IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080310

00:01.45Lopeppeppy404 Not Found.
00:02.08zenzelezznah, too common, most people would understand that one ;)
00:02.29ShirikWe just won 2000-0
00:02.33Shirikfull game, nobody missing, etc.
00:03.04zenzelezzmaybe "410 Gone"
00:05.27Cide408 Request Timeout
00:05.47Cidehaha, 500 Internal Server Error is nice too
00:09.17*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
00:11.47Cairenn403 declined to show this page is pretty good
00:12.31CideThe server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated.
00:12.34Cide^ 403
00:13.32Cairenn503 - service unavailable?
00:13.57CideThe server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. The implication is that this is a temporary condition which will be alleviated after some delay.
00:14.04Cidethe last part is kinda misfitting sadly
00:14.18Cairenndepends on if you believe in reincarnation, doesn't it?
00:14.24CideI suppose :)
00:15.05Cidethe non-reincarnation alternative would be 410 Gone, as zenzelezz noted
00:15.07CideThe requested resource is no longer available at the server and no forwarding address is known. This condition is expected to be considered permanent.
00:20.10ShirikCide: What are you looking for?
00:20.43Shirikoh I see nm
00:20.45kd3lua> 0.003*60
00:20.45lua_botkd3: 0.18
00:20.53CideShirik: kinda fun problem
00:21.01ShirikI forgot to give you my problem :(
00:21.08CideI wasn't being sarcastic
00:21.11CideI meant the secret agents one
00:23.01CideShirik: did you come up with an algorithm for a 'good' solution or did you just submit the rand one?
00:23.12ShirikMy original algorithm was great
00:23.17ShirikIt even beat their sample output
00:23.26ShirikBut it was too slow for the other test cases
00:23.26Cidethe brute force one? good job
00:23.33CideI mean it. really!
00:23.49ShirikSo I modified it with the rand one and submitted that one
00:23.57Shirikkeep in mind we only have about 1.5 hours on average per problem :)
00:24.08Shirikyou can spend 24 hours if you want
00:24.11Shirikbut that's probably a bad idea
00:24.32foxlitlink something?
00:24.42foxlitSearching chat logs appears to suck :(
00:25.00Shiriksample input is shown in a link on that pastey
00:30.11foxlitWonder if the provided base distribution is random
00:30.24Shirikit is
00:30.26ShirikI have 10 different samples
00:30.44Shirik11 actually if you include the one in the problem
00:31.12Shirikbtw Cide it wasn't actually brute force
00:31.15ShirikI misspoke
00:31.42CideI wonder how a genetic algorithm would do after a bunch of iterations
00:31.48ShirikIt makes some analysis and finds "groups" of bases, and then brute-forces the path in each group
00:32.03MentalPowerShirik: any way I can get the full assignment? I'd like to try it out
00:32.09Shirikit's all right there MentalPower
00:32.14Shirikunless you mean all 10/15 problems
00:32.37MentalPoweradditional sample problems
00:32.43MentalPowererr... sample cases
00:32.50Shirikoh all 10 cases?
00:32.53Shirikyeah I can get those
00:32.56Shirikhell they're on my svn
00:33.04Shiriklet me lock it and I'll give you access to it, along with the (extremely ugly) code
00:33.12Shirikkeep in mind this code is very ill-commented due to the time constraints
00:33.19Shirikand very ugly
00:33.23MentalPoweris not 1337 enough to know your SVN addy :P
00:33.35MentalPower./me ^^^^
00:33.49Shirikyeah sec
00:33.52ShirikI want to lock it first :P
00:33.56Shirikno offense :)
00:34.14MentalPowernone taken
00:35.33CideI think we should have a competition here for the best algorithm
00:36.00MentalPowerthat actually sounds like a good idea
00:36.27Cidecake may or may not be involved, depending on its truthness
00:36.58Cideschrödinger's cake
00:39.36Shirikoh btw MentalPower
00:39.38Shirikthis is problem 9
00:40.35Shirikand for those looking at my code, disclaimer: I do not usually code this horribly
00:40.43Cidesure, whatever!
00:40.54Shirikthis was after having worked on other problems for 15 hours and trying to do this one really quickly
00:41.02Shirikmy brain was very dead by this point :P
00:42.48Shirikif you search for rand in SecretAgents you'll find my problem point
00:45.49Shirikthe majority of the others are there
00:45.54ScytheBlade1lol, so, my friend has this old SGI Indy that has been sitting around forever
00:46.01Shirikbut without problem description
00:46.04ScytheBlade1He just got around to booting it up and cracking the passwords
00:46.08Shirikif you're curious about one ask me I can get you the description
00:46.14ScytheBlade1He got this from a "higher education" school
00:46.19ScytheBlade1jew1sh           (sysadm)
00:46.25ScytheBlade1Heck of a sysadm password
00:47.13wereHamsterat least it has a number in it :)
00:47.45ScytheBlade1Well it was cracked in a matter of minutes, so, eh :)
01:01.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
01:03.12MentalPowerShirik: thanks a ton, I'm going to really enjoy this challenge
01:03.20Shirikjust keep in mind
01:03.25Shirikwhen I did it, I had to do it in about 2 hours ;)
01:03.35Shirikbut take as long as you want; I myself intend to go back and do better on it
01:04.06batrickshirik has some windows code to write
01:04.09batrickbatbot: amirite?
01:04.09batbotbatrick, Don't count on it.
01:04.57Corrodiasbatbot: can i call you "batsmack"?
01:04.58batbotCorrodias, Very doubtful.
01:06.11Cidebatbot: is Shirik a dumbnut?
01:06.11batbotCide, Very doubtful.
01:06.24Cideway to screw it up :/
01:09.11Cideah well, I'm heading to bed
01:11.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Slackwise (
01:14.47LopeppeppySleep well.
01:22.07WobWorkbatbot: Was Cide being a poopyhead?
01:22.08batbotWobWork, Yes... Definitely.
01:22.34Shirikbatbot: Do I own you?
01:22.34batbotShirik, As I see it, yes.
01:22.37Shirikof course.
01:24.40Corrodiasbatbot: Does Shirik have multiple boyfriends?
01:24.41batbotCorrodias, \(o_O)/
01:28.49*** join/#wowi-lounge DBE-Kinj (
01:30.23Shirik~kill Corrodias
01:30.24purlACTION shoots a super-inverse pseudoquark gun at Corrodias
01:30.28Shirikoh damn
01:30.32Shirika pseudoquark gun
01:30.36Shirikthat's hardcore
01:43.24*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
01:43.24*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v AnduinLothar] by ChanServ
01:56.11batricku have work to do friend!
01:56.15Shirikyes I do :(
01:56.18ShirikDID YOU USE MY MACROS?!
01:56.43batrickhell no I didn't
01:56.46ShirikI think I'm going to switch over your use of mutexes to critical section
01:56.50batrickyou never uploaded your revision!
01:56.58Shirikwindows makes a difference between mutexes and "critical sections"
01:57.07Shirikand if you ever want to use a condvar you'll have to use a critical section
01:57.11batrickwhateva man!
01:57.19ShirikI'll update :(
01:57.21Shirikdid you fix your router?
01:57.33batrickuh no
01:57.36batrickhaven't gone home yet
01:57.42batrickprob next week
01:57.51batrickOnly a couple things left to do
01:58.43batrickGotta handle tables/functions/full userdata
01:58.48batrickfull userdata will be easiest
01:59.10batrickI think I'm going to start using it for batbot
01:59.14batrickpretty sure it's ready
01:59.48Shirikany svn pros here?
01:59.51Shirik(command line svn)
02:00.26Shirik!ap 1553
02:00.26WoWLuaircBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1553 is, 2v2: 308, 3v3: 356, 5v5: 405
02:01.42*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
02:01.42*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MentalPower] by ChanServ
02:07.06Shirikbye batrick
02:07.13*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
02:07.14ShirikI didn't do it!
02:07.16ShirikMentalPower: Any luck?
02:07.35*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
02:07.37Shirikoh, looks like ckknight_ and batrick are on the same connection
02:07.41Shirikthe problem
02:07.47Shirikor are you just looking around
02:09.05*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
02:09.26batrickShirik: I fixed it
02:09.42batrickas in you can do svn remotely now
02:09.53batrickbtw my domain is a little fucked you'll need ot use my ip
02:09.57Shirikwtf is comcast doing
02:10.17ShirikClones in #wowi-lounge:
02:10.24Shirik  3: batbot   batrick   ckknight_
02:10.35batrickso what?
02:10.42batrickI gave ckknight a shell
02:10.54ShirikI'm sitting here trying to figure out why you two are on the same ip ><
02:11.37batrickdoes the svn work for you?
02:12.10MentalPowerwell, its a lot better than the reconnect spam :)
02:12.28Shirikbatrick: haven't tried
02:12.42MentalPowerShirik: I got the files from your SVN if thats what you're asking
02:12.49Shirikno, batrick's svn
02:13.10ShirikI think we're having too many conversations at once
02:13.45SixenFor anyone that participated in the TTR today
02:14.16batrickShirik: hostname should work again
02:16.52batrick2.4 thread is capped
02:25.41Corrodiasoops, i posted despite not having participated today
02:25.48Corrodiasam i going to forum jail now? :(
02:26.05Corrodiasthe maximum sentence is probably having to be a CM
02:33.17Shirikthat's painful
02:41.43ScytheBlade1Anyone use kdevelop with lua projects?
02:42.26*** join/#wowi-lounge kandok1 (
02:44.40Shirikon Linux I've used Kate
02:44.46Shirikeven though I HATE kd3
02:44.49ShirikI hate KDE
02:44.51ShirikI <3 kd3
02:45.07Shirikbrain is confusing things >.>
02:48.16WobWorkIE 5.5 Beats IE6 and IE7 On Acid 3
02:49.05MentalPowerthats just wrong...
02:49.14Corrodiaswhat's "Acid 3"?
02:50.24NightHawkTheSaneWobWork: really, its less of "beats" than "fails less than"
02:51.04kandok1WobWork: personal test? Saw a site recently with varius current gen  browsers and their results, but none of the older ones
02:51.54MentalPowerthats the website
02:51.56MentalPowerjust found it
02:52.33WobWorkto be brutally honest
02:52.35WobWorkwith IE
02:52.44WobWorkIsn't "Fails less than" SOP?
