irclog2html for #wowroster on 20060909

00:04.35*** join/#wowroster Zanix (
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00:07.05Anaxenthey whats up Zanix
00:07.12Zanixnot much
00:07.21Anaxenthow many users can connect to yout TS server Zeryl
00:07.36Zerylas many as i want to set up :)
00:08.16Anaxentreally nice
00:08.27Anaxenti thought the free version was capped off
00:08.32Anaxentor was that only vent
00:08.35Zanixnope, it isnt
00:08.39Zanixvent limits
00:09.02Anaxentwhat did you have to do to make TS install on the vps
00:09.27Zeryljust download it, and had to run it an odd way
00:09.35Zerylsetarch i386 -X ./command
00:10.15Anaxentah.. I tried to get it started at one time and couldnt figure it out at the time
00:12.21Zerylanother $357 in roaming
00:14.58Anaxentwoah man u need an unlimited plan
00:15.07Zerylit was ROAMING
00:15.09Zerylfrom Vegas
00:15.22Zerylthat puts the total for talking to my wife over $500
00:15.31Zeryli could think of ALOT better things to do in vgas for $500
00:27.22Zerylso much for my digital camera :(
00:30.26Anaxentyeah i wanna get a new monitor
00:30.38Zanixi would too
00:30.44Zanixid like a 21 inch
00:31.01Anaxentim looking at 19 sony with xbright
00:31.29Zanixxbrite huh?
00:31.34Zanixwhats that?
00:31.52Anaxentu know how all lcd have a matte look or finish tot he creen
00:32.27Zanixnot really
00:32.37Zanixwell, kinda...maybe
00:32.40Anaxentthe xbrite give the clean glossy picture look
00:33.01Anaxentmakes the screen be as brite as a crt but very clean
00:33.03Zanixah, i see...i guess i dunno since i only have one CRT monitor left in my house
00:33.46Mathos|zZzThis is getting nutz here
00:34.15Mathos|zZz"If I buy an item for 16 dkp, the rest gets 16/19 and I get -16"  
00:34.25Mathos|zZzI mean...what I am gonna do with that lol
00:34.55Zanixnotta clue
00:35.19Mathos|zZzanyway, back to sleep now
00:35.33Mathos|zZzfor the record :)
00:36.04Zanixlol, that works
00:36.20Zanixanyway, I'm outta here for a bit...later
00:36.46Zerylthat's what i got
00:36.53Zeryli love my LCD
00:38.07Anaxentis what im looking t
00:38.13Anaxentmy Bday is in nov
00:38.53Zerylare you hinting at something there? lol
00:40.02Zeryloh, anax, I might have stumbled upon something nice :)
00:40.14ZerylI'm gonna mod member log to remove ALL groups from someone when they are removed from the guild
00:42.55Zerylmaybe suspend them as well
00:43.02Zerylsince they don't need to be able to log on
00:59.44Anaxentsusspend would be much better than full deletion
01:00.25Zeryli dunno that you can delete them ( i know there is that module), and I don't think deletion is a good idea
01:05.40Anaxentright to delete they have to be susspended first
01:07.37Anaxentand the cool thing is that DF can auto send a susspend letter
01:08.17Anaxentman I didnt think roster would take a turn like this well atleast so soon
01:12.03Zeryli'll do it for 1.7.1 when you convert it, since memberlog is built in
01:22.32Zeryllook at that armor
01:25.24Anaxentdoes that say 18155
01:28.39Anaxentholy... frickin batman
01:32.26Anaxentdo you have that profile uploaded
01:33.01Zeryluploading real quick for you
01:33.05Anaxentim lioking your addons as well it looks  like I use alot of the same addons but havnt rearanged them yet
01:33.28Anaxentdo you use itemrack
01:35.47Anaxentwhat gave you such an armor boost besides bear form
01:36.00Zerylinspiration + stoneshield potion
01:38.28Anaxentwhere did you get the compare addon
01:38.38Zerylsomewhere on the forums
01:38.43Zerylit's an old addon
01:38.56Anaxentah ok
01:39.07Anaxenti remember the old addon but havnt seen an updated version
01:54.21Anaxentwell ill be back in a few heading to get lunch
02:59.46Anaxentso my guild finally took ragdown last night
03:07.48Zeryl./script for i = 1, 170, 1 do DoEmote(getglobal("EMOTE"..i.."_TOKEN")) end
03:10.01Anaxentyeah man awesome!
