irclog2html for #wowroster on 20061015

00:00.51PoloDudehehe, look at my screen i ordered :p
00:00.52Matt_Millerto answer your question, yes you would have to change the additional variable name number 1 to ulogin and 2 to user_password
00:03.15Matt_Millernice screen
00:03.31Matt_Milleri have a viewsonic VA912b right now
00:03.37Matt_Millerits nice
00:06.04ZerylHi matt!
00:06.08Zerylnice to see you :)
00:06.15ZerylI have the VA1912wb
00:06.33Zeryl19" widescreen, beautiful picture
00:08.28PoloDudei like the functions that 204 has, problem is i've been waiting like a month now till they get it in stock and the date keeps getting up and up :s
00:09.06PoloDudei just hope i still get it, althouhg i think they might just have stopped the production :(
00:10.23PoloDudeand as far as i've seen it's the only "cheap" 20" that has a resolution of 1600x1200
00:22.54Anaxentwhats up Matt
00:26.42Anaxentcool thx MAtt ill try that tonight when i get home
01:12.57*** join/#wowroster Guest949 (
01:36.50PoloDudelol, i just logged into wow and two lvl 1 gnomes started a game, find me and get 10g
01:37.12PoloDudeso i found them, got 10c because i wasn't the first :p
01:37.39Anaxentwhere were they
01:37.42PoloDudethen they did another game, stood in the hot coals of military ward (in if) and i had to keep em alive :p
01:37.54PoloDudenot hard for a druid :p
01:38.02Anaxenti hear when dead you can go behind the kings chamber in IF
01:38.10PoloDudeand got 2x5g ^^
01:38.25PoloDudeah cool, and what's there?
01:38.59PoloDudeseen these yet? and
01:43.45Anaxentthem are nice
01:43.58Anaxenti saw that trick on g4tv
01:44.14Anaxentit allows you to go in a tunnel to the end of wow kind of
01:45.52Anaxentyeah tem are some nice pics there
01:47.23PoloDudeoh, and seen the topic about the sword of a thousand troops? :p
01:48.00PoloDudeah ye right
02:07.10*** join/#wowroster Anax (
02:07.21Anaxjust cam home for mu lunch to test UU
02:07.25Anaxand it works
02:07.36Anaxcookie handling is working as well
02:07.37Zerylya, it was a mistake on my part
02:07.41AnaxMatt you rock
02:07.58Anaxi mean with in DF and being able to auth with it on upload
02:08.20Anaxi can now take out the core changes i made that allowed uu to post wityh out auth
02:08.34Anaxor anyone to post as long as there user agent was uniuploader
02:11.19PoloDudeman i'm so making a shammy dranei :p
02:12.14PoloDudei'm looping through those images i've posted the link off :p
02:12.19PoloDude600+ or something
02:13.45Zerylour second ever half of the bindings of the windseeker dropped
02:13.58Zerylsee we have two first half's
02:17.14PoloDudecheck it out :p
02:17.47PoloDudezeryl you there? :)
02:17.54Zerylya, one sec
02:18.34PoloDudetry this
02:25.44PoloDudethose are so gonna be mine :p
02:28.04PoloDudeand check out this beauty oO
02:29.27PoloDude this one even better i think
02:54.41PoloDudeok, that was fun, now i'm off to bed :) cya
07:08.10Zanix|awayanyone up?
07:28.12*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
07:28.12*** mode/#wowroster [+o Anaxent] by ChanServ
07:28.21Anaxentah Matt is gone
07:30.25Zanix|awayah ana
07:30.30Zanix|awayblah blah
07:30.45Zanixwhat's up?
07:37.35Anaxenthey Zanix hows it going
07:37.46Zanixpretty good
07:37.51Zanixworking on UniAdmin
07:38.07Anaxentwas goping to ask Matt if there was a way to include .net 1.1 with UU and do a check to see if it was installed if not install it
07:38.17Anaxentah hows UA coming along
07:38.27AnaxentMatt got UU to work with DF
07:38.35Anaxentcookies and all
07:39.17Zanixi saw that
07:39.20Zanixvery nice
07:39.31ZanixUA? slowly
07:39.32Anaxentand looks like the server for this month will be paid in no time
07:39.39Zanixno kidding
07:39.55ZanixLeft to go:   $162.51
07:40.14Zanixthats so awesome
07:40.25Zanixim working on theme support for UniAdmin
07:40.45Anaxentoh nice
07:43.19Zanixit's needed if im gonna convert it into an addon
07:43.28Zanixso i can make a "roster" theme
07:43.37Zanixi got most of the underlying code done
07:44.02Zanixjust gonna convert the existing code to output to a template
07:44.52Zanixshould be quick from here on out
07:45.06Zanixi love this
07:45.14Zanixthis is more than we ever got on the old site
07:45.26Zanixand it's only been 2 days
07:48.26Zanixim quitting my guild
07:49.06Zanixwe never do anything
07:49.13Anaxentwhy are you going to quit your guild ... so we can start or own wowroster guild?
07:49.23Zanixnot that
07:49.35Zanixwe can still do that
07:49.40Anaxentah char transfers and all
07:50.20Anaxentwell why dont you guys ever do anything
07:50.33Anaxentdo you not have a leader that wants it all
07:53.27Anaxentnow what I wish is if UA would be turned into a download addon in a way
07:53.37Anaxentas right now UA is just more of a back end
07:53.48Anaxentwhat if it had a front end
07:54.47Anaxentand maybe 2-3 catagories one the main one for UU to get updates the others for section in roster for peeps to download extra stuff if it were other addons or videos or basiclly anything
07:55.27Anaxentimo i still think it should be a part of roster as a core
07:58.04Zanixbut it needs to be separate
07:58.22Zanixbecause UniUploader isn't just for Roster
07:59.56Anaxentwhat else is it made for
08:00.12Anaxenti mean i know its features
08:00.29Anaxentbut do other sites use it besides roster like calvins site
08:01.36Anaxentthen still what about in this addon next version it had a front end so users can upload and download files
08:02.11Anaxentjust like df sownload module in many ways but still giving the abillity for UU to get the needed/required addons
08:04.54Zanixim gonna have annon users in UniAdmin be able to view most of the pages
08:16.44Zanixwhen i finish, you should be able to view those pages in the menu
08:20.18Anaxentman and thats just a login screen and im ahhhh wow
08:23.49Zanixuse admin : c to log in
08:25.43AnaxentFatal error: Call to undefined function display_page() in C:\server\www\roster\uniadmin\branches\0_7_0\html\modules\addons.php on line 251
08:26.36Anaxentah wait that must be the template system
08:33.53Zanixit is
08:34.00Zanixonly the help page is converted
08:34.06Zanixim working on the login box right now
08:38.55PleegWatNice, new wow insider.
08:43.05PleegWatOne key lesson learned from the current cities is that many players tend to gather around a few points of interest: mailboxes, auction houses, banks, flight paths, and inns.
