irclog2html for #wowroster on 20061120

00:00.01Zerylhowdy polo
00:02.14PoloDudewhat's up? :)
00:02.27PoloDudecan't wait to get my computer back up and running :s
00:04.21Anaxenthey PoloDude
00:04.26Anaxenthows it going man
00:04.37PoloDudehey Anaxent :)
00:04.37PoloDudenot bad :)
00:04.46Anaxentwhats wrong with the cpu
00:04.51PoloDudemy mobo crashed but the rest is fine
00:04.56Anaxentah lame
00:05.29PoloDudei'm putting a "new" one together now
00:05.33Anaxenthows the dkp testing coming along
00:05.36PoloDudebut i'm still waiting to buy it atm, not enough cash atm :p
00:05.47Anaxentyeah i hear you there
00:05.51PoloDudenot good, test system was on my desktop :s
00:06.06PoloDudeye :p
00:06.22PoloDudecan't even play WoW oO
00:06.25Anaxentid like to build my self a new pc
00:06.47PoloDudeor even program for that matter cause every single fucking thing is on my hdd on my desktop
00:07.40Anaxentive been looking for a new case my self
00:08.30PoloDudei'm going for a intel core2duo, 2gieg memory, xfx 7900GS, new supply Coolmaster 550W, an asus mobo and that's about it i think, maybe buy another hdd, but sata II now
00:09.19PoloDudemy internet is extremly slow atm, downloading PTR files of wow :s
00:10.45Anaxentso im thinking of plaing on my pve server again
00:11.10Anaxentmy gf played bc last night to build a bloodelf and she loves the toons look
00:12.13PoloDudeis that 359 for the case only? oO
00:12.15PoloDudebloodelfs look so damn gay :p fits for horde :D
00:12.41Anaxentyeah that is alot of money for a case
00:12.53Anaxentlol but in her eyes cute
00:13.22PoloDudei'm really happy of my case
00:13.36PoloDudeCoolmaster Cenarion5 if i'm not wrong
00:13.48Anaxentthem are nice as well
00:14.38PoloDudeye, and i don't see it that much anyway, it's under my desk :p
00:15.37Anaxentso poo i was able to recreate the table borders on my site with a bity of help from Zanix making a few new images for me
00:15.52Anaxentpoo = polo
00:16.33PoloDudebut i love my blue fans :p
00:16.33PoloDudethink i'm going for this mobo
00:16.38PoloDudeah cool :)
00:16.55PoloDudegive me 15min to load ...
00:17.39Anaxent6 sata
00:18.53PoloDudeye, and it will support quad core cpu's too
00:18.54Anaxentonboard 8-channel HD audio (High Definition Audio, previously codenamed Azalia) CODEC enables high-quality 192KHz/24-bit audio output
00:19.01PoloDudeso i'll be able to upgrade even after ^
00:19.51PoloDudethat's actually the point now, my mobo has still garanty on it, so i'm getting it back without having to pay for it, but that's not what i told my mom :p
00:20.27PoloDudeso i can get something better now, with a view into the futur so i can still upgrade if i want to
00:21.10Anaxentso 192 i wonder if it will also handle 24bit 96khz as well
00:21.11PoloDudecause the mobo i have now is still AGP, so a descent gfx card is out of the question, and so is a new cpu (amd64 atm) :(
00:21.35Anaxentyeah mine is still agp as well
00:21.49PoloDudeoh nice, you got a beta key :(
00:21.55PoloDudelucky bastard :p
00:22.30PoloDudei got an k8n-E deluxe
00:22.37Anaxentso now that i have a key what do you all need from me besides beta access
00:23.06PoloDudeme nothing atm :p
00:23.15PoloDudecan't do shit with it anyway :p
00:23.57PoloDudethink with BC the recode of itemsets that Zeryl did will come in handy since there are multiple versions of sets now
00:24.00Anaxentyeah i would still need updated addons
00:24.07PoloDudeand the druid caster one rocks :D
00:25.04PoloDudethink that will be the only addon i have that will be affected
00:25.44AnaxentWarla says his profile addon works in bc now
00:25.47Zerylyou did the recodr, lol
00:25.52Anaxentbut i havnt found onything for cp or pvplog
00:26.32AnaxentMathos is doing a great job on the item db/cache
00:26.59PoloDudeno you did :p for ZG and ony remember?