02:53.35WobWorkalso, the colder I am
02:53.39WobWorkthe shorter my sentences
02:53.53kandok1Aww no pretty screenshots to laugh at :(
03:17.23*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
03:18.41*** part/#wowi-lounge kandok1 (
03:20.54batrickshirik is it workin ok?
03:24.13Shirikyeah it did
03:25.11Shiriknow I have to figure out how to merge these
03:26.24ShirikWhat's that? The MIT license?
03:28.02ShirikI know what I can do
03:28.07ShirikI need to check out something that is not the HEAD
03:29.04MentalPowersvn co <rev>
03:29.09MentalPowersvn co <date>
03:29.47Shirikoh I know, I just didn't know what revision it was :P
03:29.57ShirikAnd holy hell batrick, you're already at 34?
03:30.11Shirikthis is going to be fun to resolve
03:30.44batrickI'm done now heh
03:30.56batrickI had a spark of inspiration for a problem i was thinkin about >.>
03:31.48ShirikCompleted: At revision: 34
03:31.48ShirikWarning!: One or more files are in a conflicted state.
03:32.19Shirikof course it's the two biggest files
03:32.23batrickon the brighter side of things I haven't been able to get it to segfault
03:32.37batrickand i've tried pretty hard =)
03:33.12Shirikso I open up tsvnmerge
03:33.15Shirikand this is what I see
03:35.09Shirikapparently the picture crashes firefox
03:35.52Shirikin bright, bright red
03:36.29Shirikit's actually not that bad
03:36.31Shirikit just seems bad :P
03:36.35Shirikand the whole screen is red
03:39.02batrickgood luck
03:39.55Shirikbatrick, did I give you some of the changes?
03:39.59Shirikseems like you put in a few things
03:40.01Shirikunless I'm going crazy
03:40.22Shiriknm I figured it out
03:43.33ShirikMentalPower: Any idea how to "un-add" a file?
03:43.39ShirikI don't want to delete it, but I added it and shouldn't have
03:43.51Shirikplease don't say that ><
03:43.54Shirikor can I just revert that one file
03:43.58NightHawkTheSaneyou can
03:44.01MentalPoweryou won't loose any changes
03:44.02MentalPoweryou can
03:44.15WobWorkyou won't lose any changes either.
03:44.53Shirikactually .... bleh
03:44.54batrick(I bet I should add one more revision just to see what Shirik does)
03:44.58ShirikI have to go back to r18 anyway
03:45.14batrickShirik perhaps you should start from scratch
03:45.21Shirikjust I renamed the files .cpp
03:45.22batrickI've made massive changes since r18
03:45.26ShirikI noticed :P
03:45.34Shirikit's actuallyn ot bad
03:45.37Shiriktook me about 3 minutes to merge
03:45.49batricki'm scared to see what was done
03:45.54Shirikhowever.... I never merged the kernel.c and thread.c
03:47.50batrick~pray shirik
03:48.01Shirik5 files conflicted this time
03:48.02batricki'm surprised there's nothing for pray
03:48.05ShirikI only added two
03:48.09Shirikbut apparently 2+2=5
03:48.22batrick~literal kill
03:48.33batrickmaybe purl is broken :O
03:49.15Shirikbatrick: Don't #include the lua files
03:49.18Shirikjust fyi
03:49.27Shirikdo #include "lua.h" (and we'll have a lua.h in our folder)
03:49.43Shirikreasoning being that I need to do some voo-doo when compiling as C++
03:49.44batrickI sorta liked how I seperated them from our stuff
03:49.51Shirikthey are separate :)
03:49.58Shirikbut we have an additional lua.h (not the Lua lua.h
03:50.04batrickwhat's wrong with #include "lua/lua.h" ?
03:50.09Shirikbecause I need to extern "C" it
03:50.23batrickthat doesn' make any sense
03:50.50Shirikif you're using Lua as a DLL you need to :)
03:51.00Shirikanyway, the files are still in a separate lua folder
03:51.09Shirikjust "./lua.h" does all the including for you
03:51.13art3miswell this is just odd
03:51.27art3mislast week my wow instances were taking about 500-600mb of ram
03:51.55WobWorkMandatory Fun Day is so not funny
03:51.55art3misi delete config./wtf and reset everything to max and .64 and 1650x1080 and all that junk and suddenyl im maxing it at 275-325
03:51.56Shirikoh god you used condvars batrick?
03:51.57WobWorkit's sad
03:52.03batrickShirik: of coursE?
03:52.06ShirikSo like I said I DO have to switch them over to critical sections ><
03:52.10ShirikI might as well start over lol
03:52.27batrickshoulda listened!
03:52.54Shirikscrew that
03:52.56ShirikI'm doing it the hard way
03:53.00Shirikwithout starting over
03:53.12ShirikI can convert those mutexes over to CS's easy
03:53.17batricki think you're nuts to try to merge shit from r18 into r34 but whatever
03:55.04batrickshirik i dunno why you're compililng as c++ anyway
03:55.10batrickisn't ther an option to compile as C?
03:55.19Shirikyes, but it would be better if people don't have to do that :)
03:55.25Shirikactually, VS WANTS to compile it as C
03:55.28batrickpeople won't have to
03:55.37batrickthey'll download a windows binary not try to compile it themselves
03:55.58batrickif anything adding the c++ stuff will only confuse people used to compiling it as C
03:56.13batrickit compiles as C for unix but C++ for widnows?
03:56.16batrickthat's confusing...
03:56.27Shirikit compiles for whatever :P
03:56.31Shirikit compiles as clean C :)
03:56.36ShirikI didn't add any C++ stuff
03:56.53batrickit sounds like that's what your'e doin but ok!
03:57.34*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
03:59.17Shirikbatrick: I don't know if I'm reading this diff wrong or what
03:59.27Shirikdid you remove the pthread_mutex_destroy() in EAGAIN at
03:59.52batrickwhat file
04:00.27batrickdon't think so
04:00.42batrickseems to be there
04:00.45Shirikoh it's up there
04:00.50ShirikI skipped over that ><
04:03.10Shirikthere we go
04:03.10Shirikall merged
04:04.39Shirikbatrick, you know there's no C files in ./lua right?
04:05.18Shirikthat's why I need extern "C" :P
04:06.56Shirik1>filum - 104 error(s), 22 warning(s)
04:06.56Shirik========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
04:07.15Shirikonly because of 1>c:\users\mpdelbuono\documents\code\filum\filum\src\lthread.c(165) : fatal error C1003: error count exceeds 100; stopping
04:07.23*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (n=jnwhiteh@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
04:07.23*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
04:07.35Shirikfatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'unistd.h': No such file or directory
04:07.37Shiriko.o what is that?
04:12.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
04:14.35ShirikI like the MSDN for EnterCriticalSection()
04:14.37ShirikThis function can raise EXCEPTION_POSSIBLE_DEADLOCK if a wait operation on the critical section times out. The timeout interval is specified by the following registry value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\CriticalSectionTimeout. Do not handle a possible deadlock exception; instead, debug the application.
04:14.52Shirik"do not try to handle buggy code. Fix it."
04:25.00cogwheelfucking comcast
04:25.17cogwheelyou only get 6mbps if you subscribe to cable otherwise they drop you to 4 !!!!
04:25.53cogwheeland charge you $15 MORE a month
04:29.35Shiriklmao, batrick, I wonder if this will compile: #define KLUA_MUTEX_CREATE() reinterpret_cast<CRITICAL_SECTION>((void*)0)
04:29.49ShirikIf not I'll just have to make a "default" critical section
04:30.09ShirikI guess the void* is irrelevant
04:42.04*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
04:42.40Shirikbatrick: What is this? typedef int (*lthread_open) (lua_State *L, lua_Thread *, const char *);
04:45.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
04:48.11art3miscog sucks for you ;_P
04:48.40art3mis10mbit down 2mb up for me ;P
04:51.20kd3heh, whee at today's xkcd
04:51.36ShirikSo I have some code that uses timespec
04:51.42Shirik(structure defined by POSIX)
04:51.56ShirikI get error saying that timespec doesn't exist, so I'm like "okay, windows must not know of it, I'll define it myself"
04:52.06Shiriknow I get error C2011: 'timespec' : 'struct' type redefinition
04:55.41ShirikI take it out
04:55.43Shirikand we're back to error C2079: 'timeout' uses undefined struct 'timespec'
05:02.54Shirikaha I see it
05:03.00Shirikbatrick did something strange
05:03.18Shirikand defined a structure literally from within a function
05:03.38Shiriker, function signature
05:06.03ScytheBlade1Okay, wtf. According to - a mage needs 80 int per 1% spell crit. I have 444 int. 444/80 = 5.55. Yet, when I mouseover the int column, it says that my int is giving me 6.46% crit.
05:06.55ScytheBlade1... oh, class specific constant
05:11.04Shirik1>c:\users\mpdelbuono\documents\code\filum\filum\src\filum.c(276) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
05:11.22Shirik1>filum - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
05:11.26Shirik(that's the only error)
05:17.17GuillotineAnybody noticed bugs with the default StaticPopupDialog where it limits the number of chars FAR too much on the most recent PTR version?
05:18.43batrickShirik: timespec is defined in time.h
05:18.51Shirikbatrick: Not according to Windows it isn't :P
05:19.00batrickya well Windows is shit isn't it?
05:19.05Shirikyeah it is :P
05:20.00batricksomething I need to clarify in the codde?
05:21.46Shiriktypedef int (*lthread_open) (lua_State *L, lua_Thread *, const char *);
05:22.11Shirikis that defining lthread_open to be an int(*)(lua_State*, lua_Thread*, const char*) ?
05:22.32ShirikI think it's that "L" that's confusing my compiler
05:23.26batrickyou can remove the L
05:24.03Tem|AFKWhat rep do you get in SL?
05:25.12Shiriklower city
05:25.20Tem|AFKhot damn
05:25.28Tem|AFKLFG SL 69 Feral druid.
