IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080324

00:01.28*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
00:05.37bam_do you have the usual Feedback addon by Blizzard on the PTR?
00:05.51kd3we did up until the latest build
00:06.27*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
00:06.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandok1 (
00:07.00bam_bug report time then...
00:10.37Gnarfozit's been reported and confirmed unfixable for 2.4.0 release, already
00:11.00Gnarfozunless you changed the subject ^^
00:11.07bam_huh... which one... it's not the symlink problem I'm talking about :P
00:11.17Gnarfozsee my last msg ;>
00:11.34bam_it's not being able to use/install addons at all on Mac
00:11.44Gnarfozhow so?
00:11.54bam_well they don't appear
00:11.57Gnarfozjust put the files where they belong instead of linking them in?
00:12.13bam_yea I've reinstalled from scratch and not using symlinks now
00:13.04GnarfozI don't think the test client is a suitable test case because of its "fill up with what you need from the live install" nature :\
00:13.40zenzelezzI don't know if it was already asked, but did you make certain it's set to list out of date addons?
00:13.54Gnarfozthere's no such setting
00:13.55bam_I'm not even getting the AddOns button
00:14.16Gnarfozthere's a setting to *run* out of date addons, not one to list them :)
00:14.59zenzelezzyeah, I forgot
00:15.32kd3whuh... that doesn't sound like kerrigan at all
00:15.46AmarandeI really should have made a suggestion about heroics that it's too late to now :|
00:16.06EsamynnAntiarc: ping
00:17.05AmarandeBasically, the LFG should really only allow you to select heroics for which you are keyed
00:17.17AmarandeGood players know which ones they can go to, but scrubs will always try to party for ones they have no keys for
00:17.29AmarandeOr I should say, could -potentially- go to GRUMBLE
00:17.32bam_AHA.... now I got it :P
00:17.46AmarandeI tried to get into a heroic group today and was told I need way better gear before I can even consider it.
00:18.16bam_no idea what I changed though....
00:18.27Amarandelike, what are we supposed to have for heroics?
00:18.32Amarandeall blues? mostly purples, even?
00:19.38bam_where was this symlink issue mentioned? In the PTR forum or the UI forum?
00:19.43EndPTR I think
00:19.50Endtigerclaw responded
00:20.03Endand said that it wasn't reported early enough to fix in 2.4.0
00:20.15bam_ok thanks
00:20.22bam_too few Mac users I guess :(
00:20.36bam_same problem in Linux btw?
00:20.42Gnarfozthere is no linux client
00:20.50Gnarfozhence, no problem for Linux users ;D
00:20.51bam_I know but still...
00:20.52Endit doesn't run natively under linux
00:21.02Endand the windows client sees symlinks as normal directory/files
00:21.14Endbecause that's what wine/cedega reports them as
00:21.21Gnarfoz^-- what he said
00:21.27bam_hmm.... any way to make Mac do that too? :P
00:21.40Endprobably if you really try
00:22.00bam_is it completely impossible to hard link folders?
00:22.17Endbut you'd probably have to do something wacky, like write your own file system driver (although fuse occurs to me as potentially useful here..)
00:22.19Gnarfozhard links are for files
00:22.27End(er, fuse has been ported to OS X, hasn't it?)
00:22.49bam_hmm... could make a script that recursively makes hard links then I guess
00:23.08Esamynndirectories ARE files, just a special case! :P
00:23.10Gnarfozor... you could put the files there! >_>
00:23.19bam_no that's a pain :P
00:23.40Gnarfozno, that's ... well, a simple matter of moving them over
00:23.43bam_I change what addons I use a lot... some for development, some for playing
00:24.37Gnarfozthey can be disabled/enabled on a per-addon basis without touching the actual files
00:24.51bam_though I thought about moving the AddOns.txt files around with a script
00:25.08bam_sort of like an offline "profile system"
00:25.41Gnarfozwhich is exactly what I am referring to, if you're really that desparate =]
00:25.52*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (n=rumors@
00:26.12bam_yea but I most definitely don't want to manually enable/disable them in the addons dialog :P
00:26.33Gnarfozonce for each "profile"
00:26.52bam_yea and then copying the AddOns.txt files
00:27.01bam_doable I guess
00:27.28bam_though some addons insists on enabling disabled addons :D
00:28.21bam_how do you do development anyway? Directly in the addons folder?
00:29.09bam_thought about a rsync solution too
00:29.36bam_but I just know I will forget to sync and wonder why nothing changed :D
00:36.07bleetahis the hole in the Kara wall, where you can drop down and see the smiley face, only accessible to short toons?
00:40.15GnarfozI'd think if they knew about it, it'd be accessible to no toons
00:42.01zenzelezzI think they know about it but don't consider it crucial enough to issue a fixed 3D model
00:42.46*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
00:44.03bleetahlemme cite the CSF GM response about the 'issue'....
00:58.27GnarfozI'd rather see the Karazhan FP get usable
01:02.38mikmakara fp?
01:08.28JoshBorkeit was in beta
01:10.04*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop (
01:10.51mikmawell i think where it's located then
01:11.34mikmai think i know*
01:12.39Gnarfozit's still there
01:12.46Gnarfozjust blocked off :<
01:14.18JoshBorkeit doesn't make sense to have a FP in kara
01:14.28JoshBorketo add and remove it based on progress?
01:16.19Gnarfozwho said anything about adding or removing it, it should just be usable if it's there alread
01:17.07Amarandewait, an FP IN THE INSTANCE?
01:17.26Esamynnthat was the original plan, yes
01:21.40Amarandeok, I need to hear from someone who -really- is familiar with horde side on several realms
01:21.53Amarandeif I was going to transfer a Horde character to another realm (can't be a PvP realm), where should I go?
01:22.04Amarandebeing a 70 mainly interested in 5-man content for now, maybe Kara and ZA eventually
01:22.17zenzelezzyou left out an important piece of info
01:22.31Amarandewhat's that?
01:22.35zenzelezzEU or US
01:22.38Amarandeahh. US
01:22.58Amarandeand being a 70 warlock with at this point in time, mostly blues, one purple and 3 or so remaining greens
01:23.08Amarandethough I can say I know my class pretty well and follow markers good
01:23.23Amarandeand I don't stand in the fire :)
01:24.28Esamynnthat's is ALWAYS an important skill
01:24.35Esamynnhow about near giant shrooms
01:24.43mikmawait what? inside the instance? that i didn't know
01:25.06mikmabut there should be more of the items like the legendary that can portal everyone into karazhan
01:25.07Esamynnyes, the original plan for Kara was for it to have a FP about 1/2 up
01:28.07AmarandeIt just occurred to me that even upgrading my 3 remaining greens is going to be total frustration
01:28.11AmarandeHere's my options:
01:28.36Amarandea) 5-man instances, apparently the good caster blues for waist, feet and shoulders are in SV/Arc, which means I'm stuck -specifically- hoping for groups there which could take till xpac;
01:28.59Amarande2) Arena. I have no arena points right now, I can expect probably 100 a week since I'm not going to be stellar, that's going to take till xpac to earn enough for even one good S2 purple;
01:29.11Amarandec) BGs. I'm in the one faction and BG that can't rely on AV for honor.
01:29.22*** part/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim|ubuntu (
01:29.27AmarandeAnd thus the one faction and BG that isn't going to have any use for the 2.4 tokens for honor thing either :S
01:29.29mikmaa,2,c ... going to be a hard one
01:29.58Amaranded) xfer off server to one where you can still get a reasonable PUG for 5-man more than once or twice a week, but I'm not sure which servers those are
01:30.22*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
01:34.55AmarandeI guess, is it just me or does progress after 70 basically -demand- that you give over almost your whole life to Azeroth
01:35.02Amarandeeven though Blizzard themselves think that's not good for you? :|
01:35.54Amarandeheck, even dedicated raiders seem to wrestle with it, viz -
01:35.57Amarande"Its not just waking up thats an issue, if you do the maths lets say raid starts at 8 server ide have to wake up 2:45am end raid at 8am have to get my self TO work in less then an hour which is to say the least a miracle if I pull it off, work to five get home at around 7 I still have to make dinner and stuff and take care of RL things. when I'm done with that its about 9pm and that gives me a total of how many hours of sleep
01:36.02Amarandefrom the WoW forums
01:36.36Amarandeis it humanly possible to do progression content at 70 and have a life outside WoW of any real sort?
01:36.48Amarandeor does life END rather than begin at 70 for people who want to actually do other things on the side
01:37.25zenzelezzare you talking about raiding?
01:37.26JoshBorkeit depends
01:37.32JoshBorkei was in a guild that raided only twice a week
01:38.28AmarandeJosh: lemme guess, Sat and Sun though
01:38.37Amarandethose are the two days I am guaranteed NOT to be around in evenings
01:38.45JoshBorkeno, it was like tue thur
01:38.51Shirikhm, this is ironic
01:38.55Shirikmy memory debugger segfaults
01:39.01Amarandebasically, I keep seeing guilds that have four or five raid days a week
01:39.07Amarandeand expect you to be around for at least three or four of them
01:39.35AmarandeIt still surprises me sometimes how Fusion manages to be so attractive to women, as evidenced by say the pics they get women to have posted on their boards :)
01:39.42AmarandeI mean, they're awesome people
01:39.43Amarandebut ...
01:39.56Amarandethe kind of death march that being the top raid guild on a realm requires, though ...
01:40.27Amarandeit's almost like a job, no wonder I know folks who quit raiding
01:40.42zenzelezzyou really have to make a choice. Either you try to be a top-end raider or a casual raider
01:40.48zenzelezzthere is no real in-between
01:42.08Amarandezenzelezz: and I'm going to assume that the reason I get hardly any 5 man groups at 70
01:42.28Amarandeis because BC is indeed too old and no one wants to do anything pre-heroic anymore?
01:42.51zenzelezzthat's the impression I get at least
01:43.00Amarandewonder if anyone will even do regular SP5, lol
01:43.08Amarandeor do you think people will just skip straight to SP5 Heroic?
01:43.33AmarandeSunwell Plateau 5-man instance
01:43.37Amarandecan't remember the name off the top of my head
01:43.47Amarandewill that even see runs on regular, or probably only heroic?
