IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080228

00:00.45Guillotineaww, they fixed the stat stacking bug on the PTR :/
00:01.51kd3weird how it's still the same client build, though
00:02.06wereHamster|pez|, what do you need?
00:02.15CidanGuillotine: Shame
00:02.21kd3just as I say that "shutdown in 15"
00:02.27Guillotinehehe, yup
00:02.35GuillotineMaybe their adding UnitGUID!
00:02.38ScytheBlade1kd3: you mean "shutdown now" :)
00:02.57Fisker-nah kd3
00:03.00Fisker-it's a serverside fix
00:04.22Tullerbah, I just logged on to bugfix stuff :P
00:04.29TecnoBrat|Workhow did you accomplish this bug?
00:04.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
00:04.55GuillotineYou had to swap empty bags between your bank and inventory
00:04.57TullerI like that I actually got to be Tuller on the PTR this time
00:04.57oreth|that just got passed around work.
00:05.01oreth|it's really... bizarre
00:05.11*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Shirik] by ChanServ
00:05.15Shiriko hai
00:05.21Shirikanyone want to tell me what my quit message was?
00:05.38TecnoBrat|Work|<--Shirik has left (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
00:05.50ShirikI need to go kill brighthouse
00:05.53TecnoBrat|Work|<--Cide has left (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
00:05.58TecnoBrat|Workat like the same second
00:06.01Shirikhm ok maybe it wasn't them
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00:06.07Shirikbut this has been happening a lot latelt
00:06.38TecnoBrat|Workhmmm nm, it wasn't the exact same second, but close :P
00:07.03sag_ich_nichthmmmmmmmmm looks like i got the path wrong
00:07.42abyxhmm, what do some of you think would be the best way to learn how to make addon frames and such... created in lua, or made in the .xml file?
00:07.57[FFG]IrqHmmf, can't get that stuff to work. Will look at it tomorrow, thanks for the help and baibai :D
00:08.11sag_ich_nichtwhat does the SCT default low health alert sound use as soundfile? (it's something along the lines of sounds\\Spells\\bind2_Impact_Base.wav but that's not working anymore for whatever reasons)
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00:08.45sag_ich_nichtfound my error
00:09.01sag_ich_nichtthat should read Sound\\
00:10.26ScytheBlade1Exactly 500 mana potions
00:15.49Finyou need to find an engineer mate
00:15.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
00:15.57Finassuming you mean Super Mana Potinos
00:16.05ScytheBlade1They're all in injector form
00:16.21Finyou didn't say Mana Potion Injectors :P
00:16.29ScytheBlade1Also, epic win:
00:16.31FinI claim victory!
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00:17.15*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v ckknight] by ChanServ
00:20.12Fisker-btw kd3
00:20.30Fisker-Do you know how much scale of the sands rep you get from hyjal now?
00:22.02wereHamsterwhat's the difference between level and strata?
00:22.34wereHamsterlevel=overlay, strata=high
00:23.05Shirikthey extended the ball pit?!
00:24.01ScytheBlade1They sure did
00:24.58ShirikI really have to get one
00:25.57CidanwereHamster: Think of it as floors in a building, and then position on each floor
00:26.09Fisker-what ball pit? :o
00:26.18CidanwereHamster: strata is a new floor of a building, level is how high or low it is on a floor
00:26.58CidanwereHamster: So something of a higher strata will always be on top of something of a lower strata, even if the levels are higher on the lower strata object
00:27.06CidanMan I confuse me sometimes
00:27.09Cidanbrb food.
00:28.15WobWorkthis autoaway is... irritating =\
00:29.14Shirikhow hard is it to recompile the kernel with a new version?
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00:29.55kergoths/recompile the kernel with a new version/compile a new version of the kernel/
00:30.02ScytheBlade1That too.
00:30.07Shirikok compile a new version of the kernel and then install it
00:30.15Shirikkinda pointless to compile it and not use it
00:30.29ShirikIt's not like I'm incredibly out of date or anything
00:30.32Shirikwhat does it depend on?
00:30.53wereHamsterCidan, thanks
00:31.00wereHamsterthat's what I thought
00:31.03ScytheBlade1What you're using it for, version A and version B, what arch you're compiling on, and what arch you're compiling to
00:32.01wereHamsterCidan, - What is the difference between frameLevel and frameStrata? That's a good question, but it isn't answered in the following text :-/
00:33.03Shirikssh/ftp/svn server... um
00:33.19ScytheBlade1Wait, is this your linode?
00:33.21Shiriki686 2.6.23 to current
00:33.24ScytheBlade1You can't
00:33.29ShirikWatch me!
00:33.32ScytheBlade1You can only use the kernels that they provide
00:33.37ScytheBlade1Go ahead
00:33.39ScytheBlade1I'm watching
00:33.39ShirikThat's contrary to what they said
00:33.56ShirikThey told me specifically how to compile and install my own distribution
00:34.09LopeppeppyNo one tells me anything.
00:34.22ScytheBlade1distro != kernel
00:34.35Shirikbut that implies kernel
00:34.39ShirikI could roll my own distribution if I wanted to
00:34.49ScytheBlade1But that's irrelevant to your kernel
00:35.04ShirikI'm obviously missing something here
00:35.06Shirikexplain the difference
00:35.14ScytheBlade1user space vs. kernel space
00:35.25ScytheBlade1That's.. pretty much it actually.
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00:36.36ScytheBlade1The kernel runs the hardware - and the distro runs on top of the kernel
00:36.46ShirikI just figured it out actually
00:36.48ScytheBlade1Very well
00:36.49Shirikas commented in my PM
00:37.06ShirikI have no way of getting to the computer to install it is the #1 issue
00:37.18Shirikeven Lish can't be running
00:37.26ScytheBlade1Your #1 issue is really that linode doesn't even give you the option
00:37.31Shirikwell yeah
00:37.44Thrae|WorkwereHamster: FrameStrata is considered before FrameLevel. Even at a high FrameLevel, something of lower strata will never appear above something of higher strata. In other words, FrameLevel is the lowest level of determining frame drawing levels.
00:37.45Shirikwhich leads to the above
00:37.57ScytheBlade1If you login and click your profile, you'll notice that you can select your kernel
00:38.01ShirikIf I could stick a CD in it, I could do it
00:38.37Shirikoh wow
00:38.40Shirikcan I upgrade that easily?
00:38.43ShirikWhen they allow a new one?
00:38.56ScytheBlade1Yes, you can upgrade that easily
00:38.56ScytheBlade1What are you looking for?
00:39.14ShirikI'll just wait a little loner
00:39.27Shirikno big deal since I'm the only one with ssh
00:39.31Shirikyes I know 2.6.25 isn't stable!
00:39.31ScytheBlade1.25 doesn't exist yet.
00:39.32ShirikGet over it
00:39.34wereHamsterThrae|Work, :SetFrameLevel() takes integers, and in the xml file you can defile frameLevel= in strings, is the relation between the strings and the integers known?
00:39.40ShirikI like to live on the edge
00:39.54Shiriknever knowing when the next instruction could be a kernel panic
00:40.54Thrae|WorkwereHamster: In strings like "HIGH" or "1"?
00:41.00ShirikScytheBlade1: It's the only way to fly
00:41.12wereHamsterShirik, living on the edge? if you install .25-rc3 be prepared for WARNING: at net/ipv4/tcp_input.c:1767 tcp_enter_frto+0x269/0x270() and such messages in dmesg...
00:41.19Shirikhells yeah
00:41.28ScytheBlade1Shirik: I'm running .24.3... but now you've got me curious
00:41.36ScytheBlade1What's in .25 that you need?
00:41.55Shirikbiggest reason is that the vmsplice exploit claims to work up to .24, though I haven't seen it work myself
00:41.58Endlol, hortus is like "we don't support linux, kthx", and then tigerclaw is like "we have some opengl fixes in, let us know if this helps linux"
00:42.01ShirikI'm fairly convinced I'm just doing something wrong
00:42.06ScytheBlade1Select "latest 2.6" and reboot
00:42.13Shiriklatest 2.6 is .23
00:42.26wereHamsterThrae|Work, <Layer level="OVERLAY">
00:42.53Endit's fixed in 41
00:42.59Endwhich is latest
00:43.07Shirikso that's why I can't get it to work
00:43.10Endwhich is probably mentioned in the link ScytheBlade1 did
00:43.13Shirikok <3 ScytheBlade1
00:43.16Thrae|WorkEnd: They won't support it if you need help with it, but it just so happens the fixes to OpenGL they need to do for Macs can also help running under WINE in Linux.
00:43.28EndThrae|Work: yeah, I just seemed funny to me :P
00:43.28ScytheBlade1End: yup, that's the post I linked
00:43.29Shirikanyway yeah I'm set to latest 2.6
00:43.34Shirikdo they automatically upgrade it for me without asking?
00:43.44ShirikI wonder if that's a good idea or not
00:43.46ScytheBlade1You can't upgrade without rebooting
00:43.52Shirikwell yeah
00:44.00Shirikthat's why I was getting to if they reboot my server without asking
00:44.08ScytheBlade1If you're set to "latest 2.6" - you'll get their latest 2.6 stable whenever you reboot
00:44.12Shirikah ok
00:44.16ScytheBlade1No, they won't - unmanaged service
00:44.23ScytheBlade1The only time that'll happen is if the host goes down
00:44.24wereHamsterScytheBlade1, what about kexec?
00:44.31ScytheBlade1wereHamster: not on Linode :)
00:44.34ScytheBlade1(At least, I don't think so)
00:44.43ScytheBlade1Actually yeah, definitely not on linode, lol
00:44.58Corrodiassigh, back to raiding
00:46.05Endlinode is uml
00:46.37End(unless you do their xen beta test)
00:47.13ScytheBlade1And even then, you can't currently run your own kernel
00:47.20Endthat's true
00:47.28ScytheBlade1But soon!
00:47.29Endbut at least you can load your own kernel modules
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00:51.13LopeppeppySoon (tm).
00:51.17batrickthere should be !& and !| symbols in C
00:51.22batrickwhat do you think Shirik ?
00:51.41ScytheBlade1Once they have Xen stable, they'll look at custom kernels
00:52.22Shiriknor and nand?
00:52.31ShirikProgrammers don't understand digital circuit design
00:52.35Shirikthey'll be like "wtf nand, that's stupid"
00:52.40WobWorkIt's true
00:52.47ShirikThey don't understand you can make everything out of nand gates
00:52.48WobWorkI had a horrific time with digital systems
00:52.57WobWorkIt's why I switched from Comp eng to Comp sci
00:53.00batrickor nor gates =D
00:53.04Shirikor nor gates
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00:53.56WobWorkoh conceptually I can admire the fact that you can make everything out of nand gates
00:53.56batrickyou know what's interesting
00:54.02batrickc functions in Lua don't have real upvalues
00:54.03WobWorkbut -I- don't want to have to do it =)
00:54.05batrickc closures*
00:57.20batrickshould the topic include the new toc version?
00:58.28ShirikWobWork: But nand gates are so easy to make!
00:58.31WobWorkwe have a new toc version?
00:58.36ShirikOne transistor per input
00:58.37batrickfor 2.4?
00:58.38Shirikit's beauty in action
00:58.44WobWorkShirik: I still -think- like an engineer
00:58.48ShirikI can make a 500 input nand gate with 500 transistors
00:58.55Shirik--> 500 * 0.7
00:58.56batbotShirik: > 350
00:58.57WobWorkI just use it to apply to programming =P
00:59.00ShirikI just need a 350V source
00:59.04Shirikpreferably 355
00:59.24Shirikor some kind of voltage regulator circuit
00:59.50WobWorkbatrick: well... 2.4 isn't released yet =)
00:59.58batricknand gates have 2 transistors per input?
01:00.44ShirikVCC - 22kohm resistor - C - E - C - E - GND
01:00.50Shirikeach base is one input?
01:00.58Shirikoutput is between the 22kohm resistor and first collector
01:01.30ShirikI think...
01:01.41ShirikI mean I don't have this circuit memorized, I just put it together in my head whenever I need it
01:02.08batrickit depends on the transistor you're using
01:02.21batricknand gates require a p channel and n channel transistor
01:02.23Shirikit's the only ones I can use without hurting my head
01:02.53Shirikgoogle agrees with me :D
01:03.01*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (i=cbceb2e4@gateway/web/ajax/
01:03.20WobWorkyay autoaway off
01:03.24Shirikhai Wobin_
01:03.27Shirikand WobWork
01:03.41batrickthat's fucking dumb
01:03.53ShirikIt's how I do it :<
01:03.57batrickI'd draw you a picture but i'm lazy
01:04.06ShirikThough I use a much higher resistance pullup resistor
01:04.13Shirikmostly because I want low current
01:05.02Shirikhehehe batrick, I did, however, make a not gate the other day out of transistors
01:05.19batrickVhi -- p channel -- | -- n channel -- GROUND
01:05.25Shirikended up hooking up two transistors in darlington configuration.... and forgetting some resistors from collector to emitter
01:05.27Shirikthat wasn't fun
01:05.36Shirikwtf is that?
01:05.40batrickpchannel takes an input, and so does n channel
01:05.43batrickand the | is out
01:05.49Shirikthat's.... an interesting way of doing it
01:05.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Shaktar (
01:06.04batrickthat's a NAND with MOSFET p and n channel transistors
01:06.12batrickfor one input... lawlz
01:06.20Shirikso a not gate :P
01:06.40batrickno one interrupt my ascii art pls
01:07.00Shirik--> while true do end
01:07.04batbotShirik: @ maximum execution time/memory exceeded
01:07.06batrickVhi -- p channel -- | -- n channel -- n channel -- GROUND
01:07.12batrickVhi -- p channel -- |
01:07.16batrickthere you go
01:07.17Shirikdamn, almost had it...
01:07.18batricknand gate
01:07.34Shirikwhy not use mine though :(
01:07.37Shirikit's only 2 transistors!
01:07.44batrickbecause mine uses the real stuff :)
01:07.50Shirik"real stuff" ?
01:07.54ShirikI like BJTs
01:07.54batrickit's what they build microprocesors with :P
01:08.10Shirikscrew them
01:08.16ShirikI'm going to build a microprocessor completely out of BJTs
01:08.19Shirikon a proto board
01:08.30batrickyou ever see a electron microscope rendering of a processor?
01:08.36batrickyou can see the p and n channel transistors
01:08.37batrickit's so cool
01:08.51Shirikdie Cidan
01:08.57Shiriktransistors are fun
01:09.03Shirikthey make the world go round
01:09.30Corrodiasi build my transistors out of bubble gum and duct tape
01:09.31ShirikIt's kinda amazing the sheer amount of different things transistors can do, for such a simple device
01:10.37CidanI'm so not an EE/CE
01:10.46LunessaI'm here to build transistors and chew bubble-gum.  And I'm ALL OUT OF BUBBLE-GUM.
