IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080128

00:00.42Thunder_Childmalreth, for the last time, we do NOT want to see you naked
00:01.29CidanShirik: More changes
00:01.32|pez|feh, why is this kinda important site down between 11pm and 7am everday?! >___>
00:02.20malrethThunder_Child: you are mistaken. they're not of me.
00:02.41Thunder_Childyour just saying that to get us to look
00:08.53Wobinanyone else having issues with instances?
00:09.11Shirik!ap 1545
00:09.11ThraeBotShirik: Arena points from a rating of 1545 is, 2v2: 300, 3v3: 348, 5v5: 395
00:10.21Wobinthis is beyond bizarre
00:11.10*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
00:11.10*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Lopeppeppy] by ChanServ
00:11.31DumanDallas datacenter eating face
00:12.58*** join/#wowi-lounge soufron (
00:13.16kd3whee for Dallas dying
00:13.32|pez|I know this might sound like a silly question.. but do any of you work for a firm that does graphicy goodness. e.g graphic profiling for companies and stuff.
00:16.30*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
00:16.30*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o cladhaire] by ChanServ
00:17.32*** join/#wowi-lounge batrick (
00:21.09Industrialgirl tackle hugs are fun and I imagine them soft
00:21.21Industrialguy tackle hugs is called american football >_>
00:21.45IndustrialHUAH *BONK* PAIN
00:22.11Industrialbut I like watching them both :o
00:22.29LopeppeppyI love football....
00:23.41malrethLopeppeppy: i finally uploaded a photo of Lunessa...
00:24.21|Jelly|He looks much more ... tame ... in those pictures than in the ones I've seen him in. lol
00:24.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Beladona (n=0ctavius@
00:24.28*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Beladona] by ChanServ
00:24.48malrethi uploaded only the most flattering one
00:25.09Thunder_Child|Jelly|, no leather and whips?
00:25.24IndustrialI dont even have a picture of me.. left :P
00:25.27malrethi also like the photo of his brother that he allowed me to take
00:25.48malrethit's the one titled, "Vice" in my photostream
00:27.36Industrialfurikuri was fun! :d
00:28.14malrethThunder_Child: heh... vapor ware...
00:28.54kd3huh. apparently mojo did get nerfed
00:28.54malrethsome stupid travel guide wanted one of those kanchi-sama photos
00:28.54kd3the forum mods are wiping every reference to it in general
00:28.54Thunder_Child~lart malreth
00:28.54purltakes out a cattle prod and gives malreth a good jolt
00:29.41malrethanyone got a towel?
00:30.16malrethNo, seriously. I spilled my drink when I got prodded.
00:30.20Thunder_Child(and bad spelling)
00:30.24LopeppeppyLooks about right, malreth... thank you!
00:31.34*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
00:32.42malrethtoo cute:
00:34.26Wobinwho's that? =)
00:35.06malrethmy fiancee
00:35.07kd3so apparently medivh's bored enough to restart SS/TM
00:35.15malrethshe rarely lets me take pictures of her
00:35.37LopeppeppyYou gave her a cookie to pacify her.  That's a strongly recommended tactic.
00:35.52Wobindamn you malreth
00:35.57WobinNow I have REM stuck in my head
00:37.04WobinI wonder why I haven't before =P
00:37.28Shirikso I'm thinking about writing an addon that claims (and satisfies the claim) to improve your FPS
00:37.55Wobinomg outback steakhouse
00:38.01malrethShirik: by hooking the function that returns the FPS and just artificially increasing it?
00:38.16WobinShirik: You should have it report bad information if addons are loaded by authors you don't like
00:38.35Shirikmalreth: That's a really good idea, but no
00:39.09ShirikI was intending to do a WorldFrame():Hide()
00:39.25zenzelezzShirik: the solution is obvious, have it set all graphics settings to minimum
00:39.27malrethShirik: that is a good idea!
00:39.41Industrialmake it 640x480, centered
00:39.46Shirikthen I have to obfuscate it so nobody can figure it out
00:39.48kergothframerateadjuster is pretty nice, automatically adjusts video detail to hit a target framerate, and prevents lag when a bunch of items come into view, iirc
00:41.39WobinI like the fire twirling ones, malreth
00:42.12malrethi took those with a point and shoot
00:42.17malrethand no tripod
00:42.35WobinPS, what is it with chai lattes nowadays?
00:42.41Wobin(aside from being so nummy)
00:42.45malrethi took about 600 photos and picked the very few that weren't crap
00:43.07malrethi get chai lattes as a measurement of how good a coffee place is
00:43.29malrethif it's from a box, they get a failing C or lower
00:44.08malreththeir chai was, sadly, from a box... Tazo, iirc
00:44.31malreththe old Mojo's coffeehouse had their own homemade mix
00:44.48malrethand since Epoch was started by some old Mojo's people, i was hoping for the same
00:45.31malrethstill, the coffee was good and their regular size is served in a pint mug
00:45.53malrethi have now determined that all coffee should be served in pint sizes or larger
00:47.14Lopeppeppy"It comes in pints?"
00:49.11IndustrialI have now determined that I am an unsophisticated ass because if i'd ever want coffee I just want it and drink it. No sprinkles flavors or any of that crap. But I don't like coffee.
00:50.24WobinI had a chai latte at Max Brenner
00:50.33Wobinit was actually white chocolate chai
00:50.40malrethIndustrial: i typically drink black... usually a cup of coffee with a shot of espresso dropped in
00:50.44WobinMade from leaves
00:50.52Wobinand omg decadant =P
00:51.00Industrialo rly
00:51.44NightHawkTheSanemmm.. chai
00:53.31malrethgotta go... birfday party to go to
00:56.14*** join/#wowi-lounge esteth_ (
01:05.00Shirikbatrick, ping
01:06.32CidanShirik: Pong
01:06.35CidanShirik: HAHA JUST KIDDING
01:06.39Shirikyou suck
01:06.53ShirikI'm trying not to break batbot while I run this test and you're all like "blargh"
01:07.48*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
01:08.49batrickShirik: pong
01:09.11ShirikI don't know what to ask anymore
01:09.16Shirikcause I kinda found my answer
01:09.27Shirikexcept the code I had to write was like 20 times as long to avoid the pcall bug
01:10.41Shirikthat was fun
01:10.57ShirikI think I know why it happened though
01:11.50batrickdon't use pcall in loops!!