08:43.15PleegWatThey should've studied psycology better
08:46.44*** join/#wowroster TinoM (
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08:48.36PleegWatUndercity and Silvermoon City will be linked by a portal located just outside the city walls of the Forsaken capital <= nice
08:49.47Zanixi wonder why?
08:50.03PleegWatJust hope it means they're also gonna improve getting to darnassus
08:50.17PleegWatNot that I've played alliance recently, but still
08:54.01Zanixyeah, it's a pain
08:55.21Zanixim working on UniAdmin so that you can view parts without logging in
08:55.30PleegWatYeah, it's getting very nice
08:55.44Zanixso i can get rid of the extra view page
08:55.45PleegWatMe and anax were talking about that yesterday
08:55.54PleegWatAre you gonna produce a downloads page for addons?
08:56.10PleegWatSo players without UU can still fetch addons from the guild website?
08:58.59Zanixthats the idea
08:59.10Zanixand why im making areas accessable to guest users
08:59.40Zanixi read your conversation
08:59.47Zanixthats why im doing this
09:01.04PleegWatRoster's getting very nice
09:05.14Zanixits getting there
09:06.04PleegWatI've decided not to go on per-user buttons.
09:06.24Zanixthat may be for the best
09:06.41PleegWatSo I only need to do the create/edit mechanism now
09:06.53Zanixcool, makes it easier huh?
09:07.14PleegWatAnd remove some debug stuff I left in from the delete system
09:07.36Anaxenttalking about per users
09:07.52Anaxentare the users going to be able to set there own show/hide of fetures
09:08.08PleegWatmenu buttons, yes. Those will be per user
09:08.10Anaxentand have the admin make what will be default so the user cant turn it off
09:09.16Anaxenti mean like now if we didnt want to show a bank the amdin would have to turn it off for that user or every user
09:09.17Anaxentor is that what ur talking bout
09:09.17PleegWatWell, I'm currently only designing buttons
09:09.30PleegWatNot yet the per-page visibility
09:09.39PleegWatBut when I'm done on the menu stuff I'm gonna do the DB changes
09:09.53PleegWatAnd after that I'll have to change most of the pages to use it properly anyway
09:10.45Anaxentbut when done will make it so much easier for the admins
09:11.19Anaxentand yes man Roster has come along ways
09:11.32Anaxentive been in this community for a lil over a yr now
09:11.56PleegWatI got in last december. We've come a long way since 1.5.1
09:12.15Anaxentand the server crash loosing data and all was a small bump in the road that just made roster that much stronger
09:12.32Anaxentand the community
09:12.59Anaxentthere is a post in the forums of a guy asking if we need his help as he is on the beta team for BC
09:13.05Anaxentdid you guys see that
09:13.17PleegWatI missed that one
09:14.55Anaxentand what it realeases on the 27 or 28 of nov
09:15.13PleegWatWell, there isn't much in specific I'd like to know at the moment. THe arena team details. Can you be in multiple, what data on the arena team, what data on the members
09:15.52Anaxentthey are changing spell and hit points as well i  hear
09:17.48Anaxentthen if that is what you will need to know we should reply back to that guy asking for this data
09:18.06Anaxentand build a test cvsroster just for the bc team
09:18.24Anaxentwith UA and UU preconfigured for them
09:18.46PleegWatWe aren't really interested in the data contents changes. Only in what kind of profiling data we'll get and how the data types/structures will change
09:19.08PleegWatIf a user has 10% more or less HP or mana by default isn't interesting to us. It'll get captured either way.
09:19.52Anaxentbut if change from % to point valuse formulas fould generally need to be changed right?
09:20.49PleegWatI don't understand what you mean.
09:20.58PleegWatCalvin captures the exact stats
09:21.06PleegWatWe put those in the db
09:21.18PleegWatif the stats changed they're still captured and inserted in the same way
09:21.43PleegWatThe upload/import mechanism doesn't really do all that much calculations
09:22.41Anaxentone sec looking for the link
09:22.54Anaxentoh i see
09:23.02Anaxentor hear what you mean
09:28.58PleegWatno 100% mana drain
09:31.03Anaxenti saw an image with something like that
09:31.26Anaxentbut have been hearing aboout the changes with the attack points as you see here
09:31.40Anaxentwhere we generally would see a % we now see a point value
09:32.40PleegWatAh, those
09:32.47PleegWatYes, we need to redesign the char page
09:33.11PleegWatSome of the stuff they're showing wasn't shown at all before, or only in tooltips
09:34.28Zanixthats gonna suck
09:35.18Zanixlol -
09:35.21PleegWatSome stuff we can't do till we've got a TBC cp.lua
09:35.54Anaxentnice post
09:36.05PleegWatI'd like an honest reply to that on too though zanix. What is the timescale? We're in final beta right?
09:36.09Anaxentall the more reason to poat a reply to that beta tester
09:36.38Zanixi almost say just release now
09:36.49Zanixbut there are some frFR stuff to put in
09:36.54PleegWatWe haven't really had any bug reports
09:36.58Zanixlook on the projects page
09:37.03Zanixwe have had some
09:37.06Anaxentwe know the big things that need to be takled but its all the lil things we may be over looking that will really give us troubles
09:37.12PleegWatWhat gets reported as bug reports are just problems or stuff we won't be doing till 1.8
09:37.51Zanixtrue, but there are 3 or 4 reports for the beta
09:38.07Zanixfeature requests im ignoring
09:38.26Zanixi just wanna get the frFR stuff in
09:38.46Zanixthen we all can test a RC and release if the installer and upgrader works ok
09:40.22PleegWatYou should go over stuff and close all bugs/feature requests that are already in or are not going in at all
09:40.46PleegWatesES localization needs a general support>languages topic
09:41.25PleegWatMake it a community effort to add it externally, if they've got it done before we release we can add it otherwise we postpone it to 1.8
10:08.05*** join/#wowroster Vathral (
10:16.07Zanixim getting there
10:16.18Zanixyou should be able to view them
10:17.21Zanixuse admin : c   to login
10:17.23Zanixthen you can
10:33.32PleegWatNow for the next complicated step. How am I gonna create the new button DIV.
10:46.05Zanixso my new guilds' name is   Exalted
10:52.57PleegWatOK, inserting an XML object into an HTML page isn't directly possible
10:57.17PleegWatWhy doesn't this think let me do an explicit cast
10:59.57Zanixi dhave no clue
11:08.16PleegWathm, getting somewhere
11:08.20PleegWatnow how do you assign a class again
11:12.47Zanix$var = new ClassName;
11:13.11PleegWatlol no in javascript, display class
11:13.14PleegWatIt's className
11:13.17PleegWatcause class is reserved
11:19.05PleegWatThere, done
11:46.10PleegWatback from lunch
11:51.12Zanixhow was it
11:51.21Zanixtasty i hope?
11:53.31PleegWatTHere, committing
11:53.45PleegWatI've enabled it too, so it's a visible button
11:53.57PleegWat? cannot connect?
