irclog2html for #wowroster on 20060915

01:04.26Warla <-- newest version
01:05.38Zerylalot quicker loading than last time i saw it
01:05.44Warlaya :-)
01:05.52Warlai speed stuff up
01:06.35Warlago to the tradeskills
01:06.49Warlaohh wait.. warla is bad example.. i have like almost everything ^^
01:06.54Warlacheck this:
01:08.38Zerylbtw, i'll be changing it very soon
01:10.13Warlathe missing recipes are here:
01:10.36Zerylisn't working
01:11.22Zeryl - tradeskills aren't working
01:12.13Warlai just uploaded newest xml file.. perhaps it loaded when you loaded
01:12.16Warlatry to load again
01:14.12Warlayou can scroll down in each section
01:14.20Warlathere you should see which ones are missing
01:16.33Zeryli see that
01:17.05ZerylZeryl> <a real xml header>
01:17.05Zeryl<Zeryl> <item>
01:17.05Zeryl<Zeryl>   <name>Bolt of Runecloth</name>
01:17.05Zeryl<Zeryl>     <link></link>
01:17.05Zeryl<Zeryl>   <recipe>Trainer</recipe>
01:17.06Zeryl<Zeryl>     <link>none</link>
01:17.10Zeryl<Zeryl>   <icon>icons/INV_Fabric_PurpleFire_02.png</icon>
01:17.12Zeryl<Zeryl>   <skill>250</skill>
01:17.14Zeryl<Zeryl>   <type>Trade Goods</type>
01:17.16Zeryl<Zeryl> </item>
01:17.18Zeryl<Zeryl> </xml>
01:18.18Zerylthink that's what i'm gonna do
01:32.16Warlalooks good too
01:32.22Warlano tooltips though
01:32.32Zeryltooltips are pointless
01:32.44Zerylfor what this addon was made to do, there is no reason
01:32.55Zeryli'm  gonna have to rename the <link> ones
01:33.03Zerylgonna have to be <nlink> and <rlink>
01:48.51Zeryltier4 *
02:25.52Warlaheh nice
02:26.58Zeryldunno if legit or not, but hey, could be
03:20.21*** join/#wowroster Zeryl_ (i=Zeryl@
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06:24.13Zanixanyone around?
06:57.39*** join/#wowroster TinoM (
06:57.39*** mode/#wowroster [+o TinoM] by ChanServ
07:30.16Zanixhows it going?
08:14.07PleegWatDid I forget to change the menu links last night?
08:14.10PleegWatI think I did
08:18.08Zanixim not sure
08:18.16PleegWatYa, I did
08:18.17Zanixive been fixing uyp cat guildbank to install
08:18.32PleegWatI'm checking your changes. You changed the admin link to point at rostercp so that's good
08:18.44PleegWatBut we can remove the update link. It pointed to usercp, which I deleted
08:18.48Zanixyeah, i changed it again recently
08:19.07Zanixto "User Control"
08:19.14Zanixcan tthink of a better name atm
08:21.13PleegWatme neither
08:21.28PleegWatWhoops, see I left a debug statement in rostercp :(
08:21.49Zanixi should commit really quick
08:21.53PleegWatThat's the sql box in the footer as well actually. Never meant to commit that change
08:21.59PleegWatNah, don't hurry
08:22.03PleegWatI've gota bathroom to clean
08:22.05Zanixyou sure
08:22.06PleegWatbefore I can go coding
08:22.13Zanixah, that sucks
08:22.34Zanixare we gonna have a user account management in admin control?
08:22.34PleegWatand I've gota wedding this evening
08:22.45Zanixah, fun
08:22.49PleegWatWell, I think we do need a page for that
08:23.32Zanixthen i gotta merge addon_install.php and installer.php
08:24.00PleegWatheh, you can do it
08:25.14Zanixnow, merging and making it look good is different
08:26.01PleegWatYeah, there's quite some functionality in that file
08:26.55Zanixthen i fixed addon config
08:27.03Zanixadded this in pages.php
08:27.04Zanix$pages['addon'] = array(
08:27.57Zanixi dunno about the access thing yet, we are moving that to a config table in main roster config right?