01:10.58ShirikCidan: I should show you my current project
01:11.03Shirikthe circuit diagram for it
01:11.21CidanI'd cry
01:11.42batrickthis is why the french never do anything amazing
01:11.50batrickthey have the drains and sources labeled wrong
01:13.31*** join/#wowi-lounge break19 (
01:15.21AnduinLotharare elixers and flasks the same specialization?
01:16.43batrickthat's pretty good
01:16.50*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (i=cbceb2e4@gateway/web/ajax/
01:16.57batrickthat would be an inverter =)
01:17.23ShirikI still don't see the point of having two transistors when you only need one :P
01:17.26ShirikBJTs = win
01:17.39batrickShirik: ... your "BJT" is two transistors packaged as one!
01:17.53ShirikI almost convinced them to let me use all BJTs on the robot we're working on
01:18.03Shirikbut in the end we decided to go buy two ICs :(
01:18.13Shirikso now we only have 2 BJTs on it
01:18.31Shirikand 2 heavy-duty relays lol
01:18.36Shirikthey're actually made for aircraft
01:18.46Shirikit's all we had ><
01:19.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Viserion (
01:19.54WobWorkI read BJT
01:20.02WobWorkand think "Bacon... Jam... Tomato?"
01:20.58WobWork(which follows up with . o O ("Crazy Americans..."))
01:21.01Shirikbipolar junction transistor :P
01:21.18Shirikbut bacon jam tomato sounds good
01:21.20Shirikmight try that
01:21.28WobWork. o O ("Crazy Americans...")
01:21.28Shirikthen I will show it to the IEEE group
01:21.35Shirikand that's what we'll eat for lunch every week
01:21.45Shirikand then we can say we're eating BJT sandwiches
01:21.47WobWork"I built this whole circuit board... with Bacon, Jam and Tomato!"
01:21.53Lunessa... Damn it.  Now I'm hungry.
01:22.03Shirikgo make a BJT sandwich
01:22.40LopeppeppyBacon without seeds
01:23.07LunessaI'm in the office.  I have not of the ingredients!  DAMN IT MAN!  I'm a Code Monkey, not a chef!
01:23.24Esamynn|Work~fail Lunessa
01:23.25purlLunessa: Fail.
01:23.38Lunessa~lart Esamynn|Work
01:23.38purlthrows Esamynn|Work's poor little doggy off a cliff
01:23.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Godzmack (
01:24.10Esamynn|WorkLunessa: that's it, this means war!
01:24.12KeiasI had the most delicious hamburgers for dinner
01:24.16Esamynn|Work~bzfrag Lunessa
01:24.17purlACTION blindsides Lunessa with an invisible bullet
01:24.21Esamynn|Work~whaleslap Lunessa
01:24.22purlACTION beats Lunessa upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
01:24.22KeiasAnd my room now smells of onions
01:24.24Shirikyou know
01:24.28Esamynn|Work~whalenuke Lunessa
01:24.28purlACTION dons her radiation cloak and tinted glasses while a highly intelligent whale named Ray precipitates critical mass for uncontrolled nuclear fission around Lunessa with his mind powers.
01:24.29Shirikbullets are usually visible
01:24.33Esamynn|Work~cheeseslap Lunessa
01:24.33purlACTION slaps Lunessa around with a piece of texas goat cheese
01:24.36Shirikvery important to buy invisible bullets
01:24.37Esamynn|Work~fishslap Lunessa
01:24.38purlACTION slaps Lunessa up side the head with a wet fish.
01:24.43batrickomfg lol
01:24.43Esamynn|Work~lart Lunessa
01:24.43purlstabs Lunessa
01:25.00Esamynn|WorkTHROW MY DOG OF A CLIFF HUH!!!!!
01:25.07Shirikwtf is that batrick
01:25.16batricksomeone took a picture of some transistors
01:25.22batrickand photoshopped a toilet on it
01:25.41batrickwhere's the drain? here it is!
01:25.50Esamynn|Work~gag Lunessa
01:25.50purlACTION takes away the voice of Lunessa and, as an additional precaution, sews Lunessa's mouth shut permanently...
01:26.05Cidanfucking hell
01:26.13CidanFreeBSD now supports ZFS
01:26.16batrickthat's almost the level of detail I wanted
01:27.02Esamynn|Work~calm Cidan
01:27.03purlACTION sooths Cidan, offers a backrub, tea, a jacuzzi and anything else that might help calm Cidan down.
01:27.20CidanI'M CALM!!!
01:27.27Esamynn|Work~gag Cidan
01:27.28purlACTION takes away the voice of Cidan and, as an additional precaution, sews Cidan's mouth shut permanently...
01:27.39break19lolnix < Darwin
01:28.22Cidanbreak19: haha oh wow?
01:29.09break19much <3 to the bsdness of darwin
01:29.46Cidannever got into BSD, so eh
01:29.53CidanNOT THAT IT'S BAD
01:30.02LopeppeppyHmm, so much abusing of Lunessa and Cidan, and I wasn't watching.
01:30.03CidanJust, never got into it
01:30.14CidanLopeppeppy: Care to join? :D
01:30.38LopeppeppyOf course, darling, your dungeon or mine?
01:30.53break19Cidan: uname -a : Darwin blackbox 9.2.0 Darwin Kernel Version 9.2.0: Tue Feb  5 16:15:19 PST 2008; root:xnu-1228.3.13~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh :)
01:31.11sag_ich_nicht japan never fails to amaze me (possibly NSFW)
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01:33.39LunessaNSFW - but pretty off-beat and funny.
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01:42.20Thrae|Work <-- I truly am a masochist.
01:48.05Corrodiasmy needles and i would like to ask you over for a visit, thrae
01:50.39*** join/#wowi-lounge fromatz (
01:50.44Corrodiashey, tinytip is what i use. good stuff.
01:51.19fromatzif you do table.insert(a, i, 6) and then do table.insert(a, i, 4) will it overwrite the value in pos i?
01:51.35pastamancerinsert is non-destructive
01:51.47fromatzahh that would be why mine is working them
01:51.50fromatzi assumed it did
01:51.51pastamancerIIRC it'll bump up all the other indexes
01:51.57pastamanceryou want a[i] = foo
01:52.14fromatzi just want a cyclic table so to speak...
01:52.17Thrae|Workfromatz: What part of "insert" was confusing you? ;)
01:52.19pastamancera ring buffer?
01:52.27fromatzi just want a table of say size 50
01:52.39fromatzand when the size is 51, it inserts at pos 1
01:52.52pastamanceryou'll have to write that yourself
01:53.03fromatzyeah im trying to, here is what i have, but it didnt seem to work
01:53.17pastamancerdon't paste code in here
01:53.22Thrae|WorkIf you're doing it for performance reasons, I can't see why
01:53.52fromatzim tracking bg games i do
01:54.06fromatzand i only want the latest 50 games to be saved the to the saved variables file
01:54.26fromatzthe only way i can think of doing it is that way
01:54.29Thrae|Worktable.remove(t, 1); table.insert(t, 1, value)
01:55.04pastamancert[i % 50] = value?
01:55.41fromatzim just calculating the index by
01:55.44fromatzi = 1
01:55.49Thrae|Workpastamancer: i % 51, since it starts at 1 not 0, but yeah
01:55.53fromatzafter it adds to the table i do i = i +1
01:55.57*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (n=sylvanaa@
01:56.16fromatzand i have a condition if (i <= 50) add else i = 1 add
01:56.20pastamancerThrae|Work: oh, right
01:56.49fromatzbut i guess in the else part, i need to remove first, then add
01:58.03pastamancerThrae|Work: oh wait... what about i = 51... damn these tables that start at 1
01:58.54Thrae|Workpastamancer: Well if you're using i beyond 50, then wouldn't that always return 0?
01:59.34pastamancerfromatz: instead of table.insert(t, i, v) use t[(i - 1) % 50 + 1] = v
01:59.57pastamancerThrae|Work: modulo is remainder
02:00.37pastamancerThrae|Work: 55 % 50 == 5
02:01.14fromatzpasta:  thats not going to add cyclic functionality though is it?
02:01.38Mr_Rabies2i forgot how slow freenode was
02:01.48pastamancerfromatz: sure, the table index will always be between 1 and 50
02:02.03Mr_Rabies2i was gonna say "da boss is gone, break out the coke and hookers"
02:02.25Mr_Rabies2but it's just freenode's longass TTL on connections
02:02.27fromatzoh yeah with mod i wont need conditionals
02:02.27pastamancerfromatz: try this at home:  for i = 1, 20 do print(i % 5) end
02:02.49fromatzwell will need to check is  i % 50 = 0
02:02.50MentalPoweranyone have any recommendations on programs to organize one's music library on disk? (find dupes, add missing metadata, organize in disk by author/album)
02:02.55fromatzif so then index needs to be 1 again
02:03.51pastamancerwell, if you're going to reset your index then you can just check if i == 51 or 50 or whatever
02:04.14MentalPoweryeah, much better to just check for the specific number
02:04.42MentalPoweror if you want to be paranoid "if i >= 50 then"
02:05.05fromatzwell my original implementation was
02:05.31Thrae|Workfromatz: function insert(t,v) t.size = 51 % ( (t.size or 0) + 1); t[t.size] = v end
02:06.23fromatzi=1; if (i <= 50)  then {insert; i=i+1} else {i=1 insert i=i+1}
02:06.57fromatzbut it didnt write anything to file
02:07.07*** part/#wowi-lounge Thrae|Work (n=Thrae|
02:07.29fromatzthat was what i had
02:08.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae|Work (n=Thrae|
02:08.41Thrae|WorkAh, whoops.
02:10.29*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
02:11.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Shaktar (
02:13.02kd3new PTR build available
02:13.04kd3ScytheBlade1, ^
02:14.17*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (i=cbceb2e4@gateway/web/ajax/
02:14.55WobWorkCan't win at all =P
02:15.17WobWorkneed to enable ssh at home
02:16.12kd3huh, they changed the realm listing this build
02:16.22kd3"Development" cat instead of US/Oceanic
02:16.46WobWorkThat's an odd nomination
02:16.51kd3this way us/eu/korea all have the same cat
02:17.09WobWorkwell Development sort of implies it's not quite at testing stage
02:17.41MentalPowerkd3: they've been saying they will do that since a bit before 2.4 went to the PTR
02:18.03MentalPowerhow many realms are up tho?
02:18.30kd3it's supposed to happen in a later build this week according to zoot
02:19.13fromatzwhat was the reasoning why table.insert is non destructive
02:20.33WobWorkfromatz: cause it doesn't replace keys?
02:20.54MentalPowerif you want a destructive version, just insert manually
02:20.55WobWorkbut increments the index indefinitely?
02:22.24fromatzt[1] = 4
02:22.29fromatzt[1] = 6
02:22.42fromatzin lua wont it be t[1]=4 t[2] = 6
02:22.47ScytheBlade1kd3: kk
02:22.56fromatzeven if you implicitly call t[1]=x both times
02:23.56fromatzso it does overwrite t[1]?
02:24.28MentalPower--> local t = {} t[1]="foo" t[2] = "bar" t[1] = "baz" print(t)
02:24.28batbotMentalPower: table: 0x811bbe0
02:24.33MentalPower--> local t = {} t[1]="foo" t[2] = "bar" t[1] = "baz" print(t[1])
02:24.34batbotMentalPower: baz
02:24.59fromatz<pastamancer> IIRC it'll bump up all the other indexes
02:25.05fromatz^^ i must have misunderstood?
02:25.18MentalPowerif you use table.insert() yes it will
02:25.26MentalPowerlua> local t = {} t[1]="foo" t[2] = "bar" t[1] = "baz" print(t)
02:25.26lua_botMentalPower: table: 0x630f90
02:25.30fromatzyeah i was using table.insert
02:26.15MentalPower--> local t = {} table.insert(t,"foo") table.insert(t,"bar") table.insert(t, "baz", 1) print(t[1], t[2], t[3])
02:26.16batbotMentalPower: @ [string " local t = {} table.insert(t,"foo") table.i..."]:1: bad argument #2 to 'insert' (number expected, got string)
02:26.31MentalPower--> local t = {} table.insert(t,"foo") table.insert(t,"bar") table.insert(t, 1"baz") print(t[1], t[2], t[3])
02:26.31batbotMentalPower: @ [string " local t = {} table.insert(t,"foo") table.insert(t,"bar") table..."]:1: ')' expected near '"baz"'
02:26.35MentalPower--> local t = {} table.insert(t,"foo") table.insert(t,"bar") table.insert(t, 1,"baz") print(t[1], t[2], t[3])
02:26.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
02:26.36batbotMentalPower: baz  foo  bar
02:26.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Maul (i=446c1daa@gateway/web/ajax/
02:26.47ScytheBlade1Patch.html is the same size
02:28.02Thrae|Worklua> local yourtable = {}; local function insert(t,v) t.size = 51 % ((t.size or 0) + 1) t[t.size] = v end; for i=1,60 do insert(yourtable, i) end; print( yourtable[1] )
02:28.03lua_botThrae|Work: nil
02:28.52ScytheBlade1kd3: I have to wonder if we have to re-copy the characters over..
02:29.13Thrae|Worklocal yourtable = {}; local function insert(t,v) t.size = ((t.size or 0) + 1) % 51 t[t.size] = v end; for i=1,60 do insert(yourtable, i) end; print( yourtable[1] )
02:29.27Thrae|Worklua> local yourtable = {}; local function insert(t,v) t.size = ((t.size or 0) + 1) % 51 t[t.size] = v end; for i=1,60 do insert(yourtable, i) end; print( yourtable[1] )
02:29.28lua_botThrae|Work: 52
02:30.23Guillotin1Someone want to try opening up the MPQs and seeing if UnitGUID is in for this build?
