IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080304

00:00.49batrick" Mind Vision will not currently work in Arenas with patch 2.4.0. We are working on a technical fix for this in the meantime."
00:00.59batrickyou could so abuse that in the "real world"
00:00.59Guillotineooo, I know why
00:01.02Guillotinetoo bad
00:01.05batrickgo find a mage leveling
00:01.14batrickand stand on far as hell away and spam mind vision
00:01.38GuillotineDoes that work in the real world? I've only done it in arenas
00:01.42batrick(That was in response to: [Bug] Mind Vision Cancels Drinking  )
00:01.47batricko then maybe not
00:01.53batricki don't play i just found it funny
00:01.59Guillotineit might work in the real world, I dunno. Just haven't tried it
00:03.07Mr_Rabies2i remember when spinning your character made mind vision's camera spin
00:03.39GuillotineSo my college has a room with a ton of televisions at desks so that people can watch videos for class. I decided to try my universal remote. Turns out they took the remotes out of the room for a reason
00:03.45GuillotineI was lucky only one person was using them
00:04.21WobWorkwhy can't they just do their balancing for arenas only? =P
00:04.39WobWork"Firetotem will cause a MS effect in Arenas"
00:04.54Guillotineits not overpowered at all anywhere else though
00:05.10WobWorkThat would make the rest of us much happier at not getting stupid rebalancing we don't nede
00:06.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Jumpee (
00:07.03JumpeeIs anybody using SciTE with Lua 5.1 support?
00:07.38GuillotineI do
00:08.06Guillotinejust use the old Scite and change the Lua config file to access the 5.1 binaries
00:08.58JumpeeI copied the 5.1 files but I keep getting "system could not fine the file", or something like that
00:09.02kd3whee rollbacks
00:09.15kd3was in terokkar, logged in on the isle of quel'danas
00:09.26Jumpeeyou mean the lus properties file?
00:10.35JumpeeI looked at that file but could not figure out how to change it.
00:11.48Jumpeeit's gobledy gook to me
00:12.20Guillotineactually, are you using a normal SciTe, or the one clad made specially for WoW?
00:12.29Guillotinewell, updated for WoW
00:12.48GuillotineYou don't have to do anything if you just use that one
00:13.54cog|workkd3: world of walmart?
00:14.00JumpeeI am using clad's version, I download the 5.1 from the binaries
00:14.31Jumpeethat version won't handle ... elipses(sp?)
00:14.31batbotJumpee, eclipses, elapses, ellipses.
00:15.50JumpeeClad's version won't handle Lua 5.1, as to the use of ellipses.
00:16.00batbotzenzelezz, index is correct.
00:16.08zenzelezzinteresting feature
00:17.28GuillotineJumpee: ellipses work fine for me in that version
00:17.42Guillotineand I haven't manually edited anything on this computer
00:18.16Jumpeehmmm, I get an error when I have something like   a, b, c = ...
00:18.36Shirik|EcoleJumpee: You have to replace luac
00:18.39JumpeeC:\SciTE\bin\lua.exe: MyTest.lua:21: unexpected symbol near `...'
00:18.46Shirik|EcoleLook for a "bin" folder in the SciTE folder
00:18.49Shirik|Ecolereplace it with the latest version
00:18.51JumpeeI did replace lua and luac
00:18.57Shirik|Ecolethen you didn't replace it correctly
00:19.03Shirik|Ecolebecause that's all SciTE uses
00:19.13Shirik|Ecoleif you're getting that error, then luac is reporting an error
00:19.20Shirik|Ecoleand the only reason luac would report an error is because it is not 5.1
00:21.09JumpeeI unzipped, and copied over lua5.1.exe and luac5.1.exe into bin, renamed them to remove the 5.1
00:22.24Jumpeeand moved lua5.1.dll inot bin without renaming
00:22.34Jumpeeinot = into
00:23.04AnduinLothar[You] Crusader Strike Crit [Aether Ray] *1723*
00:23.04AnduinLothar[You] Melee Crit [Aether Ray] *1415*
00:23.04AnduinLothar[You] Seal of Command Crit [Aether Ray] *1968*
00:23.23AnduinLotharwhy doesn't that happen in pvp
00:23.52kamdisbecause you don't fight aether rays in pvp?
00:24.05AnduinLothargod damn rays always die
00:24.24kamdisi'm sure if you fought me in pvp you'd see more impressive numbers than that.
00:24.39kamdisCome to Whirlwind where Kamdis gives free honor in AV.
00:25.00Shirik|EcoleAnduinLothar: Go roll a priest
00:25.01Jumpeemaybe my version of clad's scite is older than what is available now
00:25.08Shirik|EcoleI hit them for about 500
00:25.11Shirik|Ecolemakes those dailies so easy
00:25.33JumpeeI'll dl it now
00:27.25EndAnduinLothar: resilience? ;-p
00:28.13AnduinLotharresil ftl
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00:49.22batrickShirik|Ecole: ping
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01:07.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Godzmack (
01:08.05Shirik|Ecolebatrick: pong
01:11.52batrickShirik|Ecole: we can't copy string references
01:12.11batrickbecause of str1==str2
01:12.35Shirik|Ecolethat is an affirmative, good sir
01:12.54Shirik|Ecolewe'll just have to copy the string
01:12.56batrickI finished the kernel queue structure
01:12.58Shirik|Ecolenow that I think about it, it's not a big deal
01:13.00foxlitbatrick: s/because of/but you get/
01:13.13batrickI already finished most of that
01:13.20batrickI didn't do tables, but I did functions and strings
01:13.25Shirik|Ecolefoxlit: No, actually the problem is that if you do that, you DON'T get that
01:13.26batrickI haven't tested it yet though
01:14.00foxlitOverload ==, no reason not to
01:14.09*** part/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
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01:14.15*** part/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
01:14.16batrickyou can't overload == for strings in Lua
01:14.19Shirik|Ecolethen it would have to be a userdata
01:14.21*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
01:14.27batrickfoxlit: you can't overload == for strings in Lua
01:14.59batrickalso full userdata are treated as light user data for now
01:15.12foxlitbatrick: I'm aware of that
01:15.19batrickthen why do you suggest it
01:15.38foxlitBecause you can _modify_ lua to support both string-by-reference and overloaded == comparisons
01:15.52foxlitThe two ideas are not that dramatically opposed.
01:15.57batrickwe are not modifying lua core
01:17.35batrickShirik|Ecole: I figure we should do a check when a thread calls any of our functions that allow us to remove any dead references at that point
01:17.42batrickkinda like check_GC() in Lua
01:18.08Shirik|Ecolecan't we just handle it during __gc?
01:18.19Shirik|Ecoleor are you talking for strings
01:19.12batrickno, when a state with a copy of another states object is done, we'll know via a userdata __gc so we can lower the reference count
01:19.39batrickbut we can only remove the dead reference if the source state calls our library
01:20.53Shirik|EcoleI don't understand the problem
01:21.49batrickthread 1 puts in thread 2's queue function 0xffff
01:22.07batrickwe save that function to thread 1's registry so its never colelcted
01:23.05batrickthread 2 gets the value, it is put in thread 2's registry with the value of some userdata with a __gc method
01:23.25batrickso when thread 2 is done, the __gc method is called and we decrement the reference count the kernel maintains
01:24.06batrickthen thread 1 calls our library sometime later, we check if there are any values being held with no references left (ref count of 0) and delete it from thread 1's registry before doing what they asked to begin with
01:24.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (
01:24.37batrickwe can't do this once the count is 0 immediately because thread 1 might be modifying all sorts of things and we can't insure consistency in its state
01:25.22Lopeppeppy.... station
01:26.15Shirik|Ecoleok batrick
01:26.20Shirik|Ecole(20:24:34) (batrick) we can't do this once the count is 0 immediately because thread 1 might be modifying all sorts of things and we can't insure consistency in its state
01:26.23Shirik|Ecolethat's the part I needed
01:26.32batricksorry I wanted to be clear :P
01:27.09LopeppeppyWobWork, you're mean.
01:29.02WobWorkis full of some good ones =)
01:31.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Godzmack (
01:32.47ScytheBlade1Deadlykris (forum MVP) did that to me the other day
01:32.50ScytheBlade1And then logged out
01:33.15LopeppeppyGnomish MVP's rule.
01:33.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Maul|TrinityUI (i=446c1daa@gateway/web/ajax/
01:34.05Shirik|Ecole!google LM124
01:34.06Lunessaespecially if they have cookies
01:34.06batbotShirik|Ecole: LM124 - Low Power Quad Operational Amplifier <>
01:46.19*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh_ (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Dinesh)
01:52.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Wilbur (n=blanejnr@
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01:55.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (n=Arrow@unaffiliated/arrowmaster)
02:02.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Dekster (
02:05.36batrickthe todo list for this is growing fast
02:08.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Viserion (
02:14.17batrickShirik|Ecole: I'm going to stop working on it for now until you get a chance to look at some of the stuff I've done
02:14.29Shirik|Ecolesounds good
02:23.48*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
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02:39.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Qzot (
02:42.46kd3heh... they brought up the raid earlier today, now they're bringing it back down
02:42.54kd3guess the complaints about the gauntlet finally got heard
02:43.01kd3s/raid/sunwell plateau/
02:43.31Gnarfozkd3: see #wowhead ;)
02:46.02*** kick/#wowi-lounge [Nechckn!n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn] by Cairenn (Cairenn)
02:46.51Cairennhe's asleep at the keys, literally on them - he just got kicked from another channel, so of course it bumps to whatever channel is next on the top of his list
02:47.21WobWorkpoor nech =)
02:47.22Sixen~seen Duman
02:47.26purlduman is currently on #wowi-lounge, last said: 'those should never break, at least :)'.
