IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080205

00:00.46bleeter_anyone know if any more 'work' has been done into investigating what, exactly, are doing that *still* gets a better latency to blizz, even after disabling nagles?
00:01.06bleeter_*even after Blizz disabled
00:01.22*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
00:02.05kd3different route to the states iirc. doesn't most aussie game traffic hit the US from one of the asian hops?
00:02.20kd3instead of coming directly from austrailia
00:02.38Shirikok actually I don't have to go for another 20 minutes
00:02.40bleeterI think that depends which side of the country you're on
00:03.29Shirikanyway Cide, I have determined, this is an excellent problem to test on my latest school project, LTLV
00:03.29Shirikunfortunately it hasn't been written yet =(
00:03.29bleeterWestern Australia, iirc, is likely to be routed up via singapore, then across the pacific. easter goes straight outta sydney, joining a cable coming out of NZ, somewhere off the coast of Hawaii
00:03.29*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
00:03.29foxlittheir configuration instructions make it pretty clear what they're doing?
00:03.29Cidewhat's it do?
00:03.29bleeter.... bah
00:03.29ShirikBasically you give it a formula, then specify a proposition and it tells you whether or not it's true
00:03.31LopeppeppyNothing yet, Cide, he's still thinking.
00:03.44Shirikseems pretty stupid, but it tests every case, and can do very complex formulas
00:03.54ShirikFSMs, mathematical, whatever
00:03.57Cidewell hurry up
00:04.19bleeterkd3: hmm, so... if I could work out what funky route they were using, I could probably ask my ISP to do the same for me ;)
00:04.30Shirikbut I've been going through my head
00:05.09ShirikI can't think of any reason for it to be pointed directly at A
00:05.24Shirik(assuming the data it is supplied is correct)
00:05.39Shirikany chance you can capture the collision points on a failure case?
00:06.00Shiriksee, this would be awesome for LTLV T_T
00:06.20Cidehmm, maybe
00:06.20Shirikspecify that the object should not continue to proceed in the same direction, then find a failure case
00:08.18Cidehere's an interesting observation
00:08.56art3misyou're taller in heels?
00:09.20bleeterit'd be an interesting observation if he were shorter in heels
00:09.39bleeterbeing taller in heels would be just... an observation
00:09.53Esamynn|Workand a rather obvious one at that
00:09.55Thunder_Childactually bleeter, i could see that
00:09.58bleeterI suspect his observation is 'omfg i'm hawt in a bra'
00:10.10Cideactually it wasn't an interesting observation
00:10.14Esamynn|Work~lart bleeter
00:10.14purlwhacks bleeter with the cluebat
00:10.18Shirikyes it was
00:10.18Shirikwhat was it
00:10.20bleeterso you do look taller in heels
00:10.24Cidewell, maybe
00:10.30Esamynn|Work~gag bleeter
00:10.31purlACTION takes away the voice of bleeter and, as an additional precaution, sews bleeter's mouth shut permanently...
00:10.50bleeterstupid purl, I don't have +v in this chan! mwhahaha
00:10.56CideI'm seeing a few cases where when a collision is detected, stepping back in time to the previous frame, the objects are colliding there as well
00:11.01Cidehow is that even possible?
00:11.08Cideit shouldn't be, at least
00:11.32Shirikthen it goes back to what I said before, I'm thinking that it may not be in your physics engine, but rather collision detection :)
00:11.48Cidenono, collision detection is perfect
00:11.52CideI've tested it extensively
00:11.59Shirikwell something's wrong :P
00:12.07Shirikit should catch it on the first frame, no?
00:12.15Cideand it does
00:13.16Cidewhen the objects 'move into' each other due to the wrong impulse being generated
00:13.18*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
00:13.25Cidethe collision detection code detects the collision every single frame
00:13.42Shirikthat's not entirely surprising to me
00:14.09Cideso it's not a lack of collision detection, as far as I can tell
00:14.21Shirikwtb the original poc
00:15.02Esamynn|Work <-- nice!
00:15.03Shirikpoint of collision
00:15.08Cideoh, sec
00:15.16Cideif I can detect it
00:15.18Shirikalso, why the crap do people make .bat files with \r instead of \r\n
00:15.38ShirikIs there some reason you want to make it impossible to read in notepad? >.>
00:15.43Esamynn|WorkShirik: in order to make you go WTF :P
00:19.27*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
00:22.03Cidepoint of collision is 8.917642, -207.975215 (absolute coordinates)
00:23.06Cidethe position of object B is (-0.978028, -218.152290) with a side of 20 (it's a square)
00:25.00Cideso relative to B, the poc is at (9.89567, 9.177075) which is slightly inside B
00:26.08Cidenote that that's not entirely uncommon
00:26.23Cidedoesn't appear to make a difference though
00:29.55CideShirik: it only happens when the relative normal velocity is >0
00:30.07*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
00:30.23Cidewhich would imply that the two points of collision (the same point but on each object) are moving away from each other
00:31.00CideI'm guessing that the problem stems from the fact that it's an edge-to-edge collision
00:31.15art3misgetting a new PS and a 400gb and a 320gb sata300 in like 3 days
00:31.16Cideso what happens is that when one end moves away from the other, the other end moves into the object :P
00:31.36LopeppeppyRawr.  That's the fun.
00:34.38art3mishey peppy wanna come over and share mono with me?
00:34.42LopeppeppyUgh.  Figuring out this BT attunement chain sucks.
00:34.50art3misby share mono I mean make me food ;P
00:34.57Lopeppeppyart3mis, maybe I already have mono, I've been lowgrade sick since October.
00:35.13LopeppeppyScrew off, I don't have the energy to make myself some food, silly art3mis.
00:35.20art3misyeah my froat hurts sumtin feirce right now
00:35.28art3misfierce too
00:35.39LopeppeppyYeah, I'm following that along like a madwoman, kd3, it just seems to disconnect after killing on the Terrace and taking yur stuff to Adal....
00:36.14kd3which quest are you on/have you finished?
00:36.34JoshBorkeon to SSC!
00:38.21LopeppeppyI just killed Deathwail on the terrace, and took the medallion to Shattrath to Adal.  He offers me nothing except a reward.
00:38.45kd3go to SSC and find Seer Olum after killing Karathress
00:39.04kd3the "25 Man Content" bit is the dividing line between pre-2.1/post-2.1 quests
00:39.25LopeppeppySo there's no quest directing me to talk to the nice Olum, I just say hello next time I walk by?
00:40.27LopeppeppyOkay.  Not having a quest to continue the chain was just very confusing.  Did they not learn from Marshal Windsor?
00:40.56kd3they assumed that people would go "Ooh, aah, new NPC" after killing karathresh and investigate
00:41.04art3misand Captain PlaceHolder!
00:42.34LopeppeppyI'm usually being bitched at for not rezzing people in the order they want to be rezzed, I never see the guy spawn.
00:43.51CideShirik: ping
00:43.56KeiasI love being ressed last.  It gives me more time to act stupid.
00:46.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso| (
00:47.09LopeppeppyNo matter what order I pick, I'm wrong.  We rez healers first, that's a given.  Then I go for the class officers who are doing loot and DKP, etc.... no, no, that's wrong.  The druid needs to come next, he's sneaking ahead to mark things, didn't I know that??  *rolls eyes*
00:50.21|Jelly|mouth-to-mouth, eh? lol
00:51.03[dRaCo]better than the alternatives
00:51.28|Jelly|I don't know. I could see myself taking advantage of that situation.
00:52.28[dRaCo]would you like being shocked with 10k Volt better?
00:55.34Esamynn|WorkThe black temple attunement stuff disappoints me, I have specifically chosen to not choose a Shattrath faction, but now if I ever want to see the inside of BT, I have to! :(
00:55.59LopeppeppyYeah, it sucks that somewhere down the line, you HAVE to choose a faction.
00:56.22ScytheBlade1Esamynn|Work: honest question, why didn't you pick one? I mean, I picked at 60
00:56.33Esamynn|WorkRP reasons
00:56.37ScytheBlade1Oh, RP
00:56.42ScytheBlade1That would make sense!
00:57.41Esamynn|WorkI chose on my Shaman, but my Shaman is Draenei, so the choice there was obvious
00:58.00kd3 <-- what happens when CS majors need multiple net uplinks
00:58.32kd3cable modem
00:58.43ScytheBlade1Weak ;)
00:58.57ScytheBlade1It is, however, somewhat clean
00:58.59ScytheBlade1So props there
01:00.29kd3as much as I rag on my apartment complex, I do have to thank them for putting everything in one closet. very easy to tap in to
01:05.06*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
01:05.36ScytheBlade1And letting you play with it.
01:09.22Shizendang still no PTR
01:10.39ShizenEsamynn : that's where RP improvisations come
01:10.52Shizenlike... you're a Dranei, but the choice doesn't have to be obvious !
01:11.09kd3technically I don't think we're supposed to play with it, but what they won't know won't hurt them
01:11.41ShizenI mean, as Voren'thal defected Kael'Thas to join the Naaru, you can think of yourself as one that sympathize with them and disagree with the Aldors who shun them
01:12.00Shizen*sigh* I have yet to find a good RP server :|
01:12.20LopeppeppyIt's not AD, Shizen.
01:13.00Shizenelaborate ?
01:13.33LopeppeppyArgent Dawn is no longer an RP server, it's devolved into PvE at best.  *sadness*
01:13.55ShizenI still don't get your "It's not AD" comment or remark
01:14.09LopeppeppyA good RP server is not Argent Dawn.
01:14.15Shizenyou're referring to my 'good RP server" comment, gotcha
01:14.19LopeppeppyToo many misplaced negatives from too much Dayquil.
01:14.22Shizen<-- just woke up
01:14.29Shizen<-- kinda slow
01:14.46ScytheBlade1Know what would be fun to see?
01:14.51ScytheBlade1A PTR server, marked as RP
01:15.05Shizenwith premades running around ?
01:15.10ScytheBlade1The chaos that would result from what would be incredible
01:15.24ScytheBlade1On the bright side, we could get a lot of tards banned from the PTRs
01:15.38ShizenI don't mind RP-ing on PTR !
01:15.40ShizenI mean...
01:15.46ShizenI'm endlessly searching for a good one :|
01:16.03Shizenone that I don't have to /report every few minutes
01:16.16Shizenjust because someone replied with 'lol stupid' when I tried to RP-talk to them
01:16.28ShizenI mean...
01:16.53Shizenwhat's wrong with a dwarven hunter greeting someone with "'lo thar chap! what ye be huntin'!"
01:22.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
01:23.02|pez|ahaha, the people I'm kicking off my server went all "would have appreciated a mail in advance blablajadddajadda"
01:24.11[dRaCo]why'd you kick 'em off?
01:24.41|pez|Because they basicly stomped on my toes all the time.
01:24.55|pez|and I'm rearranging my server.
01:26.14|pez|heck, I ran a forum for them on my server, and they have the guts to strip me of my admin privs, which I only used for actually checking stuff tbat was wrong in the error logs and whatnot, and to change the password on the main admin account (which was a shared one between me and the forum "owner" )
01:26.36LopeppeppyYou don't owe them anything, |pez| !
01:26.44|pez|They also deleted some posts in one of my own topics, because they were not 100% spot on topic.
01:26.59[dRaCo]so they were using it free of charge?
01:27.16|pez|[dRaCo]: they paid like twice for almost  a year of service.
01:27.28|pez|and that was only because I didn't have the funds myself.
01:27.35|pez|<- very broke little girl.
01:28.19|pez|Lopeppeppy: I know, but I can't help but feel a wee bit annoyed at them for saying "A notice beforehand would be nice" when all they've done is strip me from everything, on my server, without even discussing it with me first.
01:28.34[dRaCo]mail 'em a db dump and shut down all their stuff
01:28.45[dRaCo]and that'd be the nice way
01:29.30|pez|I'm waiting until the 15th to do so, I've arranged a date for the rearrangement of my server. And also to let people I like on the forum pick important pieces out, incase the db backup fails
01:29.56|pez|these folks are incompetent in the ways of forum management, and I don't intend on helping them with the importing of the db dump.
01:32.15|pez|I will now go hunt down a pretty design for wordpress, so I can make a blog which my anxious family can read.
01:33.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Bejitt (n=Bejitt@
01:37.09*** join/#wowi-lounge spathi (
01:53.10*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
01:53.22bleetergoddamn mofo ISP aaargh
01:55.38kd3I feel your pain
01:56.47bleeterkd3: I'm starting to have sympathy for you. if it keeps up for another week or so, I'll start empathising
01:58.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn|Work (n=nchatzil@
01:58.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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01:59.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn|Work (n=chatzill@
02:00.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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02:03.10Shirik!ap 1529
02:03.10ThraeBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1529 is, 2v2: 286, 3v3: 331, 5v5: 376
02:03.18Shirik!ap 1603
02:03.19ThraeBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1603 is, 2v2: 356, 3v3: 412, 5v5: 469
02:03.30Shirikreally depressing my 5v5 team gives more points than the 2v2
02:03.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
02:03.59batrickwith ratings like that u should be depressed for different reasons :)
02:05.06|pez|I've never played Arena!
02:05.59ShirikI think 1600 is ok
02:06.02Shirikit's better than average
02:06.18Shirikthe 5v5 team just started
02:06.44LopeppeppyPlay to accrue points, don't worry about all the uber ratings crap!
02:07.34ShirikI play for fun :P
02:09.47LopeppeppyMe too.  Fun, a few points toward decent gear, all good.
02:15.36mikmabtw, YAY for the incoming AV changes!
02:21.58LopeppeppyMore AV changes?  What now?
02:22.09kd3er, PvP
02:23.46kd3everything with a [2] or an [8] reference was added today
02:25.41bleetermmm CoT portal
02:25.51bleetergreat, I'll have to find somewhere else to set my mage's hearth
02:26.22*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
02:26.23*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v cogwheel] by ChanServ
02:26.23kd3meh, I don't need it anyway, I've got the free port to jaina's office in theramore thanks to the missing diplomat continuation
02:26.39bleeterahhh, glad someone mentioned that
02:27.20bleeterI remember doing the quest on one of the two lowbies I'm raising, and there was a port from the dude at the bottom of the SW mage tower over to Theramore as part of the quest chain. Is that what you're talking about? It becomes a permanent option?
02:27.39kd3not permanent, no. I just never finished the quest
02:27.46bleeterah, lol
02:28.29bleeterwonder if they'll make it permanent if they end up having boats from theramore to northrend
02:28.31LopeppeppyDude, I'll never finish that quest line either!  *laugh*  I never got to that part anyway.
02:28.39bleeterlol Lopeppeppy
02:28.52LopeppeppyThat was a weird questline, all around.
02:37.07cogwheel"<traceback object at 0x180E8308>A major @^#$%! occurred in the LogException function.<dang.  it did it again...Something fux0red with default exception handling!!"
02:37.28Lopeppeppy... nice error message, Cogwheel.
02:37.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Arcaia2 (n=cnflct@
02:37.49cogwheelit's frome EVE XD
02:39.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Arcaia (n=cnflct@
02:44.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Arcaia2 (n=cnflct@
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02:45.33bleeterkd3: are you missing the popcorn thread today in CSF on purpose?
02:45.54LopeppeppyPopcorn?  Where?
02:49.44LopeppeppyFunny stuff, bleeter.
02:53.50Shirikrofl I just had a 31 minute duel
02:53.51Shirikand won
02:54.52LopeppeppyWhat are you, a paladin!?
02:55.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
02:55.16ShirikSad thing is
02:55.19ShirikOnly reason I won
02:55.22Shirikwas because he DCed
02:56.00Shirik!c us drenden kimina
02:56.02ThraeBotShirik: Kimina, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (42/19/0). 10331 HP; 10527 Mana; 241 mana regen; 89 mp5; 21 spell crit; 443 +spell dmg; 1150 +heal; 5.06% dodge; 209 resilience; 24 arcane resist;[[ TBR: 1201 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Mon Feb  4 22:04:51 2008 EST ]]
02:56.05Shirik!c us drenden gooddeedz
02:56.08ThraeBotShirik: Gooddeedz, Level 70 Tauren Druid (8/11/42). 7711 HP; 7985 Mana; 296 mana regen; 174 mp5; 79.600 Melee DPS; 3.56% melee crit; 499 +spell dmg; 1472 +heal; 2.55% dodge; 109 resilience; 38 arcane resist; 3 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1120 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Mon Feb  4 22:04:57 2008 EST ]]
02:56.15LopeppeppyScary people.
02:57.12Shirikhe asked for a rematch
02:57.54LopeppeppyOnly if he brings the refreshements.
02:58.58Keiasresto druid vs disc priest...
02:59.11KeiasYou have far more patience than I do
03:00.56bleeteryes, tell him to bring refreshments to us all, Shirik
03:01.07LopeppeppyI need foods.
03:10.13*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
03:10.19kd3hm, good idea
03:11.33LopeppeppyLeftovers, and an alien civilization in the crisper.
03:14.34Keiasawesome, Karate Kid is on TV
03:15.39LopeppeppyNeat!  I love old campy classics.
03:15.52KeiasThey have the greatest victory music
03:16.07KeiasLike this amazing Joe Esposito song!
03:24.47*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
03:31.53KeiasI love AMC
03:31.58KeiasNow Ferris Bueller is on
03:37.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
03:37.04*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
03:38.25LopeppeppyTwist and shout!
03:38.48Keiasawesome song
03:38.56Keiasthe uh
03:39.03Keias"Famous" song from it is sweet too
03:39.08KeiasBut I never knew the name lol
03:39.42LopeppeppyFamous song?
03:40.51KeiasThe chorus is always some deep slowed voice saying "ooooooooooooooooooh yeah"
03:41.08LopeppeppyOh, yeah!  No pun intended!
03:42.06KeiasOld pop music was so good
03:42.08KeiasWhat's happened :(
03:42.30LopeppeppyChad Kroeger is still good.
03:45.38Iriel|pez|: I think it was you I have to blame for planting the subconscious seed in my brain that caused me to have to order creatures exodus
03:47.00Thunder_Childyou have no one to blame but yourself Iriel
03:48.26kd3mmm, tacos
03:48.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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03:48.38LopeppeppyDinner is good.
03:49.01|pez|Iriel: Aaah, you should have told me! I could have set up and aStore and made profit of you! XD
03:59.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Luminax (i=roo@
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04:15.06|pez|My boyfriend found my wireless mouse! :D
04:15.41Cairenngot mad and threw it at him one day?
04:15.52Keiasit was hungry and went looking for cheese
04:15.55Cairennand lost it when it pinged off his head?
04:16.17LopeppeppyCairenn, do NOT give me ideas!
04:16.20|pez|It was lost in one of the bags I've checked a gazillion and five times.
04:22.13*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck_ (
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04:31.29Cairennit's to be expected, but it's nothing to do with you, so just let it roll off your back like water off a duck
04:31.59Cairennit isn't personal
04:32.07LopeppeppyDo not cry.  *hug*
04:32.09bleeterok, so my IRC is permanently connected. Awesomeness... now if I can work out why I can only SSH into the box every now and then... :/
04:32.17bleeterbah, wrong #
04:32.26kd3whee `screen`?
04:32.38GuillotineI want to argue back, but I'd rather not make enemies, especially when I've been friendly with the WoWHead people for a long time
04:32.56bleeterkd3: you're missing the "Customer Appreciation is a JOKE thread" :(
04:33.07bleeterer... JOKE" thread
04:33.30kd3I just posted ~3m ago
04:34.01bleeterfor other's info, we're berating GMs for failing to tell people who don't whinge and moan and complain that they rock ;)
04:36.38*** join/#wowi-lounge art3mis (n=art3mis@WoWUIDev/WoWI/HKUI/art3mis)
04:37.25LopeppeppyI also have contributed!
04:37.35kd3oh wow.,23599,23163131-2,00.html
04:38.39GuillotineIts so hard seeing people spreading false information, but not correcting it :'(
04:39.18Cairennwe leave it out of here, I just wanted to give you a hug because I know how frustrating it can be
04:39.30dylanmThat baby was no baby at all!
04:39.34dylanmOh you're talking about something else.
04:39.51Cairennfrankly, I couldn't care less, it's got bugger all to do with me, either
04:39.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (
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04:41.15ElessdyAT&T uses voice recognition in their tech support menus
04:41.33Elessdybut the tech herself is pretty hard to hear; low quality mic
04:41.42Elessdythe menu was easier to hear :/
04:41.47WobWorker 0.0
04:42.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Spuddly` (
04:42.18bleeterLopeppeppy: goddamn it, some normal user came in and posted under you and has nearly ruined the entire thread :(
04:42.42Guillotinea lot of companies are seeming to do that recently. The worst is when it doesn't seem to accept anything but a certain accent (e.g. southern US accent)
04:43.09GuillotineHad that once for some online company. I don't even remember what it was though
04:43.31bleeterWhen I get thru to a voice activated system, I just mumble any old garbage. I found it's a lot quicker to speak to a person using this method ;)
04:43.57LopeppeppySpeak in a foreign language, or SING in one.  Gets it every time.
