IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080201

00:00.09LopeppeppyPost 2 in
00:00.36Finwhat an odd URL
00:01.17ralfWORKScytheBlade1: works!
00:01.25Finoh and look at that, a section *just* underneath it entitled "Multiple actions with one click"
00:01.55ralfWORKScytheBlade1: shift+1 was bound to actionbar something-or-other
00:01.56Fin"Macros like this do not work anymore. As soon as Overpower fails to cast, the game will block all the other spells from casting as well, even though the GCD is not actually triggered."
00:02.03FinI wonder if that was anything to do with ralfWORK's issue
00:02.05Finoh well
00:02.13ScytheBlade1ralfWORK: told you. :)
00:02.20ralfWORKScytheBlade1: indeed, tyvm
00:02.26ScytheBlade1ralfWORK: that's a semi-common pitfall, so no worries
00:02.30ralfWORKnow maybe I can beat that mage next raid ;)
00:02.39ScytheBlade1It's not something that you think of all that often ;)
00:02.48ScytheBlade1As a mage, I'm sorry I helped you with that macro now :(
00:02.49ralfWORKFin: thank you for looking that up, I am all set now :D
00:02.54ralfWORKScytheBlade1: ahahahah
00:03.29ralfWORKI'm actually kinda mad
00:03.30Finoh, hey, I really didn't help :) and I didn't specifically look it up - I just noticed the section below the bit relevant to sacarasc's question - glad you got it sorted though
00:03.36ralfWORKhow gear-dependant shadowpriests are
00:03.39Finkerrrazy mad?
00:03.41ralfWORKcompared to mages
00:03.49ScytheBlade1Everything is to one extent or another
00:04.41ralfWORKScytheBlade1: maybe. the mage I'm fighting has about half the Spelldamage I have
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00:04.41ralfWORKthere is no reason I shouldn't be whooping him on a regular
00:04.59ralfWORKnow granted, he's an *excellent* mage
00:05.05ralfWORKbut come on now
00:05.07ScytheBlade1ralfWORK: I've got +905 +dmg, and I commonly out-DPS other mages I know with >1100
00:05.34ralfWORKohh wait... what's the Bot thing where I can compare stats?
00:05.46ScytheBlade1I forget the syntax
00:06.02ralfWORKpurl: us elune nightface
00:06.07ScytheBlade1It's not purl
00:06.12ScytheBlade1!s us elune nightface
00:06.12ralfWORKoh my bad
00:06.15ScytheBlade1!c us elune nightface
00:06.18ThraeBotScytheBlade1: Nightface, Level 70 Human Priest (14/0/47). 8241 HP; 8610 Mana; 168 mana regen; 54 mp5; 110 spell crit; 90 spell hit; 925 +spell dmg/heal; 102 shadow dmg (1027); 5.70% dodge; 34 resilience; +33 all resists;[[ TBR: 1137 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Thu Jan 31 19:14:59 2008 EST ]]
00:06.51ScytheBlade1!c us elune nightface us doomhammer sbo
00:06.51ralfWORK!c us elune nightface us elune aprucel
00:06.52ThraeBotralfWORK: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/layout/character-sheet.xsl"?><page globalSearch="1" lang="en_gb" requestUrl="/character-sheet.xml">  <characterInfo errCode="noCharacter"/></page>
00:06.53ThraeBotScytheBlade1: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/layout/character-sheet.xsl"?><page globalSearch="1" lang="en_gb" requestUrl="/character-sheet.xml">  <characterInfo errCode="noCharacter"/></page>
00:07.03ralfWORKuhm. ok.
00:07.18ScytheBlade1!vs us elune nightface us doomhammer sbo
00:07.20ThraeBotScytheBlade1: Nightface vs Sbo! A L70 priest and a L70 mage square off!; 14/0/47 vs 17/0/44; Sbo wins by 312 TBRs!
00:07.31ScytheBlade1That's the right bot all right
00:07.34ScytheBlade1!c us elune nightface us doomhammer sbo
00:07.35ThraeBotScytheBlade1: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/layout/character-sheet.xsl"?><page globalSearch="1" lang="en_gb" requestUrl="/character-sheet.xml">  <characterInfo errCode="noCharacter"/></page>
00:07.37ralfWORKdunno what TBR is
00:07.42ScytheBlade1ThraeBot: your bot is weird :(
00:07.48ralfWORK!vs us elune nightface us elune aprucel
00:07.50ScytheBlade1Thrae: your bot is weird :(
00:07.52ThraeBotralfWORK: Nightface vs Aprucel! A L70 priest and a L70 mage square off!; 14/0/47 vs 11/47/3; Nightface wins by 26 TBRs!
00:08.01ralfWORKsee says I should have won! ;)
00:08.22ralfWORKthe only times I can tie him is when it's a threatless fight
00:08.28ScytheBlade1!c us doomhammer myrothin
00:08.29ThraeBotSorry ScytheBlade1, you must wait 8 seconds before making another request.
00:08.38ScytheBlade1!c us doomhammer myrothin
00:08.40ralfWORKlike... Oz or Moroes or something
00:08.41ThraeBotScytheBlade1: Myrothin, Level 70 Draenei Mage (40/0/21). 4413 HP; 5801 Mana; 123 mana regen; 36 mp5; 72 spell crit; 16 spell hit; 314 +spell dmg; 4.90% dodge; 10 shadow resist (+10); +8 all resists (+10 shadow);[[ TBR: 950 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Thu Jan 31 19:17:22 2008 EST ]]
00:08.57ScytheBlade1He's the one which I can eat alive in damage output... and his gear is much better than min--- wtf
00:09.04ScytheBlade1+314? +72 crit?
00:09.11ScytheBlade1Ignore me!
00:09.20ralfWORK!c us elune aprucel
00:09.21ThraeBotralfWORK: Aprucel, Level 70 Human Mage (11/47/3). 6473 HP; 9251 Mana; 144 mana regen; 139 spell crit; 118 spell hit; 626 +spell dmg/heal; 122 arcane dmg (748); 181 fire dmg (807); 5.26% dodge;[[ TBR: 1163 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Thu Jan 31 19:16:33 2008 EST ]]
00:09.37ScytheBlade1He's raid fire specced
00:09.38ralfWORKok, so he does have more dmg than he did a while back
00:10.02sacarascgood good, i got my after-res BG macro sorted
00:10.08ralfWORKI'm at 985 shadow damage, with my Blessing card equipped
00:10.32ralfWORKand no, I don't have my FSW yet :P
00:10.37ralfWORKthat mage used to be Frost
00:11.19ScytheBlade1The difference between PvE fire and PvE frost is ~5% at best, aka no difference at all given latency and skill differences (unless you've had Illidan on farm for a few months)
00:11.47ralfWORKwell, the shocking thing is he had frost gear
00:11.48Wobin181 fire damage (807) ?
00:12.01ralfWORKand when he switched to fire, he had like... ~500 damage
00:12.03ScytheBlade1Wobin: base damage + 181 fire dmg = 807 fire dmg
00:12.14ralfWORKand was still beating up the charts
00:12.24ScytheBlade1He just knows how to play. /shrug
00:12.59ralfWORKyes, yes he does
00:12.59ralfWORKhe plays his ass off
00:12.59ralfWORKand, like me, has no alts
00:12.59FinI spy an opportunity for someone to tell someone else to "learn to play, to be honest"
00:12.59ralfWORKwhich means he does 1 thing and does it well
00:12.59Finor l2p tbh lolz
00:13.25ralfWORKFin: if I didn't lead the raids, I'd say yes, L2P shadowpresit!
00:15.06ralfWORKI'd love to have nothing to worry about other than rolling my face on the keyboard and screaming pew pew pew
00:15.36FinI use my elbows
00:15.50ralfWORKI work with a 1 armed T6 rogue
00:16.26ralfWORKwho apparently, regularly out DPSes the other rogues who out gear him
00:16.59ralfWORKnow I don't know about you guys
00:17.03ralfWORKbut if I had 1 arm
00:17.05ralfWORKand was undergeared
00:17.07ralfWORKand won
00:17.13ralfWORKI'd be RAILING on folk
00:17.20sacarasci play one handed most of the time
00:17.55ralfWORKhe plays with a nub
00:20.23TemShirik, linkplz
00:20.32ralfWORKhe does have 1 problem though
00:20.40Temto the logical falacy test
00:20.40ralfWORKhis Vanish is next to his Evasion
00:20.58ralfWORKso if he aggros, usually he nubs Evasion instead of Vanish :P
00:21.47LopeppeppyDungeon Keeper rocks, |pez|, you'll totally enjoy it.
00:22.32|pez|Oh, I know that
00:22.40|pez|I've played it ages and ages ago ^^
00:22.44ralfWORKonly 27 more primal waters
00:22.46sacarasc!c eu darkmoon faire yanil
00:22.46sacarascjust wanna see what it says about me ;p
00:22.48ThraeBotsacarasc: Yanil, Level 70 Draenei Shaman (1/46/14). 7469 HP; 5568 Mana; 162 mana regen; 64 mp5; 4262 Armour; 980 AP; 177.500 Melee DPS; 22.43% melee crit; 44 melee hit; 294 +spell dmg/heal; 18.82% dodge; 4.88% block; 44 resilience;[[ TBR: 1050 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Thu Jan 31 19:31:30 2008 EST ]]
00:23.29sacarascwhat's a TBR?
00:23.44ralfWORK86 badges
00:24.33purlhmm... tbr is ThraeBot Ratings -- a ThraeBot innovation. Working on a PvP-oriented weighted algorithm for what stats the Armoury currently has for your character, partially modified by build-type, it can be used to pit two characters in TBR vs TBR combat, and tries try to take into account which classes are fighting. (or "to be released")
00:24.46ralfWORKhahahah nice
00:25.10sacarascwhat it doesn't take into account is that i suck
00:25.44LopeppeppyOkay, the forums not updating properly is totally vexing me tonight.
00:25.54Thunder_Child~calm Lopeppeppy
00:25.54purlACTION sooths Lopeppeppy, offers a backrub, tea, a jacuzzi and anything else that might help calm Lopeppeppy down.
00:26.19LopeppeppyWow.  Purl is now on the list of potential mates.  I'd hit that.
00:26.46Thunder_Childpurl is an it
00:27.17Finshe's a she
00:27.28Lopeppeppypurl has always been a she.
00:27.37kergothpurl is indeed a she
00:28.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Legorol (
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00:28.06Thunder_Childit. the only reason purl is mor commenly refered to as 'she' is due the male predomination on IRC
00:28.20ralfWORKit's like naming a ship "she"
00:28.30Thunder_Childbit quite
00:28.55sacarascless people ride on purl?
00:29.07Thunder_Childbah, for the good of all people kind i must stop typing!
00:29.14Tem~google brainfuck
00:29.29TemFU PURL
00:29.37art3misThunder_Child: I think its more because purl is fickle and does whatever she wants most of the time despite being requested to do something else
00:30.02Thunder_Childart3mis, thats human
00:30.06LopeppeppyShe offers good relaxation.  That's all I want.  :P
00:30.25Thunder_Childactually Lopeppeppy, you said 'mate'
00:30.44art3misor to be more mysoginistic, "she" only does what shes been taught to do and is incapable of growing and learning ;P
00:31.07ScytheBlade1... lol
00:31.15Thunder_Childi think you jusr defined a guy
00:31.31art3misno we call that trait in guys "stubbornness" ;P
00:31.52art3misits not an inability, its a pronounced defiance ;P
00:32.05LopeppeppyMate, best friend....  purl is hot.
00:32.42kergothat least the guy that runs ibot, jbot, purl, and apt said ibot was a she.  pretty sure they all must be
00:32.53LegorolAll of this makes much more sense if you agree that there are "male" behaviour traits and "female" behaviour traits, and most guys have a large dose of the male traits where as most girls have a large dose of female traits, but that's not absolute
00:32.54Thunder_Childyou dangrously close not not keeping with you 'meat only' policy
00:33.11Legorola given human (or non-human) entity may have any combination of male and female traits
00:33.16LopeppeppyPurl is pixels.  *shrug*  She's just leading me on anyway.
00:33.21art3misLegorol: you're oly saying that cuz your GF used to be a boy and still has some of the parts ;P
00:33.38Thunder_ChildLegorol, stop ruinging the fun
00:33.39art3misheh I knew a hutner whos cat was named Pixel
00:34.05Temhunters that name their pets the same name as their healer piss me off
00:34.26art3misI think that's new
00:34.29Legorolin our guild, there was a player named Trouble. her best friend named his pet Trouble
00:34.36Legorolit screw up wws parser client ^^
00:34.44art3misdidn't used to be able to name it someone that already exists be it a player or an npc
00:34.50Thunder_ChildTem, thats great for arena
00:34.59Thunder_Childscrews people over
00:35.00Temthat's what I'm talking about
00:35.07Tem"Sheeping the priest"
00:35.21Tem"no wait... I just sheeped the kitty"
00:35.28art3miscan target= be tuned to accept only players and not pets?
00:35.29Legorolyou target people in arena by name?
00:35.38TemLegorol, with arena frames, yes
00:35.42Legorolwhat kind of messed up targeting is that
00:36.00Legorolarena frames??
00:36.00Temusually, after the initial target, I go by my focus
00:36.05ScytheBlade1It's everyone's favorite poster, Trevion! This time, on the general forums!
00:36.39TemLegorol, there are several addons out there that pick up enemy targets in arena...
00:36.43Temscrew it, getting alink
00:37.36Legorolno worries, i can also google
00:38.56LopeppeppyTrevion is hilarious.  Ghostlands is taking population from AD.  I'm totally excited that people MIGHT transfer and I won't have queues again.
00:40.15ScytheBlade1And Doomhammer.
00:40.35ScytheBlade1The people who think that Ghostlands will fail aren't looking at the source realm populations.
00:41.01ScytheBlade1They're all MASSIVE PvE servers. To a brand new, no level ones allowed server.
00:42.27LopeppeppyI expect to see some of the people from broken guilds here on AD get together and transfer to make a new guild, fresh start on a new server.
00:42.33LopeppeppyThat would be cool and good.
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00:43.16Xinhuansetmetatable(defaultStartIDs, {__index = defaultStartIDs})
00:43.17Xinhuandoesn't work
00:43.24Xinhuansetmetatable(defaultStartIDs, {__index = function(t, k) return t end})
00:43.50Xinhuanthe first one gives "loop in gettable" error
00:44.54Xinhuanhmm i see
00:45.10*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
00:45.14Xinhuanthe function doesn't look up the value of k, the former does :<
00:45.31kergothwhat are you trying to do?
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00:47.28nevcairielXinhuan: you set a table with a __index to itself? no wonder it says loop ..:P
00:50.40WobinWTB Oceanic RP realm stat
00:51.21Wobinas much as I <3 AD, it's so utterly the wrong timezone for us
00:53.38Xinhuannevcairiel, i totally expected it to lockup :D
00:54.17Xinhuani just wanted a table where t.a.x will refer to a default value of t.x, so my second code works
00:55.53nevcairielyour first one wouldnt have worked anyway, because it'll use the table as a lookup, aka checking k,v pairs in that table, rathern then supplying the table as default ;)
00:56.03Xinhuanya i realized that hehe
00:56.16Xinhuanthe idea was i have class specific info in t.WARRIOR.x
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00:56.30Xinhuanand if t.MAGE doesn't exist, then accessing t.MAGE.x would default to t.x
00:56.43Xinhuanso my revised code will work for it
00:58.32XinhuanWobin, you're on.. argent dawn? :D
01:01.37*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Dinesh)
01:02.24Lunessanaps are good
01:03.02Cairennnaps are wonderful things
01:03.22CairennI think everyone should take a mid-afternoon nap, just like we did back in kindergarden
01:03.39NightHawkTheSaneI support this idea.
01:04.02LunessaI took the day off sick. We've been passing the same cold around the office a lot lately. So a nap felt good.
01:04.02Cairennbetcha the world would be a better place if we all took mid-afternoon naps, held hands and learned to share
01:04.17LunessaCan I skip the holding hands and sharing bit?
01:05.09NightHawkTheSanecan we have 30 hour work weeks too?
01:05.20MentalPowerdo we get to sing cumbaya afterwards too?
01:05.21LunessaMy cookies are MINE I tell you! MINE
01:08.29art3mis4 guys  that run the pirate bay  got indicted
01:08.45art3misand on a side note rapidshare was found liable for everything on it
01:09.29LunessaAnd thus ends common carrier protrctions...
01:09.59buuI wonder there's a decent enemy cast bar thingy.
01:10.03buuI want one that acts like bigwigs =[
01:11.22art3misI honestly don't think they'll lose
01:11.33art3misaccessory is a stretch by most laws
01:11.52art3misbut to know that TPB makes 4million from advertising alone is rather impressive
01:12.08buuDamn good business.
01:12.17LunessaNot really
01:12.19buuHeh, no wonder they were so confident about legal threats.
01:13.22Lunessa4 mill is nothing
01:13.50LunessaEspecially if you're in court a lot.
01:13.59art3misfor a stupid website that users do everything for is pretty awesome
01:14.38buuYeah, for a couple of boxes in a rack and a few forums + upload buttons
01:15.10Lunessasmall potatoes.
01:15.23LunessaAla dan quayle
01:17.16art3misAccording to Roswall, The Pirate Bay nets close to $4 million annually from advertising on its site, which currently tracks 1 million BitTorrent files, has 2.5 million registered users and has had more than 10 million users downloading files simultaneously.
01:17.46art3misthe best quote is this
01:17.49art3misMagnus Eriksson, a spokesman for Piratbyrån, a group that lobbies in support of file sharing, predicted that The Pirate Bay will endure the trial, even if a guilty verdict is returned.
01:17.51art3mis"The Pirate Bay is not going to be down for a single minute," he told The Local. "The Pirate Bay is now established in a number of countries, so there's no one place in which to push the ‘off' button."
01:22.15WobinI support this 'nap in the arvo' concept
01:22.23WobinWhere can I sign up to your newsletter?
01:24.10Wobin<buu>: I want one that acts like bigwigs =[
01:24.21Wobin"Warlock PHASE 2 APPROACHING!"
01:30.20art3misrambo workprint!
01:34.18Funkeh`anyone on a 64bit pc with vent working fine?
01:44.25kd3yup. running wine in 32-bit mode, thoug
01:46.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Thrae|Work (n=Thrae|
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02:01.45[Liquidor] :))
02:08.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
02:08.21Elessdydamn, i'm really laggy in wow tonight
02:08.25Elessdyand we're trying leo for the first time :(
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02:17.04ralfWORKyea wow is laggy for me too
02:17.33Corrodiasi'm lagged up the wazoo. :(
02:17.43Corrodiasnot a good time for a 25m raid
02:18.06sacarascdo you often get "lag" up the wazoo?