05:26.06Shirikfor the record, batrick, I'm compiling it as C right now and getting these errors :P
05:26.28Tem|AFKShirik, -ANSI -pedantic
05:26.44Tem|AFKquickest way to splode anything I've written
05:26.55Tem|AFKis fucking -pedantic
05:27.55Shirikwhat's that ><
05:29.18Shirikwtf did you do batrick :<
05:29.21ShirikI can't compile anymore
05:29.33*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (i=cbceb2e4@gateway/web/ajax/
05:30.03ScytheBlade1After looking at what luac compiles things to, and in turn just what it's running
05:30.14ScytheBlade1I see the full effects of using globals :P
05:30.28batrickShirik: I didn't do anything
05:30.35ShirikI know I'm just messing with you :P
05:30.41ShirikSomething happened and now it's just saying
05:30.57Shirik(01:10:46) (@Shirik) 1>c:\users\mpdelbuono\documents\code\filum\filum\src\filum.c(276) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
05:30.57Shirik(01:11:04) (@Shirik) 1>filum - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
05:31.02Shirikthe only error ><
05:31.20batrickwell... i dunno what to do for you there
05:33.52batrickit's probably that #include <unistd.h> line
05:34.44Shirikthere we go
05:34.50Shirikclean rebuild fixed it
05:34.59Shirikbatrick: Actually, no, online documents say it's <time.h>
05:36.31batrickglad to see Windows is living up to its commitment to standards by conforming to ANSI C
05:36.45Shirikbatrick: POSIX cond vars
05:37.06Shirikyou are apparently "waiting" for them -- does that mean they have a mutex associated with them as well (an internal one)
05:37.19Shirikbecause in Windows you can't really "wait" for a condvar, you wait for the critical section associated with it
05:37.51batrickwell that's great
05:38.10Shirikit's ok I can deal with it :P
05:38.14ShirikI just need to understand it first
05:39.54batrickthe condition variable is for waiting for another thread to put something in the thread's queue
05:41.05Shirikmaybe you can wait for a condition variable...
05:41.09ShirikI haven't used it like that before
05:41.23batrickthat's how they work
05:41.33Shirikwell they can also be used for monitors
05:42.04Shiriki.e., release a critical section while a condition variable isn't true
05:42.51Shiriki.e., this form:
05:44.00batrickya I dunno
05:44.02batrickgl :)
05:49.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
05:52.11Shirikwait a sec batrick
05:52.16Shirikyou use a mutex when using a condvar too!
05:52.26ShirikI need to look at the parameters closer ><
05:52.44batrickwhen you wake from a cond var you wakeup with the mutex lock
05:52.48batrickit saves a context switch
05:53.03Shirikwell it's also an atomic operation
05:53.11Shirikwhich may have not otherwise operated correctly
05:53.33Shirikthere is no other way to guarantee that the cond var is signaled AND you have ownership of the mutex at the same time
05:53.43Shirikwell, and that you don't want the mutex while it's not signaled
05:53.58Shirikthough your kernel.c code from 402-404 doesn't make much sense to me
05:54.29Shirikbut there must be some voo-doo behind it
05:54.29ShirikI'll trust it
05:55.57batrickShirik: you might be looking at the wrong version
05:56.07batrickwhat is at 402-404 paste it
05:56.24batrickold version*
05:56.46Shirikwhat was the POSIX version of:
05:56.49ShirikKLUA_COND_VAR_WAIT(&from->queue, &from->mutex);
05:57.43batrickthat's my 402-404
05:57.51Shirikok I may have deleted some things
05:57.53Shiriktry a few lines down
05:58.01Shirik"block indefinitely" is 399 for me
06:07.37batrickShirik: that should be KLUA_MUTEX_UNLOCK(&k_mutex);
06:07.38batrickthat first line
06:08.47batrickpls be careful debugging that will make my brain splode
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06:16.28batrickshirik, lua_topointer doesn't actually return a TValue
06:16.34batrickTValue *
06:16.41batrickwhich kinda sucks for us
06:16.55batrickWe'll prob have to generate those ourselves i think
06:26.55batrickforget it
06:27.49Shirikalmost done with this
06:28.10ShirikI'm just making the Windows function work like POSIX
06:28.15Shirikrather than trying to work out some voodoo
06:30.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
06:31.05Shirikhey batrick, at line 225 you have a call to pthread_create() that takes 4 arguments?
06:31.09Shirikmy docs say it should only take 3?
06:31.19Shirik(immediately before the switch)
06:31.29ShirikI'm stupid
06:37.41batricktry to give me line numbers from my version
06:39.57Shirikit's too changed ><
06:40.17Guillotinewtf, SimpleHTML frames have SetText but not GetText? o.O
06:41.02ShirikYOU LIE
06:41.05Shirikstomps too
06:41.26Guillotineerr, is there any way to get the text in a SimpleHTML frame?
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07:09.40Shirikbatrick: lthread_setup should return 1 in case of success, yeah?
07:09.59Shirikp.s. are you sure this compiles?
07:10.06Shirikthere's a lot of serious errors in it, and I'm at the current revision
07:10.12Shirik(are you sure you committed?)
07:10.50batricklthread_setup is a void function?
07:10.54batrickit always succeeds
07:11.42Shirikwell there's a case where it returns NULL
07:11.57Shirikwhich is equally illegal :P
07:12.07batrickI don't see what you're talking about
07:12.17batricklthread_setup doesn't even contain the return keywork
07:12.40GuillotineAlright, its probably because its after midnight and I haven't slept in about 20 hours, but can anyone spot whats off about this regex?
07:12.49Guillotineshould match 5 and 6
07:12.58Shirikbatrick: I'll run blame just to prove it to you :P
07:14.35Shirik... wtf?
07:15.14Shirikwellllll I don't know wtf that is
07:15.17Shirikbut look at lthread_main instead
07:15.46ShirikI think it was merged wrong :P
07:16.08Shirikok lthread_main returns a void*
07:16.09Shirikgot it
07:16.15Shirikall set batrick nm :)
07:16.21ShirikI blame svn for that error
07:16.50Guillotineoh, duh. I'm stupid at this time of night :(
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07:20.52Shirikuh Guillotine
07:20.56Shiriksorry I missed your question
07:21.16GuillotineI answered it myself :P The problem is the second | was being eaten by the first
07:21.20Guillotineso it was starting after that
07:21.32Guillotineand the second part wasn't matching
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07:37.15Shiriklol batrick you're going to love my macros
07:37.23Shirik#define KLUA_COND_VAR_TIMEDWAIT(c, m, t) (0==(SleepConditionVariableCS(& c , m , (DWORD)((t ->tv_sec * 1000) + (t ->tv_nsec / 1000)))?GetLastError()==ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT?ETIMEDOUT:GetLastError():0)
07:39.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
07:41.09art3misVique's law: A man without religion is like a fish without a bicycle.
07:41.19Shirikerror C2065: 'new' : undeclared identifier
07:41.26Shiriksomeone needs to get this to compile as C++ for me :(
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07:44.06batrickShirik: just don't uglify my beautiful posix code
07:44.13Shirikit's not ugly
07:44.21Shirikthe only thing I really did was remove the & from your mutexes
07:44.26Shirikit does that on the macro side now
07:45.06Shirikstupid visual studio
07:45.11Shirikyou can set the project compile properties to C++
07:45.14Shirikbut that only affects new c files
07:45.15batrickwhat happened to your caps are for constants thing
07:45.22Shirikthat is a constant
07:45.30batrickmacros aren't constants...
07:45.31Shirikimo macros are constants :)
07:45.37Shirikdo they change? no...
07:45.42Shirikwhat they return might change, but they don't change
07:46.08batrickyou know you define them as blocks right?
07:46.17Shirik"blocks" ?
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07:46.31Guillotinenight all
07:47.02*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
07:47.05Shirikerror C2664: 'kernel_checkgc' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'void *' to 'lua_Thread *'
07:47.05Shirik1> Conversion from 'void*' to pointer to non-'void' requires an explicit cast
07:47.08Shirik~kill batrick
07:47.09purlACTION shoots a magneto-ionized fluxneutrino gun at batrick
07:49.09Shirikare you TRYING to make me cry?
07:49.13Shirikkernel_reg((void *) thread);
07:49.19Shirikkernel_reg expects a lua_Thread*, and thread is a lua_Thread*
07:49.32Shirikbut my compiler reports an error due to the implicit cast from void* to lua_Thread*
07:49.53Shirikis there a reason for that void*? ><
07:51.59batrickI had changed it a while ago
07:52.01batrickand missed it
07:52.07batrickthere was a time when it took a void *
07:52.46Shirikalmost done!
07:55.44Shirikthis is odd
07:55.56Shirikerror C3861: 'DeleteConditionVariable': identifier not found
07:56.01Shirikbut it's definitely there in the MSDN
07:56.24batrickare all those defined in windows.h?
07:56.25Shirikoh, go me, looking at the wrong MSDN article
07:56.29batrickif so... damn that's fucking dumb
07:56.51batrickso easy to find reasons to hate M$
07:56.55Shirikpretty much everything is defined in windows.h
07:57.03Shirikyou have to use #defines to limit what you include
07:58.16ShirikMost windows programs have this line in them:
07:58.27Shirikthat reminds me, I need to put it in there
07:59.02Shirikanyway, most programs have #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
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08:06.19batrickso dumb
08:06.40Shirikit's much nicer when you have precompiled headers
08:06.45Shirikyou only have to include one thing and you're set :D
08:06.56Shirikit compiles
08:07.11Shirik\filum.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 50 unresolved externals
08:07.24ShirikI think that's all Lua stuff
08:07.28ShirikI forgot to link in the Lua library
08:07.30batrickdid you do
08:07.33batricklua -l filum
08:07.40batrickyou don't link lua
08:07.44batricklua links you
08:07.58Shiriklua -l filum?
08:08.54Shirikthings like this: 1>filum.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _lua_pushboolean referenced in function "int __cdecl l_cancel(struct lua_State *)" (?l_cancel@@YAHPAUlua_State@@@Z)
08:13.50Shirik1>filum - 0 error(s), 2 warning(s)
08:13.50Shirik========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
08:14.31batrickstart lua in your cur directory using: "lua -l filum"
08:14.34batrickand it should work
08:14.55Shirikprobably won't
08:15.02batrickprobably will!
08:15.25Shiriksame error as before
08:15.26Shirikc:\lua\lua5.1.exe: error loading module 'filum' from file '.\filum.dll':
08:15.26Shirik%1 is not a valid Win32 application.
08:15.48batrickthat so wierd
08:16.07batricksounds like a bad gsub
08:19.19Shirikfunny thing is
08:19.30ShirikI can't debug Lua to find out what it's getting because SOMEBODY wanted me to dynamically link to it
08:20.43batrickthat's the only way we'd do it...
08:20.55batrickif we're going to fuckin recompile lua then we might as well modify Lua itself!
