irclog2html for #wowroster on 20061111

00:49.44Anaxentsorry Zeryl just got back in the office
00:49.49Zerylno worries
00:49.54Anaxentnew update we are booting the jails right now
00:49.55Zerylthey won't give me an eta at support :P
00:50.19Anaxentwell we had all the vps servers online 2 1/2 hrs ago
00:50.28Zeryli'm on a vps i thought :(
00:50.36Zerylohhh, nevermind, i know what you mean
00:50.39Anaxentcome to find that the boot script they wrote didnt boot them alll.... sigh
00:57.52Anaxentnot too much longer 5-10 mins max
00:57.55Anaxentor should be
00:58.01Zerylokie :)
00:58.04Anaxentand damn sorry for this
00:58.09Zerylnot your fault :)
01:23.50*** join/#wowroster Guest660 (
01:24.51Guest660Hi guys
01:24.59Anaxenthey hows it going Guest660
01:25.03X4ndurlol sorry
01:25.20X4ndurNeeded some help with the roster...and i searched the forums and couldnt find a solution
01:26.04Anaxentdarn Zeryl still not pinging
01:26.08ZerylI know
01:26.08Anaxentwhats up X4ndur
01:26.12X4ndurAnytime I roll over a name on the main roster page...the entire roster disappears and I have to reload teh page
01:26.44Zerylit works for me properly
01:26.49Zeryltry another browser?
01:27.01Anaxentyeah works great for me as well
01:27.06Zerylalthough i'm not seeing it in ie7 otr FF
01:27.18Anaxentwhat Zeryl said and also clear the cashe
01:27.29Anaxentim in FF
01:27.30Zeryli don't have IE6 anymore since i installed ie7
01:27.33X4ndurbrowser cashe?
01:27.37Anaxentlet me try IE6
01:28.25Anaxentyeah fubared in IE
01:28.56X4ndurany particular reason while IE6 wont work?
01:29.49Zeryldo you have some extensions installed or something? it was developed in ie6
01:30.02X4ndurno nothing installed
01:30.10X4ndurits a fresh out of the box (err off the website) install
01:30.21X4ndurmaybe try reloading?
01:30.36Zerylit's something with your install of IE though, since we all can see it correctly
01:30.47X4ndursomebody said they cant see it with IE6
01:30.50X4ndurnot just me
01:30.53X4nduror did I missread
01:31.04Anaxenti cant in IE6
01:31.08X4nduryah see
01:31.10Anaxentin FF i can though
01:31.11Zerylohh, anax said it, lemme look at your source
01:31.19X4ndursweet Thanks for all the help guys
01:31.33X4ndurGo for it Zeryl
01:32.27Zerylwierd, i don't see anything
01:33.45Zerylya, IE7 is fine
01:34.15X4ndurumm...i updated to the latest version
01:34.21X4ndurshould I roll back to 1.6?
01:34.36Zeryldid you upgrade to 1.7.1?
01:34.43X4ndurfull install
01:34.44Zerylgo to 1.7.1
01:34.51X4ndurwait let me look
01:35.00Zerylyou on 1.7.1
01:35.11X4ndur1.7.1 full install
01:35.17X4ndurdidnt update from previous version
01:35.22Zeryli'm seeing nothing wrong
01:35.47Zerylso i can't help, maybe Anaxent can since he has IE6 still
01:36.15X4ndurit only does it once it fully loads
01:36.58X4ndurI can ninja click a member and see eveyrthing fine...its just the main page...once it fully loads and I roll over a name..bamm its done
01:37.49Anaxentwell it dont really disaper
01:38.02Anaxentnotice on the bottom of the page there is scroll bars
01:38.18Anaxentit seems the gmotd image is HUGE
01:38.20X4ndurlet me check
01:38.48Zeryllol, so it is
01:38.49X4ndurnot on my page
01:38.50Anaxent53910 x 38 px
01:38.55X4ndurohh there it is
01:39.10X4ndurmaybe because I dont have a MOTD
01:39.12X4ndurlet me check
01:39.40Anaxentchange it to text farmat
01:40.01X4ndurin the roster config?