01:11.52*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
01:11.55ShirikI blocked it!
01:11.57ShirikI think..
01:12.57Shirikshouldn't it ...
01:13.01Shiriksorry ><
01:14.00batrick--> assert(debug.getinfo(0).func == debug.getinfo)
01:14.01batbotbatrick: > true
01:14.08batrickshirik you aren't finding much :P
01:14.42ShirikI'm still learning how to use debug.getinfo()
01:15.46batricku can also save/stop the execution of yoru script they're all coroutines now :)
01:16.03batrick--> co = coroutine.running() while true do coroutine.yield("lol") end
01:16.04batbotbatrick: > lol
01:16.08Shirik--> debug.getregister()
01:16.08batrick--> coroutine.resume(co)
01:16.08batbotShirik: @ [string "return  debug.getregister()"]:1: attempt to call field 'getregister' (a nil value)
01:16.08batbotbatrick: > true, lol
01:16.13Shirik--> debug.getregistery() -- no fair
01:16.13batbotShirik: @ [string "return  debug.getregistery() -- no fair"]:1: attempt to call field 'getregistery' (a nil value)
01:16.29batricklol, like i'd expose that
01:16.36batricknot with luatask :P
01:16.41ShirikI fail at spelling registry, too
01:17.35batrickand before u get too excited
01:17.41batrick--> debug.getupvalue(next, 1)
01:17.42batbotbatrick: @ cannot access secure functions' upvalues
01:18.42ShirikYeah I was already trying to get there
01:18.47Shirikthat's what all those tests were for
01:18.48Shirika way around
01:19.22batricky don't u do it in #batbot so i don't have to look at my logs when u break it
01:19.48ShirikBig problem is you blocked debug.setmetatable
01:20.09batrickhow is that a problem
01:20.17ShirikIt's a problem for me
01:22.53*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
01:22.59*** join/#wowi-lounge TecnoBrat|Home (
01:32.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Shadowed (n=outlaw@
01:33.20Shirik--> print("test")
01:34.18|Jelly|~fail Shirik
01:34.18purlShirik: Fail.
01:35.00batrick27/01/2008 06:32:47 PM [WARN] I'm ignoring conspiracy/developer/Shirik
01:35.07batrickstop spamming mai botz
01:35.13ShirikI needed to test some things!
01:35.35batrickit unignores you 45 seconds later :P
01:35.41batrickuntil you reearn it
01:36.17kd3gah. had to leave /4 because of all of the world pvp raids in progress right now
01:41.10Shirikok, I'm reading these old GM tickets
01:41.15Shirikcan someone please explain this one to me?
01:41.44|Jelly|Probably not.
01:41.48ShirikHope to belong to sex for the shoulder bag provision, for example the weapon wrap, then weapon in the loot pack into the weapon to wrap first, pack into the other to wrap under the condition of shoulder bag is full only.Drive the suggestion for adopt contain the gold coin reward or additional talents?
01:41.51ShirikRunning can eat
01:41.56ShirikThe rogue shoot arrow too slowly
01:42.00*** join/#wowi-lounge annerajb (
01:42.01Shirik(all one ticket)
01:42.42|pez|that's... awesome english, we all need to start writing like that.
01:42.53ShirikI do like the only part I can understand
01:42.57Shirik"The rogue shoot arrow too slowly"
01:43.25|pez|you a GM? :P
01:43.44*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
01:43.45*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v cogwheel] by ChanServ
01:43.56Shiriknot of WoW, and not anymore
01:44.24|pez|so you're a GM of something, and have been for WoW before? :P
01:44.39ShirikI was a GM of something before, never WoW
01:44.45|pez|Mkay then!
01:46.15Shirikthese things are awesome
01:46.27LopeppeppyI do love General Chat for a good laugh.
01:46.48|Jelly|<3 Peppy!
01:48.47Shirik"Hello GM's. Earlier this week i sentt out 500 Wrapped hammers for 1G each as COD to try and earn some money. I use the CT mass mailer to do this because my friends say it was a good idee. So today, i check my mail to see how much money i have make and i had a lot so i used the mass mailer again. some ass hole sent ME a COD for 1000G and the CT accepted it and sent him the money, I want my money back, I have been scammed!!"
01:49.36CidanShirik: Putting up a commit, you should check this log.  Me thinks you may like.
01:50.55CidanShirik: Also, did you manage to try popups?  are they broken for you still?
01:51.05Shirikah crap, that's why I logged in
01:51.09ShirikI knew there is a reason
01:51.55Shirikwtf drenden is full?
01:52.00ShirikThere must be 100 people online
01:52.11annerajbguys can you point me out in the right direction for starting a lua addon
01:52.27annerajbi know how to code but i just dont get the wow frames thing
01:52.40annerajbhasnt help
01:52.45annerajbwell sort off
01:52.48CidanThen you're hopeless?  I kid
01:52.59CidanDo you know how to make addons period?  Like setup the folder, etc?
01:53.14CidanDo you prefer Lua or XML?
01:53.27CidanEverything you can do in XML, you can do in Lua
01:53.41CidanHave fun
01:53.43annerajbi just need a quick pointer to where i should read
01:53.45Cidanshould get you going.
01:53.55CidanI wrote that a while ago, still works well.
01:54.37annerajbquick question how do i set a xml to call a lua function when a user preses shift and right click and item
01:54.54CidanI have no idea; I hate XML.
01:54.57CidanI don't use it at all.
01:55.26annerajbthis is going to be a journey
01:55.28annerajboh well
01:55.43Cidanalways is
01:56.06alestaneannerajb: you can only choose what Lua function is called when the button is clicked...but that function can check what button was used to click the frame and what modifiers were down.
