IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080319

00:00.04Gngskif you do the dailies you accumulate the dust anyway, the only thing that really takes any effort is farming the pages and finding friends :(
00:00.15Shirikserver's just like "screw you!"
00:00.53NightHawkTheSaneGngsk: well, in my experience, it takes a lot longer to farm up enough pages and kill the minibosses to get the ~3 shards you'd get in an hourish by blowing through a non-heroic instance
00:01.26NightHawkTheSaneSV and mana tombs are pretty short, and 4 easy shards.
00:04.45Corrodiasi enjoy breasts
00:11.02NightHawkTheSaneI enjoy not having every ounce of bodily fluids leaking out my nose
00:12.08Cairenncan't resist!
00:12.24*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | WoW programming book | "I enjoy not having every ounce of bodily fluids leaking out my nose" - NightHawkTheSane
00:21.45TemI spent the whole day at work looking forward to getting home and hardcore farming CE rep on my druid
00:27.20WobWorkwell fuck
00:27.22WobWorkI just lost the game =\
00:29.25Cairenn~comfort WobWork
00:29.26purlThere, there, WobWork.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
00:31.27TemWobWork, you are now blinking and breathing manually
00:32.01art3misthis ubuntu-server releases seems kind of retarded
00:32.36art3misnot a single document tells you whats preinstalled and every document tagged as ubuntu-server is really just a guideon how to convert your ubuntu install to a server
00:32.45art3mislike supposedly it comes with LAMP
00:32.58art3misbut the server guide tells you hwo to install the lamp components
00:33.05art3misthat are already sujpposedly installed
00:38.23art3missoon you'll have to solve problems!
00:38.36art3miswhich could lead to a large drop off of americans using sites ;P
00:42.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
00:42.35*** join/#wowi-lounge cloudwolf (
00:42.52cloudwolfThank you Cairenn
00:43.01Cairennyou're welcome cloudwolf :)
00:43.06Cairennand welcome to the channel
00:43.25ScytheBlade1has what some could consider an /actual/ addon to upload come 2.4
00:44.03ScytheBlade1No kidding, right?
00:44.15ScytheBlade1Multi-mob tracking mage scorch timer!
00:44.23WobWorkfuzzy toes!
00:44.30ScytheBlade1lol @ fuzzy toes
00:44.42ScytheBlade1I should write a readme
00:47.11ScytheBlade1Of course, I figure, 2.4 will roll around, and I'll upload it
00:47.19ScytheBlade1Or rather, try to upload it
00:47.29ScytheBlade1Only to have my hard drive nuke itself moments before
00:47.43Cairennso why not try uploading it before hand?
00:48.00Cairennthat way, you'll have your computer fixed in time to be able to actually play the patch
00:48.04ScytheBlade1Because I have yet to write a readme, or figure out another picture to accompany it
00:48.10Cairennis smrt!
00:48.28ScytheBlade1whines about required pictures when a picture of said addon is nothing more than chat in a chat window
00:48.40WobWorkpost a lolcat
00:48.51dylanmWell what does it do?
00:49.00ScytheBlade120:44 < ScytheBlade1> Multi-mob tracking mage scorch timer!
00:49.08dylanmSometimes what you do to the chat window is visually noticeable.
00:49.22CairennScytheBlade1: if there isn't anything graphical to be seen, then just toss up a filler image
00:49.33ScytheBlade1Cairenn: yeah, I have in the past, and likely will continue to do so ;)
00:49.35dylanmWell show that then. Who cares? It tells you something.
00:49.42dylanmOR KITTENZ
00:49.54Cairennkittehz r always gud!
00:49.56ScytheBlade1 <-- my filler
00:50.44Cairennyou guys know why we ask for images though - how often have you gone to get a mod and thought, geez, I wish I knew what this actually looks like before I bother to install it
00:50.51WobWorkaw RIP Arthur C Clarke =(
00:50.58dylanmWobWork: Yeah :-/
00:51.13ScytheBlade1Yeah, I can only imagine. That said, I've always found it comical that people post screenshots of text.
00:51.33ScytheBlade1"That much text, in TEXT FORM, would be a few hundred bytes tops. And, yet, you proceed to post a 500kb picture."
00:51.35Cairennif the text shows something worth showing, then it's a valid thing to do
00:51.49ScytheBlade1Not specific to an addon site, mind you :)
00:51.58ScytheBlade1(read: realm forums, screenshots of PMs, ie, drama)
00:52.07NightHawkTheSanethe ptr's arn't up, right? just the TTR?
00:52.13ScytheBlade1NightHawkTheSane: yes
00:52.50dylanmScytheBlade1: If Cairenn is willing to host it...
00:53.17ScytheBlade1dylanm: yeah, hence why I'm trying to figure out a new picture to use. I've used my existing one for quite some time now.
00:53.33ScytheBlade1Cog does a similar thing. "As Richard Nixon is a crook, this image is a rectangle"
00:53.40dylanmLike, for example I think PhanxChat could have a screenshot.
00:53.49dylanmAnd it wouldn't be useless.
00:53.55Cairennoh god, you wouldn't believe the shit that blew up over that one ScytheBlade1
00:54.06ScytheBlade1I read the comments on one of his addons
00:54.13Cairennoh, you saw them, did you?
00:54.21Cairennwhat a f'ing pita
00:54.38CairennI hate people.  I like persons, but people suck.
00:54.44ScytheBlade1dylanm: I don't find "Scorch x5 applied to (mobname here)" interesting enough to merit a screenshot :)
00:54.47NightHawkTheSaneo_0 unable to validate game version error? wtf?
00:54.49dylanmSO INTERESTING
00:54.50ScytheBlade1dylanm: I write readme files for a reason :)
00:54.58dylanmI would read the unabridged version.
00:55.09dylanmBy candlelight.
00:55.26ScytheBlade1opens up the gimp and thinks
00:57.11ScytheBlade1makes a rectangle...
00:57.22Cairennoh crap, here we go ....
00:57.28Cairennpokes ScytheBlade1
00:57.31FinIndustrial: ping
00:57.52ScytheBlade1Cairenn: all in good time
01:00.27cloudwolfwell i think my server just crashed again
01:01.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
01:01.43GuillotineSo Scythe, did you make that addon you were talking about?
01:02.06ScytheBlade1Guillotine: not yet, the chat code is more complicated than I wanted it to be :(
01:02.29Shirikanyone remember that site that was linked a while ago that rates your gear, etc?
01:03.30batrickhi friends
01:04.10foxlitShirik: going by the description,
01:04.17Shirikthat's it <3
01:05.24foxlitIt appears to be somewhat silly
01:05.30Shirik!c us drenden kimina
01:05.39Shirikhm, it doesn't seem to want to read the armory
01:05.54Shiriksomething's broked
01:06.15batrickarmory is probably lagging
01:07.21bleeterthat's nothing
01:07.32bleetersomeone managed to post in CSF from the Mekkatorque realm
01:08.31*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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01:09.03bleeterwhich of course doesn't exist
01:09.03batrickwow the new xkcd is really good
01:09.10batrickwell new/old
01:09.17bleeterShirik: yeah, a non-existant realm
01:10.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Shaktar (
01:10.51deltron lol
01:12.41batrick read the whole electric skateboard blog lol
01:12.43Shiriklol@ the blue response
01:17.05cloudwolfBANANA PHONE
01:17.22cloudwolfany one else getting insane lag in wow?
01:18.16ScytheBlade1lol @ the XKCD blog post
01:20.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Roblibob (
01:21.09deltronyeah cloudwolf
01:21.53deltronlol bleeter
01:23.04art3misut you really need lasers for this — regular light spreads out too fast. Maybe a set of lasing cavities orbiting the sun …
01:23.04art3misSupplemented by a Dyson sphere …
01:23.04art3misAnd since by this point we’ll probably have found aliens …
01:23.05art3misWhy settle for interstellar communication when you can have interstellar war? And we could modulate the beam to carry a message — in this case, “FUCK YOU GUYS!”
01:23.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
01:24.57AtriaceWhy bother with galactic conquest when you can do it from the comfort of your computer?
01:25.49WobWorkAtriace: Lets play a game. Of global thermonuclear war
01:26.02Atriacedang.  You played that text game too?
01:26.41ShirikFIRE ZE MISSILIES!
01:26.52Cairennbut I am le tired!
01:27.06Shirikwell, take a nap. THEN FIRE ZE MISSILES
01:28.43WobWorkwtf mate?
01:28.59TemWobWork, I just lost the game
01:29.02art3misprepares to launch all Zig.
01:29.37Cairennfor great justice!
01:29.39*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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01:31.11AtriaceOhway oesnay! Itsway ethay issilesmay!
01:33.47ShirikIs that correct?
01:35.00art3misdid anyone read that in jar jar's voice?
01:35.53art3misi think instead of ftw
01:36.03art3miswe all need to start using fgj
01:36.16art3misjust to see how long it takes for people to catch on
01:36.42art3misconvieniently it can also stand for "fuckin' good job"
01:37.14Shirikanyone know the page for the alerts on the login screen of wow?
01:37.23art3misits in the mpq
01:37.44art3misload up the mpq viewer thing and search for index
01:37.46Shiriktoo hard to open
01:38.22*** join/#wowi-lounge bongokazoo12 (
01:38.53art3misnot launcher
01:38.55bongokazoo12hey everybody
01:39.11NightHawkTheSaneit worked fine for me, art3mis
01:39.17art3misoh neat
01:39.30art3misit used to be named something else back when i was messing with it
01:39.57bongokazoo12is anyone in here experienced with create map addons?
01:39.59Shirikhm, doesn't say anything about our realm
01:40.07Shirikwonder wtf is going on with our bank
01:41.03purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
01:41.29art3mis^^ friggin amazing
01:42.17bongokazoo12I have some wow leveling guides that currently work with Cartographer, but I'm looking to make the guides 100% in-game to make them easier to use
01:42.46bongokazoo12I'm looking for someone who is interested in taking on this project
01:44.17batrickthat is pretty impressive
01:44.18*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
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01:44.28batrickbut the noise it makes is pretty fucking annoying
01:44.32art3misthe kick stumble catch
01:44.38art3misthe fact it didnt fall at all on the ice
01:44.45art3misthe horse mimic gaight
01:44.48batricki thought for sure it was screwed
01:44.56art3misthas just crazy
01:45.19art3misand thats with a 250lb payload on it and it weighing 340lbs
01:45.41Atriacebongokazoo12: Have you considered learning Lua and doing it yourself?  There's plenty of documentation on wowwiki to make that possible.
01:46.26bongokazoo12I have thought about it, but I don't have the time or patience to try and learn to do that.  I don't know anything about rogramming  :-(
01:46.28art3misand he's essentially mimicing that quest thingy thrae made
01:47.04art3mistechnically all you'd need to do is ad the cart map locs and modify the quest thingy's source to make it more complete and race conscious
01:47.27AtriaceYou exponentially increase the chances of it happening if you do it yourself.  Like they say, "if you want something done right, do it yourself."
01:47.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
01:48.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
01:49.29bongokazoo12well, I would like to make it unique to my guides.  Basically I want something similar to Cartographer with the note system, but also a sidebar ont he World Map that actually displays my written guides and allows each step to be clickable to display the map note and make it glow, instead of having all the map notes displayed at once.
01:50.05bongokazoo12And when the step is completed, they can check a box next to the step and the step disappears.  Then a simple dropdown menu to organize each section to make navigation easier
01:52.47bongokazoo12Anyone care to guess how long it would take to create an addon like that?  Currently, I have a budget of $4000 to start
01:53.50ScytheBlade1wtb test realm with NPCs on it
01:55.11Shirikso apparently warlock fear now works on onyxia
01:55.36ScytheBlade1Wait, huh?
01:55.44art3misshirik scroll up and watch the robot
01:55.51art3mismy wife had to stop watching
01:56.01Shirikit's what I'm being told
01:56.05art3miscuz she was feelign empahy for a robot when it stumbles on the ice
01:56.08Shirikwarlock fears now work on ony
01:56.30JoshBorkebongokazoo12: it could be done for that amount
01:57.45JoshBorkewow, i can't believe it didn't fall
01:58.08bongokazoo12JoshBorke: do you think you could do what I'm talking about?
01:58.24JoshBorkeme?  no, i have a job that eats up all of my time
01:58.50JoshBorkei don't know that you could find some one that will do it for that either
01:59.04JoshBorkei get the feeling from hanging out here that people are against pay for mods
01:59.30bongokazoo12i see
01:59.41AtriaceWell... paying for a mod, yes.  Being paid to do a mod, I wouldn't say that's bad.
01:59.56JoshBorkeno, but i believe in this situation they are tied together
02:00.25JoshBorkeanyway, i'm off to bed
02:00.27JoshBorkeguten nacht
02:00.27AtriaceAh... well, leveling guides usually do charge, don't they.
02:01.53Nechcknbongokazoo12  I may know someone who could help you out... checking to see if they're around.
02:02.03Cairennbongokazoo12: have you looked at or
02:02.39ZealotOnAStickWhat would you say are probably the most lucrative money-making professions to take on a new character?  I was thinking of two gathering profs . . .  mining/skinning?  herb/mining?
02:03.15Nechcknmining and skinning usually mesh well ZealotOnAStick
02:03.25Nechcknsince you can't have herb/mining up at once
02:04.04bongokazoo12Cairenn: I have seen those, but I'm looking to make something that ties the written portion to the map so they can simply click a step and instantly be shown on the map where to go.  Basically a mixture of MetaMap and Cartographer if you will
02:04.07NechcknI usually run all my guys up with min/skin or herb/skin
02:04.13bongokazoo12i would go skinning/mining
02:04.18Nechcknboth do pretty well, with mining better
02:04.48*** join/#wowi-lounge MySpoons2Big (
02:05.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (
02:05.33Cairennso basically LightHeaded ( ) + TomTom ( )?
02:07.01Cairennjust a little piece of advice to anyone that is considering doing this (on both sides of the equation, both coder and person requesting code) - make sure you have a written agreement that covers everything, including copyright, ownership, maintenance, etc
02:12.14*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
02:12.15*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | WoW programming book | "I enjoy not having every ounce of bodily fluids leaking out my nose" - NightHawkTheSane
02:12.22Cairennwhat about for resume/CV purposes? would you allow the author the right to say that yes they did in fact write this code
02:12.48Cairennthese are all the sorts of things that both sides need to think about when you take it from "hobby" to "work"
02:13.49Finincidentally, a nice site to find information about this sort of thing - and possibly both find work as a coder, or (and? :) find coders themselves, is Rent A Coder:
02:13.50bongokazoo12hmm, i would want to say not publicly, but if for a resume for a job, that would be fine.  I don't really know if you can have one without the other or not
02:14.06Finthe site provides an awesome service, they really earn their cut in my opinion
02:14.09Cairenn(in case you hadn't noticed, I *don't* have a problem with someone getting paid to write a mod)
02:14.20bongokazoo12Fin: Thank you, yes I've been checking out that site actually  :-)
02:14.21CairennFin: nice info, thank you
02:14.40ralfWORKany Quartz users here?
02:14.54ralfWORKI'm trying to figure out how to put buffs on my quartz bar
02:15.03ralfWORKand I'm thinking it's not possible, but I dunno :P
02:15.18Cairennsomething else to consider - bongokazoo12 is going to be paying to have this mod written - is he planning on charging users to use it, and if so, do you get any sort of "royalty" on it?
02:15.20Finit's not just a big listing site, they have lots of different options for how the client + coder interact, they ensure the money gets paid (escrow, basically), there's great information on all stages of the process you're involved in, etc. etc. :)
02:16.09Finthere's one or two other similar sites I've looked at, but they are by far the largest
02:16.18NechcknralfWORK  Buffs can show.. they show on their own wee bars above the "regular" bar
02:16.35bongokazoo12there would be no royalties, it would be a one-time payment for the creation of the mod, plus payments when updates are required.
