IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080229

00:00.23*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
00:00.29SyzgynI almost want to listen to it again and try to hear the bass, but not enough to care :P
00:01.14WobWorkSyzgyn: one sec
00:02.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Olison_ (
00:04.41Syzgynahh yes, I hear it now
00:05.55SyzgynOT: Is there a guide somewhere to using conditionals in wiki templates?
00:07.01*** join/#wowi-lounge soufron (
00:07.20WobWorkwe have on topic discussions here?
00:11.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
00:15.58Shirikbatrick: ping
00:17.24*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:18.24ScytheBlade1Hmm. Adding an RSS feed may not be that hard..
00:19.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
00:20.41batrickShirik: i gotta run is it quick?
00:21.53batrickbah bbl
00:24.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
00:24.11*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
00:24.48Guillotinewhoo! my USB watch arrived!
00:25.46ScytheBlade1... lol
00:25.51ScytheBlade1Grats? ;)
00:26.00GuillotineThey sent the wrong bumper sticker though :(
00:26.38ScytheBlade1Okay, that's actually hot
00:26.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
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00:27.44Guillotineyah, 2gigs, and its not too expensive
00:27.49Guillotineand it actually looks really good
00:27.51ScytheBlade1Yeah, the price surprises me
00:27.54ScytheBlade1I just might get one now, lol
00:28.11ScytheBlade1Seperate battery, or USB charged?
00:28.25GuillotineThe watch itself has a battery, the USB uses the USB power
00:28.29Guillotineso estimated 3 year battery life
00:28.45Guillotinewhich is as good as most normal watches
00:28.56ScytheBlade1Easy to replace the battery, or do you end up shipping it somewhere to be replaced?
00:29.10Guillotinelooks like just any place that changes watch batteries
00:29.14Guillotineor you if you have the tools to open it up
00:29.27GuillotineJust needs those wierd SUPER small screwdrivers
00:29.37ScytheBlade1I've got some, actually
00:29.45ScytheBlade1We bought em' to fix some glasses
00:29.55WobWorkIt's not a bad looking watch
00:31.31Shirikyeah I have some too
00:31.35ShirikLensCrafters gave them to me
00:31.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
00:31.44ShirikI guess they figured I don't take care of my glasses
00:34.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
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00:35.17Legorollol @ quote in topic
00:40.18GuillotineStrange though... the user manual on this watch says not to get it wet while the thinkgeek page says "Water resistant to 20 meters (let USB connector dry before using)" o.O
00:41.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
00:41.47Guillotinewow, its actually really comfortable
00:42.45Corrodiasthat's what your mom said
00:43.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
00:46.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
00:50.37Nechckn_BetaNowGuillotine  nice that you decided on one- hope it serves you well.  =)
00:51.31*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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00:53.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
00:55.07*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
00:57.25*** join/#wowi-lounge fromatz (
00:57.46GuillotineHmm, this watch seems to have slow write speeds. It says 6 MB/sec, but it seems to be more like 6 secs/MB
00:57.47Guillotineat least
00:58.40GuillotineI wonder if for some reason I don't have USB 2.0 enabled on this computer
00:58.42fromatzwill the lua bot work for everyone?
00:59.40fromatzlua> t = {}; table.insert(t, 1, 4); table.insert(t, 1, 6); print(t);
00:59.41lua_botfromatz: table: 0x630fc0
00:59.41kd3lua> print('hello world');
00:59.42lua_botkd3: hello world
00:59.54fromatzahhh i dont want hex
01:00.09ScytheBlade1wtf, I hate PHP + sqlite
01:00.11Guillotinewell, you asked it to print the table. Since tables are stored as addresses instead of values...
01:00.30Shirikfromatz: use pp()
01:00.43ScytheBlade1.... oh, I'm just noob
01:00.44ScytheBlade1Never mind!
01:00.55Shiriklua> t = {}; table.insert(t,1,4); table.insert(t,1,6); pp(t)
01:00.55lua_botShirik: { 6, 4 } (#1)
01:01.15fromatzman i hate that it doesnt destroy what is in index 1
01:01.25Shirikwhy wouldn't you just do t[1] = 6; then?
01:01.35fromatzim using table insert in my addon
01:01.41Shirikyeah... why?
01:01.47Shirikif that's not what you want, don't use it
01:01.53fromatzi dont know, it was the first table insertion i looked at
01:02.12fromatzill probably change it though, and just do something like [i%50]+1
01:02.15Shiriklua> t = {}; t[1] = 4; t[1] = 6; pp(t);
01:02.15lua_botShirik: { 6 } (#1)
01:02.16fromatzfor the table size
01:03.33WobWorkusing table.insert(t,1, v) inserts it into the first position and pushes all other values down an index
01:03.43WobWorkthat's what the spec says
01:03.46fromatzis there a reason for that though?
01:03.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
01:03.52WobWorkit's certainly not ambiguous about it
01:03.59WobWorkCause you're -inserting- into a table
01:04.09WobWorkinserting implies non-destruction
01:04.25WobWorkfromatz: Have you read PiL?
01:04.58WobWorkonce you understand how tables work, it might help out
01:05.23fromatzi think im pretty good now that i know insert is non destructive
01:06.12fromatzill just change the method in which i insert data
01:06.14WobWorkIt's just that that action is described in the function itself, so I'm at a loss at how you could have missed it
01:07.06fromatzoh, i never looked at the implementation of insert, i just assumed it would overwrite
01:07.28WobWorkwell that's why I suggest you read PiL
01:07.48WobWorkIt might save you headaches in the future
01:08.11fromatzprobably, ill bookmark it, thanks
01:08.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
01:09.32Shirikfromatz: I think using the table library without knowing table basics is a horrible idea
01:09.37ShirikI strongly encourage reading PiL first
01:10.51fromatzits basically the same an array it seems
01:12.36*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (i=cbceb2e4@gateway/web/ajax/
01:15.26Legoroli think the word "insert" implies non-destructive in the first place
01:15.48WobWorkThat's what I said =P
01:15.48Legoroli haven't encountered many situations where "inserting" something caused existing entries/items/things to disappear, be it inserting a card in a deck or whatever
01:16.26WobWorkInserting coins into a one armed bandit often results in the money disappearing =(
01:17.21AnduinLotharunless you're inserting into a stack with a limit that has already been reached
01:17.26Legorolit's disappearing into a growing pot of the owner ;-)
01:18.01ShirikLegorol: Inserting coins into my school's vending machine makes them disappear
01:18.11Shirikthen you call them and they're like "prove it" and I'm like "wtf"
01:18.15Shirikthen I give up because it's only $1
01:18.40AnduinLotharsounds liek the one in my HS bandroom
01:18.58AnduinLotharyou couldn't actually give it money so kids would routinely steal from it
01:19.33ScytheBlade1for ($i = 0, $i < count($items); $i++) {
01:19.36ScytheBlade1screw you, lua
01:19.38ScytheBlade1screw you
01:20.04AnduinLotharfor x,y in pairs(items) do ?
01:20.09ShirikThat looks more like php than Lua
01:20.13ScytheBlade1It is PHP
01:20.17ScytheBlade1It's lua breaking my PHP
01:20.27ScytheBlade1*lua syntax
01:20.34Shirikoh haha
01:20.42ShirikI missed that
01:20.43WobWorkepoch fail =)
01:20.47ShirikIt's not too bad though ScytheBlade1
01:21.02ShirikI've had Java screw up my IRC chat :(
01:21.02ScytheBlade1Yeah, comma
01:23.19ShirikScytheBlade1: look at line 96
01:24.29AnduinLothardoes HoW interrupt pally swing timer?
01:29.03AlexanderYoshiyeah i think so
01:29.33ScytheBlade1Shirik: in your defense, with a switch block that big, I'd be doing the same thing
01:41.32*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
01:42.21Shirikit was also something like 4 AM
01:42.30Shirikso yeah
01:48.11ShirikI don't get it
01:48.21ScytheBlade1For the record, I have no life
01:48.25Shirikso they're just running around telling people if they have a cracked version, and not doing anything about it?
01:48.30ScytheBlade1Have an RSS feed of the PTR patchnote diffs
01:48.55ScytheBlade1Auto updated every three hours.
01:48.57ScytheBlade1(Might be two)
01:48.59Shirikan RSS feed that does not work well on Windows, more accurately
01:49.10ScytheBlade1Works here
01:49.15Shirikapparently you're not using \r\n?
01:49.19ShirikBecause I see one huge line
01:49.20ScytheBlade1No, screw that
01:49.26ScytheBlade1Oh, that's your feed reader
01:49.35ScytheBlade1Yeah, let me poke
01:49.45Shirikis just firefox, fyi
01:49.53Shirikbut I agree with what it's doing
01:52.17*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (i=cbceb2e4@gateway/web/ajax/ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:52.17*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:52.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
01:52.17*** join/#wowi-lounge kadrahil (n=kad@
01:52.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Kivin ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:52.17*** join/#wowi-lounge break19 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:52.17*** join/#wowi-lounge krka ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:52.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:52.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Tinyboom (
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01:52.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Gnarfoz (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
01:52.18*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v norgs] by
01:52.21AlexanderYoshiand stay out!
01:52.32kd3anyone want to go kill the loot pinatas that are brutallus and felmyst?
01:52.36ScytheBlade1Shirik: refresh and try again
01:53.28Shirikno difference
01:53.33Shirikmaybe it's just the reader being stupid then
01:53.42ScytheBlade1One of my readers (akregator) works
01:53.49ScytheBlade1The other (liferea) does the block o' text thing too
01:53.53kd3lifarea's just displaying a wall o text
01:53.55ShirikIt may be trying to HTML-ize it
01:54.09ScytheBlade1Nah. It's in a CDATA block.
01:54.11Shirikand considering HTML ignores whitespace (generally)
01:54.16Shirikwait but that shouldn't matter?
01:54.27Shirikall that means is to ignore <, >, &, etc?
01:54.28ScytheBlade1CDATA means "don't parse, take this as raw text"
01:54.34ScytheBlade1View the source, lol
01:54.51Shirikokay then
01:54.53Shirikso much for that idea
01:56.27ScytheBlade1Ha, got it
01:56.30ScytheBlade1Reload your feeds
01:56.51Shiriklooks good to me
01:57.05Shirikthat's a strange diff format though
01:57.06Shirikwhat is that?
01:57.23ScytheBlade1diff -Naur
01:57.38ScytheBlade1Also note it's doing automated diffs of the website HTML
01:57.56ScytheBlade1On the bright side
01:57.59ScytheBlade1It works! yay!
01:58.15ScytheBlade1Automated diffs of the notes, preseted to you in RSS/RDF form.
01:58.35ScytheBlade1Using: bash, diff, scp, php, and sqlite
01:59.12ScytheBlade1Oh, and cron
01:59.28ScytheBlade1Hourly diffs!
01:59.38ScytheBlade1Excuse me while I off myself and then find a girlfriend
01:59.57ckknightAlexanderYoshi: I can has ur babies?
02:00.03AlexanderYoshiWhat did I do?
02:00.14ckknightprobably something cool, though
02:00.21AlexanderYoshiTell you what, bring me a cute girl and she can have my babies
02:00.25AlexanderYoshiAnd you can raise them
02:00.42ckknightnot sure I agree with this plan of action
02:00.50ckknightlet's reconvene with proper papers at a later date
02:01.07AlexanderYoshiThen I guess you can't have my babies
02:01.17AntiarcUnitGUID makes me very happy :)
02:01.21ckknightme too
02:01.24AlexanderYoshiYou're welcome
02:01.27ckknightcan I request crazy stuff from you?
02:01.49AlexanderYoshiNo, blew all of my latency powerz to get UnitGUId
02:01.57ckknightlike GetMobName("mobid") (where "mobid" is the part of the guid that is unique per mob-type)
02:02.19ckknightcause I'd really love GetMobName, it'd mean I'd no longer need to deal with Babble-Boss
02:02.26ckknightyou know how often the Chinese break that thing?
02:02.45AlexanderYoshithats why you got non localized combat events
02:03.03ckknightmuch appreciated
02:03.10AlexanderYoshiwhats missinh
02:03.13ckknightbut being able to get the name from just the id would be so nice
02:03.16AntiarcAlexanderYoshi: Config menus
02:03.28AntiarcYou can't create a list of boss names in a config menus with just NPC IDs
02:03.37AntiarcSo you have to maintian localization libs
02:03.40ckknightright, menus need the names, you can't just use ids
02:03.51ckknighte.g. BigWigs
02:03.55ckknightso that you can turn on/off modules
02:03.58AlexanderYoshiwhat's big wigs?
02:04.02sag_ich_nichtAlexanderYoshi: a bossmod
02:04.05pastamancerbut I killed boss 2345342 last week!
02:04.05AntiarcDeadly Boss Mods competitor
02:04.24ShirikWhat is "xemacs"?
02:04.32ShirikAn X wrapper for emacs?
02:04.32ckknightShirik: emacs but for x11
02:04.44pastamancerno, xemacs is a non-gnu emacs
02:04.51pastamancerit used to be lucid emacs
02:04.58pastamancerbut they changed the name
02:05.06sag_ich_nichtxemacs is the fork of emacs that doesn't suck like emacs itself does.
02:05.09ShirikI was confused because one of thel ines says
02:05.11Shirik[ebuild N ] app-editors/xemacs-21.4.21 USE="gdbm gpm -X -Xaw3d -athena -berkdb -canna -dnd -eolconv -esd -freewnn -gif -jpeg -ldap -motif -mule -nas -neXt -png -pop -postgres -tiff -xface -xim" 8,177 kB
02:05.22Shirikand I'm like "xemacs" ... isn't that an X wrapper... with -X option?
02:05.32Shirikmakes more sense now pastamancer thanks
02:05.34ckknightin any event, AlexanderYoshi, I'd appreciate if you think about it, and I must reinstate your status as a pimp
02:05.38ckknighttime to go home methinks
02:05.48AlexanderYoshiI'll consiter it
02:06.27pastamancerI'm pretty happy with gnu emacs 22.1
02:06.45ShirikI'm happy with vim
02:06.51sag_ich_nichti'm happy with ed
02:06.59AlexanderYoshishould I be looking for hate mail from ckknight from 2 years ago?
02:07.01ckknightI like TextMate
02:07.05Shirikli23-154 wowiupdater # ed
02:07.05Shirikbash: ed: command not found
02:07.10ckknightAlexanderYoshi: I typically work faster than that
02:07.10Funkeh`AlexanderYoshi, I'm one of the bigwigs authors, and basically what we use the babble-boss translation library for is to enable a boss module (via mouseover) and for the menus. The former is already sorted, having some kind of query for localized boss names would mean we can rid of that need of localization basically. Minus another library
02:07.20ckknightAlexanderYoshi: also, gotta get you before the weekend
02:08.34AlexanderYoshiwhy not just have the authors hard-code the names for each boss?
02:09.02kd3whuh? "epic difficulty mode". thought we weren't supposed to be able to do that yet
02:09.03sag_ich_nichtAlexanderYoshi: because enUS esES deDE zhCN frFR ruRU do you want me to continue?
02:09.17WobWork<3 vim
02:09.18Antiarckd3: You can do it on live, too
02:09.20AntiarcWith a script command
02:09.28AlexanderYoshicorrect me if I'm wrong but
02:09.37AlexanderYoshiif you're going to announce Kael'thas Phase 2
02:09.47AlexanderYoshiYou need to look for a localized string "Let the games begin" et
02:09.55WobWorkIn their language?
02:09.57AlexanderYoshiand those msut be defined for each language anyways
02:10.09AntiarcBabble-Boss only stores mob names, not their speech
02:10.15Funkeh`but we don't need a library for that
02:10.18AntiarcSpeech is usually localized per-module, not in a library.
02:10.18AlexanderYoshiat that point, you can just copy and paste the boss's name
02:10.38Funkeh`AlexanderYoshi, let me give you an eaxmple of what I mean
02:10.38WobWorkuntil someone in the raid yells: "Let the games begin"
02:10.53WobWorkand then everyone kills Munter3
02:11.03sag_ich_nichtAlexanderYoshi: you need to load that module tho
02:11.14sag_ich_nichtAlexanderYoshi: so you load the module once someone targets the boss, not before that, to save memory
02:11.18AntiarcWobWork: That's why you look for NPC speech events :P
02:11.37WobWorkAntiarc: I once wrote a parrot NPC on a MUD
02:11.42sag_ich_nichtAlexanderYoshi: wait now i get what you mean
02:11.43WobWorkYou could train it to repeat phrases
02:11.49WobWorkor it would pick up random text from other npcs
02:12.09WobWork(inserting appropriate 'awks')
02:12.25WobWorkman. LPC was great
02:12.35WobWorkYou could do so much with it =)
02:12.49kd3crap! the sunblade protectors see through invis now.
02:13.08AlexanderYoshigo team
02:13.57Funkeh`AlexanderYoshi, shows the current menu system, which needs to be accessible before you even encounter a boos
02:14.26AntiarcNote that it's backwards :P
02:14.31AntiarcRead right to left.
02:15.21AlexanderYoshiI dunno, still seems like you could just include a string for each boss
02:15.36AlexanderYoshithe module has to register something, right?
02:15.38AntiarcOne string per locale per boss :)
02:15.48AntiarcThe module can register the NPC ID now
02:15.52Antiarc(I do this in Threat-2.0)
02:16.06AntiarcBecause you can parse the GUID for the NPC ID, which is obviously locale-independent
02:16.11AlexanderYoshidoesn't it need to load to be registered?
02:16.22Funkeh`yes, but I don't do this as it is pointless to change it from the current system, unles we can eliminate babble boss eniterely Antiarc
02:16.55AntiarcSorta. Threat-2.0 registers a function which takes a table and populates it with the proper handlers, basically constructing modules on the fly.
02:17.06AlexanderYoshiAs a general philosophy, I am extremely wary of allowing GUIDs for input to the lua code at any level
02:17.21AlexanderYoshiFor that reason, I would have to say "no, not right now:
02:17.35Funkeh`it doesn't even need to be guid's to be perfecty honest
02:17.48Funkeh`it could be something Like GetBossName("englishName")
02:17.59Funkeh`to return the localized out
02:18.10AlexanderYoshiThe issue there is that boss names are stored on the server
02:18.23AlexanderYoshiso that would require extra bandwidth expense
02:18.38AlexanderYoshiAnd not many people can sign off on those kinds of costs..
02:19.04AlexanderYoshiSorry, but no. :(
02:19.04sag_ich_nichti am pretty sure you could cache that on instance entry, once, then have it stored locally.
02:19.25AlexanderYoshithen his addon wouldn't work outside of that raid
02:19.28AlexanderYoshidefeating the purpose of the change
02:19.35Funkeh`Well Im open to suggestins, I would acept a query to anything that would return a localized name :/
02:19.53AlexanderYoshiI agree, dealing with localization sucks
02:20.01AlexanderYoshiIt was huge when we added german to cosmos
02:20.07AlexanderYoshiit cost a lot of time to devise a standard
02:20.10AlexanderYoshiand put it into general use
02:20.24AlexanderYoshiThen a lot more time to maintain it
02:21.03AlexanderYoshiLook at it this way: a localized name in your addon indicates its "ready for use", where as an english name makes it clear its not
02:21.32AntiarcEither that or "You'd better speak English" :P
02:21.56AlexanderYoshiwatakushi no nihongo ha heta desu.
02:22.03AntiarcI think the hope is just to get away from relying on translaters for the most part. Funkeh` isn't kidding when he says the Chinese localizers manage to break things constantly :P
02:22.12AlexanderYoshiI know
02:22.16AlexanderYoshiI deal with it on my side too :)
02:22.27AlexanderYoshiIt's rough!
02:22.30Funkeh`AlexanderYoshi, I just want rid of things like this
02:22.45AntiarcMan, that is a bigass file.
02:22.55sag_ich_nichtno shit sherlock?
02:23.04AlexanderYoshiHeheh, the guy who did QuestHelper would agree with  you
02:23.08sag_ich_nichtand guess what?
02:23.15AlexanderYoshibut we're not giving him arbitrary NPC loc lookups ;)
02:23.28Funkeh`yeah, a query to a boss name could be maintained within the boss module, keeping it LoD, with that library I need to load everything, loading AQ bosses....
02:23.46sag_ich_nichtwe have to load it twice because of slow and stuck addon authors:
02:23.47AntiarcAlexanderYoshi: Can I get a UnitGiveLeetGear("unitid") call?
02:24.05Shirikdon't push your luck
02:24.08DrundiaSo how would you deal with boss names and GUIDs when GUIDs might as well end up being reset if boss despawns and respawns between tries?
02:24.13sag_ich_nichtbtw. Funkeh`
02:24.22AntiarcDrundia: The GUID contains an NPC ID that doesn't change
02:24.25AlexanderYoshiConsider it implemented
02:24.26AntiarcEven across multiple GUIDs
02:24.29sag_ich_nichtyou could fix the babble-3.0/babble-2.2 compatibility layer
02:24.44AlexanderYoshiUnitGiveLeetGear("unitid") will now work after recieving 100% gear
02:24.49AlexanderYoshiand running this script
02:24.56AlexanderYoshiUnitGiveLeetGear = LootUnit
02:25.12AlexanderYoshier after dealing 100% of the creature;s life as damage
02:25.26Shirikanyone remember that website that lets you sandbox your character?
02:25.42sag_ich_nichtShirik: yeah. stop using a website and install the wowequip addon.
02:25.46AlexanderYoshibye bye
02:25.48sag_ich_nichtwastely superior
02:25.49Shirikno that's not what I want it
02:25.54*** part/#wowi-lounge AlexanderYoshi (
02:26.08Funkeh`AlexanderYoshi, another wild stab, is there a reason why there isn't a similar function for zone names? i.e. GetZoneName(id)
02:26.19Guillotinethats why I get my users to localize my AddOns for me
02:26.42sag_ich_nichtGuillotine: is that also why TellTrack is still not working properly in combination with notes-u-need? :P
02:26.56Guillotineno, thats just because I
02:27.00GuillotineI'm too busy
02:27.10Guillotineto maintain other people's addons as well as my own :(
02:28.06GuillotineHow are they incompatible?
02:28.20GuillotineI actually don't know that I've heard this bug report before
02:29.11Guillotineif its just really -not working-, I'll try to look into it
02:29.18Guillotinebut if its a small bug...
02:29.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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02:39.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Maul (i=446c1daa@gateway/web/ajax/
02:40.19ScytheBlade1Not sure if I should be happy or sad.
02:40.47ScytheBlade1At least it's female...?
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02:47.24*** join/#wowi-lounge |pez| (
02:47.45ShirikAnyone here know japanese?
02:48.12Shirik"If there's a change in you..." shouldn't that be "kimi ga kawareba" not "kimi wa kawareba" ?
02:48.35Legoroli know japanese, and yes, it should be "ga"
02:48.52Shirikguess I can't trust these lyrics then
02:49.01Legorolthe sentence has meaning with "wa" as well, just means something else
02:49.27ShirikI think it would be "If you change ... <whatever to follow>" ?
