IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080227

00:03.57Guillotin1Once again, life imitates XKCD. I ordered my new watch, and...
00:06.22MalgayneI'VE DONE THAT
00:07.12alestaneIt was the Megatokyo Miho blanket for me.
00:07.26Guillotin1hey, Malgayne is here!
00:07.51*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
00:08.21LunessaStill in Memphis!
00:09.07kd3"PS2 only.  Not enough memory or resources on PlayStation 2 IOP ram."
00:09.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
00:10.04*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
00:11.00kd3ah, nvm. fmodex runs on the ps2/360
00:12.36LunessaUgh.  How many times do I have to tell someone - you can't send/recieve mail because you're over your storage limit - before they believe me?
00:13.38GuillotineYou lie
00:13.43Guillotinethere is no storage limit
00:14.36*** join/#wowi-lounge break19 (
00:14.47Lunessa~lart Guillotine
00:14.47purlurinates on Guillotine
00:15.00Guillotinethat is a terrible lart
00:15.02Lunessahow strangely accurate for my mood.
00:15.25LunessaDo not walk, RUN!
00:19.15GuillotineI'm afraid to startle you
00:24.24*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter_ (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
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00:25.02wereHamsterseedless grapes? how's that?
00:25.36[dRaCo]never heard of seedless grapes? o0
00:26.15wereHamsterno, I only ever get to ead seeded grapes :-/ maybe I just live in the wrong place
00:26.44widger|workSeedless grapes are godless monsters
00:26.53[dRaCo]seedless grapes rock!
00:27.24widger|workNobody said godless monsters couldn't rock. I'm sure most of them are quite musically gifted.
00:27.58Esamynn|Workand what leads you to that conclusion?
00:28.29wereHamsterare they genetically modified or how come they have no seeds?
00:29.07widger|workEsamynn|Work: I give them the benefit of the doubt.
00:29.34|pez|seedless grapes are awesome
00:29.36[dRaCo]well, they are modified, yeah... dunno if genetically, but I'd guess so
00:31.54Esamynn|Workwidger|work: and the benefit of the doubt includes concluding that "most of them are quite musically gifted" huh?   interesting...
00:33.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Nolook (
00:35.12widger|workMy doubt comes with a wide range of benefits including a 401k and three weeks paid vacation.
00:35.25break19wait wait.. watermelons are difficult??
00:35.53break19just cut the sucker into 4 peices and go to town.. pretty easy if ya ask me.
00:36.31break19but then, the town I grew up in.. has an annual Watermelon Festival. :)
00:36.40break19so I guess I'm kinda biased towards em
00:44.00*** join/#wowi-lounge dsfargeg (n=rumors@
00:57.00Cairennyeah, that's what I was laughing at
00:58.26alestaneI like Isaymoo's response.
00:58.51KasoEarthquake in england ^_-
00:59.00Cairennno fun
00:59.44LegorolKaso: :O where are you, i just felt it
00:59.47Legorolwell, a minute ago
00:59.54LegorolI'm sitting in Cambridge
01:00.09LegorolI have not heard of an earthquake here before
01:00.21KasoI am in lancaster, my friends in Manchester and leicester felt it too
01:00.37Legorolthat's a pretty big one then :O
01:00.50Cairennsounds like it's being felt over a rather large area, must have been rather significant
01:00.55Legorolwonder where the epicenter is
01:01.15Kasoto me it was just a distinctive but low wobbling
01:01.16LunessaOur highly trained, dedicated, and expensively equipped Earthquake Response teams are being air-lifted from Souther California to you right now.
01:01.17Corrodiasepic ENTER <presses enter key with a fourish>
01:01.23LegorolKaso: same here
01:01.45LegorolLunessa: thanks god!
01:02.30Legorolhm nothing on bbc website about the quake
01:02.40LunessaWhen they arrive, they'll set up fabulously clever-looking scientific gear, take measurements, reassure you that there is nothing to be done, and bill the Crown for a large sum.
01:04.09Legoroloh, it's up now
01:04.24LegorolLunessa: the Crown is poor, so there is no point
01:04.31Legorolthey should bill J K Rowling
01:04.37LunessaIt's ok.  They still owe us from WWII
01:05.08LegorolLOL this is funny
01:05.38LegorolI looked at the "most popular stories now", and seeing "Earthquake shakes parts of Kent" in number 1 spot, i figured that must be it
01:05.49Legorolbut the article is actually dated 28 April 2007
01:05.59LegorolI guess a lot of people searched for "earthquake" and hit that one :D
01:06.07KirkburnI didn't feel it in Bristol!
01:06.27Legorolnow you feel it too
01:07.04LegorolKaso: that one's also dated 12 Aug 2007
01:07.09Legorolsearch engines ftw
01:07.53KasoWhat? which one?
01:08.01Kasothe SA thread i linked was 5min old
01:08.54Legoroluhm... are you sure?
01:09.23Cairennthe one I'm looking at (from that same link) is posted today, yes
01:09.25Legoroli confused the date the poster joined witht the date of the post
01:13.05LegorolBBC is quick. They got a story about the quake up already.
01:13.07Legorolgood going
01:13.37*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
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01:14.20KirkburnLegorol, where?
01:14.43KirkburnLooking, not seeing
01:15.50KirkburnAh, the ticker
01:15.54Legorolthe tickertape at the top sometimes comes up with
01:16.12KirkburnI'm turning on News 24 :P
01:16.18Legoroli already have
01:16.21Legorolnothing on yet
01:16.40Legorolthey were going on about that island with the abused children
01:16.47KirkburnMy civil engineering housemate immediately worries about dams :P
01:17.03LunessaThis... is me:
01:18.31Legoroli always wondered what other couples do with their lower arms...
01:18.42Legorolit must be one of those Great Unspoken Yet Most Common problems
01:19.19AtriaceNeed help:
01:19.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Keias (
01:19.26KirkburnLegorol, lol, one of the old earthquake news stories is now in the "most read" section
01:19.39Cairenncongratulations Bela & wife, and welcome to the world Aidan Michael!
01:19.46Legorolkirkburn, you are 14 minutes late
01:19.57Legorolscroll up :)
01:20.04Kirkburnoh, wow
01:20.06Legoroloooh grats!
01:20.08KirkburnThat was amazingly quick
01:20.26Kirkburnooh, yay!
01:20.39KirkburnAidan rocked our world :P
01:20.44Legorolyup, within 5 minutes of the quake that article is most read
01:20.56Kaso5.0 magnitude
01:20.57KirkburnLegorol, the internet is a great place :D
01:21.05GuillotineEPIC ENTER?
01:21.07KasoGoogle map:,0.131836&spn=4.988404,10.283203&t=h&z=7&iwloc=addr
01:21.42Legoroli love da interwebz 2
01:22.20Legorolhm, 5.0 is pretty big for the UK
01:23.14Legorolno wonder i felt it this far too
01:23.32Kasomore info
01:23.52kd3a 4.7? in england? wow
01:24.30KirkburnKaso, has gone down >_<
01:24.44Kasohah, quake-rushed!
01:25.52Legoroli could just about reach it
01:26.11Legorolcheck this out:
01:26.18Legorollist of detectors that felt it
01:26.26Kirkburn <-- here's the news report location
01:26.31Legorolif i'm not mistaken, goes as far as japan
01:26.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
01:27.22Kirkburn"The BBC has received calls" <-- that makes me lol ... all they needed to do was look at the internet
01:27.39*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
01:27.45KirkburnMonitor a couple of big forums and you're set
01:28.05Legorolwell something had to alert them.. and thousands of incoming phonecalls are just as good ;-)
01:28.29kd3the wow-europe forums buzzing about it?
01:28.37Legoroldon't know, good point!
01:28.39Legoroli better go post
01:28.51Legorolhurray for random, exciting offtopic stuff :)
01:28.59Legorollol, already two page thread about it
01:29.20LegorolLOL one poster says:
01:29.31Legorol"Congrats, the wow forums were faster to officially confirm the quake than the BBC site"
01:32.06AtriaceI'm trying to do an iterative hide of different frames based on a count, but I keep getting this error "attempt to call method 'Hide' (a nil value)"
01:32.17AtriaceI'm assuming I'm defining my object name incorrectly.
01:32.26AtriaceAny thoughts?
01:33.18Legoroli dn't think textures have a :Hide() method, do they?
01:33.25AtriaceThey do.
01:33.32Legorold'oh, i'm sleepy, nvm me
01:33.33Legorolofc they do
01:33.45kd3geez... the wind just refuses to let up today
01:33.56AtriaceFly a kite.  ^_^
01:33.57Legorolah, i know
01:34.04LegorolAtriace: Mop is a string
01:34.11Legorolyou are trying to call the method Hide on a string, not the frame
01:34.38AtriaceI figured it might be something like that.   So what, omit the quotes?  or is there some sort of tovariable() like there is tostring()?
01:34.39Legorolyou should do: (getglobal(Mop)):Hide()
01:34.59Legorolthe parens might be unnecessary, not sure
01:35.18MentalPowerit is
01:35.37AtriaceThat did it.
01:36.23MentalPower^^ Faster, Better, Stronger ^^
01:36.50Atriacein syntax or cpu time?
01:37.14Legorolsyntax can't be faster and stronger :P
01:37.17Legorolmaybe a bit better
01:37.24MentalPowerfaster to type
01:37.33LegorolMentalPower: are you sure the parens are unnecessary?
01:37.34Atriacefaster to type, cleaner code... same diff
01:37.44Legorolafaik you need them... have to check
01:37.51MentalPowerthe stronger part is just comedic sugar
01:38.03AtriaceLegorol: the seem to be unnecessary as it worked for me without them.
01:38.04MentalPowerLegorol: nop, getglobal only returns one thing
01:38.29MentalPowerLegorol: and even if it did return multiple, Lua would truncate to one return
01:38.45Legorolhm, i vaguely remember some case where the paren was needed
01:38.46Legoroloh well
01:38.57Legorol_G is better CPU wise
01:39.16Kaso"Grimsby here, south of Hull, East of Scunny, North of Lincoln. I was just nodding off to sleep when I heard a strange deep rumble, then for the next 5 to 10 seconds my house shook like fuck. Scared me out of sleep, I thought my house was falling down. Ran outside and met neighbours I never knew I had all wandering about in a daze wondering what the fuck."
01:40.59Legoroland if you want to get really kinky: getenv()[Mop]:Hide()
01:42.19dylanmMaybe descend like _G._G._G a few times.
01:42.49Kirkburn|sleepKaso, lol
01:42.59Kirkburn|sleepDammit, this is so unfair :(
01:43.28AtriaceLegorol: though getenv would return a string, if I'm not mistaken.
01:44.23Legorolno, getenv returns a table
01:44.27Legorolgetenv() == _G
01:45.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
01:47.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
01:47.13dylanmWouldn't you have to do getfenv(0)?
01:47.24Legorolstrictly speaking, yes
01:47.37Legorolbut in practice, most functions don't have custom environments and just have the global one
01:48.09Legorolgetfenv() == getfenv(1), so you are right
01:56.28Cairennrofl, I just completely flummoxed the DJ on the radio station I listen to
01:57.11CairennI had to go pick up my daughter just after you guys said about the earthquake, so I called in and told him, since he's British
01:57.38Cairennand he's completely flabbergasted and it was "showing" in his voice
02:07.48Legorolgnight folks
02:09.19*** join/#wowi-lounge lagger (
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02:15.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Fatalis (
02:16.21AtriaceWow... I can't believe I've had DevTools all this time and never knew about its event logger.
02:18.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
02:18.43MentalPowerAnyone here have Garry's Mod (for Source)? I want to know if the sourcecode for it is included or not
02:19.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Shaktar (
02:22.37*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (n=sylvanaa@
02:23.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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02:33.23AtriaceCan you delete an object?
02:37.17*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
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02:39.44AtriaceYeah.  A texture, frame... whatever.
02:40.27kergothnope, frames & such cant be deleted after they're created
02:40.33kergothso make a pool of them if need be
02:46.16*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
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03:02.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
03:02.48MentalPowerAtriace: you see, there's this bowl of soup...
03:03.16MentalPowerFin: What is that?
03:04.29Atriacewow (  Did you make that, Fin?
03:04.58FinMentalPower: it's my Google Subscribed Links thingy
03:05.04Finyes, Atriace :)
03:05.42*** join/#wowi-lounge godzirra (
03:05.59CairennMentalPower or Esamynn|Away :
03:06.11dylanmHaha I like his imagery.
03:06.49Cairennheh, his soup analogy is (in)famous in the community now
03:06.51MentalPowerCairenn: thanks, I guess I'll just do the quick and dirty fix
03:07.14*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (
03:07.30MentalPowerWobWork has been k-lined twice now
03:07.34AtriaceJust seems weird.  You can reference the object.  Would seem logical by the same method you could remove it.
03:07.41AtriaceBut I'll buy it.
03:07.46Cairennpoor Wobin :(
03:07.48ScytheBlade1Logical? Yes
03:07.54MentalPowerAtriace: how do you tell all the addons that the frame is gone?
03:08.03ScytheBlade1Feasible when you can just do DisableAddon(); ReloadUI()?
03:08.11AtriaceMentalPower: Make them suffer.  Bwa ha ha ha!
03:08.11ScytheBlade1Ehhh maybe not :)
03:08.13MentalPowerAtriace: by the same token, how do you make sure no one is using it
03:09.08*** join/#wowi-lounge oreth (
03:11.23|pez|Waahahaha! my frognorns had a baby!
03:17.05*** join/#wowi-lounge oreth (
03:17.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
03:18.44orethwb shirik
03:20.13*** join/#wowi-lounge haste ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:30.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
03:31.13*** join/#wowi-lounge godzirra_ (
03:35.02LunessaFie!  A pox on raiders who /gquit with no explanation!
03:35.22Dumanforums go boom
03:36.44ScytheBlade1Looks like the stat stacking is partially fixed
03:36.49ScytheBlade1I can't get it to go over and over and over
03:36.59ScytheBlade1And it drops the increase upon zone
03:37.04ScytheBlade1But... it stacks once!
03:45.03|pez|woo, my back is bleeding again ^^
03:46.20*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
03:46.24ScytheBlade1Should I be askin?
03:46.30|Jelly|!c us burning legion jelly
03:46.32WoWLuaircBot|Jelly|: Jelly, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (43/18/0). 9131 HP; 10824 Mana; 210 mana regen; 95 mp5; 454 +spell dmg; 1152 +heal; 5.06% dodge; 236 resilience;[[ TBR: 476 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Feb 26 22:56:03 2008 EST ]]
03:46.51|Jelly|!vs us burning legion jelly us drenden kimina
03:50.10AtriaceSlow armory.
03:50.54|Jelly|!vs us burning legion jelly us drenden kimina
03:50.57WoWLuaircBot|Jelly|: Jelly vs Kimina! Two 70 priests square off!; 43/18/0 vs 42/19/0; Kimina wins by 532 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
03:51.03|Jelly|no fuckin way
03:51.06orethhey guys
03:51.09orethquestion for you
03:51.13ScytheBlade1|Jelly|: owned
03:51.16orethclick on 1 year ont he chart
03:51.17ScytheBlade1|Jelly|: or, what the bot said
03:51.25orethnow look at that
03:51.40orethsee a similarity?
03:51.48|Jelly|!co us burning legion jelly us drenden kimina
03:52.50orethfuckin' torrentfreak stole my goddamn work >:(
03:55.41*** join/#wowi-lounge eodchop (
03:56.29|pez|ScytheBlade1: I picked on one of my sores (used to be a zit)
03:56.42orethi mean, shit... a caption that said "from BusinessWeek" would have been nice
03:57.46eodchopCan anyone recommend a good mod for finding coordinates.
03:57.55Cidaneodchop: coordinates of what?
03:57.56ScytheBlade1eodchop: cartographer?
03:58.17eodchopLocations in the game. Such as (12,29)
03:58.57eodchopWhat happens when a major patch comes out. Will the patch break the add-on or vice versa?
03:59.10Cidandepends on the patch and the mod
03:59.15Cidanmaybe, maybe not
03:59.33ScytheBlade1"maybe, maybe not" <-- most accurate thing I've heard on the matter, ever
04:00.03MentalPowereodchop: I don't think an addon will break the patch :P
04:00.23eodchopWell I meant brick the game
04:00.33ScytheBlade1When a major patch is released
04:00.37ScytheBlade1You update your addosn
04:00.42ScytheBlade1Problem solved
04:01.03eodchopHavent installed one yet. That is why i am playing 20 questions.
04:01.11ScytheBlade1Well, now you know. :)P
04:01.13ScytheBlade1* :)
04:01.31eodchopnot a lot of good intros to WOW Add-ons to be found. If they are out there, google lied again.
