IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080403

00:00.27Nechcknand the place had well over a hundred varieties of all sorts of goodies
00:00.38Nechcknbut, anywhoo...
00:01.34*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
00:02.11Mr_Rabies2i solo'd up to luci in mc the other day :x
00:02.23Mr_Rabies2took forever and a day
00:02.27LopeppeppySick, but fun.
00:02.54batrickwhat class are you Mr_Rabies2
00:03.08Mr_Rabies2feral druid
00:03.24Mr_Rabies2they hit me for far less than the amount that imp lotp heals me for
00:04.29NightHawkAtWorksolo aq40 trash and i'll be more impresed :P
00:04.47Mr_Rabies2i solod skeram on a level 1 shaman
00:04.59Mr_Rabies2twin emps on a level 30 warlock
00:09.14bleeterwonders how many more power outages he'll have this morn
00:09.41bleeterMr_Rabies2: finally got my feral to 70 :D
00:15.21Corrodiasamazing how a guild can suddenly go from finally killing leo once or twice to not raiding at all
00:15.46Lunessaburn out.  it happens.  It's a killer.
00:15.53Corrodiasyeah, of too many people at once, it seems
00:16.54Corrodiasthen people have to leave if they want to keep raiding, so that thins the pool further
00:17.04NightHawkAtWorka while back we went from killing 2-3 bosses in BT and MH to having to spend a few weeks recruiting and going back to kill vashj/kael, becaus of that. :\
00:17.47kamdisMy guild on Uther went from TK progress to running people 5th alts through Kara in about 3 weeks, somehow.
00:17.59AbsoRayne Kamdis
00:18.13AbsoRayneWhat do you think of the Party frames?
00:18.39Corrodias(not "ow, frames", "ow, unprogress")
00:18.52AbsoRayneCorrodias: I know, I said 'ouch' irl. :<
00:19.00Corrodiastaht's an interesting spot for them
00:19.04Corrodiasand i can't type again
00:19.19kamdisI like the style and the color by class dots.  there's something about the blue that I don't like with your red though.
00:19.52kamdisit doesn't clash, but it's just ... i don't know.  "meh"?
00:19.54AbsoRaynekamdis: Im trying to figure out the Blue for the Mana as well, I probably just need to lighten it a bit
00:20.24Nechcknit's just very "dull" with that shade of red - and the blue for that matter
00:20.38Nechcknha... woops.. as you both just said!
00:20.48AbsoRayneGO GO COLOR WHEEL
00:20.56AbsoRaynespins it like a retard
00:21.12kamdisthe red is Rayne's signature color so I'm guessing that's not going to change.
00:21.25AbsoRayneNope :P
00:21.58NechcknI just mean the 2 together  =)
00:22.01kamdisare you sticking with Grid or going back to pitbull raid frames?
00:22.18Nechcknshould "pep it up" with a lightening of da bleu
00:22.38AbsoRayneI went back to PitBull, the frames look how they do now in
00:23.28Corrodiasis it just me, or is walljumping now impossible, or nearly?
00:23.33AbsoRayneIll go back to Grid once I figure out WHY its blacking out people that are OOR rather than fading them.
00:23.39AbsoRayneCorrodias: You cant anymore. :/
00:23.53Corrodiastook them long enough
00:24.07AbsoRayneIt sucks, I miss sitting on top of the Military Ward building in IF. :/
00:24.11AbsoRayneI used to do that all the time
00:24.18AbsoRayneis Alliance, btw
00:24.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
00:25.10AbsoRayneok, going to the store, be back in 10-15
00:25.15Nechcknthat version is a bit easier on the eyes-  it's cool that it's all in one spot - not looking up, left, right etc
00:25.45Nechcknesp for raiding
00:27.24Lunessa"Weakling!!! Real men [and women] play only Holy Priests! ;-)"  ~Kamdis
00:28.05LopeppeppyI'm leveling my holy priest a bit right now....
00:28.19|Jelly|Laptopi miss disc
00:28.24bleeterCorrodias: there's some QQ in CSF about quitting the game 'coz they can't stand on the SW statue anymore, nor up with the Auctioneers
00:30.00HirsuteWhat!  I can't stand on the SW statue or up with the Auctioneers anymore?  That's it
00:30.36bleeterHirsute: can I have your stuff?
00:31.05HirsuteI'm a lvl 1 gnome warlock... does that interest you?
00:31.08Lunessasend me ur goldz plz, k thax
00:31.18bleeterthe thread I'm referring to
00:31.50*** join/#wowi-lounge [sync] (
00:32.00bleeterHirsute: someone rolled a lvl 1 for me to ahve their stuff once, needless to say the repair bill I incurred from my travels to meet them to get their stuff to vendor, cost more than their stuff was worth =))
00:32.13[sync]1st, whoever made the WowInterface update thing, is a fkn legend.
00:32.30Hirsutebleeter: heh
00:32.31[sync]could i get some help?
00:32.56purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
00:33.17[sync]i cant see my buffs on my pet/party, unless i hover my mouse over
00:33.24[sync]is there a way to remove this?
00:33.43kamdisare you using a unit frame mod?
00:33.59kamdisI haven't used the Blizzard party frames in so long...
00:34.32[sync]nope i dont think so
00:34.55[sync]all my portaits seem default
00:35.12[sync]i can see the DEBUFFS
00:35.14LunessaThen you will need an AddOn.  The default UnitFrames only show buffs on mouseover.
00:35.16[sync]but not the BUFFS, like spirit links
00:35.29[sync]Spirit Bond* (Hunter Talent)
00:35.40kamdisRight-o, Lunessa's got it.
00:36.02[sync]could you suggest one
00:36.27kamdisCt PartyBuffs
00:36.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Lukian (i=wizard@
00:36.48kamdisif you want the most simple way, without changing anything else, that is
00:37.28kamdisYou're most welcome.
00:41.48LunessaHah... gimme mah bukkit
00:44.01[sync]you guys playing wow?
00:49.11NightHawkAtWorkI'm playing wow in my mind, does that count?
00:49.40LopeppeppyI'm minding my playing in wow...
00:50.45|Jelly|LaptopI'm playing Lord of the Rings
00:52.22*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh (n=dinesh@WoWUIDev/Norganna/PRManager/Dinesh)
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00:54.05AbsoRaynemmmm pizza sub
00:54.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
00:54.41kamdis"I'm not going to go troubleshoot the problem myself to the dev when I SHOULD be able to get answers from this forum. That is, after all, why they're here."  /cry
00:55.01LopeppeppyYeah.  Right.
00:55.32AbsoRaynekamdis: Ignorance is amazing
00:55.40kamdisAin't that the truth
00:55.54Lunessa... wtf ?  Where is that madness?
00:57.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphon (
00:58.14AbsoRayneAs soon as I saw X-Perl, I closed the window
00:58.20kamdisWow, Saeto beat down in the Post Your UI thread.
00:58.22LunessaThat isn't Sparta.  That's madness.
00:58.27kamdisHe's on a rampage.
00:58.39AbsoRayneHe is right though
00:58.44kamdisyes he is
00:58.47AbsoRayneAnd I think I started the C&C thing. :/
00:58.55kamdisYes, you did.
00:59.21ScytheBlade1kamdis: hehe, I just replied.
00:59.30ScytheBlade1I wonder if that'll agitate him at all.
01:00.25kamdisI hope so, ScytheBlade1
01:00.50kamdisIt's okay Rayne, we wont call you out.  We'll blame Nitelily instead.
01:01.08AbsoRayneConsidering I just admitted to it, I think I dug my own hole on that one.
01:01.29AbsoRayneAt least the 'Make Me Hate My UI' trend died fast.
01:02.02kamdisNot fast enough! ;-)
01:02.14kamdisSb:  He replied to me, but must have not seen yours.
01:02.33kamdishe's now beyond all hope, imo.
01:02.35ScytheBlade1Yeah, I saw. Refreshing still
01:03.11kamdisRayne, you are so funny.
01:03.50AbsoRaynekamdis: :P
01:04.04AbsoRayneI like to enlighten an un-needed overly drama infused situation
01:04.27kamdisWell it calmed Seito the fuck down, so that's good.
01:04.40kamdisthough his rants are always entertaining.
01:05.51Lunessaoh man... people pissing in each other's oatmeal.  Always fun to watch.
01:06.19AbsoRayneGreat now hes got me listening to this fucking song.
01:06.26LunessaInterface isn't about originality.  It's about USABILITY.
01:07.12*** join/#wowi-lounge dines1 (n=dinesh@
01:07.29kamdisThere is no more originality in WoW ui because it's all been done.  There are only so many functional ways to present the information given/needed.
01:07.37kamdisPeople need to just get over being "original"
01:07.44AbsoRaynekamdis: ty
01:08.19kamdisnight all!
01:08.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Quezacolt (n=chatzill@
01:09.18LunessaExactly Kamdis - I mean FFS how many ways are there really to layout the same pieces. :P
01:11.17AbsoRayneI remember when I joked about Horizontal Healthbars, now my raid frames are made of them.
01:11.58*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
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01:12.53art3miskamdis, HEY im original ;P
01:14.01ScytheBlade1Lopeppeppy: curse you and your soothing green text in an otherwise potentially volatile thread
01:14.05ScytheBlade1So close :(
01:14.40art3misLunessa: thats why i was pushing for profiler support, that way everyone can upload ONLY the them files, and quit making compilations that are 20-25mb of the same shit over and over again because they changed the art ;P
01:15.22art3misif youcould one click a swap all "themeable" aspects including art and lauyout think how much more enjoyable things would be ;P
01:16.56LunessaIt just strikes me as a waste of considerable energy to fight over who "copied" whom and what makes an "original" layout.  I mean... FFS. really.
01:18.15AbsoRayneIm flattered if people copy me, but if they totally butcher my layout...yeah then I could care less.
01:18.34LopeppeppyI use a compilation, I'm soooooo unoriginal.
01:20.02LunessaOh yeah.  And people calling each other no-talent hacks?  I get enough of that crap elsewhere - I might like an element or a placement I see somewhere and use it because it appeals to me, or makes something a little better than an idea I was using before. But to imply that originality is the only indication of talent?  Pshaw.
01:20.15AbsoRayneLopeppeppy: We still love you
01:21.44LunessaI like some of your layouts Rayne, but I'd never use them.  They don't do what I need and you like that "buffs as bars" idiom that I can't stand. It doesn't mean your ideas or layouts suck.  It juts means they're not for me.  *shrug*  Elloria and Slitherskin have been fluffing each other for months, but that doesn't mean they don't have good stuff too.
01:22.01LunessaLopeppeppy: biblically. :P
01:27.16AbsoRayneLunessa: Yeah...the self pampering with thems getting a little old.
01:27.19art3mislunessa runs HKUI
01:27.32LunessaLies.  I run the default.
01:27.47art3misuh huh, it's okay big boy you dont have to lie anymore
01:28.25LunessaHah... How much you want to bet "Giggas" means "concatenate" instead of "concentrate"
01:29.18ScytheBlade1Heh. I just posted.
01:30.07AbsoRayneFuck...Ishtara is going to piss off Saeto and another Inc Wall of Text. :/
01:30.35Lunessa... /popcorn
01:30.40AbsoRayneLunessa: Also, I was contemplating trying something other than EBB
01:30.55AbsoRayneSince you brought that up
01:31.17sag_ich_nichtfemale draenei are NOT the most sexy avatars.
01:31.18sag_ich_nichtfemale draenei with engineering goggles are.
01:31.35AbsoRaynesag_ich_nicht: <3 my Draen with goggles
01:32.23LunessaRayne - Lately I've been stripping out lots of timers and bars and just learning to live with the duration timers and OmniCC - I dislike "buffs as timer bars" because they distract me from what I need to be paying attention to, and they don't convey additional useful information.
01:33.12LunessaRayne - that's personal opinion.  Not fact.
01:33.24AbsoRayneLunessa: I can agree with you, except HoTCandy and ClassTimer have really uped my healing and tanking efficiency
01:33.59LunessaYeah, I use a timer for my Totems and I use ClassTimer.  But I'm trying to wean myself.
01:34.18LunessaEspecially since Pitbull supports the new totem functions.
01:35.24LunessaI noticed that my interface was becoming a mass of timer bars, and I wasn't really gaining anything from them anymore.
01:37.15ScytheBlade1Ohh he replied to me
01:39.33Lopeppeppy../dance party
01:40.02ScytheBlade1And replied!
01:44.54ScytheBlade1Apparently UI is the new customer support
01:44.59ScytheBlade1Or so I'm told
01:46.05Corrodiasi dunno, i'm just... not really feelin' it
01:46.25ScytheBlade1Yeah me either
01:48.06Corrodiasi don't know what to do for fun tonight
01:48.31ScytheBlade1Can always troll the forums
01:48.39ScytheBlade1sits back; refreshes
01:49.28*** join/#wowi-lounge krag0th|Mac (
01:51.37bleeterI think my solution to the issue is reasonable
01:51.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Jinivus (
01:51.47ScytheBlade1bleeter: that's you? ahahahaha
01:52.01bleeterit'll get him off the forums for a couple of days, at least
01:52.23bleeterallo Jinivus
01:52.33*** join/#wowi-lounge kamdis (
01:52.33JinivusWhen i call GetWorldStateUIInfo(1, text) in AV it returns null, shouldnt it return the score?
01:52.40Lopeppeppy.../dance party
01:52.49ScytheBlade1Lopeppeppy: you're too nice, you know that?
01:53.02LopeppeppyI do, ScytheBlade1.  I do.  Customer Service Barbie, that's me.
01:53.12ScytheBlade1That's not a /bad/ thing in particular, but, yeah :(
01:53.44ScytheBlade1Cairenn: needs a new topic, see: Lopeppeppy's last line
01:54.33*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> | 2.4.x ToC: 20400 | WoW programming book | "Customer Service Barbie, that's me." - Lopeppeppy
01:54.46JinivusAnyone know a way to return the Alliances score in AV?
01:55.36NechcknAccording to all the QQers, you could hard code a  0
01:55.49NechcknHa!  exactly
01:56.27bleeterang on, i thought it was horde who always lost!!??!!
01:56.30ScytheBlade1Jinivus: that page will be of use to you
01:56.35bleetermust be reading the wrong QQ thread
01:56.46Jinivuswhen i call it its always nil
01:56.58ScytheBlade1It has multiple returns
01:57.07JinivusGetWorldStateUIInfo(1, text)
01:57.09NechcknI swear bleeter... it all depends on the server and tod
01:57.22bleeterNechckn: totally
01:57.42Nechcknpersonally, I play both sides and I honestly think it's even  but, what do I know
01:58.00*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
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01:58.02bleeterand when they change the encounter a little, from my experience those who used to win have their 'strategy' messed up, so those who usually lose are at an advantage 'coz they have no strategy to unlearn
01:58.10bleeterthus they learn a winning strategy quicker
01:58.32Nechcknlol no strategy to unlearn  =)
01:58.36bleeteron my battlegroup, after a few weeks eventually it swung back
01:58.57JinivusDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(GetWorldStateUIInfo(1, text)) Should return the score in a message box?
01:58.58ScytheBlade1Jinivus: I'd help more, but I'm about to raid. Do you have DevTools?
01:59.11ScytheBlade1Heh, you don't. I can tell.
01:59.15purlIriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
01:59.30ScytheBlade1Install that addon, join a battleground, and then type "/dump GetWorldStateUIInfo(1)"
01:59.42ScytheBlade1It'll print out all of the returns that GetWorldUIInfo has
02:00.22ScytheBlade1Also, according to the wiki, it only takes one paramater, and you are passing two
02:00.52dylanmThat thread is mind-boggling.
02:03.02bleeterhey, addon idea. has anyone seen something like it? when mailing stuff, if the recipient isn't in your guild or on your friends' list, it issues an extra warning indicating as much?
02:03.10ScytheBlade1Lunessa: well said
02:03.26bleeterindeed, 3 x /cheer for Lunessa
02:04.29NechcknLunessa step away from the harshenator  =)
02:04.34Nechcknnicely put
02:05.02LunessaHaha!  Lunessa is teh cast iron biznatch.
02:07.17LopeppeppyYes you are.  *hug*
02:07.26Lunessa<3 Lopeppeppy
02:07.40AbsoRayneYeah, im going to try Buffalo and see if I like it
02:07.46AbsoRayneIt would probably fit this UI well...
