IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080202

00:01.48ScytheBlade1Okay, the source isn't helping much. How can I tell if my target is in range to be followed?
00:02.23Shiriksomething like action in range
00:03.22Shirikhere it is
00:03.59ScytheBlade1Haha, awesome. That's what I was looking for
00:03.59alestane|wowThrae: Is that the shark attack one?
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00:04.06ScytheBlade1I only saw calls to UnitCanCooperate, so, was a little confused.
00:04.12Thraealestane|wow: Right.
00:04.42ThraeScrew UnitCanCooperate(). I want UnitWillCooperate()!
00:05.00ShirikUnitCanCooperate = function() return true; end
00:05.32ThraeUnitWillCooperate = function(unit) return false; end
00:05.40ThraeStory of my life.
00:18.52*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo_ (
00:24.15Shiriknight all
00:36.56Industriallol Shirik|zZz you know how I was going all 'why java' lately
00:37.03Industrialnow I have to learn it myself for school xD
00:37.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
00:38.35IndustrialPlayers can now only carry 80 Conjured Manna Biscuits at a time.
00:38.53IndustrialI always carry like 200 and waste like 100 a session every time I can
00:38.57Industrialdowntime ftl
00:39.34Industrial..not that I have that much being a BM hunter with viper on only using mana on steady and hunters mark lol.
00:39.38Industrialoh and mend hmm
00:40.04Kasowe discussed this a bit earlier, its to stop assholes in AV stealing the whole table
00:40.26IndustrialI usually abuse an av to get it ...
00:40.42Industrialstand in line clickclikclick /afk grind
00:41.43Kasowell then you only have yourself to blame for this change!
00:43.32KeiasI"m a mage and I hate this change :(
00:43.42KeiasThat means if I wanna farm, I have to make more than one table a day!
00:43.47Industrialwhat does a table cost anyway
00:43.51Industrialpeanuts.. 15 s?
00:43.54Cidanwhy did Blizzard impose a limit on Manna biscuits?
00:44.07kd3because asses would join an av,spam click then afk out
00:44.10kd3all in about 10 seconds
00:44.13Industriallike me
00:44.15kd3I'm all for this change
00:44.20kd3<-- mage
00:44.50Cidanare there 2.4 patch notes or something up?
00:45.42kd3official patch notes will be coming with teh PTR hopefully next week
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00:46.13KeiasYeah, it's only like 15s Industrial :(
00:46.17KeiasBut I'm a cheap ass
00:46.17CidanWith this change including a few restrictions as well though: Players that have the resurrection sickness debuff will not be worth any honor, and if a player dies 50 times or more during a battleground they won.t be worth any honor for the remainder of that battle.
00:46.28Keiasand don't want to have to find 2 people in the middle of nowhere to get more
00:46.39kd3Diminishing Returns removed from Honor Kills
00:46.40kd3^ that
00:46.45Cidanwhen a game has to put in arbitrary rules like the above, something is broken.
00:46.51IndustrialKeias: l2loot during av
00:46.52CidanI know, but still.
00:47.15Shirik|zZzKeias: The reason is that you shouldn't be looking for the 2 people in the middle of nowhere
00:47.21Shirik|zZzyou should be trying to win the BG
00:47.41Cidanso wait
00:47.52CidanBlizzards reason for not calculating honor on the fly
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00:48.08Cidanis that diminishing returns takes too much CPU time?
00:48.26Cidanl2code Blizzard, l2code.
00:48.28Arcaiathats about where i fall into things.
00:48.36kd3think about how many thousands of ops that'd take to do it real time in some of the larger BGs
00:49.08Shirik|zZzrealtime programming is hard enough in an embedded system. I don't want to think of one with all the other crap WoW has to do.
00:49.37CidanSeems rather silly
00:49.52CidanIf it sucks up that much CPU time, something is wrong with the layout in the first place
00:50.06Cidan19:48 < Cidan> l2code Blizzard, l2code.
00:50.06kd3which is why it's going away
00:50.24Shirik|zZzI'm going to sleep
00:50.31CidanShirik|zZz: Unlikely.
00:51.06Cidanoh shit
00:51.08CidanTHIS I like
00:51.54kd3guess that means they fixed ZA too since we still can't summon from inside the instance in there
00:52.23Shirik|zZzMaybe that's why they fixed it :P
00:52.29Shirik|zZzThey couldn't fix ZA, so they removed the restriction :D
00:52.48Cidan19:50 < Cidan> 19:48 < Cidan> l2code Blizzard, l2code.
00:53.33Industrialwhy is that l2code
00:53.42Industrialits yay now not everyone has to run all the fucking time
00:53.47Cidanno no
00:53.49CidanI love the change
00:53.59Cidanbut if what Shirik said is true (I realize it's a joke)
00:54.13Industriallol :P
00:54.58nevcairielits not, there is another bluepost about that .. but i cba to find it now =P
00:55.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
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00:56.34WobinMaybe cause ZA is an instance in an instance
00:56.44Wobinso it gets confused
00:56.49Cidan#  Endless Rage will provide significantly more rage. [22]
00:57.06WobinEndless Rage.. Isn't.
00:57.14kd3wobin; no more than any of the outland instances are... they're all on the same map, physically
00:57.19Shirik|zZz# Cidan will stop placing random numbers after his copy/pastes
00:58.26CidanShirik|zZz: Copy/pasting from the wiki, quit being a smart ass.
00:58.48Shirik|zZzAnyway, night
00:58.59Shirik|zZzkd3, in the future, make your articles more Cidan proof thx
00:59.21kd3but if I idiot-proof articles, the universe just makes bigger idiots
00:59.48CairennShirik|zZz: remember someone uploaded new copies of LightHeaded & TomTom to WoWI (other than Clad)?
00:59.59Cairennlooks like the trojan may be back, somewhere
01:00.31Cairennno proof yet that it's in the version that other person is trying to distribute, but we'll see what the OP comes back with
01:02.18LopeppeppyI saw that, made me go grrrr.
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01:04.06abyxwhere would i find information on beginner addon creation?
01:04.28alestane|wowSticky on the UI forum.
01:05.03abyxlink to ui forum please?
01:05.45Cairennyou want to check that thread as well
01:06.30CairennKaelten: Shirik is going looking, but you may want to check into it yourself as well
01:07.44Cairennand with that
01:09.08Keiaswhich game?
01:12.07Kaelten" If you have an AntiVirus software it should catch the trojan keylogger if not download and install one."
01:12.32Kaeltenthanks to pronouns I'm strangely compelled to go download a trojan keylogger.
01:12.37art3miswhat's a good frontend poral/cms system?
01:13.48art3misKaelten: that theory is good unless you consider like the one from incgamers where there was no payload until it downlaoded it
01:14.10*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
01:16.27CairennKeias: Red Wings vs Avalance
01:16.51KeiasI wish I'd get that here :(
01:17.03KeiasDetroit is the only hockey city I'm close to
01:33.23XinhuanCairenn, does wowinterface ever look at the .TOC file of an addon for any reason to show data about an addon on wowi's pages?
01:35.26KaeltenXinhuan, I don't think so, wowace is the only one to do that to my knoweldge
01:35.32Kaeltencrazy people at that site
01:35.40Xinhuanhaha Kaelten
01:36.20Xinhuanwas just an example, like, ## Interface: 20000 or earlier addons should be clearly marked so ;p
01:40.45art3miskael is ace3 done yet
01:40.53art3misand does it make breakfast?
01:41.19art3misfor ace4 it should be the Read 'Em and Weep edition ;P
01:43.55CairennXinhuan: we don't currently publish that info, no
01:44.49KalrothThere's a "last updated" field though?
01:44.56Xinhuanyep there is
01:45.02Xinhuanbut ppl still download them anyway
01:45.07Cairennit's something we've been looking at doing for a while now, but as you saw, we were kinda busy for a while there, didn't want to add yet another coding thing to dolby-wowi's plate
01:45.19Xinhuanbecause "last updated" isn't synonymous with "Incompatible" addons
01:45.44KalrothXinhuan: People would download them if you hosted them on
01:45.46Cairennbut we do, as Kalroth said, show the "last updated" as well as the "works with X" fields
01:46.13Cairennlol Kalroth
01:46.25Cairenncommerical over, back to the game
01:51.36jscinozis it possible to have a macro use a different item depending on zone?
01:53.22Kasono jscinoz the only zone-based conditional you can do is flyable
01:53.33Kasoand indoors/outdoors
01:53.35jscinoz<-- only just came back after quitting prebc
01:53.48jscinozi dont like all the changes they made to ui scripting in 2.0
01:54.33Kasonecassary evil imo, they removed alot of stuff which wasnt too desirable
01:54.42Kasowhat do you want your macro to do exactly?
01:54.48LopeppeppyOnce you get used to them, you'll see what they added back in to make up for what was lost.
01:55.49jscinozits a daily quest button
01:56.06jscinozso i want it to use the different daily items for things
01:56.32jscinozis there a [usable] switch?
01:56.48kd3^ is what I use for my daily macro
01:57.07kd3could probably stick in a [flyable,exists] for the booterang
01:57.33jscinozyou know the addon supermacro, is there a more lightweight alternative?
01:57.41jscinozpreferably ace based
01:58.20jscinozsupermacro has been horribly broken since a long time for me :P
02:00.37KalrothTem would code one!
02:00.45TemTem wouldn't
02:00.51Tembecause it's not an interesting challenge
02:01.06Temalso, I'm really fucking sick of the "ace is better" mentality among users
02:01.16jscinozkd3, howabout this
02:01.23KalrothTem: Yeah, we all know it's Ace2, duh!
02:01.45jscinozjust something that actually works and doesnt eat so many resources, supermacro has never worked on any of my installs, at least not since prebc
02:01.53Temkd3, why the [combat] [exists]?
02:02.00Temcombat OR exists?
02:02.08Temthe combat thing would never fire imo
02:02.16Tembecause it would always try the wrangling rope
02:02.36kd3ya. I need to rework that, I drycoded it
02:03.40TemKalroth, tbh, ace2 is worse that ace
02:03.44Temlike, lots worse
02:03.51Temace1 was a much cleaner system
02:04.04jscinozso is there an addon that will let me have more than 255 char macros, and actualyl works, and is reasonably lightweight?
02:04.35art3misboobies \o.
02:04.42art3misthe . isn't a typo
02:04.47art3misthat arm is just busy
02:05.16purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
02:05.16Temalso, lol @ lefties?
02:05.16KalrothTem: I know, I was being sarcastic. :)
02:05.20jscinozI <3 my new mouse
02:05.22Temso far, it looks like ace3 is going in the right direction
02:05.30art3misaway from librock?
02:05.32jscinozi imagine lefties would love it since its symetrical :P
02:05.57KalrothI'm tired of the rabid ace fanboism myself, but the Ace team is doing a good job regardless.
02:06.14Guillotinewhat is up with these women in WoW? I'm farming in netherstorm and one starts hitting on me
02:06.23jscinoztrying to get golds from you :P
02:06.24Guillotineits always fun to say you're 12 when they ask how old you are
02:06.42KalrothGuillotine: What will you do the day that that isn't a problem?
02:06.52jscinozmy guildmistress is 18 irl, but she looks 15 in her pictures rofl
02:07.29art3mis <-- nipples covered so mostly swf I suppose
02:07.29GuillotineKalroth: what isn't a problem?
02:07.36KalrothGuillotine: Your age.
02:07.41Guillotineoh, I'm not 12
02:07.44Guillotineit just freaks them out
02:07.55Guillotineto think they've been hitting on a 12-year old
02:08.01KalrothGuillotine: Sure, what about those that doesn't get freaked out!
02:08.19Guillotinethen that freaks me out
02:08.39KalrothSo basically you got a freak thing going
02:09.32jscinozanyone besides me running wow through wine on Linux?
02:09.41GuillotineKalroth: lol
02:09.49Guillotinejscinoz: I ran WoW in Wine in Linux in VPC
02:10.03jscinozVPC? virtualpc?
02:10.26jscinozi sense lies, since virtual machines have no hardware acceleration for opengl
02:10.31jscinozthus you'd get 1fps or less
02:10.41jscinozwhat makes you lie!?
02:11.08GuillotineI said I ran WoW not that I played. addon testing ftw
02:11.09Kalrothjscinoz: Come again?
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02:12.11GuillotineOne person was reporting strange occurances and they happened to be running Wine so I checked it out since noone else was experiencing it
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02:12.49jscinozkalroth since when has that been in existance?
02:13.08jscinozpity the guest OS has to be something with a hackable kernel ie linux :P
02:13.47Kalrothjscinoz: Also
02:14.57jscinozis it just me or does wow like to use the CPU more than gpu
02:15.05KalrothIt does.
02:15.13jscinozwhen i run wow, max graphical detail, im pegged at 100% cpu, and gpu is only 2C above idle
02:15.34jscinozand i get ~15fps in shat, 45 in smallspaces, 20 in big areas
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02:21.08jscinozany idea about that?
02:22.27Lopeppeppyjscinoz -- you're on a mac so i'm not sure this applies, but are all of your drivers updated?