02:49.38Legorolthe difference is more subtle
02:49.50Legorolit's always your change in either case
02:49.51ShirikI need to get back my japanese knowledge
02:50.00Legoroli think best illustrated with examples:
02:50.05|pez|I need to *get* japanese knowledge
02:50.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Sparky911 (
02:50.22Legorolhmmm hard to come up with clear examples that'd illustrate the difference
02:50.42Legorolok i think this will work:
02:50.50Sparky911was wondering if someone would be able to help a coding noob out :)
02:51.14Legorol"kimi ga kawareba, ..." -> "If it's you that changes, ... will happen"
02:51.27Legorol"kimi wa kawareba, ..." -> "If you change, ... will happen"
02:51.48Shirikthat works
02:51.50Legorolthe difference is in emphasis
02:51.52purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
02:51.56Shirikthanks Legorol
02:52.35Legorolgoing from english to japanese, i'd definitely translate the original english sentence you quoted with "ga"
02:52.39Sparky911I am trying to filter out words like when someone types "test" it tells me but I don't want it to tell me test was typed when someone types "testing"
02:53.42Legoroltry and filter for " test "
02:53.46Legorolincluding the spaces
02:53.55Legorolor other non-character stuff
02:54.23dylanmWe're talking Lua here/
02:54.24Legorolhm, i guess that wouldn't work too well
02:54.28Sparky911so if the word is at the begining of the sentence just use "Test "?
02:54.29Mauluse lua pattern matching to check for non-alpha charcters around "test" - "%Atest%A"
02:54.32ShirikI'd use a pattern like "%Wtest%W"
02:54.50Legorolthe problem with using non-word pattern matching is that it won't match "test"
02:54.58ShirikI recognized that too
02:54.58Legorolit will match " test " etc.
02:55.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
02:55.24Sparky911%w stands for space?
02:55.27Shirikthis would definitely be an easy job for PCRE
02:55.33ShirikSparky911: No, %w stands for word character
02:55.33Legorol%w is word character
02:55.38Legorol%W is non-word charactr
02:55.39Sparky911oh ok
02:55.42Shirik%W is everything %w is not
02:55.59*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
02:56.23Thrae|Worklua> print( string.find("test", "%W*test%W*") )
02:56.23lua_botThrae|Work: 1, 4
02:56.35dylanmThat'll do.
02:56.37Legoroldoesn't work
02:56.48Legorollua> print( string.find("testing", "%W*test%W*") )
02:56.48lua_botLegorol: 1, 4
02:56.48dylanmOh wait no it won't.
02:57.09Legorolno it's not odd
02:57.13Thrae|WorkIt wasn't greedy enough
02:57.29Legorolit succeeds in matching %W*test%W* inside, because it can successfully match "test" surrounded by 0 or more non-word chars
02:57.31dylanmThere are word-boundary things in PCRE but clearly...
02:57.31Shirikhand fell on the keyboard in the wrong place ><
02:57.40ShirikOh of course!!!
02:57.44ShirikThis is a perfect job for %f I think
02:57.51Shirikbut I still haven't remembered quite how to use that
02:57.58Legorolis that in Lua?
02:58.02ShirikI don't even think it's in the manual
02:58.03Shirikbut it exists
02:58.07Thrae|Worklua> print( string.match("testing", "%W-test%W-") )
02:58.07lua_botThrae|Work: test
02:58.09Shirikit's some kind of undocumented feature
02:58.21dylanmThe best kind!
02:58.32Legorolthere is no %f
02:58.33WobWorkI can vaugely recall that
02:58.50SyzgynThis is wonderful.  My internet isnt letting me log on my Realm, and wont let me connect to their website to find a call number eith!
02:58.56Shirik"The frontier pattern %f followed by a set detects the transition from "not in set" to "in set". The source string boundary qualifies as "not in set" so it also matches the word at the very start of the string to be matched."
02:59.03Maulfor my chat addon, I take a typed line and use this function to put all words into a table, then use the table to determine if what I want is there - gsub(msg, "(%S+%s*)", function(word) table.insert(wordTable, word) end);
02:59.11WobWorkoh that's right
02:59.20ShirikI think it's
02:59.29ShirikTry that
02:59.58Legorolsurely then it's %f%wtest%f%W
03:00.11Sparky911test realm is down? :(
03:00.15kd3whee, looks like cross-region PTRs are finally going live tomorrow
03:00.26kd3Sparky911, yes:
03:00.30ScytheBlade1Good times
03:00.30WobWorklua> print( string.match("testing", "%f[%w]test%f[%w]"))
03:00.31lua_botWobWork: nil
03:00.33Shiriklua> return (string.find("test", "%f[%w]test%f[%w]")), (string.find("testing", "%f[%w]test%f[%w]")), (string.find("hi this is a test, cool huh", "%f[%w]test%f[%w]"))
03:00.33lua_botShirik: nil, nil, nil
03:00.38Shirikmaybe not
03:00.41WobWorklua> print( string.match("test", "%f[%w]test%f[%w]"))
03:00.41lua_botWobWork: nil
03:00.47Thrae|Worklua> print( string.match("test", "%f[%w]+test%f[%w]+") )
03:00.47lua_botThrae|Work: nil
03:00.52Shirikoh whoop
03:01.04Shiriklua> return (string.find("test", "%f[%w]test%f[%W]")), (string.find("testing", "%f[%w]test%f[%W]")), (string.find("hi this is a test, cool huh", "%f[%w]test%f[%W]"))
03:01.04lua_botShirik: 1, nil, 14
03:01.19ShirikSparky911: That pattern should work
03:01.27Legorollua> print(string.match("testing","%f%wtest%f%W"))
03:01.27lua_botLegorol: luabot:1: missing '[' after '%f' in pattern
03:01.36ShirikI think they require that Legorol
03:01.43Thrae|Worklua> print( string.match("test", "%f[%w]+test%f[%W]+") ) print( string.match("testing", "%f[%w]+test%f[%W]+") )
03:01.43lua_botThrae|Work: nil, nil
03:01.50Sparky911k this is what i have right now
03:01.50Sparky911if (string.find(fmessage, value) ~= nil) then
03:01.54Legorolbut i never heard of [%w] being a valid syntax for set definition
03:02.02Legoroland using undocumented features is meh :/
03:02.13ShirikThe reason it's undocumented is because they aren't sure they want to keep it
03:02.23Shiriksomething about it being unnecessary or something, haven't looked into detail why
03:02.28Shirikbut it is definitely a nice feature; I hope they keep it
03:02.38Thrae|Worklua> print( string.match("test", "%f+[%w]test%f+[%W]") ) print( string.match("testing", "%f+[%w]test%f+[%W]") )
03:02.38lua_botThrae|Work: luabot:1: missing '[' after '%f' in pattern
03:02.49ShirikThrae|Work: What exactly are you trying to do?
03:02.57ShirikDoesn't make much sense to repeat a boundary, it would be impossible
03:03.14Dezzimalwhats with the new default pitbull fonts :/
03:03.29Thrae|Worklua> print( string.match("this is a   testing    ", "%f[%w]test%f[%W]") ) print( string.match("this is a   test    ", "%f[%w]test%f[%W]") )
03:03.29lua_botThrae|Work: nil, test
03:03.49Thrae|WorkAh, just making sure it occurs for more then one non-alphanumeric character
03:04.05Shirikyup, it does, because what it's checking is to see if you are at the border of going from out-of-set to in-set
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03:04.26Shirikso all that matters is the non-alphanumeric character immediately adjacent
03:04.27Legorollua> print(string.match("testing","%W?test%W?"))
03:04.28lua_botLegorol: test
03:05.19Shirikproblem with that would be...
03:05.36Legorollua> m=string.match("testing","%w?test%w?"); if(m=="test")then print("found it") end
03:05.36lua_botLegorol: No output
03:05.40Legorollua> m=string.match("test","%w?test%w?"); if(m=="test")then print("found it") end
03:05.41lua_botLegorol: found it
03:05.44Legorollua> m=string.match(" test","%w?test%w?"); if(m=="test")then print("found it") end
03:05.45lua_botLegorol: found it
03:05.48Legorollua> m=string.match(" test ","%w?test%w?"); if(m=="test")then print("found it") end
03:05.49lua_botLegorol: found it
03:05.54Legorollua> m=string.match(" atesto ","%w?test%w?"); if(m=="test")then print("found it") end
03:05.54lua_botLegorol: No output
03:05.57Legorolthere you go
03:06.11Legorolfor this particular case, %f is unneeded
03:06.13Shiriklua> return string.match("test", "ftest", "%w?test%w?")
03:06.13lua_botShirik: luabot:1: bad argument #3 to 'match' (number expected, got string)
03:06.19Dezzimalthe usual default pitbull font/skin is abf/otravi right?
03:06.19Shiriklua> return string.match("ftest", "%w?test%w?")
03:06.22lua_botShirik: ftest
03:06.22Shirikthat's the problem
03:06.29Legorolit's not, Shirik
03:06.30Legorollook what i did
03:06.46Legoroli check if the match is actually "test", or any extra chars are on it
03:06.50Shirikmeh, that's annoying :P
03:06.54Shirikan unnecessary test
03:07.00Legorolbut i think it might be faster
03:07.08Legorolbecause frontier matching is possibly slow
03:07.13Legorolnot to mention it's undocumented ;-)
03:09.02Sparky911i can use this bot to test code too?
03:09.18GuillotineSparky911: non WoW-specific code, yah
03:09.21Legorolthat's what we've been doing :) testing code
03:09.35Sparky911ahh I see so just use lua> ?
03:09.43Sparky911lua> m=string.match(" atesto ","%w?test%w?"); if(m=="test")then print("found it") end
03:09.44lua_botSparky911: No output
03:09.52Guillotineyou have to use print(value)
03:09.56Guillotineor return(value) I think
03:09.57Shirikor return
03:10.01Shirikor nothing
03:10.06Shirikbut not m =
03:10.06Legorollua> 3
03:10.07lua_botLegorol: 3
03:10.19Legorollua> <3
03:10.20lua_botLegorol: luabot:1: unexpected symbol near '<'
03:10.34Legorolstupid bot, feel the love!
03:10.35Sparky911ahh ok thats a great bot
03:10.48Shirikoh, that works in #lua
03:11.30lua_botWobWork: luabot:1: unexpected symbol near ':'
03:11.54ShirikWell anyway
03:12.01ShirikI would use %f just because I can
03:12.06ShirikI've never actually had a use for it before :<
03:12.29Sparky911so this should work?
03:12.29Sparky911if (string.match(fmessage, %f[%w]+value%f[%w]+)
03:12.36Shirikget rid of the +
03:13.42Sparky911if (string.match(fmessage, %f[%w]value%f[%w])
03:13.47Shirikthe second %w should be %W
03:13.54Sparky911oh k
03:14.22*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
03:15.35Sparky911k thx guys Ill try it tomorrow
03:15.50Shiriklua> os.time()
03:15.50lua_botShirik: 1204254950
03:15.58Shiriklua> os.clock()
03:15.58lua_botShirik: 0
03:16.03Shiriklua> os.clock()
03:16.03lua_botShirik: 0
03:16.15Shiriklua> os.clock() for x = 1,1000 do end return os.clock()
03:16.15lua_botShirik: 0
03:16.18Tullerlua >
03:16.23Tullerdamn you space
03:16.31lua_botTuller: Fri Feb 29 03:16:31 2008
03:16.38ShirikI'm trying to get ms out of this thing
03:16.45Shirikso I can perform profiling
03:16.46LegorolShirik: i'd never use undocumented features, for fear of being a potential source of bugs later on if it changes (unannounced)
03:16.48Shiriklua> GetTime()
03:16.48lua_botShirik: luabot:1: attempt to call global 'GetTime' (a nil value)
03:17.05Shiriklua> pp(os)
03:17.05lua_botShirik: { ["date"] = function: 0x62d760, ["difftime"] = function: 0x62d7c0, ["time"] = function: 0x62a6d0, ["clock"] = function: 0x62d700 } (#1)
03:17.15Shiriklua> difftime()
03:17.16lua_botShirik: luabot:1: attempt to call global 'difftime' (a nil value)
03:17.20Shiriklua> os.difftime()
03:17.20lua_botShirik: luabot:1: bad argument #1 to 'difftime' (number expected, got no value)
03:18.01WobWorklua> os.difftime(os.time,
03:18.01lua_botWobWork: luabot:1: bad argument #2 to 'difftime' (number expected, got function)
03:18.18WobWorklua> os.difftime(os.time, os.time + 5)
03:18.19lua_botWobWork: luabot:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'time' (a function value)
03:18.20Tullerlua> os.difftime(os.time(),
03:18.20lua_botTuller: luabot:1: bad argument #2 to 'difftime' (number expected, got string)
03:18.33Thrae|Worklua> os.difftime(os.time(), os.time())
03:18.34lua_botThrae|Work: 0
03:18.40Tullerlua> os.difftime(os.time(), 0)
03:18.40lua_botTuller: 1204255120
03:18.52Shirikos.difftime is just subtraction? o.o
03:19.05Thrae|WorkShirik: Yes, I don't know the reason for it either
03:19.06WobWorklua> os.difftime(0, os.time)
03:19.06lua_botWobWork: luabot:1: bad argument #2 to 'difftime' (number expected, got function)
03:19.07Tullerlua> os.difftime(0, os.time())
03:19.07lua_botTuller: -1204255147
03:19.21Thrae|Worklua> os.difftime(os.clock(), os.clock())
03:19.21lua_botThrae|Work: 0
03:19.38Shirikthis is odd
03:19.41Shiriklua> os.clock()
03:19.41lua_botShirik: 0
03:19.46Shirikwhy is os.clock not working?
03:19.49Thrae|WorkOdd, I thought at least os.clock() would be different for two calls.
03:19.55Shirikit should be...
03:19.59Shirikit has millisecond precision
03:20.07Shirikor rather, as much as the system allots that to be true
03:20.14Shirikfor pentium-based systems that's 16ms
03:20.31Shiriksorry, +/- 16ms
03:20.36Thrae|WorkMust be the sandbox
03:20.59TullerThe os.clock function returns the number of seconds of CPU time for the program. Its typical use is to benchmark a piece of code:
03:22.01Shirikis that from the manual?
03:22.01ShirikIt's broken on Windows then....
03:22.01Tullerlua> x = os.clock() for i = 1, 10000 do end print(x - os.clock())
03:22.01lua_botTuller: 0
03:22.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
03:22.07Tullerthough I should have done something useful I imagine
03:22.08SixenPTR is down, :(
03:22.21Dezzimalis there any way to get recount to sort deaths by death time?
03:22.29Thrae|Worklua> x = os.clock() for i = 1, 10000 do end print(os.clock())
03:22.29lua_botThrae|Work: 0
03:22.39Dezzimalso you can see who died first to figure out if people pulled aggro or who died on archi first?
03:22.41Tullerlua> x = os.clock() for i = 1, 100000 do j = j or 0 + j end print(x - os.clock())
03:22.42lua_botTuller: luabot:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'j' (a nil value)
03:22.54Shirikor has lower precedence than +, Tuller :)
03:23.00Tullerlua> x = os.clock() for i = 1, 100000 do j = j or 0 + 1 end print(x - os.clock())
03:23.01lua_botTuller: -0.02
03:23.14Shirikor.... it doesn't
03:23.24Shirikwhat did you change?
03:23.33Tullerthe second j to a 1 :P
03:23.56Shiriklua> return j
03:23.57lua_botShirik: nil
03:24.04Shirikdoesn't that just keep setting j to 1? ><
03:24.14Tullerwhy would it? :P
03:24.40Shirikbecause it's doing if (j) then j else 0+1 ?
03:25.10Tullerlua>false and 2 or 1 + 1
03:25.10lua_botTuller: 2
03:25.14Thrae|Workx = os.clock() for i = 1, 100000 do j = j or 0 + 1 end print(os.clock() - x, j)
03:25.26Thrae|Worklua>  x = os.clock() for i = 1, 100000 do j = j or 0 + 1 end print(os.clock() - x, j)
03:25.27lua_botThrae|Work: 0.02, 1
03:25.34Tullerlua>false and 2 or 1 + 1 or 2
03:25.34lua_botTuller: 2
03:25.42Tullerthere you go :)
03:25.50Shiriklua> false and 2 or 1 + 3
03:25.50lua_botShirik: 4
03:26.06Thrae|Worklua>  x = os.clock() for i = 1, 100000 do j = 1 + j or 0 end print(os.clock() - x, j)
03:26.06lua_botThrae|Work: luabot:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'j' (a nil value)
03:26.09Shiriklua> j = 3; return false and 2 or 1 + j
03:26.09lua_botShirik: 4
03:26.13Shirikthat's interesting
03:26.58Thrae|Worklua>  x = os.clock() for i = 1, 100000 do j = (j or 0) + 1 end print(os.clock() - x, j)
03:26.58lua_botThrae|Work: 0.03, 100000
03:27.37Thrae|WorkFor incrementing without first initializing, I can't see anything other then (j or 0)
03:28.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
03:28.29Tullerlua> x = j and j + 1 or 1
03:28.30lua_botTuller: No output
03:28.34Tullerexactly :P
03:28.40Tullerlua> j and j + 1 or 1
03:28.41lua_botTuller: 1
03:29.24Thrae|WorkWell you could do that, but wouldn't that be more operations then (j or 0) + 1?
03:30.32Tullerlua> x = os.clock() for i = 1, 100000 do j = j and j + 1 or 1 end print(os.clock() - x, j)
03:30.33lua_botTuller: 0.04, 100000
03:30.45Tullerlua> x = os.clock() for i = 1, 100000 do j = j or 0 + 1 end print(os.clock() - x, j)
03:30.46lua_botTuller: 0.02, 1
03:31.01Thrae|Worklua> x = os.clock() for i = 1, 100000 do j = (j or 0) + 1 end print(os.clock() - x, j)
03:31.01lua_botThrae|Work: 0.03, 100000
03:31.03Tullerthere's a reason to do it :)
03:31.11break19heh, while my wife sleeps, I just set up her new cellphone.. emailed a pic of our daughter and set to her phone's bg.. she's gonna freak :)
03:31.11TullerI don't feel like using ()
03:31.24Thrae|Workj or 0 would just reset it to 1 each time
03:31.27Cairennbreak19: awwwwww
03:31.30TullerI know :)
03:31.42Tullerj or 0 + 1 would
03:32.37Tullerlua> false and  1 or 1 + 1 and 2
03:32.37lua_botTuller: 2
03:32.38Thrae|WorkTuller: You're willing to use up 0.01 worth of CPU time just because you don't like the way it *looks*?!
03:32.40break19heh, Cairenn you wanna -really- go aww? :)
03:32.41CorrodiasLeo down, 4/6!
03:32.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
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03:32.49break19that the pic I set on her bg :)
03:32.53Tullerlua> false and  1 or 1 + 1 and 3
03:32.53lua_botTuller: 3
03:32.56Thrae|WorkI don't know you anymore. Next you'll be saying you put comments in your code and don't code all on one line.
03:32.58Cairennbabies are the BESTESTEST!
03:33.07Corrodiaslua> A and B
03:33.07lua_botCorrodias: nil
03:33.13Corrodiaslua> 1 and 2
03:33.14lua_botCorrodias: 2
03:33.19|pez|break19: the kid looks quite enthusiastic about eating! :D
03:33.34Thrae|Worklua> "A" and "B"
03:33.34lua_botThrae|Work: B
03:33.42Thrae|Worklua> "_" and "A"
03:33.42lua_botThrae|Work: A
03:33.43break19yea.. she loves to eat "real" food.. she's just starting that.
03:34.17|pez|sweet though.
03:34.32|pez|pictures like that does almost make me want to get kids myself some day.
03:34.46break19she hasnt eaten in about 9.5 hrs now tho.. kinda sick, she's got a virus, doc says nothing we can do but give her infant tylenol for the fever, and keep her as hydrated as possible.
03:35.18Thrae|WorkGeez, I was so pissed off when my parents made me start eating "real food" and drink "real milk". So instead of getting nice, human-made, wholesome breast milk, I have to drink something that came out of a cow?! I furiously complained by crying for 4 days straight.
03:35.27|pez|break19: aww :\
03:35.35Thrae|WorkBack then, I hadn't quite grasped the concept of "language".
03:36.03break19Thrae|Work: our kid is bottlefed.. and allergic to the protein in cow's milk.. gotta get the expensive soy milk for her :/
03:36.11Thrae|WorkMuch like many addon users. *ducks*
03:37.49GuillotineThrae: that doesn't even make sense :P
03:38.00Tullerbah, people think that since I'm using ace libraries, that my stuff will end up on wau :P
03:38.10Tullerthere will be some sad people
03:38.27Tullernote to self: don't get people's hopes up
03:38.29LunessaI will not be sad.
03:38.30break19Tuller:  <3 googlesvn
03:39.42Thrae|WorkI don't see anything wrong with using WAU as a distribution / mass-testing network
03:40.00WobWorkthe problem
03:40.02Thrae|WorkI put it up there with WoWI, etc.
03:40.02|pez|I need to figure out how I make white sauce for tomorrows dinner I think.
03:40.04WobWorkis that you can't separate the two
03:40.27TullerI like wowi because here's a page: here's what it looks like, and here's what it does
03:40.34Thrae|WorkWobWork: True, which is why I only put stable builds up on WAU
03:41.22Seerahwell, wowace was never meant to be a distribution site
03:41.30break19|pez|: according to my wife, thats pretty easy.. white cheese sauce: also called alfredo sauce?
03:41.32Seerahthat's why you've been developing in trunk, no, Thrae?
03:41.34Thrae|WorkSeerah: It is meant to be one now
03:41.59Thrae|WorkNo, I develop on my google code site, and put stables in /trunk
03:42.05ScytheBlade1... is a standard table, right?
03:42.10Seerahno, it's drifted that way because of WAU and authors only making their things available (reliably) through that site
03:42.13|pez|break19: just wanting white sauce.  milk and flour I think are the only needed ingredients, except maybe some spices.
03:42.15Thrae|WorkScytheBlade1: It's a string
03:42.22WobWork|pez|: scalded milk stirred into butter roux?
03:42.24break19|pez|: ah ok
03:42.34|pez|I'm gonna make potatostew(?) and have some salty meat with it.
03:43.05WobWork|pez|: traditionally... butter and flour browned slightly, then scalded milk stirred into it carefully
03:43.10break19potato soup. yea.. just milk butter and some various spices.
03:43.10Thrae|WorkSeerah: Actually, Kaelten pushed for distribution. He wanted to make it a reliable distribution method.
03:43.22break19and the flour cant forget the flour
03:43.32Seerahimo, it can't be a reliable distribution method in its current state
03:43.46|pez|jeppjepp, I figured it'd be worth a try making.
03:43.59|pez|Since I really want this for dinner sometime soon.