02:30.26Thrae|Worklocal yourtable = {}; local function insert(t,v) t.size = ((t.size or 0) + 1) % 50 t[t.size] = v end; for i=1,60 do insert(yourtable, i) end; print( yourtable[1] )
02:30.32kd3doubt it
02:30.34kd3diffs incoming
02:30.41Thrae|Worklua> local yourtable = {}; local function insert(t,v) t.size = ((t.size or 0) + 1) % 50 t[t.size] = v end; for i=1,60 do insert(yourtable, i) end; print( yourtable[1] )
02:30.42lua_botThrae|Work: 51
02:31.01Thrae|Worklocal yourtable = {}; local function insert(t,v) t.size = ((t.size or 0) + 1) % 50 t[t.size] = v end; for i=1,60 do insert(yourtable, i) end; print( yourtable[1], yourtable[2], yourtable[3] )
02:31.09Thrae|Worklua> local yourtable = {}; local function insert(t,v) t.size = ((t.size or 0) + 1) % 50 t[t.size] = v end; for i=1,60 do insert(yourtable, i) end; print( yourtable[1], yourtable[2], yourtable[3] )
02:31.10lua_botThrae|Work: 51, 52, 53
02:32.04Thrae|Workfromatz: As you can see from that code, after t.size goes past 50, it starts inserting at 1 again
02:32.18kd342kb diff this time
02:32.29Thrae|Workfromatz: local function insert(t,v) t.size = ((t.size or 0) + 1) % 50 t[t.size] = v end
02:32.32ScytheBlade1Could be worse
02:33.22fromatzill take a gander at it
02:33.30GuillotineInteresting, the location IS development
02:34.54ScytheBlade1looks like they're at least playing with the combat log movement bug
02:35.36Thrae|Worklua> local t = { } for i=1,51 do table.insert(t, 50, i) end print( t[1] )
02:35.37lua_botThrae|Work: nil
02:35.52Thrae|Worklocal t = { } for i=1,51 do table.insert(t, 50, i) end print( t[51] )
02:36.02Thrae|Worklua> local t = { } for i=1,51 do table.insert(t, 50, i) end print( t[1] )
02:36.03lua_botThrae|Work: nil
02:36.11Thrae|Worklua> local t = { } for i=1,51 do table.insert(t, 50, i) end print( t[51] )
02:36.12lua_botThrae|Work: nil
02:36.55*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
02:36.59WobWorklocal t = {}; setmetatable(t, { __index = function(k,v) if k > 50 then k = k %50 end t[k] = v end }) ?
02:37.02Thrae|Worklua> local t = { } for i=1,51 do table.insert(t, 50, i) end print( t[50] )
02:37.02lua_botThrae|Work: 51
02:37.04CairennKirkburn: got the response from Angie, and based on it, I'm pulling my content now.
02:37.24Thrae|WorkAh, so table.insert doesn't shift
02:37.31*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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02:37.40sysragedo buff displays in raid frames work properly again on the PTR?
02:37.41kd3ckknight, check your email
02:37.43ScytheBlade1Shirik: check out this frame name from the Blizz -
02:37.46ScytheBlade1REALMS UP
02:37.51Thrae|Worklua> local t = { } for i=1,51 do table.insert(t, 50, i) end print( t[49] )
02:37.51lua_botThrae|Work: nil
02:37.59ScytheBlade1Shirik: check out this frame name from the Blizz source: FriendsFrameFriendsScrollFrameScrollBarTop
02:38.05WobWorkScytheBlade1: and the opposite: BLACKROCK_DOWN
02:38.26MentalPoweroh wow...
02:38.27ScytheBlade1WobWork: haha
02:38.36ScytheBlade1I was the third person to log into the PTR
02:38.57ckknightkd3: you're a grade-A pimp
02:38.58Thrae|WorkWobWork: There's no reason to hook index for that
02:39.13WobWorkThrae|Work: well, it saves you from having to do anything =)
02:39.39WobWorkany insert that the index exceeds 50 will automatically overwrite the appropriate position
02:39.46WobWorkor maybe newindex
02:39.52WobWorkthat might be better
02:40.28WobWorkoff the top of my head metatables is not my forte =)
02:41.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
02:41.56*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
02:42.22ScytheBlade1UnitGUID() active in this PTR build
02:42.28ScytheBlade1Antiarc: UnitGUID() is go
02:44.56AntiarcIt's live? Yay.
02:44.57*** join/#wowi-lounge pizdets (
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02:45.01*** part/#wowi-lounge Viserion (
02:45.06pizdetso hai
02:45.07ScytheBlade1It's live
02:45.36ScytheBlade1Guillotine: do you by chance have the path to the star texture?
02:45.50GuillotineNo, sorry :/
02:46.12ScytheBlade1Not a worry
02:47.07Thrae|WorkSo you can do something like UnitGUID("party1target")?
02:47.37ScytheBlade1I've only tried player and target
02:47.39ScytheBlade1But both work
02:48.05kd3least the combat log's been fixed
02:48.30ScytheBlade1And they broke the config panel
02:48.41ScytheBlade1Check the message sources tab
02:52.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
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03:06.08Nom-That was some quality QQ
03:07.53ScytheBlade1Holy crap wow
03:08.13sysragewhat was it before?
03:08.22Nom-It was 15% for 15% i think
03:08.54Nom-and on live now it's a specific value rather than a percentage i bleieve
03:10.18GuillotineWater is completely messed up
03:10.48GuillotineGo to the stream in Terokkar near Allerian Stronghold
03:11.23Lunessa... I must have missed the need for QQ then, because that Life Tap sounds ok to me.
03:11.43ScytheBlade1Lunessa: it was a MASSIVE nerf
03:11.48ScytheBlade1Still kinda is in some respects
03:12.05*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
03:12.17LunessaIt's still a 3:1 ratio, and it will still scale with max health...
03:12.37ScytheBlade1They used to gain more mana per HP
03:12.42ScytheBlade1That has been outright reversed
03:13.55LunessaYeah, I have Imp LT on my lock.  I'm just saying... it doesn't suck as bad as I was hearing.
03:13.58Corrodiasyes, on Live, it's restoring, say, 200 mana for 200 health (or 240 if you have the talent for it)
03:14.01ScytheBlade1Fair enough
03:14.25Corrodias15% for 5%... i don't know how this turns out
03:14.42Corrodias(with talent, should be 18% for 5%)
03:14.47LunessaI was hearing "Stamina is useless for warlocks now" "QQ - all my gear is worthless!"
03:14.54GuillotineInteresting... the Combat Log clicking doesn't seem to work
03:14.57Guillotineyou Can't view tooltips
03:15.07Corrodiasi don't know what typical warlock maximum health/mana values are
03:15.22Corrodiasfor SSC-learning level
03:15.49WobWorkI think the issue was that up until now, stam stacking has been the warlock methodology
03:15.56WobWorkwhich is reflected in their set gear etc
03:16.07WobWorkso for a CM to say "lol, gem for int"
03:16.14Corrodiaswhereas now, it's beneficial to have more mana instead
03:16.41WobWorkmeans they have no idea how the sets were laid out
03:16.42Corrodiassome CM who has never played a warlock past level 60, i take it
03:16.57WobWorkIt's a rather ignorant statement for anyone who plays a warlock
03:17.10Corrodiasneither have i, and even i can see how a fundamental change to a class without altering the gear to support it can be upsetting
03:17.32WobWorkall the sets would have to be rebalanced
03:17.33Corrodiasret paladins probably have had similar feelings at some point. i have never understood them, though.
03:17.48WobWorkyes, well, who knows the minds of ret pallies =)
03:17.56LunessaJust an FYI - A lot of the in-game GM and CM staff are the kind of people who work 8-10 hours a day for under $11/hour - Don't be too hard on 'em. :P Most of us here make more, and play more than they do.
03:18.21GuillotineNah, I'm sure CMs make more
03:18.56GuillotineMobs near each other have IDs in a row
03:19.04LunessaSome, maybe.  My point being the job doesn't pay well, and 90% of it is dealing with angry asshats.  Don't be too hard on 'em.
03:19.05Guillotineat least right after server spawn
03:19.27Corrodiasi can be hard on people saying stupid things, even if they don't make much. i can pity them, and excuse rudeness or laziness.
03:19.59WobWorkOh no doubt
03:20.17WobWorkbut if they don't have the experience, they shouldn't be making statements like that
03:20.31WobWorkas it demonstrates a lack of understanding of the issue
03:20.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
03:20.48WobWorkand coming from a CM, it's better for them not to say anything at all than to say something silly
03:21.01LunessaMeh.  Whatever.  A little civility and pointing out they're in error probably goes a lot further to making your case than asshattery.
03:21.03Corrodiasand a willingness to run one's mouth about that thing
03:21.28WobWorkLunessa: But that's the point
03:21.34Corrodiaswell, i'm sure somebody has reasonably pointed out what's wrong with it
03:21.45WobWorkAs a CM they're expected to be authorities on what they speak of
03:21.49Corrodiasi don't have experience with high-level warlocks, so i can't truly speak on the issue
03:21.53WobWorkotherwise they'd have no respect or control over the forums
03:22.19Corrodias... that sounds familiar!
03:22.42Corrodiasyou say "they'd" as if this were a hypothetical situation
03:24.14WobWorkWell Lunessa is saying we should cut them a break for stating silly statements because they're not paid that much/play that much
03:24.28WobWorkAnd I say, for their job description, that is no excuse whatsoever
03:24.30LunessaNo, I'm saying do be an ass hat.
03:24.46LunessaYeah, don't.
03:24.52WobWorkWhere am I an asshat>?
03:25.06LunessaArthritus acting up.. my typing is deteriotating.
03:25.08Corrodiasthere's little reason to be a jerk to them, no, but don't coddle the foolish for skipping out on their responsibilities
03:25.18WobWorkCorrodias: exactly
03:25.37Corrodiasi don't like being a jerk to anybody
03:26.27WobWorkBut really, yes. they're paid very little (which isn't really indicative of any sort of gaining respect), but they should be trained to -not- open their mouths on subjects they don't fully understand. Especially since they're placed in that position as a position of authority and information broadcasting
03:26.42WobWorkAnd that is not asshattery
03:26.45LunessaI just don't like people taking shots at  the guys with shitty jobs.  "lol gem int" not good - but I see more hate/venom spewed at CM/GM staff from people who are just angry because they're not getting their way.
03:26.46ShirikDoes Vista not have hyperterminal NOR telnet?!
03:27.05Corrodiasyeah, if a ... if a class balance designer posted a dismissive comment about a raid boss encounter, i couldn't get upset. it's just some random guy's opinion.
03:27.06WobWorkLunessa: So an entirely different subject completely to the current topic? =P
03:27.27ScytheBlade1Shirik: I think the actual reason for their removal was to keep such "utilities" out of those who would abuse them... and I wish I was joking :/
03:27.28Corrodiasthat's true, the WoW forums are almost totally out of control
03:27.43LunessaWobWork: Nah, related issue, just not the right time to pick the fight.
03:27.45WobWorkLunessa: Since I have -yet- to spew hate/venom at any CM
03:28.22ShirikScytheBlade1: Ironically I'm about to abuse them
03:28.29ShirikI can get them from other sources...
03:28.30LunessaI was just trying to make the point, not start a 20 minute discourse.
03:28.31ScytheBlade1Shirik: SO IT WORKED, HA
03:28.41Corrodiasif a class balance designer came on the forum and said something stupid about class balance, then we could start to get antsy
03:28.49Shirikwait wtf
03:28.51ShirikI have putty
03:28.53Shirikwhat am I doing
03:28.56*** part/#wowi-lounge Thrae|Work (n=Thrae|
03:29.06WobWorkShirik: It's true
03:29.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae|Work (n=Thrae|
03:29.09WobWorkWhat-are- you doing? =)
03:29.14Corrodiasif a CM (by definition, the people who are supposed to ferry feedback between developers and the community) dismiss either side, it's pretty much a failure to perform
03:29.22Shirikhelping... a friend... find security flaws
03:29.29LunessaCorrodias: You could build a fucking bonfire and roast him.
03:29.39*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
03:29.49Corrodiasi could use some roast beef about now
03:29.57LunessaLong Pig FTL
03:30.04WobWorkTauren  =)
03:31.03Corrodiasnot having a default telnet client installed with vista will surely put the hardcore hackers out of business
03:31.14Corrodiasmicrosoft wins this round!
03:32.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
03:32.57pizdetsi sea what you did there
03:37.18LunessaHaha... My fans, lol : " i swear.....on these forums....if i knew where you lived there would be hot blood elf on night elf action thankyou so much! <3!!!"
03:42.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
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03:51.23*** join/#wowi-lounge |pez| (
03:52.03|pez|buu, sleep didn't happen. :\
03:53.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
03:53.46LunessaSleep is for the weak.
03:54.04|pez|I'm totally weak.
03:54.09pizdetssleep is for people who don't play 24/7
03:54.15|pez|So sleep is right for me!
03:55.32|pez|I guess I'll just skip housely chores tomorrow, and sleep while the boyfriend is at work.
03:59.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
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04:07.38AtriaceI feel so emasculated...
04:07.51AtriaceI just got done baking a batch of cookies.
04:08.11AtriaceThey're good though. ^_^
04:11.14|pez|I probably need sleep, since I read that as "I just got done taking a bath of cookies." ... :\
04:13.54WobWorkflametongue MS
04:14.02AlexanderYoshiYou're so burned
04:14.06AlexanderYoshiHealing can't help you
04:14.58|pez|You know what sucks about me being sleepless right now?  If I lie down on the sofa, I'd probably fall asleep in an instant.
04:15.19|pez|But I don't like sleeping on the sofa.
04:15.24|pez|it doesn't feel like sleeping.
04:15.33|pez|more like... a faster passing of time.
04:15.40|pez|and I wake up with horrible bodyaches all over.
04:16.27laggeranyone know why this doesnt work
04:16.36laggerif eventtype == "SPELL_AURA_APPLIED" and,hostileunits) > 0 then --mystuff here end
04:16.46laggerhostileunits being equal to COMBATLOG_FILTER_HOSTILE_UNITS
04:20.18Falcon213wtf.. I ditched my Mana Emerald but GetItemInfo still gives me a count of 1
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04:24.33Tem|AFKFalcon213, GetItemInfo doesn't return how many of an item you have
04:25.26Falcon213oh, just max stack size?
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04:35.23ShirikTem|AFK / ScytheBlade1: Have you two been using the updater and had any problems during backups?
04:35.31Shirik(automatic backups before an install)
04:35.39ScytheBlade1Shirik: I need to install 1.5 before I can run it :)
04:35.42ScytheBlade1java, that is
04:35.52Shirikdoes it correctly detect that?
04:36.02ScytheBlade1Well, I'm on linux
04:36.07ScytheBlade1And it just outright crashes
04:36.14Shirikyeah it's the .exe that does the detection
04:36.19Shirikno wait, there should be some code in the Java file too
04:36.37ScytheBlade1Sec and I'll paste
04:37.00ScytheBlade1Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: wowiupdater/Main (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)
04:37.29Shirikok then
04:37.39Shirikthat I didn't code, but seems to have gotten packaged with it anyway
04:37.50ShirikString version = System.getProperty("java.version");
04:37.51Shirikversion = version.substring(0, 3); // Only major.minor, nothing further
04:37.51Shirikfloat vernum = Float.parseFloat(version);
04:37.51Shirikif (vernum < MIN_JAVA_VERSION)
04:37.52Shirikthat I did
04:37.58ShirikMaybe I can remove that then ^^
04:39.05batrickShirik: shouldn't you include some static java jvm with your program so you don't have to worry about that?
