IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080224

00:00.17*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Shirik|Ecole] by ChanServ
00:02.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Falcon213 (
00:03.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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00:09.41Guillotine*cry* every semester I wish that my CS teacher will be a good one. And every semester I am disappointed. This one doesn't know regexps :(
00:11.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
00:13.33Saint-Nawww my thinkpad560e doesn't have a nic
00:13.45Saint-Nthat makes me sad
00:19.30Shirik|EcoleScytheBlade1: ping
00:19.37ScytheBlade1Shirik|Ecole: pong, semi-busy atm
00:20.12Saint-Nhah this thing had win95 on it
00:20.30Saint-N"cannot load device file that is specified in SYSTEM.INI"
00:20.37Shirik|EcoleScytheBlade1: nm
00:20.42Shirik|EcoleI couldn't get my linode to run lol
00:20.42Saint-N"the performance of windows should not be affected without this file."
00:20.43Shirik|Ecolebut I fixed it
00:21.38Saint-Nguess I'll install puppy linux on it and track down a pccard nic or something
00:22.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Falcon213 (
00:22.33Saint-Nthen either make it a remote terminal or an electronic picture frame
00:23.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
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00:28.26Fin(christ on a bike.)
00:29.05Fin(read the Q&A!)
00:32.52FinWinning bid:US $3,002,150.00
00:32.53Fin$10 back with a new eBay MasterCard Apply
00:34.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
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00:39.02*** join/#wowi-lounge AlexanderYoshi (
00:39.02Cairennevening Seerah
00:39.06Cairennand AY
00:39.11AlexanderYoshiGood evening, indeed.
00:39.46ScytheBlade1UnitGUID() = <3
00:40.41wereHamsteris that a new funciton?
00:40.45ScytheBlade1It sure is
00:40.51AlexanderYoshiYes it is
00:41.00GuillotineAnybody ever used the BCC compiler?
00:41.37sag_ich_nichtI _hate_ it if people leave me in TCP_CLOSE_WAIT_2 when i'm talking to them -.-
00:44.34sag_ich_nichtactually it's FIN_WAIT_2 but meh
00:44.41LopeppeppyI would hate it too if I spoke that language....
00:45.16sag_ich_nichtLopeppeppy look no
00:46.15LopeppeppyI promise, I won't peek
00:47.41sag_ich_nichtit's when you have a conversation with someone in text form, you ask them something, and they don't don't even have the decency to say "w8" or anything if they can't answer right now, indicating that they have in fact read your message and aren't being an ass by answering your question by not answering
00:47.59sag_ich_nichtBUT, typing that out is way fucking longer than just doing a comparishon with standard tcp/ip :P
00:48.22Lopeppeppy"I hate it when people go AFK and don't answer questions".  Still short!
00:48.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Falcon213 (
00:49.29Guillotine"Fuck people" <-- even shorter
00:49.44KeiasI do that all the time.
00:49.54KeiasIt's my way of forcing people onto the phone or vent
00:49.57sag_ich_nichtLopeppeppy: point is the person wasn't afk
00:50.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
00:50.18sag_ich_nichtbecause if the tank goes afk during CoT2 heroic, you kind of have a problem.
00:50.34sag_ich_nichtKeias: i hate you and i hope you get hurt really badly.
00:50.39Guillotinedammit, BCC doesn't like me :(
00:50.45Guillotineit won't use #include correctly
00:51.25KeiasTyping is for old outdated people
00:51.27KeiasLike the amish
00:51.51CideGuillotine: or maybe you don't use #include correctly!
00:53.52GuillotineCide: #include isn't all THAT complicated :P
00:54.08CideGuillotine: says you, BCC thinks otherwise!
00:54.09Guillotineit just can't find any simple files like stdio.h unless I put it in the directory of the file I'm compiling
00:54.15Guillotinegood point
00:54.20Cideare you using #include "foo"?
00:54.23Cideor <foo>
00:54.30Cidegood :P
00:54.38Cidemaybe a setting then?
00:54.42Guillotinecould be
00:54.45CideI'm shitty at that stuff
00:55.10Guillotineapparently I am too
00:55.45ScytheBlade1art3mis: okay, openbsd is slowly driving me insane
00:56.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
00:57.57Guillotineaha, got it
00:58.07Guillotineit needs you to create a damn .cfg file by hand
00:58.23Guillotinenow I have to figure out how to get Scite to use bcc instead of gcc
00:58.40WobinOh wow
00:58.46WobinThat looks AUTHENTIC!
00:58.57LopeppeppyOooh, I'd fall for that!  ... not
00:59.09TullerSuspected Web Forgery!
00:59.21Guillotinefor me too :)
00:59.22KasoYay firefox!"
00:59.23GuillotineGo firefox!
00:59.48Kaso"GET ME OUT OF HERE!"
01:02.13Guillotineawesome :D now have Scite using bcc
01:04.15wereHamstersince when is 0332.023217707 a valid domain?
01:04.51Kasosince it isnt?
01:05.02Kasocan't find 0332.023217707: Non-existent domain
01:05.36Cidehow come it's resolved?
01:07.09Finit's decimal
01:07.15|pez|how many if you fail on loading -  ?
01:07.26Cidenot me
01:07.34|pez|Cide: it works?
01:07.35Cideas in, I don't fail loading it
01:07.51wereHamsterI fail
01:08.02|pez|feh, dns being wonky somewhere then I guess..
01:08.25Cideadd to your hosts file :P
01:09.16|pez|like the setting for the subdomain in apache?
01:09.34Cidefilename hosts
01:09.45Cideyou want to add the line
01:09.46|pez|well that doesn't really help the rest of the people looking at my site XD
01:09.53Cideya, what Fin  said
01:10.19Cide|pez|: true :P
01:11.14|pez|Typical that these things happen when I actually plan on opening a site to the public really.
01:11.30Finthis is because
01:11.53Finthe A record for is only in 2 out of the three DNS servers that are registered as authoritative for the domain
01:11.56Fin[mimi:pgl]:~ $ host
01:11.59FinUsing domain server:
01:12.01FinHost not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
01:12.08Fin[mimi:pgl]:~ $ host has address
01:12.34|pez|right, I might have forgotten to add that third one at some poin.
01:12.47Finit's the first one actually :) ns2 and ns3 have the dat
01:13.02Finbut, that's a shitty DNS setup if they're not slaves
01:13.25FinI shouldn't comment tho
01:13.47|pez|I think it might be a bit borked, as it worked fine yesterday when I tries it.
01:14.08Fincomplain to
01:14.32|pez|it's a free service, I'd feel bad. XD
01:15.24Finthis is a problem with their DNS setup, I think they would want to know about it
01:15.29clad|sleepI own dns in the face
01:15.42Cideclad|sleep: go to sleep already!
01:15.42Findns on TOAST
01:15.54clad|sleepdrunk ~= sleep
01:16.00clad|sleepi just finished eating disgusting drunk food
01:16.01Cidesee your nickname
01:16.05clad|sleepi need a moment to digest
01:16.12Cidemeh, fine
01:17.16|pez|Fin: I think they're aware of the problem. :)
01:17.39Fin|pez|: why do you say that?
01:18.08|pez|because the errors I got has changed, AND it now works when I tunnel trough my linode, which didn't work earlier.
01:18.22Shirik|Ecolelinode = win
01:18.30|pez|Shirik|Ecole: yus!
01:18.41Fin+that's because your local dns resolver probably started using a different DNS server
01:19.19Fin1 out of 3 of the DNS servers you have set as authoritative for are saying your domain doesn't exist
01:20.06|pez|if ns1 is gone, I'd like to believe other people have alerted them of the problem anyway.
01:20.15Finthis means that 1/3rd of new DNS requests to your registered nameservers will fail
01:20.23Finthis might e a local fuckup specific to your domain
01:20.44Finit's your site
01:21.16|pez|indeed it is, and I should be sleeping instead of doing this XD But I do appreciate your efforts to convince me.
01:21.24|pez|if it's still bad tomorrow, I'll contact them then.
01:21.37Finthat sounds reasonable
01:21.46Fingood luck!
01:22.02|pez|I'm really not one of those "uh, it does nto work, fixitnow!" people. I live with a techsupport man, and know that things happen that aren't easily resolved. ;P
01:22.22FinI wasn't suggesting you write an email like that
01:22.27Finnot at all
01:22.40|pez|But it might sound like it, if I didn't wait and see what happened for a bit.
01:23.05Finbut, tech support people do - in my experience - appreciate being politely informed of a potential problem
01:23.27Finwaiting until tomorrow sounds like a good idea, if it's not urgent to have the site up
01:23.56|pez|It isn't. but I can pop by their irc channel and see if there's any status messages anywhere.
01:24.06Finyou know what the issue is, you can easily retest it again tomorrow, if it's not changed then they should definitely know about it as DNS records for your domain are broken at the moment
01:24.21FinI actually had a quick check of their front page, last news was from the 10th
01:24.33Finmebbe there's something else somewhere else, tho
01:25.25Fin btw, in case you wanted something to send them
01:25.48Finoops, missed a bit
01:27.34|pez|Oh, hey, it works now.
01:29.54oreth"Things I did to your mother last night"
01:30.03CideFin: way to not line up the line lengths
01:30.06|pez|... bad timing, really.
01:30.15Cidenice one.
01:30.42Finnew favourite guild name: <Ah Me So Hordie>
01:30.57orethi'm gonna go check my mail
01:31.00orethlike... in real life
01:31.16orethI'm going to pul on some pants, and shoes, and go down stairs to the mailbox and see if anyone sent me something important
01:31.16Cideoreth: oh, that's easy. just right-click the mailbox
01:31.26orethCide: i tried that...
01:31.46orethbut I can't throw my mouse that far :(
01:32.33orethalso: Shit. My wife is gonna be pissed that I threw my $100 lazer mouse at the mailbox
01:32.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Gngsk (
01:32.45orethquick.. help me come up with a plausible reason
01:32.57|pez|oreth: there was.... a bug on the wall!
01:33.03|pez|which you wanted to squish, for her sake.
01:33.06orethbut it's out the window
01:33.07Guillotinewhy would you throw a 100$ mouse at a mailbox? o.O
01:33.11Guillotinego get it
01:33.13|pez|okok, window then.
01:33.13orethGuillotine: Cide told me to
01:33.38Guillotineoreth: why would you EVER listen to Cide?
01:33.42GuillotineI mean, seriously
01:33.45CideGuillotine: I'm always right
01:33.57orethhe's not steered me wrong as of yet
01:34.05orethhe told me to buy a shotgun, I did...
01:34.06|pez|I think he has now.
