irclog2html for #wowroster on 20061003

00:04.07warlaheya Zeryl
00:04.13warlasaw where i placed the bags? ^^
00:04.39warlacheckout where i put the bags
00:05.23Zerylvery nice
00:06.05warlathx :-)
00:06.16warlaits slidy again ^^
00:07.09*** join/#wowroster Vathral (
00:07.25*** join/#wowroster Craxton (
00:08.29Craxton04 /msg NickServ IDENTIFY 01 12603523
00:09.32Zerylyour nickserv command
00:09.52Craxtonnot working??
00:10.05Zeryllol, you posted it in here rather than it being a msg
00:10.56Craxtonnow it works
00:13.31warlanot good idea posting that public...
00:13.42warlayour account just got hacked all your items dienchanted
00:15.05Craxtonlol if u think my nickserv  password is my game PW too i think ill try to hack ur nickserv pw and then i have ur game password XD :P
00:32.37*** join/#wowroster Zeryl (
00:32.37*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zeryl] by ChanServ
01:19.07PoloDudenvm, got it working ^^
02:39.12*** join/#wowroster armyfreak916 (
02:45.01*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
02:45.01*** mode/#wowroster [+o Anaxent] by ChanServ
02:45.19Anaxenthey guys hows it going
02:45.29armyfreak916ok for me how about for you
02:45.51Anaxentdriving my self nuts today
02:46.04armyfreak916why is that
02:46.58Anaxenti have an rcpthosts file and my server but yet open reley is still open
02:47.10Anaxentand was getting spammed bad yesterday andtoday
02:47.27Anaxenti have most of it under control but still havnt found a full solution
02:47.40armyfreak916ya that would make me go crazy too
02:49.42armyfreak916im trying to figure out why im gettin a conf.php error on a fresh install og roster
02:50.28armyfreak916telling me to download conf.php and its a fresh install
02:50.56Anaxentwell that would mean it diodnt write to the file so download it and then upload it to your server
02:51.30armyfreak916i can download it i click on the lil download link and i get this screen with ads on it
02:52.45armyfreak916this is the first time i have had this error i have installed roster befor for my old guild but this is my first error of thie type
02:56.47Anaxentthats not right
02:57.08Anaxentnew server enviorment by chance
02:57.32armyfreak916ys its a lil strange
02:57.41Anaxenthosted or free
02:58.23armyfreak916its a free host
02:59.26Anaxentwhats the link to your site
03:00.24armyfreak916what u mean
03:00.33Anaxentyou could try creatign your own conf.php file
03:00.40Anaxentto your domain
03:00.44armyfreak916sorry if i sound stupid im a lil tierd i just worked 11hours today and yesterday
03:00.55Anaxentah np im still here at wrok
03:01.13armyfreak916how do i creat my own conf.php file
03:01.47armyfreak916and what you do for a living im a cook :):(
03:02.49Anaxent$db_host   = "******";
03:02.49Anaxent$db_name   = "******";
03:02.49Anaxent$db_user   = "******";
03:02.49Anaxent$db_passwd = "******";
03:02.50Anaxent/needed for roster to function
03:02.50Anaxent$db_prefix = 'roster_';
03:02.52Anaxentdefine('ROSTER_INSTALLED', true);
03:03.13Anaxentwill need to be in the conf .php file with <?php  ?> tags around it
03:03.25Anaxenti work for a webhosting company my self
03:03.32armyfreak916aww cool
03:04.07Anaxentbut whats the link/url for your site
03:05.13armyfreak916   this is it im trying to host the roster nothing more cause my guild leader already got a site just needed to host roster
03:08.14Anaxentwell if he has a site why cant he host roster as well
03:08.52armyfreak916its one fo thoe guilduniverse sites
03:09.03PoloDudehey hey
03:09.04armyfreak916damn sorry for any spelling errors
03:09.33Anaxenthey hows it going Polo
03:09.34PoloDudewanna see my new design Anaxent? not finished yet though
03:09.37PoloDudegood good
03:09.40Anaxentoo yeah
03:09.46PoloDudebeen working on design all night ^^
