IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080325

00:00.15zenzelezzwhy do people keep falling for the "spectral tiger code" scammers?
00:00.17AnduinLotharnot all addon pages
00:00.20*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
00:00.24zenzelezzbeen so many threads already on my realm forum, and they still do
00:00.44Cairennnevcairiel: hoping we're going to be fine with our beefy new servers
00:01.03ScytheBlade1Cairenn: I can always fix that for you ;)
00:01.25CairennI appreciate the offer ScytheBlade1, but I think we'll pass this time ;)
00:01.44ScytheBlade1Bah. Don't say I didn't offer to throw 10MB/sec at your servers.
00:01.47AnduinLotharkd3: you on the ptr atm?
00:01.51nevcairielwould be nice for a change to see them survive
00:01.58kd3one sec
00:02.04nevcairieli think its the first big patch for the new wowace server too
00:02.25Cairennnevcairiel: and if all else fails, we go to our handy dandy "The List" ultra-low bandwidth version ;)
00:02.34nevcairielhehe yeah
00:02.35Cairennthat has yet to fail us
00:02.40nevcairielstatic html = ftw
00:02.48Cairennbe nice if all the sites can stay up though
00:02.55ScytheBlade1(Which is why WordPress fails)
00:03.11nevcairielwas always nice to see at least some sort of wowi page to grab addons
00:03.14Cairennplus hoping that the 2.4 SG page we made will help out too
00:03.17nevcairieleven if its only "The List" :P
00:03.28Nechcknbtw Cairenn whoever thought of that has a big... brain!  =)
00:03.33nevcairielsurvival guide
00:03.33CairennSurvival Guide
00:03.45kd3AnduinLothar, idling up at razorthorn right now
00:03.52nevcairielnot for hunters Industrial
00:03.57ScytheBlade1AnduinLothar: also known as "sexy"
00:04.02Industrial>_> I play a shammy atm
00:04.16schnoggosomeone likes the survival guide? :)
00:05.42schnoggoanyone have a guild on ptr? Still have some chat testing...
00:05.51IndustrialIll have to know aht it is first, schnoggo :p
00:06.06foxlitShould do a bit of cleverness, and check if addons register for combat log events
00:06.15foxlitIf they don't, they probably don't need updating for 2.4 by default? :)
00:06.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
00:06.28Cairenntop 75 mods across all the major sites and whether they work with 2.4 yet or not
00:06.52kd3lol @ a map of paris in the wow zonemap style...
00:06.55ScytheBlade1Did you notice you got mentioned on WoW Insider with that page?
00:06.58Nechcknbig horde attack on SW @ PTR  =)
00:07.13CairennScytheBlade1: yeah, saw it
00:07.23schnoggoi took over cleanchat a few patches back. just making sure guild messages won't do something unexected
00:07.24nevcairielyeah kd3 its nice :D
00:07.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
00:07.42*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
00:08.21nevcairielhow was the addon list for survival guide created? num favorites/ratings?
00:08.31nevcairielsome very non-crucial addons are on there =P
00:08.34schnoggoyou'll hopefully see the Survival Guide mentioned on a few news sites. No accident. (Cairenn and her minions hard at work)
00:08.36Cairennmost downloads
00:08.44zenzelezznevcairiel: non-crucial to you maybe
00:08.57nevcairielOgri'Lazy, srsly :P
00:09.06Cairennone of the top mods on curse
00:09.07schnoggowe top top DLs and favs from all the major sites and made a big table
00:09.31schnoggoexposes his involvement...
00:09.39kd3they really should've done something like that for blizzcon
00:09.48nevcairielis HitsMode even still maintained?
00:09.52kd3would've been amusing to see a LA map in a zone map style
00:10.45SixenYeah =)
00:11.01Cairenngah, did the blizz ui forum just crap out on us?
00:11.02Nechcknkd3  that is a cool map.. esp since you can click each poi
00:11.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Krung (
00:11.32nevcairielthe full blizz forum is on maintenance Cairenn
00:11.38Cairennk, thanks
00:12.14nevcairieli bet they shut it down to avoid all the 2.4 spam until they get some news out =P
00:12.15schnoggoheh - main page is SLOOOOWWW - like something's up! :)
00:12.33foxlitSo I got an Apostle of Argus
00:12.41foxlitAnd I enchanted it with Icy Chill
00:12.48foxlitAnd it looks really odd :/
00:12.53SixenForum Maintenance Notification
00:12.58SixenForums got maintenance atm
00:12.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandok1 (
00:13.05nevcairielfoxlit: ...why? the enchant, not the oddness
00:13.20foxlitBecause healing enchants need primals I don't have at the moment
00:13.51foxlitAnd Icy looked awesome on my Argent Avenger on another character
00:14.20foxlitThe real answer is that my other staff is Zhar'doom
00:14.23nevcairielstaffs have crazy positions for the big glowing thingy of enchants
00:14.52nevcairielspecially AoA
00:14.58nevcairielit looks weird enough as it is =P
00:15.15foxlitOh wow
00:15.21foxlitHealing enchant on it looks bad
00:15.27KrungI'm taking a day off tomorrow, think there is going to be maintenance?
00:15.49kd3tabs open the alert page
00:15.51KrungAlways when I have days off
00:15.56purl (US), (EU)
00:16.05nevcairieldid they change the url? <.<
00:16.19kd3nah. it's 404 or blank unless they've got something up
00:17.19ShirikWhere does it say extended maintenance tomorrow?
00:18.10Shirikand forums just die?
00:18.16nevcairielforums on maintenance
00:18.24KrungLooks like it's an extended session of R6V2 tomorrow
00:18.32foxlitAlthough I'm not as sorry about that as this guy:
00:19.00nevcairielthey changed the vertex of the healing enchant on the staff
00:19.01zenzelezzpoor guy
00:19.04Nechcknwhen the 2 EUs went down the forums likely got jammed by folks with their 2.4 "Naio!!" posts  =)
00:19.07nevcairielit doesnt look like shit anymore
00:19.23zenzelezzNechckn: US forums down, EU forums up
00:19.34Nechcknhmm.. whackey
00:19.38foxlitnev: On live?
00:19.48nevcairieli think so
00:20.06nevcairieldoesnt look like that on the two druids that have the staff in my guild
00:20.08foxlitbecause more or less every wowhead screenshot shows it being centered at the base of the lower half
00:20.11nevcairielis a mace guy
00:23.02SixenForums back up
00:23.29Cairenndanke sixen
00:34.05GuillotineAnybody developing a cool revolutionary addon and want to do an interview for the Curse newsletter ("The Curse Word")?
00:34.07art3misshuold have VPS up soonish
00:34.15art3misohoh pick me!
00:34.22art3misim a revolutionary!
00:34.28Guillotineviva la revolution!
00:34.40art3misturns on his TV to check if it's televised.
00:34.56Xinhuanwhat is a "cool revolutionary addon"
00:35.45art3misim making a bot that will quest for me from level 1-70 while im doing other things, is that cool and revolutionary?
00:36.26Krungart3mis: MMOGlider?
00:36.35art3misno most definately not glider
00:36.41art3misthat worthless piece of crap ;P
00:36.51art3misi could hire a 5 year old to play better ;P
00:36.56Xinhuanwhat about an addon that calculates the shortest circular route to visit every single herb/ore node in the current zone ;p
00:37.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Fatalis (
00:37.08MentalPowerthats nice actually
00:37.14KrungI've tried to use it once, but I didn't want to switch my keyboard mappings
00:37.14MentalPowerGuillotine: I vote for Xinhuan :)
00:37.28art3misas long as the zone is 250 yards yer golden xin ;P
00:37.39KrungAren't nodes randomized? I've downloaded notes for Cart and half of the nodes are never there.
00:37.42Xinhuanapparantly my addon's been featured on some german mmo mag
00:38.05Xinhuannah the nodes have fixed spawn locations
00:38.16Xinhuanthey are either there, or not there
00:38.24art3misthey aer fixed, but whether they spawn is random
00:38.41art3misas near as i can tell there's a set limit on the mount of available nodes
00:38.54art3misand the spawn locations exceed the fixed node count
00:39.01Xinhuanthey are seem grouped, say 6 spawnpoints are tied to "a group" and only 1 point in these 6 will ever have a spawn at any one time
00:39.10art3misso........ for each one yuo mine another loads somewhere during it's tiemr check
00:39.11Xinhuanor none
00:39.27Xinhuanbut there's no real proof or studies of these theories
00:39.37art3missora like tring theory
00:39.47art3misthat doesnt stop phds from wasting countless hours on it ;P
00:39.48Xinhuansome people claim that if there are more people farming nodes, they respawn faster, but each node yields less hits (say mining)
00:39.55art3missorta like string theory rather
00:40.04Xinhuanand some people claim that if there are less people farming nodes, they respawn a lot slower, but each node gives more hits
00:40.08art3misyeah that part is crap
00:40.22art3misthe hits are randomly determined on spawn
00:40.26art3mismuch like chest contents
00:40.49art3mishowever... you can skill up faster if yopu alternate miners
00:41.05art3misie miner one taps it then miner2 then miner 1 then miner2
00:41.28art3misand if its one of those nodes in your orange or red range... you'll skillup each hit
00:41.33art3misinstwead of once per node
00:42.37Krungnerds :)
00:42.44Nechcknmore than one skillup per node.. for the same person?
00:42.59Nechcknwill have to check that out art3mis
00:43.09Xinhuansame thing for herbs
00:43.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Yssaril (
00:43.28Xinhuanherber #1 picks the plant, gets skillup, when the loot box opens, he doesn't loot the herb in it
00:43.38Xinhuanherber #2, then picks the same plant, gets skill up, etc
00:43.49nevcairielso you can get one herb thats just orange for you, and with two people exploit that eh?
00:44.04Xinhuanthe same plant has a memory of which ppl have herbed it before
00:44.05Guillotinesorry, bathroom >.>
00:44.19Xinhuanit maintains a list or something
00:44.29GuillotineBut yah, if you want to do an interview about Cart_Routes (one of the best addons imo) Xinhuan, we'd love to have you :)
00:44.37Xinhuanbtw, cart_routes is old
00:44.41Xinhuani released Routes 2 months ago
00:44.43Nechcknoh wait... but herber #1 only gets 1 skill up per node.. right?
00:44.51Guillotineoh. I still use cart_routes :P
00:45.00nevcairielits plain Routes these days
00:45.03XinhuanRoutes uses ace3, and routes can read data from any of gathermate/cart/gatherer
00:45.06nevcairielworks without cart now :P
00:45.08Xinhuanall or 3 at the same time
00:45.25Xinhuanroutes also has clustering stuff, collapse multiple nodes into 1 travel point
00:45.36Guillotineerr, I can confirm that there are 'groups' of nodes in which a limited amount will spawn
00:45.42Nechcknoh ok... I knew about allowing multiple folks to hit/get skill points.  thought you meant you could alternate back and forth and possibly get more than 1 pt per node per person that way.  =)  Gracias
00:45.42Xinhuanand even code to defining regions to ignore
00:45.53Nechcknbtw... the routes thing is pretty darn cool
00:46.01Guillotineit is
00:46.20Xinhuanfix typo
00:46.30GuillotineReally, any cool addon is great for the interview :) I just mean not something like 'oh, I'm making a new vendor price addon!'
00:46.38Xinhuancheck the difference
00:46.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
00:46.55kd3huh... the full 2.x.x->2.4.0 patch got posted on gamespot
00:47.12ScytheBlade1Not surprised
00:47.16kd3946MB... eesh
00:47.18Xinhuanone ruote has like 654 nodes, the other has 196 nodes
00:47.51Nechcknhey hey.. there is nothing wrong with pricing addons!
00:48.09Nechcknj/k.. I know what u mean and I'd second the Xinhuan nomination
00:48.13KrungDoes that addon mesh with Cart, similar to what QuestHelper does?
00:48.18XinhuanGuillotine: also check this -
00:48.34Xinhuandefining regions to ignore, and routes won't fly thru them
00:48.49GuillotineYah, I know about that :D
00:49.02GuillotineYou want to do the interview?
00:49.14Xinhuanmaybe, not now though, i gotta go off in about 10 min
00:49.21Guillotinehaha, ok :)
00:49.22ScytheBlade1kd3: linke?
00:50.03nevcairielfinal patch or the 2 pre load parts? :P
00:50.12kd3that's the whole 2.x.x->2.4 patch
00:50.12nevcairiellooks final
00:50.14ScytheBlade1It require payment or just membership?
00:50.17kd3not the 2.3.3->2.4
00:50.27nevcairielyeah saw it now
00:50.30nevcairielpretty big
00:50.31kd3just membership
00:51.07NechcknI don't see why Blizz does not background d/l each "PTR" as they are released so then the servers wouldn't get the big hit on "Live Day"
00:51.08foxlitSo was Kil'Jaeden only tested internally?
00:51.21MentalPowerNechckn: they do
00:51.24ScytheBlade1That's an epic 150kB/sec
00:51.26kd3even then, he's behind 3 gates...
00:51.27KrungMy UI is going to break again :(
00:51.29Nechcknnah.. really?
00:51.33kd3so, 3-6 weeks out
00:51.54NechcknMentalPower I've never seen that.. I guess I'll have to wake up some time
00:51.54foxlitNechckn: because the PTR patches may not be going to make it
00:52.04zenzelezzthought the gates were on a fixed timer?
00:52.07MentalPowerNechckn: background downloader?
00:52.10kd3they are... 3-6 weeks
00:52.13foxlitz: true
00:52.17kd3dunno if anyone's said what that timer is
00:52.21nevcairieldid blizzy ever say how long they would take to open the gates?
00:52.33kd3s/3-6 weeks//
00:52.35foxlit(t that I've heard of)
00:53.08foxlitSo I've taken to storing 1:1 dumps of our boss fights
00:53.14foxlit1gb / 30 seconds
00:53.48Xinhuanhe means uncompressed full sized vids
00:53.52Xinhuannot like half-sized
00:54.02foxlitNo resizing during encoding
00:54.04KrungAnd then put them on youtube. Which makes the whole thing pointless
00:54.18MentalPoweryou know there are some nice real-time lossless compression schemes
00:54.19foxlitThere's still that filthy fraps codec
00:54.22Tulleryoutube stores things internally at a high bitrate :P
00:54.25MentalPoweror even near-lossless (MJPEG)
00:54.33Tullerso clearly, you're futureproofing it! :)
00:54.47Nechcknfoxlit  good point re: patches
00:54.50foxlitMaybe I want to edit them to pieces
00:55.04foxlitBut the problem is, keeping 1gb chunks of 30 seconds around is impractical
00:55.12Krungmisses Stage6
00:55.12foxlit(mac capture > pc capture, btw, by a long shot)
00:55.32foxlitSo I'm trying to x264 them at the moment, and the color quality just dies
00:55.36ScytheBlade1Only TWO HOURS until I have the 2.4 patch!
00:55.42ScytheBlade1On the bright side, that's on my server, so hey
00:55.47Xinhuana bit impatient aren't you ScytheBlade1
00:55.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
00:56.04ScytheBlade1I blame Gamespot's servers
00:57.12Xinhuanwait why is that patch 900 mb?
00:57.18nevcairielits the full 2.4
00:57.20nevcairielfrom 2.x.x
00:57.26kd3it's the full 2.anything->2.4.0 patch, not the 2.3.3 upgrade
00:58.05*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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00:58.30foxlitEU patches are fine as well
00:58.44foxlitThey actually patch all ELP installations as well
00:58.57nevcairielalways 10% more in size
01:00.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Wulfos (
01:00.49Wulfoshey there
01:02.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110| (
01:02.41kd3forums just go splat for anyone else?
01:02.52SixenYeah :/
01:03.13kd3huh... we go from maint to the webserver  not responding
01:03.22kd3wonders if something melted in the server room
01:03.27Shirikhave I mentioned lately how much I <3 C++?
01:03.37Shirikbatrick, I will get you converted yet
01:03.39nevcairielyeah and you fail at basic C like printf
01:03.41nevcairiel*shrug :P
01:03.49Shirikmeh, I've never had a use for %p
01:03.52ShirikI had a solution
01:04.06Shirikprintf("0x%08x", reinterpret_cast<unsigned long>(pointer));
01:04.20Shirikbut it wouldn't work for 64 bit systems
01:04.28nevcairielyeah <.<
01:04.28nevcairielthats wrong in so many ways
01:04.37Shirikwhat else is wrong?!
01:04.47nevcairielthe pure use of reinterpret cast
01:04.48zenzelezzjust cout it
01:04.52Shirikit's C++ :P
01:05.06KrungWe all know C# is the best.
01:05.17kd3har, and they throw up the maint message again
01:05.30ScytheBlade1I have to wonder if they're covering something up
01:05.40nevcairiellike, a patch
01:05.45Shirikoh noes, someone released the patch! Shut down the forums to minimize publicity!
01:06.04nevcairielforums work again
01:06.13KrungScytheBlade1: i wonder how long before they pull the file
01:06.33ScytheBlade1Krung: not long enough, I'm downloading it as we speak. Once it's done, it'll be on my public HTTP server.
01:06.38ScytheBlade1*not soon enough
01:06.44ScytheBlade1Or whatever :)
01:06.49Krungif you can get the entire thing before blizzard drops the cease & desist
01:07.07nevcairielnot that the full patch helps anyone if they delay the patch by a week
01:07.07ScytheBlade1Trick is, my server is in atlanta, I'm in utah
01:07.09nevcairielyou just get screwed if you installed it =P
01:07.12ScytheBlade1There's some real-life lag involved with that
01:07.23ScytheBlade1California --> Atlanta --> Utah
01:07.27kd3atlanta? who are you using for hosting?
01:07.28ScytheBlade1Good times for a C&D
01:08.19Krungwhen i ran my own gaming blog i got some juicy insider info and i got one dropped on me within 2 hours of posting lol
01:08.19kd3and the forums are back... no purge in CS/PTR forum talking about the gamespot patch
01:08.41nevcairielsome blue even commented in one of the threads
01:09.31SixenYup, they're up
01:09.31Guillotine <-- bump please
01:10.29Lopeppeppykd3, my raid mate Katyl thanks you for helping with the awesomesauce macros.
01:10.53kd3hm? no prob
01:11.03kd3wonders what macro assistance threads he's posted in lately?
01:11.32Xinhuanalright, i'm afk now, be back in a few hours :)
01:11.59LopeppeppyShammie wanting to be perfect.
01:13.11kd3kicks the forums webserver again
01:14.02ShirikI should have my server download from ScytheBlade1
01:14.16MentalPowermine too :)
01:14.21kd3and maint again... whee
01:14.24kd3looks for a beer
01:14.49ScytheBlade195 minutes on the download!
01:15.20MentalPowerScytheBlade1: ping me when its done so I can mirror
01:15.23Guillotinewell, now that servers are down I'm going to have some fun looking in the table files. There is so much cool stuff in there :P
01:15.39ScytheBlade1MentalPower: yeah sure
01:15.55MentalPowerGuillotine: what servers?
01:16.03GuillotineMP: forums
01:16.22kd3ptr's still up. I'm standing next to AL right now
01:16.40GuillotineHehe, you can actually change what items it looks like chars start with on the loading screen. Its really too bad you get in trouble for editing this stuff :(
01:18.04GuillotineBrowsing through ChatProfanity is fun. About ten thousand bad words in multiple languages
01:19.09kd3meh, kinda like the wiki list...
01:21.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:21.50ScytheBlade1Shirik: wait, is your linode in the atlanta datacenter?
01:21.59Shirikdallas I believe
01:22.15*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
01:22.15*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v cogwheel] by ChanServ
01:22.17ScytheBlade1Boo. Never mind.
01:22.43Shirikwhat's an easy way to tell without logging into
01:22.54ScytheBlade1A traceroute?
01:22.55*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
01:23.01Shirikmpdelbuono@li23-154 ~ $ tracert
01:23.01Shirik-bash: tracert: command not found
01:23.01Shirikmpdelbuono@li23-154 ~ $ traceroute
01:23.01Shirik-bash: traceroute: command not found
01:23.04Shirikgoes to emerge
01:24.07MentalPowerShirik: dallas
01:24.27Shirikyeah it's definitely dallas
01:25.02ScytheBlade1Boo. If you were in the same datacenter, we could use their private networking bit if you really wanted to copy it ;)
01:25.45kd3waits for the first hit on [[Patch mirrors]]...
01:27.28ScytheBlade180 minutes
01:27.30ScytheBlade1Gamespot sucks
01:28.14MentalPowerScytheBlade1: why are you going CA -> GA -> UT ?
01:28.40SixenYou got it, KD3.
01:29.21ScytheBlade1MentalPower: Blizzard is in CA, server is in GA, I'm in UT
01:29.30MentalPoweroh, fair nuf
01:29.59GuillotineYou guys think I could get away with editing some dbc files on the PTR? I found some REALLY cool stuff o.O Did you guys know the motion of all projectiles is controlled via Lua?
01:30.14ScytheBlade1Wait what?
01:30.17GuillotineYou could easily write your own functions to make fireballs do loopdy-loops on the way to the target
01:30.52GuillotineSpellMissileMotion.dbc if anyone wants to take a look
01:32.23foxlitHey, cute!
01:33.01foxlitIt'd be odd if the client actually allowed you to override the mpq
01:33.10MentalPowerit used to
01:33.15foxlitat least without cryptographic signing
01:33.20MentalPowernow you have to repack the MPQ
01:33.26GuillotineBut you can still do it easily
01:33.33MentalPowertheres no crypto signing on the MPQs
01:33.36Guillotineyou used to just be able to place the file in your Data folder
01:33.43MentalPowerthey're too big for that to be practical
01:33.45ScytheBlade170 minutes!
01:34.08ScytheBlade1Changing one file in the MPQ doesn't require "repacking" them
01:34.21ScytheBlade1The only verification on the MPQs are - listed right there
01:34.25foxlit"2.10 Strong Digital Signature - Generics ¶"
01:34.47ScytheBlade1© 2006-2007 Justin Olbrantz (Quantam) and Jean-Francois Roy (BahamutZERO)."
01:34.54ScytheBlade1I've got both of those guys on my MSN contact list :P
01:35.23Guillotinefoxlit: well, you can certainly replace mpqs
01:35.44foxlitI really, really don't see why they let you do that
01:36.00foxlitIf only to detect that using Warden and nuke your account
01:36.12art3misnew domain is active! heh
01:36.30art3misnow to wait for dns propagation
01:36.46foxlit"Equilibria Enterprise Group LLC was formed for one reason: To provide small to medium sized businesses an alternative to the high costs of maintaining and hiring a resident IT staff."?
01:37.09*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
01:37.25foxlitSounds untrustworthy; what with saving their two-color text logos in jpeg
01:38.23*** part/#wowi-lounge Krung (
01:39.09MentalPowerart3mis: DNS propagation doesn't take that long anymore
01:39.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim|ubuntu (
01:41.30*** join/#wowi-lounge enum (
01:41.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
01:41.53*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
01:42.31enumyo, getting inconsistent results when trying to print to ChatFrame1... ChatFrame1:AddMessage(srcName .. " casts " .. spellName .. " on " .. dstName);  works.... ChatFrame1:AddMessage(srcName .. " starts casting " .. spellName); doesn't... all the variables will work if I don't try and concatenate, but it just doesn't make sense to me.
01:42.40Mr_Rabies2MentalPower: especially if they use opendns
01:43.25MentalPowerenum: do you use error catchers?
01:43.34MentalPower!Swatter, IEF, BugSack?
01:43.42enumMentalPower: haven't been able to find one, would love to though if you know of one
01:43.42MentalPowerif so, check them
01:43.45MentalPowerif not do
01:44.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
01:44.38ScytheBlade1THE DOWNLOAD STALLED
01:44.39AtriaceHow do you test for nan?
01:44.48MentalPowerAtriace: == 0/0
01:44.57MentalPowerlua> 0/0
01:44.57lua_botMentalPower: nan
01:45.12ScytheBlade1They nuked the file
01:45.20ScytheBlade1~fail gamespot
01:45.21purlgamespot, you Fail!
