IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080323

00:00.40GollumSeerah: Incompatible and EU-Bloodhoof
00:01.10Seerahsorry, which version?  I'm assuming live, though
00:01.34zenzelezzout of curiosity, did you try removing the space between the keywords and the colon? ("## Interface: 20300" instead of "## Interface : 20300") No idea if it matter
00:01.40Gollumyeah live which is...err...
00:02.21GollumZenzelezz: just trying more error  :D
00:03.07Seerahit shouldn't matter
00:03.13Seerahohh wait
00:03.16zenzelezzI wouldn't have thought so
00:03.18Seerahremove - not add ><
00:03.18zenzelezzbut apparently it did
00:03.36Gollumit changed it  :P
00:03.55CairennYeah, I was going to say, I've never seen a .toc that had those spaces in it, so not surprised it works with them removed
00:04.30Gollumim looking at a tutorial on a forum and it had those spaces in  :P
00:04.56Cairennglad it was that easy to fix though :)
00:06.45LopeppeppyGollum, was it a forum that maybe someone here has input to get that error fixed, so no one else gets frogged by it?
00:06.53foxlitIt's evil :(
00:07.27foxlitI'm contemplating adding simple algebraic expressions, but that might confuse things even further with atoms :(
00:07.31Gollumthe UI/Mod Developer Forum, its the top sticky  :P
00:09.10Gollumsomeone else has posted their code there for the .toc file with the spaces and says that that code works fine (They did not refer directly to the spaces though)
00:10.03Gollum There is the link...the post was written by a user called 'Klishu' and I cant see one in the irc room
00:10.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandok1 (
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00:10.54Lopeppeppyhuggles |Jelly|
00:10.59SeerahGollum: if you don't have it bookmarked yet,
00:11.09Gollumyep Ive got that one  :D
00:11.32SeerahI'd go there first for tutorials, info on TOC format, functions, lua, etc.
00:11.44LopeppeppyYeah, what Seerah said.
00:12.55GollumIve done a bit of programming before and found addons that were slowing down my WoW annoying because they did more than I needed them to so I decided to look into writing my own  :D
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00:16.21Dottedis away (kd3 - whee squid just went splat)
00:17.02Cairennawwwwww, nice kitteh!
00:17.24Cairennthat's actually a gorgeous picture, all joking aside
00:17.37Cairennlook at those wonderful green eyes
00:18.24LopeppeppyBeautiful fur baby
00:18.53Dottedis away (kd3 - whee squid just went splat)
00:19.39*** join/#wowi-lounge p3lim (
00:22.41Gollumbye  :-)  Ill probably come back when I cant do something else  :P
00:22.51Cairennyou'll be welcome :)
00:23.00*** part/#wowi-lounge Gollum (
00:28.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Slackwise (
00:43.02*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
00:51.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
00:55.34Amarande!c us turalyon thumperalso
00:58.26*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
01:06.52Cairennhehehe, cute
01:07.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Tinyboom (
01:09.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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01:26.13*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
01:38.30*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
01:39.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
01:50.22AtriaceSo, what do you think the chances are the patch comes out the 25th?
01:53.50*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
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02:02.16GuillotineSo someone wrote a thread about ways to prank people with the UI. I posted one simple one (crashing them due to strings all being evaluated as true), but I decided to remove my other one so I wouldn't be forum banned. You guys think it would be ok if I included: "/script for a in pairs(_G) do _G[a]=nil end" in the thread?
02:02.25*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (
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02:06.36GuillotineSomeone bump please -->
02:08.22AtriaceWhy don't you?
02:08.54zenzelezzself-bumping usually doesn't work as well as other-people bumping
02:09.34GuillotineAlso, I want it to at least look like other people care
02:09.48Guillotine(Actually, it really is an addition that would make quite a few people happy)
02:10.31Atriace(actually, it would make me happy too).
02:11.36Shirik|AFKwhat's the 2.4 badge mace called?
02:12.17Guillotine[Mace of 2.4 Leetness]?
02:27.28kd32.4 badge loot:
02:29.37zenzelezzis that all the new badge stuff?
02:29.57kd3short of the gems sold by Mar'nah, yah
02:31.02Shirik|AFKThat page is apparently wrong
02:31.09Shirikwith regards to the questline statements
02:31.51Shirikit conflicts with the page on the quest "Making Ready"
02:32.00kd3she spawns when we retake the armory. she doesn't offer her wares until making ready's been done
02:32.11kd3working on that page now, actually
02:36.11Shirikooh pretty
02:36.13Shiriknew alchemist's sotnes
02:36.17Shirikdidn't know about those...
02:47.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
02:50.35kd3there. take a look at the wiki page now. should be a bit more clear
02:54.42*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
02:55.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
02:55.00*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
03:14.45Cairennhuggles MentalPower
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03:15.25Cairennhuggles cogwheel
03:16.14cogwheelhuggles back
03:16.39MentalPowerhuggles Cairenn
03:16.48cogwheelhuggles..... nah
03:17.03cogwheelsorry mp :P
03:17.04MentalPowerbrb, food
03:27.48kergothanyone know of an addon to remind my forgetful ass to shut aspect of the pack the hell off on entering combat? :P
03:29.01sacarascheh, silly huntard
03:29.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110| (
03:29.08dylanmCould probably change a couple things in DazeOfOurLives.
03:29.17Cairennhand one, hang on a sec
03:30.02CairennNO idea if it still works or not:
03:30.44Amarandeok, how do you get over to the crimson part of stratholme solo without dying, on a non-stealth class?
03:30.57AmarandeI tried, can't get past that one place with the two gates that spawn rats
03:31.09Amarandeor do you l2level a rogue to get your righteous orbs?
03:31.48kd3holy water?
03:31.58Amarandekd3: righteous orbs for crusader enchant
03:32.02kd3or any other form of aoe to kill the rats
03:32.13Amarandewarlock only has pushbackable forms of aeo
03:32.38Amarandeor should I just l2pay at AH?
03:32.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn|Away (n=nnnchatz@
03:33.40AmarandeI'm gonna assume that even if I got a group, needing on mats is considered unethical ninjaing
03:35.34HjalteAmarande: What lvl are you? As far as I remember, those rats were really easy to kill, as a holy priest doing Holy Nova at lvl 60.
03:36.17sacarascget a nice friend to help you
03:36.22AmarandeAffliction lock, I have 2 forms of AoE I can think of ... Hellfire, which will just help me die faster, and Rain of Fire which is useless because it will be pushbacked out of existence before it even ticks
03:36.43sacarascstrath can be easily 2 manned at level 70
03:36.50HjalteAmarande: Seed is the best aoe you have. Get one off and then wand that target or something. When it goes off, everything dies.
03:37.58Amarandeshould even be soloable, at least the living part, -assuming you can get there-
03:38.06HjalteAmarande: If you're having trouble getting it off because of rats interrupting you, you could try and get the voids shield on you before going in.
03:38.17Amarandeaggro radius is next to nil at 70, you basically have to step on one of the undead to get aggro
03:38.34AmarandeTried that, the shield goes away like nothing
03:38.46Amarandethey seem to have smart-rats too
03:38.55Cairennhuggles Esamynn|Away
03:39.02Amarandeyou send the voidwalker in to fight them? half of them aggro on you instead, even if you weren't in aggro when you ordered it to attack
03:39.50HjalteAmarande: If I weren't writing this very important report, I'd go and test it myself. Sending in the void might do, just do as many seed of corruptions as you can before it dies, eventually shielding yourself just before it dies, and then just do enough damage to have one of the seeds detonate.
03:46.09zenzelezzas a prot warrior you can (very slowly) solo just about all of human Stratholme, only very difficult part is the cannoneer wing (with the packs of 2-3 healers)
03:46.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
03:47.17zenzelezzsadly I can't seem to solo the baron in undead :-/
03:47.27HjalteGive warlocks plate tbh.
03:48.04zenzelezzsure, the same day my warrior gets Seed of Corruption
03:48.28Amarandeactually, perhaps locks should have a little better armor
03:48.51HjalteAt least I feel pretty stupid when facing this rogue who just stun locks me to death.
03:48.52Amaranderemember, the FotM strategy in arena is 'zerg the lock' and it seems to work a tad too well
03:49.19zenzelezzplate doesn't save you from stunlocking
03:49.37HjalteNope, but it saves you from a lot of the damage :)
03:49.47zenzelezznot as much as you might think
03:50.00Amarandealso, armor penetration, sunder, executioner etc. have a lot less DPS boost vs. plate than cloth
03:50.41Amarandeso I guess apparently the real QQ comes down more to that executioner is OP than anything else, maybe?
03:55.27Shirikis there a good make tool that can be used for Windows?
03:55.32Shirikcygwin is not an option
03:55.52MentalPoweror mingw's make
03:57.49kd3ahaha and ouch...
03:59.07Shirik<3 MentalPower
03:59.30Shirikanyone on windows xp atm?
03:59.59MentalPowerShirik: I have a winxp VM I can fire up
04:00.07Shiriknm :P
04:00.10Shirikmy friend just typed it wrong
04:09.00Amarandethis comment I"m reading on wowhead ... Epic fail.
04:09.21AmarandeSomeone got the Sha'tari Skyguard quest to go kill Gordunni ogres and guess what they did?
04:10.19Amarandeapparently they somehow got it in their head that the ones in Feralas would do heh
04:12.03Cidenice. that's more of an epoch fail than anything, however
04:15.24*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|AFK (
04:18.14Amarandedoes pushback resistance get affected by level, or am I just seeing random coincidence?
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04:18.49zenzelezzpushback resistance?
04:21.30*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
04:23.24Amarandezenzelezz: abilities that say "X% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage"
04:23.42Amarandedo yellow and higher level mobs have a higher chance to bypass that, or is that just luck?
04:25.21Guillotinejust luck
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04:57.37dylanmXinhuan your patience is incredible.
04:57.51Xinhuani just happen to be coding other things
04:58.05Xinhuanactually i lied, i'm just waiting 5 minutes for some 300 ore to smelt
04:58.28Xinhuan[Guild]: Hint: You will go afk smelting 300 ore
04:58.36Xinhuan[Guild]: 5 minutes is hardly a grind
04:58.51Xinhuan[Guild]: And how much time did you take to farm all that?
04:58.56Xinhuan[Guild]: About 1 minute off the AH
05:08.41Amarandehmm, I wonder if thorium would be a good way to make 5000g for my epic mount
05:08.50Amarandelike, just ride around burning steppes all day lol
05:09.42Shirikwtf is while(<>) {
05:12.14zenzelezzwhile more or less...
05:12.20dylanm<> is just whatever input it got. If you fed it a file it'll do that, if not it'll take some input or whatever you piped and... it's perlllll biatch
05:16.27*** part/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
05:17.51MentalPowerwhile(<>) {} (in perl) == while (file:hasNextLine()) { String line = file:nextLine(); } (in Java with Scanner) == for line in io.lines() do ... end (in Lua)
05:17.55MentalPowerShirik: ^^^^
05:18.33Wobinperl is of the devil
05:18.35WobinTHE DEVIL
05:18.55WobinClearly a language never designed to be read, only written
05:19.01AmarandeDoom Lord Kazzak's voice sounds familiar
05:19.08Shirikthese people outside scryer bank have like 50 million pets out
05:19.11Shirikhow did they do that?
05:19.11Amarandelike I've heard him from another game, but I can't quite place it
05:19.15AmarandeShirik: which server?
05:19.20Wobinit's fairly easy
05:19.23MentalPowerShirik: tho the Java one needs like 10million init lines before it :P
05:19.23Wobinas a hunter
05:19.27Wobinor warlock
05:19.32Amarandeahh, definitely not Turalyon, since I was just at Scryer Bank
05:19.38Wobinor anyone with the dreamwalking potion
05:19.42Shirikthey're paladins, druids
05:19.53Wobinthey're using the potion then
05:20.09Wobinwhat class are you?
