IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080318

00:00.08SixenSome random complaining: " So I spend 30 minutes downloading, installing, getting past two terms of agreement screens, downloading installing.... over and over and over and over so I can see the 2.4 badge gear only to find out the realm is offline. I deleted a lot of stuff off my hard drive to make room for the test version of wow too. Would have been nice to have the website say something before I went through all the trouble."
00:00.11SixenHortus replies: " Wow, that is a good idea, maybe there should be a post in this forum that says what the PTR status is...
00:00.11SixenI could sticky it so it would be easy to find."
00:00.27ScytheBlade1Epic win
00:00.31SixenAgreed :D
00:00.40AntiarcHortus has gotten pretty snarky lately
00:00.48SixenIt's hilarious though.
00:00.53AntiarcIn cases, yeah
00:01.02SixenI feel bad for him. I understand where he's coming from, =P.
00:01.05ScytheBlade1He's also been posting things which suggest that he might enjoy his job
00:01.07AntiarcBut you kinda have to wonder if he's getting close to Tseric'ing himself
00:01.15ScytheBlade1Despite what... ALL OF HIS PREVIOUS POSTS would suggest
00:01.20SixenTseric and Hortus are two different people. Big time.
00:01.27SixenIn my opinon, that i.
00:02.05Esamynn|WorkI think the only thing that keeps Hortus sane must be that he gets to exert EXTREME moderation in his public forum ;)
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00:02.57ScytheBlade1That poster is from Kel'Thuzad
00:03.00ScytheBlade1That explains QUITE A BIT
00:03.13Esamynn|Workhow about this one: ? ;)
00:03.38Esamynn|WorkI think that poster got an extended holiday 8)
00:03.59ScytheBlade1Hortus: "BANNED"
00:04.15Esamynn|Work99% certain
00:04.51CairennShirik|Ecole: I have the same problem here at home, too - I right click to "open new tab" and it can take a full minute to happen, whereas if I right click on an existing link to "open in new tab", it pops up right away, then I can use that tab for whatever I needed the new one for
00:05.05Cairennit's really rather bizarre and I've no idea why it does that
00:05.32ScytheBlade1Cairenn: something tells me that you have two versions of firefox installed. I've actually read that bug report before, but I doubt I can find it again. It is fixable
00:06.27Cairennnope, one install only
00:07.08Cairenn(yes, I verified before making the statement)
00:07.08ScytheBlade1I get that whenever I try to launch a link from my IM on windows. If I uninstall the beta version, it works fine. That said, the bug I read was related to a single version install
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00:09.13ScytheBlade1More forum bands!
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00:14.37Shirik|Ecolewants a forum band :(
00:15.46Cairenngives Shirik|Ecole an elastic
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00:16.02Shirik|Ecoleplays with the elastic
00:16.03Cairenn~staple |Jelly|
00:16.04purlACTION attaches a staple gun to a pneumatic nail gun via duct tape, staples |Jelly| quite well, and hands |Jelly| to cairenn
00:17.27MentalPower~channelstaple |Jelly|
00:17.33MentalPower~chanstaple |Jelly|
00:17.45MentalPowerbah, I can't remember the factoid I created...
00:17.56MentalPower~cstaple |Jelly|
00:22.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
00:30.57bleeteranyone taking bets yet on the April Fools for this year?
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00:31.18SixenSC2 release date for April Fool's would be epic.
00:31.25ScytheBlade1It would be
00:31.37SixenBlizzard: "SC2 is being released in October!"
00:31.41ScytheBlade1But sadly, a lot of people wouldn't care at all
00:31.43SixenPublic: "Haha, april fools!"
00:31.47SixenBlizzard: "No, seriously."
00:31.52SixenPublic: "REALLY?"
00:31.56SixenBlizz: "Nope, April Fools!"
00:31.56ScytheBlade1This is unlike last year, where they released the Tin Foil Hat
00:32.00dylanmThey should release the first copies
00:32.04SixenI thought last years was awesome.
00:32.15SixenThe mods posted as trolls and the normal users had employee icons too.
00:32.16bleetercan't get more epic than [Tin Foil Hat]
00:32.26SixenOn the forums, that is.
00:32.29ScytheBlade1That's right
00:32.41SixenAnd there wassomething else Warcraft related.
00:32.47SixenA new game called "WHoA"
00:33.06SixenThat one was funny.
00:33.11SixenIt was like the ideas for WoW.
00:36.49ScytheBlade1It won't be SC2
00:37.19ScytheBlade1But I'm really not sure what can top the [Tin Foil Hat]
00:37.24ScytheBlade1Well actually, haha
00:37.37ScytheBlade1[Four Badge Black Temple Purple] would come close
00:38.13ScytheBlade1lol @ "has quit [Success]"
00:38.52Shirik|EcoleLooking at this datasheet makes me laugh. I was worried it wouldn't be able to amplify enough; I have about a 200mV signal that I want to pull up to 2V (gain of 10V/V)
00:39.05Shirik|Ecoleso I look at the datasheet and it says "Open loop gain: 100V/mV"
00:39.15Shirik|Ecole.... wtf
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00:43.06art3mis  <-- article swf ads most definitely not
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00:50.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
00:54.12bleetergood lord
00:55.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
01:04.57*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (n=chatzill@
01:07.49Tuller wheeee
01:10.31NightHawkTheSanebongos3? eh? whats new?
01:10.44dylanmThe dragging creation.
01:10.50dylanmThe 2.4-style options.
01:12.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Bela|work (n=Beladona@
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01:15.43Tullershowstates! :P
01:15.57Tullerthe good news is, whenever I do infinite action bars, the UI won't change really
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01:41.07*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (i=cbceb2e4@gateway/web/ajax/
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01:53.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|AFK (
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01:56.17SixenAnyone have a list of the PTR Realm names?
01:56.56*** join/#wowi-lounge dolby-wowi_ (
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01:57.57GuillotineSixen: er... Arena Tournament
01:58.05Guillotinethats the only one up
01:58.09SixenI know, :/.
01:58.11Guillotineand thats its name :P
01:58.17SixenI meant the PTR Realms, not the actual TTR.
01:58.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
01:58.38Guillotinewell, there aren't any at the moment
01:59.03Guillotineand they are named differently each patch. This patch I believe it was "PvE Test Realm US" ect.
01:59.04SixenI know, -_-;!
01:59.44Guillotine"Test Server (US PVE)", "Test Server (US PVP)"
01:59.49Guillotinethat was the format this time
02:00.05SixenMmm, alright.
02:00.15SixenI remember the KR server didn't follow that and i think only one EU server did.
02:00.19SixenThere were only 5 servers I believe?
02:00.23Sixen2 EU, 2 US, 1 KR
02:00.24GuillotineI believe so
02:00.38Guillotineonly have SV for those two realms though, so those are hte only ones I know for sure :/
02:00.50SixenMmm same, :(
02:02.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
02:02.36Mike-N-GoAnyone else a shaman and get stuck when they try to reincarnate in PvP?
02:02.38*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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02:02.57GuillotineAlso, any news on 2.4 tomorrow?
02:03.08ScytheBlade1Next week
02:03.15purlrumour has it, logs is apt/ibot/infobot/jbot/purl all log daily to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz
02:04.12ScytheBlade1Bah, google doesn't have it indexed yet
02:05.39ScytheBlade1We have it "on good authority" that it'll be the 25th
02:05.50Guillotinethanks :)
02:07.07Cairennwhistles an innocent little tune
02:07.53art3mistodays phone interview was wierd
02:08.08art3miswe talked for like 10mins and scheduled an in person for like 3 huors later
02:08.34art3misall duriong the interview he kept talking about showing me the other data centers adn that i'll have to check em out when im...if im hired
02:08.42art3misand about wages and benefits and resscode
02:08.53art3misoh and that every friday is bacon friday
02:09.21art3misits only gonna be 40-45k to start but if every friday is bacon friday.... im totally in
02:10.39ScytheBlade1lol, nice
02:10.51art3misi kow eh
02:10.54ScytheBlade1signed the "you offically no longer work here" paper today
02:10.58ScytheBlade1That felt good
02:11.05art3mishow many interviews ahve you ever gone to that they mention bacon friday?
02:11.18kergothwhat hte hell is bacon friday?
02:11.29art3misfriday the company brings breakfast for everyone
02:11.30ScytheBlade1I'd imagine that it involves bacon on friday
02:11.37art3miswhich appearantly includse large plates of bacon
02:11.43kergoththeir version of hawaiian shirt day
02:11.58art3misbacon friday owns crazy shirt day ;P
02:12.46art3misand he kept talking about getting the lady to sign the offer paper and that he wouldnt inundate me all at once with an interview by the cto and the paperwork in the same day
02:12.58art3misso to me it sounds like it's a gimme job, whats your take on it?
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02:13.20Cairennreads that way to me, if you've represented it accurately
02:13.28kergothyep, sounds like it
02:15.11art3missounds like a fun job too
02:15.20art3misex ceo's of etrade formed it
02:15.31art3mistis a trading company so soon i'll have more bw than god ;P
02:15.43art3misto browse the web and read email ;P
02:15.48art3misand not much else
02:15.56AnduinLothar!ap 1457
02:17.11*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
02:18.22art3mistodays xkcd is awesome btw
02:18.27art3miszombie feynman!
02:19.13Kasothe idea of a time scale doubling back on itself amuses me
02:20.01WobWork"Oh god, it seems like I've been grinding this mob FOREVER"
02:20.07WobWorkWe've ALL had it happen!
02:20.19WobWorkDon't deny it =P
02:24.47art3misswearing in time to the warning alarm
02:25.22art3misand the bloodelf bursting into flames
02:26.42art3misget to da choppa!
02:28.41art3misim king of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!
02:28.45art3misof warcraft!!!!!!
02:31.35art3misheh thats pretty good
02:32.03art3misoblivious's helloween special is still number 2 and zinwrath is still #1 for favs though but thats a new 3rd ;)
02:32.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (i=9b1f46cc@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
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02:33.23art3misooo 2.4 is starting to push
02:33.28ScytheBlade1lol @ learning curve
02:33.37Cairennstarted pushing a week ago or more art3mis
02:33.45art3misi never use launcher ;P
02:43.13*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
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02:50.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
02:50.55MentalPower~seen dreams
02:50.58purli haven't seen 'dreams', MentalPower
02:52.27ScytheBlade1That guy?
02:52.36ScytheBlade1Yeah he posted complaining about Hortus's response on the CS boards
02:52.40SixenYeah, I lol'd at that.
02:53.28MentalPowerlink to CS forums?
02:53.37SixenJust found it
02:55.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
02:56.21SixenDoes anyone know what the PTR Realm Names were? Not the US ones, just EU and KR?
02:56.42art3misJeff, Sara, Myrtle and Larry respectively
02:57.16art3misthats what *I* called em at least.
02:57.36SixenAh, thanks.
02:59.29AnduinLotharso.. hwo do i get on the TTR?
02:59.41ScytheBlade1That's all you can access currently
02:59.44*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
02:59.49AnduinLotharis it up?
02:59.58AnduinLotharcause my test client doesn't see any servers
03:00.08Hobinheimis the PTR different from the TTR
03:00.08ScytheBlade1Mine does!
03:00.08AnduinLotharthe suggest button is grayed out
03:00.15SixenGo to the Config file in your woWTest file
03:00.44Sixenand go to the realmname paret
03:00.50SixenSET realmName "Arena Tournament"
03:01.32AnduinLotharstill nothing. did the ip change?
03:01.48AnduinLotharoh nm
03:02.07AnduinLotharnope, still no server
03:02.25Hobinheimwiat do you have to edit that file manually
03:02.31Hobinheimcuz when i log in there are no realms to choose from
03:02.34Hobinheimlike something is missing
03:02.42ScytheBlade1Nuke your WTF folder and try again
03:03.27AnduinLotharnuked my wtf, still nothing
03:03.42ScytheBlade1What's in your
03:03.57Hobinheimno dice, the video settings just got reset :(
03:03.58AnduinLothardont have one
03:04.03Hobinheimme neither
03:04.16ScytheBlade1Make one
03:04.19ScytheBlade1Add in it:
03:04.31ScytheBlade1set realmlist
03:04.35ScytheBlade1set decorateaccountname
03:04.45ScytheBlade1And then you should be good to go
03:05.09AnduinLothardone, nothing
03:05.10SixenWhat's decorateaccountname?
03:05.19ScytheBlade1No idea
03:05.36AnduinLotharthe suggest realm button is grey'd out and no servers come up
03:05.36ScytheBlade1And if that isn't working, flush your DNS cache?
03:05.43AnduinLotharand i don't see a tournament tab
03:05.52ScytheBlade1The tab is gone
03:05.55ScytheBlade1It's just one server
03:06.04Hobinheimyeah the choose your preferred something is gone
03:06.08Hobinheimthere's like an entry missing
03:06.13Hobinheimoh well i think we're locked out on purpose
03:06.35ScytheBlade1Works for me..
03:06.43ScytheBlade1I have a server list, character list, and in a moment I'll be in-game..
03:06.44Sixensome people can't get on, other can.
03:06.49SixenBlizzard is looking into it.
03:06.57SixenIt only affects people who haven't been on the TTR AFAIK.
03:07.03ScytheBlade1There you are then.
03:07.31AnduinLotharit logs in and flashes an empty char sellect screen and then immediately boots me out to the select a server reagon page
03:07.59ScytheBlade1If that's the case, I'd really suggest double-checking the "SET realmName" line in WTF\
03:08.08ScytheBlade1That would likely fix it
03:08.19ScytheBlade1Paste it?
03:08.24ScytheBlade1(The line, heh)
03:08.33AnduinLotharSET realmName "Arena Tournament"
03:09.06ScytheBlade1That's it all right
03:09.29ScytheBlade1^ thread on the topic... but... apparently it won't be much help for you :)
03:09.32ScytheBlade1What build are you on?
