IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080322

00:03.57ScytheBlade1MentalPower: okay, 8031 is fixed, and 8089 should be up
00:05.38MentalPoweryup, confirmed
00:07.17ScytheBlade1<-- RETARDED
00:07.44AnduinLotharkd3: can you log back on?
00:08.09ScytheBlade1Cairenn|afk: I told you my addon would never see the light of day.
00:09.51MentalPowerwhat addon?
00:10.06ScytheBlade1I /had/ a multi-mob tracking scorch timer addon built
00:10.17ScytheBlade1I /just/ nuked it while reinstalling the PTR.
00:10.48MentalPowerloves symlinks :)
00:10.49ScytheBlade1Yup. It's gone. Poof.
00:11.21ScytheBlade1I mean, it's not like it's an incredibly complicated addon
00:11.22ScytheBlade1But still
00:12.42ScytheBlade1That first line is fitting
00:13.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandok1 (
00:13.33Atriacechews on more rocks.
00:15.40MentalPowerAtriace: whats the problem?
00:17.12*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Laptop (
00:17.56AtriaceStill burning oil on the popupmenus.
00:18.34AtriaceI've had minor progress on it.  A blank popup menu shows up now.
00:28.28Dottedis away (kd3 - whee squid just went splat)
00:31.41AnduinLotharAnyone know state headers at all well?
00:32.00AtriaceYou find that out, let me know.  I'm in the same boat.  :)
00:33.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Dekster (
00:33.50Cidecog and iriel, mostly
00:33.57AnduinLotharboth not here QQ
00:33.58Cidemaybe cncfanatics
00:34.09Cideand um
00:34.26Cidewhat's his name
00:35.24Cide~seen alestane
00:35.27purlalestane <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 9d 21h 52m 51s ago, saying: 'Pets?'.
00:37.27AnduinLothar9days >.<
00:37.35AnduinLotharcog was ona  while ago
00:37.58AnduinLotharhe should eb back he left work at 4:30 i guess
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01:33.32*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
01:36.51AnduinLotharanyone care about party pet buffs?
01:38.02MentalPowerI don't, but I don't have pets
01:38.34AnduinLotharparty pets don't have buffs vissible at all and their debuffs don't even have tooltips
01:38.39AnduinLotharwonder why that is
01:44.43Shirik|Ecoleprays for Cairenn|afk to return soon
01:44.55Cairenn|afklaughs at Shirik|Ecole
01:45.08Shirik|Ecoleyou weren't supposed to say anything!
01:45.11Shirik|EcoleJust magically come back
01:45.35Cairenn|afkwell you didn't give me long enough to get caught up on everything before you said anything, so :p
01:45.36Shirik|Ecoleand then I would be like "My prayers have been answered!"
01:45.53WobinAnduinLothar: Party pet buffs like Ferocious Inspiration?
01:46.21AnduinLotharno i mean the buffs visible on your party pet frame
01:46.46WobinOh they're pretty important
01:46.54Wobinlike well fed and everything
01:47.26Wobinand pallybuffs
01:48.54MentalPowerloves screen
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01:50.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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01:52.29Shirik|EcoleAnyone here know the language Arduino/Processing?
01:54.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Nolook__ (
01:55.42Wobinthat's so wrong O.O
01:59.22MentalPowerlua> return true
01:59.22lua_botMentalPower: true
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02:39.50ScytheBlade1Wrong window!
02:40.02GuillotineAnybody worked a decent amount with model frames?
02:40.10ScytheBlade1A bit, not much
02:40.18GuillotineAny idea if theres a way to set a texture?
02:40.27GuillotineWhen I just SetModel as a model file, its all white
02:40.29ScytheBlade1*Don't think so :(
02:40.41GuillotineDammit, so theres no way other than SetUnit?
02:40.45GuillotineThat doesn't seem right somehow
02:41.10ScytheBlade1Think about how it's used in the stock UI
02:41.20GuillotineI know
02:41.29zenzelezzisn't there a special model frame type for the dressing room?
02:41.38ScytheBlade1That's not a texture and that's not the problem
02:41.46ScytheBlade1The PlayerModel will make all NPCs white period
02:41.53AnduinLotharwhat's a shorter way of coding this:   for _,name in ipairs( {"a", "b"} ) do
02:42.24AnduinLotharcna i do it with like next("a", "b")
02:43.19GuillotineThere has to be a way to do this :(
02:44.05ScytheBlade1What are you doing?
02:44.07dylanmnext doesn't buy you much.
02:44.34Shirik|Ecoleipairs{"a","b"} is the shortest it gets :P
02:45.29GuillotineScytheBlade1: Trying to get a model frame to display a model file without having to be near the npc
02:45.43Guillotineif I have the model path
02:46.20enumdoes anyone know of a good doc that explains the WoW UI XML Schema? ( and please don't say ui.xsd )
02:47.41dylanmI love the xsd to be honest.
02:48.04GuillotineIf theres really no way to set a texture, then we really can't use the model frame for custom models (e.g. arrows for cart)
02:48.05dylanmwowwiki has a couple ways of looking at it I think.
02:48.12MentalPowerGuillotine: you could try asking for a settexture for the model frame
02:48.24enumI've never done any wow ui development, and recently my job has asked me to do this, so I've gotten through creating frames, but I'm coming up short when it comes to controls within those frames
02:48.24GuillotineLooks like thats what I'll have to do :/
02:48.33MentalPowerGuillotine: if the model only has one texture its not an issue
02:48.45GuillotineMP: it automatically sets the texture if theres only one?
02:48.54MentalPowerthe problem with the NPCs is that they used baked textures, that are outside the model's m2 file
02:48.55ScytheBlade1Guillotine: what would you set it to? Think for a minute about that :)
02:49.11ScytheBlade1How many different settings are there on a character?
02:49.29GuillotineI know, I just kind of assumed you could specify a texture file
02:49.30MentalPowerif the model's m2 has only one texture, then its a non-issue
02:49.51MentalPowerenum: erm... wowwiki?
02:50.23MentalPowerGuillotine: we had that problem when auctioneer used to show item models in the tooltip
02:50.40dylanmenum: and
02:50.43MentalPowersome weapons would show all white, others would show with the proper texture
02:50.55GuillotineAnd annoying
02:51.03Guillotinewell, looks like I'll have to request it
02:51.31MentalPowerGuillotine: if you open up the MPQ, you'll see that for those weapons that show as all white, the folder has one m2, and one or more blps
02:51.40dylanmenum: The second one refers you to where in the FrameXML certain things are used, which can be helpful.
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02:56.36enumdylanm: according to those pages everything seems to be in order, mind taking a look at the checkbox elements I have here?
02:56.39enumoops wrong link
02:57.56enumthe problem, it just doesn't show up... at all
02:58.16Shirik|Ecolecheck your error log
02:59.06enumthe error log has proven to be quite... useless. Only error I get is Invalid anchor point in Frame: (null)
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02:59.20enumI mean, I guess it's not useless, but could use with a bit more detail
03:05.10MentalPowerenum: have you checked that the XML is valid?
03:05.17MentalPowerie, open it in FF or IE
03:06.47batrickShirik|Ecole: .?
03:07.25batrickuh, I just wanted to say I added something windows might not like
03:07.35batrickit's uh, <sys/time.h>
03:07.42Shirik|Ecole<OnLoad> getglobal(this:GetName().."Text"):SetText("On"); </OnLoad>
03:07.46batricknot sure what you're going to want to do
03:07.51Shirik|Ecolethis is bad :P
03:07.55enumMentalPower: yeah, it's valid... The frames even come up in game
03:07.57enumjust empty
03:08.19enumShirik|Ecole: ah, lemme remove it
03:08.20MentalPowerwhat do you mean empty?
03:08.25Shirik|Ecolefirstly, _G should be used instead of getglobal
03:08.39Shirik|Ecolesecondly, the variable "this" should not be used
03:09.08Shirik|Ecolemoreover, this:GetName() is rather worthless considering you know the name
03:09.16Shirik|Ecoleit's just a few lines up in the <CheckButton> element
03:09.48batrick~calm Shirik|Ecole
03:09.49purlACTION sooths Shirik|Ecole, offers a backrub, tea, a jacuzzi and anything else that might help calm Shirik|Ecole down.
03:10.29Shirik|Ecolesorry, i'm really, really tired :P
03:10.37enumok, removed that line, and I get Dependency Missing from the Addons screen.. checking that out, bbiam
03:11.58batrickanyway shirik, I think you're going to have to set up your own system for timeouts in windows
03:12.12enumok, so fixed the dep issue. Removed the bad line, and the checkbox still doesn't show
03:12.21batrickgettimeofday() doesn't have the granularity we need in Windows
03:12.28Shirik|Ecoletrust me, windows has an api for everything :P
03:12.34batrickya i'm sure
03:12.37enumMentalPower: empty as in the checkbox ( being the only control in the frame ) doesn't show up
03:12.37batrickjust letting you know
03:12.40Shirik|Ecoleit just takes 50 million parameters
03:13.06Shirik|Ecolemost of which are "reserved, must be 0" "true if this should use binary transfers. Windows does not support non-binary transfers so this must always be true"
03:13.17Shirik|Ecole(true stories)
03:14.08MentalPowerenum: that coupled with the error log, means that its not anchored correctly
03:15.58enumI think the anchor point error is coming from somewhere else... I removed the control obj, and it still throws the error. Time to start removing peice at a time.
03:16.21kd3doing one last round of RFC for the 2.4.0 "it's patch day!" posts before I create a new thread with them...
03:19.37art3miswoo airplane 2 is on
03:20.27art3miswhat do you got on elaine dickenson? weelll, i'm 2 inches taller a better dancer and much more fun to be with
03:21.14MentalPowerand the patch 2.4 survival guide is up
03:21.52kd3which reminds me... Cairenn: poke. ok to post the survival guide publicly?
03:22.17art3misi hope they hold off til the week after for 2.4
03:22.20enumok, removed error. Double checked error log without checkbox. Re-added checkbox, still no error, still no checkbox
03:22.28art3misApril 1st seems the perfect day for it
03:22.33enumis confused
03:22.46MentalPowerenum: is the checkbox named?
03:23.07MentalPower./dump CheckBoxName:GetPoint(1)
03:23.28art3miscompelte with an update of "We've accidently lost all database servers, but are working diligently to restore characters on the following realms:" and then list all the realms with the top guilds on them
03:23.28Cairennkd3: about to post the news post, 2 more sec :)
03:24.04MentalPowerkd3: " These filters can be swapped between at-will and will retrieve the last five minutes of data from the server." it doesn't pull from the server
03:24.17RayneI think I have the most Oddball of TK runs atm.
03:24.34RayneI have a Survival Hunter, a boomkin, 3 enhancement shamans, a ret pali and a shadow priest.
03:25.11kd3" These filters can be swapped between at-will and will refilter the last five minutes of data."?
03:25.11MentalPowerAntiarc: what link do you want for Omen?