02:08.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Hirsute (
02:08.25AbsoRayneBuffalo 2 has support from SharedMedia, right?
02:08.28Lunessableeter: I haven't seen an AddOn like that.
02:08.42LunessaAbsoRayne: Yeah.  And CyCircled.
02:09.50bleeterLunessa: yeah, was merely a though. I might suggest it to Cide next time he's about. It's the kinda thing that a more common mail addon would probably help with.
02:10.33bleeteras Blizz can't fix mistyped mail recipients, and well sometimes if yer busy you don't always double check the recipients name, etc. etc. ;)
02:10.36LunessaRayne - wait.. Buffalo2 doesn't support CyCircled... My mistake.
02:11.05Lunessableeter: Yeah, I sent someone a lot of ore once with a c&p error.
02:11.05AbsoRayneNo problem. :)
02:12.09bleeterLunessa: I did it the other week with a stack of primal fires :/
02:12.41bleetergot another five stacks on hand, but still.. as you say... ouch
02:13.23bleeterhmm, totally different question now....
02:13.31LunessaHeh, I thought I was bad for keeping 5 of every type of primal in stock.
02:14.00bleeterguildies are getting married, we're on an RP server. would it be wrong of me to roll a hordie and invite some of them to the ceremony in SW Cath as my Ally present to my guildies?
02:14.43bleeterit's a moral/ethical question
02:16.02Lunessawow.... did it get pulled?
02:16.12LunessaNah, found it.
02:16.32JinivusHow can i get a specific return of a function that gives multiple
02:16.57Cairennnot, just saying that I reported him
02:17.02Cairennerrr, no*
02:18.08dylanmJinivus: select(3, returnsMultipleValues())
02:18.58ScytheBlade1Jinivus: _, _, _, var = Function()
02:18.59ScytheBlade1Or that
02:19.48Atriacedylanm: is select() more cpu overhead than a simple _, var = function()?
02:20.10dylanmOh hell I don't know.
02:20.21dylanmI do whichever makes the code look nicer in a given situation.
02:20.55dylanmNote that select() now gives you the argument in the position you specify as well as the ones after that, which can be nice sometimes.
02:21.04dylanmOtherwise you disregard it. Whatevs.
02:21.35dylanmMake sure that if you do the _ thing that _ is somehow local.
02:21.46dylanmIt's not a magic name.
02:28.44Atriacemy eye is local
02:28.48*** join/#wowi-lounge SinPi (
02:28.57Atriaceer, I mean...
02:29.21Lunessathat's what /she/said?
02:29.33Atriacepushes the happy juice away
02:31.25batrickdylanm: select has always done that
02:32.41dylanmYeah yeah.
02:33.31AbsoRayneOh god, my raid display is so CLEAN
02:34.11dylanmThere was a version defined in the PIL that I think a lot of people reference.
02:34.13Atriacescreenshot or it didn't happen
02:34.17dylanmAnd that one just returned the argument.
02:34.18AbsoRayneone moment
02:34.34dylanmIt's only part of the core in 5.1 if I remember correctly and it has this behavior.
02:45.43AbsoRayne Sorry, took a little longer, early pull
02:46.08AbsoRayneSilly Hunter went up to MD, got a little too close
02:46.49AtriaceIt's nice to see someone implement vertical bars.  :)
02:47.06AtriaceDo you ever show the raid member's name?  (maybe on mouseover)
02:47.40ScytheBlade1Antiarc: gotta say, everyone on the same omen revision, this is smooth. /applaud
02:47.57AbsoRayneAtriace: Yes, Mouseover Tooltip. :)
02:49.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Drundia (n=drewndia@
02:49.37HirsuteWait, back to the select(#,returnsMultiValue())... so if I did select(1,GetChatWindowInfo(2)), it'd give me "Combat Log"?
02:49.52LunessaRayne - Looks nice.
02:50.03batrickselect(1, func()) is the same as func()
02:50.15batrickwith more overhead
02:50.43HirsuteEven if func() returns 8 or 9 values?
02:50.55dylanmselect just moves you down the line
02:50.58batrick--> function a() return 1, "a", 3 end return select(1, a())
02:50.58batbotbatrick: > 1, a, 3
02:51.01batrick--> a()
02:51.01batbotbatrick: > 1, a, 3
02:51.07batrick--> select(2, a())
02:51.07batbotbatrick: > a, 3
02:51.13LunessaI think it looks better with Buffalo instead of Elks.
02:51.13batricki hope that clears it up :P
02:51.17HirsuteAaah, okay
02:51.28dylanmIf you just want the first one just do assignment and it'll discard the rest.
02:52.21Hirsuteso name = GetChatWindowInfo(2) will just store the first return, and discard the rest, without kicking any errors at me?
02:53.00HirsuteI'm used to var = returnsMulti() giving me an array...
02:53.14Hirsutefrom other scripting languages, fairly new to lua
02:54.03*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
02:58.37Cairenngives AbsoRayne a new [caps lock] key
02:59.02*** join/#wowi-lounge kamdis (
03:01.52LunessaCairenn Is that anything like my [Broken Caps Lock] key - only better?
03:02.46Cairenn|afkyeah, pretty much
03:04.24Lunessaomg - so many of you on FaceCrack.
03:05.02Cairenn|afkgot sucked in too =/
03:05.16LopeppeppyI did that.  <.<
03:05.37LunessaI just pulled up the "People You May Know" - I'm all "6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon" right about now...
03:06.19LunessaIt's funny how it keeps pulling up Blizzard folks... even though I only really "know" one.
03:06.53Cairenn|afkfriends of friends
03:06.59LopeppeppyTarget of Target!
03:07.10LunessaAnd I'm sure I would recognize more of these people by nick or character name than real name.
03:07.13Lopeppeppytakes aim at Lunessa!
03:07.24LopeppeppyThat's why I put my character on my profile.
03:07.47Cairenn|afkI even explained what my name means!
03:07.48LunessaThat's why when I add someone from here, I list my nick/character
03:07.57LunessaI saw.  I was impressed.
03:08.19dylanmI'm just too embarrassed to put that information in there, to be honest :-/
03:08.25LopeppeppyOooh, explanations!
03:09.24LunessaI added the "I Play WoW" application to my profile.... /shame
03:09.46Cairenn|afkhaven't seen that one yet
03:09.53LopeppeppyI added something similar to list my characters, at least.
03:10.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
03:10.29*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
03:10.33LunessaBut... I'm confused.  Why does it list all these pretty girls in England and Norway?
03:10.37Cairenn|afkevening Iriel
03:10.43LunessaNot that I'm complaining... just confused.
03:10.59LopeppeppyPretty girls are awesome, don't complain!  *laugh*
03:12.04LunessaMy only complaint about pretty girls is I don't know enough of them (one can never know /enough/ of them).
03:12.28LunessaAnd I'm pretty sure Cairenn|afk would kill me for friending her daughter.  *wink*
03:12.59LopeppeppyDo not go to the dark side, Lunessa!
03:13.07LunessaBut they have cake.
03:13.17LopeppeppyCake = lie, duh.
03:13.45KeiasPie is better anyhow
03:13.57LunessaI am the Dark Side.
03:14.24kd3wtf @ digg
03:14.31kd3"WoW: 31 Mage attracts 17 Warrior. Only those are their ages."
03:17.58LunessaHaha.  I thought I saw something about that last year, I just didn't see it all [linked] up.
03:20.39Cairenn|afkA heads-up to UIC users. UICentral, as created by site member Amthea, has been pulled from the site as it has come to light that there was a copyright infringment inside the application code. An unlicensed key was utilised to create a part of the application, and so to act responsibly, and protect the party invovled, we have pulled the file from the website.
03:21.55Cairenn|afkpoofs for a while
03:22.18*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (
03:22.21WobWork~o/ Oh whacking day... oh whacking day.... /o~
03:22.31Lopeppeppy.....  *giggle*
03:22.46IrielHow on earth do you manage to violate someones license making a java app?
03:23.05kd3bah at my ISP's DNS servers breaking
03:23.06IrielOr is the java one the replacement?
03:23.18kd3500-1k ms response times for lookups
03:26.45*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:28.20sag_ich_nichtkd3 openDNS lol
03:31.40LunessaTime for me to go.  See you all tomorrow.
03:31.52AbsoRayneLunessa: later
03:34.03WobWork"Anyways, next time she sets foot in the US (if ever) she should spec frost, heaps more survivable and she just may escape, ice barrier, frost nova, blink, run, ice block, wait, blink, frost nova, and she should be about back on the plane waving. her 17/31 arcane fire obviously isn't strong enough to tackle the US mobs (probably elite) they seem to excel at casting shadow word pain everywhere :P"
03:34.47cogwheelwhat rep do you need to transport to CoT?
03:35.10kd3cog; revered
03:35.46Fisker-lol Cairenn|afk
03:35.53Fisker-"ROFL, just thought about it. The problems with the trojans we had back in the day all makes sense now!"
03:36.18Fisker-Yeah those whose copyright you infringed upon in turn compromised you shitty secured servers with rootkits and began to keylog wowaccounts
03:37.21kd3ooh, 403
03:37.36Fisker-you are my world
03:37.39WobWorkcogwheel: honoured?
03:38.06Fisker-whats up with that ScytheBlade1?
03:39.09Fisker-mine just showed 404 the first time
03:39.41Fisker-moar like
03:40.03Fisker-so the site is up
03:40.09ScytheBlade1It was not a bit ago
03:40.16*** join/#wowi-lounge DevastatorIIC (
03:40.29kd3about freaking time
03:40.48AbsoRayneWipe on Tidewalker.....I hate this boss. still redirects to the trial site :(
03:43.08*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
03:44.09AbsoRayneTidewalker is by far the most boring fight in SSC, for a tank at least.
03:44.36AbsoRayneYou get to stare at this giants crotch for 10 minutes while he summons a shitton of warlock, and farts bubbles.
03:45.22dylanmSame thing.
03:45.33DevastatorIICThere's murlock warlocks now?
03:45.42|Jelly|If I had my way, yes.
03:46.01AbsoRayne|Jelly|: Long time no see
03:46.09|Jelly|Granted, if I had my way, I would be able to Holy Nova like 500 murlocs down at a time.
03:46.18|Jelly|I was on and talking like an hour ago. lol
03:46.22dylanmHola Nova lols.
03:46.27AbsoRayneI was afk messing with my UI :<
03:46.45|Jelly|I just don't have a whole lot to say because I don't play very much anymore and I'm so bored of WoW that when I log in to make a new UI (which I need to do) I just get all blah and log out.
03:46.55DevastatorIICHad I my way, I'd have a murlock murdering range, with some sort of gatling gun. And charge admission.
03:48.43LopeppeppyHow much is a single character transfer?  $10?  $25?
03:49.30*** join/#wowi-lounge waj (
03:49.52DevastatorIIC25, no bulk discounts
03:49.54AbsoRayneSorry, wiping on TW
03:50.05LopeppeppyThanks.  I was thinking $25.
03:51.03AbsoRayneGod I hate Tidewalker.
03:51.27*** join/#wowi-lounge ecs (n=ecs@unaffiliated/ecstasia)
03:52.24bleeterLopeppeppy: name changes are the $10 fee
03:52.42bleeterwish there were bulk discounts on transfers
03:52.42LopeppeppyOh, is that where I was confused?  makes sense.  *hugs for bleeter*
03:52.54bleeterLopeppeppy: np :)
04:00.25Keiaswow, I just saw a strange commercial
04:00.37KeiasSome local place there that deals with the Blind
04:00.42KeiasAnd it showed a blind guy playing poker can he tell what cards he has?   I'm confused.
04:01.14LopeppeppyRaised pips
04:01.16bleeterif he was playing other blind players
04:01.22bleeterthen card marking's not really a problem?
04:01.34bleeteryeah, what Lopeppeppy said
04:01.46KeiasWell the other player's cards looked normal
04:01.58KeiasNo braille or anything
04:02.19bleeteryeah, prolly just some pips in the corner
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04:21.05ScytheBlade1Antiarc: how can I force a reset of the threat?
04:22.31AntiarcOr tell everyone to /rl >_>
04:22.32ScytheBlade1That's... far more simple than I expected, thanks
04:22.41ScytheBlade1Oh ha
04:22.47ScytheBlade1Yeah I'll just /omen clear
04:22.55ScytheBlade1fyi it isn't resetting on Nightbane transitions
04:23.55art3misi wonder if ironman is gonna be the first comic->movie that doesnt suck balls
04:24.38WobWorkart3mis: doubt it =P
04:24.45art3misheh yeah
04:25.15art3misya know what would e awesmoe if they gave it a proper budget
04:25.25art3misthe Infinity Guantlet series
04:25.31Antiarck, thanks
04:26.07ScytheBlade1Should I file a bug on it?
04:26.14art3misim torn on the dragonlance movie
04:26.19art3misit's a good voicxe cast
04:26.22art3misamazing story
04:26.31art3misbut dear god they went cheap ass on the animation
04:27.29art3mishaha and straight to dvd ;P
04:29.35AbsoRayneWhoever is reporting Exclamator in the UI thread, youre amazing.
04:30.44CairennFisker-: omg, I thought you were joking - they actually posted that! O.O
04:31.28bleetersuspects he missed something in the split
04:31.51WobWorkdoes haste affect GCD?
04:32.12Cairenn(11:22:35 PM) Cairenn: A heads-up to UIC users. UICentral, as created by site member Amthea, has been pulled from the site as it has come to light that there was a copyright infringment inside the application code. An unlicensed key was utilised to create a part of the application, and so to act responsibly, and protect the party invovled, we have pulled the file from the website.
04:32.12Cairenn(11:22:35 PM) Cairenn:
04:32.12Cairenn(11:37:50 PM) Fisker-: "ROFL, just thought about it. The problems with the trojans we had back in the day all makes sense now!"
04:33.57Cairennthis is priceless too
04:34.01Cairenn"we plan to have another application designed from the ground up without the worry of some piss-ant lawyer breathing down our necks about "distributing applications without checking first that the program used was a legit copy. Ignorance of proper licensing is NO EXCUSE!". Honestly, how the hell are we supposed to check that crap anyways?"
04:34.27bleeter./facepalm x infinity
04:35.18*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
04:35.37WobWorkIs there anywhere we can go donate to that lawyer?.
04:35.39bleeteranyone posted that crap to the UI/Macro forum yet?
04:35.48bleeterWobWork: please lemme know when you find out
04:36.20bleeterI just love how they've admitted publically they don't give a shit about (C) unless a lawyer rings them up
04:36.49bleetereven more reason to avoid their distribution of addons
04:37.00Cairennsomeone who isn't me needs to post it :p
04:37.02bleeteraltohugh, we knew their (C) attitude from previous incidents
04:37.06bleeterI will!
04:37.07art3mis"We are sad to point out an enevitable truth that you all saw coming, will be leaving the addon distribution game as we fail on so many levels it's hard to maintain we know what we're doing. That being said we will be shutting the site down at the end of the month and moving onto better things like email spamming and SEO rss blogging (i hear there's good money in it)"
04:37.32Cairenn(complete with chaosinc's comments)
04:38.14Cairennif you read the post, you have to think that there are comments that have to be deleted, since ChaosInc's comments don't seem to really have context
04:38.15WobWorkis this an April Fools thing?
04:38.24art3misFrom the makers of,  your one stop shop to purchaing fast access to all 0day releases"
04:38.30WobWorkor somehow they've been totally hacked?
04:38.47Cairennposted by Rushster 5 hrs ago
04:39.19Cairennso no, I'd think not an April Fools thing
04:39.23bleeterWobWork: can't be april fools thing, posted two hours ago
04:39.48kd3sighs at the "kanoki pads" commercial on TV
04:40.07kd3apparently we can detox our bodies by wearing adhesive pads on the soles of our feet
04:40.35bleeterkd3: I thought it was magnets on the wrists that did that?
