IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080317

00:03.09Cideit's basically half in english
00:03.25LopeppeppyI can understand a few words...
00:07.18Cidehe's pretty good
00:39.06*** join/#wowi-lounge soufron (
00:56.10Corrodiasholy crap
01:03.04*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Esamynn] by ChanServ
01:03.52ScytheBlade1What's a good money tracking addon?
01:04.04ScytheBlade1Unlike most people, I need to know where this money is coming from, not where it is going
01:04.22ScytheBlade1Magically, doing zero dailys, zero quests, and only dying in raid instances
01:04.24ScytheBlade1I've made 60g
01:07.13*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
01:15.08WobWorkYou've clearly discovered step 3
01:18.02ScytheBlade1That I have
01:18.22ScytheBlade1In other news, holy crap @ steam tonk exploit
01:20.39ScytheBlade1I'd link it here but that's typically frowned upon
01:20.44ScytheBlade1Instant cast spells
01:20.53ScytheBlade1aka, insta cap AB flags
01:20.57ScytheBlade1Spam fireball while running
01:24.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Gwenstefani (
01:26.39ScytheBlade1Apparently it's over a month old too
01:28.05*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (i=cbceb2e4@gateway/web/ajax/
01:28.44*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
01:38.19TemI just lost the gam
01:38.37*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (i=cbceb2e4@gateway/web/ajax/
01:38.40*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
01:38.40*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v cogwheel] by ChanServ
01:40.33*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (i=cbceb2e4@gateway/web/ajax/
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02:23.57*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
02:43.32Wobin_I left the balcony door open =(
02:43.38Cairennuh oh
02:43.47Cairennhope nothing bad happened
02:43.55Wobin_I'm on the 7th floor
02:43.56CairennLopeppeppy: doubt that, he's in Australia
02:43.58Wobin_at least
02:44.27Wobin_Yeah, it's about 24deg atm
02:44.34Wobin_hm, actually about 28
02:44.53Wobin_blue sky
02:44.53CairennI would kill for it to be 28 here
02:44.55Wobin_cool breeze
02:45.13Cairennthen I wouldn't have these 13+ feet of snow
02:45.28LopeppeppyYou should box some of that up and send it to Canada.  As a goodwill gesture.
02:45.59Wobin_Or Cair could ship down some snow
02:46.23CairennI'd happily trade some snow for some heat, if only we could figure out the logistics of it
02:47.15WobinI'm sure we'd be breaking some law of thermodynamics =(
02:47.25Wobin"Transporting good weather over state lines" or somesuch
02:48.26LopeppeppyThat's not thermodynamics, that's like... the Geneva convention or something.
02:48.26batricknot really
02:50.49CairennI just wish I could live in Canada, without having to put up with winter
02:50.51LopeppeppyOr physics.  Everything is against some law of physics.
02:50.56Lopeppeppycomforts Cairenn
02:51.12LopeppeppyI'd move there in a heartbeat.  Summer is for sissies.
02:51.40WobinCanada would probably be my third choice to live
02:51.47Wobinsecond being NZ
02:51.51CairennI absolutely love Canada
02:51.54CairennI just hate winter
02:52.05WobinCanada is uncomfortably close to the US =)
02:52.08Wobin(for me)
02:52.17kd3I'm glad I live in south georgia... just, the crazy stupid weather we've been getting
02:52.18Cairennotherwise, I'd love AU, NZ, BVI
02:52.37Lopeppeppywinks at Wobin.
02:52.38kd3highs near 30 some days... lows near 0 the next
02:53.56Kaomie[away]Whoever posted that Virtual NES link earlier I hate you
02:54.38LopeppeppyIt was art3mis.  Almost always is.  :)
02:54.42Kaomie[away]Just wated 2 hours lol
03:05.06*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
03:05.06*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v cogwheel] by ChanServ
03:05.43Temkd3, I also live in the south
03:05.49Temand I fucking _hate_ the weather
03:08.14LopeppeppyI live in the north and hate the weather.
03:09.57kergothi love the weather in phoenix... right now, anyway.  i'm sure i'll say something quite different in a few months
03:10.09AnduinLotharhmm, my scaling depth othello ai didn't do very well int he first elimination round with only 2min to play with
03:10.28AnduinLotharstill in the game, but only won 1/4
03:11.09AnduinLotharhopefully with double the time in the next round it should be able to to another ply or 2.
03:15.49AnduinLotharit is comforting to know the two opponents I lost to won all of their other matches...
03:16.19AnduinLotharso i didn't lose to bad ai's
03:17.48Shirikthrowing tainted core to the warlock that's kiting = win
03:17.55AnduinLotharlol, dead
03:18.00Shirikfortunately he was out of range
03:18.04Shirikdidn't stop my macro from going off though
03:18.47Shirikthey said diamond, I saw triangle, I was like "close enough"
03:21.37Shiriksudo netstat /b
03:23.46Kalroth<Shirik> throwing tainted core to the warlock that's kiting <- We had a paladin do this. Twice.
03:24.23ShirikThe guy I was supposed to throw it to was out of range, so I looked to another tower
03:24.29ShirikI saw triangle, they said diamond, I threw it to triangle
03:24.33Shirikhe was next to one of the towers!
03:24.38ShirikWell, I almost threw it to triangle that is
03:25.32*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
03:27.28AnduinLotharthat's why you use aftercast for macro announcements
03:27.45AnduinLotharso it doesn't call it until it actually casts/uses
03:27.54kd3but that'd make too much sense
03:28.46AnduinLotharwell excuse me for making sense
03:29.10AnduinLotharwho would have ever thought my soltion would be 'use an addon'
03:29.13Cairennreally AnduinLothar, you should know better than that!
03:29.18Cairennon both counts
03:30.01AnduinLothari need to change my ~emulate to "There's an addon to do that"
03:30.29*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:30.43AnduinLotharwhy look. i'm featured on wowwiki
03:31.09kd3tabs open the main page
03:39.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
03:52.35kergothwhat's frame:CreateTitleRegion?
03:58.16batrickwho's move is it
03:58.41Shirikmine I believe
03:59.16dylanmkergoth: Something for dragging maybe?
04:00.54batrickanyone ever see an stack frame implementation that puts the responsibility of setting up a child's stack frame on the caller?
04:01.21art3mislua> 402 * 495
04:01.22lua_botart3mis: 198990
04:01.22*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm_ (
04:01.24Shirikart3mis: What is that?
04:01.34Shirikbatrick: Sure
04:01.39art3mis200k just on register alone and thats NOT counting the actual auction price
04:02.00Shirikthere's a microsoft calling convention that does it
04:02.28Shirikthere's a microsoft calling convention that helps it
04:02.42Cairennwhere the hell do you see 200k?
04:02.49CairennI see $429.00
04:02.53ScytheBlade1Cairenn: base price * users registered
04:02.55Shirik429 * 400
04:03.15Cairennsorry, missed that
04:03.36Shirikbatrick: Be7
04:03.48Cairennremembers that she's supposed to read the entire conversation before jumping in, helps prevent her from looking completely stupid
04:03.49ScytheBlade1I need to start something similar. Talk about fast, relatively easy money.
04:03.55batrickmy professor was showing the class how to set up stack frames for the fibonacci function
04:04.05kd3good freaking grief
04:04.08kd3what a windfall
04:04.23ThraeCairenn: Why bother? This is IRC!
04:04.35Shirikbatrick: In Windows, functions declare their calling convention to Windows
04:04.37batricki don't know what made me more sad, that the class had never seen that before or that he approached it like an idiot
04:04.44art3miswaaaAARRRiiiooRRRRss come out to plaaaAAAAAAAaaaAAAYYYYYY
04:04.48Shirikoh I see what you're saying
04:04.54ShirikI got it in my microcontrollers class
04:05.01Shirikum, CEC315 I think?
04:05.12batrickdifferent number scheme...
04:05.21batrickbut ya microprocessors
04:05.41batrickstack frame should be the responsibility of the callee
04:05.51art3miswatchign sqidbillies
04:05.59art3misand he's got a hat on tha says jesus shaves
04:06.09Shirikit normally is, yes, batrick
04:06.26batrickyes well he was having them do it in the caller, and he was doing really crazy shit
04:06.30ShirikI think varargs in C are responsibility of the caller
04:06.38batricklike storing variables in the callee's stack frame and not his own
04:06.48batrickit worked only because the child does the same
04:06.54Shirikwhat was he doing?
04:07.19batrickvarargs are handled at compile time
04:07.21Shirik__declspec(naked) is fun to mess with
04:07.40Shirikin Lua, it's the responsibility of the caller
04:07.51batrickthe compiler makes a seperate procedure that handles the number of args you pass
04:08.46batrickwhat do you mean it's the responsibility of the caller in Lua?
04:08.54batricktbh Lua does pretty much the same thing gcc does
04:09.08batrickpushes the args on their stack frame and then the function is responsible for the rest
04:16.03batrickyou mean dxe5?
04:16.24Shirikyeah that
04:17.54*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
04:19.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
04:24.30Guillotinehave you guys been playing that game since I got off last night? o.O
04:27.10batrickwe called coroutine.yield() around 2:30 i think
04:27.14batrickbatbot: amirite?
04:27.14batbotbatrick, It is certain.
04:28.12Shirikwtf was that for
04:28.47Shirikyou confuse me greatly
04:31.06art3misstabs dreamhost some more
04:41.12Shirikare you serious?