03:10.01Anaxentman sendmail is relaying shit through my server
03:10.17Anaxentive setup an rctphosts but its being ignored
03:10.31armyfreak916polo thats nice man
03:10.50Anaxentoh i like that design
03:10.53PoloDudethx :)
03:11.02Anaxenti was looking at them images the other day
03:11.03PoloDudemost images are from BC site
03:11.14PoloDudebut had to do much to get em right
03:11.23Anaxentas i think the div im using is meesing with my design
03:11.26armyfreak916only skills i have is photoshop editing/art and movie making/video editing
03:11.39Anaxentbut my new look http
03:11.56Anaxenti need to work the css fonts still
03:12.09Anaxentbut i love the design you have looks very clean
03:12.50armyfreak916i should take some time out of my work and training time to learn some skills like you guys
03:12.57PoloDudei like yours too Anaxent :)
03:13.15PoloDudehardest part will be converting it to e107 template i think
03:13.28PoloDudebut first i wanna finish the whole design
03:13.34Anaxentthats what I was thinking about adding the new tables i got going
03:13.40Anaxentbut reall shouldnt be
03:13.41PoloDudethat would be the newspage only
03:14.00Anaxentonce you define the header/footer with the shell
03:14.26Anaxenti was looking into making my news toggle like wow
03:14.57PoloDudeye i'd like to do that too ^^
03:15.08Anaxenti just like that darg gery sides
03:15.18PoloDudebut then again with the design i have i'm not sure that would be a good idea
03:15.31Anaxenti was able to find code to allow togle for my topics in the forums like Zanix did to
03:15.45PoloDudeah ye :)
03:15.54armyfreak916what are you guys useing for your sites?
03:16.10Anaxentin ur case you can just remake the news module and set the toggle images only for certain themes
03:17.22PoloDudenot sure about that actually
03:17.29PoloDudei'm using e107 armyfreak916
03:17.46PoloDudeand Anaxent uses euhm, dragonfly, correct?
03:17.56Anaxentright I use dragonflycms
03:18.29armyfreak916cool cool
03:18.56Anaxentas with themes well in my case I can make a smarty template arrey that has the toggle html code and just use that var in the .html/.tpl
03:19.04armyfreak916cause i been thinking about makeing a Site for my Art and Photoshop tut's me and my friends have made
03:19.13Anaxentbut im still teaching my self all that template coding
03:19.47AnaxentI havnt used too many cms apps but df includes the forums and coppermine galler
03:23.02Zanixim not set away
03:23.03Zanix, wow
03:23.07Zanixhi guys
03:23.39PoloDudehey Zanix :)
03:24.28armyfreak916hey zanix
03:26.17armyfreak916how are you
03:27.34Zanixim good
03:27.54Zanixi got an emial back from blizz
03:28.26Zanixcanned response
03:28.37armyfreak916why did u get a email form blizz
03:28.53PoloDudewhat you mean with canned response?
03:29.28PoloDudethat's just a lame answer
03:29.31Zanixoh well
03:29.44PoloDudei hope i get a better response :p
03:29.47Zanixi didn't expect anymore than this
03:29.59PoloDudethey are currently holding a beta contest so
03:30.05Zanixuhg, you all get to see my real name, lol
03:30.31Zanixyeah, ive seen the contest
03:31.08PoloDudeit's cool, but my guildmaster isn't planning on taking part i think
03:31.22PoloDudebut i know a good way to convince him
03:31.47PoloDudeif he doesn't, i'll just quit my new design of the website
03:32.31Zanixthat6 works
03:32.44Zanixwhere did that 6 come from!
03:33.00Zanixmy keyboard is possessed
03:33.34armyfreak916i had to fix my windows today after work cause i got home and it was freaking out
03:36.47PoloDudeworks indeed, well i hope it will cause i actually want to continue on the design :p
03:40.39Zanixwell, if not, then you can work on redesigning roster :p
03:41.07PoloDudehehe :p
03:41.10PoloDudeyou seen it yet?
