxentyou will find the .lua in <wowdir>/WTF/Accounts/<account name>/SavedVariables/<the addon cp/gp>.lua
16:16.58Anaxentyes they are avliable from our sites download section
16:17.08Anaxentand no they do not come with in the roster package
16:19.40Guest256ok thanks got them now thanks for the help :)
16:20.05Anaxentof coarse
16:30.20Anaxentsome specs on servers and allowed domains
16:32.59Anaxentwith a duel p4 xeon with 4gb of ram the server should be able to handle 2000 domains with plesk installed
16:44.42Anaxenti pm you
16:44.58Anaxentand made a new post
16:46.43Anaxentwhat kind of beer did you pick up
16:47.44Matt_Millerhis db class is indeed funky
16:47.49Anaxentgood stuff
16:49.55Matt_Millerwe should make a list of services we will provide with our "roster hosting" package
16:50.01Matt_Millerand disclaimers
16:51.12Anaxentyes of coarse
16:51.53Matt_Millertoo bad we have to develop roster 2 first :(
16:51.55Anaxentif needed there is a help desk ticket system for plesk as well with custom cats
16:52.07Anaxentyeah too bad
16:52.11Anaxentbut this is a fun part
16:52.17Matt_Millerbut time :(
16:52.24Matt_Milleri need to get right right now :P
16:52.31Anaxenttime ... man i have none lol
16:52.55Anaxentwell go by a lottery ticket ya never know
16:53.28Matt_Millerhow about this... ill develop our front porch for our roster hosting site, and the accounting system as well as integration with paypal
16:53.38Matt_Milleryou guys can worry about roster itself
16:54.06Matt_Millerive made a site for regular hosting with all that before so
16:54.24Anaxentthat works with me
16:54.25Matt_Millerit had complete 100% automated account creation
16:54.37Anaxentoh really
16:54.41Matt_Milleryup :)
16:54.51Anaxentif this is the case plesk my not be a need then....
16:54.52Matt_MillerWHM/Cpanel has an API that works great with PHP
16:55.02Matt_Milleryup :)
16:55.09AnaxentI was thinking of plesk to make all the acvcount creation and managment easier
16:55.42Matt_Milleri used the WHM (similar to plesk) API to do the commands
16:56.09Matt_Millerdamn i wish i still had the code for that :(
16:56.20Matt_Millergonna have to research all that again lol
16:56.43Anaxentwell it will take time for R@ so i suppose you have some time as well
16:56.53Anaxentnah can you finish it by tomorrow
16:57.09Matt_Millergive me a time machine first
16:58.13PleegWatNo problem, give me a sec
16:58.26PleegWatTARDIS should be along in 5 minutes subjective time
16:58.45Matt_Millerbrb i have a greek orgy party to go to
16:59.02Matt_Millerwhat year is that again
16:59.15Matt_Millerwhos tardis
16:59.34AnaxentI will be back in afew heading to a admin meeting
16:59.49Matt_Millerhey anaxent how long have you had your admin job
17:00.24Anaxentah not an admin im operations lead
17:00.30Matt_Millerwow nice
17:01.07Anaxentso the meeting is to make sure my admins are on track for the day get all the top issues out of the way and make peeps happy
17:01.44Matt_Millercool so you have a lot of experience in making peeps happy from a certain point of view
17:02.14Matt_Millerleading projects
17:02.23Matt_Millerwhat is zanix's job
17:06.30Matt_Milleri love my job
17:19.16Anaxentyeah more or less my main job it to make people feel happy and make sure there job is done right
17:20.42Anaxentwoops i threw a glass bottle at your face
17:20.48Anaxentmy bad
18:00.07Anaxentoh and for the bandwith we do not really monitor our dedicated servers bandwith
18:00.46Anaxentbut could limit our clients monthly bandwith via lesk
18:21.26*** join/#wowroster Eldarinwa (
18:33.45Anaxentso matt did you get my pm for the login info for my plesk server
18:51.12Matt_Milleri did
18:51.22Anaxentok cool
18:51.39*** join/#wowroster Al-Capone (
18:51.41Al-CaponeHi :)
18:51.58Anaxentwoah man i thought you were dead
18:52.09Anaxenthey hows it going Al-Capone
18:52.15Al-CaponeNah, I just went home ;)
18:53.08Matt_Milleranaxent i like plesk
18:53.15Matt_Millerso we can make a roster module huh
18:53.19Anaxentyeah I thought you would
18:53.19Al-CaponeI might be stupid to boot, but I'm having trouble finding a correct version of the serverside part of characterprofiler that works with the newest version...