02:16.41ralfWORKNechckn: right, but I think I disabled that in my default profile :P
02:16.54ralfWORKbut I'm on my warrior now and kinda want it back to redo shouts and the like
02:17.12NechcknralfWORK  yeah... it's pretty clear in the options gui
02:17.16bongokazoo12at least that is what I'm leaning towards currently.  If the coder has an offer in mind that includes royalties, I'd gladly listen to it
02:17.19Finto give you an idea of the size, the daily update I receive is around 9-10,000 lines
02:17.40Nechcknthe options are connected to the bar's target
02:17.47Nechcknthe buff options, that is
02:17.52ralfWORKNechckn: hmm. k
02:17.58Cairennbongokazoo12: I'm not asking you for specifics, I'm pointing out the things that the authors need to work out with you, it's a decision that really involves no one other than yourself and the coder
02:18.00ralfWORKNechckn: under Player?
02:18.25NechcknralfWORK  if I remember correctly, yes, under Player Target Focus, etc
02:18.28bongokazoo12:( ok
02:18.52*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
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02:19.32cogwheelemail from my mom:
02:19.34cogwheelhow do you make the emodacon woman face with boobs?
02:19.50ScytheBlade1Wait what?
02:20.04cogwheelI swear... i'd  forward it to you guys if i didn't respect her privacy :P
02:20.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
02:20.33ScytheBlade1cogwheel: do you have a link to an addon of yours that contains your "richard nixon rectangle" by chance?
02:20.36ScytheBlade1I want to show a friend
02:20.38Finmakes a pfff sound quietly
02:22.12ralfWORKweird. swingtimer isn't up either
02:22.24cogwheelso... um... everyone show me your woman face with boobs emoticons!!
02:23.53ScytheBlade1I think the REAL question here
02:23.56ScytheBlade1Is how you're going to reply
02:24.13NightHawkTheSanecogwheel: no, i will not show you my tits, ascii or otherwise
02:24.24cogwheel"sorry mom but I had to.... XD  <Paste of Chat Log>"
02:26.49ralfWORKyea I fail
02:28.47ralfWORKoh wait
02:28.59ralfWORKyou can't show your own on Quartz
02:29.30Nechcknreally.. huh.  thought you could, sorry man.
02:29.45NechcknI don't use it for the buffs... thought it showed 'em though
02:29.54ralfWORKwell it shows your target buffs
02:30.00ralfWORKand debufs you put on target
02:30.04ralfWORKbut not your own buffs
02:30.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Zeksie (
02:30.12Nechcknahhhh... okey dokey
02:30.37ralfWORKkinda seems like... I got a lot of buffs to keep up on my warrior, thought quartz could help
02:30.40ralfWORKah well :P
02:31.06NightHawkTheSaneI think hourglass is more what you want?
02:31.10*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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02:31.14ralfWORKdunno, is it? :D
02:33.16NightHawkTheSanei think, I'm trying to remember if it's a buff timer or a cd timer.
02:33.24ralfWORKahh ok
02:33.40ralfWORKlooks like there's something called buffalo
02:33.56NightHawkTheSanebuffalo is a full on buff/debuff frame replacement
02:34.01ralfWORKmm k
02:34.18NightHawkTheSanei'm guessing you're looking for something that'll show your short-term buffs as bars?
02:34.25ralfWORKyea exactly
02:35.01ralfWORKbattle shout, rampage namely
02:35.07*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
02:35.54Nechcknthat is the one thing I use CT mod for.. the buff/debuffs
02:36.16ralfWORKyea, I used to use that
02:36.20ralfWORKmaybe I need to dust it off
02:36.25NechcknI know alot of people like buffalo and think there is even some elk type bar
02:36.34NightHawkTheSanewell, i see
02:36.40ralfWORKI wonder if there's a way to...
02:36.42ralfWORKoh hmm k
02:36.55NightHawkTheSanei've no idea what that actually does, just saw it on the files.wowace listing :P
02:36.59ralfWORKlol k
02:37.01ralfWORKwill check that out
02:37.23ralfWORKi don't recall CT buffbar being able to make more than 1 buff bar, do you know?
02:37.35ralfWORKcause if I could put one for certain self-buffs near my unit frame
02:37.43ralfWORKand one for all the party buffs etc in another frame on the side
02:37.47ralfWORKthat would rule me
02:37.59NechcknHmm.. I think it's only one buff-box, but it's resizable and movable\
02:38.00NightHawkTheSaneyou might also look at ElkanoBuffBars, they can be pretty well customized to do what you want, I think. although that might be a pretty heavy solution just for that
02:38.10ralfWORKNechckn: yea, that's what I'm thinking
02:38.12ralfWORKNightHawkTheSane: k
02:38.18ralfWORKwell thanks for the input guys, I'll take a look
02:38.30Nechcknhehe best of luck!
02:40.20*** part/#wowi-lounge MySpoons2Big (
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02:40.46batrickShirik|Ecole: !?
02:48.29cogwheelScytheBlade1: I wasn't joking, btw :P
02:50.36batrickShirik|Ecole: I founda  good reason to use numbers for chess pieces
02:51.12NightHawkTheSanerandom question: If you have multiple of the same item in your bag (say, healthstones) and use one via a macro command like /Use Master Healthstone, which does it use?
02:51.34AtriaceWell... you can't have multiple of the same size healthstone in your bags.
02:51.38AtriaceWhat are you trying to use?
02:52.05NightHawkTheSaneyes, but you can have multiple of different sized HSs, and they're all called "Master Healthstone"
02:52.33NightHawkTheSaneso, the question remains, with 2+ of those in your bags, which one does "/use Master Healthstone" actually use?
02:52.56Xinhuanuses the one in bag 0 slot 0, slot 1, slot 2 .... in that order
02:53.06ScytheBlade1cogwheel: sorry, joking about what?
02:53.08ScytheBlade1cogwheel: OH
02:53.12ScytheBlade1cogwheel: lol, sorry, little slow
02:53.12NightHawkTheSaneXinhuan: thank you
03:00.07*** join/#wowi-lounge purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
03:00.07*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | WoW programming book | "I enjoy not having every ounce of bodily fluids leaking out my nose" - NightHawkTheSane
03:12.50ZealotOnAStickwhat is the script command to get the name of a frame under the mouse cursor?
03:13.11MentalPowerZealotOnAStick: frame or button?
03:13.35WobWorkIt'd work for both, no?
03:13.46MentalPowerWobWork: yes, but button is easier
03:13.47WobWorkpoints to wowace =P
03:13.55MentalPowerNightHawkTheSane's is button only
03:13.55ZealotOnAStickgot some damn button for devotion aura floating in mid-screen and I don't know what it's from.
03:14.07WobWorkMentalPower: true, since it's mouseactive already
03:14.16MentalPowerWobWork: correct
03:14.36MentalPowerWobWork: the other way is to iterate over all the frames and call IsMouseOver()
03:14.44ZealotOnAStickwob, that didn't work.
03:14.55WobWorkGo get WheresMyCow
03:15.03ZealotOnAStickwau, wowi?
03:15.19WobWorkalthough it might be on wau
03:16.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (n=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
03:16.31*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Shirik] by ChanServ
03:18.42ZealotOnAStickok, installed it.
03:18.51ZealotOnAStickI just hold a modifier and mouseover?
03:19.21WobWorkuse /wmc all
03:19.36WobWorkWhen WMC is active, pressing shift will pop up a tooltip of the stack of frames under your mouse cursor. Holding shift (to keep it up) and pressing tab will cycle through the framestack and hitting shift-enter will drill down to that frame, showing generic and possibly specific information about it.
03:20.10ZealotOnAStickAhah.  bongos class button.  Thank you.
03:20.32WobWorkno worries =)
03:20.56*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:31.50WobWorkThis is the kind of staff Jesus would use if he could turn into a bear.
03:36.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Scribble (
03:41.41*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
04:03.47ScytheBlade1Is it |c or |r to terminate colors?
04:03.51ScytheBlade1Color strings, that is
04:04.42MentalPowerr = reset
04:07.52WobWorkxkcd fail =(
04:08.17ScytheBlade1I don't see how
04:10.18MentalPowerScytheBlade1, Antiar1: either of you have sample combat logs that I can look at?
04:10.26Antiar1I have a few, yeah
04:10.35ScytheBlade1As do I - but he'd have more :)
04:14.21*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
04:24.43Finany windows networking experts here?
04:24.56Finor anyone willing to have a stab at a routing issue I've got?
04:25.13Finif you could all just line up in single file, I'll deal with you one at a time
04:26.02MentalPowerFin: shoot
04:27.06Finright. well, I'm configuring OpenVPN to connect to work from home. home interface is 10.x.x.x, work machine is 10.x.x.x, OpenVPN endpoints are 192.168.x.1, 192.168.x.2
04:27.26MentalPowerFin: stop right there, I have no clue how OpenVPN works
04:27.44Finwell, I think the actual issue you might be able to help with
04:27.51Finit's not OpenVPN specific
04:28.38Finbasically, I have a local interface with 2 IP addresses, 10.x.x.x as the "main" one, 192.168.x.x as another one
04:29.07FinI want data going over that interface to have the source address 10.x.x.x
04:29.21Finbut it's not getting that, because it's passing through 192.168.x.x as the default router
04:29.21MentalPowerAntiar1: correct me if I'm wrong, but from the logs you provided I'm gathering that save from interpreting every single combat log event looking for correlations, there's no way to say what mob killed a player?
04:29.33Nechcknneed a machine with 2 nics to dual home i believe
04:29.47FinI just need to be able to set the source address
04:29.52Antiar1MentalPower: Correct
04:30.05MentalPowergrr... back to the drawing board...
04:30.38Finit's fairly easy to set in *nices with ip(1) and / or route(1) etc. but I can't figure out how to do it with either Windows' route.exe or netsh
04:30.46Nechcknwindows doesn't like to have 2 ips to a card
04:30.57Finit doesn't mind, I do it all the time
04:31.01Shirikaye, me too
04:31.04MentalPowerAntiar1: even if I'm just interested only in the current player (not party or raid)
04:31.10Shirikthat's why I get away without a router
04:31.15ShirikMy computer is the router
04:31.46Finthe only reason the source address matters is because of the router setup on the office side's network - the routers are already configured to allow traffic through from 10.x, but not 192.x
04:31.57MentalPowerI do it all the time too, virtualPC assigns an IP to every virual machine running
04:32.00ScytheBlade1Shirik: That is INCREDIBLE.
04:32.05Shirikisn'ti t?!
04:32.10ShirikI thought it was hilarious
04:32.15Nechcknoh not saying you can't... nvm...
04:32.24ScytheBlade1I have a resto. It's outright incredible.
04:32.52Finoh hey! they credited me at the bottom of that drood thing! that as nice of them
04:32.57Finpeople do that all the time you know
04:33.06batrickmage is the hardest pve class to play
04:33.18Shiriklol Fin
04:33.19ScytheBlade1@ fin
04:33.21Finwhispers . o ( and you know, I don't actually have anything to do with things most of the time! )
04:33.26ScytheBlade1batrick: that was random
04:33.56batricki thought i'd get a wave of angry responses... aparenttly you guys are hard to troll :(
04:34.05Finno takers on the configuring-the-source-address-for-persistent-routes-in-windows q? ah well, worth a try
04:34.26FinWobWork: is that more Minchin? I've got like three windows open with stuff queued for him already :)
04:34.32MentalPowerAntiar1: is it safe to assume that the last damaging event (melee or spell) before the UNIT_DIED is the culprit?
04:34.42FinWobWork: awesome :)
04:34.44ScytheBlade1batrick: yeah that's usually the case. That said, I play a mage for my main, and was curious just the same :P
04:34.52NightHawkTheSaneviciously unsubscribes from political email lists
04:35.02MentalPowerFin: /join #OpenVPN
04:35.15FinMentalPower: uhm
04:35.32WobWorkFin: It's POETRY =)
04:35.47Finwill in a minute
04:36.41Antiar1MentalPower: No, not always.
04:36.54Antiar1Sometimes it's possible to damage a mob after it dies, in laggy conditions
04:37.03Antiar1It'll be close enough most of the time though.
04:37.31MentalPowerfair enough, I don't want to do the math myself (at least for now)
04:44.29Shirikthis has got to be the absolute worst thing I have ever seen publicly displayed from mario paint composer:
04:47.11WobWorkhehe only in mario paint can you get lines like:
04:47.11WobWork-tempo adjusted -fixed minor errors in melody and accompaniment -added extra mushrooms for steadier rhythm
04:48.04WobWorkand " 1:30, the gameboy notes were a bit low...."
04:50.32NechcknFin  try  specifically Including multiple machines on the client side when using a routed VPN (dev tun)  just a quick look but that should get you on "The Path"  =)  gotta bolt!
04:51.35FinNechckn: thanks. I have been reading through this and related documents for some time now, unfortunately. I appreciate the pointer though.
04:52.21Nechcknsorry man... I'd help more but power is gowing down here  =(  Best of luck!
04:56.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
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05:04.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Mx0 (
05:16.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth_ (
05:16.31WobWorkThat man can play
05:16.36WobWork(both of them =P)
05:18.35MentalPowerAntiar1: do the *_LEECH events result in health loss?
05:19.11FinWobWork: that can't be real
05:19.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth_ (
05:21.50*** part/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
05:28.13Shirikpop quiz: healing priest, vitality or +12 stam to boots?
05:29.09NightHawkTheSaneboar's speed
05:29.10Shirikvitality is only 4 mp5 = 12mana/minute
05:29.17Shirikwhich is... like nothing
05:29.19NightHawkTheSaneboar's speed
05:29.25Finfor healing gear? vitality
05:29.30ScytheBlade1In all truth, my mage AND my druid have Boar's Speed
05:29.31ShirikI need the hp too though
05:29.34Finpvp or solo, boar's speed
05:29.43NightHawkTheSanecan't beat boar's speed.
05:29.44Finit's only -3 stamina between fortitude and boar's
05:29.47Finfuck stamina!
05:29.51Finyou're a healer!
05:30.02ShirikI'm told I need about 9k health for first boss in BT
05:30.04Shiriktrue or no?
05:30.16Shirikthen I need more health :P
05:30.16NightHawkTheSanethe more the better
05:30.19ScytheBlade1Solution: QUIT WEARING PRIMAL MOONCLOTH
05:30.24ShirikI just dropped it today :)
05:30.28NightHawkTheSanebut thats >9k buffed
05:30.29ScytheBlade1Tada, problem solved!
05:30.30Shiriklet's see if armory updated yet
05:30.35NightHawkTheSaneso you have some play there
05:30.38Shirik!c us drenden kimina
05:30.51ScytheBlade1It kind of amazes me how retarded people are, asking why they die so often when others don't
05:31.01ScytheBlade1As they are sitting there in their 3/3 tailored epics
05:31.28Shirikyup it's updated:
05:31.32ShirikI need to get rid of those shoulders though
05:31.46Finyeah, which are fine for everything they've experienced up until that point - you can't expect everyone to instantly cotton on, for most people that's months and months or years that they've been using that gear
05:31.53Finand it's consistently been the best availalbe
05:32.08Finnot exactly a natural instinct to start thinking about swapping gear out
05:32.09Shirikcurrently I'm looking at 7371hp fully unbuffed
05:32.29Finhm, no idea what I have, but I have a stamina set as well
05:32.46FinI just swap out a couple of trinkets and stuff if I need more stamina
05:32.54NightHawkTheSaneShirik: thats close to what i have unbuffed i think
05:33.08Finthe Revered Netherwing trinkte is +45, and the Violet Eye one is +36 I tihnk
05:33.20NightHawkTheSanei think
05:33.25NightHawkTheSaneor maybe you're right
05:33.32Finshrugs, 1 stamina :)
05:33.33ShirikI'm holding on to the violet eye trinket
05:33.38Finyeah, do
05:33.43Finand get the Netherwing one
05:33.44ShirikI considered using that in place if I am short of HP in the end
05:33.47Shirikbut I'd prefer not to use it
05:33.51Finthat's nearly 1k health right there, with buffs
05:34.12Finit's an easy way of swapping stuff around and not losing set bonuses etc.
