IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080212

00:04.17*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
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00:10.00purlit has been said that logs is apt/ibot/infobot/jbot/purl all log daily to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz
00:11.26*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
00:12.35*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
00:14.58art3misanyone remember off hand what port the server 2003/exchange web admin stuff lives on?
00:24.35*** join/#wowi-lounge KivinSan (
00:27.19KirkburnThis game is completely awesome -
00:35.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
00:40.51Shirik~lart Cidan
00:40.51purleats Cidan and falls over dead
00:46.52Thunder_Child~lart Shirik
00:46.52purlstrangles Shirik with a doohicky mouse cord
00:53.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|AFK (n=skullsho@2002:44cc:9fc2:0:0:0:44cc:9fc2)
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01:06.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik2 (
01:06.35testleK~lart everyone
01:06.35purlslaps a compatible dib on everyone's head
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01:07.18Shirikwow, freenode hates me tonight
01:07.38art3misit's not just freenode
01:07.45Shirik~kill art3mis
01:07.46purlACTION shoots a super-inverse fluxpositrino gun at art3mis
01:07.51purlACTION dodges!
01:08.03art3misim time cop!
01:08.08Shirikexcept you got hit
01:08.11Shirikpurl dodged it...
01:09.00art3misbesides a super inverse fluxpositron gun is really just a light gun
01:09.13art3misthe worst that did was momentarily blind me ;P
01:10.35Shiriklight is photons, not positrons
01:11.25Shirika positron is the antimatter version of an electron
01:11.55Thunder_Childbut it's inverse
01:12.02Shirikso it's electrons?
01:12.03Thunder_Childflux electron gun?
01:12.16art3mis== electrino == photon
01:12.28purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
01:14.54Shirikelectrinos don't exist :P
01:15.38ShirikAnd I've never heard of a "positrino"
01:15.42Shirikthough I'm not a quantum physicist
01:16.42*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick_ (
01:18.01Thunder_Childnutrino is clseest for me
01:18.39*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
01:18.57Shirikperl is officially confusing to me
01:19.02ShirikI don't know the language but I just read these lines
01:19.13Shirikwhile (<>) {
01:19.29Shirikignoring the "<>" expression for a moment..... chomp?!
01:21.08Cidanmmm, perl
01:21.18Cidanthe only thing I use perl for is on the shell
01:21.22Cidanand that's if bash can't do it
01:24.01*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work_ (
01:31.17*** join/#wowi-lounge ZealotOnAStick (
01:32.21*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
01:36.11*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
01:44.31*** join/#wowi-lounge krag0th|Mac (
01:44.42WobWorkKirkburn: What is this audiosurf?
01:45.54KirkburnReleases on Friday
01:46.05KirkburnI played the beta, and it was pretty good
01:48.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=0ctavius@
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01:52.47ScytheBlade1Is it normal for lortab to not fix pain in the slightest?
01:54.36*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
01:59.12WobWorkGryphen: I tried your link but all I got was a page with a input box in it =(
01:59.26WobWorkTa Mr Burn
02:01.52WobWorkhm, $9
02:02.14WobWorkWorth it just for the Mr Blue Sky track =P
02:02.28WobWorkalthough imagine "Still Alive" on that
02:04.58KirkburnYeah, Mr Blue Sky = just wow
02:05.37KirkburnELO rocks
02:08.14WobWork*ting ting ting ting*
02:10.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
02:13.06WobWorkoh god
02:13.14WobWorksomeone stop me from buying the elo album from itunes =(
02:13.31kd3ok. "Don't buy the ELO album on iTunes"
02:14.01WobWorkThank you
02:14.19WobWork"It's a terrible thing to lose! It's a given thing! What a terrible thing to lose..."
02:15.10WobWorkinstead, I'll just get MBS
02:16.00KirkburnBUY IT
02:17.36KivinSanCan I prevent a frame from reaching the layout cache by using :SetUserPlaced(false)?
02:25.43*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
02:26.37pastamancerKivinSan: that's what that function is supposed to do.  you'll have to call it right after every time you call StopMoving though
02:36.04CidanOkay, so, after my friend egged me on about RDX6 and how NOT to make Conspiracy, I said fuck it.  I just installed RDX6.
02:36.10CidanHoly fucking programmers interface.
02:36.35LopeppeppyGood, or bad/
02:37.16Mr_Rabies2it hates you too Lopeppeppy
02:37.17CidanIt's like Veni took "user friendly" and shit all the fuck over it, ate it, threw it up, shit on it some more, left it to rot in the streets of NYC for three years and then presented the end result as a user interface for the end user.
02:37.52*** join/#wowi-lounge alestane (
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02:39.37LopeppeppyOoooooh... kay!
02:39.48LopeppeppyNow you know what not to do, a lot.
02:40.23ShirikHahaha I told you Cidan
02:40.32CidanNo shit man.
02:40.36ShirikI told you that a long time ago, RDX 6 is taking everything about KISS and spelling it SSIK
02:40.55CidanI mean it's nice that it's advanced and all; but christ, *I* couldn't even make a window.
02:41.02ShirikIt was definitely made for a programmer
02:41.04Shiriknot a user
02:41.09CidanNo joke.
02:41.55CidanI've always been worried that Conspiracy's UI would be in the shadow of RDX6; am I doing enough?  Is it flexable enough while allowing for ease-of-use?
02:42.07CidanTotally not worried anymore. :D
02:42.25LopeppeppyGood, then you've made progress already.
02:42.36LopeppeppyI'll Stupid Test it for you, that should show you what's borked.
02:42.42LopeppeppyI'm good at Stupid Testing.
02:43.01CidanI think I've done a good job at stupid proofing it
02:43.24ScytheBlade1Nah. I'd have to use it before you can say that :P
02:43.36CidanShirik: Awesome idea
02:43.43Shirik"There Are 8 Types And Only 8 Types And Thou Shalt Have
02:43.43ShirikNo Other Types Before Me (And You Can Fudge A Little With Tables
02:43.43ShirikBecause I Am A Merciful Language)"
02:43.49ShirikFrom the Lua mailing list >.>
02:44.12CidanShirik: Know the children system?
02:44.31CidanShirik: Going to add something new, object:AddTooltipLine("text");
02:44.39Cidanthen when you mouse over the frame/object, BAM, tooltip
02:45.44LopeppeppyBAM!  Spice it up.
02:46.34purl[spice] a circuit simulation tool, check out spice opus at for a small f free implementation of SPICE
02:46.39Shiriknot that SPICE
02:46.51LopeppeppyVery not that spice.  Try Emeril.
02:47.39Cidan~wiki spice
02:47.59LopeppeppyVegetative... substance...  *sigh*
02:48.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
02:48.27CidanMan, so I just shaved my head hair down; man it feels nice
02:48.29Shirikbut purl's right
02:48.35ShirikSPICE is definitely a circuit simulator
02:48.40Shirikwell, not the simulator
02:48.45Shirikbut the thing that runs behind the simulator
02:49.39Cidanoh wow
02:49.42CidanThat's pretty neat
02:49.54CidanI totally suck with all things EE; perhaps this is a nice way to get into it.
02:49.59Shirikoh, yeah SPICE is nice and all
02:50.02Shirikbut it's kinda a pita to use
02:50.09Cidanpor que?
02:50.14Shirikand if you screw something up, the errors are like.... impossible to decipher
02:50.37Shirik"singular matrix; timestep too small at node N1 N2"
02:51.27*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
02:51.28Shirikbut it's a nice tool, it helped me validate my transistor logic the other night
02:51.57Shirikwell, saturday
02:54.11CidanOh, so that's what you were talking about that night
02:57.25*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
02:59.36*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:02.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotin1 (
03:07.24AnduinLotharChatIgnore was integrated into default ui last patch, right?
03:07.30AnduinLotharor 2.3 or somehting
03:08.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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03:08.52*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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03:12.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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03:13.36TecnoBratI love your host btw  Cairenn
03:14.25|pez|Administratix? :D
03:14.57Cairennjust washed my fingers, can't do a thing with them
03:15.28mikmawhat did you do with them BEFORE you washed them? ;)
03:15.40CairennI'll never tell ....
03:16.26*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
03:16.46mikmasomething that got them dirty.
03:19.30*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:26.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Seerah (
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03:28.17*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight__ (
03:33.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Laptop (
03:34.03*** part/#wowi-lounge Antiarc|Laptop (
03:35.36*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:39.17Shirikmmmmm pocky
03:41.51|pez|I want pocky :o
03:42.54kd3mmm, pocky
03:43.01kd3damn you all, now I'm about to go out and buy some
03:43.22|pez|I can't go buy it. :P
03:43.24kd3and heh, brutallus is bugged. can't get him below 1% according to /1
03:43.25Irielback shortly, OSX upgrade permitting
03:43.26orethpokcy is the equivalent of crack for nerd American gaijin
03:43.28|pez|it's not widely available here.:P
03:44.19kd3nerd american gaijin. wow. if that doesn't hit the nail on the head...
03:44.33orethi believe it does
03:44.52oreththough, technically, gaijin would be any non-Nihongo-jin
03:47.09ShirikI like that word, I'll have to use it in the future
03:47.25Shirikkd3: It's not just pocky
03:47.27Shirikit's giant pocky
03:48.20*** join/#wowi-lounge kaiden (
03:51.26*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
03:53.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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03:54.01Seerahlook at this :)
03:55.23Shirikthey're kidding, right?
03:55.37Seerahit's for realsies
03:55.51Seerahdid you read the gamespy article?
03:56.10ShirikDo they have an actual license?
03:56.12Seerahthey're marketing it for the growing woman gamer market and teen girls
03:56.33Seerahit says it's the "official princess bride game"
03:58.13Seerahthere's a gems/coupons sections that says "did you play the 20th anniversary dvd game?  redeem your gems and coupons here to receive discounts off of the game"
04:02.12IrielThe more important question: Do we have any reason to believe it'll be any good?
04:03.53Seerahcorrect, Iriel :)
04:08.46ScytheBlade1Do we have a function to get the GUID of our target? (or any other unitid)
04:09.55ScytheBlade1That would be immensely useful
04:10.45orethdamn, guys
04:10.52orethi'm a real gangsta mood tonight
04:11.20orethCidan: your link shall not deter me
04:12.02ScytheBlade1Iriel: do we not have it simply because it doesn't exist, or because it's not going to happen period?
04:12.24Iriel100% A, 50%? B
04:12.28ScytheBlade1If it's the former I'm throwing up the suggestion
04:12.49ScytheBlade1B as in "no due to we don't want you to have the data that way"
04:12.52Cairennno throwing up in channel please, it's damn hard to get the stains out of the carpet
04:12.52ScytheBlade1That's what I meant
04:13.37IrielYou should ask in the suggestions thread for sure.. I think they're going to be carefully limiting GUID access, but who knows how much
04:13.48ScytheBlade1Yeah, that's why I asked
04:13.52ScytheBlade1To the suggestions thread!
04:14.29IrielIt's possible (though i'd be suprised) they return it already from one of the unit functions as an extra value (though UnitName would be the only candidate, and again, i think it's unlikely)(
04:15.06orethwhat is GUID?
04:15.12ScytheBlade1~wiki GUID
04:16.03orethScythe: fantastic
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04:17.44*** join/#wowi-lounge ScytheBlade1 (
04:18.31ScytheBlade1DevTools work fine on 2.4?
04:22.40CidanYou know, one day I really need to try DevTools
04:22.45CidanNever tried it.
04:23.22ScytheBlade1... you do
04:23.22orethwhat is devtools?
04:23.30purlIriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
04:24.38SeerahI like that last sentence :P
04:25.59oreth <-- says it's outta date
04:26.03orethhow OUT OF DATE is it?
04:26.20ScytheBlade1Out of date enough to work fine on the PTR it seems
04:26.25ScytheBlade1Well, /dump anyways
04:26.59oreththe Events page for the API
04:27.12orethdo we still hook events into the XML?
04:27.25ScytheBlade1It's perma out of date, but rarely enough to matter
04:27.27IrielYes, but we use local variables now
04:27.37orethIriel: explain a bit, please
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04:27.45Irielfunction On_Event(self, event, ...)
04:28.01IrielOr, if you're using the XML <OnEvent>, those parameters are implied
04:28.02ScytheBlade1And it looks like UnitName does not attach the GUID
04:28.16*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
04:28.30ScytheBlade1Suggestion posted.
04:28.35orethdo i have to have an <OnEvent> tag in the XML still?
04:28.39ScytheBlade1You do
04:29.08*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
04:29.35Irieloreth: You dont HAVE to have one no
04:29.46Irieloreth: You can happily use frame:SetScript("OnEvent", SomeFunction)
04:30.03orethlet me rephrase my question
04:30.12orethwhat is seen as "The Proper Way"
04:30.22orethalso known as "lol scripting"
04:31.00IrielI personally feel both <OnEvent> and SetScript are valid, depending on what you're trying to do
04:31.30Irielif you've got really minimal XML and most of your frame construction/initialization is in lua, then i'd ignore the <OnEvent> altogether and just do SetScript to a handler function
04:31.48IrielOn the other hand, if you've put most of your code in the XML Script handlers, then i'd do OnEvent there too
04:31.55IrielMost of my OnEvents are functions
04:32.06orethIriel: the lua is actually created by a python script
04:32.10oreththere's quite a bit of it
04:32.15orethand very minimal interface right now
04:32.23orethit's just a metric buttload of data
04:33.10orethbut I want to build an interface around the data, now that I have it
04:43.34*** join/#wowi-lounge NightHawkTheSane (
04:44.06Cidanoreth: You could be a real man, don't use XML
04:44.13orethconsidering it
04:44.26orethi'm not a big fan of RPC development
04:44.32CidanXML is fail.
04:44.37oreth(did I use that term correctly?)
04:44.48*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
04:44.52orethI did some work in Flex actionscript/XML
04:45.01Cidan(depends, are you developing an RPC system?)
04:45.02orethI made a really great application at work
04:45.23orethisn't that what wow dev basically is? XML File with Code-Behind?
04:45.50ScytheBlade1Since some time LONG AGO
04:45.50IrielThat's not what RPC generally refers to
04:45.58ScytheBlade1You don't need an XML for most addons
04:46.03IrielXML is just a non-code expression of a frame layout
04:46.17Cidan~wiki Remote_procedure_call
04:46.46orethother than the "commonly on another computer on a shared network" i used that correctly
04:46.57orethi could build the xml and script seperately
04:47.08oreththe XML has no idea what the lua is going to do
04:47.10CidanOr you can not use XML because it sucks.
04:47.16orethCidan: i agree
04:47.22Cidanand well no
04:47.24orethi'm thinking of going at it completely programmatically
04:47.35Cidanin this case, RPC would be say, an RPC system between two WoW clients
04:47.44orethI think I nubbed Iriel out of existance
04:48.03LegorolXML does not suck, it has its uses
04:48.14CidanFOR ME TO POOP ON
04:48.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Fisker- (
04:48.27orethwell played
04:50.07CidanI remember when I first learned to make WoW addons (No, not last week, you fuckers) and I started to use XML, etc.  Then Blizzard made it so the TOC could load Lua files.
04:50.18CidanI dumped XML as fast as I could. :P
04:50.38Legoroluhm.. the TOC and being able to create frames from Lua are nothing to do with each other
04:50.44Legorolthose are two separate things you are mixing up
04:51.08ShirikCidan: I take it back
04:51.13CidanAt one point the TOC could not load Lua files, only XML; this is what I am refering to.
04:51.15Legorolanyway, just because you dislike XML, doesn't mean other people are not allowed to like it, or that it doesn't have its uses
04:51.21Shirikas awesome as that song is, I cannot forgive his lack of knowledge of music
04:51.36Shirikhe's in the wrong time signature
04:51.40CidanLegorol: I know this; I think... I forgot who, clad maybe, chewed me out.
04:51.42LegorolCidan: that's correct, but being able to load Lua directly in and of itself didn't allow us to create frames from Lua
04:51.46Legorolthat was a separate change
04:51.47orethi have a message
04:51.59orethexpecting '}' near '=' on line 2
04:52.06orethline 2 is like... 3000 characters long
04:52.07Legorolsyntax error the
04:52.21CidanEither way, yes, again, *I* dislike XML, and *I* think it's worthless, :P
04:52.34Legoroland that's your opinion
04:52.47Legorolmy opinion is that when you code a UI, you have to describe two things: structure, and function
04:52.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
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04:52.53orethhow do you debug something 3000 characters long? :(
04:52.59LegorolXML is perfect for describing structure, Lua for function :)
04:53.05Legorolgood separation of the two roles
04:53.06orethi missing an opening brace.. in a table
04:53.16oreththat's created by a python script
04:53.21CidanLua is perfect for describing structure AND function, :P
04:53.24Legoroloreth: why do you have a line that's 3000 chars long?
04:53.34Legorolanother thing in favour of XML:
04:53.38orethit's a table created by a python scriptp
04:53.48Legoroladdon authors need to learn how the frame system works, what its components are etc.
04:54.05CidanEasier (for me) to do that in Lua
04:54.12Cidanmakes more sense.
04:54.13LegorolXML describe that clearer than Lua does, because it is a direct description of the structural elements
04:54.25CidanI think it depends on learning style, perhaps?
04:54.57Legorolthe way i see it, ultimately what you need to learn is the structures you are able to create
04:54.59CidanTo me, XML is a cluster-fuck of nest within nest of crazy babble
04:55.07Legorolwhether you create those structures from XML or Lua is secondary
04:55.14CidanThis is truth
04:55.19Legorolon an abstract level, it's the structures and elements available that you need to be aware of
04:55.34orethI take that back...
04:55.37CidanThe main reason I use Lua though is because Conspiracy recycles *everything*
04:55.39Legorolnow, having realised that you need structure, how you teach someone what the available structures are is a different matter entirely
04:55.40Cidaneven frames
04:55.42Cidanare reused
04:55.44orethline 2 is 20,000 characters long :O
04:55.45Cidannothing is static.
04:56.20Legoroland i'm just of the opinion that if you need to describe structure, you better do that with something that's for structure.. and not for algorithms
04:56.29Legorolthat's all
04:56.35CidanEh, I disagree.
04:56.47Shirik--> print(1)
04:56.52batbotShirik: > maximum execution time/memory exceeded
04:57.06Shirik--> print("1")
04:57.11batbotShirik: > maximum execution time/memory exceeded
04:57.16ShirikI think I didn't start up this bot correctly
04:57.22Legorolin every programming environment where you create GUI elements by having lines of code with stuff like "create a frame, create a button" type instructions, i tend to go nuts :)
04:57.22Cidan--> print("This was a triumph.");
04:57.25ShirikI think that module I commented out was wrong
04:57.27batbotCidan: > maximum execution time/memory exceeded
04:57.33Shirikkill 1330
04:57.38orethis there anyway to tell what character a line fails on?
04:57.42Legorolwhy do i have to convert the description of structure into an algorithm for creating that structure, why can't i just describe the structure
04:57.52CidanLegorol: That's the best way for me to work on it.
04:57.59Legorolbut again, that's my personal opinion
04:58.14Legoroli go nuts from having to think of structures in terms of the steps needed to create it
04:58.22Legoroli want to describe it, not describe how to create it :)
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04:58.30CidanIn essence, you are doing the same thing; if I wanted to I could tab out the Lua code so it looks like XML, sans the braces.
04:58.41Legorolthen you are missing the poit
04:58.50Legorolit's an abstract point
04:58.53CidanNo no, I understand, it's the abstraction
04:58.55CidanI know
04:59.01Legorolsure, you can use indentation etc.
04:59.22CidanBut for me, creating and mutating the object makes more sense than say, defining it.
04:59.24LegorolLua is still executed code, so it's an algorithm for creating a structure, not a description
04:59.28CidanI suppose this is why I like C and ASM
04:59.33Cidanand I'm not a huge fan of C++
04:59.36Cidannor Java, etc.
04:59.47Legorolfunnily enough, i was going to apply the same criticism to Java
05:00.03Legorolmost of the GUI work in Java consisted of the same sort of thing: you create GUI elements from code one by one
05:00.18CidanFor Swing?
05:00.20Cidanno way
05:00.33CidanPerhaps its functions
05:00.36orethis there a limit on the number of entries in a table?
05:00.38Legoroli'm a descriptive kind of guy, so that's why for me describing an object makes more sense than describing how to create it ;-)
05:00.49Legoroloreth: theoretically, no
05:00.54Legorolpractically, limited by available memory
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05:01.27IrielThere's a limit to how many entries you can have in a table initializer
05:01.29Legoroland if you have strings in your table (for example using strings as the keys), you are limited by the maximum size of the Lua string constant table
05:01.33CidanI would rather create the object and handle it my self.  Makes more sense to me *shrug*
05:01.50LegorolIriel: what's a table initializer?
05:02.02IrielX = { blah, blah, blah }
05:02.12Iriel(Only by virtue of the constant limit for a compiled function)
05:02.26Legorolah ok, but i could always split it if i chose to, right?
05:02.27Irielbut that's a very real limit for WoW saved variables, or single-file initializers
05:02.43*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
05:02.48Legorollol, i knew Iriel would go yuck
05:02.49IrielThat should be GuildTools_OnEvent(self, event, ...)
05:02.56Legorolit works, it's just not the recommended way of doing it
05:03.06Irielor <OnLoad>self:SetScript("OnEvent", GuildTools_OnEvent)</OnLoad>
05:03.10Legorolemphasis on SHOULD and not MUST
05:03.10Irieldepending if you want early or late binding
05:03.43orethpython style
05:04.53orethare you using ... in reference to the operator in reference to (other variables go here)
05:05.27*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
05:05.57oreth... is a lua keyword/operator, yes?
