IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080328

00:00.32SantaClaussThanks for all, g2g. Beybey
00:03.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie_ (
00:04.24NechcknSure... I get back just in time to miss the visit from Santaclaus!!
00:06.43*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (n=sylvanaa@
00:15.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Norsken (
00:19.56RayneCairenn: yeeesssss?
00:20.16CairennBBCLite has an .exe in it, we can't approve
00:20.46CairennCherry Lite v3.1/Interface/AddOns/GuildRaidSnapShot/GetGRSSDKP.exe
00:21.06Raynety Cairenn :)
00:21.14Cairenncan you poof that and edit the upload?
00:21.25RayneDoing so right now :)
00:21.29Cairennthanks Rayne
00:21.33Cairennwill approve soon as that's gone
00:22.38RayneIm also going to push Burnt Black Cherry 11 through in a minute, let me make sure I removed it from there too...
00:23.28RayneSilly WinRar
00:23.30RayneZIP FASTER
00:27.02sag_ich_nichtgot the problem
00:27.05sag_ich_nichtdelete chat-cache.txt
00:27.09sag_ich_nichtsettings save now
00:27.12sag_ich_nichtthe combatlog has a bug
00:27.24ScytheBlade1I deleted my chat-cache.txt when I re-did my addons
00:27.29ScytheBlade1That explains a lot of things
00:27.35sag_ich_nichtthe combatlog filter is overwritten by the default filter if you login
00:27.43sag_ich_nichtchange to a different filter
00:27.44sag_ich_nichtand back
00:27.47sag_ich_nichtand it starts working
00:29.14Raynemy upload rate sucks.
00:29.50cogumel0when dealing with an addon that creates dots on the map pretty much like notesuneed, is it viable to load all the notes from all the different areas from the variables onto tables at login?
00:29.51RayneCairenn: Uploaded
00:30.44CairennRayne: can't approve, again
00:30.53hastecogumel0: you most likely just create a refrence, so yes
00:30.54Cairennyou forgot to scrub your wtf folder
00:30.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Maul|TrinityUI (i=446c1daa@gateway/web/ajax/
00:31.23cogumel0haste, what do you mean just create a reference?
00:31.25Raynewow. that wasnt like that. O_o
00:31.43CairennRayne: well, I *could* approve it that way, but don't think you really want me to
00:31.47RayneCairenn: Bear with me, my day did get bad. :/
00:31.52hastecogumel0: you don't "load" the table, it's already there, you just create a local refrence to it
00:31.57CairennRayne: not a problem :)
00:32.08zenzelezzRayne: this is why warriors don't make UIs
00:32.38Raynezenzelezz: /evileye
00:32.39cogumel0ahh, see haste, the problem is that I'm not quite familiar with the saving in variables/loading from variables part.
00:33.31RayneOk, lets try this ONE more time
00:34.10cogumel0so I'm now assuming that as long as I'm loading something from a saved variable, it will be created automatically, even if I don't create any references to it. In which case, since it has no references, after a while it gets picked up by the GC and there's no way of getting that info back until there's a UI reload?
00:34.14CairennRayne: heh
00:34.39RayneCairenn: btw, do you guys monitor bandwith usage per user? And have a throttle for uploading from like the same IP?
00:34.41hastecogumel0: the saved vars are loaded with your add-on, it's a global table regardless of if you use it or not
00:34.42RayneJust curious
00:34.54CairennRayne: not to my knowledge, nope
00:35.11hastecogumel0: so no, it won't be GC'd
00:35.23cogumel0haste, thx, you just answered my question :P
00:35.24Corrodiasi'm trying to help someone remove a relatively unpopular MSN Messenger virus
00:35.43RayneAh. Seems like some days my Upload to WoWI is much better, but occasionally its really low.
00:35.52RayneThen again 2.4 did come out and people are still in a state of panic
00:35.56Corrodiasanybody familiar with one that messages you with "is this really you?" and a link to a file that looks like an and is really a .com file?
00:36.08cogumel0now to figure out how to actually implement saved variables onto my addon
00:36.28RayneCorrodias: I remember that, it used to be passed around on AIM alot too
00:36.36CairennRayne: aye, it's just how busy we are
00:36.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
00:36.57RayneOne of the many reasons I stopped using AIM
00:37.07Corrodiasi don't suppose you remember specific things about removing it
00:37.18cogumel0format c:\
00:37.25cogumel0always does the trick for me
00:37.41Corrodiasunless it happens to have infected files on other drives
00:37.54Corrodiasand/or the boot sector
00:38.13Corrodiasbut that's old school. nobody modifies the boot sector any more.
00:39.09Corrodiasyou'd have to boot from some floppies for that shit
00:39.32Raynefloppy drives, we hardly knew you...
00:39.39Raynesheds a tear
00:40.02RayneCairenn: Try now
00:40.26Cairennstill personal info in wtf
00:40.30cogumel0Corrodias, you can still change your boot sector and EMBR ... ...
00:40.32RayneReally? Where
00:40.45RayneIm missing something really stupid then
00:40.58Corrodiasi know, but there aren't any popular viruses that do that any more
00:41.29Corrodiascan't say i miss those days, but viruses were a lot scarier then. more about destruction and less about... propogation.
00:42.14cogumel0well that's probably because people have gained more knowledge about computers anyway.
00:42.28CairennRayne: sent you a PM, make sure you have already /msg nickserv identify [pw] if you are trying to respond to me
00:43.27RayneWell the only thing I asked was if the folders are still coming up named
00:43.49RayneOr if theres something in that .txt im missing. I dont mind talking about it in the open *shrug*
00:44.45Cairennthey are still named
00:44.52Cairennexactly what I just showed you in the PM
00:45.27RayneCairenn: Thats really wierd, because I just opened the zipped file I have in my WoW Folder, and its not named...
00:45.47CairennI really don't want to post the information in this channel, for the exact same reason I won't approve it on the site
00:46.15AbsoRayneTry PMing me now
00:47.14Cairennyou get it?
00:47.23AbsoRayneYeah I responded
00:47.27Cairennno response
00:51.01cogumel0how do I save something onto a saved variable?
00:51.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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00:56.35cogumel0umm... anyone care to help?
01:00.19zenzelezzdid you check the wiki? It has all you need to know
01:01.18*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
01:02.08cogumel0I did yes, couldn't find it
01:02.35cogumel0probably wrong search string ...
01:03.46zenzelezz"saved variables" would have done it
01:03.57zenzelezzalways start with the obvious
01:04.37cogumel0lol, thx
01:07.11cogumel0must my reference to the variable be a global variable or can it be a local variable?
01:07.26*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
01:08.47cogumel0and must the variable that is a reference to the saved variable have the same name as the saved variable?
01:08.50AbsoRayneWhy is it I can never get any Pali healers for TK. :/
01:09.56WobWorkcogumel0: The value you place in the .toc to refer to the SV is the variable you use to save your details
01:10.22WobWorkit's already a global reference
01:10.35WobWorkIf you use a local reference, it won't save to the global one, and thus not save your details
01:10.52cogumel0and does it save automatically ?
01:15.48NightHawkTheSanewhy does everything decide to go pear shaped -right- at 5:00pm
01:16.05NightHawkTheSanenot, say, 3pm when i have time to do something about it, or 7pm, long after i've stopped caring
01:17.52MentalPowercogumel0: read the wiki link
01:18.07WobWorkYou're only -just- getting that?
01:18.17WobWorkWe've had that for a while now
01:18.22WobWorkDamn those seats are comfy
01:18.47WobWorkThey're really good for the long lord of the rings style movies
01:19.07NightHawkTheSane... we're seattle, we'd really rather just watch the movie at home on our big screen tv than go out to a movie theatre anyway
01:19.20NightHawkTheSaneunless it's some crazy indie movie, or some crazy indie theatre
01:19.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Saeris (
01:20.20SaerisAnyone know why Blizzard's combat log filter applying code uses only the events list of the first filter?
01:23.25art3misbecause they took a poll amoungst the programmers and decied that YOU would be thier special target of irritation ;P
01:23.50dylanm2.4 was rushed.
01:24.00art3misno it wasnt
01:24.05art3mis2.4 was right on time
01:24.18Corrodias2.4 was long overdue
01:24.21art3misthe quality of coders was a bit lacking this time around because of easter and spring break ;P
01:24.47Corrodias2.4 never came
01:24.49Corrodias2.4 has always been
01:24.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Recluse (
01:24.59art3misCorrodias: it told me it did
01:25.00NightHawkTheSaneThere is no 2.4, there is only zuul.
01:25.01Corrodiasthere, now the patch has been evaluated to be in every possible position
01:25.07dylanmI don't argue that there wasn't an overly long content drought.
01:25.09art3misI AM THE GATE KEEPER!
01:25.18bleeteromg! a content patch that was 'rushed'! FLEEEEEEE
01:25.20dylanmBut this thing is a little buggy.
01:25.31bleeteromg! a content patch that was 'a little bit buggy'! FLEEEEEEE
01:25.32Corrodiasdid you help out the testing on the PTR?
01:25.43dylanmMhmm. go play catpult!
01:25.51SaerisSeriously though, I can't think of a reason why it's using only the first event list.
01:25.53art3miserr cat vaccuum
01:26.07Corrodiasdid they not get to some of the bugs, or have new ones popped up since the last iteration?
01:26.20dylanmI think you're getting the impression that I'm hating on Blizzard. Not the case.
01:26.31bleeterSome bugs only appear when it goes live, like the BG name foo
01:26.39Corrodiasthis is true. what foo?
01:26.48art3misyou take Lie-agra and walk around with a perm hate-on
01:27.05bleetereg Bleeter-USBG1 instead of Bleeter-Thunderpants
01:27.24bleeterman, I'd pay for a tx if there were a Thunderpants battlegroup
01:32.39*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
01:36.58ScytheBlade1In Omen, how do I change which view I'm using while using the stock skin?
01:36.58zenzelezzsaw something interesting in the combat log earlier.... "18:00:57> fades from Winslow's whateverweaponname". The name of the poison that wore off apparently didn't show for some reason
01:37.15AntiarcScytheBlade1: Turn on the modules bar :P
01:37.20AntiarcI need to add slash commands to activate modules.
01:37.26AntiarcOr bindings to cycle through modules
01:38.27ScytheBlade1Well, I'm running through BT tonight. I'll use the bug tracker as I can ;)
01:38.52LukianAntiarc, on a side note, Omen now looks more like KTM than it should, I enjoyed Omen's lightweight appearance, the addition of a border and giant  buttons.. well.
01:39.07ScytheBlade1You can resize the buttons
01:39.13AntiarcLukian: /omen skin load classic
01:39.20LukianCan you hide the border?
01:39.32AntiarcThe beauty of it is that its appearance is fully editable ;)
01:39.42AntiarcAnd yes, just set its opacity to 0 in the color selector
01:42.40AbsoRaynewtb TK run. -_-
01:44.05MentalPower &
01:44.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Slackwise (
01:45.07Cide0.9899 is fairly close
01:45.50MentalPowerindeed it is
01:45.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
01:46.12MentalPowertho I like the overall graph better
01:46.18*** join/#wowi-lounge DuTempete (
01:46.41MentalPowerWoW just skyrocketed, and everyone is either stable or losing market
01:46.53ScytheBlade1Antiarc: r66199 good to file stuff on, or should I update?
01:46.54MentalPowerthe only one rising is RuneScape
01:47.04AntiarcDepends on the bug
01:47.21ScytheBlade1I shall update then
01:48.01AtriaceNeed a little help on technique.  I'm trying to reveal buttons behind a frame when the mouse enters the frame (and cover the buttons with the frame again once the mouseleaves).  My problem is once I cover the buttons, even the though the frame dissapears, it prevents the buttons from recieving mouse events.  Any suggestions?
01:49.42AtriaceI'm currently just using the method of OnEnter/OnLeave  obj:Hide()/obj:Show() respectively.
01:50.15ScytheBlade1Use alpha instead of show/hide?
01:51.10AtriaceI'm not sure that would allow the buttons behind the frame to receive mouse events... would it?
01:51.15ScytheBlade1It does
01:52.18ScytheBlade1I should read
01:53.49MentalPowerit does not
01:54.35MentalPowerAtriace: you could use IsMouseOver()
01:54.43MentalPowerthat does not rely on mouse events
01:54.52MentalPowerbut you'll have to run it OnUpdate
01:54.57AtriaceI was about to add that.
01:55.35AtriaceWell, performing that test every half-second should be any sort of a hit on performance, I suppose.