00:26.59PoloDudeyou still have it actually, cause you were gonna make it certifiable
00:27.33aptit has been said that crap is the stream of muck that comes from dog's arses, or the Comprehensive Ruby Archive Portal
00:27.44PoloDudedid you manage to put it on the same page as the ZG items?
00:27.52Zeryland I tried changing it, and it didn't work well, YOURs is the one that was working
00:27.59Zerylman, i've forgotten all about it truthfully
00:28.16Zerylbeen so busy with this dkp crap in the guild :(
00:28.24Zeryland class leader voting
00:28.27PoloDudenp m8 :)
00:28.38PoloDudeyou doing dkp now,
00:28.48Zerylfor our guild
00:29.06Zerylit's a very bastardized version of zero-sum, that no already made thing will work for
00:35.27PoloDudethey made a special one for us too, but it's still rolling based, not bidding
00:35.54PoloDudeif you have most dkp and you want the item you get it, if you have same dkp as some1 else that wants it you have to roll
00:36.15Zerylthat's basic zero-sum :)
00:36.19PoloDudeif you don't want it then it just get dissed and sent to my bank :p
00:36.48PoloDudeand then i sell those shards to members for like 5g
00:37.01PoloDudeah ok, didn't know :)
00:41.53PoloDudesometimes i really hate torrent :s
00:42.05PoloDudemakes my internet so damn "slow"
00:47.11PoloDudeand i mean wow torrent, not illegal stuff i don't do that ... *cough* *cough*
01:51.25Anaxentok guys about time for me to head out of here now
01:51.29Anaxenttake it easyguys
01:52.35PoloDudecya :)
01:52.45PoloDudei'm about to go to bed anyway :p
01:53.07PoloDudehope to get back soon, should be next sunday if everything goes good ^^
06:05.56*** join/#wowroster Zanix (
06:05.56*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix] by ChanServ
08:56.52*** join/#wowroster silencer-ch-au (
09:03.09Zanixhows it going
09:03.26silencer-ch-augood, thanks
09:03.38silencer-ch-augot all uni stuff over with for this year
09:04.31Zanixpass your classes?
09:04.50silencer-ch-aui dont know yet, i hope so :P
09:05.55silencer-ch-auright now i'm digging in on some weed and picked up work on my R2 addon again
09:06.32silencer-ch-aui saw your post about addon support
09:16.04silencer-ch-aui put down a few questions/suggestions on how to solve that problem
09:41.41silencer-ch-audid that guy with his commercial guild hosting package ever get any further?
09:42.39Zanixim not sure
09:42.45Zanixi havent checked recently
09:44.15silencer-ch-au./afk for dinner
10:19.36Zanixim out for the night
10:30.23silencer-ch-auhmm, seems to be going well, he's up to beta testing it with guilds
10:31.28silencer-ch-auon each guild's portal site there is a module box on the right column with links to eqdkp, wowroster, phpbb etc
10:34.26silencer-ch-aucant say much about the roster itself, the first guild didnt have it installed yet but he had a link to the roster on the forum here somewhere, i thik that was mostly unmodified, could have changed in that time
14:18.22*** join/#wowroster Orphis (
15:36.05*** join/#wowroster Sylphid|work (
15:41.51*** join/#wowroster Sylphid|work (
16:19.00*** join/#wowroster Sylphid (
16:38.51*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
16:38.51*** mode/#wowroster [+o Anaxent] by ChanServ
16:39.09Anaxentgood morning
16:39.47Sylphid|workmorning anaxent
16:42.00Anaxenthows work going Sylphid|work
16:42.10AnaxentI just got to work a lil bit ago my self
16:49.57*** join/#wowroster x0ver (
16:50.49x0vermorning, anyone here?
17:03.10Sylphid|workyup whats up x0ver
17:03.22Sylphid|workwork is the shits
17:15.37*** join/#wowroster Sylphid (
17:15.38x0verhey, yeah im trying to figure out the synchronization feature, any idea what the url should be?
17:16.22Sylphidsync with ??