11:54.39PleegWatcan't connect to the site either
12:04.02PleegWatThere, seems to be back
12:04.29PleegWatWell, I'm going off to play
12:09.23*** join/#wowroster Vathral|2 (
12:28.37*** join/#wowroster PoloDude (
12:28.37*** mode/#wowroster [+v PoloDude] by ChanServ
12:28.43PoloDudehey :)
12:32.53PoloDudethink i'm gonna call blizz
12:33.42PoloDudei find it not fair that we can't get keys and that others who get keys sell em on ebay for loads of money
12:36.19PleegWatyeah, that definitely isn't fair
12:36.35PleegWatIt's BGlag again today
12:36.49PleegWat's unplayable then
12:38.38PoloDudefuckers don't answer phonecalls on sunday :@
12:40.16PoloDudedonations are going well he Zanix :)
12:40.17Zanixyeah they are
12:40.20Zanixim suprised
12:40.35PoloDudehehe, probably because we gave some money too :p
12:45.53Zanixcheck UniAdmin out
12:46.14Zanixim changing it so guests can view it
12:53.17PoloDudecool :)
12:53.24PoloDudecan't wait for it to release
12:53.38PoloDudewould it be finished this weekend?
12:53.41PoloDude!seen mathos
12:53.42PleegWat02[0303%0202] 03PoloDude,02 mathos (03n=mathos@166-242-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl02) was last seen when Quitting from..::03#wowrosterdev,#wowroster02::.. Stating..::03"Leaving"02::.. [031wk 3days 6hrs 24mins 3secs02] ago 02.•03«02UPP03»02•.
12:53.42Zanixneither can I
12:53.57Zanixim very close to done
12:55.33PoloDudek, cool :)
12:56.23*** join/#wowroster Vathral (
12:57.44PoloDudethink i'm gonna add siggen to my site afterall :p
12:58.24PoloDudenow that every1 needs to reregister it will be easy to make sure they all use their charactername :)
12:58.42PoloDudeand then i can make my forumtemplate to use siggen avatar
12:59.03PoloDudeis that funny? :p
12:59.07Zanixjust use the saved image mode if you are worried about cpu usage
12:59.18Zanixand link to the saved iamges
12:59.27PoloDudedoes that still update the lvl's then?
12:59.53Zanixif you turn on Auto Save on character update
12:59.59PoloDudecpu usage i'm not worried about, doubt my new server won't be able to handle it, well i hope it for them :p
13:02.52PoloDudedid you add those imagepacks to siggen? or do i have to find them again?
13:06.49Zanixwhat imagepacks
13:07.49Zanixthe different backgrounds?
13:08.54PoloDudejust found em so nvm :)
13:10.18PoloDudeoh and zanix, did you add that note code for memberslist then?
13:11.29Zanixnot yet
13:12.46PoloDudedon't forget ;)
13:12.57PoloDudetalking to GM ingame now :p
13:14.24PoloDudehow do you write, "i find it quite onfair " or is that correct?
13:18.57PoloDudehe says we should make a posting on the forums
13:27.10PoloDudeok, guess we have to make a forumpost then :s
13:41.41PoloDudeany idea what to say zanix?
13:41.55PoloDudei'm not that good a writer but this is what i got :p
13:42.05Zanixi have no clue
13:42.09PoloDudetitle: wowroster team beta-testing
13:42.12Zanixim very tired
13:42.16PoloDudeThe development team of was wondering if it would be possible to get us some beta-keys so we can start implementing the new features already in our "product".
13:42.16PoloDudeWe find it quite unfair that ppl who get keys start selling them on ebay for ridiculous high prices (not every1 ofc) and that we as those that do something for the community can't even get a key :(
13:42.17Zanixall i can do atm is code, lol
13:42.57PoloDudeok, that sentence doesn't seem right lol
13:58.24PoloDudeok, made a new on, check it out zanix
13:58.25PoloDudeA good day to all,
13:58.25PoloDudeFirst of all i'd like to introduce us too all that don't know us.
13:58.25PoloDudeWe are a small group of developers that spend some (if not even most) of our free time in developing the (famous?) wowroster that can be found on
13:58.25PoloDude(an example you can always find here: )
13:58.25PoloDudeNow that BC beta-testing has started we were wondering if it wouldn't be possible that we could get some beta-keys so we can start implementing the new features of BC into wowroster.
13:58.28PoloDudeThe beta-period would give a nice opportunity to make sure we got a full working product to release when BC eventually releases.
13:58.33PoloDudeWe think it's quite unfair that some ppl that get a key start selling them on ebay (those that got em trough contest or even blizzcon) for ridiculous high prizes, and that we who try to do something for the community don't even get a chance on getting beta-keys.
13:58.37PoloDudeI hope that some blue out there would be kind enough to help us out here and we thank you already for your support.
13:59.04Zanixi dont liek the ebay part that much
13:59.16PoloDudeok, remove it?
13:59.28Zanixit sounds like whining
13:59.31Zanixto me
13:59.37PoloDudelike this then
13:59.38PoloDudeA good day to all,
13:59.39PoloDudeFirst of all i'd like to introduce us too all that don't know us.
13:59.39PoloDudeWe are a small group of developers that spend some (if not even most) of our free time in developing the (famous?) wowroster that can be found on
13:59.39PoloDude(an example you can always find here: )
13:59.39PoloDudeNow that BC beta-testing has started we were wondering if it wouldn't be possible that we could get some beta-keys so we can start implementing the new features of BC into wowroster.
13:59.42PoloDudeThe beta-period would give a nice opportunity to make sure we got a full working product to release when BC eventually releases.
13:59.45PoloDudeI hope that some blue out there would be kind enough to help us out here and we thank you already for your support.
13:59.52PoloDudeye was thinking that too a bit actually :)
14:01.44PoloDudebeter zanix?
14:02.08Zanixsounds much better
14:02.29Zanixi just didnt want to sounds like we're whining that we dont get beta keys
14:02.42PoloDudeok, but i'll have to add something under it who or how to contact
14:03.18PoloDudedo i say to contact us trough our website, or do i give an email?
14:03.40PoloDudedunno if you can make me a one :)
14:04.32Zanixwell, i do have
14:04.36Zanixi can make more
14:04.44PoloDudeeven if it's one that redirects to my normal email or so
14:05.05Zanixi even thought about making one for every dev, alpha, and beta member
14:05.12PoloDudecool :)
14:05.27Zanixi just gotta not be lazy and do it
14:05.57PoloDudewhatever you want, i can put or do i put mine? (or ;)
14:06.13PoloDudebrb, cookie and coffee ^^
14:07.23Zanixdamn, that means i have to make it
14:07.38Zanixcan you use
14:07.48Zanixi dont wanna mess with cpanel right now
14:12.09PoloDudeand what if i say i don't wanna use webmaster@? :p
14:17.19PoloDudeso this is ok zanix?
14:17.20PoloDudeA good day to all,
14:17.20PoloDudeFirst of all i'd like to introduce us too all that don't know us.
14:17.20PoloDudeWe are a small group of developers that spend some (if not even most) of our free time in developing the (famous?) wowroster that can be found on
14:17.21PoloDude(an example you can always find here: )
14:17.21PoloDudeNow that BC beta-testing has started we were wondering if it wouldn't be possible that we could get some beta-keys so we can start implementing the new features of BC into wowroster.