05:06.17Shirikit's the vararg identifier
05:06.28Shiriklua> function f(...) print(...) end; f(1,2,3);
05:06.28lua_botShirik: 1, 2, 3
05:07.20art3misgot an interview at 10am tomorrow
05:07.27art3misat least i fixed my coffee machine
05:07.52*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
05:08.04art3misgranted it is a 50-65k/yr tech position
05:08.30art3mishave any of you ever setup a voip(asterix) office phone system?
05:08.38orethi created the app that movie is showing off
05:08.53orethi had the option of creating the interface in XML, or, creating it programmatically in Actionscript
05:08.56orethI chose the seconed
05:09.15orethit actually reminded me alot of wow addon dev... except.. in actionscript
05:11.40orethAll the coolest shit I create at work, is on the local network
05:11.58Cidanlower level == owns
05:12.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
05:12.27oreththe only public stuff I can show off is :
05:12.38orethand the Mutual Fund Centre for ScotTrade
05:12.40art3misthats pretty rad oreth
05:12.52*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
05:13.05CidanThat is indeed.
05:13.20orethart3mis: yeah, very rarely do I go back to my work.. .but everytime I look at that video I go "Damn, that was pretty slick, wasn't it?"
05:14.01orethand my other big project is my ircbot
05:14.32orethshe interfaces with a Rash QDBS on mysql as well as she gets market updates, queries the wow armory, and even speaks in lolcat
05:15.02CidanWhat is she coded in?
05:15.07orethpython <3
05:15.20CidanOkay I suppose
05:15.30CidanWe have a bot that does the wow armory actually
05:15.56orethCidan: do you have Aim?
05:16.01*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
05:16.01CidanBut of course.
05:16.30orethsend a message to wowarmory with the message Knikon on Kel'Thuzad
05:17.54Cidanoh shit
05:17.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:18.31orethit accepts "CHARACTER" any_middle_string "Realm"
05:18.54Cidanfast too
05:18.55Cidanreal fast.
05:19.00orethyeah :P
05:19.02art3misfaster than a truck?
05:19.33oreththis is gonna be a bit intense, so hang on
05:19.49orethI wrote a python script, that crawls your wtf/Account/ folder
05:20.00orethit then finds Server folders underneath each account
05:20.06orethand then characters in each server folder
05:20.27oreththen, it goes out to the armory, and gets profession and spec information for every character in every guild your toons are in
05:20.45oreththen, writes a lua table[server][guild][toon]
05:20.52*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
05:21.03oreththat can be referenced by typing "/gt (guildtools) Toon"
05:21.06orethor, by mousing over them
05:21.12Cidanoh... neat?
05:21.13oretheverything works... except the mousing over part
05:21.42orethalso, you can add toons that aren't in your guild
05:21.57orethif the toon you /gt on isn't in the table, it adds it to the que to be added
05:22.08oreththat's the other thing
05:22.10Cidanso the next time the script is run, huh.
05:22.13CidanThat's creative.
05:22.32oretheverytime you update, it writes into you savedvariable files for quick referencing
05:22.38Legorolsorry to burst your bubble, but isn't there already an in-game armory addon?
05:22.52orethLegorol, i'm sure there is
05:22.57Legorolfeel free to shoot me to pieces if i'm wrong
05:23.04orethi dunno
05:23.23orethI've really only actively used 3 addons
05:23.40oretha few nights ago, i had my first need for omen
05:23.52Legorolstarted raiding?
05:24.10orethshit, I was learning MC when it first came out
05:24.24orethfirst raid since the expansion
05:24.38orethi've been PvPing my ass off for the time i've been playing
05:24.53orethit was a "damn, that was a long time ago"
05:24.54Legorolis that meant to convey surprise, or "don't fuck with me", or ..
05:25.00Legorolthat's what i figured
05:25.01orethbut rolled into a "shit"
05:25.08CidanI use a shit ton of addons, :/
05:25.12CidanBongos, OneBag
05:25.16oreth"Don't fuck with me" :(
05:25.18CidanRDX.Cid (duh)
05:25.23Cidanand tons of others
05:25.29orethI'm sorry to say i've run into that mentality
05:25.35oreththen i just squash them with my warlock
05:25.51Legorolspeaking of MC...
05:26.03Legorolcouple of us from my guild did a retro-MC run this weekend
05:26.19Legorolmy priest alt, currently in the process of leveling, got some BOE epics as a result :D
05:26.22orethI hated MC so muc
05:26.46oreth8 hours of boring boredom
05:26.54CidanThe first two or three times, MC rocked
05:26.55Legorolthen why did you do it
05:26.58Cidanby about the fourth time, zzzzzzzz
05:27.06orethphat purpz?
05:27.16orethi did have fun on Major Domo
05:27.20orethafter UA came out
05:27.24Legorolthen you didn't hate it enough ;-)
05:27.41orethUA'd the Guardians that reflected shadow magic
05:27.42Legorolamusing incident in retro-MC raid:
05:27.53orethand started watching the priests drop after cleansing me
05:28.03orethso much fun :P
05:28.03Legorolthere was a guildmember who consistently used to pull Golemagg and wipe the raid by falling of the bridge that passes above him
05:28.52Legorolso we decided to honor that tradidition and kill Gole by jumping on top of him with our leet 70s... and wiped ^^
05:29.09Legorolsecond try we managed luckily
05:29.18ScytheBlade1I remember pulling aggro on Golemagg once
05:29.24ScytheBlade1That was all kinds of fun
05:30.52orethover heard in Shattrath
05:30.57Legorolwe had a big issue this weekend.. with such a small group, and most of them never having done MC, only couple of us had Quintessences
05:30.58oreth"Where Do I buy Perfume?"
05:31.10Legorolthe 1h cooldown meant we were going too fast for our own good and couldn't douze all the runes :D
05:32.59oreth^^ still the correct way to register events?
05:33.05orethi'm looking at my old /wipe mod
05:33.08oreth"ZOMG, WIPE!"
05:33.29*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
05:34.17orethI rewrote that addon to use ace about a year and a half back
05:34.32orethit was a worthless use of Ace :P
05:39.55orethi'm gonna have to re-install that
05:41.20*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
05:42.10CidanI'm hoping, one day
05:42.17Cidanto code a replacement for Fubar
05:42.22Cidanusing Conspiracy
05:43.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Syzgyn (
05:44.19Cidanand prolly autobar, :/
05:44.31CidanI still use the old Elkano Buff Bars that's pre-ace
05:44.37Cidanbroke with last patch, fixed it.
05:44.59*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
05:46.14orethi can get a mob/pc name with UnitName
05:46.18orethhow do I get UnitType
05:46.26Cidanunit type...?
05:46.27orethIE PC/Mob/NPC
05:46.47Syzgynyou need the flags
05:46.58SyzgynI think
05:47.11orethit's the code version of "Capture the Flag"
05:48.39Shirik!ap 1566
05:48.39ThraeBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1566 is, 2v2: 320, 3v3: 370, 5v5: 421
05:48.41orethdo you guys have a command bar just for developement?
05:49.02Cidanoreth: 'splain?
05:49.06Syzgynlike a prompt?
05:49.20orethlet me preface this by explaining a bit
05:49.25orethi play with my keyboard
05:49.36oreththe numpad is keyed to my main action bar
05:49.39*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
05:49.48*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
05:49.50oreth1-0 and +- *./
05:50.09oreththen, my alternative bars are control or alt and the numpad
05:50.25oreththat gives me something like... 40 available actions at anymoment
05:50.41orethi set up development tools on page 2 of my action bar
05:50.44orethreload ui
05:50.46orethshow swatter
05:50.47Beladonamy guild just downed Vashj for the first time
05:50.48orethclear swatter
05:50.52Syzgyncongrats :D
05:50.56CidanBeladona: Good job, :P
05:50.58*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
05:51.02Beladonaand I got the healing ring
05:51.03Cidanoreth: I get what you mean now, no, I don't.
05:51.11Cidanoreth: because I don't really need one...
05:51.23orethare you saying that your code-fu is that strong?
05:51.33SyzgynI get what you're saying, I still dont get what you initially asked
05:51.39Cidandepends, I may just have another way of doing what you do
05:51.45CidanWhat do you use your bar for?
05:52.05orethdebugging, reloading the ui, clearing errors, running short scripts
05:52.24Syzgynyeah, I use a few macros for that sort of stuff
05:52.32CidanI don't
05:52.37CidanI just /reloadui
05:52.40Cidanthat's about it
05:53.02SyzgynI use /rl, and macros for whatever I'm testing at the moment
05:53.09orethi was just wondering if there was a "development UI"
05:53.17purlIriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at  Why isn't it in the default client yet?
05:53.28CidanI hear it's good, I don't use it though
05:53.31CidanI've no need, I guess.
05:53.33Syzgyn*shrug* I'm on the PTR, its not worth setting up a whole UI
05:53.40IrielDevTools is vaguely handy for a couple of things
05:53.50Irielgives you /dump, /dtevents, and /dtframestack
05:54.05orethwill that let me fire events?
05:55.15orethcause i would just be happier than a nub in his first purple
05:55.21orethaww yeah
05:55.23Cidanhaha oh wow
05:55.39*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight__ (
05:56.01*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
05:56.34SyzgynI was about to say, there are 3 ckknights!
05:57.39Guillotineck: can you not access the Apple network?
05:59.49*** join/#wowi-lounge sn0n (
06:03.00*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
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06:04.31orethwrong window
06:05.00Cidanwrong window
06:05.39Syzgynwell played sir
06:05.41orethRIGHT window
06:05.53CidanShit yeah I can
06:06.07Syzgynpics or it didnt happen
06:06.31CidanThat's Shirik's favorite pic
06:06.33SyzgynRAAH GATORADE
06:06.42IrielIs that a gatorade sippy cup?
06:06.52CidanYes, yes it is. D:
06:07.03Syzgynyou look like someone peed in your gatorade
06:07.19CidanMy girlfriend asked me to turn around while I was drinking
06:07.27CidanI was thinking, "wtf does she want?"
06:07.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
06:07.40CidanShirik insists I took that picture on purpose, D:
06:08.24orethpictures huh?
06:08.47ThraeSheesh. My Mom is so bored at Level 70 sometimes. She decoded the Orcish language.
06:08.52Syzgyn"Hm, what is it that would make her distract me from my tasty, thirst quenching beverage?"
06:09.42ThraeNot the entire encoding process mind you, just certain letter / space combinations that appear in English to the other side.
06:09.48SyzgynI tried decoding Darnassian once, but it turns out theres like, 10 different phrases that translate into the same thing :S
06:10.27*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
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06:12.02Cidanman I wish I played the cello, D:
06:12.19SyzgynI dont think many people say that in their lives
06:12.25Syzgyn(No offense to Chello players)
06:12.26*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
06:14.04Thunder_ChildCidan, so learn to play it
06:14.14*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
06:14.34ThraeProblems with re-using models -- "Is that Horde *riding* that Tauren Cat Druid? ...Oh wait, it has wings."
06:14.35orethif (~boolValue) then
06:14.38orethis that proper syntax?
06:14.47orethif (not true) then ?
06:15.15Cidanno need for ( )
06:15.20Cidanif not true then
06:15.25orethbut that's correct?
06:15.30oreth~ is not
06:15.42Syzgynif not true then
06:15.43Syzgynthat is
06:15.47*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
06:15.50Shirikthere is no ~ unary operator
06:15.54CidanI don't think ~ is unary
06:15.54Shirikyou MUST use not
06:16.01Syzgynthats what I'm saying :P
06:16.07oreththe word "not"
06:16.25Shirikas in
06:16.35orethif not findItem(needle,haystack) then
06:16.35Shirikif not batbotIsWorking()
06:17.01orethself:kill();  -- Goodbye cruel world </drama>
06:17.19orethwhoa.. that's handy
06:17.58Syzgynin other news, I <3 the new combat log
06:18.38orethi dunno if this is practical
06:18.40orethbut it sure is cool
06:18.54Syzgynwhat is
06:19.03orethi just walked around shatrath, moused over a whole assload of people, and just mousing over them added them to armory que
06:19.22Syzgynhm, nifty
06:19.33IrielYou pick up a LOT of units with mouseover
06:19.39Irieleven without trying
06:20.03SyzgynI should write a quick mod that counts how many mouseover units I get in a session
06:20.16SyzgynI bet its in the thousands
06:22.00*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
06:23.15orethok guys
06:23.19orethi've got work in the morning
06:23.21orethpeace out
06:23.31Cidan0023 here
06:23.34Cidanno wait
06:23.44Syzgyneast coast FTW
06:23.56orethi have an hour commute :|
06:23.57*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
06:24.33CidanSo do I
06:24.50orethI have a naked wife waiting for me in bed
06:25.05Cidanmy girlfriend already passed out
06:25.06*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
06:25.06Cairennand you're here, why?
06:25.09Thunder_Childbut your going to happen
06:25.11Cidangranted, she's HALF naked
06:25.19orethCairren: Cause she's doing the damn Valentine's quest on her laptop :|
06:26.01oreth"I WANTZ MAH CUE PEE"
06:26.10*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3|hate`net (
06:26.22orethshe just finished this leg of it
06:26.42*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
06:28.32CidanWho's going to Paris with me?
06:28.43CidanJune 28-29
06:29.05*** join/#wowi-lounge soufron (
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06:29.50CidanIT'S ON
06:31.31Thunder_ChildCidan i want to go....your paying right?
06:31.38Thunder_Childerr...for one day?
06:31.49Corrodiasvalentine's day is on Live?
06:31.57*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
06:31.58Corrodiasoh snap
06:32.25CidanThunder_Child: No, D:
06:32.36Thunder_ChildCidan, no to which?
06:32.37CidanIt's for the Blizzard world wide inv
06:32.55Thunder_Childmeh, i dont have enough interest in that
06:34.02*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
06:37.16Corrodiaslunar festival PLUS valentine's day???
06:37.22Corrodiasthis is madness
06:37.52*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
06:39.51SyzgynIs there some way to get the actual spellID from your spellbook?
06:40.34MentalPowerSyzgyn: getspelllink or whatever its called
06:40.46GuillotineSyzgyn: in 2.4
06:41.21SyzgynI know you can get it from the new combat log
06:41.43Syzgynbasically what I'm trying to do is tie a spellID to the name and rank in game
06:41.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
06:42.16MentalPowerwowarmory be down
06:42.23*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
06:42.40SyzgynIt's up and down
06:42.47Syzgyntry again in 5 min or so
06:44.42*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
06:46.48ThraeThe best DPS I've done today was a battle to the death, and both of us lost.
06:47.45*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
06:48.15Syzgynwow, my internet just crapped its pants
06:48.42Syzgynor, Opera decided to stop playing nice
06:49.39SyzgynNope, definitely my internet
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07:02.54Corrodiaswhy isn't that a word?
07:03.16Corrodiasoh, because we have "carp"
07:04.12Lukian"cark it"
07:04.15Lukianit's slang :p
07:08.12CorrodiasCRAM IT, BELUCCI
07:18.05*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
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07:42.00purlboobs are awesome
07:43.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
07:44.12purlAnduinLothar: thanks
07:45.51Corrodiasi prefer "breasts"
07:46.57purlit has been said that breasts is to woman what gcc is to linux
07:49.54*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
07:53.27kd3someone enslaved brutallus and dragged him to the camp
07:54.45Corrodiasenslavable boss. probably unintented.
07:55.21kd3first thing I did was hit alt=leftclick and file a bug report
07:55.24kd36.2M hp, apparently
07:55.58kd3the casting lag is horrible
07:56.01kd3~8sec fireballcasts
07:56.05Corrodiaswhoa, that's a lot of HP
07:56.32kd3pitbull keeps bouncing around
07:56.35kd3gonna call it an even 6
07:57.13kd3and he's bugged. 1% and not dying
07:59.11Guillotinenight all
07:59.17|Jelly|nighty night
07:59.23Cairennnight Guillotine, sweet dreams :)
07:59.24kd3server's gonna crash soon at this rate
07:59.33GuillotineCairenn: night
07:59.36*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
08:00.12*** join/#wowi-lounge soufron (
08:16.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
08:20.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
08:20.32*** join/#wowi-lounge _Chloe (
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08:24.50ScytheBlade1Okay, I've never touched an EditBox before. Or, rather, anything outside of a button.
08:24.59ScytheBlade1That is only displaying a single line for me :/
08:25.25ScytheBlade1Er wait a sec
08:25.30_ChloeAny trick to using Texture:SetTexture? GetTexture retrieves the original texture but SetTexture isn't changing it.
08:25.34ScytheBlade1Never mind...
08:26.49MentalPower_Chloe: what texture are you tring to set?
08:28.45_ChloeBasically the addon I'm writing uses a full-screen warning that uses a custom texture. I wanted the user to be able to choose from different ones.
08:32.02MentalPowerand you created said textures?
08:32.18_Chloeand they work when you hard code them into the frame
08:33.20MentalPower./run frame:SetTexture(newTexture) ChatFrame1:AddMessage(frame:GetTexture())
08:33.26MentalPowerI have a hunch
08:33.58_Chloeusing that same basic code with myDebug and it returns the old texture
08:34.00MentalPowerthen do ./run ChatFrame1:AddMessage(frame:GetTexture()) a few secs later
08:34.16MentalPowerok, what are you passing to setTexture?
08:34.26_Chloea string
08:34.33MentalPowerduh, what string
08:34.37Temdon't forget to escape \
08:34.42MentalPowerwhat Tem said
08:34.49MentalPowerbut I was being more dramatic :P
08:34.54*** part/#wowi-lounge sn0n (
08:35.08MentalPowerTem stole my thinder
08:35.16_Chloelol yeah I forgot the damned ecape char
08:35.18ScytheBlade1How would I scroll an EditBox? I made a ScrollFrame, did SetPoint() on the scroll frame, and then SetChildScroll() to the EditBox frame. ... nothing is visible. :/
08:35.31_Chloe<3 you guys
08:36.03_ChloeI've done that with sounds before, dunno why I didn't do it here lol
08:36.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
08:36.50ScytheBlade1Does the scrolled frame need to be parented to the scroll frame?
08:36.57MentalPowerScytheBlade1: check how the quest frame does it
08:37.04MentalPowerI have no clue
08:37.58*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
08:38.28Thunder_Child~lart MentalPower
08:38.28purltakes out a cattle prod and gives MentalPower a good jolt
08:38.51MentalPower~lart Thunder_Child
08:38.51purlgrabs a large, mis-shapened log, with squirrels, and beats Thunder_Child until only the nuts remain ... which the squirrels run off with
08:41.39ScytheBlade1Yeah, that's doing the exact same thing I'm doing
08:42.28MentalPower~wtf secd
08:45.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
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08:49.29ScytheBlade1I'll play with this later
08:53.43*** join/#wowi-lounge zespri (
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08:58.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Riffage (
09:00.56kd3getting something at 330K/s atm
09:13.03*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
09:16.34*** join/#wowi-lounge AlexanderYoshi (
09:17.28AlexanderYoshiGood evening.
09:17.42Cairenn|afkhey AlexanderYoshi :)
09:17.44Cairenn|afknight all
09:17.56nevcairielnight cair
09:18.06AlexanderYoshiAnyone try to dissect the combat log code yet?
09:18.27Temloads of people
09:18.29nevcairiela little
09:18.44TemAntiarc, ping
09:18.52AlexanderYoshiAnything useful yet?
09:22.07nevcairieljust figuring out how stuff works so far
09:22.38AlexanderYoshiDid anyone see the right click debug menu on the PTR?
09:22.56AlexanderYoshiYou can right click on the buttons and text and a coder debug menu pops up
09:23.55nevcairieloh doh my lvl 1 died again :P
09:24.02AlexanderYoshinice job!
09:24.53nevcairieloh that rightclick menu is quite handy
09:26.49nevcairielwill that be in live as well? i would miss it :)
09:27.16AlexanderYoshiWho knows
09:27.23AlexanderYoshiThey said it was a work in progress.
09:27.48AlexanderYoshiIf you didn't even find that menu, what are the chances of them keeping it? :-/
09:28.05nevcairielYa well i dont run around right clicking everything
09:28.15AlexanderYoshinobody does really
09:30.03*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
09:31.16AlexanderYoshiAnyone here running Black Temple?
09:31.53AlexanderYoshido you have any WWS reports with destro locks in it?
09:32.00AlexanderYoshilike, good hit-capped destro locks
09:32.02nevcairiellet me check
09:34.00nevcairieli can offer a hyjal log, or BT only council + illidan
09:35.48AlexanderYoshiWas looking for a shade of akama or teron fight
09:35.52AlexanderYoshibut council would work too
09:36.12nevcairielmy old logs all expired
09:36.25nevcairielshould be council
09:37.44nevcairielsabs is affliction iirc, lamei should be destruction
09:38.59KalrothAlexanderYoshi: - Dragum is destro (I hope he was at that time too :)
09:39.22nevcairieli need to log a full run again
09:39.27nevcairielguess i shouldnt rotate for once =P
09:39.45KalrothYeah, we rotate way too much
09:39.47AlexanderYoshiSweet, thanks
09:48.32*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (n=leethal@
09:53.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Saiek (
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10:10.20AlexanderYoshihi Kd3
10:10.25AlexanderYoshidid you find the menus?
10:10.28kd3anyone ever figure out a way to stop it from repositioning itself each time some select events fire
10:10.38kd3oh yeah, they rock. disabling useless crap is <3
10:10.45AlexanderYoshiI love the
10:10.48AlexanderYoshi"Hide this message"
10:11.03AlexanderYoshitoo bad the settings dont save
10:16.16Kalrothkd3: I think you have to write an addon to counter the moving :p
10:16.30AlexanderYoshiIts part of the UI puzzle
10:16.39AlexanderYoshiIf you master all of the challenges, you get a working UI
10:16.40KalrothNew UI challenge in 2.4!
10:16.50KalrothBetter than tetris!