05:21.37Wobinhm, unless you get a willing participant to mind vision, you'll need the dreamwalking potion
05:21.58Wobinactually I'm not sure if mindvisioning will work
05:22.13Wobinbasically you 'eyes of the beast/killrog/dreamwalk' while in the bank
05:22.19Wobinthen run out of shatt over the bridge
05:22.31WobinYou'll see the guard phase out then back in again
05:22.51WobinThen you're server desynched, drop the spell, pop out as many pets as you'd like
05:22.57Wobinthen walk out of the bank to resynch
05:23.11Wobinthe number of times you activated the pets, will be the number that appear
05:23.17WobinIt horribly horribly horribly lags Shatt though
05:23.58Shirikyeah that explains my low fps
05:24.11Shirikor do you really mean lag
05:24.39Shirikpredicts a nobin coming in
05:24.47*** join/#wowi-lounge nobin (
05:24.52*** kick/#wowi-lounge [nobin!n=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik] by Shirik (bye)
05:25.08WobinWhat was that? =P
05:25.14Shirika good friend of mine :)
05:25.20Shirikeven if his programming is sub-par
05:25.28WobinWe can't all be perfect =)
05:25.29Shirikhe asked me what the command was to join a channel, he deserved it
05:25.41*** join/#wowi-lounge nobin (
05:25.43WobinWhat, you didn't tell him /quit ?
05:25.54Shirikhe's not stupid he wouldn't have fallen for that
05:26.01WobinWell that's how you boot someone off the channel /quit <username>
05:26.09nobinno i ain't stubid
05:26.09Shirikhi nobin
05:26.19nobinkill -9
05:26.35ShirikAndrew has recently discovered perl
05:26.40nobingaim does not do irc very well at all
05:26.42Wobinpoor boy
05:26.50nobinperl is coll
05:26.53Shirikpurl, welcome nobin
05:26.54purl[all in unison] Hi, nobin!
05:26.54nobinfor some thing
05:27.20Shirikhe also recently discovered function pointers
05:27.24nobinso these are those fabled lua users?
05:27.33Wobinno, those are the ones in #lua
05:27.40Wobinwe merely dabble =P
05:27.50Shirikmeh, most of the people in here know how to code in Lua :P
05:28.18nobinregular expressions in a conversation
05:28.33Shirikso Wobin, can I just desync by mind visioning someone out of my zone?
05:28.36Shirikor is that not even possible?
05:28.42WobinI'm not sure
05:28.46Wobinsince it involves someone else
05:28.52Wobinbut give it a go
05:28.56zenzelezzyour "zone"?
05:29.01nobinmind visioning?
05:29.08Shiriklike out of shatt if I'm there
05:29.19zenzelezzcan't you still chain-mind-vision all around the continents?
05:29.37Shirikhaven't really tried going out of zone
05:29.45nobinis it cool if i was to ramdonly say wow
05:29.46Shirikbut yes you can chain all over the place
05:29.57Wobincould be a different mechanism then
05:29.57nobinhow about in reference to WoW?
05:30.09nobinlike wow it's WoW
05:30.09Shirikandrew, you are so strange, go to sleep ><
05:30.48nobinstill trying to get that function reference working
05:31.44batrickShirik: do u know how to make makefiles?
05:31.55Amarandehmm, anyone else have that problem with saving for epic flying?
05:32.01WobinAmarande: yes
05:32.05Shirikno, the server drops you when your target leaves your zone
05:32.10WobinBy the time I save up for one, it'll be wotlk
05:32.12Shirikbatrick: Ask nobin, lol
05:32.15Wobinand we won't be able to fly =P
05:32.19Shiriknobin is god with makefiles
05:32.28Shirikunfortunately his rule is that it must be as complicated as possible
05:32.39WobinIsn't that SOP for makefiles?
05:32.40Amarandeheh, exactly
05:32.45AmarandeI keep ending up spending money on other stuff
05:32.48nobinthat is the rule
05:33.00WobinI keep getting another alt to 70 and paying for normal flying =P
05:33.05nobinthe more cryptic a makefile is the better
05:33.27Shirikbatrick: Why do you ask?
05:33.39Shirikoh btw I think I know why Lua refused to load that DLL
05:33.41batrickbecause I'm going to make a makefile for filum
05:33.42ShirikI'm messing with it now
05:33.54batrickyou might want to update your revision
05:33.54Shirikah, well I don't know how you would put it together for windows tbh
05:33.58Shirikyou can't really assume a compiler
05:34.46Shirikhow many conflicts are there going to be?
05:35.18Shirikoh, none because I never checked out on this computer!
05:35.19nobinjust assume everyone compiles with gcc on linux
05:35.48Shirikbecause SOMEONE had his firewall misconfigured :P
05:35.48nobinthat's the way it should be
05:36.18Shirikhave you at least been using my macros?
05:36.20nobinalso, if someone is using QNX they should be shot
05:36.23Shirikaside from the sys/time.h stuff, etc.
05:36.25Shirik~kill nobin
05:36.26purlACTION shoots a magneto-ionized pseudoneutron gun at nobin
05:36.42nobinsuch hostility
05:37.18AmarandeI'm about to end up blowing it on another living ruby and the remaining mats for a Crown of the Sea Witch :|
05:37.35Shirikoh wow no conflicts
05:38.29batrickShirik: uh
05:38.41batricknormally there would be precompiled binaries for Windows
05:38.44batrick(I assume)
05:38.56Shirikfair enough
05:39.37batrickWindows has the gettimeofday() function
05:39.45batrickbut it doesn't have the granularity we need (I think)
05:39.47Shirikwhat did you need, millisecond precsision?
05:39.49batrickif it does then great
05:40.13batrickit's fine for linux... you'll have to check windows
05:40.33Shirikis the actual time important?
05:40.37ShirikOr just a delta time?
05:40.44Shirikthere are two capabilities
05:40.46batrickfor linux actual time is important
05:41.08Shirikfor the program to work
05:41.09batrickyou'll see I add the delta time to the current time
05:41.10Shirikwhat do you need
05:41.21Shirikthen the actual time isn't important
05:41.35Shirikall that matters is how long has passed since a given reference time
05:41.43batricknot for linux
05:41.51Shirikyou're thinking too hard
05:42.04Shirikfor the algorithm to work, all that matters is the difference in time
05:42.07batrickwhat I give to pthread_timedwait is a real time cut off
05:42.13batrickwell of course
05:42.15Shirikignore for a second how exactly you get this difference in time
05:42.21Shirikok that's what I needed to know
05:42.38Shirikwindows has a timer feature that has millisecond precision. Windows also has GetTickCount()
05:42.44Shirikbut timers are better because they act like interrupts almost
05:44.14batrickI think i'm going to move the time stuff over to the kernel, i don't remember why I put it in filum.c to begin with
05:44.50ShirikI need to rework the macro names a bit
05:44.57batricki'll change it later
05:45.03batrickor you can doesn't matter
05:45.08ShirikI can just refactor
05:45.08Shirikeasy stuff
05:45.14ShirikThat's the beauty of using an IDE instead of Kate NOBIN
05:45.48nobinsuck my IDE
05:45.55nobinyoiu use windows
05:46.02batricknobin does have a point
05:46.03nobindon't want to hear it
05:46.56Shirikvisual studio is god
05:47.01nobinShirik: you should put our quote in the title
05:47.06Shirikremember that competition?
05:47.16nobinvisual studio is the antigod
05:47.17ShirikWhere you were like "omfg it segfaulted, load it into visual studio!"
05:47.26nobini could have figured that problem out
05:47.33Shirikin the 10 minutes you had?
05:47.52nobindidn't matter
05:47.59nobinstil didn't get it donw
05:48.15nobini can't teypie
05:48.24ShirikI noticed
05:48.55nobinthere is 119 in this roo
05:49.04Shirikbatrick, you'll like nobin. He likes to do stupid stuff like use C style casts
05:49.30nobinthat cast was in the library
05:49.30Shirikthough you used goto
05:49.34nobini just copied it
05:49.49nobini still don't know what those defines are
05:50.09nobinbatrick used goto?
05:51.07Shirikhe's the one who reminded me of its awesome power
05:51.49Shirikbtw nobin, almost 90% of our code on the bot right now is Windows-specific
05:51.51Shirikhave fun making it portable
05:51.53nobindark power
05:52.13Shirikoh and I completely destroyed your simulator
05:52.33nobinyou changed the serial protocol?
05:52.39Shirikvery much so
05:52.45Shirikthe new version is on the SVN
05:53.06Shirikthe FCS is dallas one-wire
05:53.26ShirikI am going to hurt you if you keep that up
05:53.43Shirikand because you have kernel support for it! Might as well use it
05:53.51nobinyou weigh like a buck 20
05:53.59nobinyou can't hurt me
05:54.08Shirikyeah I know
05:54.16batrickhey shirik
05:54.24batrickis all valid C ccode valid c++ code?
05:54.34nobinif it's c99
05:54.37Shirikthere are a few things that become illegal in C++
05:54.39nobinthen 99%
05:54.42Shirikspecifically implicit pointer casts, etc.
05:54.46Shirikstuff that's "unsafe"
05:54.49nobinlike void*
05:54.51Shirikbut you can get around it
05:54.53batrickc++ can suck my balls
05:54.56batrickI know what i'm doin
05:55.03Shirikcasting from void* to anything else is illegal without an explicit cast
05:55.08Wobinbatrick: It can?
05:55.15batrickWobin: yes
05:55.16Shirikof course
05:55.18WobinWow, that's a more complex programming language than I thought
05:55.20nobinif it's explicit
05:55.51Wobinwatch the teeth.
05:56.13nobinlaugh out loud
05:56.20nobincontractions are evil
05:56.29Shirikyou're evil
05:56.35batrickbatbot: can c++ suck my balls?
05:56.35batbotbatrick, Yes... Definitely.
05:57.22nobini'm so glad we are all having such an intelligent conversation
05:57.28*** join/#wowi-lounge DuTempete (
05:57.43nobinand then he bent over
05:57.44ShirikC++ is amazing
05:57.47Shirikand dynamic_cast is the best part ofi t
05:58.13batrickya whateva man
05:58.16nobinuse 'static_cast' instead
05:58.27nobinwxWidgets likes it
05:59.21Shirikstatic_cast is faster, I'll give it that
05:59.26Shirikbut you can only use it if you know it's a safe cast
06:00.54Cairenn|afknight all
06:01.02batrickshirik u any good with latex?
06:01.04batricknight Cairenn|afk
06:01.07zenzelezznight Cairenn
06:01.18nobinCairenn night
06:01.26batricki'm lazy and don't want to write up the latex for the API
06:02.14Shiriknot really, but I'm in heroic bm atm
06:02.18Shirikwhy don't you use doxygen?
06:02.44batricki have an appreciation for doing things the hard way
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06:04.43nobini like batrick
06:04.57ShirikI got VS express installed
06:05.00Shirikshould be able to compile the DLL now
06:05.01Shirikin theory
06:05.14nobinshirik would just use doxyen and then run to tell me how awasome it is
06:05.31Shiriknobody can deny doxygen's awesomenoess
06:10.03batrickanyway i'll bb
06:11.53nobinis that sorta like brb, but not soon?
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06:23.30Atriaceis this valid?   obj.var = varB
06:24.10AtriaceSo, you can store vars inside objects, and therefore are globals, correct?
06:24.51WobinIt makes more sense when you understand that just about -everything- in lua is a table
06:25.57Wobinalso, using obj.var isn't a bad use of globals
06:26.12Wobinsince it's not polluting the global namespace as much as obj_var would
06:27.41Amarandewhat's a general rough difficulty ranking of heroic instances?
06:27.45AtriaceMakes sense... so... in some ways you could consider obj.var to be localized only to those function that specifically call on it.