02:18.18Corrodiasno, it's normally a fabulous connection
02:32.18ralfWORKsacarasc: I think he might
02:32.23ralfWORKnot sure though
02:38.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
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02:57.00CorrodiasLeo's whirlwind is hard to avoid...
02:57.13Corrodiasat least as melee, unless i run out to a FAR distance before he starts it
02:59.05ralfWORKI hope to have that problem some day
03:05.08NightHawkTheSaneCorrodias: sorry, no idea how our melee deal with it. I'm a healer, so *shrug*
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03:43.26sysrageZA timer is 2 days or 3?
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03:45.22kd3got down to ~28 this morning... I'm eating ice cream right now
03:47.49Corrodiasour people don't know how to get out of his whirlwinds
03:47.53Corrodiashe's eating us alive on those
03:48.01Corrodiasi run away and don't get hit. HOW COMPLICATED IS THAT?
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03:48.40Corrodiasapparently some of us have trouble killing the demons, too, which i can understand. the hunter having trouble i don't understand, but the holy priest, yeah
03:48.43Thrae|WorkPeople that don't know how to get out of Whirlwinds should go practice on Herold
03:48.59Thrae|WorkSM Armoury FTW
03:59.33mikmai wonder do people even know from where is that original song from
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04:11.21Corrodiassometimes we're decent at this raiding but wow, we suck on Leo
04:12.14Corrodiasit looks like it IS an easy fight if people know how to stay mobile
04:17.25Corrodiaswell, not as easy for melee
04:17.31Corrodiasi don't see how i can do much during phase 3
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04:47.22MentalPowerkhangg: please do not use auto-away messages
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04:51.44Corrodiasthe irony, of course, is that he can't see that because he's away
04:52.13|pez|and not a part of the channel anymore.
05:00.15Corrodiaswhat kind of DPS can a shadow priest at early SSC level do?
05:00.35TemCorrodias, lowest of all dps probably
05:00.46Tembut he's still a huge benefit to your raid
05:00.49Corrodiasa very unattractive number
05:02.34Corrodiasis it REALLY a huge benefit? >_>
05:03.24Corrodiasit feels so strange to consider that a little health and mana is worth so much... oh yeah, i just remembered the lack of threat reduction. that's not cool.
05:03.39Corrodiascompared to soulshatter and invisibility, i mean
05:04.11Teminvis is terribad
05:04.17Temworst aggro dump in the game
05:04.27Temsoulshatter isn't terribly good either
05:04.32Corrodiaswhy? 5 seconds of standing still and you drop all threat, no?
05:04.41Tem5 seconds of no dps
05:04.51Temand if you get hit, you lose it
05:05.12Temalso, if your tank is having trouble keeping agro of your shadow priests, lol
05:05.39Corrodiashmm. cool...
05:06.10Corrodiasnow if only they had given the shadow priest an additional CC spell
05:06.27Corrodiasbut i guess shamans have it worse on that front
05:06.35TemThe real benefit is the mana restore
05:06.37Corrodiasand we LOVE them for their buffs
05:06.40Temand misery
05:06.50Temmisery is +5% magic dps
05:06.53Temthat's awesome
05:06.56Corrodiasdebuff on the target?
05:07.44Corrodiasthat -is- awfully nice
05:10.14MentalPowerok, I'm looking for this website that has a bunch of open source projects and statistics on them (like number of devs, commits, cost of development, etc) anyone remember the URL?
05:11.02MentalPowerno, not SF
05:11.03Corrodiasi have no idea
05:11.35MentalPoweryou submit your project and give them your SVN repo, they scan it and present you with a estimated development cost number
05:11.40Shirik(00:02:01) (Corrodias) is it REALLY a huge benefit? >_>
05:11.44ShirikYes, if your raid leaders are intelligent
05:11.51MentalPoweras if the volunteers on the project were actually paid
05:11.53ShirikMost seem to put shadow priests into healing groups
05:11.55Shirikthis is wrong.
05:12.00ShirikThey need to go into DPS groups
05:12.11ShirikYou can increase your DPS substantially like this; healers should be able to hold their own
05:12.26Corrodiastrue, our healers don't seem to have had huge mana issues or anything
05:12.31Corrodiasalthough i don't know if our dps runs out of mana
05:12.41Shirikthey likely are holding back if they don't
05:12.53Corrodiasmages have their stones and evocation, warlocks the life taps... hunters are SOL though
05:13.02Corrodiaslife taps being the evil route
05:13.14Shirikwarlocks are ok
05:13.28Shirikmages don't have enough (though with their new stones I haven't looked at how they're doing)
05:14.29Corrodiasi had a grand ol' time on my hunter when we had a shadow priest around, but he's like half-kara geared, so i can't really compare it to what he would be doing if he had decent mana-regenning gear
05:15.45Corrodiasalright, i think i'm going to play him a bit tomorrow. maybe tonight, but i've got a bit of a lag problem.
05:17.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Lukian (n=wizard@
05:17.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Slackwise (
05:19.08Corrodiasthe relevance of the usefulness of these alts in raids is questionable, since my druid plays in 80% of them, and my hunter who has been 70 for ages has just recently been on the alt-kara runs
05:19.42MentalPowerfound it :)
05:20.08MentalPowerit sucks that it does not track branches tho
05:20.15Shirikwindows explorer is teh restarting lawl
05:21.00Corrodiasi see
05:23.51*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
05:23.51*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v cogwheel] by ChanServ
05:24.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairenn (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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05:30.09TemShirik, explorer crashes like twice a day for me
05:30.18Shirikmaybe twice a month for me
05:30.23art3misthat's because you suck
05:30.49art3misexplorer is a drive browser not a shell ;P
05:31.05ScytheBlade1I don't believe I've ever had explorer crash on me within the last six months... and yes, that's on my windows box :P
05:31.14Temart3mis, vista
05:31.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Darkrift411 (
05:35.44Corrodiasnow i consider the rest of my night. hell, i could go to bed early.
05:38.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
05:39.43ShirikThe operation cannot continue as the audio codec has jammed.
05:39.45ShirikThat's a new error message.
05:39.56kd3wth kind of error is that?
05:40.02ShirikVirtualDub error?
05:40.18Shirikscreenshotted :P
05:43.08bleeterShirik is an jam
05:43.20bleeteras is my ISP
05:43.46Corrodiasmt connection sucks right now
05:47.25kd3oh yah. that's been a rather amusing thread
05:48.44ScytheBlade1I'm kinda afraid that 2.4 will be on the PTR soon
05:49.09kd3will be? I'm getting more worried that it won't... the forum purge hasn't happened yet. was honestly expecting it this week
05:49.29ScytheBlade1Any website page related to the PTR is coming up with "server busy"
05:49.43ScytheBlade1So either pricks are DDoSing it, or, something is actually changing behind the scenes
05:50.14kd3dunno. the client download's pointing to the 2.3.2->0.3.3 build
05:50.27ScytheBlade1The download page is giving me a busy error.
05:50.59ScytheBlade1Er, whoa is bouncing you to now
05:51.29NightHawkTheSaneits been like that for a while i think
05:52.34CidanI'm tired as shit
05:52.39Cidando I a) go to bed
05:52.42Cidanb) code
05:52.48kd3c) find more caffeine
05:52.54Cidanc) stay up playing Gametap 'til I passout
05:53.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Codayus (
05:53.23NightHawkTheSaneCidan: c, b, then a.
05:56.08art3misgametap is ebil
05:58.17ShirikOption B
05:58.20Shirikwith regards to my AVI
05:58.22Shirikthat I am about to show you
06:01.45art3misI'd be catious opening that
06:02.31Shirikwtb place to upload AVI
06:04.42ScytheBlade1I wonder if that will exist in the morning.
06:04.51MentalPowerShirik: rapidshare
06:04.53MentalPoweror similar
06:04.56*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
06:05.17MentalPowergnight all
06:05.40Corrodiasthis customer support forum is fun
06:07.27ScytheBlade1bleeter: that was perfect
06:07.54*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
06:08.00ScytheBlade1bleeter: like, if I knew you in real life? I'd have to pass you some amount of money
06:09.21bleeterScytheBlade1: hmmm?
06:09.33*** join/#wowi-lounge End (
06:09.38ScytheBlade1bleeter: you replied to my thread on the PTR forums
06:09.43bleeteroh yeah
06:11.12bleeterScytheBlade1: I was gunna say 'but but but.. MS *does* need nerfing' P
06:11.38ScytheBlade1Wouldn't blame you. Literally any reply to that thread is going to be as valid as the next.
06:12.31bleeterbtw, I would be far from unsuprised if 2.4PTR doesn't go up on a Friday afternoon, gives a weekend of testing and forum threads of glaringly obvious issues ;)
06:12.54ScytheBlade1That's a good point
06:13.36bleeteron a major patch, first PTR's bound to be mostly throw-away code ;)
06:15.06bleeterhmm, throw in slouken and zoot's UI change news yesterday, I smell a build that's fer sure ;)
06:16.18ScytheBlade1Whoa, I missed those posts
06:16.47bleeterand the one just above it
06:16.50ScytheBlade1Already there
06:17.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn|Away (n=nchatzil@
06:17.10bleeterI'm still trying to decypher Zoot's post. Can be read a couple of ways :/
06:18.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn (n=chatzill@
06:18.15Corrodiaswhat! who the heck is zoot?
06:18.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
06:18.25bleeter(1) Addons that interact with Interface Options will no longer taint (2) Addons that interact with Interface Options will have their own special area for configuration inside Interface Options (3) All AddOns will be able to use a special area in Interface Options for their configuration panel
06:18.31Shirikread stickies plox
06:18.59bleeterCorrodias: slouken's official offsider
06:18.59Corrodiaswhat's an offsider?
06:18.59bleeterpartner in crime
06:18.59*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Esamynn] by ChanServ
06:19.17ScytheBlade1bleeter: (2) is wrong as I read it... they're giving us a standard, seperate UI for addon configuration, not extending their own to accomodate ours
06:19.23bleeterin this case, it was the blue you got in UI/Macro when Slouken's off with wife having babies ;) 'cept he's sticking around after Slouken came back
06:19.27ScytheBlade1That's what I got out of it anyways
06:19.49ScytheBlade1Er no
06:19.53ScytheBlade1I see your point :P
06:19.53bleeterScytheBlade1: yeah, that's how I read it first time. But a subsequent read had me reading other meaning
06:20.07bleeterah, you too. glad it's not just me finding it a little ambiguous
06:20.22bleeterI certainly *hope* it's something in Interface Options where all addons can have their config displayed
06:20.38bleeternothing worse than the current 15 bajillion places for config
06:20.40ScytheBlade1I'd rather they add a button to the game menu instead
06:20.58ScytheBlade1So instead of menu --> interface options --> addons, it'd be menu --> addon config
06:21.21Corrodiasman, this combat event shakeup is going to really screw with the addon authors for a while
06:21.31ScytheBlade1"for a while"? ;)
06:21.59ShirikA year later we'll get "halp my <insert 2 year old mod here> isn't working"
06:22.05Corrodiasuntil they've gotten their relevant addons rewritten
06:22.18Shirikwe still get questions like that for pre-BC mods on the forums
06:22.27ScytheBlade1Yeah, there was one recently
06:22.34Corrodiaslike ItemRack?
06:22.47Mr_Rabies2(outdated private servers)
06:22.49Corrodiasfortunately, with a couple of tweaks, that one still works
06:23.41ScytheBlade1Every single custom unit frame will go poof, every... well, almost everything period
06:23.56ScytheBlade1Poor addon sites, hehe.
06:24.03ScytheBlade1Servers go *boom*!
06:24.20Corrodiasboom :(
06:24.44Shirikthat's why wowi has a light version that's forced periodically :)
06:24.56Shirikand an extra-light version that happened during 2.0 heh
06:25.00ScytheBlade1It'll be worse than 2.0, in a big way
06:25.08ScytheBlade1Yeah, you'll get to bring that version out
06:25.10bleeterScytheBlade1: a button there would certainly make more sense, as for some addon's they ain't got nothing to do with the interface at all eh ;)
06:25.50ScytheBlade1bleeter: more or less exactly, and, I don't want to be forced into a full-screen config page when I'm playing with... ... my UI that is hidden beneath said config page.
06:26.41bleeterScytheBlade1: I suspect it might be something they'd consider, once the PTR is up ;)
06:26.48Esamynn~lart Thunder_Child
06:26.48purlpulls out his louisville slugger and uses Thunder_Child's head to break the homerun record
06:27.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
06:27.53TemI read it as "We're adding an addon option space to our interface options"
06:27.56bleeterScytheBlade1: that full screen config page shits me no end
06:28.06TemI suspect they're getting rid of that too
06:28.07Thunder_Childyes my child?
06:28.11Temsince it sucks so bad
06:28.15ScytheBlade1I would hope
06:28.55bleeterI must say, though, that config/preference choice design and inplementation is prolly one of the hardest bits of coding to get right
06:28.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
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06:29.42bleeteryou either end up with something very generic that won't work well for a certain set of options, or a list 10000 long that 9/10ths are never used, so on and so forth
06:32.14Mr_Rabies2that's why you need lots of options and some preconfigured profiles
06:32.47Mr_Rabies2i'm a fan of mods with thousands of options, except when the SVs get reset somehow
06:37.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Adys (n=Adys@unaffiliated/adys)
06:47.22ShirikI really love nightwish's work. I wish there were more music like this
06:47.27ShirikTheir music videos could use a lot of work though
06:47.36Shiriksongs are good though
06:48.03Dumando you like the old or new singer better?
06:48.16ShirikI don't know, I just discovered them about a week and a half ago
06:48.23Dumanand yes, i realize they sort of have different styles
06:49.25Dumancheck out 'Delight', too
06:49.54Dumanlemme find one
06:50.25Dumaneh, audio is off on that vid
06:50.28Corrodiasah, nightwish. i've heard a couple of their songs -- or at least one -- on pandora
06:50.39Shirikpandora is how I found them actually
06:50.50ShirikI don't use pandora but a friend of mine at IEEE does and that's what we were using two weeks ago
06:50.52Corrodiasand i believe most music videos are crap
06:51.55DumanI've been listening to Killswitch Engage recently
06:52.03art3misexcept the deathklok music videos
06:52.13Corrodiashaven't seen those
06:52.18DumanI think their latest album has been in my changer (in the car) for a while now, heh
06:52.48DumanKsE, All the Remains, Soilwork and In FLames are in there right now
06:52.56Dumanhmm, something else, too...can't remember what
06:53.12Dumanoh, Mercenary
06:58.39*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
07:04.01kd3lol. I dodged once before Gruul smacked me for 15k
07:10.14NightHawkTheSanewooo.. kael down
07:12.33art3mistension breaker, had to be done
07:13.34Thunder_Child~tense art3mis
07:16.42Thunder_Child~combo breaker
07:17.22*** join/#wowi-lounge zenzio (n=zenzelez@
07:17.27art3mis~FYL Thunder_Child
07:17.46art3misFatality, YOU LOSE Thunderchild.
07:18.48Thunder_Childnot even that
07:21.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (n=kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
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07:22.57ShirikThis is boring
07:23.01bleeterno u
07:23.04ShirikI used to say "welcome to hell" to every new guild member
07:23.12ShirikBut now I'm in a guild called "Hellscreams Vengeance"
07:23.19ShirikIt doesn't work anymore
07:23.58bleetergot someone in my guild that has one of those auto-announce bot things... drives me mad
07:24.30bleeterI need some AI mod that detects which series of 'grats' to respond to
07:24.32Shirik"grats on leveling" etc?
07:24.41Shirikso annoying
07:24.47Shirikif you can't take the time to personally congratulate someone
07:24.50Shirikjust go away
07:25.12Thunder_ChildShirik, say "Welcome to Life"
07:25.21bleetertbh, she swears that she waits and approves the spam, rather than fully automatic, so er I spose it's meant to make it ok
07:26.03ShirikAnd that's supposed to be more conventient than saying "grats"
07:26.19Shirikanyway, sorry bleeter, AI is not my area of specialty
07:26.28ShirikI deal far too low level for that
07:26.40bleeterbut it's something we'd all like, correct?
07:26.41ShirikI /have/ dealt with AI communications
07:26.50Shirikthat's fun, because it needs to be damn fast
07:26.57bleetersomething that works out which bits of /trade to just completely ignore
07:27.06ShirikI'm worried about one of the bots I'm working on right now because it's taking 20ms to do something. Far too slow.
07:29.08ShirikIn my experiences, a good AI can't be coded all in one place. But I'm used to things a bit more complex than figuring out what a "grats" is :P
07:30.27ShirikFBI just posted ANOTHER opening
07:30.29ShirikSalary Range: $98033.00-$127442.00
07:30.29Shirik1 vacancy at Washington DC Metro Area, DC
07:31.00ShirikI find it very amusing that they have EXE files on their server
07:31.15ShirikThe following Federal Bureau of Investigation job was just posted at
07:31.53Shirikwait a second
07:31.55ShirikI'm an idiot
07:31.56Shirikdon't click that
07:32.14ShirikI'm going to go crawl in a hole now
07:32.47ShirikNo, I'm pretty sure that's right
07:33.07ShirikThis is exactly what the FBI job site and email looks like, and how could anyone know I signed up for those notifications, in that specific department....
07:33.25Shirikthat works right :/
07:33.29ShirikI'm confused now
07:34.53ShirikYeah, links directly to that exe
07:34.58ShirikSo I wasn't stupid
07:39.33purlomw is, like, "on my way"
07:39.44purli heard ftw is wtf backwards, or for the win
07:40.18purl[snafu] Situation Normal: All fux0red up. See also fux0red.
07:40.28purlfux0red is probably something that needs fix0ring
07:40.41Thunder_Child~factinfo fux0red
07:40.41purlfux0red -- created by asuffield <rewt@> at Thu Feb 15 15:12:24 2001 (2541 days); it has been requested 3 times, last by Thunder_Child, 13s ago.
07:40.47Thunder_Child~factinfo snafu
07:40.48purlsnafu -- it has been requested 5 times, last by Thunder_Child, 30s ago.
07:40.54Shirik~nickometer asuffield
07:41.03purlfubar is f*cked up beyond any recognition, e.g. "This whole operation is fubar, soldier" (gay lisp included), or a Bar addon like Titan Panel and Telo's Infobar.
07:41.03Shirikpurl, I disagree
07:41.04purlYou disagree?
07:41.11ShirikYes, that is what I said, I disagree.