03:10.04Anaxentwhats it do
03:10.16ZerylEVERY emote in the game :)
03:10.18Anaxentopen an emote window with a buch of commands
03:10.47AnaxentI have some addon that gives me a list of all of them I can click on
03:14.02aptZeryl: thanks
03:14.18Zeryl~chippersnack apt
03:14.19aptACTION feeds apt some nuts.
03:14.28Zeryl~chippersnack anaxent
03:14.29aptACTION feeds anaxent some nuts.
03:18.47Zeryli love messin w/ people w/ that :)
03:53.28Zeryltoday is my guild's 6 month anniversary
04:12.58Anaxentman this is odd
04:13.31Anaxentim getting a border arround the addon
04:13.39Anaxentthat I would think shouldnt be there
04:29.37ZerylTWIN EMPS DOWN
04:37.44Anaxentnice grats
04:37.52Anaxentwell time to head home
04:38.05Anaxentactually a late bbq
04:38.09Anaxentlater man
08:31.04*** join/#wowroster Zanix (
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08:57.42*** join/#wowroster Zanix (
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08:58.12Zanixanyone alive?
09:55.30*** join/#wowroster Zanix (
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10:40.47*** join/#wowroster Guest214 (
10:45.08PleegWatdon't ask to ask, just ask
10:45.20aptfrom memory, faq_register is Behold, the power of cookies (and accessing the right URL)
10:46.22Guest214am i just talking to bots or is there any real person in this channel? (never used chatrooms)
10:49.52PleegWatThere are real persons too
10:49.59PleegWatapt is a bot
10:50.08Guest214oh hehe ^^
10:50.29Zanixsome are just sleepless vombies
10:50.44Guest214uhm okay maybe you can help me
10:51.00Zanixhmm, guess that isnt working
10:51.15PleegWatyou need a trailing /
10:51.29PleegWats/need a/forgot the/
10:51.29Zanixs/working/working well/
10:51.46Guest214i got a problem with the CharactorProfile.lua. It seems to be the content of a huge array and i tried to work out how to read it correctly via php. can you give me some advice?
10:52.08PleegWatAfter parsing you get a huge array, yes.
10:52.25PleegWatBut that's not really something an end user should be concerned about
10:52.44Zanixunless said enduser is learning things aobut stuff
10:53.30Zanixyeah, i just got done playing the BG's for the past, uh....few hours
10:53.38PleegWatI've just made an adminpanel commit btw, moved the guildinfo check to settings
10:53.40Guest214hmm yes, but i tried, to get the information out of it, i try to simply put the informations from it into variables (for mysql-inserts for example)
10:54.30Zanixlook at wowdb.php in roster, that does most of the handling of the lua array
10:54.53Zanixlua parsed into php array that is
10:55.06Guest214hmm okay i'll have a look
10:55.12Guest214thank you
10:57.02Zanixand on that note
10:57.06Zanixim going to bed
10:57.13PleegWatg'night zanix
10:57.58Guest214that makes me curious - where are you from? here in germany it's 1 pm ;)
10:58.30PleegWatI'm from NL
10:58.35PleegWatZanix USA
10:59.45Zanix|zZz5am here
11:02.35*** join/#wowroster Zerf (
11:02.54ZerfI have a problem with wowroster
11:03.07Guest214@pleeg: that's a lot of code in the wowdb...
11:03.21Zerfbut i speak not verry well english, i'm sorry
11:03.33PleegWatfraid so lessor
11:03.51PleegWatTry to explain it best you can zerf
11:04.12ZerfFirst, I have that -> Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/.filer2/zerf/www/admin/config.php on line 300
11:04.28PleegWatIgnore it. It's just cause you have no char data
11:06.24*** join/#wowroster Mathos|zZz (
11:06.30ZerfI have to a problem to Installation, the ( ? menu ? ) is bugged, i have deleted all tables from Mysql and re-install with import, it's normal ?
11:07.09PleegWatYou shouldn't include the sql in the database manually, the installer does that for you
11:07.30PleegWatYou're doing a fresh installation?
11:07.35Zerfsorry ?
11:07.47PleegWatJe probeert een schone installatie te doen?
11:08.01Zerfnederlands ?