01:55.44Atriaceshoundn't be, rather.
01:56.48MentalPowerIsMouseOver()'s code is in the FrameXML, so you can take a look at exactly what it does
01:56.59ScytheBlade1Antiarc: 66516 is the latet I'm showing - that acceptable?
01:57.25ScytheBlade1Okay. I've got a few GUI screenshots as-is. I'll see what I can post after the raid
02:15.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (i=9b1f4695@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
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02:18.06*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
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02:18.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Lukian (i=wizard@
02:19.06cogwheelwow... i never tried that before but it really works...
02:19.48*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
02:20.12cogwheelacting like a perky girl on a female gnome toon... they really give me stuff...
02:20.38Lukianwhere stuff = cyber?
02:20.51cogwheeland loot
02:21.01ShirikAny C++ gurus know whether I can safely ignore this warning if I'm not operating on the object until after the constructor is finished? warning C4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list
02:22.58p3limwhat happened to the optionhouse part of optionhouse? :p
02:24.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
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02:24.35Lopeppeppyis very very tired. Who has the rum and coke?
02:24.51Shirikhugs Lopeppeppy
02:25.21cogwheelLopeppeppy: will vodka and diet barq's do?
02:25.29MentalPowerLopeppeppy: I do
02:25.33NightHawkTheSanei have a half a bottle of wine
02:25.33CideShirik: no
02:25.47MentalPowerlives 10mi from the Bacardi factory
02:25.47Cideactually I'm not even close to a C++ guru so ignore me
02:25.48LopeppeppyYou all are saints in disguise.  I'll take a little of it all?  *laugh*
02:26.07cogwheelI've also got a variety of wine, disarono, i think some yager, .... umm... patron.... lychee schnapps
02:26.25cogwheelirish cream... various beers... mikes lemonade
02:26.51cogwheelpeach schnapps, khalua
02:26.57cogwheel(global "(sp?)")
02:27.04LopeppeppyMrs. Cogwheel has a god in her household.
02:27.38NightHawkTheSanesadly, my current liquor stock is only 1.5 bottles of wine, one of which is some nice raspberry wine, and a half case of beer. i am so sad. :(
02:28.09cogwheeloh! we do have a bit of captain in us........... <.<
02:28.33cogwheeland some non-diet root-beer...
02:28.44cogwheelrealizes he should've /away'ed a long time ago
02:30.47MentalPoweroh dear...
02:31.12cog|awayoooh! apple schnapps, brandy, southern comfort, amaretto, butterscotch, sake, champagne, blue curacao, and grenadine...
02:31.36AnduinLotharwhy are we listing alc?
02:31.51cog|awayoffering Lopeppeppy a drink
02:32.10AnduinLothartonight is champagne and penutbutter brownies night
02:32.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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02:32.17Cairennis so tired a single drink would probably put her under the table
02:32.30Irielhands cair a glass... of water
02:33.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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02:33.38ShirikCide: I always ignore you :D
02:33.43Shirikjkjk please don't stab me
02:33.51CideShirik: you're probably better off that way :P
02:34.13Shirikit makes sense to me though
02:34.49Shirikthe only reason that warning comes up is because I'm using "this" before the this constructor has been called, so the object is unstable. But I just want a pointer to it for future reference... I'm not using it immediately
02:35.03Shirikbesides, my program is crashing for other reasons right now :P ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED when opening com port for some reason :(
02:35.14LopeppeppyCairenn, I'm *hoping* this one drink puts me under the table.  Moving boxes is hard work.  Peppy needs a nap.
02:35.25CairennLopeppeppy: :)
02:36.35p3limTourGuide\StatusFrame.lua:242: Usage: GetItemInfo(itemID|"name"|"itemlink")
02:37.06AtriaceMentalPower:  Just finished digging through the FrameXML.  I can't find any reference to IsMouseOver.
02:37.22IrielMouseIsOver ?
02:37.34MentalPowerwhat Iriel said :)
02:37.44MentalPowermany many appologies
02:37.55IrielIt's in UIParent.lua, I think
02:37.58AtriaceThat did it.  Lost is found.  Thanks.  :)
02:40.57*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (n=sylvanaa@
02:46.45*** join/#wowi-lounge enum (
02:51.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
03:01.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Nechckn_V2 (
03:08.16*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
03:08.16*** topic/#wowi-lounge is | 2.4.x ToC: 20400 | WoW programming book | Esamynn remains undefated
03:09.34AtriaceWhich MPQ contains the sound effects?
03:09.51AtriaceMy viewer is taking a loooooong time to open them.
03:11.15MentalPowerAtriace: which sound effects?
03:11.17Adysdepends which ones
03:11.33MentalPowermuahahahaha! beat ya to it Adys :P
03:12.08*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (i=cbceb2e4@gateway/web/ajax/
03:12.19Adysexpansion-speech for BC npc speeches etc, expansion.mpq for expansion sound effects
03:12.35Adysspeech for general speeches, and common.mpq for the rest
03:12.49Adys(speech and expansion-speech = anything that would get localized)
03:15.40IrielAnyone up to try a combat log fixing addon for ?
03:15.42AtriaceCommon it is...
03:15.43Irielfor me?
03:16.35MentalPowerlua> ("F1300061AA03B78C"):len() * 4
03:16.35lua_botMentalPower: 64
03:16.39NightHawkTheSaneIriel: you mean test it for you?
03:17.09NightHawkTheSanei probably could, whats it supposed to fix?
03:17.09AtriaceI wouldn't have any logs to test it on, atm.
03:17.42IrielThe refresh on zone, and the overly long refilter time
03:18.05enumcan anyone offer hand for unit flags? I'm trying to get an understanding on how to use them, but the info on wowwiki doesn't really go into a lot of detail. Basically, I understand the example they have here at the bottom regarding a dueling player. Because I can add it up, it makes sense. Although, for a hostiple NPC srcFlags shows 68168 which I cannot seem to come up with using the unit flag table
03:18.09*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
03:18.22IrielI'm (a) not sure if I got all the problem pieces and (b) if it works for everyone
03:21.18Xinhuaniriel i think someone already have a fix on wowi
03:21.31XinhuanCombatLogFixer or something, all it does is unregister P_E_
03:21.42IrielMine's a bit smarter than that
03:22.09IrielMine replaces PEW with VL
03:22.15LopeppeppyIriel is wicked smart.
03:22.15Irieland caps the refilter count
03:22.25Xinhuanthe entire function was supposed to be 2 events
03:22.30XinhuanVL and PEW
03:22.36Xinhuansome guy at blizz merged them into a single event
03:22.46Xinhuanthe top part (the refilter part) was supposed to be in VL
03:22.55IrielIs there code that needs to get run on PEW ?
03:23.02Xinhuanand the bottom part, the if-check, is supposed to be in PEW
03:23.05Xinhuanyeah there was
03:23.19Xinhuanthe code i sent in originally has 2 parts
03:23.32IrielCan you send me that code?
03:23.38Xinhuanhmm a moment
03:28.53*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
03:30.42ScytheBlade1Antiarc: I'll file this, but Counterspell is throwing an error. Have a screenshot
03:30.51batrickShirik|zZz: ping
03:30.58batricki know ur awake
03:32.07Lopeppeppy"Try Perelli's MIracle Elixir!"
03:33.56GuillotineIf you guys want to cause REAL chaos in trade, link Holyform on a priest and say 'Wait, did all priests get [Holyform] this patch, or did I get it from some spell and not notice it?"
03:34.11*** join/#wowi-lounge AlexanderYoshi (
03:35.50bleeterOUCH LOL
03:35.53bleetersoz caps
03:35.57MentalPowerGuillotine: whats the spellId?
03:36.29*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o AlexanderYoshi] by ChanServ
03:36.40MentalPoweroh wow
03:36.52MentalPowergoogle search for wowdb spell gives that spell as the first hit
03:37.46CideI love that spell
03:37.59Cideit's so funny that blizzard created exactly what all priests wanted, and then gave it to an npc
03:38.28*** join/#wowi-lounge quoin (
03:40.30NightHawkTheSanestrangles the new chat settings bug.
03:42.00Lopeppeppy~comfort NightHawkTheSane
03:42.00purlThere, there, NightHawkTheSane.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
03:42.03Guillotineor link and ask where you can train that rank as a rogue
03:45.33LopeppeppyMean, again.
03:45.49WobWorkI'm still disappointed that Luffa cannot remove that buff
03:46.08LopeppeppyYeah, the Luffa doesn't really have use beyond 60.
03:46.21Xinhuanhmm i can't copy spellinks from wowhead yet :(
03:46.39WobWorkscript DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Shift-click this link to put into chat: \124cff71d5ff\124Hspell:46565\124h[Holyform]\124h\124r");
03:47.07WobWorkNow go, do evil =)
03:48.39GuillotineSo theres now a hunter quest to get
03:48.43Guillotineat least as far as people in trade know
03:49.03ScytheBlade1Epic win
03:50.00GuillotineTheres a bug where if you take 1/2 Dirty Tricks, you get to replace your blind
03:51.16Xinhuanso WobWork
03:51.19Xinhuani typed that
03:51.23Xinhuanin /2, or rather
03:51.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Amarande (
03:51.25CideGuillotine: wow!
03:51.27Xinhuani asked a priest guildy to do it
03:51.38Xinhuanand /2 generated 0 response
03:51.41Xinhuanpretty fail
03:51.43Amarandeoh god.
03:51.48Amarandeall I can say right now is NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
03:51.48WobWorkClearly blackrock fails at being trolled
03:52.01bleeterblackrock just fails
03:52.12CideAmarande: did you delete your addon? if so, ask ScytheBlade1 what to do - I hear he has experience
03:52.15Lopeppeppyplease, don't let blackrock be invading AD again.
03:52.24cog|awayCide: were you around when i mentioned the jack-o-lantern e-mail my mom sent me?
03:52.29bleeteror TB
03:52.30Cidecog|away: nope
03:53.08AmarandeCide: no
03:53.15Amarandethat wouldn't involve spending $25
03:53.22AmarandeI paid $25 to transfer to what, as of 2.3, was a better server for me
03:53.30enumif I want to see what arg contains when an event is fired, what is a good method for printing ... to something readable on screen?
03:53.32Amarandenow it's as bad as my old server in one important way :(
03:53.45Amarandestupid goddamned epic fail patch
03:53.47XinhuanBR vs AD hehe
03:53.50Xinhuanits a 2-way war now
03:54.00Xinhuaneverytime AD dies, they come to invade BR too
03:54.01AmarandeI transferred from Turalyon to Quel'dorei for two reasons
03:54.23Amarande1) it's less progressed on Q'D so it should not be the hell to get 5-man instance groups as it was in Turalyon
03:54.25LopeppeppyYeah, but the Blackrock GM's use the banstick a lot, the AD GM's don't.
03:54.39WobWorkI -like- the octopus one
03:54.47Xinhuanaren't GMs not server specific?
03:54.47*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:54.55Amarande2) the Emberstorm battlegroup was better, you could actually get into battlegrounds in a reasonable period, unlike Stormstrike where Alliance were boycotting AV and queues were ridiculous
03:54.55Cidecog|away: haha, some of those are amazing
03:55.01Amarandeok. guess what's happened since 2.4 on Emberstorm
03:55.11Cidethe plague hit?
03:55.21AmarandeCide: alliance are boycotting AV :(
03:55.27Amarandeand WSG too, apparently
03:55.35Xinhuanpeople linking spells and making stories out of spells instead of spamming thunderfury 200x on /2?
03:55.35LopeppeppyDunno, Xinhuan, but most of the AD people don't troll Blackrock anymore, it's not worth the 72 hour banstick.
03:55.36Cideouch. well, in a month you can spend another $25 and GTFO
03:55.37Amarandequeues are over an hour
03:56.01Xinhuanare you from AD Lopeppeppy hehe
03:56.16Cidenah, BC
03:56.18WobWorkFree transfers off AD btw
03:56.26Cideshe's ooooooold.
03:56.30Cide(sorry Lopeppeppy!)
03:56.34WobWorkto Muradin and Sisters of Elune
03:56.35Xinhuanthe last major BR down, about 100 gnomes went to zerg hogger down on AD about 11 times
03:56.39Xinhuanuntil BR came back up
03:56.52WobWorkpoor Hogger
03:56.54WobWorkso abused
03:57.06Xinhuani heard it was like "HOGGER DOWN LOL"
03:57.14LopeppeppyHogger is the pig we love to hate.