03:09.49AnduinLothar8063 mac
03:10.47ScytheBlade18063 PC here, works
03:11.54AnduinLotharok, well in the mean time what do i need to modify to change the offset of the partymember frames from eachother...
03:12.07AnduinLotharin the secure header i assume
03:12.38AnduinLotharactually. i'll probably have to make the party member fames USE a secure header first..
03:13.58AnduinLotharthat sound sliek a nightmare
03:27.18kergothhmm, anyone have any advice for a newly 70 hunter looking to do some battlegrounds?  rogues appear to kick my ass
03:28.27ScytheBlade1Kite them endlessly
03:28.46kergothassuming at some point i get out of the stunlock.. methinks i need one of those pvp trinkets
03:28.52Shirikthis is an absolutely awesome warning
03:28.58ShirikThey should try to use more big words: warning C4230: anachronism used : modifiers/qualifiers interspersed; qualifier ignored
03:29.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Zeksie (
03:29.59MentalPoweroh wow...
03:30.05MentalPowerso what exactly does that mean?
03:30.36Shirikwell, what it means isn't actually what I did (it was caused by an earlier error and got confused)
03:30.54Shirikbut basically it means I did something like "int __cdecl const foo()" where I was supposed to do "__cdecl int const foo()" so it ignored __cdecl
03:31.17MentalPowerlol, nice
03:31.45Shirikbut it was caused by me using __fastcall on something that had to use the __thiscall calling convention
03:32.19MentalPowerhmm... I'll have to remember that one
03:32.39*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:33.02MentalPowerany way to get the realm name for a player from a combat log event?
03:33.07MentalPower!api UnitRealm
03:33.08lua_botCould not find 'unitrealm' in
03:35.29ScytheBlade1MentalPower: it's part of UnitName
03:35.33ScytheBlade1!api UnitName
03:35.34lua_botCould not find 'unitname' in
03:35.37ScytheBlade1Err, lol
03:35.46ScytheBlade1I should have read the response
03:35.51ScytheBlade1!wowapi UnitName
03:35.54Shirik#api UnitName
03:36.35MentalPoweryeah, but that does not take GUID
03:38.00ScytheBlade1Nothing does :)
03:38.35MentalPowerI know that, I was looking for other options
03:41.40*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o dolby-wowi] by ChanServ
03:50.05NechcknPsst... Shirik....  any new pics of The Beast?
03:51.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Lukian (i=wizard@
03:55.28Shirikactually I'm working on it right now
03:57.37Shirikit's not really "together" right now though
03:57.42Shirikperhaps in a bit :P
03:57.56Nechcknwell.... should you get to a point where she's looking particularly sexy.. feel free
03:58.23Gngskold pics?
03:58.31ShirikI can show you the mess of wires that has plagued me for the last week
03:58.43Gngskdo it!
03:59.11Shiriknah I'll get you a real picture
04:05.36Shirikok got a few angles
04:05.43Shirikuploading now
04:09.57Shirikok my camera's only 1.3 megapixels and like I said there's wires everywhere so yeah
04:10.03Shirikit's ugly
04:11.03Gngskbring on the links
04:13.55Shiriksec, I have to reupload them :(*
04:16.07ShirikWide view:
04:16.19ShirikFront view:
04:16.35*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | WoW programming book | "art3mis just wishes he could participaate" - batrick
04:16.43Gngskwhat's that thing supposed to be?
04:16.59ShirikAll circuitry aside from the microcontroller and PC/104 is designed by ourselves. This is what's making my head hurt:
04:17.07ShirikThat's our robot :)
04:17.17Gngskyah, but what's it gonna do?
04:17.34Gngskkill other robots in a battle royale?
04:17.35ShirikIt has to search for payloads across a playing field and pick up the 4 most valuable ones and return them to the base
04:17.56*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
04:17.59Shirikif you pick up more than 4, the highest valued ones you picked up in excess go to the opposing team
04:19.27Shirikit's ugly right now, sorry :(
04:19.55Gngskno problem
04:20.05Gngsklooks neta
04:20.14Shirikwhat you're actually looking at is two pieces lol
04:20.20ShirikI just stacked them on top of each other for the picture
04:20.33Shirikthat's roughly how it's supposed to look
04:20.35Shirikbut they're supposed to be attached :P
04:22.17NechcknIt's getting there though.. there's obviously progress from before
04:22.25NechcknThat's the important part
04:23.13Shirikyeah well we don't have much time left
04:39.12*** part/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
04:44.28ScytheBlade1Okay, so, I urge you all not to read into this too much. But how hard/easy would it be to alias /s and /say as /sexy?
04:46.35ScytheBlade1See, now you read into it too much already
04:46.52ScytheBlade1All of you are horrible people, for the record
04:47.19CairennI was laughing at the responses you were getting
04:47.34Cairennand the fact you felt it necessary to preface your statement
04:47.42ScytheBlade1Hmm, actually, /sexy is an emote
04:47.45ScytheBlade1This could be tricky
04:47.55Cairennif you hadn't, we probably would have just gone "why?", but since you did ....
04:48.55ScytheBlade1And I have yet to get an answer too :(
04:48.58Shirikto answer your question, it shouldn't be hard
04:49.08Shirikthere's a "secure commands" table like SlashCmdList that would hold it, iirc
04:49.18Shirikit may even be in SlashCmdList
04:49.30MentalPowernone of those are secure
04:49.37MentalPowerso I think they're all in SlashCmdList
04:50.53ScytheBlade1Hmm, what files would it be in?
04:51.16ScytheBlade1I've checked all of the ChatFrame* files... not there
04:53.06kergothtry the floatingchatframe files?
04:53.20kergothisnt sure where it is offhand
04:53.31Shirikthis sounds like a job for grep!
04:53.31kergothgrep is your friend :)
04:53.39kergothShirik: :)
04:53.43ShirikI win
04:53.52ScytheBlade1Hmm, nope.. not there
04:53.59ScytheBlade1And I'd have to extract the UI to find it :(
04:54.46kergothkergoth@hawkins AddOns master!910fbc0$ grep -nrIi sexy ../../0408049/
04:54.46kergoth../../0408049/FrameXML/ChatFrame.lua:360:EMOTE81_TOKEN = "SEXY";
04:54.46kergoth../../0408049/FrameXML/GlobalStrings.lua:1978:EMOTE81_CMD1 = "/sexy";
04:54.46kergoth../../0408049/FrameXML/GlobalStrings.lua:1979:EMOTE81_CMD2 = "/sexy";
04:54.52kergothi find it odd that they need a CMD2 there
04:54.53kergothbut whatever
04:55.06ScytheBlade1Look for /say, because that's what I'm aliasing
04:55.23ScytheBlade1Because I'm not finding it
04:55.51*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
04:56.03ScytheBlade1Yeah, weird, not in the FrameXML as far as I can tell
04:56.08*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
04:56.29ScytheBlade1Oh ha
04:56.32kergothSLASH_SAY* are defined in globalstrings, but dont see where it gets into slashcmdlist
04:56.42ScytheBlade1Yeah, that's all that is needed, I think
05:00.32ScytheBlade1Yeah so
05:00.47ScytheBlade1Throwing the text: SLASH_SAY5 = "/sexy"
05:00.50ScytheBlade1Into /guild
05:00.58ScytheBlade1Gets you good reactions
05:01.21ScytheBlade1I didn't even mean to
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05:08.40ScytheBlade1Sudden addon idea
05:08.51GuillotineScythe: do tell
05:08.55ScytheBlade1But I'd be ridiculed for it in here, so, I shall make it, host it, and then I shall be ridiculed in here
05:09.14kergothgood plan
05:09.27ScytheBlade1Let's just say that it is... related to the above chat
05:09.33ScytheBlade1But a bit more complicated than that
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05:10.20Guillotineoh, I bet I know what it is
05:10.26Guillotineand you are an idiot for even thinking of the idea
05:10.33ScytheBlade1A haha
05:10.37ScytheBlade1You're probably pretty close as-is
05:10.50GuillotineI mean, what kind of a moron would consider spending the time to make such a useless AddOn?
05:11.09ScytheBlade1I mean
05:11.12ScytheBlade1!g IllegalAddon
05:11.12batbotScytheBlade1: WoWInterface Downloads : Data Mods : IllegalAddon <>
05:11.32Guillotineyou're a bad programmer too
05:11.38Guillotinethat isn't even rockd
05:11.40IrielI think this is called Guillotine attempts to apply psychology to the problem of making you spill your idea
05:12.06ScytheBlade1I think that isn't going to work
05:12.20ScytheBlade1In theory if the code on the wiki hasn't changed, I could have this done in a few hours
05:12.36Guillotinehmm, you think it might do that? I was really just having fun insulting hem
05:13.01GuillotineBut seriously, is it to allow default emotes in other channels?
05:13.35Guillotinesomebody needs to make a time-lapse tga of rick-roll
05:13.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Fatalis (
05:13.38Guillotineput it in addon form
05:13.51Guillotineand then all the addon sites need to embed the addon in all other addons for April 1st
05:14.04GuillotineR U WITH ME?
05:14.24ScytheBlade1That would also be entertaining
05:14.33GuillotineKremonte did that once with Magical Trevor
05:14.37ScytheBlade1Embed it in the Ace2 core for a few days, take it out before April 1st
05:14.51Guillotinebut have it only activate on April 1st
05:15.50Guillotineit probably wouldn't be too hard if you were able to get a non .flv format of the movie
05:16.07Guillotinejust export key frames at .5 second intervals, play them in order to the music
05:18.03ScytheBlade1All I'm going to say, is that it is a bit more involved than simple emotes
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05:24.54batrickhello all
05:25.05Cairennhey batrick
05:26.36batrickgo fix the chess board shirik!
05:27.47Shirik|Ecole<-- at school
05:36.49ScytheBlade1Hmm, this code was last updated in 2006. That could explain why most of it is not working.
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05:54.35Guillotinenight all!
05:54.55GuillotineAlso Shirik, you still don't have that fully functioning chess addon with AI support. chop chop
05:56.01*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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05:58.08art3misThe short answer is not really. What program really does work properly on Windows?
06:00.16NechcknThere isn't even a Win version, is there art3mis?
06:00.50art3misyou could prolly compile it with a bit of hacking
06:00.54Cairennhides from the wrath that is Fisker-
06:01.02art3misokay so
06:01.06art3mishe's the dilema
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06:01.59art3misclient has a tivoseries 3 downstairs and being in newyork it needs the cards to function.. what he wants to so is broadcast live tv(and recorded tivo things) across his network to other tv'as in the house(not pcs)
06:02.08art3misanyone know of any devices to facilitate this?
06:02.11*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Shirik] by ChanServ
06:02.24art3misaside from hooking up pcs with hdmi out to the tvs?
06:02.25ShirikLinksys makes one, I forget what it's called though
06:02.37Shirikalso my grandfather has one
06:02.44Shirik(not by Linksys though)
06:02.49art3misso no computer needs attachment?
06:03.04Shirikthough it's been a few years since I've seen one
06:03.09art3misim thinking about those iptv boxes
06:03.44art3misit seems to be the best option but i cant seem to find a device that isnt a) a linux based mythtv clone to PC broadcast
06:06.42art3misits appliance not device ;P
06:12.55purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
06:14.14batrickbatbot: l2play chess pls
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06:28.12batrickShirik: u still at school?
06:35.45MentalPoweranyone have a largeish 2.4 combat log handy?
06:35.55MentalPowerpreferably one where the player dies
06:36.36art3mishey mental you work on auctioneer dontcha?
06:36.48art3misor am i confused
06:36.48MentalPoweryou could say that :P
06:36.54Nechcknnah... he's got cronies to do that now
06:36.59art3mishow would i grab the "last bought for" ?
06:37.00MentalPower~lart Nechckn
06:37.00purlshoots Nechckn in the head
06:37.16art3misaside from tooltip parsing that is ;P
06:37.19MentalPowerart3mis: thats from beancounter
06:37.36MentalPowerKandoko: can help you there
06:37.58MentalPowerbah, I guess I just made Nechckn's point for him :P
06:38.20art3misi meant to ask yousomething about aucioneer
06:38.31art3misthink you guys would build in a blacklist?
06:38.40art3miserr could
06:39.05Nechcknyou can blacklist certain players if they keep making crap auctions
06:39.05art3mislike say i wanna scan for mats, but i dont want it to ever tell me about deals on copper ore
06:39.17art3misim talking item blacklist
06:39.27art3misnot like a temp ignore
06:39.36art3misa perm list of stupid shti i dont ever wanna see popup ;)
06:39.56art3miswell perm/editable
06:40.06art3misi dont actually care if i have to type the names of things either  =)
06:40.16MentalPowerwell, ignore from where?
06:40.31MentalPowerand yes, jira be king for something like this
06:40.34art3misumm bottomscanner would be the best palce i can think of
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06:40.42Nechcknindeed.. it's a good idea
06:41.21art3misyeah but so much less cool than just telling you guys to do it and having it done ;P
06:41.45art3misdo i need to sign in to post?
06:41.59MentalPowerart3mis: yes, to the norganna forums
06:42.11art3misi meant to the jira
06:42.23art3misor on the jira
06:42.24Nechcknother than all the porn sites we sign you up for... it's painless
06:42.36art3misautofill works for those ;P
06:42.36MentalPowerwell, you need an account in the forums, which will be the same one you use in jira
06:42.38Nechcknuse the forum for jira
06:42.43art3misahh okay
06:42.57art3miswhos baby is bottomscanner btw?
06:45.56Nechcknbtw... you do know about /btm ignore <item>  right?
06:46.27NechcknI think you are trying for something different via what you are saying, with having a visible, editable table or whatever...
06:48.27art3misno actually i didnt
06:48.51art3misdoes it just ignore like clicking ignore or does it perm list it to never show?
