IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080316

00:00.19Shirik|Ecolehe gets mad at me because I always find a reason to use something he's never seen before (he doesn't have much experience with C++)
00:00.40Shirik|Ecolelike the other day he was annoyed because I was "setting a function equal to zero" (pure virtual)
00:01.02batrickCidan = andrew?
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00:01.21Shirik|Ecolesomeone at my school
00:02.32Shirik|EcoleJava has infected my mind too
00:02.33Shirik|Ecoleunsigned char *buffer = new byte[nBytes]; <-- there is no "byte" in C++!!!
00:03.26Irieltypedef byte char;
00:03.28Irielnow there is!
00:03.49zenzelezzI thought it was usually typedef'ed as unsigned char, not char?
00:04.07Shirik|Ecoleactually, Java's version of byte is signed, which confuses me quite a bit
00:04.22Shirik|Ecolebut yeah I use unsigned just to make it easier on me :)
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00:15.57Corrodiashmm, there should be a way to make an unsigned byte type in java... not that i can think of one. maybe "unsigned byte".
00:16.20Corrodiasi was confused at first, too, because char can be multiple bytes (for unicode)
00:17.48pastamancertrying to do unsigned math in java is very frustrating
00:18.22Shirik|EcoleI mean, I've worked out all the formulas
00:18.47Shirik|Ecolebut it's a bit annoying because this protocol i'm working on for another bot I work on uses both unsigned and signed 16-bit values, and I need to read them byte by byte and translate
00:18.56Shirik|Ecoleand the fact that Java's byte is signed makes some of the math strange
00:19.18Shirik|Ecolefor example, the lower part of the 16-bit value is 0xFF, that's a -1
00:20.40Corrodiaswell, that sucks
00:24.46Shirik|Ecoleanyway, /me vanishes to the other computer
00:30.50IndustrialWonder if anyone ever made a flowchart for how to maximize your dps as a hunter or shaman or lock etc. I know of the shadowpriest one
00:31.25IndustrialJust looking at them might teach you some things, cause you can't learn everything by doing it yourself..
00:31.40Industrialeg, I might suck total balls at shaman but not know it
00:31.54batrickbut we know it
00:32.44Industrialk so
00:32.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (i=9b1f46cc@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
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00:32.49Industrialhow do I play enh sham
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00:50.03IndustrialI just stormstrike and autoattack, wait for crit to happen and if stormstike debuff is up use earthshock else fire and if fire is up use earth but it pretty much never gets to that:P and thats it >_>
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00:51.35IndustrialTotems is still a hairy clot of ickyness, and I rarely use them. I'd rather use mana for healing and then drink..
00:53.30Corrodiastotems are annoying, it looks to me
00:53.38Corrodiasalthough strength + agility totems make me a happy kitty
00:54.55IndustrialCompared to pallies they have it way easier, but sham can get all the buffs at the same time :P
00:55.56Shirik|Ecoleoh it was widgertick
00:55.57Shirik|Ecolesneaky sneaky
00:57.43zenzelezzI'm getting tired... was running around on my mechanostrider almost freaking out because I thought my monitor had started making noises
01:04.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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01:24.21Shirik|Ecolewtf is this: warning C4541: 'dynamic_cast' used on polymorphic type 'CCommandData' with /GR-; unpredictable behavior may result
01:25.19zenzelezz"You tried to use a feature that requires run-time type information without enabling run-time type information. Recompile with /GR."
01:26.12Corrodiasruntime type information? isn't that a java thing?
01:26.20Corrodiasor not a C thing anyway
01:26.22zenzelezzC++ uses it too
01:26.36Corrodiaswait, what am i saying
01:26.53Corrodiassorry, i'm ill, and possibly running a fever
01:27.04Corrodiasi don't know what run-time type information means
01:28.06zenzelezzdon't remember the specifics, but I think it means you can determine the type of a class at run-time; like derived classes and stuff... at least get a grip on what class an object is
01:29.34Shirik|Ecole<3 zenzelezz
01:29.34Corrodiasokay. java supports that with .GetClass() or something. i wouldn't be surprised if C++ does, too. i can't imagine what requires run-time type information except... what do they call that, polymorphism maybe
01:29.44Shirik|Ecolewhy the hell does this not have RTTI on by default
01:33.47Hobinheimhey, is there an ETA on when 2.4 will go out
01:33.57Hobinheimoh god chat broken
01:34.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
01:35.24Hobinheimhey guys is there an eta on when 2.4 will come out
01:36.48Cairennweek after next is what's been chirped into my ears
01:51.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Rayne (
01:51.23RayneAnyone have a WC3 CD Key they dont use anymore? Im dying to play. :X
01:52.08ScytheBlade1Rayne: haha. I just finished the single player campaign. ;)
01:52.12Industrialhow do I get these CRAPPY un'goro apes not to call eachother?
01:52.15Industrialcall range is insane
01:52.21ScytheBlade1MentalPower: okay, okay, fine. Updating my mirror now
01:52.21Industrialalsmot kill one get 6 adds die, again.
01:52.28Wobin_ball gags
01:52.54RayneScytheBlade1: My discs are sitting RIGHT next to me and I cant install it without a key. :/
01:53.02RayneTFT as well
01:53.28ScytheBlade1"Well, seeing as you have your discs, you can actually obtain a new key through blizzard."
01:53.38ScytheBlade1"Or you could just use a keygen, but, alas, I cannot condone that method"
01:54.40RayneAnd how would I go about doing that. O_o Ive never even HEARD of that...
01:54.48ScytheBlade1The getting a new key?
01:54.51ScytheBlade1Or the keygen? :P
01:55.11RayneIm not keygenning it, I need to update the game. :P
01:55.34RayneI got 5$ that says it wont support my Resolution though. :/
01:57.20RayneSo basicly, id wait almost a month through Canadian customs for shipping and paying 10$ plus the shipping fee itself to get a new key? gg
01:57.29ScytheBlade1Oh, canadian?
01:57.31ScytheBlade1Hahaha, you lose
01:57.36RayneId rather grind the discs up and eat them.
01:57.48ScytheBlade1I think the battle chest is $25 now?
01:57.51ScytheBlade1Maybe $30?
01:57.59RayneFinding one is the problem
01:58.11ScytheBlade1Every gamestop near me has it in stock
01:58.13RayneEveryones like "I can order you one, and it MIGHT be here in 2 weeks.'
01:58.15ScytheBlade1And Starcraft, and Diablo
01:58.29RayneScytheBlade1: No WC3, Starcraft and Diablo are present.
01:58.40RayneThe problem is, my car isnt here yet.
01:58.40ScytheBlade1Heh, ouch.
01:58.52RayneAnd the nearest gamestop is already a 20 minute busride
02:00.12ScytheBlade1I can't believe I'm saying this
02:00.18ScytheBlade1But Blizzard should put their games on steam
02:00.26RayneId cry.
02:00.29RayneAs much as id like that.
02:00.32RayneItll never happen
02:01.05ScytheBlade1I personally hate the steam _software_
02:01.19ScytheBlade1If you can't close in under two seconds, and your entire design is to *open games*
02:01.24ScytheBlade1You've got design issues
02:01.29ScytheBlade1That aside, I've actually come to like it :/
02:01.50RayneI want to play Hidden now
02:01.54RayneI miss that terribly.
02:02.14ScytheBlade1I just recently got Hyjal/BT attuned
02:02.21ScytheBlade1Hence why I'm playing the campaign though
02:03.41ScytheBlade1Video Card: 8 MB 3D Video Card
02:03.44ScytheBlade1^ min req for War3
02:03.54ScytheBlade1I played on the min req for months, it was painful :/
02:04.18IndustrialI used to play wow on 512MB RAM o_O
02:04.25Shirik|Ecole!google LNK2019
02:04.26batbotShirik|Ecole: Linker Tools Error LNK2019 (C++) <>
02:05.33zenzelezzunresolved external, I knew the code looked familiar
02:05.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (i=9b1f46cc@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
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02:06.31ShirikYay for msdn crashing IE
02:06.47Shirikalso, why the hell does Microsoft have two error codes for the same error
02:07.16ScytheBlade1Shirik: you could also ask why STRLEN("A ") on MSSQL returns 1
02:07.21ScytheBlade1Shirik: I doubt you'd get a good answer
02:08.02Shirikit's ok ScytheBlade1, every time I use strcat(), strlen(), etc. I get yelled at now
02:08.12Shirikbecause apparently it's "unsafe" because this generation of programmers are stupid
02:08.19ScytheBlade1I know that feeling
02:08.27ShirikSo use of strcat() now generates a level 3 warning
02:08.32ScytheBlade1I was building some program on VS
02:08.35ScytheBlade1And I got PAGES OF WARNINGS
02:08.50ShirikAnd I'm like "stfu I know how to use strings safely"
02:08.57Shirikand I hate using #pragma warning(disable)
02:08.58ScytheBlade1"strcpy is unsafe and depreciated. Please don't use that, and use our Microsoft replacement."