03:25.25MentalPowerfair nuf
03:25.39MentalPowerwithout getting too technical thats good enough
03:26.46enumMentalPower: where would i run that dump command? I tried adding it to a function, no go. In game, no go
03:27.05MentalPowertho you need DevTools for it
03:27.08purlIriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
03:27.10AntiarcMentalPower: Eh?
03:27.11enumand I changed the name to CheckButton1
03:27.51MentalPowerAntiarc: kd3's Patch Day PSA mentions Omen alongside other mods that need updating
03:27.51Cairennkd3: posted, go for it
03:28.01MentalPowerthat list includes download locations
03:28.10MentalPowerwhats your preferred download location for omen?, trunk
03:29.30AntiarcGranted, I know that's suppossed to be beta but I try to keep it working :P
03:29.35MentalPowerkd3: ^^^^
03:29.53kd3recount still on the 2.4 branch or is it in trunk yet?
03:30.07MentalPower!c us alleria mentak
03:30.15Antiarckd3: The existing wowace Omen download will work. I'm just going to merge the 2.4 branch to trunk when 2.4 drops
03:30.21AntiarcSo people can just use their updater or whatever
03:31.58enumMentalPower: ok, loaded devtool, and got back some info based on that command
03:32.34MentalPowerok, wheres the frame, and whats it anchored to?
03:32.47AnduinLotharHow many target bufss/debuffs are normally shown?
03:33.46enumMentalPower: output ->
03:34.01MentalPowershould be a single line
03:34.05MentalPowerjust paste it here
03:34.23MentalPowerAnduinLothar: 16methinks
03:34.45enumsynergy clipboard issues... bleh
03:35.54MentalPowerenum: looks like its in the proper location...
03:36.01MentalPowercan you try :Show()
03:36.54enumyeah, nothing happens
03:37.01enumscratches his head
03:37.55MentalPoweris the Atomos_ProfileConfig frame fully obscure?
03:38.26MentalPowerit could be behind the frame is what I'm getting at
03:39.55enumI think I just found the issue
03:40.07art3misted stryker? you know him sir? never heard of him.....thats not exactly true, we were like brothers.
03:40.21enumif I move the checkbutton from the Atomos_ProfileConfig Frame, and into the Parent frame it shows up
03:41.33MentalPowerwhat do you mean?
03:43.07enumI moved it to be a child of the top level frame
03:44.14enumAtomos_ProfileConfig was a child frame of the parent frame... I just moved it up a level, so I guess to answer your question is ... ProfileConfig is apparently not showing on top
03:44.14enumI think I explained that correctly
03:44.30enumthis s all new to me. I work in web dev usually, WoW UI stuff I've never done before
03:45.48enumI just found another issue, my Show() calls for the frames, are wrong. So, the child frames were never showing up...
03:47.22enumThanks everyone for your help... I'm going to crawl back under my rock, and keep learning
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03:52.13kd3alright... 2.4 thread's been posted. reply or yell at me on irc if you see any errors/corrections waiting to be made.
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03:54.03Cairennkd3: "This just a list" ... "This IS just a list"
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03:55.42MentalPowerkd3: its, not .com (even tho .com still works)
03:55.46RayneHealers are blowing up my GD raid on Solarian again...
03:55.54AnduinLotharSo, amazingly none of the Cosmos addons I've tested have broken except DamageMeters and Archaeologist (Which I just rewrote)
03:56.27Guillotinenope is a redirect. we prefer .org
03:56.43GuillotineI'm suprised TellTrack even works with the change to textures in GM names
03:56.57GuillotineBut the message recieved is still the same
03:57.09AnduinLotharcool, i haven't tested that much heh
03:57.14RayneGuillotine: It actually shows the GM Icon?
03:57.22GuillotineRayne: no
03:57.27Guillotinebut it doesn't bug
03:57.47Rayneyeah, Im pretty sure ill be losing Cellular when 2.4 comes for that reason
03:57.57Raynefrequently petitions GMs. :/
03:58.08AnduinLotharGuil: you mean when it rewrite's the whisper frame?
03:58.16ScytheBlade1Cairenn: that survival guide is NICE
03:58.21Cairennthanks ScytheBlade1
03:58.47GuillotineAL: no, that is still showing GM
03:58.56ScytheBlade1Oh, haha, and you remember how I said that my addon would never see the light of day? If not by nature, by my (accidental) hand?
03:58.58AnduinLothardoes it show the icon?
03:59.06ScytheBlade1Pretty sure I just accidently deleted it a few hours ago
03:59.11Guillotinebut it still captures the gm's message
03:59.27AnduinLotharcool. I'm tempted to jsut ignore that minor bug
03:59.41AnduinLotharunless people are gonna be sending icons in whispers a bunch
03:59.51MentalPowerthey cant
03:59.58AnduinLotharthere you go!
04:00.16MentalPowericons (other than {star} and friends) are not allowed
04:00.34AnduinLotharmmm those prolly dont work when it reconstitutes it
04:00.38AnduinLotharwell, maybe
04:00.43AnduinLothardepends on where the code is
04:02.54GuillotineIt should work
04:03.00Guillotinethings like {star}
04:07.48AnduinLotharlong as it's done inside or after AddMessage
04:07.52*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | WoW programming book | "it's your terminating condition if you didn't get that" - batrick
04:08.12Guillotineeither way
04:08.25Guillotinebecause if its converted to a texture before, the saved message will just be a texture
04:15.33Cairennkd3: I'll start the "updated" list on the blizz forums tomorrow or monday
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04:24.33AntiarcI like the survival page, Cairenn
04:24.41CairennAntiarc: thanks :)
04:25.00Cairennmost of the credit, as always, should go to dolby-wowi
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04:36.17art3mis^^ number of HKUI downloads ;P
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04:36.44AnduinLotharWhat should I name my new option panel table registration middleman addon?
04:37.16kd3"AL's totally awesome UI config middleman"?
04:37.32art3misyou wont find a better middle man than Local 1337 ;P
04:37.32Cairennlol art3mis
04:37.53art3misin fact you dont do anywork without Local 1337 present
04:38.00art3misnot on this dock pal!
04:41.56ScytheBlade1Argh. I know I had this working.
04:42.03ScytheBlade1Is any event sent when you refresh a debuff on a mob?
04:42.30Guillotinejust for the spellcast
04:42.39Guillotineactually, not sure about 2.4
04:42.42ScytheBlade1I swear I had this working before I nuked it through :/
04:42.52kd3ah, I love the click-click-clicking of my raid when I'm downloading data really quickly
04:44.45ScytheBlade1Well then, time for a hack :(
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04:53.42GuillotineHmm, any idea what Model:ReplaceIconTexture does?
04:54.02GuillotineGuess I'll have to figure it out
05:00.35*** part/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
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05:09.45GuillotineThere is just so much undocumented stuff for models -_-
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05:15.47batrickwow didn't think that'd be quote worthy lol
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05:17.20Shirik|Ecole2I am Anna, bringer of doom
05:17.27Shirik|Ecole2<-- on IRC on robot :P
05:18.57Shirik|Ecolebattery died
05:19.05ScytheBlade1less IRC imo
05:19.14Shirik|Ecoleno, those batteries were already dead
05:19.23Shirik|Ecole2x 7.2 volt batteries = 9 volts
05:19.31Shirik|Ecolethat's beyond dead
05:19.39batrickthat reminds me of this physics project I had to do where we had to make a racecar powered by a mouse trap for some reason
05:20.04batrickwe put the mouse trap and the finishing point, attached a long stick to get huge torque, and then attached a string to the car
05:20.09batrickat the finishing*
05:20.21batrickwe won
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05:23.22Shirik|Ecolethat sounds like fun
05:25.45GuillotineThis texture thing is annoying the hell out of me
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05:39.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Robot (i=9b1f4693@gateway/web/ajax/
05:41.06Shirik|Robothi again
05:41.56GuillotineSo can we control the robot with bot commands?
05:42.09Guillotine!Kick Shirik's shins
05:42.25Shirik|Robotnot an op on this account :(
05:42.53Shirik|Robotbut yeah, stress testing batteries = fun
05:43.04Shirik|Robotwe only need 6 minutes but we want an hour
05:45.33MentalPowerand you got how much?
05:47.09Shirik|Robotit's kinda hard to tell
05:47.31MentalPowerhow so?
05:50.31Shirik|Robotwell, there's some strange dynamics going on with these batteries because we're using a 15 minute charger
05:50.40Shirik|Robotwe're fairly convinced that we've pretty much killed these batteries
05:51.22NightHawkTheSanedo I get points for linking to something before john gruber?
05:51.25MentalPowerwhat formulation?
05:51.57Shirik|Robotwe may be switching to either nimh or lipo
05:52.00MentalPowerno NiMH?
05:52.11MentalPowerLiPOs are really nice
05:52.12Shirik|Robotthey're just so expensive...
05:52.39MentalPowerwhat do you need to power the bot?
05:53.05Shirik|Robotat least 12V, it draws nominally 2A but could have spikes up to probably about 4V
05:53.43Shirik|Robotwith motors stalled it's about 3.5A
05:54.04Shirik|Robotlet me put it into an infinite loop to see what the CPU can draw
05:55.53Shirik|Robotit went from 1.5A to 2.2A so
05:58.51MentalPower &
06:02.59ScytheBlade1Well... now that I've recoded that addon from scratch, less one feature that I can't figure out how I accomplished it :(
06:03.02ScytheBlade1I feel somewhat better!
06:03.07ScytheBlade1disconnect screen and sleeps
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06:08.47Cairennmeeps and hides
06:08.53batricko ya
06:08.54art3misone of these days i'll be happy with a server install
06:09.08batrick~hug Cairenn
06:09.08purlACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs Cairenn
06:09.09art3misheh that server i built the other day, i've found a better way to do it!
06:09.16Cairennhugs batrick
06:09.24art3misso wiping it to install debian
06:11.02art3misand by then my dns should be propogated ;P
06:11.25art3mis <--useful net tools too btw
06:16.06MentalPowerShirik: You prolly already know this, but if you're going to use LiPo batteries, please be careful when charging, and don't let them drop below 3V, unless you want an expensive paper weight
06:17.11Shirik|Ecoleyup yup :)
06:17.28MentalPowerjust making sure
06:18.04Amarandeand by charging care
06:18.05Amarandewe mean
06:18.08Amarande"vent with flame" :D
06:19.21Amarandeis 19/42/0 understood to be the *only* really good rogue build for PvE?
06:20.22art3misactually 13/0/38 is pretty good, but you need to get rid of yer rogue and make a priest ;P
06:20.54art3misshadow priests make the best rogues ;)
06:21.07AmarandeI was considering starting a rogue
06:21.10AmarandeI already have a shadowie
06:21.12Amarandeand a lock, too
06:21.22art3mismake a druid
06:21.26art3misyou'll have more fun
06:21.32Amarandeyeah, I've been considering an oomkin, too
06:21.37art3misgoing from caster classes to a melee sucks
06:21.57Amarandeyeah, hence why my warrior will be logged into one day to find an inventory filled up with stacks of [Dust]
06:22.18art3misthat actually would be awesome
06:22.47art3misunused for 6+ months and all yer empty bag sltos get [Cobwebs] [Mouse Skeleton] and [Dust]
06:23.23AmarandeAnd not the kind of dust at all useful for enchanting, either :)
06:24.20MentalPowerthat *would* be nice :)
06:25.14art3misi think i want a shirt like milo from the oblongs
06:25.19art3misjust says NO on it
06:25.52art3miscan someone nsl for me
06:30.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
06:31.41Amarandehmm, getting drunk is making me want to play my warrior ...