03:57.27LopeppeppyCide!  :P
03:57.38LopeppeppyYes, my home server is AD, from the day it was created.
03:57.48Xinhuanso i asked tme , howlong does it take to kill hogger
03:58.00Xinhuanand the reply was like "about 5 minutes per hogger"
03:58.18Cidewere they really gnomes?
03:58.21Cidethe run must be a bitch.
03:58.22Xinhuanyes level 1 gnomes
03:58.28Shirik|zZzbatrick: pong
03:59.44batrickdid you get it working?
04:01.22WobWorkXinhuan: Best method would have been to kite Hogger to the graveyard
04:01.33Xinhuannot sure if they did that
04:01.40Xinhuani certainly didn't bother
04:02.27TemI solo'd hogger with a low level warlock
04:02.34Temwhatever level you get fear
04:05.55Atriacethat's wicked ugly....
04:06.15AtriaceFor some reason, if I SetVertexColor twice, it crashes WoW.
04:06.37cog|awayFor some reason, that makes me laugh...
04:06.54cog|awayit's one of those "O.o wtF?"
04:07.01LopeppeppyI'm overtired, i totally lol'd.
04:08.21IrielAnyone had an addon lock up their WoW when they try and hearth home since 2.4?
04:09.09TemDamn Magister's Terrace making it hell to get instance groups for anything else
04:09.15LukianIriel, yes!
04:09.25IrielLukian: Any idea which one it is? 8-)
04:09.37LukianIriel, I haven't attempted to figure that out yet :(
04:09.49IrielLukian: I'm not certain it's addon related yet, but I plan on doing an experiment in 10 minutes when my hearthstone is recharged
04:10.19AtriaceAlright.... so it would seem if you want to SetVertexColor to the same texture after it's been set, you have to reset it to 1,1,1 first...
04:10.21Xinhuaniriel, i heard astrolabe (used by tomtom) may be causing it
04:10.27LopeppeppyIriel, I've heard people blame Recount, oRA, and just about every other addon for it.
04:10.33AtriaceOr you just can't set it to a value of  0.3
04:10.44LukianXinhuan, I don't use that, so it can't be that one
04:10.49IrielNow, Atrolabe would make sense, it's likely listening to zone events.. BUT..
04:10.50Xinhuanit appears to happen when you zone between an "azeroth outlands zone" to a outlands zone across continents
04:11.04Irielthat doesn't explain why it happens on hearth, but not on most other portals
04:11.17IrielXinhuan: that's consistent with my experience
04:11.18Xinhuani don't know, i haven't encountered itmyself
04:11.20TemIriel, Esamymn was having that problem
04:11.21Lukianyeah, hearthing from isle of QD to Shattrath has failed every time for me, I haven't tried other hearths
04:11.28LukianMy engineering trinket worked fine
04:11.32Xinhuanlukian, handynotes uses astrolabe too
04:11.43Xinhuannot sure if u used that
04:11.45Temand he identified it as Whenever he teleported (by any means) without hitting a loading screen
04:11.45LukianXinhuan, I don't use handynotes :)
04:11.46p3limi didnt have directx
04:11.50AmarandeI think some people need to delete patch.mpq and repatch
04:11.51p3limfor a year
04:12.04AmarandeI know at least in my case, the pre-download patch that was downloaded last week was corrupted, apparently
04:12.06p3limno wonder shit has been glitchy
04:12.19AmarandeI didn't notice it till I was riding through Silvermoon and got a persistent E132
04:12.44Amaranderepair said "there is a serious problem with WoW" and deleted patch.mpq and verified the rest as OK
04:12.48LopeppeppyThis is why I don't pre-download....
04:12.54Amarandeand I had to wait for 900+MB patch to download again :S
04:12.59enumyo, I have a function with arguments func(event,...). inside this function I do for i,v ipairs(arg) do ChatFrame1:AddMessage(tostring(v)); end I get an error saying arg is nil
04:13.13p3lim900+? i had like 260 (not pre-downloaded)
04:13.16enumbut if I actually say local a1,a2,a3 = ... then it works fine
04:13.27Irieldoes wow have compatibility turned on?
04:13.30Amarandep3lim: it probably downloads a full 2.0-2.4 patch if you lose or delete patch.mpq
04:13.36IrielThat's a deprecated feature at the best of times 8-)
04:13.37Cairennpastamancer: ping?
04:13.40IrielAnd you really shouldn't use it
04:13.49enumIriel: are you speaking to me?
04:13.55Irielfor i = 1, select('#', ...) do local v = select(i, ...);
04:13.58Irielyes 8-)
04:14.02p3limenum: i,v ipairs(arg) means arg is a table ?
04:14.31Amarandehmm, I should see if I can hearth from Silvermoon to SMV without crashing.
04:14.35p3limAmarande: aha
04:14.35Irielit's an attempt to use 5.0 style varargs in 5.1
04:14.41Amarandehaven't tried that sort of stuff since repatching
04:14.54Amarandethough, last night when I had the Silvermoon crashes
04:15.00AmarandeI was able to use the Shattrath portal to Silvermoon just fine
04:15.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Saeris (
04:15.10enumok, so what I'm really doing here is trying to determin what exactly is being passed from the event. The best way I could think to do that was to print it out and actually view oit
04:15.12Amarandeit didn't crash (and keep crashing every time I tried to relog) till I got about halfway through Murder Row
04:15.14p3limsounds like a corrupted texture
04:15.25p3limenum: got a pastey?
04:16.04enumlemme try what you guys suggested and I'll do a pastey if it doesn't work
04:16.52Amarande5.0 and 5.1 of what?
04:16.59AmarandeI was gonna say, GCC's not already up to that is it?
04:17.05Amarandebut apparently gcc's still in 4.x :)
04:17.39Irielenum Have you got DevTools installed?
04:17.44Irielenum: If so, /dtevents is your friend
04:17.53Irielenum: if not, install it, then /dtevents is your friend
04:18.13enumomg, thanks Ire
04:18.20purlIriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
04:18.22p3limi dont have devtools :o
04:18.31MentalPowerget it!
04:18.42enumI had devtool, but didn't know about /dtevents
04:18.48Cairennif you're serious about coding for wow, you have devtools
04:19.18Shirikeven Cairenn has devtools
04:19.19Cairenns/have/have to have/
04:19.20Irielor you write your own, I accept that as a reasonable alternative 8-)
04:19.33Cairennnods at Shirik
04:19.36LukianIriel, go go hearth :D
04:19.43Irieli'm on a fligh
04:19.53IrielOn my way to ironforge
04:21.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Recluse (
04:21.23p3limnot quite sure what it does, but ill take a look
04:22.25p3limwhere can i find the latest version of DirectX 9.0c without going through the validation on the microsoft site?
04:22.43Temoh lol awesome
04:22.54TemI went into a cave for a mining node
04:23.01Temand it was kind of a hassle
04:23.11Temso I was thinking to myself "this damn node better be worth it"
04:23.25Xinhuanand a rogue saps you and ninjas it
04:23.29Tem2x[Star of Elune]
04:23.34Temand a Nether residue
04:23.44LopeppeppyWhat's a one-of-those?
04:23.57Temit's part of a daily quest
04:24.03Temyou need 8 of them
04:24.19Temand so far, I've only found them in mining nodes
04:24.38LopeppeppyOh, thanks Tem. I haven't been in game really, I've been packing a lot this week instead.
04:25.28Temp3lim, is there something I'm missing in that screenshot?
04:27.43p3limhe had to kill lots of mobs + a ally to get to that single herb
04:27.56p3limlook behind the undead
04:29.25ShirikThis is so stupid
04:29.34ShirikMy client is now making little curly quotes “ “ “ “ “” “” “”
04:29.40ShirikI canÂ’t write lua code in chat anymore
04:29.46Shirikanyone have an idea of how to turn it off?
04:30.21ShirikEven the single quotes ‘’ ‘’ ‘’
04:31.29Gngskwow, that's strange
04:31.33Gngskwhat client do you use?
04:31.47Shiriknbs-irc over mirc
04:31.57Gngsknever heard of it
04:31.58Shirikbut itÂ’s never done this before, and I havenÂ’t updated :/
04:32.15Gngskmight've hid some keystroke that enabled it?
04:32.24Reclusehow many installed addons = an addon junkie, you reckon?
04:32.28GngskI always get surprised when I hit insert in an editor and start overwriting shit
04:32.39GngskRecluse, 100+?
04:32.48ShirikRecluse: At least one more than you normally use
04:33.30LopeppeppyAddiction is not in the number, but in the attitude and dependency.
04:33.37RecluseWell, I only run about 100 per character, but I've got a little over 200 actually installed (many are class-specific)
04:34.32p3limholy crap?
04:34.35p3limi have like 20 tops
04:34.44p3limhalf of them enabled depending on what char
04:34.45Shirikhow many do you actually use?
04:34.52Shirikand how many of those are “modular” folders
04:34.59ShirikI use the term “modular” loosely
04:35.11*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
04:35.14p3limeach patch i wipe out Interface and WTF folder
04:35.14CideI use it to refer to most ace addons these days
04:35.37p3limanyways, gnite
04:35.39Cidep3lim: ouch.
04:35.43RecluseWell, so many are to do small things and all, but I don't think I could play (at 70) without them.
04:35.46Shirikif people want to write modular addons they need to understand low coupling, high cohesion
04:35.50Shiriknot the other way around
04:35.53Shiriklike some addons are written
04:36.00CideShirik: high cohesion, low coupling?
04:36.10Cide~bonk self
04:36.11purlACTION bonks self over the head
04:36.11LopeppeppyHigh coupling.  *winks8
04:36.33ShirikisnÂ’t that what I said?
04:36.41Cideya, I just switched the order
04:36.47Cideyou said "other way around"
04:36.53Cideand then I bonked myself
04:36.53RecluseWell, yes - I understand what you mean - the way Auctioneer takes 5-10 folders/addon list entries for example
04:36.56Shiriknot high coupling low cohesion ><
04:36.57Cideit's ok, I already took care of it
04:37.01LukianIriel, any luck / ideas?
04:37.13IrielLukian: Decided to fix a quick addon bug first
04:37.31ShirikNo point making a “modular” addon if every module has five hundred dependencies between each other so they’re all interdependent
04:37.56Cideyep, exactly
04:38.35ShirikCairennÂ’s mean
04:38.44Cairennyes I am
04:39.18RecluseHmm, I should rephrase - I could play without them. I could not play well without them.
04:39.56LukianIriel, well my hearth didn't fail with all addons disabled
04:40.01Lukianso it's probably one of them
04:40.19Irieldo you have gatherer?
04:40.35enumwould using the unitflag number be a suitable way to filter combat log messages for processing? say I want to process spell data from a hostile npc, directed towards me... 68168
04:40.45MentalPowerShirik: I've worked very hard to limit inter-module deps
04:40.48Irielenum you'd use and check the result
04:40.52MentalPowerin auc
04:40.57Shirikthat was not a snipe at auctioneer at all
04:41.00Shirikif thatÂ’s the way you took it
04:41.09Irielso if (, 68168) == 68168) then
04:41.19ShirikI actually havenÂ’t looked at auctioneerÂ’s code but I trust it enough to use it ><
04:41.42MentalPowerin fact, I should not have directed that at you
04:41.53Shirikbut I do know for a fact that there are “modular” addons out there that might as well be one big package, because that’s all they are
04:42.02Shirikthey just decided to put each function in a different folder
04:42.03MentalPowerit should've been directed at Recluse
04:42.07Cairennit's okay guys, everyone is tired, it's been a long stressful week
04:42.24Shirikyup, everyoneÂ’s tired. You should go to sleep Cairenn
04:42.30Shirikand let me test that file so you can go to sleep
04:42.33CairennShirik: later
04:42.58RecluseMentalPower: That's fine with me, I'm not complaining :p Was just using it as an example of a single addon that appears as several.
04:43.08Shirikthat can be a good thing
04:43.10Shirikif itÂ’s done correctly
04:43.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
04:43.32WobWorksome addons are modular like a child with a bucket of lego and a jumbo tube of superglue
04:43.32MentalPowerRecluse: you should see my install of auctioneer, at least yours has all the embeddable parts embedded
04:44.09MentalPowerWobWork: thats quote material :)
04:44.16RecluseBut, like Pitbull way back when (god that thing was a good 20 folders), it is nice to have it all in a single folder now, imo
04:44.38*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> | 2.4.x ToC: 20400 | WoW programming book | "some addons are modular like a child with a bucket of lego and a jumbo tube of superglue" - Wobin
04:44.50MentalPowerthanks Cairenn
04:44.51Cairennyes, yes it is quotable
04:45.17enumIriel: and arg5 return the same exact thing
04:45.29Cairenn~seen pastamancer
04:45.33purlpastamancer is currently on #wowi-lounge #wowace #curseforge, last said: 'haste: I'd just as soon not know what's going on with alar's taint'.