07:41.23purlLine of Sight
07:41.42Thunder_Childno, purl los is Line of Sight or Loss of Signal
07:41.49Thunder_Childno, purl, los is Line of Sight or Loss of Signal
07:42.03Thunder_Childpurl, no los is Line of Sight or Loss of Signal
07:42.04purlThunder_Child: okay
07:42.12Thunder_Child~no loss
07:42.16purllos is, like, Line of Sight or Loss of Signal
07:42.37Temokay, something to do when you're bored
07:42.49Shirikplay with purl, apparently
07:43.01Temdo WTS with items that you actually want to sell, but with the item names in german
07:43.06Thunder_Childi am cheking purl's alphabet soup
07:43.11Thunder_Child~alphabet soup
07:43.21Thunder_Childpurl kpd is Kills per Death
07:43.22purlThunder_Child: okay
07:44.05ShirikTem: That works?
07:44.18TemShirik, the client accepts item names in any locale
07:44.24Temregardless of the server's locale
07:44.26Thunder_Childpurl vtol is Vertical Take Off and Landing
07:44.27purlThunder_Child: okay
07:44.30GuillotineI actually didn't think that was the greatest XKCD
07:44.33Guillotineyesterdays was though
07:44.38TemShirik, it'll even take koKR
07:44.39Thunder_Childpurl, no vtol is Vertical Take-Off and Landing
07:44.40purlokay, Thunder_Child
07:44.41Shirikyesterday's was awesome
07:44.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Cairen1 (n=Cairenn@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
07:44.47*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Cairen1] by ChanServ
07:44.48Tembut it can't display it, so it appears to not be there
07:44.48ShirikTem: But it's the server's decision to DC you, isn't it?
07:45.02Temand it doesn't
07:45.04Guillotineand the Epoch Fail one was Epic Win
07:45.26ShirikTem: Got an example link?
07:45.31TemPatrón: botas de oscuridad absoluta
07:45.41GuillotineI'm off to bed, night all :)
07:45.47Shirikdo you have the link code too? ><
07:45.52art3miscairenn assploded!
07:45.53Thunder_Childnight Guillotine
07:46.00Tem"\124cffa335ee\124Hitem:30306:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h[Pattern: Boots of Utter Darkness]\124h\124r"
07:46.02Cairennnight Guillotine
07:46.05Cairennart3mis: heh
07:46.08Guillotinenight TC and Cairenn :)
07:46.24*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
07:46.46Tem"\124cffa335ee\124Hitem:30306:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h[Patrón: botas de oscuridad absoluta]\124h\124r"
07:48.36Shirikok wow
07:48.39ShirikI can't copy-paste that, Tem
07:48.47Shirikcan you do a string.byte on that o thingy?
07:48.55Shirikmy client sucks
07:49.15Shirikoh okay
07:49.17Shirikit comes up NOW
07:49.20Shirikwtf is with my chat box
07:49.21Tem"\124cffa335ee\124Hitem:30306:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h[Patrón: botas de oscuridad absoluta]\124h\124r"
07:49.29lua_botShirik: 195,
07:49.50Temlua> ("\124cffa335ee\124Hitem:30306:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h[Patrón: botas de oscuridad absoluta]\124h\124r"):byte()
07:49.51lua_botTem: 124,
07:50.14Shirikbyte only does the first char :P
07:50.19Shirikwhich is obviously \124
07:50.20Temoh right
07:50.45Tem~lart Tem
07:50.45purltakes a large goose feather pillow and swings it wildly in Tem's direction, hitting Tem and sending Tem flying into the closet
07:50.55Shiriklua> #("ó")
07:50.56lua_botShirik: 2
07:50.58Shirikthat's what I thought.
07:51.09art3miswow tem you spent a lot of time in that closet
07:51.23purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
07:51.47art3misI've seen that alrt like 3 times today
07:51.51art3misall on you
07:52.03art3misis there something you're not telling us, yourself and possibly your parents?
07:52.10Shiriklua> for x in ("ó"):gmatch(".") do print(string.byte(x)) end
07:52.10lua_botShirik: 195, 179
07:53.04Esamynn <- ROFLMAO
07:53.54ShirikThis worked Tem: /script SendChatMessage("\124cffa335ee\124Hitem:30306:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h[Patr\195\179n: botas de oscuridad absoluta]\124h\124r", "GUILD")
07:53.57Esamynnand with that, I say good night
07:54.57art3mishehe the hover over is even better
07:55.06ShirikMy trade chat is boring
07:55.12Shirikthey didn't even take a second look at it
07:55.16art3misso what OS you running? EMACS
07:55.45art3misEndless Machine Access Code Stuff !
07:56.46kd3escape meta alt ctrl shift
07:57.02Thunder_ChildEMACS Makes A Computer Slow
07:57.10Thunder_ChildEight Megs And Constantly Swapping
07:57.19Thunder_ChildEmbarrassed Manual-Writer Accused of Communist Subversion
07:58.06Thunder_ChildEMACS May Allow Customized Screwups
07:58.44ShirikI use vim =(
07:58.47kd3gvim <3
07:58.56Shirikvim vim!
07:59.02art3misMust Consult Someone Experienced.
07:59.05ShirikMostly because I can't get X running, nor do I have any real desire to get it to run
07:59.39art3misMinesweeper Champion and Solitaire Expert
08:00.14ShirikThough I have to admit, I WAS using cat yesterday
08:00.15Shirikthat was fun
08:00.19Shirikprogramming over a serial connection, lol
08:00.24Thunder_ChildPiled High and Deep
08:00.32Thunder_ChildDefunct Operating System
08:00.39Thunder_ChildBill's Attempt to Seize Industry Control
08:00.50Thunder_ChildIt Still Does Nothing
08:01.30Thunder_ChildLots of Infuriating and Silly Parentheses
08:01.48art3misI think LISP is gay sums it up pretty good
08:01.51Thunder_ChildMac Imitation from a Corrupt Roguish Organization Selling Only Faulty Technology
08:03.24Thunder_ChildCOMPUTER Capable Of Making Perfectly Uncomplicated Tasks Extremely Rigorous
08:03.47Thunder_ChildLOTUS Lots Of Trouble, Usually Serious
08:03.54Thunder_ChildMCSE Must Consult Someone Experienced
08:04.01Thunder_ChildMCSE Making Computers Slow Everyday
08:04.03art3mis{Windows: n. 32-bit extensions and a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition.}
08:04.32ShirikI actually liked lotus notes
08:04.46Thunder_ChildNTSC Never The Same Color
08:04.53Thunder_ChildPASCAL Pedantry And Strictness Created A Language
08:05.04Thunder_ChildPENTIUM Produces Erroneous Numbers Thru Incorrect Understanding of Mathematics
08:05.11Thunder_ChildPMS Potential Murder Suspect
08:05.35art3misCMS Constant Menstral Syndrome
08:05.44art3mismost moms and girlfriends suffer from this
08:07.21Thunder_ChildFigure out your own acronyms for the following universities.
08:07.21Thunder_ChildSam Houston Institute of Technology
08:07.21Thunder_ChildFresno University for Cultural Knowledge
08:07.21Thunder_ChildCalifonia University for Nuclear Technology
08:11.36Thunder_ChildCCNA: Can’t Configure Networks Anymore
08:11.48Thunder_ChildCCNP: Can’t Control Network Protocols
08:12.39ShirikSee I dislike that comic though, because dealing with physics in non-intertial frames of reference is almost always a painful process :P
08:12.45Shirikimho that's the only reason it comes up
08:13.06Shirikwell, it IS why it comes up
08:13.08Shirikno opinion to it
08:13.36Thunder_Childand in no way is it humble
08:13.46ShirikWhen am I ever humble?
08:20.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
08:22.17KarlKFI=D 2k ap and 30% crit
08:22.55KarlKFIgotta log so it updates my profile
08:23.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
08:24.53KarlKFInot in pvp gear tho
08:25.02*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
08:25.03*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
08:25.14KarlKFIwhat's the bot /duel command?
08:26.41KarlKFItem: what's ur char's name?
08:27.04Tem!c us garona temaile
08:27.08ThraeBotTem: Temaile, Level 70 Human Mage (17/0/44). 10083 HP; 9221 Mana; 130 mana regen; 297 spell crit; 35 spell hit; 860 +spell dmg/heal; 5.02% dodge; 401 resilience; 18 frost resist; +4 all resists;[[ TBR: 900 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Fri Feb  1 03:35:50 2008 EST ]]
08:27.51KarlKFI!c us kil'jaeden wraithhammer
08:27.53ThraeBotKarlKFI: Wraithhammer, Level 70 Human Paladin (5/0/56). 8837 HP; 5928 Mana; 100 mana regen; 14 mp5; 9992 Armour; 2010 AP; 290.400 Melee DPS; 29.90% melee crit; 146 melee hit; 35 +spell dmg/heal; 8.49% dodge; 5.00% block; 157 resilience;[[ TBR: 1091 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Fri Feb  1 03:36:35 2008 EST ]]
08:28.16TemKarlKFI, that was mostly me just wanting to duel a ret pally with gear
08:28.19Thunder_Child191 more tbr
08:28.21Temyou guys have be a bitch if geared
08:28.53Temalso, that TBR system is flawed
08:29.02KarlKFI!vs us kil'jaeden wraithhammer us garona temaile
08:29.02ThraeBotKarlKFI: Wraithhammer vs Temaile! A L70 paladin and a L70 mage square off!; 5/0/56 vs 17/0/44; Wraithhammer wins by 180 TBRs!
08:29.08*** part/#wowi-lounge Rayne (
08:29.09Tema target with 157 resilience is going to hurt if I look his way
08:29.32KarlKFIthat's in pve gear, heh
08:29.53KarlKFIpvp i toss on my chest, boots, belt, bracers and get 275ish
08:30.00ArcaiaI need a new addon... something to play with
08:30.02KarlKFIand neck
08:30.14Temah much better
08:30.15ArcaiaSomething that isn't useless ;P
08:30.45Temokay, leveling mining sucks
08:30.47ShirikTBR is very flawed
08:30.51Shirikpriests are backwards
08:31.06KarlKFIi usually beat mages anyway
08:31.08|Jelly|!vs us burning legion jelly us drenden kimina
08:31.13ThraeBot|Jelly|: Jelly vs Kimina! Two 70 priests square off!; 18/43/0 vs 42/19/0; Jelly wins by 42 TBRs!
08:31.20KarlKFIwarlocks fuck me up, tho
08:31.42TemKarlKFI, warlocks fuck everyone up
08:32.13Thunder_Child!vs us burning legion jelly us draenor prismatic
08:32.14KarlKFIwarriors usually get their asses handed to them
08:32.16ThraeBotThunder_Child: Jelly vs Prismatic! Two 70 priests square off!; 18/43/0 vs 34/27/0; Jelly wins by 180 TBRs!
08:32.19KarlKFIrogues are a toss up
08:32.30|Jelly|!co us burning legion jelly us drenden kimina
08:32.31ThraeBot|Jelly|: Jelly vs Kimina! Two 70 priests compare their stat differences; 18/43/0 vs 42/19/0; Kimina ++540 HP; Jelly ++108 +healing; Kimina ++0.84% dodge; Jelly ++96 +spelldmg; Kimina ++40 Armour; Kimina ++1370 Mana; Kimina ++46 mana regen; Kimina ++5 resilience; Kimina ++22 mp5; Kimina has 2% more stats then Jelly.
08:32.47KarlKFIhunters, eh, usually kill me
08:32.54|Jelly|!vs us burning legion klot us burning legion smitey
08:32.59ThraeBot|Jelly|: Klot vs Smitey! A L70 shaman and a L70 hunter square off!; 41/0/20 vs 41/20/0; Smitey wins by 142 TBRs!
08:33.08KarlKFIshammies and druids own me
08:33.17KarlKFIand pallies just suck
08:33.19KarlKFIto kill
08:33.43Thunder_Child!vs us burning legion jelly us draenor holytemplar
08:33.47ThraeBotThunder_Child: Jelly vs Holytemplar! A L70 priest and a L70 paladin square off!; 18/43/0 vs 0/46/15; Holytemplar wins by 362 TBRs!
08:34.00KarlKFIi usually run outa mana and then have to give up, because if i try to drink they rez someone
08:34.23Temalso, TBRs fail to take into acount how l337 I am
08:34.38KarlKFIret pallies are meh at pvp
08:35.14ShirikI love how I can tank practically entire AB teams
08:35.15TemI think they're extremely effectice
08:35.15Shirikthis is so fun
08:35.20Thunder_Child!vs us burning legion smitey us draenor holytemplar
08:35.21ThraeBotThunder_Child: Smitey vs Holytemplar! A L70 hunter and a L70 paladin square off!; 41/20/0 vs 0/46/15; Holytemplar wins by 175 TBRs!
08:35.22KarlKFIno really great skills to use and no huge buffs, just a lot of small buffs
08:36.00KarlKFIstun's annoying, but i can't stunlock and can't keep anythign locked down or cc'd
08:36.26Thunder_Child!vs us draenor trancepants us draenor holytemplar
08:36.29ThraeBotThunder_Child: Trancepants vs Holytemplar! A L70 rogue and a L70 paladin square off!; 20/0/41 vs 0/46/15; Trancepants wins by 884 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
08:37.02KarlKFIeven with the run speed buff if someone is actually rnning away from me it takes to long to catch up and they can cast dots or icebolts or hots
08:37.18Thunder_Childi assume trancepants will own any of you
08:37.27Shirik!vs us drenden kimina us draenor trancepants
08:37.27ThraeBotShirik: Kimina vs Trancepants! A L70 priest and a L70 rogue square off!; 42/19/0 vs 20/0/41; Trancepants wins by 1089 TBRs! ***OWNED TO THE EXTREME!!***
08:37.43Thunder_Childhe is using warglave of azinoth
08:37.50Shirikcome on
08:37.55ShirikI have the priest version of cheat death
08:38.00Shirikit wouldn't be the EXTREME
08:38.17KarlKFI!vs us draenor tracepants us kil'jaeden wraithhammer
08:38.18ThraeBotKarlKFI: I failed on the first listed character. You fail.
08:38.29KarlKFI!vs us draenor trancepants us kil'jaeden wraithhammer
08:38.30ThraeBotKarlKFI: Trancepants vs Wraithhammer! A L70 rogue and a L70 paladin square off!; 20/0/41 vs 5/0/56; Trancepants wins by 876 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
08:38.49Arcaiastill.. wtb new exciting addon.
08:38.52Thunder_Child!c us draenor trancepants
08:38.52ThraeBotThunder_Child: Trancepants, Level 70 Night Elf Rogue (20/0/41). 10914 HP; +10 Energy; 4305 Armour; 2043 AP; 378.300 Melee DPS; 31.55% melee crit; 127 melee hit; 33.36% dodge; 248 resilience; 10 nature resist (+10);[[ TBR: 1967 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Fri Feb  1 03:45:11 2008 EST ]]
08:39.15KarlKFItank gear?
08:39.23Thunder_Childon a rogue?
08:39.25KarlKFIoh, missread
08:39.46Arcaia!c us Shattered Hand Arcaia
08:39.47KarlKFIthe sad thing is that my stats are almost as high as his....
08:39.48ThraeBotArcaia: Arcaia, Level 70 Human Rogue (16/45/0). 9194 HP; 1812 AP; 406.600 Melee DPS; 22.92% melee crit; 205 melee hit; 25.16% dodge; 75 resilience;[[ TBR: 1432 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Fri Feb  1 03:48:30 2008 EST ]]
08:39.56Arcaiaeww... pve gears.
08:40.30KarlKFImy pve gear has as less stats as his pvp gear
08:41.00Arcaiamy pvp gear has higher TBR
08:41.16Shirikthat's not how it works though
08:41.27Arcaiabut it is.
08:41.28Shirikyou can't relate the gear TBR to the vs TBR
08:41.35Shirikthey are two different formulas
08:41.44Arcaiawell this is true
08:41.44Shirikit's not just "subtract one from the other"
08:42.02Tem!vs us draenor trancepants us garona temaile
08:42.03ThraeBotTem: Trancepants vs Temaile! A L70 rogue and a L70 mage square off!; 20/0/41 vs 17/0/44; Trancepants wins by 1084 TBRs! ***OWNED TO THE EXTREME!!***
08:42.09Arcaiabecause I found that my 39 twink had more TBR than a 70 holy priest, but it still said the holy priest would whoop my twink.
08:42.28Arcaiawtb - exciting new addon to play with - PST me info.
08:45.29Kalroth!vs us draenor trancepants eu stormrage kalroth
08:45.29ThraeBotKalroth: trancepants vs kalroth! It's a showdown! But wait! What's this?! Something random? kalroth wins by 6721406 TBRs! Wow, that's GOTTA hurt.
08:46.02KalrothThat's no fun :(
08:46.24Thunder_Child!vs us draenor trancepants us thunderhorn kinos
08:46.25ArcaiaTrancepants d/c'd mid fight.
08:46.27ThraeBotThunder_Child: Trancepants vs Kinos! A L70 rogue and a L70 shaman square off!; 20/0/41 vs 0/5/56; Trancepants wins by 881 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
08:46.42Kalroth!vs us draenor trancepants eu stormrage kalroth
08:46.45ThraeBotKalroth: Trancepants vs Kalroth! A L70 rogue and a L70 warrior square off!; 20/0/41 vs 3/43/15; Kalroth wins by 165 TBRs!
08:46.46Arcaia!vs us Draenor trancepants us shattered hand arcaia
08:46.47ThraeBotArcaia: Trancepants vs Arcaia! Two 70 rogues square off!; 20/0/41 vs 16/45/0; Trancepants wins by 535 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
08:46.54Arcaiafigures as much ;P
08:46.57Thunder_Child165, heh
08:47.46Thunder_Child!vs us draenor trancepants us tichondrius rria
08:47.49ThraeBotThunder_Child: Trancepants vs Rria! A L70 rogue and a L70 paladin square off!; 20/0/41 vs 41/20/0; Trancepants wins by 739 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
08:48.40Thunder_Child!vs us draenor trancepants eu doomhammer mertai
08:48.45ThraeBotThunder_Child: I failed on the second listed character. You half-fail.
08:48.51Thunder_Child!vs us draenor trancepants eu doomhammer mortai
08:48.53ThraeBotThunder_Child: Trancepants vs Mortai! A L70 rogue and a L70 shaman square off!; 20/0/41 vs 16/45/0; Trancepants wins by 652 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
08:50.38ShirikThere are 20 of me on my RDX window
08:50.43ShirikRDX is so broken in BGs...
08:51.15Thunder_Child!vs us draenor trancepants us stonemaul coril
08:51.18ThraeBotThunder_Child: Trancepants vs Coril! Two 70 rogues square off!; 20/0/41 vs 0/40/21; Trancepants wins by 538 TBRs! ***OWNED!***
08:53.51Shirikit is really sad that all I have to do to kill a rogue
08:53.59Shirikis stand there, hit sw:p, prayer of mending, and shield
08:54.06Shiriknot even moving around
08:54.18Temreflective sheild?