03:42.55armyfreak916i have to say wowroster is the best thing made and i have used in a long time
03:44.27Zanixim thinking of taking a week off of work to crunch down on Roster2
03:44.45armyfreak916cool cool
03:44.55Zanixi really need a vacation from delivering pizza :(
03:44.55armyfreak916i need to learn php and css darn it
03:45.23Zanixim sending an email back to the person that responded to my email
03:45.27armyfreak916lol im a cook lol i have worked 11 hours the last to days
03:45.31Zanixthanking him for his time
03:47.59Zanixthats a long time
03:48.05PoloDudegood idea ^^
03:48.19PoloDude11h in two days?
03:48.24PoloDudethat's not much :p
03:48.33armyfreak91611h the last 2 days thats 11hrs a day
03:48.45PoloDudeah :p
03:48.52armyfreak916cooking poeple food
03:49.10PoloDudeye, don't see you cooking pet food actually :p
03:50.07armyfreak916and the hard part is im the only english/white guy on the line
03:50.17armyfreak916english speaking*
03:54.32armyfreak916ya i working with a bunch of guys that speaking spanish lmao but o well they give me respect i can cook/run the intier line by my self
03:56.19armyfreak916and im the youngest cook hehehehehehe
03:58.13armyfreak916hmmm i got my roster installed finaly
03:58.27armyfreak916just need to get it to show my server staus now darn
03:59.42armyfreak916what servers u guys play on ?
04:01.13ZanixDoomhammer, Rexxar
04:01.22Zanixmore on doomhammer
04:02.12armyfreak916cool cool i play on alexstrasza,thrall,shadowmoon,deamonsoul,duskwood but mostly on thrall
04:03.09Zanixi have 2 characters
04:03.12Zanixthats it
04:03.17Zanix51 and 17
04:03.22armyfreak916i have 14
04:03.26Zanixi hardly play, I code too much
04:03.42armyfreak916ranging from lvls 36 to 60
04:04.08armyfreak916and some below lvl 36
04:04.43armyfreak916my main is a lvl 60 human warrior
04:05.25armyfreak916hmmm anyone know how i can my server status to show up its for the server thrall
04:08.56ZanixUS or EU servers?
04:11.21armyfreak916i entered my server name and stuff but it says no status source
04:13.28Zanixlink to your site?
04:13.37Zanixcan I have, that is
04:15.38Zanixdo you have access to your error log?
04:15.52armyfreak916what you mean
04:16.33Zanixmost web servers keep an error log
04:16.50*** join/#wowroster Guest972 (
04:16.54Zanixif you have a host, usually, its in the control panel
04:17.02Guest972hello all
04:18.09Sloashow is everyone?
04:18.10armyfreak916im on my cpanel right now loking for error log
04:19.01Anaxentdoing ok i guess how are you doing Sloas
04:19.20Sloaspretty good just went horde the other day
04:20.34Sloaswhen u guys gots a chance i need to ask a few questions lol
04:22.44armyfreak916either im blind and stupid or i just stupid cuz i cant find my error log lmao
04:26.09SloasWarning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/www/ on line 300 I get this error at the top of my page
04:29.36armyfreak916ya i cant find an error log lmao
04:30.11Sloasidk where it is either man or i would help
04:40.44Anaxentwell guys time for me to head home now
04:40.50armyfreak916peace man
04:40.52Anaxentya all take it easy
04:41.22armyfreak916i got a stupid question what do u need to know to be a beta tester for wowroster?
04:41.25ZanixSloas: try reading the FAQ section of
04:41.36Zanixwell, you prove yourself
04:41.40Zanixor ask the right people
04:42.08armyfreak916what exactly u got to do to prove your self
04:42.12Zanixone of the requirements is to have a basic knowledge of php, mysql, and web administration
04:42.19Zanixthats what i look for
04:42.33Zanixit's to help with bug reporting
04:42.43Zanixdid you find your error log yet?