10:17.05kd3lol. oh by the way, bugs notwithstanding, great job, alex. the combat log is rather impressive
10:17.39AlexanderYoshiI know the UI is terrible
10:17.47AlexanderYoshibut I pasted it together in an hour one day
10:17.54AlexanderYoshiWe've got our best man mocking up a real UI
10:18.34KalrothYeah, it's obviously a debug ui with the buttons and whatnot :)
10:18.39AlexanderYoshithat floating Combat Log frame bug?
10:18.42nevcairielAt least we get to play with the raw events for now, thats great :)
10:18.51AlexanderYoshiIts actually the result of a fix for the bug that used to cause it to GROW
10:19.00AlexanderYoshiYou're welcome
10:19.15AlexanderYoshiIt took two years of persuading to get Slouken to change the system.
10:19.18KalrothThe first time I pulled the combat log out of the chat frame, it floated offscreen
10:19.24AlexanderYoshiAnd we worked on it pretty much side-by-side for months
10:19.25KalrothI had to restart the client :P
10:19.31AlexanderYoshihaha, oops
10:19.42AlexanderYoshiI just leave it perma-docked
10:19.50kd3I would, if I could redock it
10:20.07nevcairieldelete the file that saves it :D
10:20.12KalrothI couldn't find the option for simple chat, so I went with moving it back down every 10-20 mins ;p
10:20.15KalrothAh yes
10:20.22AlexanderYoshiAh, I fixed that bug, but it won't be out for a couple pushes to you.
10:20.23KalrothDidn't think of hacking the WTF
10:20.55AlexanderYoshiI apologize profusely for the default colors in Nurfed mode
10:21.02AlexanderYoshiit was originally green and red
10:21.14AlexanderYoshibut turned to grey and red to support the defaults for most users
10:21.31AlexanderYoshiWhich I like, but makes for bad defaults when you configure it
10:22.29AlexanderYoshiMy favorite feature is to make a filter that contains only unit death events
10:22.38AlexanderYoshithen use it to see why someone died on a boss fight
10:22.49AlexanderYoshiright click on their name
10:23.08AlexanderYoshiAnyways, cheers.
10:23.19KalrothWe didn't do anything!
10:23.55KalrothOh, nevermind :P
10:24.18AlexanderYoshiDon't do anything I wouldn't do.
10:24.21AlexanderYoshiBye bye.
10:24.37AlexanderYoshi... actually, that's not restrictive enough.
10:24.42AlexanderYoshiDon't do anything Cidan wouldn't do.
10:24.48*** part/#wowi-lounge AlexanderYoshi (
10:25.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn|Away (n=nnchatzi@
10:26.25KalrothWhat would Cidan do?
10:29.12*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
10:30.26wereHamsterin 2.4, will chat_msg_addon contain the guid of the person whe sent the message?
10:30.57nevcairieli dont think so
10:34.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
10:43.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom- (n=nom@
10:45.32ElkanowereHamster, why should it? sin't it flagged as guild message anyways?
10:54.12*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
10:56.53Maldiviayeah... not that I know what you're waiting for, probablu not the same thing as me :9
10:57.29nevcairieland food.
10:57.42MaldiviaI susspect the food will come first
10:57.53nevcairielnot too bad tho
10:58.48kd3daily quests reset in a minute. we're stuck at 88%. trying to get phase one complete so we get new dailies
10:58.55Maldiviagreat, my char copy from yesterday has been reverted, so no chars copied :|
10:59.22nevcairielyesterday? wasnt that locked back then?
10:59.41nevcairieli noticed that it was unlocked this morning and copied 2 chars
10:59.47nevcairielwhen wait time was at 1 day
10:59.49nevcairielnot 8 like now =P
10:59.50Maldiviathe one I did on friday never arrived, even though it succeded according to the log
11:00.16KalrothMaldivia: EU+
11:00.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Fisker- (
11:00.26Maldiviayep... EU PTR char copy is a mess..
11:00.40nevcairielEU was reset this morning, to allow everyone 4 copys again, and all old copys lost in the void or so
11:00.42KalrothEU PTR was reset this morning
11:01.03nevcairiel(12:00:28) (nevcairiel) EU was reset this morning, to allow everyone 4 copys again, and all old copys lost in the void or so
11:01.03nevcairiel(12:00:29) (Kalroth) EU PTR was reset this morning
11:01.04Maldiviahmm... I only have 3 copies though :9
11:01.15Kalroth[11:57] <Kalroth> EU PTR was reset this morning
11:01.15Kalroth[11:57] <nevcairiel> EU was reset this morning
11:01.20Lukian<Kalroth> EU PTR was reset this morning
11:01.21Lukian* Kalroth > nevcairiel
11:01.33Kalrothshut it, Lukian!
11:01.37KalrothNoone asked you!
11:02.18kd3lol, just as 3 o'clock hits. everyone picks up the quest and then the island runs out of mobs...
11:03.04Maldiviahmm... so are EU and US PTRs linked yet?
11:03.40Maldiviaand I'm wondering it that link is the cause of all the charcopy trouble, and is the reason they are choosing not to do that hence forth
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11:11.33sioraiochtclad|office: ping?
11:11.55*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
11:12.13sioraiochtclad|away: ping?
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11:46.28clad|officecan someone please give him a shell so he can screen irssi
11:50.34batrick_lastlog batbot
11:50.49batrick_if he logs on long enough i can give him a shell
11:51.04batrick_he's probably afk neway
11:51.21clad|officei know thats what makes me sad
11:51.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
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11:53.49Wobinping ckknight_
11:54.10WobinI'm guessing you're just an autoreconnect =(
11:54.29WobinPS, Frangelico is a wonderful thing to add to hot drinks
11:55.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
11:55.53Maldiviabtw, have people noticed the Companion cube in Stormwind ?
11:56.21clad|officewowinsider reported on it
11:56.39Maldiviaohh, found it rather ammusing :)
11:57.27Wobinwot? =)
11:58.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
11:58.59batrick_what the hell did shirik do
11:59.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
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12:03.33batrick_--> 1
12:03.36batbotbatrick_: > 1
12:03.57batrickshirik couldn't help himself
12:04.34Wobino If a player dies 50 times or more in a battleground, they will no longer be worth honor for the remainder of that battle.
12:09.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Sixen_ (n=Sixen@
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12:11.56Temokay, if you guys haven't seen this, you need to
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12:17.39Wobinoh Tem
12:17.43Wobinwelcome to last year =\
12:17.57Temwell I just cried I was laughing so hard
12:18.02Temso I had to share
12:18.22Wobinseen: ?
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13:21.18sacarascheh, nice art3mis
13:21.39art3misi like the sorry you didnt get drops but thanks for coming part
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13:30.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
13:30.21art3misgood god
13:30.38art3misi need to ig ckk's joins and parts and signoffs one of these days
13:31.05art3misi can udnerstand net suckage but thats just crazy
13:39.50*** part/#wowi-lounge alestane (
13:43.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Syzgyn (
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13:49.50*** kick/#wowi-lounge [ckknight_!i=jnw@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire] by clad|office (clad|office)
13:49.57clad|officemaybe he'll stop joining now.
13:50.01*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
13:50.19clad|officei don't want to kickban him, but this is getting ridiculuos =/
13:51.47*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
13:51.52*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+b ckknight*!*71-141-9*@*] by clad|office
13:51.55*** kick/#wowi-lounge [ckknight_!i=jnw@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire] by clad|office (clad|office)
13:51.59*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
13:52.05*** mode/#wowi-lounge [-b ckknight*!*71-141-9*@*] by clad|office
13:52.16*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
13:52.17clad|officebad mask, but i'm too lazy to care
13:52.25*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+b *!*=ckknight@*] by clad|office
13:52.25*** kick/#wowi-lounge [ckknight_!i=jnw@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/cladhaire] by clad|office (clad|office)
13:52.46clad|officeckknight: Feel free to shoot one of us a message when you get your connection sorted
13:53.02MoonWolfmight want to pm him that
13:53.05MoonWolfnot in the channel anymore
13:53.09clad|officeyes he is
13:53.23clad|officeon yet another connection :P
13:53.29clad|officeyeah i have no idea
13:53.42*** mode/#wowi-lounge [-b *!*=ckknigh*@*] by clad|office
13:53.50*** mode/#wowi-lounge [-b *!*=ckknight@*] by clad|office
13:53.54clad|officelets see if his client stopa ut-joining
13:53.56clad|officethat's all I want
13:54.14MoonWolfdepends on how "smart" it is
13:55.02clad|officeah well, off to lab
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14:11.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (
14:12.14Lunessa... station
14:13.40*** join/#wowi-lounge kadrahil (
14:14.38LopeppeppyIndeed.  Good morning, Lunessa.  Awake early?
14:15.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
14:15.23LunessaYes. I was kind of out of it last night, so I slept early.  Got up about 45 minutes ago.  Shcoking really.
14:16.03LopeppeppyI was in bed very early too... must be the season.
14:16.14Lunessacould be, could be
14:16.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
14:16.38*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Legorol] by ChanServ
14:17.14LopeppeppyI should keep my germies more to myself!
14:17.42LunessaBut, but, but... you're supposed to share!
14:18.02Syzgynsharing time is caring time
14:18.39LopeppeppyGive us a great big kiss so at least the sharing is fun then!
14:19.26LopeppeppyRawr, the things I get for breakfast!
14:19.45Syzgynhm, breakfast... I knew I forgot to do something today
14:20.01SyzgynI'm out of milk though D:
14:20.27*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz (
14:20.41LunessaBreakfast is an interesting tradition.  Not so popular in Europe.
14:21.08Syzgyndidn't know that
14:21.10LopeppeppyI don't do too much, but I have to start with something or I croak on the way to work.  1 hour drive = bad
14:21.37SyzgynI usually dont get the chance to eat breakfast, but when I do, its almost always a big one
14:22.02LunessaWell, in Spain, Itally and France I should say.  Being the only places were getting what I would think of as breakfast was difficult.
14:22.18LunessaEngland, Germany - they like some breakfast
14:22.50LopeppeppyThem frenchified people eat no breakfast.  Fetchez la vache!
14:23.03Syzgynfrench toast!
14:23.20LunessaAn American invention
14:23.35LopeppeppyWe're awfully inventive.
14:23.56LunessaYankee Ingenuity.
14:24.06SyzgynRedneck ingenuity
14:25.07Syzgynyay for the PTR being up during regular maintenance!
14:27.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Shizen (
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14:28.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
14:28.33*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
14:28.43LopeppeppyI'm a total redneck, hear me roar.
14:29.01Syzgynheh, GA resident checking in
14:29.09LunessaDrive a tractor?
14:29.13Syzgynhell no
14:29.15LunessaMissing a tooth?
14:29.17LopeppeppyLearned to drive on a 3 speed tractor.
14:29.21LopeppeppyAll my teeth, kthx.
14:29.36SyzgynI live in atlanta, the least redneck part of the south
14:29.36LopeppeppyLie, I have 2 crowns.
14:29.44LunessaThink a family reunion is a good place to meet a new sweetheart?
14:30.15Cideonly if I'm there.
14:30.24*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
14:30.35LunessaSee... NOT a redneck.
14:33.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Lukian (n=wizard@
14:33.54LopeppeppyI've met boyfriends at family reunions.  *nod*
14:35.16LunessaYes, but were they someone's date, or were they a relative?  (Or were you the date?)
14:36.36LopeppeppyThey were relatives, but extremely removed.  Like 4th cousins at a huge reunion.
14:36.49LopeppeppyBut I did date a first cousin in grade school....
14:36.54*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
14:37.00Lunessa4th cousins is far enough away that you're not a redneck.
14:37.29LopeppeppyWhat about that first cousin?
14:38.10LunessaDicey.  They're too close for safe breeding and the law doesn't encourage it.
14:39.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Bela|work (n=Beladona@
14:39.12*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Bela|work] by ChanServ
14:39.16LopeppeppyBut he was hot.
14:39.32LunessaI didn't say it wasn't FUN.
14:39.41*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
14:39.56Maldiviaif the boy was hot... who cares :) doubt you were considering breeding anyway?
14:40.18LunessaUsually hot = "I want to engage in breeding exercises"
14:40.25LunessaIf not actual breeding.
14:40.49Maldiviadoing the breeding activity is one thing... actually trying to breed is another
14:41.24LunessaStill, I don't think Lopeppeppy qualifies as a redneck.
14:41.36LopeppeppyI was an innocent little lamb until I went to college and fell from grace!
14:42.10LunessaYou didn't so much fall as jaump?
14:42.24LopeppeppyBoth feet in and full speed ahead.
14:42.59Maldiviaboth feet in... sounds kinky...
14:43.39LopeppeppyYou're just catching on to that, Maldivia?  Late riser.
14:44.07LunessaWell, Lopeppeppy is the kinky one on this channel. ;)
14:44.48LopeppeppyYeah.  Believe that and I've got a bridge in Arizona for you.
14:45.09Lunessa*innocent look*
14:46.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Lukian (n=wizard@
14:47.37Shizen <-- I distinctly remember this guy have his own webcomic site
14:47.39Shizenanyone know ?
14:47.59Syzgynno idea
14:48.16Syzgynnot any of the webcomics I read
14:48.50Lunessathe style looks familiar, but... really no clue.
14:48.54Cidelooks like lookingforgroup
14:49.11Syzgynnah, not really
14:49.27Shizenno no, not lfg
14:49.38*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (n=leethal@
14:49.40Shizenat least that's not Richard, lol
14:49.49Shizenthough he's somewhat Richard-like
14:50.31Shizenthat reminds me
14:50.36Shizenwonder if there's any new LFG saga
14:51.11sysragewhat's funny about that comic is i've seen it happen for real. NE ganked an idiot that was talking like that and we all /cheered
14:53.06ShizenAdventure of Blanc haven't been updated much :|
14:53.35*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
14:53.36Syzgyndunno that one
14:53.44*** part/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
14:53.53Maldiviafomr somereason, it reminded me of Donald from GU Comics :)
14:54.15Maldiviathe "what's your game" spoof they did
14:55.40LopeppeppyRed versus Blue is where it's at.  Chupa-thingie.
14:58.41*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
15:00.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
15:00.59*** join/#wowi-lounge KaoS` (i=spam@about/apple/macbookpro/KaoS)
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15:09.12LopeppeppyPerfect for my day, Lunessa!
15:11.45*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
15:12.44Syzgynahh, the test realm forums are great fun
15:13.01Syzgynsomeone is threatening to quit because they cant copy their character over
15:15.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Hjalte (
15:16.15LopeppeppyPeople always think the PTR's are like... 2 day frenzies.  This will be there for at least a month, maybe two, there are a lot of changes.  Get over the angst!
15:16.56Syzgynblizz has even said that the current state of the PTR is not final
15:17.05zenzelezzpeppy: but not being able to copy means that their super imba wtfpwnskills can't make them the first (okay, fift....ieth) to down the new bosses!
15:17.44Syzgynno, beacuse 99% of the time the people bitching dont even have the gear to do the new dungeons
15:17.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Lukian (n=wizard@
15:18.37zenzelezzSyzgyn: that's where their super imba wtfpwnskills come in; obviously the 24 other T6 raiders won't mind taking a half-green, half-blue guy to Kil'jaeden!
15:18.39LunessaI want to copy over so I can play with things I'm already familiar with.
15:18.53Syzgynlike what?
15:19.16LopeppeppyI have copied over, just haven't had a chance to play.  I'd love to run Kara/ZA with my paladin, see how the new changes feel in an environment I'm very used to running.
15:19.35LunessaLike skills and talents and spell I already know well. Can't spot subtle bugs If everything is new
15:19.44SyzgynI doubt you'd be able to get anything other than a new instance group going
15:20.16Shizenthey haven't even added the battlemaster collision yet have they ?
15:20.25Shizenand I still haven't spotted questgiver for Razorthorn Rise
15:21.06Shizenthey're saying something about putting battlemaster on platform and with collision around them
15:21.15Shizenso people don't go OMGWTFCLUTTER on 'em
15:21.19LopeppeppyThank god, so that people can't stand on them.
15:21.22Syzgynthey moved the daily BG quest guy
15:21.26Syzgynthats it so far
15:21.51Syzgynoh, they moved the BoJ vendor too
15:21.51Shizenthey'll be putting down and pulling up the PTR again and again to put stuffs they're going to test as they see fit
15:21.57Syzgynhe's directly above where he was
15:21.58Shizenyes, I've seen that
15:22.18Syzgynthe PvE realm is 98% to the first town upgrade
15:22.19Lunessa*sigh* I need a 10th to fill out my kara team on a regular basis since one of my raiders decided to guild-hop the progession ladder.
15:22.29Syzgyn50g says the server crashes at 100%
15:23.05SyzgynI've never run with a set kara group week after week
15:23.29ShizenSyzgyn : what they need to do
15:23.31Lopeppeppy"town upgrade" ?
15:23.33LunessaHah. My "Set" team hasn't managed a stable roster yet.
15:23.34Shizenis ban creation of new blood elves
15:23.43Shizenseen the corpse mountain ?
15:23.56Syzgynit's better since the world server reset yesterday
15:23.59Syzgynbut its still bad
15:24.15Shizenpeople still keep trying to swim over fatigue water with their puny elves
15:24.40SyzgynLopeppeppy: It's like the AQ40 world event.  The more dailies you do, the more the town on sunwell island upgrades
15:24.51Syzgyncurrently theres only 2 daily quests and the rep vendor
15:24.59Syzgynno repair guy or anything
15:25.08LopeppeppyOh jeebus, that's going to suck.  *sigh*
15:25.11Shizen2 daily quests in Sunwell Plateau itself
15:25.17Shizen2 more over at the Throne of Kil'Jaeden
15:25.23Shizenlinked with the Shattered Sun
15:25.25LopeppeppyI hated the AQ competition, it was all epeens and stupidity.
15:25.32Shizenand 3 more in Shattrath iircv
15:25.37Syzgynyes, 7 total
15:25.46Syzgynnot sure if they're all tied to the town progress though
15:25.55Syzgynbut they all give shattered sun rep
15:25.56Shizenand I'm eyeing around for daily quest for the Razorthorn Rise >_>
15:26.17ShizenI think the town's progression only ties with the dailies at the Sunwell Island thingie
15:26.21Shizenmainly the Sentry roundups
15:26.27Shizenand Crystal powerups
15:26.28Syzgynyeah, the two there
15:26.45ShizenI wonder where Kazzak is moved to now
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15:26.56Syzgynthey prolly just death-touched him for the PTR
15:26.57Shizenhe might still be there though... just he's not spawned right now during the testing
15:27.02Syzgynthats my guess
15:27.18Syzgynhe and doomwalker were both up on my live last I checked
15:27.40SyzgynLunessa: But yeah, my guild doesn't even schedule kara anymore
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15:28.04Syzgynwhenever someone wants to run it, we get 10 random people and clear it in 2 hours
15:28.16LunessaSyzgyn: We're having the usuall causual guild problem.  Not enough tanks/healers.
15:28.31Syzgynseems to be a common problem :\
15:28.47LunessaWe have people who can clear the place, and we can't put together Gruul's to save our lives.
15:29.05Syzgynnot enough people, or just cant kill maulgar
15:29.16LunessaWe need 6-8 good healers.  We have 4.
15:29.39zenzelezzgood as in skilled?
15:29.41LunessaIf we swap some people to their helainf alts, we lose a critical tank.
15:29.50Syzgynskilled > geared
15:29.53LunessaAs in dedicated/geared.
15:30.10SyzgynI've seen alts with 1k healing outpreform mains
15:30.21Syzgynits all about the skill of the person playing
15:30.21zenzelezzjust asking because I (unfortunately) have experience with well-geared people without skills
15:30.22LunessaSo have I.  But ... not here.
15:30.59Syzgynthe hierarchy goes: Skilled geared players > skilled ungeared players > geared unskilled players > ungeared unskilled noobs
15:31.05LopeppeppyI don't like flowers....
15:31.18Syzgynit's sorta depressing seeing T6 guilds with total chobs
15:31.25Bela|workyou will run into bottlenecks like that at certain points. You are RIGHT on the verge of breaking into new content, but many of the decently skilled people that would join your guild to help you get there won't join unless you are doing that content
15:31.47Shizenfound that questgiver ?
15:31.54Syzgynbut once you can clear gruul, you'll get alot more people interested
15:31.56Bela|workfor Razorthorn?
15:32.01ralfWORKlol casual raiding
15:32.05Bela|workI can't even get my main onto ptr
15:32.08Syzgynlol raiding 6 days a week
15:32.10LunessaOur "healing core" right now = 1 Resto druid with Awesome gear, okayish skill and a Primia Donna attitude, one AWESOME Holy paladin, one well geared, pretty skilled priest who has trouble with staying alive if things get  busy, and me.
15:32.23Syzgynbad attitude = trouble
15:32.39Shizenour healing core mostly consists of druid
15:32.41zenzelezztrue Bela... also a problem with SSC/TK vs. MH/BT guilds (until 2.4 anyway), the good attuned people get stolen by the top guilds, the good unattuned get taken by the rest
15:32.50Shizensome of them not even that deep into resto tree but still pulls amazingness :3
15:32.58LunessaAnd the rest of them are alts people leveled because my healer is my ALT, not my main.
15:33.36Syzgynyeah, my guild was sorta stuck on morogrim, but once we killed him and karathress and leo, all of a sudden people wanted to app :o
15:34.01LunessaHeh, and one of the other 'healers' is a Shadow Priest who is a loot whore and would rather play his rogue anyway
15:34.13ralfWORKfuck altaholics
15:34.19zenzelezzfor a long time our core healer group was way paladin-heavy
15:34.20Shizen>< don't say that
15:34.22Syzgynthe real trick is moving slow enough to keep the casual people happy, but fast enough that your hardcore people dont get bored and leave
15:34.27ralfWORKsorry man
15:34.28Syzgyngah, WTB paladins
15:34.28ShizenI have that alt-itis disease myself
15:34.40Syzgyn<-- 4 70's :P
15:34.41ShizenI have my slots full with 30+ 40+ alts
15:34.42LopeppeppyI love my paladin straight to death.