04:01.37ScytheBlade1Might do you some good to read the FAQs
04:01.39ScytheBlade1google lied
04:01.59ScytheBlade1... and the WoW forums are down for maint
04:02.26Cidanno addon will brick your game
04:02.32Cidannor will it do any perm damage
04:02.37ScytheBlade1Cidan: wrong and you know it ;P
04:02.41ScytheBlade1Well concerning bricking the game
04:02.44eodchopThx for the nfo.
04:02.48CidanWell it can't BRICK it
04:02.56ScytheBlade1Fair enough
04:03.02Cidanworst case you delete the wtf folder
04:03.07AntiarcUIParent = nil
04:03.13Cidanthat's not bricking
04:03.18Cidanyou can just disable the addon
04:03.27CidanI mean brick as in, destroy the install or whatever
04:03.28ScytheBlade1Antiarc: I hate you so much now
04:03.34AntiarcScytheBlade1: You did it, didn't you?
04:03.46ScytheBlade1Antiarc: yes
04:04.21ScytheBlade1It only broke tooltips so far
04:04.31AtriaceWhat does TBR mean?
04:04.35ScytheBlade1I can still cast, target, etc
04:04.41AntiarcTo be released, perhaps?
04:04.50ScytheBlade1Thrae Bot Rating
04:05.02AntiarcTry WorldFrame = UIFrame
04:05.09AntiarcSee what that does
04:05.17ScytheBlade1That could be fun
04:05.25ScytheBlade1Sec as I reload
04:06.08ScytheBlade1Antiarc: no noticeable changes
04:07.18CidanYou know what's awesome?
04:07.27AntiarcFried chicken?
04:07.41CidanWhen you fuck up a bit of code, make an invisible input box, then can't type /rl or anything really
04:07.45Cidanand you have to end task wow
04:08.08AntiarcThis is why you keep a reload macro on your hotbar when developing UI stuff
04:08.24Cidanya, making one now
04:08.29*** join/#wowi-lounge fromatz (
04:08.41*** part/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
04:08.54fromatzi can do _, _, temp = foo() right?
04:09.02fromatzand it wont store anything in the _'s?
04:09.07fromatzphew, thats good to know
04:09.14AntiarcWell, it will, won't it?
04:09.18Antiarc_ is still a variable
04:09.31AntiarcOoh, it's a special one?
04:09.37CidanYou know what's even more awesome?
04:09.47ScytheBlade1Er huh
04:09.48ScytheBlade1I lied
04:09.52ScytheBlade1Weird, that's changed
04:09.53Cidanwhen you forget to comment out the broken code and start WoW up again
04:09.58Cidanand you have to end task it again
04:10.03ScytheBlade1Cidan: pro
04:10.28ScytheBlade1Yeah, I remember it doing something else some time ago
04:10.42MentalPowerScytheBlade1: thats always been like that
04:10.50AntiarcIt's a variable, just commonly accepted as a throwaway variable
04:12.48fromatzok so it's still a variable, but i can still name all my throwaway variables _
04:12.52fromatzand it will accept that?
04:13.08fromatzyeah i guess it would actually
04:13.48*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWork (i=cbceb2e4@gateway/web/ajax/
04:13.53orethTorrentFreak stole my graph.
04:13.59WobWorkyay hax
04:14.01oreththe question is... should I be upset about it?
04:14.12orethI read torrentfreak, because i'm a pirate
04:14.13WobWork<3 you lot =)
04:14.20orethand i'm slightly peeved at them stealing my work.
04:14.25orethI think that goes against the pirate code.
04:14.47oreththank you, purl
04:15.04fromatzlove the potc reference
04:15.08WobWorkpirate guidelines are as follows: If it aint nailed down, then YARRRR
04:15.30WobWorknot double s?
04:15.37fromatzhmmm, not sure
04:15.57fromatzit is 2
04:16.14AntiarcScytheBlade1: The stacking bug isn't gone. You can still stack all you want.
04:17.24fromatzsomeone needs to make a video 1 shotting illidan
04:17.34fromatzinstagib ftw
04:17.40AntiarcYou can't zone and keep the stats :P
04:17.47fromatzoh =\ thats not fun
04:17.59fromatzi guess you could easily kite mobs into orgrimmar =]
04:18.01WobWorkNext up, engineer 'bank window' trinkets
04:18.03dylanmStart dueling
04:18.12ScytheBlade1Antiarc: I could only get it to stack once
04:18.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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04:18.47*** join/#wowi-lounge ecstasia (n=ecs@unaffiliated/ecstasia)
04:19.00fromatzi would love to go smackdown lord kazzak
04:19.09fromatzhate him and doomwalker
04:20.03Cairennhey Iriel :)
04:20.27|pez|damnit, boney grendels, breed! >__>
04:20.35WobWorkI did Kazzak once
04:20.50fromatzthe new version of him?
04:20.54WobWorkit was like *whackwhackwhackwhackwha...oh.. is that it?"
04:21.02WobWorkwe got him down in.. 47 seconds =
04:21.05fromatzyeah if one person dies, you are boned
04:21.32orethAntiarc: have you seen this?
04:21.46orethcompletely useless, but utterly wicked in design
04:22.10AntiarcHeh, just did a bit ago
04:22.28orethWestmarch just linked it to me.
04:23.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Arcaia (n=cnflct@
04:23.48Cidandoes lua have a rounding function?
04:24.13WobWorkwhat specifically do you need?
04:24.18WobWorkBanker's rounding?
04:24.21Cidanjust simple rounding
04:24.36*** join/#wowi-lounge testleK (n=chatzill@
04:24.38WobWorkstring.format("%.2f", 1.2345)
04:24.39batrickchar *a[1] make a size 1 array of char pointers right?
04:24.48Gngsk<@ckknight> Yssaril: for simple asymmetric rounding, math.floor(x+0.5) works
04:25.00Cidanhm, okay
04:25.24WobWorkOr if you're just dealing with integers you can use math.floor(x+0.5)
04:25.37Cairennbela updated the thread on WoWI to include a link to baby pics:
04:25.38ckknightCidan: I've used a custom-made banker's rounding algorithm
04:25.45batrickShirik: ping
04:25.54CidanHm, you'd think they would put something simple in
04:27.18IrielThey did, math.floor and math.ceil
04:27.47WobWorksimple enough =)
04:39.47Shirikbatrick: pong
04:40.05ShirikI needed you earlier actually :( But I figured it out
04:40.47ShirikDamn relay sending a -40V spike through my components
04:41.36Fisker-I'm gonna hunt you down like a chicken kd3
04:44.50AtriaceYou know, chickens will keep running even without a head.
04:44.55AtriaceUseless fact.
04:45.15kd3thanks for the ping. woo for the realms being up.
04:45.44AtriaceIs there anyway to redefine something that is a virtual?
04:46.22AtriaceLike... oh I don't know... a texture?
04:48.30MentalPowerand no is your answer
04:49.51AtriaceI wanted to replace the texture file for a virtual element (such as the default button).
04:50.19AtriaceBut I guess I'll need to find a different method.
04:51.10*** join/#wowi-lounge haste (
04:51.20*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Shirik] by ChanServ
04:52.06MentalPowerAtriace: for all buttons or just your own?
04:53.43Fisker-i hate you kd3
04:53.50Fisker-come with me if you don't want to live
04:54.06WobWorkThe Fiskinator?
04:54.15AtriaceMentalPower: for all buttons.  I wanted to reskin the default UI.
04:54.29Fisker-moar like teh failinator
04:54.40MentalPowerAtriace: override the texture file
04:54.45Fisker-still have to make 4 pages for today
04:54.48MentalPowerits the easiest way
04:54.58Fisker-god i hate pointless assignments
04:55.08AtriaceI haven't heard of that before.  How would you do that?
04:59.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
04:59.31*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
04:59.45MentalPowerwell, ifyou would usually invoke the texture with :SetTexture("Texture\\MailBox\\FooBar123") then you would place the new texture in the World of Warcraft\\Texture\\MailBox\\FooBar123 folder
05:00.03MentalPowerrestart WoW, and you should see your new texture everywhere the old one was
05:01.05AtriaceUgh... not very elegent (or distributable) method for an addon.
05:01.17WobWorknot particularly no
05:01.29MentalPowerit is the easiest tho
05:01.40MentalPowerand its been used before with success (look at clearfont)
05:01.55ShirikI think I'm off to bed
05:01.59Shirik3 days no sleep ftl
05:02.07Atriacewow.  G'night Shirik.  :)
05:02.15widgertickG'night Shirik!
05:02.19widgertickSleep tight =)
05:02.54AtriaceAny ideas on a self-contained method (all textures residing inside the addon folder)?
05:03.03MentalPowerAtriace: I think that you can also change the texture of the parent texture object, and that change will propagate downwards, but I've never tried that myself
05:03.58WobWork>< MP, since I saw your photo, you -vaugely- reminded me of an American I met in Beijing.
05:04.09WobWorkand now I can't not think of anything you say being spoken in his voice.
05:04.35MentalPowerif it helps any, I've never been to china
05:04.48MentalPowerso you saw my blizzcon photo?
05:05.11WobWorkno, the entirely misleading ones with Antiarc
05:05.27WobWorkcause any photo with Antiarc leads to misleading concepts of scale
05:06.57MentalPowerI wonder who's taller, Antiarc, Iriel or Cladhaire
05:12.02*** join/#wowi-lounge MySpoons2Big (
05:12.24Cairennoh, hey! it's a WobWork!
05:12.35batrickShirik|zZz: ? char *a[1] make a size 1 array of char pointers right?
05:12.52WobWorkCairenn: ^^
05:12.57Shirik|zZzthat is an affirmative good sir
05:13.00WobWorkIt's a Wob@IRC@Work
05:13.06Cairennthat works :)
05:13.33Cairennaren't you glad we missed you and talked to each other and came up with suggestions?
05:13.33Shirik|zZzwait batrick
05:13.35Shirik|zZzI might be wrong
05:13.48Shirik|zZzlet me double check operator precedence
05:14.04Shirik|zZzIt might be a pointer to an array of characters
05:14.05WobWorkchar* a[1]?
05:14.39*** part/#wowi-lounge MySpoons2Big (
05:15.24Guillotinewait, what picture with Antiarc?
05:15.25Shirik|zZzyeah no, I was right
05:15.29Shirik|zZzit's an array of char pointers
05:15.37Shirik|zZzwhy, what's up batrick?
05:16.25Shirik|zZzimho you're better off with a char**
05:19.04Shirik|zZzwtf happened to
05:19.10Shirik|zZzit seems to have seriously gone downhil
05:19.22Shirik|zZzhalf the stuff on the frontpage isn't even lolcatish
05:19.24WobWorkIt was uphill at any point/
05:19.37WobWorkperhaps we're reaching critical mass
05:20.31widgertickI think what we're seeing is the incorporation of the lolcat into more facets of internet culture. is changing to reflect that most of its visitors and pictures are coming from outside the niche that created it
05:21.46ScytheBlade1Shirik|zZz: GO TO SLEEP
05:21.55Shirik|zZzbut batrick asked a question
05:22.02CairennShirik|zZz: go to sleep
05:22.05Shirik|zZzbut batrick asked a question
05:22.19ScytheBlade1You could be at this for a _long_ time.
05:22.24widgertickShirik|zZz: go TO sleep
05:22.34CairennScytheBlade1: ROFL
05:22.35Shirik|zZzNew xkcd today
05:22.37MentalPowerShirik|zZz: go to sleep!!
05:22.41ScytheBlade1Cairenn: you know that's awesome
05:22.44Shirik|zZzyou know what
05:22.50*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+m] by Shirik|zZz
05:22.56Shirik|zZznow none of you can tell me to go to sleep
05:22.57CairennScytheBlade1: it completely rocks
05:23.03*** mode/#wowi-lounge [-o Shirik|zZz] by widgertick
05:23.05MentalPowerShirik|zZz: you sure?
05:23.07CairennShirik|zZz: that's what you think
05:23.11*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Shirik|zZz] by ChanServ
05:23.11*** mode/#wowi-lounge [-m] by widgertick
05:23.23kd3bah, was about to /nick kd3|wtbvoice
05:23.24ScytheBlade1THERE'S BUTTER ON MY FACE
05:23.45ScytheBlade1(Points to anyone who gets the reference)
05:24.03kd3whee bash
05:24.08ScytheBlade1kd3 wins the points
05:24.13ScytheBlade1The rest of you are slow
05:25.22Shirik|zZzI wonder what song that is in xkcd
05:25.38ScytheBlade1Shirik|zZz: you're not very obedient, are you?
05:25.52Shirik|zZzI only listen to whom I choose to listen to
05:26.05Shirik|zZzCairenn has no right to tell me to go to sleep, especially, considering she goes to sleep at 5AM every night herself
05:26.13ScytheBlade1You selectively listen to those whom you choose to listen to
05:26.15Cairennnot every night
05:26.22Shirik|zZzyeah, sorry
05:26.25Shirik|zZzsometimes it's 6
05:26.36Cairennbesides which, I can ban you from the site & channel
05:26.39Cairenngo sleep
05:27.56AntiarcNote: As per the previous conversation, I'm not actually tall. Those pictures you saw were misleading. MentalPower is actually 3'4"
05:28.06AntiarcAnd we were at Lego Land
05:28.11MentalPower~lart Antiarc
05:28.11purleats Antiarc's liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti
05:28.20MentalPower~bzfrag Antiarc
05:28.21purlACTION tries to kill Antiarc, but Antiarc finds the shield flag
05:28.21widgertickIf MentalPower is 3'4", that makes me about four inches tall.
05:28.41MentalPower~fail purl
05:28.41purlpurl: Fail.
05:29.06ScytheBlade1Man. a #wowi-lounge bzFlag competition could quite possibly be epic.
05:29.17Shirik|zZz~bzfrag ScytheBlade1
05:29.18purlACTION destroys ScytheBlade1 with a guided missile
05:29.31widgertick~bzfrag Shirik|zZz
05:29.32purlACTION tries to kill Shirik|zZz, but Shirik|zZz finds the shield flag
05:29.42WobWorkBEST XKCD EVER
05:29.45widgertick~bzfrag Shirik|zZz
05:29.46purlACTION destroys Shirik|zZz with a guided missile
05:29.46CairennShirik|zZz: SLEEP
05:29.54Shirik|zZzit's ok ScytheBlade1, you can only do it 5 times
05:30.01Shirik|zZz<-- victorious
05:30.01ScytheBlade1* 10 additional IPs
05:30.10Shirik|zZzI'll just set the failure count to 1
05:30.11ScytheBlade1Less the automated removal of the bans
05:30.12WobWorkShirik|zZz: Did you get the song? =)
05:30.18Shirik|zZzand the automated removal to 2 days
05:30.27Shirik|zZzWobWork: Song?
05:30.33Shirik|zZzno I didn't :(
05:30.34ScytheBlade1Shirik|zZz: hope you don't mistype your password!
05:30.47WobWorkBest meta-in-joke -ever-
05:31.07Shirik|zZzI knew it was going to be something
05:31.10Shirik|zZzI was trying to figure it out
05:31.17Shirik|zZzBut I'm way too tired to put that together right now
05:31.20Shirik|zZznow it all makes sense :)
05:31.46Shirik|zZzI was too caught up on the bass part
05:31.56WobWorkyeah, same =)
05:32.14WobWorkbut that's cause I'm a bass =P
05:32.26ScytheBlade1rofl @ song
05:32.33ScytheBlade1Holy crap that guy is EPIC
05:32.40WobWorkinorite? =)
05:32.51Shirik|zZzWobWork: I played cello :)
05:33.46ScytheBlade1Shirik|zZz: have you honestly not slept in three days?
05:34.04kd3gah... they /still/ haven't fixed the combat log?
05:34.10ScytheBlade1kd3: or the stat stacking!
05:34.24Shirik|zZzApparently the alt text is wrong. A friend tells me "the best way is if they hesitate when walking because they realize their step isn't on the beat."
05:34.27Shirik|zZz^^ that's me
05:34.27SixenStat hacking still works?
05:34.42*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
05:34.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
05:35.41SixenPlease run me a tracert. To run a tracert, follow the steps below:
05:35.41Sixen1) Go to Start > Run
05:35.41Sixen2) Type in "command" or "cmd" depending on your OS.
05:35.41Sixen3) Make sure the directory you are in is your desktop. You can change directories using the "cd" command.
05:35.41Sixen4) Type in "tracert *[i]realm[/i] > hi.txt".
05:35.43Sixen5) You let the tracert run, and there should be a new .txt file on your desktop. (30 is the last run)
05:35.45Sixen6) Post the contents of "hi.txt" in a reply.
05:35.49Sixen*: Change this with your realm. For example,
05:35.53Sixen(If you use a Mac, please let me know and I will tell you how to specifically run it on a Mac)
05:35.59Sixen:(. Wrong C&P.
05:36.04ScytheBlade1Sixen: pro.
05:36.14Shirik|zZzYeah I'm going to sleep for a few hours
05:36.17Shirik|zZzbe back in 5 or so
05:36.20SixenI forgot we can't copy out of the Blizz Updater window, :(
05:36.22ScytheBlade1... lol
05:36.24SixenBye Shirik.