04:41.22batricky not
04:42.42batrickyour bishop is on c5?
04:43.30Shirik(00:18:36) (@Shirik) Bd6
04:43.39batrickya... something is not right
04:44.41batricklet's go back to that move lol...
04:46.02*** part/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
04:47.54ShirikBd6 :P
04:52.57Shirikyour rook is already at f1...
04:53.40Shirik~fail batrick
04:53.41purlbatrick, you Fail!
04:53.47batricki agree
04:53.52batrickhides his face in shame.
04:54.40batrickChess Titans moves the fucking board around
04:54.42batrickand it confuses me
04:55.34Shirikwait, you have vista?!
04:55.43batrickim on my dad's desktop
04:56.42ScytheBlade1Was it worth 2500g? Probably not
04:56.49ScytheBlade1But now I've got five bank tabs!
04:56.59Shirikalso, ScytheBlade1, wtf
04:57.19ScytheBlade1Too many herbs, the druid needed bagspace
04:57.34Shiriktell him to make an alt...
04:57.51Shirikor you
04:57.53Shirikof ot
04:57.55Shirikif it's you
04:58.01ScytheBlade1It's me
04:58.06ScytheBlade1And I have alts
04:58.08ScytheBlade1Banking alts
04:58.09ScytheBlade1Four of them
04:58.35Shirikso make a fifth
04:58.37batrickand soon they'll put a member requirement on your guild and gg
04:58.55ScytheBlade1Well, considering I'm the GM and sole member
04:58.59ScytheBlade1That could be tricky
04:59.20ScytheBlade1I also have 500 mana pots banked :P
04:59.51batricki hate wow economic recessions
04:59.54batricki had that on my mage
05:00.03ShirikI think ScytheBlade1 is a chinese farmer
05:00.08batrickkept mana pots forever cuz they were worthless
05:00.11ScytheBlade1I'm not selling a thing, I'm using them all
05:00.18ScytheBlade1Shirik> that's it, screenshots inc
05:01.45batrickzomg pressure
05:01.57batrickI sense lord vader is in danger...
05:02.09Shirikpoor little pawn
05:02.20ShirikI'm going to pretend that's ScytheBlade1
05:02.32batrickso you'll surrender it willingly then?
05:03.06Shirikno, ScytheBlade1 would totally do exf4
05:03.48batrickthis is a good game
05:05.04batrickbatbot: am i gonna win?
05:05.04batbotbatrick, Don't count on it.
05:05.59ScytheBlade1 though 5.jpg
05:06.10ScytheBlade15 is new so it's mostly empty though
05:06.33batrickthat pawn is _fucked_
05:06.42ScytheBlade1My pawn? :(
05:06.52batrickbatbot: amirite?
05:06.52batbotbatrick, Probably.
05:06.56batrickwoo hoo
05:07.09ShirikScytheBlade1: He has
05:07.27Shiriktwo queens, two bishops, and two knights looking straight at it
05:07.37batrickone queen and a rook*
05:07.41ScytheBlade1I hate you too
05:07.48Shiriksorry, one queen and a rook
05:08.29ScytheBlade1Anyway, you can call me a chinese farmer only AFTER you see those bank tabs, Shirik
05:09.16Shirikdefinite chinese farmer material
05:11.30batricki offer you a chance to surrender with dignity shirik
05:11.45Shirikwhy would I surrender when I'm about to win?
05:11.56batrickyou lose in 10 moves
05:14.12batrickah my bluff failed QQ
05:14.54*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
05:16.46batrickfucked i say!
05:16.47ShirikScytheBlade1 died
05:16.59ShirikIt's ok, I will avenge you!
05:19.31ShirikI shall avenge you
05:19.33ShirikWITH THE SAME MOVE
05:21.47Shirikthat was a mistake
05:22.29Shirikthis will be fun
05:25.56Shirikit backfired :P
05:26.24ShirikOh well Rxe7
05:27.21Shirikactually that was pretty even
05:30.21Shirikthat one
05:31.12Shirikbatrick, why is it our games always build as a fight over one pawn, namely ScytheBlade1, then all of a sudden everything explodes and nothing's left?
05:31.26ShirikI think there is a moral to this story: War is bad.
05:31.27batrickbecause we're cool like that
05:32.55Corrodiashave any of you played KOTOR? i need to know how you gain force powers, or how frequently
05:35.25Shiriklike my stall tactics? :D
05:35.26batrickand even if i was on g1 that wouldn't be check :P
05:35.44Shirikoh whoops
05:35.46Shirikdid you mean f1?
05:36.08Shirikyou were already on g1...
05:36.09batrickKh1.. the corner
05:36.20Shirikok, so that's correcting your Kg1?
05:36.31batrickmy king was on g1 to begin with
05:36.46ShirikBd4+, Kg1
05:36.50Shirikthat move doesn't make sense
05:36.55Shirikyour king was already on G1
05:37.17batrickking moves from G1 to H1
05:37.32Shirikok so it's Bd4+, Kh1
05:38.42Shirikas I counter with the miraculous
05:40.43Shirikwhat happened to 10 moves batrick?
05:41.42art3misneat appearantly run fatboy run was made by michael ian black
05:41.44ScytheBlade1Shirik: 01:14 < batrick> ah my bluff failed QQ
05:41.53batricki was kidding...
05:42.04Shirikso you concede defeat
05:42.08Shirikgreat game batrick
05:46.43Shirikwhich rook
05:51.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Saint-N_ (
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05:55.50*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:56.10batrickdid you get my last move Shirik ?
05:56.16Shirikdid you get mine?
05:56.24ShirikRbxb7, Re8
05:56.27batrickprob not lol...
05:57.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Fisker- (
05:58.14ThraeFor UnitBuff, is the fourth return (count) always the stack of the buff? IE, you have 3 Lifebloom on you, it should return 3, right?
05:58.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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05:58.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:58.46ThraeI'm trying to figure out why I was counting buffs...oh wait, this is the TOTAL count of buffs...nwevermind
05:58.55*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
05:59.01ThraeIgnore last question
06:00.50*** join/#wowi-lounge DuTempete (
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06:05.45batricku still alive shirik?
06:05.58Shirikyeah but I'm trying to figure out the right move here
06:06.01Shirikbecause this is not fun
06:06.14batricktake the rook!
06:06.20batricki implore you
06:07.25ShirikThis is going to be painful
06:08.28ShirikThat move was like sprintf
06:08.39ShirikI played it out in my head, and it seems safe, but it's also dangerous at the same time
06:08.49batricktbh i don't see a point in it
06:09.03Shirikbut it's only dangerous if I don't know what I'm doing
06:09.21Shirikbatrick, I have my reasons :)
06:09.58*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|AFK (
06:10.39Shirikthis is a really good game though :)
06:11.33*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (n=jnwhiteh@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
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06:31.07batrickok back
06:32.00batrickerr shirik
06:32.09batrickyou went from c3 to d5?
06:32.57batrickthat's not even a viable move...
06:33.05batrickthink you have your notation backwards
06:33.34Shirikwait, no that's right
06:34.07batricka knight couldn't possibly make that move
06:34.13batrickthat's one diagonal
06:34.16Shirikwhat about the bishop
06:34.29ShirikThe bishop that's on c3
06:34.33batrickwell the bishop IS on d4
06:34.42batrickah hell
06:34.43Shirikhe is now
06:34.51batrickyour last move was your knight....
06:35.02batrickwhere is your knight now?
06:35.03ShirikBd4 >.>
06:35.14Shirikit's at d5
06:35.24Shirikbut my last move was Bd4
06:35.27batrickscroll up
06:35.34batrickyour last move was Nd5... which was invalid...
06:35.51batrickwell it's VALID but definitely not advisable
06:36.13Shiriklooking at a chess backwards ftw
06:39.35Shirikhell ok
06:39.36Shiriklet's just do
06:43.07Cairennanyone else enjoy "watching" their chess games as much as I do?
06:45.40Shirikwhich rook batrick....
06:45.53ShirikCairenn: meh, nobody else is around
06:46.22art3misi am
06:46.32art3misits just not that enjoyable and rather spammy ;P
06:47.02art3misthinking back to being yelled at for spamming stuff that wasnt channel relevant but no-one was around ;P
06:47.15batrickart3mis just wishes he could participaate
06:47.44batrickffs shirik
06:47.45Shirikoffers batrick
06:47.47Shirika draw
06:47.54Shirikwhat did I do now :(
06:47.55batricku have no pawn onn f
06:48.11Shirikc5 ><
06:48.24*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|AFK (
06:52.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiar1 (
06:54.27batrickdeclines :P
06:54.34batrickwant to see where this goes!
06:54.43Shirikit took you that long to decline? I figured you declined like 5 minutes ago
06:55.06batrickwas afk again sorry
07:01.15batrickwhoa what?
07:01.33batricki hope we didn't fuck up the board again
07:02.13ShirikI don't even have a pawn on g that can do that
07:02.19batricknegative as in that was suicide on purpose?
07:02.36Shirikmy analysis shows that was not suicide
07:03.06batrickok so you DO see my pawn at g4 yes?
07:03.34Shirikno but I see your pawn at g3
07:03.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom (
07:03.54ShirikI vote for giving up this game and calling it a draw ^^
07:04.03batrick00:14:43 <batrick> g4*
07:04.17batrickgo fix ur board
07:04.19batrickwe play on!
