IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080307

00:05.33Shirikobviously I will find the solution
00:05.35Shirikdo you know why?
00:05.47ShirikBecause Visual Studio is god when its memory debugging capabilities are used
00:06.08batrickya well
00:06.15batricki'm too lazy to track it down with gdb
00:06.21*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
00:06.52Shirikyou know why? Because gdb is EVIL
00:07.47ShirikI remember using gdb once
00:07.50Shirikit helped me find the problem
00:07.54Shirikbut it was slow and painful
00:07.59ShirikI like it fast, hard and fast.
00:08.12Shirikand Visual Studio gives that to me unrelentingly
00:08.29*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work__ (
00:08.44batrickya well you got a good days work catching up with what i've done :P
00:08.51batrickso we'lls ee who finds it first!
00:11.27kd3gah. did they disable transports? the rutheran/darkshore boat doesn't apepar to be working
00:11.31kd3on the TTR
00:13.56Shirikbah I can't come up with an acronym for TTR
00:14.25Shirikso kd3, this stress test
00:14.27Shirikwhen is it?
00:14.41kd3sunday. noon-3 PST
00:17.42KasoTTR stands for Tap Tap Revolution, best game ever on the iPhone
00:18.15Tem|AFKI just lost the game
00:18.27WobWorkThey totally should have called it 'Horadric Glass'
00:19.57ShirikCairenn|afk: ping
00:20.22KasoTem|AFK, now you made me loose too
00:20.39Tem|AFKthat's the point, isn't it?
00:20.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
00:20.42*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
00:21.16KasoThe point of guns is to shoot people, doesnt mean i cant be pissed off if someone shoots me :>
00:21.45art3misyes it does
00:22.24GuillotineYou know microsoft is losing ground when they stoop to this for advertisement emails: "Don't be Chicken - Try Office Live Small Business"
00:22.36art3misno thats good
00:22.36Guillotinethanks for insulting me. I think I'll buy your product now
00:22.44art3mismost people dopnt wanna be chickens
00:22.52art3misthey prefer to be sheeple ;P
00:24.32ShirikIsn't VB6 CLI?
00:25.07Tem|AFKwhy can't VB die?
00:25.20ShirikI completely agree
00:25.48Tem|AFKif you're too dumb to learn a real programming language, you shouldn't be writing programs
00:26.42ShirikWarning: Quick statistical test of HKM.exe suggests that HKM.exe is either compressed, encrypted, or otherwise difficult to read. Do you want to continue code analysis?
00:27.02ShirikI always wonder why people say they "post the source code" and then encrypt the EXE
00:27.05Shirikwhat are you trying to hide?
00:29.03KasoWho's this thats releasing source code and an encryped binary?
00:29.19Tem|AFKprobably some boob on wowi
00:30.13*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
00:30.16Shiriklet's see if I can figure out what he encrypted it with
00:31.58Shirik"PECompact 2.x-2.5x" That sounds like a compressor, not an encryptor
00:32.09ShirikI'll have to go look that up, but for the time being, it's getting removed :p
00:33.54|pez|I burned my thumb.
00:34.07|pez|I expect huge bump of gooey water tomorrow.
00:35.17break19Shirik: pecompact is an exe compression utility. i remeber it from my pc days
00:35.40Shirikit also makes it more difficult to analyze the exe :P
00:36.05KasoWell, there isnt a huge amount of difference between encryptors and compressor at that level really
00:36.19Kasocept encryptors usualy try to be a little more sneaky
00:36.25break19you could shave a few % of size off most exe's at the cost of increased load time. you could get the utility and decompress it
00:36.37Shirikdoes the utility do decompression too?
00:36.41ShirikI've seen compressors that only do it one way
00:36.45Shirikok that's good
00:37.28break1990% sure anyway.. its been a long time since exe size mattered to me.. especially now, since all i care about is .app now :)
00:37.51Shirikoh wow
00:38.00ShirikI already have a tool to unpack PECompact-ed files
00:38.10ShirikCidan, daily I find some new tool in this kit that's awesome
00:38.13break19unzip :)
00:39.07Kasotheres a whole field of hacking devoted to circumventing compressors/encryptors..
00:39.34KasoCos the malware guys love to pack up their exes to stop em being picked apart
00:42.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
00:45.05KasoFuck websites that block right click
00:45.38Kasoif i want to download your images shitty javascript wont stop me. All it does it stop my mouse gestures from working properly
00:46.29widger|workScytheBlade1: Ping
00:46.29Dumanno kidding
00:46.29DumanI never understood that
00:46.29Dumandoesn't stop jack crap
00:46.47Kasoit stops non-techy people
00:46.53Kasobut a better way to block noobs downloading your images is to put them as a background with a transparent gif overlayed
00:47.23Dumanhaha yeah, i've seen that, too
00:47.41DumanI oculd just point my browser at my local squid cache and give the site teh finger, tho ;-)
00:47.51Dumanhell, or just go thru my local browser cache
00:48.01Guillotineour get the image name from source in most cases
00:48.03Kasoor read the source code and work out the url
00:48.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
00:48.03*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Lopeppeppy] by ChanServ
00:48.08Guillotinehah, beat you to it Kaso!
00:48.21KeiasHello, Lopeppeppy
00:48.26widger|workHeya Lopeppeppy =)
00:48.33Shirik~x de en Kimina, Du hast keine Rechte, um auf diese Seite zuzugreifen. Folgende Gründe könnten z.B. dafür verantwortlich sein:
00:48.34LopeppeppyHeya, widger|work
00:48.46ShirikI am not right?
00:49.01Guillotineno, you are wrong
00:49.04Kasobut at least the transparent gif doesnt stop the browser working properly whilst also failing to stop people download images
00:49.37widger|work~x wo bu ji dao
00:49.48widger|workpurl fails at pidgin =P
00:50.13GuillotineScytheBlade1: lol, I like your response to the guild tab :P
00:50.29Shirikwidgertick: wo bu?
00:50.33ShirikWhat language do you want it in?
00:50.42Shirik~x de en Du versuchst, den Beitrag eines anderen Benutzers zu ändern oder auf administrative Funktionen zuzugreifen. Überprüfe bitte in den Forenregeln, ob du diese Aktion ausführen darfst.
00:50.50widger|workOh, I see
00:50.53Shirik"de -> en" german to english
00:50.57widger|work~x zh en wo bu ji dao
00:51.11widger|workNo, you don't know. =P
00:51.28widger|workPurl bu ji dao zhongguo ^_^
00:52.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Wilbur (n=blanejnr@
00:52.35Shiriksearching for 'CALL EDI', found in: 0043B0D2
00:52.35Shirikverifying PECompact signature ... ok
00:52.41Shiriklets fight! (runnig application, placing BP on Load Library call etc.)...
00:52.46Shirikwhat a great tool
00:52.53ShirikI love people with fun status messages
00:55.19Shirik~kill Guill|Fun
00:55.19purlACTION shoots a magneto-ionized fluxquark gun at Guill|Fun
00:55.35Guill|Funwhat a horrible way to show your love :(
00:56.10ShirikIt's fun for me
01:00.14ScytheBlade1Guill|Fun: lol, ty
01:00.16ScytheBlade1widger|work: pong
01:00.47ScytheBlade1Guillotine: I quite like it myself ;)
01:01.05Guillotinenow we need to get sounds embeddable in chat
01:01.12Guillotineso I can play the murloc sound whenever someone logs online
01:01.12ScytheBlade1That'll be the day
01:01.45ScytheBlade1If you EVER get that to work
01:01.48ScytheBlade1I'll outright strangle you
01:02.18ScytheBlade1Whoa, wtf
01:02.24ScytheBlade1I have *TEN* mod points on slashdot
01:03.28ScytheBlade1You have moderator access and 10 points (expire on 2008-03-09).
01:04.10WobWorkwhat did you want in Mandarin?
01:04.20WobWork"I do not know Mandarin"? =P
01:05.03WobWorkWo bu ju dao Zhongguo is rather literally: "I do not know. Chinese"
01:06.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandok1 (
01:07.03WobWorkyou want "Wo bu shou Hanyu"
01:07.12WobWorkI don't speak Chinese
01:08.31kd3oh whee, broken.
01:08.44kd3the teleporter on the TTR is offering to teleport me to horde starting zones.
01:08.47kd3I'm on a dwarf hunter atm
01:09.01Shirik~x en zh I do not know Chinese.
01:09.13Shirikpurl, thanks
01:09.13purlno worries, Shirik
01:10.48WobWorkactually I misinterpret. "Wo bu ji dao Zhongguo" =P It's "I do not know China"
01:11.53Xinhuano_O that's a near perfect translation
01:12.16Xinhuanfrom purl that is
01:13.38kd3awesome. I'm now in belf territory as a dwarf huntard
01:14.11Xinhuan汉语 is correct translation for "chinese" but åŽæ–‡ is better hehe
01:14.30ShirikXinhuan: It may be hard-coded
01:14.36Shirikfor standard phrases like that
01:14.39Xinhuani doubt that
01:14.43NightHawkTheSanehaha.. "I realize Twitter is just below Britney Spears on the list of things we expect to see go down..."
01:15.00Xinhuan"Chinese" has a lot of differentmeanings
01:15.08Xinhuanhere it means the spoken language
01:15.20ShirikI'm only aware of one usage of it
01:15.23Shirikin English
01:15.24Xinhuanbut it can also mean the race, the country, the ancestry
01:15.42Xinhuanit has at least 10 different meanings heh, even in English
01:15.47Shirikin that sentence above it really only has one
01:15.54ShirikAnd that's a pretty common sentence
01:15.55art3misyou're forgetting how particularly fun it is to call japanese people chinese too xin ;)
01:16.05ShirikI kill people who do that art3mis
01:16.05Xinhuanhence i was pretty surprised at the accuracy of the context of the bot translation
01:16.19art3misits pretty funny
01:16.28art3misconsidering the feuds
01:16.50art3misall orientals/asians are aliens anyways
01:17.15art3missoon their plan to dominate the world will be complete and we'll recieve a call from the mothership to go off and populate elsewhere
01:19.39*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (i=spam@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
01:21.54break19certainly good at 'populating' look at China for cryin out loud.
01:22.22|pez|Ah, sucks. I'm playing around with a Drupal installation, and testing out the ecommerce thing.
01:22.27|pez|wll, tried to
01:22.44|pez|and it seems my Drupal installation doesn't work with the most recent ecommerce module.
01:22.51break19Ru Paul?
01:23.21WobWorkXinhuan: I nkow!
01:24.16Xinhuan~x en zh I hate you very much
01:24.19Xinhuanlets try that
01:24.27Xinhuanwhoa perfect
01:25.00WobWork~x en zh fuck you!
01:25.24break19all I see is backslashes and number/letter combos
01:25.31kd3I'm not sure I wanna know what that translated as
01:25.33Xinhuanyou need to install east asian fonts on your cpu ;p
01:25.36WobWorkhm, I think you need the charset
01:26.06break19heh i dont -need- to, since I cant understand it anyway :)
01:26.15Xinhuanits under Regional Settings for win xp
01:26.26break19that means nothing to me.
01:26.46break19Xinhuan: þÿDarwin blackbox.local 9.2.0 Darwin Kernel Version 9.2.0: Tue Feb  5 16:15:19 PST 2008; root:xnu-1228.3.13~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh powerpc
01:27.02Xinhuanwell it still means something to you
01:27.07Xinhuan"you need to install east asian fonts on your cpu ;p"
01:28.22WobWorkat least purl is polite about the whole thing =P
01:29.05Xinhuanbtw, purl translated "fuck you" to chinese in 4 words that means "going to have sex with you"
01:29.21WobWorkUsing the most polite versions of the characters =)
01:29.31WobWorker words
01:29.39Xinhuani literally rofled out loud
01:29.47purlWobWork: aw, gee
01:29.52WobWorkpurl is a LADY
01:30.19WobWork~x zh en 与您性交!
01:31.08Shirikmy client displays those characters fine
01:31.11Shirikbut I can't type them in :(
01:31.26WobWorkI can't either without activating the IME input
01:31.31ShirikIf I do, it just becomes this when I hit enter: 与您性交
01:31.34Xinhuanime input ftw
01:31.34ShirikIt worked
01:31.36Shiriksince when?!
01:31.46ShirikIt used to just become ???????? when I hit enter
01:31.51Xinhuanyou merely just need your irc client to support utf8 typically
01:32.00Xinhuanthe option is off by default in mIRC for eg
01:32.01Shirikit used to display fine but not let me type it in
01:32.03Xinhuanbut yu can turn it on
01:32.16WobWorkIt's clearly due to China's infiltration of the interwebs
01:32.33WobWorkhow can they take control if they can't display their language?
01:33.01WobWorkDamnit, forgot to put a space in front of those lines =P
01:34.25ShirikThat's the other thing I hate about this client
01:34.37Shirikit strips out multi-spacing and trailing and leading whitespace
01:35.03Cideget xchat
01:35.39ShirikWobWork: Irrelevant, I also want to see when others put spaces, etc.
01:36.10CideShirik: you can see it, if you select it with your mouse cursor, iirc
01:36.13Cidebut still, stupid
01:36.20Shirikno it doesn't exist :P
01:36.35Cideyou sure? :P
01:36.35Shirikif I copy-paste it to notepad, etc.
01:36.45Cidetry selecting this with your cursor:                   hi
01:37.14ShirikI see nothing except a single space in between : and "hi"
01:37.27Cideeven if you select it? I thought mirc used to show it then :/
01:37.34art3miswow your client == lame
01:37.37ShirikI don't think it's mirc's doing
01:37.49Cidewhose doing would it be then?
01:37.54art3misget xircom!
01:37.57art3misget xircon!
01:38.11art3misCide: its car key gnomes
01:38.29art3misat first they just used to move his keys and wallet around
01:38.45art3misbut that for boring and since hes on irc so much they figured they'd steal whitespace
01:39.01art3misScytheBlade1: i didnt know you liked the cock
01:39.09ScytheBlade1art3mis: what?
01:39.17art3mis: ScytheBlade1 is still weirded out by having 10 mod points on slashdot
01:39.27art3mismod points on slashdot == like cock
01:39.31art3misits a fact!
01:39.53ScytheBlade1Do you know how the moderation system works?
01:40.49art3misi can honestly say that ive never been to slashdot ever
01:41.12ScytheBlade1Not anymore! hahahaha
01:41.19art3misstill never been to it
01:41.38ScytheBlade1If you post enough, and your posts get "modded up"
01:41.44ScytheBlade1Your karma will increase
01:41.50ScytheBlade1Once your karma hits a level, you get mod points
01:41.58ScytheBlade1... 5 mod points
01:42.02ScytheBlade1I've never heard of ANYONE getting 10
01:42.22art3misso you've been around long enough to be an uber cock lover ;P
01:42.33Cidethat's pretty nerdy, ScytheBlade1
01:42.37Cide (sfw)
01:43.10ScytheBlade1Cide: it's... yeah. weird. is awesome
01:44.25art3miswhy i remember the day that dalnet and undernet went "online"
01:44.33art3mis<-- old loser
01:44.43ScytheBlade1I was on dalnet for a few years
01:45.10art3misdbn3+eagle_1 == pure win
01:45.22*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
01:45.36art3misand phoenix+fluffmods and LiCe used to duel into the sunset
01:45.54art3miscombots were all the rage
01:46.12art3misand leet speak was just a way to harass visionary, the blind suspected narq
01:46.58art3misthe men were still men
01:47.03art3misand the women were still men
01:47.14art3misbut the fbi didnt know much about is let alone being children ;P
01:47.15ScytheBlade1Women?! On the internet?!