01:46.09kd3lol. that was quicker than expected
01:46.34ScytheBlade1Seriously. I had an hour left too :(
01:46.49GuillotineDammit, I need to find out whether or not I'll actually be actioned for changing purely visual things in the mpq on the test server
01:46.55Guillotinebecause if not
01:46.56Cidethey nuked what file?
01:47.08ScytheBlade1And killed all connections to it
01:47.13Cidewhat file?
01:47.15ScytheBlade1My download stalled, and died
01:47.19ScytheBlade12.4 patch
01:47.20kd3cide; the 2.x.x->2.4.0 patch
01:47.28Cidethey screwed up so :P
01:47.31kd3whee, [SERVER] Restart in 15:00 on the PTR
01:47.59ScytheBlade1wonders if bnftp works on WoW
01:48.01foxlitWhy do they even bother telling people?
01:48.10foxlitIt's the PTR; it can go down with no notice!
01:48.42GuillotineNoo, didn't get to have our end-of-PTR party :(
01:50.04art3misMentalPower: nope, it's pointed at my box right now
01:50.13art3misit's a great domain name me thinks ;P
01:50.24art3misvery little describes the internet better than chronocide
01:51.03art3misthe killing of time ;P
01:51.26SixenPatch tomorrow
01:51.34SixenAw, KD3 beat me to it.
01:51.38ScytheBlade1He did
01:51.50foxlitBut that's not equivalent!
01:51.59foxlitHe's saying PTR is done for 2.4 :)
01:52.00SixenRub it in why don't you, Sbo, :(.
01:52.05SixenYeah, true.
01:52.14SixenI thought 2.4.2 is coming right up
01:52.59Sixen18:52:49 [SERVER] Restart in 11:00
01:54.49ScytheBlade1Time to log in and spam trade
01:55.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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01:55.53Cairennevening Iriel
01:56.22ScytheBlade1[2. Trade] [Sboo]: IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD
01:56.25ScytheBlade1[2. Trade] [Sboo]: AND WE KNOW IT
01:56.28enumok, so spellName coming back nil... I don't see why it would come back nil... according to one of the args is spellName... /me bangs his head on the desk repeatedly
01:58.15enumcan someone tell me if they notice something obviously wrong here.
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01:59.53GuillotineIts really amazing how much is stored client-side
02:00.01Guillotinethough I'm sure the majority is actually processed server side
02:01.31Irielenum try installing DevTools and firing up /dtevents
02:01.39Irielenum and see if it has the flags in the order you think they should be in
02:02.23ScytheBlade1You got the last word, kd3
02:02.23kd3lmao. last word in /2
02:02.27*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (n=sylvanaa@
02:02.48GuillotineOne of the mail templates (template 105): "This mail was sent to you because you signed up for Viagra! More text."
02:03.46ScytheBlade1kd3: heh, I got it chat logged, too
02:05.25GuillotineInteresting. Aside from the lottery Lua functions, theres a template for winning the lottery
02:05.35Guillotineerr, a mail template
02:07.42Yssarilwhat are those lottery functions used for anyways?
02:08.40foxlitNothing, really
02:08.42foxlitNot yet
02:09.09foxlitHah, cute
02:09.23foxlitThis tree-building exercise creates a tree of the entire script of Romeo and Juliet
02:12.23GuillotineInteresting. It appears that at some point they were looking at giving rest for refer-a-friend
02:12.32GuillotineTheres a type of rest called 'Refer-a-friend'
02:12.45Guillotinegives the same bonus as normal rest
02:13.03MentalPowerit does
02:13.11MentalPowerfor the person who got friended
02:13.18GuillotineWait, refer-a-friend gives rest?
02:13.19Guillotineo rly?
02:13.20MentalPowertho most of the time its unused
02:13.24GuillotineI didn't know that o.O
02:13.57MentalPowersince you already have max rest
02:15.09Atriacewhat the.... target units don't have a UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP event?
02:15.41MentalPowerCairenn honey, you're late :)
02:15.56Cairenndoesn't surprise me
02:16.08MentalPower22:15 here now
02:16.50NightHawkTheSanewould like to point out, for the record, that women are all batshit insane.
02:16.56NightHawkTheSanegoes to get shitfaced.
02:17.18AtriaceHow in the world are you going to know if target stopped casting without a UNI_SPELLCAST_STOP event?
02:17.29CairennNightHawkTheSane: ><
02:17.35MentalPowerAtriace: there is such a thing
02:17.40cogwheelthinks someone is deluding himself
02:17.45JoshBorkean event fires
02:17.59MentalPowerconcurs with JoshBorke
02:18.13AtriaceUNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP doesn't fire though.
02:18.21AtriaceIt does for yourself, but not for your target
02:18.26IrielDoesn't SUCCESS or FAILURE fire?
02:18.43Iriel(or is it FAILED, I try to forget the spell events, too much pain)
02:18.50AtriaceThere's a chat message.
02:19.12AtriaceAnd an event that says whether x person resisted said spell (or whatever condition, ie, took damage)
02:19.27foxlit[UNIT_SPELLCAST events are a mess in 2.3]
02:19.46AtriaceBut, after using DevTools to view the events, between spell start, and the spell finishes, there is nothing.... and not even a spell finish of some sort.
02:20.09Atriacelol, sad that I won't be able to test this on the PTR now.
02:20.55JoshBorkeAtriace: targetting yourself?
02:22.20AtriaceJoshBorke:  was I targeting myself?  No.  Definitely targeting the enemy.
02:22.46AtriaceTrying to find the Blizzard castbar lua file now to uncover the secret...
02:23.41*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
02:24.00JoshBorkeit just updates in the onupdate
02:24.16foxlitShort primer on UNIT_SPELLCAST: things fire when they shouldn't, _STOP fires whenever the sky is blue, and _CHANNEL is in a world of its own
02:25.01AtriaceAny chance you know if they (definitely) fixed that in 2.4?
02:25.04foxlitOh, and cast bar frames on nametags live in a time of their own
02:26.18foxlitI don't know; I haven't been able to get on PTRs
02:26.36art3misi should buy that
02:26.40foxlitChances are you'll find out either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?
02:27.04foxlitSeems to lack a g2g speed?
02:27.31JoshBorkeif the cast gets canceled there isn't always an event, i believe is what i experienced
02:28.18foxlitI look at _FAILED, _SUCCEEDED _INTERRUPTED to determine premature termination
02:28.22SixenPTR's are done, fox.
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02:28.30foxlitSixen: I'm aware
02:28.35foxlitThat generally works well enough for players
02:28.52foxlit_STOP should theoretically fire for everyone, but
02:29.07foxlitMy personal experience is that it fires way too often, even when it shouldn't
02:29.20foxlitSo I ended up doing --  frame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP");
02:29.38AtriaceThat should be the right event to look for.
02:29.41foxlitand living with not knowing whether melee managed to kick RoS's casts
02:30.32*** join/#wowi-lounge cdog (
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02:31.26art3misit features HDMI, VGA, component, composite and of course, S-Video. The most interesting here, oddly enough, is VGA, which looks sharper and better than it has any right to – Viewsonic has really delivered the quality here.
02:31.30art3misthats wierd
02:31.40art3misthe 28" it like 800$ and it can double as an hd tv
02:31.55art3misand come with a dvi->hdmi convertor
02:33.00AtriaceThose ViewSonic birds have got to die.  They are so mid-90s
02:33.08art3mishehe yeah
02:33.13art3misit's retro!
02:33.20Atriaceit's not cool!
02:33.53AtriaceAt least the case looks better than other Viewsonic monitors I've seen.
02:34.12AtriaceNice bang for the buck.
02:34.23*** join/#wowi-lounge blademeld (
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02:34.40art3misnow if i can somehow hide the fact i now have a 22WS and a 28WS and my ps2 hooked up to it ;P
02:38.44*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (n=ckknight@
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02:42.11SixenKD3, it's cool to delete the WoWTest folder, correct?
02:42.30SixenApparently the patch will be out tomorrowand then any PTR's after that will start anew.
02:42.38kd3I'm going to hold on to it til tomorrow, but it's a safe bet at this point
02:43.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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02:48.42Shirikwho said the patch will be out tomorrow? ;)
02:48.57NechcknShirik  silly U!
02:49.06kd3a few birdies... the PTR going offline... the 2.x.x->2.4.0 patch getting leaked
02:49.27kd3a few GMs in CS marveling at the size of the leak and commenting that the regular 2.3.3->2.4.0 patch is 293MB...
02:49.38Shirikbut all you present me is circumstantial evidence
02:49.50kd3considering it's blizz, like we get anything else?
02:49.52ShirikI'm not saying I disagree with you, only that there has been no official word
02:50.10NechcknShirik  do we really need to come to your house?  Huh?  You don't want that, now do you?
02:50.20Shirikwe can has party!
02:51.23Nechcknso... any updates on "the beast" Shirik?
02:51.29Shirikit's mostly together
02:51.33Shirikwe have two weeks to finalize the code
02:51.36Shirikactually closer to 1 week
02:51.43Nechcknwow... that's not too bad then
02:52.00Nechcknhave you worked out most of the logic and all?
02:59.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
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03:29.42kd3oh ouch... that was quick... within a few minutes of rushter posting the wowui 2.4 thread... first response "keylogger"
03:30.21enumanyone know if they're gonna bring ptr back tonight?
03:30.27Cairennthey aren't
03:30.44Nechcknpronounced dead... poor PTR
03:31.41enumI still have a ton of stuff to do with 2.4 api changes
03:31.55enumoh well, guess imma grab a beer now
03:32.08kd3I've got a case in the fridge ready to go for tomorrow
03:34.38CideFYI: * Cairenn spanks MentalPower
03:38.42Xinhuanwoo i'm back
03:40.30Xinhuandamn nobody missed me :(
03:40.34NightHawkTheSanei missed you
03:40.44NightHawkTheSanebut that could lbe the alchol speaaking
03:41.15NightHawkTheSanehow're you doing, Xinhuan.
03:41.33Xinhuani feel like sleeping, but its 11.40 am
03:41.56NightHawkTheSane... i fail to see the problem here.
03:42.39Xinhuanwell a normal human tends to sleep at 11.40 pm, not 11.40 am
03:43.55NightHawkTheSanepffft "normal"
03:44.04NightHawkTheSanedo you have anything important to do today or tomorrow? :P
03:44.14kd3we're programmers and such in here... I would bet a fair bit of money none of us have a "normal" sleep cycle
03:44.31NightHawkTheSanesee? no problem! sleep when you like
03:44.33Xinhuanwell i have to update my addons to 2.4, if you'll consider that important
03:44.40NightHawkTheSanefuck addons!
03:44.55Xinhuani have to think of all the poor china farmers out there!
03:44.58Xinhuanwhat if Routes breaks?
03:45.06Xinhuanand they can't feed their families?
03:45.10NightHawkTheSanethen the entire china economy will collapse
03:45.16Cairenn(11:44:19 PM) NightHawkTheSane: fuck addons!
03:45.21Cairennowwww, paper cuts!
03:45.26NightHawkTheSaneand since they invest heavily in the us, the american economy will collapse as well
03:45.39NightHawkTheSaneyou'll be personally responsible for destroying the world economy
03:45.44Xinhuanthe us economy has already been collapsing ever since they stepped into iraq
03:45.48NightHawkTheSanebut, really, is that actually more important than a good nap?
03:46.02Cairenneither that, or electrocution
03:46.22NightHawkTheSaneCairenn: well, you know, relatively speaking of course. i mean, compared to a good nap and all. :)
03:46.42Cairennnight Tem|Sleep
03:46.47NightHawkTheSanesee, Tem|Sleep knows whats up.
03:46.47Tem|Sleepnight Cairenn
03:46.57Tem|SleepNightHawkTheSane, what?
03:47.10Tem|Sleepit's past my bed time
03:47.11NightHawkTheSanelol, nothing, go sleep. :P
03:47.12enumsleep is for the weak... and unemployed
03:47.27Tem|SleepI've been sleeping like a normal person lately
03:47.29Tem|Sleepit's fucking weird
03:47.35kd3heathen! burn for your sins!
03:47.41Tem|Sleepgoing to bed at 11pm is totaly awkward
03:47.54Tem|Sleepwell, later guys
03:48.17MentalPowerlater Tem|Sleep, sweet dreams
03:51.28Cairennand it's official
03:51.41Cairennthanks Shirik
03:51.52Shirikwell, not entirely
03:51.54Cairennyeah, actually, hadn't read it yet
03:51.57Shirikthey didn't say anything about 2.4
03:52.02Shirikbut they did say extended maintenance
03:52.08dylanmExtended maintenance is pretty much a reality for the rest of our lives.
03:52.41dylanmIt's always fun to see if they make 2pm est.
03:54.11Atriacehow does one define:  var= -
03:54.52Atriacevar is euqal to minus
03:54.59Shirikhow can it be "minus"
03:55.05Shirikthat's not a value
03:55.13AtriaceAye, it's a symbol.
03:55.24Shirikyou can make it the character -
03:55.27Shirikvar = "-"
03:55.34Atriaceit becomes a string then
03:55.41AtriaceI need it to do the operation of -
03:55.47Shirikyeah, you can't do that
03:55.53NightHawkTheSaneyou mean subtraction? yeah,
03:55.57Shirikyou can use loadstring or you can do what is probably more accurate, multiply by -1 or 1
03:56.12Shirikto do a "var" b, it would be a + (b * x) where x is 1 or -1
03:56.40kd3huzzah. the alert's up
03:56.44kd38 hour maint scheduled
03:56.50AtriaceI'd actually been useing -1, but I thought it should be more succinct if I could just say var = -
03:57.43Shirikmonths behind, kd3 :P
03:58.24Shirikit's ok though, I cheated
03:58.28ShirikI wrote a little script to watch that page
03:59.07IrielAtriace: How about var b = function(x) return -x end
03:59.16NightHawkTheSanei was going to make a little thing to display it on my desktop with geektool, but geektool doesn't seem to want to work in leopard
03:59.33IrielAtriace: That's about as close as you can get to an operation-as-a-value
04:02.13Fisker-so patch NAU?
04:02.29ShirikScytheBlade1: pign
04:04.04ScytheBlade1Shirik: pong
04:04.20Shirikdid you ever get that patch downloaded?
04:04.28ScytheBlade1No, they killed the download
04:11.27*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop (n=chatzill@
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04:23.48EndI still need to test my addons on ptr, but now I can't
04:23.56EndI'm such a bad slacker
04:26.22Sixenadded an "Uninstalling the PTR" section to the Getting on the PTR/TTR guide
04:26.54SixenPerforming maintenance. doesn't mean there's a patch for sure.
04:27.05SixenI don't remember, will they announce the patch before or after maintenance?
04:27.39SixenAh, okay.
04:28.34MentalPowerSixen: just before they bring the auth server back up to start distributing the patch
04:29.04Cairennbut the servers are still down
04:29.11MentalPowerup you mean
04:29.44Cairennno, the actual servers are usually still down at that point, just you can log in far enough to download the patch
04:29.56MentalPoweroh, right
04:30.22Cairennthe auth server is up, but the realm servers are still down
04:31.09Cairennhence "during" ;)
04:35.10*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
04:38.34Nom-PTR's down... it's usually a week after the PTR's go down before patch day tho :(
04:38.43Nom-We can still hope though :)
04:45.51Cairennit's tomorrow
04:45.56ShirikNom- is so out of it
04:46.39NightHawkTheSaneNom-: thanks for the laugh. :)
04:49.52AtriaceIs there a way to determine if your target is resting or in combat (ala or similar)
04:53.12AtriaceAnd how do you ask purl to fix a typo?  :)
04:53.27MentalPowerperl notation
04:54.16Atriaces/typo/typographical error
04:54.18*** part/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
04:54.47MentalPowerclosing /
04:54.52Atriaces/doh/This is a fix to a typographical error/
04:55.18AtriaceSo, no method for getting target IsResting()?
04:56.09MentalPowerAtriace: as in rested XP?
04:56.43AtriaceAs in, "is my target resting and should I put a rested icon by his portrait"
04:57.12AtriaceI suppose there isn't one, given the default UI doesn't use it.
04:57.28MentalPowerdefine resting
04:57.56Atriaceresting == is accumulating rested experience
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04:59.31MentalPowerAtriace: anyone in an inn, or a major city
04:59.40MentalPoweryou can't get rested XP anywhere else
05:02.41Atriaceah... brilliant.
05:04.32Nom-I'm out of it ?
05:04.40Nom-Oh it's defiantely going ahead?
05:04.42MentalPowerwhat are you building BTW?
05:05.12Nom-Sorry, being an aussie I sleep through the important part of the day as far as Blizzard is concerned
05:05.45AtriaceMentalPower: who me?
05:05.59AtriaceSpartanUI v2
05:06.12CairennNom-: they haven't officially announced it, but yes, it's getting pushed
05:07.04Cairennlaughs at Fisker-
05:07.33Nom-I look forward to it
05:07.46Nom-Two of my alts are going to live on the sunwell island for gold farming purposes :D
05:11.57WobWorkfarming is good? =P
05:14.09Nom-Anyone kill any T4 / T5 bosses on the PTR?
05:14.17Nom-Wondering how much they buffed the gold drops
05:14.24Nom-I've got two alts that need epic flying mounts :)
05:16.48kergothwhat's an appropriate tip for a gem cut, a meta specifically?
05:19.01Cidelike 10g maybe?
05:19.12Cidedon't think I'd tip more than that
05:21.06SixenWhat's the PTR "status" link?
05:21.22SixenLike US is and EU is
05:22.33MentalPowerthey be the same
05:22.45SixenMmmm, I just noticed that.
05:22.45SixenPTR uses US one
05:25.00NightHawkTheSanehm, when you ignore someone, does it hide the online/offline alerts if theyre in your guild?
05:25.24SixenNot sure :/
05:26.59CideI don't think so but not positive
05:27.36Cideas in, they still show, I think
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05:28.48NightHawkTheSanethey do, it seems.
05:28.58NightHawkTheSaneyou could probably hide that with a mod, yeah?
05:29.06Cideof course
05:34.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
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05:36.36art3mismovies is the BEST role model ever
05:36.46art3miserr the coach on home movies
05:37.00art3misstupid kvm and it's delay on usb devices ;)
05:37.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Gwenstefani (
05:37.25art3misWOW it's Gwenstefani!
05:44.19Guillotine <-- win
05:44.57Cidethat's lose
05:45.19Guillotineoh, c'mon, you have to admit it made you chuckle :P
05:45.35Cidenot really, it's stupid
05:46.19Guillotine*shrug* I found it amusing
05:47.52Cideyou're definitely allowed to :)
05:54.28*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
05:56.51art3misare you saying that because he's shortbus?
05:58.25art3mis21 actually doesnt lok bad
05:58.32art3misand this MIT kids rule
05:58.49art3misoh and kevin spacey is awesome
06:00.19*** join/#wowi-lounge WoWLuaircBot (
06:00.23NightHawkTheSanesome guildies are doing wsg, and there's this mage.. in greens.. who's flasked with flask of fortitude
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06:11.08GuillotineCairenn: Can I make a suggestion? In the Survival Guide, for things like DamageMeters, put "Will not be updated" or something where it says "[Not updated for 2.4]" instead of in a note in the description
06:11.27Cairenncan't, not set up for that
06:11.58Cairennthe description and alternatives are pretty good clues
06:11.58Guillotineok, I'm sure people will notice
06:12.10Cairennhope so
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06:12.34Guillotineyah, I was just wondering if people would actually read the description (especially when they already use the addon so think they know what it says)
06:12.46Cairennthat's why I put it in bold
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06:17.05Amarandehmm. someday, I will understand Blizzard's inconsistencies.
06:17.10AmarandeNot sure when.
06:17.30AmarandeConsider, say, quests in SMV.
06:17.56Amarande[70] Breaching the Path, which involves killing small, soloable groups of non-elite mobs in an area with nasty elite pats, is marked G3.
06:18.52AmarandeOTOH, [70] To Netherwing Ledge!, which involves gathering items guarded (i.e., so you won't be getting away without having to fight them) by small, soloable groups of non-elite mobs, in an area with EVEN NASTIER elite pats, is marked solo.
06:18.55AmarandeI don't get it. :)
06:19.36GuillotineSo, any bets on what happens a week from tomorrow?
06:19.38Amarandehell, the elite pats in the first case are probably soloable, if you get them without adds, have decent gear and know what you are doing. the elites in the other one are basically there to give you a repair bill. :)
06:19.39NightHawkTheSanewell to be fair, To Netherwing Ledge! was around before the netherwing patch that made the dragonmaw ascendends pains in the asses
06:20.01Amarandeas in, dead seriously, you have a better chance fighting a Fel Reaver than an Ascendant.
06:20.09AmarandeThere are probably BT trash mobs that aren't as bad as an Ascendant.
06:20.16NightHawkTheSanei've seen a t4 geared prot pally kill an ascendant
06:20.40Amarandebut what irritates me about the damned ascendants is that they made them super fast too for no reason I can think of
06:20.48Amarandeyou can't fight them, so obviously you gotta get away from them, no?
06:20.48*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
06:20.51NightHawkTheSane"to give you a repair bill"
06:21.08Amarandebut oddly, the only class that can reliably escape them is, as I've said, the one class that has no business on netherwing ledge to begin with :)
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06:21.35NightHawkTheSanewhat, druid? shit if i'm in combat and not in flight form already, i'm as good as toast. :P
06:21.49Amarandeyeah. Druid
06:22.22Amarandeand that's only because since flight form is instant, they can jump off the edge (which causes the ascendant to evade and break aggro as they are melee) and go flight form instead of splatting
06:22.49AmarandeI've seen tales of every class in the game using pretty much every speed up for themselves/snare for the enemy that they can muster
06:22.52NightHawkTheSaneonly if your close enough to a ledge to jump off
06:23.03Amarandeclasses that are particularly well endowed with both sprint and snare abilities too, even
06:23.07Amarandeand yet, even THEY can't get away
06:23.37Amarandewonder if we have more of that sort of BS elite to look forward to in Wrath, too
06:23.45Amarandebut that's rehashing my usual worries about Wrath
06:25.08Amarandebasically, that Blizzard will ratchet up the difficulty for economic reasons
06:25.30NightHawkTheSanewell, they did infuse a lot of cash into the economy with tbc.
06:25.55NightHawkTheSanebut i agree, bullshit repair bills are, well, bullshit
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06:26.07Amarandewell, the thing that bugs me about WOTLK is twofold
06:26.26Amarande1) there is no new huge outflux for people who already have epic flying because 375 riding isn't going to be in
06:26.44Amarande2) for people who *don't* have epic flying, there's no real point to buying it for a long time anyway since you won't be able to fly in Northrend till 78
06:27.14Amarandewhich means there's a ton of money staying in the economy, and few reasonable ways to remove it, outside of consumables (can't make them too expensive or casuals will cry), repair bills, and AH cuts
06:27.18NightHawkTheSaneyou cant fly in northrend till 78? thats new to me
06:27.25AmarandeThat's what's been said
06:27.28GuillotineI have a feeling the new profession is going to be a very expensive one to serve as a money sink
06:27.35NightHawkTheSanehow's that going to work?
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06:27.52MentalPowerNightHawkTheSane: de-icing for mounts
06:27.56Amarandewell, there is the fact that people will probably have to grind up to at least 350 or 375 or so in inscription before it will be useful AT ALL
06:27.56kd3wha, not being able to fly til 78? probably a quest teaching you how to de-ice the wings
06:28.10Amarandekinda like how JC mostly sucks below 300
06:28.12NightHawkTheSaneah, fair enoough
06:28.16GuillotineOr 5000g for a deicer
06:29.17Amarandewhat bugs me is whether this is also going to be an additional barrier to entry to say, raiding groups and such at 80
06:29.31Amarande"what, your shadow bolt doesn't have chance to stun attached? sorry, you're not good enough"
06:30.58Amarandeon a similar Wrath subject
06:31.14Amarandewhat do you guys think about the comments about difficulty of obtaining tank gear in BC?
06:31.24Amarande(unless you leveled all the way up as tank and took advantage of tank quest reward gear)
06:31.45Amarandepeople are starting to suggest that Blizzard is engineering a tank shortage to make the introduction of the Death Knight smoother
06:33.22AmarandeQQ, or legitimate conspiracy?