07:04.33Shirikhow the hell do I fix that
07:04.41batricklots of Undos?
07:04.45Shirikthat was an hour ago
07:04.51batrickur fault!
07:05.48batricki bet Cairenn has my pawn ag g4
07:06.18ShirikI bet she has it at g3
07:06.22Shirikand thinks I win by default
07:06.41Shirikbatbot: Do I win?
07:06.41batbotShirik, Probably.
07:06.50Shirik.. need definite answer
07:06.51CairennI have it hidden!
07:09.01Shirikbleh, I give up batrick
07:09.08ShirikI resign on the grounds that it's too hard to fix this board
07:09.15batricki hate u
07:09.24*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|AFK (
07:09.32batrickyou should help me code a chess addon to batbot
07:09.42batrickso it can check if our moves are valid and/or extremely stupid
07:09.47Shirikwith AI
07:09.52batrickAI after
07:13.43batrickthat was such a cool game too
07:13.59Shirikkeep the board up
07:14.02Shirikdid you already close it?
07:14.54Shiriktomorrow I'll try to fix it
07:14.54batrickshhould i not?
07:15.22*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|AFK (
07:15.28batricktoo bad you can't set up a baord on thisshitty program
07:20.23*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|AFK (
07:22.43batricki just found a button to disable the mouse on this fucking laptop
07:22.45batrickpraise god
07:23.48batrickshirik u goin to bed
07:23.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
07:23.53Shiriknot sure
07:25.23batricki'm trying to think how i'm going to write up a chess game state in Lua
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07:27.41Shirik8x8 matrix
07:28.23batrickya obviously :P
07:28.28batrickthinking a little higher than that!
07:29.31Elkano64byte string? ;)
07:29.49Shirikwhat's a good place to farm motes of life?
07:29.53Shirikauction house?
07:29.59Cairennomfg - watching "disorderly conduct" - guy pulled over for speeding - his license expired in 1969, it was 33 years out of date .... and
07:30.08Elkanoor wait, there is more information in a ches game then only positions...
07:30.13Cairenn.... he's legally blind!
07:30.17nevcairielShirik: herbalism
07:30.25Shirikdropped that a while ago
07:30.27Shiriknot an option
07:30.27nevcairielShirik: or auction house, its really cheap mostly
07:30.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
07:30.37Shirikyeah but I need 10 primal lifes :(
07:30.47Shirikbest-case scenario that's going to cost me like 100g
07:30.48nevcairielprimal lifes are like 3g the piece here
07:30.56ShirikI wish ours were
07:31.00ThraeCairenn: Maybe he's so blind, he couldn't read the renewal notice 33 years ago ;)
07:32.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
07:32.23art3misCairenn: so is our new governor ;P
07:32.48art3misspitzer got caught with a whore
07:32.52art3misso he resigned
07:33.03art3misthe new govenor is a old black blind guy from harlem
07:33.06art3misfor new york
07:33.11Cairennoh, lol, read the sentence wrong
07:33.12art3mishow awesome is that
07:33.33Cairennactually, I think it's pretty damn awesome
07:33.56art3misme too
07:34.02art3mishe's not as black as i hoped though
07:34.13art3misi was kind of hoping for a ray charles looking guy
07:34.30art3misovertly happy and with soul!
07:34.51*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|AFK (
07:35.39*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|ZOMG (
07:36.00Cairenn~staple |Jelly|
07:36.01purlACTION attaches a staple gun to a pneumatic nail gun via duct tape, staples |Jelly| quite well, and hands |Jelly| to cairenn
07:39.16batrickmeh i don't want to think about this now
07:39.31batricklook at all the conversation after we quit playing shirik
07:42.14batrickhmm think it's time for bed
07:42.18batricknight all
07:42.26Cairennnight batrick
07:44.46art3misi need a new game
07:44.51art3misalmsot finished .hackGU
07:45.03art3misim thinking maybe the devil may cry series
07:45.11art3misbut 4 looks liek it's gotten final fantasy lame
07:48.19ThraeLemme see. For debuff colours, Disease == Yellow, Poison == Green, Curse == Purple. Sound good, or should I switch Disease and Curse?
07:49.12nevcairielcurses do belong purple
07:50.03Gngskmissing magic
07:50.20ThraeWell Magic I had as Cyan, but no one can cure "Magic"
07:50.41Gngskuntyped can't be cured afaik
07:50.55ThraeCleanse can cure "Magic" effects? Huh.
07:51.04nevcairielMagic can be cured
07:51.05Gngskcleanse does magic, poison, disease
07:51.15ThraeWell then Cyan is a good colour for Priest / Pally, being Holy.
07:51.28nevcairielonly physical or untyped debuffs cant be cured at all
07:51.46Gngskyah, if you're doing those they should be red
07:52.09*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
07:53.01ThraeDamn, need to go to bed soon and this code is almost finished...well, drycoded at least
07:57.25art3misZOMBIE FEYNMAN!
07:59.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano_ (
08:01.05ShirikPriests can cure magic too...
08:01.15ThraeShirik: We already addressed that.
08:01.39Shirikwell you only mentioned cleanse, priests don't have a cleanse :P
08:01.59ThraeShirik: That was me, someone else said Priests / Paladins.
08:02.31ThraeSheesh, I can follow this channel and I have about 12 channels in the same split window of about 15 rows.
08:02.41Gngskpriests dispel, pallies cleanse, fel puppies devour
08:05.43Shirik!g wowhead boots of the long road
08:05.44*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|ZOMG (
08:05.44batbotShirik: Pattern: Boots of the Long Road - Items - World of Warcraft <>
08:06.52Thrae!i boots of the long road
08:06.53WoWLuaircBotThrae:  Name: [Boots of the Long Road]; Rarity: Epic (Purple); BoP; Cloth Boots; +25 Stamina; +26 Intellect; +22 Spirit; +148 Armour; Requires L70; 50 Durability; Equip: Increases healing done by up to 73 and damage done by up to 25 for all magical spells and effects.; Equip: Restores 9 mana per 5 sec.. || ||
08:07.32Shirikyeah but I forgot the command
08:07.35Shirikand what I actually meant was
08:07.40Shirik!i belt of the long road
08:07.41WoWLuaircBotShirik:  Name: [Belt of the Long Road]; Rarity: Epic (Purple); BoE; Cloth Belt; +13 Stamina; +18 Intellect; +33 Spirit; +121 Armour; 2 Blue socket(s); 1 Yellow socket(s); 3 Red socket(s); +7 Healing socket bonus; Requires L70; 35 Durability;
08:08.33Shirikdebating on replacing my mooncloth set
08:08.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
08:09.01ThraeShirik: What's the name of the Mooncloth belt?
08:09.10Shirikwell that wouldn't be the only thing I'm replacing
08:09.17Shirikbut it's "Primal Mooncloth Belt"
08:09.21nevcairielmooncloth is ftl because of the lack of stam
08:09.34Thrae!ico primal mooncloth belt; belt of the long road
08:09.35WoWLuaircBotThrae: Comparing [Primal Mooncloth Belt] vs [Belt of the Long Road]; Item2 ++6 Intellect; Item2 ++13 Stamina; Item2 ++12 Armour; Item2 ++22 Spirit || (id 21873 vs id 30036)
08:09.41ShirikI would also be changing "Primal Mooncloth Robe" to "Robes of Heavenly Purpose" which, while better, is not worth dropping the set bonus imo
08:10.14ThraeNeed to add Damage & Healing to !ico...
08:10.21Shirik!ico primal mooncloth robe; robes of heavenly purpose
08:10.23WoWLuaircBotShirik: Comparing [Primal Mooncloth Robe] vs [Robes of Heavenly Purpose]; Item2 ++3 Intellect; Item2 ++21 Stamina; Item2 ++13 Armour; Item2 ++25 Spirit || (id 21875 vs id 33203)
08:11.03Shirikthe two increases in int and spirit will mostly offset the drop of the set bonus
08:11.08Shirikand the stamina boost is definitely something I need
08:11.19Shiriknevcairiel: Given that I was on easy stuff before, it didn't matter much
08:11.27Shiriknow that I'm moving on to harder things, I need to drop it, you're right
08:12.26Gngskmy guild had a priest in primal mooncloth all the way through t6, he died all the time, heh
08:12.33nevcairielmooncloth is fine in t4/t5, in t6 you need to get rid of it
08:13.05ShirikWell the guild is at t6 content
08:13.20ShirikThough I probably won't be attending much of that until I get situated, but who knows
08:13.58Shirik10g per primal life for first 5, 15g for next 5
08:14.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (i=4df82cd3@gateway/web/ajax/
08:14.41Shirikoh no
08:14.43Shirikoh noooooo
08:14.46Shirikthat is SO NOT COOL
08:14.47Gngskbeats farming it
08:14.57ShirikI just spent the entire day farming 10 primal manas
08:15.02*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | WoW programming book | Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh! An bhfuil tú ar meisce fós?
08:15.22Shirikgoes off to cry in a corner
08:15.37nevcairielthe topic looks like it fails at UTF8
08:15.55duaiwe.. more likely you're client? It looks fine to me.