14:17.23PoloDudeThe beta-period would give a nice opportunity to make sure we got a full working product to release when BC eventually releases.
14:17.26PoloDudeI hope that some blue out there would be kind enough to help us out here and we thank you already for your support.
14:17.29PoloDudeYou can always contact us on and even on this topic.
14:17.56PoloDudeok i'll post it now then :)
14:17.57Zanixi know im lazy
14:20.34PoloDudecan't take that much time to make an email lol
14:20.50PoloDudejust hope you'll check it like i would ;)
14:24.15Zanixi will
14:24.24Zanixmy mind is msh
14:24.43Zanix8:30 and i havent went to bed yet
14:25.27Zanixoh yeah
14:30.36Zanixtime for bed
14:33.09PoloDudelol, cya
16:54.54PoloDudehi :)
16:59.13*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
16:59.13*** mode/#wowroster [+o Anaxent] by ChanServ
16:59.28Anaxentgood morning
17:00.10PleegWatI finished the menu system this afternoon
17:02.31PleegWatI think tomorrow I'll craft the DB queries to transform to the new DB
17:05.40Anaxentyes good idea
17:06.21PleegWatI've decided it's probably best to split the members table in 2
17:06.37PleegWatA character table that contains member ID, name, class
17:06.48PleegWatand personal access settings
17:07.04PleegWatANd a members table taht contains the guild message, officer message, etc.
17:07.33Anaxentthat sounds good
17:07.58PleegWatThat way there's one character table that always has an entry, including for guildless characters
17:08.45PleegWatI think I might even move the personal access settings to the players table, since that's where the relevant data is
17:11.15*** join/#wowroster Vathral|2 (
17:19.40Anaxentcool that makes sence
17:28.02*** join/#wowroster Matt_Miller (
17:32.26*** join/#wowroster Matt_Miller (
17:37.24Anaxenthey Matt hows it going
17:40.20Anaxenti just have to say it again great job matt of the new UU
17:40.37Anaxenti tested the cookie handling last night and it works great
17:43.21Matt_Millerso I think its ready for release how about you?
17:44.58Anaxenti thik so as well
17:45.24Anaxenteevrything that i would think need to be tested has been and now works great in diffrent envirments
17:46.58Matt_Millerill flip the switch in a few minutes to push out the new version :)
17:47.01Anaxentand with Zanix almost being done with UA
17:47.23Anaxentso something i wanted to ask
17:47.32Anaxenti know UU needs .net and all
17:47.55Anaxentis there away to package it qand have the installer do a check to see if you have it installed and if not istall it for you
18:20.54PleegWatWouldn't recommend it, it's big
18:21.03PoloDudethink you can do that with VS2k5 anaxent, not sure though, haven't tried yet, but i know there's some kind of webupdate
18:21.18PleegWatThere's probably a way to make it download+install it from windows update though
18:21.38Anaxentor maybe just a check for it and if not give a lick to the download for it amybe
18:35.24PleegWatOur ZG tonight was canceled
18:35.53PleegWatWe would've done it on friday, and we did venoxis but not the right class balance to do jeklik
18:36.05PleegWatSo we moved her to saturday for another try, but didn't get enough people then
18:36.11PleegWatand of course tonight again not enough ppl
18:36.21PleegWatonly 13
18:40.38Anaxentah too bad
18:40.53Anaxentthat would mean no chance for aq20 either
18:41.31PleegWatDownloaded 7 seasons half a year or so back, still got 17 left
18:42.18PleegWatWell, we would've done UBRS instead but all tanks left
18:44.33Anaxentlol this is such a funny avatar
18:45.38PleegWatSeen it before
18:45.41PleegWatGets annoying
18:46.16Anaxentfirst i have seen it
18:46.32Anaxentand brings back memories of my 100 man in lv 3
18:46.39Anaxentjust with a twist
18:47.42Matt_Millergood qu4estion anaxent
18:47.47Matt_Millerabout .net and installer
18:48.06Matt_Millerill see hmmm
18:48.10Anaxentits just not many peeps wanna travel far to get things done
18:48.40Anaxenti have made it avaliable on my site to download to make thiogs easier but not all peeps have done the same
18:49.09Anaxentmaking the .net more avaliable we maybe able to get more and more users to start using UU from here on out
18:49.35Anaxentand with some of the changes that you have made and with UA there is no reason why people shouldnt use UU
18:52.54PleegWatGonna write the SQL for the database transform tomorrow
18:52.54Anaxentso the way this looks... you dont need to include .net with the install but if it isnt installed it will go and grab it then install
18:52.59Anaxentthat rocks
19:37.15Anaxentwhats up Matt
19:37.23Matt_Milleri just finished tinkering with the NSIS script
19:37.30Matt_Millerand testing it right now
19:37.34Matt_Millerit seems to work
19:38.15Matt_Millerit actually detects .net framework, and if no .net frame is installed, it downloads the installer and does a quick install of .net on the spot!
19:38.27Matt_Millerdownloads it straight from m$
19:39.02Anaxentah man that is kick ars
19:40.25Matt_Millerbeen wanting to make NSIS do that for a while now but never got the courage to tinker with it
19:40.56Anaxentand with that lst link no need for courage
19:41.45Matt_Millerthats another good one i needed
19:42.38Anaxentso that one is the detection script to see if you have it or not
19:43.11Matt_Millerso yea i smooshed all that script stuff into the existing NSIS script
19:43.18Matt_Millerand it works
19:44.56Anaxenti was looking into nsis script making last night
19:45.03Matt_Millerits fun huh
19:45.09Anaxentand made one for my guild required addons
19:45.19Anaxentit was now just making it pretty
19:45.27Matt_Millerits slick huh
19:45.39Anaxentwell at first i was really confused
19:45.54Anaxentas i had the compiler but no script maker
19:45.59Anaxentor in my case helper
19:46.24Anaxentbut there are alot of really neat functions
19:46.47Matt_Millerheres a good tool for NSIS beginners like us:
19:46.52Matt_Millerit actually has a wizard
19:46.58Anaxentso a instal;ler for required addons combined with UU/UA man what else does anyone need
19:47.00Matt_Milleri used the wizard to make the UU script
19:47.23Anaxentyeah thats what I picked up last night i loved it
19:47.23Matt_Millerwell i wouldnt package your addons with NSIS
19:47.28Matt_Millerid leave that up to UA
19:47.48Anaxentwill Ua allow them to be downloaded if the user dont have them already installed
19:48.01Matt_Millerhavent you used ua before?
