irclog2html for #wowroster on 20061105

00:03.35Anaxentat first I thought it was just the location of imagemagick but gd dont work either
00:03.46AnaxentI was able to fix the ftp uploading
00:04.15Anaxentas the forum attachment file had a function named forumpr_ftp when it was missing the o
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00:09.50Zerylhi all
00:10.08Zanixhey Zeryl
00:22.19Zeryldo you know a way to see what is pending on a site download? i'm looking at my roster, and it seems that something is still trying to download, but not working
00:22.43Zanixi dunno
00:23.17Zerylnone of the pop-ups are showing for me :(
00:23.30Anaxentwhat about realmstatus
00:23.45Zerylrealmstatus is fine
00:23.54Zerylonly does it in firefox for me
00:23.57ZerylIE7 just worked fine
00:24.05AnaxentFF worked for me
00:24.06[PUPPETS]Gonzoworking fine in ff for me
00:24.10Zerylhrmm, must be me
00:24.22Zanixfine for mew
00:24.38[PUPPETS]Gonzorestart ff?
00:24.44[PUPPETS]Gonzomaybe some cache problem?
00:25.17Zerylmusta been, 3rd restart fixed it
00:27.35Zanixi still cant figure out a way to not have to edit each theme's template files for itemstats
00:30.03ZerylHey zanix, is it just my install, or does the "member log" type thing not display a summary at the end of the upload anymore?
00:37.55Zanixit doesnt, it displays just below the no updating guild "NAME"
00:38.05Zanixnot at the very bottom anymore
00:38.14Zerylahhh, ok
00:45.30Zanixdoes anyone here have a stable release of DF installed
00:45.36Zeryli do
00:45.40Zeryli don't use cvs
00:46.31Zanixi may have to have you test the itemstats im working on
00:46.44Zerylhrmm, that may be hard, i have it installed
00:47.11Zeryland will cause conflicts, and i don't have the notes how to install, so i can't remove it anymore :(
00:49.25Zanixwell crap
00:49.48Zanixyou can always replace includes/nbbcode.php and includes/javascript/bbcode.js
00:50.00Zanixwith fresh files
00:50.08Zanixsince those are the two that are edited
00:50.16Zanixdid you use that?
00:52.06ZerylI can't remember
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00:56.38Zerylit's been almost 5 months now :(
00:59.02Zanixok, im installing it on
00:59.54Tsikurathat was just random :D
01:00.00Zanixim installing itemstats on
01:00.11Zanixmy own special edited version
01:00.25Zanixwith as few edits as possible
01:02.59Zanix2 files (nbbcode.php, and header.html for every template)
01:08.49Anaxentgood luck
01:08.50Zanixitemstats is now installed on
01:09.00Zanixand seems to work fine
01:26.57Anaxentit looks good your test post
01:36.50Zanixnow, I need to just write a guide
01:36.57Zanixwonder where I should post it
02:21.59Anaxentwell about time for me to head out for the night
02:22.06Anaxentyou guys take it easy
02:47.46Zanixpretty -
02:48.28Zerylwhere's that from?
02:50.00Zanixill find it again
02:50.51Zanixi edited it alot
02:50.56Zanixdifferent image
02:51.05Zanixability to make transparent png
02:51.30Zanixthis is the image
02:52.19Zerylbah, i have to sign up, nevermind
02:52.54Zanixi can download t for you
02:53.30Zerylno worries
02:53.39Zerylnot a big deal
02:53.43Zanixits cool though
02:56.04Zanixthere the original zip, my psd file, and my edited serverspecs.php file
02:56.13Zanixto support a transparent background
02:56.24Zanixhave fun
02:56.36Zerylyour missing the closing ?> on your php
02:56.36Zanixits for DF by the way
02:56.45Zanixoh well
02:56.47Zerylya, i see the cmsinit
03:03.41Zanixit's kinda cool
03:09.21Zerylya, i like those things, heh
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03:23.10Zanixhiya anax
03:24.19Anaxentyeah I just saw that on ur sig
03:24.24Anaxentpretty hawt
03:26.46Zanixits this -
03:27.07Zanixthere the original zip, my psd file, and my edited serverspecs.php file
03:30.37Zanixand im making a post on for itemstats
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03:58.23Zanixtakes forever to format a post
04:35.15Zeryl__heh, love stargate atlantis
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04:39.13Zanixso do i
04:39.19Anaxentas well as i
04:39.22Anaxentis it on?