15:34.49ralfWORKI get sick of hearing "omg can I bring in my 5th alt to this boss cause I NEED SOMETHING HEREEEEE"
15:34.49LunessaralfWORK: You're not helping.  I'm an altoholic.
15:34.52Shizenoh... don't forget all my abandoned 60s horde >_>
15:35.07ShizenralfWORK : fortunately that's not how we do things in our guild ;)
15:35.09Syzgynblanket rule: alts dont come to 25mans unless asked for raid balance
15:35.16ralfWORKShizen: thank god
15:35.34ralfWORKSyzgyn: that rule is the only one to use
15:35.36Shizenthere's a certain 'line' you have to meet before you can start Kara, let alone the other raids
15:35.49Shizenbut the guild WILL help you get keyed and heroics and stuffs
15:36.04SyzgynIMO people need to get themselves keyed and geared for kara
15:36.10Syzgynthe guild picks it up from there
15:36.38ralfWORKit's not that frickin hard to get keyed
15:36.42Syzgynbut if you cant be active enough to do a few heroics and get *easy* gear, you dont really have the attitude to raid anyway
15:37.12Shizenwell it's not really that hard to get keyed, I agree
15:37.18Shizenbut most times, PuGs are just HORRIBLE
15:37.19Syzgynits nice progressing and being able to be more and more picky with your applicants
15:37.32ralfWORKShizen: eh. I suppose so
15:37.44SyzgynSyzgyn's guide to dealing with bad pugs:
15:37.46ralfWORKSyzgyn: I look forward to that
15:37.47Shizennowadays I fear when our 'tank' is a warrior, moreso than if it's a feral druid or pally
15:37.54Syzgyn1) find a good tank
15:37.58Syzgyn2) make friends with said tank
15:38.00Shizenbecause most times, those 'warriors' think that they can tank just by being 'warrior'
15:38.03Syzgyn3) run heroics together
15:38.06Syzgyn4) profit!
15:38.15LegorolSyzgyn: add me to your friendslist plx!
15:38.16ralfWORKSyzgyn: yea, when I did all that I was holy
15:38.19ShizenSyzgyn : I can usually find someone from my guild readily available to tank ;P
15:38.20ralfWORKso basically
15:38.22Syzgynsorry, fury :P
15:38.23ralfWORKfind good tank
15:38.24Lopeppeppy5)  Tank gets bored and quites
15:38.26Legoroli'm good warrior tonk, i promise, i even know what a shield is
15:38.30ralfWORKand 3 DPS can roll their faces on the keyboard
15:38.37Syzgyn6) if 5) happens, he wasn't a good tank
15:38.52Syzgyn7) if your fury warriors dont have tank gear, they're bad
15:38.53Bela|workLunessa: shaman
15:38.57Bela|workthats all i can say
15:39.01zenzelezzLegorol: duh, it's priest spell!!! ;)
15:39.04Legoroli think the major problem is that the good warrior tanks tend to raid, and not want to run instances (let alone pugs) with their tonks
15:39.18SyzgynI tank in my dps gear half the time now
15:39.20Bela|workwe finally took down Vashj last night, and it was only after I had the raid leader try putting the shamans on stair healing duty
15:39.21Syzgyndepending on the instance
15:39.21LunessaBela|work: My main is a shaman.  Enchanment, and not f'ing respeccing.
15:39.29LegorolBela|work: grats
15:39.30Syzgynbetter than elemental at least
15:39.34ralfWORKthey have to tank heroics naked from the waist down to get any rage
15:39.35ralfWORKso yea
15:39.37LegorolLunessa: Enhancement
15:39.37Bela|workshamans are insane healers
15:39.41Syzgyngrats bela
15:39.44Bela|workraid healing of course
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15:39.51ShizenPally tanking's good though
15:39.58Syzgynwho'd you have strider kiting?
15:39.58Shizenthey've really boosted pally with TBC
15:40.03Bela|worka mage
15:40.06ralfWORKI can't say I'd want to tank 5-mans if I had a t4 warrior either
15:40.13Bela|worknone of our warlocks are very good
15:40.16Syzgynthat works. we have an ele shammy do it
15:40.18Legorolsorry, it's a pet peeve of mine, people spelling shammies as "Enchantment"
15:40.20ralfWORKhow can you be a bad warlock? :P
15:40.23zenzelezzwe use hunter + mage for strider kiting
15:40.27Bela|workso we had a mage doing it, and our shamans helped by throwing down earthbinds
15:40.28zenzelezzor moonkin
15:40.30Syzgynsame way you can be a bad <insert class here>
15:40.37ralfWORKnaw but I mean
15:40.50ralfWORKyou can generally be more of a mouth breather as a warlock vs. some other classes :P
15:41.05SyzgynI agree, my 70 lock is stupid easy to play
15:41.14Syzgynbut some people are just bad
15:41.21ralfWORKyea, some people are
15:41.29Bela|workI dont know how you can be a bad warlock
15:41.34Bela|workbut they manage it
15:41.39ralfWORKwell that sucks
15:41.49Bela|workI mean warlocks should be near the top on dps right?
15:41.53Bela|workwws reports
15:41.54LunessaLegorol: Yeah, I'm typing IRC on a second keyboard, and not doing a very good job of it.
15:41.59Syzgyndepends on alot of things
15:42.00Bela|workthey are near the bottom
15:42.04ralfWORKBela|work: kinda, yea
15:42.06Syzgynraid makeup, how good your rogues are, ect
15:42.08Bela|workabout 600 dps average
15:42.11Syzgynhow the groups are stacked
15:42.16ralfWORKBela|work: what progression?
15:42.19Syzgyn600dps is kara entry level
15:42.22Bela|workSSC / TK
15:42.25ralfWORKoh hell no
15:42.29Bela|workeverything except Kael now
15:42.35Syzgynimprove or /gkick
15:42.37ralfWORKmy kara shadowpriest can do 600 :P
15:42.44Syzgynsame with my lock
15:42.44Bela|workyeah thats what I said
15:42.59Bela|workI said they need to go Destruction if they are so horrible at affliction
15:43.08Bela|worksome people just can't transition from pew pew to dot dot
15:43.12Syzgynif they're bad at AFF, odds are they dont have the hit for destro
15:43.17zenzelezzwith the exception of huge AoE areas (MH etc.) our casters just can't top one of our hunters on DPS... they're close, but he's sick
15:43.18Syzgynbut even as aff
15:43.24Syzgyn50% of your dps is shadowbolt spam
15:43.43Bela|workmind you we only have 2 really reliable warlocks
15:43.50Syzgynzenzelezz: oh yeah, we have one hunter who generally is top 3, usually top 1
15:43.57CideSyzgyn: a bit less really
15:43.58Bela|workso its not like we have a large subsection of people to use as a comparison
15:44.07Bela|workI want us to get a few more, so that they all have competition
15:44.12ralfWORKfor us,
15:44.14Bela|workcompetition drives people to do better
15:44.15ralfWORKat the end of kara
15:44.21ralfWORKour fricking Marks hunter is always at top
15:44.25ralfWORKthen usually it's rogue and mage
15:44.36Syzgynrafl: what fight though?
15:44.46ralfWORKSyzgyn: pretty much any boss fight in Kara
15:45.02Syzgynlike on Vashj I do shitty dps
15:45.18Syzgynbut I'm running around killing stray elementals and helping toss cores the whole time
15:45.21ralfWORKmy wife's rogue is good
15:45.22Syzgynso it doesn't matter
15:45.25ralfWORKSyzgyn: right gotcha
15:45.31Syzgynbut kara is pretty average anyway
15:45.33ralfWORKshe got her PVP OH sword last night,
15:45.41ralfWORKand a blue sword in mainhand
15:45.43Syzgyncept maybe prince where melee get boned
15:45.52Shirikbatrick, wtf
15:45.53ralfWORKand beat the tar off the other epic rogue in ZA
15:46.01ralfWORKshe was laughing so hard
15:46.02Shirikfix the code in my folder :<
15:46.07SyzgynI can outpds warlocks spamming seed on illhoof :D
15:46.16ralfWORKSyzgyn: ohhh nice!
15:46.18ShirikI was trying to test something and I couldn't fix batbot
15:46.33Bela|workI dont know that Kara is a good comparison imho. So much dynamic changes once you hit ssc
15:46.37Syzgynwhirlwind + sweeping strikes + cleave + tanking kil'rek= infinite rage
15:46.44ralfWORKBela|work: well... here's the deal
15:47.00Bela|workexample: in Kara shamans aren't a big deal
15:47.05ralfWORKBela|work: for something like Nalorakk, if you are a DPS class and aren't ripping the charts up
15:47.08ralfWORKyou fail
15:47.13ralfWORKit's a tank and spank
15:47.23Bela|workbetter yet, Lynx
15:47.27ralfWORKnow that doesn't mean that the people at the top will stay at the top on a more technical fight
15:47.27Bela|workthats a better comparison
15:47.39ralfWORKbut it does mean that those at the bottom will stay at the bottom
15:47.42SyzgynralfWORK: I dunno, I do poor dips on Nalorakk
15:47.48Syzgynhe has such high armor
15:47.55ralfWORKSyzgyn: dps warrior you said?
15:47.59Bela|workLynx is a healing stress fight, as well as dps
15:48.05SyzgynLynx is boring as hell
15:48.20ralfWORKwe tried lynx last night for the first time
15:48.21Syzgynwe usually dont have an enh shammy in ZA though
15:48.24Syzgynso that makes a difference
15:48.35ralfWORKin kara gear
15:48.35Bela|workI think a shaman is actually a bad thing on Lynx actually
15:48.38ralfWORKit was a bit... LOL
15:48.41SyzgynProtip: have all your ranged stand in a group at max range
15:48.44Bela|workfast heals win
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15:48.59SyzgynI think you can outrange the flame shock
15:48.59Bela|worklots of surge dmg on him
15:49.07ralfWORKSyzgyn: ohhhh interested
15:49.11Bela|workand chains aren't effective
15:49.22Syzgynnot 100% sure, but it helps with aoe healing anyway
15:49.35Syzgynchain heal = godly
15:49.36ralfWORKSyzgyn: well we spread out, so that we didn't get chain lightening from the totem
15:49.40Bela|workno on Lynx
15:49.44Bela|workeveryone is spread out
15:49.49Legoroloh, shamantalk! i need experienced shamans' advice
15:49.51Syzgynyou deffinitely outrange the lightning totems usually
15:49.56Syzgyndont spread out
15:49.58ralfWORKSyzgyn: interesting
15:49.59Syzgynmuch easier
15:50.03ralfWORKyou're talking to a shadowpriest though
15:50.08Bela|workhow far is outrange?
15:50.10Syzgynjust make sure you burn the totems asap
15:50.14ralfWORKI have like a damn 10 yard range
15:50.14Bela|workI have never seen it outranged
15:50.22Legoroli have an issue with a particular resto shammy in our raids: he is convinced that his lesser healing waves are a more effective way to heal than chain heal
15:50.22Syzgynnot sure really
15:50.27Syzgynbut we get very little raid damage
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15:50.34Bela|workits a small room though, do you have them tank him at one side of the room?
15:50.34Legorolless casting time, less mana, and heals for about the same amount total with the +heal he has
15:50.41Legorolis he right? is he a moron?
15:50.42Bela|workand everyone else bunch up at other side?
15:50.43SyzgynLegorol: are you in a position to replace him?
15:50.56ralfWORKLegorol: I don't know shamans well, but that sounds asinine to me
15:51.01SyzgynBela: tank him where he starts, everyone else starts at the ramp down
15:51.02Legorolsylvanaar: irrelevant
15:51.05Bela|workLegorol: LHW is the most inneficient heal
15:51.10Bela|workmana wise
15:51.10Legorolthis is a Request For Comments
15:51.20Legorolyou mean as far as HPM is concerned?
15:51.28Bela|workits mainly for OHSHIT HEAL HIM
15:51.37Legoroli want to understand more about shammy healing, rather than anything else
15:51.37Bela|workits like a Paladin flash heal
15:51.46Legorolbut our palas spam flash heal to heal all hte time
15:51.50Syzgynhow far progressed are you?
15:51.52Legoroland that's their most efficient thing, they claim
15:51.52Bela|workfor single target sure
15:52.03Bela|workbut a shaman doesn't shine on single target
15:52.09Bela|workhe will run out of mana MUCH faster
15:52.09Legorolbecause their flash heal is cheap and their mp5 gets back almost as much as their flash heals cost them
15:52.27Legorolthis shaman has a lot of +heal and mp5, uses LHW lower ranks to constantly heal
15:52.28Bela|workyes but LHW costs twice what flash heal does
15:52.30Bela|workover twice
15:52.42Bela|worklower ranks?
15:52.47SyzgynLegorol: how progressed are you?
15:52.49Bela|workif he is even using it, use max
15:52.52Legorolranks 1 through 3 i think
15:53.02Bela|workonly thing he should worry about downranking is normal HW
15:53.05Legorolit costs him 150 mana or so, heals for 3k with it
15:53.17Bela|workthat can't be right
15:53.21Bela|workhow much _heal?
15:53.22Legorolthat's a factual statement :)
15:53.24Syzgynthat doesnt sount right at all
15:53.36Legorollet me reverify the logs
15:53.40Bela|workI have 2k +heal, and my LHW at max rank hits for 3k
15:54.06Bela|worksee here is the other thing
15:54.09Bela|workits not just the heal
15:54.13Legoroli think he heals quite substantial amounts with lhw low ranks,
15:54.17Bela|worknormal HW also gives Ancestral Fort
15:54.18Legoroland throws them around fast with 1.5 sec
15:54.22Legorolcould that work in theory?
15:54.26Bela|workwhich is SERIOUS good for healing
15:54.27Cideno :)
15:54.29Legoroland never runs out of mana
15:54.30CideLHW doesn't heal for 3k
15:54.34ralfWORKBela|work: what's that do again?
15:54.36Legorolok let me go check
15:54.49CideI don't think my flash heal at full rank does, even
15:54.55Legorolwhat he claimed is that
15:54.56Cidebut I may be wrong
15:55.08Legorolby throwing LHWs around the raid, he can raidheal more efficiently than with CH
15:55.14Legoroland with less mana
15:55.17ralfWORKlike the priesty thing
15:55.17Bela|workthat is completely and totally wrong
15:55.20SyzgynI *highly* doubt that
15:55.27Syzgyngo do void reaver, that wont hold up
15:55.31Bela|workhe will outheal everyone in the raid with Chain heal
15:55.37Legorolpart of the issue is that he is often on raidheal duty where the CH wouldn't reach two or more people
15:55.43Bela|workand chain heal will crit for more
15:55.44Legorolwe aren't doing VR though :)
15:55.47Syzgynput him on the melee
15:55.51Bela|workI easily hit for 6k on chain heal
15:55.57Syzgynwhat are you doing then?
15:55.57Bela|workthats two of his lessers
15:56.03LegorolBela: CH won't crit for more, it still crits for 2x, doesn't it?
15:56.12Bela|workit crits for a lot
15:56.15Legoroldefine "lot"
15:56.18Bela|workand each jump can crit
15:56.22Legorolsorry 1.5x
15:56.26LegorolBela|work: yes i know that part
15:56.33Legorolbut if his LHW heals a single target for 3k,
15:56.39Legoroland his CH heals three targets total for 3k,
15:56.48Legorolthen either of them critting heals the same amount on crits too, doens't it?
15:56.56Bela|worknot in my experience
15:57.02Cideaye, Legorol's logic works out
15:57.07Cidebut CH is still better
15:57.19Bela|workshamans should be raid healing anyway
15:57.24Cideif only for the fact that it jumps to people with low hp for you
15:57.26Bela|workin which case ALWAYS ALWAYS CH
15:57.28LunessaCH is good for Splash Damage.
15:57.43ralfWORKprayer of mending is good for splash damage lulz
15:57.46Bela|workand LHW is a very mana inefficient heal
15:57.49Bela|workI do use it
15:57.49CideralfWORK: nah
15:57.57Bela|workbut only for situations where someone is getting low
15:57.58Bela|worklike a tank
15:58.01LunessaIt's AWESOME for splash damage.  And talented, it's the most mana-effective heal period.
15:58.01Legorolok i don't remember which rank he uses, whether it's rank 1 2 or 3
15:58.06Legorolwell he uses several ranks of LHW
15:58.18Cidethat's the thing
15:58.21Legorolcosting around 120 to 400 mana for him
15:58.22Cidehe can't be healing for 3k with those ranks
15:58.22Bela|workdoes he have the talent to redice cast time of HW?
15:58.31Legoroldepending on rank
15:58.34Cidebecause of the change in healing coefficients for lower ranks
15:58.34LegorolCide: i'm going to check
15:58.37Bela|worktop rank will
15:58.40Bela|worknot low rank
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15:58.51ShirikMy boss is so strange
15:58.51Cidepre-BC it worked that way, but I think it's impossible now
15:59.06ShirikHe sends out this email that gets me worried....
15:59.07ShirikSee Judy before Friday
15:59.08Legoroli think his point was that his LHWs heal for the same amount as CHs, but cost less
15:59.14ShirikSo I'm like "great what did I do"
15:59.16Bela|workwhen t crits maybe
15:59.18Legorolobviously depends on rank, but if you place them side by side
15:59.18Shirikthen she sends a reply to it
15:59.25Legorolno Bela, not with crit
15:59.26ShirikThat is if you have not yet picked up your luncheon invitation...Judy
15:59.27Bela|worksee, I dont like this
15:59.28Legorollet me go check
15:59.34Bela|workhis argument is apples to oranges
15:59.35Legoroli'll make it quantitative, ok? :)
15:59.40Syzgynkd3: I spy you on the PTR
15:59.42Bela|workCH and LHW are not evne close to the same
15:59.48Legorolclose in what?
15:59.49CideShirik: haha
15:59.54Bela|workif you are worried about a single target, sure, LHW
15:59.56LegorolCH does use more mana, and takes longer to cast
16:00.02kd3and bah at all of the bastards standing on the NPCs
16:00.05Bela|workbut why would you use CH?
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16:00.16LegorolBela|work: i think that was his point too
16:00.18Legorolhe didn't want to use CH
16:00.21Syzgynmeh, I'm just waiting for the server to crash at 100%
16:00.23Cidebut CH hits several people, for more, and it picks the targets based on health
16:00.25Bela|workhe is a moron, I stand by that opinion
16:00.42Bela|workwhere are you in progression?
16:00.45Legorolok i really need to go check data or this doesn't go anywhere :)
16:00.52LegorolBela: that's hard to define
16:01.06Bela|workI can see that logic being ok pre SSC
16:01.07Legorolour best people have got everything from badge vendor and a few pieces from ZA, our worst are wearing blue/green
16:01.09SyzgynLegorol: heres an easy solutio
16:01.10Legoroland we have everything inbetween
16:01.11Industrialdoes chain heal pick targets based on HP? I never knew that
16:01.16Industrialalways wondered
16:01.17Bela|workbut in SSC, CH is indispensible
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16:01.21Industrialwhats the use/efficiency
16:01.25Industrialbut thats cool then
16:01.26Syzgynexplain this to a t6 raiding shammy on your server
16:01.33Syzgynif he laughs, your shammy is bad
16:01.33Bela|workit does more than that, it has several rules it follows
16:01.37Legorolwe are doing occasional ZA, 4 bosses down
16:01.37Industrialnow I can see how shaman can heal with it >_>
16:01.41Legorol1 boss down in SSC
16:01.44Syzgynhai Industrial
16:01.52Legorolthis particular shammy however has most badge gear, full Kara epics, some drops from ZA
16:01.54Industrialhai Syzgyn ?
16:01.56Bela|work1) it always jumps among party members if they are in range
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16:02.15Bela|work2) it will jump to another group if it doesn't have someone in range of the same party
16:02.33Bela|work3) if it has a choice between several targets, it heals the one that needs more healing
16:02.44Syzgynyay 100% noew dailies
16:02.52Bela|work4) it CAN jump to a pet, but only if a player isn't in range
16:03.01ralfWORKnerf shaman
16:03.19zenzelezzcan CH proc Ancestral Fortitude?
16:03.22Bela|workshamans dont need nerfs
16:03.27Bela|workI dont think resto needs buffs
16:03.35Bela|workbut the other specs do
16:04.32IndustrialAnother question: can you get enough mp5 to have it higher then your use? or at least ALMOST nothing? this idea always appealed to me. who needs ons of mana if you get a growing pool of infinity :P
16:04.37Bela|workI am not an expert, I could be wrong about how healing works. I am not in T6 content yet
16:04.45Bela|workmaybe in T6 content, LHW wins
16:04.47LegorolBela|work: what's the range that CH can jump? (i don't mean the first target)
16:04.49Bela|workbut I highly doubt it
16:05.01Bela|workthat I am not sure on, but it has a long range
16:05.10kd3ooh. wow at the lag. my 8600 can't keep up
16:05.26zenzelezz8600 what?
16:05.35Bela|workvid card...
16:05.44Legoroli heard it's a pretty short range, like 20 yards
16:05.52Syzgynwee a bombing run quest
16:05.59Syzgynand yeah this is pretty stupid lag
16:06.08ralfWORKstupid question about PTR
16:06.16ralfWORKis it actually 1 realm
16:06.19zenzelezzI wouldn't say 20 yards is "short", there's usually someone in range like that... if not, tell your people to group up more
16:06.23Syzgyna PvP and a PvE
16:06.24Legorolpractical experience in ZA: on Jan'alai fight, if you CH the tank in the center, it doesn't jump to anyone else on the edge of the square
16:06.29ralfWORKah k
16:06.44ralfWORKuhm, what if you copy a toon to it
16:06.52ralfWORKand there is naming conflicts?