01:43.52kd3"Magisters' Terrace"
01:44.02Amarandeor maybe only regular among people who did their heroic run for the day and want to do it again?
01:45.21mikma-7 :P
01:52.59Cairennsad, isn't it?
03:06.50*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
03:06.50*** topic/#wowi-lounge is | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | WoW programming book | "it's your terminating condition if you didn't get that" - batrick
03:07.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Erica (
03:13.03Cairenn *grin*
03:13.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Shaktar (
03:13.58zenzelezzno more alcohol for you tonight, young lady
03:16.28KeiasSmiley overload o_O
03:16.46EricaWe can has more smileys now  :P
03:16.48Cairenndolby-wowi upped the images permitted in a post from 4 to 10
03:17.03EricaHi  :)
03:17.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Keias (
03:17.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Kanos (
03:18.02EricaI feel like a kid at Christmas waiting for the patch now
03:19.39Gngskwhy is it that the pattern '^(%w+)%s+(.*)$' doesn't work the same as '^(.+)%s+(.*)$' the first pattern catches the first set of alphanumeric characters from begining of the line to a space, the second catches everything but the last
03:20.10Cide.+ catches everything, including spaces
03:20.32Cideso it will match everything up to the last whitespace character, since it's greedy
03:20.36*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:20.48Cideand then %s+ will match that last whitespace, and (.*) whatever is after the last whitespace
03:21.06Cide%w+ will only match alphanumeric characters (which doesn't include whitespace)
03:21.17Gngsknice explanation, thanks
03:21.21Gngskmakes perfect sense
03:33.11Amarande!c us turalyon alvaerin
03:33.19Amarandewhere'd the bot go anyway? :S
03:36.46batrickshirik you probably got screwed up if you're not handling reallocs correctly :)
03:38.37kd3heh at nasatv
03:38.45kd3they're doing an interview in japanese right now
03:39.57batrickshirik ping
03:42.03*** join/#wowi-lounge enum_laptop (
03:42.33enum_laptopcan anyone tell me what UPDATE_BONUS_ACTIONBAR is used for... I'm sure it's an event, but I can't seem to get any of the action bars trigger this event
03:42.50enum_laptopWoWWiki has an empty entry
03:49.28Cideenum_laptop: get the wow programming book :)
03:49.34Cideno idea though
03:50.25kd3huh. aparently japanese food is good in space. who would've thought
03:50.37enum_laptopCide: there's a wow programming book?!
03:50.45purlrumour has it, wowprogramming is World of Warcraft Programming: A Guide and Reference for Creating WoW Addons, a book written by Cladhaire, Kaelten and Cogwheel.  It serves as a technical reference for the WoW API and customization system (Due out Early 2008).
03:53.44enum_laptopso frusterating when you can't find docs on a certain event
03:53.58enum_laptopI'm trying to sort through code I didn't originally write
04:04.09Amarandeanyone with that book probably has to be marked the biggest dork in the world :D
04:05.05Cairennyou're joking, right?
04:05.14CideI'm going to preorder it and I know lots of people will buy it
04:05.16Cairennif you're serious about coding for wow, that's the book to have
04:05.59Cairennfuck, I know Blizzard people that are going to buy it
04:06.00Cideonce it's released anyway :P
04:06.17kd3wow... does blizz seriously not have any internal doc?
04:06.27CideI'm sure they do
04:06.42Cairennstill a great resource
04:06.44Cidebut I doubt they have stuff on stuff like state headers
04:08.10SixenHas it been released yet, Cairenn? I was considering buying it.
04:08.17Cairennnot out yet
04:08.23Cairennsoon though, very soon
04:08.29SixenI'll take that, =).
04:10.14Cairennsweet dreams Tem|Sleep
04:10.22Tem|Sleepnight Cairenn
04:10.25Tem|Sleephappy easter
04:10.30Cairennyou too
04:21.45kd3ahahaha at today's xkcd
04:27.56Gngskenum_laptop, have a rogue/druid handy?
04:28.51Gngski think the BonusActionBar is used for stealth
04:29.18Cidehahaha, yeah, kd3
04:29.31CideI've had that happen once or twice, although not by accident
04:29.50CideI queued up "Never gonna give you up" last time -- hilarious
04:30.19Cidething is, I had forgotten it so I effectively rickrolled myself
04:30.24Cideforgotten about it, rather
04:35.30*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
04:41.47Dumangod damn it
04:41.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Yssaril_ (
04:41.59Dumanprat got updated for icons or something, and it pukes when I type { something }
04:42.51Dumansomeone forgot to up a verison check in, lol
04:43.49*** part/#wowi-lounge Yssaril_ (
04:43.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Yssaril (
04:52.09*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Dinesh)
04:59.44*** part/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
05:21.01*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
05:35.25*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
05:35.25*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower] by ChanServ
05:37.35Wobinnote to self
05:37.44WobinJade Oozes have criminally high nature resist
05:57.23batrick!lua (""):rep(1e3)
05:57.23batbotbatrick: >
05:57.52Amarandetry being a warlock or spriest and doing that quest in BEM that requires you to kill the netherdragon
05:58.45MentalPower!lua (""):rep(1e3):len()
05:58.45batbotMentalPower: > 0
05:59.25MentalPowerbatrick: ^^^^
05:59.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
06:21.03art3misAmarande: if you dont have smite you suck ;P
06:21.26art3misshield smite smite smite fear smite smite shield smite smite fear
06:26.46MentalPowersmite sucketh
06:27.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
06:27.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
06:27.33art3miswhen you're a priest fighting a shadwo immune mob you dont have much chioce ;P
06:27.43art3misunless you wanna wand down 50k hps ;P
06:30.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Compaq_Administr (
06:33.07*** join/#wowi-lounge micneon ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:36.21*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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06:37.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
06:41.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Esamynn)
06:41.32*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Esamynn] by
06:41.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn_ (n=chatzill@
06:42.44*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Esamynn] by ChanServ
06:51.27*** part/#wowi-lounge Sixen (n=Sixen@
07:08.34*** join/#wowi-lounge ncd|Aileen (n=Dave^
07:12.11GuillotineWow, so did you guys see the whole x-box thief thing on digg? Pretty crazy
07:14.40GuillotineSome guy had his laptop/xbox/television stolen
07:15.06Guillotinebefore he had told anybody about it, he got a message on xbox-live laughing at him about it and saying he could buy back his xbox for a ransom
07:15.38Guillotinewell, the guy that had stolen it had used his own xbox-live account. So the guy that had the stuff stolen from him was able to get the thief's real name
07:15.52Guillotinehe posts the story on his blog, the blog gets to the top of digg
07:15.57GuillotineI think you can see where it goes from there
07:16.21GuillotineThe kid's home address, home phone number, myspace, youtube, every account imaginable becomes compiled into lists
07:16.31Guillotinehis girlfriends and parent's information as well
07:16.39Cairennoh dear
07:16.50GuillotineI mean, maybe the kid deserves a little harrassment, but people took it way overboard
07:17.22Antiarcbetcha he doesn't steal again though.
07:17.32ShirikWarning: One or more files are in a conflicted state.
07:17.32ShirikCompleted: At revision 91
07:17.34GuillotineWell, the kid got so scared of all the messages and calls he was getting everywhere that he actually personally went back and returned the stuff
07:17.59GuillotineNot that that seems to have really helped
07:18.09EsamynnAntiarc: ping
07:18.12GuillotineBut its amazing the type of information people can get off the internet with just a real name
07:18.53EsamynnI'm having this problem with Sanity, and I am hoping you can help me, or declare it a bug and fix it ;)
07:19.05EsamynnSanity tends to forget the contents of the bags in my bank(s)
07:19.09AntiarcI will likely decalre it a bug, since Sanity is buggy and I haven't really maintained it :P
07:19.23Esamynnthat makes me sad
07:19.34AntiarcI just use Baggins
07:20.03Esamynnbut, but, but
07:21.50Cairennsanity has been buggy for centuries, that's why so many people eschew it
07:22.09Esamynnbut baggins won't tell me what my other characters have :(
07:22.12Esamynnor will it?
07:23.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Sixen (n=Sixen@
07:23.06EsamynnAntiarc: can you at least point me in the right direction for what might be making Sanity "forgetful" ?
07:23.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
07:23.52Esamynn~lart Cairenn
07:23.52purlgets a hotmal account and SPAMs Cairenn
07:27.05art3misa hotmale account?
07:27.36art3misdoes bankand other accounts
07:28.05GuillotineEsamynn: get the Baggins_AnywhereBags
07:28.13Guillotineit'll let you browse bank and other character's inventories
07:28.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
07:28.50Esamynndoes it have a search field?
07:30.48GuillotineEsamynn: It can with another extension
07:30.51Guillotinethough I forgot what it was
07:31.09Esamynnbut damnit, I want my Sanity! :(
07:31.23GuillotineYou've already lost it
07:31.36WobinSanity and Alzheimers?
07:31.49Esamynnwhat's your point?!!?!
07:32.48Esamynndon't try and tell me any of you people are sane!
07:32.59Cairennsanity has been buggy for centuries, that's why so many people eschew it
07:33.09Esamynn~cheeseslap Cairenn
07:33.09purlACTION slaps Cairenn around with a wheel of gouda
07:33.17Cairenn~whaleparry Esamynn
07:33.18purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry Esamynn's attacks.
07:33.33Esamynn~bzfrag Cairenn
07:33.34purlACTION skewers Cairenn with a super bullet
07:34.00Cairenn~lart Esamynn
07:34.00purlshoots Esamynn in the head
07:34.19purljbot: woem
07:34.37Esamynn~whalenuke Cairenn
07:34.38purlACTION dons her radiation cloak and tinted glasses while a highly intelligent whale named Ray precipitates critical mass for uncontrolled nuclear fission around Cairenn with his mind powers.
07:35.06Cairenn~whaleshield Cairenn
07:35.21Cairenngrowls at purl
07:36.19Esamynnremains undefated
07:36.32Esamynnmake that undefeated
07:36.43*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | WoW programming book | Esamynn remains undefated
07:37.32Fisker-NO ME
07:37.32Cairennyour point?
