IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080327

00:00.29AntiarcHeh, I'd definitely put it on a resume
00:00.49AntiarcI've put hundreds of hours into it. You'd damn well believe I want potential employeers to know about it :P
00:01.15LunessaAnd you did it for "fun"  so it shows you can stick to a project in the face of adversity.
00:03.00Corrodiasoh snap, tinytip appears to be inoperative
00:03.30cogumel0how do I use DongleStub to load astrolabe and use it's api?
00:04.20JoshBorkei like how people search for
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00:07.07CideI search for stuff like that
00:07.13Cidewell, not the url since firefox would go there
00:07.31Cidebut I type in "curse" and it does a transparent google search and gives me the best result
00:09.21JoshBorkeyes, but this is an actual google search for
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00:15.53LopeppeppyGuild drama for the lose!  I totally hate attempting to raid after a patch.
00:16.03LopeppeppyAttempting being the key word.  "How does Omen work now?"
00:16.21Corrodiaslooks good, but you need to take a few minutes to reconfigure it
00:16.43Corrodiasit looks like the only obviously nonfunctional thing in my UI is TinyTip
00:16.54Corrodiasand that may not be a wowace updated addon...
00:17.12dylanmAre parts of it working?
00:17.20dylanmI know the positioning on the latest rev doesn't work.
00:17.37Corrodiasas far as i can tell, it's not modifying my tooltip at all
00:17.49Corrodiasno, that's not true
00:18.11Corrodiasposition and, i think, the outline
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00:19.52enumyo, so I have this code: The OnLoad event doesn't seem to be firing.
00:20.38Corrodiasdoes CreateFrame load it?
00:20.39enumsuper simple, just doing some logic testing to get familiar. Anyone have some insight they would be willing to enlighten me with?
00:20.46enumthat's what I was thinkin
00:20.59Corrodiasother than that, i'm clueless
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00:21.22enumI tried /dump FRAME with devtools, and FRAME comes back nil
00:21.39dylanmOnLoad does not work in this capacity.
00:21.44dylanmFRAME is not the name of anything.
00:22.09enumso for OnLoad to work, I would need an XML file with my frame in it right/?
00:22.51dylanmYeah. Run your code upon PLAYER_LOGIN or something if you can't do it right away.
00:23.06enumbasically, I am wanting to create an invisible frame to register all of my events... which will be in a hash that is run through a loop
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00:24.40enumok, thanks
00:24.44Corrodiasyep, tinytip is modifying the tooltip correctly except for colors and positioning, basically
00:30.09ScytheBlade1I should really update my addons
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00:34.11AdysWhen i think I'm still shocked by people still using ie6
00:35.13Cideanyone know how to reset/flush a database or a table (mysql)?
00:35.22ScytheBlade1Cide: define "flush/reset"
00:35.40ScytheBlade1Cide: TRUNCATE tableName; -- nukes all entries and resets any auto_increment fields
00:35.42Cideclear out all rows and reset auto id fields
00:35.44Cideya, that
00:35.49Cidecouldn't remember the name
00:35.51ScytheBlade1TRUNCATE for you!
00:36.00CideI'll TRUNCATE your mom!
00:36.02ScytheBlade1It's a weird name for a function, but eh
00:36.20ScytheBlade1Wouldn't that be murder of an entire family?
00:36.43ScytheBlade1And question for the general channel
00:37.01ScytheBlade1Why can't we add Party/Raid source/destination filters to the combatlog? :(
00:37.05ScytheBlade1(Using the stock interface)
00:37.26ScytheBlade1Done by has "Friends" but... that's a very wide scope, especially out in the open
00:40.46kd3ya... the thought crossed my mind but I never did think to ask zoot about it on the ptr
00:41.02enumis there a way to include a lua script, without adding it to the toc? I have some support files ( mostly variables, and configuration ) inside a seperate file than the logic, and didn't really want to add it to the toc
00:41.10ScytheBlade1It'd be a (relatively) minor change
00:41.15ScytheBlade1enum: <Script> in the XML
00:41.22ScytheBlade1enum: aside from that, you only have the .toc
00:45.02ScytheBlade1wonders what thread to post the request in
00:48.30p3limdoes ClearFont work with chatframe right now?
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00:57.26enumso hard to get out of the habit of using {} instead of then end
01:01.18okikhow do I listen for an event?
01:01.35okikwhat's the code for listening to for example ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA ?
01:02.30ScytheBlade1You register the event, and then write a function that handles it
01:02.43okikhow do I register the event? :)
01:03.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Garoun|Loupana (
01:13.36purlSince Mon Mar 24 03:02:46 2008, there have been 29 modifications, 358 questions, 0 dunnos, 0 morons and 221 commands.  I have been awake for 2d 22h 10m 50s this session, and currently reference 114541 factoids.  I'm using about 23236 kB of memory. With 0 active forks. Process time user/system 6713.64/268.55 child 0/0
01:13.57Nom-hmm what was that factoid that has the login screen messages lol
01:16.04enumok, so question... This code I am editing I did not originally write. The old developer had an OnEvent handler function that accepted arguments in the following format... function AddOn-OnEvent(event, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6). Now, with the new Combat Log API changes this is broken. Would it be safe to assume using ... in place of a{1,2,3,4,5,6} ?
01:16.53enumI don't know if there is a way ( without hard coding ) to predict the number of params being passed
01:17.20enumso, in my mind ( yet inexperienced with the WoW API ) using ... would be the way to do this
01:19.15Nom-What kind of addon ?
01:19.40Nom-If it was parsing the Combat Log messages before, you'll need to rewrite the way it gets that information
01:20.12enumthe event handler function is used to parse more than the combat log events
01:20.40enumfor example, if something is linked in chat
01:20.56dylanmShove ... off to something that makes the variables names sane... it's bad enough.
01:22.02enumNom-: I've read that page 30,000,000 times already. I understand how to get event argements, and how to filter. What I'm trying to do here is keep the same generic event handler for both non combat events, and combat events
01:22.22enumdylanm: what do you mean 'shove ... off to something makes the variables more sane'?
01:22.36WobinIsn't there a teleporter to the CoT in Shatt somewhere now?
01:22.47Nom-Wobin: World's End Tavern
01:23.44NightHawkTheSaneWobin: talk to the npc named 'zephyr'
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01:27.11enumbasically what I am doing right now is passing ... to the OnEvent handler, which then triggers the OnEvent function for that event. Then, based on which event it is we assign variables using ...
01:28.25enumso like for combat, we know we will get timestamp, eventType, srcGUID, srcName, srcFlags, dstGUID, dstName, dstFlags
01:28.48enumand if it's a spell cast, we know we will get the spelld, spellName, pspellSchool, etc.
01:29.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:30.46ShirikBT is fun ^^
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01:44.09ScytheBlade1From 54 addons to 28
01:44.54ScytheBlade1That should help load times :P
01:49.17ZealotOnAStickhow do we insert raid target symbol icons into chat?
01:49.28ScytheBlade1{rt1} also
01:51.47AdysStupid question, is quel denas instanced?
01:52.13ScytheBlade1No more than Ghostlands and the BE capital anyways
01:52.20ScytheBlade1It's on the Outland server
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01:59.48ZealotOnAStickScytheBlade1: thank you!
02:03.53ScytheBlade1ZealotOnAStick: ?
02:03.56ScytheBlade1What'd I do?
02:04.09ScytheBlade1wanders around aimlessly
02:15.16SixenAnyone have a Mac ISO? :/.
02:16.14Cairennblizz (us) forums crapping out for anyone else?
02:16.31AnduinLotharMac ISO?
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02:19.30ScytheBlade1Antiarc: hehe, I have people in multiple channels saying things like "I don't have a minimap icon!", "what? I do" "new omen is FTL it looks different" "qq more nub" etc
02:19.56AntiarcScytheBlade1: /omen skin load classic
02:19.57ScytheBlade1It's the only addon that people are really talking about too
02:20.01AntiarcAlso, update, there's a minimap button now
02:20.06ScytheBlade1They mean the layout
02:20.11ScytheBlade1Yeah I know, I read the threads :)
02:20.51ScytheBlade1Just the people who can't get used to change in general
02:20.55ScytheBlade1(Despite playing WoW...)
02:21.49Pazza_Is it a bug or was there an API change to fonts and scrolling message frames?
02:22.06SixenAL: Yeah, an ISO of a Mac OS X.
02:23.21ScytheBlade1Antiarc: oh, and I'm told to tell you that the new warning sound makes multiple people want to "punch babies." On the flip side, that also means that it is rather effective at getting people's attention. Take that as you please.
02:23.37AntiarcIf it gets people to listen up, mission accomplished!
02:23.41AntiarcAnd they can change it/turn it off
02:23.59ScytheBlade1Ohh new options menu
02:24.04ScytheBlade1I like
02:26.11Corrodiassomebody tried to give me a virus, possibly trojan
02:26.38Corrodiasi get a message on MSN messenger from a friend asking if this image (URL) is me, but the "image" is a .com file
02:26.48Corrodiaswhat a poor, pathetic attempt :(
02:26.55ScytheBlade1Antiarc: and last time I'll bug you for a bit. In Compact mode (my preference), the bottom-right resize handle is off by a few pixels. Needs to go down 3 pixels and it should be good.
02:26.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphon (
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02:27.22ScytheBlade1Well, compact "skin" not mode
02:28.09Corrodiasi enjoy it, but i want my threat bar to be colored red, so i can find it more easily among the others
02:28.16AntiarcThat's coming
02:28.22CorrodiasI WANT IT YESTERDAY
02:28.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Recluse (
02:28.29AntiarcPatches accepted. :)
02:28.37Corrodiasreally digging the new look, though
02:28.48ScytheBlade1If I had a clue about how to code an ace addon, I'd consider it
02:29.20AlexanderYoshiAntiarc, you here?
02:29.20AntiarcSeriously, I went to bed at 8 AM this morning because I was up all night bugfixing.
02:29.23AntiarcAlexanderYoshi: Yo
02:29.27AlexanderYoshiNice job on Omen 2
02:29.28AlexanderYoshiI like it
02:29.30AntiarcHeh, thanks
02:29.33AntiarcLots to do still
02:29.33ScytheBlade1For whatever reason that made me laugh more than it should have, AY
02:29.42Reclusei saw the nonaggressive murlocs on the new island, but didn't chance attacking them yet. i fear they would team up
02:30.04AlexanderYoshithey used to have loot
02:30.07AlexanderYoshiit was nuts
02:31.46ScytheBlade1And yes, agreed. After playing around with the settings, that alone is a huge improvement. Much kudos.
02:32.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
02:32.39AlexanderYoshiOh yes on Omen
02:32.41ScytheBlade1With *just the settings
02:32.43AlexanderYoshiI like the new art
02:33.01AntiarcMore or less all I did was set up the ability to change border textures on top of what was there before
02:33.17Reclusedo the options work now? couldn't get them to change last night
02:33.31AntiarcWhich ones?
02:33.43Recluselike the border colors, for one
02:33.45AntiarcI've made like 60 commits in the last 24 hours
02:33.48AntiarcYeah, I fxied that
02:34.33Recluselol, yeah i noticed XD <3 frequent commits - and ty for getting it to show on fubar again =3
02:36.32LunessaMmm... new combat log options on default  are... very nice.
02:36.49ScytheBlade1heh @ forums whining about the combat log
02:37.07ScytheBlade1"something changed whaaaaa"
02:37.18AlexanderYoshiMost people complain about the defaults
02:37.29AlexanderYoshiI figured those designers at Blizzard must be totally wrong
02:37.37LunessaI mean... I just spent some time fiddling with it... and ... It's NICE.  Even if the under-pinnings weren't changed, just the filtering/coloring options are a vast improvement.
02:37.44ScytheBlade1In all honesty
02:37.47AlexanderYoshiHow do you use it?
02:38.03Mike-N-GoI sold 3 nether vortexes for 400G apiece yesterday!
02:38.07ScytheBlade1I have a friend who is sooo pissed off at the "piss poor design" he gets frustrated just LOOKING at the new combat log
02:38.08LunessaRiht-Click comabt log tab, choose settings.
02:38.33Corrodiasbut the new combat log has practically the same design as the old, doesn't it, except colored? by default
02:38.59Mike-N-Go26 and 2/3 gold per badge.. lol
02:39.19LunessaYou know... It's been so long since I used the default UI... It's not as bad as I remember.
02:39.20Corrodiasyour friend should not play WoW if he gets stressed out from minor changes
02:39.26Corrodiasit will be bad for his health
02:39.36ScytheBlade1Corrodias: agreed. You have no idea just how pissy he got too
02:39.53Corrodiashe must be REALLY attached to white text
02:39.56AlexanderYoshiHaha, what's the poor design part?
02:39.59Corrodiasbut i bet you can turn it white
02:40.03AlexanderYoshihe doesn't like the buttons?
02:40.07ScytheBlade1<[> god damn the new combat log sucks
02:40.08ScytheBlade1<[> reparse over and over ftfuckinglose
02:40.08AlexanderYoshior the lack of artification?
02:40.15ScytheBlade1<[> my combat log must be a million lines right now because its taking >60 seconds to reparse
02:40.17AlexanderYoshiOh, well that part blows
02:40.18ScytheBlade1<[> they failed at design
02:40.26AlexanderYoshiIts terrible
02:40.27Corrodiaspush button; receive parsing
02:40.36AlexanderYoshiReparsing = the suck
02:40.44AlexanderYoshithere should have been a cap on how many events it reparsed
02:41.02ScytheBlade1Honestly? I'd be fine once the reparsing after you zone is "fixed"
02:41.11ScytheBlade1If you switch views, I'm fine with it reparsing there
02:41.29ScytheBlade1But he, however, just about blew up when I said that :P
02:41.39NightHawkTheSanereparsing after switching filters is more or less going to be a given
02:41.43AlexanderYoshiI think the bug is they did RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") instead of "VARIABLES_LOADED")
02:41.46NightHawkTheSanehow do you even avoid that?
02:42.05ScytheBlade1NightHawkTheSane: by maintaing data in two tables per view, and adding events to the relevant tables as they come in
02:42.09ScytheBlade1At least, that was his idea
02:42.46NightHawkTheSanethat sounds like a gigantic waste of memory for something thats really not going to happen all that often
02:42.54enumif I want to see the entirety of a hash, how would I do so? for example if my hash is: Data[spelld]['spellName'] = spellName; Data[spelld]['spellSchool'] = spellSchool;
02:43.04ScytheBlade1Yeah, when I said that he said "I refuse to believe that lua has no concepts of pointers"
02:43.19ScytheBlade1And considering that table assignment is by reference, he has a point
02:44.39NightHawkTheSanearguably. but I doubt there
02:44.48AntiarcWell, Lua has the concept of pointers, sorta
02:44.58AntiarcYou can pass function references around and assign them to variables
02:45.02AntiarcWhich is sorta like a pointer
02:45.03NightHawkTheSanethere's really all that much of an issue, unless you habitually switch between liberal but distinct views
02:45.07AntiarcNot really, but it's functionally similar
02:45.23NightHawkTheSanein which case, you probably should be smacked
02:50.08AlexanderYoshiAnyone know if Perfect Raid is working?
02:50.10ShirikAny bongos3 users know if it's possible to permanently turn on the pet bar?
02:50.24NightHawkTheSanewhat do you mean permanently?
02:50.41Shirikeven if I don't have a pet out, it'll show the bar
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02:50.53AdysQuestion.. does GetRealmName() send a serverside request, or is the realm name cached in the client?
02:50.55NightHawkTheSanei've not seen any bar addon that will do that
02:51.07Shirikhow am I supposed to change keybindings then
02:51.36NightHawkTheSanethats a very good questoin
02:51.41NightHawkTheSaneask tuller? :p
02:52.03AlexanderYoshiIts cached in the client I think
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02:52.45AdysWhat I was thinking too, but doesnt seem to be instant
02:55.06ScytheBlade1That's... interesting
02:55.32ScytheBlade1And if you don't get any? :P
02:55.43Cairennno more Zootfizzle for you!
02:56.10NightHawkTheSaneso either she gets zootfizzle, or bribes, seems like win-win to me.
02:56.28Shirikwhy do I have to get picked for gorefiend :(
02:56.33ShirikBut it wasn't my fault we wiped!
02:56.48purlFAIL, Shirik, FAIL!
02:56.53NightHawkTheSanei hate gorefiend. ><
02:56.57ShirikI got most my guys dead!
02:57.02ScytheBlade1lol @ most
02:57.02ShirikThe dude before me didn't though
02:57.05ScytheBlade1Grats on wiping the raid!
02:57.12Shirikmeh, by that time they were saying it was already a wipe
02:57.18Shirikso I'm sitting there like "well, do I keep killing them?"
02:57.23Shirikso I started taking pot shots randomly
02:57.51Shirikbut seriously, I'm the only new person in the raid and I have to get picked :(
02:58.06ScytheBlade1Wait a minute
02:58.08NightHawkTheSaneshit happens. :P be glad you got it near the end and not, say, first.
02:58.13ScytheBlade1My angsty friend the right-facing bracket joined
02:58.23[i have no angst
02:58.30ScytheBlade1That's a lie and you know it
02:58.32Shirik~nickometer [
02:58.41[low enough for me
02:58.47NightHawkTheSanewouldn't left bracket be more appropriate a name than right-facing bracket?
02:58.51Adys~nickometer (
02:58.57Shirik~nickometer ]
02:59.04Adyssenses favouritism
02:59.45[resumes lurking
03:00.16NightHawkTheSaneah, to attain the mystical null nick.