03:44.08Seerahyou guys are making me hungry :(
03:44.18Thrae|WorkWhich is why I mostly use my own gcode SVN
03:44.21WobWorkwe just had pizza here at work
03:44.21|pez|Seerah: it seems this is one of my better qualities.
03:44.29SeerahI had a cambell's soup at hand (Potato) and chocolate slim-fast for dinner
03:44.31WobWorkboss paid for about... 20 pizzas
03:44.37break19potato soup is pretty easy to make. even I, who know as much about kitchens as a dog knows about computers.
03:44.42WobWorkmmm gourmet pizza
03:44.49break19.. can make potato soup..
03:44.56WobWorkbreak19: Well, you know what they say
03:44.57SeerahI have a good recipe for Potato and Leek soup I need to find...
03:44.59Cairennmy (personal) opinion is that ace svn should go back to being a development platform, then push to one [or more] of the distributions sites
03:45.03WobWorkOn the internet, nobody knows you're a dog
03:45.05|pez|break19: hehe, I'm the master of burning food though.. :\
03:45.14ScytheBlade1Thrae|Work: given UNIT_SPELLCAST_SENT, where arg4 = target, how would I extract arg4 from ...?
03:45.15break19WobWork: heh
03:45.15Cairennit's easy to do for wowi, thanks to Shadowed's uploader
03:45.23WobWorkCairenn: I second that notion
03:45.24ScytheBlade1Cairenn: I SENSE ULTERIER MOTIVES!
03:45.24Cairennone line push
03:45.30WobWorkShad's uploader is fantastic
03:45.35break19|pez|: I could burn a ham sandwich....
03:45.37MaulI agree Cairenn
03:45.46Seerahlol. pez
03:45.57CairennScytheBlade1: nope, curse, incgamers, us, whatever - we're set up for distribution, ace is set up for development
03:45.59break19I've had a couple issues with the wowi updater.. and its due to zipfile format.
03:46.03break19and.. oh hey maul.
03:46.07|pez|break19: I burn... sausages.
03:46.12|pez|Seerah: what? :D
03:46.20Thrae|WorkScytheBlade1: function(self,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,...)
03:46.21MaulHiya Break19 :)
03:46.29ScytheBlade1Thrae|Work: rofl, gotcha.
03:46.35|pez|I am however, wondering if I should make the boyfriend a nice and awesome egg'n'bacon breakfast today
03:46.35break19|pez|: yes, but sausages are cooked.. ham sandwiches are.. just ham, bread, cheese and miracle whip.
03:46.37Seerahactually, I meant to direct that to break19, but it was about the burning :P
03:46.49WobWorkand miracle... what?
03:46.51Thrae|WorkScytheBlade1: There's another way to do it, but that's the easiest ;)
03:46.59Cairennbreak19: we have always asked users to use .zip rather than anything else, it's a standard format that everyone knows how to deal with, whereas tons of users haven't the foggiest what to do with .rar or .7z or ....
03:47.03Thrae|WorkIE, do it with just ...
03:47.08|pez|break19: Ooh, I thought you then actually like... slighly fried the bread (which is awesome btw, if you fry it in bacon fat)
03:47.31break19Cairenn: No.. I meant with the directory structure INSIDE said zipfile..
03:47.42break19MSBT in particular, it wont update.
03:48.00Tullerthat would be a nice april fool's joke :P
03:48.16Cairennokay, which are we talking about here? the uploader for authors to update on the site, or the downloader for endusers?
03:48.30break19and if I had to guess, its because there's a pair of files in the root directory of the zip, and then 3 folders containing the 3-module MSBT..
03:48.35break19the downloader
03:48.39Seerahthe updater
03:48.39|pez|Maybe I should go and plug the boyfriends insulin pump back on. So he won't wake up with a skyhigh bloodsugar.
03:48.49Cairennthat wasn't what we were talking about though :p
03:48.49Seerahyeah, Shirik was working on MSBT
03:48.54Seerahand that was the reason
03:49.02break19<- downloader.. .. ok. :)
03:49.04Cairennyou jumped from one program to the other
03:49.07WobWorkoh man
03:49.10break19its no worry anyway.. I use WUU :p
03:49.10WobWorkBACON CUPS
03:49.22Tullerbacon baked beans
03:49.37|pez|WobWork: awesome :D
03:49.46|pez|I've had that once, only with noodles. :P
03:49.53break19|pez|: speaking of a fried ham sandwich.. does sound good.. you must be from my part of the country.. talkin about fryin a ham sammich.. :)
03:50.08|pez|I'm probably not from your country at all ^^
03:50.36break19well.. frying everything you can get your hands on is definitely a southern USA trait.. so.. where you from?
03:51.02Cairennyay for sterotypes :p
03:51.02|pez|I like warm food, in all my meals if possible.
03:51.05break19what city?
03:51.23|pez|Born and raised i Lillehammer, currently living in Bergen.
03:51.40CairennShirik: break19 is experiencing some sort of problem with your downloader and MSBT
03:52.01break19ahh ok.. my folks have hosted exchange students since I was a senior in HS.. 14 years ago.. :p
03:52.04Shirikbreak19: Can you follow the instructions on the download page to get a verbose log?
03:52.17Shirikthen give it to me? (Bug report area would be good)
03:52.17Seerahshirik: break19 was saying that it was giving him problems with the updater
03:52.21ScytheBlade1just to be clear: the events (spell cast start events) that the UI fires doesn't include the target of your spells, right?
03:52.23Thrae|WorkHas the downloader been updated recently? When I first used it, I needed to manually enter in all the IDs by hand.
03:52.35Shirikit was updated today
03:52.45SeerahI saw :)
03:52.47Thrae|WorkAh, so the parsing was fixed?
03:52.52Seerahstill doesn't have my splash in it ;)
03:52.57Shiriksec, Nalorakk
03:53.01Shirikyeah I couldn't figure that out Seerah ><
03:53.10break19Shirik: oh I dont use it anymore.. and its updated now anyway.. so it wont do anything.. the problem is with the unzipping.. and, if I had to make a guesstimate, its because of 2 textfiles in the root of the .zip directory structure, and the updater cant find a toc so goes nuts
03:53.28Shirikit should be able to figure that out
03:53.36Shirikactually that sounds like an old bug
03:53.47Shirikany clue what version of the updater that was?
03:53.50ShirikShould have been fixed in 0.2.9
03:54.10break191203288349-wowiupdater024 - prolly was.. thats the version.
03:54.50Tullerbacon cups can only imply one thing
03:54.57Tullericecream + bacon
03:54.58break19I just downloaded to see how it looked.. thought "meh, nice toy" and went back to my all-in-one updater.. :P
03:55.22SeerahTuller: ugh :(
03:55.27break19Tuller: omg.. dont get me started on that most delicious of frozen treats
03:55.42Shirikbreak19: Yeah that would have been 0.2.4
03:55.43Thrae|WorkThe problem with an All-In-One Updater is that each site doesn't get the chance to show ads for the use of their bandwidth
03:55.47ShirikI believe that was already fixed
03:55.49Shirikbut I'll double check
03:56.07Tullerwell it works with bongos, right?
03:56.22Mr_Rabies2that's going to look awful after she has kids
03:56.38Mr_Rabies2wow tattoo
03:56.42Mr_Rabies2crisis averted
03:56.43Cairennyup, that's the only objection I have to WUU ... I like it too, but the fact it impacts on our bandwidth without helping pay for our bandwidth ... =/
03:57.00SeerahI found this today:
03:57.09Thrae|WorkWhy both? One buttocks is for the Alliance, the other for the Horde?
03:57.18|pez|this looks just oh so awesome -
03:57.24SeerahMr_Rabies2: why does that mean that the crisis was averted? :P
03:57.43Mr_Rabies2no time for procreating
03:57.48Mr_Rabies2there's motes to farm
03:57.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandok1 (
03:58.04Thrae|WorkSo you say, for a WoW player, motes > mates?
03:58.14Mr_Rabies2it's a joke, gosh :(
03:58.18break19Thrae|Work: not exactly true.. since the updater cant show changelogs, when stuff is updated, I check whatever site I used for the updated addon..
03:58.18break19plus, I always check the sites for "new stuff" that might look good on my system
03:58.32Mr_Rabies2people should learn to never take me seriously
03:58.39SeerahMr_Rabies2: different people find different things humorous :)
03:58.50Mr_Rabies2i find walruses humorous
03:59.00Mr_Rabies2i'd love to have a pet walrus
03:59.08Mr_Rabies2in my pool
03:59.11Mr_Rabies2that'd be awesome.
03:59.12Thrae|Workbreak19: There's a difference between intent and action
03:59.25SeerahReminds me of the "I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas" song
03:59.28Guillotinehahaha, you got to love mistells while cybering. Someone just did it in the CSF forum IRC channel
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04:00.20ScytheBlade1Good times
04:01.43Shirikdamn you ScytheBlade1
04:01.43Shirikthey couldn't handle your extremely long lol
04:01.44break19lol.. mine's short.
04:01.44break19the lol that is..
04:01.44break19and I dont -care- what my wife says..
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04:12.05WobWorkThe pile of empty pizza boxes here at work is waist high to me
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04:18.15SyzgynI hate charter. So so much.
04:18.29Seerahhow much? ;)
04:18.35SyzgynThiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much
04:18.48Seerahnot thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much?
04:19.08SeerahI thought Comcast was the devil
04:19.10Syzgynone of their connecting IP's is hosed
04:19.22Syzgynwhich happens to be the one I connect to my realm through
04:19.29Syzgynand curiously enough, their website
04:19.58Syzgynbut their tech support is fucking worthless
04:20.38break19Syzgyn: thats pretty much SOP at most ISPs
04:20.49Syzgynoh, I'm well aware of that
04:21.09Syzgynall I wanted to say was 'hey, this IP is bugged out, fix it!'
04:21.15break19altho mediacom isnt as bad as it used to be.. when we had our old house, we'd sit on hold for sometimes hours before anyone got to us..
04:21.18Seerah<3 Jim Gaffigan
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04:21.33Syzgynbut kept asking 'how many computers are connected to the network?'
04:22.06Lunessa... How about we fill a pop-tart with nasty meat?
04:22.10SyzgynI think the fact that most of the internet was working fine threw their basic support people way off
04:22.29Syzgynthey filed it as a DNS ticket
04:22.49purlACTION watches syzgyn pull the trigger:  Click!
04:23.08break19thats when you say "look kid. I've forgotten more about networks than you'll ever know in your entire lifetime, now either let me talk to someone who knows what the fuck is going on, OR let me talk to your supervisor.. and while I'm sure HE dont know what the fuck is going on, he'll at least be intelligent enough NOT TO PESTER ME WITH STUPID QUESTIONS" heh
04:24.13break19and yes.. I've said some derivative of that, as some point in my past...
04:24.20SyzgynI should have
04:24.39Syzgynbut its 11:30 here, all the knowledgeable people are home already
04:25.22batrickShirik: wut
04:25.23break19we had an intermittant problem a few years ago.. tv would be fine, but the internet would just go out and the cablemodem lights would be in "searching for connection" blink pattern..
04:25.34ShirikI forget
04:25.49break19"please reset the cablemodem" "dude.. I've gone that like 4 fuckin times already.. there's NO connection.. "
04:26.33break19finally, after about an hour of talkin with em.. they'd realize I was right, and schedule a tech to come out.. the tech would get here 3 or 4 days later, when it was working again, and go "oh? its working now? ok, cya"
04:26.49break19then a week or two later, the cycle would start over.
04:27.28SeerahBack when we were in college, our Comcast cable box would get filled with water and go out on us.
04:27.29break19went on like that for about a month until I got fed up and traced every inch of my cabling from computer desk all the way to cable switch down the street...
04:27.47SeerahWe'd call them to come out and take a look at it: "Oh, hey - it's full of water ....  should work now"
04:27.51break19Seerah: that was exactly our problem, except it was the cable switch down the street that was getting wet.
04:27.53|pez|I want to make some jelloshots(?)
04:28.03Seerahmaybe it was that, don't recall
04:28.40WobWorkbreak19: I had that problem
04:28.49Seerahthe next time it would rain and we'd go through the crap on the phone "reset your modem, check your Internet connection, firewall, blah blah blah"  -  we'd be like "LOOK - it's full of water again, send someone out!"
04:28.52WobWorkMy solution was to not use cable
04:28.54Guillotinebreak19: I wonder if thats our problem.. our internet does the exact same thing, especially when its been a wet day
04:28.58break19and after waitin another month or so for them to FIX it.. I hauled a couple of garbage bags out to it and taped it up.. along with a sign saying "these bags brought to you by Mediacom, because we're too fucking lazy to actually fix this box"
04:29.05WobWork|pez|: Vodka Gummi Bears
04:29.09break192days later there was a new switch box.
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04:29.59break19Guillotine: first thing to check is your own cable switch box.. make sure its staying nice and dry inside..
04:31.56break19WobWork: that was our solution when we first moved into this house.. but when mediacom offered me 10M (my current dsl provider was only offerin me 3M) plus digital phone, digital cable and free starz on-demand... for 80 bucks a month.. for a year.. I said "fuck it, we'll give em another shot" especially since I was paying 65 bucks for the 3M dsl line.
04:32.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
04:32.25Guillotinewow, your cable provider payed you 10 million? We have to pay ours :(
04:33.06break19no.. 10Mbps
04:33.58IrielAlso check none of your phone lines are getting wet
04:34.18Syzgynis there a way to do a substr in wiki syntax?
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04:34.23IrielI went through 2 DSL routers before discovering the house had an exposed wire in the phone line sitting on the ground under the house.
04:34.25batrickShirik: mad QQ
04:34.47break19i -wish- they'd given me $10mill.. I'd be buying a few thousand acres outta town a ways... and dare people to come onto my property.
04:35.00Syzgynoh, nevermind, found it
04:37.14|pez|So, opinions, if your partner woke you up like... an hour or so earlier than normal... and gave you breakfast with egg'n'bacon (and tomato beans I think)
04:37.17|pez|would you be... mad?
04:37.21|pez|or happy?
04:38.21Irielor suspicious?
04:38.28break19^^ win
04:39.15|pez|Iriel: I want a good breakfast to kickstart my day, and I'd like to share it with my boyfriend, who is happily sleeping.
04:39.38SyzgynI <3 my guildies
04:39.40IrielI'd be happy with a touch of (hm.. why)
04:39.43break19|pez|: do it like this....
04:39.53|pez|and would probably be happily sleeping until we need to run out to the car and drive superfast for him to reach his bus. :P
04:39.54Syzgynone of em gave me a SSH tunnel through their server in texas, and I got in
04:40.04break19"hon.. " "mrfsdsf huh?" "I made some breakfast. you want any? its good"
04:40.13IrielFor me, bacon would make up for that
04:40.32|pez|I think perhaps he'd appreciate it too..
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04:40.50break19but if it were me you were presenting with the breakfast.. I'd be pissed.. who the hell eats beans for breakfast? lol
04:41.11Irieli'd skip the beans too, but that's just me
04:41.15break19bacon, eggs, grits and coffee.. breakfast of champions.
04:41.19|pez|may also fry the bread ( or maybe make some ciabattas and fry those for a bit in the pan? )
04:41.35|pez|I love beans, the beans would be for me. I don't know or care if he likes it or not.
04:42.17break19bring me a nice warm bowl of grits.. with bits of bacon shredded and mixxed into it, maybe some shredded cheese in it.. and butter. like.. a tub of it.. and 3 deep-fried eggs.
04:42.36|pez|grits? :)
04:42.38break19and a nice hot cup of coffee.. black and strong.
04:42.42Seerahgonna make those bacon bowls? ;)
04:42.44break19yea. grits.
04:42.54|pez|Seerah: nah, no time for that now ;P
04:43.05break19"Its a Southern thing, you wouldn't understand" :P
04:43.18Seerahthey're like oatmeal
04:43.26break19but made from corn
04:43.35|pez|I'll go ask the boyfriend if he wants me to make him egg'n'bacon for breakfast.
04:43.52SeerahI say surprise him
04:44.07pastamancergrits are polenta
04:44.12break19make it. -then- wake him up.. dont wake him up early just so he has to wait for it to be made. :)
04:44.38|pez|break19: oh, he'll fall asleep again the second I'm out the door from the bedroom ;P
04:44.42WobWorkactually if you wake him with the food on the tray
04:44.51WobWorkhe should be fine
04:44.54Nechckn_BetaNowas soon as I saw "southern thing" and "you wouldn't understand"  I knew it had to be something about grits or scraple
04:45.01WobWorkmost people don't turn down a free breakfast in bed
04:45.04Nechckn_BetaNowscrapple... meh.. you know.
04:45.18|pez|WobWork: that is actually a good idea.
04:45.20break19and if he's anything like me.. dont SPEAK to him at all other than "breakfast? I made bacon n eggs" anything else will get me irritated in the morning.. until I've had my coffee.
04:45.23|pez|But we have no good bedtray
04:45.45break19use your body as the bedtray.. and you might NEED that extra hour. :)
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04:46.20|pez|also, the bedroom is freaking cold.
04:46.21KeiasWow I hate you all.  I've had some really lazy girlfriends.
04:46.22break19nothin better than eatin bacon off the tummy of the woman you love..
04:47.02|pez|don't want to actually be in the bedroom, except for being covered all up in the duvets and such. :P
04:47.22break19Keias: the last time my wife made me breakfast in bed was 3 days after we got married.. after that its "you want breakfast? get your ass up and make some"
04:47.31KeiasI can imagine :P
04:47.46SeerahI made my husband breakfast a few times :)
04:47.54Seerahas a surprise that is
04:47.55KeiasLuckily I do everything myself.  It toughens me up for later in life!
04:48.16|pez|I ocasionally take extra care to get food into my boyfriend. :P He's a diabetic, and is horrible at making himself food and such. :P
04:48.44KeiasReminds me of a scrubs episode.
04:48.55Seerahwell, go make breakfast! :)
04:49.15|pez|Still have a few minutes to go on, before i need to start. XD
04:49.22*** part/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
04:49.29|pez|Keias: think I've seen that one actually.
04:49.37break19oh, she makes breakfast pretty regularly.. and wakes me up to say "its ready, better get in here before it gets cold" and I stumble to the breakfast area, likely still wearin nothin but tighty whiteys, sit down, eat, put my plate in the sink, rinse it, go "coffee made?" "yea" "good" and fix me a cup.. woe be unto her if she's woken me up with no coffee prepared.. if I get up on my own, its different.. but if I get WOKE up?!? COFFEE NOW
04:49.59break19im not a real morning person....
04:50.25|pez|I'm a horrible morning person.
04:50.31|pez|So is he. >__0
04:51.07WobWorkwhat's that song that Molly whistles in that one episode
04:51.33break19i once threatened to woop the ass of a good friend of mine, after he woke me up.. and he's a "big ol' boy"... 6 and a half feet, about 250lbs of solid muscle.. needless to say.. he told me later that day "you ever threaten me like that again, it'll be the last time you wake up. got it?" lol
04:51.52KeiasMy friend said that to me once.
04:52.01KeiasSo I drew a penis on his face with a marker later that night :(
04:52.27KeiasLuckily for me, I'm ok as a morning person.
04:52.39break19he got the point tho.. from then on, he'd just turn on the cab light in the back, when it was my turn to drive, and his turn to sleep..
04:52.47KeiasIn fact, I think I'm a pretty easy going person unless provoked o_O
04:52.58break19and then he'd wait for me to come up front and speak first
04:52.59Keiasrofl |pez|
04:53.27|pez|They also put furniture on said person
04:53.44|pez|stacked stuff around him, all the way to the ceiling.
04:53.47|pez|I wish I'd been there.
04:53.55|pez|it was supposedly quite the epic sight.
04:53.56KeiasIf anyone ever draws on my penis, I hope its of another penis.  That'd be pretty awesome.
04:54.13Shirikwtf are you guys talking about ><
04:54.23KeiasDrawing and
04:54.35|pez|Shirik: it went from food, to morning people, the pranks on sleeping people, to... penises.
04:54.56KeiasEither way, I blame |pez|
04:55.11|pez|Jeez, why do I always get blamed for stuff? >__>
04:55.19ScytheBlade1|pez|: easy target
04:55.28KeiasQuotes are blackmail material :(
04:55.33KeiasLuckily I have no shame on IRC.
04:55.47|pez|[05:55] <Ami> (#1234) "I have done a serious investigation, and I find Pez responsible for the end of the world." -- Beth
04:55.58|pez|this is my welcoming quote on another network /channel
04:56.03WobWorkThe Andy Griffiths show
04:56.12KeiasI can see it
04:56.18batrick--> print(os.clock()) for i =1, 1e6 do math.cos(5) end print(os.clock())
04:56.19batbotbatrick: 16.4816.85
04:56.57|pez|Alright, I think I'll head off into the kitchen, and make the foodness previously talked about.
04:57.04|pez|and also slighly clean the livingroom table.
04:57.11KeiasHave fun.
04:57.29|pez|will try.
05:01.14SyzgynI'm having some issues with wiki syntax...  Anyone here an expert?
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05:11.13Shirikgdit WobWork
05:11.15Shiriknow I'm whistling
05:11.19ShirikI hate you
05:12.26Syzgynhow can I use #switch properly if my parameters are in [[]] brackets
05:14.08Shirikp.s. the long string representation does not change anything about the string, only how it is read
05:14.14Shirikthe internal representation is identical
05:14.24Syzgynsorry, in wiki, not lua
05:14.25batrickShirik: ping
05:14.32Shirikbatrick: pong
05:14.41ShirikMakes more sense now Syzgyn lol
05:14.53batrickso did you look at the new sandbox yet?!
05:14.53ShirikBJT > MOSFET
05:14.54Syzgyn|lady vashj=[[Lady Vashj (tactics)|Lady Vashj]]
05:15.00ShirikI'll go look now
05:15.11Syzgynbut |[[lady vashj]]=[[Lady Vashj (tactics)|Lady Vashj]] doesnt
05:15.14Shirikmpdelbuono@li23-154 ~ $ cd batbot
05:15.14Shirik-bash: cd: batbot: No such file or directory
05:15.17Shirikwait, wrong bot
05:16.19Shirikoh no you did not
05:16.28ShirikI can't even tab complete anymore
05:16.41Shirik-rw-rwxrwx 1 batrick batrick 16406 2008-02-22 22:46 OI_SHIRIK_NEW_SANDBOX_LOL.lua
05:16.41Shirik-rw-rwxrwx 1 batrick batrick 17621 2008-02-27 23:52 OI_SHIRIK_NEW_SANDBOX_LOL_TWO.lua
05:16.41Shirik-rw-rwxrwx 1 batrick batrick 4813 2008-02-27 23:53 OI_SHIRIK_SERIALIZE.lua
05:16.41batrickur just bad
05:16.44Shirikthat is so not cool
05:17.13ShirikI have to push three sets of tabs
05:17.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
05:17.19Shirikfirst set goes to OI_SHIRIK
05:17.25Shiriksecond set goes to OI_SHIRIK_NEW_SANDBOX
05:17.33Shirikthen finally OI_SHIRIK_NEW_SANDBOX_LOL_TWO
05:18.10Shiriklocal lpcall = pcall; -- REMOVE LATERJ L;AKSJDLFJ;ASJDLKFJ498U09218U4
05:18.23batrickthat's been there
05:18.33Shirikwhy haven't you removed it?!