07:37.40haste~defeat Esamynn
07:37.41purlACTION declares haste the winner and Esamynn the "runner-up"!
07:38.02Fisker-~defeat haste
07:38.02purlACTION declares fisker- the winner and haste the "runner-up"!
07:38.11Fisker-I > U
07:39.27Esamynnlamometer haste
07:39.39Esamynnlameometer Fisker-
07:39.48Esamynn~fail me
07:39.49purlesamynn: FAIL!
07:39.55Esamynn~lameometer Fisker-
07:40.51GuillotineOh sweet irony. Top 11th and 12th stories on digg in the past full year.
07:40.51Guillotine11: MSNBC anchor will not report on Paris Hilton getting out of jail. Give that anchor a raise!.
07:40.51Guillotine12: Paris Hilton loses inheritance
07:40.54Fisker-~lamemeter Esamynn
07:41.02Fisker-~lamermeter Esamynn
07:41.11Esamynn~fail Fisker-
07:41.12purlFisker-: FAIL!
07:41.16Guillotine~lameometer Guillotine
07:41.37Fisker-~nickometer Esamynn
07:41.43Fisker-~nickmeter Esamynn
07:41.43purlEsamynn is 100% lame with a cherry on top!
07:41.57Fisker-take that
07:41.57Esamynn~literal nickmeter
07:42.03GuillotineTake that world. A bot using an arbitrary algorithm based on completely irrelevant facts decided that I was not lame!
07:42.09Esamynn~literal nickmeter $1
07:42.10purl$1 is 100% lame with a cherry on top!
07:42.14Esamynnahh ha
07:42.18Fisker-no u
07:42.27Guillotine~nickometer Guillotine
07:42.35GuillotineI win once again
07:43.12Fisker-someone knows what rep you get from scale of teh sands in mount hyjal next patch
07:43.13Fisker-or else
07:43.49Esamynn1000 rep per trash mob!
07:44.15Esamynnbut dying costs you 20k rep
07:44.25Fisker-i never die
07:44.31Fisker-and when i die it's always a suicide
07:44.44Esamynnsuicide costs you 100k rep
07:45.26Fisker-cause i saved a person
07:45.29Esamynnand you can't enter if you're below neutral! 8)
07:45.45Fisker-if that's the case it'll be a rule to DI me everytime we wipe
07:46.39Esamynnso, a small group of guildies and I tried to down Doctor Weavil last night...
07:46.50Esamynnhe's not even a boss mob, just lvl 63
07:46.59Esamynnwe got WTFPWND
07:47.11Fisker-of course
07:47.14art3missmall group?
07:47.18Fisker-you don't know how to play
07:47.19art3mislike larger than 3?
07:47.20Esamynn9 or 10 ppl
07:47.25art3miswow you suck
07:47.30Fisker-you need to cc the people who get mind controlled
07:47.37Fisker-or you're gonna get pwnt
07:47.44Esamynnyah, what if the mind controlled person was the Bear Tank :P
07:47.51Esamynnie. me
07:47.53art3misdid it spreist pally and hunter ;P
07:48.16Fisker-what if you knew HOW TO PLAY and had 2 tanks?
07:48.26Esamynnyah, it was a half ass attempt
07:49.49EsamynnFisker-: yah, but if you're not prepared with any CC but poly, and a druid gets MC'd, you're fucked
07:50.51Esamynnart3mis: care to share your awesome strategy? ;)
07:53.59Esamynnahh, a pet tank
07:54.20Guillotinenight all :)
07:54.25Esamynnnight Guillotine
07:54.38*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
07:55.50Esamynnor paladin tank for that matter
07:55.54Esamynnhuh, seems simple enough
07:56.04Esamynnwe just didn't feel like messing with him at that point
07:56.19Esamynnand I hadn't done my research
07:59.54Amarandeheh, I remember seeing a group that had no one below 64, and at least a couple 70s
08:00.08Amarandethey tried to take down Nathanos or whatever his name is, Sylvanas champion in EPL
08:00.11Amarandeand got pwnt
08:00.19Amarandeand he's only a +62
08:01.01Esamynnhow many?
08:02.11Amarandethink there were 4 or 5 of them
08:03.28Esamynngood night
08:17.43art3misEsamynn|Away: it's simple, fear the adds and kill them fast while hunter kites the doctor around.. then it's a case of burst damage trap kite burst damage etc
08:18.19art3misoh wait we had a mage, i remember sheep bitching ;P
08:18.30*** join/#wowi-lounge DuTempete (
08:42.06Shirikhas anyone else been having problems for the past month with wowtest?
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11:59.32IndustrialShirik: whats wowest
12:00.04clad|officeis the PTR/TTR still up?
12:00.18clad|officeI need to update and upload my addonst onight
12:00.26clad|officesince tomorrow will be rough
12:00.33clad|officeassuming the patch comes =(
12:00.41clad|officetho next week would be much bettwe
12:01.17haste/r/ patch next week instead
12:01.28clad|officeis it?
12:01.40hasteno, I just don't want it this week :p
12:01.46hasteI won't  be home until tomorrow
12:01.49clad|officehehe ia gree
12:02.03hasteand I haven't been near a computer that can run WoW for weeks now
12:02.04zenzelezzI'm just glad EU is one day behind on patches so we can see all the problems and get more addons ready
12:02.18clad|officezenzelezz: i have to release mine for us
12:03.15batrickyou forget you don't _have_ to do anything clad :)
12:03.21batricklet them suffer for a day :P
12:03.25clad|officecan't do that
12:03.51batrickI feel dirty about that segfault i posted
12:03.59batricki feel i opened a can of worms unnecessarily : /
12:04.44clad|officeyou post lots of bugs that aren't bugs.. this one was no different
12:04.52clad|officeno reason to feel bad about it, I suppose
12:05.12batrickeh, the cpcall thing i thought was worth investigating
12:05.19batrickeven though I had a different problem on my end
12:06.24batrickI think they'll probably do something
12:06.50batrickbecause they advocate using luaL_openlibs which opens the debug library
12:07.05clad|officelhf's response indicates the opposite
12:07.35batrickya i guess so
12:07.54batrickI didn't declare it was a bug either :P
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12:16.31clad|office|Pixel|: Any idea where I should stay for the con in Paris?
12:17.56JoshBorkea hotel usually works well
12:18.15clad|officei hate you
12:19.12clad|office[jnw@clpc226] ../users/jnw/ircbot.git/db> lua log.lua "message like '%i hate you%'" | wc -l
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12:19.48JoshBorkeyou must hate a lot of people
12:19.53clad|officethat's not just me
12:19.54JoshBorkeor are those all for me? <3
12:19.55clad|officethat's all of us :P
12:20.06clad|officeshockingly low amount, i'd say
12:20.20JoshBorkeok, work time, bye
12:20.39WobinThe weekly hourlong series follows Richard Cypher, a young man who makes his living leading people through dangerous forests, as he investigates the murder of his father and finds himself opposing Darken Rahl, the son of an evil wizard.
12:22.19WobinThat has to be the worst summary of WFR I have -ever- seen
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12:28.01|Pixel|clad|office: there's a hotel next to the convention
12:28.05|Pixel|you should use it
12:28.14clad|officedo you happen to know which one it is?
12:28.20clad|officeor can you point me in the right direction?
12:30.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (n=jk275@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
12:31.34clad|office300 euro for two nights
12:32.03|Pixel|I don't know exactly, no
12:32.12|Pixel|and, yes, they'd probably will be very expensive ^^;
12:32.25|Pixel|I only know Blizzard is going to pay me a hotel nearby
12:32.40|Pixel|'coz going from my home to there every morning on the week-end will be a pain in the ass
12:32.44clad|officewe don't mind walking if it helps us price-wise
12:32.55clad|officeI'll look for something near it, thanks!
12:33.47|Pixel|you have the metro otherwise
12:34.04clad|officewell if you haev any suggestions of something a bit more reasonable, I'm open to suggestion :P
12:34.10|Pixel|so, if you can find any hotel downtown, you'd be able to get to the location quickly
12:35.05clad|officealright, thanks.
12:35.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
12:35.45Adysclad|office:  aye sorry couldnt find you a hotel on my side
12:35.54Adysbuti see you got it sorted more or less :)
12:35.56|Pixel|  <--  that'd be for the metro informations
12:36.42clad|officethanks :P
12:37.38Josh_Borke~lart clad|office
12:37.38purltakes a large goose feather pillow and swings it wildly in clad|office's direction, hitting clad|office and sending clad|office flying into the closet
12:43.41batrick~lart purl
12:43.41purlpushes the wall down onto batrick whilst whistling innocently
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13:42.08zenzelezza man of few words
13:42.51nevcairielslaps ralfWORK around a bit with a large trout
13:43.12nevcairielkeep rick rolling to the wow forums :P
13:43.26ralfWORKnaw, rick rolling is for everyone
13:46.07*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
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13:49.42TemMorning, bitches
13:50.41sag_ich_nichtstabs tem
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14:15.42clad|office|Pixel|: found a great hotel deal!
14:17.04zenzelezzall this corpse running is making me more worried that there is an afterlife than that there isn't
14:18.15|Pixel|clad|office: just check the metro path then on
14:18.23|Pixel|so that to check you're not too far away
14:18.40clad|officealready done
14:18.41clad|officeits right on the metro line
14:18.43|Pixel|okay :)
14:18.50*** join/#wowi-lounge ncd|Dave (n=Dave^
14:18.53|Pixel|cool thing
14:19.12|Pixel|Adys: tu viens au fait ?
14:19.35Adyst'y echapperas pas :)
14:19.45|Pixel|hu hu hu
14:19.53|Pixel|faudra se faire une p'tite bouffe avec boubouille
14:19.53Adyst'inquietes pas je mettrais mes plus beaux sous vetements
14:20.05Bibi`c'est ca ouais
14:20.12Bibi`genre je bouffe avec le petit peuple
14:20.36|Pixel|le p'tit peuple, il pourrait bien arriver à faire en sorte que t'y ailles pas, à cette convention, alors chut, hm
14:22.18Bibi`S'toi qui dit qui qui rentre et qui qui rentre pas ?
