irclog2html for #wowroster on 20061114

00:15.09Anaxentyour guild?
00:15.20Anaxentits going good I have been training 3 new techs today
00:15.29Anaxentyeah makes me wonder about mine as well
00:15.31Zerylcool, more tech support ;P
00:15.38Anaxentwe have alot of peeps but not many raid
00:15.55Anaxentand not many use our site nor the features
00:16.03Zerylya, i know :(
00:16.20Anaxenti still think we should make our own guild
00:16.30Zeryli don't wanna re-roll :(
00:16.45Anaxenti know and I couldnt get my gf to do it either
00:17.02Anaxentand if she wont I cant play much....sigh
00:17.10Zerylso she does play?
00:17.20Zerylawesome :P
00:17.29Anaxentshe just hit 41 on a warrior
00:17.38Anaxentshe had a 43 hunter on a pve server
00:18.03Anaxentuntil i made a switch back to Ner'Zhul pvp server where I started playing on day one
00:32.41AnaxentZanix u awake
00:32.50AnaxentZeryl take alook at
00:32.56Anaxentdoes it look right too you
00:33.40Zeryllol, no
00:33.46Zerylthe bottom image of the blocks on the left is screwed up
00:34.06Zeryl<td class="tbll"><img src="themes/wsg_Cardinal/images/forums/spacer.gif" alt="" height="4" width="8"></td>
00:34.06Zeryl<td class="tblbot"><img src="themes/wsg_Cardinal/images/forums/spacer.gif" alt="" height="4" width="8"></td>
00:34.06Zeryl<td class="tblr"><img src="themes/wsg_Cardinal/images/forums/spacer.gif" alt="" height="4" width="8"></td>
00:34.50Anaxentit wasnt like that this afternoon
00:37.00Zanix|awayi am...but im leaving to get food
00:37.22Anaxentso did you make an update to by chance Zanix|away
00:37.24Warlais it possible to setup a second set of SQL database? so i can have 1 from regular wow
00:37.29Warlaand the second on where i can test BC
00:37.32Warlai updated my mod
00:37.40Warlaand its BC compatible now
00:37.47Zanix|awaynot that I know of
00:37.49Anaxentsure you have access to do it all man
00:37.58Anaxentlet me pm u the server deatils for plesk
00:37.59Warlaok plex?
00:38.56Zanix|awayno, i didnt change anything
00:39.28Anaxentwell the site now looks wierd
00:39.56Zanix|awayjust on the home page
00:40.20Anaxentright just there
00:40.43Zanix|awayeverywhere else looks ok
00:41.28Anaxentit could be from the looty bank upload then
00:41.35Anaxentwith the review that is posted with it
00:41.51Anaxentcould be in a div or table that is not closed right im guessing
00:42.31Zanix|awayyeah, i was thinking that
00:43.39Zanix|awayits the quote box
00:44.36Zanix|awaylook now
00:45.17Zanix|awayok, im gonna go now
00:45.19Anaxentcool back to narmal
00:45.34AnaxentWarla did that help you
00:49.32Warlaya :-)
00:49.38Warlai think i got it
01:04.44Anaxentcool let me know if there is anything you need
01:04.58Anaxentand did you notice the help desk option in the bottom of the menu
01:05.05Anaxentit will send me an email
01:26.24Warlak :-)
01:33.39Anaxentso Warla whay does it take sooo long to load your profiler
01:35.47Zanixbecause almost all the data has to load first
01:36.55Zanixand isn't this his personal server?
01:36.59Zanixon his laptop?
01:37.04Anaxentthat is but he also has it on my server
01:37.19Anaxentmakes me wonder
01:37.34Anaxentyour site pulls up fast and so does mine
01:37.46Zanixare we all on the same vps?
01:38.08AnaxentI know his labtop is a turtle to the net for us
01:38.12Anaxentyes we are
01:40.21Zanixwell, then my last statement may be true, it's alot of data for the browser to process and download
01:41.10Zanixit does ahve quite a few html errors
01:41.27Anaxentand seems like alot of the css sytles is inline rather than external
01:41.28Zanix1831 warnings
01:41.32Zanixthat too
01:42.34Zanixand its all done in tables as well
01:42.54Zanixand the entire table has to download before a browser will render it
01:43.28Anaxenti see and that is where div has advantages right?
01:43.48Zeryli think so
01:44.48Zanixthis is why I converted his first version of the character pages in the current implementation of R2 in to divs
01:45.24Zanixi think mine loads much faster
01:45.53Zerylmove that to another server to test that
01:46.09Zanixmove what? mine?