04:40.07Anaxentthats really cool
04:42.31Zanixgot all the itemstats files working in DF
04:43.44Zanixabout, view cache, clear cache
04:44.33Zerylwant a script to import hundreds of items?
04:49.55Zanixmaybe later
04:50.08Zeryli actually wrote one to import EVERY item in the game
04:50.36Zanixyeah, i remember
04:54.02Zanixcrazy stuff
04:54.06Zanixim gonna go get food now
05:55.16Zanixit feels good to be back
05:56.59Zerylgood, lol
06:09.23Zanixso, what are you up to tonight?
06:09.58Zerylfinishing up Molten Core
06:10.17Zanixand stuff
06:29.50Zerylgoing to sleep, cya
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07:56.46Guest200anyone awake in here this fine morning?
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08:05.14*** topic/#wowroster is Behold, the power of cookies (and accessing the right URL)
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08:19.15*** topic/#wowroster is Behold, the power of cookies (and accessing the right URL)
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08:50.45Byrillicushow's it going?
08:50.48Zanixi was able to upload
08:51.00Zanixit's alright, just having a lte night
08:51.17Zanixso you are running IIS correct?
08:51.41Byrillicusyeah.. that's what i'm running
08:51.51Zanixhere's the update log form my site
08:52.03Zanixyou can update your file there is you want, the password is admin
08:53.06Zanixweird stuff
08:53.28ByrillicusWell.. hrm...
08:53.41Byrillicuslol.. yeah.. that's what i'm thinking
08:53.48Zanixand it worked before?
08:54.49Byrillicusyeah.. before I upgraded 1.7.1 and put 1.6.3 CP on UA
08:55.48Byrillicusif you want to look at the roster config, the pass is ddguild
08:56.29Byrillicusi even tried changing the min CP ver to 1.6.0 in case it was reading the GP version for some reason.
08:57.24Zanixnaw, that's a differnt thing
08:57.36ZanixGuildProfiler version is save independantly in CP.lua
08:57.57Byrillicusi figured it was, but hell.. i was trying anything at that point.. :P
08:58.48Zanixcan you do my a favor?
08:58.52Zanixedit a file for me?
08:59.06Zanixif( is_array($uploadData['myProfile']) )
08:59.53Zanixprint '<pre>';print_r($uploadData);print '</pre>';die();
09:00.14Byrillicusnp.. gimme just a sec
09:00.30Zanixwait, that might be a bad place
09:00.40Byrillicusalright.. i haven't changed anything yet
09:01.07Zanixfind $updateMessages = processMyProfile($uploadData['myProfile']);
09:01.14Zanixprint '<pre>';print_r($uploadData);print '</pre>';die();
09:01.30Zanixthe other edit would have messed up the page, lol
09:01.51Byrillicuslol.. we definitely wouldn't have wanted that..
09:02.14Zanixnope, this edit will display the contents of the CP.lua file as a php array
09:02.22Zanixor it should, lol
09:04.59ByrillicusI think i did that right.. =/
09:06.50Zanixdid you save it?
09:07.03Byrillicuswell, i don't see the contents of CP.lua, so i probably didn't.. seeing how i know just 'so' much php, i probably didn't
09:07.25Zanixlooks like this?
09:07.26Zanixif( is_array($uploadData['myProfile']) )
09:07.26Zanixprint '<pre>';print_r($uploadData);print '</pre>';die();
09:07.26Zanix$updateMessages = processMyProfile($uploadData['myProfile']);
09:07.42Zanixdo you have ftp access on your site?
09:07.58Byrillicusyep u/p   website/destruction
09:08.13Byrillicushey. i did do that right
09:08.54Zanixyeah, thats why im asking for ftp access
09:09.03Zanixthis means the luaparser isnt working right
09:10.11Byrillicusoh.. just something else that i probably have somehow broke.. amazing how I can fix things at Broadwing, but tear up my own stuff
09:16.21Byrillicusgreat.. when a developer of wowroster says, "wtf?" after looking at my shit, i'm doomed
09:17.18Byrillicushey.. maybe you can tell me something.. what are all these .frm and .MYD files in the main dir of roster?