06:32.22Amarandewell, that and the quest my warlock is working on is extremely irritating
06:32.36Amarandestrangle-inducingly irritating, even
06:35.35MentalPowerart3mis: *** DNSServer can't find Non-existent domain
06:35.46Amarandethat damned netherwing quest chain where you have to gather the crystal nether vines or whatever they were
06:36.02Amarandenone of the frigging vines is reasonably gettable
06:36.06Amarandethey're either guarded by 72 elites
06:36.18Amarandeor by some orcs who keep you busy just long enough so the 72 elite pats can come along
06:40.48art3misthanks mental
06:43.57Shirik|Ecole*** can't find Non-existent domain
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07:13.05art3misdoes debian have a cli configuration thingy like freebsd's /stand/sysinstall
07:21.33AnduinLotharhow about... Registrationist
07:22.18AnduinLotharor Registrationator
07:22.38AnduinLotharlol no one will be able to google it evar!
07:23.13art3misRegistrationista ;P
07:24.28AnduinLotharmmm RegisteredOffender ?
07:24.58*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
07:25.24batbotbatrick, pairs is correct.
07:26.46art3misGrassyGnoll ;P
07:26.59art3misor Gheap!
07:27.09art3misthe great all knowing Garbage Heap!
07:27.38ShirikI'll put your heap in the garbage
07:27.48ShirikI can be a Java VM too
07:28.14batrickspeaking of Java
07:28.22batrickolive garden coffee isfucking amazing
07:28.53ShirikJava is a programming language
07:29.03art3misno it's caffiend in liquid form
07:29.10batrickbyte form
07:29.15art3misthey were being "hip" and "cool" ;)
07:29.25batrickthe hell is anduin doing
07:29.36art3misthinking up names for his addon
07:29.44art3misLocal 1337 is perfect for it
07:30.13art3misincase you're not sure that references unions in the US
07:30.16batrickwhat addon is this for?
07:30.24art3misand in some cities nothing gets done without a union ;P
07:30.34AnduinLothartable registration for the new interface options
07:30.52batrickwhy is that needed
07:31.05AnduinLotharbecause it requires you to make your own frames
07:31.23batrickis this some new Ace addition you guys are cooking up?
07:32.01AnduinLotharwhich is the whole reason why people despise making UI options, because writing a million checkboxes in xml makes oyu want to stab people
07:32.26batrickI never understood why people found that so difficult
07:32.31AnduinLotharplus a million addons already use table registration and can easily have thier format modified
07:32.45art3mishehe call it Zen and the Art of Carpentry
07:32.46AnduinLotharor imported or whatever
07:32.58art3misa calming effect and frames == carpentry ;P
07:32.59GuillotineI hated it until I just started doing it all in Lua
07:33.05Guillotineit really is easier
07:33.18AnduinLotharwell that's what this addon does, except you don't even have to look at it
07:33.20batrickI made all my UI stuff in Lua
07:33.34GuillotineI NEVER use ANY xml anymore
07:33.40GuillotineLua > XML
07:33.43AnduinLotharxml is for templates
07:33.51batrickshit you don't even need it for that
07:33.57batrickat least I didn't
07:33.59GuillotineJust make a function that returns a frame
07:34.01AnduinLotharit makes your lua prettier
07:34.21GuillotineBut you can do so much more with a function!
07:34.23batricknot hard to make a template in Lua
07:34.36AnduinLotharxml is still prettier for a teplate imo
07:34.50AnduinLotharit's the repeating you do with a loop in lua
07:34.51batrickI hate reading xml too
07:35.02batrickI can't stand those people that think 8 spaces for indent is great
07:35.06batricki want to kill them all
07:35.08AnduinLothartab plx
07:35.17batricktab is about as bad has some great free utils
07:35.26AnduinLotharand you can set your tab to whatever width you want
07:35.49GuillotineI dunno, somehow I've always found Lua more readable than XML
07:35.56Guillotineat least if its indented/commented correctly
07:35.59batrickxml is for machines
07:36.49AnduinLotharxml properly indented is pretty imo, nice and symetrical
07:37.05batrickstill is a mess to find what you want
07:37.10batrickMine ended up being a disaster
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07:37.43batrickif your UI stuff gets too large, the xml file becomes unwieldy
07:37.56GuillotineI really don't mind XML if it isn't *too* deep (textures in buttons in frames in other frames in buttons suck) and is indented correctly
07:38.02GuillotineBut I still prefer Lua
07:38.59AnduinLotharis there a way to make paste bin not double space when i paste code into it?
07:39.38GuillotineUse pastey instead?
07:39.48Guillotine(I don't know)
07:40.02AnduinLotharjust my browser i guess
07:40.07AnduinLotharFF doesn't do it
07:40.39AnduinLotharisn't this pretty? it even has ugle lua in it
07:40.54batrickugly Lua? you need to get your head checked
07:41.18AnduinLotharcompared to the pretty symetrical xml the black lusa is ugly
07:41.29AnduinLotharpretty colors!
07:41.52GuillotineI have to admit, xml colors ARE prettier
07:42.03AnduinLotharmaybe i need to change my lua syntax colors to be prettier
07:42.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|AFK (n=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
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07:42.11GuillotineI was just thinking the same thing
07:42.30AnduinLothari have green comments and red strings, it's pretty damn ugly
07:42.38AnduinLotharyellow key words
07:42.57Guillotinethats even uglier than mine
07:43.20Guillotinegreen comments, pink strings, blue keywords
07:43.27batrickwhen u gonna have time to finish that game u think?
07:43.29Shirikand batrick
07:43.34ShirikAfter the competition ><
07:43.39batrickwhen's it end?
07:43.47GuillotineBy 'that game' do you mean the chess addon with the fully functional AI that Shirik promised me?
07:44.56batrickno, the game we never finished
07:45.31Guillotinebrb, icecream
07:48.07AnduinLotharthere we go, now i'm rocking purple blue and peach
07:48.39AnduinLotharfor some reason it's not coloring my variables tho
07:50.12AnduinLotharI love smultron. every time i check there's a new version
07:50.21AnduinLothari've been using 2.2.2   and 3.3 is out..
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07:52.23|pez|My lips... are ruined
07:53.58AnduinLotharoi now i can't find anythign cause the colors are diff!
07:58.15|pez|batrick: my lips are quite dry.
07:58.24|pez|the air in the Vikingship is... not really optimal
07:58.35|pez|The Vikingship = place where computerparty is.
07:58.40|pez|5500ish people
07:58.48|pez|and the hall is meant to be used for iceskating.
07:59.49AnduinLothari could have finished writing the thing by now if it jsut had a name
08:00.23Shirikis this how you come up with names, AnduinLothar?
08:00.40Shirikme I just slam my hand against the keyboard and touch it up slightly
08:00.50ShirikLook at Kimina
08:00.50Guillotine <-- bump please :)
08:01.01ShirikCount how many of those letters are next to each other on the keyboard ;)
08:01.22Guillotineand by that, I mean three excitedly, not 6
08:01.36Guillotineactually, 4
08:02.27AnduinLotharOptionHouse is already taken isn't it
08:03.34ShirikGuillotine, yes 4, but how many times are those characters repeated too ;)
08:03.44ShirikSpecifically, all of the letters except one are next to each other
08:03.50ShirikThat one I added
08:04.26AnduinLotharFacade ?
08:05.25GuillotineThats a nice name
08:05.48Guillotineand not used as far as I can tell
08:06.03AnduinLotharor... AddOnPortfolio
08:06.20AnduinLotharor jsut Portfolio
08:06.54Shirikwhat exactly is this?
08:07.12AnduinLotharthe addon that saves the world?
08:07.26Shirikhow does it accomplish its magical feat of saving the world?
08:07.40GuillotineYou could always confuse the hell out of most people while making programmers chuckle. Name it "stdodoth"
08:07.47AnduinLotharok it doesn't really. it's just a table registration for the blizz ui option frame
08:08.11AnduinLotharyou know like khaos and ace all have table registration already
08:08.19|pez|Ah, good thing there's only one day left here. My lips are like sandpaper, and my feet feel like... painfull twice my size feet XD
08:08.31GuillotineShirik: stdo.h
08:08.51GuillotineExcept theres no input :) Just options
08:08.58ShirikI get it now ><
08:09.09Shirikit's 4 AM and I haven't slept in 2 days so :P
08:09.29Guillotinethats ok, it was a really bad joke anyway :P
08:09.44GuillotineI actually still like the name "Facade"
08:10.05AnduinLotharnot Portfolio?
08:10.23GuillotinePortfolio fits better, but doesn't sound near as cool
08:10.45AnduinLotharevery time i look at facade i think 'Fukade'
08:11.30AnduinLotharlol cair, already on that page
08:11.49Shiriklua> names("faca")
08:11.49lua_botShirik: luabot:1: attempt to call global 'names' (a nil value)
08:12.04Shirikhm, that must have been a Cide thing
08:12.40Cairennanthology would play in to your archaeologist "theme"
08:13.07GuillotineAnother cool site for coming up with names is
08:13.13AnduinLotharexcept i just retired Arch in favor of it's more logicly named: UnitFrameTweaks, UnitFrameBuffs and UnitFrameTexts
08:13.18GuillotineI connect what the addon does to "Guillotine" and use something in the middle
08:14.05GuillotineYou could always just do something like "OptionTables"
08:14.13AnduinLotharzomg, ur a genious
08:14.40AnduinLotharcommon, who uses addons that say what they do
08:14.52AnduinLotharwtf Ace!?
08:15.13AnduinLothari should name in King
08:15.20batrickthere you go
08:15.55GuillotineAL: Name it "Ase"
08:16.13AnduinLotharOfSpades (Non-Ace Version)
08:17.09Guillotinename it \124TInterface\\Icons\\INV_ValentinePinkRocket:256\124t
08:18.02AnduinLotharI'm gonna have to go with Portfolio because no one likes it and i can't get it out of my head
08:18.58Guillotinename it "*atto"
08:19.00Guillotinerecursive name
08:19.09Guillotinereplace * with anything
08:19.26GuillotineFatto imo
08:19.37GuillotineFatto adds tables to optionframe
08:19.42Guillotineoh, you decided on one, nm
08:23.29CairennI like it
08:23.51AnduinLotharuh oh, now i have to change it
08:24.28GuillotineI just came up with the greatest, easiest addon ever
08:24.35Guillotinewell, maybe not easiest, but pretty damn easy
08:29.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Maul|TrinityUI (i=446c1daa@gateway/web/ajax/
08:29.52*** join/#wowi-lounge AlexanderYoshi (
08:30.00GuillotineHeya :)
08:30.08AlexanderYoshiHow goes the world of moddingcraft
08:30.27GuillotineDepends on if you guys grant my request for Model:SetTexture :(
08:30.50*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o AlexanderYoshi] by ChanServ
08:31.07AlexanderYoshiDifficult things are not likely to be done.