04:40.40Guillotineel oh el
04:42.27art3misno the magents cure arthritis ;P
04:42.47NechcknIf that is an april fools thing- that is the biggest fail- ever
04:43.11NechcknI agree.. after the "cutoff' and all- wow
04:43.12bleeterthose guys are in the UK, aren't they? pretty sure it's not Apr 1st there
04:43.21Cairennyes, they are
04:43.26CairennRushster is in Scotland
04:43.28Nechcknnah.. it's not the 1st anywhere
04:44.22bleetercmon, someone reply to my post so it doesn't sink! :P
04:44.52bleeternot that it's likely too anytime real soon ;)
04:45.01bleeterUI/Macro doesn't have the turnover of CSF
04:45.16Cairenndepends on the day
04:45.22Cairennit sure scrolls after a patch
04:45.39bleeterthe other bit I like in their post, is the inferred allegation that the real (C) holder of the app was the one injecting the trojans
04:46.46bleeterhopefully the real (C) owner will read it that way and will contemplate the UK slander/libel laws, which I suspect are a fair bit tougher than US (no constituitional amendments for free speech, etc.)
04:46.52bleetermy 2c
04:53.09Dumanwtf @ that thread
04:53.56WobWorkbleeter: I'll donate to that cause
04:54.11WobWorkcause while I normally hold no ill will towards uic etc
04:54.17WobWorkThat post is so wtfworthy
04:54.27WobWorkfor -anyone- who has done anything on the internet for more than a few months
04:55.41WobWorkalthough, I think a scan of -all- the software on their servers would be very... informative.
04:55.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Slackwise (
04:57.21WobWorkreads the scrollback
04:57.31WobWorkoh jesus art3mis, I thought you were actually quoting them =P
04:57.57bleetersomeone needs to heads up mmo-champion and wowinsider about it
04:59.37bleeterI'm trying to find a way to write in the UI/Macro forum 'nice to see your attitude to (C) so clearly on display'
04:59.51bleeterbut no matter how I word it, it comes out that I'd probably end up with a forum suspension
05:00.49Dumangod damn, people on the bugs forums piss me off sometimes
05:01.16bleeterI wonder what Hortus does as a hobby
05:01.24bleeterI know I'd be into stuff that involves breaking lots of things
05:01.30Dumanyeah no kidding
05:01.44WobWorkmaybe stabbing
05:01.47Dumansomething to relieve the stress
05:01.48WobWorkI'd probably go for stabbing
05:01.56kd3meh, that's what GTA's 4
05:02.02DumanI could tell he was a little miffed at the whole april fools day forum antics
05:02.05kd3looks for more caffeine
05:02.13WobWorknah, I'd cultivate a relationship with someone who owns a meat factory
05:02.28WobWorkthen go in with a knife and 'tenderise' stuff
05:02.42bleeterDuman: I suspect that was more just compound issues, arena and live down, forum foo and highroller, would've been a very stressful day for a number of Blizz staff
05:02.51bleeterer, s/arena/tourny/
05:02.58Dumanyeha, post-patch day stuff and all
05:03.45DumanI mean, if I were he, I'd be a little angry with threads like this:
05:04.16ScytheBlade1Cairenn: LOL
05:04.22Dumannice cairenn
05:04.25ScytheBlade1A hahahahaha
05:04.32Cairennjust posted exactly what is there
05:04.51Cairennso people know that they won't be able to use UIC any more
05:04.55kd3oh this is rich
05:05.03WobWorkCairenn - Mistress of Diplomacy
05:05.11ScytheBlade1Soooooooooooo rich
05:05.25AntiarcAhahahahaha, holy crap.
05:05.42Bibibleeter : nice one
05:05.51Cairennyou guys are nasty
05:06.04BibiI prefer to be called french
05:06.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Recluse (
05:06.49dylanmSomehow implicate worldofraids in all of this.
05:07.04bleeterI love the French... the beaches down south are great ;)
05:07.44Bibianyway, will see if I can post it on mmo-champion
05:07.51kamdisSince when is December "back in the day" lol
05:07.57BibiI don't think there are many blue posts today anyway
05:08.15kd3oh, bibi; the chat log change getting pulled is mentioned in the bug reports forum.
05:08.23bleeterBibi: I suspect it's coz of certain behind the scenes actions that appear to be going on
05:08.30bleeterprolly trying to get it happening before the weekend
05:08.38Bibihmmm k kd3 will edit it
05:08.51Bibi(totally forgot about this one :p)
05:09.37bleeterI still want a Eternium Netherdrake to replace what they did to the other Engi pets
05:09.48bleeterreducing the cooldown as a payoff is totally whack
05:10.30bleeterbad enough they removed the surprise element from engi's in BGs with flag carrying :(
05:10.47bleeter(yeah, just remembered, haven't bitched about that this week)
05:10.47WobWorkbleeter: actually, what would be utterly UTTERLY awesome as a engi mount, would be a roflcopter that transformed into a robotic netherdrake ala Transformers
05:11.08kd3I'd pick up engineering for that
05:11.17WobWorkI'd so totally do so on all my alts too =)
05:11.18bleeterWobWork: maybe in WotLK... kinda thinking destructable buildings and stuff need engi skill somewhere
05:11.34Bibinot needed
05:11.38Bibihunters + explosive arrows.
05:11.47WobWorkI want trick arrows
05:11.53WobWorklike punching glove arrows
05:11.56WobWorkand handcuff arrows
05:12.07WobWorkI'd dress my hunter in green
05:12.17WobWorkand call him OliverKing
05:12.18Bibiyeah, let's put handcuffs and female night elves in the same game !
05:12.20Bibigood idea !
05:12.33bleeterI'll /sign that SUggestion post
05:13.15Bibiwe could ask kd3 to do it, he's Hortus best friend.
05:15.55Cairennomg I so want to "qft" #4 on the incgamers' thread
05:16.11ScytheBlade1Oh no worries
05:16.17ScytheBlade1I'll get that in a sec
05:17.07ScytheBlade1Heh. I probably just made her worry ;)
05:17.41kamdisWobin, you're funny.
05:17.48kamdisI mean, "funny"
05:19.02bleeterWobWork: oO I didn't know you were on AD
05:19.20bleeterRPers ftw! far less annoying dickhead kids in cities ;)
05:20.26kamdisI'm on both (RP and Normal).  Does that mean I'm bipolar or something?
05:21.31TemHow do RP servers respond to people who have no interest in RP but have rolled on their server to avoid the dickheads on Normal servers?
05:22.04Gngskone would hope that they don't have to since if someone is trying to avoid a dickhead, they usually aren't themselves a dickhead
05:22.59bleeterCairenn: ugh, sorry, my reply to your wowi post didn't mean to get that kinda response from that wowui admin
05:23.35AntiarcTem: I'm one of those, the server treats me well.
05:23.46Temomg the omen guy talked to me
05:23.49TemAntiarc, interesting
05:23.54AntiarcI'm on Cenarion Circle
05:23.58TemI might have to consider rolling on one
05:24.07AntiarcI really enjoy it. I'm not a roleplayer but the atmosphere is a lot nicer than most servers.
05:24.21Cairennbleeter: I was about to rip into you anyway for it
05:24.23AntiarcI just try to stay in character in say/yells, and even that is trivial to do.
05:24.23bleeterTem: yeah, what Antiarc said. It's about tolerance. Non-rp'ers are tolerated by RPers, as long as it doesn't interfere, and vice-versa. Typically, this just involves turning off /trade
05:24.35bleeterCairenn: kk
05:24.36AntiarcMostly, if you aren't a dick, RPers won't be a dick back :P
05:24.38Dumankd3: ok, I snapped... I had to respond to that thread in bug reports
05:24.51TemAntiarc, what if I'm grammar police?
05:24.57Temdoes that count as being a dick?
05:25.07kd3I'm staying out of it. no way I could provide an appropriate response
05:25.14Cairenn(although I didn't know it was you, but doesn't matter) - you know better than to talk like that on the site
05:25.16bleeterCairenn: well, I guess better that I'm the one posting something 'offensive' like that, than some unknown
05:25.18AntiarcHaha, many RPers are grammar police :P
05:25.21Tem(honestly, being grammar police in trade chat is high-goddamn-larious on my server)
05:25.35AntiarcGive it a shot, see what you think
05:25.45AntiarcReally, it's really quite nice if that's what you're looking for
05:25.48bleeterCairenn: no, I didn't, otherwise I wouldn't have (self evident is ... self eviden). once again, apologies.
05:25.51TemCan you transfer from normal to rp?
05:25.58Cairennno worries
05:26.12DevastatorIICI found an addon that corrects people's grammar, it's hilarious to watch
05:28.47bleeterTem: only real thing to watch out for on RP realms, is generally due to a lower pop they're not as progressed as nonRP
05:28.51ScytheBlade1Well, posted.
05:28.58ScytheBlade1And with that, time to create a new troll..
05:29.35AntiarcCC is one of the highest pop servers around, actually
05:29.39AntiarcBut progression sorta sucks :P
05:29.45AntiarcWe have...5? Illidan killing guilds
05:29.52AntiarcTop guild had Brutallus to 15% tonight
05:29.59NightHawkTheSanewooo! first piece of t6!
05:30.14bleeterCairenn: apology post writter, original response edited to be less inflammatory. please lemme know if what I changed it to is still unacceptable
05:30.23AntiarcNightHawkTheSane: Congrats!
05:30.32Cairennbetter, thank you
05:30.39bleeter(I did think about removing it in total, but figured the response from Izador may make it read that I said something far far worse)
05:31.38NightHawkTheSanealso, me = 23.6% of all healing for that azgalor kill
05:31.45Cairennso - Izador - hands up, who are you in here? this channel has always been site-independent, and staff from any of the sites gets +v
05:32.55bleeterCC's certainly one of the most progressed RP realms, I'll grant you that
05:33.01bleeterpoor ol' TB ... hahaha
05:34.47*** part/#wowi-lounge rjm_ (
05:36.08bleeterCairenn: I must say, though, away from the forums, that I find Izadore's sig on WoWI ... something or other (not ironic, the word escapes me right now)
05:36.23ScytheBlade1I was thinking the same thing
05:36.31Cairennah, apparently Izadore = ChaosInc
05:37.07TemCairenn, is it me or did that post seem really high and might?
05:37.34Tem"I demand that you censor your users because we don't want people to know how much we really do suck"
05:37.50ScytheBlade1Tem: I wouldn't go that far
05:38.02Cairenncome on guys, be nice
05:38.13TemCairenn, nice was over 2 months ago
05:39.52ScytheBlade1has a sudden feeling that the real conversation is happening elsewhere
05:41.21NightHawkTheSanejust took a habitual sip of the beer bottle next to him
05:41.27NightHawkTheSaneforgot it was last nights beer.
05:41.28Cairennnaw, tired
05:41.40TemNightHawkTheSane, lol
05:42.00bleeterNightHawkTheSane: that makes me ill just reading it
05:43.09kd3warm beer
05:47.37Tem~emulate saien
05:47.38purlWhy do I care? Why are you posting here?
05:47.47Tem~emulate saien
05:47.47purlWhy do I care? Why are you posting here?
05:47.48MentalPower~literal emulate saien
05:47.49purl"emulate saien" is "<reply>Slash commands are ameturish.||<reply>I could have helped you, but I won't.||<reply>You are of course, wrong, and I invite you to prove it to yourself.||<reply>This is a stunningly stupid question to direct at me.||<reply>Your question is not very descriptive, helpful, or useful in any manner.||<reply>Why do I care? Why are you posting here?"
05:48.00Temway to take all the fun out of it, MP =P
05:48.21MentalPowerDuman: those quotes are all true BTW
05:49.46WobWorkbleeter: I was on AD =P Mostly moved my main to Cael though, for better raiding possiblites
05:50.04DumanI remember saien
05:50.08Duman"saien's stash" ?
05:50.36Temsomething like that
05:50.38Dumanoops, "saien's crap"
05:50.43Dumanhaha i still have the url bookmarked
05:50.46Temyes, exactly
05:51.01Dumandoesnt work, obviously :)
05:51.25bleeterholy shit
05:51.31bleetersaien sounds like a guy from #Pidgin
05:52.07bleetermaybe they're related
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05:59.27Jinivuswhen i fire "DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(select(3,GetWorldStateUIInfo(1)))" in AV, it gives "Reinforements: 280", how can i get rid of the Reinforcements text and just have the 280?
06:00.26Temget out of my head, Iriel
06:02.45Cairennnight MentalPower|ZzZz, sweet dreams
06:02.54MentalPower|ZzZznight Cairenn
06:05.39JinivusSo, "/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(select(3,GetWorldStateUIInfo(1):match("(%d+)")))" should work, yes?
06:07.35MentalPower|ZzZz./script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(select(3,GetWorldStateUIInfo(1)):match("(%d+)"))
06:08.40Jinivusanywhere i can learn all this stuff
06:08.45Jinivusa noob tutorial
06:08.52purlProgramming in Lua, a book written by the authors of the Lua programming language. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in print from most online bookstores, and covers Lua 5.1.
06:08.53Jinivusor you jsut pick it up over time?
06:09.07Corrodiaswhew! spent all evening playing subspace/continuum. good stuff.
06:09.19CorrodiasJinivus: as for the WoW API, that can be found at WoWWiki
06:09.53Jinivusyea, found the API/Events, cheers
06:10.35Corrodiasyou need both the base API and the widget API to know all of what functions you can call
06:10.53Jinivuskk, ill take a look at the widget
06:17.03*** part/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
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06:26.46NightHawkTheSanehehe. "What? Why do I have agro? Oh, I'm the only one alive..." ahh, vent is fun.
06:30.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Roblibob__ (
06:31.51AbsoRayneSo this Fire Mage made a bet that he could pull TPS off me vs any heroic mech boss...
06:32.17AbsoRayneAparently, he doesnt know what being overgeared for an instance means
06:33.51AbsoRayneWhen a boss in heroic mech hits me for like 300 cause im blocking over 800. :/
06:34.34ScytheBlade1So I pissed off an ircop on another network
06:34.41ScytheBlade1And instead of outright killing/glining me
06:34.46ScytheBlade1He made me join 3000 channels
06:35.04ScytheBlade11500 #I-Like-Goats0 through 1500, and #I-Like-Sheep0 through 1500
06:36.00ScytheBlade1Server motd: MAXCHANNELS=25
06:36.03ScytheBlade1I'm totally breaking that atm
06:36.52ScytheBlade1#I-Like-Kittens is go
06:37.06ScytheBlade1+1000 channels
06:38.06nevcairieli wonder .. are you alone in those channels ? =P
06:40.58ScytheBlade1Weak, my IRC client is only using 40MB of RAM
06:41.51NomHe probably expected that to kill your IRC client
06:42.10ScytheBlade1xchat took it like a pro though
06:42.38WobWorkwhat... cheap and in a dark alley?
06:42.48DevastatorIICI wonder how irssi would've done
06:42.57ScytheBlade1I'm in irssi here
06:43.10NightHawkTheSaneWobWork: no, mirc is cheap and in a dark ally :P
06:43.20ScytheBlade1hehe, agreed
06:46.28ScytheBlade1Anywho sleep
06:46.36ScytheBlade1disconnects screen
06:53.39*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzio (n=zenzelez@
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07:00.44NightHawkTheSanehmm.. there's an issue with death messages in the combat log isn't there
07:00.45AbsoRayne Any suggestions guys n gals?
07:01.27Guillotinedon't drink and drivew
07:01.40Cairennknow your limit and stay within it
07:02.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
07:02.29AbsoRayneGuillotine: But I just drank a fifth of vodka!
07:02.39DevastatorIICNever buy Foxconn or Winfast motherboards
07:02.50DevastatorIICAbsoRayne: that means you're only 1/5th done!
07:03.39AbsoRayneI KNOW!
07:03.42AbsoRaynegoes back to drinking
07:05.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
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07:49.39Guillotinenight all!
07:50.03Guillotinethe "still alive" song by jonathan coulton at the end of portal is stuck in my head :(
07:50.08*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
07:50.22NightHawkTheSanedammit, that pinged me
07:58.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Lukian (i=wizard@
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10:07.06AdysIf anyone's interested, updated draft for DBC support
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10:51.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
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10:54.49WobinI bought a beanie baby monkey to wear on my shoulder
10:54.57Wobinfor this pirate themed 21st
10:55.03WobinIt's pink.
10:55.06WobinAnd has hearts on it
10:55.29WobinI will say it's a zombie monkey
10:59.32p30n21st of what ?