01:56.37Shiriknot fixed Cidan
01:56.50annerajbyeah i tought about that but how do i register lua to call my function when somebody presses and item
01:57.31CidanI wonder why you're getting that error
01:57.51alestaneYou need an element in the frame like this: <Scripts><OnClick>MyButton_OnClick(self, button, down)</OnClick></Scripts>
01:58.01CidanDoes anyone else here run widescreen, have an SVN client, and want to try something out for me?
01:58.13Cidanbecause I can not reproduce Shirik's bug
01:58.18annerajbeven if the frame is the inventory the chat etc
01:59.13alestaneIt sounds like you're trying to hook some existing behavior.
02:00.04IrielI suspect you'll want to hook the standard item link handler
02:01.32*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
02:02.00Shirikso I just /gquit Cidan
02:02.20Shiriklong story, will talk later
02:02.24Shiriksec, I need to set up a vent server
02:02.39Shirik(TGs just crashed for some reason, and I promise it wasn't me lol)
02:03.02CidanThat's a shame; I really miss TG.
02:03.05CidanThe old TG anyways.
02:03.07CidanSo very much.
02:03.21CidanThose were the "golden" days of WoW for me.
02:04.17Shirikfunny thing?
02:04.26ShirikI have no clue what's going to happen to the website now
02:04.36batricki just found out the hard way that '..' binds higher than 'and' /sigh
02:04.37ShirikI'm the only person that administrates it
02:05.02CidanThat was my first thought
02:05.07Cidanwho the hell will take care of the website
02:05.34Irielbatrick: When in doubt ()
02:05.57batricki'm used to doing x and y or z
02:05.58|Jelly| This response made me smile.
02:06.08batrickand forgot when i was doing some concatenations :)
02:07.13LopeppeppyVery nice, |Jelly|
02:07.23LopeppeppyIs it my monitor, or has the blue of the Blizz posts changed slightly?
02:07.52|Jelly|I think you're crazy.
02:09.04Lopeppeppyoh... that has been known to happen, carry on, carry on.
02:09.13CidanShirik: wtf, everyone quit?
02:09.22|Jelly|~hug Lopeppeppy
02:09.23purlACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs Lopeppeppy
02:09.31Shirikdid you spell TG wrong?
02:09.32CidanShirik: I'm getting reports more people left, officers.
02:09.45Shirikoh no, just Rags/Praised
02:09.57ShirikAnd then one of the officers was all like "I hope you're happy with yourselves"
02:10.06Shirikso I went on a rant, and she said "You have no room to talk, you don't even come here anymore"
02:10.18Shirikand so I said straight up, "You know what, you're right, I don't belong here. Have a good day" and left
02:10.46CidanI liked it best when Ara ran it, :/
02:11.20Shirikthat one officer that was talking, she's the only one who should have quit, she's an imbicile
02:11.33Shirikshe was good when she wasn't an officer; when she became one? power got to her head
02:12.03CidanWell, Considering that there's only one person who you can be talking about, I'm surprised
02:12.12CidanI never figured her to be a power trip.
02:13.27CidanShe was always very kind before being an officer, and in particular when she was in our raid team.
02:14.15LopeppeppyWhen you give some people "responsibility" they get all officious and take it waaaaaay too seriously.
02:14.47CidanYa, I suppose.  But this woman was really nice; at least she was too me.  I left the guild before she became an officer though.
02:15.09Shirikyou should join my vent :D
02:15.27|Jelly|WTB INFOS!
02:15.49CidanWhere at?
02:17.08ShirikCidan I think I know the problem, but I'm going to have someone else check first
02:18.04CidanI... don't even know the problem.
02:18.11CidanCan't read your mind, mate.
02:26.28ShirikI just realized, I don't use a widescreen monitor
02:26.31Shirikwhich is going to make this very fujn
02:28.54CidanIf you switch to normal non-widescreen resolution, does the problem go away?
02:29.22ShirikI'm about to find out if widescreen monitors have the issue or not
02:31.35Shirik[SERVER] Shutdown in 15:00!
02:31.39CidanServer shutdown
02:31.45ShirikIt was the TG quit
02:31.50Shiriktoo much for it to handle
02:31.50CidanMust have been
02:32.23cogwheelmy two main servers are srsly fluxed
02:32.41cogwheelas in... i'm downloading eve right now :|
02:32.54kd3whee. servers going down in 13
02:33.12LopeppeppyHah, server restarts!  I've been waiting for that.
02:34.13Shirikconfirmed Cidan, it works on widescreens
02:34.20kd3the dallas server farm broke
02:34.22ShirikI think it doesn't like my 1360x768
02:34.28CidanSo that's why I can't reproduce it
02:34.29kd3instance servers, BGs... etc
02:34.58CidanShirik: UBRS loot?  This was all about... UBRS loot?
02:35.10ShirikWhere the hell did you read that
02:35.19CidanSources inside
02:35.26CidanI mean TG
02:35.31*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
02:35.31Shirikuh, I think your sources are flawed
02:36.00CidanOh well, new news update on
02:36.22CidanMan, should have held off to release this as alpha, though really, this is getting beyond alpha at this point.
02:36.45ShirikLoading into 1280x768
02:37.08Shiriksame problem; loading into 800x600
02:37.30ShirikSame problem
02:37.41Cidantry loading only Conspiracy
02:37.43Cidannothing else
02:37.47Cidanand the raid windows module
02:37.52Shirikloading into 1360x768 non-windowed
02:37.52Cidandata windows
02:38.49Shiriksame problem
02:38.53Shirikloading only Conspiracy
02:41.18Shiriksame problem
02:41.27CidanMan, wtf.
02:41.34CidanYou're going to have to track it down, mate.
02:41.45CidanI can't reproduce it, nor can I trouble shoot it.
02:42.30ShirikThere's probably some line if (UnitName("player") =='Shirik') then SetCVar("suck", 1); end
02:46.14Beladonaback later, sleepy time for now
02:46.27CidanThat's that
02:46.32Cidanservers are down
02:46.37CidanGuess I'll code more tomorrow
02:47.14Shirikor you could come to Drenden
02:47.29kd3oof. forums go splat?
02:47.36annerajbahhhhhhhh servers are down ill die :S
02:47.37CidanCarebears.... CAAAAAARRRRRRREEEEEE
02:47.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Gilded (
02:48.38kd3they take /all/ realms offline? or just the dallas servers?