05:37.02Cairennnight Shirik|zZz :)
05:37.13Sixenkd3, can you reinvite me to the guild in a sec?
05:37.28ScytheBlade1Sixen: and I can bump you back up to officer
05:37.37WobWorkScytheBlade1: =(
05:38.03ScytheBlade1WobWork: yeah, I did something awesome to my neck today. Not sure what.
05:39.11MentalPowergnight all
05:39.25Cairennnight MentalPower|ZZzz
05:39.54MentalPower|ZZzzfriggin migraines
05:40.26WobWorkThis is cool:
05:40.41Cairenndefinite sympathy on that one MentalPower|ZZzz
05:41.14Cairennbrb, rebooting my system
05:42.57ScytheBlade1Yeah, anyone US PvE Alliance side on the test realm
05:43.04ScytheBlade1And I can get you invited
05:46.31Guillotineooo, one moment
05:48.32Guillotinegrr, update
05:49.04Guillotinedownloading it only takes a moment
05:49.18Guillotineits reconfiguring my firewall to allow the patch download, then reconfiguring it to allow the updated client that takes a while
05:49.32GuillotineNorton sucks
05:49.36ScytheBlade1Fair enough
05:49.39ScytheBlade1It does indeed
05:51.51*** join/#wowi-lounge digmouse (i=digmouse@
05:53.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Arcaia2 (n=cnflct@
05:54.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Arcaia (n=cnflct@
05:55.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:59.43AtriaceIf you define a virtual object with the same name as a pre-existing virtual object, does that replace the prior or does the new one get ignored?
06:03.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
06:03.48*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
06:09.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Maul (i=446c1daa@gateway/web/ajax/
06:10.53IrielAtriace: the first sticks, unless the first was not secure, and the new one is
06:10.59kd3Sixen, no. just you
06:11.00IrielIn which case the secure one will override the other one
06:15.19Guillotineerr, are icons in chat not implemented on the test realm yet?
06:15.30Guillotinecopy and pasting the exact example given on the forums gives an error :/
06:15.55kd3they were last build
06:16.26Guillotinewant to copy and paste this and see if it works for you?
06:16.52Tem|AFKGuillotine, they're in
06:17.02Tem|AFKI haven't tried since the last patch, but I've used them
06:17.25Guillotinewell, stuff like {star} works
06:17.36Guillotinebut stuff like adding in the PW:F doesn't seem to work
06:18.30Tem|AFKGuillotine, try smaller
06:18.42Tem|AFK64px may be too large
06:18.52ScytheBlade1Sixen: you know, watching you
06:18.57ScytheBlade1I can't help but laugh hysterically
06:19.00ScytheBlade1No offense, but wow
06:19.05ScytheBlade1That's broken
06:19.10kd3nah. it's supposed to work if we only add it to the frame... dunno why it isn't
06:19.17MaulIn Zoot's post: Currently there are only texture tags for raid icons. We may add more texture tags in the future.
06:19.29Guillotineits giving an error about an unfinished string
06:19.42GuillotineBut what about ?
06:19.48Guillotineyou should be able to add it directly to your chat frame
06:19.57AtriaceIriel: is it worth trying to replace the default UI textures, or should I give up unless I plan to recreate the frames from scratch?
06:20.13MaulI dunno, did not play with them yet :) I just remember Zoot's comment about the raid icons :)
06:20.25GuillotineMaul: from what I see, thats just for sending through chat, not for posting directly to your chat frame
06:20.33kd3we can only send raid icons to other players... supposed to be able to do whatever the hell you want to local frames
06:20.43IrielAtriace: It depends on how you plan to do it.. I suspect you'll have an easier time zipping over all of the frames doing replacements at runtime than by fiddling with templates
06:20.57IrielGuillotine/kd3 are correct
06:21.07IrielYou can do whatever you want locally
06:21.12Guillotinebut it doesn't work
06:21.17Guillotineat least not the way Zoot posted
06:21.20Irielthe {star} things are turned into |T things locally by the chat frame
06:21.23kd3zoot just /y in shattrath or something?
06:21.34Iriel(That is, by the blizzard chat frame lua)
06:21.41ScytheBlade1kd3: yes
06:22.39*** join/#wowi-lounge ecs (n=ecs@unaffiliated/ecstasia)
06:23.33ScytheBlade1Awesome. I was just called a "terrorist" by Zoot.
06:23.59*** join/#wowi-lounge TecnoBrat|Work_ (n=tecnobra@
06:25.06Tem|AFKGuillotine, I use the icons all the time
06:25.12Tem|AFKI wrote an addon for adding item icons
06:26.18Guillotineany chance I could get a look at the AddOn?
06:27.16Tem|AFKyeah sure gimme a sec
06:28.05batrickShirik|zZz: thanks
06:28.42SixenDid I just dc?
06:29.01SixenI clicked the MOTD and it froze, =o.
06:29.18ScytheBlade1made me do the same
06:29.43*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
06:30.38*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
06:31.25batrick--> debug.upvalue
06:31.26batbotbatrick: > function: 0x8098570
06:32.49batrick--> local a = "hi" function geta() return a end local b = "bye" function getb() return b end function seta(v) a = v end function setb(v) b = v end
06:33.01batrick--> debug.upvalue(a), debug.upvalue(b)
06:33.01batbotbatrick: @ [string "return  debug.upvalue(a), debug.upvalue(b)"]:1: bad argument #1 to 'upvalue' (function expected, got nil)
06:33.16batrick--> debug.upvalue(geta, 1), debug.upvalue(getb, 1)
06:33.16batbotbatrick: > userdata: 0x80e8968, userdata: 0x80e9028
06:34.17batrick--> debug.shareupvalue(getb, 1, geta, 1)
06:34.18batbotbatrick: > true
06:34.20batrick--> debug.upvalue(geta, 1), debug.upvalue(getb, 1)
06:34.21batbotbatrick: > userdata: 0x80e8968, userdata: 0x80e8968
06:34.37*** join/#wowi-lounge vulture- (
06:39.02MaulGuillotine: Zoot used some funky quotes in his post. I changed them to what my editor types out and his example works
06:44.44art3misand god damn shes got an amazing voice
06:44.51|pez|I like less shiny corsets
06:46.02Keiasmmm corsets
06:46.12kd3re gchat:
06:46.17Nechckn_BetaNowpfft... I saw nude and got all excited art3mis, you tease!
06:46.31art3misheh sorry
06:46.36art3misshe is damn hot though
06:47.04Nechckn_BetaNowOK.. points for that.  =)
06:48.52Temoh is there an addon dev guild on ptr?
06:49.04Cairennof course
06:49.57ScytheBlade1US PvE alliance side, on it now
06:50.44Temwho can invite?
06:54.16ScytheBlade1Well, anyone actually
06:54.39Temsoon as I'm done patching...
06:55.07batrickShirik|zZz: thanks
06:55.12ScytheBlade1It's set up so that people can invite people as many as two (three?) deep
06:55.23ScytheBlade1And I just login every so often and promote people I know to officer
06:55.56Temdid they fix the stat stacking bug?
06:56.23Temoh yay, I might have to log my druid an play
06:56.26Temoh lolz
06:56.37Temwhich smartass put that in the motd?
06:57.02ScytheBlade1Guillotine! ;)
06:57.22art3misbetter a smartass than a dumbass
06:57.27GuillotineI'm testing stuff
06:57.48TemI'm pretty sure that just broke my client
06:57.54Temas it won't take the focus back
06:58.03ScytheBlade1Click the down arrows
06:58.14ScytheBlade1It breaks the keybound scrolling
07:00.49TemGuillotine, something with the guild frame breaks my client
07:01.07Guillotinedon't try to edit the MOTD manually
07:01.10Guillotinewhen theres an icon in it
07:01.14Guillotineyou have to use the script
07:01.24Temoh is that it?
07:01.32Temif I click it, my client dies
07:01.38art3misNechckn_BetaNow: did i already tell ya how awesome ASSP is?
07:01.45Guillotineit did the same thing with \n, but Slouken made it filter out linebreaks when I told him :D
07:02.15Temwell, I'll tell zoot
07:02.55GuillotineGive me credit!
07:03.02kd3huh. all the daily quests at stage 4 of the SSO storyline net about 4k rep a day
07:03.35GuillotineI accidently clicked on the MOTD
07:04.11TemGuillotine, I'll probably just paste the logs from here
07:04.30Guillotineif you're going to send it, let me give you my file with all of the possibilities
07:04.45Guillotinewas going to send it to slouken, but if you're already preparing it, you can have it
07:07.59art3mis <-- charlotte church
07:11.28kd3oh wow... someone's got a windserpent that I can see from the top of the inn.
07:15.30GuillotineI hearby challenge Tem for the title of Game Breaker
07:15.44Tembring it, fool
07:17.00Guillotinefirst person to crash the PTR wins
07:17.21TemI found a bug in the icons like a month ago
07:17.44TemI wonder if it's fixed yet...
07:17.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
07:18.06GuillotineElkano is my hero
07:18.19Guillotineseriously, EBB is pure win
07:18.41ElkanoOhayô ^^
07:19.11break19Elkano: ebb should support libsharedmedia2 :)
07:19.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Arcaia (n=cnflct@
07:19.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster` (
07:21.23*** join/#wowi-lounge DuTempete (
07:23.59Elkanobreak19, it will NEVER do so
07:24.15fromatzdoes blizzard ever plan on fixing the getbattlefieldwinner?
07:24.16break19Elkano: my local copy does... muahaha
07:25.07Elkanoso you broke yours on purpose?
07:25.23break19aint broke. works fine
07:26.07Elkanowell... set a global override and you'll see...
07:26.19fromatzhmmm, wowwiki says its broke in 2.3.2
07:26.28fromatzoh nm, not talking to me
07:26.54kd3alright... maybe I'm missing it... how the hell do I add more bars in bob3?
07:26.56GuillotineAnybody else want to join the author guild? You can see my fun MOTD stuff!
07:27.02Elkanobreak19, SharedMediaLib-1.0 and LibSharedMedia-3.0 are my work... LSM-2.0 was created and pushed live without even trying to talk to me though...
07:27.28MaulGuillotine: Sure, I'll whisper you
07:27.44GuillotineMaul: Geeohteene
07:27.53GuillotineI had already used Guillotine and Guilly :(
07:31.17art3misi think i want her for my birthday this eyar
07:31.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Arcaia (n=cnflct@
07:31.45AlexanderYoshiI went to a restaurant called The Wild Rabbit for my birthday this evenign
07:31.48AlexanderYoshiIt was great
07:31.57AlexanderYoshiThe chef served us personalyl and the food was fantastic
07:32.01AlexanderYoshiEven the hostess was super cute
07:32.05kd3ooh, nice
07:32.27AlexanderYoshiYeah, it was a fantastic experience
07:32.32AlexanderYoshiWonderful atmosphere
07:32.37bleeterI wanna go there right now
07:32.46bleetersounds that good, been years since I've had decent service
07:33.06GuillotineTaco bell service is good
07:33.19GuillotineThey don't spit in my food more than once
07:33.41bleeterGuillotine: thankfully the closest one's about 500km's away, including 250km's of water
07:33.59*** join/#wowi-lounge fromatz (
07:34.17fromatzwill GetGuildInfo(unit); if you pass in someone from another realm in a bg
07:34.23fromatz^^ work
07:34.41Temfromatz, try it and see
07:34.45fromatzgood call
07:34.49Temthere's no reason it shouldn't
07:35.19fromatzi didnt know if these functions could only access the guild info of someone on the same server as who is calling the function
07:36.02Falcon213as long as you're in the same bg as the unit then there shouldn't be a problem
07:39.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Baldor (
07:41.32Gngskoops, mt
07:48.16*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo (
07:53.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
08:01.50mikmaart3mis: and you can continue to  from that
08:03.11Guillotinenight all
08:03.17TemOpinion request
08:03.24GuillotineOpinion granted
08:03.29TemFor an addon that adds item Icons to chat
08:03.32Cairennhappy birthday AlexanderYoshi!
08:03.35Temshould I also support spell links?
08:03.45GuillotineHappy birthday Alex!
08:05.57*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
08:08.08Temhow do you speficy a literal "%" in a printf?
08:08.20AlexanderYoshior \%
08:08.27Temshould have just tried it
08:08.33TemI totally guessed right
08:09.02art3mismikma: yeah ive got them in my playlist, saw em live a few months back
08:09.27mikmaart3mis: any good in live?
08:10.31Cairennnight all
08:11.12art3misthey sound pretty much the same
08:11.18art3miscept shes much hotter live ;P
08:12.05mikmaimho the most important thing is that they sound like same :P that means she actually can sing :D
08:12.18art3misthe lead singer chick of stolen babies though was only 1 tiny step down from the hotness that is christine scabia from lacuna coil ;P
08:12.52art3mis^^ they suond the same live too
08:20.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Maul (i=446c1daa@gateway/web/ajax/
08:29.00Atriacemust... go... to sleep.
08:35.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Godzmack (
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09:21.45*** join/#wowi-lounge RobTheDude (n=chatzill@
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10:03.37*** join/#wowi-lounge clockworkservant (
10:04.17clockworkservantwhat's up with the european servers?
10:04.31Elkanoup? no, down...
10:04.47clockworkservantno-one knows what the delay is?
10:04.58nevcairielthe EU servers are coming up already
10:05.04nevcairielits 5 min over and you go crazy :P
10:05.27clockworkservantyes!  are you surprised :)
10:05.32clockworkservantcool they're up
10:05.46Kalroth[11:03] <clockworkservant> what's up with the european servers? <- OMG 3 MINS DELAY, I BET ITS PATCH 2.4 ALREADY!
10:06.04nevcairielhe left already :(
10:06.27KalrothPfft, he was just a downtime troll anyways!
10:09.00Esine:-( you wouldn't understand
10:09.03EsineI've been waiting for aso long time
10:09.08Esineall wow-europe realms still arent up!
10:09.23Esineusually they're up like 30min early ro something
10:09.26Elkanowas fun in #wowace ^^
10:09.26Elkano[11:00:08] <Elkano> OK, as we just hit 11:00CET European users may now start to whine about their servers still being down.
10:09.26Elkano[11:00:13] <Grum> OMG NO EU SERVERS UP!! hax
10:09.30Esinenow they're horribly horribly horribly late
10:10.17Nom-anyone here dealt with wsdl before /
10:12.13KalrothNom-: That's just soap interface defintions, yeah?
10:12.26Nom-Well, it's web services
10:12.36KalrothMost IDE's I've worked with handles them just fine
10:12.36Nom-But generally, yes
10:12.55Nom-Yeah, I just noticed Eclipse has a pretty hot interface for builing them
10:13.00Nom-*downloads latest eclipse*
10:14.45*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (
10:15.18Esinethe realms are up :))
10:15.28Nom-They were down ?
10:27.18Keiasohay, blackrock down AGAIN.  Argh
10:42.43*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
10:59.41Wobin_are their issues when trying to paste colour codes into chat?
11:00.33clad|officeWobin_: yes, because | is escaped
11:00.35clad|officeusing \124
11:00.41clad|officeuse \124 to avoid that
11:00.47clad|officeany | typed into a chat box becomes ||
11:10.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
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11:29.56Wobin_clad|office: aha, ta
11:30.15foxlitFind the missing buttons :)
11:32.06*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Dotted] by ChanServ
11:40.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Drundia (n=drewndia@
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13:13.25Shirikwheeeeeeeeeee Attempting to get database connection from connection cache:nulljava.lang.NullPointerException >>
13:13.29ShirikGotta love blackboard
13:13.54clad|officedo we really?
13:13.55clad|officei disagree :P
13:14.11LopeppeppyI love chocolate instead.
13:19.40mikmamm, cake
13:20.11LopeppeppyOooh, I think I need breakfast before you make me do something horrible.
13:23.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
13:24.11mikmabah, can't login to ptr
13:24.20mikmatells me my password is incorrect
13:25.46*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (
13:26.01LopeppeppyHave you recently changed your password?
13:26.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Thuz (
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13:27.23mikmano idea is this the reason:
13:28.12LopeppeppyMaybe.  Last word I had was that both PTR's were borked anyway.
13:28.40mikmaok then, anyone knows is the shaman ghost wolf now instant with 2/2 talent?
13:29.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Hjalte (
13:31.01[dRaCo]it should be, yes
13:31.10[dRaCo]not been to the ptr since the changes, though
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14:01.35Wobin_clad|office: Hm, replaceing | with \124 doesn't seem to do much =\
14:01.44Wobin_to prevent crashing
14:01.45clad|officeit should
14:01.50clad|officeyou never mentioned a crash
14:02.05Wobin_That was the 'issue' =)
14:02.09Wobin_sorry, didn't clarify
14:02.56clad|officeso what are you doing that crashes the client?