06:33.27NightHawkTheSanesounds like typical hype/overreaction, to me. I mean, I've got some issues with druid tanking gear, and the fact that there's no tanking shield in any t5 instance, but i dont think there's any intentional engineering to "weed out" tanks
06:33.32CideQQ of course
06:33.34Cidepeople are stupid
06:33.36Cideand retarded
06:33.38Cideand stupid
06:33.43Shirik|AFKand retarted
06:33.47AmarandeI *do* get the feeling that death knights are going to shake up the melee world a lot though
06:33.49Shirik|AFKand bad spellers
06:33.49Amarandeat least in the beginning
06:34.01Shirik|AFKand hi Cide, why are you up this late?
06:34.04Shirik|AFKor early
06:34.06Cideno idea
06:34.06Shirik|AFKI forget which one it is
06:34.09CideI'm a programmer
06:34.11Cideit's what we do
06:34.18Shirik|AFKI'm an engineer
06:34.19Amarandeit also feels an hour earlier than it is
06:34.28Amarandesince I transferred to Quel'dorei which is a time zone behind me
06:35.06NightHawkTheSaneAmarande: time will tell, of course, i think in the long run it wont be a big deal
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06:35.38Amarandeyeah, death knights will probably be mostly relegated to melee dps, I think
06:35.48Amarandeexcept for a small few, like there's a small few bear druids that really do well as tanks
06:36.07Cidethey'll tank I'm sure
06:36.09Amarandefor the most part, people want tanks with shield block capabilities, read: prot pally or warrior
06:36.23NightHawkTheSaneAmarande: see, there i dont think thats necessarily true
06:36.25art3misAmarande: hehe thas fi there are other classes ;P
06:36.27Cideyou do realize they'll gain different mechanics (like druids)
06:36.27Amarandearen't there a few bosses where the MT basically has to be one with a shield?
06:36.38NightHawkTheSanethere's a good chance bosses in wrath wont crushy
06:36.39CideAmarande: yes, like illidan
06:36.46Cidebut still
06:36.48NightHawkTheSaneor at least, that non-crushing bosses will be more common
06:37.00Cideclasses without a shield have their place
06:37.03Cidewith that said, night
06:37.19NightHawkTheSaneand unless you have knowledge that i dont, there's no way to know that dk's wont hav ea way to avoid crushes that isn't shield blocking
06:37.54AmarandeNight: yeah, I get the feeling they may try to make bosses more DK friendly
06:38.03Amarandehowever, I see another reason why DKs aren't going to be so good
06:38.08AmarandeDKs start out high level, this is bad
06:38.18Amarandeat least, in the beginning
06:38.41Amarandeyou get a lot of high level characters who don't have the experience to go with it.
06:38.53NightHawkTheSaneAmarande: well, thats a function of players, not classes
06:39.01Amarandeit's like how when heroic keys were lowered to honored and raid attunements were removed, you get a lot of people who aren't good enough trying to do it anyway
06:39.07Amarandeyeah, but classes get rep based on their players
06:39.12Amarandelook at say the Assassin in Guild Wars
06:39.37NightHawkTheSanenot disagreeing, but thats fairly ignorant
06:39.41Amarandethey get turned down almost all the time for PvE parties, because so many people misplayed them
06:39.49Amarandethe WoW equivalent would be the hunter
06:40.03Amarandehunters have to work a lot harder to distinguish themselves, for two basic reasons
06:40.30Amarandeone, that there's so many of them competing for raid slots, and two, that a lot of bad players play as hunters, so they get a rep for being an ezmode noob class
06:42.38AmarandeI don't know if death knights will be popular with bad players, especially since you need a high level to earn one
06:42.50Amarandebut I do get the feeling they will suffer really bad from the "too many of them" issue
06:42.52Corrodiassure they will. you just need a hunter. XD
06:42.53NightHawkTheSanewell, its not like bad players dont get to high levels :P
06:42.58NightHawkTheSaneCorrodias: zing :P
06:43.17Corrodiasoh, i dunno. i don't think we suffered from being overrun by elves and goats
06:43.21Amarandeactually, pretty much every dps class suffers from the too many issue
06:43.34Corrodiasat first, everyone will want to try it, but that doesn't mean everybody wants to switch their main
06:43.38Amarandeit's one reason I respecced my priest to holy, even though she's still got nine more level ups to do
06:43.39Corrodias*everyone -> lots of people
06:43.51Amarandea healer has a bright future ahead when it comes to groups at 70
06:44.00Amarandea dps class really doesn't, especially on a highly progressed server like Turalyon
06:44.20Amarandeand by highly progressed ... we're only a Medium server and yet have 2 horde guilds finished with BT and a third horde guild about halfway
06:44.33Corrodiaswe need a Jedi class.
06:44.42Amarandenot like say, Quel'dorei where I transferred my lock
06:44.49Corrodiasforce push spam lol!
06:44.50Amarandethere aren't even ANY horde guilds through with BT here
06:46.51Amarandeyes, I actually -transferred- to get a server with bad progression LOL
06:48.18art3misokay quick quetion
06:49.27art3mislet' say that there's this svn with a coding project on it.. and someone takes said coding project and forks it, there is no explicitly set copyright on it(ie in the code or seperate files)  what sort of "rights" does the original maker have for it as far as it's inability to be forked
06:51.26AmarandeIANAL, but I seem to recall that if your copyright is unregistered, you're only able to recover any actual straight damages that might result
06:51.35Amarandein other words, probably not much
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06:55.47Amarandeanyway, do you think having spells enhanced with expensive inscriptions is going to end up becoming a way of life in WOTLK?
06:56.18kd3much in the same way that we get all of our gear enchanted and gemmed
06:58.20Amarandeor that next thing our quickbars are going to have to be laden with every separate rank of shadow bolt, each inscribed with a different thing?
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06:59.14Arthenikhey guys, id like to use eepanels to create a button, is that possible at all? thanks :)
06:59.51Corrodiasi won't let you
07:00.41widgertickYou're a jerk =P
07:02.46AmarandeI suppose one wonders when WoW will hit the limit.
07:02.58Amarandeit's one thing I wondered also when, say, GW introduced the Domain of Anguish
07:03.12Thrae <-- see you next Tuesday.
07:03.53Amarandebasically, the critical point, when in search of adding greater challenges, you bump up against the limits of what it is reasonably possible to do within the bounds of the game engine.
07:06.19Amarandewhen do you think WoW will hit that?
07:06.58CairennArthenik: ignore them, that's what we do
07:07.25MentalPowerart3mis: code with no explicit license is automatically full (C)
07:07.27Arthenikdoes anyone at least know if its possible? i know that creating buttons was possible with the old discord mods, so i figured that it is likely for eepanels to be able to do the same. i tried searching wowwiki for some help, but i am a complete noob at LUA and API and i couldnt find anything that would let me define how a frame is going to react when i click on it
07:07.28MentalPowerie, all rights reserved
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07:08.19ArthenikCairenn: alright :)
07:08.30MentalPowerso the original coder(s) have ownership over their own sections, and the person who wrote the code on revision1 has the most power
07:08.39MentalPowersince everything else is derived from his/her code
07:09.44art3misMentalPower: even if provided on an svn with multiple authors and someone decides they wanna fork it?
07:10.30MentalPowerart3mis: mind you I'm no lawyer, so take my words with a grain of salt
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07:10.52Amarandeon the good side, *IF* I understand things right, IANAL though, the only time you might experience pain is when one of the contributors first sees that their stuff is being used.
07:11.12Amarandewell, actually, I'm not sure that applies to copyright as well ... not being a lawyerdroid lol
07:11.16MentalPoweranyways, the original program's author, aka revision1 guy, has the final say
07:11.27AmarandeI do know with the whole software patent thing, there was a bunch of stuff to do with the "theory of prosecution laches"
07:11.28MentalPowertho at this point, all parties have to agree to a license change
07:11.42Amarandewhich as I understood it meant that when you find out your rights are being infringed, it's a now or never decision
07:12.07Amarandei.e., you are not allowed to let someone continue to infringe your rights until a moment that would be to your best advantage to prosecute them; you have to do it when you find out, or lose the right to
07:12.11MentalPowerand the dissenting parties' code has to be reverted and not used
07:12.24art3mismntal: yeah i was curious is all, thers a project i'm part of and someone decided to fork his own project from it
07:12.46art3misso now the original people have all agreed on a CC attrition-noncommercial-share licence
07:13.04art3misso thats good ;)
07:13.15MentalPowerdid that someone contribute code to the project before the fork?
07:13.35Amarandebasically, this whole black morass
07:13.47Amarandeis a good reason why intellectual property is a bad thing and stifles rather than encourages creativity. :)
07:14.19Cairennthat's a matter of opinion
07:14.28MentalPoweragrees with Cairenn
07:14.41MentalPowercopyright is a good thing, IMO
07:14.58Cairenn(one that I, personally, don't agree with)
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07:15.14kergotheh, it sounds like Amarande is confusing copyright with patents.  copyright is about what you've produced, not your IP persay.  copyright has value, even in software.  software patents on the other hand..
07:15.29MentalPoweranyways, art3mis if that person contributed code, then you can't ever use that code, or even look at it anymore
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07:15.35AmarandeMentalPower: IP in general is by its nature restrictive, rather than freeing
07:15.41Amarandeand thus, in the end a bad thing
07:15.47MentalPowerIP ~= (C)
07:15.51Cairenncopyright is one thing, intellectual property rights another and patents a third
07:15.58MentalPowerIP == Patents
07:16.11Cairennno, actually
07:16.13Shirik|AFKeh, I wouldn't say that MentalPower
07:16.23MentalPoweractually thats wrong
07:16.29Amarandethe way it is legally treated in the US by large corporations, you can hardly create ANYTHING in a commercial basis without hiring a team of lawyers to make sure that it isn't too similar to someone else's copyrighted property so you don't get sued.
07:16.30MentalPowerbah, slow fingers
07:16.33Cairenn(C) ~-= IP ~= Patent
07:16.39Shiriktrust me, I know IP agreements by now ><
07:16.39Amarandeespecially if it's a large corporation's property.
07:17.06MentalPowerAmarande: that happens when patents are in the way
07:17.07Amarandebecause then it doesn't really matter if you're in the right, no more than it matters that a solo level 70 character is "the good guys" if he tries to go up against Illidan. :)
07:17.34Amarande(Give it a few more expansion packs though and a level 110 will be soloing Illidan easily. :P)
07:17.38MentalPowerwith copyright, we can both make a prime number generator, using the same algo, and not infringe on each other's copyrights
07:17.57AmarandeIn theory
07:18.02MentalPowerin practice
07:18.08AmarandeIn practice, if the other entity making that prime number generator is a large corporation
07:18.19Amarandeyou will be sued, and either have to say sorry I was wrong or spend all your money and go bankrupt in the court.
07:18.39MentalPowerthats what the EFF is for :)
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07:18.40Amarandewhich, basically, is the problem with large corporate IP of any sort
07:18.51Amarandethey are right, you are wrong, just as Illidan will squish that solo 70.
07:19.08Amarandeyou may be right -in truth-, but I hope you like living in your cardboard box because you wanted to prove the point instead of being practical :|
07:19.21MentalPowersince the large corporation only has a legal recourse if they own a valid patent for that algorithm
07:19.29MentalPowerif theres no patents, theres no issue
07:19.56art3misin nix whats /dev/md0 ?
07:20.03kergothsoftware raid, art3mis
07:20.12kergothiirc anyway
07:20.24art3misand if i dont have software raid it would/should just be hda1 right?
07:20.32Shirikor sda1
07:20.34AmarandeI guess sometimes I've always wondered also what the limits are between 'inspired by' and 'illegally infringing'.
07:20.42AmarandeI mean, consider say, the shape of a fantasy continent
07:20.42art3misi knew something about it was wrong ;P
07:21.14Amarandeif I happen to draw something roughly the same shape as the Eastern Kingdoms (perhaps because I have a mental imprint of a fantasy continent shaped like that)
07:21.19Amarandehave I just walked on Blizzard's rights?
07:22.01Amarandeor to be more specific, say I draw a continent where the northern part has a big wasteland in the west part, and the northeastern part is sort of knob shaped. which happens to be how Joe Dever's Magnamund is shaped.
07:22.30MentalPowerAmarande: IIRC that depends on how long before drawing your continent you last saw eastern kingdoms, it also depends how exactly you copy the original design
07:23.22MentalPoweraka if you just saw it 1min ago, and your drawing ends up really close, you're prolly infringing
07:24.06Amarandewhich also produces a sort of creative paradox that is not really such a great thing
07:24.07MentalPowerhowever if you last saw it a year ago, and your continent ends up similar in shape, but with specific differences you're prolly ok
07:24.23AmarandeHardcore fantasy fans are the most likely to want to design their own worlds and stories therein
07:24.30Amarandeand yet, they're probably the least -able- to do so in a legal sense
07:24.42Amarandebecause of the need to take so much care not to lift anything in particular too strongly
07:25.03Amarandelike I said, copyright is not wholly a positive thing
07:25.52Amarandehowever, I am also by nature an artist and a highly giving person which may also color my opinions
07:26.02Amarandemany people's primary focus is on a source of money
07:26.02Shirikhahaha I get it
07:26.06Shirikartist... color opinions
07:26.12Shirikgoes back to the oven
07:26.17MentalPower~lart Shirik
07:26.17purleats Shirik's liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti
07:27.04art3misswen back together
07:27.07art3misgrown back together
07:27.08Amarande(which also explains why I don't have an epic flyer yet. lol. I'm too inclined to help people out instead of what I should be doing, which is standing in Shattrath cutting gems for gold)
07:27.17Shirikyup me too
07:27.27ShirikI refuse to take anything for free and give everything out to people without them paying
07:27.33MentalPowermost of my code is GPL, with some public domain here and there, so I give out most of my code too. however I still need to live, so some of my code is not even mine anymore
07:27.35Shirikexcept recently my guild is forcing me to take things without paying
07:29.06Amarandethough there's some times when I give away things eventually
07:29.14Amarandelike say, Warlords cards
07:29.38AmarandeI usually make an attempt or two to sell them on AH, which never, ever works out, then I give them to the next person to PST me in trade chat because I feel guilty just merching something like that
07:30.08Shirikyay for plug and play
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07:30.17Shirikplug in a USB device... Windows Explorer has stopped working
07:30.32Shirikunplug it, get back to stable state, plug in a USB device... Windows Explorer has stopped working
07:30.37art3misi prefer to give out and do chants and shit for free
07:30.45art3misthat way when *I* need favours.....
07:31.27Amarandeoh god no.
07:31.34AmarandeI almost stumbled into the aldor camp
07:32.08Amarandewhich would be a good way to die
07:32.15Amarandeand I've only about a half hour to quest before I have to log out
07:32.18art3misanyone ever messed with xen?
07:32.19AnduinLothardoesn't prt you?
07:32.59Amarandeat least, from what I've heard, Quel'dorei will be going down in about 30 minutes for patch
07:33.21MentalPowerAmarande: wrong
07:33.37MentalPower3am blizz
07:33.44MentalPowerwhat AnduinLothar said
07:33.46Amarandeahh, 3am pacific for all servers
07:33.57MentalPower3am blizz time
07:34.01Amarandeok, that works.
07:34.03MentalPoweraka PST
07:34.10Amarandejust in time for me to get off WoW to watch the Red Sox game
07:34.18MentalPowerShirik: what windows, and what device
07:34.42Amarandeany of you guys staying up for the red sox?
07:35.16art3mishas anyone setup xen?
07:35.58MentalPowerno and no
07:36.56ShirikAnyone here familiar with Windows error codes?
07:37.07Shiriki.e., 0xc0000005 == access violation?
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07:41.03MentalPowerShirik: only a few redmond geeks know what those mean
07:41.20SixenYeah, Shirik, what's up?
07:41.44Shirikjust want to know what 0xc000000d means
07:41.45MentalPowerThrae: damn you!
07:41.47ShirikMentalPower: I know a few :(
07:41.51Shirikwhat's "redmond geek"
07:41.54SixenThat would be...
07:42.20MentalPowerRedmond == Redmond, WA == Main Microsoft Campus
07:43.27SixenSo it's basically just an Invalid Param
07:44.59Shirikisn't there a place I can look these up?
07:46.03Shirikquickly vanishes temporarily
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07:58.41SixenYes Shirik
07:58.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|AFK (n=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
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08:01.23SixenShirik, you can.
08:01.30ShirikI can?
08:01.40SixenI usually just go on Google and search the Error code. But, you can do it directly from M$ website.
08:02.37SixenTrying to find a good one, hang on.
08:07.36SixenJust search the error code on Google, it usually pops up with Microsoft's website as the 1st link.
08:10.18MentalPowerThrae: I really hate you now
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08:40.43nevcairielso was there any specific news regarding 2.4 while i was sleeping?
08:41.02nevcairielshort of PTR closing
08:41.11Cairennthey haven't officially announced it per se, but yeah, it's getting pushed
08:41.27Cairennthey have said there is an extended downtime
08:41.38Cairennthat's the only "official" word tus far
08:41.50nevcairielthey're probably careful until they know its a 100%
08:41.59Cairennit's happening
08:42.11Cairennhas been wrong how many times? ;)
08:42.50MentalPowerraises no fingers
08:43.02MentalPowergoes to sleep
08:43.07MentalPowergnight all
08:43.17nevcairielwe've all been saying it for a few days now, still some real confirmation would calm me down :P
08:43.21Cairennsweet dreams MentalPower|ZzZz
08:43.42MentalPower|ZzZznevcairiel: its today, trust us
08:43.53Cairennnevcairiel: I've had it from 3 of my little birdies
08:43.55Cairennit's going
08:44.52nevcairieloh i believe you, thats not the problem, i just need some blue post to point my guildys to so they stop bothering me
08:44.58Cairennyeah, I know
08:45.09Cairennnothing official for you to point at yet though
08:45.17nevcairielPTR down post is a good start
08:46.57MentalPower|ZzZzthat official post is still at least an hour away
08:46.59MentalPower|ZzZzif not more
08:47.05MentalPower|ZzZzprolly more
08:47.06Cairennaye, most likely
08:47.14nevcairieli just woke up, i have time
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08:58.44Shirikmy bot was working perfectly the whole time
08:58.49Shiriktwo hours of debugging wasted ><
08:58.55Shirikdocumentation is a valuable tool
08:59.18Nechcknoh damn.. sorry Shirik  that bites
09:00.10Shirikit has 3 modes, passive safe and full. In passive almost nothing works, to protect itself. In safe, it automatically reverts to passive if it detects a problem. In full, those safeties are shut off. Apparently it reverted to passive without my knowledge, and I'm sitting here trying to figure out why this one command won't go through ><
09:01.06Nechcknomg... I'd have to scrap the poor fella... cause it would have been launched through the air upon such a discovery
09:03.46Shirikthe question really is why is it in passive mode, though
09:04.12nevcairielbecause you had it in safe mode before and a problem occured?
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09:15.38Shirikwierd, it's shutting down when I initialize the data stream
09:15.41Shirikoh well, I think it's time for sleep
09:16.10nevcairielman the function list plugin in Notepad++ needs some love
09:16.33clad|officei can generate a new one if you get me the format necessary
09:17.13Cairennnight Shirik|zZz
09:17.55nevcairielfor some reason it breaks on lua multiline comments
09:20.20nevcairielmaybe the lua regex needs some love
09:41.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
09:41.53sag_ich_nichtnevcairiel: just like your mom
09:42.46nevcairiel20 minutes and you only come up with that one?
09:43.37nevcairiel~lart sag_ich_nicht
09:43.37purlpushes the wall down onto sag_ich_nicht whilst whistling innocently
09:43.50*** part/#wowi-lounge bleetah (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
09:45.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
09:49.30*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
09:49.31*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v AnduinLothar] by ChanServ
09:50.59AnduinLotharServers goin down in 10min
09:51.12Nom-looking forward to 2.40
09:51.36sag_ich_nichtso anduinlothar
09:51.37sag_ich_nichtis cosmos ready for 2.4? :P
09:51.46sag_ich_nicht~lart Nom-
09:51.46purlshoots Nom- in the head
09:51.51sag_ich_nichtit's 2.4 not 2.40
09:51.54sag_ich_nichtyou noob
09:52.04nevcairielhe just forgot a .
09:52.21Nom-Version numbers don't have multiple dots
09:52.41nevcairielwhy not?
09:52.47sag_ich_nichtbecause 1.10
09:52.57sag_ich_nichtalso version numbers have multiple dots
09:52.58sag_ich_nichtyou fucking noob
09:53.00nevcairielis quite common
09:53.18sag_ich_nichtWoW doesn't use that tho
09:53.32sag_ich_nichtWoW uses EXPANSION.MAJOR.MINOR.BUILD
09:53.37Nom-Meh, I think in perl versions
09:53.50Nom-Where 5.6.1 = 5.61 = 5.006001
09:54.01sag_ich_nichtthat's great. nobody cares about that tho
09:54.01Nom-They're all recognised as the same :P
09:54.22Nom-Meh, that's why I say 2.40... coz my brain is thinking 2.004000
09:54.28sag_ich_nichtit's patch
09:54.39sag_ich_nichtto be exact
09:55.00sag_ich_nichtunless they do a final build with debugs disabled in which case
09:55.05Nom-Whatever yas knew what i  meant
09:55.17nevcairiellatest ptr patch already had debugging disabled
10:02.42Amarandehmm, how long do you think it will take the 2.4 versions of addons to percolate onto the addon sites?
10:02.58Amarandebasically, if I use addons a lot, is it time to take a week's vacation or so from the game? :)
10:03.36AnduinLotharsag_ich_nicht:: yes, Cosmos is ready for 2.4. Only thing that needs to still happen is to have the toc's bumped.
10:03.57AtriaceOh, snap.  I forgot to update my toc.
10:04.41AnduinLotharI don't usually bother to update toc's on addon sites unless something else changed
10:04.48Amarandeoh, god
10:04.53*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz_ (
10:04.54Amarandehalf my interface isn't updated for 2.4
10:04.58*** join/#wowi-lounge IRCCRICKET (n=irccrick@
10:05.48AnduinLotharAnyway, i'm out for the night.  I'll be back before the servers come back.
10:06.30Amarandehmm, what do I use
10:07.15AtriaceCairenn:  do you know what the current toc # is? seems offline.
10:08.35AmarandeArkInventory ... ClearFont2 ... EBB ... Mobinfo2 ... Omen ... Quartz ... X-Perl ...
10:08.46AmarandeI'm not ready for patch day :(
10:09.28nevcairielOmen will be ready
10:09.35nevcairielQuartz works fine too, just wasnt updated
10:11.18nevcairielEU alert got a 2.4.0 patch notice
10:11.22nevcairielUS alert still doesnt say =P
10:12.19AmarandeI don't get it ... how is Oakland being considered the 'home' team today
10:12.35AmarandeI mean, the Red Sox are the champions and all, shouldn't they get the home slot? :)
10:12.40sag_ich_nichtAmarande: YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!
10:12.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
10:13.12Amarandehmm, what do I use in total ...
10:14.17*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
10:15.10AmarandeAuctioneer & friends; ArkInventory; Bartender3; Big Wigs; Cartographer; ClearFont2; cyCircled; EBB; EQCompare; ErrorMonster; Little Wigs; Mobinfo2; nQuestLog; Omen; OmniCC; oRA2; Quartz; QuestAnnouncer; SCT; SCTD; SimpleMinimap; Skillet; TipTac; X-Perl;
10:15.38sag_ich_nichtAnduinLothar: why is there a claim on WoWI that DM isn't being updated for 2.4? or did i miss something? (the source link that claims this doesn't work because LOL SERVER LOAD)
10:16.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
10:16.54Amarandeand FuBar with AmmoFu, BagFu, ChatAlertsFu, ClockFu, DurabilityFu, ExperienceFu, FactionsFu, FriendsFu, GarbageFu, GuildFu, HonorFu, LocationFu, MailFu, MoneyFu, NetStatsFu, PetInfoFu, SkillsPlusFu, ToFu, TopScoreFu, XPerlFu, and FuTextures
10:17.04Amarandeanything notable in there that's going to break and I'll have to do without that's not mentioned?
10:17.21Arrowmasteri can think of lots
10:17.24Amarandea lot of these aren't really noted by name in the survival guide.