02:47.38SixenHas been idle for like a day, :/.
02:47.58Finwhat... on IRC?!
02:48.36Shaktarapparently irc is as good as sleeping pills
02:48.53FinI mean hazzzzz
02:48.58LopeppeppyI should IRC a lot more then, I sleep for crap
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02:55.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
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03:08.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Slackwise (
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03:40.36Shirik|zZzok... seriously?
03:40.47Shirik|zZzI didn't get home in time, we had already done 7 arena games so we needed to do the other 3
03:40.56Shirik|zZzsomehow they managed to lose 51 points in those 3 games
03:40.59Shirik|zZz... how.
03:41.40*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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03:41.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
03:44.05Shirik!ap 1587
03:44.05WoWLuaircBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1587 is, 2v2: 340, 3v3: 394, 5v5: 448
03:44.07Shirik!ap 1612
03:44.07WoWLuaircBotSorry Shirik, you must wait 1 seconds before making another request.
03:44.12Shirik!ap 1612
03:44.12WoWLuaircBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1612 is, 2v2: 365, 3v3: 423, 5v5: 481
03:45.19hastethat's a really stupid spam protection
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03:51.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
03:58.04*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
03:58.07batrickI bet you could crash WoWLuaircBot doing that
03:58.30batrickerr, cause the server to kick him
04:03.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
04:04.36*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (i=cbceb2e4@gateway/web/ajax/
04:04.40batrickanybody know how to get tar to operate on hidden files?
04:17.00AnduinLotharI need a 3's team name for war/pally/sham
04:17.23*** join/#wowi-lounge DuTempete (
04:25.46ScytheBlade1Okay that's new
04:26.01ScytheBlade1Prat was causing blocked actions when I manually typed out /target personX
04:27.30WobWorkI totally want to start a 5 feral druid arena team called "Voltron"
04:31.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Godzmack (
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05:13.59*** join/#wowi-lounge fromatz (
05:14.19fromatzanyone know why when i register two events, only one ever works?
05:15.50MentalPoweryou sure the other one fires?
05:16.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:16.56fromatzi have update bf status and addon loaded
05:17.03fromatzif i just register one, it fires fine
05:17.14fromatzbut if i add a second, the first one quits firing
05:18.47*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (
05:20.05MentalPowerfromatz: code
05:22.47Mr_Rabies2what build is the ptr on?
05:25.32fromatzright now, addon_loaded fires, im waiting in queue to test out the update battlefield status
05:30.20fromatzoh maybe someone can give me some advice on this
05:30.41fromatzim looking to reset my saved variables each time a player logs on and i was wondering the best way to go about this
05:31.05Gngskwhat's the point in SV if you're just going to clear 'em?
05:31.12*** join/#wowi-lounge tmokros (
05:31.18fromatzim tracking bg info for a session
05:31.32fromatzonce i parse that information i no longer need it
05:31.41Gngskso you don't need SV?
05:32.09fromatzwell i would need sv to store the data initially wouldnt i?
05:32.21Gngsknah, just slap it in a table
05:32.41Gngskbasically all SV is but it gets written to a file when you RL/logout
05:33.02fromatzyeah i would like my data written to a file still
05:33.11art3miswhat do i care it's not like it effects america
05:33.16art3misamerica is part of the world
05:33.22art3miswow, i have been gone a long time
05:36.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Godzmack (
05:37.54WobWorkfromatz: you can replace "_, _, alliancescore, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = GetWorldStateUIInfo(1); " with "alliancescore = select(3, GetWorldStateUIInfo(1))"
05:38.16MentalPowerits cleaner looking, but not faster
05:38.39MentalPower_, _, alliancescore = GetWorldStateUIInfo(1) would do the same
05:38.50batrickactually he should just replace it with "_,_, alliancescore = ..."
05:38.54*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
05:39.02fromatzcool thanks wobwork
05:39.10wereHamsterno, "local _,_, alliancescore = ..."
05:40.17fromatzah its just one extra function call, my addon is pretty light
05:40.22fromatzit shouldnt bog it down
05:41.07batrickThe important thing to note is you only need to grab the values you want
05:43.03fromatzdo you guys know how i calculate an alterac valley win
05:43.24fromatzim using the worldstate ui to determine wins for wsg, eots, and ab, but i dont think it works with av
05:45.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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05:45.22WobWorkJust base it on the battlegroup
05:45.30WobWorkfor example, if you're in my battlegroup, Horde will win =P
05:47.40art3misi had a terrible dream, 1's and 0's everywhere i hought i saw a 2
05:47.52art3misits okay bender there's no such thing as 2
05:52.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
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05:53.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies (
05:54.12AtriaceI'm trying to create a global based on a function argument and then assign a value to it.  I've used the getglobal successfully elsewhere, but I seem to be misusing the syntax on this one.
05:54.53AtriaceIf someone would care to see:   _G[arg1 .. "text"] = (a - b)/10
05:55.23MentalPowerAtriace: that looks right
05:55.32AtriaceSearching the list of globals ingame (using Inspector) shows no global with that name
05:55.48MentalPowerwith what name?
05:56.20MentalPower--> arg1 = 'foo' _G[arg1 .. "text"] =10 print("footext")
05:56.21batbotMentalPower: footext
05:56.25Atriacee.g., arg1 = MentalPower.    _G[arg1 .. "text"] = MentalPowertext
05:56.27MentalPower--> arg1 = 'foo' _G[arg1 .. "text"] =10 print(footext)
05:56.28batbotMentalPower: 10
05:56.42MentalPowerAtriace: ^^^^
05:56.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Godzmack (
05:57.04AtriaceLooks like my bug is elsewhere then....
06:02.16*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (
06:02.18ScytheBlade1Freaking finally
06:02.22ScytheBlade1No more SSC/TK
06:02.40AtriaceYour guild moved on?
06:02.42ScytheBlade1Finally got the Hyjal attunement :P
06:03.04ScytheBlade1I've been in that place since... I think some time in july
06:07.48*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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06:10.10*** join/#wowi-lounge fromatz (
06:11.10fromatzlua> t1 = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}; t2 = {}; table.insert(t2, t1); pp(t2);
06:11.11lua_botfromatz: { { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 } (#2) } (#1)
06:11.31batrickShirik: ping
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06:14.57batricklua> t1 = {_G} pp(t1)
06:14.58lua_botbatrick: { { ["t1"] = <table: #1>, ["tostring"] = function: 0x629d80, ["os"] = { ["date"] = function: 0x62d760, ["difftime"] = function: 0x62d7c0, ["time"] = function: 0x62a6d0, ["clock"] = function: 0x62d700 } (#3), ["getfenv"] = function: 0x629910, ["pairs"] = function: 0x6290e0, ["assert"] = function: 0x6... (result truncated)
06:15.21AtriaceAnybody got a favorite error message collector mod?
06:15.36batrick!BugSwatter I think
06:15.40batrickmight be the wrong name
06:15.50MentalPowertho I'm biased since I helped write it
06:15.59batrickMentalPower: I <3 that mod :P
06:20.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Godzmack (
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06:41.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Maul|TrinityUI (i=446c1daa@gateway/web/ajax/
06:42.25ThraeI was going to do something, but now I forget what.
06:42.44art3mismake me a sammich
06:42.45ThraeOh right.
06:42.47MentalPoweryou were going to get me some coffee
06:42.57Atriaceor go to bed?
06:42.57art3missudo make me a sammich
06:43.05purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
06:44.08ThraeDoes anyone like in Maryland, USA? The company I work for is looking for QA testers to play the top 70 PC games all day. We work with some huge clients, good foot-in-the-door for the game industry or IT, and also excellent part-time work (we have a lot of students).
06:44.43*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (i=cbceb2e4@gateway/web/ajax/
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06:45.00MentalPower~g es en Hola
06:45.03art3misi live in new york, shipping isnt that bad ;P
06:45.11AntiarcLooks like a misbehaved embed.
06:45.16MentalPowerwhats purl's translate trigger?
06:45.40art3mis~translate en fr eat me
06:46.01MentalPower~translate es en A buen santo te encomiendas
06:46.21MentalPowerEsamynn: ^^
06:46.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Godzmack (
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06:49.00Maul|TrinityUIGuillotine: I fail at text do you colorize the guild motd? I am bored and want to play with the new toys :)
06:50.05ScytheBlade1Standard color strings I'd assume?
06:50.53Maul|TrinityUIhmm, tried that, not working...
06:51.30ScytheBlade1What's the syntax for the color again?
06:51.37ScytheBlade1|cRRGGBBAAtext|r ?
06:51.40MentalPowerMaul|TrinityUI: use \124 instead of literal |
06:51.52MentalPowerScytheBlade1: yes
06:51.56Maul|TrinityUII knew that
06:51.58MentalPowertho AA is ignored
06:52.04batrickwhy would you need \124
06:52.05GuillotineScythe: actually, its cAARRGGBB
06:52.11batrick--> "\124"
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06:52.12batbotbatrick: > |
06:52.15ScytheBlade1Heh, that explains a bit
06:52.20Guillotineand yes, AA is ignored
06:52.52MentalPowerbatrick: the WoW chat code converts literal | into ||
06:53.06MentalPowerbut ignores \124 in that conversion
06:53.08batrickthey changed the string lexer?
06:53.23MentalPowerits always been like that
06:53.32batrickthat's wierd
06:53.35batrickI never knew that
06:53.36Guillotinebeen like that forever
06:55.42ScytheBlade1Not working on live :/
06:55.51ScytheBlade1Whoops forgot text in that example, but I assure you, it's in there
06:57.16MentalPower./run GuildSetMOTD(GetGuildRosterMOTD().. "\124c00FF0000HELLO!")