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02:09.27Shirikit's so annoying
02:09.31Shirikbecause there's nothing unsafe about it at all
02:09.40Shirikwhat's unsafe is people not knowing how to use that function correctly
02:09.52ScytheBlade1That's why .NET is a managed language ;)
02:09.53zenzelezzand that's why it's unsafe
02:09.57zenzelezzbecause people suck
02:09.59ScytheBlade1And that's why .NET is catching on ;)
02:10.03ShirikI have no problem creating a replacement, but don't go out and say that strcpy is "unsafe"
02:10.26zenzelezzI disagree Scythe, .NET is catching on because executives found a new buzz word in it
02:10.43ScytheBlade1Heh, also true
02:11.46zenzelezzone of the investors in the company I work for just can't shut up about Sharepoint
02:11.48zenzelezzwhatever that is
02:12.02ScytheBlade1Sharepoint is massive
02:12.12ScytheBlade1And incredibly awesome if you can use it
02:12.55ScytheBlade1If you can use Microsoft Server + Microsoft clients + Microsoft Server Software, you're golden
02:13.05ScytheBlade1Easiest network to administer ever (if done properly)
02:13.12IrielIts not 'magic' though, it's just a handy wiki/portal/document repository/calendar thing
02:13.23ScytheBlade1Yeah, it's an all-in-one kinda solution
02:13.33ScytheBlade1Kind of like how Exchange is now doing VOIP
02:13.34zenzelezzthe thing is, we're a PHP company ;)
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02:14.47Shirikthis sound so strange
02:14.51ShirikI just declared an "extern inline" function >.>
02:15.15zenzelezzwouldn't say that's strange
02:15.27zenzelezzinline doesn't say anything about where it is, just how it should be placed
02:15.47Shirikyeah, just at first glance though
02:16.01zenzelezzin that way I agree
02:16.02Shirikhm, but I guess static extern inline doesn't work :/
02:16.27ShirikI was hoping to optimize the code
02:16.31ShirikI guess that won't happen
02:18.03zenzelezzit's 3 at night and I'm not actually that great with C++; but what did you hope to do with static inline? As far as I know inline just says "place the function's code here instead of calling the function"
02:18.43Shirikstatic because it's a function in the class that does not rely on member variables
02:18.54Shirikextern because I wanted the code in another file, so as not to clutter my class definition
02:19.08Shirikbut I think static and extern are conflicting
02:19.35Irielthey are mutually exclusive
02:19.36zenzelezzcould be, I've never messed much with those
02:19.59ShirikI need to learn the details more :P
02:20.07ShirikI've used the language a lot, just not the... crazy stuff
02:20.10IrielC++ is a language of details
02:20.14ShirikAnd that semicolon I missed was just plain stupidity
02:20.27ShirikBut tell me, why is static and extern mutually exclusive?
02:20.55Shirikactually now that I think about it, it makes sense
02:20.55Irielstatic means 'dont export the symbol'
02:21.02Irielextern means 'export the symbol'
02:21.04zenzelezzthe details is why I like C++ so much... even if I'm not very good at it :-p
02:21.15Shirikbut see Iriel, static has another meaning too
02:21.23Irielnot on functions
02:21.44Shirika static function cannot access member variables (because there is no instance of the class)
02:21.48Irielthat's a method
02:22.04Irielnot a function
02:22.06Shirikok, static /method/
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02:22.23Shirikin either case, it's still not letting me use static (because there is no instance of the class) and extern (because I want the code in another file)
02:22.53kd3whee, tornado warnings are fun
02:23.02ScytheBlade1They would be
02:23.41Shirikalso Iriel, the people in ##c++ seem to argue it is called a "member function" instead of a "method" in C++
02:23.48Shirikthey had that argument yesterday
02:23.48Shirikbut they could also be wrong :P
02:24.25Irielfair enough
02:24.40IrielThat's more correct for C++
02:24.47IrielBut still, extern has NO meaning on those 8-)
02:24.58Shirikwell originally I didn't have it
02:25.43Shirikthen I was getting a warning indicating "inline function has no code, function will not be inlined" and I went to the MSDN page and it said "make sure your inline functions are declared with 'extern' if their code is elsewhere"
02:25.53Shirikso I did that and it got all pissy because of the static :P
02:26.20Shirikbut I gave up and just put the code in the class definition
02:26.20Shirikno big deal I just wanted it to look better
02:26.36zenzelezzI'm not sure what you're saying you're trying to do
02:26.56zenzelezzyou want to write the function's code outside of the file that the class is defined in?
02:27.09Shirikand that's pretty typical in C++
02:28.04Shirikyou'll have the class definition in the header file and the function definitions in a cpp file. This allows you to only #include the header file. You can't have the code outside of the class and inside the header file because multiple definitions of the function (because the header file is included multiple times) will cause linker errors (multiply defined symbols)
02:28.22zenzelezzyes, this I know
02:28.26zenzelezzfrom experience :-p
02:28.35zenzelezzbut I'm not seeing where the "extern" part comes in
02:28.43Shirikand putting the function definitions in another file is just cleaner because then your header file is a list of what it contains
02:28.46Shirikwell neither am I, just that's what MSDN recommended :P
02:28.47Irielthe extern is if it's not a method
02:29.14Irielmethods are implicitly external
02:32.43Shiriknow that I think about it, extern inline sounds strange; the linker would have to perform the inlining, which seems outside of the scope of what it should do
02:32.49Shirikbut I didn't invent it
02:36.33Irielextern inline mostly means 'Make an external version of this, but also inline if you can'
02:36.50Irielso things which have visibility to the definition can inline it, but other files which simply link the object can still invoke it
02:46.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Nolook_ (
02:50.40ScytheBlade1You can :Hide() non-secure frames in combat, right?
02:51.09ScytheBlade1That's what I thought, hmm
02:53.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
02:55.51ScytheBlade1The torrent for the lastest PTR build went from 800kB done
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02:56.22ScytheBlade1To 5.7MB done
02:56.27ScytheBlade1In about a second
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03:09.14Temoh shit
03:10.09Temif you go into the southshore inn in cot you can see Tirion Fordring and Mograine taking the first steps toward creating The Ashbringer
03:10.28ScytheBlade1Been that way since release!
03:10.35TemI've never been here before
03:10.45TemI just came in to buy some booze
03:10.52Tem15 stam booze
03:11.30zenzelezzit's pretty fun all you can see in there; Kel'thuzad and whatnot
03:12.43kd3wandering around outside
03:12.50ScytheBlade1He comes inside too
03:12.56Temdamn, I already hearthed out
03:12.56kd3as well as the SM cath bosses and a bunch of others
03:12.58ScytheBlade1Before his days as a Necromancer
03:13.00ShirikI <3 young blanchy though
03:13.18kd3old southshore is a who's who of recent wow lore
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03:28.19ScytheBlade1That's a fun bug on the PTR
03:28.23ScytheBlade1If I login and reload my UI
03:28.27ScytheBlade1It wipes the gmotd entirely
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03:39.13*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | WoW programming book | "so gnomes *are* particularly kinky" - zenzelezz
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04:11.12Shirikthat's awesome art3mis
04:11.20ShirikI want one :(
04:11.58ScytheBlade1lol @ this friend of mine
04:12.10Shirikyeah ok
04:12.12ScytheBlade1That was a good time
04:12.13Shirikgive me the key
04:12.19Shirikand I'll show you why it's wrong
04:12.26ScytheBlade1That was also a long while ago :P
04:12.41ScytheBlade1And a different key than the one you're thinking of
04:15.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Gwenstefani (
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04:24.36ScytheBlade1You could always read this thread
04:26.44Shirikwhy did they remove the GM's name?
04:26.59Shirik(even though it is found elsewhere in the thread, but I assume that was just a mistake)
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04:27.29kd3cs policy. not supposed to name names.
04:27.29ScytheBlade1Yes, it was removed from the OP
04:27.33kd3and wow, what a tirade
04:27.44ScytheBlade1It's pretty much an epic thread
04:27.48abyxare the player frames used in the Grid addon SecureFrames?
04:27.49ScytheBlade1But it takes some effort to read
04:28.18ShirikI gave up after I saw the title
04:28.27Shirikanyone whom claims to want to sue has my instant disapproval
04:28.38ScytheBlade1Just try to read his post
04:28.50Shirikfunny thing is, when I worked at Best Buy, SOP stated that as soon as someone said they were threatening to sue in any form, I am no longer allowed to talk to him
04:28.59Shirikwhich worked out perfectly :)
04:29.36Shirikand trust me, I got it a lot working at the tech bench :P
04:29.57Shirik"No sir, you dropped this and cracked the LCD. That's not covered." "I'll sue you if you don't fix it!"
04:30.07ShirikI really wanted to say "You'll sue us because you dropped your laptop. That's awesome."
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04:32.18ShirikOkay ScytheBlade1 I read it
04:32.25Shiriksomething tells me that person is not what he/she claims to be
04:32.41ScytheBlade1Something tells me he has a serious mental issue
04:32.46ScytheBlade1Just skim the thread for his posts
04:32.51IrielAnyone who starts with 'I have 3 accounts' has some non-normal practices
04:32.57ScytheBlade1They're difficult to read (like the first one), but yeah
04:33.22Shirik"Some items I have bought in game cost hundreds in gold. Understanding that I don't buy WOW gold from third party sites(but I continually suffer their spam in chat) it can take several days of play to accrue this amount of gold. Days of killing mobs or even days working the AH markets. "
04:33.29Shirikwait, what? You actually have to WORK to succeed?