10:17.38AtriaceYou'll know for sure in about 8 hours.
10:17.38nevcairielAmarande: dont think so, the big ones like SCT got updated allready
10:18.01Arrowmasterand eww at still using EQCompare
10:18.15Amarandewell ... I'm still not sure what the 'new in thing' is for that one
10:18.30ArrowmastertekKompare or Mirror
10:18.36Amarandeit worked under 2.3.3 without any real issues so I kept using it
10:20.18sag_ich_nichtno nvm.
10:22.19Amarandeactually, I think I may have had one or two issues with it but they were rare, and I'm not sure that was the addon that actually was at fault
10:22.39Amarandeoccasionally, when mousing over one or other potential quest reward, the tooltip would get mashed together with something else
10:22.55Amarandebut that's probably because some of my tooltips have way too much crap in them
10:23.12AmarandeEQCompare, Auctioneer, etc., half the stuff I -have- modifies item tooltips
10:28.25Nom- <-- classic
10:28.29Nom-(perfectly work safe btw)
10:29.58AtriaceSo he gets born with lung cancer AND deaf?   Rough life...
10:33.06RoblibobI was about to type a sarcastic comment but that image just leaves me speechless
10:36.09Nom-lol indeed
10:38.10*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (n=sylvanaa@
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11:38.02lonk_afkcurse is gonna have a bad day...
11:38.02*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
11:38.26schnoggobut the new design is pretty!
11:38.46nevcairielpoor curse, its even slow without patches
11:38.52nevcairieland already dead to me
11:38.58nevcairielpage doesnt load =P
11:39.07Matrix110Internal Server Error
11:40.41JoshBorkepokes clad
11:40.49LopeppeppySweet.  I do hate to see what will happen with a patch.
11:40.59JoshBorkecladhaire: authorize omnicc update :-P
11:41.30LopeppeppyOh, hai to patch that wasn't there half an hour ago....
11:41.45cladhaireOmen and OmniCC approved
11:41.51AntiarcThanks, clad
11:41.56cladhairejust ping me
11:41.59cladhairei'll be here all day
11:42.02AntiarcHehe, okay.
11:42.05cladhaireits easier than me trying to refresh
11:42.12LopeppeppyYou're a god among approver-people, Cladhaire.
11:42.22AntiarcO_O 3 downloads already?
11:42.27*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter_ (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
11:42.36AntiarcI put that up like 90 sec ago
11:42.46JoshBorkemy favorites ftw
11:42.52JoshBorkewhere's omen2?
11:42.58nevcairielthat is Omen2
11:43.07JoshBorkeoh good
11:43.12Matrix110Curse has maintance :D
11:43.13AntiarcI'm not branding it Omen2 for a number of reasons
11:43.15cladhaireAntiarc: did you get it updated on curse?
11:43.22Antiarccladhaire: Not yet, curse is down
11:43.28JoshBorkeAntiarc: you fail at folders
11:43.31nevcairielcurse will be down all week
11:43.32cladhairejust trying to keep the survival guide up to date
11:43.34AntiarcJoshBorke: What
11:43.43Antiarccladhaire: I'll be updating it as soon as Curse is up.>omen-r65705
11:43.49cladhaireshoot me the URL when you do
11:43.50nevcairieltheir page is slow during "normal" times, patches kill them
11:43.59AntiarcI did that to add a text file
11:44.29JoshBorkeit's omen-r65705->omen->stuff
11:44.34AntiarcI'll fix it
11:45.06Matrix110"Please select the image that is showing a Mountain" and there is a Bugs Bunny/Waterfall/Cat/Skelleton
11:45.17nevcairielwaterfall then
11:45.21Matrix110nope :D
11:45.30Matrix110you have selected the wrong image
11:45.35JoshBorkehuh, i'm already patching
11:46.11cladhairei'm patching my us client
11:46.12cladhairein theory
11:46.19cladhaire350 items in my rss reader
11:46.42*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo (
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11:46.46Antiarccladhaire: Updated Omen to fix that folder nesting issue.
11:47.18batrickcurse is up for me
11:47.58cladhairei have to say
11:48.01cladhairethis is pretty awesome
11:48.14AntiarcI know Kaelten was working on bringing another 10+ servers online today, so I suspect something tripped up there ;)
11:48.19cladhaireso excited about that trip!
11:48.20nevcairielyeah that map rocks
11:48.30AntiarcWow, that rules.
11:49.30batricknotre dame is a lot smaller than I thought it would be
11:49.40batrickdamn disney movies raise your expectations
11:50.13AntiarcOh, wow
11:50.41AntiarcThey put a memoriam to Gary Gygax into the patch notes
11:50.53nevcairielyay for blizz
11:51.02nevcairieldont add anti-skill
11:51.11AntiarcI think the only one it wasn't reverted for was Avenger's Shield
11:51.24AntiarcWhich makes sense as it really cripples a paladin's ability to pull with CC around
11:51.32AntiarcAnd it's not like paladins use it for phat DPS
11:51.50sag_ich_nichtmeh, i hope they left cleave and swipe alone too
11:51.55sag_ich_nichtat least felguard cleave
11:52.10nevcairielnah thats gone already
11:53.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (i=Legorol@
11:53.22*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Legorol] by ChanServ
11:54.09Legoroli am a bit confused.. has US received 2.4 today?
11:54.09LopeppeppyOkie dokie peoples, I've downloaded my patch and a few addons before the crush, now I have to like, go to work or something.
11:54.13cladhaireLegorol: yes
11:54.24nevcairielLegorol: yes
11:54.24LopeppeppyYes, Legorol, I am 2.4 compliant in the US.
11:54.25*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
11:54.34Legoroli can't see any mention of it on forums, on etc.
11:54.39Legorolcladhaire: thanks
11:54.58Legorolthen Blizzard threw a curveball :0
11:54.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
11:55.00cladhaireyou thought eu was getting patched before us cause of the launcher message? :P
11:55.11Legorolwell... i was a bit more confused than that
11:55.34Legoroli thought maybe they put the wrong message up.. because there is no blue post, no news post, and i haven't heard US getting 2.4
11:55.54Matrix110It was because of Eastern they prolly had holiday @mondays or messed up putting up a message/forum post
11:55.57Legoroland it's not even a launcher message
11:56.06Legorolit's just a login screen message
11:56.09sag_ich_nichtQQ it's out so stfu
11:56.18Legorollol sag
11:56.23cladhairetroll harder!
11:56.29Legoroli don't mind either way, it was just very sudden :)
11:56.53Legoroland that means i have to upload addon
11:57.09JoshBorkedo it now!
11:57.13JoshBorkebefore everyone wakes up
11:57.24cladhaireyay for GMT
11:57.59JoshBorkenevcairielly: you finish that mod?
11:58.14JoshBorkenevcairielly: the one that changes the combat filter?
12:00.49sag_ich_nichti can't find the bluepost anymore
12:00.56[Ammo]JoshBorke: it's on wowace trunk now, so  yeah :p
12:01.08sag_ich_nichtso: how do i set the new combatlog to ulra compressed mode? :>
12:02.56Matrix110AucAdv not displaying copper anymore
12:03.05Matrix110i almost bought Fel Lotus thinking its so cheap for 58g
12:03.14cladhaireMatrix110: lol
12:12.14sag_ich_nichti am lazy, anyone willing to help me rewrite this for 2.4:
12:12.53nevcairielif you start a request like that with "i am lazy" i wouldnt expect a answer :P
12:13.07sag_ich_nichtnevcairiel i'm honest
12:13.12sag_ich_nichtso what?
12:13.14nevcairielme too
12:13.15batrickso was nevcairiel :)
12:13.17sag_ich_nichtyou got a problem with honesty punk
12:13.25schnoggomac patch = 262 MB... nice :)
12:13.33batrickbut we don't have a problem with feigned stupidity
12:13.47sag_ich_nichtoh i'm also stupid
12:13.53sag_ich_nichtthere's no doubt about that
12:13.57sag_ich_nicht~emulate sag_ich_nicht
12:13.58purlbecause i am retarded
12:14.44sag_ich_nichtokay events didn't change, no need to change anything, fu nevcairiel :P
12:16.47batricksag_ich_nicht: your indentation is screwy
12:16.53batrickparticularly line 39
12:17.37*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar_work (n=sylvanaa@
12:18.41foxlitIs that copyright notice actually longer than the code itself?
12:19.17*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
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12:20.24batrick14*     * Females must provide current naked pictures of themself to sag_ich_nicht
12:20.27batrick15       before using this software in any form.
12:20.41foxlitHilarious but unenforsable!
12:20.53foxlitoh god, the spilleng! it does nothink!
12:21.08nevcairieli still think that licenses that attribute to some virtual nickname are nil and void anyway
12:21.42*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
12:21.47foxlitLegally change your name to sag_ich_nicht, np
12:21.57foxlitThough I don't think underscores are legal :(
12:22.32*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
12:23.16sag_ich_nichtnevcairiel: i will test that theory in court
12:23.33sag_ich_nicht[13:16] <batrick> sag_ich_nicht: your indentation is screwy <--no it isn't, is just retarded
12:23.50batrickno u r
12:23.54foxlitChances are you mix tabs and spaces
12:24.16sag_ich_nichthold on lemme reup it geez
12:24.21sag_ich_nichtgtfo vim user
12:24.22batrickno one cares that much
12:24.32batrickvim is > *
12:24.48sag_ich_nichtemacs > you
12:25.01foxlitI feel like that rabbit who comments "pico" at the "vi vs emacs" debate
12:25.04batricknot according to
12:26.31foxlitTurns out it's a cat
12:27.42foxlit[random plug: it's a pretty good strip, though it concluded a few years ago]
12:28.11sag_ich_nicht now stfu
12:28.38foxlitHm, I wonder
12:28.52foxlitDo you ever end up in situations where you land below the notification threshold
12:29.01foxlitOnly to get the next regen tick and resume above it?
12:29.14foxlitThen have your spell finish casting and have the notification repeat?
12:29.31sag_ich_nichtretribution paladin, only instants.
12:29.47foxlitOkay, rephrase
12:29.55foxlitThen cast another spell only to have the notification repeat?
12:30.13sag_ich_nichtyes, but i cba to write a throttling code for it
12:30.20sag_ich_nichtit doesn't happen that often
12:30.26foxlitOkay, here's what we'll say
12:30.41foxlitlocal ph_fuckyou = 0;
12:30.48sag_ich_nichtlook, send me a patch, okay?
12:32.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (n=jk275@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
12:32.37sag_ich_nichtit's simple binary logic and i like it that way, Parrot auto-throttles notification spam anyway and in case it happens anyway, it doesn't bother me at all and in fact is a nice reminder of how the game mechanics work. HOWEVER, if you think you can do better i'm happy to accept patches and try out if it works better for me :P
12:33.51sag_ich_nichtthrottling based on the potion CD? yeah i thought about that.
12:34.13foxlitWell... if you wanted to be fancy, you could get the actual potion CD
12:34.14sag_ich_nichti like how you renamed the variable.
12:34.26foxlitThis is more of a "I'm offended at you not listening to me" strategy
12:34.58sag_ich_nichtyeah see that's a problem, i occasionally don't do that on trash
12:35.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
12:35.34sag_ich_nichtalso if i wanted to be fancy i'd have piped the output thru LibSink
12:35.57sag_ich_nichtbut i looked at the documentation of it, then decided i'm too lazy to use it
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13:02.54WobinDman you foxlit
13:03.02Wobindamn you and your webcomics
13:08.52*** join/#wowi-lounge schnoggo (
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13:12.11Wobinoh god
13:12.18WobinI'm only in July 2002
13:19.48*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop_ (
13:22.49cladhairecan someone ping me when us servers come up?
13:23.06nevcairielwill be like what, 6 more hours?
13:23.14Pacif im up coz im in australia
13:24.04AntiarcI'm going to bed.
13:24.11AntiarcHope I don't wake up to a firestorm :P
13:24.11cladhairenight Antiarc i
13:25.25nevcairielgood that US beta tests the addons before EU gets them
13:25.45KalrothIndeed :)
13:25.58Pacyer that sucks
13:26.12Pacyer me tho
13:26.37sag_ich_nichtgets exact coords for Adyen the Lightwarden
13:26.41deltronnot that funny! :(
13:26.51sag_ich_nichtoh wait
13:26.54sag_ich_nichthe stays at the same position
13:27.02sag_ich_nichti'll log in front of him on server shitdown
13:27.13sag_ich_nichtwow that was one hell of a typo
13:27.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Fatalis (
13:28.06foxlitWobin: I won a Game :)
13:29.39sag_ich_nichtfoxlit: you might have one A game, but just lost THE game
13:29.50sag_ich_nichtgod damn it
13:30.01foxlitI think the focus here is that you lost The Game
13:30.21AntiarcOh man.
13:30.28Antiarcwowui staff = pro
13:30.38foxlitis a robotic monk, holding multiple contradictory beliefs at the same time = easy
13:30.40Antiarc(also, I lied, I didn't go to bed yet)
13:31.56Wobinand the sequel
13:32.02*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-sleep (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Dinesh)
13:32.03Josh_Borke~lart wobin
13:32.03purloverclocks wobin until wobin burns out
13:32.06WobinI'm quite impressed, very well done
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13:32.52AntiarcHeh, he edited it.
13:33.30Wobinwhat's that?
13:33.40*** part/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
13:33.45*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
13:34.24AntiarcOne of the wowui admins posted on the wow forums in reply to a "wowui gives you keyloggers" post basically saying "you're lying, and you should be avoiding wowinterface because they're owned by nasty gold farmers"...two seconds after a very civil exchange between Rush and Cairenn.
13:34.33AntiarcHe removed the wowi jab, though
13:34.46Josh_Borkethey should keep their stories straight
13:34.50nevcairielwowui just needs to shut down
13:34.56LopeppeppyOh for the love ot cats.  Burn it.
13:35.18Antiarc is the thread though
13:35.33Legorolaren't the forums enough for this stuff?
13:36.39nevcairielits funny how crazy people defend wowui like their life depends on it, its a fact that wowui had the most keylogger problems
13:36.57nevcairieland you lose alot of credibility if you try to wash that away :P
13:37.14*** join/#wowi-lounge dru_ (
13:37.23LopeppeppyThe more it hurts, the more you defend yourself... animal instinct.  *offers drama-mine all around*
13:37.26Josh_Borkepretty sure you're just preaching to the choir nevcairiel
13:37.32foxlitwonders of wowui has any redeeming features
13:37.58foxlitThere must be _some_ reason anyone would choose to publish things there
13:38.13Antiarcfoxlit: I'm a firm believer in the idea that the, uh, lower eschelons of any given community serve a valuable purpose: They provide perspective for the valuable members :P
13:38.14nevcairieli dont even like curse for their crazy page
13:38.23foxlitCurse wins on functionality, unfortunately
13:38.47foxlitTheir portal tendencies notwithstanding
13:38.59Lopeppeppyorly, foxlit?  I can't find a bloody thing there....
13:39.01AntiarcCurse does a decent job, and they have mindshare, so it makes sense to publish there.
13:39.06Antiarcwowui though. uhh.
13:39.39foxlitLopeppeppy: I'm mostly on about addon author functionality, rather than indexing.
13:39.39nevcairieli need to re-check the curse license thing before i re-upload my mods .. for some reason some script deleted my project of curse =P
13:40.07foxlitTickets, beta version flags, and so on
13:40.31LopeppeppyOh... I'm sure it could be a good author site, but if it gives no love to someone trying to *find* your work, why would you put your work there?  It's like sending it into a black hole, where only the physicists can dare tred....
13:40.41AntiarcI'm rather happy with Curse's TOU as-stands now. IIRC, it was changed to "you grant us a license to distribute this, which is revoked when you pull your project, and it is distributed under the terms you license your project under"
13:40.41foxlitOn the other hand, wowi doesn't molest my screenshots.
13:40.55Wobinrubs his hands all over foxlit's screen
13:41.10AntiarcScreenshots? Pfah! Who needs screenshots?
13:41.15WobinAntiarc: That's reasonable now =)
13:41.38nevcairieli pulled my files when curse had the crazy license, then some automated script deleted my files
13:41.41foxlitLopeppeppy: I'm not to sure
13:41.43nevcairieler my project
13:41.46nevcairieloh well
13:42.13foxlitHave higher download numbers on curse for entirely unpromoted projects released to both simultaneously.
13:42.27Lopeppeppyis not a physicist and doesn't even play one on tv.
13:42.41LopeppeppyI haven't gone near there since their ill-starred "force browser version" days.
13:43.01foxlitHrm, by a factor of 6 :/
13:43.27foxlitAnyway, I suspect I actually win people on spoken word
13:43.36foxlitSo people finding the addon isn't that much of an issue
13:44.43foxlit"Players will now be able to inspect other players via their chat link." while in inspect range?
13:44.56Krungi can never find the addon i want at curse
13:46.00LopeppeppyI can never find an addon that I *want* at curse.
13:46.42AntiarcLopeppeppy: QuestHelper is pretty damn uber
13:46.48AntiarcBut I dunno if it's available elsewhere too
13:47.50LopeppeppyDoes QuestHelper do anything that Lightheaded and nQuestLog don't?
13:48.16AntiarcQuestHelper is like every other quest aid addon rolled together on crack
13:48.23LopeppeppyCrack can be good.
13:48.23Antiarcit's...impressive, to say the least.
13:48.40WobinDoes QuestHelper do everything that Lightheaded and nQuestLog don't?
13:48.41AntiarcIt chews CPU like nobody's business, but given what it does, I don't blame it.
13:48.56nevcairielwhat does it do, then?
13:49.11LopeppeppyI see it on Curse and wowui.  So I would never download it.
13:49.32AntiarcQuest breakdowns, mapping of the most efficient routes through quests and your party's quests, all sorts of stuff.
13:49.48Josh_Borkewhy do that when you can just use tourguide?
13:49.58AntiarcIt's also pretty as hell :P
13:50.20Josh_Borkeeveryone knows that pretty things are just devils in disguise
13:50.27*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar_work (n=sylvanaa@
13:50.39Krungyea it really is. the new version i think aggregrates (is that the word i want?) data, so if you do it later on another char it adds stuff in from previous (like if a mob area is larger than it was oringially programmed)
13:50.56AntiarcPoint being: It's the first mod in a very long time that made my jaw drop, and which I found myself exclaiming "wow!" at.
13:51.10AntiarcIt impressed the hell outta me.
13:51.37Josh_BorkeAntiarc: well, so?
13:51.42Josh_Borkelet, me try that again
13:51.46Josh_Borkeneeds more dramatic pause
13:51.48AntiarcJust giving an example :P
13:51.59Josh_Borkeblast, i missed an l
13:52.07Josh_Borkenn, sweet dreams
13:52.10Josh_Borkehope the bed bugs bite
13:52.12AntiarcJosh_Borke: If you stack some of those dots on top of each other, it makes an l
13:52.22AntiarcSo you just sorta time-shifted pieces of the last l
13:52.33Josh_BorkeAntiarc: wel/
13:52.37Josh_Borkethe last l fell over
13:53.46AntiarcSweet! My first "HALP IT NOT WORK ON 2.3" post!
13:54.17nevcairielhm curse page died again
13:54.27nevcairielthey really need to slim their page down
13:54.47Wobin"Reavers are space-zombies, while the crew of Serenity are space-cowboy-pirates. Except for River, who is a space-pirate-ninja."
13:54.49WobinIt's so TRUE
13:55.11AntiarcI play a rogue in a pirate guild.
13:55.14AntiarcI'm a pirate ninja.
13:55.23AntiarcIf Draenei could be rogues I'd be a space pirate ninja.
13:56.01AntiarcThough really, draenei would be more like space pirate sumo wrestlers.
13:56.23nevcairielget a female
13:56.28AntiarcWell, right.
13:56.49nevcairielmale draenei are just hyppos
13:57.03Antiarc(that's actually why I rolled female human as my rogue - male humans are about as stealthy as a crippled giraffe doused in glitter)
13:57.05LopeppeppyGet a female is good advice no matter what.
13:57.33WobinI still want a tauren rogue
13:57.59Wobinpaints his hooves red so he can stealth upside down in the strawberry patch
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14:13.18Lopeppeppytentatively pounces on |Jelly|, if the internets will let her.
14:16.52*** join/#wowi-lounge DBE-Kinj (
14:36.33zenzelezz"The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Pt. 1 (Lord of the Rings 1) " -- there was a Lord of the Rings 2?
14:39.11LopeppeppyThere yet may be.  *wink*
14:40.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Dklein (n=dklein@
14:41.33zenzelezzone does not mess with Tolkien or his works
14:43.07LopeppeppyUnless you're his son mucking about trying to make even more oodles of cash
14:43.29zenzelezzyou especially don't mess with your ancestor's works
14:43.36zenzelezzwhether you're a Tolkien or a Herbert
14:43.55LopeppeppyToo late.
14:43.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
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14:43.58LopeppeppyOn both counts
14:44.38zenzelezzI know... but some day I'll get back at them for their wrongdoings
14:45.47WobinOr a Rice? =)
14:46.11WobinAlthough I suspect being Anne Rice's son is punishment enough
14:46.20zenzelezzI'm afraid I don't know who ANne Rice is
14:46.29WobinThis is a good thing
14:46.45WobinShe's an author of ostensibly 'Vampire' books
14:46.54Wobinwhen in reality she's output a whole lot of drek
14:46.59LopeppeppyShe does excellent emo and wonderful setting description, but her lore sucks.
14:47.05WobinYou know the movie Interview with a Vampire?
14:47.18WobinWith Tom "Before I went wacko" Cruise in it?
14:47.22Lopeppeppycovers her ears
14:47.26zenzelezznot really... heard the name, but that's it
14:47.29ralfWORKomg is 2.4 out today?
14:47.38WobinAh, she wrote the book the movie was made from
14:47.47WobinHer son is also an author
14:47.58WobinBut he clearly has not learned anything about writing from his mother
14:48.13WobinWhich in a lot of the cases, is possibly a good thing =P
14:50.45LopeppeppyralfWORK, yes.
14:53.08zenzelezzare the final patch notes up anywhere yet?
14:53.18ralfWORKlooking at
14:54.10LopeppeppyOr are they are /patchnotes on the Blizz site?
14:54.22LopeppeppyOr just in your WoW folder on your computer?
14:54.43zenzelezzI'm EU, so I wouldn't expect them on my machine yet
14:55.05LopeppeppyZOMG must surf!  :)
14:55.58zenzelezzCairenn is usually pretty fast in copying them, but so far I don't see them
14:57.35ralfWORKso, I wonder if rep is needed for the profession items
14:57.43ralfWORKfrom Shattered Sun Offensive
14:57.57p30nralfWORK: what prof. items ?
14:58.04*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
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14:58.13ralfWORKp30n: enchanting/tailoring is what I'm looking at
14:58.21p30nand yes, i wonder, what is needed to get the badge vendor to spawn ? is it only SSO rep and if it is, how much?
14:58.23*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
14:58.37ralfWORKI think the badge vendor spawns during one of the opening phases
14:58.39ralfWORKbut idk
14:58.42p30nralfWORK: ok, the buyable plans ?
14:58.47ralfWORKp30n: correct
14:59.03p30nralfWORK: and the opening phases were gonne open simultaneously on all servers or how was it?
14:59.13p30nthey skipped the essence of immortals turn-in afaik
14:59.16ralfWORKp30n: that's how I understand it, yes
14:59.29p30nok, any info on how long time the phases will have?
14:59.42p30n1 opening / week would be imbah
14:59.56LopeppeppyCairenn is asleeping, most likely.
15:00.02p30ni already got badges for my 2 mains mainhands :)
15:00.14ralfWORKI have 244 badges as of last night
15:00.18ralfWORKI'm ready for the weapon
15:00.21ralfWORKand idk what else
15:00.31p30ni got 178 on my pala and 166 on my lock
15:00.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kazie (
15:00.40p30nthe weapon and maybe a ring
15:00.58p30nand maybe some healing palte gloves if i dont get em from leo tonite
15:02.27p30nits 5 o'clock somewhere in the world
15:02.29p30nlook it up
15:02.37p30ncuz im going home now :)
15:02.43ralfWORKlater :)
15:02.47p30nc ya
15:04.29ralfWORKmmkay, need  honored for the shard recipe
15:05.53ralfWORKlooks like P2 is when you can turn in badges
15:08.33ralfWORKhmm, 2.4 notes aren't out on blizzard yet
15:09.32ralfWORKguess that's normal though, eh?