05:34.19Shiriknext question
05:34.23Shirik6 stats or 15 spirit to chest?
05:34.28ShirikThis should be an interesting debate
05:34.32Finwait until after 2.4 and see
05:34.34NightHawkTheSane6 mp/5 personally
05:34.38NightHawkTheSanebut for a priest, i dunno
05:34.51FinI think I got 6 stats, I can't remember for the life of me now
05:34.56Finisn't there a better one though?
05:34.57ShirikI've always gotten 6 stats before
05:35.00Finoh wait, I got 6mp5
05:35.07Shirikbut I'm thinking about 15 spirit, and some of the other priests in guild agree
05:35.16FinI dunno
05:35.33FinI've tried to find out what sort of regen I'll have after 2.4, and I don't think I'll be able to
05:35.45Fincouldn't log into the PTR either cos of some stupid issue
05:35.48Shirikbrb I'm going to go see if Wendy's is still open
05:35.50Finso, I say, wait and see
05:35.53ShirikI think they're open until 2 /prays
05:36.09NightHawkTheSanefuck you Shirik|AFK
05:36.10ScytheBlade1iirc he's got 20 minutes
05:36.17Finprobably spirit tho I guess
05:38.37WobWorkwtf dude?
05:38.38WobWorkCategories > In The Kitchen > Black & Decker 18 Volt Cordless Chainsaw
05:43.18ScytheBlade101:38 < WobWork> Categories > In The Kitchen > Black & Decker 18 Volt Cordless Chainsaw
05:43.24ScytheBlade1Meant to hit copy :P
05:49.22WobWork8 cup rice cooker with 5 inbuilt cooking menus. Features include automatic keep warm function, high quality hard anodised cooking pot for easy cleaning, LED display and reheat function. Comes with bonus Jamie Oliver stainless steel ladle.
05:49.25WobWorkoh man
05:49.31WobWorka Jamie Oliver LADLE
05:49.38WobWorkfor ... my... rice...
05:50.11Finoh dear
05:50.14Finoh dear oh dear
05:50.17AnduinLothardamn. Round 3 I pwned the competition
05:50.21WobWorkI'm currently scanning what I can redeem from my credit card awards
05:50.31WobWorkI'm really leaning towards that cooking chainsaw
05:50.44AnduinLothargot 7th out of 50
05:50.45Finis it a really tender chainsaw?
05:50.48Finor just low quality?
05:50.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:50.55Finlike cooking wine or cooking chocolate
05:51.07Findid you see what I did there?
05:51.08Findid you?
05:51.13Findid you see?
05:52.14Finfinishes chuckling
05:52.37ScytheBlade1AnduinLothar: congrats. I think Satellite will be the first lib that I use in any of my addons. First ever. I don't want to. But the chat code sucks just _that much_ :(
05:52.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
05:53.15AnduinLotharwhat's ur addon do?
05:53.34ScytheBlade1Well, that's secret for now. Assuming I ever finish it, though, I'll link you
05:53.40AnduinLothar:) k
05:53.51Finmore to the point
05:53.53Finwhat does Satellite do
05:54.01ScytheBlade1If Satellite is as easy as the documentation would lead me to believe
05:54.08ScytheBlade1You sir, are one awesome programmer.
05:54.38Finshrugs, I'm not that interested and have too many open browsers
05:54.44AnduinLothardoesn't get much easier than that
05:54.55Finit does
05:56.08AnduinLotharit makes slashcommands easy and adds features like onSpace, onTab, onColorChange and onVisibleChange, saves color and visibility, emulates chat types, allows for custom headers
05:56.38AnduinLotharstickiness, adds helpt to /chathelp
05:56.55AnduinLotharusing table registration
05:56.59*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
06:00.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Gwenstefani (
06:10.01Shirikwho would do Satellite.registerSlashCommand({...})
06:10.09Shirikwhen you can confuse people with Satellite.registerSlashCommand{...}
06:10.12Shirikit's so much more pretty
06:16.02ScytheBlade1Shirik: complaining about that makes you sound vaugely like an Ace person ;)
06:19.43ScytheBlade1Was Wendy's still open for you?
06:19.58batrickSpeaking of Wendy's... fuck wendy's
06:20.17NightHawkTheSanei'd like to fuck wendy... i mean..
06:20.25batrickall these drive through places only do drive through at night
06:21.05batrickfast food places*
06:22.40ScytheBlade1Department of Redundancy Department, much?
06:30.09*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
06:41.23ShirikScytheBlade1: Yes
06:42.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
06:44.21ShirikYou are most welcome to try
06:44.33Shirikbut unfortunately for you, my powers are matched by none!
06:44.37batricki've destroyed shirik it's nothing too exciting
06:44.44batrickbatbot: amirite?
06:44.44batbotbatrick, Yes.
06:44.55*** kick/#wowi-lounge [batrick!n=skullsho@conspiracy/developer/Shirik] by Shirik (Destroy this)
06:45.19*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
06:45.23Shirik~hug batrick
06:45.24purlACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs batrick
06:47.20batrickshirik u fix that game
06:47.30Shirikno I accidentally rebooted my computer without thinking
06:47.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
06:47.39batricki'm really bored at school waiting for shit to finish compiling :(
06:47.40Fisker-Shirik matched by none, exceeded by anyone
06:51.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Fusar (
06:52.53*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz_ (
06:53.28FusarIs it possible to get a list of all primary tradeskills without opening a tradeskill window? GetNumTradeSkills() returns zero unless a particular tradeskill window is open
06:54.20Guillotinewell, technically you can 'show' the tradeskill window but move it offscrean to get data
06:54.25Guillotineso that its not actually visible
06:54.30Guillotinebut in general, no
06:54.56FusarYeahm, thats what the ATSW addon does. I was trying to modify it so it will smelt mats instead of just stopping when bars aren't available.
06:55.15FusarConfirmed my guess though, thanks
06:55.25GuillotineNight all!
06:55.41Cairennnight Guillotine
06:55.54Guillotinenight Cair :)
06:55.57*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
06:56.14batrickdamn it
06:56.32batrickdoes anyone know of a good chess program online that would let me make moves for both sides
06:56.42batrickactaully it doesn't even have to be good
06:56.50AtriaceMan, you are bored.
06:57.45Shirikbatrick: Chessmaster 9000
06:57.51ShirikI <3ed that program
06:58.35Atriacebatrick: try this out if you're bored,
06:58.45AtriaceIt's very well done.
07:04.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Gwenstefani (
07:04.32widger|homeThanks for the link!
07:04.34widger|homeThat game's awesome =)
07:04.41Fisker-game sucks
07:04.49widger|homeNot as well as your mom, Fisker-
07:05.05Fisker-or yours
07:05.34AtriaceI'm somewhat biased to FancyPants Man because it was one of those "one guy in his room" sort of projects.
07:05.53AtriaceWe've come so far since Mario...
07:06.11Fisker-your mother
07:08.51batrickit smells like chronic in the ece building
07:08.55batrickcoming from the vents
07:09.01batrickthink one of the janitors is smokin a blunt
07:10.47batrickok shirik
07:10.55batricki think i have the game written down right
07:11.06batricki just need some website i can check it on
07:12.00*** join/#wowi-lounge progdog (
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07:12.29*** part/#wowi-lounge Fusar (
07:20.21art3misoh btw
07:20.35NightHawkTheSanefx3b3 is pretty sexy looking
07:20.36batrickno one cares
07:20.44art3misbrainbench is giving away 30 tests./certs til the end of march
07:22.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
07:23.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
07:25.48batrickShirik: check pm
07:33.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
07:35.10*** join/#wowi-lounge ncd|Aileen (n=Dave^@
07:49.16AtriaceWhat's this?  A BLP2 Converter that works?  How is this possible!?
07:50.12Cairennwhich one, and where did you find it?
07:50.41AtriaceI think it's the one you linked me the other day:
07:50.58AtriaceI took another look at it and noticed it had export options (I was unaware of).
07:51.17art3mishrm dopdf is rpetty rad
07:51.25art3misits a virtual printer->pdf
07:51.26AtriaceI've got beautiful 32bit files now.  :)
07:51.32art3misand displays 100% accurate in foxit
07:51.39Cairennnot the same one
07:53.17AtriaceIn any case, I'm glad I finally found something which exudes perfection.
07:53.40widger|homeAtriace: You should check your textures out at 1600x1200 and make sure they work
07:53.59AtriaceI'm testing them at 2560x1600
07:54.05widger|homeNice =D
07:54.06art3misalways do editting at max res then rescale ;P
07:54.18art3misi learned that from the cycircled skins
07:54.59art3misone of these days im gonna fully skin wow hk style ;P
07:55.18art3misi might even edit mob skins for an emu ;P
07:55.35art3misthat would jsut be wierd
07:55.52art3mislogin to a wow server to find its been compeltely redone hello kitty style
07:55.57art3misi think people would go insane
07:56.09AtriaceHello Kitty: Island Adventure!
07:56.24nevcairielgood that skins are client-land
07:56.36AtriaceThe readMe accompanying this app notes that given it's command-line nature, it can be utilized to batch process.  Sadly, how to batch wasn't imparted.  Any suggestions?
07:56.41art3misheh yeah nev
07:57.18art3misdidtn they add md5 hashes for everything but interface files?
07:57.36art3misor can you still skin?
07:58.03nevcairielno idea
07:58.15art3misi love the commercial for Army of Two
07:58.39art3misits almost a complete slap in the face to the us military
07:58.54art3misoh btw
07:59.05art3misanyone catch obama's thingy yesterday?
07:59.08*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
07:59.13art3misthe daily show had the best comment about it
07:59.38widger|homeDid you see Monday's Daily Show?
07:59.48AtriaceWhat's Bin Laden doing now?
07:59.53art3misAt 11:07pm Eastern Standard time a politician broke convention and became the first potential presidential candiate to Speak to the public like they were adults.
08:00.15AtriaceOh, that Obama.
08:00.28MalgayneThat's Osama.
08:00.35nevcairielall the same =P
08:00.46art3misand we'll ignore that john mccain comment that iran is training alqueda ;P
08:01.10widger|homeHe must be having mini-strokes
08:01.11art3misdespite the fact that they're sunnie and alqueda is shite or vice versa i can never remember
08:01.47widger|homeIt's the other way around but yeah
08:01.50art3miswidger|home: the bush comments?
08:01.57art3mismy wife was in tears for that
08:02.06art3misthe single greatest soundbite EVAH
08:02.16widger|homeYeah =)
08:02.26art3misand that finance guy
08:02.29art3misoh god
08:02.46art3mispulling out of bears stern is silly it's just silly
08:02.52widger|homeEven the guest was funny
08:03.01art3misheh yeah
08:03.06widger|homeAn old dude with a book who calls himself the prophet of doom
08:03.31art3misoh and i LOVE our new governor
08:03.38art3misthat blind black guy
08:03.46widger|homeBACK OFF BLIND PEOPLE
08:03.57widger|homeHe may be 90% blind, but he's 100% black.
08:04.17art3mishe came out today hweld a press conference and says "i cheated on my wife my wife cheated on me, i figured i'd get that out of the way because i've got work to do"
08:04.25art3mishow awesome is that
08:04.33art3misthis guy is the best
08:04.55Cairennthat rocks
08:05.03art3misyeah he does
08:05.19art3misif i could vote i'd totally vote him in as long as he was allowed to
08:06.06art3mis^^ funny bush clip
08:07.46art3misya know
08:07.54art3misbarack and bush are so perfect
08:08.10art3misit's REALLY wierd to be on the train going to brooklyn and haering teenagers talking polotics
08:08.25art3misand actually being excited that they can vote
08:08.43art3misor having heated discussions about whos better hilalry or obama
08:09.47art3mis his speach today for the press
08:10.43art3misit's actually a REALLY good speach
08:17.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Saiek (
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08:20.32widger|homeI don't watch Obama speeches
08:20.36widger|homeIt's the only way to be safe
08:21.01widger|homeHe's like Paul Atreides
08:21.46widger|homeI'm an ubernerd and it's okay
08:21.50widger|homeI chat all night and I sleep all day
08:22.13Cairennhey! I resemble that remark!
08:22.31widger|homeDo you put on women's clothing and hang around in bars too? =)
08:23.14Cairennas a matter of fact .... ^_-
08:23.53art3miscairenn is easy to shop for two
08:24.02art3misBarbie(tm) has TONS of outfits
08:26.26*** join/#wowi-lounge ZOAS (
08:27.22Cairennart3mis: have you ever heard what barbie's measurements would be if she were a real woman?
08:27.40art3misMovies, they're kind of like prostitutes, you pay yuor money and you take your chances.
08:27.54art3misyeah like a tripple f or something
08:28.03Cairenn5'9', 110 pounds, 39-18-33
08:28.54art3misit's not like they're all form fitting though ;P
08:29.12Maldiviaso basically, she would snap in the middle...
08:29.15art3misbeside you could wear her capris as normal pants ;P
08:29.39art3mistime for me, ni ni
08:29.48Maldiviamorning :)
08:30.40Cairennhi Maldivia
08:31.30MaldiviaCairenn: soo, are you going to order your ticket tomorrow, or passing ?
08:32.03MaldiviaWWI08 tickets
08:32.13Cairennnot going
08:33.01CairennOttawa -> Paris = not feasible
08:34.31Maldiviahehe... well, I'm not going either, have other plans those dates :|
08:38.41*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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08:42.07IndustrialFin: pong
08:45.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkkuu (
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08:50.39Shirik"A character with that name already exists"
08:50.43ShirikThere's an error I haven't seen in a while
08:51.00batricksomeone was logged in with the name asshole?
08:51.29batrickShirik: check ur pms dammit!
08:51.34ShirikI saw
08:51.36Shirikwill fix sometime
08:52.37batrickmight be a little off, after all those "ooops i meant XYZ"
08:52.45batricki think i caught them all
08:53.25batrickit'll be nice when batbot can save our games!
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09:08.53batrick--> string.byte("a")
09:08.54batbotbatrick: > 97
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09:19.03batrick--> string.char(64)
09:19.03batbotbatrick: > @
09:19.12batrick--> string.char(74)
09:19.12batbotbatrick: > J
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10:29.13Wobinnotes the $320 credit on his account
10:29.23WobinI... don't think I've earned this =P
10:29.31WobinIt's like money from nowhere
10:29.40WobinWhere the nowhere know what my name and bank account details are
10:30.27nevcairieldont fight free money!
10:31.02WobinI was going to close off this account
10:31.10Wobinbut I don't know if I'm going to continue to get money like this
10:31.37WobinI -wish- I knew -why- they're sending me cash
10:31.50nevcairieldoesnt it say who that came from?
10:32.35klipis there a way how to reload an addon in game? without leaving and entering game? I'm debugging and it is kind of annoying to wait 20 secs for logout
10:32.53klipmaybe reloadUI api command?
10:33.00Wobina company called 2Evolve
10:33.06Wobinof which I have never encountered before...
10:33.21Wobinklip: /rl ?
10:33.30Wobinor /console reloadui ?