01:34.13orethand then BAM... next day... Zombies attack
01:34.37orethif it weren't for that shotgun, i'd be om nom noming on brains right now
01:34.51orethwhich, in my mind, isn't a completely uninviting prospect
01:35.07orethSee, a few are still lurking
01:38.26Tullergrumble grumble test server down still grumble
01:39.31kd3I doubt it's coming up til they apply a new build to kill the stat duping exploit
01:39.38ScytheBlade1Yup, same
01:39.42orethso, i think i'm done with wow
01:39.51ScytheBlade1oreth: good for you!
01:39.54ScytheBlade1oreth: see you in a month.
01:39.54orethi hate it so much
01:40.05orethscythe: when's 2.4 hitting public?
01:40.13Tullerin the future!
01:40.18ScytheBlade1Most guesses are around 2mo minimum
01:40.21LopeppeppySomeday (tm)
01:41.12oreththe one thing that would keep me from coming back would be DELETING my main
01:41.28orethbut, as of today
01:41.32orethhe has 60 days played
01:41.39Cideoreth: 60?
01:41.43Cidemine's more like 260
01:41.48orethyeah.. i know... not a whole assload
01:41.50kd3ya, I'm somwehre in the 200s myself
01:42.02orethbut that means 60 DAYS of my life have been wasted
01:42.15Cideyeah, but that's only 1/6 of a year :P
01:42.24Cideunfortunately I'm up to like 3/4
01:42.27orethjesus fuck my eye christ
01:42.51orethTMNT 2 is on
01:42.58orethright now.. it's the vanilla ice scene
01:43.09orethi remember seeing that thing in the theatres
01:43.15orethit was so cool... when I was 10 :(
01:43.22*** join/#wowi-lounge soufron__ (
01:43.30Cideit's still cool
01:43.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Shower (i=9b1f461b@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
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01:43.36orethno it's not
01:43.39orethit's so totally not cool
01:43.45Cidesure it is. you're just not cool enough
01:43.51orethhaha.. ok
01:45.01Shirik|AFKanyone good with SPICE?
01:45.12Cidepeppar works
01:45.31Corrodiasi want.. what do i want?
01:45.42Shirik|AFKHalp plox:
01:45.50Shirik|AFKI hate spice errors
01:45.53Shirik|AFKthey're completely unreadable
01:49.17*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Dinesh)
01:50.28Corrodiassorry, can't read it
01:54.42Shirik|AFKSo I'm trying to save to a network drive and it says "Drive cannot be read. Please check it and try again"
01:54.51Shirik|AFKSo I try again and it says "Please insert a disk into drive F:"
01:54.55Shirik|AFKthat can't be good....
02:04.33*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (n=chatzill@
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02:17.01Finthe spice melange!
02:17.14Finnever twice the same
02:35.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn|Away (n=nnnnchat@
02:40.33*** join/#wowi-lounge LT (
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02:57.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (i=9b1f461b@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
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02:57.35ShirikSo I have determined
02:57.48Shirikif SPICE is giving you errors, don't try to build your circuit until you figure out why
02:57.52Shirikmy circuit just blew up lol
02:57.54Cairenndetermined have I so
02:57.56Shirikbut the smoke was pretty
02:58.18ShirikSPICE was apparently correct that there was something wrong with the circuit
02:58.51LopeppeppySPICE is very wise
03:00.13Cidedon't question the SPICE
03:00.17*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly|Ghost (
03:03.30sag_ich_nichti've got feared below CoT2
03:03.34sag_ich_nichtheroic -.-
03:03.39sag_ich_nichtGM better give me a badge
03:04.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go_ (n=MikeNGoS@
03:05.09sag_ich_nichtCaverns of Time 2
03:05.14Cideyeah, no shit
03:05.17Cidewhat's '2'?
03:05.23sag_ich_nichtBlack Morass
03:05.33Cidewhy do people use indices? that's totally ambiguous
03:05.45Cideaccording to my definition, Black Morass is 1
03:05.54sag_ich_nichtbecause to access CoT2
03:05.54Cideyes it is!
03:05.58sag_ich_nichtyou need to do CoT1
03:06.00sag_ich_nichtfor the Q
03:06.04sag_ich_nichtso in terms of progression
03:06.07Cideaccording to your definition.
03:06.09sag_ich_nichtCoT2 follows CoT1
03:06.11CideI speak in terms of loot I want
03:06.12sag_ich_nichtlook go away.
03:06.19Cideand Cot2 does not have my trinket
03:08.50Shiriktransistor #2 exploded
03:08.59Shirikthis is going to take a while i think
03:12.31LopeppeppyNot going well at all.  *hug*
03:27.50*** join/#wowi-lounge testleK (n=chatzill@
03:32.16Xinhuanmonitor #2 exploded
03:32.27Xinhuanluckily monitor #3 is in the storeroom
03:32.50kd3wth is wrong with your power grid?
03:33.00Xinhuannothing apparantly
03:33.07Xinhuansince monitor #1 is working fine
03:33.35BuuyoSmoking or actual explosion? xD
03:33.43Buuyocuz damn if the latter
03:33.47Xinhuanok, maybe exploded is a bad word
03:33.56Xinhuanthe lcd screen just gave a "pop" sound and blacked out
03:34.16Cidethat feeling
03:34.19Cideit hurts
03:34.30BuuyoI had a power supply that would spontaneously set my peripherals on fire.
03:34.30Xinhuando you think its repairable? heh
03:34.36BuuyoI didn't realize it until the third one went on me.
03:34.47AlexanderYoshiSheesh, xin, stop throwing your monitors into the lake
03:34.58Xinhuanso alex
03:34.58CideXinhuan: my experience says that repairing monitors is more expensive than buying new ones
03:35.07Xinhuanthat's why i have a 3rd one!
03:35.33CideXinhuan: but I find that the manufacturers have pretty good warranties
03:35.39Cideso you should look into that :P
03:37.31*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:40.44batrickShirik: singular matrices should give you a large hint :)
03:41.04Shirikit works now
03:41.08Shirikdon't want your crap
03:41.24Shirikthough I'll admit I did wear safety goggles that time I turned it on
03:41.27batrickI apparently wrote some serialization stuff for batbot
03:41.30ShirikI don't trust it anymore ><
03:41.31batrickwhile i was drunk
03:41.41batrickit works too
03:42.03Xinhuanwhy do you do what you do batrick ~_~
03:42.22Xinhuanlike, make batbot the most unbreakable bot in the world!
03:42.32batrickbatbot is very readable >.>
03:42.43batrickat least imo
03:43.57batricki read that as unreadable
03:45.59batricki dunno why i enjoy working on it
03:46.01Xinhuani was like "does your reply make sense to me?"
03:46.07batrickI wouldn't do it if I didn't learn anything from it
03:46.26batrickworking on my sandbox helped me find bugs in lua :)
03:46.49Xinhuanis there going to be any new version of lua release soon?
03:46.55batrickthey just put one out
03:47.00Shirikbatrick, but it's so awesome
03:47.03Shirikthe transistor exploded
03:47.04Xinhuanversion number?
03:47.11Shirikand the shell is like split in a perfect two
03:47.27batrickI blew a transistor once
03:47.36Xinhuanshirik the best i had was the plastic of the transistor melting
03:47.45Shirikwell I was using another transistor before
03:47.46batrickwith my lab partner, we just put it back in the box :P
03:47.47Shirikand it was smoking
03:47.50Xinhuanand it "fused" with a nearby transistor and shorted the whole thing lolz
03:47.54Shirikso I took it out, decided it was the wrong transistor to use
03:47.57Shirikand then replaced it
03:47.59Shirikthe new one exploded
03:48.01Shirikit was beautiful
03:49.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Stan_ (
03:53.26ShirikBatrick, this circuit is hurting my head :(
03:53.33batrickthey do that
03:53.48batrickstop shorting wires!
03:54.01ShirikSo far it has 2 relays (each with two NC, two NO contacts, all used), two NPN transistors, two diodes
03:54.08Shirikand all it is is a power switch....
04:01.33*** join/#wowi-lounge AnduinLothar (
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04:08.16|pez|  for all your Creatures needs!
04:10.36|pez|oh, crap
04:10.48|pez|supposed to be your*
04:11.26|pez|therewe go!
04:11.26|pez|but thanks XD
04:11.30|pez|that is my e-mail.
04:11.35|pez|I like it.
04:11.37Cideyou should try to get a more official sounding email addr if ever possible
04:11.45Cideif you want to try to sell stuff, anyway
04:12.01Cidebut if you're just passing it to amazon, it probably doesn't matter
04:12.12|pez|I'm passing it to amazon.
04:12.22CideI noticed :)
04:12.43|pez|But yes, ofcourse, If I actually wanted to make money of this thing, I'd use a better layout / e-mail / everything.
04:13.21|pez|This is more of a service for people who play the series who know people who want to buy it and such.
04:13.41|pez|wading through amazons sites is a hassle sometimes.
04:14.04|pez|Will probably try to setup a service for shipping places where amazon does not ship though
04:14.26|pez|so people who are in a area where the product can be shipped, can recieve it, and forward it.
04:29.53Wobin|pez|: no sales to Oceania?
04:31.05*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (
04:31.35|pez|Wobin: there's no one in that area with the rights to sell the products.
04:32.21|pez|as far as I know.
04:34.31|pez|thus a forwarding service might be in the plans for future development.
04:36.22|pez|also, I don't think Oceania has any Amazon I can understand ;P
04:36.54|pez|so for now, that's really all I can do, until I find people willing to help me with the forwarding service.
04:48.40*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
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04:55.19*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm_ (
05:01.45LTIs this Account_List.Character_Sheet[UnitName("player")].Name to address a table setup like Account_List = {
05:01.45LT{ ["dude"] = {
05:01.45LT["Name"] ="myname",
05:02.04LT"the right way"
05:02.30CideI don't care
05:02.32LTI have a table setup as Account_List={};
05:02.34Cidebecause you pasted it "the wrong way"
05:02.38Cideread the topic
05:03.16LTForget the code, I have a table nested in a table, how can i properly address it using the single line i posted first
05:03.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kivin (
05:08.35purlProgramming in Lua, a book written by the authors of the Lua programming language. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in print from most online bookstores, and covers Lua 5.1.
05:11.09Corrodiasat this very moment, i am having fun playing paper mario. yay.
05:11.16dylanm_So much text.
05:11.25dylanm_In Paper Mario, I mean.
05:11.32dylanm_Once you fight that off it's awesome.
05:19.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
05:21.33*** join/#wowi-lounge abyx (
05:21.48Kaso has some more infomation abyx
05:22.02abyxis it possible to modify DoTimer to make it target and cast a spell when you click the timer bar?
