IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080320

00:01.02*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
00:01.11art3miscan you run postgres AND mysql at the same time or do they try and use the same ports?
00:01.33CideI'm sure you can set the ports they use..
00:01.56GuillotineCairenn answered a Lua question
00:02.04GuillotineI told you, she knows Lua!
00:02.26*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
00:03.17art3misCide: any other incompats you can think of?
00:03.43Cidethe only other thing would be 'why?'
00:04.21art3miscuriosity mostly
00:04.36art3misi use mysql for web crap
00:04.46art3misbut i wanna try a few things with postgres that ive been reading lately
00:04.50Cairenndenies having any information regarding the possibility of such knowledge
00:07.41klipthere should be no problem with running mysql and postgresql. I'm sure they use different default ports
00:10.28foxlitconsidering their ports are usually file sockets
00:13.50ScytheBlade1art3mis: different ports, different protocol, different storage techniques, different SQL (in)compatabilities..
00:16.43*** join/#wowi-lounge bam_ (
00:17.35*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
00:19.22AarojaHey guys I'm going to bed now
00:19.37Aarojasee you later (because now is tomorrow^^)
00:30.28*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
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00:31.57cloudwolfSO who wants to help me lol
00:32.50cloudwolfnevcairiel you here?
00:33.39klipcloudwolf: what with? :)
00:34.11GuillotineI love those ads for antibacterial whatever where they show an electromagnetic microscope picture of pet dander/dust mites/bacteria. ANYTHING looks disturbing under one of those. A friggin soap molecule would disgust people.
00:35.03NechcknMy favorites are the "dermatitites" that live under your toenails!
00:35.16Nechcknthe cartoon versions, of course  =)
00:37.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Godzmack (
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00:44.25cloudwolfsry klip
00:44.27cloudwolfdidnt see you answer
00:44.50cloudwolfbtw i just queryd you klip
00:46.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
00:47.33Shirikapparently I have nearly 10k hp
00:47.39Shirikand I was worried about not hitting 9k raid buffed
00:48.27cloudwolfi have 5.2k unbuffed :(
00:48.32cloudwolfbut im just a 62 rogue so yeah...
00:49.25*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
00:54.32batrickShirik: u got time to finish that game?
00:54.41Shirikin raid atm
00:56.07batrickah ok
01:00.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
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01:19.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110| (
01:21.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
01:34.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
01:35.15RayneSo my raid leaders in a really bad mood, and I dont feel like running SSC cause of it. Anyone else feel my pain?
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01:44.05*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
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02:07.25ScytheBlade1Hmm, they're pushing a new build
02:07.32ScytheBlade1I have to wonder if they bumped the date because of that
02:09.07ScytheBlade1Also, rofl @
02:15.53kliphaha :)
02:17.21*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (n=sylvanaa@
02:18.40Guillotineplaying brawl with ex and a guildy that has a crush in her = lose. Both only going for me -_-
02:19.20Shirikwounds like epic win to me
02:19.58GuillotineShe insists he WAS going for her, she just dodged... every move
02:20.17dylanmI believe it.
02:24.26NightHawkTheSaneGuillotine: gg.. :P
02:30.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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02:36.01cloudwolfwelcome back guillotine
02:36.08cloudwolfim aparantly the most novice at this ever :D
02:42.03cloudwolfim tempted to just give up
02:43.53cloudwolfany one hterE?
02:44.43cloudwolfhere lol
02:44.56Shirik3 spyglasses of the hidden fleet dropped today
02:44.59Shirikin the same run
02:45.15JoshBorkeis that an item?
02:45.37Shirikbop epic random
02:46.11ScytheBlade1We've had two at once
02:46.30ScytheBlade1That was a fun night
02:48.19[dRaCo]we get one almost every night in SSC
02:48.22[dRaCo]for month
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02:49.48cloudwolfany one here good at addon making? XD im having so much trouble
02:50.04Cidenah, nobody
02:50.20cloudwolfplz dont be sarcastic...
02:50.28Cidethat was irony
02:50.36cloudwolfwhat ever...
02:50.47Cideif you realized that it was irony, I think that answers your question
02:51.13cloudwolfwell im looking for some one to help me is the reason i asked
02:51.15MentalPowerwell considering what this channel is...
02:51.27purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
02:51.34Cidedo realize that your attitude of "what ever" doesn't really help, especially when my comment was intended as quite light-hearted
02:52.10|Jelly|What they're saying is STFU and ask your question/present your issue.
02:52.19Cideyou're the one asking for help, not me - I would try being more polite, myself
02:52.35cloudwolfIm sorry but ive been trying to do this for about 3 hours with no succsess so im getting a bit pissed. I would like some one to one on one walk me through how to create a working slash command
02:52.48Cidenot my problem :)
02:53.03Cidethere are great tutorials on wowwiki for that stuff, I think
02:53.11Cidewhat Iriel said
02:53.11cloudwolflooking at that one now
02:53.18cloudwolfdoesn't and doesn't help me
02:53.23cloudwolfive done what it says and it doesnt work
02:53.44IrielDid you keep it fairly simple, just to get something working?
02:53.46cloudwolfive treid it both ways As an onload function and after a function
02:53.48JoshBorkethen you did something wrong :-D
02:53.48CideI just verified that the procedure described there is the correct one
02:53.48|Jelly|Pastey your code, being the next step.
02:54.12cloudwolfi know i did something wrong but because i dont know what i did wrong doesn't help me fix it
02:54.15Cideso yep, JoshBorke is likely right in this case
02:54.21IrielOne very common mistake is for folks to create some immensely complicated thing, and try and inject a slash command into that, and have it not work.
02:54.28IrielYeah, pastey your code and post the pastey links here
02:55.05art3misya knows whats an even more common mistake?
02:55.25art3misstareing at youredito closing it giving the file anme and expecting it to do soemthing ;P
02:55.33art3misyour editor
02:55.56cloudwolfive gotten so anoyed it wasnt even complex that i kinda deleted it ima try the tutorial again and if it doesnt work then ile pasty code but what i was simply doing was trying to get a slash cmd register and do the default_chat_frame:addmessage("msg") and it wasnt workin
02:56.20Cidepaste your code so we can at least do something to help you
02:56.29cloudwolfas i said dont ahve the code right this min
02:56.40ScytheBlade1Can't help you too much :)
02:56.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
02:57.38IrielJust copy the first two blocks of code from the wiki page into a .lua file
02:57.41IrielSet up a .toc to load it
02:58.01IrielStart up a fresh wow, check your addon is actually listted and active
02:58.01Irielthen give it a shot
02:58.27cloudwolfquestion do i need anything in an xml file if all im doing is textbased aka no gui
02:58.57Irielyou do not
02:59.14cloudwolfdo i remove the xml from the dependencies then?
02:59.18cloudwolfin the toc?
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02:59.25cloudwolfor does that still stay
02:59.36Cairennremove it
02:59.45IrielFrom 'dependencies' ??
02:59.51IrielI wonder if your problems are your .toc ?
03:00.13cloudwolfit could be right now my toc is this
03:00.17cloudwolf## Interface: 20300
03:00.17cloudwolf## Title: basic slash command
03:00.17cloudwolf## Notes: slashcommand
03:00.17cloudwolf## Dependencies:
03:00.31cloudwolfjust removed the xml dependencie
03:00.33IrielAh, the ## Dependencies: line means "this has no dependencies"
03:00.38IrielIt's not a title for what comes next
03:00.53IrielIf it HAD a dependency (i.e. depended on another AddOn), that'd come after the header
03:01.00Irieli.e. ## Dependencies: DevTools
03:01.05cloudwolfah k
03:01.19cloudwolfand is the place for firstslashcmd.lua just fine?
03:01.24cloudwolfand do i need the xml back there?
03:01.39cloudwolfcould that have been my problem?
03:01.45cloudwolfis that i had the .xml in there?
03:01.54Irielunlikely, depends if the .xml file existed etc.
03:02.00cloudwolfit did
03:02.02cloudwolfbut it was blank
03:03.08ShirikThe missing <?xml line might cause a problem? Dunno
03:03.17ShirikBut if you don't have anything in the xml it really shouldn't be there
03:03.27IrielStill, I doubt it'd have stopped the .lua from trying to load
03:03.34CideI was about to say that
03:03.34ShirikI agree
03:03.50ShirikBut then again
03:03.52cloudwolfwell im basicaly 100% new to addon creation
03:03.57Shirikdouble clicking on my program on my robot shouldn't cause it to shutdown either
03:04.03cloudwolfive done the hello world tutorial by blizzard got it to work
03:04.12cloudwolfcouldn't get thier advanced one to work
03:04.55AtriaceCould someone explain the nature of SetPortraitToTexture?  Based on the short desc on wowwiki, it would seem to add a circular mask to your intended texture, but it seems to do nothing for me.
03:05.00ShirikException : java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Report could not be read
03:05.05ShirikI broke WWS
03:05.23AtriaceActually, I take that back, it makes my texture dissapear completely.
03:05.44ShirikAnyone else get an exception when viewing this?
03:06.10Cideno, actually
03:06.13Shirikalso, who uses IllegalStateException for "Could not create repository subdirectory"
03:06.22Cideappears to work fine for me
03:06.36Shirikwtf did I do
03:06.51AtriaceWhat browser are you using, Cide?
03:06.54CideI was going to reply "no" just for fun
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03:06.57Cidebut it actually works
03:07.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Fatalis (
03:07.14Shiriknone of my browsers (FF3 / IE) ilke it
03:07.25cloudwolfiriel i queryd you
03:07.32Shirikthat's a java exception, it shouldn't be impacted by browser
03:07.45Cideworks fine in IE7 for me too
03:07.56Shirikstop lying
03:08.02CideI could screenshot it :P
03:08.10Shirikcan you tell me where I was on heal ><
03:08.12Shirikspecifically overheal
03:08.12cloudwolfiriel? you there?
03:08.47Shirikwtb heal charts...
03:08.55Shirikyay I wasn't last in damage!
03:08.56JoshBorkeobviously cide doesn't listen
03:09.01ShirikI had 7 dps
03:09.07JoshBorkelol shirik
03:09.17cloudwolfiriel i sent you a message in query plz look and reply there
03:09.27ShirikI don't have CoH anymore it's sad :(
03:09.33ShirikBut it looks like I came in 3rd which I can accept
03:09.39IrielI dont understand what you're asking...
03:09.39Shirikclose enough
03:09.47JoshBorkebest to ask in public
03:09.50cloudwolfdoes the code look correct
03:09.50IrielI didn't see you say anything on the channel
03:09.54Irielwhat code?
03:09.59cloudwolfits in query
03:10.01cloudwolffunction slashcmd_OnLoad()
03:10.01cloudwolfSlashCmdList["SLASHCMD"] = Msgtochat;
03:10.01cloudwolfSLASH_SLASHCMD = "/slashcmd"
03:10.01cloudwolffunction Msgtochat ();
03:10.06cloudwolfthats the code tho
03:10.13Cidethat's not valid lua
03:10.21cloudwolfthe boxes are just enters
03:10.27cloudwolferr tabs
03:10.33Cidethey come through as enters here
03:10.39Cidewhich means that you hasted like 10 lines of code
03:11.01IrielWhy would you do them in that order?
03:11.11cloudwolfbecause im a noob at this
03:11.14Cidefunction Msgtochat ();
03:11.15cloudwolfsimple answer?
03:11.17Cideis not valid
03:11.33IrielI specifically said 'put the first 2 blocks of code from the wiki tutorial into a lua file'
03:11.40IrielYou're making it too complicated
03:11.51cloudwolffunction MyScript_Command(cmd)
03:11.57IrielThat, and the block after it
03:12.02Irielno _onload function nonsense
03:12.08ShirikCide, wtb heal meters!
03:12.11Iriel(That only helps if you know what you're doing and need it)
03:12.11Shirikspecifically overheal!
03:12.14Cidewhat the hell
03:12.19CideI already pasted it
03:12.29ScytheBlade1You pasted the DPS portion
03:12.34Cideand that
03:12.35Cideshortly after
03:12.37AtriaceNah, he posted both.  :)
03:12.47ScytheBlade1Seeing as I'm healing High King atm
03:12.56ScytheBlade1Eh I'm only paying so much attention ;)
03:13.02ShirikWell I beat out Rohaun
03:13.05ShirikThat's the important part
03:13.07ShirikGotta run!
03:13.11Shirik|AFKthanks Cide
03:13.28Cidelet me know when your browser imagines server errors next time
03:13.37AtriaceSooo... anyone familiar with SetPortraitToTexture?  :)
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03:14.02IrielAtriace: Only insofar as I think I wrote a wiki page on it once
03:14.12AtriaceMy implementation of it just gives me a blank texture:
03:14.23cloudwolfiriel well pasting it worked but it doesnt mean i know how to recreate it myself and why it works
03:14.35AtriaceReally?  I'd like to see it, Iriel.  There was nothing linked in the API listing for it.
03:14.47IrielAtriace: It used to bee spelled wrong
03:14.53IrielAtriace: Try SetPortaitToTexture
03:15.00AtriaceWill do.
03:15.14Irielcloudwolf: If you've got a working example, it's GENERALLY easier to incrementally add things, bit by bit
03:15.25RayneIm curious to see if I can make a Grid addon that shows ready check on the frames...
03:15.29Irieland the chance of the added version still working is much greater
03:16.22cloudwolfdoesn't mean i can recreate anything im doing with out finding the tutorial again to copy the source code
03:16.25cloudwolfand i gtg
03:16.36AtriaceI bet you can, Rayne.
03:17.08Atriace"attempt to call global 'SetPortaitToTexture' (a nil value)
03:17.13Atriaceguess not.  : /
03:17.21IrielAtriace: Basically it takes 2 parameters, the name of a Texture object, and a Texture path
03:17.32IrielYou misunderstood me
03:17.51IrielThe function is NOW called SetPortraitToTexture, but I think it used to be called SetPortaitToTexture, or a similar typo.