04:45.03JoshBorkedu hast
04:45.05JoshBorkedu hast mich
04:45.14LopeppeppyListened to that first thing this morning!
04:45.20JoshBorkedu hast mich gefraght
04:46.33WobWorkI'm sorry, did you say: "Melbourne Zoo"?
04:47.02bleeterWobWork: no, Taronga
04:47.30GuillotineYou know those voice-activated security box things? I once found out, you have ~3 people speak the password at once and it accepts it as if it was spoken in the correct voice.
04:47.33CorrodiasYou have selected, "The Congo"!
04:48.05Corrodiasshe might be running some line tests, so i might get disconnected here; no idea. scary!
04:52.48*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
04:55.06CorrodiasWobWork: i could have sworn that story was going to be about some australian initiative to offer cheap flights to virgins
04:55.41bleeteroh, crap
04:56.24bleeterI hate really fast computers. Back in the good days, you could press up arrow and enter to get it into the buffer, and if it turned out it was the wrong command generally you could CTRL+C and easily fix the damage
04:56.34bleeterthese days, blink.. and you're screwed for the next 6 hours
04:57.53Corrodiaswhat'd you do?
04:57.53Corrodiasbe careful with that damn up key
04:58.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
04:58.07bleetermake distclean &&
04:58.12bleeterof course, the rest of the command was to build and install, and the install was failing
04:58.19bleeterso now I gotta go through the whole freakin build again
04:58.43bleeterRAAR!!! Cairenn got split off!
05:00.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Spuddly` (
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05:02.39ScytheBlade1kd3: I qq'd. Just not publically. ;)
05:02.54Cairennwb everyone
05:03.58art3misthe reverse scuba suit!
05:04.41ScytheBlade1kd3: lol I approve of your response to that guy, win
05:06.13bleeterCairenn: I didn't go anywhere, it was you that abandoned me! :(
05:06.14kd3my last post in that thread
05:06.31ScytheBlade1He might actually leave too
05:06.35ScytheBlade1Double win if he does
05:07.51ScytheBlade1<Doomhammer is Down> is still an awesome guild though
05:09.48bleeterbah, I still contend that no one's seen a truly fucked server unless they saw Khaz'goroth pre-BC when they enabled transfers onto it (the avg queue was already ~800/30mins at the time)
05:10.17ScytheBlade1bleeter: weak. Doomhammer had nightly queues of over 2k for a good two months.
05:10.36bleeterScytheBlade1: but did Blizz open transfers onto it?
05:10.45ScytheBlade1bleeter: this was pre server transfers.
05:11.06bleeterso really early server version then ;)
05:11.19Corrodiaswe have an open wireless network around here, apparently, named "default"
05:11.37bleeterCorrodias: if it's the default, you better use it!
05:11.42Corrodiasyeah! ;)
05:11.54art3misit's default of zee germans!
05:12.20purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
05:12.27ScytheBlade1kd3: check that thread again. Page 2.
05:12.47Corrodiasmy router (with dd-wrt firmware) lets me do a "site survey" which apparently displays information about all the wireless networks it can detect; all are "open: no" except one
05:12.47bleeterwhat? I just read the blue response in #19.. there's already a page 2?
05:13.07Corrodiashmm, 3 others are running on the same channel. i should totally change my channel at next opportunity.
05:13.10ScytheBlade1bleeter: pages start at 0
05:14.04art3misCorrodias: it also lets you bridge to other dd-wrt routers and extend your range ;P
05:16.10Corrodiashey, that sounds cool. i don't need to, but that would be cool. now, i must learn how to understand this site survey.
05:19.45ScytheBlade1Mmmm, epic
05:24.40ScytheBlade1Well, they didn't edit the link out of my post, phew
05:27.02art3misduskshadows comment made me giggle out loud
05:27.31ScytheBlade1I *just* realized that was a 9/11 reference
05:27.32ScytheBlade1Just now
05:27.40ScytheBlade1And I saw that picture over a year ago I think
05:28.05art3miswonder what casual has been up to lately
05:29.08*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (
05:29.10ckknight_how does one properly rotate status bar textures?
05:33.37art3misdrink lots of jolt and engery drinks
05:33.47art3misonce the jitters kick in you wont need to ;)
05:37.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:38.07Shizendoes this Sebudai guy play in a guild THAT horrible, or are all of those from PuGs ?
05:38.45Shizen'just pull and let god sort it out' <-- lol
05:38.53ShizenI'm so going to quote that
05:39.33art3mishehe I'm guessing its a fair amount of select quips from a year or so ;P
05:40.04Shizenwell yeah...
05:40.17Shizeneven 4 months of learning Naxx can produce some of that heh
05:40.29Shizenunfortunately newer player skips Naxx :|
05:40.40art3misnaxx is one of thsoe palces that everyone should do now
05:40.41Shizenwouldn't if be funny if... wait...
05:40.44art3miswhile they're tough
05:40.51Shizenactually I think Blizzard WILL do it
05:40.53art3misbefore nothrend comes out and makes it ungodly
05:40.55ShizenI mean, lore-wise, they're connected
05:40.57ScytheBlade1Shizen: Seb is incredible, end of story
05:41.02Shizen...that's what I'm referring
05:41.10Shizenyes ScytheBlade1 he does radiates that aura lol
05:41.10ScytheBlade1Shizen: he actually killed Illidan 2 mo after BT was released
05:41.19Shizenwhat guild is that >_>
05:41.24ScytheBlade1Juggernaut, Doomhammer-US
05:41.27art3misthere's something wrong with people like that though
05:41.37Keiasthere's something wrong with people in general.
05:41.38art3missomething very very very wrong
05:41.45ShizenI can concur, art
05:41.49KeiasFrustration drives a man crazy
05:41.55ScytheBlade1 <-- they're ranked 36th worldwide
05:42.11art3misI say this mainly because I HATE guilds that don't raid in the middle of the night
05:42.36ScytheBlade1All of those quotes were from his actual raids, AQ40 and Naxx
05:42.37*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
05:42.40Shizenmy guild have 4 raid timeframe
05:42.45art3misheh ad40 is fun
05:42.47ScytheBlade1So no pugs and the guild... well, doesn't suck ;)
05:42.49art3miserr aq
05:42.50Corrodiasi'm glad he's successful, but i sense he has a stress problem
05:42.56ScytheBlade1Not at all
05:42.58Corrodiashe's going to do bad things to his body that way
05:43.01Shizenchain cleaves heh
05:43.02art3misgot to the guy before cthun and he bugged on us
05:43.05ScytheBlade1He's actually one of the most informed posters that I know
05:43.07art3miserr the twins rather
05:43.29art3misthey would stay at 1% forever and one of them wouldnt move at all
05:43.31Shizenthese are gold though
05:43.32ShizenI'm so quoting
05:43.34art3misit was awesome
05:43.57ScytheBlade1He actually had a conversation with Bornakk today on general.
05:44.08ScytheBlade1You'd never guess that he's like that from his posts there
05:44.33ScytheBlade1(They go on for several pages)
05:45.05Corrodiaslol, he's a jerk there, too
05:45.17ScytheBlade1Well, he's not happy, no ;)
05:45.59*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter_ (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
05:46.10art3misI think its awesome he trolled a blizz rep
05:46.11Corrodias"Is this still a game for guilds like mine, or have you guys just decided to focus all of your attention on other types of players?" -- based on what i've seen so far, people like him are people i hope are in the minority >_>
05:46.22bleeter_kd3: I do believe I just detected some empathy :/
05:46.55kd3I'd offer but I don't think that'd do much good for you
05:47.00ScytheBlade1Corrodias: I read that as an honest question though. If he isn't going to enjoy the game anymore, he'd like to know now. Harsh, yes, but you also have to see where he's coming from
05:47.05ScytheBlade1That said, he IS in the minority
05:47.31ScytheBlade100:43 < ScytheBlade1> He actually had a conversation with Bornakk today on general.
05:47.38Shizendaily FISHING quest
05:47.44art3misbleeter: seb complainign ;P
05:47.59art3misthe fact that he makes offhanded seeming little bitter remarks and the blizz rep keeps responding
05:48.04Corrodiasi totally understand where he's coming from
05:48.05art3misand trying to justify
05:48.12ScytheBlade1Actually, iirc, some people in this channel were guilded under Seb for quite some time
05:48.14Corrodiasbut he's abrasive
05:48.21ScytheBlade1Hehe, agreed.
05:48.25Corrodiasand if he continues like that, he's going ot have a heart attack at 43
05:48.52ScytheBlade1It's possible, yes ;)
05:51.12Corrodiasfrom a QQ thread about raiders buying gold: "These people are spending over $500 a week to fund their entire guild with the best enchants, the best epic socketable gems, flasks, unlimited supply of healing and mana potions, buff foots, reagents, etc... "
05:51.24ScytheBlade1That makes me lol
05:51.41Corrodiasnews flash, it doesn't take all that much game gold to supply yourself with that stuff, even if you raid 5 nights a week
05:52.03kd3pre-2.1, I spent more time farming herbs for consumables than I did raiding
05:52.42Corrodiasyou can't be A) wiping all the time (thus requiring all those consumables) -AND- B) farming content so hard that you're getting tons of new equipment to enchant
05:54.19ScytheBlade1Corrodias: I'll say this much about Seb (and then I have to sleep):
05:54.44ScytheBlade1Corrodias: I really doubt he's as stressed as he portrays himself ;)
05:55.25art3miswho would ahve thought hell would actually exist, and that it would be in new jersey. Actually.... wooooooooaaaaaaahhhhh
05:55.55WobWork"A new study by Dafna Lemish from the Department of Communication at Tel Aviv University has found that there is an enormous gap between what parents think their children are doing online and what is really happening. 'The data tell us that parents don't know what their kids are doing,' says Lemish.
05:56.14Corrodiashe definitely knows how to kick some ass at raiding
05:56.50ScytheBlade1And everything that I've seen out of him suggests that he really isn't imbued with angst and high blood pressure ;)
05:57.17ScytheBlade1Though he sure can come off that way...
06:03.04*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
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06:06.12Guillotinehmm. It isn't currently possible to add images to the normal chat frames, is it?
06:08.01art3misnot without a skinning overlay or a redo of the entire frame no
06:08.46art3mishey guill who made yer art for yer site btw?
06:09.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Arcaia2 (n=cnflct@
06:09.50Guillotineart3mis: which site?
06:09.58art3misyou've got more than 1?
06:10.25Guillotinewell, Curse has a different skin than WoWDB
06:10.36art3misyeah I just read about that today
06:10.48art3misso I guess I meant curse ;P
06:10.48Guillotinethough I'm really not sure about either :( Ask Kody-
06:11.22GuillotineWell, looks like it'll be possible to add images to the chat frames next patch. That'll be cool
06:12.07Guillotineunless they're adding a new 'letter' to the default font that is the blizz icon
06:12.52IrielCould be a new | escape?
06:13.02art3misnoooo not |'s!
06:14.26Guillotinesuppose it could be
06:14.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (n=Antiarc@
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06:37.59MentalPowerWTB Windows equivalent to "yum provides"
06:38.26art3misthat's about the equiv I think ;P
06:38.37MentalPower~lart art3mis
06:38.37purllowers art3mis's priority
06:38.46art3misits ~lart3mis ;P
06:38.57art3misthere IS a reason I have my own action heh
06:39.27purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
06:39.51art3misokay that's pretty awesome
06:39.57Cidanyes it is.
06:40.02art3misnow where did I put my command prompt
06:40.28art3misthat as awesome as the firefox java windows update thing
06:42.08art3mismy chque for my INS renewal went through!
06:42.21art3missoon I'll get my 10year card!
06:44.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Godzmack (
06:46.44MentalPoweronly microsoft names a file setup.exe
06:46.54Guillotinebut its so descriptive!
06:47.31Cairennlol, ask Shirik|AFK about fun file names
06:47.44art3misno don't
06:47.47GuillotineShirik|AFK: fun file names?
06:47.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn|Away (n=nchatzil@
06:47.52art3mishe'll start ranting about math for 4 hours
06:48.05art3miseven though it kind of has nothing to do with math
06:48.13Guillotinespeaking of which, I have a big test tomorrow and I'm supposed to be studying :(
06:48.30Guillotinesure it does. dxdia=diagnostic of the differential with respect to x
06:48.37art3misjust read the notes prior o the test
06:48.50Cairenn(1:47:17 AM) Shirik: you know, ever since I tracked UI Central back in December, I've had this process randomly start up on my computer consuming about 30% CPU time, "TrustedInstaller.exe"
06:48.56art3misthat's what I did for the calculus test for a class I wasn't even in and got a 87% on
06:50.17Guillotinethats what I do for most classes
06:50.23Guillotineeither that or don't study at all
06:51.23Guillotinebut I really do need to practice 3d areas of irregular shapes bounded by two functions. Just looking at formulas didn't help much :(
06:52.23Fisker-TrustedInstaller.exe is part of Windows as far as i know
06:52.39Guillotineit is
06:52.57Cairennmakes as much sense as "setup.exe" though, which was my point
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06:59.49IrielG'night all
07:01.06Cairennnight Iriel
07:01.47Guillotinenight Iriel
07:02.10MentalPowernight Iriel
07:07.56GuillotineI'm off to bed too
07:07.58Guillotinenight all :)
07:08.07Cairennnight Guillotine
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07:09.09MentalPowerok, I'm out too
07:09.11MentalPowergnight all
07:09.18Cairennnight MentalPower
07:12.43*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
07:13.10Corrodiasi'm missing something simple. what's wrong with this?: /cast [modifier:alt] Banish; [target=focus,exists,harm] Banish; Banish
07:13.41Corrodiasthat is, with a demon as my focus, it's still trying to cast it on my target, and i'm not holding alt
07:16.15*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
07:17.05Corrodiasoh, nothing's wrong with it. i just forgot to replace banish on my bar with my macro.
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07:21.43Dumanoh fuck me
07:21.50Dumansomeone found a bug w/ arenas
07:21.55Dumanthat lets you start in the middle
07:24.14Paradoxinfo please?
07:29.06kd3duman; was that your post in CS?
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07:45.06Keiashow did you stumble upon something like that?
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08:03.27*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
08:11.08*** join/#wowi-lounge miro (
08:11.18miroi have been looking for this add on
08:11.23mirobut i canot find it
08:11.28miro...eaten alive.
08:11.29ElkanoCairenn, did you prune addons?
08:11.40mirois there anythng similar to this? anyone that knows?
08:11.44Corrodiasit's not possible in the current versions, i think, miro
08:11.52Corrodias*version of WoW
08:12.03miroany other mod that does the same thing?
08:12.34Corrodiasi don't think you understand; addons cannot automatically order your pet to do something any more, since 2.0 at least and perhaps earlier
08:12.43Cairennanything that hadn't been touched in over 2 years got dumped, pretty much
08:13.06mirooh well that outo suks o.o
08:13.31miroi heard there is a suduction macro?.. how do i use this i canot find it
08:13.43miromaybe theres mopre macros like it?
08:13.52CairennI left some, if I knew that the author was still active, but I was clearing so much dead wood out that I'm sure I missed (ie deleted) some that I should have left in
08:14.09Corrodiasthere are a number of ways you can use seduction, but the most common is probably one that uses /petfollow then re-casts it at your focus if you have one...
08:14.18CairennElkano: just re-upload :)
08:14.20Corrodiasthe best place to find lists of macros is
08:14.28Corrodiasthere are pages titled "useful macros: (class)"
08:14.38Corrodiasor something like that
08:17.06miroyes. thx i found this. I am very confused concerning macros but im shure itll clear op sooner or later
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08:20.18CairennElkano: did you get any of that?
08:21.00kd3oookay. wtf? this fulkrum guy must be twelve...
08:21.03kd3real fun starts on page 3
08:21.21ElkanoCairenn, up to the "just re-upload"
08:21.29Cairennokay, you got it all then
08:21.33Elkanoit's sad mainly for the comments that got lost that way
08:22.04*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
08:22.05CairennI know, but if stuff hasn't been touched *at all* in over 2 years ....
08:22.29Cairennsorry =/
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08:22.48Elkanowell, not your fault ^^ I'm too lazy ^^
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08:24.30CairennI hope you *will* re-upload, if you're still actively developing
08:25.08CairennElkano: you know it's gotten really easy to keep your mods updated on the site now, right?
08:25.43*** join/#wowi-lounge tardmrr__ (n=tardmrr@
08:28.47ElkanoI'm actually trying to figure out which of my mods got pruned; seems like bags and merchants, ColoredWhispers, Quest Levels and mybe my two fix-addons that weren't nedded any longer anyways...
08:29.43Elkanomaybe I should look into updating those and reupload but wasn't using them myself any longer so I got a bit lazy wrt updating them ^^' but the 6 left in place are still active
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08:30.51Elkanoso basicaly you pruned everything that was still pre 2.0 and I think that's fine since they wouldn't have worked any longer anyways without modifying the toc
08:31.29Cairennyeah, pretty much
08:31.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Fin_ (
08:31.56Cairennand stuff that hadn't been updated by June 07 got moved to outdated
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08:33.17Elkanodoes it still need an admin to move those back into the correct place after an update or does the new page support that for authors now?
08:33.37Cairennno, I still need to move them back
08:33.50Elkanoand maybe you should put a new or sth like that online wrt the pruning
08:33.59Cairennso if you have any in the outdated cat, just PM me with the link and tell me which cat you want it in
08:34.32*** join/#wowi-lounge miro_ (
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08:34.53miro_WOW.. this is an awesome addon
08:34.58miro_One button, 4 Demons. Left = Felhunter, Right = Voidwalker, Shift click = Imp, Control click = Succubus. Saves bar space.
08:34.59miro_/cast [modifier:shift]Summon Imp(Summon); [modifier:ctrl]Summon Succubus(Summon); [button:2]Summon Voidwalker(Summon); Summon Felhunter(Summon)
08:35.22Elkanoit's called macro not addon
08:36.04Elkanobut now back to ternary Huffman codes for me :/
08:36.31miropatriots lost... sometimes life suks? yes
08:36.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (
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08:47.08mirohey again. this may sound odd, pls be gentle and do not laugh. I would really like to have a spell checker in-game .. is there an add on that does this? i can not find one.
08:48.45*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzelezz ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:49.04KalrothHey* please* addon* I*
08:49.21KalrothI don't believe there is one, miro.
08:50.08Cairennno idea if it still works or not, but can look at it
08:50.11KalrothFoiled and by a girl even!
08:50.43miroah thank you.
08:50.45Cairennthere also used to be "English Teacher" but I haven't seen an updated version of that one on WoWI in forever
08:50.56KalrothDid sarf vanish?
08:51.00Cairennmiro: as I said, not sure if it still works, but can't hurt to try it
08:51.08miroyes ofcourse.
08:51.10mirostill thx
08:51.38CairennKalroth: don't think so, he was on the site in Dec
08:51.44KalrothAh okay
08:51.55Cairennalthough he hasn't updated anything on WoWI since last Jan
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08:52.04Cairenn(as in 2007)
08:52.23KalrothAh, the addon is simply a translation table
08:52.29Cairennwell, it is Feb, so I could theoretically have been talking about last month
08:54.29miroI am also looking for a winamp controler ingame and something that can post my song info ingame. the problem is there is a few but they do now work. and some use programs that are outside of the game and i heard thats illegal. so i do not use that. still i conot belive no1 needs this and no1 knows agood add for this purpose?
08:55.00Corrodiaswell, what i do is bind a hotkey in winamp to 'copy track title', then use that while in the game and paste it into whatever i'm trying to put it ino
08:55.32miroi need 2 keyboards!
08:55.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
08:55.59KalrothPersonally I'd prefer not being spammed by what song people are listening to. :)
08:56.13KalrothSrosh: That goes for you too!
08:56.49KalrothI don't know, but you probably did it.
08:57.02Corrodiaswell, i have a LOT of keybinds in wow, but control+alt+Z was free for winamp's copy track title function
08:57.05Cairennhe's just being himself, Srosh, just ignore him, the rest of us do :p
08:57.13miroive also seen a seperate thingie where its only the calculator like part, expoet is separated.. which is awesome but i cant find that either.. i always sucked at dictionary's as well =///
08:57.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Riffage (
08:57.26Corrodiasthen i use the control+alt+insert/delete/home/end/up/down/left/right combinations to control the track being played
08:57.31Corrodiaser, not delete
08:57.36Elkanoanyone knows how to construct ternary huffman codes for an even sized alphabet?