08:54.25Shirikhe just sucked
08:54.28Shirikthat bad
08:54.36Shiriklike he's not even pulling me below 95%
08:54.52Shirikoh I did refresh inner fire
08:54.54Shiriksorry if that's cheating
08:56.31Thunder_Child~cheater Shirik
08:56.38Thunder_Child~cheat Shirik
08:56.58Thunder_Child~cheating Shirik
08:57.10Shirik~fail Thunder_Child
08:57.11purlThunder_Child: Fail.
08:57.33Shirikwtf? I made that?
08:57.37Shirikpurl, forget fail
08:57.37purlShirik: i forgot fail
08:57.41Shirik~fail Thunder_Child
08:57.42purlThunder_Child: Fail.
08:57.45Shirikthat's odd
08:59.02ShirikI know it used to be "gives <nick> thew orst grade imaginable, an A minus MINUS"
08:59.16ShirikI miss that one
09:01.26Thunder_Child~fail Shirik
09:01.27purlShirik: Fail.
09:01.35Shirikpurl fails imo
09:01.46Thunder_Child~factinfo fail
09:01.46purlThunder_Child: there's no such factoid as fail
09:01.50Thunder_Child~factinfo fail $nick
09:01.51purlThunder_Child: there's no such factoid as fail $nick
09:03.42Fin~literal fail
09:04.14Shirik[#] 04:02:33 [VFL] Local time is 4:2, server time is 4:1
09:04.14Shirik[#] 04:02:33 [VFL] Autodetected time difference: Server = Local + -0 hours
09:04.24ShirikI wonder if Veni actually thought that was a reasonable way to put those messages >.>
09:05.11Fin~literal literal
09:05.11purl"literal" is "<reply>Leave me alone you!  I won't reveal my secrets!"
09:06.50purlACTION lets a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh eat thunder_child.
09:12.08ShirikI love being a disc priest
09:12.15Shirik7 people to take me down
09:19.39TemShirik, none of the people trying to kill you were a good mage
09:19.56TemI can't kill you myself, but my dps + one other and you die
09:20.03cladhaireScytheBlade1: how on earth do you think 2.4 is going to be worse than 2.0 was?
09:20.18cladhaireI thought you were a sane man, but I'm losing faith
09:20.36Temonly way would be if liek EVERY ZOMG ADDON used the new addon interface
09:20.43Tem(which I doubt)
09:20.45cladhaireyes, btu thats' not a forced update
09:20.49Tem(and it's not a forced update)
09:20.50Temoh lol
09:20.51cladhaire2.0 required every single addon to change their .toc
09:20.54cladhairethere was no getting aroun dis
09:20.59cladhairethus, this cannot be worse than 2.0
09:21.02Temwe think alike
09:21.08cladhaireIt happens
09:23.24Thunder_Childdisturbing isnt it Tem
09:23.50Thunder_Childthats not the answer i was looking for
09:25.04*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
09:27.01Elkanoomg... todays xkcd is just...
09:27.18Temawesome, no?
09:34.35Arcaiahow would you cast something on your self, via a macro?
09:34.57Arrowmaster/cast [target=player] spell
09:35.20*** join/#wowi-lounge [Ammo] (n=wouter@WoWUIDev/WowAce/ammo)
09:35.33Thunder_Childi dont get why blizz thinks it's ok that they screw up and we suffer
09:37.22Elkanodepends on what they "screw up"...
09:37.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Riffage (
09:38.39Thunder_Childatm i was refering to the fact that attempting to drop one arena team glitches and makes you drop a diff one and you permanently lose your rating
09:38.40Thunder_Childpersonal rating
09:38.40Thunder_Childcan glitch*
09:40.37*** join/#wowi-lounge NM|Xinhuan|Guru (i=xinhuan@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/xinhuan)
09:41.56ShirikMessage: Error: AddOn CT_RaidAssist attempted to call a forbidden function (TargetUnit()) from a tainted execution path.
09:42.21Thunder_Childwoot, someone actually tried the burger in a can
09:47.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
09:47.44Thunder_Child nsfw
10:12.25Shirik NSFW Language
10:13.30sag_ich_nichtlol Shirik
10:21.07*** join/#wowi-lounge |pez| (
10:22.20*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
10:26.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Shizen (
10:27.14*** join/#wowi-lounge bleeter (n=bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
10:30.21*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
10:36.07ShirikBUGFIX [r239] Fixed an issue where Conspiracy may attempt to access a variable by the wrong name
10:36.23ShirikBUGFIX [r240] Used the correct variable name in the correction to the incorrect variable name
10:36.39*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
10:36.39*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v MoonWolf] by ChanServ
10:36.39ShirikI need to go to sleep I think
10:36.44sag_ich_nichtyes, i agree.
10:37.12otraviShirik: << related
10:37.14ShirikBut unfortunately it's 5:30AM, I need to be in class at 10:30AM
10:37.19Shirikand I won't have an alarm clock
10:37.37Shirikotravi: lol
10:37.43Shizenaye Shirik o/
10:37.44otraviI just use the speakers, and a cron :3
10:37.52ShirikI have a question for you
10:38.01ShirikYou deal with electronics right?
10:38.02ShizenI heard a rumour about unique IDs for same-named mobs come next patch ?
10:38.13sag_ich_nichtso do i, on rare occasions
10:38.45Shizenwhat is it, Shirik ?
10:38.52Shizenmeh... your name reminds me of Shirrak >_>
10:39.00ShirikI have a microcontroller with a few analog inputs. When I remove the sensors that are on two of the three inputs (leaving only one left), the two inputs float to the value on the one remaining pin (typical, nothing new, I can resolve
10:39.15Shirikthis with a pull down resistor. Attaching a 49K resistor pulled it to 0V like I expected)
10:39.35Shizen49k ?
10:39.40ShirikProblem is when I have all three connected, when one of the sensors goes out of range and another is in range, the out-of-range sensor seems to report a very unstable signal
10:39.57Shizendo you have the datasheet ?
10:39.57ShirikFluctuating everywhere between 0V and 1V
10:40.09Shirik(valid ranges are 0V to 3V) uh yes
10:40.11Shizenalso, what sensors are these ?
10:40.12Shiriknot sure if I have it right now though
10:40.15Shiriksharp IR
10:40.21ShirikIR distance sensors
10:40.22Shizenah, Infrareds
10:40.34Shizenwhat's the common-detect voltage for it ?
10:40.36Shirikoutputs a 0-3V signal which goes into an A-D converter
10:40.42ShirikI have no idea what that means
10:40.53Shizenso, 0 for 'NC' and 3 for '1' ?
10:40.56sag_ich_nichtwell, do you NEED the range from 0 to 1V? if not, attach a z-diode that kills it off until the signal goes up enough to be "useful"
10:40.59Shizenoh wait
10:41.02ShizenDISTANCE sensor
10:41.10Shizenso a scaled voltage rise ?
10:41.12Shizenfrom 0 to 3 ?
10:41.50ShizenI'm thinking of an input crosstalk
10:41.55Shizendo you have the schematic ?
10:41.57ShirikI think so too
10:42.35Shizenwhat MicroC is this btw ?
10:42.37Shiriknot at school atm so you're going to have to give me a few seconds to find it ><
10:42.41ShirikAtmega 168
10:42.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
10:42.57Shizenthe one you mentioned before
10:44.33ShirikThis is the actual device we're using:
10:47.07KarlKFIlol. i'm nuts
10:47.29KarlKFIi just wrote an essay on why ret pallies benifit the most from being in the grp with an enhancement shammy
10:47.33Shizenis that the packaging you're using ?
10:47.35ShizenDIP ?
10:47.47Shirikwhy can I not find this thing...
10:48.11Shizen <-- not this packaging then ?
10:49.12ShirikThe official name that I'm reading off the circuit diagram right now is ATMEGA168P
10:50.07ShirikShizen, that sheet you showed me says "Atmega 168 Auto"
10:50.13Shiriknot sure what the difference is, but I don't think it's right :P
10:50.23Shizendon't think it's right either
10:52.51ShirikThis should be right
10:53.43ShirikPC0 - PC5 (aka ADC0 - ADC5) are the analog pins
10:54.26Shizenah internal ADC
10:56.19Shizenstill a few things to ponder, what kind of IR sensor are you using ? is it one that uses its own VCC to produce variable voltage on IR detection ? or does it depends on... uh... circuit design ?
10:56.25Shizenhmmm how do I say this...
10:56.47ShirikThe sensor has 3 pins, one to ground, one to Vcc, one out signal
10:57.06Shizenookay, so vanilla sensor eh...
10:57.18Shizenhave you test-bed the sensors ?
10:57.20ShirikThe grounds between the various devices are connected together, naturally
10:57.33Shirikthe sensors work fine according to the scope when they're not hooked up all at the same time
10:57.42Shirikwhen they're all hooked up together, and one goes out of range, they go haywire
10:57.51Shizeninternal sensor resistance ?
10:58.00ShirikWhen only one is hooked up, when it goes out of range, we get 0V
10:58.25ShirikI'm still trying to find what the model number is of those sensors
10:58.54Shizennot really sure about the Atmega but it could be internal crosstalks
10:59.03Shizensince some microcontroller have their ADC inputs pooled
10:59.09Shizennot muxed
10:59.48Shizenand so when all sensors are connected (as opposed to pull down resistors which have certain constant resistance in regard to the input circuitry)
11:00.06Shizenthe inner resistance of the sensor caused crosstalking
11:00.16Shizenanyway that's my early diagnosis >_>
11:02.02ShizenPort C is a 7-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-up resistors (selected for each bit). The
11:02.04ShizenPC5..0 output buffers have symmetrical drive characteristics with both high sink and source
11:02.04Shizencapability. As inputs, Port C pins that are externally pulled low will source current if the pull-up
11:02.04Shizenresistors are activated.
11:02.21Shizenoops... sorry for the spam paste... thought it'd be a single line copy >_>
11:04.14ThraeShizen: I disapprove of your nick because it auto-completed before Shirik.
11:04.27Shizenerrr... actually...
11:04.29Shizenwhy does it ?
11:04.35ShirikYour client is stupid Thrae
11:04.38Shizenmy autocomplete arranges alphabetically
11:04.43ShizenShirik goes before Shizen
11:04.52Shirikprobably whomever spoke last
11:04.53ThraeYou may wonder why my client does that, that's because irssi is smart, not stupid as Shirik implies. It factors in *who last spoke*.
11:05.05ShirikI didn't imply anything
11:05.06Shizenyou have to work harder then !
11:05.08ShirikI outright said it
11:05.28ThraeShirik: I typed that before you said anything.
11:05.30Shizenyour client is being too smart for your own good then
11:05.33Shirikok Shizen I'm still trying to decipher that paragraph
11:05.41ShirikI don't see port C's relation to the AD pins
11:05.53ShizenPortC == PC0 -- PC5
11:06.18ShizenADC inputs fitted in with internal pull-ups resistor
11:06.34Shizenprobably this is to satisfy the ADC pool condition
11:06.52Shizensoooo it's a +VCC for logic 0
11:06.57Shizenor so, I think....
11:07.16Shirikyes that's correct
11:07.23Shirik0V provides the highest value
11:09.36Shirikfound the datasheet on the IR sensor
11:10.27ShirikI spent an hour a few days ago messing around with it trying to stabilize values (not related to this problem) because it fluctuates a little bit
11:10.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
11:11.00Shirikoh wait, nm, that's referring to the Vcc line
11:11.49Shizenyour inputs are analogous, aren't they ?
11:12.26ShizenIn the TQFP and QFN/MLF package, ADC7:6 serve as analog inputs to the A/D converter. <-- gg ?
11:14.00Shizenyou work for Sharp, Shirik ?
11:14.01Shirikmmm no, why?
11:14.01Shizenoh... no reason.....
11:14.01ShirikI don't think I'd have this problem as much if I worked for them lol
11:14.01ShirikWe're definitely using PC0-5
11:14.48Shizenwell if you see the block diagram
11:15.03ShizenPC0-5 is parallel bus'd through to the ADC
11:15.35Shirikthink splitting them up a bit would resolve the problem at all?
11:15.51ShirikInstead of using PC0/1/2, use PC0/2/4 and pull down 1,3, and 5?
11:15.52Shizenstill wondering how the ADC is pooled
11:15.59ShirikKinda a hack though
11:16.07Shizenno, not really a hack
11:17.27Shizenbut you could try using a voltage divider block in each input to present enough circuitry to avoid the inputs being pulled extremely low
11:17.36ShirikI should point out that we do have a cap on the sensor too, 0.1uF, parallel from signal to ground, to stabilize the signal. But we see this problem whether or not it's connected (this was to resolve something else, not this)
11:18.21Shizendon't see how that would resolve low-pull voltage problem
11:18.34Shizensince when the capacitor decays fully, it will still be a low-pull
11:18.49Shizenand here I'm wondering it it's really the low-pull that's causing the problem
11:18.59Shizenpez : depends on what kind of project
11:19.22|pez|Shizen: lots of different kinds of projects really...
11:19.38Shizenyou a multitasker like me ?
11:20.02|pez|I do lots of stuff at the same time yes.
11:20.09|pez|But the thing is, I'm horrible at organizing things.
11:20.13|pez|so things end up in a mess.
11:20.43ShirikShizen: Like I said
11:20.43|pez|example questions popping up in my mind ".. now.. where'd I put that project exactly..."
11:20.46ShirikThat was not to resolve this problem
11:20.56ShirikThis was just to stabilize the level of the signal
11:21.07ShirikCompletely unrelated destabilization
11:21.12Shirikminor fluctuations due to error, etc.
11:21.19ShirikNot this crap that's like +/-1V
11:21.44|pez|I guess I should just be better at organizing my projects.
11:22.00|pez|and have one central directory for all my projects, independant of type.
11:22.03Shizenpez : you could try SVN/CVS
11:23.09|pez|that thing that automagically upload things to online places, can it not? :o  and also keep old versions of files...
11:23.16|pez|I've never really read much about it.
11:23.19Shizenyes that
11:23.29Shirikwhy does this data sheet not have resistance data on it!
11:23.39Shizenit's mostly for team-type programming project
11:23.52ShizenShirik : it's internal 'automagically activated' resistance
11:23.59|pez|so, SVN or CVS, what's the difference? I might try one of them, since I have a linode that just does not do much these days.
11:24.00Shizenwe're not supposed to 'know' it
11:24.11Shizenpez : honestly I haven't a clue
11:24.16Shizenbut I think I use SVN more
11:24.17ShirikCVS sucks
11:24.19ShirikSVN sucks less
11:24.30|pez|Shirik: and is there anything that doesn't suck? :P
11:24.38ShirikAccording to Linus Torvalds, git
11:24.42ShirikI'm not yet convinced and I use SVN
11:24.49Shizengit ?
11:24.55nevcairielthats why everyone uses git now, because linus said tho
11:24.56Shizennow that's a first-time for me...
11:25.00nevcairielstupid fanbois
11:25.04Shizennever heard of git...
11:25.06|pez|SVN it is then.
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11:25.30Shiriknevcairiel: I think it's the whole "oooh distributed" factor
11:25.40Shirikthough one could raise the point that mercurial is not getting that kind of attention
11:25.59Shizenwow... Tony Royster is making a mistap ?
11:27.04Shizenanyway, Shirik
11:27.14Shizenyou'd have to do a lot of lab-testing to solve that problem
11:27.20Shizenintroducing voltage divider
11:27.26Shizenchanging the input from voltage to 'current'
11:27.46Shizenintroducing an RC ladder, perhaps, though this have the extremely annoying characteristic of frequency resonance...
11:28.22Shizenor you could, all in all, buffer your input
11:28.31Shizenschmid trigger, opamp buffer, etc etc
11:29.26ShirikThat is stuff for the EE guys to do, not me ><
11:29.43ShirikI know circuitry, I don't know it THAT well. I know enough to get my low-level stuff to work :P
11:30.15ShirikThough I do already have a voltage divider somewhere else, I'm starting to run out of space for resistors
11:30.35Shizenan opamp buffer is easy enough to construct
11:30.43Shizenthough space would be something of a dire consequences...
11:30.48Shirikif I knew how :P What exsactly does it do?
11:30.59Shizenbuffer your input ?
11:31.10Shirikwell /I/ could have told you that
11:31.14Shirikdelays it?
11:31.16Shizenyou could even introduce a smallish gain
11:31.39Shiriklike a hardware averaging scheme?
11:31.43Shizenit works actually to supply more current should the circuitry needs it, at the exact same voltage
11:31.52Shizenhence it's called 'buffer'
11:32.08Shizenit keeps the input/output level at the same average 'height'
11:32.13Shizenbut provides more power
11:32.16Shirikthat shouldn't really be necessary... the current going into the atmega should be in the microamps
11:32.20Shizenagain, should the circuit needs it
11:32.36Shizenyes, but here's a thought
11:32.54Shizenturning the buffer into a mixer ciruit, with a smallish 'reference' voltage
11:33.01Shizenthat would keep the output from being zeroed out
11:33.13Shizenbut at the same time won't fluctuate
11:34.00Shizenor uh... introducing a 'transistor' switch would be a good idea as well
11:34.25Shizenalthough if the SENSOR itself is fluctuating then nothing could be done about that, but as you say, sensors seems to be in good shape no ?
11:35.17ShirikWell it has some very slight variance, that can be taken care of
11:35.21Shizenoh! that's the schematic
11:35.24Shirik0.1uF cap, worked fine
11:36.03Shizenthat's made with OrCAD, btw ?
11:36.18Shiriknone of this was made by me so I have no idea :P
11:36.32Shirikwe use multisim for circuit diagrams
11:36.47Shizenso where's the input ? lol
11:36.50Shizenonly shows blank ports
11:36.58Shirikwell it's connected to a board
11:37.14Shirikso PC0 would be connected straight to the signal wire of the sensor
11:37.39Shirikthe sensor's +5 and GND pins are connected to an external supply due to the fact that they'll trigger the OCP of the board if we tried to draw it straight from there
11:37.43Shirikthe board can only handle about 40mA
11:39.55Shizenat L=150cm, Vomin 0.25 Votyp 0.4 Vomax 0.55
11:40.02Shizenyou could perhaps boost this a bit...
11:40.23Shizentherefore changing the Vo at short distance as well, but making new calibration
11:41.15ShirikI dislike the fact that I have to be raising these voltages -- I should be able to maintain
11:41.48ShirikI just had an interesting thought; I'm going to get some food then run to the school for a second; I'll let you know if I'm crazy or not.
11:41.59ShizenI pray that you are ;P
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12:16.11zenziookay, watching Shirik and Shizen talk is even more confusing than watching Cidan and Cide
12:16.11Shizenwhy hullo thar :D
12:17.15Temzenzio, at least they are two different colors in my client
12:17.23TemCidan and cide are the same color of purple
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12:18.08zenziothey're all greyish white in mine (unless they same my nick, in which case they're yellow)
12:18.39Shizensince my own message and others' message are coloured differently
12:18.43ShizenI'm not confused ;P
12:18.51Shizen(would be funny if I'm confused myself, eh?)