10:33.59klipthe second one works, thanks :)
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12:26.15FinIndustrial: I was just updating your regex on my mod update tracker thingy, thought I'd mention it - your original one could've been simplified a fair bit (don't take that as a criticism, just information)
12:27.08Fin^(Lib.+|.+Lib|.+[ ._]*(ui|UI|pack|Pack)(.*))$   =>   (lib|ui|pack)
12:28.07Fin(I added "guild" as well - all these sodding guilds who while not *technically* abusing the addon hosting sites *are* abusing the addon hosting sites, and they PISS ME OFF)
12:28.18FinI should remove "guild"
12:28.23Industrialno fine with me :p
12:28.26Finthere's all sorts of guild related addons that that could afffect, though
12:28.30Finlike GuildCraft etc.
12:28.49FinI was blinded by my rage
12:29.02Finoh well... if you think of a way to filter out those bastards let me know :)
12:29.17FinI might get it filtering on the mod descriptions as well maybe
12:30.45Fin(the regex thingy is lowercase by default btw, it becomes case sensitive if you use any uppercase characters)
12:31.34Finjuuuuust need to finish this sodding search form
12:33.26FinI was well pleased with myself for writing the hard bits, or so I said to myself (although the search backend is quite clever if I do say so myself, heh), but, actually writing a nice looking search form with all the right options fitting nicely, and a way of presenting results for no matches, a few matches, a lot of matches, and different *kinds* of matches, without knowing what the matches will be exactly first... that's sort of a pain too
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13:30.11AarojaHi can somebody answer me an easy question? How can I send a message to the Chat like many AddOns do at Startup?
13:31.43zenzelezzDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("arf", 1.0, 0.5, 0.25);
13:32.16Aarojawhat do the numbers mean? "arf" is the message isn't it?
13:32.26zenzelezzred, green, blue
13:32.30Aarojaah k
13:32.33Aarojathank you
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13:44.37clad|officesmoeone write me a simple irc proxy in lua
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13:50.04Industrialwhy in lua?
13:50.12clad|officeit would be easy
13:50.19clad|officedont feel like running dircproxy
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14:08.50wereHamsterwow, this is just amazing:
14:10.25schnoggoPTR down? or just me? :)
14:10.49Fisker-animal abuse wereHamster!
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14:23.59deltronschnoggo: yeah it's down
14:24.22schnoggofigures - finally got some time for some testing :)
14:26.42deltronTTR is up :P
14:26.47Josh_Borkeschnoggo: use the TTR then :-P
14:27.15schnoggoTTR wasn't up for me a bit ago...
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14:37.46LunessaNot entirely work-safe:
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15:01.21IndustrialIs there a "Wishlist" app where I can put items for specific slots (and more then one per slot >_>) on my wish list for characters?
15:02.23dylanmIndustrial: In-game?
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15:07.21ralfWORKoh snap
15:07.33ralfWORKI just now realized mana pot injectors don't require engineering to use :(
15:07.44nevcairielthey changed that along time back
15:07.49ralfWORK2.3 it says
15:07.53ralfWORKguess I've been living under a rock
15:09.27Bela|workone of those things that makes me glad I grinded engineering on one of my toons
15:10.15ralfWORKalso, I think I was confusing alchemist stone and mana pot injector :(
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15:10.40ralfWORKstill, I usually carry like 40 pots in my bag
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15:10.47ralfWORKto make that use 2 slots would be a dream
15:11.11nevcairieli changed to carrying 80 when my engineer toon got the recipe
15:11.20ralfWORKI could see that
15:11.33nevcairieli had 20 before or so =)
15:11.42ralfWORKI don't carry any more than 40-ish now because the idea of having 1 bag for potions seemed... excessive
15:12.06zenzelezzI always carry 160 heavy netherweave bandages
15:12.14ralfWORKreally? that's... odd
15:12.16nevcairielnow thats excessive
15:12.21ralfWORKI carry 1 stack of bandages
15:12.27zenzelezzit is odd, but an old habit
15:12.36ralfWORKI always keep it full though, as much as I can
15:12.47LopeppeppyI keep 40 Heavy Netherweave Bandages on hand.  I actually use them like... during Curator's evocation to get a minor heal off on the melee without using my mana.....
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15:13.07ralfWORKbandaids are for my use and my use only
15:13.12nevcairielyeah i usually carry one stack too, and generally one stack of netherweave cloth that just dropped somewhere =P
15:13.34zenzelezznow the most funny part about my bandage stacks is that I swear 6 of the 8 are months old
15:13.34dru_wow.  I burn through bandages in raid runs at a rapid pace.
15:13.42zenzelezzI use them like... to bandage warlocks while waiting to tank Hydross
15:13.45LopeppeppyI'm a sneaky  nasty holydin, I don't waste mana if we're in a "break" time.  I use most of them on rogues.
15:13.46ralfWORKbecause no one in the raid knows when I'm bandaiding them
15:13.50dru_usually on the fool rogues, but that's another story
15:13.56ralfWORKso they walk away after 2 ticks
15:14.24dru_I think netherweave nets should work on friendlies too
15:14.31ralfWORKthat would be awesome
15:14.35dru_net + bandaid on the farking rogues
15:14.48ralfWORKyou know, I have *never* used a net
15:14.57dru_enahncements shammies too.
15:15.00ralfWORKI should probably try using them on my focus targets
15:15.03ralfWORKwhen the CC breaks
15:15.14dru_ralfWORK: I love nets, and I'm a Frost Mage :-)
15:15.35ralfWORKcause getting 1-shotted by my MC target on the last pull before Nalorakk = suck
15:15.57dru_great for pvp and pve.  range nova with teh elemental, mage nova at melee range, and net when that breaks
15:16.25LopeppeppyNets are awesome for Vashj, to keep the striders a bit contained.
15:16.37ralfWORKhow do they work on level 71-72 mobs though?
15:16.44ralfWORKit says they are "unreliable"
15:17.05dru_about 20% resist
15:17.36ralfWORKworth a shot
15:17.39ralfWORKI'll make some up
15:17.48ralfWORKI've been meaning to do it, but I always forget to do so
15:17.56dru_Lopeppeppy: which strat does your guild use for Vash?
15:18.40zenzelezz1) pew pew 2) ??? 3) epix
15:18.52dru_I usually pick up enough netherweave doing dailies in Skettis and Blades Edge to make a stack of nets and a stack of bandaids.
15:19.01ralfWORKstupid question about ZA
15:19.22ralfWORKis it just me, or do ZA mobs seem MUCH more likely to pop out of CC early compared to say kara?
15:19.31dru_they are
15:19.57ralfWORKkinda pisses me off
15:20.04dru_and like the Moroes fight, there are several classes that dispells most cc
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15:20.11ralfWORKyea, I know that about moroes
15:20.22ralfWORKjust pisses me off, being hit capped and all
15:20.29ralfWORKto say, watch my MC fail 2x in a row
15:20.37zenzelezzthings I've *almost* learned so far on my rogue: 1) don't walk on fires when stealthed 2) remember to stealth before distracting
15:21.28dru_ralfWORK: on the nalorak trash, we intentionally gimp our dps on the flamecaster pulls.
15:21.39Lopeppeppydru_, let's see... teams in each of the 4 directions to kill the elementals.  Usually a rogue at the bottom of the quadrant, and a hunter or mage at the top of the quadrant, along with a healer.  Center melee group with 2 healers.  Kite the striders when they come up (hunter) and destroy them.  Kill the poison elementals fast, pass the core up to the healer at the top of the quadrant stairs, that healer tosses it to the designated person up top.  
15:21.40dru_we have the mage(s) chain sheep.
15:22.04dru_Lopeppeppy: that's how we started it.
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15:22.38dru_ralfWORK: the flamecasters break sheeps at 5 seconds because of the 300% speed buff
15:22.48LopeppeppyNot standing in bat poo is hard for people for whatever reason.  Dumb bunniez.
15:22.49ralfWORKthe ones on the way to dragonhawk
15:22.53dru_so the mages have to sheep/spellsteal/sheep
15:23.05dru_yeah, sorry brain fart there
15:23.18dru_Lopeppeppy: laf.
15:23.20zenzelezzpeppy: casters or melee?
15:23.33Lopeppeppyzenzelezz, be more specific?
15:23.43zenzelezzwho are having trouble staying out of the goo?
15:23.44ralfWORKdru_: never would have thought of that. good tip, thanks
15:24.06dru_we just altered our strat to 3 groups.  seems to make controlling the naga/striders a bit less chaotic
15:24.06Lopeppeppyzenzelezz... yes.  *laugh*  Bastiches need to turn up their spell detail.
15:24.13ralfWORKwhen I MC those guys, I feel like I'm on crack :P
15:24.32dru_mages need to be spellstealing that shit.
15:24.33ralfWORKlike cornholio, tbh
15:24.42ralfWORKwhat makes you think we had a mage? ;P
15:25.06dru_a fire mage can chain cast pyroblasts 3-4 times before the buff clears
15:25.32dru_16000-24000 damage in under a minute
15:25.53ralfWORKhaven't had much luck with those guys; just started on that last night
15:26.00dru_ralfWORK: even shadow priests need water :-)
15:26.12ralfWORKseems like MCing them and using that flame voley is pretty win
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15:26.36dru_ralfWORK: depends upon how good your rogue is on the scouts
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15:26.47ralfWORKdru_: rofl hey now, I'll just bitch someone into joining the raid and throwing a table down ;)
15:27.02ralfWORKwe had a jacked up group comp last time
15:27.11ralfWORKand 9 ppl
15:27.31dru_for ZA?  best runs I've done in ZA are with a jacked group make up.
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15:28.04dru_best run I've done yet, was 4 bosses under the timers.
15:28.10ralfWORKwe have zero warlocks
15:28.16ralfWORKand 2 mages
15:28.19ralfWORK(in the entire guild)
15:28.38ralfWORKgetting that eagle boss gauntlet down
15:28.49ralfWORKhave done it with a prot pally and 1 AOE class
15:28.58ralfWORKnever thought it would have worked but it was lovely
15:29.00dru_Feral Drood, 2 holy pallies, 3 shadow preists, 2 mages, 1 hunter, 1 enhancement shammie
15:29.13ralfWORKhah holy ranged batman
15:29.40ralfWORKwe are usually 1 prot pally, 1 prot warr, 2 holy priests, 1 resto druid, 1 rogue, 1 hunter, 1 shadowpriest
15:29.58ralfWORKand then like a DPS warrior and a mage
15:30.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Nechckn (
15:31.13ralfWORKwe generally don't stack many classes :P
15:32.04ralfWORKI'm thinking that 1 maybe 2 ppl on the scouts should work though, sounds like you are suggesting the same?
15:32.13zenzelezzLF9M ZA CLASS RUN
15:32.23ralfWORK(we are a post-kara guild btw, not some T5 shit)
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15:33.29NechcknralfWORK  Did you have time to review the buff bars and find one that fit your needs?
15:33.44dru_we are kinda hung up on Vash and Kael right now.
15:34.41dru_consistantly get vash to phase 3, and clear to vash in a single night, but we always seem to lose a healer or two early in phase 3 and wipe in the 3-10% area
15:34.56ralfWORKNechckn: not yet, no :(
15:35.03ralfWORKNechckn: will have to check it some time later :(
15:35.17NechcknralfWORK  cool, cool  I just was wondering which made "your cut"  =)
15:35.23zenzelezzI find watching female figure skating 50/50... I'm not into the skating, but the figures I like
15:36.06dru_on topic though, do any of you have a good way to read/write data from a web url ?
15:36.13dru_within LUA.
15:36.34zenzelezzoutside of WoW?
15:36.42dru_inside WoW.
15:36.47zenzelezzno can do
15:37.02dru_zenzelezz: grr.
15:37.12dru_guess I'll have to stick to thi hack then
15:37.48dru_(working on a DKP management system that's fully live to the web database)
15:38.05cog|workthat's not possible
15:38.08cog|workor allowed
15:38.17cog|workmods are forbidden to have realtime communication outside the game
15:38.35dylanmYou have to have an outside uploader that runs after the variables are written.
15:38.42dru_right now, it's using a folder / file monitored file that triggers an external process to push/pop the dkp data from the website as LUA var
15:39.20zenzelezztrigger an in-game update while the game is running?
15:39.23cog|workthat's not possible. Wow doesn't write to files until UI reload, logout, or exit
15:39.35nevcairielor buffer full =P
15:40.04cog|workdru_: Blizzard has worked actively to prevent the kind of thing you're trying to do (the fundamental concept not the overall goal)
15:40.10dru_yeah, that's why I want to fix it, right now, the master looter has to reloadui before and after each loot process
15:40.13cog|workif you find a way around it, it's an exploit
15:40.14dylanmNothing is going to be revealed to either side of this communication until a reload happens.
15:40.32dylanmDoes it really need to be that up to date?
15:41.16dru_ideally, yes, because I want the ML to know the current DKP at each loot to precent some of the QQ
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15:41.32dru_but I can live without it if I have to.
15:41.43dylanmYou do have to.
15:41.49dylanmI mean he can update his values before he logs in.
15:42.00sag_ich_nichtLF24M Gruul no more Melee DDs
15:42.12zenzelezzsag_ich_nicht: trinket?
15:42.14dylanmIs anything going to change between that time and when you need to assign this stuff?
15:42.44dru_dylanm: it can, we've had a couple of instance where it has been needed.
15:42.59dylanmI guess I don't know your system.
15:43.50Lopeppeppydru_... your ML just has to keep notes on who spent points, and know that if SSS bought something, they are lower in DKP now.  You cannot communicate with a webpage in real time in WoW.  *gentle shrug*  Excel for the win.
15:43.55dru_(eg last week we had both a TK and an SSC run going at the same time and one player switched between runs, and he had picked up some DKP in TK but it wasn't relfected when we were in SSC)
15:44.24dru_Lopeppeppy: I suspected, but it never hurts to ask :-)
15:44.37LopeppeppyThat's just... sad bad paperwork overhead, dru_...  Excel and officers that are on the ball is your only resource.  It sucks, but there you go.
15:45.14dylanmWe don't ever run more than one thing for DKP at a time, so yeah I guess I just didn't realize the need.
15:45.14dru_Lopeppeppy: oh I understand it.
15:45.34sag_ich_nicht[16:42] <zenzelezz> sag_ich_nicht: trinket? <--yeah :(
15:45.37dylanmYou could try to have it sync in-game a little but reconciling the two is less than fun.
15:45.42dru_we try not to, but it happens occasionally.
15:45.58sag_ich_nichtjust got BT atuned yesterday and still running around with [Hourglass of the Unraveller]
15:46.12dru_at this point, we only use DKP for SSC/TK, no Gruul or Maf
15:46.37dru_don't have enough attuned to MH/BT yet
15:46.45zenzelezzsag_ich_nicht: we have rogues who'd still benefit from the Gruul trinket (or better yet the Tsunami), and we're clearing MH/half of BT
15:47.46sag_ich_nichtzenzelezz: durr, it's the best melee trinket ingame :(
15:48.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Recluse (
15:49.02zenzelezzsag_ich_nicht: I wouldn't know, I take the spanking, I don't administer it
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15:50.14Reclusewhat would the term be used to refer to a database table/field that is present but never used? i was thinking "artifact", but not sure if it holds its meaning outside of digital images...
15:53.25dylanmDST is still pro as hell.
16:04.58NechcknRecluse  have seen "floater" used socially, reserved- but that can mean reserved by the program itself, inert, etc...  artifact could work, too  =)
16:06.44Nechcknunused usually refers to bad, left over fields or tables that folks are tasked to search out and delete to reduce the overall size
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16:11.40zenzelezzthat's an interesting name... Toxicßlood
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16:15.04RecluseNechckn: "inert" seems to have a "harmless" connotation to it, imo - but such data does (in sufficient quantities) have a performance hit, and may cause issues at some point if one's queries are not worded carefully.