06:48.52Nechcknoh...  that *should* work
06:49.01Nechcknthat's like perma-ignore
06:49.04art3mislike would i have to redo it each time i logged in
06:49.20art3misthe other thing i tacked on is a count limit
06:49.21Nechcknthen /btm unignore <item> if you get crazy
06:49.34Nechcknnope, it should persist
06:49.44art3mislike say you want 50 groms, itll watch until you purchase 50 and then not show them anymore
06:50.01art3missince btmscn would take a bit of time and i get forgetful ;P
06:50.02Nechcknthat's different
06:50.37NechcknHa.... I'm old, I know forgetful or at least I used to...
06:51.34Nechcknthe count limit is something it doesn't do atm... now that, coupled with having the list a bit more visible is certainly not there right now
06:51.38art3misyeah i just put em together
06:51.52art3missince i was thinking of them at the same time ;P
06:51.57art3misand they sorta co-inside
06:52.15art3miswell that was a wierd spellfix
06:55.47Mike-N-GoIs AQ the only old world raid that does not require an atument?
06:56.06Mike-N-GoAs well as ZG
06:59.48LukianMC and BWL attunement is dead easy, and Naxx is a small cost
07:00.45MentalPowerOnyxia attune is still hard
07:00.49MentalPowerwell, not hard, long
07:01.09Lukianyeah long :p
07:01.14NechcknXXX is not to be harmed!  God, I miss hearing that in SW like 100 times per day
07:01.48Nechcknbut what I really miss are the Ony killer buffs!
07:01.57MentalPowerI especially liked the lines to of guilds trying to complete the quest
07:03.23NechcknJust hanging at the AH would net you that yummy buff...  like sucking dew from lillies in the morning
07:03.35Nechcknerr..  or something like that  =)
07:04.03MentalPowerno comment...
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07:08.38Sixenkd3, you alive?
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07:17.54Mike-N-GoWhat is the player limit for BRS?
07:18.38batrickparsing chess algebraic notation is a real bitch
07:18.49Shirikoh please
07:18.51Shirikit's not hard
07:19.24batrickthere are so many fucking things to avoid ambiguity
07:19.27batrickdon't get me started.
07:19.35Shirikstep 1, identify type piece. Step 2, identify target square. Step 3, identify pieces that are allowed to make that move based on the piece(s) identified in step 1
07:19.46batrickk go do it
07:19.59Shirikin Lua? What do I have
07:20.05batrickyou're serious?
07:20.17ShirikI think it's not hard at all
07:20.24ShirikI already have the algorithm worked out in my head
07:21.03batricki don't care, write it up in Lua
07:21.05ShirikGive me the info that I have at my disposal and a function prototype and what it should return, and I will work magic for you :P
07:21.18Shirikwe just have an 8x8 matrix?
07:21.33batrickI've already got that framework
07:21.46batrickI need to have something to parse algebraic notation
07:22.30ShirikRight but I need to know the matrix to be able to know full info
07:22.39Shirikso like I have the matrix at my disposal?
07:23.09Shirikthen it's impossible
07:23.22Shirikhow am I supposed to resolve ambiguities without knowing where the pieces are?
07:23.25batrickI just want you to parse a move and tell me what happened via returned values
07:23.38batricktell me as much as you can extrapolate
07:23.47ShirikI can't tell you where the piece originated from, only where it ended up
07:24.07AdysSaving edits in firebug is in the google summer of code project for mozilla <
07:24.27widgertickYou can't parse chess notation without knowing the state of the board before the move.
07:24.40widgertickSo unless you have notation for the entire game, you won't be able to parse a single move
07:24.54Shirikright that's what I'm trying to say to him :P
07:24.56batrickoi jeeze
07:25.02ShirikI would be able to tell him where the piece ended up, but not where it started from
07:25.05Shirikwhich is somewhat worthless
07:25.09batrickI just want all the information you can get out of the algebraic notation
07:25.15batrickI'll handle the rest!!
07:25.18Shirikyou can get more if you know the state of the board....
07:25.24Shirikfine fine
07:25.40ShirikI'll give you 3 return values: piece, row, column
07:25.58batricksometimes the algebraic notation gives resolves ambiguities though :0
07:26.01batrick:) *
07:26.04Shirikrow and column will be numerical, piece will be one of "PAWN" "KNIGHT" "BISHOP" "QUEEN" "KING" "ROOK"
07:26.27Shirikif I can tell you, I will also include two extra return values, startRow, startColumn
07:26.27batrickso you may return a file AND/OR column from where the piece caame
07:26.31batrickso have fun with that :P
07:26.40batrick!g algebraic chess notation wiki
07:26.41batbotbatrick: Algebraic chess notation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia <>
07:26.47Shiriker, backwards sorry
07:26.51ShirikstartColumn, startRow
07:26.57Shirikit's impossible to know the startRow without knowing startColumn
07:27.16Shirikif I know the starting row, I know the starting column
07:27.19ShirikBecause that's how it's written
07:27.19batrickN1d3 is a valid move
07:27.25Shiriksince when
07:27.30batricksince forever?
07:27.51Shirikfine, I'll just fill it with nil if I don't know
07:27.55batrickif you have a knight on e1 and e5, both can move to d3
07:28.01batrickexactly :0
07:28.02Shirikpiece, column, row, startColumn, startRow
07:28.05batrickgod i hate this keybaord
07:28.18batricksounds good
07:28.26Shirikpass in the algebraic notation
07:28.29Shirikthat's it
07:29.11batrickwere there any Lua google summer of code projects?
07:29.13batrickcladhaire: ?
07:29.41batrickthere sure are a lot of interesting things on the projects page
07:29.42Shirikdo you need to know check/nocheck?
07:29.51batrickGNU Hurd, GCC, Debian etc.
07:29.54batrickShirik: no
07:30.49batricki wouldn't mind working on gcc
07:30.57batrickeven though i can't stand reading GNU code
07:33.01Shirikbatrick: What do you want me to return in the event of a castle?
07:33.13batrickuh ya
07:33.18batricksee how fun it is? lol?
07:33.24Shiriknot a problem for me
07:33.26batrickI dunno make up something...
07:33.44Shirikk, error("Castle Kingside")
07:33.46Shirikworks for me :D
07:34.27Shirikwhat do you think about memory requirements?
07:34.30Shirikcan I return a table?
07:35.01batricktechnically i don't want you to return a piecename but i'll chaange it later
07:35.05Shirikthen I'll just return the string "CASTLE KINGSIDE" as the first return with nothing following, and you'll have to deal with it, k? :P
07:35.13batrickprobably use some number to represent a castle
07:35.21batricksounds good
07:35.30batrickwell because numbers are better than strings
07:35.31Shirikstrings are just as good and have a meaning :P
07:35.42Shirikthey take up a few extra bytes, big deal
07:36.21batricknumbers will end up being faster when/if I implement an AI
07:36.34Shirikexplain your justification
07:37.06Shirikespecially considering you're looking at passing around 64 bit values instead of 32 bit ones
07:37.26batrickit's all represented in more than 64 bits in the end
07:37.32batrickit's actually 64+32
07:37.38Shirikand only once
07:37.41Shirikthat doesn't get passed around
07:38.12batrickI guess I could leave them as strings
07:38.21batricki've been thinking too much C lately :P
07:38.22Shirikyou're just passing around a pointer...
07:38.39ShirikC would have a little more trouble since you'd need to strcpy to make it safe
07:38.41batricki was starting to use brackets for functions in Lua
07:38.58ShirikI almost did too
07:38.58Shirikit's ok
07:40.11batrickIt's too bad they never got those short strings done
07:40.18batrickstrings that fit in 8 bytes
07:40.56batricki remember reading something on the wiki about it
07:41.04batrickthey had some reason for abandoning it
07:41.26cladhairebatrick: yes, there were plenty of projects
07:41.32cladhairebut only 175 out of 500 organizations were selected
07:41.34cladhairewe weren't one of them
07:41.38batrickah :
07:42.03batrickI had hoped the Lua authors would come up with something official
07:42.30batricki'm sure they have stuff they could give students to do, they DO have grad students that do stuff
07:42.38cladhaireI did apply
07:42.40cladhaireit was official
07:42.49cladhairehence all my posts on the mailing list...
07:42.55batrickwell, I meant something from them in that sense
07:43.00batrickI didn't mean to say yours wasn't
07:43.05cladhaireit wouldn't have made a difference
07:43.08cladhaireand I had their blessing
07:43.38batricko well
07:44.28batrickthey selected a game for an organization
07:44.33batrickthat's kinda wierd but cool
07:46.04batrickShirik: keep in mind things like Ra1b1 are valid
07:46.14Shirikway ahead of you hun
07:46.20batrickk sweety
07:46.36batrickif you make some beast regexp i wanna see it
07:46.45cladhairebatrick: their selection criteria are pretty straightforward
07:47.09MentalPowerand they are?
07:47.27*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
07:47.34cladhairesize and popularity are one factor, but mostly the strength of the open source project
07:47.46cladhaireif you look at the ones that were chosen, they're mostly strongholds of open source
07:47.47batrickthe hell
07:47.53ShirikI should totally add that in there just for the hell of it
07:47.57Shirikhas no purpose, just looks cool
07:48.15cncfanaticshello everyone
07:48.25batrickI was thinking something like
07:48.25Cairennhey cncfanatics
07:48.57MentalPowercladhaire: based on that then Lua has almost no chance, since Lua itself is a small project
07:49.05cladhaireoh and my internet install got RESCHEDULED again
07:49.11cladhaireMentalPower: the size isn't as important as the strength
07:49.16cladhaireso no, I agree
07:49.23cladhairebu there were 325 organizations that weren't selected
07:49.29cladhaireI'm going to get feedback on us specifically today
07:49.41cladhairegsoc has just gotten too big, its unfortunate
07:49.49cncfanaticsmight I know what you're talking about, cladhaire ? :p
07:49.55cladhairegoogle summer of code
07:49.56purlgsoc is probably the Google Summer of Code, a program run annually by Google to provide (paid for) jobs to students to code on open source projects over summer.  See for details.
07:50.19cncfanaticsI see
07:50.45batrickof course that doesn't handle castling
07:51.07MentalPoweren passant?
07:51.10cladhairei also had very little help and support from the community, which is a testament to the interest in it, unfortunately.
07:51.31batrickya i would have helped clad but I am planning to be a student in it
07:52.09cncfanaticsI wish I could be a student in at yet :p I'm only done with highschool next year :p
07:52.31MentalPowerand I won't be a student on the deadline :(
07:52.32batrickI think you only have to prove you'll be enrolled in a university or something
07:52.35batrickand be of age
07:52.46MentalPoweryou have to be a student at a specific date
07:53.08cncfanaticsMentalPower, what is said date ?
07:53.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
07:53.18MentalPower"You must be 18 years of age or older by April 14, 2008 to be eligible to participate in Google Summer of Code in 2008."
07:53.34cncfanaticsthats no problem :o
07:54.04MentalPower"As long as you are enrolled in a college or university program as of April 14, 2008, you are eligible to participate in the program."
07:54.13cncfanaticsthat is a problem
07:54.24MentalPoweraye, same here
07:54.26batrickit says you have to be admitted to an accredited institution
07:54.52cncfanaticsI can't be admitted before having my highschool diploma
07:54.59MentalPower6. I have been accepted in to an accredited post-secondary school program, but have not yet begun attending. Can I still take part in the program?
07:54.59cncfanaticsI get my high school diploma in June
07:55.00MentalPowerAs long as you are enrolled in a college or university program as of April 14, 2008, you are eligible to participate in the program.
07:55.44batrickwhere i'm reading it says admitted not necessarily enrolled
07:55.47cncfanaticsuniversities in belgium don't enroll before you graduate
07:55.58batrickbut do they accept you before you graduate?
07:56.05batrickUS universities do
07:56.11batrickapply to a US uni lol!
07:56.29cncfanaticsno thanks :p I'm staying in my little country :)
07:56.43CairennCanada they "conditionally" accept you (ie if you don't graduate then the acceptance is moot and thus no longer valid)
07:56.52Shirikwell yeah that's how they do it in the US too :P
07:56.57cncfanaticsin belgium they just don't bother
07:57.00ShirikI almost fell victim to that lol
07:57.09cncfanaticsas if you graduate you are free to go wherever you want anyway (there are no entrance exams)
07:57.09Nechcknthat's the ticket cncfanatics there's no rason you have to actually go... just apply and see
07:57.10batrickShirik: back to coding!
07:57.15ShirikI'm working on it!
07:57.19Shirik54 lines and counting!
07:57.23Shirikand fully documented of course
07:57.32Shirikit fully checks for invalid notations too
07:57.33batrickuse my pretty regexp
07:57.37Shirikhell no
07:57.41cncfanaticsShirik: 53 lines of docs & 1 line of code ?
07:57.41batrick!quote batrick 123
07:57.41batbotbatrick, batrick said: " "^%s*([KQBNR]?)([abcdefgh]?)([12345678]?)x?([abcdefgh])([12345678])"".
07:57.46Shirikwtf is [abcdefgh]
07:57.49Shirikjust do [a-h]
07:57.56batrickno u
07:58.26Shirikand I stripped out whitespace already
07:58.31Shirikthe %s* is unnecessary
07:58.39batrickyou're making new strings?
07:58.57Shirikmy solution will be optimal
07:59.02batrickya sure
07:59.26Shirikthe only time it makes strings is when it needs to :)
07:59.33batrickthere is no need!
07:59.36Shirikor when it will fail shortly thereafter
07:59.45Shirikok what are you going to do after you use that regex?
07:59.57Shirikwhat if I typed
08:00.07Shirikoh I dunno
08:00.13cncfanaticssigh, why does windows update take longer to hash a download then to actualy download it ?
08:00.39Shirikhm, I guess that's legal
08:00.42ShirikI'll find something wrong!
08:01.23batrickdude my pattern is all u need!