04:33.35ShirikWhat a stupid game.
04:33.52Shirik... what does he want, a fixed I.Win button?
04:34.26ScytheBlade1"To raise awareness"
04:34.28ScytheBlade1Of what I'm not sure
04:35.05ShirikIriel, that's a good point. When I was a GM of another game, we laughed constantly (behind the scenes, of course) at the people (there were quite a few, yes) whom said that they were going to "quit with [their] 20 other accounts"
04:35.38Shirikit was impressive how many people said they had that many
04:35.48Shirikit was also impressive how many we failed to ever find a second account from :P
04:36.26IrielI used to have 2 SWG accounts  otherwise I tend to be fine with one 8-)
04:37.51Shirik:< So is this the bug JoshBorke was referring to earlier with Devtools?
04:38.06Shirik...erface\AddOns\DevTools\DevToolsEventTraceFormats.lua line 128:
04:38.06Shiriktable index is nil
04:39.42Shirik"I legally can and do expect to retain my character development!!!!! "
04:39.47Cairennwalloftext hits your for eleventy billion points of damage
04:39.54Shirikbecause, you know, I own my characters
04:39.57Shirikyou can't take them from me!
04:40.23Shirikyey Cairenn's dead, I get to take her place
04:40.25ScytheBlade1That guy is kind of awesome
04:40.26IrielShirik: No, it wasn't
04:40.32IrielShirik: How'd you cause that one?
04:41.21ScytheBlade1Okay, same thread
04:41.39ShirikIriel: Honestly, I just logged in
04:41.45Shirikhowever, I did right before log out and not shut down wow
04:41.52Shiriknot sure if that would cause it though, don't see why it should
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04:42.18kd3lmao, I had to respond to that
04:43.00ShirikKD3 got the last word in
04:43.01Shirikhe wins
04:43.02ScytheBlade1In before the lock
04:43.04kd3oh sweet, I got a reply off before the lock
04:43.34IrielShirik: Hm, wonder if it's the new events
04:43.49Shirikthis /is/ on live so that could be true
04:43.55Shirikdo you want the stack trace? Not sure how helpful it would be
04:44.12Shirikoh wait
04:44.13IrielAh yes, sorry about that
04:44.14Shirikthere isn't one, haha
04:44.18IrielIt's not very live friendly
04:44.33Shirikok that would explain it then
04:44.35ShirikI'll deal with it :P
04:44.49IrielJust comment out the offending lines, if it bothers you
04:44.57Shirikkd3: IBTL?
04:44.58IrielThey're references to the SPELL_POWER_ constants
04:45.03kd3in before the lock
04:45.15Shirikit's not a big deal Iriel I'm not concerned :)
04:45.28Shirikjust wanted to make sure it wasn't something you were unaware of
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05:02.56Shirikhey ScytheBlade1, I was considering purchasing an MSDN subscription. Is it worth it? :P
05:03.04ShirikEither professional or premium
05:03.43Shirikwait, your friend, did he have an MSDN subscription? or did he just work for microsoft?
05:03.44ShirikI forgot
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06:10.16GuillotineSo my brother (who doesn't play WoW, but plays the TCG) got the hippogryph loot card and emailed the code to me. Now I have to figure out which char to get the hippogryph on
06:12.13Finhave it on Fin
06:12.18Finthat's a good choice
06:12.26FinI think you should do that
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06:12.41GuillotineI'll probably end up using it on my priest
06:12.51Guillotinesince my druid is feral, and I can't really use pets except the wolpertinger in pvp
06:13.03GuillotineThey should really stealth when you do :(
06:13.51Guillotineright now I usually use my peddlefeet on my priest
06:18.25Wobin_Guillotine: I like idling in stealthed catform sleeping by a fire with a white kitten next to me
06:19.55Wobin_although if they stealthed, that'd be great
06:20.08Wobin_can you imagine if they detected a stealthed kitten?
06:38.29*** join/#wowi-lounge darryl (
06:46.18Shirikvisual studio is corrupt on my computer :(
06:50.31Shirikanyone know how I could convince it that it's not installed? :D
06:50.44sacarascvery big magnet?
06:51.10Shirikanyone know how I could convince it that it's not installed without killing my computer?
06:51.27Cairennuninstall it?
06:51.40sag_ich_nichtno his problem is that it's deleted but the registry keys for it are still there
06:51.50Shiriksomething like that
06:51.58Shirikthe uninstall gets stuck and the installer says it's already installed
06:51.59sag_ich_nichtso windows installer thinks it's still there and goes NO
06:52.02Cairennreinstall doesn't repair?
06:52.15sag_ich_nichtnormally it should
06:52.20Cairennthat sucks big time?
06:52.29Cairennwhat about just manually deleting the folder?
06:52.45Shirikactually I just got an interesting idea
06:52.58CairennI have lots of interesting ideas
06:53.02sag_ich_nichtlike all bigger microsoft applications, visual studio doesn't just install into one folder
06:53.13sag_ich_nichtit installs into a fuckton of them and you'll never find all of them
06:53.16Cairenndoesn't necessarily mean that any of them will help your particular situation
06:54.05Shirikapparently it's not detecting visual studio installed
06:54.05Cairennstops with the smartass comments
06:54.16Shirikit's detecting all of the other components that visual studio installs
06:54.20Shirikso I'm just going to remove all of those instead :P
06:55.04ShirikOh that's awesome
06:55.11Shirik" is requesting access to your computer"
06:55.15Shirik(just a space)
06:56.46Shirikall of the visual studio components have no name
06:56.59Shirikso if you remove them one by one it just says "(space) is requesting access to your computer"
06:58.56Shirik"Please note that .NET framework 3.5 is a critical component for Visual Studio 2005 and will prevent the creation of new projects."
06:59.03ShirikExcept that it was created years after visual studio 2005....
06:59.08ShirikI guess they used the old installer :P
06:59.24Shirik(I use 2008 >.>)
06:59.45sacarasclol, someone failed their search and replace
07:05.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ReAn (
07:10.07ShirikDuring MSDN removal: The following applications should be closed before continuing: 892
07:10.45Shirikhahaha! I looked it up, it's a pid. You know what it's the pid of? The MSDN uninstall process.
07:11.20Shirikman something is really screwed up ><
07:11.22sacarascgo ms!
07:19.10Corrodiasand thus i finish Arx Fatalis
07:39.29Guillotineholy crap, the new minesweeper has friggin sound effects
07:40.15Cairennlol, really?
07:40.34Guillotineyah, the one that comes with vista
07:41.03Shirikit does?!
07:41.05Corrodiasgood to know the deves spent their time productively
07:41.06Shirikgoes to play
07:41.38ShirikThe startup sound is awesome!
07:41.49GuillotineI know
07:42.08Guillotinein the next version of windows, Minesweeper will have full-fledged 3d graphics
07:42.16Shirikwheeeee I win
07:42.21Shirik28 seconds
07:42.29Guillotinetry clicking a mine
07:42.38Guillotineyou hear all the other mines exploding
07:43.01Shirikwhen you win it does this massive scan thingy
07:43.19Guillotinethis should have been their marketing angle for vista
07:43.25Guillotine'Minesweeper, now with sound!'
07:43.36Guillotineoh, and theres some other security features too
07:44.53Shirik"Viruses will not be able to harm your new Minesweeper sounds due to security features blocking that folder from being written to."
07:44.58CorrodiasBreaking News: Steam rocks
07:46.12GuillotineAlso, I love how when you start the chess game, it gives 3 difficulties. It has subtitles of "Level 2 on a scale of 1 to 10", "Level 5 on a scale of 1 to 10" and "Level 8 on a scale of 1 to 10". Because that is so much more accurate than "Level 1", "Level 2", and "Level 3"
07:46.45Corrodiaswhy can't it provide levels 1-10?
07:46.55Corrodiasthat's hilarious
07:47.01Shirikwtf is this purble place?
07:47.17Guillotineits just a launch app for a couple other games
07:48.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
07:49.24Olison~seen phanx
07:49.25purli haven't seen 'phanx', Olison
07:59.47Shirikdamn, the AI sucks for their hold-em poker
07:59.59ShirikMicrosoft should stick to what they think they know what they're doing
08:00.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn|Away (
08:00.32Cairennnight guys
08:06.49ReAnis there a way to find out what the width of the screen is?
08:06.57ReAnwould that be UIParent:GetWidth() ?
08:09.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Vilkku (
08:13.57batrickshirik ping
08:14.02Shirikbatrick pong
08:14.12ShirikI'm destroying Microsoft's AI right now
08:14.33Shirikah wait a sec
08:14.35Shirikneed to finish this!
08:17.55ShirikI win
08:17.57Shirikok let's do this
08:18.40Shirikbatrick: e5
08:20.02batricki'm on a shitty vista laptop so i finally get to feel your pain
08:20.26Guillotinewow, some of the music in Brawl is just amazing
08:21.51GuillotineIts amazing how video game music has changed from the simple midi sounds it used to be into these orchestral symphonies.