08:31.12AlexanderYoshiPTR is shutdown right
08:31.31GuillotineNot sure how difficult it is. Essentially, it is impossible to use a model frame for anything not near you
08:31.38GuillotineUnless there is only one possible texture
08:31.52GuillotineObviously it wouldn't be for 2.4.0
08:32.01AlexanderYoshiSounds sketchy
08:32.05AnduinLotharPTr seems to be up to me
08:32.22Maul|TrinityUII am on the PTR right now
08:33.03GuillotineAlexanderYoshi: for example, Auctioneer used to add model files of weapons to the tooltips. But any with more than one possible texture appeared white. The same happens with NPCs
08:33.12Guillotinethough more often
08:33.26AlexanderYoshimust be models can only have 1 textured model
08:33.52GuillotineWell, it works fine with Model:SetUnit("target")
08:34.33GuillotineObviously I can't know for sure, but it is probably getting 1) the model file and 2) the texture file for the target. While we can manually set the model file without a target, we can't set a texture file
08:34.40Guillotineessentially making SetModel useless
08:34.52AlexanderYoshiSo what?
08:34.57GuillotineAnyway, I don't mean to bug you at 1:30 in the morning :P
08:35.32GuillotineSo I should have learned to test basic concepts like whether or not remote model file viewing is possible before writing an entire addon around it :(
08:36.05AlexanderYoshiWhat on earth were you trying to do?
08:36.22AlexanderYoshispinny items that fly around your screen reanimating joust?
08:36.32GuillotineThat would actually be pretty cool, but no :P
08:36.53GuillotineAddOn like lightheaded. But on the NPC pages, I'd *like* to show a model file so people know what they're looking for
08:37.21Guillotineit works, but for about 80% of NPCs it ends up being untextured
08:38.27AlexanderYoshioh I see
08:38.34AlexanderYoshiyou're building a creature dictionary
08:38.50GuillotineYah, I suppose it could be considered that
08:39.23AnduinLothardoesn't MobInfo do that?
08:39.44Guillotineit doesn't have model files
08:40.08AnduinLotharbut it can show you models of the enemies you've seen
08:40.53GuillotineI doubt it. The only way thats currently possible is to create a new Model frame for each mob and simply show/hide whatever the relevant one is
08:40.57GuillotineSince theres no way to save a state
08:41.01AnduinLotharwell check it out
08:41.07AnduinLothari know it shows oyu the mob
08:41.07GuillotineI will, thanks :)
08:45.24GuillotineAL: nope, MobInfo doesn't show the mob
08:45.34AnduinLotharO.o i coulda sworn
08:45.52AnduinLotharyou sure?
08:45.59AnduinLotharwhat's it show int he picture then?
08:46.24GuillotineMaybe I have a different version, but mine has no picture
08:46.35Guillotinethat thing
08:46.41Guillotinethats just a texture file for the mob
08:48.02GuillotineAL: you're talking about MobInfo2?
08:50.45Guillotineerr, wait
08:50.50Guillotinetheres not even a static texture
08:51.13GuillotineTheres no picture for individual mobs, just one gnoll picture for the addon itself
08:52.03art3misdescisions descisions
08:52.07AnduinLothari'm gonna open it and if i see a model imma stab
08:52.10art3misspelt correctly of course
08:52.20art3misso i got dtc running
08:52.26GuillotineAL: deal
08:52.29art3misits a great little hosting program
08:52.43art3misgotta mod it to support subdomains as well
08:52.51art3misand then find another machine to run the VPS offa
08:53.38art3misonce my dns propgates that is ;P
08:56.47AnduinLotharGuil, you're right
08:56.57AnduinLotharbut i swear i remember a mob browser
08:57.08AnduinLotharmaybe it was just SuperInspect
08:58.17Guillotineso I kill a mob to test mobinfo
08:58.19Guillotineand I get a blue
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08:58.55GuillotineProbably sells for a fair bit, 18 twink axe
08:59.54GuillotineAlex: I could never do that, that is so freaky
09:00.06GuillotineAnd I'm not even usually scared of heights
09:01.17Cairennomfg, are they nuts?
09:01.43AnduinLothari think the answer to that is obvious
09:01.51Cairennresounding yes
09:04.21AnduinLotharkd3: ping
09:08.42Corrodiaswell, depending on the shape of the currents, that might be quite a safe spot
09:09.37AnduinLotharand chances are they only have an inch of water actually overflowing there at the edge
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09:31.00clad|officeGuillotine: I should be able to do that without too much issue
09:31.10Guillotinedo what?
09:31.13clad|officeshow the model
09:31.19GuillotineThats the problem. It isn't possible
09:31.24clad|officewhy not?
09:31.34GuillotineWell, not for 80% of NPCs
09:31.38clad|officewhy not?
09:31.52GuillotineBecause if an NPC has multiple possible skins, it loads all white
09:31.59Guillotineif loaded via SetModel
09:32.05GuillotineAnd there is no way to get it to load a texture atm
09:32.15clad|officeits still a mesh :P
09:32.17clad|officebetter than nothing
09:32.30GuillotineEh, not even worth doing
09:32.44Guillotinethere are so many extruding squares that are alphad out when there are textures
09:33.01GuillotineMany are completely unrecognizable without textures
09:33.44GuillotineBut hopefully Slouken will add in SetTexture for models :( I doubt it would involve doing much as the client already has access to that data easily (SetUnit is proof of that)
09:34.46Fisker-wasn't AlexanderYoshi a blizzard dev now?
09:34.56Fisker-GET HIM
09:35.02Fisker-secures him with a bunch of duct tape
09:35.08GuillotineI've already bugged him enough tonight :P
09:35.34GuillotineI really shouldn't have brought it up in the first place, they don't come here to be bugged
09:35.51batrickthey come here for worship
09:37.47GuillotineIf you want to help the cause, bump :P
09:38.33GuillotineAntiarc: that reply is pure win
09:42.18AntiarcThe plebes have a right to be informed!
09:43.12GuillotineI love how the person asking that is obviously in a PvP guild
09:43.17Guillotine<Dare Ya to Flag Yourself>
09:44.24AntiarcBadass PVPers with provocative guild names on PVE servers amuse me
09:47.45GuillotineSo apparently now not only is 2.4 incredible, but it is Jesus Incredible
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09:55.30wereHamsterclad|office, did you ever get a response from chk whether he'd be willing to use a irc bouncer?
09:59.16GuillotineAnyway, night all!
09:59.36GuillotineAlso, bump with support or you have no soul
09:59.56*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
10:18.13IndustrialAnyone know if there is an equivalent for shamans what bigredkitty is for hunters? (blog)
10:34.28IndustrialHow do I ge only new addons at wowi in rss?
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13:04.27lonk_afkany authors have a guild going on US PTR? (have some chat testing to do...)
13:04.49schnoggobah auto-afk :)
13:04.57schnoggoany authors have a guild going on US PTR? (have some chat testing to do...)
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13:19.07zenzelezzhelping my father with PHP is so painful
13:19.16zenzelezz$newdirA, $newdirA2, $the_array...
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13:21.43Wobincomforts zenzelezz
13:21.57WobinI'd utterly hate to have to teach my father a programming language
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14:20.17Industrialhowcome my UIParent is not 100% height o_O I didnt change it..
14:21.53nevcairielmaybe your frame has some invisible parts ? :P
14:22.04AtriaceIndustrial: are you building a Barmod?
14:22.16Industrialnevcairiel: oh right lol :p
14:22.20foxlitt = UIParent:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK"); t:SetAllPoints(); t:SetColor(1,0,0, 0.5);
14:22.35IndustrialAtriace: yes, but it's nothing fancy.
14:23.00foxlitSetTexCoord/ModifiesRect is frustrating :(
14:24.48IndustrialYeah I just had a SetPoint wrong on ym first button
14:25.17Atriacefoxlit: I hope you're using the extended form of SetTexCoord (4 pairs, rather than the l,r,b,t method)
14:25.46foxlitAtriace: why?
14:27.26AtriaceI'm trying to finish my UI before tuesday, and not wanting to use Bartender (due to some database issues) I've been trying to build my own bar mod.  With a time crunch on my hands (and programming not being my first nature) I'm a little desperate just to get something in there right now.
14:28.00AtriaceI'm focusing on target frames and dropdown menus, atm.  I'll be focusing on bars again next.... but...
14:28.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110| (
14:28.58AtriaceCurious if you wouldn't mind using your code in the UI for this upcoming release.
14:29.03nevcairielwhat database issues?
14:29.14AtriaceThe ones we brought up with nev-
14:29.28Atriaceoh hi Nev.  :)
14:29.34nevcairielcouldnt have been a real issue or i would have rememberd
14:30.11AtriaceRemember I wanted to insert custom bar configurations into the database directly from my mod without using the Ace options?
14:30.31nevcairielvaguely, i dont remember why you didnt manage to do it, though
14:30.36nevcairielshould be trivial to do
14:30.54AtriaceI'm an artist.  My programming skills are not expert.
14:31.00AtriaceHonestly, if that approach could be used, Bartender would still be an ideal option.
14:31.24AtriaceSave for the bars and dropdown menus, I'm nearly ready to have this mod done by tuesday.
14:31.46nevcairieli would just write a very simple table merger, define my own default options, and merge those into the bartender db
14:31.48nevcairielor so
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14:32.28AtriaceCould you please write the snippet of code that would do that so I can plug it in, Nevcairiel?  :)
14:32.47AtriacePlease, oh great and kind, benevolent one.  :D
14:33.03Atriacebats puppy-dog eyes
14:35.24nevcairielwould that script run once or every time?
14:36.01AtriaceShould probably only need to run once (if the definition isn't in the table already)
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14:37.33Atriace~tacklehug nevairiel
14:37.34purlACTION gets a running start and tacklehugs nevairiel
14:37.44Lopeppeppywatches and approves
14:40.54foxlitresorts to :SetPoint/:SetDimensions cheating :(
14:45.51nevcairielAtriace: something like that
14:46.29AtriaceThanks, Nev.   I'll get right to it.
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15:02.38AtriaceAw... man....
15:02.42Atriacetears of joy...
15:18.12nevcairielcan a meta table change the behaviour of next/pairs of a table? I want to setup a readonly table but still be able to pairs() over it
15:25.01JoshBorkeno, you have to provide your own iterator
15:25.21JoshBorkei tihnk :-P
15:26.37Atriacenevcairiel: is there a simple cammand for deleting CustomConfig from the table?
15:27.09nevcairielwhat do you mean?
15:27.48AtriaceSo you can start over.  Delete the entry and re-enter it.