08:01.29batrickit's perfect =)
08:01.33Shirikit is not perfect
08:01.37batrickok give me a test case where it doesn't work
08:01.43Shirikbesides, it's a useless pattern
08:01.49Shirikin certian cases
08:01.58Shirikwhy would I do that when a simple string length test will suffice?
08:01.59batrickway to be vague
08:02.11Shirikfor example, if the string length is 2 or 3, it is certain what is what
08:02.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
08:02.22batrick~fail shirik
08:02.22purlYou suck at everything in life, shirik. I hate you because you fail.
08:02.30ShirikMy algorithm correctly identifies obvious cases
08:02.35Shirikand then handles them appropriately
08:02.39ShirikWITHOUT even performing a match
08:02.51batrickit's probably slow too!
08:03.06Shirikoh because string matches are so much faster than getting string length
08:03.58Shirikrather than using an ambiguous regex that will have to be backtracked several times, my algorithm correctly identifies the appropriate pattern for the situation and handles it efficiently and appropriately
08:03.59cncfanaticsShirik, thats common knowledge !
08:05.28batrickimma do algorithmic analysis on your version vs. mine
08:05.42batrickand we'll see whose is best!
08:06.01Shirikman, someone I work with in my IEEE group
08:06.06Shirikhe keeps calling it "a logarithm"
08:06.14ShirikI want to smash his face against a wall
08:08.16cncfanaticsShirik: so much agressive feelings
08:09.16Shirikit's also ok batrick because those strings that my algorithm generates will likely be reused
08:09.22Shirikthey are so simplistic that they will likely show up again
08:09.32Shirikjust turn off GC when running my algorithm and be amazed :D
08:09.50Cairennnight MentalPower|zzZZ
08:10.08Nechckn|SomeZsShirik, remember... well rested brains work best!!  ;-)
08:10.11batrickhell no i'm gonna let the glory of gc screw you in the ass
08:10.16Nechckn|SomeZswith that.. I'm out too.
08:10.22ShirikI didn't say I NEEDED gc to be off
08:10.30Shirikonly that it would prove my algorithm's efficiency
08:10.38ShirikI KNOW!
08:10.47ShirikI'll make upvalues to the most frequently used strings
08:10.50Shirikso YOU CAN'T get rid of them
08:13.05*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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08:18.51batrickO shirik
08:18.58batrickdon't forget pawn promotion lol!
08:19.12Shirikway ahead of you, once again
08:20.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
08:21.42AtriaceI've been searching around for a stable TGA -> BLP converter.  So far, I found a handful that will work, but sadly don't export to BLP2.  Anybody know of an app that would do it?
08:26.13Shirikoh batrick
08:26.30Shirikremember your beautiful regex?
08:26.36Shirikthe one that does this?
08:27.00Shirik--> return string.match("xh5", "^%s*([KQBNR]?)([abcdefgh]?)([12345678]?)x?([abcdefgh])([12345678])")
08:27.00batbotShirik: > , , , h, 5
08:27.14cladhaireAtriace: there's really not much to be gained by using BLP, other than creating cursors, and the smaller file size
08:28.16batrickShirik: I'd catch that afterwards by noting there is no from file/rank
08:28.29Shirikwho's to say there has to be a from file/rank?
08:28.35widgertickAtriace: The tools that are out there for making BLPs right now don't do it right
08:28.36batricki'm thinking about it
08:28.50Shirikyou do realize you're doing this the hard way, right?
08:28.56ShirikThat it would be so much easier to process everything at once?
08:29.00batricki'm doing it the easy way! :)
08:29.02Shirikwith the state of the board?
08:29.07widgertickAtriace: So sometimes they won't display correctly when the texture gets resized
08:29.21widgertickAtriace: You're probably much better off sticking with TGAs
08:30.48AtriaceCladhaire, widgertick: that's actually the main and only reason I want to use BLP (compression).  My current textures take up 30MB.  I know that I can bring that down to under 1MB if I convert them to BLP.
08:31.12AtriaceBut you're right, (at least so far) any tool I have found doesn't seem to create a correct BLP file.
08:31.33cncfanaticscan't GIMP itself create BLP files ? (I can vaguely remember it doing that
08:31.50Atriace0_o.... good question.
08:33.14cladhaireno, not as far as I know
08:33.21cladhaireBLP2 is a non-trivial task
08:33.23cladhaireask foxlit!
08:39.21Elkanosafe as tga and convert afterwards?
08:40.23AtriaceI'm assuming you meant "save", and yeah, that's what I'm doing.   Though converting it is the conundrum.
08:43.00Elkanooh, yeah, the verb, not the adjective
08:49.37widgertickThe best BLP utility I ever found was written in Java and converted PNG to BLP2
08:49.47widgertickYou might try looking for that if you're set on BLPs =)
08:50.23Shiriknight widger|work
08:50.24batrickafter a minor change it seems to work perfectly shirik :P
08:50.26Shirikand widger|zZz
08:50.26Cairennisn't such a huge fan of png, would rather use tga
08:50.35Shirikmine works perfectly too batrick
08:50.41Shirikand it's fast
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08:51.02Shirikin fact, I have just realized that in a best-case scenario (that is, no invalid code given) no new strings are created
08:51.09Shirikjust old ones are reused
08:52.40Atriacewidgertick: I've actually got that one too (and quite pleased with it) except I've been working with TGA files.  The alpha channels are fairly complex and I don't have a easy way to convert them to PNG.
08:53.31AtriaceThat said, I've seen BLP2 Tools reported as doing the job right.  Sadly, it appears to have vanished off the internet.  Even its stub on is gone now.
08:55.41CairennAtriace: try this one?
08:55.54Cairennupdated within the last couple months
08:58.11AtriaceHmm... BLP & TGA to PNG then PNG to BLP.  This could be the one.
08:58.33batrickalmost done shirik?
08:58.42Shirikdoing dailies
08:58.43Shirikbut yes
08:59.58*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
09:00.58batrickdo I asumme correctly you plan to pastey it
09:01.06batrickcuz i'm going to bed
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09:11.32Shirikyou assume correctly
09:14.26batrickwell get on with it!
09:25.01batrickeh i'm going to sleep send it to me in a pm i'll look at it later shirik
09:25.16Shirikit's beauty
09:25.19Shirikit's about 150 lines
09:25.22Shirikof pure genius
09:25.31batrickmine is like ... 30!
09:26.46AtriaceAnybody have a beat on when the patch goes up?
09:27.28cncfanaticsAtriace: very maybe this week
09:27.33cncfanaticsprobably next week or the week after
09:27.42nevcairielthis week is so unlikely
09:27.43AtriaceOh... good then I can go to bed.
09:27.52cncfanaticsnevcairiel: as I said :)
09:28.03cncfanaticsif its this week I'll be jumping happily in MH
09:28.33nevcairielthey alreaedy announced "normal" maintenance 5-11
09:28.33AtriaceIf it's this week, I'll be pounding my head for not being a faster coder.
09:28.46Roblibobi'd say first or second week of april :)
09:29.00AtriaceThat makes me happy inside.
09:29.03AtriaceAlright, I'm off.
09:29.07AtriaceThanks for the help.
09:29.24Roblibobseems like it's ordinary maintenance this week atleast
09:29.49cncfanaticsRoblibob: didn't expect any different tbh
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09:29.55cncfanaticsbtw <3 my new irc client
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09:31.26Roblibobcncfanatics: what client do you use?
09:31.37cncfanaticsCLicks AndWhistles
09:31.48Shirikbatrick: My code performs 20 checks on validity
09:31.57Shiriknaturally not all of them are hit on a single pass
09:32.03Shirikin fact on average, only one or two are
09:32.14cncfanaticsShirik: how much can you hit max ?
09:32.44cncfanaticshow much validity checks could in theory be performed in one go ?
09:32.46kliphi people, is there anything like canvas in a wow UI? I haven't found anything I could just draw lines or at least pixels with a specified color
09:33.31ShirikLet's go through every possible case
09:34.10Shirik1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1
09:34.25Shirikskipped a block
09:34.46Shirik3, 2, 2
09:34.48Shirikso 3
09:35.55Cairennklip: or might work for you
09:36.47Shirikthe coolest thing cncfanatics, is it determines which path to take simply by looking at the size of the string
09:36.59Shirikin some cases it may need one additional check, but nothing is wasted
09:37.16Shirikany matches done not only verify a code path, but also are used as a return value
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09:38.48klipCairenn: great thanks! :)
09:38.55Cairennyou're welcome
09:47.14Shirikadjusted it slightly, removed some checks
09:48.09ShirikCOMPLETELY untested:
09:49.20Shirikthere are some optimizations that can be done, i.e., removing global access
09:49.23Shiriklocal error = error, etc.
09:49.25cncfanaticsnow, what is the point of said code ?
09:49.36Shiriktranslate a given chess algebraic notation
09:49.57cncfanaticsand just what is that ?
09:50.13Shirik1. Bf2, Nf3++
09:50.28Shirikchess moves written down
09:55.31Shiriktime for sleep, night
09:55.35ShirikCairenn better go to sleep too!
09:56.08Shirik|zZzpats Cairenn|afk on the head. "Good girl."
10:13.22*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
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10:18.07AntiarcI have a brand new core 2 duo 6750, and felt all badass about it
10:18.17Antiarcthen I try to do a final render of our illidan kill video
10:18.23AntiarcAnd it's all "k, wait 3 hours plz, thx"
10:18.48AntiarcAlso, the last thing I saw from this channel was at 7:11 PM
10:18.52AntiarcSo I'm gonna restart pidgin
10:18.55*** part/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
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10:20.01AntiarcI can see people talking now
10:20.21AntiarcAnyhow. Yeah. Video rendering is all "lolwut" at my CPU.
10:21.51nevcairielactually the C2D are relatively fast on rendering, at least thats what i noticed .. maybe your task is just very complex :)
10:22.04AntiarcIt's much faster than my older CPU was, yes
10:22.21AntiarcBut still, I'm humbled to have a 3-hour render job for a 20-minute video :P
10:22.29nevcairieloh well thats normal
10:22.35nevcairielwhat are you rendering in?
10:22.39AntiarcYeah. Just saying the shine's worn off
10:22.44AntiarcDivX, via Sony Vegas
10:22.57nevcairielthe shiny expensive divx pro?
10:23.10AntiarcHeh, yeah, actually. I snagged it when they were giving it away free.
10:23.30Antiarc <-- that one
10:23.40nevcairieli've been using xvid forever now, because divx is commercial
10:23.57AntiarcI've never really been able to get xvid to work quite as well as divx
10:25.49AntiarcOh, hey, it picked up, yay.
10:25.59AntiarcDown to an hour now. 18% done.
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11:20.42Wobinhow much is a normal mount/skill?
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11:25.45sacarasc100 w/o discount
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11:40.55klipis r, g, b for color in range 0.00 to 1.00 in both XML and API? or is it 0-255?
11:41.28clad|officeits 0-1 in almost all API functions
11:41.43clad|officethe dropdown interface uses 255, but that's particular
11:41.56kliphm, thanks :) I thought so, something wrong in my code though :)
11:43.04*** join/#wowi-lounge lolinternet (i=bitch2k@
11:45.04klipgreat that works :) I was just lame and I was counting 256/r (256/g, 256/b) instead of r/256 (g/256, b/256) :)
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12:29.29sag_ich_nichtCogent has decided not to exchange traffic directly with TeliaSoneras AS 1299 or indirectly with AS 1299 through a third-party provider. As a result, Cogent has partitioned the Internet and disrupted the flow of traffic between Cogent and TeliaSonera customers. While this has a negative impact on some users of the Internet, this effect is the result of Cogents decision and is unfortunately beyond TeliaSoneras control.
12:29.32sag_ich_nichtlol BGP
12:31.28sag_ich_nicht LOL
12:42.24*** join/#wowi-lounge p3lim (
12:44.53sag_ich_nicht *troll*
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12:57.01foxlitI want to participate in GSoC, but it seems my incompetence is not a competitive advantage :(
12:59.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
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13:22.07sag_ich_nicht analysis btw.
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13:28.59klipany way how to find out what units are around? I would like to have some nice unit radar, but I can't find functions in API for this, seems to be impossible
13:29.40foxlitdefine "around"
13:29.42sag_ich_nichtcheck out ICU, only work for classes with tracking abilities of cours
13:32.08klipwell, around on minimap :) I guess it is possible only up to some distance in front of you
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14:21.56malrethTent cities springing up in the aftermath of the subprime mortgage meltdown --
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14:27.06Wobinpatch is next week, no?
14:27.49Industrialits downloading :p
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14:48.13zenzelezzhidey-hi-ho and a bucket of rum, what's up peppy?
14:50.13LopeppeppyI personally think there's a hailstorm up there in the clouds, it's so weird and glowy yellow outside!
14:50.56ralfWORKnice. I'm the only person signed up for tomorrow's raid
14:51.13ralfWORKwonders why he even tries to setup raids
14:52.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
14:52.47sag_ich_nicht bump my submission
14:54.50*** join/#wowi-lounge kaelten_ (
14:55.32Lunessahail sucks.
14:55.39ralfWORKlack of raid signups suck
14:56.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
14:57.20LopeppeppyYeah, I'm not looking forward to it, Lunessa... but in the meantime, this weird glowy sky is beautiful.
14:57.33LunessaGet a snapshot.
14:58.21LopeppeppyI've tried, it's just not seeming to caputre.  I don't have a high end camera that can really visualize it.
14:58.25Industrialwhos "sucks" ?
14:58.55*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
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14:58.55Industrial~seen tekkub
14:58.59purlIndustrial: i haven't seen 'tekkub'
14:59.06Industrial~seen Tekkub
14:59.06purlIndustrial: i haven't seen 'tekkub'
14:59.13Industrial~slap purl
14:59.13purlACTION slaps purl, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
14:59.32LopeppeppyIt's not tektub?  I thought there was an extra t in there.