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14:43.07art3misFermer votre bouche, vous ne parlez français sur cette chaîne
14:43.24sioraiochtfuck french!
14:43.35art3mishrm appearantly my inline spellcheck doesnt like french words ;P
14:44.37art3misheh go google translate that ralf ;P
14:44.43ralfWORKoh cool
14:46.15art3mis948 * 495
14:46.21art3misplus 5200 for the sword
14:46.53mikmaoh right
14:47.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
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14:49.04foxlitgiven a texture of a circle outline
14:49.24foxlituse the texture to draw an arc between two arbitrary degrees
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14:53.49art3mis"dear sir's, i did not spend a crazy amount of money for these classes so that you might have us make spir-o-graph drawings for your amusement. I request you cease these inane questions and explain Fermats last theorum to us."
14:54.19LopeppeppyOr lower your prices and give us a cool color etch a sketch.
14:54.29art3misoh bwt charlie barlett is a pretty funny movie
14:54.57Lopeppeppytotally wants a cool etch a sketch
14:55.10art3misto be fair they're all cool ;P
14:55.18art3misif you like quare boobs!
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14:55.52Lopeppeppyart3mis, etch a sketch is not about boobs
14:55.56art3mis7200rpm laptop drives!
14:56.16art3misLopeppeppy: everything is about boobs.(when you don't have your own)
14:56.31cog|workLopeppeppy: you obviously were never a teenage boy
14:56.49cog|work(or pre-teen)
14:56.59art3miscog|work: or a "late bloomer" teenage girl ;P
14:57.07art3miscog|work: or an adult male ;)
14:57.36cog|worknah... adult males who were adequately breastfed grow out of it (at least according to my hippie family)
14:57.46schnoggoanyone have a dev guild on PTR?  Want to do some basic testing of chat window addons.
14:57.52art3misheh oddly enough i dont much care for boobs
14:58.03ralfWORKI like them
14:58.09art3misit's just more awkward to shout legs and ass! yay \o/
14:58.18schnoggo"grow out it" when? 90? 100?
14:58.51art3misoh and btw
14:58.57art3misif anyone hasnt seen Saving Grace
14:59.00art3misi suggest you do
14:59.04art3misit's a great story
14:59.14LopeppeppyCogwheel... I have totally never ever in my life been a boy.
15:00.06art3misand my wife found out that shes gotta watch more movies i suggest and not just assume im gonna say "airplane 2" every time
15:00.15art3misshe finally watched lock stock and 2 smoking abrrels last night
15:01.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
15:01.39art3misso here's todays dilema
15:01.53Josh_Borkewhich came first?  the chicken or the egg?
15:01.54*** join/#wowi-lounge SpiderBK (
15:02.07cog|workJosh_Borke: that's easy
15:02.12art3misdo i bring my work machine home and set it up as a domO for my VPS's OR do i attaempt to run domO and domU on the same machine
15:02.17cog|workunless you believe in the bible
15:02.30cog|work(of course, it's also easy then, but the opposite answer)
15:02.48art3misdoesnt everyone believe the bibble?
15:02.49Josh_Borkewtf are these words you speak art3mis
15:02.58LopeppeppyI believe the babble
15:02.58art3misJosh_Borke: ya know linode?
15:03.06cog|workbeat art3mis
15:03.10art3misim making one at home for something to do
15:03.20art3misgot the front end all setup
15:03.36cog|workthinks art3mis is a bad influence
15:03.40purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
15:03.44art3misjust debating if i wanna attempt the recomended setup and use two boxes or the hackzy way of 1 box
15:03.49SpiderBKi have a bit of a problem with getting some tooltip data. i set up a frame and assign a spell to it with distTip:SetSpell(i, "spell"). how can i get the tooltip from it?
15:04.10art3misperhaps you've forgotten about HKUI's 10k downloads ;P
15:04.15cog|workart3mis: if it turns out i'm one too, then i'll be forced to withdraw my statement...
15:04.28cog|workqualifiers 4tw
15:05.24Josh_BorkeSpiderBK: getline?
15:05.31art3misso today is the magical day i meet with the CTO of this company i interviewed with
15:05.50LopeppeppyBrush your teeth and comb your hair, smile and shake hands.
15:06.16art3misthe fact it's at the tail end of the day bodes well though
15:06.45art3misand it still feels like a "oh this is the new guy btw" sorta "interview"
15:07.58SpiderBKJosh_Broke: is there some documentation on getline?
15:08.40Josh_Borkeis what i was thinking of
15:11.01SpiderBKJosh_Borke: i already tried what they describe on the page but i always get a nil error on GetText
15:11.15Josh_Borkethen you must be doing something wrong
15:11.33Josh_Borkepastey your code
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15:14.37art3mis might not be sfw
15:16.43art3mis <-- cog
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15:25.20Josh_BorkeSpiderBK: GetText isn't defined on a tooltip
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15:26.51art3miswhee got myself a new domain
15:27.01art3misthe killing of time ;P
15:30.01SpiderBKJosh_Borke: so how do i get the text from the tooltip? i cant figure it out:/
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15:31.55SpiderBKJosh_Borke: if i use instead of GetText i dont get anything
15:33.16Josh_BorkeSpiderBK: GameTooltip is the name of a specific frame called GameTooltip
15:33.23Josh_BorkeSpiderBK: you should change GameTooltip to the name of your frame
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15:33.49SpiderBKJosh_Borke: i did that, sorry this was just an example
15:34.11dylanmShow the full code.
15:34.16dylanmDid you give it an owner?
15:34.55Josh_Borkeyou didn't do what i said
15:35.09dylanmNeeds an owner.
15:35.11Josh_Borkeyou must change more than just GameTooltip:GetLines()
15:35.21Josh_Borkeyou also have to change the getglobal call
15:35.44SpiderBKohh i see, i will try that
15:36.19SpiderBKso it has to be distTipTextLeft? do i get that right?
15:40.26SpiderBKah ok i also had to set an owner to get it to work, thanks a lot:D
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15:50.54SpiderBKhmm when i try using distTipTextRight i get the nil error again, why could that be?
15:52.55dylanmWhy would anything be there
15:53.53SpiderBKwell on my tooltips, rank and range look like they are right aligned...
15:55.02SpiderBKand they are not printed with distTipTextLeft
15:57.22cog|workanyone know where i can look up going rates for contract sofware work? (google's not being very helpful to me)
15:59.50Josh_BorkeSpiderBK: what is the exact error you get?
16:00.18SpiderBK"text" (a nil value)
16:00.29Josh_Borkethat's all you get?
16:00.42SpiderBKError:  attempt to concatenate local 'text' (a nil value)
16:01.18Josh_Borkethat means that the variable text has no value
16:01.27Josh_Borkeand you tried to concat a nil value with a string
16:01.32Josh_Borkelua> print("bob" .. fred)
16:01.33lua_botJosh_Borke: luabot:1: attempt to concatenate global 'fred' (a nil value)
16:01.41Josh_Borkelua> local fred = nil; print("bob" .. fred)
16:01.41lua_botJosh_Borke: luabot:1: attempt to concatenate local 'fred' (a nil value)
16:01.46Josh_Borkelua> local fred = 'fred'; print("bob" .. fred)
16:01.46lua_botJosh_Borke: bobfred
16:01.53Josh_Borkelua> local fred = 'fred'; print("bob" .. tostring(fred))
16:01.53lua_botJosh_Borke: bobfred
16:01.59Josh_Borkelua> local fred = nil; print("bob" .. tostring(fred))
16:01.59lua_botJosh_Borke: bobnil
16:02.03Josh_Borkedo that then
16:03.52dylanmSpiderBK: Does that happen for all lines?
16:04.33SpiderBKi only tried the first 2 lines
16:05.06dylanmIt's going to be nil for all the lines that do not have text.
16:05.53SpiderBKdoes it start with line 0 or line 1?
16:06.01dylanm1. This is lua :p
16:11.10SpiderBKwell if the range is on the second line and i get the same error when checking line 2, then whats going wrong there?
16:11.41Josh_BorkeSpiderBK: what line does it error at?
16:11.45Josh_Borkethe one where you add a message
16:11.56Josh_Borkebecause you are joining a string and nil together which throws an error in luo
16:12.07Josh_Borkeif you just change it to tostring(text) you will no longer receive that error
16:12.19Josh_Borkeor, you could add if text then <do stuff with text> end
16:12.26SpiderBKyes but why is it getting nil? there should be the range
16:12.35Josh_Borkeit is getting nil because there is nothing there
16:12.41Josh_Borkeif there was something there then it wouldn't get nil
16:12.55SpiderBKso its not possible to print the range tooltip of a spell? or what?
16:13.13Josh_Borkeor what what?  print out all of the lines, left and right, and see where it shows up
16:13.16dylanmIt is. Just add the debugging code and we'll know more.
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16:25.56SpiderBKok this works now, its on line 2. strange that i got an error when checking line 2
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16:31.03dylanmDefine checking.
16:32.15kergothany word on 2.4 and tomorrow?
16:34.03LopeppeppyReal Soon Now.
16:34.15kergothbah :P
16:34.19ckknightone more week?
16:34.57Industrialno please?
16:35.52kergothcan't wait for all the 2.4 branches to merge, no more maintaining multiple addon sets and stuff
16:38.47nevcairielwtb release this week
16:38.59dylanmIt's kind of nuts how secretive they are about it.
16:39.00ScytheBlade1Last we heard, it will be
16:39.06LopeppeppyKeep your fingers crossed and sacrifice a few goats, see what happens overnight.
16:39.11ScytheBlade1And we "heard" from an "authorative source"
16:39.11LopeppeppyYou'll know in 24 hours.
16:39.17ScytheBlade1Heh, what peppy said
16:41.14nevcairieli hope to trust your source, i would really love to finally get the patch
16:41.25ScytheBlade1We're glad that the source trusts us.
16:41.29ScytheBlade1Let's put it that way.