09:17.47Zanixi dunno
09:17.59Byrillicusah.. not needed files
09:18.04Zanixyeah, definatly
09:18.18Zanixthe lua parser is craping out somewhere
09:18.32Byrillicusk.. i didn't rid myself of those files cause I wasn't certain.
09:19.09Zanixi dunno what those are
09:19.53Zanixdid you use an earlier versin of Roster?
09:20.23Byrillicusbeen using it for a long while.. I do the upgrades every time you guys come out with one.
09:21.31Zanixis this youre personal server?
09:21.44Byrillicusdamn.. how could you tell?
09:22.01Zanixnot too hard, some of the settings in phpinfo.php give it away
09:23.29Byrillicusyeah.. it's sitting here in my apt.. however, i am currently moving to a dedicated server.
09:23.54Zanixcan you check the permissions on F:\WINNT\TEMP\
09:24.04Byrillicusyeah.. i moved my TeamSpeak server over to it already.. just kinda slow about moving everything else.
09:24.08Zanixmake sure it's set to everyone
09:24.23Zanixand clear that folder as well
09:24.36Zanixyou may have alot of old .tmp files there
09:27.17ZanixTHERE we go
09:28.34Zanixdid you edit addons/siggen/trigger.php at all
09:29.10Byrillicusno.. was i supposed to?
09:29.20Zanixsomeone did
09:29.36Zanixit's not the file fomr the zip package
09:29.42Zanixsomeone inserted a new line
09:29.46Zanixthat has a syntax error
09:29.53Zanix$mode = 'char'
09:29.57ZanixI just removed it
09:30.51Byrillicusoh ok.. cool.. might've been the other guy I have help me with some of the php stuff on the forums. He might've goofed around with that or something.
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09:31.08Zanixok, it was your permissions on that temp folder
09:31.21Zanixupload looks like it works now
09:31.54Zanixcheck for me
09:32.49Byrillicusyeah.. that looks great! thanks! geez.. can't believe that's all it was. *slaps forehead*
09:33.11Zanixwell, crap like that happens
09:34.20Byrillicushey. what's memberlog?
09:34.48Zanixlook at it :)
09:35.24ByrillicusNo Member Log Recorded
09:35.24Zanixits a log of memebers that are added or removed form Roster
09:35.38Byrillicusoh! ok..
09:35.38Zanixyeah, it would say that
09:35.56Zanixwhen you loose or gain members, it will start filling with info
09:36.21Byrillicusok.. cool.. i should've gotten that addon long ago.. :P
09:36.41Byrillicusglad it's in there now as a regular feature
09:36.49Zanixwell, the version in 1.7.1 is imcompatible with the addon for 1.7.0
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09:37.57Guest188i wanna kill my computer
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09:38.45zanixadobe was updating somehting
09:39.03Byrillicusah.. good ole adobe.. it seems to have updates every other day
09:39.15zanixand somthnig popped up
09:39.20zanixthen my computer shut down
09:39.31zanixit must have been wanna restart
09:39.40zanixOK< SURE, BYBYE NOW!
09:39.51Byrillicusthe categorized bank takes 36.69 seconds to create.. is that cause i'm hosting this on a slower machine?
09:39.55zanixpiece of crap
09:40.02Byrillicusthat's what my norton enjoys doing to me
09:40.14zanixso im on my roommates cpu
09:40.32zanixok, mines back up
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09:40.57Byrillicusin college?
09:41.06Zanixtaking a break
09:41.30Zanixbeen out for a year now
09:41.37Byrillicusah.. you said roommate and i was thinking college.. :)  however, i had roommates even when I wasn't in college.
09:41.55Zanixyeah, same here
09:41.58Byrillicuswell, this is neat, the reg bank page takes 2.11 seconds.
09:42.06Zanixi live with 2 guys and 2 girls
09:42.24Byrillicusi live with my gf.. just moved from GA to TX a few months ago.