04:42.57armyfreak916i dont think my cpanel list one
04:43.02Zanixit does
04:43.08Zanixlooks like an X icon
04:44.57armyfreak916lol dont see it i know i aint that stupid
04:46.38armyfreak916i do know my internet/computer but i dont see it lmao wich is kind of pissing me off
04:47.16Zanixi made a picture for you
04:47.33armyfreak916see my cpanel is not like that one
04:47.44armyfreak916i know that cpanal
04:49.01armyfreak916ill take a screenshot of mine and show you what mine loks like
04:49.38Zanixi was just giving you an example of mine, thats all
04:52.26armyfreak916thats mine
04:53.00Zanixthats cpanel?
04:53.11armyfreak916ya thats what my host calls it
04:53.57armyfreak916 is the link i go threw to log in to my cpanel
04:54.00Zanixmaybe under manage domains
04:54.28Zanixi could look myself...but id need access
04:54.44armyfreak916i could give u acess as long as i cant trust you
04:55.04armyfreak916i can give u my log in and pass but i would need to be able to trust you
04:56.28Zanixthats entirely up to you, i can only give you my word
04:56.34Zanixpm me if you decide
04:56.41armyfreak916i did
04:57.14Zanixon the forums or in irc?
04:57.43armyfreak916didnt u get it
04:57.57armyfreak916aww darn let me jump on mirc
04:57.59Zanixis your nick registered?
04:58.06armyfreak916no it is not
04:58.17Zanixtry repsonding to my pm
04:58.39armyfreak916i did
04:59.21armyfreak916on your guys irc server do i have to reg my name befor i can pm
04:59.21Zanixguess you have to register your nick
04:59.32Zanixits not our irc server
04:59.36Zanixits freenodes
04:59.58Zanixwe have reasons for this
04:59.59armyfreak916o cuz i know ever irc i used i ran or my friends have ran
05:00.10Zanixlike if our site goes down, irc is still up
05:00.17armyfreak916cool cool
05:00.51armyfreak916ya i use to run Irc servers with some of my friends growing up
05:01.14armyfreak916but we used them to tlak about hacking,computer programing,art,music and, cracking
05:01.22Zanixsince being here on, this is the only tim ei have touched irc
05:01.44armyfreak916lol i personaly love irc
05:01.58armyfreak916i use to connect threw telnet for the fun of it
05:03.29armyfreak916ok i reg my nickname
05:03.52armyfreak916did u see my pm
05:04.25armyfreak916ok cool
05:34.07Zanixi gotta go for a bit
05:58.04Zanixim back
08:35.57Zanixim playing wow...yay
08:47.55PleegWatI really should get the menu thing sorted
08:58.58PleegWatBut between support, occasional 1.7.1 fixes, and getting my char a PvP rank before TBC hits, I don't have much time
08:59.00Zanixi should work on stuff too
08:59.08Zanixsame here... :(
08:59.28PleegWatI also think we need to add a bit to the die_quietly
08:59.38PleegWatprevent recursion if it's called from die_quietly itself
09:00.41Zanixdefinatly, it was a quick addin
09:01.05Zanixalso, thats why the menu doesnt show up in 1.7.0
09:01.17Zanixcuz the menu errors out when it's included
09:14.46PleegWatI hope we do get burning crusade beta keys for the dev team.
09:15.33PleegWatYou seen this?
09:15.42PleegWatPreview of part of the new character screen
09:27.49Zanixyeah, i posted this in the dev forum
09:28.50PleegWatheh, so that's where I got linked to it
09:29.03PleegWatStill, some nice stuff in it.
09:29.25PleegWatNo idea yet how to best implement the lookalike but it's not here yet.
09:29.49PleegWatProbably we can just display all pages simultaniously in the middle, since we don't have the paperdoll
09:30.52Zanixwell, we can always made drop down boxes
09:31.48PleegWatWell, doing them like they're ingame might be tricky.