08:28.09PleegWatWell, it shouldn't stay there
08:28.12Zanixoh duh "Should refer to a $roster_conf value."
08:28.18Zanixjust saw that
08:28.22PleegWatthat's my initial idea
08:29.02Zanixnot a bad one
08:29.09PleegWatI think that's the best idea if we're not building it in a table
08:29.32PleegWatWe can also do stuff like have the divider and the rosterdiag page on the same visibility setting then
08:50.15Zanixshould we make a define like IN_ADMIN
08:50.24Zanixfor the admin files?
09:19.00PleegWathm, good idea
09:19.06PleegWatDone with bathroom
09:22.06Zanixi think i may just put the entire installer.php file inside a function in addon_install
09:22.16PleegWatcan do
09:22.36PleegWatTake care with purge() then though, I don't know if function in function works
09:23.56Zanixcant it just be moved to install.lib.php
09:24.26PleegWatpurge? Guess it could
09:24.26Zanixthen it could be called like $installer->purge()
09:25.51PleegWatI don't think your interface uses it yet either. It's meant to remove an addon whose uninstaller doesn't work correctly
09:28.41Zanixno, it doesnt yet
09:37.10*** join/#wowroster Warla (
09:45.18PleegWatHm, cheaper epic mounts in 1.12.1, pay more for riding skills instead
09:47.14Zanixi saw
09:49.12PleegWatwell, since total costs don't change
09:49.31PleegWatI don't actually have riding skills atm cause I'm a lock
09:51.18PleegWat lol
09:54.10Zanixi think im close
10:05.03PleegWatI see you added an installer for the catGB? I've been delaying that one cause I didn't know how to do its config
10:07.05Zanixneither do i
10:07.10Zanixi tried though
10:07.32PleegWatme too. The ordering is the problematic one.
10:07.47PleegWatI think the drag/drop script I dug up can be used for it
10:08.10Zanixyeah, Im just gonna leave that for now
10:08.21Zanixhmm, the install log isn't being filled in
10:08.53PleegWatthe install success construct has never worked. I think I'm not doing my casts correctly there
10:13.21Zanixill see what i can do
10:16.26Zanixah crap
10:16.35Zanixi fragged my roster1.8.0 db
10:20.06PleegWatwell, run a s/renprefix/roster/ through the install file and throw it into phpmyadmin
10:20.19PleegWatI'm not sure if the installer works but that should
10:21.25Zanixyeah, it does
10:21.32Zanixive used it many, many times
10:21.56Zanixthe addon installer can really mess up roster's config table
10:22.18PleegWatWell, it cleared mine twice...
10:22.31PleegWatAfter which I put in a safeguard so it wouldn't be able to anymore
10:36.38Zanixguh, did it again!!!
10:36.45Zanixthe uninstaller isnt working right
10:37.41Zanixsome how the backup is overwriting the roster_config table
10:40.10PleegWatshouldn't be. It creates a temporary table.
10:41.26Zanixi dunno than
10:48.52PleegWathm, the rename isn't right
10:48.56PleegWatbut that can't be it, it's not used
10:50.11Zanixi changed install.lib.php to use a class var instead of globaling $addata
10:50.30Zanixin classes, i try to not globabl anything if possible
10:50.40Zanixcept $wowdb
10:50.44Zanixthat has to be
10:50.58Zanixso whats wrong?
10:51.16PleegWatWell, need to go lunch. Be back in half an hour
10:51.32Zanixok, see ya
11:20.42PleegWatOK the missing error wasn't a cast issue. It was a case issue
11:20.49PleegWatWrote a capital in a localization key
11:21.04Zanixah, ok
11:22.26PleegWatinstaller.php line 129
11:23.38Zanixyep, i see it now
11:23.49Zanixits working very smoothely right now
11:24.02Zanixi just havent installed the addon that clears my config table yet
11:24.13Zanixbeen testing with Reputation
11:27.06PleegWatyeah, that one doesn't have config
11:27.19PleegWatI'll run a test on recipe
11:28.37Zanixit could be because of my merges
11:29.30Zanixnow its working, weird
11:40.43PleegWatwell, works fine here too
11:46.14*** join/#wowroster TinoM| (
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11:50.10PleegWatThere, I've fixed the bug with table renames. Could have caused errors on rollbakc.