06:27.53AmarandeI gather it's NOT the same order of difficulty as their normal versions
06:27.56WobinAtriace: no, not really
06:28.00WobinAmarande: Fairly much
06:28.21WobinGenerally heroics mean the trash is harder than the boss =)
06:28.28AtriaceWobin: well, let's assume you define obj.var, if you call on var,  obj.var?var  right?
06:28.40WobinI would rank heroic mech as easier than normal mech due to boss mechanics
06:28.50Amarandeahh, good
06:28.56WobinAtriace: whutwhut?
06:28.58Amarandesince I consider myself more likely to get a group for heroic mech than regular mech
06:29.11Wobinno var ~= obj.var
06:29.26AmarandeEveryone does Heroics on Turalyon, nobody does regulars :S
06:29.27WobinAmarande: as long as your group understands how the first boss works =)
06:29.36Wobinwith the polarities
06:29.49Atriacegrr..   well yeah  ~= == ?
06:29.59Amarandealso that an affliction warlock *should* manage to get SL reflected on themselves :)
06:30.08AtriaceI'm just used to seeing the math format of "not equal to"
06:30.08WobinAtriace: hehe now I'm confused =P
06:30.16Wobinsince I get '?'
06:30.18Amarandefrom my experience in an SMV group quest
06:30.24Amarandeyou get more hp back than you're draining from yourself
06:30.36WobinAmarande: Warlock makes Mech easysauce
06:30.37Atriacegiggles to himself.
06:30.45Amarandeyeah, if you can get a damned group
06:30.53Amarandeapparently us DPS are dime a dozen, whether we're good or scrubs
06:31.10WobinI'd join a mech group with a warlock before one without one any day
06:31.13Amarandeand when someone LFG's, the first two scrubs to be able to /w quickly get grouped
06:31.15AtriaceLet me rephrase:   obj.var is not equal to var because var is native to the global namespace and obj.var is native to obj
06:31.19Wobinsince it makes the demon pulls effortless
06:32.10Atriaceso, does that make obj a table?
06:32.18Wobinvar is also a table
06:32.26Wobinin fact, just about -everything- is a table
06:32.34Atriacevalues inside a table too?
06:32.34Wobin(except numbers)
06:33.06WobinAtriace: Have you read PiL?
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06:33.19WobinIt's a very good book that explains lua really well
06:33.38AtriaceI did read through a large portion of it, but not before my brain numbed over and I started drooling.
06:33.48nobinso what is lua good for besides wow?
06:33.49WobinThat does happen
06:34.11Wobinnobin: Clearly you need to play more WoW if you're asking that =)
06:34.19Amarandewonder if 2.4 will reduce the frequency of error 131
06:34.30Atriacewhat's error 131?
06:34.34Amarande"File Corrupt"
06:34.53AtriaceSounds like a hardware issue.
06:35.08Wobinnot really
06:35.13AmarandeWhenever you get the tiniest little glitch decompressing the tiniest little MPQ entry, it insists the MPQ is corrupt and forces you to run the repair utility before you can play again (else it just repeats the error. I wonder if it marks something on the MPQ to make it unplayable until you run the repair, even if the repair doesn't actually *do* anything)
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06:35.43AmarandeWhy can't it be like, say, GW, where nonvisual read failures were just skipped over, and visual ones were rendered as white placeholder boxes?
06:35.51AmarandeOr does Blizzard think that would be a security issue?
06:36.39AmarandeOr get this, the game is server based, why doesn't it just -redownload the resource from the server- if it can't read the copy on the HD?
06:37.02AmarandeCrashing the program seems to me something that should be used as LAST rather than first resort programmatically
06:37.27Amarandeunless they're worried about something like skin manipulations for PvP or some cheating like that
06:37.36Wobinquite likely
06:37.47WobinI can remember when they replaced the campfire texture
06:37.53Wobinwith the steps to the Portal
06:38.02Wobinso they used campfires to wallhax -everywhere-
06:40.06Amarandebah, wonder what I'll ever be able to do with my design talents besides plain novels then *sigh*
06:40.20Amarandeit occurs to me that CRPG design would be epic fail for me
06:40.33Amarandesingle player games are losing their popularity like stuck pigs lose blood
06:40.48Amarandeand I'd never make it making an MMO since I'd end up making the next game to make Wei rich :P
06:41.27Amarandeif there's one person who I'd laugh and say good riddance, the world didn't need you if he passed on unfortunately, it would be Wei
06:42.19Wobin(Personally I'd say Uwe Bolle =P)
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07:01.34AtriaceIs there a maximum number of hits you can take that will set your casting time back?
07:01.38art3misanyone have a linode account?
07:01.47art3misim curious about something
07:02.16art3misor rather anyone with a linode account here?
07:02.21AtriaceNot I
07:03.09ShirikWobin: ping
07:04.36GuillotineAtriace: Not a maximum
07:04.41Guillotinebut it does have diminishing returns
07:04.44Guillotineper spellcast
07:04.47Guillotinedown to .1 seconds lost per hit
07:05.05AtriaceHmm..  not .2, eh?
07:05.41GuillotineHmm, could be I'm remembering it slightly incorrectly
07:05.42AmarandeWobin: Wei is a complete and utter bastard who was a major pioneer of RWT
07:06.02Amarandebasically, he was the guy who almost single-handedly ruined Diablo II, for instance
07:06.12GuillotineAtriace: yah, you're right, 0.2 is the minimum
07:07.08AtriaceGuillotine: curious, where did  you reference your info?
07:07.35Guillotinethough I actually wrote an addon to do tests for it a LONG time ago to confirm that
07:07.46Atriacereeeeeaaly.  :)
07:13.19Amarandeblah. I'm starting to feel like I betrayed my friends who play WoW by bringing them together into the guild some of us started :|
07:14.35Amarandemainly, because I've condemned them to have little in the way of a future at 70 *sigh8
07:14.46Amarandehell, my warlock is 70, and I'm finding less and less to do
07:15.07Amarandebecause we haven't made critical mass in terms of guild size, so we can't field an instance group within the guild
07:16.01Amarandetwo of the 70's we DID have left for a raiding guild ... aggghhhh, what to do
07:16.20AmarandeI don't know, is it about time I forked over $25 and went to another server where there's nobody I know anyway? :|
07:17.03Amarandemuch as wow is normally fun
07:17.09Amarandethere are times where I really start to hate it.
07:18.01art3misit's boring ;P
07:18.14art3misserver transfers or starting again are sometimes fun
07:18.18art3misnot not so much
07:18.34art3misi actually made an alliance alt
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07:18.47art3misand got all the way to 40 before i was bored senseless
07:26.15art3mishehe chweck the cast list
07:27.11AmarandeI never get far on my alliance characters
07:27.20Amarandethe problem is, I'm kinda glued to Turalyon due to my friends there
07:27.34Amarandebut ... other than for perhaps the good folks at Fusion
07:27.41AmarandeI get the feeling that Turalyon is essentially dead, as far as servers go
07:28.13AmarandeCan't get a 5-man group going because we don't have critical mass
07:28.20Amarande-Definitely- won't get a raid going for a long while
07:28.28Amarandeand worst of all, I can't even reasonably go for honor gear
07:28.46Amarandebecause the one really efficient source of honor, namely AV, is taken from me by dint of being in that thrice-damned Stormstrike battlegroup
07:36.28*** join/#wowi-lounge enum_laptop (
07:37.09enum_laptopcan anyone tell me if there is a standard print statement, that will work in ptr? I tested dprint, and print1 on the live servers, but 2.4 in ptr won't print anything out
07:37.11Amarandewould you say that the notion of a guild as a group of friends first and foremost is something that just doesn't work with WoW at 70?
07:37.17enum_laptopI even turned on all chat window filters
07:37.36Amarandethat basically we need to rely on private channels, /w, and the friends list for friendship and focus guilds around gameplay concerns?
07:38.03Amarandei.e., a guild should be more of a business sort of thing based on people each doing a job, rather than a social matter?
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07:38.27enum_laptopummm.. this is a game, why would you ever look at it like a business during _game_play
07:38.58enum_laptoppeople who look at gameplay as a business affair ruin the experience for others.
07:41.16Amarandeenum_laptop: because apparently, unless you have a sufficiently large circle of friends that play WoW, your guild is basically like a cup
07:41.22Amarandea cup that is 69 levels tall
07:41.52Amarandepeople hit 70 and runneth over the top of the cup, forced to leave because the content at 70 at this point in BC's life cycle virtually demands guild aid
07:42.35enum_laptopbut mmo's are a social game, deisgned as a game to encourage social activity and interaction
07:43.02enum_laptophence, the required guild / group affiliations to complete content
07:43.08Amarandewe have had hmm ... seven people hit 70
07:43.11enum_laptopif you wanna play solo, why pay $15 / mo
07:43.29Amarandetwo of them left to join a raid guild
07:43.41enum_laptopI hit 70, and I'm in a guild with at least 50+ other 70's
07:43.53Amarandeone of them is busy with RL
07:44.11Amarandethe others end up switching to leveling alts, in part probably because there isn't enough to do at 70 solo or in small groups
07:44.22enum_laptopif WoW ever became a "job" I would quit
07:44.35Amarandebasically, it's one thing to need a group
07:44.54enum_laptopwell, except for the fact that my job requires I play wow, it's fun because I mix coding a game play
07:44.54Amarandeit's another thing when you need to abandon your circle of friends because the guild comprised of said friends doesn't have many 70's
07:45.07enum_laptopbut what about helping the friends who aren't 70 get to 70
07:45.15Amarandeand you find, it's almost impossible to GET a group at 70 because people expect you to go within your guild
07:45.18enum_laptopthat imo would be the cool thing to do
07:45.33Amarandeand sadly, I can only see one solution to that that just isn't forthcoming
07:45.43Amarandenamely: they'd need to reduce the repair costs on plate by a ton
07:45.55enum_laptoprepair on anything epic is costly
07:45.58AmarandeI get the feeling one of the reasons PUGs don't work out is that tanks don't want to spend that much gold
07:46.12enum_laptopI'm a mage, and a full break costs me almost 80g
07:46.20Amarandeyeah, that's for cloth ...
07:46.34Amarandeand plate, I'm told, there are people who have essentially quit playing their 70 plate wearers after a full break
07:46.47Amarandevirtually forced to do so really, till they can farm the money to bounce back
07:46.52WobinShirik: ack
07:47.41Amarandebasically, they need to reduce repair bills drastically, otherwise yeah, people don't want to take the risk of grouping with people they don't know well
07:47.50Amarandebecause they're pretty much gambling huge sums of gold on it working
07:47.55Amarandeotoh, if you do reduce the repair bills ...
07:48.00enum_laptopgold isn't really hard to come by... I can make almost 1000g in one day
07:48.02Amarandethen the economy will be out of control
07:48.13Amarandein fact, I can see it becoming totally out of control with WOTLK
07:48.23Amarandeno giant riding outlay like in BC
07:48.35Amarandeso the only things people will spend money on will be training, consumables and repairs
07:48.51Wobinenum_laptop: can you make me 1000g a day?
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07:48.58Amarandeso an ever increasing influx into the economy, which will not be balanced by any earthly force
07:49.10Amarandeat least, till people hit the gold cap lol
07:49.31WobinAmarande: Is this a leadup to the "Can Jesus create a microwave that is so hot that even he cannot hold it" conundrum?
07:49.45AmarandeAH cuts, mainly, I suppose are what Blizzard will have to rely on to slow things down
07:49.53Wobins/so hot/heats a hotpocket so hot/
07:50.07Amarandemaybe increase the AH cut rate for auctions above a certain amount
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07:50.24|pez|this is great... I'm mad, frustrated, annoyed, and whatnot... and I can't talk t the crewperson about it, cause she's thight with the people I have issues with.