09:31.50PleegWatDoable though.
09:32.17PleegWatThink we'd have to send the same block twice for the left/right panel but that's only ugly from a b/w POV
09:32.23Zanixnot really, onchange events
09:36.36PleegWatStrange. I updated tortoise and now the folder status icons disappeared
09:44.30PleegWatIt can't connect to the repository?
09:45.27Zanixbecause svn on the server is 1.32
09:45.35Zanixdont update tortoise
09:45.45PleegWatOK so first it bugs me to update tortoise and then stuff doesn't connect
09:45.46Zanixthat was the problem i had aahile ago
09:46.05PleegWatand now it's marked the whole damn tree invalid so I'll have to downgrade, then redownload the whole damn repository.
09:46.08Zanixso dumb
09:46.15Zanixyep :(
09:46.48Zanixno kidding
09:50.06PleegWatwell, lemme just clog my net connection for half an hour then.
09:50.15PleegWatI'll do today's cleaning job in the meantime.
09:50.32Zanixhave fun
09:50.40Zanixim off to bed
10:23.33*** join/#wowroster PleegWat (
10:23.33*** mode/#wowroster [+o PleegWat] by ChanServ
14:51.31*** join/#wowroster warla (
14:54.34warlafriggin pissed :-(
14:54.37warlamy comp died...
14:54.48PleegWatdamn that sucks
14:55.08warlaparts fell off the mainboard
14:55.19warlabecause the tin below the parts melted
14:55.28warlaand all capacitors where ball-shaped
14:55.58PleegWatOne of your fans broke down?
14:56.07warlapropably :-/
14:56.24warlawas a Pentium 4 with 2400 mhz and a radeon 9800 pro graphic card
14:56.31warlaso rather old system but still fine for wow
14:57.41PleegWatDidn't you get errors/crashes before it finally melt down?
14:58.01warlaand thats what pissed me off
14:58.09warlathe fucken mainboard should tell me when stuff is melting off
14:58.50warlawhat really impresses me is the mainboard and graphic card are still working
14:58.56warlatoo bad i cannot use them anymore
14:58.58warlaall changed
14:59.08warlagraphic cards need now PCI Express and crap
14:59.32warlacouldnt even use my old harddrives... had to buy a PCI ATAPI card
14:59.40warlanew mainboard wants serial ata...
14:59.56PleegWatthat's weird
15:00.02PleegWatI bought a new MB half a year ago
15:00.08PleegWatthey ALL still had PATA ports
15:00.11warlalol same for ram
15:00.16warlaall ram doesnt work anymore...
15:00.18warlaneeds new one
15:00.22warlathats retarded
15:00.36PleegWatthe ram's normal. I've never been able to take my ram with me to a new system
15:00.44warlalol same here
15:00.52PleegWatwell, in some cases you can but it really bogs down the new machine
15:01.02warlayea exactly
15:01.07warlabut in my case i cannt even use em
15:01.18warlanot even if i accept the loss of performance due to old rams
15:02.50warlahad to buy:
15:02.53warlanew mainboard
15:02.56warlanew processor
15:02.59warlanew graphic card
15:03.09warlaPCI Atapi card
15:05.35PleegWat0203Computer02 Processor..::032-Intel Pentium 402::.. Clock..::032995MHz02::.. Cache..::030KB02::.. Memory..::03712/2048MB (34.77%)02::.. 02.0302UPP0302.
15:05.37PleegWat0203Video Card02 Video Card..::03NVIDIA GeForce 660002::.. Resolution..::031280x96002::.. Colors..::0332bit02::.. Frequency..::0375Hz02::.. 02.0302UPP0302.
15:05.39PleegWat0203Sound Card02 Type..::03Creative SB Live! series(WDM)02::.. 02.0302UPP0302.
15:05.44PleegWat0203Listing Network Interfaces02
15:05.44PleegWat031:02 Type..::03Marvell Yukon 88E8053 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller - Packet Scheduler Miniport (100Mb/s)02::.. In..::0324.48MB02::.. Out..::0388.74MB02::..