17:16.38SylphidUU UA roster....
17:20.36Sylphidok do u have UA installed anywhere?
17:21.35Anaxentyeah the sync feature is for connecting to UniAdmin to update the settings of UU for all the guildies
17:22.07Anaxentotherwise the upload url will be the same one as the update page of the roster
17:25.31Sylphidafk 1 hr lunch time
18:17.32*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
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18:46.17*** join/#wowroster Sylphid|work (
20:46.28*** join/#wowroster dynastys (
20:46.45dynastysanyone know website for Pandoras Mighty Soldiers
21:03.55PleegWatNever heard of it
21:54.12Anaxenthows it going PleegWat
21:54.24Anaxentman i have been so busy here at work today
21:57.04Anaxenti found a great extention for firefox so I vcan now see nagios data at anytime with out alwways ahving to bring up the nagios site
21:57.24PleegWatgoing fine
22:02.43PleegWatHow are you?
22:47.48Anaxentdoing good its my friday
22:50.36Anaxentand im keeping busy today here
22:50.47Anaxentnothing broken but man seems like there is alot of work
22:51.21PleegWatStill damage control for that problem last week?
22:51.48Anaxenta bit of it
22:51.59Anaxentas when the surge come through mysql died
22:52.10Anaxentand all servers so
22:52.16Anaxentthat was a big mess
22:52.35PleegWatYeah, I heard you had quite some work with that
22:52.52PleegWatwell, read
22:52.53Anaxentmost of that is taken care of though today is more or less our spam assasin software
22:53.15Anaxentpeeps getting blocked for both incomming and out going email
22:53.15PleegWatGroaning under the increasing spam volume?
22:53.19Anaxentbut its easy work
22:53.40PleegWatI heard spam flows tripled in october rather than the usual factor of 150% or so
22:54.04Anaxentyeah im sure with thanksgivving and christams comming up
22:54.12Anaxentalot of shitty scams
22:54.53PleegWatI get a lot of phishing from german banks
22:54.58PleegWatOnly ever german banks
22:55.00Anaxentbut im more or less the supervisor here so If i get involved it is just for dmg control
22:55.11PleegWatI've herd there's phishing mails around for dutch banks but I've never seen one yet
22:55.15AnaxentI see that all the time
22:55.51Anaxentstill trying to figure out there ways in besides user permissions
22:56.56Anaxentat one time it was the way we authed for ftp so we changed the auth server and added new rules
22:57.11PleegWatI'm lucky in that I've decided back when we got this net provider that I'd keep my personal and internet emails on seperate addresses
22:57.24Anaxentso no anom from browsers only from clients
22:58.06Anaxentand are making users use special chars in all the passwords which has helped alot
22:58.33Anaxentnow its just getting california better power source lol
22:59.12Anaxentbut we are gradually moving our data center from CA to here in phx
22:59.26*** join/#wowroster Orphys (
23:01.14Anaxentim thinking of playing on my old pve server when bc releases
23:02.07Anaxentbut i have put so much work and effort on our site on the pvp server(which my guildies rarelly use)
23:02.49Anaxentso not sure what I should do as of now but my gf wants to play a bloodelf
23:03.13PleegWatAnd you're horde on the PvE server?
23:03.24PleegWatI've always played PvE
23:10.27Anaxentim alliance on the pve server
23:10.37Anaxentbit the pve allows us to play both
23:10.55PleegWatWhy not start on another server?
23:11.13Anaxentthought of that as well
23:11.26Anaxenta nice brand new server
23:11.43PleegWatI'm an altoholic at times, I still regret choosing to have ally and horde on the same realm sometimes, it means I have to delete chars more often
23:13.23Anaxenti only have 2 60s a druid and a mage
23:13.31Anaxentthe mage is pve and druid is pvp
23:13.49PleegWatNE hunter and orc warlock, both on the same PvE server
23:27.44AnaxentI was thinking of making a bloodelf warlock
23:28.00Anaxentas I have a 43 lock on my pvp server and man has been so much fun to play
23:28.09Anaxentmy druid gets boring being a resto
23:28.19Anaxentand the mages are fun to play as well
23:28.31Anaxentwith BC and the new talents... wow

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