06:58.09Guillotinetechnically you should add \124r at the end
06:58.20Guillotinethough as long as thats the end of the string it won't matter
06:58.20ScytheBlade1Not |c, lol
06:59.28*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
06:59.29Antiarc\124 = | ?
06:59.43MentalPower--> return "\124"
06:59.44batbotMentalPower: > |
07:00.49ScytheBlade1I'm totally abusing that in my guild note once 2.4 hits live
07:00.58AntiarcWe have come full circle
07:01.00Antiarc"Lightweight alternatives to ace addons?"
07:01.11ScytheBlade1Also, link!
07:02.36AntiarcMan, we haven't had a good Ace flamewar on the forums in a while
07:02.40AntiarcMaybe we should have one
07:02.56Antiarc"I installed an Ace3 mod, but it didn't make me sammiches as promised. WTF."
07:03.00art3misquick someone go reccomend ktm over omen
07:03.29AntiarcI recommend KTM over Omen
07:03.33AntiarcFor CPU burn-in
07:03.40purlba-dum CHH
07:03.47ScytheBlade1Bah, someone beat me to it
07:03.58AntiarcHaha, owned.
07:04.17AntiarcE .· ` ' / ·. F  <--- awesome
07:04.18art3miswhy do people use low level alts to post?
07:04.29art3misive never understood that
07:04.36AntiarcI don't get it either.
07:04.42art3misi troll on my main
07:04.46ScytheBlade1art3mis: because when you answer people and their response is "I have better gear than you" or "you're a mage and you're just biased"
07:04.49ScytheBlade1Why NOT?
07:05.01art3misif peiople havent figured out that i bait them into QQ sessions that's thier tough ;P
07:05.20art3misScytheBlade1: im more than capable of arguing anything from any point
07:05.41art3misalthough i'll generally go for devils advocate or the most obscenely unrelated point as the mood strikes ;P
07:05.46AntiarcThread title: "Why are Rogues so cheap?"
07:05.48ScytheBlade1art3mis: exactly, and people will judge EVERYTHING you posted based on your gear, class, and spec.
07:05.51Antiarc"because there's a lot of supply, but not nearly enough demand."
07:06.06ScytheBlade1So I take all three out of the equation, and replace it with "post on your main nub"
07:06.09art3misScytheBlade1: heh on my first realm i was judged by my words not my class ;P
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07:06.26art3misactually iw as pretty well hated
07:06.27ScytheBlade1To be fair, a lot of the people who do that are on general or the class forums. :P
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07:07.00art3misAntiarc: i would have gone for bad upbringing and bad teeth
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07:07.40art3mishrm doxygen sounds neat
07:07.45art3misi think thats its name
07:08.16Antiarcautodoc stuff in general is pretty neato.
07:08.26art3miskina spooky
07:08.29art3miswhats D btw?
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07:09.34art3misoh and as a side note it brings me great joy that someone ahs taken to ddosing
07:09.40art3missince the owner is a complete ass ;P
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07:33.26|pez|it felt like springtime was here.... and then there was lots of snow when I woke up
07:33.43batrickweather has been fucked lately
07:34.16|pez|but the sunshining, and a dry ground, was so much better than rain and snow and coldness.
07:34.17batrickIt keeps switching from really warm to really cold here in albuquerque
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07:38.19batrickShirik: ping
07:38.47|pez|batrick: it goes from rainy, to sunny and warm, to snowy, here in Bergen, Norway.
07:39.09batrickSo apparently the second core in my Pentium D takes 100% more time to do work than my first core
07:39.14batrickI'm trying to figure out why
07:39.58batrick|pez|: ya :(
07:40.27batrickMight be something to do with the cache lines because both cores are active
07:40.33batrickL2 cache probably
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07:52.21art3mismaybe it just hates you batty
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07:53.10batrickthat's so cool
07:53.16batricknah it's L2 cache misses
07:53.32batrickI thought my shit was broken because my program suddenly took 10 seconds longer to complete
07:53.58batrickand when you're doing extensive profiling to show optimizations, that can really fuck with your head
07:54.01nevcairiel10 seconds due to some cache misses
07:54.29nevcairielthat must've been alot misses, or alot test cases :P
07:55.07Guillotinewtf, have you guys seen the official screenshot of the day? its the friggin kkk o.O
07:55.21GuillotineI cannot believe that got through
07:55.35Guillotinego to and click on the screenshot of the day
07:56.16batrickthey need torches
07:56.28Guillotinehow the heck did that get to be the screenshot of the day? o.O
07:56.39art3miscomplete with purple grand dragon ;P
07:56.49batrickand if they were standing near the hangman outside gadget...
07:56.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
07:57.12batrickthat screenshot coulda been so epic
07:57.14GuillotineI am both offended and entertained at the same time
07:57.33Guillotinethough mostly entertained that whoever does the chosing would choose that screenshot
07:57.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Maul|TrinityUI (i=446c1daa@gateway/web/ajax/
08:11.19AtriaceMentalPower: where did you get that sound effect for the error sound?
08:12.14Atriacegave me a chuckle first time I heard it.
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09:31.59art3missince mounts can fly at a different speed than they run
09:32.15art3misis there a check thats accessible to tell if you're landed or flying?
09:34.28art3misthats far to obvious
09:39.43purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
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10:21.12batrickShirik: u suck
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10:21.35Kalrothbe nice :(
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10:30.11batrickno u
10:31.28Kalroth--> print((0/0).." unf")
10:31.29batbotKalroth: nan unf
10:31.35Kalrothaw, I mixed them up
10:34.02*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
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12:02.50|pez|I wish the landlord would tell us when he started fiddling with our internet -__-'¨
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12:23.33foxlitHow is a C float stored in memory?
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12:24.32nevcairielyeah i suppose IEEE standard
12:24.43nevcairielmantissa + exponent
12:25.15|pez|can anyone try to send a mail to ? :P
12:25.18foxlitIt comes with a pretty picture, too :)
12:25.28*** part/#wowi-lounge _Chloe (
12:25.31nevcairieli refuse :P
12:25.34foxlitthough those bit numbers seem... annoying
12:25.46|pez|Oh, it might take l48 hours for the MX records to update
12:25.59foxlit|pez|: only if they're cached
12:26.05|pez|nevcairiel: what? >__>
12:26.16|pez| has no MX records from before.
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12:26.57nevcairielthen it should work
12:26.59nevcairieli guess
12:29.37foxlitThe question is whether your own nameservers now respond to MX queries :)
12:30.22foxlitwhich they do. Gmail?
12:30.39|pez|google apps powered mailthingie.
12:30.59nevcairieloh yeah you can use gmail on your own domains now, i read about that some time ago
12:31.18|pez|Yes, you can, it is quite awesome.
12:31.24|pez|I will test it out some more.
12:31.33|pez|and... do this all after I drive the boyfriend to work.
12:45.46clad|officeany database guys/gals around?
12:47.10foxlitdefine, or just ask.
12:47.22clad|officemaybe not that
12:47.39clad|officeJust looking for a better way to rewrite  SELECT node,version from nodes where node = '_config' AND version = (select version from node_index where node = '_config');
12:48.37foxlitgo, natural product, go?
12:49.08foxlitSELECT node, version FROM nodes NATURAL JOIN node_index WHERE node = "_config"
12:49.36foxlitOr, really, what are you doing?
12:49.59foxlitIf your column names are sane, you're doing the rough equivalent of
12:50.09clad|officenode_index has two columns
12:50.13clad|officenode and version
12:50.14foxlitselect node, version from node_index where node = '_config'
12:50.25clad|officei need to then get that row from the nodes table
12:50.32clad|officethis was a simplification of that
12:51.42foxlitto for the same node, version can be different in nodes and node_index?
12:51.54clad|officenodes contains all the versions, a full history
12:52.01clad|officenode_index is just a fast way to get the latest version
12:52.08clad|officeunless i can use aggregates to get that from the nodes table quickly
12:52.36clad|officestandard workflow is I need to get the latest version of a node
12:52.51foxlitthere's only one row per (node, version) combination in nodes?
12:53.00clad|officecorrect, its the primary key on that table
12:53.13foxlitORDER BY, LIMIT 1?
12:53.35foxlitNot sure if that'd use the index, but if it does, should be faster than taking a natural join
12:53.42clad|officeyeah, that's what I wasn't sure about
12:53.50foxlitEXPLAIN (query)
12:53.57foxlitshould answer that
12:54.01clad|officehrm, thanks.
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12:59.56clad|officefoxlit: any hints on how i read the output of explain? :P
13:00.24clad|officefoxlit: is what I have
13:00.39clad|officeoh dizzam, they're not the same query
13:01.05clad|officebut the results are the same
13:01.28clad|officeI assume the order by limit ends up being faster
13:03.08foxlitMm, it depends.
13:03.32foxlitYou could look EXPLAIN up in the mysql manual:
13:03.50foxlitBut by the looks of that, it considered using the keys, and then decided not to
13:04.21foxlitYou should probably populate it with sample data
13:04.32foxlit"The rows column indicates the number of rows MySQL believes it must examine to execute the query." 1 is not very interesting
13:04.38clad|officeah okay
13:04.46clad|officei'll take a look at it then, that's easy enough
13:05.40foxlitThere's also a GROUP BY / HAVING option
13:05.44foxlit(which would allows you do to things like GROUP BY node HAVING version = MAX(version))
13:06.12clad|officelemme populate this quick
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13:11.43Wobincan someone go to and see if they get a page?
13:12.03foxlit"Java script is not enabled.