07:50.36|pez|ah, wrong channel, actually
07:50.37Wobin|pez|: bossperson then?
07:50.49|pez|Wobin: It's the bossperson I have problems with.
07:50.59|pez|and my bossperson is married to the allmighty bossperson. såeh..
07:51.13Wobinmmm nepotism
07:51.22|pez|So basicly, I'm screwed, and it's not gonna change.
07:51.41|pez|(this is not a workplace, but a yearly nerdy event, where I'm crew)
07:51.57Amarandeanyway, perhaps what I was getting at is
07:52.02Amarandeit seems to me increasingly that
07:52.14Amarandesetting up guild based on EXISTING group of friends, unless said group is quite large = FAIL
07:52.48WobinAmarande: we had that problem
07:52.48Amarandethe friends have to be made within the game so you have a sufficient web of recruitment?
07:53.09Wobinin the end we split up into separate guilds
07:53.13Wobinand had a common channel to chat in
07:53.22Amarandebasically, the guild I belong to, we're all existing friends from a Wheel of Time web site
07:53.31AmarandeI think it might have worked out if we weren't so global :|
07:53.47Amarandebut we were stuck with like half the folks being US and half being EU, so we can't bring everyone together
07:53.52WobinNah, my guild members and I go out to dinner every week
07:54.08Wobinit didn't help the fact that there weren't enough in the guild to field a 25man =P
07:54.22Amarande(and I've heard it's against the Terms of Service for a European to purchase a US WoW account? At least that's what I -hear-, even though an American can buy an EU account)
07:54.22enum_laptopWobin: yeah, farm netherweave, make bags.. sell bags + other blues + greens in AH
07:54.25enum_laptopit's cacke
07:54.44WobinI've given up selling items in the AH =P
07:54.56Wobinbut maybe I should start bags
07:55.18enum_laptopI create ~300 Netherweave Bags, sell em for 5g each
07:55.24enum_laptopI don't even have to put em on the AH
07:55.40enum_laptopthey sell like hot cackes :P ( yes I meant cackes that time )
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07:56.00enum_laptopman, I cannot get my head around these registered events
07:56.04enum_laptopdriving me nuts
07:56.06Amarandesay, is it true that it's against the rules for a EU person to get a US account, even though the other way round is allowed?
07:56.15WobinAmarande: eh?
07:56.22enum_laptopI know eu people that have us accounts
07:57.00Amarandething is, I've gotten most of my WoW playing friends to start Horde on Turalyon
07:57.08Amarandewhich means for me to leave now would be kinda slapping them in the face
07:57.23Amarandehowever, there is almost literally nothing for me to do
07:57.42Amarandemy job schedule doesn't let me do raiding guilds, I don't know any casual 5-man guilds, our guild is too small to get a group for anything
07:57.55Amarandeit will take me till WOTLK to even get a key for Arc just joining whatever potluck groups are advertising LFM
07:58.15Amarandeseeing as people seem to prefer Shattered Halls, Sethekk Halls, and Durnholde over TK for some reason lol
07:58.35Amarande(I don't get Durnholde, isn't non-heroic Old Hillsbrad too low level to be useful to a 70?)
08:00.30enum_laptopcan anyone point me to a small, well commented, addon that I can use for learning purposes?
08:00.43enum_laptopthe documentation is crap imo.
08:03.24Industrialmost addons are not documented (in the code itself)
08:03.41Industrialmost people learnt by asking in here or/and picking other stuff apart
08:04.22enum_laptopI've been picking things apart.. generally the way I learn is pick it apart / code some small example and run it with debugging output. But I seem to be having a hard time with this
08:04.32enum_laptoptrying to get debugging output is my main issue
08:05.10enum_laptopfor example, I created this function
08:05.11enum_laptopfunction Atomos_CombatLog_OnEvent(event,arg)
08:05.11enum_laptopif ( event == "ACTION_SPELL_CAST_START_FULL_TEXT" ) then
08:05.41enum_laptopI went into game, loaded the addon ( no errors on load ). Went into combat, and nothing...
08:06.07enum_laptopfrom what Ive read, that should recognize the event when I ( or target )? starts casting, and print data
08:07.07enum_laptopI get no errors in FrameXML.log, and no output in game
08:08.18enum_laptopand, basically my job right now is to convert the current addon to the new combat log system
08:10.00Shiriklet's see your code
08:10.07Shirikwhere do you set the script? XML or Lua?
08:10.20Shiriklet's see the code
08:10.22Shirikshow me the whole file
08:10.22enum_laptopthe code I pasted was it.. that and a toc file
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08:11.02Shirikthat's your entire code?
08:11.05Shirikthe entire file?
08:11.19Shirikso that's the entire file?
08:11.29enum_laptopand yeah, that's the entire file... I'm trying to do this in sections to be able to understand better
08:11.38Shirikand do you have any XML?
08:11.43enum_laptopnot yet
08:11.51Shirikok all that does is make a function, it never gets called
08:12.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
08:12.48enum_laptopoh right right. makes sense in any programming language. But this is where I come to my issue of lack of documentation. I've checked wowwiki, looked at other code for other addons, and I'm having issues making full sense without being able to strip and test
08:13.18Shirikok for lack of desire to go look for a tutorial, I'll just show you
08:14.03enum_laptopmuch appreciated. I've tried searching, and have been able to peice something together a little from page a, a little more from page b
08:14.17*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
08:14.21enum_laptopI'm spoiled.. I'm used to having full language docs, and specs in the same place ;p
08:14.28Shirikthe prototype is also a bit wrong
08:15.13Shirikhowever that's actually a poor solution because of the unnecessary global
08:15.47Shirikthis is better:
08:16.06enum_laptoplooks like javascript
08:16.24enum_laptopprototype library to be more descriptive
08:16.34enum_laptopso, why the CreateFrame?
08:16.55Shirikonly frames can receive events
08:17.07Shirikso it's basically just an anonymous, invisible frame used to find the events
08:17.11Shirikoh whoopsie, forgot one thing
08:17.20enum_laptopand can multiple events use the same invisible frame?
08:17.40Shirikbut make sure to register them
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08:18.26enum_laptopso the event was taken from GlobalStrings.lua... that being said, they still have to be registered?
08:19.02enum_laptopah, because we need to say... "We want to know about events, x, y, z"
08:19.10Shirikfull list of events is here:
08:19.14enum_laptopI see
08:19.26Shirikthat being said
08:19.30ShirikI've never heard of this event before
08:19.35enum_laptopthanks, you just gave me more info than I found googling in the past 2 hours
08:19.58enum_laptopI took it from the GlobalStrings.lua in the Blizzard Interface Data from WoWTest
08:20.07Shirikoh from 2.4
08:20.10Shirikthat may be correct
08:20.15ShirikI haven't looked at the new events :P
08:20.36enum_laptopmy boss asked me to update the addon with the new combat log stuff
08:20.44enum_laptopI'm new to lua, and to wow ui design
08:20.54enum_laptopbeen a web developer for quite some time though
08:21.04enum_laptopso it's just a matter of getting familiar
08:22.50Shirikany C++ gurus around?
08:22.58Shirikor C I guess
08:25.22art3misyour boss asked you to update wow stuff?
08:25.33Shirikart3mis! Find my memory leak!
08:25.46art3misthe gaping wound just behind your left ear!
08:25.47Shirikit's really cool, my robot eats up 5MB/sec
08:26.23art3misumm okay
08:26.23enum_laptopart3mis: yeah
08:26.35art3misenum: thats kinna funny
08:27.03art3misyou're being paid to update stuff for a game you shouldnt be playing at work ;P
08:27.05art3misthats why
08:27.14art3miscracks the whip
08:27.35enum_laptopI work from home... half my day is spent testing the addons
08:27.39art3misShirik: yer bot eats 5mb/sec of mem?
08:27.44Shirikit's awesome
08:27.48Shirikuntil it takes up 1.6GB
08:27.51Shirikthen it's no longer awesome
08:28.00art3misthat is pretty awesome
08:28.31art3misand yer doing it in ansi C?
08:29.42Shirikand mostly ANSI
08:29.44Shiriknot completely
08:30.07art3mischar *oldString = "Old String";
08:30.07art3mischar newStrig = strdup(oldString);
08:30.08art3misif(newString == ENOMEM) ... // Fail!!!!
08:30.12art3mis^^ win code
08:30.23Shirikthat tutorial is actually wrong.....
08:30.26Shirikdelete obj_ptr; // this will call the destructor ~Parent() and NOT ~Child()
08:30.35Shirikany correctly written code uses a virtual destructor
08:30.52ShirikA C++ style dynamic cast may prevent this error as it will recognize the loss of translation and not allow the cast to take place resulting in a traceable crash rather a tough to find memory leak.
08:30.57ShirikAnd that is the stupidest solution I've heard of
08:32.27Shirikif I was going to do that I'll just use Valgrind :P
08:33.04art3mishe's got a link to MCL!
08:33.09art3misthe bestest mud program eva
08:33.16art3miserr mud client
08:33.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110| (
08:33.29art3misit supports perl and python for scripting(botting)
08:35.10art3misvalgrind it baby!
08:35.38art3misChecker- (did not compile on first attempt (log); author suggests I use valgrind instead)
08:43.26IndustrialIs there any way to see a certain spell's total crit value (with talents etc)?
08:45.20Industriale.g. my lightning bolt
08:45.28Industrialcause it crits WAY more then my base spell crit
08:49.31enum_laptopis there a way to test whether or not a RegisterEvent actually was successful?
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08:52.26WobinShirik: What were you pinging me for?
08:53.42WobinIndustrial: Just use Recount or something
08:53.46Wobinand see what the critrate is
08:55.04enum_laptopgets out the vicodin
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09:06.45enum_laptopI have got to be missing something obvious here
09:07.11enum_laptopShirik: that code you gave me doesn't seem to work, though. Comparing to other event function in other addons seems to be as it should
09:07.40enum_laptopI've tried quite a few other events and even removed the if statement, and placed a message(event);
09:08.25enum_laptopnew code here:
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09:19.14Shirikenum: Just checking
09:19.18Shirikyou have lua errors enabled?
09:19.43Shirikoh, how is your addon structured?
09:19.51Shirikwhat's in your addon's folder, what's the file names, what's the folder name, etc.
09:20.12art3miswho runs debian here?
09:20.18art3misin console only
09:20.31Shirikwho WOULD run debian
09:20.52art3misif i have to run linux it's gonna be deb ;P
09:21.18art3misand according to distrowatch(based on the amount of distros that are deb based) a goo 56% of the linux community would ;P
09:21.23art3misa good
09:21.31art3misubuntu==deb based
09:21.46art3misthe top 15 linux distros for useage == deb based
09:22.54Fisker-launches a bicycle into art3mis
09:23.45batrickshirik is a microsoft fanboi
09:24.28batrickbatbot: amirite?
09:24.28batbotbatrick, Don't count on it.
09:24.48Shirikgentoo is not microsoft
09:25.05batrickbut i still speak the truth
09:25.44ShirikThere are only specific things I like from Microsoft
09:25.48ShirikVista and Visual Studio, to be specific
09:26.36art3misand minsweeper
09:27.21enum_laptopShirik: no idea how to enable lua errors, I have two files... Atomos.toc and Atomos.lua
09:27.29enum_laptopFolder name is Atomos
09:27.30Shirikok, what's your toc file look like?
09:27.44Shirikart3mis: Specifically Vista's minesweeper
09:28.41art3misheh touche!
09:28.51art3misanyways whats the cli system config for debian?
09:28.57art3mislike /stand/sysinstall on fbsd
09:29.02art3misdoes it have one?
09:29.02ShirikYou actually don't need that ## LoadOnDemand line
09:30.19Shirikapt-get remove apt
09:30.22Shirikapt-get remove kernel
09:30.27Shirikrm -rf /
09:30.31Shirikemerge gentoo
09:30.33enum_laptopheh, why waste time... rm -rf /
09:31.06art3mishow exactly is it gonna run the command emerge?