19:48.16Anaxenti figured i had to have them installed first then UU will just make updates from that point
19:48.25Anaxenti have but never went into all the details
19:48.44Matt_Millernah that would be a crappy limitation if you had to have the addons existing already
19:49.09Matt_Millerthe only thing UA cant do is delete addons
19:50.09Matt_Millerdoes .net framework need a reboot for it to work
19:50.13Matt_Milleri cant remember
19:50.21Anaxentnot anymore
19:50.44Anaxentand even better knowing more about how ua/uu works
19:51.03Anaxentand with the new version of UU/UA the user can choose from the addons online
19:51.13Anaxentand the admin can say what is required and what isnt
19:51.34Matt_Milleryup :)
19:51.36Anaxentnow on that note..... an idea come to mind
19:51.40Matt_Milleri imagine its gonna be a big hit
19:52.06Anaxentso if the admin can say what is required and what isnt based off of the addon he has uploaded
19:52.26Anaxentwhy couldnt we say have a svn server with all addons that UA connects to for all theusers and admins
19:52.33Anaxentah...nvm bandwith
19:53.20Anaxentit was startingt o sound good in my head until i start writting it all out
19:54.45Anaxentnow will the UU work with user auth
19:55.01Anaxentas in say the raid leader need ctraidassist but not all the guildies
19:55.06Matt_Milleractually what you just described is the origonal concept back in the day when Konkers and I were playing with the idea
19:55.44Matt_Milleri dont know what you mean by auth
19:56.00Anaxentwell it sounds like it would be hot as this community is getting large i have seen other exe app connect to servers to update the addons that they desiered
19:56.04Anaxenti mean
19:56.08Matt_Millerimo UA is an excellent tool and has infinite possibilities
19:56.25Matt_Millerright, a central repository
19:56.27Anaxentraid leader would be a rank and only this rank has access to get the addon via UU
19:56.42Matt_Millerthat sounds like another extention to UA we could implement
19:57.05Matt_Millerbecause UA already sends the login info when checking addons
19:57.08Matt_Millererr UU
19:57.26Anaxentright as now it can be alot of work to keep updated and if we can rely on addon designers to make the updates to the central location the user would just have to choose from the list of what is needed and not
19:58.00Anaxentlike they already do with curese and wowui and all
19:58.45Anaxentit would be nice though to have the user rank feature added to UA i can see alot of users would use and like it
19:59.04Matt_Millersounds like an idea for a website
19:59.12Matt_Millerthe website can be the "central repository"
19:59.22Matt_Millerthis was discussed years ago let me find the thread heheh
19:59.58PleegWatWell, the only addon package I know of with an autoupdater is Cosmos
20:00.25Anaxenti saw another app the other day wowcentral i think
20:00.28PleegWatdunno how much b/w they use
20:00.36PleegWatI know cosmos is pretty popular though
20:00.42Anaxentit just connects and the user sees addons chooses one and it downloads and installs
20:01.19Anaxentif there is an update it gets updated but the addons i think have been modded just a bit to work wthis way not too sure on that part though
20:01.46Matt_Milleri cant find it heh, its somewhere in here:
20:02.18Matt_Millerive used cosmos installer before
20:03.02PleegWatCourse we could do addon distribution via and let UA auto-update
20:04.15Anaxentthat what i saw and in many ways seem like it works like UU or could be extended with in UU
20:08.04PleegWatCourse you could contact them and merge UU with that. Possibly set up a protocol for it together.
20:10.57Zanix|awayhi guys
20:11.15PleegWathi zanix
20:11.20Zanixyes, anax
20:11.20PleegWatMenu button config is done now
20:11.25Zanixthe answer is yes
20:12.58Anaxentyes yes yes
20:13.04Anaxentwhy dont my GF know that
20:14.10Anaxentso all work there now in UA but the users section
20:14.37Zanixthats today
20:14.52Zanixi was up until 8:30am
20:15.07Anaxentoh my GF always tells me no she needs to understand the answer is always yes as i tell her yes all the time
20:15.18Anaxentwoah and ur awake now
20:16.29Anaxentok so now im not logged in and i can see alot of the tabs
20:16.52Anaxenti wnet to addons tried to download cp it opens a new windo and takes me back the the index
20:17.13Zanixworks for me?
20:17.17Anaxentyep just tried it again
20:17.24Anaxentim in FF beta 2
20:17.29Zanixso am i
20:17.30Anaxentif that makes a diffrence
20:17.35Zanixcopy the url
20:17.42Zanixfor the link
20:17.51Zanixoh you clicked the name
20:18.00Zanixclick "check"
20:18.06Zanixi need to change that
20:18.06Anaxentwhen im not logged in
20:18.25Anaxentlol oh
20:18.34Zanixthe name is a link to a website
20:19.49Anaxentah right maybe you should make a button for the site link then
20:20.06Anaxentas by default like i did i see the name i click for a download
20:20.24Anaxentor maybe add to the check and be check/download
20:20.32Anaxentso its up in my face
20:22.04Zanixthere, I changed it, look again
20:22.17PleegWatI think I'm gonna do the database changes tomorrow
20:22.30Zanixgood luck
20:22.44PleegWatGonna turn members+players in 3 tables
20:22.48Zanixmaybe i should change that last column to homepage
20:22.50PleegWatadd a characters table with the common data
20:22.58PleegWatMove permissions to players
20:23.09PleegWatHave only the guild membership data in members
20:23.46PleegWatThen later on once I've got the info on the arena team data I can add those tables
20:25.24PleegWatThat is, one for arena team memberships and one for the arena teams themselves
20:25.54PleegWatOR put in the changes to the guild member/guild tables, if arena teams use the same data structure
20:27.36Zanixthat may work
20:27.43Zanixif it does that is
20:27.58Zanixanax, look at the addons page again
20:28.03Zanixis that better?
20:28.29Anaxentyes i think it looks more logical now
20:28.33PleegWatWell, if the data structure is the same (or nearly the same) and I can use the same tables then also all pages and addons can apply to both guilds and arena teams.
20:28.42Anaxentfor what most users would generally do
20:29.01ZanixPleegWat: true
20:29.10PleegWatAnd there is some flexibility, if EG. arena teams get the ranking of their members shown and guilds don't, or arena teams don't have officer notes, I could still use the same table despite such small differences
20:29.11ZanixAnaxent: Im trying to make it logical
20:31.54PleegWat how you like my char?
20:32.39*** join/#wowroster Mathos (
20:32.39*** mode/#wowroster [+o Mathos] by ChanServ
20:32.44PleegWathey mathos
20:34.40MathosHows it going here peeps ?
20:35.03MathosI have had quite a busy period behind, so sorry if I havent met the expectations lately
20:35.30MathosMatt_Miller ....  How are ya man!
20:35.51Mathosand the grand Zanix and PoloDude !!!
20:35.59Zanixmathos? hey, what's up?
20:36.04MathosAnd...well oh my.,... Anaxent too :)
20:36.14Zanixall we need is zeryl
20:36.21Zanixand anthony
20:36.22MathosWell, just thought, lets lookup my friends from wow roster :)
20:36.24Matt_Millerhi mathos!
20:36.35Anaxenthey Mathos hows it going mate
20:36.40MathosGood good
20:36.50PleegWatThe fully configurable menu grid works now
20:36.53Mathosbeen quite hectic at work
20:36.57Mathosoh cool stuff
20:37.20Mathosso what alias is AnthonyB usin' then ?