03:18.04IrieletPortraitToTexture("OpenMailFrameIcon", stationeryIcon);
03:18.17AtriaceAh, I see.  So I had it right the first time.  I'm tracking so far.
03:18.18IrielThere's a call (missing its first letter because I cut and pasted poorly) from the live code
03:18.57AtriaceMight I be obfuscating my end result by the fact that I'm cropping the texture with SetTextCoord?
03:19.32IrielI suspect that may ruin the result completely
03:19.36IrielBut I could be wrong.
03:19.58IrielI dont think you can do stuff to the Texture afterwards
03:20.42AtriaceIt would seem my best shot at getting circular-masked class icons would be to re-export them myself.
03:21.38IrielOr export unmasked ones
03:21.43Irieland then use the function on those
03:22.14AtriaceThough with only 1 icon to a texture, for that approach.
03:23.15IrielI take it 2.4 doesn't have chat codes for the class icons
03:23.40AtriaceNo idea.
03:23.49CideI don't think so
03:23.51*** part/#wowi-lounge Sixen (n=Sixen@
03:23.59AtriaceYou work at Blizzard, don't you Iriel?
03:24.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Sixen (n=Sixen@
03:24.35AtriaceWhat do you do then?
03:25.20MentalPowerAtriace: archaeologist has round class icons
03:25.53IrielAtriace: Software design and systems architecture, and other such things
03:26.07LukianAtriace,  Iriel fixes blizzard's code and they steal it :D
03:26.24IrielAtriace: eCommerce, etc.
03:26.56AtriaceI'm curiosity is satiated.
03:28.04AtriaceMentalPower: apparently archaeologist takes the same approach.  Included are circular icon targas.
03:28.38MentalPowerI was saying you can prolly use theirs
03:29.11SixenPTR is has been revived and the PTR/TTR are both up now... If anyone cares.
03:29.13Atriaceugh.... and taint my ethics.... I could never....
03:29.24MentalPowerSixen: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
03:29.31MentalPowerAtriace: huh?
03:29.54MentalPowerAtriace: taint ethics how?
03:29.58AtriaceI hate the idea of using other's material in my own work.  Especially if I can reproduce it myself.
03:30.14MentalPowercode-reuse not your thing?
03:30.27AtriaceWell, I'm an Artist at heart, so...
03:30.36AtriaceCode is more fluid.
03:30.51MentalPowerah, fair nuf
03:31.09MentalPowertho theirs are nice, taken from J!nx IIRC
03:32.15AtriaceKinda low res, though.
03:32.26MentalPowerthere are two versions
03:32.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
03:32.47AtriaceOh, didn't see that.
03:33.04AtriaceThose are nice
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03:46.11ralfWORKwtf is wowwebstats hosing up tonight?
03:47.28Rayne|Jelly|: Wake up!
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04:32.37art3misits the martin luther king boondocks!
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04:51.07Sixen~seen kd3
04:51.10purlkd3 is currently on #wowi-lounge #wowhead #wowace #wowwiki, last said: 'crap. need to find a green shirt before I head out today'.
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04:58.16art3misScytheBlade1: ping
04:58.22ScytheBlade1art3mis: pong
05:00.37ScytheBlade1art3mis: pong
05:00.52art3misyou ever setup web based virt?
05:01.00ScytheBlade1Er? Define?
05:01.03art3misim looking at ovirt which looks like the right thing
05:01.18ScytheBlade1Ah, no
05:01.23art3mishow do you connect to linode?
05:01.23ScytheBlade1I do it all by SSH
05:01.31ScytheBlade1SSH ;)
05:01.32art3mislike setup the image and stuff
05:01.45ScytheBlade1I thought you meant my personal stuff
05:01.49ScytheBlade1No I use their webpage for that
05:01.54art3misi dont care about the image thats running ;P
05:02.05art3mistake a look at oVirt
05:02.12art3misi "think" thats what i'd need
05:02.14ScytheBlade1Linode uses a custom setup
05:02.31ScytheBlade1Yeah looks like it
05:02.34art3misas near as i can tell it basically creates a machin with web that then links to another "machine" running the guest nodes
05:02.54ScytheBlade1"Kerberos - the oVirt management web UI and libvirt services authenticate using Kerberos principles."
05:02.57ScytheBlade1A hahaha
05:02.58ScytheBlade1have fun!
05:03.00art3misbut im not sure if its just a monitor per se, or a single local machine lan type thingy
05:03.21ScytheBlade1Let me poke at it more
05:03.50ScytheBlade1That looks motivating
05:04.42art3misthe funny thing is a lot of the documentation reads almost akin to those VNC monitoring softwares
05:05.00art3miswhere it doesnt so much control or allow./deny access cvia web based as it does scan and check
05:05.26art3mismeaning that you make yer vmachines and then instll this to keep track of them
05:06.12ScytheBlade1Looks like a complicated piece of software
05:06.30art3misthere's some other options too
05:06.36ScytheBlade1ISCSI, kerberos, LDAP, full stack of network utilities..
05:06.38art3misbut meh a fun project is a fun project ;P
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05:07.12ScytheBlade1I would just as soon drop the pretty GUI and do it all by hand ;)
05:07.28art3mis theres this too
05:07.43art3miswell im looking to see if i can mimic what linode does
05:07.47art3misfor shits and giggles
05:07.59ScytheBlade1I'd be more inclined to use the RH stuff
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05:09.47art3misthe rh stuff is local gnome crap
05:09.50art3miswith a vnc connection
05:09.59art3miserr local X crap
05:10.16ScytheBlade1Yes, and it also manages everything you need
05:10.18ScytheBlade1For you
05:10.36art3misthats true
05:10.51ScytheBlade1You won't be configuring ISCSI and kerberos/ldap with it ;)
05:11.06art3mishehe i wonder how brutal 4 virtual machines on 1 gig would be ;P
05:12.01ScytheBlade1I'm actualy running three copies of OpenBSD on VMWare with 2GB of RAM
05:12.03ScytheBlade1... and WoW
05:13.08art3miswell yeah but obsd isnt that weighty ;P
05:13.17art3misthis should be fun though
05:14.13art3misjust building a centos server right now
05:15.04*** join/#wowi-lounge abyx (
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05:15.33art3misNote: Ironically, we run our test CentOS 5 virtual servers on Macintosh OSX-based Parallel Desktop, and Windows 2003-based VMware ESX guest images.
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05:15.49ScytheBlade1I've really grown to like cent
05:15.59art3misit's wierd
05:16.06art3misa lot of stuff i dont like about it
05:16.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
05:16.21art3misbut for the most part the  supplimental utils seems really nice
05:16.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
05:17.07abyxwhere can i find the math to calculate the crit damage of arcane blast? my calculations for AB hit are close to normal but the calculated crit damage is lower than the actual crit damage
05:18.08art3misthe whole first part of the guide keeps telling you not to use root and then in the exmaples it's root logged in ;P
05:18.12ScytheBlade1abyx: 150% of your normal damage... that's it :)
05:18.29ScytheBlade1abyx: err I lied, +50% if you're talented
05:18.37abyxbut its more complicated than that, ScytheBlade1
05:19.16abyxi need to include damage modifiers like 2piece t5 bonus (20% increased ab damage) and chaotic skyfire (3% increased crit damage) and spellpower 2/2 (50% increased crit damage bonus)
05:19.34abyxi include all that in my calculations but i still come up short
05:19.39ScytheBlade1All applied after +dmg and before 200% base
05:22.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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05:22.57abyxScytheBlade1: what do you mean?
05:23.22*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (n=sylvanaa@
05:24.04abyx(baseABdamage + (spelldmg * coefficient)) * 1.75 would be regular crit damage, right? but where would i include 20% increased damage from 2pc t5 and chaoticskyfire crit damage increase
05:24.50*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
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05:28.04*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (n=kyle@about/pxe/ScytheBlade1) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:28.21ScytheBlade1Poof goes freenode
05:28.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Godzmack (
05:29.05Cairennwheee, net split
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05:31.31*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (
05:31.51ScytheBlade1That was a NASTY netsplit too
05:32.04*** join/#wowi-lounge kergoth`bbl (
05:34.01ScytheBlade1abyx: you got that pastey? I sent it like four times, it's entirely possible you got it zero
05:34.34NightHawkTheSanegod people need to learn to kill their goddamn constructs.
05:34.49abyxScytheBlade1 when i'mm wearing 2pc t5 the tooltip for arcane blast shows a 20% increase on the damage... so is the 20% increase added to base damage then spelldamage added after or is it (basedmg + spelldmg) * 1.2
05:34.54abyxi got the pastey
05:35.00abyxNightHawkTheSane, agreed.
05:35.21NightHawkTheSaneseriously, seeing 3 constructs from the same side come running to the raid, makes me cry
05:35.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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05:35.49abyxwhat i hate more is not having enough healers on to kill illidan
05:36.26*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
05:38.02ScytheBlade1abyx: easy way to test, cast AB once with gear, and once without
05:38.55ScytheBlade1If you refactor my pastey for your +dmg, and it matches, then you know it's added post +dmg coef
05:40.21art3misNO, he does not *have* to buy anything, he can use UML or XEN.
05:40.24art3misAND, let me repeat, the *ONLY* similarities between WEBMIN/VIRTUALMIN (virtual servers) and virtual private servers are 2 words......
05:40.50art3misthanks kind of funny
05:40.54art3miserr thats
05:41.07abyxlua > print((((1204*.71)+(927+801/2))*1.2)*2.03)
05:41.12abyxbooo no lua?
05:41.18ScytheBlade1Remove the space
05:41.23ScytheBlade1lua> print("asdf')
05:41.23lua_botScytheBlade1: luabot:1: unfinished string near '<eof>'
05:41.26abyxlua> print((((1204*.71)+(927+801/2))*1.2)*2.03)
05:41.26lua_botabyx: 5316.18024
05:41.33ScytheBlade1Or it's slow
05:41.41ScytheBlade1Or you fixed it, and I need to sleep
05:41.48ScytheBlade1Because I'm slow!
05:42.18abyxok AB just crit for 3.5k and that is obviously way lower than what lua just told me
05:42.36ScytheBlade1And you have 1204 +arcane?
05:43.09ScytheBlade1What are those numbers?
05:43.13ScytheBlade1... lol
05:43.17abyxmin/max of AB
05:43.19ScytheBlade1You're using the in-game spell page
05:43.20abyxaverage of them
05:43.23art3mis <-- neat
05:43.27ScytheBlade1That is the incorrect number
05:43.32abyxahhh you're right
05:43.39abyxi forgot the tooltip included the 20% increase
05:43.47Xinhuan(927+801/2) is not ((927+801)/2) either
05:44.04Xinhuanfail at average!
05:44.06abyxlua> print((((1204*.71)+((648+752)/2))*1.2)*2.03)
05:44.06lua_botabyx: 3787.59024
05:44.12abyxthats a better number
05:44.21abyxand yeah, i got lost in all those parentheses
05:44.28ScytheBlade1That's definitely an average considering the 3.5k crit :)
05:45.01abyxlua> print((((1204*.71)+((668+772)/2))*1.2)*2.03)
05:45.02lua_botabyx: 3836.31024
05:45.27abyxarcane blast tooltip says min/max is 668/772 o_O without 2pc t5
05:45.34abyxwhere did you get 648..752?
05:45.35ScytheBlade1it includes talents
05:45.42ScytheBlade101:43 < ScytheBlade1>
05:46.12ScytheBlade1All of your OWN tooltips include gear bonuses and talents
05:46.14ScytheBlade1But not +dmg
05:46.15abyxlua> print(648*1.03)
05:46.16lua_botabyx: 667.44
05:46.22abyxan arcane instability
05:46.39ScytheBlade1Use a website for pulling base numbers
05:46.46ScytheBlade1Or respec to 0/0/0 and strip
05:46.52abyxman thats dumb
05:47.43abyxtooltip numbers seem to be misleading.. and also arcane instability says: "increases your spell damage and critical strike chance by 3%" but it increases the base damage of the spell on the tooltip?
05:48.49abyxwhen i see "increases spell damage" i think increases +arcane damage by 3% >_>
05:48.54ScytheBlade1Hehe, no
05:49.47ScytheBlade13% damage =  shock, 3% more damage
05:50.03ScytheBlade1it gets confusing, because you take that as the base and then add on your spelldmg coef, and other multipliers
05:50.18ScytheBlade1When the base numbers are "after" +dmg on the tooltip, yet, the tooltip does not include that
05:54.01Xinhuanits ok, i coded wowequip derived stats to be equally misleading :)
05:54.08Xinhuanso you can just add both together!
05:57.42GuillotineSo on this gameshow my roommates watching, they ask this woman her job. She's a "professional gold-digger".
05:58.47*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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05:58.59ScytheBlade1Anywho sleeping
05:59.09abyxScytheBlade1: later :)
05:59.17Guillotineby sbo
06:11.48*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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06:24.45art3mishrm isp config is pretty awesopme
06:24.55art3misits not as uber awesome as cpanel
06:24.59art3misbut it's pretty good
06:31.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
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07:24.18GuillotineCairenn: ping
07:24.27CairennGuillotine: pong
07:25.06Guillotine turned up on my bimontly bugmenot search. You might want to add WoWI to the non supported list (we did it with cosmos a while back, real easy to do)
07:26.38Guillotine to remove it fyi
07:26.41Guillotineanyway, night all!