05:23.15Kasoumm, not easily, you see you cant assign units to target on secure action buttons whilst in combat
05:25.48dylanm_You can't really modify their position or anything without a state change, and that'd be something of a problem.
05:27.46*** join/#wowi-lounge oreth| (i=18092e56@gateway/web/ajax/
05:29.02abyxwell as a druid i was thinking about something like clicking the timer bar and having it refresh lifebloom stacks or other hots
05:29.07abyxbut it seems that isn't quite possible
05:29.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
05:29.21abyxat least not with my limited knowledge of wow addons and such
05:30.59dylanm_If you were comfortable with fixed timers for each party member I think it could work.
05:31.35Kaso"the closest you could do is like a timer bar pre-assigned to monitor lifebloom on a single target that'd cast on click"
05:31.38abyxit'd be kinda like decursive i suppose
05:31.38oreth|WoW Addons = old and busted
05:31.41oreth|XNA = new hotness
05:32.04abyxi guess if i used Clique + grid i could get the same effect
05:32.06Kasoxna as in microsofts .net games thingy?
05:32.16dylanm_I assume so.
05:32.22Gngskabyx, you're better off just using grid
05:33.05KasoMicrosoft were at my uni pimping xna the other day
05:33.34KasoIt looks pretty good, but the whole creator's club required to push to 360 thing is stupid
05:34.56Kasobut channel 8 has creators club memership free for 1 year so not so bad
05:35.32abyxalso while i'm here... I use a hotkey on my mouse to cast lifebloom, and when i click a raid member's xperl unit frame i have to move the mouse off of all the xperl frames for the hotkey to actually work. is there anyway to fix that?
05:36.47dylanm_What happens if you're over the XPerl frames? Nothing?
05:38.10abyxyeah, if i hit the hotkey for liefbloom while mousing over an xperl frame nothing happens
05:39.54abyxi'm pretty sure that if i use a keyboard key instead of a mouse key it will work fine though
05:40.40Tem|AFKthat's because you're "clicking" on the unitframe
05:40.44Tem|AFKinstead of using the hotkey
05:42.45Tem|AFKso you have to make your unitframes not accept clicks from that button
05:42.57Tem|AFK... actually, that won't work either
05:56.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
06:01.21*** join/#wowi-lounge _Stan_ (
06:05.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
06:15.57*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3|hate`net (
06:16.48Cairennhere, you need a laugh kd3
06:30.54batrickI thought you got new a new isp kd3?
06:31.00batricknew one sucks too?
06:31.04kd3lan party. screwing with connection
06:31.17Atriaceignore the following:
06:32.47batrickdestromath rules
06:42.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Syzgyn (
06:48.11*** join/#wowi-lounge toncho (
06:48.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Nechckn (
06:49.51tonchoSo what kinda talk goes on here? just chillin'?
06:53.08tonchoIs everyone playing WoW right now or what?
06:53.14|Jelly|Kind of.
06:53.26tonchoI wish =(
06:53.29|Jelly|I'm on WoW, if that's what you consider 'playing' :P
06:53.32tonchoMy computter died.
06:53.50tonchoAnd I haev to live with laptop for a few more days till I get a new PC
06:54.24tonchoWhat do you guys play?
06:54.38|Jelly|!c us burning legion jelly
06:54.41WoWLuaircBot|Jelly|: Jelly, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (18/43/0). 7641 HP; 9900 Mana; 376 mana regen; 172 mp5; 671 +spell dmg; 1698 +heal; 5.06% dodge; 18 resilience;[[ TBR: 482 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Feb 24 02:04:07 2008 EST ]]
06:54.47tonchooh lol
06:55.00toncho!c us uldaman tonchpo
06:55.01WoWLuaircBottoncho: tonchpo is not the character you are looking for!
06:55.04Cairennthe channel is mostly about wow, yes, but folks in here play lots of different gmaes
06:55.06tonchodamn it typo
06:55.16toncho!c us uldaman toncho
06:55.17Cairennand we talk about damn near everything under the sun
06:55.19WoWLuaircBottoncho: Toncho, Level 70 Night Elf Hunter (0/42/19). 10250 HP; 7048 Mana; 106 mana regen; 27 mp5; 6158 Armour; 1503 AP; 221.400 Melee DPS; 18.62% melee crit; 68 melee hit; 1727 RAP; 286.40 Ranged DPS; 23.62% ranged crit; 68 ranged hit; 19.31% dodge; 148 resilience; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1917 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Feb 24 02:04:44 2008 EST ]]
06:56.29|pez|I hate zits, they are evil.  *tries to reach one that has popped up quite uncomfertably on her back*
06:56.54tonchoWhat set do you have as priest? T4?
06:57.17Cairenn|pez|: that time?  I used to break out all over then
06:57.46|pez|Cairenn: I seem to vaguely remembering it not being that time quite yet.
06:57.57|pez|might be other hormonal funkyness.
06:58.09Cairennone of the [many] things that I'm more than happy to do without after my hysto
06:58.42Cairennyup, too many cancer scares
06:58.57Cairenndon't ask
06:59.06|pez|Oh, canc.. ok, I won't.
06:59.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Stan_ (
06:59.52tonchoDo any of you have a Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4gHz CPU?
07:00.24kd3yeah, actually. that exact model
07:00.26|pez|I'd love to get rid of my period though, really. I'm considering some sort of hormone treatment.
07:00.49tonchoIs it good?
07:00.54tonchoI'm plannin' to get one
07:01.11kd3I'm rather enjoying it. it's worth it, since it's not much more expensive than core 2 duos.
07:01.20kd3I upgraded from a p4 2.4GHz northwood
07:01.40tonchoThat's the processor that just died on me
07:01.48tonchoAfter 5+ years of use.
07:01.54kd3wow is screaming fast now. need a better graphics card, though. may get a 9600
07:01.57tonchoAhaha. How much better is C2Q?
07:02.33tonchoI had a Pentium 4 2.4 768mb of ram. x1300 ati radeon
07:02.36kd340+ fps in shat isn't that unreasonable. 'course, having an 8600GT helps a lot, since I was running a 5200fx
07:02.50tonchoIm getting Core 2 Quad 2.4 ghz. 2gb ram. 8500gt
07:03.03kd3you may want to look into the 9600 since it's out
07:03.04tonchoHow much of an improvement am i gonna see?
07:03.20tonchoMy X1300 broke, and they gave me a 8500 GT for free =(
07:03.30tonchoAnd I don't like the 8500GT.
07:03.34tonchoI want an 8800GT.
07:03.46|pez|I'm getting a CPU... from my boyfriends old computer!
07:03.47tonchoBut oh well, im hoping the fast ram and cpu will make up for it.
07:03.54kd3ah, heh. I don't know all that much about ati cards, but 8500's reasonalby high end, nowhere near as good as an 8800, but still better
07:04.15kd3s/high end/modern/
07:04.57tonchoIn the summer, i'm probably just gonna go dish out some cash and get an 8800gt.
07:05.07tonchoAnd wtf is a 9600? GeForce 9 series is out?..
07:05.34tonchoBetter than 8800 Ultra?
07:05.39kd3I'm seriously considering getting one, even though I just bought an 8600 in november
07:05.51|pez|Only thing I need to assemble my new used desktop, is a graphicscard.
07:06.00ShirikBatrick: ping
07:06.35|pez|<batric> pong
07:06.38|pez|ah, crao
07:06.47|pez|I can spell, I promise.
07:07.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
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07:07.32tonchoThe 8800GT is better than the 9600 GT
07:07.37*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
07:08.34kd3ya, but run two in SLI and it still comes out cheaper than the 8800
07:08.53kd3unless they've played with pricing again
07:09.57tonchoI just wish I could afford a 8800GTX or something
07:10.04tonchothat'll last me a year or osmething
07:10.36|Jelly|I'm playing on a hacked x850pro
07:10.45|Jelly|AGP IN THE HOUSE!
07:12.43tonchoI just bought Orange Box a few weeks ago
07:12.52tonchoBut now I wanna pick up CoD4.
07:23.14*** join/#wowi-lounge fromatz (
07:23.32abyxI doubt this is possible.... but is it possible to make an addon that creates/modifies a macro?
07:23.37fromatzis there anyway i can customize how the wow api formats the save variables file
07:23.43fromatzso its easier to parse how i want
07:24.05|Jelly|So long as it's out of combat, couldn't an addon do that?
07:24.05fromatzno to me or abyx?
07:24.42kd3no to you, fromatz. that's controlled by the client. not something we can modify
07:25.49Syzgynthough, pretty much everything thats saved in the savedvariables.lua file is obtainable through the API
07:26.13kd3you can modify what's in it, just not the format of it
07:26.38fromatzahh, cause i dont like the indentation look of the savevariables file
07:26.49fromatzit would be nicers if i could just call my functions and save the data each on a new line
07:26.57Syzgynyou could write an addon that had all the same information in the format you choose too
07:27.33kd3but even then, it gets saved in blizz's sv format, so dunno how much of gain that'd be
07:28.01Syzgynbut at least then its broken up by indentations and lines
07:28.32Syzgynfromaz: what sort of addon/script are you trying to make?
07:35.51|pez|I need to read about search optimization..
07:37.42Syzgynfun stuff there pez -_-
07:38.08|pez|but it needs to be done.
07:38.26|pez|I'd like my aStore to be found when people google Creatures.
07:38.57|pez|amazon thing.
07:39.12|pez|pretty much having a store, wthout managing it yourself.
07:39.20Syzgynthat kind of search optimization, gotcha
07:39.31|pez|pick products from amazon, and put it in your aStore
07:39.33SyzgynI thought you meant code wise, not search engine wise
07:39.35|pez|yeah. hehe.
07:39.50|pez|I should learn code wise too, but I haven't gotten that far with my CMS project yet ;P
07:41.38Syzgynlearning the different search algorithms isn't bad
07:41.42SyzgynBinary, ect
07:41.52Syzgynlearning real hardcore optimization is a bitch
07:42.23|pez|that's probably true.
07:42.28|pez|Not looked into it much really.
07:42.31Syzgynbut unless you're dealing with tens of thousands of things to query, it's generally unneeded
07:43.04Syzgynshaving off 0.002 seconds from a query only matters if its happening 10000 times
07:44.35SyzgynI cant even think of an addon application that would need that
07:47.22|Jelly| What the fuck is a "rehoming fee" ??
07:47.42|Jelly|I can see paying FOR THE DOG ... but paying for you to ... what? me to come get it?
07:47.59SyzgynI would guess its like an application fee when you look at apartments
07:48.09|Jelly|That's retarded.
07:48.11Syzgynyou pay for their time to make sure you're ok to buy the dog
07:48.19*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
07:49.23Syzgynhusky = win
07:52.13*** join/#wowi-lounge DuTempete (
07:58.49Syzgynso now that we get a new GUID function, is there still going to be some sort of GUID managment lib?