08:57.40KalrothCorrodias: I play windowed. :)
08:57.53Corrodiasas do i, but i like my winamp minimized to minimize its resource use
08:58.13Corrodiasplus i usually only listen to shoutcast streams, so it's mostly volume control and station selection
08:58.25miroi cant find a good shoutcast
08:58.26Corrodiasi'm afraid i didn't understand your last request, miro
08:58.27KalrothCorrodias: Er, you're running WoW and still consider winamp a resource hog? :p
08:58.36KalrothCairenn: You meanie!
08:58.39miroalways some crappy song comes up that im like wtf is this doing here
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08:59.01Cairennmiro: you want a calculator?
08:59.08Corrodiason my system, when it's not minimized, winamp takes -just- enough of the CPU to be barely noticable, perhaps because of the graphics i have on my skin
08:59.08mirolol no
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08:59.28Cairennthen I've no idea what that last request was supposed to be, either
08:59.30Corrodiasi pretty much listen only to 80's stations
08:59.30KalrothCorrodias: You don't use the default skin?/ :
08:59.53KalrothAnyways, fair enough. Winamp shouldn't use cpu time.
09:00.01miromeh.. wow graphics suk so much its like pointless unless ur pc is like 7 years old
09:00.23Kalrothsuck* your*
09:00.25Corrodiasactually, my framerate can drop under 25fps in SSC
09:00.39Corrodiasi think the 40 member raids would have gone poorly for me
09:00.55Corrodiasthis is with a 7800 GT for a video card and 2gb of ram, mind you
09:00.59KalrothCorrodias: er, I'm lucky if I got more than 25 fps in SSC :)
09:01.11Kalrothand I got a 7800 GTX with 3gb ram and dual core cpu, so .. :)
09:01.23miromeh my highest is a 38 warloc.. so i have NO idea =D
09:01.40Corrodiasyeah. i mean, idling, of course it's over that, but during a fight, all those high-detail spell effects can be taxing. and you dare not turn them down, or you'll miss vital information (nightbane, anyone?)
09:02.11KalrothSure, I got everything on max and I rarely get more than 20-25 fps during fights
09:02.26Corrodiascharred earth? where? *dead*
09:02.34KalrothSSC is pretty bad though, TK and Hyjal is much lighter.
09:02.42Corrodiasah, that's good to know
09:02.43mirogoodnight peepies!
09:02.44KalrothSome of BT sucks too though.
09:02.46mirothx for the help
09:02.47Kalrothnn miro
09:03.48KalrothUsually when the fps drops a lot, it's either because there's too many night elves around (kill or gkick them) or the z-ordering/los algoritm has gone zonkers.
09:04.39Elkanoah, ok, found the solution ^^ if the size is even, first combine two into one instead of three resulting in an odd sized alphabet...
09:05.06Elkanonow to prove optimality :/
09:05.07Corrodiasoh, sometimes my directx / video card / video drivers will freak out. then, when i'm facing a certain direction, my framerate will take a nosedive, and if i keep it up, it becomes completely unplayable, terrain disappears, etc.
09:05.22Corrodiasrestarting the game helps for a while, but i have to reboot to truly make it go away for another ~30 days
09:06.15KalrothCorrodias: That's a bug in both DX and the game engine, it's the z-ordering that goes funky and tries to render all the visible surfaces
09:07.02Corrodiasi see! so it's not my video drivers, yay?
09:07.06Corrodiasis there any way to prevent it?
09:07.27KalrothIt's also your video drivers :p
09:07.31Corrodiasdamn you
09:07.38Corrodiasbut if the bug is in 3 places, what can you do?
09:07.54KalrothThere was an old version of the nvidia drivers that suppressed/fixed the error, but I forget the version
09:07.57Corrodiasplay some other game that uses opengl? haha
09:08.07KalrothCurrently I restart the client every few hours
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09:10.21Corrodiasz-ordering bug... i will research. thanks.
09:11.33KalrothIt's basically the depth of objects (and their surfaces)
09:12.03KalrothNormally it'll calculate that an object is entirely covered by a bigger object (say you're inside a house)
09:12.07Corrodiaswhy the terrain disappears, though, i am very curious about
09:12.25KalrothThat one is a texture leak, you're using beta drivers
09:12.30Elkanoif openGL isn't affected, you could try if the game supports that ;)
09:12.46KalrothThe terrain disappears because it can't allocate memory for the textures
09:12.55Corrodiasi am not using beta drivers! actually, i don't know if that happens on this computer, of if it was the old computer that did that
09:13.03KalrothWhich is a known bug in the recent nvidia drivers
09:13.06Corrodiasthe drivers are old, though
09:13.42Corrodiasi'm using the good old 84.25's
09:13.42KalrothOdd, I got 2 guildies (and myself) that experienced that with the recent drivers (within the last 3-4 months)
09:14.10Corrodiaswell, it might have to do with trying to draw everything at once. maybe there's a maximum number of polies the card can draw in one frame
09:14.25Kalroththere is, but it's reeeeeeally high
09:14.37KalrothAnd trust me, WoW doesn't even come close to it :p
09:16.04Corrodiasi'm having trouble finding info about this bug we're running into
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09:22.52Corrodiasz-order is such a generic term, argh. do you have any links to web pages related to the bug, Kalroth?
09:23.06KalrothNope, you won't find anything about a fix either
09:23.55Corrodiasdo you know whether using directx10 alleviate it? also, how have you learned what you know about it?
09:24.19Temusing dx10 with a dx9 card will probably just slow you down a little
09:24.22KalrothI doubt DX10 will help, but I really haven't tried it :)
09:25.10KalrothAs for learning it, it's easy to spot. When you get 5 fps when staring into a wall and 30 fps looking out into Shatt, then there's something wrong. :)
09:25.38KalrothI have coded a few OGL applications myself and it's pretty easy to spot when you try to render 150 objects instead of 15. :)
09:25.38Thunder_Childcan you force WoW into DX10?
09:25.47KalrothThunder_Child: There's nothing to force.
09:26.03Corrodiaswell, okay. perhaps that's more obvious when you're familiar with graphics development.
09:26.04KalrothDX10 is just DX9 plus some extra shaders and new extensions.
09:26.21KalrothIf you don't use those shaders or extensions, then it's exactly like DX9
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09:27.58Corrodiasplus a windows vista requirement. whether it -actually- needs the "new driver model" to function, i don't know, but it's awfully suspicious.
09:29.38KalrothThe "new driver model" basically means; "we broke backwards compatibility in Vista, so please recompile. Oh and support these new functions too"
09:29.40Corrodiaswhy did you say it's a bug in DX, the game engine, and my video drivers, all three?
09:30.23Fisker-fuck you Kalroth
09:30.40Fisker-The new driver model is so that you don't need to make driver hacks to make certain games function
09:30.55Corrodiasdriver hacks?
09:31.19KalrothThe game engine controls the position of the objects. DirextX got some functions that helps with that too and the video driver tells the card how to render them.
09:31.22Corrodiasi'm asking for elaboration, not just confirmation
09:31.25KalrothFisker-: Uh, no it isn't
09:31.25Fisker-If you've downloaded a demo or purchased any recently released game you'll see that it says "Please get atleast this version of your driver"
09:31.46Fisker-That's because in that version of the driver is a hack added so it can perform whatever it had to do
09:31.51KalrothThe new driver model is to get hardware support on the Vista desktop
09:32.11Fisker-Both perhaps
09:32.23Fisker-But it's definitely not without reason
09:32.36CorrodiasPortal warns me that my drivers are old, as does half-life 2 episode 2... and perhaps ep 1 also. they run quite nicely, though.
09:32.37KalrothThe version check is just dumb, you can read that from the file version.
09:33.33Fisker-some of the advanced shader functions in a game specifically requires a driver release
09:33.40Fisker-or 1. it'll crash your system or 2. not work
09:33.48KalrothYes, that's what I said waay above :)
09:33.56Kalroth[10:24] <Kalroth> DX10 is just DX9 plus some extra shaders and new extensions.
09:33.56Kalroth[10:24] <Kalroth> If you don't use those shaders or extensions, then it's exactly like DX9
09:34.19Fisker-not exactly the same
09:34.31KalrothNearly exactly almost the same
09:34.32Fisker-DX10 also have greater access because of the driver model
09:34.32IndustrialFisker-: fuck you man!
09:34.39IndustrialFisker-: I dont mean that but I just wanted to say that!
09:34.41Corrodiasfascinating. now if only nvidia could output some good drivers above my current version, i'd slap 'em in. actually, i do have a few candidates, but have yet to find a good reason to go experimenting with my drivers again.
09:34.43KalrothGreater access what? :p
09:34.44IndustrialFisker-: ha ha!
09:35.16Fisker-Kalroth what is possible in DX9 with driver hacks would now be possible with DX10 without driver hacks
09:35.19KalrothYou can access every single byte of a graphics card using DX6 and up. Does DX10 or the new driver model give you more bytes to access?
09:35.52Fisker-I don't know what it is they want access for
09:35.55KalrothSure, they moved the "hack" into DX core.
09:36.01Fisker-but it definitely haven't been there until DX10
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09:38.59KalrothI'm going to give these drivers a go when I get home, I doubt they'll do much though
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09:41.30Corrodiasi always go looking on forums to try to figure out which drivers are good, and it's hard to find ones that people don't have any problems with, but i identified a few versions that people seem to have "few" problems with
09:42.13Corrodiasamong them was 163.69, as they have there
09:43.30Corrodiasif that didn't work out, i'd try 169.01, 163.76, 163.44, 94.24, 93.81, and 93.71
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09:44.40Corrodiashaven't heard about 169.25 yet, though. maybe that's good.
09:46.08Corrodiasit's also getting harder to find out how good they are because of the Vista fork
09:46.47Corrodiasand the way they work differently for different cards
09:48.48CorrodiasAND that they work differently for SLI configurations from how they do for single-card configurations
09:54.15Corrodiasmeh, i have to get some sleep. good night. maybe some day i'll be satisfied with a driver release.
09:54.33Corrodiasmaybe i'll have a nice dream about having a good experience with trying new drivers. :)
09:54.48Thunder_Childnight Corrodias
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10:33.56testleKWhats the best image type for converting to the bliz graphics files (blp)? and anyone know a linux converter for it?
10:34.19testleKpl & ty!! :)
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10:52.15sacarasctestleK: going to something you'd always want a lossless format, imo anyway
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10:53.06testleKIm really kinda bad at the graphics thing and not sure I'm thinking from my research (luv google) that tga seems like the best start from format
10:54.31Elkanowell, wow supports both, blp and tga
10:54.48testleKoh really?
10:54.50Elkanoso you can test with tga and convert to blp later
10:55.10testleKI thought I had to have blp, thats really good the helps me a lot!:)
10:57.39testleKThanks, I will mess with tga to get it going and if need be bother with a converter later
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12:03.36nevcairielman first people already crying on the 2.4 thread that the new combat log isnt good enough for them
12:13.39foxlitwhat do they want? :)
12:16.07foxlitattribution for roaming spells?
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12:32.26nevcairieland better support for tracking pets
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12:47.09sag_ich_nichti can understand the desire for that tho, it makes heal druids look worse than they are in healmeters :P
12:47.51Fisker-then people can whine about how holy paladins are overpowered
12:47.56Fisker-as they only do direct heals
12:48.40nevcairieldruids own heal meters without that already
12:48.41sag_ich_nichtactually holy priests with CoH pwn the healmeter atm, the buff to it is awesome, but most priests are too dumb to respec for it
12:48.43nevcairielso i dont care :D
12:49.00nevcairielonly on AoE fights @ priests, tho
12:49.27sag_ich_nicht99% of trash in SSC/TE & onwards do AoE all the fucking time
12:49.45nevcairieltrash is pointless
12:49.53sag_ich_nicht(HELLO ARCANE FLURRY, BANE OF MINE)
12:50.15sag_ich_nichtnevcairiel so you're saying it's pointless to get to kael in 10 minutes instead of 30?
12:50.20sag_ich_nichtbecause i say it isn't AT ALL
12:50.34nevcairielno its pointless measuring and comparing stats on trash
12:50.43sag_ich_nichtno, it isn't. stop slacking.
12:51.11sag_ich_nichti hate people who slack on trash or think "it doesn't matter"
12:51.26sag_ich_nichtyes it fucking does if it gives 3 more tries on a boss
12:52.22nevcairielyou notice if people slack on trash anyway, but its pointless to compare stats, because most of the time you cant get into any real and good cycle anyway
12:52.49foxlit(lifebloom expiring is a mostly insignificant overheal for whoever it expires upon)
12:53.09sag_ich_nicht(except NO, because lifebloom saves melee asses that eat AoE all the time)
12:53.21foxlit(are the shamans sleeping?)
12:54.36sag_ich_nicht(we have 1 heal shaman atm, and he's inactive)
12:55.10sag_ich_nicht some WWS from ages go(don't tell me DPS is a bunch of retards, i know)
12:55.49Industrialdps is a bunch of retards
12:55.50nevcairielmeh you save the stupid form of wws :P
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12:56.28foxlitCan't get enough shamans, sadly
12:56.31sag_ich_nichtnevcairiel: no, actually, the WWS website was being retarded and i couldn't get WWS2 up because of that, and even WWS1 was a bitch to get started :P
12:56.42nevcairielWWS2 is still bugged like hell
12:58.49nevcairiel you can easily see the diff, there is illidari council kill (very small AoE dmg) and illidan (in p2 alot of group based AoE, perfect for CoH Priests), druids win at the first, priest wins on illidan
12:59.17foxlitdamn you, progression
12:59.31foxlitCan't compare stats on fights I haven't done :(
12:59.57Kalrothsilly foxy!
13:00.05nevcairielfoxlit: what have you done ? :P
13:00.14foxlitRoS died last night
13:00.24foxliteverything up to that, more or less
13:00.40KalrothI hate anon reports, people are so silly!
13:01.02Kalroth6 wipes on Illidan? ><
13:01.13nevcairielnew MT
13:01.15nevcairielhe had to learn
13:01.46KalrothAnd our resto shamans beats druids and priests on both fights
13:02.03KalrothCH spam the melee team on council
13:02.10Kalrothand CH spam everyone in phase 2 illidan
13:02.22nevcairielCoH > CH
13:02.28nevcairiel <-- najenthus up to RoS
13:02.30KalrothUsually enough for raid/MT spamming in phase 3-4-5
13:02.51nevcairielits somewhat old tho
13:02.54nevcairielcouldnt find a new log
13:03.08Kalroth full BT clear
13:03.13Kalroth(yes, dumb wipes :P)
13:03.28Kalrothtwo RoS wipes and one mother
13:04.59KalrothD'oh, of course our CoH wanker wasn't slacking on this Illidan kill :p
13:05.05KalrothBut the shamans are close!
13:05.23nevcairielour shamans generally suck
13:05.32nevcairielthats why we take max 1
13:05.47KalrothOur sucky shaman went enhance :P
13:05.49nevcairieland we're alliance still .. so somewhat pre-occupied with more pallys
13:06.03Kalrothmmm, look at the Illidan healing squad
13:06.14KalrothWe're horde and it's still easier to find holy paladins than resto shaman.
13:07.02nevcairielwe've been taking 9 healers for illidan for ever now .. we should tune that down next week
13:07.12KalrothIt doesn't really bother me
13:07.20Kalroth9 healers for council makes it tons easier
13:07.33Dezzimalas long as a couple of those are druids
13:07.33Kalrothand can't be arsed to swap for more dps on illidan when 9 healers makes it easier too
13:07.48Dezzimalwith 9 healers you can't afford to lose any dps to them being dumb
13:07.56nevcairielwe had 4 resto druids last illidan, they alone can heal both flame tanks in p2, and 5 healers for group healing sounds like alot
13:08.20Kalroth4 resto druids?
13:08.23Kalrothwhat the fuck :p
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13:08.41nevcairieli've always wanted to try that
13:08.49nevcairielour priests kinda slacked and only one was online
13:08.53nevcairielso 4 druids it was
13:09.01nevcairiel(thats all resto druids we have :D)
13:09.37nevcairielthats kinda cool, 4 lifebloom and 4 rejuventation on both tanks = they heal themself ^^
13:09.41KalrothDezzimal: uhm, enrage timer on Illidan isn't a problem, the shadow demons might be, but we've done phase 3-5 with 4 dps wankers dead, so .. :)
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13:15.00Dezzimaloh I thought you said illidari council
13:15.35nevcairielenrage on council? please, we finish it with like 4 minutes left :D
13:15.38nevcairielwith 9 healers
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13:17.31JoshBorkeis that supposed to be good?
13:18.09Dezzimalthe thing with IC is you only have how many people actually doing DPS?
13:18.33Dezzimalby actually doing DPS I mean DPSing 100% of the time full out
13:18.51nevcairielyou have the mage tank, the rogue who kicks, and the second mage who assists in interrupting
13:18.54nevcairielall other can do full dps
13:19.03Dezzimalif one or two of those go down you lose a lot of dps
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13:33.40Nom-heh... first serious hunter farming session tonight... with aspect of the viper, i was not going oom any time soon
13:33.49Nom-I reckon I'd run out of arrows before mana
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13:34.44foxlitIt's Lunar Festival time!
13:35.09Nom-I saw that... is it even worth wasitng time on ?
13:35.36foxlitDepends on your /played :)
13:35.47Cide250 some days?
13:35.54Nom-well between my 3 level 70's
13:35.59Nom-a metric fudgeload
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13:36.59foxlitThe lantern is made of win, but that's still raid/party content
13:37.22foxlitOther than that, it's a chance to ride through old zones on epic mounts and collect home faction group rep
13:39.02Nom-I don't get this chinese new year thing
13:39.17Nom-I reckon they made it up so they can have a week off work in early feb
13:41.04Wobinwelcome to where we have a calendar based off the moon =)
13:49.15Nom-Damn crazy hooligans
13:56.28ralfWORKlunar festival?
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14:01.53ralfWORKhah nice breakfast topic today
14:02.00ralfWORKyes, I do hate RNG
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14:26.40|pez|training sheeps..?
14:27.09LopeppeppyThe sheeple here at college who need training on the web page creation software.  All they do is baaaa at me and look confused.
14:28.40zenzelezzyou should play some Worms
14:28.47zenzelezzblow up some Sheep/Super Sheep
14:28.53LopeppeppyI do not know how to play with worms to blow up sheeps.
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14:29.13zenzelezzyou never played Worms? It's like a classic :(
14:29.21LopeppeppyIf you tell me, I will learn.  I have a nasty cold and I want to kill sheeple.
14:29.27|pez|Lopeppeppy: you're.. a teache?
14:29.47LopeppeppyNope.  I work in the Web Dev department, customer support and web page design.
14:30.07LopeppeppyTeaching the training classes, that's part of my Stuff To Do.
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14:32.23Shirikservers not down eh?
14:32.38Cidehey Shirik, help me fix the bug!
14:32.41malrethhappy fat tuesday
14:32.42Cidetons of fun awaits!
14:32.45Shirikthe physics one?
14:32.55Shirikdid you capture a point where it fails?
14:33.03Shirikwhat is it :P
14:33.21zenzelezzit's the point of no return
14:33.27CideI have a breakpoint for the collision resolution call where it breaks
14:34.53CideI hate you :/
14:34.58Shirik[] Collision -> F 5 N Collision
14:35.07ShirikIf only I could actually test this >.>
14:35.23Cidewhat would you say if you suddenly fell into the object you collided with, starting to rotate really fast and then being launched out of the object at 5000m/s?
14:35.31Cideyou wouldn't do it "for fun" anymore, that's for sure!
14:35.41Shirikoh I totally would
14:35.45Cideyeah... me too
14:35.46LopeppeppyI'd say it was the most fun I've had in weeks, Cide.  *hug*  Sorry, didn't mean to pester!
14:35.58Cidehaha, no worries :)
14:36.12CideI'm just frustrated at this stupid bug, that's all
14:37.36clad|officeso your face
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14:38.31|pez|Lopeppeppy: what kind of web page creation software are you "teaching" in?
14:38.53ShirikI don't know python. Is ** power?
14:39.03ShirikThat's stupid :P
14:39.09Cide(^ is properly xor :P)
14:39.45CideShirik: meh. there's a function if you'd like :P
14:39.53Cideobject 1's axis ((9.945, -229.623), (-10.054, -229.775)) collides with object 2's axis ((-10.000, -229.823), (10.000, -229.824))
14:40.09Cidei.e. the axis is defined as a line segment represented by two points
14:40.29Lopeppeppy|pez|, it's a content management system from PaperThin called CommonSpot.
14:40.48|pez|Lopeppeppy: Aah
14:41.03LopeppeppyIt's pretty.
14:41.18|pez|I'm perhaps making my own cms.
14:41.51Cidethe closest points between these two axises are (-10.000, -229.823) and (-10.000, -229.775)
14:42.25LopeppeppyLet me show you some comparisons....