16:41.44nevcairielthat sounds good enough for me :P
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17:13.32Arthenikhey guys, i need help with creating a button. im a complete noob at api :(
17:13.56Artheniki want the button to hide an addon and show an another, so two toggles should be enough, but i cant find the mouse click event. i would also like to create it using eepanels, is that possible?
17:20.20Nom-Interesting, so what we thinking for 2.4 this week?
17:20.21Nom-50/50 ?
17:20.46Nom-I see worldofraids has jumped the gun a bit with a "pre 2.4" news item
17:21.23Nom-So has mmo-champion lol
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17:22.16ralfWORKmy new hang out
17:24.28Nom-wow... that new trinket is hot
17:24.36Nom-52 stam + 152 dodge rating if you go below 35%
17:24.40Nom-perfect for a pally
17:24.41ralfWORKoh yea
17:24.47ralfWORKthat one is really nice
17:24.49zenzelezzit used to be even better
17:24.55zenzelezzwas like 300 dodge rating at first
17:24.56ralfWORKI'm curious how good it'll really be though
17:25.08Nom-I'd say it's been designed for pallies
17:25.20Nom-Since 35% is the same time Ardent Defender kicks in
17:25.40ralfWORKI was thinking more druid myself
17:25.44zenzelezzone of the other (warrior) tanks in my guild has been drooling over it since it was first noticed
17:25.49ralfWORKwhen they take crushes to the face
17:25.56ralfWORKya, I can see that too
17:26.04ralfWORKany tanking class probably
17:26.08Nom-I'll be chasing it for sure
17:27.11zenzelezzso rogues... what's anesthetic poison - just instant poison without threat?
17:27.27LopeppeppySome, ya.
17:27.58Nom-lol did they give rogues a dps buff by way of a new poison? :/
17:28.22LopeppeppyYeah, right.  Dream on.
17:28.33zenzelezzit has slightly lower damage than instant poison, but causes "no additional threat"... don't think it's much of a DPS boost
17:29.08Nom-<-- looking forward to the next round of paladin dps buffs
17:29.15Nom-Finally fixing the gear is good
17:29.41zenzelezzI should feel good about my class/spec since we almost don't get changes, must mean we're fairly as intended
17:29.51zenzelezzbut would still like something now and then
17:29.53Nom-5/8/48 spec sucks for doing anything other than dps
17:30.17zenzelezzI'm 11/0/50 warrior
17:30.43Arthenikyou dont have cruelty?
17:30.46Nom-Yeah, but even a full dps spec warrior can still mitigate a fair bit ofd amage
17:30.53zenzelezznope, no cruelty
17:31.02Nom-The main mitigation skill palllies get is at 0/31/0
17:31.12Artheniki cant imagine what talents you could possibly take
17:31.13zenzelezzI'm somewhat specced for rage
17:31.18Arthenikimp revenge, taunt? disarm? :D
17:31.34zenzelezzImp Taunt, Imp Revenge, Imp SUnder, Imp HS... among others
17:31.44zenzelezzI've got somewhat of a peculiar spec
17:31.51Nom-I just want to compete as dps, is that too much to ask? :)
17:31.51Arthenikand what are you specced for, primarily? 25/10/5 mans?
17:32.07zenzelezz if you're curious
17:32.11Arthenikwe have a retri pala in our raids, hes pretty good :) too bad we're alliance though
17:32.18Nom-I was #4 dps overall tonight, and #1 melee dps, but that's only coz all the melee died in the first kite phase on supremus
17:32.52Artheniki found 12/6/43 a pretty good threat build, but i had to skip on imp def stance and shield wall
17:33.25Nom-I did ok... probably one of my better results... the gear I have though, I should be getting higher than I am
17:33.27zenzelezzArthenik: I don't spec primarily for any tank purpose, just overall tank. Many object to it, but it works for me and I couldn't care less \o/
17:33.36Nom-1800 AP unbuffed, 27% crit
17:34.21Arthenikoh, all right, its your char. but i dont understand why you got rid of 1h spec, its a beautiful talent and much better than, say, tac mastery of that imp revenge
17:34.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphon (n=gryphon@
17:34.42zenzelezzI didn't "get rid of", I never had it in the first place
17:35.33Artheniki dont understand why you specced for revenge though
17:36.10Nom-heh... i'm always dubious of players who disregard the cookie cutter specs
17:36.16Nom-They're cookie cutter specs for a damn good reason
17:36.25Arthenikthats what i think too
17:36.33ralfWORKomg it's my toon let me do what I want stop being an oppresive elitist ass!
17:36.49zenzelezzI'm dubious of players who're unwilling to try alternative specs
17:37.24Nom-lol i'm a paladin equally geared for protection, holy and retribution
17:37.25ralfWORKI'm just dubious of ret pallies
17:37.35Nom-and i've done every combination
17:37.55Nom-pvp holy, pve holy, pve prot, pve ret, pvp ret
17:37.58Arthenikoh, ret pallies have had their share of buffs recently... i think even death and taxes use one now
17:38.09Nom-Yeah, there's a damn good reason for that too
17:38.26Nom-Someone did the math... a ret pally keeping up Judgement of Wisdom is equivilent to your DPS chain chugging mana pots
17:38.36Arthenikyeah, i saw that on EJerks
17:38.56Nom-Hunters, Enhance Shamans benefit the most
17:39.06Artheniki still cant get over the fact that alliance doesnt have a SoB equivalent
17:39.22ralfWORKseal of..?
17:39.23Nom-SoB vs SoC isn't such a big deal any more
17:39.32ralfWORKdunno what that is
17:39.47Arthenikthere's the self-damaging component that makes SoB better
17:39.52ralfWORKhmm k
17:40.01Nom-You're talking 511 vs 538 dps
17:40.07Nom-for same gear, blood vs command
17:40.09Arthenikif we dont take haste and spell damage scaling into account
17:40.14Nom-err, command vs blood
17:40.16Nom-other way around :)
17:40.33Nom-Yeah, haste is where alliance gets shafted
17:40.41Arthenikyep, and mana efficiency
17:41.01Nom-with 100 haste rating, it's 559 vs 525
17:41.04Nom-the gap gets bigger
17:41.23Nom-blood just scales a lot better with haste because the proc chance on command is reduced by haste
17:41.26Industrial325 nature damage at level 62, hows that?
17:41.26Arthenikhaste is the second best stat for a sob pally :-/ but it is nowhere as good for soc
17:41.31hasteOM NOM NOM NOM NOM
17:42.00Nom-I'm trying to stack my armor penetration at the momnet
17:42.06Nom-Drops aren't going my way though
17:42.11Arthenikby the way, is there anyone who could help me with making a button please? :D
17:42.39Nom-I'd like to get about 1500 ignore armor with executioner procced
17:42.44Arthenikbtw, im not entirely sure, what weapon enchant is the best for late t5 progression level? we just started kael yesterday
17:42.55Nom-Arthenik: class?
17:42.59Arthenikretri pala :P
17:43.05Nom-oh, executioner
17:43.13Arthenikare you sure? with zero armor pen?
17:43.30Arthenikhe currently has a world breaker and is looking forward to the twinblade
17:43.35Nom-10 str is worth on average 3.43 dps
17:43.44Nom-100 armor penetration is worth on average 2.59 dps
17:43.49Nom-if you can't have one
17:43.51Nom-have the other
17:44.10Nom-someone did some serious math on executioner vs other enchants... let me see if i can dig it up
17:45.02Artheniki thought mongoose was the best one for that level of progression, assuming a standard tank 'n' spank fight
17:45.54Arthenikand im still looking for an eepanels advice, if anyone would be so helpful :)
17:46.07Nom-it used to be
17:46.10Nom-executioner scales better
17:47.12ralfWORKI'd think using executioner would be alot more tempting for non-rogues
17:47.18ralfWORKvs mongoose
17:48.31Nom-it is... the key here is that executioner effectively gives you a % boost in DPS
17:48.48Nom-whereas mongoose is 2% haste and 150 agi (correct me if i'm wrong)
17:49.03Arthenik120 agi
17:49.20Nom-mongoose is a flat buff, but executioner stacked with other ingore armor gear gives you a much bigger %
17:49.36ralfWORKyea sure, but for non-rogues, 120 agi is just some crit
17:50.06Nom-ret pallies shouldn't have any trouble with crit as it is
17:50.25Nom-ok lets take this for example...
17:50.38Nom-the average boss you're fighting, after all raid debuffs should have around 3500 armor
17:50.39ralfWORK(and some dodge, if you're tanky)
17:50.48Nom-That's almost 25% damage reduction
17:51.05Nom-Add 1500 ignore armor, and you're looking at 16% damage reduction
17:51.08Artheniki know the math, dont worry
17:51.09Nom-So that's a 9% damage increase
17:51.29Arthenikand im one of those who believe in it :)
17:52.28Nom-world breaker => twinblade is such a tiny tiny upgrade
17:52.31Arthenikbut i still think that armor penetration value is greatly diminished because retri paladins have abilities that completely ignore armor
17:53.12Nom-in fact, with +20% str, world breaker is probably better
17:53.34ralfWORKArthenik: ahh cause it's spell based?
17:53.44Arthenikdont forget to take soc's ppm nature into account
17:53.58Nom-umm seal of blood is basted on the white damage you deal i believe?
17:54.14ArthenikralfWORK: yeah
17:54.18Arthenikumm, i think so
17:54.24ralfWORKret pallies need like every stat
17:54.33Arthenikspirit pallies, woot!
17:54.53ralfWORKhmm... what's the spell damage ring again?
17:54.55ralfWORKin 2.4
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17:55.39Nom-the badge one ?
17:56.01Nom-Fused Nethergon Band
17:56.35ralfWORK35 dmg 28 hit
17:56.48ralfWORKk, 60 badges...
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17:57.17Arthenikheh, i came here to talk about eepanels and end up discussing retri paladins :P
17:57.40ralfWORKnot worth it unless I need the +hit :(
17:57.43LopeppeppyWe talk about anything, any time.