07:59.23Shirik|EcoleI'm sure there will be, since for some reason the community has decided that there is a need for a library for everything
07:59.51Shirik|EcoleScrew coding; making addons is all about putting libraries together, not implementing anything
08:00.10SyzgynI always enjoyed the irony of having to install translation libs for my english client/code
08:05.17*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
08:07.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Sixen (n=Sixen@
08:07.32LukianSyzgyn, What's ironic about addons made by non-English authors display their text in English? :)
08:07.50Lukianusing libs to display*
08:07.59Syzgynno, non-english authors I am fine with using Babel and such
08:08.08Syzgynbut thats a small minority
08:08.46mikmanow is that funny or what?
08:09.12Syzgynwhat about it?
08:09.36mikmait's funny
08:09.52SyzgynI'm missing something I think
08:10.14mikmathe first change in latest
08:11.03batrickShirik|Ecole: pong
08:11.09Syzgynthe toc change?
08:11.16Shirik|Ecolebatrick: nm I figured it out but thansk
08:11.18mikmaye, that. funny!
08:13.13Tem|AFKSyzgyn, actually, the new function makes us NOT need a library
08:13.41mikmaTem|AFK: if it's worth doing, then you'll get a lib
08:13.59SyzgynTem: Thats what I thought too
08:14.03SyzgynI was just checking
08:14.20Tem|AFKmikma, no
08:14.35mikmaTem|AFK: hi
08:14.38Syzgyncuz with that you can get level, class, race, ect. with 100% accuracy
08:15.57mikmais there some sort of limitation for that? (range? area? friendlist?)
08:18.03Syzgyngotta have a unitID for it
08:18.08Syzgyntarget, focus, mouseover, ect
08:18.42Syzgynbut as long as you have that, you can match a combat log event with a unit
08:18.54Syzgynand get all that unit-y stuff
08:24.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Nolook (
08:25.56Guillotineholy crap, a tree just fell on the window right above me. Thank god it didn't crash through o.O
08:27.37Lukianyou have a window above you?
08:27.55kd3whee skylights?
08:28.04*** part/#wowi-lounge Sixen (n=Sixen@
08:28.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
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08:28.36SyzgynWTB [Full Time Job] PST
08:29.30Guillotinewell, above me and next to me
08:29.42Guillotinestarts just above my head, extends to the top of the ceiling
08:33.06*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
08:33.06*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
08:40.09Shirik|zZzSyzgyn: I have a full time job at school lol
08:40.14Shirikjust got home :<
08:40.19*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Shirik] by ChanServ
08:42.21Syzgynhell, it doesn't even have to be full time right now
08:42.23Shirik" So i downloaded Muzzel UI installed it exactly how the guide says....."
08:42.23SyzgynANY job
08:42.31ShirikSyzgyn: I'm kinda not being paid
08:42.32Shirikstill want it?
08:43.11Syzgynno, you can keep it
08:43.40Shiriktoday's task was fun though
08:44.07ShirikI have a microcontroller monitoring the state of a system and if it determines there is a problem, it cuts the power
08:44.26ShirikHowever if it cuts the power, it turns itself off too obviously, so how do we get the circuit to remember that the power was supposed to remain off?
08:44.29ShirikFun times.
08:44.41Syzgynthat sounds less like a job and more like a class
08:44.50ShirikWell it's for a competition
08:46.58Syzgynthose can be fun
08:47.02Syzgynbut they dont pay the billz
08:47.08Cairennnight guys
08:50.50ShirikWhy does /castrandom work
08:50.59Shirikimo that should be removed from the game
08:51.18ShirikThere is no valid reason to have it in game except to appease the people whom don't want to think
08:52.17SyzgynI'll agree with that
08:52.22Syzgynbut its not breaking anything
08:52.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
08:52.36Shiriknor was decursive, by that logic
08:52.38kd3"but I want to randomly choose which mount I use!"
08:52.56Shirikok, kd3, then make /userandom only work with items
08:53.11Shirikor make it only work out of combat
08:53.44Syzgyncomparing /castrandom to Decursive is a stretch
08:54.41ShirikI never did
08:54.48ShirikI merely stated that it follows your logic
08:55.27Syzgynwait what? what logic is that?
08:55.40Syzgynthat it makes it so you dont have to think?
08:56.20Shirikcastrandom [target=target] Purge, Earth Shock, Frost Shock, OwnedInTheFace Shock
08:56.27fromatzanyone know if they plan to fix the update_battlefield_status event?
08:56.34Syzgynthats worthless though Shirik
08:56.41Shirikhow is it worthless?
08:56.59Syzgynsomeone using that would get trashed by someone actually playing
08:57.14ShirikI could also make my own little decursive using castrandom
08:57.20ShirikI just need to hit the button extremely rapidly
08:57.31Shirikabout 25Hz to be exact for an average 1s resposne time
08:57.32Shirikbut it works
08:57.48Shiriker, sorry
08:57.52SyzgynI dont see how that'd be possible on the same scope as decursive
08:57.53Shirik25Hz would be 0.5s response time
08:57.57ShirikWhy not?
08:58.16ShirikI can't dispel someone unless they have a debuff
08:58.25ShirikIf they don't have a debuff, I don't invoke the GCD
08:58.25Syzgynyou cant target a random person with castrandom
08:58.37Shirikbut I can target the next person
08:59.10ShirikFact of the matter is castrandom means you don't have to make the decisions
08:59.27ShirikAnd I can't think of any valid use (except the mount scenario kd3 stated) where it is not used for that purpose
08:59.33Shirikfor some kind of button spamming macro
08:59.40ShirikRogues are ESPECIALLY guilty of it
09:00.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Wraanger (n=Valle@
09:01.30SyzgynI still think that while decursive made you better at cleansing, /castrandom is going to make someone play worse than if they were doing things manually
09:02.17kd3decursive? better? spamming ' 38 times a second does not a better cleanser make
09:02.37kd3s/'/some key/
09:02.58Syzgynok, not necessarily better
09:03.02Syzgynbut it got the job done
09:03.12fromatzs/'/some key/
09:03.54fromatza bot to correction grammar ftw
09:03.56kd3of course. a little too well. that's why everything got broken in 2.0 so it wasn't possible any more. I still hate post 6-dec-06 naxx trash to this day
09:04.10fromatzand apparently i need one of those
09:04.36SyzgynI dont think any healer in their right mind is using castrandom to decurse
09:04.45ShirikI never said that they were
09:04.49ShirikI merely stated that it should be possible
09:05.01Syzgynfair enough
09:05.12ShirikI STILL think there ARE people out there that are using castrandom to take some of their thinking out of the game
09:05.19ShirikAnd I DO agree that they're probably worse off that way
09:05.26ShirikThat doesn't mean they should be able to do i
09:05.45ShirikI'm off for some Guitar hero :P
09:05.49SyzgynIf decursive made you less efficient than doing it manually, it would never have been broken
09:06.02Shirik|AFKIt did make you less efficient
09:06.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Vangual (
09:06.10Shirik|AFKjust the definition of efficient is dependent upon who you talk to
09:06.13art3mis  <-- okay this is awesome
09:06.17art3misand exactly what i need
09:06.17Shirik|AFKcleanses per second is not efficiency
09:06.39art3missets up a proxy mailserver to scan/scrub spam and virii before forwarding to the real smtp
09:07.35Syzgynif you consider kitting 1 button every GCD vs hitting a button then moving your mouse to another frame, buttonmashing is going to win in the long run
09:07.57Syzgyner, yeah
09:08.34Guillotinenight all
09:10.03*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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09:25.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Baldor_work (
09:29.10Shirik|AFKpurl, say hi shirik
09:29.11purlhi shirik
09:29.14Shirik|AFKpurl, say hi shirik|afk
09:29.15purlhi shirik|afk
09:36.26batrickhell ya
09:39.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|AFK (n=skullsho@2002:44cc:9fc2:0:0:0:44cc:9fc2)
09:39.25batricksup shirik
09:39.27*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Shirik|AFK] by ChanServ
09:39.47Shirik|AFKrelays are fun
09:40.04batricki finished mai cap't mo :(
09:40.05Shirik|AFKbut apparently they destroy stuff too
09:40.13Shirik|AFKfricking back current spike
09:41.25batrickpurl: yes
09:41.25purlYou don't say!
09:41.35Shirik|AFK~fail batrick
09:41.36purlbatrick: Fail.
09:41.41Shirik|AFKdrinking too much I see
09:41.50batricki need more :(
09:41.55batricki only got a good buzz
09:41.57batrickand i hate beer
09:42.04Shirik|AFKand yet yesterday you were telling me not to drink
09:42.05batrickso i'm stuck
09:42.14batricki told u not to drink + code
09:42.22Shirik|AFKwhich is what you did last night
09:42.24batrickadvice i failed to follow
09:42.24Shirik|AFKsame diff
09:42.36batrickcuz when i woke up i had a fully functional serialization scheme for batbot :(
09:42.57batrick^ that''s bad
09:43.25|pez|waking up at some ungodly hour saying "AHA!" and then run off to the computer to code it? :P
09:43.28Shirik|AFKWho the hell names a library "bouncycastle"
09:43.32Shirik|AFKlike it's a great library and all
09:43.35Shirik|AFKbut who came up with that name
09:43.45batrickno u
09:44.02|pez|bouncycastles are fun.
09:44.03batrickbatbot: speak?
09:44.04batbotbatrick, You may rely on it.
09:44.18|pez|maybe the person who made the library, reallyreally loves 'em.
09:44.58Shirika bouncycastle is an object?
09:46.11Shirikwe call those "moon bounces" in the US
09:46.38|pez|but you can see how they can be called "bouncycastle" right?
09:46.57|pez|We call them "hoppeslott" in Norway, which in English is more or less.. "Jumpingcastle"
09:47.15Shirikyeah I can see that
09:52.21|pez|I really hope we get a dishwasher one of these days
09:54.11ShirikI think I'm really tired
09:54.15ShirikI can't see what's wrong with this line:
09:54.23ShirikoutputFile = new File(OUTPUT_FOLDER, currentUpdate.newVersion + ."pem");
09:54.25Shirikanyone see it?
09:54.45Shirikyes, outputFile is a File object, and OUTPUT_FOLDER is in scope and of the right time, as is currentUpdate.newVersion
09:54.48|pez|I'm betting there's an error to go with that? XD
09:54.50Shirikit is saying "identifier expected"
09:55.41|pez|hohum, I.. dunno really.
09:55.51|pez|I'm not really good at that stuff.
09:56.04batrickis it supposed to be ".pem" ?