09:31.10enum_laptopGentoo and Debian are for light weights... LFS is really what everyone needs
09:31.18Shirikemerge is so awesome
09:31.23Shirikwhen it doesn't exist, it emerges itself
09:31.27art3misusr/ports > emerge
09:31.33Shirikmuch like how apt tells you to run apt-get install apt when it's not installed
09:31.35art3mislong live the daemon
09:32.27art3mislosers fucking sheep?
09:33.21enum_laptoplinux from scratch
09:33.33art3mishe L part already means fail ;P
09:33.36Shirikgentoo all the way
09:33.40art3misif it's not bsd based it's weak!
09:33.42enum_laptopyou actually have to compile your os from a list of packages manually
09:34.05*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+b %art3mis!*@*] by Shirik
09:34.15Shirikart3mis is no longer allowed to speak due to his treason against Linux
09:34.33*** mode/#wowi-lounge [-b %art3mis!*@*] by Shirik
09:34.47art3miseither you fail completely at irc
09:34.54art3misor your client does ;P
09:35.23ShirikI go for option (c) You fail at freenode
09:35.35art3misi have a %?
09:35.50ShirikThe % causes it to only silence you
09:35.58Shirikbut you can still join the channel
09:35.59art3mistry again
09:36.17*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+b %*art3mis*!*@*] by Shirik
09:36.20ShirikI also forgot the n= I think
09:36.33Shiriktalkie talkie?
09:36.42*** mode/#wowi-lounge [-b %*art3mis*!*@*] by Shirik
09:37.07ShirikI learned about that a few weeks ago myself when I saw them use it in #freenode
09:37.21art3misthats way easier than +m +v ;)
09:40.35Arrowmasteror you can just +q art3mis
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09:40.58Shirikdoes that work?
09:41.17Arrowmaster'This mode works like +b (ban user), but instead simply quiets the user. It is currently equivalent to a +b whose masked is prefaced by the percent sign (for example, "+b %foo" is equivalent to "+q foo").'
09:41.46Arrowmasterits more like a shortcut
09:42.02Arrowmastersince i think it will actually set +b and not +q
09:42.45Shiriknew record in minesweeper
09:42.46Shirik18 seconds
09:43.14batrickya +q isthe way to go
09:43.45batrickthat cunt in botpark has an itchy +q finger
09:44.32batrickhe got really upset when i got purl and batbot to speak to each other
09:45.39Arrowmastergetting 2 eggdrops running one of the self learning chat bots to start talking to each other is the best
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09:49.01Industrialwont they both just learn the same and then stop learning?
09:49.37enum_laptopShirik: so how would I turn on lua errors?
09:49.48batrickit's an interface option
09:49.49Arrowmasterno since they dont learn exactly whats typed
09:50.11Shirikenum_laptop: Look in interface optiosn for "Show lua errors"
09:50.50enum_laptopfound it thanks
09:50.52ShirikArrowmaster: I've seen some really cool instances of that
09:51.48Arrowmasterwe had one running on another network for so long that its db got so full of random crap that it was pure comedy gold
09:52.00Arrowmasterespecially since half of it was insulting its owner
09:52.26Shiriktwo bots conversing:
09:52.37batrickah damn it
09:52.43batricki want to read it but can't :(
09:53.09enum_laptopok, so as a mage I cast Arcane Intellect, and Frost Armor... Both, I feel should trigger this event AURAADDEDSELFHELPFUL
09:53.14enum_laptopsound right?
09:53.34batricktake a look at UNIT_BUFF
09:53.38ShirikA: "Do you experience love?" J: "No, I'm 53 years old." A: "Can you explain how it feels to be 53 years old?" J: "How old are you?" A: "I'm 9 years old." J: "Nine? I don't believe you :)" A: "I don't have any reason to deceive you." J: "Yes you do, you're a woman."
09:54.17enum_laptopbatrick: that doesn't show up in GlobalString.lua for either ptr, or live servers
09:54.31batrickyou're looking in the wrong spot
09:54.39batrick!g UNIT_BUFF
09:54.39batbotbatrick: no results
09:54.40enum_laptopdoh! You're kidding me
09:54.56batrickmaybe it's UNIT_AURA
09:55.04batrick!g UNIT_AURA
09:55.04batbotbatrick: no results
09:55.14batrickmeh, go check out the events page under Buffs
09:55.18batrickyou'll find what you need
09:56.17batrickShirik: that's interresting
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09:58.16Shirik|AFKmy apologies, I appear to have lost power
09:58.20Shirik|AFKbatrick: Did you get that?
09:58.28enum_laptopaha! Thanks batrick
09:58.29batrickit's amusing
09:58.34Shirik|AFKI thought it was hilarious
09:58.58*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
09:59.21batricksomeday I'll make batbot an elaborate AI
09:59.32Shirik|AFKin Lua
09:59.35batrickand then place it in several channels
09:59.37Shirik|AFKns ghost Shirik
09:59.54batrickand watch it befriend people
10:00.00WobinShirk: poke
10:00.27WobinYou ping me
10:00.29ShirikWhenever I disable the xparky frame (uncheck it in options) it gives me an error saying the frame doesn't exist
10:00.30Wobinthen you ignore me =(
10:00.33Shirikis this intentional?
10:00.56ShirikXparky: Cannot find frame specified
10:01.15Wobinhm it should attach to the legoblock
10:01.19Wobinbut if you don't have that shown....
10:01.34ShirikI don't
10:01.43Wobinyeah, there's no freefloating at the moment
10:01.46Wobinnot with that version
10:01.52ShirikI want it off
10:01.54Shirikand it's off
10:02.09Shirikbut it also gives me that error :P
10:02.17Wobin... if it's off, why have it loaded at all? =)
10:02.26Shirikwell I only wanted it temporarily ofrf
10:02.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Vangual (
10:02.31Shirikbecause I accidentally put it in front of my pet frame ><
10:02.50Shirikand was in the middle of a mind control in an instance and needed quick access ><
10:04.10batrickshirik, finish the game!
10:04.21batricki know u aren'tworkin!
10:04.41Shirikcontrary to popular belief, I /am/ working
10:04.44Shirikattempting to resolve a memory leak
10:04.51batrickthat's not work that's play
10:05.02Shirikand chess is...?
10:05.08batrickplay too?
10:05.13enum_laptopok, I think this is my last q for the night...
10:05.23batrickwork is going to class an listen to professors talk about stuff that was new and exciting 30 years ago
10:05.30enum_laptopTrying to understand the new combat even format, and found this page
10:05.50enum_laptopI don't quite get this line here... "How to get full event strings: Read prefix to suffix in order and use the parameter table as specified. Unused entries are nil. A Blank cell means that there are no additional arguments for this pre- or suffix."
10:05.53batrickenum_laptop: you would do well togo over the changes thread a couple times
10:06.38batrickisn't there a .lua example on the ptr (for the regular default combat log) for everyone to look at?
10:07.27batricki r bored
10:07.35Shirikfind my memory leak!
10:07.42ShirikOf course you don't know C++ so you probably can't
10:07.47batrickit's in a call to malloc i'm sure
10:08.16batrickwell that's where it all starts!
10:08.19ShirikC++ doesn't use malloc!
10:08.21batrickbatbot: rite?
10:08.21batbotbatrick, It is certain.
10:08.28batrickit does, it just hides itfrom u
10:08.34Shirikwell, it can
10:08.37Shirikbut Windows doesn't
10:08.46Shirikunless you make your own new operator
10:08.50Shirikbut the default one doesn't
10:09.04Shirikbesides, I use new[] almost exclusively, not new
10:09.07batrickwindows is for script kiddies
10:09.09Shirikso it would likely be calloc, not malloc
10:09.33batrickcalloc is expensive
10:09.45Shirikwhy do you say that?
10:09.54Shirikit's just malloc(size*n)
10:09.58batrickit zeroes out memory?
10:10.02Shirikdoes it?
10:10.06ShirikI didn't know that
10:10.15Shirikwell the debug dlls of windows initialize all memory to 0xcc anyway
10:10.20batrickwhich makes it a O(n) operation
10:10.28batrickbig theta
10:10.43Shirikand destroyed memory gets wiped to 0xcd
10:11.11Shirikit's a really cool feature, because then while your program is running, it can detect stepping out of bounds of memory, when you use uninitialized memory, and when you use destroyed memory
10:11.35batrickassuming 0xcd isn't valid in your memory
10:11.40batrickwhich makes it sorta silly
10:11.40Shirik(stepping out of bounds is done because two extra bytes are allocated, one before and one after, on every block, and filled with some special "no man's land" value)
10:11.48Shirikwell the code is a bit more than that
10:11.53ShirikI'm not quite sure what it does exactly
10:11.58Shirikbut I know that's a side effect
10:14.42batrickshirik you got a really good c++ book to advise?
10:14.51batrickI sense I may have to learn it really well soon
10:14.57batrickmuch to my distaste
10:15.36batrickthe hell kinda title isthat?
10:15.42Shirikthe bible of C++
10:16.04batrickif you just directed me to that monster C++ specification imma kill you
10:16.16Shirikbut it's a book by the creator of C++
10:16.32batrickprobably just as bad
10:16.45Shirikno actually it's generally considered the best way to learn C++
10:16.47Shirikeven for beginners
10:17.13batrickI may be working on nmap
10:17.20batrickprobably cleaning up some guys work
10:17.32batrickfrom what I can tell he's done some really wierd shit
10:17.49batrickunfortunately it's all C++
10:18.10art3mistell me oh son of my lord what is i that you would have of me?
10:18.23Shirikhonestly they're not too distant, batrick
10:18.30Shirikthough the ideologies are a bit different
10:18.32art3misp-branes actually
10:18.45Shirikfor example, in C++ it's generally considered bad practice to use a C style cast
10:18.49batricki learned c++ before I learned c
10:18.50Shirikyou should basically never use them
10:18.57batrickalthough I learned a heavily watered down version
10:19.37batrickthat'll probably grind my nerves
10:19.55Shirikyou should always use static_cast and dynamic_cast to specify what type of cast you want (or reinterpret_cast or const_cast for the very odd cases)
10:20.21ShirikI have recently fallen in love with dynamic_cast though
10:20.29batrickthat usually for objects or even for primitives?
10:20.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
10:21.08Shirikwhile you really can get away with using it for primitives (hell, you can get away with it for objects too) it's generally considered good form to use static_cast for primitives as well
10:21.12Shirikdo I follow that? Generally not
10:21.16Shirikand many don't
10:22.12ShirikAnother disconnect between C and C++ is that NULL should never be used in C++
10:22.44Shirikin fact, it's straight up illegal, but most compilers correct it behind-the-scenes these days
10:23.45Shirikthat's something they need to address in C++0x
10:25.54ShirikINT_MAX is replaced by std::numeric_limits<int>::max()
10:26.01Shiriketc etc
10:26.24Shirikbut 99% of the stuff is identical
10:27.45ShirikBut the cool thing about that book batrick, is it discusses EVERYTHING about the language
10:27.50Shirikeven the rarely-known aspects
10:27.57Shiriksuch as the C++ garbage collector that very few people are aware of
10:28.19Shirikor the fact that it is illegal to throw an error in a destructor (actually there's more to this, but that's the general consensus)
10:28.42batrickit's amazing the dumb shit people try to pull
10:28.53batricklike prevent an object from being gc'd in a destructor
10:30.57Shirikbut anyway, that book explains a lot of what you need to know, without the details that you don't needto know to get running (the stuff you would only need if you're developing a compiler)
10:31.12Shiriklike it tells you what a virtual function is, why they're useful, but stops short of describing the virtual table and how it works
10:34.04ShirikI still can't figure out how to compile valgrind on Windows
10:35.52Shirik"there is no port for Windows available at this time"
10:36.22ShirikI'll try out this IBM "Purify"
10:37.12ShirikI need to write my own memory debugger
10:37.15Shirikin C++ it's extremely easy
10:37.28Shirikthat's the beauty of C++!