11:08.21PleegWatDat doe ik in een internationaal kanaal liever niet, maar als jij geen engels kan moet ik wat
11:08.39Less0rrofl xD maybe we should go on with english ;)
11:08.54ZerfSpreekt u niet Frans?
11:10.07ZerfHa ! I show Screenshots of my problem ?
11:10.24PleegWatUnfortunately it is english or dutch
11:10.31PleegWatmy french is abismal
11:10.35Less0ruhm pleeg can you give me an example how to get any content from the characterprofiler.lua into a variable?
11:10.51Less0rfirst i have to parse it, right?
11:10.53PleegWat03(Less0r03): You're using the SQL parser on it, like in update?
11:12.13ZerfHo, i have too this problem : MySQL client and server versions 4.0.4 or higher and MyISAM table support are required for Roster.
11:12.32Zerfserver version - 4.1.11-Debian_4sarge5-log | client version - 5.0.22
11:12.42PleegWatThen you meet the requirement
11:12.45PleegWatso you can proceed
11:13.33Zerfbut the installation proceed good  but with a small problem
11:15.07ZerfCan I send a url ( for my screenshot ) ?
11:16.31PleegWatYou need to download and include the french localization files from the forums
11:16.59Zerfha !
11:17.01Zerfthx :)
11:19.14Less0r(never used chatrooms...) 1. how can i whisper? 2. pleeg can you see the private conversation room (or whatever it is)?
11:19.39PleegWatwhisper with /msg <name>
11:19.49Less0rah, okay
11:20.00PleegWatAnd 3rd persons can't usually see whispers
11:20.13PleegWatIRC server administrators might be able to, probably depends on the server used
11:20.44Zerfhoo Thank You, it's function
11:21.26ZerfIt's normal of all didnt translate ?
11:22.03PleegWatThe 1.7.0 comes with french as a language option during install, but no actual french translations offered anywhere
11:22.06Less0rplease have a look at the private room, pleeg :-| (hope you can see it)
11:22.28PleegWat03(Less0r03): I think you've done something wrong
11:22.38PleegWatyou need to type /message PleegWat <message>
11:23.47Less0rdoesnt work :-/
11:23.59Zerfit's normal too ?
11:24.42PleegWatLooks normal
11:25.59Zerfis is not in french en 2 option are mind text ' sorry for english xD '
11:28.16PleegWatWell, it's not complete, but there's text in most places...
11:28.40PleegWatI can't really help you with french translation since we don't really offer it for 1.7. It should be in properly for 1.7.1
11:29.09ZerfIn the table of the 3 et 4, no text for options :|
11:29.18Zerfof the lines *
11:29.47Zerfdown Right pane (Realmstauts) and up Guild-Info link
11:31.55ZerfThanks you for the help :)
11:32.04ZerfBye ! +++
11:32.11*** part/#wowroster Zerf (
11:35.41Less0rcan you see what i wrote in the private channel?
11:40.26PleegWatI think you're misunderstanding something
11:40.29PleegWatI can't read any of it
11:41.06Less0rokay, i repeat it here
11:41.23Less0ri wrote:
11:41.40Less0rlet me try to explain what i want to do
11:42.37Less0ri try to make a page where you can upload the CharacterProf.lua. the the data should be extracted, put into variables and the i want it to put into a sql-database
11:43.06Less0ri don't want to use the roster (btw great tool), i try to code something a little bit different
11:43.31Less0rbut the major problem is that i don't know how to get the data out of the lua
11:43.42PleegWatYou need to parse the lua in to a php array
11:43.57Less0rif you can show me how to get the data from the lua i'd be very happy :-/
11:43.57PleegWatlook at the admin/update.php
11:44.08Less0ri did
11:44.37Less0rbut i have my problems with it -.-
11:44.42*** join/#wowroster Zerf (
11:45.00ZerfSorry, I have a last question ^^
11:45.53Zerfwhat is addons for recup files .lua ?
11:46.22PleegWatI don't understand
11:46.33PleegWatYou need to upload the lua files to the update page
11:47.12PleegWatI'm afraid I have to go for a bit. I should be back in 45mins or so
11:47.15ZerfYes but
11:47.26Zerfhow recup the files from wow ?
11:47.38Less0rmaybe i can help :-/
11:47.48Less0rwhat do you mean by recup?
11:48.18ZerfCharacterProfiler.lua and PvPlog.lua
11:48.39Less0ryou mean how to upload them?