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09:42.36Zanixsame here, one of those girls is my GF
09:42.47Vathraloh man, saddam hussein got pwnt
09:43.17Zanix???, lol
09:43.29Zanixthis is memberlog -
09:43.32Vathralhe got the death sentence just now
09:43.36Vathraldeath by hanging
09:44.23Zanixyeah, definatly pwn'ed
09:45.21Vathralman, the judge got balls. i bet he'll be found dead soon
09:45.51Byrillicuscool memberlog..
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09:55.52Byrillicusgn.. thanks again for your help
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13:16.10PleegWathow's it going?
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13:18.45Zanix...just ok
13:18.51Zanixim editing my forums
13:19.07PleegWatI'm running through the usual list
13:19.25PleegWatGenerally get online late on sundays cause of church in the morning
13:23.39PleegWatBTW I've heard how worldofwar got their hands on those beta passes
13:33.08Zanixregisterd fan site?
13:35.26Zanixi got your pm
13:36.37PleegWatMight be worth getting ourself registered as one. We might not get a beta key but it will probably have other similar advantages in the future.
13:37.34PleegWat lol
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13:55.21PleegWatHm, strangely I can't find a link to the US fan site program
13:55.35PleegWatThe EU one points to the webform for submitting one
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14:25.05Zanixit could be
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15:44.43Zanixok, sleepy time
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15:48.43*** kick/#wowroster [Zeryl__!] by Zanix|away (clone)
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16:29.56Anaxentgood morming
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17:15.25Anaxentso how are you doing PleegWat
17:15.33AnaxentI just got out of a meeting
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17:27.37Anaxenthows it going Warla
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17:37.16Warlafine fine
17:37.18Warlagot beta key
17:37.24Warlafound it in my junkmail
17:37.29Warlaaparently since octover 17th
17:37.33Warlafound it today
17:38.48Anaxentdamn junk folder
17:38.56Anaxentyou can loose just about anything in there
17:38.56Warlalol ya
17:38.59Anaxentwell cool man
17:39.04Warlabetter late than never
17:39.10Anaxentnow we can do some serious testing then
17:39.12Warlalucky i found that blizz invited me to beta
17:39.25Warlai'll upgrade my mod + profiler scripts for BC
17:39.39AnaxentPleegWat, u hear that.... now we can see how the arenas work
17:39.39Warlaits finished already so when its BC ready i'll release em
17:39.42Warlaso people can use that
17:40.08Warlacheck this out:
17:40.17Anaxentso do you have pets working in our profiler
17:40.27Anaxenti think i saw that already
17:40.29Warlayea pets work now
17:40.35Warlai just need to upload the newest version
17:40.41Warlalanguage support added
17:40.53Warlagerman players see the profile in german like on their german wow client
17:41.07Warlai downloaded the german 10 day trial version :-)
17:41.15Warlaand translated the whole thing
17:41.36Anaxentlol sick
17:41.57Warlaso they see the profiler page 1:1 like in their german wow
17:42.35Warla38% wow beta installed...
17:42.44Warlasoon burning crusade hehe
17:42.51Warlaseen my rep bar? ^^
17:43.54Anaxentyeah i did
17:43.59Anaxentman that is so cool
17:44.12AnaxentZanix showed me this ui yesterday
17:44.21Anaxentpretty cool
17:44.43Warlaohh sweet
17:44.50Warlahe made a visual ui?
17:45.22Anaxentnah Zanix didnt he just found it
17:45.32Warlalooks wicked
17:45.39Warla45% Burning crusade installed
18:02.25PleegWatDinner was delicious
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18:09.20Anaxentoh really what did you eat
18:10.09PleegWatA salmon dish, with fries
18:10.27PleegWatAnd a vegetable I'd have to look up in the dictionary for the english name (witlof)
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21:40.26AnaxentHey Zeryl
21:40.29Anaxenthows it going
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22:04.34Zanix|awayso anax, i released my edit for itemstats
22:13.40Zanix|awayI also worked on my site some more
22:20.48Anaxentok cool checking it out now
22:21.15Anaxentwhen I used the itemstats overlib with roster it messed up rosters tooltips
22:21.33Anaxentso I am now using roster overlib instead
22:21.54Anaxent<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{THEME_PATH}/style/{CSS_FILE}.css" media="screen" />
22:21.54Anaxent<link rel="stylesheet" href="modules/item_stats/templates/itemstats.css" type="text/css" />
22:22.31Anaxenti will have to go through roster now and add the if ('Item_stats') install stuff to keep this from happening
22:22.57Anaxentah man ur forums....