13:12.03foxlitPlease check that java script is enabled - if you have Internet Explorer you can:"
13:12.12nevcairieli get a page
13:12.23foxlitThat detection is flawed
13:12.23Wobinoh good, it's just me then
13:16.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Godzmack (
13:22.27amroWobin: being the only one to see things is usually a bad thing :P
13:24.25foxlitIt's only when you start hearing voices telling you to do things you're in trouble
13:30.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
13:32.14clad|officefoxlit: Both queries are pretty good, but one is linear with respect to the number of revisions of a given node, while the other is just two single row queries
13:32.21clad|officeso i think i'll go with the two single row query
13:32.38foxlitWhich is linear, btw? :)
13:32.59clad|officethe ORDER BY LIMIT 1
13:33.05clad|officeneeds to look at all the rows for that node
13:33.10Cidemakes sense
13:33.16Cideit orders them all and then limits
13:33.43foxlitCide: but the trick is that it's also part of the primary index, with the other part being provided in the WHERE
13:34.38*** join/#wowi-lounge |pez (
13:37.11sioraiochtclad|office: you there?
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13:42.02|pezcan anyone try sending something to  where whatever is.. something you want.
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13:42.40Cideso if I want hugs and kisses, I email ?
13:43.29|pezmaybe? :P I'm just checking to see if it's set up right and redirects stuff from it doesn't reconize.
13:43.44Cidewell, sent!
13:43.50|pezthankyou :D
13:46.11|pezyou got a reply?
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14:17.36|pezCide: where you from?
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14:17.55|pezright, thought so-
14:17.59|pezeither that or denmark
14:29.13clad|officelua> test = "This is a \\test string"; print(test:gsub("string", "foo"))
14:29.14lua_botclad|office: This is a \test foo, 1
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15:45.23KasoMetatable hooks used to be so scary
15:52.29[dRaCo]I don't trust first-time-right code
15:52.40[dRaCo]can't believe I made no typos :/
15:53.18zenzelezzthat just means you have logical errors, not syntax errors
15:53.25[dRaCo]prolly, yeah
15:53.48[dRaCo]but it works o0
15:54.34[dRaCo]even with some \n in the input...
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16:17.49art3misBreaking news! Realms offline today 3am to 11am PST (just like every tuesday before it)
16:18.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
16:19.42LopeppeppyZOMG, I want a refund.
16:22.13*** join/#wowi-lounge lolinternet (
16:22.58art3misshould troll post demanding that sub fees be dropped becuz of the 1 day total outage each month and how in feb you didnt get a full 30 days ;P
16:24.00Keiasshit, down until 11am PST?!
16:24.19KeiasI stayed home for THIS?!
16:24.24art3misas normal
16:24.42Keiasnow I'm gunna have to go take a shower or something just to pass time
16:24.44KeiasThis is an outrage
16:25.58cog|work"Lightweight alternatives to ace addons?"
16:26.21art3miswelcome to last night cog ;P
16:26.42purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
16:26.57art3misnot my fault you live in the past
16:27.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
16:27.13Lukian"try using ktm. it might help. omen isn't that great on your computer :/"
16:27.24cog|worknot your fault i'm getting over the flu and probably wasn't awake when said post was made...
16:28.12*** join/#wowi-lounge amro (n=amro@
16:29.42Cidefueled by what misconceptions?
16:30.32LopeppeppyThe usual one of addons and RAM and performance.
16:30.56LopeppeppyThere is this new trend of minimalism that has to do with computer usage, not visual presentation.  It's... weird.
16:30.59Cideit's well established that ace > your loading times
16:33.07|Jelly|It is.
16:33.46*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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16:34.28Cideit's kinda funny
16:35.14Cide>>> 52*4-11
16:35.14CideCide: 197
16:35.18Cide197 addon folders
16:36.28Cidebut only ~47 addons
16:37.01*** join/#wowi-lounge lawlinternet (
16:37.07Cidenot counting blizzard's 14, that's 33:183
16:38.48Cideit's an interesting design
16:39.15Cidein the search of the ultimate performance
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16:41.58LopeppeppyDrink more Red Bull?
16:42.26art3misjolt cola for me
16:42.36art3misred bull is horrid tasting
16:44.09cog|workfull throttle
16:44.18cog|worksobe .. umm... something or other
16:44.50KeiasEnergy drinks are pretty horrid tasting either way.  What ever happened to will power? :(
16:45.21cog|workit was replaced by caffeine
16:45.25art3misit went away with personal responsibility
16:45.37KeiasYou kids these days!
16:45.38art3misi hear they've got a nice little bungalow in tahaiti
16:45.40amrosugar is a powdered energy drink, it's enough for me
16:46.03art3misactually monster energy isnt too bad
16:46.17art3misi wouldnt willingly cosume it as my only beverage mind you
16:46.29art3misya know whats a great energy boost?
16:46.40art3misits a vitamin
16:47.05art3misand as an added side bonus it makes yer pee turn the colour of mountain dew ;P
16:47.06kergothcaffeine doesnt work for me anymore, or just sugar, have to have a combination of the two to stay awake now
16:47.24ScytheBlade1Oh man. I love Sebudai.
16:47.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (n=Kirkburn@
16:47.50art3misyeha i long passed the point of "healthly caffiend and sugar consumption
16:48.03Cidewhat's funny is that he's a nice guy
16:48.10ScytheBlade1yeah, he is.
16:48.18ScytheBlade1That news post is just epic though
16:48.25cog|workvitamin B does a great job too imo
16:48.44kergothi used to consume like 7 caffinated drinks a day... all soda.. talk about a bad diet, thats like 2000 useless calories, not to mention chewing up the teeth
16:49.10art3misMore noteworthy though is how we almost wiped to Gruul in the process. We can heal just fine on shit like Mother Shahraz and Illidan, but apparantly Gruul the Dragonkiller ain't nobodies bitch.
16:50.39wereHamsterScytheBlade1, who's Sebudai?
16:50.51Cideguild leader of juggernaut
16:50.54Cideon doomhammer
16:50.55ScytheBlade1wereHamster: the GM of that guild... google is your friend
16:51.07wereHamsteris that a big/well known guild?
16:51.20ScytheBlade1The guild itself is 16th overall in the US
16:51.26art3misonly on doomhammer
16:51.33ScytheBlade1But he's most commonly known for this:
16:53.13CideI was there for most of those
16:53.24ScytheBlade1yeah, but you weren't IN any of those screenshots
16:53.24wereHamsterwhich class does he play?
16:53.25ScytheBlade1And so
16:53.27CideI remember the "AE before my call again, see what happens one"
16:53.27ScytheBlade1~fail Cide
16:53.28purlCide: Fail.
16:53.31ScytheBlade1Enhance shaman
16:53.37CideScytheBlade1: yeah, I wasn't stupid like half of their members :P
16:53.47ScytheBlade1Cide: haha, okay, good point
16:53.49Cideand I was an app so I tried to shut up whenever possible
16:53.59art3misfirst column bottom is still my fav quote
16:54.52CideI love the bottom right one
16:55.42ScytheBlade1Something about the GMOTD quote is what makes me laugh
16:56.01ScytheBlade1"08/17/06 - UBRS - We need peopel to learn to assist and not pull aggro, so we are raiding the place where that is learned."
16:56.22ScytheBlade1I'm pretty sure they were in Naxx at the time too
16:56.28Cidewe were
16:56.46Cideis the one about jumping off ledges there too?
16:56.59ScytheBlade1"As a guild we struggle with mobility fights"
16:57.06Cidethat was when people kept failing to jump over to thaddius' platform
16:57.11Cideover and over and over
16:57.57ScytheBlade1Inquiring minds want to know, Cide!
16:58.02ScytheBlade1Did you actually raid UBRS?
16:58.13CideI wish
16:58.20ScytheBlade1That's a letdown
16:58.23CideI agree
16:58.29CideI can't remember what that quote was about though
16:58.43art3mishehe im looking at job postings and scanning descriptions, i  see ". The company's vastly regarded brands reach a great, intellectually" and read it as retarded, then giggle.
16:59.42Cideoh and
17:00.03Cide"Using allof our rez's, try not to rez ---- and --- if you can help it, they'll just die again"
17:00.42CideI can't remember the first one
17:00.46Cideit was a female
17:00.48Cideorc hunter
17:01.01CideI think
17:01.10Cideand the second one was a friend of mine who shall remain nameless :P
17:01.17zenzelezz"How Juggernaut learned Naxxramas"
17:01.21ScytheBlade1Sitting in this channel too by chance? ;)
17:01.24zenzelezzIT'S NOT ROCKET SURGERY!
17:01.25CideScytheBlade1: nah
17:01.30ScytheBlade1I had hopes
17:01.57Cidethat was when we were learning um
17:02.10Cidethe fight where you had to run back and forth
17:02.39Cideand they kept dying the first time, without exceptions
17:04.08ScytheBlade1Wow, they haven't picked up any new loot in over a month
17:04.19ScytheBlade1Talk about harassing the PTR
17:05.27Legorolhow can someone cope and stay in a guild like that for more than a raid or two?
17:05.36Legorolwith a leader like that, i would be out, i don't care how great they are
17:05.51ScytheBlade1Different mindset, different goals, different people in it
17:05.58Legoroli guess
17:06.03CideLegorol: 'hardcore' basically
17:06.10Cidebut really, it isn't as bad as it seems in those screenshots
17:06.11Legorolimo, Kungen is about the only person in the world i'd be willing to take such crap from
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17:06.18CideI ended up leaving, but for other erasons
17:06.21Legorolthen again, he doesn't because he is a good leader :)
17:06.32CideLegorol: they're not that much worse in terms of progression
17:06.41Legorolfairly nuff
17:06.58Legorolthe thing is though, i doubt that it makes any difference to progression whether he is an asshat or a great motivator
17:07.00ScytheBlade1Which guild is Kungen in again?