03:00.37purlfrom memory, dividebyzero is Imagine you're landing on an aeroplane and the automatic pilot's working," he suggests. "If it divides by zero and the computer stops working - you're in big trouble. If your heart pacemaker divides by zero, you're dead.
03:00.57AdysSomeone actually did it, woah
03:03.13LunessaFaceBook is scary.  It's actually pointing out people I probably know with a frightening degree of accuracy.
03:04.31Shiriktold you ScytheBlade1!
03:04.39Shirikwe wiped again and I didn't get picked
03:04.40Shirikso nyah
03:04.44ScytheBlade1You lie
03:05.08ShirikI do not
03:05.16ShirikI got all "Aggro from Shadowy Construct!" and then fell over
03:05.45ScytheBlade1So you still failed
03:06.06Shirikwasn't my fault though!
03:06.09ShirikThey got in the raid >.>
03:06.09AlexanderYoshiLunessa, what feature is that?
03:06.49LunessaSomething they added recently (just noticed it today) called "People you may know"
03:07.20Lunessait's found 6 people I actually do know - from mutual friends and what not.
03:07.50LunessaAnd a long list of others that I probably know, but I'm crappy with real names so maybe not.
03:07.53Shirikfacebook has been scary for a long time
03:08.13AdysThey probably wanted to call it "Your friends we also spy on" but they didnt let them do it :(
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03:09.31LunessaAnd thought it lists some women on here I /wish/ I knew, I can't honestly say that I do.
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03:14.12AdysLunessa: Easy, add them as a friend, tell them "Remember me?" and they'll suddenly actually "remember you"
03:14.40Adys"oohhh yeaaaaah, THAT guy!"
03:15.11LunessaHahaha... Yeah.  I tried that once in a bar.
03:15.35AdysNo, never try that in bars, most women got an amazing facial memory
03:15.56AdysBut if it's a blurry, facebookish pic, meh.
03:16.28LunessaMe too.  And it actually worked. I just couldn't remember her name, but we'd been to many events/parties and such in common.  I dated her for 3 months after. :P
03:16.53AdysI read that "I deleted her 3 months after"
03:17.48LunessaAcually... I pretty much did.
03:18.48Adys"Do not want" rm -rf thatgirl
03:19.06enumdoes anyone know how to grab the mob id? I was hoping it would be in the combat log event info, but from what I can tell it's not
03:19.26ScytheBlade1enum: mob ID #? Like ones that you would use on wowhead? ?mob=ID
03:19.39AdysEnum, for what i gathered on the ptrs it seems the mob number isnt present, it creates an artificial tooltip
03:20.01ScytheBlade1tonumber(substr(guid, 6, 12), 16) iirc
03:20.08ScytheBlade1That's probably wrong in every sense, let me find the post
03:20.34Adys(you actually can?)
03:21.09ScytheBlade1Sec, finding the post
03:21.20AdysAny idea if tooltips are still artificially created?
03:21.29MentalPowertonumber(string.sub(guid, 6, 12), 16)
03:21.32MentalPoweraka, its correct
03:21.38ScytheBlade1^ what MentalPower said
03:21.53enumthanks ScytheBlade1, MentalPower
03:22.54WobinLunessa: Did you remember her name after all that? =P
03:23.54LunessaWobin: I remember it quite clearly now.  Something about dating a woman who is totally wrong for you sears her name into your frontal lobe with a branding iron.
03:24.12ScytheBlade1sag_ich_nicht: grats on not being terribad?
03:24.13Wobinomg, the People You May Know is creepy
03:24.30Wobinit's showing me connections I never knew existed
03:24.44DrundiaCan someone with US account inform Slouken that CombatLogGetRetentionTime() isn't honored at all, it stores combat log messages until it's full around 27k entries. Reading his blues it seems he's not aware yet....
03:24.49LunessaPretty soon, they're going to be asking to borrow money.
03:25.20ScytheBlade1Drundia: Get? Do you mean Set?
03:25.33WobinIt's like How does this person I know from High school know this person I met through a uni friend's gf, and yet another person I met through an entirely different connection
03:25.36Drundiait doesnt honor the return value from it
03:25.45sag_ich_nicht[04:24] <ScytheBlade1> sag_ich_nicht: grats on not being terribad? <--look no
03:25.46sag_ich_nichttrust me
03:26.06Drundiathe code somewhere says "-- CombatLogGetRetentionTime() will now be honored over the MaxLines
03:26.07ShirikI don't see why people are saying MgT is hard
03:26.11sag_ich_nichtit isn't.
03:26.22sag_ich_nichtbut with the setup we had against the random adds we had
03:26.23NightHawkTheSaneWobin: its a scary, scary, small world,  hmm?
03:26.25sag_ich_nichtit was near damn impossible
03:26.49LunessaWobin: teh interwebz is a small place.
03:27.01Wobinscarily so
03:27.13LunessaThey all read the same pr0n.
03:29.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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03:38.51NightHawkTheSaneoh how i love the SLOG
03:39.27GuillotineI wish it was still possible to overwrite dbc files without replacing the mpq :(
03:39.37GuillotineI want my wrath spells to do loopdy loops!
03:40.11ScytheBlade1That zombie language was still a great find
03:40.46AdysSilly question, are addons able to log data other than in savedvariables ?
03:40.51IrielHey, can someone extract the Auction window open 'ding' sound for me?
03:40.57IrielAdys: No
03:41.07ScytheBlade1Adys: only through the ChatLog, which is... suboptimal
03:41.30ScytheBlade1Just when you thought that the saved variables were limited... comes chat logging! It sucks :)
03:41.30GuillotineI want to know if its for WotLK, an npc thing, or (I hope) something used when a spell is on you like Curse of Tongues and that people just haven't noticed it yet since people rarely talk in say and yell
03:42.24IrielGenerally when people ask that question (about output), the question is one of 'when' rather than 'what or where'.. Would I be right in your case Adys?
03:42.34IrielOr do you have a specific use in mind
03:42.57AdysNah, was thinking of gathering stats directly in xml
03:43.03Adysinstead of having to convert savedvariables
03:43.15ScytheBlade1Yeah that isn't happening, less writing an XML string into a variable and saving that
03:43.20Adysill stick to the latter :)
03:43.26GuillotineYou know whats really wierd? Environmental damage is in the dbc files. So you could screw over a friend and overrwrite their mpq with something that makes them take 100k damage whenever they take any fall damage
03:43.55Guillotinekind of wierd that its possible for the client to control damage
03:44.03IrielAre you sure it really is?
03:44.06IrielI.e. that the data there is USED
03:44.13AdysThere's a serverside check no?
03:44.24GuillotineWell, I have certainly heard of 'hacks' to make it so people don't take fall damage
03:44.28Guillotineso I assume now that that is how they do it
03:44.41Adysdoubt it
03:44.47GuillotineI always assumed it just stopped you right before you hit the ground for a split second
03:44.48ShaktarIriel, i have a taint problem with action bars involving showgrid... would you have a minute to look at the problem?
03:45.03GuillotineI suppose its possible that this isn't used at all, but...
03:45.31ScytheBlade1It's possible that the server just send back "lol you fell" and then the client tells the server how much
03:45.35Adystheres too much unused stuff in the mpqs :)
03:46.07GuillotineScytheBlade: well, position data is fully client side
03:46.19Guillotineits possible that it works the other way around though
03:46.24Drundiai think falling damage is someone client-based too
03:46.32Drundiasomewhat even
03:46.33Guillotineclient says 'I fell this far', server decides how much damage
03:46.48Drundiayes, that's probably the case
03:46.53Drundiawith blink you can fall two times
03:47.08Drundiaor not at all...
03:49.55Corrodiasi've heard of people losing their connections while falling and ending up dead on login
03:49.59Corrodiasthe client cannot be responsible
03:50.33Adysyou fall even while you are loading, Corrodias
03:50.47Corrodiasthat could be involved. i'd have to review the threads.
03:51.23GuillotineYou know how when you're lagging your character keeps moving backwards? It could be that while you are loading you keep doing that if falling and, as such, you fall for a much longer time
03:51.49Drundiafalling stops when you reach ground
03:51.58Drundiait doesn't however when you reach water
03:52.07Drundianot always that is
03:52.13Drundiaonly once per frame
03:52.35Drundiabut movement is also limited per frame now
03:52.47Drundiaif you make a 3 second loop to lag framerate
03:52.58Drundiayou won't move all 3 sec worth of movement speed
03:53.55*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:53.58Drundiaso you don't walk all the way into bosses or over a cliff under heavy lag.... at least sometimes they make some good features....
03:54.41Corrodiasyou were able to, in the past, from what i understand, manipulate the client's movement method while unfocused and pass through portals without porting, that sort of thing
03:54.55Corrodiasbut it was patched to prevent that
03:55.11Drundiayou still can get feared through portals without porting
03:55.32dylanmYeah that's my favorite.
03:56.02Drundiajust a few days ago i was at instance line when encounter was in progress. i have a feeling that i was exactly on spot because it disconnected me and ported the moment i logged back in
03:56.34IrielShaktar: How much code do you have? a few lines or tons?
04:01.23Shaktarwell i posted on the forums... it's just using showgrid=1 in my action bar, when a weapon is switched in combat causes a blocked error
04:01.48Shaktarsame problem is happening with any action bar using showgrid
04:02.07Shaktarsuch as the g15 mods and Multibar
04:02.49Shaktarso i assume it's a bug in wow...
04:03.00IrielBe careful with the 'b' word
04:03.27Shaktaraction bar mods such as mine (numpadbar) and g15 kind of need to show the layout of the buttons
04:04.19Shaktarif u want to look at all the info
04:06.11IrielOh, yes, that makes perfect sense
04:06.26Irielif you transition a button with no action from 'showgrid' to 'not showgrid' it tries to hide the button
04:06.45IrielThat error however has nothing to do with it stopping you from DOING anything
04:07.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Yssaril (
04:07.13IrielI suggest not switching showgrid on no-action buttons until you're out of combat.
04:07.35Irielthough once you've tainted it, it stays that way
04:07.41Shaktarwell i set showgrid=1 when i first create a button, i never change it
04:08.10enumalso, does anyone so, I've been reading over the UnitFlags section, and from what I understand of it... I should be able to use certain flags to tell what kind of data I'm looking at. e.g. A creature spell cast as opposed to a player spell cast. does that sound about right?
04:08.25Shaktarthe trigger is when someone switches a weapon in combat, if they double click on an axe in their bag for example, to equip it while in combat
04:09.58LegorolIriel: in case noone told you yet, the "2.4 compatible" version of Bookworm you have on wowi in fact is the zip file for 0.14-20100
04:10.10IrielLegorol: they hadn't.. i'll fix it
04:10.55Legorolyou can tell i'm a great fan of that addon :o)
04:10.58Shaktari have a question... in wow's showgrid code is the following:
04:11.07Legorolwas among the first few i tried to update ^^
04:11.33Shaktarcan i call that procedure straight and not use showgrid at all?
04:11.38IrielShaktar: I think there /IS/ a limitation in the current blizzard implementation that's going to mess you up
04:11.42Shaktarsetting that global i mean
04:11.43Drundiaso how do i best modify CombatLog_OnEvent() which most likely has zillion of upvalues?
04:12.08IrielShaktar: No, you're going to be somewhat stuck until we can convince the blizzardfolk to make it more resilliant
04:12.17IrielLego it was just a toc change anyhow 8-)
04:12.27Legoroli figured that much
04:12.40Legorolbut it's no good having an addon labeled as 2.4 compatible and have an old toc value
04:12.59IrielLego but i've updated it 8-)
04:13.02Shaktarwell that post of mine is in the Interface Action failed thread
04:13.11LegorolIriel: zomg, that must've been a lot of work
04:13.11IrielLegorol: Agreed, thats why I updated them 8-)
04:13.27IrielI just messed up the upload, not sure how I managed that.
04:13.34Legorolwhat's with the 2.4 patch, everyone seems to be messing up their zip files
04:13.44IrielI had all the right zips, I think I missed the radio button that said 'replace'
04:13.55Iriel(My zips are automatically named based on the tocs)
04:15.04Shaktari wonder if it would be an easy fix for bliz to make it more resilient... do you think slouken would look at it?
04:15.27NechcknIriel that radio button zapped my upload efforts yesterday too!  =)
04:16.42IrielShaktar: I dunno, I'm posting a reply on the thread tho
04:16.57GuillotineWas there a 10th/11th class in beta? For some reason Class IDs 6 and 10 are missing from the .dbc files
04:17.05Shaktarcool, ty for the help
04:17.19Drundiaspeaking of taint. standard blizzard raid pullouts (yes, that thing no one uses) still has "show target" dunctionality tainted by nearly every possible addon
04:17.23IrielAwww.. all the freaky GUId's from yesterday changed 8-(
04:18.28Fisker-BURN THE WITCHES
04:18.31GuillotineHmm, so theres going to have to be at least a small patch before S4
04:18.46kd3'course... only 3 classes have their gear in iirc
04:18.55GuillotineWell, for all we know that could be in the files
04:19.10GuillotineWe don't know what the IDs refer to unless its available from server
04:20.15ScytheBlade1Guillotine: yeah, and the armory is missing a class ID # also (2 or 4 iirc)
04:20.36GuillotineReally? I would assume it would be missing the same as dbc file
04:20.41ScytheBlade1Just one
04:21.22*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
04:24.09NightHawkTheSanehaha "Prim older lady: You guys could eat out. Also, you could go out for dinner... Yes, I'm twelve."
04:24.36NightHawkTheSane<3 overheardinnewyork
04:27.45kd3lmao... there's a level 1 named "Ilinkspells" in /2
04:28.09WobinI wonder what he does
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04:29.50kd3so... so glad they left the insta-port from IF in
04:30.01Wobinto the isle?
04:30.07Shirikbatrick: ping
04:30.20Legorolkd3: not sure how else could alliance possibly get there otherwise
04:30.27kd312 minute flight?
04:30.56ShirikI wondered how alliance got there
04:31.00Shirikfor us it's just right there
04:31.03Shirikfor you guys... lol
04:31.10Legorolwell even for horde, you have to fly
04:31.15Shirikyeah but it's not long
04:31.17Legorolwithout a premade FP, you couldn't reach it either
04:31.18Adysezmode horde, ezmode horde! nerf, quick!
04:31.19kd3on day 1 it was IF -> EPL -> HH -> IQD
04:31.38kd3we still had the FP... just not the abbreviated version we have now
04:31.39Legorolyah that was fun
04:31.56Adyskd3:  hh?
04:32.02Legorolbtw, which SSO vendor sells the JC designs?
04:32.12kd3hatchet hills
04:32.13Legorolthe quartermaster only has a few, not the full set.. who am i looking for?
04:32.23kd3Legorol, she's not available yet
04:32.29kd3phase 4C... [[Shaani]]
04:32.35Legorolah it's one of the late spawning NPCs
04:33.23NightHawkTheSanestupid chat window settings!
04:33.28NightHawkTheSanesave, for the love of god!
04:33.34Legoroli have that too!
04:33.40Legoroltell me if you find out how to make them save
04:33.55Legorolor is that a known issue?
04:34.03NightHawkTheSanei'm not sure
04:34.18NightHawkTheSanesome people in my guild have the same problem, some say they dont. *shrug*
04:34.22kd3known issue. don't think there's a way to fix it
04:34.28NightHawkTheSanewell, theres that answer.
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04:37.28Legorolmaybe i should try and look at the UI forums for these kind of things
04:37.40Legorolit tends to be more sane than General so i shouldn't be so averse to it
04:39.22Adysopera passes acid3 in devbuilds
04:39.40Xinhuanpass = above 50 points?
04:39.45Adysno, 100%
04:39.58Wobinoffers IE a conceded pass
04:40.17dylanmWebkit just got there too.
04:40.30Adysdont be so bad with the IE team, Im sure they'll have it done before Acid7 is released
04:41.09Drundiawhat what what? evil allies can teleport directly from IF and we have to fly from one of the most retarded cities in game?
04:41.50Drundiathere should have been portal from shattrath really.....
04:43.32kd3there is one... in phase 2b
04:45.09MentalPowerif risen still played, that would be in a week or two, but risen quit
04:45.15MentalPowerso my server will be one of the last
04:45.22MentalPowerplays on Alleria
04:45.49kd3they finally tired of the "world of badgecraft"?
04:46.00Legorolplays on one of the most active PvE realms in EU
04:46.11Legorolby the end of the patch day, first phase was on 45%
04:46.14Legorolis that fast?
04:46.23kd3we cleared phase 1 a few hours ago
04:46.36Legorolso that's what, 2 days?
04:46.39Legorolday and a half?
04:46.42kd3something in the 70s at 11:59 on patch day
04:46.49kd3~28-30 hours
04:46.54Legorolthen we are aslow
04:49.28Nom-Yeah, when I logged off last night we were at over 45%
04:49.40Nom-That's just coming off peak usage time for our realm on patch day
04:51.59Shirikbatrick: ping?
04:56.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Amarande (
04:56.49AmarandeOh god no.
04:58.09AmarandeAny idea if some characters are now unplayable until 2.4.1, whenever Blizzard decides to release it?
05:00.50Amarandedylanm: you get a fatal exception in Silvermoon and then can't log back on that character without the same
05:01.10dylanmWait the people that got killed in-flight?
05:01.16Shirikso, ok
05:01.37Shirikanyone familiar with POSIX C probably knows the structure "timespec." Does anyone else find it odd that Microsoft decided to declare this in Winsock2.h?
05:02.05Shirikalong with timeval
05:02.22Amarandedylanm: actually, I was riding through Silvermoon on the way to the flight master and as I was going through Murder Row it crashed
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05:06.01IrielYou escaped!