10:59.39p30ni wanna be a pirrrrate too
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11:04.04Wobin21st birthday
11:04.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
11:04.14p30noh, nice
11:04.37Legorolgrats on your ding, 39 to go
11:04.43Legoroli mean 49
11:10.01p30ni bet the cap will hit 80 before he hits 70 :)
11:22.17Legorolyou never know with Blizz
11:22.29p30nhehe, tru dat
11:43.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Fritz (
11:44.32FritzI'm offering up my firstborn if anyone knows how to append counterspell duration (8 seconds) to quartz's debuff bars.
11:45.05p30ni can tell u after u watch this vid:
11:45.11FritzGuessing it's  not possible without a lot of work but I figure I'll ask anyway.
11:45.16FritzI'm not clicking that.
11:45.26p30nyour loss :)
11:50.04*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
11:54.51FritzThe closest thing I've found is the quartztimer option =(
11:59.41Legorolp30n: >.<
12:10.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (n=jk275@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
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12:17.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Wulfos (
12:17.45Wulfosis there a api function to check if the players group is a party or a raid?
12:20.09Industrialbut I guess you can have a raid without members, hmm
12:20.56Wulfosi just want to know if i have to convert the party to a raid or it is done already
12:22.53IndustrialAnyone know why UnitBuff works with an index but GetPlayerBuff works with a buff name string?
12:22.56Industrialwhy do you always have to loop all damn buffs or debuff for every unit
12:22.59Industrialevery lookup
12:23.48wereHamstercache the buff/debuff list
12:23.59IndustrialAlso, can I make it faster;
12:24.02Industrialon UNIT_BUFF ?
12:24.09Industrialer, AURA
12:34.16IndustrialwereHamster: got an example/
12:34.33Industrialsome code for me to look at/copy :>
12:35.14Josh_BorkeWulfos: function isRaid() return UnitExists('raid1') end
12:35.48IndustrialJosh_Borke: does party become raid units automatically when in a raid?
12:35.54nuoHep`Industrial, specialevents-aura? it caches auras afaik
12:35.58Josh_BorkeWulfos: if (UnitExists('raid1')) then ChatFrame1:AddMessage("In raid") elseif (UnitExists('party1')) then ChatFrame1:AddMessage("In Party") else ChatFrame1:AddMessage("Solo") end
12:36.14Josh_BorkeIndustrial: raid units go from 1-40, ie, you cannot have a raid of 5 and not have a raid1
12:36.15wereHamsterIndustrial, what exactly are you trying to do?
12:36.38IndustrialI just wanna see if my target has a debuff (Fire Shock/Stormstrike)
12:37.32Industrialline 51 and 107
12:38.21Industrialthe addon shows a texture of a shock - changes under circumstances like fire shock debuff (throw frost) and stormstrike (throw earth)
12:39.52wereHamstertry specialevents-aura
12:40.37WulfosJosh_Borke: Thank you, ill gonna try it! :D
12:44.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Hjalte (
12:47.26HjalteAntiarc: "Add a 2.5-second target switch buffer before any warnings will be fired." <3
12:54.52Wulfossorry for my noob questions but i cant find good tutorials ^^' how can i make an OnUpdate function just with lua (this:SetScript("OnUpdate"... ?)
12:55.22Josh_Borkethis:SetScript("OnUpdate", <some function to run>)
12:55.28Josh_Borkeyou can either define a function earlier on in the file
12:55.35Wulfosand how can i add the args there?
12:55.37Josh_Borkeor you can place the function in that (bad practice)
12:55.44Josh_Borkeby setting up values
12:56.23Wulfoshm, ok thank you ^^
12:56.25Josh_Borkeie, local param1, param2, param3; function OnUpdate(f, elapsed) <do stuff with the params> end; param1 = <some new value>
12:56.58Wulfoshmmmm ok ^^
12:58.20Josh_BorkeFunkeh`: of course it is!
12:58.27*** join/#wowi-lounge soufron (n=soufron@
12:58.28Josh_BorkeFunkeh`: it got your attention didn't it?
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13:42.50zenzelezzI wonder what part of e-mail subjects like "rep!ic@ watches :: rolex:: fake //atches ::" make people think "hey, this must be a serious business"
13:43.32LopeppeppyExcessive punctuation,, is always! serious business?!?!?
13:47.15Elkanoit was fun on 4/1 when QuakeNet gave out hostmasks that looked liked spam subjects and said that they had sold them as ad space ^^
13:47.40*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
13:48.17ScytheBlade1That's actually pretty good
13:53.31dylanmTwo more pages of Saeris.
14:02.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
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14:03.13Bela|workyou know there are a lot of those libraries that could easily be combined into one library
14:06.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|AFK (i=skullsho@2002:44cd:fcb4:0:0:0:44cd:fcb4)
14:08.19ElkanoBela, ever seen AlarLib? ;)
14:11.04Bela|workjust moved it to outdated mods
14:11.28Bela|workwowi database needs some spring cleaning imho
14:16.06ScytheBlade1watches Bela|work fire off the mad delete button
14:16.31Bela|workno I don't delete
14:16.34Bela|workI just outdate
14:16.41Bela|workalthough sometimes I wish I could
14:17.24Bela|workI sent Saeris a pm, outside of my role as moderator, politely asking him to consider combining some of his libraries into a single library, instead of depending on each other
14:18.08ScytheBlade1offtopic: can anyone else reach ?
14:18.37zenzelezzI can't
14:18.44dylanmNeither can I.
14:18.59*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf_ (
14:19.08ScytheBlade1Good times. Just as long as I'm not the only one
14:20.21Bela|workwait, you wanted to?
14:20.38Bela|worksorry, that was mean
14:20.51ScytheBlade1I'm trying to be nice about it, but I will admit, I laughed
14:20.58Bela|workmaybe his power went out
14:21.03Bela|workin his basement
14:21.05ScytheBlade1That's it
14:21.09ScytheBlade1That's gotta be it right there
14:21.34Bela|workmaybe his brother needed the commodore to surf porn
14:21.37Bela|workoh wait
14:21.51ScytheBlade1"Back in a bit guys! The UPS just died, and Comcast takes a bit even after the power outage is fixed to come back up."
14:22.15Bela|workhe ddn't really say that
14:22.16LopeppeppyLollerskates, all around the room...  *hums Code Monkey*
14:22.18Bela|workdid he?
14:22.22ScytheBlade1lol, no
14:22.25ScytheBlade1He did not
14:27.57ScytheBlade1Also, holy crap stomach acid
14:29.49IndustrialIs there a level requirement on shield spikes?
14:30.01Industrialeg can I put an adamantite spike on a L20 shiedld?
14:31.12*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
14:31.24Industrialer, felsteel
14:31.34*** part/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
14:31.50ScytheBlade1A hahahaha
14:31.52ralfWORKany shadowpriests ever been asked to "heal if you see somenone about to die"?
14:32.29ScytheBlade1That post deserves more kudos than I can give it
14:34.23ScytheBlade1ralfWORK: no... that's the job of the healer. That said, if the healer died and/or the entire party was hovering around 20% HP, I'd suggest that a shadow priest heals there
14:35.11ralfWORKScytheBlade1: not talking about healer being dead
14:35.19*** join/#wowi-lounge soufron (
14:35.29ScytheBlade1ralfWORK: yeah, people are retarded
14:35.32ralfWORKyea. k.
14:35.36ralfWORKjust wanted to make sure
14:35.50ralfWORKcause it was about the most retarded thing I've heard
14:35.58ralfWORKesp. because healing doesn't work like that
14:36.10*** join/#wowi-lounge dru_ (
14:36.14ralfWORKI've heard "throw on your healing gear for this encounter"
14:36.30ScytheBlade1I won't lie, you have substandard CC, and absurdely high threat relative to your DPS, but good crap, that is a retarded thing to say
14:36.50ralfWORKthis was aran :)
14:37.03ScytheBlade1Thought you meant 5-man
14:37.06ralfWORKso, no CC, no threat
14:37.17ralfWORKI'm talking serious business
14:38.39ralfWORKI just needed someone else to say it was retarded with me
14:38.48dru_ralfWORK: don't feel bad, last night we tried a new tank and 2 new healers, a new mage and a new strider kiter on Vash.  Things did not go well :(
14:38.48ralfWORKI would never in a million years ask someone to do that
14:39.20ralfWORKI'd *maybe* tell someone to put on X gear for this fight, and for that fight that's what they do
14:39.21|Jelly|Trial by fire much?
14:39.27ralfWORKtrial by fire ftw
14:39.44dru_the only way to learn how well people adapt and think on their feet.
14:39.54dru_the tank is getting a guild invite.
14:39.54ralfWORKfor example, if we have a prot pally, I'll have him dispelling on Maiden
14:40.06dru_the mage, NFW.
14:40.20|Jelly|Whack-a-mole isn't trial by fire imo. :P
14:40.29dru_the strider kiter, I think we'll let him keep at it :-)
14:40.44dru_not sure about the healers though :(
14:40.56ralfWORK|Jelly|: oh sorry, that wasn't in response to the "trial by fire" bit
14:41.18ralfWORKyou're right; asking someone to do something off spec != trial by fire
14:41.20WobinSurely KTM has a multi mob threat now?
14:41.25ralfWORKKTM blows
14:41.38dru_our normal warlock / frost mage kiter wasn't available so we went with and elemental shammy / frost mage.
14:41.42WobinDoesn't it?
14:41.53dru_the shammy did well for a first timer.
14:42.14dru_got fubar a couple of times before we got phase 2 under control
14:42.40dru_but the new mage managed to die before phase1 was over in the first 4 attempts.
14:43.34Bela|workwe had an app warlock tank Capernian on Vashj her trial night this week
14:43.43Bela|workshe did better than our Veteran warlock who usually does it
14:43.48Bela|workneedless to say she got invited
14:43.51ralfWORKBela|work: scary when that happens
14:44.00Bela|workerr Kael
14:44.03Bela|worknot Vashj
14:44.08Bela|workmy brain is messed up
14:44.12ralfWORKaside from attendance, our weakest point is tanks
14:44.28ralfWORKI got new 70s tanking better than our veteran tank
14:44.48Bela|workdru_: elemental shamans make good kiters for the striders, if they can get past the "fear" of doing it
14:44.56Bela|workthey have two abilities that slow them
14:45.03dru_Bela|work: yeah, but you gotta love having new people with skills
14:45.12zenzelezzour first two Vashj kills we used a hunter and a moonkin to kite
14:45.58Bela|workwe usually use a mage, but I like the ele shaman to do it too
14:46.00dru_Bela|work: the shamman worked well, and I'm usually the frost mage / tailor slowing and rooting
14:46.02Bela|workhe can take more punishment
14:46.22Bela|workour strat is a bit weird
14:46.35dru_we are using an altered strat as well
14:46.47dru_becase we only take 2 tanks usually
14:46.52Bela|workwe have a few resto shamans available so we stick them at the top of the stairs. Chain heal has a long range
14:47.04Bela|workso they can chain people up top, AND on the stairs
14:47.13Bela|workplus shamans are used to raid healing
14:47.18ralfWORKugh thanks for reminding me, I gotta remember to make some nets
14:47.22Bela|workso they are better at keeping multiple people up
14:47.52dru_nice, we're alliance so our shaman numbers with long term raid experience is a bit low
14:48.11Bela|workwe are alliance too
14:48.20Bela|workwe just have good players playing shamans
14:48.21Bela|worklike me
14:49.12Bela|workI don't really consider pre TBC to be valid as much anymore anyway. TBC raid experience is all I care about now
14:49.31ralfWORKthus far, I haven't been able to be convinced that pre-BC raid experience means shit
14:50.03Bela|workin fact, in my experience, the ones that come out and tell you they have been to Naxx and AQ40, probably haven't, or have and they are complete and total assholes
14:50.09dru_we roll with one ranged DPS at each quadrant, one melee and one healer, then all the other dps on the inner ring with two kiters pulling the striders around the circle.
14:50.23ralfWORKI have had some pre TBC people that play good
14:50.41Bela|workwe only use one kiter
14:50.42ralfWORKand I have some pre TBC people try to get shadowpriests to "pop out and heal someone if needed"
14:50.46GnarfozI don't ever want to go back to Vashj. :\ she's harder than any of the 4/5 hyjal 4/9 BT bosses we've downed so far :\
14:50.53Bela|workif we can't dps that one down before #2 hits, there is a problem
14:50.58*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
14:50.59Bela|workwe have a shitload of dps though
14:51.16dru_I have large preTBC group, but mny of us have been raiding together since pre-TBC so we have a evolved through TBC together
14:51.25Bela|workI think Kael is worse
14:51.35Bela|workVashj just has a more random nature
14:51.59dru_Vashj is a controlled chaos fight.
14:52.01*** join/#wowi-lounge zapl (
14:52.19sag_ich_nichtKael is way fucking easier than vashj
14:52.21LopeppeppyControlling the chaos is the key.
14:52.32LopeppeppyWe can't get Kael for the life of us, but Vashj was easy-peasey.
14:52.35dru_Kael is a more controlled fight, but it's a harder individual fight
14:53.02dru_Lopeppeppy: I think some of that stems from the group make up and if people 'listen'
14:53.13zenzelezzI suppose it depends on the guild
14:53.21zenzelezzwe have less trouble with Kael than Vashj
14:53.22LopeppeppyYeah, our problems on Kael always stem from not having enough casters versus melee DPS.
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15:28.32dru_Lopeppeppy: got pulled into  meeting, but your not having enough casters is a problem that is only going to get worse unless blizz makes majr changes in WotLK
15:30.26Bela|workwhats wrong with casters?
15:32.02dru_you mean other than the continuing trend downward in terms of DPS for many caster classes?
15:32.29dru_or the 'ill effects' of balancing for pvp / arena
15:32.49*** join/#wowi-lounge soufron (
15:33.51dru_I don' know about other servers, but I was poking around at the number of 70's on my primary pve server and the number of casters has been declining, while the number of melee or melee capable has been increasing.
15:34.06IndustrialIs there a level requirement on shield spikes?
15:34.21Industrialcan I use a thorium shield spike at level 25?
15:34.23dru_though warlocks have stayed fairly even.
15:35.16dru_mages are way down, hunters are way down, priests are down, warriors, druids, paladins & shammies are all way way up
15:35.35dru_rogues have stayed about the same
15:36.10*** join/#wowi-lounge ncd|Aileen (n=Dave@
15:36.33dru_(armory trolling FTW :-) )
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15:42.42wereHamsterIndustrial, use as in apply to a shield?
15:44.03Industrialyeah it just worked
15:44.28Industrialtraded it to a blacksmith and tthe applied it to my shield (non trade item)
15:45.03Industrialthis means you can get a felsteel spike to any shield >:O? (its pretty expensive tho)
15:45.09Industrialpretty OP for prot pally hehe
15:45.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (
15:45.35zenzelezzperhaps you can; but it only procs when you block, and your chance isn't that big at low levels
15:46.09Industrial34.96 with redoubt
15:47.08LopeppeppyRedoubt rules.
15:51.00mikmaIndustrial: yeah. have you seen the pally's AoE tanking n+1 mobs while grinding -videos?
15:51.30LopeppeppyTotally sweet, esp. with the Sporregar shield.
15:51.44Industrialmikma: yes
15:51.51Industrialwhat sporregar shield?
15:52.13mikmathe one with sporeggar rep
15:53.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
15:53.57Industrialdamn nice prov
15:54.35Industrialmy pal is 25 atm ^^
16:06.46*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (n=nuoHep@
16:07.16Cideany tips for good psp games?
16:08.01hastepatapon D:
16:09.01hastepatapatapata pon
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16:14.46art3misgod of war
16:15.14art3misCide: mode it to the open firmware
16:15.20art3misand playall yer psx games ;P
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16:17.21art3mis^^ fun stuff for psp ;)
16:20.30Industrialget MoltenCore
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16:36.00foxlitoh wow
16:36.11foxlitThey actually managed to break the graphics termination in .1
16:38.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
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16:40.53ckknightgraphics termination?
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16:52.44foxlitWoW doesn't exit properly
16:59.50Dumanit's the graphics engine shutdown that's broken?
16:59.56DumanI thoguht people were seeing it was a sound engine issue
17:02.19nevcairielit was
17:02.19nevcairielbefore 2.4.1
17:02.38ralfWORKhmm. so apparently the prince safe zones have been removed from KZ eh?