09:57.30wereHamsterShirik, if you're tired you should get some sleep..
09:57.36Shiriksleep is overrated
09:58.53|pez|Hey! that's cheating!
09:59.09|pez|Alrighty then, if man won't move to mountain, mountain will have to move to man.
10:00.07|pez|... hopeless man.
10:00.43kd3your body will stop you at some point. whee for nearly crashing on my desk ~a week ago. ended up sleeping from 21:30 to ~14:00 the next day
10:00.43wereHamsterpull the plug :)
10:01.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kivin (
10:01.06|pez|blanket one puts ontop of self when sleeping.
10:01.34art3misokay this is awesome
10:01.36kd3all I ever think of when I see the word duvet is the opening song to Serial Experiments Lain
10:01.53art3misa thinkpad that i had that i thought was nothing more than parts actually still boots up from a hdd i have
10:02.22*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (n=jnwhiteh@
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10:02.25kd3lmao @ wikipedia... "  "Duvet" is also the title of a song by Bôa from the album The Race of a Thousand Camels. "
10:02.49|pez|it might also be called duna, not too sure.
10:02.52Shirikkd3: Until that time
10:02.54|pez|we call them dyne here.
10:02.57ShirikI intend to get stuff done
10:06.18|pez|Alright, Shirik, tell you what. I can sleep for you? :D
10:06.51Shirikgo to sleep :)
10:06.56ShirikThere's no reason you should be awake
10:06.57Shirikit's late
10:07.08|pez|it's 11am actually.
10:07.33Shirikand just got home from school 2 hours ago
10:10.15batrickpretty much the same story two years ago
10:10.22batrickhope they figure that out
10:10.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (n=elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
10:12.11Shirikmpdelbuono@li23-154 ~ $ diff ./bashmd5.sig ./bashdef.sig
10:12.11Shirikmpdelbuono@li23-154 ~ $
10:12.16Shirikthat means they were equivalent, right?
10:13.04batrickno it means your kernel is fuked
10:13.10batrickbatbot: amirite?
10:13.11batbotbatrick, Yes.
10:13.17batrickcan't argue with that
10:13.58|pez|Ok, since Shirik won't sleep, I'll go try sleep some for him!
10:14.00Shirikmpdelbuono@li23-154 ~ $ diff ./bashmd5.sig ./bash2.sig
10:14.00ShirikFiles ./bashmd5.sig and ./bash2.sig differ
10:14.00Shirikmpdelbuono@li23-154 ~ $
10:14.06ShirikThat's what seems to happen when they aren't the same :P
10:15.21batricko ya?
10:15.27fromatzanyone know why this is returning nil?
10:15.44Shirikfromatz: Why wouldn't it return nil?
10:15.52Shirikactually it doesn't return nil
10:15.54Shirikit returns nothing
10:17.56fromatzall i want it to do is save those variables to my savesvariables file
10:18.04fromatzand im sucking it up
10:18.13batricko dear
10:18.32batrickwell currently your saving over the globals up to the tenth iteration
10:18.43batrickand unless you are saving those globals ...
10:19.36fromatzyeah i know im saving over them on every iteration, i just cant figure out how to print them to the savedvariables file
10:20.08batrickyou don't "print" to the saved variables file
10:20.19batrickstuff is saved only when you reload your ui, logout, etc.
10:20.36batrickand you need to tell blizzard via your .toc what global variables to save
10:20.45wereHamster.. saved automatically from the variables you list in the toc
10:20.49fromatzoh, i think thats what i need
10:25.55laggerdoes a Cooldown frame object need to be constantly updated with SetCooldown?
10:26.04Shirikgreat exception class name.
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10:43.30fromatzwhy is my saved variables file still only displaying:   BGInfo = nil
10:43.38fromatzwhen BGInfo isnt even a saved variable in the TOC
10:43.58Shirikhave you restarted wow or reloaded your UI?
10:44.08fromatzyes, multiple times
10:44.26fromatzi havent restarted, but i have reloaded, ill try restarting
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10:44.32Shirikthat won't matter
10:44.44ShirikDo you have ANY saved variables in the toc?
10:45.24fromatzi will pastey my code if you like?
10:45.41Shirikunfortunately I have to go to sleep
10:45.44Shirikmaybe someone else can help
10:45.55fromatzok, thanks though
10:45.56wereHamsteryou said it's overrated
10:46.01Shirikthis RSA stuff is hurting my head
10:46.05ShirikI need to take a break
10:46.27wereHamsterand btw, you cuffed yourself to the desk, remember?
10:46.39Shirikyeah but |pez| dragged the bed to me
10:46.47wereHamsteray -.-
10:46.56wereHamstergood night then :)
10:47.44fromatzhere is my code
10:47.51fromatzmy saved variables are:
10:47.52Corrodiasaaah hell. damn to hell.
10:47.54wereHamsterand the toc?
10:48.07[Liquidor]fromatz, insert BFInfo to your .toc (remember to restart wow in case you change .toc - reloading UI won't reload .tocs), now as your code goes just insert data to your BGInfo variable.
10:48.25Shirikoh whoops, I forgot about that
10:48.29Shirikyes, you need to restart wow
10:48.32Corrodiasi thought i moved everything off my old credit card, but WoW's still automatically charging to it, so now i'm late on the charge i didn't know about. i could have sworn i told it to charge on my other card.
10:48.35Shiriksee this is what happens when you don't get enough sleep
10:49.23[Liquidor]Am I the only one who doesn't see the BGInfo variable being used in ?
10:49.37fromatzyeah, its not used
10:49.48fromatzthats why im wondering why its there in my savedvariables file
10:50.05fromatzmy saved variables are the variables before the battlefieldscore() call
10:50.56wereHamsterBGInfo is nil, and WoW saves that in SV
10:51.12wereHamstereverything is nil until you set it to something else
10:51.12[Liquidor] ?
10:51.28wereHamsternil means undefined
10:52.04zenzelezzdid you show us your ##SavedVariables line?
10:53.29[Liquidor]Heh this is merely impossible to help. Hmm...
10:53.54fromatz## SavedVariables: name, killingBlows, honorKills, deaths, honorGained, faction, rank, race, class, filename, damageDone, healingDone
10:54.16wereHamsteryou don't want that!
10:54.20[Liquidor]fromatz, read this:
10:54.26[Liquidor]That's all you need to know.
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11:08.30*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | WoW programming book | "ah apparently it's tonight here" - Mr_Rabies2
11:13.17batrickfromatz: the .toc is only read when WoW starts
11:13.23batrickif you changed it then you need to restart wow
11:13.35fromatzsomeone said not to save all those variables in my toc
11:13.46batricktechnically you shouldn't
11:13.53fromatzim pretty much lost atm, its been like 5hours straight staring at this stuff
11:13.55fromatzand reading
11:13.56batricki'm jsut telling you why you saw no difference
11:14.17foxlitbatrick: are you sure?
11:14.25batrickthe best idea is to have one saved variable, a table, that will hold all the data youw ant
11:14.38batrickfoxlit: i'm pretty damn sure, unless they've changed it recently
11:15.02foxlitbatrick: there's a subtle difference: WoW does not load files that have been added to Interface/* after it starts
11:15.14foxlitI'm not sure whether it does or does not reload the .toc anyway
11:15.20batrickit doesn't reload .toc
11:19.17batricksomehow i knew, you were still awake
11:19.20Shirikso I've been using Netbeans' feature to automatically add imports when it finds a line that needs one
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11:19.29ShirikI just scrolled to the top of my file
11:19.40batrick(ecplise feature since forever)
11:19.51ShirikNetbeans feature since 4
11:19.55Shirikwhich might as well be forever
11:19.57Shirikbut I used to not use it
11:20.04batrickimport feature is nice
11:20.15Shirikthis is not nice:
11:20.52batrickeclipse would collapse that for you
11:21.08batrickwhat's wrong iwth it anyway
11:21.43foxlithey, look, it even keeps them sorted!
11:21.50batrickanyway i'm going to sleep
11:23.06Shirikme too
11:23.21Shirikfoxlit: Actually, that's just a side-effect
11:23.25Shirikat least I think it is
11:23.35ShirikI think that's just because I keep hitting the "add" button as I was typing the code
11:23.45Shirikand it so happened that these imports came up one after another in a logical order
11:24.02Shirikp.s. batrick, Netbeans can collapse that too
11:24.05Shirikbut I HATE code folding
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11:44.33fromatzmm blank table, great..
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12:26.07SaiBorkhey all
12:26.52SaiBorkI'm trying to create a very simple mod to save some info
12:27.44SaiBorkI'm letting it gather the time im loging out and i want to save it per char but in a main lua, so not seperate lua's for each char
12:28.06SaiBorkbut as it is, it overrides the current info with the last used char info
12:28.17SaiBorkcan you peeps help me out, code is at:
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12:40.22foxlitYou assign an empty table to LastLogout there every time _getinfo is called
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12:48.23SaiBorkyep got it now, thanks
13:11.42zenzelezz[...] yells: give boose in dm for a good price
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13:19.11Nom-wtb a mod to indicate which debuffs a boss is missing (tclap, demo shout, scorpid sting etc)
13:19.15Nom-anyone know of such a mod?
13:24.47sag_ich_nichtNom- nope but i want it too
13:26.25foxlitIt's somewhat trivial to write
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13:35.42foxlitcome to think of it, I should do that for my unit frames
13:35.53foxlitHighlight debuffs I care about, drop everything else
13:40.07*** join/#wowi-lounge YammYgirlcoding (n=hoho@
13:40.38YammYgirlcodingmorning all
13:41.06YammYgirlcodingguys. I recently updated MapNotes here, and it's overwriting my existing mapnotes.lua with an empty file. What should I do?
13:42.18zenzelezzupdating how?
13:42.25YammYgirlcodingi installed last version
13:42.37YammYgirlcodingsince, it's overwriting my existing lua with an empty one
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13:47.21YammYgirlcodingany clue?
13:47.42zenzelezzafraid not, I don't use that mod myself
13:49.56zenzelezzthe channel hasn't really woken up yet, if you hang around someone might know
13:51.55Nom-Found one...
13:51.59Nom-Called Demon on wowace
13:57.37foxlitHm, what would be the easiest way to format a number as follows: 108 -> "108", 1080 -> "1.1k", 10808080 -> "11m"?
13:58.29Cidelog10 (num)
13:58.58Cideif result >= 3 then apply_formatting(result) end
13:59.31Kirkburn :)
14:01.46wereHamsterso Kirkburn, tell us which system is right for you? :)
14:02.44KirkburnPS3, duh
14:03.20Cidewii all the way for me
14:04.02wereHamsterI would have thought the PC since you're all into WoW
14:04.10CideI am?