05:09.22Shirikapparently tomtom is a simple navigation assistant
05:09.35Shirikthose words are stuck on my screen ><
05:17.37LegorolCairenn: that's actually very old
05:18.16Legorolthe actual lawsuit began in february 2007
05:18.23Legorolbbc just didn't bother reporting it
05:18.39CairennI know that, but my point was that BBC has picked it up now
05:19.15AdysSo for the ones interested, if you havent heard about it ive been working since a few weeks on OpenWDB, which is an XML implementation of the wdb files and which should interest some people in this chan (read )
05:19.26widgertickI love that World of Warcraft had a plague
05:19.41Adysand I need a few beta testers so if theres anyone interested, i released the first xml (itemcache) on
05:19.41Legoroli liked that one too
05:19.59Legorolbut my favourite was when people blew up the AH by summoning pets with the bomb
05:20.01Adysends advertisment
05:20.39widgertickAdys: Very interesting!
05:21.42*** part/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
05:22.02WobinLegorol: Isn't the 'copy into RAM' issue a more recent development though?
05:22.18Legorolnope, it's already in that suit
05:22.42Drundianow that's totally awesome *not*
05:22.44Legorolactually i think it started as early as january 2007, the documents i can find for feb 2007 are already various counter-claim filings
05:23.03Drundialocal version of CombatLog_OnEvent is used all over Blizzard_CombatLog and no way to modify it....
05:23.33Drundiai think i have to slap everyone involved
05:24.46ScytheBlade1Wow, no wonder they store it in DBC. 2GB of XML isn't pretty.
05:25.23ScytheBlade1It's like 2GB of data that I hate based just on file extension alone.
05:25.41Nom-pfft @ 2GB
05:25.57Nom-I just shifted 120GB of compressed data from our billing database onto our dev network
05:26.29Nom-'twas a painful process, I tell ya...
05:26.41ScytheBlade1See, that's compressed data.
05:26.45ScytheBlade1This is 2GB of *XML*
05:27.05Adysspews xml all over Dotted
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05:30.53AnduinLotharl2 hard link
05:31.01ScytheBlade1Windows :(
05:31.06ScytheBlade1I nuked my PTR folder (yay not needed)
05:31.13ScytheBlade1That had my only copy of the addon in it (so it was needed)
05:32.13widgertickYou should try and avoid doing that.
05:32.37widgertickWe should add that to the FAQ
05:32.41widgertick"Why doesn't my AddOn work?"
05:32.41MentalPowerScytheBlade1: hardlinks are possible
05:32.44widgertick"You deleted it."
05:32.47ScytheBlade1MentalPower: yes but that's a pain
05:32.56MentalPower!g ntfslink
05:32.57batbotMentalPower: » ntfslink <>
05:33.06MentalPowerScytheBlade1: ^^^^ not really ^^^^
05:33.22ScytheBlade1widgertick: I had this discussion earler (about a week ago) with Cairenn. I said, "holy crap, I've got an *actual addon* to upload for 2.4"
05:33.27ScytheBlade1She nearly died at the thought
05:33.32Amarandewell, PUGs are probably going to be super happy now
05:33.42ScytheBlade1After that, I said that hey, don't worry, it'll never be uploaded
05:33.51AmarandeI get the feeling that almost every single dialup or otherwise slow connected WoW user is going to quit very soon, leaving us with decent connections
05:33.54ScytheBlade1my computer will crash, my internet will be terminated, or "something else bad will happen"
05:34.06ScytheBlade1Sadly this "something else" was "lul the author deleted it" "TWICE"
05:34.16CideScytheBlade1: I madez you a adon. but I eated it.
05:34.20ScytheBlade1It's fate, I've accepted this a long time ago
05:34.26ScytheBlade1Cide: lol
05:34.29ScytheBlade1Like really, lol
05:34.44ScytheBlade1Excuse me while I laugh/cry myself to sleep
05:34.59Cidemission successful
05:35.30ScytheBlade1We've all done stupid things
05:35.40ScytheBlade1But I think I'm the first to delete an addon
05:38.53Drundiatries to think about a second time
05:38.59Adysyou're not ScytheBlade1  :P
05:39.51Drundiai'm sure i did it once
05:39.53AdysI deleted two addons twice :\ including once "Bah ill never finish that one *deletes*"
05:40.08ScytheBlade1That's slightly different.
05:40.10Adysand then a hour later "Wait, didnt I delete this one..? Uh which one did I delete"
05:40.16ScytheBlade1I had the intention of uploading this one
05:40.22ScytheBlade1Okay, that too is pretty funny
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05:40.53Drundiameanwhile i want to say "too bad you can't replace blizzard-signed files with your own not signed ones"
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05:42.47ScytheBlade1For the curious
05:43.00ScytheBlade1tonumber(string.sub(UnitGUID("player"), 6, 12), 16)
05:43.13ScytheBlade1if you run that on a player GUID, it just might return data!
05:43.22ScytheBlade1(other than zeroes)
05:44.03bam_can that be used on other units than "player"?
05:44.19ScytheBlade1UnitGUID() accepts any valid unitid
05:45.01ScytheBlade1Also of note, apparently my server (Doomhammer) has created 64,443,430 characters since initial creation
05:45.21Drundiabut returns random crap for most unitids or what?
05:45.23Amarandehow do you get that data?
05:45.49bam_under what circumstances can a frame's level change?
05:45.51Drundiacharacters might have cross-server count....
05:45.58ScytheBlade1Created a new character. Took the GUID, plugged it into a calculator, and pressed the "Decimal" button
05:46.02ScytheBlade1That too is possible
05:46.18Drundiaafter all they are kept in cross-realm battlegrounds
05:46.31Drundiaand i would assume through server transfers too
05:46.46Drundiai should have took my guid on ptr....
05:46.48CideScytheBlade1: I thought GUID's were unique across realms?
05:47.01ScytheBlade1Not through server transfers. That's a good point.
05:47.24ScytheBlade1Cide: in theory we don't have any guarantees. I think the closest to a guarantee is that it'll be unique in a battlegroup.
05:47.27Adysa guid changes when a char is transferred
05:47.36CideScytheBlade1: get 5 battlegroups
05:47.37Drundiadid you try it?
05:47.44CideScytheBlade1: create 5 characters semi-simultaneously
05:47.49Cidesee how close the numbers match each other
05:47.57AdysDrundia: Im positive :)
05:48.00ScytheBlade1I can do two, not five ;)
05:48.09Cideother people could help :P
05:48.11widgertickScytheBlade1: Try on a different server =P
05:48.16widgertickYou could make five =p
05:48.25Drundiaon newer one probably
05:48.30ScytheBlade1Emphasis on the simultaneously part
05:48.34ScytheBlade1That'd be... a bit harder
05:48.39Drundiai think i could make a char on some spanish server
05:48.43Drundiathey are all newer
05:48.47widgertickCreate the characters and never log in.
05:48.58ScytheBlade1... duh.
05:49.00KeiasPhase 2 is taking so long for the shattered sun stuffs :(
05:49.01Drundianever log in might as well not work
05:49.02widgertickYou could do five really fast
05:49.14Drundiaguid may get assigned on first login
05:49.16ScytheBlade1I've had this migraine since Sunday, so I actually mean it when I say thanks for pointing out the obvious ;)
05:49.19ScytheBlade1goes and plays
05:49.21widgertickOh, I suppose that's possible
05:49.29Drundiayou never know how they make it
05:49.35widgertickTrue =)
05:49.42Adyssince characters dont get created before their first login, i doubt the guid would be generated for that
05:49.45ScytheBlade1I really doubt that it is literally GLOBALLY unique.
05:49.49Drundiaafter combat log retention time is ignored completely.... you can set it and get it and it's not used anywhere
05:49.58ScytheBlade1That'd mean that they have a central server passing out IDs on every character created :P
05:50.05ScytheBlade1Battlegroups I can see
05:50.07Drundiathat's possible
05:50.09AdysScytheBlade1: dont be so sure
05:50.14Drundiathey are all available in forums
05:50.20Adysforum ids are globally unique
05:50.27Adysand those are character ids from the game
05:50.29ScytheBlade1Forums don't use the same IDs as the GUID in hex
05:50.33Amarandenot to mention, the GUID idea supposedly was supposed to be really global
05:50.40Amarandeas in that GUID not only only refers to that WoW character
05:50.47AdysScytheBlade1:  Not the same ones, but the same princip :)
05:50.57Amarandebut, across the entire net, across everything that uses GUID's, that GUID ideally refers only to that specific character in the game of WoW
05:51.10ScytheBlade1The forums can get away with it though. They're not instant copies of the live game.
05:51.15ScytheBlade1Read: character selection update lag
05:51.35Drundiamy guid is 2-million something
05:51.36Adysthey are still the ids from the game
05:51.47Adyseven if they are not the guid :)
05:51.50Drundiaand i was created a few days after server was started
05:52.00ScytheBlade1Adys: how do you know that? How do you know that they aren't forum-specific?
05:52.10AdysIm positive :P
05:52.26Adyswonders if there is actually a pattern between guids and charids
05:52.31ScytheBlade1No offense, but I'm really poking at what it /is/ given proof :)
05:52.35ScytheBlade1Emphasis on the latter part :)
05:52.39ScytheBlade1If you can prove it, power to you
05:52.57AdysI cant prove it, hence why i said Im positive :)
05:53.34ScytheBlade1Well, there is something disproved
05:53.39Drundiaok checking eu-warsong (up since release)
05:53.46ScytheBlade1new character on a different realm = lower GUID than new character on my main realm
05:53.54Drundiaoh noes
05:53.58ScytheBlade1F34D73 vs. 3D75426
05:54.10Adyswell, ScytheBlade1
05:54.33Adyssince guids are globally unique, you could also put a player indicator, aswell as a realm id probably
05:54.57Adys(otherwise i dont know how they'd be parsed in bgs, given blizzard is not playing the luck game)
05:55.50Drundia27 million something
05:56.28ScytheBlade1Considering that they are reset on transfers (even account to account transfers), I can see them being battlegroup unique and not WoW unique (let alone WoW global-across-the-world unique)
05:56.58AdysI cant
05:57.10Adyshappened more than once for a server to change battlegroup after all
05:57.24Adysunless they'd reset all the guids, ofcourse
05:57.36ScytheBlade1GUIDs aren't really exposed to the players. It'd be trivial to reset the GUIDs on the server side should that happen
05:57.49ScytheBlade1There is no guarantee that what my GUID is will be the same tomorrow
05:57.53Adys*shrugs* :)
05:58.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
05:58.23ScytheBlade1That said, I took widgertick's suggestion, and made 5 characters on a random realm, in quick succession
05:58.28AdysWhich makes me wonder, can you try to get to lvl 2 and see if the guid is the same?
05:58.39AlexanderYoshihey Antiarc
05:58.44Drundiado they include server id?
05:58.48AlexanderYoshiIsthe AoE mode not working?
05:58.53AlexanderYoshiaka NYI
05:58.55AdysIll check, Drundia
05:59.22AntiarcIt's implemented, but apparently buggy
05:59.29AntiarcIt works fine for me, but not others, I guess
05:59.32AntiarcI'm working on it :/
05:59.33Cidefix your shit gosh!
05:59.39Antiarc <-- fwiw
05:59.52AntiarcKaelten just set it up for me
05:59.56AntiarcAnd I desperately need it :P
06:00.01AlexanderYoshimy tank sees only himself, but we all see him just fine
06:00.13AlexanderYoshiI believe it
06:00.15AdysScytheBlade1: Could you give me the raw guid?
06:01.04DrundiaHello, AlexanderYoshi, I thought I might want to slap you for complete inability to hook CombatLog_OnEvent which actually get used by your creation....
06:01.31CairennDrundia: o.O
06:01.41ScytheBlade1Adys: there are 16 hex digits in the GUIDs, so pad accordingly
06:02.35AlexanderYoshiWell, thankfull
06:02.43AlexanderYoshiI'm a vastly superior coder to you
06:02.44NightHawkTheSane... i should try this
06:02.57AlexanderYoshiand I therefore get to laugh in your face while I swim in gold bars
06:03.10AlexanderYoshiand get swooned by beautiful women who peel my grapes
06:03.25AlexanderYoshiOh, wait, scratch that
06:03.41AlexanderYoshiI'm actually in a chat room full of other hairy guys with an overbite
06:03.55Cairennnot all of us ^_-
06:04.05AlexanderYoshiWatching them fling net doody at me for a bug introduced by a few modding recommendations
06:04.25AlexanderYoshiBut thankfully
06:04.33AlexanderYoshiTo pull me out of this esoteric realm
06:04.40AlexanderYoshiI'm wildly mashing shadowbolt on my T6 warlock
06:04.54AlexanderYoshihoping that we might kill this trash in time to fight Ilildan Thursday
06:04.55widgertick~lart AlexanderYoshi
06:04.55purldumps 42 tons of dirt, manure, and fish heads on AlexanderYoshi
06:04.59widgertickDown boy.
06:05.09AlexanderYoshiKu ku ku
06:05.15AlexanderYoshiWhat's ~lart?
06:05.25ScytheBlade1~define lart
06:05.26purlUse ~dict for definitions.
06:05.30ScytheBlade1~dict lart
06:05.32purlextra, extra, read all about it, dick is male genatalia, or Dessimat0r
06:05.52Adys~define infobot
06:05.52purlUse ~dict for definitions.
06:06.01Adys~dict infobot
06:06.03ScytheBlade1lart takes a target :)
06:06.08ScytheBlade1~larg AlexanderYoshi
06:06.15ScytheBlade1~lart AlexanderYoshi
06:06.15purlbeats AlexanderYoshi to within 2.54cm of his life
06:06.18AlexanderYoshithat's fantastic
06:06.20ScytheBlade1Typing takes skill too
06:06.24Xinhuanstabs ScytheBlade1 with a pillow
06:06.25AlexanderYoshi~lart Purl
06:06.26purltakes a big bite out of alexanderyoshi's jugular vein
06:06.33ScytheBlade1Purl isn't stupid :)
06:06.39AlexanderYoshiThat's awesome
06:06.43purlScytheBlade1: :)
06:06.43*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
06:06.53Xinhuan[Whatislove] whispers: Is dat a new instance?
06:06.56AlexanderYoshiDrundia, tell you waht
06:07.00AlexanderYoshiYou still here?
06:07.05CairennAlexanderYoshi: if you want awesome, tell him he sucks
06:07.10AlexanderYoshiIs he muted?
06:07.13AlexanderYoshiUnmute him if so
06:07.15AlexanderYoshiI want to talk to him
06:07.30Adyspurl you suck!
06:07.39MentalPowerpurl sucks
06:07.40purlonly if you ask nicely and pay well.
06:07.40widgertickI love you purl!
06:07.46MentalPowerpurl you suck
06:07.46purland very well I might add
06:07.55IrielHm, How many of the high bits of a GUID do I need to check to determine if something's an NPC?
06:08.06IrielI've seen both 0xF13 and 0xF53 now
06:08.18ScytheBlade1Iriel: I just posted about that on the forums... you cannot use that reliably, I don't think
06:08.30AlexanderYoshiOh well, I think Drundia left, so he must have just wanted to vent.
06:08.31Xinhuaniriel, isn't UnitClass() enough?
06:08.31ScytheBlade1I'm pretty sure that you have to check the combat log flags to be certain
06:08.43Xinhuani think UnitClass returns the name of the NPC now if its not a player
06:08.47MentalPowerIriel: tonumber(string.sub(guid, 6, 12), 16) == 0
06:08.50IrielUnitGUID has no combat log flags 8-)
06:08.52ScytheBlade1MentalPower: wrong
06:08.53MentalPowerIriel: tonumber(string.sub(guid, 6, 12), 16) == 0 (its a player)
06:09.02MentalPowerScytheBlade1: in my dealings
06:09.14ScytheBlade1On Doomhammer, that is not a guarantee :)
06:09.39XinhuanUnitClass("target") <-- returns name of NPC if its a NPC
06:09.49ScytheBlade1Xinhuan: yeah, but that can't take a GUID, which is the problem
06:10.10Drundiasomeone wanted to talk to me? it's so unbelievable
06:10.39ScytheBlade1Iriel: theoretically, if people make enough characters on a battlegroup (still need to poke about that detail), they could hit the high bytes
06:10.42Xinhuannot much i can do about that
06:10.43Drundiai'm not really sitting here and reading it all
06:10.47Drundiaso well
06:10.53AlexanderYoshiIts fine
06:10.55Drundiathose all locals still disturb me
06:10.56AlexanderYoshiI'm playing WoW atm
06:10.57IrielScytheBlade1: not the top one i'm sure
06:11.05AlexanderYoshiDrundia, can't you get the context of the combat log
06:11.14AlexanderYoshiand then edit the index in that context
06:11.51ScytheBlade1Iriel: well, that depends on data which I can't prove. :) All I can say is that the previous method of seeing if it IS a mob isn't correct (string.sub 6, 12) == 0
06:11.59Drundiaso what do i best hook or replace?
06:12.24ScytheBlade1Iriel: to that end, we don't have anything concrete to go on concerning NPC vs. player GUIDs, aside from flags passed from the combat events
06:12.34Drundiathe best candidate appeared to be CombatLog_OnEvent, but local copy is used everywhere in the end
06:12.39Drundiachanging global does nothing
06:12.43AlexanderYoshiCan you get the context
06:12.56Temman wth
06:12.57AlexanderYoshiand from that replace the reference in the $_G table?
06:13.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110| (
06:13.07Temhas anyone done Warp Splinter lately?