17:03.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
17:04.35kamdisso, L2P?  jk  ;-)
17:05.01wereHamsterfor me, since like forever, the only reliable way to close wow was to `kill -9`
17:05.50hasteI always use my <Caps Lock><Shift>C key binding to exit wow, since it kills the focused windows
17:06.24LopeppeppyMy cat looks like that all the time, zenzelezz...
17:07.49zenzelezzpeppy: :-o
17:10.45LopeppeppyShe buries her head under her paws all the time when I raid, I totally embarass her with my subpar playstyle and relaxed approach.  She's hardcore.
17:11.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
17:12.46Lunessa... station.
17:14.13LopeppeppyMorning, Lunessa-dear.  *hug*
17:14.34LunessaHi hi
17:14.55ralfWORKkamdis: sorry was alt-tabbed out
17:15.00ralfWORKyea, l2p basically
17:15.06kamdisI was teasing.
17:15.22ralfWORKI know you were, but you're right
17:15.48ralfWORKI'm not gonna cry about the fact that it was removed
17:15.59ralfWORKI'm gonna cry about the fact that I have half a raid of r-tards
17:16.22ralfWORKthat make me want to not lead raids :P
17:17.55kamdisJust plop a raid icon on yourself and have all ranged move with you
17:18.15kamdisOr are the melee the tards?
17:20.32LopeppeppyYes to both sometimes?
17:20.39ralfWORKlittle of column A, little of column B
17:21.14ralfWORKand little of Column C will pop up soon I'm sure: getting used to spotting them and coordinating that
17:21.20zenzelezzI must say, the best part about being the demon tank on Leotheras is not having to worry about killing your own demon
17:21.28zenzelezzor rather, was, since we don't go there anymore
17:21.30LopeppeppyYes... that's an advantage.
17:24.34ralfWORKkamdis: specifically the tank is tarded
17:24.40ralfWORKI can see it now
17:24.54kamdisWell that's not good ralf.
17:25.00ralfWORK"move left" then he'll move to his right "oh I thought you meant your left"
17:25.09ralfWORKand the vent chat will be full of his shitty excuses
17:25.14kamdiswe use the door as reference
17:25.14ralfWORKas per usual
17:25.29kamdismove away from the door!!
17:25.57zenzelezzI wouldn't attest that to the tank only; his view is usually rather blocked so it can be hard to know where the raid is
17:26.02ralfWORKmove away from the big FIRE INFERNAL
17:26.14zenzelezzthanks to the stupid "omg you can't zoom out" feature of the Karazhan geometry
17:26.28kamdisall he can really see is Prince's ... "no no" region probably
17:26.46ralfWORKzenzelezz: naw, it's just going to be a comedy of errors with him, because that's what it always is
17:27.21zenzelezzif you're talking about your specific tank, I won't argue
17:27.54zenzelezzwe solved it by using east/west/north/south (on a non-rotating minimap)
17:28.00ralfWORKI could use n/s/e/w
17:28.02zenzelezzbut that doesn't work if your tank still sucks :-p
17:28.14ralfWORKbut it'll take him too long to read which way is north
17:28.23LunessaActually on the Prince in Kara we had problems with getting the bear-tank to be able to see where to go.  We  just ended up naming each wall and telling her which one to run to.
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17:28.49ralfWORKthe safe zone methode we've used is actually pretty challenging for him!
17:29.00zenzelezzany fight against non-humanoid bosses where you must tank him against a wall is hell for the tank if he has to move
17:29.04ralfWORKcause he can get knocked back into a notch in the wall and be out of LOS for the healers!
17:31.08ralfWORKI'm surprised bear boss gets done
17:31.55ralfWORKmeh. who knows. we don't do KZ anymore, so it'll likely be a damn PUG that I get to "enjoy" prince
17:33.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Drool (
17:34.47LunessaI am the sad panda that my cleverly written and lengthy reply to the Xperl asshat didn't generate any responses.
17:35.27*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
17:37.10art3misits about xperl
17:37.14art3miswhat did you expect
17:37.24Seerahwhere is this at, Lunessa?
17:37.25art3misthats like a long post about the Pinto
17:38.38kamdisI was going to comment to you here, Lunessa, but you weren't on yet and I forgot.
17:38.48kamdisThank you BTW :)
17:38.54LunessaYou're welcome. :)
17:39.18LunessaI didn't get to play WoW at all yesterday.  :(  I hope I do today.
17:39.28ralfWORKwhy not?
17:39.54kamdisSame, Lunessa.
17:40.25LunessaI moved recently.  I now have a 55 min commute.  I got home last night to discover I left my house keys in the office.
17:40.32ralfWORKaww crap
17:40.35ralfWORKI've done that before
17:40.40ralfWORKcept I'm like 15m away :(
17:40.41LunessaI had to drive back to the office and back home.  That left me no time to play.
17:41.21pastamancerLunessa: car keys on on the same keychain?
17:41.45LunessaThey are NOW.
17:41.55pastamancerI have one keychain to rule them all
17:42.08LunessaHeh.  I need to get one of those retracting clips.
17:42.14pastamancerthen again, I have enough keys to pass as a janitor
17:42.33pastamancerI like the carabiner-style keyrings
17:42.55Lunessa3 for work, 2 for the apartment, two for the truck/lockbox and the key-fob.
17:43.31alestaneI've seen people jump after silly amounts of time before (under five minutes comes to mind), but that's the first time I've ever seen someone bump under an hour with a "Stop ignoring this." (What's the magic word?) Who does he think he is? More importantly, who does he think WE are?
17:43.47zenzelezz"We are actually working on converting Blizzard code to use self instead of this, but it's for the expansion. I definitely recommend authors start using self, since this and argN are deprecated and will go away eventually."
17:44.04kamdisalestane:  exactly
17:44.12Lunessaalestane: Yeah.  Wait till you get further.
17:44.19alestaneOh, I read it already.
17:44.19kamdisIt was like trying to reason with a 5 year old having a temper tantrum
17:44.32alestaneBut I might as well do what I'm famous for.
17:44.57kamdisI love how he completely ignored Peppy, despite the green text
17:45.14kamdisAnd twice no less.
17:45.16alestanei.e. give people who don''t deserve it help they can't understand.
17:46.01LunessaI explained the problem to him as rationally and simply as I could without cranking open the AddOn and reading the code.  Which I was disinclined to do.
17:46.39alestaneI don't intend to read the addon either. But there's a quickfix hack.
17:47.27kamdisIf he's actually still reading the thread, he'll probably come in and use your post as an example of how the rest of us are all unhelpful morons, alestane.
17:47.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Malgayne (
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17:47.38kamdisSo thanks in advance :P
17:48.32pastamancerwhich thread is this?  I need some comedy with my lunch
17:48.36kergothanyone know of an addon to move/manipulate the raidwarning frame? or the UIErrorsFrame?
17:48.36alestaneActually, I'm hoping he'll screw up trying to carry it out and bork XPerl badly enough to crash WoW.
17:49.44kamdisalestane:  that would make my day.
17:50.33*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
17:50.48Seerahhehe, thanks for that read :)  Poor Lunessa went through all of that effort
17:51.09LunessaAnd alestane is actually going to give him code.
17:51.52*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
17:54.19alestaneI thought about saying that he is to addon development what Ann Coulter is to politics, but I haven't tested the solution.
17:55.23Seerahnow... do you actually think he will go change that line?
17:56.15alestaneI remember one person who came to the forum with a question, got several "It's in the stickies" responses from forum luminaries, kept saying "anyone?" and, when Troodi served him an answer, quoted it and said, "Now see, this, this is what help looks like. I came here for a fish, not a fishing lesson."
17:57.15LunessaHeh - way to go Kamdis - you telly rushy
17:57.35kamdisI tried to be nice-ish about it
17:57.38foxliterror(message, level)
17:57.43kamdisI took out some insults before I posted
17:57.46foxlitlevel = 1 == function that called me?
17:58.15Lunessaalestane: Which is why I give out fish only to those who ask nicely and when I'm in a good mood.  Self-propulsion is better than jet-propulsion.
17:58.36alestaneOh, I thought he was an @$$ too.
17:59.00SeerahI remember that thread, alestane
17:59.28alestaneWatterson's Calvin once observed, "I wish I could just take a pill to be perfect and push a button to have everything I need."
17:59.33Lunessaalestane: *chuckle*  that would work, but... unintended results should be hilarious.
17:59.34SeerahI went and quoted a sticky in the xperl thread!! O.O
18:00.23alestaneHobbes' response is, "The American dream lives on."
18:01.06alestaneLunessa: What would work? My proffered hack?
18:01.47alestaneI'm hoping he counts 2158 lines in Notepad looking for it.
18:02.01alestaneOr 2518, or whatever it was.
18:03.05SeerahHe'll get to about 1k, then lose track and have to start all over
18:03.16Seerahor worse, he'll have line-wrap on
18:03.25alestaneThe man (I'm presuming) brought one of the most asinine attitudes I've ever seen in that forum. He's on his own from here on out.
18:04.36kamdisI don't think he's a "man".  Child, I'm guessing.
18:04.45kamdisBut one never knows.
18:06.03alestaneI would guess he's within 3 years of 18 either way, based on the language he uses.
18:06.09LunessaYes, the proposed hack will be fun.
18:06.45alestaneI actually saw a statistic that indicated that out of 64000 WoW players surveyed, only 34% used any addons at all.
18:06.47Cairennummm, just read the lastest posts on the incgamers thread on the blizz forum ... I don't remember this actually going down like this ... "you are wrong on all counts here, we did not mirror any Ace files, but linked to the files on the WoWAce site, sending our users to the WoWAce site" ... weren't they actually hosting them?
18:06.57LunessaI expect there's more than one place where "rank' is important, and an empty value will be fun.
18:07.23LunessaCairenn: I believe the were linking not hosting.
18:07.31LunessaBut I can't be positive.
18:07.32alestaneOr I could have told him to insert "rank=rank or ''" on the line before.
18:07.45alestaneDoesn't that constitute stealing bandwidth?
18:07.52LunessaIt does.
18:08.20kamdisI was under the impression the hosted them, but then reverted to linking when the situation got exposed.
18:08.27kamdisBut I'm nto positive.
18:08.55Gngskany idea where I can find an example of how to use SecureAnchorButtonTemplate?
18:08.59alestaneSo either they were redistributing without permission, or they were stealing bandwidth.
18:10.27alestaneGngsk: My addon Demonomicon on uses an anchor button.
18:10.50Gngsksplendid, I'll check it out
18:13.56*** join/#wowi-lounge schnoggo_ (n=lonkoeni@
18:16.37alestaneLunessa: Sadly, unforeseen consequences look unlikely. The local "rank" is never used after that line. 'local match = name.."_"..rank.."_"..buff'
18:17.52LunessaAs I said, I was disinclined to go read the code for him.
18:19.24alestaneHowever, I suspect that what will happen is he'll stop getting "Interface/AddOns/XPerl/XPerl.lua:2518: attempt to concatenate local 'rank' (a nil value)"...instead he'll get "Interface/AddOns/XPerl/XPerl.lua:2524: attempt to concatenate local 'rank2' (a nil value)"
18:19.53Cairennah ha, found it:
18:21.13kamdiswow, pre-green cog and alestane in the first 5 posts
18:21.28Josh_Borke~emulate Josh_Borke
18:21.29purlACTION hugs Cairenn
18:21.35alestaneLunessa, weren't you the one who responded to me once saying "I fear you are wasting your time being logical and concise."?
18:21.39Cairennhugs Josh_Borke
18:22.35LunessaNot those words exactly... but something along those lines.  I'm optimistic about individuals, but pessimistic about humans in the collective.
18:23.15CairennPeople suck. Many persons are fine, but people suck.
18:23.41alestaneSome gnome was petitioning Blizzard to incorporate customizable bars and unit frames into the default UI because "you know everyone uses them anyway".
18:24.41alestaneI told him that Blizzard did include a customization engine for bars, unit frames, and everyone else.
18:24.55alestaneIt's called "Lua".
18:26.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Fritz (
18:27.00schnoggo_dang... Rushter is absolutely committed to destroying his addon site, isn't he? Up until five months ago or so, that was my primary distribution site, but he's done nothing but generate bad press lately. And traffic....
18:27.24schnoggo_they fell off a cliff sometime in march...
18:27.34schnoggo_did that get split? :(
18:28.13foxlitwowinterface isn't on the graph?
18:28.24kamdisIt is
18:28.26*** join/#wowi-lounge enum (
18:28.29kamdisIt's turquoise
18:28.34enumanyone know how to get a targets id?
18:28.44foxlitwasn't, but something refreshed
18:28.45enumfor example: an NPC Trainer
18:28.46alestaneAnd I notice they didn't enjoy the "post-patch" peak that the other sites did.
18:28.53Seerahwth is up with that huge rise?
18:28.56foxlitoverall, it seems to follow curse closely?
18:29.05enumalestane: thanks
18:29.35alestaneSeerah: I believe that huge rise is 2.4 coming out.
18:30.06alestanei.e., why Curse collapses every time a content patch comes out.
18:30.24SeerahI don't see wowi's line
18:30.28art3miscurse collapses because guill doesnt know what hes doing ;P
18:30.36art3misSeerah: click the 1y thingy
18:30.40alestaneAs their traffic jumps from 700 to over 2000 (unspecified units).
18:30.57art3misitll redraw and show it properly
18:31.04SeerahI had to enable scripts for it to look right I guess
18:31.17Seerahnow it looks completely different :P
18:31.39art3misheh yup
18:31.45art3misthe tiny url show incgames as HUGE
18:31.52art3misa refresh shows curse as HUEG
18:31.58art3misHUGE even
18:32.04Seerahyeah, that's what I saw first, too, art3mis
18:32.30ralfWORKcurse sucks
18:32.33art3misheh io assumed most of that was to go look at rusher being a dumbass with his cracked java app ;P
18:34.47*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
18:37.40alestaneOkay, this, this is nearly priceless. I'm on a site that posts projects for freelance IT pros.
18:37.51wereHamsterwhat bad press did incgamers generate lately (besides their usual malware-infested addon downloader)
18:37.54alestaneA project was just posted.
18:38.04alestane"I wanted to know if you can design a site similar to Myspace and about how much it would cost.
18:38.13alestane"The idea I have is a great idea, its a spin off of myspace. No other site will be on the internet like what i am wanting to make.
18:38.19Lunessaalestane: Rent-a-c oder?
18:38.58alestaneBut I direct your attention to the line above. basic rhetoric = fail.
18:39.17ralfWORKI used to work for a place like that
18:40.51alestaneNo other site on the internet will be like the myspace spinoff he wants to make...except, of course, MySpace and its numerous other imitators.
18:44.44*** join/#wowi-lounge DuTempete (
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18:48.09Seerahtheir site has been down all day
18:49.59ralfWORKstupid question; do rawrbears need expertise?
18:50.21ralfWORKor rather, is it a stat that helps bare droods?
18:51.56wereHamsterwhy don't they make their app (UIC, or its successor) opensource?
18:52.28ralfWORKopensores is from da dabil
18:59.29art3mis <-- oooooooooooooookay
19:00.54NightHawkAtWorkralfWORK: as much as warriors need it, why would it be otherwise?
19:01.00wereHamsterhow do you find these clips? and why?
19:01.22ralfWORKNightHawkAtWork: cause druids aren't warriors :)
19:01.36NightHawkAtWorkbut they both still use melee attacks as their primary source of threat generation. :P
19:01.38ralfWORKI know that weapon attack speeds are factored out for bears
19:02.04art3miswereHamster: randomness ftw ;P
19:02.06ralfWORKdidn't know if there's any attack table changes for bears
19:02.18NightHawkAtWork"factored out"?