12:19.08Kaso"I dont remeber saying that...."
12:19.09zenzionot really
12:19.12zenzioI confuse myself all the time
12:19.27Shizenyou're special :o
12:19.39zenzioI am!
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13:03.02Legoroldoes anyone know the IRC channel for Curse?
13:03.09Legoroli can't find it on their site :/
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13:04.02bleeterdidn't know they had one ... i'm an ignorant fool of anything non-freenode
13:04.14bleeterand even then i'm pretty ignorant
13:04.50Legoroli'm trying to get in touch with them (i prefer IRC) because I have just been alerted to a worrying passage of text in their Terms of Use
13:05.37cladhaireand with that, I'm off to lunch
13:05.39cladhairehiya Legorol :P
13:07.03Legorolhi cladhaire
13:08.17Xinhuancladhaire, any issues with ipopbar?
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14:07.41cladhaireXinhuan: haven't had a chance to look at it yet
14:07.42cladhairewill now
14:08.55cladhaireXinhuan: why are the text offsets when you click the checkbox different on the three settings on the main "settings" screen.
14:09.18cladhairethe first and last go down and right, the middle, only goes right
14:09.30Xinhuanyour dialog box is probably larger than usual
14:09.38cladhaireits the default size.
14:09.55cladhaireI would make the following suggestions:
14:10.01Xinhuancan SS?
14:10.06cladhaireyes, one moment.
14:10.11sysragesure would be nice if we could get some non-sucktastic healers though
14:10.14sysragebah MT
14:10.35cladhairecould you add 1.) text entry on the advanced tab for the row ids, and 2.) A short statement of what the default IDs are (for the 4 extra bars)
14:10.40cladhaireso one doesn't have to go look that up
14:10.54Xinhuan5 min - doing eagle boss :D
14:11.00Xinhuanbut i'm reading
14:11.04Xinhuansince i'm on dual screen
14:11.09Xinhuanand pressing
14:11.17Xinhuanevery 3 secs is easy
14:15.17Xinhuanboss down
14:16.01Xinhuan1) text entries meaning, on top of sliders?
14:16.05Xinhuanace3 config doesn't like that
14:16.31Xinhuanbut doable i guess
14:16.45Xinhuantextboxes are special because they dont' save the value until you hit the OK button or press enter
14:16.53Xinhuanso you can't just type the number and click somewhere else
14:17.59Xinhuanhence i would avoid textboxes as much as possible
14:18.12cladhaireno, i mean like text boxes
14:18.18cladhairenext to the sliders, yeah
14:18.24cladhaireah that does suck
14:18.30Xinhuanace3 config doesn't have such an option though
14:18.31cladhairebut if someone uses an odd scale
14:18.36cladhairethey won't be able to select the right button id
14:18.38cladhairein theory :P
14:18.44Xinhuanthey can use mousescroll on it
14:18.47Xinhuanthe slider that is
14:18.49Xinhuanto scroll by 1
14:19.16Xinhuani'm sure any decent wow player has a mousewheel hehe
14:19.52Xinhuanthe textbox issue is also the same in RockConfig
14:20.22cladhairethats the issue I was referring to
14:21.42ralfWORKXinhuan: eagle is 2nd boss right? with the waves of birds on the way up?
14:21.46Xinhuanwhat do you mean by text-offset?
14:21.48Xinhuanyes ralfWORK
14:22.01ralfWORKhmm. only seen him once and he made me cry
14:22.07cladhaireXinhuan: look at the way the text label changes when you click the box.
14:22.14cladhaireits the push offset for the fontstring
14:22.39[Ammo]cladhaire: the center number under a slider = textbox
14:22.42cladhairethats why I linked the video, it should be clearly obvious
14:22.43[Ammo]it's just not clear enough
14:22.47[Ammo]but you can edit the text
14:22.51cladhaire[Ammo]: lol
14:22.54cladhaireso it is
14:23.01WobinI can't recall what happens on the eagle boss
14:23.11[Ammo]nargiddley was aware of it and was trying to find ways to make it clearer
14:23.17Wobinoh that's the one he tosses someone into the air right?
14:23.19LopeppeppyYou get dive bombed.  He electrocutes you a lot.  Repeat.
14:23.26Xinhuanyeah that would be a ace3configdialog issue, not an ipopbar issue ;d
14:23.32LopeppeppyOh yes, and the air-toss for fun times.
14:23.43Wobinoh we ignored the divebombing birds
14:23.43cladhaireXinhuan: then I'll bring it up with nargs, thanks.
14:23.52[Ammo]just jira it
14:24.12Xinhuanin any case, i completely removed the ace3 dependency
14:24.16cladhaireno, i'd rather not link the video on a crawl-able website :P
14:24.19cladhaireXinhuan: i saw that, good choice :P
14:24.31cladhaireXinhuan: Any reason why you don't allow 4 or 5 bars?
14:24.33Xinhuanso if you don't have ace3 at all, it'll be 100% slash command base
14:24.48Xinhuanwell i didn't think that many bars will be needed
14:24.53Xinhuanbut its easily extensible i guess
14:24.58ralfWORKXinhuan: the damage from electrocution was pretty amazing from what I remember
14:25.14Xinhuanhmm 10 min before lynx boss execution
14:25.25Xinhuan5 more trash packs to clear
14:28.15Xinhuani don't actually remember the default bar IDs that each form uses hehe
14:28.28Xinhuani'll have to wowwiki that up
14:31.45Xinhuan3 min left zz
14:34.37KalrothSleepy Xinhuan
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14:35.47Lopeppeppy./me totally screws off and plays WoW instead of working
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14:53.05ralfWORKXinhuan: out of curiosity, how many healers you take to that boss and what is their bonus healing at?
14:53.19Xinhuan3 healers min, 3 healers max for all za bosses
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14:53.35Xinhuanbonus healing is like.. 2100?
14:59.30LopeppeppyHmmm... brb restart.
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15:04.35ralfWORKXinhuan: interesting
15:05.21ralfWORKXinhuan: we've pushed through kara with 2 healers
15:05.29Xinhuankara is easy though
15:05.31nevcairielkara works with 2 easily
15:05.37nevcairielZA needs 2
15:05.38ralfWORKI've only done za a few times though
15:05.39Xinhuanthe first half of kara is doable with 1 shaman healer
15:05.45Xinhuanyes, just 1
15:06.01nevcairielyeah the second half needs 2 tho
15:06.14nevcairieland we dont want to change group setup during a 2h kara clear =P
15:06.23ralfWORKnevcairiel: exactly
15:06.45ralfWORKI'm surprised that ZA would need 3 healers with ~2100 bonus healing
15:06.57nevcairielbonus healing isnt really important
15:06.59ralfWORKbut I don't really know dick about ZA ;)
15:07.18ralfWORKkilled bear boss a few times. seen 2nd boss once. all in PUGs
15:08.03ralfWORKnevcairiel: so 3 healers for the HPS I assume?
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15:17.57Xinhuanbecause a lot of boss damage is aoe type
15:18.02Xinhuan2 healers isn't enough
15:18.17Xinhuanesp when you need 2 to keep a tank alive
15:18.24ralfWORKright, gotcha
15:18.34ralfWORKwish we had more than priests!
15:18.38[dRaCo]we did ZA recently with 2 healers... priest, pala, 3*shadows, feral, prot warrior, enhancement shaman, hunter, mage
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15:18.47[dRaCo]oneshotted everything
15:18.49ralfWORKlol we have like 4 holy priests and 1 resto druid
15:18.57[dRaCo]got 3 crates
15:18.58Xinhuan3xshadow is like having 1full healer though lol
15:18.59ralfWORKDrool: well 3* shadow probably helps
15:19.03ralfWORKyea it is hahahaha
15:19.10[dRaCo]of course it does
15:19.17nevcairielyeah 3 shadows keep the group alive easily, plus the mana of the healers topped =P
15:19.19ralfWORKsaw a post the other day
15:19.24[dRaCo]pretty cool setup, though
15:19.30[dRaCo]one DD more than usual
15:19.48ralfWORK"think 4x shadowpriest and 1x prot pally could win at heroic shattered halls"
15:20.19Xinhuanpossibly, but will be rough on the ogre boss
15:20.29ralfWORKlol yep
15:20.32nevcairieldont think so, the big mob groups put out some dps without any form of CC
15:20.34ralfWORKstill, funny to think about
15:22.11ralfWORKwell guess I'll consider 3 healers  for ZA then
15:22.18ralfWORKesp. as we are fresh outa kara
15:23.47ralfWORKI'm just thinking about in kara, how gimped DPS was with 3 healers
15:24.04[dRaCo]bring a shaman if you can, chain heal can make the difference there
15:24.18ralfWORKI wish that was an option :(
15:24.33ralfWORK1 resto druid. 4 priests.
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15:24.40ralfWORK0 pallys, 0 shaman
15:24.51LopeppeppyPaladins rule.
15:25.03[dRaCo]gotta love salvation
15:25.06ralfWORKI'm including myself in the 4 priests; I could spec holy and do fine
15:26.45[dRaCo]2 priests, shadow, lock, mage, prot, feral, enh, rogue, tree. now you've just gotta get the other 6 people :P
15:27.47ralfWORKoh trust me, I do love salv
15:28.00ralfWORKesp when I pew pew pew
15:28.00LopeppeppyIt's one of my most requested buffs.  I hate salvation.
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15:28.10Cairenn|afkcute: "Especially in-game gold bought for real money! This is a friendly reminder to our players that buying gold for real money is not only against the EULA, but can put your account at risk for hacking or banning. Buying gold causes game imbalance, damages the economy, and contributes to the amount of spam in chat, tells, and mail. In extreme cases it's even been known to cause increased hair loss, global warming, and the extinctio
15:28.11ralfWORKLopeppeppy: what class/spec again?
15:28.30ralfWORKCairenn|afk: lol nice
15:29.11art3misthat's lies!
15:29.18LopeppeppyralfWORK, I'm the holy paladin everyone bitches at when I'm drinking after a pull and don't renew their precious Salvation so they can pull again.  Scrod that, I'm drinking.  I don't rebuff until I'm ready to heal their pull.
15:29.24art3misit stimulates the economy with a new influx of monies!
15:29.41ralfWORKLopeppeppy: oic
15:30.01art3misGalactic Conquest is Here! \o/
15:30.09ralfWORKLopeppeppy: what I do hate is when healers ask for Salv over Wisdom
15:30.19LopeppeppyI do the salvation all the time for my raid group, so I can control a bit more carefully when they will pull versus the level of healer mana.  I'm mean and manipulative.
15:30.29art3miswhat I hate is paladins giving me salv and NOT wisdom
15:30.46CidanI LOVE YOU ALL
15:30.51art3misyeah that's for the threat reduction but really as long asyou guys don't suck my shadowy goodness understands threat thanks
15:31.06art3misyou not really us all?
15:31.10ralfWORKart3mis: I'll take salv over wisdom as shadow
15:31.12Cidannot really love you
15:31.12art3misthat doesn't make any sense
15:31.16Cidangod damn it
15:31.19art3mishas the world gone topsy turvy!??!
15:31.24LopeppeppyralfWORK -- if they need salvation, someone else in the raid needs to work harder to protect their healers.  Until that happens, they can have salvation if they need it.  art3mis, our buffs are requested by class leaders, so anyone who has issues has to argue with their class officer, not me.  :)
15:31.41LopeppeppyGood morning, Cidan.  Nice to hear you so... vocal.
15:31.53ralfWORKLopeppeppy: yes, if a healer is aggroing off the tank, the tank needs to be booted
15:32.17LopeppeppyNot booted... figured out and fixed.  Booting just breaks a tank, train them instead.
15:32.18sysrageeven if it's a crit heal right at the beginning of the pull?
15:32.39art3mis <-- speaking of raids
15:32.39ralfWORKcrit heals don't have anymore inate threat
15:32.45zenzelezznow now sysrage, it's not like there's ever more than one mob in a pull in BC
15:33.02zenzelezzand everyone knows all tanks have huge 3-second CD AoE taunts
15:33.22CidanAge of Empires
15:33.25Cidanman that game rocked.
15:33.33sysrageralf: honest? i'm not a healer, just every once in awhile i see one of our good healers have a huge crit heal and get like insta aggro
15:33.59ralfWORKsysrage: over healing causes no aggro; crit heals cause no more aggro than any heal of that size
15:34.10Lopeppeppysysrage... timing is everything.  It happens once in a while, but most healers know not to lead off with huge heals before the tank gets to get in a few whacks.
15:34.23sysragei see
15:34.31Josh_Borke<3 PoM
15:34.37ralfWORKJosh_Borke: amen!
15:34.46LopeppeppyThats a favorite lead off, I do understand.  :)
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15:35.16ralfWORKnow what I have seen is the tanks attack being dodged on the pull, and then the healer aggros
15:35.51ralfWORKI've also seen the same tank pull nightbane TWICE while his UI had mysteriously "broken" sunder armor
15:35.52zenzelezzit's not just dodging
15:35.54zenzelezzwe can also miss
15:36.00ralfWORKzenzelezz: yes. all that.
15:36.19LopeppeppyAccidents happen.  Taunt for the win, bubble and pray, etc etc.
15:36.37ralfWORKthey do happen. for some reason they happen more to one person
15:36.47ralfWORKlol@taunting raid bosses!
15:36.48zenzelezztaunt on 8 sec cooldown (for warriors) doesn't help on more than one mob
15:37.37LopeppeppyThere comes a time when the tank is responsible for aggro, and there comes a time when a healer is responsible for their own death.  I'm not of the group that thinks every healer death is a tank's fault.  Healers have strategies too.
15:38.12ralfWORKLopeppeppy: healer deaths... in my experience are 95% the tanks fault
15:38.34art3misthe other 5% is a result the ROUS's
15:38.46sysragemage deaths are always somebody elses fault. we're perfect
15:38.48ralfWORKart3mis: I'd have to agree there
15:38.51ralfWORKlol no
15:38.56ralfWORKmage deaths are 100% the mages fault!
15:39.05art3mismage deaths are actually the shadow priests fault
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15:39.16art3miswe have to even the playnig field somehow ;P
15:39.57ralfWORKit's only the spriest's fault when the mage is losing at DPS and trying to pew pew harder so they can win and end up dying ;)
15:40.18sysragepallys fault for not giving salv.. healers fault for not healing us through hits that are twice our HP once we pull aggro. blizz's fault for making iceblock not go off fast enough..
15:40.20LopeppeppyWhenever a raid is about pew pew damage meters and not about success, lots more people die.
15:40.41CidanI am not a Halo fan
15:40.42Cidanlike at all.
15:40.44ralfWORKLopeppeppy: true enough
15:40.46CidanBut I'll give it one thing
15:40.52art3mispeppy makes dps meters sound like a rwandan conflict
15:40.59CidanIt has the most fucking bangin' theme song.
15:41.05LopeppeppyCidan: it gave me new mountain dew, I love Halo.
15:41.11sysrageit amuses me that the people at the top of damage meters are almost always the ones that don't even care about them
15:41.20Lopeppeppyart3mis... only sometimes.  :)
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15:41.45LopeppeppyOh noes, Cide!
15:41.53CideRUN, MORTALS
15:41.55ralfWORKsysrage: honestly, I've found that threat meters are a better gauge to do DPS than actual DPS meters, for that matter
15:42.25KasoSo, kevln, "wow addon who create file with server name and character nick each time i'm connect on one character" im not sure i totally get what you're proposing, can you clarify
15:42.27CidanIs anyone here going to PAX?
15:43.31LopeppeppyPenny Arcade, Cidan?
15:43.45CidanLopeppeppy: Indeed.
15:43.57CidanIf Blizzcon doesn't happen, I will be going to PAX
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15:44.45Kevlnin fact, i'd like generate php image with dynamic values so i search how can i do to have on text file, each time i'm connected the name of character and server inside. ( sorry for this very bad english i hope u understand . .. )
15:44.58LopeppeppyI've pondered it a bit, Cidan.  Not sure, I'm more a games-chick than a comix chick.
15:45.11Lopeppeppyart3mis, I can take 33 children down screaming.
15:45.55Kasoyou wish to save the charater you're currently playing to file so you can use that to generate a signature image?
15:46.03Kasothat the right sorta idea?
15:46.05Kevlnyes !
15:46.41art3misLopeppeppy: hey me too!
15:47.19ralfWORKTo hell with morality, I'd be too busy pile-driving, crane-kicking, and bare-knuckle bashing them all the way back to kintergarten
15:47.27Cairenn|afkonly 20 here
15:47.40ralfWORKdamn only 20 for me too
15:47.42Kevlnin fact, i already make a sign who say "Offline" or "Online" but i don't know how to check server or character name ^^
15:47.52art3mis"do you ahve experience with swarms, but bees or paying against the zerg."
15:47.59art3mis^^ I'm horde what do you think
15:48.05KasoIts not possible with standard methods, though you could use some more complex tricks to get away with it, perhaps
15:48.52CidanLopeppeppy: er...
15:49.13CidanLopeppeppy: It's a gaming convention...
15:49.25KevlnIts boring, i can check the DATE of last change of file on savedvariable, but the files are upgrade after the /reloadui not on connect :(
15:49.39CidanLopeppeppy: Has nothing to do with comics, think of it like what E3 used to be, only even better.
15:51.23KasoWhat you could do kevln is upon login, begin combatlogging (eg /combatlog) which then saves to a seperate log file in a semi-real-time manner, then you can parse the latest lines of that for some action like "{youname} casts something" letting you know which charater you're playing, then save some timestamp to savedvariables when you logout so you know when you've gone offline
15:51.30Kasodamnit why did he leave!
15:53.43LopeppeppyCidan, I guess I see the Penny Arcade part and just think the comic.  Maybe I'll look into the vendors and so forth, see what's happening.
15:54.37CidanLopeppeppy: Neat.  I think you'd like it.
15:55.10LopeppeppyI think right now I'd like to like just about anything.  *grin*
15:55.53CidanHas Blizzard made an official announcement regarding Blizzcon yet?
15:56.12KasoI love the last picture on the PAX2008 news post on pa front page, clever marketing that is
16:01.24*** join/#wowi-lounge sag_ich_nicht (i=bitch2k@
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16:10.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (
16:10.54LopeppeppyMorning, Cogwheel.
16:11.02cog|workNO U!
16:11.12LopeppeppyNo wai.  Step off, hoser.
16:11.37Cairenn|afkit's "take off", not "step off"
16:12.46Cairenn|afkunless you aren't quoting the same thing I think you are
16:12.48ralfWORKstep off works
16:12.56ralfWORKstep off nubstar
16:13.18LopeppeppyI was going for Strange Brew, but it's been too long.  Step off is more downtown than the brothers were, I guess.