17:58.59Nom-umm also crusader strike doesn't ignore armor
17:59.13Nom-i'm certain of it coz I was dinging a warrior today for 1k crits instead of 2.5k
17:59.30Nom-So if you're horde, ignore armor is huge for dps increase
17:59.37Nom-Alliance... I'm sure Seal of Command must be affected by armor too
17:59.37ralfWORKahh crap
17:59.43ralfWORKI may have only the mace to buy with badges
18:00.45Nom-anyway sleep time
18:00.50Nom-3am and i'm finally starting to feel tired
18:01.00Arthenikgood night :)
18:01.20ralfWORKguess I'll get to have alot of gems
18:01.25ralfWORKand nethers :(
18:02.01Arthenikbtw, does anyone know where i can find a full readme file for eepanels? the wowace one is empty
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18:02.15Arthenikat least that would help a lot :)
18:03.26ralfWORKI don't know, but I use eepanels
18:03.41ralfWORK(for  whatever that's worth)
18:13.24kergothhmm, whats better, pawn or itemvalue?  i like pawn's interface better, but i'm wondering about flexibility
18:14.15LopeppeppyQuestion:  What is the name of that snake oil ping increasing software/algorithm thingie?
18:14.57kd3nagle's algo?
18:15.22LopeppeppyYup.  Nat Pagle.  I can remember that.
18:16.24ralfWORKwha? snake oil?
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18:47.20Saint-NI gots me a gnu tie
18:47.34Saint-Nitsa shiny silver one, that looks awesome with my dark shirt and black suit
18:47.56ralfWORK*cough* yea
18:48.00ralfWORKsorry :(
18:50.58Saint-Nheh it looks awesome
18:51.04Saint-NI lurv shiny things
18:51.10Saint-Nits not actually like sparkly shiny
18:51.23Saint-Nit's like the silver colour that katt williams has with his pimp suit ;)
18:56.38Lopeppeppy... which is why it's completely tacky
18:59.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Lej (
19:00.10IndustrialIs there an addon that lists all quests? I need to compare my own questlog with that list to find the ones I haven't done yet so I can do everything ....
19:00.23IndustrialI can use LightHeaded anyway top see where they start :D
19:01.12LejI'm having a problem with perl classic, everytime I log in the unitframes are placed at the wrong position, for some reason it doesn't save the position and I have to "Load Global Settings" to fix it. Anyone got any idea how to fix this? :/
19:01.14kergothIndustrial:  i think someone did an addon for showing all quests, thats on wowace svn.... dunno if its any good, but i remember seeing CIA mention it
19:02.01Industrialwonderful :D
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19:07.43enumcan someone give me an idea on how COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED allows existing addons to keep working? I'm trying to update some really nasty code, and I'm to the point where it's either fix it all, or none. But if I could throw that in to keep it working until I can do a full rewrite that would be preferable
19:09.39enumright now the current code has a hash for events like this ... EventHash["EVENT_NAME"] = { OnEvent = function() do stuff end }
19:10.00enumand then an OnEvent function runs and calls the specific event hash
19:10.58Josh_Borkeenum: convert the unfiltered combat log event into what it wolud have done before
19:11.24kd3it's on the wiki... somewhere. quickest link I can find is to DBM's doc, though.
19:13.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
19:14.28Industrialhm looks like I cant sync my current quest history (dunno if this data is even kept) with EveryQuest
19:14.34Industrialhave to fill everything I've done in manually
19:14.42Industrialand surprise surprise, I don't remember :p
19:14.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Saint-N (n=art3mis@WoWUIDev/WoWI/HKUI/art3mis)
19:14.55clad|officethe data isn't kept
19:14.57ralfWORKI wish there was a way to tell what quests you've done :(
19:15.29Saint-Nthere is
19:15.48Industrialim going to Zm now anyway :p
19:15.49Saint-Nyou run around to everyone and if they don't have a ? or a ! you've done thier quest ;P
19:16.06Saint-Nclad|office: you could log it though couldn't ya?
19:16.17ralfWORKSaint-N: oh dude it was GREAT trying to figure out where I was in my Ony questline
19:16.18Saint-Nin a happy little dbase as you go
19:16.37clad|officeyou can log it, as you level
19:16.45clad|officebut that doesn't help you after the fact
19:16.51Saint-Nmy fav part of the MC quest line was getting to mc and realizing that you fergot to turn in from last time you were there
19:17.31ralfWORKI'm glad I'm not horde side
19:17.37Saint-Nclad|office:L that's too bad, you'd think it would be relatively easy to query your character and check the complete questids
19:17.42ralfWORKgetting lost in the middle of that questline must have sucked bad
19:17.50Saint-Nheh yeha
19:17.55LopeppeppySaint-N, I believe those aren't client-side to query
19:18.12Saint-Ndo mc one week kill the first 2, forget to turn it in, do the next 4 the following night
19:18.17ralfWORKanyone know if quest history has been suggested to Blizz before and if so what the response?
19:18.17Saint-Ndon't go to mc for another few weeks
19:18.58Saint-Ncompletely forget to turn in during those two weeks until you kiill the first boss and think "fuck I fergot to go visit that ass in the water"
19:19.18Saint-Nwell no peppy, but really hp and mana aren't client side either
19:19.29Saint-Nand the game has to know what to display so it checks you
19:19.33ralfWORKI have no idea what you're talking about cause I haven't been to MC :(
19:19.44Saint-Nso one would assume that with a bit of digging you "might" be able to get that info
19:19.57zenzelezzI think you'd only find small parts
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19:52.17sioraiochtclad|office: hi?
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19:52.59cog|workpokes sioraiocht
19:53.03Josh_Borkeclad|office: you need to do something about him
19:53.09Josh_Borkespamming the channel with nonsense
19:53.12sioraiochtwasn't getting any response from the window, sorry
19:53.18Josh_Borkeit's ok :-D
19:53.22Josh_Borke~lart sioraiocht
19:53.22purldeclares sioraiocht a moron
19:53.23cog|workbitchslaps Josh_Borke
19:53.24sioraiochtJosh_Borke: i'd like to see him try =p
19:53.36purlACTION summons a rather dense leaden whale named Billy Bob to shield josh_borke from the blast.
19:54.05cog|work"This toilet paper sucks ass"
19:55.42clad|officeplease note that he didn't PM me either :P
19:55.44clad|officeon irc
19:56.15zenzelezzI think I remember someone mentioning a plumbing company advertising under the slogan "we fix the things your husband repaired"
19:56.16cog|workJosh_Borke: I thought that to myself after we got a new brand at work...
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19:56.41cog|workzenzelezz: i remember seeing something like that... maybe it was me?
19:56.55cog|workwtb a search engine for
19:56.55zenzelezzif I remembered who it was I wouldn't be saying "someone"
19:56.57purli guess logs is apt/ibot/infobot/jbot/purl all log daily to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz
19:57.12cog|workzenzelezz: hence "maybe"
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20:18.58Cide2.4 toc is 20400 right?
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20:32.31Adysloves whois abuse
20:33.06Cairennlaughs at Adys
20:33.20Adyswhoises Cairenn
20:33.27AdysTake THAT
20:34.03Josh_Borke~emulate Josh_Borke
20:34.04purlACTION hugs Cairenn
20:34.14Cairennhugs Josh_Borke
20:35.33Lopeppeppyhugs everyone once so no one feels left out
20:36.39Adyshugs everyone 2^n+1 times so no one feels not hugged enough
20:37.06Josh_Borkewow, almost 5
20:37.33Josh_Borkemicrometers actually
20:37.59Lopeppeppy....  TMI?
20:38.25AdysNot like there will be too much of something else
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20:39.50Lopeppeppygiggles and doesn't go there out loud
20:42.08cog|workis there a term for "missing" some time in the past before you existed?
20:42.36cog|workE.g. I miss when the runner-up for president got the VP spot...
20:42.50ShirikIndustrial: The PTR client
20:42.59cog|workObviously i can't miss something that i never experienced...
20:43.25cog|workralfWORK: the US constitution originally had the runner up taking vice president rather than the two running mates we have now
20:44.16LopeppeppyI'm nostalgic for the time when....
20:44.43zenzelezzI assume that ended because they couldn't stand each other these days the way they tear each other apart just to become the presidential candidate for the *same freaking side*
20:45.18Adyscog|work:  there's no specific term, afaik
20:45.38Lopeppeppy"a wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition; also : something that evokes nostalgia"
20:45.39Adys"Preferring (sp?) the past"
20:45.39batbotAdys, Preferring is correct.
20:45.41cog|worksweet! I hereby declare said term to be "Sqarsplotch"
20:45.50Adysbatbot, you're awesome
20:46.18Adysbatbot, you sukc (sp?)
20:46.18batbotAdys, As I see it, yes.
20:46.25Shiriknice bug
20:46.35ShirikI can fix that I think actually
20:47.52Shirikhe put a link to batbot in my home directory
20:48.01Shirikbut didn't give me permissions to follow that link
20:49.09AdysWhose bot is it?
20:49.36Lopeppeppybatrick!  Yes?
20:50.18Adyskk :)
20:51.51Shirikah, found it in another folder
20:51.57Shirikthis pattern hurt my eyes: cp["%a+%s*%(sp?e?l?l?c?h?e?c?k?%?%)"] = spell;
20:52.52ShirikWhat's %A
20:53.20Shirikthis is the one for the 8-ball but I don't know what %A is: cp["^[bB][aA][tT][bB][oO][tT].-%?%A*$"] = ball8;
20:53.33AdysHydraIRC has this nice regex matching for highlight on irc, unfortunately the regex syntax itself sucks
20:53.36Shirikyou sukc (sp?)
20:53.36batbotShirik, suck.
20:53.42SixenI lol'd: "Wouldn't be able to yell at people who don't read the stickies the way I can now."
20:53.44ralfWORKcog|work: hmm. I see
20:53.49ShirikAdys, you don't need the "batbot" in front of it
20:53.54ralfWORKI don't know, and that's a good question I suppose
20:54.04kd3that /is/ my reason as to why I'd turn it down...
20:54.08ShirikI'm going to guess that it patched the 8-ball one and stopped looking, rather than continuing on to the spell check pattern
20:54.21SixenYou should totally take it.
20:54.45SixenJust saying "Read the stickies" wouldn't get you in trouble, and that's basically what you do.
20:54.59SixenYou could be like the MVP Form of Tseric.
