irclog2html for #wowroster on 20060908

00:28.01*** join/#wowroster Guest375 (
00:28.51*** part/#wowroster Jleagle (
00:45.45*** part/#wowroster Whopper|Away (n=durest@unaffiliated/whopper)
02:01.29Warlawho wants a good laughter?
02:01.42WarlaRead first post
03:11.44Zerylwoot, Teamspeak is up on my server
08:21.45*** join/#wowroster Zanix (
08:21.45*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix] by ChanServ
09:06.04*** join/#wowroster TinoM (
09:06.04*** mode/#wowroster [+o TinoM] by ChanServ
09:27.07*** join/#wowroster Anax (
10:03.26Zanix|zZzjust got done playing wow, now it's tim efor sleep
10:05.35*** join/#wowroster TinoM (
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10:37.32PleegWatThere, we now have access level config for the index columns
11:20.48Warlahorming PleegWat
11:21.07PleegWatyou mean morning, I assume?
11:21.11Warlaman.. my eyes are still half closed ^^
11:21.19Warlacannt type ^^
11:22.11Warlaguess what i got yesterday? :-)
11:22.25PleegWat1k free gold?
11:22.29WarlaNEFs head... finally
11:22.41Warlalast 4 weeks in a row some moron outbid me on it...
11:22.52Warlai always ended up second highest dkp
11:26.07Warlawhat server are ayou on?
11:26.46Warlanice :-)
11:26.52Warlais that en english speaking server?
11:27.22Warlaso i assume your from the UK?
11:27.25PleegWatI'm dutch, and there are no dutch servers
11:27.29Warlaahh k
11:27.44Warlawhat timezoine is dutch? propably same as me... 1:27 PM here
11:27.57PleegWatThere have been customer suggestions for dutch prefered servers, but I hope we don't get them
11:28.11Warladid you see the german version of wow?
11:28.14Warlaor french?
11:28.18Warlamakes you wanna puke
11:28.19PleegWatI won't be on dutch prefered unless they bring a dutch client, and probably not even then
11:28.22Warlasounds so crappy
11:28.27PleegWatI've heard of it
11:28.39Warlathe translations they done hurt the eyes when you read it
11:28.46PleegWatAnd I've seen some of the results of the 'localization updates' blizz occasionally includes in their patches
11:28.55Warlakris of unspoken names --> messer der ungesprochenen namen
11:29.02Warlathe french version is like 20cm longer ^^
11:29.33PleegWatMy german is limited...
11:29.54Warlagerman is crappy to learn
11:29.56Warlavery hard language
11:30.04Warlabut propably for you its not that hard
11:30.10PleegWatmeh, I never really studied hard on it
11:30.11Warlaafaik german is somewhat related to dutch
11:30.13*** join/#wowroster TinoM| (
11:30.33PleegWatIf I used german frequently I'd have no problem learning it
11:30.42PleegWatbut I can't learn languages from textbooks.
11:31.12Warlame neither i need school to learn languiages
11:31.14Warlaelse  i woldnt
11:31.17Warlahate languages ^^
11:32.41PleegWatLet's see, how does char.php work.
11:33.56Warlawhat ya doing? :-)
11:34.16PleegWatWell, there's a bunch of stuff for which you can set per character if it's visible or no
11:34.23PleegWatI need to switch it over to RosterAuth
11:34.55Warlais roaster auth something you coupled with PHPBB's admin system?
11:35.01PleegWatno, it's native
11:35.10Warlanative = selfmade?
11:35.16Warlak cool :-)
11:35.36PleegWatI've designed it as modularly as possible though.
11:35.55PleegWatIt should be possible to put in full phpbb or similar bridging while replacing just 1 file
11:36.27Warlawoha that sounds nice
11:36.39Warlai kinda suck at sessions / authentification stuff :-/
11:36.45Warlai wish i'd be more experienced
11:36.53Warlain that field
11:36.58PleegWatI don't use session. I use cookies
11:37.23Warlawell i'd use both to ensure even morons that turned cookies off can use it
11:37.30PleegWatanyway zanix wrote the initial version, which only supports the admin and will be in 1.7.1
11:38.00Warlahave an URL of a workin demo?
11:38.58Warlaaggramar - medium - normal
11:39.17Warladragonmaw US - FULL (Queue) - +a ton lag
11:39.27Warladragonmaw FTL
11:39.34PleegWatIt's daytime now
11:39.42PleegWatDon't worry it'll be queued tonight
11:39.59Warlaon my US serber its 3:48 and were filled (we have 239843650265 chineese ebay farmers)
11:40.26Warlado europe servers have the same prob with that chineese farmer scum?
11:40.43Warlaits so horrid
11:40.44Warlawe have stuff you cannt farm anymore
11:40.47Warlalike essence of fire, water and earth seems impossible
11:41.10Warlathose areas are farmed 24/7 and so many chineese hunters that as soon as something spawns its attacked by em
11:41.32PleegWatdoesn't seem to be that bad here
11:41.35Warlai report them daily
11:41.40Warlabut blizz doesnt seem to care
11:41.49Warlaoften takes 1 month til they close those account
11:46.48PleegWatevidentially it works, but don't ask me how
11:47.28PleegWatlooks like it was hacked for additional functionality three times over
11:47.34PleegWatat least
12:09.13*** join/#wowroster Vecnah (
12:24.15*** join/#wowroster triopas (
12:24.29triopasanyone in here?