14:42.25Cidewhich makes sense and seems correct
14:43.22Lopeppeppy|pez| versus
14:43.26Cidethe collision normal is (0, 20) which also makes sense; straight up
14:43.53|pez|Lopeppeppy: good choice on that new one ;P
14:44.30ShirikMakes sense for one of them
14:44.31LopeppeppyYeah.  That is the most extreme different conversion, most are pretty boring like....
14:44.42CideShirik: hmm?
14:45.03|pez|People should understand that boring webpage are... boring.
14:45.15|pez|and then try to avoid making boring webpages.
14:45.36Cideyeah, but don't confuse boring and cluttery/'too flashy' :P
14:45.55Shirikactually, doesn't really make sense for either of them
14:45.59Shirikhow did you come to that conclusion?
14:46.07Cidewhy not?
14:46.11LopeppeppyI've got a lot of all of those, Cide and |pez|.  My eyes bleed sometimes.
14:46.41Cideedge-to-edge collision, the collision normal is the normal of the colliding surface
14:46.44ShirikWell I guess it depends on how you define
14:46.55|pez|this is suppsedly a norwegian webdeveloper
14:46.55Shirikoh so you're ignoring the rotation for now?
14:48.16Shirikokay well in any case, for object 2 I can see, by your definition, that being the collision normal
14:48.17Cideyou get rotation if the vector from the center of the object to the point of collision isn't along the collision normal
14:48.23ShirikFor object 1 should it not be to the left?
14:48.24Cideright.. it works either way
14:48.34Shiriker, right
14:48.53|pez|I quite like the design I found for my blog, even though it's horribly small in every way XD
14:48.56CideI haven't found anything about separate collision normals
14:49.39Shirikwell are they both moving?
14:50.06LopeppeppyBigger might be easier to read, |pez|.  And bring in some colors!  *laugh*
14:50.07ShirikThen you have two sets of momentum to consider
14:50.13LopeppeppyOkay, must go teach the sheeple.  Toodles.
14:50.15*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
14:50.30ShirikThe momentum from object A being passed to object B, and vice versa
14:50.31CideShirik: right, but the impulse depends only on the two masses, doesn't it?
14:50.56Cideerr, no
14:51.01Ciderelative normal velocity is taken into account as well
14:51.16ShirikIn a fully elastic collision, p1 and p2 swap
14:51.23Shirikand p=mv
14:51.48Cidewell, let's see if that happens
14:51.55Cidepre-collision, we have these parameters
14:52.09Cide(let object a = object 1, b = 2)
14:53.50Cidev1 = (-0.497, -17.762), w1 = 0.194 (rad/s), m1 = 1.0
14:54.06CideI1 = 66.667
14:54.14Shirikgod I should take this to the EP or AE guys >.>
14:54.19ShirikThey could probably do this in a heartbeat
14:54.21Cidego for it!
14:54.35ShirikI need all the data first!
14:54.55ShirikStill I should be able to do this
14:54.58Shirikthis is PS150 stuff
14:55.30ShirikThough people who took dynamics would surely understand it better
14:55.33Cidev2 = (0.0, -2.190), w2 = 0.000 (rad/s), m2 = 1000.000, I2 = 66666.667
14:55.36Shirikand I didn't
14:55.41Cideyeah, that'd be my guess too
14:55.48CideI mean, most of it works just fine except for this case
14:55.52Cideand I can't figure out why
14:56.03Cideneed any more data? :P
14:57.10Shiriksomething just hit my head
14:57.12Shiriklike really hard
14:57.20Cidean object?
14:57.37Cidedid it swap momentum with your head?
14:58.35Shiriknm I was misunderstanding something for a second
14:58.48Shirikfor a second I thought they WERE supposed to go through each other
14:58.53Cidevelocity of the point of collision for obj1 is set to (1.464, -19.679)
14:58.57Cideno :P
14:59.15Cidefor obj2, (0.004, -2.186)
14:59.22Bela|workzomg, I got warped to #physics-lounge
14:59.31ShirikActually, I'm seeing it again Cide
14:59.42ShirikI think they might be o.o But I'll have to ask the AE/EP guys
14:59.44Cideseeing what?
14:59.44Shirikthey'll no for sure
14:59.50Shirikthat they should go through each other
14:59.56Shirikexcept that shouldn't be allowed, but they would if they could
14:59.58Cidethat's an interesting observation
15:00.12ShirikThe angular velocity of object 1 plays with things
15:00.25Shirikeven though it's pretty minimal
15:00.33Cidedo you want their positions too?
15:00.37Shiriklua> 0.194 * 360 / pi / 2
15:00.38lua_botShirik: [string "return 0.194 * 360 / pi / 2"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'pi' (a nil value)
15:00.38CideI don't think I gave you those
15:00.43Shiriklua> 0.194 * 360 / math.pi / 2
15:00.43lua_botShirik: 11.115381225538
15:00.47ShirikOh it's not the same one as before?
15:00.50Cidebut I don't know if it matters much
15:01.11Cideoh, yeah I did
15:01.13Shirik(09:39:31) (+Cide) object 1's axis ((9.945, -229.623), (-10.054, -229.775)) collides with object 2's axis ((-10.000, -229.823), (10.000, -229.824))
15:01.13CideI gave you the axises
15:01.25ShizenShirik o/
15:01.29Cidejust not the positions of the CM's, but that doesn't matter
15:01.31Shiriko hai
15:01.31Shizenhow's your... uh... breadboard ;P
15:01.53ShirikWe finalized the design, finally can get away from that crap and make a PCB
15:01.54malrethBela|work: The problem I find with #physics-lounge is when I have the time to log in, I just don't have the energy to follow along and when I have the energy and feel up to it, I just can't get the time...
15:02.05malrethor was it position...
15:02.13malrethwait, was I talking about sex instead?
15:02.19Shizenno more mishap, Shirik ?
15:02.30Cidemalreth: don't think so
15:02.30Shizenso you just said 'screw it' ?
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15:02.50Shiriknope found the problem
15:02.55Cideyou sure? :P
15:03.04Shirikno, found MY problem
15:03.04Shizenoh so no more mishap
15:03.09Cideoh, you fucker
15:03.10Shizenwhat was the problem :o
15:03.19ShizenCide : hardehar
15:03.33ShirikThe capacitors weren't physically close enough to the device which they were supposed to be maintaining the power level for
15:03.37Shiriksounds stupid, but that's what it was
15:03.45Shizen...wha ?
15:04.17Shizenso let me guess, a board capacitance screwed up the design... heh
15:04.37ShirikI called sharp and asked them, and they said "we recommend a 10uF capacitor from Vcc to ground to fix this problem" and I said we already did this and they said "The capacitor has to be physically near the sensor for it to work" so we did that
15:04.39Shirikand it worked...
15:05.01Shizenso it WAS the sensor
15:05.06Shizenremind me never to buy Sharp's
15:05.15ShirikThe sensors have a sudden drop in resistance when they perform their reading
15:05.25ShirikThe sensor by itself expects that and doesn't have a problem
15:05.31Shirikbut the OTHER sensors that were on the same line didn't
15:05.39Shizenyes, crosstalks >_>
15:05.44Shizendon't you hate those heh
15:05.51Shizenwhich is why I make my sensors manually >_>
15:06.31Shizenyou would usually have either a 'ripple' or a 'spike' on sensor-type components
15:06.57Shizenapparently that one Sharp made doesn't correct their 'next of kin' own feedback real well
15:07.11Shirikit's a stupid design
15:07.20Shizenagain, remind me not to get one from sharp :P
15:07.21Shirikit has a 520 ohm resistance that suddenly drops to 10 periodically
15:07.27Shizenthough it's kinda moot since I make my own >_>
15:07.36Shizen520 ?
15:07.41Shizenon an IR sensor ?
15:08.48Ciderelative velocity (1.460, -17.143) (correct based on velocities of the points of collision)
15:09.53Ciderelative normal velocity -349.85, making the impulse 699.712/985.438, or 0.710
15:10.15Cideseems awfully low?
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15:11.59Shizenwe're talking about Impulse as per v1m1 - v2m2 / t ?
15:12.05Corrodiasaccording to the tech that just arrived, the local AT&T office ran an update at the end of last week on the "provisioning", which seems to be related to bandwidth allotments, that messed up the DSL of the west half of the city.
15:12.21ralfWORKgg AT&T
15:12.37Shizenwell a 0.710 N impulse isn't anything more than a tap on the back, imo
15:12.46Shirikthat is extremely low Cide
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15:13.07Cideand object 1 is rotating counter-clockwise (positive w), and object 2 clockwise (negative w)
15:13.09Shirikthe impulse shouldn't be anything more than.. like a millisecond
15:13.28Shizendon't you hate when you can't type greek letter
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15:13.31Shizenthat's omega there, right ?
15:13.49Shirikthat's not what you told me before Cide
15:14.07Shizenfor anyone who can see that, I just typed greek Omega !
15:14.20CideShirik: it's not?
15:14.39Shirik(09:55:11) (+Cide) v2 = (0.0, -2.190), w2 = 0.000 (rad/s), m2 = 1000.000, I2 = 66666.667
15:14.40Cideactually, you're right
15:15.02Cidew2 = -0.0003718267820304428
15:15.06Ciderounded off to 0.000 :P
15:15.15Shizenthat's real slow :o
15:15.24Cidenegligible I'm sure
15:15.27ShirikI don't think it's worth saying that's rotating counter clockwise
15:15.30Cideand it's negative so they should just collide faster?
15:15.41CideShirik: well, it is!
15:15.52Cideif you're a mathematician, it definitely is
15:16.04Shirikmathematicians suck anyway
15:16.15Shirikscrew them AND their "i"
15:16.19Cidestill, it doesn't contribute to the low impulse
15:16.31Shizenyou'll get a vastly different result depending on the direction of the rotation
15:16.44Shizenit matters to us EE too, so shut :3
15:17.24Corrodiasnumbers smaller than 0.01 are NEVER useful.
15:17.33Shizen...yes they are
15:17.40Corrodiasit's true look it up lol
15:17.45Corrodiasalso nerf nelfs
15:17.47Shizenwe even go as deep as 6 points sometime
15:17.51ShirikShizen: No :P
15:17.54ShirikEE = "j"
15:18.03Corrodiasyeah, i'm just joking around
15:18.05ShirikThe correct way of writing it
15:18.05ShizenI was talking about the ω direction
15:18.07Cideok so the collision normal isn't normalized
15:18.12Shizennot the 'i' 'j' one
15:18.18ShirikOh the .01?
15:18.26Cidethis is cancelled in all the calculations so it doesn't matter
15:18.35ShizenCide : mind repeating ?
15:18.39ShirikYeah Corrodias, I typically work with numbers around .0001 - .01
15:18.40Shizenwhatever it was that yo asked, lol
15:18.49CideI didn't ask anything, I'm trying to fix a bug :P
15:18.55ShirikSo :P
15:19.01Cidebut it means that the real impulse is ~20x the number I gave you
15:19.02Shizenwell I can't fix your bug unless I know what it is :P
15:19.05ShirikOh, I used a 47 picofarad capacitor the other day!
15:19.07ShirikWhat is that
15:19.13Shirik.000000047 ?
15:19.23Cidepico is 10^-12?
15:19.25Corrodiasboy, that doesn't hold much
15:19.29ShirikI think that's nano
15:19.29Shizenx10^-6 iirc
15:19.32Shizeneh, -12 ?
15:19.39Cidenano is 9
15:19.47Shizenfrom Farad, micro, nano, pico
15:19.52Cide10−12 pico-
15:19.55Cide10−9 nano-
15:20.06ShirikI thought pico comes before nano
15:20.13Shizennano first, if you're counting from above
15:20.23Cideatto anyone?
15:20.24Shizenpico's the smallest unit on capicitance
15:20.38ShizenI need some coffee :P
15:20.41Corrodiasi bet my eye has a higher charge right now
15:20.47Cideok so, the real impulse is 0.7*20, or 14
15:20.52Shizencha...what ?
15:20.57Shizenwe were not talking about charge :P
15:21.07Corrodiaswe were now.
15:21.12Cideoh snap.
15:21.14Shizenshush shush
15:21.14Corrodiasbecause i have made it so.
15:21.17Shirikand a 106J capacitor should be 10 * 10^6 = 10000000pF +/- 5%, isnt' that microfarads
15:21.23Shirikcrap, that does mean pico = -12
15:21.26Shizensomeone banish Corrodias :P
15:21.50Shizen106s are usually nanos
15:21.59ShirikI'm so confused now
15:22.00Shizenor was that x04s
15:22.06ShirikI think that should be 04
15:22.16Shiriker, 03
15:22.26Shizenbeen a while since I messed with any unknown capacitances heh
15:22.41Shizenokay... pico IS -12
15:22.49Cidethe impulse delivered is 14, so the new velocity of obj1 is (-0.497, -3.561)
15:22.53purlhmm... pico is a non-free text editor.  Try nano as a GPL'ed alternative, or if you insist on pico, download the source for pine from non-free, build it, and install the resulting pico_something.deb
15:22.53Shizennano being -6, I think
15:22.54Cideso it's still going downwards
15:23.03Shizenand nano XD
15:23.15Shizenit's a very appropriate name though
15:23.23ShirikSo Cide, the impulse is not enough
15:23.25Shizenthey're nano-sized and pico-sized, appropriately
15:23.28Cideright, Shizen
15:23.31Shiriknano ftl
15:23.39Shirikvim = win
15:24.19Shirikreal programmers use vim.
15:24.19ShizenI'm so obfuscated right now
15:24.25Shizen-6 is micro, ffs >_>
15:24.31CideShirik: no, real commanders use C-x C-m butterfly
15:24.31Corrodiasreal programmers use netbeans and visual studio
15:24.37CideDAMN IT
15:24.46Shizensomeone banish him/her >_>
15:24.59Shirikhahahahahaha yesterday's xkcd = win
15:25.04Shizenoh ?
15:25.04Corrodiashah! that has diminishing re
15:25.06Shizennew xkcd !
15:25.06ShirikMy comments, sadly, look like that too
15:25.10Shirikbut not as depressed
15:25.13Shirikmore like I'm on crack instead
15:25.15Cideah, I got it wrong
15:25.20CideC-x M-c M-butterfly
15:25.39CideShirik: good.. that's a bit emo for my taste!
15:25.48Cide// good bye, beloved one
15:25.56Cidedelete [] people;
15:26.59Cideobj2 gets a final w2 of 0.001758
15:27.00ShizenEpoch Fail !
15:27.16Cideand a new linear velocity of (0.0, -2.2042)
15:27.20Shizenso anyway
15:27.21Shizencoffee !!
15:28.35Cideobj1's final angular velocity is -1.908
15:29.38Shirikthat is very wrong :P
15:29.53Cidehmm, is it?
15:30.02Cidequite fast collision right on the edge
15:30.17Shirikby objects rotating in opposite directions
15:30.19Shizenwhich equals to more impulse assuming short impact time
15:30.23Shirikoh I forgot, you ignored that
15:30.29Cideignored what?
15:30.40Shirikthe rotational friction component
15:31.02Cideyeah, there's no tangential friction, just a rotational impulse component
15:31.07Cideequal to
15:31.11Cideobj.state.ang_velocity += radius_vector.get_left_normal() * impulse*collision_normal/obj.moment_of_inertia
15:31.17Shizenwhat're you writing Cide
15:31.25Shizensounds interesting >_>
15:31.26Cidea simple physics engine
15:31.35Shizenmaking an engine, are we ?
15:31.37Cidesimple by Shirik's standards anyway!
15:31.44ShirikI didn't say simple
15:31.46ShirikI said stupid
15:31.50Cide"cheap" I believe was the word
15:31.53Shirikthat's it
15:32.04Shizenyou're both two peas in a pod
15:32.09Shizenthen again so am I >_>
15:32.13sag_ich_nichtmy brain is stuck, i know the answer but i can't remember it, how do you express that something is part of something mathematically?
15:32.26Shizensubset ?
15:32.30Shirik(18:39:46) (@Shirik) Cide: elastic or inelastic?
15:32.33Shirik(18:39:57) (+Cide) elastic - fully elastic
15:32.37Shirik(18:40:05) (+Cide) no energy is lost to friction :P
15:32.48Shirik(18:42:24) (@Shirik) the resultant vector would be something off that
15:32.48Shirik(18:42:27) (+Cide) there's no tangential force
15:32.48Shirik(18:42:32) (+Cide) (simplification)
15:32.48Shirik(18:42:35) (@Shirik) ..
15:32.48Shirik(18:42:42) (@Shirik) cheap physics engine ><
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15:33.22Cidemeh, crymoar
15:33.24sag_ich_nicht(18:40:05) (+Cide) no energy is lost to friction :P <--at this point you should have already concluded that the physics engine is cheap
15:33.36Shirik<3 Cide
15:33.43Shizenso anyway
15:34.01Cidesag_ich_nicht: hey, it's in space and the objects are perfectly spherical super-lead balls
15:34.03ShizenA (U flipped clockwise, underscored) B means that A is subset of B ?
15:34.20Shizenif that's what you were asking
15:34.48Shizenflipped counterclockwise would mean that A is the superset
15:34.53Shizenwith B being the subset
15:34.55sag_ich_nicht[16:33] <+Cide> sag_ich_nicht: hey, it's in space and the objects are perfectly spherical super-lead balls <--there are still random particles in space. there is no perfect emptyness. diaf.
15:34.59Shizengawd... sets.........
15:35.09Cidesag_ich_nicht: I never said there was :)
15:35.11Shizenawww how cute...a diaf
15:35.18CideI simply said that air friction is negligible
15:35.25Cidewell, I implied it
15:35.37sag_ich_nichtwho the fuck is shizen, and why is he taking me serious
15:35.39Cideok but seriously
15:35.41clad|officeperfectraid is about to have another release, if you have things you want to see in it, please gcode them on my issues list, so I can decide what I am and aren't adding.
15:35.52Cideclad|office: /ratrevor?
15:36.00sag_ich_nichtclad|office: will the percent hack still work? :P
15:36.07clad|officei think /rarly would eb better
15:36.13clad|officesag_ich_nicht: yes, but put it in as a feature request
15:36.15Cidebut /ratrevor is more awesome
15:36.15clad|officeand i'll make an option
15:36.25clad|officesag_ich_nicht: thats what im' saying :P
15:36.34Corrodiasi would like praid to flash pretty pink ponies on the screen when we win a fight
15:36.44sag_ich_nichtclad|office: wait what
15:36.47sag_ich_nichtwait nvm
15:36.48Cideok so... Shirik / Shizen
15:36.53Shizenyes ?
15:36.56sag_ich_nichtlink to gcode because i'm in a hurry
15:37.02Shizenwe're confusing, right ?
15:37.05ShizenI read your mind there
15:37.13Cidewhy does it rotate -1.9 rad/s :/
15:37.19Shizenoh... nevermind rofl
15:37.21sag_ich_nichtthanks clad|office
15:37.23Shirikbecause YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG
15:37.26ShizenCide : I don't even know why it doesn't
15:37.31Shizenbecause I don't even know what you're doing >_>
15:37.31ShirikActually I dunno, but I was going to take it to the AE/EP guys
15:37.32Cidewell l2p
15:37.42CideShirik: why are you still around?
15:37.51Shirikbecause I haven't left yet?
15:37.56Cidegood point
15:38.00Cidewhy haven't you left yet?
15:38.11ShirikBecause my class is in an hour
15:38.53Shizenmeh I'm so lazy to scroll up
15:39.00Shizenwhat IS it are you having problem with Cide >_>
15:39.00CideShizen: two objects collide
15:39.27Cideobject A = object 1 in the data above, B = 2
15:40.02sag_ich_nichtclad|office: gcode wouldn't let me submit it as enhancement
15:40.14Cidethey're not 100% parallel, so the point of collision is at the very left edge, basically
15:40.24Cidewhen they smash into each other
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15:40.56Shizenokay soo Object A is not going toward Object B in a perfectly 0-180 straight line, no ?
15:41.07Shizenor rather 90-(-90) but anyway...
15:41.27Cideit has some angular velocity and the linear velocity isn't directed straight down either
15:41.40Cide(almost straight down, I don't have the numbers around)
15:41.41ShirikYou know what, screw the AE/EP guys, I want to know the correct answer first
15:41.47sag_ich_nichtclad|office: SYN, i need to leave :P
15:41.47Shirikbecause I still think it would go through each other
15:41.53CideShirik: why?
15:41.59ShirikI'll plug these into ERLab
15:42.12Shizenso, we can represent it with a vectorial representation because we're assuming 3d space here, right ?
15:42.13Cidecan you paste the data? xchat doesn't scroll that far up
15:42.24CideShizen: it's a 2D physeng
15:42.34Cidemostly because I couldn't find a good 3d renderer in python :/
15:42.39Shizenokay, so angular velocity in a 2d space
15:42.42Shizenerrr what ?