15:09.50deltrontakes a while
15:10.18ralfWORKthey put them up when they turn the servers back on?
15:10.33|Pixel|"game" and "web" are different teams
15:10.48ralfWORKsure, I kinda assumed that
15:10.51|Pixel|they hardly would synchronized
15:10.51LopeppeppyLikely something like that however, to make sure they DO go live.
15:10.59ralfWORKalso kind of assumed that they would coordinate
15:11.12ralfWORKLopeppeppy: ahh makes sense
15:11.19zenzelezzpeople usually start putting the notes on the web (unofficially) when they're patching
15:11.20LopeppeppyI sure wouldn't put up patch notes until servers were online with a final version, that's just me.  Who knows how they roll in CA?
15:11.36ralfWORKLopeppeppy: yea, in case it blows up or something
15:11.38ralfWORKgood point
15:12.10ralfWORKso I need to do a damage-to-badge-cost analysis
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15:16.20ralfWORKmmm... I'm gonna get +102 spell damage just by upgrading weapon
15:16.24ralfWORKcackles madle
15:16.53p30ni R at home
15:16.57p30nepic win
15:17.28p30nyea, its close
15:18.33cog|workcladhaire: clad|office: Seerah: Cairenn|afk: topic needs some 2.4 love :)
15:19.05zenzelezz(and patch notes link when you can get your hands on them)
15:19.07p30nthe servers are up until tonite in EU :/
15:19.18p30nfor another 12h that is
15:19.27*** topic/#wowi-lounge by cladhaire -> | 2.4.x ToC: 20400 | WoW programming book | Esamynn remains undefated
15:20.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Erica (
15:23.42Ericathat cat is huge
15:25.35Ericathinking about going back to bed.... things are awfully quiet for a patch day
15:29.18zenzelezzof course it's quiet
15:29.30zenzelezzUS is still asleep, their servers aren't up, and EU couldn't care until tomorrow
15:30.44deltroni'm awake!
15:30.50ZealotOnAStickWe're not asleep.
15:30.54ZealotOnAStickOur servers are just down.
15:33.41*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
15:37.43zenzelezzthe flaor text on these rock:
15:37.51LopeppeppyUS is totally awake, zenzelezz!  It's bloody noon.
15:38.07Seerah10:37 here, peppy :P
15:38.13ralfWORKAHAHAHAH nice zenzelezz
15:38.51p30n17:38 <@Seerah> 10:37 here
15:39.10p30n:( 12h until we have ext. maintenance over
15:39.14p30ni reckon
15:47.34DBE-KinjWhen is maintence supposed to be over today?
15:48.01nevcairiel11 like always
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15:49.46LopeppeppyI thought it was listed as extended maintenance?  Or did they just start early?
15:50.02nevcairiel3 to 11
15:51.18Legorolextended maintenance has always been 3-11
15:51.43ScytheBlade1They still have the area checkbox as "Development"
15:51.59dylanmScytheBlade1: Saw that...
15:52.14ScytheBlade1That is good times, lol
15:53.01LegorolScytheBlade1: i'm lost, enlighten me..
15:56.27cladhaireTomTom updated to include Crazy-Taxi arrow and other goodies:
15:56.49Industrialhugs cladhaire
15:56.50ScytheBlade1Legorol: on the US client at least, if you login, you used to have two checkboxes for region. Now, you no longer do: it simply lists "Development"
15:58.05Legorolso you don't have checkboxes like eastern, central etc.?
15:58.18Legorolor are those just tabs on the realmlist screen
15:58.23ScytheBlade1It used to be something which meant north america, and oceanic
15:58.36ScytheBlade1Now we just have development, and the Oceanic tab has... disappeared
15:58.38Legorolin EU we properly have PvE, PvP, RP, RP-PvP
15:58.53ScytheBlade1... above those checkboxes :)
15:59.16Legorolok i'm confused, are we talking about the first screen that pops up after you log in, if you haven't selected a realm yet,
15:59.21Legorolor are we talking about the realm selection screen
15:59.32ScytheBlade1Well both
15:59.36Legorolor are you referring to the actual login screen with username/password fields
15:59.42ScytheBlade1The one with the PvE, PvP, etc. changed
15:59.52ScytheBlade1As did the realm selection screen, with the tabs at the bottom
16:00.07Legorolsomeone will have an "oops" over that
16:00.20ScytheBlade1As far as I can tell, the Oceanic servers disappeared all together
16:00.45Legorolthey will be happy ...
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16:01.06ScytheBlade1I can't remember which server IS an oceanic though
16:01.19Legorolyou think they merged the lists?
16:01.22zenzelezzthere's no Oceanic tab anymore?
16:01.31Legorolit'd been funnier if they nuked the oceanic realms from the realm selection
16:01.43ScytheBlade1zenzelezz: no, no more oceanic tab or region selection
16:02.34LegorolScytheBlade1: in EU, pre-2.4, the first-time selection screen has a language category (English, French, German, Spanish) and a realm style category (Normal, PvP etc.)
16:02.44Legorolthe realmlist screen has four tabs for the four languages
16:02.51Legorolwe'll find out what tomorrow brings
16:03.18ScytheBlade1We don't have a language selection, rather, a region selection :)
16:03.22ScytheBlade1"had" haha
16:04.32Legorolit's the same thing though
16:04.38Legorolit's tab-selection, whatever you call it
16:04.54ScytheBlade1And I really have to hand it to Blizzard... the background downloaded was awesome this round
16:04.58Legorolis the Normal, PvP etc. selection still available on the US client?
16:05.00deltronthis morning I got a "development" tab lol
16:05.02ScytheBlade1Only had 10MB to download today :)
16:05.11ScytheBlade1Yes @ Legorol
16:07.33Legorolzomg this is serious business, we even got a screenshot now!
16:07.53deltronserious business is my guild!
16:08.08Legorolso you can select developing countries as your location, cool
16:08.45Legoroli wonder if EU will be messed up too ^^
16:09.54LegorolChoose your location: Europe, pretending to be Europe, actually i'm in North America, I bought the wrong box
16:09.59Legoroli think those choices would work
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16:10.25AnduinLotharoh sweet, marks => honor. how did I miss those int he notes
16:10.43Legorolthey weren't in the notes initially
16:10.44Legorollate addition
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16:12.32zenzelezz"Blizzard Entertainment would like to dedicate the patch in memory of Gary Gygax." -- nice
16:12.44kd3sweet at the direct download actually doing something
16:13.35Legorolkd3, don't even get me started on that..
16:13.50LegorolPTRs are a nightmare for me as i can't use p2p, i always have to use roundabout ways to get PTR patches
16:14.05Legorolfeels his mouth starting to froth
16:14.09AnduinLotharzomg: The friends list now has a notes field per friend. Click on the note icon to add a note for a particular friend.
16:14.34AnduinLotharhow did i miss that too!
16:14.43Nom-*impatiently waits for servers to come up*
16:15.09ralfWORKI can't wait for them to come up
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16:15.18ScytheBlade1Oh, hey. They reverted the CC change.
16:15.18ralfWORKand I'm not even going to be able to play for 5 or 6 more hours :(
16:15.18Legoroli prophecise that 5000 people per realm will converge on Sunwell Isle, and promptly crash Eastern Kingdoms server as they all try to do the same 3 quests
16:15.31ralfWORKLegorol: agreed!
16:15.35Nom-CC change ?
16:15.52zenzelezzLegorol: not unlike BC release day then =)
16:15.53sacarascLegorol: it's on the outland server, though ;p
16:15.55ScytheBlade1Multi-shot, etc. would NOT break CCs <-- change that was reverted
16:16.02Nom-That sucks
16:16.03Legorolsacarasc: true, then that one will crash
16:16.10LegorolScytheBlade1: omg, really?
16:16.12ralfWORKScytheBlade1: i.e. from 2.3 -> 2.4 there is no CC change
16:16.14Legorolthat's awesome!
16:16.15zenzelezzyes, really
16:16.16ScytheBlade1Meh. I'm happy. Teaches the noobs to l2p.
16:16.19ScytheBlade1ralfWORK: heh, yeah
16:16.24ralfWORKright, ok
16:16.29Legorolthat means warrior tanking is back on equal footing as the rest
16:16.31ralfWORKthat's what I thought, just wanted to be sure :D
16:16.39zenzelezzLegorol: how so?
16:16.43Legorolthat CC change made me a bit angry, it made it so other tanking classes had it easier
16:16.50Legorolzenzelezz: thunder clap still broke all CCs
16:16.52Nom-Ugh.. did they at least make it so it doesn't crit rats ?
16:16.55Legorolbut say a bear's swipe didn't
16:17.10Nom-The number of times it's been hit, crit a rat for 4k, miss on my hold shield
16:17.11Legorolmultimob tanking staid hard for warriors, but was made ezmode for other classes
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16:17.17Nom-avenger's shield i mean
16:17.26Legorolyah that's the only thing they should've left in
16:17.30zenzelezzI thought they said the CC changes were reverted so most abilities still break CC
16:17.32Legorolcritters shouldn't be hit by spells like that
16:17.36Legorolzenzelezz: exactly
16:17.44Legorolsorry if i'm confusing
16:17.47Legorolwhat i tried to say is:
16:17.49kd3oh wow, whoops
16:17.55ralfWORKI saw a critter get hit with avenger's shield the other day
16:17.58kd3it's still trying to choose a realm in the devel region
16:17.58zenzelezzI don't see how warriors get it easier when TC breaks CC (if it still does)
16:17.59ralfWORKI laughed so hard
16:18.01Nom-Critters: Ambient level 1 creatures will no longer be picked as subsequent targets by chaining spells and abilities.
16:18.06Nom-oh good they left that much in
16:18.07Legorolzenzelezz: they don't
16:18.13Legorolok rephrasing
16:18.19Legorolwhen i originally saw the CC changes, i thought:
16:18.31zenzelezzwell that's what I'm trying to determine; *some* abilities still break CC according to a thread that was linked the other day
16:18.36nevcairieli think avengers shield is the only spell that doesnt affect CC now, all other were reverted
16:18.50Legorol"warriors still have it hard, our best multi-mob tanking ability (TC) still breaks CC,
16:18.57Legorolbut druids etc. have it easy now as their swipe doesn't"
16:18.57Nom-wait they didn't revert it completely
16:18.59Nom-Avenger.s Shield: This ability will no longer jump to secondary targets which are under the effect of crowd-control spells that break on taking damage. I.e. Polymorph, Sap, etc.
16:19.12Nom-But the patch note for Multi-shot is gone
16:19.15Legorolzenzelezz: we might be talking about two different points in time
16:19.17nevcairielyeah only avenger got the effect
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16:19.23nevcairielmultishot/cleave etc were reverted
16:19.24zenzelezzLegorol: could be, yes
16:19.32Legorolthe first version that came out on PTR had everything except TC preserve CC
16:19.42Nom-sweet, that's still pretty nice
16:19.46zenzelezzI'll just shut up and read
16:19.52Nom-makes it possible to use CC with a pally tank!
16:19.57ScytheBlade1Because apparently there is mass confusion here, I present to you a Blue Post(TM):
16:20.03Legorolnow the US folks are saying that in the actual live version has reverted that, so that most aoe-type abilities still break CC
16:20.15Legorolthanks ScytheBlade1 :)
16:20.17ScytheBlade1And with that, I'm off to shower
16:20.23Nom-Don't see how US folks could say that, Legorol
16:20.28Nom-Given the US realms are still down
16:20.51zenzelezzclick the link ScytheBlade1 just posted Nom-
16:21.33Nom-For "most"
16:21.42nevcairielall except avengers shield
16:21.43Nom-Avenger's Shield is still in the US patch notes
16:21.50nevcairieli've been saying that all day but noone listens
16:21.50Nom-Yep, that's all I care about for nwo
16:21.52Nom-It makes it useful :)
16:21.59Legorolzenzelezz: so my point about warriors was that if the CC-non-breaking change had gone live, it'd have made warrior tanking (relatively speaking) harder than bear tanking
16:22.14Legorolbecause warrior tanking would've staid on the same difficulty, whereas bears would've gotten ezmode
16:22.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
16:23.02zenzelezzLegorol: ah... you were talking in comparison >.<
16:23.28Legorolyes, i apologise for the confusing phrasement
16:23.39Josh_Borkeas well you should!
16:24.11Legorolzenzelezz: so this would've emphasised the (already existing) gap between how hard it is to tank as a bear/paladin compared to a warrior
16:24.33Legorol(discalimer: i'm talking 5-mans here, not raids. warrior tanks own in raids)
16:24.34zenzelezzLegorol: nah, your statement was fine, I was just doing a few things at the same time and missed part of what you were saying
16:25.17Legorolhaving said that, i have a new, unique perspective on why there is tank shortage on many realms
16:25.53Legorolapart from the usual theories that I all agree with (there are fewer tanks needed in raids than in 5-mans, as a proportion of players, that geared tanks don't want to bother with pugs/instances etc.), here is an extra argument:
16:26.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Elsia (
16:26.21Legoroli don't know about US, but in Eu the tendency is to make the tank immediately group leader and have him/her do marking for crowd control
16:26.45Legorolwhilst this is a good idea in principle, it has the undesired sideeffect that it immediately makes the tank not only a simple member of the group, but actually the strategist in the group
16:26.49ralfWORKthat's how we usually do it
16:27.08Legorolit means the tank has to know the place better than anyone else, know patrols, know mob abilities etc. and make strategic decisions
16:27.21Legorolthat's the part that people either suck at, hate doing, or both
16:27.33ralfWORKnaw, my tank sucks no matter what
16:27.35Legorolthat's what makes it harder in a group to be a tank
16:27.41Legorolin my opinion at least
16:27.45ralfWORKso if I mark for him, he always has some shit to say
16:27.53Legoroland the sad thing is, there is no particular reason why it'd have to be so
16:27.55ralfWORKif he marks it, I get to blame him for doing it wrong
16:28.07ralfWORKdunno man
16:28.17ralfWORKhe's the Big Crowd Control
16:28.29ralfWORKso where a mage might sheep
16:28.32Legorolthere have been many occasions where i'd have been prefectly fine going to an instance or pugging if only i didn't have to lead/mark
16:28.33zenzelezz<Legorol> it means the tank has to know the place better than anyone else <--- side track, but if I see a single person aggroing two groups on top of the stairs on the way to Teron again I'll go mental
16:28.33ralfWORK1 mob
16:28.42zenzelezzso many times we've shouted "stay to the freaking left"
16:28.52Legoroljust point me in the direction of the mobs and i'll tank them
16:28.57zenzelezzand they hug the right wall because "zomg must sheep" or "lose 2 seconds of DPS by waiting"
16:29.21Legorolzenzelezz: sadly i have never seen Teron, but your description suffices to convey the noobity of those involved
16:29.28*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
16:30.27Legorolthe thing is, i usually *like* leading and being the strategist in the group
16:30.38Legorolso i don't mind it, but i think it shouldn't always have to be like that
16:30.45Legorolit's a job that could be done by anyone else in the group
16:30.53ralfWORKbut it's kinda self-fulfilling
16:31.14Legorolwell sort of
16:31.14Legoroli also know that it makes pulling faster/easier if the puller is marking
16:31.15ralfWORKalso, different tanks like to do things different ways
16:31.17Josh_Borkecladhaire: recount needs an update
16:31.21Legoroland game mechanics dictate that in most situation it's the tank that pulls
16:31.28cladhaireJosh_Borke: okay, I don't update addons
16:31.34cladhairethanks for the info tho
16:31.35Josh_Borkecladhaire: sorry, approval?
16:31.38LegorolralfWORK: my point is that though, why does it matter how the tank likes to do it?
16:31.41cladhairei can do that
16:31.43Legorolultimately, it's just a strategic decision
16:31.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
16:31.50Legorollet me give you a comparison:
16:31.51Josh_Borkecladhaire: i hate you
16:31.55cladhairealready been done
16:31.56ralfWORKLegorol: oh. because tanks are usually meatheaded primadonas :)
16:32.09Legoroli like to sheep certain mobs, if i'm the marker, i expect the mage the sheep the one i marked and not make their own decision
16:32.22Legorolconversely, if someone else was marking and had the responsibility of making the decision,
16:32.23zenzelezzralfWORK: they aren't by nature; they become so because groups treat them too kindly
16:32.32cladhaireJosh_Borke: um.. i dont see recount on wowi...
16:32.32Legoroli would expect the warrior to tank the ones that he's been told to tank
16:32.34ralfWORKzenzelezz: I guess.
16:32.37Josh_Borkecladhaire: hm, nvm
16:32.39dru_I like to sheep MC'd tanks :-)
16:32.52dru_sheeping MC'd rogues is always good for a laff too
16:32.57ralfWORKzenzelezz: my tanks kinda suck, mostly
16:32.58Elsiacladhaire: it's not on wowi but it's updated on wowace and curse
16:33.08ralfWORKso dunno what to say
16:33.11cladhaireokay, can someone post the URL for curse?
16:33.12Legorolthere is a definite correlation between ego, power hunger, control freakishness, and being a tank :)
16:33.30ralfWORKLegorol: the one I have in mind... not really
16:33.35ralfWORKhe's actually really whiney
16:33.42ralfWORKesp. if he has to tank more than 1 thing
16:33.49ralfWORKor do anything requiring skill
16:33.58Legoroltanking more than 1 thing is an essential skill to learn
16:34.04ralfWORKyou think?
16:34.16Legorolanother favourite of mine, where i see a lot of tanks go wrong:
16:34.16ralfWORK(that was sarcasm)
16:34.23zenzelezzand it goes along with the "don't spread your DPS across all targets" strategy, except for special cases
16:34.27Legorolno, it's NOT the skull that needs your most attention, it's the rest
16:35.02ralfWORKI don't really see why tanking multiple mobs would be difficult
16:35.14ralfWORKdone it on my 55 warrior many times
16:35.16Legoroldepends on your class and the presence of crowd control
16:35.18ralfWORKso long as DPS doesn't act an ass
16:35.23ralfWORKit's not a huge issue
16:35.32Legorolif there is a sheep around, i can't TC, it makes it harder
16:35.33ralfWORKnow, maybe when it comes to raid-time, it's different
16:35.36ralfWORKbut I doubt it
16:35.47Legorolit means i have to switch between mobs to hit them one at a time, making sure i skip the sheep
16:36.00Legorolit requires quick and accurate targeting of several mobs in sequence
16:36.03Legorolthat takes skill
16:36.08ralfWORKI guess
16:36.15ralfWORKkind of like breathing takes "skill"
16:36.21Legorolthat's why i demand mages to sheep early so i can just TC away :D
16:36.29LegorolralfWORK: i disagree
16:36.35zenzelezzwarriors have trouble tanking a lot of mobs becuase our only AoE-ish abilities are low-damage. It can be done, certainly, but it requires cooperation from your group in so far as they have to hit the right targets only
16:36.53ralfWORKzenzelezz: I'm just talking about keeping over healing threat
16:36.59ralfWORKnot even talking about tanking an AOE group
16:37.00zenzelezzdear god
16:37.07zenzelezzif you can't do that, you should change class
16:37.20ralfWORKyes. he has a warlock. he should play that
16:37.46zenzelezz"Players will now be able to inspect other players via their chat link." -- I missed this bit of news previously :-o
16:37.56ralfWORKohhh I think I did too
16:38.06dru_our primary Warrior MT is able to maintain more aggro on 2-3 mobs at once than our feral druid tanks
16:38.31ralfWORKdru_: so... he's not a mouth breather
16:38.34art3misheh i love the priest updates
16:38.36dru_and if it's an aggro dropping encounter, our pally tanks all struggle to regain aggro because of the mana burn
16:38.49ralfWORKart3mis: I'm looking forward to Fearward in shadow form
16:38.54zenzelezzdepends on the encounter really
16:38.57ralfWORKother than that, I don't recall anything exciting
16:38.59art3misbuncha spells now get a benefit they're supposed to me, bunch of other spells no penalize properly
16:39.06zenzelezzfor Void Reaver, we can pretty much sit back and let our paladin do the whole fight
16:39.07foxlitzenzelezz: I think that's just an added menu entry
16:39.14dru_I've watched him, and it's basically tab / hit /tab /hit tab
16:39.20ralfWORKdru_: yep
16:39.26ralfWORKdid a heroic bot with a tank
16:39.29ralfWORKno CC at all
16:39.34ralfWORKworked fine
16:39.39ralfWORKand those are some monster puls
16:39.47AnduinLothari usually forgo cc when tanking heroics
16:40.19AnduinLotharI've even double pulled in KZ a couple times and lived through it
16:40.36zenzelezz"Primal Nether are no longer Bind on Pickup!" -- I like how this one has an exclamation mark
16:40.38ralfWORKwell things like ZA
16:40.40AnduinLotharer, not KZ, ZA
16:40.43dru_most groups that have are running with folks geared in Kara+ gear do
16:40.47AnduinLotharKZ is cake
16:40.50Legorolhad to afk so i missed part of this the chat, but
16:41.04Legorolgood warrior tanks are very effective, but it's harder to be good than with bear/pali imo
16:41.06ralfWORKwe usually run KZ with a prot pally
16:41.18ralfWORKhe's handy on trash
16:41.25Legorolzenzelezz: lol
16:41.29AnduinLothari hate being prot unless i'm raiding
16:41.39dru_if you are talking about  group with new 70's or undergeared tanks.
16:42.02AnduinLotharit's so useless. I've been known to lose the prisoner escort daily because i was prot spec and he got killed...
16:42.10dru_we rand heroic Mech with 3 mages a lock and a holy priest the other night.
16:42.34ralfWORKI hope to never do heroic mech ever again
16:42.39dru_didn't get the fire bich down, but cleared the rest :-)
16:42.44Legorolmay i please remind folks that the difficulty of a particular instance/raid etc. is entirely relative to your gear
16:42.50LegorolKZ was a hard place when noone had epics
16:42.51Josh_Borkeand skill level
16:42.54dru_it's the easiest 5 badges inthe game
16:42.59ralfWORKI've helped 2 of our tanks get the stupid sword
16:43.03foxlitSkill level takes a back seat!
16:43.04LegorolJosh_Borke: skill only matters somewhat until you outgear the place
16:43.18Legorolskill level is a positive/negative adjustment factor to your gear level ;-)
16:43.19zenzelezz"Critters: Ambient level 1 creatures will no longer be picked as subsequent targets by chaining spells and abilities." <-- wasn't someone complaining about critters just 15 minutes ago?
16:43.23ralfWORKLegorol: no. I gotta disagree with you there
16:43.23dru_up to  point.
16:43.32ralfWORKgear is good, skill is better
16:43.34dru_some fights, remain hard regardless of gear.
16:43.39Legorolok let's put it this way:
16:43.43dru_most I agree.
16:43.46Legorolskill always matters
16:43.53foxlitsome fights, you can't do without the gear
16:43.57ralfWORKwe had a prot warrior that still had a few blues on tanking Halazzi last night
16:43.59Legorolthere are some fights which you can't do no matter your skill without the gear, and vice versa
16:44.06ralfWORKgot him to 6%
16:44.08Legorolfor most things, skill and gear is a little bit exchangable
16:44.14Legoroland a lot of things can be trivialised by outgearing them
16:44.19dru_but the Vash fight is great example of a fight that requires skill and communication as much as it does gear
16:44.34foxlitSkill? Communication?!
16:44.45nevcairielcommunication maybe
16:44.46ScytheBlade1Yeah, weird concepts, I know.
16:44.47foxlitYou stand there and dps things
16:44.51ScytheBlade1ie, "macros"
16:44.52LegorolralfWORK: halazzi is a pretty good check for your gear
16:44.52nevcairielbut skill
16:44.58foxlitYou toss the core to anyone closer than you to the pylons
16:45.01Legoroldoesn't require much skill, except a quick cleanser and awake dps
16:45.03ScytheBlade1Most all of the Vashj fight can be trivialized by macros.