02:48.57CidanShirik: here you go.
02:49.13|Jelly|dallas servers
02:49.16Shirikkd3: My server is still up
02:49.20|Jelly|velen is still up, for instance
02:49.27kd3huh. kinda odd that I can't even get to realm select then
02:49.32CidanEredar isn't dallas
02:49.35Cidanand it's down
02:50.14kd3eredar's part of vindi, isn't it?
02:51.58Cidanoh huh
02:52.05Cidanwell I'm a moron then
02:52.09CidanSHUTUP SHIRIK
02:55.28ThraeI finally get a chance to play some WoW and 99% of the servers are down.
02:55.36ThraeHellooooo dry coding.
02:55.41IrielMore like 50%
02:55.47Irieljudging by the realm status screen
02:56.09ThraeIriel: That isn't showing all the servers
02:56.14CidanOh Iriel, you always have to be so particular, D:
02:56.26IrielI'm a pedant, I know.
02:56.36IrielI have a built in proc against hyperbolic statements
02:56.38ThraeAlthough I didn't check Oceanic.
02:58.20WobinDamn you AD
02:58.28WobinAlthough we did finish our Mech run
02:58.29ThraeAh, didn't scroll down far enough. OK, so maybe 80%, unless "Locked" means "There's a queue", then 40%.
02:58.31kd3guess it's time to go set some food since I can't yell at QQers on the forum
02:58.31Wobinwith 2 minutes to spare
03:00.42*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
03:01.29dylanmThrae: Locked means queue I think. Probably the people whose servers are down are logging on to the servers that aren't to cause havoc.
03:01.53Cidanlocked is queueeueueued
03:02.02dylanmBy "havoc" I mean "spam by level 1s in trade chat".
03:02.08ThraeWell it IS a Sunday. You can expect a lot of teenagers and even adults still up.
03:02.20CidanI just want to code, :/
03:02.29Shirikcome to Drenden
03:02.33sysragewhat broke?
03:02.33Thrae(Not counting me, since I work nights, so of course I'm up)
03:02.33CidanNo, shut up
03:02.54kd3wow's forums need to not break
03:03.04CidanI'm still mad at you for picking a PvE server to alt on.
03:03.12dylanmThey're sluggish, that's for sure.
03:03.16Wobinthe forums should not be linked to the servers =P
03:03.24Thraewow's forums need a mirror site.
03:04.11Cidanslow forums are slloowww
03:04.33ThraeWell I have about 35 other games installed on this computer. I'll play one of those for a little while.
03:04.40kd3ooh, good idea
03:04.52WobinI was just thinking that =P
03:05.21ThraeIt's Blizzard's worst nightmare! "Nooo, don't get hooked on another game! Play WoW! Only WoW! Or maybe Warcraft III or Starcraft or Diablo 2" (all of which I also have installed)
03:05.36kd3damn it steam, update
03:05.45ThraeSteam run out of steam?
03:08.29Wobinwhat does the elapsed in OnUpdate actually return?
03:09.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
03:09.28IrielI think it's time since last OnUpdate
03:09.44IrielI believe logically it's the time since the start of the last OnUpdate run
03:10.02Irielthough I was just pondering how it behaves if OnUpdate handlers take a long time to run earlier today
03:10.39Wobinand it returns in what sort of measurement?
03:10.45IrielBut it'd be my expectation that if you have 3 OnUpdate handlers, all of which take a bit of time to run, they'll always have the same elapsed each frame
03:11.18Wobinso not really useful for a timing indicator =)
03:11.25Wobinexcept to see how slow onupdate is
03:11.54IrielThat depends what you're timing
03:12.01Irielit lets you determine framerate pretty well
03:12.13Irieland it's good for animation or periodic events
03:16.17Cidandallas back up?
03:16.50CidanGametap it is
03:19.54*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
03:23.25WobinIriel: periodic events? Howso?
03:23.35WobinIf you only get the time elapsed since the last call
03:23.43IrielWobin: Something like 'refresh about once a second'
03:24.05IrielWobin: The blizzard code uses the elapsed time for range/mana updates for example
03:24.16WobinYou'd be picking up elapsed fractions of a second, though wouldn't you?
03:24.27Irielyes, so you keep an accumulator
03:24.38Irielself.time = self.time + elapsed;
03:24.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
03:24.49Irielif (self.time > 1) then DoOneSecondAction(); self.time = 0; end
03:24.55IrielFor example
03:34.58Wobinpity I can't test this TTA for tomtom
03:36.30DumanI wonder how effed up the servers in the Dallas DC are
03:36.38Dumanbeen offline for a while now
03:36.57Dumanand of course, all of my "alternate" servers are in that cluster
03:37.08Dumanwell, that or they have major queues, heh
03:37.30kd3first report was around 6:30 eastern if memory serves
03:38.34kd3vrak said something to the effect of that they were throwing a lot of people at the problem.
03:38.35*** join/#wowi-lounge ven_ (
03:38.46kd3kinda wish they'd fix the login server so I could at least get to other realms
03:38.58*** join/#wowi-lounge anko (
03:39.27Dumanhmm, works for me
03:39.35Dumanjus created a toon on anohter realm
03:39.45Dumanclearly my typing is awesome today
03:39.47WobinI get a disconnected from server
03:40.59Wobinkd3: hit cancel -just- before it tries to sign in
03:41.03Wobinand you'll get server selection
03:41.22Wobins/tries to/finishes/
03:41.34kd3aha, got it
03:41.35kd3good idea
03:42.05Dumanoh, yeah
03:42.08Dumanfigured you knew that :)
03:42.16Dumanthe client freaks out if your main realm is unreachable
03:48.45kd3woot. got a post off before the forums logged me out
03:49.34DumanI can't even seem to load anything on the forums
03:49.41Dumaneverything times out :)
03:51.53kd3huh, it's almost like they crashed the realms to take them offline... login just assigned me to medivh anyway
03:56.56*** join/#wowi-lounge DuTempete (
03:57.42kd3whee. Medivh's back up
04:18.29*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
04:22.22*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
04:25.56*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
04:27.34*** join/#wowi-lounge DuTempete (
04:27.35TemCairenn|afk, ping!