01:47.16Guillotinehaha, I just had an AWESOME idea
01:47.21ScytheBlade1Surely you jest!
01:47.24LopeppeppyNO wai.
01:47.34art3misno there were no women back then
01:47.39art3miswell there were
01:48.30art3misbut most had more testosterone and had probably dropped thier testicles more distantly than most of the men ;P
01:49.07ScytheBlade1Cide: WHAT LIES
01:49.24art3mislike a hot chick would own an emp
01:49.34Shirikoh she would
01:49.46art3misor more importantly be out of the kitchen and with shoes on!
01:49.49WobWorkowning an emp automatically applies 'hot'
01:50.12WobWorkthus it's a tautology
01:50.15art3misi like my women like i like my coffee
01:50.21art3misground up and in the freezer
01:50.23WobWorkground up and in your freezer?
01:50.41Mr_Rabies2i like my women like i like my whiskey
01:50.48Mr_Rabies212 years old and mixed up with coke
01:50.49art3misjinx sexy with yer girlfriend, no complainsies
01:51.17WobWorkart3mis: worst attempt at refinagling an xkcd comic ever =P
01:51.33WobWorkEPOCH FAIL
01:51.34art3misi'll try for much much worse next time
01:51.54WobWorkart3mis: not enough brackets
01:52.07art3misthats because the raptor strike happens to fast
01:52.10ScytheBlade1Of course, the problem with having so many mod points, is trying to spend them
01:52.22art3misyou could randomly ban people
01:52.27art3mislike wob
01:52.28art3misand cide
01:52.33ScytheBlade1Except that... I can't
01:52.36art3miscan yuo buy ip bans?
01:52.42Cideart3mis: hm?
01:52.55ScytheBlade1No, you can't
01:52.57ScytheBlade1Cide: read up
01:53.37Guillotineaww, I can't get it to work :( In the character select screen, the addon names are just text strings, right?
01:53.45GuillotineI know color codes work with them
01:53.46CideScytheBlade1: read up for what?
01:53.59ScytheBlade1Cide: what art3mis was talking about ;P
01:54.13Cidewell yeah, but I still don't get what he's saying
01:54.27CideI thought he said
01:54.34Cide"and cide: can you buy ip bans?"
01:54.43ScytheBlade1lol, no
01:54.43Cidebut he was gonna ban me
01:54.46ScytheBlade1He wants to IP ban you ;)
01:56.24art3mis1 2girls1cup is enough for me ;P
01:56.33Cidenah, it's nothing like that
01:56.36Cideothers can verify
01:56.38art3misi has a very weak stomach ;)
01:56.47ScytheBlade1art3mis: then here, have a mediumurl:
01:56.57art3miswhat about large url?
01:57.10ScytheBlade1Way ahead of you ;)
01:57.15art3misstill not clicking it
01:57.27Mr_Rabies2art3mis: learn to turn on preview feature
01:57.39art3misalthough you could have made a tinyurl of the mediumurl of the hugeurl
01:57.48Guillotinethis is awesome
01:58.05art3mispreview feature?
01:58.16art3misim fairly certain that xircon doesnt have that ;P
01:58.38NightHawkTheSanethere's a certain irony in tinyurl'ing that link
01:59.35art3mishay cide: <-nsfw
02:05.36*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | WoW programming book |
02:09.16Shirikwtf ScytheBlade1
02:15.25GuillotineAnother leet discovery by yours truly:
02:15.33Guillotinemake sure its enabled in the AddOns panel first though
02:15.40Guillotinebtw, only works on PTR
02:16.19CideGuillotine: ## Interface: 20300 eh?
02:17.07Cide(does the texture actually work?)
02:17.38Kasogeocities? that still exists?
02:18.47kd3heh, whee for breaking yet another text area with textures
02:19.01Cidedoes the texture work?
02:19.11Cidenow all we need is an Ace icon
02:19.14KasoHoly crap who thought that was a good idea
02:19.15Cideso we can remove that -Ace2- text
02:19.21Cideand replace it with a huge icon
02:19.25Guillotinejust make an Ace tga and you can add it on
02:19.29Kasoas if the redicoulous colors werent enough
02:19.32CideI was being sarcastic
02:19.47Cidethat's the worst fucking idea ever
02:19.51Guillotinedo it
02:19.57art3mis ads NSFW content is
02:19.59Guillotineor I'll go through the repository and do it myself
02:20.00CideI just copyright'd the idea
02:20.05Cide(don't ask)
02:20.11Cideyou're not allowed to now
02:20.27Guillotinewell, all my addons from now on will have an icon :P
02:20.31GuillotineI wonder
02:20.33Guillotineif I can break it
02:20.41Guillotineby putting unitid links there
02:20.49art3misThe House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Courts has passed the Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act of 2007, putting structure and resources behind the Department of Justice's pledge to crack down on intellectual-property crimes.
02:21.05Guillotineahh, nm, it has its own Onclick
02:21.21art3misThe group also said it is pleased with the addition of language that requires the Department of Justice to show a "substantial connection" between property it tries to seize and the infringing activity.
02:22.01KasoHoly crap im glad that damages for breaking DRM bit was removed
02:22.12Kasoi mean the DCMA is bad but that wouldve been rediculous
02:38.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
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02:47.22Cairenn:( MentalPower|Sick
02:47.36MentalPower|Sickyeah :(
02:48.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Malgayne (
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02:50.20Shiriko.o rings can have sockets in them?
02:50.53*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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02:52.37*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
02:53.44*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
02:57.26Lunessa:(  I'm sorry you're not feeling well.
02:57.48art3mis this will make you feel better
02:57.52LunessaSorry I've been quiet all day - work and IM's from guildees have been kicking my ass all day.
02:57.56art3misKristin Chenoweth
02:59.16MentalPower|Sickart3mis: wrong gender :P
02:59.31MentalPower|SickLunessa: thanks, I appreciate it
03:00.16LopeppeppyI'd hug you too, Mental|Power, but um... I am just getting over sick too!
03:00.35LunessaLunessa's Law #3,876 - Never try to guess the gender, sexual orientation, or kinks of people over the internet.  Just let them TELL you.
03:01.05LopeppeppyPeppy's Law #1  Because they ALWAYS will!  :P
03:01.10MentalPower|SickLunessa: lol!
03:01.23art3mismental is a slashdotter too?
03:01.31MentalPower|Sicknot really
03:01.47MentalPower|SickI visit /. every once in a while, but I've never commented
03:01.49art3misscroll up a bit and you'll understand the joke ;P
03:04.08*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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03:04.43art3misi keep forgetting to do that
03:04.53ckknightI have feelings too.
03:05.06art3misit ignores all thee signoffs joins and parts ;P
03:05.14art3misnot you when yuo talk snookums
03:05.48LunessaHeh, now you need to send him a pretty picture to cheer him up.
03:13.04Dumandidn't realize the client can still query the actual level of ??-level PC mobs
03:13.15Shirikhow do you kick someone from chat room in wow?
03:13.20CideDuman: you can't
03:13.22CideShirik: /chathelp
03:13.30Dumancide: eh?  cowtip does it somehow
03:13.37CideDuman: oh, pc mobs
03:13.39Cidethat would be 'players'
03:13.41Dumanany PC I mouse-over will show ?? for a sec, and then the level
03:13.45Dumanyes, players :)
03:13.52Cidethat's probably possible
03:13.53ShirikCide: <3
03:15.20Dumanit's probably /ckick since invite is /cinvite
03:15.28Shirikalready got it but thanks
03:16.43ShirikDuman: ><
03:16.49ShirikIt has text and nicknames?
03:17.00Shirikwhat else is it supposed to have ><
03:17.11Dumanthe commands
03:17.21DumanI'm kidding, anyway :P
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03:25.54Kasowtf, does MySQL gain the case sensitivity of its host OS in relation to table names
03:26.08WobWorknot afaik
03:26.25MentalPower|Sickprolly not
03:26.32MentalPower|Sickat least I don't think so
03:26.59WobWorkI do know it tends to lowercase everything
03:27.05batrickI see shirik doing this:
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03:28.04Cideme too
03:29.49KasoBasically i'm using this crappy api provided for my by lectures that uses "SELECT MapID FROM Map", and database has a "map" table, on my local windows based MySQL server the code works, on the remote debian based server it does not
03:30.09Kasoi dont want to have to de/recompile the API to fix it again!
03:30.58MentalPower|SickKaso: hmm... you might be right
03:31.08MentalPower|Sickyup you are
03:31.17MentalPower|Sickits case sensitive based on OS
03:31.34KasoThis is the most crappy code ive ever been provided by a lecturer
03:31.43Kasooh well, /me goes to fix it again
03:33.12Kasobugger, cant fix it all cos some of the files wont decompile fully >.< guess ill have to manually exit the SQL table dump they gave us then
03:33.59CairennAntiarc, ScytheBlade1 (anyone else that might be bored and feel like digging into something to see whether it is safe or malicious):
03:34.32CairennHotKey Mapper
03:34.32CairennHey everyone! I got tired of having to Alt+Tab to control other programs (ie iTunes), so I made this small app that allows you to setup hotkeys for any program. Basically it just sends messages to other apps even if they're in the background. I've tested it with a few games, but I don't know what everyone would use it for, so I need testers. Any bug reports or suggestions are greatly appreciated. Also, so no one has to worry about keylog
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03:34.58Cairenndon't click the link if you aren't sandboxed
03:35.05Cairennno idea if it's clean or not
03:35.06Kasooh, that was the one with the compressed binary Shirik was on earlier.
03:35.36Cairennshould have known he'd already brought it in here to play with
03:35.55Kasohe didnt actually say much about it, just enough to leave me curious >.<
03:36.09Cairennit may be completely legit
03:36.11Cairennit may not
03:36.13Kasolike the tease he is
03:36.34batrick"Mages will get new abilities in the expansion too, believe it or not. In fact, we intend to tone down how strong of a counter warlocks are to mages through the wotlk spells/talents."
03:36.39batrickno wai!
03:37.18Cairenn(10:27:00 PM) Shirik: I can tell you it is compressed (and potentially encrypted) with PECompact. Appears to be v2.5
03:37.18Cairenn(10:27:20 PM) Shirik: And I can tell you there are strings inside it which reference Windows internet APIs
03:37.18Cairenn(10:27:25 PM) Cairenn: *nod*
03:37.18Cairenn(10:27:26 PM) Shirik: but I can't tell what it does with those API
03:37.33Cairenndue to lack of time to play with it
03:39.12batrickl2gdb shirik
03:39.20batrickset some breakpoints zzz
03:39.36ShirikI disassembled it and looked at the code
03:39.40Shirikdoesn't help you when it's meaningless
03:42.19LunessaAnyone who writes a blurb like that, and an App like that... Well... Let's just say "I didn't write it, I don't trust it."
03:43.35batrickShirik: you set breakpoints on common API functions
03:43.38batrickand disassemble zzz
03:43.50Shirikand let the program run until it hits that API
03:43.52Shirikgreat idea
03:43.58batrickthat's what dummy boxes are for
03:44.02Shirikscrew that
03:44.16batrickor better yet, another hard drive
03:44.18CairennLunessa: yup, which is why Shirik (and Seerah, since he posted it a second time) did precisely the right thing and soft deleted the thread(s) until we can verify whether it's safe or not
03:45.10LunessaCairenn: I'll admit that I saw the link earlier, but was so busy I forgot to flag it or say anything.
03:45.33Shirikthat's because I was being stupid and tried to disassemble it before hiding the thread
03:45.39Shirikthus leaving it up for 30 minutes
03:46.44LunessaIs it just me, or does some very large percentage of the WoW population self-diagnose OCD and Asperger's?
03:47.17SeerahI have OCD :P  (self-diagnosed)
03:47.38batrick#1 rule about psychological disorders is you never try to diagnose yourself :P
03:47.39Xinhuanyou must have OCD
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03:49.28ShirikI told my doctor I thought I was ADD :P
03:49.45Shirikthen he said "no you have clinical depression, but let's take these blood tests anyway"
03:49.56ShirikAnd that's how I found out I was hyperthyroid
03:50.04Shirik3.5x normal level at the time, lol
03:50.54CideI knew you were strange
03:54.17SeerahI think I'm ADD Shirik.  Does that mean I might be hyperthyroid? ;)
03:54.30Seerah(yeah, I know - ADD and OCD all at once :P )
03:54.43ShirikHyperthyroidism is often misdiagnosed as ADD or clinical depression
03:55.54LunessaMy Hypoglycemia was almost diagnosed as depression.
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04:04.03KasoI wonder what explains the sudden rise in traffic at 2am
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04:04.57kd3what do the referer logs have to say?
04:05.09Lunessakd3: Is the first one supposed to be funny?
04:05.27kd3not afaik. just a neat look
04:05.31Kasounfortuantly this isnt my server so i dont have proper access to stats
04:06.10Kasoits the university's squid caches, load ballenced across four caches, ive written a dirty script to track server load on them
04:06.15Kasojust out of curiousity
04:09.02pastamancerI need to rent a corpse on US/Durotan.  Make a level 1 orc or troll and send me a whisper
04:15.41WobWorkkd3: That looks like Ticket To Ride =)
04:16.00kd3hm... wtb /gmotd history
04:25.44Shirik--> pingIn = function(t) if type(t) != 'number' or t >= 5 then error("Usage: pingIn(time) -- time must be less than 5 seconds"); else local time = os.clock()+t; while(os.clock()<time) do end; end print("pong") end
04:25.45batbotShirik: @ [string " pingIn = function(t) if type(t) != 'number' or t >= 5 then err..."]:1: 'then' expected near '!'
04:26.00Shirik--> pingIn = function(t) if type(t) ~= 'number' or t >= 5 then error("Usage: pingIn(time) -- time must be less than 5 seconds"); else local time = os.clock()+t; while(os.clock()<time) do end; end print("pong") end
04:26.08batbotShirik: pong
04:28.33LunessaTime to go.  I'm off tomorrow, so see those of you who are  online Saturday. :)
04:28.33break19þÿ <- good tank build?
04:28.40Cairennhave fun Lunessa
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04:30.47SixenHello, Lopepeppy.
04:31.50Seerahoookaaaay....  Time for the great UI purging of 2008!  (clearing interface and wtf folders and starting from scratch!  /cring
04:31.54Seerah* /cringe
04:32.08EvilDeathCrabHi, I'm new to LUA and the WoW API, and I have a question about events.  Is there any way I can track when a players crit chance is updated?  I see there's one for attack speed, attack power, and a bunch of other combat stats
04:32.46SeerahEvilDeathCrab: have you taken a glance through wowwiki for it yet?
04:33.03EvilDeathCrabyeah, I'm not finding anything crit related regarding events
04:33.14KasoI'd recomend looking at that wow interface code for the Charater screen
04:33.27Kasothats where i'd be done in the default UI
04:33.30EvilDeathCraboh right, we can look at that now, can't we
04:33.46Kasowe're always been able to look at default ui code.