04:45.33MentalPowerenum: you need something to add to it
04:45.44Irielenum: Go back and look at what i typed again
04:46.03MentalPowerWobWork: they still hosting an open proxy at your workplace?
04:46.26ScytheBlade1Antiarc: ping because I can't find the post. How do I list raid member revisions for Omen?
04:46.29*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
04:47.10ScytheBlade1Know bug in 66516 with aggro not being reset inbetween fights?
04:48.24WobWorkMentalPower: Heh, probably
04:48.28WobWorklemme check
04:48.48*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWor1 (
04:49.02MentalPowerguess not
04:49.11ScytheBlade1Meh. To the bug tracker.
04:49.12MentalPoweryou didn't get k-lined
04:49.23WobWor1not that I minded the web irc
04:49.29WobWor1although it's easier to type on this
04:49.33Shirikreports WobWor1 to ircops
04:49.35WobWor1k meeting time brb
04:49.42MentalPowerlater wobin
04:51.07enumIriel: I don't think I fully understand... In my script, I 'know' that 68168 is a for an outsider, hostile, npc type of npc control. arg5 ( destFlags ) returns this. Why would I need to use sorry, I just don't think I fully grasp your pov
04:52.01MentalPowerenum: how do you know this?
04:52.17enumby tracking it in game, via multiple targets
04:52.25MentalPowerso you guessed
04:52.37enumyeah, pretty much. I wasn't sure of another way
04:52.58IrielMP: It's documented in the thread, too
04:53.18IrielAnyway, you use so that if there are other flag bits you DONT care about (and there may not be) then you wont be disturbed by them
04:53.31p3lim~seen haste
04:53.32purlhaste is currently on #wowi-lounge #wowace, last said: 'cogumel0: so no, it won't be GC'd'.
04:54.23enumand I don't really understand what you guys meant by using I mean, I read through the unitflags page on wowiki, but hex has never really been a friend of mine, it seemed to make sense, and I couldn't get an answer here on the unitflags stuff. So I did what I thought was locigal imo
04:54.38IrielDo you know binary?
04:54.50Iriel(this will make things easy, or not, depending on your answer)
04:54.56Shirikbatrick: ping
04:55.07enumheh, I wouldn't say I 'know' it... I know of it, and with enough time, and reading material I could figure it out
04:55.44IrielOk, well, any integer can be converted into a binary representation, where each digit is 0 or 1, rather than the 0-9 for decimal.
04:56.01enumI mean I know this... binary is comprised of a series of 1's and 0's ( on or off )... they usually come in groups of 8 ( 8 bits / byte )
04:56.03Iriele.g. 37 is   00100101
04:56.24Irielthe rightmost digit is worth '1', the next one '2', then 4, 8, 16, 32, 64
04:56.31Irielthat encoding is 1 + 4 + 32 = 37
04:57.00enumk, got that
04:57.25IrielYour 68168 is 65536 + 2048 + 512 + 64 + 8
04:57.36Irieleach of those values is a bit, and the flags have meanings for each bit
04:57.53IrielNow, they're usually written in hexedecimal, which assigns a single digit 0-'F' for each 4 binary bits
04:58.01Iriel'a' - 'f' representing decimal 10-15 respectively
04:58.27IrielSo looking here:L
04:58.52IrielThe flags that matches are AFFILIATION_OUTSIDER (8), REACTION_HOSTILE(64 or 0x40)
04:59.01IrielCONTROL_NPC (512 or 0x200
04:59.28IrielTYPE_NPC (2048 or 0x800)
04:59.46Irieland OBJECT_TARGET (65536 or 0x10000)
04:59.59IrielNotice that the OBJECT flags are not exclusive
05:00.19Irielso if your target was ALSO your focus, you'd get 199240
05:00.31Irielthat's why you use
05:00.39Irielso you only look at those flags you care about, and ignore the others
05:00.59Irielif you pick a set of flags, add them together, then a combat log flag with that set, then it'll return only those ones you care about
05:01.14IrielIf the result matches your 'mask' (the set you started with) then all of the bits in the mask are set
05:01.54enummy god, that was the best explanation I have ever received... thanks
05:02.09IrielNote that in code you can do this...
05:02.44Irielwhich can be easier to read than the numbers alone (since it includes the meaning)
05:02.59enumaha, I thought I had to use the numbers
05:03.03enumthat helps a ton
05:03.32IrielLook in Constants.lua
05:03.36Irielit defines all of the standard flag bits
05:03.43Iriel(It's in FrameXML when you extract the UI code)
05:04.10enumright on, yeah. I've peaked in there a few times
05:04.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
05:05.06laggeri'd use the function CombatLog_Object_IsA in Constants.lua its helpful
05:06.05IrielOh my god, that's horrible
05:06.06enumso, then... let's say my mask is 68168, then if I targeted said npc my mask would then no longer apply? since you said if the npc was also my foc then the flag would change to 199240. right?
05:06.26Irielwhy dont they stick the result of ( unitFlags, flagType ) into a local?
05:06.38Irielenum: If your NPC was NOT targetted that mask would be wrong
05:07.12Irielbut lets say you're looking at the result of ( flag, 68168 )
05:07.12ScytheBlade1If it wasn't targeted, you'd subtract 65536 from the mask
05:07.24ScytheBlade1The mask will change according to the appropriate flags
05:07.25laggeri tried using a simple > 0 but it didnt work for me =\
05:07.31Irielthen if you didn't target it, it wouldn't match.. but it was targeted and your focus, it WOULD match, because you'd mask out the FOCUS flag
05:08.20Shirikbatrick, come back, I need your signals and systems assistance T_T
05:16.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim|ubuntu (
05:19.44IrielHm.. hearth crash does NOT happen with Enchantrix, Gatherer, and TomTom disabled
05:19.53Nombahaha VMWare rocks
05:20.24NomWe needed a new fresh WinXP machine... no problems... *creates new virtual machine*  *install windows* .. there ya go
05:21.37AmarandeIriel: it's gatherer or tomtom then, if it's an addon and not just coincidence that it worked after disabling
05:21.47AmarandeI run the Auctioneer suite and never had issues teleporting
05:21.49IrielI suspect it's a bug in Astrolabe (embedded lib) ?
05:21.54*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
05:22.19Amarandewhat error # is it when you crash, anyway?
05:23.53bleeterIriel: Esamynn's on the case, last I heard a race condition in some update code
05:24.06*** part/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
05:24.25IrielIt's a solid lockup
05:24.26Irielnot a crash
05:32.42IrielThere's my contribution to saving the combat log world.. I /think/ it works, please test it if any of you are so inclined
05:37.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirov (
05:37.47*** join/#wowi-lounge p3lim (
05:39.35LukianI wonder if anyone's written a combat log filter yet, I'd love to get a view like swstats combat log with the default log
05:42.35AtriaceNoooooo!    I'm a newb.  :(
05:43.00AtriaceMy dropdown menu didn't work after all because it didn't registerforclicks.   >_<
05:48.30NomLukian: Recount is already working in 2.3
05:48.35Nom2.4 i mean
05:58.06Cairennso is swstats
05:59.20Cairennand violation
06:01.39Cairennwhenever possible
06:01.41Nompallypower works fine tho
06:02.25CairennNom: it's functional without update?
06:02.41Fisker-pallypower sucks
06:04.11Nomyes Cairenn :)
06:04.33Cairennupdated on the SG then
06:06.54AmarandeFisker: sex somehow refuses to work no matter what version of WoW it's run on. even back in 1.0 they had problems, and for some reason they haven't been able to fix the addon API to allow it to work. :)
06:07.37Amarandeheh, actually, I still love the Debian description of it best.
06:07.44Amarande"Sex is still under development, and is known to be buggy"
06:08.02Amarande(Yes, this was actual text from dselect/apt)
06:09.17*** join/#wowi-lounge DuTempete (
06:09.34NomIt's just a buffing mod... lets raid leaders configure which buffs each pally is going to do
06:09.52NomIt worked perfectly fine the last 2 raid nights, so I'm guessing it's all good :D
06:10.32NomDeadly Boss Mods has a 2.4 version too
06:10.54Cairennyeah, I've got the home page for it listed on the guide
06:10.59Nom <-- 3.10 released
06:11.04CairennI know
06:11.24NomElkano's BuffBars works fine in 2.4 too :D
06:11.41art3misAmarande: have you tried using an addon that helps lengthen your interaction with the sex API?
06:11.55NomMaybe the wowi versions haven't been updatd... i use the wowace updater for most of my mods, and many are all working
06:11.55art3misi think it's part of the g_Spot() stuff
06:12.05Fisker-omg dbm sux
06:12.13Olison~seen andreasg
06:12.15purlandreasg <n=ag`> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 526d 12h 15m 33s ago, saying: 'ok, BC secure unit frame guys, how are you supposed to hide the target frame if the target unit doesn't exist?'.
06:12.25NomGroupCalendar works, ItemRack too :D
06:12.26Fisker-~seen ag`
06:12.27purlag` <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 8d 9h 5m 58s ago, saying: 'so you use MSN explorer then? :D'.
06:12.30Fisker-~seen ag`_
06:12.30purlag`_ <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 102d 8h 3m 17s ago, saying: 'it's a joke :P'.
06:12.33Fisker-~seen ag`__
06:12.33purlag`__ <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 606d 7h 15m 32s ago, saying: 'kergoth, try it out'.
06:12.37Fisker-oh well
06:12.41Fisker-9 days i guess :P
06:14.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Nolook (
06:14.58Olisonheh thanks Fisker- :)
06:18.13Amarandeok. apparently no Alliance boycott on our battlegroup after all
06:18.19AmarandeWSG and AV on Emberstorm are buggy :|
06:18.40AmarandeWSG had the Alliance flag just vanish into thin air in one instance, and AV apparently is completely inaccessible to anyone
06:25.42bleeterand in other news, my guild refuse to call the new 5 man instance MgT or SPLAT5 and have gone with MrT
06:31.17AmarandeEveryone calls it MT, which causes nice fun confusion with Mana Tombs
06:31.21AmarandeI guess Mana Tombs has to be 'tombs' now
06:31.29Olisonsame as SH
06:31.40AmarandeOr DM
06:31.56Amarandeat least they're not SFK, though.
06:32.02Amarandewhich is an instance I don't mind if I never see again
06:32.08AmarandeI don't mind running lowbies through instances every now and then
06:32.13Amarandebut I hate, hate, EFFING HATE Shadowfang Keep
06:32.28bleeterI'm like that with Gnomer
06:32.42Amarandeit's irritating having to walk up and beat every other mob up with my staff because they go immune to magic
06:32.45Olisongnomeregan sawks, man. can't find my way in there
06:33.04*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
06:36.31NightHawkTheSanewant to be some fucking not-incompetant people who can kill their fucking constructs
06:37.29Olisonor what was it :D
06:37.36NightHawkTheSaneit's called dont-fucking-suck.
06:42.08AbsoRayneI just had a really interesting mod idea.
06:42.22Olisondo tell
06:42.35AbsoRayneI wonder if theres a way I could so much as 'duplicate' a focus frame so that you can track multiple mobs in a high count pull.
06:42.52AbsoRayneLike I can track star circle diamond and markers for if the others are CCd that im not tanking.
06:42.53OlisonI'd like that, yes
06:44.30MentalPowerits possible now
06:44.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun (
06:44.45MentalPowercan't use it for targetting, but you can see if they break CC or something
06:44.50AbsoRayneI wonder if I could use that off of pitbull...
06:45.27RecluseHmm? multiple focuses?
06:45.47MentalPowerits possible with the new combat log
06:46.15MentalPowersince you can tell a mod "tell me anything that happens to this mob"
06:46.18AbsoRayneMentalPower: Thats what I was thinking
06:46.32MentalPowervisually even
06:46.49AbsoRayneIt would be pretty easy to code a macro /pitbull focus1 - whatever # I need
06:47.00AbsoRayneClick, mark, macro, move on
06:47.21MentalPowerand since the combat log now tells you when a mob has a raid icon on it, you can track those too
06:54.10Olisonthat calls for an evolution on perfecttargets, etc
07:01.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Dekster (
07:07.48Drundiaso i sit here in silvermoon and see someone fighting nethermine ravagers and flayers in combat log
07:08.10Drundiaanyone wants to discuss this?