06:13.19Temhe keeps resetting on us for no apparent reason
06:13.57Xinhuanno alex
06:13.58Drundiai want to change the look of messages mostly without writing like entire thing myself
06:14.05Xinhuanbecause the local copy remains referenced to the old one
06:14.07Drundiaso all the filtering ui is already there and stuff
06:14.17Xinhuani thought i mentioned to remove the local keywords ;p
06:14.37Drundiai don't know if they are used a lot maybe put them in local table
06:14.47Drundiaand then reference that table globally
06:14.54Xinhuanthey are called a 10-20 times per second
06:14.58Xinhuanthat would be slow
06:15.03Xinhuanin a raid setting
06:15.14Xinhuanbut yeah, putting it in a table would work
06:15.21Xinhuanmost of the functions have a
06:15.26Drundiai understand that it would be slow
06:15.27Xinhuanlocal xyz() blah blah end
06:15.32Drundiabut currently the globals are created
06:15.33Xinhuanand a = xyz
06:15.37Xinhuanjust remove that part
06:15.39Drundiathen copied locally
06:15.40Xinhuanand make it global again
06:15.42Drundiaand globals become useless
06:15.49AlexanderYoshiCan't you replace _G.CombatLog_OnEvent?
06:15.55Drundiai can
06:15.58Drundiabut local copy is used
06:16.03Xinhuanyou can alex, but the local variables still point to the old function
06:16.19Xinhuanreplacing the _G copy doesn't replace the local variable
06:16.23Drundiait seems i need to copy half of functions
06:16.30Drundiaor cope entire addon
06:16.33AlexanderYoshiI see.
06:16.35Xinhuanif function xyz() points to function 0xF2482D
06:16.43Xinhuanand you replace with function 0xE29384
06:16.48AlexanderYoshiWell, the combat log_on_event function is called every frame
06:16.51Xinhuanthe local xyz variable still points to the old 0xF2482D
06:16.56AlexanderYoshiso it seems worth optimizing
06:17.00AlexanderYoshi... I know
06:17.03Drundiait parses events
06:17.07Drundiait's long enough
06:17.09AlexanderYoshiWhat if I added a global "post hook" function
06:17.18Drundiai don't think lookup would take longer than funciton itself
06:17.30Xinhuanwell in the interest of the addon coding community, i think making it global is a reasonable speed sacrifice
06:17.51Xinhuana hook would just slow things equally
06:17.55Drundiaotherwise maybe some function which would allow modifying locals
06:18.05widgertickThat would be a lua nightmare
06:18.06Drundiaif modifying of upvalues is allowed at all
06:18.13AlexanderYoshiWidge, what do you recommend?
06:18.13Xinhuanmodifying of upvalues is allowed
06:18.26AlexanderYoshiYou're a better judge of optimization than I
06:18.37widgertickI was thinking of that from the wrong perspective.
06:18.40Drundiai would recommend making entire addon insecure
06:19.01widgertickA function for allowing the modification of the upvalues in the addon is probably best
06:19.06Drundiaallowing to replace the whole file and not have wow exit with error messages
06:19.27Xinhuanyou can already do that Drundia
06:19.37Xinhuanjust replace the uiparent load function
06:20.11Xinhuanthat is how the original testing is done
06:20.13AlexanderYoshiThat's a lot of work if you only wanted to tweak one part of the uber function
06:20.13Drundiawow exits with window-style messagebox
06:20.19Drundia"interface files are corrupt"
06:20.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (
06:20.54XinhuanDrundia, you can write your own addon + stub so that it overrides the uiparent load function that loads the combat log
06:21.01Xinhuanso it prevents blizzard's lod one from loading
06:21.03Xinhuanand loads yours
06:21.10Drundiathat sounds good
06:21.14Xinhuanits the same way superinspect works
06:21.19Xinhuanto replace the default ui's InspectUI
06:21.20AlexanderYoshiOk, well if everyone's happy
06:21.31AlexanderYoshiWe can do nothing and I'll just go home.
06:21.55Drundiathough i'll try one more evil attempt
06:22.14Cairenngiven the insane hours you've no doubt been putting in lately AlexanderYoshi, I don't think anyone would blame you for, like, going home
06:22.18widgertickAlexanderYoshi: Add the stuff to modify the upvalues
06:22.30widgertickAnd go home =P
06:22.32Drundiaok we'll see how it works now....
06:22.56AlexanderYoshiWhat would it take to allow upvalue modification?
06:23.04AlexanderYoshiIs that a global system change or just a tweak function?
06:23.09Xinhuana short function alex
06:23.10widgertickIt's one function to add
06:23.13widgertickVery short.
06:23.15Drundiaactually alex
06:23.21Drundiasplit it somehow
06:23.25AlexanderYoshiWrite it for me, Xin! :)
06:23.30Xinhuanfunction(a, b, c, d) var = a; var = b; var = c; end
06:23.31AlexanderYoshiI'm lazy
06:23.39Xinhuanwhere var is the local values to change
06:23.44AlexanderYoshiwow that is easy
06:23.49Xinhuanand a, b, c etc are the new values
06:23.51Drundiaomg it seems it can work
06:23.54Xinhuanor new functions in this case
06:23.57Nechcknsee.. ask and ye shall receive  =)
06:23.58Drundiai can make entire blizzard-signed addon insecure
06:24.07AlexanderYoshiIt was born insecure and cry
06:24.12Drundiaif i put a different toc file too
06:24.16Xinhuanvar here is just an upvalue local in the file
06:24.21AlexanderYoshithen we put it in a thick iron wall
06:24.26AlexanderYoshiand now she wants to date other addons
06:24.27LegorolDrundia: not quite as impressive as if you could make a non-blizzard addon secure ;-)
06:24.34AlexanderYoshiI'm such a poor feature-father.
06:24.54Xinhuanits ok, i like the conbat log settings editing frame ;p
06:25.03widgertickYou'll just drive them away from home ealier like that =P
06:25.12widgertickEarlier, rather
06:25.13ScytheBlade1Okay, I'm gonna try and sleep now.
06:25.16AlexanderYoshiAlright, thanks for the info guys
06:25.26AlexanderYoshiI'll see if we can ninja something quick into the log.
06:25.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
06:25.41ScytheBlade1MentalPower: I'm going to post a bunch of info on the forums tomorrow, once I play with GUIDs across realms and battlegrounds.
06:25.42Drundiaoh crap
06:25.48Drundiaevil thing just renamed dir
06:25.49MentalPowerScytheBlade1: thanks
06:25.52MentalPowerthat will help
06:25.58Drundianow it'll probably crash with error message
06:26.17AlexanderYoshiNo promises tho
06:26.26AlexanderYoshiWe might not have a patch for a long time
06:26.51ScytheBlade1MentalPower: yeah, I need a bit more info before I can post my suspicions, but given 30 minutes in the morning and I should have enough. I'll ping you when I post it.
06:27.04Xinhuanalex just drop me an update when ptr is up again
06:27.21Drundiawell if it needs speed and ability to modify it
06:27.29MentalPowerScytheBlade1: thanks, I'm working on something that relies on the ==0 assumption, so I'd like as much info as possible
06:27.34Drundiaapparently unsigning is best way to go
06:28.14ScytheBlade1Well, at a minimum, I've disproved the the == 0 assumption, and now I've seen a player pet that starts with 0xF14, another that starts with 0xF13, and NPCs that are 0xF13. :)
06:28.43ScytheBlade1More research is needed. With that, off to the land of lortab, beds, and not sleeping!
06:29.13ScytheBlade1disconnects screen
06:29.22Cairennnight ScytheBlade1
06:29.23Xinhuanstabs ScytheBlade1 with a pillow
06:30.15Drundiahow nice "-- You can override this if you want a Combat Log replacement"
06:31.05AlexanderYoshiTHEY MUST BE PURIFIED!
06:31.38Xinhuanyou know alex, that big commented chunk at the bottom of combatlogui, is repeated twice and not removed ;p
06:31.43AlexanderYoshioh lawl
06:31.53kd3ponders grepping across the UI for common curses
06:31.56Drundiaclearing messages after combat log retention time
06:32.00AlexanderYoshithere's nothing like that
06:32.00Drundiais it slouken's part?
06:32.12AlexanderYoshiIt's not my job to assign blame
06:32.20Drundiabecause apparently he didn't do that
06:32.22AlexanderYoshiAny bug is our bug.
06:32.30AlexanderYoshiActually, it's probably working
06:32.33AlexanderYoshiThere's 2 rules
06:32.35Drundianot quite
06:32.36AlexanderYoshi1. Retention time
06:32.42Drundiai had several hours long messages
06:32.46Drundia27k stored
06:32.46AlexanderYoshi2. Maximum number of entries generated within retention time
06:32.57Drundiasometimes i see them removed
06:33.04NightHawkTheSaneso is it wrong of me to -not- heal people i dont like in a bt raid? >.>
06:33.06Drundiabut most of the time not
06:33.10AlexanderYoshiif you generate 27k of messages within the retention time
06:33.19Drundiamessages older than 5 minutes stay
06:33.31Drundiawith standard retention time of 5 minutes
06:33.35Drundia27k messages
06:33.35Xinhuani think you can blame line 3399 on me ;p
06:33.54kd3I haven't checked... but did the bug of combat log reports showing up from the other side of the continent get fixed? e.g. I'm in blade's edge and getting fresh entries from quel'danas
06:33.55Temwow that was insane
06:34.02Temwe finally killed Warpsplinter
06:34.02AlexanderYoshiit will keep 27k worth of messages
06:34.07AlexanderYoshieven if it goes past the retention time
06:34.08Temtook 15 minutes of combat
06:34.16Drundiai don't really mean frame
06:34.19Drundiai mean those apis
06:34.24Xinhuanthat's a lot of memory for 27k combat events
06:34.37Xinhuana megabyte or so hehe
06:34.38Drundiaand it points to message
06:34.44Drundiathat happened around login
06:34.54Drundiaway longer than 5 minutes
06:35.21Drundialuckily Blizzard_CombatLog_Refilter is modifyable
06:35.22AlexanderYoshiIsn't wow like 1gig of memory
06:35.27Drundiaso i placed some filter there
06:35.36Drundiaso it ignores old messages
06:35.49Drundiaolder than 5 minutes that is
06:36.17Drundiathen Blizzard_CombatLog_QuickButtonFrame_OnEvent is hookable too
06:36.33Drundiai've added this:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD"); so it doesn't update when zoning
06:37.05Xinhuani'm pretty serious, i think i added line 3399's refilter command there, the whole event needs to be changed from PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD to VARIABLES_LOADED
06:37.20Xinhuanso it only happens once
06:37.23Xinhuanand not every zone
06:37.29Drundiait just needs to run once :)
06:37.37Drundiavariables_loaded sounds good
06:37.53AlexanderYoshiYeah I know
06:37.57Drundiaand one more thing
06:38.01Drundiaevent-based coloring!
06:38.11AlexanderYoshiI think it got written without realizing that VARIABLES_LOADED existed
06:38.12Drundianot school, not relation, but event type
06:38.32Drundiaso for example healing wave can have different colors than lightning bolt
06:38.41Xinhuani didn't realize the issue when i added it since my computer is fast enough to refilter thousands of events within like 10-15 seconds
06:38.46Drundianow they are both pretty much all green
06:38.59Drundiawith limit of 5 per frame
06:39.09AlexanderYoshiI'm pretty sure the issue occurred after you reviewed the code
06:39.22Drundia27k events
06:39.23Xinhuanis it? i'll look back at the log hmm
06:39.24Drundiaat 5 per frame
06:39.27Drundiasay 60 fps
06:39.29Drundia1.5 min!
06:39.55Xinhuanyou're right alex
06:40.00kd3oh, random request, though I'm sure it's been asked by this point... can we get party/raid filters too? "friendly" isn't granular enough.
06:40.05Xinhuanthe original code i sent you has it in VARIABLES_LOADED
06:40.13Xinhuanwhy was that event removed?
06:40.29Xinhuanfunction Blizzard_CombatLog_QuickButtonFrame_OnEvent(event)
06:40.38AlexanderYoshiit was a mistake
06:40.47AlexanderYoshikd3, the combat log supports it
06:40.50Drundiayes that one :p
06:41.11Drundiaand timestamp format
06:41.23Drundiawhy "time>"? why not "[time]"?
06:41.30AlexanderYoshiwhy not time>?
06:41.33AlexanderYoshiYou can change the format
06:41.46AlexanderYoshiTEXT_MODE_A_STRING_TIMESTAMP or somethign
06:42.05Drundiayes i'm sure there was something
06:42.13Drundianot sure what
06:42.21Drundianeed to see again :)
06:42.34Drundiabut i'm talking more from a random player's pov
06:42.56Drundiai never liked that "time>" made by some addons
06:43.15*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o AlexanderYoshi] by ChanServ
06:43.43kd3heh, that's why I'm letting ct_core do timestamps... had to remember to turn the combatlog's stamps off. "[01:37:00] 01:37:00> foo" kinda defeats the purpose. >.>;
06:43.56Drundiathe problem is refiltering
06:44.00Drundiathat way
06:44.24Drundiawhen refiltering it puts timestamps from combat log, not current ones
06:53.17*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
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06:55.52Drundiaok it seems hooking loading function got me to a small problem.... filters don't have entries for combat.....
06:56.13Drundiawhat do i hook now? :\
06:56.46Drundiawell you know when you press filters|settings
06:56.54Drundiait has 3 menus there
06:56.59Drundiafor combat log there should be 4th
06:57.19Drundiabut if i modify function that loads addon and load a slightly modified version instead
06:57.23Drundiathey don't show
06:57.35Drundiaany chance that you know where is that check?
06:57.45AlexanderYoshihmm, wow, that's part of the system I didn't work on
06:57.49AlexanderYoshisorry :(
06:58.20Drundiawas it IsAddOnLoaded() to check if addon is loaded?
06:58.52Drundiaweee fond it!
07:03.41KeiasAnyone know if theres like a list of sunwell progression by server?
07:05.41KeiasShattered Sun Offensive, I mean
07:06.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
07:14.06XinhuanDrundia, remember if you load a combat log addon that replaces the blizzard one
07:14.17Xinhuanthe addon name changes, so the settings file for it also changes
07:14.27Xinhuanfrom Blizzard_CombatLogUI.lua to something else
07:14.33Xinhuanin your wtf folder
07:15.24Drundiathere isn't that many settings anyway
07:17.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Roblibob (
07:26.45Shirikbatrick: piiiiiiing
07:27.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
07:32.47*** part/#wowi-lounge AlexanderYoshi (
07:33.32Esamynnboo to rolling restarts
07:54.27*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
08:01.12batrickShirik: pong
08:01.19Shirikin WSG
08:01.25Shirikhave a few questions, give me a sec
08:02.55ShirikI found timespec/timeval in the windows API
08:03.00Shirikguess what header file they're defined in?
08:05.11*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
08:05.40batricki'm not sure what to say to that
08:08.08Shirikit's hilarious imo
08:08.13ShirikI'm not going to include that though
08:08.23ShirikI just defined the structures myself
08:09.31Shirikok, question one
08:09.43Shirikyou have pthread_cleanup_push/pop
08:09.54ShirikIs there ever more than one function for cleanup?
08:12.04batrickwhat do you mean more than one function for cleanup
08:12.24Shiriklike will you ever have more than one function pushed
08:12.32Shiriklike there might be two functions to call at exit
08:12.38Shirikcan you show me where?
08:12.56batrickthe place where it's pushed in lthread_main and in kernel_fetch
08:13.11batrickthat would be two different handlers
08:13.28batrickthose are also the only handlers I'm using
08:13.33Shirikuh no
08:13.41ShirikI mean at the same instant
08:13.48ShirikIf the thread exits, there will be two functions to call
08:13.56batrickI said so
08:14.05Shirikin lthread_main and kernel_fetch?
08:14.23batrickat the start of lthread_main a handler is pushed, if that thread then blocks in kernel_fetch then it will have two handlers on its stack
08:15.25Shirikhm, I don't see a kernel_fetch
08:15.27Shiriktime to update
08:16.29batrickit's been there for a long time...
08:16.41batrickdon't see why you would need to update
08:17.01Shiriknope, nothing new
08:17.03Shirikwhere is this..
08:17.21batrickLUA_KAPI int kernel_fetch(lua_State *L, lua_Thread *from, int block, struct timespec * timeout, unsigned number)
08:18.17Shirikyes but I don't see it being called from lthread_main
08:18.46batrickit would be called inside lua_pcall(), by the Lua code...
08:19.19Shirikhm, ok
08:19.32Shirikthis is going to be fun
08:20.54Shirikthose should only be called when KLUA_CANCEL_THREAD() is called right?
08:21.16Shirikthere is no instance where a main thread exits via return, etc., and those would need to be called?
08:21.17batrickwhen it's cancelled, or when it calls pthread_cleanup_pop()
08:21.28Shirikoh when that's called, it calls the function?