04:34.02Seerahget the UI extractor if you haven't yet
04:34.12purlGet the official Blizzard Interface AddOn Kit here: or view it online at
04:34.29Seerahdanke, kd3 :D
04:36.07EvilDeathCrabwow, these resources are cool :X
04:36.43ShirikEvilDeathCrab: Lua, not LUA
04:36.50SeerahAnd if you don't have a text editor yet for coding, I suggest Notepad++
04:36.59ShirikDon't listen to Seerah, get SciTE
04:37.09EvilDeathCrabI have textpad
04:37.09Cidedon't listen to Shirik, get TextPad
04:37.10break19meh, forget the both of em, Get Smultron
04:37.14SeerahDon't listen to Shirik, he's a little loopy
04:37.15Cidesee? textpad is awesome.
04:37.23CideI use komodo nowadays though
04:37.25Cideit's pro
04:37.33Kasobasically from a quick search through PaperDollFrame.lua you can work out the event you need, i wont spoil the solution for you.
04:38.03sacarascwhat's something good for learning lua/wow lua for someone who grows bored of things quickly?
04:38.35Irielthink of a simple addon you want and write it
04:38.40Irielrepeat until skilled or bored
04:38.50Cideprobably bored, if you grow bored of things quickly
04:39.02Cideit's not a very fast process unless you're a programmer from before
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04:39.34SeerahOr start tweaking other people's addons, or start out with custom layouts for agUF or oUF
04:40.04Kasoi think its better to learn on your own, others addons can be confusing, and also you can pick up bad habbits
04:40.05Seerahthat way, you're not starting out from scratch, have other things to look at, and can change mods to something that you like
04:40.21Seerahdepends on the addon
04:40.47WobWorkOn the one hand, the well written ones are probably too esoteric for newbies
04:41.04WobWorkbecause if they're really well written, they'll use every trick in the book to get the most out of Lua
04:42.54CideWobWork: not necessarily
04:43.05SeerahI've seen things that make my head spin
04:43.13Cideaddons don't have to use advanced lua features like metatables to be well written
04:43.24batrickwhen I run lua with gdb, i can't reproduce a segfault
04:43.36Cidebut in some cases that's true, of course
04:43.58pastamancerthat makes me wonder what you could do with wow and dtrace on osx
04:44.10Seerahbut, yes, Cide.  There are well-written mods that are easy to understand.  And descriptive comments are always a plus (with cookies to the author)
04:46.45Mr_Rabies2just uh
04:46.56Mr_Rabies2don't try to learn lua from the thottbot addon
04:47.07Mr_Rabies2that's a lost cause
04:47.31Seerahor KTM
04:48.08Cairennor Carbonite
04:48.28sacarascheh... so, find a good addon and go from there...
04:48.33Seerahstick to something small and simple :P
04:49.42Shirikbatrick: Wait, let me guess
04:49.48ShirikWHAT, IMPOSSIBLE?!
04:50.01ShirikIf it were visual studio it would have picked it up, even if it didn't segfault
04:50.14Shirik<3 VS's memory debugger
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04:50.39ShirikIt's all like "hey this was legal and all, but probably not desired, so stop it."
04:51.33batricksorta sucks
04:51.35ShirikVisual Studio has a lot of cool features -- like in debug mode, it adds an extra byte before and after every allocated block so it can go back and detect incorrect writes later
04:51.45Shirikit also watches arrays for when they go out of bounds
04:52.00Shirikit also detects if you forget to delete a variable
04:52.00batrickshirik... go debug it for me!
04:52.12ShirikI would and all, but someone decided to make it non-OS-independent
04:52.14Shirikso I have to fix the code first
04:52.21batrickur own fault =)
04:52.23Shirikbut I'm doing that now actually
04:52.25Shirikcan I do it in C++?
04:52.26EvilDeathCrabhmm, wowwiki doesn't have any intense documentation for a particular event I need.  Is there another resource where I can find more in depth information?
04:52.28batrickit shouldn't be too ahrd
04:52.49IrielThere are memory allocation debugging libraries you use WITH gdb
04:52.55ScytheBlade1EvilDeathCrab: not that I know of. What event?
04:53.04ShirikIriel, like valgrind? :)
04:53.28batrickhey man
04:53.33batrickit owuldn't segfault in gdb
04:53.35Shirikvalgrind is <3
04:53.38batrickso what good is an extra library
04:53.42Shirikit picks up a lot of things gdb might miss
04:53.47EvilDeathCrabScytheBlade1: combat_rating_update
04:53.50batrickhow do you miss afucking segfault
04:53.51Shirikbecause gdb doesn't do sanity checking until the processor raises an exception
04:54.03Shirikif a pointer was incorrect but otherwise legal, the processor won't raise that GPF
04:54.09ScytheBlade1EvilDeathCrab: the arena related event?
04:54.09Shirikbut valgrind would pick it up
04:54.14IrielIf GDB is "missing a segfault" ou're using it wrong
04:54.22EvilDeathCrabuh, I think it's a player event
04:54.29EvilDeathCrabit's used to update various stuff on the paper doll frame
04:54.34batrickIriel: I'm running the same damn code outside and inside gdb
04:54.40batricksegfaults outside but not inside
04:54.44batrickon two different boxes
04:54.48Shirikobviously gdb hates you
04:54.51Shirikyou should use visual studio
04:55.00sacarascgdb hates everyone
04:55.07Shirikalso wtb access to svn server outside of localhost...
04:55.12sacarascnot as much as valgrind hates me, though
04:55.12batrickya you would have to pay me a lot to start windows
04:55.26batricki thought you were gonna fix that shirik
04:55.31IrielIs it possible that the program is sensitive to the slightly different environment it runs with under the debugger?
04:55.33ShirikI said I needed root to do it!
04:55.58batrickwhat's wrong exactly ?
04:56.02batrickto shirik ^
04:56.04Irielalso, can you attach GDB to the core that the non-GDB failure dumps?
04:56.05ScytheBlade1EvilDeathCrab: do you know when that event is supposed to fire?
04:56.08ShirikI'm not quite sure; do you have any firewalls going on or anything?
04:56.13Shirikiptables might not be set right if you use that
04:56.21EvilDeathCrabno idea scythe :<
04:56.29ScytheBlade1So then why are you looking at it? :)
04:56.48EvilDeathCrabtrying to find a way to capture when crit chance gets updated
04:57.08EvilDeathCrabso Kaso leaves me with a tantalizing clue as to where it is, but won't give me any hints
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04:57.21batrickShirik: give me a second i'lltry to figure it out
04:57.32Kasooh, you want me to spoil it EvilDeathCrab ?
04:57.47Shirikshirik@waterdeep:~$ iptables --list
04:57.47ShirikWARNING: Error inserting x_tables (/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-server/kernel/net/netfilter/x_tables.ko): Operation not permitted
04:57.47ShirikFATAL: Error inserting ip_tables (/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-server/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_tables.ko): Operation not permitted
04:57.47Shirikiptables v1.3.6: can't initialize iptables table `filter': Permission denied (you must be root)
04:57.52EvilDeathCrabI think I have a good theory, I whispered it to you but you didn't reply >.>
04:58.08ScytheBlade1Iriel: is there any way to filter what /dteventtrace gives me?
04:58.11KasoEvilDeathCrab, you need to be authed to whisper on freenode
04:58.18Kaso, like 153
04:58.22IrielYes, hit the ? icon in the top left
04:58.39EvilDeathCrabyeah, that was the one I thought Kaso
04:58.50IrielShift and Ctrl clicks do different things
04:58.54batrickIriel: that sorta did and didn't make sense
04:58.55EvilDeathCrabwtf, I'm not authenticated
04:58.57EvilDeathCrabstupid trillian
04:59.22Irielbatrick: Unless you've disabled them, then when programs crash they dump core
04:59.33ScytheBlade1EvilDeathCrab: looks like that event doesn't fire when your crit rating changes.
04:59.35Irielbatrick: You can run gdb with the executable and the core to find out where it died
04:59.44batrickwell ya, sometimes it receives SIGABRT and dumps everything to the terminal
04:59.45Shirikyeah batrick
04:59.51Shirikulimit -c 200000
04:59.51batricksometimes it gets segfault
04:59.54batrickit's pretty wierd
04:59.56Shirikget the segfault dump
04:59.59Shirikthen load that into gdb
05:00.36EvilDeathCrabScythe, where are you checking that?
05:01.12ScytheBlade1EvilDeathCrab: in-game, with DevTools
05:01.15purlIriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
05:01.47EvilDeathCrabhow convenient
05:02.05ScytheBlade1I lied
05:02.17*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
05:02.20ScytheBlade1COMBAT_RATINGS_UPDATE does change
05:02.55Shirikbatrick: All of this is irrelevant
05:02.58EvilDeathCrabyou cut me deep, Scythe
05:03.01Shirikit's unfair that you have not yet given me access to SVN!
05:03.04ScytheBlade1Iriel: minor bug: if you're filtering the events you want to see, the scroll bar will stop scrolling when an event that isn't displayed coems up
05:03.07ScytheBlade1EvilDeathCrab: ?
05:03.13EvilDeathCrabnothing, just joking :D
05:03.17Shirikyou aren't allowed to be working on it until the SVN is accessible from my side
05:03.32EvilDeathCrabthanks for the info, I think this will do what I need
05:03.47ShirikFix iptables!
05:03.54batrickk fine
05:04.04batricku just want to work ur visual studio voodoo
05:04.07ScytheBlade1Yup. You watch for the event, and then call the API functions to get your crit rating.
05:04.54Shirikwell I can't batrick
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05:05.03Shirikbut I want to get started on os-independicizing it
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05:05.09Shiriknew word
05:07.01sacarascFisker-: you're a rather violent person, why all the rage?
05:07.09batrickit's not even attempting to listen on a port
05:07.29IrielScytheBlade1: I dont believe there are any scrolling /bugs/, but it has some quirks (i.e. it's not perfect but it's not broken)
05:07.59IrielScytheBlade1: Common mistakes -- it stops autoscrolling when you have an event selected (hit ESC) -- also filtering only controls what it's SHOWING, it's still collecting.
05:08.18batricknvm it is
05:08.22ScytheBlade1Iriel: I might have fallen for the first common mistake :)
05:08.25ScytheBlade1Sec as I double check
05:08.35IrielScytheBlade1: I'll be honest -- it still catches me from time to time
05:09.10Fisker-Because i just owned myself sacarasc
05:09.20Fisker-Was cleaning up our dkp site
05:09.28Fisker-"What no gzip compression enabled?"
05:09.33Fisker-*enables gzip*
05:09.42Shirikbatrick: do iptables --list
05:09.45Shirikand see what it outputs
05:09.47Fisker-*greeted by "cannot display this page"*
05:10.43ScytheBlade1Iriel: Yeah, okay. Got it. If I filter the events, works fine. Fire an event that I'm watching for, said event appears, I click on it. Autoscroll stops. However, once auto scroll stops, the scroll bar keeps moving upwards - even though I'm no longer generating the displayed events
05:10.56IrielYes, because the buffer's still collecting
05:11.05Irielif you scroll to the bottom and hit ESC it'll go back to auto scrolling
05:11.18batrickI have no policies set shirik
05:11.24ScytheBlade1Okay, fair enough. At least I know now. :()
05:11.24batrickwhich is why something else is wrong :P
05:11.25ScytheBlade1* :)
05:11.34IrielShirik: Is it bound to the local interface only?
05:11.42Fisker-w3m says it's not in gzip format
05:11.46ShirikI've never had to do any "special configuration" to svnserve
05:11.54ShirikI just set it up to run during init and that's it
05:12.02ScytheBlade1eww @ svnserve :(
05:12.10Shirikwtf you want me to use, apache?
05:12.13Shirikscrew that
05:12.16ScytheBlade1Apache <3
05:12.46Fisker-i could fix it by making firefox not do gzip compression :o
05:12.51Fisker-Firefox = actually useful :OOOO
05:13.06ScytheBlade1Shirik: SVN + apache = hard.
05:13.22Shirikguess how much I had to do with svnserve?
05:13.30Shirikwait... wait... I need to put this in a pastey it's so long
05:14.01ScytheBlade1Called it
05:17.26sacarasclol, gentoo
05:19.03batrickrestarting brb
05:19.12art3miswow thats amazing
05:19.25art3misgeorge bush didnt openly endorse mccain
05:19.49Shirikconnection lost
05:19.57Shirikserver unexpectedly closed connection
05:19.57art3misthen made the comment "if i do endorse him and it helps and if i dont think he's the right man and dont endorse him i just qwant him to win"
05:20.05ShirikThe system is going down for reboot NOW!
05:20.10Shirikdefinitely unexpected.
05:20.38sacarasclol, gentoo admins
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05:21.15Tem|AFKGentoo linux: Sometimes your life is just an example of what _not_ to do.
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05:23.51art3misGenX was too pretentious let's try Gentoo and see if anyone assumes the pretention.
05:26.38sacarascheh! <3 Gygax
05:26.41batrickShirik: my router isn't set to forward that port
05:26.46batrickand I don't have access to it atm
05:26.54batrickso you'll have to do some copy pasting =)
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05:35.55NightHawkTheSanedoes romulo's poison vial proc work on druid attacks?
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05:54.54Wobinoh man
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05:54.58Wobin<3 XKCD
05:55.04Wobinso much <3
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05:56.25sacarascmore like <3 Gygax
05:56.55Cairennyup :)
05:57.05Cairennglad to see them giving him props too
05:57.15WobinIt's the best webcomic tribute I've seen so far
05:57.36sacarascdid you see the end of yesterdays "The Colbert Report"? that was a pretty good one (though obvious)
05:58.00Wobinalthough the: "Gygax, we will miss you (critically)" was good =)
05:58.13Wobinwas it a 'rolling in his grave' comment?
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05:58.51sacarasc"We will miss you" *rolls dice* "20"
05:59.34Cairennthere were more D&D jokes over the last couple days ... and you know, none of them seemed inappropriate - expected, perhaps, trite even - but not inappropriate - somehow, I think he would have laughed at them
06:00.05Shirikgdit batrick
06:00.10ShirikThat exe is invalid
06:00.14Shirikwtb better programs
06:00.41sacarasc"Gary, you'll be missed. How much will you be missed?" *rolls 1d20* "Twenty. May your Prismatic Spray always bypass your targets reflex saving throw."
06:01.49WobinCairenn: I agree
06:02.13WobinAfter Steve Irwin died, the comments were much more... derogatory, despite the similiar subject matter
06:02.48art3misno-one online can say bad things about his legacy
06:02.58Wobinyeah, and that's where most of the insults would come from
06:03.01art3miswe live in the worlds he helped create ;P
06:03.25art3misfew of us knew him but we'll all miss him.
06:03.48sacarascI'm dedicating every roll on Saturday to him... (though with my luck there will be many 1s)
06:04.36sacarascback when elf was a class?
06:04.40art3missteve irwin, while he was a great person was too cartoonish to hold the proper respect
06:04.54art3misoriginal AD&D ;P
06:05.05art3misive got my immortals boxset kicking around though
06:06.40art3misevery major wow city should have a gygax statue
06:07.37sacarascheh, interesting idea
06:10.52WobinI quite like some HDR images
06:18.54art3misthats pretty rad
06:19.18WobinI -thought- those trees looked familiar =)
06:19.48WobinTaken in Como
06:20.25sacarascthose trees are fake, plastic ones
06:20.31sacarasci have (faked) proof!
06:20.34WobinYou clearly don't go out enough to see native trees =P
06:21.04sacarasci live in a forest with only trees as my friends!
06:21.04art3misi live in brooklyn
06:21.12art3misi hear a tree grew here somewhere once
06:21.21WobinYears ago, no doubt
06:21.40art3missacarasc: yer a bark munching rock worshipping druid arentcha
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06:22.19sacarascnope... just plain hippy
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06:27.04art3mishey wobin
06:27.14art3misdoes vegamite ever go "bad"
06:27.30Dumandoesn't it start out  bad?