08:21.12ShirikI know I'm just messing with you :)
08:21.18batrickstatic lua_CFunction ll_sym (lua_State *L, void *lib, const char *sym) { lua_CFunction f = (lua_CFunction)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)lib, sym); if (f == NULL) pusherror(L); return f;
08:21.25batrickthat's what is giving you problems
08:22.24Shirikwhere's that located?
08:22.29ShirikI'm opening Lua's source atm
08:22.38batrickline 134
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08:37.11batrickhey that's cool
08:37.24batrickthe lua_Alloc function does free() and realloc()
08:37.29batricki thought it only did the latter
08:37.38batrickwe can put memory limits on our threads no Shirik =)
08:37.50batrickthreads now*
08:40.17Elkanowhat exactly are you coding there?
08:44.14ScytheBlade1Whoo for a mild case of insomnia
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09:34.43ScytheBlade1for a in {1..32999}; do wget -O $a.xml -U "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070219 Firefox/" "$a" ; done
09:34.48ScytheBlade1Well that was deceptively easy
09:35.49Elkanodatamining the armory?
09:36.18ScytheBlade1In a single line
09:36.34ScytheBlade1Doing it on my high-bandwidth server too
09:37.11Shirikwhat is that supposed to do
09:37.15nevcairielitem ids
09:37.30Shirikdidn't really answer my question
09:37.33Shirikwhat's with the { }
09:37.38Elkanobut what do you need it for?
09:37.40ScytheBlade1That'd be bash script
09:37.42Riffageim quite surprized Blizzard havnt stopped things like that tbh
09:37.51Shirikoh bash
09:37.51nevcairielyeah Shirik l2bash :P
09:37.57ShirikI thought it was Lua!
09:38.07Shirikbash is slow
09:38.07Riffageas your gonna hammer their server for ages
09:38.09nevcairielwith do and done?
09:38.13clad|officelua> require("socket.http"); for i=1,32999 do local f = .. ".xml"); f:write(http.request("" .. i)) f:close() end
09:38.13Riffagewhy not pull the data as you need it?
09:38.14lua_botclad|office: luabot:1: attempt to call global 'require' (a nil value)
09:38.19ShirikI didn't get that far :P
09:39.07ScytheBlade1Riffage: caching, searching, etc
09:40.37ScytheBlade1I'm actually gzipping the .xml and then pausing a half-second between each request
09:41.09Elkanobut the armory can be fun, yes ^^
09:41.48ScytheBlade1haha, The 1 Ring
09:42.21widgertickNot quite as good as the 2 ring.
09:42.46ScytheBlade1Sadly :(
09:43.43ScytheBlade1Hmm, at 10 items/second, it'll take just under an hour to download them all
09:44.24ScytheBlade1Elkano: yeah, hehe, I know :)
09:45.55ScytheBlade1500 items downloaded!
09:49.07ScytheBlade1So many defunct itemIDs
09:49.16ScytheBlade1That would drive me insane
09:50.51widgertickHeh, the spells db is much worse
09:51.03ScytheBlade1That kinda scares me
09:51.32clad|officezomg questdb
09:53.04ScytheBlade1This will likely be ~300-400MB gzip compressed when done
09:54.12ScytheBlade11658 items, 2/3 defunct, 6.6MB
09:54.45Elkanobtw: with 2.4 we'll get GetItemIcon(itemid); is it correct that this function 'knows' all valid ids meaning it doesn't use the cache but dbc files?
09:55.05Temyay caps
09:55.32ScytheBlade11856, 7.4MB
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09:55.47Elkanoso I can add a full list of items to ItemDB \o/
09:56.20ScytheBlade1The server might injure you
09:56.26ScytheBlade1Actually no
09:56.33ScytheBlade1Maybe, maybe not
09:58.13ScytheBlade1There's the paranoia
09:58.30ScytheBlade1Time to sleep
09:59.05ScytheBlade1Screw you, DST, screw you.
09:59.22Fisker-I didn't know itemids were in the dbc files
09:59.32Fisker-infact i'm pretty sure it's not
10:00.14Fisker-btw ScytheBlade1
10:00.23Fisker-real people datamined when the armory was out :P
10:00.36Fisker-found ashes of al'ar by doing that :P
10:03.30clad|officefull quest dbs are fun
10:03.47clad|office6193 quests takes a while to download
10:04.18Temclad|office, is there any way you can display comments
10:04.24Temin a more threaded way?
10:04.40clad|officenot for 2.4
10:04.41clad|officei won't have time
10:04.44clad|officebut i'd like to yes
10:04.44Temso that when people reply to a certain message that relationship is more obvious
10:04.51clad|officeas you can imagine.. that would require quite a bit of nastiness
10:05.05clad|officesince right now its just SimpleHTML
10:05.14clad|officei'd need to create custom font strings and assemble them
10:06.23clad|officeLH needs a bit of a ravamp
10:06.29clad|officeto decouple it from teh qust log
10:06.34clad|officeso i stop getting bug reports about fucking EQL
10:07.12Fisker-LH fucks my EQL
10:07.23*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Fisker-!i=jnw@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire] by clad|office (in soviet russia, EQL fucks LH)
10:07.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Fisker- (
10:07.52clad|officeactually I need to brainstorm
10:07.52Fisker-But in soviet russia soviet russia is not soviet russia and therefor LH fucks EQL
10:08.00clad|officesince the databse for LH is going to explode node
10:08.02Temin america, Fisker- fucks my mood.  Every time
10:08.10clad|officeI'm not sure how to bucket it for the LoD addons
10:08.21clad|officeTem: any ideas?
10:08.27ShirikFisker- got owned and I missed it :(
10:08.42Fisker-i never get owned :(
10:14.11ShirikI love my mail system
10:14.19Shirikit happily gave me my mail messages as I clicked on them
10:14.30Shirikbut when I finally clicked "inbox" just to double check there was nothing left
10:14.39ShirikI got logged out saying "session timed out"
10:14.48Shirikwhich implies to me there is a rather large security hole somewhere in it
10:16.42*** join/#wowi-lounge MirandaU (
10:18.55Elkano*mindtrick* these aren't the mails you are looking for
10:19.48Fisker-*failed* *kills Elkano*
10:20.35Elkanosee, my mindtrick worked. He thinks it failed and that he killed me...
10:21.10Elkanomindfuck: if you shit bricks maybe you'll see it ;)
10:21.40ShirikI managed to get all of my mails without logging in
10:21.50Shirikbut I don't know anyone elses usernames because they have random letters and numbers in them ><
10:26.27Elkanowow... when did they invent cameras that can look through clothing?
10:26.39Shirikabout 30 years ago
10:26.58Shirikcloser to 100
10:27.09ShirikI didn't realize it had been around that long
10:28.59Elkanomaybe I should get myself some new glasses ;)
10:29.56ShirikI am so confused right now
10:30.16Shirikstill I can't believe that x-rays have been around for so long
10:30.20Shirikwe had some nice technology back then...
10:45.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Bibi` (
11:03.17Shirik... lol
11:14.23Shirik... where did I find that?
11:14.30ShirikI thought it was in another channel but I can't find it anymore
11:14.41ShirikI think I need to go to sleep
11:16.44Shirikxkcd's "intel kilobyte"
11:17.25nevcairielyeah that was a good one
11:18.36Fisker-rofl Shirik
11:19.36Fisker-a wave hit it :P
11:19.42Shirika wave hit it
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11:20.36nevcairielthats pretty uncommon too
11:20.42nevcairielchance of one in a million
11:20.45nevcairielon sea!
11:21.10Fisker-you can't make tankers of paper? :(
11:21.23Shirikstrict regulations against it
11:21.31Shirikimo it's just to increase the taxes income
11:21.50Fisker-paper never hurt anyone
11:22.42Industrialtry cutting yourself in the eyelid
11:22.48Industrialwith paper.
11:23.12Industrialbet youll reconsider that statement
11:23.18IndustrialMR FISKER
11:23.37Industrialnot that I ever did that or something :p
11:24.07Fisker-MY EYE
11:24.10Shirikthere are some mental pictures younever want in your head because you feel it even though it didn't happen
11:24.21Shirikthat is one of those pictures
11:24.23Shirikplease don't do that again
11:24.41Shirikactually pretty much anything involving the slicing of the eye is painful
11:25.31Shirikthough I do remember that one time I scratched my eye when I got something in it
11:25.36Shirikwent to the doctor and he laughed at me
11:25.57Shirikthen he laughed at me again when he gave me the prescription because it was this gel that he told me I would never get in correctly
11:25.58Shirikand he was right
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14:20.44ralfWORKhallo thar avaryone
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14:58.03LopeppeppyFrell on toast...  Is the calendar wrong, did I miss the Faire in Goldshire?
15:00.39nevcairielit was last week
15:01.00ralfWORKhah was just looking at that on the priest forums
15:01.03LopeppeppyI am..... pissed.  *sigh*  I trusted the darned calendar on the website, and it was wrong.
15:01.12nevcairielfirst week of the month
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15:01.29LopeppeppyBut... calendar.... *sigh*  Why post a damn calendar if it's going to be wrong?
15:04.25LopeppeppyTKFT for the lose.
15:04.54LopeppeppyCalling names, it's terribly unproductive of me.
15:05.40ralfWORKwhat is tkft?
15:06.47LopeppeppyIt's from Red vs. Blue.  Team Killing F' tards.  My all-purpose acronym.
15:06.57ralfWORKoh. k
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15:08.04Lopeppeppy*laugh*  Pollyanna is apparently taking a day off, ooopsie.
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15:38.44Cairenn|afkWhat do you get when you cross a donkey with an onion?
15:39.12cog|worksomething shrek-related?
15:39.21Cairenn|afkA piece of ass that brings tears to your eyes!
15:39.28LopeppeppyA proctologist's dream!
15:39.35LopeppeppyCairenn!  *laugh*
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15:44.12Cairenn|afkJust as a heads up guys, my little birdies have whispered into my ears that 2.4 may be sooner than you think, so you need to get cracking on getting your mods ready for it
15:44.40ralfWORKCairenn|afk: oh? like... how soon?
15:44.57Cairenn|afknot tomorrow, but very soon
15:45.02cog|workScytheBlade1: can you give me that link to patches again?
15:45.27foxlitqq, auth server needs a reset :(
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15:51.02sacarascCairenn|afk: you mean it was last week?