08:16.09Shiriklooks ok to me but locked up my client for a second, lol
08:16.27nevcairielutf8 in chat looks fine for me
08:16.31nevcairieljust in that topic it doesnt
08:16.38Shirikso seriousl
08:16.40Thrae!mload items
08:16.40WoWLuaircBotLoaded [items]
08:16.40Shiriksomeone do me a favor
08:16.48Shirikgo review the mats for belt of the long road
08:16.50Thrae!ico primal mooncloth belt; belt of the long road
08:16.50WoWLuaircBotThrae: Comparing [Primal Mooncloth Belt] vs [Belt of the Long Road]; Item2 ++6 Intellect; Item2 ++13 Stamina; Item2 ++12 Armour; Item2 ++22 Spirit || (id 21873 vs id 30036)
08:17.04Shirikand tell me it requires 10 primal manas
08:17.20IndustrialRequires Nether Vortex (2), Bolt of Imbued Netherweave (4), Primal Life (10), Rune Thread (2), Primal Water (10)
08:17.28Thrae!mload items
08:17.29WoWLuaircBotLoaded [items]
08:17.30Thrae!ico primal mooncloth belt; belt of the long road
08:17.41ThraeCool, I destroyed it
08:17.45Shirikthe entire day.... wasted
08:17.47*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|ZOMG (
08:19.01Thrae!mload items
08:19.01WoWLuaircBotLoaded [items]
08:19.04Thrae!ico primal mooncloth belt; belt of the long road
08:19.04WoWLuaircBotThrae: Comparing [Primal Mooncloth Belt] vs [Belt of the Long Road]; Item2 ++6 Intellect; Item2 ++13 Stamina; Item2 ++12 Armour; Item2 ++22 Spirit || (id 21873 vs id 30036)
08:20.36Shirikwell..... posted all of those primal manas on the AH, time to go farm primal waters...
08:21.28Industrial!ico Warforged Crystal Axe; Sonic Spear
08:21.29WoWLuaircBotIndustrial: Warforged Crystal Axe is not the item you are looking for!
08:21.45nevcairielits smarter than you!
08:21.59Industrialoh lol
08:22.13Industrial!ico Crystalforged War axe; Sonic Spear
08:22.15WoWLuaircBotIndustrial: Comparing [Crystalforged War Axe] vs [Sonic Spear]; Item2 ++35 Agility; Item2 ++24 HitRating; Item2 ++2.85714 DPS; Item1 ++20 Stamina; Item1 ++27 CritRating || (id 31291 vs id 27903)
08:24.11Thrae!mload items
08:24.11WoWLuaircBotLoaded [items]
08:24.15Thrae!ico primal mooncloth belt; belt of the long road
08:24.15WoWLuaircBotThrae: Comparing [Primal Mooncloth Belt] vs [Belt of the Long Road]; Item2 ++6 Intellect; Item1 ++2 SpellDamage; Item2 ++12 Armour; Item2 ++13 Stamina; Item1 ++8 Healing; Item2 ++22 Spirit || (id 21873 vs id 30036)
08:24.26ThraeThere we go.
08:24.44Thrae!ico Crystalforged War axe; Sonic Spear
08:24.45WoWLuaircBotThrae: Comparing [Crystalforged War Axe] vs [Sonic Spear]; Item1 ++18 AttackPower; Item2 ++35 Agility; Item2 ++24 HitRating; Item2 ++2.85714 DPS; Item1 ++27 CritRating; Item1 ++20 Stamina || (id 31291 vs id 27903)
08:24.47nevcairielitem2 is clearly superior
08:25.05ThraeYeah, but it wasn't giving you Spell Damage and/or Healing
08:25.35ThraeWhen I have lots of extra time I'll add Agi / Int / etc. conversions
08:25.42ThraeRight now, only ferals get it
08:26.33Thrae!icof Gladiator's Dragonhide Helm; Stag-Helm of Malorne
08:26.35WoWLuaircBotThrae: Comparing [Gladiator's Dragonhide Helm] vs [Stag-Helm of Malorne] for a Feral Druid; Item1 ++16 SpellDamage; Item2 ++134 Armour (+683.40 in Bear); Item2 ++13 Agility (+14.73 Cat AP, +0.54% crit, +0.91% dodge, +13.39 AC (raw)); Item1 ++15 Stamina (+22.40 HP in Bear); Item1 ++46 Healing; Item2 ++8 Strength (+18.13 AP); Item1 ++24 ResilienceRating; Item2 ++0.00 total AP;
08:28.04Thrae!help icof
08:28.04WoWLuaircBot!icof <item name or id>;<item name or id> -- Compares the basic stats of two items (with notes for Feral Druids, assumes Survival of the Fittest, Heart of the Wild, & Thick Hide).
08:31.02Shirikicof? for feral?
08:31.07Shirikwhat about for disc priests!
08:31.09ShirikI demand a icod
08:32.19ThraeShirik: Heh
08:32.24ShirikI can't believe this
08:32.34Shirikwhat the hell convinced me they were primal manas
08:32.40ShirikNOTHING priests use uses primal manas
08:33.15*** join/#wowi-lounge WoWLuaircBot (
08:33.35Thrae!i worn dagger
08:34.37nevcairiel!i 10000
08:34.53nevcairieloh whisper reply now
08:34.59ThraeWoWLuaircBot now defaults to messaging you your request unless addressed.
08:35.13Shirikshould be notice imo
08:35.19Shirikthat way I don't have to look at another window
08:35.27nevcairieli agree, that would be nice
08:35.39ThraeAh right, you people don't have that
08:40.32*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep` (i=nuoHep@
08:41.54*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|ZOMG (
08:43.08Fisker-What would you like for breakfast nevcairiel?
08:43.51*** join/#wowi-lounge WoWLuaircBot (
08:44.00Thrae!i 10000
08:44.54nevcairiel!i 10000
08:45.39*** join/#wowi-lounge WoWLuaircBot (
08:45.43Thrae!i 10000
08:45.59ThraeThere we go.
08:46.02nevcairiel!i 10000
08:46.15Fisker-!i 10000
08:46.20Fisker-!i 99999
08:46.33Thrae!i 99999
08:46.41Adys!i 12345
08:46.46ThraeIt shouldn't do anything for that.
08:46.55Adys!i 99999
08:47.09Thrae!i primal mooncloth belt
08:47.56Fisker-!i your mother
08:48.13Adysu so funi
08:50.04nevcairiel!i 32496
08:50.33*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
08:56.08Shirik!i 1337
08:56.20Shirik!i 13337
08:56.28Shirikyou would think the devs have something like that in game
08:56.55Fisker-!i 31337
08:57.11Shirik!i 31337
08:57.27Shiriktransforms you into a helpless blackwhelp?
08:58.12Shirikthat doesn't seem very 31337
09:04.03*** join/#wowi-lounge DuTempete_ (
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09:06.10*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
09:07.38art3missmall business server 2008;'s codename is "Cougar"
09:07.56art3misit's a more mature server you REALLY wanna fuck with
09:08.04art3mislooks great too ;)
09:09.02Fisker-fucks art3mis
09:24.29Shirikcovers his eyes
09:24.35Shirikthe goggles, they do nothing
09:26.23NightHawkTheSaneShirik: it's "My eyes! The goggles do nothing!"
09:26.50Shirikshows you how much I know about pop culture
09:27.06NightHawkTheSanewell, now you know.
09:27.10NightHawkTheSanegoes to sleep
09:27.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (i=Legorol@
09:27.17*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Legorol] by ChanServ
09:27.27Cairennwhat is this sleep thing of which you speak?
09:35.10Shirikthis is so stupid
09:35.15Shirikthe game is messing with my head
09:35.51ShirikI need to farm 10 primal waters, but I figured I won't do them all tonight, so I farm 2 and I'm like "Okay, I'll stop when 3 mobs in a row don't drop any motes of water"
09:36.03nevcairieldidnt happen?
09:36.04ShirikAnd all of a sudden all of them start dropping 2 at a time
09:36.11Shirikso I get to 8 motes and they stop
09:36.23Shirikbut I keep going because I only need 2 more to finish that primal water
09:36.32Shirikfinally I get it, then I go back to my rule of 3 in a row
09:36.37Shirikand they all start dropping them again!
09:36.52Shirikthis has been going on for an hour now
09:37.04nevcairielyou should just stop
09:37.11ShirikI started at 2 primal waters with this rule, and I'm now at 6
09:43.18Shirikhey look
09:43.21ShirikI'm at 6 motes again
09:43.29Shirikbets on whether or not they stop dropping?
09:45.04Shirikinstead of stop dropping
09:45.08Shirikthe mobs just stopped spawning altogether
09:46.01Shirikthis is widgertick's doing, I know it is
09:48.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Industrial (
09:59.58ShirikI finally decide to hearth out
10:00.08Shirikand before the cast time is up, a mob hits me
10:00.14Shirikso I kill it, and what does he drop? 2 motes
10:02.28ShirikI didn't take the bait though
10:02.30ShirikI hearthed out
10:02.33Shirikit's 6 am...
10:05.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
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10:49.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Bibi` (
10:57.54*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
10:58.48Industrialhi2u profits
11:01.23*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
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13:01.49Lunessa... STATION
13:09.26sag_ich_nicht"I have deduced that the entire race of ogres must be hermaphrodites -- both male and female at the same time! They are so ashamed of this that they all hide the fact, pretending that ogre females are hidden away somewhere!"