08:21.33Shirikdidn't know that
08:21.40batrickif You pass a value of 1
08:21.44ShirikI'll probably just write my own handler for this
08:21.51ShirikI can't find the right windows apis
08:22.19Shirikthere's a way to do this when the process is exiting, but as far as I can tell threads don't have that capability
08:26.12batrickyou may not need handlers
08:26.48batrickYou'll probably want to do something completely different because windows doesn't offer any protections when a thread terminates
08:27.53ShirikWell, windows doesn't offer protections, but it does help you out
08:28.18Shirikfor example, if it's killing a thread that owns a mutex, anyone pending on taking that mutex will get a special return value returned when it acquires the mutex
08:28.45batrickwell see that's really stupid for an important reason
08:29.21batrickmutexes are there to ensure data consistency, if yoiu kill the thread while it's manipulating the data state, no other thread can hope to fix it
08:29.47batrickyou basically render the data and the mutex useless
08:29.59batrickwhich is why cleanup handlers exist in posix
08:30.00Shirikthat's whythe special return value exists :P
08:30.16batrickyes, but even with the special return value, all they know is the data is fucked
08:30.20batrickand they can't fix it
08:30.23ShirikI think there's a way to prevent thread termination
08:30.32ShirikI know VxWorks has that
08:30.37batrickbut if there was a cleanup handler, then the thread terminated could have cleaned up while dying
08:31.55batrickin fact you need to make sure the thread isn't terminated while in our library basically
08:31.59Shirikaha, here it is
08:32.02Shirikinterlocked functions
08:32.08batrickbut that it CAN terminate while blocking in fetch()
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08:34.39Shirikactually I take that back
08:34.45Shirika thread can't terminate while it owns a critical section
08:34.52Shirikand that's what we're using in windows, not mutexes
08:34.55Shirikhm, that may have to be fixed
08:35.08batrickIf the target thread owns a critical section, the critical section will not be released.
08:35.12batrickcopy pasted from
08:35.30Shirikmsdn is strange
08:36.04batrickIf the target thread is allocating memory from the heap, the heap lock will not be released.
08:36.09batrickthat sounds really fucking bad
08:36.34Shirikthat's why you don't do this in windows :P
08:36.43Shirikyou use a messaging system, preferably WM_QUIT
08:37.25Shirikand if you need to be sure you don't continue until the thread is finished, you use WaitForSingleObject/WaitForMultipleObjects to block until that thread has truly exited
08:37.32batrickwhat I would do if I were you, is add two ints to the lua_Thread struct, one to say it should be cancelled, the other to say it can be cancelled
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08:38.48Shirikand then what?
08:38.58Shirikcheck it periodically?
08:39.37batrickif lthread_cancel you would (instead of what I do) set the "should be cancelled" bool to true, then try to lock the mutex and cancel it else return
08:40.25batrickif it fails then the thread is busy doing something, you would have the "can be cancelled bit" unset when the thread is entering any of our library functions
08:40.34MentalPower!c us blackhand tenebra
08:40.35batrickand set it when it blocks in kernel_fetch
08:41.04batrick(but when you set it, you should check if another threads set the cancel bool, if it did, then you should terminate)
08:41.37batrickthat's the only solution I see currently, but maybe there is a better one with some odd microsoft function
08:47.08batrickanyway, got any other pressing questions shirik?
08:47.16Shiriknot really
08:47.23batrickk night
08:51.11*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
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09:10.15*** join/#wowi-lounge NM|Xinhuan|Guru (i=xinhuan@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/xinhuan)
09:13.21Shiriklol at this guild application we received
09:13.27Shirikone of the questions is "how can we improve?"
09:13.34ShirikHow can we improve*: Huh kill illiden maby sum mother sharaz heer in ther
09:14.00ShirikI find this interesting: Previous Raiding Experience: 4/5 hyjal 4/9 BT
09:14.07ShirikBecause that is EXACTLY what it says we are at on our front page
09:14.59Shirikwhat confuses me is the rest of the app is well written
09:14.59Shirikwell at least it's readable
09:15.06ShirikWhy are you applying to us? my RL friend deuce is in the guild, I have seen most of the end game and would like to be in a guild which has done the same. Looking to gear up to the point i can aid in progression
09:15.12*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
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09:24.26art3misshirik the correct answer to that question on ANY app is "Because baby jesus told me to"
09:28.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (n=wraanger@
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09:51.09Shiriklua> local log = math.log10; return log(32768+1)/log(2.0)
09:51.09lua_botShirik: 15.000044026887
09:51.41Shirikhmmm, my math is off :(
09:52.10ShirikOh wait it's not off!
09:52.21Shirikit's because it's an unsigned value
09:53.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Dklein (n=dklein@
09:54.58Mr_Rabies2slaps Shirik around a bit with a moon, no wait, a Space Station
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11:19.00Cairennslaps a space station around a bit with Mr_Rabies2
11:19.57*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
11:20.04Cairennhugs JoshBorke
11:20.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
11:20.39Cairennhugs Kirkburn
11:21.15JoshBorkehugs Cairenn
11:21.16JoshBorkeguten morgen
11:21.42Cairennhow are you guys?
11:22.48KirkburnGlad to have slept after firefighting wowwiki most of yesterday :P
11:23.08JoshBorkei'm great
11:23.10KirkburnYay patch days :P
11:23.14Cairennyeah, I know, you guys were struggling under the load yesterday too
11:23.29Cairennnotice I didn't bug you about CF? ;)
11:23.40CairennJoshBorke: good to here :)
11:23.43KirkburnBut you are going to now? ;)
11:24.05Cairenn*hasn't* slept yet, in case you hadn't guessed
11:24.07KirkburnWell, I could contest you've done it in a roundabout way :P
11:24.34Cairennsorry, wasn't supposed to come across that way, was just sympathizing with you
11:24.42KirkburnI'm teasing :P
11:25.03KirkburnBut I hope you get some sleep soon
11:25.26Cairennjust waiting for someone else to be up and about again, to keep an eye out for mods in the queue
11:25.33Cairennthen I'll snag a few hours
11:26.51*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
11:26.58Cairennhugs foxlit
11:27.18foxlithugs Cairenn
11:27.20foxlitIt can has hug time now?
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11:27.32Cairennhugs r gud!
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11:28.38Cairennhugs cncfanatics
11:33.02[dRaCo]I want my server back :/
11:33.25Cairennhugs [dRaCo]
11:33.54[dRaCo]hugs Cairenn.
11:34.03Cairennloves hugs
11:34.20[dRaCo]well, I guess it's time to go get some food then
11:34.30[dRaCo]maybe that's what blizz is trying to tell me
11:34.42Cairennmy hugs make people hungry? o.O
11:38.01nevcairielserver downtime make people hungry
11:38.10Shirikom nom nom nom
11:38.17Shirikneed food
11:38.22Shiriknibbles on CairennÂ’s cookies
11:38.46nevcairielcookies is the new word, eh?
11:39.14Cairennhugs nevcairiel
11:39.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
11:39.58ShirikYay! I have more than 2 dkp!
11:40.16Shirikthough the team seems convinced I will go negative very shortly >< :(
11:42.18WobinYou don't remember those lines from the movie?
11:45.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (n=elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
11:45.34KirkburnTalking of movie lines, I couldn't talk to anyone here about going to Austin, without them asking me "Austin, Massachusetts?"
11:46.28Kirkburn(Road Trip, philistines)
11:48.17WobinBefore he became "The Chad"
11:51.10KirkburnWobin, exactly
11:51.21JoshBorkedid they fix the SW fountain?
11:51.29KirkburnFix how?
11:51.37JoshBorkei can't seem to jump up onto it
11:52.01KirkburnHmm, sounds like that's probably part of their wallclimbing changes
11:52.06JoshBorkewhew, i got up
11:52.29JoshBorkei can't get on top of the guy though
11:52.41JoshBorkethey made wall climbing changes?
11:53.05KirkburnApparently it's become much harder
11:53.16JoshBorkewall hacks suck
11:53.27Shirikactually most wall hacks are rather well written
11:53.37Cairennliked getting up to the airport above IF
11:53.42Shirikbut the people that use them need to be shot
11:53.43Shirikin the face
11:53.47JoshBorkeCairenn: me too!
11:53.52JoshBorkethey should really just open that up
11:53.54Cairennand the village above men harbour
11:54.17Cairennwith the best damn road sign in the game
11:54.22Cairennand the never ending pit of doom
11:55.34[dRaCo]noodles with bacon and coffee... what else does a man need?
11:55.53JoshBorkehm, best road sign?  nevere nding pit of doom?
11:56.33Cairennlittle village thingy above menethil harbour
11:56.44Cairennif you knew the way, you could get down to it from the airport
11:56.51Cairennonly way to get to it
11:56.57JoshBorkei must have missed the road sign
11:57.06JoshBorkethe never ending pit of doom was at the end of the tunnel entrance?
11:57.06Cairennthis way, that way, the other way
11:57.20JoshBorkeyea, that thing was AWESOME
11:57.28Cairennthat same area
11:57.29JoshBorkefelt like i was staring off in to infinite
11:57.31JoshBorkeand beyond!
11:57.37Cairennyou never hovered over the road sign?
11:57.43CairennI have SSs of it
11:57.45JoshBorkenuh uh
11:57.56Cairennit really did have "this way" "that way" "the other way" on it
11:58.06Cairennwas hilarious
11:58.11JoshBorkei wish i had noticed it
11:59.35Cairennthat was the only "wall hack" I ever played with, cause it was just too cool
11:59.55Cairennbut not something likely to get you banned from the game for
12:01.01JoshBorkethey should just put mobs that do 50k damage on each attack places where they don't want people to go
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12:12.50Cairennsleeps for a few hours
12:13.03Wobinnight Cair
12:15.09*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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12:22.40zenzelezzI wonder how many guilds are currently 3/3 in Sunwell
12:23.15[dRaCo]none on most eu servers, that's for sure.
12:23.58zenzelezzInner Sanctum on Silvermoon are, at least
12:25.47[dRaCo]my server is still borked to infinity and beyond
12:25.52[dRaCo]no raiding possible :/
12:26.21zenzelezzdoh :(
12:26.44zenzelezz"• Reliquary of Souls is bugged and isn't casting Deaden nor shielding in Phase 2." <-- this made the encounter... interesting
12:27.13zenzelezzit finally did use the Rune Shield one single time last night, as we were wiping and everyone was out of mana
12:28.32[dRaCo]well, with no mana at all you wouldnt have survived anyway, would you?
12:28.44zenzelezzno :)
12:28.51zenzelezzwas just a remark
12:29.00zenzelezzalso, the gem drop rate in BT seemed insanely high last night, think we got seven or eight crimson spinels from start to RoS
12:29.09zenzelezza couple of others too
12:29.31[dRaCo]woot, that's nice
12:30.15[dRaCo]I could use some more... especially when the new badges vendor finally arrives. got the feeling that I'm gonna buy one or two things there.
12:31.02Wobinpft wallclimbing hax?
12:31.11WobinI used to wall climb the building next to the SW bank
12:31.19WobinI could get up past two storeys =P
12:33.36zenzelezzdon't do it Wobin, you have so much to live for!
12:35.09WobinThat's a shame
12:35.13WobinI can't do it anymore =(
12:35.24Wobinbah, it was only my bankalt
12:35.40art3miszen no he does
12:35.52art3misheh they fixed a LOT of the graphic collisions
12:36.27art3misit's still fun to do though, went to the winterspring troll village and got up to the flat spot above the epl troll village ;P
12:38.41zenzelezzart3mis: who does what?
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12:41.56art3miszenzelezz: ehh fergot the "nt" wobin doesnt have so much to live for ;)
12:42.05zenzelezzaha :)
12:42.17art3misyou play on silvermoon?
12:42.25zenzelezzEU Silvermoon, yes
12:42.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh|| (
12:43.09zenzelezzstarted out on US Arthas, because the friends that pulled me into the game played there.  Then they abandoned the game
12:43.31zenzelezzheya Josh||
12:48.34*** join/#wowi-lounge GrimNotepad (
12:49.27art3misany word on s2 gear hitting the vendors?
12:49.34Dezzimalwhen s4 comes out
12:49.58art3misyeah i was looking for something a bit definitive
12:50.13Dezzimalthats as accurate as you'll get
12:51.18GrimNotepadaccording to what i read, they say more peeps need Sunwell familiarity (paraphrase) my guess would be 1-2 months
12:51.36art3misDezzimal:gee thanks capt. obvious, the question was aimed towards new information, not the same retarded "when it does" answers
12:51.39art3mislike grim there
12:51.45art3misheh understood what i meant ;P
12:52.22GrimNotepadcheck for Season 4 results on WOW Insider, there is a post that says "when it does" from the WoW official forum guy
12:52.42Dezzimalany dates you get are purely speculative
12:52.49art3misforums and wowinsider make my eyes bleed
12:52.56art3misspeculation is fun though!
12:53.04Dezzimaltrust me when theres a date for s4 I'd be one of the first to find out lol
12:53.21art3misgod i wish WHO would give me a beta key or something
12:53.28art3misi need a new fun game
12:53.32Dezzimalworld health organization?
12:53.48art3misit's a mmorpg based on ending world hunger in africa
12:54.03art3misif yuo get high enough level you get celebrity followers ;)
12:54.04Dezzimalcan I feed etheopians with my penis?
12:55.17art3mishukd on fonix werkd fer me!
12:59.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
13:01.34Wobinwhat is this "development" tag in the realmlist now?
13:02.17WobinDezzimal: You reckon you can do that? I'd guess you might feed one. for a snack
13:02.33Wobinbut once they've chewed it off, you got nothin =P
13:09.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
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13:10.26LopeppeppyHappy Thursday everypeople!
13:10.49zenzelezzcheers excitedly at peppy
13:11.00Shirik|AFKmurphyÂ’s law sucks
13:11.18Shirik|AFKthe one day I need to be on time and my carÂ’s battery is dead
13:11.37LopeppeppyOh, sweetie.  *hug*  Murphy is a right royal bastard, you're right.
13:14.08art3misO'Tooles commentary on Murphy's Law: Murphy was an optimist.
13:14.41LopeppeppyMy name is Plenty.  Plenty O'Toole.
13:15.27art3miskeeps his mouth shut.
13:15.39Nom-Got a screenshot of me breaking 4000 AP on my ret pally tonight :D
13:16.01art3misyou should send that to athenelol ;P
13:16.10art3misand tell him you're the new best paladin i the world!
13:17.50Nom-full raid buffs + double trinket + seal of the crusader
13:17.55Nom-i cheat a bit with SotC but still XD
13:18.17LopeppeppyYou should post it so that I can print it as a motivational poster for my ret pally.
13:22.24Nom-Just to prove i'm not lieing :D
13:23.23deltronNom-: you have your BT neck on!
13:23.33Lopeppeppy*kisskiss*  Thanks.  You're wonderful.
13:23.45Nom-omg i do too
13:23.49Nom-i could be doing moar dps!
13:24.09Nom-Yeah, i've been really unlucky on drops
13:24.13Nom-SSC Weapon never dropped
13:24.19Nom-Nothing has dropped, not even the ZA one
13:24.40Dezzimalman I went from plasma rat's hyper scythe (mech) to jinrokh lol
13:24.53Dezzimalmy MS gear was still half greens when I got it too
13:25.14DezzimalI'd go into AV and get so many hate tells
13:27.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (n=jk275@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
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13:31.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom (
13:31.58Nomgrr got d/c
13:31.59Nom-grr got d/c
13:32.04NomI need to sort that out
13:32.12Nomphone call = disconnect about 1/4 of the time
13:32.47ralfWORKthat's lame
13:33.01LopeppeppyIf you get it sorted out, ping |Jelly|, he has the exact same issue.
13:33.12NomI have a pretty good idea what it'll be
13:33.15ralfWORKyou got DSL filters installed and crap?
13:33.16NomIt's usually a filtering problem
13:33.31NomThe filter i'm using has probably died
13:33.39NomI'll flog another one from work
13:33.44NomThere's probably one lying around
13:35.12LopeppeppyI had assumed the "filter" was a software setting, not having ever used DSL.  Is this filter a physical piece of equipment then?
13:35.30NomYa 'tis
13:35.36NomAbout the size of a matchbox
13:35.39LopeppeppyHuh.  I'll file that under "Peppy's Bad Assumptions".  Neat to know.
13:35.41zenzelezzit's a small box that you place before any appliance
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13:35.59ralfWORKya, they have wall mount ones too for those wall-mount phone jacks
13:36.01zenzelezzit'll basically split the different parts of the signal
13:38.06LopeppeppySo that phone goes to phone and intrawebz don't keep getting fuxxored.  That's cool.
13:39.21p30nso wzup
13:46.34Wobindamn you art3mis
13:46.43WobinYou've scarred me forever with CatVac
13:48.04art3misgood name for that type of site though eh?
13:48.33art3misthe only thing better to be name applicable would be a java based irc client ;P
13:52.01ralfWORKso like
13:52.08ralfWORKanyone else notice that WWS is totally HOSED
13:52.47LopeppeppyOf course it is, while they learn to handle new combat logs.  Did you expect different?
13:52.51sag_ich_nichtalso why are all chatframe settings reseting each relog?
13:53.07zenzelezzmine don't reset
13:53.18ralfWORKLopeppeppy: idk. Omen and Recount seem kinda hosed too
13:53.35ralfWORKI thought by having them tested on PTR, that it might kinda Just Work, yea
13:54.01zenzelezzOmen had some issues, but by and large it worked well enough for us to do BT up to RoS last night
13:54.27ralfWORKit kept locking up for me
13:55.21LopeppeppyKeep updating it, ralf...
13:55.27ralfWORKkk, will do
13:55.39LopeppeppyThere are always subtle differences from PTR to live, it's just... karma.  Nothing is perfect in transition.
13:55.41sag_ich_nichtOmen works now
13:55.42ralfWORKand yea like... recount totally didn't work at all
13:55.49ralfWORKwhich made me a sad panda
13:56.08Wobinrecount worked for me today
13:56.12LopeppeppyViolation is similar, ralfWORK... you can replace for a while until recount is viable again
13:56.22ralfWORKLopeppeppy: oh ya?
13:56.50Nomwhy did they make supremus bigger?