17:07.04Legorolso why not be a motivator instead :)
17:07.05ScytheBlade1Name rings a bell but I forget the guild
17:07.05CideI do prefer leaders that don't do that stuff though
17:07.09CideScytheBlade1: nihilum
17:07.11LegorolScytheBlade1: Nihilum
17:07.17Legorola little known off-shoot guild noone's heard of
17:07.26CideLegorol: well, you have to call people out at that level
17:07.33Cide"come on guys, do better!" doesn't really work out
17:07.38ScytheBlade1Nope, heh
17:07.39Cideyou have to replace people if they can't execute
17:07.44LegorolCide: true
17:07.48Cidebut you don't have to do it in the way that sebudai did it
17:07.57Legoroli'm not criticising his wish for performance and being demanding
17:08.08ScytheBlade1Different people, different mindset
17:08.27Legoroli had a really, really realllllly bad day once
17:08.30Legoroldue to IRL reasons
17:08.36Legoroland happened to be leading a Kara raid that night
17:08.50Legorolit's the first and last time ever that i have done the following:
17:09.04ScytheBlade1I'm on the exact opposite side of the spectrum now. Just got my last vial, no more SSC/TK ever again... new member to the guild, and I've messed up at least four times where I expected someone to say something
17:09.06Legoroli told people to watch threatmeter, people kept pulling aggro, so i told them that from now on we wait for 5 sunders, period
17:09.08ScytheBlade1... and no one did.
17:09.10Legorolif you don't, you are out of the raid
17:09.18ScytheBlade1I was waiting for it and it never came, hah
17:09.19Legorolresult: that raid didn't go very far :)
17:09.23Legorolso i learnt my lesson for a life
17:09.37Legorol"don't bring your RL frustration into raid leading or you'll screw everything up"
17:09.41Legorolnever happened since :)
17:10.04ScytheBlade1Legorol: the difference being, you never enforced anything before that. He's been enforcing crap from day one. ;)
17:10.30Legoroldoes he happen to be the guy in the famous Onyxia voice track? -50 dkp
17:10.36ScytheBlade1lol, no
17:10.42Legorolwould suit him perfectly
17:10.54ScytheBlade1He's actually a really nice guy in everything that I've read
17:11.00LegorolScytheBlade1: yeah not enforcing stuff before is one reason, us being a friendly casual bunch is another :)
17:11.05Legoroli was a complete tool that night
17:11.10ScytheBlade1Legorol: yup, exactly. Different goals.
17:11.55Legorolanyway, now i get to start worrying about people with WoW version of mid-life crisis
17:12.12Legorolthe good raiders are about to start leaving to better guilds to try and squeeze in a bit more content before WotLK
17:12.28ScytheBlade1hehe, that's what I just did.
17:13.03ScytheBlade1The real irony is that my current guild makes my last guild look like raiding /professionals/ - and this new one is more progressed
17:13.17Legorolstarted earlier?
17:13.20Legorolhad less leavers?
17:13.24Legorolmore luck on drops?
17:13.25CideScytheBlade1: be glad you're not in my guild!
17:13.28Cidebecause I'd yell at you
17:13.33ScytheBlade1Cide: which?
17:13.58ScytheBlade1Legorol: both guilds started at the same time. my old one was borderline hardcore atmosphere with minimum progression.
17:14.11ScytheBlade1Ferals in full T5 pulling an entire 500 threat per second! Good times were had by all.
17:14.13Legoroljust goes to show that "hardcore" doesn't equate progression
17:14.39Legorolso here is a question for you more hardcore folks:
17:14.51Legorolwhat do you prefer, self-motivated individuals or ones that are motivated when you yell at them
17:15.04ScytheBlade1Both. :)
17:15.35Legorolwell i think my guild is very cool and i'm proud of it :)
17:15.45Legorolwe are about to try maggy for the first time tomorrow, yay!
17:15.46ScytheBlade1If you can't bring consumables to the raid, you're really not helping (progression night). If you can't take the constructive criticism necessary, you're MORE worthless, as you'll just hate life and eventually leave
17:15.52Legorol(Hydross and Lurker on farm already)
17:15.56ScytheBlade1Hehe, grats
17:15.56Legoroltalk about going backwards
17:16.01ScytheBlade1Not really, in all truth
17:16.36ScytheBlade1Lurker is an excercise in not falling asleep at your keyboard, and hydross is an excercise at stopping DPS when it is called
17:16.49Legoroli wish it was that simple :D
17:16.55ScytheBlade1Mag actually takes coordinated groups of people doing things correctly at the exact same second, regardless of vent lag
17:16.56OsagasuMy guild got Al'ar down Saturday, and Solarian is going down this week
17:17.05Legorolbut i'm proud of being able to take a person who isn't even Kara attuned and has greens to Gruul and still one-tap him :)
17:17.09Legorolthat's what defines our guild
17:17.17CideScytheBlade1: oh, I'm not in a guild right now
17:17.21ralfWORKI find no pleasure in that at all
17:17.27ScytheBlade1Cide: boo :P
17:17.31CideScytheBlade1: but I wouldn't let it pass unnoticed if I was the raid leader
17:17.35OsagasuWon't need Kara attunement next patch
17:17.39OsagasuUnless they revoked it
17:17.44ralfWORKI find no joy in running undergeared and underexperienced players through a raid
17:17.52ScytheBlade1Cide: I want actual progression, and would not be against rerolling factions given a good opportunity :P
17:17.52CideI'm not the "yell at people" kind of guy, but still
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17:18.22Legorolthe thing is, we achieve the impossible (sometimes)
17:18.32Legorolwe are a big family kinda, with big brothers and little sisters, with a great community
17:18.33ralfWORKyea, sure
17:18.39ralfWORKit's just not entertaining to me
17:18.41Legorolthe big brothers work hard to take the little sisters on the ride :)
17:18.50ralfWORKwe've done raid bosses with 1 healer
17:19.04ralfWORKdoesn't mean I'd *want* to
17:19.26ralfWORKI want people who are commited to the raid
17:19.41Legorolsure, and most guilds that seriously raid look at it like that
17:19.47Legorolthat's why we are somewhat unique, and i like that :)
17:19.49ralfWORKwhich means consumables, which means situational awareness, which means knowing what gear to pick for your upgrade
17:20.08Legorolwe are like a charitable organisation: giving chance to third-world players who otherwise would never see the inside of that raid instance
17:20.28Legoroli think that's the best description
17:20.42Legoroltake a 14 year old kid who has to go to sleep at 10pm
17:20.52ScytheBlade1yeah, I raid 10 mans on my feral druid, where about half of the people there have never seen inside of a *five* man
17:20.54ralfWORKLegorol: if I had to guess, half your raid out-gears the encounter before you achieve the "impossible" feats, correct?
17:20.55Legorolwhat guild in their right mind would allow him to come and kill hydross or lurker or whatever
17:20.59ScytheBlade1*resto druid
17:21.04LegorolralfWORK: of course
17:21.18Legorolour progress is determined by the overall average of teh guild, rather than the top of the guild
17:21.54ralfWORKLegorol: well, so long as the top tier of raiders enjoys handing out raids to less geared people, it sounds like it works great
17:22.01Legorolthe "impossible" part about it is giving chance to people who otherwise wouldn't
17:22.15Legorolas i said, it's a big family
17:22.31Legorolyou got to have the kind of mentality that a protective older sibling feels towards the younger one, or it can't work
17:22.41ralfWORKwell, cool then
17:22.51Legoroli wish it was always that simple, hehe
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17:23.48ralfWORKas far as enjoying so-called impossible accomplishments
17:24.10ralfWORKI'd rather achieve them because of odd class makeup rather than a bunch of people in greens
17:24.36zenzelezzthat's your opinion; some just disagree
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17:24.50ralfWORKzenzelezz: you think?
17:25.38zenzelezzusually not, but it's been known to happen
17:26.32Legorolzomg, people disagree over the intarwebz? nevah!
17:26.47ralfWORKnever seen that happen before!
17:26.55ScytheBlade1Of course
17:26.58ScytheBlade1Now you'll be here forever
17:27.15Legoroli've seen it before, funny stuff
17:31.41CideYou don't have to wear a plastic cock to have Sebudai yell at you, just ninja-afk and fuck up on raids.
17:33.03art3misthe plastic cock may help though
17:33.19ScytheBlade1I remember that quote, but I can't remember where from
17:34.32Shirikthis is... odd
17:34.51Legorollol this one's so appropriate to the earlier discussion:
17:34.55Shirikanyone ever heard of this? Log into WoW, you get connected for about two seconds, see "success", and then disconnect
17:35.04Shiriksometimes you don't even get to "success"
17:35.09Shirikthen it says "disconnected from server"
17:35.16ralfWORKShirik: eh. I think I've had that happen
17:35.35Shirikit keeps happening :<
17:35.49ralfWORKLegorol: hah nice
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17:38.06Legorolanyway, i better stop procrastinating
17:38.09Legorollater folks
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17:43.49Shirikoh right, today's tuesday!~
17:43.55Shirikbtw servers just came up
17:43.58Shirikif ... you didn't know
17:44.05Shirikor they've been up
17:44.08ralfWORKsorry was afk playing wow
17:44.11Shirikyou know what, I'm going back to sleep
17:44.58Shirikyes someone pointed me to that before ><
17:45.07ShirikI'm debating whether or not I should hardcode devtools
17:45.32ShirikFixed, thanks
17:46.06amrono problem
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17:46.46ShirikBut yeah I dunno if I should automatically do devtools or what
17:47.28amrodo the IDs change often?