16:16.11RecluseThe only term I can come up with aside from artifact is 'obsolete'.
16:16.44zenzelezzleft-over, unimplemented
16:26.02zenzelezzdeprecated sounds odd if the field was never used
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16:32.06foxlitcontemplates writing a configuration interface in pure Lua
16:33.25foxlitUsually use XML; which seems to be a bit more concise.
16:33.48foxlitDoes anyone actually CreateFrame major chunks of their UI?
16:34.05dylanmI believe many do, yes.
16:35.03dylanmI think the main difference is that it's harder to see the hierarchy in the Lua. I guess you could get cute with the indentation but still.
16:35.51foxlitLack of inheritance hurts
16:36.16dylanmYeah. You can just write constructors but it's not as smooth, no.
16:36.36foxlitMiss <Size> as well, :SetWidth/:SetHeight seems annoyingly long
16:37.06dylanmAdd your own method.
16:37.14foxlitlocal function SetDimensions(frame, w, h)
16:37.46foxlitCould dump it into the frame metatable for great conflicts?
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16:42.24ScytheBlade1What was the name of that addon on WoWI with Admiral Ackbar, "IT'S A TRAP!" ?
16:42.31ScytheBlade1... lol
16:42.34cncfanaticsanyone can help tell me whats wrong with self:SetAttribute("ofspoint*", "BOTTOMLEFT"); self:SetAttribute("ofsx*", 300); self:SetAttribute("ofsy*", 300); self:SetAttribute("showstates*", "*");
16:42.38cncfanaticsmy code ain't doing anything
16:42.41ScytheBlade1Named "Admiral Ackbar" - not "trap" in the title
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16:43.28foxliterm, cnc, you might not need a * there
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16:44.05dylanmOh yeah Zanzer's thing.
16:44.16cncfanaticsfoxlit: I tried without too, I also get no result at all
16:45.15foxlitYou're not expecting it to reposition itself magically, are you? :)
16:45.34foxlitEither its own or the parent's stateheader has to change state
16:45.48cncfanaticsblizz fails
16:45.58cncfanaticswhen a position attribute changes it *should* reposition :s
16:46.07foxlitIt doesn't, deal with it :)
16:46.34cncfanaticsthats anoying
16:47.07cncfanaticsespecialy as all my buttons use the same stateheader
16:47.17cncfanaticsso the stateheader will update all buttons every time one changes position :(
16:47.29foxlitYou could call setpoint yourself?
16:47.54cncfanaticshmmm, will the header still update positioning if the state changes then ?
16:48.10cncfanaticsalternativly, is the OnStateChanged code global ? if so I can just invoke it
16:48.10foxlitassuming it changes state, yes.
16:48.30foxlitactually, no
16:48.48foxlitWhat you're looking for is TestChildVisibility, which is actually local, triggered by a state change in a header
16:49.46Lopeppeppywith cheese
16:49.54foxlitand pineapples
16:51.19cncfanaticswhy doesn't the header just call TestChildVisbibility when the damn anchors change ?
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16:53.35cncfanaticsfoxlit: still nothing shown with this code:
16:54.06cncfanaticsself:SetAttribute("ofspoint-TestState", "BOTTOMLEFT"); self:SetAttribute("ofsx-TestState", 300); self:SetAttribute("ofsy-TestState", 300); self:SetAttribute("showstates-TestState", "*"); self.StateDriver:SetAttribute("state", "TestState");
16:54.16cncfanaticsthat *should* work shouldn't it ?
16:54.17Lejanyone happen to know how to get in contact with the author of RatingBuster?
16:54.29cncfanaticsor am I getting something horribly wrong ? its been a while since I used the header
16:54.32foxlitstates are generally numeric
16:54.39cncfanaticsthey don't have to be
16:55.03cncfanaticsI personaly find it much clearer when they aren't :p
16:55.38foxlitBut then you can't specify ranges, so it's fair game :)
16:55.49cncfanaticsyea, anyway, any errors in above code ?
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16:57.17foxlitshowstates-TestState looks odd
16:57.39cncfanaticshmmm, whats wrong with it ?
16:57.52foxlitI read it as
16:58.02foxlit"When I'm in TestState state, I should be shown for any state"
16:58.15cncfanaticstrue, showstates shouldn't have a suffix
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16:58.39cncfanaticsreloading, the error might be just that
16:59.01foxlitSecureState_GetStateAttribute(header, state, attribute)
16:59.21foxlitthat's public, may as well check what the stateheader reads your declaration as
17:00.24cncfanaticsI think I forgot my "statebutton" attribute
17:00.29cncfanaticsbonks his head against a wall
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17:01.40foxlitYou should probably read the SecureState_GetStateAttribute code
17:01.53cncfanaticsI know it by heart -.-
17:01.57cncfanaticsits just been over 6 months since I used it
17:02.07nevcairielreading code for stateheaders is the only way to learn about them :)
17:02.17foxlitOr I probably should figure out what happens to remapped states
17:02.21cncfanaticswell, I know them pretty well, I just slacked off for way too long
17:02.31foxlitAt the moment, I don't see how "ofsx-TestState" could ever be valid
17:02.46cncfanaticsand why is that ?
17:02.54cncfanaticsif TestState is a state :p
17:03.03foxlitBecause the suffix isn't applied in code
17:03.18cncfanaticsyou mean ofsx is state independant ?
17:03.26foxlitSo either it reshuffles attributes internally (which would be odd), or it doesn't work like you think it does
17:03.39foxlitHence the pointing to SecureState_GetStateAttribute
17:03.50foxlitI'd expect something like
17:04.04cncfanaticsare you talking specificaly for ofsx here or for attributes in general ?
17:04.06foxlitchild:SetAttribute("ofsx", "TestState:0;1:42"); -- to work
17:04.06nevcairielSecureState_GetStateAttribute is a trivial :GetAttribute call
17:04.10nevcairielno GetModifiedAttribute
17:04.18foxlitSelectRule, though
17:04.34cncfanaticsah ok
17:04.43cncfanaticswtb consistent attribute stuff :(
17:04.44nevcairielyeah, do what foxlit said
17:04.46nevcairielthat will work
17:04.52nevcairielits rather consistent tbh
17:04.58cncfanaticssome work with a suffix
17:05.06cncfanaticsothers work with things passed in the attribute value
17:05.49foxlitSecureStateHeader.lua and SecureTemplates.lua are invaluable
17:06.12nevcairielthe code is pretty easy and straight forward
17:06.22cncfanaticsI find it anoying code :(
17:06.31cncfanaticsI'm bad at reading code though
17:06.57nevcairieloh well, i can read code and understand the basic logic pretty fast
17:07.14bam_just ignore the comments.. they confuse more than they help :D
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18:08.30art3miswhats the name of that other router software aside from tomato?
18:09.23NightHawkTheSanei thnk
18:15.11MentalPowerdd-wrt yes
18:15.29MentalPoweronly firmware for v5-8 devices
18:15.35MentalPowerWRT54G that is
18:17.46LejWhy does:
18:17.54Lej/script local s = "29.9"; DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(string.gsub(s, "(", "X"));
18:18.07*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
18:18.16Lejadd X2X9X.X9X to the chat window?
18:19.10Bela|workwhat are you trying to do?
18:19.23LejI just want to replace possible ( in the string s with X
18:19.35Bela|workescape (
18:19.47Lejwhat's the escape char in lua?
18:20.19Lejlike so:
18:20.22Lej/script local s = "29.9"; DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(string.gsub(s, "\(", "X"));
18:20.34Lejsame result
18:21.16Bela|workloading up wow one sec
18:21.37Josh_Borke~lart Bela|work
18:21.37purlbeats Bela|work to within 2.54cm of his life
18:21.54Lejprobably doing something stupid, not used to lua :>
18:22.17Josh_Borkelua> local s = "29.9"; print(string.gsub(s, "\(", "X"));
18:22.18lua_botJosh_Borke: X2X9X.X9X, 5
18:22.19Bela|workwhy am I larted?
18:22.29Josh_Borkelua> local s = "29.9"; print(string.gsub(s, "(", "X"))
18:22.29lua_botJosh_Borke: X2X9X.X9X, 5
18:22.33Josh_Borkewhy not? :-D
18:22.36Josh_Borkelua> local s = "29.9"; print(string.gsub(s, "%(", "X"))
18:22.36lua_botJosh_Borke: 29.9, 0
18:22.41Josh_Borkeit's % not \
18:22.42dylanmIt's %, yeah.
18:22.51Lejah ok ^^
18:23.17Bela|workthought it used standard regex
18:23.23Josh_Borkelua does not implement regex
18:23.50dylanmIt's pattern syntax! It's wonderful for confusing the fuck out of everyone.
18:23.53dylanmBut it's small.
18:24.09Bela|workLua has regular expression
18:24.14Bela|workit just isn't the one people are used to
18:24.15Josh_Borkeno it doesn't
18:24.25Josh_Borkeright, it's not posix regex
18:25.32Lejwhy don't a need a % in s = "(29.9" then? :/
18:25.40Josh_BorkeBela|work: sometimes (erroneously) called regular expressions.
18:25.50LejIf i want the string to be (29.9
18:25.59Josh_Borkewhat do you want to have happen?
18:26.05Josh_Borkevictory is mine!
18:26.10Lejthanks ;)
18:26.20Josh_Borkeno, i don't know that that link will help you
18:26.32Josh_Borke(02:19:23 PM) Lej: I just want to replace possible ( in the string s with X
18:26.40Josh_Borkelua> local s = "(29.9"; print(string.gsub(s, "%(", "X"))
18:26.40lua_botJosh_Borke: X29.9, 1
18:26.44Josh_Borkelua> local s = "29.9"; print(string.gsub(s, "%(", "X"))
18:26.44lua_botJosh_Borke: 29.9, 0
18:26.54Bela|workI can think of them as a form of regular expression, since regular expression is in fact a pattern matching syntax as well
18:27.08Josh_Borkeyou can think whatever you want to bela :-D
18:27.18Josh_Borkeas long as you keep wdnaddons up to date :-D
18:27.24Bela|workit is
18:27.25dylanmYou don't need % in s because it isn't being interpreted as a pattern.
18:27.35Josh_Borkei know ,you're doing a wonderful job
18:27.48dylanmHear, hear.
18:27.56Lejdylanm: I see, havn't really ever touched anything like regex or these pattern thingies
18:28.09Bela|workI have a v3 coming. its just hard right now with only 3 days in a week where I can do anything
18:29.14Lejso I assume it's just the string you are searching for that is interpreted as a pattern and no tthe string you use to replace with?
18:29.15Bela|workits fun trying to juggle wdn, necb rewrite, and a raiding guild as an officer
18:29.29ralfWORKno not really
18:31.30Bela|workthe string you are replacing with can be a pattern as well
18:31.36Endtechnically, perl's regular expressions aren't exactly regular expressions either, since they can be used to match things that aren't regular
18:31.49LopeppeppyBela|work, you're crazy.  :P
18:31.50Endbut w/e
18:32.02Bela|workyes, yes I am
18:32.41ScytheBlade1Bela|work: just stop sleeping. Problem solved.
18:32.48Bela|worksleep? whats that?
18:32.52Bela|workI ahd a kid remember?
18:32.57ScytheBlade1I see you're already part way there!
18:33.06CairennBela|work: how IS the little one? what's the latest?
18:33.08dylanmTeach him Lua fast.
18:33.27ScytheBlade1lol, yes
18:33.29ScytheBlade1Teach him lua
18:33.33Bela|workstill in the hospital. but they have him out of the isolette and is taking bottles every other feeding
18:33.44Bela|workprobably another 2 weeks before he comes home
18:33.49dylanmHe okay?
18:34.00Bela|workbut he isn't sick
18:34.01Cairennstill, out of the isolette is a big step
18:34.36Bela|workI showed him a murloc picture and he smiled
18:34.50Bela|workgotta start young on the wow train
18:35.02dylanmOh God if that's his first doll
18:35.10dylanmdoes the government just step in or what
18:35.23ScytheBlade1Vaugely reminds me of Penny Arcade
18:35.24Bela|workI told my wife she better start playing now, so she gets quality time with both of us when he is older
18:35.31Bela|workshe didn't like that
18:35.43ScytheBlade1Where gabe (iirc) taught his son the murloc noise
18:35.53Bela|workhey thats a good idea!
18:35.59ScytheBlade1"What does a murloc say?" "mrrruuugglllll" came the reply
18:36.11Bela|workhe already makes little grunting noises
18:36.15Bela|workmaybe he is an orc
18:36.16ScytheBlade1"I think he'll be disappointed on our first trip to the zoo, when he realizes that murlocs don't really exist."
18:37.33ScytheBlade1That's it
18:37.54ralfWORKI make the murloc sound in the shower every day
18:40.23Bela|workoh gawd, must have....
18:41.14ralfWORKanyone here S3 users?
18:41.38ralfWORKbeen trying to copy this fricking 1gb file to S3 and it just isn't getting done
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18:45.46NightHawkTheSanethis is brilliant.
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18:49.37Maldivianevcairiel ?
18:50.27Maldivianevcairiel: just a quick question, the green "aura" action buttons get if it has an item on it, and you have it equipped, can that be disabled anywhere (bartender) ?
18:51.09nevcairielmaybe i'll add a option for bartender4
18:51.09Maldiviaok - but figured I'd ask in case I had missed somethingh :)
18:51.10Dottedis away (kd3 - whee squid just went splat)
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18:54.45Lejlua> local s = "yes"; if s = ("yeah" or "yes") then print("match"); else print("no match"); end
18:54.45lua_botLej: luabot:1: 'then' expected near '='
18:55.09Lejlua> local s = "yes"; if s == ("yeah" or "yes") then print("match"); else print("no match"); end
18:55.10lua_botLej: no match
18:55.32Lej^I suppose I'm using or incorreclty? :/
18:55.53LejOr comparing strings incorreclty
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18:57.49LejI want it to check if string s is one of the strings "yeah" or "yes" and if so do whatever
19:02.19klipLej: try if (s == "yes) or (s == "yeah")
19:03.28klipI forgot " after yes :)
19:04.06kliplua> print ("yeah" or "yes")
19:04.06lua_botklip: yeah
19:04.36klipyou see, it evalueates "yeah" and then it compares s to "yeah" :)
19:04.54klip(in your code I mean)
19:05.45Lejany other smart way to do it? got a lot of strings to comapre too
19:05.59Lejif I need S == every time it'll get very long
19:06.06Bela|workyou could put them all in a table and then traverse the table for matches
19:06.08klipnot sure if lua knows switch
19:06.08malrethuse table lookups
19:06.15klipIm new in lua
19:06.16kliplet me see
19:06.22WobinBela|work: =P
19:06.32WobinYou could use a table with the keys being the strings you want
19:06.49Bela|workthat would be faster, but is a pain to write the table
19:06.50Wobinso {yeah = true, yes = true}
19:07.08Wobinthen if t[s] ....
19:07.11Lejand then table[s]=
19:07.54malrethdon't use "table"
19:08.10malrethlua> print(table)
19:08.10lua_botmalreth: table: 0x63a630
19:08.23malreththe table named "table" already exists in lua
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19:09.26WobinBela|work: True, but you're only writing it once
19:09.30Bela|workthe first one
19:09.30WobinThe former
19:09.36Bela|worklua> local s = "yes"; local lookup = {yeah = true, yes = true}; if (lookup[s]) then print("match"); else print("no match"); end
19:09.37lua_botBela|work: match
19:10.26WobinBela|work: You forgot 'omg' 'uhuh' 'rofl' and 'lolwhut' =)
19:10.41Bela|workI should probably do it that way, but I like my tables to be like {"yeah","yes"} which of course requires an interator
19:10.58kliphm, lua lacks switch command
19:11.04Wobinklip: yeh
19:11.05Lejwhat If I have a two word string, then I need to do something like {"oh yeah" = true, yes = true} ?