11:49.03Zerfheu yes but for recup form world of wacraft this files with addons?
11:49.39Less0rsry, i donÄt know the word "recup"
11:50.30Less0rif you want to send the luas to your page, try UniUploader
11:50.44Zerfho sorry
11:50.46Less0ryou can find it in the downlod-section
11:50.46Zerfnot recup
11:50.50Zerfbut recover
11:51.06Zerfrecover files from wow
11:52.18Less0rif you want to create the characterprofiler.lua, you need the addon "CharacterProfiler". i hope this is the answer to your question(?)
11:52.29ZerfYes !
11:52.37ZerfThanks :)
11:53.26Zerfbut i am sad from the little translate in french
11:53.33Zerfi go in curse-gaming
11:53.41Less0rif you want to have pvp-log too, you need "PVPLog"
11:53.51Zerfok thanks :)
11:54.02Less0rjust search for it @
11:54.21Less0rgotta go, hf @ wow. :)
12:19.24*** join/#wowroster TinoM (
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12:27.31*** join/#wowroster Guest339 (
13:52.50*** join/#wowroster Vecnah (
14:06.59*** join/#wowroster Guest032 (
14:07.34Less0rneed help again ^^
14:08.09Less0ranybody here?
14:51.31*** join/#wowroster Warla (
14:51.49Warlaheya :-)
15:15.39*** join/#wowroster Guest461 (
15:16.34Less0rhi again
15:17.35Less0ranybody here who has knowledge about the update.php?
15:19.48Less0rplease, i really need help
15:53.37Mathos|zZzwhatz up ?
15:53.58Warlahowdy Mathos
15:54.04*** mode/#wowroster [+o Mathos] by ChanServ
15:55.35Less0rmathos can you help me? i want to get the content out of the characterprofiler.lua ...
15:56.34Less0rsounds stupid, but after a week i'm getting mad...
15:57.16MathosThis is not about CharacterProfiler, it is WoW Roster IRC
15:57.48Less0ryes, but you use it's lua to get your infos, right?
15:59.34Less0rlet me explain my problem: i try to work something out that is "a little roster" and i want to know how to get the data out of the lua and handle it like a normal array
16:01.10Warlai made a little function that parses a lua
16:01.16Warlayou could use that one
16:01.21Warlalet me copy it quickly
16:02.30Less0raha? and can you use it like an array then? something like foreach ($foo as $bar){echo $bar['blubb']['bla']} ?
16:03.15Warlait basically makes the whole lua file into an array
16:03.17Warlasame structure
16:03.29Less0rhmm please let me see it
16:04.21Less0rlol -.-
16:04.32*** join/#wowroster Warla (
16:04.39Less0rlol :)
16:04.55Less0rwould you send it to me via mail?
16:05.22Warlaheh von deutschland?
16:05.27Less0rjapp :D
16:05.30Warlavon wo?
16:05.36Less0rpaderborn :)
16:05.44Warla<-- basel
16:06.08Less0rdas is gut das macht das reden einfacher
16:07.00Warlakmach mal n mailcheck
16:07.33Warlada sind zwei functions drin
16:07.35Less0rhmm nur spammails da ^^
16:08.05Less0rne tut sich noch nix
16:08.14Warlalol sollt schneller gehen hehe
16:08.27Less0ran was genau hast du denn gearbeitet? wolltest du auch die daten aus der lua vernünftig lesen können?
16:10.35Warla <-- hier ist der code den du brauchst
16:10.41Warlaich arbeite zur zeit daran:
16:12.33Less0rnicht schlecht!
16:12.48Warlaich benutz niht den character profiler
16:13.00Warlaich hab selber nen mod geschrieben
16:13.04Warlader extrahiert mehr infos
16:13.17Warlacharacter profiler ist geizig mit den infos den er extrahiert
16:13.24Less0rich glaube darüber sollten wir uns mal unterhalten :)
16:13.26Warlakann ich nicht brauchen
16:13.41Warlazudem hat character profiler kein GUI... ich will edles gui
16:13.49Warlahier ist einscreenie vom mod:
16:13.56Less0rna du scheinst mir ja n richtiger coder zu sein?
