IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080214

00:00.14AnduinLotharyou've got to be kidding me...  FuBar uses "LibFuBarPlugin-3.0_Addon Preferences_FrameMinimapButton" as the dynamicly generated name for the minimap button
00:00.20AnduinLotharthat's the worst name ever
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00:00.56Syzgynyou're right, LFBP3APFMB is a much better name
00:01.01AnduinLotharnot only is it huge and not generated in xml, but it's got a fucking '.' in it
00:01.21Stanzillablame ckknight :P
00:01.25AnduinLotharso you can't use the same frame parsing that breaks apart tables with .
00:01.41Syzgynyeah, its all ckknights fault
00:01.56ckknightwhy would any sane person generate frames in xml?
00:02.04LopeppeppyBut... that was my doing!  *sniff*
00:02.04AnduinLotharit tries to find _G["LibFuBarPlugin-3"]["0_Addon Preferences_FrameMinimapButton"] ...
00:02.05ckknightalso, use _G
00:02.20ckknight_G["LibFuBarPlugin-3.0_Addon Preferences_FrameMinimapButton"] would work fine
00:02.35SyzgynI never understood what _G does
00:03.23Shiriklua> getfenv(0) == _G
00:03.23Shirik--> getfenv(0) == _G
00:03.23ckknightSyzgyn: it's a reference to the global table
00:03.25Shirikany time now guys
00:03.29lua_botShirik: true
00:03.29batbotShirik: > true
00:03.34Shirikow lag
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00:03.37AnduinLotharexcept then i have to rewrite the function that works for every other damn frame under the sun, but you have to be special and use a period in a global string name
00:03.46MentalPowerits getglobal without the function call
00:03.47MentalPowerlua> return getglobal("string"), _G["string"]
00:03.47MentalPower--> return getglobal("string"), _G["string"]
00:03.47lua_botMentalPower: { ["split"] = function: 0x80702e8, ["match"] = function: 0x806eeb0, ["gmatch"] = function: 0x806edd8, ["upper"] = function: 0x806ef80, ["gsub"] = function: 0x806ee10, ["format"] = function: 0x806ed68, ["lower"] = function: 0x806ee78, ["sub"] = function: 0... (result truncated)
00:03.47batbotMentalPower: @ [string " return getglobal("string"), _G["string"]"]:1: attempt to call global 'getglobal' (a nil value)
00:03.48ckknightAnduinLothar: *thumbs u*
00:04.08kergothAnduinLothar: periods are perfectly valid in a table key, you should fix your assumptions when you write something that's supposed to be generic.
00:04.27ckknightany character at all is valid
00:05.02AnduinLothar... you're missing the point
00:05.38Shirikyou're missing the period
00:05.44ckknightgood one, Shirik
00:05.49Cidewhose period?
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00:05.53CideI thought it lasted for days
00:05.55Shiriknot that period -_-
00:06.04ckknightCide: *shudder*
00:06.05AnduinLotharthe whole point is to be able to store 1 string that evaluates to a frame.
00:06.14ShirikI do see AnduinLothar's point though
00:06.20Shirikbut I'm not getting involved in this argument
00:06.59MentalPowerjust use unnamed frames and be done with it :)
00:07.04ckknightI do CreateFrame("Frame", MAJOR_VERSION .. "_Frame") in my libraries quite a bit
00:07.11ckknightMentalPower: yea, but then that provides less debugging info
00:07.18ckknightwhich is the only reason why I have names
00:07.21ckknighttruth be told
00:07.26AnduinLotharand i've never before seen any frame name with a period in it. plus period is already the syntax for indexing a table so it's just downright confusing to use periods or spaces in frame names or tble indexes
00:07.43ckknightAnduinLothar: or dashes? can't use that in normal access
00:08.05ckknightAlpha-Bravo is subtraction, but _G["Alpha-Bravo"] references a frame fine
00:08.10AnduinLotharthose are characters that break the syntactic sugar
00:08.21AnduinLotharso why use them?
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00:08.30ckknightbecause they're already part of MAJOR_VERSION
00:08.33AnduinLotharwhy not jsut use underscore liek everyone else
00:08.38batrickmaybe because he doesn't intend to use the syntactic sugar?
00:09.02AnduinLotharhe doesn't, but whatabout everyone else that writes addons that may interact with his?
00:09.05ckknightyea, it's not something that needs to mess with syntactic sugar
00:09.16MentalPowerfunction sanitize(str) return str:gsub("[%.%-%s]", "_") end
00:09.19ckknightthose people should be properly doing _G[frame:GetName()] or whatever
00:09.35ckknightwhatever the name may be
00:09.47batrickthis is a pretty silly thing to argue over
00:09.53MentalPowerckknight: that will error if the frame has no name :)
00:10.17AnduinLotharfine, then tell me how to make a string that can index a non-global frame without using a character that can be used in names
00:10.49batrickya uh, what?
00:10.51ckknightwhy are you indexing a non-global frame?
00:11.03ckknightto what end?
00:11.11AnduinLotharthere are plenty of frames that do not have global names that you need to be able to access
00:11.32ckknightand you can't do _G["LibFuBarPlugin-3.0_Addon Preferences_FrameMinimapButton"].frame?
00:11.40Cideimo: f = loadstring("return "..str); setfenv(f, { stuff })
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00:12.05ckknightyea, that'd work fine, Cide
00:12.20AnduinLotharboth of those require 2 strings, not 1
00:12.39ckknightcide's doesn't...
00:12.54ckknightwhat if you were to store '_G["LibFuBarPlugin-3.0_Addon Preferences_FrameMinimapButton"].frame'?
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00:12.58MentalPowercide's requires a closure
00:13.00AnduinLotharyes it does. i have to be able to get the value of stuff from "stuff"
00:13.03*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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00:14.48ckknightI'm filing this under the "not my problem" category. Sorry.
00:15.06AnduinLotharthat was my point to begin with. you don't follow conventions
00:15.15AnduinLotharyou make up your own
00:15.43ckknightwould you rather I have the name be nil?
00:15.45kergothImo, If you assume that people are always going to use _ as a seperator, that's your problem for making such an assumption.
00:15.46ckknightI could do that
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00:16.15AnduinLotharfine then, make it nil
00:18.09ckknightbut why should I bother? it provides nice debug info for people who want it
00:18.28ckknightand it would just make it so it can't be referenced anywhere
00:18.39AnduinLotharso you're perfectly willing to add extra information for debugging but not interoperability?
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00:21.05Shirikkergoth: I don't think that's a fair statement
00:21.50ShirikIs it unfair for me to make an assumption that ethernet will packets always have the 8 byte preamble? If it's a standard, even an informal one, that doesn't mean it's wrong to assume it will be used
00:21.56ShirikThat's also not to say people shouldn't try new things
00:22.59SyzgynI dont think theres even an informal standard on frame names though
00:23.15AnduinLotharblizzard's standard is _ sepperators
00:23.18kergothA frame name is a string, to assume anything about the content of that string is just silly.
00:23.36ckknightthere is no real standard for it, and requesting that it doesn't have '.' is kind of arbitrary, especially since you can make frames that have '.' in them
00:24.13AnduinLothardoes it work to say local a.b = "c" ?
00:24.28AnduinLotharit doesn't assign it to _G["a.b"] = "c"
00:24.56ckknightsyntax error on your first line
00:25.01ckknightno syntax error on the second
00:25.05ckknightthe second is _perfectly_ fine
00:25.13AnduinLotharright but the first is more common
00:25.55AnduinLotharand why not pick a variable name that doesn't work for both?
00:26.06ckknightjust because something is a common belief or practice doesn't make it penultimately right
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00:27.29AnduinLotharok, so give me an example of another way to index a non-global variable with only the input of a single string
00:27.59AnduinLotharor even any two strings that satisfies more than 1 level deep
00:28.28ckknightlocal str = [=[_G["Zomg hai thar"].var]=]
00:28.34ckknightthat's a single string
00:28.48ckknightlocal func = loadstring("return " .. str)
00:28.56AnduinLotharexcept you're assuming you can hardcode the var name
00:29.04ckknightvar name?
00:29.49ckknightlocal str = "Zomg hai thar"
00:29.56ckknightlocal frame = _G[str].var
00:30.07AnduinLotharyou're hardcoding .var
00:30.11ckknightor what?
00:30.19ckknightdude, I don't know what you're asking, then
00:30.27ShirikHe wants something like
00:30.31ckknightlocal str = "Zomg hai thar"
00:30.38Shiriklocal str = "Zomg hai thar.var"; local frame = _G[str]
00:30.39ckknightlocal var = "mai fraem"
00:30.40Shirikobviously that won't work
00:30.43ckknightlocal frame = _G[str][var]
00:30.52ckknightShirik: right
00:31.12ckknightwhere is he getting "Zomg hai thar.var" from, though?
00:31.15dylanmWhat do we want here?
00:31.16AnduinLothar_G[str][var] uses 2 strings. but what if it's more than 2 deep?
00:31.18ckknightwhere is the input string coming from?
00:31.31ckknightAnduinLothar: then you use local func = loadstring("return " .. str)
00:31.34ckknightas I already told you
00:31.49ckknightand use a proper _G reference
00:31.52AnduinLotharnot if it has a period in it
00:31.53Shirikbtw, I have determined that with the amount of current flowing through this device, assuming 100% power dissipation (not true), and that the device is approximately 1.5g
00:32.04ckknightAnduinLothar: make your input string better, that's what I'm saying
00:32.05ShirikThis thing has a specific heat capacity of 5J/gK
00:32.11ckknightinstead of relying on dots
00:32.13AnduinLotharyou are giving me the input sting
00:32.21ckknightam I?
00:32.21Shirikwhich either means it's made of helium or something's seriously wrong
00:32.24AnduinLotharby definine it with a period in the name
00:32.43AnduinLothar"LibFuBarPlugin-3.0_Addon Preferences_FrameMinimapButton" is the input string
00:32.44ckknightlocal x = [=[["Zomg hai thar"]["var"]]=]
00:32.49AnduinLotharhow do i get the value of the frame
00:32.49ckknightwhy is that the input string?
00:32.53ckknightget a better input string
00:32.57AnduinLotharbecause that's what you named it
00:33.00ckknighttake it in better, I mean
00:33.17ckknightfuck this, this is your problem, I've tried to help but you've been of no help and have just been whining
00:33.42AnduinLotharit's not possible. you HAVE to assume 1 character that you can split with
00:33.42Shirikok guys no need to get hostile :) We're all friends here
00:33.55ckknightAnduinLothar: and I've told you that you don't
00:33.58CideShirik: wrong. I hate you.
00:33.59dylanmAnduinLothar: Could you restate the problem
00:34.03ScytheBlade1Shirik: I hate you.
00:34.15AnduinLotharckk made a frame named "LibFuBarPlugin-3.0_Addon Preferences_FrameMinimapButton"
00:34.33AnduinLothari need to acess it from 1 reference
00:34.36AnduinLothara string
00:34.38AnduinLothar"LibFuBarPlugin-3.0_Addon Preferences_FrameMinimapButton"
00:34.49ckknightinstead of saving it as "frame1.frame2.frame3", save it as [=[["frame1"]["frame2"]["frame3"]]=]
00:35.13ckknightor more specifically ([=[[%q][%q][%q]]=]):format("frame1", "frame2", "frame3")
00:35.14AnduinLotharthat's a string?
00:35.34Cide>>> [=[abc]=]
00:35.34CideCide: "abc"
00:35.37Shirik[=[ is just like [[, but it must be terminated ]=]
00:35.43Shirikyou can have an infinite number of = in there
00:35.47Shirikthey just have to match
00:35.49dylanmAs long as the match.
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00:35.57dylanmWhich is kinda cool.
00:36.06AnduinLotharwhy not just use [[ ?
00:36.08ShirikCide used to have a bug with that
00:36.10Cidecan you really have an *infinite* number?
00:36.14CideShirik: I did?
00:36.16ShirikAnduinLothar: You'd terminate prematurely
00:36.23Shiriklook at the last element
00:36.39Shirikyou would cut off early and then hit a syntax error
00:36.43ckknightAnduinLothar: so glad you've actually read the pil within the past year
00:37.02Cide>>> loadstring(("return [%s[a]%s]"):format(("="):rep(10^6), ("="):rep(10^6)))()
00:37.02CideCide: "a"
00:37.25ShirikCide: I seem to remember your file containing a block like that
00:37.27Cide>>> loadstring(("return [%s[a]%s]"):format(("="):rep(10^99), ("="):rep(10^99)))()
00:37.27CideCide: "a"
00:37.34CideShirik: doesn't make it a bug ;)
00:37.38Shirikand hitting it would break out of your secure environment or something
00:37.52Cidenope, because python replaces it with another string identifier :P
00:37.59Cidebut yes, otherwise you're right
00:38.03ShirikI forget what it was, but something broke
00:39.03alestaneObfuscated C is tough but Obfuscated Lua is pretty dang confusing.
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00:40.13wereHamsteralestane, how can you obfuscate lua? in C you have at least #defines that make obfuscation somewhat easy
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00:40.31Shirikgo look at preformav :)
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00:40.56Shiriknot a really good example, but an example nonetheless
00:40.56wereHamsteris that an addon?
00:41.21dylanmFor Horde only yo.
00:41.26Shirik~dict forum
00:41.35Shirik~dict 2 forum
00:41.36alestanewereHamster: Cide's loadstring example above is a good place to start.
00:41.51Shirik~dict 3 forum
00:42.26wereHamsteralestane, that's pretty straight forward for me.. unlike some of the code from the 'obfuscated C contest', and I've been coding C for some years..
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00:42.44Cide10^99x "=" is a lot of characters
00:43.00Shirik10^99 of them to be exact
00:43.09Cidewhat? :P
00:43.19Cide10^99 x "=" meaning 10^99 of them
00:44.35Shirikok, let's just stop this conversation :)
00:45.01Cideprolly a good idea
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00:47.12Cidegood night
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00:49.29Lunessa~staple |Jelly|
00:49.29purlACTION attaches a staple gun to a pneumatic nail gun via duct tape, staples |Jelly| quite well, and hands |Jelly| to lunessa
00:49.42art3misthats a pretty good stapler
00:49.58LopeppeppyCan I borrow that?!?
00:50.12art3misits not easy to staple jelly
00:52.11LopeppeppyI can practice.
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00:55.58LunessaDamn it Scotty, I need more staples!
00:57.43LopeppeppyAll your staples are belong to me.
00:59.27LunessaYes, yes they do.  I even offered to buy them back.  *cries*
00:59.53LopeppeppyNeeds different currency.
01:02.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
01:02.36Lunessa... bow chikka bow-wow!
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01:03.29LopeppeppyExchange rates negotiated.
01:05.53WobWorkI'm here to clean the pool!
01:06.03Lopeppeppyoooh, that's good to.
01:10.09Shirik!co us drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
01:10.14ThraeBotShirik: Kimina vs Jelly! Two 70 priests compare their stat differences; 42/19/0 vs 18/43/0; Kimina ++3070 HP; Jelly ++170 +healing; Jelly ++80 +spelldmg; Kimina ++24 arcane resist; Kimina ++511 Armour; Kimina ++213 Mana; Jelly ++19 mana regen; Kimina ++76 resilience; Kimina ++21 spell crit; Jelly ++20 mp5; Kimina has 7% more stats then Jelly.
01:10.30Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
01:11.12Syzgynthats neat
01:11.16Shirikany time now thrae
01:11.20Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
01:12.38Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us burning legion jelly
01:12.40ThraeBotShirik: Kimina vs Jelly! Two 70 priests square off!; 42/19/0 vs 18/43/0; Kimina wins by 58 TBRs!
01:12.43Shirikthank you...
01:15.20purlwell, tbr is ThraeBot Ratings -- a ThraeBot innovation. Working on a PvP-oriented weighted algorithm for what stats the Armoury currently has for your character, partially modified by build-type, it can be used to pit two characters in TBR vs TBR combat, and tries try to take into account which classes are fighting. (or "to be released")
01:19.36ShirikOkay my friend here doesn't believe me so I'll ask you guys for confirmation
01:19.48Shirikare human females fat compared to blood elves?
01:20.02LopeppeppyThe human body type is more plump than the blood elven, yes.
01:20.02kd3belves are anorexic
01:20.15LopeppeppyNeed to eat a sammich or twenty.
01:21.12LunessaAll the eleven models are strangely attenuated and thin.
01:21.22LunessaBut the human females don't look fat to me.
01:22.06LopeppeppyNor to me.  I have bad thoughts about the belves, not the humans.
01:22.48Shirikabout the guys or the girls, Lopeppeppy?
01:22.52kamdisexcept for the outrageously broad shoulders of the human males.  The females are alright though.
01:22.56Shirik(sorry, friend wanted to know)
01:24.28LopeppeppyBoth, shirik.  I find nothing attractive about either model of belf.
01:24.49batricki don't think we'd expect you to Lopeppeppy :)
01:24.57Shirikthen what were the "bad thoughts" ?
01:25.08Shiriksorry I'll leave you alone :) should accept a table to fill optionally instead of creating a new one
01:25.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Drool (
01:25.51Shirikyou can hook it to do so :)
01:26.04Shirikwell, maybe not easily, but it's possible
01:27.00batrickcare to elaborate?
01:27.13Shirikmaybe replace is a better word
01:27.14Shiriknot hook :)
01:27.45batricknot without heavy string parsing which is just as bad in the end
01:27.58AnduinLotharJoshBorke: what's LegoBlock come with?
01:28.12Shiriknot really
01:28.15Shirikyou can just insert a few lines
01:28.31batrickare you talking about modifying the C function or making a Lua function?
01:28.36ShirikI'm not looking at the source right now, but surely creates a table somewhere
01:28.39Shirikmodifying the C function
01:28.49batrickwell of course you could dothat :P
01:29.03Shirikthen what are you arguing with me for :D
01:29.06batricki'm saying it should be in the core
01:29.13Shirikmake your own Lua
01:29.15Shirikyou can call it
01:29.17JoshBorkeAnduinLothar: timeblock
01:29.24AnduinLotharJoshBorke: that it?