20:37.26Mathoscause I aint seeing him on my lsit here
20:37.33Anaxentyeah i hear u on the work stuff been really busy around here but i had a interview fri for a managment position here and should find out tomorrow
20:37.44Zanixhe's not on much anymore
20:37.50Mathosah okay lol
20:37.55PleegWat!seen AnthonyB
20:38.03PleegWatwhoops only my script and taht doesn't trigger on me
20:38.14Mathosgood to see that the bots are still working cool
20:38.20Zanixlook at this -
20:38.22PleegWat~seen AnthonyB
20:38.35aptanthonyb <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowroster, 24d 8h 51m 12s ago, saying: 'yeah'.
20:38.36PleegWator is apt out cold
20:38.42PleegWatnope, just slow
20:38.46Zanixalmost a month ago!
20:38.56Zanix"if you cannot approve make sure that regestered globals is on on the server"
20:38.59PleegWatwell, it's 3 weeks in my own but that registers joins/quits
20:39.04Zanixthat pisses me off
20:39.18PleegWatwhat, addon approval?
20:39.28Zanixhis addon
20:39.28PleegWatWe're not requiring register global on
20:39.32PleegWatif anything, we're requiring it off
20:39.40Zanixyeah, and its a big security risk
20:39.59Zanixand ulminia is saying it needs to be on for his addon to work
20:40.04PleegWatI always make sure I'm not assuming default values
20:40.18PleegWatBut I'd still recommend it turned off as a security risk
20:40.34MathosThere are various ways round regglobals btw
20:40.43Mathoslike phpMyAdmin
20:41.05MathosThey have a script I have used many times when I was still a lazy programmer I think it is called
20:41.41Mathosif you include that, you can just use posted vars without reg-globals
20:42.22MathosI think phpMyAdmin is far out the most used application on this planet
20:42.24PleegWatforeach ($_REQUEST as $key => $value) $$key = $value;
20:42.46PleegWatshould register the globals if you really need it
20:43.16Zanixi just cant believe he is suggesting that you turn it on
20:43.36PleegWatregister_globals = evil
20:43.55Mathosis he finally putting credits on ?
20:43.56Zanixand that is why im mad
20:44.51PleegWatBTW if any of you adds something to the ajax files (or reviews them) remember you can't die in there. Dieing breaks the calling page. Use the error construct I use in my code.
20:44.59Matt_Millerglobals suck
20:45.33Matt_Millerhey zanix
20:45.37Matt_Millerfire up uu
20:45.44Matt_Millerdoes it make a HUGE dialog come up
20:45.49Matt_Millerthat you cant see the buttons?
20:45.59Zanixbeta 3?
20:46.08Mathosyou got a new UniUploader ?
20:46.09Zanixyeah it does
20:46.13Matt_Milleri released 2.5.0
20:46.14Zanixholy crap
20:46.17Mathosthought ya abbandoned it
20:46.30Matt_Milleri did but the license updater shit is still
20:46.33Matt_Millerin old version
20:47.10Matt_MillerWAIT ahh
20:47.15Anaxentcant you use register globales with in a .htaccess file and use it in the addon lv
20:47.23Matt_Milleranaxent i need your help bad
20:47.27Anaxentok whats up
20:47.44MathosOh, you guys ever looked at phpUniUploader at all ?
20:47.51Matt_Millerwhat I need is the copy of LICENSE.TXT from your install dir of your 2.4.1 UU install, DO NOT run UU
20:47.56Mathoscause it works like a charm on mac and linux
20:48.31Anaxentah let me see if i have one as im here at work one sec
20:48.32Matt_Millernever heard of it
20:48.36MathosI made it :)
20:48.45Matt_Millerhow does it auto upload
20:49.06Matt_Millercan i see a working example plz
20:49.16Mathoseither uses curl libs or if those aint available, it falls back to sockets
20:49.27Mathosit is in the Subversion tree
20:49.42Matt_Millerhow does it get access to files on the users' drive
20:49.50Anaxentnah damn  i dont have the license here at work
20:49.53Mathoserr, it runs on the client
20:50.02Anaxentcouldnt i just download it from wowroster
20:50.04Mathosso the client needs to run php
20:50.09Matt_Milleroh yea
20:51.03Mathosanyway, I got it working at someone as n00b-ish as they can get, on a Mac
20:51.23Mathosthe bloke could not even find  the path to his wow folder lol
20:51.34Mathosbut I got it working there without a problem
20:51.58Mathosjust checks every 5 seconds for changes on the files, and it also downloads addons if they are changed at all
20:51.58Matt_Millerit wont
20:52.05Matt_Milleranaxent this is a serious problem
20:52.16Matt_Millerits not in the no installer or installer packages for 2.4.1
20:52.36Mathosso matt, what do you require ?
20:52.39ZanixI have it
20:52.44Anaxentso you are saying that you flipped the switch already and have no license with it
20:52.47MathosI still got some old pakcages here
20:53.02Mathoslet me check
20:53.58Zanixmatt, do you need that file?
20:54.08Zanixi can post it in the dev forum
20:54.12Anaxentyes he does send it to him
20:54.31Anaxenti think he flipped the switch to update UU already
20:54.31MathosI only got the .exe version I am afraid
20:54.59Matt_Millerfound it
20:55.03Matt_Millerim sorry guys
20:55.12Matt_Millerthe a serious design flaw
20:55.35Matt_Millerok anaxent fire up uu plz
20:55.42Mathosso...just for my info, will this problem cause any issues for the users at all ?
20:55.57Mathosmy users for instance ?
20:55.58Matt_Millerit would have but no
20:56.05Matt_Milleri fixed it
20:56.21Matt_Millerthe thing is the new LICENSE.TXT fills the whole screen
20:56.32Matt_Millerso i reverted back to the small one
20:56.46Mathosah right....but the old 2.4.1 users are not prompted to update yet I hope
20:56.47ZanixUniUploader updater has encountered a problem and needs to close.