15:51.18Cairenn|afksacarasc: lol
15:51.39Cairenn|afksacarasc: last week +2 ;)
15:52.23Cairenn|afkor so my birdies think
15:52.36zenzelezznext week?
15:53.03Cairenn|afkzenzelezz: yay math
15:53.32zenzelezzwhat, I'm no good at math :-o
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16:04.45lolli'm looking for some help regarding focus macros
16:05.07Cairenn|afkI told him to come ask in here, more likely to get help than in the wiki channel
16:05.33Cairenn|afkloll: what are you trying to accomplish with the macro?'
16:05.39zenzelezzthen let him state his problem =)
16:05.50Cairenn|afkzenzelezz: ;)
16:05.56lollfirst of all i wonder if you can use alt as a modifier
16:06.14zenzelezzbelieve so
16:07.23lollin that case i would appreciate some help getting a macro that if just pressed "2", it cast say fear on my target, but if I hold alt, it would fear my focus target
16:09.07zenzelezzI'm not too good with macros, but I think you would use something like /cast [modifier:alt,target=focus,exists] Fear; Fear
16:10.14lollthat looks right, i'll try it
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16:42.56cncfanaticshello everyone
16:43.16cncfanaticsPSA: if you live in an area that does the time change thing, don't forget to set your clocks forward 1 hr tonight, huh ? that ain't tonight is it ? :p
16:43.32alestaneThat was night before last.
16:43.49LopeppeppyYeah.  Always Saturday night into Sunday, dear.
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16:44.28cncfanaticsmeh, I'm not in such area I guess :)
16:45.37zenzelezzif in doubt,
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17:01.24art3misMan, I would be really pissed if I were this guy.  Emergency room report on a guy who came in unable to swallow and having difficulty breathing because he'd swallowed a piece of apple wrong and it got lodged in his esophagus.  The report then goes on to list his allergies, medications, and all his vital signs, apparently taken before they tried to resolve his problem.
17:01.44art3misdo you have any allergies?"  "GET THIS FUCKING APPLE OUT OF MY THROAT!"  "Uhhh, lemme just take your temperature here..." "GET THIS FUCKING APPLE OUT OF MY THROAT!"
17:04.19*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
17:05.19Industriallol :p
17:10.04Industrial~seen tekkub
17:10.09purltekkub <n=tekkub@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/Tekkub> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowhead, 11h 55m 46s ago, saying: 'Okey Beardyhead!'.
17:10.58ralfWORKhmm. yea I'd be pissed too
17:11.15cog|work....   I read a job listing "Helpdesk Specialist" as "Headdesk Specialist"
17:11.33LopeppeppyCogwheel... lern2optometrist
17:12.52cog|worki think i have a very mild form of dyslexia
17:13.21cog|workwhen i'm reading, i'll sometimes combine elements of the line above and the line below into a new word on the line i'm reading...
17:14.15LopeppeppyThat could also just mean you read a lot and your eyes get tired and don't track right.
17:14.16cog|workthe funny part is it's usually grammatically correct XD
17:14.56cog|workoh... my eyes are probably chronically tired from all the staring at computer screens i do
17:15.33LopeppeppyGet a screenie-thing-saver?
17:15.53cog|workScytheBlade1: ty
17:16.25ScytheBlade1Yup. I don't really keep it up there as a primary download source, though I abuse it as such. If for some reason you reinstall the PTR, though, it could come in handy
17:16.53cog|worklike when you play at work and home? ;)
17:17.01ScytheBlade1That too ;)
17:20.31ScytheBlade1Oh, and it turns out that the XML for 33000 items actually compresses quite well
17:20.41pastamancercog|work: actually, headdesk specialist isn't that far off
17:20.59cog|workpastamancer: somehow that irony had escaped me... rofl
17:22.07pastamancerI've already had my daily dose of irony today.  Got a big cisco switch in but the wrong power cords...
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17:28.00art3mispastamancer: how is that ironic?
17:28.33art3misunless it was a new server to hold the tutorials on how to do basic server installation
17:29.03Fisker-art3mis it's you
17:29.11cog|work"how is that ironic?" is how i feel about a lot of "that song"'s lyrics...
17:29.14pastamancerart3mis: 140 lbs. of brand new shiny hardware rendered (temporarialy) inoperable by 1lb of power cords
17:29.15Fisker-owld again ScytheBlade1
17:29.18Fisker-and your script was slow
17:29.33art3miscog|work: jake johansen has a great thing about that how it's more misfortuneate than iropnic
17:30.16art3misstuck in a traffic jam when you're already late.. "yeah thats not ironic, unless you were the city planner on the way to a presentation for your work on eliminating the traffic problems of your city"
17:31.35art3mispastamancer: heh unfortunate and kind of laughable but definitely not ironic ;P
17:35.28Industrialwhats an lb
17:36.28ScytheBlade1Fisker-: what?
17:36.51zenzelezzIndustrial: pound, imperial weight measurement
17:37.26Fisker-doesn't even take an hour to go through all the items on the armory
17:37.28art3mis16oz 28g
17:38.00ScytheBlade1Fisker-: that's because I was using bash + wget + gzip + sleep, in a single-threaded manner :P
17:38.14ScytheBlade1Fisker-: sure I COULD download all ~33000 items in 10 minutes, but oh well?
17:38.34Industrialso "lb" stands for pound? why not just "pd"? :p
17:39.13art3misIt is an abbreviation that has been taken to mean "pound", a measure of weight. For its origins, see:
17:39.14art3misThe Latin word libra describes a Roman unit of weight similar to a pound, and the abbreviation “lb” for the unit of weight and the signs £ and ? (crossed-out Ls) for the currency derived from this. The word “pound” comes from the Latin pendere, “to weigh”; Latin libra means “scales, balances”.
17:39.16Shiriklua> s = "74 68 65 20 63 61 6b 65 20 69 73 20 61 20 6c 69 65 21"; for c in s:gmatch("[1-9a-f][1-9a-f]") do print(string.char(tonumber(c, 16))) end
17:39.17lua_botShirik: t, h, e, c, a, k, e, i, s, a, l, i, e, !
17:39.33ScytheBlade1I approve
17:39.37ShirikI like that guy's signature
17:40.16art3misIn fact, a pound (money) was originally a pound (weight) of silver,
17:40.30alestaneTroy or avoirdupois?
17:41.38*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (n=rumors@
17:41.39cog|workIndustrial: for the same reason the GBP is denoted with a L-ish symbol
17:41.42foxlit%x%x would've been elegant :)
17:42.04Shirikfoxlit: I couldn't remember if Lua supported %x and didn't feel like looking it up :P
17:42.29foxlit"You are not SUPPORTED!"
17:43.43Fisker-tsk ScytheBlade1
17:43.57ScytheBlade1Fisker-: nah not really. I started it and then went to sleep. ;)
17:45.36ScytheBlade1Of course
17:45.44ScytheBlade1Now I get to convert that XML into lua
17:50.08foxlit/ as a path separator is a lie
17:50.31ScytheBlade1foxlit: which is why you use \/
17:51.00foxlityou do what now?
17:51.01zenzelezzwe should all be using ¤ as path separator
17:51.18ScytheBlade1foxlit: an escaped forward slash
17:51.18sylvanaar_workAnyone checked out the Chat filtering in the latest ptr?
17:51.31foxlitIt's not a reserved character.
17:51.46zenzelezzcoin-shining-in-the-sun usr coin-shining-in-the-sun local coin-shining-in-the-sun bin
17:52.04sylvanaar_workthere is ChatFrame_AddMessageFilter, and ChatFrame_RemoveMessageFilter
17:52.09ScytheBlade1Oh, lol
17:52.15ScytheBlade1I thought you meant server-side filtering
17:52.15foxlitnm, confised by your use of \/
17:53.08sylvanaar_worki wish they would add filtering of {unknown-icon} to the base UI though
17:53.28foxlitOr did you actually mean that you have to use "\/" ?
17:53.46ScytheBlade1foxlit: I was just messing around, I'm not even sure what your problem exactly is
17:54.19foxlit:SetTexture("Path/To/texture.ext") doesn't work, :SetTexture("Path\\To\\texture.ext") does
17:54.45ScytheBlade1yeah you have to use escaped backslashes pretty much everywhere in the code
17:54.48sylvanaar_workdo macs still use :: as thier path separator? I havent used one since system 7
17:54.59wereHamsteripods do
17:55.36sylvanaar_worki hate pressing shift
17:56.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
17:57.07Lunessa... station
17:57.20zenzelezzI used to think "elite of alliance"/"elite of <nationality>" was a bold claim... now I see "<elite of mankind>"
17:57.20alestaneSince OS X is Unix-based, we generally use / now.
17:57.29sylvanaar_workmakes sensse
17:58.31alestaneSome programs still present it as ":" though, and the Finder doesn't allow ":" in file names.
17:59.21alestaneWhich is kind of weird, since a "/" in a file name appears as ":" when you view it using the shell, and a filename set from the shell to contain a ":" appears as "/" in the Finder.
18:03.09foxlitLove what blizzard did to trig functions
18:03.39foxlitmath.* ones take radians, global ones take degrees :/
18:04.39cog|workthe loan consultant who gave us our preapproval letter has a last name of Lenderman
18:05.08Valaron|WorkBuying a house?
18:05.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
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18:05.45cog|workyep. just put in an offer yesterday =)
18:05.56Valaron|WorkFirst house?
18:06.13zenzelezzcog|work: I assume we're all invited to the house warming party
18:06.27cog|workif you can make it! :P
18:06.29Lopeppeppyonly if we don't burn it down?
18:06.42cog|worknah... that's what homeowners insurance is for ;)
18:06.42zenzelezzI can't make houses, sorry
18:06.52cog|work"it" being the trip...
18:07.01zenzelezzI know
18:07.04zenzelezzI play on words
18:07.06art3miszenzelezz: sure you can, you just can't make them "well"
18:07.31cog|workwe're on city water, so no need for a well
18:07.41purlba-dum CHH
18:07.53Valaron|WorkWhere is the house located?
18:08.01cog|workSanta Rosa, CA
18:08.08zenzelezzon an ancient indian burial ground of course
18:08.12zenzelezzlike in all movies
18:08.23cog|workgnomish indians
18:08.32cog|worklike the ones in terokkar
18:08.32Valaron|WorkIs it a brand new house?
18:08.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Olison (
18:08.49LopeppeppyNope, it's an old-new house with cupboards!