01:29.27JoshBorkeit's also available on wowi
01:29.38JoshBorkeAnduinLothar: um, kergoth wrote one
01:29.39ShirikAnd we can be sure it's secure because you're the one who finds all the segfaults
01:29.40JoshBorkeit's not in heavy use
01:29.44AnduinLotharahh, you should add the wowi link to wowwiki
01:29.52JoshBorkegood idea
01:31.01AnduinLothardo you use it yourself?
01:31.14JoshBorkei used it for TimeBLock
01:31.21JoshBorkebut i've been too lazy to do anything else with it
01:31.29AnduinLotharis there an availible OnClick handler?
01:31.31JoshBorkethere's talk on the wowace forums about a data broker
01:31.34art3miswhats the /cast to make piggies?
01:31.42ShirikPolymorph (pig) iirc
01:31.50art3misdata broker?
01:32.03JoshBorkeso i'd probably add support for that
01:32.09AnduinLotharis LegoBlock embeddable?
01:32.18JoshBorkeAnduinLothar: yes
01:32.22Mr_Rabies2they changed poly i thought
01:32.25LunessaPolymorph(Rank 1: Pig)
01:32.34art3misonly inthe BottomOfFeet Lib while it's running InTheDark
01:32.34Mr_Rabies2to like Polymorphyeahthat
01:32.37Shirikwhat Lunessa said
01:32.53AnduinLotharcool. I'm thinking of writing a Wardrobe display. just need it to be clickable, that possible?
01:33.17JoshBorkeyea, almost positive
01:34.15purlI'm ignoring you now.
01:34.17JoshBorkeyea, OnClick is free to be used
01:34.23AnduinLotharwhy's the folder name so long and not just LegoBlock ?
01:34.28purlNo, really, STOP!
01:34.37purl~~~~~~~~~~~ are YOU READY?????????? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
01:34.51kergothwrt legoblock, there's timeblock, friendsblock, guildblock, shadowed did that weapon speed one, perfblock, some others that i cant remember
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01:35.24kergothperfblock was the little one i did w/ mem/fps/blah
01:35.46JoshBorkeAnduinLothar: it's just how we tag the releases
01:35.47Shirikif there's a friendsblock there should be a blockblock
01:35.47kergothisn't tek's controlfreak a lego? i cant remember
01:35.51Shirikhelps you manage your ignore list
01:36.21JoshBorkeused to be kergoth, but isn't anymore
01:36.40JoshBorkeAnduinLothar: only the zip file is named that
01:36.59AnduinLotharit unzips to "LegoBlock-Beta1-r144"
01:37.08AnduinLotharand includes the .svn folder
01:37.25JoshBorkefrom wowi?
01:37.49art3misauctioneer stores all its data in the wtf right?
01:37.57art3miscuz addons cant right to the addon directory?
01:37.59JoshBorkehuh, i uploaded one to google?
01:38.06JoshBorkeman it's been a while since i touched it
01:38.21AnduinLothargoogle code is the link from wowwiki
01:38.31JoshBorkethanks for this anduion
01:38.39JoshBorkeno one has really asked me or talked to me about it ever
01:38.54AnduinLothari was just looking for a fubar replacement
01:38.58AnduinLotharsomething simple
01:39.14AnduinLotharis there a way to normalize width or height for blocks that are stuck together?
01:39.19art3misfubar replacement?
01:39.50JoshBorkeonce block can't tell another block how to behave, no
01:40.12art3misbut you could build fubar like stand alones in each block?
01:40.16AnduinLotharit'd be a cool feature. normalize to the widest or heighest in a row/collumn
01:41.08AnduinLotharor maybe even some resizablility given a min width/height
01:41.14art3misheh a "grid" that you can "turn on" blocks, in keeping with the lego theme in 2 4 6 8 10 12 sizes
01:41.50AnduinLothari'm thinking more like rows or collumns, i'm not a fan of grids on my screen
01:41.57AnduinLotharbut the idea is similar
01:42.20art3misoh tis an invisible grid except in config
01:42.26art3misthe unselected ones go away
01:42.40art3misso you can build shapes n stuff'
01:42.53AnduinLotharthe tricky part is to make it normalize smartly
01:43.15art3misand by selecting the connected blocks they join
01:43.18JoshBorkei'm thinking about adding a grouping feature
01:43.20AnduinLotharso you could have 2 short and 1 high in the same collumn and normalize
01:43.27art3misand you can inherit thier settings ie background font etc
01:43.29JoshBorkeie you register your block to be part of some arbitrary group
01:43.38JoshBorkeand if the blocks are connected then the height/width are normalized
01:44.09AnduinLothareh, i think it probably needs to be on the fly so users can just drag groups together and have it just work
01:45.17AnduinLotharthink you could wip something like that up Josh?
01:45.30AnduinLotharneed more input?
01:46.00JoshBorkewould you mind jira'ing it?
01:46.13JoshBorkeor google code issue, either way, i put a link to jira on the wowwiki page
01:46.26JoshBorkei need to get myself familiar with the grouping code again and look over it
01:49.42AnduinLotharhave to login to post?
01:50.22AnduinLotharlooks like my user accoutn was deleted
01:52.04JoshBorkepost to gcode then
01:52.05JoshBorkeor to wowi and i'll proxy it
01:52.53JoshBorkeraiding SSC so i'm not really paying a ton of attention anywhere
01:52.57AnduinLothareh, i sometimes post on wowace forums, i'll just make a new one
01:53.23JoshBorkejust post and say orionshock is dumb any time he posts something
01:54.49Shadowedif you mention orionshock, dumb is implied
01:55.34Shirikmy apologies, he is no longer authorized to use the keyboard
01:55.37Shirikhave a good day :)
02:03.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=shirik@
02:03.28LunessaGot another meeting, Tom; maybe we could wrap it up?
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02:09.00Shirik|Ecoleanyone who knows C
02:09.07Shirik|Ecolewhat's wrong with this line? void (*fn)() = (void (*fn)())s;
02:09.13Shirik|Ecole(s is a char*, please don't ask)
02:09.58Shirik|Ecolenm figured it out
02:10.02Shirik|Ecolethe second fn shouldn't be there >.>
02:10.32LunessaThat's what I love about Shirik|Ecole - he asks a question and then answers it before I look at the question.
02:13.07Lunessa~comfort Shirik|Ecole
02:13.08purlThere, there, Shirik|Ecole.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
02:14.31Shirik|EcoleI just killed my server too
02:14.57Shirik|Ecoletime for lish to save me again, ScytheBlade1!
02:15.59batrickRecently while going through an airport, President Bush saw a man with long gray hair, wearing a white robe and sandals, holding a staff.
02:16.03batrickPresident Bush went up to the man and said, 'Has anyone told you that you look like Moses?' The man never answered. He just kept staring straight ahead.
02:16.09batrickBush pulled a Secret Service agent aside and, pointing to the robed man, asked, 'Am I crazy, or does that man not look like Moses to you?' The Secret Service agent looked at the man and agreed.
02:16.25batrick'Well,' said the President, 'every time I say his name he ignores me and stares straight ahead, refusing to speak. Watch! ' Again he yelled, 'Moses!' and again the man ignored him.
02:16.29batrickThe Secret Service agent went up to the man and whispered, 'You look just like Moses. Are you Moses?' The man leaned over and whispered ... 'Yes, I am Moses. But the last time I talked to a bush I spent 40 years wandering in the desert and ended up leading my people to the only spot in the entire Middle East where there is no oil.'
02:17.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
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02:23.24KasoIs it possible to rebind the screenshot key in windows
02:23.35AnduinLotharis in mac
02:23.37Corrodiasthese teleporting Guardians on the Lurker can be maddening
02:23.42CorrodiasSO distruptive
02:24.02KasoMac is my issue, ive got a mac keyboard on windows and i have no screenshot key :<
02:24.10Kasowanna bind f13 to screenshot in windows
02:24.52Shirik|EcoleI know it's possible
02:24.56Shirik|Ecolebecause they do it at my school
02:24.59Shirik|Ecoleexactly how it works, I'm not sure
02:25.08CorrodiasMOTHER shitter
02:25.16Corrodiasteleporting guardians totally ruined our attempt here
02:25.17Kasoi assume theres something in registrary i  can fiddle with somewhere
02:25.34AnduinLotharin wow you mean or in windows?
02:25.42Kasoin windows
02:25.47AnduinLotharoh i dunno then
02:25.49AnduinLothargoogle it
02:26.06Kasoi have been, its not being much helpful otehr than a couple third party programs
02:26.13Kasoperhaps its impossible be default
02:26.26LunessaAre you bootcamp-ing to Windows?
02:26.45LunessaOr just using the keyboard on another machine?
02:26.51KasoNope, just using mac keyboard
02:26.55Kasoi like the feel of them
02:27.14LunessaYeah, don't know what to tell you then.  I'd look around for a utility.
02:27.32AnduinLothardoesn't it map to another key?
02:28.04Kasonope, it just vanishes
02:28.07AnduinLotharlatest keyboard or the previous one?
02:28.38Kasoumm i think it might be the previous one, its wired, do they still sell those?
02:29.02AnduinLotharcurrent ones are ultrathin allum white wite keys
02:29.13AnduinLotharprev is deep white keys clear case
02:29.18Kasothat one
02:29.34AnduinLothari have 2 or 3 of those
02:29.45AnduinLothartry the help button
02:31.06AnduinLothari believe it maps to prnt scrn
02:31.36Kasonore f13-16
02:33.57KasoWell this works, though crappy programming makes it not accept my f13 but ill cope
02:34.34AnduinLotharcan you set it to the help button?
02:36.14KasoIt'll only accept modifier + help
02:36.24Kasocos its already bound to Insert apparently
02:36.37AnduinLotharah, right
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02:48.42Shirik|EcoleDIE Shirik|AFK!!
02:48.42Shirik|Ecoleok don't die
02:48.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|AFK (
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02:49.37Lunessanet splits how i <3 thee.
02:49.52LopeppeppyI do love some red text filling my screen.
02:50.52*** join/#wowi-lounge haste ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:51.03KeiasOrange for me
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02:51.06KeiasWhich is the far superior color
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02:51.22Shirik|Ecolegrey, dark blue, and black
02:51.26Shirik|Ecolebut more importantly, all on one line
02:51.31Shirik|Ecole(21:47:32)  -› Netsplit ( ‹-› 36 quits: MrUseful, Stanzilla, Matrix110, nevcairiel, zenzelezz, Nom-, Dagron, Nechckn, Garoun|Loupana, Fin, Cairenn|afk, a^i`SmaN, batbot, Kaso, Sixen, pastamancer, sioraiocht, phetips, kandoko, norgs, kaiden, Olison, haste, Legorol, geometrix, WobWork, sysrage, Mr_Rabies, Wilbur, ven, clad|office, [Ammo], Xinhuan, DuTempete, lua_bot, Dotted
02:52.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Dotted (
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02:58.02batrickbatbot is gone :(
02:58.35LopeppeppyAgain?   Murdered?
02:58.49batricknah netsplit
02:58.51batricki think
03:00.44batrickis it possible to put a youtube video on loop
03:02.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Nechckn (
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03:12.01Shirik|EcoleThis is going to sound like a stupid question
03:12.17Shirik|EcoleReferenced from ground of a serial pin
03:12.32Shirik|Ecoleis a logic high 5V or 0V? (Thus is the logic low 0V or -5V?)
03:13.32Nechcknit depends if it's a pnp or npn transistor if memory serves...
03:14.29Shirik|Ecolethere has to be a standard
03:14.36Shirik|Ecoletwo devices can't "guess" what the other device is going to be
03:15.22batrickhigh is 5v, low would be -5v
03:15.29Nechcknoh indeed... it's just that one operates the "correct" way and the next opposite.  I believe it's +5 and -5 for the two states
03:15.57Shirik|Ecoleaccording to my scope, the states are either 5V and 0V or 0V and -5V
03:16.00Shirik|Ecolenot 5V and -5V
03:16.16Shirik|Ecolejust the two devices are disagreeing on what exactly they should be, and I'm thinking somehow I don't have them grounded properly
03:17.15batrickthe idea is transistor switching is done when voltage is lowest to reduce current spikes
03:18.35Shirik|EcoleI see the problem
03:18.38Shirik|Ecolethey disagree on the standard :)
03:18.48Shirik|EcoleRS-232 specifies -5V like you guys said
03:18.53Shirik|Ecole(and 5V)
03:19.06Shirik|EcoleLogic level serial (which is what my other devices are using) specifies 0V and 5V
03:20.36*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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03:31.01batricklong fuckin netsplit
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03:34.36LunessaHey there, cookie?
03:46.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Bibi` (
03:51.23Antiarcgetglobal("foo") is the same as _G["foo"]
03:51.32AntiarcThat conversation was yesterday
03:51.34SixenKD3, what PTR did you copy to?
03:51.35AntiarcMassive scrollbar fail
03:51.45SixenMmm, alright.
03:51.57Antiarc \o/
03:52.42SixenQueue is still full.
03:53.02kd3they're only copying chars 12 hours a day
03:53.27SixenI see.
03:54.06SixenKayDeThree, right?
03:54.31kd3nah, got my full name this time. Kaydeethree
03:54.41*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
03:54.45SixenAh, kay.
03:55.39GuillotineAntiarc: o.O
03:55.44Guillotinewhat mod is that?
03:55.50AntiarcGuillotine: Mod I wrote today
03:55.59Guillotineme likeyu
03:56.06AntiarcI put it on wowace if you want to see the source
03:56.09AntiarcName's MobSpells
03:56.38Guillotinetheres no way to get the UID of a target, is there?
03:57.28AntiarcLook at LibGUIDRegistry in wowace branches
03:57.38AntiarcIt does caching to provide those sorts of things
03:58.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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03:58.05Guillotineyah, thats what I figured I might have to do :(
03:58.34*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
03:58.55AntiarcThere is a flag set if the generator of a combat event is your target or focus
03:59.01AntiarcSo you just have to cache that and clear when you swap target/focus
03:59.22Shirik|Ecolebatrick, did you take EE 2? (Op amps, etc?)
03:59.41GuillotineAntiarc: yah, but we can't get it out of combat or for quest givers, ect. :/
03:59.47AntiarcRight :(
04:03.18Guillotinehmmm... someone has to try going into MC and playing with the core hounds or SSC and play with the bog lords
04:03.27Guillotineand see if we can figure out what abilities they have from the UID
04:03.42GuillotineI'm wondering if theres some sort of suffix that means something rather than just random
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04:12.57WobWorkYou wacky americans =P
04:13.50WobWork"Howell dubs his technique "fierce data cloud." His prize for winning was a $50 gift certificate for dinner at a local Italian restaurant."
04:15.49Gngskthat's a neat article
04:16.49*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
04:17.08Lunessahey - free food.
04:17.26Cairennweird that a small group of us got netsplit from here and lasted for over an hour, I only got back on by reconnecting entirely
04:22.02WobWorkIt's a plot
04:22.15AntiarcGuillotine: Idea! If you buff a quest giver, you can get their NPC ID
04:22.22IrielMaybe it wasn't a netsplit? Maybe your connections were abducted by aliens
04:22.35GuillotineAntiarc: thats actually a really good idea
04:22.55GuillotineAntiarc: wouldn't work for everyone, but for any spell caster
04:22.56LunessaAliens 'probed' Cairenn's connection?  oooo!
04:23.17Keiasconnection is what you're calling it these days?
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04:24.16NightHawkTheSanewell, more likely, aliens probed her ports... >.>
04:24.37NechcknNope... Cairenn and the rest of us were targets of the same underwater super sub used by the Greys to cut the other fibers... for seriously!
04:25.09Guillotinespeaking of which
04:25.17Guillotinesomeone came into the Conspiracy addon IRC channel
04:25.22Guillotineand thought it was about conspiracies
04:25.30Cairennlol, of course they did
04:25.33Guillotineand started talking about how the government was trying to poison us with flouride
04:25.57Guillotine(6:42:50 PM) AntiLiberal: Fluoride is poison!
04:25.57Guillotine(6:43:05 PM) AntiLiberal: Those in power have conspired to poison us all
04:25.57Guillotine(6:43:10 PM) AntiLiberal: dumb us down
04:25.57Guillotine(6:43:32 PM) AntiLiberal: make us passive, non-territorial and easy to bend to the will of others.
04:25.58Guillotine(6:43:54 PM) AntiLiberal: Ruin our bones and teeth
04:26.14Guillotinehis views intrigue me
04:26.29LunessaI wish to subscribe to his newsletter.
04:26.32NechcknSo they thought it was a place for the "others" to talk about ways to addon more cover stories?  perhaps.. eesh.
04:26.34*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
04:27.25NechcknAboveTopSecret actually is a sort of "middle ground" site, with some interesting/intriguing stuff- with only a small bit of crazies
04:27.53*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
04:29.39IrielXinhuan: I fear you may be drinkin' the crazy-juice
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04:31.19CidanGuillotine: It happens all the time, :/
04:31.34CidanIt sucks hard core.
04:31.40Guillotinehmm, first time I've seen it in about 2 weeks
04:31.50Guillotinebut this guy was really funny :P
04:32.28LunessaI am not a number; I'm a free man!
04:32.42LunessaWork day is over.
04:32.49LunessaCiao tutti.
04:32.58IrielAnyone counted how many args (max) an event has in 2.4?
04:33.24Syzgynwhat event?
04:33.29Syzgynthe combat log one?
04:33.36IrielWhichever has most args 8-)
04:33.40Irielarg11 is the highest I can see
04:33.55SyzgynCOMBAT_LOG_EVENT pushes more than that depending on the event
04:34.04IrielMore than 11?
04:34.35Syzgynup to 19
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04:35.36JoshBorkeso that's 8 + 3 + 8?
04:36.02SyzgynIrel: whats that?