07:27.18*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
07:35.54*** join/#wowi-lounge ncd|Aileen (n=Dave^@
07:38.40art3mishrm sthis steup is rpetty rad
07:38.57art3missetup a mail/web/mysql hosting thingy with centos and installed ispconfig
07:39.14art3missort of a opensource cpanel
07:39.26art3misits not as indepth or "edgey" but its got all the right things for it
07:39.57art3mismultiple domain hosting, vhost setup(with email) auto db creation
07:40.06art3misphpmyadmin if ya need it
07:40.14art3misfull php
07:40.45art3misim gonna see if i can add in a webbased virtualization tomorrow
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07:51.31nevcairielman kd3 is slacking, no diff in my mail =P
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07:54.08Cairenn~staple ckknight
07:54.09purlACTION attaches a staple gun to a pneumatic nail gun via duct tape, staples ckknight quite well, and hands ckknight to cairenn
07:54.29Cairenn~stick ckknight
07:55.07nevcairieloh he is doing that again
07:55.23nevcairielpeople should just log off during the night when their connection sucks
07:55.52Industrialjust woke up
07:56.00nevcairielmet oo
07:56.02nevcairiel*me too
07:56.18Industrialwewt outlands
07:56.21Industrialnow the big choice
07:56.35IndustrialShould I gather elemental gear and go elemental after a while or not
07:56.38Cairennhow do you tell what version of .net you are running?
07:58.09nevcairielyou could check the registry or the windows folder
07:58.48nevcairiellike in C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework .. i have subdirs for the two versions i have installed
08:01.23Cairennwas exactly what he needed, thank you nevcairiel :)
08:04.43Fisker-Remember it's going to have all of the versions there btw
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08:28.35Tierrieyou know
08:28.40Tierriethe best shit about drinking is that you end up drunk
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08:47.36batrickTierrie: someone drinks you?
08:47.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110| (
08:48.22*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | WoW programming book | "the best shit about drinking is that you end up drunk" - Tierrie
08:48.36batrickwat r u doin up so late Cairenn
08:48.43Cairennnot being asleep?
08:48.52NightHawkTheSanegood answer
08:48.54batricka noble endeavor to be sure
08:49.46Cairennto be brutally honest, my sleep schedule is so completely fucked up that I'm basically a full 12 hrs reversed
08:50.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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08:50.14Cairennand given that 2.4 looks to be next tuesday, there isn't really much point in trying to fix it until after that
08:50.19batrickdawn is nature's way of telling you to go to sleep amirite?
08:50.27Cairennpretty much, yup
08:50.30Cairennit's 5 am here now
08:51.05sacarascpfft, -4, worst timezone ever
08:51.44klip:) I just woke up 10 am :) nice time to get out of bed :)
08:56.30art3misyou can check add/remvoe programs too ;P
08:56.37art3misthats a bit better than the directories ;P
08:57.24art3mismy sleep schedule is like im back in school
08:57.34art3misstay up til 5am get up at around 10
08:58.16art3mis<-- carefully chose his classes so his day started late and didnt have anything last block ;P
08:58.40batrickShirik: !
08:58.44batricklet's finish that game
08:58.57art3misso soon will have the ability to have users autosignup!
08:59.08art3misyay for subdomain hosts off of it of course ;P
09:01.44art3misanyone know off hand if the altest norton ghost supports ext3? or lvm?
09:01.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Riffage (
09:02.48art3miscuz if this all works right i'll throw a 200gb in here and add in free virtualization for everyone!
09:03.29batricklinux comes with norton ghost
09:03.33batrickit's called bash and tar =)
09:03.47art3misi saw on distrowatch the other day a disc that automates cloning
09:04.06art3mistar is NO WHERE close to the compression ghost does ;P
09:04.13art3miseven with bzip or gzip
09:04.22batrickbzip2 is really good
09:04.28art3misive compared ;P
09:04.39batrickuh ok
09:04.40art3misi used to make production iso's
09:05.06art3misso nyah
09:05.15purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
09:05.27art3misdont make purl hit me because you suck
09:05.32batrickno u suck!
09:05.36art3misand dont look at quincy jones
09:05.42art3misquincy jones cant help you!
09:05.51batrickbatrick: is art3mis full of shit
09:05.59batrickbatbot: is art3mis full of shit?
09:05.59batbotbatrick, Better not tell you now.
09:06.08batrickbatbot: is art3mis full of shit?
09:06.08batbotbatrick, As I see it, yes.
09:06.15art3misbatbot is batrick full of fail?
09:06.15batbotart3mis, Better not tell you now.
09:06.23art3misbatbot is batrick totally full of fail?
09:06.23batbotart3mis, Don't count on it.
09:06.31art3misbatbot is batrick mostly full of fail?
09:06.32batbotart3mis, Probably.
09:07.50batricki do wut i want
09:08.12art3misno free virtualization for you!
09:08.20batricki don't need any!
09:08.50batrickshirik is full of fail
09:08.56art3mishey cairenn
09:09.01art3miswhen ya coming down next?
09:09.01Shirikhi batrick
09:09.05batrickthere you are
09:09.08Cairennart3mis: no idea
09:09.18batrickShirik: 2 questions
09:09.24batrick1) do you want to finish that game?
09:09.32batrick2) are you any closers to compiling that module?
09:09.55art3misdo you have any qualms with bringing me down some 222's with codiene and some lemon neo citrin allergy?
09:09.56Shirikyes, not now, no
09:10.22ShirikI am very hard pressed for time lately
09:10.27Shirikthe competition is eating most of my time
09:10.33batricki asked two questions and got three answers O.o
09:10.39batrickwhat competition?
09:10.44art3misdid you see the awesome bot video of big dog shirik?
09:10.57art3mishe fergot a "but" ;P
09:10.59batricko that robot competition nvm
09:11.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
09:14.34batrickguess it's time for sleep
09:18.32klipgood time, whatever your local time is :)
09:20.43art3misbed time for me for a few hours
09:23.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
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09:34.51Cairennawwwwww! baby effelunt!
09:37.56Fisker-i'll end up doing something retarded and become a zombie
09:37.56Cairennhmmmm, bat or shovel?  submachine gun or flamethrower?
09:38.07Fisker-perhaps i shouldn't have chose your mother as company
09:38.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Nolook_ (
09:38.44Cairennshovel has the advantage of the metal part on the end that gives that wonderful "CLANG!" sound when you whack it into their face
09:39.09Cairennbat's a little easier to wind up and thwack someone with though
09:39.22Fisker-i disagree
09:39.35Fisker-With a shovel you can hit them with a lesser chance of being hit yourself
09:39.37nevcairielshovel + smg, imho
09:39.47Fisker-shovel and shotgun here
09:40.02Fisker-depends on the shotgun i guess
09:40.08CairennI dunno, kinda like the idea of the flamethrower, but those things are likely too heavy for me
09:40.09Fisker-smg if it's some shitty shotgun
09:40.41nevcairielbut with a flamethrower you're helpless against zombies!
09:40.43Fisker-There's a saying that goes "The only thing worse than have hordes of brainless zombies after you is having hordes of brainless zombies on fire after you"
09:41.03Cairennnow, a nice double barrel shotgun is good if you're going up against snarks
09:41.20Fisker-I want the new military shotgun
09:42.58Cairennheh, I have a 41% chance
09:43.17cladhairecan someone PLEASE get ckknight an irc proxy
09:43.28cladhaireso we're not treated to his periodic rebirth every so often
09:43.37cladhairesomeone has to have a bouncer they can set up for him
09:49.33*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
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09:55.11sag_ich_nichtinstalls the latest FMOD and overwrites the one in his WoW folder with it
09:56.00sag_ich_nichtwhere did the
09:56.14sag_ich_nichtdid blizz remove fmod.dll?
09:56.21sag_ich_nichtor fmodex.dll for that matter?
09:56.52Fisker-slaps sag_ich_nicht around a bit with a large trout
09:57.05sag_ich_nichtFisker- did they remove it? D:
09:57.25Fisker-hope you get owned by warden though
09:58.11sag_ich_nichtlook you're dumb :(
09:58.58Fisker-no u
10:00.08sag_ich_nichtFisker- i hax'd myself to GM Island and warden didn't do shit
10:00.16sag_ich_nichtwarden fails imho
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11:15.40wereHamstercladhaire, if you point me to a bouncer package/software so I can set it up...
11:18.36clad|officewe'd have to get him to agree to use it
11:18.41clad|officei think he actually likes it =/
11:18.56wereHamsterwhat? the leaving/joining?
11:20.41[Ammo]he should get a shell account
11:20.46[Ammo]and learn to use screen + irssi
11:20.50[Ammo]no need for a bouncer
11:21.06clad|officebut a bouncer lets him use whaever he uses now
11:21.09clad|officeand stop us from having to deal with it
11:21.16*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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11:21.19wereHamsterI was thinking about that, too, but I'd have to ask if I can create a shell account for him
11:21.29clad|officeckknight_: Are you actually here now?
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11:21.32clad|officeor is it all a charade?
11:22.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Fisker- (
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11:26.29wereHamsteranyway, if you get him to agree to use a bouncer, I'll try to set one up
11:32.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Fisker-- (
11:32.36Fisker--mine is best
11:33.51Fisker-only annoyance is that my host is blocking 6667
11:34.04Fisker-failing to realize that most irc servers usually have 4 or more ports open to connect to
11:36.14nevcairielhe likes the attention of us complaining, thats all
11:37.06clad|offices/ of us complaining, that's all//
11:43.28*** join/#wowi-lounge `-FISKER_Q\ (
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13:22.03foxlitGiven an arbitrary macro string, can I easily determine what it will do? :)
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13:22.22foxlit(concisely, how does #showtooltip know what to display? Can I get at that parser?)
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13:32.32ralfWORKI got the ring off Akil'zon! wewt!
13:34.37zenzelezzI didn't know you were into jewelery
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13:35.32ralfWORKI am when it has sockets :(
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13:36.25Bela|workso a user here at work pings me because when she goes to one of her mapped drives, it works fine from My Computer, but if she tries to open a file from it in Word (from File -> Open) it only shows her like 2 folders and a couple files in the root
13:36.32ralfWORKit's an odd ring, that's for sure
13:36.38Bela|workhad her send me a screencap of what she is seeing
13:36.47Bela|workand then i tell her to try scrolling the bottom scrollbar to the far left
13:36.53Bela|workthere they are!
13:37.41Bela|workits early, I will blame it on lack of coffee
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14:15.32Wobinoh god
14:15.41Wobinmost stressful uldaman ever
14:15.57sacarascgoing anywhere with a hunter is hard
14:16.01Industrialhaha, uldaman
14:16.13sacarascbut if you don't then you only have about 10% of the WoW population left
14:16.15WobinI had to bloody well heal
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14:16.21Wobinas a balance druid =P
14:16.22Industrialsacarasc: how is that, hunter does fine.
14:16.33WobinI have nothing against well played hunters
14:16.37Industrialsacarasc: maybe your hunters suck - but i dont :p
14:16.39WobinI am one, for that matter =P
14:16.45WobinBut all munters should be shot
14:16.46sacarascbet you do
14:16.49Wobinpoint blank range
14:17.06WobinJust because you can dual wield doesn't mean you have to melee =P
14:17.17Industrialif I see that and ask them what they are doing and they dont know they get a kick instantly
14:18.21LopeppeppyMorning, Lunessa!
14:18.34Lunessa... station.
14:18.48LopeppeppyIndeed.  *hug*
14:18.50IndustrialLunessa: wtf does that mean
14:18.52IndustrialI dont get it
14:20.08ralfWORKhate... munters
14:20.21ralfWORKon my realm, all the munter stories seem to happen in SM
14:20.59WobinI also hate the fact that as a druid, I have no effective aggro dump
14:21.16Wobinand with a warrior that can't tank.... =P
14:21.17foxlitYes you do
14:21.21foxlitIt's called Death
14:21.24Wobincower is not an effective dump =P
14:21.26foxlitI use it all the time!
14:21.37WobinSee if I were a shammy, I wouldn't mind that
14:21.41ralfWORKwell this is what you do
14:21.49ralfWORKwhen you need to Cower
14:21.52ralfWORKjust switch bear
14:22.04WobinI can do that.
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14:22.18WobinI just wish the warrior knew what the fuck his 'taunt' button did
14:22.31WobinIt's not like I was running around in front of him getting killed for the fun of it
14:22.41sacarasci bet you were
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14:23.19WobinI was like: "One more death, one more death and I'm leaving the party =P"
14:23.26WobinBut then I found they nerfed uldaman
14:23.28Wobinand we won
14:23.43Wobin(by me moonfiring Archadeus over and over)
14:23.51LopeppeppyBrain blank...  web comic with stick figure Roy and Hayley D&D comic... What is it?
14:24.00WobinOrder of the Stick?
14:24.13LopeppeppyI love you wobin.  Please have your babies in my honor!
14:24.45ralfWORKWobin: yea when I did ulda recently I was surprised how easy-sauce it was
14:24.47ralfWORKI was impressed
14:25.09WobinIt's the first time I've done it in a crappy pug without a wipe
14:25.14WobinI was the only one that died
14:25.27Wobinand it was to the four golem guardian room
14:25.31Wobinwhen it was all single target ><
14:25.50ralfWORKI was tanking it before
14:26.02ralfWORKtold the goddamn pally not to aggro on the last boss
14:26.04sacarascwhen did they make it easy?
14:26.04sacarasconly been there like twice...
14:26.09ralfWORKso when he did
14:26.17ralfWORKI just stood over on the side of the room
14:26.22ralfWORKand let him deal with it
14:26.30ralfWORK(he had been aggroing every pull, mind you)
14:26.44ralfWORKsacarasc: they narrowed the level range of stuff in there
14:26.49ralfWORKit used to be like 38-50
14:27.01Wobinnot for a long time
14:27.04ralfWORKnow it's more normal, like 38-42 or something
14:27.07Wobin50 is mauradon level
14:27.30sacarasci remember the last boss in there being an absolute bastard
14:27.33ralfWORK(I'm pulling the numbers out my ass, but you get the idea)
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14:27.40Wobinbut yeah, there's at least 40% less death
14:27.58LunessaBut there is not, consequently, 40% more cake.