16:45.09foxlitMacros are bloody useless
16:45.16ralfWORKLegorol: we didn't have awake DPS
16:45.19ralfWORKI'm just saying
16:45.20foxlitIf people can't detect they can't move and are debuffed
16:45.23foxlitThey shouldn't be raiding
16:45.25ralfWORKthat's thought of as a gear check
16:45.36foxlit(and Vashj enrage timer = tight)
16:45.38AnduinLotharvashj sucks
16:45.40ralfWORKand I doubt that blues were what blizzard thought you'd be wearing for that
16:45.41dru_foxlit, yeah, IE skill.
16:45.46Shirik|zZzif you can't figure out what to do
16:45.50foxlitSo it's much more of a gear fight than it's any kind of "skill"
16:45.51Shirik|zZzor not know you have the core
16:45.54Shirik|zZzI'm just like "wtf"
16:46.05LegorolralfWORK: i disagree, ZA animal bosses are doable with 10 people in half blue/half epic, if they are very good players
16:46.12Legorolprobably beyond as well
16:46.25nevcairielthe hexlord is rather hard with blue-ish gear
16:46.30dru_Legorol: I don't theink gear i nZA matters until the last two bosses
16:46.39Legoroldru_: i disagree a lot
16:46.42ScytheBlade1ZA is a joke.
16:46.45Legorolnalorakk does require a certain amount of gear
16:46.52Legorolconsider the silence effect from the bear
16:46.59Legorolthe tank needs to survive possibly only on hots
16:47.03Legorolthat's definitely a gear check
16:47.13ScytheBlade1I run it with Kara geared people on my Kara geared resto druid, and we pulled 3/4 chests.
16:47.17dru_it's also a skill check.
16:47.18nevcairielwe did ZA with a maybe 1/3 blue, 2/3 kara epics group, the animal bosses were easy
16:47.22nevcairielhexlord was a bitch
16:47.25ralfWORKI do agree the more gear and skill you have, the less "random" things become
16:47.40ScytheBlade1Hexlord requires two healers to be awake. </fight>
16:47.43foxlitHexlord is a bitch even in t6 epics
16:47.48foxlitbloody cc
16:47.53ralfWORK(I hate it when people cry "it's too random!")
16:47.54Legoroli'd say ZA animal bosses are reasonably doable in half blue half epic, with decent skill
16:48.05Legorolthe less gear you have, the more skill you need, but at a certain point it becomes impossible
16:48.08Legoroleg. you can't do it in greens
16:48.12dru_Legorol: are you using the two tank / split the cleave strat on bear ?
16:48.23ralfWORKyou can't do it naked
16:48.25Legoroldru_: irrelevant, i'm not talking about specific strat
16:48.33LegorolralfWORK: so we aren't really arguing
16:48.40Legorolwe all agree that certain amount of gear is needed
16:48.47ralfWORKaight, sure.
16:48.52Legorolthe only thing worth arguing about is where that (very fuzzy) line is
16:48.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Arthenik (
16:49.07dru_I disagree, we've used tanks that are just starting Kara gear on bear, and had no issues.
16:49.10Legorolfor the average raiding population, for animal bosses, i'd put that line at half-blue half-epic
16:49.21Legoroldru_: that's already good gear, by some standards
16:49.21ralfWORKI'm arguing because 9/10 of the time, people who say they don't have the gear are generally shitty players
16:49.23dru_yes, we have outstanding healers.
16:49.32Legorolyou guys keep forgetting that no matter what gear you have, there is always worse gear :)
16:49.43LegorolralfWORK: that's true as well
16:49.46ScytheBlade1Legorol: average raiding population with an IQ higher than 50. Which, sadly, is not most of the people who call their own selves "raiders" (but agreed at line placement)
16:49.51Legoroland dru_: yes, good healers help
16:50.05Legoroli was going to finish my line about the ZA thing :)
16:50.13foxlitTeron is an awesome fight
16:50.14Legoroli was going to say that, for most guild i'd say try ZA when you are half epic
16:50.20dru_I will say that, despite the current trends, I personally don't like running any 10+ man without a true warr tank.
16:50.22Legorolin my own guild, i'd say people are ready when they are nearly full epic :)
16:50.32ralfWORKwhen I go to ZA
16:50.38ralfWORKI look for people who have cleared KZ
16:50.50foxlitUnfortunately, it can take entire nights because it is more or less the only fight that people have to think about what they're going to do, or wipe the raid regardless of who they are.
16:50.50ralfWORKand yea, should be at *least* half epic
16:50.51Legorolwhen you say "cleared", do you mean they have done each encounter at least once?
16:50.55dru_I know the druid and pally tanks are all the rage right now, but I'll take my warr tanks anytime.
16:51.06ralfWORKLegorol: I start with that, yes
16:51.18Legoroland what about people who got boosted through KZ :)
16:51.28ralfWORKLegorol: I don't like them as much :)
16:51.38Legorolbut you can't tell that if you are making a pug :)
16:51.44Legorolif it's your guild group, then of course you know your players
16:51.48ralfWORKnot always, no
16:51.51ralfWORKbut sometimes you can
16:51.51dru_legorol I view 'cleared' as oneshotting an instance
16:52.01foxlit(Ultimate skill encounter: Shartuul)
16:52.07ralfWORKdru_: that's farmed :)
16:52.13Legorolall hail Shartuul! i love that guy
16:52.24ralfWORKLegorol: if I see a mage in blues and a green and a Mindblade, then I can assume he's been boosted through :D
16:52.28Legoroldru_: we have KZ on farm, had it for looooooong time, yet can occasionally wipe on trash
16:52.33foxlitWonder if they fixed the teleporter abuse
16:52.35Legorolso does it mean we haven't got it cleared? :)
16:52.38dru_farmed is when a core group can insert undergeared newbs and STILL oneshot it :-)
16:52.41Legorolit's just people not paying attention usually
16:52.48Legoroldru_: ok that's where we're at
16:53.02Legoroldoes cleared come before farm?
16:53.09dru_not always :(
16:53.12foxlitdru_: that definition only works because undergeared nubs have to try really hard to wipe you in kara
16:53.18foxlitAlthough they can still block Aran!
16:53.19ralfWORKwait, I thought farmed comes when you all get on your alts and still win
16:53.22ralfWORKisn't that cleared? :P
16:53.31*** part/#wowi-lounge Elsia (
16:53.42Legoroli think most people's definition of "cleared" is that you have killed each boss at least once
16:53.53Legoroland farm is if you can run the place without undue wiping
16:54.04dru_Legorol: the one that cracks me up is the gruul runs that wipe 3times on trash and oneshot both bosse
16:54.22Legoroldru_: our usual pattern is 3 wipes on maulgar, one-shot gruul
16:54.33ralfWORKHKM needs a few key ppl geared
16:54.37Legorolthat's because maulgar needs more skill than gruul
16:54.41ralfWORKother than that, you can do it with mouth breathers just fine
16:54.48Legorolkind of skill that is hard to counter by gear alone
16:55.06Legorolyou'd think, wouldn't you..
16:55.07dru_maulgaur doesnt really give us too much problem, mostly because of the skill of our healers
16:55.11foxlitSign my petition: "Unnerf Gruul" People have had a free-ride for too long, it's time to bring back the PAIN!
16:55.16Legoroluntil the newbs run right up to Kiggler and cause a pbaoe
16:55.20Shirikanyone not using grid have a recommendation for raid frames?
16:55.20Legorolknocking half the raid around
16:55.30dru_and we usually have at least two mages.
16:55.34foxlitShirik: pullouts when I need them :P
16:55.40ralfWORKLegorol: oh wait, how about last week 2 hunters at 2 different times pulled with a pet
16:55.45Legorolskilled healers can help a lot
16:55.49Shiriknot enough info
16:55.54LegorolralfWORK: did it cause a wipe?
16:56.03ralfWORKLegorol: mostly. we ran out. some lived.
16:56.17foxlitShirik: debuffs, health, mana.
16:56.18Legorolwe don't usually have hte hunters pulling with pet, they tend to bodypull instead :)
16:56.20dru_for example our last run, we had three mages in Krosh gear (we kill him second to last).
16:56.21Legorolthey are positioning for MDs
16:56.28Shirikand not easily seen :P
16:56.37Shirikneeds to be info at a glance
16:56.39ralfWORKShirik: not really, unfortunately
16:56.43dru_and lost our first mage tank to a flukey resist
16:56.50dru_(I hate the hitcapped 1% resist)
16:56.51Shirikwhen you have 25 of those open, it's not really at a glance anymore
16:56.55ralfWORKShirik: I like pitbull, but I haven't gotten it to work with clique really
16:57.12cladhairewhat do you mean "getting it to work"?
16:57.30dru_a second mage picked up the spellsteal tanking, and we stil onceshotted.
16:57.49dru_without skilled mages and healers, losing the mage tank is a wipe on that fight
16:58.00cladhaireyou shouldn't need to mess with pitbull, it should just work with whatever click-bindings you have se yuop
16:58.15ralfWORKit's a user error, cladhaire
16:58.24ralfWORKI just haven't addressed it yet
16:58.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Recluse (
16:58.40ralfWORKwhat I was saying is, pitbull is reaaaally configurable
16:58.47ralfWORKso you might want to try it
16:58.50Legorollater folks
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16:59.44kd3the calm before the storm
16:59.50kd3looks for a beer
17:00.02ScytheBlade1Apt description
17:00.58dru_how many mac users are there here ?
17:01.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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17:01.36dru_I'm working on a replacement for Wowjustu for progression rankings.
17:01.46ralfWORKdon't like it?
17:02.05ScytheBlade1... and what does that have to do with macs? ;)
17:02.13dru_I'm toying with setting up xgrid clients that any mac use can download and run to help distribute the load for faster updates.
17:02.25ralfWORKoh aren't you fancy
17:02.36dru_(think Seti for th Armory)
17:02.37Cidesounds like overkill
17:02.54ralfWORKif you did that for WWS
17:02.56ralfWORKI'd love you more
17:02.59dru_Cide I'm not sure, Wowjustus is very slow to update
17:03.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|AFK (n=skullsho@2002:44cd:fcb4:0:0:0:44cd:fcb4)
17:03.19CideralfWORK: I can't imagine wws data being difficult to parse?
17:03.21ralfWORKI don't know how much of wowjutsu's speed is from processing and how much is just the armory crawl
17:03.24Cideor slow
17:03.33dru_ralfWORK: actually, that's also on the list.
17:03.53dru_cide the slow part is not the parsing, it's the analysis
17:04.05dru_the individual data files are easy
17:04.38dru_it's the aggregation into an easily minable collection that ges painful
17:04.50dru_particularly if you get multiple sources for the same encounter.
17:05.02Shirik|AFKstupid brighthouse...
17:05.05dru_since they aren'y exact duplicates.
17:05.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Malgayne (
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17:05.37dru_that's the ugly part of the WWS.
17:06.17dru_compare the WWS data for the same encounters from multiple sources, parse, aggregate and then generate a single composite data stream
17:06.49Maldivia2.4, hehe... "Choose your language", "Development" :)
17:07.18Arthenikis there anyone who could explain OnClick to me please? i would like to script a frame to execute an action when i click on it and i get errors
17:07.57MaldiviaArthenik: OnClick is only available on Buttons
17:08.55kd3sioraiocht, lmao
17:08.56MaldiviaArthenik: but what's the error you're getting?
17:09.00ArthenikMaldivia: >would that mean that i cannot create buttons using eepanels?
17:10.11Arthenik[string "<OnClick> ToggleAutoRun() </OnClick>"]:1: unexpected symbol near '<'
17:10.42MaldiviaArthenik: you can't toggle autorun anyway, it's protected
17:11.01*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
17:11.26Artheniki just wanted it as for a test, because its quite visible when it works :P i guess ill have to find something else then, thanks
17:11.40Arthenik*(minus as)
17:11.42MaldiviaArthenik: but also, I would assume eepanels expect lua code, and not xml, but I could be mistaken
17:11.52MaldiviaArthenik: but the error would indicate that aswell
17:11.58cladhairewowhead is slowing down
17:12.08cladhairethat certainly makes it difficult to mine
17:12.35ArthenikMaldivia: yeah, thats probably it... i just started looking into it yesterday
17:13.06*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar_ (
17:13.45ArthenikMaldivia: i found this though on the eepanels official thread at "Scripts can be attached as such: OnHide,OnShow, OnEnter, OnClick, OnLeave, OnEvent, OnUpdate, OnLoad. the engine will automatically wrap your code in a function for you and you dont have to register for an event explictily, using the above script it would be defined as follows in kgPanels:"
17:14.45ArthenikMaldivia: stupid me, hes talking about a different addon... a successor to eepanels. guess ill have to download it then
17:15.46Maldiviaif you can enter lua code, you can just: this:SetScript("OnClick", function() DoTheCode() end)
17:16.12cladhaireMaldivia: in this case it wraps your code, so that would't work either
17:16.20cladhaireyou'd have to understand the specific application, this isn't raw api
17:16.28cladhaireand i think Arthenik has it figured out anyway :p
17:16.38Arthenikyeah :D thanks guys
17:17.12Arthenikthis also sparked an interest in lua for me, i might look into it
17:17.14Maldiviacladhaire: yeah, must admit, haven't looked at eePanels in a long time, so not really well versed in it's way of attaching code to its frames :)
17:17.34LopeppeppyDuct tape and a promise....
17:17.47Maldiviacladhaire: I know the "raw" API - that's what I usually stick to :)
17:18.08Arthenikwell, off to SVN and the drawing board... bye bye and thanks again :)
17:21.28*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
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17:25.50TemWhy do I always listen to the whole song whenever I get rick roll'd?
17:26.10Maldiviabecause it's a good song?
17:26.17Cideit is a pretty good song
17:28.20Maldiviahehe... 5.3 mil and 7.5 mil views on youtube :)
17:28.23Shirikhey cool, the dev realms are up
17:28.31ShirikI tried to log in and "Development" was one of the options
17:28.34Shirikwouldn't let me log in though :(
17:28.46Cidefoxlit: haha, that's awesome
17:29.14MaldiviaShirik: yep, laughed about that aswell :)
17:29.53batrickwould be nice if there was a dev realm for addon authors :)
17:30.15Cideagreed, but not gonna happen :P
17:30.21kergothagreed, too
17:30.34ShirikTTR was pretty good for that
17:30.43Shirikwell, unless you're trying to test mob threat or something
17:30.44SixenForums are being gay :/
17:30.45Shirikthen it sucked
17:31.09batrickit just brings to mind things like inventory management or testing code that reacts to a spell
17:31.12Maldiviahmm... go go WoWI beta "giveaway" again :)
17:31.15batrickespecially spells with long cooldowns
17:31.33Shirikoh yeah
17:31.44Shirikit would be nice to be able to like perform special commands
17:31.49Shiriklike reset cooldowns
17:31.53batrickbecause waiting 10-30 minutes between tests really blows
17:31.59ShirikI think it would be abused though
17:32.08batrickdev realm?
17:32.20Shirikhell, people go crazy on PTR doing BGs and whatever
17:32.25Shirikbecause they think it's more fun or something
17:32.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
17:32.37Shiriksurely some people will go around pew pewing everything being all "hey look I'm a GM lawl"
17:32.42dylanmThey should give Cairren the keys.
17:32.44batrickthe idea would be only certain accounts could log on
17:32.52foxlitShirik: I'd guess it's mostly because they get premade characters
17:33.15MaldiviaLunessa: shhh
17:33.18foxlitIf those realms are the same as live, and you could only transfer existing characters, I don't really see the appeal to anyone :)
17:33.26foxlitWipe them every so often as well
17:33.29batrickplus i'm sure the cost of a dev realm is not that appealing for blizz
17:33.40batrickeven though addon authors are worth a lot to them :P
17:34.16LopeppeppyMorning, Lunessa.
17:34.29Lunessatackle-hugs Lopeppeppy
17:36.23Shirikglomps Lopeppeppy
17:36.29kd3pokes curse
17:37.23art3misloads up the squirrel gun and fires on everyone.
17:38.26kd3welp. looks like it's time to retire the forum hamsters...
17:38.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
17:38.50batrickShirik: that competition done yet??
17:38.54dylanmHow long has Curse been down
17:38.56Shiriknegative, next week
17:38.59LopeppeppyWhee... now I feel very muchloved.
17:39.00Shirikhowever, what do you need?
17:39.05Lopeppeppysmiles at Shirik and Lunessa
17:39.12batrickwell some compiled binaries for windows would be great =)
17:39.25Shirikkk, let me update and see what I can do
17:39.30Shiriknot doing anything else right now (though I should be)
17:39.39batricki know the feeling
17:40.17SixenForum hamsters? They'll more like Forum Fly's.
17:40.26SixenThey aren't running on that wheel for anything :/
17:40.49LopeppeppyNope.  [Server Ferrets] and [Forum Hamsters].  Not their fault if the wheel falls off the spoke sometimes.
17:41.32Shirikthat did not just happen.....
17:41.36ShirikI think I just lost my changes ><
17:41.50Shirikbecause someone decided to ... restructure the repository ><
17:42.12Lopeppeppybacks away from Shirik slowly
17:42.36batricki thought i told u i did
17:42.53Shirikoh well
17:42.54Sixenhides in a corner behind Lopepp
17:42.57Shiriknothing that can't be redone
17:43.01Maldiviaohh... google knows the time
17:43.12batrickit's for the greater good
17:44.09*** join/#wowi-lounge widger|work (i=c64a263b@gateway/web/ajax/
17:44.21*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o widger|work] by ChanServ
17:44.32Shiriksrc\filum.c(27) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'sys/time.h': No such file or directory
17:44.34Shirikfun times
17:44.50Shirikwtf is pthread_cleanup_push?
17:45.20Shirikstop that!
17:45.26ShirikYou're supposed to make batrick give the answers
17:45.29Shirikmake him work
17:46.50Shirikthat's going to be fun to push over to windows...
17:47.05ScytheBlade1Nothing like pushing 2.4MB/sec upstream of WoW patch data
17:47.06Shirikalso this is curious: status = KLUA_COND_VAR_WAIT(from->queue, from->mutex);
17:47.14Maldiviahmm... so 2.4 today... so can we expect a 2.5 announcement next tuesday :)
17:47.21batrickhow is that curious shirik
17:47.27batrickwhen was the last time you updated?
17:47.28Shirikwell, in Windows, it's defined as #define KLUA_COND_VAR_WAIT(c, m) (SleepConditionVariableCS(& (c) , m , INFINITE), (void)(0))
17:47.43Shirikand casting from void to int doesn't go very well :P
17:48.10ShirikBut that actually has another issue in that we don't have condition variables in Windows anyway
17:48.13Shirikgah, I have a lot of work to do
17:48.42CideGET TO WORK
17:48.45Shirikdo namespaces exist in C?
17:48.52ralfWORKI don't wanna do work
17:48.56Shirikbut structs do
17:48.57ralfWORKI wanna wait for 2.4
17:49.11batrickshirik, you need to take a day and read the K&R C book
17:49.18nevcairielUS servers are already coming back up
17:49.21ShirikI don't want to corrupt my mind
17:49.23batrickC++ has corrupted you
17:49.40nevcairieli told him yesterday already to get a K&R
17:49.53ShirikAnd I told batrick to get TC++PL
17:49.57Shirikbut he didn't listen
17:50.02ShirikSo I'm not listening!
17:50.03batrickya if i wanted kindling i'd go pick up some sticks
17:50.06nevcairielK&R is THE book!
17:50.16ShirikTC++PL IS THE BOOK
17:50.29zenzelezzI must agree with Shirik
17:51.01*** part/#wowi-lounge widger|work (i=c64a263b@gateway/web/ajax/
17:51.03nevcairieli dont even know which book you mean, can you type a name that i can google? :P
17:51.13zenzelezzThe C++ Programming Language
17:51.29batrick!g The C++ Programming Language
17:51.30batbotbatrick: The C Programming Language <>
17:51.46zenzelezzby Stroustrup of course
17:51.49Shirikok this is going to sound really stupid because it's SO MUCH EASIER in C++
17:51.56nevcairielhaha batbot owns C++
17:51.59nevcairielit gets us a K&R
17:52.14Shirikhow do you define a structure? typedef struct { } name; ?
17:52.26zenzelezzShirik: just like a class
17:52.31zenzelezzstruct name { ... };
17:52.35Shirikthat's legal in C++
17:52.38ShirikI don't thin kit is in C
17:52.41Shirikis it?
17:53.06nevcairielit is
17:53.14zenzelezzI thought it was; my understanding was that the typedef is just to define pointers and other crap in the same bit of code... but I don't care about C, I use C++
17:53.14TemShirik, I think it's legal in C if you don't have -pedantic on
17:53.32kd3oh wow. realms appear to be coming up
17:53.33nevcairielits perfectly legal in all C Tem
17:53.39Shirikah ok
17:53.58Temnevcairiel, I'm 99% certain you're wrong
17:54.15Temstruct name {} has not alwasy been legal C
17:54.52TemI know this because I got yelled at because I "wasn't writing C" on the test I was taking to avoid taking the C class
17:54.54batrickstruct name {...} is what you use to define a structure
17:54.57nevcairielit is legal in ANSI C, with -pedantic on
17:54.58zenzelezzcurse you for bringing up interesting discussions when I'm about to make food
17:55.00Temin c++
17:55.02batrickthe typedef just gives it an identifier name
17:55.10kd3our locale options include "development" and "united states"
17:55.18Shirikyeah kd3, isn't it awesome? :P
17:55.25ShirikActually oceanic was up at one point but it went back down
17:55.28Temwoah woah woah
17:55.31ScytheBlade1kd3: that changes based on the realms available, it would seem
17:55.35Temthe realms are coming up on time?
17:55.37Temon a patch day?
17:55.43ScytheBlade1Tem: no joke
17:55.45kd3they're showing up in the patch list, but they're still offline
17:55.56Temoh wow
17:55.56ScytheBlade1They were online for a moment
17:56.06Temthat would be hot
17:56.28Temgoes to find some food in hopes that the servers come up soon
17:56.49zenzelezzI remember when Anarchy Online had their weekly maintenance or even patches... you could always tell when the servers were coming back up because the guy in charge of the servers would log off IRC
17:56.55Temnevcairiel, I could be wrong.  In fact, I'd like to be wrong because I really hate the woman who yelled at me.
17:56.59batricktem hopes the servers don't come up before he gets back
17:57.16TemI consider her incompitent
17:57.23Temwell isn't that ironic
17:57.49TemI mispelled the word incompetent
17:57.57nevcairielTem: you can use typedef so you dont need the struct keyword in variable declaration anymore .. but thats all
17:58.30SixenThe EU/ES/DE/FR/KR all have announced a patch on their maintenance tomorrow.
17:58.38Temwell, basically, I got an earful after the test because "struct name {...} is not proper C"
17:58.39SixenIt's up for US today, :p
17:58.53batricklol wut?
17:59.04nevcairielTem: thats why you always pack your K&R to correct them
17:59.08batrickthat IS proper C
17:59.10Shirikanother stupid question
17:59.21Shiriknm, answered it myself
17:59.23batrickslap her in the fase the dumb bitch
17:59.35Temwtf is a K&R
17:59.37batrickwith the K&R book in fact
17:59.40Shirikit's the official book of C
17:59.45Shirikit's like the C bible
17:59.59TemC is for people messing with low level systems
18:00.03Temand lua
18:00.16batrickLopeppeppy: wat?!!?!
18:00.17Shirik<3 low level systems :(
18:00.23cog|workis with Shirik
18:00.28Shirikbut I use C++ on embedded systems actually
18:00.34Sixenwaves to Cog
18:00.35nevcairieli love full control over what my code does
18:00.39cog|workwaves back
18:00.39nevcairieland C is all about that =P
18:00.50Tem"It is the programmer's responsibility"
18:00.52Shirikbeing able to manipulate pointers directly is so nice
18:01.03TemI do miss pointers
18:01.07Temoh well
18:01.08ShirikI was able to write some extremely efficient code the other day just because of my ability to add 4 to a pointer
18:01.17ShirikJava can't do that
18:01.23Temno, it can't
18:01.30Tem~exception Shirik
18:01.31purlACTION throws a NullPointerException at Shirik.