16:14.26Less0r*pfeif* respekt
16:14.40Warlabiste auf meiner profiler page? click mal bei den quests oder tradeskills rum
16:15.10Less0rschon gesehen, ist wirklich beeindruckend
16:15.34Warlatradeskills extrahiert alles :-)
16:15.42Warlaauch icons von den reagenzien
16:15.42Less0r*habenwill* ^^
16:15.52Warlacharacter profiler extrahiert nix was man braucht da
16:16.03Warlaauch quests ned.. kriegste keine rewards keine icons e.t.c
16:16.28Warlaoder mail :-)
16:16.31Warlacheck mal mals
16:16.47Less0rja und ich hatte vor allem ein problem: jedes array (aus der lua) hat einen namen aber irgendwie hat er den net gesagt oder ich war zu doof -.-
16:17.04Warlaprobier mal den code aus den ich gemacht hab
16:17.09Warlazum einlesen der lua files
16:17.23Less0rda kommt nix -.-
16:17.28Warla <--
16:17.32Warlaschau das an
16:18.20Less0rhmmjo, das hab ich eben schon gesehen ;)
16:18.33Warladie variable heisst $wowprofles
16:18.51Less0rplanst du das nur für deine page zu erstellen oder offiziell nen mod für alle zu machen?
16:19.17Warlawenns fertig ist kanns jeder downloaden und in seine seite integrieren so wie dieser mod hier
16:19.35Warlavermutlich werden dies in wowroster integrieren wenns fertig ist
16:19.37Less0rschick schick
16:20.09Less0rmuss gestehen mit dem code von dir komm ich noch net so klar, arrays sind mir da noch ein graus
16:20.12Warlahaste nen print_r($wowprofles); gemacht?
16:20.27Less0rmom, ich probiers mal
16:21.49Less0rhmm womit kombiniere ich denn deinen code?
16:22.09Warlaegal alles was du brauchst is den pfad zum lua file anzugeben
16:22.32Warla$fp = fopen ($filename, "r"); <-- $filename = pfad zum lua file
16:22.39Less0rquasi unten das $filename durch 'CharacterPRofiler.lua ersetzen?'
16:22.44Less0rah genau ^^
16:22.55Warlaya dann uss das file aber am gleichen ort sein wie das php file
16:23.10Less0risses, habs zum testen hochgeladen
16:23.36Warladann sollte print_r($wowprofles); am ende des php files den array pasten
16:24.19*** join/#wowroster PoloDude (
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16:24.29MathosYo Polo
16:24.35PoloDudeyo mathos :)
16:24.36Warlahi PoloDude¨
16:24.47PoloDudehowdy all :)
16:24.49Less0rhmm ne da tut sich nix :-/
16:25.01MathosDo you peeps want a room? :P
16:25.11PoloDudeupdatingprogress for adobe products in vista is fun :p
16:25.25MathosUhm......can't be!
16:25.28MathosIt is Miccy Soft
16:25.33Less0rliegts vielleicht an dem eigenen addon?
16:25.34PoloDudeupdate failed, cancel and continue with next update :D
16:26.11MathosI swapped to Linux for everything
16:26.23PoloDudei swapped to vista :p
16:26.37MathosVista is windows aye ?
16:26.44PoloDudeit's running real smooth i must say
16:26.49Mathosis that not beta new version of XP
16:26.50Less0rwarla? tut sich nix
16:26.58PoloDudelol no
16:27.05PoloDudevista = longhorn :)
16:27.13PoloDudei'm running RC1 now
16:27.16MathosLess0r, please open a seperate window with Warla
16:27.20Mathoswe all speak English here
16:27.37Less0rokay -.-
16:27.42PoloDudeye, you don't see us speaking dutch here do you? :p
16:27.50MathosNee Inderdaad niet :P
16:28.10PoloDudegonna look into those live gadgets later
16:28.23MathosRosterDKP is taking good shape now
16:28.27PoloDudewanna make one that gives the status of wow-server like roster:p
16:28.36PoloDudenice :)
16:28.43Mathosyeah, much slower than I expected
16:28.51PoloDudeand how's your "itemstats"?
16:28.55Mathosbut guild already uses it
16:29.18MathosI just throw in an item ID, and I get a localized tooltip back
16:29.30PoloDudeoh, you need the id :s
16:29.32Warlalol Less0r... funzt perfekt grad getestet mit nem characterprofiler.lua
16:29.43Mathosnames are terrible
16:30.00PoloDudei use a modified version of itemstats now
16:30.05PoloDuderuns smooth
16:30.05Mathosthey are cause they are using the Local from the client
16:30.28Warla <-- schau das an...