14:04.13Kirkburn<3 mah Wii
14:04.32wereHamsterare you not cide?
14:04.37Cidenot really
14:04.44CideI'm just awesome and know everything
14:04.52wereHamsterbut you are still working on CT, right?
14:04.54Cidebut I don't play it much nowadays
14:04.58CidewereHamster: yep
14:11.46zenzelezzwell, he is speaking the truth
14:11.51zenzelezzhe keeps crushing them all the time
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15:35.59foxlitWhat's the NormalFont equivalent of SetDisabledFontObject?
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15:40.44foxlitFont-related question:
15:45.12foxlit[It is actually updated - but the button font string is resized based on text, so has no effect unless it is actually larger than the text it displays]
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16:25.14Shizenman it's good to be home
16:25.25Shizenin fact it's so good I jumped right on the net... as you can see...
16:25.31Olison^ !
16:25.35zenzelezzof course
16:25.41zenzelezzwhat else would you do when you get home?
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16:49.06orethSomedays you pray for silence
16:49.12orethand someday you pray for soul
16:49.24orethand somedays you pray to the god of Sex and Drugs and Rock 'n Roll!
16:50.00zenzelezzI'm sure peppy and Cairenn will be around later
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16:51.29LopeppeppyI am here, zenzelezz.
16:52.02zenzelezzyou scared away oreth!
16:52.10LopeppeppyI seem to have that effect on men.
16:52.28zenzelezzfeeble men
16:53.57LopeppeppyI seem to find that sort, yes.
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16:58.28foxlit"pure virtual function call"
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17:13.14CrysliI have a problem with CSS.
17:13.14CrysliI'm trying to make a horizontal menu. I'd like to make each link have a fixed width, but just applying it to them in my stylesheet doesn't seem to work. Any suggestions?
17:13.52LopeppeppyHave you taken into account that fixed width works differently on different monitors?  designing for 800 width?
17:14.22CrysliI've considered that, yes.
17:14.37Maldiviasetting width in css should work
17:14.49zenzelezzI'm not really familiar with doing *good* stuff in CSS, but I see a bunch of such menus made with fixed-width <li>s
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17:15.00Maldiviaofcourse, depends on how you set, and on what, and if there are other styles that override it
17:15.33foxlitinline elements
17:16.46Cryslifoxlit: Hm?
17:17.03foxlitOr maybe not :)
17:20.17CrysliI've previously experienced that an easy way to make an alement a fixed width and height is to use display:block - but since that also adds a line break before and after the element that's not a valid option here.
17:22.48|pez|floaaat! XD
17:23.35Crysli|pez|: No.
17:24.12|pez|float is neat!
17:24.41Cideyou have to
17:24.47Cidebecause css is a piece of shit
17:25.20|pez|Heck, I even make seperator divs of varying sizes, instead of using margins and such. :P  just because the different browsers deal with that differently. :P
17:26.35CrysliYeah, looks like I'll have to resort to a float.
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17:38.17CorrodiasWoW sure takes a long time to load if i haven't played it in a while
17:40.58CrysliI hate the box model problem >_<
17:41.10Cidejust hate IE
17:41.18CrysliBrb, doing an awful hack.
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18:18.03Shizenyou on test ?
18:18.14LopeppeppyIs test back up?
18:18.19Shizenoh it's down ?
18:18.24Shizen<-- just got home
18:18.28Shizen<-- wondering what's the new news
18:18.43Shizenalso... I hate abstraction model >_>
18:18.44LopeppeppyBeen down a while now, there was a stat dupe bug that frelled the universe up.
18:19.09Shizenseems like a very fundamental bug that would spell Jeopardy with a big G
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18:21.17Shizenurgh for crying out loud...
18:21.32Shizenwhy must they put requirement for "strong knowledge of Object Oriented Programming"
18:21.40Shizenand then put "knowledge of .net/Java" soon after
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18:26.27cladhairebecause everyone lies on their resume
18:27.59Shizenguilty as charged
18:28.02Shizenwell.... not exactly
18:28.10Shizensince my sister took the liberty of writing my cover letter >_>
18:28.52Shizenyou got any job for inexperienced EE/self-learned Computer Tech clad ? ;P
18:29.27cladhaireprobably, that would take an interview to determine
18:29.34cladhairenot that i have any jobs to give period
18:29.38cladhairebut in a more general sense :P
18:29.51Shizenhmmm ?
18:30.12clad|awayThe entry level IT jobs that exist, shouldn't have any requirements
18:30.13clad|awayand they do
18:30.33Shizenentry level...
18:30.37Shizenwe're lacking that here... :|
18:30.42clad|awayi don't have time to launch into a critique of the american education system
18:30.49zenzelezzthey only really have requirements when they can pick and choose among applicants
18:30.52Shizenhey, I don't either
18:30.58Shizenespecially since it's not my education system :P
18:31.01clad|awaycause i have to run
18:31.06zenzelezzover here there is a demand for people, so you can get away with little experience and whatevre
18:31.51Shizenmaybe I SHOULD take a JLPT course
18:32.12Shizenthere's TONS of entry level in daijob that wouldn't mind employing someone from out of the country
18:32.21Shizenall they ask is fluency in their language :|
18:33.26Shizenyou know what's interesting in daijob ? Job category : Entertainment(Game/Video/Audio)
18:36.34Corrodiasthis is odd. oRA refuses to show the main tanks.
18:37.37Corrodiasmight try that; they've rebroadcasted the list and i've had it refresh the list a couple of times, no go
18:37.45Corrodiaswe're pulling quickly here, no time to reload just right now
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18:45.46zenzelezz[...] whispers: need you to yank dornholde
18:46.57zenzelezzalso... a German in my guild is speaking a lot on vent today, and he has quite a German-English pronunciation...
18:47.02zenzelezzsauce = south
18:50.19CrysliSucks to be sauce-american
18:51.36Shizensucks more to be suffer-merry-can
18:51.51CrysliYou've got a point
18:51.52Shizen^ one of my buddy pronounce like that
18:52.30kd3hah... they really did leave the PTR offline
18:53.19Shizencan't have the world Geopardized, you know
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19:00.06malikeyeanybody using the UI manager ?
19:01.36malikeyejust interested in thoughts about keyloggers... I totally wanna use it, but, I have to trust that it's not a keylogger :)
19:01.53Cairennwhich one? whose manager?
19:02.06malikeyenot saying that it is, but it could potentially be a problem
19:02.08malikeyethe wowui one
19:02.28CairennUICentral? apparently it's clean atm
19:02.48MentalPowerATM being the keyword here :)
19:02.52LopeppeppyIf you are at all uncertain about how safe an .exe is, just don't use it.
19:02.54malikeyeerr, sorry.. the one.. this is the wowinterface channel, right ? :)
19:03.07malikeyeLopeppeppy: agreed, but I wanna use it :)
19:03.15Cairennthis is a multi-site channel, since it's aimed at authors, not sites
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19:03.20Cairennhence the confusion :)
19:03.28malikeyeI was mistaken, sorry
19:03.32Cairennno worries :)
19:03.32LopeppeppyCairenn, tell him about!  :)
19:03.48malikeyeno need, I am a fan already :)
19:04.13CairennShirik|zZz is the author of the one on WoWI, he only just put it up a couple days ago
19:04.26malikeyeyeah, I just saw it now... looks very cool
19:04.31Cairennit should be absolutely fine, but no one can ever guarantee 100%
19:04.50malikeyeguess it's no different than running the wowace updater
19:04.54Cairennhe does have a lot of security measures in it though, to help try to make sure
19:04.59Cairennnope, no different at all
19:05.30zenzelezzas a rogue, how do you tell if something sees through stealth? Like many dogs
19:05.40Cairennyou should always check though, make sure you have a good virus checker, etc
19:05.50kd3in stealth, there's a truesight icon that appears above the name tag of the mobs
19:06.02kd3much like a hunter's mark
19:06.05malikeyeyeah, my AV is alwayds up2date, but that doesn't really help against keyloggers
19:06.19malikeyeerr, always, even
19:06.31zenzelezzkd3: thanks :) Got a rogue to 28 and finally starting to understand something about them :-p
19:06.35CairennI'd rather people be paranoid, even about WoWI, than reckless and have something go wrong
19:06.46malikeyeyeah, I be paranoid
19:06.58kd3zen; the only way I learned was getting invis at 70. the same icon appears if mobs can see invis too
19:07.33Cairennmalikeye: trust me, we know about them not always catching stuff, it was folks in here that helped track down the one that was going around lately, and most of the scanners STILL don't catch it, even though we've sent the information to them a couple times now
19:07.41malikeyekeeping up with mods is such a pain in the ass though... haha
19:08.10Shizenmaybe we should push authors to use some subversioning
19:09.14malikeyeI think my AV updates daily and runs a full scan daily... if that's paranoid :)
19:09.19Shizenzenze : it might be just me but, mobs in 'truesight mode' detects you at a greater range than its initial face-pull aggro range
19:09.22LopeppeppyI only do mine once every 2 weeks, malikeye.  The incremental things aren't always uber different, why make myself stress?
19:09.47Cairennmalikeye: I run two daily - I HAVE to make sure my machine stays clean
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19:09.56malikeyeLopeppeppy: I haven't done mine in a long time... so it's gonna take me an hour... but I guess I gotta pay for using non-standard stuff
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19:10.48Shizenmy rule about exes are
19:11.13Shizenif I don't know where they from, I check the hex looking for apparent suspicious things
19:11.19malikeyeI was gonna wait till 2.4 actually
19:11.27Shizennext would be a Sir Google search
19:11.46Shizenthough of course if I don't know where they're from, it's the shift-del
19:12.52GuillotineI am geeking out. The ring tone of my phone is now Code Monkey XD And I was able to do it using nothing but freeware from sourceforge and the built-in bluetooth
19:13.08*** join/#wowi-lounge fromatz (
19:14.47zenzelezzmy ringtone is the Lotus Turbo Challenge II theme; my morning alarm is the Illidan "Behold the power of the DEMON within!", my new SMS alert is Aran's "I'm not done with you yet - nooo, I still have some tricks up my sleeve"
19:14.54zenzelezznow if I only had some firneds
19:15.37dylanmI don't see why not.
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19:17.18MentalPowerShizen: SVN as a distribution method sucks
19:17.32MentalPowerits really inefficient for that
19:17.45MentalPowerjust ask the WoWAce guys why they have
19:17.57dylanmYeah you don't want that.
19:18.29Atriacewhat would be the correct way to do the following?     if myVar==nil then
19:19.14Vangualwas it ever disclosed what distribution backend the thott updater used?