01:48.29Anaxentmove it to our vps
03:10.26Anaxentlater guys
03:10.33Anaxenttime to head home now
05:00.37*** join/#wowroster Zeryl_ (
05:21.49*** join/#wowroster Smaugie776 (
05:22.09Smaugie776Howdy, havin a weird error with UU.7.0, anyone around?
05:34.24Smaugie776havin a weird error with UU.7.0, anyone around?
05:41.39Zanixim playing wow
05:50.17Smaugie776still there?
05:50.47Smaugie776when I try to upload addons in the uuadmin interface I get the following error
05:51.17Smaugie776Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting ']' in /home/.irish/*username*/*webaddress*/include/pclzip.lib.php on line 768
05:53.07Smaugie776i had this error with a version a ways back
05:53.31Smaugie776some setting making it go to the site address rather than that host directory structure
06:11.00Zanixlooks like a corrupted upload
06:11.08Zanixof the php file, not the zip file
06:12.39Smaugie776that was it
06:14.27Zanixit's ok
06:14.47Zanixis it working ok now
06:15.08Smaugie776working like a dream :)
06:19.35Smaugie776thanks again... later.
07:12.41Warlaya there?
07:12.48Zanixyeah, playing wow
07:13.00Warlai was wondering if you made the icons for the Draenei yet :-)
07:13.10Warlathe ones for the profiler on top left corner the round ones
07:26.59ZanixNo, not yet
07:27.08ZanixI dont have the beta data yet
07:27.17ZanixI used wowmodelviewer
08:40.51Warlai c
08:41.00Warladoes modelviewer work with Beta?
08:59.31Zanixi dunno
08:59.46Zanixas I said, I don't have the beta to check
10:52.06*** join/#wowroster Orphis (
10:52.09Zanixwhat's up pleeg?
10:52.26Zanixhey, the svn timeline is back up
10:53.52PleegWatnot much
10:56.15ZanixI cant belive this
10:57.02Zanixjust a little while ago, I noticed the Roster:Updateing page was defaced in the wiki
10:57.35Zanixand guess what?
10:57.41Zanixthat guy's ip address
10:57.46Zanix...the same
10:57.49PleegWatNow that you say it
10:57.55PleegWatBAN HIM!
10:58.13PleegWatSome users you're just better off without
10:58.57PleegWatHaven't been keeping up with the wiki at all really
11:00.10ZanixI look in there to make sure it isn't wreaked
11:00.29Zanixi like my post though
11:00.31Zanix"Edit: Also, next time you decide to deface the WiKi, use a different IP address, I know it was you..."
11:00.43PleegWatI know most of the trunk changes get documented in the wiki.
11:00.54Zanixyeah, I try to keep up on that
11:00.59PleegWatIf I decide to document an aspect of 1.8 I usually add a file in the docs folder
11:01.37Zanixyeah, i saw that
11:02.45ZanixI also just fixed a display thing in Projects Pro
11:02.59PleegWatI really should do that login stuff in 1.8...
11:03.00Zanixin the admin section though
11:03.18Zanixim trying to work on UniAdmin
11:03.30Zanixto get those bugs fixes and features in
11:06.42PleegWat0203Mp3 Player02] Artist..::03Dr. Demento02::.. Title..::03The Funny Farm - They're Coming To Take Me Away02::.. Played..::033202::.. 02.0302UPP0302.
11:07.05Zanixgood one
11:07.30PleegWatI hijacked my sis's mp3 collection
11:07.40PleegWatHardly have any myself
11:10.32Zanixmine is too big i think
11:10.47Zanix4299 mp3s
11:11.03PleegWat850 files in this one
11:11.19PleegWatBut that includes album cover images her media player downloaded I think
11:12.36PleegWathm, those aren't in there anymore. She must've cleaned it up.
11:13.11PleegWatLocal FTP server on my sys. It was on my sys cause her needed a reformat.
11:15.29Zanixhmm, looks like the 2.0 PTR are out
11:15.33Zanixor will be very soon
11:18.53ZanixAPI Changes: Information
11:18.58Zanix* NEW GetSpellCritChance(school)
11:27.02Zanixthat post is long
11:48.34*** join/#wowroster Orphys (
12:08.48*** join/#wowroster Orphis (
12:31.08Zanixhey pleeg
12:31.11Zanixstill there?
12:32.16Zanixi want a better SQL query for gathering addons
12:32.42ZanixI want to grab the list of addons and get a count of how many files for that addon
13:01.25Zanixand we are down for 36 hours :(
13:05.26PleegWatHow do you mean how many files for that addon
13:05.37PleegWatluaUploader files?
13:06.49Zanixaddons are stored in one table
13:07.03Zanixand the file details are stored in another
13:07.09Zanixby addon id
13:07.12Zanixas the key
13:07.52ZanixI'd like to get the addon data and the number of files in one quick query
13:08.11PleegWatadd a COUNT() and a join
13:11.10Zanixto the mysql manual!