18:53.41Anaxentyes we could makje a skeleton package that includes all files
18:54.03Anaxentwe would just have to make a db create and install app for each install
18:56.07Matt_Millerdoes plesk use frames or ajax
18:56.12Matt_Milleri cant tell lol
18:56.37Anaxentthat server is not currently in use
18:56.49Anaxentso you can work with our the wroory of messing something up
18:56.49Matt_Milleris this server what the users would see if they log into plesk?
18:57.03Matt_Milleri mean what i see now
18:57.04Anaxentkind of
18:57.10Anaxentwith less controls
18:57.12Matt_Millerim  a reseller huh
18:57.18Anaxentor atleast what we turn on for them
18:57.39Matt_Milleri like the speed and smoothness of this
18:57.43Matt_Millercompared to whm
18:57.47Anaxentfor the most part plesk is to be a reseller and have your clients become resellers as well
18:58.28Anaxentwhith each client able to manage all there own settings, ftp/dns/db/ app vault/mail
18:58.47Al-Caponegot any suggestion to my problem?
18:58.50Anaxenteven being able to create new domains that they can set limits and ssh access to
18:58.59Anaxentwhats the problem
18:59.07Matt_Millerhas a nice xp theme too
18:59.11Anaxentsorry let me read up a bit first
18:59.19Anaxentoh u can change the theme
18:59.33Anaxentthere are some nice looking one with the ablity to brand it
18:59.54Anaxentwhat do you mean about server side version of cp
19:00.04Al-Caponewell, not cp
19:01.05Anaxentare you talking about roster it's self
19:01.05Al-Caponethe file that parses  cp.lua
19:01.05PleegWatTurns it into a PHP array
19:01.06Al-Caponeit gives errors saying I'm running the wrong version
19:01.06PleegWatThen update.php and lib/wowdb.php split stuff up and throws it into the DB
19:01.07Matt_Millerwhat is a CPU unit, after your done with the mob boss please answer that
19:01.12PleegWatWhat version are you on
19:01.45Al-Capone"Please ensure you are running at least v1.5.2 and have logged onto this character and saved data using this version."
19:02.06Anaxentwhat version of roster are you using?
19:02.09Al-CaponeI dunno to much about this as the guy who made the website is long gone
19:02.09PleegWatWhat ROSTER version are you on
19:02.26PleegWatthen you're on 1.6.0, 1.7.0, or 1.7.1
19:02.36PleegWatOnly the 1.7.2 betas are compatible with CP 2.0
19:02.40Al-Caponeprpbably the oldest of them
19:03.05Al-Caponeso, I download 1.7.2b and just overwrite the old files?
19:03.07PleegWatIt's even possible that you're on 1.5.1, in which case you won't be able to upgrade
19:03.10Anaxenthere is the post on 1.7.2 beta of roster that works with cp 2.0
19:03.25PleegWatCan I get your site link?
19:04.16Anaxentgood looking site i see
19:04.22PleegWatRoster 1.6.0
19:04.30PleegWatJust overwrite with 1.7.2b2 and run the upgrader
19:05.45Anaxentthis looks to be reengineered
19:06.10Al-Caponewe did some small changes
19:06.32PleegWatI didn't bother looking for it in the interface
19:06.37PleegWatjust appended roster/
19:07.31Anaxentoh ok so the site its self is pulling data from the roster db to show so nice in the site
19:07.36PleegWatYeah, nice work in there
19:07.41Al-Caponeyeah :)
19:07.50Anaxentnew tooltips as well
19:07.55PleegWatI think roster 1.7.2 still uses the same main data format, but no promises
19:08.01Al-Caponesome of that work is mine
19:08.11PleegWatWe did move the configuration to the DB
19:08.16PleegWatand some other stuff
19:08.18Al-CaponeI just never touched the roster or cp part of it on the way in
19:08.45PleegWatBesides upgrading roster you'll have to look through the SQL changes and change your frontend
19:09.09Al-Caponethats done pritty fast :)
19:12.08Al-CaponeI probably could have fixed it myself but I really hate reading other ppls code :p
19:12.34PleegWatWell, there's some major changes in CP2.0
19:12.45PleegWatthrowing away old compatibility data and such
19:12.50PleegWatand some reoganization of keys
19:15.25Al-Caponetryed making my own cp-clone
19:15.34Al-Caponenot as easy as it first appeard :)
19:16.11Al-Caponewell, I got the skills, reps and guild info out
19:16.19Al-Caponebut not the items yet
19:16.30PleegWatDon't reinvent the wheel I'd say\
19:16.42PleegWatAnyway R2 will have templating
19:16.50Al-Caponewell, if your gonna use it for commercial purpuses then I would have to wouldnt i...