11:50.28PleegWatI've also added an instruction to copy a table using a full table name as source
11:58.20PleegWatThat way addons that already had database tables can import them
12:06.05PleegWatOK that doesn't work
12:06.09PleegWatTrying to install R2
12:07.36Zanixwhat doesnt work
12:08.02PleegWatI get a DB error: unknown error and the same query twice
12:08.17PleegWatsays specified key too long
12:11.40Zanixdo you have mysql 5?
12:14.08Zanixits kinda tricky to get working
12:14.29Zanixdo you have it working, can you see the page
12:14.35PleegWatI just filled in the connect stuff
12:15.00PleegWatI created a conf.php from conf.bak.php, filled in connect stuff, and ran it
12:15.01Zanixwhat is startpage set to?
12:16.29PleegWatDon't think it gets set at all
12:17.47Zanix/default first page
12:17.47Zanix$roster_conf['first_page'] ='guilds';
12:18.08PleegWatah, right
12:18.11PleegWatyeah, that's the same
12:18.29Zanixcan i get a link?
12:19.21PleegWatIt strands in SyncSchema() in set_env
12:19.40Zanixah,its the sql importer thing
12:19.52Zanixyeah chris did that
12:20.35PleegWatbigint is over 1k?
12:20.57Zanixguess so
12:20.57PleegWatah, no, the second index of course
12:21.05Zanixi remember having to fix this myself
12:21.19PleegWatcombine to 1020 bytes
12:21.22PleegWatwhich is more than 1000
12:21.23Zanixyeah, i took the icon out
12:21.46PleegWatlooks safe to me
12:22.19PleegWatyup, that works.
12:22.49Zanixfull debug huh?
12:22.59PleegWatthat was on already
12:23.14Zanixoh yeah, thats default
12:23.16PleegWatHm, it's ignoring the default realm settings for the multiguild ones?
12:24.26Zanixyeah, kinda redundant, but you have to set the realmname twice
12:24.35PleegWatI see
12:24.38Zanix/ list of realms allowed. This is an array.
12:24.38Zanix$roster_conf['allowed_realms'] = array("Doomhammer", "Rexxar");
12:24.38Zanix/ array of arrays containing server->guilds allowed in each server
12:24.39Zanix$roster_conf['allowed_guilds'] = array("Doomhammer"=>array("Luminality"),"Rexxar"=>array("System of a Horde"));
12:25.10PleegWatWhy not $roster_conf['allowed_realms'] = array_keys($roster_conf['allowed_guilds']);
12:25.23Zanixuh...i dunno
12:25.28Zanixi didnt add this part
12:25.44PleegWatSuspected as much...
12:27.47PleegWatWell, looks like a lot of work to be done that way
12:27.48Zanixi havent touched R2 for some time
12:29.06Zanixyeah, R2 is a mess
12:29.20Zanixi gave the cahracter page alot of love though
12:29.45PleegWatThat reminds me. I still don't like the honor stats/pvp stats blocks in SQL terms
12:30.34Zanixim gonna commit what i have
12:36.31*** join/#wowroster silencer-ch-au (
12:38.16Zanixhi silencer
12:41.11Zanixlong tim eno see
12:41.12silencer-ch-auhow's it going?
12:41.21Zanixand you?
12:41.31silencer-ch-auyea, i'm really busy with uni.. tons of assignments
12:41.54silencer-ch-aucant wait till all this is over
12:42.15Zanixare you doing well in classes?
12:43.27silencer-ch-audepends.. i'm doing well in practical classes, especially mulit media and web dev, i suck at theory stuff like mathematics and formulas of database management systems
12:44.29Zanixbut overall?
12:44.42ZanixPleegWat: just commited to SVN
12:45.00silencer-ch-auaverage.. but i'll graduate :P
12:45.23Zanixthats good
12:46.38silencer-ch-auI'll have a nice long break from december till february to work on roster stuff
12:47.18Zanixcool, pleeg and I are already working on 1.8
12:47.34Zanix1.7.1 is in beta right now
12:47.39silencer-ch-auyea saw that
12:48.18silencer-ch-auany serious bugs?