14:59.48Industrialno .. :p
14:59.51cog|workeff arr ee ee that spells free credit report dot com baby!
14:59.53sag_ich_nicht I LOVE YOU AMSTERDAM
15:00.05LopeppeppyIs that good, Cogwheel?
15:00.18cog|worksorry... commercial stuck in my head :|
15:00.29cog|workthey play it pretty much every single commercial break during my commute
15:00.35Lunessacog|work: You driving off the lot in a used sub-compact?
15:00.46cog|workno... i'm the one looking fly and rolling phat
15:00.48Industrialsag_ich_nicht: I doubt the credibility of that story
15:01.17Industrialcog|work: lol :p
15:01.37sag_ich_nichtIndustrial: i doubt your mom
15:02.09cog|workI got my 4 GNMRGN plates on my Mustang yesterday! =D
15:02.42sag_ich_nichtanyway vote up my submission please:
15:03.23Seerahlol cog|work
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15:04.55cog|work in case anyone has never seen/heard the commercial i'm talking about :P
15:05.12cog|workthe pirate one's funny too:
15:05.25Lopeppeppythinks Cogwheel needs more sleeps.
15:05.32cog|workagrees with peppy
15:05.56cog|workdisclaims said agreement as constituting any positive feelings towards sprockets in general
15:06.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn|Away (n=nnchatzi@
15:08.46SeerahI wonder what band/group that is cog|work
15:09.19cog|workSeerah: I assume they were undiscovered but are now probably going to hit it pretty big :)
15:09.38ralfWORKcog|work: nice plates
15:12.23ralfWORKdon't you mean for your Mechano-strider?
15:12.52LopeppeppyA sensible gnome only uses a strider in rocky terrain.  Mustangs are for smooth roads and sexy sailing.
15:12.59ralfWORKoh :(
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15:14.49LopeppeppyAnd a Sprocket said so!  :P
15:14.55LunessaMustangs are for pickingup chicks.
15:15.49cog|workralfWORK: you mean like ?
15:16.26cog|workneeds to re-shoot that in front of Gnomeregan
15:16.35ralfWORKYA THAT!
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15:18.50Fisker-not even a smile cog|work
15:19.16cog|workFisker-: ?
15:19.20ralfWORKcan't make out the weapon...
15:19.28ralfWORKare you a DPS warrior?
15:19.39cog|worki was in pvp gear at the time...
15:19.52Fisker-i'm not smiling :(
15:19.55ralfWORKlooks like legacy
15:20.13cog|workthat was months ago when i first got the plates
15:20.21Fisker-And my cat got that suspicious "do not want" look and went away
15:20.24cog|workthough i still have pretty much the same gear ><
15:21.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (n=chatzill@
15:21.30ralfWORKahh right
15:21.53ralfWORKyou know much about fury then?
15:22.01cog|workCrappy pic of my dirty car:
15:22.07Fisker-gets his cat to attack cog|work
15:22.38cog|worknot really... I've never really been hardcore about any class. I just play to have fun
15:22.43ralfWORKcog|work: ahh k
15:23.36cog|workmy wife's ashamed ;) She spends hours researching the best talent trees, weapons, and move sequences...
15:24.02cog|workand she has alt-itis even worse than i do... She was the CL for both mages and locks in our last guild XD
15:24.19Josh_Borkemove sequesnces?
15:24.27cog|workwhich ability to cast when
15:24.31Josh_Borkeyour car is filthy
15:24.34ralfWORKI call them spell rotations
15:24.42cog|workJosh_Borke: that was about 2 weeks since my last car wash :|
15:24.51ralfWORKbut then some jackass says "OMG WARRIORS DON'T HAVE SPELLS NUB"
15:25.15cog|workboth home and work are on dirt roads
15:26.21ralfWORKwhere do you work?
15:27.04ralfWORKhah neat
15:27.06ralfWORKwhat do you do there?
15:27.11Lunessacog|work: you are not teh hardcorz?  Do you now or have you ever tanked kara as a prot-spec pally?
15:27.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Stan_ (
15:27.52cog|workI'm a jack of all trades... everything from answering phones and data entry to VBA programming and website development.
15:27.53ralfWORKcog|work: so... cali?
15:28.31cog|work(VBA programming sucks ass, btw)
15:28.49ralfWORKVB* sucks
15:31.16clad|officeso this is a really dumb question
15:31.17Fisker-thinks cog|work is teh hard
15:31.33Josh_Borkeclad|office: only befitting the one asking
15:31.35clad|officei need a basic CSS style that is overlayed on top of the existing page
15:31.47clad|officeanyone have any snippets I might be able to use?
15:31.55ralfWORKwhat do you mean?
15:32.08clad|officei need to put another layer on top of the existing page
15:32.17clad|officeit'll be shown and hidden
15:32.35nevcairiellike one of those ad layers?
15:32.50ralfWORKit's like... doesn't work like that and stuffs?
15:33.00clad|officeralfWORK: that's funny.. cause plenty of websites do this
15:33.03clad|officeso I know its possible.
15:33.11ralfWORKyes but it's like not just CSS
15:33.21cog|workI'd think a div with position: absolute would worke
15:33.30clad|officeyes, its a combination of css and javascript
15:33.37foxlit(except then you land in a mess that is position:absolute)
15:33.43clad|officei don't care about the mess
15:33.46clad|officethis is just a debug panel for my use
15:35.17cog|workclad|office: not sure if this'll help much... just found it in a quick search
15:35.34cog|worktab 3 seems to be most relevant
15:35.52ralfWORKgrumbles about having to fill out time sheets
15:35.53clad|officejust have to remember how to change the z axis of the div and i'm done
15:36.51ralfWORKz-index: 1; will probably work
15:37.05clad|officei may not even need it
15:37.11ralfWORKmaybe not
15:37.21clad|officeyep simple enough
15:37.22clad|officethanks cog
15:38.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
15:39.00AtriaceI wonder how much luck I'd get asking Blizzard for the tools they use to create BLPs...
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15:39.33cog|workAtriace: i wouldn't hold my breath :(
15:40.25AtriaceA photoshop plugin would be nice.
15:40.41wereHamstergimp can save blps
15:40.49CairennAtriace: it's been asked for lots, hasn't happened yet
15:41.13AtriaceI tried out GIMP last night, wereHamster.  I didn't see BLP in the export list.
15:41.26AtriaceDidn't find a plugin for it either.
15:41.38CairennAtriace: the one I linked you didn't work?
15:41.46cog|workAtriace: any particular reason you need to create them? TGAs can do everything but compression in wow...
15:42.04AtriaceIt's the compression that I need, cog|work.
15:42.13AtriaceCairenn: it had some buggy output.
15:42.34AtriaceFlipped my graphics and added colors and compression artifacts where there were none.
15:42.37wereHamsterAtriace, my bad, gimp can't do that :(
15:42.51Cairennshould give the author feedback about the problems you're experiencing, so they can hopefully fix it :)
15:43.05AtriaceWhat a novel idea.  hehe
15:43.13CairennI know, shocking, hey?
15:43.26AtriaceSadly, I didn't consider it till now.
15:43.28cog|workAtriace: for distribution or just to pare down size on disk? I ask because BLPs use lossless compression so you shouldn't get a substantially different file size if you zip it up...
15:45.11Atriacecog|work: well... couple reasons.  BLP would dissuade tampering with the textures once distributed, and yeah... I want to reduce the file size for distribution.
15:45.45AtriaceFrom what I've read online, the DX9 compression methods available to BLPs shouldn't make it a second-class option.  Consider, Blizzard uses it for all their textures.
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15:46.12cog|workWell, on the tampering side, I've found the blp to png converter works quite well. Don't know if it does compression
15:46.13zenzelezz<Sapped Cows Cant Say Moo>
15:46.26ralfWORKthat's pretty nasty
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15:46.59clad|officeAtriace: if someone wants to alter your textures, they can and wille asily
15:47.06clad|officeBLP shouldn't be a method to prevent that
15:47.25clad|officeand as cogwheel says, zipping the addon up should give you the same net compression
15:47.27clad|officegive or take
15:47.41AtriaceI'm going to test that theory right now.
15:51.48foxlitcan convert any .BLP wow can read to a .tga
15:51.56foxlitI'm sure I'm not alone there :)
15:52.00clad|officeAtriace is doing the opposite
15:52.08cog|workLunessa: don't know if i mentioned it to you... The house we wanted turned out to be a lemon. There was some bad mold damage and moisture problems in the "finished" basement :(
15:52.10AtriaceActually, you were brought up last night, foxlit
15:52.12clad|officesoon the world will be able to easily convert
15:52.22foxlitYeah, but the "prevent tampering" argument inverts the direction
15:52.48LunessaOh man.
15:52.59Lunessacog|work: Did you manage to get out of the deal then?
15:53.15cog|workBut we went out shopping again over the weekend and put an offer on this place:
15:53.17foxlitclad: wrote the reverse yet?
15:53.36clad|officei haven't written anythihng
15:54.41Lunessacog|work: Take the camera away from the wife
15:54.52cog|workno no... that's HER camera :P
15:55.02LunessaAngles and framing... ARGH
15:55.09cog|worksecretly agrees
15:55.12foxlitThe only actually interesting thing about BLP is the mipmap storage :)
15:55.26cog|workhow'd you lke the strap in a bunch of the shots? :P
15:55.39cog|workfoxlit: and that's irrelevant to mods since the UI doesn't render them :P
15:55.42LunessaIt's KILLING ME.  *gouges eyes*
15:55.47AtriaceZip vs. BLP conversion = 88% similar file size
15:55.54foxlitcog|work: it renders from one of them, really.
15:56.05foxlitThe question is whether it picks the right one, or always a specific one
15:56.14cog|workpretty sure it's always the largest
15:56.19cog|work(highest res)
15:56.50cog|workit would be pretty dumb any other way imo (besides of course actually using them all)
15:57.02Lunessacog|work: If you buy that house, rip out those crappy ceiling fans and replace  with something engineered to real standards.
15:57.03AtriaceAha!  But if you compress the BLPs then your compressed Targas are 2x larger than your Zipped BLPs.
15:57.18foxlittargas with RLE?
15:57.38wereHamsterdoes size really matter nowadays?
15:57.50Lunessacan't be making butter witha toothpick.
15:57.57cog|workwow won't read RLE TGAs (at least last i tried... both and GIMP files were unreadable)
15:58.15cog|work(with compression)
15:58.23AtriaceI thought it was something like that, cog|work
15:58.33foxlitHm, I thought the opposite
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15:58.58AtriaceAnd yes, size matters.   ;)
15:59.16cog|workLunessa: the fans are by far the least of our worries... :P  Actually, I hope to knock out the column where the stove is and turn it into an island
15:59.29zenzelezzaccording to the e-mail I get regularly, size does matter
15:59.31cog|workshould make the kitchen feel a lot larger
15:59.42Lunessacog|work: hard to tell from the photos.
15:59.48wereHamsterdisk space is cheap, and a few textures is nothing compared to the whole wow installatino
15:59.52ralfWORKno doubt
15:59.58ralfWORKstop being paranoid
16:00.24LunessaI mean... I'm looking at the kitchen at sever down-angles... which is odd.. because I'm a good foot or more taller than your wife.
16:01.13cog|workThe " thingy" pic sort of gives you an idea... Taking out the cabinets and microwave and looking towards the fireplace/front door
16:02.20LunessaYeah.  That would make more space... And since it's electric you probably don't need much a vent for the stove.
16:02.58Lunessabut that photo makes me feel like I've had three double-vodka tonics...
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16:05.04LopeppeppyAlways room to improve.
16:05.16LopeppeppyAnd maybe you should get a camera for yourself too, Cog-dear.  *grin*
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16:06.13cog|worki have one that needs a new battery...
16:06.25LopeppeppyGet a battery!
16:06.41LopeppeppySilly gnome.
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16:09.51cog|workleast of my worries atm ;)
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16:14.30LunessaBuy HOUSE! RAWR... Lebensraum!
16:14.43Lopeppeppyoffers Lunessa some Valium.
16:15.01Lunessagobbles it down and continues to rant.
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16:15.55LopeppeppyYou're too weird.
16:17.03foxlitWould be so awesome if you could apply arbitrary masks to textures.
16:17.25cog|workfoxlit: and also apply them to the clickable area of a button
16:17.37AtriaceI hear you, foxlit.
16:17.52foxlitcog: I'd imagine that last part is a bit more difficult :)
16:18.08zenzelezzI couldn't mask my excitement if they added that feature
16:19.15cog|workit would open up whole new worlds of pretty for UIs
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16:21.14LopeppeppyPretty is as pretty does.
16:22.01AtriaceThen let's hope intelligence of the UI doesn't inversely scale with the beauty of it.
16:22.54cog|workLunessa: this might help a bit
16:23.21LunessaYeah, I get it. :)
16:23.59cog|workwe're thinking of turning it into a split-level counter and putting bar stools on the other side
16:24.22LopeppeppyCould be interesting, as long as you're not cooking anything that splatters....
16:24.52LopeppeppyI'd be more tempted to see if I could get the stove to the other side of the sink and have a plain island in the middle....  but that's me with Legos and no budget, too.
16:26.12cog|workyeah... the stove's the only thing we could probably move without too much expense, but just chopping that wall down from the ceiling will go a long way towards the overall effect for minimal cost
16:26.16LunessaIt looks like the kitchen is all electric, so it's not bad. Means you can do a lot with the wall there.
16:26.24art3miswoo, i meet with the cto next week for that job i interviewed for yesterday
16:29.09LopeppeppyNice!  Good luck.
16:29.45art3misi think its a gimme job.(from what he mentioned during the interview that they're gonna give me the wage offer as well that day)
16:30.04art3misbut if not no biggie since i can ace more cto tech questionaires ;)
16:30.25art3mis...and bacon friday!