16:30.41Mathosand mine can return the item-set link + it will fill in stats
16:30.41PoloDudei know, but this one is localized for french, german and english
16:30.42Mathoslike +15 stamina
16:30.55Mathosof you got Solstice staff of .....
16:31.05MathosI get: Solstice Staff of The Whale
16:31.09PoloDudeah, that's cool too :)
16:31.14Mathosor Solstice Staff of the Bear
16:31.36PoloDudeproblem is with RaidTracker that it doens't register all itemid's :(
16:31.44MathosIt does sofar
16:31.58Mathosfor me it does it right at the moment
16:32.10PoloDudehmmm, must be the dkp string then i guess
16:32.26MathosHmm, I see all item-id's in the XML file, oldformat and newformat
16:32.38Mathosdid you upgrade to the new modded version ?
16:32.48Mathos-13 I think it is
16:32.55PoloDudeah no, still got 12
16:33.05Less0rstill doesnt work warla
16:33.18Warlait does :-)
16:33.26Warlai see the array
16:33.30MathosMight be the problem Polo
16:33.38Mathosdunno for sure though
16:33.50MathosLess0r, do you do a Shift-refresh ?
16:33.52PoloDudecan be :)
16:34.26Less0rokay it works ^^
16:34.34WarlaMathos he basically needed a function that reads in a lua file and stores it into an array so the array is 1:1 the same structure as the variables in the lua
16:34.49Warlai needed to make that to read in the lua file of the mod i made
16:34.53Warlato gather wow info
16:35.50WarlaLess0r .. rechtsclick auf webpage und quellcode anzeigen... dann siehste den array sogar schön
16:35.57Less0rwarla: how can i go on?
16:37.02Less0rhmm can we discuss this via icq or something like that? got tons of questions
16:37.24Warlajust open a private message...
16:37.34Less0rhow? -.-
16:37.38Less0rsee? ^^
16:37.55Warlasiehste nicht meinen namen? ich hab dir was geschrieben privat
16:38.03Warlada kannste in den channel welchseln
16:38.14Less0ryeah private channel warla
16:38.16Warlairgendwo solltest in deinem IRC client warla sehen
16:38.22Less0rlängst offen
16:38.26Less0rhab dir auch geschrieben
16:38.31Warlasiehste was ich da schreib?
16:39.11Warladoppelclick meinen namen
16:39.19Warlain der userliste
16:39.21Less0rlängst gemacht ^^
16:39.31Warladas öffnet nen neuen chat
16:39.37Warlawo du schreiben kannst
16:39.42Less0rauch schon in dem channel geschrieben aber da scheint nix zu kommen
16:39.56Warladann hastes falsch gemacht lol
16:40.01Less0rprivate => warla - passiert nüx
16:40.08Warlaschreib das:
16:40.09Less0rwas kann man da falsch machen ^^
16:40.17Warladies: /msg warla hallo
16:40.37Less0rpassiert nix
16:40.57Less0rker ich bin doch net doof?
16:41.07Warladein irc client scheint crap zu sein
16:41.10WarlaMirc <--
16:41.29Less0rich nutze das java dings von der seite
16:41.39PoloDudeyou have to register your nick, or you can't do private msg's
16:42.08PoloDudesorry, just thought of that :p
16:43.14Less0rhmm wayne, aber was nun?
16:45.08Less0r(den anderen zu liebe rede ich mal weiter englisch ^^) instead of "print_r($wowprofles);" can i say "echo $wowprofiles['bla']['blubb']['foo']" um an einen einzigen wert zu kommen?
16:45.51Less0rerm lol -> my sentence...
16:49.05Less0rstill got a problem
16:49.40Less0ri tried "echo $wowprofles[$server]['Lessorian']['Guild']['Title'];" with $server as "Krag'Jin" but nothing happens
16:50.14PoloDudebrb need to restart
16:51.14Less0ra picture of the structure:
16:52.34Less0rtheres a second array above this one, maybe that is the problem?
16:53.54Less0rhmm my link was shown in red, am i not allowed to post a link?
16:59.10Less0ror maybe the problem is the servers name (Krag'Jin)???
17:00.22Warlayou have 1 layer above...