16:06.52Syzgyncant atm
16:06.56Bela|workthe jump is definitely shorter
16:07.04ralfWORKyea I know that
16:07.09Bela|workthat is why it pays to practice and learn how to quickly pick targets
16:07.15Bela|workthat will maximise it
16:07.27Bela|workotherwise you end up wasting mana for a single heal
16:07.29Legorolright, if i remember correctly, this shaman had LHW ranks 3, 5 and 7 on his bar,
16:07.36Legoroland CH ranks 1, 3 and 5
16:07.47Bela|workI have LHW 7, HW 8, HW 12, and CH
16:08.09Legorolhe is quick to react, he loves to use LHW as it's quick to cast, chooses rank based on how much healing the target actually needs, and is good at that
16:08.14Bela|workmax rank CH, I dont downrank it
16:08.31Legorolalmost no overhealing, and throwing around (low rank if needed) LHWs nonstop
16:08.35Bela|workmy guess is, he doesn't have the mp5 to support HW
16:08.42Bela|worknor the talent / haste to make it viable
16:08.56LegorolHW didn't even come up during the discussion :)
16:08.56Bela|workpre SSC I think I usd LHW more too
16:09.11Legorolit was LHW vs. CH when raidhealing
16:09.20Bela|work!c us Medivh Beladon
16:09.22ThraeBotBela|work: Beladon, Level 70 Draenei Shaman (0/5/56). 7809 HP; 10356 Mana; 255 mana regen; 122 mp5; 9517 Armour; 4.11% melee crit; 12 spell crit; 757 +spell dmg; 1960 +heal; 4.11% dodge; 5.00% block; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 767 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Feb 12 11:18:26 2008 EST ]]
16:09.27Legorolhis problem with CH was that it would often only hit one target, and therefore end up costing more mana/time and healing less
16:10.00Bela|workwell yeah
16:10.03Bela|workthat takes practice
16:10.08Bela|workand things like Healbot helps a lot
16:10.16Bela|workespecially if you sort it by grouyp
16:10.37Legorolactual experience was that the amount of effective healing he managed to dish out with LHW rank 3 versus CH rank 1 was a lot bigger (the former costing less mana)
16:10.54Bela|workbut I am serious when I say, the Shaman doesn't reach full potential until they learn how to use CH effectively in a raid
16:11.08Legorolhe contrasted LHW 3 vs. CH 1, LHW 5 vs. CH 3 and LHW 7 vs CH 5
16:11.33Bela|workhe should be contrasting LH and HW
16:11.33Bela|worknot LH and CH
16:11.38Bela|worklike I said, its apples and oranges
16:11.43LegorolHW was out of the question
16:11.47Legorolok the actual situation was:
16:11.47Cidecontrasting anything but the top ranks is stupid, too
16:12.02LegorolJan'alai fight, lot of people taking damage randomly, i tried to ask him to CH instead of LHW, thinking it will be more effective
16:12.05Legorolhis healing went down the drain
16:12.11Bela|workthen he sucks
16:12.21Bela|workhate to say it that way, but its true
16:12.28Bela|workit should be the opposite
16:12.30Legorolthat's what i couldn't decide, and he tried to explain to me why that was the case
16:12.53Bela|workwhats his name?
16:12.57Bela|workI want to see his talents
16:13.15Legoroli think it's a case of "i'm used to one way of doing things, you told me to do another, i'm not used to it"
16:13.15Legorolso it ends up worse
16:13.24Bela|workbut if he doesn't try
16:13.32Bela|workand maybe read some forum posts in the shaman forums
16:13.33LegorolBela|work: i don't want to disclose his name, but i'll pop his talents on wowhead and link it
16:13.41Bela|workhe will never be a good healing shaman
16:13.48Legorolwell that's a damned if you do, damned if you don't
16:14.01Legorolif i tell him to do something he sucks at, i lose more than if i let him do what he is good at at least
16:14.14Legoroland no i don't have the luxury of replacing him :)
16:14.17Bela|workyou can't MAKE someone play better
16:14.19Legorolhe is one of our best healers ;-)
16:14.23Bela|workbut you can stop using them
16:14.40*** join/#wowi-lounge kamdis (i=405f8902@gateway/web/ajax/
16:14.46Bela|workand I have no doubt he is very good at what he does
16:14.46Legorolsimply because his gear level (within the guild) is very high, and he does what he is used to very well
16:14.52Legorolyah :/
16:14.55Legorolanyway will go link talents
16:14.55Bela|worka single target healing shaman can keep up with a paladin usually
16:15.03Bela|workat more mana cost
16:15.24Legorolhe is beating our palis, probably because he has better gear
16:15.51Legorolbtw, my reluctance to link his armory is just a matter of principle, not trying to imply anything :)
16:16.00Legorolbut when i'm talking about someone behind their back, i prefer to keep it anonymous
16:16.03Bela|workno I understand
16:16.18Bela|workI would be cautious as well
16:16.35Legoroland the point here really is not to bash him, but to let me learn :)
16:16.52Bela|workI wish we had a T6 shammy in here
16:16.58Bela|workso they could tell me if I am just sucking wind
16:17.15Bela|workbut I do believe that I am right, at least as far as SSC / TK level is concerned
16:17.32Bela|workbearing in mind there will always be situations where you have to be flexible and single target heal
16:17.49Bela|workbut CH is the most powerful spell a shaman has in a raid
16:17.59Syzgyntheres really no fights in SSC where you wont be taking aoe damage
16:18.03Syzgyncept maybe hydross
16:18.07Bela|workmy healing actually goes down when I can't CH
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16:18.23Legorolour gear level, if i had to put it somewhere, is Karazhan epics with a few badge items on some people
16:18.26Legorolthat's the average
16:18.32Legorolwe are trying ZA and SSC
16:18.36Legorolhere is the build:
16:18.45Bela|workhe likely just needs more mp5 and haste
16:18.54Legorolno i think he needs practice at using CH effectively
16:19.07Legorolmy guess was that CH would be better, his healing went down, so he refused to CH
16:19.10Bela|workif he isn't using HW, he should get rid of Imp healing Wave btw
16:19.17Syzgynif you havent done gruul, dont do SSC
16:19.20Bela|workit does him now good unless he is mainlining that spell
16:19.37LegorolSyzgyn: we have gruul on farm
16:19.40Legorolwe one-tap him every week
16:19.42Syzgynok then
16:19.47LegorolGruul is on Kara level :)
16:19.48Syzgynany progress in SSC?
16:19.55Legorolso when I say Kara level gear, that includes Gruul
16:19.57Bela|workhis spec is almost a carbon copy of mine
16:20.11LegorolLurker on farm, Hydross killed once
16:20.15LegorolVR killed once
16:20.16Bela|workHealing Grace is FTW
16:20.22Syzgynnot too bad
16:20.25Bela|workhe should think about using it once you hit SSC
16:20.33Bela|workthreat can be bad there
16:20.34Legorolbut that VR kill was a long time ago, we couldn't repeat it since
16:20.40Syzgynhydross is harder than leo and karathress imo
16:20.43Legoroloh he pulls threat all the time
16:20.47Legoroland then whines about dying :D
16:20.50Bela|workthen he needs to get that talent
16:20.57Legorolbtw one problem with him is that he is one of the most difficult people personality wise
16:21.06Legoroljust doesn't take any suggestions or criticisms well at all
16:21.20Bela|worklink him my armory
16:21.21Legorolthere is a snowball's chance in hell i will be able to convince him to change anything he disagrees with
16:21.25Legorolsee case of LHW vs. CS
16:21.29Bela|workand then tell him to seriously consider the talent
16:21.33Cideso just gremove him
16:21.36Cideproblem solved!
16:21.36Bela|workat least as a trial
16:21.39LegorolCide: can't afford to
16:21.50Cidetell him you will unless he fixes his shit then :P
16:21.53LunessaHaha... I love Cide's "cut to the chase" attitude.
16:22.01LegorolCide: can't
16:22.03Bela|workI am the same way with people in my guild
16:22.16Cidemeh, not trying hard enough imo
16:22.19Bela|workin fact we are about to dump a priest because he runs out of mana 40% through every fight
16:22.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
16:22.24Bela|workand consistently comes in last on healing
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16:22.27Legorolthere's a big point here that you guys don't know about :) our guild has very casual attitude to raiding
16:22.29Bela|workand is PvP specced
16:22.31SyzgynLegorol: if it doesnt become a problem now, guarantee it will later on. Best to nip it now
16:22.32Bela|workand won't change it
16:22.33Legorolthe members are not there for raiding's sake
16:22.43Cideso he won't care if he doesn't get into raids then! :P
16:22.44Legorolwe have bunch of members because we do, and we try to make some raids happen with them
16:23.22Legorolyou guys are missing the point :)
16:23.30Syzgynyour shaman is bad is the point
16:23.33Legorolwe can't exclude people from raids based on performance
16:23.35Syzgyndont think we missed it :P
16:23.37Legorolthat i agree with
16:23.38Syzgynsure you can :D
16:23.41Legorolhe still is one of our best healers
16:23.41Bela|workdo you have any other healing shamans?
16:23.44zenzelezzgot a thread you might like:
16:23.54zenzelezz"How not to apply to a guild"
16:23.55LegorolSyzgyn: no, not in our guild, as a guild policy/philosophy
16:24.06Bela|workin my experience, if you get someone else that does his job better than him
16:24.06LunessaLegorol: We're not missing the point.  The point is you're trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, and we're telling you to quit it. :P
16:24.11SyzgynI was in a casual guild like that for most of Pre-BC
16:24.12Bela|workyou persuade him easier
16:24.17Syzgynwe had almost no progress
16:24.18Legorollol Lunessa, good way of putting it
16:24.45LegorolSyzgyn: and that's fine with us, we prioritise dicking around over progress
16:24.53Legorolif we make some progress, great
16:25.01Legoroli was merely curious about the whole healing thing from a technical pov :)
16:25.11Legoroli am not in a position to argue with him or ditch him
16:25.20LunessaSee, if you want him to change, but you don't have any real reason to make him changes, and he doesn't want to change... quit fucking trying to make him change.
16:25.53LegorolLunessa: i want him to change, but i'm not trying to make him change ;-)
16:25.56Legorolsubtle difference
16:26.22Legoroland as i said, the questions were to better my understanding of shaman healing, not so that i can go back to him and say "see this is what they told me"
16:26.23Legoroli think this horse is dead :)
16:26.38SyzgynPie VS Cake! GO!
16:26.40LunessaBut he has no reason to change.  He doesn't care as much about raiding as 'dicking around' so he'll never focus on ways to be better at it.
16:26.59Legoroldead horse :)
16:27.26Syzgyngrats on giving everyone something to vent about for 20 min though D:
16:27.34Legorolalwaysa  pleasure
16:27.39Legorolthis channel needs topics ;-)
16:27.46Legorolbtw, my pleasure was learning something interesting
16:27.46Syzgynman that bombing run was a PITA
16:27.52Bela|workthat will explain everything that guy needs to know
16:27.57Bela|workand if he disagrees with it, shoot him
16:27.58Bela|workin the head
16:28.05LegorolBela|work: that will explain everything *I* am curious about
16:28.08Legorolhe will never read it
16:28.13Legorolas i said, dead horse
16:28.23AtriaceMake glue.  :)
16:28.49Bela|workof note: Shaman are best at healing multiple targets that are standing near each. Assign them to heal melee or simply keep the entire raid topped off. In a 25-man raid, you should see their chain heal constantly jumping from player to player.
16:29.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=shirik@
16:29.43Atriacelocal vars can only be accessed from within a mod creating them, right?
16:29.53Bela|workwithin a single file
16:30.17Syzgynif you make them local yes
16:30.20Bela|workyou can't access the locals from File1.lua in File2.lua unless you save them globally somehow
16:30.31Bela|workor pass them
16:30.48Bela|worklike a return value from a function
16:32.10AtriaceDo the number of functions you create have any implications on processing time?
16:32.25Shirik|Ecolethe frequency of your creating them does
16:32.29Bela|worknot really. its more about how you implement them
16:32.31Shirik|Ecolenot the raw quantity
16:32.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
16:32.40Shirik|Ecolei.e., this would be bad:
16:32.54Shirik|Ecoleframe:SetScript("OnUpdate", function() return function() end end);
16:33.13Atriacehehe... yeah.  I played with OnUpdate yesterday.  Fun stuff.
16:33.44Bela|workI dont know if its been fixed, but I have seen OnUpdate scripts with for loops lock up a client
16:34.21Cideme too: for i=1, 2, 0 do end
16:34.35Bela|workthat was early in my noob coding days
16:34.37Shirik|Ecolebut yeah I use a for loop in Conspiracy's OnUpdate
16:34.39Bela|workwhen the game first came out
16:34.42Shirik|Ecoleseems to work fine
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16:35.10Legorolzenzelezz: awesome link, thanks for that
16:36.09AtriaceAlso, when loading a mod, are all the assets of a mod loaded regardless of if they're referenced by the code (ie., textures) or do those textures only get loaded when called upon?
16:37.00Shirik|Ecolewell, WoW can't really tell that something might be used
16:37.06Bela|workloaded as references I believe. Meaning you can load them, but if you add a texture AFTER you have started the game, it can't be accessed
16:37.09Shirik|Ecoleso my understanding is that it just loads everything
16:37.24Shirik|Ecolewhich is why, as Bela|work said, if you add something after you started, it won't be accessible
16:37.33AtriaceBela: that I've noticed, though...
16:37.35Legorolit doesn't load any files such as textures, until the addon actually uses it
16:37.45Legorolhowever, it caches a list of files in the addon folder, so that you can't add files later
16:38.02AtriaceAh, ok.  I was going to propose something like that.
16:38.10*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
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16:38.33AtriaceBecause I've noticed some lag time when showing this one texture for the first time after login.
16:38.34Legorolthat's how it works i bleeive
16:38.46Bela|workhow large of a texture
16:38.47LegorolAtriace: that's unlikely to be due to a single texture
16:38.58Atriace512x512, uncompressed targa
16:38.58Legorolare you sure you are not forcing another on-demand addon to load (directly or indirectly)
16:39.06Bela|workand is it a simple :Show() ?
16:39.20Bela|worklol, how large is teh file
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16:39.38Bela|workmaybe your computer is just choking on it being cached into memory
16:39.38AtriaceI shouldn't expect it to be more than maybe 600K... don't know. Lemme check
16:40.03Atriaceheh, no it's 1.1MB.
16:40.04Cidetest: make it 1x1 and see if it still happens
16:40.04Legorolbadly fragmented hard disk maybe?
16:40.14Bela|work1.1mb yum
16:40.22AtriaceLag time = 1.5 sec or so.
16:40.58Bela|workcould be a lot of things, can you optimize the graphic without losing too much quality?
16:41.22Bela|worklike reduce the color depth, then save is again at full color depth
16:41.25Bela|workusually that is enough
16:41.25AtriaceOh, I plan to convert them all to BLP once the coding is done.
16:41.55AtriaceThere's also a lot of SetText that happens to the same frame.  I wonder if that's causing it.
16:42.09AtriaceThe SetText is run at OnLoad, but the frame is hiden
16:42.27AtriaceI wonder if it doesn't actually do it until the Frame is :Show()
16:42.47LunessaI shall return later.
16:43.07Shirik|Ecole* Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
16:43.07Shirik|Ecole* SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
16:43.17Shirik|Ecoleo.O the Java class Object is confidential?
16:45.17AtriaceOh... hehe.  No, there's no lag time now.  (forgot I was testing it on my old 800MHz tower instead of my zippy new comp)
16:45.29ckknight_Shirik|Ecole: there's trade secrets involved
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16:45.36ckknight_who knows what Object _actually_ oes
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16:46.44Syzgynckknight new what Object did
16:46.51Syzgynand they had to silence him because of it
16:47.07Syzgynyeah, I'm tired :\
16:48.29sag_ich_nichtckknight_ if you see ellipsis tell her she can probably use IceHUD now
16:48.42ckknight_she's lying next to me
16:48.52ckknight_cute when she's asleep
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16:55.24Shirik|Ecole[main] Contended Monitor:$Response
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16:55.31Shirik|EcoleThat is by far the coolest set of words my debugger has ever said
16:55.52Shirik|Ecoleit sounds so complicated
16:57.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Lukian (n=wizard@
16:58.14Shirik|Ecoleand it's definitely in the set of code that has a try with no catch
17:00.04Cidetold you
17:00.06Cidethereis always a catch
17:00.24Shirik|EcoleI have proof there is no catch
17:00.52Cidewhy is that even useful? :P
17:01.05Shirik|Ecolereduction of redundant code
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17:01.40Shirik|Ecolein fact
17:01.44Shirik|EcoleI could wrap the whole function in it
17:01.47Shirik|Ecolethat might be better
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17:03.25Shirik|Ecolethat way, whether the block is exited, returned from, or thrown from, I can guarantee that I'll release the monitor
17:04.50Shirik|EcoleHere this is even better
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17:07.13Kalroth_/ Yes, I know there's no catch. Get over it
17:07.25*** part/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
17:07.31Kalroth_Shirik|Ecole: There's no catch!!
17:11.08Shirik|Ecolethere's definitely no catch
17:11.45Kalroth_pun not intended :(
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17:13.14cog|work# OCD comment placement
17:13.20cog|work^ /giggle
17:13.43cog|work( )
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17:24.27Shirik|EcoleI remember why I like C++ again
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17:29.17Shizenand you're writing in what now, Shirik ?
17:30.36Shirik|EcoleJava /cry
17:30.39Shirik|EcoleThey forced me to
17:30.47Shirik|Ecoleand I've been kicking and screaming ever since
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17:31.16oreth|Shirik: Find a python wrapper for Java
17:31.20oreth|then, live free
17:31.35Cidesounds like a pretty bad idea :P
17:31.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kandok1 (
17:31.44oreth|Cide:   your words hurt
17:31.46Shizenor disregard and use C++ anyway
17:31.57Shizennothing Java can do that C++ can't, and far better
17:31.57Cidedon't get me wrong though, I love python
17:32.01oreth|I'm working on a .Net app at work.
17:32.10oreth|I'm tempted to just IronPython my way through it
17:32.19oreth|problem is, we are using proprietary libraries and APIs
17:32.39*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
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17:32.46Shirik|Ecoleoreth: And how should I get python to run?
17:32.48Shizenproprietary stuffs ftl
17:32.54Shirik|EcoleShizen: Yes
17:32.54*** join/#wowi-lounge kadrahil (n=kad@
17:32.57Shirik|Ecolethere is
17:33.00Shirik|EcoleC++ can do friends, Java can't
17:33.08Shirik|EcoleC++ can do explicit deletes, Java can't
17:33.19Shizenyou're reading it reversedly Shirik
17:33.26Shirik|Ecoleyeah sorry ><
17:33.29Shizenfor one
17:33.31ShizenI hate Java :P
17:33.36Shizenwhy would I sing praise for one I hate ?
17:34.02Shirik|Ecoleanyway oreth| unless python is written in Java, I'm not going to be able to do that
17:34.10Shirik|Ecoleand if python is written in Java.... what's the point?
17:34.34Shirik|Ecoleand Shizen, I can't "disregard" without buying a new PCB and processor
17:34.58Shizenyou're writing for what anyway ?
17:35.08Shizensounds like a microprocessor/microcontroller
17:35.11Shizenoh wait...
17:35.13Shizendon't tell me...
17:35.20Shizenthat 'problem board' ?
17:35.24Shirik|Ecoleno that one's in C++
17:35.34Shirik|Ecolebut I'm working on two robots
17:35.51Shizenmm okay
17:35.58AnsuIs it just me, or are the PTR servers down too?
17:36.07ShizenI can't imagine Java-ing your way into boards like that
17:36.07Shirik|Ecolesigh, Lua has made my mind rot too
17:36.12ShizenAnsu : all servers are down I think
17:36.19Shirik|EcoleI just did this, and hoped it would work
17:36.23Shirik|Ecolehost.transmitPacket(CommandCodes.CMD_DIGITAL_SET, {high?(byte)1:(byte)0}, null);
17:36.27AnsuYou know who I am, Shizen?
17:36.30Shirik|Ecolebut you can't make an array in the middle of a function :<
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17:36.33AnsuOh duh
17:36.43AnsuHow'd my nick change, I wonder.
17:36.45Shirik|EcoleYou're omnizeta Ansu
17:36.46ShizenAnsu : no, I don't know who you are
17:36.55widgertick~seen Maul
17:37.04purlmaul <i=43bd3483@gateway/web/cgi-irc/> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowi-lounge, 68d 20h 46m 12s ago, saying: 'that in-combat coloring by itself is pretty nice'.
17:37.04nevcairielEU PTR is up and running, oh well EU Live realms are too, so whats the point
17:37.04Shirik|Ecole~wave widgertick
17:37.05purlBye, widgertick
17:37.07Shizennevcairiel : lol
17:37.09Shirik|Ecolenot bye!
17:37.13widgertickHeya Shirik
17:37.18widgertickWow, that was a long time ago =P
17:37.25Shizenstop headdesking Shirik
17:37.28Shizenpoor desk :|
17:37.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
17:37.38Shizenwhy wold you need to /part to change nick ?
17:37.46nevcairielto be cool, i guess
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17:37.53Shirik|EcoleAnyway Shizen, problem is it's a java chip
17:37.56Shirik|Ecoleit only runs java code
17:38.03Shizenit's A WHAT CHIP ????
17:38.13ShizenSHUCK IT! Nooooowwwwww !!!
17:38.14nevcairielpeople really build java chips? what a cruel world
17:38.27Shirik|Ecolein theory there is a tiny microcontroller on board tooo
17:38.30Shizenexorcise ! ><
17:38.31Shirik|Ecolefor native code
17:38.35Shirik|Ecolebut it's incredibly slow
17:38.42Lopeppeppyfor great justice
17:38.43Shizenwhat arch btw ?
17:38.52Shirik|Ecolenot a clue
17:38.52ShizenArms ?