12:49.08Zanixnot that I know of
12:49.33Zanixthere is a tooltip issue, just gotta strip out newlines
12:49.42PleegWatYeah, 1.7.1 seems pretty solid
12:49.52silencer-ch-augood work then :)
12:49.53PleegWat1.8 needs a load of work but plenty of time for that
12:50.19silencer-ch-auwhats new for 1.8?
12:50.25Zanixbig stuff
12:50.33PleegWatroster control panel
12:50.41PleegWatMerged the admin and user ones
12:50.43Zanixaddon framework overhaul
12:50.45PleegWatFull auth control
12:51.20Zanixwanna see what we have so far?
12:52.07Zanixif you wanna access rostercp, use user: Roster_Admin   pass: admin
12:53.35silencer-ch-auwow, looks awesome
12:54.19Zanixfor 6 hours i have been working on the addon manager page
12:54.49silencer-ch-auare the addon config pages created by you or are they passed in from the addon?
12:55.22Zanixdynamically created from the database
12:57.23Zanixthats the config info for the made by addon
12:59.19silencer-ch-auah i've seen that before somewhere.. will it be possible to have more complex formations with that system? like dependant options and multiple pages/tabs?
12:59.57Zanixdunno about dependant options, but the other stuff, yes
13:00.07Zanixwhat do you mean by that?
13:00.30PleegWatNo dependant options, but a lot of graphical stuff
13:00.43silencer-ch-auif you chose option a, option c is going to be enabled, if you chose option b option d is going to be enabled and such
13:00.59PleegWatI posted a screenshot of a redesign of the index config to show visual redesign. It's in the dev forum.
13:02.43Zanixpleeg, how should we go about importing the ranks array in CP?
13:02.58PleegWatYeah, we still need that one.
13:03.23PleegWatGuild update only, just jam the whole thing in a new table?
13:03.29PleegWatEmpty and reinsert on update?
13:03.37PleegWatand I mean actual change, of course
13:03.37Zanixyeah, thats my thoughts
13:03.50PleegWatDunno if we need the permissions field
13:04.30Zanixthat one?
13:05.24PleegWatthe 1:0:1:0:0:1:... FIELD
13:05.30PleegWatsry caps
13:05.33Zanix["Control"] = "1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1",
13:05.41PleegWatThose are the ingame permissions
13:05.49PleegWatNot interesting, we could display them at most
13:06.02Zanixsome are
13:06.15Zanix["Control11"] = "View Officer Note",
13:06.31Zanix["Control6"] = "Demote",
13:06.48Zanixactually, i only like the first one
13:06.57Zanixthis would be nice to import anyway for display
13:07.25PleegWatWe could base some stuff on the ingame options
13:07.36PleegWatbut it might not be liked, since it'd mean some stuff can't be configured from roster
13:07.55Zanixgood point
13:08.38Zanixso, possible to fit in one table, or is two better?
13:10.27PleegWatLemme get my file
13:10.32PleegWatwas looking at your changes
13:10.48Zanixah, ok
13:11.51PleegWatI'm not too sure if the control names even change
13:11.56PleegWatI'd assume they're static
13:12.08PleegWatno need to get those
13:12.26Zanixso just the indexes array then
13:12.36Zanixleave headers out?
13:12.37PleegWatyes, index/title
13:12.56PleegWatyeah, we don't need headers
13:13.00Zanixand control?
13:13.13Zanixid just enter it as a string anyway
13:13.14PleegWatmight come in useful at some point
13:13.22Zanixok, will do
13:14.15PleegWatI notice I deleted the wrong type. I had hidden in there, thought I kicked disabled out
13:14.18silencer-ch-auwell, i'm off to bed, thanks for the update.. see ya
13:14.29Zanixhave a good night
13:14.31PleegWatI figured disabled was extra work to implement and we'd comment the option out instead
13:14.34PleegWatnight silencer
13:15.08Zanixwhere's getguildinfo in wowdb?
13:15.37PleegWat's not called that
13:16.01Zanixwell, whatever it was called
13:16.22PleegWatI think you need update guild?