08:22.06batrickmelee music was pretty good
08:22.20Guillotineit was, but nothing compared to this. There are literally hundreds of songs
08:22.22batrickyou never got tired of it and that's a huge plus
08:23.23cladhaire|Pixel|: Ping!
08:27.02Shirikshould totally be allowed to do bxb5
08:27.21Shirik"THIS IS SPARTA" as he's charging the piece
08:29.47Shirikmmmm ok
08:30.45ShirikWHAT NOW
08:30.49ShirikWHAT. NOW.
08:31.30Shirikyou know
08:31.35ShirikI might have to make a chess addon for WoW
08:31.44batrickthere already is one
08:31.48batrick!g wow chess addon
08:31.48batbotbatrick: wowChess - Other - World of Warcraft Mods, Addons, and More! <>
08:32.40GuillotineShirik: if you do, have your addon integrate the latent code in the default UI for the game room
08:32.42Shirikmine would be better
08:32.58Shirikthat one doesn't have correct chess notation
08:33.00ShirikI refuse to use it
08:33.11Shirikwtf is "Pe7-e4"
08:34.17Shirikyou're not getting away that easy!
08:34.20batrickthat's not a good reason to spend all that time to make a new one :P
08:34.35batrickdoes that wowchess have an AI?
08:35.01Guillotinebatrick: I seriously doubt it
08:35.18batrickI was gonna add a chess module for batbot
08:35.29batrickthinking about how I would do an AI in Lua
08:35.43Shirikmost AIs I've seen use a scoring system
08:36.08cladhaireyou'd do an AI in Lua the same way its done in lisp/scheme
08:36.08Shirikgive each piece a point value and then a small value for various position advantages
08:36.34Guillotineor recursive future move analysis (though that wouldn't work too well in a game as complicated as chess)
08:37.11Guillotinewell, not for something you want running in WoW
08:37.20GuillotineI believe thats what the top chess computers do
08:37.39Shirik"please wait while I calculate my next move" /locks up UI
08:37.42batrickyou guys are talking about it offhand likes it's some easy exercise...
08:37.52batrickShirik: you would use coroutines
08:37.52Shirikpsh, AI
08:37.53Shirikso easy
08:37.56ShadowedEverything is easy enough if you're a stubborn bastard
08:38.03ShirikI'm a stubborn bastard
08:38.09Shirikalso batrick it's your move :P
08:38.17batrickya well
08:38.28Guillotinebatrick: it IS some easy exercise! As long as I'm not the one doing the programming
08:38.48Guillotineprogramming in theory > programming in practice
08:39.47Shirikit's obviously simple
08:39.59Shirikall you have to do is code the brain, then hook it up to the UI, and provide a notation system
08:40.03Shirikthree easy parts
08:40.30Guillotineanyway, night all
08:40.45GuillotineShirik, I expect that fully functional chess AI by tomorrow
08:40.59Shiriksorry I'll be working on another AI tomorrow :P
08:42.04Guillotinetoo bad the chess board isn't a hell of a lot bigger
08:42.08GuillotineI'd love to have a move
08:42.30Shirikbatbot: tonumber("388829", 16)
08:42.34Shirikbatbot: return tonumber("388829", 16)
08:42.38Shirik--> return tonumber("388829", 16)
08:42.38batbotShirik: > 3704873
08:42.44Shirikwtf is 0x388829
08:43.03Guillotinea move on a very geeky chess board
08:43.26*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
08:45.33Shirikthe really cool part of a chess AI is to predict moves while it's the human's turn
08:45.49Shiriktry to guess what he's going to do and calculate out from there, that means if you were right you can use all of that information and calculate further
08:46.50batrickLua is probably superior in so many ways simiply because of coroutines
08:47.08batrickyou could suspend a path so easily if the player makes a move and come back later if you want
08:47.26cladhaireumm, lisp/scheme have continuations
08:47.30cladhairewhich are much more powerful than coroutines
08:47.30cladhaireso no
08:47.41cladhairecallcc > coroutine
08:47.49batricki wasn't saying it was superior to other langauges
08:47.55batrickjust saying it's good for the job.
08:48.04cladhairebatrick: Lua is probably superior in so many ways simiply because of coroutines
08:48.10cladhairethats kind of exactly what you said :P
08:48.24batrickthat's one interpretation
08:48.35batricki was saying mostly it's great for the job
08:48.47cladhairesure, i think its appropriate
08:51.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
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08:52.44batrickwtf shirik?
08:52.56cladhairemorning Legorol
08:53.38batrickuh, are you lookin to lose your knight or wut?
08:54.15Shirikhe's not being threatened
08:54.30batrickoi fuck
08:54.41batricki meant Nc3
08:54.56ShirikI was wondering why you put him there
08:57.05Legorolmorning cladhaire
08:58.01Shirikyou know
08:58.06Shirikchess is hard to play while running WSG
09:00.24*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
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09:06.56Shirikbatrick: Mind if we save the game for tomorrow?
09:07.15ShirikI'm supposed to be at the school in 3 hours ><
09:07.16batricki guess
09:07.19Shirikand I need to get a few hours of sleep
09:10.46*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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09:13.30cladhaireGM in whelp form
09:13.38cladhairetelling me i did a good job by killingt he mobs that were on me
09:13.54cladhaireand he only wants to speak in say
09:14.16cladhairehow odd
09:14.33cladhairei want dragon whelp shapeshift =(
09:14.38cladhaireoh my god
09:14.42cladhairehe's talking to the dragon that's bugged
09:14.48cladhairei love RP gms
09:14.52cladhairei'm totally screenshotting this
09:15.52art3misdid he stick his tongue in yuo and get sucked into oblivion as his aprting message?
09:16.59art3misthinks abck to all the REALLY back poof in poof out messages gm's had in the mud days
09:17.16art3misand then comments on how weak the wow gm ones are ;)
09:17.31cladhairehe's punching this dragon
09:17.36cladhairein moonkin form
09:27.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Vangual (
09:28.01Fisker-takes out a gun
09:28.46Fisker-aims at art3mis
09:28.56Corrodiasquickly steals one of Fisker-'s electrons
09:29.22Fisker-that's unfair
09:29.37art3misdodges to the left and draws his squirrel gun, launching three shots at Fisker's unprotected legs and groin
09:29.58Fisker-~whalenuke art3mis
09:29.59purlACTION dons her radiation cloak and tinted glasses while a highly intelligent whale named Ray precipitates critical mass for uncontrolled nuclear fission around art3mis with his mind powers.
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10:26.59Dottedis away (kd3 - whee squid just went splat)
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11:50.38SroshWhat's the name of that Alliance <-> Horde slider frame (used for PvP objects)?
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12:13.13Industrialnp: utada hikaru - beautiful world
12:16.49Corrodiasdelightfully skimpy
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13:12.28zenzelezzmorning, peppy
13:13.17LopeppeppyMorning, zenzelezz!  How goes the Sundaytime?
13:13.28zenzelezznot bad so far
13:13.36zenzelezzthinking of getting some breakfast
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13:20.18LopeppeppyI have toast.
13:20.26LopeppeppyI forgot the orange juice though, I'm sad.
13:21.00zenzelezzcomforts peppy
13:26.26LopeppeppyAwww.  *hug*
13:28.09Fincheers himself for finally getting off his arse and writing a proper search for wowmods
13:28.37Finfinally I won't have to check each site to find out where an addon's hosted, I can just go from my OWN site :)
13:29.50FinI think this'll be the only way of searching all the major hosting sites as well
13:29.54Finonly one I know of anyway
13:32.26Dotoffis away (kd3 - whee squid just went splat)
13:32.30foxlit[ ]
13:33.11Finyeah, I know about that
13:33.20FinI don't consider it actually usable
13:34.00foxlitwhy oh why?
13:35.24Finsearch for I don't want duplicate results across sites, I don't want useless pages included in the results, I don't want multiple results for the same places on a site (with different URLs) (cf. earlier duplicates requirement), I want to search, I want useful information in the search results instead of random page header bits
13:35.33Fin-search for
13:35.59FinI was going to say, search for "chat" - the results aren't exactly what I'd be looking for
13:38.11FinI want to be able to search for category names or mod types, and actual addon names, and authors by name, and I want to be able to restrict the search to individual sites
13:39.26Fineven if I thought the Google hack was enough
13:39.47Finit would *still* be stupid for me not to add the ability to search on my little site
13:40.21foxlitJust one question: I don't suppose people actually publish usable metadata that actively, so what are you searching based on?
13:40.22Finit's building up a nice db of addons across the different hosting sites with all sorts of metadata and stuff, it should be easily to find stuff you saw earlier
13:40.57Lopeppeppydances in bear form for cookies
13:41.00Finwants to add metadata for each addon available as XML as well
13:41.18Finfoxlit: doesn't work for me btw, I wonder what happened to it
13:42.25foxlitURL appears dead, and it shouuld be a bit early for it to lapse
13:43.34Fin[mimi:pgl]:~ $ whois | grep NS | head -1 Name Server: NS1.SEDOPARKING.COM
13:43.42foxlitCreated on: 21-Nov-07
13:43.42foxlitExpires on: 21-Nov-08
13:43.44Finseoparking, pff
13:44.01FinWoW certainly does attract the bottom feeders
13:44.31Finright! I'm off to deliver my cat
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14:52.47zenzelezz$379 for a Frostmourne replica... I wonder if it would pass customs
14:54.08Lopeppeppy... likely not.