07:08.18NightHawkTheSanenot really
07:09.30*** join/#wowi-lounge IRCCRICKET (n=irccrick@
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07:11.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
07:13.29AtriaceCan someone reference "this" in PIL?  I've tried searching through it, but I'm getting hits on sentence subjects "this" instead.
07:14.09Irielthis is not a lua thing
07:14.12Irielthis is a wow thing
07:14.38NightHawkTheSaneresists the urge to say "this is sparta!"
07:14.42AtriaceI understand the purpose of this, I think, but what exactly does this refer to when in a lua file?
07:15.02Atriacenotes his guild is the Spartans. Oh the irony.
07:15.19Irielit's a global variable which is set to the 'current' recipient of an event or notification
07:15.35AtriaceSo it's a table?
07:15.50IrielIt's a reference to a table, yes
07:15.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
07:16.11ShirikitÂ’s also evil in most cases :P
07:16.41Atriacegoes to hunt down the current name for this in his project.
07:17.12MentalPowerits a frame
07:19.04AtriaceI like the concept of placing mod globals inside of this since it doesn't clutter the global table.
07:20.24widgertickWhy do people care about cluttering the global table?
07:20.25MentalPowerwhy not just make a global table for you mod, and throw everything in there
07:20.43MentalPowerwidgertick: cause it lowers the chance that globals will conflict
07:20.56MentalPoweroh, and we're not Blizz :P
07:20.57Atriacewidgertick: it condones privacy.  :)
07:21.15ShirikI grew up on object oriented languages and hiding private data :P
07:21.16AtriaceMentalPower: it'd be the same difference as using this
07:21.19ShirikItÂ’s kinda just... natural
07:21.31AtriaceWouldn't it?
07:21.37Shirikif thereÂ’s no reason for it to be exposed, it shouldnt be, is my philosophy
07:22.06IrielI care mostly because it avoids accidental conflicts
07:22.17ShirikAnd since a table lookup is just as fast as a global lookup
07:22.30widgertickThe fervor with which I hear people defending the global namespace suggested to me some sort of inherant benefit
07:22.33Shirikmight as well put all exposed things in a single table, then do local mod = whatever
07:22.39IrielLike the thottbot idiocy that used globals like X
07:22.55Irielsome folks have a belief that the global namespace is /slow/
07:22.59ShirikitÂ’s sometimes fun just to /dump foo or whatever
07:23.05Irielthey are generally not the people who bothered to TEST that
07:23.32Irielthere are compelling global-versus-local arguments though, some on 'protection', more on 'performance'
07:23.52Shirikeh, in Conspiracy we keep everything in a single namespace then do local Conspiracy=Conspiracy (or equivalent depending on module). so we still get global-access speed but hide it
07:24.03ShirikI donÂ’t see any real problem with that, itÂ’s not incredibly slow
07:24.25Shirikfor the vital things like the onupdate script, optimizations were put there
07:25.26AtriaceAw.... sweet.  Dude..... man.... I'm in love.
07:26.45AtriaceSomehow... there's a little voice inside me that's saying "I wish I was a programmer at heart."  This... buzz you get when things work, does it last into your professional days?
07:26.54NightHawkTheSanethe dr  who theme just came up on my p laylist, and i went scrounging for my phone.. ><
07:27.01widgertickIt starts taking larger successes
07:27.27Shirikthis is fun: /script for k,v in pairs(_G) do if type(k) == ‘string’ and #k <= 2 do DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(k) end end
07:27.45ShirikI do like the global x thatÂ’s floating around
07:28.37Shirikalso, someone decided to do
07:28.42ShirikDK = “DK”, HP = “HP”
07:29.11NightHawkTheSaneapparently i dont have any 2 letter global vars..
07:30.10AtriaceWhy not?  Of the 676 possible values, you could do anything!  0_0
07:31.04MentalPowerwhats the real issecurevar()
07:33.17*** join/#wowi-lounge NM|Xinhuan|Guru (i=xinhuan@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/xinhuan)
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07:35.09MentalPower./script for k,v in pairs(_G) do if type(k) == "string" and #k <= 2 then local _,culprit = issecurevariable(k) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(k.." > "..(culprit or "Blizz")) end end
07:36.09ShirikI see one from auctioneer ^^
07:36.15MentalPowerwhich one?
07:36.40MentalPoweractually I see more than one
07:36.40Shirikapparently itÂ’s currently 11
07:36.51Shirikwell I havenÂ’t actually loaded auctioneer as far as IÂ’m aware
07:36.55MentalPowern, p
07:36.58Shirikor itÂ’s partially loaded or whatever LOD stuff youÂ’re doing
07:37.10MentalPowerAucAdvanced does not do LoD
07:37.18Shirikoh no?
07:37.24MentalPowerand its actually configator, not AucAdvanced
07:37.40MentalPowerhas all the libs un-embedded
07:44.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
07:47.28Atriacebrain.... becoming.... unresponsive....
07:47.35Cairennmorning nevcairiel
07:49.52*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
07:56.38Cairennhi p30n
07:57.36p30njust so you all know, translating webpages is funnay
07:57.42p30nnot :'(
08:04.24*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (n=leethal@
08:30.56GuillotineAnybody done Kael on heroic yet?
08:32.06Gngski haven't, but i hear it's the same as on normal
08:34.41Shiriksighs at reading 2000 lines of code with the only comments being “----------------------------------------------------”
08:35.38p30nGuillotine: yea ive done it, all i can say is that a healing pala sux balls there
08:35.50GuillotineGngsk: not at all
08:35.53p30nat least i had problems keeping everyone up, too much spread dmg
08:35.58p30nat least in phase 2
08:42.18ShirikAnyone want to confirm my sanity here? e^(ab) == e^a + e^b
08:42.20Shirikis that correct?
08:44.06MentalPowerI think so, but lets ask the computer
08:44.20MentalPowerlua> math.e
08:44.21lua_botMentalPower: nil
08:44.25MentalPowerlua> math.pi
08:44.25lua_botMentalPower: 3.1415926535898
08:45.42MentalPowerlua> math.randseed(os.time()) local a,b = math.random() math.random() pp(math.pi^(a*b), math.pi^a + math.pi^b)
08:45.43lua_botMentalPower: luabot:1: attempt to call field 'randseed' (a nil value)
08:45.51MentalPowerlua> math.randomseed(os.time()) local a,b = math.random() math.random() pp(math.pi^(a*b), math.pi^a + math.pi^b)
08:45.51lua_botMentalPower: luabot:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'b' (a nil value)
08:46.07MentalPowerlua> math.randomseed(os.time()) local a,b = math.random() math.random() pp(math.pi^(a*b), math.pi^a + math.pi^b)
08:46.08lua_botMentalPower: luabot:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'b' (a nil value)
08:46.16MentalPowerlua> math.randomseed(os.time()) local a,b = math.random(), math.random() pp(math.pi^(a*b), math.pi^a + math.pi^b)
08:46.17lua_botMentalPower: 1.0066413716808, 2.2247695640187
08:46.23MentalPowerShirik: ^^^^
08:46.28MentalPowerthe answer seems to be no
08:46.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Mathias (
08:47.38Shirikoh wait
08:47.44ShirikitÂ’s e^(a+b) == e^a * e^b
08:48.03MentalPowerlua> math.randomseed(os.time()) local a,b = math.random(), math.random() pp(math.pi^(a*b), math.pi^a * math.pi^b)
08:48.03lua_botMentalPower: 2.3830886853389, 7.3499481398978
08:48.08MentalPowerstill no
08:48.12Shirikno you fail
08:48.19Shiriklua> math.randomseed(os.time()) local a,b = math.random(), math.random() pp(math.pi^(a+b), math.pi^a * math.pi^b)
08:48.19lua_botShirik: 3.4185486238658, 3.4185486238658
08:48.32MentalPoweroh (a+b)
08:48.35MentalPowerdidn't notice that one
08:48.44Shirikbut unfortunately thatÂ’s not what I need
08:49.11Shiriklua> math.randomseed(os.time()) local a,b = math.random(), math.random() pp(math.pi^(a*b), math.pi^(a^b))
08:49.11lua_botShirik: 1.4660087125989, 2.7640304744998
08:49.30Shiriklua> math.randomseed(os.time()) local a,b = math.random(), math.random() pp(math.pi^(a*b), (math.pi^a)^b)
08:49.30lua_botShirik: 1.6793423919615, 1.6793423919615
08:49.34Shirikthere we are
08:52.03cladhaireso what should my bot's infobot trigger be for #lua?
08:52.11cladhairei.e. should i just have it operate like purl
08:52.13cladhaireor use !fact
08:52.19cladhaireor lua_bot, facT?
08:52.34MentalPowerwhy not just lua> ?
08:52.39MentalPoweror is it another kind of bot?
08:53.25cladhairethe purl functionality
08:53.30cladhairethat's used to run lua code
08:53.36cladhairethis is arbitrary fact storage and retrieval
08:53.58*** part/#wowi-lounge Mathias (
08:54.16MentalPoweris confused
08:54.34purlfrom memory, wowprogramming is World of Warcraft Programming: A Guide and Reference for Creating WoW Addons, a book written by Cladhaire, Kaelten and Cogwheel.  It serves as a technical reference for the WoW API and customization system (Due out Early 2008).
08:54.40cladhaireThe bot will store facts, like purl does
08:54.43cladhaireand allow people to recall them
08:54.51purlit has been said that phallus is an erect penis
08:55.09Corrodiastasty, yet somewhat inaccurate, i think
08:55.12cladhaireso the people in #lua can store things like pil so they dont' have to type out what it is each time.
08:55.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Mercus (
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08:55.50MentalPowerwhy not have purl in there?
08:56.09cladhairewell for a few reasons
08:56.15cladhaire1.) they don't know purl, and purl has lots of crud in it
08:56.25cladhaire2.) lua_bot is there for everything else in the channel, so it makes sense to add this here
08:56.28cladhaire3.) its easy enough to do
08:56.37cladhaireI was just looking for a suggestion on the trigger
08:56.44cladhairewe currently use !api for api documentation
08:56.47cladhaire!api next
08:56.48lua_botDocumentation for 'next' can be found at
08:56.58MentalPowerthen just use !
08:57.09cladhaireyeah i suppose i can
08:57.21cladhairewas just asking
08:57.22MentalPowertho looking at #botpark , thats taken
08:57.23cladhairegeesh :P
08:57.33cladhairewell this would only run in #lua
08:57.58MentalPower% is free
08:58.24cladhairemeh we'll see
08:58.27MentalPower%^&* are all free
08:58.34cladhairehrm okay
08:58.37MentalPower? is a good one
08:58.50cladhaireyeah it is
08:58.56MentalPowertake it!
08:59.26cladhaireJonas Brothers, Rod Stewart, Rolling Stones, and More!
08:59.29cladhairethank you Citi Cards
08:59.47MentalPowerTimRiker be the bot registrar :P
09:00.38cladhairei'll look at it later
09:00.44cladhairenot too horribly concerned about it
09:00.55cladhairesince #lua only has the two bots
09:01.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Riffage (
09:04.14cladhaire3 private messages
09:04.16cladhaire17 file comments
09:04.18cladhaire2 forum posts
09:04.22cladhaireLEAVE ME ALONE
09:05.08Cairennhugs cladhaire
09:09.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
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09:51.12Shirik~weather kdab
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09:53.12Mr_Rabies2~weather yyz
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09:57.57Wobin~weather SYD
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09:58.51Wobin~weather YSSY
09:59.36Roblibobwow that bot knows everything ;)
09:59.57Roblibob~weather ESDF
10:00.45Roblibobgief sydney temperature :(
10:03.00Wobin~weather 94764
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11:00.34*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
11:03.11[dRaCo]hey, anyone able to delete a bug report I accidently double-postet?
11:04.00[dRaCo] <-- one of those. thanks
11:09.24art3misheyc airenn
11:09.33art3misya know that right side square add?