15:42.48Shizenhow about Blender :o
15:42.52Cideyep, defined as a simple scalar
15:42.52ShirikI feel obligated to point out that quite often you need to do 3 dimensional vectors for 2d space
15:43.00Shizenwell actually Blender uses python, rather than vice-versa
15:43.01Shizenbut meh
15:43.04ShirikJust like you use 4 dimensional vectors for 3d space
15:43.05CideShirik: cross/dot products?
15:43.16Cideya, but they are usually represented as the magnitude then
15:43.21Cidesince they'll be (0, 0, z)
15:43.22Shizenerrrr well
15:43.27Shizenmagnitude != dimension
15:43.49Shirikbut there's another thing too Cide
15:43.55Shizenbasically because I don't usually find the fourth dimension :o
15:43.56Shiriknot only that, that helps
15:44.11Shirikbut you also do something like [x,y,z,0] x T
15:44.15Shirikwhere T is the transformation matrix
15:44.23Shirikfor rotational stuff it helps
15:44.24Cideya, true
15:44.51Shizenoh, nevermind me
15:45.13Shizenwhen I think 'four dimensional' vectors I automatically thinks of 4x4 matrices >_>
15:45.34Cide"At least I didn't have to invent 26 dimensions to get the math to work!" "I didn't invent them. They're there!" "Yeah, in what universe?" "In all of them, that's the point!"
15:46.14Shizenso anyway as I say, magnitudes aren't "in" the vector anyway
15:46.27Cidewell still, it's 2d!
15:46.44Shizenso you have an angular velocity in 2D planar
15:46.58art3misman all we need is for cidan to talk
15:47.07CideShizen: yes
15:47.09art3misand this is one confusing wall of text
15:47.14Shizenokay Cide, carry on
15:47.24ShirikMy high school math teacher once talked about a course he took
15:47.25Shizen* wall of text crits art3mis for 999,999,999 damage
15:47.27sag_ich_nichtclad|office: SYN, ToS 10111000
15:47.33art3mispretty much yeah
15:47.35Shirikin which the professor proved there were 32 dimensions
15:47.42art3misshirik, shizen, Cide, Cidan
15:47.47CideShirik: nice
15:47.54Shizenwe're the quartet of confusing
15:48.15art3misunless yer gonna mimic the voices in my head on screen, that might nt be the best nick shirik ;)
15:48.46sag_ich_nichtRST, bye D:
15:48.49ConfushizenKILL IT
15:48.56Confushizenwith FIER
15:49.08Confushizenyou're Confucide :o
15:49.20Confusicideour names' lengths are fixed
15:49.23ShirikThe people in #lua are going to get mad at me for changing my name
15:49.25Confushizenyou're right
15:49.28Confushizenoh okay lol
15:49.39Shizenno Confuwagon :|
15:49.43Cideparty crasher
15:49.46*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
15:49.47ShirikI left #lua
15:49.54Shirikand then you're all like "ok we'll stop"
15:50.08Confusicidesame length?
15:50.09art3misthey don't got yer back man!
15:50.46ConfushirikConfusicide seems like something you use to kill something
15:50.52Confushizenand Cidan can be Confuscidan
15:50.58Confushizentoo bad he's not here
15:51.01clad|officesag_ich_nicht: no, it forces it to issue
15:51.03clad|officei sort it out from there
15:51.24Confushizenokay so where were we Cide
15:51.33Confushirik(10:51:05)  -› [notice from NickServ]: Your nickname is now linked to [Shirik]
15:51.39Confushizenyou were saying about angular velocity ?
15:51.42Confusicideshirik should paste the data
15:51.54Confushirikshirik thinks the data is too long to paste
15:52.11Confusicideno it isn't
15:52.22Confushirikalso, why the hell did that guy make a copy before deleting
15:52.43Confushirikhe's deleting one element out of the linked list and then relinking the rest
15:54.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
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15:55.06Josh_Borkecide, wtf are you doing?
15:55.09Josh_Borkejust curious :-)
15:55.17Confusicidefixing a phys engine bug
15:55.18Josh_Borkeme thinks cide isn't here
15:55.53Confushizenokay so when you say ωa, where's the centre axis of that angular velocity ?
15:56.19Confusicidenot sure what you mean. it's rotating around its center of mass
15:56.33Confushizena center-of-mass rotation, right
15:56.43Confushizenwhich means there's no need to actually calculate resulting velocity matric
15:56.47Josh_Borkewhoa, wtf is up with all this confu shit
15:56.49Josh_Borkeyou guys suck
15:57.00|pez|I need to actually scan this drawing, instead of taking a picture of it. :P -
15:57.01Confusicidewe know
15:57.01Confushizen(except for the point of impact thing in which we'd have to assume shape and whatnot)
15:57.09Josh_Borkeno wonder i was confuzzled
15:57.17Confushizenwoot mission accomplished
15:58.26Confushizenokay then, object A with -0.4970x - 17.7620y
15:58.40Confushizenwhere's my pen and paper >_>
15:59.20ConfushirikOkay I have to go to class, hopefully I shall return with an answer
15:59.21Confushizenwaitwaitwaitwait... what's I1 ?
15:59.26Confushizenokie Shirik
15:59.28Confushirikmoment of inertia
15:59.30Confushiriknot current
15:59.37Confushizenerrr no.. I mean
15:59.41Confushizenwhy's there an I1 and I2 ?
15:59.44Confushizentwo impacts occured ?
15:59.49Confusicide1 = object A
16:00.00ConfusicideI1 = IA, I2 = IB
16:00.03Confusicideblame shirik
16:00.05Confushirikmoment of inertia doesn't have to be the same
16:00.10Confushizen1 = object A's impact (with WHAT?)
16:00.18Confushizenoh wait
16:00.21ConfushizenInnertia.... ?
16:00.30ConfusicideConfushizen: hmm?
16:00.36Confushirikit's basically a property that makes it turn
16:00.40Confushirikto change turning, that is
16:00.47Confushizenw-ell okay
16:00.49Confushirikwhat a horrible definition
16:00.53ConfushizenI understand you adding Innertia in
16:00.59Confushirik~wiki moment of inertia
16:01.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
16:01.26ConfushirikPurl's ~wiki is quite possibly the most useless built-in factoid ever
16:02.00LopeppeppyIt's not her fault, go edit the wiki if you don't like it!
16:02.09Confushizenwell Innertia always goes against the current force
16:02.15Confushiriktake off the header from all of the pages
16:02.19ConfushirikI'm sure they'll appreciate that
16:02.28Fin_the book I've just finished talks about control of intertia a lot
16:03.06Confushirik"The symbols I and sometimes J are usually used to refer to the moment of inertia."
16:03.14ConfushirikI'm so totally using J for moment of inertia from now on
16:03.44Confushizenyou're still on about i vs j eh
16:03.49Confushizenit's turning into red vs blue :P
16:04.08Confushirikgotta run
16:04.50Confushirik|AFKShirik has way too many linked niks
16:04.53Confushizenneed to read more into this angular mass thing
16:04.57Confushirik|AFK16 currently
16:05.04Confushizenwe still on Confuwagon ?
16:05.06Confushizenor do we have enough
16:05.42ConfushizenI think I'm starting to confuse myself XD
16:05.42Confushizenso anyway
16:06.17Confushizenhmm hmmmmm
16:06.55Confushizenwhat are the shape of our objects, anyway ?
16:07.02Confusicidetwo squares
16:07.04Confusicideside 20
16:07.38Confushizenlooking at the different in mass, I'll assume difference in size, as well, yes ?
16:08.02Confusicidethe objects are identical as far as size goes
16:08.04Confusicidethey're both 20x20
16:08.10Confusicidethe other is just 10000x heavier
16:08.36Confusicideso that I can test many collisions (big gravitational force means they collide often)
16:09.05Confushizenhummmm yes...
16:09.18ConfushizenI mean the r...
16:09.31Confushizenhypothetically anyway.... soooooo
16:13.21ConfusicideI'm confuzzled
16:13.40Confushizenergh so am I
16:13.50ConfushizenI'm visualizing too many possibilities >_>
16:14.52Confusicidevisualization is bad :/
16:15.14Confushizenlike if the squares were to collide (assuming they're spinning about their axises in opposite direction) on their edges, would I be needing to count in the difference in pressure factor of large surface against small surface etc etc
16:16.19Confushizenor a what-if, of the possibility that they collide in such a way that at the moment of collision A(or B)'s sharp edge would just gliiiiiiide over the opposite object's more flat side...
16:16.23ConfusicideConfushizen: simplify :P
16:16.59Confusicideperfectly elastic instantaneous rigid body collision
16:17.05ConfushizenI don't think I can calculate the Angular Mass into impact calculation, yet >_>
16:17.13Confushizenperfectly...elastic ?
16:17.14|pez|I need to stop popping the zits I get. they start hurting >__>
16:17.29ConfusicideConfushizen: lead balls? :P
16:17.48Josh_Borkeso um, wtf is the point of all of this?
16:17.57ConfusicideJosh_Borke: fixing my physics engine
16:18.41Confushizenperfectly elastic collision of two rigid bodies, you mean
16:18.50Confushizenbecause elastic bodies would not cause elastic collision
16:18.59Confusicideyeah, sorry
16:19.18Confushizenokay so let me read up on those Angular masses a bit more >_>
16:19.20Confusicidedepends on how you interpret my ambiguous statement, I guess :P
16:19.30Josh_Borkewhat are you writing a physics engine for?
16:19.40Confusicidemostly for fun
16:19.46Confusicidesome because I have to
16:19.54Confushizenyou interested in making game ? ;P
16:20.15ConfushizenI've been putting off my project(s) for years >_>
16:20.18Confushizenthey're starting to gather dust
16:20.33ConfusicideI have lots of projects too :/
16:20.33Confushizenmainly because I can't find anyone else beside myself :|
16:20.44Confushizenand "Me, Myself, and I" is just isn't going to cut it
16:20.55Confusicideget shirik to be your bitch
16:20.59Confusicideit works great
16:21.04Confushizenanyway, I'll be back soon
16:21.06LopeppeppyI'm a bitch, but I'm my own bitch, sorry.
16:21.09otraviI my me mine!
16:21.10Confushizentaking a break o/
16:21.17Confusicidealright :) thanks
16:21.29*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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16:21.31Confusicidefor looking into it!
16:31.55ConfusicideI keep getting the same impulse
16:32.06ConfusicideI just did it by hand and got it to be 13.9956
16:32.17Confusicideusing the data I supplied
16:32.25Confusicidewhich is correct, unless my debugger lies
16:32.26Confushizenwell isn't that a good thing ?
16:32.34Confusicideyes and no
16:32.46Confushizenargh where's my glasses
16:32.50Confusicidesince objA has a mass of 1.0
16:32.56Confusicidethe velocity change equals the impulse
16:33.29Confushizenwelll yes
16:33.48Confusicidebut its velocity, downwards,, is greater than the velocity change that the impulse induces
16:33.49Confushizensince we're assuming perfect elastic collision so m1v1+m2v1 = m1v2+m2v2
16:34.14Confusicideso v1+m2v1 = v2+m2v2
16:34.18Confusicidesince m1 = 1.0
16:34.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (n=chatzill@
16:35.15Confusicidewait, not following
16:35.25Confusicidewhat's the subscript? or suffix, in this case
16:35.27Confushizenoh I'm just taking the vs out
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16:35.32Confusicideis it pre-post collision, or is it object notation?
16:35.56Confushizeneasier to see, for me
16:36.01Confusicidethis is confusing
16:36.08Confushizenhmmm anyway
16:36.21Confusicideoh, ok
16:36.29Confushizenall this assumption are for the impulse equation at the MOMENT of impact
16:36.39Confushizenthroughout the whole event
16:36.45Confushizenyou'll be pondering a LOT of stuffs
16:36.50MentalPoweryou know, it almost looks like you're talking to yourself :)
16:36.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
16:36.57Confusicidewe are, that's the point
16:37.04Confushizensuch as, when it collides, where will ObjA rotates toward now, and what happens to it
16:37.15ConfusicideConfushizen: ya, but that can be simplified a lot :P
16:37.21Confushizenno, it can't >_>
16:37.34Confushizenunless you want to also 'ignore' quite a lot of stuffs
16:37.38Confusicideso are you going to simulate the compression of individual atoms too? :P
16:37.49Confusicidewell, the compression of the object in general, I dunno if the atoms are compressed
16:37.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Arcaia (n=cnflct@
16:37.51Confushizensee v1 and v2 affirm to translational linear velocity
16:38.15Confusicide*I'm* simplifying it, at least :P
16:38.21Confushizenit says zilch about what happens to the angular velocity, or how we'd calculate the angular velocity after, based on the object mass and J
16:38.34Confusicideany real-time physics simulation will
16:38.39Confushizenor the translational vector of both objects AFTER the impact
16:39.41Confushizenand hi MentalPower, confused any ? ;P
16:39.54*** join/#wowi-lounge |Jelly| (
16:40.45Confushizenalso I'm not getting your statement(in the pastey) about the objects' 'axis' colliding
16:40.50Confushizenhow... would the axis collide ?
16:41.05Confusicidethey do if they're perfectly parallel
16:41.07Confusicidebut they're not
16:41.37Confusicideso two points are colliding, yes, but due to the limitation of the engine, it says that the axises collide
16:41.57Confusicidebecause, 1) at the time of collision (or rather some ms before it), the axises are the closest features
16:42.14Confusicideand 2) the axises contain the closest points between the two objects
16:42.20Confusicideso the axises contain the point of collision
16:42.20Confushizenah, you're not making a collision box check I see
16:42.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
16:45.46ScytheBlade1kd3: yeah I saw that, just replied
16:46.12LopeppeppyHappy Tuesday, everyone dance!
16:46.32*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
16:46.34Confushizenhappy wednesday actually, but eh
16:47.22LopeppeppyLast I looked it was Tuesday, but you may be living in another Date Zone.  This happens sometimes.
16:47.53mikmaXinhuan: ping!
16:48.47Confushizen48 minutes into Wednesday
16:49.43LopeppeppyYour clock is faster than mine.  *grin*
16:53.37ConfushizenI have mine tuned to GMT ntp servers
16:53.40Confushizen...I think....
16:54.18ConfusicideConfushizen: does the result not make sense? it seems to me that two edges of objects hitting each other really fast would cause the objects to rotate 'away' from each other, and also bounce in the opposite direction... isn't that what happens?
16:54.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
16:54.36Confusicideexcept for the fact that they don't bounce away as much as they just slow down
16:54.38Confushizenw-ell like I said
16:54.44Confushizenthere's a lot to factor in
16:54.50Confushizensince I haven't really calculate it
16:55.18Confushizenobject A (or B, whichever's the heavier and have higher J) could still be rotating in the same direction (but slightly slower)
16:55.50Confushizenwhile the one with less J having its angular velocity changed altogether (making it rotate faster in the opposite direction, or slow, also depends on a lot of factor)
16:56.19Confusicideyep, and that's what I'm seeing
16:56.36Cairenn|afkthis is too funky, thanks clad|office!
16:56.44Confusicidethe whole problem, really, is that the objects aren't separating, and thus they are still colliding the next frame
16:56.47Confushizenhullo Cairenn
16:56.56Confusicideso the question is, should they still move towards each other or not?
16:56.57Cairenn|afkhey :)
16:57.24Confushizenthere's a few possibilites
16:57.31Confushizenone is, they're moving separate from each other
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16:57.53Confusicidei.e. the distance between them is increasing? (relative velocity is positive)
16:58.22Confushizentwo is, they might be moving in a generally uniform direction
16:58.30Confushizenbut one object WILL be moving away from the other
16:59.00Confusicideif we define 'moving towards' as 1) the distance between the objects decreases over time
16:59.05Confusicideand 'moving away' as the opposite
16:59.35Confusicidethen I'm definitely seeing them moving towards each other after the collision
16:59.54Confushizenthat shouldn't happen AFTER the collision
17:00.00Confusicidewell it does
17:00.30Confushizenunless you're coding in object gravitational equations and both the objects attains this 'gravitational' states
17:00.43Confushizenin which case object A could be pulled to object B AGAIN after the impact
17:00.49Confusicideah, no
17:00.58Confushizenokay, then in that case something is very wrong
17:01.02Confusicidethis is immediately after the collision
17:01.32Confusicidethe acceleration points towards the other object at all times because of gravity, but immediately after the collision they're still moving towards each other
17:01.56Confushizenso you ARE coding in gravitational equations
17:02.05art3mismmm spammy math things
17:02.16Confushizenthat might be what's interfering with the whole 'after impact' thing
17:02.29art3misthat as I've been told "have nothing to do with addosn or warcraft
17:02.35Confushizenthat is, your engine sees the impact as 'negligible'
17:02.36ConfusicideConfushizen: can't be
17:02.50Confusicidethe impact duration is negligible, i.e. calculated as instant
17:03.18art3misI can't help but think you're just making a Pong game
17:03.26Confusicidethat would be awesome
17:03.38Confusicidepong with angluar effects would be fun
17:03.39Confushizenassuming 'instant' means anything between 1ms to 100ms you'd have a very large impact multiplier there
17:04.28Confushizenerrr... Impulse
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17:06.16mikmaXinhuan: wake up dude :P
17:06.29ConfusicideConfushizen: well
17:07.26Confushizenmy head hurt >_>
17:07.52Confusicidemine too...
17:08.59LopeppeppyMy head hurt before Confusionus started making me think.
17:09.02ConfushizenI'm gonna play WoW >_> less headache
17:09.27Confushizenwant a hug ? ;)
17:09.49art3misfrom confusing shit?
17:09.53art3misthat doesn't seem very good ;P
17:10.01LopeppeppyOf course I do!  I'll be careful no to share my germs though.
17:10.04LopeppeppyIf you're lucky.  :P
17:10.06Confushizenshush you art3mis
17:10.20art3misI think he'd be luckier to sharethe germs ;P
17:10.22Confushizendon't worry, us Confuwagon people are immune from germs
17:10.36art3misor at least try sharing them
17:10.47ConfushizenI can use some gems though ;P
17:10.47art3misbut I think you made me sick peppy
17:10.58Confushizenpreferably one with AP/Crit strike rating
17:10.59Confusicideheh, I found another example which might have some easier-to-use numbers
17:11.04art3mismy throats raw, back hurts and I'm cold and shivery
17:11.21ConfushizenCide : get back to me on that when my head hurts less ;P
17:11.34art3mison a plus side I have hot cocoa and warm comfy robe
17:11.36Confusicidepussy, I've had my head hurting for days now :P
17:11.40Confushizen(or maybe Shirik would bring you back some solutions)
17:11.56Lopeppeppyart3mis, I only have a sinus cold.  All in my head.  Without cocoa or a bathrobe.  I'm at work.  Wimp.
17:12.09art3misI work for my self ;P
17:12.19Confusicidetranslation: unemployed
17:12.20art3misand I ahve nothing to do today so it's all good ;P
17:12.30art3misnope actually have clietns and an office an everything
17:12.47Confusicidetranslation: delusional
17:13.06art3misone of the cliets pays for my awesome 30/5 home business cable ;)
17:13.24ConfusicideI have 100/10, try again!
17:13.32LopeppeppyI just want one to pay for my Dayquil!
17:13.33art3miswhich appeearantly is oodles ebtter than my shit shared 768Kb dsl ;P
17:13.46art3misat the office
17:15.57sag_ich_nichtAnduinLothar ping
17:16.09AnduinLotharno, i haven't
17:16.31sag_ich_nichtjust asking because i saw the new commits :P
17:17.04AnduinLotharcommit is for DamageMeters
17:17.34sag_ich_nichti know
17:25.55zenzelezzanyone had a look at WoWDB yet? So far it looks pretty sweet
17:27.13art3misby sweet you mean a direct cloen of wowhead?
17:27.48Hjalteart3mis: I thought so too when looking at it. I don't really see the advantage of it, yet.
17:28.19|pez|it looks pretty?
17:28.21zenzelezzart3mis: they do much the same, but I found WoWDB nice in a few ways, like finding reputation quests
17:28.51LopeppeppyIn the end, there are only so many ways to package milk.  People will drink from whatever bottle they like the look of, but it's still milk.
17:29.20ScytheBlade1lol @ the netsplit owning *just* Antiarc
17:29.23art3misHjalte: the advantage is we can bitch directly at the staff
17:29.33art3misthat alone makes it totally worthwhile ;P
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17:31.23KirkburnBtw, anyone who wants a newsfeed channel for wow (and some general gaming) stuff, Dotted has set up a channel called #newsspam ... you're welcome to idle. (We use the bot on #wowwiki)
17:31.23art3miswonder if clad will change to curse over wowhead for lightheaded
17:31.38art3misKirkburn: neat
17:31.42Confusicidewhy should he?