14:27.59WobinThe 41 mage was oneshotting the little golem guys at the end
14:28.10Wobinwith frostbolts
14:28.13ralfWORKhah nice
14:28.16Wobinso yeah, lotsa nerfing
14:28.36WobinPS mid level druid healing omg so slow
14:28.46ralfWORKdruid healing suck
14:28.48sacarascArchaedas <Ancient Stone Watcher>, Stone Guardian of the Vault, is a level 40 elite (47 Elite prior to Patch 2.3) boss who watches over Uldaman in the name of the mighty Titans.
14:29.06ralfWORKya, there you go
14:29.28wereHamster47->40 is a _big_ nerf :(
14:29.36ralfWORKuh yea!
14:29.49ralfWORKbut it was pretty jacked up before iirc
14:29.59ralfWORKfirst boss was like level 38
14:30.18ralfWORKso basically, either you went in there with some 38-40 level toons and did the first half
14:30.19WobinUldaman might have been the 'separate the real players from the noobs' instance
14:30.32ralfWORKor you went it there with some level 45+ characters
14:30.40ralfWORKand everything was green until the end boss :P
14:30.45WobinIt's set up that you can't go all at once
14:30.50wereHamsterI don't think we ever wiped in uldaman, not on a boss
14:30.55Wobinnot and complete everything
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14:31.15ralfWORKWobin: sure, but you won't turn in those quests and grow 5 levels
14:31.31WobinWell you will now =P
14:31.46sacarascthe only reason i ever went to uldaman was the enchanting trainer... then i realised there was ones in shattrath
14:31.48WobinI've been doing about two levels each play session in the last week or so
14:31.49ralfWORKMara made more sense as for as an instance where "you aren't supposed to do it all at once"
14:31.59WobinralfWORK: Even though you can
14:32.09Wobingranted, as a too high a level for the orange area
14:32.09ralfWORKbut you got a port to the middle :P
14:32.29sacarascprincess at the end of mara was tough ;\ wiped like 4 or 5 times on her...
14:32.29ralfWORKstill has the item to port into mara with
14:32.35WobinI want that staff to work -anywhere-
14:32.38Wobinthat'd be cool
14:32.44ralfWORKI farmed the crap out of mara
14:32.46WobinI wish it was defined as a 'key'
14:32.49foxlitUldaman has two entrances for a reason :)
14:32.49ralfWORKto get some shoulders off that croc, iirc
14:32.59ralfWORKWobin: amen to that
14:33.13ralfWORKfoxlit: oh that's right... hmm for some reason I never used back door
14:33.16ralfWORKguess I'm a nub
14:33.27sacarascnever knwe there was a back door
14:33.28Wobinback door is for wipes =P
14:33.38foxlitand enchanters
14:33.40Wobin... and boy did that sound seedy or what?
14:34.18ralfWORKhrm. I need to write some program
14:34.25Wobincause really, any time you needed to leave and head back in for quests, all the quest stuff was mostly at the beginning
14:34.33ralfWORKthat'll help me swap out my gear to maintain hit cap, but stack as much +dmg as possible
14:35.44ralfWORKI HATE THESE
14:36.26ralfWORKtell me that's not nasty
14:36.45WobinralfWORK: It's not nasty
14:36.58art3misthose are huge silverfish ;P
14:36.59Wobin. o O (I'm not even convincing myself)
14:37.11ralfWORKthey aren't silverfish
14:37.15ralfWORKthey are giant isopods
14:37.17ralfWORKand they exist
14:37.18kliphm, what does gear mean? I know what does it mean in english, but what does it mean in wow english? :) I read some hints for mage that it is good to have Eagle/Owl Gear and I'm not getting it :)
14:37.32ralfWORKklip: armor/weapons
14:37.36art3misklip: of the eagle or the owl
14:37.54art3mis[Sexy Girdle of the Eagle]
14:38.16klipI see, thanks :)
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14:39.20Maldiviahmm, been a hwile since I've played a caster it seems
14:40.18ralfWORKwell damn. I can't replace my stupid Exorcist ring until I get belt of blasting
14:40.19Maldiviais it just me, or do you automatically interrupt your current spell cast, if your target dies?
14:41.24ralfWORKor I'll have to gem +hit
14:41.28ralfWORKwhich would be totally retarded
14:41.33ralfWORKMaldivia: I think you are correct
14:42.15MaldiviaralfWORK: that is really annoying... especially when you're casting on someone else (for instance focus)
14:42.33ralfWORKMaldivia: you mean the loss of GCD?
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14:42.57Maldivianot just gcd, but 2-3 sec cast time aswell
14:43.00AarojaHey Guys
14:43.03ralfWORKahh yes
14:43.11ralfWORKwell I mean if he dies, what should your cast do?
14:43.26ralfWORKah, k. there's a heroic arc belt
14:43.32foxlitit should cancel
14:43.37foxlitit does not, any longer
14:43.44Maldiviawell, the spell I'm casting os NOT on the target that dies
14:43.59ralfWORKMaldivia: oh? I don't think I follow
14:44.03foxlitSo you can effectively spend your entire cast time casting on a dead target
14:44.07WobinMaldivia: I didn't think it did that
14:44.25Wobinsince you're not casting on your target
14:44.36ralfWORKohhh if your target is dead before you start casting, it'll let you cast you mean?
14:45.14foxlitYou missed a "not" :)
14:45.16Maldiviacasting fireball on target 1, switches to target 2 and starts casting there, fireball 1 hits after a bit of flight time, kills target, second fireball is interrupted
14:45.37ralfWORKMaldivia: ohhhh.. ok I have never had that happen
14:45.53foxlitMaldivia: that doesn't happen [to me]
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14:47.08AarojaCan somebody tell me how I get my SinglelineEditBox work? I said that "OnEnterPressed" it should "ClearFocus()" but if I do that it says "Text" has a nil value
14:47.11Maldiviaok, not exactly like above, but it's happening all the time when handling multiple mobs
14:48.27Bela|workwdn has the latest ptr files now
14:49.04Aarojanobody can help me?
14:50.36Lunessapastey your code
14:51.16Aarojait's not a code error :) I don't know the right command to do that
14:51.28Aarojaso I asked if anybody knows
14:51.35Bela|workif its not a code error, then we can't help you
14:51.46Bela|workbut if you can pastey your code at we can probably find a code error
14:53.36Aarojathats the relevant code
14:53.51Bela|workI dont see any ClearFocus there
14:54.16AarojaI made it ClearFocus in the Boxes "OnEnterPressed" Event
14:54.23wereHamsterpost the whole code
14:54.33Bela|workpost the whole code, and tell us exactly what the error says
14:54.39Aarojathis is nearly all :)
14:54.41art3misanyone know of a device that allows sharing cable access to other tvs in the house via LAN that doesnt need a computer attached like snapstream/slipstream ?
14:55.01Bela|worklike: Error on line # in file.lua (Text has a nil value)
14:55.02ralfWORKart3mis: nope
14:55.12art3misie box 1 hooked up to cable/tivo then broadcasts to the rest of the house allowing for control  of said tv
14:55.24art3miserr said cable hookup
14:56.02art3misthe closest thing ive found is a sagetv, but that requires a computer hookup
14:57.07Aarojathe Error says: index global AarojaUIFormSinglelineEditBoxMsg (a nil value)
14:57.26Aarojaan the error is in the 3. line
14:57.38Bela|workok that helps a little
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14:57.43Bela|workwhere is this function being used?
14:57.54Bela|workcan you pastey the xml that it is being run from?
14:58.07Aarojanever xD it's messed up by my GUI
14:58.32Aarojait would take you years to get through
14:58.36AarojaI use "WoW Ui Designer"
14:58.43Bela|workI doubt it would take us long at all
14:58.50Aarojaok her is the whole situation...
14:58.51Bela|workbut we can't help you if we can't see the reference materials
14:58.56Bela|workso sorry
14:59.44wereHamsterctrl+f helps a lot in these situations, don't worry about us not finding the relevant code, we're good at reading lua
15:00.24Aarojathe frame consists of a SinglelineEditBox called "$parentSinglelineEditBoxMsg" and a button called "$parentDoneButton" the EditBox hast "OnEnterPressed" "ClearFocus()" and "OnLoad" "SetAutoFocus(false)"
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15:00.44Aarojathe button just execs the code pastet "OnClick"
15:00.44Bela|workthat really doesn't help anything
15:00.46Aarojathats all
15:01.05Aarojaso i have to search my code for the urls included -.-
15:01.10Aarojato paste it
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15:01.50Bela|workhere is the thing:
15:02.52Bela|workit could be a hundred different issues, from code loading order, to just plain bad code. No one knows, because we dont have a reference. We will always ask for a pastey of the relevant files when asked to look at a bug
15:03.00Aarojahere is the xml
15:03.04Aarojagl & hf^^
15:03.42Bela|workwhere is AarojaUIFormSinglelineEditBoxMsg ?
15:03.59Aarojawhat do you mean by "where"?
15:04.11Aaroja (full lua)
15:04.12klipjust curious... lua in wow doesn't have any access to network, does it? because one of addons just told me, that there is new version available and I was surprised.
15:04.15wereHamster"SinglelineEditBox called "$parentSinglelineEditBoxMsg"" - there is no such thing in the xml file
15:04.24cladhaireklip: inter-addon communication
15:04.29cladhairemeans someone in your raod/guild/party has a newer version
15:04.37Bela|workaddon channels
15:04.39klipcladhaire: ah! I see
15:04.43Aarojalet's look
15:04.48Bela|workaddons use addon channels to comunicate versions and stuff sometimes
15:04.49Aarojaone moment
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15:04.54klipthat makes sense :)
15:04.58Bela|workfor self-update notification
15:05.19Bela|workok, Aroja
15:05.29Bela|workI dont see AarojaUIFormSinglelineEditBoxMsg anywhere, in the xml
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15:05.34Bela|workwhich leads me to believe it doesn't exist
15:05.40Bela|workwhich would be why you get an error
15:05.48wereHamsterthere's AarojaUIFormSinglelineEditBox1 though
15:06.16Bela|workthe other problem
15:06.22Bela|workthis isn't a template is it?
15:06.29Aarojadamn GUI... it says "&parentSinglelineEditBoxMsg" but it's not written in the XML
15:06.35Aarojayou are right
15:06.55Bela|workdid they make it so we can use $parent in non-templates?
15:07.07cladhaireAaroja: why don't you use this:
15:07.15wereHamsterBela|work, that always worked IIRC
15:07.19cladhaireweren't you complaning abotu the software you were using
15:07.22cladhaireBela|work: that always worked
15:08.47Bela|workmaybe this will work:
15:09.06Bela|workI didn't check the validity of anything else in the lua file though
15:09.09Bela|workjust that one function
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15:20.06Lunessa... always look on the bright side of life...
15:20.29Lopeppeppy*whistles cheerily*
15:20.44Lunessalife's a piece of shit when you look at it...
15:21.45LopeppeppySo always look on the bright side of death.
15:22.32Lunessaincidentally, this record is available in the foyer.
15:22.45AarojaBela it works :) I changed the name of the EditBox now in XML
15:22.58LopeppeppyMy sister got bitten by a moose once.
15:23.10Aarojais "Addon Studion" better than "WoW Ui Designer"?
15:26.57Fisker-though WoW UI Designer is spelled correctly
15:27.27ralfWORKcan't get paswordless ssh working to this stupid host
15:28.37Aarojaok last question (This is a bit tricky I think^^): Why is my "SendChatMessage()" not called but the Debugmessage after?
15:28.51Aarojain the AarojaUIEvent()
15:30.31wereHamsterwhy do you think it's not being called?
15:30.49Aarojabecause it's not send to the chat xD
15:31.00wereHamstermaybe guildgreetmsg is nil
15:31.18Aarojayou see my lua?
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15:32.19Wobindid we ever!
15:32.23Wobinwiggles his eyebrows.
15:32.30wereHamsteryes, he eventually posted the code
15:32.39wereHamsterSendChatMessage(guildgreetmsg, "GUILD", lang, "Aaroja");
15:32.40AarojaI have got "if not(guildgreetmsg) then guildgreetmsg ="Hello Guild!"
15:32.44wereHamsterwhy the fourth argument?
15:33.05Aarojacan I leave it out or just ""?
15:33.24wereHamsterjust SendChatMessage(guildgreetmsg, "GUILD")
15:33.34LopeppeppyWobin, you are a bad bad code monkey.
15:33.56Aarojayou see that if guildgreetmsg is nil it is defined earlier?
15:34.31LunessaI needed a pick-me-up.
15:35.56ralfWORKthis one is better for me when I need a pickup
15:36.57LunessaHATE YOU
15:37.06art3mis <--bright side of life
15:37.22RoblibobralfWORK: that gurl is hawt in that video ;)
15:37.30ralfWORKRoblibob: dude totally
15:38.01LunessaYeah.  Love it.
15:38.37art3mis language NSFW
15:38.42art3mis^^ love that song
15:38.47AarojawereHamster: It doesn't work even if I choose "SAY" instead of "GUILD"
15:39.08Aarojabut if I call that with a button it works :/
15:39.26art3misr-e-a-d a b-o-OK
15:39.47AarojaI don't think RTFM helps much ^^
15:39.54wereHamstercall what with a button?
15:40.20AarojaSame part of code but one works the other not
15:41.09wereHamstermaybe the guild channel isn't set up yet when VARIABLES_LOADED fires
15:41.20wereHamstertry player_entering_world or player_logen
15:41.23AarojaSay-Channel also?
15:41.32Aarojawhere is that?
15:41.45wereHamstervariables loaded is fired very early in the login process
15:42.35wereHamsterwhere that is? these are events just like VARIABLES_LOADED
15:42.48Aarojathe event "player_login" is fired automaticaly?
15:43.02Aarojaor do I have to register it?
15:43.18wereHamsteryou have to register _every_ event you want to receive
15:43.34Aarojalet me try something :)
15:43.48dylanmUnless you're using one of the frameworks. Don't know if you are.