04:39.16Shirikthat would be a bit huge
04:39.25MentalPowermajorly huge
04:39.28Shirikhowever I told the windows MSI where to find it
04:39.30Shirikand auto-isntall
04:39.42batricki dunno how big is the java jvm?
04:39.50Shirik50MB at least, surely
04:39.56MentalPoweror that
04:39.59Shirik~lart Wobin_
04:39.59purljudo chops Wobin_
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04:40.01MentalPowerits HUGE
04:40.05Shirik~lart WobWork
04:40.05purlwhacks WobWork upside the head
04:40.47ScytheBlade1Shirik: yeah, I just ran it with `java -jar` so
04:40.47batricko well
04:40.52ScytheBlade1Not sure how much of that you can work around
04:42.00ShirikI don't think I can
04:42.06ScytheBlade1I wouldn't know
04:42.07ShirikAnd I can't compile it for 1.4, sorry
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04:42.13ScytheBlade1lol no worries
04:43.37ShirikI can compile it for JDK 6 though
04:44.27Shirikbut yeah, I use generics, annotations, and enums, none of which are supported by 1.4 :(
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04:49.25batrickwow that's dumb
04:49.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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04:49.49batrickso apparently rbash doesn't prevent user programs from doing things like changing directories
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05:02.09Irielbatrick: Isn't it expecting to be executed with a restricted path and possibly in a chroot'ed environment?
05:02.57Cairenn~seen thunder_child
05:03.01purlthunder_child <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 14d 20h 21m 35s ago, saying: 'ah, pussy of a different flavor'.
05:03.12ShirikHi Iriel, got a quick question for you. Do you think this design is sane? I have a function that performs a test and then returns a result. I abstracted this result into a "Result" object, which is an abstract class.
05:03.27ShirikTrueResult, FalseResult, and ErrorResult extend that Result class
05:03.38ShirikNeither Result nor TrueResult have any methods or attributes though
05:03.43IrielWhy not just an Enum/
05:03.52Shirikbecause false/error have more information that they need to convey
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05:03.58Shirikin the case of false, it needs a ton of information
05:04.39Shirikthey each need to store different information, but they all need to be able to be returned
05:04.52Shirikso I was going to do something like return a Result, and then use "instanceof" to figure out which one it was?
05:04.57ShirikI've never used that operator before >.>
05:05.21Irielthat's a reasonable design, considering your needs then.
05:05.34Irielyou may consider an isError and isTrue method in your interface
05:05.42IrielIt leaves your options more open in the future
05:05.56IrielBut that's possibly trying to design too much in up front before you need it, which can be dangerous
05:07.29ShirikI'm actually trying to think ahead and think of any other possible results and I can't think of any, but there's no real way to be 100% sure, considering the model checker is also replacable
05:07.56ShirikIt's basically a tool that evaluates a logical expression as true or false (runs through a FSM and sees if the formula matches)
05:08.15IrielThen I think your result SHOULD have an isTrue method
05:08.17ShirikIn the event of false, though, I need to go and figure out the sequence of states that makes it false
05:08.23batrickIriel: I suppose so
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05:08.31IrielAlso, have you considered if an exception would be more appropriate than an ErrorResult?
05:09.04ShirikConsidered that as well, but considering how much that result is going to be tossed around we thought it might be easier to have it be an actual object
05:09.09Shirikthough an exception does somewhat make sense
05:09.50ShirikI mean, in theory, I could store the exception
05:09.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=jbcc@
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05:10.44kd3the minimap broken for anyone else on the PTR?
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05:12.27IrielShirik: How 'common' are errors?Are they indeed exceptions or are they common result variants?
05:12.59ShirikAs common as users suck at typing in formulas
05:13.34Shirikso while they're not supposed to happen, they're supposed to be handlable and capable of giving the user relevant feedback
05:14.26IrielI think an exception may make more sense
05:14.42Shirikyou may be right
05:18.37*** part/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
05:18.55ShirikI can finally reliably reproduce
05:20.24Shirikquick question for anyone that knows SVN: I can create a branch even though I've modified files, right? Or do I have to commit first? (Which I don't want to do)
05:20.55WobWorkcreate the branch
05:20.59WobWorkswitch to it
05:21.00WobWorkthen commit
05:21.05Shirikperfect, thanks
05:21.42Shirik<3 SVN
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05:23.22ShirikI knew it couldn't be that easy
05:23.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
05:24.57WobWorkyeah =)
05:25.02WobWorkI 'tolerate' svn nowadays
05:25.04ShirikError: Working copy 'C:\Users\mpdelbuono\Documents\Code\wowiupdater\Setup' locked
05:25.04ShirikError: Please execute the "Cleanup" command.
05:25.13ShirikI know why too, I just need to fix it -_-
05:28.06Shirikpeople need to write IDEs that do not completely erase folders
05:28.12Shirikresulting in the loss of the .svn folder
05:28.17Shirik*cough* Visual Studio *cough*
05:29.33*** part/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
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05:34.45Shirikfinally cleaned up
05:37.58Shiriknight batrick?
05:38.37batrickafter some of comedy central
05:38.40Shirikoh my, commit is taking forever :<
05:38.46Shirikk night :)
05:39.01ShirikThat was not me.
05:39.41MentalPowerjust half? :P
05:39.56Shirikhopefully it didn't include everything...
05:43.59*** part/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
05:47.10AnduinLotharmmm what's the bot command to look up arena points
05:47.30AnduinLothar!ap 1629
05:47.47AnduinLotharthat the wrong prefix?
05:48.05WobWorkIs the bot active?
05:48.28MentalPower~seen Thrae
05:48.30purlthrae <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 1d 16h 18m 22s ago, saying: 'Elkano: I need to find out if it's my client or Wowace svn. Probably my client.'.
05:48.54WobWork~seen Thraebot
05:48.55purlthraebot <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 10d 5h 28m 14s ago, saying: 'Shirik: Arena points from a rating of 1608 is, 2v2: 361, 3v3: 418, 5v5: 475'.
05:48.59AnduinLotharmy new battlegroup is a lot easier than my old one
05:49.06WobWorkoh there you go
05:49.13WobWorksome fairly close results =P
05:49.36AnduinLotharyeah, i just used
05:49.40WobWorkI didn't do it!
05:49.43WobWorkPurl did
05:49.44purlhmm... did is Direct Inward Dialing, or just a phone number
05:52.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:53.12AnduinLothar9-3 with my ret/ms/restoShammy
05:53.20AnduinLotharit's pretty fun
05:53.27AnduinLotharmuch better than losing endlessly
06:00.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Maul (i=446c1daa@gateway/web/ajax/
06:02.11art3miswhere the hell can i get my hands on an athlon64 X2 4800+
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06:02.14art3missocket 939
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06:09.03Dumanwow, shaman get mortal strike now?
06:09.09kd3it's bugged, though
06:09.19kd3tooltip says x/2, gameplay says it's x*2
06:09.26AnduinLotharwtf, that's like a pally slap int he face
06:09.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Syzgyn (
06:09.37Dumankd3: yeah
06:09.59Dumankd3: that's sort of a funny bug, actually ;-)
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06:10.50SyzgynDuman: that makes me sad
06:11.19DumanI just wish I understood what direction the devs were trying to take
06:11.34Dumanthe changes they make seem so weird sometimes
06:11.42SyzgynThey wanted to make enh shaman better in arena
06:12.37SyzgynAre the PTR's down right now?
06:14.46Dumanthis Infected Mushroom song is stuck in my head
06:14.48Dumanprobably because it's rad
06:15.06kd3it's up for US
06:15.12kd3supposedly it's up for euro too
06:15.46WobWorkso it's improving healing?
06:15.47Dumanyes it's broken right now
06:15.51WobWorkrofl =)
06:15.55Dumanyes ;)
06:16.08WobWorkhehe I'd so use flametongue on Inciter =)
06:16.11Dumanwow, there are hardly any patch seeders right now - sigh
06:16.23Dumanthat's what I got for working all day
06:16.26kd3you're not getting connected to the blizz seeds?
06:16.30WobWorkit'd make healing up after MC easier
06:16.38Dumanprobably overloaded
06:17.00WobWorka large majority of changes are to make arena more viable for certain classes
06:17.02Dumanseeing lots of seeds, hehe
06:17.04WobWorkor less viable
06:17.14WobWorkscrew what the rest of us are doing =P
06:17.15Dumanhonetsly...  I hate what arena has done to the game
06:17.26SyzgynI just downloaded the patch, so I dunno whats wrong with your client
06:17.28WobWorkyeah =\
06:17.32Dumanthere was a HUGE thread in beta before it was introduced
06:17.45Dumanabout how it was going to wreck things
06:17.50Dumanwoo, there go my seeds
06:18.18Dumanhah, it was a blizz seed finally
06:18.22DumanBlizzard Entertainment, Inc. ATTENS-010058-005011 (NET-206-17-110-0-1)
06:19.17Dumangod damn, some people are so dense on the forums sometimes
06:19.42Gngskonly sometimes?
06:19.43WobWorkDuman: this is a surprise?
06:21.17*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (i=cbceb2e4@gateway/web/ajax/
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06:23.20Dumanoh shit, you can link talents and abilities now?
06:23.24Dumanhot damn, how did I miss that
06:24.20Syzgynyou can again now?
06:24.32Syzgynthey took it out for a little bit
06:25.01art3miswhats the xml for the eu realm status?
06:25.07|Jelly|!vs us burning legion jelly us drenden kimina
06:26.35WobWorkNobot =(
06:32.06Falcon213hrm.. is there an API function to delete an item from inv?
06:32.33*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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06:32.47Syzgynooh, I like the new chatframe option interface
06:33.58SyzgynFalcon213: DeleteCursorItem()
06:34.37Syzgynthat with PickupContainerItem(bagID,slot)
06:35.17Falcon213ahh kk thanks
06:35.38DumanWill that still prompt you on blue-or-better items?
06:35.47Syzgynnot sure, probably
06:36.01SyzgynI'll try it out on PTR, one sec
06:38.25*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
06:38.55SyzgynIt completely skips the prompt for any item
06:39.02Syzgynwow, thats sortof dangerous
06:42.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Nechckn_BetaNow (
06:45.37Dumanmalicious addons
06:46.39Syzgynthat makes it way too easy to delete someones entire inventory in seconds
06:47.23*** join/#wowi-lounge |pez| (
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06:56.13batrickhey Shirik
06:56.24batricknew sandbox & serialization code for you to look at =)
06:57.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Baldor (
06:57.41Shirikis it named some horribly impossible to spell name?
06:58.22batrickalways :)
06:58.30batrickl2tab complete
06:58.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
07:01.30Syzgynso half my internet just died...
07:01.58Syzgynmost webpages wont load, PTR wont finish loading, but IRC is fine
07:02.22Syzgynnow the PTR wont even connect
07:02.40SyzgynI guess the other half decided to die too
07:02.57|pez|I lost an item that would make me happy and sleepy... >__>
07:03.56purlupdatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep, or super extractor,
07:04.05|pez|I don't watch porn actually.
07:04.18SyzgynShirik: thats epic win
07:05.08Shirikyou know what else is win?
07:05.11ShirikBatbot can rap now
07:05.13Shirik--> rap()
07:05.14batbotShirik: > Your sad rhymes are spinnin' like you're in a deadlock, You're like a synchronous sock that don't know when to block; So I pull out my keyboard and I pull out my glock, And I dismount your girl and I mount /proc. And I've got your f------ p...(tldr)
07:05.16Shirikoh booooo
07:05.19ShirikI need to fix that
07:05.25|pez|Boyfriend is away, I'm tired, but I can't seem to fall asleep.
07:05.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
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07:06.00Syzgyndid you refer to your boyfriend as an item up there?
07:06.13|pez|Syzgyn: no, I didn't.
07:06.31Syzgynjust checking :)
07:07.01Syzgynso IRC still works, internet doesnt, wow doesnt, pinging google doesnt
07:08.11|pez|damnit, I'll have to go look again.
07:08.26DumanI think charter is broken, Syzgyn
07:08.39art3misyer dns is just broken ;P
07:09.15Syzgynhah, now wowace will load
07:09.19Syzgyngod I hate my ISP
07:09.38art3mistry opening
07:09.40MentalPowerSyzgyn: ping <--One of google's IPs
07:09.43art3misin yer browser
07:10.39SyzgynThose both work
07:11.56MentalPowerthen you have a DNS issue
07:12.05MentalPowertry pinging your DNS servers
07:12.18art3mis[] <-- us.logon
07:12.55art3misif ya just wanna replace yer realmlist ;P
07:13.13ShirikStupid, stupid bugs
07:13.16Shirikone fricking word
07:13.17ShirikONE WORD
07:13.24Syzgynyeah, both my DNS servers are trashed
07:13.33Syzgyngrats charter
07:13.40MentalPowerwell, some DNS servers don't respond to pings
07:13.53Shirikfor (int j = 0; j < accounts.length; j++) was supposed to be for (int j = 0; j < servers.length; j++) T_T
07:14.00purlACTION watches shirik pull the trigger:  Click!
07:14.03SyzgynI'll have to remember to try once it fixes itself again
07:14.14purlACTION watches shirik pull the trigger:  Click!
07:14.20ShirikI guess I'm not destined to die
07:14.26purlACTION watches syzgyn pull the trigger:  Click!
07:14.37purlACTION watches shirik pull the trigger:  Click!
07:14.45Syzgynyou cant win
07:14.47Syzgyner, lose
07:14.51purlACTION watches syzgyn pull the trigger:  Click!
07:15.49purlACTION watches art3mis pull the trigger:  Click!
07:16.04purlACTION watches shirik pull the trigger:  Click!
07:16.32Syzgynwhat're the odds resetting my router would fix it?
07:16.33purlACTION watches shirik pull the trigger:  Click!
07:17.03purlACTION watches syzgyn pull the trigger:  Click!
07:17.09Shirik~literal roulette
07:17.10purl"roulette" is "<action> watches $who pull the trigger: ( Click! | Click! | Click! | Click! | Click! | BANG!)"
07:17.31|pez|I win
07:17.34|pez|I found my item
07:17.46art3misand btw
07:17.57purlACTION watches syzgyn pull the trigger:  Click!
07:17.59art3misanyone that says they dont watch porn is either lying or doesnt have internet
07:18.04art3misand since you're on irc...
07:18.24purlACTION watches art3mis pull the trigger:  Click!
07:18.25|pez|I was having a conversation before I went to look
07:18.42|pez|and really, I don't watch porn.
07:18.45|pez|done so... once?
07:18.46GuillotineWow, this is the greatest MS suggestion for grammar ever
07:19.07art3misi love this video for some reason
07:19.21Guillotine"It would be quite impossible, in this world, for a Doe to rise from the dead and then allow a girl to put her entire hand inside of the gunshot wound." MS tells me to change 'rise' to 'raise'. When I do, it says that 'raise' should be 'rise'. And it gives reasons for each.