19:19.30ShizenI don't think I want to know ;)
19:19.59GuillotineAtriace: if not myVar then
19:20.08MentalPowerAtriace: do you *have* to check if its nil?
19:20.17MentalPowerie, is false a valid value?
19:20.30MentalPowerif not then Guillotine's answer is correct
19:20.35AtriaceWell, I only want to declare the value of my var if it has no value.
19:20.45AtriaceAnd it's a local
19:20.48Guillotinewhat type is it? A boolean?
19:20.58Guillotinethen use my version
19:21.03MentalPoweruse Guillotine's
19:22.15fromatzwell i thought would work
19:22.37fromatzbut BGInfo = {} by the end of the 10th iteration =\
19:24.04wereHamstertable.insert(table, [pos,] value)
19:24.24wereHamsterwhoever told you you could do table.insert(BGInfo, GetBattlefieldScore(i)); was wrong
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19:25.10fromatzok so table, pos, value, ill test that out thanks
19:26.20ScytheBlade1Most interesting signature EVER:
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19:42.25Antiarckd3: re: your rendering bug thread. Have you tried playing with the farclip/nearclip/fog cvars?
19:42.51AntiarcThat looks suspiciously like something in the WoW build is invoking a bug in the Linux nvidia drivers
19:43.23AntiarcThe clip plane just isn't rendering properly
19:43.36kd3I wouldn't be surprised, there's other issues too (losing all fontstrings if I port in to shat at the wrong time while everything loads), but I know those are linux related
19:43.42kd3nah, the clip plane bug is different
19:43.49DreadlordeHi everyone, I was wondering if someone could answer a question I have?
19:43.55purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
19:44.00LopeppeppyLay it out, Dreadlorde
19:44.14Dreadlordeis there a way to hide the MainMenuBar art?
19:44.24kd3ya. most bar mods can do that.
19:44.34LopeppeppyAnd there are mods just to hide the griffons as well.
19:45.58LopeppeppyI'm not sure if this macro still works...
19:46.30DreadlordeI know that, but I'm making an addon and need to hide just the art, but can't figure out how to do it >.<
19:47.26LopeppeppyHmm... let me see if I can find the mod that already does it, you could learn from that.
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19:49.02AtriaceIs there a way to not define arguments for a function?  For instance:
19:49.06AtriaceMainMenuBar:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0);
19:49.14AtriaceMainMenuBar:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", _, _, 0, _);
19:49.30AtriaceBut obviously not that since _ is defined as a variable elsewhere.
19:51.02zenzelezzfor functions you define or pre-defined functions?
19:51.19AtriaceIn particular SetPoint
19:51.38zenzelezzthink you're stuck with the different calls that one accepts
19:51.45AtriaceI don't want to redefine the Y or the Parent, etc..  just the Anchor and the X
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19:52.58zenzelezzfrom the wiki, "obj:SetPoint(point [, frame] [, relativePoint] [, x [, y]]);"... seems pretty flexible, but I'm not sure
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20:05.33fromatzwould this not be a valid table insert?
20:05.48fromatztable.insert(BGInfo, i, GetBattlefieldScore(i));
20:11.13ShirikAtriace: Just use GetPoint() and use the old values
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20:17.07Cairennhey Iriel
20:17.14Cairennand ckknight
20:23.04fromatzi was reading some info about needind to create a frame to register an event... if i have multiple events, can i use the same frame?
20:28.52Finwhat's the difference between the CVars cameraDistanceMax, and cameraDistanceMaxFactor?
20:29.14zenzelezzthe last one is sponsored by a cosmetics company
20:34.34fromatzhmm i must be calling GetBattlefieldScore() wrong
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20:35.27fromatzi just made an event that when registered fills a table up with just 10 integers and that works... but when i substitute the integer im inserting into the table with GetBattlefieldScore(i) it saves a blank table
20:36.00kd3whee, the PTR's back up
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20:43.20GuillotineAnybody know of a good VM to run Linux? (Specifically Fedora)
20:43.33GuillotineI think somebody linked an interesting looking VM a day or two ago
20:43.36kd3vm like xen or like vmware?
20:44.05nevcairielyou answered both questions there, eh?
20:44.11Guillotineerr, whats the difference?
20:44.23GuillotineHaven't used many VMs recently :(
20:44.35kd3vmware runs on top of linux, linux runs on top of xen
20:44.41nevcairielvmware starts a VM inside any host system
20:44.50nevcairielxen hosts multiple VMs inside itself
20:45.03Guillotineah, then vmware
20:45.06zenzelezzlinux becomes self-aware
20:46.06LopeppeppyI'm sorry Dave, I can't let you do that.
20:48.00fromatztable.insert(BGInfo, i, GetBattlefieldScore(i));
20:49.10wereHamstertable.insert(BGInfo, { GetBattlefieldScore(i) })
20:49.48fromatzso i dont need a position parameter?
20:50.09wereHamsterdepends on how you want to save the data in the table
20:50.30wereHamsterwithout the position parameter table.insert appends the data at the end of the table
20:51.02Shirikkd3: ex., linode runs xen I guess?
20:51.17kd3I dunno. not familiar with linode at all
20:51.17ShirikI never heard of xen before
20:51.30fromatzcan i ask why i need the brackets around get battlefield score?  is that to signify that it is also a table?
20:51.32Shirikwell if you wanted to give 20 people their own root access server without conflicting with each other
20:51.37Shirikis that what you'd use?
20:51.51ShirikI'll have to look into this
20:52.35wereHamsterfromatz, {} creates a table. { someFunction() } creates a table and fills it with all the return valuse from the function.
20:53.14fromatzok, yeah that makes sense, thanks hamster
20:53.17fromatzit works now
20:53.27wereHamster_were_ hamster!
20:53.40fromatzwerehamster =]
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20:59.59Shirikregexes: whitespace is \s?
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21:05.59CideShirik: depends on flavor I'm guessing
21:06.01Cidein python, yes
21:06.05Cidein lua, %s
21:06.40Shirikperl-compatible regexes
21:06.51Shirikso yes, pythony stuff
21:06.55Shirikand thanks
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21:18.57art3mishrm this spamfilter proxy thingy is rpetty neat
21:19.07art3misi feel kind of dirty using perl on a win2k3 server
21:20.46ShirikThere is NO REASON an operating system should have a blocking kernel call that takes more than half a second
21:20.56Shirikwhereas Microsoft decided to make one that takes 2 seconds...
21:21.06IrielBlocking on the caller or the whole OS?
21:21.16ShirikThe whole OS
21:21.18zenzelezzwhich call?
21:21.24Shirikany process that needs to get into the kernel
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21:21.31Shirikwhich is effectly them all
21:21.40Shirikzenzelezz: The call that switches to the Vista secure desktop
21:21.48ShirikIt interrupts my music :(
21:22.21IrielIs it deliberately delayed in order to thwart brute-force attacks or background attacks?
21:22.30Irieli.e. it'll have an obvious impact you can't miss
21:22.48ShirikI haven't done enough research; all I know is that my music keeps being interrupted :(
21:24.20ShirikI like Vista's security and all, UAC is nice, and the secure desktop is a good idea
21:24.24Shirikbut it needs to be faster...
21:24.35Shirikunless there really is a reason like you suggested, which may be true
21:26.31IrielOne would hope if that was the case they'd have documented it as such
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21:39.53art3misanyone know of any sites that offer free "spam testing" ?
21:40.51*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | WoW programming book | "Computers are like air conditioning. Both stop working when you open Windows(tm)!"
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21:47.40IrielAnyone in wow right now want to run a test for me?
21:47.48zenzelezzlive or test?
21:47.51kd3what do you need?
21:47.59Irielbe mounted,with no "Well Fed' bonus, then right click on a food item in your bag
21:48.17kd3sec. in the water atm
21:48.18IrielSee if you dismount, consume the food, but dont sit
21:48.38Iriellive, too
21:48.54IrielI just wasted a bunch of food because of this
21:49.11IrielIt /might/ be hunter specific, but I dunno
21:49.15kd3on ptr, mounted w/o well-fed and eating conjured food works normally
21:49.30IrielHm.. I go to eat, but stand up immediately
21:49.42kd3using real food, also works normally, get well fed as appropriate
21:50.00IrielI'll have to try some tests later without my pet out
21:51.07fromatzInfo, is that just an integer correlating to wsg 29 or 27 etc
21:52.50wereHamster~api GetBattlefieldInstance
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21:54.33fromatz~api GetBattlefieldInstanceInfo
21:56.13Shirik!ap 1629
21:56.14WoWLuaircBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1629 is, 2v2: 383, 3v3: 444, 5v5: 504
21:56.27Stanzilla!ap 1000
21:56.27WoWLuaircBotStanzilla: Arena points from a rating of 1000 is, 2v2: 177, 3v3: 205, 5v5: 234
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21:59.53Nolook~api GetBattlefieldStatus
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22:04.04Shirikwon all of our arena games this week...
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22:04.30phunkHey all
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22:07.36fromatzis there any way i can force new lines in lua?
22:08.17fromatzi have a table that pulls bg info, and then another table pulling player info inside the bg
22:08.22ShirikLMAO ok we did one extra game
22:08.27ShirikI was mad cuase we lost
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22:08.31Shirikuntil I saw the points change
22:08.34fromatzwill lua append my two tables, or seperate them
22:09.09dylanmYou're not describing this well. Maybe just pastey what you're talking about?
22:09.25dylanmOr maybe I'm dumb I don't know :)
22:09.49wereHamsterdescribe what you're trying to do..
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22:14.04phunkI have a question about removing bar textures. The names of the bars specifically. Can someone pm me so I can talk to them?
22:15.24wereHamsteryou can ask here..
22:15.31clad|awayno API changes of any kind between ptr builds on the last patch
22:16.19KasoThis channels whole purpose is for asking questions, if noone asks questions the channel cries
22:16.33phunkI'm new to this :P
22:17.03phunkBasically, I understand how to take away the textures of the "Main Bar". It works fine. One bug is: When I go stealth on a rogue, the bar textures come back in the stealth abilities bar
22:17.32dylanmYou're just doing :Hide() right?
22:17.48dylanmYou could set its :Show to a function that does nothing.
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22:18.00dylanmOften that's what you have to do.
22:18.15phunkFor example, what I have is:
22:18.15Kasothat does seem to be the solution
22:18.58KasowhateverTheFrameIsCalled:SetScript("OnShow",function() whateverTheFrameIsCalled:Hide() end)
22:19.21Kasofunction whateverTheFrameIsCalled:Show() end
22:19.29Kasothatd also do
22:20.00phunkSo you're making it auto-hide if it tries to show it under any circumstance?
22:20.17phunkRoger that.