18:01.42batricklol null pointer
18:01.43sylvanaar_workpointer arithmatic, how nasty
18:01.44cog|workcourse nothin' beats assembly...
18:01.47Shirikis wrapped with a try{} catch(...) {}
18:01.49batrickthats kinda ironic
18:02.04ShirikC++'s coolest feature, catch(...)
18:02.11Shiriktry to crash my program now!
18:02.22nevcairielcreates a buffer overflow
18:02.30sylvanaar_workcreates stack overflow
18:02.39ShirikI'll add a SIGSEGV handler
18:03.01nevcairielif it reaches SIGSEGV you can just restart the whole thing essentially <.<
18:03.04Shirikactually I don't know how to handle a stack overflow :/
18:03.09sylvanaar_workcreates out of memory condition
18:03.17Shiriksylvanaar_work: That would be caught :)
18:03.30Shirikout of memory triggers std::bad_alloc being thrown, which is caught by the catch(...)
18:03.35nevcairielyeah out of memory is catchable
18:03.37cog|workremoves a pin from one of the memory banks
18:03.44Shiriknot fair...
18:03.53sylvanaar_workyes, but it could still crash you depending on what you do next
18:04.02Shirikgoto beginning
18:04.09cog|workNow THAT's low-level control...
18:04.14batrickdo a longjmp luke
18:04.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
18:04.49Shirik2.4 maintenance extended 1:30
18:05.03nevcairieli wonder if we can use C++ in our computer graphics class next semester, or if we have to do it in raw C
18:05.08Shirik12:30 PDT/3:30 EDT is the new expected time
18:05.15ShirikScytheBlade1: I meant one hour 30 mintues :P
18:05.26batrickraw C for graphics ayya
18:05.33sylvanaar_work"theres a ***in surprise" - Joe Pesci
18:05.43nevcairieli think its OpenGL .. OpenGL C Interface is C++ i suppose?
18:05.47Shirikthat's depressing
18:05.52ShirikI saw that and immediately thought "triple pointer"
18:06.14batrickwow shirik
18:06.15sylvanaar_workit works for triple pointer too
18:06.45Shirikquiet batrick, trying to implement condition variables because some genius decided for 15 years that they weren't necessary in a kernel!
18:06.47batricki've yet to see code with a quadruple pointer
18:06.52ShirikI have some
18:06.54Shirikif you'd like to see it
18:07.05sylvanaar_workbatrick orly
18:07.11ScytheBlade1Whee, broke 20mbit upstream
18:07.11nevcairielif you start passing around arrays of data, or even arrays of strings
18:07.16nevcairielyou get to quadruple :P
18:07.17batrickno it's probably just... int ****a; // lol quadruple pointer
18:07.31cog|workwindows programming is ripe with that kind of stuff... A handle to anything gets you halfway there...
18:07.55Shirikit was basically like
18:08.07sylvanaar_workone time i pastey'd some code my coworker wrote - no doubt it has some 5x pointers in it
18:08.14Shirikit was a two dimensional array that needed to be allocated by a called function and the new pointer passed back, that's 3
18:08.22ShirikI forget what the fourth part of that was
18:08.34batrickI didn't say it wasn't possible
18:08.44*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
18:08.48nevcairieltwo dimensional array of strings that needs to be allocated
18:08.51nevcairiel4 stars
18:09.11batrickget back to work
18:09.15ShirikI am working!
18:09.17Shiriklook at this beauty!
18:09.23Shirikstruct klua_cond_var
18:09.23ShirikKLUA_MUTEX m_mtx;
18:09.25Shirikso much work done!
18:09.31batrickwhat the fuck is that
18:09.40Shirikthat's my condition variable that I need to implement
18:09.42nevcairielits his struct with one member var =P
18:09.46batrickweeps for his once beautiful code
18:09.55Shirikhey, it's wrapped in #ifdef _WIN32
18:09.56Shirikdon't worry
18:10.08batricki hope so
18:10.08Shirikfunny thing is
18:10.17Shirikwhen compiling for 64 bit windows, _WIN32 is still defined
18:10.25batrick!g porting pthread code to windows
18:10.26batbotbatrick: Photos <>
18:10.30batrickmaybe that will help
18:10.31Shirik... wow
18:10.51batrickthat's useless
18:10.53batrickamazingly so
18:10.58nevcairielthats like a empty page
18:11.08batrickno but really, someone probably has some advice on cond vars for windows
18:11.53zenzelezzcan't you use some form of the Windows mutexes or semaphores or other kernel objects? Not too familiar with them myself, or what you're trying to accomplish
18:11.55cog|workLunessa: that applies to me to an enormous extent... I have extremely eclectic musical tastes :P
18:12.05LunessaMe too.
18:12.24*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
18:12.25cog|workwell, i'm married so i'm more likely to be caught in that situation :o)
18:12.44batrickcogwheel s/more/less
18:12.58cog|workbatrick: not according to almost every study ever done about it...
18:13.00Maldiviauhh... now there's a United States realm aswell, and a lot of Development realms :)
18:13.04Shirikwoah hold up
18:13.07Shirikinner focus was buffed?
18:13.14Shirikwhat did they do to it?
18:13.30*** join/#wowi-lounge p3lim (
18:13.31Cidecog|work: try Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up
18:13.35Cideworks wonders if you can stop laughing
18:14.05MaldiviaShirik: buffed how? it's still -100% mana, 25% crit, 3 min CD
18:14.13Shirikdunno, just what wowinsider says
18:14.46foxlit(though in reality it's not a very big buff, just Chastise, Starshards, and Shadowguard corrections in that they'll no longer trigger the Inner Focus charge)
18:14.56Lunessacog|work: hey, at least she knows you have strange tastes in music.  It's not like you're going to get busted listening to Ah-Ha after a evening convincing some hottie you're all manly. :P
18:14.57sylvanaar_workhave you ever seen the C version of "exceptions"
18:15.02MaldiviaShirik: ahh, it's just that certain 0-mana spells doesn't consume the inner focus
18:15.09Shirikoh good
18:15.15ShirikI've been having problems with that actually
18:15.18Shiriksylvanaar_work: They make me cry
18:15.28Shiriklol setjmp, lol longjmp ?
18:15.46sylvanaar_worklol wraping in an if
18:15.50Shirikthat's as bad as goto
18:15.54Shirikoh that too
18:15.56sylvanaar_worklet me pastey
18:16.03Shirikthe #1 thing I hate is that to be really safe
18:16.10Shirikevery malloc call has to be wrapped in an if
18:16.23Shirikotherwise there's no way to tell if you're out of memory
18:16.28kergothnothing wrong with goto in the right situations
18:16.34Cairenn|afkpokes Kirkburn
18:16.45Cairenn|afkmake with the updatingness!
18:16.47kergothwhen you have 5 allocations one right after another, goto is a great way to handle an error along the way.. its used that way in the linux kernel all over the place
18:16.54KirkburnCairenn|afk, ?
18:16.57Cairenn|afkpokes Cide to do the same!
18:17.05MaldiviaShirik: malloc returns NULL on error :)
18:17.11KirkburnOh, 2.4 is out
18:17.15Shirikor, you know, try...catch
18:17.20KirkburnGot some other urgent stuff to attend to first
18:17.25ShirikMaldivia: Exactly :P
18:17.29Cairenn|afknot on the sites though! :p
18:17.44Shirikso you'd have to wrapp every malloc call in an if
18:17.50Shirik............ wtf
18:18.06batrickstop crying!!!
18:18.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
18:18.45MaldiviaShirik: well, you would have the same problem in every language, you could wrap every single creation of a new instance of a java class in a try catch, in case it was out of memory and couldn't create the instance, etc
18:19.00Shirikwell, you see
18:19.08Shirikinstead of getting a random segfault five years later
18:19.17Shirikyou would just get an unhandled std::bad_alloc at the allocation point
18:19.42cog|worksylvanaar_work: those look like showering instructions
18:19.43Shirikwhich debuggers can pick up and trace
18:20.03sylvanaar_workcog|work they need a shower that's for sure
18:20.05Shiriksoap_grab() soap_lather() soap_rinse(true) /* arg1: repeat */
18:20.11MaldiviaShirik: yeah, in C, you'd just get a segfault later with a null pointer
18:20.11kergothit's not that hard to debug a segfault, either, usually
18:20.20SixenI was able to login to the Development realm?
18:20.24kergothjust make sure you've got core dumps enabled
18:20.39ShirikI wasn't saying it was, but it's a lot nicer to have the exception thrown at the cause rather than the effect
18:20.54MaldiviaSixen: yep, most realms are listed in the "Development" zone for some reason
18:21.02SixenThat's not good.
18:21.11Maldiviawell, will probably be fixed when the realms are up
18:22.08MaldiviaShirik: well, in C, you can always choose to to use a memory management library, that wraps your malloc calls, and makes a descriptive error message on malloc-errors
18:22.43Shirikor I could not use C ^_^
18:23.01Shirikfunny thing is
18:23.12ShirikI just realized one of my defines (batrick) was #define KLUA_MUTEX_CREATE(mutex) (mutex = (new CRITICAL_SECTION))
18:23.17Shirik#define KLUA_MUTEX_DESTROY(m) (DeleteCriticalSection( m ), delete m , 0 )
18:23.24ShirikAnd you never got mad at me for it
18:23.47sylvanaar_workshared malloc!
18:24.18kd3har. knew it... pushed back 90 minutes
18:25.09Maldiviakd3: what did you expect
18:25.21kd32 hours at least
18:25.39Maldiviakd3: lets see in an hour, if it'll be pushed back further :)
18:25.51foxlitloves the patch schedule
18:26.08Maldiviaso... what will we see next tuesday from Blizzard then?
18:26.19dylanmMore extended maintenance for your troubles.
18:26.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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18:26.36Maldiviawell, I was thinking, since next tuesday is April 1st :)
18:27.38Shirikdoes C have default parameters?
18:27.38foxlitRollback to 2.3?
18:27.38*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
18:27.51ShirikI think I need to pick up K&R myself
18:28.11Shirikit avoids overloading
18:28.25bleetergmorn all :0
18:28.35Shirikvoid foo(int a, int b = 4); // foo(3) is identical to foo(3,4)
18:29.01foxlitsimilar syntax in php, wasn't sure what C does
18:29.19zenzelezzthat's what he's asking, if C does it
18:29.31ShirikI know C++ does
18:29.39Shirikbut I also know C++ is infinitely better than C
18:29.55MaldiviaShirik: C++ has default, C doesn'tt
18:29.58kergothc++ has its own pile of annoying crap
18:29.59zenzelezzone thing I hate dealing with is declaring function pointers
18:30.01kergothist just different crap
18:30.10foxlitO-C, go
18:30.39MaldiviaD !
18:31.30ShirikI have to get rid of one of my most beautiful defines ever
18:31.40Shirik#define KLUA_COND_VAR_TIMEDWAIT(c, m, t) (0==(SleepConditionVariableCS(& (c) , m , (DWORD)((t ->tv_sec * 1000) + (t ->tv_nsec / 1000))))?GetLastError()==ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT?ETIMEDOUT:GetLastError():0)
18:32.04zenzelezzyou can't be a fan of #defines *and* a fan of C++ Shirik
18:32.08Shiriksure I can
18:32.09zenzelezzthe C++ crowd consider macros evil
18:32.16ShirikI'm an evil C++ person
18:32.18ShirikI also use char*
18:32.35Shirikmostly because for the most part I'm trained not to use STL
18:32.38zenzelezzthrows UTF-8 at Shirik
18:32.42Shirikbecause it isn't approved by the FAA
18:32.44Shirikfine, wchar_t*
18:33.01zenzelezzyou mean you don't use std::string?
18:33.02nevcairielbut the STL is so much fun
18:33.12zenzelezzthen go get IBM's ICU thing
18:33.27Shirikno dynamic allocation allowed
18:33.56Shirikwhich implies no std::string
18:34.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Gwenstefani (
18:34.17zenzelezzthink you could still use parts of ICU
18:34.25Shirikhaven't looked ati t
18:38.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Weye1 (
18:39.28MentalPowerShirik: is there a list of FAA coding regulations?
18:39.40Shirikyes, but hell if I remember the number
18:39.43Shiriklet me see if I can find it
18:40.03zenzelezzFederal Aviation Administration (or whatever it is)?
18:40.33Shirikhere, this looks promising:
18:40.37Shirikzenzelezz: Yeah
18:40.40*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop_ (
18:41.41Shirikit is by no means an easy read, MentalPower :)
18:41.57MentalPowerI gathered that just from the titles
18:41.58Shirikas such I only know basically what I need to know to get the job done
18:42.22ShirikA team of people (usually containing at least one lawyer) would then go and check to see if it meets standards for real
18:42.24art3mishrm think 2gigs and 120gb is eough to run 5-10 VPS ?
18:42.56art3misenough rather
18:43.09kd3welp, some realms are up
18:43.16kd3bunch still in the devel tab, lmao
18:43.20MentalPowera lot of them
18:43.42MentalPowerI think they're using the dev tab to list the ones they're working on
18:43.51MentalPowera nice idea
18:43.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
18:43.58Dumanthere was that same dev issue on the PTR tho
18:44.03Dumanbut that might be the case
18:44.38art3misi fergot to read the release noes
18:44.41LopeppeppyIs cute small bug, like baby cockroach.  Spray with DEET, it goes away.
18:44.51art3misdid anything fun get added?
18:45.11LopeppeppyEveryone got 10K gold free.
18:45.24LopeppeppyWait.  Those are Peppy's Fantasy Notes.  Sorry.
18:45.25MentalPowergreat, I can get into all the realms on the US list, except my own
18:45.37MentalPowercan anyone get into alleria?
18:45.41art3misi mean more along the lines of about 25 new quests that dnot require me to run the same instance over and over or kill 5000 mobs  of the same type
18:48.06SixenAnyone else having trouble logging into the forums still?
18:48.07bleeterMentalPower: I tried getting to alleria earlier, when it was showing, got as far as 'retriving char list'
18:48.18kd3forums are going to be busted all day
18:48.22SixenWow, as if to make me look like an idiot.
18:48.25MentalPowerthanks bleeter
18:48.25cog|workSixen: forums won't be healthy until realms open up
18:48.28SixenYeah, I wsa able to post here and there.
18:48.36*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
18:49.39art3misdanke kd
18:49.46cog|workA representative of the Keepers of Time has been spotted at the World’s End Tavern in Shattrath. Players in good standing with the faction will be granted ease of passage to the Caverns of Time.
18:49.51bleeterhas anyone blamed cide yet?
18:49.59cog|work^ = Ultrasafe Transporter to Gadgetzan nerf
18:50.01*** join/#wowi-lounge dolby-wowi (n=Dolby-wo@MMOI/Administrator/Dolby)
18:50.08Dumanhehe cog
18:50.10*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o dolby-wowi] by ChanServ
18:50.14bleetercog|work: yeah, now my mage has no reason to set hearth there
18:50.20art3misnow which of those dont require me to enter an instance?
18:50.37Lopeppeppygoes ahead and blames Cide.
18:51.38Cidegee, thanks
18:51.39Dumanwow, was avenger's shield the only ability that had its anti-cc-breaking change retained?
18:52.05Dumanhmm, looks like it
18:52.07LopeppeppyLove ya kiss kiss.
18:52.48art3misVanndar Stormpike and Captain Balinda Stonehearth have had their health totals reduced to match the health totals of Drek'thar and Captain Galvangar...
18:52.56art3misi KNEW alliance had ez mode!
18:53.17bleeterart3mis: u r ez mode
18:53.24art3misi gn0es ;(
18:53.25LopeppeppyI can't believe Belinda the mage had more HP than Galvanger the orc berzerker.
18:53.31deltronart3mis: yeah that got added a while back, it was so annoying
18:53.55art3misooo daily fishing quests?!
18:53.55Dumanwell, that was when she could be counterspelled, etc
18:53.59Dumanand she can't any more
18:54.24cog|workSomeone at blizz needs to go back to 5th grade math...
18:54.26cog|workImproved Blink: This talent no longer reduces the mana cost of Blink. Instead, it increases the chance for all attacks to miss the Mage by 25% for 2/4 sec after Blink is cast.
18:55.15cog|work2/4 sec
18:55.19cladhairetwo ranks
18:55.20cladhaire2 seconds
18:55.22cladhaireor 4 seconds
18:55.22Shirik2 or 4 seconds
18:55.28Dumaneyes cog
18:55.32Cide2/4 = 1/2
18:55.33LopeppeppyCogwheel was being a PITA.
18:55.38Sixen2 to 4
18:55.40SixenIs how I see it.
18:55.44Cidewell no shit
18:55.46cladhairehow does it feel to be stupider than elizabeth hasselback!?
18:55.47Dumanit's two ranks...   2s first rank, 4s next rank
18:55.49Cideyou guys fail at the internet
18:55.54Cidehe was being funny
18:56.02Shirikthe internet is serius bisness
18:56.02SixenOh, true Duman.
18:56.10Sixensrs bzns
18:56.11cog|workyes... i was being funny...
18:56.12art3misNon-corporeal Undead and Mechanical creatures are now susceptible to bleed effects. WTF?!
18:56.15CodayusMaybe he failed at being funny?  :-(
18:56.18Dumansorry, I need food
18:56.25LopeppeppyI thought he was funny....
18:56.25Dumanlunch time and all :)
18:56.48ralfWORKart3mis: yep!
18:56.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Keias (
18:56.54kd3sweet, my realm's up
18:56.55art3misdoes this mean i can now shackle humaoids and beasts?!
18:57.02art3misthats soo fucking retarded
18:57.03ralfWORKsilly, no!
18:57.10cog|work"2 or 4 seconds" rather than "2/4 sec" would've been better...
18:57.11ralfWORKit's shackle undead!
18:57.15ralfWORKnot shackle anything!
18:57.17art3misthey ahve no blood!!!!
18:57.33art3mishehe a little puff od dust would be awesome graphics for the undead bleeding though ;P
18:57.51ralfWORKoh hush, they have no body either
18:57.53CodayusThey use the x/y/z notation a lot for different ranks, but it looks a lot cleared if the values have a % and when there's more than 2 of them...
18:57.58ralfWORKso how can melee stab them at all!
18:58.01art3miszombies do
18:58.25ralfWORKdefinition of non-corporeal means "has no body"
18:58.31Codayus"Reduces the costs of spell Foo by 12%/24%/36%" is harder to misunderstand...
18:58.31ralfWORKQQ more!
18:59.02art3misi will!
18:59.05ralfWORKk good!
18:59.12art3misactually all in all 2.4 sint a bad patch
18:59.37art3misthey dropped the ball with the solo quests and at least offering omeone besides stupid grinds/daily quests
18:59.43art3misbut thats typical
18:59.44ralfWORKI'll reserve my judgement until next week, when the servers stop disconnecting people and the world servers stop crashig ;)
18:59.52art3misand the main reason i barely play anymore
19:00.14art3mis<-- doe not play well with others
19:00.31ralfWORK*cough* you do know this is a MMO right?
19:00.32kd3they left the insta-teleport to the isle from IF
19:00.35LopeppeppyDoes not!
19:01.05art3misralfWORK: yeah but as an mmo i shouldnt be required to constantly group to have fun
19:01.17art3misit's also an RPG
19:01.27ralfWORKerm. k.
19:01.40ralfWORKI think you are weird!
19:01.55art3misnah i just hate most of the people that play his game ;)
19:02.07ralfWORKI think they are asses too
19:02.12ralfWORKbut you know
19:02.15ralfWORKwhen I get fed up
19:02.20ralfWORKI either level a toon
19:02.26ralfWORKor I find something else to do
19:02.35art3misplus i cant really justify wasting 4-5 hours a night for a few gold lots of whining and no loot ;P
19:02.44art3misralfWORK: i bot ;)
19:02.51art3misor build servers
19:02.55art3misone of the two heh
19:03.01ralfWORKwell, there you go
19:03.09MentalPowerwhats the key combination to disconnect from screen?
19:03.10art3misactually my new server is coming along nicely
19:03.35art3misim wondering if 2gb mem and 120gb of space is enough to host 5-10 VPS's though
19:03.41cladhaireMentalPower: control-a d
19:03.55art3mishehe controla-dd ;P
19:04.06art3misfor when you've lost interest in that window
19:04.37MentalPoweroh boo
19:04.57art3mishows my feature requests for auctioneer coming btw?
19:05.03MentalPowerwhich one?
19:05.05art3mishave the drones done it yet?
19:05.14art3misthe item blacklist and the max buy amounts
19:05.22MentalPowerare they in JIRA?
19:05.41ralfWORKstupid question
19:05.50ralfWORKdoes bottom feeder help with crafting items?
19:06.08MentalPowerbottom scanner, you mean :)
19:06.18ralfWORKI'd love something that would say... tell you whether it's cheaper to buy mana pots or to buy the items to make pots and do it yourself
19:06.25ralfWORKbecause wow economy is totally broken
19:06.29ralfWORKMentalPower: ahh yes that :)
19:06.53kergothyou probably want GFW_ReagentCost or LilSparkysWorkshop, iirc.
19:07.06ralfWORKkergoth: oh ya? cool
19:07.55kergothadds the cost of the reagents and stuff.  lilsparkys will even let you sort the items in the crafting window by profit adn stuff.. at leaset i know it does with skillet
19:07.55kergothnot sure about the stock frame
19:07.57ralfWORKkergoth: yea, that sounds like what I want
19:08.01ScytheBlade1wonders just how much data his linode can pump out
19:08.26ScytheBlade135mbit upstream and going strong... I'm wondering if I can push the cap higher without nuking my linode entirely
19:08.42ralfWORKI'd like it just to save money myself,
19:08.55ralfWORKbut honestly, it'd be a good way to make stuff and put on the AH as well
19:08.57art3mishey scythe
19:09.01art3misquestion for ya
19:09.16art3miswhen you first setup the linode, how did you access it?
19:09.25ScytheBlade1Configure it via the webpanel
19:09.27ScytheBlade1Click 'start'
19:09.31ScytheBlade1And then it starts up with SSH
19:09.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
19:09.33art3misthen normal access?
19:09.36art3mishrm k
19:09.43art3mishow much mem do you have?
19:09.55art3misand can yuo attach via remoetX?
19:09.58ScytheBlade1Cheapest plan they have
19:10.02ScytheBlade1Uh, I could if I wanted to
19:10.05ScytheBlade1I have no desires to though
19:10.11art3misjust curious really
19:10.18art3misive almost got the server completely functional
19:10.32ScytheBlade1lol, nice
19:10.35art3misfigure 2gb ram and 120gb space should be enough for 5-10 servers(ish)
19:10.53ScytheBlade15-10 is a pretty big range ;)
19:10.57art3misi made an install mistake this last time so im reconfiguring the hardware to support it ;P
19:11.13ralfWORKart3mis: 2gb of ram is a bit low imo
19:11.20ralfWORKdepends on what you want them to do though
19:11.24art3misits not like i need that amount of physical range
19:11.45art3misthe server itself is a small footprint so figure about 1.5gb of real mem
19:12.03art3misthats "about" 5 servers at 384 each
19:12.15ralfWORKwhat are they serving though?
19:12.27ralfWORKassuming this is *NIX/BSD?
19:12.35art3mischocies at present are netbsd, centos, debian and some other nix thing
19:13.00art3misso as long as it doesnt run in full graphical on all 5 it should be fine i think
19:13.04AtriaceWhat's with the new region type for realm selection?
19:13.05zenzelezzit's a pity they didn't name it "Linux System Distribution"
19:13.06ralfWORKand you want a standard-ish install, no micro-distro crap?
19:13.35art3misralfWORK: yeah, 2gb of space 384 of mem
19:13.35ScytheBlade1Hmm, there my I/O tokens went
19:13.48art3misto be honest thats mroe than enough for sandard server crap
19:14.25ralfWORKart3mis: again, what type of servers though?