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15:46.50Aarojathis is the updated lua now
15:47.07Aarojanow I fired the SendChatMessage on the Event "PLAYER_LOGIN"
15:47.23Aarojabut I think thats to early too
15:47.53Aarojamaybe "PLAYER_ALIVE" is better
15:48.08wereHamsterFired when the player: Releases from death to a graveyard. Accepts a resurrect before releasing their spirit.
15:48.22wereHamstergreeting your guild everytime you die?
15:48.58Aarojathen "PLAYER_ENTERING_WOLRD"?
15:49.00WobinAside from Doug Anthony All Stars comedy songs, they do good covers too:
15:49.09WobinPaul McDermott really has a good singing voice
15:49.32wereHamsterAaroja, also fired when you change continents and enter/leave instances
15:51.06wereHamsteris that an event?
15:51.23Aarojasorry for that
15:52.46Aarojaif I can't use "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" or everything that goes after... then I can't use my addon ^.-
15:52.55Aarojabecause PLAYER_LOGIN is too early I think
15:53.04Aarojaok wait^^
15:53.10AarojaI change something and try again
15:53.16Aarojamaybe I got the right Idea
15:55.12Bela|workanyone been playing with combat log events with the latest ptr build?
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15:56.32Aarojais this part of lua correct?
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15:57.15wereHamsterguildgreet will always be nil in the event == "PLAYER_LOGIN" part
15:57.28wereHamsterit's never set
15:57.58Aarojait's set on last login
15:58.10wereHamsterevent can't be "VARIABLES_LOADED" and "PLAYER_LOGIN" at the same time
15:58.21AarojaAarojaUIVar["guildgreet"] = false is only true for the first login
15:58.23wereHamsterand guildgreet is local, not preserved across fucntion calls
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15:58.48Aarojaso guildgreet hast ot be global?
15:59.04wereHamsterif you want it to be preserved across function calls, yes
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15:59.20foxlitYou can move it out of the function, but keep it local within your file
15:59.45wereHamsterlocal guildgreet; function AarojaUIEvent() ... end
16:00.08Aarojaso i have to make it local even before the function is declared?
16:00.30Bela|workhas anyone else noticed events passing an empty table as the first argument now in 8089?
16:00.32dylanmYou make that sound unnatural :p
16:01.04Aarojahey guys it works xD
16:01.17Aarojathis was the last fault... making it local for every funktion ^^
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16:14.05Adysfor those interested
16:15.04Lopeppeppyis holding out for Blizcon
16:15.21foxlitbetter link :)
16:15.36Adysl'english c'est pour les n00bs
16:16.11foxlitNow if only number-for-letter substitution existed only in french
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16:18.09nevcairiel70€ for a ticket .. mm .. wonder if i can put enough money to the side for travel/hotel/ticket
16:18.52LopeppeppyTravel/hotel will be my careful-planning point for Blizcon....   *squirrels away her dimes*
16:20.28nevcairielby train i would travel like 9 hours, no idea how expensive flying would be
16:24.26LunessaLopeppeppy: You can split a room with me.  Saves $$
16:24.43ralfWORKso trains cost more than planes
16:24.45ralfWORKthat's sad
16:26.36LopeppeppyTrue that, Lunessa.  *hug*  I'll keep ya in mind when the announcement is made!
16:27.16nevcairiel152 € for flying .. i bet its not even cheaper with train
16:27.33LunessaI'm going this time, 'cause if I don't cog|work and mrs. cog|work  will invent a new set of gnomish devices to experiment with on me.
16:28.21LopeppeppyI totally would want to see that!
16:28.26Lopeppeppy... or just meet Mrs. Cog.
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16:37.04LunessaShe's a hoot.  :)
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16:43.20Bela|workfyi, it looks like the current PTR build has LUA_COMPAT_VARARG turned off. So if your addon uses arg to reference {...} then you might want to change it
16:43.45Bela|workor add a local arg = {...}; arg[n] = #arg; line
16:43.52nevcairielwhat now?
16:44.05nevcairieli didnt even know that was possible
16:44.24Bela|workused to return {...} silently as a variable called arg
16:44.46Bela|workbut it was deprecated in Lua 5.1, however wow had it still enabled
16:44.51wereHamsternot arg.n = #arg ?
16:44.51Bela|workuntil now
16:45.00Bela|workthat works too wereHamster
16:45.08nevcairielstupid legacy compat code, work with select :P
16:45.11Cidearg["n"] or arg.n
16:45.13Bela|workerr, yeah my version was bad
16:45.15Cidebut yeah, point still stands
16:48.16Bela|workeven with select you would still need to pack ... into a table nevcairiel
16:48.34nevcairielwait what why?
16:48.45nevcairielyou can just pass ... around
16:48.45Bela|workerr nm
16:48.53Cidenevcairiel: pass around how? :P
16:49.13LopeppeppyLike the cloven fruit?   *giggle*
16:49.18Cideya, but that assumes the functioncall accepts a vararg, too :P
16:49.21Bela|worklocal hi = select(3,...)
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16:49.31Cidecan't assign it to anything
16:49.35Cideother than a table, like Bela|work mentioned
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16:50.15Cidewishes it worked more like tuples
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17:06.19AnduinLotharMy Othello AI didn't win. But I did make it into the finals 9th of 15, out of 75 total.
17:06.34ralfWORKAnduinLothar: oh you wrote an othello ai?
17:06.50AnduinLotharyeah, for my ai class
17:07.00AnduinLotharthere was a 4 round tournament
17:08.00AnduinLotharHe altered the starting board in the finals tho, two white on top, 2 black on bottom.  None of us had tested for that. It made for more branching factor in the mid game.
17:12.14AnduinLotharthe last round robin round with 15 played took like 30 hours to complete
17:12.27AnduinLothar10 min allowed per side
17:12.46AnduinLothar24 games per ai
17:13.28ralfWORKsounds fun
17:14.01AnduinLotharhe was running it on a slow ass 1.2 ghz machine tho, so we were limitted to how deep we could go and it was hard to test since i have a quad core 2.66ghz at home..
17:14.48Bela|workthats hawt
17:15.00Bela|workmy combat log dispatcher is exactly 69kb usage
17:15.07Bela|workcouldn't have planned that better
17:15.49Bela|worknow I can add a comment saying "Combat Log Dispatcher: Making Sweet Sweet Love to your combat log"
17:16.07Cideis that 69 kilobytes, kelly-bottle standard units, intel kilobytes or drivemaker's kilobytes?
17:16.32AnduinLothardoes that replace the combat log or what?
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17:17.25Bela|workits basically like a RegisterEvent for combat logs
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17:17.55AnduinLotharso.... a wrapper?
17:17.56Bela|workit handles the job of getting all combat log events, and then passing you the ones you care about
17:18.41AnduinLothardoes it parse all the bit-code?
17:18.59Bela|workall it does is pass the combat log data to you, as is
17:19.01AnduinLotharso why not jsut register it yourself?
17:19.13Bela|workyou could, if you want to do that
17:19.23AnduinLotharwhy is yours better?
17:19.42Cidebecause it only registers the combat log event once
17:19.55Bela|workI did this to make it so I didn't have to register for COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED on every addon I used it on, and then parse out only the ones I want
17:20.10Cideyou always get all the sub-events, so a centralized callback handler/wrapper is better, and easier to use
17:20.11Bela|workits just a central way of doing it
17:20.35CideI have a similar thing myself, although that does some filtering based on bitflags too, if you want
17:21.00Bela|workyeah I may add that later
17:21.05Bela|workmaybe a separate set of returns
17:21.25LunessaThe best part about hanging out with you guys is that by the time I get around to wanting to code something, most of you have built libraries or tools that save me a ton of work.
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17:21.46Bela|workI built this for NaturECB
17:21.53Bela|workbut it could be used anywhere
17:22.29AnduinLotharyeah, I'm sorta looking for something to resurrect DM. I'm dreading writing the bit-code parsing
17:22.54Bela|workits easier than it looks
17:23.15Bela|workI do think they should move the bitcodes out to FrameXML though
17:23.30Bela|worklike the comments mention
17:23.52ScytheBlade1The bitcode really isn't that bad
17:25.10AnduinLotharwell, the issue is that i have to crunch it in to worth with the existing collection code. or rewrite the whole thing
17:25.41ScytheBlade1So it's an existing code thing ;)
17:25.50AnduinLotharyeah... and not my code either
17:26.02AnduinLothartempted to just kill the whole project
17:26.16ScytheBlade1Know how people were saying that they could write their own action bars in 40 lines once 2.0 hit?
17:26.24AnduinLotharmy ass
17:26.27ScytheBlade1You can write your own damage meter in 40 lines with 2.4
17:27.08AnduinLotharyeah, I'm sure it's easier. It doesn't make much sense to force it into the existing framework and limit the functionality
17:27.44ScytheBlade1It is absolutely trivial, given the bitcode, to fliter out anything you please, without limits
17:27.46AnduinLotharThe onyl real reason to do it is to save the GUI
17:28.37AnduinLotharand the name
17:28.51AnduinLotharand the users
17:29.20ScytheBlade1You have rights to the name - nuke it all, and rebuild the GUI to match. The GUI is incredibly simple, from what I remember
17:29.41AnduinLothardon't have time for that really
17:30.03AnduinLotharalready rewriting Archaeologist from scratch
17:30.26AnduinLotharand a table parsing middle man for the new UI options
17:31.00AnduinLotharand i have a network security final in 2 hrs!
17:31.08AnduinLotharpretends to study
17:31.10Bela|workcurrent combat log code seems to work on 2.4 as long as the end-user has the filter set to everything
17:31.25Bela|workbut thats unreliable
17:31.31Bela|workyeah, NaturECB works
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17:31.43ScytheBlade1So they didn't nuke the existing events?
17:31.50Bela|workminus a couple things I had to rip out, like the checks for CombatLogRange
17:31.58Bela|worksince they no longer exist
17:32.12Bela|workdoesn't appear so
17:32.26Bela|workalthough i haven't tried it on this build
17:32.32dylanmI thought that they said that they would. Oh well.
17:32.43Bela|workmaybe they will, but it worked as of last ptr build
17:33.50Bela|workI made NaturECB work without rewriting it that way, so that I had more time to do my rewrite
17:33.58Bela|worklike an interim release
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17:42.08ScytheBlade1KDE4 = pretty
17:42.15ScytheBlade1It's also unusable, for the curious
17:42.30hastethat's why we use wmii with your own lua rc
17:43.03ScytheBlade1lol @ lua rc
17:43.42hasteit generates less wakeup calls on my laptop than the default one in bash :3
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18:06.18foxlitKeyBindingFrame_OnKeyDown is major QQ material :(
18:07.12foxlitIt integrates a bit too closely into the default keybindings UI to be pulled out and used as is
18:07.56MentalPowermake your own
18:08.05foxlitIndeed, but have you seen that function?
18:08.26foxlitIt's around a 100 lines worth of dealing with special cases
18:09.19Kaso"shouldn't we work out some generalised system for dealing with keybinding cases?" "NAH, Just Hack it in!"
18:14.13zenzelezzpokes |pez|
18:14.28|pez|zenzelezz: what?
18:14.42zenzelezztoo early to be tired now!
18:14.56|pez|damn straight, I'm working from midnight to 8am. :P
18:16.13zenzelezzeither you have a weird word for it or you have weird work hours
18:17.11AnduinLotharI'm tired and i have a final in 2 hrs. this is bad
18:17.33|pez|zenzelezz: 'it' ? :P
18:17.37|pez|I'm at The Gathering.
18:17.51zenzelezzworking there?
18:20.49AtriaceWell, I'm stumped.  I've been trying to get a new dropdownmenu that's a replica of the PlayerFrame one.  I've followed the HOWTO on wowwiki, and I've compared/utilized the code from PlayerFrame.xml & PlayerFrame.lua, but nothing appears to be happening.
18:20.59AtriaceIf anyone could lend a hand:
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18:23.19AtriaceIt's occured to me that maybe it is working, but simply offscreen (or under a layer).  Still... if someone could at least verify what I have *should* be working, that'd be sweet.
18:23.49AnduinLothardoesn't that try to open the PlayerFrameDropDown, which is anchored to the player frame?
18:24.25AtriaceI thought PlayerFrameDropDown was the table entry.
18:24.37AnduinLotharToggleDropDownMenu(level, value, dropDownFrame, anchorName, xOffset, yOffset)
18:25.35AnduinLothartry ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, SUI_Self_DropDown, "SUI_Self_Button", 106, 27);
18:25.51AnduinLotharand UnitPopup_ShowMenu(SUI_Self_DropDown, "SELF", "player")
18:26.47AtriaceNo luck.  But I have a feeling that was a step in the right direction.
18:28.36AtriaceJust looking at the code, I'm not sure where it's pulling the menu options from.
18:28.48AnduinLotharmight have to add SUI_Self_DropDown to UnitPopupFrames
18:28.56AnduinLotharin UnitPopup.lua
18:31.26AtriaceHa.   Isengard is on the map...
18:32.04AnduinLothartinsert(UnitPopupFrames, SUI_Self_DropDown)
18:32.13AnduinLotharand hope that doesn't taint it
18:33.47AtriaceDoesn't seem to have an effect.
18:34.09AtriaceThere was one other line which I omitted though...  SecureUnitButton_OnLoad(this, "player", showmenu)
18:34.36AtriaceI'm not seeing its purpose yet.
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18:35.06|pez|zenzelezz: yes.
18:35.09AnduinLotharit's for secure template functions
18:35.29AnduinLothardon't think it's related to the menu
18:36.03AnduinLotharbut i could be wrong
18:37.39AnduinLotharyour SUI_Self_DropDown needs anchors i think
18:38.59AtriaceIt's parented to SUI_SelfFrame.  It should be anchored to the center of it.
18:39.58AnduinLotharah ok. the SecureUnitButton_OnLoad is used in combination with the secure onclick handler
18:40.54AnduinLotharso you dont need it, your onclick should work
18:40.59AnduinLothardunno what to tell you
18:41.38AnduinLothardid you register for click?