13:19.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
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13:55.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Risky (
13:55.42Riskyhmm PTRs are down
13:55.46Riskythink the patch is tonight?
13:56.11Roblibobnah they are stress testing TTR servers.
13:56.15kd3no. the TTR should still be up
13:57.15Roblibobtournament test realm
13:58.22Riskyahh sweet i see it now
13:58.31Riskythanks guys you're lifesavers
14:00.34*** join/#wowi-lounge DuTempete (
14:00.40Riskyheh cool instant lvl 70s
14:07.13SeerahHappy St. Patty's Day!
14:07.48LunessaHappy St. Patrick's Day to you too.
14:07.49kd3crap. need to find a green shirt before I head out today
14:08.14Seerahdon't need random strangers pinching ya
14:08.15LunessaI'm wearing blue.  All blue.  I /dare/ someone to try to pinch me...
14:08.23Seerahactually, I'm glad I remembered before I got dressed
14:08.30Seerahpinches Lunessa.
14:08.45Lunessa~whaleslap Seerah
14:08.46purlACTION beats Seerah upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
14:08.56Seerah~lart Lunessa
14:08.56purlmakes a balloon animal out of Lunessa
14:09.15LunessaI've always wanted to be a balloon animal.  Inflate me!
14:09.57nevcairielinflates Lunessa
14:10.02nevcairieli wonder
14:10.05nevcairiel~inflate Lunessa
14:10.06purlACTION blows Lunessa up like a balloon
14:10.27Seerah~pop Lunessa
14:10.27purlibot offers Lunessa a thin mint.
14:10.41Lunessait's wafer thin!
14:10.48Seerahdoh!  I get it :(
14:10.54Seerahnot awake enough I guess
14:15.26LunessaWhen there's a thread called "Hooking" and you think something other than replacing a function with a function... well, your mind is in the gutter.
14:18.45*** join/#wowi-lounge schnoggo (
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14:22.24Maldiviahmm... anyone know Multiverse (apparently a mmo engine of some sort), and if it's related to wow in any way ?
14:24.21*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
14:24.46LunessaSorry, never heard of it.
14:24.56*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo_ (
14:25.11Maldiviaapparently, it uses the exact same xml-syntax as wow for interface...
14:26.43clad|officeall well formed XML files use the same syntax
14:26.47clad|officedo you mean the same schema?
14:27.18Lunessayeah.. I was about to say "statement does nto parse."
14:27.21Maldiviaclad: example
14:27.49clad|officeso its similar
14:27.57clad|officemany XML schemas are similar
14:28.05clad|officetho their copying FrameXML is rather odd, but not unreasonable
14:28.12nevcairielmaybe they played wow before starting their code?
14:28.14nevcairiel*shrug :P
14:28.17clad|officethats quite different from what we have
14:29.03nevcairiellooks alot wow-ish too
14:29.25nevcairielAlso available are ShowUIPanel(FrameName) and HideUIPanel(FrameName).
14:29.31Josh_Borkejust a testament to wow doing a good job
14:29.39clad|officeand there only being so ways to skin a cat
14:29.48Josh_Borkeso ways huh?
14:30.03Maldiviaso many way...
14:30.11nevcairielexcept that they run python and not lua
14:30.15nevcairielthe xml looks quite similar
14:30.56MaldiviaI would call it more than similar
14:31.19clad|officewell you didn't say that, you said it uses "the exact same xml-syntax"
14:31.28clad|officewhich isn't true
14:31.33clad|officesure, it uses quite a bit of the same schema
14:31.42clad|officebut that's hardly anything special in the XML world
14:32.22Maldiviawell, I'm still going with exactly the same...
14:32.27clad|officeits clearly not
14:32.37clad|officeyou can't run arbitrary code in a binding element
14:32.40clad|officeI win?
14:32.59nevcairielyou cant?
14:33.00Maldiviayou can
14:33.08nevcairielyou can in wow and you can in that game
14:33.14clad|officegood stuff
14:33.18clad|officeumm.. lemme find another noe :p
14:33.20Maldiviayou get taint-errors, but that's not the xml schemes fault
14:33.31nevcairieldepends on what you run :D
14:34.28mikma <- haha, trophys rule
14:34.58clad|office is one, but that's an addition rather than a difference
14:35.01clad|officestill lokoing :p
14:35.12clad|officeis multiverse still winblows only?
14:35.17Maldiviayeah ok, so not exactly the same, but then derived from it
14:35.29clad|officewell the work was already done for them :P
14:35.37clad|officeand they had a reference implementation
14:35.45clad|officesmart move imo!
14:36.12Wobinyay beartanked SM cath
14:36.15Wobinat 39
14:36.23Wobinmy last tanking effort =P
14:36.33nevcairieli wonder if they can just steal their spec o.O
14:36.47clad|officenevcairiel: you'd be hard pressed to copyright an XML schema
14:38.02Maldiviabut still, so blatant a rip off... unless ofcourse there's some arrangement or something
14:38.36Seerahif anyone is interested, weekly pick is up
14:39.22nevcairieli didnt see any real good addons on that pick yet
14:39.25nevcairielalways the bloaty ones =P
14:40.44nevcairielaltho i guess i'll test that group thing .. all other addons of that kind failed
14:40.53*** join/#wowi-lounge p3lim (
14:40.55RoblibobSeerah: Thanks, that group mod looks intersting.
14:41.05Seerahyou think FlashFind looks bloated, nev?
14:41.27nevcairielwell useless :D
14:41.35Seerahmaybe to you ;)
14:41.50Seerahback when I still used the default bags, I would have loved to have that
14:41.54LunessaPro Tip: Use mods that do what you like, and don't worry if some guy on IRC says they're bloated. :P
14:42.07dylanmnevcairiel: What are you implying about Chinchilla?????????
14:42.32nevcairieloh alot of stuff dylanm :P
14:42.46Seerah<3 chinchilla.  If anyone installs it, I highly suggest doing that trick I mentioned in the write up ;)
14:46.04RoblibobSeerah: Meh, i hate teasers. What happens if you rotate right?
14:46.28Seerahthe chinchilla runs around in a circle on your map
14:58.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
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15:07.22AdysI think I just understood something about my country's government
15:07.31Adys"Site under construction"
15:08.10clad|officeAdys: where should i plan to stay for WWI in paris
15:08.27AdysUhmm this is a long shot but.. a hotel?
15:08.31clad|officeI want to get the trip scheduled out now while I can
15:08.36AdysNo really, I dont know Paris well :/
15:08.42clad|officehave anyone we can query?
15:08.48clad|officeI'd liek to be close to the expo center, if possible
15:08.52clad|officedepending on cost
15:08.57Adysuhm lemme see what I can do
15:13.19WobinI read that as World War 1
15:14.11Josh_Borkeme too wobin
15:19.32Seerah(5 mins later :P )
15:19.46clad|officeeveryone always says that
15:20.08Seerahso what do you mean by WWI, clad?
15:20.16clad|officeWorldwide Invitations
15:20.34clad|officeBlizz-pseudo-con EU
15:21.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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16:26.05LunessaHaha... Clique referred to as "clicky"  ... language jokes ftw.
16:27.06LopeppeppyMorning, Lunessa.  I was also amused.
16:27.27LopeppeppyPeppy is notoriously easy to amuse with wordplay though.
16:27.35LunessaSomeone was looking for a mod that handled "spells by clicking on a frame  they used to have called clicky"
16:28.09LunessaWhich, if you went to public school and failed to take any languages might be how you would read Clique
16:31.58LopeppeppyQueequeg?  Hmm?
16:32.02LopeppeppyWhere's that damn whale!!
16:32.21LunessaWhat this world needs is more clever word-play!
16:33.13LopeppeppyAs long as it's not puns.  Puns aren't clever.
16:34.04cog|workyou're a sprocket AND you don't like puns?
16:34.17cog|worklooks for new friends
16:34.26LopeppeppyI didn't say I didn't like them.  Just that they aren't clever.
16:34.53cog|workMINE R!!!!1
16:35.08zenzelezzyou hurt my feelings now peppy
16:35.23LunessaI apologize for any inconvenience my murderous rampage may have caused.
16:35.35Lopeppeppyloves Lunessa
16:35.52LunessaActually, cog's puns are pretty funny.  Just don't let him tell stories at the dinner table.
16:36.02LunessaAnd they're even clever.
16:36.11LunessaBut the stories are better in  text.
16:36.12LopeppeppyNote to self.  Puns over drinks are good, stories over food are bad.
16:40.33Lopeppeppyeats white and green M&Ms in St. Patrick's Day bliss.
16:41.22Lunessaenvies Lopeppeppy M&Ms
16:42.12LopeppeppyIs that "I'd like to be an M&M", or "I want to steal the M&M's"  ?
16:43.03*** join/#wowi-lounge DuTempete_ (
16:43.29LunessaSome room for interpretation was intentional.
16:44.27LopeppeppyExcellent, Lunessa!   *happy hugs*
16:45.31Lunessasmiles broadly.
16:47.56*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
16:48.13Industrialsag_ich_nicht: on the female ogres; The question is: Do we want to see what ogre females are like?
16:48.52LunessaOH HELL NO.
16:49.45Esamynn|Workgod no
16:49.55LopeppeppyNo.  I'd rather gouge out my eyes with toothpicks.