17:00.24Less0rdoesn't work :(
17:01.10Less0rhmm you wrote it without ' '
17:01.15Less0rmaybe ...?
17:01.34Less0rno, nothing changed
17:02.12Warlayou linked the lua file
17:02.20Warlaand not the print_r output
17:02.33Warlathe lua file screenshot helps nothing
17:02.43Warlaplease screenshot the print_r
17:03.12Less0rhmm yes, my fault
17:03.26Less0recho / print_r makes no difference, or?
17:03.37Warlai want no echo
17:03.46Warlai need the print_r of the array
17:03.52Warlaso i can tell you how to access it
17:05.27Warlaurl geht ned
17:05.55Less0rnu aber
17:05.58Less0rtry again
17:06.10Warladas ist das php file
17:06.20Warlaich brauch den output von print_r lol
17:06.23Warlaauf der webseite
17:06.35Less0rachso ^^
17:06.46Less0rhmm ja da bleibt die seite weiss
17:06.50Less0rwarum auch immer
17:06.57Warlaweiss = falsch
17:07.18Warlaschick mir dein lua file:
17:07.19Less0rdachte ich auch
17:08.56Less0rup up and away
17:10.24Less0ri thin it is the "krag'jin" that makes trouble (?)
17:12.07Less0rhmm funny: with "echo" there's no mistake, but with "print_r" the page doesn't respond
17:13.17Warlafunzt prima
17:13.49Less0rschnall ich net o0
17:13.59Less0rgleicher befehl wie oben??
17:14.16Less0ralso wie bei mir auf dem screenshot?
17:14.29Warlaso wie im
17:14.33Warlanix geändert
17:14.39*** kick/#wowroster [Warla!] by PleegWat (english only please 03#8)
17:14.39*** kick/#wowroster [Less0r!] by PleegWat (english only please 03#9)
17:14.39*** join/#wowroster Warla (
17:15.05*** join/#wowroster Guest267 (
17:15.16Guest267okay, only english
17:16.38Less0rbut what about the command from my screenshot?
17:16.51Less0rprint_r $wowprofles[myProfile][$server]['Lessorian']['Guild']['Title'];
17:17.01Less0rwhy is there no result?
17:18.20Less0ri also tried ['myProfile'], wihtout ' might be wrong
17:22.27Warlaecho $wowprofles["$server"]["Lessorian"]["Guild"]["Title"];
17:25.13Less0rno result
17:26.15Less0rand with print_r the whole php doenst work
17:27.18Less0rwhen this day is over, i'll need a beer. i don't understand why nothing works
17:28.11Warla <-- 1:1 what is on
17:30.19Less0r00 it works! 00
17:30.35Less0r*runs against the next wall*
17:31.29Less0ri have to test this, need several tests...
17:31.35Less0rone moment pls
17:33.37Less0rthis... is ... excellent!
17:33.43Less0rthank you very very much
17:33.50Less0reverything works
17:34.31Less0rand thx for the long time you spend for me
17:34.40Less0rwhoohoo! :)
17:34.57Less0rmain problem fixed, now i can male the page
17:35.32Less0rI'll write your name in the pages credits when it's ready
17:35.48Less0rif you want ;)
17:36.03*** join/#wowroster Zeryl (i=Zeryl@
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17:37.26Warlaheya Zeryl
17:37.33ZerylTwin Emps down!
17:37.37Warlai made some thought about the missing recipes thingy
17:37.42Warlaohh grats
17:37.45Warlamy guild suxx
17:37.48Warlawe have huhu down
17:37.54Zerylserver third I think
17:38.01Zerylif we drop C'Thun, we'll be the server second
17:38.07Warlaand dumb GM wants Anub'Rhekan and Instructor down before we try Twin emps
17:38.09Warla= stupid
17:38.29Warlanow i run around with 390 shadow res worked my ass off for nothing...
17:38.39Warlabecause we dont try Twin emps after huhu....