10:38.40ShirikI like IBM's site
10:38.49Shirikas I'm scrolling down the list under "Preferred Language of Contact"
10:38.52Shirikthe choices are
10:38.55Shirik- English
10:39.00Shirik- English, UK
10:39.08Shirikbecause obviously US's english is the standard form
10:43.34batrickto be fair, ours is the most widely used
10:43.40Shiriktotally true
10:43.51Shirikthe UK should just give up and stop spelling color incorrectly
10:44.02batrickdon't forget the aussies
10:44.09ShirikI still think that the UK's version of the wow armory should have been
10:44.14Shirikwould have been hilarious
10:51.18Shirik"the color scheme has changed to windows vista basic"
10:51.30Shirikyour entire color scheme changes because one stupid application is incompatible?
10:51.47nevcairielyeah they do that
10:52.12nevcairiel(plus i still dont get why people run vista, i just tried it again yesterday, its like way slower as my XP)
10:52.22Shirikmine's faster...
10:52.28batrick(because shirik is a fanboi)
10:52.42Shirikthe only problem I have is the stupid blocking kernel call that blocks for about 3 seconds
10:52.48Shirikwhenever UAC is triggered
10:52.59nevcairielon XP i can run two copys of WoW without any issue. on vista everything starts to die when i run a second copy
10:53.00Shirikno application should be capable of blocking the entire kernel for 3 seconds
10:53.57*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo (
10:57.30Shirikbah, I'll just write up my own memory debugger
10:57.34Shirikit'll take me like 20 lines
10:58.50Shirikokies, I'm going to head to bed
10:58.50Shiriknight all
11:09.26Vangualhmm, what's nicer to the wow engine, setting a framescript to nil or to an empty anonymous function?
11:10.18batrickwhat kind of idiot uses "l" for a lua_State * symbol
11:10.22batrickit looks like a fucking 1
11:10.50batrickVangual: nil
11:11.07batrickin a huge way, nil effectively means there is not frame script
11:11.23batrickif you set an empty function, then it will continue calling that function when it doesn't need to
11:12.35Vangualmakes sense, just seen some examples using empty functions that got me wondering
11:13.25batrickwell then they are bad examples :P
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12:06.55Vanguallua noob question: can you overwrite function parameters within the function (and have the overwritten content stay like this only within the function)?
12:07.51Wobinlike function(a, b) a= 3; return a+b end ?
12:08.12Vangualfunction blah(param1) if param1 < 0 then param1 = 0 end end
12:08.34Wobinthe parameters are variables local only to the scope of that function
12:08.49Wobinso you can do whatever you want to them within that scope
12:09.02Vangualbut that will effectively create a new instance of param1 without overwriting what is referenced to in param1 in the calling function?
12:09.14Vangualgreat :)
12:09.21WobinYou can't pass by reference in lua
12:09.23nevcairiellua passes everything by value
12:09.37nevcairieltables pass a reference
12:09.44nevcairielbut thats just how the table variable works
12:09.58Wobinif it's tables you're passing, you'll have to do a copy
12:10.01nevcairielyou dont pass a reference to the original variable, just to the table
12:10.06Vangualis the way to enforce byref or byval passing or is it not possible at all?
12:10.20nevcairiellua does only by val
12:10.30Wobinexcept for aformentioned tables
12:11.03nevcairielor func refs, but those variables are defined to hold a reference, so you pass the reference
12:11.18nevcairielif you overwrite the table var in your func, the original table doesnt change either
12:11.21VangualWobin: a copy in that case is simply a "newtable = oldtable" or?
12:11.29WobinVangual: no =)
12:11.35Wobinthat passes a reference =)
12:11.40Vanguali feared as much
12:12.06nevcairielyou need a recursive table-copy algorithm to copy tables =P
12:12.20nevcairielwonders how that would look iterative
12:12.27Vangualeek, none in the language itself?
12:12.38nevcairielbuts its easy
12:13.20Vangualso many pitfalls you need to learn when learning lua :(
12:13.37nevcairielfunction tblCopy(source) local dest = {}; for k,v in pairs(source) do if type(v) == "table" then dest[k] = tblCopy(v) else dest[k] = v end return dest end
12:14.56Vangualcopies that into his notepad
12:15.05nevcairieli hope i didnt type
12:15.29Vangualthe idea behind the recursive copy is clear :)
12:15.35nevcairiellua> local function tblCopy(source) local dest = {}; for k,v in pairs(source) do if type(v) == "table" then dest[k] = tblCopy(v) else dest[k] = v end return dest end; local t = {"a", "b", {"c"}}; pp(tblCopy(t))
12:15.36lua_botnevcairiel: luabot:1: 'end' expected near '<eof>'
12:15.51nevcairiellua> local function tblCopy(source) local dest = {}; for k,v in pairs(source) do if type(v) == "table" then dest[k] = tblCopy(v) else dest[k] = v end end return dest end; local t = {"a", "b", {"c"}}; pp(tblCopy(t))
12:15.52lua_botnevcairiel: { "a", "b", { "c" } (#2) } (#1)
12:15.59nevcairielforgot a end =P
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13:28.27Vangualit won't be possible to resolve spellname into a spellid in 2.4 right?
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13:47.40|pez|Mmm, participants are messy animals -
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13:54.09Vangualany good demos this yea?
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15:12.13zenzelezzwell there's something I haven't experienced before... I seem to be just a tiny biy ahead of the XP curve in Outland. Finished all the solo-quests I can remember in most zones, but ~5% too low to receive Area 52 quests yet
15:12.41zenzelezzor should that be "behind", not "ahead"
15:15.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
15:16.00Wobinzenzelezz: Do more instances =)
15:16.12WobinGet lower city rep
15:16.37zenzelezzthat's pretty much what I was trying to avoid (instances) ;) Would prefer if people didn't see how horrible I am at rogueing
15:18.25zenzelezzmight try getting a Ring of Blood group
15:30.42Wobinbut rogueing is such fun
15:30.53Wobinand just think
15:30.55Wobinonce you hit 70
15:31.02Wobinyou'll have nothing -but- instances to do
15:31.07Wobin(so get training =P)
15:32.34zenzelezznah, made this char for different purposes; I do my raiding/instancing on my warrior
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15:49.48zenzelezzincrements the "forgot to stealth before sneaking up on mob" counter and sighs
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15:57.49zenzelezzcheers at peppy
15:58.08LopeppeppyMorning, zenzelezz!  Happy Easter-day-thing to you!
16:02.38LopeppeppyI got a chocolate raccoon, no lie.
16:03.59zenzelezz"6 Warglaives on 15 Illidan kills: 40% droprate" <-- old news I guess, but that's seriously good luck
16:07.16*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
16:07.30LopeppeppyWow... I wish I were that lucky with Loto.
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16:17.46bleetahpasses around the left-over-chockee
16:17.58LopeppeppyI have an egg mc muffin I'll share!
16:18.16bleetahchocolate egg mc muffin? yerk
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16:18.30LopeppeppyNo... chocolate is mine.  Mine mine mine.
16:18.43LopeppeppyNo sharing chocolate, nope.... mine. Rawr.
16:20.56bleetahno probs there, Lopeppeppy gets the day old chocolates!
16:22.01Lopeppeppy*laugh*  I'm happy to help you with your chocolate problem, bleetah...  Someone to feed my addiction is always welcome.
16:26.06kd3mmm, food
16:27.41LopeppeppyYeah... I woke up starving this morning.
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16:36.45bleetahblames Cide
16:37.26Lopeppeppycomforts Cide and makes sure the day-old-chocolate is carefully hidden
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17:06.26bleetahbtw, if the owner of is in here, I congratulate you on an instantly useful site.
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17:18.53Kalrothbleetah: how is that better than ?
17:19.04Kalroth(curious, I don't see any differences)
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17:23.53bleetahKalroth: if you can't see the difference in the 'filters' between clicking on a link that says, for example, 'pvp reward' or 'increases healing', and the lack of similar filters on wowhead and having to manually go through the lot, I can't really help
17:24.34bleetahcuriously enough, for the gem details, they actually link to wowhead
17:25.09Kalrothuhm, wowhead got the same filters?
17:25.19Kalroth;crs=1;crv=0 pvp reward
17:25.34Kalroth;crs=1;crv=0 +healing
17:26.48bleetahah, so they do. I was looking under 'type' rather than the un-named drop-down. also, url's such as are easier to remember than;crs=1;crv=0
17:27.08bleetahjust my 2c about ease of use, is all
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17:37.58bleetah(not to mention the whole 'is this PTR/TTR data I'm looking at?' question ;)
17:40.46kd3huh... I wonder what part 2 of the background download is? only the euro locales got it
17:44.05bleetahfixed translations, at a guess?
17:44.15bleetahor even just the translations nwo they're finalised
17:44.15kd3~25 megs worth?
17:44.28bleetahwith sound files, plausible
17:44.44bleetahat a guess
17:44.52bleetahmmm coffee, brb
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18:00.12sag_ich_nicht03/23/08 18:56:00> You have spent 2.2%  (14.5% since release) of your life in-game, divided among 15 character(s) on 11 realm(s).
18:00.15sag_ich_nichtmhm not so bad
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18:03.05enum_laptopmorning ( or afternoon ) all
18:03.29enum_laptopgetting up before noon , when you went to bed after 6am sucks
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18:11.17enum_laptopanyone use eclipse?
18:22.18hasteanyone happen to now of a tag basd image gallery? doesn't really matter what language it's in
18:22.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
18:22.43hasteI only know of danbooru (ruby on rails) and shimmie (php clone of danbooru), but both are rather overkill D:
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19:00.48Shirik|zZz"it has been guessed, and for the most part proven over the weeks, blues will NOT reply to, or sticky this thread. They do not support the alteration of your registry. I can not totally blame them, as if you do mess up, bad bad things could happen. the fact is this does fix the problem, atlest till 2.4 which it seems latency will be better. but who knows if thats true, or when it is. so in short"
19:00.59Shirik|zZzpeople like that, that go out and say "hey yo sticky plox" don't deserve a sticky....
19:01.52ScytheBlade1Is there an addon that I can load up with coordinates, and in turn, it'll plot a "nearest distance to" waypoint system, endlessly?\
19:02.12Shirikfurthermore I am so sick of people saying "oh lookie my ping went down, my latency must be reduced!"
19:02.20Shirikyou just INCREASED the amount of traffic you are sending
19:02.31Shirikwith the added side effect of making it LOOK like you reduced the lag
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19:09.47KalrothShirik: Yup, that's true :)
19:10.13KalrothWhen I download large files, my ping drops from 150-170 to 40-60 :)
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19:20.32GnarfozShirik: what. changing TCPAckFrequency and TCPNoDelay actually improves latency
19:20.44ShirikYes, but it worsens your connection
19:21.00Gnarfoznot for wow
19:21.15zenzelezzmost people don't just use the net for WoW
19:21.17Gnarfozindeed it reduces my maximum bandwidth somewhat
19:21.32Gnarfozzenzelezz: most people don't use their bandwidth to the maximum they can
19:21.36Shirikactually, it increases your bandwidth usage for no purpose whatsoever
19:21.39zenzelezzthen they suck
19:21.39Gnarfozwhich is the only case in which it matters
19:21.47GnarfozShirik: no it doesnt -.-
19:21.53Shirikthere is nothing to lose by responding to an ACK late
19:21.57Shirikby sending an ACK late
19:22.00GnarfozYES there is.