06:27.31WobinI've never seen it do so
06:27.40art3mislike if i went and had a toast butter vegimite  snack with a container i opened 2 years ago
06:27.40Wobinbut it has so much salt in it, I doubt it could
06:27.57art3misDuman: that was the reason for the quotes ;P
06:29.12sacarascvegemite is bad fake marmite, marmite forever!
06:29.51art3mismade with real marrmots?
06:30.26sacarascMarmite is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing, and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
06:30.50Wobinhm interesting article:
06:31.04Wobinmarmite is a vegemite lacking ... oomph
06:31.41sacarascpfft, marmite > vegemite
06:32.48art3misOne day I heard an announcement that there'd be a delay due to track work, only I misheard it through the crappy speaker as "due to Kraftwerk" and I'm like, yeah, I guess if they were playing again I'd stop a train to go to see 'em.
06:32.50Wobinnext thing you'll be saying is pengiun mints > mint slices
06:33.14Wobinart3mis: welcome to CityRail?
06:33.26art3mismta ;P
06:33.42Wobinwhere are you atm?
06:34.09sacarasci want me some marmite now... i have none in ;\
06:34.41art3miswell brooklyn
06:35.03art3missacarasc: whats vegimite made from?
06:35.22art3misso marmite is the sludge left over from a keg of beer?
06:35.49sacarascno, it's from the beer making process, before it goes anywhere near kegs
06:36.23sacarascbut it's made similarly
06:40.07art3misso craig fergusons funny joke tonight..
06:40.32art3mishe was talking about heidi klume and how shes married to Seal... they met while she was out clubbing.
06:40.40purlba-dum CHH
06:41.57sacarascWobin: it just wasn't funny... no seal clubbing jokes have been for many years to me
06:42.13art3misso this baby seal walks into a club?
06:42.30Wobin"A baby harp seal walks into a bar. "What'll it be, baby harp seal?" asked the bartender. "Anything but a Canadian Club on the rocks." he replies..."
06:42.41purlba-dum CHH
06:45.08art3misSo there's these 2 muffins in an oven.
06:45.08art3misThey're both sitting, just chilling and getting baked.
06:45.08art3misAnd one of them yells "God Damn, it's hot in here!"
06:45.10art3misAnd the other muffin replies "Holy Crap, a talking muffin!"
06:45.42purlba-dum CHH
06:45.50ShirikOkay art3mis
06:45.59Shirikout of respect for the channel, I am going to have to ask you to never speak again
06:46.05Shirikand in the next 10 of your lives
06:46.41sacarascgo Shirik
06:47.27xlvii!kb art3mis for his lame jokes.
06:47.32WobinTwo goldfish were in a tank.
06:48.12WobinThe first one goes: "GASP! OMG I CAN'T BREATHE!"
06:48.12WobinThe second goes: "How the fuck do we drive this thing?"
06:48.34art3misso this duck walks into a pharmacy and walks to the back and asks the pharmacist "got any grapes?"
06:48.53art3misthe pharmacist confused looks at the duck and says "no". the duck turns around and leaves
06:49.12art3misthe next day the same duck walks in and goes to the back and asks again "got any grapes"
06:49.23art3misthe pharmacist still confused looks at the duck and says "no". the duck turns around and leaves
06:49.31art3misthe next day the same duck walks in and goes to the back and asks again "got any grapes?"
06:49.44Wobinthank god for irc history, eh?
06:49.55art3misthe pharmacist says "no we have no grapes!" and the duck turns around and leaves
06:50.15art3misa fwe days go by with thsi same occurance happening
06:50.48art3misfinally one day before the duck can ask the pharmacist screams LOOK WE HAVE NO GRAPES AND IF YOU ASK AGAIN  IM GONNA NAIL YOUR FEET TO THE FLOOR!
06:51.24art3misthe duck ponders for a minute and says "got any nails?" the pharmacist taken aback say "no we dont", "got any grapes?" asks the duck
06:52.00art3misit can go on a lot longer too
06:52.40art3misrectum!? damn near killed 'im!
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06:57.48batrickShirik: of course it's invalid it's compiled for linux you dunce
06:58.00Shirikif it were linux I could have done it with scp
06:58.23batrickyou're talking about that ssh clinet
06:58.31batrickone sec
07:05.11Nom-yo hai all
07:05.35Nom-Any ideas if the 8800 GTS is still teh shit in vid cards, or should i hang out for some other new card in that price bracket? :)
07:05.59batrick9000s are coming out soon i think
07:06.38Nom-lol that's funny Shirik
07:06.46ShirikI'm debating whether or not to send it
07:06.56Nom-Do it :D
07:07.00Nom-Some CSR will get a huge laugh out of it
07:07.03batrickwow is evil
07:07.05Nom-And then say no, sorry can't be done
07:08.02batricknew xkcd is so win
07:08.13Nom-VC XFX 8600GTS xXx 730M PCIe/256MB/DUAL-DVI #
07:09.56art3misA 780G-Athlon 4850e combination will fall into the $180 to $220 price range, according to AMD. Setups featuring the entry-level 780V chipset will cost even less.
07:09.57CairennShirik: ROFL @ CS report
07:10.01art3misthats so awesome
07:10.32art3mis(ATI Radeon HD 3200) <-- 780g
07:11.00art3misand the 4850 is the first of the 45nm dual cores for amd
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07:12.36batrickFucking morons on wikipedia trying to use big words: "Coincidently Blizzard Entertainment decided to dedicate World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Patch 2.40 to him."
07:12.42batrickthere is no fucking coincidence
07:13.09WobinMaybe if they did the dedication before he actually died
07:13.23Wobinwhich would be 1) spooky and 2) prophetic
07:15.09art3misit better not suck then
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07:15.22art3misas a bonus all elves will be removed from the game and replaced with rangers
07:15.47sacarascmost of them already are... damn hunters
07:16.03art3misincluding bloodelves ;P
07:16.10art3misall warriors will become dwarves
07:16.10sacaraschalf of them seem to be too
07:16.27art3misusually they're paladins ;P
07:19.33Cairennbatrick: link to that article?
07:19.57batrick!g Gary Gygax wiki
07:19.58batbotbatrick: Gary Gygax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia <>
07:21.12art3misGary Gygax was commemorated in webcomics series xkcd's comic #393 "Ultimate Game".
07:21.16art3mislast line of honours
07:22.30art3mistemple of elemental evil was by far my most favoritest module
07:22.44CairennI like the other thing Blizz is doing:
07:22.54CairennArt of Blizzard Benefit Show for Child's Play
07:23.19Cide>>> 20+15+10+10+0.01+20
07:23.19CideCide: 75.01
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07:32.53Shirikwtf is this batrick
07:32.53Shirik#include <lauxlib.h>
07:33.00Shirikas if lauxlib is a standard library?
07:34.42Cideit's auxlib for losers
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07:36.51Shiriktime to start
07:36.55Shirikerror #1... kernel.c(7) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'pthread.h': No such file or directory
07:37.02batrickShirik: I didn't want to clutter my home directory
07:37.09batrickmy code directory
07:37.19batrickso I put all the header files in /usr/include roffles
07:37.52batrickI suppose I can fix that
07:37.56batrickShirik: don't mess with it!
07:38.06batrickdon't mess with the lua header files that is
07:38.10ShirikI changed it to #include "cthread.h"
07:38.13Shirikand making a cthread.h
07:39.21Shirikare you compiling this as C btw?
07:39.27ShirikI think we should make it clean C, like Lua
07:39.32Shirikso I can compile it as C++ so we can check both sides
07:42.36batrickk updated
07:42.50batrickit's clean C...
07:43.00Shirikyeah just saying
07:43.09Shirikjust in case somewhere down the line you do something like some implicit cast of a void*
07:43.57batrickI do explicit casts even where stupidly unnecessary
07:44.08batrickif for no better reason than to remind myself later what it becomes
07:44.50batrickI did a really dirty trick to get rid of an annoying warning
07:45.59Shirikhow the hell does that work
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07:46.05Shirikyou can't cast a string to a long...
07:46.10batrickgets rid of the const problem
07:46.21batricklua_tolstring returns a char *...
07:46.26batrickconst char *
07:46.40batrickI cast the pointer to a long and then to a void *...
07:47.10Shirikwhere is this?
07:47.23batrickwe really have no choice
07:48.16Shirikthat shouldn't be legal...
07:49.26batrickI get no complaints from gcc =P
07:50.29batrickif you visual studio bitches we can just add an extra step to it and it should silence any comiler
07:50.49Shirikyeah, it's not complaining
07:50.51Shirikbut it should be
07:50.57Shirikthat's not valid C++ as far as I am aware
07:52.03Shirikthis is so odd
07:52.13Shirikit complains about long to void* but not const char* to long
07:52.28Shirikkernel.c(196) : error C2440: '=' : cannot convert from 'long' to 'void *'
07:52.39Shirik(if I take out the explicit void* cast)
07:53.41batrickdo windows threads offer asynchronous cancellation?
07:53.55Shirikwindows threads offer pretty much everything you could ever possibly want
07:54.09batrickhow about a new operating system?
07:54.25Shirikunfortunately it still follows the "create a structure, fill out 30 elements in it, 20 of those elements are 'reserved and unused and should be zero'"
07:54.59ShirikThe guys at ##c++ are telling me a constant pointer to long is valid in C++
07:55.01batrickanyway, I'm using my own structure to represent threads
07:55.01Shirikso let's roll with it
07:55.05batrickit makes comparisons stupid easy
07:55.28Shirikremoving const = evil
07:55.31Shirikwhy did you do that again?
07:55.38batrickhalf of luatasks problems stemmed from his obsession with using natural numbers to represent threads
07:55.43batrickconsecutive natural numbers*
07:56.09batrickwe have to in order to use lua_pushlightuserdata()
07:56.16batrickwe need it pretty much for everything
07:56.24Shirikah right
07:56.25batrickwe don't need to worry about any problems with it anyway
07:56.32ShirikC++'s way would have been const_cast<>() :P
07:56.33Shirikso much nicer
07:56.35batrickwe won't be changing any of the data
07:56.36Shirikbut oh well
07:56.41Shirikyeah we just have to remember
07:56.57Cideget a room, guys
07:57.10Cidesorry, I had to
07:58.34batricknot like anyone else is talking about stuff
07:58.57Shirikdo you have any problem with me using the comma operator?
07:59.06ShirikI have a really ugly hack I just thought might be useful
07:59.18batrickwhoa what?
07:59.21batrickcomma operator?
08:00.03Shirikit's a fun operator
08:00.24ShirikThis is the first time I've ever used it for something real though
08:00.28Shirikbut it will help with one of the preprocessor defines
08:01.21batrickI would definitely prefer you didn't :P
08:01.33Shirikthen your threading stuff is going to get a lot more ugly
08:01.40Shirikyou can't have that static global define like that
08:01.41batrickwhat do you want to do
08:02.04ShirikI want to make it so you can just got KLUA_MUTEX var = KLUA_INIT_MUTEX()
08:02.18Shirikbut the definition of KLUA_INIT_MUTEX is difficult
08:02.21Shirikfor Windows
08:02.36Shirikit requires several calls
08:03.42batrickfrom the way I see it
08:03.52batrickyou need to move the initialization elsewhere
08:04.00batrickbut keep the variable where it is
08:04.00Shirikthat is the alternate option
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08:04.27Shirikthe question then becomes "where"
08:04.39Shirikwe would have to make an "initialize" call for filumlunaris
08:04.40batrickwould it be easier if we kept these global mutexes in the lua_Thread structure?
08:04.50batrickthere already is an initialize call
08:04.53batricka couple actually
08:05.08batrickthere is one for the kernel state, and one for the library itself
08:05.14Shirikoh I missed that then
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08:05.28batrickwould it be easier if we kept these global mutexes in the lua_Thread structure? <=== ????
08:05.54batrickthey'd all share the same reference but accessing would be more dynamic
08:06.07batrickerr, you'd have more room to work with in Windows I guess is wha tI'm saying
08:06.29Shirikstructures don't have constructors so it's kinda a moot point
08:06.34Shirikif we had CLASSES
08:06.37Shirikthen I would be all for it
08:06.38Shirikbut noooooo
08:06.41Shirikwe have to use ugly C
08:06.52batrickC is fucking beautiful
08:07.00ShirikC++ is beautifuler
08:07.17batrickand structures do have constructors you ass!
08:07.35batrickdon't bad mouth C
08:07.49Shirikthey do?
08:08.12batrickt = {{1, "hi"}, {2, "bye"}}
08:08.24Shirikthat looks like Lua :P
08:08.24batricksome_struct t = ...
08:08.29batrickit's C
08:08.46nevcairielthats not really what i would call a constructor .. its just a inital value =P
08:08.55Shirikyeah that's the thing
08:08.56Shirikit needs to be constant
08:08.59batrickyou can construct it dynamically
08:09.02ShirikWindows calls aren't constant
08:09.43batrickWhat do you need to represent a mutex in windows shirik
08:09.55Shirika HANDLE
08:09.58Shirikwhich is a DWORD
08:10.00Shirikwhich is an unsigned long
08:10.22Shirikbut I need to make several calls to do that
08:10.47batrickthat's fine
08:12.01batrickShirik: i'm going to move the malloc for memory in filum.c to lthread.c
08:12.06batricki don't like why i did that
08:12.07Shirikdoes the type "bool" exist in C? Or is it just TRUE and FALSE instead of keywords?
08:12.16nevcairielno bool
08:12.21batrickbool is defined in stdbool.h
08:12.33nevcairielyeah as a enum type =P
08:12.42Shirikoh wait, this is Windows-specific
08:12.46ShirikI can use the Windows-defined booelan type
08:16.41ShirikI love Windows' mutex functions
08:16.43Shirikthey all have great names
08:17.00ShirikHere's one that makes sense: ReleaseMutex
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08:36.41Shirik(03:35:44) (batrick) oops
08:36.41Shirik(03:35:53) (batrick) ya well throw a return 1; at the end
08:36.41Shirik(03:36:01) (Shirik) that's what I figured
08:36.41Shirik(03:36:05) (batrick) how the fuck did gcc not complain about that
08:36.41Shirik(03:36:12) (Shirik) see why I love visual studio now? :D
08:37.35nevcairieldespite the cases where MS tries to re-invent ANSI C
08:37.45ShirikMS was right this time!
08:37.57Shirikbatrick's all like "meh, I don't need to return a value from this function"
08:37.59nevcairiel"this time"
08:38.19batrick01:36:54 >> [batrick] i think gcc has a policy of no point in complaining if there is no point :P
08:38.27Shirikthere was a point!
08:38.30nevcairiel-Wall -Wextra should pick it up
08:38.34ShirikHow can the stack unwind correctly if no return value was pushed?
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08:38.56batrickbecause the value was put in %eax
08:39.00batrickit wasn't pushed.
08:39.07batrickin all cases I discard it
08:39.14batricktherefore gcc says nothign
08:39.58Shirikok I'll take that argument
08:43.26batrickare you going to report that bug
08:43.33ShirikI already did
08:43.45ShirikI did it to though instead of the mailing list
08:43.59Shiriknot really sure
08:44.04Shirikit was the first one in my address book and you didn't respond
08:44.15batrickrespond to what
08:45.06batrickactually the effect may be no different
08:45.47ShirikA "3" would act as a -3 instead of a 3
08:45.54Shirikthat can be desired but usually won't be
08:46.50batrickit seems gcc converts it to an int when you perform unaryminus on an unsigned
08:46.53batrickerr wait
08:47.02Shirikpardon me that I don't know pthreads
08:47.03Shirikbut what's this?