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16:41.05Finls [mimi:root]:/data2/mp3 # rm -rf fuckeddir/
16:41.05Finrm: fuckeddir/: File exists
16:41.23foxlitdon't add trailing slash
16:41.31Finit doesn't make any difference
16:41.45Finthis is a fucked filesystem I think
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16:42.23Finunfortunately it's an NTFS filesystem and there's no fsck_ntfs
16:42.36Finwhat a weird error though
16:43.03Finsearched Google, and all I've found so far is people asking about the same thing in mailing lists and stuff, with no actual explanation yet :)
16:44.45nevcairielboot winblows and let it fix the fs
16:46.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Tinyboom (
16:49.12MentalPowerFin: nevcairiel's suggestion is prolly the only option
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17:10.47SeerahFin: I'm glad you're enjoying ReagentRestocker ;)
17:14.44Lopeppeppyhugs |Jelly|
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17:31.05Finreads IRC scrollback in reverse order
17:31.11FinSeerah: :)
17:31.48Finconcurs that booting Windows to run chkdsk is the only way to fix this "file exists" error
17:32.06Fin(after spending a while searching for more information about ti)
17:32.33Finthere simply is no chkdsk for *nix, it looks like
17:33.20Finwhat's the easiest way to make something I can boot from that includes chkdsk
17:34.03ScytheBlade1There *is* a linux fsck for NTFS, you know
17:34.08ScytheBlade112:42 < Fin> unfortunately it's an NTFS filesystem and there's no fsck_ntfs
17:34.13Finactually I think I can't be arsed with this, I'm just going to reformat the drive as ext2fs
17:34.13ScytheBlade1You would be wrong ;)
17:34.17Finplease, enlighten me
17:34.52Finthat is not fsck
17:35.03ScytheBlade1It performs the same functions!
17:35.07Finno it doesn't
17:35.33ScytheBlade1I've used it on a drive that had some really funky stuff happen to it, wasn't recognized as an NTFS partition even
17:35.34[Liquidor] - Would that be an idea?
17:35.50FinI hope four lines isn't considered spam
17:35.53Finapologies if so
17:35.58ScytheBlade1Ran it, and it started working again + files that were deleted came back even
17:36.42FinI've already run ntfsfix - although thank you very much for the advice - it's repaired what it can and the problem still exists
17:37.08ScytheBlade1Wait, this partition have windows on it?
17:37.33Finthe closest I've come to what I wanted was ntfsck, part of the ntfsprogs collection, which doesn't exist yet
17:37.45Finit's just an NTFS drive I have in another machine
17:37.51Finincidentally, it's not Linux
17:38.11ScytheBlade1If you run ntfsfix and then pop that drive into a windows machine, it should auto chkdsk it
17:38.11Fina Linux chkdsk would be progress though :) I could probably get it to run
17:38.53FinI'd rather boot off something with chkdsk available though
17:39.18ScytheBlade1Doesn't the XP recovery console (CD) have it?
17:39.35ScytheBlade1Actually, that wouldn't work
17:39.37FinI'm not 100% sure, honestly
17:39.43ScytheBlade1As it requres an existing XP install to function
17:40.01FinI'm going to go check my old standy, 911-CD :)
17:40.44Finit's a bit outdated now, but it's reliable from experience
17:42.04Finthanks everyone for at least trying! much love and kisses
17:44.44FinSeerah: yeah, I do the same thing with ReagentRestocker - add an item and set it to 0 items wanted, it's great
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17:50.34zenzelezzhm, on my realm there's an alliance guild <Courageous PvP> and a horde guild <Not So Courageous PvP> o_O
17:56.13zenzelezzcan you spawn Mojo as many times as you want at the same time? There's a guy here with like 20+ around him all marked as his Companion
17:57.24ScytheBlade1That's a known bug in the "companion" system, you can do that with anything like that
17:57.40ScytheBlade1To that end, do it enough, and you can get a warning due to zone disruption
17:57.47zenzelezzreally? I thought you unsummoned the second click
17:58.03ScytheBlade1You do, but, they are abusing a bug
17:58.06ScytheBlade1The details I wouldn't know
18:19.41ScytheBlade1$15/month for "unlimited" (5GB cap) data over cell phone
18:19.44ScytheBlade1Good idea/bad idea?
18:30.03zenzelezzI do wish Blizzard hadn't put Doomwalker right outside Black Temple
18:30.17zenzelezzall the people sitting outside waiting for a spot in the raid just love aggroing him over and over and over
18:33.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (n=elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
18:42.09Finhas solved his "rm: file found" issue
18:42.42*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
18:42.54zenzelezzFin: what was the trick?
18:43.01Fin[mimi:root]:~ # newfs -U -O2 /dev/ad0s1d
18:44.11Fin(the trick: install a new filesystem)
18:44.30zenzelezzwill have to remember that one
18:44.53Finsaves rebooting
18:45.27FinI /suppose/ it's not /always/ entirely possible, but, hey! plan ahead!
18:45.51Fisker-rapes Fin
18:45.58Fisker-we killed an archimonde!
18:46.13[dRaCo]I can has loot?
18:46.28Fisker-can not :(
18:46.54*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
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19:02.43foxlit2x [Hunter's Robes of the Hunter]?
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19:34.34Shirik~x fr en vitesse du cauchemar
19:40.18Tem"Failed to apply Patch"
19:47.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
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19:50.20Shirikpart of the results for the 24-hour programming competition came back
19:50.38Shirikfor number of problems submitted, we scored in the top 15th percentile out of about 200 teams
19:50.49Shirikquestion still remains of how many points we got
19:51.06Shirikbut we didn't submit a problem unless we were pretty sure it was right
19:51.29|pez|I want to write a hissyreply at a comment my aunt left on my blog. -__-'
19:51.30batricki almost went to the one here at UNM
19:51.37batrickbut I don't like IEEE much at all
19:52.00Cide|pez|: doit
19:52.22zenzelezz|pez|: it's your blog, if she can't handle it then she shouldn't have posted
19:52.34|pez|zenzelezz: ah, see
19:52.36|pez|the thing is.
19:52.53|pez|she sent me  a SMS, like yesterday, a whole day after she commented.
19:53.07|pez|saying "Since I didn't get a reply, blablabla, I'll send you an SMS"
19:53.26|pez|and I'm sitting here thinking... it's been... a day... ONE DAY
19:53.30|pez|since she commented.
19:53.34|pez|and she nags about a reply.
19:54.11|pez|And it took 3 days for her to even comment on my entry. So I'm like... wtf. -__-'
19:54.17|pez|my aunt is... special.
19:55.08ShirikAlso I'm talking to an insider on the guild I want to join (top guild on the server) whom had me do a trial run with them thursday
19:55.33Shirik"Mal (the GM and de-facto healing lead) said you did great :-)" <-- I don't believe him >.>
19:56.01Shirikoh shit!
19:56.11ShirikHe just linked me the wowwebstats and I came up second o.o
19:56.11ScytheBlade1Shirik is for hard core?
19:56.22ShirikI thought I did so much worse than that
19:56.28ScytheBlade1Wait a minute
19:56.30Shirik2nd and 55% overheal
19:56.31batrickcongratulates Shirik.
19:56.33ScytheBlade1Is this top guild like
19:56.38ScytheBlade1Karazahn level?
19:56.46ScytheBlade1Are you one of "those" servers?
19:56.56ShirikWell I only got second by 23k
19:56.58Shirikbut still
19:57.11ScytheBlade1Grats on Prince?
19:57.25Shirikstfu this was SSC ><
19:57.34ScytheBlade1That was far too easy
19:57.39Shirikand this was a trial run so obviously not what they're working on
19:57.55ScytheBlade1What are they working on?
19:58.32Temis 55% overheal high?
19:58.34Temor low?
19:58.36Temor normal?
19:58.40ScytheBlade1Normal for a priest
19:58.47ScytheBlade1Depends on the fight
19:58.53Shirikit's a little high
19:58.53ScytheBlade1I vote Shirik links us the WWS ;)
19:58.58ShirikI typically average 40%
19:59.21Temso, 40% of your heals land on a full health target?
19:59.36ScytheBlade1What the kind of name is that for a mage?
19:59.38zenzelezzso the phoenix mount dropped... five max-DKP bids :-p
19:59.51art3misunderbog collossus?
19:59.54art3mishah thats awesome
19:59.58Temthat mage is arcane
20:00.05ShirikTem: More like 80% of my heals land with 20% overheal :P
20:00.06ScytheBlade1And Unlucky is epic fail
20:00.09Shirikor something like that
20:00.26Temdouble ewwww
20:00.35Temthat mage used Major Dreamless Sleep pot
20:00.45Shirikhe got mad because people were dispelling it
20:00.46ShirikI remember that
20:00.48Tem"Hey guys, I'm gonna just chill and stop dpsing for a bit."
20:00.58Shirikand then someone was like "stfu if you're using it, it deserves to be dispelled"
20:01.04ScytheBlade1Time to look at Shirik in detail!