15:28.38nevcairielrevert to bartender default settings or just re-apply your config?
15:28.39Atriacelike.... tdelete(Bartender3.db.profile, CustomConfig)   or something like that.
15:29.13nevcairielBartender3.db.profile.CustomUI = nil
15:29.18nevcairielif i understand you right =P
15:29.28AtriaceYup.  Thanks.  :)
15:30.32AtriaceShould make turnaround time for testing faster (compared to closing out WoW, deleting the Bartender.lua wtf file and reopening).
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16:12.17AtriaceAnybody know how to do a case statement in Lua?
16:12.51AtriaceFrom what I've gathered, it should be something like:
16:12.56Wobinyou'd have to use tables and functions
16:13.16Wobinor rather, a table -of- functions
16:13.20Atriaceswitch (test) {;  case "a"; code here
16:13.35WobinWell, there's no actual switch statement in lua
16:13.45Atriaceah.... well... ok then.
16:13.47Wobinyou have to fake it
16:14.18Wobinswitch = { a = function() do a code here; end, b = function() do b code here end}
16:14.48Wobinor something similar
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16:36.58AnduinLothar  If anyone wants to alpha test them.
16:37.20AnduinLotharPost feedback  if you've got any.
16:37.37AnduinLotharTime for Magic Mountain!
16:38.43AtriaceNot having a native case statement in Lua kinda stinks.
16:40.05Industrialif I use SetMovable(true) and I move it will it stay there on reload/relog?
16:40.41Industrialor will I have to save an x/y and setpoint it on PLAYER_LOGIN ?
16:40.46ScytheBlade1Industrial: if you created the frame in XML *and* set it as User Movable, yes
16:41.16IndustrialI did that
16:41.52Industrialit creates a frame that overlays the parent frame, alt-click on the parent frame shows the move frame and sets the parent movable, alt click again and the move frame is gone and the parent is not movable again
16:42.02Industrialguess I should just save x/y :p
16:42.13ScytheBlade1Hehe, yeah.
16:55.04Fisker-jousts Wobin
16:58.27Industrialslaps Fisker- with his spiked pauldron
16:59.02Industrialer, not pauldron :p whats a metal glove called again >_>
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17:10.39Dottedis away (kd3 - whee squid just went splat)
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17:25.37ScytheBlade1Holy good crap QuestHelper is hot
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18:24.11IrielHm, is there no wiki page showing the breakdown of the GUID string?
18:25.11ScytheBlade1It's on the forum thread, that's all I know of
18:29.59Irielthanks.. Do we know about the prefixes? I could have sworn slouken posted some info but I can't find that
18:30.09Iriel(i.e. the 0xF13" or whatever)
18:32.33nevcairielI didnt see blue-info about any party of the GUID, only that they confirmed that some parts mapped to the mob ids
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18:34.09dylanmI think Elsia had some thread on wowace trying to determine some extra information about the GUIDs.
18:34.59nevcairielF13 seems to be generic mob, F11 is object .. forgot about the other ones =P
18:35.50nevcairiellike SPELL_SUMMON for mage food tables
18:36.04nevcairielor warlock soul wells
18:36.04nevcairielthose things have a GUID too
18:36.24IrielDo pets have 0x00 or 0xF13 ?
18:37.19IrielAhh. my warlock copied, I can find out
18:38.09nevcairielcontrollable player pets have F14
18:38.20Fisker-you can just make a char on the TTR?
18:38.24nevcairieluncontrollbable pets like totems have F13
18:39.43nevcairielor rather, permanent pets have F14 (warlock, hunter), mage water elemental is controllable and has F13 too
18:42.52art3misPennywise has a new album out
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18:54.52cogwheelheh... my wife just brought me breakfast saying "I'm a good mage"
18:55.12ScytheBlade1Sounds like you win
18:56.52Cidewhat's the voltage of electric sockets in the us?
18:57.25cogwheelthough at my grandma's it's more like 90-130
18:57.35cogwheeland pg&e says it's not their fault... O.o
18:57.47Iriel117v going into my UPS right now
18:57.48art3misheh at yer gramma's yer lucky it wasnt a coal powered generator ;P
18:57.55Irielor so it says
18:58.04ShirikCide: really it can be anywhere between 110 and 120
18:58.13ScytheBlade1LINEV    : 123.0 Volts
18:58.13Cidewell I don't need exact numbers
18:58.15art3misits a 5% ish variance
18:58.20Cideit's ~230 here
18:58.20art3mishence 110-120
18:58.21cogwheelmine's got 114
18:58.29ShirikBut the correct voltage is 115
18:58.29art3miseuro is 220-240
18:58.35Shirikas art3mis said
18:58.43Shirikit's 115 +/- 5%
18:58.57Shirikmost products using AC power should have a voltage regulator anyway
18:59.05IrielThere's a frequency difference too, often.
18:59.06Shirikso the fact that it's a bit off won't matter in the slightest
18:59.09IrielUS is 60Hz
18:59.15Shirik60Hz +/- 1%
18:59.21IrielUK is 50
18:59.25Irielnot sure about the rest of the world
18:59.33art3misntsc is 29.97 pal is 23.97 ;P
18:59.38IrielI much prefer the UK buzzing frequency to the US one
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18:59.45Shirikbut frequencies shouldn't matter; almost every application I'm aware of uses a bridge rectifier to get rid of them
18:59.52cogwheeli have a european dvd player that works fine on 60 hz (voltage increased, of course)
19:00.13art3misi used to have a line conditioner at my old place
19:00.28Shirikso long as you're not talking about something in the KHz it won't matter in the slightest
19:00.37nevcairieleuro should generally work with both 50 and 60
19:00.50art3miscogwheel: almost all commercial products are multi voltage 115/230 as well because of the adapters
19:00.53IrielMost normal high tech electronics have a DC input, and hopefully a switched PSU
19:00.58IrielAlmost everything I have runs on both
19:01.13IrielI have, however, found that most 'power converers' do NOT work well on electronics
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19:02.00Shirikaye, anything high tech should have a power adapter with a bridge rectifier and DC regulator so the frequency wouldn't matter in the slightest, and the voltage should be compensated
19:02.21Shirikthe whole 115/230 difference doesn't matter for them
19:02.35ShirikIt only matters when people are being cheap and try to skip the DC regulator, etc.
19:02.54Shirikwhich, really, you can't do with high tech devices that require an exact 5V on the chip
19:02.56art3mis./me has a PAL sega saturn ;)
19:03.02Guillotine << please bump someone
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19:04.06art3misguil doesnt the 3d player tuff work right?
19:04.15art3miswhen you select 2d?
19:04.21Guillotineart3mis: huh?
19:04.34art3misya know the 3d unit frames stuff
19:04.41art3mislike in mazzle for example
19:04.54GuillotineThose only work because the unit is a valid token
19:04.55art3misthers another version of that to do 2d as well
19:04.58Guillotineso it uses SetUnit
19:05.15art3misand works fine for way outt range party members
19:05.28Shirikwhat was the 115V discussion for anyway?
19:05.36art3miscide asked
19:05.37Guillotineart3mis: only once the player has been in range
19:05.47Guillotineotherwise its the default portrait
19:05.50art3misGuillotine: ive never had that problem
19:06.03Temart3mis, please god tell me you aren't a mazzle user
19:06.06art3misit's always  shown me thier 3d model
19:06.25Guillotineart3mis: It won't :) Want me to show you on the PTR?
19:06.36art3mistem tried it a long time ago, as a comp is was alright but i ended up gutting it to put in addons that didnt suck and kept the 3d frames
19:06.45GuillotineJust join a group with someone not in targetting range
19:06.50Guillotineand they won't show up
19:07.00GuillotineAfter all, how could it? Theres no way to get their gear
19:07.04art3miswierd must be new or im not that attentive
19:07.24art3misi'd go for the latter though ;P
19:07.31ShirikCide: ?
19:07.49art3mistem now i actually use hkui ;P
19:07.49GuillotineIriel: bump!
19:07.55GuillotineIriel: err, thanks for the bump
19:08.05Guillotinemissed the first two words
19:08.15art3misgonna have to update it fro 2.4 too
19:08.41art3misbut this time im actually building in profiles, so i can just release art and wtf's for new layouts n stuff
19:08.59art3missince no-one wants to make me an auto profile changer ;)
19:09.17dylanmHuuuuge pain.
19:10.06art3misthwe profile system actually works good IF you remember to set the profile prior to working on stuff
19:10.37art3misand with things like eep2 it places the frames and art properly which is nice
19:10.50art3misand trinity bars supports profiling
19:10.56CideShirik|AFK: just curious
19:11.53Atriacenevcairiel: ping
19:12.27AtriaceThe script runs without errors, but I haven't been able to get it to show it's entry in the database.
19:12.58nevcairielwhen do you run the script?
19:13.06AtriaceClosing WoW, the Bartender3.lua (in wtf) returns without an entry for CustomConfig
19:13.20AtriaceAfter the rest of the UI loaded.  Manually, as a matter of fact.
19:13.20nevcairielit would say CustomUI = true somewhere
19:13.22nevcairieli suppose
19:14.07art3misis today a  mail holiday in the US?
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19:15.02art3mis  <-- guess not
19:17.13nevcairielno thats not right
19:17.17AtriaceSome of the settings are irrelevant (I know), but I wanted to add some redundancy to verify it's functionality
19:17.54nevcairielyou cannot use the ** defaults syntax
19:18.29AtriaceI could use the settings within ** elsewhere though (such as Bar 1, etc..) ?
19:19.16AtriaceAlso... actually this might be the main issue, do I need to have Ace installed in my own my in order for this code to execute properly?
19:20.54AtriaceGot rid of the ** entries:  (still doesn't create an entry though)
19:21.11nevcairieltthere are some flaws in that, i'll change some stuff around, se
19:24.27nevcairielok another thing, you dont have to use a second table for the positioning
19:24.50nevcairielthats just the default positions for bartender, you simply add those positions into your config table
19:24.51AtriaceHad an inkling, but I patterned after the BT3 defaults setup.
19:26.00nevcairieli added a small utility function for doing deep-table merges
19:26.15nevcairieland removed the stuff you cant do :p
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19:28.56AtriaceAlright, gave it another shot with the new code, but it's still not showing up in the profile list.  There isn't another function that needs to run to assimilate this info into the popup menu, is there?
19:29.47nevcairielit should not create a new profile
19:29.53nevcairielbut merge the data in the currently active profile
19:31.22nevcairielyou probably want to run Bartender3:RefreshBars() after merging that profile
19:31.24nevcairielto show on screen
19:31.55AtriaceClosed out, and those settings are definitely saving now, into the Bartender3.lua wtf file.
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19:46.54AtriaceWell that's interesting...
19:47.13AtriaceThe Bartender frames don't appear in the Blizzard Editing UI list.
19:47.37AtriaceAre they parented to something other than UIParent?
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19:52.08enumhas anyone seen the changes for the combat log in 2.4? I'm rewriting my addon to take the changes into account, but cannot seem to find a list of event changes anywhere
19:52.18Atriacemust be a mod conflict issue... I turned on all my mods and suddenly BT3 frames appear int he Blizz Ed UI list.