14:03.04clad|officetype quick, cause i should get running :P
14:03.24Wobin_basic colour codes in a string
14:03.31Wobin_pasted to the editbox
14:03.36clad|officesuch as?
14:03.40clad|officewhats the string?
14:04.03Wobin_with |r|cHexcolourherex
14:04.13Shirikwhat's the crash?
14:04.22Wobin_lemme do it again
14:04.22hastethe chatframe's editbox?
14:04.33hastewhy are you adding colors there :p ?
14:04.37hasteit will only disconnect you
14:05.08Wobin_yeah I figured that =)
14:05.15Wobin_So I'll just scrub the string
14:05.31Wobin_Was just hoping that might not have to be the case
14:19.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
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14:52.05ralfWORKkilled HKM last night, yay!
14:52.26ShirikOkay pop quiz
14:52.30ralfWORKya. too bad it wasn't a guild run :(
14:52.31ShirikWhich is "better"
14:52.32LopeppeppyHuzzah.  How did your poking at Gruul himself go?
14:52.42ShirikThrow an unahdled NullPointerException or segfault?
14:52.54ralfWORKLopeppeppy: people had to go... so 15 of us pulled our way to gruul
14:53.10KeiasWhy would people go before Gruul :(
14:53.19ralfWORKand then saw the 3-pull before gruul and having only 2 tanks, decided to death run it :P
14:53.24KeiasYou must've been stuck with all the people drooling over DST
14:53.48ralfWORKwell... that's what happens when you set the expectation that we're only here for HKM
14:53.55ralfWORKit was a french guild on our server
14:54.04ralfWORKwe ended up PUGing a good bit of people, sadly
14:54.14ralfWORKso you know how that goes
14:55.47ralfWORKI was surprised that we took him down honestly
14:56.05ralfWORKthere was another shadowpriest there... had about 600 shadow damage
14:56.16ralfWORKI was just like "wow... and they let you come?"
14:57.16ralfWORKit was also funny to me because when my guild does kara, I'm usually about 3rd on damage
14:57.26ralfWORKyet in this 25 man setting I was 2nd
14:57.38ralfWORKwhich speaks volumes of what the rest of the raid was doing
14:58.05sacarascthey broke my realm ;(
14:58.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Maul (i=446c1daa@gateway/web/ajax/
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15:21.55|Jelly|!c us drenden kimina
15:21.58WoWLuaircBot|Jelly|: Kimina, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (42/19/0). 10601 HP; 10544 Mana; 235 mana regen; 98 mp5; 438 +spell dmg; 1168 +heal; 5.06% dodge; 275 resilience; 24 arcane resist;[[ TBR: 1007 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Feb 27 10:31:29 2008 EST ]]
15:22.12ralfWORKwewt 5% dodge!
15:22.43ralfWORKohhhh pee vee pee
15:22.50*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar_work (n=sylvanaa@
15:23.07|Jelly|!vs us burning legion jelly us drenden kimina
15:23.08WoWLuaircBot|Jelly|: jelly vs kimina! It's a showdown! But wait! What's this?! Something random? kimina wins by 6721406 TBRs! Wow, that's GOTTA hurt.
15:23.29|Jelly|!vs us burning legion jelly us drenden kimina
15:23.29WoWLuaircBot|Jelly|: I just said that 21s ago.
15:23.37|Jelly|Yeah but you were a douche about it.
15:24.25*** part/#wowi-lounge dmor (
15:24.59|Jelly|!vs us burning legion jelly us drenden kimina
15:25.02WoWLuaircBot|Jelly|: Jelly vs Kimina! Two 70 priests square off!; 43/18/0 vs 42/19/0; Kimina wins by 249 TBRs!
15:25.08|Jelly|That cheating whore.
15:25.24|Jelly|Curse you, Shirik!
15:25.33ShirikI'm pvp specced
15:25.39Shiriksorry, I didn't raid yesterday
15:25.52|Jelly||Jelly|: Jelly vs Kimina! Two 70 priests square off!; *43/18/0* vs 42/19/0; Kimina wins by 249 TBRs!
15:26.02Shirikwhat's the * for?
15:26.10|Jelly|[09:25]<Shirik>I'm pvp specced
15:26.23|Jelly|!co us drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
15:32.08*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
15:37.22Tem!c us drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
15:37.23WoWLuaircBotTem: jelly is not the character you are looking for!
15:37.41Tem!c us burning legion jelly
15:37.42WoWLuaircBotTem: Jelly, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (43/18/0). 10151 HP; 10824 Mana; 241 mana regen; 104 mp5; 480 +spell dmg; 1178 +heal; 5.06% dodge; 236 resilience;[[ TBR: 758 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Wed Feb 27 10:34:33 2008 EST ]]
15:43.56Mr_Rabies2!vs us drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
15:43.57WoWLuaircBotMr_Rabies2: Kimina vs Jelly! Two 70 priests square off!; 42/19/0 vs 43/18/0; Kimina wins by 249 TBRs!
15:46.40Josh_Borke!vs us drenden kimina us stormreaver dagh
15:46.44WoWLuaircBotJosh_Borke: Kimina vs Dagh! Two 70 priests square off!; 42/19/0 vs 14/0/47; Kimina wins by 145 TBRs!
15:56.25*** join/#wowi-lounge |pez| (
16:08.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
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16:18.46art3mis!vs us echo isles rozalyn us drenden kimina
16:18.50WoWLuaircBotart3mis: Rozalyn vs Kimina! Two 70 priests square off!; 23/0/38 vs 42/19/0; Rozalyn wins by 403 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
16:19.07art3mis!vs us echo isles rozalyn us burning legion jelly
16:21.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
16:22.07Falcon213wth kind of priest spec is 23/0/38?
16:23.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
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16:24.21ShirikSDS done
16:26.37art3misFalcon213: its a shadow-i-dont-group-so-i-dont-need-vt-now-piss-off spec ;P
16:29.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Maul (i=446c1daa@gateway/web/ajax/
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16:35.02art3misis that a welsh accent?
16:37.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Baldor (
16:37.41Kasowelsh sounds like you've had a stroke and half your face is paralised to me
16:44.16Lopeppeppycan't run as fast then?
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16:49.54cncfanaticshello all
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17:06.19KasoThe prime ministers office replied to an online petition i signed, i didnt know they actually read these things!
17:06.38*** join/#wowi-lounge foxlit (
17:10.53*** part/#wowi-lounge Baldor (
17:16.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
17:16.46Fisker-stop being a terrorist
17:16.59Shirik~kill Kaso
17:16.59purlACTION shoots a magneto-ionized anti-quark gun at Kaso
17:17.13Kasoim a trrist?
17:17.16Shirik~literal kill
17:17.37ShirikKaso: Do you live in the U.S.?
17:17.53ShirikThen according to Bush you're a terrorist. QED.
17:18.12foxlitSo I wrote ./configure && make
17:18.28foxlitApparently, the GD library does not compile instantly :(
17:18.47ShirikI got dot slash configure, and I said yo this package is big, but MY package is bigger
17:19.47ScytheBlade1Shirik: Zoot called me a terrorist last night. So, no, I'm the terrorist.
17:20.05Fisker-anyways what was it about Kaso? :o
17:20.41Kasofoxlit, fucker rickrolled us in sheet music  form ><
17:21.19foxlitNow, see, I don't parse music sheets.
17:21.33foxlit(not to that level anyway)
17:21.39KasoFisker-, "Animal research has enabled scientists to find treatments for cancer, vaccines and antibiotics. This does not advocate using animals unnecessarily but animal research is required because sometimes there are no other viable alternatives."
17:22.30Fisker-so what did they say?
17:22.39Fisker-GTFO our government you terrorist?
17:22.57Kasobasically, yah we agree.
17:23.49Fisker-thought it was something like petitiononline and they had randomly seen and read it
17:24.34KasoNah, its the government thing, but i've still never seen em reply before
17:24.41KasoBut it is a nice website
17:25.05TecnoBrat|WorkShirik: all of the terrorist live in the US
17:25.12Shiriknot according to Bush
17:25.17Shirikand that man's a genius, he knows everything
17:25.19Shirikall hail Bush
17:25.31ralfWORKhe's prett smurt
17:28.51TecnoBrat|Workyes he is smrt
17:29.07Kasoyay new ZP up!
17:29.29Esamynn|Work~lart Shirik
17:29.29purldoes a little 'renice 20 -u Shirik'
17:29.32Esamynn|Work~lart ralfWORK
17:29.32purlhooks into a hydrant and hoses ralfWORK down
17:29.42Esamynn|Work~lart TecnoBrat|Work
17:29.42purlexplains, ever so gently, that if TecnoBrat|Work doesn't give the channel more information, they can't help
17:30.16TecnoBrat|Workthat was .. uhhh
17:30.39Esamynn|Workno kidding
17:30.47Esamynn|Work~lart TecnoBrat|Work
17:30.47purltakes out a cattle prod and gives TecnoBrat|Work a good jolt
17:30.51Esamynn|Workmuch better
17:31.00laggerare the globalstring variable names consistent in every language version of wow?
17:31.00TecnoBrat|Workyes, yes it was
17:31.00purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
17:31.03art3misyes you heard right
17:31.11Esamynn|Worklagger: the variable names are, yes
17:31.38batrick--> debug.upvalue(function() end, 0)
17:31.49Esamynn|Work~whaleslap art3mis
17:31.49purlACTION beats art3mis upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
17:32.21Esamynn|Work~bzfrag art3mis
17:32.21purlACTION kills art3mis with a shot from his BZTank
17:32.56MaldiviaHmm, shouldn't it be possible to "store" your current form in the actionbar, for a druid potion macro, that automatically switches back to previous form?
17:33.02*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
17:33.26*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
17:33.28batrick--> debug.upvalue(function() end, 0)
17:33.33batbotbatrick: > nil
17:33.46art3misonly barely batbot
17:34.10art3misalthough i am concerned why a bot is concerned with batrick's colon
17:35.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Malgayne (
17:35.23*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Malgayne] by ChanServ
17:35.55Maldivia--> table.foreach(debug, print)
17:35.56batbotMaldivia: getupvalue  function: 0x80d6d70sethook  function: 0x80a00e8shareupvalue  function: 0x80d6d30upvalue  function: 0x8098570getmetatable  function: 0x80d6e50gethook  function: 0x8088988setmetatable  function: 0x80d6df0setlocal  function:...(tldr)
17:37.18art3misman these spam singles rules
17:43.12Fisker-hello kitty ui > hello kitty underwear
17:44.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Fatalis (
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17:47.59art3misonly because most of the girls you know that have it are either related or under age
17:52.35Fisker-and that's a bad thing?
17:52.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Wilbur (n=blanejnr@
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17:55.13KeiasIt'd have a fifth of that if there was a monthly fee.
17:55.45art3misbut still impressive
17:55.53art3misfor a game where you cant jump ;P
17:56.02ralfWORKrofl wow
17:56.14Falcon213guild wars is to pvp as wow is to raiding imo
17:56.23Fisker-is that 5 million players playing?
17:56.34art3misand consider that it's got 4 expensions out at ~$50 a pop
17:56.45art3misand most of those players have all 5
17:56.52art3misit's not bad
17:57.07Keias5 million sales
17:57.10Keiasincluding ALL expansions
17:57.11Falcon213I have them all, though I haven't really played eotn
17:57.16Keiasaccording to that article
17:57.43art3mis5million players
17:57.57art3miswhich means 5million* original+expansions
17:58.10Falcon2135 million accounts I would guess
17:58.32Falcon213because all be the last weren't really expansions, but stand-alone games that you could add to your account as expansions
17:58.35art3misand to be honest if i could jump in GW i'd rather play that than wow ;P
17:59.04art3misi hate having to run down a set path instead of jumping the 4feet ;P
17:59.14Fisker-wow probably have a BILLION accounts
17:59.22Falcon213my problem with gw was that pvp was too tough to do casually
17:59.36art3misi liked Zu online's little addons
17:59.39Keiasimagine the WoW userbase if it didn't have a monthly fee
17:59.44art3mislike the autho pathing
17:59.49art3miserr auto pathing
17:59.52art3misand auto combat
18:00.06art3misset up one skill/spell to cast and it would just cast it for ya
18:00.27Falcon213sounds like... fun...
18:00.28art3misthe auto pathing meant open the map click somewhere and it would run there complete with avoidance for terrain
18:00.36art3misit's great in early levels
18:00.51art3misfor the combat that is
18:01.11art3misor for killing mobs to clear a path
18:01.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
18:01.54Falcon213yeah but if it automatically kills stuff for you then it seems kinda boring
18:02.11art3misand in the starting area you could click on quest objectives and it would take you to a waypoint about where the quest was
18:02.33art3misit does, its not as effective, but you'd still have to start and start combat
18:02.42art3miserr target and start
18:02.55art3misand it had a cartoony feel to the whole game
18:03.08art3miswas fun in beta
18:07.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
18:07.14art3misnice mmorpg has an auto popup for xpantivirus
18:12.43Falcon213lol what's new.. hc raiders complaining that casuals might only be a tier behind them >>
18:13.07dylanmThey're always looking over their shoulders.
18:14.09ralfWORKthey need to get over themselves
18:15.15*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
18:15.22Falcon213seriously.. to me I don't care too much since I get bored with pve easy.. but then again this could get me to actually play more pve if it means experiencing new content
18:15.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
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18:16.11ralfWORKit's funny to me how at this point anyone who's T6 is considered HC
18:16.29ralfWORKand then the people that got to kill illidan just last week
18:16.41ralfWORKQQ about "omg the casuals are right behind us!"
18:17.07LopeppeppyMy rogue is behind them too.
18:17.38ralfWORKthey want to be sooooo hardcore
18:17.46ralfWORKand yet did they make world firsts? nope
18:18.00ralfWORKso how hardcore were you really?
18:18.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
18:19.22art3misid' love it if there were instances and high end content i could do solo or maybe a 5man
18:19.39art3misim so sick of the top out that wow does for the big groups or the endless grind
18:19.48art3misi hate raids
18:19.56ralfWORKI'd love there to be heroic raids
18:20.01art3misi havent set foot in ssc bt hyjal zul
18:20.18art3misand ive been to kara 3 times and gruul twice
18:21.17Falcon213heroic old-world raids would be pimp
18:21.26ralfWORKI never saw the old world stuff
18:21.39art3misi'd love that
18:21.42ralfWORKso making them heroic is the only viable way of getting people to do them
18:21.44art3misif the old world got revamped
18:21.50art3misi liked the old world content
18:21.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Godzmack (
18:21.58art3misi'd love it if they'd revert scholo too
18:22.04art3misback to the insane 5man one
18:22.09ralfWORKand getting 10 people to do Ony or something
18:22.31art3misor hroic dm
18:22.43art3misor a that island that you farm chimera meat from
18:22.44ralfWORKfor some level 60 loot that you're not even gonna bother sharding, but you vendor instead
18:22.48ralfWORKjust... isn't great
18:22.51art3misif they put some neat giant instance there
18:23.02Falcon213I 3-manned only the other day... first time I had ever done it
18:23.20art3missoloing baron is about the only fun i have these days
18:23.21KeiasI just want a heroic Dire Maul north
18:23.36Falcon213me (frost mage), a war, and a disc priest.. all pvp specced
18:24.17Falcon213[12:19] <art3mis> id' love it if there were instances and high end content i could do solo or maybe a 5man
18:24.29Falcon213the new dungeon is supposed to have decent loot on heroic
18:24.41Falcon213tier4 quality
18:25.07art3misfalcon the sun isle one?
18:25.07ralfWORKyea big deal
18:25.12Falcon213well, I haven't seen it, but I'm guessing it's actually better than that based on the new badge items
18:25.22ralfWORKthe new badge items are pimp
18:25.31art3misim big on exploring and questing
18:25.42art3misi hate running things over and over
18:25.48Falcon213yeah same here
18:25.55ralfWORKbut uhm
18:26.02ralfWORKdon't you find you run out of content quickly?
18:26.14art3mishence my bitching about it ;P
18:26.19ralfWORKuh. k.
18:26.30Fisker-awesome new feature btw Tem
18:26.36Fisker-if only i could test it on the PTR
18:26.37Fisker-but noooooo
18:26.42Fisker-we have to fuck up the EU ptrs
18:26.48*** join/#wowi-lounge krka (
18:26.50Fisker-george w. bush doesn't care about european people
18:26.52Falcon213well, that isn't really bliz's fault, seeing that they can't just add new content every couple weeks
18:26.53art3misi dont mind 5-10man stuff, i just dont like the endless grind either for rep, honour, gold, or in instances
18:26.56MaulTem: very nice, I like :)
18:26.58Falcon213but I find myself the same way
18:27.03art3misFalcon213: they could
18:27.05ralfWORKI dunno. seems like raiding is a better way of doing it than questing :P
18:27.09ralfWORKFalcon213: exactly
18:27.13art3misi wouldnt care if it was just random stupid quests
18:27.36art3misjust throw in an odd mob here and there with a chain quest to go explore crap again
18:27.39art3mislike the nag quest
18:27.50art3miscomplete them all and bring thrall to nagg
18:27.55art3misthat was a great quest
18:28.19ralfWORKyou can do that alone
18:28.20art3misbut there are so many places in outland that people go to once and never agani
18:28.40ralfWORKany of the console RPGs will let you do that
18:28.40art3misso adding in "go eplore here" based chains would certainly add to the fun
18:28.50ralfWORKjust buy a new one every month or whenever you run out of content
18:28.56art3misi mean take shadowmoon valley for instance
18:29.09art3miswhen was the alst time you went to play with the naga?