17:31.47DottedOMG SPAM Kirkburn BAN
17:31.55Dottedoh wait...
17:31.56art3misConfusicide: I dunno cuz IGN is the debil?
17:32.04ConfusicideI don't think he cares
17:32.42Cairennwhat does IGN have to do with anything?
17:32.48Confusicidethat thing is way overdramatized imo
17:33.36art3misCairenn: I dunno I just like o throw that out every oce in a while
17:33.44LopeppeppyDrama is the debbil, IMO
17:34.05CairennI'm just trying to figure out the connection between IGN and wowhead
17:34.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
17:34.43art3misCairenn: when I can't remember a parent corp I use ign and associate it withthe debil
17:35.16Lopeppeppyart3mis is just randomly breeding drama llamas all over the place, eeek.
17:35.16zenzelezzisn't IGE and IGN very different things? Or whatever the first one is
17:35.28art3misoh ige
17:35.42art3misheh still ign is the debil ;P
17:36.12art3misbut they give me godmode codes for bloodrayne so I can listento her moan while she feeds mroe often ;P{
17:36.27LopeppeppyUm... yeah, how about them mets.
17:36.27ralfWORKart3mis: I do love that game :(
17:36.29art3misLopeppeppy: go with what yer good at I suppose ;P
17:36.40art3misevery male and most lesbians do ralf
17:36.42ralfWORKshe was so frickin hot
17:36.52art3misthe chick who does her voice is a cutie too
17:36.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
17:37.02ralfWORKthe way I play it she's basically dryhumping everything she ran into
17:37.03art3misshes the main voice and line producer of shin chan btw
17:37.15ralfWORKart3mis: oh? hmm... pics?
17:37.22art3mislaura bailey is her name
17:39.52ralfWORKoh yea she's not bad
17:42.10art3misif she does the bloodrayne voice all the time mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
17:43.32ralfWORKif I had a chance to meet her
17:43.41ralfWORKI'd have a hard time not having her make that voice :P
17:44.29art3miscan you purr just once or twice?
17:45.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
17:45.43LopeppeppyPoor lady, so typecast!
17:47.09art3misLopeppeppy: oly by people that love blood rayne ;P
17:47.19art3misshes also done quite a few voices for DBZ
17:47.28art3misand really
17:47.47art3misif yer gonna be type cast a sexy leather wearing vampieress would be the perfect one ;P
17:49.12LopeppeppyNah.  A pretty baker with a dagger under her apron, that's me.
17:49.59Confushizenvoice of wisdom :P
17:50.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Godzmack (
17:50.45art3misdo you work below a barber by chance?
17:51.26LopeppeppyEfficient and appropriate as always.  *grin*
17:54.17ralfWORKConfushizen: heh. not bad.
17:54.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=shirik@
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18:02.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (
18:05.51Shirik|Ecoleso quiet...
18:09.11LopeppeppyWhat, you want I should scream and run in circles?
18:09.46LopeppeppyI don't have the energy, dear.  You go ahead, I'll take pictures.
18:09.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
18:12.28*** join/#wowi-lounge GofG (
18:14.08LopeppeppyOh, gods, to catch them or not to catch them!?
18:15.31Lunessacatching beads has an implied return. *wink*
18:16.05LopeppeppyI know, gah!  *laugh*
18:17.02Shirik|Ecolepurl, you fail
18:17.02purlACTION slaps you for calling her a failure.
18:17.22GofGSo I joined a private server
18:17.27GofGnot for the purpose of actually playing on it
18:17.30GofGbut to theorycraft it
18:17.40ralfWORKboo to private servers
18:17.41GofGand see if their spell coefficients were blizzlike
18:17.48GofGand test out bugs
18:17.52GofGbecause I find that fun
18:18.09GofGbut I found that SB R12 has the same spell coefficient as R11
18:18.14GofGand that struck me as odd
18:18.27GofGso I went to look to see what R11 coefficients were supposed to be
18:18.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies3 (
18:18.31GofGand for the life of me
18:18.40GofGSomeone tell me what SB R11 spell damage coefficient is.
18:19.53Shirik|Ecolesoul ballad?
18:20.39Shirik|EcoleAlso GofG, I hope this is the only time I tell you this
18:20.51Shirik|Ecolewe don't talk about private servers here
18:20.59GofGAye, sorry.
18:21.02GofGIt was the lead-up to my question.
18:22.03GofGSigh.. i'll go google some more.
18:24.59art3misGofG to be honest depending on the server you picked you'd get roughly the same values
18:25.04art3misbut they wouldnt be 100%
18:25.15GofGRight, but the problem that i'm having
18:25.26GofGis that I don't know what retail shadowbolt R11 coefficients are.
18:25.40GofGI was under the impression it was around 76%
18:25.49GofGbut I got numbers more like 114%
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18:26.01GofGwhich makes R11 imba and a much better choice than R12
18:26.25art3misyou could ask wikiface
18:26.29art3mishe may know
18:27.36art3mishowever I suppsoe you could get an mpq editor and check the tabled values of sboltr11
18:27.45art3mistha would give you a much better idear ;P
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18:41.43Shirik|Ecoleis that where we get to see you running around in circles?
18:42.06Shirik|Ecoleoh you weren't here for that nm ><
18:42.13LunessaHelp me Noah Webster, You're my only hope.
18:42.54ScytheBlade1Unrelated news, it seems that I know some serious geeks.
18:44.10Confushizenno more Confuwagon
18:44.20Shirik|Ecolewrong computer, sorry
18:44.26Shirik|EcoleConfushirik|AFK is still up there
18:44.27Shizenoh right :o
18:45.16Shirik|Ecoleyou just made me spill my drink
18:45.17Shirik|Ecoledamn it
18:45.32Shirik|Ecolefunny thing is it was spilled /into/ the basket of napkins
18:46.14ralfWORKScytheBlade1: that's... pretty geek
18:46.57Shirik|EcoleIf I ever got a tattoo that's probably how it would turn out
18:47.06Shirik|EcoleHE WROTE AN "i" !!!
18:47.10Shirik|Ecolehe is not a true geek, only a fake one
18:47.17ConfushizenDEATH TO 'i' !!
18:47.32Confushizen(except in vectorials)
18:47.36Confushizenijkl, any ?
18:47.49Shirik|Ecoleand in current-time systems
18:48.13Confushizenah... yes
18:48.25Shirik|Ecolebut not e^pi*i!!
18:48.31ScytheBlade1Yeah, I know him in real life too
18:48.34Shirik|Ecolepython agrees sqrt(-1) == j
18:48.36Confushizendon't let's forget about current-time (t) i(t)
18:48.41ScytheBlade1Like I've seen him in classes and he wrote for my high school paper
18:48.42Shirik|EcoleISn't that right Confusicide
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18:49.02Shirik|Ecolehow do you print something in python?
18:49.08ConfushizenI think Confusicide just took a headsmash to figure out his elastic collision rigid bodies
18:49.29Confushizenand I just stayed my hand from the aforementioned problem :|
18:49.44Confushizenme, backs away from physics equation....
18:49.56Confushizenso !possible, but it's true :(
18:50.09Shirik|Ecoleok, python is just plain wrong
18:50.21Shirik|Ecole$ python
18:50.22Shirik|EcolePython 2.5.1 (r251:54863, May 18 2007, 16:56:43)
18:50.22Shirik|Ecole[GCC 3.4.4 (cygming special, gdc 0.12, using dmd 0.125)] on cygwin
18:50.22Shirik|EcoleType "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
18:50.23Shirik|Ecole>>> print((-1)**(1/2))
18:50.29Shirik|Ecolelol shut up Cide
18:50.31Shirik|Ecolethat was not for you
18:50.37Shirik|Ecole(13:50:21)  -› [notice from Confusicide]: [string "print((-1)**(1/2))"]:1: unexpected symbol near '*'
18:50.58Confushizenthat double ** is 'power to' right ?
18:51.21ralfWORKthought ^^ was as well right?
18:51.24Confushizenthat would be so 'j' there
18:51.28ralfWORKoh sorry you're talking about a specific languge
18:51.31ralfWORKignore meh
18:51.37Shirik|Ecoleyes... and python agrees it's "j" except...
18:51.40Shirik|Ecoleit said 1 for some reason
18:51.45Shirik|EcoleI don't know enough about python to know why
18:52.00Confushizenmaybe in the way it handles ** inside print() scope ?
18:52.21Confushizen>>> print((-1)^(1/2))
18:52.21ConfusicideConfushizen: -1.#IND
18:52.28Confushizenwoot :o guess that's not it
18:52.38Shirik|EcoleLua doesn't bother to care about complex numbers :P
18:52.49Shirik|Ecolerather, IEEE notation doesn't have a way to represent it
18:52.55Confushizenj !
18:52.59Shirik|Ecoleand lua_Number is defined as double in the most frequent form
18:53.16Confushizenpoint being
18:53.21Confushizenthey're not in 'number scope' yes ?
18:53.25Shirik|Ecolethere is no way to represent j in a double
18:53.45|Pixel|you'd need to basically create your own class for complexes :P
18:53.54Confushizenthey're just that complex :D
18:54.00Shirik|Ecoleso I have to do "import math;"
18:54.07|Pixel|maybe not
18:54.13Confushizen>>> print((-1)**(1/2))
18:54.32Shirik|Ecole>>> math.sqrt(-1)
18:54.32Shirik|EcoleTraceback (most recent call last):
18:54.32Shirik|EcoleFile "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
18:54.33Shirik|EcoleValueError: math domain error
18:54.33ConfusicideShirik|Ecole: -1.#IND
18:54.36Shirik|EcoleSHUT UP CIDE
18:54.50Shirik|EcoleSo now I know why Cide chose >>>
18:55.17ConfushizenCide doesn't reply to me :(
18:55.21ConfushizenI'm greatly saddened
18:55.49Confushizenanyway, about that rigid bodies elastic collision
18:55.55Confushizenyou got 'expert' opinion on it ?
18:56.27Confushizenmy head's crashing over the vast possibilities of events that might occur before, during, and after the impact >_>
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18:56.41Shirik|Ecolelol this is stupid
18:56.44Shirik|Ecolein python
18:56.47Confushizenespecially since Cide mentioned "gravity is what's pulling the two objects toward each other"
18:56.54Shirik|Ecoleto get a complex square root, you have to initially use complex notation
18:56.56Shirik|Ecoleeven though it's "0j"
18:56.58Confushizen(i.e. he coded gravity in)
18:57.41zenzelezz lol
18:57.43Confushizenah, so they cannot answer in complex notation for simple computational equations that WOULD result in complex notation ?
18:58.20Shirik|Ecoleactually I'm still having trouble
18:58.23Shirik|Ecolebut this document says I shouldn't be
18:58.49Confushizenlol zenz
18:59.01Shirik|Ecole>>> print((-1+0j)**0.5)
18:59.06Confushizenreminds me of the one alliance guy shouting out orders in AB... and then this undead guy killed him
18:59.07Shirik|Ecolewhich is essentially j
18:59.13Confushizenand the rest of the alliance cheering for the undead
18:59.36Confushizen+0j ?
18:59.41ConfushizenI'm sorry, 0j ?
18:59.51Shirik|Ecolethat basically tells python you want to work with complex numbers :P
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19:00.02Shirik|Ecoleso it's still -1 ^ (1/2)
19:00.06Shirik|Ecolei.e., sqrt(-1)
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19:00.12Shirik|Ecolebut it's COMPLEX -1
19:00.25ScytheBlade1My spam is awesome. "Love her the right way, the hard way - the LONG AND DEEP way."
19:00.29Shirik|Ecolekinda stupid imo but I guess it's better than feeding newer programmers results they don't expect
19:00.49|pez|ScytheBlade1: awesome spam >__>
19:00.52Shirik|Ecole"lol square root of -1 doesn't exist"
19:01.02ScytheBlade1|pez|: srs
19:01.16Confushizen^ if that's a typical response from 'newer programmers'
19:01.19Shirik|EcoleI divided by zero the other day
19:01.21Shirik|Ecoleit was fun
19:01.23Confushizen....I'll be readying my EE baton
19:01.48Confushizenin EE
19:01.55Confushizenif we see a day without operating in the complex plane
19:02.06Confushizenit'll be a cold night in hell...
19:02.06Shirik|Ecoleor dividing by zero! Don't forget that
19:02.11Shirik|Ecolethat was my resistance calculation hehe
19:02.25Confushizenwe solve that by lim -> 0
19:02.39|pez|Aaah, jeez, I need to stop myself more often when comtemplating commenting on something.
19:02.41Shirik|Ecolewell it was actually more of a 1/((1/0)+some other stuff)
19:02.41zenzelezzI am so tempted to make a "resistance is futile" joke based on that divide by zero
19:02.47Confushizensee... we have solutions to almost all problems that 'common' people would shrug off as 'lol impossible'
19:02.50Shirik|Ecolezenzelezz: I have a shirt like that
19:02.52Shirik|Ecoletwo actually
19:03.01Shirik|EcoleOne says "Resistance isn't futile, it's just voltage divided by current."
19:03.08Confushizenmewant that shirt
19:03.14Shirik|EcoleThe other says "Resistance is futile (if < 1 ohm)
19:03.27TecnoBratI like the first one
19:03.28ConfushizenI'll refute your second shirt
19:03.32Shirik|EcoleSo will I
19:03.34TecnoBratthe 2nd one is TOO geeky
19:03.36Shirik|Ecolebut it was worth getting
19:03.42ralfWORKok that's funny
19:03.45ralfWORKhorrible, but funny
19:04.05Confushizenresistance isn't futile, even if it's <1 ohm
19:04.11Shirik|EcoleI goes well with the shirt I'm wearing now
19:04.14Confushizensince what matters the most is the INDUCTANCE resulting from the circuit flow
19:04.15Shirik|Ecole"There's no place like"
19:04.18Confushizensoooo anyway
19:04.25ralfWORKno that's just bad
19:04.25Confushizennow that I can concur with
19:04.26Shirik|EcoleBut soon I'm going to have to upgrade it to IPv6"
19:04.44Shirik|Ecolewhat other shirts do I have
19:04.57Confushizen"There's no place like /usr/home/username" ?
19:05.01ConfushizenI know someone who have that one >_>
19:05.25Shirik|Ecoleoh right!
19:05.27Shirik|EcoleI remember
19:05.30ralfWORKI guess
19:05.34Shirik|Ecoleman woman
19:05.36ralfWORKwhen you deal with it ever day
19:05.38Shirik|EcoleSegmentation fault (core dumped)
19:05.42ConfushizenSolid State Drive
19:05.42|pez|my dad read my blog ^^
19:05.45ralfWORKthat kinda stuff isn't as ammusing
19:05.51Shirik|EcoleThat's all on one shirt
19:05.57ralfWORK|pez|: the one with the pics?
19:06.04|pez|ralfWORK: oh god no.
19:06.07ralfWORKoh ok
19:06.12Shirik|EcoleThen there's "SELECT * FROM users WHERE clue > 0" >> No results returned
19:06.22Shirik|EcoleI think that's all the shirts I have
19:06.26|pez|the one I made for family who feels the need to update themselves on my life. :P
19:06.39ralfWORKI have 2 tshirts
19:06.55zenzelezzI couldn't resist getting the "Go away or I will replace you with a very small shell script" t-shirt
19:07.24Shirik|Ecoleokies time for me to head to the lab
19:07.24zenzelezza friend gave his girlfriend the "Roses are #FF0000, violets are #0000FF, all of my base are belong to you" one
19:07.38Confushizenhuzzah for SHARP SENSOR
19:07.40Confushizenoh wait
19:07.44Confushizenit's not very SHARP! mwahahahaha
19:07.50ConfushizenI just made a funny :|
19:08.01ralfWORKit says "little lebowski urban achiever"
19:09.30|pez|zenzelezz: if I got a t-shirt like that from my bf, he'd turn it against me and grope me all day long cause all my womanparts were his.
19:09.50ralfWORK|pez|: that's a good idea
19:10.20|pez|I like having strong manhands on me, but jeez, there is a limit to that too.
19:10.27zenzelezz|pez|: then he's reading it wrong
19:10.41Confushizeno.o kinky
19:10.45|pez|Not if I'm wearing it.
19:10.57ralfWORKhehe "you had me at EHLO"
19:11.01kd3heh. funny how my little request got summarily ignored
19:11.02|pez|cause it'd more or less say "hai, I belond to you"
19:11.16Confushizenkd3 : what request :o
19:12.13ralfWORKthe 10 types of people shirt is good
19:12.24Confushizenyes, I think you just got singularly ignored :P
19:13.48Confushizenoooo should I dig through all these post
19:14.04Confushizenor somehow downloads all the contents and just flip a regex on it >_>
19:14.25ralfWORKkd3: nice sig btw
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19:16.26Confushizenhere's hoping you didn't see my funny that I made, Shirik ;P
19:17.00ralfWORKthe roflcopter shirt rocks though
19:17.27Confushizen>_> I have a lot of 2ch-only t-shirts
19:17.35Confushizenquite funny actually.... if you understand the bunch
19:18.24kd3huh... this is getting interesting. 4 undersea cables have been cut in the mediterranean now. what the hell is going on over there?
19:18.31ScytheBlade1kd3: TERRORISM
19:18.43LunessaI used to have one that said "I'm a programmm (strike-thru I'm a prgamm (strike-thru) I WRITE CODE"
19:18.51ScytheBlade1kd3: RUN YOU'RE GONNA DIE
19:19.01kd3oh noes
19:19.28ralfWORKkd3: why were you cutting cables under the sea?
19:20.38Confushizenyou got supporters though kd3
19:20.43ConfushizenSbo, for example
19:20.47Lopeppeppykd3 - earthquakes?
19:21.17kd3Lopeppeppy, in the mediterranean?
19:21.30LopeppeppyYa fer sher.
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19:21.57LopeppeppyTurkey is Mediterannean ish ish, in't it?  Many Turkishquakes.
19:22.05LopeppeppyOr it could be sea turkles.  Kowabunga.
19:24.56Shirik|EcoleConfushizen: Not exactly.
19:25.01Shirik|EcoleBut I have logs
19:25.02Shirik|EcoleI will
19:25.10Confushizensee not hear not
19:25.12Confushizenmakes you happier
19:25.35Shirik|Ecolehe is always watching you
19:26.04zenzelezzhe's just a Cairenn wannabe
19:26.28Shirik|Ecoleyeah mostly
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19:29.15ConfushizenCairenn needs to be green >_>
19:30.01LopeppeppyNo way, Cairenn looks hot in red.
19:30.01Confushizenoh nothing
19:30.07ConfushizenI talk with myself a lot >_>
19:30.15Confushizenit's the Me, Myself, and I case
19:30.49LunessaCairenn is just hot period. :P  She doesn't need colors to do it.
19:30.58LopeppeppyThis also is true.
19:32.18Confushizenno, but green makes for a hotter Cairenn
19:32.39LopeppeppyGreen, blue and black are sweet for us redheads, but some of us can carry off red too.
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19:36.47TemLunar festival is the same time as mardi gras?
19:37.09ralfWORKI wish that they really had mardigras in wow
19:37.13ralfWORKand that they had beads
19:37.14TemHappy Mardi Gras, guys
19:37.18ralfWORKand chicks could actually flash you
19:38.25Confushizen  <-- appropriate one in regard to Mardi Gras
19:38.29Confushizenand the following one... heh
19:39.05Shirik|EcoleralfWORK: They already do
19:39.09ConfusicideShirik|Ecole: back
19:39.15ConfusicideShirik|Ecole: there's also the cmath module
19:39.37ConfushizenCide o/
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19:39.54ralfWORKhah that's pretty good Conf
19:40.26ConfushizenConfwho ? ;p
19:40.38Confushizenhmm odd
19:40.42Confushizenmy telnet terminal loves backspace
19:41.06ShirikIt's when I'm connected to IRC that the server goes "unrecognized command" or somethine like that
19:41.33Confushizenmust've read by keychar or something
19:41.51ShirikIs'nt it a bit redundant, btw, to have the hostmask of the user sent every time for every msg?
19:42.21ShirikOk that confused me for a second
19:42.35Shirik*not used to reading commands, and also doesn't know how to send an emote*
19:42.41CideI apparently can't send PMs otherwise
19:42.51ConfushizenCide : register and link ;P
19:42.53ralfWORKI used to know all that shit
19:43.05ShirikI just go look it up when I need :P
19:43.07ConfushizenShirik : PRIVMSG #channelname ...
19:43.09Confushizenhold on
19:43.12Confushizenlet me check raw
19:43.19ScytheBlade1I thought it was Wednesday today..