19:02.19art3misthe first one i actually remembered from a while back
19:02.29NightHawkAtWorkdo you mean, "set to a constant, regardless of the weapon being used?" :P
19:02.30art3misand i think thats gonna be my new rickroll ;P
19:02.42ralfWORKNightHawkAtWork: ignored
19:02.47NightHawkAtWorkits not ignored
19:02.56NightHawkAtWorkits just the weapon isn't waht determines the speed. :P
19:02.59ralfWORKkeep being pedantic
19:03.07ralfWORKthe weapon attack speed on the weapon is ignored
19:03.42NightHawkAtWorkbut that really implies no changes to the combat table, though
19:04.13ralfWORKI did preface this with "stupid question"
19:05.23*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
19:05.58kamdisHai |Jelly|
19:06.22ralfWORKidk, for all I know, paws can't be dodged or whatever
19:06.35ralfWORK<-- not a druid, thus the questions
19:06.39CairennHey |Jelly|
19:06.52|Jelly|Hey Cairenn
19:09.45EsamynnralfWORK: yes, expertise is useful for Feral Druids, no, Cats & Bears don't even really use their equipped weapon at all, that is why procs on weapons are useless to Feral Druids
19:10.10ralfWORKkk, thanks
19:12.33kamdisHi Rayne
19:13.21AbsoRayneKamdis, wts kittens PST
19:13.24foxlitDid LibThreat suddently lose the reset-threat functionality?
19:14.01foxlitthat hate turkeys!
19:14.27foxlitAh, no, nevermind, /omen clear
19:14.41AbsoRayneHyjal like...kinda not sure if Im excited or not
19:15.14ralfWORKfirst time there?
19:15.29foxlit2.4 killed Hyjal general chat
19:15.41ralfWORKwhat's not to be excited?
19:15.44AbsoRayneAnd were only bringing out top people...and even our top people fuck around too much
19:15.45foxlitused to be respectable... now it's "lolzguyswedownedwinterchill"
19:16.22ralfWORKfoxlit: I'd say the same thing for kz general... but it's always retarded on my server :P
19:16.22AbsoRayneNone of our Pali Tanks are geared enough for it either, which makes matters even more fun
19:16.36ralfWORKAbsoRayne: you have more than 1 pally tank? ;)
19:16.52foxlit[psst, real raiders do it with resurrection sickness!]
19:17.25Esamynn~poke foxlit
19:17.26purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind foxlit, pokes foxlit repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
19:17.26NightHawkAtWorkas long as you have ~3-4 competant tanks, of any class, you should be able to handle it.
19:17.28AbsoRayneralfWORK: 2, actually
19:17.44AbsoRayneBoth, ironicly, at the same gear level
19:18.47NightHawkAtWorkI'm not even sure how useful a second prot pally would be there.
19:18.47Esamynnwe also have 2 Paladin Tanks, one long time member, one brand new one, both pretty good
19:18.47Esamynnvery useful for the Ghouls
19:18.47NightHawkAtWorkwe've done it with a single pally tank, without any issue
19:18.47AbsoRayneI like them for any type of add fight
19:18.54NightHawkAtWorkhe can more or less tank any number of ghouls/fiends/stalkers with no problems
19:19.07AbsoRayneThough my tank with his Thunderfury Stick did pretty much as good as them on alar add tanking
19:19.09kamdisRayne:  my dog would wring a kitteh's neck in 2 seconds flat
19:19.29AbsoRaynekamdis: Kitty! :(
19:19.38NightHawkAtWorkproblem is, pallys kinda suck at handling the banshees and necros
19:19.54kamdismy puppy > any kitty
19:20.02kamdisbut kitties are okay too
19:20.15*** join/#wowi-lounge DuTempete (
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19:20.36AbsoRaynekamdis: You LIE! My kitties are awesome! They purr like little retards and love without second though!
19:20.54ralfWORKour kittehs are shits
19:21.01ralfWORKthey piss and shit everywhere basically
19:21.12AbsoRayneGod I hate my server
19:21.23kamdisshe pwns your kittehs!
19:21.28AbsoRayneI was wondering how long it would take someone to make b A n K a I
19:21.39ralfWORKAbsoRayne: 2s flat
19:21.47AbsoRayneSince we already have a guild named S h I n I g A m I
19:22.10kamdis better pic
19:22.28ralfWORKkamdis: ya, looks pretty vicious!
19:22.28kamdisquits posting dog pictures now.
19:22.52kamdisralfWORK:  you wouldn't think, but she hates cats.
19:22.56kamdisand strangers
19:23.04Cairennawwww, puppy!!!!!
19:23.05ralfWORKthat's funny
19:23.13ralfWORKour rat terrier hates squirells
19:23.19ralfWORKand *other* cats
19:23.19kamdisCairenn:  :-D
19:23.26ralfWORKlikes our cats fine though
19:23.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Weye1 (
19:24.15AbsoRayneNow to do what I do with all my UIs
19:24.26AbsoRayneSit here for 2 hours and debate if its 'done' or not.
19:24.41kamdisor is it mostly unchanged form last I saw?
19:25.00AbsoRaynea few minor
19:25.15AbsoRayneGot the DogTags I wanted for HP and Power
19:26.14kamdisNice.  Omen looks great too.
19:27.12AbsoRayneIt bothers me that no matter what I do, Pitbulls always off alignment by one fucking pixel
19:27.17AbsoRayneand I sit there lik
19:27.37kamdisstop obssessing imo
19:27.49AbsoRayneCant help it
19:27.51kamdisno one notices but you, and possibly Nitelily
19:28.05|Jelly|easier said than done :|
19:28.12kamdisI know
19:28.21kamdisNo one who's going to DL it will ever notice
19:30.01AbsoRayneSuppose youre right
19:30.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ZealotOnAStick (
19:30.23AbsoRaynelike I said though...just have to debate if its done.
19:33.30*** join/#wowi-lounge soufron (
19:34.21AbsoRaynewhere are all my good mages, and why arent they signing up for Hyjal!!!!
19:34.33AbsoRayne|Jelly|: Server XFer, lets go
19:35.22|Jelly|!c us burning legion aniwaizle
19:35.35|Jelly|zomg! B0rk3!
19:35.36AbsoRayneNot working?
19:36.03|Jelly|Imagine a level 8 mage. Now imagine that's my highest level mage. :P
19:36.20ralfWORKif only shadowpriests had an aoe!
19:36.29AbsoRayneWhat happened to your 70?
19:36.40AbsoRayne!c us kil'jaeden Absolutrayne
19:36.52AbsoRayne16K Unbuffed <3
19:36.52|Jelly|My 70 ... Priests? Hunter? Shaman?
19:37.00AbsoRayneAny of them?
19:37.09|Jelly|None of them are mages. :P
19:37.23AbsoRayneIll take your priest too, just Server XFer
19:37.26*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
19:37.43|Jelly|You wanna pvp or something? lol
19:37.52|Jelly|Jelly = BE <3
19:38.06AbsoRaynePffffft...Belfs are Alliance, dont belong on the Horde
19:39.12zenzelezzthe reply to a comment on wowhead (or was it thott?) about that item that turns you into a BE amused me... "what happens if you use it as a BE?" "it turns you straight"
19:39.44ralfWORKnot like NEs are very manly
19:39.50ralfWORKgod we have too many NEs in our guild
19:40.13AbsoRaynewaits for a good UI to show up on the UI Forum thread...
19:40.40kamdiswatches AbsoRayne age and die while waiting.
19:40.53AbsoRaynekamdis: Harsh
19:41.11AbsoRayneNah, theres occasionally a good one here or there...just lately its been 'hey whatever'
19:41.41kamdisI guess I'm just disillusioned, not that I have the drive to go design something decent myself.
19:41.49kamdisso I should probably shut up.
19:42.24LunessaToo many men have failed before... Whatever you do, don't pay the Ferryman!  Don't even fix a price.  Don't pay the Ferryman until he gets you to the other side!
19:42.27AbsoRayneIm just mirroring my old designs and changing a few vital visual things.
19:42.35AbsoRayneBasicly, like polishing a turd.
19:42.47ralfWORKI'm pretty bad at UI
19:43.30kamdisExcept your old UIs aren't turds.
19:43.34kamdisso, there's that
19:43.47AbsoRayneYou just want me to update Boxes. :P
19:44.16kamdishaha, not really.
19:44.32kamdisI didn't realize how many panels that had though - jebus
19:45.46LunessaLOL -- " And no matter how many internet condoms you wear, you'll get a CTD (computer transmitted disease)"
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19:47.16AbsoRaynekamdis: I actually might update it today...I have about 4 hours or so before we go to Hyjal, and nothing to do
19:47.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
19:47.50kamdisI want your free time.  Gimme.
19:47.57AbsoRayneNo you dont
19:48.11AbsoRayneI only have so much lately because im in Canada, without the paperwork to get a job.
19:48.31LunessaYour clothes, your boots and the keys to your motorcycle.  Give them to me.
19:49.42AbsoRayneThe new Sevendust album sounds great so far
19:49.47AbsoRayne<3 leaked albums
19:50.10LunessaMy office-mate is playing an internet radio station that plays "the bottom 40" from the 80s.  Songs that weren't big hits... I'm totally having flashbacks.
19:50.12zenzelezzwhy? The music sounds better before release?
19:52.11NightHawkAtWorkzenzelezz: it does, piracy is scientifically proven to increase the quality of the music your listening to
19:53.40AbsoRayneI wonder if the ML DogTag is still broken...
19:55.04kamdis :-(
19:55.14AbsoRayneI saw it
19:55.21AbsoRayneand im totally ignoring it.
19:55.22kamdiswtf is that?
19:55.24kamdisme too
19:55.28kamdisexcept here
19:55.43kamdislets hope elloria et al do the same
19:56.06*** join/#wowi-lounge amro_ (n=amro@
19:56.26AbsoRayneNah, they wont...theyre falling into quite the trap on that one.
19:58.00AbsoRayneYAY IT WORKS \o/
19:58.07AbsoRaynedisables the ugly ML icon
19:58.40AbsoRayne[(if IsMasterLooter then "(ML)")] ftw
19:59.06Cairenncurious as to who that is
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20:03.14Cairennthe thread kamdis linked
20:03.32AbsoRayneProbably someone looking to start a trollfest
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20:06.16AbsoRayneIll give it about 5-6 hours before Hal or Saeto say something in that thread.
20:06.30AbsoRayneand as a flame at the OP
20:06.36AbsoRayneAny other guesses?
20:06.50kamdisless, assuming they are still around the forums
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20:07.15kamdisI give it the same time before all the Atal/Elloria group starts posting all their compilations
20:08.10AbsoRayneI should post Boxes for giggles.
20:08.55kamdisdon't you dare post in that thread!
20:09.07kamdisat least not until it gets snarky
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20:09.24AbsoRaynealright I wont, I promise
20:09.26kamdisOh, I know.  How long to Exclamator post?
20:09.28Dumanwhich thread is this?
20:09.45Dumanscrolls up
20:09.45AbsoRaynekamdis: Notice someones reporting every single one of his posts?
20:09.45kamdisthe ui competition thread
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20:09.50kamdisno i didn't
20:10.04AbsoRayneYeah, all his posts in the new Post Your UI are reported
20:10.06Dumanoh, hmm
20:10.20kamdisIt's probably his nemesis
20:10.51kamdisI have to say, the Post Your UI threads have become better than Days of Our Lives
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20:11.31AbsoRayneI try so hard not to respond to alot of it, but Exclamators just a blatant asshat, I have to sometimes.
20:12.09kamdisYeah, I laughed at that one
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20:13.16kamdisI hate to break it to him but no one responds with "i'm so butt hurt right" unless they are in fact so butt hurt
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20:14.57AbsoRaynekamdis: True
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20:17.52kergothdamnit, something keeps fucking up my game, escape won topen the menu, etc
20:18.17AbsoRaynekergoth: Do you play a hunter?
20:18.19sag_ich_nichtOverview mode in Omen can crash your client with an Out of Memory error
20:18.22kergothAbsoRayne: yep
20:18.52AbsoRayneDo you use that dumb auto / steady / kill command macro?
20:19.31AbsoRayneIs that a yes?
20:19.52kergothi'm manually weaving rihg tnow
20:20.01kergothjust a kc + cast steady macro
20:20.24Cairennguys - just as a heads up - a bunch of you may be getting a PM on WoWI  from a person from Future France, working on a PC Jeux special issue about WoW
20:20.42AbsoRayneRun around and shoot something until KC procs, and use it, that should fix it.
20:20.53AbsoRayneKill Command likes to lock up like that, and make things not work.
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20:22.20kergothAbsoRayne: thats... really weird
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20:22.45AbsoRaynekergoth: Its the macros fault. Normally id tell you to learn to play your class, but im in a good mood today. :P
20:23.27kergothyou're welcome to tell me that, and i'll tell you to go fuck yourself
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20:24.16AbsoRaynekergoth: Fair enough.
20:24.44AbsoRayneI enjoy telling that to hunters looking for shot macros.
20:24.56AbsoRayneHow hard is it to think and press 4-5 buttons, seriously, come on now.
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20:31.55kamdisIt's not hard, Rayne.  I can do it and have done it on my Hunter, but I still like the macros.  /shrug
20:32.11kamdisAnd you can tell me to L2P too if you like.
20:32.17AbsoRayneOnly macro I have is an MD Macro
20:32.23AbsoRayneCause it has silly faces on it
20:32.33kamdisWhat about trinkets?
20:32.40Josh_Borkehey you guys, ban wobin
20:32.48kergothi ran out of character specific macro slots a while back
20:32.50AbsoRaynekamdis: Hotkeyed
20:32.51kergothusing them all
20:32.53LunessaZOMG... anyone who uses macros needs 2 L2P!
20:33.06ralfWORKmacros and addons are crutches
20:33.21ralfWORKalso, so are computers for that matter
20:33.31kamdisand brains!
20:33.47ralfWORKI know a T6 rogue who has 1 arm
20:33.55ralfWORK2 arms are a crutch
20:34.00kd3huh... I wonder what "PNJ" translates to in spanish... it apparently means "NPC"
20:34.04kergothmy favorite macro is Acquire Target - targets my focus's target's target, focus's target, focus, pet's target, nearest enemy, in that order, with modifiers to prefer focus or pettarget
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20:34.16kergothand bound it to mouse left scroll
20:34.18kamdisPersona non-Jugador
20:34.23MentalPowerkd3: context?
20:34.26kamdisjugar = to play
20:34.34ralfWORKkergoth: dafux?
20:35.02MentalPoweryeah NPC
20:35.08MentalPowerkamdis is right
20:35.22AbsoRayneI hate the fucking alliance on my server.
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20:35.48kamdisSpaish Lit major
20:36.07AbsoRayneThey give up way too easily
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20:36.21ralfWORKcare bear stare!
20:37.00AbsoRayneralfWORK: Pretty much
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20:37.19AbsoRayne4 alli will stand there and watch as a prot warrior gets beat down by a ret pali
20:37.23AbsoRayneand then laugh...
20:37.31AbsoRayneand cry when they get owned a minute later...
20:37.39AbsoRaynegee, retard, maybe if you HELPED
20:37.58ralfWORKthat's why I don't PVP
20:38.03ralfWORKyou think I hate people in my raid
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20:38.16ralfWORKwait till you see me scream at them in something more volatile :P
20:38.34kamdisI am so glad I'm not in your raid, ralf.
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20:38.50ralfWORKI'm actually very good to them
20:38.54kamdisLunessa is drill sargeant-y enough for me
20:39.04ralfWORKthey just drive me to my wits end
20:39.19ralfWORKkamdis: I'm not drill sargeanty at all, actually
20:39.26AbsoRayneI love owning rogues as prot
20:39.33kamdisNeither is Lunessa
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20:39.45MentalPowerkamdis: did you apply for the bilingual CM position?
20:39.48AbsoRayneThe sound of my shield going 'THUNK' from fully blocking something is so satisfying
20:39.57kamdisMentalPower: No
20:40.03kamdisthat was a guess
20:40.13kd3oh geez
20:40.26LunessaHeh... I'm pretty controlling.  I tell everyone where to stand for every fight and what spells to cast and when to do it.  The people are just remotes for all the keyboards/game clients so I can get my phat lewtz.
20:40.34Industrial<3 gvideo player
20:40.44Industrialthey should just convert youtube to gvideo imo
20:40.52ralfWORKLunessa: wow that's pretty good
20:41.03ralfWORKI won't do that
20:41.04kd3but then where would we go to get totally inane, unmoderated comments?
20:41.19ralfWORKI bet we'd probably get more done that way :P
20:41.22Lunessa.... </sarcasm>
20:41.23kamdisyaeh, and then he doesnt' take any loot.
20:41.24Industrialand it'd be BIG by default
20:41.28kamdiskd3:  yikes
20:41.56ralfWORKpost wipe it's usually something like this
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20:42.06LunessaHeh, I'm like the only member of my guild with 50+ kara runs and ZERO T4 gear to show for it.