20:56.52Matt_Millerthe good news is 2.5.0 has all the license updater/agreement code crap removed
20:57.19Matt_Millertry it again zanix
20:57.26Matt_Milleri dont know why the updater is flaky sometimes
20:57.42Zanixdamn, same thing
20:57.50Matt_Millerdoes it have any details
20:57.57Anaxentso i opened it
20:58.04Anaxentand it is now asking me to update
20:58.09Matt_Millerthen update
20:58.23Matt_Millergood so it didnt smack you with a new license
20:59.00Anaxentnice installer
20:59.06Matt_Millerthanks :)
20:59.40Anaxentwell not sure about all of that as im at work so i had to redownload UU and open it the version i have is the beta 3 which didnt have a license in it
21:00.27Matt_Millerno worries
21:00.37ZanixAdded - New shiny icon
21:00.44Matt_MillerZanix, thanks for the paste but
21:00.46Anaxentcool but works great and also looks like you updated the updater as well
21:00.48Matt_Milleryea lol
21:00.49Anaxentvery cool
21:01.02Anaxenti have .net already installed so it didnt ask me
21:01.15Anaxentid like to test it on a cpu with out .net yet
21:01.21Matt_Milleri tested it a lot
21:01.27Matt_Millerwent through the install a couple times
21:01.34Anaxentcool i love it man
21:01.38Matt_Milleri changed it to opposite (if installed then install)
21:01.44Matt_Millerfor testing
21:02.10Matt_Millerhell yea man no more problems with users
21:02.31Anaxentso the program u use to make the nsis does that also do the updating
21:02.32Matt_Millerat least when using the new NSIS script insaller
21:02.50Matt_Millernot sure what you mean
21:03.04Anaxentyour app can recive updates
21:03.08Anaxentfrom the net
21:03.10Anaxentwhat allows that
21:03.17Matt_Millerthe app merley connects to
21:03.21Anaxentis that just code in UU or the nsis script
21:03.30Matt_Millerdownloads dotnetfx.exe and runs it in quiet mode
21:03.35Anaxentno not the .net stuff from 2.4.1 to 2.5.0
21:04.00Matt_Milleroh when you hit yes i wanna update, it downloads update.exe from
21:04.20Anaxentah then that auto runs
21:04.26Anaxentok makes sence now
21:04.34Matt_Millerand in order to replace UU.exe uu needs to close
21:04.39Matt_Millerhence another exe for updating
21:05.34Zanixmy computer just hates me or something
21:05.34Matt_Milleri guess im done with uu for a while heheh
21:05.50Matt_Milleryes zanix, you should stop feeding it bad power
21:06.07Zanixmaybe ill just uninstall it
21:06.14Zanixthen download 2.4.1
21:06.24Matt_Millerthe updater is flaky
21:06.25Zanixor wait untill you update the downloads page
21:06.36Matt_Millersure i guess ill do that now
21:06.49Anaxentso now that UU is done you can think of the central repository and or forums addon hint hint
21:07.17Zanixi removed update.exe form the folder
21:07.51Anaxentso now we are just waitng on UA wopuld a donation make you work
21:08.07Zanixlol, i do work hard
21:08.12Zanix8:30am? hello?
21:08.13Anaxentman i had to say that as i read a post to mathos with that question
21:08.24Anaxenti know u do
21:09.35Zanix"yes/no shmeal"
21:09.37Zanixwhat's a "shmeal"
21:10.11Zanixmatt, ill make the news posting
21:11.33Matt_Millera shmeal
21:11.41Matt_Millera "big deal"
21:12.06Matt_Millerusually referring to something annoying
21:12.20Matt_Millerits slang i think
21:13.24Zanixah ok
21:14.23Anaxenti love days like this its so exiting
21:17.41Zanixme too
21:17.49Zanixi should have UniAdmin out tonight
21:18.00Zanixgotta make the installer
21:19.42Anaxentcool from scratch too right?
21:20.16Anaxentif not it could use the same format of rosters
21:20.25Anaxentwhich shouldnt be hard to wrok in at all im sure
21:22.30Zanixi may do that for time reasons
21:22.46Zanixcool,news headline posted
21:23.05Matt_Millerpeople are gonna be anticipating UA a lot
21:23.08Matt_Millerthanks Zanix
21:23.18Zanixyeah :9
21:23.34Zanixguess i better get to work
21:24.00Matt_Milleryea lazy bum
21:24.02Matt_Miller:P j/k
21:26.10Mathoswhat does that mean humm ? is that not part of default PHP ?
21:26.17Matt_Millerits not
21:26.32Matt_Millermultibyte integration is an extention
21:26.51MathosZanix, did you make this line?
21:27.10Mathosthat one
21:27.32Mathosoh no tis me lol
21:27.39Mathos*kicks himself*
21:27.47Matt_Millermb_convert_encoding is provided by a php extension right?
21:27.56Mathosmb_string I think
21:30.45Matt_Millerima go play cs
21:30.51Matt_Millerzanix you need me for anything?
21:31.00Mathosis there any other way to do that without mb_convert_encoding ?
21:31.07Matt_Millerno idea never played with it
21:33.42Zanixdid you update the downloads area?
21:34.08Zanixyou didnt up the version number
21:34.18Zanixi can do that
21:34.30Zanixif you want me to
21:34.35Zanixor you can
21:34.44Anaxentso Matt.. im about to make the installer for my guildies for UU
21:35.20Anaxentam i able to do so with out having wow on this cpu and do i need to install UU first so it would be with in its own dir in my programs
21:35.47Anaxentas when looking in the settings.ini it has exe loc and stuff like that
21:36.08Zanixthanks matt
21:36.39Zanixnow to go over to rpgo and tell them
21:39.23Matt_Millerremove exe loc entry in settings ini
21:39.30Matt_Millerand also selected account
21:39.49Zanixmatt, have you tried UniAdmin
21:39.53Zanixas of yet?
21:39.58Matt_Millerthe new new no
21:40.01Matt_Millerbut the new yes
21:40.17Zanixhave you tried it when i finished the ini parser?
21:42.58Anaxentok thx Matt
21:45.29Matt_MillerThanks Zanix
21:45.40Matt_Millerno i havent Zanix
21:45.52Zanixit's very pretty
21:46.13Zanixrpgo is the only other place that I know of that uses UniUploader
21:46.22Zanixso i posted there
21:52.03Matt_Millerdo you have a test site
21:52.10Matt_Milleri do but it has old version on it
21:52.22Matt_Millerand i dont have tortoise svn on this compy :P
21:52.32Matt_MillerI'm so gimpy
21:57.59Zanixthe user page is gonna be hard to convert to templating
22:06.55Anaxentyeah matt somthing else i just noticed with UU even if I have UA set to turn on the use auth I can see the input field filled in with the data but in simple mode the check box isnt checked to use the auth
22:06.55MathosOkay peeps, I got a nice Pre-Alpha DKP tester
22:07.07Anaxentreally its no problem but i thought it would set it
22:10.45Mathospolodude is testing it now
22:10.56Mathosthough the pre-alpha is maybe an overstatement lol
22:13.21MathosNN everyone
22:13.54PoloDudei'll be having fun :p
22:14.19Anaxentnn Mathos good to see you were still alive
22:18.31Zanixnight mathos
22:42.01PoloDudewhat's officernote in roster?
22:42.12PoloDudecause it's not officernote :p
22:44.51PoloDudenvm found it :)
22:44.56PoloDudeit's officer_note :p
23:06.28Matt_Millerlooks like UU 2.5.0 isn't compatible with older versions of UA
23:06.38Zanixit isnt?
23:06.51Zanixthats bad
23:07.12Matt_Millerit works great with 0.6.1 and obviously 0.7.0 but older versions makes it bug out because of the missing "version=""" attribute in the XML output
23:07.24Matt_MillerI recommend the release of UA 0.7.0 asap!