18:08.50Valaron|Workor Lived in
18:09.07cog|worknope. 1961
18:09.27cog|workall of the new places around here are cramped into tiny lots in ugly developments
18:09.39cog|workor are > 1mil
18:09.41Valaron|WorkSuch is the Bay Area.
18:10.10Valaron|WorkEven the north state is becoming like that.
18:10.37Valaron|WorkWhite picket fence :P
18:10.48cog|workyeah, but for some reason it's not white anymore XD
18:11.00art3misbecause white is racist
18:11.07cog|workthey stripped it some time between the original listing and now...
18:11.07art3misit's caucasian
18:11.13LopeppeppyIt's mixed-descent-caucasian.
18:11.23cog|worknon-hispanic, of course
18:11.35art3misin california? nooooooooooo of course not ;P
18:11.50cog|workart3mis: interview today?
18:11.54art3misdoes it actually have a backyard?
18:12.09art3mishasnt called yet, it was "late monday or early tuesday"
18:12.14Lunessacog|work: When do you move in?
18:12.33Valaron|WorkEscrow is usually 30, 45 or 60 days.
18:13.17cog|workYes!! it's actually quite a decent size... big cherry tree in bloom right now and a shed with power... huge covered patio
18:13.55ralfWORKI have power in my house now!
18:13.59ralfWORKhow awesome is that!
18:14.25cog|work30 day escrow
18:14.47cog|workis what we offered... if they're willing and we get everything squared away after the contingency period i'd like to narrow that a bit
18:15.00cog|work(especially if it takes a while to hear back)
18:15.16cog|workit's bank owned so they probably won't even respond to our offer for a few days
18:16.29cog|workart3mis: fingers crossed for ya!
18:16.52*** join/#wowi-lounge MrUseful (
18:17.55art3mis$25 OFF
18:17.55art3miswith your delivery purchase of $100 or more.*
18:17.56art3misCoupon code: 6591  5415  0819  8541
18:18.04art3misat if anyone needs it
18:18.23art3misi miss the days when they gave away pens n stuff
18:18.41art3misused to do the orders for the company i worked for so i usually got the freebies ;P
18:18.57art3misi got a rad "space pen" that writes underwater and unside down n stuff
18:19.03art3miscog|work: thanks!
18:19.15art3misheh got an inperson interview on tuesday and on thursday as well ;P
18:19.33LopeppeppyA long week of interviews, but good luck!
18:19.47art3misheh yeah i only really want the first one though ;P
18:20.01art3misthe other two whileim qualified are mostly bartering chips ;)
18:20.41LopeppeppyNever hurts to have extra cards in your hand.
18:20.56art3misup your sleeve attached to the bottom of the table etc ;P
18:21.01foxlitThat seems awfully redundant
18:21.19*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
18:21.29foxlitOr maybe not :(
18:22.14Industrialeep, math
18:22.23cog|workcould you do the fmod first and then if it's negative add angle?
18:22.40art3misshhhhhh if you talk math shirik will show up!
18:23.28art3misor course typing shirik causes shirik to show up because shirik is his beep trigger
18:23.49ScytheBlade1Fisker-: so I missed some items that round. I'm doing these next few thousand in parallel ;)
18:26.12*** join/#wowi-lounge NightHawkAtWork (
18:28.03ScytheBlade1Heh... ext3 doesn't like 30k files in one directory
18:29.08ralfWORKthat's uhm... good to know?
18:29.20ScytheBlade1Well, it's not exactly news
18:29.29ScytheBlade1But it's taking me about one second to delete one file
18:29.47ScytheBlade1(A file that is all of <120 bytes)
18:30.33Josh_Borkepretty sure ext3 caps at 32k files in a single directory
18:30.57Josh_Borkeor maybe not, maybe it's 32k links in a directory
18:31.05ScytheBlade1I've got 35k in here
18:31.13Esamynn|WorkScytheBlade1: one starts to wonder, why d you have so many files in a single directory?
18:31.13ScytheBlade1In a minute that'll be 35k even
18:31.39ScytheBlade1Esamynn|Work: <-- incomplete, I'll have a new copy up in a moment
18:31.49LunessaHey cog|work We're BBQing and drinking wine on your patio after you move in, right?  I mean... srsly.
18:32.23Lunessa-- sorry to respond so late - server had a disk fill up and take out a lot of shares.
18:33.07LunessaParty on!
18:34.38zenzelezzyou know, despite the whole pwned-by-devilsaur and 30-minute corpse runs, I still enjoy Un'goro
18:35.12Josh_Borkepsh, devilsaur's are easy
18:35.32ScytheBlade1zenzelezz: they added two GYs I thought?
18:35.50zenzelezzScytheBlade1: haven't died yet =D But I do think there was mention of that
18:35.58ralfWORKun'goro rocks
18:36.06ScytheBlade1zenzelezz: yeah, your 30m corpse runs shouldn't be that long anymore ;)
18:36.20zenzelezzhonestly, Barrens was worse
18:36.22ScytheBlade1Though I do think that it could use some mob thinning
18:36.39zenzelezzyou were new to the game, died all the time, and you had to run for eternities to get anywhere... even when dead
18:36.58ScytheBlade1The one real time that Night Elves were incredibly overpowered :P
18:37.50zenzelezzall the night elves leveling in barrens.... :-p
18:37.54Esamynn|Workgo go Night Elves =D
18:38.10ScytheBlade1There we go!
18:38.12Esamynn|WorkI miss my Druid whenever I die on my Shaman
18:38.15ScytheBlade1Complete item DB in XML
18:38.29Esamynn|WorkScytheBlade1: now make it all one file! :P
18:38.30LunessaWas anyone in the beta when  you could die and rez at any spirit healer?  Exploration was so easy then.
18:38.35ScytheBlade1Expands to 139MB
18:38.40ScytheBlade1Esamynn|Work: I did, I linked it right there ;)
18:38.41ralfWORKheh naw
18:38.45ralfWORKI heard about that though, Lunessa
18:38.52zenzelezzLunessa: think you still can; if you log out by the right spirit healer and log back in
18:38.53Esamynn|WorkI thought it was still multiple files :P
18:39.01*** part/#wowi-lounge phaedrus_ (n=worshama@
18:39.06ScytheBlade1Nah that's an archive
18:39.19ScytheBlade1But it'll expand to those 35000 files
18:39.21LunessaHadn't tried that.  Not much incentive to "game" the death system now.
18:39.26Esamynn|WorkScytheBlade1: I meant 1 xml file :P
18:39.32ScytheBlade1Esamynn|Work: yeah screw that
18:39.43ScytheBlade1Effort :P
18:39.58ScytheBlade1Plus my desktop is reiserfs, so that'll help
18:40.36ScytheBlade1Esamynn|Work: no I didn't. I pulled those straight off of the armory. Blame Blizzard.
18:41.07Valaron|WorkI use spaces for indentations.
18:41.21ScytheBlade1Valaron|Work: die
18:41.25Esamynn|Work~lart Valaron|Work
18:41.25purlpushes the wall down onto Valaron|Work whilst whistling innocently
18:42.08Esamynn|Workspaces are ok, but Tabs should be the primary indentation at the beginning of a line
18:42.11ScytheBlade1And now to convert all of that XML into a lua table
18:42.29ScytheBlade1And precompile all 35000 files
18:42.38kergothin a perfect world, i'd use tabs for indentation and spaces for alignment, but in the real world, i have to work with other developers on the same codebase, who use crappy editors, and will break it badly
18:42.41kergothso spaces it is
18:42.54Valaron|Workint main () < enter> { <enter> <space> <space> return 0; <enter> }
18:46.04Valaron|WorkI hate it when vim auto indents with tabs.
18:47.14Tem|AFKtabs > spaces
18:47.22Tem|AFKespecially two spaces
18:47.57kergothValaron|Work:  vim autoindents with whatever you awnt it to autoindent with.
18:48.04kergothlearn to configure your editor
18:49.03Valaron|Work:P I know. I'm just lazy.
18:49.23kergothme too, which is why i configured it so i never have to mess with it when i'm actually working
18:49.29kergothlong term laziness > short term laziness
18:49.33zenzelezzI like tabs like I like women; not too wide, not too thin
18:49.40CodayusLazyness:  A great programmer virtue.
18:50.05purlLAZINESS: The quality that makes you go to great effort to reduce overall energy expenditure. It makes you write labor-saving programs that other people will find useful, and document what you wrote so you don't have to answer so many questions about it. Hence, the first great virtue of a programmer.
18:50.28purlEsamynn|Work: aw, gee
18:51.32art3mis <-- friend i grew up with and some how ended up in brooklyn too
18:51.49art3misjust released his first labeled album
18:52.44ralfWORKkergoth: true story
18:53.09ralfWORKtrue laziness is a good thing. false laziness is bad
18:53.29art3misthere is a difference between lazy and sloth ;P
18:55.15Fisker-i am sick art3mis
18:56.43art3mistake two of these and call me in the morning
18:57.01art3mistake two of these internally and call me in the morning
18:57.02CodayusAlso between lazyness and lack of focus...
18:57.47Fisker-i'm gonna take two up my ass
18:57.50Fisker-is that alright art3mis?
18:58.48ralfWORKbetter get some crisco
18:59.57art3mislike he hneeds it ralf
19:00.13art3misyou should see the "chair" he sits on
19:00.26art3misOn Wednesday night, March 12, 2008 starting at 10:00pm Pacific time, we will be performing a major OS upgrade on the file server that handles the entire blingy cluster. This upgrade is at the direct recommendation of BlueArc to hopefully resolve periodic slowdown issues and other quirks of the system. The estimated downtime by the BlueArc technician is 1 hour.
19:00.34art3mis6 days after the server started dying
19:00.37ralfWORKart3mis: oh snap you on dreamhost too?
19:00.48art3miswowdev and gothica are yeah
19:01.01ralfWORKyea they are pissing us off over here
19:01.16art3misthe blingy cluster was suffering from 100% loads the last 5 weeks
19:01.23pastamancerlol dreamhost
19:01.26ralfWORKyea well
19:01.27art3mishopefully this will stop that
19:01.32ralfWORKwe are paying for a dedicated server
19:01.39ralfWORKwhich basically
19:01.44ralfWORKisn't dedicated at all
19:02.18ralfWORK"here, it's dedicated. you don't get root access. also, everything important is on an NFS mount. btw, mail and sql are on other DH servers."
19:02.44ralfWORKso what's dedicated? we have apache running on a dedicated box! yea, really goddamn dedicated!