19:22.07Gnarfozincreased latency, lol
19:22.14Gnarfozthat's what "late" means
19:22.16Shirikthe server doesn't "wait" for an ACK unless your window size is already full
19:22.26Shirikand if that happens, there's another problem anyway
19:22.42Gnarfoznevermind, I'm sick of people telling me "this can't work, because..." when it clearly works
19:22.56ShirikThe only thing it does correctly is reduce your ping number
19:22.57Shirikthat's it
19:23.09Gnarfozand that figure is purely imaginative
19:23.12Shirikit has zero positive effect on the actual quality of the game
19:23.15Gnarfozand has nothing to do with my latency
19:23.22ShirikYou're confusing latency with quality
19:23.29Gnarfoz"quality" is someting analog
19:23.34Shirikall it does is send a packet which is used for control earlier
19:23.37Gnarfozdigitally it either works or it doesn't >_>
19:23.39Shirikthat packet does not need to be sent
19:23.45Shirikso why send it?
19:23.48Gnarfozyes, making the other side not wait
19:23.50ShirikTo make a number lower?
19:23.53ShirikIt WON'T wait
19:23.56Gnarfozit does.
19:23.57Shirikunless your TCP window is already full
19:24.00Gnarfozever played wow?
19:24.09Shirikever looked at the TCP specification?
19:24.13Gnarfozmaybe the wow server's TCP implementation sucks, then
19:24.20ShirikWoW does not implement TCP....
19:24.30GnarfozI know :)
19:24.32Shirikthey use the 7th layer, not the third...
19:24.47Gnarfozthe server < machine, not software
19:24.53Gnarfozrather, OS, not application
19:25.11ShirikWoW has no knowledge of this ACK packet that's being sent, only the underlying layers. But those layers aren't going to delay anything because of its absence unless the TCP window is full
19:25.14Gnarfozalso, obviously the process has some amout of control over what's happening
19:25.19Shirikand if the TCP window is full, your computer is required to send the ACK anyway
19:25.32Shirikall it has control over is how quickly a packet is responded to
19:25.44ShirikWoW never even sees the response
19:25.45Gnarfozwell, tell me then, why Blizz said they'd disabled Nagle's algorithm (which is simply: enabling TCPNoDelay) for their software?
19:25.56ShirikBecause users are stupid and were complaining and they like low numbers
19:25.59Gnarfozjust for kicks? :D
19:26.10ShirikIt's the same reason why we shouldn't allow users to see memory usage
19:26.13Gnarfozwell, obviously you don't know the difference between playing at 250ms and 25ms
19:26.20ShirikBecause there isn't one
19:26.23Gnarfozohh, right.
19:26.27Shirikthat 250ms doesn't exist
19:26.30Shirikit only appears to exist
19:26.45Gnarfozwait, I press a key *now*
19:26.55Gnarfozwow acts on that damn number
19:27.13Gnarfozlike "my GCD is finished now" "server doesn't say so, yet"
19:27.15ShirikLook, just before you criticize something and try to act like you know what you're talking about, know the specification you're referring to
19:27.24ShirikThat has nothing to do with this
19:27.36ShirikWoW never sees that ACK packet, not once
19:27.48Shirikthe server's "OK" or your "OK" is a completely separate packet
19:27.52Gnarfozobviously, neither wow client nor wow server "see" any packets
19:28.13Shirikok you know what, I'm not going to continue an argument with someone whom refuses to have an intelligent conversation
19:28.20Gnarfozdo you even know what Nagle's algorithm does?
19:28.29Gnarfozyay, I do, too
19:28.41ShirikIt delays an ACK packet to piggyback it alongside an existing, non-ACK-flagged packet
19:28.53Shirikwhich is BENEFICIAL
19:29.01Gnarfozif you want to reduce traffic
19:29.04Shirikhowever it can make your precious little numbers go lower
19:29.13Shirikthat's ALL it can do
19:29.27Shirikthe client-side response to a server packet is NOT the ACK packet
19:29.51Gnarfozso, you're saying, "delaying an ACK packet has no impact whatsoever on the communication between both parties"
19:29.59Shirikunless the TCP window fills
19:30.12ShirikTCP is not a hold-and-wait scheme
19:30.14Gnarfozcurious improvement in playability, then, for me :)
19:30.18Shirikit is a sliding window protocol
19:30.24Shirikit's in your mind
19:30.26LopeppeppyCorrelation does NOT imply causality.
19:30.36GnarfozLopeppeppy: well, gee -.-
19:31.20ShirikIn transmit flow control, sliding window is a variable-duration window that allows a sender to transmit a specified number of data units before an acknowledgment is received or before a specified event occurs.
19:31.31Shiriki.e., the server and client can continue to have a conversation despite the lack of an ACK
19:31.51Shirikfurthermore, in TCP, not every packet needs to be ACKed
19:31.54IndustrialI just burped so hard I had to cough it out cause I didnt know I was burping >_o
19:32.01GnarfozIndustrial: neat
19:32.04Industrialchinese food mmm :D
19:33.21Gnarfozanyway, theory is great, I can see where you're going and all, and partly, I don't even know how it can be better, seeing the facts... but it is! :(
19:33.26LopeppeppyIndustrial... TMI.  Chew your food, darlin'.
19:33.47LopeppeppyIt isn't, it just artificially appears to be, if I'm following all of what Shirik is saying.
19:33.52Industriallol :X
19:33.55Gnarfozyes, that's what he's saying :<
19:34.04Gnarfozbut my attacks registering earlier, my movements registering earlier, can't be just in my mind? :\
19:34.07NightHawkTheSaneGnarfoz: perception & mental tricks, imo.
19:34.36GnarfozNightHawkTheSane: my perception didn't change, I just rebooted and played the same game I've been playing for 2.5 years :~(
19:35.03GnarfozI should probably change it all back, and see if I "perceive" a degradation
19:35.06GnarfozI should, right? ^^
19:35.28NightHawkTheSane*shrug* dont ask me, i'm not in your head. :P
19:35.29KalrothShirik: It does improve the clients response time, but that's because of the client using hold-and-wait.
19:35.40Shirikit improves the client's ACK time
19:35.49Shirikwhich is completely irrelevant to the communication speed between the user and the server
19:35.59Shirikit merely speeds up the opening of the TCP window
19:36.03Shirikwhich shouldn't be full anyway
19:36.17KalrothThe client waits for that ACK to preform other events, it queues events based on it
19:36.35Shirikno, it waits for a separate type of acknowledgement
19:36.38KalrothHence lowering the response causes events to get processed faster
19:36.41Shirikit can't use the TCP ACK because it never sees it
19:36.44Shiriklayer 7 isn't allowed to see that
19:36.59KalrothYes, it uses something that uses ACK
19:37.04Kalrotheg. the ping
19:37.34ShirikIt uses something completely unrelated to the TCP protocol, which is why changing TCP parameters cannot, in any way, speed up your communication unless there is an underlying problem in the TCP socket anyway
19:37.44Shiriksuch as a window size set to like 1
19:37.56ShirikAll it uses is a separate "OK" packet from the server
19:38.01Shirikwhich can be sent before the ACK is received
19:38.05Shiriker, sent
19:38.10KalrothThere is a noticeable difference, Shirik. Both measurable through events and addons, I'm not just talking ping time. It does effect the speed of events getting processed.
19:38.20ShirikI give up
19:38.38Gnarfozwell, if wow uses it's own traffic for RTT measurements, then how could this even change the RTT time, if it's all just TCP? :<
19:38.57Shirikit doesn't
19:39.00Shirikthat's why the number drops
19:39.05Gnarfoz(it certainly doesn't ICMP ping the server separately)
19:39.06KalrothWell like he said, try it then. It's not about a green or yellow number ingame. I'm not talking about the ping time. I'm talking about the speed of which the client responds to events.
19:39.16bleetahI must be a noob, I've never seen this before, dead mob rotating in place, facing me wherever I go lol
19:39.24Gnarfozbleetah: noob.
19:39.26Shirikno but almost every OS gives a feature to pick up the RTT from a socket
19:39.31Shirikbleetah: yeah that's a fun bug
19:40.53bleetahprobably wouldn't have noticed it if I hadn't been wanting to skin.. had to walk away for it to disappear before I could
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19:43.25bleetahgoes back to wondering why Elekk sometimes skin to clefthoof leather
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19:49.12Shirikwriting a memory debugger is harder than I thought
19:50.01ShirikI was using a std::map to store the info about all the memory. Whenever someone calls operator "new" I go ahead and add the info to the map. The map calls operator new to allocate space for the new entry, which then adds the new info to the map, which then calls operator new etc etc
19:50.04Shirik~kill C++
19:50.05purlACTION shoots a super-inverse quark gun at C++
19:50.58CairennI swear, I should be allowed to deny a UI on principal alone!  "Chuck Norris UI!" - "Ever want to be as strong as chuck norris? Look like chuck norris? Fight ninjas like chuck norris? Well now you can with Chuck Norris UI!"
19:51.23Cairenncan't decide whether to growl, cry or throw up
19:51.56GnarfozCairenn: I recommend at least 30 minutes of
19:52.06*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork2 (
19:52.59Shirikwonders how long Cairenn spent looking at that UI trying to find something, ANYTHING wrong with it
19:53.52Cairennactually, I think I might have something that'd allow me to deny it
19:55.33Industrialwhat ui?
19:56.45CairennI don't think there's anything "legally" wrong with it (although I'm not sure if some of the images used might be protected), but omg I just don't want to hit approve on it
19:56.48Cairennit's HIDEOUS
19:57.19dylanmReally a good argument for separating compilations from the real work.
19:57.28Industrialthis tastes too much of fail! use less next time!
19:57.30Industrialis what i'd say
19:58.02dylanmIt should hook all of the portrait stuff and replace it all with Norris photos.
19:58.27Cairennit DOES!
19:59.38kd3wth, is there an internal link we can use to look at the monstrosity?
19:59.49Cairenneven as a laugh, I don't want to approve this!
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20:00.52CairennI don't know if you guys can see these or not: and and
20:01.06Cairennthose are the screenshots for it
20:01.18kd3oh good god
20:01.34foxlit(I really should've used a better setup for that)
20:01.43foxlitBut if some of those things moved, things would be interesting :P
20:01.57NechcknHa!  so very chuck
20:02.07Cairennplease please please, tell me that some of those images are copyright or something, I beg of you!
20:02.14Nechckntwo chucks up for you Cairenn
20:02.26Cairennlike, the ones for the social and inventory panels, maybe?
20:02.36AnduinLotharthat's scary
20:03.42Nechcknthe target pic is the best... with the whole Ninja motif
20:04.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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20:05.59AnduinLothar"Chuck Norris is allowed to talk about Fight Club."
20:07.02ScytheBlade1That is
20:07.12ScytheBlade1(@ Chuck Norris UI)
20:08.09ScytheBlade1Cairenn: deny it based on false advertising. They clearly portray Chuck Norris as a Paladin, yet we all know that Chuck Norris is a class in and of himself.
20:08.17ScytheBlade1Okay, that was horrible. Sorry.
20:08.24GuillotineWait, linky?
20:08.30ScytheBlade116:00 <@Cairenn> I don't know if you guys can see these or not: and and
20:08.54GuillotineI love htat minimap
20:10.28dylanmAllow it are you crazy.
20:13.03GuillotineHell, its no worse than HKUI
20:13.10Cairennyes it is!
20:29.25*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Joshua@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
20:30.24Guillotine lol
20:33.13ShirikAnyone know the printf format specifier for a long long?
20:33.29Shirikor is there one for a pointer?
20:35.23nevcairiel%p is pointer
20:35.40Shirikoh that's even better
20:35.42Shirik<3 <3
20:36.39nevcairiellove my C manual by kerningham/richie =P
20:40.57Kalrothyour C maual?
20:41.26bleetahCairenn: why not just go out on a limb, assume they're copyright and ask the author for proof that they're not ;)
20:41.55LopeppeppyTrue.  Make it the burden of proof on the author.