16:13.34ralfWORKshove off, sod off
16:13.42ralfWORKno idea what sod off means
16:13.44Cairenn|afkheh, yup, you were quoting Bob & Doug
16:14.22LopeppeppyTrying to, at least!
16:14.23Cairenn|afk(can't be a good Canuck without knowing the {in}famous Bob & Doug quotes)
16:14.42LopeppeppySod off is the same as step off, shove off, maybe a bit more strong.
16:16.01*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
16:16.33cog|worktoday's /. poll really says something about their readership...
16:17.28cog|worki think it's the only group of males capable of putting doomsday devices ahead of teh ladies
16:18.45ralfWORKLopeppeppy: sorry, I know what it means; I just don't know what sod has to do with it
16:19.21ralfWORKmust be alot of lawn care in england
16:23.21Cairenn|afkNewfie landscaper was talking with a customer about the work they wanted done.  Every so often, the Newfie would lean out the window and yell "Green side up!".  After this happened a number of times, the customer asked the Newfie what that was all about.  The Newfie replied, "That's my crew laying fresh sod on your yard."
16:24.04IndustrialIs there something with ?
16:24.31Cairenn|afkI was just able to get there Industrial, smoking fast for me
16:26.41zenzelezz"Wowhead is undergoing a quick maintenance."
16:27.11Cairenn|afkah, there it is on my screen too now
16:28.29ralfWORKCairenn|afk: I think there's a joke in there somehere, but I don't think I get it :(
16:29.08Cairenn|afk"They're so dumb, they need reminders to have the grass side up, not the dirt side"
16:29.17ralfWORKohhhh ok gotcha
16:34.32LopeppeppyCanadian version of the dumb New Englander jokes.
16:34.44Cairenn|afksame diff, yup
16:35.33ralfWORKI was thinking more like a "your momma so dumb" joke
16:35.57ralfWORKyour landscapers are so dumb, they have to be reminded which side is up when laying sod!
16:36.09ralfWORK(doesn't sound funny though)
16:36.19LopeppeppyIt does to me, but I've done some landscaping work.
16:36.27ralfWORKoh ok
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16:39.48LopeppeppyMine eyes deceiveth me!  Trevion just was helpful!
16:45.38cog|workLopeppeppy: but only because it links to a bug report
16:45.50cog|workanything to show blizzard as the bad guys :P
16:46.15LopeppeppyTrue to form, I do guess... but it's nice to see that bug report, I don't look in that forum often enough.
16:46.25*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work_ (n=chatzill@
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17:05.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (i=9b1f4464@gateway/web/ajax/
17:05.12Shirik|EcoleI just divided by zero...
17:05.16Shirik|Ecolebatrick: halp
17:05.25IndustrialNO WAI
17:05.47Industrial*the internet crashes*
17:05.56Lopeppeppy*head asplodes*
17:06.04nevcairiellua> Shirik / 0
17:06.04lua_botnevcairiel: [string "return Shirik / 0"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'Shirik' (a nil value)
17:06.39Shirik|EcoleI'm about to feed it through a simulator to see what happens :P
17:07.37Industrialyou simulated the internet?
17:07.39Industrialor your head?
17:07.49LopeppeppyNo, Br'er Shirik, please don't feed me through the simulator, please!
17:08.01*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Shirik|Ecole] by ChanServ
17:10.37Shirik|EcoleSPICE error: Timestep too small
17:11.06[dRaCo]We need moar spice.
17:11.22ralfWORKteh spice must flo
17:12.29Shirik|Ecoleah, so it's like I thought. It's zero!
17:12.50Shirik|Ecolelua> 1/(1/(40+40+80)+(1/0))
17:12.51lua_botShirik|Ecole: 0
17:12.54Shirik|EcoleWhat a strange world.
17:13.43LopeppeppyIt's a mad world.
17:13.45[dRaCo]you just broke the universe.
17:13.52[dRaCo]division by zero :/
17:16.21Shirik|EcoleDivision by zero is legal:
17:17.56LopeppeppyOh, the legal/illegal debate, whee!
17:19.05Shirik|Ecolewell SPICE says it's legal :P
17:19.39[dRaCo]gcc says it isn't
17:20.49*** join/#wowi-lounge |pez| (
17:22.25Shirik|Ecolewell see
17:22.30Shirik|Ecolegcc was made by software engineers
17:22.46Shirik|EcoleIf they were computer engineers, they'd know better.
17:22.56Shirik|EcoleSorry, I take that back. The C designers were like that
17:23.13Shirik|EcoleThe gcc designers were only following the crap the C designers said
17:23.26[dRaCo]there's no mathematical definition of division by zero
17:24.24Shirik|Ecoleapparently there is in circuitry
17:24.41Shirik|EcoleI would argue that it's perfectly valid to say that 1/(1/0) should be 0
17:25.13Shirik|EcoleMostly because (x^m)^n is x^(m*n), right? Well that's (0^(-1))^(-1)
17:25.19Shirik|Ecolewhich is 0^(-1*-1) which is 0^1
17:25.23Shirik|Ecolewhich is 0
17:26.11[dRaCo]interesting, but not publicly agreed on
17:26.44[dRaCo]and still doesnt define 1/0, btw
17:27.21*** join/#wowi-lounge adys (n=adys@unaffiliated/adys)
17:27.39Shirik|Ecolecalculus clearly defines that n/0 (n is an element of all real numbers) does not have a solution
17:28.00Shirik|Ecolehowever it also clearly defines that 1/(1/0) does
17:28.11Shirik|EcoleIf you take the limit properly it's plain as day
17:29.56Shirik|Ecolelook at the circuit diagram
17:29.59[dRaCo]he had an issue?
17:30.16nevcairielhe has alot of issues
17:30.17Shirik|Ecoletrying to find the equivalent resistance, but there is a parallel path with no resistance
17:30.35Shirik|Ecolewhich leads to 1/(1/R1 + 1/R2) but R2 == 0
17:31.16nevcairiellua> 0^-1
17:31.16lua_botnevcairiel: inf
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17:31.39nevcairiellua> 0^-1 * 0
17:31.39lua_botnevcairiel: nan
17:32.25nevcairielso, if your spice thing accepts that calculation, is the result right then?
17:32.43Shirik|Ecoleshould be
17:32.48Shirik|Ecoleit's a pretty complex system
17:32.58Shirik|Ecoleit doesn't actually take formulas, it takes netlists
17:33.04Shirik|Ecoleand figures it out by "stepping"
17:33.13[dRaCo]if you've got a path with no resistance, why having another?
17:33.22Shirik|Ecolebecause you don't see the entire circuit :)
17:33.51Shirik|EcoleThere is more than two nodes that use that square
17:34.03[dRaCo]geez, I know why I like hardware description languages. no screwing around with stuff like that
17:34.36Shirik|Ecolenobody "likes" hardware description languages
17:35.13Shirik|Ecolebut I will agree it is impossible to "misinterpret" something. Something means something quite literally and there is no way around it.
17:35.13[dRaCo]*why I like them better than actual hardware design
17:35.26Shirik|EcoleWhich is important
17:35.46*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
17:36.36nevcairieli hope i never have to touch HDL again
17:36.39nevcairielany form of it
17:37.04Shirik|EcoleI know I'll have to mess around with VHDL
17:37.05Shirik|Ecolea lot.
17:37.10Shirik|EcoleOh well, I've gotten a bit used to it by now
17:37.23[dRaCo]been using verilog for half a year now, gonna do it for at least one more
17:37.37LopeppeppyOh dear, malreth.  You can spy on me from Tokyo with that.
17:37.46[dRaCo]we've been getting along quite good, the two of us
17:37.54malrethSigma just announced a 200-500 f/2.8 mega ultra telephoto lens
17:38.06nevcairielI hope i passed the exam on VHDL and never have to touch it again
17:38.16malrethby my calculations, the objective would be about 178mm in diameter
17:38.29malreththe thing weighs a ton
17:38.37nevcairielit even has a handle on top for easier carrying
17:38.39malrethand it costs as much as a new car
17:39.10nevcairieland its own battery to power the focus :D
17:39.18malrethyeah... that part floored me
17:39.37Shirik|Ecolegrrr, another 0 resistance
17:39.43Shirik|Ecolethis is starting to get annoying >.>
17:39.59Shirik|EcoleI feel like that guy from the youtube video
17:40.31malrethalso, if you haven't read it today, Sanya has a new post:
17:40.47malreth"You whine about how the content of a particular post wasn’t your idea. This usually happens when the CM doesn’t have any balls besides the ones he keeps in his mouth."
17:41.05malrethi love it now that she doesn't have to hold back
17:41.32[dRaCo]Shirik|Ecole, watch out for snipers:
17:42.43Shirik|EcoleI'm still working on that problem
17:42.53Shirik|Ecolethat guy's cruel, he changed a classic problem ever so slightly
17:42.57Shirik|Ecoleand the integrals went haywire
17:43.48LopeppeppyUgh... the freezing rain has started.  I hate living in New England.
17:43.56Shirik|EcoleCome down to Florida Lopeppeppy
17:44.27LopeppeppyYou are a stunning example of temptation, Shirik, but I haven't been traded in yet!
17:44.54Valaron|WorkWOOOO... COFFEE
17:45.47Dumanwhat the HELL
17:45.48CidanLopeppeppy: avoid Florida like the plague.
17:45.51DumanMSFT buying YHOO
17:45.56CidanNo they aren't.
17:45.59CidanDear god
17:46.03Dumanok, propsed
17:46.09CidanYou are the 12-3980183 person who has said that
17:46.10LopeppeppyTug of war, everybody dance.
17:46.15CidanThey've been trying for YEARS now
17:46.17Cidanthis isn't news
17:46.52Shirik|Ecolelua> 12-3980183
17:46.53lua_botShirik|Ecole: -3980171
17:47.10Shirik|Ecole-3980171 people
17:47.18Cidanlua> math.abs(12-3980183);
17:47.18lua_botCidan: 3980171,
17:47.23LopeppeppyMeep.  I'm not ripe yet, |pez|, let me grow a few more months.  Spring is my best season.
17:47.47|pez|Lopeppeppy: hmmmm, ok.
17:47.52malreth|pez|: this one's ripe and single, too boot:
17:47.52|pez|I found chocolate instead anyway!
17:48.28LopeppeppyChocolate is always better, with fewer strings attached.
17:48.44|pez|oooh, Mastermind!
17:49.14|pez|malreth: is that you? >__> or are you just sending out pictures of otherfolks?
17:49.23malreththat's my friend, Thomas
17:49.45|pez|He looks like "harhar, I'm plotting something" type.
17:50.33LopeppeppyAt least, in that lighting.
17:50.53|pez|I will sustain my hunger, until the boyfriend wakes up and decides he wants some food too. :P
17:51.13|pez|I will sustain it with chocolate!
17:53.22Dumanspeaking of food
17:53.27DumanI think it's brekafast time
17:53.38Dumanespecially since I can't even type properly yet
17:53.50|pez|Mm, fuud.
17:54.54|pez|I should go do the dishes and start to clean the kitchen.
17:54.59|pez|it's a icky mess of doom.
17:55.40LopeppeppyI did that while my breakfast was cooking, |pez|.  I have to, or I'll never do dishes, just ignore them.
17:56.24|pez|we still have yesterdays pizza (totally made from scratch, quite proud of that) on the livingroom table.
17:56.31Shirik|EcoleOkay gotta run take care
17:56.38|pez|bye Shirik|Ecole
17:56.46LopeppeppyWell, that's not a good place for breakfast to have been left lying around, |pez|!
17:57.13|pez|there's no room for it in the kitchen!
17:57.40LopeppeppyIf that inspires pizza abuse of that magnitude, it's totally time to clean up the kitchen.
17:58.21|pez|Oh, there was only like a piece left or something.
17:58.28|pez|so not the worst loss.
17:59.24|pez|also, I had chicken wings from breakfast today, which I did manage to put into our way to full fridge.
17:59.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Godzmack (
18:01.50|pez|But! I will head off to the kitchen, and start cleaning it, so the sickly boyfriend can get a nice surprise when he gets up again.
18:02.22*** join/#wowi-lounge ag` (n=ag`
18:02.49LopeppeppyI have a gutter mind sometimes, |pez|.  Re-read your sentence with that as a framework, and you get.... *smirk*
18:03.28|pez|Oh, I had some ideas on how to wake him up pleasently. ;P
18:03.40LopeppeppyThree cheers for that, End.
18:04.09malrethi like it when i get woken up pleasantly
18:04.23LopeppeppyI do too.  Humans are just sorta like that.
18:11.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
18:15.58LopeppeppyMorning, Lunessa.
18:17.22LunessaSorry... just got to the office.
18:18.31LopeppeppyTGIF, no matter what the rest of the world thinks!
18:19.23kd3whee, about freaking time
18:19.28kd3no more DR on HKs
18:19.39malrethno kidding?
18:20.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Godzmack (
18:21.09malrethi like the instantaneous reward aspect to that
18:21.43LopeppeppyInstant gratification is indeed... instantly gratifying.  :)
18:21.46malrethbut it's going to turn AV into pure HK farming for battlegroups where one side constantly loses
18:22.06LopeppeppyOnly for a set amount of time, with the reinforcement scenario.
18:22.11malrethdoesn't matter
18:22.49malrethi predict the new alliance strat for AV on my BG will be to go pure defense, hold the horde at SPGY valley bottleneck
18:22.56malrethfarm them until we lose
18:23.10malreththen jump back in and do it again
18:24.28Lukiango farm WSG or AB, horde seem to be good at that ^_^
18:24.51malrethi'm alliance
18:25.03Lukianhaha, even better
18:25.36Thunder_Childheh "and if a player dies 50 times or more during a battleground they won’t be worth any honor for the remainder of that battle."
18:25.58malrethhmm... tagging my photos with "girl" and "glasses" increases the hits i get on flickr... :D
18:26.01Thunder_Childeven as a twig of a mage i dont think i have died that much
18:26.35Lunessamalreth: OMG - tag my image only with glasses you freak.
18:26.40Lopeppeppymalreth, why does that surprise you?
18:27.37malrethLunessa: people don't search for your picture... they just link to it directly
18:27.49LunessaThank the maker.
18:28.11Dumankd3: awesome
18:28.15malreththere is one search for "lunessa" oddly enough that landed on that pic
18:28.51LunessaReally?  Interesting - google must not cache any of armory
18:29.15Dumanit does for me
18:29.24Dumangoogle for "duman warcraft" and it's the first hit
18:29.33Thunder_Child"Make sure you start with a flowchart, that you test thoroughly before writing any code." Haphazard ftw
18:29.50Endit caches for me too
18:30.06LunessaYeah, about 6 results in.
18:31.59LopeppeppyOooh, I found the BrickBot post.
18:37.26malrethLopeppeppy: that's hilarious
18:38.18LopeppeppyAnd I totally vividly remember that bot.
18:38.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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18:38.31LunessaSo, he's proud of being a jerk.  It's funny and sad.
18:38.42Guillotineare we talking about TC?
18:38.52Thunder_Child~lart Guillotine
18:38.53purlflings poo at Guillotine
18:39.34wereHamsterLopeppeppy, the site you linked to, the post on jul. 6 :)
18:39.56malrethi approve of that kind of subversion. it didn't attempt to harm the channel permanently, nor did it attempt to usurp control. harmless and fun.
18:40.08Lopeppeppythat's the one I was pointing at, wereHamster.
18:41.04malrethbut then i like to tease christian bible-thumpers on campus by drawing chalk circles and shapes around them on the sidewalk and chanting stuff from cthulhu
18:41.11*** join/#wowi-lounge lolinternet (i=bitch2k@
18:42.21IndustrialI can do this: /cast Raptor Strike /cast Wing Clip /stopcasting
18:43.11Industrialbut can I do this: /cast Raptor Strike /cast Mongoose Bite /stopmacro /cast Wing Clip /stopcasting
18:43.34Cide... what?
18:43.42malrethwing clip will never cast
18:43.50malrethnever never
18:44.00Cideunless /stopmacro is removed
18:44.15Industrialmongoose bite is reactional - after a dodge
18:44.33Industrialso it will error if I cant cast it and not cast wong clip right?
18:44.36Industriallets try!
18:44.44malrethdoesn't matter... wing clip will never be attempted
18:44.52malrethit'll hit the /stopmacro and end right there
18:45.13ralfWORKstupid question
18:45.16malrethmight as well have just "/cast Raptor Strike /cast Mongoose Bite
18:45.27malrethbut i'm no hunter
18:45.27ralfWORKwhy would anyone ever use /stopmacro?
18:45.34malrethralfWORK: it has uses
18:45.40Cideit can stop a macro conditionally
18:45.49ralfWORKCide: ahh I see
18:45.58ralfWORKok I gotcha
18:46.09malrethi use it in my summon elemental macro to conditionally start a timer bar in quartz if my pet doesn't exist
18:46.24malrethi think i also use it in my dismount macro
18:46.29ralfWORKmalreth: ohhh... that sounds kinda cool
18:46.39malrethyeah, it works great
18:47.03Cidemalreth: what do you need /stopmacro for? :P
18:47.03kd3bunch of changes getting added to with references to blue posts
18:47.07malrethit starts summoning the pet and then starts the 45 sec timer because according to the client, the pet doesn't exist yet
18:47.11kd3locks can summon into instances now, for example
18:47.14Cidecould just do /script if not UnitExists("pet") then ... end
18:47.31malreththe same summon button also casts Freeze so i'm pressing it often
18:47.33ralfWORKkd3: ya I heard about that... that should be cool
18:47.51*** join/#wowi-lounge sioraiocht (
18:47.53malrethCide: /quartzt 45 uses fewer characters
18:48.05Cideah, I didn't know it was a slash cmd
18:48.06malrethand i'm brushing the limit in that macro
18:48.08LopeppeppyLocks... summoning... into instances.....
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18:48.27malrethoh, that'll be a nice change
18:48.37Cidethe best part was
18:48.46LopeppeppyWonder if that includes the ones up in Netherstorm.
18:48.49malrethwe swap people in and out nearly every single boss in Kara based on loot needs
18:49.01ralfWORKLopeppeppy: hmm... good question
18:49.02CideLopeppeppy: I'm sure. you already can do that
18:49.07malreththat'll really speed things up
18:49.11ralfWORKmalreth: exactly
18:49.14malrethyou can't summon in Netherstorm
18:49.15LopeppeppyLocks can't summon in Netherstorm, Cide.
18:49.23Cidereally? how stupid
18:49.25Guillotinewhat? Since when?
18:49.30ralfWORKto stop hax
18:49.31malrethsince ever
18:49.32CideI thought I had been summoned to netherstorm
18:49.39malrethmaybe in beta
18:49.41kd3using the instance summoning stone
18:49.42LopeppeppyBy summoning stone, perhaps.