17:38.57Zerylthat's reatarded
17:39.02Less0rso, again: thank you and have a nice evening :) I'm off cu
17:39.02Zerylfinsih AQ40
17:39.19Warlayea... GM is obsessed with fucken NAXX
17:39.28Warlamy opinion is after we have twin emps on farm --> naxx
17:39.32Warlanot the other way round
17:39.48Zerylya, nice loots from emps
17:40.09Warlak my thoughts about the missing recipes thingy... we should create a xml file that contains all info about the recipes
17:40.26Warlathat XML file could be generated using the page on allakhazam or thottbot
17:40.38Warlaand then manually fixed... for example the wrong ones
17:40.48Warlathat xml file we store at a fixed url
17:41.17Warlathen we have a script that checks for the version number of that XML
17:41.39Warlaif its the same.. keep it.. if the one we uploaded is newer.. all roster webpages go and download that and store it on their webspace
17:52.08Zeryltoo troublesom
17:55.11Zeryli've made over 4500g for the guild bank, woot
17:56.24Zerylmake that 5700 :)
18:01.03Zeryli should buy another account, and pretend someone hacked my account, and steal my guilds gold and mats  LOL
18:50.57*** join/#wowroster Vecnah (
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19:55.01Anaxentwhats up huys
20:32.40*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
20:32.40*** mode/#wowroster [+o Anaxent] by ChanServ
20:57.21Anaxentwhats up Zanix
20:57.31Zanixnot much
20:57.37Zanixjust trying out vista RC1
20:57.43Zanixruns very nicly
20:58.05Anaxenta new module that allows us to make html/php modules with in the admin control panel
20:58.58AnaxentI just installed it but havnt created anything yet
21:00.18AnaxentI was thinking about a making a video upload area with it
21:03.08Zanixright on
21:08.46Zanixalrighty, time to get ready for work
22:46.08MathosYo guys, found 2 missing icons in Roster Icon set
22:47.02Mathoscool how they spelled weapon ey :P
22:56.34Anaxenthey Mathos hows it going
23:00.16MathosGood good
23:00.22Mathosdoing Item Config stuff
23:00.29Mathosto edit items in the itemcache
23:00.41MathosMaily used for DKP_Value storage
23:03.50Anaxentso I was thinking yesterday....
23:03.50Mathoscan I use multiple ORDER BY statements in sql 4 ?
23:04.15Mathosbut it does not seem to work here
23:04.25Anaxentive seen alot of addons using itemstats to give tooltips and thats good and all but can be a pain in the end
23:04.56AnaxentI would think having our own item cache could resolve the need for itemstats and could give mor functionality to the roster in other areas
23:06.14Anaxent~apt  can I use multiple ORDER BY statements in sql 4 ?
23:06.24Anaxentdamn he wont talk to me
23:06.33Anaxentwait worng mod anywways I think
23:07.00Mathosokay, anyway, itemcache is brilliant sofar
23:07.04Anaxentbut to find out im sure you can just try a query in phpmyadmin
23:07.16Mathosjust throw in an itemid and voila, there ya have the item, including stats and sets
23:07.30Mathosyeah tried already, but it does nay work
23:07.31Anaxentyeah it would rock
23:07.36Anaxentah lame
23:07.43Anaxentso it is only a function for 5?
23:07.49Mathosprolly yes
23:08.58MathosOkay, I was just stupid
23:09.02Mathosit DOES work lol
23:09.16Anaxenthaha wrote it wrong
23:09.55Mathoswell....I used a wrong column name lol
23:10.02Mathosdid not read the error correctly
23:10.45MathosI still miss enchants btw
23:10.56Mathosnot had the time for it, and at this moment I dont need em
23:11.04Mathosbut I will build it eventually
23:11.29Anaxentso i know Zeryl was working on an item db t one time
23:11.40MathosI only hope that Allakhazam dont start to hate me :P
23:11.52Mathosyeah, he never finished it
23:11.56Mathosbut I did :)
23:12.19Anaxentwith it wecould start using an item cache but then how would we get all the new items
23:12.22MathosGot all Suffixes in a DB now
23:12.36AnaxentI know we can grab them from ala but yeah they could get mad in time
23:12.48MathosAs soon as a new item pops up, it will drag the info from Allakhazam
23:12.52MathosLocalized I might add
23:13.02Anaxentit almost makes sence to have an item db hosted on that users can query
23:13.20MathosWell.....could do that perhaps
23:13.33MathosI need to refine the code a bit better though
23:13.41Mathoscause it stores the full itemid now
23:13.55MathosI need to seperate the suffix info
23:14.15Mathosbut again, time shortage :P
23:14.22Mathosanyway, off to bed now mate
23:14.24Anaxentlol time

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