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02:24.34jscinozlopepperppy, Linux actually and yes latest stable nvidia drivers
02:24.54jscinoz100.14.19, as the latest 169.x.x cause many xserver crashes and general instablity
02:30.02kd3weird, 169's working fine for me
02:30.51kd3xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-169.07-4.lvn8.x86_64. I probably shouldn't be running compiz but I'm not having much in the way of issues at present
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02:36.15sacarasc169 work for me too
02:36.44Cidanwow works just fine w/ compiz for me.  I don't get quite as good a framerate as I would without it
02:36.47Cidanbut it works well
02:37.15ScytheBlade1Same here, but without compiz
02:37.26ScytheBlade1WoW's OpenGL + dual head + wine = pain
02:37.31ScytheBlade1I'd rather not add compiz to that mix
02:37.49kd3meh, I just ran wow inside a vdesktop. dual monitor isn't that big of deal after that
02:38.09ScytheBlade1Dual monitor isn't, but dual monitor + compiz on a 7600gt *is*
02:38.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Godzmack (
02:39.30Kasoi always found when using wine, if my wow window so much as touched my secondary monitor the framerate would drop to like 2fps
02:40.06ScytheBlade1Never had that problem, actually
02:40.24CidanThat happens in windows too
02:41.57KasoIts wierd cos other games i play in window, portal/hl2 for example dont have an issue with it
02:42.05Kasonor crysis or stalker
02:43.57jscinoz*smacks wow again for using cpu instead of gpu*
02:44.32jscinozrunning wow, with our without compiz, no addons, many addons, max gfx detail, min detail, always the same crappy framerate and 100% cpu usage and gpu only 1C above idle
02:44.50jscinozwow needs to stop using software rendering or whatever the hell its doing with so much cpu
02:45.22Kasothats bizzare.
02:45.40jscinozyep and other games in wine have awesome framerates
02:45.47jscinozhl2 max settings 75fps
02:45.55jscinozwow sits around 10fps regardless of settigns
02:45.59Kasoare you using opengl or directx ?
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02:46.05jscinozopengl, dx is even slower
02:46.32jscinozright now wow is using 95%+ of both cores
02:46.49Kasosounds like something missconfigured in your wine setup somehow
02:46.58jscinozbut it only affects wow
02:47.02jscinozother games in wine are awesome
02:47.30jscinozand i did the vbo registry hack
02:47.35jscinozmakes no difference
02:47.39KasoI havent used wow in wine for a fair few months so i dont really know the current state of things, but i always got great framerates in wine
02:47.48jscinozi did pre2.3
02:47.51jscinoz2.3 made it suck hardcore
02:48.03jscinozwas sitting at ~150 in 2.2.x
02:48.08Cidanjscinoz: That's so strange, I have no issues at all.
02:48.16Cidanjscinoz: What distro?
02:48.31jscinoztake a guess :P
02:48.36jscinozyou'll get it first guess probably
02:48.53jscinozubuntu 7.10
02:48.55Kasorandom off-topic question: does anyone know if its possible to force firefox to render a page in quirks mode rather than standards mode using web developer toolbar or something else?
02:49.23Cidanjscinoz: hm, and it's only WoW you say?
02:49.58jscinozi got the orange box and all the games in that run 60+ fps max settings
02:50.15CidanI wonder if it's switching to mesa or something nuts
02:50.22CidanWhat happens if you try DX mode?
02:50.46jscinozsec ill try dx again
02:51.19jscinozbtw have you noticed nvidia driver 169.x.x is really freaking buggy
02:51.25jscinozfor a suposed stable release
02:51.52CidanI don't use the nvidia binary drivers
02:51.59CidanI stick to distro + backports
02:51.59jscinozwhat do you use?
02:52.19CidanI just let the package manager handle it.
02:52.34jscinozas in nvidia-glx-new package?
02:52.45jscinozbecause thats the same as the one from
02:52.51jscinozjust repackaged as deb/rpm/whatever
02:53.12CidanThe nvidia one is more up to date, I had thought.
02:53.14jscinozubuntu distro version is currently 100.14.19, nvidia is 169.x.x
02:53.34jscinozi tried the 169 driver hoping to get soem more wow framerate
02:53.37CidanEither way, I don't fuck with it.  It works, it works well, and with no issues.
02:53.44jscinozbut it needs to be reinstalled every single reboot for some reason
02:53.51jscinozso im back to 100.14.19
02:54.09jscinozugh even at the login screen i can see running wow in dx mode is gonna be hell slow
02:54.22Cidando apt-get --purge remove nvidia-glx-new
02:54.30jscinozi'd rather not remove my 3d driver :p
02:54.34Cidanreboot to clear the kernel driver, you should drop to console
02:54.42Cidanthen reinstall it
02:54.57CidanTrust meh. :P
02:54.59jscinozbut im already using distro provided one :P
02:55.16Cidanyes but you likely have some conflicted libraries somewhere
02:55.28Cidanbecause of your binary driver download from the website.
02:55.37jscinozi've purged it before... >_<
02:55.53jscinozugh hang on
02:55.54Cidanafter you switched away from the package?
02:55.58Cidanusing the --purge command?
02:56.10jscinozalso you can just apt-get purge packagename now
02:56.14jscinozits same as apt-get remove --purge
02:57.26jscinozugh wow has gotta be one of the least optimised games ever
02:57.50jscinozsearching their forums, plenty of windoze users have it using 100% cpu and little GPU
02:58.12Cidanjscinoz: I don't think I've ever had a problem with WoW + graphics
02:58.20CidanNow as for their server code... that's another story.
02:58.25Cidewow uses roughly 50% cpu for me
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02:58.58jscinozwell as i said, its using software rendering or something because im at 100% cpu, gpu only 1C above idle and 10-15 fps regardless of gfx settings
02:59.00CidanWoW is using about 23 percent of my CPU right now
02:59.14Cidesoftware rendering? :P
03:00.11Cidanhe means mesa
03:00.15Cidanoh, your other option
03:00.22jscinozcide, software rendering is when it has your CPU process rendering instructions rather than the gpu
03:00.23cogwheelhow much ram? (sorry if already asked...)
03:00.25Cidanback up wine, purge it and reinstall
03:00.30CideI know what it *is*
03:00.40Cideanyway, I'm off to bed
03:00.43Cidenight people
03:01.29jscinoztried that :p
03:01.37jscinozalso tried a clean prefix
03:02.04Cidanand you didn't restore your backup files after you wiped Wine, right?
03:03.17jscinozno, fresh install of wow from dvd
03:03.21jscinozand all the updates again
03:04.36CidanI mean your wine config files, hm
03:04.45jscinozyeah, they were reset
03:04.52jscinozand i redid the recommened tweaks for running wow
03:04.58Cidanonly thing it can be is those nvidia drivers, imo.
03:05.33Cidandid you restore your xorg.conf back to what it was before the nvidia binaries?
03:05.49cogwheelhmm... anyone know if/how you can get vista's start menu text box to look in the games folder?
03:07.39Cidanwho here likes Western Digital drives?
03:08.11KarlKFIthey're reliable, nothign special
03:09.46Irielplus they've got a good replacement policy
03:10.05Irielat least, they used to, I haven't actually checked lately
03:10.27jscinozyes i restored xorgconf
03:10.56cogwheelyeah. i've returned one. it was pretty painless (it was only 6 months old so i had just backed up)
03:11.06Kasowasnt WD the one who offered compensation for thier drives using 10^n not 2^n measurements in advertising?
03:11.27CidanI've always found WD drives to blow up in my face.
03:11.30cogwheelthey all have a reasonable failure chance though
03:11.37CidanThey take out the power supply when they do as well.
03:11.41cogwheeli've seen no fewer than three 7200.10s die
03:11.47cogwheelhorrible deaths
03:12.06CidanI wouldn't touch WD drives with a ten foot pole
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03:12.45Cidanon a lighter note, headline:
03:12.50jscinozugh brb reboot
03:12.52CidanMan attempting to hang self discovered by girlfriend, who cuts him down. Man starts fighting with her, fight is noticed by passerby, who stops fight by putting man in sleeper-hold, which kills him. Taa-daa
03:13.01Kasoit was seagate not WD:
03:13.05CidanWell, hm.  Guess that's not a lighter note.
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03:15.35Shizensooo... do we have an events/function to get one's altitude ?
03:16.01ScytheBlade1bleeter: "Believe me when I say the feeling's mutual :D" -- R O F L
03:16.02ScytheBlade1Shizen: no
03:16.23Shizenso an alti-meter for a 'flight sim' isn't possible eh...
03:17.00alestaneNope, Blizzard has resisted giving us access to the z-coordinate for their own reasons.
03:17.57Shizenwonder if it could be calibrated from whatever informations we have
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03:18.25Shizenoh well...
03:18.26Kasoif you could presisely set the camera angle you could use a "range-finder" type scale on the screen to allow the user to manually read the altitude off from where the horizon hits
03:18.31Kasobut thats not really useful
03:19.01Shizenguess I'll just work on disabling the GUI while in 'flightsim' mode and maybe transfer control fully over to PS2PC joypad
03:19.06Shizenhello acrobatic !
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04:09.24cogwheelbuh bye
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04:10.07Cairennwow, nice netsplit
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04:10.27|pez|Mmm, netsplit
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04:19.02Cairennwell, some of you - rest are still split it looks like
04:20.17TemI never left
04:20.25Temit's all _those_ people who went away
04:20.31Cairenn*nod nod*
04:23.47*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
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04:35.01Iriel... "and the Tem was still there...."
04:35.34Irielthis sucks, it's 8:35pm on a friday and i'm EXHAUSTED
04:49.22TemIriel, so sleep early tonight and be fresh on saturday
04:49.52Irielmeh, that'd break with months of tradition
04:50.29Cidanto sleep
04:50.29Irielthough it may be a good idea, got some rock band and halo 3 action going on tomorrow, and i'm way out of practice on both (well, 2 weeks for rock band but my fingers seem to have forgotten how to play)
04:50.31Cidanor not to sleep
04:50.35Cidanis the question
04:53.40IrielI'm going to have coffee and work on Nagrand quests instead
05:19.15AnduinLothar10390 Crusader Strike crit on Curator
05:20.41dylanmYou going back there for kicks, Anduin?
05:24.22Corrodiasour Leo attempts were shameful
05:24.39*** join/#wowi-lounge testleK (n=chatzill@
05:24.55Corrodiasmelee out-damaged the ranged and nobody seemed to know how to avoid a whirlwind
05:25.09Corrodiasyou'd think we'd never fought anybody with a mobile whirlwind attack before
05:34.45*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work_ (
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05:40.41|Jelly|There an addon that will put in the tooltip what for instance, potions you can make from an herb?
05:40.45|Jelly|...if that makes any sense
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05:42.45Corrodiasi don't think it does
05:42.55Corrodiasoh yes it odes
05:42.58NightHawkTheSanemakes sense to me
05:43.16Corrodiasyou missed one comma (after "what") and i was processing it wrong. and i think there must be such an addon, but i don't know it.
05:43.18|Jelly|Alright. Any ideas? I kind of remember having one, but I don't recall the name of it.
05:43.28NightHawkTheSanei've no idea, sorry
05:43.44Corrodiasnot to nitpick your grammar; it's just an explanation of why i didn't get it
05:44.10|Jelly|Did I say anything? lol
05:45.10Corrodiasanyway, have any of you been using XLoot and noticed recently that the window is no longer anchoring to the top of where it was anchoring, but rather is now anchoring to the center?
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05:50.41Corrodiaswell, anyway, i wonder how i can make XLoot anchor to the top again
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05:53.25|Jelly|So I should download Auctioneer, Cairenn? :P
05:58.27Cairennyou should do whatever you want, I was just pointing that out as one of the ones that provides the functionality you were looking for
05:58.58CairennI _think_ there was another one, but I don't recall any more
06:02.00Cairennit's kinda sad, really.  Used to be I knew every single mod on our sites, but with supporting 6 games now, I can't really keep up the way I used to
06:07.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Rayne (
06:08.05RayneSomeone inspire me, I want to make a new UI.
06:08.18AnduinLotharfootball theme
06:09.14Cairennappropriate, since it's superbowl weekend
06:09.50RayneWhos playing?
06:09.58RayneIm in Canada, and my wife lacks a TV currently
06:10.10IrielHas anyone considered the possibility that Nessingwary is a demon, given all of those blood sacrifices he and his followers (cult-members?) demand?
06:11.17NightHawkTheSaneoften, although bloodthirsty as i am, i don't mind.
06:12.05CairennIriel: do have to wonder
06:13.25Mr_Rabies2maybe he really really hates nature
06:14.01Mr_Rabies2the only excuse i can come up with for pretty much wiping out 3 generations of about every wildlife in stv/nagrand
06:15.32IrielThat's a possibility also
06:16.17Mr_Rabies2or he runs an underground leather/fur business
06:16.34Mr_Rabies2or a little of columns a, b, and c
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06:49.13jscinozwow is so effing bloated and unoptomised >_<
06:54.02art3misit's like shirik in code form ;P
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06:56.09IrielHm, i'm sure blizzard have spent no time or money on optimizing their game
06:57.27art3miswhy bother
06:57.49art3misit's the same belief of "we've got the power may as well use it and churn out code faster
06:58.41IrielHave you ever actually met a game developer?
06:59.26Irielthe good ones are, in my opinion, usually impressive in terms of what knowledge they have of optimization and the things they do to assist it
07:13.31art3miswell the funny thing is
07:13.49art3missome of the future crew members were part of the orignal blizzard team that made diablo and warcraft
07:14.02art3miswhich is why they were awesome for the hardware
07:14.16art3misthen time went on and it got bloatier and bloatier
07:15.50IrielI guess those of you who can do so much better should send your suggestions to blizzard so they can hire you
07:17.55CodayusHm, anyone else having issues with US login servers?
07:18.42CodayusHm, nope looks like it's just Lightbringer.