19:53.08art3misi blame baby jesus
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19:54.36enumah, I thought wowiki only had the 2.3 changes
19:59.54Atriacenevcairiel: getting an odd quirk.  Trying to anchor the bars, I'm using ClearAllPoints() before applying the CustomUI, but once refreshed, the bars returned to being anchored in their default locations.
20:02.20art3misReceives HD broadcast signals (records and displays in standard definition)
20:02.26art3miswell thats just stupid
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20:06.23Irielart3mis: Not if you only have SD displays
20:06.32Irielart3mis: Which covers a fairly hefty part of the population
20:14.12art3misiriel thats true i suppose, but then why wouldnt you just get an hd reciever that CAN display in hd if you've got HD ;P
20:14.29art3misand cover yourself for when you get a decent tv ;P
20:14.59art3mishrm this dtc thing is pretty nice
20:15.03IrielI suspect I missed gthe context of your comment, but if you have SD sets, then you'd need to find an HD receiver that could output BOTH SD and HD, and i'm not sure if most of them do that (Perhaps they do)
20:15.16IrielPersonally I dont really care for broadcast TV so I haven't investigated
20:15.25art3misit's only downside is the in ability to allow for the creation of subdomains off the main domain as part fo the new userrs account
20:15.59art3misIriel: 80/100% of all cable providers boxes recieve HD signals and display in sd
20:16.12art3misand every HD tuner can display in SD
20:16.40art3misits more about the inability of it to display in HD
20:16.49IrielBut how many can display in HD *or* SD? Because that's wha the comment you made above would be comparing against?
20:17.03art3missorry most tuners on the market reciever SD/HD and display in SD/HD
20:17.15art3misdepending on the connection and user choice
20:17.24art3misthis however CANT display in HD at all
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20:17.31art3miseven if you hook it up with hdmi
20:18.03IrielIn that case I agree it sounds unnecessarily limited
20:18.05art3misnor can it record in HD despite being capable of burning to dvd
20:18.15art3misjust seems dumb
20:18.43art3misi wish the series 3 tivos would come down a bit more
20:19.05IrielEspecially because my wife's TiVo is starting to be flaky
20:19.08art3misthe scientific atlanta dvrs from optimum suck soooo much ass
20:19.34art3misive got a series 2 i havent used since i got my bravia 47"
20:19.59art3misjust seemed to be a waste to use svid to display to an HDTV ;P
20:20.23art3misi hope this job on monday goes well
20:20.33art3miserr "interview/rubber stamp"
20:23.27IrielSomething new and exciting?
20:31.07Cidedoes anyone have any idea why apache would switch between rendering two versions of the same page?
20:31.25Irielapache doesn't render anything, i'm not sure what you're asking
20:31.37Cidewell, not rendering
20:31.41Cidesending it to the browser
20:31.57IrielYou're hitting reload repeatedly?
20:32.09Cideno, it occurs when browsing to the page as well
20:32.25Irielis it a static or dynamic page? Are CSS's involved? Is it a cluster of servers or just one?
20:32.26Cidesometimes the correct page is retrieved, sometimes an old version
20:32.38Cidejust one server (my local webserver), CSS is involved
20:32.44IrielIf you do SHIFT+Reload in the browser does it flip too?
20:32.44art3misIriel: job i went and interviewed for last week, doing the interview with CTO monday, and by everyones recogning it's just a rubber stamp formality
20:32.45Cidethe page is dynamic
20:33.39IrielMy guess is either there's some server side state changing, a possible browser cache issue (or some nasty JS + cookie thing), or else whatever the dynamic engine is is trying to do some caching and getting it wrong
20:33.56CideIriel: it's somewhat random to reproduce
20:34.00Irielart3mis: What kind of work, if you dont mind my asking?
20:34.07Cidebut I just got it, and the dynamic page was retrieved correctly
20:34.23Cidebut the css wasn't retrieved (or at least it wasn't rendered)
20:34.39IrielHave you checked the CSS and HTML are both well formed/
20:34.46Cidehowever, the logo (a .png in the same folder as the css) was properly retrieved
20:34.52Cideyes, they both validate as XHTML 1.0 transitional
20:34.59Cidewell, CSS isn't XHTML but it validates
20:35.04IrielTry disabling browser caching
20:36.26Cidethat appeared to make it worse
20:36.32Cidenow I can't even get it to render with the css at all
20:36.41Cideok, now it did for one reload, but not on the next
20:37.02Irieltry a different browser?
20:37.19Irieland make sure your web server isn't limited to a number of concurrent connections (and then dropping the CSS requests)
20:38.22Cidesame thing occurs in ie7 (as in ff2)
20:39.11Cideapache has MaxRequestsPerChild 1, would that matter?
20:39.27CideI would think it would just spawn more processes
20:39.39IrielThat could be bad
20:39.41Irielif set to 1
20:40.12IrielThe default value would be 50
20:40.30IrielThough TBH that shouldn't be your problem
20:40.33CideI set it to 1 because it doesn't reload the python files
20:40.41Cidewhich took care of the issue
20:40.52Irielbut I wonder if it plays badly with HTTP connection re-use
20:40.52Cideit's just a development environment so performance isn't an issue
20:42.08art3misIriel: computer/network consultant at present
20:42.47IrielCide for grins, leave MRPC at 1, and set KeepAlive Off
20:43.04Cideok, FireBug says that firefox requests the css file, but it doesn't display any response/request information, and its size is shown as '?'
20:43.38foxlitspam the server with the same request header, see what it actually responds with?
20:44.10Cidewhat would be the easiest way to do that? :P
20:44.20IrielTry the KeepAlive thing first 8-)
20:44.25Cideyep, restarting apache now
20:44.30IrielIt's easy to do, and if it fixes the problem that'll be informative
20:44.46Cidenope, still happens
20:44.49IrielHow many children do you let apache have running?
20:45.10CideI haven't specified that
20:46.41IrielHow about MacClients and ListenBacklog?
20:47.11Cidenot specified in httpd.conf (I assume you meant MaxClients?)
20:47.20IrielI did 8-)
20:47.24IrielHow about NumServers?
20:47.39Cidenope; this is mostly a default configuration
20:47.47IrielTry NumServers 8
20:47.49CideI've added a few virtual hosts
20:48.00Cidebut that's about it
20:48.06Cidewell, and installed mod_python
20:48.57CideI can't start the service with NumServers 8 in httpd.conf
20:49.12Cide"A service specific error occured: ***." -- very specific
20:49.22IrielHm.. I guess take that out then.
20:49.38IrielWhat do you have 'PythonAutoReload' set to?
20:49.58IrielThat may be a more appropriate solution than restarting the whole apache client each request
20:49.59CideOff (it's off by default, but I explicitly set it to Off as well to take care of the python caching issues I had earlier)
20:50.31Cideit still occured with it off, though
20:50.34IrielYou should have it set to On
20:50.45Cideerr, yeah
20:50.53Cidelet me see if I was being stupid just now or earlier
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20:51.09IrielSo if you turn that On, and set the restart limit back to its default of 50, is the world happier?
20:51.10Cidejust now - it's set to On, not Off
20:51.31Cideand its default setting is On, my mistake
20:52.48Cideit's strange
20:53.13CideFireBug sometimes reports that there was a request for the css and a proper response (which shows the whole css file)
20:53.24Cidebut the size is ? and the css isn't rendered
20:53.30IrielWhat I think is happening (and I could be wrong)...
20:53.34Cidethis is with ctrl+reload (no-cache)
20:53.49Irielis that the browser gets the page and immediately asks apache for the CSS
20:54.04Irielbut apache chokes on the immediate 2nd request because it's restarting (or something like that)
20:54.12Irieland so the CSS doesn't show
20:54.32IrielThis will be a little time sensitive, if the CSS request is delayed a little, apache can respond with it
20:54.41Cidedo you think that would be alleviated by MaxRequestPerChild > 1?
20:54.47Irielso when you have caching on, the problem will be rare, when you have caching off, the problem will be common
20:54.49IrielI think so
20:54.57Cidecan't hurt to try with 50 again
20:55.00Iriel(This does in my mind imply apache is somewhat broken)
20:55.20IrielI could of course be completely wrong 8-)
20:55.46Vangualwe've been running apache on some applications with maxreq per child to 1, it worked well for the php app in question but there was warning that it'd be a bad thing on certain os'es where process creation is an expensive operation
20:56.19Cidewell, it's certainly bad for performance in that case
20:56.20Vangualwhen it has to recreate a mod_python instance every time it's very possible that it could run into timing issues
20:56.36IrielSetting that to 1 is absolutely the wrong solution to the 'I want my changes to be immediate' problem
20:56.42Irielunless you're changing the config files
20:56.50Cidewell, mod_python isn't involved for the static files
20:56.55Irielmod_python should be checking mtimes and reloading properly
20:57.04IrielThat's the issue though, the whole apache client gets restarted
20:57.21Cidewith MRPC 50 I haven't gotten it to reoccur
20:57.25Cidefor 50+ reloads
20:57.27Vangualis mod_python used on acompletely seperate apache instance then?
20:58.00CideI'm not that well versed in apache's internals
20:58.03Irielcide: I think my guess is correct then
20:58.21IrielI also think perhaps your apache config only HAS one client instance
20:58.29Irieland so it's unable to do anything useful when the one it had is restart
20:58.40Vangualan apache child, upon creation, doesn't know which vhost it will have to server, nor if it has to server a page handled by mod python or just a static file.
20:59.00Cidethe media path has SetHandler None, but I'm not sure if that means the apache instance will or will not create a mod_python instance as well
20:59.10Cideso it will create one, the
20:59.43Vangualyou'd have to make two completely seperate apache setups to properly have a static-only childs
20:59.59Cideah, alright
21:00.10Cidewe run lighthttpd for static media on our development server so that's not an issue
21:00.18Cideerr, production server
21:00.27Vangualyea that's a popular way to do it
21:02.38Cideit appears that mod_python does reload the files
21:02.52Cideit's just somewhat slow.. this time it took like 15 seconds
21:03.41Vangualif you absolutely have to reduce maxreq per child you could try experimenting with pre-spawning more spare childs, but I wouldn't try it personally
21:03.56Cideis the modified timestamps precision not in seconds or something?
21:04.13Cidevista only lists minutes but internally?
21:04.25Vangualmtime is in seconds afaik
21:04.48Vangualcould be lower on some filesystems tho, not 100% sure
21:05.48Cideso I would assume that mod_python updates as soon as it sees it.. is it possible that the request doesn't reach mod_python every time?
21:06.07IrielGoogle basically says 'mod python importing is broken'
21:06.12IrielThey didn't think it through very well
21:06.28IrielApparently one trick people use is to touch all .py files whenever ANY .py file is changed
21:06.39Vanguali would imagine your worst enemy in such scenarios is os caching, are you forcing filesystem syncs after your changes?