20:42.33kamdisI've been on what, one run with you guys and I have a piece from that run
20:42.39ralfWORKme: "so... did you happen to be using <some ability that you have that's omg obvious to use there>?"
20:42.51ralfWORKthem: "oh I didn't even think of it"
20:43.19kamdisshorten that to "i didn't even think" ralf
20:43.21ralfWORKme: "ok, let's try that next time and see if that helps" vent off, scream at screen, throw something across room
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20:43.31AbsoRayneYou guys are making me dread hyjal more
20:43.41kamdisYou LOVE it
20:43.50ralfWORKkamdis: yea, pretty much
20:43.53kamdis~staple WobWork
20:43.54purlACTION attaches a staple gun to a pneumatic nail gun via duct tape, staples WobWork quite well, and hands WobWork to kamdis
20:44.28IndustrialI need something to throw with that doesnt break things
20:44.45ralfWORKevery so often my PTT key sticks though
20:44.46*** join/#wowi-lounge quamaretto (n=chatzill@
20:44.51IndustrialUsually I abuse my desk by benging it but the family complains :p
20:44.54ralfWORKthink that's only happened once or twice :P
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20:45.08LunessaGet some Nerf brand balls you can throw.
20:45.16AbsoRayneWow...Blood Elves are bad...this full S3 Ret one is barely touching me. :/
20:45.18ralfWORKnerf is'nt satisfying
20:45.27ralfWORKbreaking glass is satisfying
20:45.31Industrialalestane: its the player.
20:45.37IndustrialAbsoRayne: *
20:45.45dylanmRet in PvP is uh
20:45.58quamarettoGuys, I have no idea how to search for this - is there an addon for healers that would show you the remaining Shield Block/Holy Shield/Redboubt or other "uncrittable, uncrushable" buff states of a tank (say, if you set it to focus)?
20:45.59dylanmIt seems like you generally have to surprise people.
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20:46.28ralfWORKquamaretto: hmm. never heard of one. but I'm no expert
20:46.49AbsoRayneIndustrial: aparetnly
20:47.01quamarettoIt probably wouldn't be hard to write, but I'd rather not. My Tetris project bombed early when I couldn't even get basic FrameXML going.
20:47.09AbsoRaynesp, w/e im pvping
20:47.53kamdiswouldn't something like NECB catch that?
20:48.23quamarettoNECB? Let me google that <_<
20:48.24ralfWORKhonestly, I'm not sure if that's realy valuable
20:48.49ralfWORKI mean, you're asking for itt, so it must be
20:48.55quamarettoOkay... I'm just wondering if running out of charges is why we keep losing tanks in Mag.
20:49.06ralfWORKquamaretto: that's where WWS comes in
20:49.36ralfWORKthat's a raidleader issue
20:49.48AbsoRaynerofl...jumped by 7 horde
20:49.48ralfWORKparse a wws, manipulate the combat log thingy to look for crushes
20:49.52quamarettoWe have very little healer coordination.
20:50.05ralfWORKquamaretto: there's an addon called VisualHeal
20:50.08quamarettoSo, right now, it's more of a "can one dedicated priest fix this" issue
20:50.10ralfWORKyou might want to check it out
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20:50.24ralfWORKget all your healers to use it
20:50.40Temmag doesn't swing very fast
20:50.54Temthere's no reason they should be running out of sheild block charges
20:51.00ralfWORKor that :)
20:51.19ralfWORKI know nothing about specifics of the fight; just looking at what quamaretto is saying :)
20:51.23Temyou almost have to get a boss that dual weilds to get to the point of hitting fast enough to eat 2 charges
20:51.27NightHawkAtWorki agree about using wws, or something else to parse the combat log.
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20:51.43quamarettoSo I really should just read the logs to figure out what's happening.
20:51.44NightHawkAtWorksee if your tanks are taking crushes before trying to fix that problem :P
20:51.47zenzelezzTem: even Morogrim is capable of burning Shield Block
20:51.53quamarettoI mean, we're losing the tank in 2-3 seconds, from full health.
20:51.54ralfWORKquamaretto: you will find the logs to be extremely informative
20:51.55Temso, if your tanks are taking crushes on mag, one of the following 3 things are true
20:51.59Tem1) They are druids
20:52.20quamaretto3) They don't always keep up shield block/holy shield?
20:52.29NightHawkAtWork3 is actually "they suck"
20:52.37quamarettoSame thing.
20:52.59Tem2) They don't have cobined miss/parry/dodge/block above 27.5% before hitting sheild block
20:53.04Tem(read that as, their gear sucks)
20:53.09Tem3) They suck.
20:53.32quamarettoI don't think they are slouching on gear - they keep talking about defense cap and even our newest tanks have it.
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20:53.45ralfWORKyou get def cap in pre kz blues
20:53.48Temdefense cap is possible in blues
20:53.50kd3there's more to it than the defense cap
20:53.57ralfWORKand this has nothing to do with def cap
20:54.12ralfWORKuncrushable != uncritable
20:54.13quamarettoOkay. See, I never got into warrior/pally tanking stats, only Druid :/
20:54.30quamarettoYeah, I know, I was sorta generalizing... I think they know what they're doing
20:54.37Temyou should still understand how defense and crushing blows work
20:54.39ralfWORKthat's why you get your raid leader to address it ;)
20:54.42AbsoRayneralfWORK: Unless youre a pali, then you know, youre totally uncrushable!
20:54.47AbsoRaynerolls his eyes
20:54.47TemMy druid is the only reason I do
20:54.52ralfWORKAbsoRayne: FROM BIRTH
20:55.43AbsoRayneI love hearing palis say taht
20:55.51AbsoRayneand when they die on a boss fight "I got crushed".
20:56.32ralfWORKyou wouldn't believe how hard it was for me to convince our prot pally to become uncrushable
20:56.35ScytheBlade1So on a scale of 1-10, how subtle was my /bump?
20:57.04kd3where 10 is subtle or unsubtle?
20:57.20ScytheBlade1Ah. I see.
20:57.23ScytheBlade1I should work on that.
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20:59.28ScytheBlade1Ah well, live and learn
20:59.58kamdishaha Scythe
21:00.04ScytheBlade1Figured that you'd like that
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21:03.02quamarettoYah, the warrior tank took a 9480 crush from Magtheridon at the end.
21:03.11ScytheBlade1Whoops, had to pick a sibling up... now
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21:03.27quamarettoAfter taking a cleave for 11k - is that normal for a main tank?
21:03.38ralfWORKif he takes it alone?
21:03.44ralfWORKI could see that
21:04.01ralfWORKHalazzi does more than that :P
21:05.03quamarettoCan you go to a specific time in a WWS log?
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21:05.16ralfWORKquamaretto: uhm... yes I think so
21:05.35ralfWORKyou can search for certain things too
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21:05.42AbsoRayneCant. Stop. YAWNING
21:05.43ralfWORKlike... "things done to character X"
21:05.47TemralfWORK, you have a dumb pally tank
21:05.50ralfWORKor "things done by character X"
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21:06.03quamarettoYeah, I need to get right to 04:41'24 for magtheridon's cleaves... But I can page to it fine.
21:06.24AbsoRayneWhats the vs command for the bot again?
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21:06.50Temspeaking of dumb tanks, there was this druid on the druid forms touting his phillosphy that since growl is on a 10 second cooldown, it's better to use it every time it's up
21:07.00AbsoRayne!vs us kil'jaeden absolutrayne us kil'jaeden ubohica
21:07.03Temso that you never miss a chance to have it up
21:07.06quamarettoYah, took the cleave alone.
21:07.17ralfWORKquamaretto: your OT fails then
21:07.29quamarettoWell, not necessarilly.
21:07.36quamarettoMag was spinning around like a top the whole time.
21:07.43ralfWORKuh. k
21:07.49quamarettoSo maybe the MT's fault
21:08.00ralfWORKagain, I don't know the fight
21:08.01AbsoRayneWhy was he spinning? Does your tank not know what a hit box is?
21:08.16quamarettoWell, not spinning, but kept moving around. Dunno.
21:08.19ralfWORKbut I can't think of a time where a tank should take a cleave alone
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21:08.50quamarettoAnd since the tank got crushed at the end, I'm thinking it's probably his bad.
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21:10.02quamarettoAlright, thanks for advice :)
21:11.02AbsoRayne Boy band anyone?
21:12.13NightHawkAtWorkralfWORK, quamaretto: afaik, mag's cleaves do not split damage between tanks. There's no need for anyone else to "soak" it, and no problem with the tank taking the cleave alone
21:12.31NightHawkAtWorkin fact, the entire point is for the tank to be the ONLY one taking cleaves, everyone else should be behind mag.
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21:13.08ralfWORKNightHawkAtWork: aight I'll trust you on that, I haven't seen the encounter
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21:13.31ralfWORKbut uhm... wouldn't it not be a litteral cleave if it can't be split? :P
21:13.33quamarettoWowwiki just says "8k or more on tanks", so you're probably right
21:13.41quamarettoBut the crush is probably still the tank's bad...
21:13.46AbsoRayneAlso, dont forget
21:13.50NightHawkAtWorkquamaretto: absolutely it is, yes. :P
21:13.57AbsoRayneThe tank needs more than a flash of light when taking 8K damage.
21:14.01NightHawkAtWorkralfWORK: why so? Warrior's cleave ability doesn't "split" its damage
21:14.08AbsoRayneHard to process in the mind, I know.
21:14.16NightHawkAtWorkit does X damage to 2 targets, but it doesnt do 2x if there's only one target :p
21:14.35NightHawkAtWorkAbsoRayne: LIES! LIES AND SLANDER! :D
21:14.45AbsoRayneMags cleave isnt like the one in ZA off Bear and Lynx, its a flat out own your fucking face cleave. Anyone in front of it thats not the tank is probably going to die.
21:15.07NightHawkAtWorkralfWORK: actually, I'm pretty sure the concept of a split-damage cleave is new za, or at least TBC, isnt it?
21:15.09quamarettoAbsoRayne: Yeah. I think another part of the problem is that after warlocks are down, we have no healing assignments.
21:15.20NightHawkAtWorkwell, i guess you could call meteor in aq similar.
21:15.26ralfWORKNightHawkAtWork: mmm could be?
21:15.29quamarettoThis results in everyone going "ohshit" after blast nova to clear up raid damage (we're taking quite a few ticks of it right now)
21:15.41AbsoRayne4 healers on MT, rest on raid, spot healing the tank when needed. gg.
21:15.56AbsoRayne2 HoT healers, 2 heavy heals, youre done.
21:15.59NightHawkAtWorkquamaretto: imo, if you're taking more a single tick of blast nova after 2.4, your raid really fails. badly. :P
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21:16.56AbsoRayneI remember seeing the night after 2.4, the 'Bagtheradon' post on te General Forums
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21:17.30NightHawkAtWorkyeah, we did mag and gruul the night after 2.4 hit, so trivial.
21:17.33quamarettoNightHawk: That may be true. It's also a 2-guild run with the OTHER guild coordinating it...
21:17.36AbsoRaynebrb, checking on the kittens
21:17.39quamarettoSo it's their fault :P
21:19.32AbsoRayneTheyre all sleepy. ^____________________^
21:19.46amroiPod batteries are designed to run out at the best part of the song
21:20.36quamarettoUm... How does 20.26% dodge, 16.94% parry and 24.84% block sound on a tank (from armory)?
21:20.57zenzelezzbit low dodge
21:21.30zenzelezz"sheep what needs to be shept" o_O
21:21.53quamarettoI'm seeing nothing but stam gems too, with lost defense/dodge rating bonuses... Hmm
21:21.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Hirsute (
21:22.00NightHawkAtWorkthats fine
21:22.10NightHawkAtWorkdef/dodge socket bonuses dont usually  make up for the lost sta
21:22.56NightHawkAtWorkunless he's gemming a piece specifically for avoidance/hit, or needs the gems to reach the def cap, +12 sta gems all the way.
21:23.00AbsoRayneHes got as much dodge as I do, and im in T5.
21:23.07AbsoRayneLet me see his armory link?
21:23.25zenzelezzI'm in T5/T6 with 28% dodge
21:23.30zenzelezzno dodge gems
21:23.44AbsoRayneIm going to tell you right now
21:23.48AbsoRayneHe needs to respec a little
21:24.08quamarettoI hadn't looked at his exact spec. does he have 20%? That seems off...
21:25.05AbsoRayneoh nm, I see...
21:25.20AbsoRayneHis gear is more than fine for Mag...
21:25.42AbsoRayneHis parry is a little high for that fight
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21:25.46AbsoRayneThatll get him killed.
21:26.03AbsoRayneDoes he happen to have the boots off bear from ZA?
21:27.02zenzelezzyou suggest a lower parry on the tank? Don't hear many people say that to anyone except melee DPS
21:27.04quamarettoNo, looks like a kara drop
21:27.21AbsoRayneI suggest low parry for mag
21:27.26AbsoRayneBecause he his like a truck
21:27.32quamarettoWhat were you gonna say about his spec?
21:27.45HirsuteSo, not just lower parry, but replacing it with increased stam or dodge?
21:28.06zenzelezzAbsoRayne: I know he does, but that hasn't stopped the majority of people
21:28.17zenzelezzbut I understand your point, it's very valid
21:28.33NightHawkAtWorkAbsoRayne: er.. low parry on the tank wha?
21:28.45zenzelezzso the boss doesn't get the swing timer buff
21:28.54NightHawkAtWorker.. that only happens if the BOSS parries, not the tank
21:29.13NightHawkAtWorkwhich is not affected by the tanks parry%
21:29.25zenzelezzI can never remember which way it works, I just stick in my normal gear
21:29.27AbsoRayneIm telling you either way, he needs to lower his parry for block.
21:29.42NightHawkAtWorkAbsoRayne: why?
21:29.55NightHawkAtWork(not saying your wrong, i just dont know what you reasoning is)
21:29.55AbsoRayneAnd please, PLEASE ask him why he doesnt have 5/5 Cruelty for tanking. -_-
21:30.04zenzelezzblock isn't that effective unless you have a decent block value
21:30.11quamarettoWhy, what does that crit do?
21:30.12kd3lmao... a keylogger in the bug reports forum
21:30.18NightHawkAtWorkquamaretto: threat
21:30.23quamarettoWell, yeah
21:30.24zenzelezzAbsoRayne: was it you I had the discussion about cookie cutter specs with?
21:30.46AbsoRayneNightHawkAtWork: Mag isnt about TPS, its about surviving. The more block for that fight, the better.
21:30.47NightHawkAtWorkhe does have some wasted points in prot, though, and no imp def stance? wtf?
21:31.10AbsoRayneIf he has an Autoblocker, have him put it in place of the badge from Netherwing
21:31.20AbsoRayneAnd use it every time he can.
21:31.31zenzelezzI'll step out of this, I have too peculiar opinions on the matter
21:31.40quamarettoThat could be soloing gear... Don't see why, but maybe
21:31.48NightHawkAtWorkAbsoRayne: yeah, i know that, but parry is generally going to be at least as good, if not better than block for survival isn't it?
21:32.07AbsoRayneAnd for the love of god, have him lose imp revenge, imp taunt, shield bash and shield wall. Put 5/5 Cruelty, and Tach Mastery.
21:32.24AbsoRayneand maybe one back into imp taunt
21:32.30AbsoRayneas a filler
21:32.41quamarettoThe tank isn't in our guild
21:32.51quamarettoI shoudl have said this about 10 minutes ago
21:33.20AbsoRayneNightHawkTheSane: Constant midigation is better than a lucky parry
21:33.36AbsoRayneAnd yes I think it was me you had the discussion with about specs
21:33.58quamarettoYeah, what the hell on tactical mastery? I thought that was baseline, my level 20 warr has that.
21:34.01HirsuteImproved shield wall has saved me more times than i care to admit when my healer was having issues.
21:34.24AbsoRayneIf you need imp shield wall that madly, you need better healers. :/
21:34.33quamarettoThat's me.
21:34.41Temyou know, some of those warrior tanks make my druid exceptionally jealous
21:34.49NightHawkAtWorkeh, i think you can do without tactical mastery
21:34.53NightHawkAtWorkbut it is extremely handy
21:34.58TemI want a couple of those oh shit buttons for when my healer sucks
21:35.14NightHawkAtWorkTem: oh, come on.. you have.. frenzied regen! >.> *flee*
21:35.17quamarettoWell, our coordination sucks more than individual healers.