20:42.45bleetahI don't think that's too unreasonable, where (C) is .. questionable
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20:55.08Atriacenevcairiel: ping
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20:55.59AtriaceDo you have a function for enabling a bar?
20:56.43AtriaceUsing "Enabled = true," simply puts a checkmark in the menu, but doesn't actually turn it on.
20:59.40nevcairielyou need to call :RefreshBars() after changing settings
20:59.41nevcairieli think
20:59.56AtriaceDid that
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21:37.15Industrialwow doesnt like getting summoned while in flight
21:37.24Industrial20s ec and counting screen freeze
21:38.00zenzelezzI haven't had that problem
21:40.14ScytheBlade1lol, so
21:40.26ScytheBlade1I have an addon on my second computer which forwards whispers to my primary computer
21:40.43ScytheBlade1That stat hack spammer never knew he'd get two for one
21:40.57ScytheBlade1I sat there for a second wondering why my bank alt just spammed me..
21:41.12zenzelezzstat hack spammer?
21:42.09ScytheBlade1" DETECTION UPGRADES: The Stat Changer is now COMPLETELY UNDETECTABLE! We know our software is undetectable, so much that we are willing to give you any level 70 you want, including 5,000 gold if you ever get banned!"
21:42.29Lopeppeppygold... after you're banned....
21:42.52ScytheBlade1I'm pretty sure that leveling from 1 to 70 in a day will get you detected
21:43.07ScytheBlade1Call it a guess
21:43.16zenzelezzhas been done actually
21:43.20zenzelezzaccording to worldofraids
21:43.29ScytheBlade1There's a difference though ;)
21:43.56zenzelezzthen you left out info in your statement
21:44.04zenzelezzsounded like a pure time vs. level check
21:46.24ScytheBlade1Three whispers in 5 minutes
21:47.14Guillotinetheres a language <Zombie>
21:47.20Guillotinethat includes words like "braaains"
21:47.36Guillotinein fact
21:47.55Guillotinethe only words in that lanugage file are "brains" "braainss" and "." ".." "...", ect.
21:48.08ScytheBlade1Where is this?
21:48.14ScytheBlade1I get "Unknown language"
21:48.32Guillotinethe Languages and LanguageWords dbc files
21:48.56ScytheBlade1This saddens me
21:49.02ScytheBlade1Unknown language :(
21:49.19GuillotineAww, so we can't use it ingame?
21:49.37ScytheBlade1If you can't use it in game, it gives you "You don't know that language"
21:49.42ScytheBlade1This is the API call yelling at me
21:49.52ScytheBlade1Saying "that really doesn't exists lol"
21:50.04Guillotinehmm, may be new to this PTR, lets see
21:51.20Guillotinenew to PTR
21:51.25Guillotinesays "You cannot speak that language" on PTR
21:51.50Guillotineoh well
21:56.11batrickthat chuck norris ui is fuckin hilarious
21:56.16batrickapprove it Cairenn !
21:58.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
21:59.50Vangualchuck norris ui?
22:00.10Vangualreplaced the samwise spell-icon by chuck's head?
22:02.41LopeppeppyYeah.  Worse than Hello Kitty!
22:03.18Vangualheh, he even made the effort of dressing his paperdoll like the background ad
22:05.29zenzelezzto be honest I think it's pretty wicked
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22:32.37Lejanyone happen to know how to find out if there's a weapon that uses the model Sword_1H_Horde_B_04?
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22:35.35zenzelezzomg, Jelly's actually alive?
22:35.45LopeppeppyHeya, Jelly-love.  Happy Easter!
22:35.48|Jelly|LaptopWork is killing my soul's face off.
22:36.12zenzelezzI was more referring to your constant dis/reconnects
22:36.35|Jelly|LaptopYou can thank my roomie's apparent need for a fucking phone.
22:36.50|Jelly|LaptopEvery time the god damned thing rings, the internet dies ... even with a filter.
22:36.59|Jelly|LaptopMy give-a-shit is broke so I haven't messed with it./
22:37.02zenzelezzhad that at my mom's place :-|
22:37.16*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Joshua@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
22:37.32Lopeppeppyhugs |Jelly|
22:38.05|Jelly|Laptophugs Peppy.
22:38.10Gnarfozsomeone fails at dsl? :>
22:38.28|Jelly|LaptopIt's SBC ... why would you expect less?
22:38.32LopeppeppyJelly wins at hugs.
22:38.37|Jelly|LaptopPlus, it's allowed me to develop an alcohol addiction.
22:38.53GnarfozIt's <company I don't know because it's on another continent>
22:39.30|Jelly|LaptopKind of funny though, my tips have gone up while I'm drunk. Who knew?
22:39.47LopeppeppyMaybe you laugh more?
22:39.57|Jelly|Laptop...I guess
22:40.11|Jelly|LaptopI'm glad I wasn't drunk last night though- had a horrible hypoglycemic attack.
22:41.48Gnarfoza what :<
22:41.51zenzelezzyou did or someone else did?
22:42.03|Jelly|LaptopI did
22:42.31|Jelly|Laptopblood sugar crashed. it was kind of kek ... until, you know, i felt like shit. lol
22:48.41Gnarfozso, Microsoft's TCP stack actually queues actual packets (not only ACKs) for 200ms or until the MTU is filled...
22:53.52*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop_ (
22:54.03|Jelly|Laptop...for instance
22:56.10kd3neat... a shot of aurora borealis from the ISS
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22:59.29zenzelezzpretty cool, but they look nicer from down here
23:06.31AtriaceI wish there was a list of patch changes per update to the PTR.
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23:13.07bleetahthought you'd like that, kd3
23:13.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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23:15.59AtriaceI set a texture's file path to a targa, but the targa wasn't there, rather a blp with the same name, so rather than throw up a null texture, it used the blp.  Weird.
23:16.01*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Dinesh)
23:17.26Atriaceok... now it's annoying.  Both a tga and a blp are in the same directory, and it defaults to the blp.
23:18.48hasteit's wierd since all of blizzard textures are blp?
23:18.57hasteor did it strip .tga from the path?
23:19.04Atriaceit's weird since they're my textures in my directory.
23:19.22AtriaceBoth a blp and tga in the same folder, you specify the tga, and it defaults to the blp.
23:19.37zenzelezzthat's after a complete restart of WoW?
23:19.38Atriaceremove the blp, reload, uses tga.
23:19.48AtriaceAnd yeah, I restarted.
23:19.53Atriacethis is after the fact
23:20.24AtriaceNot really an issue, since I have no need of two of the same named image with two file formats, but still... weird.
23:21.25zenzelezzcould be a convenience feature for their own development
23:22.29sag_ich_nichtdoes silent resolve still reduce the threat from VE?
23:23.58AtriaceSR is only for Holy/Disc
23:24.23AtriaceAnd the PTR doesn't show that to have changed.  VE is shadow.
23:24.48sag_ich_nichtlook no.
23:25.03sag_ich_nichtwhat it says in the tooltip did not match it's behaviour in the past
23:25.08sag_ich_nichtso my question
23:25.21sag_ich_nichtyou don't sound like you're all to sure about this or knew about this behaviour
23:25.37AtriaceI'm a Shadow Priest.
23:25.43sag_ich_nichtthat's great.
23:26.11sag_ich_nichtwaits for Antiarc
23:30.01Nechcknkd3  btw, those are some amazing images from the ISS
23:30.21Industrialemokid, you make me cry
23:30.29Industrial(of laughter)  Industrial that is something there
23:31.01zenzelezzat last we know what Industrial looks like
23:31.02NechcknHe's just misunderstood
23:31.04sag_ich_nichtknew it
23:31.14sag_ich_nichtAtriace you're a newb
23:31.15Nechcknzenzelezz ftw!
23:31.35sag_ich_nichtAtriace i suggest you give this a read:
23:32.20sag_ich_nichtdirectly from Threat-1.0\Threat-1.0\ClassModules\Priest.lua
23:32.26Atriacesag_ich_nicht: As of Patch 2.0.10, Silent Resolve no longer reduces threat generated by Shadow spells. There is some discussion as to whether this reduces the threat generated by using Vampiric Embrace or not. Though Blizzard claims that Silent Resolve does not reduce threat from Vampiric Embrace healing, testing from threat meter authors seems to indicate differently.
23:32.39Atriace"officially" it shouldn't affect threat.
23:32.45sag_ich_nichtyeah. guess what that dicussion was justified
23:32.49sag_ich_nichti didn't ask that
23:32.53sag_ich_nichti asked if it in fact DOES
23:32.58sag_ich_nichtand if this DOES change in 2.4
23:33.01Amarandehmm, is MP5 worth keeping on a DPS caster?
23:33.04sag_ich_nichtCURRENTLY it DOES affect it
23:33.33Atriacenotices ego inflation.
23:33.47Amarandethinking of upgrading to a blue staff
23:33.49Amarandebut then I lose 10mp5
23:33.53Amarandewhich is almost all the mp5 I have, really
23:34.03Amarandeor is mp5 worthless on an affliction lock?
23:34.32Nechcknweren't changes coming to make mp5 more important to locks and STA less important?
23:34.47Nechcknor maybe just INT
23:34.55NechcknI forget... never mind me...   =)
23:35.08*** join/#wowi-lounge bam_ (
23:35.49bam_anyone else having problems with not seeing addons on the PTR?
23:36.09kd3you install them for the PTR?
23:36.28dylanmYou have to copy them into WoWTest/Interface/AddOns
23:36.32bam_yea... tested lots of times before.. I know how to do it :)
23:36.43bam_but nothing is showing up... this is on Mac btw
23:36.58Nechcknwell, that explains everything then!  =)
23:37.06kd3you copied them over while the ptr wasn't running, right?
23:37.25Nechcknhmm... is it all or only certain ones?
23:37.31Vangualyou working with symlinks? think that's still bugged atm in the 2.4 client
23:37.55bam_I did at first... but now I've reinstalled completely and not using any symlinks
23:38.17bam_hmm it's on a secondary disk... could that be it?
23:38.37bam_I will try moving it anyway...
23:39.46bam_actually... do Blizzard store anything outside of the wow-folder itself? I did have it installed in a different location previously
23:40.08kd3nope. it should all be self-contained inside /apps/World of Warcraft
23:42.06AnduinLotharis it jsut me or does your body take longer to stop turning in 2.4
23:42.28AnduinLotharlike hold down the right button and rotate your screen 90 degrees
23:42.29bam_must the WoWTest folder be located inside the original wow-folder?
23:42.49AtriaceAnduinLothar: it does seem that way.
23:42.57kd3because it's not a full install and pulls data from the regular wow data directory if there's not a copy in wowtest
23:42.59bam_ok guess I'll have to move a lot then :P
23:43.26bam_aha... I'm still using symlinks in the original.... I wonder...
23:45.49AnduinLothar:) the new ultalisks look badass
23:46.14dylanmKeyboard turn lolololol
23:46.30AnduinLotharand is that sposed to be kerigan's voice int he zerg trailer? sounds different
23:46.47AtriaceDidn't like the VA either.
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23:50.49bam_euhm... the test client does use its own Interface folder still, right?
23:51.30bam_this is really strange  :|
23:52.21bam_what was the symlink problem you mentioned?
23:52.39bam_got a feeling this could be related...
23:53.01zenzelezzthe 2.4 client (on mac) currently simply does not follow symlinks, IIRC
23:53.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Gwenstefani (
23:53.55bam_and it's a bug I hope? I use it quite a lot  :P
23:54.50hasteit is
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23:56.54Gnarfozand they already said: won't be fixed for release
23:57.34bam_that makes me a sad puppy  :(
23:57.46Gnarfozdeal with it, just put the files there =]
23:58.09bam_means changing completely how I work :/
23:59.04Amarandeyou'll just have to use hard links
23:59.21bam_that can only be done on files, right?
23:59.23Gnarfozwhich work only for files

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