11:09.59art3misthe premium link pulls down under it
11:10.07art3misso it cuts off most ofwhat its saying
11:10.09[dRaCo]uhm, still shows both reports here, cairenn... the one by rshak are mine
11:10.27Cairennos & browser info please art3mis
11:10.33art3misff3 xp
11:11.03Cairenn[dRaCo]: odd, I'll look again in a minute
11:11.15*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
11:13.05art3misthat lincoln ad is irritating
11:13.16art3misRoll over to expand and the close is in the top right
11:13.23art3misso you close it and then roll over the add
11:13.26art3miswhich opens it
11:13.53art3misyeah i checked opera and ie7
11:14.02art3misit's only ff3b4 that pops under the add
11:14.14art3misunless it's just that add for the nokia phone that it behaves that way
11:14.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Roblibob (
11:16.54CairennI've copied the info over for dolby so he can look into it later
11:17.16Cairenn[dRaCo]: fixed again again
11:18.28CairennI missed a box I needed to tick, the first time
11:19.41art3misguess whos touring cairenn
11:19.51Cairennthe guess who?
11:20.07art3misall the original members
11:20.17art3misthey're doing 4 shows for 3 days here in april
11:20.52Cairennart3mis: lol
11:22.55art3misi think they're taking smoe liberties in that "art"
11:23.52art3misthe canadian in me sys i hav to see them ;P
11:24.02art3misoh adn the ruttles are touring too
11:28.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
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11:51.43art3mis <-- awesome
11:52.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Oggie (
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12:01.46OggieHow can I create a multi-column sortable list, like the Guild dialog where you can sort by name, level, class, or the auctionhouse dialog
12:02.23dylanmI would take a look at the FrameXML for the guild pane.
12:03.16OggieOh right, amongst the extracted interface data?
12:03.43dylanmYessir. You can always look at it on too.
12:04.34dylanmOf course, reading Blizzard code can be something of a challenge.
12:04.41OggieOh, how neat. Thanks dylanm
12:04.57dylanmIt looks like they do most of this in FriendsFrame.xml and it's pretty cluttered :>.
12:05.19OggieYeah but at least it gives me an idea of where to find the things I need
12:05.42OggieGuess it takes some time to get used to navigating the source
12:06.21dylanmHeh. Sometimes it's easier to look at an addon that does what you want, is what I'm saying I guess.
12:07.14OggieJust couldn't remember any addons where I've seen this widget
12:08.09clad|officeOggie: you just want to know how to create one?
12:08.22clad|officeits justa  fauxscroll frame, with buttons at the top to allow clicking for sorting
12:08.40purlWorld of Warcraft Developer Network, a website where you can see the changes made to WoW's interface files between versions and also where you can download said versions.
12:09.05OggieBut how will the columns be aligned below the buttons? FauxScroll magic?
12:09.13clad|officeno, you decide that
12:09.17dylanmNo, you do that yourself.
12:09.17clad|officeso forget FSF for now.
12:09.20clad|officeif you want a row
12:09.24clad|officeyou make a series of font strings
12:09.28dylanmWith the magic... of SetPoint.
12:09.30clad|officeand set them up graphically int he columns you want
12:09.39clad|officeso lets say you make three columns, and three rows
12:09.42clad|officeyou have 9 font strings, right?
12:09.58OggieAh got it
12:10.04clad|officeso what you do then
12:10.07clad|officeis if you have 10 items
12:10.16clad|officeuyou only want to display 3 at a time
12:10.25clad|office(your scope may be bigger, same principle should apply)
12:10.40clad|officeso you maek a slider
12:10.42clad|officethat has a min value of 0
12:10.45clad|officeand a max value of 7
12:10.52clad|officeand when the value of that slider changes
12:10.57clad|officeyou re-fill the rows with the correct data
12:11.03clad|officei.e. when the slider is at 0, you show the first three entries
12:11.09clad|officewhen its at one, you should 2,3,4
12:11.11clad|officeand so on
12:11.18clad|officethats the general concept
12:11.25clad|officemaking that sortable is an easy exercise at that point
12:11.38OggieAnd easy to understand
12:11.55clad|officeyou can re-use the textuers from the friends/guild frame if you'd like
12:12.00clad|officesame basic principle applies
12:12.07clad|officeFauxScrollFrame template can be a bitch to grok
12:12.12clad|officeusing a simlpe slider is much easier
12:12.52OggieI think I've got the concept, gonna start playing around with what I've learned
12:13.03clad|officei'll be here for msot of the day
12:13.12clad|officei can actually shoot you part ofa  cahter from the book on scroll frames if it would be useful
12:13.17clad|officebut take a look first :P
12:13.43OggieYeah, don't make it too easy for me ;)
12:13.53OggieNeed a challenge if I'm gonna learn this stuff
12:14.56clad|officewell you've picked a good challenge, but its an easy roadmap
12:15.12clad|officedoing it without worry abotu layout or graphics, to understand the concept itself is the best way to do it, imo
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12:16.09dylanmclad|office: Are you guys going to put out some sort of official addendum whenever Blizzard radically changes something?
12:16.47dylanmJust curious :p seems as if you're in a far different position than you would be were you writing, say, a Python book.
12:17.18clad|officedylanm: companion website
12:17.21clad|officeand possible second editions
12:17.29clad|officethe entire api reference will be available online
12:17.33clad|officealong with lots of other things
12:17.55dylanmI hope alar buys one.
12:17.56clad|officelike wowwiki
12:17.59clad|officebut actually up to date
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12:37.45NomBongos3? O_o
12:39.09CairennNom: what about it?
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12:51.27NomI just saw it lol
12:51.38Cairennokay ...
12:53.05Nommeh i dunno.. just surprised me... didn't think there'd be enough changes required to it to justify anything more than a dot release
12:53.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110| (
12:53.44CairennI think a lot of authors took this opportunity to do major clean up, re-write, etc
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13:28.21LukianNom, Cairenn, neither violation or recount do what I want regarding filtering
13:28.50LukianI wish to see the last x events that happen before someone dies. or filter out how many crushing blows hit me
13:32.28Bela|worksome are still doing rewrites, like me
13:36.01[dRaCo]recount did that before the patch
13:36.16[dRaCo]so prolly they'll reintroduce that feature later
13:52.32sag_ich_nicht *flame*
13:52.46p30nima lolret it
13:53.31p30ncromfel lol
13:55.35sag_ich_nichtI KILL YOU!
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14:24.15OggieIf I have a <ScrollingMessageFrame name="DebugOutput"> with a size and anchors in my XML, shouldn't it be enough to allow for DebugOutput:AddMessage("Stuff...!"); in my .lua file?
14:24.36OggieI don't get any text in the frame
14:26.32clad|officeyou probably have to set a font for the SMF
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14:27.41nevcairielya, needs a fontstring
14:29.02OggieDo you guys use any kind of IDE for developing or just normal text-editors?
14:29.17nevcairieltext editor for me
14:30.59OggieI installed "AddOn Studio for WoW" which is based on Visual Studio, the GUI editor seemed to work alright but setting font for the SMF didn't generate the XML I was expecting
14:31.01|Pixel|midnight commander :P
14:31.47OggieGuess I'll have to fire up gvim and see if I can't fix it
14:32.18LopeppeppyNothing changed with the /focus command this patch, correct?
14:32.25Lopeppeppyhasn't had her wheaties yet this morning, brain dead
14:32.31NomWE need an upgraded server
14:32.48Fisker-btw haste
14:32.54NomLukian: Recount does
14:32.56Fisker-it's impossible to get any quests done
14:32.58Fisker-stupid gankers!
14:33.08Lukiannom: where?
14:33.09hasteFisker-: I've done all the dailys today :p
14:33.10NomLukian: shift-click on your name in the recount window
14:33.18hasteonly got ganked once :3
14:33.21hasteby two rogues :<
14:33.51Lukiannom: that isn't in a textual format?
14:34.20Fisker-aww haste :(
14:35.21Fisker-where's inflames?
14:35.30hastehow much is the loss when using the neutral ah?
14:35.36hasteFisker-: not online
14:36.51Fisker-I GAMBLED AND WON
14:37.02Fisker-kited some ganker to the guards
14:37.14Fisker-guards went on me because i "defended" myself
14:37.19hastebuys another account.
14:37.22Fisker-but guy killed me before guards and guards killed him
14:37.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Tinyboom (
14:37.35Fisker-or perhaps it was me who ganked
14:37.41Fisker-and that guy who was defending himself
14:37.45Fisker-nevermind that though
14:38.49LopeppeppyThe guards settled the matter!
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14:51.54pastamancerCairenn|afk: pong
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15:09.55LopeppeppyI loved that one, zenzelezz.  *hug*
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15:40.10IndustrialI'm making my own baggins item config, I'm trying to settle on the categories. Did I miss anything?
15:41.02kergothonly 4 sections in your bag? or are you making each of those sub categories a seperate section?
15:43.14Industrialbaggins allows for two levels of sections (else i'd have split soulbound up into sb/armor sb/weapons etc
15:43.49IndustrialIll do most of the filtering with PT3, and keep one category item for 'unfiltered' in baggins so I can see what I'm missing and add that later
15:44.00Industrialbut its better to catch as much as you can beforehand :p
15:44.11kergoththere's only one level of sections for a bag, unless you're making 4 bags?
15:44.15kergothbaggins is almost too flexible
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15:45.10Industrialoh, yes the consumables/equipment/tradeskills/other are different bags
15:46.57IndustrialI should prolly should put trinkets apart - outside of bop
15:47.36kergothokay, that seems like a cool way to do it.  though you might want to group the ammo/bullet makers from eng with the ammo instead of consumables, which is where they are by default, just so you can find em easier (thast what i did)
15:48.33kergothare crafted/gathered/mats/recipes/tools enough tradeskill categories?  that could get pretty big, especially if you use this same bag setup for your bank
15:48.57kergothi ended up making a primals/motes section, then used baggins_professions to set up "other prof mats" "my prof mats" etc
15:49.12Industrialthe boxes would be filtered to crafted I guess
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15:49.48Industrialalso, the free slots is one category
15:50.05Industrialbaggins uses different slots for them e.g. k32 for 32 free key slots, s20 for shards etc
15:50.33kergothoh, yeah, i forgot they do that, thats cool
15:50.41kergothmaybe i should try a multiple bag approach
15:50.56kergothwould help draw the eye more, with one bag and a ton of sections it can start getting hard to find things, even with the sections, at times
15:51.01kergothsince you then have to find the right section :P
15:52.12kergothi've been thinking of breaking up the prof mats better though, instead of mats/gathered/etc, jsut go 'leather', 'uncut gems', 'cut gems', 'other crafted', etc
15:52.16Gngskkergoth, seems you forgot to add externals to your wowi upload of LootAlert. Without Ace3 enabled it errors on initialization. Also, icons still aren't working for me through MSBT.
15:52.18kergoth is my current setup
15:52.38kergothhmm, the icons work here, i'll test it by itself.. i knew i forgot something
15:52.50Gngskk, thx
15:52.55kergothIndustrial: note how big current prof gathered gets on a bank full of supplies, heh
15:53.05Gngskif there's anything I can do to help just lemme know
15:55.37kergothIndustrial: i presume what you're calling buffs is really elixirs & flasks?  since food can give buffs too :P
15:55.47kergothor are you seperating buff food from non-buff food?
15:56.21Industrialbuffs would include all consumables that give you a buff eg flasks, elixirs, scrolls, food
15:56.22kergothnice thing with baggins is you can go make your new bags without losing your current ones, no risk of screwing anything up until you're good & ready
15:56.25kergothah, cool
15:56.44Industrialalso potions include healthstones and mana stones (mage?)
15:58.48Industrialnow to make it filter :P
16:03.30kergothIndustrial: i like how you organized the categories.. by default they're granular,w hich is good, but they're just one big long list, which is bad :P
16:04.16Industrialthanks, I basically looked at PT3 a bit :)
16:04.55kergothcourse now you've got me looking at my setup, so i'm gonna waste some hours... but itll be worth it :P
16:05.22Gngskkergoth, ok I found the issue with icons. I had skill icons disabled in MSBT. Is there an easy work around for only having icons show for LootAlert and not skills?
16:05.42kergothoh, yeah.  i'll fix that, just make it use an embedded texture instaed of msbt's icon
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16:05.54Gngskk, sounds good
16:06.14kergothi hate it when something so simple becomes messier than it should be.. such is life
16:07.42Gngskmaybe suggest to mikord an option screen to select which abilities use icons, then you could just turn them all off and still use the same msg()
16:07.55Gngskbut I guess that has it's disadvantages too
16:11.23AtriaceAnyone know what UNIT_FLAGS does exactly?
16:11.36AtriaceDocumentation on wowwiki == nil.
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16:37.09Industrialkergoth: doh I totally forgot quest items, class specific items (totems, ankhs, healthstone)
16:39.21Industriallooks like something now but I have to make exclusions for a lot of thins like food != trade
16:42.41dylanmSexy troll.