21:35.26TemNightHawkAtWork, QQ
21:35.27quamaretto8D FRENZIED REGENERATION
21:35.35AbsoRayneFrenzied Regen is like 'wat.'
21:35.54Temit's an oh shit button that if you wait until you have an "oh shit" moment, it's too late to use
21:35.54quamarettoI remember accidentally pushing that on my druid once and just thinking "why in the hell is that bound to any button" "ever"
21:36.00AbsoRayneThe only thing im jealous about bears is that they reach armor cap so fast.
21:36.08Temyes lol
21:36.13quamarettoIsn't druid tanking gear easier to come by too?
21:36.16NightHawkAtWorkEh, frenzied regen is nice when solo-bear-tanking things
21:36.17TemI'm almost there myself and have nothing but kara gear
21:36.22Temquamaretto, ROFL no
21:36.23NightHawkAtWorkquamaretto: not terribly
21:36.29Temexactly the opposite
21:36.31Temin fact
21:36.33NightHawkAtWorkits kinda  a pain in the ass
21:36.38NightHawkAtWorkthey try to hybridize cat/bear gear way too much
21:36.56quamarettoYou know, I've been through SP about 10 times for that cloak, you'd think I would get it.
21:37.05TemI got it :)
21:37.11Tembut I don't use it anymore
21:37.21TemI use the cloak from Mech
21:37.23quamaretto"Quit trying to gear up. Go buy and essence focuser and respec."
21:37.29AbsoRayneWouldnt the badge cloak be just as good for druid tanks? or no
21:37.30NightHawkAtWorkTem: get the badge cloak, imo.
21:37.34Temuntil I get enough badges--
21:37.40Temthank you, NightHawkAtWork
21:37.49AbsoRayne'jaeden&n=Absolutrayne om nom nom
21:37.55TemThat cloak is my next purchase
21:38.04TemI just bought the ring and bracers
21:38.08AbsoRayneMy STR is so horribly low. I wish I could change that...
21:38.27TemI want a new hat and shoulders _so_ bad
21:38.37NightHawkAtWorkwhats your current ones?
21:38.45TemExorcist hat
21:38.47AbsoRayneI want a new chestpiece. I can live with the t4 helm, its not bad at all.
21:38.51NightHawkAtWorkthere's like NO good tanking shoulders pre-t4 ><
21:38.53Temand shoulders from heroic BF
21:39.02Tempretty much, yeah
21:39.23Temthe hat needs to go real, real bad
21:39.37quamarettoWhat does block rating mean at 70? I can't parse the wowwiki article quite <_<
21:39.38Temand my shoulders are acceptable at best
21:39.51quamarettoOh nvm,I seeit
21:39.58Temthey're trying to put together a gruul run this weekend for before kara
21:40.00AbsoRayneBlock Rating = Increased Chance to Block
21:40.04NightHawkAtWorkTem: stylin' purple hat. :P
21:40.06Temso maybe I'll get lucky there too :)
21:40.10AbsoRayneBlock Value = How much Blocked
21:40.11TemNightHawkAtWork, meh
21:40.12quamarettoI meant block value
21:40.29TemI know it's better than what I have now, but I have a pretty decent chance at T4 this weekend
21:40.32quamarettoLIke I said, I just needed to look for 2 more seconds to see the big blinking red formula
21:40.38Temso I just don't feel like putting the effort
21:40.43NightHawkAtWorkheh, fair enough
21:40.49Temalso, I put a meta in it at 68 block seems kinda high...
21:40.58NightHawkAtWorkthe exorsist one is pretty nice, as is
21:40.59Temso I feel bad throwing it away
21:41.00AbsoRayneJust under 35%. O_o
21:41.29quamarettoAlso, where the hell are the priest staffs? The badge gear people hate us.
21:41.41quamarettoOh boy, more int/stam healing maces.
21:41.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
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21:42.05Temquamaretto, they only put druid staves in badge gear because they don't want them on bosses
21:42.17Tembecause it's ONE spec out of 27 that can use it
21:42.22NightHawkAtWorkhey, some of us like those healing maces.. those of us with shamans doing t6 content using the heroic murmur mace. ..>
21:42.30AbsoRayneand without trinket, or 2 piece t5 im already stopping 681 per block...
21:42.53AbsoRayneStopping 1101 with 2 piece t5 and Autoblocker popped. :D
21:43.00NightHawkAtWorkAbsoRayne: got the new sunwell meta? 10% block value! :P
21:43.01quamaretto<_< Yeah, I just wish something before Nightbane had real spirit
21:43.14AbsoRayneNightHawkAtWork: I actually bought it off a horde. :P
21:43.19NightHawkAtWorkAbsoRayne: hah, nice
21:43.22AbsoRayneNeutral AH ftw
21:43.30MentalPower~seen AnduinLothar
21:43.32purlanduinlothar is currently on #wowi-lounge (23h 18m 15s) #wowace (23h 18m 15s), last said: 'is it just me or does openning the interface options break EnumerateFrames()'.
21:44.09*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
21:44.54quamarettoI gotta go work, thanks for the help guys <_<
21:45.08LunessaOk... Off to go teach people to use Office 2007.
21:45.15TemLunessa, I'm sorry
21:45.27Temoff to class with me
21:45.29NightHawkAtWork... my sincere condolances. ><
21:45.30LunessaIt pays the bills... barely.
21:48.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Yssaril (
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21:55.11AbsoRaynekamdis: Lurker!
21:55.29*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (
21:56.06NightHawkAtWorkLurker? I hardly know her...
21:58.14*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWor1 (
22:00.03IndustrialI dont see my texture
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22:00.38NightHawkAtWorkbecause you touch yourself at night?
22:01.04Industrialshouldnt it just be a while little 20x20 block in the center of my screen when I am casting? (because thats its parent)
22:02.49wereHamsteryou never :Show() it
22:03.20NightHawkAtWorkyeah, i was about to say that..
22:04.04Industrialstill nothing
22:04.36wereHamsteris a frame by default hidden or showed? because your 'frame' which you use for your onUpdate(), that function is either called never or at every redraw
22:05.11Industrialits default shown
22:05.42wereHamsterthe code as you posted it, never executes the onEvent() callback
22:05.55wereHamster:RegisterEvent() is missing
22:06.37Industrialwell it doesnt even need an event handler imo :\
22:06.42kamdisRayne:  I'll lurk YOU
22:06.43wereHamsterdon't be so hard to yourself :)
22:08.18*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (
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22:13.33AbsoRayneThe UI Competition thread is on its way to page 2!
22:13.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Nolook_ (
22:15.26AbsoRayneAh well
22:15.31dylanmThat doesn't seem like a good idea.
22:15.31AbsoRayneWas a good giggle
22:15.44AbsoRaynedylanm: Which is very much why were ignoring it!
22:16.08*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (
22:17.23kamdisSo, um, am I as big a moron as this person on the forums wants me to think I am?  I told him/her there's no way to macro stop auto follow.  Am I wrong?
22:17.44kamdisit's a movement function, no?
22:17.46LopeppeppyI understood the same as you did.
22:17.49kamdistherefore protected
22:18.07LopeppeppyAnyone else tell us we're sane?  Please?
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22:19.16kamdiswowwiki will know
22:19.44Lopeppeppyi'm trying to scroll through Cog's guide right now....  I'll race ya.
22:20.02wereHamsterwhat UI competition?
22:20.21cog|workkamdis: /follow ?
22:20.37kamdisDoes it toggle that way?
22:20.40kamdisto stop?
22:20.43cog|worknot sure...
22:20.47ScytheBlade1Does not toggle
22:21.01LopeppeppyOh dear.  Now wonder *I'm* unsure, if Cogwheel's unsure...
22:21.09AbsoRaynekamdis: Can I see the thread?
22:21.26cog|workany emote that would interrupt your following would do... for example, /sit followed by /stand might do it
22:21.31kamdisyaeh, me too.  Damn it.
22:21.36kamdisthe lapdance thread Rayne
22:22.17kamdisThey want a way to macro stopfollow for their dual-boxing slave
22:22.21*** part/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
22:22.28kamdisI just don't think you can.
22:22.33AbsoRayneYou cant
22:22.35kamdisThey should just keybind it
22:23.56ScytheBlade1Can't do it "remotely"
22:24.10ScytheBlade1Can make an out of combat based addon that would update one keybound button though
22:25.18kergothhmm, prat seems to get confused and screw up my combat log's positioning/size
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22:27.36kamdisthey want to put it in the middle of a /petattack, /cast Hunter's Mark macro
22:27.44kamdiswhich is a no
22:27.48kamdisI hate people
22:28.05Lopeppeppyhugs kamdis tight. People suck, but sometimes individuals are quite nice.
22:28.29kamdisyes, that's true.  I hate people, but quite like some individuals.
22:28.34kamdishugs Peppy back.
22:29.12kamdiswonders how long until the ooo girl on girl action comments start.
22:29.22AbsoRaynedoesnt care. :B
22:30.46*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (
22:31.10LopeppeppyThe guys are being.... gentlemanly tonight.  There's hope for the world yet.
22:31.37NightHawkAtWorkI guess if you really want, I could make a lewd comment or two, I was actually doing work, though. ;)
22:31.50LopeppeppyNo darlin', you just keep on as you were before, that's fine.
22:32.12NightHawkAtWorkgoes back to crying into his vb code. ><
22:32.37LopeppeppyCareful or it will get rusty
22:32.52NightHawkAtWorkoh, trust me, this code is already old and rusty. :P
22:33.15*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (
22:34.14ScytheBlade1Haha. Man I love Unreal Tournament.
22:34.22ScytheBlade1"Sbo tried out one of his mines. It worked!"
22:35.48kamdisHahaha.  Exclamator told me to "stop double posting."
22:37.28*** part/#wowi-lounge DevastatorIIC (
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22:50.59Lunessa... returns from teaching office 2007.
22:52.40Nechcknyou are quite the quick one, Lunessa
22:53.16Lunessait's an overview... 2003 --> 2007
22:54.13Nechckndo you just show them their bank account where they had more money before they bought it, and now less?
22:54.36LunessaNo, I show them where to put money into my bank account directly.
22:54.49Nechckneven better
22:59.15*** join/#wowi-lounge ecstasia (n=ecs@unaffiliated/ecstasia)
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23:01.38LopeppeppyAfter a patch, the stupids come out.
23:05.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
23:05.40LunessaKamdis... I saw the post you meant.  He needs an elephant to lapdance on his head.
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23:09.58Lopeppeppytotally likes that image
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23:20.49Dumankd3 sniping posts in the bug report forum!
23:21.20GuillotineCairenn: you never cease to amaze me. How did you write the most recent news post without including a "ROFL" or "facepalm"? I never could have done it
23:21.45Cairennjust reporting news that impacts the mod community
23:22.05LunessaWhich is why we <3 her.
23:23.07kd3shakes his head at the latest news out of them
23:24.37Guillotinehaha, HighRoller has gotten ANOTHER 3k downloads on WoWI since yesterday
23:26.02GuillotineSo somebody just reported the AddOn "QuestHelper" on Curse. With what comment? "quest helper". Thanks.
23:26.18Guillotineuserz iz stoopid sumteims
23:27.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Drundia2 (n=drewndia@
23:29.21LunessaHighRoller, IllegalAddOn - what's next?  MadSkillz?
23:30.02Drundiamaybe RichMan?
23:31.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=0ctavius@
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23:31.09Cairennhey Beladona
23:31.25CairennGuillotine: lol
23:31.37Josh_Borke~emulate Josh_Borke
23:31.38purlACTION hugs Cairenn
23:31.57Cairenn~emulate cairenn
23:31.58purlACTION purrs
23:32.03Cairennhugs Josh_Borke
23:32.47LopeppeppyWTF... I alt-tab and crash my WoW.  Every time.
23:33.04LopeppeppyWhat happened.  *sigh*
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23:33.18Kalrothblame Josh!
23:35.10Josh_Borkewhy blame josh?
23:35.13Josh_Borkeblame kaelten imo
23:35.34Kaeltenthats it
23:35.43Kaeltenha take that!
23:35.54kamdisI'm not away dammit
23:36.28Josh_BorkeKaelten: you ever gonna work on that calendar mod again?
23:37.02LunessaPeople with extended ASCII character graphic .sig files should DIAF
23:37.27ag`don't make me post the orly owl
23:40.33*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
23:40.39AbsoRayneWhy do people need 50 million fucking things on their screens? Honestly
23:40.45Gngskso, I have this secure frame, and I have it setup to show/hide on click, how could I go about having it shown whe I hold the keybinding and hide when I release it?
23:40.48Josh_Borkeinformation overload man
23:42.36*** part/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
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23:43.43GuillotineJonathan Coulton is just pure win
23:43.58GuillotineDoes anybody else type in a mix of qwerty and dvorak sometimes? o.O
23:44.29kamdisYou could tell him he can make more bars with the bar mod, Rayne.
23:44.35kamdissome of us like info overload :P
23:44.37AbsoRayneI could
23:44.40AbsoRayneBut I dont want to
23:44.47kamdisfair enough
23:44.54AbsoRayneDont have to hold peoples hands
23:46.23AbsoRayneWhy do people on macs just have endless problems with my UI?
23:46.50AbsoRayne"I have a mac and everythings so small!" "It wont install right!" "How do I open a .rar?!"
23:47.17AbsoRayneOr do retards just flock to me?
23:47.39kamdisI have a mac
23:47.47Josh_BorkeGuillotine: what do you mean?
23:47.52AbsoRayneYes but youve used my UIs and had no problems with them
23:47.59Josh_BorkeGuillotine: mix how?  as in switch between machines or mid sentence switch layouts mentally?
23:48.11Guillotinemid sentance
23:48.12Josh_BorkeAbsoRayne: why do you use rar?
23:48.17kamdisPeople r dum Rayne.
23:48.19GuillotineI keep typing d instead of e :(
23:48.20Josh_BorkeGuillotine: nope, i've never switched mid sentence
23:48.36Josh_BorkeGuillotine: frequently i'll type incorrectly for the entirety of a sentence
23:48.38Josh_Borkeonly to start over
23:49.11NightHawkAtWorkAbsoRayne: i'm going to go with the retards idea. :P and yeah, why .rar?
23:49.12AbsoRaynekamdis: Aparently
23:49.17LunessaGngsk: look for the IsKeyDown API on WoWWiki
23:49.19Guillotinerecently I've been doing one or two words in Dvorak randomly on my qwerty keyboard ><
23:49.56GngskLunessa, I am tryin' to do this with the securestateheader, and I found the SecureUpDownTemplate, but I get an error when I try to inherit it
23:50.36Josh_Borkehow do i compile a java program?
23:50.58Josh_Borkeok, i did that, but i can't run the class with java foo.class
23:51.06kd3try 'java foo'
23:51.22Josh_Borkeoo, thanks
23:52.06Josh_Borkegd pos
23:52.15Josh_BorkeException in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: MultiCastZoo (wrong name: MultiCastZoo/MultiCastZoo)
23:52.20Josh_Borkethis is a stupid pos program
23:52.32Josh_Borkeis all i was told and i have to get it running
23:53.05LunessaGngsk: I've not meddled at all with those so I'm not the right guy to ask.  However - I think you're going to need to look at the SecureActionButton stuff too.
23:53.57GngskLunessa, yah, I have a SecureActionButton. Took me a while, but I have everything I want working with a click to toggle show/hide. I just want to make it so I can hold the key to show and let go to hide.
23:54.56LunessaGngsk: Then you've gotten further than i can help you with, sorry.  I'd ask Cogwheel, Alestasne, or Iriel.  Or Maul if he's around.
23:55.02GngskI guess my issue is that the comments in the SecureStateHeader.lua say there's a SecureUpDownTemplate but it isn't defined in the xml. Prolly some other way to do it.
23:55.24GngskLunessa, thx I guess I'll just lurk until one of them becomes active.
23:56.08Gngskoh, hmm, guess it's just a typo in the comments, it refers to SecureUpDownTemplate when it should be SecureAnchorUpDownTemplate, but that makes more sense in the end
23:57.16*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (
23:58.25Lunessa*nod*  Glad I could at least point you in the right direction.

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