19:43.21zenzelezzShirik: if they didn't send the hostmask, someone could private message you and you'd have no idea of who it was
19:43.47ConfushizenACTION action/emote texts
19:43.53Confushizenin raw
19:43.55zenzelezzthey could check if you were on the same channel as the person every time they sent the message I guess, but easier to just send the hostmask all along
19:43.58Shirikzen: Surely it can only be on e nick per ... I mean one hostmask per nick
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19:44.17Confushizenit has been IRC standard for years
19:44.24Confushizenand the RFCs aren't changing much
19:44.26ShirikI'm a computer engineer
19:44.36Confushizenit's the nick!user@hostmask, right ?
19:44.39ScytheBlade1Shirik: that you for that long string of crap
19:44.58zenzelezzthat he what?
19:45.10ralfWORKyea thanks that was totally awexom
19:46.05ralfWORKspit it out stutter boy
19:46.18zenzelezzthe cool factor of telnettting on IRC goes down sharply when you write such sentences Shirik
19:46.39Thunder_Child~slice Shirik
19:46.40purlACTION grabs Shirik, duct-tapes Shirik to the cutting board, and whips out the good ol' X-Acto
19:46.43ConfushizenI just telnet/ssh to shell then start the whateverircclientIhaveavailable thing
19:47.13ralfWORKI just have a box on the intardweb I ssh into that has irssi running in a screen session
19:47.28ralfWORKas a result, I usually have the longest connect times ever
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19:49.13Thunder_ChildShirik, put down the I and step away from the keyboard
19:49.40Thunder_Childyou keep typing I
19:49.47ShirikHm, I wonder if me skipping the : was bad :P
19:49.56ShirikIs that better? :P
19:50.14Thunder_Childis what better?
19:50.27Shiriknever mind
19:50.39ShirikI'm going to make a new IRC protocol. IAnd it's not gonna suck.
19:50.50ShirikAnd then I'll be rich and famous and take down Bill Gates.
19:50.56ralfWORKirc ftw
19:51.10ShirikAnd then I'll start up a company and make it completely closed source and hire people from india to do my QA
19:51.24ShirikAnd then some guy will come up with this great idea to improve SSH
19:51.32ShirikAnd then he'll become rich and famous and overthrow me
19:51.44ralfWORKShirik: did you invent ssh too?
19:51.54ShirikNo, someone else will do that
19:52.49ShirikThough, despite the glaring inefficiencies, like HTTP, it is very simple and easy to implement
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19:53.09ShirikWhich is rather important, especially in today's world where networking and sending MB of dat ais not a big deal in most cases
19:53.45nevcairielyeah easier protocols = ftw
19:54.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik\Ecole (n=shirik@
19:54.52Shirik\Ecolepersonally, I don't like easier protocols. I'd rather it be complicated but effective, assuming the complication is, indeed, effective and improves something
19:54.53Mr_Rabies3well, bill gates is taking himself down later this year
19:55.04Shirik\Ecolefor example, the MAC protocol specifies a preamble. Easy? no. Effective? Very much so.
19:55.24Shirik\Ecolealso, close your eyes
19:55.32Shirik\Ecoleso that's what it looks like
19:55.38Confushizentry again! woot woot
19:55.43Confushizenare you sendin.... nevermind
19:55.55Shirik\Ecolethose are backspaces :P
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19:56.35Shirik|EcoleNow let's see if I can stay connected while moving between buildings
19:56.40Confushizenhow did you connect to IRC from telnet ? just telnet to the server and went through the handshake step manually ?
19:56.44Shirik|Ecoleha, I trusted my IT department to do something correctly. Amusing.
19:56.50Shirik|EcoleConfushizen: Yup
19:56.58Shirik|EcoleNICK Shizen
19:57.01Shirik|EcoleUSER Shizen 8 * Shizen
19:57.06Shirik|Ecoleeasiest form of it
19:57.13ConfushizenI know all of those ;P
19:57.21ConfushizenI used to write an IRC inside an IRC client
19:57.31Confushizen(i.e. mIRC sockets) >_>
19:57.33nevcairieli used to know the IRC protocol back in the day when i developed a IRC bot .. but thats long gone
19:57.51ralfWORKI used to have an irc bot I wrote
19:57.52ralfWORKwas cool
19:57.53IndustrialI once made one with python
19:57.59Industrialwithout IrcLib
19:58.00Industrialfor fun.
19:58.06ralfWORKperl was mine
19:58.08Confushizeneasy enough imo
19:58.14nevcairielC++ was mine :)
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19:58.21IndustrialActually I think you can make one in python in 2 lines that keeps alive
19:58.44ralfWORKyou can do it in perl on 1 line
19:58.54nevcairielyeah with predefined libraries
19:58.55ralfWORKit'd be really long
19:59.01ralfWORKbut it would be 1 line
19:59.20Shirik|EcoleC++ is win
19:59.28Confushizenyou folks are talking about one 'line of code' right ?
19:59.40Confushizenie, terminated properly  ?
19:59.50nevcairieli think indy was, ralfWORK was talking real file lines
20:00.03LopeppeppyI just like the sound of "termination"
20:00.10GuillotineThunder_Child: theres someone in #wowhead named "thunderchld" o.O I thought it was you at first, but they weren't cynical enough
20:00.11ConfushizenI mean
20:00.23Industrialyes line of code
20:00.25ConfushizenI can write the whole Windows 97 in ONE SINGLE LINE
20:00.26Thunder_ChildGuillotine, nope, and she hates me for ideling there
20:00.30Confushizendoes that mean one single line of code ? no
20:00.34nevcairielthere was windows 97?
20:00.42Industrialno. I really mean 2 lines of code
20:00.49Confushizenit was a leaked early Win98 source
20:00.50Industrialcant find it damn *search more*
20:00.55ConfushizenIndustrial : I see
20:00.58CideShirik|Ecole: did you find anything about about that crap? :/
20:01.12CideI have another test case now but it doesn't appear to be caused by the same thing
20:01.18nevcairielIndustrial: some pre-defined pythong irc library i bet
20:01.48Confushizensounds like perfect geek thong :P
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20:01.58Shirik\EcoleI hate you Cide
20:02.22Cidehaha, what? :P
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20:02.30Confushizenyou mentioning his nick
20:02.33Shirik|Ecolethis computer needs to be dropped from the empire state building
20:02.41Cidehaha, that's awesome
20:02.41ConfushizenI think he dropped somehow heh
20:02.57nevcairielyou think saying Shirik|Ecole will disconnect him?
20:02.58Industrialnot guess it got buried in the internets
20:03.00Cideit's like that bash quote from the guy who crashed when someone said fuck
20:03.04Industrialcant find it :(
20:03.06ConfushizenShirik : drop it from the outmost layer of Ozone where gravity still pulls
20:03.08Confushizenalbeit barely
20:03.29ralfWORKyea that'll show it!
20:03.36Confushizenlol @ Cide
20:03.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (n=Shirik@
20:03.44Confushizendid he just...
20:03.48ShirikDie nevcaria or whatever
20:04.47nevcairielhow does saying your name disconnect you?
20:04.47ShirikWTB BACKSPACE /cry
20:04.47ShirikI'm not really sure.
20:04.47Confushizenprobably a dinger that makes your client hang
20:04.47Confushizenlike, nick highlight or something
20:04.51ShirikIt only happens after I've put my computer into hybernate and the m come back
20:04.58ShirikI need a new keyboard too
20:05.08ShirikGoing to restart brb
20:05.14Confushizenwhat does your IRC client gives you ?
20:05.42Guillotineholy crap, has anyone tried GIMP 2.4.x? The graphics are so different o.O
20:06.04Confushizennot moi
20:06.12Confushizensince I have Photoshop installed on this one >_>
20:06.23nevcairieli'm not really a graphics person
20:06.23Confushizenhaven't touched my deb box in a while...
20:09.23Cide>>> 11.392 % (2*math.pi)
20:09.23CideCide: 5.1088146928204
20:09.48CideConfushizen: how's your head? :P
20:10.06Confushizenstill in the greater stroke of pain but I'll manage
20:10.09Confushizentaking off my glasses help >_>
20:10.10ralfWORKGuillotine: does it open PSDs without looking like shit?
20:10.30Guillotineralf: haven't tried it. Just installed it a couple mins ago
20:10.33GuillotineI'll let you know though
20:10.35ralfWORKGuillotine: mm k
20:10.41ralfWORKhaven't messed with it in some time
20:10.49ralfWORKbut when I did, it totally fucked up PSDs
20:11.04Cidewhat sucks is that I have to visualize this to understand what's going on
20:11.11Confushizensee ? :P
20:11.15Cideso I have to type in like 50 coordinate pairs into my graphing program every time :./
20:11.17ConfushizenVISUALIZE my young padawan
20:11.19*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (n=Lopeppep@
20:11.30Cidewell, this is for trying to figure out why the closest feature algorithm gets it wrong
20:11.52ConfushizenCIde : what exactly it is that you're trying to accomplish in this particular instance ?
20:12.04ConfushizenI might be able to provide/hint at an easier way :o
20:12.20*** join/#wowi-lounge laindir (
20:12.45Cidewell, I have this collision detection/collision resolution algorithm
20:13.05Cideand if the objects go into each other after the collision resolution algorithm has done its job
20:13.10Lunessavisualize peppy catching beads
20:13.17Cidethey're still colliding, so the binary search for the time of collision next frame fails
20:13.25Cideand so it ends up in an infinite loop
20:13.30Cide= bad
20:13.55Confushizenso you're trying to make a collision detection algorithm, yes ?
20:14.03Cideno, the collision detection works flawlessly
20:14.36Confushizenwell if they work flawlessly they won't be going into eachother now, will they :P
20:14.44Cideno no
20:14.46Cideit detects the collision
20:15.02Cidebut as we saw before, the objects are still heading towards each other after the collision resolution is finished
20:15.17Cidethey're not moving away from each other, which would mean that they aren't colliding next frame
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20:17.55Confushizenassuming all objects are perfect squares moving only in 2d planes
20:18.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik\Ecole (n=shirik@
20:18.35Shirik\Ecolepurl, hi
20:18.35purlhello, shirik\ecole
20:18.43Cideno, objects aren't only perfect squares :P
20:18.52*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Shirik|Ecole] by ChanServ
20:18.59Cidebut they're always convex
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20:19.43ConfushizenObject{ XOrigin, YOrigin, XCoord, YCoord, AngRot, AngRotAxis, XVel, YVel, J }
20:19.53Confushizenurgh headcramps again...
20:19.59Cideoh cry more
20:20.35Confushizenso anyway, assuming that our objects are box
20:21.01Confushizenwith perfect 90 degrees @ all
20:21.18Confushizencalculating the bounding box from the Origin and Coord and hmmm
20:21.38Josh_Borkecan someone PLEASE explain to me why this problem is so complex?
20:22.00CideJosh_Borke: hmm?
20:22.18Josh_Borkeisn't something obviously wrong if 2 rigid bodies collide but don't stop heading towards each other?
20:22.19Cidebecause two objects smash into each other, and then instead of moving away from each other, they continue moving into each other
20:22.28Josh_Borkeare they not rigid then?
20:22.32Cidethey are rigid
20:22.36Cideso there is obviously a problem
20:22.40Cidebut the problem is figuring out where
20:22.45ConfushizenCide : from which point you can calculate at which point of the object the impact occured, and how they would behave afterward, yes ?
20:23.03CideConfushizen: I can calculate that as long as a collision takes place
20:23.11Cidewhat happens is that the collision detection algorithm reports a collision
20:23.17Confushizenwell that's where you're wrong, I think...
20:23.17Josh_Borkewould you care to explain your algorithm?  perhaps it's a logical fallacy only a mere mortal can understand
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20:23.38Confushizenyou detect where the collision occurs FIRST and calculate collision AFTER that
20:23.49Cidethe binary search determines when it took place, the objects move 'back in time' according to ballistic trajectories
20:23.52Confushizenor rather, a 'collision trajectory' from your object data
20:24.45Cidewhen the time of collision is determined +- a threshold, the point of collision is determined as the two closest points at that point in time
20:25.31CideJosh_Borke: ^
20:25.48CideConfushizen: how else would you approach? :P
20:26.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Arcaia (n=cnflct@
20:26.28Confushizen-[04:23:47]- <+Cide> the binary search determines when it took place, the objects move 'back in time' according to ballistic trajectories <-- I don't think I really catch yo there
20:28.24Josh_Borkecide:  so you're assuming that your time-step is small enough, no?
20:28.37CideJosh_Borke: how so?
20:28.47CideConfushizen: sec
20:28.57Confushizenmeh I'll go grab a bite to eat, be back in a few minutes
20:28.59ConfushizenI eat fast ;)
20:30.24Josh_Borkeso what i'm understanding is that at some point X your engine determines a collision and calculates that at some previous time X-Y the collision happened and that at time X they should not still be in a collision state
20:30.51Cideand at that time X-Y* they should not still be in a collision state, yes
20:31.15Cideand they won't be unless it bugs out
20:32.40Josh_Borkebut the problem is it is bugging out?
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20:33.50CideJosh_Borke: not really
20:33.56Cidethe binary search works fine
20:34.07Cideuntil the collision resolution doesn't do the job right
20:34.41Josh_Borkeso it sounds like the collision resolution is the borked bit
20:34.45mirowowa.. how do i make it so i understand all that..
20:37.20Josh_Borkemiro:  basically cide wrote the collision portion (when 2 things bump into each other) in 2 pieces.  1 piece determines that 2 objects bumped into each other, the other bit determines how the objects react to the bump
20:37.40miro:O sounds like sec o0
20:38.00Josh_Borkeindeed, except that they typically don't stick together
20:38.03Josh_Borkeif you know what i mean
20:38.14Cideor keep penetrating after hitting a wall
20:38.35Josh_Borkeso fix your collision resolution algorithm!  or do you need help? ^_^
20:38.52Confushizenmind pastey-ing your collision detection/resolution or the binary search part ?
20:39.04Cidethe collision algorithm itself consists of 2-3 parts :P
20:39.07Cidemostly 2
20:39.16CideConfushizen: want me to explain it again or just paste?
20:39.22Confushizenpastey pastey
20:39.39Josh_Borkecollision detection is easy peasy
20:40.16Cidethe intial value of time_offset is 0.0
20:40.27Cidemeasured_time is set to be the time since the last frame (as a negative value)
20:40.40Cideit's basically the "this is the last known measurement when the objects did not collide"
20:41.21miroso it missed.
20:41.35Confushizenpastey just totally timed out
20:43.02Lunessa*finally opens the forums for the first time since Saturday*
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20:43.57Confushizenthere we go
20:46.42Cideheh, how so?
20:46.56Cidethere's really only one
20:46.57miroeeeeek.. im confused... im new to auctioneer. what should i install.. i usually get the hang of things pretty quick but i have no idea what to download
20:47.49Confushizentime_jump = measured_time/2.0 <-- mind explaining this one ?
20:47.57Confushizenor rather what's with all the timejumping/timeoffsetting ?
20:48.17Cidetime_offset is a variable tracking "how far back we've jumped"
20:48.36Cideit's propagated throughout the recursion and then returned as the total time offset
20:48.42Confushizenokay that whole 'jump' thing is what I don't really get, yet
20:48.46Cideso we know how far back into the past we are, so we can jump forward later
20:48.56Confushizenas in, you're jumping it back in time, why ?
20:49.08Cidebecause each frame is a set time step
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20:49.12Cidesay, 0.02 seconds
20:49.18Cidea collision can definitely happen inbetween frames
20:49.20Confushizenokay, I can understand that much
20:49.29Confushizenbut we don't rewind frame after collision, do we ?
20:49.44Cidewe rewind the time, as far as the objects are concerned
20:49.53Cidethis basically just moves their positions backwards instead of forwards
20:49.54mirocant u just make it real slow and fast forward it?
20:50.15ConfushizenCide : that would only work if you're assuming perfect linear motion
20:50.15Cideso we'll basically zoom in on the time of impact
20:50.36CideConfushizen: right, but it's the best we can do without making it a ton more complex
20:50.38Confushizenregarding the positioning backward, btw
20:50.52CideConfushizen: their rotation and all that is reverted too
20:51.06ConfushizenI can see why
20:51.12ConfushizenShirik called it cheap :P
20:51.19Cidehow would you do it, then?
20:51.37Confushizenw-ell determine collision box of our objects
20:51.54Cideexplain the concept?
20:52.04Confushizenlike I say, taking a lot of things 'for granted' like, all our objects are perfect-angled boxes
20:52.16Cidethat's not taken for granted
20:52.23Cidethe objects can be any convex polygon
20:52.31miroeventually this leads to the matrix..
20:52.36Confushizenmmmm lemme look up on 'convex' again
20:52.43Josh_Borkeconvex is bows out
20:52.43Confushizensorry, not native English user here >_>
20:52.48Cidesame here :P
20:52.57laindirConfushizen: assuming that an object can be bounded by a circle of fixed radius will be more robust and likely simpler than a 'box' shape
20:53.00Josh_Borkethink the longer edge of a partial moon
20:53.16Confushizenlaindir : orly
20:53.30Josh_Borkecircles are easier than squares
20:53.31Cidecollision detection based on a circle or a bounding box is a gross simplification
20:53.31Josh_Borkeit's true
20:54.06Cidedisregarding components of the collision is also a simplification, but you'll simplify that any way you do it because rigid bodies are after all just a huge simplification
20:54.38Cidebesides, a bounding box for a rectangle/square would just be its own image
20:54.42Cideor are you not talking about bounding boxes?
20:55.42ConfushizenI'm talking about the object themselves and the coordinates/positions in the 'world' space that can be considered as inside their 'boundary'
20:56.01CideConfushizen: the collision detection is exact
20:56.07Cideit's not based on pixel rendering or anything like that
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20:56.58Cideor am I misunderstanding you?
20:57.07ConfushizenI don't know what I'm saying anymore lol
20:57.17Cidewhat happens is this
20:57.22Cide1) a collision is detected.
20:57.44Confushizenmay I ask how >_>
20:57.47Cide2) the objects involved are 'moved back in time', reconstructing the motion that caused them to collide
20:58.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (n=jk275@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
20:58.39Cide3) when the transition between 'colliding' and 'not colliding' is found with a sufficiently small time snapshot, the collision is reported to have occured at that time
20:58.53Cide4) the point of collision is defined as the closest points between the object
20:59.38Cide5) the collision normal is defined as the vector between the two points for two vertices, or as the normal of either edge if an edge is involved
20:59.50Cide6) collision resolution takes place, using the variables defined above
21:00.02miroim bringing my science teacher.. =D
21:00.14Confushizenyour science teacher can do zilch, miro
21:00.27Confushizenunless he/she have some degree in Confuwagon art ;P
21:00.31Cideis the collision detection algorithm
21:00.37Josh_Borkemiro:  bring your math teacher
21:00.43Cideit's based on the separating axis theorem, if you want to look that up
21:01.09Cide(two convex polygons/polyhedra can be separated by an axis only if they are not colliding)
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21:01.12Confushizenthis kinda looks greek to me lol
21:01.15Confushizenwhat language is this again ?
21:01.18Cideit works, trust me :P
21:01.25Confushizenah, no wonder it's greek ;P
21:01.45Josh_Borkecide:  how can objects collide not on an edge?
21:01.53CideJosh_Borke: edge meaning axis
21:02.20Cidethe collision is always one of three cases: 1) vertex/vertex, 2) vertex/edge, 3) edge/edge
21:02.29Cide2) is by far the most common
21:03.12Confushizenhmmm...yes.... yes this is interesting
21:03.37ConfushizenI should've encountered this theorem much earlier
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21:06.48Josh_Borkecide:  i bet the problem is with your collision normal
21:06.56CideJosh_Borke: why?
21:07.24Josh_Borkeit just seems the most likely place for a problem
21:07.49Cideare you saying it shouldn't be directed upwards, or that it should point in another direction?
21:08.07Cidethe problem is that the collision is resolved in what appears to be a intuitive way
21:08.11Cideso it can't be *that* off
21:08.28Josh_Borkeit should be directed perpendicular to the moment of intersection
21:08.36Josh_Borkesee those fancy words i threw in there!
21:08.46Cidewhat the hell is  moment of intersection <_<
21:08.56Josh_Borkesee!  that's why they are fancy!
21:09.47Josh_Borkeperfectly rigid bodies would interact in the same way that 2 perfect spheres would, correct?  since there is a finite point of intersection
21:10.07laindirJosh_Borke: not in the edge-edge case, but otherwise yes
21:10.23Cidefor two edges, the point is defined as the midpoint of the two intersecting line segments
21:10.58laindirwell that simplifies things greatly XD
21:11.17mirohello.. can u help me..? does this macro work?
21:11.20miro#show Seduction
21:11.22miro/clearfocus [modifier:alt]
21:11.23miro/focus [target=focus,noexists]; [target=focus,dead]
21:11.24Cidehello? no
21:11.25miro/clearfocus [target=focus,help]
21:11.26Josh_Borkemiro: STOP!