08:47.06batrickno you see it won't make any difference
08:47.11batrickbecause it still calls settop
08:47.16Shirikpthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, NULL);
08:47.16Shirikpthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL);
08:47.40batrickit's sets the thread's state so it can be asynchronously cancelled
08:47.46Shirikso it can be
08:47.48batrickand by default threads don't cancel
08:47.52batrickso i have to enable it
08:47.52Shirikso that's not how it's cancelled
08:47.57Shirikbut that's enabling it to be able to be
08:48.07batrickit just makes it so I _can_ cancel it
08:53.12batricki found it
08:53.17IndustrialAnyone here use Eclipse? I can't get it to use one (non default) font for all code.. When I set the default text font to something else I get mixed code.
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08:53.34Shirikoh that was brilliant right there
08:53.35batrickthat should have been so obvious :(
08:54.13batrickSON OF A BITCH
08:54.15batrickit still segfaults
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08:58.40Wobinany germans able to help me with the pronunciation of a word?
08:58.59nevcairieli dunno
08:59.08nevcairieli can try tho =P
08:59.46WobinBeethoven's 9th. "Freude schone Gotter... yada yada yada... Tochter aus Elysium"
08:59.55WobinNow, Elysium... how is that pronounced? =)
09:00.24WobinEll-lee-see-um or Ell-lye-see-um?
09:00.33foxlitt = {5}
09:00.42foxlitt[1], t[#t] = t[#t], 1;
09:00.51foxlitt[1], t[#t] = t[#t], nil;
09:00.59nevcairielhow do you say ly =P
09:01.31Wobinto tell a lie, or to lie down
09:01.34nevcairieli know how i would say it, but i cant think of a english way to write it
09:01.45Wobinor Lee
09:02.43nevcairielmore like Li but with a different i
09:03.09Wobinthankee =P
09:03.16WobinI was hearing a rendition on a TV ad
09:03.19Wobinand it was driving me batty
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09:23.06batrick#0  0xb7cf224e in __deallocate_stack () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/
09:23.14batrickI get the feeling that's out of the realm of my responsibility
09:23.33Shirikit's ok
09:23.39Shirikwhen I get this to run, visual studio will find it quickly
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12:27.17fropanyone know something similar to PerfomanceFU?
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12:48.51widgertickHello |pez|.
12:49.18widgertickLet's dispense with the pleasantries.
12:52.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Recluse (
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13:12.20widgertickI have terrible news for everyone in the channel.
13:12.34widgertickTem and Lopeppeppy are dead to you.
13:12.40widgertickI have killed them in another place.
13:12.50widgertickThey may not resurface for a number of seconds.
13:12.54clad|officeoh noes"
13:12.54widgertickMINUTES EVEN MAY PASS
13:13.06Maldiviayou call that bad news?
13:13.29clad|officeit is rather presumptious that it would be terrible news for everyone in the channel
13:13.36clad|officesurely teh reactions will be varied
13:13.53widgertickteh reactions are unpredictable like that.
13:13.55Fisker-You've opened a new tab
13:14.05clad|officeBUT YOU PRESUME
13:14.13Fisker-I DO NOT PRESUME
13:14.28Fisker-oh ok :(
13:14.37widgertickDON'T FALL FOR IT
13:15.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (n=jk275@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
13:21.58Maldiviahmm... anyone with a lvl 20+ mage, who can test something for me?
13:22.40widgertickWhat can I do ya for?
13:24.06Maldiviaas a macro
13:25.07widgertickWow, my pants are hideous.
13:25.15widgertickI hate you, Burning Crusade Texture Artist #4
13:25.37clad|officehow do you know it was number 4 hrm?
13:25.41clad|officei hear number 3 cackling
13:26.55Kalroth#3 was the one that copied the T4/5/6 raid armors (which #2 made) and sold it to management as S1/2/3 armor!
13:27.11Maldiviasmart guy, that #3
13:27.23widgertickMaldivia, it casts Blizzard where I am =O
13:27.32Kasooh wow
13:27.43Kaso(blizzard thing)
13:28.03widgertickThat's so amazing
13:28.13widgertickI love World of Warcraft =)
13:28.29Maldiviawidgertick: try with 30, 30 or something, to see if it still centeres around you?
13:28.59widgertickOut of range
13:29.07Maldiviaok, 20, 20 then :)
13:29.08widgertickHoly shit
13:30.12Maldivianow since pingLocation isn't restricted in anyway, it can be used to programically select area for us
13:31.12widgertickPing location is world yards
13:31.25clad|officeITS STILL NEAT
13:31.28clad|officeDONT TELL ME ITS NOT NEAT
13:31.31KasoThis'll be nurfed within a couple patches
13:31.37widgertickIt's neat =)
13:32.03widgertickAnyways, the result is, 10, 0 is the furthest effectively
13:34.11*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
13:34.12widgertickThat's pretty cool Maldivia ^_^
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13:36.53Maldiviacan see it as useful for priests in raids, with mass dispell or circle heal
13:36.56Josh_Borkebut it's not directed, is it?
13:37.21clad|officeyou can't run yum without root, can you =/
13:37.50Josh_Borkeyou can, but it won't work well
13:37.57Josh_Borkeyou can change yoru installroot
13:38.01clad|officei did
13:38.04clad|officeit still wont' let me run it
13:38.13widgertickIt's directable if that's what you're asking, Josh_Borke
13:38.24Josh_Borkewidgertick: nifty then
13:39.20widgertickIf the z loc of the x y coordinates ends up being w/in 10 yards of where you are (give or take 2 yards depending on if you're moving or not) then it'll work for Blizzard ^_^
13:41.32Maldiviahmm... if using the feature to rotate the minimap, PingLocation(0, -10) or somethnig, should always be in the direction you're looking, right ?
13:41.58widgertickNo idear
13:52.00_ChloeIs there any way to store a frame name in a variable, then recall it and perform a function on it?
13:53.04Kasolocal frame = UIParent
13:53.14Kasojust like any other variable
13:53.26KasoFrames are just specialised tables
13:54.05_Chloekk, i guess ive just been thinking this over too much
13:54.34_Chloethanks a ton
13:59.55KasoWtf google docs spreadsheet doesnt support non-contiguous selection ><
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14:46.08deltronlol mcguyver mullets!
14:47.16deltronyou wanna see some funny captcha?
14:49.17art3mis^^ the one that uses math questions
14:49.32deltronI got an easy one after 5 refreshes
14:49.47foxlitHrm, math questions?
14:50.00foxlitAssuming you have OCR, wouldn't that be trivial?
14:50.15deltronyou have to solve it though
14:50.24foxlithai, i r bot!
14:51.00foxlitThe more difficult part is extracting it from the image, once you have text and equation to go with it, stuff it into more or less any calculator :)
14:51.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Hjalte (
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14:51.37foxlitAnd, if we wanted to be really evil
14:51.54foxlitCode a bot that'd refresh until it got to the +-* puzzle and you only have 14 things to recognize
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15:00.23art3mis^^ my ring tone
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15:07.38foxlit there we go, my evil twin!
15:07.52foxlitThough level kind of sucks. 55? Slacker!
15:15.15ralfWORKhely hell
15:15.20ralfWORKthese captchas are horrible
15:15.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
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15:44.32art3misi got my 12 sided die and im ready troll with a wizard and my goblin crew
15:44.47art3mismy friends are coming over to my moms basement bringing the funions and the mt dew
15:45.10art3misi got a big broadsword made out of cardboard and the stereos pumping zepplin
15:45.28art3misits that time of the night we turn on the black light let the dungeons and dragons begin
15:46.51art3misWhat would Ferris Bueller Do?
15:47.06LopeppeppyDance in a parade.
15:47.39art3misi recallllllllllll
15:47.44art3miscentral park in falllllll
15:47.54art3mishow you tore your dress, what a mess i confess
15:52.41*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
15:53.30LopeppeppyMorning, Jelly-dear.
15:54.12zenzelezzsomehow I read that as "puts aside Cairenn"...
15:54.58LopeppeppyNo.  Never.
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15:58.31Industrialpfff weekend
15:58.46IndustrialI just weighed myself with gear (that I go to school woth) and without
15:58.51Industrial15kg >_>
15:58.59Industrial(laptop, books etc)
15:59.08LopeppeppyYeah.  Laptop cases can be heavy.
15:59.57Industrialplus Ihad to go by the supermarket so plus a .. how do you call that in english.. 24 cans of coke on a carton board :P + a bag of other groceries
16:00.12Industrialbut im home now \o/
16:00.29Lopeppeppycase of coke
16:05.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (
16:05.14ralfWORKyea a case
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16:21.04Valaron|WorkDaylight savings start on Sunday.
16:21.19ralfWORKI blame bush
16:21.52*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo (
16:21.52Valaron|WorkMe, too.
16:22.11Valaron|WorkBut for more than just that.
16:22.44Valaron|WorkI get one less hour of sleep this weekend.
16:22.48Valaron|WorkI weep for that loss.
16:22.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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16:32.41Vangualany bored shammy on PTR using pitbull willing to test some addon?
16:36.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
16:36.47zenzelezzgod I hate the "rich" location bar in FF3
16:37.09wereHamsterhow rich?
16:37.54art3mishe was so rich he had a solid gold ___________.
16:39.13zenzelezzit's "rich" in that it shows two lines per entry; an icon (favicon I think), and it matches what you type against both URLs *and* site titles, and it builds a frequency list about your page visits so the pages you visit more often show up on top or something like that
16:39.46zenzelezzbasically means that typing "sl" to bring up the "" entry will also show pages with titles like "this is a slow page" and crap
16:39.54wereHamsteroh you mean that.. I like it
16:40.28zenzelezzI hate it to my very core. Thankfully there's the oldbar extension, but I'd hope there'd be a simple setting in the final version
16:40.31kergothi love that feature
16:40.37kergothi used to run an extension in firefox2 to add it
16:40.40kergoth(autocomplete manager)
16:40.51wereHamsterwhat's wrong with it?
16:41.02kergothsaves me a lot of time, completing bookmark/page titles and stuff
16:41.05zenzelezznothing wrong with it; it just doesn't match my preference
16:41.55zenzelezzpages showing up with no title I assume is a bug of some sort; but 90% of all entries in my bar so far are things I have no interest in when I'm typing URLs
16:42.18wereHamsterI admint that two lines per entry is a bit annoying, but the checking against titles and the frequency matching is nice
16:43.10zenzelezzI see why many like it; but I also see enough complaints around about it to hope they'd take the time to put a setting in the default configuration to disable it
16:43.30wereHamsterit gets better with time, at first typing 'sl' brings up all sorts of pages, but once FF learns that you like slashdof, then it will appear right at the top
16:44.15wereHamsterfor how long have you been using FF3 now?
16:44.20zenzelezzI understand that, but I still don't like it :) Feels too huge and cluttered for my taste
16:46.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
16:50.59art3misi HATE that type ahead shit
16:51.06art3misive even disabled it and it still does it
16:51.28ralfWORKI like the wowhead typeahead stuff
16:52.30ralfWORKbut that's pretty specific and it's accurate
16:52.31art3misits great when you want/expect it
16:52.43art3misbut not that handy if you've specifically turned it off and it still appears
16:52.53ralfWORKyea, ok, that's lame
16:53.22art3misist almost reason for me to never use or reccomend firefox ever again
16:53.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide- (
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16:54.00art3misi meam i delete my page histories and cache for a reason
16:54.01zenzelezzI wouldn't say it's that bad, and you can disable it using an extension
16:54.05zenzelezzbut I don't favor the feature
16:54.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
16:54.24art3misit simply shouldnt do it
16:54.24Matrix110talking about the annoying new FF3 feature? :P
16:54.35art3miswhich extension?
16:54.36Matrix110its SO FUCKING wrong everytime
16:55.01ralfWORKEsine: that's what I thought when they first started talking about FF3 :(
16:55.25art3misit scans yer bookmarks and history
16:55.32Matrix110i want to go to "" so i type as always mm and want to click on but NO it shows me "GiMMe a stick!"
16:55.47ralfWORKsee, that's what would be annoying, to me
16:55.51art3misdespite having "delete that crap on close and clear history"
16:55.54ralfWORKI tell you what I hate
16:56.02ralfWORKis when I mistype a domain
16:56.16ralfWORKand now it will FOREVER be in the dropdown list
16:56.22ralfWORKwish you could remove single entries
16:56.31ralfWORK(maybe you can and I just don't know how)
16:56.37zenzelezzshift-delete still works if you don't bookmark it I think
16:56.39art3miszenzelezz: which exention gets rid of it
16:56.42*** join/#wowi-lounge okik (
16:56.52art3misand you go to about:config and toggle type ahead off
16:56.59art3misand change all the settings there like the suggest
16:57.01art3misand poof!
16:57.05art3misit still friggin does it
16:57.08ralfWORKlike if I hit ''
16:57.25zenzelezzart3mis: actually I'm not sure if I understood you right after all, but there's an extension called "oldbar"
16:57.27ralfWORKnow every time I type 'for' it will bring that up
16:58.07art3miszenzelezz: the type a fwe letters and anything you've visited or bookmarked that matches the typed characters shows in a pull down in the urlbar
16:58.22art3misthat annoying thing
16:58.31art3misso much for privacy ;P
16:58.34Matrix110yeah oldbar seems to be the right addon
16:58.36*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
16:58.36Matrix110ill try that
16:58.39art3misthe priv features dont even override that
16:59.36Matrix110get oldbar
16:59.54Matrix110oh wait
17:00.07Matrix110it just looks the old way then
17:00.18zenzelezzyeah, I think it only affects the display
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17:14.11art3misyeah it doesnt look like "awesomebar" is going away
17:14.25art3misso chances are i will switch to opera
17:15.22art3misit at least understands that privacy means "dont friggin display all the regex matches from my bookmarks and history when i type
17:15.51art3misand when i say dont save history it doesnt mean dont have it for the history bar but store it so that i can show it later with a bar you dont want
17:16.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Malgayne (
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17:16.26Cide-art3mis: wow
17:16.34Cide-that is 100% totally fully unrelated to privacy
17:17.39cog|workit is if someone else gets access to your computer... but then how much is a browser history really going to hurt you compared to everything else they now have access to?
17:18.53Cide-cog|work: it's unrelated to privacy because he chooses to store the history
17:19.00Cide-which means that anyone can still access all of it, if they'd like
17:19.07Cide-it just provides another means to the same end
17:19.32art3misi choose to purge my history
17:19.42art3misfirefox however still stores it against my wishes and settings
17:19.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Kazie (
17:19.49art3misso its gay little bar can search it
17:20.03Cidethat sounds like a bug, then
17:20.04art3misim talking b3 btw
17:20.10art3misi checked the about:config
17:20.11Cide'beta', you know
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17:20.21art3misdespite me having it toggled off in priv settings and 0 days
17:20.28art3mistehrs a setting that says save it for 180 days
17:20.41art3misthats ASIDE from the normal settings
17:20.43cog|workmeh... it's all tinfoil hat imo
17:20.53art3misits annoying as hell
17:20.59LopeppeppyGnomes look good in tinfoil hats.