16:31.14art3misbest company perk evah
16:31.25art3misbreakfast and paltes and plates of bacon every friday ;P
16:32.04AtriaceIs there a better way to spend a friday?  I submit that there is NOT!
16:32.57AtriaceIs this that 90K job where you get to fly around the country, art3mis?
16:35.04art3misnah they wanted a master level kernel debugger for that
16:35.23art3mis(not even remotely close to the job description i got)
16:35.46art3misthis is for a level 2 tech at a trading company in midtown
16:36.48LopeppeppyEven with the stock market weirdness of late, they're still hiring?  Neat.
16:37.08art3misthat kind of wierdness is great for thier business
16:37.37art3misthey essentially supply real time market data on i think he said 17 different worldwide markets
16:37.44IndustrialYou know I must be dumb or something but today I learnt that when you hold down a spell while another is casting and let it go after 50% of the castingbar of the currently casting spell that it will fire right after the current with no delay... Is this true?
16:37.56IndustrialTo cover for myself - I never play casters.
16:38.11dylanmAre you sure it wasn't the tonk thing?
16:38.23Industrialwhat? :p
16:39.46LopeppeppyI think it's working as intended, Industrial, but 50% isn't exactly correct.  Quartz will show you a visual bar to let you do that, it's something they built in.
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16:40.27AtriaceThat'd be a visual representation latency, I believe.
16:41.06Industrialoh so it was just my latency?
16:41.28IndustrialUsually I just start mashing a button when the castingbar is over
16:41.38Industrialor, at its end
16:43.46Lopeppeppymuses about whether to get a personal Vent server...
16:45.50Lunessaimagines listening to Lopeppeppy vent on her personal, um.. vent.
16:46.17LopeppeppyExactly, Lunessa.  My group Vent has decency rules and stuff.  *wink*
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16:46.57LopeppeppyNah, it's more that I've been using the group vent a lot for chatting with friends and non-game stuff, and I feel guilty.
16:47.49LopeppeppyIf I'm gonna hook up my family so there's no long distance evils, I should shell out for my own server, nu?
16:48.17LunessaSure.  Just switch the bill from your LD provider to yout Vent provider.
16:48.31LopeppeppyMuch much cheaper, trust me....
16:51.40LunessaYes, it is. :)  I know.  Skype too.
16:52.08LopeppeppyI haven't been happy with the quality of Skype, but I do love our group Vent.
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17:13.57LunessaServer Maintenance is annoying.
17:14.43LopeppeppyYes, yes it is.  *hug*
17:15.22zenzelezznot as annoying as the alternative
17:19.46SaiekThats why I just a VOIP phone service.  No long distance fees.
17:19.58SaiekNow if everyone you know doesn't mind sitting at their PC to use vent, thats cheaper.
17:23.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
17:23.58LopeppeppyMany people wouldn't mind it, Saiek.  And this way I have guaranteed access during times when I am without phone service, etc....
17:24.16cog|workpines after his shrinking dollars
17:24.28cog|workGold is over $1k/oz now :|
17:24.31KeiasAnother bonus to vent is that multiple people can be in there at once.
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17:26.47LopeppeppyYup, I can have party phone calls with sister and brother and aunts if I need to, etc.
17:27.02LopeppeppyCogwheel, do NOT give me a reason to melt down my rings!  :P
17:27.44ScytheBlade1lol @ signature I just saw on the forums
17:27.45ScytheBlade1"Douchebag isn't a racial passive."
17:29.53KeiasI wish my family was computer-literate enough for something like that.
17:30.29LunessaIf my parents were that savvy... I'd never get any respite.
17:31.18LopeppeppyNot *all* of my family are, but at least my siblings and the younger cousins/aunts/uncles can dig it.
17:31.32KeiasThis reminds me of how bored I get when my guild vent is down :(
17:31.55ScytheBlade1In a few years when all of the siblings grow up, it'll be feasible for me to just install asterisk on my server and they will all be able to use it
17:38.46ScytheBlade1 <-- just how out of date is that, by chance?
17:41.10Cidevery, I'm sure
17:41.12Cideat least with 2.4
17:41.31ScytheBlade1The last /actual/ change to it was 2006
17:41.38Cideit's very old but it might work still?
17:41.48ScytheBlade1Well it doesn't, haha
17:42.02ScytheBlade1If nothing else but the "for x, y in table" syntax
17:42.05art3missometimes the nix community confuses me
17:42.24Cideheh, CTRA used to do that
17:42.29art3mishow exactly can yuo call a distro a SOHO editino if it's just a desktop with openoffice on it?
17:42.30cog|workScytheBlade1: you could use Satellite
17:42.54ScytheBlade1cog|work: I'll admit, that's the only lib that has ever tempted me
17:43.26art3misa soho server to me is a centralized server for web email and file/printer sharing that also controls the policies of those logged in
17:47.37ScytheBlade1Yeah this is old, haha
17:48.14ScytheBlade1Actually no, that's... still the correct syntax
17:49.34ralfWORKart3mis: it was advertised as a "soho edition" or a "soho server edition"?
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17:53.58art3misralf doesnt matter ;P
17:54.06ralfWORKuh yea it kinda does
17:54.08art3missoho != desktop+office
17:54.10ralfWORKif they said "soho"
17:54.19ralfWORKI'd think "hey some office apps and crap"
17:54.28art3misparticularly when the normal release/distro is desktop+office
17:54.34ralfWORKif they said "soho server"
17:54.44art3mis <-- kind of neat thing i found btw
17:54.47ralfWORKthen yea, I'd expect file/print services, at a minimum
17:55.29art3misim really just playing around with distros right now
17:55.55art3mislooking for a nix distro that comes with file/printer/AD(ldap) email and web stuff pre installwed
17:56.01art3missort of a linux equiv of sbs2003
17:56.20art3misso far SME server seems to be the closest to sbs2003
17:56.51art3misit's only failing is the lack of a decent webserver and installation of mod_xxx stuff is difficult thanks to it's wierd layout and configuration
17:57.29ScytheBlade1art3mis: GOOD LUCK HAHA
17:57.34art3misscythe thanks!
17:57.43ScytheBlade1That said the closest you'll probably find is actually RHEL
17:57.52art3misappearantly ubuntu's 7.10 server release  does most of what i want
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17:58.08art3misif you get bored check out sme
17:58.14art3misit's quite awesome ;P
17:58.27art3misengarde would be ncie if it wasnt such a paranoid security nazi ;P
17:59.13art3misi mean seriously
17:59.24art3misthere is a point tht too much security is just annoying
18:00.14ScytheBlade1Security done right is unobtrusive ;)
18:00.36ralfWORKgood luck with that pipe dream :)
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18:01.07ScytheBlade1It's only so much of a pipe dream
18:01.09ralfWORKa great goal, but I've never seen it!
18:01.21art3misthe whole selinux thing is decent enough
18:01.24ScytheBlade1I recently quit, but my last job, I actually did it with an entire office of windows desktops
18:01.35ScytheBlade1No lies
18:01.45art3misyou fergot a comma
18:01.46ralfWORKand who was it unobtrusive for, you or the users?
18:02.27ralfWORKmm, I probably read what you said wrong
18:02.40ralfWORKunobtrusive != easy
18:03.00ScytheBlade1It took some time to accomplish :P
18:03.05ralfWORKexactly :)
18:03.14ralfWORKbtw, security through obscurity = win
18:03.17ScytheBlade1But, it was the typical sysadmin laziness
18:03.25art3mishrm found something called ebox
18:03.26ScytheBlade1I put in a good week of solid effort
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18:03.41ralfWORKyea that's great
18:03.47ScytheBlade1No viruses, no problems, everything just worked
18:03.48art3misScytheBlade1: i did that with my 2k3 server and exchange/bes
18:03.52ScytheBlade1No one had admin rights
18:04.05art3mistook me a week to get running how i wanted and havent done shit to it for amost 1.5 years
18:04.16ScytheBlade1And incremental backups were performed live on the servers every 4 hours
18:04.19art3misexcept last onth to installed the spamcleanser proxy
18:04.20ralfWORKmost of the systems I put online are like that
18:04.37ralfWORKrunning so long I don't recall the details of how I set them up
18:04.44ralfWORKbut damn they run fine
18:04.46art3misthen i realized that sbs2003 did all tat stuff for me and i didnt need to "learn" anything ;P
18:04.57ScytheBlade1sbs2003 is.. a beast
18:05.00art3misby then it was too late heh
18:05.07art3misits really nice as a single source though
18:05.22ralfWORKheh. 224 days up on this box!
18:05.24art3misand sbs2008 is shaping up to be quite awesome
18:05.28ralfWORKtoo bad it had been power cycled
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18:12.14ScytheBlade1rofl @ just the URL
18:12.20ScytheBlade1I want to read that but at the same time I don't
18:12.43art3misits basically just walk throughs for installation and stuff
18:12.53ScytheBlade1Yup already disqualified
18:12.54ScytheBlade1FTP Server: proftpd
18:13.00ScytheBlade1The perfect server doesn't run FTP :P
18:13.07ScytheBlade1Ever :P
18:13.30Cidesure it does, ftp is great
18:13.38ScytheBlade1stabs Cide
18:13.50ScytheBlade1stabs Cide many more times
18:13.51Lopeppeppytakes notes
18:20.36art3misand the perfect server string keeps making me think "with all the network services aligned it god it's a perfect server"
18:21.09art3miswhats the name of that onscreen/background sysstats thingy from winternals?
18:21.27cog|workPre-BC pally:
18:22.00ScytheBlade1I was expecting something more subtle
18:22.20Lopeppeppysticks her tongue out at Cogwheel
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18:25.43AtriaceHoly banana peels, patch isn't out.
18:25.47AtriaceThank God.
18:26.12LopeppeppyAfter Easter, relax, let the bunnies do their work.
18:26.33Atriaceloves bloody bunnies.
18:26.34ralfWORKhey, I heard a rumor that the 2.4 badge loot is sold by a vendor that needs to be unlocked on each realm or something similar
18:26.50ralfWORKonly heard that  from one person though; no where else mentioned it
18:26.58ralfWORKanyone else heard anything like that?
18:27.03ScytheBlade1That's how it works, yes
18:27.05LopeppeppySunwell stuff?
18:27.13ScytheBlade1Phase 2 (3?) of the island being unlocked, a new daily will open up
18:27.15ralfWORK2.4 badge loot
18:27.24ScytheBlade1That brings "a blacksmith" onto the island
18:27.26ralfWORKI assume that's sunwell-related
18:27.34ralfWORKah ok
18:27.40ralfWORKwell damn
18:27.42ScytheBlade1it's on the Sunwell Isle
18:27.52ScytheBlade1The more dailys your server does a day, the faster you get it :P
18:27.53ralfWORKright gotcha
18:28.02ralfWORKwell damn.
18:28.09ralfWORKso much for grabbing it all on day 1
18:28.32ralfWORKhas 210 badges in the bank waiting to be spent
18:28.44deltronhas 30
18:28.51deltronI need to multiply that 10
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18:29.04ralfWORKyou can't buy anything with 30 badges in 2.4! lol!
18:29.12ralfWORK(ok so actually you can but w/e)
18:29.48deltronbeen too lazy to grind badges
18:30.06ralfWORKI need to find a guild that does 3-4 hour kara clears
18:30.18ralfWORKand just hook up with them every week
18:30.25ralfWORKI'm too sick of leading kara raids
18:30.31ralfWORKjust wanna pew pew and loot loot
18:30.52deltronI've not ran kara in months
18:31.29ralfWORKwe aren't exactly blazing through ZA
18:31.38ralfWORKso can't really look at that as a badge resource yet
18:32.13ralfWORKdid some heroic dailies this weekend
18:32.22ralfWORKthat was fairly fruitful
18:32.46ralfWORKany idea when they'll stop giving out the "champion of the naoru" titles?
18:32.50Josh_BorkeralfWORK: 2.5 hour karas are <3
18:32.58Josh_Borkeor rather, when wotlk comes out
18:33.07ralfWORKoh ok
18:33.14ralfWORKthought that was coming up soon
18:33.36ralfWORKJosh_Borke: that would make me so happy :(
18:33.37ScytheBlade1When you hit level 71
18:33.42ralfWORKScytheBlade1: k gotcha
18:34.09ralfWORKJosh_Borke: sadly my guild is... well they won't be doing 2.5 hour clears for quite a while :)
18:34.34ralfWORKanyone alive here that knows much about fury warriors?
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18:37.05Josh_Borkei play one
18:37.22Lunessa2.5 hours to clear kara?  Holy hell - that's fast.
18:37.30ralfWORKyea that is fast
18:37.31Josh_Borkeyea, it was <3
18:37.39ralfWORKI know a T5 guild that does it in like 3-4
18:37.52ralfWORKso to cut that time you'd have to have serious zergage
18:37.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
18:38.02zenzelezzKara speed-runs don't need long
18:38.11Josh_Borkeit was something like, prot paly, ret paly, spriest, resto druid, resto shaman, enhance shaman, and something else
18:38.13deltronit's like 2 hours for me
18:38.23Josh_Borkewe lacked any ranged
18:38.26Josh_Borkeoh, rogue
18:38.26ralfWORKJosh_Borke: unsuccessful for real, or are you being modest?
18:38.28zenzelezzthe problem for T5 guilds (well, for my on my warrior tank anyway) is that my gear makes me take too little damage, so I have trouble generating rage
18:38.33zenzelezzso I can't do Kara fast
18:38.40Lunessa4 Hours I can see.  I'm having trouble getting past Shade and Illhoof in in 4 hours if we do Attumen and Maiden.
18:38.44Josh_BorkeralfWORK: no really, i blow
18:38.58Lopeppeppy..."the battle droids were broken... "
18:39.00Josh_Borkeit's all in how fast you kill and how f ast you pul
18:39.02ralfWORKJosh_Borke: in execution or you just blow all over?