20:01.16Temwtf @ casting pyro
20:01.25Temoh, I guess they were all pomed
20:01.37ScytheBlade1Nicely done, that's a lot of effective gheal
20:01.52ScytheBlade1Needs more renew imo ^^
20:01.58Shirik48% effective!
20:02.15Temoh rofl
20:02.20ScytheBlade1And CoH is op, but, we all know that
20:02.29Shirikyeah ScytheBlade1, renew is one of my biggest flaws, I know that already
20:02.32Temall of their mages are arcane
20:02.32ShirikI don't cast it nearly enough
20:02.41Temand most of them are losing to a warrior
20:02.41ScytheBlade1That could have bumped you up to #1
20:02.44Temwhich is epic fail
20:03.30ScytheBlade1Actually no
20:03.38ScytheBlade1I thought your 23k gap was between 1 and 2
20:03.40ScytheBlade1Not 2 and 3
20:03.50ScytheBlade1If you placed #1 over a good resto shaman I'd wtf
20:03.55ScytheBlade1And then pay for your server transfer
20:04.14Shirikmy gear is pretty bad compared to theirs too
20:04.25Shirikthe only one really comperable to me is Preacher
20:04.35ScytheBlade1Who isn't on that list
20:04.49Shirikyeah he is
20:04.54ScytheBlade1... lol
20:04.58ScytheBlade1I was looking for white text
20:05.04ScytheBlade1Preacher, Priest, etc
20:05.08ScytheBlade1Not looking for a druid, haha
20:05.26ScytheBlade1That... wow
20:05.33ScytheBlade1That druid is amazing fail
20:05.41ScytheBlade1Amazing amounts of fail
20:06.33TemScytheBlade1, there's a preacher in my guild
20:06.36Temhe's a pally
20:06.40ScytheBlade1Pally fits
20:06.43ScytheBlade1Priest fits
20:06.46ScytheBlade1Druid? Not so much
20:07.22ScytheBlade1He's not even remotely good either
20:07.23ShirikScytheBlade1, that druid has been feral his entire time up until last week
20:07.29Shirikso I forgive him for that
20:07.44ScytheBlade1That explains a bit
20:07.51ScytheBlade1But uh, 10 of total healing = lifebloom?
20:07.53ScytheBlade1Only 10%?
20:08.08Shirikthe majority of lifebloom also wouldn't show on the meters
20:08.13Shirikit credits it to the person it was on
20:08.23Shirikwell the "whomp" part of it
20:08.23ScytheBlade1I know how the bloom works, I have a PvE resto myself ;)
20:08.37ScytheBlade1And that is a minimum of 50% of my healing, more depending on the fight ;)
20:09.01ScytheBlade1Tell him to replace his Regrowth with Lifebloom and he'll be fine
20:09.16ShirikI want to know why underbog collosus is down there
20:09.31ScytheBlade1And listed as a pally
20:09.47kd3someone got MC'd?
20:09.48Fisker-obducts Shirik
20:09.57ScytheBlade1Ah. That would fit
20:10.05Fisker-no u
20:10.24Fisker-stop being right Tem
20:10.31Fisker-that's not cool
20:10.41ScytheBlade1Heh, you had a spriest and a shaman in your groups?
20:10.53Shiriksounds right
20:10.59*** join/#wowi-lounge testleK (n=chatzill@
20:11.03Shirikthis shadow priest was INSANE
20:11.06ScytheBlade1Well, that's what WWS is telling me
20:11.11*** part/#wowi-lounge testleK (n=chatzill@
20:11.13Temand yet his dps was terribad?
20:11.17ShirikI don't think I ever dropped below 90%
20:11.29Temeven the ferals beat him
20:11.29ShirikI felt so bad because I'm ending fights full
20:11.48ShirikI believe so
20:12.16Temor are shadow priests /usually/ just more than half of top dps?
20:13.04sacarascas an enchancement shaman i don't think i've ever been outdamaged by a shadow priest...
20:13.26Temoh dear
20:13.28ScytheBlade1To be honest, it is REALLY HARD to play a shadow priest properly
20:13.30Temthose ferals were tanks
20:13.42Tem(part of the time, anyway)
20:14.03ShirikI can't explain why their DPS was so incredibly low
20:14.10Shirikbut they were still managing to throw me a lot of mana
20:14.17Shirikand that's the more important part about them imo :P
20:14.19Temnerf clearcasting?
20:14.51Shirikoh please
20:14.55Shirikclearcasting didn't proc THAT much
20:15.10Shirikoh wow 39
20:16.30Shirikbut still, 114k mana from vampiric touch
20:16.32Temfull mana - 39 greater heals = oom
20:16.45ScytheBlade1114k isn't out of the ordinary for any spriest who knows how to play
20:16.52Shirikit's out of the ordinary for me!
20:16.57ShirikI'm used to kara and ZA
20:16.59Shiriknot BT-geared priests
20:17.17ScytheBlade1Their biggest problem is /not/ doing 100% DPS, but instead dropping it to provide constant mana over the entire fight without hitting the threat cap
20:17.21Temspeaking of kara, I have to OT one in a bit
20:17.27Temgoes to get some food before the fun
20:17.33art3misScytheBlade1: nah shadowp[riests are ez mode
20:17.44art3misif you made it to 70 yuo understand the principle
20:17.50art3misif you dont go roll lock ;P
20:18.15Shirikhonestyl ScytheBlade1's right, the #1 complaint I hear is the threat problem
20:18.25art3misits not that hard really
20:18.32art3misfade is great ;P
20:18.39Shirikoh yeah, fade!
20:18.44ShirikWhat a great aggro reduciing ability
20:19.00Shirikenough to get off half a mind blast for 15 seconds
20:19.02art3misi only steal aggro in raids/parties if we're playing the steal aggro game
20:19.15Finthe aggro dump that gives back!
20:19.17Shiriksteal aggro game?
20:19.25art3misand im usually top 3 for damage and top 5 for healing
20:19.34art3misyou TRY to steal the tanks aggro
20:19.39ScytheBlade1Yeah, priests who think fade drops their threat for good make me /facepalm
20:19.42Shirikand then you die?
20:19.44art3misit's a fun game to teach tanks how to control themselves
20:19.56art3misive only died 1 or two times
20:20.00Finit's a fun game pissing off the tanks!
20:20.10art3miswe're all playing the game
20:20.17art3misi dint see how it would piss the tank off
20:20.47ScytheBlade1Any spriest of equal gear level relative to the tanks will usually wind up riding the threat cap a few minutes into the fight, if not earlier
20:20.52Finmaybe you should try tanking with a shadow priest priest intentionally attempting to take aggro off you
20:20.53art3misif you've never played that game in raids or parties you're taking it far to seriously ;P
20:21.03Finoh sure I have!
20:21.06FinI said it was a fun game, duh
20:21.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Dekster (
20:21.29Finlet's fight!@
20:21.31art3misFin: actually i misread over the top of my cofee mug, apologies ;P
20:22.03Finadopts the stance of the Lying Spider
20:22.15art3misScytheBlade1: nods but threat drops it a bit and you oly have to mot nf for about 3 seconds to get it under control
20:22.32art3misfroms the shape of Janna's tampon.
20:22.41ScytheBlade1"bit and you oly have to mot nf for"
20:22.50ScytheBlade1Try that again, in English?
20:22.59art3mishrm my keyboard doesnt seemt o like me today
20:23.07ScytheBlade1No, no it does not
20:23.16art3misyou only have to stop mf for about 3 seconds
20:23.47art3mison a good tank thats more than enough time for them to get about 10k ahead of you
20:23.55ScytheBlade1Depends on the encounter, tank, tank class, gear, relative gear levels, etc :P
20:24.16ScytheBlade13s to generate 10k threat
20:24.20ScytheBlade1Is 3333TPS
20:24.24ScytheBlade1.... wtb a tank that does that
20:24.28art3misthen you can go balls out make up the ve/vt time and still come in about 3k short for the rest of the fight IF he doesnt die, get an aggro flush or the mob doesnt fear him
20:25.05art3misScytheBlade1: a slight exageration of course but you get the idea
20:25.15ScytheBlade1Slight? lol
20:25.40art3misheh actually in my average delay i get the tank about 5-7k above me before i start
20:25.44art3misusing fade n stuff
20:25.57art3misand still get top 3 and top 5
20:26.11ScytheBlade1What content are you raiding?
20:26.36art3misthis was pre tbc and kara and gruul
20:26.41Fisker-kills art3mis
20:26.49ScytheBlade1Because see
20:27.06ScytheBlade1Here, have a T6 guild on Teron Gorefiend:
20:28.03ScytheBlade1Even their tanks are below 3333TPS, haha
20:28.04art3misim merely saying that if you've been shadow for as long as you've had a priest it's not that hard ;P
20:28.36art3mison our gruul runs ive only ever died on a double crit ;P
20:28.39art3mison the guards
20:28.52art3mis2500mb 3200 sw:d ;P
20:28.57ScytheBlade1Best spriest I've known spent the entire time threat capped while still doing less DPS than I was
20:28.57art3misthen a large club to my skull
20:29.17ScytheBlade1He gave me 30k mana on a single run at Void Reaver
20:29.24sacaraschah, we suck... just wiped on maiden before the first repentance
20:29.51art3misi love being in 3 pally 1 lock groups
20:29.59art3misthose make me feel pretty
20:46.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Keias (
20:48.44Shiriklol batrick, you'll appreciate this
20:49.57batrickI'm at my server I don't have a browser atm :P
20:49.57Shiriklet me guess
20:49.59Shirikon a terminal
20:50.06Shirikfine I'll PM it to you
20:50.15batrickthat will help how?