13:16.58Zanixyeah, this is not good for multi guild/realm roster
13:17.07Zanixthat function is critical for that
13:18.10PleegWatremove_guild_members_id that whole function needs to go
13:18.15Zanixyeah it does
13:18.24Zanixand im gonna change how members are removed
13:18.45Zanixupdate guild is ran first, im gonna do a global set in the members table
13:18.47PleegWatonly if guildless is off
13:18.59Zanixand set them all to inactive
13:19.15Zanixthen update_guild_memeber is gonna turn that back on
13:19.33PleegWatEhm, all members or all members for the guildid you're updating?
13:19.43Zanixwith guild id of course
13:19.48PleegWatk good
13:20.42PleegWatWhat stuff works on the pvp2 table. Let's check.
13:22.16PleegWatI think we could move everything that uses pvplog to its own addon. Demonstrate the new trigger system and all that
13:24.27Zanixthats a good idea
13:24.58Zanixid still like to be able to add "blocks" to the char page
13:25.19PleegWatI know
13:25.31PleegWatSo we'd need an interface for that
13:25.33Zanixso i can separate siggen fully out of roster
13:25.47Zanixnot really
13:25.51PleegWatYou'd also need something for the pvp block on the index page
13:26.45Zanixjust have files named "block-file-AddonName-dbname-location"
13:27.05*** join/#wowroster spud (
13:27.12spudanyone in here
13:27.27Zanixso for like siggen   "block-char-siggen-default-top"
13:28.02PleegWatWe need a db table for that zanix, since we don't do filescanning anymore if we can help it
13:28.26Zanixwhats up spud?
13:28.30PleegWatAnyway long as we're not using a templating engine every place blocks can be added it needs to be coded right there
13:28.45spudanyone help me out with 1 thing?
13:29.27Zanixi can try
13:29.28spudok u know latestloots for wowroster
13:29.54Zanixi now of it, nothing about it
13:30.32spudok well it gets what drops from dkp site, i want to added the latest loot to my site but im using a html page
13:30.54PleegWatHm, ok that's not gonna be that easy. The pvp table is used in the char page.
13:31.04PleegWat@spud that's an addon for a port of roster
13:31.13PleegWatwe don't support addons and we don't support ports
13:31.20PleegWatcause we can't know everything
13:31.22spudlol its of the roster site
13:31.22PleegWattry its forum
13:31.44spudits on the wowroster site
13:32.00Zanixjust because its there doesnt mean we support it
13:32.13Zanixdid yo read the disclaimer on the forum?
13:32.26spudok do u know how to add it from the dkp site to main page
13:32.40Zanixive never used it
13:32.46Zanixso i have no clue
13:33.04spudlol ok just some one in this chat other day said they had someone doing what i want to do
13:33.35Zanixthen wait until they get back on, not all of use know every addon other make for roster
13:33.57spudyea i been here everyday for last 3 days hes not on
13:34.42spudall i want is to call it from wow roster to main site, but no one know how
13:37.32*** join/#wowroster Guest446 (i=CPGGuest@
13:38.22Guest446could someone help me with the bookworm addon pls
13:38.36PleegWatNo. None of us here know anything about the bookworm addon
13:39.11Guest446not the addon for wow
13:39.24Guest446youst for the roster pack
13:39.54Zanixsorry, not that either
13:40.18Guest446hm k thx -.-
13:41.14Guest446i write my question into the board
13:41.28Zanixgood idea, maybe some one that has experience can help
13:41.37Zanixwith that particular roster addon
13:42.07Guest446thx for your great work with roster i love this kit
13:42.15Guest446cya guys
13:42.49*** join/#wowroster Warla (
13:42.53Warlais there any engineer here?
13:45.28Zanixnot me
13:45.34Zanixactually, wait
13:45.40Zanixyeah i am, on my alt
13:45.47Zanixlow level though
13:46.20Warladoes he have transporter?
13:46.27Warlaeverlook or gankezan?
13:49.58Warlai need someone to confirm something strange
13:52.56PleegWatI've got a L40 engineer but she doens't have transporter either
13:54.23PleegWatWell, before we can start running all of roster from the addons folder, we're gonna have to have more integration interfaces
13:54.45Warlai need a engineer that has transporter and arclight spanner
13:55.52PleegWatCourse I could build a modular layout system like the config one that works everywhere. But if addons are gonna write into something as sensitive as that...