22:20.22phunkSo like
22:20.31Kasowhat the problem you'll be having is that when you switch to sealth its "refreshing" the bar and re showing everything
22:20.55phunkMainMenuBarTexture0:SetScript("OnShow",function() MainMenuBarTexture0:Hide() end)
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22:22.10KasoIm not fully aware of the code around the mainmenubar, give it a try and see if it works
22:22.29phunkThanks my man
22:24.16fromatzwhy is BGPlayerInfo = { GetBattlefieldStatus() }  giving me BGPlayerInfo = nil
22:24.33fromatzwait i may know why
22:26.10Kasophunk, the SetScript method wont work as above
22:27.23KasoMainMenuBarTexture0 is just a texture, you can only set scripts on frames
22:27.37Kasobut you can override the Show() function on the texture
22:27.58Kasofunction() MainMenuBarTexture0:Show() --[[do nothing]] end
22:31.12purlProgramming in Lua, a book written by the authors of the Lua programming language. The first edition is available free online at and covers Lua 5.0. The second edition is available in print from most online bookstores, and covers Lua 5.1.
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22:45.27zenzelezzCairenn slacking? Tsk tsk
22:49.09zenzelezzno retort, she must really be AFK :-o
22:49.34Daedeit's all good
22:49.42Daedei haven't updated my ui in 2 months
22:49.47kd3good grief... loot lag is horrendous on the ptr right now
22:49.58Daedei doubt anybody's clicking refresh every 10 seconds waiting for a new version heh
22:50.47Daedeoh hey on a side note, i finally got my guild website up and runin and lookin quite pimpalicious if i do say so myself
22:51.59phunkadelikIt looks alright
22:52.16Daedewell, it's hella functional :)
22:52.25Daedeit's got everything we need to stay organized
22:52.26zenzelezznot bad
22:56.27foxlitOkay, exploitable question
22:56.42ScytheBlade1foxlit: this better be good
22:56.45foxlitTracking and group blips on minimap show up as children of the minimap frame, right?
22:57.00ScytheBlade1As far as we know, they're drawn directly on to the minimap
22:57.17ScytheBlade1I've poked at it, and Iriel has poked at it too on the past
22:57.34IrielThe arrows are children
22:57.38Irielbut the dots dont appear to be
22:57.39ScytheBlade1And we both came up with the same answer, independant of each other: drawn straight on the minimap, not directly accessible short of reading the pixels on the screen
22:57.42foxlitThere are about 30 different ones
22:57.55ScytheBlade1The golden dots, ie herbs/etc, are not children
22:58.02ScytheBlade1And those are usually the ones people are interested in
22:58.32ScytheBlade1be back in ~5, afk!
22:58.51Daedethats the first person ive ever seen use ~ correctly
22:59.32Daede~emulate Daede
22:59.32purlACTION farted..
22:59.32foxlitFoiled again, then
22:59.39DaedePurl say excuse me
22:59.40purlexcuse me
22:59.45purlaw, gee, Daede
23:02.09Daedealright well
23:02.20Daedeim going to watch a movie now while iw ait for my update to go through
23:02.31Daedehope for both, settle for either
23:02.36DaedePurl, you suck.
23:02.37purland very well I might add
23:02.46MentalPowerpurl sucks
23:02.47purlonly if you ask nicely and pay well.
23:02.54MentalPowerI like that one better :)
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23:05.21fromatzBGPlayerInfo = { GetBattlefieldStatus() } \\anyone know why that is nil?
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23:06.44Cidefromatz: ambiguity is interesting.
23:07.48CideI don't care
23:07.54foxlitYeah, ou're actually right :(
23:08.10Cidefromatz: "anyone know why that is nil" is ambiguous; what do you mean by "that"
23:08.22dylanmOh the battleground stuff? Talk to Shadowed maybe he wrestles with that mess.
23:08.22foxlitAll minimap children are either named or models representing arrows
23:08.40ShadowedGetBattlefieldStatus accepts an index 1-3
23:08.42foxlitPity, thought about abusing elixir of demon tracking to project illidan's eyebeams
23:08.57fromatzthat refers to the information before the comment
23:08.59Shadowed!API GetBattlefieldStatus
23:09.09Shadowed!api GetBattlefieldStatus
23:09.10WoWLuaircBotShadowed: status, mapName, instanceID, lowestlevel, highestlevel, teamSize, registeredMatch = GetBattlefieldStatus(index);  --
23:09.11fromatzBGPlayerInfo = { GetBattlefieldStatus() }
23:09.18fromatzeh index
23:09.24dylanmI thought you had some problem with it not returning the right information.
23:09.52ShadowedAlso, EoTS doesn't give you an "XX has won" message
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23:13.28fromatzok, thanks
23:14.26Cidehardcoding in the texts means it won't work for people with other client languages
23:14.49fromatzoh, im pretty new, so i'm not aware of another way =\
23:16.13dylanmCide: Pretty sure you could just use one of Blizzard's global strings.
23:16.24Cidedylanm: I don't think so
23:16.34Cideit's possible that it contains it
23:16.36dylanmI forget what it looks like.
23:16.44dylanmLooking at it now there is a VICTORY_TEXT0 = "Horde Wins";
23:16.45Cidebut the CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM event gets the raw text as its argument
23:18.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Syzgyn (
23:22.45fromatzso the index that GetBattlefieldStatus takes is the number of that game, ex. Warsong 29 the index would be 29?
23:23.40Cide<Shadowed> GetBattlefieldStatus accepts an index 1-3
23:23.47fromatzok, so the type of game then
23:23.49Cide29 is not 1-3
23:24.01ShadowedLook at the API link I gave you
23:24.02Shadowedit explains it
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23:27.05clad|awayIriel: I'm still not convinced we can't get at them SOMEHOW
23:27.11clad|awaybut i haven't found a way yet :P
23:27.28ShadowedNot sure what magic way you plan on using to find them :p
23:27.29IrielThey're not children nor regions of the Minimap (recursively)
23:27.31Shadowedgiven you can't use the nameplate trick
23:28.04ShadowedI thought it was said they're drawn directly onto the map, so it's impossible to find them
23:28.50Shirikbelieve it or not, someone HAS found a way to determine when a dot pops up
23:28.53Shirikjust not where they are
23:28.58Shadowedand hows that
23:29.02ShirikIt's fairly simple
23:29.14Shirikshrink the minimap to 1px by 1px and put it under the cursor
23:29.16ShadowedI know there was the old trick of scaling the minimap to 0.1 and putting it under the mouse, but they fixed that
23:29.23Shirikoh did they?
23:29.29Shirikthen there isn't a way :)
23:29.34Shirikwell not that I'm aware of
23:29.35Shadowedthey fixed it by making it so you have to actually move the mouse under the dot for the tooltip to show
23:29.42Shadowed(or so i'm told)
23:31.19Finhow is it possible to replace the various different dots with something else, then?
23:31.34ShirikI didn't realize that was possible
23:31.35Finactually, never mind
23:31.48Finit's definitely possible, I've got an addon that does it
23:32.13Finit's one image file for all the dots
23:32.31FinI expected it to be separate
23:32.42Shirik!c us drenden kimina
23:32.45WoWLuaircBotShirik: Kimina, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (42/19/0). 10601 HP; 10544 Mana; 235 mana regen; 98 mp5; 438 +spell dmg; 1168 +heal; 5.06% dodge; 275 resilience; 24 arcane resist;[[ TBR: 1007 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Sun Feb 24 18:42:11 2008 EST ]]
23:32.49Shirikworks for Thrae :)
23:33.22LopeppeppyThrae is a pain in the arse.  *frown*
23:33.28ShadowedBecause we have an API call for it Fin
23:33.38ShadowedOr they're just replacing the Interface/Icons/ thing
23:33.55FinShadowed: have an API call for what, sorry?
23:34.03Shadowedminimap dots
23:34.29Fin is the addon, btw
23:34.29ShadowedMinimap:SetBlipTexture - Set the file to use for blips (ObjectIcons)
23:35.05Finit's just Minimap:SetBlipTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\AlternateBlips\\ObjectIcons")
23:35.14Finthat's the entire lua file, minus a comment
23:35.39ShadowedI suppose
23:35.47Finweird, interesting, and totally useless
23:36.12Shadowedtechnically, if you could get the path of the blip texture set. You maybe able to go through all the regions/ect of every frame, and go through _G you could see if it's possible to access them
23:36.16Shirikblip blip
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23:37.24IrielShadowed: Why on earth would blizzard put them in _G ?
23:37.41Shadowedjust a random idea :p
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23:40.15kd3well that was a letdown. built the memorial to the fallen at sun's reach and nothing happened...
23:41.32IrielWhee, i've broken both test and live wow today
23:41.47ScytheBlade1Iriel: hehe, grats!
23:44.20Shirikthis is awesome
23:44.27ShirikI created an inversely transparent window
23:44.45ShirikIt is compeltely black, and every time you click on it, you actually click on whatever's behind it (be it another program, the desktop, whatever)
23:44.51Shirikbut it's there
23:44.59Shirikand I can't get rid of it><
23:45.41KalrothI'm pretty sure there's a flag to make your windows click-though, at least on Windows :)
23:45.43ShadowedIriel: Since you're here, and I figure you'd know for sure. Any way to debug what part of an addon is causing wow to crash from the crash log, or you just have to basically post it to slouken and see if he responds?
23:45.56ShirikKalroth: Well, this is Java, so no OS-specific APIs
23:45.58Shirikjust Swing
23:46.18Shirikalso, when I hit "close," I don't get the usual "This program is not responding"
23:46.19KalrothEw, that's even worse; Swing-specific ><
23:46.21Shirikit's a wierd box
23:46.30ShirikSwing is actually pretty easy-to-use Kalroth
23:46.35Shirikand obviously it can't do anything the OS doesnt' support
23:48.00IrielShadowed: I'm not sure of any obvious way, unless you can find a string in the crash log that gives it away
23:48.16Shadowedguess I'll post and hope he responds then!
23:48.30IrielShirik: Sounds like that's a bug in the swing implementation
23:48.42ShirikI've never seen it before tbh
23:48.55Shirikthough that doesn't mean it isn't a bug
23:49.47IrielWell, i'm not aware of any swing API function to create a window that's going to pass clicks through
23:50.33Shirikneither am I
23:50.38Shirikbut it also shouldn't be completely black :P
23:50.45Shirikso there's something really wrong
23:50.49ShirikI also can't close it
23:51.06ShirikI imagine I can kill the VM but that's about it
23:52.04zenzelezzomg Shirik's writing malware
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23:52.29Shirikmagical window:
23:52.39ShirikI've never seen that "close program" window before (it usually looks different) and it doesn't work anyway
23:52.45ShirikI hit "end process" and it does nothing :P
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