21:06.43Cideheh, that's ugly at best
21:06.49Irielhis enemy is mod_python
21:09.00IrielWhat version of mod_python are you using Cide?
21:09.49Cidefor python 2.5 and apache 2.2
21:10.38IrielThis has a whole bunch of information about import_module
21:11.38IrielI think you might just be better off manually restarting apache when you make a change
21:12.28CideI'd rather not if at all avoidable.. I think I'd rather deal with not getting css at times :P
21:13.05Cidedo you think using the legacy importer might make a difference?
21:15.09IrielI think the legacy importer doesn't reload at all.
21:15.10Irielwho knows.
21:15.31IrielThe other (possibly better) possibility is to keep 2 separate instances of apache running
21:15.45Irielmaybe on different ports
21:15.56Cideit appears to reload, but not any faster
21:19.49CideI think I'll try using django's development server and see how fast/slow it is
21:22.43AtriaceCide: you do CTMod, don't you?
21:23.03AtriaceEver noticed the CT_RaidAssist icon is offset to the left?
21:23.09Industrialtries really hard not to make a yourmom joke here
21:23.17Cideugh, it's painfully slow (the dev server)
21:23.25CideAtriace: to be honest, no
21:23.35AtriaceOh... well... it is.
21:23.45AtriaceBy like 15px to the left.
21:23.46Cidewon't get fixed anytime soon :)
21:23.52Cidesounds like an incompatibility
21:23.59Cidehave you altered your minimap?
21:24.39AtriaceIf I sent you a snippet of code that would fix the issue, think you might include it?
21:24.51Cidemaybe, maybe not
21:33.28Shirik|Ecole!c us drenden kimin
21:33.30Shirik|Ecole!c us drenden kimina
21:33.40Shirik|Ecoleor not
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21:46.28Amarandehmm. am I right in surmising that Dragonmaw Ascendants were put in, and made elite in 2.1, as an economy balancer?
21:46.46Amarandeit seems that no one can think of any other reason why they're the way they are
21:48.32Vangualuh, they keep at least some basic gameplay element to watch out for when farming netherwing ledge
21:48.50Amarandeyou mean "enforced repair bills when farming netherwing ledge"
21:49.13Amarandethey're next to impossible to avoid, given that they are near utterly silent and pat and you have to fight usually 2-3 mobs at a time while killing the peons to get at anything
21:49.14Vangualno, i mean "keep your eyes open before you dismount"
21:49.33Amarandeyeah, you keep your eyes open, you kill the peons guarding what you wanted to grab, you grab what you wanted to grab, then one of them comes by and you die.
21:49.48Vanguali've only been ever killed by one. they're easy to avoid and survivable with the right class gadgets :)
21:49.53Amarandeprobably the least defeatable mob in the game outside of a raid instance, I don't think even Fel Reavers are as bad
21:50.15Vangualthey're not really meant to be defeatable, yea
21:50.18Amarandethottbot thoughts seems to be that they're put in to force you to use up some of that daily income on repair bills
21:50.40Amarandeto help slow down the ruin of the economy that comes from netherwing dailies, seeing as once you're doing those, you've already taken care of the most expensive thing in your character's life
21:50.52Vangualthottbot thoughts......  *chuckle*
21:50.59Shirik|EcoleAnyone want to analyze a priest for me to see if I see the same problems you guys do?
21:51.05Amarandeit occurred to me that MOST daily money goes to epic flying
21:51.23Amarandehowever, since you already have to HAVE epic flying by the time you do anything on netherwing ledge other than gathering those 12 crystals (which is what I'm doing right now, lol)
21:51.44Amarandebasically, any money coming from there is pure inflation and must be countered by forcing people to take a repair bill more often
21:51.51CideAmarande: I would disagree with that
21:52.00Cidegiven that they're *increasing* the number of daily quests you can do
21:53.06Amarandeit would be one thing if you could actually run away from Ascendants, but apparently Blizzard doesn't even want people doing that
21:53.19Amarandeactually, the daze mechanic suggests that Blizzard considers running to not be in the spirit of WoW at all
21:53.35Cidewhat you're saying suggests you have no idea what you're talking about
21:53.44Cidethey've repeatedly stated the purpose behind the daze mechanic
21:53.50Shirik|EcoleCide is a good healer and wants to analyze this priest's gear, doesn't he?
21:53.58Cideof course
21:54.01AmarandeCide: it also basically makes running completely unviable
21:54.06CideAmarande: no it doesn't
21:54.16Amarandeyou are forced to face the mob as you do, so you can't tell what's the way you're running
21:54.16Cideit makes running dangerous when you're in over your head
21:54.23Ciderun sideways
21:54.25Amarande... which is when people would want to run
21:54.37Shirik|EcoleI see problems, but I want to see if I'm just making them up or you see them too
21:54.38CideAmarande: so don't end up there in the first place
21:54.42Amarandebasically, you negate the tactic exactly where people might actually want to USE the tactic
21:55.21Cidedaze is intended to provide a danger element when trying to run through areas that they aren't powerful enough to handle (i.e. running through WPL at level 5 as undead)
21:55.47Cideor running through hillsbrad at level 18 would be a better example, since you would die in one hit in WPL at level 5
21:55.59Amarandeheh, the dumb thing about that notion is
21:56.10Amarandeconsider, for instance, belf/undead lock succubus quest ...
21:56.37Amarandewhere you basically HAVE to run through areas way over your level unless you plan to do it at 40, but you're meant to be able to at 20 :)
21:56.55Amarandelet's just say when I did that one, I thanked Blizzard for making voidwalkers sturdy enough to hold off ?? mobs
21:56.56CideShirik|Ecole: first thing I noticed was a stupid choice of gems in his robe
21:57.12Cide9 healing/ 4 int is stupid
21:57.26CideAmarande: /shrug
21:57.30Cidehaven't done the quest
21:57.58IrielAnyone in the UI guild and on the PTR right now?
21:58.15CideShirik|Ecole: same thing with the belt
21:58.20Cide5 int? come on
21:58.22Cide6 int*
21:58.27AmarandeCide: you have to go to ... wetlands I think it is? Yeah, Wetlands.
21:58.42CideShirik|Ecole: same thing with pants (4 int/2 mp5)
21:59.00Amarandethe actual fights there aren't out of your league as a lock in the 20s.
21:59.05Amarandehowever, -getting- there is, pretty much
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22:00.04Amarandeyou either have to go through Hillsbrad->Arathi (30-40 area, and parts you have to run through are mid-higherish)
22:00.17CideShirik|Ecole: spec looks mostly fine, but a 3rd point in holy concentration >> 1 point in say, spiritual guidance
22:00.20Amarandeor through ... well, let's not think about the alternative from the south
22:00.40Amarandebut basically yes, Blizzard expects BElf/Undead warlocks to go through Arathi in the early 20s.
22:00.51CideI'd also go for inspiration over holy reach since he doesn't have CoH
22:01.01Amarandewhich runs entirely in the face of, say, the purpose of the daze mechanic :)
22:01.11Shirik|EcoleI don't go for holy reach even with CoH
22:01.18Shirik|Ecoleinspiration = <3
22:01.18Cidewell, that's up to you :P
22:01.31Shirik|Ecolewhat set me off is the huge +healing
22:01.39Shirik|Ecoleit seems to me he's giving up stats in other areas just for that
22:01.50CideAmarande: that doesn't mean that the daze mechanic is bad.. only the quest (possible)
22:02.08CideShirik|Ecole: possibly
22:02.18Cidealthough 400 mp5 isn't bad
22:02.40Cidethe gear he has is pretty big on healing (whitemend, pmc)
22:02.58Amarandeyeah, one thing I've perhaps not been doing 100% right with my lock, too, is that I sacrificed other things for +spell damage for a while
22:03.04Cideat his level I personally wouldn't gear much differently
22:03.20CideAmarande: not a good idea until you reach 60+ imo
22:03.32Amarandewell, she's 70 now
22:03.34Cideit only really helps if it allows you to kill something in fewer spellcasts
22:03.55Cidewhich won't really happen until you get a few hundred +damage
22:03.57AmarandeCide: I think the main thing about daze is that it triggers more easily than it perhaps should
22:04.06Amarandepeople regularly get dazed while running from yellow mobs, for instance
22:04.09Cidein your opinion :) it's not been an issue for me
22:04.10Amarandeand yellow basically means IT'S YOUR LEVEL
22:04.16Cideso don't run? fight
22:04.18Amarandeyellow = you *do* belong here
22:04.33Cidewithout daze, you would never have to fight anything
22:04.34Amarandeum, when they're elites with 160k hp and hit for 2000 a shot?
22:04.44Cideso you're again in over your head :P
22:04.45Amarandeand apparently outrun anything other than a flyer?
22:04.54Amarandeum, it's not like you can level up further at 70 :P
22:05.03Cideso don't aggro them
22:05.16Amarandeagain, these guys pat, and not only pat but pretty much *hit* silently too
22:05.27Cideare you blind?
22:05.27Amarandeyou tend to not know they're there till you see four digit white numbers on your portrait
22:05.38CideI take it that's a no
22:05.41Cidelook around
22:05.45Amarandethey come up on you while you're grabbing resource nodes that the quest calls for
22:05.49Cideit's not like combat is very interactive in the animation department
22:06.06Amarandeyou know, I have to wonder how builds that -aren't- as dps intensive as warlocks manage to do the netherwing quest chain
22:06.24Amarandesince for the most part, it's basically you have to
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22:06.29Amarande1) find area that Ascendant is NOWHERE NEAR at the time
22:06.30CideI did it as a holy priest
22:06.35Amarande2) land, kill 2-3 orcs
22:06.35Cidebeat that!
22:06.47Amarande3) grab nethervine and manage to mount up again before the stupid ascendant comes back
22:06.54Amarandeor one of them, since there's about 5 on the island
22:06.59AmarandeI mean, fel reavers were reasonable enough but these?
22:06.59CideShirik|Ecole: but the gems... unforgivable
22:07.12Cidewhy do you only use sound cues to run away?
22:07.20Cidesee one coming? get going and don't look back
22:07.26Amarandethese guys are just sick, hell the only thing that can evade them is ... ironically enough, the only class that doesn't DO the netherwing quests lol
22:08.04Amarande(druids, because they can dive off the edge and instafly)
22:08.13Cideaye, I play a druid :)
22:08.28Shirik|EcoleCide: He's applying to a MH/BT guild
22:08.34Shirik|EcoleHe can't get away with that low stamina
22:08.45CideShirik|Ecole: possibly
22:08.46Amarandethe ONLY saving grace to this stupid quest is that dying in that area gives a free spirit rez
22:08.53Shirik|EcoleI have more health than him unbuffed than he has buffed, and my stamina is horrible
22:09.07CideShirik|Ecole: that's always an issue at that gear level though
22:09.21Amarandebasically this comes under "if it wasn't a vital chain link, I wouldn't do it at all"
22:09.29Cidehe's like mid-karazhan, maybe pre-ssc
22:09.33Amarandekinda like that BRD escort quest alliance get stuck with for Onyxia attunement
22:09.38Cidewhich isn't really anywhere close to mh/bt
22:09.54Vangual7.4k hp with pwf? Oo
22:10.07Cidethat's not uncommon pre-ssc
22:10.39Amarandeheh, well, hopefully 2.4 helps people bridge the gap between kara and MH/BT better
22:10.40Vangualfor that progression yea, but he better has some +sta greens set then for bt fights :P
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22:10.57CideShirik|Ecole: you can't really expect more sta from that gear
22:10.58Amarandethe only possible concern is that deleting attunement for MH/BT will cause T5 to get skipped entirely now
22:11.05Cidebut you could ask him to farm +sta greens or arena gear
22:11.21Amarandethough you can always jump over the gap with ... BADGES.