22:23.01Anaxentlooks sexy
22:24.50Anaxentwould you mind posting the post_list.html code for to look at
22:25.01Anaxentas mine is a bit messed up i think due to the divs
22:25.11Zanix|awaylol, its all tables on mine
22:25.18Zanix|awayat least for now
22:25.44Anaxenti dont really inderstand the diffrence
22:25.51Anaxentbetween the table and div
22:25.59Anaxentthe pros and cons
22:26.01Zanix|awayvery slight
22:26.13Zanix|awaydiv appears to load faster
22:26.26Zanix|awaysince the whole table has to download before it renders
22:27.03Anaxentwell i have divs that are below my tables but the divs somehow overlap my tables
22:27.36Zanix|awayprobably some positioning issue
22:28.58Zanix|awayposts_list.html -
22:29.44Zanix|awaydisplay_posts.php -
22:30.01Anaxentline 299 of includes/dispay_posts.php
22:30.04Anaxentif (empty($poster_avatar)) {
22:30.04Anaxent$poster_avatar = 'index.php?name=wowrosterdf&amp;file=addon&amp;roster_addon_name=siggen&amp;mode=avatar&amp;member='.$poster_name.'&amp;etag=0';
22:30.15Zanix|awaymine doesnt do the roster avataror signature thing yet
22:30.17Anaxentthat will use the default roster avatars
22:30.35Zanix|awayi wanna redesign mine before I do that
22:31.34Zanix|awaythey are going to be 132 px wide and high
22:31.39Zanix|awayto fit the space
22:32.11Zanix|awaythen I also need to grab the actual data from Roster for class and pvp rank
22:32.36Zanix|awayinstead of using ranks
22:43.49PleegWatwhat's up?
22:44.07Zanix|awayi was pulling my hair out over DF's db layer yesterday
22:44.58PleegWathopelessly complicated and you're gonna redesign from scratch?
22:45.13Zanix|awayyeah, I suppose so
22:45.50PleegWatMy idea was basically to have a query object, with the mysql functions attached to it
22:45.56PleegWatSo $result->get_row() etc
22:46.02Anaxentyeah... you do! "then I also need to grab the actual data from Roster for class and pvp rank
22:46.02Anaxent<Zanix|away> instead of using ranks'
22:46.45Zanix|awayare you making fun of me :(
22:52.03PleegWatI need to ask in the php newsgroup if it's possible to fetch info from where a function was called from without passing it as a parameter
22:52.22PleegWatSo like finding out what called $wowdb->num_rows()
23:00.15Zanix|awayall i know is that I got pissed off at it
23:00.39Zanix|awayi know im just missing one critical thing
23:00.50Zanix|awayone small detail that eludes me
23:02.37PleegWatYou wanna upgrade the login system then?
23:02.53PleegWatThen I'll build the query layer
23:09.44PleegWatWell I'm going to bed. Night.
23:20.07Anaxentthx Zanix
23:24.47Anaxentso what do you think of my home page now
23:25.01Anaxenti took out the center block due to issues with IE
23:25.09Anaxentand went to the combined
23:26.22Anaxenti think it would be cool to have the top download and links on the top via a toggle then the news right below with the first one auto open while the other news 2- say 15-20 would be toggle like polos site
23:31.58Anaxentah damn no more bc keys
23:32.20Anaxentjust the kind of luck i had in vegas
23:38.19Anaxentso Zanix u wanna try getting some of these beta winners over to to help test?
23:49.11AnaxentFlukes> uh
23:49.11Anaxent<Flukes> i may be making an external .net dll
23:49.12Anaxent<Flukes> which will give functions such as GetDownloadUrl(modID), GetModVersion(modID), etc.
23:49.12Anaxent<Anaxent> oh right on

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