19:17.00Anaxentshhhh R2
19:17.16PleegWatCP isn't part of roster
19:17.30PleegWatAnyway we'd offer hosting, but still offer the package for download as well
19:17.31Al-CaponeI know, but they have a licence agreement as well
19:18.10Al-Caponeofc, I might just be stupid to actually honor it...
19:18.25PleegWatdunno, never checked CP's license
19:18.38Al-Caponenon commercial use
19:18.57Al-Caponesame as roster ^^
19:19.05Al-Caponeso making that as well
19:19.14PleegWatwhy would you
19:19.42Al-Caponewell, would it be ok to just smack it up and try to earn money from it?
19:20.06PleegWatI'm not following
19:20.07Al-Caponewell, I _could_ ask for permission to use it though...
19:20.09PleegWatyou want to make money on it
19:20.26Al-CaponeI'm also building a commercial website
19:20.38Al-Caponethat has nothing to do with the guild-website
19:21.16PleegWatso, if the guild site isn't commercial, what's the problem?
19:21.48Al-Caponeits not a problem with the guild-site
19:21.58Al-CaponeI'm just trying to make that one work at all atm
19:22.16Al-CaponeI might have been a bit unclear
19:22.21PleegWatI think so too
19:22.37Al-CaponeMy english isnt to good :/
19:22.51PleegWatBetter than my spanish
19:23.50Anaxentso what to you intend to do with this commercial site
19:24.09AnaxentI understand making money with it but how?
19:24.19Al-Caponeif it becomes a reality youll see :)
19:24.31Anaxentfor peeps to buy the package to use, host guild sites?
19:24.42Al-Caponeif not I'll come back and tell you :p
19:25.18Al-Caponeanyways just let me see if I got this right, first update to 1.7.1 then apply the 171_wow20_patch?
19:25.18Anaxentcuz our code and I belive calvins addons are not allowed to be used for commercial use
19:25.41Anaxentyes that should work
19:25.43PleegWatno, you need the beta form the beta forums
19:25.55Anaxentthe patch will not update 1.7.1
19:25.56Al-Caponethats why I'm making my own addon and my own parser for that project
19:26.04PleegWatthe wow20 patch is a quick throw-together that's unsupported
19:26.11AnaxentI thought the beta would not upgrade yet
19:26.25PleegWatThe beta upgrades from old versions
19:26.31PleegWatbut 1.7.2 final won't upgrade fromt he beta
19:27.00PleegWatThis is the one you need
19:29.17Al-Caponeread the post
19:29.41Al-Caponeseems a bit...dunno...unsafe? :p
19:30.12Al-Caponewould you advice me to rather wait for a non beta release?
19:30.43PleegWatWell, there's some minor bugs in it
19:30.52PleegWatYou could wait till release in a week or two
19:31.19Al-Caponethen I'll wait, wont be much activity guildwise during the hollidays anyways
19:31.40PleegWatYeah, most guilds probably won't be too active till TBC comes out
19:32.03Al-CaponeI dont like the way blizzard went with that one
19:32.13Al-Caponeits ripping so many good guilds apart
19:32.45PleegWatwell, ours is no good at raiding anyway
19:32.49PleegWatnothing lost if it breaks up
19:32.53PleegWatI'm a lock, I'll find a new one
19:33.18Anaxentlol time to build wowroster guild and char transfers ftw
19:33.45PleegWatI'm EU anax
19:33.56PleegWatI can't PCT to you guys
19:33.59Al-Caponewell, we are a fairly tight guild, we took nefarion for the first time 2 weeks ago, then all activity halted and everyone is like "naaah, why bother, its gonna be crap gear in two months anyways, lets do pvp"
19:34.34Anaxentyeah it will be
19:34.41Al-Caponeyeah, but so what?
19:34.56Anaxentim playing beta now and the gear even the greens rock
19:35.14Al-Caponewe were the 4. horde guild on our realm to do it and I for one want my tier 2 :p
19:36.16Al-CaponeI guess
19:36.24Al-Caponebah, whole thing makes me depressed :p
19:37.23Anaxentyes it can be
19:37.32Anaxentplaying hard for 2yrs or so trying to get all tier gear
19:37.49Anaxentand now being able to start fresh skip mc, bwl right into tbc
19:38.09Anaxentget greens that are as good or better than most mc stuff
19:38.18Anaxentyeah its a bit depressing
19:38.41Al-Caponewell, I started my level 1 in mai and had it at 60 in july then went straight into a raidingspot, ran through mc a few tiems and straight to bwl
19:38.46Al-CaponeI'm kinda lucky like that I guess
22:36.55Anaxenthey pleeg
22:37.13Anaxentim looking at the docs for the framework in the cpusers.php
22:37.41Anaxentand noticed that the docs have a bit diffrent code at the end of the checklogin function
22:49.09PleegWatif($fetch === true)
22:49.09PleegWatreturn true;
22:49.17PleegWatif($fetch === true)
22:49.25PleegWatreturn false;
22:49.38PleegWatthat bit?