07:18.59Temoh hai
07:19.09Temself.drunk = true;
07:19.25kd3ahahahaha... 0.75s cast fireball
07:20.33Tem<3 that spelstealble buff
07:29.11Guillotineding 70 on my second char :D
07:31.28Guillotinemy ex has 5 level 70s. And she has another at 64 right now
07:32.20Thunder_Childshe has no life
07:32.55art3mishence ex
07:33.02art3misshe stopped putting out long ago ;P
07:33.21art3mishey guill how much do you make offa advertising a month from curse?
07:33.41art3misin relation to your traffic numbers
07:34.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Elessdy (
07:34.17GuillotineAsk Kody- next time he logs on. I really have no idea :(
07:34.47art3misdoes he just pay for yer wow account and internet and call it even?
07:40.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
07:43.06art3mis^^ what I want for valentines day
07:43.21Thunder_Childwouldnt you rather have something good?
07:48.38purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
07:49.27Temhey Cairenn,
07:49.35TemI love you,
07:49.39Temyou know that, right?
07:49.46Thunder_Childuh oh
07:49.46CairennI love you too :)
07:49.51Thunder_Childwhat did you do?
07:49.57Shadowedthis is from #dongle about 5 minutes ago
07:50.04CairennTem's been drinking is all :)
07:50.06Shadowed[44:29] <@Tem> YEAH, MOTHER FUCKER
07:50.06Shadowed[44:30] <@Tekkub> I just saw caps and answered without reading
07:50.06Shadowed[44:45] <@Tem> alcohol + wow = awesome
07:50.07Thunder_Childthat sounds like the precurser to something very bas
07:50.35Raynemy server keeps crashing.
07:50.48RayneCurrently in Stormwind, theres about 200 horde.
07:51.00Rayne100 are going to Exodar
07:51.37TemIm serious
07:51.54CairennI know you are :)
07:52.03Thunder_Child^^ ^^
07:52.47ShadowedI like this part
07:52.48Shadowed"It is not regulated by the FDA because it is a supplement and not a drink, though the labeling is regulated."
07:53.00Shadowedfollowed by "And then there is the potency. They equate one Mana Energy Potion to 2 Red Bull energy drinks. "
07:53.20ShadowedClearly, the solution to being tired is an unregulated super energy drink
07:55.05art3misshadowed did you ever watch saved by the bell?
07:55.39art3miscuz EVERY energy drink that thinks its awesome always make me think of the saved by the bell episode where jessie has the caffiend pill problem
07:56.12Thunder_Child"daddy daddy, art3mis is old isnt he?"
07:56.25ShadowedI'm well aware of the fact that energy drinks are basically the latest craze
07:57.22Shadowedanyway /me goes to sleep
07:57.34art3mis*** #w was created when dinosaurs roamed the earth ;)
07:57.52art3misone of 6 channels on efnet that has no timestamp for creation ;P
07:58.08art3misbecause *I* was idle in it!
07:58.51Raynegod im so stripped for layout ideas, wtf.
07:59.13Temwell I just might be drink enought o order some of that
07:59.18art3mis <-- episode I mean btw
07:59.22Temquick someone hide my visa
07:59.44CairennTem is fun drunk
07:59.59Cairennindeed :)
08:00.16Temnow thats not col
08:00.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
08:00.22kd3gack... this is what I get for starting to raid again
08:00.22Temur taking adcvantage
08:00.28Thunder_Childit's not hard
08:00.36Temkd3, 60g repair bill?
08:00.50kd3nah. only about 20g. my first run in ZA, though
08:01.01TemI did some of that on the PTR
08:01.06Temwe kills bear and bird
08:01.14kd3bad, bad nights top out around 50 if it's wipe, wipe, wipe, repair, wipe wipe wipe
08:01.37TemI had a 20g repair the other day from pvp only
08:01.45Temgogo s3 gear
08:02.54Raynekd3: I know the feeling.
08:03.05RayneAs a tank in fresh content, repair bills were brutal.
08:03.19Temw /me was proud of himself that night.
08:03.26TemI was top 3 raid dps
08:03.38Temand I have zero raid gear
08:03.54RayneWell the S3 is absurd for DPS.
08:04.00Temdidn't s3 yet
08:04.07Tems3 didn't start until after 2.3
08:04.29RayneAh, misread that
08:04.41RayneIm like half fouced on WoW and here atm.
08:05.02RayneTrying to think of a good layout
08:05.02TemIm trying to lv a fotm 2v2
08:05.10Tembut i keep getting distracted by mining
08:05.23Temalso, the whisky hekps
08:05.54Keiaswhat kind of whisky?
08:05.54RayneI actually have a good idea in mind.
08:05.54Temold, old seagrams
08:05.59Temlike 10y
08:06.00RayneBut I really dont want to follow Tapestrys UI like everyone else does, but the UI would look great if I did..
08:06.38Raynemostly because I want to use the ZMC portrait overlay
08:07.41Temwtf is ZMB PROTRAIT OVERLAY?
08:08.05IrielZombie Monkey Brains?
08:08.44Temoh, sorry
08:13.05*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
08:13.09Temno, really
08:13.15Temwhat isZ<C?
08:13.26Temugh, Z M C
08:14.29Temoh, somthing model citizen
08:14.29Temit's some kind of 3d model mod
08:14.29RayneI cant remember what Z is exactly
08:14.33Temzorlen maybe?
08:14.42Temwhatever, it looks bloated as hell
08:15.03Tem(disclaimer, I havent actually looked at the code)
08:15.34Rayneit probably is
08:15.42Raynewould probably murder my load time too
08:17.52Temdthat's what lod is for
08:17.59Temtoo bad not enough people use it
08:18.08Temwtb a built in stubby
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08:23.24KeiasZuxian or something, wasn't it?
08:24.44Thunder_Childtek needs a guide for his guide
08:28.18CairennZuxana's Model Citizen :
08:29.09Cairennreplaced by ZMobDB :
08:29.31Thunder_ChildCairenn FTW
08:29.46TemBAH CAPS
08:30.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Antiarc (n=Antiarc@
08:32.21Elessdywhat! batrick quit playing?
08:32.34Corrodiasand more importantly, he doesn't intend to keep updating spellcraft? :(
08:32.50Corrodiasunless it's a different batrick
08:32.58Corrodiaswhich would be quite a coincidence!
08:33.18batrickno i quit, and yes i stopped developing spellcraft
08:33.29Corrodiasdamn, that was the only addon i could find that had a decent teleport/portal menu
08:33.45Thunder_Childstrip it and make it simple
08:33.47Corrodiaswhich is all i used it for
08:33.56Thunder_Childi am sure batrick will be ok with that
08:33.57batrickjust because i stopped working on it doesn't mean it doesn't work?
08:34.18batrickThunder_Child: spellcraft is modularized, there is nothing to "strip"
08:34.20Corrodias:) it's a possibility. for now.
08:34.40Thunder_Childbut but....i like nakid things
08:35.50batrickCorrodias: does the portal menu still work?
08:37.00Corrodiasi'm in the process of installing it to see
08:39.10*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
08:39.51kd3[03:36:35] <kd3> oh wow for skimming through EJ
08:39.51kd3[03:36:44] <kd3> tigole: "We're going to lift the summoning restriction in Netherstorm."
08:39.51kd3[03:36:53] <kd3>
08:40.22Corrodiasactually, when i login i get this error, which is why i quit using it:
08:40.22CorrodiasSpellcraft-1.11\Spellcraft.lua:708: attempt to call field 'SetDefaultReagents' (a nil value)
08:40.22CorrodiasSpellcraft-1.11\Spellcraft.lua:792: in function `?'
08:41.49batricki'll look at it in a sec
08:41.59Irielnight all
08:42.04Corrodiasit's calling Merchant.SetDefaultReagents()
08:42.11Thunder_Childnight Iriel
08:42.58Corrodiasand that's the only location in all of the code in the folder that ever references something called SetDefaultReagents
08:43.04Corrodiasi suspect i can just comment out the line
08:43.44Corrodiasthat's only run "if SC_myConfig.version < 1.09 then", so maybe i should also delete my old savedvariables
08:44.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
08:45.31Corrodiasseems to work now. yay!
08:48.58Fisker-i didn't get to harass iriel
08:49.53Corrodiasalthough, when i mouseover the SC button, even if i don't click on it, for a moment, i'm unable to click through the space where the window would pop up were i to click it
08:50.15TemI've just reached I level of drunk that has not been reorded
08:50.28Corrodiasand in fact, it stays that way until i move my cursor out of the place that popup would be
08:50.30Temmy .letgs are sorta numb
08:50.45Thunder_Childsleep time Tem
08:50.48Tembah no
08:50.54Thunder_Child~sleep Tem
08:50.56purlACTION sends Tem to bed without supper
08:50.59Temi'm havin fun lvling my fotm druid
08:51.11Corrodiaswhat's a fotm druid? fruit of the month?
08:51.50TemI juist arrived in desolace
08:52.43purlSir! Too much booty in the pants, sir!
08:53.14batrickCorrodias: ya...
08:53.26batrickif you delete your old settings it should work
08:54.38TemI hve no idea what "sheel" was suposed to be
08:54.53Thunder_Childthats what i thought it was
08:55.03Cairennme too
08:55.07Thunder_Childor sheeeiet rather
08:55.28TemI don't think that'w aht it was
08:55.44Cairennand Tem, you still aren't drunk enough, we can still understand you
08:55.47Temcrap wheres the entrance to nifels point
08:56.07Cairennyou've got to drink more if you want to try to beat my record
08:56.08NightHawkTheSaneman, fuck nifel's point
08:57.05TemI'm out of stuff ot mix it w2ith Cairenn
08:57.08Temso like
08:57.15Temiu guess i lose
08:57.21Cairennyou're mixing it? well there's your problem
08:58.25TemCairenn, seagrams + sprite = uym
08:58.29Thunder_Childon the other hand not mixing it tastes like paint thinner
08:58.33CairennEWWWWWWWW be fair i assume paint thinner tastes better
08:58.45CairennWhiskey & Sprite?!?!?!
08:59.00Cairennyou really ARE a pussy!
08:59.07Temaltough currently it's coke because I ran out of sprite 2 hyors ago
08:59.11Thunder_Childi do belive you have offended Cairenn Tem
08:59.59Cairennwell, I can almost forgive him, since it's whiskey and not scotch
09:00.14TemI'm not sure i've ever had scotch
09:00.18Cairennbut honestly, after the first drink, why do you need to mix it any longer
09:00.30Cairennyour tastebuds can handle it straight by then
09:00.34Thunder_Childthe whole paint thiner thing
09:00.47Thunder_Childsome of us have a more refined palete
09:00.50TemTC yiur taste bugs are pussies
09:00.51Cairennif you're wussy enough to need it mixed in the first place, that is
09:01.09Temwppt! IO found the way into nijels piint
09:01.17Thunder_ChildTem, yep, i have yet to find ANY alchohl i like the taste of
09:01.30TemThunder_Child, whichsey is aeomwe
09:01.58Temsee previous statement where I said im not sure if iveever even tstasted that
09:02.10Cairennscotch is good, whiskey is fine after your tastebuds have been numbed
09:02.54TemI like shiskey
09:03.01Temit's FU good
09:03.11NightHawkTheSaneshisky, heh.
09:03.25Temdamnit, i broke the seal, brb
09:04.09cladhairehopefully he broke it in the bathroom
09:04.15cladhairecause it'd get messy at the computer
09:04.55Thunder_Childi did shots of vadka once....i wanted to clean out my throat with drain-o after i was done
09:05.23Cairennsomething I haven't had in way too long is some good rum
09:05.37Thunder_Childhave you had bad rum?
09:05.59Cairennhaven't had any rum in way too long
09:05.59cladhairetravel form ftw!
09:06.30Temcladhaire, duh?
09:06.43Fisker-o hai tiems?
09:06.43TemI'm not drink enough to not use a topilet
09:06.55Temcladhaire, im leveling my duric atm
09:06.59Temim level 33
09:07.02Tem<3 travel form
09:07.12cladhairei'm about to hit 32!
09:07.21cladhairei'm finishing the astranaar guide atm
09:07.37Temah, I'm on stonetaon
09:08.54Temer, no stonelataon
09:09.00TemI just got o  nijels
09:09.16TemI hated this zone on my herbalist because there were like 7 hrbs totalal in this zone
09:09.28Tembut it's kinda rocky so I guess it'll be okay on this miner
09:10.06Temmy ruid's a miner because it's crazy gold at 70
09:10.09cladhaireerr like two days ago
09:10.17kd3I always laughed at the "Nijel's Point Guards" whenever I was there
09:10.31Temcrocket like sewed?
09:11.08cladhairei wanted to learn how, so I did
09:11.10cladhaireand made a hat :P
09:11.16Temwho is that inthe picture>
09:11.19Cairenncladhaire: that reminds me
09:11.19Temor you?
09:11.26Temgod I can't type
09:11.59cladhaireCairenn:  i know the basics!
09:12.12Cairennthat site gives a lot more than just the basics
09:13.04cladhaireaye, I've run into it before
09:13.07Cairennand has a shitton of patterns is pretty cool
09:13.11cladhaireweb 2.0 for knitting and crochet
09:13.19Cairennravelry is wonderful
09:13.28Temcladhaire, who is that in the picue>
09:13.32Temyou or tome?
09:13.34CairennTem: that's Tom
09:14.24TemNijel's point is now your nome
09:15.55Thunder_Child~drunk Tem
09:16.18Tem~lart Thunder_Child
09:16.18purloverclocks Thunder_Child until Thunder_Child burns out
09:16.23Temyay for tab completely
09:16.33TemI probably would have typed TCs name wrong otherwise
09:16.41Thunder_Child~counter lart Tem
09:16.48Thunder_Child~counter lart
09:16.49Temomg did I do a whole sentence without typioing?