04:28.36*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck_ (
04:34.47annerajbservers back on
04:36.59mikmawhy where they off anyway
04:38.13*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=shirik@
04:39.01Shirik|Ecolehi Cidan
04:39.05*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Shirik|Ecole] by ChanServ
04:39.09Shirik|Ecoleoh wait that was from yesterday
04:39.23batrickhello shirik
04:39.27Shirik|Ecolehi batrick
04:39.40Shirik|Ecolewtf kind of hooking did you do to getfenv
04:39.57batrickdidn't change that
04:40.00Shirik|Ecoleoh I remember what you did
04:40.06Shirik|Ecoleyou wrapped all the functions in another function
04:40.16batrickyou're welcome to look at the updated sandbox, it's in your directory :P
04:40.22batrickthat was a while ago :P
04:40.27batricki don't need to dot htat anymore
04:40.36Shirik|EcoleI dispute this claim then:
04:40.41batrickyou've been looking at an old sandbox i think
04:40.53Shirik|Ecole--> getfenv(0), debug.getenv(function() end), debug.getenv(next)
04:40.53batbotShirik|Ecole: @ [string "return  getfenv(0), debug.getenv(function()..."]:1: attempt to call field 'getenv' (a nil value)
04:41.00Shirik|Ecole--> getfenv(0), debug.getfenv(function() end), debug.getfenv(next)
04:41.00batbotShirik|Ecole: > table: 0x8099048, table: 0x8099048, table: 0x8099048
04:41.15batrickwhat's wrong?
04:41.19batricklooks correct to me
04:41.21Shirik|EcoleThat they are all the same environment
04:41.35Shirik|EcoleI argue that next should be in a different environment
04:41.42batricklol, why?
04:41.44Shirik|EcoleI'm not saying this is insecure, I'm saying I think it's wrong :P
04:41.50Shirik|EcoleIt's obviously secure to have it this way
04:41.53batricklook at the updated sandbox
04:42.09Shirik|Ecoleneed the address again
04:43.38batrickya, my ip got changed one sec
04:43.48Shirik|Ecolewell I never had it on this computer anyway
04:44.47batrickit's sandbox.newer.lua heh
04:45.47Shirik|EcoleMy server's key changed and ssh is pissed
04:48.36batrickcomcast is gayyyy
04:49.48Shirik|Ecolenot you :P
04:49.55Shirik|EcoleI hope your key doesn't change
04:50.20batricko well, doesn't change comcast being gay
04:51.51CidanShirik|Ecole: I've started a bit of work on the window creation wizard
04:52.04CidanShirik|Ecole: Care to check it out, give me your thoughts?
04:52.18Shirik|Ecoleunlikely from this computer
04:52.21Shirik|Ecolewhen I get home, sure
04:52.37Shirik|Ecoleis it going to fail at displaying properly like your other inventions?
04:52.46CidanShut up, asshole.
04:52.57CidanThat's an issue on your end, not mine. D:
04:52.58batrickbatbot: did cidan get smashT?
04:52.58batbotbatrick, \(o_O)/
04:53.29CidanDoesn't happen to me on 3 different computers, two of them wide screen.
04:53.43Shirik|Ecolebut I don't play wide screwen
04:54.00CidanWhat is the resolution you play at that fscks up?
04:54.10Cidanand do you play windowed fullscreen or true fullscreen?
04:54.17Shirik|Ecolebut I tested other resolutions and it seems to work
04:54.22Shirik|Ecoleand neither, I play windowed
04:55.36Shirik|Ecolegrrr, trying to code a client in Java 1.3 and a host in 1.5 is really screwing with my head
04:56.14Shirik|Ecolethe bot requires Java 1.3 but I really want 1.5 features for the advanced stuff I need to do on the host =(
04:56.31Shirik|Ecolebut that means I can't import the host into the client code for the constants that I'm using
04:58.00Shirik|Ecole172. assert commPort.isReceiveTimeoutEnabled() : ^----^ *** Lexical Warning: The use of "assert" as an identifier is deprecated, as it is now a keyword.
04:58.06Shirik|Ecolelawl lawl except it IS A KEYWORD THERE
04:59.08Shirik|EcoleI like this one
04:59.11Shirik|Ecole*** Syntax: Invalid AssignmentOperator
04:59.11Shirik|Ecole536. Vector<Host.Packet> queue;
04:59.19Shirik|Ecolewhat assignment operator o.o;
04:59.40*** join/#wowi-lounge jscinoz (
04:59.41Shirik|Ecolelike I don't even know what it could possibly think is an assigment operator there
04:59.47Shirik|Ecoleeven in Java like 0.0000001
05:01.45CidanRight well
05:01.57Thunder_Childmmmm....cold pizza
05:02.43batrickthere is nothing good on tv, sigh
05:02.44kd3oooOOOOhh... the PTR forum got purged
05:03.00kd3realm coming up soon, huzzah. question is... 2.3.4 or 2.4?
05:03.01CidanNew commit going up, look at it when you get the chance.  It's not done yet.  In that big box on the creation window I'm going to add two huge icons/textures for the two types of windows you can make (repeating data sets and cell-by-cell)  Lemmi know what thou thinketh, Shirik.
05:03.14Cidankd3: 2.4 I hope, D:
05:03.20kd3as do we all
05:03.21batrick--> = shirik
05:03.21batbotbatrick: > nil
05:04.39Shirik|Ecole--> shirik = pcall
05:06.38batricki wonder if it breaks now that i'm using coroutines
05:07.26Shirik|Ecole=D Did you give me the C code too? Or are you just using a standard environment?
05:07.43Shirik|EcoleI bet I can write a patch for it
05:08.44batricki'm using standard environment plus standard modules
05:08.48batricki didn't write any C code
05:09.50Shirik|Ecolehow do I start the bot
05:09.55Shirik|Ecoleit just sits there like "yeah you suck"
05:10.14kd3ok... anyone got any suggestions for data collection mods? should I just use one of the database site mods? trying to get all of the quest/npc stuff together for the wiki so I don't have to manually type everything in like I did for [[Dustwallow Marsh quests]]
05:11.49Shirik|Ecoleshirik@waterdeep:~/batbot$ lua batbot.lua freenode.conf
05:11.49Shirik|Ecolelua: ./batbot/interpret.lua:26: module 'decompose' not found:
05:12.17Shirik|Ecolehey cool, it segfaulted too
05:12.20Shirik|EcoleI win!