18:39.11Josh_BorkeralfWORK: i'd say in execution
18:39.12ralfWORKI have a gearing question for fury raiding
18:39.22Josh_BorkeralfWORK: oh, well, i doubt i could help
18:39.23ralfWORKand spec question
18:39.29Josh_Borkei got the character from someone else
18:39.35LopeppeppyRemember to gear prot for the times the fury is the offtank.  *gentle shrug*
18:39.45zenzelezzyou know the rules ralf; ask and you'll see if anyone knows
18:39.48Josh_Borkeoh, and a dps warrior!
18:40.15ralfWORKzenzelezz: yea, I just hate typing crap out that's technically off topic to hear crickets chirping :D
18:40.34LopeppeppyWhat's off topic?  *laugh*
18:40.34zenzelezzit's a lounge, nothing is off-topic
18:40.37ralfWORK1st question; I assume 41+ point Fury is considered the typical raiding Fury spec
18:40.51ralfWORKis going into arms enough to get a weapon spec. completely retarded?
18:41.07zenzelezznot necessarily I think, but I don't know how useful the warrior weapon specs would be
18:41.09ralfWORKyou'd lose Rampage I think
18:41.26zenzelezz*maybe* sword spec, but I doubt it
18:41.47ralfWORKswords would be what I'd look at
18:41.50LopeppeppyThis is our fury warrior, ralf.  He has serious issues, even with Salvation, with pulling aggro inappropriately.  That could be due to a lot of things, but something to know as you look him over.
18:42.16zenzelezzDPS warriors always have threat issues unless they're dead or hitting some other mob
18:42.26ralfWORKahh, and he has fist weapons
18:42.39LopeppeppySome are better at managing it than others, zenzelezz.  Omen FTW.
18:42.39ralfWORKI'm contemplating convincing our arms warrior to go Fury
18:42.51ralfWORKand he just got Fury (the weapon) to drop last night
18:43.05zenzelezzLopeppeppy: yes, but they still have problems
18:43.08ralfWORKso the second part of the question is "how retarded is it for a Fury warrior to use Fury"
18:43.12Josh_Borkethat was our group: resto shaman, resto druid, spriest, rogue, prot pal, ret pal, enhance shaman, pvp arms war, feral druid, and a blue geared mage
18:43.15Josh_Borkeit was a thing of glory
18:43.22LopeppeppyTrue, zenzelezz, it's a spec that takes skill and a willingness to die.
18:43.52zenzelezzmy guild's sole DPS warrior's goal is usually just to not be the first to die
18:44.00ScytheBlade1 IS MINE
18:44.16ralfWORKlol how did you get...?
18:44.23ralfWORKhahahah that's awesome
18:44.30ralfWORKI should do that some time
18:44.41zenzelezzhere's our DPS warrior, if you're interested in an alternative DPS spec:
18:44.57ScytheBlade1I play a gnome. That items, for me, means "double my size for three minutes!"
18:45.02ScytheBlade1The joke possibilities are endless
18:45.18ralfWORKLopeppeppy: so, I assume if he can manage to not aggro 5s into the pull, he's probably putting out some good damage? or is he just a retard without Omen?
18:45.52zenzelezzDPS warriors are prone to spike threat
18:46.02*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
18:46.04ralfWORKyes, I'm aware of that bit
18:46.05deltronI want one of those rods -_-
18:46.07Lopeppeppymy personal opinion of wargallow is that he's a damage meter preener who doesn't care about aggro or group good.  *shrug*  He does good damage when he's alive. And when he's dead I laugh at him.
18:46.21ralfWORKok gotcha
18:46.27ralfWORKahh, Axxe is relly Arms
18:46.57deltronour dps warriors are absolutely insane when not limited by threat
18:47.13ralfWORKours has never pulled aggro I don't think
18:47.17ralfWORKbut he's kinda terribad
18:47.18LopeppeppyThey truly can be, deltron.  They do love a non-threat-cap fight.  *grin*
18:47.20ralfWORKand he's arms
18:47.39deltronyeah, shade of akama, our main dps warrior is on top by far
18:47.56LopeppeppyToe to toe with Shade of Aran, whee!
18:48.33ralfWORKlol nice guild name
18:48.40deltrondoh that's his pvp gear lol
18:48.56*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
18:49.12deltron <-- me /flex
18:50.04ralfWORKaww screw you
18:50.12ralfWORKwe need a enh. shaman :(
18:50.31deltronwe have 2, but I'm now the main one
18:50.37deltronI was resto
18:50.47ralfWORKmeee peeeeen
18:50.51ralfWORKall I have to say is
18:51.29*** join/#wowi-lounge tem|work (i=8227d1ef@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
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18:51.31ralfWORKit's ridiculously sad that I finally got all epic gear, and yet only 3 Kara drops and 1 ZA drop
18:51.44deltronyou wanna see something scary? let me show you our main shadow priest
18:52.18deltronlook at his ubuffed shadow damage
18:52.30ScytheBlade1is it... 6?
18:52.32ralfWORKtell me he  didn't do the "Of Shadow Power" thing :P
18:52.59ralfWORKeek 1420
18:53.06art3misso funny story
18:53.18art3misthere was this guy who was bitching about soho servers
18:53.33art3misand right after he bitched about them he found 2 that are perfect for what he wanted ;P
18:53.38deltronlol no ralfWORK
18:53.54art3mistrue story i swear!
18:54.03deltronralfWORK: we are serious business
18:54.14ralfWORKdeltron: he got that trinket too... bastard
18:54.37deltronsad thing is, we have not seen the one from illidan drop yet
18:54.40deltronsame with warglaives
18:54.45ralfWORKoh and the hyjal rep ring
18:54.50ralfWORKheard that sucks to grind rep with
18:54.59ralfWORKwhich one?
18:55.07ScytheBlade1yes, it sucks
18:55.07deltronwhich trinket?
18:55.25ralfWORKiirc, he has 1st and 3rd best in slot for shadow
18:55.32ralfWORK2nd now is the blessing deck
18:55.45ralfWORKyea, which trink
18:56.02deltron <-- never drops
18:56.22ralfWORKmm I see
18:56.27deltronnot seen it drop once
18:57.12deltronheeljin used to be at the top of gankbang lol
18:58.10ralfWORKthat said, I *am* getting kinda sick of the blessings deck
18:58.46ralfWORKsome fights it just sucks balls to keep the stacks up
18:59.01IndustrialUgh. How do I get a color from 0-1 to hexadecimal string? :\
19:06.08*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (n=sylvanaa@
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19:14.02LopeppeppyOh, I love it when Lifebloom starts a healer pissing match.  *laugh*
19:15.25malrethwb, Cairenn
19:15.33Cairennthanks malreth
19:15.41malrethi've gotten too good at reading the internet
19:15.43malrethi'm done
19:15.58malrethand it's only 15 minutes past 2
19:16.14Josh_Borkewb cairenn
19:16.24Cairennhugs Josh_Borke
19:16.30Josh_Borkehugs Cairenn
19:16.48art3misgets the clorox wipes for cairenn.
19:16.56Josh_Borkethere's no perspective on that street art link
19:17.04Josh_Borkeso i can't tell where it ends and where it starts
19:17.11Cairennwipes up art3mis
19:17.15art3misheh that and the site is uber slow
19:17.16LopeppeppyralfWORK, it's a debate about the ticks versus the healer aggro and hatred for how it's split up... etc.  Working as intended, STFU pretty much.
19:17.40malrethit needs no perspective... it's all the proof i need to know that aliens exist and are infecting our youth
19:17.40art3misCairenn: you ARE good, i didnt even know we had started ;P
19:18.07Cairenntypical male
19:18.13malrethyou shouldn't use clorox wipes for that
19:18.20malrethit's too harsh on delicate skin parts
19:18.31art3misi was talking about the counter
19:18.39art3misgeez you pervs
19:18.41malrethinstead, only use a warm damp towel
19:19.06art3miswhat if you have BALLS OF STEEL!@?
19:19.20malrethart3mis: brillo pads
19:19.23ralfWORKI use steel wool to wash my balls of steel
19:19.26ralfWORKjust like Chuck
19:20.07ralfWORKk sorry :(
19:20.07malrethwatch as the steel wool renders flesh from your scrotum
19:20.18art3mischuck doesnt have balls, because balls are a weakness
19:20.20Josh_Borkeand malreth took it to the next level
19:20.22Josh_Borkeway to go malreth!
19:20.24malrethJosh_Borke: i always do
19:20.25art3misinstead he has two fists
19:20.27ralfWORKmalreth: I prefer the term "exfoliation", personally
19:20.27Josh_Borke~highfive malreth
19:20.30zenzelezzshame they're not stainless art3mis
19:20.43zenzelezzrust doesn't do it for girls
19:20.56art3misdepends on how dirty they are ;P
19:21.18ralfWORKyea you're right
19:21.18malrethart3mis is the only person i know of that can make tetanus a sexually transmitted disease
19:21.21ralfWORKbring the bleach
19:21.22art3misfor every perversion there is at least 1 person that will perform it
19:21.45art3misand 15 others that race to make the website for it
19:22.01ralfWORKheh. that's the truth
19:22.18ralfWORKI used to work for this VC-style web development company
19:22.26art3mismalreth: but it also creates a peaceful chime-ish hum ;)
19:22.32ralfWORKdigging through their archives a bit, I found some files for a website
19:22.37ralfWORKthe name was
19:22.50Industrialis there an exact nuber of levels under or above the player when another unit will con red/gree/yellow/orange/etc to the player, or is this status attainable otherwise?
19:22.57MentalPowerhead -> desk
19:23.09ralfWORKand... well... I was a bit horrified to find out what that site was about :P
19:23.26art3mis"he fixes her cable?"
19:23.31ralfWORKhahahha it's still registered too
19:23.44sag_ich_nicht03/18/08 20:21:29> [Raid] [Ruknor]: PROTIP: To kill lady vashj, shoot her until she dies
19:23.45MentalPowerIndustrial: yes, wowwiki
19:23.56ralfWORKsag_ich_nicht: qft
19:23.58ScytheBlade1sag_ich_nicht: that's all there really is to it..
19:24.03IndustrialMentalPower: It's easier when you know what to look for ^^
19:24.35Industrialthere we go
19:25.02ralfWORKsome people *sigh*
19:25.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
19:25.34art3missmacks ralf for missing the big lebowski reference
19:25.51ralfWORKgod how did I miss that one
19:26.53art3misoh my fucking lord
19:27.02art3misthe clients i host exchange for
19:27.17art3misAlso, would you please add the following email address for Bill O'ReillyÂ…
19:28.25art3misappearantly the ceo and im are friends
19:28.32art3misditto for rudy guilliani
19:29.13MentalPowerart3mis: can't they add contact list items themselves?
19:29.22MentalPoweror are they that dense
19:29.33art3misan actual email
19:29.40art3misobviously i left that part off ;P
19:29.53ralfWORKthat's pretty funny
19:30.31MentalPoweroh, gotcha, they want another acct for that person
19:30.51MentalPowersorry, I thought they wanted that person added to their contacts list or something
19:35.39ralfWORKand then the rebuttal
19:36.37Shirik"The following realms are experiencing difficulties"
19:36.43ShirikAnd pretty much every realm is listed
19:38.45art3misThanks to you millions of paper openers will go unsold next year!
19:40.50*** join/#wowi-lounge DuTempete_ (
19:41.48nevcairielgood that the difficulties are this week, and not next!
19:41.59nevcairiel(they're probably preparing the realms for the patch anyway)
20:00.27cog|workSomebody was caught trying to siphon gas from a car. The car was an undercover police officer. The undercover police officer was looking for a suspected arsonist. Guess who was siphoning the gas?
20:00.51zenzelezznow that's bad luck
20:01.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Vangual (
20:04.08ShirikMy realm isn't even on the realm list anymore!
20:04.15ShirikNot just offline, it's just plain not there
20:04.26zenzelezzit was decided it had to be put down
20:04.37Shirikjust when I got into the top guild on the server... wtf
20:06.14MentalPowerit had rabies, we had to take it out back and have it shot
20:06.17malretheverything's always about you, shirik... why can't it be about me, me, me?
20:06.29Shirikbecause I'm more important that you
20:06.52Shirik~hug malreth
20:06.52purlACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs malreth
20:07.12malrethmakes the gasps and moans of man-love with Shirik
20:07.43Shiriknot exactly what I had in mind ><
20:10.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ZealotOnAStick (
20:11.03malrethlife throws you lemons sometimes, Shirik
20:13.54MentalPower"When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila and salt."
20:16.15bleeterresists temptation for making comment about man-love and lemons
20:16.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Malgayne (
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20:23.48cog|workcontinues pining for his dollars
20:29.22malrethbleeter: i have a friend that used to work in the women's health center here at the university that i work at
20:29.36malrethshe'd get calls from girls that did the stupidest things
20:30.14malrethonce, a girl decided to use a cored out lemon peel as a substitute for a diaphram
20:30.42ralfWORKhey that's pretty good
20:30.44ralfWORKdid that work?
20:30.51malrethnow, lemon peels, being what they are... and the cervix, being what it is...
20:30.58Lopeppeppyouch.  Just dumb.
20:31.05malrethwell... it adhered itself to her insides
20:31.05MentalPowerPH balance went out the window
20:31.16ralfWORKoh come on tell us the important bit
20:31.21ralfWORKdid it work?
20:31.30Lopeppeppyralf -- she's lucky she can ever have sex again.  Of course it didnt' work.
20:31.56malrethi guess you could say, "she won the battle but lost the war."
20:34.13ralfWORKwell that sucks for her. hope she learned something
20:34.48ralfWORKI don't know what's scarier; that she did it or that she's actually capable of being quite that dumb and capable of procreating
20:35.54*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
20:36.35Lopeppeppyralf... kids do very dumb things.  Have pity, not contempt.