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04:36.41IrielWell, I try not to do memory allocation on every event, so I pre-allocate places to hold data
04:36.48Irielthe existing code holds up to arg9
04:36.55Irielsince no event ever went past that before
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04:37.01Irielthis makes it trickier
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04:43.06SyzgynI love running through Kara with a decked out group
04:43.28ScytheBlade1I don't. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
04:43.41Syzgynnono, see
04:43.53Syzgynwe just did a full clear in 1:50
04:44.11ScytheBlade1Animal boss
04:44.25Syzgyneverything else
04:44.29ScytheBlade1Not a full clear! kekekeke
04:44.30Syzgynlongest fight was nightbane at 6min
04:44.47Syzgynprince was 3:15, everything else was 1-2 min
04:44.58ScytheBlade1What gear level are you at?
04:45.17Syzgyneverything in T5 dead except kael
04:46.05ScytheBlade1That's somewhat impressive, all things considered
04:46.06ScytheBlade1Nicely done
04:46.12Syzgynthanks :)
04:46.31SyzgynI managed to get the 2nd blue beam on netherspite, 12k execute crits
04:48.07ScytheBlade1haha nice
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04:58.23Cairennckknight: ping?
04:58.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (
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05:00.55Guillotinecode monkey get up get coffee. Code monkey go to job. Code monkey have boring meeting, with boring manager rob. Rob say code monkey very diligent, but his output stink. His code not functional or elegant, what do Code monkey think?
05:01.12AntiarcCode monkey think maybe manager want to write goddam login page himself.
05:01.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
05:01.26Antiarc<3 Coulton
05:01.28Guillotinecode monkey not say it out loud. Code monkey not crazy just proud
05:01.44Guillotineindeed <3
05:02.10Guillotinehim and Munroe are my heroes
05:05.05art3misyay \o/
05:05.07SixenAre fun.
05:06.01AntiarcBoobies are pretty awesome
05:08.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
05:08.41art3misff3b3 is pissing me off
05:08.58art3missomehwere it started filling in bookmarks from typing words
05:09.02art3misin the url bar
05:09.11art3misand the setting thats supposed to turn it off doesnt
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05:59.41art3misregex question
06:00.03art3miswhat would the regex be to change >WoodenMallet< to >Wooden Mallet< ?
06:00.22art3misbasically insert a space before the capital in the middle of a string
06:00.31Iriels/([a-z])([A-Z])/%1 %2/
06:00.34Irielor something like that
06:00.40Irieldepends on your language, etc
06:01.22art3miswell lets see if that works ;P
06:01.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
06:01.36Cairennhey Kaelten :)
06:01.56art3mishrm nope
06:02.07art3misthe search works fine but the inserting doesnt
06:02.43Kaeltenhows it goin?
06:03.34Cairenngood, you?
06:03.34GuillotineAnybody here understand Russian? We got a report for an AddOn, but the report is in Russian :(
06:03.49AntiarcRotate the glyphs 90 degrees and view it in a mirror
06:03.53AntiarcVoila, english
06:04.07art3misanyone else got an idea for the regex s&r ?
06:05.01Tierrie_I know regexps
06:05.04Tierrie_Whats your question
06:05.13Tierrie_I see
06:05.52Irielart3mis: What language are you doing that in?
06:05.54art3misthe a-z A-Z works to find them, but %1 %2 doesnt break the string into two
06:06.03kd3antiarc; you need high-level testers for threat still?
06:06.16Tierrie_([a-z])([A-Z])/$1 $2
06:06.26Antiarckd3: I mostly just need high-level characters so I can test certain stuff
06:06.35AntiarcRighteous Defense, Vampiric Embrace, Vamp Touch, FD
06:06.38art3mis</Ites/([a-z])([A-Z])/%1 %2/D> was the test
06:06.49kd3bah, can't help with any of those. all I've got is my mage on the PTR
06:06.52art3misdoing it with perl
06:07.06AntiarcAh well. Thanks for the offer anyhow :)
06:07.07Tierrie_then what I just said should work art3mis
06:07.22art3misTierrie_: thats also what iriel said
06:07.27Tierrie_oh right
06:07.28art3misand whats displayed there
06:07.32art3misand it doesnt ;P
06:08.04Irielperl -e '$x = 'offColor' ; $x =~ s/([a-z])([A-Z])/$1 $2/g; print $x; '
06:08.09IrielWorks perfectly
06:08.32IrielI'll note you didn't specify a language at first so expecting what I said to work without adaptation was silly 8-)
06:09.26AntiarcOh, hot
06:09.34AntiarcA guildmate got his priest/paladin transferred
06:09.38AntiarcSo he's letting me use the account
06:10.01Guillotineno, Ace
06:10.52kd3any other combat log mods we know work on the PTR yet?
06:11.00AntiarcLike what?
06:11.11AntiarcI wrote MobSpells which is pretty hot and uses the combat log data :D
06:11.12kd3I dunno. anything. guess getting Parser to work would be first
06:11.18Shirik\Ecole!google db9 pinout
06:11.19batbotShirik\Ecole: RS232 serial cable pinout information <>
06:11.40*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | WoW programming book | Happy Valentine's Day!
06:11.55Antiarcs/Valentine's/Singles Awareness/
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06:13.18Tierrie_i r teh msg u cairen
06:14.13CairennTierrie_: huh?
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06:16.33GuillotineSo theres a new function SummonFriend. Anybody played with it to see exactly what it does? And maybe exploit it to summon on a non-warlock? >.>
06:16.49Guillotineassuming its something like the /console port from last PTR
06:17.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Fatalis (
06:21.29CairennTierrie_: if you mean you're trying to send me a PM, you aren't identified or something, I'm not seeing anything from you
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06:25.21XinhuanIriel, around?
06:25.37Guillotine>>> return true
06:25.44Guillotinelua> return true
06:25.44lua_botGuillotine: true
06:25.55Guillotineyup, Iriel (Lua incarnate) is here
06:26.06IrielXinhuan: I am
06:26.19Xinhuanremember my post about ##loadwith and ##optdeps?
06:26.26Xinhuani have a small test case i think
06:26.29Xinhuanthat i just made
06:26.45Xinhuanthe issue only seems to arise if i also have ## LoadManagers: something
06:26.47Xinhuanin D
06:26.57IrielYou didn't mention that, at all, in your bug report
06:27.05Xinhuanyah, i didn't test throughly enough
06:27.06Xinhuanat that time
06:27.15IrielI suggest you build a test case that works with no other addons installed, then post it all zipped up?
06:27.24Xinhuanyes, that's the plan
06:28.20IrielCool, I can re-test then
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06:33.06Xinhuanzipping up the test now
06:35.43Xinhuanit appears that ## LoadWith and ## LoadManagers doesn't like each other
06:35.57Xinhuanbecause on logging in, D doesn't load. On reloadui, D loads
06:36.04IrielI would imagine LoadManagers pre-empts LoadWith
06:36.31Irielthough why the orders are inconsistent I dont know
06:36.43Xinhuanbut that still doesn't explain why the behavior on fresh login, and non-freshlogin/reloadui is different
06:36.49*** join/#wowi-lounge wilson (
06:37.00Xinhuanin the first case, D doesn't load, in the second case, D loads (and errors)
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06:42.06IrielYuck, your test isn't self-contained
06:42.22Xinhuani suppose i could make an addon E
06:42.23Iriel## LoadWith: Blizzard_BattlefieldMinimap
06:42.31Xinhuanyes, i loaded that one in A
06:42.46Xinhuanwould replacing Blizzard_BattlefieldMinimap make any difference?
06:42.49Xinhuanwith E
06:42.53IrielIt'd make the test cleaner
06:43.13Xinhuani suppose so, but it doesn't change the base issue i think
06:43.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
06:44.16Xinhuanthe idea is to have several loading conditions, which the loadmanager manages, but also another condition to load with the BlizzardBattlefield map
06:49.10IrielI'll have to investigate more tomorrow.
06:50.08Xinhuanalright, thanks for looking into it
06:50.18Xinhuanif you don't catch me here, i'll be reading the forum thread
06:50.38wilsonhi there
06:51.17wilsoni'm told there might be someone here who can explain the mechanism by which the wowhead and thottbot clients extract in-game information
06:51.28ScytheBlade1There might be, yes
06:51.59wilsonit doesn't involve watching values in the client's memory does it?
06:52.10ScytheBlade1Not in the way that you're thinking, no
06:52.13Xinhuanit doesn't
06:52.20Xinhuanmost of them have 2 methods of obtaining data
06:52.23wilsonare lua tables saved to disk?
06:52.30ScytheBlade1On UI reload/logout.
06:52.44Xinhuan1. in game addon that collects useful data, stored to a lua file on logout 2. reverse engineering the WDB cache folder (in your wow folder)
06:53.05Cairennhe's looking for the saved data from gatherer for his character
06:53.19wilsonnah, i was looking at that for an example
06:53.28Xinhuanwell he asked how they "extract in-game information"
06:53.30Cairennah, okay, my apologies
06:53.35Xinhuanand that's the 2 main ways
06:53.37wilsonnp thanks for being perceptive =)
06:53.42Cairennwas just going from what you'd said in norgs :)
06:54.36AntiarcSo apparently
06:54.46AntiarcVampiric Embrace heals have a school mask of "32"
06:54.59AntiarcFrost + Shadow + Holy? wtf?
06:55.19ScytheBlade1I can understand the shadow + holy
06:55.22ScytheBlade1But the frost?
06:55.25AntiarcI don't get the frost
06:55.29wilson(thats wtf)
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06:55.57wilsonto be specific, for a second (third?) adventure into wow modding, i want to keep track of rested xp for each character under 70 with a web front end
06:55.59AntiarcOh, wait
06:56.05AntiarcIt's in decimal
06:56.10AntiarcWhich is 0x20
06:56.14AntiarcWhich is shadow.
06:56.42ScytheBlade1wilson: tracking the rested XP isn't hard. The web front end will require you either uploading data or creating a program to upload data for you.
06:56.46ScytheBlade1Antiarc: you sir, win
06:56.50wilsonall its base weren't belong to you.  its base were 10
06:57.41Cairennwilson: take a look at: to get an idea of the code necessary to get the rested exp
06:57.53wilsonive got ahold of the rest xp
06:58.04wilsonand i can swing the app to post it to the db
06:58.17wilsonim looking into the two methods described
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06:58.26ScytheBlade1The latter method won't apply
06:58.30ScytheBlade1The former (an addon) will
06:59.12wilsonso the wdb cache you were talking about doesn't hold stuff saved from addons
06:59.16ScytheBlade1Take that value, store it in a variable, marked the variable as a saved variable, tada
06:59.25wilsonits for quest text, data, and whatnot
06:59.31ScytheBlade1No. It stores game cache data. Quests, icons, items, etc
06:59.43wilsoni guess it makes sense that all that wouldnt come over the wire
06:59.56wilsondoes that mean i can convert quest text to l33t speak, or will the warden come get me?
07:00.02ScytheBlade1It does at one point. But it's cached client side
07:00.18ScytheBlade1You probably could via an addon, but I'm not sure about how protected that frame is
07:00.27ScytheBlade1You probably could with zero effort though
07:00.27SyzgynIt's definitely possible
07:00.34ScytheBlade1And warden would not hate you for doing so
07:00.40*** part/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
07:00.42ScytheBlade1I might hate you, but alas, that's not your problem :)
07:01.00wilsond0nt h8 teh l33t 5p34k
07:01.13Syzgynsorta like whoever made that 'pirate speek' mod
07:01.19Syzgynmay he burn in 1000 suns
07:01.20ScytheBlade1lol yes
07:01.24Corrodiasone of my characters finally got the valentine's day pet, so now i have to decide which character should get it...
07:01.24ScytheBlade1Except that I used it
07:01.26Cairennshould be able to just write it to a saved variable file in the wtf folder and upload that, shouldn't you?
07:01.28ScytheBlade1In MC, many times
07:01.32ScytheBlade1Cairenn: exactly
07:01.45Cairennfrom your wtf folder
07:01.53wilsonoh there it is!
07:01.55Cairennerr, said that
07:01.56ScytheBlade1Storing a single variable would be.. trivial.
07:01.57Cairennduh, nm
07:01.58wilsonthanks, i didn't check in there
07:03.07Guillotinehmm. I just realized, its possible to make a variable that isn't defaultly accessible o.O _G[1]=25
07:03.10Guillotinewould that even work?
07:03.56ScytheBlade1Cairenn: you cannot lie to us! Mastermind!
07:04.02XinhuanGuillotine, yes it will work
07:04.22CorrodiasGuillotine is scary
07:05.29wilsonthis WTF folder is the answer to my prayers
07:05.43Xinhuanlua> _G[1] = 10 print(_G[1]) print(getglobal(1)) print(getglobal("1"))
07:05.43lua_botXinhuan: 10, 10, nil
07:06.13Cairennlol wilson, sorry, we thought you already knew about that
07:06.26wilsonno, no apologies
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07:07.28GuillotineXinhuan: this is interesting. getglobal(1) doesn't work in WoW
07:07.45Corrodiasdoes _G[1]?
07:07.48Xinhuangetglobal is actually part of the debug library
07:07.50Guillotineapparently getglobal isn't just a call of _G[1]
07:07.54Guillotine_G[1] does
07:07.56Xinhuanlua> debug.getglobal
07:07.56lua_botXinhuan: [string "return debug.getglobal"]:1: attempt to index global 'debug' (a nil value)
07:07.58Guillotinegetglobal(1) doesn't
07:08.04art3misthat only furthers the stereeotype that george lopez is funny
07:08.10Xinhuanmaybe its not spelt that
07:08.15ScytheBlade1wilson: - not tested. Kinda weird how I did it. But, it also works.
07:08.22Xinhuanor lua_bot killed debug access
07:08.26Cairennckknight: ping?
07:08.29Corrodiaslua> debug.gtglbl
07:08.30lua_botCorrodias: [string "return debug.gtglbl"]:1: attempt to index global 'debug' (a nil value)
07:08.44Guillotinelua> return debug
07:08.45lua_botGuillotine: nil
07:08.58Nechcknwilson  See, told ya they were good  =)
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07:09.43ScytheBlade1wilson: actually, refresh that pastey... that should work better
07:09.49Guillotinenow the question is, what DOES getglobal(a) do if it doesn't just return _G[a]?
07:10.14Xinhuanit has something to do with the tainted status of variables
07:10.29Xinhuanif you created 200 strings in wow, and they are all the same value, say "Test"
07:10.35Xinhuanthose are 200 different strings
07:10.41Xinhuaneach with its own tainted status
07:11.01Xinhuanthis obviously isn't standard behavior in standard lua
07:11.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
07:11.08Xinhuanwhere they all point to the same string
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07:11.38art3misCairenn: just ban him
07:11.47art3mishe'll definitely message ya ;P
07:11.56ckknight_teh pongongong
07:12.13art3missomeone wanted to give yuo a screened irssi
07:12.21ckknight_I got that
07:12.21art3mistake it
07:12.24art3misuse it ;P
07:12.27ckknight_but can't log into ssh long enough
07:12.37art3misthats why it's screened ;)
07:13.25art3miswhat happens if you ping -t ?
07:13.39Guillotinethe connection is just horrible at that hotel
07:13.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
07:13.48art3miswhat happens if you ping -t ?
07:13.56art3misdo you actually get packet drops?
07:13.57Guillotineand his room isn't close enough to leach off of the neighbors like we did when I was there :P
07:14.26ckknightyea, I do, art3mis
07:14.28ckknightGuillotine: dude, I'm in Antiarc's room now
07:14.30ckknightthe Apple connection went down
07:14.32ckknightno DNS from it
07:14.34ckknighttotally sucks
07:14.35Guillotineaww :(
07:14.48art3miswhy are you in a hotel with crap inet?
07:14.51Syzgynwhat're you at a hotel for?
07:15.01ckknightart3mis: where else am I gonna stay?
07:15.06Guillotinethe street
07:15.08art3misat a hotel with good inet?
07:15.18Guillotinehaven't you seen the south park? "San fransisco. its nice to the homeless"
07:15.22art3misi was more questioning the connection than the hotel ;P
07:15.30wilsonthanks all.  sellin these hos will be easy as hellllllll
07:15.46wilson... so to speak
07:15.47Guillotinemaybe I just read that out of context, but...
07:16.05art3mis*boot to the head*
07:16.32Syzgynckk: why're you at a hotel to begin with?
07:16.40ckknightSyzgyn: cause I ran away from home
07:16.42Guillotinehmm. It would probably taint a LOT of stuff if you were to turn _G into a metatable, wouldn't it?
07:17.06art3misSyzgyn: he ran away to jion the parade ;P
07:17.15art3misno parade
07:17.20art3mishe IS in san fran ;P
07:17.25Syzgyncircus gives you a place to sleep at least :P
07:17.50art3mishe's been rainbow tie-dying all his clothes for the last week
07:18.15SyzgynI know alot of hippies
07:18.25Mr_Rabies2out of stuff with no caffeine
07:18.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
07:18.34Syzgyncaffeine gooood
07:18.38wilsonwilson is already registered with nickserv
07:18.45Guillotinethen get another nick
07:19.06art3misthe 3 great gods
07:19.11Guillotinethat is a bad nick.
07:19.11Syzgynnickserve? (<--IRC noob)
07:19.23Guillotineuse something like GuillRules imho
07:19.28Guillotinemuch better name
07:19.33art3misJenniTeals ;P
07:19.46ScytheBlade1biglulz: lulz
07:19.57Syzgyndid it for the lulz!
07:20.08ScytheBlade1bleeter: have another version: - that should actually work better all things considered (I changed the event)
07:20.54biglulzepiclulz was taken too
07:20.55biglulzof course
07:21.09biglulzif i could find one server (US) with it free, i'd probably switch
07:21.46biglulzand yes.  wilson tarbuckles _always_ does it for teh lulz
07:23.16biglulzty all again.  if this thing is share worthy ill post it
07:24.14ScytheBlade1That code may not even work, I didn't test it
07:24.23ScytheBlade1But have at it
07:25.03biglulzyeah, it put nil in the WTF folder when it should have been some value
07:25.09biglulzbut that's all i need =)
07:25.54biglulzfirst thing im going to do is sort out the ui addon loading lists for all my chars - they're screwed and they seem to be stored here
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07:43.22Guillotine*yawn* night all
07:44.38*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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07:47.23ShirikI never want to see an op amp, or a transistor, or an IC, or an osilloscope, or anything else again
07:47.28Shirikin fact, I'm going to go into something easier
07:47.31Shiriklike philosophy
07:47.38ShirikYou can never be wrong at philosophy
07:47.44widgertickYou're already wrong.