18:49.48ralfWORKand force people to buy flying mounts
18:49.49Cideno, like, up to the instances
18:50.02malrethCide hax... he admits it!
18:50.09ralfWORKomg haxer
18:50.13LopeppeppyNope, not currently possible.  The freebase nether prohibits warlocks from using their summons.
18:50.36CideI think it has been possible previously
18:50.39Cidebut I may be dreaming
18:50.53ralfWORKI've never known anyone to try
18:51.01ralfWORKit's all rumor to me
18:51.05kd3if it was possible, it was during beta. it certainly hasn't been possible since release
18:51.09ralfWORKcould be an urban legend
18:51.48LopeppeppyLike the albino crocodiles in the Hudson.
18:52.02ralfWORKuhm... sure... just like that?
18:52.29malrethmy fiancee's hunter uses the Sewer Beast as her pet
18:52.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
18:52.49malrethit's slow and inefficient... but it's so much a part of her character, she cannot bear to release him
18:52.50LopeppeppyI hate how crocodiles kinda roar in WoW.
18:53.09malretheveryone in the guild loves the little guy
18:53.16GuillotineI'm looking for a new wireless mouse, preferably with he extra buttons on the sides. Anybody have any suggestions?
18:53.23ralfWORKyou know, the loading tips say silver portraits mean better than normal loot
18:53.31malrethto the point that new guild probies were asking why Magg (the pet's name) never logs in and why they never see him
18:53.33ralfWORKI killed that sewer beast
18:53.44ralfWORKand the damn thing dropped some stupid grey crap
18:54.10malrethhe gets talked about so much that people thought he was a real player
18:54.23malrethGuillotine: my advice is avoid wireless mice
18:54.25kd3[13:53:24] <kd3> haste change!
18:54.25kd3[13:53:31] <kd3>
18:54.37malreththey are very prone to Murphy's Law
18:54.49LopeppeppyMorning, |Jelly|.
18:55.05Guillotinemalreth: heh. I just dropped my current one and its acting schitzo :(
18:55.07|Jelly|Hey Peppy! :)
18:55.10Saint-Nnah wireless mice are fine
18:55.28Saint-NI have issues with wireless keyboards and the refresh rate while key running most of the time though
18:55.45malrethkd3: OH SNAP!
18:55.55malrethhaste reduces the GCD in 2.4
18:56.12malrethwell... for spells
18:56.17malrethbut still... wow
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18:56.29LopeppeppySome very interesting 2.4 changes, all told.
18:57.10kd3score's being kept at pretty sure I've got all the info that's been released today so far
18:57.34Saint-NIn 2.4, Spell Haste will reduce the global cool down on spells, down to a minimum of 1 second. It won't apply to melee and ranged abilities though however.
18:57.37Saint-Nmy goodness
18:57.42Cidekd3: you missed the manna biscuits
18:57.43Saint-NI wish I could get that
18:58.12Saint-Nit would be like that quick cast deviate delight effect
18:58.19ralfWORKwow that's kinda cool
18:58.27ralfWORKwish it hasted up all cooldowns :P
18:58.40ralfWORKthen you could actually have *gasp* the same rotation!
18:59.30kd3whee, they're now unique (80)
18:59.52malrethi'm trying to think of how the haste changes would affect me as a deep frost spec mage
18:59.58ralfWORKkd3: biscuits? hmm.. ok
19:00.20malrethi could start frostbolting faster after a frost nova/ice lance combo
19:01.03Saint-Nmanna biscuits had a limit?
19:01.14malreth50 charges to the table
19:01.19Saint-Noh THOSE ones
19:01.25ralfWORKsodly I don't think that haste change will make haste viable for shadowpriests
19:01.27LopeppeppyThat's good to know, kd3.  Although it hampers early raiders from gathering biscotti for those of us stuck outside summoning.
19:01.30Saint-NI was thinking the AD ones
19:01.31malrethso nothing would stop someone from stealing them all at the start of a raid/bg
19:01.53ralfWORKyea, that makes sense
19:02.01kd3whee fark...
19:02.02ralfWORKbut I was about to say what Lopeppeppy said :P
19:02.05kd3ack, sorry
19:02.08Saint-NralfWORK: imagine how dps godly we'd be with 1second casts on mb ;)
19:02.11malrethooh... the haste changes mean i can buff faster.. yeah... :\
19:02.36ralfWORKSaint-N: lol yea but uhm...
19:02.45Saint-Nright now we're 2per3 seconds ;P
19:02.45ralfWORKcan it just scale down the CD on it too? :P
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19:02.54Saint-N3for3 would rule
19:03.00malreth"Sorry, the spell icon will remain the same and not look any more new or unique." lawlz
19:03.02Saint-Nand ever6 is a sw:d
19:03.27Saint-Nit would marginally be better
19:04.08Saint-Nmf/mf/mf/mb/swd/mf/mf/mf/mb/mf/mf/mf/mb/swd right now is the typical non-vt spec'd priest fight
19:04.18Saint-Nassuming dots come naturally
19:04.33malrethnow... arcane spec mages... they already had insane burst DPS before... now they can go OOM faster with the haste changes
19:04.44ralfWORKmalreth: exactly!
19:04.49Saint-Nbut a mb/swd/mb/mb/mb/mb/mb/mb/swd would be so much sexier
19:05.04ralfWORKSaint-N: thing I hate about haste is it screws up rotation
19:05.21ScytheBlade1Lot of 2.4 info!
19:05.29Saint-Nhow so?
19:05.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
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19:05.41ralfWORKbut that's probably more for temporary haste increase
19:06.07ScytheBlade1No DR on honor, no honor calculations, haste affects GCD, double tier tokens on raid bosses
19:06.20ScytheBlade1Heroic gems are no longer unique equipped!
19:06.42ralfWORKSaint-N: mm, so say I get a haste bonus. now I get a .5s gap in my rotation
19:06.45ralfWORKbecause crap is on cooldown
19:06.53ralfWORKand say it's not worth it to cast another MF
19:07.09LopeppeppyI like that heroic gem change, a lot alot alot.
19:07.09ralfWORKScytheBlade1: no... longer... unique equipped?!
19:07.17ScytheBlade1ralfWORK: correct!
19:07.23ralfWORKI finally have a reason to run heroics again!
19:07.26LukianScytheBlade1, I believe it's 3 tokens (they usually drop 2)
19:07.26CideLopeppeppy: I hate it
19:07.32LopeppeppyI have a bunch of them in my bank that I can finally use.
19:07.36ScytheBlade1Lukian: yeah, +1 token on the current
19:07.42ralfWORKScytheBlade1: oh I hate you
19:07.55ralfWORKso wait... T4 tokens will be doubled too?
19:08.03CideI don't like it because every time I get a new piece of gear, I have to run heroics now
19:08.13ralfWORKhave to?
19:08.15ralfWORKno you don't
19:08.18ScytheBlade1Not doubled
19:08.19ralfWORKyou can be sub par
19:08.23ScytheBlade1They drop 2, they will now drop 3
19:08.25Cideya, but I don't want to be sub par
19:08.35ralfWORKCide: oh I see ;)
19:08.45ralfWORKScytheBlade1: sorry 1x2 = doubled lol
19:08.49LopeppeppyI see his point though, I was saving my "extra" heroic gems for my new gear.  Now I have no excuse not to use them all up right away, and then go farm for more when I get my new gear.
19:08.53ralfWORKScytheBlade1: but is it aplicable to T4/kara stuff?
19:09.07ralfWORKhey, I'd rather farm heroics
19:09.16ralfWORKthan spend 75 damn gold on the gem on the AH :P
19:09.22ralfWORKfor the +9 damage gem
19:09.24Cidewell that's you :P I have way too much money
19:09.28Cideand I'll have even more when 2.4 hits
19:09.39ralfWORKCide: ok send some to me then ;)
19:09.41LopeppeppyI'd rather do neither, my game time is uber limited right now.
19:09.52Cideno thanks :P just go buy some void crystals
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19:09.58Cidewait for 2.4, profit
19:10.11ralfWORKCide: how are you going to make money with 2.4?
19:10.19Cide1x void crystal = 2 LPS
19:10.20ralfWORKcan we turn Voids into Prismatics? :P
19:10.21ScytheBlade1Slouken should just mail Beladona the UI source for 2.4 so he can stick it up on WDN now :P
19:10.23ralfWORKNO WAI
19:10.28Cideright now, 1 void crystal < 1 LPS
19:10.34Cideby ~10g on my server
19:10.44ralfWORKyea voids are like 5g heh
19:10.58ralfWORKCide: so there will be a formula to turn voids into prismatics?
19:11.08ralfWORKknow where we'll have to get it?
19:11.13Cide1 void crystal will sell for like 50g, and on my server they cost ~15g
19:11.22Cideno idea, it's enchanting only
19:11.27Cidewith a 24h cd
19:11.28ralfWORK<-- enchanter
19:11.57ralfWORKI am exalted with pretty much everything in BC...
19:12.05ralfWORKhopefully I'll be all set
19:12.37LopeppeppyWhen I get more game time, I'm working on my Aldor faction.  What a pita.
19:12.49ralfWORKI'm a 1 toon man
19:12.59ralfWORKthink I need to do Sporegar and Kurenai
19:13.10ralfWORKall the others I should be exalted with
19:13.58CideI was exalted with sporeggar before I hit 70
19:14.00LopeppeppyMy rogue is working on fuzzy faction with the furbolgs.
19:14.01Cidebecause I'm awesome
19:14.29ralfWORKmost useless faction evar
19:14.43Cide(or because we set up guild runs of underbog, and I was the only one collecting sanguine hibiscus)
19:14.50ralfWORKCide: rofl
19:15.00ralfWORKLopeppeppy: sorry, I meant sporeggar
19:15.08Cideno no, sporeggar is a great faction
19:15.09ralfWORKfurbolgs need love too!
19:15.18Cideawesome tabards, and a shitty alchemy recipe
19:15.39LopeppeppyNeither is useless, it's fun and a way to farm with a purpose if you're bored, and just something to do.  Mushrooms are people too.
19:17.27ralfWORKok yea, collecting 12 or 13 heroic gems... that's gonna suck
19:17.43ralfWORKbut still, I like it!
19:18.31*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (
19:18.40Cideinc semi-spam
19:18.41CideFirst when you loot a Bind on Pickup item that only you can pick up (such as Heroic Badges) you'll no longer see the confirmation dialog. One less pop-up to deal with, obviously you want your badges, AMIRITE?
19:18.41CideAlso when you loot a Bind of Pickup item the confirmation window is going to list the name of the item in the window. You'll be able to identify that you're getting the right items much easier now.
19:18.51Industrialis it possible to have more then one spell in a macro (WAIT WAIT)? Spells that you can never use at the same time like Concussive Shot and Wing Clip and Mongoose Bite ?
19:19.37*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
19:20.10ralfWORKCide: both very nice changes
19:20.17Industrialthey are all instant and reactional (range/dodge) so can I put  a /stopcasting after each of them?
19:23.39Industrialnope I cant
19:23.49ralfWORKthere is no straight +spell damage heroic gem?
19:24.04kergothpretty sure the macro stops on the first spell cast that affects the gcd.  heroic strike is different because it's an "on next attack" effect
19:24.43Industrialright too bad. would be nice to mix con/clip in one button
19:25.24Kasoi cant believe he said "AMIRITE" :palmface:
19:25.44kergothIndustrial:  agreed
19:26.09kergothcourse you could use a castsequence using macrosequence and just spam it
19:27.04Industrialusually do that anyway
19:27.09Industrial(spam the buttons)
19:27.19kergothnice thign with macrosequence is its sequences dont stop when a spellcast fails
19:27.28kergothwhich is why you'd probably want to use it here rather than a regular /castsequence
19:28.23*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
19:28.30Industrialim now walking with ESDF. putting all my spells around it in a hopefully logical way
19:29.02kergoththats what i do too
19:30.40ralfWORKwow. I can't believe that.
19:30.48ralfWORKno spell damage epic gems
19:30.56kd3added that a few seconds ago. more on the wiki as well re warriors, fishing in a moment
19:32.01*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
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19:33.41kd3more UI changes:
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19:46.19LunessaI can write a target conditional as [target=noharm/dead] right?
19:47.13kd3[noharm,nodead] is what I think you're trying to use
19:47.37LunessaI'm having a brain-dead day, instead of my normal merely comatose.
19:47.53kd3wait, do you want it to be a non-harmable target or a dead target, or a nonharmable,non-dead target?
19:49.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
19:51.14Valaron|Work I wish I had paid my fees so I could respond by saying "Add a /stopmacro [nomod:alt] right after the /cast line" :P
19:51.39LunessaI punted.
19:52.59LunessaAnd yes, feel free to laugh and the otherwise crappy nature of that macro.
19:53.16*** join/#wowi-lounge [Liquidor] (
19:54.01[Liquidor]Evening everyone - How's your weekend? *giggle*
19:55.13ralfWORKoh so only 25 man raids  will drop more tokens
19:55.16ralfWORKthat sucks
19:55.25ralfWORKI wanted more rogue T4 to shard :(
19:57.24ralfWORKit's the only thing that does drop for us :(
20:02.54sag_ich_nichtas if druid aggro wasn't insane enough already
20:07.29Lunessa*grrrr* users who want me to support their random PDA or phone
20:08.00LopeppeppyGrrr for users who have asked me to fix their home internet.
20:08.27Lunessa.. "but, it gets e-mail and can use Outlook!"  Yeah, well, did we install it for you?  No?  Isi it on our "supported list? No?  then fuck off.
20:11.25LunessaYeah, I'm in one of those moods, sorry.
20:15.14*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
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20:22.42Thunder_Childwtf is up with movies and endings's like they have the whole movie down except for the end and they have a huge brain fart and figure that the credits go well right there
20:23.58LunessaThunder_Child: Thank the test audiences.
20:24.08ralfWORKThunder_Child: uhm... huh?
20:25.32LunessaWhat happens is movies get "test marketed" to an audience.  If the movie doesn't do well, studios change the film, re-cutting or even re-shooting parts to get a movie they think will make money based on the feedback they got.
20:25.52LunessaWhich is why a lot of endings feel "pasted on"
20:31.49batrickShirik|Ecole: wut
20:31.58Shirik|Ecoletoo late I solved my problem.
20:34.02Shizenthe dead watcher
20:34.08Shizenhow's your breadboard
20:34.25Shirik|Ecolewon't see it until maybe 30 min
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20:43.27cladhairekd3: interesting
20:43.28cladhairei support that
20:43.32cladhaireeasiest to jump start pvp
20:44.36sag_ich_nichtkd3: has been updated with more information
20:45.03kd3yup. someone got that on the wiki a few seconds ago. was in the process of announcing it in here
20:46.47ralfWORKCharacters will now retain talented spell ranks so when they retalent they do not have to relearn the spells from trainers.  <-- NICE
20:46.58alestaneIT's those little convenience things.
20:47.16ralfWORKyea it really is
20:47.17alestaneLike when they got rid of the wait to log back in after you got DC'd.
20:47.42ralfWORKwhat I'd like more is a way to have spells still bound to toolbars even if you untalent them
20:47.55ralfWORKre-adding Inner Focus every time I respec is stupid :P
20:48.01LunessaActually, that was one change I was praying for.
20:48.37LunessaI mean, if I respec a demonology warlock, I don't have to rebuy all the demon's spells, so why do I have to re-buy all of mine?
20:48.46ralfWORKanother I'd like to see, but is probably not ever gonna happen,
20:49.13ralfWORKis a way to have pre-defined specs
20:49.30ralfWORKmaybe a handful of "saved" specs
20:49.44ralfWORKso I can quickly respec from say, PVE to PVP or from Holy to Shadow
20:49.50ralfWORKcharge the respec, that's fine,
20:49.57ralfWORKbut I hate remembering which points to put where
20:50.25ralfWORK(granted, I'm getting pretty good at remembering though)
20:55.36malrethif the microsoft/yahoo buyout actually happens, i hope they change the name of the company to Miyahoo! and make everyone dance/lipsync to that Dragostea Din Tei song
20:56.20ShizenMyahee Miyahoo~
20:56.27Shizenetc etc
20:58.05Kirkburnkd3 is compiling the notes here as well btw (he's so awesome) -
20:59.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
21:01.24*** join/#wowi-lounge MySpoons2Big (
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21:01.31Thunder_Child"Players can now only carry 80 Conjured Manna Biscuits at a time." is kinda silly
21:02.14kd3it'll finally put a stop to the asses in BGs getting the entire table
21:02.17Cideit's a great change
21:02.20Cidefor everyone's good
21:02.42Thunder_Childwell puting a click limit per person would be better
21:02.43batrickmages should be absolved from that rule
21:02.54kd3there is. it's 4
21:02.55Thunder_Childwhy should someone be limited to 4 stacks
21:03.05CideThunder_Child: aren't those the same? :P
21:03.14Cidewhat's the difference?
21:03.18Thunder_Childcary is not the same as click
21:03.39Thunder_Childif someone makes another table down the road and you have only used one stack you can then only get one more stack
21:04.26Cideif you use 4, ask for a new table then
21:04.40Cidestop crying, honestly, it's a good change overall
21:04.45Thunder_Childwhats the reason for limiting to 4 stacks though?
21:05.03Cidethe fact that people clicked and got everything in the whole table and then /afk'd
21:05.15Thunder_Childlimit the table then, not the stacks
21:05.17ScytheBlade1Becuase peopel are PRICKS
21:05.18Cideusing up a cooldown and reagents for the mage who wanted to provide the team with food and water
21:05.23ScytheBlade11) Enter AV
21:05.25Cidethe table is limited
21:05.25ScytheBlade12) Conjure a table
21:05.35ScytheBlade13) Watch a (random class here) click fourty-five times
21:05.36Thunder_Childthen why snould it matter how many you can caryr
21:05.44ScytheBlade14) Five charges left on the table!
21:05.56Cidebecause since the table is limited, people will use up EVERYTHING
21:06.04Cideleaving nothing for anyone else
21:06.08Cidea single person will use up everything
21:06.21Thunder_Childthats why i am saying limit the clicks
21:06.37ScytheBlade1How would you do tha?
21:06.38Cidethat's 1) a more complicated solution, and 2) not much better, imo
21:06.45CideI don't think they have the backend suppotr for that
21:06.46ScytheBlade1That would be a brand new mechanic in game
21:07.07Cidesure, it would probably be better, but not that much better
21:07.15Thunder_Childyou can create the table in a 5-man right?
21:07.27Cidethis is a great solution, but sure, not the optimal one
21:07.29Thunder_Childso out of 50 charges you can only use 20
21:07.34Thunder_Child30 wasted charges
21:07.34Cidethe optimal one would be to abolish all the pricks
21:07.42Thunder_ChildCide /agreed
21:07.52Thunder_Child<-- mage
21:07.53CideThunder_Child: what about the soulwells or whatever?