13:57.10NomHe's actually harder now that he's bigger
13:57.16ralfWORKWobin: k. I'll try updating it again
13:57.23ralfWORKthankfully, DBM worked :P
13:57.31zenzelezzNom: really? He went better for us than usually last night
13:57.37Wobintbh, I think that's going to be the answer to all the "X addon didn't work"
13:57.55ralfWORKya, could be
13:58.24NomAll teh melee are getting fly swatted on kite target changes
13:58.29NomBecause his hitbox is so huge
13:58.56zenzelezzwe have a simple solution to that
13:58.58NomWe used to run in / run out
13:58.59zenzelezzjust run away sooner
13:59.14Nomlol then we only get 1-2 seconds of dps per kite target
13:59.18Nomwe already move away early
13:59.27zenzelezzI mean with his enrage timer you could do him with the melee only using ranged weapons and you'd still be ahead
14:00.50ralfWORKwe do that on prince lawl
14:02.00sag_ich_nicht[14:57] <ralfWORK> thankfully, DBM worked :P <--i just force-removed DBM from our whole raid and i'm quite happy about it :P
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14:03.41ralfWORKmaybe so
14:03.47ralfWORKI have some retards in the raid
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14:04.57Lopeppeppysag_ich_nicht, did you replace it with Bigwigs, or tell them to l2p and do without?
14:05.05sag_ich_nichtBigwigs :P
14:05.17ralfWORKI thought you were going the l2p route
14:05.22sag_ich_nichtnope :P
14:05.26ralfWORKso what do you like more about bigwigs?
14:05.34ralfWORKI've heard some ppl say they like it better
14:05.56sag_ich_nichti can force them to update it with WAU :P (yes, that IS important)
14:06.52sag_ich_nichtalso DBM hasn't worked for me on bosses in the past which was a PITA(and these bosses were supposed to work and no fixes for them came afterwards)
14:07.16ralfWORKlike Akil'Zon? :P
14:07.32NomI run both lol
14:07.35sag_ich_nichtdunno about him, had that problem with Kael
14:07.53sag_ich_nichti also forced BigWigs_CommonAuras onto them as well as VisualHeal & 'reminded' everyone to install oRA2 (Omen is a given of course)
14:08.29ralfWORKyea, I need to get ppl on Visual Heal
14:08.42sag_ich_nichtheal syncing with VisualHeal makes everything so much easier to blame, no more "that heal was thru!"
14:09.18p30nAkil'Zon is broken on DBM and so is Lootreaver
14:10.23sag_ich_nichtorbs on lootreaver are broken for all bossmobs
14:10.37sag_ich_nichtand will stay that way until blizzard changes him again
14:10.58p30nyea its the targetting
14:11.14p30nnot that its hard to kill him anyways but.. them newbs are having a hard time staying alive
14:11.22p30nbut akil'zon and the electric storm timer
14:11.30p30nis any bossmods working on that ?
14:12.44Roblibobvoidreaver can't be fixed because nothing shows if he casting orbs or not.
14:13.04p30nsure it does
14:13.09p30njust look with ur eyes
14:13.12p30nand u see them :p
14:13.24NomHateful Strike for 18k
14:13.42p30nsomeone should code a bossmod-bot that can recognize events happening on screen
14:14.03NomTanks failed imo
14:14.15NomI wasn't throwing out *that* much threat ...
14:14.17sag_ich_nichtcan't read visual context of worldframe p30n
14:15.02p30nsomeone should make a third party program then that scans the monitor output for "orbs"
14:15.27p30nnah thats was just ridiculous
14:15.41Nomlol that's a bug btw
14:15.51Nomthat it doesn't spawn a combat event when it gets cast
14:16.06zenzelezzNom: Hateful Strike? On Supremus?
14:18.46zenzelezzfrom my guild's experience, and according to the wiki, it's not threat based, just HP
14:19.02NomHateful strike: ~7k melee damage to the target with the highest current health inside melee range
14:19.06Nom7k my ass
14:19.12zenzelezz7k on tanks
14:19.33zenzelezzthat's a problem with the wiki, it tends to forget to mention the person's armor level for such values
14:19.40ralfWORKyea, it can
14:19.47NomWell i've got 10k armor in dps gear
14:19.49ralfWORKsometimes you at least get "on a decently geare tank"
14:19.51Nomand that hit for 17k
14:20.12ralfWORKbut what the crap is "decently geared"
14:20.31Nomok lets assume that means 20k armor
14:21.07art3mis<stealthy|lap> As with multiple-core processors, this trend is already under way -- Intel, for instance, has announced that its Nehalem CPU microarchitecture, set to debut later this year, will feature an integrated memory controller, eliminating the need for a front-side bus. However, it will take a long time for this trend to reach CPUs used in notebook computers -- the 2015 time frame seems reasonable, the experts agreed.
14:21.09art3mis<stealthy|lap> Holy shit, AMD must have mastered time travel
14:22.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Apoco (
14:23.03NomNah the math just doesn't work out
14:23.14*** part/#wowi-lounge lonk_afk (
14:23.17NomThere's no way a 17k hit on 10k armor translates to 7k on a well geared tank
14:23.29zenzelezzI think people tend to think that abilities are fixed damage
14:23.32zenzelezznot a range
14:23.36ralfWORKNom: I was just suggesting that, I have no clue
14:23.43Nomon a druid at the armor cap it would hit for that much
14:24.09zenzelezzI got the impression last night that Supremus liked to try again a couple of times if his HS didn't land on me, I'd get three quick dodge/parry/dodge
14:26.03Roblibobhateful strike spell
14:27.05NomYep, they've buffed it
14:27.24Nomeven if i assume my armor rating is lower than it is
14:27.35Nomit couldn't possibly hit as hard as it did with those values
14:27.56LopeppeppyI am so very wary of the phrase "couldn't possibly" ....
14:29.43NomBased on the upper limit
14:30.05NomWith a 45% damage reduction, the upper limit is 15k
14:30.16zenzelezzmaybe they gave him "ignores X armor" gear
14:30.35NomI have closer to 48%
14:30.46art3mis <-- Zelda
14:30.54Nomwhich makes it more like 14k max
14:31.17ralfWORKmaybe I'm simple
14:31.23ralfWORKbut it seems like it'd be easy to tell
14:31.33ralfWORKyou have X armor and got hit for Y amount
14:31.44ralfWORKyou know X armor provides a certain percentage of DR
14:33.21ralfWORKso... should be simple math
14:33.48sag_ich_nichtNOT, because of talents
14:34.40Nomffs i wasn't even in melee range that time and i got swatted... not hateful this time tho... he's definately more of a pain in the arse
14:34.53Nomlast week i was #3 dps and didn't even get hit once
14:34.57Nomthis week, died every attempt
14:36.39*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
14:38.49Nomdefinately harder for melee... all our melee dead again
14:39.50NomWhich is pretty ironic, since my guess is the change was to make it easier for melee
14:45.11ralfWORKwhat talents give you damage reduction?
14:45.56sag_ich_nichti dunno, lol!#
14:51.49Nomwarriors get 10% from def stance
14:51.58ralfWORK10% DR?
14:51.58Nompaladins get 6% from imp righteous fury
14:52.18NomThat's about it... druids just get 75% from armor
14:55.28*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
14:55.44sag_ich_nichtNom also spell dmg reduction talents
14:56.02ralfWORKyea, but that hatefuls are physical, no?
14:56.14sag_ich_nichti dunno
14:56.17sag_ich_nichtnot been there yet :P
14:57.21zenzelezzSPELL_DAMAGE, ....., "Hateful Strike", ... says my combat log
14:57.34zenzelezznot sure if that means it's considered actual spell damage or not, since armor matters
14:57.37ralfWORKinteresting. so you're boned.
14:57.45sag_ich_nichtAnduinLothar: tell telic to update his full worldmap addon please if you got some contact to him D:
14:59.53*** join/#wowi-lounge cogumel0 (
15:02.01*** join/#wowi-lounge herf (
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15:02.50Nomhurtful is melee
15:03.28NomIt's a "spell" because it's a special ability
15:03.42NomLike crusader strike is a "spell"
15:03.54Nombut it's mitigated by melee damage
15:03.59Nomby armor i mean
15:04.24NomCoz if it weren't, I'd be critting warriors for 3k damage
15:04.27Nomnot 600
15:05.34ralfWORKso what was your DR% and the hit you took?
15:05.42NomI really hope we get a new strike in wotlk
15:05.49Nomonly armor DR%
15:06.07ralfWORKright, and it hit you for how much?
15:06.37LopeppeppyFun fun times!
15:07.34*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
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15:08.50purlfrom memory, ugt is Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
15:08.53cog|workcogumel0: ^
15:09.37LopeppeppyAnd bright freakin' happy morning to you too, grumpycog!  :P
15:09.56cog|workwas for a pm :P
15:10.40Josh_Borkeguten morgen
15:10.54Lopeppeppyhugs Cogwheel anyway, 'cause she's just like that
15:12.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Hjalte (
15:16.34art3misthats natures way of saying that women are never satisfied ;P
15:17.37*** join/#wowi-lounge ZealotOnAStick (
15:18.41deltronyay for darwinism!
15:19.28foxlitYou mean killing off "star student"s is good for the species?
15:19.54deltronspoiled brat imo
15:20.02deltronI bet she had other surgeries also
15:21.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Drundia (n=drewndia@
15:26.34LopeppeppyThey represent it at first as being vanity... but actually read a bit, guys....  Not all cosmetic surgery on breasts are about "must have larger".
15:30.36HjalteAntiarc: Is AOE mode supposed to work or is it still a work in progress?
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15:35.45Shirik|Ecolebatrick: I found the perfect solution, APCs.
15:36.30Shirik|EcoleI just have to adjust the code so that when we block on kernel_fetch, I call WaitForSingleObject in an alertable state
15:38.27*** join/#wowi-lounge p3lim (
15:41.26IndustrialAnyone fix the chat settings yet?
15:42.49zenzelezzShirik|AFK: out of curiosity, do the Windows condition variable functions not suffice for the condition variable thing you were talking about?
15:42.55zenzelezzcurse the multiple shiriks
15:44.21Shirik|EcoleActually I had been using those forever zenzelezz
15:44.29Shirik|Ecoleunfortunately I recently realized that they're only supported on Vista
15:44.56Shirik|Ecole(specifically SleepConditionVariableCS is EXACTLY what I want, but I can't use it)
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16:05.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
16:08.07NomWe nuked Akama sooo fast
16:08.40NomI was halfway calling out 10% when started to call 5% and then 3% and i eventually ended up just saying he's dead
16:09.33NomIt was something like
16:09.41Nomten's dead fi... no... dead!
16:09.53Shirik|Ecolemy guild was all like "Welcome to Akama, this fight is going to kick your ass"
16:10.05Shirik|Ecoleso I'm over in my little corner healing and they're like "okay that's the last of them, now nuke akama"
16:10.08Nomhe's not hard as long as you learn add control
16:10.13Shirik|EcoleI'm like "ok" walk my butt over there
16:10.14Shirik|Ecoleand he falls over
16:10.19Shirik|EcoleI'm like "wtf was so hard about that"
16:10.28Nomphase 1 is the hard part
16:10.32Shirik|EcoleI think they were trying to scare me ><
16:11.00Shirik|Ecolebut yeah, I'm enjoying BT
16:11.06Shirik|Ecoleglad I can actually raid with my guild now
16:11.53Shirik|Ecoleso it was fun Nom? :)
16:12.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Lej (
16:12.10Shirik|Ecolewhat class do you play?
16:12.35ralfWORKI'm thinking he plays lolcat
16:12.38ralfWORKnom nom nom
16:13.54LopeppeppyNom plays retradin!  Rawr!
16:14.01ralfWORKohhh yea hahahaha
16:14.36LopeppeppyNo laughing, he's hawt.
16:16.33NomRet is fun :D
16:16.46LejAnyone got any guess why I'm getting a lot of "No player named 'some name' is currently playing" when I enter BGs? I'm guessing some raid addon? Grid, oRA2, recount perhaps? :/
16:16.49*** join/#wowi-lounge dru_ (
16:18.08Shirik|EcoleI'm not getting that
16:18.13Shirik|Ecoleso if you've updated grid you should be ok
16:18.23Shirik|Ecolerecount or oRA2 I don't know
16:19.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (n=elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
16:19.19ralfWORKstupid question that I should already know
16:20.04NomLej, maybe Recount or oRA2
16:20.10NomI don't run Grid, but I had that the other day
16:20.14NomProbably oRA2
16:21.09NomThey need to add a function to convert a raid back into a party imo
16:21.21ralfWORKis there an enchant formula that turns shards into voids?
16:23.31Nomdon't think so
16:23.37ralfWORKyea, I don't think so either
16:23.38NomVoids are easy to get though... it's LBS that's hard
16:23.49ralfWORKyou can turn smallers to largers and vice-versa
16:23.55ralfWORKbut I don't think you can turn largers into voids
16:24.05ralfWORK(thank god you can turn voids into largers now though!)
16:33.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
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16:38.00ralfWORKmore stupid question
16:38.16ralfWORKis there a way to set raid MT targets without CT_RA?
16:39.57zenzelezzoRA can do it
16:41.38ralfWORKhmm. k
16:43.14*** join/#wowi-lounge ag`_ (n=ag`
16:43.45ralfWORKso is recount changing it's name to preservation now?
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16:49.38Cide>>> 37-15
16:49.38CideCide: 22
16:49.49Cide>>> 10+19+20*3
16:49.49CideCide: 89
16:50.41Cide>>> 89*22
16:50.41CideCide: 1958
16:52.31ralfWORKsounds like bigwigs is a little more advanced compared to DBM
16:52.45ralfWORKanyone here prefer DBM over BW?
16:52.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Sixen (n=Sixen@
16:52.50LopeppeppyI like it better, but that's just me.  People swear by what they like best.
16:53.04LopeppeppyI know our raid leader uses both so he can tell all of us exactly what we're missing.  <.<
16:53.12ralfWORKI see
16:53.56ScytheBlade1Lopeppeppy: that's why I wrote FakeRaidAddons. Watches for newer versions/version requests, and replies accordingly :). Auto-update verions whenever VARIABLES_LOADED is fired, so you don't magically update mid-raid.
16:54.41ScytheBlade1"Install DBM!" "No!" "Okay, you're sitting out." "Okay, okay, done." "Good."
16:54.55ralfWORKhow does it know what the new version is?
16:54.57ScytheBlade1"Update DBM! Yours is old!" "Okay" *relogs*
16:55.07ScytheBlade1Simple comparison, bigger means newer
16:55.25ralfWORKoh, so the sync channel... everyone just declares what version they have
16:55.35ralfWORKmakes sense
16:55.41ScytheBlade1Or it asks for a version check, and looks for the biggest reply it gets
16:55.44ralfWORKbtw, I'd beat you senseless if you did that in my raid :D
16:55.56ScytheBlade1Why's that? ;)
16:56.17ralfWORKdon't suppose it's occured to you that new versions often fix bugs in older ones? :)
16:56.39ScytheBlade1This is made to report verions ONLY. It provides zero of the actual functions of the addon
16:56.50ScytheBlade1It looks for version checks, and replies - nothing more
16:57.06ralfWORKnaw I understand that
16:57.32ScytheBlade1So how would that be a problem...? (Aside from the lie that you have it isntalled, when in fact, you do not)
16:57.52ralfWORKthat lie is enough to warrant beatings :)
16:58.03ScytheBlade1Meh. See my sig on the forums.
16:58.23ralfWORKwhat does it say, "does not play well with others"? :)
16:58.50ScytheBlade1<Thunder_Child> ah, nothing makes me think of WoW more than seeing 15 different addons telling me i dont know how to play
16:58.53ScytheBlade1<End> Well, I'm not an AddOn, but you don't know how to play
16:59.19LopeppeppyWell...  I just meant that he can tell us the boss warnings we're missing... *laugh*
16:59.34ScytheBlade1Yeah, boss mods suck ;)
16:59.39LopeppeppyI'm the version-police in my raid group.
16:59.56ralfWORKjust seems that if you don't like being required to run the addons for the raid you're in
16:59.59ralfWORKthen you should find another raid
17:00.06ralfWORKnot lie about what you do or don't have
17:00.53ScytheBlade1You know I'd agree with you (which is why I haven't released it)
17:00.59ScytheBlade1But a lot of that is situation specific
17:01.08ScytheBlade1For what it's worth, the guild I wrote it for, I left ;)
17:01.15ralfWORKheheh gotcha
17:02.47batrickShirik|AFK: sounds good I guess
17:03.05LopeppeppyBest... quote... ever.  "The day I meet a guy who handles me as carefully as he handles his Xbox controller, I might reconsider dating."
17:03.18Cairennlol, I likes!
17:03.47ralfWORKI usually throw my controller at the walls
17:03.56ralfWORKalso, the dog chews it to shit
17:03.59zenzelezzI don't quite get it either, most people I know are rough as sin with their controllers
17:04.13ralfWORKso I guess if you're into that kinda thing!
17:07.56zenzelezzwhat's the Nether Vortex prices like on your realms?
17:08.09ralfWORKI've seen advertisements for like 200-250g
17:08.22ralfWORKdunno if those actually got bought by anyone though
17:08.29ralfWORKalso, 15 badges :D
17:08.53zenzelezzI see them at ~100-200 on my realm, seems it's still looking for a level to settle at
17:09.22ScytheBlade1It'll probably go higher
17:09.27ScytheBlade1Well on the higher end
17:09.41ralfWORKyea, I think the price is still getting stabilized a bit
17:09.51ralfWORKI assume shards are going to do the same thing
17:09.52zenzelezzwith badges being even easier to get, why would the prices rise?