16:50.32zenzelezzyou have to wonder where all of Gruul's sons come from
16:50.43Esamynn|Workno, no you don't
16:50.44LopeppeppyNo I do NOT.
16:50.48Esamynn|Workyou just accept that they ARE
16:50.55LopeppeppyIf you are wondering, you need Lithium and shock therapy.
16:51.12Esamynn|Work~shock zenzelezz
16:51.14art3misyeah but you could get them to dance with the ogre suit!
16:51.21Esamynn|Workdarn, I was hoping for something good there
16:51.23Esamynn|Workoh well
16:51.35Lunessa... Considering how hideous they are... you can only imagine in your worst nightmares what the mothers look like...
16:52.02zenzelezzall things considered, the gronn aren't as ugly as Mick Jagger
16:52.12LopeppeppyMy nightmares involve Hello Kitty, not gronn.
16:52.21Industrial~fluff Lopeppeppy
16:52.30Industrialno fluff?
16:52.31Esamynn|Workcheers Lopeppeppy
16:53.16nevcairielart3mis: we though about something for your hello kitty UI, a minimap mask in hello kitty format!
16:53.19Esamynn|WorkLopeppeppy: last time I hated on Hello Kitty in here, I got accused of being unsure of my masculinity :/
16:53.49IndustrialEsamynn|Work: wait, you are a guy?
16:53.55Industrialj(ust kidding)
16:54.24LopeppeppyI'm a chicka, I can hate on Hello Kitty... that's just weird.
16:54.32Lopeppeppydoes not understand the gender relativity of cartoons
16:54.43Josh_Borkei think it's more of an age thing
16:54.58IndustrialI didnt mind heads flying off when I was 9?
16:55.09Esamynn|WorkIndustrial: damn, I slipped up, err, umm... I mean...
16:55.18art3misnevcairiel: ??
16:55.31LopeppeppyOn noes, a guy on the Internet.  Surprise.  Shock.  Horror.
16:55.31Josh_Borkeapparently i am part of the millenial generation
16:55.46IndustrialJosh_Borke: wut?
16:55.53nevcairielyou know how you can apply masks to the minimap, to make them square and all .. you can use any mask, so use a hello kitty face :D
16:56.08Josh_Borke"Dubbed "Millenials," these workers born after 1980 are nearly twice as likely to use cell phones and PDAs at work, and half admit to installing unauthorized software on their employer's computers."
16:56.17art3misnevcairiel: heh hkui HAS a hk graphic ;P
16:56.27art3misit's like the cycircled button thingy only larger
16:56.35nevcairielart3mis: only a background around the round map
16:56.39nevcairieli am talking a real mask!
16:56.42nevcairielso the map extends in the ears
16:56.47art3misyeah that would be pretty rad
16:57.04art3misin one of those dear god what have i done, sorta ways
16:57.20nevcairieli hope you think that already
16:57.35art3misHello Kitty Island Adventure
16:57.35art3misCompilations & Suites
16:57.38art3mis12-10-2007 05:46 PM
16:57.45purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
16:57.53nevcairieli know that way too many people downloaded it already =P
16:57.59art3mis10k baby!
17:00.14Industrialwaits for compile
17:00.36LopeppeppyCode compiling is the best excuse to goof off.
17:02.36art3misi feel so dirty that 10k people have downloaded HKUI and seem to really enjoy it ;P
17:03.02LopeppeppyAll you can really tell is that they have downloaded it... enjoyment is not the same!
17:03.28cncfanaticsany way to make a network transfer use all of your available network bandwith instead of just a fraction of it ?
17:03.36kergothEsamynn|Work:  thats one of my favorites :)
17:09.53art3misLopeppeppy: 10k downloads says fun!
17:10.05*** join/#wowi-lounge schnoggo (
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17:10.17art3misotherwise there wouldnt be as many "i raelly want this to work" posts for my old version ;)
17:11.02Industrialpokes the compile
17:11.04Industrialstill busy :(
17:11.31LopeppeppyDo not poke happy fun ball.
17:11.32Industrial(installing bouml :p)
17:12.51art3misif happy fun ball starts to make a hissing sound run for cover.
17:13.00art3mismay irritate some skin types.
17:14.08Mike-N-GoI am instructing a friend on the PC platform how to install addons, how  do you unzip files under XP?
17:14.20Industrial.. xp supports zip
17:14.23Industrialanyway, install 7zip
17:14.40kergoth7zip kicks ass
17:14.45kergothits like winrar with less suck
17:15.12IndustrialI use it on linux too
17:16.18cog|workkergoth: you're just now figuring this out?
17:16.33kergothno, just saying :P
17:16.45cog|workah... well someone's just figuring it out... i can smell it!
17:16.51cog|work(and apparently can't read)
17:16.56LopeppeppySmells like... burning sawdust!
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17:30.00ShirikOkay, I need a translator
17:30.17ShirikMy GMOTD says "T - MH, W - BT, R - TBA"
17:30.43ShirikOur raiding days are tues/wed/thurs so I assume that's what we're running on those days. But what's MH?
17:30.45LopeppeppyTuesday we do... Mt. Hyjal.  Wednesday, Black  Temple.  Thursday is TBA
17:30.50zenzelezzdamint peppy
17:30.58zenzelezztoo fast
17:31.14LopeppeppyI can type 90 words a minute when I get going, zenzelezz.
17:31.48*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
17:31.55Cidetry 290
17:32.02Cidethat's what I type
17:32.08Cide>>> 290/60
17:32.08CideCide: 4.8333333333333
17:32.14Cidethat's almost 5 words a second
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17:32.26Cideor basically this sentence in 5s
17:32.51zenzelezzbut your words aren't woth the time they take to read
17:32.55zenzelezznor worth
17:33.31CideI'd be rich if they were, that's for sure
17:33.43LopeppeppyYou better have been talking about Cide, zenzelezz, or you go on the Hit List.
17:34.08zenzelezzyou know me well enough to not be unsure about that peppy
17:34.26Lopeppeppylaughs gently
17:34.43LopeppeppyWho knows whom on the intrawebs?  But I did assume you were razzing Cide and not me.
17:35.15Shirikdamn Cide
17:35.25Shiriktoo bad you failed!
17:35.35ShirikLopeppeppy won
17:35.40Shirikalso /vanish
17:36.00LunessaI know whom on the webs.  I DO!
17:36.15LopeppeppyWhere did you meet him/her, and can I watch?
17:47.00art3miswhy is thursday R ?
17:47.27NightHawkTheSanebecause tuesday is t.
17:47.27LopeppeppyI've seen it as both H and R.  Tuesday claims T, so you have to use something else for Thursday.  H and R are the usual.
17:47.45NightHawkTheSaneH is for crazy people. sane people use r.
17:47.50art3misi've always justused th
17:48.08LopeppeppySome systems only allow one letter for the days, and thus R and H are born.
17:48.16art3misor make a monstrous leap in logical progression and use T again ;P
17:48.25NightHawkTheSaneduplicating T is ambiguous
17:48.33LopeppeppyNope.... T means one thing already.  Do not confuse happy fun users.
17:48.33nevcairielthats the point!
17:48.39art3misnot if you udnerstadn the sequence of the days of the week ;P
17:48.51NightHawkTheSaneand regardless of restrictions, its ugly to use 2 characters for one day when all the others use a single character
17:49.01nevcairielthen use 2 for all
17:49.03nevcairiel= win
17:49.46NightHawkTheSaneexcept we've already standardized on a single letter :P
17:52.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
17:53.16art3misam i the only person taht sees a media check on linux installs and things "oh it's fedora based"
17:53.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Lukian (i=wizard@
17:54.10nevcairielwhats the one letter thing for saturday/sunday then?
17:54.36zenzelezzart3mis: why do you make that association?
17:54.49LopeppeppyA and U if it's needed, but most don't need a Sat/Sun distinction.
17:55.09art3misbecause fedora is the only cd i've ever seen it on
17:55.35art3misaside from leopard that is
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18:09.25Lopeppeppybandages her bleeding eyes. Who thought of green text on a pink background, anyway?
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18:29.36LopeppeppyCogwheel, Lunessa... Puns!
18:29.58LunessaI know this tune. :)
18:30.40LopeppeppyLove it.
18:30.58MaldiviaHmm, are there anyway to get actions to run on keystate=down instead of up ?
18:31.39cog|workIIRC, mousedown/up aren't considered hardware events by the "must be done on a hardware event" code
18:32.04cog|workoh... but you can registerforclicks AnyDown i think
18:32.14Maldiviawas thinknig keybindings
18:32.16cog|workbut then i don't think it'll work on up
18:33.09cog|workI suppose i should ask what you mean by "actions"...
18:33.39zenzelezzusing bindings.xml?
18:33.44Maldiviaactions, as in actions, spell, etc
18:33.55zenzelezzah, nevermind
18:34.15Maldiviabinding-click is keystate=up
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18:34.57Maldiviabinding spell aswell
18:35.14Maldiviaeven tried a bindings.xml, and forced a runOnUp="false"
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18:45.55art3miswell that was a quick phone interview
18:46.12LopeppeppyIs that good, or bad?
18:47.21LopeppeppyDoes that mean y'all are no longer interested in each other, or... ?
18:53.34art3misno it means i have to go there in person in about 2 hours ;)
18:54.55zenzelezz"Chuck Norris can divide by zero" o_O
18:55.20LopeppeppyIt's a more local job then, I thought you were interviewing out in Boston etc.