18:29.15art3misor the giants
18:29.17ralfWORKI don't like nagas :(
18:29.33ralfWORKbut you're suggesting more world coverage...
18:29.36MaldiviaTem: looks nifty :)
18:29.37art3misor had to kill the mother ravager
18:29.43ralfWORKI  guess that could be good
18:29.55ralfWORKI think the daily quests were an attempt at that
18:30.07art3misyeah, i dont care if the quests are simple or hard just that the exist for more eploration for more fun
18:30.13Falcon213boo on daily quests
18:30.18art3misdailys had the drawback of becoming a grind
18:30.22art3miswith no variation
18:30.28ralfWORKno shit they do
18:30.29Falcon213yes, exactly
18:30.35ralfWORKI don't do them
18:30.40ralfWORKdid them for a month or so when they came out
18:30.48art3misnow if they had say 10 daily quests and you could choose 2 to do and one wasnt obviously better than the other..
18:30.48ralfWORKI know people who do them every day on 3 toons
18:30.51Falcon213I find my self killing enemy players more than doing the quests when I go to do them
18:30.51ralfWORKI'd /wrist before that
18:31.28art3misor if those 10 dailies could lead to other area quests which in turn lead to other dailies
18:31.37art3misadding quests isnt that hard
18:31.49art3misand throwing in say 2-3 each maint wouldnt be that difficult
18:32.01ralfWORKnor is making old instances heroic ;)
18:32.09Josh_Borkesays you
18:32.12art3misif you did it right you could essentially make the time sink grinding is withuot anyone noticing
18:32.27art3misactually retuning old instances is rather hard
18:32.38art3mismostly because of the need to player tets them
18:32.40KeiasSomeone buy me Neverland ranch
18:32.42Maldiviaheroic gnomeregan... eww...
18:32.48ralfWORKheroic BRD
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18:32.53art3misheroic uldaman
18:32.54ralfWORKeveryone's favorite instance
18:33.04ralfWORKheroic mara would make me cry sweet tears of jesus :(
18:33.18KeiasHeroic Princess runs would be awesome though
18:33.22KeiasI hope they'd put her in topless
18:33.25krkanice clad|office you got a thanks from roberto
18:33.34ralfWORKKeias: hahahaha
18:37.20TemI would _NEVER_
18:37.26Temdo a heroic BRD
18:37.36Temfuck it in hell
18:37.41LopeppeppyAh, no heroic Emperor runs?  *shudder*
18:37.52TemLopeppeppy, only if you want it to take 7 hours
18:38.13Maldiviahmm... wonder how the flame room on heroic would be...
18:38.31nevcairielBRD really sucks
18:38.35KeiasHeroic Lyceum would be awesome
18:38.37nevcairielbut heroic DM or so would be fin
18:38.40KeiasOr however it was spelled :(
18:38.48ralfWORKyou know I might be the only person who likes BRD :(
18:38.54KeiasI like SOME of it
18:39.00KeiasJust not the whole thing
18:43.22ralfWORKI guess for me
18:43.30ralfWORKit was the first place that had that dungeony feel
18:43.47ralfWORKbecause... well... it had groaning prisoners when you walk through the door
18:47.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
18:47.43Lunessa... station!
18:47.52ralfWORKso I'm dying to know
18:47.59ralfWORKwhy is that your entrance?
18:48.03LopeppeppyHeyo, Lunessa.
18:48.11ralfWORKis it the same station as in bill and ted's?
18:49.02ralfWORKok that's what I figured, I just wanted to make sure :D
18:49.28KeiasI loved that movie
18:49.33KeiasI haven't seen that in like 10 years :(
18:49.38ralfWORKit was great
18:49.55ralfWORKwhenever I grumble "station" to my wife, she hits me though
18:50.06KeiasShouldn't have told her where it was fun!
18:51.09*** join/#wowi-lounge oreth| (n=skramred@
18:51.53Keiasfrom * even
18:51.59KeiasLack of sleep messes with my brain.
18:52.05LunessaI just like the part where the leathered-out rocker comes in and yells "STATION!"
18:52.43*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
18:53.34oreth|flu season is on big time
18:53.36TemMaldivia, NOTE: This is only for Patch 2.4, it will not work on anything below that.
18:53.40oreth|15 of my developers are out today
18:53.46oreth|take care of yourselfs
18:54.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Baldor (
18:54.24ralfWORKoreth|: thanks
18:55.02oreth|get plenty of sleep, plenty of vitamin C, the flu vaccines this year were incorrectly calculated for the strains that are going around
18:56.38LunessaI've already been victim.
18:58.05oreth|Co-worker's 4 month old got both A and B strains last week
18:58.10oreth|then he got it
18:58.12oreth|then his wife
18:58.15oreth|and then his mom...
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19:34.46TecnoBrat|Workoreth|: how many developers do you have?
19:37.00ralfWORKhmm anyone have a good article discussing the value of ignore armor?
19:37.37[dRaCo]most melees go with 4 armor ignore == 1 AP
19:37.43ralfWORKoh ya?
19:37.48ralfWORKin a raid setting?
19:38.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies3 (
19:38.13ralfWORKinteresting. k.
19:39.11ralfWORKyou said most... any specific exceptions/specs that should be noted?
19:39.57[dRaCo]the more you got, the better it becomes
19:40.12ralfWORKah right, ok
19:40.16*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo (
19:42.19[dRaCo]trying to find a thread about this stuff, gimme a minute
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19:50.51[dRaCo]ralfWORK: here's a thread that calculates the difference between mongoose and executioner, some good math there:
19:51.11ralfWORKoh that old arguement heh
19:51.39[FFG]IrqHey, I just started learning to make addons. I made a simple draggable frame. Somehow the position of the frame is being saved through sessions without using any saved variables. Anyone who can tell me where the position of the frame saved?
19:52.00[FFG]Irqis saved*
19:53.45pastamancer[FFG]Irq: in OnDragStop, call frame:SetUserPlaced(false)
19:54.48pastamancerit's saved in ... layout-cache.txt
19:56.07Lunessapastamancer: Do you play on Mac OSX or Linux?
19:56.25pastamancerand windows sometimes
19:56.30LunessaThought so.
19:56.41[FFG]IrqOk thanks a lot :) I was just wondering since I wanted to save the position but found out it already did that.
19:57.04pastamancerthen ignore what I said about SetUserPlaced(false)
19:57.19pastamancerthat'll prevent it from being saved in layout-cache.txt
20:02.49[FFG]IrqIs the book book in the topic worth buying? :o
20:03.02CidanDepends on how you learn
20:03.12Cidanand also if you love clad
20:04.33[FFG]IrqI don't know clad, I only know that he is at the office :o
20:05.06TecnoBrat|Workthen you do know him
20:05.23CidanIt really depends on how you learn, what type of programmer you are, and so forth
20:06.09TecnoBrat|WorkI've personally never learned from a book
20:06.22LunessaClad and Cog have poured a lot of work into it.
20:06.28MaulClad's portal on WoWI - if you want to know which addons are his
20:06.48LunessaI'm getting a copy, not to have a tutorial, but to support them getting to write another book. :)
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20:06.58LunessaHey Maul, Nice to see you here.
20:07.08MaulHiya Lunessa :)
20:07.26|pez|Woo. homemadeish meatball thingies!
20:07.32*** part/#wowi-lounge Baldor (
20:08.13[FFG]IrqWell the main problem for me seems to be figuring what everything is called and how to use it. I'm a php programmer and it's always easy to find what you need on for instance.
20:08.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=shirik@
20:09.29*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Shirik|Ecole] by ChanServ
20:09.43[FFG]IrqI was thinking of making some small addon for coordinates to begin with, but how do I find out anything about coordinates? :o
20:10.06Lunessa[FFG]Irq: Install the AddOn kit and extract the UI - then browse the FrameXML folder.
20:11.24Cidan[FFG]Irq: Well, has the entire API.  If you want a quick tutorial on how to use it
20:11.43CidanNot that I'm shamelessly plugging my own site or anything
20:11.54|pez|ofcourse not.
20:12.03MaulI sense a conspiracy...
20:13.03[FFG]IrqOk, say I want to display the current player coordinates in the chat. What would I search for on wowwiki?
20:14.04Maul for the data...
20:14.06Cidan[FFG]Irq: Look at mah tutorial, promise it'll lead you into the right way
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20:15.07Maul for the chat stuff
20:15.28[FFG]IrqThanks Maul
20:15.37[FFG]IrqAnd Cidan, will go read it :D
20:22.00Esamynn|WorkI would just like to say that today's Ctrl+Alt+Del comic is awesome, that is all
20:22.39Mr_Rabies34chan's ddosing cad
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20:25.46kergothEsamynn|Work: hahah
20:27.31Cidan4chan was doing the same to PA
20:29.33Lunessa4chan - self-appointed pricks fucking the rest of the internet for no valid reason.
20:31.13mikmaok, heres for you folks too:
20:31.47Cidanlua> print(1/3+1/3+1/3);
20:31.47lua_botCidan: 1
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20:32.10Cidanlua> print(1/3+1/3+1/3); print(.3+.3+.3);
20:32.10lua_botCidan: 1, 0.9
20:32.50Lunessa|pez|: Very funny find.
20:33.16|pez|Lunessa: random post from another place...
20:33.16*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|Skrom@
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20:33.33|pez|I thought I'd just post it here.
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20:34.09CidanWow that rocks.
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20:36.29sag_ich_nichtokay someone tell me how to optimize this:
20:37.30art3mismodels or action figures
20:39.02sag_ich_nicht[A AND B AND C AND D] [ [E OR NOT A OR [A AND NOT C]] AND F]
20:39.06sag_ich_nichteverything that returns true is printed
20:39.17Lunessaart3mis: They're the official WoW "action" figures, but really they're more like statuettes.
20:40.07art3misare they out of the box?
20:40.20art3misand do you scream at any of them during raids?
20:40.39[FFG]IrqCidan, nice tutorial, actualy seems to be much easier than using XML files.
20:42.00Shirik|Ecolehi sag_ich_nicht
20:42.37sag_ich_nichtshirik do a k-map for me because i'm too lazy
20:43.05Shirik|Ecoleare you serious?
20:43.08Shirik|Ecolethose things are so easy
20:43.11sag_ich_nichti know
20:43.13sag_ich_nichti did them
20:43.13Shirik|Ecolewhat, for that expression above?
20:43.32sag_ich_nichtyeah D:
20:43.42Shirik|Ecoleyou want me to simplify that for you or?
20:44.13sag_ich_nichti'd be glad if you did. it's the "simple" form of this: [IsPlayerOrPet ? IsFriend ? SureHP ? FractionalHP:Short] [ [IsEnemy | ~IsPlayerOrPet | [IsPlayerOrPet ? ~SureHP]] ? PercentHP:Percent]
20:44.21Shirik|Ecoleyou want me to write a K map for a 6 variable expression?
20:44.21Shirik|Ecolescrew that
20:44.30Shirik|Ecoledo it with algebra
20:44.48Endugh, the forums search is worthless
20:45.07sag_ich_nichtShirik: i could, if i wouldn't have forgotten how to do it. you could also make my brain remember and i'll do it myself
20:45.21Shirik|Ecoleheh actually
20:45.24Shirik|Ecole6 isn't too too bad
20:45.27Shirik|Ecolewriting the kmaps now
20:45.52sag_ich_nichtactually hold
20:46.03sag_ich_nichtthose are two expressions
20:46.12sag_ich_nichti am just too stupid to understand dogtags
20:46.23sag_ich_nicht[ [E OR NOT A OR [A AND NOT C]] AND F]
20:46.27Shirik|Ecoleso that one
20:46.27sag_ich_nichtthat is all that needs optimization :P
20:46.36sag_ich_nichtyeah the other one is pretty much done already :P
20:47.07sag_ich_nichtactually i'm not sure if that one isn't already optimal as it is
20:47.14sag_ich_nichtbut i kind of doubt it
20:47.17Shirik|Ecole--> function test(a,c,e,f) return (e or not a or (a and not c) and f) end
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20:48.02Shirik|Ecole--> return test(false, false, false, false), test(false, false, false, true), test(false, false, true, true), test(false, false, true, false)
20:48.03batbotShirik|Ecole: > true, true, true, true
20:48.50Shirik|Ecole--> return test(false, true, false, false), test(false, true, false, true), test(false, true, true, true), test(false, true, true, false)
20:48.51batbotShirik|Ecole: > true, true, true, true
20:48.56Shirik|Ecoleoh wow
20:48.59Shirik|Ecolethis can be simplified a lot
20:49.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
20:49.32Shirik|Ecole--> return test(true, true, false, false), test(true, true, false, true), test(true, true, true, true), test(true, true, true, false)
20:49.33batbotShirik|Ecole: > false, false, true, true
20:49.48Shirik|Ecole--> return test(true, false, false, false), test(true, false, false, true), test(true, true, false, true), test(true, false, true, false)
20:49.48batbotShirik|Ecole: > false, true, false, true
20:49.55Shirik|Ecoleah boo
20:49.59Shirik|Ecolethat's going to really screw things up
20:50.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Osagasu (n=Dune@
20:50.56sag_ich_nichtShirik: F is always true btw. fyi, but still needs to be present in it otherwise the dogtag won't work afterwards :>
20:51.00Shirik|Ecoleok well I simplified it
20:51.16sag_ich_nichtwhat did you come up with :O
20:51.34Shirik|EcoleI'm still trying to figure out this last component
20:51.37Shirik|Ecolebecause it involves an xor
20:51.38Shirik|Ecolecan you use that?
20:52.08sag_ich_nichtprobably not. i mean i'd LOVE to use one, but ckknight probably didn't implement XOR in dogtag
20:52.39Shirik|Ecolethis this isn't going to look much simpler
20:52.44Shirik|EcoleThat last component is the really ugly part
20:52.46sag_ich_nichti doubt there is anything besides AND OR and NOT
20:53.05sag_ich_nichtbut i might be wrong
20:53.20Shirik|Ecolewhere did you get "F is always true"
20:53.23Shirik|Ecolethat's not true
20:53.42Shirik|Ecole--> test(true, false, true, true)
20:53.43sag_ich_nichtShirik: it's always true because it's actually a return value it is true if it isn't nil
20:53.43batbotShirik|Ecole: > true
20:54.02Shirik|Ecolethat makes the map so much easier
20:54.04sag_ich_nichtand since that return value is HP
20:54.13Shirik|Ecolethis is easy
20:54.14sag_ich_nichtit can't be nil
20:54.47Shirik|Ecole'A + F + AC'E'F
20:55.08Shirik|Ecolei.e., NOT A OR F OR (A AND NOT C AND NOT E AND F)
20:55.17sag_ich_nichtlemme try
20:55.21Shirik|EcoleI can show you the map if you want
20:55.36CidanShirik|Ecole: OH BABY YOUUUUUUUUU
20:56.06malrethOH BABY YOUUUUUU!!!!!!
20:56.06sag_ich_nichtno i believe you, i just wonder if it will work when i find replace'd everything too :P
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20:59.17Shirik|Ecolesag_ich_nicht: K-map of the set:
20:59.29sag_ich_nichtnice work
20:59.50sag_ich_nichti bet it'll break
20:59.57sag_ich_nichtand then i will have discovered some horrible bug
21:00.01sag_ich_nichtand ckknight will stab me
21:00.30Shirik|EcoleAlso, did you really mean "F is always true" ?
21:00.38Shirik|EcoleIf that's the case I can make it even simpler
21:00.42sag_ich_nichtyes, it can't be false
21:00.47sag_ich_nichtwell, theoretically it could
21:00.54sag_ich_nichtif blizz were to ever implement something
21:00.56sag_ich_nichtthat has no HP
21:00.58Shirik|Ecoleoh wait, that's irrelevant
21:01.04Shirik|Ecolewell no
21:01.07Shirik|EcoleI'm sorry, I can make it simpler
21:01.23sag_ich_nichtnp i'm the one bothering you here but i know you enjoy doing that :P
21:02.25Shirik|Ecoleso I can effectively remove F from the table
21:03.32sag_ich_nichtprobably, i'll have to append it as AND F at the end tho so yeah i think you can
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21:04.25Shirik|Ecoleyou uh
21:04.28Shirik|Ecolecan' really do that :P
21:04.43Shirik|Ecolebut if I can remove the F from the table, then it becomes as simple as "A' + E"
21:04.45Shirik|Ecolethat is, NOT A OR E
21:05.34sag_ich_nicht~IsPlayerOrPet OR IsEnemy... hold on.