15:05.44PleegWat032:02 Type..::03VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet1 (100Mb/s)02::.. In..::030.02MB02::.. Out..::030.04MB02::..
15:05.45PleegWat033:02 Type..::03VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet8 (100Mb/s)02::.. In..::030.02MB02::.. Out..::030.04MB02::..
15:05.48PleegWat0203Total02 Interfaces..::03302::.. Total In..::0324.5MB02::.. Total Out..::0388.8MB02::.. 02.0302UPP0302.
15:06.08PleegWat02[03C:02] (03fixed02) Total..::03186GB02::.. Free..::0369.1GB02::.. Used..::03117GB02::.. [0337.1% free02]
15:06.08PleegWat02[03E:02] (03cdrom02) Labeled..::03Prey_Disc102::.. Total..::03651MB02::.. Free..::030B02::.. Used..::03651MB02::.. [030% free02]
15:06.26PleegWat0203Operating System02 Platform..::03Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 2 (5.1 - 2600)02::.. UpTime..::034hrs 46mins02::.. 02.0302UPP0302.
15:07.15PleegWatbut that's not really relevant
15:07.41PleegWatThere's some weird points in this thing. It's reporting 2x pentium 4
15:07.53PleegWatBut it does that for a P4 with hyperthreading as well
15:09.39warlaheh nice
15:09.50warlai now bought some pentium crap again with dualcore
15:09.58PleegWatIt should report 2x pentium D, but dunno why it doesn't
15:10.32PleegWatHeh, the RAM is more noticable in WoW than the CPU speed
15:10.38PleegWatwow doesn't use dualcore AT ALL
15:10.47warlai know
15:10.49warlait should
15:10.54PleegWatand I don't think they're gonna add engine optimizations to TBC
15:10.58warlabut at least you can use mp3 players with dualcore
15:11.13warlaand know wow runs on one core while the mp3 runs on the other
15:11.29PleegWatWell, it helps a bit since I run mirc, apache, mysql, etc. on the background
15:11.58warlai run that shit on my laptop
15:12.03warlathats why its soooooooooo slooooooooooooow
15:12.06PleegWatplus of course the graphics driver can run on the other core
15:12.28warlamy comp was so old i was completly off track
15:12.36warlai have no clue whats good at the moment :-/
15:12.45PleegWatThat's where wow's direct3d instructions get translated to something my GPU understands
15:13.20warlaheres what i got exactly:
15:13.31warlaintel pentium D processir 945
15:13.46warla3.4 ghz 2x2 (dualcore)
15:14.00PleegWatmine's 3ghz
15:14.08warlaand the graphic card is a
15:14.32warlaNVidia GeForce 7900 GS GPU
15:14.35warlathat any good?
15:14.47warlapropably better than my old radeon 9800 pro
15:15.05PleegWatA generation newer than mine as well
15:15.15warlai hope at least wow runs smoother than before
15:15.19warlabefore it was horrid
15:15.22warla30 fps max
15:15.25warlaand when i zoned
15:15.29warlait took me fucken forever
15:15.41warlawhen i went on boat in menethil
15:15.46warlaand it zoned to Theramore
15:15.47PleegWatI've been considering replacing my ancient SB Live! bulk with one of these:
15:15.57warlathe ship was halfway on way back to menethil when i saw the game
15:16.15PleegWatYeah, I had that on my previous board when it still contained only 512MB of ram
15:16.20warlawhen i'm in IF i lag for like 10 mins
15:17.07PleegWatShould be possible to run WoW over the speakers and TS over the headset with the same card using that
15:17.38PleegWatgonna play
15:18.31warlayour on EU realm?
15:23.18PleegWatDidn't go play, was gonna log in to show my bro my spec
15:23.23PleegWatForgot I have a roster...
15:53.34PoloDudeor warla, just some1 that could help ^^
15:58.23PoloDudei'm trying to use that swapshow from the roster
15:58.34PoloDudebut i can't seem to get it working, you got any idea?