05:18.40batrickbecause luatask is gayyyy?
05:18.52batrickwe need to figure out
05:19.03batrickwhat the fuck we're doing with our threading extension
05:19.27batrickI'd be working on it if it were'nt for tables sucking when you move them
05:19.43batrickI'm not going to start working on something based on false assumptions :P
05:19.53Shirikis it because of a race condition?
05:19.57Shirikor just that you plain can't move it
05:20.04batrickyou simply can't access values in the table
05:20.08batrickit moves fine
05:20.12batrickyou just can't index shit
05:20.32ShirikYou know what that sounds like a job for?
05:20.34Shirikvisual studio.
05:21.08batrickwhile you're at it make sure you can call functions that are moved
05:21.12Shirikif npcalls > 10 then
05:21.13Shirikreturn nil, "ead shirik";
05:21.35batrickawesome error message if I do say so myself
05:21.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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05:22.12batrickso I finally started using hjkl for moving in vim, I swear I was an idiot for not starting sooner
05:22.15batrickso nice
05:22.44Shirik--> foo = 4; tempg = _G; _G = nil; return rawget(tempg, "foo")
05:22.44batbotShirik: @ [string " foo = 4; tempg = _G; _G = nil; return rawg..."]:1: cannot modify secure global variables
05:23.55ShirikI think I see a conflict batrick It's just a matter of how to get there
05:24.01Shirikgoing to the test channel
05:24.30batrickuh ok
05:34.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:35.28*** part/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
05:38.20art3mishave you guys seen thenew mike meyers movie trailer?
05:38.29batrickneg here
05:38.47art3misoh man it's awesoe
05:39.02Legorolwhat is it called?
05:41.35art3misnice hat, i had a hat like that once, and then my mom got a job.
05:43.56batrickI disagree looks kinda shitty
05:44.20WobWorkhehe cool
05:44.32WobWork^My company running this
05:44.34kd3ah, that feels better. my new-unsorted directory is now down to a slightly more managable 16 gigs instead of the ~100 or so it was at a few hours ago
05:47.11*** join/#wowi-lounge fromatz (
05:48.53fromatzlua? ts=0; q=(t%50)+1; print(q);
05:48.59fromatzlua> ts=0; q=(t%50)+1; print(q);
05:49.00lua_botfromatz: luabot:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 't' (a nil value)
05:49.09fromatzlua> ts=0; q=(ts%50)+1; print(q);
05:49.10lua_botfromatz: 1
05:49.32WobWorklua> 0%50
05:49.33lua_botWobWork: 0
05:49.37art3misokay thats pretty awesome wob
05:49.46ScytheBlade1Hmm, what to do now
05:49.51WobWorkI really can't believe how huge this thing is getting
05:50.01art3misstop rubbing it
05:50.19fromatzlua> ts=0; tab={}; tab[(ts%50)+1]=6; pp(tab);
05:50.19lua_botfromatz: { 6 } (#1)
05:50.33WobWorkwe've had 38 million questions answered correctly over the 'warmup' period
05:50.42WobWorkor rather
05:50.46WobWorkover the last 18 hours <>
05:51.06art3misyou're tricking kids
05:51.12art3misjust like samuari jack!
05:51.22art3misand beekmans world
05:51.28WobWorkIt's true
05:51.36WobWorkover a million students already registered
05:51.41art3misyou watch samurai jack and think what an awesome show
05:51.49ckknightWobWork: go math!
05:51.49art3mis4 shows later HEY i learnt a moral!
05:51.50WobWorkthen you realise you've learnt something =)
05:52.13WobWorkart3mis: all the old cartoons were like that =)
05:52.18art3misim surprised you recognized beekmans world though ;)
05:52.20WobWorkRemember D&D?
05:52.23art3misheh yeah
05:52.36art3misi leanred nothing from robotech though
05:52.43WobWorkThat was Japanese
05:52.45art3misexcept that i REALLY wanted a giant robot
05:52.46WobWorkThey don't do morals
05:52.53WobWorkThey do angst
05:52.55art3misbattle of the planets did
05:53.01art3misand speedracer
05:53.04art3misand astroboy
05:53.11WobWorkastroboy was mostly angst =P
05:53.13art3misthat entire frigging show was a big moral lesson
05:53.40art3misi still think its funny that they've astarted doing it again
05:53.46art3mislike kim possible
05:53.50fromatzlua> ts=0; x="hello"; f=1; tab={}; tab[(ts%50)+1]= x .. "/" .. f; pp(tab);
05:53.50lua_botfromatz: { "hello/1" } (#1)
05:53.51art3misgreat show on its own
05:54.02art3miscept it tries to teach you values ;P
05:54.20art3misInvader Zim however
05:54.21WobWorkdamn them!
05:54.24art3misincredibly awesopme show
05:54.28art3misand you learn NOTHING
05:54.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Shaktar (
05:54.36WobWorkkind of like Ren and Stimpy
05:54.39art3misexcept that you REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY want a Gir
05:54.47WobWorkAlthough in R&S you learn -not- to do -that-
05:55.00WobWorkor "Don't put your finger -there-"
05:55.29WobWorkokies, home time
05:56.06art3misand they smell like rotting beef carcasses
05:56.56|pez|So, waking up the boyfriend with breakfast: Success!
05:57.07fromatzlua> tab={};tab[1]=6;tab2=
05:57.08lua_botfromatz: luabot:1: unexpected symbol near '<eof>'
05:57.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn|Away (n=njbcc@
05:57.15WobWorkScore 1 for the "Let me ask the interwebs" team
05:57.50WobWork|pez|: I pasted a youtube for that Scrubs episode earlier
05:58.07|pez|he was all tired and grumpy at first, but realized there was good food, got up, looked at me, said "nom" with lots of food in his mouth. so it was all good XD
05:58.16art3mis It's LOG!
05:58.18WobWorkhehe OM NOMNOMNOM
05:58.30WobWorkIt's big it's heavy it's wood!
05:58.40art3misit's better than bad its good!
05:58.58WobWorkanyway, cya =)
05:59.26art3mis <-- pwoered toast man!
05:59.55ScytheBlade1Hmm, what to do next. Play with kerberos, ldap, or my mail server.
06:00.10ScytheBlade1Or encrypt more things, that's always worthwhile
06:00.41art3misIt's toast-er-ific!!
06:00.51art3misscythe ASSP!
06:00.51|pez|I hope this not so healthy breakfast will inspire me to do more housework today
06:01.01art3misits oodles of fun!
06:01.15art3misAnti Spam Scanner Proxy
06:01.17art3misor something
06:01.39ScytheBlade1eh I've already got a decent RBL and spamassassin
06:01.50ScytheBlade1And it should be noted that I ran without any form of anti-spam for four-five years
06:02.01batrickshirik is RAGING
06:02.11ShirikI KNOW IT'S HERE
06:02.13ShirikI CAN FEEL IT
06:02.14ScytheBlade1Deleting ~500 emails a day was common, and I'm perfectly content with four a day now
06:02.18batrick23:01:41 < Shirik> --> local t = _G; local f = function(t) return debug.getupvalue(t) end; setfenv(f, {debug=debug, _G = 4, type =  function() return "nil" end}) return f(debug.setlocal)
06:02.22batrick23:01:42 < batbot> Shirik: @ cannot access secure functions' upvalues
06:02.25batrick23:01:46 < Shirik> SCREW YOU BATBOT
06:03.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Baldor (
06:03.51ScytheBlade1art3mis: if I played with my mail server, I'd be impliment client side SSL certs over SMTP, requiring them before SMTP relay is allowed
06:04.34ScytheBlade1Giving me bi-directional secure channels and removing the possibility of mitm attacks
06:05.03art3misheh im sorta stuck with exchange
06:05.07art3mishosting for a client
06:05.09ScytheBlade1Sucker :D
06:05.22art3misthey just dont understand that exchange is evil ;P
06:05.34art3misive bent it mostly to my will though
06:07.00ScytheBlade1I could play with openbsd more too
06:07.16ScytheBlade1I still need to beat it partially into submission
06:08.03art3misoh if yer feeling crazy yuo could setup server2008 sql2008 and exchange communication server 2007 ;P
06:08.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Nolook (
06:08.20ScytheBlade1Don't they provide free Virual Machines for that though?
06:08.26ScytheBlade1Plus I actually already have 2008 running in a VM
06:08.27art3misand before you move to tibet and become a monk,  mail me all yer computer stuff
06:08.39ScytheBlade1And exchange 07, actually
06:08.55art3mis2008sql is brand new ;P
06:09.00ScytheBlade1And I've got a legit copy of server 2003, and sql 2000
06:09.05art3misand the communication server is rpetty awesome
06:09.18art3misfor all that it does
06:09.40art3misi thinkmy next actionpack mailer gives me a full vista plat for resale, and vm2008
06:09.56ScytheBlade1hehe, |pez|, this is a work in progress, but currently it documents my linode (most everything about it, anyways):
06:10.32art3mishow much ya paying a month for that?
06:10.50ScytheBlade1My linode? $20
06:11.23art3misnot bad
06:11.39art3misnot as awesome as my home cable business account a clients paying for ;P
06:11.43art3misbut not bad
06:12.03art3mis30/5 5 static ips and only 1 being used for their exchange ;P
06:12.17art3misfor only 75/mn
06:12.20ScytheBlade1lol nice
06:12.26ScytheBlade1I've got three public IPs
06:12.34ScytheBlade1And a loooooot more than 30/5 hehe
06:12.43art3misheh i have physical access to it ;P
06:12.48ScytheBlade1meh, details
06:12.55|pez|linode offers excellent service though
06:12.55art3misand there isnt a secondary transfer for me to leech at 30mbit ;P
06:13.00SyzgynBehold! Wiki tables sortable by boss progression:
06:13.18art3mis|pez|: optimum in my neighborhood has a 99% uptime since i got it 3 years ago
06:13.30ScytheBlade1Something about downloading well over 30MB (bytes) a sec and then uploading faster...
06:13.40art3misand my service for hoopking up stuff to the switch is gooder than linodes ;P
06:14.14|pez|There was a problem with the host my linode was on, and I e-mailed them about it, politely and such, since it wasn't the end of the worlds, and I know things *do* break sometimes, and they answered me, and kept me updated about how the process of moving me over to a new host was going.
06:14.30art3misyeah i get 1.5mByte down 150kbyte or so up on my home ad 3.5mbyte down and around 250kbyte up on work
06:14.30ScytheBlade1Their service is great
06:14.47art3misheh dreamhost is awesome for support
06:14.57art3misthey sent out an accidental billing cycle in jan
06:14.57ScytheBlade1I've heard good things about them
06:15.10art3misand like 2 days later came the mail blast of "sorry for our fat fingers"
06:15.21art3misthis news letters are gold
06:15.22ScytheBlade1But having an unmanaged "box" with root access and stupid amounts of bandwidth is just awesome
06:15.30art3misit is
06:16.01art3misi tend towards bad things though so its best nobody but me really monitors the connection ;P
06:16.03ScytheBlade1I can download the new PTR build patcher, extract the torrent, move it over, torrent it on my linode, mirror it, download the patch, and patch
06:16.11ScytheBlade1Usually before people can get the patch via the downloader
06:17.12|pez|but then, my account is just... not active atm
06:17.36|pez|And my downloader I mean the non PTR ones.
06:17.45ScytheBlade1Eww, spamassassin is using 9% of my RAM
06:17.53ScytheBlade1Actually a lot more than that
06:18.02art3misWOW THATS A LOT OF SPAM!
06:18.16ScytheBlade123% of mt RAM
06:18.16|pez|spammed ram
06:18.18Dumanroot      2260  0.0  0.6 29468 25308 ?       Ss    2007   0:05 /usr/bin/spamd -d -c -m10 -H -r /var/run/spamassassin/
06:18.28Dumanthat's not much of my ram :)
06:18.43ScytheBlade1I've got 320MB, it works for my needs
06:18.53DumanMem:       4154620    4007752     146868          0     148948    1765432
06:19.07ScytheBlade1Mem:        356116     331436      24680          0      22832      76640
06:19.07ScytheBlade1-/+ buffers/cache:     231964     124152
06:19.07ScytheBlade1Swap:       524280      28160     496120
06:19.15art3misi need to find a disrto thatll work nice on my thinkpad560e
06:19.19Dumanbut this is my shell box
06:19.23Dumanand I have like 200 user accounts on it
06:19.31art3misi thought hey ill try puppy
06:19.36art3misbut nooooIOOOOooooo
06:19.44art3misits incapable of installing correctly
06:19.45ScytheBlade1I rebooted mine for the vmsplice 'sploit
06:20.02art3misantix mepis, horribly long boot times on 48mb ;P
06:20.07art3misuptime(win2k): win(1d 10h 37m 56s) serv(1d 1h 8m 12s) today(1w 3d 44m 57s) xirc(1d 10h 31m 2s) best(1w 3d 10h 54m 24s)
06:20.21art3miswow a whole week!
06:20.30art3misheh i was mucking with OCing last night
06:21.12DumanI need to rebuild this box, sigh
06:21.28DumanI think it started life as FC2
06:21.37DumanFedora Core release 2 (Tettnang)
06:21.39ScytheBlade1lol wow
06:21.57|pez|I'm going to install ubuntu on my laptop when I get my other computer... and play around with security and such before I mess my linode up horribly. :p
06:22.04art3misheh ive got a drive kicking around with my original bsd 2.6 install
06:23.13|pez|I... will drive boyfriend to work now. kthx bye.
06:23.20Dumanlater pez
06:23.39|pez|I was supposed to drive him to the bus, but noooo, he was being slow.:P
06:23.49|pez|now I need to sit in a car queue for like half an hour instead.
06:24.28art3misgoth makeup and metal will get yuo through the line better ;P
06:36.15GuillotineROFL@fox news
06:36.24Guillotine"Do you speak German?" "Dah" "...That's russian"
06:36.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
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06:40.29*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
06:41.05ScytheBlade1yay empty inbox
06:43.03ScytheBlade1And I really wish I knew why Thunderbird wasn't saving my filters.
06:49.01ScytheBlade1Quick, everyone /clear!
06:49.20Syzgynlooks like a windows XP key :O
06:49.39ScytheBlade1Not quite but close
06:49.49ScytheBlade1Something tells me that you didn't /clar
06:49.51ScytheBlade1* /clear
06:49.56SyzgynI'm a rebel
06:50.04ScytheBlade1I see
06:51.10ScytheBlade1Copying message 27 of 772...
06:51.13ScytheBlade1Backing up sucks
06:53.25*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
06:53.25*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v ckknight_] by ChanServ
06:57.30ShirikSo I'm about to write out this song in sheet music
06:57.40Shirikso the first thing I do is "ok what key signature is it" so I start playing with notes
06:57.45Shirikand find it's in A# major....
06:57.56Shirik(all sharps, including B# and E#)
06:57.59ShirikThis is not going to be fun >.>
06:58.08art3misand yet you're gonna do it
06:58.18Shirikbecause it's totally worth it
06:58.30Syzgynwhats the song?
06:58.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Thuz (
06:59.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae (
06:59.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
07:01.00art3misSyzgyn: it has the chorus of "never gonna give you up never gonna let you down"
07:01.20art3misthats right bitch you got text rickrolled!
07:01.29SyzgynMy eyes are burning!
07:04.31*** join/#wowi-lounge WoWLuaircBot (
07:07.43Cairennwhose bot is that?
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07:08.43mikmaCairenn: Thraes¨
07:09.23*** part/#wowi-lounge Baldor (
07:10.55Shirikah right
07:11.04ShirikA# major == B flat major
07:11.18ShirikI'm a strings player, we don't play with flats. They're annoying ><
07:11.20Shiriksharps ftw
07:11.42Shirikfortunately, though, B flat major is only B flat and E flat
07:12.15ShirikCairenn: Get a better IRC client
07:12.19Shirik(02:03:45)  -› Join: WoWLuaircBot ( (clones with: Thrae)
07:12.21ShirikNote the end :P
07:12.31Cairennmeh, whatever
07:13.01SyzgynMan, I havent done anything music related besides listening for years
07:13.08SyzgynI miss it :(
07:16.18ShirikThey fixed noteworthy composer so you can bar across rests now
07:16.50fromatzjoanna newsom ftw
07:17.00art3misya know i wonder how exciting shirik would be on lithium or ritalin
07:17.30art3misyou have to be partially autistic
07:17.35*** join/#wowi-lounge testleK (n=chatzill@
07:17.35art3misyou just have to be
07:20.46Shirikbut look
07:20.47Shirikit's awesome
07:21.29*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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07:21.54ScytheBlade1And an awesome 6sec+ ping
07:22.42Shirik:< no longer exists?
07:23.13Shirikanyway, art3mis
07:23.17Shiriklook, it lets me do this now!
07:24.42ScytheBlade1"Hay I talked to my girl firend about the insurance thing with yur dog and cant not remember what she said cuz i have way to much on my mind sorry but her number and name is Shirley 762-XXXX."
07:24.47ScytheBlade1....... what?
07:25.02ScytheBlade1First off, I don't know who you are, second, I don't have a dog, third, I have no clue who Shirley is, fourth, what?
07:25.10ScytheBlade1This e-mail was sent directly to me :/
07:26.06ScytheBlade1If I knew...
07:26.14ScytheBlade1From someone at my old workplace, to my old workplace's email
07:27.04purlACTION watches syzgyn pull the trigger:  Click!
07:27.17purlACTION watches scytheblade1 pull the trigger:  Click!
07:27.25SyzgynI've yet to see someone get shot
07:27.34ScytheBlade1Keep doing it.
07:27.36ScytheBlade1Six chambers.
07:27.42purlACTION watches haste pull the trigger:  BANG!
07:27.48hasteit always happens :(
07:27.48ScytheBlade1There you go.
07:27.53Syzgynpoor haste
07:28.31hastewonder how many hits I get if I try to grep my old ace log
07:30.41Syzgynnight guys
07:38.00ScytheBlade1hehe. 1116 pieces of spam in my junk folder.
07:38.03ScytheBlade1Anyone need some..?
07:39.38Nechckn_BetaNowHere I thought you were trying to start an updated version of 100 Bottles of Beer
07:40.21ScytheBlade1Nah :)
07:40.52ScytheBlade1I did however, just delete 2200 faxes in .pdf form
07:40.55Nechckn_BetaNow1116 pieces of spam in my junk folder, 1116 pieces of spam.  You download one, you forward along, 1115 pieces of spam...
07:41.11ScytheBlade1That has possibility
07:41.15ScytheBlade1Almost too much possibility
07:41.29Nechckn_BetaNowI thought so anyway... but I'm crazy
07:41.55ScytheBlade1If you're not crazy, I'm going you once, kindly, to leave
07:50.20*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Dinesh)
07:55.35ScytheBlade1And that, is why you update your system more often
08:02.57|pez|I should back up my laptop before it goes... BOOM!
08:03.11|pez|and I was totally scrolled up... -__-
08:10.29*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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08:16.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn|Away (n=nnjbcc@
08:17.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
08:22.01wereHamsterScytheBlade1, with that many spam messages you can train your spam filter :)
08:24.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
08:40.25|pez|Well that's interesting.
08:40.48|pez|Just read a article about a mayor in the US who's been asked to resign... because of pictures taken for a fitnesscontest.
08:41.05|pez|Which happened to be done before she ever ran as mayor.
08:41.47Corrodiasasked by some twit
08:41.57|pez|And people are saying she's a bad rolemodel, because she allowed herself to be taken pictures off in her underwear...
08:42.02Corrodiasand only "asked" without any true authority behind it
08:42.40|pez|I see this person, not knowing much about her really, as a good rolemodel, it shows that you can get places in life, and actually keep fit at the same time. :P
08:42.53|pez|not just "augh, tired" and sit on your ass when you get home from work.
08:42.59Corrodiasyou don't have to be an ugly old man to have a position of power
08:43.27*** join/#wowi-lounge NM|Xinhuan|Guru (i=xinhuan@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/xinhuan)
08:43.57Corrodiaswell, anyway, it's long past time for me to sleep. 'ni
08:50.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
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09:01.19*** join/#wowi-lounge fromatz (
09:01.45batrickShirik: what instrument do you play
09:01.56batrickno shit
09:02.05batrickviolin here :)
09:02.10Shirikplayed it for about... 10 years almost
09:02.39batrickfavorite composer?
09:02.53hastecello is the most awesome instrument ever
09:03.00hasteand you better answer edward elgar to that question!
09:03.17Shirikbatrick: Vivaldi most likely
09:03.24ShirikI never really thought about it
09:03.37Shirikno I take that back
09:03.37batrickI suppose because your a celloist
09:03.40Shirikno, yeah Vivaldi
09:03.44batrickclose enough to who is the best tho
09:03.51Shirikhe had some really cool cello solos/duets
09:03.51hastewatch that one
09:03.53batrick(J.S. Bach is best)
09:04.00ShirikJS Bach is good too
09:04.12batrickand if you don't think so you need to listen to Fugue in D minor
09:04.21batrickthe best piece of music ever written
09:04.48ShirikI love this song praeludium and allegro
09:04.51ShirikI'm trying ot remember who wrote it
09:04.54Shirikit's a violin soli
09:05.35Shirikhere we go
09:05.41ShirikThough I think he's completely playing that wrong
09:05.46Shirikit should be played a LOT slower at the beginning
09:06.21ShirikMuch better:
09:06.40Shiriksounds even better with an orchestra behind it :)
09:07.13ShirikShe ended it?
09:07.21Shiriklol she started over
09:08.21batricki used to play that
09:08.28batrickthe third movement is really good
09:09.10batrickthey actually use a harpsichord
09:09.12Shirikwho put scorpid sting on me
09:09.16Shiriksorry I'm in AV ><
09:09.36*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
09:10.04fromatzeh, DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Hello World!") wont work in my addon
09:10.23batrickclearly you're doing something wrong then
09:10.39fromatzeverything else works though... hooking problem?
09:11.43batrickpretty sure you can't hook AddMessage although I could be wrong
09:11.52batrickdoes blizz let you access that metatable?
09:11.54fromatzhmmm im stumped then
09:12.25ShirikYou can hook it
09:12.31batrickif getmetatable(DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME) returns a table then it can be hooked :P
09:12.47Shirikdon't do that, just do DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME.AddMessage = ...
09:13.02nevcairielbatrick: you basically hook ChatFrame1:AddMessage up to ChatFrame8:AddMessage :P
09:13.03batricko right,... duh
09:13.39fromatzany good places i can read about hooking besides wow wiki?