17:49.59batrickhi friends
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17:52.22Shirikamro: They never change
17:52.38Shirikwell, unless the author decides to upload a new one instead of update the old one
17:53.22ShirikRegardless, it shouldn't matter because devtools should be in your favorites list :P
17:53.30Shirik~kill Cide
17:53.31purlACTION shoots a charged proton gun at Cide
17:53.50Cide~spell Shirik
17:54.36art3mis....and everyone knows that the highlander was a documentary
17:55.13ralfWORKthis is true
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18:06.12JumpeeI am trying to update Cladhaire's Scite for Wow and having a problem. Could someone take a look at and figure what I am doing wrong?
18:08.43clad|officeit has to do with the loadpaths
18:08.44clad|officeone moment.
18:09.07clad|officecan you find the wow.lua file that's in the SCiTE distribution
18:09.24Jumpeeit is in the lib folder
18:10.04clad|officeis it at c:\SciTE\lib\wow.lua?
18:10.17clad|officeits the module system
18:10.22clad|officeopen that file
18:10.38Jumpeeok done
18:10.42clad|officethat's going to be rather nasty =/
18:10.58clad|officeone moment
18:12.12art3mis“We think that acting in accordance with principles is important, and IE8’s default is a demonstration of the interoperability principles in action,” IE general manager Dean Hachamovitch said in a blog posting.
18:12.14clad|officethere's a file
18:12.18clad|officecan you find that for me?
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18:12.45art3misWith IE8, Microsoft plans to have three rendering modes: the new standards-compliant mode, the IE7 rendering engine, as well as an option for displaying older Web sites. Because of the default shift, Web sites that want IE8 to use its IE7 engine will have to add a tag to their site’s code. Microsoft noted that there are some legal reasons for changing course. “While we do not believe there are currently any legal requirements that would d
18:13.01clad|officeJumpee: in that, search for the reference to wow.lua
18:13.28Jumpeegot it
18:13.40clad|officewhats that line read?
18:13.41|pez|art3mis: got cut at "any legal requirements"
18:13.56Jumpeecommand.go.*.lua=bin\lua.exe -l "$(SciteDefaultHome)\lib\wow.lua" "$(FileNameExt)"
18:14.02art3misthat sounds to me like complete interoperability, requiring people to add tags to thier sites so ie displays correctly
18:14.06clad|officechange that to
18:14.12Arrowmasterremove the -l "$(SciteDefaultHome)\lib\wow.lua"
18:14.23art3miscon't,..........that would dictate which rendering mode must be chosen as the default for a given
18:14.37clad|officecommand.go.*.lua=bin\lua.exe -e "dofile $(SciteDefaultHome)\lib\wow.lua" "$(FileNameExt)"
18:14.56Arrowmasterif you use cogs exes you dont need the wow.lua
18:15.11clad|officeArrowmaster: correct
18:15.15clad|officebut he's not at the moment
18:15.19clad|officeand i want to make sure this works as well
18:15.27clad|officesomeone needs to take up the damn maintenance of this addon and release a new bundle
18:15.35clad|officeil'l even generate the api auto completion for it
18:15.56Jumpeeok, give me a moment to copy in the 5.1 files
18:16.11Arrowmasteri would consider it but ive done some heavy configs to mine
18:16.21art3misclad|office:you need to host lightheaded on more addons sites and offer a choice on which database it uses
18:16.28clad|officeuhh why?
18:16.34art3missee how retarded that sounds telling someone else to do something ;P
18:16.45clad|officei didn't tell anyone else to do anything
18:16.52clad|officei said someone needs to :P
18:17.01art3misand i said you need to ;P
18:17.08art3missame diff ;P
18:17.12art3misunless you're not a someone
18:17.16art3misthen i apologize ;)
18:17.21Arrowmaster'' is one of the most useful config lines for SciTE when working on wow addons
18:17.39JumpeeI need to dl the 5.1 stuff again
18:17.49clad|officeJumpee: then download cogwheel's distribution instead
18:17.53clad|officeand this'll be even easier :P
18:17.53art3misi'd love it if someone could fix the luasandbox thingy
18:17.59clad|officewhat luasandbox?
18:18.05|pez|so, I need something that's fun for my cuddlebutt e-mail
18:18.07clad|officeyou mean wowbench?
18:18.17art3miserr lua sandbox that one that had the wow api so let you test crap outside of the game without loading wow
18:18.30clad|officeit was limited
18:18.33clad|officevery much so
18:18.41art3misits still an awesome idear
18:18.42clad|officeJumpee: download from that link (
18:18.46clad|officeunpack those
18:19.03clad|officecommand.go.*.lua=bin\lua.exe "$(FileNameExt)"
18:19.05clad|officeis your command ;P
18:20.11Arrowmasterclad|office: you know what '' does that makes it my favorite config setting?
18:20.24Arrowmasterdefaults to utf8 instead of ansi =D
18:20.39Arrowmasterif it doesnt find a bom
18:21.10|pez|art3mis: hmm, I liked Cides suggestion better. :o
18:22.21art3mis|pez|: mine reads correctly though ;P
18:22.29Jumpeeit seems to be working now
18:22.29art3misworship me at cuddlebutt dot com ;P
18:22.49Cidehugsandkisses at cuddlebutt dot com
18:23.01art3missounds incredibly lame ;P
18:23.12Cidethat's like "oh, I can get hugs and kisses at! I better go there right now"
18:23.13art3miswhat are you 12?
18:23.17JumpeeThanks for the help Clad
18:23.18Cidetraffic increases by 10x
18:23.25clad|officesorry it was such a pita
18:23.25|pez|ahaha :D
18:23.39|pez|you guys are awesome XD
18:23.48JumpeeNp. But man did I spend a lot of time dl'ing and renaming stuff. lol
18:24.32Arrowmasterwe do need a new version of scite on wowi, isnt that one like 1.70?
18:24.43Jumpeeyes it is
18:24.45Shirik|Showerso take over the project :)
18:24.50Arrowmasterno way
18:24.55Arrowmasteri hate making installers
18:24.55Cidehow are you typing in the shower?
18:25.02Shirik|ShowerI have a waterproof computer
18:25.11Shirik|Showeractually, my water is extremely pure
18:25.14CideWLAN too, I hope
18:25.15Jumpee.ust be a Timex
18:25.24Shirik|Showerand anyone who knows basics of electricity knows that pure water does not conduct electricity
18:25.29CideShirik|Shower: so pure it doesn't conduct electricity?
18:25.36Cidebah, too slow
18:26.27ralfWORKoh... man
18:26.51Bibiphotoshopped, fake
18:27.07CideI doubt it's photoshopped
18:27.11Cidemaybe /script'd
18:27.25Bibihuh, /script a merchant frame ?
18:27.35Arrowmasteryeah you can /script anything
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18:27.45Shirik|ShowerYou can increase your framerate with a /script
18:27.58Cide/script UIParent:Hide()
18:28.09Arrowmaster/script WorldFrame:Hide()
18:28.15Shirik|ShowerArrowmaster wins
18:28.26Shirik|Showercmon Cide I know I said this before
18:28.30krkaisn't that the same as ctrl+z?
18:28.31Shirik|Showerwhat's happening to you?
18:28.38Shirik|Showerkrka: UIParent:Hide() is ctrl+z
18:28.42CideShirik|Shower: what?
18:28.52Shirik|ShowerWorldFrame:Hide() eliminates the need to render 3d
18:28.59Cideso what?
18:29.14CideUIParent still increases your fps, which was the goal, I think!
18:29.34krkawhat's that blue currency in the screenshot?
18:29.35Shirik|Showeranyway /vanish
18:29.40Shirik|Showerkrka: badges?
18:29.42Cidekrka: badges of justice
18:29.44Cideanyway, I'm out
18:29.46ralfWORKbadges of justice?
18:29.46krkaok thanks
18:30.03krkai am not even playing
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19:28.52Lunessa... station.
19:29.13cog|workNO U
19:29.42LunessaNo WAI
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19:37.16cog|work\o/ at the housing market
19:37.36LunessaGetting a house cheap?
19:37.46cog|workshould be
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19:38.28LunessaMarket Corrections for the WIN
19:39.12cog|workone place went up for 469k back in july and is now under 290
19:39.40cog|workpart of me feels bad, the other...... no... i take that back... it's all win :P
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19:45.33LunessaPure win.
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20:02.24LunessaPure win?
20:03.54*** part/#wowi-lounge Baldor (
20:04.47Shirik|EcolePure win.
20:05.52LopeppeppyCake is still a lie.
20:06.19LunessaI made you a cakes, but I eated it.
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20:19.08Shirik|Ecolethat is the change in icanhascheezburger that I'm disappointed in, Lunessa
20:19.22Shirik|Ecolethat would totally not have been considered "acceptable" 6 months ago
20:19.27Lunessathe format/layout?
20:19.36Shirik|EcoleThere's nothing lolcat about it
20:19.38Shirik|Ecole... aside from the cat
20:20.06ralfWORKwell yea
20:20.13ralfWORKand they used to reject pictures with humans
20:20.22Shirik|Ecoleat a bare minimum they could have used "iz"
20:20.24Shirik|Ecoleinstead of "is"
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20:21.38LunessaI need to buys me a pepsi
20:22.33Saint-Nsomeday I'll be able to click on the "install macromedia XXXXXXXXX plugin" in firefox and it'll actually install
20:24.54shanesvellersomeday we can get out from under Adobe/Macromedia's shadow
20:26.28LopeppeppyMmm, soda.
20:27.14LopeppeppyYa.  Is sad.
20:30.28Saint-Nguess his S vs D wasn't that good
20:30.58LopeppeppyThat one is pretty much loaded against the player from the start, didn't think there was a saving throw there.
20:31.11Saint-Nthere's always a chance
20:31.26Saint-Nafter all he probably made the first few, since he was in failing health for a while
20:31.50LunessaMeh.  I met him.  I didn't like him much, but he did have a profound impact on my life.