09:16.55Thunder_Childmeh x 2
09:20.13NightHawkTheSanedpsers who can't kill their inner demons make me cry
09:22.19CodayusHad a mage fail earlier tonight.
09:22.45CodayusI mean, fine, pushback...
09:22.57TemCodayus, but why>
09:23.10CodayusWhy did he fail?
09:23.16NightHawkTheSanewe had two warlocks and a ddruid fail tonight
09:23.18CodayusI shouldn't say nasty things about my guild members.  :-)
09:23.20NightHawkTheSane(feral druid)
09:23.26NightHawkTheSanewe had a -resto- druid kill her iner demon
09:24.05Temsdfw /me is a resto druid
09:24.18CodayusHad a resto druid fail, but he was normally a tank, had respecced for the night, and had crap heal gear and no +dmg gear...  Had to use wizard oil to do it.  That's...understandable.
09:24.18Temthough,  I think leveling as resto is probably pretty dumb
09:24.18NightHawkTheSanehey, nothing against resto druids, i love em :)
09:24.36NightHawkTheSanebut its probably roughest for them to kill their demons, out of any class/spec
09:24.56CodayusMOONFIRE SPAM LOL
09:25.10Arrowmasterwhat is it the demons take extra damage from?
09:25.20Arrowmasterholy nature and arcane?
09:25.41NightHawkTheSanei think
09:25.55NightHawkTheSanei dont quite recall
09:26.00Arrowmasterneither do i
09:26.05NightHawkTheSanei -think- its just holy and nature
09:26.21CodayusHoly, nature, arcane.
09:26.23Temwell that's perfect for durins AND SHAMANS
09:26.29CodayusThey take reduced damage from fire and shadow.
09:26.30TemBH CAPS
09:26.45Temstupid pinky not do wat I tell it to
09:26.46Arrowmasteri never paid attention to the inner demons anyway since i never got it
09:26.57NightHawkTheSaneis it actually reduced damage from fire/shadow?
09:27.14Codayus-20% if memory serves.  lemme check.
09:27.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (n=elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
09:27.25Arrowmasteri came close to not killing mine once when i wasnt tanking
09:27.37NightHawkTheSanei guess maybe i shouldn't rag on the locks so hard then
09:27.40Arrowmasterbut that was my fault for being oom when i got inner demoned
09:27.54CodayusThey have the Demonic Alignment buff.  -20% shadow and fire, +65% nature/arcane/holy.
09:28.59TemI should gfo to bed
09:29.00CodayusAs a spriest, I died to the first ~3 Inner Demons I ever got.  Plan A - otherwise known as "zomg wtf smite?!" failed badly.
09:29.01Tembut like
09:29.21NightHawkTheSaneTem: couch?
09:29.24Temhmm, more whiskey
09:30.22TemCorrodias, if your mages can't kill them /gkick
09:30.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Godzmack (
09:34.37Temalso, /ginvite tem
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09:39.55TemER NO
09:40.00Temtem not my in game name
09:40.13Temsome fucker took it with ap lly he esn;t play anymore
09:40.43Temalso,, who put CAPLOCK next to tab?
09:40.49Temthat;s like the owrst idea ever
09:41.00NightHawkTheSanei agree tem
09:41.36TemI need 9 more hatefury claws and hateufy horns
09:43.35Olisonguys, what was that chatmod that displays channels as little dots and lets you click on them?
09:43.44*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
09:46.57TemOlison, thqat's that hing by AnduinLothar
09:47.01Temit's pretty shiney
09:47.06Temand stuffy
09:47.09Tembut like
09:47.24TemI don't have enohg channels to justify it
09:47.26Temdo u>
09:48.29nevcairieltem needs a new keyboard
09:48.45Cairennor another drink ;)
09:48.50nevcairielor sleep
09:49.03Temmore whiskay
09:49.05Cairennlots of water and a couple tylenol too
09:49.11Olisonyes, thanks Cairenn
09:49.21Cairennyou're welcome Olison
09:49.33Temshould have pinged me
09:49.40TemI new wha you were talking about
09:49.51Tem4ell, nevm
09:50.05Temcair is faster to get a link and stff
09:51.05TemAnyone with a feral druid know how rerious bit works with clearcasting?
09:51.55Elkanorerious bit?
09:52.23nevcairielyou save the spell cost and can get 100 energy worth of extra dmg
09:52.29nevcairielits still not worth using in PvE
09:52.40nevcairielunless bleed immune =P
09:52.44Temmeh leveling
09:52.54TemI don't have that hting that increases bleed amage yet
09:53.03Tem<- 33
09:53.10nevcairielthen go nuts
09:53.20nevcairieland bite everyine
09:53.50Temit doesn't se your current energy value for the extra energay?
09:53.55Temit just assumes 100?
09:54.09nevcairielit'll use your current energy
09:54.27nevcairielwithout clearcasting, the cost of fericous bite is substracted before, with clearcasting it isnt
09:54.28nevcairielthats all
09:54.36Temoh, okay
09:54.40Temthat's what I thoguth
09:54.49Temstop confusing me
09:55.02*** join/#wowi-lounge Recluse (
09:56.29Temur griss
09:56.47nevcairielthats what Fisker- is and does, being gross
09:57.33nevcairielnever helpful, always a PITA, noone would miss him, etc
09:57.39Temgah at this rate it's oign tot ake me like 6 hours to do this quest
09:57.58Fisker-you wound me nevcairiel
09:59.22Fisker-i'm cold
09:59.41Temalsok barrol roll
09:59.51Temposslbly an hero
10:00.09Fisker-i'm getting faster intrawebz next month
10:00.16Fisker-and a terror fee
10:00.36*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
10:01.48Temdestroy target non-black creatur
10:01.55Temit can'e be regenerated?
10:02.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn|Away (n=nchatzil@
10:04.24Fisker-our government had this great idea
10:04.35Temwhat's a terrro fee?
10:04.36Fisker-we has to store all datas transferred for atleast 5 years!
10:04.52Fisker-Because our government is putting insane hardware requirements on our ISP's
10:05.16nevcairielours have to do that for i think 2 years only, but already for a few years now
10:05.22Fisker-Eventually they caved in to making it the start and end of a session in a packet, only every 10000th session, and only store for 1 year
10:05.29Fisker-Which is totally useless
10:05.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
10:06.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
10:06.15Fisker-i wonder if UDP packets is then logged?
10:07.22Fisker-anyways it's pretty silly
10:07.34Fisker-so our isp is charging 1$ additionally because of the new hardware they have to buy
10:07.51Temwhat's a terror fee?
10:07.58Fisker-what i just said
10:08.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Kazie (n=k@
10:10.06Temgah, this quest needs to finish so i can slee
10:12.33Fisker-what's "slee"?
10:14.21TemI need 2 more harefury horn
10:14.43Temshit if  know, Fisker-
10:15.02*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
10:17.23Cairennsleep, I presume
10:18.08Temyay,m I dun with quest
10:18.37nevcairielquesting isnt good for you
10:19.03Tem|Selepnight guys
10:19.05Tem|Selepand cair
10:19.14Cairennnight Tem|Selep, sweet dreams
10:19.25Cairennhope you drank lots of water & took some tylenol
10:22.03Mr_Rabies2isn't tylenol + alcohol bad? i forget exactly which of the painkillers is a bad combination with alcohol when used reguarly
10:22.47CairennMr_Rabies2: codiene
10:23.11Mr_Rabies2ah yeah it's worse on your liver, tylenol is
10:23.46*** join/#wowi-lounge CrazyMYKL (n=rumors@
10:23.52Mr_Rabies2when mixed with alcohol, that is
10:24.39Mr_Rabies2at normal dosage it's fine on your liver without alcohol, but when used too much for hangover prevention it can cause issues
10:25.15Mr_Rabies2oh and aspirin can cause stomach bleeding
10:25.19Mr_Rabies2with alcohol
10:25.23Corrodiasso just LIVE WITH THE PAIN
10:25.33Corrodiasor what can you use? ibuprofen?
10:25.34Mr_Rabies2well ibuprofen still works
10:25.44Mr_Rabies2i basically just chug water and hope for the best
10:25.48Mr_Rabies2because i always forget which is bad
10:25.57Cairenn|afknight guys
10:26.01Mr_Rabies2night cair
10:35.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
10:36.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
10:44.22Adyswai hei rabzie
10:44.46Mr_Rabies2i'm collapsing from exhaustion brb in like 20 hours hopefully
10:45.11AdysIm collapsing from setting up all kind of shit since 20 hours
10:48.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
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11:46.49*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
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11:58.16*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
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12:32.59cladhairePolarina: I don't understand your email on the lua listserv
12:33.31cladhairelike.. at all?
12:33.45Polarinacladhaire: :)
12:33.54cladhairewhy smile
12:34.13Polarinacladhaire: The one I replied to said "LUA". :'(
12:34.15cladhaireits one of the more mind boggling things I've seen you do, and I've seen you do a lot of things that make me want to scream in pain.
12:34.23WobinWhat was that site that you could build your characters equipment and swap stuff in and out and see changes in dps etc?
12:34.25cladhaireand your response is completely inappropriate and non-sensical
12:34.51cladhaireperhaps you shoudl lurk a bit more on the listserv before filling my inbox with complete crap.
12:34.55nevcairielso LUA is wrong, still creating some big fuss about is even moreso wrong
12:34.55krkanevcairiel: Lua is not an acronym. It is a Portuguese word that means moon.
12:35.11cladhairenevcairiel: She didn't create a fuss, she posted a non-sensical reply that makes no sense.
12:35.16cladhaire"You are tempting us to banish you from the mailing list."
12:35.25cladhaire1.) Like Polarina, of all people, would have the power to do this
12:35.29cladhaire2.) What in the HELL are you talking about?
12:35.58nevcairieleven writing one mail on a mailing list trying to correct someone is totally wrong
12:35.59Polarinacladhaire: ...
12:36.02nevcairieli hate people that do that
12:36.17Polarinanevcairiel: ...
12:36.20cladhairePolarina: don't you dot dot dot me,
12:36.29cladhairethere's no cause for it
12:36.35cladhaireI'm being explicitly clear, and unambiguous
12:37.36Polarinacladhaire: You want me to disappear and never arrive back?
12:38.24cladhaireDid I say that, no?
12:38.57Polarinacladhaire: I'll take that as a yes. :(
12:39.00nevcairielYou will eventually if this continies
12:39.04cladhaireI just said no
12:39.06cncfanaticsis there any way to garbage collect a certain table ?
12:39.10cladhairehow on earth can you take that as a "yes"
12:39.13nevcairielcncfanatics: no
12:39.19nevcairielyou cant apply gc selectively
12:39.21Polarinacladhaire: You formed it as a question.
12:39.39cladhaireit was a typo, should have read "Did I say that?  No"
12:39.50Polarinacladhaire: Ok. :)
12:40.38Shizenhmmm where's Shirik
12:40.47ShizenI'm still curious about his breadboard...
12:42.25krkavery bad behaviour Polarina. first of all, that appears to be terisquas first post in the mailing list, and you didn't even explain in the mail in any way that you were talking about the incorrect acronym - he'll probably just think he asked a dumb question and that the mailing list is hostile
12:43.02krkasecond of all, like clad said, you don't even have any authority what so ever in that list
12:43.19cladhairedon't hide
12:43.21cladhairefucking listen
12:43.25cladhairelearn, and don't do it again
12:43.27cladhaireits as simple as that
12:44.15batrickc-r-a-z-y b-i-t-c-h
12:45.17cncfanaticsso, now the drama is over
12:45.25cncfanaticshow to schedule a table for GC'ing the next time lua runs it ?
12:45.25cladhairekrka: I think someone should find the answer for him first, but I'm not in a place to do that =/
12:45.27cncfanaticsI can't remember -.-
12:45.39cladhairecncfanatics: you have to nil out all references to it
12:46.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
12:46.20cncfanaticsno other way ?
12:46.31cncfanaticsthis is for a library, so it won't have all references to said table
12:47.41Shizeno.o mailing list drama
12:47.44Shizenoh how I miss thee.... not
12:48.04cladhairecncfanatics: thats how garbage collection works
12:51.38cncfanaticscladhaire: sadly :(
12:51.57cladhairewell, it makes sense.  Could you explain the "issue" a bit more?
12:53.18cncfanaticswell, I have an OO library
12:53.24cncfanaticsand I basicly wanted to be able to destroy objects
12:58.45cladhaireyou can't.
13:00.06JoshBorkecan't never could never would
13:01.37Xinhuanwell, what kind of objects?
13:01.57cncfanaticsobject = class:new();
13:02.02cncfanaticspretty sure you can't :)
13:02.08Xinhuanif its frames, they are undestroyable
13:02.17Xinhuanif that object is a table
13:02.29cncfanaticsit is a table yes
13:02.30Xinhuanthen nil-ing all references to it and all references to its subtables
13:02.34Xinhuanwill mark it for GC
13:02.46cncfanaticsbasicly, I can't do that except by looping through all namespaces which is a waste of time
13:03.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
13:03.26Xinhuanthen that pretty much settles the answer
13:04.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
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13:21.12ralfWORKseems like when I'm at the AH, wow locks up
13:26.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
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13:42.30LukianralfWORK, auctioneer? or the people there? XD
13:42.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
13:44.17cladhaireanyone willing to download and compile hyperion for me
13:44.25cladhaireI'm getting some errors I can't get figured out =/
13:44.26ralfWORKdunno, wow has been crashy for me lately
13:44.49ralfWORKalmost missed out on a Mindblade last night cause I couldn't !@#$ing reconnect
13:54.25*** join/#wowi-lounge stavmar (
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13:55.35ralfWORKand it just locked up again goddammit
13:57.10*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
14:00.45Lunessacladhaire: link?