13:56.05PleegWatI don't want reinstalls following addon fuckups
13:56.11PleegWatnot with users
13:57.18PleegWatI can live with something higher configurable that's gonna work for just about every user provided it works smoothly at the addon dev.
13:57.32PleegWatEspecially if the user can just purge the addon on failure
13:58.36PleegWatI don't know a thing about smarty. Is integrating it in 1.8 feasable?
13:58.51PleegWatand is it gonna give any usable functionality in this department?
14:01.05PleegWatOn a quick scan, assume no
14:03.04Zanixmaybe not smarty, but maybe something simpler
14:03.14Zanixbut thats alot of recoding to do
14:03.40PleegWatI think we could build quite some pages from blocks, and add an organizing structure table like the config one
14:03.52PleegWatBut we
14:04.02PleegWatwe would have to have some user interaction
14:04.12PleegWathave the users add the blocks to the pages
14:04.32PleegWatand that layout scheme is a bitch to build an interface for I'm afraid...
14:04.46PleegWatunless you've got any ideas zanix?
14:05.12Zanixnot at the mement
14:10.20PleegWatWell I'm going off. Got some stuff to do for that wedding feast tonight
14:12.00Zanixok, have fun
14:14.09Warlayesterday i almost got banned by a GM....
14:14.51Warlahe told me that defrauding a GM is a banneable offence and he'll punish my account for it
14:14.59Warlathen i was like "hu?"
14:15.24Warlaand he said i tried to get an item restored which i cannt have because i alreay posess another quest reward of the same quest
14:15.42Warlawhat he didnt realize was the quest actually gives you ALL 3 rewards
14:15.47Warlatheres no choice you need to pick
14:15.56Warlasince i still had the ring of protection
14:16.03Warlahe thought i tried cheating him lawl
14:29.07*** join/#wowroster Guest362 (
14:31.39DiversionHaving difficulty downloading WoWRoster, on the download page and there doesn't seem to be anything that let's me download the zip
14:34.44Zanixwhat do you mean>
14:35.12Zanixtheres a nice big download image on the right side of the page
14:36.10DiversionI see that, however, it redirects me to the mirror page
14:36.19DiversionWhich, in turn, redirects me back to that original page
14:37.10DiversionI'm basically ping ponging in between those two pages
14:43.32Zanixreally, which download are you clicking on
14:44.00Zanixand are you registered on this site?
14:44.18DiversionHowever, my browser seems to not want to keep my logged in
14:44.21Zanixdo you get the security code prompt
14:44.39Zanixread that
14:46.04DiversionAhh, I switched to IE and it worked =)
14:46.11DiversionFF hates me
14:46.50DiversionNice program, by the way, I've used it for a couple months on my guild site, but I had made some changes since I wasn't using all the features at the time, but now it'll probably be a good time to try again :)
14:49.10Zanixcool, glad you like it
14:49.17Zanixwe are releasing an update soonish
14:49.26Zanixits in private beta right now
14:49.35DiversionI'll keep an eye out for it, fun new features? :)
15:00.00spudany one here now now how to get latestloot to show up on frontpage using html?
15:24.08*** part/#wowroster Diversion (
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19:22.13*** join/#wowroster Plaguebearer (
19:22.57Plaguebearerhey guys
19:24.17Plaguebearerim trying to get this eventcalendar to display server time instead of military time how would I go about adjust the conf file?
19:25.05Plaguebearerdoes this need to be changed in some way?  //Date display "D m/d G:i" => Wed 08/23 20:15
19:25.05Plaguebearer$addon_conf['RaidTracker']['EventDate'] = "D d/m G:i";
19:25.05Plaguebearer$addon_conf['RaidTracker']['ResetDate'] = "D d/m";
19:35.42Plaguebearerwhen you all get a chance ,I would appreciate your gonna minimize and check back once in awhile
20:33.53*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
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20:48.50Plaguebearerhello all im trying to get this event calendar to display server time instead of military time? does anyone know what I need to change in the conf file to get it going this way?
20:49.53PlaguebearerIm trying to get this event calendar to display server time instead of military time can anyone help?
21:02.29Anaxenthows it going today guys
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23:47.26Zerylhi guys
23:55.08*** join/#wowroster Matt_Miller (

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