21:06.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
21:06.16Shirik|Ecolethere's a strange case in that F table, that's why I didn't remove it earlier
21:06.32Shirik|Ecole1101 is false, but 1001 is true
21:07.04Shirik|Ecoleand then
21:07.08sag_ich_nichtmhm, the one from before results in this: [~IsPlayerOrPet | PercentHP:Percent | [IsPlayerOrPet ? ~SureHP ? ~IsEnemy ? PercentHP:Percent]]
21:07.13sag_ich_nichtlemme check that in the sandbox
21:07.18sag_ich_nichti bet it breaks horribly
21:08.00Shirik|Ecolewell there is a condition in your statement that does NOT rely on F
21:08.06Shirik|Ecolewhich is why there's this discrepency
21:08.12Shirik|Ecole1100 is false, but 1110 is true
21:08.32Shirik|EcoleNow if you can guarantee that neither of these will ever happen because F is always 1, you can get rid of them :)
21:09.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Godzmack (
21:09.56sag_ich_nicht~fail ckknight
21:09.57purlckknight: Fail.
21:10.13Shirik|Ecolelet me show you my updated table
21:10.16Shirik|Ecoleso you can double check it
21:11.22sag_ich_nichtShirik either you fail at that table or ckknight you fail at properly implementing logical operators in DogTag
21:12.04ralfWORK hehehehe
21:13.17Shirik|Ecoleor you fail at telling me your requirements :)
21:13.29sag_ich_nichtno look
21:13.36Shirik|EcoleTrust me I know k maps like the back of my hand :)
21:13.38sag_ich_nicht[22:04] <@Shirik|Ecole> but if I can remove the F from the table, then it becomes as simple as "A' + E" <--this
21:13.48Shirik|EcoleThen the above pastey that I just linked works
21:13.57Shirik|Ecoleassuming I got all those test cases right
21:14.26sag_ich_nichtyeah thus: ckknight fails
21:14.59sag_ich_nicht[~IsPlayerOrPet | IsEnemy ? PercentHP:Percent] should return the same as [~IsPlayerOrPet | PercentHP:Percent | [IsPlayerOrPet ? ~SureHP ? ~IsEnemy ? PercentHP:Percent]] unless i fail horribly at find & replace
21:16.37Shirik|Ecole--> test(false, false, false, true), test(false, false, true, true), test(false, true, false, true), test(false, true, true, true), test(true, true, false, true), test(true,true,true, true), test(true,false,false, true), test(true,false,true,true)
21:16.37batbotShirik|Ecole: > true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true
21:17.04Shirik|Ecoleone of my tests was wrong
21:17.06sag_ich_nichtlooks like you fucked up rocket boy
21:17.17Shirik|Ecolethere's a 1 at AC'E'
21:17.22Shirik|Ecolelet's fix that
21:17.23Shirik|Ecoleno big deal
21:17.28Shirik|EcoleIt makes it even simplerl
21:17.44Shirik|EcoleNOT (A AND C AND NOT E)
21:17.59sag_ich_nichtLOL best abrevation ever
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21:18.06Shirik|Ecoleno pun intended ><
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21:19.26sag_ich_nichtShirik: actually that doesn't work because i can't put a NOT in front of the damn thing
21:19.44Shirik|EcoleI had actually already did that
21:19.48Shirik|Ecoleit started as the compliment of that
21:19.53Shirik|Ecolebut I recognized it was simpler to write it this way
21:20.29Shirik|Ecolethe K-map output is actually E'+A'+AC'
21:20.40sag_ich_nichtno that doesn't work either
21:20.45Shirik|Ecolethen you really fail :P
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21:21.40sag_ich_nichti get false as result when i should get true if A and C and E are true
21:21.53Shirik|Ecolefor a=0,1 do for c=0,1 do for e=0,1 do print(test(a==1,c==1,e==1,true)) end
21:21.56Shirik|Ecole--> for a=0,1 do for c=0,1 do for e=0,1 do print(test(a==1,c==1,e==1,true)) end
21:22.01batbotShirik|Ecole: @ [string " for a=0,1 do for c=0,1 do for e=0,1 do print(test(a==1,c==1,e=..."]:1: 'end' expected near '<eof>'
21:22.03Shirik|Ecolethere we go
21:22.09Shirik|Ecole--> for a=0,1 do for c=0,1 do for e=0,1 do print(test(a==1,c==1,e==1,true)) end end end
21:22.10batbotShirik|Ecole: truetruetruetruetruetruefalsetrue
21:22.16Shirik|Ecoleo.o what's with the blocks?
21:22.21sag_ich_nichti dunno
21:22.24sag_ich_nichtbug in batbot probably
21:22.30Shirik|Ecoleow, stupid batbot
21:22.34Shirik|Ecoleanyway, that output is slightly backwards
21:22.39Shirik|Ecolebecause the kmap should be inverted
21:22.42ralfWORKI see tab people :(
21:22.52Shirik|Ecolebut regardless... IF YOU CAN AGREE THAT F IS ALWAYS TRUE that is correct
21:23.03LopeppeppyIT'S FALSE!
21:23.23Shirik|Ecole--> test = function(a,c,e) return ((e or not a or (a and not c))) end
21:23.28Shirik|Ecole--> for a=0,1 do for c=0,1 do for e=0,1 do print(test(a==1,c==1,e==1,true)) end end end
21:23.29batbotShirik|Ecole: truetruetruetruetruetruefalsetrue
21:23.35Shirik|Ecoleyeah, it's definitely right.
21:23.51Shirik|EcoleI've double checked it about 8 times by now :P
21:24.16Shirik|Ecole<3 kmaps
21:24.21Shirik|Ecolewhomever invented them should be a god
21:24.27Shirik|Ecolemust be that karnaugh guy
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21:25.22Shirik|Ecoleand my understanding, sag_ich_nicht, is that F == "has hp"
21:25.25Shirik|Ecolewhich is always true, right?
21:25.31Shirik|EcoleSorry I don't understand anything about dogtag
21:25.44sag_ich_nichtShirik: yes
21:25.56sag_ich_nichtF=has hp, and that is true even if the hp=0
21:27.41sag_ich_nichtwhat the fuck
21:27.52sag_ich_nicht"A' + E" worked
21:27.54sag_ich_nichtnow it doesn't
21:27.55sag_ich_nichtwhat the hell
21:30.06sag_ich_nichtfuck this
21:30.10ckknightsag_ich_nicht: you fail at writing dogtags
21:30.13sag_ich_nichtI'll just use the super complex version of this: [Status] | [IsPlayerOrPet ? IsFriend ? SureHP ? FractionalHP:Short] [ [IsEnemy | ~IsPlayerOrPet | [IsPlayerOrPet ? ~SureHP]] ? PercentHP:Percent]
21:30.35sag_ich_nichtckknight: we just fucking solved it with a k-map, you fail at properly implementing them and/or documenting the operators properly
21:30.36ckknightwhy don't you use the ternary syntax?
21:30.46purl"Welcome to IRC: where the men are men, the women are men, and the little girls are FBI agents."
21:31.12Shirik|Ecoleignore that :P
21:31.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandoko (
21:31.28ralfWORKit's true though
21:31.43sag_ich_nichtckknight: ternary snytax? :P
21:31.52ckknight[Alpha ? Bravo ! Charlie]
21:31.57ckknightit's an if-then-else
21:32.29Shirik|Ecoleckknight: Before he claims this is a bug, I just want to point out I just solved the logic expression, he wrote the dog tag :)
21:32.37Shirik|Ecoleif he wrote it wrong it's his fault, I don't know how to check it :p
21:32.44Shirik|EcoleNot to say that he DID write it wrong though
21:32.53sag_ich_nichtckknight: i know that
21:33.09ckknightalso, | has a lower order-of-operations priority than ?
21:33.25sag_ich_nichty u do dis
21:34.25ckknightbecause ? works as both and as well as an if syntax
21:34.31sag_ich_nicht[[IsEnemy | ~IsPlayerOrPet | [IsPlayerOrPet ? ~SureHP]] ? PercentHP:Percent] this can be simplified to this, theoretically: [~IsPlayerOrPet ? ~SureHP ? PercentHP:Percent]
21:34.33ckknightI plan on fixing this with DogTag-3.0
21:34.51Shirik|Ecolewait, ? is both "and" and "if"?
21:35.03sag_ich_nichtShirik: do you now see what i am plagued with?
21:35.05Shirik|Ecoleoh, you mean it's both "and" and the ternary operator
21:35.11ckknightyea, Shirik|Ecole
21:36.59Shirik|Ecoleok I gotta head home
21:37.06Shirik|Ecoleyou all have fun figuring out the solution
21:37.08Shirik|Ecoleglad to hear I wasn't wrong :D
21:37.24Shirik|EcoleI probably would have killed myself
21:37.35ckknightit's okay
21:37.38ckknightit was just your time
21:38.39sag_ich_nichtckknight YOU wasted it by not properly implementing the operators, you should change the documentation to reflect that | has a lower order-of-operations priority than ?
21:39.23ckknightfeel free to voice your concerns there
21:44.44ckknightthere's some good ideas in there to make it more sane
21:45.14sag_ich_nichtokay one question ckknight why does [IsPlayerOrPet ? IsFriend ? FractionalHP:Short] only work when i'm in range of the person?
21:45.23sag_ich_nichtwith the person in my party
21:45.24sag_ich_nichtthat is
21:45.29ckknightno idea
21:45.32ckknightthat should work fine
21:47.23ckknightso file a jira ticket or something along those lines
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21:48.01pastamancerckknight: your comment re: lists/cons in dogtag, was that in response to my multiple-if example or my In function?
21:48.20ckknightyes, I don't have an issue with multiple arguments
21:48.34ckknightbut I don't want to have lists as their own entities in DogTag
21:48.35ckknighttoo overkill
21:48.56pastamancerI wouldn't advocate that
21:49.31ScytheBlade1New PTR build eh
21:49.46kd3already out?
21:49.50pastamancerI could see a "In" multi-comparator be handy, or even "EqualsAny" though
21:49.54ScytheBlade1So the sticky says
21:50.05HjalteNew PTR now or coming up at some point?
21:50.07ScytheBlade1Oh, it's only been an hour
21:50.16kd3ciient doesn't have it yet
21:50.27HjalteAnything on what is new?
21:50.45ScytheBlade1Probably a lifetap change, misc. bugfixes
21:51.08HjalteLT change is exactly what I am interested in :)
21:51.29ScytheBlade1I highly doubt that they'll revert the change outright - but I can see them adjusting the numbers
21:55.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik\Ecole (n=shirik@
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21:55.41ckknightpastamancer: I'm not against having multiple arguments or even an arbitrary number of arguments, I just don't want list manipulation
21:55.52*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
21:56.00Shirik|Ecolewow I love my school network
21:56.38Shirik|EcoleConnected to: for 1 minute. Latency: 22794ms
21:57.02Shirik|Ecoleseems to be fixed now, but still
21:57.21kd3heh, my apartment complex is like that
21:57.34pastamancerckknight: I wouldn't recommend trying to do lisp-y list manipulation in lua, it just doesn't translate well
21:57.39Shirik|EcoleI know you never thought you'd hear something like this
21:57.42ckknightpastamancer: right
21:57.45ckknightokay then
21:57.49Shirik|Ecolebut my network is so much worse than yours :P
21:58.19pastamancerI'm not sure where I was endorsing linked-lists other than adopting a regular syntax and using lisp as an example
21:59.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Droolio (
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22:02.40Shirik|Ecoleas I was saying
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22:02.48Shirik|Ecolesag_ich_nicht: Figured it out?
22:03.54Gnarfozdon't feed the troll
22:03.57Shirik|Ecole~seen Thunder_Child
22:04.01purlthunder_child <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 14d 13h 22m 35s ago, saying: 'ah, pussy of a different flavor'.
22:04.02kd3I'm just glad I can at least do this:
22:04.06Shirik|Ecole~seen TC_Working
22:04.07purltc_working <n=TC-Testi@> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 285d 23h 11m 34s ago, saying: 'k, thanks'.
22:04.14Shirik|Ecoleanyone know where TC's been
22:04.19Shirik|Ecolehe just sent me an email so...
22:04.23Shirik|Ecoleer, PM
22:05.00Shirik|Ecolekd3: holy shit
22:05.14Shirik|Ecoleyou are not a backbone server nor are you a beowulf cluster
22:05.48kd3no, but my net addiction drove my and my CS roommates to ensure we had reasonable connectivity
22:05.59kd3s/drove my/drove me/
22:06.39Shirik|EcoleI demand credit for finding that bug
22:06.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
22:06.46sag_ich_nichtShirik|Ecole: since ckknights implementation of OR and AND doesn't allow the simplifications you found to be used, i had to use rhe way more complex original... which resulted in that ticket
22:07.23Shirik|EcoleIf it wasn't for my intricate knowledge of circuitry and boolean algebra I would not have been able to discover the solution
22:07.25Shirik|Ecoleyou should pay me
22:08.51Shirik|Ecoleno? :(
22:10.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
22:10.33foxlit could probably use a bumb
22:11.48Shirik|Ecoledamn it
22:12.08Shirik|EcoleI just realized my timestamps were wrong
22:12.15Shirik|EcoleI thought kd3 posted that 5 hours ago :(
22:12.49Shirik|Ecoleok considering I think I just got disconnected again
22:12.51Shirik|EcoleI'm going to head home
22:13.08|Jelly|~hug shirik
22:13.08purlACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs shirik
22:14.15Lunessano wai!
22:23.46Esamynn|WorkShirik: I never looked at your forum sig before, I love this: "Shakespeare loved regexes too: /(bb|[^b]{2})/"   =D
22:25.02*** join/#wowi-lounge DuTempete (
22:27.14GuillotineIf anybody happens to notice, would they please just ping me when PTR comes back up?
22:27.56GuillotineI really hope theres an update to implement UnitGUID :D
22:28.15*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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22:29.50[FFG]IrqAre there any event that registers movement? For updating coordinates
22:30.25Guillotineyou're best off hooking the movement functions if you really want that
22:30.31Guillotinesecure hook of course
22:30.48[FFG]Irqno idea what that means :o
22:31.30Guillotineactually, you might just be better off using OnUpdate and checking against the previous value to see if it moved
22:32.22[FFG]Irqok thanks, I'll try
22:32.24Guillotinehooking is where you either make your function run just before another function (and intercept the arguments) or just after. Certain functions that are secure can only be post-hooked (making your function run just after). And you have to use hooksecurefunc to do that
22:33.28GuillotineIf you want to make whatever you're doing as efficient as possible, you would only register OnUpdate after a movement button was clicked and would de-register it when the user stops
22:33.48AtriaceI really wish wowwiki split their search feature between code and game content.
22:33.52Guillotineand by register, I just mean SetScript("OnUpdate",...), not actually registering as an event
22:33.59*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
22:34.00GuillotineAtriace: me too :(
22:34.26AtriaceSearch "obj:Hide()"
22:34.31Atriacereturn:  Hide of the wild!
22:35.21[FFG]Irqthink that stuff is still a bit to advanced for me :o
22:35.46Guillotinethen just use OnUpdate and see if the position has changed :)
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22:36.33wereHamster[FFG]Irq, you could register OnMouseDown/OnMouseUp scripts on the frame to see when the user moves it
22:36.47[FFG]Irqyes, I'll do that, and will look into the other stuff at a later time
22:36.53Atriace[FFG]Irq:  I tested the same idea earlier.  There are no events that fire when you move, so yes.  Just use OnUpdate and set the interval to something not obscene (like 1 second)
22:36.57Guillotinewere: He's talking about player position, not mouse I believe
22:37.17[FFG]Irqyes, player to begin with
22:37.24[FFG]Irqseemed easier
22:37.36GuillotineAtriace: You can't set intervals except with a library like Ace
22:37.56AtriaceYes you can.  Just do an if then test.
22:38.00wereHamsterah -.-
22:38.00Guillotinewell, obviously you can do a time check, but...
22:38.19Guillotineheres an interesting way
22:38.26GuillotineWhat if you were to hook some functions with the World Map?
22:40.36*** join/#wowi-lounge kadrahil (n=kad@
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22:43.05zenzelezzyay, peppy!
22:43.19ScytheBlade1Mmm, 138 super mana pots
22:43.23ScytheBlade1+ 19 injectors
22:43.44ScytheBlade1The secret to my success?
22:43.50ScytheBlade1I herb while I raid.
22:44.01AtriaceSo... SSC, eh?
22:44.30LopeppeppyHeya, zenzelezz!
22:44.41ScytheBlade1We just ganked Kael the other day, and have Vashj down, so
22:44.46ScytheBlade1Soon enough, not anymore :)
22:46.09KeiasA wild Lopeppeppy appears.