17:38.56Shirik|Ecoleit seems proprietary
17:39.08Shizenor 'we make our own codeset shucks to be you' type
17:39.13Shizen... yeh...
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17:40.30Shizenwaste $352 and a few days of my life to attend a 'possible job interview' or just shuck it and...
17:41.02ralfWORKShizen: what's the situation?
17:41.28Shizensituation is, I'm here in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia. and the interview took place in Aceh, Indonesia
17:41.47Shizenthereby needing me to take a plane to be able to meet the interview, which is held on friday...
17:41.53Shirik|EcoleI didn't know you're from malaysia
17:41.56Shizenand today's wednesday already...
17:42.08Shizenyes sir, I am
17:42.40Shizenwell I never mentioned it since nobody asked :p
17:42.55ralfWORKShizen: you from there or just working there?
17:43.10ShizenI'm native :3
17:43.16Shizenwell... from my father's side that is
17:44.38ralfWORKare you out of work?
17:45.48Shizenwell not technically
17:46.10ShizenI have a job at RentACoder, a few contractual works at times... but nothing 'firm' to rely on, if you know what I mean
17:46.23ralfWORKah yes I do
17:46.37Shizenactually I'm gonna try to shoot for Rohm Wako tomorrow
17:47.06Shizenif I can somehow get 'prospect' I might not have to go to this ridiculously short-timed interview dateline...
17:50.40ralfWORKso we did ZA last night
17:50.47ralfWORKpally plate healing gear dropped off bear boss
17:51.04ralfWORKno pally in the group
17:51.19ralfWORKhow about the prot warrior almost rolled on it
17:51.26ralfWORK"it has more armor"
17:51.53ralfWORKthe prot warrior has his T4 helm, mind you
17:52.02ralfWORKI cried and cried and cried
17:52.40Bela|workexcuse my ignorance, but are ptr down or something?
17:52.53ralfWORKBela|work: someone else was asking that
17:52.53Shizenhaven't checked but I'm guessing it is
17:53.01ralfWORKbut I don't recall the answer
17:53.12Bela|workcant get connected to the login
17:53.17Bela|workoh well
17:53.25Bela|workit IS tuesday
17:55.42Shirik|Ecoleanyone got a clue what this means?
17:55.45Shirik|EcoleC:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\intellibrain\src\erau\intellibrain\host\ an enclosing instance that contains is required
17:55.45Shirik|EcoleIntellibrainHost.Response responder = new IntellibrainHost.Response();
17:57.06LopeppeppyNeeds more coffee
17:57.21Mr_Rabies3obviously you need an enclosing instance that contains
17:57.41wereHamsterthe error message is pretty clear :)
18:00.33Shirik|Ecoleis there a ##java on freenode?
18:00.41Cidemost likely
18:01.38wereHamstersysrage, it's been like that for ages in czech republic :)
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18:04.56wereHamsteris ptr character copy again busted?
18:05.12LopeppeppyIt's been down for a day or two now, wereHamster, ya.
18:05.35cog|work"still" is more like it ;)
18:05.37zenzelezz... so one of our resto shamans was crying "zomg no elemental, NO WANT ROTASHUN", now he's gone enhancement and is crying "zomg want resto, NO WANT RESPEC"
18:05.53wereHamsterthis morning I had 4 copies left, even though I copied a character last week
18:05.57zenzelezzand is taking the time to flame our priest class mentor because he doesn't want to accept a resto applicant
18:05.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
18:06.10wereHamsterblizz did reset the ptr or something..
18:08.00LopeppeppyIs not surprising, they'll do that a few times or more.
18:09.05nevcairielat least this time my char finally arrived on the ptr =)
18:09.25Shizen3 copies of my characters arrived ;P
18:09.37batricki was thinking about it, if you could put a string at stack position 10004 with the right starting characters you could have it execute code
18:09.44wereHamsterI did the copy about 11am CET, and the character is not yet copied. I guess I have to get up earlier next time
18:09.57batrickbut it would have to be a C function, like string.gmatch, that would execute that function
18:10.00Shirik|Ecoleexactly what I was all over batrick
18:10.23Shirik|Ecolehm, no, it should be able to be just assembled code
18:10.27batrickyou would need to abuse lua_upvalueindex() which I don't think lua internals use except in their api
18:10.45Shirik|Ecoleyou just need to feed in an appropriate return address
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18:13.32batricklua doesn't seem to use any of those pseudoindicese except in the api functions
18:13.48batricki could be wrong
18:14.45batrickya it doesn't
18:15.43Shirik|EcoleI'll find a way to get through ><
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18:19.08Legoroli'm one of those folks whose character got "swallowed" by the copy process
18:19.11batrickactually shirik don't bother
18:19.20Legoroland then i wasn't quick enough to do a new copy in the one hour after the copy page came back on
18:19.24batrickthe way they have it set up to translate them to addresses won't work
18:19.58batricktake a look at index2adr in lapi.c
18:22.00Shirik|Ecolebatrick: I'll take a looksie :)
18:22.13Shirik|EcoleI'm not really worried about how Lua is supposed to do this
18:22.22Shirik|EcoleI'm worried about how close we are to the C stack
18:26.09CidanI suspect it won't work
18:26.32Shirik|EcoleI'll show you all!
18:27.04Shirik|EcoleSo anyway, I got this little invitation card from the school (since I work for them)
18:27.17Shirik|Ecole"Matthew Del Bueno: Computer & Software Engineering"
18:27.19CidanNot that your method isn't sound; I just suspect that Blizzard has further safeguards
18:27.19Shirik|Ecolethey spelled my name wrong -_-
18:27.31Shirik|Ecoleoh I'm not worried about Blizzard :) just Lua in general
18:27.39Shirik|EcoleWoW's running on 5.1.2 anyway, the bug doesn't exist there
18:27.49CidanAh, that's right.
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18:29.06Shizensomeone kill ALL these posters who post jobs on WRONG CATEGORIES
18:30.31foxlitThat's good customer relations right there
18:31.01Saint-Nhow did they misspell yer last name?
18:31.02Shizenhm ?
18:31.13Saint-Nyou'd think PoopeyPants would be easy to remember
18:32.16Saint-NI guess no explained that posting incorrectly on the internet was a paddlin'
18:33.58LunessaI love xkcd -
18:35.38Saint-Nya know
18:35.41kamdislasers = win
18:35.52Lunessalasers are lurv
18:35.55Saint-Na bunch of mortiticans and corpse recovery people need to make a lolcorpse site
18:36.01ralfWORKlazer eyes
18:36.10Saint-Nlolcorpse would rock
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18:38.33LunessaMmm... Not so sure I want lol pictures of real dead people.
18:39.13Saint-Nit's perfect
18:39.18Saint-Ntake any lolcat comment
18:39.28Saint-Ncut off the last few words and replace with braaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnns
18:39.55Saint-Nit's perfect!
18:40.09Saint-Nif you loved me you'd come down and let me eat your braaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnns
18:40.18LopeppeppyZombies love Ikea.
18:40.50LopeppeppyNo really.
18:40.54ralfWORK2 brains in a jars next to eachother
18:41.05ralfWORK"I luv u but this kan nevar b"
18:41.22Saint-Nthose aren't zombies peppy
18:41.27Saint-Nthey're called "hipsters"
18:41.42LopeppeppyNope.  Zombies love to shop at Ikea after eating brains.  I read it.
18:41.44Saint-Nthey just smell like corpses
18:42.03Mr_Rabies3what would you replace invisible bicycle with
18:42.23ralfWORKnothing; you just make a caption that says "invisible bicycle"
18:42.30LunessaInvisible Braaaaiiiiins
18:42.33Saint-Nhehe click
18:42.44Saint-Ndammit it's taken!
18:42.46ralfWORKoh snap!
18:43.10Mr_Rabies3i wonder
18:43.17Mr_Rabies3is there an
18:43.44Lopeppeppy*sniff*  i wanted brains
18:44.02Saint-Nan entire zombie based lolcats would rule
18:44.06Saint-Nsomeone go start it
18:44.18ralfWORKproblem is
18:44.21LunessaAll we wanna do is eat your brains.  We're not unreasonable; I mean no one's gonna eat your eyes.
18:44.25ralfWORKit's pretty easy to get cat pictures
18:44.36ralfWORKnot so easy to get zombie pictres :(
18:44.45LopeppeppyI like the eyes in my martinis.
18:44.49Mr_Rabies3now i want to go play some dead rising
18:44.53Mr_Rabies3thanks jerks
18:44.55LunessaWorld Weekly News would pay big money for real zombie pictures.
18:44.56Shirik|Ecolethe eyes are the juicy part
18:44.57Mr_Rabies3i can't for another 3 hours
18:45.54Lopeppeppyhave a martini instead
18:46.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
18:46.30Mr_Rabies3dammit i wanna play that now
18:46.34Mr_Rabies3there's a hilarious glitch
18:46.55Mr_Rabies3in which one part he takes off his sunglasses, but if you already are wearing some, he takes off one pair to reveal another pair underneath
18:47.04Mr_Rabies3it's great with the lennon glasses
18:47.07ralfWORKoh snap show us your tits sweetheart
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18:47.39Mr_Rabies3because you can't see the lennon glasses under his normal ones
18:47.41Mr_Rabies3so it's stunning
18:47.53ralfWORKsilent hill 3 had some good ones
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18:47.59ralfWORKwhere if you beat it a few times
18:48.10ralfWORKin the cut scenes you'd be dressed in a teddy bear outfit
18:48.13ralfWORKabsolutely hilarious
18:49.20Mr_Rabies3dead rising has complete outfit stuff
18:49.22Mr_Rabies3so like
18:49.27Mr_Rabies3you can run around in a dress
18:49.29Mr_Rabies3and it's hilarious
18:49.37Mr_Rabies3cutting zombies to bits in a dress with a battleaxe
18:49.43ralfWORKok yea that's cool
18:51.25ralfWORKit's pretty nice though when you get the light saber
18:51.29ralfWORKmakes the game lol
18:51.47Mr_Rabies3and the main character is a hairy hairy man
18:51.47Mr_Rabies3oh and you can wear high heels
18:51.47Mr_Rabies3its really really funny
18:51.48Mr_Rabies3and you can wear kids' clothes
18:51.48Mr_Rabies3and they're way too small
18:51.50Mr_Rabies3it's funny in the cutscenes when people look frightened :P
18:52.04Mr_Rabies3there's a lightsaber in dead rising also i think
18:52.36Mr_Rabies3this is why we can't have nice things
18:53.12Mr_Rabies3also, megaman's gun
18:53.14Mr_Rabies3is unlockable
18:53.17Mr_Rabies3no charge, but sitll
18:53.22ralfWORKoh neat
18:53.25Mr_Rabies3it's fun
18:53.38Mr_Rabies3i tend to use the katana or minichainsaw though
18:53.42Mr_Rabies3ranged is kinda boring
18:55.32ralfWORKyea that's why I don't have a hunter
18:55.33ralfWORKlol naw
18:56.04Mr_Rabies3if you've got a 360 or a friend with one
18:56.11Mr_Rabies3give dead rising a try, damn fun game
19:00.24Mr_Rabies3it's basically dawn of the dead only less scary and more capcom-asskicking-ish
19:00.45Mr_Rabies3pretty much anything you'd imagine to find in a mall and more can be used as weaponry
19:00.52Mr_Rabies3bowling balls, lawnmowers
19:01.03Mr_Rabies3nerf guns
19:01.07ralfWORKhmm neat
19:01.12Mr_Rabies3shower heads
19:01.34Mr_Rabies3stabs through the top of their skull and blood sprays out of the shower head
19:01.38Mr_Rabies3it's hilarious
19:01.50ScytheBlade1The crap...?
19:02.05ralfWORKok yea that's pretty awesome
19:02.30Mr_Rabies3plus an industrial drill for excavating rock and stuff
19:02.40Mr_Rabies3that's pretty entertaining
19:03.49ScytheBlade1Okay, not to break up the off-topic fun, but I have a question. I've never played with a scroll frame before, and I get to right now!
19:03.53ScytheBlade1... and it's not working
19:04.06ScytheBlade1If I take out the scroll frame, the text displays fine
19:04.16ScytheBlade1If I leave it in, it just sits there disabled with no visible text :/
19:04.53foxlitWhat happens if you remove FauxScrollFrameTemplate inheretance?
19:05.19ScytheBlade1Nothing displays at all :D
19:05.19Mr_Rabies3well i'm useless at scripting so i'll just resume talking about wrecking zombies
19:05.39ScytheBlade1Mr_Rabies3: feel free! I was just hoping to get someone's attention who could help ;)
19:06.28Mr_Rabies3i'm just kidding mang
19:06.37Mr_Rabies3but i am useless at scripting
19:06.57Josh_BorkeScytheBlade1: scroll frames suck
19:07.08ScytheBlade1Josh_Borke: I'm noticing that quickly
19:07.27ScytheBlade1Josh_Borke: unfortunately, it's not easy to display six+ pages of text in the new UI addons panel :D
19:07.40Josh_Borkenope, sure isn't
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19:08.37ScytheBlade1If you have any ideas, please, lay them on me. That's the complete code, and I'm not pretending to be knowledgable about this :)
19:09.27ScytheBlade1I can verify that the readme editbox is indeed the scrollchild
19:09.33ScytheBlade1But... still... just a blank box :/
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19:12.20ScytheBlade1 have a screenshot
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19:18.10ralfWORKhehehe getting someone else to read
19:20.42Shirik|EcoleI ... don't get it
19:20.58Cideyou fail then
19:21.24Shirik|EcoleI assume he's mixing attumen/attunement
19:22.00Shirik|Ecolebut I was unaware they're removing attunement
19:22.05Shizenthink he be teh troll
19:22.09LopeppeppyDeliberately to spoof the removal of BT/Hyjal attunements.
19:22.13Shizenthat is doing a great job of keeping the troll
19:22.28Shizenyep they're going to remove attunements
19:22.38Shizenthough that doesn't mean we can't do it anymore
19:22.41Shizenwe just don't have to, anymore
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19:23.16Shizeny'see the number of people who fell for that ralf ?
19:23.23ralfWORKShizen: yes
19:23.28ralfWORKit's epic
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19:27.01Shizensee him quoting me ?
19:27.03Shizenor her
19:28.19ralfWORKShizen: on the thread?
19:28.57Shirik|Ecolewtf is "nyar" ?
19:29.02Shizenoh... nothing
19:29.16ShizenI sometimes have personality switch... disregard
19:30.00zenzelezz <-- sneak advertising zomg
19:30.18zenzelezz(yes, I know "intel" is short for "intelligence")
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19:31.32Shizenahhh it's good that you caught the 'mountains of corpses' in picture
19:31.39Shizenor rather mountain of bones
19:31.44ralfWORKso I'm curious
19:31.56ralfWORKabout what level of gearing do you have to be to kill the BC world bosses?
19:32.25Shizenyou mean Kazzak and Doomwalker ?
19:32.40ralfWORKT4, 5 or 6 gearing?
19:32.42Shizenmy guildies took 'em down with half-Kara gear I think
19:32.50ralfWORKoh ya?
19:32.55ralfWORKhow many ppl? 25 or 40?
19:32.55ShizenI didn't ask what they're wearing when they took 'em down
19:33.09Shizendidn't ask that either :o
19:33.16ralfWORKuhm... lol k
19:33.45zenzelezzKazzak isn't that hard if you have the tactic; certainly don't need more than ~20 people in fair gear I think
19:33.47Shirik|Ecolelol zenzelezz
19:33.48zenzelezzDoomwalker is harder
19:33.54Shirik|EcoleI wouldn't be surprised if that was actually a reference to
19:34.14Shirik|Ecoleyou know, inside joke thingy
19:34.33ralfWORKzenzelezz: eh so ~20 epic geared folks could probably do Kazzak?
19:34.35Shizenmight as well be
19:34.42LopeppeppyWhat exactly is a "probiotic dairy drink", and why did it look like yogurt when I bought it by accident?
19:35.13zenzelezzralfWORK: if the class/role balance is right, I think so. Can't remember if we were more than 20 when we took him; but it does depend
19:35.26zenzelezzbasically the more people die, the harder he becomes, so taking 40 people is a risk
19:35.43ralfWORKzenzelezz: ahh I see
19:36.04ralfWORKjust pondering when to plan for him
19:36.25ralfWORKbefore gruul/mag, after, during ssc/tk, after, what
19:36.48zenzelezzI'd say after Gruul/Mag, not sure how much later you'd need
19:36.48*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
19:37.06zenzelezzif everyone stays alive you could bring a lot of people and DPS him down before he does his semi-enrage
19:37.27kd3key words are "stay alive", though
19:37.33zenzelezzvery much so
19:38.19zenzelezzif you ever attempt Doomwalker, you have to make sure people spread out... he does massive chain lightnings; and some other fun stuff
19:38.29kd38K HP floor too
19:38.44ralfWORKeh ok
19:38.48ralfWORKwell we don't have the numbers for gruul yet
19:38.52ralfWORKbut that's good to know
19:39.52Shirik|Ecolekd3: the floor has hp?
19:39.58Shirik|Ecolelike if you stand on it too long it dies?
19:40.03PolarinaLevel 1 Night Elf on Sunstrider Isle (PTR)!  What is the e-mail to report him?
19:40.10Shirik|EcoleI'm honestly confused :(
19:40.16Cideminimum of 8k hp :P
19:40.20Cideor you will die
19:40.25cog|workmath.floor nub
19:40.28Shirik|Ecole(never done the fight)
19:40.29zenzelezzPolarina: everyone who hasn't succeeded in copying their char is swimming level 1s there
19:40.32kd3the earthquake's 2k a tick, 4 ticks
19:40.38kd3everyone in the area is stunned for the duration
19:40.51Shirik|Ecolethat'd do it
19:40.59zenzelezzthe real danger about Doomwalker is making a fool of yourself in front of all the BT guilds
19:41.04Polarinazenzelezz: NIGHT ELF!!
19:41.05Shirik|EcoleI have over 8k hp raid buffed, I was just curious
19:41.27kd3meh, I've got nearly 8k with only AI/molten armor
19:41.43Shirik|EcoleActually I think I have 7k unbuffed
19:41.48Shirik|Ecolewhich implies 8k self-buffed
19:41.52Shizenzenze : are you on PVP or PVE test ?
19:41.53PolarinaAnyone remembers the e-mail?
19:42.09zenzelezzShizen: no, I'm not :) Guildie posted the screenshot
19:42.14Polarinakd3: Thanks.
19:42.22kd3make sure that you mention that you're reporting the PTR
19:42.24Shizenstill trying to find a group that would take a lousy geared rogue into MT >_>
19:42.30Shizenneed to post some screeny for my guild
19:42.58kd3waitasec... a level 1 /night elf/?
19:43.04kd3not a belf?
19:43.14ralfWORKShizen: mana tombs?
19:43.18zenzelezzwhat fun would a blood elf be there?
19:43.23kd3magister's terrace
19:43.27ralfWORKoh oh right
19:43.30ralfWORKGG bliz
19:43.37Polarinakd3: Yes, night elf.
19:43.41Shizenokay I'm calling it MGT from now on
19:43.49ralfWORKidk what to call it
19:43.58Shizenor MST
19:44.02kd3MgT seems to be pretty common on PvE
19:44.05ShizenMagisterS' Terrace
19:44.17Shizenkd3 : you on PVE test ?
19:44.33Shizenlet's go to MST :P
19:44.40kd3in blade's edge atm
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19:45.13Shirik|EcoleI think I'm not cut out to be a programmer
19:45.16Shirik|EcoleI make too many stupid mistakes
19:45.36Shirik|EcoleI'm sitting here trying to figure out why the heck this thread refuses to yield, so I go back to check the code
19:45.42Shirik|Ecole// if (currentIndex == 0) Thread.yield();
19:45.48Shirik|Ecolenote the // at the beginning >.>
19:45.52zenzelezzthat's part of the fun
19:45.52cog|worksyntax highlighting 4tw?
19:46.10zenzelezzlike spending an hour figuring why your CRC function doesn't work when you're running it on the wrong buffer
19:46.27Shirik|EcoleI'm sitting here messing with priorities and everything
19:46.36zenzelezzor two hours figuring out why your file stream won't work as expected when you used || instead of | for the bit flags
19:46.36Shirik|Ecolechecking to ensure there's no problems with mutexes
19:46.43*** part/#wowi-lounge MySpoons2Big (
19:47.09Shizenor that time I learned the hard way why you do if ( <condition> == var ) instead of vice versa
19:48.44zenzelezznot sure I understand that one, what language and why?
19:49.11Shizenassignment versus logical comparison
19:49.30Shizenso if you do if ( condition = var ) your compiler will spew out those errors for you
19:49.47Shirik|Ecoleaye, I've heard of that trick before
19:49.47Shizeninstead of you pulling your hair wondering why the logical block never executes
19:49.50zenzelezzoh, when you said "vice cersa" I thought you meant (condition == var) vs. (var == condition)
19:50.02Shizenthat's what I meant
19:50.03Shirik|Ecolewell that's what she meant zenzelezz
19:50.11ShizenI use condition == var exclusively
19:50.14Shirik|Ecolething is, if you do "var = condition" that's legal. "condition = var" is not
19:50.14Shizenand Shirik : I'm a he
19:50.49zenzelezzwas about to ask if you somehow considered var==condition to be assignment... guess I'll have to make that mistake before I remember this one
19:51.07krkathat's just a nasty trick - the compiler should always complain about such ambiguities
19:51.19krkajava does that one properly
19:51.34wereHamsterthere's no ambiguity, it's all defined in the C standard..
19:51.36Shizenabout what ambiguities ?
19:51.52wereHamsterit's the people who don't understand the language
19:52.12Shirik|Ecolekrka: In all honesty, Visual studio does complain about that, and I hate it
19:52.25Shizenabout the vice-versa technique ?