19:05.54ralfWORKzenzelezz: true story
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19:32.14LunessaBlack holes are where God divided by zero. :P
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19:50.53ShirikI have determined that Vista updates take way too damn long
19:51.09ShirikI'm going to install them tonight.... when I go to sleep... and hope that one is done by the time I wake up
19:51.28ralfWORKI've determined that anything that forces a reboot is lame!
19:52.10NightHawkTheSaneI've determined that I hate computers. ><
19:52.24LopeppeppyI've determined that it's St. Patrick's Day and it doesnt' matter!!!1
19:52.51Shirikthere was no forced reboot
19:53.04NightHawkTheSanewait, which doesn't matter, that it's saint patrick's day, or everything else, because of that?
19:53.34Lopeppeppy*sings off key on purpose*  And nothing else maatteeeeeeeers..."
19:53.41zenzelezzI've determined that Lopeppeppy matters
19:53.55LopeppeppyAwww.  *blushing, big eyes*
19:54.40*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
19:55.37[Liquidor]Chris Crocker in a Blender -- HAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH I'm crying --
19:57.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
19:58.31zenzelezzso this warlock applied to our guild... he doesn't even have good heroic gear, and he's not attuned to MH/BT... and says he'll cancel his account if we don't accept him
19:58.40zenzelezz"everywhere I go I'm bashed by rules"
19:58.57dylanmTell him to send you his gold before he unsubs.
20:15.40zenzelezz<Who cares Teddy Bears> o_O
20:17.50ralfWORKzenzelezz: so he says he'll cancel his account if you don't accept him
20:18.06ralfWORKand  thinks that's somehow going to make you want to /ginvite?
20:18.39ralfWORKwhat is he 10 years old?
20:18.58ralfWORKand yea, get him to give you his gold before he quits :P
20:22.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (
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20:25.05Lunessapinches cog|work for St. Patrick's Day
20:25.17Lopeppeppyis totally jealous
20:25.36cog|workcontinues hiding
20:27.23*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|ZOMG (
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20:28.33LopeppeppyHeyo Jelly.
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20:37.12AnduinLotharhave they posted any more recent badge gear?
20:39.54Lunessapinches Lopeppeppy ... because pinching her is fun.
20:40.03Lopeppeppywiggles happily
20:40.37Lunessanow glomps off to lunch.
20:45.05ScytheBlade1widger|work: ping
20:50.10*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|ZOMG (
20:54.07ralfWORKscratches head about amazon S3
20:54.42ralfWORKalso scratches head about amazon EC2
20:57.15sag_ich_nichtWTB an addon that completely covers the worldframe with black
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20:58.07Josh_Borkeas in #wowace
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20:59.40Lopeppeppy~staple |Jelly|
20:59.41purlACTION attaches a staple gun to a pneumatic nail gun via duct tape, staples |Jelly| quite well, and hands |Jelly| to lopeppeppy
21:03.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Nolook (
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21:09.20Shirikholy crap
21:09.29Shirikand I was confused about ScytheBlade1's 5 guild bank tabs
21:09.32Shirikmy guild has 6!
21:10.41ScytheBlade1That would be my personal bank
21:10.47Shirikoh right
21:10.54Shirikhow much does 6 tabs cost anyway?
21:11.34ScytheBlade1lua> 100+250+500+1000+2500+5000
21:11.35lua_botScytheBlade1: 9350
21:11.35Shirikso it's the same for guild?
21:12.01ralfWORKtabs only exist in the guild vault
21:12.03Shirikpricing is the same for guild and personal banks?
21:12.10Shirikbag slot vs tabs
21:12.12Shiriksame difference
21:12.18ScytheBlade1Not even close
21:12.19Shirikactually no, bag slots are a lot cheaper
21:12.20ralfWORKoh. not the same at all. but ok.
21:12.37ScytheBlade1But I have two accounts, and moving mats between them sucks
21:12.42Shirikdear god that is a lot of primals
21:13.02ralfWORKI wish primal mana wasn't almost the same color as primal water
21:13.09ralfWORKI went to get spell damage to wrists the other day
21:13.16ralfWORKI was like "sweet yea I got the mats in the bank"
21:13.29ralfWORKenchanter was like "uhm. why are you giving me 6 primal manas?"
21:13.42ShirikJust yesterday, I spent the entire day farming 10 primal manas
21:13.51ShirikOnly to find out when I was done that it was primal waters I needed
21:14.01ralfWORKthat blows man
21:14.01ScytheBlade1And that's really not a lot of primals
21:14.07Shiriknevcairiel was on and heard me, he knows!
21:14.10ShirikYes it was... I'm a holy priest
21:14.13ShirikI can't kill anything ><
21:14.27ralfWORKesp. because waters are way easier to farm compared to manas
21:14.27ScytheBlade1I mean that I have :P
21:14.39ShirikI want to know what's in this hidden tab!!!
21:14.41LopeppeppyPew pew lazers out your eyes?
21:14.53ScytheBlade1Hidden tab?
21:14.55ScytheBlade1Oh in your guild
21:15.06ShirikI have access to all of them except one :(
21:15.13Shirikguess they don't trust me as a recruit
21:15.37Shirikbut seriously, they have 300 primal shadows
21:15.47Shirikno wait
21:16.50Shirikwhat is "crystal infused leather"?
21:16.59ralfWORKdunno, but I have some
21:17.12Shirikthey have 180 of that ><
21:17.24ScytheBlade1That's pre-BC iirc
21:17.33Shirikalong with the 8k gold in here, there must be in excess of 20k assets here
21:17.44ralfWORKninja loot!
21:17.51Shirikyeah no :P
21:17.52ScytheBlade1Welcome to a guild?
21:17.58ralfWORKthey really need a text search for the guild bank
21:17.58ShirikAll my past guilds sucked....
21:18.04ScytheBlade1Apparently, haha
21:18.10ralfWORKwe only have 2 tabs
21:18.26Shirikand this one's like "ok, here's a belt, here's gems, we're killing vashj tomorrow so you can get your vial"
21:18.27ralfWORKgood fricking luck finding something that you don't readily recognize the icons for crap
21:18.36Shirikand I'm like "wtf? at least let me pay..."
21:18.43ralfWORKyou suck
21:19.07Shirikso I convinced them to let me get the mats for the belt myself, minus the nether vortexes
21:19.13ralfWORKI'm about to say "hai guyz, u no sine up fur raides. nao i replaced u"
21:19.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
21:19.58Shirikan entire tab filled with the TK pots.... haha
21:20.03ralfWORKwow rofl
21:20.08ralfWORKok home time
21:20.13Shiriktake care
21:23.49*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|ZOMG (
21:24.07*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | WoW programming book | Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh! An bhfuil tú ar meisce fós? | Happy Birthday MentalPower!
21:24.58Shirikborn on st patrick's day?
21:25.08Shirikyou have to wear green to every one of your birthdays
21:25.10Shirikthat's gotta suck
21:27.31MentalPowerits quite nice actually
21:27.49Tierriefor example you don't have to worry about what you have to wear every one of your birthdays
21:27.56MentalPowerst. patty's day in 1987 at 7:00pm  :P
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21:32.54LunessaOught to make getting your astrological chart done really simple.  "Beer, Green.  It invades every aspect of your life... "
21:33.23ScytheBlade1I should go from Scryer to Aldor exalted
21:33.26ScytheBlade1Just so I can do both threads
21:34.48Shirik315 resilience
21:34.58Shirikand 10501 HP, unbuffed and untalented
21:35.19MentalPowerLunessa: lol
21:35.34MentalPowerI don't usually drink tho :P
21:35.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (n=jk275@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
21:35.58zenzelezz10501... I think that was exactly one top-end heal in Anarchy Online
21:36.23LunessaYeah, but... the joke was too good to pass up. :D
21:37.57*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
21:38.02ShirikOkay so on my 2v2 team, the team rating is 1669
21:38.11ShirikThere are only two people on the team, there have only ever been two people on the team
21:38.16Shirikand both of our personal ratings is 1670
21:38.41Shirikfloating point errors ftw?
21:40.08zenzelezzinaccuracies, not errors
21:41.05Shirikthey're errors if they lead to a failure of a system :P
21:41.29Shirikthe system is designed so that I should be gaining an equal number of team and personal rating. When that does not happen, the system has failed.
21:41.30zenzelezzit's not a failure
21:41.34zenzelezzfailure is a more critical thing
21:41.47Shirikfailure means that the system is not operating as it should
21:42.22Shirikit's not a fault because it has not recovered and won't
21:42.55zenzelezzI still disagree, but I'm not going to argue since my take on English differs from silly native speakers
21:43.44ShirikWell in the US that's our distinction. I had an entire class, pretty much, which discussed the differences between fault and failure
21:43.56zenzelezzI don't take English advice from Americans, sorry :-p
21:44.07ShirikWhy? It's our language. :P
21:44.17zenzelezzit's the British's language
21:44.20zenzelezzyou have American-English
21:44.21Shiriknah, it's ours
21:44.36zenzelezzyou have it just as much as "America" is the country and not the whole continent
21:45.02TemThe world speaks english because we do
21:45.09Shirikamerica is the US
21:45.17zenzelezzthe world speaks English despite the Americans
21:45.17Shirikand Canada just because Cairenn's there
21:46.35Shirikin a couple of centuries, I see most of the world speaking chinese
21:46.41Shiriktoo bad I'll never know for sure
21:48.45LunessaI want to print myself a t-shirt that says [Fail] in purple.