22:48.08ScytheBlade1"i sheep that person useing decursive since my focus target is kael i will always be targeting kael"
22:48.33LopeppeppyI'm not wild.
22:48.48ScytheBlade1Lopeppeppy: then you're in for a surprise
22:49.49art3misif you're not wild you've had a very interesteding afternoon.
22:49.50KeiasWell, it's not nearly as fuck when you're not, Lopeppeppy :(
22:50.00art3misnot nearly as fuck?
22:50.05ScytheBlade1Wait, what?
22:50.48kd3something on your mind there, keias?
22:51.02LunessaFreudian slips FTW
22:51.11art3misit's on the tip of his tongue kd3 ;P
22:51.21ScytheBlade1Lunessa: exactly what I was thinking
22:52.06ScytheBlade1Note how he's all quiet now, too
22:52.26art3misembarassed or finishing up?
22:52.37KeiasWas tabbing back and forth bitching about the fucking idiots in my EOTS :(
22:52.38ScytheBlade1rofl @ art3mis that is
22:52.52ScytheBlade1We beleive you
22:52.54Keiasbrb need a tissue
22:52.57Shirik(17:23:10) (+Esamynn|Work) Shirik: I never looked at your forum sig before, I love this: "Shakespeare loved regexes too: /(bb|[^b]{2})/" =D
22:53.00Shirik<3 that :D
22:53.57LunessaWould a compare by any other means be as sweet?
22:55.17ScytheBlade1146 mana pots!
22:55.23LunessaAlas poor art3mis; I knew his Shirik. A man of infinite need for pix.
22:55.24kd3oh wow... this is pretty broken... old news, I'm sure:
22:55.34Fisker-you are ruining my wow forums kd3
22:56.59Fisker-i'm gonna see to it that you get aids kd3
22:57.50kd3bah, need mroe caffeine. can't come up with an appropriate response to that
22:58.19AtriaceAnyone know if NSOperation has been implimented for the Mac Client of WoW?
23:00.00AtriaceIt's a new feature in Leopard that handles multithreading.  Basicly, rather than programmers having to spell out how many threads they're using for X amount of processors, they simply divy up the tasks and NSOperation utilizes however many threads your system has.
23:00.13Atriaceie., you've got 60 cores?  No problem.  bam
23:00.31Shirikand what OS is that implemented for?
23:00.40ScytheBlade1Shirik: you should go back to sleep
23:00.43Shirikbefore I get to the more critical question
23:01.17ShirikBecause as far as I am aware, those OSes do not support that type of AMP anyway
23:01.26Shiriker, SMP
23:01.51ShirikXP, for example, no matter how hard you try will only work with 2 cores. Vista I believe is limited to 4 but I'd have to do research
23:01.59ShirikI'm sure MacOS has similar restrictions
23:02.15ScytheBlade1OSX has no suck restrictions
23:02.21CideI think vista is at least 16?
23:02.24Cidebut I may be wrong
23:02.32ScytheBlade1And further the Windows restrictions are lifted if you spend more money on a different licensed copy :P
23:02.33ShirikI said I'm not sure :)
23:02.41AtriaceHehe, yeah Scythblade is right, Shirik.
23:02.52ShirikScytheBlade1: For XP, that restriction exists, period.
23:02.55ShirikIt's part of the implementation
23:03.04ScytheBlade1Shirik: err disagree
23:03.16ShirikThe only way you can get around it is with asymmetric multiprocessing
23:03.28GuillotineFor me, Vista is limited to 2 cores
23:03.32GuillotineBecause thats all I can afford :(
23:03.51ScytheBlade1XP is limited to 2 cores. 2000 datacenter, using an older kernel, is not.
23:04.06Shirikthere you go
23:04.09ScytheBlade1It's purely a licensing restriction
23:04.20Shirikwell is it using a different kernel?
23:04.21Esamynn|WorkVista is the newest, and currently the most evil of all of Satan's many minions
23:04.33wereHamstercan one account be logged in into the PTR and live servers at the same time?
23:04.44ShirikAnyway, this is mostly irrelevant; on to the more important question
23:04.46GuillotineEsamynn: I disagree. Have you seen fox's Moment of Truth? Its newer
23:04.46ScytheBlade12000 Datacenter is using an /older/ kernel than XP, and 2000 Datacenter can run 32 way SMP
23:04.49ShirikWhy do you need that Atriace
23:04.58wereHamstercool, me and my brother can share one account then :)
23:05.04ShirikScytheBlade1: But if it was DESIGNED for that, it's obviously going to be able to do that
23:05.05AtriaceI don't *need* it.  I just wanted to know if they implimented it yet.
23:05.13ShirikIf it WASN'T designed for it, then obviously it won't :)
23:05.14GuillotineThey probably won't
23:05.20AtriaceIn 2006, they demoed NSOperation (on a beta of Leopard) with WoW at the DevConference.  Framerates shot up from avg 60 FPS to something ridiculous (like 200+)
23:05.20GuillotineIt would most likely require significant recoding
23:05.26Guillotinefor a small portion of their userbase
23:05.28ShirikAtriace: Okay, that's what I was asking
23:05.31Shirikwhy you linked it to WoW
23:06.03AtriaceIt's 2 lines of code, as long as you're app is properly parceling out its tasks into small chunks.
23:06.12ShirikAnyway, I don't find it that revolutionary
23:06.23ShirikQNX already does something similar, provided you know how to split your application correctly
23:06.27Shirikit's all about modular coding
23:06.41AtriaceDoes QNX run WoW?
23:06.54ShirikIt's not a GPOS
23:06.59ShirikIt's an RTOS
23:07.17Esamynn|WorkGuillotine: no, I have not, I don't watch Fox
23:07.53Guillotinewell, it is just as evil as Vista
23:08.00GuillotineI think Vista would be satan's second newest creation
23:08.05ShirikI use Vista
23:08.08Shirikand i LIKE IT
23:08.09GuillotineMe too
23:08.12Esamynn|Work~lart Shirik
23:08.12purlhurls dozens of incontinent, insomniac, hungry kittens with tiny little razor-sharp claws and a wide variety of contagious intestinal parasites at Shirik
23:08.15Guillotinethe security is a pain
23:08.18AtriaceYou know, I had hopes for Vista back when it was Longhorn.
23:08.20Shirikso turn it off, but I like it on
23:08.28GuillotineI keep it on because its secure
23:08.33ShirikI'm just sick of everyone complaining about Vista when mostly their complaints are due to the applications
23:08.36ScytheBlade1Shirik: okay, make me look this up. 2000, 2000 Adv Server, 2000 Datacenter all use the same kernel. Limits: 4GB/8GB/32GB of RAM. 2003 web, 2003 standard, 2003 enterprise, and 2003 datacenter all use the same kernel. 2/4/32/64GB RAM limits. The same applies to CPUs. The ONLY difference between them? Cost, and a few flipped bytes in the kernel
23:08.38Guillotinebut I wish it didn't wait 2-3 seconds every time it has to get clearance
23:08.43Shirikthat is, the programmers that don't know how to code for Vista
23:08.44Guillotinethats my complaint
23:08.48Shirikthird party programmers
23:08.58ShirikRather, the programmers that have been following worst practices SINCE WINDOWS 2000
23:09.08ShirikIf you can't follow a recommended best practice, your program deserves to fail
23:09.26GuillotineI have no complaint on that end. My complaint is the damn wait it imposes every time an app needs permission to continue
23:09.30Guillotinerather than showing the dialog instantly
23:09.36ShirikScytheBlade1: Find those bytes for me ><
23:09.45ScytheBlade1Shirik: well at least now you believe me ;P
23:09.46WobWorkThere's something about a reviewer that doesn't give a shit about the game
23:09.53ScytheBlade1And secondly, it's not hard - run a binary diff
23:09.54Shirikhow did they manage 32/64GB RAM limits?
23:09.54WobWorkthat makes me love Zero Punctuation
23:09.57zenzelezzbad programs are bad programs, that's natural. But the OS still insists on user permission to do a lot of stuff
23:10.02ShirikThe CPU cannot address that many addresses
23:10.10Shirikunless they did some kind of 64 bit emulation
23:10.17ScytheBlade1The problem comes in to the verification, as it compares your product key to what it's running, and further, the kernel is signed
23:10.26ScytheBlade1Second, it's called PAE, Physical Address Extension
23:10.30Esamynn|WorkWin 2003 is a 64 bit OS
23:10.43ScytheBlade12000 isn't, and, it can hit 32GB
23:10.51ShirikSee, this is why I stick to microcontollers
23:10.54ShirikScrew microprocessors
23:10.58Shirikthey're too... general
23:11.15DrundiaIf I'm not mistaken quite old CPUs already were addressing memory far more than those 32/64 GB
23:11.25Shirikuh... no
23:11.29Shirikyou're mistaken :P
23:11.35ScytheBlade1PAE is newer-ish
23:11.40zenzelezzdefine "quite old"
23:11.42ScytheBlade1And it's a dirty hack, but itw orks
23:11.50ScytheBlade1*it works
23:11.52ShirikA CPU still can only address up to 4GB of memory at a time, but now that I've looked at PAE I see what they did
23:11.54CideScytheBlade1: it doesn't work :P
23:11.57DrundiaYes, I remember reading many years ago on Intel website that some of those CPUs are addressing memory around 80 GB
23:11.58Fisker-yay kd3
23:11.58Shirikbasically multiplexing RAM bays
23:12.02Cideat least it didn't for cog and me on xp
23:12.03ScytheBlade1Cide: yeah pretty much ;P
23:12.10Fisker-george w. bush does care about european people
23:12.13DrundiaThat was something as old as Pentium II or even older...
23:12.19ShirikDrundia: Trust me, I know the internals of processors inside and out. It's quite a simple topic. There is no way to store that instruction code.
23:12.28ShirikUnless you multiplex the RAM bays, which has nothing to do with the CPU in the first place
23:12.36LunessaShirik: Have you run across problems under Vista of a User Account (Admin) being unable to initialize the Windows Installer service?
23:12.41ShirikLunessa: Nope
23:12.44Shirikthough sometimes it takes a bit of time
23:13.04ShirikScytheBlade1: That's an interesting little hack they came up with
23:13.08Shirikkinda an obvious one too
23:13.11LunessaIt's making me crazy right now.  Can't figure out why it won't run - so I can't UNINSTALL anything.
23:13.11Shirikthough an ugly one
23:13.22Fisker-The reason why PAE doesn't work post-2k is because of compatibility problems with the NX bit
23:13.23ScytheBlade1Shirik: yeah, it can make programming with large amounts of RAM "fun"
23:13.34wereHamsterinteresting, obvious and ugly hack...
23:13.46wereHamsterlittle, too
23:14.11batrickShirik: kmaps r for freshman, real men simplify boolean algebra in their heads ;)
23:14.20ShirikWell I was going to do boolean algebra
23:14.26Shirikbut I came up with an xor and he said he didn't want it
23:14.33Shirikso I gave up and did a kmap
23:14.37ScytheBlade1But, that original point still stands. XP can likely run 4-way or maybe even 16/32-way SMP. It's straight licensing restrictions that prevent it from doing so, and MS's desire to get "more money" (because if you're really looking at 32-way SMP, you would have that kind of money)
23:14.44batrickwhat was the original eq btw?
23:14.58CidanScytheBlade1 is correct.
23:15.11Shirik[ [E OR NOT A OR [A AND NOT C]] AND F]
23:15.16Cidanthe NT core used in XP can handle many CPU cores
23:15.23ScytheBlade1Yeah, I've had the joy of licensing 2000, 2003, and 2003 Enterprise before
23:15.27Cidans/NT core/NT kernel/
23:15.31ScytheBlade1(In addition to standard XP)
23:15.33ShirikHowever, batrick, it was later discovered that F is a don-tcare condition
23:15.57Shirikso use the above equation with only A, C, and E
23:16.10ShirikCidan: Define "handle"
23:16.20Shirikmine can barely handle one core it seems
23:16.20kd3whoops... PTRs are up, but still using the old build
23:16.23Fisker-moo: cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz at 2405MHz (2% Load)
23:16.28Cidanas in
23:16.32ScytheBlade1Shirik: use like it was simply 2-way SMP
23:16.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
23:16.37Cidanit works just fine and as intended
23:16.43Cidanthe kernel supports it
23:16.46TecnoBrat|Work<3 the armory!
23:16.48Shirikintended to crash and burn every 30 minutes
23:16.52Cidannot at all
23:17.03ShirikThat's what my XP seemed to do
23:17.04ScytheBlade1It support full SMP quite well
23:17.45ScytheBlade1Where "full" is anything from 2 to 16+ way
23:17.45kd3has anyone played with bongos3 on the PTR?
23:17.45CidanI don't remember what the upper limit is
23:17.45TullerI have :P
23:17.56Fisker-Intel also did Skullfuck on a windows xp machine i believe
23:18.00kd3how the hell do I add additional hotbars?
23:18.03Fisker-(skullfuck is nicer than skulltrail)
23:18.10Tullerunlock bars, hold down alt
23:18.10kd3all I see is ab1. can't make 2+
23:18.12Tullerclick and drag
23:18.12ScytheBlade1Cidan: the upper limit on the top end 2003 is 64 way iirc
23:18.26Shirikwtf 64
23:18.33ScytheBlade1And I think for 2008 they're shooting for 256
23:18.45ShirikSo much easier just to go asymmetric at that point
23:18.56batricklol Shirik
23:19.00batricktook like 10 seconds
23:19.07ShirikI was in class
23:19.12Shirikand actually it didn't start with that
23:19.15Shirikthat's the partially-simplified one
23:19.22ShirikYou cheated
23:19.29ShirikBecause sag_ich_nicht kept changing his terms!
23:19.39Shirik"Oh no wait, that's two expressions. Use this one." "Oh wait, F is always true"
23:19.50sag_ich_nicht[00:10] <ScytheBlade1> The problem comes in to the verification, as it compares your product key to what it's running, and further, the kernel is signed <--doesn't matter you can decrypt it in memory, for server 2003 at least(of course, that is highly illegal)
23:19.56batrickE + A' + AC' => (E + A' + C')'' => (E'*A*C)'
23:19.57CidanI've been considering making a multi-CPU generic platform written in C for crunching large amounts of data in a safe and secure way using multiple cores, ie: physics code, whatever
23:20.17ShirikLeave it as E+A'+C'
23:20.18batrickya I know i'm jsut giving u a hard time ;)
23:20.22Shirikthat would be faster
23:20.26batrickI was putting it in your form
23:20.35Shirik(E'*A*C)' has 3 gate delays
23:20.40ShirikE+A'+C' only has 2!
23:20.55Shirikkeep up batrick!
23:21.11batrick!quote batrick form
23:21.11batbotbatrick, batrick said: "I was putting it in your form".
23:21.11batrick!quote batrick form
23:21.12batbotbatrick, batrick said: "I was putting it in your form".
23:21.33Shirikwell that's what the kmap said :D
23:21.37ShirikI didn't think about it
23:21.49Shirikkmaps discourage thinking
23:21.57Shirikp.s. that started as a 6 variable expression
23:21.57sag_ich_nichtactually i have the decrypter for that stuff here somewhere
23:22.01Shirikand it went down to 3
23:22.14ShirikI had this huge kmap ready to fill out
23:22.18Shirik2^6 slots
23:22.26sag_ich_nichtand, of course, have decrypted the stuff locally. why? because it's slower when it's encrypted
23:22.27Shirikand then sag_ich_nicht's all like "Oh wait, I only need 4"
23:22.27Tullerkd3: it work?
23:22.43ShirikScytheBlade1: Btw
23:22.47ShirikI don't intend to go to sleep
23:22.48kd3I got #2 to show up after a reloadui. trying to see if I can get more now
23:22.51Shirikhave to get this signature verification working
23:22.59ScytheBlade1Ah, fair enough
23:23.00CidanDEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DE... oh forget it
23:23.04sag_ich_nichtShirik: it doesn't matter anyway since DogTag works weird(in b4 flame from certain people that it doesn't)
23:23.07*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
23:23.20ShirikNO U
23:23.21TecnoBrat|WorkCidan: developers? where?
23:23.28CidanTecnoBrat|Work: No clue, D:
23:23.42Shirikscrew developers
23:23.46ShirikI'm a computer engineer.
23:23.54TecnoBrat|WorkI just gonna say that
23:23.56ScytheBlade1Yeah, we noticed
23:24.06TecnoBrat|WorkI'm hearing a lot more "engineering" talk than "developer" talk :P
23:24.11kd3there's gotta be an easier way to do this, though... maybe a "add a hotbar" button in config mode
23:24.20CidanAnd I'm a computer scientist, thpt
23:24.38Tullerkd3: you don't like the design
23:24.40CidanI don't want to; NAY, I REFUSE to become a software developer
23:24.43Shirikbtw fk signals and systems
23:24.48TullerI know its not obvious at least
23:24.50kd3config mode rocks, I just can't get it to add more hotbars
23:24.58kd3I've got 1 and 2, can't get it to make more
23:25.00sag_ich_nichtShirik to quote from #wowace: [23:15] <Ellipsis> evaluation of | is left to right; it stops when it hits the first non-blank return
23:25.03Tullerhold down alt, left click & drag :)
23:25.07batricksignals & systems rox!