19:52.26Shirik|Ecolebecause I DO use "if (var = x)" periodically
19:52.38Shizenwell at least it complains :o
19:52.49Shizenprobably because you put an assignment without the proper terminator
19:52.52Shirik|EcoleI don't like my code having warnings
19:52.54*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
19:53.00Shizenso you fix it
19:53.01zenzelezzjust disable it with a pragma then
19:53.04Shizenand write it properly ;)
19:53.18Shirik|Ecoleso I'm forced to either do something like "if (0 != (var = x))" or spend more time writing a pragma to remove the warning
19:53.19*** join/#wowi-lounge WobWor1 (
19:53.30Shirik|Ecoleand writing 3 lines of pragmas is more than just changing that one line, so it's pointless
19:53.39krkawereHamster: right, which is a problem with the language definition
19:53.44wereHamsterShirik|Ecole, does the compiler complian on if ((var = x)) ?
19:53.53krkathere are many languages who don't suffer the same problem
19:53.57krkalua is one of them :)
19:53.58wereHamsterkrka, you can see it either way ;)
19:54.11Shirik|EcolewereHamster: Yes; in fact the documentation specifically says that won't help
19:54.11ShizenI don't see it as suffering
19:54.14ShizenI see it as a blessing
19:54.37wereHamsterShirik|Ecole, it's java, right?
19:54.54Shirik|Ecolenegative, C++
19:55.08Shirik|EcoleC4706 Level 4:
19:55.24Shizenyou're using the professional edition right Shirik ?
19:55.25Shirik|EcoleThe warning will occur even if you double the parentheses around the test condition:
19:55.31Shizenas opposed to the free Express version
19:55.35Shirik|EcoleIf you intend to make your test value the result of an assignment, test to ensure that the assignment is non-zero or not null. For example, the following code will not generate this warning
19:55.39Shirik|EcoleYes I use professional
19:57.34krkai think it's a silly attitude to say this is not a problem with c and similar languages. the fact is that a typo or temporary insanity will create code that will compile fine but perform oddly.
19:58.09krkait would be better if c enforced: if ((x = y) != 0) {
19:58.31Josh_Borke~lart krka
19:58.31purlstamps krka on the forehead with the official Troll marker
19:58.33krkaJosh_Borke: Lua is not an acronym. It is a Portuguese word that means moon.
19:58.35Shirik|Ecolethen one should argue that if (x) should also not be legal
19:58.44Shirik|Ecole(unless x were a bool)
19:58.49krkathat's not the same thing at all - x is not an assignment
19:59.01Shirik|Ecolethe = operator returns a value
19:59.08krkayeah i know
19:59.12krkathat's the whole problem :)
19:59.19wereHamsterkrka, compile with -Werror or whatever the switch is that turns all warnings to fatal errors. the MS compiler warns about that construct, and so does gcc
19:59.35Shirik|Ecoleso then I don't think it would be what you said above, but rather "it would be better if c had the restriction that operator = returns void"
19:59.40krkathe compiler however, could easily disallow assignment operations as the top level conditional
19:59.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies3 (
19:59.51Shirik|Ecolebut then you can't do things like "a = b = c = d"
20:00.40Shirik|Ecolebut meh, I'm not going to argue with krka, he has a valid point, and I myself argue with language definitions all the time
20:00.44*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
20:00.45Shirik|Ecolelike Lua's "^" operator that shouldn't exist
20:01.16Shirik|EcoleI can respect an opinon even if I don't agree with it :) I grew up on C so I'm very much used to it by now
20:01.21krkaagreed, ^ is unnecessary sugar in lua
20:01.30krkaalso easily confused with xor
20:01.41Cide: is also unnecessary sugar, but awesome
20:01.45Shirik|Ecole^ should not exist (as power) in any language >.> Python also shouldn't have **
20:01.57krkaCide: no, that's actually quite useful sugar
20:01.58CideShirik|Ecole: meh.
20:02.12Cidekrka: 'useful' is subjective
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20:02.18Shirik|EcoleHowever I'm not going to rag on python because they used "j" instead of "i"
20:02.28Shizenyay for j !
20:02.31Shirik|EcoleWhich is more than I can say about my TI-89
20:02.32ShizenLONG LIVE j !!
20:02.33krkaCide: without it, all object orientation stuff would be much harder to read
20:02.57wereHamsterwhat does ^ in lua do?
20:03.07Shirik|Ecolelua> 2^16
20:03.07lua_botShirik|Ecole: 65536
20:03.41Cidekrka: true
20:03.53Shizenhmm what would 2^99^99 be on that :P
20:03.57krkaespecially for complex expression
20:04.10*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
20:04.16malrethwoooo hooooo!!!
20:04.17Shirik|Ecolelua> for x=-10,10,0.1 do for y = -10,10,0.1 do assert(x^y==math.pow(x,y), "Failing case: "..x.."^"..y) end end print("Unit test PASS");
20:04.17lua_botShirik|Ecole: [string "for x=-10,10,0.1 do for y = -10,10,0.1 do a..."]:1: Failing case: -10^-9.9
20:04.22Thunder_Childmalreth's fault
20:04.27krkax = (some long expression that returns the object).method((some long expression that returns the object), x, y, z)
20:04.35malrethcan't be my fault, i'm out sick today
20:04.41Shirik|Ecolelua> for x=-10,10,0.1 do for y = -10,10,0.1 do assert(math.abs(x^y-math.pow(x,y)) < 1e10, "Failing case: "..x.."^"..y) end end print("Unit test PASS");
20:04.41lua_botShirik|Ecole: [string "for x=-10,10,0.1 do for y = -10,10,0.1 do a..."]:1: Failing case: -10^-9.9
20:04.47Thunder_Childthats exactly why it's your fault
20:04.51Shirik|Ecolelua> -10^-9.9
20:04.51lua_botShirik|Ecole: -1.2589254117942e-10
20:04.59Shirik|Ecolelua> math.pow(-10, -9.9)
20:04.59lua_botShirik|Ecole: nan,
20:05.09malrethsomeone just screwed the pooch something fierce at one of my sites, tho
20:05.24Thunder_Childremote access?
20:05.26Thunder_Childfrom home
20:05.33Shirik|Ecolemalreth: linux?
20:05.46malrethour lab rebuilding system relies on a central server to store files and registries for the pc clients
20:05.49malrethone server per site
20:05.53malrethit works great
20:06.11malrethunless someone who thinks they know what they're doing goes and DELETES THE REGISTRIES
20:06.22Shirik|Ecoleof course
20:06.26Shirik|EcoleI delete registries all the time
20:06.27malrethof course
20:06.31Shirik|Ecoleit's a great way to improve performance
20:06.33malrethyes... don't we all
20:06.46malrethimprove yes... if by zero you mean great
20:06.56Shirik|Ecoleno, you get rid of windows
20:06.58malrethit's infinitely better performance
20:06.58Shirik|Ecolehuge performance boost
20:07.25malrethi think we're gonna be ok... just gotta disable lab rebuilds and then restore the registries from the latest backups
20:07.38kd3whatever happened to the FPS booster addon, shirik?
20:07.49Shirik|Ecoleit works
20:08.05malrethand then TERMINATE with EXTREME PREJUDICE the guy that did this
20:08.10ralfWORKwhat's it do?
20:08.14Shirik|Ecoleboosts FPS?
20:08.21ralfWORKhow does it boost FPS
20:08.33kd3it uses ace
20:08.40malrethralfWORK: by reducing the amount of work that the graphic card has to do
20:08.53|pez|by quitting WoW, ofcourse.
20:08.57ralfWORK~lart malreth
20:08.58purlcrushes malreth with a full height scsi disk
20:08.58Shirik|Ecolewow still runs
20:09.04Shirik|EcoleralfWORK: It's true
20:09.12purlmalreth is always right
20:09.22Shirik|EcoleI practically eliminate all 3d calculations
20:09.32malrethhah! i'm actually right for a change.
20:09.41ralfWORKI wouldn't have thought such a thing possible with an addon
20:10.00Shirik|Ecoleit's very fun. I can give you half of it if you want to run a script
20:10.02malrethmore than just possible... mega-possible
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20:10.14malrethperhaps even omega-possible
20:10.14Shirik|Ecolefor the full-blown FPS increase though you'd need to run the addon
20:10.25Shirik|Ecolewant the script to try it out?
20:10.31ralfWORKI'm on a mac, will it matter?
20:10.36Shirik|Ecolenope, should work on all
20:10.54ralfWORKwill it turn all my graphic settings down to low res stuff?
20:10.58Shirik|Ecole(see what you started kd3?)
20:11.05Shirik|Ecolenope, it won't touch any of your settings
20:11.15Shirik|Ecolein fact, once you relog, it will be back to your old crappy fps again
20:11.35Shirik|Ecolenothing's permanent
20:12.01sysragei don't doubt you, just amazed. how on earth can an addon eliminate 3d calculations?
20:12.09Shirik|Ecolepractically eliminate
20:12.11sysrageand where can i get this addon?
20:12.12ralfWORKsysrage: yea same here
20:12.15malrethit's easy
20:12.17Shirik|EcoleI'm sure there are a few other calculations going on
20:12.22Shirik|Ecolebut the majority of them are gone
20:12.37Shirik|Ecoleagain, you can simulate the experience with a script
20:12.38Shirik|Ecolewant it?
20:12.41malrethShirik|Ecole: just give them the script
20:12.43sysragecan't have the addon?
20:12.49Shirik|Ecolenot really finished yet :)
20:12.58sysrageokie hook me up with the script then :)
20:13.05Shirik|Ecoleok just type /script WorldFrame:Hide()
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20:13.51foxlitmeh, * should be placed with + too!
20:13.56sysragei got trolled by a code geek :(
20:14.03Shirik|Ecole<3 sysrage
20:14.12malrethShirik|Ecole: your addon, after it works its magic, should display a single checkbox at the bottom of the screen that's labeled, "Reduce Performance" so they can undo your changes
20:14.19Shirik|Ecolenow help me figure out what's wrong with my bot
20:14.25*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
20:14.26Shirik|EcoleThis is all I can see on the screen (it got cut off)
20:14.30Shirik|EcoleFATAL ERROR
20:14.35Shirik|Ecole[UHX] Client.mai
20:14.39Shirik|Ecolethat's it
20:14.49malrethLunessa: guess what...
20:14.58Shirik|Ecoleoh and two red lights are flashing
20:15.17LunessaYou've won the lotto and are going to support me in the style to which I should like to become accustomed?
20:16.00Thunder_Child"Many years ago in Scotland, a new game was invented. It was ruled "Gentlemen Only...Ladies Forbidden" . . . and, thus, the word GOLF entered into the English language."
20:16.09malrethapple's offering us an additional discount on top of our edu pricing and they're gonna give us the 4 year warranties. told you we'd get what we want.
20:16.11ralfWORKThunder_Child: woah neat
20:16.27Lunessamalreth crap.  Now I gotta get a job at UT
20:16.42Thunder_Child"The First couple to be shown in bed together on prime time TV were Fred and Wilma Flintstone."
20:16.53ralfWORKin Scotland?
20:16.53malrethwe still have to get approval with upper management... that's where the proposal will fail if anyplace
20:17.36Thunder_ChildralfWORK, yes but there were tossing logs instead of hitting balls
20:17.45Shirik|Ecolerofl batrick
20:17.51Shirik|Ecole"Letters appear to be missing, particularly 'X'"
20:18.46Thunder_Child"If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle. If the horse has one front leg in the air the person died as a result of wounds received in battle. If the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes."
20:19.13ralfWORKThunder_Child: I did read that before
20:19.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
20:20.21Thunder_Child"In Shakespeare's time, mattresses were secured on bed frames by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes the mattress tightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on. Hence the phrase......... "goodnight, sleep tight.""
20:20.50Shirik|Ecolewhat the crap?
20:21.14Shirik|EcoleTORNADO WATCH has been issued for 32114 Expires at 23:00 EST on 2/12/08
20:21.21ralfWORKuh... ok
20:21.28Thunder_Child"In English pubs, ale is ordered by pints and quarts... So in old England, when customers got unruly, the bartender would yell at them "Mind your pints and quarts, and settle down.""
20:21.28Thunder_Child"It's where we get the phrase "mind your P's and Q's""
20:21.29Shirik|EcoleI get these messages on my phone :P
20:21.32Legorolmmmm brownies!
20:21.41Saint-Nactually that sleep tight refers to sailors and passengers on ships as well
20:21.46Legorolsomeone mentioned brownies the other day, and i realised i haven't had any for a long time... so i got some :)
20:21.50Saint-Nsicne they used to tie them in at night and during storms
20:21.50Legorolanyone wants some brownies?
20:22.00|pez|I never did bake brownies. :\
20:22.05|pez|since last time I mentioned it.
20:22.12|pez|Can I have one? :o
20:22.31Legorolbut only one!
20:22.46PolarinaOMG! People say your internet connection speed and latency affects FPS...
20:23.09*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
20:23.10LunessaSharpies - Making office workers high, legally for 30 years...
20:23.30ralfWORKPolarina: O RLY?
20:23.47Kirkburn <-- check the combat log
20:23.59PolarinaralfWORK: On the PTR (EU PvE)
20:24.18|pez|People can play just fine on a 56k connection. But it'll probably go a bit slower on high populated areas. XD like... ironforge XD
20:24.42Josh_Borkehe seriously says "Wow, that sucked.  Oh well lets try again."?
20:24.47PolarinaKirkburn: LOL!
20:24.49nevcairielits a placeholder text
20:24.55nevcairielsee PH :P
20:24.56ralfWORKlol wut
20:25.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh`` (
20:25.18Josh_Borkedoes he just fall over dead?
20:25.25Polarinanevcairiel: What is PH?
20:25.32nevcairielPlaceHolder :P
20:25.33ralfWORKbut seriously, he says that?
20:25.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
20:25.54ralfWORKplaceholder so he can say something really awexomer later
20:27.21Bela|workfriend of mien showed me that too
20:27.28Bela|workI like the current version
20:27.32Bela|work"wow you guys suck"
20:27.40ralfWORKyea I think that's reasonable
20:28.11malrethlewz... reading my cow-orker's log entries for work completed for the day is hilarious. "more meetings, emails, some phone calls, blah... 8hrs"
20:29.08*** join/#wowi-lounge ZealotOnAStick (
20:33.16Shizenreminds me of that captain... >_>
20:33.28Shizenanyway... while I'm taking flight to Sunwell Plateau... *browse*
20:34.10Shizenwonder if they've fixed the graphic over fatigue water
20:34.20kd3prob not til the next build
20:34.25Shizenincorrect camera render imo
20:34.32Shizenhmm you've got a point
20:34.53Shizensince those issues are usually client-wise not server-wise
20:38.04kd3shizen; you do your daily quests for today?
20:38.14Shizentest ? or live ?
20:38.22Shizenabout to head to SP to do 'em
20:38.29kd3what rep are you right now?
20:38.33Shizenand hang around and see if anyone wanna take a lowly rogue to MGT
20:38.37Shizenlike... low...
20:38.38Shizenreal low
20:38.42kd3neutral? friendly?
20:38.49ralfWORKso how hard is MGT?
20:38.50Shizenlemme check
20:38.57ralfWORKor rather, how hard does it appear to be, so far
20:39.04ShizenralfWORK : from what I heard, not too hard, but not your usual walk in the park either
20:39.08kd3it's hard. kael's an absolute pain of a fight on normal. even worse on heroic from what I've hearing
20:39.11Shizenthink your usual heroic
20:39.22kd3the earlier bosses aren't that bad
20:39.27ralfWORKusual as in "not like Durnholde"? ;)
20:39.43ShizenDurnholde I wouldn't classify as 'hard' just 'painful'
20:40.04Shizenespecially the 'you don't have CC, they do' part
20:40.39ralfWORKdurn heroic makes me want to beat myself in the genitals with a brick repeatedly
20:40.41Shizen1150 neutral, kd3
20:40.46Shizenand I just started yesterday :o
20:40.59kd3is the portal daily quest in shat available to you?
20:41.15Shizenif you mean the 'get mana something or other from those ethereal' then yes
20:41.30ShizenI just saw that today
20:41.35Shizenmust be new addition
20:41.35kd3k. then the other dailies in the sanctum should be available as well
20:41.40LunessaralfWORK: Thanks.  I'm now traumatized by your graphic display of self-abuse.
20:41.48Shizenthe dailies in the sanctum had been available since day 1
20:41.51ralfWORKLunessa: blame blizz not me :(
20:41.56kd3we hit phase 2 around ~11 am this morning. he spawned then with the new NPCs in the sanctum
20:42.00Shizenyou mean the sentries turnin and the energize crystal, right ?
20:42.09kd3those are at the staging area
20:42.18Shizenoh... sanctum... sanctum...
20:42.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Fin (
20:42.33Shizenwhere you at kd3 ?
20:42.34kd3the sanctum's where you go to do those quests
20:42.37kd3flying there
20:42.42Shizenwanna party up ?
20:42.45Shizen<-- newb
20:43.00kd3I've done my dalies for the day. just trying to see if the p2 quests require friendly or not. but sure
20:43.19kd3toss me an invite as "Kaydeethree"
20:43.33Shizenamagad... "Razorthorn Flayer Gland"
20:43.52Bela|worksounds tasty
20:43.52Shizendescription : " Hurls the gland at a nearby Razorthorn Ravager."
20:43.59Shizenmust be the Razorthorn Rise quest
20:44.03ralfWORKthat sounds... bad?
20:44.11Shizenno comments yet
20:44.19Bela|workRise of the Razorthorn! and their Glands! Bring Snitary Wipes!
20:44.40Shizenthere's also these 'mounds'
20:44.47Bela|workuh oh
20:44.49Shizenthat according to stuffs I can gather from Wowhead yesterday
20:44.55Shizenthe ravager would dig up
20:45.17Shizennow wowhead have that item fresh today, so it seems we get those glands, throw at ravager, ravager dig mounds
20:45.21Shizenand we get... (what?)
20:47.09Finwhat time is it in Beverly Hills right now?
20:47.28*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
20:47.32ralfWORKFin: maybe like 12:45 PM?
20:47.38FinralfWORK: thanks!
20:47.42nevcairielsounds right
20:47.42ralfWORK(I think)
20:47.49nevcairielaltho its :47!
20:47.55ralfWORKoh hush
20:48.00ralfWORKNO U
20:48.17Fin2 hours until the WGA vote starts then!
20:48.23kd3bah. wow crash. fun
20:48.24Thunder_ChildFin, 12:48
20:48.28Finwell, 1 hour and a quarter :)
20:48.42ralfWORKFin: 1 hour and 12 minutes, actually
20:49.10Finthanks Thunder_Child :) although you seem to suffer from the same problem as me where you don't read scrollback fully before answering? :) or were you just being useless for useless' sake
20:49.17FinralfWORK: I round :)
20:49.35FinWriters Guild Association
20:49.50FinWriters Guild of America
20:49.57ralfWORKoh pfft
20:50.01ralfWORKwe care why? :P
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20:50.38Finyou are not a consumer of popular culture such as any of the hundreds of affected shows?
20:50.41foxlitBecause Stewart isn't as funny without them!
20:50.48Findamn straight!
20:50.51Thunder_ChildWGA isnt based in BH btw
20:50.54ralfWORKFin: nope :)
20:51.01Thunder_Childit's west LA
20:51.16Thunder_Child3rd and fairfax
20:51.24*** part/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
20:51.30Shirik|EcoleYou know, as much as I hate Java, I like some of the sensible things they did
20:51.33Shirik|Ecolesuch as "4;" not being a statement
20:51.37Shirik|Ecoleand giving you an error
20:51.40Xinhuanheh argent dawn is spamming my server (blackrock) that AD is down
20:51.45Xinhuanabout 40 min now hehe
20:52.32Finalso I want new Ugly Betty, My Name is Earl, The Daily Show, Bionic Woman, Family Guy, Simpsons, American Dad, Dexter, and MAN who can live without America's Funniest Home Videos?!?
20:52.59FinCelebrity Expose?
20:53.05FinAmerican Gladiators?
20:53.18Thunder_Childnope and nope
20:53.34Finuhmmmm America's Most Wanted: America Fights Back?
20:53.42Thunder_Childno and no
20:54.00FinNFL Total Access!
20:54.09Thunder_Childhell no and no
20:54.11Finoh fuck Heroes, I'd totally forgotten - man it's been too long
20:54.42ralfWORKit's funny to me how much the world really doesn't shut down just because hollywood goes on strike
20:55.12Finyou might quite enjoy some of those (minus the sarcastic ones :), ralfWORK, they're great! but, each to their own of course :)
20:55.29ralfWORKoh I don't doubt that some of them are good
20:55.34Fin+, (earlier)
20:55.45ralfWORK<-- lost fan
20:56.01Finambiguity ftw!
20:56.11*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
20:56.22FinI went off Lost sometime through the second season
20:56.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
20:57.01ralfWORKI don't stay up to date on it
20:57.05ralfWORKI wait for the box set
20:57.18Fingot to the point where I could no longer retain any real hope of some awesome underlying plot that would explain everything that was going on
20:57.42Finthe only hope for something that would wrap it up properly is something like Dallas' dream episode :(
20:57.54Bela|workI am up to dat eon Lost, but I am not a fan of this season so far
20:58.00Bela|workits too weird
20:58.11Bela|workand too all over the place
20:58.42Bela|workits like they said "hey, I love how we did the season finale last season, lets make a whole season use that SAME STYLE!"
20:59.15Finit reminded me of X-Files after a while, each episode is just /one/ /more/ /weird/ thing happening
20:59.26*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Dinesh)
20:59.33ralfWORKthat's a reasonable comparison
20:59.36FinHeroes, now, that's another story (obv., but, hey, you know what I mean :)
20:59.37Bela|workactually they aswered a LOT of questions in the first two episodes this season
20:59.39Shizenwow hard crash
20:59.43Bela|workbut as usual, they made more to replace them
21:00.09Shizenkd3 you're still in ?