01:40.49X4ndurwhere is that setting?
01:42.00X4ndurwell that was the problem... I turned of MOTD and it worked fine
01:42.17X4ndurThanks for all the help guys
01:42.29X4ndurguess all I needed was a fresh pair of eyes
01:43.39Zerylsorry i couldn't help more :(
01:44.11X4nduryou helped plenty
01:44.14X4ndurit works now doesnt it?
01:44.33Zerylcouldn't tell ya, LOL
01:44.40Zeryli don't know why it doesn't have any char limit on it
01:49.42Zeryllemme check if svn does, if not, i'll add one
01:51.03Anaxentlet me check again
01:51.40Anaxentyep we are good now
01:52.31Anaxentman lame admins booted the wrong kernnel
02:20.04*** join/#wowroster Specis (
02:26.41Specisits a nice night to die loads
02:35.13*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix] by ChanServ
02:35.23Zanixhi guys
02:37.40*** join/#wowroster Warla (
02:37.50Warlaheya zanix
02:37.54Warla <--- warlabc on testrealm :-)
02:37.58Warlacheck it out
02:38.12Warlamy mod is updated for Burning Crusade now :-)
02:38.19Warlawas a bitch to do hehe
02:38.37Specisello Zanix, Warla
02:39.04Zanixcool stuff
02:39.18ZanixHiya Specis
02:39.21Zanixand warla
02:39.31Warlawas nasty to update lots changed in new Lua version
02:39.38Warlaalso the item codes changed
02:40.23Zanixreally? the item ids?
02:40.50Warlaits not X:X:X:X anymore
02:40.57Warlaits X:X:X:X:X:X:X:X
02:41.04Zerylhello all, lol
02:41.10Zeryland ya specis, dying alot :(
02:41.13Zerylmad about the bug trio :(
02:41.21Zeryland Zanix, did you see I posted on your forums :)
02:41.31Warlabug trio blows hehe
02:41.34Warlahate the healchick
02:41.37Specishey we're in combat yer not supposed to be chatting on irc
02:41.43Zerylyour doing it too!
02:41.43ZanixZeryl: not yet
02:41.53Specis... good point
02:41.59Zeryland warla, i need my helm from them :(
02:42.07Zanixso Zeryl and Specis, what db layer should we use?
02:42.23ZanixI HAVE THE NEXT 5 DAYS OFF.... WOOOOOO!!!
02:42.47Warlawho wants to see a sweet level spec for mages in burning crusade?`
02:42.54Warla <-- here
02:43.40ZanixAnaxent, are you alive
02:44.03Anaxentim still alaive but barely
02:45.03Zanixsee your pm please
02:45.05Anaxentwroking on trying to get Zeryl's server back online
02:45.14Zerylis it just mine now anax? lol
02:45.17Zanixyeah, I noticed...tough luck over there :)
04:12.24*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
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08:09.39*** join/#wowroster Zanix_ (
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12:21.08*** join/#wowroster Guest (
12:21.40Cieanyone in here?
12:25.13*** join/#wowroster Orphis (
12:34.45Zanixyeah, Im going to bed though
12:34.59Zanix|away5:30am is too late to stay up
13:18.18Cieanyone here now?