14:01.05cladhairereally I need to know what/where the define for HEADER is
14:01.15cladhaireseems like its reasonable standard
14:01.21cladhairestatic int proc_answer(struct reslist *request, HEADER *header, char *, char *);
14:01.55wereHamstergrep or run gcc -E on the file
14:02.04cladhaireit doesn't compile
14:02.06cladhairethis is the issue :P
14:02.21cladhaireircd-hybrid compiles
14:02.29cladhaireso i should be able to figure out where it's getting the define from
14:03.25ralfWORKand again
14:03.32ralfWORKpiece of shit
14:08.08cladhaireLunessa: you can get the source here
14:08.23cladhaireI get an error in res.c
14:08.28cladhairewhen compiling
14:10.31Industrialwutcha doin :D?
14:11.08*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
14:11.11Lunessaclad - just realized - no compiler on this machine.  Have to install one.
14:11.11cladhairei need a local irc server
14:11.15cladhairefor testing purposes, when my net goes down
14:12.42LunessaSorry, used to having at least two flaovors of IDE and a compiler on hand, but not here in the office.
14:15.24LunessaThe last commit of res.c was in '99?
14:15.48cladhairethink so
14:15.55cladhairethis is a really stupid issue, I know it is
14:16.01cladhairebut i'm tryin gto figure it out before my net goes dowmn
14:17.51cladhairei think i got it, stole the struct from ircd
14:18.41LunessaI was browsing the source.  The comments are a trip.
14:18.54zenzelezzare they a trip or do they suggest the author was tripping?
14:20.13LunessaThey're a trip. XXX- Memory leak???
14:20.19LunessaMakes me laugh.
14:23.39*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
14:23.45cladhaireoh neat
14:23.53cladhaireautoconf can't compile against resolv.conf
14:24.02cladhairegot it tho
14:28.57cladhairehrm i still can't get any irc server to run
14:28.58cladhairehow odd.
14:29.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
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14:33.00cladhairepircd it is then
14:38.11Xinhuancladhaire, do you remember what action IDs treeform bar uses?
14:38.21Xinhuanthe wiki pages don't have it
14:38.23cladhaireno I don't, offhand
14:38.29Xinhuancan you find out? heh
14:38.35cladhairebut itd be 12 more than the previous one, right?
14:38.43cladhaireit just uses the bonus bar offset, doesn't it?
14:38.44XinhuanActionBar page 1 Cat Form: slots 73 to 84
14:38.44XinhuanActionBar page 1 Bear Form: slots 97 to 108
14:38.46cladhairei dont have a heallol druid
14:38.50Xinhuanthere's like a gap there
14:38.54cladhairehrm =/
14:39.04Xinhuannot even sure if that's accurate anymore
14:39.27nevcairieltreeform has a buildin bar switch now?
14:39.28Xinhuancan you go into bear and cat form and verify those? you can slide the sliders in ipopbar easily to see the IDs
14:39.30nevcairielman thats stupid
14:40.14Xinhuanhmm tree form can only cast hot spells and then some, so yeah they have a bar for that i think
14:40.24Xinhuanshadow form bar is the same as stealth bar i think for rogues
14:41.48Xinhuanactually i'm not even sure if treeform gets a bar
14:41.54Xinhuandoes it? (heh)
14:42.17nevcairieli wouldnt want one
14:42.35Xinhuanyou have a resto druid, can you find out? :D
14:42.37nevcairieli switch in and out of tree depending on type of healing i need, but i use the same keys for all of those
14:42.46Xinhuanlike disable bt3
14:42.51Xinhuanfor a min
14:44.00nevcairielyou get a bar
14:44.08nevcairielits the one in between cat and bear
14:44.13nevcairielthe one i use for stealth =P
14:44.26Xinhuanso that's 85-96
14:44.55nevcairielthat should be bar 8
14:47.45Xinhuani wonder when they added a tree bar
14:47.55Xinhuani didn't quite remember them having one back then
14:48.04mikmabecause tree cannot cast some spells :P
14:48.13mikmalike big heal / remove curse ..
14:48.22Xinhuanyou can remove curse in tree form now ;p
14:48.25mikmaoh when... sorry i thought "why"
14:48.55mikmaumm, since when? i plyed with tree like week ago and i wasn't able to remove curse in treeform
14:49.11Xinhuani thought a recent patch changed that?
14:49.24Xinhuanor was it only radius 30 -> 40?
14:49.26ralfWORKthink that' poisons
14:49.38mikmacure poison can be casted in treeform
14:49.47mikmabut curse kicks you into nelf/tauren form
14:49.54Xinhuan- Remove Curse is now usable in Moonkin Form.
14:49.57XinhuanMOONKIN FORM
14:50.05ralfWORKoh :)
14:50.16ralfWORKI just wish you could use fear ward in shadowform :P
14:50.22Xinhuanyou can - in 2.4 :P
14:50.29ralfWORKoh good to know
14:50.50mikmathat and the pvp-honor changes are prolly the nicest ones
14:50.58Xinhuanbecause i'm quick, i even got you the link!
14:51.06ralfWORKbwahahahh ty
14:51.28ralfWORKare they gonna give casters something like a damn crimson spinel that drops in heroics? kthx
14:51.48mikmabasicly casting Fear Ward in middle of combat costs you Fear Ward + Shadow Form now, which is lame.
14:52.00ralfWORKmikma: I'm all too aware
14:52.05mikmame too :I
14:52.15ralfWORKI was all excited about the heroic gems not being unique-equipped anymore
14:52.18Xinhuanso does moonkin form get a bar? :D
14:52.27mikmathat's why i rather don't cast it in combat
14:52.35ralfWORKuntil I realized there is no straight +spell damage gems in heroics :(
14:52.38nevcairieli think both moonkin and tree form dont need a bar
14:52.39ralfWORKXinhuan: ya, they do
14:52.48mikmaralfWORK: .. spoiled :I
14:53.03mikmai could have used +spell gems too
14:53.03ralfWORKmikma: spoiled how?
14:53.22ralfWORKI would have been farming heroics again today if they had a +sd gem
14:53.26mikmaralfWORK: the whole change is spoiled because there aren't +spell gems
14:53.38ralfWORKmikma: ohhhh right
14:53.41nevcairielall heroic gems are mixed gems
14:53.44nevcairieltwo colors
14:53.47nevcairieland mostly suck :P
14:53.52ralfWORKthey do mostly suck
14:54.06Xinhuanthe new 5-man instances in sunwell could have them
14:54.07Xinhuanwe don't know
14:54.10ralfWORKbtw, I just checked my boomkin
14:54.17nevcairieli dont think so
14:54.18ralfWORKyes you get a new bar when you change forms
14:54.26nevcairielall heroic gems are mixed-color
14:54.29Xinhuancan you confirm if the actionIDs are 109-120?
14:54.31nevcairieldont think that will change
14:54.35Xinhuanfor the moonkin bar
14:54.39ralfWORKXinhuan: uhm... no idea how to do it
14:54.49ralfWORKnevcairiel: QQ :(
14:55.22Xinhuanhmm let me get the method
14:55.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
14:55.25Xinhuanto retrieve the ID
14:55.28ralfWORKXinhuan: k
14:55.37nevcairieljump into moonkin and do /print GetBonusBarOffset()
14:56.04Xinhuan/print ActionButton_CalculateAction(ActionButton1)
14:56.20ralfWORKXinhuan: 1
14:56.23nevcairielthats bar 10
14:56.38Xinhuango into moonkin, does it still say 1?
14:56.46ralfWORKthat was in boomkin
14:57.05mikmaoh lol, panzerkin
14:57.08mikmathat sounds funny
14:57.18ralfWORKXinhuan: yours says 1 regardless if I'm in caster form or boomkin
14:57.24ralfWORKmikma: boomkin tanking?
14:57.44mikmaaye :D
14:57.52Xinhuanok try
14:57.53ralfWORKmikma: ya I read about that... I was like wtf?
14:58.01Xinhuan/print ActionButton1.action
14:58.10ralfWORKXinhuan: actually, any form does the same thing.. bear, cat, boomkin... all print 1
14:58.36ralfWORKXinhuan: same result with that command
14:58.45nevcairielbut the spell change?
14:58.53ralfWORKya, spellbar changes though
14:59.17nevcairielits Bar10 anyway, bonusbar offset profed that
14:59.36nevcairielor proved?
14:59.42ralfWORKproved :)
14:59.57Xinhuanok this will will cement the proof
15:00.28ralfWORKhalp! I'm in wildhammer keep and cant' get out!
15:00.43Xinhuanit shouldprint the texture path for spell 109 (first spell on your moonkin bar) ;p
15:00.51ralfWORKXinhuan: correct!
15:01.13Xinhuando you like being a moonkin?
15:01.30ralfWORKeh. it's a little alt of mine
15:01.34ralfWORKit's kinda fun
15:01.53ralfWORKit's now an alt that I dream of leveling up to herb/skin
15:02.46mikmais there any proper gear for boomkin in pvp?
15:03.03*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
15:03.09ralfWORKI'm like level 44
15:03.26ralfWORKbut from what I understand, the boomkin leather you get from the latest badge rewards and from PVP
15:03.47Xinhuanas i understand it, the only boomkin gear for pvp is the 5 pieces from
15:03.53Xinhuanyour gladiator set
15:03.57Xinhuanand the staff
15:04.09ralfWORKoh, a few craftables too I *think*
15:04.37Kalrothmoonkin tanking ><
15:04.38ralfWORKok seriously how the fuck do I get out of wildhammer keepy
15:04.40ralfWORKI hate this place
15:04.41mikmait's really stupid that you can't change your pvp gear to another :( like change healgear to dps gear
15:05.41ralfWORKthere! think I made it out alive!
15:05.46Xinhuanthat's like having your cake and eating it ;p
15:06.05ralfWORKmikma: hmm. for a price, it seems like maybe you could
15:06.14ralfWORKala tailoring specialties
15:06.16Xinhuanis wildhammer keep that stupid place in hinterlands?
15:06.24ralfWORKXinhuan: yes, you hate it too? :P
15:06.40Xinhuanits annoyingly far from civilization
15:06.53ralfWORKand you can't ever get out of teh stupid inn!
15:06.58mikmaralfWORK: i would be ready to even pay some money/honor just for the fact thet druids could get another set of gear :I
15:07.04LunessaAnd yet all of Azeroth is about the size of one of the "Mills" malls.
15:07.18ralfWORKmikma: ya
15:07.19mikmalike "would you like to change your pvp gear? it costs 5000 honor"
15:07.32ralfWORKLunessa: hmm?
15:08.25LunessaXinhuan said that Wildhammer keep in Hinterlands is far from civilization.  Yet all of Azeroth could be plopped down inside of Potomac Mills mall - with room left over.
15:10.14ralfWORKguess I'll bring my boomy to 47
15:10.45ralfWORK4 rested bubbles away
15:10.59mikmabah. and i guess i'll stay as healer with my druid :(
15:11.17ralfWORKI don't like droods :(
15:12.07mikmai do, but healing is quite boring in battlegrounds
15:12.12mikmayou're the first one to die, always
15:12.21Xinhuanwhy are you lvling it then
15:12.40ralfWORKXinhuan: need a herber for myself
15:12.44ralfWORKand a skinner for the wife
15:12.58ralfWORKdruids are arguably the best gathering class in the game
15:13.05Xinhuana mage or rogue would have been equally good, and less painful to lvl ;d
15:13.30ralfWORKoh, this was already at level 40 :P
15:13.34ralfWORKactually my first toon
15:13.49ralfWORKso I figured I might as well make something useful of him
15:17.00mikmacan dwarfs see herbs with track treasure?
15:17.21mikmabut they can see veins :I
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15:19.38ralfWORKmight need to check that out some
15:21.10mikmaoh, and migrating paladin with aura on is cool. you get to keep the old aura that was on when you left the server and you can use another aura with that xD that means 2 auras, until you die.
15:26.12Xinhuancladhaire, i just commited the bar action ID info addition
15:26.18cladhairesweet, thanks.
15:26.30*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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15:26.53Xinhuani like how ace3config is nicely suited for FAQ style pages
15:31.10ralfWORKhmm so ZA resets monday morning
15:31.22ralfWORKguess I coudl do it now and then do the guild run monday night no problem
15:38.40ralfWORK28 minutes till ding :P
15:40.25LunessaAhhh... Kamdis gets all the love.
16:06.42Cidanbahhh, where's shirik?!#@!!
16:11.54[dRaCo]"I made you a shirik, but I eated it."?
16:17.41KalrothTem: morning sunshine!
16:19.40Fisker-"28 minutes till ding" ralfWORK
16:19.47Fisker-then you shouldn't be in zul'aman
16:19.58Temlast night was nearing my "drunkest"
16:20.18ralfWORKFisker-: ding 47!
16:20.18Temalso, no hangover
16:20.21ralfWORKgoing to ZA
16:25.07Cidehangovers suck
16:26.04Cidanwouldn't know
16:26.06Cidannever had one
16:26.10Cidandon't drink, etc.
16:26.27ralfWORKhrm, anyone here done Shartuul?