13:16.34PleegWatYou need to join in the table with the files, in a left join
13:17.07PleegWatadd the COUNT() of the primary key of the table of files to the fields you're SELECTing
13:17.18PleegWatand add all fields in the first table to the GROUP BY clause
13:17.33PleegWator just its primary key. NOt sure.
13:24.16ZanixSELECT `a`.* COUNT(`f`.`addon_id`) FROM `uniadmin_addons` a LEFT JOIN `uniadmin_files` f ON `a`.`id` = `f`.`addon_id` GROUP BY `a`.`id`
13:24.54Zanixnot working :(
13:25.02PleegWatI assume you're testing the query in phpmyadmin?
13:25.19PleegWatwhat are you getting?
13:25.23ZanixYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'COUNT( `f` . `addon_id` )
13:25.37PleegWatoh, you missed a comma
13:25.38Zanixi think i missed a comma
13:25.40PleegWatafter `a`.*
13:26.00Zanixi believe that did it
13:28.17ZanixSELECT `a`.*, COUNT(`f`.`addon_id`) AS num_files FROM `uniadmin_addons` AS a LEFT JOIN `uniadmin_files` AS f ON `a`.`id` = `f`.`addon_id` GROUP BY `a`.`id` ORDER BY `a`.`name` ASC
13:28.20PleegWatI misunderstood initially, thought you were working on some roster thing
13:28.34PleegWatdoesn't matter for the solution
13:28.52Zanixthis is much better than running a query for every addon
13:29.38PleegWatIt's the profession field slownes all over again as the number of addons increases
13:31.53PleegWatI should ask on a newsgroup sometime if there's a proper SQL solution to it
13:32.03PleegWatThe way we're fetching it now feels kinda ugly
13:32.36PleegWatAlso because we're not filtering the skills, but fetching all of them.
13:33.17PleegWatThe SQL gives enough data that you could add icons for all weapoin skills/languages/etc. a char knows just by adding stuff to the localization files
13:37.57Zanixsorting works now
13:44.55PleegWatHm, does it do addon download size too?
13:45.22PleegWat(with the innocense of someone who doesn't have the faintest idea what data is in the tables)
13:49.20Zanixno, I dont have a size yet
13:54.52PleegWatI want to reserve a TBC collectors edition but I can't find it anywhere
13:55.01Zanixreally quick, how do  you get file size in php?
13:55.30Zanix...that simple huh?
13:55.45PleegWatint filesize ( string filename )
13:55.46PleegWatReturns the size of the file in bytes, or FALSE (and generates an error of level E_WARNING) in case of an error.
13:56.54Zanixso just suppress this with @ then
13:57.13PleegWatDunno what errors you can get
13:57.24PleegWatChecking for existance in advance probably covers it
14:10.39Zanixim also going to add a subpage for every addon
14:10.47Zanixgiving file details as well
14:14.36Zanixfiles sizes
15:00.13*** join/#wowroster Sylphid|work (
15:00.31*** join/#wowroster Sylphid|work (
15:58.37*** join/#wowroster Specis (
15:59.56*** join/#wowroster Warla (
16:00.21Zanix|awaysleepy tim efor me
16:00.28Zanix|away9am and i havent went to bed yet
16:00.41Warlai'm working on my mod like crazy
16:00.48Warlaworks like a charm in BC
16:01.00Warlaits the first and only snapshot mod that works in BC :-)
16:01.21Warlalike CP
16:01.22Zanix|awayive been working on UniAdmin
16:01.32Zanix|awaygetting in some requested features
16:45.30Sylphid|workhey zanix u need any help with UA just lemme know
16:45.34Sylphid|workbe glad to help
17:27.02Sylphid|workhows it goin PleegWat
18:34.26*** join/#wowroster Smaugie776 (
18:56.47*** join/#wowroster Orphis (
20:06.44*** join/#wowroster Mathos (
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20:48.41MathosZeryl_ are you there ?
21:13.22*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
21:13.22*** mode/#wowroster [+o Anaxent] by ChanServ
21:13.47Anaxenthey guys hows it going
21:41.20Anaxenthows it going Warla
21:41.39Anaxentim thinking of picking up a new cell phone from either tmobile or sprint
21:45.00Anaxenteither The Sprint PCS VisionSM Smart Device PPC-6700  or  T-Mobile Dash both using the win mobile os
23:17.07Zanix|awayhey guys
23:21.01Zanix"Players will no longer be able to jump onto the top of the Dun Baldur Fortress in Alterac Valley and get behind the terrain to attack other players."
23:22.47Zanix"Various graphical errors will be noticeable while viewing maps."
23:22.50Zanix?? werid

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