19:11.15Wobinklip: Although you can use tables to imitate them
19:11.18malrethklip: tables can be used as a switch construct
19:11.22Bela|worklookup["oh yeah"] = true;
19:11.23WobinLej: [Oh Yeah!]
19:11.38klipsure, I just found nice page with plenty of switch workarounds :)
19:11.52klipthis one:
19:12.00Bela|workits easy to do honestly
19:12.15Bela|workhell, you could do it with metatables
19:12.52Lejlua> local s = "oh yes"; local lookup = {yeah = true, "oh yes" = true}; if (lookup[s]) then print("match"); else print("no match"); end
19:12.52lua_botLej: luabot:1: '}' expected near '='
19:13.54klipuse [ ] instead of " "  as Wobin said :)
19:14.00Bela|worklua> local s = "oh yes"; local lookup = {yeah = true, ["oh yes"] = true}; if (lookup[s]) then print("match"); else print("no match"); end
19:14.00lua_botBela|work: match
19:14.19Lejto much help, missed that one ^^
19:14.44Bela|worklua> local s = "oh yes"; local lookup = {yeah = true, ["oh yes"] = true, more = true, ["you lke that don't you"] = true}; if (lookup[s]) then print("match"); else print("no match"); end
19:14.45lua_botBela|work: match
19:14.53Bela|worksorry had to throw that one in
19:15.17LejI saw that one coming :P
19:17.39malrethLej: did you really?
19:18.17malrethand yet you claim that you were powerless to stop it
19:18.57malrethyour honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury... this man was not powerless... he was NEGLIGENT
19:19.25LejPowerless and slightly perverse and two different things
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19:19.41malrethI rest my case.
19:20.03malrethrests his case on Lej's chin
19:20.11Lejenjoys it
19:20.27Josh_Borke~lart Bela|work
19:20.27purlfrags Bela|work with his BFG9000
19:26.17Wobin... by malreth?
19:26.53malrethWobin: you'll have to pay $100 to find out
19:27.05malreth$200 and you can watch
19:27.26malreth$300 and i'll spare you the horror
19:27.28WobinNo porn is worth that much
19:28.35Saint-Nthat's not true
19:28.38Wobintime to try my new life as a boomkin
19:28.46WobinSaint-N: If it involves Malreth =P
19:29.12malrethi'm a bit like ron jeremy
19:29.19Saint-Noh 1 buck is too much for that(even if it inclouded lifetime membership to 15 other porn sites
19:29.19malrethfugly and hairy
19:29.28Saint-Nand you can "hedgehog"?
19:29.44malrethonly without the johnson or the stamina
19:29.52malrethso, i guess i'm really nothing like him
19:29.54WobinAlso, it being malreth, I really -don't- want to see what is considered 'affiliated' to his site
19:30.22malrethnow accepting ads from the Hello Kitty Happy Fun Online Game
19:30.46malrethmy porn site is the only one that can give you epilepsy
19:31.00WobinAmple use of the <flash> tag? =P
19:31.12Saint-NI didn't even know that was a "urban word"
19:31.31Saint-Nwe started using it in the porn selling industry like 18 years ago ;P
19:31.34ralfWORKseriously, urbandictionary is so retarded
19:31.44Wobin"They call him Ron Jeremy the way he hog them hedges"
19:31.49Wobintalk about metareferences
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19:40.21Shirik|AFKkicks the armory
19:40.23Shirik|AFKupdate damnit!
19:40.29Fisker-NO U
19:42.20zenzelezzupdate what, gear?
19:45.44Shirik|AFKit's still in my pvp gear :(
19:45.57zenzelezzgear usually updates within hours for me
19:46.10zenzelezzguild on the other hand... I've been marked guildless for weeks, even mailed them
19:47.08Lejmhm, signing "sap give fat man lives" guild charter wasn't the smartest idea ever
19:47.20deltronI logged out with one of the coolest trinkets ever :D
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19:50.18zenzelezz[Royal Seal of Eldre'Thalas]?
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19:51.43Atriaceis this valid?   if arg1==(a or b) then
19:51.55ScytheBlade1if (arg1 == a or arg1 ==b )
19:52.04Shirik|AFKsure it is
19:52.08Shirik|AFKbut it's probably not what you want
19:52.09ScytheBlade1Wait, really?
19:52.11WobinIt's valid
19:52.15ScytheBlade1Yeah okay details
19:52.16Wobinbut not necessarily useful
19:52.21deltronI logged out with Cannonball Runner
19:52.23zenzelezzboolean comparison
19:52.29AtriacePity.... requires so much more text.
19:52.45AtriaceI'm testing against 10 different variables.
19:52.52Shirik|AFKagain, I'm not aware of any language that lets you do that
19:53.05WobinDidn't we just have that conversation
19:53.17Wobinwith comparisons to a whole bunch of variables?
19:53.21Shirik|AFKwell I had this conversation yesterday :P
19:53.29Shirik|AFKdon't remember who it was with
19:53.38AtriaceWell which one was valid, Wobin?
19:53.46Shirik|AFKthey're both valid
19:53.55Shirik|AFKbut if you're trying to determine equality, ScytheBlade1's is what you want
19:54.01Shirik|AFKyours does something completely different
19:54.09AtriaceSuch as?
19:54.26Fisker-chases Wobin
19:54.32Shirik|AFKlua> arg1, a, b = 4, 5, 4; return (arg1 == (a or b ))
19:54.32lua_botShirik|AFK: false
19:54.40Shirik|AFKlua> arg1, a, b = 4, false, 4; return (arg1 == (a or b ))
19:54.40lua_botShirik|AFK: true
19:54.44Wobinaha, you were logged out for that conversation
19:54.51Shirik|AFKlua> arg1, a, b = 4, 4, 5; return (arg1 == (a or b ))
19:54.51lua_botShirik|AFK: true
19:55.21Wobinthe (a or b) evaluates first
19:55.26Wobinas a comparison between themselves
19:55.46Shirik|AFK(a or b) returns a if a is non-false and non-nil, otherwise it returns b
19:56.10Shirik|AFKI take that back
19:56.17Wobinone of the previous questions in the channel was how to compare an argument with a whole list of strings
19:56.26Shirik|AFK(a or b) return a if a is non-false and non-nil, otherwise it returns b if b is non-false and non-nil, otherwise it returns false
19:56.36AtriaceI knew I shouldn't have logged last night...
19:56.39Shirik|AFKlua> return (false or nil)
19:56.40lua_botShirik|AFK: nil
19:56.44Shirik|AFKnope I was right the first time
19:56.44Wobinone of the proposed solutions was to create a table with all the variables as keys, then check whether the key existed in the table.
19:56.59Shirik|AFKlua> return (nil or false)
19:56.59lua_botShirik|AFK: false
19:57.05Shirik|AFKmust be an optimization thing :P
19:57.24Wobineg: t = {yes = true, yep = true}; s = "yep"; if t[s] then print("found") else print("not found")
19:57.46Wobinnot sure if it will apply to your situation, but it's a possible solution
19:57.58AtriaceMakes sense to me.
19:58.07AtriaceWell, thanks for enlightening me.
19:58.59Shirik|AFKart3mis: ping
19:59.12Bela|workwas that the second time that question was asked?
19:59.27LejWe make life hard for you :(
19:59.35Shirik|AFKit's ok
19:59.41Shirik|AFKBela|work's life deserves to be hard
20:00.03Shirik|AFKAnd now that he has a kid, hahaha
20:00.14Shirik|AFKI'm so buying your kid something very, very loud for his birthday
20:00.16Shirik|AFKlike a drum set
20:00.33WobinGet him a murloc costume
20:00.41ralfWORKdamn yes
20:00.41WobinIt'll give bela nightmares
20:00.52ralfWORKbtw fuck verio
20:01.05Wobinteach the kid to sneak up in it in the middle of the night
20:01.38Saint-Nthat would be creepy
20:02.38Shirik|AFKok, time to go to school
20:02.39Saint-NShirik|AFK: what did you want?
20:02.41Shirik|AFKcasts Vanish
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20:02.49Shirik|AFKwhat, from art3mis?
20:03.01Saint-N<-- is art3mis
20:03.10Saint-NI'm at work
20:03.42Shirik|AFKYou told me about some program a while ago that lets me essentially run a linux program inside windows, I think
20:03.51Saint-Noh yeah one sec
20:03.51Shirik|AFKnot vmware
20:03.56Shirik|AFKnot cygwin
20:04.08Wobinoh wait
20:04.10Wobinwrong way around
20:04.12ralfWORKnot that
20:04.30Wobinsorry, thought you said windows inside linux
20:04.34Saint-N there's that
20:04.46Saint-Nand the other I'll link ya later as it's bookmarked at home
20:04.59Shirik|AFKah that's it
20:05.02Shirik|AFKthanks :)
20:06.06Saint-Nbeen mucking around with QEMU and VMM in nix the last few days
20:06.13Saint-NI really should make some isos ;)
20:06.50Bela|workmy kid can play my warrior
20:06.55Bela|workalready has a murloc suit
20:07.33Saint-NBela|work: a real life murloc suit ;P
20:07.50Saint-Nso he can wake you up with MRGRGRLLGRLLG
20:08.10Saint-Nhehe the murloc jammys!@
20:09.56AtriaceWhat the hell?!
20:09.59Atriaceis grabbed by the feet, thrown to the ground and dragged away kicking and screaming.
20:11.11LunessaMurloc suit FTW
20:11.40WobinRL murloc suit =)
20:11.59zenzelezznow that's a weird fetish
20:12.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
20:12.29Fisker-putty = running linux apps on your windows desktop :P
20:14.31Bela|workone could make a real life murloc suit rathyer easily
20:14.38Bela|workwould be fun
20:14.40Bela|workI might do it
20:14.45Bela|workand take pictures
20:14.51Bela|workand use them as blackmail when he is 18
20:15.03Josh_BorkeDO IT
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21:13.29Aarojaam I allowed to post Lua Code here?
21:13.48ScytheBlade1Yes, but if you post a lot (more than two or three lines), use pastey (in the channel topic)
21:14.03Aarojait's just a short function
21:15.04clad|officeAaroja: pastey it
21:15.07clad|officeunless it fits on one line
21:15.17Josh_Borkei'll pastey your face!
21:15.24Josh_Borkehas tried so hard to get kicked from this channel
21:15.27Josh_Borkeit just never happens
21:15.33clad|officethat was people can alter it, and diff things
21:15.34Cairennpastey's Josh_Borke's mom
21:15.37ScytheBlade1Pass me a +o and it'll be done
21:15.46Josh_Borke~emulate Josh_Borke
21:15.51Josh_Borke~emulate JoshBorke
21:15.52purlSomeone peed in my cheerios!
21:16.13Josh_Borke~emulate Josh_Borke
21:16.14purlACTION hugs Cairenn
21:16.14Aarojacan somebody help me with this?
21:16.16Cairennhugs Josh_Borke
21:16.46AarojaIt should store the value 1 or 0 into my SavedVariable and then close the Form...
21:16.48Josh_Borkewhy is checked compared to "True" and not true?
21:16.53Aarojabut I think it doesn't
21:17.04zenzelezz.Checked? Is that real WoW-lua?
21:17.10Aarojai don't know xD
21:17.15clad|officezenzelezz: no
21:17.19AarojaI'm not an expert in lua
21:17.22clad|officeAaroja: please post your .toc as well
21:17.45clad|officewhat you want is if AarojaUIFormCheckButtonGuildgreet:GetChecked() then instead of what you have on line 2
21:17.45Josh_Borkeperhaps if AarojaUIFormCheckButtonGuildgreet is a checkbox you mean: if (AarojaUIFormCheckButtonGuildgreet:GetChecked() == 1) then
21:18.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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21:18.55Aarojaah k
21:19.27Aarojaso SetChecked("True") is for forcing them to be checked an GetChecked() is for getting it's value?
21:19.59Aarojathank you all :)
21:20.03AarojaI'll give it a try
21:21.17LunessaSetSecretPwerUP("True") = I win.
21:21.57Lunessa... Odd humor from the otherwise quiet priest today.
21:22.53Josh_Borkewhat spec priest?
21:23.08AarojaI think I need more help :) I'll post my whole addon in pastey (it only contains 2 things xD) and propably somebody can help me :)
21:23.25Josh_Borkesound slike a good idea
21:24.53Aarojadamn spam-check xD
21:25.32Josh_Borke~emulate Cairenn
21:25.32purlACTION purrs
21:25.32AarojaI already got this ^^
21:26.27AarojaI wanted to make my AddOn load the SavedVariable "AarojaUI" and send a friendly message to the guild if I checked the CheckBox last time I played
21:26.41Aarojabut it doesn't^^
21:27.09Josh_Borkewhat's in the XML?
21:27.09Aarojaso to speak just a little saving of my settings :)
21:27.13Aarojamom :)
21:28.25Aarojapastey wants me to validate my xml because it contains urls -.-
21:29.54ScytheBlade1I'm holding Ishanah hostage
21:29.58ScytheBlade1You know, the head Aldor priestess?
21:30.03AarojaI think "WoW UI Designer" is writing a lot of crap into my XML
21:30.11GuillotineIt does that
21:30.17Guillotineyou're better off doing it from scratch
21:30.23Guillotineor just not using XML
21:30.33GuillotineDynamic frames in Lua > XML
21:30.41Aarojabut how do I not use xml if I want a GUI?^^
21:31.16Guillotinebeat to it :(
21:31.59Aarojaso whats the difference between Dynamic Frames and XML-Frames?
21:32.03GuillotineIt sucks not having any PTRs with the possibility to test most addons :(
21:32.09ScytheBlade1Guillotine: indeed
21:32.11Josh_Borkedynamic frames are a big headache until you understand them
21:32.19GuillotineDynamic frames are dynamic and don't have to be created until they're needed
21:32.27Josh_Borkeand dynamic frames are complicated and hard
21:32.28GuillotineThey aren't that hard
21:32.32Guillotineeasier than xml imo
21:32.42Josh_Borkenot when you have tools that generate xml for you
21:32.50Guillotinethat generate bloated xml :P
21:32.54Aarojaso XML-Frames are using memory even if they are not visible?
21:33.04Josh_Borkegot any tools that are going to tell me how to create a checkbox that looks like whatever and goes to this spot?
21:33.26Aarojaso if I want an AddOn which saves memory I got to use DynFrames?
21:33.26Guillotinewhy need tools? Just create a checkbox, set height, set width, setpoint
21:33.33GuillotineIts really not that much memory
21:33.40Josh_BorkeGuillotine: and what do you mean by setpoint?  what point do i set it to?
21:33.55Guillotineand if you already know xml but not about dynamic frames, you might as well just use the xml
21:34.01Josh_Borkethese are the questions that xml (and tools that generate bloated xml) hide from new developers
21:34.31GuillotineSuppose its really just preference
21:34.58Josh_Borkeit really is just preference, for static frames that you'll always need, xml is just as easy as CreateFrame
21:35.07Josh_Borkealso, yo ucan't create inheritable frames from lua
21:35.16Guillotineno, but you can create functions that create them
21:35.18Guillotinewhich is easier imo
21:35.48Aarojaok I speak honestly ^^: I just know the very Basics of Lua and a little bit XML from Flex but not enough to say "I know the language" :) I just wanted to learn how to make AddOns by building some and continiously expanding my repertroir
21:36.17Guillotinethen I'd suggest just dealing with bloated XML until you learn the Lua
21:36.31Guillotinesince it really doesn't add *that* much
21:37.24AarojaThats what I'm doing^^ because if you use "WoW Ui Des" you don't need to know xml I think
21:37.48AarojaI'm just interessted in learning how to get life into the pictures
21:38.37Aarojaanyway can somebody help me with my problem? :P
21:39.30Guillotineoh, whats the problem?