20:50.21ShirikI'll cat it to you
20:50.32batricko right it's a pastey
20:50.34batrickyou can pm me
20:50.43batrickdon't you date broadcast that shit!
20:52.39batrickmay the fleas of a thousand camels nest in your genitals Shirik.
20:53.03Shirikwall ftw
20:53.04batrickbtw u got ownT
20:53.22zenzelezzhow so?
20:53.33Shiriksee pastey
20:53.36zenzelezzI did
20:53.44zenzelezzbut I don't see how that is "being owned"
20:53.57zenzelezzeven trying to compare VS with Eclipse should be a capital offense
20:53.59Shirikoh whops
20:54.06Shirikapparently ckknight's logged in too
20:54.28Shirikhopes he didn't mind the spam
20:56.32batrickgo get a real IDE and compiler shirik
20:56.40Shirikwhat like netbeans?
20:56.43ShirikGot it already thx
20:56.45batrickno like vim
20:56.51ShirikVim is not an ide :P
20:56.55ShirikBut I use Vim when I'm on Linux
20:56.59batrickit is when i use it
20:57.00art3misvim is for kitchens and abthrooms bat
20:57.04ShirikI want to stab Andrew he uses Kate
20:57.09ShirikAnd I'm like wtf you use Kate
20:57.12zenzelezzI use VC++ even for my linux code
20:57.13purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
20:57.26batrickzenzelezz: u are filth
20:57.30art3miszenzelezz: thats because you have cloven hooves
20:57.38Shirik~bow zenzelezz
20:57.39batrickfor once art3mis speaks the truth
20:57.57Shirikyou can't deny Visual Studio's debugging abilities are some of the best
20:58.06art3mistackles cairenn and tickle licks her sexy nymphish frame
20:58.09batricki shit on VS's debugging abilities
20:58.18Cairennfalls over and giggles
20:58.21art3misi can deny it day in day out shirik ;P
20:58.26art3misjust watch me ;)
20:58.27Shirikwell you'd be lying :P
20:58.28batrickwouldn't need such greate debugging fascilities if the compiler wasn't such shit!
20:58.36art3misyou never said i had to sp3eak truth
20:58.41Shirikbatrick: Yes, because it's totally the compiler's fault that the programmer fails
20:58.43zenzelezzbatrick: what's bad about the VC++ compiler?
20:59.06batricki'm merely making fun of shirik's inability to compile our library on winblows
20:59.08zenzelezzit wasn't that great back in VC++6, but it's fairly solid these days
20:59.27art3misthe only thing about the vs stuff that i dont much like is the "virtual appearnace" of resouces and headers
20:59.31Shirikfor (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) ;
20:59.35Shirikprintf("%d", i)
20:59.39Shirikyeah that's legal!
20:59.44Shirik<3 VC++6
21:00.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
21:00.08art3misim used to commandline directory structure mud code ;P
21:00.10*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
21:00.16art3miswhere libs were .h and you liked it!
21:00.21batrickwhat the hellis that shirik
21:00.32Shirikthat's a variable in a for loop being accessed outside of it
21:00.37Shirikwhich apparently VC++6 thought was legal
21:00.39batrickyes I got that...
21:00.40art3misthe ide is kind of ugly too ;P
21:00.58batrickanyway i'm out
21:02.08art3misbut i can bring myself to ue anything else
21:02.08Cairennbye batrick
21:02.31Shirikart3mis: Ugly like Eclipse?
21:02.42art3misthe VS ide is ugly
21:02.46art3misits too windowsy
21:03.02art3misim a console kid for programming
21:03.03zenzelezzI by far prefer the Windows GUI style to the Linux ones
21:03.20ckknightShirik: what's all this, then?
21:03.26art3mistrue but gui just makes my teeth itch
21:03.34art3miswin32 or nix
21:03.37Shirikheh, I used wall to broadcast something to batrick
21:03.40Shirikdidn't realize you were logged in :P
21:04.10ckknightum, okay then
21:04.14art3mishey zen
21:04.44art3miscan you change the sidebar thingy in VS so that it's just a files list of your projkect with dir structure and stuff and not that stupid projct crap listing?
21:05.33art3mismaybe im gonna have to play with layout a bit more then
21:06.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Nolook (
21:06.37zenzelezzI don't like the layout of stuff in VC++ by default, but I can configure it to my liking. But I am somewhat of a VC++ fanboi
21:07.03ShirikI am definitely a VC++ fanboi
21:07.15Shirikits debugger has helped me in ways you can only imagine :P
21:07.29art3misthe way *I* imagine?
21:07.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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21:07.34art3misor the way normal people do?
21:07.35Shirikand at /W4 its warnings can be very useful, minus the stupid "lol sprintf is unsafe"
21:08.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Nolook (
21:09.16IrielShirik: Since you're selling your soul to microsoft anway, can you not just use sprintf_s
21:09.27Shirikno, I need it to be platform independent :P
21:09.36ShirikAnd I know how to use sprintf safely ><
21:09.50ShirikI should just #define _CRT_NO_DEPRECATE but I'm worried it might actually be useful.... once...
21:10.02ShirikI have a (bad?) habit of refusing to disable warnings
21:10.29zenzelezzwarnings are just information, they can be ignored
21:10.47Irielnot a bad habit at all, though it's nice if your compiler lets you silence a specific class of them
21:11.13IrielI was a big fan of -Wall -pedantic -O2 with GCC
21:12.21IrielAnd for anyone who wonders 'Why is -O2 relevant there' it's because there were certain code flow analysis warnings that only happened when the optimizer did the flow analysis
21:13.43Temat the ACM contest, if you get warnings on -Wall -pedantic -ANSI, you lose
21:14.09IrielAs it should be 8-)
21:14.23IrielSpeaking of the ACM, they send me a nice little 1GB USB flash drive for being a member for 10 years
21:14.37Temit's the -ANSI and -pedantic parts that get to me
21:14.53Teminvariably I try to do  for(int i=0;...)
21:15.08Shirikwhat's wrong with that?
21:15.12Temit's not ANSI
21:15.20Shiriksince when?
21:15.21Temint i=0
21:15.25Temyou can't do that in C
21:15.42Temnot in a for declaration, anyway
21:16.00ShirikI've never had a compiler complain that you can't do it. I've had compilers disagree on the scope of "i" but that's it...
21:16.05Shirikoh wait, C
21:16.12Shiriknm ^^
21:16.22ShirikI remember tornado giving me a ton of hassle over that
21:17.01art3mistime to turn my sbs2k3 machine into a fbsd7 box!
21:19.01Fisker-screw you!
21:21.05*** join/#wowi-lounge kaomie (
21:22.51mikmahey folks, what does ".esmir" do when gm types it in the chat?
21:23.11[dRaCo]delete your character!
21:32.33Cairennhey kaomie :)
21:33.25kaomieI am proud to have triggered Murphy law to make the site come back
21:34.02CairennI appreciate the fact you were going to come let us know, though :)
21:36.24kaomieyes I had to reply to Kimundi
21:36.57Cairennand hey, it got you to come hang out with us in here, so there's a silver lining to the site having been down
21:37.26*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
21:37.37kaomieI guess so
21:41.00Cairennbye MentalPower
21:44.04kaomieah always blame the switch first
21:44.11kaomiedang should I though about it
21:45.15kergothhunter pets have the aggro radius of the hunter, right?
21:45.16*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | WoW programming book | "I knew it was something stupid >.>" - Shirik
21:45.33zenzelezzkergoth: think so
21:46.13kaomiesomehow I would say they have a much lower chance to agro
21:47.23kergothi was thinking it was the same as the hunter, so you could bring a lowbie pet to an instance to get it xp without it aggroing half the instance
21:47.31kergothseem to remember reading it .. somewhere
21:48.01kaomieI just remember going to some caves for mining and my pet could walk through mobs without agroing
21:50.12*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
21:50.29kaomieyou should be able to bring him anyway, just keep him next to you
21:51.30Corrodiasit is, as far as i know, lower than the hunter
21:51.43kergothhmm, okay then
21:51.45Corrodiasbut by how much, or for bosses with static aggro ranges, i don't know
21:52.39Shirik~kill Cairenn
21:52.39purlACTION shoots a hyper-charged fluxproton gun at Cairenn
21:53.06Shirikyou can't cry, you're dead
21:53.24kaomieche resisted
21:53.29Cairennsobs quietly
21:53.46Shirik~hug Cairenn
21:53.46purlACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs Cairenn
21:53.52Cairennhugs Shirik
21:56.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
21:57.03kaomieappears to be the same range as the Hunter yes
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22:10.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaomie (
22:14.08CairennI have SUCH a good kiddo
22:14.13Cairennshe brought me a treat
22:14.15Industrialwhy :D
22:14.30zenzelezzwhat was his name?