18:41.43AnduinLothari spose buttons are by default
18:41.52AtriaceWell, thanks for the help, though.  :)
18:42.38AtriaceI don't believe buttons require register for click.  The Howto didn't mention anything about it either.
18:44.59AnduinLotharhmmm if you're using SecureUnitButtonTemplate you may have to use the SecureUnitButton_OnLoad, not sure
18:45.33AnduinLotharshouldn't need to inherit it if you only want the menu
18:46.30AnduinLothar maybe
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19:21.18NightHawkTheSaneAnnoying thing #458: People who set out-of-office auto-reply rules.
19:21.21cog|workbashes his head on his keyboard repeatedly for forgetting that HTML ids are case sensitive
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19:29.08AtriaceYou know, its' funny.  I'm not a programmer at heart.  There was this guy that offered to help me with code a while back, but I haven't been able find him since.  Being an artist, I wish I could simply offload some of these code portions to someone else to do. :/
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19:30.10AtriaceI've got most of the UI up and running, save for action bars and popupmenus.  And those use the Securexxx stuff.  I'm still wrapping my head around it.
19:30.25AtriaceI desperately want to get this done before 2.4 comes out.
19:30.56cog|workAtriace: you're not Cowgra, are you?
19:31.08AtriaceNope.   Ansu of Dalaran.
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19:31.46cog|workCowgra was in a similar situation and I was "this guy" but i haven't seen him since...
19:32.00Fisker-mean you cog|work
19:32.02AtriaceWhat irony.
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19:34.23Amarandehmm, anyone know how to make Bartender3's bar 1 be a fixed bar?
19:34.43AmarandeI just died thanks to a behavior that probably absolutely no one running bt3 ever runs into more than once in a blue moon :S
19:36.52AtriaceFixed?  As in not paging to another bar?
19:38.29sag_ich_nichtsome shaman here to confirm my suspicion that Anetheron's sleep can in fact NOT be dispelled by tremor totem and that it was only a bug that allowed this to happen? -_-
19:38.32AmarandeI just died because all my fighting skills pretty much are on bar 1, and somehow it got turned into a clone of bar 3, not exactly sure how it got shifted
19:38.36AtriaceRight-click the bartender icon, go to Bar1 -> Button Paging -> Enable/Disable
19:38.54AmarandeThanks :)
19:39.01AmarandeToo bad I'll have to do it again in a week or so
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19:57.20*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | WoW programming book | "the best shit about drinking is that you end up drunk" - Tierrie
20:01.44KasoA freaking nerf machine gun
20:02.25ralfWORKnerf? QQ
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20:20.57DumanLOL @
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20:24.13ralfWORKhurts... so bad...
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20:41.57|pez|does anyone recognize the game this little screenie is from .
20:42.32Cidethat would be worms
20:42.54|pez|awesome, thanks.
20:48.19Shirikso I guess it's time to vendor my moonclothr robe :<
20:48.24Shiriksighs. I knew thee well.
20:48.34Cidewhy vendor it?
20:48.34ralfWORKoldschool mooncloth robe?
20:48.36Cidejust destroy that pos
20:48.53Cidesorry Shirik, I had to flame you
20:49.02CideI can't help it; it's so fun!
20:49.10Shirikit holds many memories :(
20:49.19CideI still have my benediction around so
20:49.25Cidethere there
20:49.25ShirikI still want one
20:49.33ralfWORKI don't have a benediction :(
20:49.37Shirikneed to go convince people to run MC
20:49.46kaso_i love my bene
20:49.47ralfWORKno I solo mc kk
20:49.51Cide'there there.. do you want to talk?' 'no' 'good. 'there there' was really all I had.'
20:50.09Cideof course, nobody will get the reference :/
20:50.21Cidemaybe Shirik
20:50.36Cidefor the sole reason that I've said it in here before :P
20:51.26zenzelezzwell, we would know it, but no-one listens to you anyway
20:52.02Cidealthough it appears that you're right.. nobody is replying to my ticket!
20:52.11Cidebut it's only 1hr old so I still have faith
20:52.18ralfWORKwhat's the ticket for
20:52.54ralfWORKI see
20:53.22AmarandeI put in a GM ticket a few weeks ago
20:53.31Amarandethe response basically amounted to "sorry, but you will have to go farm more fel iron"
20:53.56ralfWORKI need someone in my guild to make mana pot injectors :(
20:54.21Amarandeapparently, there was this weird glitch where I got DC'd while heading back to the Sha'tar camp after doing a quest in the birdmen camp towards the east part of Terokkar
20:54.37AmarandeI had just stopped in the south-middle part of Auchindoun and then I got DC'd
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20:54.54Amarandenext thing I knew, I was back on top of the birdmen tower, and the point of JC I had earned while walking the distance was gone
20:55.07Amarandethough, strangely, the item I had created to earn that point of JC was still there :S
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20:55.32Amarande324 is probably one of the worst spots to have that happen to
20:55.41ralfWORKoh so I found out somehing weird the other day
20:55.43Amarandeactually, 300 would probably be the worst point to lose, followed by 299, 324, 325
20:55.53AmarandeEven 375 isn't as bad of a point to lose, if it happens
20:56.03ralfWORKwas in the middle of fighting nalorakk
20:56.12ralfWORKgot disconnected
20:56.13Amarande375 = just spend another 100g or so on a skyfire or earthstorm diamond and do another meta cut, then put it back on AH :)
20:56.24ralfWORKquit wow
20:56.26ralfWORKcame  back on
20:56.32ralfWORKhow about I had full HP and mana
20:59.23zenzelezzI'm the cheap kind, I don't buy materialsfor leveling tradeskills unless I absolutely must
20:59.37zenzelezzfor blacksmithing I flew all over Shadowmoon for a week gathering adamantite and making adamantite cleavers
20:59.43zenzelezzcause they only required bars
20:59.56Saint-Nflying is easy mode ;)
21:00.01Saint-Nwhat if you had to ride ;lP
21:00.03ralfWORKnot looking forward to leveling that up
21:00.04zenzelezznot with slow bird
21:00.11ralfWORKslow bird ftl
21:00.11Saint-Nthen you would have hearthed and hit the ah ;P
21:00.33zenzelezzI wouldn't have 14k if I had spent it all on fast mounts or materials
21:00.33Saint-Neven slow flying is good though
21:00.42zenzelezzI had my route, it worked well
21:00.42Saint-Nit means not having to fight things on yer way places
21:00.50zenzelezzjust the last few points took tons and tons of cleavers to ding
21:01.01Saint-Nliterally tons ;)
21:01.14zenzelezzbut still, earning 8g per cleaver wasn't all bad
21:01.23Saint-NI did 375 tailoring twice ;P
21:01.29Saint-Nonce my original run
21:01.34Saint-Nthen I switched from moon to shadow
21:01.53Saint-Nprior to thier "reset to 300" thing
21:02.04ralfWORKyou mean the "we don't reset at all" thing?
21:02.15Saint-Nyou can drop it completely and redo it ;P
21:02.28Saint-Nso yeah I did 375 tailor twice
21:02.32ralfWORKnaw, I switched PMC -> SW the other day
21:02.37ralfWORKdidn't lose a single skill
21:02.49Saint-Nthis was prior to that ability
21:03.05Saint-Nit wasn't bad actually
21:03.12Saint-Nas a shadow priest farming cloth is easy ;P
21:03.16Saint-Ndot dot dot
21:03.19Saint-Nsit and wait
21:03.21ralfWORKyea I suppose
21:03.38Saint-Nplus ihad two farmers farming netherweave for me ;P
21:03.41Saint-Nand runcloth
21:03.51Saint-Nfor like 25% ah pricing cuz I was doing bulk and I'm lazy
21:03.51ralfWORKohhh hax
21:04.20Saint-Nwe actually had a whole cloth industry on my server
21:04.47Saint-N6 of us all had our cooldowns on cloth timed so that every two days we could produce
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21:04.55Saint-Nand we'd just swap what we needed
21:05.10Saint-Nit was handy ;P
21:05.17ralfWORKI haven't made a single piece of shadowweave since switching lol
21:05.33Saint-Nyou're a warrior aren't you ;)
21:05.46ralfWORKI have a warrior :)
21:06.10ralfWORKI shamed all my guildies into making the shadowcloth for me while I was holy
21:06.19ralfWORKthen got the gems together
21:06.28ralfWORKswitched and within 20m, had my stuff put together
21:06.31Saint-NI don't think all my stuff has gems
21:06.40Saint-N!c us echo isles rozalyn
21:06.40ralfWORKwtf not even cheapies?
21:11.16Tem|afkGo the AH and buy some green gems
21:11.26Tem|afkDO IT
21:11.28Tem|afkDO IT NOW
21:15.01Shirikdamn I have a lot of spirit
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21:20.48IndustrialAnyone here have a Geforce 8800GTS (512) card ?
21:21.00IndustrialWhat's your performance in wow in terms of FPS
21:21.27Industrial(not including 'addon lag' (:|) ofcourse)
21:23.45batrickI had 40fps in some places with two screens on one card, usually 60fps tho
21:23.55zenzelezzI appear to have the 320 MB version, and I have pretty good FPS
21:24.36Industrialdamn, cause I get like 20fps when looking around in outlands
21:24.37zenzelezzvaries from place to place and how much graphical crap is going on, but usually I'm between 30 and 60 FPS (on 1920x1200, with a 1280x1024 also)
21:24.41Industrial60 if I look at the floor
21:24.48Industrialyeah same then
21:24.59zenzelezzmostly I have no issues with it
21:25.25IndustrialGuess thats just wow/mmorpg's then. I'm now downloading fortress forever to see how it does with that
21:25.37Industrial(hl2/source engine) releases some awesome drivers for Nvidia and other cards
21:27.46Nechcknsome of them speed up, especially gaming performace, dramatically.  I've always had good luck with 'em
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21:28.02zenzelezzthanks fior the tip
21:28.05Cidenvidia's drivers speed things up, too
21:28.09Cidejust don't rename the .exe
21:28.21Cideof your games
21:30.39Nechcknnice thing is that there are alot of users of various cards who rate the different driver sets and all, so if you have a specific card, you can look for a specific release, etc.  Reg is needed to post on forums, but again, i've never had issues with spam or other crap.  =)
21:36.15Nechckntotally seperate thing... if frikin' amazing!
21:36.32Nechcknrapid prototyping at it's Capitalistic best!
21:44.27Mr_Rabies2had a credit but didnt feel like paying for it
21:44.47Mr_Rabies2in the drawing or whatever
21:45.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Athrun-- (
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21:47.40cog|workthey need to hire more minions imo...
21:50.30Lunessaneed more machines.
21:51.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
21:52.15MentalPowerlua> a = 12345 b = "Hello" c = "Bye" d = "Aloha" pp{a = a, b = b, c = c or d}
21:52.15lua_botMentalPower: { ["a"] = 12345, ["c"] = "Bye", ["b"] = "Hello" } (#1)
21:52.29MentalPowerlua> a = 12345 b = "Hello" c = nil d = "Aloha" pp{a = a, b = b, c = c or d}
21:52.29lua_botMentalPower: { ["a"] = 12345, ["c"] = "Aloha", ["b"] = "Hello" } (#1)
21:52.44MentalPowerhowdy Cairenn
21:52.49Cairennhi hi
21:52.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
21:52.59*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Lopeppeppy] by ChanServ
21:53.08Josh_Borkehola Cairenn
21:53.12Cairennhi hi
21:53.16CideMentalPower: pp? pretty print?
21:53.19Cidelua> pp
21:53.20lua_botCide: function: 0x63ef30
21:53.29Josh_Borkelua> pp("Fred")
21:53.29lua_botJosh_Borke: "Fred"
21:53.41Josh_Borkelua> pp({ bob="bob" })
21:53.41lua_botJosh_Borke: { ["bob"] = "bob" } (#1)
21:53.48Josh_Borkelua> print({ bob="bob" })
21:53.48lua_botJosh_Borke: table: 0x63d960
21:54.13Cidethere's the difference :P
21:54.40MentalPowerpretty print
21:58.44foxlitIs there a magical way to get the effective action of an arbitrary macro string?
21:59.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
21:59.39foxlit(How does #showtooltip work? C does the heavy lifting?)
22:01.15MentalPoweryes, C does the heavy lifting now
22:01.25MentalPowerhowever previous versions had the code in Lua
22:01.44MentalPowerso you can go to wdn to re-use that code
22:02.27cog|workfoxlit: are you just trying to test the macro options of a single command?
22:02.45foxlitPotentially multiple commands, but I'd settle for something simplistic
22:03.45cog|workWell, you could parse each line yourself with SecureCmdOptionParse (iirc)
22:04.06cog|workbut that wouldn't get you very far with sequences...
22:05.52cog|workis there still GetActionFromMacroText?
22:06.36cog|work:( they removed it in 2.2
22:07.58foxlitSo, basically, there's no good way to determine what a securebutton with macrotext will do
22:08.22MentalPoweryou can copy that function from the 2.2 code
22:08.29cog|workit was an API
22:08.37MentalPowernm then
22:08.49MentalPowerthought it was a Lua function
22:09.01cog|workit was used in Lua before they moved some stuff C-side
22:09.15cog|workand i guess they eliminated it as "fluff"
22:10.14Finlooks around for cladhaire
22:11.30cog|workFin: check his office ;)
22:12.04FinI would if I could!
22:12.12FinI see :)
22:12.22DumanI was wondering why cog wasn't green in that thread
22:12.25Dumandamn necros
22:12.36Dumanand then they guy gets attitude
22:13.23*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
22:14.07Finta cog
22:16.14*** part/#wowi-lounge MySpoons2Big (
22:18.41*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
22:20.20ShirikMy +healing goes down by 380 when I have malchazeen out
22:20.51art3misyou should get pants without a broken zipper then ;P
22:21.38art3misdoes your stamnia go up when "malchazeen" is out?