16:26.35CideTem has :P
16:26.41ralfWORKI can't figure out if it's soloable, 5 man, or more
16:26.52Temit's forced solo
16:26.54ralfWORKno :P
16:26.57ralfWORKTem: ok
16:27.12ralfWORKTem: repeatable?
16:27.37ralfWORKinteresting that it would drop epic gear
16:28.04Temif you do the daily every day, you will be able to repeat it at least once every 5 days
16:28.14ralfWORKk gotcha
16:28.29Tembut sometimes slightly more often than that because of the chance to get a full darkrune
16:28.40ralfWORKthat's cool
16:28.51ralfWORKI should probably do it sometime
16:29.06Temit's a very fun event
16:29.14Temdon't expect to beat it your first time
16:30.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (
16:31.04*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Shirik] by ChanServ
16:31.10Shirikodd, I can't reach any of freenode's ipv6 servers
16:31.23CidanShirik: l2ipv6 LOLOLOL
16:31.26nevcairielmy ISP doesnt give me IPv6 :(
16:31.28CidanShirik: :D
16:31.54ShirikCidan: I always connect on those servers :/
16:32.02CidanShirik: Hmm, odd.
16:32.05CidanLet me try, sec.
16:32.53cladhaire'Shadow Word: Pain' von Cladhaire wurde entfernt.
16:33.14Shirik~x de en entfernt
16:35.45Cidanno reply
16:35.52Olison~seen tekkub
16:35.55purltekkub <n=tekkub@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/Tekkub> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowwiki, 1d 18h 58m 16s ago, saying: 'meh?'.
16:40.14CidanShirik: Nada.
16:40.22CidanShirik: None of the ipv6 servers are up
16:44.03Cidancladhaire: you here?
16:44.50LunessaI think I hate people who type everything togther with no punctation or paragraphs and long run-on sentences and bad spelling or w/e and then want me to help them with their pblm cuz they need sum makros to win teh pvp
16:45.20Cidancladhaire: A while ago you let me test a GC tweaking addon.  May I use that code (with credit) in Conspiracy?
16:45.35cladhaireyou shouldn't use it
16:45.46cladhairethat would be bad(TM)
16:45.51Shirik!co us drenden kimina us eredar kanna
16:46.01cladhaireno really, it would be unnecessary
16:46.03LunessaBlizzard included changes obsoleting the code clad wrote.
16:46.08cladhairebecause WoW already does that
16:46.11CidanOh I see.
16:46.12cladhaireyou'd just be repeating it
16:46.14cladhaireand that would suck
16:46.17CidanOkie dokie.
16:46.24cladhairebut yes, you're free to
16:46.29cladhaireand i'm free to mock you for doing so
16:46.34ShirikThrae: Where's thraebot?
16:46.57Lunessaclad is wicked smart and slouken said "ooo - thanks for pointing that out.  FIX'T"
16:47.04ShirikSo Cidan, you remember Damascus at all?
16:47.14CidanShirik: Yes.
16:47.17cladhaireactually the specific idea behind part of it was krka's
16:47.35cladhairei had been working with different versions of it, his made the most sense in the nd
16:47.35ShirikHe just outdpsed a mage on his priest by using rank one holy nova and surge of light
16:47.37Shirikand that's it
16:47.50CidanShirik: Cute.
16:47.54CidanShirik: Fuck, fix CIA bot
16:47.55ShirikI think that's awesome
16:47.58CidanShirik: It's going ape shit again
16:48.07LunessaOne of these days, I'll actually stop playing wow long enough to write something more useful than a macro or three for public consumption.
16:48.09cladhaireare we happy with these examples?
16:48.20cladhaireI need a co-author for Buffy
16:48.23cladhaireif anyone's interested.
16:49.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
16:49.22LunessaDoes Buffy kick ass and kill vampires who look strangely like Paul Rubens?
16:49.31cladhaireit buffs
16:49.33cladhaireoddly enough
16:50.32Cideheh. anyone good with the svn api here?
16:50.55cladhairethe c api?
16:50.56cladhaireor just svn
16:51.01Cidethe c api
16:51.13cladhairefuck pools :P
16:51.14cladhaireand apr
16:51.16Cideor the python bindings for it, which are basically the same
16:51.39Cidedo you know if there's any good documentation? :P
16:51.49Cidethe code is well commented and all, but still...
16:51.51LunessaI think I'll go get "Hacking Warcraft" on the way home.
16:52.14cladhaireLunessa: you'd get to create two addons zomg!
16:52.24cladhairewhat are you interested in
16:52.31cladhairei can kick you one of these chapters if it'd help
16:53.36ShirikCide are you still working on that same project?
16:53.45LunessaI thought I'd be nice to your publisher and buy the book.   *chuckle*  And maybe after raiding tonight I'll get to work on my drag-and-drop keybinding tool.
16:53.53ShirikYou must be doing something craziness :P
16:54.05Cidebut I'm not really mentally sane either
16:54.26Cidebut hey, I found documentation!
16:54.57ShirikHey, I know what "krka" means now!
16:55.16LunessaI have this cool idea for a visual layout of the keyboard/mouse that lets you drag spells/macros to a key and does the binding.  And shows you which keys are bond to various states when you hold down modifier keys.
16:55.17nevcairiellet me guess, the same that whois tells me?
16:55.27Shiriker, yeah =(
16:55.34ShirikBut I don't go around /whois'ing people
16:55.48nevcairieli do on people with funny names
16:55.56Shiriklike Shirik or Kimina?
16:56.11Cidanboth of which suck.
16:56.12nevcairielyeah, but that doesnt tell me anything
16:56.37cladhaireShirik: by the way
16:56.41ShirikShirik comes from Shirei (jp) modified by taking off a few words and slamming the keyboard until it sounds dwarvenish
16:56.50ShirikKimina was literally just slam the keyboard and touch it up with a final letter
16:56.54cladhaireI absolutely hate your aka shirik
16:56.56cladhaireit makes me cringle
16:57.03Shirik(Note K, I, M, and N are all next to each other)
16:57.07Shirikcladhaire: bleh
16:57.31ShirikIt's who I am in #lua so I put it there
16:57.50cladhairemy names are all unique, by boring
16:57.51LunessaLunessa was a play on latin for moon and Elune.
16:58.35cladhaireCladhaire, Draoi, Sagart, Mallaithe, Sealgaire
16:58.36cladhairewho else do I have
16:58.48dylanmsealgaire is an interesting name
16:58.49cladhaireCairthas I came up on my own.. an Arthas derivative for a female
16:59.00cladhairedylanm: it means "Hunter" in Irish, and is oddly, a hunter :P
16:59.02CidanCidan, Nertu, Zerkais, Kharris
16:59.34cladhaireCladhaire = Rogue, Draoi = Druid, Sagart = Priest, Mallaithe = "Warlock/Wicked"
16:59.42cladhairein irish
16:59.45cladhairewhich i don't speak
16:59.49dylanmSo I rolled an alt and apparently our server is "Recommended" now.
16:59.55dylanmIt used to be dead but this is actually worse.
17:00.02cladhaireif you have character on a server, it'll always be recommended
17:00.12cladhaireunless you mean on the realm listing
17:00.24dylanmRealm listing.
17:00.44LunessaSome of my character names are uniquely my own, some are references to other things.  I /thought/ I made up Lothay from my own imagination - but it turns out to be a name of some Inidian beauty-pagent winner.  Who is, oddly, about the same age as my original version of the character.
17:01.00cladhairelua> cansay("Fyria")
17:01.01lua_botcladhaire: true,
17:01.09cladhaireI got Fyria through my random name generator
17:01.14cladhairewhich spits out pronouncable names
17:01.18cladhairelua> getnames("ASjfdf")
17:01.23cladhairelua> getnames("adfs")
17:01.24lua_botcladhaire: adga, adge, adgi, adgo, adgu, adgy, adha, adhe, adhi, adho, adhu, adhy, adia, adib, adic, adid, adie, adif, adig, adih, adij, adik, adil, adim, adin, adio, adip, adiq, adir, adis, adit, adiu, adiv, adiw, adix, adiy, adiz
17:01.35nevcairiellua> cansay("Nevcairiel")
17:01.35lua_botnevcairiel: false,
17:01.37nevcairieloh well
17:01.52cladhairenevcairiel: vc isn't a complex consonant
17:01.59cladhaireand the algorithm doesn't handle compound words yet :P
17:02.07cladhairelua> cansay("nev")
17:02.07lua_botcladhaire: true,
17:02.11cladhairelua> cansay("cairiel")
17:02.11lua_botcladhaire: true,
17:02.49Cidanlua> cansay("zigfby")
17:02.49lua_botCidan: false,
17:03.13nevcairieleven i cant say that
17:03.22cladhairewho can!
17:03.31cladhairegfb just isn't a complex consonant, lol
17:03.50CidanNo one can, I just made it up, etc.
17:03.55Cidanwell no, I'm sure you can try
17:04.10cladhairelua> getnames("zigfby")
17:04.29CidanIt's just not proper for the english language
17:04.30cladhaireno names in the next 1000 generations were pronouncable either :P
17:04.37CidanFuck the rules, etc.
17:07.42CidanShirik: moar new code to conspiracy, dropdown combo boxes are in now.
17:07.54Shirikk but unfortunately I was supposed to be at meeting 7 minutes ago
17:07.55Shirikso gotta go
17:07.58Shirikand hey
17:08.16Shirikare the dropdown combo boxes gonna go all "rawr I hate you mrmafmgmamrmgmar" too?
17:08.29CidanLikely not
17:08.36Cidanyou need to fix your game though
17:08.43Cidanno one can reproduce your damn bug.
17:09.30ShirikI have a video of it now
17:09.38zenzelezzwhat's the problem?
17:10.02ShirikI'll show you the video :P
17:10.21Cidanzenzelezz: The Conspiracy-UI pop-up menus are all garbled for him.  The frame borders seem to be inverted.
17:10.31Cidecladhaire: what the fuck are pools and apr's anyway?
17:10.41Cidanzenzelezz: And I simply can't reproduce it on three different computers
17:10.43cladhaireyou haven't read the svn api much, have you? :P
17:10.52Shirikannual percentage rate
17:11.01cladhaireApache Portable Runtime
17:11.02cladhaireuses memory pools
17:11.03Cidelike, I see references to them all the time
17:11.05cladhairelooks nasty at times.
17:11.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
17:11.51Cidandislike apr very much
17:11.59ShirikCidan / zenzelezz :
17:12.34Cidanl2 attach to Trac
17:12.38Cidanwith bug report
17:13.00ShirikI will eventually
17:13.07Shirikif you reset my password
17:13.41ShirikMake it the same as my SVN password
17:13.50Cidanit already is!
17:13.58Shirikthen I suck at typing it
17:14.14Cidanyou told me to do that last time, I thought.
17:14.30Cidandon't you have somewhere to be?
17:16.09Cidanlooking at that video
17:16.11CidanI'm like
17:36.18LunessaDoes this macro make me look fat?
17:40.24kergothdamnit, i'm tempted to buy these leggings of beast mastery someone posted for my new bm hunter, but he's selling them for way more than they're worth
17:40.27IndustrialShirik: do you have normal http download/bittorrent even? </3 RS :P
17:40.43Industrialkergoth: howmuch?
17:41.14kergoth1200g bid, 1500 buyout.. i'd pay up to 1k, but this.. pfft
17:41.29Industrialnah not for that item
17:41.31nevcairieltry to catch him online and talk
17:41.41*** join/#wowi-lounge gnor (
17:41.48nevcairielhe'll never get that money anyway
17:41.52nevcairiel1000 is a good catch
17:42.09kergothhmm good idea
17:44.35LunessaRob say Code Monkey very diligent, but his output stink.  His code not functional or elegant.  What do Code Monkey think?
17:45.52CideCode Monkey think maybe god damn manager wanna write login page himself
17:46.06Cide(did I get it right?)
17:46.38Industrialtoo bad manager can get another code monkey with a snap of his finges
17:46.42Cides/god damn//
17:47.05CideCode Monkey think maybe manager wanna write god damn login page himself
17:47.06LunessaClose enough Cide.
17:47.15CideI got the wrong part position wrong
17:47.28LunessaIt's all good.
17:48.10LunessaMy guild mates are sick to death of me responding with "Code Monkey think maybe manager want to write goddamned login page himself" when they ask for my opinion.
17:50.39Cidethe day is 'comming'?
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17:53.29LunessaI bet the pictured entity never worries about getting a date for a Friday night.
17:55.05CideI'd go out with him
17:55.11Cideor her...
17:56.00Cidanwhen I join guilds
17:56.15CidanI never tell them I'm a coder
17:56.37Cidewhy not?
17:56.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Fisker- (
17:56.59Industrialcuz they are going to ask
17:57.26Fisker-O HAI
17:57.36nevcairielI've never had that happen, i just play that card when i try to convince them of some facts
17:57.48Cideoh sweet. my svn wrapper works
17:58.35Fisker-damnit mikma
17:58.51mikmawhat? :D
17:59.22Fisker-i wasn't thinking about kittens at all
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18:01.02mikmathis is still great:
18:02.22CidanMan I'm looking at the old RDX.Cid
18:02.27CidanGod it sucks.
18:04.18Industrialso when can I download yours then Cidan
18:05.05Cidanwhen it's done.  I've commited my self to not playing nor leveling until I at least get the main windowing system on line
18:05.36CidanI'm actually almost there
18:05.38Fisker-allow me to obvious troll for a bit
18:05.48Fisker-Do you know what you, RDX and RDX.Cid have in common?