07:19.37GuillotineP.S. yes, I know that is a wierd sentance, but it happened in this short story :(
07:19.44Guillotineweird sentence*
07:19.45Syzgynwell played Clippy, well played....
07:20.17Syzgynrise sounds right to me btw
07:20.29GuillotineI agree
07:20.35Guillotinethat was my first one
07:21.42purlACTION watches syzgyn pull the trigger:  Click!
07:22.04Shirikwithout even thinking about the grammar for a sec
07:22.07Shirikwtf are you writing
07:22.17Shirikoh, you explained it, nm :P
07:22.18GuillotineThats why I added the P.S.
07:22.24GuillotineIt is a VERY strange story
07:22.30Guillotinesome 9 year old girl shoots a doe
07:22.35Guillotineand it rises from the dead
07:22.46Guillotineand she sticks her hand into the gunshot wound and takes its heart out
07:22.46Shirikit should be rise
07:23.09ShirikI see why it's conflicting though
07:23.15Guillotineyah, that's what I stuck with (and did originally)
07:23.24Shirikthe "to rise" is confusing it
07:23.37kd3whee... /crash
07:23.43Shirikand then when you change it to "to raise" it looks back and sees the subject and goes "Oh yeah, that's suposed to be rise"
07:23.46purlACTION watches art3mis pull the trigger:  Click!
07:23.54Shirikbye batrick
07:24.02*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
07:24.17ShirikI thought you went to sleep
07:24.27batrickya sorta
07:24.34Shirikdo you always code while sleeping?
07:24.38Shirikit's not healthy
07:26.02AnduinLotharbad for the code too
07:26.07art3misim on a charlotte church kick btw
07:27.12batrick--> a = 1
07:27.46batrick--> i = 2
07:27.50|pez|art3mis: I want her clothes ;P
07:28.01batrick--> print("")
07:28.10|pez|uh, from the first video btw *click last one*
07:28.34batrick--> a
07:28.34batbotbatrick: > 1
07:28.44batrick--> while true do end
07:28.49batbotbatrick: @ maximum execution time/memory exceeded
07:28.52batrick--> a
07:28.52batbotbatrick: > 1
07:28.55art3misyeah the last one she was i think 13
07:29.04art3misthe first one was from a couple years ago
07:29.12|pez|she does not look 13 on the last one. :p
07:29.20art3misjust watched a  craig ferguson movie with ehr in it
07:29.33art3misand sat spellbound every time she sang
07:29.49art3mis <-- shes 12 in this
07:30.02art3misthe 2nd one she was 16 or 17
07:31.29|pez|she looks like she's lost quite a bit inbetween the second one, and first one.
07:31.36batrickbatbot sets upvalues now properly =)
07:31.51art3misthe boy in the last one is amazing too
07:31.58art3misconsidering he's singing that with a friggin retainer
07:32.09|pez|just got to that part.
07:32.42batricknight friends
07:35.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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07:37.10Shirik(02:35:52) (+Shirik) jeez it really does take a year to back up lightheaded
07:37.10Shirik(02:35:55) (+Shirik) I need to fix this too
07:37.10Shirik(02:36:01) (+Shirik) but not for the bugfix release
07:37.10Shirik(02:36:16) (+Shirik) oh wait
07:37.10Shirik(02:36:21) (+Shirik) I hit a breakpoint in my IDE
07:37.11Shirik(02:36:22) (+Shirik) damn it
07:37.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
07:37.35MentalPowerShirik: yay for adding .pdb files to the SVN...
07:37.42ShirikI deleted them already!
07:37.49MentalPowerI didn't
07:37.53Shirikupdate :P
07:38.03Shirikoh wait you don't even have access to my svn do you?
07:38.08MentalPowerI need to kill them first
07:38.13MentalPower(my own SVN)
07:38.22art3mis <-- why amy winehouse sucks
07:38.45MentalPowerShirik: any other files that would be nice to keep out of the repo?
07:39.19Shirikbasically anything that says "precompiled" or "incremental"
07:39.25Shirikthe intellisense database isn't needed too
07:39.29Shirikif you're using visual studio
07:39.37MentalPowerI am
07:39.39ShirikIs this your project or mine?
07:39.58Shirikbecause I literally made this commit an hour ago
07:40.04MentalPoweryes I know
07:40.10MentalPowerhence why I'm asking you :P
07:40.15Shirikah heh
07:40.37Shirikanything in the Debug or Release directory
07:40.51Shirikbecause if you do a clean build, visual studio will delete that folder
07:41.00Shirikand take away the .svn (that the other folders are expecting) from it as well
07:41.47MentalPowergood point
07:41.55Shirikvery good point :P
07:42.02ShirikI just spent about 20 minutes cleaning up after visual studio deleted them
07:42.07Shiriknot fun
07:42.12Shirikinvolves a lot of fake checkouts
07:42.13Shirikand stuff
07:44.44AlexanderYoshido faction icons... that would be silly
07:45.26MentalPowerthey're already there no?
07:45.32MentalPowerused in GlueXML
07:48.44ShirikError: Your working copy is out of date. Please svn update.
07:48.53Shirik"Completed: At revision 11"
07:48.56Shirik... nothing done
07:49.13Shirikand now I commit and it's fine
07:49.15Shirikwhatever ><
07:50.06*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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07:52.01MentalPoweryeah, SVN will complain even if nothing changes
07:52.07foxlit"Also... the FBI wants a pony"
07:52.20MentalPowerjust because your revision does not match the server's revision
07:53.59ShirikI thought it was just if a file's version doesn't match
07:54.06Shirikoh well
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08:18.43art3misim happy that sealab 2021 is back on AS
08:18.56Tem|AFK~exception widgertick
08:18.57purlACTION throws a NullPointerException at widgertick.
08:18.57art3misthat makes 3 whole shows to watch on this piece of crap programming block
08:19.37art3missealab 2021, boondocks and robot chicken (not counting the GiTS, FMA and other anime)
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08:20.13Tem|AFKI'm sick of seeing anime on AS
08:20.24Tem|AFKit mostly sucks in english
08:20.49Tem|AFKthough, Death Note and GiTS are almost required to be watched in english because there's so much damn talking
08:22.04art3misits gone so far down hill since they let tom goes to the mayor on
08:22.12art3miscant stand ANY of the new stuff
08:22.52art3miskind of wish they'd just go back to the old format of sealab, harvey, venture bros, baby blues, bebop  home movies
08:23.08Tem|AFKdude, ATHF is good
08:23.22art3misthats just it though
08:23.23Tem|AFKsame to Metalocalypse
08:23.27art3misthey arent playing the good shit
08:23.38art3mishave you looked at thier classic sunday line up?
08:23.45Tem|AFKI haven't
08:23.46art3misdarkspace, tim and eric
08:23.53art3misbunch of stupid bullshit
08:23.57Tem|AFKboth of those are retarded
08:24.06Tem|AFKditto saul of the mole men
08:24.09art3miseverything taht tim and eric do sucks crap
08:24.25art3missaul at least had a hot scantily clad chick to help pass time
08:24.33Gngsktim and eric can be ok if you're not sober
08:24.43art3misno its not funny ever
08:24.55Tem|AFKoh, also
08:24.56art3mistom goes to the mayor was possibly the worst show in existence
08:24.58GngskI've definitely genuinely laughed here and there
08:25.05art3misand somehow that piece of crap got them MORE shows on AS
08:25.15Tem|AFKFrisky Dingo is awesome
08:25.28art3misim not really sure why that show is amusing
08:25.41Tem|AFKBecause the villain is an idiot
08:25.44Tem|AFKand so is the hero
08:25.55art3misbut yeah since tuner bought out cartoon network it's sucked soooo hard
08:25.57Tem|AFKbut all the characters in between sort of know what's going on
08:26.20art3misi mean honestly why the frig would you advertise FX on cartoon network?
08:27.13MentalPowerCN is going to get Clone Wars thanks to Turner tho :)
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08:39.56ShirikUI Manager v0.2.10 is released for all OSes, FYI
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09:21.27Shirikjust fought a resto shaman 1 on 1 in pvp
09:21.32Shirikwe both eventually decided to g ive up
09:21.43Shirikin wsg*
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09:23.52Shirikworst part is
09:24.03Shirikit was in that little room with the restoration thing
09:24.17Shirikso we kept trying to find a way to get the other to get out of the room to give us some time with it
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10:09.40ShirikSee, Cide's on
10:09.42Shirikthat's how late it is
10:12.24KalrothIt's not late, it's still early!
10:18.22hasteI agree with Kalroth
10:19.13nevcairielits before noon
10:19.16nevcairielthats early
10:19.21nevcairielwhy are we not sleeping anymore?
10:19.35KalrothI'm at work
10:19.42hasteI only slept three hours today
10:19.51haste06:00 -> 09:00 :<
10:20.00nevcairielpoor haste
10:20.18hasteI slept 15h the day before, so it evens out
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10:50.06Tem|AFKHey man
10:50.10Tem|AFKbe carefule with the flashy thing
10:50.17Tem|AFKyou gonna give somebody cancer or something
10:50.41Tem|AFKThe light I did not see did not erase my memory
10:50.56CideI love that buff
10:54.33*** join/#wowi-lounge SaiBork (n=me@
10:55.41SaiBorkhey all
10:57.05SaiBorkquestion, i wrote my mod using the event player_quit, but  when i leveled during playing it still saves the old level and not the level what i am when quitting
10:57.36SaiBorkI'm using: UnitLevel("player") on the player_quit event, so shouldnt it check my level then? :S
10:57.38nevcairieli recommend player_logout
10:57.42Cideupdate the level when you level up, not when you log out
10:57.50nevcairielor that
10:57.53SaiBorkthats what i added too
10:58.02nevcairielbut iirc player_quit is after the SV gets saved
10:58.05nevcairielso you cant modify it anymore
10:58.11SaiBorki now use the following events to update
10:58.29SaiBorkplayer_quit, player_exits and player_levelup
10:58.41Cidejust use the last one
10:59.02nevcairielor player_logout if you must.. juts not quit :)
10:59.55Cideare you listening?
11:00.16SaiBorkjust telling
11:00.17Cidewhat did I say?
11:00.32nevcairielsome jibberish
11:00.45Cideclearly :P
11:01.35nevcairielPLAYER_WOBING clearly
11:01.42SaiBorkhold on phone
11:02.07nevcairielso is xsparky usable yet?
11:02.50nevcairieli dont get that name, is there some logic behind it or something?
11:03.21[Ammo]xp = experience xparky -> sparky
11:03.46SaiBorkand i say im already using player level up too, so what you are saying doesnt make sence at all
11:04.20nevcairielxparky sounds like X Car Key
11:05.05SaiBorkhehe, not to me really
11:05.23SaiBorkwhere do you get that C from in xpar? :P
11:05.37nevcairielPar and Car isnt that different :P
11:06.13SaiBorkP and C ar pronounced and created with your mound as sound quite different ;)
11:07.04SaiBorkbut that aside, know a way for me to fix me mod? ;)
11:07.18Wobin_xparky is totally usable
11:07.29Wobin_and x is pronounced 's' =P
11:07.36Wobin_or even 'z'
11:07.42Wobin_so... xparky
11:08.03Gngskweirdo australians
11:08.07SaiBorkalso, Cide, quitting is called before actual quitting, so no writing happens yet
11:08.08SaiBorkFired when the player tries to quit, as opposed to logout, while outside an inn. This event does not indicate that the "player has quit", but instead that the "player has the quitting option".
11:08.17Wobin_how do -you- pronounce 'x'?
11:08.20Wobin_like xylophone
11:08.50Wobin_you're joking?
11:08.54Gngskof course
11:08.55nevcairielSaiBork: so it wont even fire when in a a inn or a major city, guess thats not intended :)
11:09.07Wobin_so how can you mispronounce xparky?
11:09.22widgertickBecause p isn't a vowel
11:09.24nevcairielxy is kinda logical to say .. xp .. :p
11:09.25widgertickNot even remotely
11:09.25Gngskwell, the problem is, I don't ever actually pronounce it
11:09.27GngskI just read it
11:09.55widgertickx has a vowel sound associated with it
11:10.05widgertickIn English, because of its name.
11:10.09widgertickWhich is "eks"
11:10.11GngskI dunno, just feels weird looking at it and saying zparky, but I see where you're coming from
11:10.14Wobin_yes. alone
11:10.24Wobin_but never as a part of a word
11:10.37Wobin_if you want 'eks' you precede it with an 'e'
11:11.01widgertickBut if you're writing x and implying a vowel, it's not y
11:11.29SaiBorkoh and also i use: PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD
11:11.31Wobin_ps, implying a vowel?
11:11.54widgertickYeah, implying a vowel =)
11:12.05SaiBorkbut is that also too late then? but again, i have the level up event, so why wont that help?
11:12.17Cideit will
11:12.20Cideyou're just doing it wrong
11:12.58SaiBorkwell thats an easy thing to say
11:12.58Cideit depends
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11:12.58widgertickmst ppl cn rd ths sntnce dspt nt hvng vwls bcs thr mpld
11:13.01Cidethe difficult thing is getting the experience requierd to know that you're wrong
11:13.11SaiBorki have the check events, and a do on event
11:13.15Wobin_yes, but where am I implying a vowel?
11:13.19Cidewidgertick: mpld = ?
11:13.23Wobin_implied =P
11:13.26nevcairiell2read :P
11:13.37CideI read "their", not "they're" for 'thr'
11:13.39SaiBorkso it should do the same on all called (checked) events
11:13.43widgertickYou're implying a vowel by not having any vowels. =P
11:14.02nevcairielhe is not actually implying a vowel with xparky
11:14.07Wobin_there's an 'a'
11:14.19widgertickYou have two hard consonants at the front
11:14.20nevcairielhe is actually implying the not-existing vowel at the x
11:14.24nevcairielso its zparky
11:14.37nevcairielor sparky if you want
11:14.51Wobin_I don't think I could spell it otherwise
11:14.51widgertickI understand what he's intending to imply =P
11:14.54Wobin_with the 'xp'
11:15.01Wobin_to get sparky
11:15.06SaiBorkiks-parky :P
11:15.10nevcairielxsparky :P
11:15.20Wobin_which fails on the 'not xp' front =)
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11:15.53SaiBorkits about the same as ksparky
11:16.08nevcairielkSparky sounds like a KDE product
11:16.09SaiBorkpronounciation that is
11:16.10Wobin_maybe with a silent 'k'
11:16.34SaiBorkx is usually with a hearable 'k' ;)
11:16.47nevcairielnot in xylophone!
11:16.58Wobin_or xenon
11:17.05SaiBorkit is here :P
11:17.11nevcairielits not supposed to be
11:17.15widgertickYou know, just the other day I said xylophone in a completely different context.