21:40.11*** join/#wowi-lounge RayneBORED (
21:40.13AarojaI want my addon to load the SavedVariable, read a value and then either send a message to my guild on login or not :)
21:40.34Guillotinewell, you want to run a function on the event VARIABLES_LOADED
21:40.36Aarojaand I also want to make the button checked if I open the settings window
21:40.42Aarojagot that
21:40.50ScytheBlade1RayneBORED: bet I'm more bored than you
21:40.54Guillotinetechnically the frame still exists, whether its loaded or not
21:41.03Guillotineso really, just set the button to checked or not when the variables load
21:41.04RayneBOREDScytheBlade1: Im more confused than bored.
21:41.06Guillotineand it'll stay like that
21:41.09RayneBOREDIf anyones got a minute,
21:41.15RayneBOREDI broke my addons. :3
21:41.43Aarojabut if I check the button... logout and relogin my checked button is gone
21:41.54AarojaI want to save the "setting"
21:42.10Guillotinemake sure you set it to checked or not on the VARIABLES_LOADED event
21:42.15Guillotineyou want to manually do it
21:42.51GuillotineRayne: somewhere in there, you have [[..]] inside of another [[ ]]
21:42.53Aarojano smily pleasy ^^
21:43.04GuillotineAaroja: can you pastey your code quickly?
21:43.06RayneGuillotine: @_@
21:43.08Aarojaah you don't se my smily^^
21:43.10Raynegoes to look
21:43.31Guillotineand probably xml
21:43.37Aarojano way for xml^^
21:43.39Guillotineso I can see the checkbox name
21:43.45ScytheBlade1[General] some one come get this gnome in the aldor tower
21:43.52GuillotineAaroja: did you make sure to register the event?
21:44.12AarojaOnLoad is "this:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED");
21:44.22Aarojawithout the quote ^^
21:45.17GuillotineAnd you're sure that your checkbox name is AarojaUIFormCheckButtonGuildgreet?
21:45.27Aarojayes wait...
21:45.30RayneThink I found it...
21:45.51Guillotineand is the parent name AarojaUIForm?
21:45.52Aarojathats the full name
21:46.56AarojaPlease don't slap me for my bad code ^^ I just know basic loops :)
21:47.09Raynelets see
21:47.18Aarojaif while for thats all I think^^
21:47.18Raynecrosses fingers
21:47.28RayneNope...shit. :/
21:47.51GuillotineRayne: just search for "[[" in the file, and make sure theres never another [[ before the closing ]]
21:48.33GuillotineAaroja: try putting DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Event called") in the AarojaUIEvent() function to make sure the function is actually being called
21:49.06Aarojadon't öppl at that^^
21:49.11AarojaIt's called by a button
21:49.29GuillotineWhat is called by a button?
21:49.38Aarojano Message()
21:49.55*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
21:49.57GuillotineI know. I'm saying add another debug statement
21:50.02AarojaI got 3 CheckBoxes to choose red/blue/green and then output a Testmessage^^
21:50.08Aarojaah k
21:50.28Guillotinealso, you use globals r, g, and b.  NOT a good idea
21:50.45GuillotineThe chance that another addon will overwrite it with invalid data is WAY too high
21:51.11Raynecrosses fingers again
21:51.20Aarojaah I thought local is for one function only... I knew this from Python
21:51.29Guillotineit is
21:51.35RayneJOY, another error.
21:52.12Aarojaok wait^^ let's solve this later :)
21:52.15Guillotinebut there are a thousand other ways to do it. You can just directly get the checkbox's data. You can rename the variables "AarojaR", "AarojaG", ect.
21:53.05Aarojamy first priority is the guildgreet :)
21:54.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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21:54.34Aarojaany idea what is wrong with my code? (except the simpleness^^)
21:54.49GuillotineAre you sure that event function is being called OnEvent?
21:55.35Guillotineis Hide_Form callled on the close button?
21:55.50GuillotineUsually this:GetParent():Hide() is called by default
21:55.56Guillotinemy guess is its an XML problem
21:56.03Aarojaso my Lua is right?
21:56.14Guillotinewithout checking for typos and such, yes
21:56.25Aarojamaybe I got my fault
21:56.31AarojaI'll try something^^
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21:58.24Aarojaok I don't get it I found that my close button still used "Parent:Hide()"^^
21:58.34Aarojabut it still doesn't work
21:58.57Aarojaand the "AarojaUIEvent()" is called... it outputs a message
21:59.54Guillotineso you changed it to use your close function?
22:00.13Guillotineand it still doesn't work?
22:00.18Aarojayes :/
22:00.39GuillotineYou really should set that data to be saved when the user checks/unchecks the button, not when they close the frame
22:00.43AarojaMaybe I should try AddMessage with my AarojaUI-Variable?
22:01.05Aarojaso I can see if it is loaded or not^^
22:02.43Guillotinegoddam migraines. Makes doing just about anything impossible -_-
22:03.45Rayne Theres the new one, NEVER seen anything like this before
22:04.16Aarojamaybe you got one "end" to much?
22:04.45AarojaMy "WoW Ui Designer" said that to me when I made an end to much
22:06.05cog|workRayne: means you have an extra "end"
22:06.19AarojaI think he got that ^^
22:06.31cog|workis slow
22:07.35Josh_Borkei believe it means you have a bad fgile!
22:09.06AarojaI got some news^^
22:09.21*** join/#wowi-lounge p3lim (
22:10.04AarojaI added a AddMessage() to my "Save-Button" and it says that the button is activated... so... my SavedVariable should save the value 1 then.. right? but if I relog I get the value 0 insted
22:10.23Aarojanot the button is active I mean the CheckBox^^
22:11.29Aarojaso I think the Variable is not saving
22:11.39Aarojaevery thing else should be find :/
22:11.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
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22:12.23RayneLets try again...
22:12.33Lopeppeppygets ready... set... go!
22:13.07RayneLopeppeppy: *ques 'The Distance' by Cake
22:14.01Aarojadoes var=0 and var=nil mean the same?
22:14.38Rayne'Error Retrieving Character List'
22:14.40RayneITS A SIGN!
22:15.15RayneOh there it goes, silly ISP being laggy
22:15.17sag_ich_nicht <--god damn it this video is disturbing, it manages to reproduce leg movement accurately enough to fool my brain into triggering lifeform recognition
22:15.20Aarojabeacause... I said that the CheckBox should exec the code so every time I click the Box it saves the var
22:15.52AarojaIf I check it it works... if I uncheck it it says "Trying to give 'guildgreet' a nil value"
22:17.57Aarojathis is my new Lua
22:18.12art3misanyoen here REALLY awesome with sql?
22:18.35RayneThat video is freaky...
22:18.50art3misyeah i linked that yesterday ;P
22:19.04art3missag_ich_nicht: my wife had to stop watching for that reason
22:19.15art3misshe was feling empathy for it when it stumbled on the ice
22:19.34Raynebtw thanks for your help guys. :) problem solved
22:19.52dylanmI think those guys built that just so they could legally kick a dog.
22:19.55Aarojanp ^^ even if I helped the less^^
22:19.56GuillotineAaroja: oh, that could be your problem. Sorry, I'm programming in C atm, so I didn't even think about it, but 0=true
22:20.13Aaroja0 is true?
22:20.23cog|worklua> if 0 then print"hi" end
22:20.23lua_botcog|work: hi
22:20.44cog|workonly nil and false are false
22:20.53GuillotineEvery string and every number is true
22:21.08Aarojaso I got to check if the button is NOT checked instead of if it IS checked?^^
22:21.53AarojaScytheBlade1: Sweet^^
22:22.15ScytheBlade1Me? Bored? Never
22:22.19ScytheBlade1Also see chat.png
22:22.29ScytheBlade1For the lazy
22:23.11ScytheBlade1Think I did that for a half-hour or so
22:23.15AarojaGuillotine: whats my prob now?^^
22:23.49Aarojacould you take a look at my new lua please?
22:24.28GuillotineAaroja: you know what a ternary operator is?
22:24.31RayneScytheBlade1: You can also MC her and her own guards banish her from the city
22:24.45Guillotineeasiest way is probably to store true and false
22:24.48Guillotineinstead of 1 and 0
22:24.52ScytheBlade1Rayne: holy crap. afk leveling a priest.
22:25.32Aarojaso I try it again with "true" and "false" and then I bother you again^^
22:25.36Aarojabe right back^^
22:26.29RayneQues for EOTS on BG9 are 10 minutes atm
22:27.44art3mishaha my wifes boss asked her what other types of unix are there
22:28.11art3misshe asked me, i said freebsd openbsd netbsd aix irix hpux sysV SCO
22:28.19art3misher boss says "freebsd isnt real"
22:28.41art3misi link her the page where it says that yahoo google and microsoft all use freebsd for thier inet servers
22:29.00art3misnd then tell her that im sending a bunch of zealots over to talk to her boss
22:29.21art3misso ehr boss bought her lunch for being "a dumbass"
22:29.44art3mishe's actually quite funny
22:30.39ralfWORKchrist. mana potion injector schematic is 1000g on Elune :(
22:31.02NightHawkTheSaneputs on 'Children of the Gods'
22:31.04Aarojaaaaaah damn I don't get it -.- AddMessage(guildgreet) gives me a 1 not "True/False" ... 1. Why? and 2. How to use this for my Addon? o.O *confused*
22:31.23art3mis<art3mis> remember when the mit people were making blackholes in the lab?
22:31.23art3mis<art3mis> someone was quoted as saying "the last words every uttered for all of humanity will be "he check it out guys i've made a bla..."
22:31.23art3mis<art3mis> or "is it supposed to do tha.."
22:31.25art3mis<Baelzebub> Yeah "These black holes cannot cause any problems for us as they are too small" they say. Now explain to me how the fuck these people KNOW and i mean K N O W this? They don't. What if there was a wierd sun burst that fucked with the electrics and the hole runs out of control and they can't shut it down? I tell you what, no more fucking WoW that's what.
22:31.36art3misthe last sentence makes it awesome
22:32.05NightHawkTheSaneart3mis: win. :P
22:32.18sag_ich_nichti see Baelzebub fails at understanding hawking radation
22:32.32art3missag_ich_nicht: not many dont
22:32.32NightHawkTheSanebut he clearly understands the important things in life
22:33.15art3misbut theoretically he is right, one bad sun bust and a badly placed neutrino and poof
22:33.32Lunessammmm... blue glow.
22:33.42NightHawkTheSaneart3mis: indeed, no more wow. ><
22:34.45art3misexplain it to us then sag_ich_hawking
22:35.32NightHawkTheSaneooh, and use that neat computer voice too.
22:36.05sag_ich_nichtgo to bed
22:37.08LopeppeppyBlue glowing stars on a field of inky nothing....
22:37.42ralfWORKso seriously, why do the guardian elixers suck so bad for shadow priests?
22:37.50ralfWORK(and I guess just about every other DPS caster)
22:38.07sag_ich_nichtget mageblood
22:38.12RayneI have a question guys.
22:38.31RayneMy wife plays WoW on basicly the same system as I do, save her processor being better than mine ( >_< )
22:38.33RayneBut anyway
22:38.36ralfWORKmm. I see.
22:38.48RayneShell play WoW, and out of nowhere, her FPS will just plummet.
22:39.10RayneIm thinking its addon related, but im not sure.
22:39.10sag_ich_nichtuse perfmon to monitor usage spikes
22:39.40RayneIm almost pointing at cartographer, cause 90% of our guild uses it, so when it updates / broadcasts it might be eating her memory
22:39.44Raynebut im not sure.
22:40.27Aarojaok again -.- "is false=nil"?
22:40.29RayneI havent used it in a long time...never really liked it tbh...
22:40.37clad|officeAaroja: ask the bot
22:40.40clad|officelua> print(false == nil)
22:40.40lua_botclad|office: false
22:40.50clad|officeAaroja: just type lua> and the code you want to run
22:40.55Aarojaah k^^
22:40.56clad|officelua> print(true and false or nil)
22:40.56lua_botclad|office: nil
22:41.10Aarojalua> print("Test")
22:41.11lua_botAaroja: Test
22:41.42clad|officehe also accepts commands via private message, or in the #luabot channel
22:41.48clad|officelua> pp(_G)
22:41.49lua_botclad|office: { ["tostring"] = function: 0x629d80, ["os"] = { ["date"] = function: 0x62d760, ["difftime"] = function: 0x62d7c0, ["time"] = function: 0x62a6d0, ["clock"] = function: 0x62d700 } (#2), ["getfenv"] = function: 0x629910, ["pairs"] = function: 0x6290e0, ["assert"] = function: 0x6297f0, ["tonumber"] = fu... (result truncated)
22:41.53clad|officenight all
22:41.57clad|officelua> pp(os)
22:41.58lua_botclad|office: { ["date"] = function: 0x62d760, ["difftime"] = function: 0x62d7c0, ["time"] = function: 0x62a6d0, ["clock"] = function: 0x62d700 } (#1)
22:42.07clad|officei was concerned that for a minute :P
22:42.33Aarojacan you help me maybe? I think Guillotine is too stressed by me :)
22:42.57clad|officelol you just said goodnight to me
22:43.14Aarojayou said "night all"^^
22:43.23*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
22:43.25clad|office"goodnight everyone"
22:43.48AarojaI say this if I am leaving^^
22:43.54clad|officeI am leaving
22:43.55*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
22:44.03clad|officethat's why I'ms aying, I can't stay to help you
22:44.05art3misRayne: in full screen or windowed mode?
22:44.08Aarojaso I was right saying "n8"?^^
22:44.24clad|officeno, because thats' not english
22:44.24clad|officebut alas
22:44.26art3misRayne: cuz my fps sucks crap in windowed if it's near the bottom object dock
22:44.39Aarojayeah yeah^^
22:44.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
22:44.57AarojaGood Night... Better?^^
22:45.09art3mis...and clad should know english he has a bit in him every now and again ;P
22:45.15purlba-dum CHH
22:46.58GuillotineI miss the days when I could have the most recent post in every thread on UI forums :( Damn post timer + a hundred times the people posting :(
22:47.01Aarojaplease ANYBODY help me :'-(
22:47.34AarojaI simplified my addon so it only greets the guild^^
22:47.37MentalPowerAaroja: kill the trailing ^^
22:47.42Aarojabut Iit doesn't -.-
22:47.43MentalPowerits annoying
22:47.54ScytheBlade1MentalPower: what? ^^
22:47.59MentalPower~lart ScytheBlade1
22:47.59purlslaps ScytheBlade1 around with a large trout
22:48.23ScytheBlade1hehe. I think it worked.
22:48.54MentalPowerseriously Aaroja stop it
22:48.58GuillotineSee, you can kill a robot by saying "this statement is false"
22:49.03Guillotineto kill MP, you just say
22:49.08GuillotineThis statement is false ^^
22:49.26MentalPower~lart Aaroja
22:49.26purlbeats Aaroja severely about the head and shoulders with a rubber chicken
22:49.29Guillotineseriously though, MP is right, emoticons are ok every once in a while, but you don
22:49.29MentalPower~lart Guillotine
22:49.29purlbeats Guillotine to within 2.54cm of his life
22:49.32LunessaGuillotine: That statement is true.