22:14.31Cairennbar of fair-trade dark chocolate
22:14.36Cairennit is SO yummy!
22:14.58Industrialin 10 minutes youll hear "sooooo mom..."
22:15.00Cairennorgasms on the spot
22:15.40zenzelezzI suspect this is the wrong time to say "SS or it didn't happen"
22:15.47art3misjust as a note it's disturbing if your children make you orgasm
22:15.54Cairennshe didn't
22:15.57Cairennthe chocolate did
22:16.03art3misand who brought the chocolate?
22:16.24art3misthats like saying "it wasnt you it was the toy" ;)
22:16.40zenzelezzwell your girlfriend's parents are responsible for her being around; do you credit them for your orgasms?
22:16.53art3misalthough on a completely unrelated note, she's of legal age isnt she ;)
22:17.02Cairennthat she is
22:17.06*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
22:17.11art3miszenzelezz: technically yes
22:17.22zenzelezzthat must be disturbing
22:17.26kd3I uh...
22:17.29art3misnah her moms hot ;)
22:17.30kd3tabs out for a minute
22:17.42zenzelezzart3mis: what about her father?
22:17.55art3misnot really my type i suppose ;)
22:18.02*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
22:18.51art3misCairenn: wanna make a video? *snickers* it'll be a niche thing, bring yer daughter along next time
22:18.58art3missnickers more.
22:19.06Cairennsmacks art3mis
22:19.14bleeterwootz it werkz
22:19.39art3misone of my old friends used to say there was no chance i'd EVER be talkign to her daughter because i was "the source of all evil in the universe"
22:19.42Cairennhi bleeter
22:20.03art3misold friend == mom btw (who was a hottie)
22:24.29Industrialnp: noma kumiko - lilium (elfen lied ost)
22:24.42Industrialsuch a nice sad song
22:24.50Corrodiasyour mom, who you consider a hottie, called you the source of all evil and, for that reason, forbade you from talking to your sister?
22:25.08KaomieI understaood the same ting actually
22:25.21CairennI think he's talking about mom-in-law
22:26.17zenzelezznormally I'd agree Cairenn, but this is art3mis...
22:27.54art3misand besidse you cant blame me for yer daughter being a hottie cairenn, it's all yer fault and your sexy jeans
22:28.15art3misno jeans
22:28.19art3mishave you seen her ass?
22:28.28Industrialpics or it didnt happen
22:28.35ScytheBlade1Industrial: there ARE pics
22:28.35Kaomiethere is a pic
22:28.35art3misim surprised she doesnt have more kids ;)
22:28.41Industriali know, but I dont have them
22:28.54ScytheBlade1Good thing I posted them on some forum
22:28.56Kaomiethey are on the forums
22:28.58ScytheBlade1Where I can easily find the thread
22:30.24Industriallol @ comment
22:30.31ScytheBlade1Try that comment
22:30.46Cairennloves that comment
22:31.09Cairennthinks that comment is hilarious
22:31.16ScytheBlade1"She's like a little frisky hamster, hopped up on sugar and crack.
22:32.14IrielIt's funny because it's true
22:32.44Cairennare you suggesting I was bouncing around all over the place Iriel?
22:33.02art3missee sexy jeans ;P
22:33.57IrielYou have a bizarre source of energy, unknown to normal mortal man, plus you're a pain to take good pictures of because you refuse to cooperate
22:34.40IrielI'm prepared better for the next time
22:34.47Cairennaw crap
22:34.52Iriel1) New camera, much better batteries - CHECK
22:34.55batrickcairenn cloaks herself in darkmatter
22:34.58ScytheBlade1I just like her face here:
22:34.59Iriel2) Built in and external flash - CHECK
22:35.09ScytheBlade1It's... indescribable (only spelled right)
22:35.15Iriel3) Normal-ish lens with Vibration Reduction - CHECK
22:35.22Iriel4) 8GB Flash Card - CHECK
22:35.42Cairenndecides she isn't going to the next blizzcon after all
22:35.46ScytheBlade1Cairenn: uh-oh. Sounds like you have it coming.
22:36.05Cairennjust so long as I still have it going, too ;)
22:39.01KeiasI like how the thumbnails to the side show Cairenn's ass
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22:41.40art3misthe #wowi-lounge pic isnt anything like i'd imagine
22:41.58ScytheBlade1I know. You all look like clean, borderline normal people.
22:41.59art3misfor one it doesnt have shirik running around like Egbert
22:42.19art3mis2. they're all wearing clothes
22:42.33ScytheBlade1There you go, nail on the head
22:42.37art3mis3. beer and pizza boxes seem strangley absent
22:42.57Cairennthat's because there are no pics of the after party party
22:43.12art3miswowi-lounge doesnt havef parties
22:43.15|pez|wahaha, after partyparties are the best.
22:43.17art3misso that doesnt cuont
22:43.28art3misspeaking of sexy asses
22:43.30art3mishi pez
22:43.58|pez|I can't remember showing you my ass. -_0
22:44.42zenzelezzwhen you register the domain cuddlebutt or whatever it was then it's assumed you have a sexy ass
22:44.56Shirikso how can I get Cairenn to /ignore me?
22:45.10Cairennjust keep making comments about my ass
22:45.31|pez|zenzelezz: pfff, no it's not!
22:45.38|pez|it's assumed I have a strange sense of humor.
22:45.46zenzelezznot in this channel |pez|
22:46.13|pez|you all fail then! :o
22:46.22zenzelezzI don't object to that
22:46.48zenzelezzI thought you'd have figured that from my constant sexual remarks
22:46.52|pez|Ohoh, I btw, look new and shiny with shiny colored red hair, and plucked eyebrows (I never do that, it scares me, and hurts )
22:47.07art3mis|pez|: you're too clsoe to the topic, we're a much ebtter source of ego stroking for you
22:47.14zenzelezz|pez|: SS or it didn't happen
22:47.20art3mismakes grabbie hands
22:47.30zenzelezzhands off, she's mine
22:47.42art3mistechnically shes her boy's
22:47.44|pez|There is no pictures of it!
22:47.44zenzelezzshe just doesn't know it yet
22:47.53art3misand i just want the pic...... for now
22:47.54|pez|no pictures... yet!
22:47.59art3miswell hop to it
22:48.08art3miscracks the whip.
22:48.09|pez|my camera is far far away
22:48.10zenzelezzno pictures for foreign freaks
22:48.23art3miswell walk to the bedroom ;)
22:49.26|pez|Why do I want to walk to the bedroom? I'm quite comfertable here actually.
22:49.59art3misCairenn: thats one of those catch .22 things.. if i talk about your ass you ignore me and i get to stare at the ass, but if i dont talk about how sexy it is, you'll stay facing me and i can see your sexy lips and chest.. ;) im so torn which i want more heh
22:50.11art3mis|pez|: cuz that would be far far away and where the camera is ;P
22:50.28art3mishell my couch is too far from my computer most days
22:52.35|pez|my camera is on the other side of the table actually
22:52.38|pez|we're sort of packing.
22:52.47art3misyeah that is too far
22:52.59art3mismostly cuz you've got tiny legs and arms
22:53.09Kaomieor a huge buffet table
22:53.19|pez|I am tiny! I can't help ut.
22:53.34art3misi never said it was a bad thing
22:53.41art3misyou and cairenn are pocket sized ;P
22:53.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
22:53.53art3misyou're like the borrowers ;)
22:54.15art3misspeaking of criminals
22:54.17art3mishi wobin
22:54.25art3mishows life today on the penal colony?
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23:04.49IrielMmm.. broccoli
23:09.30|pez|is seemingly the name of  James Bond Producer.
23:10.47KaomieI knew it was a bad idea to join IRC again, I haven't been connected for more than 2 hours and I am already looking into hyperion source code
23:10.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Nechckn (
23:11.36Kaomiebut I think my client is setup now
23:11.43Wobin_art3mis: don't you know? Us criminals have -all- the fun =)
23:11.54Wobin_Happy St Paddy's Day btw
23:12.41Cairennand to you Wobin_ :)
23:14.16Wobin_off to work
23:19.09Cideanyone here good at landscape modeling? (bryce and such)
23:22.07ScytheBlade1I've been sitting on the TTR since about 10:00 MST
23:22.11ScytheBlade1It's now 5:22 MST
23:22.29Cidecorrection - not bryce, 2d landscapes
23:22.32ScytheBlade1I've been flagged as afk the entire time, and yet, the number of people who walk up and /duel... hasn't dropped!
23:23.53art3misCide: i can make them in paint
23:23.59Cideyeah, no
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23:27.10Cairennpouncehuggles Lopeppeppy
23:27.30zenzelezznow that's a picture I don't mind
23:29.27zenzelezzhow many times do I have to tell you |pez|, YES
23:29.31zenzelezzit's no secret
23:33.47zenzelezzare there no raiding rogues these days that use daggers?
23:34.21zenzelezzI feel all our dagger drops go to warriors or even disenchant
23:38.55Lopeppeppyloves Cairenn right to death
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