07:47.59widgertickUnless you intend to suck at philosophy, it won't be easier.
07:48.07ShirikBut you only think I'm wrong. From my frame of reference, I'm right. And mine is better anyway
07:48.14widgertickI majored in political theory, trust me =P
07:49.06ShirikBut still, I never thought serial interface could be so complicated =( But apparently computers use -12V to 12V, while microcontrollers use 0V to 5V, and they don't like to talk to each other
07:49.20Shirik3 ICs and 2 transistors later and a ton of debugging, I got it though!
07:49.37widgertickNice job =)
07:49.58ShirikI'm now going to fall over and go to sleep. I had hoped to get the pvp daily done before 3AM but looks like that's not happening.
07:49.59ShirikNight :)
07:50.06ShirikOh sure now the BG pops
07:50.17Cairennnight Shirik
07:50.29Shirikthink I can win a WSG in 10 minutes?
07:50.39CairennI think you can go sleep
07:50.46Shirikbut it's 11g...
07:50.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
07:51.01art3misjust go have some energy drinks
07:51.18art3misyou're fooling yourself if you believe rest will make you a better coder/tech ;P
07:52.02Cairennbut it'll help keep you out of the ER
07:52.28art3mislack of sleep just makes you fear the amps less and this you can work faster and better
07:52.38art3misyou can sleep during the periods of your heart stopping ;)
07:55.03Shirikyey I capped the flag :D
07:55.04biglulzsome philosophy programs are cake
07:55.06Shirikas a priest
07:57.08Shirikomg, 2-0
07:57.11ShirikI could do it
07:57.12Shirik4 minutes!
07:58.17biglulzunless you are in the 97th percentile or something you won't make it to grad school, though
07:58.33biglulzand a B.A. in philosophy is as good as toilet paper
07:58.39art3misif you cant cap a flag as a priest you shouldnt be in the BG's ;P
07:58.54art3misyay i got my picnic basket1
07:59.13art3misnow for the pet
07:59.13Shirikwith 2 minutes to spare
07:59.38Shiriknow the question is do I maike Cairenn happy and go to sleep
07:59.44Shirikor do another game in 2m inutes
08:00.04biglulzsleep, and dream of the tractatus logico philosophicus
08:00.17Shirikcan I just dream of really big words?
08:00.33Shirikoh btw! I just found out one of my professors is going to be on jeopardy
08:00.35Shirikthat's so aweosme
08:00.37*** join/#wowi-lounge ecstasia (n=ecs@
08:00.45biglulznah dude, has to be wittgenstein
08:01.28biglulzhe solved all the problems of philosophy with his theory of language
08:01.33biglulzwhy dream of anything else?
08:01.58Shirikbecause I don't intend to solve philosophy :P
08:02.03Shiriksolving circuitry and software is more fun
08:02.10biglulzthat's the spirit! keep it up EE/CE man
08:02.33ShirikCE :)
08:03.11Shirikbut I'm considering getting a minor in EE
08:03.15Shirikit won't be many more classes
08:03.38biglulzi'm CS+phil o_O
08:04.06ShirikI'm "computer engineering in avionics applications" officially
08:04.27biglulzdo you get to make bombs too?
08:05.00Shirikno no bombs
08:05.00Shirikin fact, the stuff I'm making is pretty much not supposed to explode ever
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08:05.02art3mishe just makes timers and detonator relays ;P
08:05.36biglulzi knew a dude that did weapons systems in missiles
08:05.43biglulzepic lulz
08:06.14art3mishe is a talkiung lion (an alagory for jesus)
08:06.55*** join/#wowi-lounge biglulz (
08:07.03biglulzyou're the man now dog crashed opera >_<
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08:19.57Shirikdrenden just died
08:20.00Shirikoh well, maybe I should go to bed
08:20.50Shirikpurl, ping
08:21.42Shirikok, night all
08:21.45Shiriknight Cairenn
08:21.48Shirikeven though you refuse to go to sleep
08:21.51Shirikeven though you should
08:21.51ecstasiaanyone elses realm go down?
08:21.56Cairennnight Shirik ;)
08:22.00Shirikecstasia: Read up like.... 5 lines :)
08:22.20ecstasiadidn't know drenden was a realm
08:22.36ecstasiaokay it's letting me on
08:23.24Shirikback in AV
08:23.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
08:23.29Shirik<xxx has joined>
08:23.31Shirik20 times over
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08:32.53Cairenn|afknight guys
08:40.31Shirik|AFK(03:39:40) (Shirik) I just lost AV
08:40.31Shirik|AFK(03:39:42) (Shirik) 11-0
08:40.31Shirik|AFK(03:39:45) (Shirik) you have got to be kidding me
08:40.31Shirik|AFK(03:39:50) (Shirik) night, definitely time to sleep
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08:52.07art3misckknight: got a screenie or something of what it does?
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08:57.48art3misckknight_: got a screenie or something of what it does?
08:57.54ckknight_I'm gonna make one
08:59.20art3misis it basically like a rico minimap?
08:59.33art3misdifferent shapes scalable ydda yadda?
09:00.02art3miscuz if you could actually make it larger and extend the viewable distance that would actually be kind of rad
09:00.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
09:00.20Wobin_seen the valentine Wowhead logo?
09:00.30nevcairielyou cant increase the viewable distance in the minimap
09:00.35nevcairielthats controlled by wow
09:01.36art3misnevcairiel: but you can stweal the map pics and piece em together to build a full moving map and just "replace" the minimap with that
09:02.10nevcairielhave fun with that
09:02.16art3misheh thanks!
09:02.25art3misactually didnt someone already make an addon like that ?
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09:22.00Roathanyone else who cant load ? i get the message that the connection has timed out
09:22.25Roathah, thanks :)
09:22.27Roathit works :)
09:22.39kd3ok... wtf. it was nice and warm today. I'm still wearing shorts
09:22.46kd3my computer says it's freezing right now
09:22.46Roathbut i get the connection timeout if i use
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09:38.21Wobin_kd3: Perhaps your coolant system is actually working better than you ever expected?
09:38.59kd30c outside. it'd be rather nice if my case got that cool. ambient temp inside the case is upper 20s, coretemp's in the mid-30s
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12:00.00*** topic/#wowi-lounge is Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | WoW programming book | Happy Valentine's Day!
12:02.53|pez|it's kinda sad when I can't figure out any webdevcompany names that aren't either lame, or horribly easily misinterpereted...
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12:09.11Kalroth|pez|: Or already taken. :)
12:10.11|pez|Kalroth: point there too.
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12:16.56CrysliWorst week ever. In just this week the left half of my headset stopped working, middle button on my mouse detached itself from the mouse somehoe and my DS is gone.
12:17.26CrysliAnd it makes me look like I'm pretty irresponsible. :P
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12:50.55JoshBorkeguten morgen
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13:27.32zenzelezzanyone know what Blizzard thinks about fighting Archimonde with most of the raid standing on the mountains where the Doomfire can't chase? Sounds highly icky to me, but since my guildies suck at staying alive they seem to consider doing it :-/
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14:38.05clad|officemy new bot lies :P
14:38.10clad|officelua> print("out of memory")
14:38.10lua_botclad|office: out of memory
14:38.20clad|officelua> print("not enough memory")
14:38.21lua_botclad|office: Your code exceeded set memory limits
14:38.25clad|officeit cheats
14:38.43clad|officeprint("not " .. "enough " .. "memory")
14:38.48clad|officelua> print("not " .. "enough " .. "memory")
14:38.48lua_botclad|office: Your code exceeded set memory limits
14:38.58clad|officelua_bot is opped
14:41.42MoonWolfi will think on this
14:41.46clad|officei disagree
14:41.59batrickit's kinda silly but ya it's not exploitable :P
14:41.59clad|officeits simple, if the lua script outputs the string "not enough memory", its replaced by my prettier message
14:42.13MoonWolfif i can trick him into printing a newline and then an op command...
14:42.14clad|officebatrick: its a sad side effect of the way its working now
14:42.17batrickyou should probably use flags clad
14:42.24|pez|Oh, damnit, I can't remember the processname of the damn "you've updated, please reboot your computer!" nagger
14:42.25clad|officebatrick: huh?
14:42.33clad|officeMoonWolf: you can't, full stop
14:43.05batricke.g. 1 "lkajsdlkfj" -> script returned "lkjasdkfj" and 2 "laskjdlkf" -> script printed "lksdjlfj"
14:43.15batrickand negative flags for errors :)
14:43.18clad|officethe bot won't send any newline characters to the irc server
14:43.30clad|officebatrick: Can you say that again, slowly?  I'm not sure I understand
14:43.59clad|officethat was very confusing
14:44.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
14:44.06batrickbasically your sandbox will return to your bot a number and a string
14:44.13batrickthe number determines what th estring is
14:44.28clad|officei can't do that using this method, or I would gladly
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14:44.42clad|officewell, thats not entirely true
14:44.53clad|officei can prefix every legitimate output with some special string
14:44.59clad|officeand if that's not there, then i can fix the error message
14:46.04*** part/#wowi-lounge kadrahil (
14:46.17clad|officeGood idea
14:46.32clad|officelua> print(1)
14:46.32lua_botclad|office: 1
14:47.10krkalua> print"not enough memory, mmkay?"
14:47.10lua_botkrka: Your code exceeded set memory limits
14:47.21clad|officei anchored it properly!
14:47.23clad|officei swear
14:47.31MoonWolflies is say!
14:47.36krkai don't get it
14:47.42krkawhat is this for?
14:47.43MoonWolflua> print " lies!"
14:47.43lua_botMoonWolf:  lies!
14:48.35batrickit's currently how my bot differentiates between return values, errors, and stuff to print
14:55.10ralfWORKyay! moar failblog!
14:57.43clad|officebatrick: i don't have return values using the pipe method, the sandbox has to handle "printing" them
14:57.54clad|officebtu the sandbox is so ridiculously simple, its fun :P
14:58.13clad|officelua> print(4)
14:58.14lua_botclad|office: OUT:4
14:58.17clad|officenow to strip em
14:59.25batricki'm saying you can generate a string that represents the return values, prepend a numeric identifier and send that pack to your main bot
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15:06.30clad|officebatrick: well all i differentiate bwtween output and errors, and i'm coding that right noe.
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15:08.49batrickclad you're going to the lua workshop?
15:09.08clad|officei'll be in DC that weekend, so I plan to, yes
15:09.12clad|officehave to work out hotel, etc.
15:09.24batrickya I wish I could go but it's a little far from albuquerque :)
15:15.34[Liquidor]~seen cncfanatics
15:15.37purlcncfanatics <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 19h 35m 41s ago, saying: 'I wanted the bible revelation tbh (a)'.
15:24.23foxlitgrr, bitlib :(
15:24.56foxlit-22 would not implement bnot validly; -25 inverts the sign bit :(
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15:45.31AtriaceIs there a way to test for the presence of a function?
15:45.59AtriaceSome sort of boolean, I hope
15:50.01dylanmYou check whether a value is nil or not. I guess you could check its type as well.
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15:52.13foxlittype(functionname) == "function";
15:52.16Atriaceso.....  if function (someFunction ~= nil) then?
15:52.31|pez|waha, the livingroom looks halfway livable now.
15:52.56|pez|just need to hang out this blanket, and vacum the sofa, carpet, and wash the table. and it's good :D
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15:59.25[Liquidor]Hahaha checkout the new fireball sound by mages in 2.4: ... schorch and pyro is also changed among others.
16:02.49|pez|clue is, backup your old magesound, and replace it with the new one!
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16:06.16[Liquidor]hehe nice drop eh? :P
16:07.06|pez|swift *white* hawkstrider? :o
16:07.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
16:08.02|pez|ooh, that's quite pretty
16:08.40|pez|I want the ivory raptors back really.
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16:13.54malrethwhy i love leopard server: remote install -- this is awesome
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16:21.14ralfWORKso there's a rumor
16:21.36ralfWORKthat there is a set of resto druid gear that drops in ZA
16:21.43ralfWORKthat was available for a short time through badges
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16:23.50foxlit"set" is an overstatement
16:24.01ralfWORKoh sorry
16:24.06ralfWORKI don't know why the hell I said set
16:24.09ralfWORKI meant "piece"
16:24.24foxlityes :)
16:24.42foxlitmoonkin pants were moved in a similar fashion as well
16:25.22ralfWORKso now they are just available in ZA eh?
16:26.02foxlitor maybe not; but yes, now in ZA
16:26.37MoonWolfwowdb... damn
16:26.45MoonWolfcould it look any more like wowhead ?
16:26.57ralfWORKI like wowhead's new ajax search thing
16:27.00ralfWORKit's pretty uber
16:27.06zenzelezzdoes it matter if they look alike?
16:28.30ralfWORKomg yes yes yes 11!1111!11!1!!!!!1
16:28.50MoonWolfi do think identity is important.
16:29.25ralfWORKwowhead identity, i haz it
16:29.59ralfWORKi made u a idenity but then i ated it :(
16:30.36MoonWolfwowhead was "better" because it was more up to date, accurate and had more features then thotbott and alakazam and whatnot
16:31.00LopeppeppyI made a new tissue and I called it Kleenox!
16:31.06MoonWolfthis has the same features looks and what seems to be the same data.
16:32.23foxlitmainly because wowhead isn't as slacking at replicating those features :)
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16:39.35AtriaceIt's impossible to hook a local function from another mod, correct?
16:40.00malrethfrom another file, yes
16:40.17malrethif there is no other global variable that references that function
16:41.20foxlitmalreth: even so
16:41.21malrethwhat are you trying to do?
16:41.38foxlitlocal function foo() ...; end GFOO = foo;
16:41.41AtriaceCT_Mod is "unfixing" my positioning of Blizzard elements.
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16:41.51foxlitIf I'm calling foo, GFOO hook is ignored
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16:42.50CideAtriace: enjoy!
16:43.02Atriacehehe, thanks Cide.  ;)
16:43.09malrethcide takes pleasure in causing other authors pain
16:43.22foxlitkill CTMod's triggers first, np
16:43.34AtriaceFeels like a code war.
16:43.37malrethtake it as a challenge. there's probably a way to get what you want done
16:43.48Cidewhat does it do, specifically?
16:44.00Cideand which addon?
16:44.54AtriaceI was moving the quest frame.  CT_Mod repositions the quest frame with anchors (which is cool) but it does so at each QUEST_LOG_UPDATE (thereby clearing all anchor points).
16:45.23AtriaceI was trying to hook into reanchorTracker function
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16:45.56Cideare you sure it's enabled?
16:46.18AtriaceThe mod is enabled, if that's what you're asking.
16:46.22Cideno, the feature
16:46.25malrethdisable the feature
16:46.57AtriaceIt's on by default.
16:47.07malrethyeah... disable it
16:47.18malrethsometimes addons just can't play nice with each other
16:47.22foxlitYou can disable it programmatically anyway
16:47.23AtriaceYou mean "Unlock Quest Tracker"?
16:47.37AtriaceThat's off.
16:47.43foxlitwould probably be simpler than unregistering QUEST_LOG_UPDATE
16:47.55Cideno, not that
16:48.01CideI don't know
16:48.14Cidewhat're the other features?
16:48.18Ciderelated to quest tracker
16:48.25AtriaceJust that.  Repositioning.
16:48.45AtriaceBy default, I'm locating it to the bottomright.
16:48.49Cidedon't make me look at the code
16:48.54Atriacetee hee
16:50.24LopeppeppyCide is allergic to code.
16:51.22Cidethat's not what I asked for :P
16:51.55Cidebut ya, you appear to be right
16:52.02Cidesucks to be you
16:52.46AtriaceFoxlit:  you mentioned that "local function foo() ...; end GFOO = foo;" might work.  Do you still think so, after seeing the code?
16:53.05malrethAtriace: no, he was showing how it wouldn't work
16:53.21AtriaceWell.... settles that. :)
16:53.42malrethAtriace: find the frame that has the QUEST_LOG_UPDATE event registered and unregister it
16:53.43art3misanyone know of a site that will check if an email address is valid?
16:54.11malrethart3mis: no, spammers would be all over that like something on something
16:54.15Lopeppeppyart3mis, there are no valid email addresses.
16:54.31foxlitask the MX server
16:54.35art3misdnsstuff used to have a check
16:54.44AtriaceCide: could I just load saved vars much the way your preferences are read?
16:54.45malrethyeah... then spam happened
16:54.50art3misit would just connect and see if the email addy was right
16:55.03art3misyes thats right malreth spam started 3 months ago ;P
16:55.13malrethmost servers won't respond to those queries anymore
16:55.16art3misporecisely the same day they went to a subscription format ;P
16:55.30CideAtriace: um.. check the saved vars file and see the syntax? :P
16:55.38Cideit does some fancy wrapping
16:55.56malrethmail servers should always just respond with OK or something when sending the rcpt to thing or whatever the command is
16:56.13malrethand not give any indication whether or not the address is valid or not
16:57.44foxlitIf you want it desperately, send an email with an activation toen that users can return to you with
16:57.53malrethart3mis: that site is probably a harvester site
16:57.56foxlitbut, honestly, > e-mail registration
16:58.23foxlitmalreth: silly harvesting, then -- much more likely to test that it's not valid
16:58.33foxlit= 554 Service unavailable; Client host [] blocked using;
16:58.56malrethi just tested it with an invalid address on one of my domains. it returned "OK"
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16:59.30foxlitreturns "ANTISPAM" on the same thing for my mail server
16:59.51malrethso data returned by any such verification tool is likely to be useless
17:01.20foxlitSure your invalid email isn't bounced to some default account?
17:02.07malrethi have wildcards turned off
17:02.11Findoes anyone know of an alterntive to MobMap?
17:02.58LopeppeppyWhat exactly does MobMap do for you, Fin?