05:12.35Shirik|Ecoledoes Lua always segfault when a require fails?
05:13.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
05:17.19*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
05:18.23ThraeWell that's enough BF1942 on "Impossible" level. Fun.
05:18.44TemShirik|Ecole, it normally throws a lua error when a require fails
05:18.53Shirik|Ecolewell it threw that error
05:18.55Shirik|Ecolethen it segfaulted
05:23.28kd3ahahahaha @ today's xkcd
05:25.55Shirik|Ecole--> return 4+1==3
05:25.55batbotShirik|Ecole: > false
05:26.11Shirik|Ecole--> 4+1==3
05:26.11batbotShirik|Ecole: > false
05:26.20batrickwell i indirectly fixed pcall by fucking upwhat i planned to do whatever
05:26.24Shirik|Ecolehm, you did something strange :/ your code is unreadable!
05:26.26batrickyouc an only call it once now shirik :)
05:26.32Shirik|Ecolewtf, that's boring
05:26.47batrickso is restarting batbot :)
05:27.12batrickwtf are you talking about
05:27.26batrickwhat code is unreadable
05:27.47Shirik|Ecole--> string.gsub("4+1==3", "^%s*=", "return ")
05:27.47batbotShirik|Ecole: > 4+1==3, 0
05:28.00Shirik|Ecoleoh whoops
05:28.07Shirik|EcoleI've been messing with printf too much lately
05:28.14Shirik|Ecole%s is whitespace >.>
05:28.23Shirik|Ecolenot string >.>
05:30.46batrick~lart shirik
05:30.46purlpulls out his louisville slugger and uses shirik's head to break the homerun record
05:31.11batrickpurl is a dual sexes
05:32.19Cairenngotta love users some days:
05:32.22CairennSubject: Premium Subscription Problem
05:32.22Cairennwhat`s the matter are your scared of me ha I was in the patch of things what`s can`t patch things up ah bit or what
05:32.44Cairenndolby-wowi and I are of the opinion that he's on crack
05:33.01Cairennthat was an email sent to the "contact us" addy
05:34.27ThraeAlright, are there any good auto-buff addons? The only one I've found is SmartBuff, and it's a bit of a bear.
05:34.34TemSo what's the deal, Cairenn.  Has kd3 replaced me in your heart?
05:34.46Temhonestly, I'm hurt.
05:35.01CairennI sowwy :(
05:35.21TemI guess you just want all the 'benefits' without the meaning
05:36.14Shirik|EcoleCairenn, can you make some kind of script that checks to see if I'm in the staff channel and yells at me when I'm not?
05:36.46ThraeShirik|Ecole: Why don't you just set yourself to auto-join the channel with your clients?
05:36.51*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Cairenn -> #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | Happy Birthday Tem!!11!1one
05:36.51Shirik|EcoleI do
05:36.57Shirik|Ecolehappy birthday Tem!1
05:37.03Shirik|Ecoleno pun intended...
05:37.08Shirik|Ecolemy shift key just fails
05:37.08ThraeTem: Happy b-day
05:37.22Temthanks, yo
05:37.22Shirik|EcoleAnyway it's all like
05:37.31Shirik|Ecole(23:38:08)  -› Unable to join #THECHANNELTHATYOUWILLNEVERKNOWTHENAMEOF (You need to be identified to join that channel)
05:37.35*** join/#wowi-lounge slouken (
05:37.36*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o slouken] by ChanServ
05:37.36Thunder_Child~happy Birthday Tem
05:37.37purlACTION sings the 'Happy Birthday' song horribly out of tune for Tem
05:37.45Shirik|Ecolehi slouken, tell Tem happy birthday :D
05:37.55kd3hey, it's our piratey overlord
05:37.56sloukenI think he smells like a monkey.
05:37.57Cairennhey slouken :)
05:38.06Tema monkey?
05:38.10Temnot a parrot?
05:38.13Thunder_Childyour just going to give Tem an inflated head if you do that Shirik
05:38.18sloukenyou look like one too, Tem
05:38.27sloukenla la la
05:38.36batrickbaby should be asleep
05:38.47Shirik|Ecolebaby should be on IRC
05:38.53ThraeGrr, why must all the addons I want be uncoded. I barely have enough time to play WoW itself *sobs*
05:38.56Shirik|Ecolehe must learn the ways of the hackers (good term hackers) early!
05:39.07TemI AM A BANANA
05:39.21Shirik|Ecolewhoever came up with the term "banana" was probably drunk
05:39.26Shirik|Ecolewho spells a word like that
05:39.29kd3damn it, now I'm hungry
05:39.33sloukenWhen I was young, I didn't know when to stop...
05:39.34Thunder_Childanother language Shirik|Ecole
05:39.44Shirik|Ecolewell then whomever came up with that language was drunk
05:39.44sloukenIt was banananananana
05:39.52ThraeI eat a banana every morning for breakfast. They're good for you.
05:39.53TemShirik|Ecole, there's a guy in my guild who named his rogue Bamdamamdabam
05:39.56sloukenAnd then I figured out banneranner, so I knew when to stop. :)
05:39.59Temor something like that
05:40.10Thunder_Child~lart Shirik|Ecole
05:40.10purlwhacks Shirik|Ecole with a giant beaver's tail
05:40.16Shirik|Ecole~whaleparry Thunder_Child
05:40.16purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry Thunder_Child's attacks.
05:40.17Temslouken, lol
05:40.24Thunder_Child~whalenuke Shirik|Ecole
05:40.25purlACTION dons her radiation cloak and tinted glasses while a highly intelligent whale named Ray precipitates critical mass for uncontrolled nuclear fission around Shirik|Ecole with his mind powers.