21:08.11ScytheBlade1Look, if the amount of food you're carrying is a problem
21:08.12Thunder_ChildCide, i dont remember the same issue with them
21:08.16Cide10 charges, 5 people in a 5man!
21:08.22CideWHAT A WASTE
21:08.24ScytheBlade1You can always press the "conjure food" and "conjure water" button
21:09.15Thunder_Childi just think that if the charges are going to waste there is nothing wrong with sticking up
21:09.27ScytheBlade1Of course not
21:09.42ScytheBlade1But, to watch that, they'd be introducing brand new game mechanics all around
21:10.05*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
21:10.18Thunder_Child*sigh* dosent mean this is a good solution though
21:10.32ScytheBlade1Better than the current, hands down
21:11.03Thunder_Childi didnt realize it was such a problem, i havent played on my 70 in quite a while
21:11.20ScytheBlade1Walk into an AV, summon a table, watch it disappear in seconds
21:11.24Cideit has been a huge problem actually
21:11.30kd3I refuse to summon tables in AV
21:11.32ScytheBlade1"Stupid mage, drop a table!" while it's on cooldown for the next 4:50
21:11.33Cideto the point where many (most?) mages don't even bother summoning
21:11.50ScytheBlade1Because one prick was selfish, emptied the table into their bags, and then /afk'd
21:11.57Thunder_Childmeh, shouldnt have a CS imo
21:12.11Cideya, but then you have the problem of wasting a reagent :P
21:12.12ScytheBlade1That would completly ursup the food/water vendors though
21:12.14ScytheBlade1And the reagents
21:12.25Saint-NI used my "free domain reg" with dreamhost on
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21:12.42Thunder_Childwell the reagents thing is fine, that spent money just like blizz wants
21:13.09Cideyes, but it's not fine from a ninja perspective
21:13.18Cideremoving the CD alone won't solve the problem
21:13.40ScytheBlade1The CD is there for a reason. The CD isn't the problem.
21:13.41Cidesince people will just ninja multiple tables, or always ninja the first table, effectively doubling the reagent cost for the mage
21:13.45Thunder_Childtrue, but even with the 4 stack limit i dont think it should have a CD
21:13.56Cidewell, that's another issue
21:15.58ScytheBlade1Even given that you have wasted charges in a 5 man, that's still 80 times you can sit down. Even on a heroic, that's enough to full clear three different heroics before the amount becomes a problem
21:16.49*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
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21:20.55purl[wowprogramming] World of Warcraft Programming: A Guide and Reference for Creating WoW Addons, a book written by Cladhaire, Kaelten and Cogwheel.  It serves as a technical reference for the WoW API and customization system (Due out Early 2008).
21:21.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Keias (
21:22.26ScytheBlade1Whoa, holy crap, 1100 pages
21:23.26cog|workholy crap
21:23.42ScytheBlade1That might be *massive*
21:24.36ScytheBlade1$23.99 for 1100 pages of wow addon documentation? Yes please
21:26.13*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
21:28.20Duman*shakefist at post timer for EDITING a post*
21:28.38malrethTC: i linked the sigma lens earlier this morning
21:29.13malrethalthough the picture of it in reference to the size of a HUMANHEAD puts some perspective to it
21:29.42malrethalso, that boy has a fat noggin
21:29.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Mr_Rabies2 (
21:34.15PolarinaI'm never going to shop at Amazon again because of
21:34.35Thunder_Child"(13:29:04) (malreth) TC: i linked the sigma lens earlier this morning" will i wasnt here earlier this morning so poo poo to you
21:34.47ScytheBlade1Polarina: same thing on
21:35.05malrethTC: good point!
21:35.08PolarinaThese people are idiots...
21:38.31CidanI hope Blizzard allows for UI Devs to get into the WotLK beta
21:38.39Cidanlike they did for BC through wowi
21:39.48*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
21:40.46bleeterCidan: I'd be *very* suprised if they'd allow a release to go out with a month or two's worth of 'omg blizz broke my ui' qq'ing ;)
21:41.56Cidanwell I mean it depends if you think about it
21:42.08Cidan1.x->2.x saw a major UI change because of the new secure frames
21:42.20Cidanbut I don't think 2.x->3.x will see such a grand change
21:42.22ScytheBlade1That was also on the PTR
21:42.23Saint-N2.0 also had major functionality embedded
21:42.42Saint-Nall the new interface options previously actioned by addons
21:42.46Cidanindeed the biggest change they could have done, they are doing in 2.4
21:42.46ScytheBlade1Ohh, 2.6.24 has tickless support for x86-64
21:43.15Saint-NI now own
21:43.25Saint-Nsurprisingly it wasn't reg'd was?
21:43.41Saint-Nyup and .org
21:44.01ScytheBlade1rofl @ .com looks lame also has the added implications of .NET
21:44.29Saint-Nwowdev .NET
21:44.40CidanOooo, good point!
21:44.47CidanNow I know to avoid the site like the plauge!
21:44.57CidanWhew, thanks, that saved me a whole lot of trouble.
21:45.00Saint-Nheh like you browse anything but porn
21:45.19Saint-NI don't think your proxy filters allow anything that doesn't have porn in the header ;P
21:45.35CidanIndeed, I have squid setup to only allow pr0n sites in.
21:45.54PolarinaCould some be so kind and report this thread for mentioning Lua in all-uppercase?
21:46.01ScytheBlade1lol, there's a way to get a lot of free porn
21:46.10ScytheBlade1Setup a transparent squid proxy at a college dorm
21:46.29Saint-Nyes because porn is soooo difficult to find on your own
21:46.58NechcknIt all depends on the -type- of porn though, Saint-N
21:46.58Cidan73 dead in suicide bombings in Iraq today
21:47.03Saint-Nthat's true
21:47.07Cidanin baghdad, even.
21:47.18Saint-NCidan: that's just propganda for the 2008 elections
21:47.27CidanSaint-N: haha no?
21:47.36Saint-Neveryone knows that iraq was over in about 2 weeks andis well on its way to being a stable prosperous nation
21:47.39NechcknIndeed... and sad that someone's propoganda is paid for in lives.
21:47.47Saint-Nyou can't declare victory without that ;)
21:55.26Polarinableeter: What did you do to the wine code this time? ;)
21:55.52kd3bleeter; ahaha
21:56.10bleeterman, another oceanic banned for using lowerping
21:56.28bleeterwish blizz would install their own freaken lowerping service over here, then we wouldn't fkn have to go get banned
21:56.35kd3you sure that's not another person banned for using "addons"?
21:56.57bleeteras it is, I believe one of the major 3 ISPs here have a lowerping service they provide to their WoW customers
21:57.38bleeterkd3: well, tbh.. no. ;)
21:57.58Xinhuankd3: you did the patch 2.4 wiki page?
21:58.12kd3got most of that info, ya
21:58.15Xinhuanlink 24 is broken, try
21:58.32Saint-Nwhy would you get banned for using lowerping?
21:58.45bleeterPolarina: nothing, why do you ask?
21:58.57Polarinableeter: Curious. :)
21:58.59bleeterSaint-N: changing continents via IP
21:59.13Xinhuanbecause if you change continents via IP, and you level up from 10 to 30 in a single day on that new IP
21:59.16Saint-Nand that's against the ToS/EULA how?
21:59.20Xinhuanit looks like you paid a power-lvling service
21:59.23Xinhuanso they ban
21:59.29Saint-Nso accidental ban filtered
21:59.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
21:59.38Saint-Nnot a legit stop that you abstards!
21:59.44Xinhuanall the ones i know who got banned this way, got unbanned within a week
21:59.46kd3xin; thanks
21:59.59Saint-Nahh that makes sense then
22:00.04bleeterXinhuan: this guy in CSF is claiming it's the second weekend in a row his buddy's got banned for using lowerping
22:00.06cog|workwhat's that site that builds pseudo patch notes from various announcements?
22:00.09Saint-NI thought you were saying that blizz was banning because of the service, not the implied cheating
22:00.19bleeterer s/for/from/
22:00.19Xinhuanlol, all i can say is, don'tuse lowerping for lvling
22:00.25ShirikI hope if its 3 tokens per boss, it is one per token. Cause getting triple vanquisher would suck.
22:00.26ShirikIt would make good sence to make it one vanq. /conq. /defen. per kill.
22:00.28Xinhuanyou can use it to do anything else
22:00.31Xinhuanjust not lvling
22:00.36ShirikBecause you know, the game isn't easy enough already is pretty quick to pick up blue posts, but don't know if they collect them
22:00.48ShirikI wish people would, you know, cherish the fact that there's a random component to the game
22:01.08Saint-NI cherish the fact there's a random component to you rants
22:01.19ShirikWasn't really random; Xinhuan's link above
22:01.21bleeterI cherish my nuts
22:01.21BibiI think there is a faster website zenzelezz
22:01.22Shirikbut most of my rants are indeed
22:01.35Xinhuankd3, note that link doesn't say anything about epic gems from dungeons
22:01.45Saint-Nrandom doesn't nessessarily imply completely unrelated ;P
22:01.50bleeterBibi: that site? run by a madman, I heard! :P
22:01.51kd3bah. need the euro version of that post then
22:01.58Bibiyeah bleeter :(
22:02.00Saint-Nor however its spelt
22:02.55Xinhuanthat's a different link i think
22:02.58Xinhuani can't fidn it
22:03.33Saint-Nwow neat
22:03.41Saint-Ntrial accounts can't talk inthe barrens anymore
22:04.04kd3they haven't been able to talk in /1 for a while if memory serves. you mean they can't even /say?
22:04.31cog|workbleeter: thanks
22:04.41bleetercog|work: que?
22:04.57cog|workyou're the only one who said "mmo-champion" since i asked my question :P
22:05.06Xinhuankd3 appears the source from mmo-champion, but they didn't have a link to the source about the epic dnugeon gems
22:05.13Xinhuanis* from
22:05.34bleetercog|work: ah :)
22:05.38kd3I saw it. wouldn't have added it to the wiki if I hadn't... apparently that only got posted over in europe or there's a different post in the US
22:05.54Xinhuanthere's another post, i'll link
22:05.57BibiXinhuan : huh ?
22:06.00Bibiwhat epic dungeons gems ?
22:06.03Bibithe heroic drops ?
22:06.07Bibi# Gems obtained through Heroic difficulty instances are no longer Unique-equipped. (Source)
22:06.10Bibithe source is here :/
22:06.39Xinhuanwhere hmm
22:06.45Bibiand added it to items as well, just for fun
22:06.46Xinhuanthis one got deleted
22:07.26Xinhuanah yes, that link
22:09.52Xinhuanthe mining link [23] is a bit dubious though
22:09.57Xinhuanthe blue post didn't mention a timeframe
22:11.38bleeteroO I do believe that's the first time I've seen a clickable link in the game's 'alert' frame
22:12.51*** join/#wowi-lounge frop (n=hola@unaffiliated/frop)
22:14.55Saint-Nokay stupid hardware question
22:15.26Saint-Nif a cpu is burnt out, will it still get hot if its sitting in the mobo and will no memory error beeps still happen?
22:16.35Shirik"Also when you loot a Bind of Pickup item the confirmation window is going to list the name of the item in the window. You'll be able to identify that you're getting the right items much easier now. "
22:16.44ShirikSaint-N: Depends on the nature of the failure
22:17.11ShirikIf the damage caused a junction to lock shorted, then yes, it's going to get very hot, very fast :P
22:17.43Saint-Nokay the cpu isn't getting hot
22:17.51ShirikIt doesn't have to though :)
22:17.58ShirikThat's my point, that's not really going to be able to tell you anything
22:18.00Saint-Nthe dell ABCD lights aren't flashing or doing anything and without mem it doesn't beep
22:18.26Shirikin all honesty, I have yet to see a CPU fail. Not going to lie,
22:18.30Saint-Nit powers on and the power connections through the motherboard to the cd and hdd and fan still function
22:18.38Shirikthat doesn't mean it can't happen, but I have seen motherboards fail a lot more than CPUs
22:29.43*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
22:33.24fropsomeone uses WUU?
22:33.40Xinhuan" Why do idiots make stupid threads like this one is the real question. Why does it matter how the loot is randomly generated? It's randomly generated NO MATTER WHAT so why does it matter? Stop spamming n00bs."
22:33.48Xinhuanbest post in the loot generation thread
22:33.53*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
22:34.18Shirik"The public key and private key for any given user aren't mathematically related. "
22:34.24ShirikWho let this guy work at IBM
22:34.25Dumansome people have severe issues understanding what "random" means
22:43.43Thunder_Child"(14:43:44)  -› Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( ) (505)" wtf, i wasnt even in irc
22:51.02IndustrialDuman: function random(...) return 3--[[random by dice roll]end
22:51.27ScytheBlade1Linux ksb 2.6.24 #1 SMP Fri Feb 1 14:57:30 MST 2008 x86_64 AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+ AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
22:51.50Kasois that from xkcd Industrial ?
22:51.59Industrialcant remember
22:52.30IndustrialI know MoonWolf has it in hiw wowace profile
22:52.31Kasoi remeber seeing that before
22:52.38Industrialer, sigh
22:52.43MoonWolfi have waht ?
22:52.59Industrialthe random by dice roll thingy in your sig
22:53.01Industrialwhere is it from
22:53.04alestane|wowThere is an xkcd strip to that effect.
22:53.08MoonWolfrewritten to lua
22:53.52Industrialand now, to get wireless working
22:53.55Industrialand then maybe profile
22:54.00Industrialon my laptop on linux :o
22:57.40cog|workIndustrial: /wrists imo
22:58.02IndustrialYes, but I want it working for school lol :P
22:58.18IndustrialI'm about to wipe the HD and install ubuntu anyway so I wont have to go and config it all by hand myself
22:58.28Industrialusually use archlinux but fuck it :>
22:59.39ScytheBlade1200g away from my second epic flyer :
22:59.39fropsomenoghtin like that
22:59.41ScytheBlade1* :/
22:59.55froptonighit was a nightmare for me
23:00.07frop600ms...and > 10dc in av
23:01.39Shirik!ap 1603
23:01.39ThraeBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1603 is, 2v2: 356, 3v3: 412, 5v5: 469
23:02.08Industrial!ap 1450
23:02.08ThraeBotIndustrial: Arena points from a rating of 1450 is, 2v2: 253, 3v3: 293, 5v5: 333
23:02.14Industrialso sad :<
23:03.46ShirikAnd sadly it's the same points roughly as my 2v2 team
23:03.47*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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23:03.55Industrialyeah I played 5 games 2v2 for fun and lost them all
23:04.02nevcairielrecreate and you get 50 bonus points!
23:04.15Shirik50 bonus points?
23:04.25nevcairielif you're at 1450 .. you get 1500 again :)
23:04.31Shirikoh lol
23:04.38Shirikrating not points :P
23:04.51kd3k. think I've finally got all of the changes on the wiki now...
23:05.03kd3need to poke slouken or zoot, some UI changes aren't mentioned here in the US afaik
23:08.12Dumankd3, paladin itemization changes (no details tho)
23:08.19kd3it's in "Items"
23:08.28Dumanahh yes
23:08.36DumanWas looking under classes :)
23:09.20Dumanbtw 'Battlemasters are now standing on platforms with collision around them' = finally
23:09.29ScytheBlade1No joke
23:14.32*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
23:14.49ThraeAll non-Rogues should have this addon. It should be built into the default UI --
23:17.38wereHamstergreat addon :)
23:21.23Xinhuanwhy is rogues banned from using it?
23:21.39cog|work'cause they're the ones doing the removing of control...
23:21.53Cideblind should blind people
23:21.59Xinhuanwhat if i blind your rogue with my blind :D
23:22.08Cidethen you will get blinded.
23:22.15Cidefor every reaction, there's an equal and opposite reaction.
23:22.40Cides/every reaction/every action/
23:23.43Xinhuani'm going to piss you off by X%, does that mean there is an equal and opposite reaction where you like me X% better? :)
23:24.02Cideno, it means that I will piss YOU off by X% as well
23:24.23Cidewhich is probably true, since I will be a major non-swedeheart to you if you piss me off
23:26.31*** join/#wowi-lounge harder (
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23:30.06Wobin* Characters will now retain talented spell ranks so when they retalent they do not have to relearn the spells from trainers.
23:30.44zenzelezzyeah, cause after paying 50g for another respec those 2.5g on talent ranks was killing you
23:31.08alestane|wowNot every improvement has to be critical.
23:31.09WobinI wonder how they're going to handle it if you -don't- end up respeccing those specific talents?
23:31.42WobinPS  * Players can now only carry 80 Conjured Manna Biscuits at a time.
23:31.48Wobinhaha you greedy bastards =)
23:32.03alestane|wowMy guess is once you have, say, Bloodthirst rank 4, you always know it...but it doesn't show up unless you also have Bloodthirst rank 1.
23:32.33WobinI reckon if you should automatically get the maximum rank of talent for your level
23:32.49Wobinonce learned
23:33.15Wobinhow embarassing =)
23:33.37zenzelezzI used rank 1 spells for some time the first time I rolled a non-warrior
23:33.46Wobinoh man.
23:33.50Wobinno more honor calcs?
23:33.51zenzelezzI assumed it auto-upgraded my acitonbar, but at the time it didn't
23:33.53Wobinthat's fantastic
23:33.58Wobintime for chainganking =P
23:34.43zenzelezzyou don't have to worry anymore either, you're not worth any honor after dying 50 times in the same BG!
23:36.00Wobin"The mobs aren't actually created until someone enters the area. Sometimes you'll see mobs sort of "fall" a bit to the ground, or groups of mobs all fan out from a single point. This is usually the creation happening. Ideally you don't notice it at all though. "
23:36.11WobinI can remember flying across netherstorm
23:36.24Wobinand watching the mana feeders spawn, and drop to their deaths in the voids =)
23:36.29Wobinit's very entertaining
23:37.33*** join/#wowi-lounge kaelten_ (
23:37.45Wobinthe -one- thing I want
23:38.14Wobinis for nether vortices to be badge buyable
23:39.09*** join/#wowi-lounge DuTempete (
23:40.44kd3huh, I've never seen that before... a clickable link in the breaking news window
23:46.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
23:47.30dylanmYeah that popped out at me as well, kd3.
23:47.54ScytheBlade1It uses their simplehtml thing
23:49.50ScytheBlade1Who knows where in the stock UI code the "right-click on your/a party member's portrait menu" code is?
23:50.34ScytheBlade1I can't find it, anywhere :/
23:52.15ScytheBlade1I was searching the Party* files
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23:56.49Thrae <-- read the alt text and know why OpenBSD should not be attempted by the weak of heart.
23:57.07art3misheh yeah
23:57.13art3misyou should see theo's arms
23:57.23art3mishe codes in a full shark mesh these days

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