11:17.17widgertickIT WAS AMAZING
11:17.17Wobin_cause it really isn't =)
11:17.33Wobin_... crazy
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11:17.47nevcairielksy isnt even pronounceable when you think about it :P
11:18.02Wobin_xy·lo·phone (zī'lə-fōn')
11:18.04SaiBorkhey, its something you learn when you're young ;)
11:18.09widgertickI swear, xylophone gets more play as an example of odd english than it ever has as an instrument =)
11:18.22Wobin_there' aren't many 'x' words =)
11:18.28Wobin_that are recognisable to kids =)
11:18.45widgertickWe should just change the spelling of zebra =P
11:18.58SaiBorkappearantly ;0
11:18.59Wobin_that's not ksebra, btw =)
11:19.07SaiBorktoo bad :P
11:19.31XaiBorkmuch cooler
11:19.54Cideis cooler still.
11:19.59XaiBorkooh really, do you think thats where I got it from? ;)
11:20.13Cideprobably, but you messed up the coolness in the process
11:20.22Wobin_widgertick: in fact, I'm hard pressed to find many common words starting with x
11:20.22widgertickI don't think so
11:20.26XaiBorkbut searching for Cyborg on anything is not me
11:20.58SaiBorkand loads of little kiddies can have that
11:21.07SaiBorknone-original namings
11:21.10widgertickI always envisioned him as a teenage mutant ninja turtle that had been abducted by TEH BORG
11:21.37Wobin_None of the turtles were named 'sai'
11:21.45Wobin_one of them -used- them
11:21.57widgertickBut I only associate sai strongly with Raphael. =P
11:22.11SaiBorkwho;s fault is that? ;)
11:22.36widgertickI blame Jennifer Garner.
11:23.02Wobin_worst movie ever
11:24.02SaiBorkyou cant search on on author, can you?
11:25.04nevcairielprobably not no
11:25.25SaiBorkbah, then i cant find my mod now
11:26.01SaiBorkwho owns wowi pastey? :P
11:26.04widgertickAutopwn is serious, and can strike at any time.
11:26.19widgertickDon't let autopwn happen to you.
11:31.59SaiBorkbad widgertick, you made people stop chatting and now they might be crying ;)
11:38.29SaiBorkhmm, but now i still dont know what is wrong with my mod if i check the events to make it trigger on are quitting, leaving_world and level_up, why it doesnt save the right level :(
11:39.11SaiBorkand even more annoying i dont have access to my code now to show it :(
11:39.47SaiBorkstupid work, need more time off
11:40.01widgertickIt doesn't save the right level?
11:40.05widgertickWhat level does it save?
11:41.08SaiBorkwell it saves the level i login with, but when i level up during playing it doesnt save the new level
11:41.40widgertickWell, if you're using UnitLevel() when you get the level up event, then that's the reason why
11:41.50widgertickUnitLevel doesn't immediately return the correct value
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11:50.20SaiBorkyeah so the leaving world is not good enough to use in the end?
11:50.41widgertickI'm not sure
11:50.51widgertickBut you could use the arg1 from the player level event
11:50.56widgertickInstead of UnitLevel
11:54.59SaiBorkill ask for my code later, but that mosy likely wont be untill 15:00 GMT :P
11:55.59SaiBorkcause i have no idea how to implement that arg1 in the event checking and using that arg1
11:57.31widgertickIs this your code?
11:58.27SaiBorkthats my php code to parse the results ;)
11:58.42SaiBorkso not the mod itself
12:00.10SaiBorkas a normal page result:  (dont check looks, i still need to change that, was more about getting the right results :P)
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14:36.51sysragerofl 44 minute queue for WWS at 9am?
14:39.57nevcairielget a account :P
14:41.00sysragei could, but that's a little ridiculous. why would so many ppl be looking at reports right now?
14:41.55sysragei probably would have paid if he took my suggestion and added an option to get the single page display back :P
14:42.00sysragecan't stand that tab crap
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14:55.23Fisker-if only they would make the project open source :o
14:55.31Fisker-or atleast purchasable for setting it up locally
14:56.06ralfWORKthat would kinda defeat the business model he has
14:57.53Fisker-he could still charge for it
15:03.16sysrageya. people would still pay
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15:13.32wereHamsterwas a successor to the nvidia nv80 chip already annouced?
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15:20.17MaldiviawereHamster: dunno - if not, there's always Cebit next weekend :9
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16:06.41SaiBorkGuys, anyone here? ;) Need some help with my code, I changed the level check so it would use the PLAYER_LEVEL_UP event, but now it doesnt save level info at all
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16:13.18SaiBorki dont need to save in between
16:13.30Valaron|WorkOh. I didn't understand your question.
16:13.37SaiBorkthe level thing is the only thing that doesnt work
16:13.53SaiBorkso the arg1 isnt working right
16:14.18nevcairielSaiBork: thats because you declare the local inside the if clause, it'll be out of scope when you try to set it later
16:14.25SaiBorkif i just use    local PlayerLevel = UnitLevel("player")   it works
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16:14.56nevcairieluse local PlayerLevel = arg1 or UnitLevel("player")
16:15.03nevcairielwithout the if
16:15.05nevcairieland it'll work
16:15.40SaiBorkah that could do too :P
16:15.40nevcairielor that
16:15.50SaiBorkyours is shorter ;)
16:16.46SaiBorkif i use yours, cant it still be the wrong one? or will it always use arg1 over the second? (after the or)
16:17.12SaiBorkshould do arg1 and only the second if first is not available, right?
16:17.27Maldivialua> 1 or 2
16:17.27lua_botMaldivia: 1
16:17.44Maldivialua> nil or 2
16:17.45lua_botMaldivia: 2
16:18.06SaiBorkthanks, ill try it out now :)
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16:19.18SaiBorki really should code more, then i wont keep making these stupid mistakes :P
16:20.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Kivin (
16:20.02SaiBorkits not that i dont know, its just mistakes
16:20.31LopeppeppyPractice can make a difference, but there will *always* be mistakes!
16:20.32nevcairielat work .. for fun .. for university .. :P
16:20.36SaiBorkand i often check when coding for wow stuff
16:21.05SaiBorkyeah but i dont code often, so mistakes are much easier made and harder to find
16:21.21SaiBorkespecially mistakes like putting a local into an if
16:21.24SaiBorkyeah yeah
16:21.29LopeppeppyCide has the wisdom of linkage.
16:21.40nevcairielbut thats about it =)
16:22.10SaiBorkand i dont use that link, i use google to search the site, much easier :P
16:22.19Cideit's not a reference
16:22.21Cideit's a tutorial
16:22.21nevcairieli have it bookmarked somewhere
16:22.30SaiBorkreference for me
16:22.41nevcairielaltho i have a hard copy of the second edition
16:23.22SaiBorkno? yes it is for me :P
16:23.30Cidewhy won't you listen?
16:23.36SaiBorki dont code enough to read all that
16:23.37Cideif you suck at lua, go read it
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16:23.53SaiBorki dont suck at lua, as i said it were stupid mistakes
16:24.25Cideyes you do
16:25.11SaiBorki suck because i make a common programming mistake that has nothing to do with lua, right....
16:26.48SaiBorkand also, i might not know as much about lua as others (suck in your words), but why would i, if i only make a small mod like i just did?
16:27.26CideI don't feel like teaching you lua
16:27.33CideI can help you with the wow api, and advanced lua stuff
16:27.34SaiBorki dont ask you to
16:27.39Cidebut the basics isn't really my thing
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16:46.55Atriace"services. sets mode +e Atriace"
16:47.04AtriaceI'm E for everyone!  :D
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16:48.44lordgreghello all..
16:48.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
16:48.55lordgregi know this is not that kind of irc chan but anyways...
16:49.28lordgregi would like to make new toon- i have lock, drood, pally so far
16:49.31lordgregrogue or warrior?
16:49.43ralfWORKI'm liking my 54 warrior
16:49.47ralfWORKhe's a G
16:49.55lordgregi asked rogue or warrior :)
16:50.04deltrona shaman is kinda both
16:50.05Kasoplay a warrior, but be a tank when you get to 70, not a bloody dps warrior
16:50.06ralfWORKwarrior has more options
16:50.08Kasohow i hate them
16:50.18ralfWORKso if you get tired of DPSing, yo ucan spec tank
16:50.21ralfWORKand vice-versa
16:50.23Atriacelordgreg: That'd be 3 tankable toons then (if you did a warrior).  I'd do a rogue, personally.
16:50.33SaiBorkwhy? are you being outdamaged Kaso? ;)
16:50.34ralfWORKif you get tired of DPSing on your rogue... then... well you're just kinda boned
16:50.41lordgregwhich one has a better survival ratio?
16:50.43KasoIm a priest actually
16:50.52Kasoi just hate how i can never find a proper tank
16:50.53lordgregwell... i have a drood for tanking
16:50.59SaiBorkso? can be shadow, dps too
16:51.04lordgregand i have a pally for tanking heroics etc
16:51.09ralfWORKyea, lol@shadow dps
16:51.13AtriaceDo the rouge, lordgreg.  :)
16:51.20lordgregthank you :)
16:51.30lordgregbtw, ralfWORK.. wtf is wrong with shadow dps? o_O
16:51.36SaiBorkyeah :S
16:51.47AtriaceShadow tops my meters.
16:51.53ralfWORKlordgreg: aside from the fact that our gear doesn't scale? oh, nothing :)
16:51.57lordgregi mean,.. it's not the best, but it's in top 5 of our raiding groups
16:52.14KasoIm old school, i want tanks to tank, healers to heal, and dpsers to dps, please
16:52.20ralfWORKI'd venture to say you run with gimp groups then... but that's just my uninformed view
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16:53.28Kasowell i dont because the real world isnt like that unfortunatly
16:53.46LopeppeppyOr more politely, that Atriace's group has not found the level of bad scaling you have, ralfWORK, or has a different way to maximize their shadow potential.
16:54.03SaiBorkyeah because the real world has elves, orc and all them other races too ;)
16:54.04KasoI just enjoy remebering the days when anyone even thinking of being a retrib paladin would be laughed out of the room
16:54.05ralfWORKLopeppeppy: sure, that's possible.
16:54.19ralfWORKKaso: those days are still here :)
16:54.40SaiBorkso, what's a dr00d then?
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16:54.50ralfWORKwhat do you mean?
16:54.53ralfWORKa druid is... a druid?
16:55.11lordgregthank you everyone for your help :)
16:55.35SaiBork<Kaso> Im old school, i want tanks to tank, healers to heal, and dpsers to dps, please
16:55.40lordgregi has teh rogue see??? SEE??? ofc you don't, i has hidden rogue ^
16:55.53ralfWORKwhat he means is
16:55.58SaiBorkso, whats a druid? ;)
16:56.06Kasoa  druid is a healer
16:56.10ralfWORKhe wants warriors to spec prot and tank, priests to spec holy and heal and rogues to spec combat and dps
16:56.18ralfWORKhe wants to be level 60 again
16:58.50AtriaceYou know, it's funny mention that ralfWORK, because I have a prot warrior, holy priest, and combat rogue.
16:58.58ralfWORKAtriace: :)
17:03.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
17:05.33Atriacemy head... you're making me think, Droolio.
17:06.03Kaso>.< i sware ive written up this same hsv<->rgb code in lua like 5 times, i really need to save this somewhere permanant
17:09.39Kasoim sure the code is on pastey
17:09.52Kasoi wish you could search pastey by Author name
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17:42.56AtriaceCan you pre-quote function argument strings in the  function definition entry?
17:43.42Josh_Borkeatriace: are you talking about lua?
17:43.57nevcairieli dont understand the question :D
17:44.09Atriacefunction Foo("arg1", arg2)
17:44.19AtriaceFoo(dinosaurs, 2);
17:44.45Maldiviawouldn't make sense if you could
17:44.56Josh_Borkeatriace:  types aren't strict
17:45.14Josh_Borkeso your question doesn't make sense
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17:45.28AtriaceIt'd seem to be no different than typing:
17:45.48Josh_Borkearg1 is a variable assigned to the parameter passed
17:45.59Josh_Borkehrm, that's wrong description
17:46.07Atriacewait... that's making sense
17:46.10Josh_Borkearg1 is a variable who's value is the parameter past
17:46.42AtriaceI see the complication now.  nvm.
17:47.22Josh_Borkethat's why your question didn't amke sense to nevcairiel (that and he's dumb)
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17:56.00ScytheBlade1holy crap @ new alchemist stones
17:56.13ScytheBlade1+54 hit rating? +54 crit? +119 heal?
17:56.15ScytheBlade1w t b
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18:06.00HjalteMost high lvl spellcasters won't be able to really benefit from the spell hit rating :\
18:06.09Hjaltehigh lvl = high armor lvl
18:07.02ScytheBlade1I won't benefit from the hit because (1) I'm not an alchemist and (2) I'm +hit capped anyways
18:07.26TecnoBrat-BNScytheBlade1: even if you were hit capped, it means you can change gear and stack more crit
18:07.51ScytheBlade1TecnoBrat-BN: which I do with every gear upgrade. I've spent 400g/night in front of the AH buying gems.
18:08.24gnorlishif the gear is even available to upgrade to... there is a ton of caster gear that has +hit and +crit paired
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18:10.18GngskI'd think you're more likely to drop gear with hit for haste than crit with all the new stuff in 2.4
18:10.42ScytheBlade1Nah. Crit.
18:10.57ScytheBlade1Haste... looks pretty, but the itemization is all screwy.
18:11.07ScytheBlade1If they'd pair it with other stats I'd be more likely to take some
18:11.36|pez|I wonder how hard work it'd be, for me to be able to get a loan to open a gamestore, online...
18:13.31AtriaceThere is no such file "UnitWatch.lua".   >_<
18:19.10foxlitHm, moved it to SecureStateDriver
18:21.33Maldiviaart3mis: hehe, has that one started circulating again ?
18:24.26art3misMaldivia: heh prolly just noticed it again
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18:32.03Maldiviaart3mis: think it was the 2000 election I saw it the first time
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18:33.40Lunessa... station.
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18:44.39Lunessa... I feel so lonely.  HOLD ME!
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18:52.45ralfWORKwtf why does it smell like bleach in here?
18:53.04LopeppeppyBecause Lunessa is being sanitary.
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19:18.33LopeppeppyHe has no neck.
19:21.14LunessaBut his poetry and music are really good.
19:21.20LopeppeppyVery very true
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19:22.20LunessaSomeone smack "Shinkicker" right off the face of the planet please?
19:22.42LopeppeppyYes please!