20:32.27Saint-NI grew up, I have nothing but profound respect for him and jeff grubb
20:32.40Saint-Nerr I grew up with d&d
20:33.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Crysli (
20:39.03LunessaSaint-N: I've been playing D&D since 1979.  And yes, it was a big part of my life. I appreciate that Gary and Dave cranked it out.  I just didn't like the man, and he wasn't able to let his child grow up.  He was bitter about a lot of things.  But he was inventive and interesting for all of that.
20:43.33Saint-Noh I meant that to cairenn
20:44.56deltronfoiled by dice yet again
20:45.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110| (
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21:00.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa_ (n=Lunessa@ - I LOL'ed - it was bound to happen.
21:13.29Gnarfozwtb http:// in front :<
21:13.42Gnarfozprotocol-less links make x-chat cry :(
21:13.58cog|work~lart Lunessa_
21:13.58purlgives Lunessa_ a good seeing to
21:14.05Gnarfoz(I could also say I'm too lazy to c&p that)
21:14.08ralfWORKwtb http://forums in front :P
21:14.20cog|workwtb . after ralfWORK's addition
21:14.24Gnarfozindeed, I just noticed when I actually copied ist :D
21:14.29ralfWORKdoh! pwnt :(
21:14.55foxlit"(sometimes I just close down windows.exe and operate out of task manager via things like firefox.exe, etc.)"
21:15.06ralfWORKfoxlit: rofl
21:16.55ScytheBlade1Antiarc: heh, nice. You got a pretty big mention in wowinsider.
21:17.24ScytheBlade1... or you raid with the one who wrote that
21:17.29ScytheBlade1So you would know it was coming already
21:19.36ScytheBlade1"If your bar is getting in the red, it is probably time to Ice Block or Soulshatter." ARGH ICEBLOCK IS NOT AN AGGRO DUMP
21:20.02cladhairedying is
21:20.09cladhairei'm better at that anyway
21:20.10ScytheBlade1Yes, yes dying is
21:20.32SyzgynDying is my aggro dump D:
21:20.41ralfWORKmages need a talent in the fire tree that reduces durability on gear due to death :(
21:20.44ScytheBlade1That could be a shirt
21:20.51SyzgynWarriors should get invisibility
21:20.51ScytheBlade1"Death: my anti-aggro"
21:21.12ScytheBlade1While that kinda contradicts itself, still
21:21.14ScytheBlade1It has possibility
21:22.05ralfWORK"Death: my aggro dump"
21:22.21ralfWORK"Real men use Soulstones to dump aggro"
21:22.51Syzgynwarlocks in my raids have gotten used to soulstoning me
21:23.02ralfWORKwhat class are you?
21:23.08Syzgynfury war
21:23.12ralfWORKoh lol of course
21:25.21Gnarfozsame for enh shaman
21:25.28Gnarfozshadow priests as well
21:25.31Lunessa_Sorry about the broken link.
21:25.48ralfWORKyes, shadowpriest here :(
21:26.39Lunessa_I'm an enhancement shaman (normally) - using an Ankh is my real aggro dump.
21:28.26SyzgynVoid Reaver is great fun and all, but I almost always die during it D:
21:28.33Gnarfozat least you're able to spell that talent tree right... I'm used to "enchantment shamen" (sic) and "restro druids/shamans"
21:28.54SyzgynThat would piss me off so much
21:28.58ralfWORKwait they aren't enchantement?
21:29.15GnarfozLW/JC :<
21:29.23ralfWORKwhat messes me up
21:29.34ralfWORKis if I see reference to an enchantement shaman in General or Trade
21:29.48ralfWORKscanning it visually makes me think they want an Enchant
21:29.52ralfWORK<- enchanter here
21:29.55Gnarfozanyway, druids are "dudu"s on my realm (and many other deDE realms, too, I guess), that's gotta be the worst fate of all
21:30.10ralfWORKtotally messes me up
21:30.21ralfWORKGnarfoz: I like calling them droods myself
21:30.42GnarfozI do, too, but "they" don't get that anyway, deDE and all :<
21:30.56ralfWORKoh... uhm...
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21:41.10GnarfozralfWORK: germany
21:41.15ralfWORKright, ok
21:41.19ralfWORKI always forget that one
21:44.00*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
21:45.35foxlit"m = 1.fraction in binary (that is, the significand is the binary number 1 followed by the radix point followed by the binary bits of the fraction). Therefore, 1 ≤ m < 2."
21:46.08foxlitDo. not. follow.
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21:54.28kd3whoa, there's finally a naaru on the isle of quel'danas
21:58.56ScytheBlade1that's a heck of an aura
21:59.06ScytheBlade1+79 sta and +40 int?
21:59.16ralfWORKcan i haz?
21:59.24ScytheBlade1Sure, just log on to the PTR
22:06.44ScytheBlade1kd3: heh, or the instance server is down.
22:06.57kd3the 25-man is offline
22:07.05ScytheBlade1I was trying the 5
22:07.14ScytheBlade1And I've still got the aura in the 5 man too
22:09.14nevcairielwhat aura? o.O
22:09.22ScytheBlade116:54 < kd3> whoa, there's finally a naaru on the isle of quel'danas
22:09.27ScytheBlade1+79 sta and +40 int
22:09.39Shirik|Ecole!google 2N5551
22:09.40batbotShirik|Ecole: Product Folder - Fairchild P/N 2N5551 - NPN General Purpose Amplifier <>
22:09.46nevcairielwhy does a naaru give you that aura?
22:09.53nevcairiellast step of the island reclaimal?
22:10.17kd3yeah. we've fully recovered the isle now
22:10.33ScytheBlade1Wait, really? There's still demons all over it
22:10.35nevcairielEU didnt even get armory yet
22:10.50nevcairielthe trash doesnt despawn so you can do the dailys still
22:16.14cogumel0is it possible to create window frames all in lua or must you use xml for that?
22:16.41ScytheBlade1You can create all the frames you want in lua
22:16.55cogumel0only it's easier to do it in xml, is that it?
22:17.06ScytheBlade1It really doesn't matter :)
22:17.20cogumel0why's that?
22:17.28ScytheBlade1A frame is a frame
22:17.32AntiarcScytheBlade1: The writer is a guildmate of mine :P
22:17.37AntiarcSo he sorta got the inside scoop.
22:17.40ScytheBlade1Antiarc: next two lines
22:17.58cogumel0well true, but a frame can have several frames inside, right?
22:18.12ScytheBlade1define "inside"
22:18.34cogumel0more like on top, but still part of that frame as the parent frame
22:18.49cogumel0basically a frame can be parent to multiple
22:19.02ScytheBlade1Yes, a frame can be a parent to multiple other frames
22:19.28cogumel0ok, well if that's the case it will be much easier to write, see and change anything in xml rather than lua because of identation, no?
22:19.42cog|workcogumel0: personal preference, really
22:19.51ScytheBlade1I can honestly say I have no clue what you're talking about
22:19.55cog|workespecilaly if you're working with a Lua-based frame building engine
22:19.57Syzgynyou can use indentation in Lua too
22:20.18cog|workI do prefer XML for laying out static GUIs because the parent-child relationship is clearly defined by the structure of the code
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22:20.26cog|workamong other benefits of xml editors :)
22:20.39cogumel0well yeah that's what I meant cog|work
22:21.10cog|workbut you can also get the same sort of deal with Lua tables with a function that builds frames from them
22:21.14cogumel0ofc you can indent in lua as well, but it's just not the same when trying to figure out the parent-child relationship
22:21.39ScytheBlade1You can use a table in lua for that, if you want
22:21.45ScytheBlade1frame1.frame2.frame3, etc
22:21.56cogumel0well you can have everything ofc, I've seen c++ programs in the shape of a xmas tree... doesn't mean it's easy to read though
22:22.06cog|work:P @ ScytheBlade1
22:22.21ScytheBlade1I missed that entirely
22:22.26ScytheBlade1I have no idea how but I did
22:22.33cogumel0anyway, thx :)
22:22.37cogumel0you've answered my question :P
22:22.42cogumel0ohh, wait 1 more question :)
22:23.12cogumel0any program in specific either for lua or xml to build wow addons you recommend other than yer old notepad? (notepad++ in my case)
22:23.28hasteyes, lua
22:23.48Lunessa_Hah, real men code in raw text.
22:23.50ScytheBlade1Most worthless ability ever: counterspell with a cast timer. Pretty sure I just counterspelled a counterspell
22:23.58cog|workI use SciTE for my Lua files and Visual Studio for the XML (
22:24.06cog|worknotepad++ is great too
22:24.35cogumel0ScytheBlade1, you remind me of the old duals with magic the gathering...
22:24.49zenzelezz... so my guild got an application from someone where he misspelt "mining" as "miming", and half of the replies to his post so far is "zomg 375 miming!"
22:24.51cogumel0counterspelling the counterspells
22:25.05cogumel0once I had 3 counterspells in my hand and my oponent had 4
22:25.16cogumel0I did an ability and well... basically we wasted all our counterspells...
22:25.24|pez|zenzelezz: awesome guild ;P
22:25.25cogumel0and I still got it counterspelled back to me!
22:26.30cogumel0btw, is there any event to check for player changing coordinates?
22:26.50cogumel0onupdate simply has too big a scope
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22:33.05cogumel0umm... anyone?
22:33.24SyzgynI dont think theres an event for position changes
22:33.56Syzgyncheck how cartographer does it maybe
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22:40.51batricku r
22:43.15Shirik|Ecole!google 2n5306
22:43.17batbotShirik|Ecole: 2N5306 NPN Darlington Transistor <>
22:43.30batrickping timeout.
22:44.04Shirik|Ecoleyou pinged me?
22:44.13Shirik|Ecoledid you ping the |AFK version of me?