19:02.45pastamancerget a bunch of people together, spend $2k on hardware and pay for colo
19:03.26art3misheh or send me a box and pay me 200/mn and i'll host it offa my cable business account ;P
19:03.48ralfWORKpastamancer: been there, done that.
19:04.06ralfWORKthis is a web development shop
19:04.22ralfWORKthey really aren't interested in employing a sysadmin to care/feed servers
19:04.23pastamancerI pay $60/mo for 1U colocated and I don't have to worry about anything
19:04.46ralfWORKI could architect a great environment
19:04.50ralfWORKdone it for years
19:05.00ralfWORKit's just not where this company wants to take their business
19:05.30ralfWORKin fact
19:05.43ralfWORKwe have a load balanced, fault tollerant environment today
19:05.50ralfWORKthat's what we're moving off of
19:06.03ralfWORKbecause of the desire to not have sysadminy people
19:06.07pastamancerralfWORK: well, I have a place I can recommend for hosting... not sure their business prices though
19:06.09ralfWORKthat and it's 5 yr old
19:06.15ralfWORKso stuff is dying
19:06.31pastamancernot having a sysadmin is bad news :(
19:06.38ralfWORKyea, it is
19:06.44ralfWORKesp when you are one :P
19:07.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
19:07.51Lunessa... (glumly) station.
19:08.33LunessaThis machine needs a new motherboard, stat.
19:11.41ralfWORKthanks art3mis and pastamancer
19:12.03art3misand has no sata
19:12.54LunessaI'm waiting for the AppleCare rep to come replace the mobo on this iMac - since the integrated video is faulty.
19:14.17*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
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19:30.38art3mis sfw unless goth ninjas in elather is bad for your work
19:31.52IndustrialI know the source >_<
19:32.07ralfWORKI'm looking at AR15s online
19:32.16ralfWORKI'm guessing goth ninjas aren't any worse :P
19:32.40ralfWORKwoah! can see the sides of her muff!
19:33.19art3mis <- bahahaha
19:33.40ralfWORKno want!
19:35.41art3misnot related ;P
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19:36.12ralfWORKnot sure I get it :(
19:36.15Industrialart3mis: not available
19:36.27Josh_Borkeralfwork: have you heard of portal?
19:36.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Kazie (
19:36.41ralfWORKI know what a portal is!
19:36.52zenzelezzI saw the same sign with the text "THIS IS SPARTA" on it
19:37.01Josh_Borkedo you see the blue and yellow portals?
19:38.56art3misAfter several seconds: “It’s not so bad,” he says.
19:38.56art3misThree seconds later: “Oh.”
19:38.56art3misAnother two seconds: “Oh, my GOD! Oh, my God!! Oh, my God!”
19:38.57art3misClooney puts his hand over his mouth like he’s going to throw up. He bolts from his chair and walks out of the room.
19:40.21art3misClooney’s PR rep is in the room and then he insists on seeing the video too, saying he can watch it longer than Clooney did. He only lasted three seconds though, and Clooney laughs his ass off:
19:41.13art3misthats awesome that he actually watched it
19:41.22ralfWORKfucking hilarious
19:41.42LunessaIt's a trap!
19:41.54foxlitMentalPower|Zzzz: zzz?
19:41.58Josh_Borkei've never actually seen it
19:41.59Josh_Borkethank god
19:42.06ralfWORKit's good stuff
19:42.19art3misjust pretend its peanut butter
19:42.28art3misfrom a chicks ass
19:42.38Josh_Borkeno, i've heard about it
19:42.42Josh_Borkei'm not touching it with a 10 foot pole
19:42.51ralfWORKgod I would
19:42.53break19they hot? i'll watch it, if they're hot.
19:42.57ralfWORKI watch it at least 10x a day
19:43.01ralfWORKbreak19: yea the're smoking hot
19:49.52LunessaIt's a trap.
19:50.07ralfWORKnaw man
19:50.07Josh_Borkeno shit sherlock
19:50.09ralfWORKthey are hot
19:50.16ralfWORKyou can't really argue that
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19:50.53Josh_Borkebut i think the hot to disgust threshold doesn't make the cut off
19:51.24ralfWORKpossibly not
19:51.30ralfWORKjust watch it and see ;)
19:51.45Josh_Borkei'll pass ;-)
19:53.43batrickAnybody mind testing my Lua threading library (it has a "stress" test script in it):
19:53.52batricklinux only atm
19:53.56batrickerr *nix
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19:59.19Lunessa... too many posts to read .. only going back three pages still is too many... help me obi-wan.
19:59.53art3mischosoe your cheerleaders costume on a sliding scale of lewdness from birka to tit-birka!
20:00.29zenzelezzbatrick: running ./test.lua, what's it supposed to do? See a bunch of userdata, then a float, three "oh f*ck... 16", and two more floats
20:01.07batrickIt just makes a lot of threads and manipulates them
20:01.11batrickone second
20:01.40art3mis <- zombie college for those who have never ehard of it and need to kill an hour
20:01.56art3miswith voices from futurama and king of the hill
20:02.24batrickzenzelezz: the expletives indicate errors
20:02.34batrickthe floats are just the memory in use
20:02.49zenzelezzI guessed so :-) The f*cks don't happen all the time, just once so far
20:03.08batrickhappens when I attempted to destroy a busy mutex
20:03.23batrickso there is probably an error somewhere maybe
20:03.34art3mishwehe heavymetal guy is awesome too
20:04.09batrickzenzelezz: you can you put an os.exit() before the third for loop and see if you get that error ata ll
20:04.17batrickI need to know if it's because the thread was cancelled
20:11.36zenzelezzI seem to get it even if os.exit() before the first filum.sleep(), looks like it's something inside the loop; but I'm not certain about my copy of lua (just downloaded the binaries so I'm not sure if they're "proper")
20:20.14Lunessa... --- they're feeling their oats this morning.
20:24.24batrickzenzelezz: that's kinda wierd, thanks for the help
20:25.34zenzelezzbatrick: I wouldn't put much into it unless you hear someone else saying the same; my linux box is a bit... messy
20:26.00batrickheh ok
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21:03.25AntiarcI'm trying to reply to that thread and keep getting "Invalid access"
21:13.21foxlitI'm trying to smooth rotation by throttling angle change, and it's frustrating
21:13.53foxlit(texture rotation; I keep sending things the long way around when crossing over origin)
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21:30.58zenzelezzever since I upgraded oRA2 recently I keep getting errors about PaintChips on ready checks o_O
21:31.20nevcairieli thought some update fixed that already
21:43.56zenzelezznevcairiel: I didn't update after, so most likely did. It didn't seem critical, so I stay on my "once every other week" schedule ;)
21:44.01zenzelezzbut thanks for the tip
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21:49.29LopeppeppyRawr.  How did you know I like warriors?
22:07.05batrickShirik: windows is supposed to resolve all those unknown symbols using a linker at run time?
22:07.12batrickare you trying to resolve them at compile time?
22:07.21Shirikwell, yes and no
22:07.36Shirikyou're supposed to supply a file that indicates what dll those symbols will be found in at compile time
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22:07.41batrickwhy are you building lua as a dll
22:07.41Shirikthen it will link it at run time
22:07.56Shirikbecause building the dll gives me the .lib file I need
22:08.06theycallmepostcan anyone walk me through translating a world map coordinate to a specific zone (by hand, using known offsets and zone sizes) ?
22:08.07batrickthat's stupid
22:08.15batrickyou're going to have two copies of Lua loaded
22:08.22theycallmeposterm.. does anyone *want* to rather?
22:08.25Shirikit doesn't actually link any of Lua's code
22:08.43Shirikinstead it just says "this will be resolved at runtime" to the linker
22:08.47batrickno, but when you load our dll it will load that dll at run time
22:08.57batricki really do hope so
22:09.05batrickwindows blows so hard
22:10.11batricktheycallmepost: you don't use coordinates for that.
22:10.27batrick!g GetRealZoneText()
22:10.28batbotbatrick: no results
22:10.32batrick!g GetRealZoneText
22:10.33batbotbatrick: API GetRealZoneText - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft <>
22:11.03theycallmepostbatrick: it *is* possible though, yes?
22:11.09batrickI don't think so
22:11.20batrickcoordinates map to the zone you're in relatively
22:11.30batricki don't think there is such a thing as world map coordinates
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22:14.25nevcairielyou can map zone coordinates to world coordinates
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22:14.31theycallmepostnevcairiel: i was looking through the Astrolabe code, thats where i saw it
22:14.31nevcairielthen continue looking and you'll find the formula =)
22:14.31theycallmepostnevcairiel: care to explain the process? i had a hard time following it
22:14.55nevcairielI didnt actually do it myself
22:14.55theycallmeposti assume
22:14.55nevcairieli limited my addons to zone coordinates because its easier
22:15.55ShirikI was so lonely :<
22:16.03foxlitCan I apply radial transparency to some arbitrary texture?
22:16.54batrickPLAYER_CAMPING event... I'd like to see the heuristics for that
22:17.07ShirikI believe camping means afk/logging out :P
22:17.07chronxhow do i apply a texture to a EditBox in XML?
22:17.17batrickShirik: I was being facetious
22:17.24Shirikoh :(
22:18.49zenzelezz"State Lawmaker Wants To Ban Anonymous Posting Online"
22:19.57batrickis there an event for player coordinate update or do you have to just check over and over via some OnUpdate handler?
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22:25.34NightHawkAtWorkzenzelezz: I like how he says enforcing it would be "a challenge" :P
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22:27.10foxlit"Representative Couch"
22:27.16batrickShirik: did you mess with lua.h?
22:27.28ShirikI told you I wasn't modifying any of the Lua files
22:28.32batrickwell there is a compile error in it now
22:28.58Shirikare you sure it's not /our/ lua.h?
22:29.05*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire_ (
22:29.09batrickbtw, you can't move the initializer for a mutex in pthreads to the init function
22:29.17batrickthe initializer macro is only valid at compile time
22:29.29batrickvalid assignment at compile time*
22:29.45batrickya it's our lua.h
22:29.47batrickwhat is that for
22:29.58Shirikto allow me to do extern "C" as necessary
22:30.21batrickthose lua headers should be "lua/lua.h"
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22:31.03AntiarcOnline gaming can spark romances between shy people who feel getting to know each other through speaking in games is like falling in love "from the inside out". Their relationships are then tested in situations that would never be found in real life, such as attacks by wolves.