09:13.45batricki forgot all frames have table wrappers :)
09:13.54batrickfromatz: there's not much to read
09:13.58batrickconcept is pretty simple
09:14.26batrickdo local r = realfunction; function funcname(...) --[[ do stuff]] return r(...) end
09:14.41*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
09:14.41*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
09:15.01batrickto be well behaved you need to return _all_ the args you were passed to the real function
09:16.02fromatzis there a common diagnosis for something not being hooked properly?
09:16.21batrickthat piece is amazing
09:16.30Shirikno, you know what's amazing?
09:16.38Shirikoh yeah I know that song
09:16.46Shirikwhatever you want to clal it
09:16.47batrickI've played it, it's great
09:16.48Shirikit's 4am
09:17.13ShirikI've played that
09:17.14Shirikthat's fun
09:19.19foxlitxpantivirus popups on wowhead?
09:20.13ThraeNew Official Nvidia Drivers released -- version 174.16. Nvidia's version only installs on Series 9 chipsets. TweakForce has their version tweaked for best performance and to install for 6,7,8, and 9 chipsets:
09:20.17foxlitAnd the annoying thing is that they actually manage to mess with safari Chrome
09:20.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ncd|Aileen (n=Dave^@
09:21.57Shirikadmit it batrick
09:22.02Shirikthat piece is awesome
09:22.12batrickI'm still listening :P
09:22.16batrickbut ya I like vivaldi
09:22.20batrickI like bach more tho :P
09:22.43batrickbach had polyphonic music down
09:23.15Shirika lot of times, I think there's just way too much going on in bach's pieces
09:23.18Shirikthey're still really good
09:23.22Shirikjust a lot going on
09:23.28batrickpolyphonic :)
09:23.32ShirikI know
09:23.41Shirikand I'm saying it's too much :P
09:23.41batrickI can listen to fugue for hours (literally) and never tire of it
09:25.06Shirikwe never really did get movement 3 right
09:25.11ShirikNow that I'm listening to this again
09:25.13Shirikthey did it pretty well
09:25.46ShirikConductor whacked me with the baton during the performance too :(
09:25.55ShirikBecause I screwed up the part that he told me I was going to screw up
09:26.02Shirikhe was like that :P
09:26.11ShirikOur orchestra was awesome, and he was the coolest guy ever
09:26.28Shirikwe played power stone for the rest of the week after a performance during class
09:28.34Shirikwtf is druid of the grove?
09:29.36foxlitThere, now I just have to figure out how that got there
09:30.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
09:30.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
09:30.41Wobin_<3 Polyphony
09:30.50Kalrothfoxlit ><
09:31.31Wobin_we're doing Bach's St John Passion
09:31.37foxlitProblem is, they only serve me with the jewelry ad :(
09:31.42Wobin_So. Much. Fun =)
09:31.51Shirikwait, which bach?
09:32.12Shirikyou know what, let's take a step back
09:32.17Shirikwhich JS ><
09:32.23ShirikTHE J.S. or Johann Sebastian?
09:32.41batrickthere is only one :P
09:32.47Shirikthere's two
09:33.08batrickE Power Biggs is fucking amazing
09:33.17batrickbest organist of the 20th century imo
09:33.23Wobin_What a great name
09:33.45ShirikI do have to admit batrick
09:33.56batrickShirik: what are the two JS's that you speak of
09:34.00Wobin_my reference is to Johannes Sebastian
09:34.01batrickI know only one off the top of my head
09:34.01Shiriktoccata & fugue is a crazy good piece
09:34.12batrickif there's another I've relegated it to worthless info in my brain
09:34.33Shirikbatrick: I know of another one, but I have only ever heard of him by the name "J.S." But I KNOW it's not Johann Sebastian
09:34.44batrick1685-1750 JS BACH
09:34.46batrickthat one!!!
09:35.08batrickJohann Sebastian Bach IS JS Bach
09:35.15ShirikI disagree
09:35.23ShirikI shall prove you wrong at a later date
09:35.36batrickuh ok
09:36.28Wobin_I've only ever known the one JS Bach =P
09:38.12*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
09:38.37ShirikYES! I found it!
09:38.44ShirikI once tried to make a MIDI of this. Didn't come out very well:
09:38.46*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (n=jnwhiteh@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
09:38.47*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
09:39.59|pez|if I played a instrument, and got a paper like that, I'd scream and run the other way.
09:40.09Wobin_"Have a nice day"
09:40.15Wobin_"Release the penguins!"
09:40.30ShirikI especially like the optional shoe horn
09:40.32*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
09:40.32*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v ckknight] by ChanServ
09:40.40|pez|"remove cattle from stage"
09:40.50Shirik7 what?
09:40.53Wobin_hemi-demi-semi... need four more levels =P
09:40.59Shirikoh haha
09:40.59krkaShirik: which other J S is there?
09:41.06krkathis page doesn't list any other, but one J C
09:41.08Wobin_krka: I just pasted that above
09:41.10Shirikkrka, we've already been over this
09:41.14ShirikI will get to the bottom of it
09:41.19Shirikjust give me time
09:41.28krkaoh sorry Wobin_
09:41.35Shirikoh yeah, and Wobin_, most important part is not even in the music
09:41.44ShirikIt is in the composer info
09:42.00Wobin_Arranged by accident =)
09:42.31ShirikAnyway, yeah, I tried to make a midi out of this
09:42.39Shirikbut I gave up when I realized my composer won't let me do triple flats
09:42.59Shiriklua> 2^16
09:42.59lua_botShirik: 65536
09:43.15Shirikor sixty-five-thousand-five-hundred-thirty-sixth notes
09:43.28Wobin_what sort of shoddy composer doesn't allow that? =P
09:44.14Wobin_why are there no good recordings of St John Passion on youtube?
09:44.27|pez|mm, cold bacon
09:44.31foxlitoh fs
09:44.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin_ (
09:44.45foxlitaddynamix actually does some logic on which ads they serve :(
09:45.07foxlitso poking them from the same place is hopeless
09:45.20batrick"Gong Duet"
09:45.23batrickthey have those?
09:45.24Wobin_seeing the Passion in spanish is fantastic
09:45.45foxlit|pez|: I want to track down who served a particular ad
09:46.00Wobin_"Que cargo presentias contra este hombre?"
09:46.21Wobin_"Si non fuere non criminal!"
09:46.21batrickShirik: that piece of music is rediculous
09:47.22Maldiviahmm... my Spanish is very rusty... something about charges against humanity?
09:47.46Wobin_Why do you bring this man before me?
09:47.59Wobin_"If he were not a criminal we would not have"
09:48.07Wobin_or something to that effect
09:48.11Wobin_this is just subtitles =)
09:48.25Maldiviawell, that what you get for one year of spanish lessons, over 10 years ago :)
09:48.36Maldiviacan't remember shit apparently :)
09:48.58Wobin_Although I admit
09:49.02Wobin_singing in German is great
09:49.15Shirikdu hast
09:49.18Wobin_"Ware dieser nicht ein Ubeltater!"
09:49.25Wobin_Such a great word
09:49.27MaldiviaI was just waiting for someone to start Ramstein :9
09:50.04*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
09:52.47Wobin_(complete change in topic)
09:55.59batrickShirik: chess?
09:56.04Shirikdo it
09:56.05batricki r bored
09:56.12Shirikgive me a second
09:56.17Shirikyou're going to be white this time huh? :(
09:56.31batrickdoesn't rly matter
09:57.37Shirik1. e4; e5
09:59.57foxlitAbout ~7 hops across different domains just to get back to fastclick :/
09:59.59Shirikdoesn't usually take 2 minutes for an opening move ><
10:00.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Baldor (
10:00.37foxlitwhich bounces off another domain back to itself
10:01.45batrickdamn it
10:01.47foxlit if only that viewed source :(
10:02.04batrickI forgot which spot was ruy lopez for bishop
10:02.08batricki'm off by one diagonal
10:02.29batricko well
10:03.05ShirikI was wondering what that was
10:03.08Shirikit's kinda atypical :P
10:05.00batrickman and u said i took my time!
10:05.05Shirikyeah well
10:05.05batrick5 minutes!
10:05.07ShirikI have a little problem here
10:05.18ShirikAnd I'm weighing the consequences of it
10:05.48batrickcheckmate in 22
10:05.49*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
10:06.17Shirikyeah ok
10:07.11Shirikdo it
10:07.12ShirikI dare you
10:07.48batricke3 huh?
10:07.58batrickyou got your shit mixed up again
10:07.59ShirikI mean f
10:08.00|pez|This is the strangest invoice I've gotten ever.
10:08.12Shirikf6 ><
10:08.12batrickso f6?
10:08.15ShirikThis is why I hate black ><
10:08.21|pez|ah, jeez, are you guys playing chess again? :P
10:09.45Shirikdo it batrick
10:09.47ShirikI know you want to
10:09.51Shirikyou're eyeing it like a hawk
10:09.59Shirikyou see your prey
10:10.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Lukian (i=wizard@
10:10.22|pez|When you haven't paid a invoice... and get a reminder of it with some extra charges... what's that called?
10:10.33batrickgetting fucked.
10:11.01Shirikkimi ga kawareba, sekai mo kawaru
10:11.30|pez|Anyway, I got one of those, and they've magically managed to nullify the amount I owe... and just have the extra charges as the total...
10:11.42|pez|so I'm sitting here thinking... wtf.
10:11.51|pez|I'm gonna pay this, and hope it automagically goes away.
10:11.59|pez|atleast until I get money to pay the real amount. -___
10:12.00ShirikThat's kinda like that one time I got a late notice from Brighthouse which then said I owed $80
10:12.00batrickdon't do it
10:12.05Shirikinstead of $40
10:12.08batrickabuse your power as a consumer
10:12.19ShirikSo then I paid the $80 and the next bill said $-40
10:12.25batrickcall them and demand to know why you, a long time customer, are being forced to pay charges
10:12.26Shirikthey should pay ME interest!
10:12.29batrickthen speak to the manager
10:12.33Shirik~lart batrick
10:12.33purlputs batrick into a headlock and administers a mighty noogie, rubbing half of batrick's hair of
10:12.37batrickyou'll win in the end
10:12.53|pez|batrick: this would alert them to the fact that... oh, hey, we forgot to add the actuall amount she owes ;P
10:14.18|pez|So I'd rather just pay the thing, and hope for them to realize this later, when I'm able to pay the amount I do owe.
10:16.03cncfanaticshello all
10:16.08*** part/#wowi-lounge Baldor (
10:17.14Tem|AFKoh are you guys playin chess again?
10:17.30nevcairielyes they are
10:17.39Tem|AFKQxh5 imo
10:19.28nevcairieli bet Shirik has soem clone of deep blue playing against batrick there
10:19.46Shirikdeep blue wouldn't take this long hopefully
10:20.07nevcairielyou add latency to make it "real" :p
10:21.54ShirikI played through that scenario several times in my head
10:21.59ShirikI'm not sure what I missed that convinced you to do it
10:22.00batricko damn it
10:22.04batricko wait
10:22.05batrickno i'm ok
10:23.17Shirikoh wow
10:23.21ShirikI thought you had a mate for a second
10:23.22Shirikthat was scary
10:25.36*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
10:25.36*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v ckknight_] by ChanServ
10:25.44Shiriker sorry
10:26.58ShirikI suggest you try to get yourself out of the hole before you start digging new ones for me ><
10:27.02Shirikbut I'm a passive player
10:27.04Shiriktake that as it is
10:27.21nevcairieloffense is the best defense
10:27.33ShirikI hate that philosophy
10:27.33nevcairielspecially against passive players :P
10:28.26Shirikthis could be interesting
10:28.31Shirikyou wanted aggresive, nevcairiel, you got it.
10:28.50nevcairieli'll take your word for it .. :P
10:29.21Shirikthat's ugly
10:30.28Shirikbatrick, I know you're not stupid
10:30.31Shirikwtf am I missing here
10:31.01Shirikoh well
10:32.53Shirikthere you go nevcairiel
10:32.56Shirikthe move I was referring to earlier
10:38.10ShirikI like how my pawn structure is nonexistent
10:38.59batrickpurl: say --> your_move()
10:39.00purl--> your_move()
10:39.00batbotpurl: > e4
10:39.01purlit has been said that e4 is 1.7e4
10:39.01batbotpurl: say --> my_move('f6')
10:39.02purl--> my_move('f6')
10:39.02batbotpurl: > d4
10:39.03batbotpurl: say --> my_move('g5')
10:39.04purl--> my_move('g5')
10:39.04batbotpurl: > Bh5++
10:44.27batrickO well
10:44.45batrickat least batbot checkmated purl~
10:46.11batrickc'mon shirik!
10:47.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (n=elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
10:51.14batrickI sense lord vader is in danger
10:51.46Tem|AFKI find your lack of faith disturbing
10:54.56Shirikwhat a mess
10:55.03*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
10:57.59Shirikthis should be interesting
10:58.08Shirikbatrick, you're probably about to see how much I suck at endgame
10:58.44Maldiviaendgame... that's when you die, right? :)
11:01.13Shiriklike I said
11:02.37Shirikoh well
11:02.40Shirikhere goes nothing
11:03.02batrickthe hell
11:07.20Shiriknot even close
11:07.34Shirikthere we go
11:08.36*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
11:08.36*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v ckknight] by ChanServ
11:09.09ShirikI think mate in 2
11:11.11batrickcrazy offense award goes 2 me tho
11:11.16cladhaireShirik: what doesn't my bot support?
11:11.19cladhaireI wasn't on, but got the ping :P
11:11.41ShirikKh1, Nf3++
11:11.43Shirikgg batrick
11:11.46Shirikand yes, it does ><
11:11.59Shirikmm, cladhaire, did I ping you?
11:12.01Shirikwhen was this?
11:12.18cladhairelast 24 hours
11:12.24cladhairejust talking about something the bot doesn't support
11:12.25*** join/#wowi-lounge ncd|Aileen (n=Dave^@
11:12.42Shirik(17:46:30) (Shirik) math.mod is deprecated
11:12.42Shirik(17:46:37) (Shirik) and not supported on clad|office's bot
11:12.52cladhaireah okay
11:12.53cladhairethanks :P
11:13.15Shirikbatrick you had me scared for a while
11:13.33Shirikyou moved that rook to threaten the bishop and knight and I'm like "oh shit"
11:13.47Shirikand then you took the bishop and I was like "Oh yeah, that's why I didn't want to do that
11:14.12Shiriknevcairiel, you were right!
11:14.17Shirikbeing aggressive wins
11:14.22batrickI believe I had something but I didn't want to spend long looking at it
11:14.51Shirikyou made a big mistake early on batrick
11:15.07Shirikgg though
11:16.09batrickmy mistake was assuming I could get my knight back with material and favorable position
11:16.29batrickbut in my haste I missed the simple Ng6 (for either knight)
11:16.50batricko well fun game
11:17.14Shirikso it's 1-1 now
11:17.22batrickcladhaire: what did you mean earlier about batbot?
11:17.23Shiriktune in next time to the battle of the computer engineers
11:17.33batrickI don't find not outputting anything when there's nothing to output fine
11:17.50cladhaireIt seems confusing to me
11:17.53cladhaireif you give the bot a comand
11:17.58cladhaireand get no response
11:17.59cladhairelua> f = 1
11:17.59lua_botcladhaire: No output
11:18.07cladhaireits more responsive
11:18.09batrickya I know luabot does that
11:18.13cladhairejust was mentioning that
11:18.17batrickfrom my pov I find that distasteful :)
11:18.25cladhaireWell, it's confusing
11:18.29cladhaireit seemed like the bot was ignoring me
11:18.36cladhaireto each his own
11:18.38batrickkinda like the bash (and most shells) design choice to not say anything if there is nothing to say :)
11:18.43Shirik--> foo = 1;
11:18.58Shirik--> function f() foo = foo + 1; return foo end
11:18.59cladhaireyou get a prompt back
11:19.01cladhaireso yes, it does respond
11:19.09Shirik--> foo()
11:19.09batbotShirik: @ [string "return  foo()"]:1: attempt to call global 'foo' (a number value)
11:19.16batrickwell that's digging a little deep into what I mean there but sure
11:19.16Shirik--> f()
11:19.16batbotShirik: > 2
11:19.21Shirik--> return foo
11:19.22batbotShirik: > 2
11:19.26cladhairethe point is
11:19.27Shirikbatrick: How did you handle that?
11:19.27cladhairewhen you type a command
11:19.34cladhaireyou want a response
11:19.42Shiriklua> foo = 1; function f() foo = foo + 1; end
11:19.42lua_botShirik: No output
11:19.47Shiriklua> f();
11:19.48lua_botShirik: luabot:1: attempt to call global 'f' (a nil value)
11:19.56Shirikaw boo, no persistence yet? :(
11:20.05batrickShirik: huh?
11:20.13Shirik--> foo = 1; function f() foo = foo + 1; end
11:20.19Shirik--> f()
11:20.22batrickcladhaire: I wrote up a serialization system if you want to see it
11:20.22Shirik--> print(foo)
11:20.22batbotShirik: 2
11:20.30Shirikdon't you run it twice?
11:20.32batrickit's quite nice imo and lets you keep the global environment entact
11:20.43Shirikonce normally, then once prepended with "return" ?
11:24.43cladhairedoes this use your altered core?
11:24.47batrickit handles upvalues, and sharing them (using those functions i posted on lua-l
11:24.53batrickyou can remove those very easily
11:24.59batrickit's a small section
11:26.12batrickyou use this: serialize.dump(_G, "_G", somefilehandle, 1000)
11:26.29batrick1000 being the max number of serialized values allowed
11:26.33batricke.g. strings or functions
11:26.51Shirik--> string.dump(debug.getlocal)
11:27.37batrickthe really important thing is not replacing _G with a new table but using the current one
11:27.58batrickI was thinking about a very interesting design you could use as well
11:28.12batrickyou could put a "pre-serialized" _G at the end of the function
11:28.16batrickfile* not function
11:29.09batrickactually, nvm
11:34.15batrickeasy :)
11:34.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Drool (
11:35.52batrickIt's faster than DataDumper (which was a rather large concern for me) and is a lot smaller :)
11:38.06Shirik--> f = setmetatable({}, {__protected = true}); return debug.getmetatable(f)
11:38.06batbotShirik: @ cannot access protected metatable
11:38.22ShirikI inverse hacked batbot
11:38.34ShirikIn soviet russia, batbot breaks you!
11:40.55*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
11:46.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Baldor (
11:47.22wereHamsterdoes batbot have any tables that are currently protected?
11:47.34Shirikbatbot has ... a lot of tables protected
11:48.02*** join/#wowi-lounge soufron (
11:48.17batrick--> val and {}
11:48.17batbotbatrick: > nil
11:48.32Shirikwell that's awesome
11:48.35Shirikhow did you manage that one?
11:52.59batrick--> t = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t,k) print(t,k) return nil end})
11:53.02batrick--> t[nil]
11:53.02batbotbatrick: > nil
11:53.02batbotbatrick: table: 0x80d8c60  nil
11:53.33nevcairielwhats so amazing about that now?
11:54.26Kalroth--> t[t[nil]]
11:54.26batbotKalroth: > nil
11:54.26batbotKalroth: table: 0x80d8c60  niltable: 0x80d8c60  nil
11:55.28batrickcladhaire: I had to fix a tiny bug in it you should download the mod version again :P
11:55.39*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
11:55.39*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v ckknight_] by ChanServ
11:56.23batrickanyways i'm going to sleep
11:56.30batricklet me knokw if you end up using it clad
12:01.34*** join/#wowi-lounge icemoon (n=wolftank@
12:20.37*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
12:24.58Shirikoh I'm close
12:25.00ShirikI'm very close
12:25.38Fisker-i'm close to you too
12:27.24*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
12:30.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Slackwise (
12:30.27[dRaCo]"Jumping onto an elevator can cause disconnection, crashes or falling through the world."
12:31.15ShirikI broke batbot
12:31.21Shirikunfortunately, before I could do something really evil
12:31.28ShirikI broke it enough that I can't do it anymore :(
12:31.38JoshBorkegj :-)
12:31.52Shirikbatbot: setfenv(1, {})
12:31.57Shirik--> setfenv(1, {})
12:31.57batbotShirik: @ ./sandbox.lua:322: attempt to call global 'type' (a nil value)
12:32.49Shirik--> printf("Test")
12:32.49batbotShirik: > Test
12:32.49batbotShirik: Test
12:34.00Kalroth--> print(nil)
12:34.00batbotKalroth: nil
12:34.08Kalroth--> print(t[nil])
12:34.09batbotKalroth: @ [string "return  print(t[nil])"]:1: attempt to index global 't' (a nil value)
12:34.14ShirikI can't even fix it
12:34.18Shirik(batbot) Shirik: @ cannot change secure functions environment
12:34.18KalrothHow can that be an error!
12:34.28Shirikbecause t is nil?
12:34.30Shirikwhich it is?
12:34.38Kalrothwell duh, I said it should be nil!
12:35.03Kalroth--> print(nil*inf)
12:35.03batbotKalroth: @ [string "return  print(nil*inf)"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value
12:35.16Kalroth--> print(inf/o)
12:35.16batbotKalroth: @ [string "return  print(inf/o)"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'inf' (a nil value)
12:35.25Kalroth--> print(0/0)
12:35.25batbotKalroth: nan
12:35.41MaldiviaNot A Number :)
12:35.46KalrothI know ;)
12:36.02Kalroth--> print(0/8e234)
12:36.02batbotKalroth: 0
12:36.07Maldivia--> print("ba", 0/0, "a")
12:36.07batbotMaldivia: ba  nan  a
12:36.59Kalroth--> print(0/0,"ers!")
12:36.59batbotKalroth: nan  ers!
12:37.07Kalrothaw, dual space
12:37.13Kalroth--> print((0/0).."ers!")
12:37.13batbotKalroth: naners!
12:37.54Maldivia--> print(2 * 1.#INF)
12:37.54batbotMaldivia: @ [string " print(2 * 1.#INF)"]:1: ')' expected near '#'
12:38.28Maldivia--> math.huge
12:38.28batbotMaldivia: > inf
12:38.55Maldivia--> print(not math.huge == math.small) -- :)
12:38.55batbotMaldivia: false
12:40.12Kalroth--> print((math.huge).."o: ba"..(0/0).."nas are good!")
12:40.12batbotKalroth: info: banannas are good!
12:40.39*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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12:40.46Maldivia--> print(-math.huge)
12:40.46batbotMaldivia: -inf
12:40.57Fisker---> print("cocksucker")
12:40.58batbotFisker-: cocksucker
12:41.22Fisker-i wonder if it has filesystem access :P
12:41.45lua_botDo you think he'd really be that stupid?
12:42.03Tem|AFKFisker-, that's such an obvious hole that he has surely protected against it
12:42.03Fisker-But one can always hope
12:42.09[dRaCo]oh noes, it's the bots taking over
12:42.13nevcairielclad is talking through his bot again?
12:42.18lua_botHope to cause someone problems.. that seems rather mean
12:42.21Tem|AFKget `im lua_bot
12:42.32lua_bot--> print("heyas")
12:42.32batbotlua_bot: heyas
12:42.38Kalroth--> print("Lua is s"..(math.huge).."ul and contains a lot of hoote"..(0/0).."nies!")