22:44.30batricki pinged every version of u
22:45.04cogumel0is there a way to check if a player is moving then? forward/backwards/strafe, whatever... any kind of movement that can interrupt casting ?
22:45.26ScytheBlade1cogumel0: hooksecurefunc() + movement functions
22:45.34ScytheBlade1See the wiki for more info
22:45.50cogumel0but that's not an event right?
22:46.13cogumel0then I'd have to call it myself rather than have it trigger by the game -.-
22:46.14Esamynn|Workdo you need to know the exact cause of spell interruption?
22:46.45cogumel0nop, I'm looking for another way of checking for coordenates. I was trying not to use onupdate
22:46.50cogumel0since it triggers way too often
22:47.15cogumel0coordenates can only change if you are moving or in flight, and maybe a couple more that I haven't thought of ...
22:47.32cogumel0in any case it seems silly to have to use onupdate -.-
22:47.39cogumel0is there no way round it?
22:47.40Esamynn|Workonly way to be sure your coordinates are up to date is onupdate
22:47.43ScytheBlade1Pretty sure you have to use onupdate
22:47.56cogumel0gah, bliz sucks!
22:47.57Esamynn|Workwhat exactly are you trying to do?
22:48.15cogumel0waypoint system
22:48.31cogumel0but was hoping that by finding another method of finding out coordenates... I'd cut down on the memory
22:48.46ScytheBlade1You're getting to (x,y) from (x,y)
22:48.52cogumel0not that a waypoint system wastes a lot of memory...
22:48.53ScytheBlade1How would onupdate effect the memory?
22:49.09Esamynn|WorkI think you mean CPU time, don't you?
22:49.24cogumel0on every on update you have to do the math to change the real coordenates from something real to something readable and redraw them ?
22:49.42Esamynn|Workredraw what, the way points?
22:49.51ScytheBlade1You can always code it to only fire once every 20 OnUpdate calls...
22:49.53cogumel0if you didn't have to do the math nor redraw... in fact... if it didn't even trigger unnecessarily...
22:49.55zenzelezzyou're talking bytes, you wouldn't notice the memory
22:50.00ScytheBlade1Or once ever second..
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22:50.21cogumel0true, you wouldn't on something this small, but you would once you start putting more code behind it which is what I hope to do
22:50.25Esamynn|Workcogumel0: are you trying to draw waypoints on the Minimap, or where exactly?
22:50.45cogumel0a system like the one used by cartographer_waypoints
22:50.51cogumel0or the one before it, betterwaypoints
22:50.57cogumel0I want a standalone 1
22:51.00Esamynn|Workassume I'm not familiar with cartographer_waypoints
22:51.23cogumel0it's an arrow above your head, sprite changes according to the direction you are meant to take
22:51.55cogumel0that's pretty much it... then you can check distance, current speed, how long it will take to get there at current speed ...
22:52.38Esamynn|Workare you just displaying the arrow, or are you putting the way points on the worldmap/minimap as well?
22:52.48ScytheBlade1cogumel0: Under the assumpting that an event DID exist for when you changed location, it'd likely be horribly ineffecient compared to OnUpdate. Firing hundreds of times per second is a very real possibility
22:53.04Esamynn|WorkScytheBlade1: such an event could be limited to once per frame
22:53.04cogumel0also on worldmap and minimap
22:53.14ScytheBlade1Esamynn|Work: well you'd hope :)
22:53.41Esamynn|Workcogumel0: mind if I do a little shameless self promotion? ;)
22:54.06Esamynn|Work~poke cog|work
22:54.06purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind cog|work, pokes cog|work repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
22:54.24cogumel0ScytheBlade1, onupdate is an abuse, no one can do not even a 10th of a full coordenate in the time it takes from 1 update to the next...
22:54.34cogumel0go ahead Esamynn|Work
22:55.33cogumel0mind you Esamynn|Work, that's not going to stop me from building my own :P unless you let me change yours :D
22:55.33WobinThere's TomTom
22:55.38cogumel0tomtom only works on minimap
22:55.45cog|workcogumel0: you assume incorrectly methinks
22:55.45Wobinsvn version has the CrazyTaxiArrow
22:55.48cogumel0doesn't have the arrow above your head
22:55.55Wobinsvn version has the CrazyTaxiArrow
22:56.18WobinDevelopment version has the taxi arrow
22:56.28cog|work(not wanting to steal the thunder)
22:56.31Wobinhave a chat to clad to get the details
22:56.39cogumel0ohh, true it does...
22:56.43cogumel0but it's miles away from what I head
22:57.01Wobinwhat better way to make it faster than to help with development!
22:57.14cogumel0I have bigger plans!
22:57.28WobinBigger, more efficient plans, eh?
22:57.40cogumel0like... this all started today morning when I woke up... went do to my early addon update/check for new interesting stuff...
22:58.20cogumel0and found out there's actually a lot more addons to help remembering locations of qs now! and I could get rid of my buggy questareas that I was never too interested in fixing
22:58.30Esamynn|Worksorry, had to talk to my manager
22:58.45cogumel0and basically... in one way or another... THEY ALL SUCK!
22:59.04WobinTourGuide is good
22:59.16cogumel0so... I decided to make my own! including a crazy taxi arrow
22:59.24cogumel0tourguide assumes you want to do it it's way ...
22:59.30cogumel0tourguide tells you "go here, go there"
22:59.31Esamynn|Workanyways, cogumel0:  <-- this might make your life easier if you're wanting to draw on the minimap
22:59.46Wobincogumel0: to be brutally honest, you're better off helping out with an existing one. Than starting a completely -new- one
23:00.04Esamynn|Workcogumel0: sorry for going line dead on you there, work comes first when I'm in the office
23:00.17Wobinand really, if you're writing a quest helper, it doesn't -need- a crazy arrow
23:00.23Wobinjust have Tomtom provide it
23:00.32cogumel0problem is... I want it simple, most of the addons I've tried already have WAY too many things... they are not going to remove it and add the ones I want!
23:00.40cogumel0no problem Esamynn|Work, thx for the link
23:00.44Esamynn|WorkTomTom is pretty simple
23:00.47WobinTomTom is pretty simple
23:01.19Esamynn|WorkWobin: are you an echo bot? ;)
23:01.36WobinWobin: are you an echo bot? ;)
23:01.52Esamynn|Work~cheeseslap Wobin
23:01.53purlACTION slaps Wobin around with a wheel of cheddar
23:02.08Wobin~lart Esamynn|Work
23:02.08purlexecutes killall -HUP Esamynn|Work
23:02.47cogumel0I just want something that tells you the locations of the mobs with dots on the map, for qs that you have picked up and are within your "level range" and allow YOU to make your own questing path, choosing which quest you want do to first, and which one you want to do next (with an option to let the computer decide by checking the closest ones to your current location)
23:03.02Wobincogumel0: The problem is, that you're falling into the same trap that the 'other' addons are doing
23:03.04ScytheBlade1Sounds like a fair amount of features
23:03.11Wobinand trying to provide everything in the one addon
23:03.25WobinUse Astrolabe for the coordinates, and Tomtom for the arrow
23:03.30Wobinand you've saved yourself a lot of time
23:03.35cogumel0yeah, I suppose
23:03.44Wobinall you then need is the organisation of possible waypoint locations
23:04.22cogumel0in any case, provided the functions are global in astrolabe I don't need to change anything, might need to add a little window for a list of locations so you can organize which one comes first ...
23:04.38cogumel0damn, I had already picked a name for my waypoint addon and everything :S
23:04.46cogumel0waypointextreme :S
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23:05.12cogumel0go ahead, you can laugh
23:05.24cogumel0I just wanted to get it started, better than naming it "bluh!" like my last one
23:05.43Esamynn|Work~gag me
23:05.44purlACTION takes away the voice of esamynn|work and, as an additional precaution, sews esamynn|work's mouth shut permanently...
23:06.13pastamancercogumel0: it makes me thing of Waynes World... "no way"  "WAY!"
23:06.59cogumel0once a friend started doing an addon... named it qwerty. it had 1 line and guess what? it didn't work -.-
23:08.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work_ (
23:09.38cogumel0Esamynn|Work, I'm just checking the link, this is just a library for the minimap part, right?
23:10.22Esamynn|WorkTomTom uses it in fact
23:10.42ScytheBlade1Holy crap
23:10.44ScytheBlade1"I definitely think there's a valid argument to be made that the time investment and organizational requirement versus reward aren't balanced well enough right now"
23:12.13Esamynn|Workwhat is surprising you, the fact that they are thinking that, or that they would say they are thinking that?
23:12.44ScytheBlade1The fact that they came out and said it, when whatever solution they may have will likely not hit 2.4
23:12.58ScytheBlade1Which means we get months of "but you PROMISED you would equalize it/fix it!" posts everywhere
23:14.09Shirik|Ecole!google 2n5306
23:14.10batbotShirik|Ecole: 2N5306 NPN Darlington Transistor <>
23:14.12Shirik|Ecolebatrick: ping
23:14.33Shirik|Ecole!google 2n3905
23:14.34batbotShirik|Ecole: 2N3905 PNP General Purpose Amplifier <>
23:14.58Shirik|Ecole!google 2n4126
23:14.59batbotShirik|Ecole: 2N4126/MMBT4126 PNP General Purpose Amplifier <>
23:15.02Shirik|EcoleI give up
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23:39.29batrickShirik|Ecole: what
23:39.58Shirik|Ecolebatrick: What did you want ><
23:40.17batrickI wanted to grill u for not getting back to me on the thread stuff :0
23:40.20batrick:) **
23:41.25Shirik|Ecolesorry I've been really busy :(
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23:58.20LunessaMarshmallows?  I can has sugar-high?
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