05:40.38ThraeWhen I was a kid, I watched a show called "Banana Man". It was double-billed with "Danger Mouse", so came on right after. "Banana Man" got strength from bananas, like Popeye, except his weakness was "spotted bananas".
05:40.43slouken~pickle Tem
05:40.43purlACTION crams Tem in a barrel, adds some brine and seasoning, and lets Tem sit for a long while in a dark room until Tem is ripe
05:40.50sloukenHey, that worked!
05:41.01slouken~unpickle Tem
05:41.05Tem~exception slouken
05:41.06purlACTION throws a NullPointerException at slouken.
05:41.14batrick~lart slouken
05:41.14purloffers slouken some herring
05:41.14|Jelly|~hug slouken
05:41.15purlACTION hugs slouken tightly until slouken turns slightly blue
05:41.23sloukenAh well, sorry Tem, I can't unpickle you.  You'll have to stay in the barrel... of monkeys?
05:41.31sloukenTem is so much fun
05:41.34Temoh, I've heard that's a lot of tun
05:41.41sloukena ton
05:41.45Tem(the barrel of monkey, part, anyway)
05:42.39Shirik|Ecoleso wait batrick, did you really fix the problem?
05:42.43Shirik|EcoleOr you just think you did
05:42.57sloukenI'll tell you how to solve all your AddOn problems.
05:42.59ThraeI think I'm going to have to code this from scratch. Gah.
05:43.19Shirik|Ecoleslouken: I made an addon that improves framerate, to see how many downloads it gets
05:43.20CairennThunder_Child: like you're anyone to talk? :p
05:43.26Shirik|EcoleHaven't uploaded it yet though
05:43.31Thunder_ChildCairenn, yes, quite so
05:43.33Xinhuanhmm, is that the real slouken, or a fake one?
05:43.34Shirik|EcoleIt's really cool though. And only two lines of code! Efficient!
05:43.38Thunder_Childi AM one to talk
05:43.47Temlol, Shirik|Ecole that's awesome
05:43.49Shirik|EcoleWorldFrame:Hide(); setfenv(0, {});
05:43.50sloukenShirik|Ecole: Probably won't get that many then, if it's not uploaded.
05:43.54Cairennyou're just as big a nerd as the rest of us :p
05:44.09Xinhuanthat's cheating shirik
05:44.13Thunder_Childno no no Cairenn, not AS big a nerd...
05:44.15kd3Shirik|Ecole, ooh, is that the "zomg gimme moar fps" addon?
05:44.16Shirik|EcoleI never lied in my description.
05:44.27sloukenYou need to hide UIParent too.
05:44.30Xinhuanyou have to unparent the FPS frame from WorldFrame ;p
05:44.36Shirik|EcoleI thought WorldFrame was parented to UIParent
05:44.38Xinhuanand show that
05:44.40Shirik|Ecoleok then, 3 lines!
05:44.47Shirik|Ecoleer, WorldFrame was the parent of*
05:44.48sloukenSee, it's getting bigger alraedy.
05:44.48Xinhuanto prove that FPS is increased!
05:44.58Shirik|Ecoleyeah I know, that was a 50% increase in the code size...
05:45.02sloukenYou'll also need to replace the error handler, to avoid popping error dialogs
05:45.12sloukenthe bloat continues
05:45.14ThraeIt doesn't matter how an addon works if it doesn't have a good name...hmmmm...what should I call an auto-buff addon...
05:45.14Shirik|Ecoleshouldn't setfenv take care of that? Surely most of them use globals
05:45.28Thrae"BuffMeLongTime" is too many words.
05:45.35Xinhuanand you'll need to enumerate all frames to find all frames without a parent, to :Hide() them so their OnUpdates don't run
05:45.47sloukenand unregister all events...
05:46.19Shirik|EcoleI still think setfenv(0, {}) should take care of most of this :P I will have to do more testing
05:46.36Shirik|Ecoleunfortunately that line also removes all my addon settings =(
05:46.47Tembloat imo
05:47.35Thunder_ChildShirik|Ecole, one at a time, you still havent released the OTHER one yet
05:47.43Shirik|Ecolesure we did
05:47.50Shirik|Ecoleit's in alpha
05:48.11Thunder_Childthats supposed to be in house
05:48.18Thunder_Childnot an RC
05:48.35Shirik|Ecolenot necessarily
05:48.38Shirik|Ecoleit's open alpha :P
05:48.58Shirik|Ecoleif I call it alpha-rc1 will you accept it? :P
05:48.58Xinhuantem is it your birthday today
05:49.06Thunder_ChildShirik|Ecole, no
05:49.12Xinhuanbecause its my birthday today :)
05:49.16Shirik|Ecoleit's like the RC of the alpha so it's distributed publicly, in preparation for closed alpha
05:49.25Thunder_Child~happy birthday Xinhuan
05:49.26purlACTION sings the 'Happy Birthday' song horribly out of tune for Xinhuan
05:49.46TemXinhuan, happy birthday
05:49.53Thunder_ChildShirik|Ecole, didnt someone say it was nothing but api's?
05:49.58TemI think it's kd3s too
05:50.01Xinhuanand the doctor just told me the arm i broke 2 months ago should be good now (just came back from hospital) :D
05:50.09kd3nah, mine was the 27th
05:50.18Thunder_Childthats today kd3
05:50.19Temit's still the 27th
05:50.20Cairenngrats Xinhuan
05:50.22Thunder_Childfor some of us
05:50.24Tem(for 10 minutes)
05:50.28Temmine was the 26th
05:50.30Thunder_Child~happy birthday kd3
05:50.30purlACTION sings the 'Happy Birthday' song horribly out of tune for kd3
05:50.48kd3but sitll, what the hell is it with january birthdays? bunch of people on irc/the forums, the majority of my first cousins...