12:42.38batbotKalroth: Lua is sinful and contains a lot of hootenannies!
12:42.48Maldivia--> print(string.format("%x", 195936478))
12:42.48batbotMaldivia: badc0de
12:43.16Kalroth--> print(string.format("%x", -559038737))
12:43.16batbotKalroth: deadbeef
12:44.17Maldivia--> print(string.format("Naah, more like: %x", 3735929054))
12:44.18batbotMaldivia: Naah, more like: deadc0de
12:45.05Kalroth--> print(string.format("Nevcairiel is a %x", -889275714))
12:45.05batbotKalroth: Nevcairiel is a cafebabe
12:45.48Maldiviago Java :)
12:46.36Kalroth--> print(string.format("Free porn at!", 2766))
12:46.36batbotKalroth: Free porn at!
12:47.33Wobin_now you're just abusing it =P
12:47.35Tem|AFKzomg where?
12:48.04Kalroth--> print(string.format("Tem listens to %x!! (last one, I promise)", 43962))
12:48.04batbotKalroth: Tem listens to abba!! (last one, I promise)
12:48.27[dRaCo]Daaaaaaaaaaancing Queen, young and sweet...
12:48.45Maldivia--> print(string.format("Yeah, stop before we all go %xnuts", 49344))
12:48.45batbotMaldivia: Yeah, stop before we all go c0c0nuts
12:50.11Kalroth--> print(string.format("This bot is being %x, please evacuate the channel! (I lied)", 233811181))
12:50.11batbotKalroth: This bot is being defaced, please evacuate the channel! (I lied)
12:51.06Tem|AFKby fire be purged imo
12:51.28Kalroth o rly?
12:52.17Kalroth ;D
12:55.48Kalroth useful information
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13:32.43Fisker-Good idea: Update your drivers
13:33.04Fisker-Bad idea: Disregard intended platforms and get stuck when it pulls the plug on the NIC
13:33.31Fisker-Btw anyone have an Asus P5K series? :P
13:34.10Fisker-My motherboard shuts off when i save settings
13:34.12Fisker-instead of just rebooting
13:34.15Fisker-seems kind of odd
13:34.31Esinewell did it save the settings?
13:34.34Esinebios settings I assume
13:34.37Esineor cmos
13:34.39Fisker-that's why it's odd
13:34.44Esinewell then there's no problem right?
13:34.56Fisker-Well it would be good to know if it was intended to do that :P
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13:35.04Fisker-especially since i just updated the bios
13:35.30EsineFisker-, google
13:35.42Fisker-google isn't my friend
13:35.46Fisker-i broke up with it
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13:50.31ShirikIt took me forever, but
13:50.35Shirik--> getmetatable(_G)
13:50.35batbotShirik: > Shirik wins.
13:53.32Shirikand now the finishing touch.
13:54.09Kalroth--> print(_G[])
13:54.09batbotKalroth: @ [string " print(_G[])"]:1: unexpected symbol near ']'
13:54.13Kalroth--> print(_G)
13:54.13batbotKalroth: table: 0x8092828
13:54.25Shirikdon't make me lock it again :P
13:54.29ShirikI'm trying to finish up here
13:54.39ShirikHey, batrick challenged me
13:54.42Shirikyou know what he said?
13:54.52[Ammo]make it spew his /etc/passwd :p
13:54.53Shirik(07:04:17) (batrick) Shirik: if you break batbot i'll give you something shiny
13:54.59ShirikI need that shiny.
13:55.09Shirikgranted it took me 2 hours
13:55.11ShirikBUT I DON'T CARE
13:56.24Shirikbye bye batbot
13:56.35Kalrothpoor batrick
13:57.04Shirikhey, he challenged me, and I warned him I saw something suspicious and that he could fix it.
13:57.12ShirikHis response was that he was "99.9999% sure it was ok"
13:57.18Shirikand that he didn't think I could do it
13:57.20ShirikI can't tolerate that.
13:58.11ShirikThough I have to admit, it is not what I thought it was originally
13:58.20Shirikbut it stemmed from a similar problem
13:58.35*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Dinesh)
13:59.21Shirik[Ammo] I wish I could
13:59.29Shirikbut he correctly nilled out inappropriate functions
13:59.36Shirikactually I don't wish I could; I wouldn't anyway
13:59.54Shirikbut I would have done something similarly evil if I could have (like maybe create 1000 files on his computer; something non-destructive)
14:00.47[Ammo]new login welcome message :)
14:00.53ShirikInstead, to make the bot quit, I remembered an old bug that he patched temporarily while waiting for the real fix, and went in and undid his patch
14:00.55Shirikwelcome message?
14:01.06[Ammo]assuming it runs on a unix box
14:01.14[Ammo]you can give him a new welcome message when he ssh's to the box :)
14:01.23[Ammo]big fat PWNED
14:01.23Shirikno os.execute() :(
14:01.42ShirikI basically only have access to the functions that you have normal access to
14:01.49ShirikBut HOW I can access them is slightly different
14:02.11Shirikpcall is the important one -- normally he has pcall doing some checks. I.... modified his check slightly.
14:02.19ShirikInstead of only allowing 10 recursive pcalls, it allowed 10 thousand
14:02.26Shirikwhich didn't go so well
14:02.35[Ammo]so now it left
14:02.43Shirikyeah to go get drunk
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14:08.49[dRaCo]hey captain capslock
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14:48.20nevcairielShirik: 64kb of ram required for a java application? hava alone uses 5mb =P
14:48.56wereHamstersee, and I thoughd 640k was enough...
14:50.41Wobin_Shirik: does the WoWI UIM require premium membership?
14:53.00cladhaireWobin_: no
14:53.05cladhairejust a user account
14:53.54Wobin_ah, the login box might need to be rephrased to indicate such
14:54.16cladhairehehe :P
14:54.23cladhaireindeed that would be good
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15:30.35cladhairedo you have the cookie, or the coffee?
15:33.38LopeppeppyI can't have coffee, zenzelezz, and I just ate the last cookie for breakfast.
15:35.04LopeppeppyYou said you already had both, anyway.
15:36.14zenzelezzwhat's Gamefly?
15:36.32|pez|kinda like netflix, only with games.
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15:37.00foxlitHm, I wonder
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15:38.00|pez|zenzelezz: there's but it doesn't seem awesome enough.
15:42.46Maldiviaanyone looked at the combatlog while being mind controlled?
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15:50.34|pez|It's really a shame that one can't put tracking on letters without paying a shitload of money for it.
15:51.01zenzelezzyou try running a postal service and you'll see why
15:51.14zenzelezzespecially when the freaking privatized it so it's all about profits
15:51.34|pez|it is also a quite serious flaw... that there is nothing to register when something goes OUT of a postoffice.
15:51.49|pez|(except when people pick their stuff up)
15:51.52zenzelezzI'll repeat, try doing it yourself
15:51.55|pez|but nothing from one post-office to another.
15:52.20zenzelezzthey are required to deliver normal letters within a short period of time, that alone rules out such tracking
15:52.32zenzelezzthen there's additional cost for the machinery and support structure
15:52.42|pez|I'm talking packages now really, they're registered when they get in to a post-office, but not when they go out from one post-office, to go to another one.
15:53.04zenzelezzthen you're wrong; they get registered every step of the way
15:53.31zenzelezz(either that or you're using ambiguous terms for what you mean)
15:53.45|pez|(i suck at english, and explaining)
15:53.54|pez|(But I might also be wrong)
15:54.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
15:54.27ScytheBlade1232/338 packages updated
15:54.41zenzelezz"klumpsendinger" don't get registered, but all normal packages do
15:55.14|pez|look at this image -
15:55.24|pez|there's only "arrived" but never "shipped off"
15:56.11zenzelezzso wait, you want them to register *twice* on each intermediate step; at arrival *and* departure?
15:56.42|pez|Yes. How else are you to know if something got lost along the way?
15:56.45zenzelezzif they're not intended for a certain office/terminal they just get put right in the queue after being registered as arrived
15:56.52zenzelezzit's simple
15:57.12|pez|but it is a flaw, since errors do happen.
15:57.19zenzelezzit's not a flaw
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15:57.43zenzelezzyou need to really understand the system before you can make such accusations :-p
15:58.14|pez|in my opinion, it is a flaw.
15:58.51|pez|But ok, I don't know the system.
15:59.05zenzelezzmy whole family works in the postal service :-p
15:59.20|pez|I just know I was standing and waiting for the people at the postoffice thing, to actually get a package. Because the people working there had no idea if it was there or not.
16:00.50|pez|They were unsure if it was still there, or if it had continued it's journey.
16:02.25ralfWORKanyone ever heard of this before?
16:02.37zenzelezzlots of times, it's quite famous
16:02.49sacarascif you're under 10, it's ok if you haven't ;p
16:02.54ralfWORKfirst time I've ever heard of it :(
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16:03.21ralfWORKI didn't go to school
16:03.29ralfWORKwas raised by wolves
16:03.31ralfWORKI mean hippies
16:03.33zenzelezzI did, it didn't help
16:04.31ralfWORKapparently you knew about the tungusta blast!
16:04.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
16:04.44|pez|I didn't-
16:04.58ralfWORKok I feel a little better now :)
16:05.01sacarascyou didn't go to school or watch the X Files?
16:05.14ralfWORKI did watch some X-files
16:05.16|pez|I did go to school, but I sat in a corner and drew instead.
16:05.21|pez|x-files scared me.
16:05.31ralfWORKX-files rocked hard
16:05.37KeiasI loved that show.
16:05.46|Jelly|Someone dropped a table in WSG. Wow.;
16:05.55ralfWORKmmm... skully
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16:21.48ralfWORKeww.... she's not looking so hot anymore
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16:28.21deltronwut ralfWORK
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16:43.31Shirikguy from AT&T just got here
16:43.39ScytheBlade1HIDE THE TORRENTS
16:43.42ScytheBlade1HIIIIIIIDE THEM
16:43.52Shirikso he plugs this thing in and he's like "hm, that's not good"
16:44.01Shirikthat's not what you want to hear
16:44.05ScytheBlade1Not usually
16:44.12ShirikThough I guess it means he can reproduce the problem
16:44.23Shirikwhich is the first step!
16:44.26break19Shirik: "the problem" being?
16:44.40Shirikno dialtone basically
16:44.50ScytheBlade1Pfft, landlines
16:44.54Shirikwhen I call my house, the caller ID says "error" but I can't pick up or anything
16:44.58ShirikScytheBlade1: I just got it.
16:45.01ScytheBlade1lol, that's hot
16:45.35break19cell phones are an expensive extravagance.
16:45.52ScytheBlade1The day I do that (digital phone service from a cable company) is the day I /wrists and jump off a bridge
16:46.08break19ScytheBlade1: we love ours.
16:46.21ScytheBlade1But, that's probably because I'm on comcast, and don't trust them as far as I can throw them
16:46.46ScytheBlade1Which, considering that they arbitrarily thought about buying Disney some years back, should say things
16:47.12ShirikReally, I just use my cell phone
16:47.17break19wife can call her sisters, halfway across the country, talk all she wants.. and we dont have to share the same "cell provider" to do it..
16:47.36Shirikbut my parents raised a good concern recently when my cell phone was dead that if I ever needed to call 911, etc., and I didn't have my cell phone, there would be a problem
16:47.43ScytheBlade1Yeah, that's why I'm just going to install asterisk on my server. Problem solved.
16:47.53ScytheBlade1Well, not concerning 911
16:48.00ScytheBlade1But cross-country communication
16:49.15*** join/#wowi-lounge TecnoBrat-BN (n=tecnobra@
16:49.17art3misyou're on irc ;P
16:49.43ScytheBlade1"Quick! Someone call 911 for me!"
16:49.44art3misif you could be in a 911 situation and open yer cell push the numbers and talk, you could just say it here if the batts dead
16:49.48art3misheh yup
16:50.12Shirikyes, in an emergency, I'm going to get out of bed, run over to my computer, type in my password, convince someone that I really have an emergency, hope that someone's actually here
16:50.14Shiriketc., etc.,
16:50.20Shirikthen tell them my address
16:50.33ScytheBlade1Well, better pass that info over now then. Better safe than sorry.
16:50.36art3misits not an emergency right now is it ;P
16:50.41break19cell phones = money down the drain
16:50.43art3misso it seems dumb
16:51.07break19i pay half the cost of a standard cell plan from various providers in my area.. and I dont have to worry about minutes.
16:51.12art3misbut having a purely digital line is no better if thers a netoutage, or power outage
16:51.34art3misand from the amount of times you've bitched about yours....
16:51.40break19art3mis: power goes out, the phone router is on a battery backup and stays up
16:51.50break19and I've never bitched about my digital phone..
16:51.58art3misim talking about shirik
16:52.02art3mispay attention ;P
16:52.17art3misbut if the outage drops yer cable connection.....
16:52.29ShirikI don't have a purely digital line
16:52.45Shirikmy phone will work in a power outage unless the phone line is cut
16:52.52Shirikexcept right now of course
16:52.53art3misbesides anyone who doesnt charge thier phone when they're at home sucks ;P
16:52.56break19the phone connection uses a completely separate, redundant connection.. its nearly as reliable as POTS
16:53.32ScytheBlade1break19: to be honest, I view the difference as "just another nine" - but that difference alone means I'd rather trust the POTS
16:53.57break19both my internet and tv have gone out on a couple of occassions, and we used the phone to call em. lol
16:54.09ScytheBlade1Okay that's pretty tricky, I won't lie
16:54.18Shirikin theory
16:54.24TecnoBrat-BNmeh, I don't care so much about 10 min outages
16:54.29TecnoBrat-BNwhat about if there is a disaster
16:54.30Shirikany telephone service is supposed to have five nines reliability
16:54.34TecnoBrat-BNand like the power is out for days
16:54.41break19now.. once we had to reboot the whole router, however, it had to re-connect..
16:54.48Shirikdo people actually follow that? dunno
16:54.51wereHamsterShirik, perhaps we can agree on a safe-word or something you say here and everyone will know that you are in a real emergency
16:55.30TecnoBrat-BNwereHamster: I'm gonna suggest "I had sex with my sister"
16:55.36ScytheBlade1#wowi-lounge on freenode: your real-life backup plan!
16:55.37break19TecnoBrat-BN: the cells will be down too.. trust me.. my area had cable and power, long before my mother-in-law's cell phone starting working again, after katrina
16:55.38TecnoBrat-BNactually, that might not be that safe
16:56.00TecnoBrat-BNbreak19: not talking about cell phones really
16:56.23TecnoBrat-BNnormal land lines vs digital / net phone
16:56.25Shirikyou all fail to realize the truth
16:56.33Shirikthat I killed batbot and now batrick is coming to kill me
16:56.34Shiriksafe m
16:56.42ShirikI need to go back to sleep
16:56.47Shirikdamn at&t guy woke me up
16:56.48TecnoBrat-BNShirik: use your phoe
16:56.50ScytheBlade1It would sure seem so
16:56.52break19there were several cell towers blown apart here.. they only had cell coverage near the county sheriff's dept, for like 3 weeks.
16:56.54TecnoBrat-BNcall the cops
16:57.21ScytheBlade1lol. What the crap.
16:57.49break19and then, it was only verizon's tower that was working.. everyone else was roaming.
16:57.49ScytheBlade1My system update has been failing for months because I refuse to build some x86 sound compat lib with ARTS support. Turns out it was Opera that wanted said compat lib.
16:58.11ShirikOpera needs to die
16:58.12Shirikdo it again
16:58.16ScytheBlade1I did
16:58.21ScytheBlade1`emerge -C opera`
16:58.48ScytheBlade1Just for you
16:59.01Shirikli23-154 mpdelbuono # emerge world
16:59.01ShirikTotal: 0 packages, Size of downloads: 0 kB
16:59.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
16:59.03wereHamsterScytheBlade1, don't forget to wipe ~/.opera ;)
16:59.19TecnoBrat-BNemerge eh? gentoo?
16:59.25ScytheBlade1wereHamster: good point
16:59.29wereHamster<3 gentoo
16:59.43TecnoBrat-BNI haven't used gentoo in years
17:00.01*** join/#wowi-lounge fromatz (
17:00.16TecnoBrat-BNI've got a vista box, ubuntu box, freebsd box, and a osx box
17:00.25break19yum, osx
17:00.37break19true osx? or a hackintosh?
17:00.49ScytheBlade1I'm really debating moving to another distro. But, (1) my /home drive is encrypted, and configuring pre-encrypted drives running reiser4 sucks. Never mind the reiser4 part. (2) My 20.1" LCD requires special Xorg options just for the NV driver, which a distro isn't going to pick up, or know.
17:01.20TecnoBrat-BNits a hackintosh, running 10.5.1 with everything working perfectly
17:01.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
17:01.42break19TecnoBrat-BN: nice, whatcha got?
17:01.47wereHamsterScytheBlade1, why don't you use the nvidia blob?
17:01.54ScytheBlade1wereHamster: I am, it's buggy
17:02.09wereHamsterI've nnever had problems with it
17:02.19break19and have you ever had an issues at all? I want to buy a new desktop system, hate to give up my OS X, and cant afford a mac pro. :)
17:02.20ScytheBlade1Option         "ModeValidation" "NoMaxPClkCheck"
17:02.26ScytheBlade1Go look that option up in the NV driver docs
17:02.29ScytheBlade1You'll wtf
17:02.53TecnoBrat-BNnotebook, core 2 duo 2.0ghz, 2gb ram, 17" lcd, nvidia 8600m GT
17:03.09Shiriknevcairiel: Those requirements were for the application itself
17:03.16ShirikWobin_: As cladhaire said no
17:03.33ShirikIn all honesty, the login box is mostly a legacy item from when it did
17:03.41Shirikand might be removed in 0.3
17:03.42Shiriknot sure yet
17:03.46TecnoBrat-BNbreak19: if you are gonna do that, go look around, your biggest problems are gonna be sound and video
17:04.08TecnoBrat-BNso make sure you get a soundcard / video card that is known to work :)
17:04.23wereHamsterScytheBlade1, there's no wtf-worthy in my docs
17:04.32ScytheBlade1Sec, let me find it
17:06.07*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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17:06.24ScytheBlade1Search for "ModeValidation" - it's the second possible argument listed just below
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17:06.59ScytheBlade1My monitor, when you scan the EDID, produces the correct and valid modes (resolution, pixel clock, DPI, etc)
17:07.05ScytheBlade1But the NV driver outright discards it as invalid
17:07.22wereHamsternv or nvidea?
17:07.34wereHamsterdid you file a bug?
17:07.50ScytheBlade1No, I'm pretty lazy, and this is documented
17:08.00wereHamsterso where's the wtf?
17:08.16ScytheBlade1Because it's bugged :P
17:08.23wereHamsterit's a bug, that's pretty common in software..
17:08.37ScytheBlade1"Found modes for 1680x1050" "Discarding modes for 1680x1050, no valid modes found"
17:08.42ScytheBlade1Or something to that extent
17:13.12break19TecnoBrat-BN: sound n vid huh? i figured my biggest prob would be EFI vs BIOS and convincing the install disc that it is, indeed a mac..
17:14.16TecnoBrat-BNbreak19: there is dvds you can get so that wont be an issue
17:14.21*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
17:14.27TecnoBrat-BNEFI, I found the easiest way is to install grub
17:14.32TecnoBrat-BNand use grub to load the EFI
17:14.54TecnoBrat-BNplus then you can use grub to dual boot :P
17:19.07Shirikwe use grub on our robot
17:19.14Shirikwith a timeout of 1 second
17:19.20ScytheBlade1Eww, grub
17:19.46Shirikoooh pretty
17:20.02ShirikI dunno what this means, but the at&t dude's thing just went from a really dim red to a bright green
17:20.08Shiriktoo bad he's still outside
17:20.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Riffage (
17:20.41TecnoBrat-BNsounds good!
17:23.57*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
17:24.52|pez|i.. hate folding clothes. .. -_-
17:26.35Shirikphone mostly works
17:27.16Shirikphone fully works now that the handset is plugged in all the way
17:27.35*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
17:28.57*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
17:32.42Shirik.... again?!
17:32.48*** part/#wowi-lounge Baldor (
17:32.58Shirik"A boil water alert has been issues for Daytona Beach, FL on February 29, 2008"
17:33.59break19Shirik: u from dtb?
17:35.14break19<- southern Al myself. practically neighbors heh
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17:46.31fromatzlua> val=0; val=(s%50)+1; print(val);
17:46.31lua_botfromatz: luabot:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 's' (a nil value)
17:48.13wereHamsterlua> val=0; val=math.mod(val,50)+1; print(val)
17:48.13lua_botwereHamster: luabot:1: attempt to call field 'mod' (a nil value)
17:48.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
17:49.38wereHamsterah, math.modf() it is..
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17:55.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (n=chatzill@
18:01.40fromatzlua> t={}; for i=1,6 then s= s or 0; t[s]=1; s=s+1; pp(t);
18:01.40lua_botfromatz: luabot:1: 'do' expected near 'then'
18:01.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Saint-N (n=art3mis@WoWUIDev/WoWI/HKUI/art3mis)
18:02.03fromatzlua> t={}; for i=1,6 do s= s or 0; t[s]=1; s=s+1; pp(t);
18:02.03lua_botfromatz: luabot:1: 'end' expected near '<eof>'
18:02.23fromatzlua> t={}; for i=1,6 do s= s or 0; t[s]=1; s=s+1; end pp(t);
18:02.23lua_botfromatz: { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, [0] = 1 } (#1)
18:04.25wereHamsterlua> t={}; for i=0,5 do t[i]=1 end pp(t)
18:04.26lua_botwereHamster: { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, [0] = 1 } (#1)
18:06.38fromatzwhat is the [0] = 1 at the end?
18:06.53Saint-Nlate at night the ice weasels come
18:09.21LopeppeppyThey eat your ears if you don't wear tinfoil pjs.
18:09.46Maulanyone have any method of securely post hooking a script handler of a secure frame?
18:10.48Maulwill that keep the frame untainted?
18:10.50Saint-Nthat's only because they dot have thier own ears
18:11.15Saint-N"are you thinking what I'm thinking pinky?" "I think so brain, but if we all didn't have ears we'd look like weasels"
18:11.56Saint-Nare you pondering what I'm pondering pinky? I think so Brain but where are we going to find two chickens and some rubber pants at this hour?
18:13.12Saint-NThe Brain: We're going to a place where the sun never sets, the size of your wallet matters, and actors and actresses slave all day.
18:13.13Saint-NPinky: We're going to Denny's?
18:13.35Saint-NThe Brain: Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
18:13.35Saint-NPinky: I think so Brain... but do I really need 2 tongues?
18:13.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Baldor (
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18:14.02Saint-NThe Brain: Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
18:14.03Saint-NPinky: I think so, Brain, but then it'd be Snow White and the Seven Samurai...
18:14.32Saint-Nsuch stupid goodness!