17:21.04art3misi dont want that feature
17:21.11Cide0 days might be forever? :P
17:21.14art3misit didnt used to exist unless i specifically enabled it
17:21.27art3misnope these settings worked awesome in ff2
17:21.36art3misand save history is unticked anyways
17:21.41art3miswhich should mean to purge it
17:21.55art3misconsidering i have "purge history cache etc on close selected
17:22.18art3misstill there should be a way to disable it
17:22.36art3misall the settings that relate to it that "should" turn it off are non functional
17:22.49cog|workart3mis: tell it to someone who cares... as in the FF dev team...
17:22.52cog|workrather than just bitching about it
17:23.01Cideit's a beta, expect it to have bugs
17:23.04Cidemost betas do
17:23.08Cidemost releases do, too
17:24.24art3miscog|work: that would make me user 150001 ;P
17:24.51art3miseither way if it's not changed im gonna have to find something else that doesnt suck balls ;)
17:24.52*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
17:25.30art3misbeta isnt an excuse to be crap and add shit you dont want withoutthe ability to turn it off btw ;P
17:25.37art3misits not irriational at all
17:25.43wereHamsterIf you have such problems with FF3, why don't you go back to FF2?
17:25.45art3misi DO NOT WANT THAT FEATURE
17:25.48Cidewhat are you talking about? I never said *you* were irrational.
17:25.56art3mistherefore im not going to use it if i cant disable that feature
17:26.11art3misthe comment came after my comment thus the association ;P
17:26.24art3misits like safari
17:26.40art3misif you wanna "priavte browse" you ahve to remember to manually select that each time you load it
17:26.50art3miswhich is moderately retarded ;)
17:26.51Cideart3mis: notice the sarcasm in "what are you talking about? I never said *you* were irrational."
17:27.18CidewereHamster raises a good point though
17:27.26art3misits still not irrational to not use a product that does crap you dont want it to ;P
17:27.46Cidecomplaining that it doesn't work when it's a beta is pretty irrational imo
17:28.08Cideby using a beta you acknowledge that you'll have to deal with various bugs
17:28.16art3misits not a bug appearantly
17:28.19art3misbugs i can deal with
17:28.39wereHamsterso what exactly is your problem?
17:28.52art3misi dont want typeahead searching in my url bar
17:28.56wereHamsterthat FF3 doesn't behave like you want it to?
17:29.06wereHamstergot back to FF2 then
17:29.22wereHamsteror fix up the code, add an option for it, submit the patch
17:29.29art3misi also dont want background behind the scenes history storage when i select "dont store history" in the privacy settings ;P
17:29.37wereHamsterjust bitching about it here won't change anything
17:29.55art3misit didnt start as bitching until you guys seemed to think that you had to defend it ;P
17:29.57clad|office*sigh* looks like my internet is down =(
17:30.06art3misi wanted to know if anyone had a way to override ;)
17:30.24wereHamsterI defend what I think is useful for me, there's nothing wrong with it
17:30.33Maldiviaart3mis: tried poking around in about:config
17:30.58art3misMaldivia: every setting related to typeahead url bar and history and autocomplete
17:31.13art3mistechnically if it actually read that stuff it should do nothing
17:31.19art3misas it stands now
17:32.02MaldiviaFF3b2, b3 or pre-b4?
17:32.44wereHamsterthe latest should be b4
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17:32.50art3misits pre still
17:32.57Maldiviab3 annoyed the crap out of me, reinstalled b2
17:33.10art3misthis "feature" has existed since b1
17:33.14MaldiviaI know
17:33.18MaldiviaI actually like it :)
17:33.27Maldiviabut b3 is just so unstable :|
17:33.39wereHamsterI'm running b5pre
17:33.52art3misthe part that bugs me is that firefox has always been a browser you can configure to how you like it with very very very little actually forced upon you for behavior
17:34.10art3misbut that seems to have changed
17:34.14*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
17:34.17art3misstability isnt an issue
17:34.21wereHamsteryou still can, through extensions
17:34.26art3misi havent had a single crash on this machine with it
17:34.36art3miswereHamster: not in relation to this ;)
17:34.44Maldiviawith b3, I crash 1-2 times an hour
17:34.53art3misall the crashes ive had with the betas recently are on my work machine with the bad ram ;)
17:35.03Maldiviawith b2, not a single crash
17:35.11art3missince its up in the 80's now for useage per window
17:35.50art3misi wonder if iceweasel compiles in cgywin
17:36.11*** join/#wowi-lounge kaelten_ (
17:36.32art3miswelp off to an appt, i'll bitch more later ;P
17:39.35Maldiviaart3mis: btw, you do know the typeahead settings are for quick find, and not the address bar, right?
17:40.35nevcairielits damn useful in the address bar tho =P
17:41.52Maldiviayeah, I like the "rich url bar"
17:43.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Baldor (
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18:28.20ScytheBlade1Anyone here a ret pally?
18:28.33ralfWORKyou said ret pally lol
18:28.36ScytheBlade1I did
18:28.43ScytheBlade1I'm wondering what this crap on the PTR forums is about
18:28.50ralfWORKoh idk
18:28.51ScytheBlade1"Ret pallies need a spell interrupt" when they have two
18:29.03LopeppeppyWhich two do you refer to, ScytheBlade1?
18:29.15ScytheBlade1Their stun and incapacitate
18:29.21wereHamsterhammer of justice?
18:29.22dylanmHammer of justice and the.. what's it called
18:29.49LopeppeppyThere's the seal that occasionally procs a stun, and the Hammer of Justice with a cooldown.... I dont' have experience with repentance, is it a proc or long cooldown?
18:29.56dylanmThe complaint about HoJ is that it gets resisted a lot.
18:29.58ScytheBlade1Not even "long"
18:30.07dylanmOne minute cooldown.
18:30.26LopeppeppyEveryone has something they think is their class weakness.
18:30.35ralfWORKQQ more
18:30.47zenzelezzmy class is perfect, and it weighs heavily on my mind
18:30.48ScytheBlade1Well, this apparently went on long enough that the first thread was post capped
18:30.51ScytheBlade1So they started a second
18:31.08ralfWORKand I thought priests QQd alot
18:31.10ScytheBlade1Hence the curiosity
18:31.11LopeppeppyIt is good to express your unhappiness and be heard.  *shrug*
18:31.20ScytheBlade1As to why they need a spell interrupt, when they have a minimum of two
18:31.34ScytheBlade1+ teammates (as this was concerning PvP, which, means arena)
18:31.53ralfWORKomg priests don't have spell interrupts!!
18:32.00dylanmI really don't know who's worse between paladins and mages.
18:32.32ScytheBlade1dylanm: "worse"?
18:32.43dylanmIn terms of crying.
18:32.48ralfWORKpriests, imo
18:32.53ScytheBlade1lol, fair enough
18:33.06ScytheBlade1Shaman don't really cry, they're actually a very aggressive bunch
18:33.13ScytheBlade1Otherwise I'd add them to the list
18:33.49Cidepriests do have it pretty bad
18:33.54zenzelezzshamans would cry, but they blow off enough steam using Windfury
18:33.58ScytheBlade1Spec disc or die?
18:34.06ralfWORKyea I guess we have it bad
18:34.08Cidemore like
18:34.09ralfWORKbut guess what
18:34.10ScytheBlade1zenzelezz: and dot shocks/bus shocks on the forums
18:34.14ralfWORKreroll if you don't like it
18:34.15Cidespec * and you'll never get anything off you
18:34.41cogumel0when dealing with coordinates and frames in wow... say I do myFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 0, 20)... does X increase to the right and Y increase down or Y increase to the right and Y increase UP from the point of reference?
18:34.43deltronshaman needs help
18:34.52Cidecogumel0: y increases up
18:34.59Cidex increases rright
18:35.20cogumel0I had pretty much figured x, and y for that matter... but was hoping there was some option I was missing :P
18:35.37cogumel0having to deal with negative Y values to have it appear where I want is... a bit confusing and stupid tbh
18:35.54ScytheBlade1cogumel0: welcome to WoW addons, enjoy your stay
18:35.59zenzelezzbottom-left coordinate systems aren't actually uncommon
18:36.10*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
18:37.19cogumel0you mean bottom-right?
18:37.31kergothno, he means bottom left
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18:38.47cogumel0that's even more confusing if you ask me :P
18:39.12cogumel0deltron, shaman is being buffed now. you simply can't have it all happen in 1 patch...
18:39.34ScytheBlade1Meh, wtb Wrath where mages can actually somewhat counter locks.
18:39.50cogumel0before for arena shamans could only go either resto (and pretty much suck at it compared to other healing classes) or elemental
18:40.11cogumel0with 2.4 enhancement shamans will be a viable option ... very viable actually
18:40.14cogumel0in fact...
18:40.22nevcairielwhat makes shamans so viable in 2.4?
18:40.33cogumel01) you can do enhance
18:40.48cogumel02) warriors get an indirect buff that should REALLY please the party
18:41.02cogumel0as it is... warriors can only go arms in arena
18:41.06cogumel0because MS is a MUST
18:41.08nevcairieli mean, whats new compared to before?
18:41.17nevcairielthe shaman MS thing was reverted already
18:41.34cogumel0in 2.4 flametongue and searing totem give -50% healing debuff that lasts 5secs?
18:41.43nevcairielremoved already
18:41.48nevcairielwas only on PTR for one patch
18:41.52cogumel0ok, my bad then
18:42.03cogumel0missinformed then :P
18:42.06cogumel0well... tbh...
18:42.10deltronand the shamanistic rage thing is a nerf IMO
18:42.15cogumel0I think that would actually be a bit too much
18:42.18cogumel0well, true it is
18:42.18Vangualany bored shammy on PTR using pitbull willing to test some addon? :)
18:42.30nevcairieldeltron: shouldnt it have the same effect just in a shorter period of time?
18:42.44nevcairielat least thats how i understood the change 0P
18:43.26cogumel0but... if you think about it... warriors do more dps in fury... but they are "forced" to stay arms in arena because of MS
18:43.27nevcairielfury is sustained dps yes, but MS is more of a burst if you're crit lucky
18:43.29cogumel0give another class the ability to do the same debuff that MS does (such as flametongue was doing) and wars can and should go fury...
18:43.43cogumel0and if warriors are already the most needed class in arena... then they'd be even more!
18:43.50cogumel0more dps = enemies fall faster
18:44.13ralfWORKwouldn't you think that if warriors go fury for arena
18:44.26ralfWORKthat all of a sudden, people will want shamans for the MS-like debuff
18:44.35ralfWORKand leave the warriors sitting on the bench?
18:44.52cogumel0in terms of casters... it goes further because having 1 hit every 3.6 secs (only counting white dmg) can't be compared with 2 hits every 2 secs when it comes to spell interruptions...
18:45.19cogumel0ralfWORK, no. simply because wars have more hp, more def (basically more survivability) and deal more dmg
18:45.55nevcairielshamans have a range interrupt, warrs have to melee that
18:46.05nevcairielshsmans can purge
18:46.21cogumel0warriors can charge, intercept and the other 1
18:46.37ralfWORKshield bash
18:47.31cogumel0as someone once said... "it's not about how much damage you can do. It's about how much damage you can take and keep going"
18:47.59nevcairielwarrs in arenas fall pretty fast too
18:48.14nevcairielin full arena gear, they generally have no hp bonus over other classes
18:48.20ralfWORKI guess at a certain gearing level
18:48.24cogumel0besides... shaman's do have a ranged interrupt... that's true...
18:48.40cogumel0but it only lasts 2 secs and has minimum 5 secs CD
18:48.42nevcairielonly thing they have is a tad bit more armor
18:48.44cogumel0and it's literally only 1
18:48.46ralfWORKI'm not a real big arena person
18:48.50ralfWORKbut they have some more armor
18:48.59ralfWORKprobably not alot more HP, in arena gear
18:49.08cogumel0nevcairiel, they still have a bit more hp...
18:49.27cogumel0tbh, I think that should be fixed and wars should have more hp in arena gear
18:49.40cogumel0I've seen mages with more hp than warriors...
18:49.47nevcairieljust because they're warriors?
18:49.58nevcairielbecause they can re-spec to tanking they deserve more hp? :)
18:49.59ralfWORKyou want more HP? put on a shield
18:50.01Industrialyey ungoro
18:50.05cogumel0just because they rely on it to survive?
18:50.21ralfWORKungoro ftw
18:50.32nevcairielwhat can other classes do when their hp goes low?
18:50.35ShirikDid you miss me?
18:50.41nevcairielnot really
18:50.42cogumel0mages can use several sorts of shields, iceblock if frost, which everyone is, summon a guy to help, freeze ppl in place an run away, blink, etc etc.
18:50.53cogumel0well... let's see...
18:50.59Industrialwarriors can interrupt stun and do big spike damage
18:51.06cogumel0pally= bubble, heal
18:51.24nevcairiela hunter can fake his own death and trick stupid players, but thats about it in defense :P
18:51.29cogumel0shaman= instant heal, heal, heal, heal (class is missing CCs, that much I admit)
18:52.03cogumel0warlock = fear, leech hp by channelling, share dmg with pet, steal hp by dot ...
18:52.07Industrialyes, wtb some uber shamanistic cc
18:52.31Industrialfear totem lol ;p
18:52.52cogumel0hunter = stun from pet, stun from ranged, stun from this, stun from that, frost trap, +30% speed, run.
18:53.11cogumel0mage = iceblock, mana shield, pet, blink, frost nova
18:53.34Industrialmeh everyone can launch a ranged attack on a hunter  and daze him
18:53.37cogumel0rogue = lol ?
18:53.49ralfWORKcloak of lol
18:54.03cogumel0Industrial, not if you are stunned, frozen, etc etc.
18:54.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Keias (
18:54.47ralfWORKheh ya
18:54.53cogumel0cloak of lol? more like... blind, vanish, cloak, evasiveness, stun, stun, stun, stun
18:55.02ralfWORKyea, that :)
18:55.07cogumel0priest = fear, shield, hot, heal, heal
18:55.19ralfWORKyea I guess
18:55.21cogumel0war = fear. period.
18:55.29ralfWORKshield doesn't last long
18:55.54cogumel0hot ? :P
18:56.01ralfWORKoh yea
18:56.02cogumel0renew + shield
18:56.07ralfWORKhot and prayer of mending
18:56.12ralfWORKbig heals :P
18:56.23cogumel0druid = don't get me started .........
18:56.34cogumel0I think I've pretty much covered all classes
18:56.49cogumel0point is... except for a shaman every single class has CCs
18:56.50ralfWORKwhen you go pow pow pow and then he goes bare form and has moar hp than jesus?!
18:57.10cogumel0but shaman can heal "normally" and instant heal -.-
18:57.46ralfWORKguess the closest thing they got is that earthbind totem
18:57.49ralfWORKor whatever the slowing one is
18:58.01cogumel0and warriors can't really rely on a fear that has like 5m CD to save their lives
18:58.25ralfWORKeven a 30s psychic scream isn't enough really
18:58.25cogumel0shamans at a certain point can pretty much ONLY rely on instant heal, but it's better than nothing -.-
18:58.29ralfWORKover in 30s anyways
18:58.53cogumel0no ralfWORK, I meant that everyoen that goes pvp has insignia of the horde/alliance
18:59.00ralfWORKcogumel0: ahh
18:59.14cogumel0sure, you fear... start bandage 'cause you can't heal yourself...
18:59.24cogumel0and half a second later he's back!
18:59.36cogumel0and now what?