19:22.52ShirikAT&T called me saying my service is set up
19:22.56Shirikbut it definitely doesn't work
19:23.07ralfWORKgood ol AT&T
19:23.13zenzelezzthey didn't say it worked, they said it was set up
19:23.44|pez|zenzelezz: give me 200k NOK please :D
19:23.59zenzelezzyou may be cute, but I'm not *that* easily fooled
19:27.53Shirik~seen Thunder_Child
19:27.55purlthunder_child <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 15d 10h 46m 29s ago, saying: 'ah, pussy of a different flavor'.
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19:29.31kd3bah. they ninja-changed the website patchnotes again
19:29.59|pez|also zenzelezz, I want to open a store! I need the moneys!
19:30.16LunessaThe last thing the UI & Macros forum needs is some new guy spreading mis-information because he can't read and thinks he's "kewl" or "l337"
19:30.28ralfWORKomg we neeeeed him
19:30.47ShirikI can do that
19:31.00Shirikcan I go spread mis-information because I'm "kewl" and "1337"?
19:31.26zenzelezz|pez|: and what incentive do I have to hand you all my money? :-p
19:31.58*** join/#wowi-lounge nuoHep (i=nuoHep@
19:32.39|pez|zenzelezz: I'm cute and cuddly? :D ... -__^
19:33.00SeerahI'm cute and cuddly - do I get money?
19:33.08LunessaShirik: You're totally l337 - now build me a fucking robot slave that will conquer the world for me.
19:33.30Shirikalready working on 2
19:33.32Shirikand one's done
19:34.19Shirikbut its objective is to conquer mars, not earth
19:34.51LunessaWell, Mars works too.  I want an army of martian slaves too.  Especially if the women are hawt. :P
19:34.52*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz_ (
19:35.01ralfWORKmm.... martian women
19:35.05break19<- ugly, can I get money for plastic surgery?
19:35.24ralfWORK<- ugly, can I get money for hookers?
19:35.39|pez|it's the cuteness within that matters!
19:35.46break19ralfWORK: my request is more useful.
19:35.56ralfWORK|pez|: only if you are gurl
19:36.07ralfWORKand if you are gurl can I have pics plox? thx
19:36.28|pez|ralfWORK: hah, if you weren't here when I posted pics of myself, you don't get to see!
19:36.42break19not hardly.. if I get plastic surgery, then I wont be repulsive to girls, and therefore wont need to pay for sex, and worry about getting caught by a sting operation.
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19:37.02ralfWORK|pez|: D:
19:37.31break19|pez|: if I snap your head backwards, will I get some sweet piece? of candy?
19:37.53|pez|break19: I don't think it works like that really.
19:38.00|pez|But the boyfriend tells me my neck tastes good.
19:38.12ralfWORKyour boyfriend eats your neck?
19:38.20|pez|he nibbles on it.
19:38.30ralfWORKhe's a cannibal
19:38.34ralfWORKrun. now.
19:38.43|pez|like... without biting anything off XD
19:38.50break19i want a hot girlfriend...
19:38.54break19but my wife wont let me get one
19:38.59ralfWORKbreak19: ahhaahaha
19:39.16break19even tho I told her "she could be YOUR girlfriend too!" still no dice :(
19:39.49|pez|break19: yaaah, same with me wanting a hawt boyfriend, current boyfriend won't let me get another one. :\
19:39.52break19i even had the girl alll picked out.. and she thinks my wife is hot.. oh well.. such is life..
19:40.16break19|pez|: lol
19:40.16ShirikAnyone here use WoW on mac?
19:40.25ralfWORKShirik: me
19:40.37break19Darwin blackbox 9.2.0 Darwin Kernel Version 9.2.0: Tue Feb  5 16:15:19 PST 2008; root:xnu-1228.3.13~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh
19:40.41ShirikCan you tell me where your Cache folder is, and the exact capitalization of it? (In your WoW folder)
19:40.41batrick|pez|: did you tell him that he could be his boyfriend too?
19:40.58|pez|batrick: I told him we could share the new one.
19:41.00ralfWORKShirik: oh not on this mac. break19 can probably tell you now
19:41.07Shirikok, break19?
19:41.12|pez|but he didn't want to. :(
19:41.17LunessaShirik: Me.
19:41.28Shirikso slow
19:41.42break19. /Applications/World\ of\ Warcraft/Cache/WDB/enUS/
19:42.07Shirikand is inside World of Warcraft right?
19:42.31MentalPowerShirik: IIRC, the dir structure is the same everywhere, except WinVista
19:42.45Shirikthat's why I'm confused why someone's reporting it as not working...
19:42.52break19World of Warcraft and World of
19:42.56ShirikAnd I use vista btw :P It's the same
19:42.57ralfWORKyou can move it to any folder you want
19:43.06ralfWORKI mean
19:43.12ralfWORKit doesn't have to be in /Applications
19:43.12MentalPowerShirik: do you use Program Files?
19:43.30ralfWORKyou could put it in /Applications/WoW instead
19:43.38break19or in the root
19:43.40ShirikYou can if you tell UAC to elevate it or turn off UAC
19:43.47ShirikBut I use a different drive
19:43.51Shirikso UAC doesn't block it anyway
19:44.09MentalPowerShirik: I use a diff directory so UAC does not block it either
19:44.14TecnoBrat-BNUAC is so buggy
19:44.20MentalPowerC:\Installs\World of Warcraft
19:44.23Shirikhow is it "buggy" ?
19:44.24MentalPowerTecnoBrat: oh?
19:44.38TecnoBrat-BNBecause in many cases it doesn't block things it should
19:44.41ShirikOr is this another one of those things where we're spreading FUD because nobody knows how Vista works
19:44.53kd3"Players will no longer need the Master’s Key to enter Karazhan. The gates to Karazhan will still require the Master’s Key to be unlocked."
19:44.56ShirikCare to give an example? Because I've done pretty extensive testing with it.
19:45.13ralfWORKkd3: orly?
19:45.14pastamancerkd3: so karazhan really is the new UBRS?
19:45.32ScytheBlade1pastamancer: technically now is isn't the new UBRS
19:45.34kd3that showed up in today's copy of the PTR patch notes on the website
19:45.35ScytheBlade1UBRS still needs a key.
19:45.50break19so does kara?
19:45.51Shirikso does Kara
19:46.00kd3the same way kara will in 2.4, just one person in the raid needs the key to get in
19:46.00pastamanceronly one person needs the key
19:46.08ralfWORKone to open the door is what it's saying right
19:46.10deltronawesome, I don't need to key up my alts now
19:46.10ScytheBlade1Oh, gg
19:46.12ScytheBlade1I misread
19:46.17ScytheBlade1^ website diff of the patch notes, btw
19:46.18ralfWORKjust like Arc
19:46.29Shirikwow lag
19:47.05ralfWORKguess we won't be pugging anyone through there anymore
19:47.11TecnoBrat-BNShirik: well, with UAC you can actually exploit it and as long as the parent process has been given permissions, you can ride on that and do things
19:47.19Shirikthat's not an exploit
19:47.21Shirikthat is called intentional
19:47.28ShirikIn fact, I use it, intentionally, because I have to.
19:47.57ShirikRead the white papers on UAC sometime -- it's how the UI manager works. The C++ app requests UAC elevation and passes it along to Java because Java cannot make that request.
19:48.06deltronImproved Hamstring (Arms) effect is now subject to diminishing returns when used in PvP.
19:48.35ShirikIn order to create a child without permissions you have to explicitly tell Windows that you want to create the process non-elevated
19:48.46SaiBorkHey guys, I'm home now and can really test my codes, but for some reason it still wont save the right level and still uses the old level (the one i log in with)
19:49.03MentalPowerTecnoBrat: that is intentional, the windows guys even said so in their blog
19:49.06MentalPoweraka, not a bug
19:50.17TecnoBrat-BNUnfortunatly it causes the situation where you can create a launcher app, spoofed as a program that should have permissions, the launcher app launches the program its spoofed as, as well as another malicious program.  Both the program you wanted to open and the malicious one get permissions, and you are no better off than you were.
19:50.33TecnoBrat-BNbug or not
19:50.39ShirikThat's why signatures exist in UAC manifests
19:50.40TecnoBrat-BNits still a problem imo
19:50.55ShirikIf you want it really secure you should get a signature, which most applications have
19:51.14ScytheBlade1+<li>Elites in Blade?s Edge Plateau Regions: These creatures now have an increased chance to drop rare depleted items.
19:51.15ShirikIf the signature mismatches, it doesn't allow you to launch it. If the signature doesn't exist, it warns you of its inability to identify it.
19:51.24ralfWORKScytheBlade1: url?
19:52.00ralfWORKoh lol
19:52.02ScytheBlade1I setup a script to do a semi-hourly diff of the PTR patch notes on the website
19:52.09ShirikThat would be no better than me just randomly creating some app to do whatever and have it elevated
19:52.53ShirikThese aren't bugs with UAC; your understanding of UAC is flawed. Take one of the Blizzard updates into a hex editor and change a byte, then see what UAC does. You'll see the screen does not look the same.
19:53.51ScytheBlade1+<li>Icy Veins no longer stacks with Bloodlust, Heroism, or Power Infusion.
19:53.54ScytheBlade1Such bull crap
19:54.06kd3ya. not a happy camper at that change
19:54.30ScytheBlade1You know, if they all stacked
19:54.37ScytheBlade1Fire might be arena viable ;P
19:54.41ScytheBlade1Something about 1s fireballs...
19:54.49Cideicy veins works on fireballs? that's funny.
19:54.59ScytheBlade1Icy Veins is a global haste increase
19:55.04CideI knew that
19:55.05ScytheBlade1Not specific to any one school or tree
19:55.11Cidebut I didn't realize that it lead to funny consequences
19:55.28ScytheBlade1IV + Heroism = 0.96s fireballs
19:56.13ScytheBlade1+<li>Shamanistic Rage is now a Physical ability instead of a Magic spell, and thus is no longer dispellable. It now reduces all damage taken by 30% and gives your successful melee attacks a chance to regenerate mana equal to 30% of your attack power.  This lasts for 15 seconds with a 2 minute cooldown.
19:56.16ScytheBlade1Holy crap
19:59.12deltronit's a nerf
19:59.18deltronh8 h8 h8 h8 h8
19:59.34ScytheBlade1I just posted it on the shaman forums
19:59.38ScytheBlade1We'll see what comes of that thread
20:00.03LunessaAnyone got a link to the article on clearing the trojan that plagued incgamers ?
20:00.41Cairennget you the one on Blizz forums in a sec
20:00.49LunessaThat'll do. :)
20:03.36LunessaThank you Cairenn
20:03.47Cairennyou're welcome Lunessa :)
20:04.09Cairenndo I want to ask why? please tell me they aren't infected again!
20:04.27LunessaComes in handy when answering "why don't ah makroz save?" questions.
20:04.38Cairenntrue enough
20:04.53Cairenncheck for other things first, of couse - read only, vista, etc
20:06.51LunessaI just needed it for completeness.
20:07.02Cairennyup :)
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20:29.40batrick--> rap()
20:29.40batbotbatrick: > Your sad rhymes are spinnin' like you're in a deadlock, You're like a synchronous sock  that don't know when to block; So I pull out my keyboard and I pull out my glock, And I dismount your girl and I  mount /proc. And I've got your f-----...(tldr)
20:29.59batrickshirik u make that?
20:30.23ralfWORKwtf lol
20:32.00Shirikyes :P
20:32.04Shiriksorry on phone with bellsouth
20:32.12ShirikBut actually that's by Monzy
20:32.14ShirikI just quoted him
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20:40.31Shirikhm, well that was kinda cool
20:40.49ShirikI didn't talk to a human, but the computer did complete problem analysis and generated a ticket for me, even told me what the problem was....
20:40.59Shirikunfortunately they have to send a technician to my house
20:41.15ralfWORKand what was the problem?
20:41.58ShirikIt said there was a short across my main line resulting them all switching on a "protection" circuit basically, so all my lines are cut
20:42.08ralfWORKholy shit
20:42.11ShirikI could probably fix it
20:42.14Shirikbut I don't want to mess with it
20:42.28ralfWORKthat's a fairly specific error for an automated system to tell you that
20:42.35ShirikWell it just told me it found the problem first :P
20:42.40ShirikLater it asked if I wanted more info and it said that
20:42.54Shirikbut yeah, it was really cool
20:43.17Shirik"While I'm running some tests on your line, can you please give me some contact information in case we need to contact you?"
20:43.41Shirik"Okay, I have found the problem with your line. The earliest I can send out a technician to repair the problem is February 29, 2008"
20:43.51Shirikit was pretty impressive
20:43.59ralfWORKoh wewt leapday tomorrow
20:47.46Valaron|WorkAs long as I still get paid on the non-existent day.
20:47.54ralfWORKgood point
20:47.59ralfWORKBE CAREFUL
20:48.14LopeppeppyOmg, [Tinfoil Hats] on!
20:48.19*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
20:48.21ralfWORKY2K8FEB29 BUGZZZ
20:48.31Kasoerror loading module 'socket.core' from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\lua\5.1.3\socket\core.dll': %1 is not a valid Win32 application.
20:48.43ralfWORKplanes are gonna fall outa teh sky
20:48.45KasoIm trying to install luasocket, but i cant work this error out :<
20:48.53Kasowhen i try to require("socket")
20:48.53art3misralfWORK: ^^ Y2K8FEB29 bug ;P
20:49.08art3misor kaso sucks
20:49.12art3misone of the two ;P
20:50.25*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
20:50.27ShirikKaso: Does it take any extra parameters?
20:50.29batricksounds like someone screwed up a capture
20:50.31ShirikI don't know anything about LuaSocket so no
20:51.20ShirikralfWORK: That's actually why critical systems are not allowed to know what time it is
20:51.24Shirikthe GPS, etc., is ok to have that
20:51.32Shirikbut avionics, etc., only know how long it's been in flight
20:51.45ShirikI doubt it's because feb 29
20:51.59Shirikbut just to avoid that problem ever happening
20:52.06TecnoBrat-BNits because we are retards
20:52.10TecnoBrat-BNand keep fucking with time
20:52.15TecnoBrat-BNlike .. changing DST
20:52.33KasoIve been following that Valaron|Work and its identify all the files it needs just mucking up as it tries to load core.dll
20:52.34ralfWORKwhat if bush decides that a second isn't a second anymore then all those systems are going to break and we are screwed :(
20:52.48ShirikI would personally go shoot him
20:52.54TecnoBrat-BNralfWORK: or that each hour should have 61 mins
20:52.56ShirikSick of waiting for someone to assasinate him, I'll do it myself
20:53.08ralfWORKTecnoBrat-BN: yes that!
20:53.15wereHamsterY2K8 == 2008, uses up the same number of bytes, so why do people use the cryptic Y2K8 ?
20:53.17ralfWORKamerican minutes have 58 seconds
20:53.32ShirikwereHamster: It makes you look 1337
20:53.35TecnoBrat-BNimperial system, amirite?