23:25.11kd3did that
23:25.12Tullerkd3: you see where it says available action ids?
23:25.20Tullerkd3: is the number 0? :)
23:25.26kd3nope. 96
23:25.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae|Work (n=Thrae|
23:25.36Tullerare you creating a gigantic bar by chance?
23:25.44pastamancerwhy must sag_ich_nicht vs. dogtag infect every channel I'm in?!
23:25.44kd3nah. standard 1-row, 12 column bars
23:25.55Tullerare you pulling off of my svn?
23:25.55Cidanwho uses bongos?
23:25.59ShirikI do!
23:26.04CidanJEEZ MAN
23:26.08kd3got alpha2 from gcode
23:26.11*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
23:26.11*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v ckknight] by ChanServ
23:26.13CidanOh wait, I use bongos, :P
23:26.16CidanAnd I love it.
23:26.24ScytheBlade1I'm too elitist for barmods
23:26.27Tullerkd3: that's really wierd :P
23:26.30kd3oh, I get it
23:26.30ShirikNeeds to be aced imo
23:26.34kd3click in blank space
23:26.35CidanShirik: SHUT UP
23:26.36kd3not on the bars
23:26.36sag_ich_nicht[00:25] <pastamancer> why must sag_ich_nicht vs. dogtag infect every channel I'm in?! <--i don't, i just told Shirik why it didn't work
23:26.39CidanShirik: YOU SHOULD DIE
23:26.44kd3now it makes sense
23:26.45LunessaBongos is shit.  Except for the MapBar which I replace anyway.
23:26.58Lunessaer, the shit, not 'shit'
23:27.09LunessaI really need to proof my comments before hitting enter/.
23:27.10Tullerworks either way :P
23:27.18Tullerkd3: alt + right click on a bar to delete it
23:27.20CidanTuller: If you Ace Bongos, I'll find you and murder you.
23:27.29kd3ya. that's visible on the tooltip for the bar
23:27.36sag_ich_nichtWoW out of memory error'd again:
23:27.37sag_ich_nichtRequested 1095861 bytes of memory
23:27.41TullerCidan: I got some bad news for you :P
23:27.41ScytheBlade1Lunessa: lol
23:27.45sag_ich_nichti really would like to know why the fuck it tends to do that
23:27.47CidanTuller: You're joking.
23:27.51CidanTuller: Tell me you're joking.
23:27.55TullerCidan: ace3'd
23:27.57CidanTuller: Please, tell me you're joking.
23:28.38batrick : Summary: 40 virgins is no longer sufficiently enticing
23:28.44CidanWell that's fine, I'll just stick to what I have and update it my self as I need to
23:28.49kd3bug in the bindings mode... "shift-leftshift" isn't really a valid keybind
23:28.49ScytheBlade1That might be incredibly funny
23:28.52TullerI can tell you its not ce2 :)
23:28.52Thrae|Worksag_ich_nicht: That's usually a IPF, or Invalid Page Fault. Best to do a bad sector scan on your HDD and a stress Memtest86 on your memory to rule those out.
23:28.57wereHamstersag_ich_nicht, that's only 1GB, don't you have that much memory?
23:29.01Tullerkd3: yeah i have not figured out how that happens yet
23:29.09Tullerkd3: but in theory its a blizzard thing :)
23:29.13Tullererr ace2 at least
23:29.16Tullerit was dongle
23:29.21Tullerand homebrew randomness before
23:29.29Cidanafter ElkanoBuffBars went Ace, I just kept his old version
23:29.41Cidanit broke in the newest patch, fixed it
23:29.43Cidanworks fine
23:29.45Tulleri'm not using ace config or anything like that
23:29.47Thrae|WorkwereHamster: That's 1MB, not 1GB :D
23:29.57TullerI just replaced the dongle parts with ace parts, basically
23:30.07wereHamster~fail wereHamster
23:30.08purlwereHamster: Fail.
23:30.13LunessaIf Tuller wants to use a library to save himself some work, I'm all for it.
23:30.15Tuller~same memory usage, though bongos will be blamed for ace3 usage
23:30.29TullerI wouldn't touch ace2 with a 10ft pole :P
23:30.32CidanShirik: We should really go for a hostle movement into Ace-land.  I'm thinkin a Fubar replacement, imo.
23:30.36CidanTo be fair
23:30.43sag_ich_nicht[00:28] <wereHamster> sag_ich_nicht, that's only 1GB, don't you have that much memory? <--i have fucking 4 GB, i run MemTest86 72h hours straight and my HDD is actually a RAID 0+1
23:30.44Thrae|WorkwereHamster: No worries, I used a calculator too.
23:30.45CidanI have yet... no wait, yes, I have tried Ace3
23:31.12sag_ich_nichtso no.
23:31.12Tulleryou'ren ot going to know its an ace addon unless you look very hard
23:31.15Thrae|Worksag_ich_nicht: RAID doesn't stop bad sectors, all it does is provide backup in case one fails.
23:31.17TecnoBrat|Worksag_ich_nicht: why do you keep quoting people? :P
23:31.21Tullererr not, rather
23:31.31sag_ich_nichtTecnoBrat: because it pisses you off
23:31.36wereHamstersag_ich_nicht, use zfs if you're worried about HD corruption
23:31.46TecnoBrat|Workhahah this isn't pissed off
23:31.56wereHamsterzfs >> raid
23:32.04Cidanno zfs on linux yet
23:32.07Tuller& worst case, if it goes a way I don't like, fork :P
23:32.07Cidanwhich bothers me so much
23:32.25wereHamsterCidan, probably never will, due to licensing issues :(
23:32.28Tullerthen I can have my own version of rock! :P
23:32.29CidanTuller: Nah, I'm not in that business, I have my own API going on with Shirik.
23:32.33CidanwereHamster: Er, no?
23:32.34Findoes anyone know a decent fubar plugin that shows cooldowns?
23:32.35TecnoBrat|WorkCidan: isn't it like pattented?
23:32.39CidanwereHamster: It's out on OSX
23:32.42sag_ich_nichtCidan: don't you dare use Ace
23:32.51Cidansag_ich_nicht: Uh..
23:32.53sag_ich_nichtCidan: I'd have to shoot you and Shirik
23:32.54wereHamsterCidan, maybe as FUSE, but not in the kernel
23:33.06CidanwereHamster: Correct, it is FUSE
23:33.08TullerCidan: I vaguely recall it
23:33.17TecnoBrat|Workahh right
23:33.20TecnoBrat|Workits a license issue
23:33.24Cidansag_ich_nicht: No dipwad, Conspiracy, :P
23:33.27sag_ich_nichtCidan i'd like you using LibStub... but i'll kill you if you use any Ace* for your stuff :P
23:33.29TecnoBrat|WorkGPL vs CDDL
23:33.31sag_ich_nichtCidan: i know :P
23:33.34Cidanthis is incorrect
23:34.00Tullerkd3: anyway, the keybinding thing i'm looking into, but a reloadui should fix it
23:34.15CidanYes the license is "incompatable" in the sense that they don't work together in principle of ideals, but there is actually nothing stopping someone from writing and using a kernel mod
23:34.26CidanIt would just taint the kernel
23:34.30Cidanwhich is fine
23:34.40wereHamster.. like the nvidia blob I'm using right now :)
23:34.52Cidanhalf of us, if not more, already do so
23:34.56Cidanso it's not that big of a deal
23:35.09TecnoBrat|Work"taint" as in actual code taint, or as in ideals?
23:35.20Cidanit would be running non-free code
23:35.21wereHamstermeaning the kernel devs will ignore your bug reports..
23:35.22TecnoBrat|Workahh yea
23:35.32Cidanwell non-free in the sense of GPL anyways
23:35.36Thrae|WorkWait, what's with the Ace3 worries?
23:36.09TullerI made Cidan cry :)
23:36.33ScytheBlade1Tuller: grats!
23:36.46CidanI hate you all
23:36.50CidanExcept Lopeppeppy, :D
23:36.56Thrae|WorkWhy does Cidan hate Ace3?
23:36.58Tullerlink me to your library thing :P
23:37.14CidanVery much a WIP
23:37.25Cidanalso, I don't HATE it, per se.
23:37.27Tullerdoes it make candy?
23:37.48Thrae|WorkWell, what don't you like about it, Cidan?
23:37.51CidanAce1 was great, and I haven't dug too much into Ace3 so I can't judge it as harshly as say, Ace2
23:37.56LunessaIt tells little girls to get in the Van.
23:38.02LunessaIt has tinfoil hats.
23:38.09batrickman I love slashdot tags for microsoft articles
23:38.14LunessaThey have oribital mind control lasers.
23:38.16CidanSo I can't say I hate, nor can I say I dislike Ace3
23:38.17TullerAce3 can be best described as "not sucking"
23:38.28Thrae|WorkEngineering should be able to make a tinfoil hat.
23:38.39ScytheBlade1Man. Speaking of orbital mind control lasers.
23:38.43ScytheBlade1I need to finish the C&C3 campaign
23:39.08CidanScytheBlade1: If you beat it with both NOD and GDI, you get to play a small campaign as Scrin
23:39.19TecnoBrat|WorkThrae|Work: I hate it.
23:39.23ScytheBlade1I'm on the last (I think) GDI mission
23:39.30Thrae|Work[Tinfoil Hat]; Mail; +34 Stamina; Equip: Reduces chance to be mind-controlled by 50%.
23:39.44pastamancerI'm still stuck on the GDI campaign where you have to save the base that only has enough power to keep half its defenses online :(
23:39.59[FFG]IrqIf I use "frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", Q_Coords_OnUpdate(self, elapsed));" elapsed seems to be empty, anyone know how I can get that to work?
23:39.59CidanScrin == bunch of bullshit
23:39.59ScytheBlade1"lawl you're starting against a mothership and superweapon, plus two different opponents, glhf"
23:40.00LopeppeppyIf that's how it's described I don't like it already, Tuller.
23:40.16Fisker-giiiiiiiiiiiev eu servars kd3
23:40.29ScytheBlade1I kinda sat there for a few minutes
23:40.31Cidan[FFG]Irq: You're not doing that right
23:40.31ScytheBlade1And then I quit
23:40.48Thrae|Work[FFG]Irq: Just give it Q_Coords_OnUpdate. It sends self and elapsed when your OnUpdate is invoked.
23:40.54Cidan[FFG]Irq: When you call a function in a script, you can't define arguments in the call
23:41.10Cidanremove "(self, elapsed)"
23:41.18Thrae|WorkCidan: Well you can with function enclosures, but he doesn't need that here ;)
23:41.25Cidanwell yes
23:41.32Cidanwhich I am guilty of using
23:41.37Cidanwhen I totally shouldn't.
23:41.47Thrae|WorkWhat's wrong with function enclosures? Lua unrolls them pretty well.
23:42.01CidanYa, in particular with the newer versions
23:42.01Thrae|WorkIt doesn't always end up a function calling another function.
23:42.09Cidanbut I'm all anal about memory usage, etc
23:42.33Thrae|WorkYou should be anal about performance, not memory usage
23:42.38Fisker-so kd3
23:42.41Fisker-us servers still up?
23:42.59TullerCidan: make the entire thing drag and drop :P
23:43.08CidanTuller: For cell creation?
23:43.14kd3we're up right now, but still using the old build. something tells me they'll be getting taken down summarily
23:43.17TullerI have no idea :)
23:43.32Tullerkd3: do you hate/like the new bar creation system?
23:43.35pastamancerTuller: and add gradients?
23:43.53sag_ich_nicht[00:42] <Thrae|Work> You should be anal about performance, not memory usage <--he's pretty anal about both
23:43.53Tullerpastamancer: there are gradients, I think
23:43.54kd3I like it. just once there's an in-game indication of how it's supposed to work it'll be great
23:44.02sag_ich_nichtjust like Shirik
23:44.06sag_ich_nichtbecause they are engineers
23:44.09sag_ich_nichtnot programmers
23:44.16pastamancerTuller: oh nice.  gradients and sans-serif fonts make things go faster
23:44.22ShirikOh wait that's a good thing
23:44.48Fisker-i am bored
23:44.52Thrae|Worksag_ich_nicht: Well if you see the new TinyTip, you'll see I'm pretty anal about memory usage too...but still, I'm going to be adding in some new code which trades memory for performance
23:44.53sag_ich_nichtFisker- suicide
23:45.05sag_ich_nichtuh, no
23:45.07sag_ich_nichti'm not bored
23:45.10sag_ich_nichtso: no need to suicide
23:45.18Thrae|Workbig tables > O(n) iterations
23:45.36Cidan<3 TinyTip
23:45.39Tullerpastamancer: racing stripes
23:46.03pastamancerTuller: totally
23:46.14Thrae|WorkI need to double-check Ace3 but I think I may switch to it from Dongle as well, considering cladhaire is on the Ace3 team anyway
23:47.09pastamanceryou can only blame me for AceComm-3... me and mikk
23:47.10Fisker-sag_ich_nicht YOU DIE NOW
23:47.29Fisker-because of you i'm no longer an agent of this system
23:47.33TecnoBrat|Workpastamancer: I blame you for much more than that
23:48.03pastamancerTecnoBrat|Work: It was in another state and she swore she was 18!
23:48.41sag_ich_nichtFisker-: nope
23:48.43WobWorkI wonder if IRC@work can ... turn off the autoaway
23:50.05[FFG]Irq"attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'TimeSinceLastUpdate' (a nil value)" any idea what that means? Using it from here:
23:51.14Shirikit means you tried to do arithmetic on TimeSinceLastUpdate which is in some table
23:51.17Shirikand that field does not exist
23:51.43Shirikyeah that wiki is wrong
23:51.44Shiriklet me fix that
23:51.59Shirikoh wait no it's not
23:52.02ShirikI missed the OnLoad part
23:52.06Shirikare you sure you copied it correctly?
23:52.59[FFG]Irqwell I'm not doing it in xml, making it with lua so not sure if it's right
23:53.09Shirikwell you'll need to have an OnLoad script
23:53.12Shirikdid you get that in there?
23:53.17Shirikwell, OnLoad doesn't exist for frames
23:53.22Shirikhow about you paste your code? :)
23:54.00foxlit"well, OnLoad doesn't exist for frames" what kind of treachery is that?
23:54.06Shirikfor frames made in Lua
23:54.13ShirikI'm thinking 20 times faster than I'm typing
23:54.25foxlitWell, that still isn't strictly correct.
23:54.29foxlitIt's run if you inherit one :)
23:54.33Tullerlocal f =CreateFrame('Frame'); f:SetScript('OnUpdate', function(self, elapsed) if self.nextUpdate < 0 then self.nextUpdate = DELAY; doStuf() else self.nextUpdate = self.nextUpdate - elapsed end) self.nextUpdate = 0
23:54.38[FFG]IrqI made the OnUpdate funtion write the elapsed, so that works anyway
23:54.39[FFG]Irqmainf:SetScript("OnUpdate", Q_Coords_OnUpdate);
23:54.44Tullergah, I forgot an end
23:54.48Thrae|WorkTuller beat me to it
23:54.49ShirikTuller: The problem still exists with that code :)
23:54.59TullerShirik: no it does not :)
23:55.08ShirikAfter local f=CreateFrame("Frame") you need to do self.nextUpdate = 0;
23:55.10foxlitWhy do people insist on elapsed?
23:55.10TullerShirik: there is one thread, and it dances
23:55.26Tullerthat onupdate won't fire until the next frame :)
23:55.28Thrae|Workfoxlit: Why call a function when you already have the value needed?
23:55.33ShirikOtherwise you're going to do self.nextUpdate < 0 on a value that's nil
23:56.06ShirikYou could do "self.nextUpdate or -1 < 0" or something
23:56.17|pez|Anyone speak German here?
23:56.26Thrae|Work|pez|: Nein
23:56.27foxlitI'd say it's cheap enough, and it lends to easier use of OR
23:56.28Shirik"(self.nextUpdate or -1) < 0"
23:56.38WobWorkI was going to say "Nyet"
23:56.38|pez|Thrae|Work: :P
23:56.50TullerShirik: I think you mised the self.nextUpdate = x part :P
23:56.55Shirikwhere's that?
23:57.00Tullerwhich should be f anyway
23:57.02Tullerand -1
23:57.15ShirikI don't see it in there >.>
23:57.34Tullerperhps your fancy pants irc reader has a column limit :P
23:57.47Shirik~kill nbs-irc
23:57.47purlACTION shoots a inverse neutrino gun at nbs-irc

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