21:11.27Cideoh spam
21:11.31miro/cast [pet:succubus,target=focus,exists,harm] Seduction; Seduction
21:11.44Josh_Borkemiro:  use pastey (see topic)
21:11.46Cidepaste it there
21:11.52ConfushizenI might need to give this code of yours some heavy reading Cide
21:11.54miroookaaaay sorry!
21:11.59CideConfushizen: which? :P
21:12.03Confushizenall of them :P
21:12.12Cidethe collision detection works fine, I'm pretty sure
21:12.19Confushizenstill not getting the whole separating axis theorem into my head yet
21:12.25ConfushizenI'll get back to you on that !
21:12.29Josh_Borkeso when 2 perfectly rigid objects collide, their reaction is a consequence of their momentum, right?
21:12.36Cide is a good source explaining it
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21:12.44Confushizen(wow what I originally thought was some simple FBD problem)
21:12.54Lunessaok, so i read 3 pages of UI & macros forum.... and waste of time.
21:13.16Josh_Borkesorry if my questions or statements are dumb/incorrect, i haven't taken physics or math for 4 years
21:13.27miroDoes this macro work with the current wow version or whatever and how exactly do i use it?
21:13.32CideJosh_Borke: well, the momentum is the biggest part of a collision, yeah
21:13.44Cidethe momentum is also conserved in all collisions
21:13.51ConfushizenI just read one sentence and one graphical explanation from that page
21:13.56Confushizenand suddenly I HAVE REVELATIONS
21:14.00Josh_Borkecide:  what other parts are there?
21:14.13CideJosh_Borke: angular velocity of the point of collision, basically
21:14.18Cidemoment of inertia
21:14.36Confushizenso you're iterating through all projection of the normals of each edges of each object in the respective two axes of your 2D plane
21:14.49Confushizenand checking if THOSE projection don't overlap with the projection of the OTHER object, yes ?
21:14.58Confushizengod... such revelation...
21:14.58Cidealong the same axis
21:15.09Cideand then all axises are checked
21:15.23Cideit's a good algorithm for physics simulation because if one axis doesn't overlap, the objects don't collide
21:15.26Josh_Borkecide:  so spin?
21:15.29Confushizenokay, I still need to give this a graph and pen/paper checking but I understand what you're trying to do already
21:15.30CideJosh_Borke: yes
21:15.37Confushizenand that's a big leap from me who knows nothing about SAT >_>
21:15.50CideConfushizen: are you saying the problem lies with the collision detection? :P
21:15.55Cidebecause I don't think it does
21:16.01Cidebut you may gladly prove me wrong
21:16.05Confushizenwell I can't say that, because I haven't checke
21:16.15Josh_Borkeso collision resolution is just determining the resultant vector from performing the momentum equation, right?
21:16.21Confushizensince I just got revealed to SAT like... a few seconds ago, okay ?
21:16.23Confushizengimme some time ;P
21:16.33Josh_Borkescholastic aptitude test?
21:16.43Cidetold you it was a good source :P
21:17.06Confushizenmy brain's already loving this theorem
21:17.11Cideit's awesome
21:17.18Cideand easy to implement, as you can see in my code
21:17.48Confushizeneach edges have 2 axis projections, right ? since you need to check both axis
21:18.25Cidenot following your definitions
21:18.41Cidefor a square, each side of the 4 sides is tested
21:19.12Confushizenah, nevermind
21:19.30ConfushizenI think I slightly confused the planar representation
21:19.43Confushizenso anyway, as it's already 05:19 and I haven't done my dailies
21:20.00Cidehaha, alright
21:20.01ConfushizenI'll be sleeping on this so I might have some more revelations when I woke up :D
21:23.31Cidewe'll see :)
21:24.13Cideoh god
21:24.18Cideit looks so nice when written like that
21:24.22*** join/#wowi-lounge DuTempete (
21:24.27CideJx = (e+1)/k * (Vaix - Vbix)( 1/ma - rax2/Ia + 1/mb - rbx2/Ib) - (e+1)/k * (Vaiy - Vbiy) (rax ray / Ia + rbx rby / Ib)
21:24.28CideJy = - (e+1)/k * (Vaix - Vbix) (rax ray / Ia + rbx rby / Ib) + (e+1)/k * (Vaiy - Vbiy) ( 1/ma - ray2/Ia + 1/mb - rby2/Ib)
21:24.31Cidehead hurts
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21:25.50Confushizenanyway while I'm still here
21:26.00Confushizenso it's a solution of using 'bounding axis'
21:26.08Confushizenor rather projection axis
21:26.21CideI'm not using the data produced by the collision detection algorithm btw
21:26.31Cideany more than 'yes they're colliding' or 'no they're not colliding'
21:26.41Confushizenand why ?
21:26.50Cidebecause the whole point of the algorithm is to test if they're not colliding
21:27.03Cideif they are indeed colliding, every projection collides
21:28.14|Jelly|!vs us burning legion jelly us drenden kimina
21:28.30ThraeBot|Jelly|: Jelly vs Kimina! Two 70 priests square off!; 43/18/0 vs 42/19/0; Kimina wins by 110 TBRs!
21:28.35Confushizenwell testing out if they collide or not is testing each separating axis possible until you've nulled out all axis, that is there's not a single Separating Axis that shows the objects projection as NOT overlapping
21:28.51|Jelly|!cs us burning legion jelly us drenden kimina
21:29.05Confushizen!vs us Khaz Modan Khiara Us Burning Legion Jelly
21:29.07|Jelly|!co us burning legion jelly us drenden kimina
21:29.11Confushizenno ? :(
21:29.27CideConfushizen: right
21:29.30Josh_Borke!vs us stormreaver dagh us drenden kimina
21:29.31Cidebut what does that give us?
21:29.49Confushizengives us the fact that the object collide ;P
21:29.56Cidewell.. yeah
21:30.03|Jelly|sexy time with your mother in law
21:30.21CideI'm using that fact
21:30.31Confushizenhow about if you change it to 'proximity' and 'possibility' detection instead ?
21:31.01CideI have no idea what you mean :P
21:31.50Confushizenthat is, detect on each projection axis in some 'proximity' range, i.e. flag each axis as 'in proximity' and then 'collided'
21:32.18Cidewhat for?
21:32.21Confushizenand make it so that as the LAST remaining axis of projection get 'in proximity' (i.e. the objects are about to collide) you're ready to 'response'
21:32.46laindirconfushizen: it's easier to determine that the objects collided at some point in the past, and then use the binary search to determine that point in time
21:32.56Cideaye, I think so too
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21:47.22Cideok, I fixed one bug I was having...
21:47.31Cidebut it was unrelated to this issue :/
21:48.00Cideoh, no...
21:48.21ralfWORK!vs us elune nightface us elune meatwall
21:48.27ThraeBotralfWORK: Nightface vs Meatwall! Nightface has +24 lvls on Meatwall (70 vs 46); A L70 priest and a L46 warrior square off!; 14/0/47 vs 31/6/0; Nightface wins by 741 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
21:51.23CideI may or may not have fixed one problem
21:51.51CideConfushizen: now I'm seeing slightly another issue, where the collision generated is negative
21:52.02ralfWORK!vs us rexxar Moragan us rexxar Distilled
21:52.07ThraeBotralfWORK: Moragan vs Distilled! A L70 rogue and a L70 hunter square off!; 19/42/0 vs 0/44/17; Moragan wins by 126 TBRs!
21:52.31Confushizennegative collision :o
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21:52.48Cidethe old problem still remains it appears
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21:57.57ralfWORKsorry, paste error
21:58.32|Jelly|!c us burning legion horror
21:58.48ThraeBot|Jelly|: Horror, Level 70 Undead Priest (46/15/0). 6841 HP; 9752 Mana; 313 mana regen; 150 mp5; 541 +spell dmg; 1625 +heal; 4.86% dodge; 74 resilience; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1236 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Feb  5 17:07:38 2008 EST ]]
21:59.05Confushizen!c us khaz modan khiara
21:59.06ThraeBotConfushizen: Khiara, Level 70 Night Elf Rogue (41/0/20). 6994 HP; +10 Energy; 1146 AP; 227.600 Melee DPS; 24.43% melee crit; 172 melee hit; 17.31% dodge; 4 resilience; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1189 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Feb  5 16:37:58 2008 EST ]]
21:59.19ralfWORK!vs us rexxar Distilled us elune nightface
21:59.21ThraeBotralfWORK: Distilled vs Nightface! A L70 hunter and a L70 priest square off!; 0/44/17 vs 14/0/47; Nightface wins by 28 TBRs!
21:59.25Confushizen6994 ? LIES
22:00.23ralfWORK!vs us rexxar moragan us elune nightface
22:00.24ThraeBotralfWORK: Moragan vs Nightface! A L70 rogue and a L70 priest square off!; 19/42/0 vs 14/0/47; Moragan wins by 167 TBRs!
22:01.15ralfWORKouch :(
22:01.23ralfWORKso that's what a T6 rogue does to me
22:01.48kd3lua> 75*50
22:01.48lua_botkd3: 3750
22:18.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Tuller (
22:20.47Esamynn|WorkWTB the ability to complain about gold selling ads displayed by Gmail
22:21.25Cideevery time without failure
22:21.28CideI keep thinking it works
22:21.35Cideand then the very next collision, it crashes
22:21.41Cidefuck you, murphy's law
22:22.38Lunessakamdis: Having a day?  Need a beer?
22:24.10Cideoh, maybe not
22:24.16CideI had a breakpoint with hit count >= 30
22:25.37Cidethis scenario seemingly works
22:26.19Cideok, gentlemen, I think I have fixed the bug
22:26.44CideShirik|Ecole: Confushizen: /dance
22:26.57Confushizenhuh ?
22:27.01ConfushizenI take it that means 'solved' ?
22:27.02CideI fixed it
22:27.13ConfushizenVIVA LE SAT
22:27.19Cideit was actually unrelated to sat :P
22:27.21Cidebut sat is awesome
22:27.33Shirik|EcoleCide: I will have to discuss with you what the problem was later
22:27.35Shirik|Ecolebut a bit busy atm
22:27.37Cidehaha, alright
22:27.41Confushizen!vs us khaz modan khiara us rexxar moragan
22:27.43ThraeBotConfushizen: Khiara vs Moragan! Two 70 rogues square off!; 41/0/20 vs 19/42/0; Moragan wins by 108 TBRs!
22:30.27kamdisLunessa, which post?  lol
22:30.38kamdisAnd yes, beer good thank you
22:30.46LunessaThe one you almost Godwin-ed.
22:32.47ConfushizenI hate LOS
22:32.57Confushizenthis Gorefist thingie ogre is running around in his lil hut
22:33.07Confushizenand I got LOS error because he was behind some bear carpet...
22:36.31kamdisCrap like that is one of my pet peeves
22:37.53LunessaAnd I want a cheeseburger, steak fries, and the whole damned 6-pack while I'm at it.
22:40.35*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
22:40.35*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Lopeppeppy] by ChanServ
22:42.40Keiashello, Lopeppeppy
22:42.46kamdisOnly if you share, Lunessa!
22:42.49LopeppeppyWhy hello again!
22:42.57kamdisHi Peppy :)
22:43.02LopeppeppyHeya, kamdis!
22:43.12LunessaOk, I'll share the fries and the six-pack, but the cheeseburger is mine damnit.
22:43.33LopeppeppyI only wanted the salty fries anyway!
22:44.34*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (n=rumors@
22:44.49LopeppeppyLunessa knows who's the cutest around here, good survival instincts.
22:45.00*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
22:45.56LunessaI have quantified 37 degrees of cuteness, femininity, and power to kick/ban into a matrix - At a simple glance I know who to appease and share fries with.
22:46.40LunessaYou'd be amazed how many of those factors are bewb-related.
22:46.52LopeppeppyYou are wise.  I am content to bask in your wisdom and eat salty french fries at your provision.
22:47.16kamdissomehow I managed to get fries.  /boggle
22:47.29Lunessakamdis: bewbs.
22:47.41kamdisFair enough
22:47.53LunessaSarcasm is alos one of my 37 factors.
22:48.10kamdis<-  winner
22:48.13LunessaThough you got points off for being a legal professional
22:48.31kamdisthat's alright, I deduct points from myself for that.
22:49.08LopeppeppyNo way, I think a chick in a suit is extremely sexy.  More points for that!
22:49.44kamdis(Un)fortunately, suits are not in my wardrobe.
22:49.51|Jelly|healing as disc is so lol. PI the dest lock ... and PS the tank! woot!
22:49.53LunessaLopeppeppy: /agree!  But.. LAW
22:50.19Lunessa|Jelly|: Oh that is full of bitter and win.
22:50.26kamdisIt's only corporate law.
22:50.36|Jelly|They said to do it on vent.
22:50.44|Jelly| I'm doing it whenever
22:51.02LopeppeppyYou two are going to poison me for wanting to bring my baby preeeest into holy healing glory.
22:51.19|Jelly|!c us burning legion jelly
22:51.21ThraeBot|Jelly|: Jelly, Level 70 Blood Elf Priest (43/18/0). 8411 HP; 11237 Mana; 247 mana regen; 116 mp5; 461 +spell dmg; 1223 +heal; 5.06% dodge; 164 resilience;[[ TBR: 786 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Tue Feb  5 16:37:19 2008 EST ]]
22:51.55kamdisI speced my shadow priest back to holy
22:52.03kamdisnow i have 2 level 70 holy priests ...
22:52.13|Jelly|i'll probably be back holy ... before the night is over. :(
22:52.36LunessaI recently went from Disc/Holy hybrid to deep holy.
22:52.55LopeppeppyI've heard good things about both specs, honestly, and am never quite sure which one I'll be going near.
22:52.57|Jelly|I went 41 holy to make my GM stfu about needing CoH on Malacrass.
22:53.17kamdisI like CoH
22:53.23kamdisit's handy
22:53.25LunessaCircle of Healing = Circle of Aggro
22:53.28LopeppeppyYeah.... CoH is something that my raid group craves as well.
22:53.38|Jelly|CoH is retarded imo.
22:53.50art3misanyone wanna trade throats with me? mines sick
22:53.52kamdistrying to strafe art3mis?
22:53.59LunessaBut so useful on say... Illhoof, or Shade of Aran.
22:54.02LopeppeppyNo, art3mis, mine is sicker.
22:54.06art3misI can't scream in real life so I'm doing it here
22:54.16LopeppeppyAnd yeah, Lunessa... that's one of the reasons my raid leader wants it so badly.
22:54.33art3misI can't talk and coughing feels like I keep deepthroating rolled up sandpaper(60grit)
22:55.10art3mison a plus side I got some yummy warm mint tea though
22:55.30art3misI just wish I had my big comfy chair and puffy comforter that buttoned up still
22:57.44art3misand wifey is bringing home buckley's
22:57.50art3misall be all better in the morning
22:58.55LopeppeppyBuckley's sucks.
22:58.58LopeppeppyWorks, but makes me throw up.
22:59.02|Jelly|How is it useful on those bosses? ...
22:59.54Josh_BorkeCide: what was the bug?
22:59.58Josh_Borke!vs us stormreaver dagh us drenden kimina
23:00.00ThraeBotJosh_Borke: Dagh vs Kimina! Two 70 priests square off!; 14/0/47 vs 42/19/0; Dagh wins by 533 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
23:00.12CideJosh_Borke: I had code for determining the two closest points between two objects
23:00.20Cidenow, as I said, the time when two edges collide is really rare
23:00.58Cideand the code handling the closest points between two edges was had its return values in the wrong order for 2 cases out of 4
23:01.13Cideso not only was it a rare occurence that the code was called, only 2 of the cases were wrong
23:01.54Josh_Borkeah, good job finding it
23:02.00Josh_Borkeanyway, time to go home
23:02.42Lopeppeppy|Jelly|, there are a lot of close-in melee for it to jump all around for greatest effect.
23:03.18|Jelly|Circle of Healing = doesn't jump
23:03.37LunessaJelly - on Shade... Instant heal.  Can cast while moving.
23:03.52kd3whee, I'm revered with the hidden "Alliance" faction
23:03.56LunessaAnd it hits a whole group (18 yards)
23:04.20LopeppeppyThat's what I meant....  *ashamed not to know the exact mechanics yet*
23:04.35|Jelly|why do i need an instant cast on shade? seriously.
23:04.46kamdisyou don't NEED it, but it is easier with it
23:04.52|Jelly|i guess
23:04.54LunessaJelly yes, easier.
23:05.04|Jelly|I guess i'm one of the few people that doesn't really move
23:05.22kamdisyou don't do the aran waltz?
23:05.56LopeppeppyI move some, but not as much as the dps casters seem to do.
23:07.04CideI move but I cast gheals on the move
23:07.05LunessaMove to avoid blizzard.  Move  to escape explosion, DON'T MOVE for Flame Wreath.  Move if elementals are on me.    I have to move.  I don't have the luxuray of lol spam the greater Heal.
23:07.07Cidebecause I'm pro like that
23:07.21|Jelly|i don't move to avoid blizzard. : /
23:07.25Lunessaluxury even
23:07.28Cidewhy not?
23:07.31|Jelly|i just ... dont' stand in it
23:07.35Cidesame thing
23:07.44|Jelly|...but I don't run around the room either.
23:07.45Cideyou see where it starts, you go to right before its starting point
23:07.55|Jelly|no. i stand between aran and the blizzard
23:08.06LunessaSo you like getting silenced?
23:08.10Cideis that outside of silence range?
23:08.11LopeppeppyThere's a sweet spot in there that I can sometimes get to.
23:08.18*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
23:09.53|Jelly|Yeah. It's outside of the silence range.
23:10.07|Jelly|...seriously Lunessa, why ask such a silly question?
23:10.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Arcaia (n=cnflct@
23:10.57LunessaBecause it's not silly.  You're telling me you never have to move on the most movement intensive fight in KZ, and I want to understand how/why?
23:11.59|Jelly|the only time I have to move is the arcane explosion. :-\
23:12.25kd3wth do you do for the blizzards, then?
23:12.32|Jelly|scroll up
23:13.05LopeppeppyIf Aran is in a good spot, you can stand behind him, between him and the blizzard, and still be just out of range of both.  I can't always find that sweet spot though, my paladin's feet are too big.
23:13.14Lunessa*shrug*  I've never found that "sweet spot" then.  I either move or get silenced.
23:13.22LunessaAnd yes, I have the damned talent.
23:16.08*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
23:16.55|Jelly|Sorry. Was healing. lol
23:17.18|Jelly|I'll screenshot it, if you like sometime. I think they're making me go tonight. :(
23:20.01*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
23:22.47TC-Holdingit's rather iritating that i can get the quest item for a quest without being able to get the quest
23:22.51LunessaScreenie this sweet spot, and I'll owe you another beer.
23:22.54TC-Holdingbecause of my level
23:23.34LopeppeppyWhat quest item can you get without having the quest?
23:23.47Thunder_ChildFelvine shard from DM north
23:23.57LopeppeppyAh, yes!
23:24.10LopeppeppyWell, at least you don't have to go back in to get it, right?
23:24.34Thunder_Childno, but now i have to lug this thing around till i can get the quest
23:25.17LopeppeppyShouldn't be to long, unless they seriously over-twinked you.
23:25.19Thunder_Childthough the nice part will be not having to go to winterspring x 2
23:25.47Thunder_Childi dont think you can get proper lvl 60 quests till....what...56?
23:26.07LopeppeppyIsh, yeah.  They vary.
23:26.22LunessaMostly it's 4 levels.
23:26.36Thunder_Childso 57?
23:26.51Thunder_Childor do we not count the lvl
23:33.19NightHawkTheSane"How's the patient doctor?" "He's going to make it.." "He? You came in with a she!" "One little mistake..."
23:36.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Nom-_ (
23:40.12Thunder_ChildNightHawkTheSane s/You/I/
23:43.53NightHawkTheSaneThunder_Child: no, i got the quote right..
23:44.11Thunder_Childthen it would be you *went* in....
23:44.28LunessaSounds like Marx Brothers.
23:44.46NightHawkTheSaneThunder_Child: look, i didn't write the line, i'm just quoting it :p
23:45.04NightHawkTheSaneLunessa: star trek 4, actually. >.>
23:45.55Thunder_ChildNightHawkTheSane, then quote better lines damit!
23:46.05NightHawkTheSaneThunder_Child: my apologies ;)
23:46.43Thunder_ChildNightHawkTheSane, no apologies needed
23:47.05NightHawkTheSanethats good, because i was being sarcatic :P
23:47.29Thunder_Childwhat? an ass, you? never....
23:58.08Thunder_Childis the lunar festival going on?
23:58.38LopeppeppySo I hear, Thunder_Child.
23:58.45kd330/50 coins...
23:59.00Thunder_Childah, ok, thats why some random person in winterspring gave me a coin
23:59.46foxlitHeh, Kirburn :P

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