20:56.11zenzelezz<batbot> Shirik, suck. <--- beind pushed around by a bot... ouch
20:56.30cog|workSixen: i felt the same way at first... I think my ego won out though :P
20:56.51SixenHahaha, yeah, I read that thread, ^_^
20:57.20SixenNice choice though. Being a Blizzard MVP is a pretty big thing.
20:57.33SixenEspecially if you want to get a job there, etc, etc.
20:57.58cog|worksighs wistfully
20:58.18cog|workalmost got one... need to build up some more xp though...
20:58.44SixenWha? =o?
20:58.53SixenA job at t3h Blazzurd?
20:59.27LopeppeppyNeeds more sprocket, Cog.  :P
20:59.31SixenAh. If you go back, having "Blizzard Forum MVP" on your resume *basically *guarentee's you a job.
21:00.01cog|workThey actually told me very specifically what they wanted from me and that's not it ;)
21:00.19SixenOut of the 3 MVPs that applied for a job there, all 3 got one.
21:00.20LopeppeppyWell, at least they give good feedback!
21:00.26SixenAnd one of them was asked to work there and turned the job offer down.
21:00.28cog|works/they wanted from me/what i was missing/
21:00.55cog|workSixen: of course, i was applying for a programming position... Maybe they were going for moderator/cm/whatever?
21:01.04*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
21:01.17cog|workI'm sure i could get an entry-level spot, but that doesn't fit with my current lifestyle :P
21:01.19SixenThe 3 MVPs were all Tech Support MVPs and they got the Tech Support jobs.
21:01.39Sixen2 of them went on to become Programmers, 1 of them is still in Tech. And the 4th one that got the offer was a Techie MVP as well.
21:02.51AdysSeeing how the forums generally are, I'd doubt a MVP, who knows pretty well those forums, would WANT to apply as moderator/cm but hey, everyone's different :P
21:03.06AdysSo tech support would make more sense
21:04.41cog|workAny of the entry level spots I know i could get would mean probably a 50% pay cut (not to mention the 400+ mile move)
21:06.38SixenAdys: Haha, :P.
21:07.06SixenCog: True... But in time you'd be able to move up. Then again, it all depends on your situation.
21:07.17Valaron|WorkCog just bought a house!
21:07.22cog|workis still trying
21:07.51cog|workValaron|Work: the first one we got all excited about had really bad mold/water problems in the (finished) basement
21:08.04Valaron|WorkOh? That sucks. :(
21:08.05cog|workThe second one had 3 other offers from people with larger budgets
21:08.22cog|workWe just went out yesterday and put in offers on 2 of the 15 we saw
21:08.39cog|workback to square 2
21:08.47Valaron|WorkUgh. Sorry to hear that.
21:08.58Valaron|WorkAre they all in the same area/neighborhood?
21:09.20cog|workOne's pretty near the first, the other's about 15 mins south
21:10.17Saint-Ninterview went well, I'll know in a couple of days
21:10.28Saint-Nbut the way mr.cto kept refering to "
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21:10.51Saint-N"oh you'll love o0ur coffee machine then" and "when you start do you think your business will get in the way?"
21:11.04Saint-Nthat sorta thing makes me lean towards the wooo I start next week
21:11.09Valaron|Work"your business"?
21:11.17Saint-Nyeah I have my own consulting company ;P
21:11.56Saint-Nwelp time to go home I think... lates
21:12.12cog|workSixen: I have a plan to get the things they want under my belt over the next couple years without slashing my pay... and by then the housing market will hopefully turn around ;)
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21:12.37cog|workbuyer's markets are 4tw when you're buying ...
21:13.55Valaron|WorkEspecially in this housing "crisis" we seem to be in.
21:14.11Shirikdoesn't help much when there's nothing to buy
21:14.42cog|workOh there's no shortage of places to buy... more like shortage of time to see them all :P
21:15.14cog|workwhich is why it's a buyer's market... A lot of these places are bank owned so they're just trying to scrounge up as much as they can, and most need a bit of cosmetic work
21:15.40zenzelezzfrom what we Europeans hear about the US real estate market you'd think you could pick up whichever place you want for $100 these days
21:15.55Valaron|WorkCogwheel lives in the Bay Area.
21:15.59Valaron|WorkThat doesn't apply.
21:16.17Saint-Nzenzelezz: you can if it's a cardboard and plastic wrap place in the middle of swamp ;P
21:16.47zenzelezzSaint-N: don't look at me, I'm basing the perception on 60 Minutes and the average news report
21:16.54Saint-Nheh yeah
21:17.04cog|workin some places, sellers aren't budging on the price and are content to leave their house on the market for 5+ years...
21:17.05Saint-Nit has dropped a bit except in major metro areas
21:17.13Saint-Nlike in nyc there isn't a downswing at all
21:17.30Saint-Nand if there is it's at most a drop of 50k, which on a 800k hours isn't all that much
21:17.44Valaron|WorkMy house has dropped in value in the past 2 years, but not by too much.
21:18.14Saint-Nnot like 4 years ago when I moved here and houses that were 500-600k almost doubled within a month
21:18.37Saint-NI'm not over exagerating either
21:19.01Saint-N5 houses on my block sold for 465-625 and were then resold for 850-1.1
21:19.09Saint-Nlessthan a month later
21:20.08cog|workwe've actually got a lot of foreclosures around here so the price drops have been pretty dramatic...
21:20.27cog|workbut only in two of the cities... all the rural areas are pretty stable
21:20.36cog|work(in sonoma county)
21:21.00*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (n=jnwhiteh@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
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21:25.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
21:25.58kd3oh heh. they reverted most of the aoe-not-breaking-cc changes, apparently
21:27.02zenzelezzjust spells or melee abilities too?
21:27.43kd3love you too, fixk
21:28.00Fisker-we were in front of akama
21:28.02Fisker-and then
21:28.03zenzelezzwonder if they did it because they felt it made things too easy
21:28.08Fisker-BOOM HEADSHOT instance server down
21:29.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
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21:32.55Fisker-PATCH TODAY?!
21:33.21Fisker-or tomorrow :P
21:33.29kd3tomorrow, but no word. I'm still operating on the assumption that it is... haven't been any showstoppers behind-the-scenes from what I've heard
21:33.43Cairennmy little birdies tell me tomorrow
21:33.59cog|workCairenn: i got u a new little birdy
21:34.03cog|workbut i eated it
21:34.27Cairennu eated it? oh noez!
21:34.51*** join/#wowi-lounge lolinternet (i=bitch2k@
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21:37.24Sixeno noze
21:37.53cog|work:o)    <--- o nose
21:38.36Fisker-quoting tip of the day from the login screen to the raid = haet
21:38.46Fisker-especially when everyone is booted from the instance servers
21:39.15sacarascEU has been unstable as a very unstable thing recently
21:39.34Fisker-haven't had any problems here for a good while
21:40.41sacarasccould just be my realm then, but much lagging, outland has crashed at least 3 times in the last 4 days
21:41.03zenzelezzsome parts of EU
21:42.52*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
21:42.54Fisker-well we had some lag a couple of days ago
21:45.00zenzelezzthe 2.4 survival guide is made of concentrated win
21:45.12Cairennzenzelezz: thanks :)
21:46.07CairennI've added the link for it to that post, as well
21:46.35Cairennand on that note, I have to go pick up my kiddo from Uni
21:46.39Cairennback later
21:47.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
21:47.32*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Lopeppeppy] by ChanServ
21:48.07kd3could someone report my 2.4 thread asking it to get swapped with the 2.3 one? can't report my own posts
21:48.21Cairennlink, please
21:48.25CairennI can do better than that
21:48.55SixenWill do.
21:49.08SixenSo, you want to unsticky the 2.3 and sticky that?
21:50.54Cairennokay, I'm out, back in a while
21:52.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
21:55.10LopeppeppyI did report it for ya a few days ago though, kd3.  *hug*
21:57.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Erica (
21:58.02EricaAnyone know who this guy Freshblood is?
21:58.07mikmawhat? 2.4 tomorrow is true?
21:58.15LopeppeppyReal Soon Now.  *shrug*
21:58.50EricaWe don't ever really know until a blue posts or we wake up and see it going live
21:59.06kd3unless a disaster happens behind the scenes, it's a pretty safe bet
21:59.28EricaI just don't want to get my hopes up too much
22:00.56Ericagonna be interesting to see what new toys we get when it does go live
22:01.25LopeppeppyWe'll know in less than 24 hours.  Time to do yoga.
22:01.33Ericayes  hehe
22:01.57LopeppeppyLook at people nitpicking the updated mods list.  *sigh*
22:02.31kd3whee, thanks Cairenn|afk
22:02.59Ericadid I miss something?  lol
22:03.10kd3my 2.4 thread's been stickied
22:04.29SixenRofl, that was fast?
22:08.55*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
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22:22.45Shiriklooks at the title of the UI & Macros forum
22:22.59Shiriklooks at the first 9 words of this post "I know it's not a macro or a UI..."
22:23.14*** join/#wowi-lounge ZealotOnAStick (
22:23.22LopeppeppyMmm-mmm.  Nitpick the useful things.  Must love sheeple.
22:25.10NightHawkTheSanehates coworkers who blindly assign me bugs without bothering to do the smallest research into it, until I do, and figure out it was a bug in their project anyway. ><
22:26.39NightHawkTheSaneThe worst part is, that all could have been figured out some 2 weeks ago, but my local code base has been too borked to test it until now.
22:27.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
22:28.17Shirikany biology majors around (specifically human biology)
22:28.34Lopeppeppythinks she doesn't qualify, in spite of extensive research....
22:31.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Slackwise (
22:47.46Fisker-you're getting rewards kd3
22:48.02Fisker-i beta tested TBC
22:48.16SixenSo did I, :P.
22:48.17Fisker-too bad Blizzard didn't give a shit about helpful people from the EU community :(
22:48.27SixenHm? You're from the EU Forums?
22:48.44SixenThats sexy.
22:50.39Industrialis there an english word for (dutch and danish) tentamen?
22:51.06Industriallike exams but exams are at the end, this is in the middle
22:51.08zenzelezzoh, read the n as s...