22:23.07cog|workDuman: better? ;)
22:23.46Shirikno art3mis my stamina goes down too
22:23.48Shirikit's sad
22:25.06art3mispoor little guy
22:26.01NechcknShirik  you know, there are pills now that can help with all that  =)
22:29.33MentalPoweris "return value or functionCall()" still a tailcall?
22:30.30|pez|This is oh so not a good sign.
22:30.36|pez|I start working in like 30 minutes.
22:30.40|pez|and I'm dead tired.
22:31.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Trapnest (n=uhu@
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22:31.14nevcairielMentalPower: i suppose that migh still count
22:31.24Trapnesthi all
22:31.38MentalPoweryeah, my thought too, but I wanted verification
22:31.40AmarandeQuote added as #852040. Thanks for participating. :-)
22:33.25Trapnestcan anyone help me? i've been searching for one of the blizzards novels, but can't find it do download anywhere. (i'd buy it if i could, but i live outside US and don't have an international credit card)
22:33.49MentalPowerthey take local CCards
22:33.51Trapnestand i'm searching for "rise of the horde" ><
22:34.05Trapnestwell... i dont have any ccard, thats the problem :(
22:34.13MentalPowerah, point
22:34.34MentalPowerwell, downloading it is not really legal
22:34.57Trapnesterm... yeah, i know... ><
22:35.21Trapnestbut it's not like i have much choice...
22:35.36AmarandeTrapnest, do they sell prepaid Visa or American Express cards where you are?
22:35.44nevcairieldoesnt amazon sell them or something?
22:36.10Trapnestprepaid cards? Oo never heard of it... how does that work?
22:37.14AmarandeTrapnest: they're usually sold as gift cards and come in, well here in the states anyway, 25, 50, 100 values and you pay a small fee when you buy them
22:37.57Cidethat isn't a tailcall
22:38.08nevcairielanyway, any bookstore should be able to get the book for you using the ISBN
22:38.48Trapnestoh really?
22:39.29nevcairielat least thats how it works here, i just lookup the ISBN, and tell them to order it for me
22:40.26Cideyep, that's kind of the whole point of ISBN :P
22:40.46MentalPowerlua> function f() return true and f() end f()
22:40.46lua_botMentalPower: luabot:1: stack overflow
22:40.51Trapnesterm... how can i find out this ISBN?
22:40.52MentalPowerlua> function f() return false or f() end f()
22:40.52lua_botMentalPower: luabot:1: stack overflow
22:41.01MentalPowerTrapnest: amazon
22:41.08AmarandeAm I right that Mechanar is now the shortest instance in WoW?
22:41.18AmarandeI used to think it was SM Library, but I'm pretty sure even that is a little longer
22:41.22CideAmarande: technically that would be hall of legends or whatever
22:41.28Tullermechanar short?
22:41.32AmarandeCide: ok, the shortest "instance that's actually a dungeon with mobs"
22:41.38nevcairielmechanar is short, you can do heroic in 30mins
22:41.47Cidesm library is shorter
22:41.50Amarandeespecially if you have a warlock
22:41.53Cidenot library
22:41.56Cidesm cathedral
22:42.01Tulleryeah well I was thinking of uhh...
22:42.02Cideshould be the shortest?
22:42.06Cideor sm graveyard
22:42.08Amarandefinal mech boss can be painful, but when you have a warlock you can banish one add AND fear another :)
22:42.22nevcairielwe just mass fear the adds
22:42.32nevcairielon 20% they despawn anyway
22:42.42Amarandeheh, loot went strangely with that boss
22:43.05Amarandethe caster helm dropped ... ended up going to the priest, weirdly enough
22:43.15zenzelezzIllidan must have won... Outland just went down on my realm
22:43.31AmarandeI looked at the priest like "that's a dps helm, not a healer" :|
22:43.36nevcairieltrue stockades is even shorter
22:43.44Amarandethen I looked more closely and ask the mage "um why didn't you roll on it, that's a mage helm!"
22:43.49Amarandeapparently the mage already had an epic, though
22:44.03Cideisn't sm cath shorter than stockades?
22:44.09Cideor graveyard
22:44.14CideI guess stockades is pretty damn short
22:44.29AmarandeShortest is probably either Mech or one of the SMs
22:44.35Amarandeactually, wait
22:44.41Amarandeif you add raid instances, might even be Maggie
22:44.43Nechcknanyone know off hand if Hyal has some sort of rare ore available to be mined?
22:44.52nevcairielstockades is a joke of a instance :P
22:44.55Cidewell, I think we have an unclear definition of what 'short' is
22:45.02Finit's not if you do it at the right level!
22:45.03nevcairielNechckn: no it doesnt
22:45.07AmarandeCide: "which one takes the least time for an appropriately leveled group to go through"
22:45.10Nechcknnevcairiel  thank you!
22:45.12Amarandewhich, I suspect is Mechanar, in the end
22:45.26CideAmarande: stockades is shorter than mech time-wise
22:45.33nevcairiellike i said, mechanar heroic 30 minutes is pretty short =P
22:45.50Cidehow long does black morass take?
22:45.50Finappropriately geared should be added to that definition :P
22:45.59nevcairieloh yeah
22:46.03Fin40 minutes with moderately good gear
22:46.04nevcairielmorass takes about 20 minutes
22:46.15Finbut, you're time limited by the rate at which the guys spawn
22:46.23AmarandeLongest is probably ... hmm, not counting raids, probably either BRD, LBRS, Scholomance, or Shadow Labs?
22:46.27Cideya, but how long does it take between spawns? :P
22:46.31Josh_Borke~lart Cide
22:46.31purlresizes Cide's terminal to 40x24
22:46.36Josh_Borke~lart Nevcairiel
22:46.36purlwhips Nevcairiel with a wet and grimy noodle just because
22:46.36Cidefull brd for sure
22:46.39Finfair amount of time! if you kill em quick!
22:46.40purlFAIL, Shirik, FAIL!
22:46.49Cidecouldn't resist
22:46.57Shirikwhat did I do :<
22:47.03AmarandeDefinitely not Strat, otherwise there wouldn't be a quest for a 45 min strat run
22:47.08CideShirik: oh, nothing
22:47.19AmarandeI don't know ST at all, Mara maybe but I don't think that's as long as BRD
22:47.40NechcknST is shorter than full mara... imo
22:47.40Josh_Borkeshadow labs is short
22:47.53AmarandeArcatraz? I've heard that one takes a while
22:47.59Cideonly if you suck
22:48.00Josh_BorkeST is shorter than full mara, agreed
22:48.08Josh_Borkeor only have 4 people
22:48.23AmarandeIt's been a while since I did much instancing
22:48.29nevcairieli put my money on BRD
22:48.33Cideme too
22:48.36Amarandeon my warlock, I've only gone to DM West, Scholo, Mana Tombs, and Mechanar
22:48.37nevcairielor original scholomance
22:48.39nevcairielthat took ages
22:48.45nevcairielbefore nerfs
22:48.54Amarandewasn't original scholo supposed to basically be like, Kara type difficulty, anyway?
22:49.09nevcairielit always was a 5man
22:49.15nevcairielonly back then allowed 10 people in
22:49.16AmarandeI still remember the fun I had with Scholo once I got to go though
22:49.17Cidebut you could raid it :P
22:49.20Cideno no
22:49.29Amarandewe basically kept going after I got my warlock quest done until we could fight no longer
22:49.32Cideit allowed a full 40 once upon a time
22:49.34Amarandemost of us were like all red-out by the end
22:49.41nevcairielheh that was really way back
22:49.53AmarandeI still think there need to be additional boosts made to Scholo
22:49.53nevcairielor LBRS with 15
22:49.57nevcairielthat was crazy
22:50.06Amarandeeither that, or the easy way out, just let warlocks use the Shattrath alchemy lab to do that part of the quest
22:50.10dylanmNo one does it anymore, do they?
22:50.19nevcairielscholo is so easy now
22:50.26Amarandedylanm: Scholo is still mandatory for both warlocks and paladins for their epic mounts
22:50.29nevcairieli can solo it when i spec feral
22:50.32dylanmAmarande: I was getting to that :p
22:50.39AmarandeI think Paladins can avoid an actual run if they can buy dark runes from AH, but warlocks have to go
22:50.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (i=UPP@
22:50.53dylanmBut I don't think there's anything you can do to make that enjoyable. People just want to get the hell out.
22:50.55nevcairielpallys have to fight some mob down there
22:51.02Amarandenev: thought that was Strat
22:51.11Josh_Borkepaladins go for their last step
22:51.16nevcairielsome mob in the ratlegore room
22:51.26AmarandeBasically, there's two things I can think of to make Scholo more palatable
22:51.44nevcairielthey're already undead, what do you want? :P
22:51.58Amarandeeither boost the loot (as well as the loot from LBRS, Dire Maul and Strat) to be on par with Hellfire Ramparts so there's equal motivation to go to any of the instances around that level
22:52.20nevcairielscholo is like 56-58 these days imho
22:52.25Amarandeor add a heroic mode, maybe at level 80
22:52.46Amarandeseeing that the whole lich king thing ties in so heavily with the plaguelands lore, some 80 content there would be interesting
22:53.01nevcairielthere will be stratholme CoT
22:53.04nevcairielthat will be nice
22:53.12Josh_Borkejust let it die imo
22:53.25nevcairiel~lart Josh_Borke
22:53.25purlbreaks out the Hoover and sucks up Josh_Borke
22:53.31AmarandeJosh: would be fine if people didn't still need plaguelands instances for quests
22:53.43Josh_Borkeoh yea!  just like that baby!
22:53.57AmarandeLike I said, the easy out for Warlock epic mount would be to change the imp jar to be able to work at the Shattrath alchemy lab
22:53.57Josh_Borkehome time for me
22:53.58*** join/#wowi-lounge enum (
22:53.58nevcairiellike i said, scholomance is so damn easy now ..
22:53.59Josh_Borkelater fellas
22:54.04Josh_Borkenevcairiel: not at 60
22:54.09Amarandebut then you still have DM to deal with
22:54.20nevcairielJosh_Borke: i did scholomance at 60 too, and it is damn easy :P
22:54.33nevcairieli know its original form
22:54.33enumanyone have a link to creating minimap icons?
22:54.35*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
22:54.38Josh_Borkeno shit, so do i
22:54.41nevcairielit was _hard_ back then :P
22:54.46Josh_Borkeactually, no, i did it after the first nerf
22:54.52cncfanaticsanyone in the EU also not able to connect atm ?
22:55.04dylanmI've heard that.
22:55.09wereHamsterenum, link to what? an application or guide how to create the icons?
22:55.14Amarandethough you'd think people would LOVE to go to Scholomance
22:55.20Amarandeespecially with the Arena becoming such a big thing
22:55.29nevcairielwhy? the instance stinks :P
22:55.31enumah, sorry. spaced out while typing, a guide or example would be nice
22:55.32cncfanaticsscholomance, why would you want to go there ? :o
22:55.43Amarandeum, Portals deck anyone?
22:55.51Amarandethat's considered one of the best trinkets for arena, IIRC
22:55.59cncfanaticswhat does it do again ?
22:56.05wereHamsterenum, take any addon that creates such icon and copy their code
22:56.06Cideportals = 10% resurrect
22:56.10Cidethat's a shitty arena trinket
22:56.16dylanmIt's fun when it works.
22:56.20Cidebut not good
22:56.25Amarandeyeah, when it works, it often changes the tide of battle
22:56.33Cidebut you want to rely on skill
22:56.34Cidenot luck
22:56.35AmarandeI've heard tales of that thing proccing three times in a row, too :)
22:56.41Cide>>> 0.1^3
22:56.41CideCide: 0.001
22:56.43Cidethere you go
22:56.56Amarandein any case, everyone loves the portals deck
22:57.03Amarandeand the only place to get the Ace is from Gandling
22:57.03Cideya, but not in arenas :)
22:57.11Amarandethen there's the matter of BGs
22:57.12Cideor the auction house
22:57.23dylanmIf you have Spirit of Redemption you get two chances to win, apparently.
22:57.27Cidesorry, I just feel like arguing
22:57.30Cideyou'll get used to it
22:57.31Amarandesince 2.3, by far the easiest way to get large brilliant shards is to go to DM, Scholo, LBRS etc.
22:57.42Cidewho wants lbs though?
22:57.47nevcairieli would rather to DM for shards
22:57.54AmarandeCide: required for twink heaven crusader enchant
22:58.03Cidedoesn't twink
22:58.04Amarandehell, not even just for twinks
22:58.11Cideyes, it is just for twinks :P
22:58.12Amarandesay you want to level a warrior prot
22:58.23Amarandesomething like crusader will make your leveling process a lot more pleasant
22:58.25sag_ich_nichtif you have spirit of redemption you prevent me from casting a rez in the microsecond that i'm out of combat while battling the trash in hyjal causing us to have one healer less for at least a wave because improved death sucks
22:58.27nevcairielhow silly o.O
22:58.27Cidewell, you don't level as prot
22:58.29cncfanaticsfuck, my WoW doesn't want to login :(
22:58.30Cideor holy, or disc
22:58.34sag_ich_nichtcncfanatics: mine neither
22:58.37Cideyou level as arms or fury or shadow
22:58.39Amarandeand make everyone love you, since instance groups are always desperate for tanks
22:58.43nevcairiellogin server is f'cked
22:58.45sag_ich_nichtcncfanatics: EU login servers down i assume
22:58.46Cidewho instances anyway?
22:58.49Amarandeehh, prot has its advantages
22:58.55Amarandesuch as that you die a lot less often and take less damage
22:58.56Cidenot while leveling :)
22:59.02nevcairielsrsly, who instances while leveling these days
22:59.10Amarandenev: melee
22:59.11nevcairieljust get a 70 to pull you through for the lootz
22:59.21Amarandeunless you really want to spend a mint on AH every few levels, you better instance
22:59.34CideI disagree
22:59.40dylanmThe gear is nice but it's nowhere near necessary.