22:49.41PleegWatI'm suspecting the second should be self::_guest();
22:52.22Zanix|awayhi guys
22:52.40PleegWathi zanix
22:54.33Zanix|awaywow, alot of talking
22:54.45PleegWatfraid so
23:06.25Zanix|awaygood stuff though
23:10.27PleegWatif you say so
23:10.32Anaxenthey hows it going Zanix|away
23:10.56Zanixdealing with stupid wow tbc errors
23:11.55ZanixPleegWat << LoL
23:13.25Anaxentyes PleegWat thats the code ive seen difrently in the docs we have as of now
23:13.52PleegWatthought so
23:13.58Anaxenthave you by chance tried chaning to what you would susspect it to be
23:13.59PleegWatIt's the obvious bugged bit
23:14.04PleegWatI have
23:14.08PleegWatThat threw up a different error
23:14.11Anaxentwhats odd is why is it there
23:14.34Anaxentas the system that was bult for use here at work still uses user permissions an such
23:14.48Anaxentso if it works like the docs show here why did it change in our code
23:15.15PleegWatNotice: Undefined index: system_default_theme in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\cpframework\library\class\cpusers.php on line 104
23:15.17Anaxentand it seems that it is trying to check if the user is in the db and there is no users just the table structure
23:15.21PleegWatIs what I'm getting when I fix that
23:15.37Anaxentdudes off work today
23:15.45Anaxentim waitng for an email from him
23:15.53PleegWatIt tries to load the default theme from the system vars
23:15.55PleegWatbut it's not in there
23:16.09Anaxentbut since his test site is not up yet im suyre he ran in to urissues as well and probably trying to fix it
23:17.05Zanix|awaygonna go again
23:18.02PleegWatOh, and I had a little thing about 2 of the files. Autoload.php and the language files
23:18.10PleegWatThey've got php extention
23:18.13PleegWatbut they're not php files
23:18.19PleegWatIt upsets my code highlighter
23:18.27PleegWatCan't he use txt or ini or something?
23:18.45AnaxentI will definatlly bring that up
23:18.53Anaxenti didn't notice it my self
23:19.21PleegWatIt's just file-based data storage. They're parsed by his scripts, not by php
23:19.34Anaxentso im checking the file structure and do see a default template with the index.tpl in the plugins dir
23:19.49PleegWatHe define()s it
23:19.59PleegWatbut he calls it from system vars
23:20.15PleegWatDoes the version you've got docs for use defines in config as well?
23:20.37PleegWatI'd personally prefer to load the settings into the system var
23:20.43PleegWatIt's cleaner
23:21.34PleegWatAnd we might want some protection on cpMain::$instances and cpMain::$system, make them private and use call functions. I think both of them you only need a get function in normal circumstances
23:22.40Anaxentyes the docs I have as well as the code I have uses defines in the config
23:24.37PleegWatAnyway, file config is actually a nice idea. SMF has part of the config in a file as well, I'd assume it's slower on setting options (and more hassle if you don't have disk write access), but faster on use
23:24.47PleegWatAnd it means we don't have to load the database at that point yet
23:26.07PleegWatBut I'd prefer to have it in the system var.
23:26.31PleegWatPossibly split it up in subkeys and store stuff there to prevent nameclashes. Or load main roster conf using a seperate $instances class
23:29.49Anaxentthat could be a good idea as once the clas is created and added to cpmain we should be able to static load at anytime
23:30.42Anaxentand as I see things if this will be concidered to be used
23:30.52Anaxentwe can make changes where we see fit
23:31.04PleegWatWe'd have a rosterconf class, singleton, with an attached config file that is loaded from the constructor
23:31.12Anaxentthe changes that we see fit I would also let the dev know and explain why if asked
23:31.27PleegWatWe can write to the config file using the config class, but stuff won't take effect till next load cause of private vars
23:32.03Anaxentat that time we could force a reload right?
23:32.31PleegWatSo config couldn't be tainted by a module for a single session
23:32.43PleegWatA module might still be able to taint config permanently, but you can't cover everything
23:33.13Anaxentwell ill be back in 30 lunchg time
23:33.22PleegWatAnd when saving config we could do just that in a seperate function call then just send a reload header
23:35.01PleegWatI will be back in no less than 12½ hours. Going to bed.
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