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16:44.52Shirik|zZzIndustrial: What addon is that?
16:46.26dylanmShirik|zZz: Which?
16:46.45Shirik|zZzthe bags
16:46.50dylanmThe bag addon? It's clearly Baggins.
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16:54.10Industrialkergoth: I made a quest/usable (including "begin to start") and quest/gathered
16:54.23Industrialunfortunately all keys are not keys :|
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16:55.17IndustrialI can't get Deathforge Key and Flamewrought Key (dont have other atm) to my keys
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17:25.35AtriaceIf you use hooksecurefunc, will the new function derive the same local variables as the hooked function?
17:27.31kergothno, its just a function that gets called after the other
17:28.19dylanmWith the same parameters, mind.
17:28.31dylanmBut none of the body of it is known to you, no.
17:33.19Temstatic scoped language, yo
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17:53.11SaerisAnyone know whether :SetHitRectInsets() works on Button objects? I can call it just fine, and :GetHitRectInsets() returns the values I set, but the button's hit rectangle doesn't change.
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18:05.27TemSaeris, it does
18:05.50SaerisAny idea why the rectangle isn't changing then?
18:05.55Temif it's not working for you then you're doing ti wrong
18:12.58SaerisI've got it working now. Apparently the insets don't apply until you re-anchor the object. Kind of odd, and certainly not documented.
18:13.01widger|workThis one time, in #wowi-lounge, Tem was direct ;)
18:13.07widger|workAnd so was Saeris!
18:13.25Lopeppeppysmirks and doesn't go there.
18:13.37ScytheBlade1lol. Peppy won that one.
18:13.50TemSaeris, make sure you've got your signs right
18:14.05Tema negative inset value may not do what you think it does
18:14.45widger|work(These are not the insets you're looking for)
18:15.15Lopeppeppywidger|work fed me that one directly, how could I not bite?
18:17.11SaerisThis is what I'm using to test: /script local t = TEST; if t==nil then t = CreateFrame("Button", "TEST", UIParent, "UIPanelButtonTemplate"); t:SetHeight(50); t:SetWidth(50); end t:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", 0, 50); t:SetHitRectInsets(5, 5, 5, 5);
18:17.47SaerisI can edit the SetHitRectInsets call to anything and it won't apply until I also change the y offset in the SetPoint call.
18:19.17SaerisWell, I mean, not necessarily to y offset, but anything in the SetPoint call such that the frame's position changes.
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18:40.05bloodpa1nthello, sorry for disturbin but do you know addon that plays sound that i can choose myself if some buff appear? like Nightfall? just sound, i dont need any animations or anything else
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18:46.44MentalPowerbloodpa1nt: NO PMs!!
18:47.40Cairenn|afkbloodpa1nt: if you keep up with spamming everyone in PMs, I'll contact the admins of freenode and have you klined
18:47.41cog|workseconded :P
18:47.52Cidethat is, banned
18:48.16Cairenn|afkwhat Cide said - but it's a ban from the entire network, not just a channel or two
18:48.17zenzelezzit should be obvious that if no-one answers, they either aren't here right now or they don't know
18:48.46Cairenn|afkif anyone else gets a pm from bloodpa1nt, let me know
18:49.24dylanmI hope I do. Sounds friendly.
18:52.10clad|officebloodpa1nt: your question has already bee answered
18:52.12clad|officein #wowace
18:52.13clad|officea few hours ago
18:52.17clad|officestop PMing me
18:52.23clad|officewe don't like it, especially when you do it to all of us.
18:52.55*** join/#wowi-lounge [1]QforQ (
18:53.19MalgayneI got one
18:53.30clad|officelicks Malgayne
18:54.47MentalPowerlua> 0/0 == 0/0
18:54.48lua_botMentalPower: false
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18:55.24MentalPowerto the person that asked how to check if a number is NaN, I answered incorrectly ^^^^
18:55.24clad|officeNaN isn't equal to anything, imo
18:55.33MentalPowerclad|office: correct
18:55.35clad|officelua> tonumber(0/0)
18:55.35lua_botclad|office: nan
18:55.42MentalPowerjust read a Lua list regarding that
18:56.24clad|officelua> function isnan(x) return (tostring(tonumber(x)) == "nan") end; print(isnan(1), isnan(0/0), isnan("nan"))
18:56.24lua_botclad|office: false, true, true
18:56.55clad|officelua> function isnan(x) return (tostring(tonumber(x)) == "nan") and type(x) == "number" end; print(isnan(1), isnan(0/0), isnan("nan"))
18:56.55lua_botclad|office: false, true, false
18:56.58clad|officethere we go
18:57.03MentalPowerlua> function isnan(x) return x~=x end print(isnan(0/0))
18:57.03lua_botMentalPower: true
18:57.15clad|officeat leaste of those steps is probably not necessary, but it works :P
18:57.19MentalPower(from the listserv)
18:57.39clad|officewhat listserv is this?
18:58.00MentalPower"By default, luaconf.h defines NaN as the number not equal to itself, which under IEEE 754 floating point is known as NaN as well."
18:58.07clad|officeoh cool :P
18:58.11clad|officegood to know
18:58.19clad|officeoh that thread
18:58.23MentalPowerLua Digest, Vol 95, Issue 9
18:58.23clad|officei muted it
18:58.24widger|worklua> tostring(0/0) == tostring(0/0)
18:58.24lua_botwidger|work: true
18:58.38clad|officeneat property
18:59.39widger|workI should read to the bottom
18:59.40widger|workAnd then type
18:59.58*** kick/#wowi-lounge [bloodpa1nt!i=c64a263b@gateway/web/ajax/] by widger|work (widger|work)
19:00.07clad|officewidger|work: thanks
19:00.14widger|workMy pleasure
19:00.17widger|workI don't like random PMs
19:00.33mikmaso if i message you = kick?
19:00.45widger|workNo, you just stated that you intended to message me, so it wouldn't be random.
19:00.49clad|officehe messages everyone
19:01.00ScytheBlade1Keeping silent ftw
19:03.38Esamynn|Workcheers widger|work for kicking the spammer
19:04.42Dumanwhat was he spamming?
19:04.46Dumanoh, was he msging ppl
19:04.53clad|officehello, sorry for disturbin but do you know addon that plays sound that i can choose  myself if some buff appear? like Nightfall? just sound, i dont need any animations or anything else
19:04.58clad|officea question
19:05.04clad|officethat was answered, hours ago when he askedi n it #wowilounge
19:05.14Dumanlike "parrot" ? :)
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19:05.31clad|officethere's an addon that does specifically that
19:05.38clad|officenot entirely
19:05.40clad|officebut not parrot
19:05.53Dumanactualyl, speaking of parrot...   is it still broked (not showing in/out dmg - only buffs)
19:05.59Dumanhaven't tried updaing in a day or so
19:06.00clad|officelike hello, sorry for disturbin but do you know addon that plays sound that i can choose  myself if some buff appear? like Nightfall? just sound, i dont need any animations or anything else
19:06.08clad|officelike Avion
19:07.08clad|officethat might do just visual
19:07.08clad|officebut eff it
19:07.08clad|officehe's a spammer
19:07.08dylanmDid someone pick that up?
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19:24.15art3misthis adobe photoexpress online thing is neat
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19:25.43batrickanybody have an irc client that doesn't screw with tab characters?
19:25.53batrickby default
19:26.08enumirssi :)
19:26.17batrickirssi by default changes them
19:26.22enumdoes it?
19:26.29art3misdoesnt screw with how?
19:26.29batrickto that highlight capital I yes
19:26.40batrickas in, it actually displays a tab character?
19:26.48batrick--> "\t"
19:26.48batbotbatrick: >
19:26.57enumhuh, I haven't seen that issue
19:27.04art3mishrm im not sure if mine does
19:27.14batrick--> "a\tb"
19:27.14batbotbatrick: > ab
19:27.17batrickprobably better
19:27.43clad|officei see a bolded capital I
19:28.18hastecapital I with a background
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19:28.41art3misthis is a tab test
19:28.46art3misappearantly mine doesnt
19:28.56ScytheBlade115:27 <@clad|office> i see a bolded capital I
19:29.02MentalPowerthose look like tabs to me
19:29.10art3mis<batbot> batrick: > a        b
19:29.22enumto me too
19:29.36enumi mean, they look like tabs to me too
19:29.47art3misyou just cant hit <tab> in the line sicn thats autocomplete ;P
19:33.13widger|workIn otherwords, Apple is taking advantage of the fact that they don't have significant market share in order to engage in anti-competitive practices
19:33.32widger|workThat's hard to believe, they're such an awesome, altruistic company that is all about interoperability
19:34.44art3misIf there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?
19:34.45art3mis-Scott Adams
19:34.51art3misi love that quote
19:36.13batrick"He said that Apple's graphic designers were working on more icons to include in the next update. "Most of them won't even have programs to link to, but they are very pretty."
19:37.20alestane"Apple shares were up on the news."
19:38.29art3mis2001: A Space Odyssey
19:38.30art3misAccording to this film, in year 2001 we would have had manned voyages to Jupiter, a battle of wits with a sentient computer, and a quantum leap in human evolution. Instead we got the Mir Space Station falling from the sky, Windows XP, and Freddy Got Fingered. Apparently the lesson here is that sometimes it's better when the movies get the facts all wrong.
19:40.15widger|workWindows XP was a wonderful improvement for non-business customers, especially considering the majority of them were using Windows 98 SE or Windows ME
19:41.32cog|workwasn't as much of an improvement until sp1 imo
19:42.22widger|workI think moving everyone to the NT kernal was a good idea and resulted in greatly increased stability
19:43.18ScytheBlade1"I think"? Best move EVER. If you think otherwise, you're daft.
19:44.05art3mis^^ ncie setup
19:44.13widger|workI've worked in customer service too long to state definitive opinions ;)
19:44.16art3misi think eventually im gonna have to get something like that
19:44.35ScytheBlade1widger|work: yeah, I worked as a sysadmin. All I have is definitive opinions ;)
19:50.48art3mis <-- cheap racks
19:53.14art3mis <-- homemade rackmount
20:03.38batrickany irssi pros here?
20:04.11batricki know it's possible... how do you change the tab char which is a highlighted I to a regular tab?
20:06.11p3limwhat tooltip addon is that?
20:06.17p3limjust for the background tbh
20:07.59batrickShirik|zZz: ping
20:08.34dylanmp3lim: I think TipTac can make that happen.
20:08.52p3limcool, thanks
20:09.58widger|workI wonder if anyone's ever had a caTpiT
20:10.15widger|workWell, I'm sure many people have
20:10.19widger|workIf you consider large cats
20:10.23widger|workBut I mean house cats
20:16.32alestanewidger|work: emails away!
20:17.17Drundiaunbelievable. when ScrollingMessageFrame is spammed with AddMessage() and it causes massive scrolling of visible text it causes massive framerate lag. i clearly need someone important.
20:17.30widger|workAnd received, thanks Alestane ;)
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20:21.20Drundiaadding 100 messages which cause scrolling = 45ms, adding 100 messages which don't = 3ms *cough*
20:22.24Drundiait just eats 40ms if it scrolls
20:24.01Drundiait only happens for ChatFrame2 too.... this is strange.....
20:25.32laggerif i do bit.bor(0x44,0x55) will that give 0x55?
20:25.49kd3lua> bit.bor(0x44,0x55)
20:25.49lua_botkd3: 85
20:26.04alestanelua: print (0x55)
20:26.10alestanelua> print (0x55)
20:26.11lua_botalestane: 85
20:26.15alestaneSo yes.
20:26.59art3misman now i want a 16u rackmount case
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20:27.15art3misthrow all my crap in there would be perfect
20:28.57art3misheh of course this IS new york so the cahances of my just finding a rackmount being thrown out is rpetty good ;P
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20:34.04laggerwhy does bit.bor(0x00000002,0x00000004) give 6 but bit.bor(0x00000002,0x00000003) gives 3
20:37.24Drundiabecause some smart guy defined bitwise or like that
20:37.50laggerdoes it convert it
20:37.55laggerto binary?
20:38.01laggerand then do the operator
20:38.10zenzelezzit is already binary, you just expressed it in hex
20:38.40zenzelezzit's a normal binary OR (where 110 OR 010 = 110)
20:38.47laggerah i c
20:39.44zenzelezzof course I wrote it the wrong way around, but the point is the same
20:40.33zenzelezzdoes anyone happen to know if the WoWCombatLog.txt is written in UTF-8 or ASCII?