18:59.42ralfWORKnow you die
18:59.47cogumel0exactly :P
18:59.52cogumel0that's why wars rely so much on hp
19:00.01cogumel0but when you have a mage that has more hp than a war -.- that's just stupid
19:00.20cogumel0and warlocks...
19:00.39ralfWORKlocks have always been stam based
19:00.53cogumel0and wars haven't?
19:01.02ralfWORKfor tanking they have
19:01.16cogumel0and for dpsing they should also be. ofc not as much as for tanking...
19:01.23cogumel0but still a visible distinction from every other class
19:01.51cog|workthat's what plate's for :P
19:02.05cogumel0if a warlock finds a place where he doesn't get hit by a mob... he can solo ANYTHING
19:02.18cogumel0as it's been proved by wls soloing mana tombs using bugs
19:02.32cogumel0no other class can do that...
19:02.42cogumel0well maybe a hunter
19:03.09cogumel0but it's the only class that can solo and still have more than 60% mana in the end of the fight, regardless of how long the fight actually lasts
19:03.25ralfWORKiirc, rogues can do it
19:03.26cogumel0leech life + life tap ... infinite mana and hp
19:03.43Shirikfor any of you that remember the GM ticket I sent last night
19:03.57Shirikthat guy I reported sent me 2500g, sitting in my mail right now
19:04.14cogumel0take it!
19:04.20Shirik.... no.
19:04.27cogumel0what did you report him for?
19:04.28ralfWORKwhy... not?
19:04.30cogumel0can I have it then?
19:04.52Shirikthis is what I reported him for:
19:05.47CideShirik: nice
19:05.53Cidenow accept it
19:05.53nevcairielrofl Shirik
19:06.18Industrial!c eu vashj saved
19:06.22WoWLuaircBotIndustrial: Saved, Level 50 Undead Warlock (0/41/0). 2595 HP; 4139 Mana; 102 mana regen; 34 spell crit; 176 +spell dmg; 5.19% dodge; 25 shadow resist (+10); 10 nature resist;[[ TBR: 490 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Fri Mar  7 14:16:10 2008 EST ]]
19:06.51Industrialplease do kill me while I have 3 mobs on me
19:06.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
19:06.56KasoShirik wait what?
19:06.59Kasoyou dont want money?
19:07.16CideShirik: transfer to my server and giev it to me
19:07.18cogumel0can I have it?
19:07.24cogumel0I asked first
19:07.28Cideno you didn't
19:07.32Cide<Cide> Shirik: transfer to my server and giev it to me
19:07.32Cide<cogumel0> can I have it?
19:07.43cogumel0I asked it before he gave us the link
19:07.47cogumel0have a look
19:07.49CideI don't care
19:07.54CideI'm always right
19:08.00nevcairielNo you're not
19:08.07nevcairielonly ops can claim that
19:08.08Cidenevcairiel: see? you're wrong, since I am
19:08.09nevcairielvoices cant
19:08.25KasoShirik, so whats the story? mistaken gold traders?
19:08.30ScytheBlade1Shirik: give ME the money then.
19:08.34Shirikno these are people in my guild
19:08.52Kasoand why dont you want gold from them?
19:09.02Shirikbecause I don't like taking things I don't deserve
19:09.17ralfWORKI'm calling shenanigans
19:09.19KasoWhy are they sending it, and why dont you deserve it?
19:09.37Shirikread the report :P
19:10.18Kasoi read the picture, but you mentioned 2500g earlier?
19:10.46KasoAlso 100% interest for a few weeks loan, that really isnt  deserved
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19:12.14ShirikKaso: The 2500g just appeared out of nowhere
19:12.23Shirikprobably because I was complaining about him sending back my payments
19:12.43ralfWORKsend it to him
19:12.46ralfWORKthen put him on ignore
19:12.54ralfWORKor does that not block mail?
19:13.27ShirikI don't think it does
19:14.07KasoHe's clearly got more money than he needs, so why not just let him be nice and feel good about himself by gifting you 25(75) gold?
19:14.37ralfWORKdeposit it into guild bavk
19:14.44sacarascyeah, gb it
19:18.57IndustrialI have the perfect name for an energy drink like red bull
19:18.59IndustrialMana Potion
19:19.41ralfWORKalready exists :)
19:19.43Shirikprimal mana would be an awesome name for an energy drink
19:20.19nevcairielwasnt there a engery drink named "Mana Potion" ?
19:21.09Industrialoh :,
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19:22.47Nechckn  tempting...
19:22.56Nechcknanyone ever actually tried it?
19:23.35nevcairielits probably just another enegery drink with a too high price
19:24.21Nechcknand that sucker is "high priced" too!  damn
19:24.39NechcknI've been crazy enough to get Bawls from Thinkgeek... but not that crazy
19:25.46Nechcknequivalent to about two 8-ounce Red Bulls® or four cups of crappy office coffee  -  I like their marketing, at least.
19:26.05kergothbawls is awesome
19:26.11Nechcknmeh.. it's one of those tiny shot-type thingers, holy damn, not for that price!
19:26.12kergothused to buy cases of it at the local soda store
19:26.13Kasowtf that mana potion is a tiny bottle
19:26.19nevcairieli saw some vitamin pills called "Brain FPS" last week
19:26.27NechcknYeah Kaso  I just saw that
19:26.44Nechcknkergoth  see, I need a cool soda shop like what you have
19:26.59Nechcknshipping sucks on such things, but TG is really close to me
19:27.02nevcairielFpsBrain .. that was it
19:27.36kergothi'm surpirsed this place hasnt come out with more locations, they've got dr pepper made with cane sugar and shit, its great.. course lately i dont drink much soda anymore, trying to cut back ont eh calories, but its good to have the option
19:28.37NechcknHmm... indeed it is.  That would be a sorta cool business.. you could carry all the whackey stuff you wanted- and get free samples!
19:29.12kergoth is hte place here.. looks liek they ship too, bet its pricey though
19:30.01Nechcknhehehe woops  "Due to the threat of litigation from PepsiCo, we will no longer sell Pepsi!. "
19:30.55NechcknOh my.. they have quite the selection... I'll check out some of the more rare vintages- thanks kergoth!
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19:32.41duaiweheh, today's xkcd is quite good
19:32.51deltronI heard those mana potions taste terrible
19:33.37NechcknJust think of all the Arcane ingredients.. of course it wouldn't taste good- silly u!
19:34.16deltronoh god the names of some of these drinks are awesome
19:35.59Nechcknnot something you'll likely see at your local 7-11
19:36.27deltronthat one is funny also
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19:38.06IndustrialWhy doesnt frost shock benefit from teh stormstrike debuff?
19:38.50sacarascbecause it's frost not nature damage?
19:38.54Nechcknit's not nature based... I believe
19:39.04Nechcknheheh as sacarasc said...
19:39.26Industrialwell does earth shock then?
19:39.30Industriallightningbolt doesnt
19:39.37sacarasclightning bolt does
19:39.39deltronyes it does
19:39.41sacarascas does earthshock
19:39.48Industrialoh it does
19:39.52Nechcknjust not frost or flame shock
19:39.59sacarascand chain lightning, a lot of rogue poisons and many druid spells
19:39.59deltronLB, CL, ES, wrath
19:40.08IndustrialI never use earth beyond rank 1, maybe I should :p
19:40.47sacarascIndustrial: it's quite nice... usually get about 1k damage from the top rank after a stormstrike
19:40.51deltronmax rank ES always
19:40.57sacarascand i've critted up to 1800
19:41.19IndustrialI only use es to interrupt (rank 1)
19:42.24Nechcknis that because you've plaid your shaman for a long time?  es used to have extra threat so it took a bit to get back into using it once that threat got removed a while back
19:42.45Industrialprolly cause i havent played enough ;) my sham is 52 now
19:43.00Nechckncool, cool
19:43.13sacarascah, the fun times of beating up undead
19:43.21deltronI only hit 1640 DPS on teron gorefiend :(
19:43.52IndustrialI use a macro that uses either ES1 or LHW (max) on mouseover, tot, focus, target, player
19:43.58Industrialits my "oh shit" button
19:46.31Nechcknzenzelezz  that is cute... what is scary is the one link from that page-
19:50.47Industrialmouseover is really handy in bg's
19:52.24Industrialusing highest rank ES now, directly increased my DPS with storm strike
19:53.00Industrial(so thanks :p)
19:53.07NechcknI just wish one of the healing spells were just a tad bit faster... even a rank 1 would be handy but.. otherwise I like my shaman.
19:54.27IndustrialA shaman question: can I make sure that WF procs on stormstrike -> normal -> stormstrike -> normal ? sometimes that ahppens and I get really ncie dps
19:55.29Cidemake sure?
19:55.31Cideisn't it a proc?
19:55.34NightHawkTheSanenot really. the best you can do is time your stormstrikes to occur outside the 3s cooldown
19:55.58NightHawkTheSanebut, to be honest, i don't think it's vastly worth it to delay a stormstrike by more than a second or two just for that
19:56.00Nechcknthere ya go.. as NightHawkTheSane suggests, that's about all you can do to "help it along"
19:57.06Industrialmaybe with a really slow 4.0 twohander ;P
19:57.26NightHawkTheSanemaybe, but no one really uses two handers anyway. :P
19:59.01Industrialalso im still using Of The Eagle :< cant find any other offhand. I have offhands 2.10 speed that do twice the dps. when is it worth switching?
19:59.59LopeppeppyNot sure about that, zenzelezz, but thanks for the thought?
20:00.00IndustrialI'm level 52
20:01.28NightHawkTheSaneIndustrial: honestly, i'm not sure, but it takes a fair bit of dps to make a fast OH worth it. Although, frankly, for anything before 65ish, its not a big deal.
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20:03.37Shirik[2.Trade] I thought the big patch was coming out today?
20:04.41sag_ich_nicht[20:57] <Industrial> maybe with a really slow 4.0 twohander ;P <--gimme!
20:05.10zenzelezzI'd prefer a really fast 4.0 twohander
20:05.21sag_ich_nichtthere you made me make a typo
20:05.26sag_ich_nichtthat's how dumb your comment was!
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20:05.54Shirikoi, big storm coming in I guess
20:06.01ShirikI guess that's what all the tornado watches were for
20:06.04ShirikOMG that's a lot of rain
20:06.24Shirik<-- hates storms
20:07.04LopeppeppyI have an extra closet you can hide in, Shirik, I hate violent storms too.
20:08.42Shirikwhat do you mean why?
20:10.25ralfWORKwhy do you hate storms?
20:11.05zenzelezzbecause the healers always focus on the tanks so the DPS dies in the storms
20:12.38Shirikbecause it's going to eat me!
20:14.20LopeppeppyThey often do, Shirik.  *hug*
20:15.35ralfWORKjust never heard anyone say "I hate storms"
20:16.17LopeppeppyKeep meeting people, it's rather a common thing.
20:16.43Shirikthey're scary :/
20:17.12ShirikIt doesn't help that ever since a year ago, the school sends out warnings and a siren every time a tornado watch is posted for our area
20:17.28Shiriksince one of the buildings was destroyed by a tornado last year, though fortunately it happened on christmas and nobody was there
20:17.36LopeppeppyScary, dangerous, nasty.  Tornados, blizzards, floods, violent thunderstorms that rock back and forth in the valleys.... ugh.
20:17.50IndustrialWhat I don't understand is why people live in areas where you have tornados every year
20:18.14ScytheBlade1Industrial: because that is a LARGE PORTION of the US
20:18.48ScytheBlade1It is :)
20:19.17ScytheBlade1At least 1/4 of the entire US? Or so?
20:19.23ScytheBlade1Maybe even 1/3
20:19.37Shirik"The storm also caused extensive damage at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach. Small planes flipped over, and one of the planes slammed into a university building."
20:19.56ShirikSince then, they go nuts with tornado watches/warnings
20:20.09ScytheBlade1Okay, make that half
20:20.24Industrialholy shiat
20:20.28ScytheBlade1There you go
20:20.29Industrialmove to europe or something?
20:20.38ShirikAnd that's only F3-F5
20:20.43NightHawkTheSaneIndustrial: you want all several hundred million of us? :P
20:20.55Industrialno leave the stupid ones
20:21.00Shirikok so you want the 10 of us
20:21.00Industrialwe have room for the smart ones
20:21.15NightHawkTheSane... i... i don't think we HAVE any smart ones.
20:24.10Industrialleave the really fat ones too
20:24.18Industrialwell burn all the mc'donalds' here
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20:26.51ScytheBlade1Industrial: so half the US is "tornado alley." Then you have California, known for earthquakes, a bunch of states that do nothing but *bake* in the summer, and then the states devoid of population, or, where the cows outnumber the people
20:27.11ScytheBlade1That's a mostly accurate summary, imo
20:28.02LopeppeppyI grew up where there are earthquakces and tornadoes and more deer than people...  Nature is constant, humans just try to ignore it.
20:28.24ScytheBlade1Heh, well said
20:28.59IndustrialScytheBlade1: I live in the lowest part of the world.. I think.. if the sea level rises like it does now half the country will flood
20:29.11Industrialbut aside from that im pretty safe from anything
20:29.17ScytheBlade1Industrial: yup, so will hawaii and a fair portion of hawaii.
20:29.23ScytheBlade1hawaii and california
20:29.32ScytheBlade1Alaska would just freeze over.
20:29.36LopeppeppyAnd a lot of Florida, and nYC
20:29.39LopeppeppyNYC that is.
20:31.31LopeppeppyWith cheese.
20:33.25Industrialergh shitty quality audio
20:34.22KasoWikipedia and Wikitionary keep swapping location in my firefox search box, which sucks as they have the same logo >.<
20:39.48ScytheBlade1lol @
20:39.56ralfWORKIndustrial: rofl where are you?
20:40.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
20:42.41Industrialthe netherlands
20:43.01ralfWORKahh I always ask that
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20:44.43ralfWORKdid you guys do that seed vault up northe?
20:44.44IndustrialralfWORK: that would explain what im saying ;)
20:44.58ralfWORKor was that Norway?
20:45.37ralfWORKoh so you're Europe's version of New Orleans
20:45.39ralfWORKgg ;)
20:46.11*** join/#wowi-lounge DBE-Kinj (
20:46.32Industrialman I so love Blessing of Wisdom on my sham :<
20:46.37Industrialwater totem sucks
20:46.47ralfWORKBoW is god
20:46.51ralfWORKbut I like salv better :(
20:48.20ScytheBlade1I'll take BoW over salv period
20:49.09Industrialwhee eureka seven op
20:49.26ralfWORKScytheBlade1: class?
20:49.39ralfWORKwell of course you would :)
20:49.44ScytheBlade1Yeah :)
20:50.13ralfWORKshadowpriest here. gg no threat dump :(
20:50.39ScytheBlade1Yeah, I'm going to hit a mana barrier before I hit a threat barrier. Not so in your case ;)
20:50.47ralfWORKnope! :d
20:51.22ScytheBlade1Unbuffed, it's trivial for me to run oom in about a minute doing single-target DPS
20:51.44ralfWORKwhat are your numbers?
20:53.55ScytheBlade1Unbuffed, 6.9k HP, 8.5k mana, +905 dmg
20:53.55ralfWORKyou naked there or?
20:53.59ScytheBlade1Yes :(
20:54.18ralfWORKbut ok
20:55.03ScytheBlade1Seven Karazahn epics, and I pulled #1 damage done on our first Kael kill
20:55.12ScytheBlade1For fire, you crit and you get mana back.