17:03.38Finit is a fairly comprehensive database of quests, merchants, recipes, drop rates, and other stuff that I can't think of right now
17:03.40malrethregardless, it's an invalid address. even if my service provider redirects all rcpts to a bounce account, it's still an invalid account. the effect is the same, it spoils the data mining capability of spammers
17:03.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
17:04.03FinI use it mostly to find out what mob drops something I'm looking for, and as a full recipe database
17:04.08kamdisLightHeaded with all the modules (NPC Data, etc.)
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17:04.24Finthe interface is a bit clunky though, and there are lots of missing items in the drop rates bit
17:04.43kamdisI can't think of one that does all that MobMap does, though
17:04.52kamdisYou'd need a few to replace it entirely
17:04.54LopeppeppyLightHeaded doesn't do drops or recipes, just quests....  I think only MobMap attempts to do it all in one go.
17:04.56FinI use LightHeaded already :) it's great for what it does, but it only covers quests and comments really
17:05.18Finwhat I would love, is something like that addon written by that guy that I can't remember, who did mailto
17:05.56Finit had a command /uses, you could type /uses <item> to find, well, what recipe used a particular item, and /findrecipe <item> - much nicer with slash commands
17:06.50FinI think there's a french alternative that I've seen on wowui, but, well, it's french
17:07.11LopeppeppyEn francais!
17:07.34kd3whee! via fark: "[Stupid] The end of days is upon us; Behold: Hello Kitty, the MMORPG"
17:08.01LopeppeppySo I saw on my raid guild page this morning.  art3mis, get 'em!
17:08.13kamdisThere's that mod that puts all the recipes/items something's used in in the tooltip...can't remember what it's called though.
17:09.19Finthe author of MobMap doesn't seem too responsive to comments either - at least, he's very selective about those he chooses to respond to
17:09.23art3mishk the mmorpg would need a WoW interface ;P
17:09.55LopeppeppyMaybe they just need you to offer your services, art3mis?
17:11.06Fin <-- Carbonite
17:11.15Finseems related to (Carbonite Quest)
17:11.28Fin"Our trial version has been replaced with CARBONITE Quest."
17:11.30art3mis"hi i made hkui for world of warcraft as a complete violation of all your trademarks and copyrights, you should give me a free account for life so i can make a world of warcraft ui mod for your online game.... it's only fair"
17:11.37Esamynn|Work~lart Fin
17:11.37purlreadies the nuke launcher and fires some rounds at Fin
17:11.50Esamynn|Workdon't you *EVER* link that in here again
17:12.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (
17:12.11Finaddons with registered trademarks... that's a new one
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17:12.16Esamynn|Workyou evil, evil person
17:12.20Fisker-your mother is a new one
17:12.29Esamynn|Work~lart Fisker-
17:12.29purlhits Fisker- with an anvil and laughs with a contralto voice ... Haha Ha HA Ha
17:12.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (n=elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
17:12.43LopeppeppyMorning, Lunessa.
17:12.45Fincould you please educate me as to the evilles that you speak of?
17:13.06Lunessa*groggily* Morning Lopeppeppy.
17:13.15Esamynn|Work~poke Lunessa
17:13.16purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Lunessa, pokes Lunessa repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
17:13.16FinI want to join in the hating
17:13.37art3misFin: im talking about the art and name dumbie ;P
17:13.52Esamynn|WorkFin: well, there are 3 links I could be smacking you about, which *one* do you think it might be?
17:14.06art3misim gonna guess the carboinite one
17:14.11Finthey're all carbonite links
17:14.12Esamynn|Workeeerrrr, wrong
17:14.13LopeppeppyI'm gonna guess Hello Kitteh.
17:14.19Esamynn|Workding dign ding
17:14.21Esamynn|Workwe have a winna
17:14.22malrethagree with Lopeppeppy
17:14.30LopeppeppyPeppy R SMRT.
17:14.33Finoh, boooring, I was hoping for some addon drama :(
17:14.40Finbut hey, hatin's hatin
17:14.42Esamynn|Work~poke Fin
17:14.43purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Fin, pokes Fin repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
17:14.50malrethi've been waiting for an mmo+hellokitty for all my life
17:14.58Finthat says a lot
17:14.58art3misesa behaves like that football player that actually likes boys but has to ask tough and say he hates fags when asked or ribbd about it
17:15.11Esamynn|WorkLunessa: purl and I were just trying to help you wake up :)
17:15.15art3misactually most people do in reference to hk
17:15.25Lunessamatreth - you must be a masochist.
17:15.38art3miscuriosity makes me wanna play that
17:15.48FinI would like to state, for the record, that this channel is in my opinion the leader in WoW-related gender confusion
17:15.51Finthat is all.
17:15.52Esamynn|Workart3mis: nah, I just like getting on the Hello Kitty bandwagon of hate ;)
17:15.52art3miswithout sound of course
17:16.08art3misEsamynn|Work: check me host beeyotch ;P
17:16.17purl"Welcome to IRC: where the men are men, the women are men, and the little girls are FBI agents."
17:16.23Finoh man
17:16.32Finno, actually, I take that back
17:16.33Esamynn|Workart3mis: EVIL!!!!
17:16.34Fin-oh man
17:16.37Esamynn|WorkI always new you were evil!
17:16.40purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
17:16.46Esamynn|Work~lart art3mis
17:16.46purldeclares art3mis a moron
17:16.48art3misevil genius!
17:17.07art3misHKUI got more prime coverage and any other wow addon ;P
17:17.22art3misthe evil shall continue to infect your soul!
17:17.40Esamynn|Workart3mis: got prime coverage??!?!!?
17:17.49Lopeppeppy"I just want to ask you a few questions, MISTER Anderson."
17:17.53sysragelol. guild pretty much forces locks to go affliction yet they don't cast CoE when there's 4 mages in the raid
17:17.53FinHKUI... I know I know that, I can't recall exactly what though... I've got such a terrible, uh, thingy, you know, that whatsit...
17:17.57art3misgo do a google for hellokitty and warcraft
17:18.06Esamynn|Workso I really want to?
17:18.06Fingot it, thanks
17:18.09Finthat was enough
17:18.09art3misand check the urls where it was mentioned, posted and talked about ;P
17:18.34LunessaOne of these lives has a future, one of these... does not.
17:18.43Esamynn|WorkHello Kitty is just.......
17:18.46Esamynn|Workwords fail me - 60k -
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17:19.22Esamynn|Workart3mis: did you actually write HKUI?
17:19.40art3miscompilation of addons and such
17:19.45art3misthe rest of it is all mine ;P
17:19.53Esamynn|Workbecause I saw a real one once, it made my eyes bleed
17:19.58art3misi essentially just themed it
17:20.34Esamynn|Worksorry, I just don't get the phenomenon
17:21.17Esamynn|WorkI motion to remove art3mis' right to speak
17:21.21art3mishell according to her blog it made amber night actually come back to warcraft ;P
17:21.26purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
17:23.04LunessaHello Kitty doesn't move me, not really.  I just don't 'get' it.
17:23.20art3misits one of those amusing things
17:23.22*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
17:23.29art3mislike the bunny that hates people
17:23.29Esamynn|WorkLunessa: exactly!
17:23.46Esamynn|WorkI don't need such information
17:24.06art3miseveryone does ;P
17:24.09LopeppeppyI love Happy Bunny.
17:24.17art3misyes happy bunny ;P
17:24.22LunessaFoamy the Squirrel.
17:25.05kamdissomeone on the forums said Bongos isn't compatible with cyCircled.  That's not right, is it?
17:25.15LopeppeppyPillsey is my hero.
17:25.23kd3lies. I use the two together
17:25.38LopeppeppyKamdis -- Bongos2 has a lot of issues with cyCircled.  Some people can make it work, some can't.  I can't find a common denominator.  :|
17:25.52kamdisAh, thanks.
17:26.01art3misi may have to redo all the hkui stuff too, for some awesome reason the latest version of eepanels destroys the graphcis in its folder
17:26.23LunessaThey both work well together.  I've done it lots.
17:26.25*** part/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=0ctavius@
17:27.22kamdisI thought I'd used the two together in the past
17:27.33LopeppeppyI've had it work for me just fine as well.  I *suspect* third addon somewhere interfering, or a bad library or something like that.
17:28.24kamdissounds plausible.
17:29.19sysragecurse of doom only does 1 actual 'tick' of damage right? and it takes a full minute for that to happen?
17:30.43sysrageso an aff lock that shows 2 ticks of CoD for a total of 16k damage really fails at life when it means CoE wasn't up for at least 2 minutes with 4 mages in the raid
17:30.49art3misit appears im gonna have to go out today and get something valentiney
17:31.02sysrage2 min of CoE would have increased my damage alone by more than 16k
17:31.17ralfWORKsysrage: I'd say he fails, yes
17:31.59ralfWORKdepending on makeup and the fight, I'd think the priority would be CoE, CoS, Co<everythingelseyouwant>
17:33.06sysragehe had 5 ticks of CoA too for a grand total of 1087 damage. don't even see how that's possible. wowhead says CoA does 1356 damage with no +sp
17:33.36ralfWORKwhat fight?
17:34.01Mallabushe could have dived half way through? how many times does CoEx usually tick?
17:34.12sysrageoh. not sure. that's probably it
17:34.17ralfWORKgood point
17:34.18Mallabusbut yeh, silly curse to be using in a raid
17:34.21sysragehe still fails for not just keeping CoE up
17:34.29Finwas there more than one lock there?
17:34.36sysrageya but he was the one assigned to CoE
17:34.46ralfWORKoh well if he was assigned to it
17:34.48ralfWORKand didn't do it
17:34.52ralfWORKhe fails right there
17:35.06Finwell, if he was assigned to CoE, and there was no CoE, then, guildkickrapeshoutandwalk slowly away
17:35.06ralfWORKpretty damn hard actually
17:35.23Mallabusany of you have much experience with how good curse of recklesness is?
17:35.27ShirikCoD is what?
17:35.30MallabusI heard that it's quite a dps boost
17:35.32ralfWORKcurse of doom
17:35.32sysragecurse of doom
17:35.35Shirikoh right
17:35.40Shirikthere's too many curses to remember
17:35.42Fincurse of recklessness is awesome for unfearing
17:36.08ralfWORKMallabus: hmm... seems like you're smart to use that on prince, but I could be getting my curses confused
17:36.17Finif a feared target gets too close to some other mobs, stick CoR on it and woo yay feel clever like I do
17:36.19ralfWORKindeed, too many to remember, esp. as I'm not a lock :P
17:36.31Mallabusit's the one that increases the mob's AP but reduces their armor
17:36.47ralfWORKMallabus: oh ok. that must be the one to *not* use on prince then lol
17:37.01Mallabuswith all the armor penetration flying around today I heard it was quite a nice dps curse for physical dpsers
17:37.19sysragedefinitely takes skill to juggle fear and CoR for a good CC. only seen it done well a couple times
17:37.56FinI just keep CoR in a handy spot for emergencies, it's saved my bottom more than once
17:38.14ralfWORKmy SW:D has saved more healers than I can remember :P
17:38.25ralfWORKtank kept losing mobs in heroic ramps last night
17:38.28*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
17:38.40ralfWORKSW:D to take the aggro off healer
17:39.35Finbtw, can I just say that as a alt-lock with a priest main, Soul Shatter is just fucking ridiculously good compared to crappy old Fade
17:39.46Finit's just unecessary, it really is
17:40.00ralfWORKfade makes me cry
17:40.01Mallabusyeh, especially since SPs seem to generate the most threat
17:40.06dylanmMan I hate fade.
17:40.07ralfWORKyes we do
17:40.07kamdisFade is crap
17:40.11ralfWORKfade is shit
17:40.12MallabusI hate it when they have to tone their dps down
17:40.28CideFADE SUCKS
17:40.32Cidesorry, I just wanted to jump on the wagon
17:40.34ralfWORKI seldom use VE anymore
17:40.47Fin50% *permanent* threat reduction - mad!
17:40.50ralfWORK(or do I mean VT?)
17:40.59ralfWORKwhatever one makes the green numbers appear!
17:41.07LunessaI use fade all the time.
17:41.10ralfWORKsure way to pull aggro, sucks bad
17:41.13ralfWORKLunessa: FAIL
17:41.14Mallabusit'd be funny if feign death was usable on a party member :)
17:41.23kamdisI use it too, it just sucks.
17:41.26Finit means locks HAVE to try and do as MUCH damage as possible to get as much aggro as possible as soon as possible, to make the most efficient use of Soul Shatter
17:41.51kamdisit should be a true dump IMO
17:42.24ralfWORKkamdis: agreed. although ~1k threat isn't exactly alot
17:42.31ShirikImproved Fade - Reduction of threat is permanent
17:42.33FinI swear, locks are some dev's pet class (ahah! little word play there, yah) that (s)he just kept buffing with extra shit every time they were playing and ran into a little problem
17:42.34ShirikThat's all that's needed
17:42.37Shirikstick it in shadow tree
17:42.47foxlitBetter tanks.
17:42.50foxlitProblem solved :)
17:42.51ralfWORKLunessa: healing theory or VT/VE theory?
17:42.55ShirikWell yeah :)
17:42.55Finno! not in the shadow tree!
17:42.58ShirikWe don't have the problem
17:43.00FinI want it for healing!
17:43.02kamdisIf you're out-aggroing the tank just healing then the group's fucked in other ways bedies your getting aggro
17:43.10ShirikFin if you're pulling aggro healing you need to get rid of your tank
17:43.18ralfWORKgkick tank
17:43.22ralfWORKLunessa: when was this?
17:43.31|pez|I'm too cute
17:43.42Finyeah well, technically you shouldn't really need fade or soul shatter or anything as DPS either
17:43.48LunessaShaman discussions yesterday, and yor jumping on the fade sucks bandwagon.
17:44.11Finthat bandwagon must be mighty large by now
17:44.23Finho humberoo
17:44.23LunessaAnd now that I've stirred the pot, I must away to the office.  Back in an hour.
17:44.39ralfWORKbtw Lunessa
17:44.43ralfWORKfade sucks :)
17:44.45|pez|I made pizza with a heart in the middle, the heart is a larger chunk of cheese...
17:44.50Mallabusmakes me happy I raid as a hunter :) threat just isn't an issue
17:44.53zenzelezzon fights where the aggro resets Fade and the rest can be quite handy
17:44.54|pez|and I've enhanced it by putting ketchup around the border.
17:45.01kamdis~lart Mallabus
17:45.01purlpulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps Mallabus
17:45.12Finzenzelezz: sure, it's not like Fade is useless, just crap
17:45.16kamdisNo Hunter talk!  :P
17:45.37ralfWORKcan't think of anything else "like fade"
17:45.42zenzelezzFin: that I can't counter
17:48.01ralfWORKsad thing is, we'll probably never get a threat dump
17:48.39kamdisWe don't *really* need one.
17:48.46Mallabusis it childish of me to giggle when I see the word *dump*?
17:48.52Mallabusregardless of context
17:49.00kamdisI'd just rather have something more than situationally useful instead if it isn't a true dump.
17:49.11ralfWORKMallabus: lol yes but now I'm going to have to laugh every time I see it too
17:49.12Finkamdis: such as?
17:49.14kamdisMallabus lol
17:49.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
17:49.30kamdisSomething not threat related, I don't know.  Anything.
17:49.37ralfWORKwait wait
17:49.54ralfWORKI know what you want Kam
17:49.56Finmagic pants!
17:50.12Finof the WHALE!
17:50.28kamdisof the LOL
17:50.43ralfWORKa holy spell that does damage and incapacitates the target for 2 seconds!
17:50.59foxlitsymbol of hope!
17:51.06kamdisI have that.
17:51.06ralfWORKthat's *exactly* what you've wanted, I know
17:51.14kamdisI love me some SoH
17:51.23ralfWORKSoH is really damn sweet
17:51.32kamdisIt is.
17:51.36ralfWORKI should bring up my little 2nd priest and make her shadow
17:51.42kamdisI wish my Undead had it :(
17:51.48ralfWORKand be teh bestest imba mana battery evar
17:51.55kamdisfreaking Touch of Weakenss can sod off.
17:52.30Shirik~1.34 * .00375
17:52.31foxlitBesides, +hit <3
17:52.31orethif you are not amazed by this... then you are a cynic:
17:52.31Mallabusthat +hit racial is tasty
17:52.31lua_botShirik: 0.005025
17:52.31batrickhello friends
17:52.41purlthanks, nevcairiel
17:52.44ShirikI wonder if it's supposed to be 5V or 5mV
17:52.53kamdisIn favor of what, Peppy?
17:52.54Shirikmy data disagrees >.>
17:53.26ralfWORKI recently bit the bullet and made my shadow weave gear
17:53.33LopeppeppyAnything that's not so hated, ugh.
17:53.46kamdisI love my priests :)
17:53.47ralfWORKI keep thinking I accidentally casted VE
17:53.48[Liquidor]~seen cncfanatics
17:53.49purlcncfanatics is currently on #wowi-lounge (1h 12m 2s) #wowace (1h 12m 2s). Has said a total of 3 messages. Is idling for 9m 16s, last said: 'Killmore: giev :('.
17:53.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Slackwise (
17:54.12ralfWORKLopeppeppy: don't shelve the priest!
17:54.23ralfWORKshadow or holy?
17:54.38zenzelezzhealing priests are hated?
17:54.42ralfWORKgo shadow then
17:54.45Shirik~kill zenzelezz
17:54.46purlACTION shoots a excited anti-electron gun at zenzelezz
17:54.50ShirikI'm a healing priest!
17:55.08ShirikOh nm :/
17:55.10zenzelezzso? I was asking peppy about what she said
17:55.10Finbeing a cynic is something most people seem proud of around here, I think
17:55.11Shirik~unkill zenzelezz
17:55.16Finhowever! I am duly impressed
17:55.17Shirik~ressurect zenzelezz
17:55.23Shiriksomething like that
17:55.28zenzelezz~revive me
17:55.29purlACTION performs the Heimlich, mouth-to-mouth, shock treatment and anything else necessary to revive zenzelezz
17:55.47ShirikLopeppeppy, is it just your guild or?
17:55.48Mallabussaw this earlier pretty awesome
17:55.49LopeppeppyI'm hearing some serious hate for the mechanics today, zenzelezz.