20:42.59Slayman|WEzenzelezz: my notepad++ says it#s UTF-8
20:43.24MentalPowerzenzelezz: UTF-8
20:43.33MentalPowerfor compat with EU
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21:04.15laggerwhat exactly is COMBAT_LOG_NONE (0x80000000) suppose to be anyone know?
21:07.32zenzelezzis that a message or an ID lagger?
21:07.44Drundiait's flag
21:08.07laggerits in the Constants.lua under special cases
21:08.10zenzelezzin that case it's just what it says I believe, no target/caster (whoever it's a flag for)
21:10.36laggerwouldnt that be a flag for almost everything then
21:11.09laggerthats not raidtarget1-8, focus, target, mt
21:11.59zenzelezzit's literally no unit at all
21:12.07zenzelezz(again, if I'm not mistaken)
21:12.33zenzelezzyou still get GUIDs and flags for all sorts of mobs and players that aren't raid/target... etc
21:13.30laggeryeah isnt that what i meant
21:13.31zenzelezzit can also be a flag for things like poisons
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21:14.23laggeri c
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21:26.39Shirik|Ecoleso I must admit I've never seen a 10mm fan before
21:26.50Shirik|Ecolebut apparently we found some, and they blow really well....
21:27.22MentalPower1cm fan?
21:27.31MentalPowerwhat do you use them for?
21:27.45MentalPoweroh, and pic would be nice, I'd love to see one
21:28.00widger|workI love robots that blow well
21:28.04widger|workThey love me too
21:28.21Shirik|Ecoleoh I'm sorry, it's 20mm
21:28.34Shirik|Ecolethis is why I'm not on the mechanical team...
21:28.53Shirik|Ecoleno idea ><
21:28.58Shirik|Ecolefast enough for me not to see the blades
21:29.28MentalPowerwidger|work: no comment
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21:29.53Shirik|Ecolemy robot refuses to go anywhere because of ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED and I can't figure out why T_T
21:30.02Shirik|EcoleI think it's starting to take over the world
21:30.09Shirik|Ecoleit is no longer listening to my orders
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21:31.11zenzelezzwell which function returns that value?
21:31.34Shirik|EcoleGetLastError() :P
21:31.43Shirik|Ecolebut CreateFile causes the error
21:31.57Shirik|Ecole(CreateFile is a bit of a misnomer, that's how you open a serial port)
21:32.03Shirik|EcoleWindows API has great naming conventions
21:32.04zenzelezzI know
21:32.32zenzelezzCreateFile isn't that bad actually, the devices it lets you open all serve the same purpose
21:33.00Shirik|Ecolething is though, I don't think I've changed anything
21:33.03Shirik|Ecoleand all of a sudden it's not working
21:34.18Shirik|Ecoleah For communications resources, the dwCreationDisposition parameter must be OPEN_EXISTING, the dwShareMode parameter must be zero (exclusive access), and the hTemplateFile parameter must be NULL.
21:34.24Shirik|EcoleI don't think I'm using OPEN_EXISTING >.>
21:34.52Shirik|Ecolewierd that it worked before
21:35.05Shirik|Ecolemaybe I merged something in SVN I shouldn't have
21:36.05Shirik|Ecolenope didn't fix it, wtf ><
21:36.42zenzelezzI assume you're not suddenly running as a less privileged user or something like that?
21:36.57Shirik|Ecoledon't believe so; I'm on XP with an administrator account
21:37.19Shirik|Ecolewant to take a look at my call to see if I'm doing something stupid? You seem to be familiar with the Windows API
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21:40.58zenzelezzI sound more than I am, but I can have a look anway ;)
21:41.01zenzelezzI read a lot
21:41.21Shirik|Ecolecan't hurt to have a fresh pair of eyes >< I haven't gotten a good night's sleep in a very long time
21:43.20zenzelezzwhat's the value of "port"?
21:43.34Shirik|Ecoleone would think I already checked that ><
21:43.59Shirik|Ecole+port0x003337a4 "COM5"const char *
21:44.02Shirik|Ecoleso it's "COM5"
21:44.27zenzelezzshould be valid then, in theory at least
21:45.27Shirik|Ecoleoh no
21:45.32Shirik|Ecoleoh no.....
21:45.43Shirik|Ecolethat is so not funny
21:45.50Shirik|Ecolefound it >.>
21:46.13zenzelezzdo tell
21:46.16Shirik|EcoleI needed to use CreateFileA instead of CreateFile. Why it even compiled is beyond me, but apparently it was expecting wide characters instead of 8-bit character string
21:46.37zenzelezzyour project is set to Unicode+
21:46.38zenzelezz* ?
21:46.50Shirik|EcoleI guess it got set to unicode when I converted
21:46.56zenzelezzbasically it mustbe
21:47.20zenzelezzthere is no CreateFile function, only CreateFileA and CreateFileW, and it's  aliased based on project setting
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21:48.20zenzelezzsetting it to Unicode means that most Windows functions that use strings expect wide characters (in the off chance you hadn't poked around with this before)
21:48.41Shirik|Ecoleright but they should also be expecting a wchar_t* instead of a char*
21:48.52Shirik|Ecolewhich means it shouldn't compile
21:49.01zenzelezzthey expect a TSTR usually
21:49.11zenzelezzwhich is either a char* or wchar_t* depending on setting
21:50.33Shirik|EcoleI take it back
21:50.35zenzelezzalso, when possible stay to unicode when interacting with Windows
21:50.39Shirik|EcoleI didn't actually fix the problem
21:50.40Shirik|Ecoleit lied
21:51.06zenzelezzon NT kernels any ...A function just internally converts the string to a wide character string and calls the ...W function
21:51.10Shirik|Ecolesomething really strange is going on with my debugger, it skips over the if statement
21:51.15Shirik|Ecoleas I'm stepping through instructions
21:51.28Shirik|Ecolebut then throws the exception when I'm on something completely unrelated
21:51.35Shirik|Ecole(which is inside the if block)
21:51.46zenzelezzclean and complete rebuild, just in case?
21:52.19Shirik|Ecoleok, I found it
21:52.24Shirik|Ecoleit's an even stupider mistake
21:52.38Shirik|EcoleI'm creating two CRobot objects, each of which is trying to open the com ports >.> Instead of only creating one
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22:19.35Shirik|Ecoleyou see batrick, this is why I love windows
22:19.59Shirik|Ecoleit's all like "Warning: Attempt to access memory after deletion"
22:20.07Shirik|Ecolethe memory debugging tools are so nice
22:20.23Shirik|Ecoleyeah but valgrind's a pain :P
22:20.28Shirik|EcoleI don't have to do anything at all
22:20.33Shirik|Ecoleexcept #include <crtdbg.h>
22:20.34Shirik|Ecoleand done
22:20.41kd3whee, heroic MgT is fun, but not running in to a new bug
22:21.12clad|officeby the way in case you haven't seen it
22:21.13Shirik|Ecolethat's not a bug
22:21.25Shirik|Ecolethat's an attempt to eliminate overpowered mages with dragon's breath
22:21.54ScytheBlade1That's a classy bug
22:24.05ScytheBlade1Also, yay for removing passwords from my SMTP server for relay access
22:24.08ScytheBlade1Gogo client certs!
22:25.52Shirik|Ecolebegins brute forcing ScytheBlade1's private key
22:26.12ScytheBlade1Gotta get a copy of it first ;)
22:26.38ScytheBlade1removes one of the three smart cards from his wallet and passes it to Shirik|Ecole
22:26.42ScytheBlade1"Good luck"
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22:28.32Shirik|EcoleI'll just use my supercomputer
22:28.43ScytheBlade1pats shirik
22:29.07Shirik|Ecole"named bit field cannot have zero width" that's a cool sounding error
22:29.14foxlitwonder what universities think of utilizing their HPC facilities for private key searches
22:29.27MentalPowerso you'll use your java-based robot for the task? :P
22:29.39Shirik|EcoleI have multiple robots :)
22:29.42Shirik|EcoleThis one's C++
22:29.55Shirik|Ecolethat's a great idea foxlit
22:30.02Shirik|EcoleI can use our beowulf cluster to do it
22:30.22Shirik|EcoleIt's been sitting there doing nothing forever
22:30.22foxlit~dict beowulf cluster
22:30.25Shirik|Ecolewhat a waste of technology
22:30.34Shirik|Ecole~wiki beowulf cluster
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22:49.11IndustrialShaman, leveling, I am level 64 and elemental from 58. Should I go enhancement after all because its way faster and easier to level?
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22:58.01cladhaireCide: ping
22:58.19cladhairesomeone just commited CT_RaidTracker to wowace
22:58.21cladhairei've deleted it
22:58.24cladhairebut would like your thoughts :P
22:58.37ScytheBlade1... lol
22:58.42nevcairiel(we dont know if its just the same name or a rip-off)
22:58.44CideI don't maintain it
22:58.51Cideand I haven't for the past year or so
22:58.58cladhaireokay, does _someone_
22:59.00Cidesomeone else has been so I don't care
22:59.01cladhaireshould they rename it?
22:59.26Cideprobably.. at least not "CT_RaidTracker" .. the maintained version is appended stuff to differentiate it from ours
22:59.48cladhairethats what I thought
22:59.49cladhairethanks :P
23:00.04Cideanytime, thanks for asking
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23:02.32BeladonaIndustrial: at 64, I wouldn't worry about enhancement. It helps more pre-60
23:02.45Beladonaat 64, you can easily group to level
23:03.23Industrialwell I still spend a big deal soloing
23:03.34KirovAnyone know what's up with curse's logins?
23:03.44Beladonaare you having problems soloing?
23:03.49IndustrialI have a group of one level 70 warrior, his now 67 alt, me, one random good healer and another random
23:04.01Industrialnot really with 468 nature spellpower
23:04.12Beladonadefinitely stick with what you know then
23:04.24IndustrialI did enhancement until 58
23:04.36Industrialwondering what the dps would be at my level, and solo-ability
23:04.38Beladonawell not trying to talk you out of it
23:04.48BeladonaI just dont think it will make a huge difference
23:05.08Beladonain terms of levelling anyway
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23:05.16Beladonaif you like melee, then thats a different animal
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23:06.29IndustrialI feel very vulnerable when playing elemental (in world pvp), scared almost :p
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23:07.14Industrialnot that it really matters but I'd like to fuck some pople up back instead of hoping the enxt time i see them they wont be looking ym way and I cant get some crits off and then run :p
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23:11.57ScytheBlade1Antiarc|Gone: enjoy!
23:12.05ScytheBlade1Antiarc|Gone: I'll fill up the bug tracker while you're gone ;D
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23:27.24foxlitHrm, opinion time
23:27.36foxlitUpdate or not update toc version tags with no other code changes?
23:28.36Shirik|Ecoleassuming you wrote the code
23:28.40Shirik|Ecoleand you think it's working
23:32.36NightHawkTheSaneif you're using the same code under the latest game version with no issues, you may as well update the toc.
23:32.50NightHawkTheSaneassuming, of course, that you're the author.
23:36.34foxlitHm, I was thinking the opposite
23:37.54Shirik|Ecoleimho, updating the toc is like a certification from you that it works at that patch number
23:38.16foxlitThat's what I generally abuse an addon site's "compatible with" flag for
23:38.36foxlitInterpret the toc version as more of a "designed against"
23:38.58NightHawkTheSanewell, its all a matter of interpretation, of course
23:39.21NightHawkTheSanethere's no reason you can't use the toc version to represent a "tested against" game version
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23:40.14KirovMy experience has also been that many users feel "safer" when the toc is updated, even if nothing else has changed.
23:41.00KirovAs NightHawk said, it's been "tested"
23:41.01NightHawkTheSaneof course, that interpretation has the benefit of superseding even caring about what it was "designed against", and rendering "compatable with" flags pretty moot, which are really only there to pick up the slack for devs
23:41.44KirovI'm a horrible example though, I didn't update any of my mods from 2.1 till now because, well, they worked.
23:41.49Kirovincluding toc change
23:42.14foxlitPeople who don't update addons because they "work" make me qq :(
23:42.52KirovI also stopped playing for a couple months.
23:42.56foxlitHave a little faith; this isn't wowace, _releases_ should be as stable, if not more stable, than the previous one :(
23:43.05foxlit(general whining not directed at anyone in particular)
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23:50.53foxlitUNIT_HEALTH and COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED aren't synchronized, are they?

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