20:55.23ralfWORKok, I thought you got some that way too
20:55.24ScytheBlade1Either that, or you use Mage Armor for increased mp5 in combat
20:55.35ralfWORKmana oil or damage oil?
20:55.44ScytheBlade1Damage, mana oil isn't worth it
20:56.06ScytheBlade1Oh, and mana gems.
20:56.13ralfWORKyea, I knew about the gems
20:56.30ScytheBlade1That's the entire extent of mage mana regen
20:56.31ralfWORKI chainpot like it's going outa style
20:56.38ScytheBlade1Mana for crits is fire only though
20:57.32ralfWORKI think I pulled... 3rd on Nalorakk?
20:57.58ralfWORKwe have this BM hunter who's freaking insane
20:58.07ralfWORKhe's an alt of another person
20:58.08ScytheBlade1BM is insane in general, yes
20:58.24ralfWORKand he basically dinged 70 and came and smacked us all in the face on damage
20:58.35ralfWORKeven though we basicaly had kara farmed
20:58.39ralfWORKand he was in 70 blues
20:58.48ralfWORK(I'm exaggerating, but only a little bit)
20:59.09IndustrialI cant measure for raids but my bm hunter tops av almsot every match >_>
20:59.11Industrialin damage
20:59.16*** join/#wowi-lounge dru_ (
20:59.23ScytheBlade1Oh, and I'm wearing the blue rep sword
20:59.31ScytheBlade1From Keepers of Time
20:59.41ScytheBlade1And we're working on Hyjal.
20:59.55ralfWORKyou might just play with bad DPS
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21:00.07ralfWORKthen again, maybe we are all bad too
21:00.09ScytheBlade1I know I do. But I also know how to effectively DPS. ;)
21:00.23ralfWORKno reason a stupid 70 in blues should be doing anything compared to epiced DPS classes
21:01.00ralfWORKor epic hybrid classes for that matter
21:03.04ScytheBlade1And I just bought the HH exalted sword, because I'm poor.
21:03.15ralfWORKyou shoulda had that by now!
21:03.16ScytheBlade1(In terms of my options.)
21:03.23ScytheBlade1I could have picked it up forever ago
21:03.27ralfWORKoh ok
21:03.37ralfWORKyou've been that poor or you've been that unlucky?
21:03.45wereHamsterso let's see who here is a hacker.. ScytheBlade1, you posted a link, therefore you must be a hacker :)
21:03.48ralfWORKthat sucks
21:03.49ScytheBlade1About seven months now
21:04.00ScytheBlade1Clearing Kara for seven months
21:04.02ScytheBlade1Not once
21:04.05ScytheBlade1Gruul for six months
21:04.06ScytheBlade1Not once
21:04.11ralfWORKwow dude
21:04.11ScytheBlade1SSC for four months
21:04.16ralfWORKso wait
21:04.18ScytheBlade1Once, went to a WARLOCK.
21:04.27ralfWORKhave you lost rolls, or it's not even *dropping*
21:04.30ScytheBlade1And now we're done in SSC and never going back
21:04.35ScytheBlade1Lost the bid once
21:04.40ScytheBlade1That was SSC
21:04.46ScytheBlade1Never ever ever ever dropped
21:04.52ralfWORKwe've done kara for 6 months
21:05.02ralfWORKjust last month I got my trash necklace
21:05.20ralfWORKafter losing the roll to EVERY OTHER GOD!@# CLASS
21:05.23ralfWORKlike 3 time
21:05.37ScytheBlade1At least it dropped for you :)
21:05.51ScytheBlade1I've seen the Kara dagger never, the Gruul sword never, and the Leo sword once, and lost that to a warlock.
21:06.08ralfWORKI'm not sure which is more frustrating
21:06.12ralfWORKlosing it all the time
21:06.15ralfWORKor having it never drop
21:06.22ralfWORKpersonally, I'm going with losing it all the time
21:07.04ScytheBlade1At least you're not in Hyjal with a blue rep sword.
21:07.33ScytheBlade1Wearing the Nightbane chest
21:07.37ScytheBlade1Spellstrike hood
21:07.41ralfWORKhey now
21:07.45ScytheBlade1Bracers of Havok, but, those are pimp
21:07.45ralfWORKspellstrike ftw
21:07.54ralfWORKScytheBlade1: the blue craftables?
21:08.04ralfWORKyea those are totally pimp
21:08.09ralfWORKI'm still wearing them
21:08.10ScytheBlade1+54 spell damage on those for me
21:08.20ScytheBlade1Soon it'll be +57
21:08.27ralfWORKthere's bracers in ZA that will upgrade them for me I think
21:08.32ralfWORKso I haven't enchanted them
21:08.34ralfWORKbut I'm tempted
21:08.59ScytheBlade1I'm an enchanter, so I get to enchant my rings as well
21:09.04ralfWORKya me too ;)
21:09.11ralfWORKthat fricking level 67 spirit shard ring
21:09.17ralfWORKwhich is still amazing
21:09.21ralfWORKand uhm... the halloween ring
21:09.28ScytheBlade1Scryer Exalted ring, and the Hyjal ring here
21:09.35ralfWORKahh, aldor here
21:09.39ScytheBlade1Sucker :)
21:09.47ralfWORKwell I was holy first!
21:09.55ScytheBlade124 sta, 12 crit, 34 dmg
21:09.59ScytheBlade1And a 12 dmg enchant on it
21:10.10ralfWORKwow yea
21:10.12zenzelezzI think I have too peculiar/specific tastes; my warrior still uses Styleen's Impeding Scarab
21:10.13ralfWORKthat's nice
21:10.16ScytheBlade1It is nice
21:10.32ralfWORKI'm just floored how good that spirit shard ring is
21:10.46ralfWORK(for a shadow priest)
21:11.02ralfWORKI don't recall where my next ring upgrade is
21:11.12ralfWORKbut I seem to think something in 2.4 would be an up
21:11.27ralfWORKeither rep or badges or heroic
21:11.51ralfWORKI'm so dying to get that new spell damage weap though
21:12.00ScytheBlade1The S3 weapon is better
21:12.06ralfWORKnot for me, iirc
21:13.42ralfWORKit's possible that I tricked myself into thinking it's better cause i hate PVP ;)
21:14.30ralfWORKhmm wait... ok
21:14.35ralfWORKohhh right
21:14.41ralfWORKthat requires personal rating
21:14.48ralfWORKthat's why I wrote it off
21:15.08ralfWORKcause I was just about to grind honor for the S2 dagger
21:15.28ralfWORKthen the 2.4 notes started coming
21:15.45ScytheBlade1I'm at 76 badges
21:15.47ralfWORKand I said "screw that, I got badges in the bank"
21:16.30ralfWORKit's gonna screw up my hit cap though
21:16.56ScytheBlade1I *just* bought the HH exalted sword... need to get 7 more hit rating
21:17.40ScytheBlade1If we had 2.4 I'd just drop in a second +6dmg/+5hit heroic gem and call it good :/
21:17.46ralfWORKI think I can swap my belt out for the badge belt
21:18.13ralfWORKand get a few extra spell damage and a chunk of +hit
21:19.14ralfWORKbut 150 badges + 70 badges > 200 badges :(
21:19.53ralfWORKI'll actually toss soulfrost on that guy though
21:20.31ralfWORKI have the LC exalted mace now; same +dmg as that HH sword you just got
21:22.22ScytheBlade1I only gem/enchant +dmg
21:22.25ScytheBlade1Not +fire/+frost/etc
21:22.42ralfWORKya, probabyl good for a mage
21:22.50ScytheBlade1Multiple schools!
21:22.52ralfWORKI get a whopping 1 school of damage!
21:22.59ScytheBlade1You win ezmode
21:23.10ralfWORKyea, I'll be honest
21:23.17ralfWORKshadowpriest gearing is ezmode
21:30.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
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21:41.35Saint-Nso s2 crap is coming in with 2.4 right?
21:41.50kd3it'll be a few weeks later. they still haven't formally announced s4
21:42.02Saint-Nahh I should save up some then
21:42.17Saint-Nsince the s2 is actually FINALLY better than my present stuff
21:42.35Saint-NI can't believe that most of my non raiding aquired gear is better than most of the s1 stuff
21:42.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
21:43.04Saint-Nmy total tbc raiding history is 2 gruuls(got nothing) and 2 kara runs(got some healing thingy from the last guy)
21:43.23Saint-N!c us echo isles rozalyn
21:43.27WoWLuaircBotSaint-N: Rozalyn, Level 70 Undead Priest (23/0/38). 7071 HP; 8130 Mana; 150 mana regen; 48 mp5; 95 spell crit; 35 spell hit; 643 +spell dmg/heal; 179 frost dmg (822); 241 shadow dmg (884); 4.90% dodge; 37 resilience; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1410 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Fri Mar  7 16:53:15 2008 EST ]]
21:47.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
21:47.32ScytheBlade1!c us doomhammer sbo
21:47.37WoWLuaircBotScytheBlade1: Sbo, Level 70 Gnome Mage (1/57/3). 3713 HP; 4376 Mana; 212 mana regen; 5.14% dodge; 10 arcane resist (+10);[[ TBR: 533 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Fri Mar  7 16:57:25 2008 EST ]]
21:47.39ScytheBlade1^ win
21:50.04ScytheBlade1Self-buffed, up to a 29.05% fire crit chance
21:50.24kd3bah. wtb updated PTR build
21:50.44ScytheBlade1They pushing a new one?
21:50.57ScytheBlade1Ping me when it's up, please
21:51.03kd3will do
21:51.37Saint-N!vs us echo isles rozalyn us doomhammer sbo
21:51.38ralfWORK3.7k hp?
21:51.38WoWLuaircBotSaint-N: Rozalyn vs Sbo! A L70 priest and a L70 mage square off!; 23/0/38 vs 1/57/3; Rozalyn wins by 906 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
21:51.44Saint-Nsuck it ;P
21:52.00ralfWORKoh that's right hahahahah you're naked on armory
21:52.03Saint-N3713 would take 1.5 seconds ;P
21:52.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Dekster (
22:03.33ScytheBlade1Yup ;)
22:03.41ScytheBlade1Naken on the armory, so, eh
22:03.52kd3ScytheBlade1, ping. go log in
22:03.55ScytheBlade1kd3: ty
22:04.18kd3whee, not a kitchen sink-filled patch this time... only 6MB
22:04.44ScytheBlade1kd3: jinx. Now watch, you'll log in and have to download another 40MB
22:04.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
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22:06.20ScytheBlade1kd3: any UI changes?
22:06.39kd3just finished patching. will know in a few
22:07.04ScytheBlade1Login servers haven't been restarted
22:07.07ScytheBlade1Unable to validate game version
22:08.27ScytheBlade1I really wish I knew what was up with the PTR patch notes on the website.
22:09.20ScytheBlade1I also wish I knew wtf was up with my script/feed
22:10.53NightHawkTheSanethis is... beautiful..
22:11.18kd32K line, 75KB diff this time
22:12.07kd3ckknight, poke. check your email
22:13.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Weye1 (
22:14.00deltronanother PTR build today?
22:14.21ckknightkd3: woo
22:14.44ScytheBlade1my PTR diffs (well, kd3's) have found their way onto google
22:15.08ScytheBlade1There we are
22:16.13kd3-- We're now allowing an unlimited number of MaxLines
22:16.30ScytheBlade1Ha, awesome
22:17.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Fin (
22:18.56ScytheBlade1!vs us echo isles rozalyn us doomhammer sbo
22:19.00WoWLuaircBotScytheBlade1: Rozalyn vs Sbo! A L70 priest and a L70 mage square off!; 23/0/38 vs 1/57/3; Rozalyn wins by 566 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
22:19.06ScytheBlade1Boo, that's even with gear.
22:19.16*** join/#wowi-lounge frop (n=hola@unaffiliated/frop)
22:22.01Industrial!vs eu vashj meanass eu vashj xamth
22:22.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=shirik@
22:23.02xlvii!vs us thaurissan shari us frostmourne dispel
22:23.10WoWLuaircBotxlvii: Shari vs Dispel! A L70 rogue and a L70 priest square off!; 0/33/28 vs 14/0/47; Shari wins by 1077 TBRs! ***OWNED TO THE EXTREME!!***
22:38.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin__ (
22:39.36kd3huzzah. think they finally fixed the resizing problem
22:42.14*** join/#wowi-lounge dru_ (
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22:51.14TecnoBratyou guys will probably get a kick out of this
22:51.28TecnoBratwe have electronic keycard doors at my office
22:51.37TecnoBratwell the motherboard for the machine that controls them, died
22:51.41TecnoBratso they ordered a new one
22:51.45TecnoBratbut the new one was 3.0
22:51.48TecnoBratand the old one was 2.0
22:52.04TecnoBratand it isn't backwards compatible
22:52.14TecnoBratso they just finished upgrading all of our doors to 3.0
23:00.01*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
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23:08.25wereHamster--> print(toboolean(1))
23:08.25batbotwereHamster: @ [string "return  print(toboolean(1))"]:1: attempt to call global 'toboolean' (a nil value)
23:09.39ScytheBlade1Awesome win. 40% packet loss.
23:10.30Kasofunction toboolean(arg) return ( arg and arg ) end
23:10.41Josh_Borke--> print(not not 1)
23:10.41batbotJosh_Borke: true
23:11.00wereHamsterI was wondering why blizzard uses 'if flag then x = true else x = false'
23:11.00Kasohmm, yeh not not would be quicker wouldnt it
23:11.20wereHamsterwhere flag is a boolean
23:11.30Josh_Borkebecause blizzard doesn't write the best code
23:11.56wereHamsterthey don't accept patches for their code, do they?
23:12.07Josh_Borkethey accept, they won't necessarily implement
23:12.39ScytheBlade1Zoot stops by semi-frequently, or has recently anyways
23:12.39wereHamster.. and they changed an 'if foo then' to 'if foo == true then'
23:13.58Shirik|Ecole"if foo==true" should be faster actually
23:14.14Shirik|Ecoleuntested and unverified
23:14.17Shirik|Ecolebut it makes sense to me
23:14.44wereHamster.. and changed 'if a ~= 0 then ... end' to 'if a == 0 then else ...' (yes, an empty block between then and else)
23:15.08wereHamsterquickly, submit to thedailywtf
23:15.24wereHamsteryou don't know that?
23:20.40Shirik|Ecolefun site
23:32.29kd3oh. whee. want the TTR to come back up. the crying is going to be delicious
23:32.34kd3everyone's characters got wiped
23:36.53nevcairielmeh cant download EU PTR patch .. torrent tracker says not authorized :P
23:38.32Stanzillasame here -.-
23:38.52nevcairielOh well, wanted to sleep anywaay
23:39.26LopeppeppySleep is for the weak.  The sane, well adjusted weak... but the weak nevertheless.
23:39.49nevcairielI'm rather sane and weak then something else
23:40.26LopeppeppyI envy your sanity and treasure your weaknesses.
23:40.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110| (
23:40.48nevcairielfor uvar, setting in next, uvarInfo do
23:40.53nevcairielwth did blizz do there
23:41.12nevcairielpairs no longer "in"? :)
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23:43.36Guillotineanybody diffed the new PTR patch yet?
23:45.22kd3check your inbox
23:45.33kd3should've sent it to you with the rest of the group
23:45.33nevcairielor your spam box :)
23:46.03nevcairielnothing interesting in, tho
23:46.21nevcairielexcept that new code for setting the config globals
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