17:56.23kamdisAw, it's just theorycraft Peppy.  We wouldn't be WoW players if we didn't whine about our class mechanics!
17:56.23LopeppeppyFade sucks?  Fade is useless?
17:56.35ralfWORKfade sucks
17:56.45zenzelezzpeppy: it's just that the amount of threat it helps you with is very low
17:56.57ralfWORKzenzelezz: and it comes back
17:57.06CideI'm glad that it comes back
17:57.06zenzelezzthat too
17:57.07ralfWORKthat's teh suck part!
17:57.13LopeppeppyOf course it does, ralfwork.  You're doing your job.
17:57.14ShirikLopeppeppy: It's one little ability :) I have no problem with Fade
17:57.20ShirikI DO think shadow priests should have something to help them
17:57.25Shirikbut I think Fade is fine for healers
17:57.32Cideit would be horrible if it reduced your threat that little and it didn't come back
17:57.42zenzelezzI don't care if Fade sucks or not, I don't bring a priest to a raid to see her fade ;)
17:57.45Cidebecause then you'd have to spam it every time it came up on threat sensitive fights
17:57.49ralfWORKzenzelezz: ahahahahaah
17:57.52CideI'd rather just stuff it away in a corner
17:58.15ralfWORKCide: true enough. just don't train fade, then you'll have an excuse lol
17:58.18art3misya know what would be awesome?
17:58.25ShirikCide: I guess fair enough, it would have to become percentage-based too
17:58.31ralfWORKshadowpriest AOE spell! that would be awesome!
17:58.37art3missome sort of addon or something that could display yer buffs and debuffs at the character screen
17:58.42art3miswell okay and that ;P
17:58.48Shirikstill Lopeppeppy, healing priests seem to be a rare breed these days
17:58.55Shirikyou can't leave me with just |Jelly| and Fin :(
17:59.00LopeppeppyI just want to have fun, Shirik.  Being a healer already sucks.
17:59.25Mallabusreroll druid! great fun to level up
17:59.32Mallabusreally enjoying mine atm
17:59.34ShirikWell if you don't enjoy it, I'm all for you taking something else. I like healing :) But do what you like.
18:00.05zenzelezzjust don't ditch is solely because someone has an issue with one of your abilities
18:00.18ralfWORK*shrug* if you don't like it, spec a different tree
18:00.24ralfWORKthat's kinda what's nice about hybrids
18:00.37art3mishealing priests have been a rare breed since the 1.8 druid updates
18:01.17art3misholy priesst rule at group healing, pallys at single and druids and shammys can more than take thier place so why not go shadow and be a mana battery and more welcome
18:01.22zenzelezznot in my guilds
18:01.39kamdisShirik, hey, I have 2 holy priests
18:01.49Shiriker, sorry
18:01.51Shirikand kamdis twice
18:02.02kamdisheh, just saying it's not just you Jelly and Fin
18:02.17cncfanatics[Liquidor]: pong
18:02.26ShirikJelly, me, Fin, kamdis, and kamdis
18:02.35Shirikin fact, there seems to be an abnormality of priests in this channel tbh
18:02.46cncfanaticspaladins > priests
18:02.53art3misonly for single targets
18:02.53cncfanaticsi'm rerolling a paladin btw, for the second time :p
18:02.56Shirik~kill cncfanatics
18:02.57purlACTION shoots a ionized fluxneutrino gun at cncfanatics
18:03.00art3mispaladins suck for group healing
18:03.12Lopeppeppyart3mis, that's not true.
18:03.14ralfWORKI thought about rolling a paladin once
18:03.27ralfWORKand then I realized mashing 1 button over and over and over and over just isn't fun
18:03.31LopeppeppyYOU are why I never get into groups, not me.  I heal all heroic 5 mans just fine.
18:03.47art3mis5man yes
18:03.50art3mis25 no
18:04.03art3mispallies arent setup to be multiple target healers essciently enough
18:04.04ShirikLopeppeppy: In 5 mans you usually only have to heal one target
18:04.17LopeppeppyNo one can heal a 25 man by themselves.  And in a bad 5 man, I'm healing all 5 of us.
18:04.30art3mispriests on the other hand excel at multiples and fall behind on singles
18:04.32*** join/#wowi-lounge phyber (
18:04.32cncfanaticsralfWORK: who said I was rolling a healer ?
18:04.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Arcaia (n=cnflct@
18:04.43ralfWORKcncfanatics: no one
18:04.47ShirikIn all honesty, I disagree with the "fall behind on singles"
18:04.59ShirikPriests are all around healers, they have, quite honestly, too many tricks up their sleeves
18:05.08cncfanaticsbtw ralfWORK you can bind your heal to multiple buttons to get some change !
18:05.17ralfWORKcncfanatics: AHAHAHAAHAH good idea
18:05.28LopeppeppyAll of the healing classes are slightly different.  *shrug*
18:05.57art3misShirik: in comparison to a pally for instance
18:05.58ShirikI tried both a paladin and a druid; my tactic for healing drastically changed
18:06.04Shirikart3mis: I still disagree
18:06.11ShirikI'll agree that the paladin could do it for 5 years
18:06.15Shirikbut not that priests fall behind
18:06.59ralfWORKthe deal with raiding holy priest, imo, is they aren't expert at 1 thing. That plus lack of benefit from stacking them, and you have a problem
18:07.29Shirikwhat's wrong with not being an expert at 1 thing? They can do whatever they need to to get the job done
18:07.43ShirikI'm consistently at the top of the charts, and not by just a tiny amount. And we have a good team.
18:07.47kamdisYou should have at least 2 in a 25man raid, imo.  One with Imp Divine Spirit and 1 with CoH
18:08.03CideDS isn't that great
18:08.07Cideit's better next patch though
18:08.07ralfWORKnothing's wrong with not being expert at one thing if you say "we need X healers"
18:08.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies3 (
18:08.15Josh_Borkewhy is DS better next patch cide?
18:08.19kamdisNo, but it's worth having one Priest with it, I think.
18:08.26Cidebecause spirit is a lot better
18:08.40ralfWORKoh they are doing something nutty with spirit aren't they
18:08.41art3misSexy Bitch: i've been married to you too long
18:08.41art3misSexy Bitch: i saw this "BUSINESS ANALYST  AVP "
18:08.42art3misSexy Bitch: and thought....alien vs predator? what?
18:08.45Shirikoh goodies, so me stacking spirit is actually going to pay off :D
18:08.50Shiriknot really stacking
18:08.52Shirikbut I have a lot of it
18:08.54art3mismy wife is so special some days ;P
18:09.04ralfWORKart3mis: that's awesome
18:09.07kamdisyes, it will, Shirik, especially at T5+
18:09.13cog|workI know it's probably old news to most of you but... ZOMGSPORE!!!
18:09.14ShirikI'm not T5 :<
18:09.14Josh_Borkei don't recall reading about that
18:09.24art3misShirik: consider that a paladin in a 5man  can both enefit offence and defence as well as take care of themselves
18:09.41art3misand still heal for days
18:10.02art3miswhereas a priest needs to rely on the others to make sure he's not dead in 3 seconds
18:10.07ScytheBlade1Real quick: there will be NO 2.4 updates to KLH Threat Meter, correct?
18:10.14ScytheBlade1Can anyone confirm that?
18:10.16Shirikif the priest dies in 3 seconds he needs a better reaction time
18:10.24ralfWORKor a better tank
18:10.28Shirikor a better tank
18:10.32art3miswhile in a larger group there's more protection thus the excelling
18:10.34Finor a better tank!
18:10.43Finor bigger balls!
18:10.46Finor MAGIC PANTS
18:10.49ShirikI'm not arguing that paladins are bad by any means
18:10.53ralfWORKOF THE WHALE?
18:10.53art3misradioactive rubber pants!
18:10.57ShirikI'm arguing that priests aren't as bad as everyone seems to make them out to be
18:10.58art3misoh no me neither
18:11.04kamdisShirik, I agree
18:11.14kamdisWe are jacks of all trades, which is super-handy
18:11.15ralfWORKShirik: aight, here's the question then. After you have 1 CoH priest and 1 IDS priest,
18:11.24art3misim saying though that priests are less ebeneficial than a pally on the small end single target style
18:11.27art3miserr beneficial
18:11.29ralfWORKwhat reason would there be to not bring another pally instead of a priest?
18:11.49ShirikLet's say on gruul you have 3 paladins healing the MT
18:11.52ralfWORKwhen they can give 1 more set of blessings to 25 peaple
18:11.53art3misbut the reverse is true in large groups ;P
18:11.56kamdisAnd I'm consistently top 3 in healing, along with another priest and a paladin, so I call BS on ralfWORK.  ;-)
18:12.06ralfWORKkamdis: lol@healing meters
18:12.18LopeppeppyPriests can have different blessings too, don't forget.  Not all are "equal".
18:12.32ralfWORKLopeppeppy: fort and ids... what else?
18:12.39art3misheh kamdis in shadow im 4th on most healing meters and 1 or 2 on damage
18:12.45ShirikralfWORK: What I'm saying is that the paladins, they're going to have to stick on their target
18:12.47Shirikpriests, not so much
18:12.48kamdisthen you ahve shitty healers
18:12.50art3misdoes that make me a better healer than a paladin or more useful?
18:12.51LopeppeppyCircle of Healing, help me out kamdis, what are the other talents....
18:12.52ralfWORKShirik: mm.. k
18:12.54art3misnot really
18:13.06art3misim just an awesome shadow priest with CoS locks ;P
18:13.13Shirikin fact one of the most efficient ways to have a priest heal is to hit renew/pom immediately after a greater heal
18:13.14zenzelezzhealing meters, like damage meters, are misleading
18:13.16ralfWORKPoM is great, sure
18:13.30ShirikAnd if everything goes 100% correct, that's fine with 3 pallies
18:13.41LopeppeppyAnd not all priests have it.  So stacking them can indeed have benefits.
18:13.44Shirikbut if something goes wrong and it needs to be corrected, a priest is going to be able to do it much more easily (and efficiently) than a paladin
18:13.56ralfWORKLopeppeppy: right... I said 1 IDS priest and 1 CoH priest
18:14.22ralfWORKbetween the 2 priests there, you'd have all the healy priest spells at the raids disposal
18:14.25kamdisI think you undervalue the Healing Priest a lot ralf
18:14.37kamdislike most people
18:14.38LopeppeppyUnless you WANTED to have two CoH for a specific fight/strategy.
18:14.45ralfWORKkamdis: I played one 1-70. I love my priest holy and shadow
18:14.54LopeppeppyLimiting yourself from the get-go is not wise.  Be more flexible in your thinking.
18:14.55ralfWORKI think priests rule
18:15.20ralfWORKI think the ability of the player is often more important than class makeup in a raid
18:15.35LopeppeppyNot denied.
18:15.38ralfWORKnone of these things answer the question of "why would you want more than 2 priests in a raid"
18:16.01ShirikI already did
18:16.02FinI was in a group as healer, with two shadow priests, recently
18:16.04Shirikyou just didn't listen to me :)
18:16.24Lopeppeppy"Unless you WANTED to...."
18:16.24ralfWORKand saying "well you can kill illidan with 5 holy priests" isn't exactly addressing it
18:16.35Shirikif you're going to assume your group works 100% correctly with 0 mistakes, then you can avoid using more than 2 priests
18:16.35ralfWORKShirik: sorry, I gotcha
18:16.48Shirikif you're going to assume your group will make some errors (which happens to EVERY group) you can get some benefit.
18:16.49LopeppeppyBecause you can.  *shrug*  That's why I listen to music in the shower, because I can and I want to.
18:17.04ShirikI blow my hair in the shower
18:17.12Shirik<3 Lopeppeppy
18:17.14LopeppeppyIndeed?  Flexible.  Rawr.
18:17.31ralfWORKShirik: I would make the arguement that a shaman or a resto druid is less of a 1 trick pony than a pally
18:17.39cncfanaticsShirik: I blow in the shower ^^
18:17.47ralfWORKI... shower in the shower
18:18.04Shirikresto druids rarely (and shouldn't) use a direct heal
18:18.18LopeppeppyTree is for hot.
18:18.19Shirikshamans I just know nothing about so I can't say anything about them
18:18.34kamdischain Heal FTW
18:18.37kamdisit's awesome :)
18:18.47ralfWORKI'd think chain heal is a better "ohshit" than anything a priest might have
18:18.50art3misyou blow in the shower?
18:18.57ralfWORKbut *shrug*
18:19.04ralfWORKdifferent kind of ohshit
18:19.05art3miscircle of healing!
18:19.24ralfWORKtree hugger
18:19.25kamdisChain heal should be a staple of Shaman healing, not an Ohshit
18:19.33ScytheBlade1It's so totally awesome though.
18:19.52cncfanaticschain heal is awesome
18:20.05ralfWORKkamdis: maybe so. I'm with Shirik; (near-)zero experience with resto shaman
18:20.20cncfanaticsany treehuggers here ?
18:20.24Lopeppeppyour shammie healer is all about chain heal.
18:20.24Shirikstill, afaik
18:20.26Shirikshamans don't have hots
18:20.30ScytheBlade1cncfanatics: I love my resto druid, yes
18:20.31LopeppeppyI'm a baby tree hugger, only at 49 though.
18:20.39Shirikname the type of heal a priest doesn't have
18:20.43ScytheBlade1cncfanatics: I love my 70 resto druid, yes
18:20.53cncfanaticsShirik: the infinitely spammable type of heal :)
18:21.01Shirikcoh is pretty damn close
18:21.17cncfanaticsyou won't spam coh half as long as fol with equivalent gear :p
18:21.19ShirikI literally spend the trash of the eye spamming it, with no breaks in between
18:21.21kamdisI can pretty much spam CoH forever
18:21.51cncfanaticsFoL can be spammed twice forever though
18:22.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
18:22.22Shiriklua> math.huge == math.huge * 2
18:22.22lua_botShirik: true
18:22.23ralfWORKShirik: yes, the "jack of all trades" arguement
18:22.50kamdiscncfanatics, yes but it's only one target
18:22.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
18:22.53Kivinlua> math.huge
18:22.53lua_botKivin: inf
18:25.06cncfanaticskamdis: true
18:25.08ralfWORKthose trinkets off 2nd to last boss in Magister's Terrace
18:25.11ralfWORKlook interesting
18:25.13cncfanaticsmath.huge ?
18:25.16cncfanaticsdoes that seriously exist ?
18:25.24ralfWORKanyone found how useful they are yet?
18:25.27KivinI can't imagine what purpose it could possibly serve
18:25.28batrickcncfanatics: yes?
18:25.44batrickit has plenty of purposes
18:25.53batrick--> for i = 1, math.huge do print(i) end
18:25.59batbotbatrick: @ maximum execution time/memory exceeded
18:26.50cncfanaticsif you want to infinite loop at least do it stealthly
18:27.19cncfanaticslocal i loopto = 5 / (divider or 0); for i = 1, loopto do print(i) end
18:27.41batrickit lets you increment i forever basically
18:27.48batrickand is takes less lines of code
18:28.13*** join/#wowi-lounge MySpoons2Big (
18:31.10MySpoons2BigI seem to be having a little problem.  Upon calling the function "GuildControlSaveRank(GuildControlGetRankName(i))" (where "i" is any of my guild ranks) the amount of gold a player of that rank can withdraw from the guild bank is suddenly multiplied by 10000.
18:31.47sacarascsure it's not in copper?
18:31.49batrickthat's probably right
18:31.57ralfWORKthe answer is simple, divide by 10000!
18:32.03batrickyou gave it a amount in gold, and it changes it to the amount in copper
18:33.05MySpoons2BigI never called "GetGuildBankWithdrawLimit" or "SetGuildBankWithdrawLimit".
18:33.33MySpoons2BigIt's not even my intention to modify how much they can withdraw.  It just modifies that value on its own.
18:34.00batrickperhaps that's the default?
18:34.37art3misoh appearantly the lag and server choking results in "rollbacks" of sorts and can be used to dupe items and gold via guild bank
18:34.37MySpoons2BigI just created a new rank for my guild to test that and the new rank defaulted to 0 gold.
18:34.43*** join/#wowi-lounge lua_bot (
18:34.43*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o lua_bot] by ChanServ
18:35.40batricklua> pairs(_G)
18:35.40lua_botbatrick: function: 0x6290b0, table: 0x6286b0, nil
18:36.09MySpoons2Bigart3mis: ?
18:36.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
18:36.24*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Seerah] by ChanServ
18:36.41cncfanaticslua> for name in pairs(_G) do print(name) end
18:36.42lua_botcncfanatics: tostring, os, getfenv, pairs, assert, tonumber, strsplit, load, _G, coroutine, loadstring, pp, prettyprint, string, xpcall, _VERSION, strtrim, table, strjoin, strconcat, next, ipairs, rawequal, collectgarbage, rawset, print, math, pcall, unpack, type, select, rawget, setfenv, error
18:37.12cncfanaticsain't that a very scarce amount of funcs ?
18:37.23Shiriknot really
18:37.24batrickit's not all of them
18:37.26Shirikbaselib is pretty small
18:37.30Shirikand then some were taken out
18:37.35batrickit's missing getmetatable and setmetatable
18:37.47batrickwhich makes me a sad panda
18:37.59cncfanaticsthat bot has more funcs then that
18:38.02Kaso"prettyprint" ?
18:38.03Shiriklua> setmetatable
18:38.03lua_botShirik: nil
18:38.17cncfanaticslua> prettyprint("I'm pretty");
18:38.18lua_botcncfanatics: "I'm pretty"
18:38.30batricki don't know why i find that hilarious
18:38.43Kasowhats the difference?