22:49.35MentalPower~lart ScytheBlade1
22:49.35purlwallops ScytheBlade1 with a main rotation server that needs rehubbing. It won't take long
22:49.35ScytheBlade1Hahaha ^^
22:49.36Guillotinedon't need to use them all the time
22:50.20purlACTION watches guillotine pull the trigger:  Click!
22:50.24AarojaAm I using to much emoteicons?
22:51.04Aarojabut what is the problem with emoteicons?
22:51.08AarojaI don't get that
22:51.26MentalPowertoo many
22:51.35MentalPowerits annoying rather than helpful
22:51.43dylanmNO SUCH THING
22:52.04Aarojaanyway can somebody help me till this is over?
22:52.19Aarojamaybe not Guillotine he doesn't like me anymore
22:52.23Guillotinemost of us have other things we're doing as well
22:52.33GuillotineWe'll help as we can, but
22:52.38GuillotineMy trolling is very important
22:52.47ScytheBlade1Indeed. This is more a "come and go as you please" type of channel, not a "WE EXIST TO SERVICE YOUR EVERY NEED" channel
22:52.57nevcairielwait, not?
22:52.58Lopeppeppygoes looking for another channel....
22:53.12ScytheBlade1They're leaving because they want to ;)
22:53.13zenzelezzthat's not necessarily true ScytheBlade1
22:53.27ScytheBlade1zenzelezz: oh, sorry. In that case, get back to work.
22:53.34Guillotinelua_bot is here to service your every need. He won't leave on you!
22:53.39GuillotinePurl is very good with that too
22:53.42ScytheBlade1Okay, okay, point taken
22:54.19Guillotine Best troll response to a troll... ever?
22:54.38ScytheBlade1Arcaia: people help as they can, as they please. Asking for help three-four-five times in a five minute period will get you nowhere.
22:54.44LopeppeppyVery beautiful,  Guillotine.
22:54.47Aarojaok... one last question for today ( only 6 minutes left ^^): Locals are deleted after the function was called?
22:54.50ScytheBlade1Arcaia: sorry, mistell :(
22:55.03GuillotineAaroja: after the function is removed from the stack, yes
22:55.16nevcairielGuillotine: its 'self' not 'this'
22:55.25Guillotinenev: oh, whoops
22:55.42GuillotineAaroja: well, since you probably won't use coroutines for quite a while, just use what you said
22:55.51*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|AFK (
22:56.04Guillotinenev: fixed
22:56.06Aarojaok thank you all for your patience ^^
22:56.15MentalPowerAaroja: :GetChecked() returns 1/nil
22:56.19MentalPowernot true/false
22:56.24Lopeppeppypounce-huggles |Jelly| into a marshmallow Peep!
22:56.26Aarojathats a problem
22:56.41ScytheBlade1Aaroja: no, that means you just check for 1 or nil.
22:56.49Aarojayes thats the solution
22:56.50MentalPowerjust use "if (Something:GetChecked()) then"
22:57.01MentalPowerthat will catch both cases
22:57.08Aarojathank you
22:59.12Aarojadamn... finaly it works
22:59.26AarojaMP you're the one *laugh*
22:59.48*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
22:59.51GuillotineSee what can be accomplished with frugal use of emotes? ^_^
22:59.55AarojaI thought "GetChecked()" returns True/False so this was the only fault left :)
23:00.03Guillotinewell, technically 1 is true
23:00.10Aarojayes ^^
23:00.13Aaroja0 too
23:00.24cog|workAaroja: rather than doing if soandso == true, just do if soandso
23:00.25Aarojabut this doesn't help very much
23:00.34cog|workor rather than if soandso == nil do if not soandso
23:00.45Aarojaah k
23:01.07Aarojamakes my code much smaller
23:01.30cog|workand some would argue more correct ;)
23:01.42LunessaSome might.
23:01.54AarojaI say it does
23:01.55Lunessacertainly more readable.
23:02.01Aarojayeah yeah
23:02.21LunessaOk... I'm out.  See you all tomorrow.
23:02.56Guillotinewell, on the plus side, it seems there still won't be any sanitization of guild messages or bank infos in 2.4 release :D
23:03.03ScytheBlade1Haha, win
23:03.58GuillotineCon: I don't have MoTD access in my guild. Pro: my guild leaders use whatever addons I tell them to, so I just make one to let me set it through AddOnMessage >.>
23:04.18ScytheBlade1Guillotine: win
23:04.44art3miswhats the name of that virtual hoster everyone uses?
23:05.05Josh_Borkewho's everyone?
23:05.15Guillotinelinode I thought
23:05.21ScytheBlade1I is for epic typing skills
23:05.48GuillotineI really need to get my own linode hosting
23:06.07nevcairiellinode is rather expensive for what they offer, imho
23:06.13ScytheBlade1As compared to?
23:06.28GuillotineYou know a cheaper place?
23:06.36nevcairielnot sure how prices for hosting are over in US
23:06.49nevcairieli just did a raw comparison to german hosters
23:08.42art3misim gonna muck around with VMM stuff
23:08.46art3mison my new server
23:08.56art3misso once thats running you guys can play with it ;P
23:09.15ScytheBlade1likes that idea
23:09.33*** join/#wowi-lounge cloudwolf (
23:09.33nevcairielthe cheapest v-server here is 4,90 € / month, granted it got less guaranteed RAM, but more then double the traffic linode offers
23:09.56art3misits only a crappy 2.4g with 1gb of ram and an 80gig drive but that should be enough
23:10.12cloudwolfwhats going on?
23:10.28GuillotineBlizz announced addons won't be allowed in WotLK
23:10.45art3misScytheBlade1: and itll be on my busniess cable line... 30mbit/5mbit ;P
23:10.46cloudwolfblizz go suck a dick...
23:10.47ScytheBlade1Oh. Well then. We should all pack up and go home now, I guess
23:10.56ScytheBlade1art3mis: shell access? :D
23:11.07art3misif you dont break it or root me sure ;P
23:11.13Industrialid rather stay for a bit and ding 58 \o/
23:11.15ScytheBlade1Bet I've got a 5-line C program that would break it.
23:11.18nevcairielman Guillotine you we'rent supposed to tell everyone .. now you ruin it for even more people
23:11.18cloudwolfguillotine mind linking their article that says that?
23:11.30art3misim rather flickle though so you might login one day and fine it not working ;P
23:11.43art3misScytheBlade1: i'd pe surprised if you didnt ;)
23:11.53cloudwolfare you serious taht they wount be allowing addons?
23:12.26Guillotinethe press release:
23:13.14*** part/#wowi-lounge Aaroja (
23:14.08cloudwolfok thats fake i presume...
23:14.22GuillotineNo... you can tell its real by the official signature
23:14.43nevcairielAnd its not April 1st, altho it would be a good one
23:14.57GuillotineAlright, we need to arrange that
23:15.03Guillotinezoot: you here?
23:15.11Guillotinewe need Curse, WoWI, and zoot to all post that on the same day
23:15.20Guillotinemass chaos
23:17.06Guillotineoh, and Ace too
23:17.17Guillotineand we can probably get wowhead people to participate
23:17.22GuillotineI am so arranging this
23:17.37LopeppeppyI'd I'd totally be out of a pseudo-hobby, whee!
23:19.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Aaroja (
23:19.36ScytheBlade1Good to know I remember enough C to crash a computer still
23:19.42art3mishey i have a question
23:19.48art3misin the ingame addons
23:20.06zenzelezzthat's not a question
23:20.14art3misfor coords, those coords are just based off of the map, is the decimal limit the addon or a blizz thing?
23:20.29art3misi accidently hit enter while typeing ;P
23:20.39nevcairieladdon limit
23:20.44nevcairielyou get a real float back
23:20.54ScytheBlade1You get a MASSIVE float backl
23:20.57nevcairielmost addons just format it to "xx.x" or xx.xx even
23:21.15Aarojabut I think having more than 2 digits after the comma is rather helpful
23:21.31ScytheBlade1Aaroja: you get like 15 digits
23:21.37art3misthats fine
23:21.41Aarojathats not what I meant
23:21.44GuillotineReally, it gives it as a decimal of the percentage of map
23:21.48art3misi was curious if ist an ingame limit or an outgame
23:21.50ScytheBlade1From 0 to 1
23:21.58GuillotineIt gives it VERY accurately
23:22.01art3misim looking for super accuracy ;P
23:22.05ScytheBlade1You have it
23:22.11Guillotineyou can get up to about 8 decimals
23:22.14AarojaI know what you want to say but I meant something different
23:22.30AarojaYou can use GPS to get the location of a car
23:22.40Aarojaexactily to 1 mm
23:22.44*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
23:22.54Aarojabut even if its 1 m i know where the car is :)
23:23.03nevcairielany ingame tracking addons i know only use 4 numbers, so 2 decimals, and its pretty much accurate enough to place pins on the minimap hitting herb spawns =P
23:23.14cloudwolfso who wants to help a noob at addon making!?
23:23.15Aarojathats the point ^^
23:23.35cloudwolf1 on 1 that is lol with out this channel spammed
23:23.41cloudwolf(if its possible :D)
23:23.45GuillotineSomeone whos getting paid probably :P
23:23.58GuillotineYou're probably better off looking at other addons and just asking questions you have here
23:24.08nevcairieloh and
23:24.10purlProgramming in Lua, a book written by the authors of the Lua programming language. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in print from most online bookstores, and covers Lua 5.1.
23:24.13GuillotineYes, and that
23:24.14ScytheBlade1art3mis: instead of me crashing your server, instead, I'll simply just drop a "do_not_run_me" binary in my home directory and wait for you to find it ;)
23:24.54Guillotineart3mis: if you get that set up, you will be my hero
23:25.05GuillotineI'd love to be able to try that stuff before buying my own linode server
23:25.21ScytheBlade1Guillotine: it's identical to having your own box with root.
23:25.46GuillotineStill :P
23:25.55nevcairielonly that its mostly small and slow
23:26.06art3misheh it's all in fun
23:26.15ScytheBlade1Ehh I wouldn't cal 10 megabytes/sec upstream slow ;)
23:26.19art3misthis used to be my sbs2003 test server
23:26.32art3misso now its a screw around machine since that project is done
23:26.49nevcairielScytheBlade1: more like ram/cpu power-wise
23:26.56cloudwolfany one whana help me? XD
23:27.11Guillotinecloudwolf: ask a question and we'll try to answer. Things like 'help me' don't work too well though
23:27.32cloudwolfyeah well the thing is im pretty much a complete noob at it so i cant realy point one thing out at a time
23:27.47Aarojawelcome to the club ^^
23:27.48cloudwolfplus this channel gets so much other topics going that it would be hard to read and try in time
23:27.50Guillotinehave you ever done any programming in any language?
23:28.05cloudwolfMinor amount in Jass
23:28.38cloudwolfbut no real official language
23:28.40GuillotineI haven't done Jass in forever
23:28.45GuillotineJass is real enough
23:29.02cloudwolfi know the basic layout of lua and jass
23:29.10cloudwolfbut i don't know how to do what i want to make it do lol
23:29.30Guillotinewell, you can take a look through PIL
23:29.33Guillotineand wowwiki helps a lot too
23:29.51foxlitIf you wan to, describe what you want to do
23:29.53cloudwolfbeen there but like i want ot know how to make a slash command
23:29.57foxlitWe can then point you at keywords to look at
23:30.40foxlitIt's now :/
23:30.53foxlitBut either redirects, so it isn't that much of a problem
23:31.34AarojaIs it not possible to make "SendChatMessage" work in "OnEvent"?
23:31.46cloudwolfis the slash command in the lua file? the xml to my understanding is the visuals
23:31.47GuillotineIts possible
23:31.49foxlitIt should be.
23:31.53Guillotinecloud: yes, in lua file
23:32.20foxlitXML is primarily a visual description; HOWEVER, it may contain blocks of code
23:32.32Aarojabecause every time I try to inluce this in my OnEvent my debug-message shows up but the SendChatMessage doesn't... only assigned to a button
23:32.33cloudwolfbtw just to let you know what im trying to make(ive posted it in the lua dev forum no responses in a couple days lol) is a basic calculator
23:32.49nevcairieli should write a addon that lives out of one xml file, just for the shit of it =P
23:32.50foxlitbuttons, that type of thing?
23:32.59cloudwolfnah no buttons
23:33.02cloudwolfthats too advanced for me
23:33.18GuillotineSo people enter an expression in a textbox and it outputs the result?
23:33.29cloudwolfjust pure /calc (functionex:add sub mul div) [value] {value}
23:33.39Guillotineeasy enough
23:33.43cloudwolfafk a min
23:33.44foxlitBut then you get into the fancy land of string matching
23:34.14nevcairielat least string matching is pure logical code and no crazy xml
23:34.15cloudwolfyep i opend up questhelper to look at it cus all of its commands are string based and just looked at it like uhh shit... whats all this
23:35.14cloudwolfany one here use notpad ++?
23:35.35nevcairieli do
23:35.50foxlitnev: but it's a whole stew of crazy preg syntax with no logical XML in it!
23:36.03Industrialding 58
23:36.12nevcairielwait what, preg in lua?
23:36.14GuillotineIndustrial: grats
23:36.30cloudwolfgrats industrail heh (im 62 rogue :D)
23:36.57foxlitwell, some variation of regex
23:37.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Sixen (n=Sixen@
23:37.27nevcairielbut if his format is as simple as he pointed out above, he could just use string.split
23:37.28cloudwolfis there a way to create private temp channels to talk 1 on 1 with some one in here?
23:37.32Industrialthis is gunne be my second 70, first alliance char like ever above level 20 :p
23:37.44foxlitCloudwolf: whispers
23:37.59cloudwolflike a diff channel with only 2 people in it me and the other person
23:38.07cloudwolfmore like an IM than a giant chat channel
23:38.36foxlitI missed "in here"
23:39.11GuillotineWe are such jerks today
23:39.14ScytheBlade1Industrial: lol
23:39.16GuillotineIt's awesome
23:39.31Sixen~seen kd3
23:39.34purlkd3 is currently on #wowi-lounge #wowhead #wowace #wowwiki, last said: 'crap. need to find a green shirt before I head out today'.
23:39.41nevcairiellua> local calc = function(input) local operator, operand1, operand2 = string.split(" ", input); if operator == "add" then return operand1 + operand2 --[[ more operators here ]] end end; return calc("add 1 2")
23:39.41lua_botnevcairiel: 3
23:40.17foxlit"1 Day until sales begin"
23:40.26foxlitIt's tomorrow already!
23:41.19cloudwolflol tobad nev that confused me
23:41.42cloudwolfno idea if operand1 and operand2 are divided by spaces to register the diff
23:42.20cloudwolfbuty ty nevcairiel ile add you to a query lol so if i need help i can ask you also :P
23:43.46Shirik|AFKI have determined the code for my robot works perfectly
23:43.59Shirik|AFKit also overloads the batteries triggering the fault circuit to cut all power
23:44.00nevcairielthere is no such thing as perfect code
23:44.10Shirik|AFKit's really cool, you double click it and the whole thing shuts down
23:44.24Shirik|AFKbut it also proves my fault circuit works perfectly!
23:44.34Shirik|AFKSo I left the nubs to figure out why the motors are hooked up wrong :P
23:44.46Shirik|AFKtold them I'd be back at 11 after raid :P
23:48.44*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
23:57.29Tullerthere's a such thing as perfect code
23:57.37Tullerfor some definition of perfect
23:58.18Aarojalua> true==false
23:58.18lua_botAaroja: false
23:58.25Aarojathats a perfect code^^
23:58.37Tullerwrite the proof
23:59.12Aarojalua> true!=false
23:59.12lua_botAaroja: luabot:1: unexpected symbol near 'true'
23:59.21Aarojawhats "is not"
23:59.39Aarojalua> true~=false
23:59.39lua_botAaroja: true

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