22:59.41cncfanaticsAmarande: not true, quest rewards are more then enough
22:59.55Cidebut you're right in that *if* you want to instance, prot is viable
22:59.59nevcairieli leveled a dual weild warrior 3 month ago or so
23:00.03nevcairieli didnt buy weapons
23:00.20nevcairielonly instances i did were with some 70 helping
23:00.28nevcairielfirst instance i ever tanked was on 69
23:00.39AmarandeCide: also that Crusader makes your solo time as prot a lot easier?
23:00.57Cidebut we established that if you solo as prot, you're doing the Wrong Thing(tm)
23:00.59Amarandein any case
23:01.06AmarandeALL enchanters need large brilliant shards
23:01.14Amarandebecause if memory serves me well
23:01.21AmarandeBOTH the arcanite and fel iron enchanting rods require a number of them
23:01.42Amarandeand I'm pretty sure the only -at all- efficient source is the blues from the top level Azeroth instances no one goes to
23:01.57IndustrialSo I'm considering going elemental with my (now 58) shammy. Already have,, from quests (and some other gear from azeroth). The question is; Will I be able to heal instances
23:02.02Industrial? :>
23:02.21AmarandeIndustrial: depends on your mana management
23:02.41Amarandefrom my experiences as a shadow specced priest, being able to off-spec heal in normal instances is a matter of whether you are able to keep it going without going oom
23:02.53Falcon21_An ele shammy should be able to heal all the way up to 70
23:03.15sag_ich_nicht[00:01] <Amarande> and I'm pretty sure the only -at all- efficient source is the blues from the top level Azeroth instances no one goes to <--BS, dis a bunch of greens and you get them fast enough
23:03.34art3misfor the most part thats the only major drawback to taking in a shadow priest as a healer
23:03.36Industrialok cool cause that means i can get instances
23:03.46Industrialwhich were a problem for my hunter
23:03.54Amarandeheh, my hunter is glad to be BS/Engineering
23:04.04Amarandewhich means he can fill most of his slots with decent purples at 70 without need for instancing
23:04.25Amarande(attack power bonus on the BS mail set *does* apply to guns too, right?)
23:04.27art3misyeah yer hunter is totally BS
23:04.41AmarandeI never did quite figure out whether straight AP boosts also work on ranged
23:05.14Falcon213they do
23:05.15dylanmLike Equip: Increase attack power by blah blah/
23:05.17dylanmThey do.
23:05.21Amarandeahh, good
23:05.30Amarandelooks like the mail armorsmithing epics are right up a hunter's alley then
23:05.37Falcon213unless Ranged or Melee is specified, AP is AP
23:05.59Amarandemy warrior went Alchemist/Herbalism
23:06.14Amarandewhich I think will become more useful with 2.4, I'm looking at how good the Guardian's Alchemist Stone will be
23:06.35Amarandeand really the alchemist's stone is more useful for a warrior than one might at first sight think
23:07.03Amarandeseeing as other than carrying a healthstone provided by a friendly lock, the only real combat heal a solo warrior has is the pot
23:07.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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23:07.52zenzelezzwell, not "heal", but there are a few of the +max HP trinkets around
23:08.10Amarandeyeah, I'm thinking to "how can I save myself if I'm taking a real beating in combat"
23:08.25Amarandeand really, healthstones and pots are the only self-activatable things that a warrior can have that I can think of
23:08.41Amarandeso that 40% boost to a healing potion helps a lot
23:08.59Amarandesure, it would help a bunch of other characters, but that would basically be saying that ALL your characters should respec to alchemist so they can take advantage of the stone :)
23:09.30Amarandeand one of my goals, anyhow, is to get all ten professions represented among five characters
23:09.37AmarandeI may yet have 375 in all ten by WOTLK heh
23:09.52Falcon213lol, that would be cool
23:10.02Amarandeis not sure what my inscriptionist come WOTLK will take as a secondary. :S
23:10.25Falcon213I'm gonna drop mining on my mage for inscriptions
23:10.33Falcon213AFTER hitting 80
23:10.46AmarandeI used to have Eng/Mining on my hunter, but changed to Eng/BS
23:10.51Falcon213so I can still make $$ while leveling and the stuff is worth the most
23:10.57AmarandeI have a 375 miner with a flying mount, no sense in grinding mining again on another character
23:11.15Amarandemy inscriptions character will possibly be a death knight, anyway, so leveling will be easier
23:11.36enummost will probably do that in the beginning
23:11.40Amarandedo you expect a warrior and paladin shortage once DK goes live, or do you think it will be a passing fad?
23:12.45*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
23:12.52Amarandemyself I suppose it might depend on how the DK stacks up vs. the Paladin
23:13.06Amarandemight make warriors less common other than in well supported guilds, though
23:13.12Amarandebut hell, paladins do that to some degree
23:13.17Amarandeespecially since paladins actually LOVE to level as prot
23:13.17foxlitDKs don't heal
23:13.20dylanmYou don't really need that many warriors.
23:13.21foxlitMajority of paladins do :)
23:13.30dylanmAt least as things stand.
23:13.42AmarandeI don't run a Paladin on my usual server though
23:13.51Amarandeafter realizing "oh god I would need a group for scholomance again" :S
23:13.57Falcon213I see DKs as being more DPS than tank
23:14.03Falcon213after all, they can't use a shield
23:14.21Amarandeyeah, DKs will probably be tried, and then universally hated except for the few that raiding guilds will be fighting over trying to get
23:14.27Amarandesomething like wammos in GW heh
23:14.32cncfanaticsFalcon213 druids can't use shields either can they ?
23:14.39Amarandeno wait, not like wammos, more like assassins in GW
23:15.02Falcon213no, but druids can't do much DPS when in bear form either.. it's not really the same thing
23:15.09Amarandesince they can't tank, and a lot of noobs will think "IM MELEE HEY I CAN TANK"
23:15.12wereHamstercncfanatics, no but in bear form they get like +30% AC
23:15.12AmarandeFalcon213: depends on gear
23:15.13cncfanaticsFalcon213 can a tank do dps in tank gear ?
23:15.25Amarandea well geared druid can switch roles from bear/cat with little change in DPS
23:15.28cncfanaticsthey'll just do something in the DK prot tree similar to what they did to druids
23:15.54Falcon213but I'm saying I don't even think that DK will have a prot tree
23:16.01Falcon213I could be entirely wrong, though too
23:16.29foxlitWhat's a backreference in a preg replace?
23:16.30cncfanaticsFalcon213, they said they will be a tank class, so yes your wrong
23:16.46foxlit(assuming I wanted a capture to be part of a replacement)
23:16.49Falcon213cncfanatics: oh, ok, I missed that
23:16.56Amarandecnc: most likely a secondary tank class at best, like bear druids
23:17.09Amarandethere's a lot of raid stuff that you really need a MT with a shield
23:17.14cncfanaticsAmarande : some people consider all classes but warriors "secondary tanks", I think thats silly personaly
23:17.23cncfanaticsall tanks are about equal atm imho
23:17.35Amarandebasically ... agh, what's it, Crushing Blows that you can't avoid without shields or 100% dodge?
23:17.36cncfanaticsAmarande: where is the shield part important on bosses ?
23:17.47cncfanaticsAmarande: druid armor ...
23:18.00Amarandeeven with druid armor, some of that puts a huge strain on the healers
23:18.02cncfanaticsa crushing blow on a druid is not nearly as heavy as one on a warrior
23:18.12cncfanaticsAmarande: what class do you play ?
23:18.13Amarandeenough to make raid guilds prefer shield blockers
23:18.21Amarandecnc: mainly DPS caster classes
23:18.24FinI have to say I prefer healing warriors
23:18.27Amarandeoccasionally hunter, have a low level prot warrior
23:18.31Finthey don't get such large spikes
23:18.42cncfanaticsAmarande: I have a paladin, a rogue, and a mage 70, and trust me, all tanks are pretty equal imho :p
23:18.55Finit's more predictable health drops
23:18.55Finshrugs, minor difference though
23:19.03Fin(although pally tanks can fuck right off - at least all the one's I've healed)
23:19.03zenzelezzI think DKs will find their place to vary wildly among guilds, much like druids and paladins
23:19.03zenzelezzsome will like them as tanks, others won'
23:19.06Amarandealso on the subject of crits, crushing etc.
23:19.13Amarandehow useful is resilience when soloing?
23:19.20cncfanaticsFin: I got a pallytank, the mitigation should be exactly the same as a warrior's
23:19.22AmarandeI mean, not that it's useful enough to go out of your way to get
23:19.44cncfanaticsas the armor is the same, the hp is the same, the avoidance from talents is also the same
23:19.52Fincncfanatics: I would love to heal you some time :) unfortunately I've never met a decent pally tank, it seems? it's never been any fun to heal one for me, anyway
23:19.53Amarandebut does it give a noticeable boost when you happen to end up with it, such as when you fill in your gear with PvP epics because you don't have heroic/raid epics yet
23:19.56Falcon213Amarande: well, I wear my pvp gear when soloing on my mage, but that's mostly so I can gank horde =P
23:20.06cncfanatics(paladins actualy scale 1% better with stamina, but, well, what is 1% ?)
23:20.13FinI don't think they are the same though, are they?
23:20.14cncfanaticsFin: server ?
23:20.15AmarandeI'm mostly wondering if resilience would make it noticeably easier to solo elites
23:20.19Fincncfanatics: Stormrage EU
23:20.30cncfanaticsmooo, I don't got a char on that server :p
23:20.30hasteAmarande: afaik: resilience is PvP only
23:20.33Amarandesimply because elites tend to do such big crits compared to most mobs
23:20.38cncfanaticsmine are on Khadgar, Bronze Dragonflight & Kazzak
23:20.41Finwell hey, at least you're EU
23:20.44Amarandehaste: thought it was based on crits in general, whether they came from players or mobs
23:20.48Falcon213haste: it still works in pve
23:20.49Findoesn't have a character on any of those
23:21.03cncfanaticsFin: too bad :p
23:21.04haste(hence why I said afaik :p)
23:21.06Amarandebut mobs also have crushing blows, which resilience doesn't AFAIK help with
23:21.15zenzelezzspell penetration is the PvP only one
23:21.21cncfanaticsAmarande: most elite mobs that are actualy soloable don't crush
23:21.25cncfanaticsat least if your def is max'd
23:21.46Finyou can only max def with regards to crushability
23:21.53Finor critability I mean
23:22.01cncfanaticsI mean defence from actualy leveling
23:22.03zenzelezzcrushability is just defense vs. level
23:22.16AnduinLotharmost mobs in general dont crush
23:22.23zenzelezzany mob can
23:22.24AnduinLotharmostly just bosses
23:22.24Amarandein any case, it doesn't look like getting the PvP epic necklace would really sacrifice anything I need
23:22.25cncfanaticsif a warrior has his defence at 349 then level 72 mobs can crush him (even if he has a total of 500 def with gear)
23:22.38Fin^ see correction above
23:22.48AnduinLotharthat's not crush, that's crit
23:22.49AmarandeI would get a socket and I think some more +spell dmg, the tradeoff would be losing some spell crit in exchange for resilience
23:22.51cncfanaticsI'm talking about crushings here
23:23.06Amarandebut as affliction, spell crit seems to be next to useless to me
23:23.06Finlet's talk about crits
23:23.12cncfanaticscrushings can occure when mobs attack skill > defender's base defense skill - 15
23:23.21Finit is, spell hit is the stat of champions
23:23.32AnduinLotharcrit cap for a lvl 70 vs a 73 boss is 490 def
23:23.33cncfanaticscrits are a plain 5% chance to occure on most mobs, which can be reduced by deff gear
23:23.50Amarandepretty sure the only things I really use that CAN crit are my wand, Immolate initial damage, and shadow bolts
23:23.52AnduinLotharcrushing requires 102.7% avoidance
23:23.52cncfanaticsand for most mobs thats 490 idd, there are some exceptions but they're not really worth noting
23:24.04AnduinLotharto occlude
23:24.13*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
23:24.14cncfanaticsAnduinLothar: you mean avoidance+block
23:24.15Amarandeand for solo casters, resilience is probably more viable against crits than defense
23:24.24Amarandebecause the PvP gear gives resilience and +spell dmg
23:24.32Amarandeand you need the +spell dmg more than what +def gear, if you can even find it in cloth, gives
23:24.34AnduinLotharcncfanatics: yeah w/e
23:24.50JoshBorkeNO!  NOT WHATEVER!
23:25.17AnduinLotharif you don't want to call block an avoidance, then that's your deal
23:25.20Amarandeactually, one thing has occurred to me as well
23:25.24AnduinLotharpartial avoidance imo
23:25.30Amarandewill resilience be significantly helpful against Kaz'rogal in 2.4?
23:25.40Amarandeit says that it reduces the magnitude of mana drain effects now ...
23:26.02Amarandeseems like something the cloth might want to look into
23:26.04Falcon213Amarande: AFAIK, that's only for certain skills
23:26.04Cideby what? 10%? 20%?
23:26.15AmarandeCide: by the same amount it reduces critical hits, apparently
23:26.22Cideso 10%
23:26.54Amarandewe'll probably start seeing PUGs for MH in 2.4, so I guess I'll get to find out
23:27.04zenzelezzSR still sounds much more useful than resilience for Kaz'rogal
23:27.05Amarandehell, I'm pretty sure someone had a PUG in BT a few weeks ago even now :|
23:27.07Falcon213it would still be more worth it to be in pve gear with a larger mana pool and more spell dmg
23:27.49mikmathis is curse at it's best!!!
23:28.02Amarandeno, I'm not sure how far they got through BT though lol
23:31.33Shirikwoot, I have feign death as a priest!
23:32.54Findo you now
23:33.02Cidehe's pro like that
23:33.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Dekster (
23:33.27FinI wish I was that pro
23:33.45Finpros gr8 lol

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