18:38.46cncfanaticslua> shittyprint = prettyprint
18:38.46lua_botcncfanatics: No output
18:38.49cncfanaticsthe quotes
18:38.53[Liquidor]lua> for name in pairs(_G) do prettyprint(name) end
18:38.53lua_bot[Liquidor]: "tostring", "os", "getfenv", "pairs", "assert", "tonumber", "strsplit", "load", "_G", "coroutine", "loadstring", "pp", "prettyprint", "string", "xpcall", "_VERSION", "strtrim", "table", "strjoin", "strconcat", "next", "ipairs", "rawequal", "collectgarbage", "rawset", "print", "math", "pcall", "unpac... (result truncated)
18:40.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Crysli (
18:40.21cncfanaticslua> print(tinsert);
18:40.22lua_botcncfanatics: nil
18:41.21cncfanaticslua>print("Pkekyo| is anoying");
18:41.21lua_botcncfanatics: Pkekyo| is anoying
18:42.22Cryslicncfanatics: You know, it's spelled "annoying"
18:42.35cncfanaticsdoesn't matter
18:44.33Cideoh snap
18:47.26sysrageoh snap. it's spelled
18:47.32sysragespelt is a wheat
18:47.43art3misspelt is a valid replacement for spelled
18:47.50art3mis~dict spelt
18:48.06sysragevalid to who?
18:48.13art3mispeople that speak english
18:48.16ralfWORKin what language?
18:48.18art3misand not american ;P
18:48.22sysragenot proper english
18:48.23art3mis~dict spelt 1
18:49.11art3mischiefly British past and past participle of spell
18:49.19art3missuck it whorebag ;P
18:49.31sysragebrits ftl
18:49.37ralfWORKyea pretty much
18:49.38art3misthey sorta made english
18:50.11ralfWORKso what?
18:50.25Mr_Rabies3it depends on when it was popularized
18:51.25art3misyou'd think that the "english" would know more about valid words in english ;P
18:51.29Mr_Rabies3the US uses a version of English from the 1600s-1700s, the language branched considerably between that time and the late 1800s and early 1900s in both countries
18:51.42art3mishence why i said english not american
18:52.01art3misamericans use the word ain't
18:52.06art3misinstead of isn't
18:52.15Mr_Rabies3not really
18:52.24art3misso they're far from a valid source for english ;P
18:52.28kd3ain't is an acceptable word in formal usage
18:52.28Mr_Rabies3that's a regional thing and not even really common regionally
18:52.36kd3is/is/is not/
18:53.10kamdisMost American's don't say ain't unless they are joking.
18:53.18*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
18:53.24*** part/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
18:53.26Mr_Rabies3i'm from rural georgia and i don't say "aint"
18:53.45Mr_Rabies3my mother is from Chicago
18:53.49Mr_Rabies3and she does
18:53.53art3misyou also dont like blacks, date your cousins and have 14 trucks and cars on the "lawn" of your trailer-home
18:53.55Mr_Rabies3my father is from alabama and he does
18:54.12Mr_Rabies3oh god
18:54.16Mr_Rabies3that was bad timing for that
18:54.25Mr_Rabies3art3mis>you also dont like blacks, date your cousins and have 14 trucks and cars on the "lawn" of your trailer-home
18:54.27Mr_Rabies3<Mr_Rabies3>my father is from alabama and he does
18:54.31ralfWORKart3mis: but... my wife is black, I don't have a cousin or a truck or a lawn ;(
18:54.39Mr_Rabies3oh god the formatting i hate you chatzilla
18:54.54art3misralfWORK: you live in the projects then?
18:55.06ralfWORKI'm homeless
18:55.11ralfWORKI have a laptop and wi-fi
18:55.14ralfWORKto IRC from all day
18:55.24art3mismaytag box #15 ?
18:55.29Mr_Rabies3just a nifty point of information i noticed while looking some info up
18:55.31ralfWORKprojects would be a step up baby!
18:56.01Mr_Rabies361% of atlanta's population is black last i checked :O
18:56.12ralfWORKyea choclate city baby
18:56.23art3misthats cuz george bush hates blacks
18:56.26ralfWORKkinda a bad place to hate black people :)
18:56.40Mr_Rabies3yet it remains somehow
18:56.47ralfWORKnot exactly
18:57.00Mr_Rabies3my dad's older and a bit racist :[
18:57.10Mr_Rabies3he's like, 60 now i think
18:57.18ralfWORKahh yes well
18:57.20Mr_Rabies361 in april, yeah
18:57.37ralfWORKuntil that generation is gone, there'll always be that tickling in the back of their head
18:57.42ralfWORK(in my opinion)
18:57.45MySpoons2BigOk, I definitely broke the Guild Control frame.  Reloading my UI doesn't even fix it.
18:57.45Mr_Rabies3he's not like "GOD I HATE NIGGERS"
18:57.49Mr_Rabies3it's more of a
18:57.58Mr_Rabies3"i bet that guy in that car's black"
18:58.02Mr_Rabies3which is almost as bad :/
18:58.15Mr_Rabies3though he's uncanny at picking them :(
18:58.24Mr_Rabies3he's got about a 90% success rate
18:58.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Bibi (
18:58.35ralfWORKthere's a difference between identifying a stereotype
18:58.39ralfWORKand being racist
18:58.55ralfWORKthe stereotypes exist
18:59.07ralfWORKall stereotypes exist for some reason
18:59.09Mr_Rabies3he also watched fox news and devours the bullshit like it's the nectar of the gods
19:00.09ralfWORKI spend plenty of time on fox news
19:00.12LunessaSo, anyone working on new combat log stuff for 2.4?
19:00.19ScytheBlade1Lunessa: I've been meaning to...
19:00.30ScytheBlade1But I'm leveling my priest atm >_>
19:00.33kd3antiarc's written a little testcase mod from what I've heard. DBM's got a beta push out
19:00.49Mr_Rabies3i'm a classic conservative with a bit of a libertarian lean and fox news drives me batty :(
19:00.59ralfWORKMr_Rabies3: interesting
19:01.02kd3copies are up this very instant if people need to get in the queue
19:01.09LunessaI'm excited about the changes, but I'm nervous that a lot of my tools will break.
19:01.17ScytheBlade1kd3: I think according to the stickies, the queue will ALWAYS be open now
19:01.36ralfWORKI'm about as stereotypicaly libertarian as it gets. fox is ok with me. Then again so is NPR (mostly)
19:01.42kd3it wasn't 30 minutes ago iirc.
19:01.55Mr_Rabies3to be fair so does cnn and most every other news network, it's all alarmist bullshit
19:02.03ScytheBlade1Hmm. Interesting sticky.
19:02.07Mr_Rabies3and npr's just pretentious and boring :(
19:02.26ScytheBlade1"but players may still visit ... at any time to add their character(s) to the queue."
19:02.36kd3go look at bornakk's other sticky
19:02.45ralfWORKMr_Rabies3: ah, you're not one of the "media is biased" people, you're a "media is bullshit" person instead?
19:02.49kd3we can't get on to the euro or the korean realms right now either
19:02.50ralfWORKI could agree with that
19:02.55ralfWORKmostly sensationalism
19:03.03Mr_Rabies3yeah that's the word i was looking for
19:03.08Mr_Rabies3i couldn't find it
19:03.11Mr_Rabies3it was on the tip of my tongue
19:03.26Mr_Rabies3i mean, even bbc is heading that way now
19:03.28ScytheBlade1Yeah, I've noticed
19:03.37Mr_Rabies3so i have to filter through digg and various forums and hope i get a full picture
19:03.55ralfWORKMr_Rabies3: yea, exactly
19:04.09ralfWORKbut then again, people are mostly stupid
19:04.16ralfWORKso what do you expect news outlets to cater to?
19:05.55Mr_Rabies3but man
19:05.55Mr_Rabies3fox really does pander to its audience
19:05.56Mr_Rabies3it's smart business, but not good news
19:05.56Mr_Rabies3i know, people don't like to think :(
19:05.56Mr_Rabies3i can't fully blame them though, i'd rather be dumb and happy than smart and unhappy
19:05.58Mr_Rabies3you may not fulfill your life's potential if you're dumb and happy but at least you think you did :[
19:06.39Mr_Rabies3oh geez i just made a footbane
19:06.49Mr_Rabies3out of a staple
19:06.53Mr_Rabies3it's like a mini-caltrop
19:07.13Mr_Rabies3it's got a strong base
19:07.43Mr_Rabies3if you step on it it won't bend
19:07.54Mr_Rabies3it'll just poke in and go far :(
19:08.01ralfWORKhahahahah ok
19:08.05Mr_Rabies3i'm going to throw that away before i wind up needing a tetanus shot
19:08.11CrysliI'm watching clips from different animes. What is the deal with licking your blade when you fight?
19:08.12ralfWORKyes, tetanus bad
19:08.13Mr_Rabies3i'm bored at work ok
19:08.25ralfWORKCrysli: that's so you know who the bag guy is
19:08.32Mr_Rabies3it's freudian Crysli
19:08.47CrysliMr_Rabies3 - I was thinking the same thing
19:09.13ralfWORKwell that's obvious
19:09.16zenzelezzI wish people... well, my guildies didn't find it so freaking hard to stay alive at Archimonde; I completely hate the "mountain" tactic
19:09.20ralfWORKbut only the bad guys d oit
19:09.28ScytheBlade1kd3: that thread on the test forums is AWESOME
19:09.47kd3oh yeah
19:10.17ScytheBlade1I think I'm going to have to take a break before I bust out the actual low-level alts
19:10.41LopeppeppyI just have to bust something out.  *laugh*
19:10.51CrysliWhat thread?
19:11.23ScytheBlade1Yeah, afk shower
19:12.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Arcaia (n=cnflct@
19:12.40art3misshai lebouef or however has scored some nice movie roles
19:12.49art3mistransformers and now indian jones !
19:13.07ralfWORKwho's the chick?
19:13.20art3miswith the black hair?
19:13.23art3miscate blanchett
19:13.29ralfWORKhmm k
19:13.50Mallabuslol @ indian jones :) sounds like a cheap bollywood remake
19:14.01kamdisShia LaBeouf, fwiw
19:14.05art3misdid you see craig fergeuson last night?
19:14.16kamdisHe's the one good thing that came out of Project Greenlight
19:14.28art3misthey had a indian version of thriller on there
19:14.35art3mishe was long before that kam
19:14.40art3mishe was a Disney channel kid
19:15.02art3misHoles was his big break as it were
19:15.24kamdisI know he was out there before that
19:15.36kamdisBut he didn't get "star" roles before that, not in big Hollywood stuff
19:16.02kamdisThe Weinsteins "made" him, imo.
19:17.49art3mis"Even Stevens" .... Louis Stevens / ... (66 episodes, 1999-2003)
19:17.52art3mison disney
19:18.18art3misthat to me sorta got him started and then he made holes for disney and and got him on the big screen
19:18.31art3misfrom that point forward he had charlies angels i robot etc
19:18.34Cairenn|afkHappy Anniversary Bela|work & wife!
19:19.03Funkeh`can some cool U.S. dude post on the 2.4 post and ask zooty to give us spellID's on UnitDebuff and UnitBuff
19:19.05CrysliLunessa: We let it slip.
19:19.10art3miswell with her chest its more of  shock if they're contained ;P
19:19.19Funkeh`or gal! /hugs Cairenn|afk
19:19.24Lopeppeppyart3mis!  Be a gentleman or I'll collage you.
19:19.37CrysliEven Stevens. I loved that show :D
19:20.40Cairenn|afklook what my hubby & daughter got me for Valentine's Day!  He's so adorable!
19:21.03*** join/#wowi-lounge sylvanaar (n=sylvanaa@
19:21.11ralfWORKwow. healer/tank just told me he's taking a break
19:21.24ralfWORK"I've been putting something off for 7 years"
19:21.41CrysliralfWORK: He had to go to the bathroom.
19:21.48ralfWORKCrysli: lol nice
19:21.49CrysliWait... Just read the seven years part
19:22.00CrysliMakes it even better :D
19:22.10ralfWORKby "break" I mean "won't be playing for months" not "brb bio"
19:22.22LunessaCairenn|afk: Awwww
19:22.35CrysliWell if he's been holding it for seven years it's got to take months.
19:22.36art3misLopeppeppy: i was i said chest instead of gorgeous and large fun bags ;P
19:22.47Mr_Rabies3this internet is terrible
19:22.47Mr_Rabies3i hate not having any broadband options
19:22.48Mr_Rabies3we have HughesNet Satellite internet
19:22.50Mr_Rabies3and oh lawd
19:22.56Mr_Rabies3he's going to murder his wife
19:23.25*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
19:25.08ralfWORKI guess I know what classes to recruit now ;P
19:25.39Lopeppeppyart3mis, you go there and you will be on the collage, no mistaking.
19:26.01Cairenn|afkFunkeh`: posted
19:26.02art3misoh come now
19:26.08art3miswhats the fun in that ;P
19:26.41art3misbesides if i dont treat you like a gorgeous sexy object and a wonderful person how will you ever get an exorbent self esteem?
19:26.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Arcaia (n=cnflct@
19:27.16LunessaWait, Peppy's making a collage?
19:27.29*** join/#wowi-lounge soufron (
19:28.45LopeppeppyLunessa, you can also volunteer to be on it.  I don't mind, I have a big blank wall in my living room.
19:29.32LunessaLopeppeppy: Is it going to be like "St. Valentine's Day Massacre - staring IRC Bandits" ?
19:30.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Arcaia (n=cnflct@
19:31.11art3misactually i'd find that a touch creepy if yuo plastered yer wall with our pics ;P
19:31.25LopeppeppyI surely would not ever be doing THAT.  Icky.
19:32.04ralfWORKif you do, you have to cut the eyes out
19:32.23LunessaAnd paint in lots of red.
19:34.27Cryslior black.
19:34.41ralfWORKcut out anyone else in the pics too
19:34.46ralfWORKin case it was a group shot or whatever
19:34.56CrysliDo a group shot and cut everyone out.
19:35.10Cryslileaving only the background.
19:35.38LopeppeppyI'd rather put paint on my cat and let her walk on the walls.
19:35.56CrysliPut paint on Neo from the Matrix and let him walk on the walls.
19:36.20art3misLopeppeppy: have yous een open season?
19:36.32ralfWORKrofl wtf
19:36.45LopeppeppyNope, art3mis.
19:36.54art3misi just had an imagine from that movie where he's throwing the bunnies at the window to get the bears attention
19:37.11art3misonly covered with paint and you're throwing them at the wall
19:37.20*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
19:38.00LopeppeppyI would never throw a bunny.  They hop well enough on their own.
19:38.42art3misuits hilarious
19:39.01art3mishe throws them and they hit the window and make a squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek sound as they slide down
19:39.53ScytheBlade1Hmm, so, I can do this in MSSQL, MySQL, or even Postgres
19:42.05art3misits totally one of the single best parts of that movie
19:42.05CrysliA friend of mine tricked me into watching Bleach. It's hilarious.
19:42.14art3misLopeppeppy: you should rent it
19:42.16ralfWORKthe anime?
19:42.19art3misbleach is odd
19:42.27art3misthe first seasons was alright and had a story
19:42.29*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
19:42.46art3misthe second just seemed a way to have lots of "in my head dialogue" and fight scenes
19:42.52ralfWORKit's pretty cool
19:43.03ralfWORKI hope you're not watching the adult swim BS though
19:43.27CrysliIt's funny. "I'm in huge trouble now. I better develop some insane power to equal my enemy!"
19:43.35Crysliadult swim?
19:43.53ralfWORKCrysli: you're talking about the anime, correct?
19:44.22ralfWORKya, so you watching it on Adult swim or are you downloading the jap version?
19:44.32art3mis"hell never do it theres not enough time!" "oh i totally will im awesome remember?!"
19:44.47art3misthat abuot sums up bleach
19:44.58CrysliWatching the japanese version.
19:45.12ralfWORKI just ask because I'm not recalling any of this dialogue :P
19:45.26art3misthey're called paraphased summations ;P
19:45.36ralfWORKright, right
19:45.42art3misand i cant right kangi in this font ;P
19:46.12*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (n=jnwhiteh@
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19:46.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Maul (i=446c1b83@gateway/web/ajax/
19:46.55ralfWORKit makes me sad that I need to arena for my PVE mace :(
19:48.24ralfWORKI don't wanna PVP to get weapons used for PVE
19:48.37CrysliMan, the dialogue in this scene is epic. "I will kill you." "You are the one who will die."
19:48.58ScytheBlade1... lol
19:49.13ralfWORKCrysli: they are warriors, do you expect them to be really smart? ;)
19:49.18CrysliIn other words. "Die!" "No u"
19:49.42ScytheBlade1USE root;
19:49.44ScytheBlade1wtf am I on?
19:49.52ralfWORKis that... SQL?
19:49.54ralfWORKor... uhm
19:49.58ScytheBlade1I just logged in as root, why do I need to USE it?
19:49.59ralfWORKwow yea what are you smoking?
19:50.02ScytheBlade1Ding ding ding
19:50.03ScytheBlade1I have no idea
19:50.29*** part/#wowi-lounge lua_bot (i=jnw@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
19:51.08*** join/#wowi-lounge lua_bot (i=jnw@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire)
19:51.08*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o lua_bot] by ChanServ
19:54.17orethdo i have the ability to "reinclude" a file in wow-lua?
19:54.58Cairenn|afkpassing computer over to kiddo (since hers is currently non-functional), so if you really need me for something urgent, I'm here, but you'll have to ping me
19:55.17Cairenn|afkif it isn't urgent, please wait
19:55.20pastamanceroreth: can you be more specific
19:55.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
19:59.03CrysliCSS is awesome. I just found out that I can apply :hover to other tags than <a> :D
19:59.14ralfWORKnot in IE :(
19:59.54CrysliYeah, I found out.
20:00.07ralfWORKbut it's still awesome :)
20:00.10Lunessa - oh my
20:00.12ralfWORKCSS is awesome
20:00.19ralfWORKweb browsers are not
20:00.25*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
20:00.48*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
20:00.53CrysliLunessa: That's... Special.
20:00.57ralfWORKit's kinda horrible
20:01.09LunessaI'm laughing very hard.
20:01.21*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
20:01.21*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
20:01.27hastegod.. the comments on that site
20:01.33hastemakes me want to stab myself
20:01.42CrysliralkWORK: What I find really annoying is the box model roblem.
20:01.59ralfWORKCrysli: yes, that's extremely annoying
20:02.39orethok, let me ask something different
20:03.00orethcan I build a DLL in C++ and call it from lua?