19:14.27art3misalthough i'll prolly boost it to 8-10gb sic ive only got a spare 120gb drive to muck with at rpesent
19:14.38ralfWORKDNS? ok
19:14.43ralfWORKmail relay? hmm sure
19:14.48art3misshrug whatever they install ;P
19:14.59ralfWORKweb server? hopefully they don't want anything dynamic
19:15.12ralfWORKmysql? doubt it, unless they are running next to nothing
19:15.27art3mislooking at the servers footprint at present, it's about 7gb space for mail dns web(multiple hosts) the hosting software xen and its host/client crap
19:15.33ralfWORKscratch sandbox for testing a kerberos install? yep, that'll work :D
19:15.54*** join/#wowi-lounge _p3lim (
19:16.08art3misMem:       1004152     975300      28852          0      96444     579668
19:16.08art3mis-/+ buffers/cache:     299188     704964
19:16.08art3misSwap:      2715640         36    2715604
19:16.15art3misand thats all it's using
19:16.23art3misand it's doing everything
19:17.07art3misralfWORK:  plus this is a screw around server sorta thing
19:17.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Kemayo (
19:17.16art3misand those 5 servers will be free for playing
19:17.44art3misif it turns out that it requires more donations for new hardware will be welcome ;P
19:17.52*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (n=sylvanaa@
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19:17.58bleeterart3mis: all servers are screw around kinda things ;)
19:18.07art3misand it's on a 30/5 pipe
19:18.13*** join/#wowi-lounge _p3lim (
19:18.14art3misbleeter: heh yeah
19:18.17art3misthis more so
19:18.27art3missince im a tech nerd and it's in my house
19:18.32bleeterhides from MentalPower
19:18.40bleeterwhistles innocently
19:18.46bleeterMentalPower: Soon
19:19.25*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (n=jnwhiteh@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
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19:19.28MentalPowerbleeter: oh email :)
19:19.31art3mishrm whats a better cpu choice
19:19.50art3misan amd64 3000 or a 2.4celeronD
19:19.51MentalPowerintel xeons :)
19:20.04art3misi hate my office landlord
19:20.19art3mishe went out and bought a mac
19:20.26MentalPoweris that a crime?
19:20.29art3misdual quadcore xeons
19:20.38art3mis8gb ram
19:20.43art3mis3 TB space
19:20.49art3mis30" cinema display
19:21.00art3misfor photoshop
19:21.04art3misthats it
19:21.09art3misthats all he's doing on it
19:21.26art3mis512 geforce8800
19:21.41art3misits a REALLY pretty machine though
19:21.42MentalPowerwell... you never know when you're going to edit a 50Kx50K image
19:21.53art3misi do like the mac cases too
19:22.01art3misthe slide and click drive bays == sex
19:22.33ralfWORKI like my dual G5
19:22.36ralfWORKso leave me alone :(
19:22.49art3misdual quadcore 3gig xeons
19:22.55art3missighs longingly.
19:23.27Shirikso like
19:23.31Shirikwhere exactly is the clique menu ><
19:23.39Endor it was
19:23.42art3misfeel a sharp pain in ye colon?
19:23.44EndI haven't used clique in a while
19:24.13ralfWORKshadowpriests alive in here?
19:24.25ralfWORKI'm wondering how good/bad haste *really* is
19:24.34art3misit's meh
19:24.36ralfWORKI've avoided it thus far
19:24.47art3misit doesnt effect as nicely as you'd hope
19:24.52art3miswithout a fuckton of it
19:25.01ralfWORKit seems worthless to me, pretty much
19:25.19ralfWORKbut most of the top rated items according to have haste
19:25.20art3misfastcast from the nog/deviants was awesome when sw:d was instant
19:25.38ralfWORKeven at the expense of some spell damage
19:25.43art3misdepends on what yer using it for i think
19:25.55art3mishaving haste for vt is handy
19:26.04art3misand it cuts the mb cast down
19:26.16ralfWORKGCD is 1.5s, correct?
19:26.23art3misso technically you could pull out a bit more dps with it
19:26.28ralfWORKand instant casts can only be cranked down to 1s GCD
19:26.45ralfWORKGCD can only be cranked down to 1s through haste, but no more, correct?
19:27.02ralfWORKI don't know how much haste you need to do that
19:27.15art3misit can effect the sw:d cooldown though
19:27.22art3miswhich is always good
19:27.26ralfWORKbut it seems like for us, once you reach that, more haste really isn't better
19:27.37ralfWORKsame for mindblast I assume?
19:27.52art3misyeah but mb's is low as is
19:28.02art3misso you'd only get the .5 gain from it
19:28.10ralfWORKdots are unaffected by haste, correct?
19:28.15art3miswhich doesnt make that big of a difference
19:28.26art3misdots are instant except vt
19:28.39ralfWORKart3mis: I meant dot ticks, sorry
19:28.46art3misnah a tick is a tick
19:28.47ralfWORKi.e. dots won't tick faster with haste
19:28.49ralfWORKya, k
19:29.23ralfWORKwell particularly some of the new badge loot... it has haste, and the items are rated better than what I got... just not sure that I want it yet
19:29.39ralfWORKif a fight goes on more than say 5 minutes, I'm having mana issues
19:29.41art3miswhats yer +spell/shadow?
19:29.51ralfWORK1112 unbuffed shadow. I do use blessing deck though.
19:30.01ralfWORKand I'm talking ZA, mainly
19:30.10art3misid' say get 1200-1300 if you can
19:30.12ralfWORKalmost nothing in Kara takes more than 5m so far
19:30.23ralfWORKs/so far/at this point/
19:30.28art3misthen worry about haste
19:30.42art3misit's not that big of an impact for sp but it's handy
19:30.52art3misnot at the sake of a better ve/vt tick anyways
19:31.10ralfWORKthe damage weapon will give me 102 more damage than what I have today, with soulfrost
19:31.17art3mishowever once you get yer haste up there... the extra mb every 3 seocnds doe rule ;P
19:31.20ralfWORK(stupid LC mace)
19:33.31ralfWORKstupid question, but how much haste do you need to turn 1.5s GCD into 1s?
19:33.48ralfWORKlike, not even possible amounts?
19:34.04Josh_Borkebeats me
19:34.26ralfWORKlike, you're better off getting a warrior to passive uncrushability? ;)
19:34.29KirkburnCairenn, thanks for the poke ... I would have done it earlier, but for my account being accidently deleted >_<
19:34.54KirkburnYeah, it's fixed now, but ... not good
19:35.33KirkburnApparently they were going to upgrade us today, but there were problems :/
19:38.04Cairenn(sorry, was on phone)
19:39.18ralfWORKI should change my pot rotations
19:39.34foxlitralfWORK: They quoted it earlier as almost unachievable
19:39.46foxlitReffering to some other GCD-reducing effects to reach the cap
19:39.49ralfWORKfoxlit: kk, was just curious. I'll not consider it then
19:39.55ralfWORKthanks for the heads up
19:39.58foxlitI wonder if NG detracts GCD
19:40.11ralfWORKnature's grace?
19:40.26zenzelezzpassive crushability disinterests me... too much avoidance, spikey
19:41.11*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
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19:43.53ralfWORKthink I need to frontload more crap so I can get my pot/find CDs faster
19:44.18*** join/#wowi-lounge kadrahil (
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19:48.32*** part/#wowi-lounge kadrahil (
19:50.14ZealotOnAStickHow do I get Bongos3 to allow me to right-click self-cast?
19:51.03clad|officelets play the guess what the ugly pattern does game!
19:52.07Josh_Borke<character not a number>(1321)<character not a number><anything but \030 0-?>\030<anything not \030 1-?>
19:52.15clad|officei hate you
19:52.24Josh_Borkewhat? i'm trying to help
19:52.28clad|officeits my pattern
19:52.30clad|officei know what it does
19:52.33clad|officeyou have to guess its application
19:52.34Josh_Borkeit's an ugly pattern
19:52.35clad|officethats the GAME
19:52.44clad|officeor make it less ugly
19:52.45Josh_Borkewtf is up with the 1321?
19:52.46clad|officethas another game
19:52.53clad|officethat was a test number
19:52.54clad|officesorry :P
19:52.57clad|officeits a known value
19:52.58Josh_Borkewell GEEZE
19:53.10Josh_Borkegame is rigged imo
19:53.49Josh_Borkethe ugly pattern looks for stuff after a \030 (whatever that is)
20:01.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
20:03.57foxlit[^%d] is ugly
20:04.01cladhaire%D is not
20:04.02cladhairei know
20:05.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
20:06.41DumanI'm not liking the inability to have multiple combat log windows at once
20:06.48Dumanbut I guess I'll adapt
20:07.08Duman(unless I'm missing something)
20:07.20foxlitYou can addon them in, at least
20:07.45Dumanoh?  hmm
20:08.00Sixen"Duman's Combat Log Add-on"... I can see it now.
20:16.33Lunessaneeds to get off his lazy ass and write something useful code-wise soon.
20:19.03*** join/#wowi-lounge DuTempete_ (
20:19.44foxlit"Faust: it's a small price to pay"
20:20.37foxlitScan everyone's gear, do some heavy theorycraft, rearrange raid group
20:22.34schnoggo"rearrange raid group" == "kick the idiots in green?"
20:23.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
20:25.57foxlitThere are a lot of subtle tweaks you could do
20:26.13Dumanuh.. wtf
20:26.23Dumanall my tags got hozed for things like cowtip
20:27.09Cidedoes anyone know why IE's text highlighting would be messed up on a page?
20:27.32foxlit[ awesome]
20:30.37*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
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20:35.39Josh_Borkethere's only one person there in the first video
20:35.43Josh_Borkeok, 2
20:36.13foxlitas in, in audience?
20:36.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Theta (
20:37.19ThetaIt's probably already been brought up, but I just wanted to let you guys know that QuestHelper has been updated to 0.39 with a TOC = 20400.
20:38.17foxlitSomething pretty horrible is going on to my youtube connection
20:39.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
20:39.16*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Lopeppeppy] by ChanServ
20:45.10ZealotOnAStickWhat would be giving these errors: "[2008/03/25 16:41:33-990-x1]: <string>:"RBOptions_CBX_DisplayToggle:OnLoad":1: attempt to index a nil value" ?
20:46.20Dumanok, something is jacked w/ DogTags...  or something
20:46.35ScytheBlade1Doomhammer goes up...
20:46.38ScytheBlade1.... Doomhammer goes down
20:46.42ralfWORKoh damn
20:46.53ralfWORKI was worried about that
20:47.02ralfWORKwas hoping it would go smooth, but I knew better :(
20:47.18ScytheBlade1Something to do with over 700 people in the middle of Shatt
20:47.20ScytheBlade1At the same time
20:48.22ralfWORKhey, you guys seen the bug/exploit/whatever where people have like a thousand copies of the same non-combat pet following them around?
20:48.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Nechckn_V2 (
20:48.33ScytheBlade1Haven't seen it, but I've heard of it
20:48.35ralfWORK(speaking of shat being slow)
20:48.44ZealotOnAStickahh, found it, RecipeBook
20:48.52ralfWORKlast time a guy ran past me with that, my system dropped to like .4 FPS :(
20:50.01Duman[2008/03/25 13:19:59-475-x1]: LibDogTag-3.0\LibDogTag-3.0.lua:296: assertion failed!
20:50.39Dumanlocal unit_pet = unit .. "pet"
20:50.45Dumanthat's line 296
20:50.55Dumanscratches his head
20:51.45LopeppeppyTry updating Dogtag by itself?
20:52.50DumanZealotOnAStick: something is jacked w/ RecipeBook
20:53.15Dumanpeppy: they are embedded w/ cowtip and pitbull (same version) - and appears to be the latest
20:53.37ckknightDuman: I just fixed that
20:53.48LopeppeppyOh, there you are then.  ck rules the party
20:53.54Dumanhaha k
20:53.58Dumanck: word
20:54.27art3misi got the job!
20:54.39art3misjust gotta fill out paperwork and i start monday ;)
20:54.50LopeppeppyHuzzah, art3mis!  What happened to 2 weeks notice though?
20:54.58Cairennart3mis: YAY
20:54.58art3mis2 weeks notice?
20:55.03CairennLopeppeppy: self-employed
20:55.18art3misi have my own company ;P i wanna learn new thing though so i got a job ;P
20:57.37LopeppeppyThen I'm totally excited for you!
20:59.43*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
20:59.46TemFelblood Initialtes need to spawn faster
21:00.05SixenGrats artemis, :p.
21:02.56art3misme too
21:03.02art3misthis is the bacon friday plce!
21:03.25MaldiviaHmm... Honot gain, which category in the new chatframe settings does that fall under?
21:05.24Josh_Borke~lart Shadowed
21:05.24purlwhips out a shotgun, trudges over to Shadowed, and goes postal
21:06.27Dottedis away (kd3 - whee squid just went splat)
21:06.49MentalPowerDotted: thats annoying
21:07.00MentalPowerplease turn the auto-away off
21:07.33CideDotoff: turn that off please
21:07.52nevcairielDotoff is off, i doubt he'll answer now
21:08.01kergothlike the nick change isnt enough
21:08.04kergothneed the announcement too
21:08.11MentalPowerno, but he'll see it in his pings
21:09.39MentalPoweroh wow
21:11.48SixenKD3, there's only 4 posts on the 1st page of your 2.4 thread.
21:11.50SixenThat's win.
21:16.18Cideinteresting.. curse wants me to email them a summary of all features ctprofiles has -- I wonder what for?
21:16.28Cidemaybe they want to copy it for their own profiling site
21:16.56*** join/#wowi-lounge p3lim (
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21:19.47MentalPoweroh crap, nice timing
21:20.37MentalPowerso my country's ccTLD (.pr) registrar just sent out a test email to everyone that has ever requested one, and the bouncebacks are starting to come in...
21:26.29*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
21:28.21MentalPowerkd3: is the IF -> Sunwell port still up?
21:28.39batrickShirik: what you do in windows defines is your business :P
21:29.04batrickI noticed that C++ crap but figured windows was just injecting it's nastiness into C
21:29.27batrickC++ crap = new and delete operators
21:29.56ShirikC++ new and delete is god!
21:30.12batrickno thanks
21:30.32Shirikmalloc lawl
21:30.39Shiriklet's have one function for EVERYTHING
21:30.44batrickdamn fucking right
21:31.45zenzelezzstop being so nazi about it
21:31.56zenzelezzthey both call the same basic functions, the compiler just translates it
21:32.31batrickyou can't reason with shirik
21:32.42zenzelezzI'm on the C++ side of this
21:32.48purlFAIL, Shirik, FAIL!
21:32.54zenzelezzbut your argument over new/delete vs. malloc/free is pretty silly
21:33.02batricki don't have an argument
21:33.10batrickother than I don't like C++
21:33.43Dumanhmm, yeah... RecipeBook is jacked, haha
21:33.58Dumanaltho I'm wondering if there is a better addon that is similar...  RB is coded weirdly, it seems
21:34.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Keias (
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21:37.56Dumanck, I'm still getting this when I try to click "help" for tags in cowtip:
21:37.57Duman[2008/03/25 14:37:22-478-x1]: CowTip-3.0r65841\Text\Text.lua:605: attempt to call method 'OpenHelp' (a nil value)
21:38.12Dumanplz let me know if I'm just retarded.
21:38.25batrickcladhaire: why are you capturing 1321 every time?
21:38.34cladhairei'm not
21:38.35cladhaireand wasn't
21:38.37cladhaireas i explained.
21:38.46batrickguess i should read more
21:40.12Pacis there a chans list for this server?
21:41.09batrickcladhaire: maybe i'm just dense but I don't get it lol (and I don't see where you explained it)
21:41.16cladhaireit was a hardcoded number
21:41.19cladhairethat would be swapped out
21:41.25cladhairethe pattern built dynamically
21:41.25kd3whee, instance server just crashed
21:41.39Dumankd3: that always brings joy
21:41.55kd3in the middle of the last pull before kael too. yay
21:41.56batrickhmm ok
21:43.30Maldiviaarghh.... whispers and guild chat is forced onto chatframe1 on reload
21:43.54Maldiviahow annoying
21:44.05kd3damn it, medivh. let me get past the login screen
21:44.29Maldiviajust as I though it was bad enough the new combat log was hardcoded to be chatframe2
21:45.47PacCairenn:  thnx fir the Chanserv help  info
21:45.56CairennPac: you're welcome :)
21:46.56NightHawkTheSane"It's O'Neill, with two Ls. There's another Colonel O'Neil, with one L. He has no sense of humor."
21:47.00kd3instance reset. not in a party. logged in in SMV
21:47.01kd3fun stuff
21:47.35kd3whee "A character with that name already exists"
21:47.41kd3welcome back to a long, long time ago...
21:53.01kd3damn it... going to have to page a GM to save me
21:53.18kd3I fear the GM queue
21:53.18Maldiviakd3: waiting 5 minutes isn't enough?
21:53.50kd3I've been on an alt and chilling for the past 5
21:53.59Maldiviahmm, ok
21:56.20Paclol iv been waiting for the update to download for the parst 1.5hr dam this
21:57.15AdysThis is a bit of a broad question, but is there any solid guide on creating GUIs with wow's api? it's just for a quick, dirty addon, so nothing extreme
21:58.07Adyssperfect :) cheers
21:59.22Maldiviaso can anyone tell me where chat_msg_guild/whisper etc gets forced registered on ChatFrame1 ?
21:59.39MentalPowerok, whats the secondary way to get to quel'danas?
21:59.46ThetaAny good replacment for ArkInventory that's working for 20400?
22:00.14MaldiviaMentalPower: FP, summon or portal (when that phase is reached)
22:00.49MentalPowerI didn't have the ZA FP, so I didn't get the SW one
22:01.13Maldiviayou should have the FP from IF?
22:01.29kergoththe quest says to go to if or darn, iirc
22:02.00kd3port to IF
22:02.10kd3they left the insta-flight in, oddly
22:03.13nevcairielthey did?
22:03.15nevcairielhow odd
22:03.23NightHawkTheSanesounds like an oversight.
22:03.39nevcairielthe 15minute flight was crazy anyway
22:03.41nevcairielbut still odd
22:04.24NightHawkTheSaneno less crazy than their other so-long-you-go-afk flight paths.
22:05.44MentalPowerkd3: I don't have the FP location
22:05.55kd3did you pick up the two quests in shattrath?
22:06.28MentalPowerhmm... no
22:06.39kd3one next to a'dal, one on the scryer/aldor terrace
22:06.41nevcairielcentral hall, iirc
22:08.10LunessaHas someone already figured out/posted what the thresholds are for making new vendors, etc available?
22:08.30nevcairielthats rather hard to figure out, i assume
22:09.18kd3I've got the whole timeline on the wiki...
22:09.23LunessaJust wondering.  Purely intellectual curiosity.
22:09.26kd3how long it'll take depends on the amount of dailies people do
22:09.39LunessaThanks KD3.  You're the MAN.
22:10.12LunessaVery similar to the AQ event, only smarter.
22:14.40Lopeppeppykd3 is the royalty of wonder.
22:17.08cladhaireLightHeaded updated:
22:17.16LunessaWell, I don't know as I'd go so far as that, but I'd say a "bubba-Hotep" at least. :)
22:19.44LopeppeppyThank you, cladhaire.
22:20.26*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
22:20.49cladhaireit shoudl work in any locale now
22:20.50cladhaireby the way :P
22:24.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Dekster (
22:24.45Dumanclearcasting sound is gone?
22:24.51Dumannot cool.
22:27.42LunessaKD3 - thanks a lot for compiling that article - it'll make a great reference for my  guildees who are chomping at the bit for some of that badge loot.
22:30.37Shirikwow @ that 5 man
22:30.55Shirikthe kil'jaeden fight is no joke, even on heroic
22:31.01kd3KT? no kidding
22:31.03Shirikwtf did I say that for
22:31.25Shiriker, and
22:31.27Shirikeven on normal
22:31.33Shirikwow I completely screwed that up
22:32.48LunessaPut the crack pipe down, and back away slowly.  Put your hands in the air and keep them visible at all times.  Make no sudden movements Shirik - we're doing this because we love you.
22:33.46Dezzimalso uh
22:33.55Dezzimalhow do you turn off the annoying warning screen edge flash
22:34.03Dezzimalwith omen
22:34.21NightHawkTheSanei bet theres an option for it
22:34.22kergothgo into its options, and click the screen edge flash under the alerts?
22:34.26kergothnot hard to find
22:34.34kergothinterface options -> addons -> omen -> alerts
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22:36.14Dezzimalomen isn't under addons in interface options
22:36.19NightHawkTheSaneyou know, its rough working from home today, and having nothing stopping me from just playing wow all day long other than my work ethic.
22:36.54DezzimalNightHawkTheSane: there is an option for it, and I did turn it off
22:37.03Dezzimalbut it doesn't actually do anything :/
22:37.57kergothoh, right, /open config -> modules -> single target mode -> Warnings, sorry, mixing up my addon configs
22:38.51Dezzimalyeah I did that
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22:39.00Dezzimalbut its still flashing the fuck out of me when I'm tanking
22:39.09Dezzimalmaking my eyes bleed
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22:42.21Shirik730 mp5 while not casting
22:42.25Shirik300 while casting
22:42.28Shirikthat's kinda insane
22:42.34Shirikconsidering I'm usually out of the 5SR
22:42.56NightHawkTheSaneugh, nerf priests. ><
22:43.24LopeppeppyYou're a god, Shirik
22:43.28NightHawkTheSaneis that buffed, Shirik ?
22:43.39Shirikonly self buffed + gift of the wild
22:44.05ShirikI have 600 spirit
22:44.17ShirikThey laughed at me when I stacked spirit
22:44.22ShirikBut who is laughing now!!!
22:44.25NightHawkTheSanewhat gear level?
22:44.25CideI am
22:44.41ShirikI don't know, I don't have a tool to check that
22:44.44Dumanoh yeah, spirit buff
22:44.47Dumanforgot about that
22:44.58NightHawkTheSaneShirik: er, eh? i mean just generally
22:45.28NightHawkTheSanehmm, so maybe t4/t5ish?
22:45.40Shirikyeah, though ironically I use no t4/t5 gear
22:45.59NightHawkTheSane.. man, i gotta slap our priests if they keep hogging the spriest now.
22:46.01Shirikthough we're going to MH tonight
22:46.12Shirikwe're a BT clearing guild I'm just... far behind
22:46.38NightHawkTheSaneI think, fully raid buffed, I might get ~400 mana per 5..
22:46.40*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (n=jnwhiteh@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
22:46.40*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
22:47.48NightHawkTheSanein mostly t5 level gear
22:49.47*** join/#wowi-lounge DBE-Kinj (
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22:50.11batrickthat's rediculous
22:50.18batrickanyone know what the mana regen is for a pvp mage?
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23:01.29DumanI guess I need to run sct until parrot is updated
23:04.40Lopeppeppylooks around and doesn't have any more boxes to pack.
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23:20.15cog|workanyone have an exhaustive list of the new combat log events?
23:21.02cog|work(and yes, unlike exalted, exhausted has both an H and a U)
23:21.34dylanmNo one questioned your spelling :p
23:23.10CideMaldivia: ping
23:23.51cog|workdylanm: doesn't mean i can't preemptively question theirs ;)
23:25.32*** part/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
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23:32.01p3limive heard talking about a program that lets you update all addons from wowi, wowace svn etc in 1 program, anyone know about this?
23:32.27dylanmWUU or something.
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23:39.51Kyrinckknight: I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for CowTip, Cartographer, and FuBar, thanks, so much.
23:40.47Corrodiasckknight only talks when you say the secret password!
23:41.07Pacwoops rong server
23:41.41KyrinI'm out anyway, time to go home and begin the scrying of the patch...
23:41.58MaldiviacidE: pong
23:42.34CideMaldivia: did you improve on the events list for the combat log any? I think you made one, right?
23:43.01MaldiviaNot really, no - didn't find anything extra
23:43.19Maldiviathe few things that I wanted to test, I couldn't :)
23:46.33Cideah, alright
23:46.43Corrodiascome on, blizzard downloader, downloader faster.
23:49.44Cideanyone here who knows stuff about postfix (mail server)?
23:56.43Josh_Borkesure cide, i can try to help
23:56.52CideI need to figure out how to hook it so I can process incoming email with python
23:57.13Josh_Borkefor a specific user or all users?
23:57.26Cidewell, I only need it for a specific email address
23:57.31Cidebut either way works
23:59.10Josh_Borkewell, you can do it the easy way
23:59.33Josh_Borkeand do user: "|<executable to pipe into>" in /etc/aliases
23:59.45Josh_Borkethen run newaliases

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