22:51.14zenzelezzturns on the ceiling lights
22:51.22Industrialof the year
22:52.41IndustrialI see only exam :p
22:54.50LopeppeppyMidterms, Industrial?
22:55.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
22:56.17Industrialhm, yes
22:56.40Industrialso, 1 more week til midterms! :p
22:57.02IndustrialI can relax cause its easy \o/
22:57.20Industrialim taking 2 extra classes too :p
22:58.00*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
22:58.56SixenOr mid-term. Yeah.
23:06.11ScytheBlade1kd3: for what it's worth, I'm all for flagging you as a GM on the PTRs
23:06.26SixenWhat do yo mean by that? An addon?
23:08.15kd3in the @kd3 thread
23:08.27ScytheBlade1I closed it, or I'd link it
23:08.39Fisker-i'm jealous!
23:08.48Fisker-gm tags require a gm client anyways
23:08.55Fisker-no chance in hell it's going to leave Blizzard
23:08.59ScytheBlade1Minor details can be worked around
23:09.35kd3huh? I've seen reports in CS where GMs logged on a character and forgot to remove the flag when they were done and the player logging in with gm goodies
23:10.01ScytheBlade1Yup, same
23:10.37ScytheBlade1Knowing Blizzard, if anything, it's a command line switch
23:10.59SixenDon't think so
23:11.12SixenAFAIK, there's a special GM Client that allows them to access all of the realms at once.
23:11.18SixenLike, a "World" server.
23:11.21zenzelezz/it is a good day to die
23:11.26ScytheBlade1That's a different client, Sixen, and does not include a GUI
23:11.32ScytheBlade1Chat only client :)
23:11.32zenzelezzor some other WC cheat code
23:12.30ScytheBlade1If you enable the console (add "-console" to the run params), and then open it (~), you'll note that a command module labeled "gm" exists
23:12.46Fisker-kd3 the commands (besides for worldport and whois) are only in their internal tools
23:12.47SixenAh, true.
23:12.50SixenAnd you can run GM commands.
23:12.54Fisker-and no it's not a command line switch
23:12.56SixenAs long as you have the privielges, that is.
23:12.59Fisker-or hackers would've found it a long time ago
23:14.31Fisker-and unless their servers support server interpretation of commands it's doubtful that there are any non-console slash commands as well
23:14.41ScytheBlade1Fisker-: or, the "hackers" found it, but the commands do nothing unless the servers give the go-ahead.
23:14.55ScytheBlade1Fisker-: or, the "gm" modules in the console is just a proxy to talk to the servers.
23:14.58Fisker-Or they didn't because it doesn't exist
23:15.02ScytheBlade1Fisker-: OR, etc etc etc
23:15.14ScytheBlade1The gm modules exists in the stock client, I assure you
23:15.19Fisker-does not
23:15.31ScytheBlade1Tada, "gm" is listed
23:15.37Fisker-that doesn't mean they exist
23:15.43Fisker-there's still worldport, port and whois
23:15.46Fisker-which are "gm" commands
23:15.54Fisker-but they are the only ones put in the stock client
23:16.26Fisker-you can even see all the commands accessible in plaintext in the binary
23:17.09SixenWorld Port, Port, and Whois all worked on the PTR by accident at first.
23:17.21SixenIf it's not disabled by the server, the sotck client can use it.
23:17.45Fisker-i know
23:18.04Fisker-but you can't do anything else
23:18.21Fisker-heck even the people who had the GM tag by accident tried using the console
23:18.25Fisker-and nothing new appeared either
23:19.32*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (i=cbceb2e4@gateway/web/ajax/
23:19.36ScytheBlade1Or the "gm" module is a proxy to the servers. Or anything. Who knows.
23:20.25Fisker-i know
23:20.30Fisker-roars at people
23:20.54Fisker-even had a previous GM tell it to me as well
23:21.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
23:21.10Fisker-which is a breach of the NDA
23:21.25Fisker-even when you're fired you're bound to a NDA for the tools and what not
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23:23.04SixenYeah, that's correct.
23:23.09SixenBut what are they going to do? :P.
23:23.31ScytheBlade1Sue you?
23:23.33Fisker-own them
23:23.40ScytheBlade1For a lot of money?
23:23.49SixenMeh, I doubt it'd happen.
23:23.51Fisker-the guy from the european staff that leaked WotLK got pwnt
23:23.53SixenIt's possible, but I doubt it would happen.
23:24.11kd3the guy who leaked SP weapons got sacked that very day, didn't he?
23:24.23kd3sunwell plateau
23:24.35ScytheBlade1I thought they were datamines
23:24.44ScytheBlade1sighs and keeps eating
23:24.48Fisker-you can't datamine something that doesn't exist :D
23:24.52kd3stuff showed up on mmo-c before we had the first client
23:25.06Fisker-Some guy leaked the WotLK FAQ
23:25.13Fisker-he was kicked pretty much the same day as well
23:25.14AnduinLotharit's funny watchign a pet respawn at you while flying
23:26.00Fisker-sleep tiem for me though
23:26.06Fisker-there is no spoone
23:26.08Fisker-the matricks
23:27.17zenzelezz[SERVER] Shutdown in 15:00
23:27.23zenzelezznothing was announced o_O
23:27.31Fisker-omg patch early
23:27.34nevcairielmaybe your server is bugz0red?
23:27.35dylanmSURPRISE SUNWELL
23:27.35zenzelezzvery early
23:27.41zenzelezzconsidering I'm EU
23:27.48kd3fires up the PTR client...
23:27.50AnduinLotharus is still up
23:27.52Fisker-well they fucked up the instance servers
23:28.03nevcairielzenzelezz: maybe your server just needs a reboot
23:28.18zenzelezzwould think it'd say Reboot/Restart then
23:28.47nevcairieldunno, i bet its back shortly after the restart
23:28.52nevcairiellogs in
23:29.02purl (US), (EU)
23:29.09AnduinLotharis sunwell open?
23:29.21SixenYeah, should be on the PTR/TTR.
23:29.29SixenNot Found
23:29.30SixenThe requested URL /alert was not found on this server.
23:29.32nevcairielwasnt the instance portal still closed?
23:29.43kd3I'm logged in, on the isle. someone toss me an invite on us pve alliance. 'kaydee'
23:29.44SixenI thought it re-opened?
23:29.45nevcairielbut youi could exploit and summon people in if you logged out in before?
23:29.55ScytheBlade1kd3: sec
23:30.00zenzelezzall right, Cyclone again
23:30.04SixenLet me in on this, =).
23:30.53kd3nope, still closed
23:31.39nevcairielthe instance reset was set to "normal" reset times, and you didnt get insta-booted when you logged in inside the instance
23:31.50nevcairielso some "cool" guilds just exploited and summoned people into the instance
23:31.51nevcairielgo figure
23:32.05Cairenn|afkkd3: you're welcome
23:40.41zenzelezzso what do people spend the last 2 minutes before shutdown doing?
23:40.49kd3spamming /2?
23:40.50zenzelezzspamming the freaking hell out of trade channel, thinking they're safe
23:45.10Corrodias/2 hi
23:45.23Corrodias/2 i'm back from my vacation!
23:48.30Cairennpeople fucking suck!
23:48.51Lopeppeppycomforts Cairenn
23:48.57LopeppeppyThey do, darlin'.
23:49.04SixenWhat server is going down? The PTR?
23:49.17zenzelezztwo EU battlegroups
23:49.40SixenOh, we were talking aobut the PTR. THought it was the same subject,  =p.
23:49.43NechcknI'll tell ya... the changes to the default options screens are really something- so non-Blizz imho  Very minimalistic
23:49.57zenzelezzI can't help but wonder what sort of instance problems could require the realms to be down for "approximately one hour"
23:51.22AnduinLotharwoah, i didn't know sacrifice was like a 30s pally bubble..
23:53.02KeiasIt's more like a priest bubble isn't it?
23:53.03AnduinLotharvoidwalker pet thing
23:53.11KeiasCause it only absorbs so much AFAIK
23:53.13AnduinLotharsays absorbs all damage
23:53.25AnduinLotharahh ok
23:53.27AnduinLothar2900 dmg
23:54.22ScytheBlade1I think general is going to explode within the next few hours
23:54.31ScytheBlade1"2.4 tomorrow? please? PLEASE?"
23:55.12AnduinLothardid they dissable dueling on the ttr?
23:55.15kergothCairenn: the 2.4 survival guide is wrong about mikscrollingbattletext, theres a beta for it posted on wowi
23:55.15Keiasso PTR is down now? o_O
23:55.25SixenNo, it was an EU Battlegroup
23:55.29Sixen2 of them*
23:55.40Cairennkergoth: aye, have to go through and check everything again, thanks for the heads up  though :)
23:55.55nevcairieli bet Mikord has some newer version ready for 2.4 release
23:56.11Cairennmost likely
23:56.23kergothah, my mistake, he does have a beta, but its not on wowi.. its on some file sharing site... wtf
23:56.26kergothsomebody kick him
23:56.31ScytheBlade1wonders about SWS
23:56.37Cairennhe and I already talked about it
23:56.52nevcairielwowi doesnt allow you to post betas without overwriting the main file, or does it?
23:57.00ScytheBlade1Cairenn: lol, you make that sound like an overly bad thing ;)
23:57.05AnduinLotharScytheBlade1: there's a ntoe about sws ont hat thread
23:57.18Cairennnevcairiel: put it in the beta download cat
23:57.27nevcairielas a new project, no?
23:57.32Cairennaye - for now
23:57.41ScytheBlade1AnduinLothar: yeah, I know. He's also had that thread stickied for months with no other news.
23:58.11kergothi want a new dotimer.  it has some features i havent found elsewhere :\
23:58.17nevcairielI need to set some 2.4 thread up for my guilds forum
23:58.32ScytheBlade1AnduinLothar: - "Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007"
23:59.00*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work_ (
23:59.09Stanzillanevcairiel: can you give me the text when you're done with it? :P
23:59.18nevcairieldont be lazy
23:59.45nevcairieli'll just mirror all the important addons anyway and provide links, because all addon pages will die

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