17:10.03ralfWORKnethers should stabilize soon though
17:10.10ScytheBlade1Guilds can and will sell them
17:10.13ScytheBlade1And guilds like money :)
17:10.35ralfWORKit'll take a little longer for shards to stabilize; people have to get rep for the recipe, and people need to get that cooldown working
17:11.19ralfWORKI wonder, should I place a value of 1 void = 3 shards in our guild vault?
17:11.31zenzelezzScytheBlade1: of course, but if there's tons available, I can't picture them costing much
17:12.00ScytheBlade1Eh. Who knows.
17:12.04ralfWORKzenzelezz: my guess is they will stabilize at 150-200g
17:12.11ScytheBlade1That's what I would guess also
17:12.18ralfWORKymmv imo etc etc
17:12.48*** join/#wowi-lounge lagger (
17:13.20ralfWORKwonders when a new WWS client is coming out
17:13.27ScytheBlade1It's out
17:13.33ScytheBlade1Well a 2.4 one anyways
17:13.43ralfWORKthe one I ran this morning failed to realize we had 2 tanks in ZA
17:13.56ralfWORKso... I'm thinking bugfixes are in order :)
17:13.58ScytheBlade1lol, good times
17:14.07ralfWORKit's cool though
17:14.11ralfWORKsays we 9-manned ZA
17:16.13ralfWORK lawl
17:27.47zenzelezz"Apparently Kel'Thuzad is bugged in a similar fashion, though god only knows what someone was doing there a day after the patch. " -- lol
17:29.30*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (n=nuoHep@
17:31.31Nomso glad we're progressing quick on unlocks
17:31.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
17:31.41Nommight unlock our badge vendor same time i get enough badges for new pants :D
17:31.52Nom92% when i logged off
17:31.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Drundia (n=drewndia@
17:31.56Nomnite all, 2:30am here :D
17:33.41ralfWORKbadge vendor is P3 right?
17:35.47kd3phase 3B
17:36.00ralfWORKyea these damn phase don't make no damn sense to me
17:36.09ralfWORKsome are fixed timeline, some are not?
17:36.57Vangualall hax an autocomplete time but all can be unlocked faster by quests
17:37.09ralfWORKok yes
17:37.11ralfWORKI heard that today
17:37.24ralfWORKbut is there like 2 paralel unlockings?
17:37.30kd3go to the link...
17:37.30ralfWORKl2spell ralfWORK
17:37.46kd3my writeup's pretty extensive all over the SSO article
17:37.55ralfWORKyes... I see rep info...
17:38.01ralfWORKlet's see
17:38.17ralfWORKhmm ok
17:40.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
17:41.07ralfWORKsoo... you can do P2 -> P3 -> P2B
17:41.19ralfWORKam I understanding that correctly?
17:41.21kd3that's how we did it on the PTR
17:41.39kd3"Those two objectives are tracked separately, and short of their requirement to start in Phase 2, are completely unrelated."
17:41.48ralfWORKright... k
17:41.58ralfWORKor you could do
17:42.18ralfWORK2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 2B
17:42.24ralfWORK(unlikely, but you could)
17:42.27ralfWORKok, gotcha
17:42.40ralfWORKbut 2 has to happen before 3, and 3 before 4
17:42.57ralfWORKso where's the badge vendor! ;)
17:43.00ralfWORK*reads more*
17:43.13*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
17:43.18ralfWORKarmory, gotcha
17:43.52foxlitI seem to recall slouken drawing a diagram of what a unit guid was composed of
17:44.01foxlitBut I can't find t at the moment. Anyone remember where/if?
17:44.07ralfWORKah, but Phase 2 has to be completed, and then it gets opened. I see.
17:44.24ralfWORKso... in other words, when P3 starts, we'll have the badge dude
17:44.40kd3active, but not selling stuff
17:44.59kd3she doesn't start selling stuff for badges until we complete her quests enough times, which is the objective of getting into P3B
17:45.51Josh_Borkehow do you know how far you are along a phase?
17:45.59kd3talk to the questgivers for that phase
17:46.01ralfWORKhmm. so P3B has to be started for her to sell stuff?
17:46.14Josh_Borkepsh, i always just ignore what the questgivers say :-P
17:46.21kd3she also turns into the repair vendor at that point
17:46.30ralfWORKok, so quickest way to get her unlocked
17:46.44ralfWORK1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 3B
17:46.47kd3have everyone do "Making Ready" once she's available
17:46.54ralfWORKya, ok
17:46.59ralfWORKwell damn
17:47.04ralfWORKthat probably won't be tonight thin :D
17:47.16kd3blues on the forums estimated it'd take a month
17:47.23kd3it'll probably be a week or two at most
17:47.25NightHawkTheSaneso no, not tonight. ;)
17:47.39ralfWORKI think when I log on tonight we'll be P2
17:47.56ralfWORKdunno how long each phase takes, but we were at like 80% of P1 last night
17:48.01NightHawkTheSanewe got to p2 last night
17:48.36ralfWORKso wwhat else interesting happens though, really?
17:48.51ralfWORKanything other than new quests for P2, or do we get some vendors and crap?
17:49.07NightHawkTheSanenot really. no. there's a generic trade good vendor that shows up. but i think thats it
17:49.10kd3more vendors... phase 4 turns the big building into an inn with a mailbox
17:49.17kd3p2 just more questgivers and tradegoods
17:49.30Lopeppeppy  -- just for fun
17:49.32ralfWORKkd3: ok, but P2 doesn't let us repair or buy anything really interesting
17:49.34*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
17:49.45ralfWORKP3B here i come!
17:59.58sag_ich_nichtMY CHAT SETTINGS ARE NOT SAVING
18:00.22ScytheBlade1sag_ich_nicht: quit using alt+F4 to quit and remove the read-only box from your WTF folder.
18:00.31ScytheBlade1needs ForumTOCPoster for IRC
18:01.16ralfWORKI thought it said "this is broken and will likely be fixed in 2.4.2
18:01.33kd3I put that in the 2.4 sticky
18:01.36ralfWORKin the sticky!
18:01.42ScytheBlade1Oh, wow
18:01.43ralfWORKyep, kd3 put it in there
18:01.44ScytheBlade1Good times
18:02.07ScytheBlade1I DID
18:02.16ralfWORKyou failed!
18:02.37ScytheBlade1kd3: post diffs of your stickies whenever you change them, kthx
18:04.44foxlitoh wow
18:04.54foxlityou can hear a flight form bumping against the world ceiling from ground level
18:04.56ScytheBlade1Was that bug just something that Zoot said, or what? Where is the source?
18:05.10kd3just intuition on my part
18:05.28ScytheBlade1Well that is entirely possible
18:06.00sag_ich_nicht[19:00] <ScytheBlade1> sag_ich_nicht: quit using alt+F4 to quit and remove the read-only box from your WTF folder. <--no that's not the problem
18:06.08Mr_Rabies2<foxlit> you can hear a flight form bumping against the world ceiling from ground level
18:06.21Mr_Rabies2imagine noise raids led by hundreds of angry druids
18:06.27sag_ich_nicht[19:02] <ScytheBlade1> kd3: post diffs of your stickies whenever you change them, kthx <--agree'd
18:06.31sag_ich_nichtthat would be way more useful
18:07.03Cidebut then we'd get stuff like
18:07.10Cide"My addons button doesn't show up, what should I do?
18:07.34Cide+ This is a known issue. Please try again.
18:07.35Fisker-i just had sex with you
18:07.56kd3ah, that must be why I feel so unfulfilled today
18:08.05ralfWORKand sticky, probably
18:08.09Fisker-your mother
18:08.39ScytheBlade1Cide: I declare you today's epic winner, congrats
18:08.54ScytheBlade1I forget, my head hurts
18:09.08Cideyou are today's epic failure, it appears
18:09.29ScytheBlade1I've had this migraine since Sunday :(
18:09.58ScytheBlade1actually afk
18:10.58Josh_Borkethey are bugfixing something that broke boss mods
18:11.15kd3loot reaver?
18:11.58zenzelezzany word on whether the RoS phase 2 and Kael'thas phase 4 changes are bugs or intentional?
18:17.55zenzelezz"Nayia's Metting Stone Summon creates a Meeting Stone Summoning Portal"
18:18.01zenzelezzI like the new combat log a lot
18:18.29zenzelezzof course I typoed, but whatever
18:25.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
18:39.02IndustrialFitna on
18:41.46zenzelezzwhat's Fitna?
18:42.04Industrialmovie by a dutch politician about the islam
18:42.20zenzelezzthe thing he got shot for, or a different one?
18:44.24Industriala different one, the one that got shot was a moviemaker
18:44.31Industrialbut this guy is also on the 'hit list'
18:45.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Keias (
18:51.45zenzelezzanyone familiar with Quartz? I can't seem to get the "copy from" thing on the Profile part of the settings to work
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18:54.05kd3gah, what in the world...
18:54.10Lunessazenzelezz: Common Ace2 problem.
18:54.10kd3my grandfather just turned 80 today
18:55.15zenzelezzLunessa: I see, thanks
18:58.42LunessaNot to say anything bad about it, but I can NEVER make it work for any of the Ace2 AddOns.  I just gave up.
19:05.35foxlit"How to get full event strings: Read prefix to suffix in order and use the parameter table as specified."
19:11.34foxlitThat's a tall order, considering both are evil :(
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19:23.08ralfWORKhmm. wonder how many days of dailies need to be done to hit honored with SSO
19:24.17Cairennguys, is there a work around for the chat not saving settings?
19:24.48sag_ich_nichtthreat-2.0 is shoting up INSANELY in CPU usage
19:24.49Cairennhere's the world, it's all nice and round
19:24.51sag_ich_nichtjust fyi
19:25.19ralfWORKsag_ich_nicht: that why omen is failing?
19:25.28*** join/#wowi-lounge NightHawkTheSane (
19:25.32kd3I haven't heard of a workaround yet
19:25.40sag_ich_nichtralfWORK: possible
19:25.56ralfWORK(I assume Omen uses threat-2.0 but idk)
19:26.10sag_ich_nichtyes it does
19:27.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Pazza_ (
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19:33.57GngskCairenn, I have a work around
19:34.04Cairennyou do? what?
19:34.44Cairennis that for the combat log, or for overall?
19:34.58Gngskit can be done for overall probably
19:35.21Gngskthe problem i was having is channels would show up in places I didn't want, so that just removes them from whatever chan
19:35.32Gngsker, whatever frame
19:35.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
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19:35.57Cairennhuggles Lopeppeppy
19:36.10Lopeppeppyhuggles Cairenn right back, with interest
19:36.15mikmaGngsk: ace? for that?
19:36.45Gngskout of conveinence for the fully intialiazed event
19:36.48mikmawhat the hell is wrong with you! *slap in the face*
19:36.50Gngskit has to be run after all channels have been set
19:38.38Gngskthat's also just a brute force work around it doesn't really fix the issue the the chatframes aren't, for whatever reason, obeying the settings in chat-cache.txt
19:39.56Lunessahugs Lopeppeppy & Cairenn
19:40.11mikmaGngsk: oh so that is actually a bug :O i should beliebe my wife more in stuff like that.. "what the hell is wrong with this?!?" 'didn't your game crash? it doesnt save settings then'
19:40.40Gngskmikma, yah it's a bug. strange thing is it was on PTR and got fixed, now it's back. :\
19:43.01zenzelezzone more Quartz question, is the swing timer supposed to work for dual wielders?
19:43.13Gngskzenzelezz, nope
19:43.15ScytheBlade1MentalPower: so I wrote a small addon which records all seen GUIDs and the object type (player, npc, pet, guardian, object). Long story short, there are a LOT of players who jump into the 6-12 range of the GUID.
19:43.25zenzelezzGngsk: well that explains that, thanks =)
19:43.32MentalPowerScytheBlade1: eek...
19:43.43Gngskfunny story though, my offhand broke in the middle of the last brutallus attempt last night, vanished and it showed up
19:43.53MentalPowerScytheBlade1: is it only on your server?
19:44.06zenzelezzScytheBlade1: what's the "6-12 range"?
19:44.17ScytheBlade1zenzelezz: string.sub(GUID, 6, 12)
19:44.23MentalPowerand is there still a way to check for player vs non-player with only the GUID?
19:44.26Cairennhugs Lunessa
19:44.38zenzelezzoh, thought you were talking about specific values
19:44.45ScytheBlade1MentalPower: uh, no. I joined a round of AV. 171 players recorded that are overlapping into that region.
19:45.03MentalPowercrap on a stick
19:45.46MentalPoweris there a pattern to the player GUIDs?
19:45.56MentalPoweror is that just out of the question
19:45.58ScytheBlade1Yeah. +1 from the last character created.
19:46.14MentalPowerthat doesn't help me :P
19:46.33MentalPowerI meant any other way to say "this is a player" "this is an NPC"
19:46.40MentalPowervia GUID examination
19:46.46hasteshould be
19:46.51ScytheBlade1Check the first byte. If it's F, then it is not a player. So far, that's all I've been able to see
19:47.31MentalPoweryou mean the first 4bits
19:47.39ScytheBlade1Whatever :)
19:49.24Lopeppeppyhugs Lunessa. This circle of hugs is fun!
19:49.39LunessaIt's a Circle-hug!
19:49.48Lopeppeppy....  I'm in.
19:51.53ScytheBlade1Hehe. Sitting in Shatt by the Scryer bank took it from 171 to 177.
19:54.36MentalPowerScytheBlade1: are GUIDs always uppercase?
19:55.06ScytheBlade1Looks... short
19:55.07MentalPowerk, that simplifies the checking
19:55.10MentalPowerit is
19:55.12MentalPowerI made it up
19:55.29MentalPowerBTW, I especially like the "0x0000000000000000" GUID
19:55.38MentalPowerits quite nice if you're not expecting it
19:56.18MentalPowerlua> ("0xF000000000000000"):sub(3,3)
19:56.19lua_botMentalPower: F
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20:01.20AdysThere was a nice addon listing cached items, but it's not been working since a couple of patches - any idea if there's been an update since then? dont even remember its name :/
20:01.57AdysWas using pretty much the aution UI
20:02.44Adysbut if any other addon does cache listing im interested too :)
20:03.33zenzelezzcombat log from BT (start to two tries on RoS): 65 MB... lots of new fun data to play around with
20:03.56LopeppeppyCan you play with it yet, zenzelezz?
20:04.12zenzelezzsure, I have my text editor
20:04.30Lopeppeppyoh, well then, that makes it all better.
20:04.59zenzelezzI'm pretty much just staring at it; going to write some kind of combat info thingie for myself just for fun
20:05.12LopeppeppyOh.. you have an odd idea of fun, darlin'.
20:05.19zenzelezzI like coding
20:05.52ScytheBlade1MentalPower: - note the subtable labeled "bigger" (just watch the tab indentation change)
20:06.09zenzelezzthe ringing in my ears tells me my guild finally got RoS down
20:06.53MentalPowerScytheBlade1: nice data, thanks!
20:07.41ScytheBlade1It's a pretty easy addon :)
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20:11.50cladhaire2.3 -> 2.4 actual changes:
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20:13.48foxlitHah, how interesting
20:13.51foxlitMH3 still works
20:13.56foxlitAnd it's an ancient version
20:14.12foxlitprobably on UNIT_DAMAGE?
20:15.39sag_ich_nichtfucking threat-2.0 issue
20:15.44cladhaireit was to use UNIT_DAMAGE or UNIT_COMBAT
20:15.52cladhaireand those didn't change
20:15.52sag_ich_nichtstill CPU usage so high it causes disconnects by hanging the lua system too long
20:16.33mikmacladhaire: while at it, tell us all the undocumented changes :D
20:17.00cladhairetoo many to list :P
20:17.00mikmai've noticed 2 already. there's now hellalot of ravagers in netherwing mine, and the angler ray -quest npc has now a mount
20:17.34kd3wonder if the drake in there's ever going to have a quest for us?
20:17.52mikmakd3: in the mines? it has a quest :P
20:18.15kd3whuh? when did that get added
20:18.18kd3tabs open the wiki
20:18.34mikmaif i remember correctly, it requires a drop from the oozes
20:18.51kd3oh, that's the one where you've gotta talk to the murkblood and get its hand
20:19.00kd3ends at the mistress of the mines
20:19.14kd3as part of "Seeker of Truth"
20:20.02kd3which leads to
20:20.33mikmahmmm, no. that wasn't it
20:21.03mikmathen it might be the killing the miners quest or it doesn't have a quest
20:21.22kd3killing the miners is offered by the newly-mounted slave driver
20:21.55mikmathat one has a mount too?
20:22.10kd3thought that was the guy you're talking about... he's just in front of the drake
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20:22.34kd3oh, nvm
20:22.39mikmano no, that mounted dude is in skyguard part of ogri'la
20:22.41kd3rereads what was written
20:22.47mikmathe gnomey
20:32.59ScytheBlade1MentalPower: hahaha. Epic win.;jsessionid=B5E796C0A33DE3E84EB9BD723FB70F9E?topicId=2968233433&sid=1&pageNo=28#547
20:35.55mikmaThe Lich King waits now, scheming to lure adventurers down the same dark path that Arthas tread. Frostmourne hungers for the souls of both the brave and the foolish, and somewhere Ner'zhul's voice still echoes within the helm of the Lich King.
20:35.59mikma"Now, we are one."
20:36.20deltronI wish shaman could use swords
20:36.29deltronbecause I'm sure we'll be getting frostmourne in game
20:36.54mikmahow about destroying it instead as a final quest
20:37.18deltronI wants it
20:37.19mikmaa sword that makes you turn side
20:49.05Antiarcsag_ich_nicht: Do you have CPU usage numbers for me?