20:03.03orether.. WoW lua
20:03.24pastamanceryou can't get outside of the lua sandbox
20:03.50orethwhat do you mean "sandbox" ?
20:04.07pastamancerlike a java jvm
20:05.27oreththat makes sense
20:05.57orethcan I include other lua files in my code?
20:06.42orethor does all my code have to sit in one Lua file?
20:07.00Maulno, you can have as many as you want, just need to list them all in the .toc
20:07.30orethThat means the question I was leading up to is already answered with a resounding "NO"
20:07.38orethhowever, i will ask it anyway
20:07.47pastamanceralso, all of your addons and the blizzard interface share the same global namespace
20:07.58orethIn python, to include a file:   import Library
20:08.07orethlater, if you want to reload it for somereason
20:08.13orethreimport Library
20:08.27orethI'm going to just assume that, that kind of operation is not supported/allowed
20:08.27Maulall the lua file i/o functions are turned off in wow lua
20:08.31pastamanceryou have to reload your interface to re-evaluate any lua file
20:08.55orethbut I understand why
20:09.13Maulyeah, hence the term "sandboxed" =)
20:12.17orethubuntu :P
20:16.40Cryslikorv :D
20:19.57ScytheBlade1Interesting fact: the saved combat log has a variable number of columns, despite commonly terminating lines with multiple nils
20:20.38mikmawhat's the current status, will the epic mount prices get lowered to 2k?
20:20.45ScytheBlade1Still 5k on the PTR
20:21.22mikmaScytheBlade1: thanks
20:21.31nevcairieli would be surprised if they ever lowered that
20:21.38nevcairieland i would want a refund
20:23.52foxlitDid they nerf RoS?
20:24.00foxlitIt no longer seems to use Seethe :/
20:26.29ScytheBlade1Man, looking back at my old combat log code, I'm kinda sad to see it go
20:26.32ScytheBlade1This was actually good stuff
20:26.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
20:31.01cncfanaticswhat was the url to see the current framexml code again ?
20:31.02cncfanaticsforgot :(
20:31.09cncfanaticsoh, purl to the rescue
20:31.13purlGet the official Blizzard Interface AddOn Kit here: or view it online at
20:38.23CrysliABF is actually a pretty good font for unitframes.
20:38.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Hjalte (
20:39.12cncfanaticsanyone around thats good with actionbutton attributes ?
20:39.15cncfanaticsits been a while for me
20:39.33*** join/#wowi-lounge art3mis_ (
20:39.59purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
20:40.03cncfanaticsyea yea I know
20:40.09cncfanaticsthing is I don't have only one question but plenty :p
20:40.12cncfanaticsguess I'll start with the first one
20:40.25cncfanaticsis statemap-state = $input needed when using the new (macro-like) state driver stuff ?
20:40.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
20:41.14bleeterman, I wonder what Cide did to break the PTR char copy system.. he's done a pretty good job on it ;)
20:42.07Cide- enabled = true;
20:42.10Cide+ enabled = false;
20:43.28*** join/#wowi-lounge kaelten_ (
20:44.14bleeterooh, you sneaky bastard Cide, that'll stump Hortus for weeks!
20:45.24CrysliWhat'd Cide do?
20:45.38bleeterbreak the PTR char copy
20:46.05bleeterwhy not? (at a guess)
20:46.21bleeterhe has a reputation to uphold of breaking everything else
20:46.57CrysliThat's a pretty solid reason.
20:48.09Bela|workmm, both my chars finally got copied
20:52.25ScytheBlade1buhaha @ The Power Behind the Scenes
20:53.55DezzimalMaybe someone can help me find this, but I remember this really well laid out site that had profession leveling guides along with estimated cost data pulled from wowhead
20:54.01ScytheBlade1Mr. Micless is really good too
20:54.22Dezzimalits not coming up in google for any of the searches I've tried :(
20:55.54Dezzimalfound a link to it in the wow forums of all things...lord knows how easy it is to find anything on there
20:56.36cladhairein the butt
20:56.49cladhairegood thing that's the only site i use that password on :P
20:57.41ScytheBlade1Lunessa: that thread is awesome
20:58.04LunessaSomeone here at work linked it to me.  I never go to general. LAWL
20:58.55*** join/#wowi-lounge kamdis (i=405f8902@gateway/web/ajax/
20:58.58ScytheBlade1I've been indirectly (and directly in some cases) accused of killing guilds by leaving, and as "The Power Behind The Scenes" - that thread is eppic
21:01.57LunessaLegendary, it drips orange.
21:05.54*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
21:07.19MySpoons2BigLunessa: Great thread.
21:07.33LunessaI wish I'd written it.
21:07.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Bela|work (n=Beladona@
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21:10.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
21:10.38Dezzimalbulkmail still chokes on battleground marks :(
21:18.31Syzgynmorning all
21:23.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Maul (i=446c1b83@gateway/web/ajax/
21:24.34cog|workit's a Maul!
21:27.15testleKis there some type of 'is item soulbound' API? I can't seem to locate one on wowwiki...
21:27.38Shiriknot really
21:27.40Shirikprocess the tooltip
21:27.55testleKarg thats what I thought I was going to have to do :/ ty
21:30.20*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
21:30.41cog|worktestleK: ;)
21:31.02cog|work(covered by "anything and everything that exists in tooltips" :P )
21:34.44MaulHeya Cog =)
21:37.55testleKaye lol
21:38.19testleKgood thread didn't see that one when looking around :P
21:38.39cog|workit's old...
21:38.45*** join/#wowi-lounge haste` (
21:38.45cog|workand could use some love...
21:39.51LunessaIt's Valentine's Day... everyone could use some love.
21:40.24ScytheBlade1I somehow doubt there are only 29 total events
21:40.33ScytheBlade1(Recorded in the combat lot)
21:41.35Cideread the code?
21:41.46ScytheBlade1The C code?
21:41.55ScytheBlade1This is the /combatlog data :)
21:42.08Cideso what?
21:42.14Cidemost of the events are handled in the combat log addon
21:42.36Bela|worknot sure I understand the problem
21:42.50Bela|workthe way those events are handled you don't need a billion events
21:43.03ScytheBlade1Not really a problem per se, but I'm just not getting what I expected
21:43.09Cidethe combat log event still has subevents
21:43.15ScytheBlade1Which could be solved by logging more data for hours on end I'd imagine
21:43.33ScytheBlade1Yeah, I know
21:43.48Bela|workok heading home
21:52.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh_ (
21:53.56kd3PTR char copy appears to be up this very instant
21:53.59kd3won't stay up for long
21:54.00kd3go go go
21:54.54Shirik<3 <3 kd3
21:55.10Shirikwhere should I copy
21:55.10Shirikpvp or pve
21:55.14kd3think most of us are on pve
21:55.15ScytheBlade1PvE is where most of us are
21:55.21Syzgynpve is farther progressed too
21:55.27Cidepve is where I am
21:55.29Cidethere's your answer
21:55.37*** part/#wowi-lounge MySpoons2Big (
21:56.05Shirikactually I want to duel you
21:56.08CideScytheBlade1: is there any reason you're not just looking at the Blizzard_CombatLog addon source?
21:56.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
21:56.28ScytheBlade1Cide: I just did. :)
21:56.37Cideit tells you everything
21:56.41ScytheBlade1That it does
21:57.10cncfanaticsdoes anyone know if it matters in what order you put attribute ?
21:57.13cncfanaticsfor buttons
21:57.22cncfanaticseg, shift-alt-whatever is the same as alt-shift whatever ?
21:57.29Cidehas to be a specific order
21:57.35cncfanaticsthats crap
21:57.38cncfanaticssame for suffixes ?
21:57.43Cideno idea
21:58.03SyzgynHm, stuck on Handshaking on the PTR
21:58.09ScytheBlade1PTR is down atm
21:58.17Syzgynthat explains why then
21:58.25Syzgynback to live
21:58.27cncfanaticsclad|office, clad|sleep, ping
21:59.29cncfanaticsdoes order of attributes matter for anything except alt, ctrl & shift ?
21:59.54cncfanaticscan I do for example something-friendlytarget-catform and something-catform-friendlytarget ?
22:00.49clad|sleepcatform and friendlytarget aren't.. normal
22:00.53clad|sleepso you're doing somethign with states
22:00.55clad|sleepin which case, you'd haev to tell me.
22:01.02cncfanaticswell, its work in development
22:01.09cncfanaticsjust making stuff on paper atm
22:01.31clad|sleepwell i don't know
22:02.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Crysli (
22:02.13cncfanaticsI guess I'll find out then
22:02.22cncfanaticsthanks anyway clad|
22:02.42Crysli:( I feel sick.
22:02.52cncfanaticsg'night everyone
22:04.03Lunessa~comfort Crysli
22:04.03purlThere, there, Crysli.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
22:05.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Arcaia (n=cnflct@
22:07.52CrysliThanks Lunessa.
22:08.21CrysliI feel much better ow.
22:08.47LunessaGlad I could help.
22:15.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Maul (i=446c1b83@gateway/web/ajax/
22:18.30*** join/#wowi-lounge initializing1 (
22:18.51Shirika program wants access to your computer
22:19.01Shirikare you cruel enough to deny?
22:19.25ShirikI think I'm going to modify vista to put a little devil picture there and let the user know he is in control
22:19.29Shirikthat programs bend to his will
22:19.37LunessaAcess DENIED!
22:22.47zenzelezzso I'm running lowbie quests in Darkshore on my 70 human for rep... and I know there are more quests in Auberdine, but the NPCs don't offer me all of them for some reason :-| Any idea why?
22:23.05CrysliBecause Auberdine sounds like Aubergine.
22:23.06*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
22:23.12CrysliWhich is delicious.
22:25.53zenzelezzreally annoying, I can't figure out a reason why they wouldn't offer me the quests
22:26.31nevcairielmaybe you need to do some prequest
22:26.41nevcairieli remember auberdine being like that
22:26.42ScytheBlade1Hehe. Combat logs stored in a database let you do fun things.
22:27.34LunessaI am such an ass...
22:28.09zenzelezznevcairiel: I thought I did just about all the starting area quests, and finished all the quests they offered me in Auberdine... I could be forgetting something, guess I'll just head off to Ashenvale
22:28.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Saint-N (n=art3mis@WoWUIDev/WoWI/HKUI/art3mis)
22:32.33ScytheBlade1That's either a bug in the combat log, or some poor sap critting a cheat death rogue for one entire point of damage.
22:36.56SyzgynScytheBlade1: critting for 1 sounds about right.
22:37.13ScytheBlade1Well, I've got that in this log, haha
22:39.15*** join/#wowi-lounge esteth (
22:40.55ScytheBlade1I don't suppose anyone has a 2.4 combat log >2MB in size, do they?
22:41.03ScytheBlade1Mine is an entire 2MB even, and I want more data :(
22:42.35Syzgynlemme check
22:42.53Syzgynblah, wasn't logging it when I was playing, sorry
22:42.56CrysliI just fixed my headphones. =D
22:43.07CrysliAmazing what a piece of tape can do.
22:43.17Syzgynduct tape?
22:43.22ScytheBlade1Not a problem, just hoping
22:43.28kd3duck tape <3
22:43.35Syzgynwhen the ptr
22:43.43Syzgynptr's come back up, I'll start logging
22:44.03ScytheBlade1I'm just going to install ForeverAFK on my PTR client, log in, and sit around the base, logging
22:44.04CrysliNo, regular tape.
22:44.38CrysliWas just a loose circuit, så nothing big.
22:45.30ScytheBlade1CREATE VIEW meleeCrits AS SELECT UUID, logId, timestamp, event, src, srcName, srcFlags, dst, dstName, dstFlags, v1 AS damage FROM logData WHERE v6 = "1" AND event = "SWING_DAMAGE";
22:45.35ScytheBlade1Databases are fun!
22:49.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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22:53.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110| (
22:57.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Drool (
23:01.54*** join/#wowi-lounge |pez| (
23:02.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin_ (
23:05.05Lunessa - post 10 -  You could just glare at your wife and say "hunny, I'm going on a raid. got a problem with that? didn't think so..."  Yeah. That didn't work for me either. The swelling has gone down though and I'm back on solid foods now.
23:14.01*** join/#wowi-lounge soufron (
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23:15.25ScytheBlade1Lunessa: lol
23:15.40Lunessapure gold
23:16.02ScytheBlade1That is pretty good
23:17.00ScytheBlade1clad|office: clad|sleep: ping, new patch is out. 34MB of it.
23:20.12kd3whee, new PTR build. diff in a sec
23:20.25kd3giant. geez... 34MB
23:20.36ScytheBlade1Read up two lines ;)
23:20.51Antiarc34mb DIFF?!
23:20.56ScytheBlade1lol no
23:20.59AntiarcOh, 34mb patch
23:21.01AntiarcThank god
23:21.02ScytheBlade134MB total patch download
23:21.06AntiarcI was about to have a serious freakout
23:21.07kd3I'd be scared to see a 34MB diff
23:21.24[dRaCo]try comparing wow 1.0 to 2.0 ;)
23:21.43Shirikjust won an EOTS 23-2000
23:25.39kd3oh, bah. don't freeze up on me at 99%. stupid blizz downloader.
23:25.53kd3patch-4.MPQ, huh
23:26.09Antiarckd3: How do you do the diffs? Have a pipeline set up for it
23:26.42kd3I've got a folder full of 0.3.2.xxxx directories pulled using Blizz's tool. just a simple diff -ru folder1 folder 2 > out.diff
23:26.59AntiarcAh, okay, makes sense!
23:28.24kd3cripes... another 2k line diff. 93KB
23:28.36kd3ScytheBlade1, email incoming momentarily
23:29.36ScytheBlade1kd3: sure thing.
23:29.43*** join/#wowi-lounge kaelten_ (
23:29.59ckknightgimmeh diff?
23:30.11ckknightbut yea, I'm excited
23:30.13ckknightare you excited?
23:30.17ckknightlet's get excited, people
23:30.17kd3poke me with an email addy
23:30.22zenzelezzpositively rigid
23:30.27ckknightmy username at gmail
23:30.54sag_ich_nichtanyone bored enough to unethically do a change to pallypower disabling the retarded "smart" buff code for single/custom blessings? see my post here:
23:31.00Duman93k diff?  damn
23:31.29ScytheBlade1Sec and I'll have it posted
23:31.46AntiarcWoot, local diff :D
23:31.48kd3ckk; sent
23:31.53ckknightoh, yays
23:31.56ckknight<3 to kd3
23:32.10ckknightlim(x -> 3-) <=x
23:32.33SyzgynBooo realms not up yet
23:32.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Bejitt (n=Bejitt@
23:33.16ScytheBlade1 and .gz for download
23:35.01AntiarcLooks like the icons are implemented
23:35.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
23:35.44ckknightAntiarc: is it just for ScrollingMessageFrame or any FontString?
23:35.57AntiarcI can't tell yet
23:36.11ckknightif it's for any FontString, then DogTag might get some new tags :-P
23:36.57SyzgynI thought I remembered reading somewhere that it was any FontString
23:38.16ScytheBlade1It should be any font string, but the UI is limiting the ones you can send (ie, "{star}") to /rw and party chat, iirc
23:38.42ckknightlooks like they're getting ready for ruRU
23:38.51kd3ya, just got to that line
23:38.53*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
23:39.14AntiarcMmm. Nothing really interesting beyond the icon stuff.
23:39.20AntiarcHalf the file is interface options
23:39.35ScytheBlade1All the better, it's pretty buggy right now
23:39.54AntiarcDefinitely :)
23:39.57ckknightlol @comments
23:39.57ckknight--Table to reuse! Yay reuse!
23:39.58kd3huh, an internal bugzilla ID number got exposed
23:40.12ScytheBlade1rofl @ that comment
23:40.14ckknightkd3: where?
23:40.21kd3+--Task 21207: Add the ability to link raid icons to other players
23:40.32ckknightthis is odd, though: for i, element in next, displayedElements do
23:40.38ckknightinstead of for i, element in pairs(displayedElements) do
23:40.57kd3whee, they fixed click-casting
23:41.31ckknightlots of stuff to the UIOptionsFrame
23:41.45kd3which is good. there's been a lot of bitching about it
23:42.42ScytheBlade1+<!-- Yay. It's a backdrop. -->
23:42.49ScytheBlade1I lol'd
23:43.28ckknightthere's 3 comments with "Yay" in them
23:43.35ckknightYay for magic numbers
23:43.41KalrothSomeone is happy :p
23:43.41ckknightYay reuse
23:43.46ScytheBlade1I like Zoot. He's at least unique.
23:45.07KalrothI like happy comments. They often make up for the bugs I have to fix :P
23:46.41ShirikI like my evil comments
23:46.44Shiriklike the demon one
23:47.09Shirikwait wait, let me find it
23:47.15KalrothEvil comments for evil code?
23:47.23KalrothI bet it's obfuscated Visual Basic!
23:48.04Shirikno it's Java though, evil enough
23:48.19KalrothYeah, close enough. :P
23:48.30Lunessa... some days chicken, some days feathers.
23:48.55KalrothLunessa: Which is it today?
23:49.06LunessaToday... feathers.
23:49.21KalrothShiny or dull?
23:49.27kamdis~hug Lunessa
23:49.28purlACTION jumps into Lunessa's lap and huggles and *hugs* Lunessa
23:49.34ScytheBlade1Which means that the feathers have been seperated from the chicken. Which means that I'm eating chicken tonight.
23:49.37ScytheBlade1I like this.
23:49.46LunessaWell, right now this call is making me want to kill myself...
23:50.19Shirik^ evil code
23:50.42KalrothShirik: It's based on a bad pun though :(
23:50.46ScytheBlade1Oh right
23:50.50ScytheBlade1Yeah you've shown us that before
23:50.59KalrothI like the truckin' line though!
23:51.09ScytheBlade1lol yeah
23:51.32Lunessa~hug kamdis
23:51.32purlACTION sneaks up on kamdis and suddenly hugs kamdis tightly
23:52.41ShirikThat is very close to my try without a catch
23:55.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (

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