22:11.24Cide(season 1, if he's not into arenas)
22:11.52Amarandenow I see the importance of badges even more :)
22:12.06Cideaye, that too
22:12.21Cideor her, it seems
22:12.27Amarandeif it wasn't for badges things would be very bleak indeed
22:12.39Cidebut whatever you do, tell her not to gem shit with +int, ever
22:12.48Cideand don't gem shit to get set bonuses which give +int, ever
22:13.01Amarandeheh, that's one of my weaknesses
22:13.04AmarandeI always try to get the socket bonus
22:13.19Cideyeah.. don't
22:13.31Cideit's fine if it's a good one and you're not sacrificing much, but not if it sucks
22:14.59Amarandeanyway, I guess what I"m getting at with the dragonmaw ascendant thing is
22:15.03Amarandeby the time you actually see them, it's too late
22:15.15Amarandeand you can neither fight nor (unless you're a druid) reasonably evade them
22:15.34Amarandeeven skills that normally allow you to successfully kite do not work for most classes because they're just way faster than almost any other mob around
22:15.39Amarandeat least fel reavers moved like molasses :)
22:16.02Amarandealso fel reavers seem to have a much smaller aggro radius than their level suggests, from my experience
22:16.06Cidewhy don't you quit playing? it's what I would do, since it's such an outrage
22:16.18Vangualjust how long do you stay at a single location to kill fel orcs?
22:16.20Amarandeascendants appear to have the normal aggro radius for a mob 2 levels above
22:16.56AmarandeVangual: you have to kill 3, then you need 8 seconds (plus a little bit of give for lag) to grab the nethervine crystal and get mounted
22:17.28Amarandeyou also forget, I am a pet class, so pet aggro probably comes into play as well, it's like having a sort of aggro oval instead of aggro circle
22:17.51Amarandealso when you're facing the crystal, it's usually hard to see anything coming ... like I said, ascendants are QUIET
22:17.58Cidelike *I* said
22:18.01Cidedon't listen, look
22:18.13Cidewhy are you facing the crystal?
22:18.50AmarandeCide: in order to loot the nethervine
22:19.02Cideyou don't have to have the camera facing the same direction as your character
22:19.04AmarandeI'm on the quest to get the 12 crystals for Neltharaku or w/e it's spelled
22:19.33Cidesee above
22:19.50Vangualthey're a nice gameplay element to just keep me from going afk on the island. i'm a slow killing resto shaman and and haven't ever had problems with them. aggro radius is also not special to me, i've maneuver-kited mobs away from incoming ascendants often
22:20.17Amarandeyeah, I think this quest may be harder than is typical for the island
22:20.19Cidealso, if you have a pet, why can't you just let it tank the ascendant while you Run Like Hell(tm)?
22:20.21Vangualthe only times i did get killed by them is when i was chatting with people and not looking around
22:20.36Amarandeyou're gathering objects that are in spots that leave little room to get away
22:21.02AmarandeCide: dies in like 3 hits, anyway
22:21.08Cidemend pet
22:21.14Cideor if you mean your warlock
22:21.22Amarandewarlock. we don't really get that option
22:21.27Cidesend it off in another direction
22:21.56Vangualyou can get away by running away from them, can gain enough distance to mount up with just speed enchant and prolly even without
22:22.17CideI don't really think they're much of an issue myself
22:22.36Vanguali think they're no issue at all personally
22:22.42Cidebut if you're facing the crystal like you said you were, yeah, I can see you getting owne
22:23.07Amarandeor even pressed that near to the crystal, in some particular cases
22:23.26Amarandethere's tons of crystals, of which one has to make an extremely careful choice as to which ones to go for and which are just repair bill bait :)
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22:27.00AmarandeI just think they're a *tad* bit of overkill though. Something on the lines of fel reavers would have been enough.
22:27.26Amarandeheck, even fel reavers can't be soloed that I know of other than by well-geared prot pallies
22:27.53Amarande(and even then, you get less than the repair bill will be from the hits you take in the fight)
22:31.03Amarandeok, I just managed to avoid one, *once*. :)
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22:31.53Amarandehere I was looking out, plus as importantly the timing was right
22:31.59Amarandea lot of times, I got ganked while I was still taking out the fel orcs
22:32.19Amarande(which is where you are most vulnerable, because you usually need to face the mobs to fight them and can't keep an eye on things coming the other way)
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22:50.54zenzelezz<Amarande> heck, even fel reavers can't be soloed that I know of other than by well-geared prot pallies <--- well-geared prot warriors can too
22:53.31Sixen_So, why was UseContainerItem blocekd on hte PTR?
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23:16.12Industrialwhy does this only work when I add ",help" to every target :|
23:16.23Industrial(yes I know target=target is obsolete but it wont work >:|
23:16.41Nargiddleytheres no condition on any of them so the first always happens
23:17.14Industrialhm, I guess
23:17.19Nargiddleyadding ",exists" would do that
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23:29.16IndustrialAnyone know a shaman blog? I want to read more about shaman healing (and healing in general, downranking spells, items etc
23:29.24Industrialalso on elemental, anyway :p
23:30.52IndustrialQuestion2: Is there a way I can make one macro throw a lightning bolt OR /stopcasting+bolt somehow? I already have the shift alt and ctrl modifiers in use :\
23:35.44Tuller"Dear diary:  Man, this rogue killed me today when I was trying to heal!  I'm going to cut my self and cry"
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23:36.43Lopeppeppymakes up some extra Heavy Netherweave bandages for Tuller.
23:41.02Industrial~lart tuller
23:41.02purlbeats the living hamstercrap out of tuller
23:46.29CairennLopeppeppy: like it, do you?
23:47.28Seerahwhat? :)
23:47.41LopeppeppyLooooove it, darling!
23:47.50Cairennthe SG - saw she'd posted on the blizz thread
23:48.09Cairennhoping it'll help
23:48.10LopeppeppyAlways happy to bump up good guides, and that's hot.
23:48.11Seerahoooohhh :)
23:49.08Seerahdanke schoen :)
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23:49.47mikmaahahaha some dude with green text has invaded Cairenn's post
23:50.05CairennLopeppeppy is no dude
23:50.15mikmaeveryone is a chick in internet sure
23:50.22Seerahshe's a dinosaur!
23:50.26mikmabut in real life they have a sack
23:50.44Seerahreally?  where's mine? :P
23:50.48Tulleris that my /bonk on the head to update my stuff? :P
23:50.50Cairennand mine
23:51.25Lopeppeppymikma.  Be nice.
23:51.37mikmaLopeppeppy: that's me, ask haste :P
23:51.38Industrial<Dont kill me im jesus>
23:51.49KeiasIf I was a girl, I'd pretend to be a guy online.
23:51.55LopeppeppyIf you're not nice, the real girls won't talk to you.  Remember that.
23:52.03LopeppeppyInsult us too often and you'll sleep with the fishes.
23:52.07hastethey will, they like bad guys
23:52.10Seerahor the fake girls
23:52.11KeiasWell maybe the girls in here
23:52.12mikmaLopeppeppy: aww, but that has already happened and it was overrated
23:52.28KeiasLife shows that the bigger of an asshole you are, the more girls you can get :P
23:52.35KeiasAlbeit short term.
23:52.36LopeppeppySleeping with the fishes is over-rated?  Someone must have let you have a scub tank or something.
23:52.38Industrial<jesus had a soulstone>
23:52.48mikma<0151> <+Lopeppeppy> If you're not nice, the real girls won't talk to you.  Remember that.
23:52.53mikmathis one, not that one
23:52.56Seerahare you looking at guild names, Indie?
23:53.09zenzelezzKeias: girls in that stage would dump you in a second when they find a better asshole
23:53.17Seerahthere's one on my server named <idk my bff Jill>
23:53.20mikmaIndustrial: try something about reincarnation++
23:53.37Industrialmikma: < Industrial> <jesus had a soulstone>
23:53.39GollumAnyone that can help me with writing my first addon? It says 'Incompatible' in the addons window at the character selection screen when I load WoW
23:53.44Keiaszenzelezz, thats still further than most nice guys get :P
23:53.49mikmaIndustrial: <iddqd>
23:53.52LopeppeppyCairenn, Seerah, you saw what mikma said.  We shouldn't talk to him anymore.
23:54.03LopeppeppyKeias, not every chick wants to be abused.  Keep looking.
23:54.04Industrialmikma: I dont get that one :p
23:54.06kd3Gollum, make sure you have a version number in your .toc that is greater than "20000"
23:54.09SeerahI'm talking to Indie.  He's my teddy bear :)
23:54.12KeiasNo, I'm not saying abused
23:54.16Industrialmore specifically, 20300
23:54.17Gollumyep its 20300
23:54.17Keiasyou can be an asshole to everyone BUT the girl
23:54.21KeiasAnd she'll love you to death
23:54.22zenzelezzKeias: I think you've got a very narrow view of things
23:54.34LopeppeppySome chicks can be more discriminating.  Just takes practice.
23:54.35IndustrialGollum: "## Interface: 20300" ?
23:54.49Gollum## Interface : 20300
23:54.49Gollum## Name : Simple
23:54.49Gollum## Notes : Does nothing yet /cry
23:54.50Gollum## Author : Rollum
23:55.19mikmainternetwomen, who needs them xD
23:55.33Seerahreaches for the boot stick
23:55.58Seerahgrins innocently :)
23:56.05zenzelezzInternet women, the actual genuine woman kind, has actually had a profound impact on my personality
23:56.29LopeppeppyThank you for that, zenzelezz.  Whether the impact was positive or negative, you fail to mention....
23:56.34IndustrialGollum: should be fine :S
23:56.52zenzelezzLopeppeppy: I don't generally admit or talk about my shortcomings
23:56.56GollumIndustrial: yep I know  :-(
23:57.37Gollumis it only stuff in the toc file that can make it show as incompatible?
23:57.47Seerahonly the Interface Number
23:58.19Gollumdunno then...
23:58.35SeerahGollum: have you changed the TOC without fully exiting the game?
23:59.00GollumI've restarted the game with it changed and saved
23:59.28Lopeppeppyhugs zenzelezz and offers a cookie
23:59.51Seerah(I missed the beginning of the conversation) Gollum: does it say Incompatible or Out of Date?  And which server are you testing on?
23:59.54zenzelezzgraciously accepts

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