20:49.21AntiarcI haven't been able to get any abnormal behavior, solo, 5-man, or raid
20:49.52*** join/#wowi-lounge QforQ (
20:51.56Temdeltron, the likelyhood of us getting frostmorne in game is pretty low imo
20:52.16Temwe may get a derrivative sword as a drop from arthas
20:52.23Tem(assuming we kill him)
20:52.41Tembut lore-wise, getting the actual frostmorne doesn't make sense
20:53.21QforQDoes smariot ever come in here?
20:55.53MentalPower~seen smariot
20:56.00purli haven't seen 'smariot', MentalPower
20:56.07MentalPowerQforQ: ^^^^
20:56.40sag_ich_nichtAntiarc: is fps 1 and not able to enable CPU profiling because of even more usage enough?
20:56.54sag_ich_nichtAntiarc: i'm suspecting a problem with cross language communication, altho that shouldn't happen
20:57.19QforQWell, not sure what his IRC name is but I was looking for the guy who creates QuestHelper
20:57.45sag_ich_nichtalso i'm seeing 1x TL2 and 3x TL2? in AddonSpamFu
20:58.36AntiarcCross-language shouldn't be a factor anymore
20:59.22MentalPower~seen DBE-Kinj
20:59.24purldbe-kinj <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 2d 5h 11m 50s ago, saying: 'When is maintence supposed to be over today?'.
20:59.43Antiarcsag_ich_nicht: If possible, install Expo and profile the ThreatLibProfile namespace, if possible
20:59.46AntiarcThen screenshot it for me
20:59.52AntiarcThat should give me all the info I need
21:01.27sag_ich_nichtAntiarc: kk
21:01.35AntiarcI've been profiling threatlib and can't find any abnormal (or even worrying) CPU usage, so any info you can give me would be A+
21:02.41*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
21:03.28MentalPowerScytheBlade1: lemme see if I got this right, we should be checking for guid:sub(5,5) to see if something is a player or NPC
21:04.05sag_ich_nicht[21:58] <Antiarc> Cross-language shouldn't be a factor anymore <--i know
21:04.18Drundia30831 messages stored in combat log cache.....
21:04.21RayneOh happy day!
21:04.32MentalPowerif its 0 then its player, if its 3 its an NPC and if its 4 its a pet
21:04.34RayneHello all
21:04.55zenzelezzahoy Rayne
21:05.30MentalPowerI figure string splitting and string comparison is faster than converting to number and comparing bitmasks
21:06.11ralfWORKit's not a number?
21:06.22MentalPoweris a GUID
21:06.30ralfWORKI mean
21:06.31MentalPowerso its sent to us in string form
21:06.44ralfWORKI'd figure it to be... not string
21:06.56dylanmYeah that's the weird thing about the language.
21:07.01ralfWORKah k
21:07.01RayneSo its been a great day so far.
21:07.05MentalPowerbut you can easily convert it to a number
21:07.06ralfWORKyea, I don't know anything about LUA
21:07.17MentalPowerlua> tonumber("0xF1300061AA03B78C", 16)
21:07.18lua_botMentalPower: 1.7379391381487e+19
21:07.39RayneI got the Commendationof Kael'thas to drop for me in heroic MagT, this guy whos been getting accounts to harass me on got caught in the act finally, and its not snowing in Edmonton for once
21:07.43MentalPowerlua> tonumber("0xF1300061AA03B78C", 16) == 0xF1300061AA03B78C
21:07.43lua_botMentalPower: true
21:08.05RayneSo if I dont talk to you all tomorrow, its probably because I got murdered cause I just jinxed myself to hell
21:08.40ralfWORKRayne: which item is that?
21:09.25ralfWORKoh snap that one
21:09.59ralfWORKI'm really really curious how good that'll be
21:10.16RayneIll let you know, TK tonight
21:10.16dylanmIt was a lot better when they first put it in.
21:10.25*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
21:10.30ralfWORKdylanm: yea, I don't care about that. curious about how it is now :)
21:10.34dylanmI was like 20% holy crap.
21:10.35ralfWORKRayne: kickass, thanks
21:10.36Raynedylanm: yeah but the way it was, if they DIDNT nerf it people would scream
21:10.37dylanmIt's still good.
21:10.50sag_ich_nichti just faked a disc in hyjal for you Antiarc hope you're happy :P
21:10.51ralfWORKiirc, +57sta is good
21:10.54sag_ich_nichttries to profile it
21:11.13ralfWORKI'm more curious about the proc on it though
21:11.28RayneIm going to add it to my pvp set and see if it works
21:12.00Antiarcsag_ich_nicht: You can also profile the Omen namespace if you want
21:29.18sag_ich_nichtokay this is weird
21:29.25sag_ich_nichtAntiarc i didn't get the fps problem this time
21:29.44sag_ich_nichti got you some other issues!
21:29.54sag_ich_nichthold for screenshots!
21:30.05AntiarcYay, thank you
21:33.15mikmafps issue
21:33.17mikmasounds funny
21:33.52mikmai have like 2 fps when i'm in the isle of yadayada :D
21:34.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Yssaril (
21:35.25sag_ich_nichtthese are still uploading
21:35.29sag_ich_nichtbut it's a progressive jpg
21:35.32sag_ich_nichtso just spam F5
21:36.20sys_rageswstats finally got uploaded?
21:36.34foxlit(INTERLACED PNGs!)
21:37.27sys_ragewoot for correctly merged pet data
21:38.27sag_ich_nichtand yes my interface is a mess
21:38.29sag_ich_nichtNO THANKS TO YOU SHIRIK
21:38.34sag_ich_nichtI CAN'T USE RDX NOW
21:38.42sag_ich_nichtstab Shirik|zZz
21:39.18mikmaoh that's sexy font
21:39.39sag_ich_nichtFixedsys Excelsor 3.01
21:39.50mikma<3 fixedsys
21:40.32Raynesag_ich_nicht: UI SCALE UI SCALE @_@
21:41.48sag_ich_nichtcheck them out
21:42.01sag_ich_nichtthreat issue AND UI issue
21:42.01AntiarcI did, thanks
21:42.08sag_ich_nichtany ideas? :P
21:42.28AntiarcNot yet.
21:42.30AntiarcLots to look into.
21:43.05AntiarcI seriously have an issue list a mile long :P
21:43.11AntiarcI'm working them out as fast as I can
21:43.11GngskI couldn't imagine how busy you are man
21:43.17AntiarcIt's been a crazy past few days.
21:43.19Gngskthanks for the hard work !
21:43.31mikmaAntiarc: NO, YOU FIX THEM, YOU FIX THEM ALL NOW!
21:43.39Antiarcmikma: Sent pizza and beer, plzthx.
21:43.57AntiarcYou people are obviously not sending me enough beer
21:44.03mikmaAntiarc: no you need to starve and be dehydrated to work properly. continue coding!
21:44.09AntiarcOr else I would be operating inside the Ballmer Peak and it would obviously be done by now.
21:44.18Gngskbtw sag_ich_nicht, that's a pretty impressive amount of buffs you got there. is that what playing a ret pally is always like?
21:44.35mikmaAntiarc: you also suck, KTM dude will win !!!111
21:45.17RayneI need to update Cherry Lite so people stop bitching...
21:45.53RayneLast time I checked, it wasnt hard to run WoWAce updater, and download the new MSBT...
21:46.02RayneBut aparently these people dont have arms or something...
21:49.01sag_ich_nichtGngsk: that's not a lot of buffs...
21:51.29sag_ich_nicht4 paladin buffs 3 priest buffs 2 pots 1 bufffood is a given, 5 are from items/class abilities alone and also pretty perma up for me
21:51.51LunessaAntiarc: You give me coordinates, I'll send you a goddamned pizza.
21:52.00sag_ich_nichtand then you have an alliance paladin adding another 5
21:52.05AntiarcI was joking >_>
21:52.05sag_ich_nichtnot paladin
21:52.11LunessaI'll send you TWO pizzas.
21:52.34LunessaHell, you give me an option to configure the alret sound, I'll send you a hooker.
21:52.48sag_ich_nichtyou can configure the alert sound
21:52.54sag_ich_nichtget SharedMedia
21:53.00LunessaNot in the release I have. :P
21:53.05sag_ich_nichtyes you can
21:53.10sag_ich_nichtget. shared. media.
21:53.16LunessaI has it.
21:53.50sag_ich_nichtstfu and run WAU
21:53.51NightHawkTheSaneoh my god i fucking hate meetings. ><
21:54.30Lunessasag_ich_nicht: no u
21:56.00Lunessa(And in case anyone thinks I'm serious about anything other than the pizza, well... no, the rest is a joke. )
21:56.13sag_ich_nichtGngsk you should flame me for the low crit
21:58.00NightHawkTheSanejabs his ears out.
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21:59.28Raynego go slow upload rate! :/
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22:01.31sys_ragedoes item loot and money loot get put back on the default chat frame every login for everybody, or is it just cause i refuse to delete my wtf folder? heh
22:02.19NightHawkTheSanethere's some annoying chat setting bugs
22:02.34NightHawkTheSanemy raid and party chat keeps getting included in chatframe1, despite not being set there
22:02.56sys_ragedid you delete your wtf dir after patch?
22:03.11NightHawkTheSaneand like hell i'm going to
22:03.19NightHawkTheSanei've better things to do than spend a day resetting my mods.
22:03.24sys_ragei might just try renaming mine to see if it fixes that stuff. i don't want to either
22:03.41sag_ich_nichti'll delete chatcache
22:03.48NightHawkTheSaneyes, i was about to say that :P
22:04.02NightHawkTheSanei was going to try nuking chat-cache.txt next time i log in
22:05.05sys_ragewas morons really necessary in this particular situation?
22:05.47NightHawkTheSanedon't mind sag_ich_nicht, he's very angry at the fact that he's so much dumber than normal people. :)
22:06.03oreth|pedestrians, plebians, or philistines would have worked better in this situation
22:06.29Rayne<3 instant noodles
22:06.49*** join/#wowi-lounge SantaClauss (n=asdf@
22:07.23SantaClaussHey, could some1 help me to simply create a BASIC addon... Pretty much, just tell me how I can work with Combat Messages .. <.<
22:07.27sys_ragewill all my channels/colors be gone if i delete chat-cache?
22:09.07sys_ragesince they're listed in there, i'm assuming yes
22:09.53LunessaSantaClauss: YTou've just asked, "Decribe the contents of the Encyclopedia Britanica in 25 words or less."
22:10.08purlProgramming in Lua, a book written by the authors of the Lua programming language. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in print from most online bookstores, and covers Lua 5.1.
22:10.18AntiarcLunessa: Words, words, words.
22:10.22AntiarcThank you, Shakespeare.
22:10.34SantaClaussThe Encyclopedia Britanica contains stuff about the Britanics ? duh
22:10.50LunessaAntiarc: If I didn't love you, I'd have to kill you now.
22:11.05oreth|s/Shakespeare/infinite monkies with infinite typewriters/
22:11.20*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
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22:11.32SantaClaussIs each time an event trigger it goes to the <OnEvent/> So it directly goes to MyAddon_OnEvent ??
22:13.18ScytheBlade1<OnEvent> in the XML takes the place of MyAddon_OnEvent
22:13.20oreth|can you please rephrase the question using standard American English syntax?
22:13.41sys_rageya, so deleting chat-cache didn't fix my bug
22:13.43ScytheBlade1The code that you put in <OnEvent> block is executed
22:13.50sys_rageloot still goes back to main chat window every time i relog
22:17.30SantaClaussFor exemple, I simply want to calculate the three damage a WindFury strike would do. So I setup my OnEvent event like this : <OnEvent> MyAddon_OnEvent </OnEvent>. This way, in my MyAddon.lua, I try to calculate the damage it would do. Though, I don't know whats the event I have to search for in my function SantaFury_OnEvent(event)... I've tried many things, but now I'm stuck with : if ( event == "COMBAT_LOG_EVENT" ) then (...) but it never triggers
22:19.03ScytheBlade1Then you didn't register the event
22:19.37SantaClaussthen, how could I do that ? :) I guess a little research in Wowwiki will fix it ?
22:19.56Industriallook at other addons
22:20.04Industriallearn lua
22:20.07Industrialwowwiki, pil, etc
22:21.32SantaClaussYeah thanks for the Parse stuff, I've tried all of it =P.
22:22.31SantaClaussThis is in the Xml ?
22:22.37ScytheBlade1Can be
22:22.43ScytheBlade1Needs to go in the lua
22:22.57oreth|in the OnLoad... right?
22:23.02ScytheBlade1If that's a lua block in the XML, or in the the .lua, both work
22:23.15ScytheBlade1<OnLoad> self:RegisterEvent("EVENT_NAME") </OnLoad>
22:23.40oreth|i stopped coding for wow when i started really spending 9-10 hours a day coding at work
22:24.00oreth|i got to the point I didn't want to sit at my computer when I got home
22:24.01SantaClaussSo, in the OnLoad I get self:RegisterEvent("COMBAT_LOG_EVENT") , it will triger my "OnEvent" each time a combat event fire.
22:24.06oreth|so, I bought a 360
22:24.09SantaClaussLol :p
22:24.17SantaClaussThanks. I'll try this.
22:24.30oreth|and, since then, i've started doing XNA dev... but nothing serious
22:24.53ScytheBlade1funny how that works :P
22:25.16oreth|weeks that i'm really pounding out code at work, i don't even touch my computer
22:27.00kd3just had a shaman solo the last ~20% of kael in normal
22:27.09Fisker-old kd3
22:27.15Fisker-soloed heroic kt from 50%
22:27.18ScytheBlade1And they call him hard
22:27.20Fisker-duoed actually
22:27.28Fisker-soloed kt from 25% on normal
22:27.34oreth|well... I locktanked Archimonde
22:27.49oreth|<-- dirty liar
22:30.06NightHawkTheSaneto be fair, kt in magister's terrace is probably still harder than the last 50% of kael in tk. :P
22:30.25Drundiawith average statistical tank locks tank everything
22:30.32ScytheBlade1Heh, agreed
22:32.11*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop (n=chatzill@
22:36.29zenzelezz<NightHawkTheSane> to be fair, kt in magister's terrace is probably still harder than the last 50% of kael in tk. :P <--- considering TK Kael doesn't use Mind Control or phoenixes and barely Flamestrike, that's probably true right now
22:39.14*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm_ (
22:44.48sag_ich_nicht[23:05] <NightHawkTheSane> don't mind sag_ich_nicht, he's very angry at the fact that he's isn't as dumb as normal people. :) <--fixed
22:46.26SantaClaussIs there a fast way to "compare" two string... Actually compar Arg1 with Another given variable which contains text ?
22:47.24SantaClaussI actually tried if ( Arg1 == MyVariable ) then (...)... didnt quite worked
22:48.01hastearg1 ~= Arg1
22:51.35SantaClaussAs of arg1 of COMBAT_LOG_EVENT should actualy hold the strings which apears in the combat log, tho when I try to add it to default chat, it gives me something like 10 number... Could some1 explain me why ? :)
22:52.18zenzelezz"Safari 3.1 For Windows Violates Its Own EULA" o_O
22:52.46NightHawkTheSanezenzelezz: post-50% tk-kael is pretty trivial even with those. :P
22:54.33zenzelezzNightHawkTheSane: depends on your guild
22:54.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim|ubuntu (
22:55.02NightHawkTheSanearguably, i guess.
22:55.13NightHawkTheSanewe never had problems once we got to that phase
22:55.15zenzelezznot arguably, I know this
22:55.30cogumel0I know that when you login ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA is triggered, but... if I am listening for that event, does that get called before the code on the "root" of my addon?
22:55.33zenzelezzthere are several people in my guild who are living proof
22:55.58NightHawkTheSanezenzelezz: well, by arguably, i mean i have no evidence to support that, but i admit that there may be some i'm not aware of. :)
22:56.28zenzelezzfair enough
22:56.30NightHawkTheSanei guess idiocy does know no bounds, though.
22:56.46dylanm_cogumel0: You could watch for PLAYER_LOGIN as well. You probably have to anyway. You should be getting ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA thought. Shouldn't be a problem.
22:58.21cogumel0nevermind! missspelled a word... DUH
22:58.36cogumel0it was telling me my table index was nil -.-
23:03.52zenzelezzlol... so I was on a unrealscript coding mailing list ages ago, it's pretty much been dead for years... and today I get another digest mail from it. Only message it contains? "1. Re: SALE 79% OFF"
23:05.16NightHawkTheSanethis is neat
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23:11.09zenzelezzso I got my engineering to 375 the other day, thought "phew, that's that done". Then, today, I browse through my skill tab and see "375/390" x.x
23:11.28oreth|Yeah.. World of Warcraft is pretty cool and all... but have y ouguys played Peggle?
23:11.28zenzelezznow it doesn't *really* matter... but I like to max all my skills :-x
23:12.13GuillotineDamn gnome
23:12.56SantaClaussWith 2.4 out, how can I get the actual Output of the action I've just done with COMBAT_LOG_EVENT. I'd like to know if my windFury just proc...
23:13.50NightHawkTheSanezenzelezz: the hidden curse of being a gnome? :P
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23:34.40RayneBurnt Black Cherry original doesnt have any problems once updated. O_o
23:34.51RayneI thought Alphablending and such would have gone nuts...
23:43.47bleeterRobot Mount from SPLAT5?
23:44.18Cairenn|afkRayne: ping?
23:47.06WobWorkhave ... no words
23:48.58ScytheBlade1"Mr Stringer said alcohol had played a big part in Cradock's life."
23:55.39Cairenn|afkpokes Rayne

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