12:25.06triopaskind of new on how wowroster is scripted, but could anyone maybe help me with a few questions ?
12:25.52triopasIf i want to edit the layout/ look were is that handled?
12:30.32triopasnm i found it, i think  /css
15:31.53*** join/#wowroster Zeryl (i=saryon@otaku.freeshell.ORG)
15:32.47Zerylhello all
15:39.21PleegWatI took a look at char.php and the files it includes to put the auth system in it
15:39.41PleegWatThere's probably logic behind it somewhere but I can't find it
15:40.40Zerylauth system?
15:41.13Zerylaren't you making it?
15:41.16PleegWatAll stuff that's currently controllable visible/invisible should be settable to be visible above a certain guild rank in 1.8
15:41.35Zerylohhh, don't make gold that way
15:41.38Zerylpeople have issues with gold
15:42.01Zerylquick question - do you think it would be right for me to delete bug reports as they are fixed?
15:42.20PleegWatmeh. Just lock the threads if you are afraid ppl will repost on them
15:42.38PleegWatbut it's your call
15:42.38ZerylI have a suggestions and bug reports thread, i get confused what I have left to do :(
15:42.43Zerylya, probably best not to
15:43.09PleegWatJust make a local todo/tofix file and add all bugs to that
15:43.13PleegWatremove them if they're fixed
15:46.05*** join/#wowroster Zeryl_ (i=Zeryl@
15:46.51*** join/#wowroster gamesandglory (
15:49.29Games|workwhats up
15:50.27*** join/#wowroster Zeryl_ (i=Zeryl@
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15:52.20PleegWatI've been thinking about modding char.php to use ajax for the tabs. Make a layout for it kinda like Warla's. But the backside is such a coding junk it'd mean rewriting the whole page
15:52.33ZerylI've been thinking the same thing pleeg
15:52.40Zerylit would be extremly easy to do on the front-end
15:53.05PleegWatSo I guess I'll just add another hack to that page for the autorization stuff. Seems it's been hacked often enough that one more time won't mind
15:53.19PleegWatThen start a bottom-up rewrite for R2
15:53.26Zerylwhy don't we clean it up a bit :)
15:53.32PleegWatLook at the code
15:53.35PleegWatthen tell me that again
15:55.45PleegWatOK maybe it isn't all bad. Mainly the out function disgusts me.
15:55.50PleegWatdinner, bbl
15:57.12Zeryli'll take a look during class, see if I can work on it, make it some objects, etc
15:59.03Zerylbbiab, will be going home soon
16:14.57*** join/#wowroster Vecnah (
17:09.44*** join/#wowroster Zeryl (i=Zeryl@
17:09.44*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zeryl] by ChanServ
17:09.50ZerylHi All
18:25.38*** join/#wowroster Warla (
18:29.09Zerylwe should make an xml feed of a character
19:30.24Anaxill be back in a few heading to work now
20:00.17*** join/#wowroster Anaxent (
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21:31.02PleegWatI've got some work to do this weekend
21:31.33PleegWatI've put 1 very educating line in roster_footer.tpl
21:35.57PleegWatecho scrollbox(nl2br($wowdb->getSQLStrings()),'SQL Queries','sgreen');
21:36.10PleegWatto track where I can cut down number of queries
21:36.22PleegWatDefinitely some stuff in it that I want to improve
21:44.48Anaxentsounds like alot of work
21:44.57Anaxentbu worth it in the end im sure
21:56.23PleegWatWell the character page needs it most
21:56.32PleegWatBut TBH I can't make heads or tails of it
22:12.53*** join/#wowroster Guest250 (
22:13.12Guest250Can anybody help me with wowroster ?
22:14.06AiZaKIs anbody here ?
22:15.16Anaxentyeah whats up man
22:18.15AiZaKI try to set it up but i have a small prob
22:18.35AiZaKi am going to guild information and it says no guild found any solution plz ?
22:19.56AiZaKcan u tell me what files do i have to upload ?
23:28.08*** join/#wowroster Zeryl (i=Zeryl@
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23:28.22ZerylHI All
23:34.16Anaxenthey hows it going
23:38.04Zeryli'm thinking of making an XML feed of a char :)
23:39.09AnaxentI saw that this morning
23:39.16Anaxentwhat would be great
23:39.22Anaxentcould speed a bunch up
23:39.27Zeryldunno what good it would be, but hey, why not :)
23:39.43Anaxentif anyhting though we should come up with an item DB/cache though
23:40.11Anaxentas now we are getting addons that could thrive off of it like the dkp system or whjat ever uses item stats
23:41.25AnaxentI found that we can add links to overlib as well so when we click on an item it could open a win with links for alla and thot
23:43.42Zerylcool :)
23:47.07Zeryli added teamspeak to my VPS last night
23:56.11*** join/#wowroster Zanix (
23:56.11*** mode/#wowroster [+o Zanix] by ChanServ

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