21:00.47Shizengoing back in
21:00.59ShizenI actually want to document some of these and screenshot to post on my guild board
21:01.01Shizenbut blah the fps hit
21:01.11Shizenclicked the wrong one >_>
21:02.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
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21:02.54Shirik|EcoleOkay, now I REALLY feel like an idiot
21:03.00Shirik|Ecoletime for a break
21:03.03Kalroth_Why first now? :P
21:03.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go (n=MikeNGoS@
21:03.20Shirik|EcoleI've been really concerned about the performance o the bot, it's been really slow on the serial line
21:03.25foxlitThe fact that it took you this long to come to the realization confirms it :
21:03.40Shirik|EcoleFor the hell of it, I removed all of the debug lines that I had put it (prints stuff to screen, turns LED on, etc)
21:03.55Shirik|Ecoleall these debug lines that I had used to try to help me figure out what's going on
21:04.00Shirik|Ecolecaused an extra 700ms delay
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21:04.09Shirik|Ecolethat was the whole problem >.>
21:05.05Josh_Borkeio is slow, mmkay?
21:05.17Shizenmehhhh I give up
21:05.32Shizenkd3 : I'ma go play on live and some
21:06.52Shirik|Ecoleomg look at this 47ms response time
21:07.00Shirik|Ecoletime to go work on the other robot, leave this one alone for a while
21:07.05Shirik|Ecolep.s. this java chip is incredibly slow
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21:13.56kd3"Brutallus yells: What is this pathetic magic? How about you come back with twenty-four of your best friends and try again, blood elf!"
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21:14.56nevcairielno PH after that ? :P
21:15.00nevcairielsounds so PHish :)
21:19.20FinTHIS is the UI I need: it (Connection timed out)
21:19.21Fin[22:14:40] --> dylanm ( has quit ()
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21:20.34kamdisthat makes me want to cry, Fin.
21:21.28kd3whee, got inside of a building texture. let's see if I can get to brutallus from here
21:21.53oreth|wtf is brutallus?
21:22.23oreth|good luck!
21:27.07foxlitOn a priest?!
21:27.10foxlitWhat's wrong with that picture
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21:27.47foxlitstill, healing threat = no threat
21:28.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik\Ecole (n=shirik@
21:29.10ralfWORKwait I thought omen was a healing meter
21:29.48kamdisIt can still be useful to see when the Warlock is about to pull aggro or something.
21:31.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
21:33.03Lunessastupid work, keeping me from reading forums.
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21:33.59Thunder_Childheh "Because nothing says "I have lots of money and am sort of confused as to how to spend it" like Bose."
21:35.35zenzelezzwhat's Bose?
21:35.47Finexpensive speakers
21:35.49Cairennsound systems
21:35.59Finwhat she said
21:36.02zenzelezzI see
21:36.15Thunder_Child~wiki bose
21:36.19zenzelezzonly "real" speaker systems I know by name is Cerwin Vega (+/- spelling)
21:36.22wereHamsterlike bang&olufsen?
21:36.30Finsennheiser ftw!
21:36.51FinBang & Olufsen have style
21:37.07zenzelezzthey still exist?
21:37.26kamdisBang & Olufsen employ stuck up snobs in their retail outlets.
21:37.40zenzelezzheard my dad speak of them a million times, thought they went away some time ago... not that I bothered to check
21:37.42kamdisTherefore, they do not get my business.
21:38.01Finreal shame though :(
21:38.12Finbut then, a lot of hifi shops suffer from the same problem :(
21:38.41kamdisI tried to spend money in there once and they didn't care to speak to me, despite ~30 minutes of looking around.  And the store was not busy either.
21:38.55kamdisI felt like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. :(
21:39.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Keias (
21:39.10kamdisBut, you know, dressed not like a hooker.
21:39.26Lunessa... as a sales person, always talk to the ladies.  Even if you you don't make a sale, you make an impression. ;)
21:40.07kamdisExcellent policy! ;-)
21:40.36FinI don't like it when storepeople approach me, personally - I'd rather they leave me alone until I go to them
21:40.56ralfWORKyou know I'm the same way Fin
21:41.09ralfWORKbut at the same time, I'd at least like the option of declining help
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21:41.28kamdisI get that, but seriously, not even a "Do you have any questions or are you just browsing?" is not good service.
21:41.42FinI only feel that way because of all the shops where they use the overpushy in-your-face sales "technique"
21:41.49ralfWORKFin: yes, agreed
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21:41.56ralfWORKa simple " do you need any help" suffices
21:42.01ralfWORKnot any high pressure bullshit
21:42.06ralfWORKthen I'll tell them to get lost
21:42.10*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | WoW programming book | I felt like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. :( But, you know, dressed not like a hooker." - kamdis
21:42.11ralfWORKand my maleness takes over
21:42.30ralfWORKand says "I don't need no stinkin' help, if I can't find it you don't have it NUB"
21:42.59ralfWORKtell you what I really hate
21:43.00Finit's rare to get the happy medium, though
21:43.11ralfWORKis when I spend the time to look for a product on the shelf
21:43.20ralfWORKwhich I *ALWAYS* do before asking a sales person
21:43.29Fin(speaking to the dead is a very depressing job! ahaha!)
21:45.13Polarinakamdis: Congratulations!
21:45.15Thunder_Childuhhh...someone make me one of these
21:45.18LunessaSeriously though, sales is about connecting to people.  And making that connection helps.  And even if you don't sell something, that lovely young lady will tell all her friends how rude the people in your store are.
21:45.21Thunder_Childwith a diff pic ofc
21:45.28kamdisPolarina, thanks I guess :P
21:45.41ralfWORKsorry had boss at desk
21:45.55ralfWORKso after doing the looking, I ask a sales person, and they go to the same goddamn shelf I was just looking at
21:46.01ralfWORKand say "gee, I guess we don't have one"
21:46.25ralfWORKI usually just give them the evil eye at that point
21:46.47ralfWORKI'm like "no shit sherlock, I was hoping you could look in the back or check another store or... you know, do something USEFUL for me"
21:46.58Duman*SHAKEFIST* at character copy!
21:47.13ralfWORKDuman: queue still big?
21:47.16ralfWORKI need to try this :(
21:47.29malrethThe server that got screwed up... The admin hadn't yet set up the backup client on it. We have nothing to restore from
21:47.45ralfWORKmalreth: WIN
21:48.05malrethWe get to rebuild all the registries for over 500 computers from scratch
21:48.12ralfWORKoh jesus
21:48.13malrethheads will roll
21:48.23ralfWORKwhat server got screwed up?
21:48.32Cairennthat's just bad
21:48.47malrethThe central lab rebuilding server for a very large site on our campus
21:48.50malrethvery large
21:48.52malreththe largest
21:49.12ralfWORKmalreth: oh a build server? like... a Ghost sever/imaging server?
21:49.40malreththe way we approach computer lab management is we let students log in and do whatever the fuck they way with the computer. when they leave, the computer immediately rebuilds to a known state that is stored on a central server
21:49.48malrethit allows great functionality and rapid deployment of changes
21:49.50ralfWORKmalreth: ok gotcha
21:49.57ralfWORKThunder_Child: this is... amazing
21:50.06Thunder_Childwhich one?
21:50.19ralfWORKThunder_Child: the link you just pasted
21:50.22malreththe only problem is it's a single point of failure for the entire rebuilding process
21:50.26Thunder_Childah, yes, quite
21:50.33malrethwhich is why we usually have redundancy... a hot spare
21:50.37malrethbackups, etc.
21:50.40Cairennthat's a pretty cool box
21:50.55ralfWORKI probably would have killed for something like that when I was single
21:51.12ralfWORKmalreth: but of course this time you did not
21:51.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh_ (
21:51.58malrethwell, it was a new server... brand new and the person responsible for administering the machine hadn't yet set up the tivoli storage manager client on it
21:52.13ralfWORKmalreth: sounds like epic fail to me
21:52.46malrethand so, some guy in the department... responsible for maintaining the classroom lab images messed up
21:53.08malrethinstead of copy/pasting some files, he deleted all of the registry files for all of the labs at that site
21:53.27malrethoh, i'm not gonna suffer too much from this
21:53.48malrethas soon as i heard, i shut down the rebuilding processes for my one lab that i maintain at that site
21:53.55malreththen reserved two machines
21:53.56ralfWORKmalreth: uhm... lol
21:54.12malrethi can restore the entire lab's functionality from just one working computer
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21:54.23malreththe second is just in case i screw up with the first one
21:54.30ralfWORKright right
21:54.35malrethmy ass is covered...
21:55.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Mike-N-Go_ (n=MikeNGoS@
21:55.35malrethsucks for the admin guy who should have gotten the TSM client installed sooner... but he has to deal with the bureaucracy with the backup server admins at that site... he can explain that away
21:55.57malrethsucks more for the guy that can't tell the difference between ctrl-c/ctrl-v and delete
21:57.53malrethok... the room in a box link. Good news: All your stuff fits in a box. Bad news: You need a pallet jack to move.
21:58.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
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21:58.38ralfWORKit would have been good to see them team lift it
21:58.44ralfWORKand see if anyone got a hernia
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21:59.35Cairennthat's an amazing photo
21:59.50Cairennthe fact that the photographer got it
22:00.07LopeppeppyOr 'shopped it....
22:00.13Cairenndon't think so
22:00.52ralfWORKskeptical cat is frought with skeptiscism?
22:01.12malrethi'm skeptical as well...but who knows
22:01.14Cairennwell, given the positioning of the statue, I'm sure that isn't the first nor will it be the last time that that has happened
22:01.27Cairennjust the fact that he managed to capture it is the neat part
22:01.38Saint-NI guess jesus was lying after all
22:01.45malrethi bet it's a perma-placed video camera
22:01.57malrethit might explain the grittiness of the image
22:02.02ralfWORKCairenn: agreed
22:02.18KeiasProbably was sitting there taking thousands of pictures to try and capture something like this
22:02.21KeiasPretty amazing though.
22:02.31cog|workmeh... it's a perfectly normal coincidence imo...
22:02.42malrethbut still.. interesting image
22:02.47LopeppeppyPerfectly Ordinary Beast?
22:03.18Saint-Nonly 4 cog
22:03.31Cairennas I said, not surprised that the statue got hit - that's really to be expected - lightening hits the highest point
22:03.44Saint-Nthe rest of the pictures of that statue are miraculously etched into film as it gets near the statue ;P
22:04.15Cairenn~lart Saint-N
22:04.16purlslaps Saint-N upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
22:04.22cog|workactually, since lightning nearly always strikes the same spot twice you could set up a camera with an ESD trigger to take a couple rapid shots at every strike and probably stand a good chance of capturing something ;)
22:04.23Saint-N"and here's apitcutre of betty next to the cath....oh dammit another jesus statue picture!"
22:04.46Saint-Nerr a picture
22:06.05Legorolugh, anyone else in EU having trouble logging in?
22:06.13Legorol(live, not PTR)
22:07.30LopeppeppyUS Argent Dawn is dead.  *sniff*  They're having some issues after today's maintenance, I gather.
22:07.41*** join/#wowi-lounge danshrugged (
22:08.16KeiasI blame Blackrock, Lopeppeppy :(
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22:10.45Thunder_Childlittle trivia here, without sing the web can anyone name what movie Charlie Sheen & Jon Cryer were in before working together on 2 1/2 men?
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22:12.15Lunessa... Men at Work?
22:12.29Thunder_Childjon wasnt in that
22:12.44LunessaYou said without using the web. :P
22:12.53Thunder_Childi know
22:13.03Thunder_Childeven using the web it would take a bit
22:14.51Thunder_Child"wow thoes are some long legs." I just had them lengthened, now they go all the way up"
22:17.50cog| dead for anyone else?
22:18.15cog|workthere it is... (2 timeouts later)
22:19.01kamdisThunder_Child: Hot Shots?
22:19.27Thunder_Childi was just watching it now...kinds surprised
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22:28.42danshruggedckknight: you there?
22:28.53ckknightwhat's up?
22:28.56danshruggedyo man
22:29.35danshruggedI used your pack.lua and MpqViewer and some other junk to setup a sort of automated way to extract instance maps to disc as full quality pngs
22:29.45danshruggedif you're interested, I can send it your way
22:30.12danshruggedsince some of your code is in there and all
22:30.13ckknightseems cool
22:30.56danshruggedit's kind of seizureific too
22:31.46danshruggedwindows open and closing over and over
22:31.49cladhaireoh hehe
22:31.59cladhairei was wondering where you were going with that too
22:32.55danshruggedbetter than it was. at one point imagemagick was opening 5000 minimap tiles one by one and rotating them. you couldn't look at the screen
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22:56.50sag_ich_nichtsomeone explain to me why i'm seeing misses in WWS altho i'm at the hitcap:
22:57.41zenzelezzbecause there's always a 1% chance to miss or something? Can't recall
22:58.26*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
22:58.27zenzelezz"There will always be a minimum of 1% chance to miss, regardless of hit rating.",
22:58.34sag_ich_nichtit's because
22:58.37sag_ich_nicht[23:56] <+Antiarc> sag_ich_nicht: parry/dodge count as misses in WWS
22:58.53Antiarczenzelezz: That only applies to spells
22:58.57AntiarcYou can completely negate melee miss
22:59.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
22:59.46sag_ich_nichtI'm seeing it now in the extended tab anyway Antiarc
22:59.48sag_ich_nichtthanks tho :O
22:59.55zenzelezzAntiarc: that's not how I read that page, but I'll take your word for it
23:00.08Antiarczenzelezz: I'm a hit-capped rogue. It's possible. ;)
23:00.25sag_ich_nichti'm hitcapped too, zenzelezz expand the WWS there
23:00.27sag_ich_nichtno misses
23:00.29sag_ich_nichtonly parry/dodge
23:00.31sag_ich_nichti missread it :P
23:00.42zenzelezzmy point is I'm a tank, I don't do hitcapping, so I go by what the wiki says, even if it's wrong
23:01.14sag_ich_nichtzenzelezz you're a retard then
23:01.21sag_ich_nichtyou need +hit so you get les miss so you get more +threat
23:01.34sag_ich_nichtotherwise you can't tank for shit starting from SSC/TE upwards
23:01.43zenzelezzsag_ich_nicht: I said I don't CAP
23:01.47AntiarcExpertise! Reduce parrygibs and increase your threat all in one go!
23:01.50zenzelezzif you tank hit-capped then you are a retard
23:01.53sag_ich_nichtAntiarc: true
23:02.00sag_ich_nichtzenzelezz: depends on the class
23:02.02sag_ich_nichtdruids can do itt
23:02.17zenzelezzthat I'll take your word for; I only know my warrior
23:02.18sag_ich_nichtgives them max benefit from the idol
23:02.30sag_ich_nichtthus more agi indirectly
23:02.36sag_ich_nichtand thus even more indirectly less damage :P
23:02.39SyzgynNo one but arms warriors should even consider being hitcapped
23:02.40sag_ich_nicht(and more threat)
23:02.51Syzgynwarrior wise
23:02.53sag_ich_nichtbut an arms warrior
23:02.56sag_ich_nichtbetter be fucking hitcapped
23:02.58sag_ich_nichtor gtfo my raid
23:03.24Syzgynbut for prot, its not worth gimping your mitigation, and for fury, its not even possible
23:04.41zenzelezzI'm still curious though, I grew up hearing that in PvE you always have 1% chance to miss, and I still read the wiki as saying that; did that change since BC release or before?
23:04.58AntiarcIt applies for spells
23:04.59AntiarcNot for melee
23:05.03AntiarcIt's never applied for melee
23:05.08Syzgynyes it has
23:05.18AntiarcEr. When?
23:05.33zenzelezzAntiarc: then someone should update the wiki, because it specifically speaks of melee and melee weapon ratings vs. defense
23:05.36AntiarcThere is no 1%-guaranteed-to-miss for melee.
23:05.36Syzgynas far as I'm aware, you cant buff any stat to 100% effectiveness
23:05.48Syzgyn99% is the effective max
23:06.18SyzgynI know I've been crit with 490+ def
23:06.34AntiarcBy a mob with more than the standard 5% crit, perhaps
23:06.36Syzgynand pretty sure I've missed as arms hitcapped
23:08.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
23:10.21AntiarcThere. Wiki updated :P
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23:18.50alestaneAnyone else having trouble getting an add-on to show up in the Add-Ons screen of the PTR client?
23:20.02zenzelezz"With these stats he is a piss in park"... now there's an expression I hadn't heard before
23:20.18alestaneI've got one that does show up, and I'm presuming it's a mistake I've made, but I can't for the life of me figure out where.
23:21.22Syzgynno problems here
23:22.01alestaneGot it. I originally misnamed the add-on folder with an .xml extension, and when I renamed it the Finder hid the extension instead of removing it.
23:22.21cladhaireokay question for you
23:22.41cladhaireif you configure perfectraid to show rejuvenation, as well as YOUR rejuvenations
23:22.42cladhaireand there are 3, including yours
23:23.04cladhaireshould it be Rj(3) RJMINE or Rj(2) RJMINE?
23:23.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Slackwise (
23:23.54Lunessacladhaire: Rough.  I'd go with the last, but people are going to ask for the first
23:24.04cladhairethe first is EASY
23:24.09cladhaireits what the code does by default :P
23:24.51ShadowedIt depends how many buffs you're going to show, I'd rather have R(2) R for 2 other rejuvs + 1 one is mine
23:24.52mikmacladhaire: Rj(3)
23:24.56WobinI agree
23:24.58Wobinthe first
23:25.00cladhaireso you want to see all three
23:25.02cladhaireas well as yours?
23:25.10cladhaireand not subtract yours from the total?
23:25.11cladhairethat means
23:25.13cladhaireif you're in a raid
23:25.16cladhaireand only two are on
23:25.26cladhaireit'll show Rj(2) and RjMINE
23:25.31cladhaireyou're cool with that?
23:25.32Shadowedbut I was going to tweak PR to make it show R(3), and just make it change the color of the buff to black the closer it gets to fading, as a quick way of tracking things
23:25.33cladhaireor even worse
23:25.37cladhaireif yours is the ONLY one on it
23:25.50cladhaireit'll show Rj RJMINE
23:25.53cladhairenow thats the confusing part
23:25.54mikmaoh now i misunderstood that completely.
23:26.03mikmai don't like the RjMINE idea at all :(
23:26.08cladhairewhat do you mean?
23:26.12WobinMaybe we can have another colour that indicates that one of the Rj's is ours
23:26.13Shadowedyea I don't see much need to change it from the current system honestly
23:26.19Shadowedoh thats a good idea
23:26.19cladhairecalm down
23:26.21cladhaireits another filter.
23:26.27cladhaireyou decide if it shows
23:26.29ShadowedMaybe instead of showing a white "#", show it as green if one is yours?
23:26.30cladhaireits not anything automatic
23:26.37cladhaireYOU DECIDE WHAT IT SHOWS
23:26.39mikmacladhaire: what you can do, is this: other people heals have rj, you have RJ? :D
23:26.41WobinI do? =)
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23:26.46cladhaireits a fucking buff filter
23:26.50cladhairewhy is shadowed involved
23:26.54Shadowedyou asked
23:26.58mikmathe stuff you cast is with caps and other stuff is with lowercase :P
23:27.04cladhairemikma: no
23:27.07cladhairethat's retarded.
23:27.10cladhairehave you ever used praid
23:27.12cladhaireyou add a new buff
23:27.17cladhaireand there is a filter "My Spells"
23:27.29cladhairethe text and color YOU supply will be shown when your spell is on the unit
23:27.39mikmacladhaire: with that filter, i'd say Rj(2) RjMINE, this means there's 3 buffs on him
23:27.53cladhairethanks, thats what I expected
23:28.01cladhairenow what about the case where there is only one RJ
23:28.04cladhaireonly show the RJMINE?
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23:28.45cladhairegood that easy
23:29.17WobinThat way other peoples rej are separated from your own
23:29.24Wobinno need to add/subtract from the number
23:29.34cladhairewell there is in the code
23:29.41cladhaireand it's a bit trickier than that
23:29.42Wobinwell that's what the code is for =)
23:29.48WobinSo we don't have to count =)
23:30.47Syzgynany chance anyone here is on PTR and has access to the SPELL_LEECH or SPELL_DRAIN combat events?
23:32.21Shadowedcladhaire: What happens in PR anyway when you have too many filters shown, does it just show the first X it finds?
23:32.32cladhaireno, it shows them all
23:32.44Shadowedwouldn't that overflow when you have multiple columns
23:32.51cladhairethat's your problem, not mine.
23:32.56cladhaire"don't do that"
23:33.01cladhaireor have a larger separator
23:33.03Shadowedyea thats what i was wondering :p
23:33.15Shadowednot using enough filters for that to happen was just wondering
23:38.52ScytheBlade1Who wants to help me with scroll frames?!
23:40.24ScytheBlade1... well that's disheartening
23:41.10alestaneI'm not the one to ask.
23:42.38ScytheBlade1I actually asked earlier, and the only response I got was along the lines of "Scroll frames suck"
23:42.52ScytheBlade1Figure it was worth a shot now that it has been several hours
23:43.08Thunder_Childscroll frames suck
23:43.16ScytheBlade1So I've heard :/
23:43.18alestaneI *think* I get how the concept works, but not really that confident with it.
23:43.41Thunder_Childs/scroll frames/you/
23:43.54ScytheBlade1From what I gather, you make a frame that is big, and then parent it to a scroll frame
23:44.41ScytheBlade1 if anyone has any ideas..
23:45.33ScytheBlade1Right now I've got a greyed out scroll bar to the side, with no text in it. :/
23:45.46ScytheBlade1If I remove the scroller, I see the text
23:48.47ScytheBlade1Eh, I'll try again in a few hours when more people are responsive.
23:54.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Dagron (
23:57.39LunessaFinally caught up.

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