15:58.38PoloDudehere's the site
16:00.53PleegWatyou missed 2 functions
16:00.58PleegWathide() and show() are also functions
16:01.02PleegWatthey're in the same file
16:01.12PoloDudeah ok
16:04.50PoloDudeman i'm gonna love it when i get it working on e107 :p
16:27.51*** join/#wowroster amd123 (
16:59.27PleegWat~seen mathos
16:59.50aptmathos <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowroster, 11d 18h 20m 36s ago, saying: 'cya all'.
16:59.51PleegWat!seen mathos
17:00.53PleegWatstrange. Can't recall him saying anything about being absent for a longer time.
17:03.06*** join/#wowroster Mathos (
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17:06.11PleegWatInteresting. I just wondered why I hadn't seen you in a while
17:06.20PleegWatlike 3mins before you entered
17:06.39MathosI have been extremely busy in RL
17:06.52Mathoshavent done much on RosterDKP neither :(
17:07.18Mathosbut I am determined to get this baby released soonish anyway
17:07.36PoloDudehiya Mathos ^^
17:07.40Mathosbut it will be definately after the weekend, maybe even towards the next weekend
17:07.45Mathoshey Polo
17:08.09Mathosis anyone interested to doing some of the basics like config tool and such ?
17:08.10PoloDudestill need to talk you about them tooltips (replacement of itemstats)
17:08.22Mathosyou seen mine ?
17:08.33PoloDudewell ye, i'd like to use them ^^
17:08.43MathosWell, get ya a deal
17:08.55PoloDudeso i can maybe make them compatible with your addon :D
17:08.56Mathosif you want to get some doing in RosterDKP on the config files
17:09.12Mathosthen you may have the complete source :)
17:09.38PoloDudehehe, what needs to be done? cause i'm a bit bussy redesigning website :)
17:10.08PoloDudeoh bugger is it that late, damn, need to go to work :/ I'll talk to you later Mathos
17:10.11Mathoshehe, well basicly a config interface to config the main parameters
17:10.14Mathosoki mate
17:10.16Mathoscya soonish
17:10.46PleegWatYou're using the library I put with altmonitor right?
17:17.49warlaugh... friggin re-install of wow takes forever
17:18.02warlaand now a friggin 450 MB slowmotion download comming my way
17:21.02PleegWatGet a mirror?
17:21.11PleegWatFileplanet is nice if you need a cumulative patch
17:21.45PleegWathaven't used it for a while though, last few patches have been small
17:22.45*** join/#wowroster gamesandglory719 (
17:23.14games|homehey whats up all
17:23.42games|homegot a question that has nothing to do with roster
17:23.49games|homeim kinda a linux newb
17:24.08games|homeand my server's HD's are failing
17:24.38games|homeproblem is the HD's are 5400rpm so i thought i would run raid0 to boost performance
17:24.42games|homedumb idea
17:25.17games|homeso im just wondering if anyone has a suggestion on how i should go about backing up my drives
17:25.26games|homeno cd burner
17:25.34games|homeno zip drives
17:25.46PleegWatNetwork, copy to new drive?
17:26.18games|homewill it be a full recovery if i copy all but /boot
17:26.29PleegWatassume so
17:26.37PleegWatI don't know much about linux
17:27.25games|homeill prolly try that
17:27.39games|homehopefully it will work
17:27.54PleegWatIt should at the least get your important data over
17:28.18games|homethe biggest thing that im worried bout is it was an email server
17:28.29games|homeso i dont wanna loose the configs
17:28.59games|homeeverything else i could back up fairly easily
17:29.54PleegWatIsn't the config just a file somewhere?
17:30.04PleegWatSry gotta go. BBL
17:30.12games|homety /wave
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23:10.51Zerylzanix: I just took load times for my roster down a HUGE amount
23:17.09*** join/#wowroster armyfreak916 (
23:17.21armyfreak916hello everyone

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