20:36.47ScytheBlade1That's... wow
20:36.57ralfWORKmm. I guess.
20:37.20ralfWORKguess it would depend on the age
20:37.26ralfWORKbut then again, maybe not
20:37.48LopeppeppyUniversity health center.  She was still a puppy.  She deserves sympathy.
20:37.57ralfWORKso she was in college
20:38.55ralfWORK(or is that the implication, at any rate?)
20:38.56LopeppeppySo?  That doesn't mean she was older than 17.
20:39.48ralfWORKand if she was 18? 21? 25? 35?
20:40.06ralfWORKTHANK YOU
20:40.27ralfWORKif you are old enough to make babies, you *should* be old enough to not be jamming lemons
20:41.44Shirikwtf is .ece (extension of a webpage)
20:41.52ralfWORKwow never seen that one
20:42.12Shirik!google ece extension
20:42.12batbotShirik: .ece extension - Dev Shed <>
20:42.13ralfWORKit's french for .exe!
20:42.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (n=chatzill@
20:43.06ShirikWeb page dynamically generated by an Oracle Express application server; typically contains server-side code that is parsed by the Web server, which generates HTML for the Web page; may connect to an Express Database to retrieve content for the Web page.
20:43.07ralfWORKOracle Express app server?
20:55.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Furl (
21:03.49Cairennthis is NOT a political statement, don't get your panties in a twist:
21:03.49CairennWhen you are faking a pose for a camera photo op .... the least you can do is get the phone turned in the right direction
21:04.36Nechcknomg... that is too good!
21:04.42Nechcknnice find there
21:05.39Cairennlook at the clock, too
21:06.25foxlitclearly daytime :)
21:06.49Josh_Borkeit was a lucky shot
21:06.50Cairennit's *exactly* 3:00?
21:06.58LunessaCairenn: You're Canadian... you're allowed - as an outsider - to have a humorous take on our politics.  Just like we think Canadian politics are whacked. :P
21:07.13CairennI personally love the arm off to the side ... someone's sitting on the floor in an office setting?!
21:07.14batrickthere's canadian policitcs/
21:07.17LopeppeppyAll politics are whacked.
21:07.18foxlitdifficult to gauge if there ever was a second hand here
21:07.25Nechcknsee, someone there should have set that clock to 4:20!
21:07.43*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
21:07.52LunessaLook at the hand of the aide on the floor. :)
21:08.06foxlitAnd moved the TV so it does not reflect a window
21:08.15cog|workNechckn: that's reserved for bill clinton imo :P
21:08.24Cairennthat's what I was talking about too, Lunessa :)
21:08.32Nechcknnot according to Obama's book
21:08.58NechcknLet's make up a story for the pic... more fun!
21:09.03cog|workimo more politicians need to smoke pot/admit that they do already...
21:09.25Lunessathen they can be all like, "wait... what?"
21:09.31Nechckncog|work  it's much more likley the second part... and likely not just pot either
21:09.44cog|workLunessa: huh?
21:09.53purlba-dum CHH
21:10.05Lunessa~whalenuke cog|work
21:10.06purlACTION dons her radiation cloak and tinted glasses while a highly intelligent whale named Ray precipitates critical mass for uncontrolled nuclear fission around cog|work with his mind powers.
21:10.14purlACTION summons a rather dense leaden whale named Billy Bob to shield cog|work from the blast.
21:10.28FurlNot quick enough.
21:10.34FurlLunessa wins.
21:17.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
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21:21.29cog|workwas unaware of a race for purl's latency...
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21:37.46LopeppeppyLifebloom question.  I have a priest insisting that the final bloom does not have any threat associated with it, not even for the recipient (who is listed as having cast the spell on themselves through the combat log system).  True or false, the final bloom has no threat associated?
21:38.42ScytheBlade1Threat is given to the person who it blooms on
21:38.54ScytheBlade1That's pretty easily tested
21:39.12AntiarcIt goes to the person it's on
21:39.16LopeppeppyI know.  They swear up and down it's been tested and shows no threat.  *sigh*
21:39.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (i=9b1f46b2@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
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21:41.44Lopeppeppyshrugs fatalistically.
21:42.19ScytheBlade1Why... does it even matter, exactly?
21:43.33LopeppeppyBecause Healer Priest 1 is maintaining that we should not cast lifeblooms on tank 2, so that he doesn't have the bloom threat to tip the balance.  Only on Tank 1 so he stays uppermost.  Healer Priest 2 maintains that bloom has no threat at all, so it doesn't matter.
21:43.50LopeppeppyI say if a bloom makes a difference in tank threat, the tanks need to work a bit more into their strategies....
21:43.56ScytheBlade1If the threat from the bloo--
21:43.59ScytheBlade1Took the words out of my mouth
21:44.28LopeppeppyI don't care if it has threat or not....  tank balance is something they can work out amongst themselves with taunts and all of that other fun stuff....
21:46.36ScytheBlade1Further, the bloom is going to do as much threat - as an auto attack
21:47.00ScytheBlade1My resto druid's final bloom is 1385 (+1536 healing, live not PTR)
21:47.06ScytheBlade1Which equates to... 207 threat
21:47.09LopeppeppyYeah, I'm not seeing how it's such a huge aggro threat thing, but they're having fun fighting it out.
21:48.02AntiarcA 1385 bloom is 1035 threat on a warrior with defiance, divided by the number of mobs in the encounter
21:48.07zenzelezzwho is fighting over it, tanks or healers?
21:48.28Lopeppeppy2 priests.
21:48.30ScytheBlade1Antiarc: isn't healing half-threat? And then -20% on top of that, due to talent? Multiplicative?
21:48.52Antiarc50%, then * 1.495 due to the warrior's threat mods.
21:49.07AntiarcThe warrior effectively casts the final bloom, so threatwise it isn't affected by the druid's talents
21:49.10ScytheBlade1Oh, yeah, I didn't take those into account
21:49.22ScytheBlade1That makes sense, I wouldn't have thought of that
21:50.06Arrowmastercries on Antiarc's shoulder
21:50.21ArrowmasterAntiarc: does soulshatter work right in threat-2.0?
21:50.29Arrowmasterits broken in threat-1.0
21:50.41AntiarcIt's not broken, it's just sometimes-broken :(
21:50.48AntiarcBut yes, it'll be not-broken in 2.4
21:50.49Arrowmasterno its broken
21:50.58Shirik|Ecole"It's not broken, just sometimes it doesn't work"
21:51.30Arrowmasteri shattered twice the other day during a bt raid and both got resisted (i have 16% +hit *cry*) and both times my threat got reduced
21:51.38LunessaOk folks.. I'm out.  See you tomorrow.
21:51.39AntiarcWhat was your latency like?
21:51.52Arrowmaster200 ish maybe
21:52.04Antiarchm, that should be well within acceptable levels
21:52.47Arrowmasterwhy would latency matter?
21:53.57Shirik|Ecoleit's looking for the "Resisted" I assume
21:53.57Shirik|Ecolemuch like feign death
21:54.09Shirik|Ecolefeign death doesn't have anything in the combat log indicating resist
21:54.14NightHawkTheSanebecause a high latency would push the resist message past the threshold that omen's looking for it within?
21:54.47HjalteAntiarc: I don't think shatter resists ever got registered by Omen at me, but they happen very rarely
21:54.59Arrowmasterwell theres always the "You preform Soulshatter on you." message that comes after the resists/success messages to know that hey youve cast it
21:55.28Shirik|Ecoleshatter resists never get registered by Omen for me either
21:55.34Shirik|Ecolebut I don't play a warlock
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22:28.35Valaron|WorkArthur C. Clarke passed away.
22:28.45Lopeppeppy... no....
22:31.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
22:31.13Nechcknthat's too bad... gifted guy.
22:31.35zenzelezzeh, at least he had a long life, unlike many other good writers
22:31.35Valaron|Work90 years old. Rich full life, imo
22:33.23Nechcknindeed... he certainly was one of the few to be noticed and, at least partially, rewarded appropriately.
22:34.14Industriallua> a=3 print(1 < a < 5)
22:34.14lua_botIndustrial: luabot:1: attempt to compare boolean with number
22:36.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
22:39.13Shirik|Ecole1 < a and a < 5
22:39.27Shirik|Ecoletbh I don't know of any language that lets you do 1<a<5
22:40.32Industrialmob 'con' color; do I use or is there an api
22:41.03IndustrialI'm halfway down writing a function that would use the values on that page
22:41.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
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22:41.29Temwhy is my realm down?
22:41.32*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
22:41.33cog|workIndustrial: i'm 80% sure there's a function or table somewhere in FrameXML code
22:42.07Temwell shit
22:42.16Industrial and its not very pretty
22:42.18Industrialcog|work: thought so
22:42.20TemI guess I couldn't dodge the bullet of "lol we broke these realms today"
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23:04.48bleeterRIP Arthur C Clarke
23:04.57bleeterwipes a tear
23:06.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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23:07.56cog|workGuillotine: you?
23:09.12Guillotinethough I don't agree with it 100%, I thought it was funny enough to say :P
23:09.32Guillotinemy life is complete
23:09.40Guillotinea bash quote with over 1500 rating
23:10.34Guillotinealso, xkcdb = win also
23:10.49ShirikGuillotine that's awesome
23:12.12cog|workShirik: l2typerandomthingsintofirefox'saddressbar
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23:13.51Shiriktoo hard
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23:14.07NightHawkTheSaneShirik: i assume
23:14.30cog|workShirik: fewer keystrokes than you used in here...
23:14.58Shirikbut involves me switching windows
23:15.07Shirikalso cog|work fix mai visual studioz!
23:15.18cog|workNO U
23:15.20GuillotineShirik: yah, Nighthawk is right. Theres a whole 'bash' for xkcd channels
23:17.22art3misSeamus_Mehemus: I have to go do <insert disgusting bodily function here> and then I gotta <phallic object> and then I'm going to <incapacitating activity>, so I'ma gonna go now.
23:17.22art3misSeamus_Mehemus: Good luck with your <immature comment>, <nick>
23:17.22art3misSeamus_Mehemus: Ha. This was <opinion>
23:17.22art3misSeamus_Mehemus: <gratifying expression>
23:17.22art3missnark: <metameta>
23:17.24art3mistrimeta: <trimeta>
23:17.37art3misits like a madlib
23:17.40art3misfor losers
23:18.06art3misdid "losers" trigger that in your script fox?
23:18.43art3misoh and btw arthur c clarke died today
23:18.55cog|workart3mis: old news
23:18.57art3misin an unrelated to losers story
23:19.14cog|workin fact, you were online at the time afaict
23:19.18art3misi was fuxoring with nix servers all day without wife telling me the news i dont know things
23:19.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
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23:20.54*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
23:21.04*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (i=cbceb2e4@gateway/web/ajax/
23:25.03*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
23:26.53art3misas a side note, i generally dont read anything thats prefixed with "slashdot"
23:27.19*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (i=cbceb2e4@gateway/web/ajax/
23:31.30Shirikis anyone else having trouble with guild banks?
23:32.22*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Dinesh)
23:33.20NightHawkTheSanedoes not being able to log on to a realm count?
23:35.51Shirikwe can log on
23:35.56Shirikjust nobody can access our guild bank
23:36.39NightHawkTheSanewhisperwind is still down. :(
23:42.13art3misyay \o/
23:42.17Elessdyafter i play other games for a while, i start to wonder why blizzard does things in WoW certain ways. but i can't think of any examples.
23:43.13art3missorta sfw its not nude but well you know
23:44.48art3misthat granite one is awesome
23:45.18NightHawkTheSanethere's quite a few really nice ones there
23:45.39art3misthe croc one is good too
23:46.16*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
23:46.17NightHawkTheSaneheh, yeah, i really liked that
23:46.30art3misthe one right below the granite one is groovy too
23:46.36art3misthe whole pic loooks air brushed ;P
23:48.08art3misballoon tank!
23:49.20Cidemust be partly lighter-than-air-gas filled ballons
23:49.26art3mis  <-- coolest office EVAH
23:49.38art3misits got a friggin slide!
23:49.42NightHawkTheSaneCide: you can see them hanging from wire/string if you look close
23:49.51Cideah, ya
23:50.23NightHawkTheSaneCide: yeah, it would have been massively more impressive to get the air/helium (or whatever) mixture right to get them to hover at that angle, but alas :P
23:50.29*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
23:51.25Cideyou know
23:51.44Cideit'd be cool to burst those ballons over certain parts of the body with, say, a needle
23:51.47*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
23:52.17Cidethose dresses are cool, but totally not designed to be worn around me
23:55.33ScytheBlade1Confirm/deny: the new 5 man does /not/ grant Shattered Sun reputation
23:56.38*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht_ (
23:56.46art3misi had fergotten that milla was in caligula
23:56.47Shirikhow do you farm for large prismatic shards?
23:56.52Shirikfarm gold and buy them?
23:56.54art3misditto for ebnicio del toro
23:57.19art3misshirikk get 4 friends and drun mana tombs ;P
23:57.45Gngskcan farm lrage prismatic in skettis
23:57.52Gngskwith 2 or 3 friends
23:58.04NightHawkTheSaneShirik: get an enchanter friend and run instances?
23:58.11ShirikI was afraid of that
23:58.17ShirikGngsk: How skettis?
23:58.51Gngskfarm shadow dust, make elixir, farm pages, summon mini bosses, dust blues, summon torak or w/e and shard blues
23:59.05Shirikoh god no I'm not doing that damn shadow dust quest
23:59.11NightHawkTheSanesounds like a lot more work than farming an instance
23:59.19Gngskeh, it's not really
23:59.40Shirikthis is so wierd
23:59.44ShirikI click on the guild bank and nothing comes up
23:59.46ScytheBlade1kd3: ping, do you know if the 5 man gives Shattered Sun rep? The wiki does not say that it does, but, I am curious
23:59.51Shiriknot the window, no nothing

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