18:06.11Fisker-You all suck
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18:06.32IndustrialCidan: so from this vid I see that you have made a popup! (and the texture is reversing :P)
18:06.33mikmaah, ah, ah, almost funny
18:06.59CidanIndustrial: Much more so than that, :P
18:07.07Fisker-just like your mothers stand up comedy show
18:07.11Industrialthats my point whereisit! :D
18:07.49CidanIndustrial: Check out the code for your self
18:09.07Industrialok :>
18:10.41Industrialah okay thats quite alot then yes :P
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18:33.22Shirik|EcoleShizen: ping
18:33.23ThraeDamn Freenode giving mixed signals
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18:42.48Cidanhow do you set a fontstring's zorder?
18:42.53Cidaner, layer level?
18:43.01Cideyou create it at that level
18:43.06CideI don't think you can change it?
18:43.45CideFontString:SetDrawLayer should work
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18:48.00Cidanokay, wtf.
18:48.10CidanI think scroll windows jack up drawing order
18:54.44Cidanahh, SetScrollChild messes it all up
18:55.15CidanI wonder if that's a bug
19:05.25CidanThis is annoying
19:05.36Cidanis anyone here good with scroll frames?
19:07.07CidanI have a scroll frame, f.  I set the scroll child for this scroll frame to grid frame g.   g has a cell frame c.
19:07.18Cidancell frame c in turn has text, status bars, whatever
19:07.31Cidanbut for the love of god I can't get the status bars to order
19:07.42Cidanno matter what I do, the status bars show up over the text
19:08.02Cidannow if I don't f:SetScrollChild(g), it works, but, obviouslly I can't scroll.
19:08.20CidanI'm about to punch the monitor
19:09.46CidanThis is quickly getting on my nerves.
19:14.12CideCidan: put the text in a subframe? it's a shitty solution
19:14.25CideI've had the problem too, but I can't remember what I did to solve it, other than putting them in a child frame
19:15.44Cidanyou've got to be shitting me.
19:15.59CidanIs this a bug with scroll frames or something?
19:16.14CideI've had it surface unrelated to scrollfrmaes
19:18.32Shirik|EcoleShizen: ping?
19:18.51Shizenthere you are
19:18.56Shizenso it was you calling me lol
19:19.11ShizenI thought it was one of the bot at the other channel
19:19.25Shizenso how's it Shirik ? you're crazy or not ?
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19:23.52zenzelezz lol
19:24.57Shirik|EcoleShizen: I'm crazy as expected
19:25.17Shirik|Ecolebut I'm here in the lab with an EE friend of mine; he did a big "ohhhhh" when I said to him that you recommended an op-amp buffer
19:25.24Shirik|Ecoleso that might be a good sign :P
19:26.12Shizenyou're at the lab now ?
19:27.36Shizenif it was up to me I'd even go as far as creating my own input polling device >_>
19:27.55Shizenand just mux it to one output and feed it to one of the already digitized input bus
19:28.16Shirik|EcoleWe actually already talked about that
19:28.22Shirik|Ecolebut we're not looking to make it more complicated just yet ><
19:28.23Shizenbut that'd require a separate ADC circuit, and a multiplexer
19:28.43Shizeneh multiplexing is easy enough
19:28.50Shizenit's a good ADC that's hard to build
19:28.57Shizenespecially for things such as sensors >_>
19:29.23Shirik|Ecolethis shouldn't be difficult ><
19:29.29Shirik|Ecolebut we're gonna try this voltage follower idea
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19:32.41Cideum, Cidan
19:33.05Cidedon't frame children always render above regions?
19:33.39Cidanno; if I remove the call to SetScrollChild, it works.
19:33.45CidanI can change the order without issue
19:41.35CidanAll that has changed there is one line
19:41.51Cidanthe left picture is with SetScrollChild called
19:41.57Cidanthe right is with it commented out.
19:43.55Cidewhat if you do
19:44.10Cideinstead of doing scroll:SetScrollChild(frame);
19:44.40Cideyou do local tempFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame:GetParent()); scroll:SetScrollChild(tempFrame); frame:SetParent(tempFrame)
19:45.02Cidereally ugly, I know :/
19:45.27Cidanencase the grid frame in another frame that is the child of the scroll frame?
19:45.49Cidanlet's try it
19:47.21Cidealso try if something happens if you call :UpdateScrollChildRect() .. although I'd doubt it
19:48.17CidanAye, I have that in the update code, no effect with it in or removed
19:49.05CidanCide: Nope, still b0rked.
19:49.17Cideso weird
19:50.02Matrix110huh what happend to wownterface Oo
19:51.01Cidewelcome to like 2 weeks ago :P
19:51.34Matrix110i dont visit the page that often :P
19:51.45zenzelezzsssh, Cairenn is here
19:51.49Cideevidently :P
19:52.03KalrothShe's afk though and she neeeeever scrolls back
19:52.24zenzelezzshe's both AFK and not
19:52.38Matrix110Well i dont have a reason togo to WoWI aslong as my 3 mods from there stop working :P
19:52.49Thunder_Childshie is never afk, Cairenn is always watching
19:52.56Matrix110and occasional update checking
19:59.13Kalrothwhat the fuck is up with the replies
20:00.16Shirik|EcoleShizen: So basically the major objective is to separate the sensor circuit from the A-D circuit, right?
20:00.29Shirik|Ecolethe op-amp will force the correct voltage while separating the two
20:02.25ShizenShirik : basically that's the idea
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20:07.07Thunder_Childanyone know a mod that will make you auto target something, because i keep auto targeting a member of my party and i want it to stop
20:08.24Cideyou can't, by definition
20:08.27Cideunless you found an exploit
20:08.33Cideor someone did
20:08.39Shirik|EcoleShizen: Even though it's 0-3V, we still supply 5V to VCC on the op-amp, right?
20:08.49Thunder_Childi have no idea...but it's really iritating
20:08.52Shizendepends on the opamps used
20:09.06Shizenbut most opamp can use anywhere between 3v-15v
20:09.08Shizenor even more
20:09.15Shizenthough most opamps require dual supply
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20:10.01Thunder_Childand the interesting thing is that F4 wont target that party memeber
20:10.32Thunder_Childbut it randomly (a lot) targets them
20:11.12Thunder_Childit's like something stole F4 and is abusing it
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20:12.47MySpoons2BigThey blocked at my work, and its hard for me to write code without being able to look up functions and events.  Is there a downloadable list or version of WoWWiki's list that I can get somewhere?
20:13.20Thunder_ChildMySpoons2Big, proxy to it?
20:14.27MySpoons2BigThat would risk my job.  I was hoping not to have to go that far.
20:14.28Cidebuy the wow programming book when it's released :P
20:14.37MySpoons2BigThey're pretty strict on bypassing security/filters
20:15.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Keias (
20:16.13MySpoons2BigHmm.  I was hoping someone would say there's a PDF version somewhere, but ok :-P
20:16.31Cideit's a wiki, so not very likely
20:16.48MentalPowerI could setup a proxy website
20:16.55MentalPowerI beleive thats legal under the FDL
20:18.29MentalPowerMySpoons2Big: would that work for you?
20:19.06MentalPowerCidan: slouken responded
20:19.19MySpoons2BigYeah, that would probably do it. ^.^
20:23.19CidanMentalPower: I saw, writing up example code to post; Conspiracy's API is much too expansive to paste, D:
20:23.39MentalPowerfair nuf, just wanted to make sure you saw
20:24.47CidanMentalPower: Thank you! :D
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20:26.53Thunder_Childok, so PLAYER_TAGRET_CHANGED seems to fire right after SPELL_UPDATE_USABLE
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20:28.45Thunder_Childand right after CURSOR_UPDATE
20:30.24Thunder_Childanyone know what type of addon would use SPELL_UPDATE_USABLE?
20:31.37Shizenany kind of timer-type addons ?
20:32.27Thunder_Childthat could also change my target
20:36.36Shirik|EcoleNo dice Shizen =( Wierd thing is that even on the sensor side, we're having the same problem. If I drew up a circuit diagram would you take a look at it just to double-check that we're not being stupid?
20:36.50Shizenmmmm sure
20:38.03*** part/#wowi-lounge MySpoons2Big (
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20:46.14Cidantest code does the same thing even when not using the Conspiracy API at all D:
20:47.10CideI'm sure slouken will have that texture :P
20:47.34CidanShut up, D:
20:47.47CidanIt was the quickest way to test, I actually don't know the WoW textures
20:47.48Cidanat all
20:48.52Cidanedit: As Cide has pointed out so kindly, set your own texture for the bar, :P
20:48.55Cidan[ Post edited by Cidan ]
20:49.01ScytheBlade1Quick question: the clause in the Terms of Use that relates to cross-communication faction was added to the ToU once such addons that allowed it came into play, correct?
20:49.25ScytheBlade1Just wanted to double check on that
20:49.27CideCidan: :SetStatusBarColor(1, 1, 1)
20:49.38*** join/#wowi-lounge dabujo (
20:50.16Cidelocal texture = statusBar:CreateTexture() texture:SetTexture(1, 1, 1) statusBar:SetStatusBarTexture(texture)
20:50.23CideI think ^ is better
20:50.46Thunder_Childi think i am going to kill whatever mod author did this
20:51.05CidanSlouken gets the idea, :P
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21:00.01ScytheBlade1I just realized that a large number of people can't read my readme in IllegalAddon
21:00.10ScytheBlade1Due to it using the UNIX style newlines, and not the windows style newlines
21:00.16ScytheBlade1That too.
21:00.46ThraeTell them to use Wordpad like they should be doing anyway, since it can handle both types of newlines
21:01.06ScytheBlade1Or I'll just save it in the windows style newlines when I'm done updating the readme
21:01.25ThraeNo, let them learn that Wordpad has a purpose.
21:02.34CidanThat's pretty much the only reason I use wordpad in windows
21:02.39Thunder_Childya, to take up space
21:02.46Cidanis for unix newlines
21:02.55ScytheBlade1I use TextPad on windows, or Notepad.
21:03.02ScytheBlade1Wordpad can die.
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21:06.48CideTextPad is awesome
21:11.42Lunessa  -- I weep.
21:14.19Cidewhat's funny is that he didn't bother typing correctly
21:15.00Cideif I was writing a book I'd at least type out a respectable-looking post when asking for help
21:18.08Industrialwhy does /cast Steady Shot PICK A TARGET?
21:18.13IndustrialCCed mobs like it
21:18.14IndustrialI dont
21:18.51zenzelezzdo you already have a target or not?
21:20.58Industrialno i just mash my macro
21:21.13Industrialand it happily attacks a cced mob when eg moroes disapears
21:21.18CidanLunessa: Refresh that thread, :P
21:21.57zenzelezzIndustrial: just about all attacks will target a mob (nearest?) if you have no target and they require one
21:22.23Industrialwell thats ANOYING
21:22.30Industrialcant it just igve an error that i cant cast ;P?
21:22.54zenzelezzthat would piss me off tons when tanking (which is just about all I do)
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21:28.23Shirik|IAWShizen: Still around?
21:28.52Shizensort of
21:28.56Shizenkinda in the middle of heroic ramps
21:29.11Shirik|IAWwell I drew the diagram (sorry we got a bit distracted)
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21:41.58ScytheBlade1 - requesting comments before I ammend the IllegalAddon readme with that
21:42.13ScytheBlade1Warning: semi-lengthy read linked above
21:44.18ScytheBlade1Would love any spelling errors, grammar errors, or general "ur a nub and have no clue what ur talking about" comments
21:44.28CidanThere are no illegal addons period, actually.  Violation of ToS != illegal, but, eh, :P
21:44.46ScytheBlade1Bah, there are more definitions to illegal than against the law ;P
21:44.52ScytheBlade1I'm running with that ;P
21:44.56CidanNo actually, there aren't.
21:45.07Cidanwell no, yes there are
21:45.13Cidanbut in this sense, there isn't
21:45.22ScytheBlade1Whatever, I'm letting that slip ;P
21:45.43CidanClearly, you wouldn't want to rename it at this point to "AgainstTheTOSAddon"
21:45.57ScytheBlade1More or less exactly ;P
21:46.02ScytheBlade1It'd lose all of the flavor ;)
21:47.22*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
21:49.51CidanScytheBlade1: This may sound somewhat silly/dumb
21:50.28ScytheBlade1Cidan: hit me with it. Looking for any general comments.
21:50.30Cidanbut I'd also tack on somewhere in there, "I am not a lawyer.  This is not legal advice on the Terms of Service for World of Warcraft."
21:50.41ScytheBlade1Good point
21:51.34*** join/#wowi-lounge helppls (n=jakkemon@
21:51.44Shirik|IAWheh Cidan
21:51.55Shirik|IAWyou missed the post where people were all like "is this addon legal?!"
21:52.02Shirik|IAWwith regards to ScytheBlade1's addon
21:52.26Shirik|IAWalso, fix plox:
21:53.03CideI know why it doesn't work
21:53.08Cidanmaybe someday in the future for my phd, etc
21:53.08Cide"j" sucks, bitch.
21:53.11Cidanbut now, no.
21:53.46Cideoh fuck
21:54.01Cidewrapper.commit_file("test?", "test/test.txt", "Eat this", "Cide")
21:54.06Cide"python.exe has stopped working"
21:54.34ScytheBlade1 (also as a reply to the initial pastey)
21:56.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
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21:59.07ScytheBlade1Drinks you say
21:59.32Lopeppeppy... what's that crap supposed to be?  Drink rum, it puts hair on your chest!