18:18.06deltronlol seven samurai
18:18.22krkapinky ftw
18:18.30Bela|workThe Brain: Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
18:18.30Bela|workPinky: I think so Brain, but if Jimmy cracked corn, and no one cares, why does he keep doing it?
18:18.32Bela|workmy fave
18:20.06deltronthat's awesome
18:20.23Maulthanks Cide, was not familiar enough with HookScript, but it seems to be exactly what I needed :)
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18:31.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
18:32.32|pez|wts pain.
18:34.12wereHamsterhow much?
18:34.32zenzelezzoh so much pain
18:34.49|pez|you can get it for free. -__- as long as you take the cause of it with you.
18:35.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies3 (
18:37.17Cide|pez|: what's up?
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18:59.27Lunessa... station?
18:59.43LopeppeppyOh, yes please.  *purrs*
19:06.17zenzelezzwell that's an interesting way to do it
19:06.32LopeppeppyWhatever amuses me lately, I go for it.
19:07.48LunessaHey, if I dangle something shiny on a string...
19:12.28*** part/#wowi-lounge Baldor (
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19:25.07Keiasmmm chipotle burrito
19:27.55*** join/#wowi-lounge TecnoBrat-BN (n=tecnobra@
19:29.57|pez|how.. the heck do I say gamecommunity in a sensible way in Norwegian? 0.o
19:30.08LunessaListening to my new Cake CD and it's a blast.
19:30.32Lunessa|pez|: I don't speak Norwegian, can't help you.
19:30.56SyzgynMm Cake
19:30.58|pez|I know. :\
19:31.05Syzgynin both the physical and listening sense
19:32.15zenzelezzspillsamfunn? Nothing sounds good
19:37.51*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (n=jnwhiteh@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
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19:46.07foxlitHm, so apparently my Are-You-In-A-Battleground check malfunctions at times
19:46.27LunessaMan lives; man dies.  It's all vanity.
19:46.40foxlitAnyone had any luck detecting that with better reliability?
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19:46.56ScytheBlade1foxlit: GetZoneText()?
19:46.58|pez|zenzelezz: norwegian sucks ;__;
19:47.08foxlitScytheBlade1: That'd require localization?
19:47.14ScytheBlade1Well, yes
19:47.27zenzelezz|pez|: I disagree. It's only weird when you try to mix it with English
19:47.31ScytheBlade1You never gave specifics ;)
19:50.00foxlitUse GetBattlefieldStatus(i) == "active" at the moment
19:50.16ScytheBlade1Yeah, I'm poking at some of the options
19:50.28foxlitBut that doesn't seem to be always correct when PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD fires
19:50.49zenzelezzI don't suppose there are any frames that will only open/work in battlegrounds?
19:51.05ScytheBlade1Could you hook AcceptBattlefieldPort() and watch the zone transfer events?
19:52.54foxlitzenzelezz: the PvP score frame only makes sense in a BG concept
19:54.26zenzelezzany way you could hack those to find out if you're in a BG? I really wouldn't know as it's been a year and a half since I was in one
19:54.30foxlitSytheBlade: that could probably work
19:54.55ScytheBlade1I looked at all of the battlefield data events... even when you're NOT in a BG, they return values
19:55.01ScytheBlade1Regardless of the index you pass
19:55.08ScytheBlade1*battlefield score functions
19:55.32foxlitKind of messy, though - note that you have accepted the port, set group type to battleground, suppress check on zone in (which'd fail), and re-run the zone check a few seconds after.
19:55.44ScytheBlade1Yup, kinda messy.
19:59.33Bela|worksounds more like an event firing issue though
19:59.43zenzelezztried GetBattlefieldInstanceRunTime()? (Just looking at the API list, no clue if it would work)
19:59.46Bela|workyou are trying to get a return when the status isn't available
19:59.55Bela|workso it doesn't always return true when it should right?
20:00.20foxlitIt doesn't return "active" when it should
20:00.34Bela|workbut that is more a precedence issue than anything
20:00.46Bela|workthe "active" state is being set after your event fires
20:00.56foxlitIt's slightly annoying; you'd think that when PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD happens, you know what would you got into
20:01.00Bela|workso you need another event that can be reliable
20:01.26foxlitAt the moment, I just schedule a timer 3 seconds into the future to check things again
20:01.34Bela|workdoes it work?
20:01.48foxlitYes; but for those three seconds, behavior is largely undefined
20:01.58Bela|workand this is JUSt for battlegrounds?
20:01.59zenzelezzdo you get a zone text (like when switching zones outdoors) when you enter a BG?
20:02.12foxlitzenzelezz: judging by wowwiki event comments, you don't.
20:02.21foxlitBela|work: it only makes sense in a battleground contex
20:02.41foxlit(arenas being considered as battlegrounds)
20:02.58foxlitGetBattlefieldStatus(i) doesn't really make sense elsewhere, not sure if it's correct as you zone out either
20:03.43foxlitI'm guessing it would be, since you typically zone out out of a closed BG
20:04.05Bela|workdoes GetBattlefieldInstanceInfo return?
20:04.29Maulhow about a check to see if the battleground chat channel exists
20:05.41ScytheBlade1Heh. I'm still using version of Thunderbird.
20:05.44ScytheBlade1That could explain a bit.
20:05.49foxlitBela: Not sure
20:05.56foxlitMau: I don't see how
20:06.29ScytheBlade1Yeah, it technically always exists.
20:06.37ScytheBlade1You could send data and test the result, but
20:06.43ScytheBlade1That'd be spamming :)
20:06.58zenzelezzcan you do the /chatlist programatically?
20:07.14ScytheBlade1Can't list raid/party/bg channels I thought?
20:07.23zenzelezzhm, never tried
20:07.24ScytheBlade1Pretty sure that was limited to the standard chat channels + custom chat channels
20:07.28zenzelezzyou're probably right
20:07.43LunessaNo Country for Old Murlocs.  A Murloc Called Wanda. Murloc On Fire.   Band of Murlocs.
20:08.13foxlitI, Murloc?
20:08.17zenzelezzwe played that game for 45 minutes on another channel once Lunessa, only with "sheep" instead of "murloc"
20:08.38zenzelezzOne Flew Over the Murloc's Nest
20:08.47LunessaSomeone palnted the idea in my brain today.  I had to get it out.
20:09.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Jeff_0084 (
20:10.56foxlitDoes that confirm that I'm doomed?
20:11.02Bela|workspecifically I woudl be willing to bet the PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD fires before you are fully in the battleground
20:11.20Bela|workyou could probably register for WORLD_MAP_UPDATE and look for the second firing?
20:11.23ralfWORKhah! I thought htat link was going to be about world events that happen inside instances, like the headless horseman
20:12.14foxlitww doesn't generally use / in proper articles
20:12.23foxlitThere's a page for those events too
20:12.30ralfWORKyea sorry I fail :(
20:14.42foxlitHm, WORLD_MAP_UPDATE could be what I want :)
20:15.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
20:15.31foxlitThen again, it might be interesting to see what it does in arenas
20:17.22Tullermeanwhile rick james
20:18.57Cairennyes, but purple is the new black
20:19.41ScytheBlade1And green is the new purple
20:20.11LopeppeppyI still love fuschia
20:21.24|pez|is it bad of me, to be mildly annoyed, when the boyfriend is out and about, and I haven't heard from him since he left work?  ... I like to know if he's got any clue as to when he might be coming home...
20:21.39Maulusing CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_NOTICE I just made a small little addon that watches for a BG name when you leave/join a bg, seems to work...have to wait until deserter flag wears off to test more :)
20:22.14ScytheBlade1Maul: he wants to avoid localization
20:22.23Maulah, missed that
20:22.34ScytheBlade1I already suggested GetZoneTest() ;)
20:23.40pastamancer|pez|: he's probably spending his paycheck on hookers and blow.  don't worry, he'll call when he's done.
20:23.57|pez|pastamancer: he's at the ex-girlfriends place actually. :P
20:24.10pastamancer|pez|: hookers and blow indeed!
20:25.40pastamancerwell, depends on your opinion of  the ex :p
20:25.51|pez|Don't like her.
20:25.58nevcairielthen it fits
20:26.39pastamancerat least he's saving money by finding a hooker he doesn't have to pay for
20:26.40zenzelezz|pez|: you haven't learned this about guys yet? Sometimes we need peace
20:26.48Bela|workdoes he know you dont like her?
20:27.10|pez|zenzelezz: and peace is going to the person who calls just about everyday and has sometime to nag about? :P
20:27.20|pez|Bela|work: I think so, yes.
20:27.25Bela|workthen he is a jerk
20:27.32nevcairielmaybe he is taking care of that for eternal peace
20:27.39|pez|they're friends and all that.
20:27.44|pez|I don't mind they hanging out.
20:27.51Bela|workyou arne't friends with your ex
20:28.00nevcairielthat simply doesnt work
20:28.09zenzelezzremember, you can't spell sex without ex
20:28.17Bela|workwell, not enough to go there, without your current girl, knowing she doesn't like you going there
20:28.23Bela|workso yeah
20:28.24|pez|but I kinda like to be updated on when he might return home.
20:28.26LopeppeppyIf you don't like her, he doesn't get to have private alone time with her.  He's just being a dorkus.
20:29.09|pez|as said, I don't mind them hanging out together, it's more of the fact that he is notoriously bad at updating me on things.
20:29.10Bela|workdont take this the wrong way, but him calling home is the least of what you should be concerned about. the fact that he isn't calling just makes it more evident
20:29.29|pez|ex girlfriend is getting married to new person.
20:29.40zenzelezzthat's never stopped people before
20:29.47Bela|workmaybe modern relationships are different. I tend to be old fashioned
20:30.04Bela|workand my scruples are screaming ALERT ALERT on that one
20:30.26|pez|oh ffs, they're not doing the naughty or anything. I know this.
20:30.31Bela|workI know for a fact I would NEVER EVER cheat on my wife
20:30.32zenzelezz|pez|: I'm not saying he should be there; but if you're aching so for info, why don't you contact him instead of asking a bunch of people who give you worst-case scenarios?
20:30.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
20:30.49Bela|workbut I would also NEVER EVER put myself in a situation where it COULD happen, or she would think it might
20:30.57|pez|and it doesn't really matter who he's with, he's just horrible at telling me stuff. :P
20:31.15Bela|workheh, yeah
20:31.27Bela|workcommunication isn't a guy ting
20:31.42|pez|zenzelezz: I sent him a message, but I bet you a penny he forgot to turn on the sound on his cellphone after work. :P
20:31.47Bela|workwe prefer grunting, followed by food, or sex
20:31.54zenzelezzfair enough |pez|
20:31.55nevcairielor both
20:32.10zenzelezzI tend to disagree with Bela there
20:32.22Lopeppeppygrunting can be suitable communication, as long as you and your guy both speak grunt.
20:32.23nevcairielyou dont like food or sex?
20:32.23zenzelezzcommunication isn't bad; but with girls it tends to be one-way
20:32.26ScytheBlade1zenzelezz: s/or/and/ ?
20:32.29Bela|workI was being more fascetious than anything
20:32.31zenzelezzthat's when it gets tedious
20:33.17zenzelezznevcairiel: no, I don't like food; and I don't need to worry about sex
20:33.28nevcairielhow can someone not liek food
20:33.29Bela|workI just spent 4 days eating little to no food, getting little to no sleep, and having absolutely 0 sex. all so taht my wife could feel more comfortable. so yeah, my "quote" was a little stereotypical
20:33.36zenzelezzit's dull
20:33.42zenzelezzI get bored half-way through a meal
20:33.53zenzelezznot to mention if I have to make it first
20:34.16nevcairieli like cooking, and eating for that matter
20:34.29zenzelezzI'm not saying you shouldn't, I was just answering your question
20:35.01|pez|the boyfriend also does "you know we're going out tomorrow right?"  "... when did this happen?"  "last week"  "you never told "   "oh, sorry, thought I did" things.
20:35.34zenzelezzsounds like you need to train him better
20:35.48|pez|he thinks he tells me, but doesnæt.
20:35.58|pez|and then blames me for not knowing stuff.
20:37.35Bela|workweird, that is usually the other way around
20:37.37zenzelezzfind a better one :-p
20:37.48Bela|workmy wife tells me things, while I have headphones on at the computer, and people are talking in vent
20:37.54Bela|workand then wonders why I go "huh?"
20:39.00wereHamsterhe thinks he tells me, but doesn't and then blames me for not knowing stuff. - I know how that feels..
20:39.50|pez|wereHamster: "but I told you!!"  "...nuh"
20:41.56*** join/#wowi-lounge TecnoBrat-BN (n=tecnobra@
20:48.29*** join/#wowi-lounge MirandaU (
20:49.55Lunessa... #wowi-lounge, lua, macros, wow things, and 101 tips to make your love life better.
20:50.04nevcairielor worse
20:50.22Lunessashush you... I'm angling to a MOTD quote.
20:50.42|pez|this is one of the few irc channels where he is not present, so this is where I rant. :P
20:53.24|pez|can I have one too?
20:54.17batrickShirik owned batbot on a string to number conversion
20:54.51zenzelezz|pez|: just be careful who you listen to
20:55.25|pez|zenzelezz: ohyeah?
20:56.15Lunessa|pez|: He speaks sooth.
20:57.36zenzelezzsome of us profess to offer advice about things we know nothing about
20:58.36|pez|I'm just annoyed and periody...
20:59.23LunessaHey, I'm Sgt. Schutlz.
21:00.48Lunessa... am I the only one old enough to remember Hogan's Heros (And I don't mean the wrestler!)
21:02.24kd3lmao... via fark, as usual: [PSA] If something bad happens to Matt Drudge in the next few weeks the House of Windsor would like you to know now that they didn't have anything to do with it
21:04.09*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
21:04.16batrick--> setfenv("1", {})
21:04.17batbotbatrick: @ ./sandbox.lua:328: no function environment for tail call at level 2
21:04.20foxlitoh gah
21:04.23batrick--> 1, setfenv("1", {})
21:04.23batbotbatrick: > 1, function: 0x80e9a38
21:04.27Bela|workI know Hogan's Heroes
21:04.33foxlitIt's actually correct at P_E_W
21:05.04batrick--> setfenv("1", {}); print(setfenv("1", {}))
21:05.05batbotbatrick: @ [string " setfenv("1", {}); print(setfenv("1", {}))"]:1: attempt to call global 'setfenv' (a nil value)
21:05.30batrickShirik: I was expecting something more awesome tbh but nice find :P
21:05.43batrickExpect your shiny as soon as I figure out what it will be
21:08.11foxlitWoah, what the
21:08.25foxlitIt's correct through PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD, WORLD_MAP_UPDATE
21:08.31foxlitbut then breaks at CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM
21:08.58*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (
21:11.10batrick--> x = pcall
21:11.16batrick--> while true do end
21:11.21batbotbatrick: @ maximum execution time/memory exceeded
21:11.33batrick--> for i = 1, 3 do print(debug.getupvalue(x, i)) end
21:11.33batbotbatrick: npcalls  1nmpcalls  function: 0xb7b1bcc8lpcall  function: 0xb7b193e0
21:11.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Ansu (
21:11.57break19batrick: patchin shirik's flaw eh? lol
21:12.02batrick--> foo = debug.getupvalue(x, 3) bar = function() foo(foo) end bar()
21:12.02batbotbatrick: @ [string " foo = debug.getupvalue(x, 3) bar = functio..."]:1: attempt to call global 'foo' (a string value)
21:12.11batrick--> _,foo = debug.getupvalue(x, 3) bar = function() foo(foo) end bar()
21:12.39batrickbreak19: I already patched what he broke I've found something new and exciting :P
21:12.51break19|pez|: how was breakfast?
21:13.03|pez|Oh, breakfast was good ^^
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21:13.17break19good to hear :)
21:13.19batrick--> _,foo = debug.getupvalue(x, 3) print(foo) bar = function() foo(bar) end bar()
21:13.19batbotbatrick: function: 0xb7b193e0
21:13.27batrick--> _,foo = debug.getupvalue(x, 3) print(foo) bar = function() foo(bar) end return bar()
21:13.27batbotbatrick: function: 0xb7b193e0
21:13.58batrick--> _,foo = debug.getupvalue(x, 3) print(foo) bar = function() return foo(bar) end return bar()
21:13.58batbotbatrick: > true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, nil, ead shirik
21:13.59batbotbatrick: function: 0xb7b193e0
21:14.02batrickah :(
21:14.41|pez|break19: now I'm just horribly annoyed at the boyfriends ability to not tell me when he wants to pick him up, and that he's eating elsewhere today
21:14.42batrick--> debug.setupvalue(foo, 1, -10000)
21:14.42batbotbatrick: @ cannot change secure functions' upvalues
21:14.59batrickwell that's confusing
21:15.22break19|pez|: heh yea.. I can see how that'd be a bit irritating.
21:15.22|pez|Which sort of leaves me in a "I can't make food cause I have no idea when I'm going to get him, and he might want food too if he hasn't had any" situation
21:16.05zenzelezzif he's not said when he's coming home, food is his own problem
21:16.05LopeppeppyHe can eat PB&J if he's not around when dinner hits the table.
21:16.14|pez|and when I tried calling him the first time, he didn't answered.
21:16.14break19|pez|: which is why my wife, when she's not sure when I'd be home, cooks something simple, wont burn easily, and just leaves it on the stove, with the temp turned all the way down...
21:16.50zenzelezzseriously, I don't get why girls put up with so much shit from guys
21:16.54|pez|the thing is, I can't *make* it, because I don't know when he's wanting to be picked up.
21:16.59break19"food on the stove, clean up when your done" "yes dear, but I already ate" "fine, put it in the fridge and clean up"
21:17.37zenzelezz|pez|: you need to stop thinking like that; if you go all day without saying a word about what's going on or when you're coming home, you get second priority
21:17.49wereHamster|pez|, a microwave comes in handy in such situations :)
21:18.04|pez|wereHamster: don't have any good microwave foods. :\
21:18.29zenzelezzFjordland, over førrrrti retter
21:18.41wereHamsternot no make food, to heat the food up that you made earlier :)
21:18.58|pez|wereHamster: I don't make enough food for that. :P
21:19.13|pez|not large enough pots and pans.
21:19.17|pez|or stove, for that matter.
21:19.47break19then feed yourself. say " didnt know when you'd be home, or if you would want dinner, so you can help yourself. you know where the stove is"
21:20.15|pez|that results in him eating nothing, or candy.
21:20.22LopeppeppyHis problem, not yours.
21:20.24break19not your problem. :)
21:20.32|pez|it ends up as my problem.
21:20.47wereHamsterlater her problem, too, when he gets fat and ugly and such :)
21:20.47LopeppeppyThen it's doubly his problem for being a dork on top of being a dork.
21:21.02break19hmm, I'd say it's time for an ultimatum..
21:21.02|pez|Since I'll be the one treating him when he get's a diabetic seizure.
21:21.31break19you his girlfriend or his nurse?!
21:21.38zenzelezz|pez|: he knows he has the problem, let him take care of it himself
21:22.00|pez|zenzelezz: he'd be dead many times over if people did it like that..
21:22.29zenzelezzI'm known to have some peculiar views on life
21:22.39break19if he doesnt have the will, or mental capacity to look after his diabetes, then you need to have him committed.. seriously.
21:23.05|pez|break19: it's a habit. He's always had someone look after him.
21:23.24|pez|I'm getting to the point where he's beginning to do it himself more properly.
21:24.58|pez|atleast now it can go a month or more inbetween the seizures.
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21:25.53|pez|there was a period it averaged at 3 times a week...
21:26.25|pez|I'm hopeless, he's hopeless... we'll see how things work out in the end...
21:27.30break19|pez|: sounds to me like he wants a mommy.. not a girlfriend.
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21:27.53wereHamsterdon't we all? :)
21:28.03|pez|His mom annoys the living hell out of him.
21:28.10|pez|and she's pretty much the cause of all of this.
21:28.13|pez|He's a stubborn man.
21:28.16|pez|and she keeps on nagging
21:28.27|pez|which = him not really wanting to do anything about it.
21:28.30|pez|and she keeps on nagging.
21:28.30break19|pez|: she's likely right tho..
21:28.51zenzelezzright or wrong don't matter when you're stubborn
21:28.53zenzelezzI know all about this
21:29.01|pez|Well, waking us up at 6am or earlier every morning wasn't really neccesarry
21:29.26|pez|asking 4-5 times a day for his bloodsugar was not neccesarry
21:29.40|pez|or, not really asking, but demanding.
21:30.11break19if she didnt, he wouldnt do it, as evidenced by your earlier statements :)P
21:30.12|pez|Yes I lived with him and his parents for a while before we moved out on our own.
21:30.35|pez|break19: if she hadn't started this. he might have. :P
21:30.37zenzelezzI can see why you'd be annoyed, but as break just said, if he had 3 seizures a week then his mom probably had reason to feel she had to do it
21:31.05wereHamsteroverprotective mothers aren't good either
21:31.12|pez|wereHamster: exactly
21:31.44|pez|she says stuff like "remember to eat so you don't get sick!"   all the freaking time, and I think it annoys the heck out of him.
21:31.55break19so you need to lay down the law.. tell him if he has one more seizure due to his own laziness/carelessness, you will become just like that..
21:31.57Cairennhow old is he?
21:32.04|pez|Cairenn: old >__>
21:32.09Cairennhow old
21:32.21|pez|he's 28.
21:32.23|pez|oh, wait
21:32.24zenzelezzuh ohes, the mom woke up
21:32.40break1929 is -old- ???
21:32.47Cairennthen I have to agree with this: (4:22:31 PM) break19: if he doesnt have the will, or mental capacity to look after his diabetes, then you need to have him committed.. seriously.
21:32.47|pez|break19: compared to me. :)
21:33.12break19<- 31.. 32 in aug
21:33.30wereHamsteryou're very old then :)
21:33.33|pez|I believe his mom is part of the problem, and her nagging just makes it worse.
21:34.15zenzelezzbe careful in pushing the responsibility on her in this case
21:34.20|pez|He got better when we moved out.
21:34.27|pez|like almost automagically.
21:34.36zenzelezzin many cases I'd agree, but a problem like diabetes is NOT something you can just say "zomg someone else's fault" when he's not doing his job
21:34.50Cairennthat as may be, it isn't your responsibility to make sure his diabetes is under control
21:35.04|pez|Cairenn: what am I gonna do, let him die?
21:35.23zenzelezzforce him to start taking responsibility
21:35.32Cairennit's his responsibility, unless he has some sort of mental deficiency that prevents him from doing so
21:35.33|pez|forcing isn't going to do any good.
21:35.42zenzelezzneither is letting him get away with not doing it
21:35.55break19|pez|: no, but you can quit being his enabler.. if he has seizures, check him into a hospital, and move out.
21:36.05|pez|He's not getting away with it. I'm slowly but surely making things better.
21:36.10Cairenn|pez|: that's good
21:36.47Cairennbut seriously, don't take all the responsibility for it on yourself - if he can't be bothered to take care of it himself, call the ambulance when he has a seizure
21:37.11|pez|Cairenn: and then watch him slowly fade away? I think not.