23:07.40Matt_Millerbecause people using ancient betas of UA are gonna upgrade now
23:07.46PoloDudezanix, check pm ;)
23:08.27PoloDudemaybe you might know too matt,
23:08.32PoloDudeadmin and pwd test
23:08.44PoloDudeclick admin*
23:09.10Matt_Millerarse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or '}' in C:\Inetpub\vhosts\\subdomains\roster\httpdocs\addons\roster_dkp\inc\rosterdkp.class.php on line 819
23:09.13Matt_Millerit means
23:09.20PoloDudei don't get it on my local server, but i do get it on my hosting
23:09.26Matt_Millertheres a rogue character(s) in the script file
23:09.38Matt_Milleror an unescaped character sequence example:
23:09.41PoloDudeand what's a rogue character
23:09.45Matt_Miller$foo = 'bar;
23:09.49Matt_Miller$foo = 'bar
23:09.55Matt_Miller$foo = 'bar'
23:10.05Matt_Millerrogue character:
23:10.09PoloDudeand why doesn't it give that on my local server then :s
23:10.18Matt_Miller$foo i = 'bar';
23:10.49Matt_Millerbecause of a file difference, or perhaps the file in question is being included at runtime in one setup and not another
23:11.43Matt_Milleryea usually its just messed up syntax
23:11.50Matt_Milleror a missing or extra brace
23:12.04Matt_Milleryou should use Zend IDE for PHP
23:12.05Anaxentah Polo i bet ur exited now
23:12.15Matt_Millerit shows you your errors like ms word shows mispelled words
23:12.49PoloDudei got dreamweaver :p
23:12.54PoloDudeyes yes i am ^^
23:13.19PoloDudefiles are the same, but local is running 5.0 and hosting 4.something
23:14.49Matt_MillerSo Zanix how can I help you with the release of UA
23:14.57Zanixwrite an installer
23:15.12Zanixor we can release without one
23:15.12Anaxentlol you did ask right?
23:15.19Matt_Milleri asked lol
23:15.24Zanixand make people use the sql script
23:15.27Anaxentthen what about all the other useres with old verisons of UA
23:15.31Matt_Millerim a gimpy dev i dont do productive things like that
23:15.38Zanixno kidding
23:15.45Anaxenti didnt say it
23:16.03Matt_Millerlets just make people use the sql script man
23:16.12Matt_Millerits still beta after all
23:16.28Matt_Millerwe still have 13 releases until version 1 :P
23:16.37Zanixim working on the user management page
23:16.43Zanixno kidding
23:16.56PoloDudeah man this sucks :p
23:17.32Matt_Miller1.0.0 - 0.7.0 = 0.1.3; 0.1.3 / 2 years = 14 releases + patch fixes = 19 headaches
23:17.44Anaxentlol think of it this what Polo its much better then trying to figure our eqdkp
23:17.53Matt_Miller= thousands of happy users ;)
23:18.37Matt_MillerI liek kaek and happy users
23:18.52Matt_Millermmmm kaek
23:19.00Matt_Miller!give kaek
23:19.10Matt_Miller!give nuts
23:19.20Matt_Millerthe bot is broken
23:20.55PoloDudeam i stupid or what, looking for the error in a wrong file ...
23:21.17Anaxentnah not stupd just slow how liong did it take you to figure that out
23:21.41PoloDudetoo long :p
23:22.05PoloDudeprobably this noobie guy asking me stuff where he can learn how to program
23:22.49PoloDudeis there something wrong with this string? :s
23:22.49PoloDudeprivate $start = null;
23:23.08Zanixin php 4
23:23.12Zanixyeah,   private
23:23.20Zanixthat isnt supported in php 4
23:23.30Zanixpublic isnt either
23:23.31PoloDudeah fuck, class isn't supported either right?
23:24.07Zanixit is
23:24.16Zanixjust remove all public and private words
23:24.20Anaxentso with that statement... does that mean the dkp was built for 5 and not 4
23:24.28PoloDudei hope not :p
23:24.30Zanixmost likely
23:24.58Anaxentwell crap for most users these days
23:26.29Zanixhey matt
23:28.00PoloDudeah there we go :)
23:28.09PoloDudelets hope it works now :p
23:29.09Anaxentwhats up
23:29.29Zanixim setting up a new guild website
23:29.38Zanixcan i use your server?
23:29.48Anaxentdo you have ur own domain name
23:29.52Zanixnot yet
23:29.59Anaxentor u wwant to use the
23:30.14Zanixi think im gonna get my own
23:30.23Anaxentwell when u get the domain you can addit the the server and point your name servers at
23:30.31Anaxentand ns2
23:30.39Zanixok, cool
23:30.43Zanixthanks a bunch
23:30.50Zanixthen i can get to learn plesk as well
23:31.00Anaxentlet me check on the server though real quick it seems we are have small router issues with the plesk port on my server right now
23:31.19Anaxentyou also have per installed applications that you can use and install as well
23:31.42Anaxentim working on making a dragonfly package with roster already included for my server to test
23:31.43Zanixdo you have DF in there?
23:31.53Anaxentas well as a rater standalone doing the same thing
23:31.54Zanixah, ok
23:31.59Anaxentno not yet
23:32.06Anaxentbut i can cp files
23:32.13Zanixlooks like its working PoloDude
23:32.17Zanixits ok
23:32.27Anaxentbut start with a fresh install though
23:32.32Zanixi love this addon
23:32.38Anaxentif you use Df for it
23:36.02Zanixi think
23:36.32Zanixwhat is mathos using to make the items?
23:40.49Anaxentso Zanix do you still know your password for plesk
23:41.14Zanixyeah i think so
23:41.59Anaxentok if not let me know
23:43.24Anaxentand when you do login make sure it has your correct account info and email
23:43.37Anaxentas if there are any changes you will be notified
23:43.58Zanixit should, lol
23:44.01Anaxentand i tink watch dog will also email you if you have any major errors or changes
23:44.09Zanixit's running kinda slow
23:44.18Anaxenti know that is the dns here right now
23:44.34Anaxenti have about 1/2 of our servers right now running the same way
23:44.43Anaxenttrying to figure it all out over here
23:44.52Zanixthat sucks
23:45.00Anaxentalmost feels like a dos attack
23:45.12Zanixknow any good URL register sites
23:45.16Anaxentbut the sites run fast its just when using this port
23:45.23Anaxenti use tucows
23:46.08Anaxentpretty cheep here as well with us
23:51.34Zanixi need a url
23:51.50Anaxentso now its just thinking of a name
23:51.57Anaxentso you say ur building a new guild site
23:52.02Anaxentwhats the guilds name
23:52.10Anaxentor have you not gotten that far yet
23:54.14Zanixdark alliance
23:55.17Zanixda, darkalliance, dark-alliance
23:55.19Zanixall no go
23:55.34Anaxentwell thats all with .com or even .net
23:56.44Anaxentso is this going to be a alliance guild
23:57.03Anaxenta guild could be a .org right no go either
23:58.11*** join/#wowroster Vathral (
23:58.14Anaxentyeah im checking here as well
23:58.44Anaxentthat name isnt used in the server is it for any other guilds right
23:59.20Zanixits used in wow
23:59.24Zanixthats the guild name

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