22:00.29art3mismexican coffee is pretty good
22:00.38art3misif 6you've never had it order it for after dinner
22:00.53NightHawkTheSaneLopeppeppy: is that why you drink rum?
22:00.55art3misI'm a rum/citrus preson normally
22:01.44ScytheBlade1Complete updated readme:
22:01.45LopeppeppyI'm skipping dinner out with everyone today, I'll try it next time I'm not driving.  What's in it?
22:01.58ScytheBlade1afk ~5-10, if anyone had any additional comments on it, have at it. Back in a few.
22:02.00LopeppeppyNightHawk, I drink rum because it's what all good pirates do, yaaar.
22:02.52art3miscoffee/espresso and some liquor
22:03.02CidanI don't really drink.
22:03.03art3miswith whipped cream and a cherry
22:03.08CidanThough I do like the taste of rum.
22:03.12art3misits got a nice warm yummy flavour
22:03.19LunessaRUM. Yo ho ho!
22:03.22art3misalmost on par with hot brandy totties
22:03.28LopeppeppyDrink up me hearties.
22:06.12LopeppeppyGo slow on that, you'll ruin yer stamina.  *wink*
22:06.15WobinIt's water?
22:06.40LunessaWhere's all the rum gone?  Lunessa's liver!
22:06.52WobinWhy's all the rum gone? =(
22:08.38LopeppeppyRawr indeed.
22:09.05LunessaAll I wanna do is drink yer rum!  I'm not unreasonable, I mean no one's gonna drink your beer.
22:10.21ThraeBlizzard: We do not support using real world money for the purposes of "skipping ahead" in the game. Now buy our latest expansion pack or find yourself without friends and owned horribly in PvP.
22:11.07art3misanyone know of an addon like mr.plow for gbanks?
22:11.09LopeppeppyI'm not even going to drink my beer.
22:11.31Thraeart3mis: MrBlow can do regular banks, not guild banks?
22:11.39ThraeWhoops, Freudian slip
22:11.46LopeppeppyI like that slip, Thrae.
22:11.46art3misshrug I don't use it, someone asked me though
22:12.08ThraeIt should do Guild Banks too unless they use a different frame and Wobin is lazy to update one piece of code
22:12.31NightHawkTheSanewell, its Wobin, so probably. ;)
22:12.33ThraeYes Wobin, I am pinging you, and I know you're there
22:12.33WobinGuild banks are a bloody pain in the arse
22:12.45Wobinsince there's no way to tell if someone else is moving items
22:12.57Wobinand no way to tell if the cursor is holding an item
22:12.58ThraeThat's true
22:13.23ThraeYou're still lazy -- when's the last time you updated MrBlow?
22:13.57WobinSo I haven't found a way to do it with any reliability
22:13.57LopeppeppyI understand that's what stops most people who so truly want a gbank addon....  the fact that someone else has access.
22:13.57Wobinoh I've switched to Ace3
22:13.58ThraeExactly my point.
22:14.00Wobinit's got a fairly much sped up sorting
22:14.15WobinI've got an issue with the final swaps
22:14.19Wobinthat I can't seem to iron out
22:14.30Wobinand I haven't had time to bash my head against it recently
22:14.41Wobinfeel free to grab it from branches and have a look though
22:14.48ThraeIt's because ckknight sneaked LibRock code into it.
22:14.49Wobinsee if you can tell what's the problem
22:15.19ThraeIt's like a virus -- Cartographer_routes has been complaining about it recently. I need to downgrade.
22:15.33Wobinjust use Routes
22:15.57ThraeI can't use Cartographer_Routes because it's not Ace2 compatible, unlike the rest
22:16.04Wobinnono not Cart_Routes
22:16.08WobinThe standalone
22:16.21WobinInterfaces with Gathermate
22:16.26Wobinand gatherer also too I think
22:17.08LopeppeppyI'm... scared now to download updates from wowace.  Too many trunks and branches and libraries and ickies.
22:17.19ThraeWell just because Gatherer is Ace3 doesn't mean it's any better...Gatherer had a horrible DB last I checked, which was a long time ago
22:17.37WobinThrae: That -was- a long time ago =P
22:17.38NightHawkTheSanegatherer isn't ace3, is it?
22:17.52Wobingathermate is though (I think it's called)
22:17.54NightHawkTheSaneGatherMate is
22:18.39Cidan"How one man's life was ruined by marriage." One? They only found ONE?
22:19.40LopeppeppyThey obviously need to keep looking.
22:19.50NightHawkTheSanei can't imagine they're hard to find
22:20.14LopeppeppyI'll loan one out really cheap.
22:23.14LopeppeppyI need more of kitty in my life.
22:23.34LunessaKitteh r gud.
22:24.29art3mismaybe if you told the jerk that...... ;P
22:25.09LopeppeppyThe Jerk is currently in "removal" mode, art3mis.  At this point, he could care less what kitty I get, so long as it doesn't go into his new bedroom.  :|
22:25.36art3miswell then...
22:26.16Cidaneassssyyy now Creepy McCreepy
22:26.35KeiasIt's the internet.  All guys are expected to be creepy
22:26.57art3misif they aren't creepy, its a dateline report ;P
22:28.24LunessaNo, those Dateline reporters are just about as creepy as the guys they're "catching."
22:29.17KeiasSo there's no escape to becoming creepy? :(
22:30.07LopeppeppyI can successfully ignore creepy.  I'm living with one, duh.  To get my attention you have to be psychotic enough to sic the cops on.
22:30.19LunessaCreepy - the natural male state.  Creepiness increases the longer it's been since you got your kinks straightened.
22:30.34KeiasCan't argue that one, Lunessa
22:30.59ScytheBlade1Whoo, WoWI admins are fast. <3
22:31.02LunessaEventually you're the old guy in the raincoat on the park bench...
22:31.08NightHawkTheSaneLunessa: probably true. and sadly, that makes me pretty creepy i suppose
22:31.12KeiasIn just a raincoat
22:31.22Lunessajust a raincoat.
22:31.36NightHawkTheSaneraincoat, and slippers.
22:31.39KeiasI gotta take note of this one
22:31.40LopeppeppyI'd hit that.  <.<
22:31.51KeiasYou're gunna give us all ideas Lopeppeppy :P
22:32.18NightHawkTheSanetoo late, i already bought a raincoat...
22:32.51LopeppeppyKeias, I think I'm going to be... dangerous when I finally get single.
22:33.04KeiasRofl, thats the same thing I said
22:33.16NightHawkTheSane... dangerous to who? >.>
22:33.16ThraeI hate looking at my bear form's groin while running. It just kinda waddles back and forthe.
22:33.21KeiasBut as a guy, the trouble I can get in only goes so far :(
22:33.30LunessaLike Darkwing Duck - "Let's get dangerous!"
22:33.47LopeppeppyThrae, how far out are you zoomed?  My bear's butt isn't all that big when I'm zoomed out with my macro.
22:33.59LopeppeppyNightHawk, dangerous to whatever I catch next.
22:34.16KeiasI like how you refer to it as "catch"
22:34.26NightHawkTheSaneThrae: thats the worst part about bear tanking. having to stare at a bear ass
22:34.27ScytheBlade1Does WoWI's bbcode do the [url=http://blah/]Link Name[/url], or is it simply [url]http://blah/[/url] ?
22:34.35KeiasDo you think people are going to be running from ya?
22:34.42Thunder_ChildLopeppeppy, your bare but?
22:34.46LopeppeppyKeias, I think I will be very predatory.
22:34.54KeiasOut on the prowl huh
22:35.00LopeppeppyThunder_child, BEAR.  The other white meat.
22:35.08LopeppeppyNot just yet, Keias.  Maybe in a few months.
22:35.56Thunder_Childbut thats not the meat i want
22:36.01ThraeLopeppeppy: Yeah I was zoomed in too far -- an addon unbound my mousewheel
22:36.03KeiasI'll write that one down.
22:36.19ThraeI can still see his groin.
22:37.02LopeppeppyOh.  I don't have bear diapers for you, Thrae.  Just... try not to look!
22:37.21zenzelezzthis is why your roll female night-elf hunters Thrae, then you have another butt to focus on
22:37.32ThraeLopeppeppy: Tekkub corrupts me
22:38.40LopeppeppyI always build my toons from the back forward, I hate the way that draeni females run though.  <.<
22:39.33Lunessa... lurv that hip wiggle.
22:40.22zenzelezzmale solitus characters in Anarchy Online had a disturbing butt wiggle when they ran
22:40.25LopeppeppyThe YOU level her!  *laugh*
22:40.38LopeppeppyOkay, this one is perfect.
22:41.56LunessaHaha... I'll help with leveling if you need it.
22:47.04CideIsn't svn:mime-type set automatically?
22:51.09Endsubversion.conf decides whether it gets set for you or not
22:51.19Cideah, I should set it so I can test this then
22:51.28Enddefault really doesn't set it unless it's a "binary"
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22:57.31LopeppeppyDing all of 17, whee!
22:58.26LopeppeppyI'm growing up big and strong and draenic.
22:59.17LunessaDrink you [Ice Cold Milk]
22:59.55ThraeNever trust a Tauren offering [Ice Cold Milk].
23:00.15Lunessa*cough* night elf.
23:00.22Shirik|EcoleShizen, ffs, we finally figured it out
23:00.32Shirik|Ecoleand I feel stupid now
23:00.35Shizenyes ?
23:00.55LopeppeppyI'm not mixing dairy with this much rum.  Bad idea.
23:01.09Shirik|EcoleThe sensors make this spike of current
23:01.12Shirik|Ecoleevery time they sample
23:01.18Shirik|Ecolethe voltage supply can't handle it
23:01.33Shirik|Ecoleputting a cap across the power supply from 5V to ground resolved the problem
23:01.45Shirik|Ecoleto fill the gap
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23:05.54Shirik|Ecole(18:00:31) (@Shirik|Ecole) and I feel stupid now
23:05.59Shirik|Ecole(18:00:38) (Shizen) goodie
23:06.28Shizenthat wasn't what I meant by it but eh hehehe
23:07.00LunessaSounds painful.
23:07.03LunessaCiao tutti.
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23:15.58Endhmm, the wowinterface screenshot on the blizzard fansite page is out of date :P
23:17.34CidanIs there a way to get strlen in the WoW API?
23:17.38Cidanfor fonts
23:22.41Shirik|Ecoleok Shizen we didn't figure it out
23:22.44Shirik|Ecolethe scope lied to use
23:22.47Shirik|EcoleI'm going to go cry now :P
23:22.55Thunder_Child~cry Shirik|Ecole
23:23.01Thunder_Childdamit purl
23:23.03Shizengimme that schematic
23:23.29Shirik|Ecolethe schematic's irrelevant actually
23:23.41Shirik|Ecolejust the fact that the three sensors are hooked up to the same Vcc line seem to cause the problem
23:23.47Shirik|Ecolethe signal wires aren't even going anywhere atm
23:24.23Shizendon't give me that! sensors aren't suppose to cause a good solid Vcc to drop !
23:24.37Shizen(a good solid Vcc supply, that is)
23:25.49Shirik|Ecolewait, what?
23:26.00Shirik|Ecoleyeah but the schematic has everything in it, with op amp, etc.
23:26.09Shirik|Ecoleand right now we just have the sensor hooked up to power, and the signal wire to the scope
23:26.54Shizenand you said the scope lied ?
23:26.58Shizenlyke howz ? :o
23:27.03Shirik|Ecolewell it said the signal was stable
23:27.06Shirik|Ecolebut apparently it wasn't
23:27.13Shirik|Ecoleor the sensors were lying
23:27.14Shirik|Ecoleor something
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23:30.28Shizenthe 'spikes' are probably on a timeframe small enough to not be detected by the current scope setting ?
23:30.38Shizenor depending on how you set/calibrate your scope
23:30.38Shirik|Ecolewell we see them now
23:30.44Shirik|Ecolewe were probably just being stupid earlier
23:30.54Shizenso... problem solved ?
23:30.58Shirik|Ecolenot really
23:31.01Shirik|Ecolethey're not supposed to be there~!
23:31.43Shizenmake a test bed for your sensors
23:32.02Shizenstable Vcc provided by a ... say... 8505
23:32.16Shizenslap a zener in there if you think that's not stable enough
23:32.38Shizenso just the sensor, a phase-shift opamp with a gain of say, 1.5 or 2
23:32.43Shizenand a proper variable load
23:33.43Shirik|Ecolebut with one sensor, it's fine
23:33.49Shirik|Ecoleproblem is when we have multiple sensors in paralle
23:37.07*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
23:37.28Corrodiastime to see if rebooting will fix my little lag issue
23:37.44Shizenyou mean parallel Vcc ?
23:43.34*** part/#wowi-lounge FlAWD (
23:45.52ThraeGrrrr. Creating frameworks is a love-hate relationship.
23:45.58ThraeSuddenly you have a vision and then...pop!
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23:50.37Shirik|EcoleShizen: Yes
23:50.51NightHawkTheSanepop? like popcorn? do the visions have salt and butter?
23:52.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Corrodias (
23:52.03LopeppeppyI like mine with a bit of cumin too.
23:52.06LopeppeppyBetter, Corrodias?
23:52.42Corrodiasno idea yet
23:52.53Corrodiasbut i did discover that the cable was just BARELY making a connection in the router
23:53.18NightHawkTheSanemmm.. cumin
23:53.27NightHawkTheSanei should buy some of that
23:53.52Corrodiasi REALLY hope that was the only reason i was having lag issues
23:54.24LopeppeppyCumin is awesome stuff.
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