21:50.40AnduinLothar=D my Othello AI passed round 2
21:50.51AnduinLothardid considerably better thn round 1
21:51.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Dekster (
21:51.36AnduinLotharThe AI's i lost to are all in the top 15.
21:51.43AnduinLotharand I'm like 35th
21:52.33AnduinLotharand two of the ones i lost to i beat once too, so i was the only one that beat those int he top 15.
21:52.44sag_ich_nichtAnduinLothar I offer cookies
21:53.03AnduinLotharnext round is happening now. 6min sides
21:55.15AnduinLotharI won 1/4 in round 1, 5/8 in round 2
21:55.55AnduinLotharthe two i faced in round 1 were both top 15 in round 2
21:56.55sag_ich_nichttrys to stab AnduinLothar
21:57.19AnduinLothari want to win just as much as the next guy...
21:58.57sag_ich_nichtyou're not reacting to my offering of cookies :(
21:59.33sag_ich_nichtthat's a bribe
21:59.59AnduinLotharI should have arch rewritten mostly before next tuesday.
22:00.10AnduinLotharDM maybe...
22:00.18sag_ich_nichtoh you're doing that
22:00.22sag_ich_nichtthat's why there is no
22:00.23sag_ich_nichtokay nvm
22:00.28sag_ich_nichti'm all quiet
22:01.25AnduinLotharI'm gonna lose a lot of DM users on patch day
22:01.30AnduinLotharmaybe that's a good thing
22:06.32sag_ich_nichti'm just hoping that at some point you'll find the time to take a look at telltrack(and fix fluidframes, but i know you'll eventually fix whatever is touching the spellbook in fluidframes)
22:07.00AnduinLotharfigure it out for me and i'll fix it faster.
22:07.05sag_ich_nichti know
22:07.07AnduinLothari can't duplicate the problem
22:07.31sag_ich_nichti'll try to reproduce it again when 2.4 hits
22:08.22Dumanok, this steam tonk exploit is bullshit
22:08.28DumanI mean, bullshit in the sense that it needs to get fixed
22:09.51sag_ich_nichtDuman huh?
22:11.50*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
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22:17.37kergothdoes cheeky's spreadsheet not support the abacus of violent odds? i don't see a dps increase from the haste usage averaged over time, as one would expect
22:37.10Temso my kara raid didn't bring any melee except for tanks
22:37.16Temmana feeder trash is stupid
22:40.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
22:40.43Dumanthere is an exploit involving steam tonks, and allowing you to cast 2 spells at once, or being able to move while casting, etc
22:41.30zenzelezzhm... I suspect that's why this mage in my guild was asking about how to get the tonk earlier today
22:41.40Dumanit's pretty bad, actually
22:41.47ScytheBlade1Yeah, I've seen it
22:41.55Dumanmages can iceblock+teleport   (lol mage bubblehearth)
22:41.56ScytheBlade1Both the "how to" and "live, in action!"
22:42.06ScytheBlade1Paladin friend of mine found this out
22:42.09ScytheBlade1Queued up in AB
22:42.13ScytheBlade1And ran around insta capping flags
22:42.19Dumanyep, that too
22:42.25Dumanflag caps are instant
22:42.45Dumanps, I'd recomment against "trying it out"
22:42.57ScytheBlade1Yeah, no kidding
22:43.03ScytheBlade1He said "AB ANYOME?!"
22:43.06ScytheBlade1I said "pass"
22:43.11ScytheBlade1And kept it that way
22:43.16Dumanpeople were taking a flight + mounting at the same time...  they were flying on their horse
22:43.17Temnevcairiel, nope
22:43.30Temour dps is all mages, warlocks and ele shaman
22:45.37ScytheBlade1I imagine it's... trivial to detect
22:47.12ScytheBlade1So the latest "word from the birds" remains with 2.4 being on the 25th?
22:54.31Shirik!ap 1622
22:54.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
22:54.40*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
23:00.31Shirik!ap 1609
23:04.03purlFAIL, Shirik, FAIL!
23:04.33ScytheBlade1~factinfo failrik
23:04.33purlfailrik -- created by Cide <> 5h 27m 35s ago; it has been requested 2 times, last by Cide, 30s ago.
23:04.41ScytheBlade1Nicely done
23:06.12ScytheBlade1You know, I can't say that I could do the jobs of the blue posters on the Customer Service boards
23:06.16ScytheBlade1It'd drive me insane
23:06.16Lunessa... omg.  custom fail!
23:06.23ScytheBlade1But they really need to know more about addons :/
23:06.48ScytheBlade1Apparently it's not possible to run an addon which, when a line is said in guild, spam whispers a player.
23:09.32*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|ZOMG (n=chatzill@
23:09.51MentalPowerScytheBlade1: correct, unless that player is already in a conversation with you
23:10.01ScytheBlade1MentalPower: so you can't whisper another player?
23:10.38MentalPowerno, I mean that the whisper spam prevention thing is bypassed when there is a response to the initial whisper
23:10.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (
23:10.53MentalPowerthink of it as a handshake
23:11.18ScytheBlade1OH. The built-in spam filter which is disabled by default.
23:11.41MentalPowerits not disabled by default...
23:11.43MentalPoweror is it...
23:11.50ScytheBlade1I'm 90% sure it is
23:11.56ScytheBlade1Allow me to move my WTF folder and check!
23:12.04MentalPowerthought it was server-side
23:12.14ScytheBlade1It's a checkbox client side
23:13.10ScytheBlade1The Goons are running a mod which looks for a line in /g, and in turn all of the members who have it installed whisper the specified person with the text specified
23:13.44ScytheBlade1Oh okay, looks like the checkbox is disabled by default - but the setting is "disable spam filter" - so it's enabled by default
23:14.48p3limlvl 12 belf hunter with a white bear pet, what shall i call the bear?
23:14.56bleeterrepost for maximum exposure:
23:14.57bleeterhappy birthday, MentalPower
23:15.09ScytheBlade1bleeter: lol, that + chat context = win
23:15.12MentalPowerbleeter: thanks!
23:15.29LopeppeppyTrue, happy birthday.  I forgot it when I noticed it earlier...
23:15.30MentalPowerScytheBlade1: that should be possible
23:15.44[dRaCo]p3lim: call it Imwithstupid
23:15.50ScytheBlade1MentalPower: yup, but the GM on the CS forums said otherwise
23:16.13MentalPowertheres a diff between possible and "should you do it"
23:16.29Nechcknp3lim anything, except for Snowy or any such reference. That is just so over done.  =)
23:16.32MentalPowerBTW, link?
23:16.34LopeppeppySugar, IceCream, SnowBall, CreamPuff, Polar...
23:16.51bleeterScytheBlade1: the impression I got from Vrak(I think it was) on CS was it was dubious legally, and if abused would get hit with a banstick of sometype
23:17.07zenzelezzp3lim: ColdBeer
23:17.17NechcknSugar is really smooth, +Lopeppeppy
23:17.25bleeterp3lim: there is only one name for a pet. The name is Zathras.
23:17.29p3limzenzelezz: good one
23:17.29ScytheBlade1bleeter: yeah, because it was /abused/ :)
23:17.37bleeterScytheBlade1: yup ;)
23:18.56LopeppeppyAlways assume any game mechanic will be abused.  Sad but true.
23:19.34ScytheBlade1I'm just glad that the API hasn't been really, *really* abused like it could be
23:20.22p3limbleeter: how come?
23:22.27FinI'm not getting the little yellow message saying how many of my favourites have been updated on the front page of WoWI anymore :(
23:22.42Findoesn't say nuffin
23:22.57Finbut my favourites list has highlighted (highlit?) addons
23:23.05Finis it because I enabled email notification?
23:23.17FinI bet it is
23:26.06*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Dinesh)
23:26.49*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
23:31.22Shirik|Ecole!g mps a92
23:31.23batbotShirik|Ecole: ME MPS-A92 Datasheet. <>
23:32.52*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm_ (
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23:45.03p3limstill cant decide on a name for it :/
23:45.19p3limanyone got something that has to do with lore or just pure oldschool geek thing
23:45.36*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|ZOMG (
23:49.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
23:50.23ScytheBlade1"Let this be a lesson to those of you who had been considering a trip out here to nibble on Gabriel's footwear.  It is apparently a /death sentence./"
23:51.30Shirik|Ecole!g CA3080E
23:51.30batbotShirik|Ecole: CA3080E datasheet pdf datenblatt - Intersil Corporation - 2MHz ... <>
23:51.53ScytheBlade1You know that firefox has a plugin for an "I'm feeling lucky" button to google, right?
23:54.47Shirik|Ecolethat requires me to open a browser
23:55.02ScytheBlade1And that link right there doesn't?
23:55.11Shirik|Ecolehere's the cool thing about this school: Try to open a browser manually and it takes you 10 minutes
23:55.16Shirik|Ecoleclick on a link and it takes you 5 seconds
23:55.19ScytheBlade1I see
23:55.33ScytheBlade1That explains a bit
23:55.40*** join/#wowi-lounge p3lim (
23:57.01*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|ZOMG (

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