13:27.27Cieare yo familiar with WOWroster
13:31.08OrphisNot really
13:35.53Ciei am missing some pictures like realm status
15:35.54*** join/#wowroster Warla (
15:41.03*** join/#wowroster Specis (
15:44.08*** join/#wowroster ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
15:44.08*** mode/#wowroster [+o ChanServ] by
15:44.08*** mode/#wowroster [-oo Zanix|away Zeryl] by ChanServ
16:32.55*** join/#wowroster Guest273 (
16:33.08Guest273hey guys i need some help any one help me
16:33.41Guest273can anyone help me with wowrosta
16:35.19*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
16:35.19*** mode/#wowroster [+o Anaxent] by ChanServ
16:35.38Anaxentgood morning
16:36.12Guest273anyone hepl me me with wowrosta please
16:37.56Guest273hello anyone help me
16:39.29Guest273is anyoen aline in here
16:40.59Guest273ffs anyone help me
16:44.36Guest273cum on guys
16:45.49Guest273i like talking to my self SOME ONE ANSWER ME PLEASE
16:47.20Anaxentwhats up Guest273
16:47.51Guest273Ook i have installed wow roster but it keeps saying this Could not find guild: 'No Rules' for server 'Agamaggan'
16:48.20Guest273You need to load your guild first and make sure you finished configuration
16:48.38Guest273but i have done all that but when i update my char profile says could not find user in data base
16:49.08Guest273Could not find guild in database. Please update members first.
16:49.56Anaxentok u need to upload the guild then
16:50.04Anaxentwhen uploading ur cp file
16:50.17Anaxentmake sure to also use the password in the password field below
16:50.26Guest273yea i have done all that
16:50.33Anaxentand if it still fails look in the upload output
16:50.47Anaxentas it will give you the exact spelling of the server and guild name
16:50.58Guest273yep and i havd done all that 2
16:51.40Anaxentthats the only thing it could be man
16:51.49Anaxentdo u have a link
16:51.59Anaxentand a cp file i could look through
16:52.06Guest273ok il re set it all and resinstall it and try again
16:52.39Guest273now how do i sacn my bagss and stuff
16:52.51Anaxentwhen in game
16:53.20Anaxentas you scan the characters it should also scan bags and banks when u open them
16:53.24Anaxentoh one more thing
16:53.32Anaxentdo you have the addon guildprofiler
16:55.21Guest273its scans me bags but now when i update it they dont add to teh roster
17:00.39Guest273anuy idea
17:24.33*** join/#wowroster Guest525 (
17:24.46Guest525hey anyone help me for a sec please
17:29.57Anaxentwhats up Guest525
17:31.47Guest525how do i set so wowroster shows guild banks
17:32.20Guest525even if im not in charge of them how can i get it to sho
17:33.40Anaxentthey will show when the bank chars upload there char data
17:33.53Guest525ok but do i need to setanything up in wow roster
17:33.58Anaxentbut first in the admin panel you would set who would be the bank char
17:34.19Guest525ok how please say
17:34.28Anaxentor if you have a few bank toons set the field it looks at to guild rank and make a new rank just for banks
17:34.44Guest525can i not do it by officer notes
17:34.48Anaxenthead to your admin panel of roster
17:34.54Anaxentu could
17:34.58Guest525ok how
17:35.08Guest525yep im in config
17:35.12Anaxentin the roster menu there should be a link to admin config
17:35.20Anaxentnoiw a buttin in the menu guild bank
17:35.21Guest525yep already there
17:35.55Anaxentu should really check out your config panel you have a few good options in there
17:36.13Guest525thats all set up just need to set up guild bank
17:37.03Anaxentu just need to upload the bank char
17:37.12Guest525iv put in the guild banks officers note guildbank now what
17:37.38Anaxentif you dont control the bank char u need that guy to upload his own characterprofile.lua
17:38.04Guest525yea but i need to know what the settings r
17:38.16Anaxentwhat setting?
17:38.32Anaxentu said you set them already in the admin config under guild bank
17:38.32Guest525for the guild bank in wowroster as im using officers notes
17:39.24AnaxentBanker Search Field
17:39.44Anaxentthis is a drop down
17:39.51Anaxentchoose officer note
18:19.41*** join/#wowroster apt (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
18:19.41*** topic/#wowroster is Behold, the power of cookies (and accessing the right URL)
18:33.20*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zeryl] by Anaxent
18:33.26*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix|away] by Anaxent
19:00.32*** join/#wowroster apt (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
19:00.32*** topic/#wowroster is Behold, the power of cookies (and accessing the right URL)
21:07.26*** join/#wowroster Orphis (
21:42.08*** join/#wowroster Ulminia (i=CPGMembe@

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