20:53.46ralfWORKhow about the fact that we have DST at all
20:53.51ralfWORKthat's actually pretty gay
20:54.03TecnoBrat-BNlol yea
20:54.09zenzelezzShirik is totally not 539
20:54.18TecnoBrat-BNSo the purpose was to make it so farmers could have an extra hour of daylight
20:54.34TecnoBrat-BNwell, why didn't they just change their alarm clock to wake up earlier?
20:54.52ralfWORKbecause of george bush D:
20:54.58TecnoBrat-BNmaybe their rooster had a clock?
20:55.21KasowereHamster it uses the same amount of bytes, but specifies that it is infact a year value rather than just a plain number, more infomation, same bytes = win
20:55.24ralfWORKand actually, I always understood DST to exist to increase consumer spending during the summer
20:55.59KasoDST has many many impacts, crime, productivity in almost all fields.
20:56.07KasoPeople dont like working when its dark
20:56.08art3misDST was created during war time, to alter the work day
20:56.50TecnoBrat-BNI was being extremely sarcastic :P
20:57.11art3misactually you were being humourously ignorant ;P
20:57.25zenzelezzlike most Americans
20:57.36art3misno zen thats blissfully ignorant ;P
20:57.40TecnoBrat-BNart3mis: good point, you are correct
20:57.42KasoCould my "%1 is not a valid Win32 application." error with luasocket be due to using 64bit lua, and the luasocket dlls being 32 bit?
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20:59.59Kasothat makes sense to me, perhaps ill have to compile my own luasocket binaries >.<
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21:03.04wereHamsterKaso, yeah, let's start using the full 8bits in a byte rather then 7bit ascii ;)
21:03.15*** join/#wowi-lounge |pez| (
21:03.24wereHamstertwice the information per byte!!
21:05.20Kasoim disapointed that people just stand back up after :<
21:06.19TecnoBrat-BNKaso: more blood require right?
21:25.52*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
21:32.39ShirikDos Ogris
21:32.42Shirikgreat name for a beer
21:35.43ShirikTecnoBrat: Lmao
21:35.49Shirikat the end
21:42.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Godzmack (
21:48.33art3misahh that felt good
21:49.05art3missome douche signed up for his facebook type site that doesnt send out an email validation link so i was getting spammed with all her lame friends
21:49.13art3misso i reset the passwd and canceled the account
21:49.48Dumanwhich "facebook type site" was this?
21:49.57*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
21:50.16art3mis"why are you leaving?" "because youre site is a piece of crap and doesnt validate emails which resulted in me getting spammed because someone cant type thier proper email address"
21:50.33art3misthanks darling
21:50.40art3misthats paraphrasing actually
21:50.50art3misi used a lot more obsceneties
21:51.19art3mishi5 or something stupid
21:53.11Shirikthis hard drive comes packaged with free glitter for arts and crafts
21:53.15art3mishehe ive had maxtor drives shatter the platters before
21:53.18ralfWORKwow that's awesome
21:53.25DumanI like how social networks are being compared to us now :P
21:53.25art3misthats a sound you never wanna hear
21:53.40ralfWORKI've heard dead/dying drives before
21:53.46ralfWORKdon't think I've ever heard one shatter though
21:53.56art3misits evil
21:54.04art3misit's like there are screaming souls wanting to come out
21:54.12art3misand at first you cant place where its coming from
21:54.33deltronI saw that earlier this morning Shirik, freaking crazy lol
21:54.38art3misuntil the CHUNK and high pitched whine gives it away
21:54.40kd3platters... /shattering/
21:55.04LunessaWoW Forums = "Server is Busy N00B"  Lunessa = :(
21:55.20Shirikhow can I ask SVN what my current branch is?
21:55.27ralfWORKsvn info
21:55.38ralfWORKwill tell you what your current path info is
21:55.41art3misbuy it drinks
21:56.01ralfWORKI find my current branch in my pants though
21:57.22Shiriktmi really
21:57.36art3misby branch he means tinder ;P
21:58.09ralfWORKtwig :(
21:59.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
21:59.50sag_ich_nichtthere seems to be a bug at solarian when the bomb gets applied to a player that is currently charging (i.e. the debuff doesn't show up until after the charge), can someone verify/report this on the bug reports forum for me?
22:00.15sag_ich_nicht(the timer for it still runs tho, which is the problem)
22:00.49sag_ich_nichtone of our bears killed 2 people because of that earlier
22:01.03sag_ich_nicht"you're the boBOOOOOOOM"
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22:01.42zenzelezzverify how? Take 25 chargers and hope someone gets it at the right time? :-o
22:02.11sag_ich_nichtlol win
22:02.25AtriaceI running into some unexpected dead-ends.   Anyone know how to retrieve current camera pitch/yaw?
22:04.56Shirikiirc, you don't.
22:05.26Atriaceum, talking about WoW, not IRC..
22:05.39ShirikI know what you're talking about
22:05.43AtriaceAh ok.
22:06.24LunessaAtriace: - you don't.  There's no API for it.
22:06.32Atriacemy heart....
22:06.38Shirikisn't that what I just said?
22:06.56LunessaYes.  But I wanted to kick him one more time.
22:07.13AtriaceI think I needed it spelled out to believe it.
22:07.49Atriace... I don't think I'm completely conviced though.
22:09.06KasoWow, screw the drudge report.
22:10.23KasoBreaking the secret about Prince Harry in afganistan, how did they think that was a good idea.
22:12.38LopeppeppyHow do you think it was going to remain secret?
22:12.59KasoWell i'd been kept secret for 10 weeks by the british media
22:13.41LopeppeppyIt was announced that he was going there before he ever left.  It's therefore not a huge secret that he was there, and someone finally dug out where.
22:13.42Cideyeah, but headlines = money
22:13.59Cidewhether or not it's a good idea is largely irrelevant
22:14.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso| (
22:18.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae|Work (n=Thrae|Wo@
22:18.33Kaso|It was last year that it was announced harry was going to fight, but that was in iraq and was pulled due to media coverage. Until this evening noone here knew anything about him being over in afghanistan.
22:21.57Gnarfozteron gorefiend: where do the spells for the ghost form go? mind control bar or pet bar?
22:22.36Kasotheres a difference between Mind control bar and Pet bar?
22:26.00pastamancerMC replaces your default action buttons
22:26.16Kasoooh? when did that come in?
22:26.26pastamancerI think
22:26.33Kasoah, very cool
22:26.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Syzgyn (
22:32.03kd3ah, damn it all... 20193/21k
22:32.19deltronlol what rep kd3?
22:32.28kd3shattered sun on the PTR
22:32.39deltronwow nice
22:35.11Shiriknew strategy in blade's edge arena
22:35.17Shirikthrow off enemy team's healer off the bridge
22:36.18nevcairielthats not new
22:36.40art3misif that wasnt yer first line of offence as a preist yuo fail so hard as a priest
22:36.47ShirikIt's new for me
22:36.58Shirikmy first line of offense as a priest is not to die
22:36.59Shirikand it works
22:37.02ShirikI'm a tanking priest
22:37.02art3misthere's a reason priests flock to the lumbermill in ab ;P
22:37.16Shirikwell LM yeah
22:37.24art3missame holds true everywhere
22:37.32art3mis"alliance giving yout roubles on the bridge in av?
22:37.37art3misthro2w em off
22:37.58Shirikmy team dies too quickly to waste time MCing unfortunately
22:38.05art3misalliance running away with the flag in wsg? make him return it for you
22:38.39art3misour healer in the premade used to he so on the ball he'd heal my mc targets before realizing that we didnt have paladins ;P
22:40.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
22:41.04ShirikRDX stops me from doing that :)
22:41.19ShirikI have it configured so that it warns me if a target in my heal boxes is an MC target
22:41.30Shirikstill lets me heal it if I want to, but it warns me
22:41.43Cidewow. do you have your mod tell you who to heal as well? :P
22:41.53ShirikI considered that a long time ago
22:42.07ShirikI just never got around to doing it
22:42.16deltronthere used to be mods like that way back when
22:42.18Shirikand considering RDX is completely busted in 2.4, no sense in trying that; rather put it for conspiracy
22:42.23ShirikI'll tell you Cide, pre-2.0
22:42.37ShirikVeni was discussing RDX making an action bar that automatically figures ou the best spell to use
22:42.43Shirikand then rearrange the bar to pick that
22:42.48nevcairieland the target? <.<
22:42.48Shirikput that at button one
22:43.02Shirikhe never talked about the target but surely that would just be a minor extension
22:43.03CideShirik: nice
22:43.13pastamancerrock 'em, sock 'em RDX robots
22:54.33*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
22:58.46kd3whee... 20943/21k
23:02.12sag_ich_nichtkd3 report a bug for me?
23:02.30sag_ich_nichtplease? :>
23:02.30kd3put it on pastey and poke me with the url
23:02.43sag_ich_nichtno pastey needed, it's very short
23:03.23sag_ich_nichtthere seems to be a bug at solarian when the bomb gets applied to a player that is currently charging; i.e. the debuff doesn't show up until after the charge, but the timer is already started and running
23:05.27kd3I haven't done solarian in a long time. don't remember the fight. be specific so I can copypasta it
23:06.38sag_ich_nichtkd3: he does a bomb debuff. you know. like in MC
23:07.23sag_ich_nichtwhat's there to be more specific, the timer for the debuff apparently gets started but the debuff only shows up after the charge
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23:19.28kd3huzzah. I am now "Kaydeethree of the Shattered Sun"
23:20.04LunessaYour eyes remind me of the Sunwell; before the explosion that doomed us all!
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23:24.19Shiriktime to make brownies
23:24.53Shirikor not
23:25.01ShirikI just put my measuring cup in the dishwasher :(
23:25.30batrickare tehy magic brownies?
23:25.33batrickif not they should be =)
23:26.19KasoI say live a little and use rough measurements
23:26.38kd3damn! 10g, 2 tomes, 10 signets, 1 major frost power, 3 mana, 4 healing, 2 mastery, 5 food and 8 water for hitting exalted
23:27.05WobWorkWith the MS proliferation
23:27.10WobWorkthe next suggestion?
23:27.13WobWorkMortal Portals =)
23:27.16TecnoBrat-BNmmmm pie
23:27.20ShirikKaso: I can't cook with directions
23:27.23ShirikI'm not about to go roll my own
23:27.53WobWorkBrownies are forgiving
23:28.01WobWorkI've made brownies with a packet of timtams
23:30.34ShirikHow are you doing? Long time no talk. Expect everything well with you. Sharon told me she talked w/you sometime ago and let you know I have been promoted as the Manager in Nov. There is still a lot of things I need to learn with the new position and responsibility
23:30.35ShirikJust wonder if you have any plan for your summer internship this year. Are you still interested to work with us? Let me know, see what I can do. Thanks.
23:31.12Shirikp.s. I hate to be racist, but can anyone guess what country he's from, based on that email?
23:32.24ScytheBlade1Selective quoting go!
23:32.29ScytheBlade1"I hate to be racist, but"
23:32.49Shirikanswer the question!
23:32.58Shirikbecause there's a follow up to it :(
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23:33.42LunessaShirik: I expect they are from India.
23:33.46Shirikhe's from hong kong
23:33.56ShirikAnd even his signature is a fortune cookie: ** People Who Feel Good About Themselves Produce Good Results **
23:34.02LunessaSame hemisphere....
23:34.13ScytheBlade1alestane: minor typo in your thread on the PTR forums... "it would b appreciated"
23:34.23Shirikyo i b appreciatin
23:34.26LunessaMust have to adjust my sensors to a finer granularity.
23:34.34Shirikclose enough Lunessa :)
23:34.37alestaneYes, I saw that, but didn't really feel like it necessitated an edit.
23:34.37ScytheBlade1Shirik: you're scaring me.
23:34.50ScytheBlade1Fair enough, just as long as you saw it
23:34.53ShirikAnyway I intended to ask them to see if I could come back, but he beat me to it ><
23:35.24alestaneI have to get off that forum for a while. No real progress can be made without more feedback or another build other than tallying votes.
23:38.19ScytheBlade1One change still saddens me
23:38.20ScytheBlade1+<li>The Clockwork Rocket Bot can no longer be buffed.
23:38.47kd3ya, I refuse to go anywhere near the lifetap threads right now. it's just not worth it
23:39.40ShirikI just found one of my old RP posts
23:39.44Shirikit's depressing
23:40.02ShirikActually I found the first half
23:40.04Shirikbut I remember the second half
23:40.11Shirikit was so long that I saved to my HDD before posting it
23:40.32alestaneI've done my best to contribute something, and I like to think I have. But the devs simply aren't going to provide the half-hourly updates on their thought process that would make some kind of meaningful discourse possible, so it's just a bunch of warlocks repeating the same arguments and complaints over and over.
23:41.04LunessaMostly along the lines of "FUCK YOU BLIZZARD"?
23:41.05alestaneAnd while I think most of them are valid complaints and arguments, there's nothing left to add.
23:41.36batrickyou know what's the best part about that comic?
23:41.41ScytheBlade1The rickroll?
23:41.46batrickyes =)
23:42.09alestaneI agree. The change in its last two forms destroys a core tenet of the warlock class. But I was refreshing the forum addictively and I have to get away from it.
23:43.01ScytheBlade1You know, I can see their desire to keep the rules in PvE and PvP the same. But seriously, if they decided to go ahead and threw that to the wind, I wouldn't mind in the least
23:43.14Maul lol
23:43.24ScytheBlade1It's already there to an extent (diminishing returns?) but - eh
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23:45.21ScytheBlade1+<li>Durnholde Lookouts no longer spawn in the Heroic version of the instance.  The placement of creatures around Durnholde Keep in Heroic mode is now identical to that of Normal mode.
23:45.25ScytheBlade1Just noticed that
23:45.26*** part/#wowi-lounge tmokros (
23:47.58ScytheBlade1Hmm, I wonder how hard it would be to add an RSS feed to my automated PTR patch notes diff..
23:52.51Syzgynbatrick: omg I cant believe I didnt see that that in the comic before
23:54.53WobWorkSyzgyn: You're clearly not a music nerd =)
23:55.12WobWorkThat was my first impulse =P
23:56.03SyzgynWobWork: The sad part is I am :(  I just didn't even bother reading it
23:56.43alestaneWhat, is the staff overhead some kind of joke? I don't sight-read well.
23:57.06SyzgynIt's the music for the rickroll song
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23:58.25alestaneAh. Now I not only don't sight-read well, but I wouldn't recognize "Never Gonna Give You Up".
23:59.07Shirikto be fair alestane, I sat there for a good 15 minutes trying to figure it out
23:59.22ShirikThe bass part caught me off guard, it's what I was focusing on

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