22:31.16Shirikthey are....
22:31.20Shirikwhat are you looking at
22:31.24NightHawkAtWorkAntiarc: hah
22:31.47LopeppeppyYup, that would be how The Jerk Learned to Cheat, yup.
22:31.55batrickI'm looking at trunk/lua.h
22:32.21Shirik#include "lua/lua.h"
22:32.22Shirik#include "lua/lauxlib.h"
22:32.22Shirik#include "lua/lstate.h"
22:32.22Shirik#include "lua/lualib.h"
22:33.24zenzelezzLopeppeppy: but now he has to reroll?
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22:34.30chronxhow do i make a multiline editbox have a texture/background that fits its size?
22:35.01Antiarc for the article.
22:35.51zenzelezzfinally a picture of peppy
22:37.46LopeppeppyYup, with my luxurious fur and huge fangs.
22:38.14LunessaI want to meet the red head.
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22:39.51LopeppeppyI wish I were that cute, sadly.
22:40.08zenzelezzI don't know about that
22:40.21zenzelezzthere's a WoWI2 coming? :-o
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22:41.10batrickShirik: that's not what I see
22:41.19batrickperhaps you haven't committed that version of it yet
22:47.02batrickshirik your c++ nastiness is leaking into my beautiful C
22:47.10batrick#define KLUA_SET_THREAD_CANCELLABLE() (\
22:47.16batrickwhat is that!!
22:47.19ShirikI had to!
22:47.30Shirikthat's a valid macro...
22:48.20batrick#define KLUA_SET_THREAD_CANCELLABLE() {\
22:48.21kergothwhy () instead of {}?
22:48.24batrickall better
22:48.25kergothheh :P
22:48.33Shirikbecause if you use {} you get syntax errors
22:48.40Shirikif you use () you get "attempt to cast from void"
22:49.09kergotheh, if you got syntax errors from taht, you must be doign something else wrong
22:49.12Shiriklike let's say I did
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22:49.25Shirikbecause I thought it yielded a status code
22:49.26batrickI hate that.
22:49.37batrickShirik, do the assignment in the macro!
22:49.38Shirikif I do that, then with batrick's solution, I get a syntax error
22:49.59Shirikif I do it with my method, I get "attempt to use a void type" which imo makes more sense
22:50.05Shirikthen I'd go "oh right, it doesn't return anything"
22:50.06Shirikand all's good
22:50.06kergoth"doctor, it hurts when i do this.."
22:50.22ShirikRight, and does the doctor say "well stop doing that"
22:50.25Shirikor does he say "ok take this"
22:51.02Shirikwtf is wrong with that?
22:51.05batrickI'm sure this will be the first of many bugs to come...
22:51.10Cideno, he says "what are you doing here? get out of my house!"
22:51.51batrick#define KLUA_DETATCH_THREAD(t) CloseHandle( t )
22:52.09Shirikwas that in your version?
22:52.44ShirikI think I fixed some of these already
22:52.44Shirikoh well
22:52.48kergothactually, {} in that macro isn't a good idea either, itll break when used in some if blocks
22:53.55Shirikbatrick's just mad at microsoft and taking it out on me
22:54.08cog|workthere goes that pw :|
22:54.30Shirikinteresting password
22:54.40batrick--> string.char(88)
22:54.40batbotbatrick: > X
22:54.47batricki was expecting 'r'
22:54.54Shirikthat would be awesome
22:54.54Cidethat would'v been funny
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22:55.15batrickso anyway
22:55.19batrickit compiles /gasp
22:56.30Shirikthat's odd kergoth
22:56.37ShirikI use ((void)0) and it works just as well
22:56.39batrickShirik: go give it a try on windows again
22:56.44Shirikfor an empty statement
22:56.45Shirikwithout a warning
22:57.19kergothshrug, that part could be a gcc-ism
22:57.47Shiriksadly I learned of ((void)0) from the Microsoft SDK
22:57.56Shiriktheir ASSERT() when compiled as release is defined as ((void)0)
22:58.37batrickan empty statement ';' works just as well.
22:59.59Shirikexcept it triggers a warning
23:00.49batrickfrom shitty compilers*
23:00.52batricklike microsofts'
23:00.59Shirikand gcc
23:01.11Shirikamyway, it compiles
23:01.26Shirikit doesn't actually load into Lua
23:01.29Shirikbut it supposedly compiles
23:01.47batricki'm sure gcc would bitch if an empty statement were put in an odd place
23:01.54batrickif (blah);
23:02.04Shirikwhat if I wanted to do
23:02.09Shirikif (blah) ASSERT(false);
23:02.24ShirikI get a warning :P
23:02.30batrickbecause windows sucks.
23:02.37Shirikgcc would complain about that too
23:02.41Shirikit would become "if (blah);"
23:03.16batrickwell that's shitty to begin with
23:03.21batrickso you deserve the compiler warning
23:04.12batrickso anyway, apparently my posix code still works
23:04.23Shirikam I god?
23:04.29Shirikbatbot: am I a genius?
23:04.29batbotShirik, It is certain.
23:04.38batrickI had to fix some stuff but you did well enough my young padawan
23:04.53Shiriknow if only I can get the damn thing to load in Windows
23:05.50Shirikoh batrick
23:06.01ShirikI didn't show you my godly #define that I used during the competition friday-saturday
23:06.21Shirikit compliments my recursive constructor
23:09.46batrickI don't even know what to say to that
23:10.27Cidewhy do you use a #define over a function?
23:10.41CideI'm not saying a function is better, just curious
23:10.56Josh_Borkein line function no less
23:11.01Shirikwell given that it's a recursive constructor
23:11.08ShirikI need to conserve as much stack space as possible
23:11.14Shirikit's also faster
23:11.38Shirikalso by this point in the competition, I wasn't thinking very clearly
23:11.49Cidehaha, alright
23:11.51Cideyou are excused
23:11.53Cidewell, not really
23:12.03CideI still hate you for the rand
23:12.28Shirikgive me a better solution :P
23:12.30batrickshirik what's the deal with that struct timespec you put at the top of filum.c
23:12.32CideI'm working on it
23:12.37Shirikdidn't I tell you?
23:12.45ShirikWindows doesn't support timespec :P
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23:13.05batrickat least comment it
23:13.09batricklooks so lonely
23:13.17Cide// commented
23:13.19Shirik1.5 hours per problem average
23:13.20Cide// no comment
23:13.29Shirikoh the timespec
23:13.32Shirikit's 2 lines
23:13.34Shirikwhat do you want
23:13.36TecnoBratanyone got that xpantivirus ad recently?
23:13.38Cide// no comment
23:13.40Cide^ that
23:13.46Shirik// this is timespec.tv_sec
23:13.48Shirik// this is timespec.tv_nsec
23:14.00ShirikI know people that do that!
23:14.00batrickthat is c++ comment nastiness
23:14.03batricki want none of that!
23:14.04ShirikIt makes me want to stab them!
23:14.21CideI'm kinda stuck on my secret agents algorithm though
23:14.33zenzelezzyou could always use Visual Basic comments
23:14.33Shirikuse rand :P
23:14.37zenzelezz' WTF?
23:14.39Cidenot that stuck
23:14.41zenzelezzREM huh?
23:14.48Shirikzenzelezz: remark?
23:14.57ShirikMy first language was BASIC :)
23:15.02CideI still have a good idea where to go from here
23:15.17zenzelezzShirik: I can understand the word; it just looks stupid as an indicator for comments
23:15.23zenzelezzbut only barely more so than '
23:15.46ShirikI still think -- and --[[ is a bad choice myself
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23:16.00zenzelezzat least --[[
23:16.11Shirikthat's the one I REALLY have a problem with
23:16.18Shirikbecause it means when you see a --, you have to look ahead
23:16.32Cide--[[ is only a problem because it ends with ]]
23:16.55Cidewhich is valid syntax for nested tables
23:17.05Cidei.e. tbl1[tbl2[i]]
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23:22.58Cideoh, Shirik
23:23.04Cidehow did you bruteforce *all* solutions? :P
23:23.14Shiriknot all
23:23.20Cidewell, since the floats have to be truncated to 6 digits I guess it's possible
23:23.28Cide6 decimals
23:23.34Shirikmy algorithm is in there
23:23.41CideI haven't looked
23:23.41ShirikI split the bases into groups
23:23.49Shirikthe number of groups was equal to the number of agents
23:24.12Shirikthen I found the shortest path between each group (for the plane to take)
23:24.21Shirikthen I found the shortest path within each group (for each agent to take)
23:24.32Shirikit's not quite bruteforce, but it's sure as hell making a lot of guesses
23:24.34CideI might get ideas from that
23:24.46ShirikTo find the groups
23:24.48Shirikwhat I did
23:24.51Shirik(and this is what took the longest)
23:24.52zenzelezzit's gentle force
23:25.01ShirikI found the most distant bases
23:25.06Shirikand used them as a starting point
23:25.24Shirikand then once those have been determined, each group got to claim the remaining bases one by one
23:25.26Shirikas if picking for a team
23:25.33Shirikthey pick the closest ones
23:25.53Cideah, that's a nice solution
23:26.20Shirikbut it didn't really work right
23:26.24ShirikI just didn't have time to find the bugs
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23:42.18NightHawkAtWorkthats hot
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23:52.36KasoNightHawkAtWork, thats awesome
23:53.57LunessaSuper Monkey Ball.  Oh
23:54.42KasoWhy can the iPhone's processor render all that in software, and yet still lags like a bitch in safari
23:55.34LunessaI don't have one.  I want one, but I don't want AT&T... And I don't have an extra $400 for a device right now.
23:55.50batrickclad|sleep: ping
23:56.25batrickanybody know what the raw memory limit is on lua_bot?
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23:56.33Kasoi have an iPod Touch Lunessa, i also cannot afford the iphone
23:57.11LunessaBut I WANT one, so I'll wait until some cash is available to get one.  Until then, I'll just live with my BlackBerry Pearl
23:58.02batrickhow do you like your blackberry lunessa?
23:58.06batricki'm thinking of getting one
23:59.38Lunessabatrick - I like it well enough for a phone/cellphone camera, and even a small music/video plaer.  the keypad sucks for txt msging.  I didn't get a data package, but I can do a lot over bluetooth so it's all good.  You can't listen to music over a bluetooth headset.
23:59.51LunessaI love the trackball.

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