21:37.23|pez|I might not like how he treats himself, but I love the man ffs.
21:37.47break19|pez|: let me explain where i come from here.. in 1998, i had a bad work injury.. broke my pelvis in 2 places, and my L2 vert.. if i do stuff im not supposed to do, like heavy lifting etc.. know what my wife does?
21:37.49Cairennbecause otherwise he's putting you in the exact same position - making you the one responsible for maintaining his blood sugar levels, turning you into a nag
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21:38.08LopeppeppyHe's setting you up, |pez|
21:38.12break19absolutely nothing.. except "i dont feel sorry for you"
21:38.23wereHamsterbreak19, ah, so that's where your nick comes from? :)
21:38.27Cairennwe aren't coming down on you
21:38.34zenzelezzI'll just stop voicing my views on this since I'd soon go too far, but I think you're being too kind to him
21:38.43break19breaker 1 9.. anybody got their ears on?
21:38.54Cairennbreak19: heh, that's what I'd guessed
21:38.54break19<- trucker for 5 years..
21:38.58Lopeppeppy"We got a great big convoy, rocking through the night..."
21:39.10|pez|zenzelezz: even I think I'm being nice to him.
21:39.13break19Lopeppeppy: heh
21:39.23Nechckn_BetaNowLopeppeppy  I was just thinking of that song too!
21:39.24|pez|But he's slowly doing stuff himself, without me even asking.
21:39.49Nechckn_BetaNow... and I'm about to put the hammer down.
21:40.05|pez|it's progress, and it's all I can ask for at the moment. It's not like things like these change over night.
21:40.46LunessaBreaker 1 9, um pig pen, you want to back off about a hundred miles or so?  Them hogs is starting to hurt my sinuses.
21:40.48break19none of the trucks ive ever driven would go faster than 74mph on level ground.. electronic speed control. many companies set theirs even lower..
21:41.15wereHamsterhow many kmh is that?
21:41.22zenzelezzI disagree. During this progress, if you feel this responsible, you should simply demand to know when he's coming home and things like that or let him handle his problem on his own
21:41.27break19US Foods is 62 i believe.. Swift is 65, schneider is 65. same with jb hunt, and werner..
21:42.08|pez|zenzelezz: that I can agree on, I'd like to have a estimate atleast.
21:42.12break19wereHamster: not sure.. but 60mph is 100kph.. but remeber too, the speed limit here on the interstates can be as high as 75mph in some states
21:42.22ElkanowereHamster, I think about *1.6
21:42.35Nechckn_BetaNowI had an Uncle who drove for some odd 35+ years for Garvey/NorthAmerican  ha, that movie and song were like required.  =)
21:42.40zenzelezz|pez|: but if you think it over, what I just said still boils down to my original opinion... by now (today) it's his own problem
21:42.43break19Elkano: yea. 1.54 iirc now that you said somethin
21:43.34break19in my home state the max is 70.. and most people do 75-80..
21:44.09wereHamsterbreak19, 75 for trucks or all cars?
21:44.14break19all cars
21:44.32|pez|I'm going to go pickup the boyfriend now. -__-
21:44.35|pez|see you guys later.
21:44.48break19only a handful of states have split speed limits.. and thiers pros/cons on both sides of -that- fence
21:45.05Tullerspeed limit 50 when its ticket season
21:45.09Tuller60 otherwise
21:45.25Tullerwith a * by ticket season stating:  "We can determine it being ticket season at any time"
21:45.33wereHamsterwhat's the ticket season?
21:45.56kd3the time of the month when highway patrol is running out of time to get their ticket quota for the month
21:45.56break19kentucky has a limit of 65mph for cars and 55mph for any vehicle pulling a trailer.
21:46.11Tulleryes it does
21:46.14wereHamsterrofl, ticket quota
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21:48.05break19Tuller: the ticket quota is not on the books in most places, just means they can have plausible deniability.. but i have friends on the county sheriff's dept.. "no quotas really, but if we dont write enough, we get reprimanded for 'not enough time interfacing with the motoring public'" lol
21:48.57break19one of my buddies says he only writes warnings, unless its a 'gross violation'
21:49.08wereHamsterwhy doesn't the sheriff say: our motoring public is well educated and behaves properly on the streets
21:49.27break19wereHamster: he'd be lying..
21:49.29kd3because that's a lie and everyone in the room knows it
21:50.10Nechckn_BetaNowhell, I think everyone on who has ever driven a car or been anywhere near a road knows it  =)
21:50.12break19i drove a truck for 5yrs.. the stuff I've seen... no way in hell does 85% of the drivers on the road have ANY fuckin clue about whats goin on.
21:50.40Tullerlets play, "tailgate the semi"
21:50.43break19and i've logged about half a million miles behind the wheel...
21:51.05wereHamsterI'm not surprised after I heard how easy it is to get a drivers license
21:51.13break19Tuller: that doesnt bother me as much lets play pass the semi just to get off right in front of him
21:51.26LopeppeppySee how well his brakes work.  *le sigh*
21:52.03Tulleryeah that does happen a lot
21:52.25CairennI love sharing the highway with most truckers, especially late at night/early morning
21:52.42Saint-NI've heard that about you ;P
21:52.45purlba-dum CHH
21:52.47CairennSaint-N: :p
21:52.56break19what really gets my goat tho.. how many people do you ride with, constantly checkin mirrors to see whats around them, and home many dont give a fuck aboutt anything not square in front of em..
21:53.09wereHamsterNechckn_BetaNow, I beg to differ, where I live the drivers know very well how to behave. It has to do with education and laws
21:53.31Saint-Nfollowing truckers is the most fun
21:53.37Saint-Ncuz late at night they're insane
21:54.05break19wereHamster: yes, thats true.. last i checked it cost a german friend of mine almost $2k usd for his drivers license
21:54.23Nechckn_BetaNowwereHamster  I've been to many countries and regions... usually it's scary.  Not to say that there aren't more well behaved areas.. but it's the minority.
21:55.05TullerI'd say 40% is somewhat of a valid number for bad drivers in VA
21:55.09break19here in the states any yahoo with a 20$ bill can go in, take a 1mile long driving test and be given a regular license
21:55.34break19Tuller: i'd bump that up.. i've been thru va :)
21:55.36Saint-NI believe you mean Yahoo(tm)
21:55.49Tulleryou're probably right
21:55.50wereHamsterNechckn_BetaNow, france, spain is crazy, but you should come visit switzerlad ;)
21:56.03break19got a friend of mine lives in va beach
21:56.04Saint-Nthe swiss have cars?
21:56.29wereHamsterhow else could we transport the cheese, chocolate and our gold??
21:56.31zenzelezzVolvo is Swedish
21:56.36wereHamsterwatches, too
21:56.46break19Saint-N: yea, they come with free chocolate, a wristwatch, and every tool you'd ever need folded neatly into the trunk.
21:56.56Saint-NI thought all that was there was chocolate, coo-coo clocks and jerish gold
21:57.08Falcon213lol in switzerland if you drive anything that can go past 60 mph through a town they all go crazy
21:57.27Saint-Nvolvo: it's boxey, but it's safe.
21:57.28Falcon213and get angry
21:57.28wereHamstercoo-coo clocks come from germany/schwarzwald, not switzerland
21:57.41Saint-NwereHamster: so did most of the jewish gold ;P
21:58.20break19i love volvos
21:58.50break19especially their large trucks.. smoothest damn riding big rig i've ever driven..
21:59.04wereHamstervolvos are for people who want to buy a tank, but since that's forbidden they buy volvos
21:59.19Saint-Nvolvos are great
21:59.22zenzelezzVolvo personal cars haven't been boxy for years
21:59.28Saint-Nits too abd thier repair is crazy expensive in the states
21:59.37break19zenzelezz: indeed.. nice cars
21:59.38zenzelezzbut they make tons of diggers and other such machines
21:59.42Saint-Nzenzelezz: its a slogan joke from Crazy People
21:59.58zenzelezzI'm familiar with the joke, it was popular here too years ago
22:00.00break19Saint-N: depends on where ya are i guess
22:00.12Saint-Ndustin hoffman goes to the looney bin and gets the crazies inside to help him write new "truth" campaigns
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22:01.32Saint-Nya know there's just something wrong with this 50 something yo executive that owns one of the premier PR firms in new york calling me "dude"
22:01.35break19in town, theres a volvo specialist, buys in bulk, and prices are usuaaly around the same as ford/chevy factory parts.
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22:03.48break19now the toyota my wife has? whole other story.. some woman dinged her rear quarter panel a while back..
22:04.24break19all i can say, thank god for full coverage.. it cost the ins company right at 2k
22:04.56break19if that had been a ford or chevy pickup, it'd been maybe 300.00 :P
22:08.49break19lol *bop* coulda had a V8.
22:09.08break19those commercials crack me up :)
22:09.26Tem|AFKmy dad loves those commercials
22:09.32Tem|AFKI think that makes you old
22:11.15break19Tem|AFK: *sigh* we've been over this...
22:11.39break19Tem|AFK: and fwiw, my 26yr old wife loves em more than I
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22:16.15Nechckn_BetaNowwereHamster  That is, in fact, one place I have yet to visit- I certainly take your word for it and all...  =)
22:16.37Saint-Nbreak19: that's unless you own a toyota ute ;P
22:17.09break19Saint-N: thbbt. its a pickup truck. tacoma..
22:17.13Nechckn_BetaNowzenzelezz  ROFL- where do these sites come from!? Ha!
22:17.26Saint-Nso you somehow got the pussy version ;P
22:17.32Saint-N80s ute indestructible
22:17.36Saint-Nnew utes
22:17.38Saint-Ndear god
22:17.44Saint-Ndead lifting 16tons?!~?
22:17.59Saint-N0-100 and stopping with 10tons of payload in
22:18.06Saint-Nthose commercials are insane ;P
22:26.37break19Saint-N: dont think you understand.. they replaced her fender and painted to match... paint was 1200 bucks.. that glossy/metallic silver..
22:26.57break19to fix a scratch...
22:27.32break19but they couldnt just repaint the existing fender, as the scratch was into the metal
22:27.37Saint-Npussy version ;P
22:27.51Saint-Nits a truck
22:27.57Saint-Nthey're supposed  to get banged up
22:28.02Saint-Nits likea  rule
22:28.13break19its -her- truck.. she dont want it scratched :P
22:28.58break19my isuzu on the other hand has been thru hell and high water.. last part literally.. :)
22:29.37break19Shirik: -poke-
22:30.37Saint-NI miss my trooper and my grand wagoneer
22:30.47Shirikbreak19: -poke-
22:30.47break19<- rodeo :)
22:31.08ShirikI saw your feature request
22:31.12break19Shirik: i packaged up the jar for the updater.. as a mac .app
22:31.18ShirikI was trying to keep it partially secret ><
22:31.23Saint-NBIG JOE IZUZU!
22:31.35Saint-Nhelp help my izuzu trooper is stuck in the mud
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22:31.59break19included the copying file and the src folder on the dmg disk image.. i can email if you'd like..
22:31.59ShirikYeah I intend to do that in the future, break19, just not yet as I don't have a reliable way of doing it easily right now
22:32.02Shirikno way of testing it, etc.
22:32.30break19Shirik: easily upgradeable, simply replace the jar file inside the resources folder
22:32.42ShirikThat actually didn't work before
22:32.48Shirikclad|office and I tried this a while back
22:32.59break19then you did something wrong )
22:33.07Shirikwhen I replace it, it gets marked as invalid for some reason
22:33.30break19hm, weirdness
22:34.35Gnarfozwhat's a good Lua environment to install on WinXP if you want to be able to test if an compiles? standard lua binaries ok for that? (basically just luac -p, I guess)
22:35.03break19did you remember to 'touch' the app directory afterwards? sometimes needed. altho I use rolfba's ace updater, in java, and have used it as an app and its upgraded itself just fine (which simply replaces the file.) so i dunno..
22:35.29GuillotineGnarfoz: yup, works fine for me
22:36.14break19Shirik: what os were you using when you replaced the file, windows is notorious for screwing with permissions..
22:36.52Saint-Nbreak19: shirik never forgets to "touch" things
22:37.03Saint-Nsometimes he touches them too much though
22:37.56Shirikno I didn't touch it, so that could be it, but "windows is notorious for screwing with permissions" <-- only if you don't know how to use a computer
22:38.27Saint-Nno he di-int
22:41.10GuillotineShirik: or you use programs made by people that don't know how to use a computer. Though then the screwing is mostly folder-specific
22:42.36ShirikI don't use programs that screw with other programs
22:42.42batrickgj shirik
22:42.48Shirik<3 batrick
22:42.54Shirikit took me FOREVER
22:43.02batrickyou got me with a string to number conversion :(
22:43.11Shirikyou had a lot of bugs on that
22:43.17Shirikit was just a matter of finding the right combination of functions
22:43.22Shirikfor a second I killed setfenv ><
22:43.23batrickI was expecting something a little more epic but whatever
22:43.42batrickyou could have always fixed it with while true do end
22:43.53Gnarfozwell, great
22:43.53Shirikoh is that how I can reset it?
22:43.55ShirikI couldn't figure it out
22:44.10Shirikbut fortunately, I had changed the environment of setfenv such that it was no longer in the secure table
22:44.10Gnarfozlua binaries can't deal with UTF-8 Byte-Order Markers :<
22:44.14Shirikso I could fix it
22:44.24Shirikand once I did that
22:44.30Shirikit was easycake from then on
22:44.35Shirikbecause I realized how I can trick the functions
22:44.48Shirikbatrick: I think the REAL solution, btw, is not only to fix those string-number conversions
22:44.53Shirikbut also to localize type and error
22:44.58Shirikimo you shouldn't be using globals
22:45.14batrickI gotta give u something to shoot for
22:45.39Shirikok I gotta run off
22:45.44Shirikapparently they're trying to wire the bot tonight
22:45.49Gnarfozare there "utf8 enabled" Lua binaries? :(
22:45.50Shirikand I'm the only one who knows the details of the circuit
22:45.52Shirikand it's huge ><
22:46.17ShirikGnarfoz: Lua should not have an issue with UTF-8 so long as you do not supply the header
22:46.31GnarfozI do. :<
22:46.41Shirikso don't give it the header :)
22:46.43Shiriksimple enough
22:47.01zenzelezzopen your favorite hex editor and delete the first three bytes
22:47.02Gnarfozyeah, so for syntax checking I strip it, and then append it again because WoW wants it
22:48.45Shirikwow wants it?
22:48.50Gnarfozheh, I'll probably macro my editor to disable its setting to write the BOM, save and turn it on again
22:48.52Shirikit shouldn't...
22:49.00Gnarfozif you don't want a big mess of escape codes, yes
22:50.26batrick--> local a; co = coroutine.running() error("")
22:50.27batbotbatrick: @ [string " local a; co = coroutine.running() error(""..."]:1:
22:51.00batrick--> debug.getlocal(co, 1, 1)
22:51.00batbotbatrick: > a, nil
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22:56.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Furl (
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23:03.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
23:03.21*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
23:07.04Shirik|AFKbtw break19, if you didn't see it,
23:07.06Shirik|AFKer, wait
23:07.08Shirik|AFKyou can't use that link
23:07.22zenzelezzstop showing off
23:07.39LunessaHeh, we can't use the admin features.
23:07.52Shirik|AFKSorry T_T It's just the link I use because it's right there
23:08.16LunessaOK, time to go home and play WOW.
23:08.25LunessaSee you all tomorrow.
23:08.48break19Shirik|AFK: heh ok. see what happens when you are sneaky? you get requests for stuff already in the works. :)
23:09.14Shirik|AFKthat's what I was complaining about the other day when I had to do the SVN branch
23:09.23Shirik|AFKso I could get 0.2.10 out without anything from the 0.3 work
23:09.34Tullerop add showstates to bongos3, success
23:10.32Tullerthough the ui is dirty
23:10.51break19Shirik|AFK: any thoughts on streamlining the update process in the future? all that extra clickin is drivin me insane. :p
23:11.30break19Shirik|AFK: also. do you cap the download speeds in any way? I was updating lightheaded and it took forever to download a measly 5megs..
23:13.44Shirik|AFKbreak19: No download caps, though wowinterface might have one built in. I don't think so though.
23:14.04Shirik|AFKFurthermore, if you want, post a feature request allowing you to turn off all the "confirm"
23:14.15Shirik|AFKAt time of writing, I figured people would want to double check it before install
23:14.18Shirik|AFKbut perhaps that should be optional
23:14.20break19Shirik|AFK: weird.. must've been a bad connection then. I can usually grab the whole 5Megs in about 15seconds or so... took almost a minute :/
23:14.36Shirik|AFKThe BACKUP on the other hand
23:14.37Shirik|AFKof lightheaded
23:14.38Shirik|AFKtakes forever
23:14.41foxlit"4096-bit private/public key RSA signature"
23:14.54Shirik|AFKThat's something I'm trying ot resolve -- something is not optimized correctly
23:14.58Shirik|AFKfoxlit: Too big? :P
23:15.01break19Shirik|AFK: I did post the request.. but took too long to click "post" and it timedout :/
23:15.07Shirik|AFKYou should have seen ScytheBlade1's and my discussion earlier
23:15.10TecnoBrat-BN4096 bit?
23:15.14Shirik|AFKI wanted to use a 15630 bit key
23:15.18*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
23:15.18foxlitWell, you could get away with it in C, maybe
23:15.22foxlitBut it's rather pointless
23:15.44Shirik|AFKI just want to be 100% sure
23:15.47TecnoBrat-BNI don't know much about keys
23:15.58TecnoBrat-BNbut do they take significantly longer to verify when they get that large?
23:16.12Shirik|AFKheh, yes, kinda
23:16.19Shirik|AFKbecause it's arithmetic on numbers that huge
23:16.24Shirik|AFKwhich processors... aren't directly designed fr
23:16.30foxlitTecnoBrat: it's mostly limited by the speed at which you can multiply things
23:16.37Shirik|AFKHOWEVER I think Intel would be geniusness if they implemented an opcode like that
23:16.40foxlitGenerally speaking, O(n^2)
23:16.57Shirik|AFKor something to help the calculation
23:17.02Shirik|AFKit would not be easy though
23:17.28foxlitcryptography export laws, btw :P
23:17.54Gnarfozgood thing AMDs are produced in Germany ;>
23:18.17foxlitBut, um, is that java?
23:18.19Shirik|AFKI'm working on that one, foxlit :)
23:18.21foxlityes it is.
23:18.25Shirik|AFKno foxlit
23:18.31Shirik|AFKthe updating part is going to be done in C++
23:18.32foxlitjava -jar?
23:18.37foxlitLooks like java!
23:18.56Shirik|AFKmostly because the problem relies in that I need to replace an in-use file if I do it in Java
23:19.06Shirik|AFKfoxlit: If you'll look at the windows one, you'll realize it already has some C++ :)
23:19.08Shirik|AFKor look at the source
23:19.46foxlitPoint is, java has built in cryptography primitives
23:19.49foxlitAt some level.
23:19.55Shirik|AFKyes they do
23:20.00Shirik|AFKand they're mostly native actually
23:20.20Shirik|AFKso that should be fast too, but I don't think I'm doing it there
23:20.20Shirik|AFKdepends on my approach
23:21.34batrickno u
23:24.51*** join/#wowi-lounge lordgreg (n=Gregor@
23:25.33lordgreghiya all. i've made a toon, rogue yesterday. now, starting to fill talent tree... for leveling, what do you suggest? combat?
23:25.35foxlitwoah, general chat
23:25.43foxlit"If you caught a ... what would you do?"
23:25.52ScytheBlade1foxlit: lol
23:25.52foxlitlike ~15 topics
23:27.04lordgregwell.. where should i go ask that question then... forward me to some other chan
23:27.12break19foxlit: if I caught a cold, I'd smack your mom for giving it to me..
23:27.23ScytheBlade1lordgreg: the WoW beginners forum ususually a good place
23:28.14ScytheBlade1^ there
23:28.14ScytheBlade1and/or your relevant class forum(s)
23:31.20*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
23:32.31Finkergoth: hello!
23:33.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
23:36.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
23:42.36*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
23:46.06Nechcknthat one is good- as is the version with Joan Rivers
23:46.25kd3oh joy!
23:48.20ScytheBlade1Grats on making fire mages arena viable imo
23:48.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
23:48.42Tem|AFKkd3, yay!
23:48.55Tem|AFKsounds like I'm really going to be first target in 5v5
23:49.10Tem|AFKIV + Heroism = 100% no pushback really fast frostbolts
23:49.20ScytheBlade11sec frostbolts
23:49.22ScytheBlade1And 1sec fireballs too
23:49.35Tem|AFKisn't it more like 1.6s frostbolts?
23:49.48ScytheBlade1IV + Heroism = 0.96sec fireballs
23:50.00Tem|AFKlua> print(2.5/1.3/1.2)
23:50.01lua_botTem|AFK: 1.6025641025641
23:50.07ScytheBlade11.6 it is
23:50.07Tem|AFK1.6 second frostbolts
23:50.17Tem|AFKlua> print(35/1.3/1.2)
23:50.17lua_botTem|AFK: 22.435897435897
23:50.21Tem|AFKlua> print(3./1.3/1.2)
23:50.22lua_botTem|AFK: 1.9230769230769
23:50.27ScytheBlade1Hmm, something was missed
23:50.41Tem|AFK~fail Tem
23:50.42purlTem: Fail.
23:50.42Tem|AFKlua> print(3.51.3/1.2)
23:50.45lua_botTem|AFK: luabot:1: malformed number near '3.51.3'
23:50.47Tem|AFKlua> print(3.5/1.3/1.2)
23:50.47lua_botTem|AFK: 2.2435897435897
23:51.01Tem|AFKhow in the /hell/ did insert get turned off?
23:53.04Wobin_Tem|AFK: That's almost like how those ghosts in DM fire them off
23:53.20Wobin_Ever since Dire Maul I've always wanted to be a machinegun frostbolter =P
23:53.53Wobin_I was like: "Hey! Not fair! Why can't -I- do that?"
23:54.03FinCairenn: heh, nice one
23:56.05Tem|AFKWobin_, so, where do you want your MS?
23:56.28Wobin_As a mage?
23:56.53Wobin_I would have to say, to make vauge sense it'd have to be an arcane debuff of some sort
23:57.02Wobin_Not that many of these MS changes make sense =P
23:57.10Wobin_(and by many I mean shaman)
23:57.30Tem|AFKI vote icelance
23:57.54Tem|AFKbest one, though, has got to be sheep
23:58.04Wobin_hehe that'd be great =)
23:58.15Wobin_if each type of sheep offered a certain debuff
23:58.21Wobin_Like normal sheep had MS
23:58.33Wobin_Turtle gave a speed debuff after wearing off
23:58.42Wobin_and Pig... made you crave bacon or something
23:59.29Tem|AFKno, the joke was the sheep is a heal

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