05:50.55Xinhuanwell its 28th at my place hehe
05:50.57Cairennhappy birthday Xinhuan
05:50.58Thunder_Childbah, you people are taking my attention away from my final
05:50.59*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Shirik|Ecole -> -› Topic: #wowi-lounge: Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | Happy Birthday Tem and Xinhuan!!11!1one
05:51.03Shirik|EcoleI mean
05:51.14Xinhuanwtb Ace3 beta
05:51.15*** topic/#wowi-lounge by Shirik|Ecole -> Paste Code Here: | 2.3.x ToC: 20300 | Happy Birthday Tem and Xinhuan!!11!1one
05:52.07Xinhuanthis is my latest clustering code
05:52.14Xinhuanafter performing TSP on it
05:52.16*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Esamynn] by ChanServ
05:52.19Xinhuanat 60 yards range
05:52.20Shirik|Ecolebatbot, let us assume I had a very long segment of code
05:52.20LukianMySQL error prevented this operation from completing
05:52.23Xinhuanfor cluster node points
05:52.27Shirik|Ecoleany way of getting it?
05:52.29LukianShirik|Ecole, good topic change
05:52.29Shirik|EcoleLukian: That wowi?
05:52.34Lukianhehe yeah
05:52.48sloukenOkay, later folks
05:52.56Shirik|Ecoledid you get any details on it?
05:53.02LukianHappy bday Xinhuan, what presents do we get? :D
05:53.02*** part/#wowi-lounge slouken (
05:53.06Shirik|Ecoleand where did you get it?
05:53.23Xinhuanyou get my new clustering code for Routes :D
05:54.21Xinhuanthere was a suggestion somewhere that for node cluster points that is "exactly 1 node", you don't actually have to fly to it
05:54.57Xinhuanso the route can be shortened slightly further by calculating that triangulated point that just touches the radius of that single node
05:55.57Xinhuandoes that make sense? heh
05:56.22Lukianyup :D
05:56.33Shirik|EcoleSo I have this assignment for a class I'm taking
05:56.37LukianShirik, oh that was pastey
05:56.40Shirik|EcoleWe can use any language other than matlab
05:56.44Lukianwowi.pastey :)
05:56.59Shirik|EcoleWe have to accept user input (a function of x) and then return the result
05:57.00Xinhuanbut its actually harder than it sounds on paper, since changing the coordinate of 1 point changes the 2 points next to it
05:57.05Shirik|Ecolethe hard part being parsing the user input, of course
05:57.06Xinhuanas the line angle changes
05:57.18Shirik|EcoleI'm considering using Lua... 3 lines of code. Any reason I shouldn't?
05:57.54Shirik|EcoleThe only thing I don't like about Lua is that it would mean I have to limit my accepting user input to a very specific form =( I also considered doing it in assembly
05:58.01Shirik|EcoleAnd having my program generate functions on the fly
05:59.08Xinhuanso you're thinking of loadstring()?
05:59.37Xinhuanwhat about javascript's eval() ?
05:59.45Shirik|Ecolejavascript would have to run in something else wouldn't it?
05:59.52Xinhuani suppose
05:59.57Xinhuanbut you said you can use anything
06:00.04Xinhuanand a webpage is as good as any other environment?
06:00.12Shirik|EcoleI guess
06:00.21Shirik|Ecolebut I hate java, and almost equally hate javascript
06:04.10Thunder_Childi'm sure it hates you to Shirik|Ecole
06:05.26Shirik|Ecoleoh I know
06:07.33Xinhuanwho here has experience with handling hundreds of frames inside wow at the same time, and trying to :SetFrameLevel() all of these at the same time (in a certain z-order) to make wow not choke on it?
06:09.11IrielXinhuan: In what way is it choking?
06:09.22IrielXinhuan: And did you read the "How the UI is rendered" page on the wiki yet?
06:10.03Xinhuanlets say i have 500 frames, and as i go, i assign these frames a framelevel of some real number between 1 and 8000
06:10.29Xinhuanit has a tendency to freeze wow once in a while as it seems to resort the frames internally for rendering
06:10.50Xinhuanif i take these 500 frames, sort the frames out myself and assign integer framelevels from 1-500, this seems to fix it
06:10.56IrielWell, whenever a frame has to be raised or lowered it has to recalculate the whole draw stack
06:11.14Shirik|Ecoleoh god, how I love regular expression support in code editors
06:11.17Irieleach framelevel is a distinct draw list internally, and that list needs to be managed
06:11.38Xinhuanso whats the best way to go about it? not assign framelevels at all, and instead assign a unique framelevel to each frame, and
06:11.43art3misEPOCH FAIL!
06:11.44Shirik|Ecoleconverting (byte)n, (byte)n, (byte)n \n (byte)n, (byte)n, (byte)n \n .... into one line ftw
06:11.47Xinhuanevery loop, assign the texture a new texture?
06:12.13Xinhuanat the moment, this code reuses the frames by using the same texture, but apply a different framelevel
06:12.24Xinhuanis it better to reuse the same framelevel, and apply a different texture?
06:12.56Xinhuan1frame == 1texture atm
06:13.10Shirik|Ecoleand now splitting it into lines based on 150 char lines
06:13.22Shirik|Ecole/0x.{80}.*?,/ ftw
06:13.26IrielIs there a reason you need to use so many frame levels?
06:13.33Irielthe UI is optimized to draw as much in one frame level as it can
06:13.58Xinhuandoing a HuD to draw node points
06:14.07IrielWhy can't they be on the same level?
06:14.17Xinhuana nearer node should be drawn on top
06:14.44IrielCan you draw MOST nodes on one level and only use elevated levels for the (low) N nearest?
06:15.09batrickShirik|Ecole: what?
06:15.15Xinhuanso you're saying instead of 500 frame levels, use 50 instead? (i % 10)
06:15.27IrielHere's a slouken quote for you:
06:15.46Iriel"The optimal layout is to have all frames in the same strata at the same frame level, since they can be batched and rendered at the same time"
06:16.02IrielI was thinking more like 10 levels
06:16.12Irielput 491 nodes into the lowest level
06:16.18Irieland the nearest 9 nodes into levels 2-10
06:16.35Xinhuanit does one render pass per frame right?
06:16.49batrickShirik|Ecole: I didn't actually fix it, i had done something pretty cool but it didn't work out
06:17.02batrickthe ultimate side effect was pcall can only be called once
06:17.04IrielIt repaints the UI once per frame, yes.. but it has to do multiple batches and renders while it draws that frame
06:17.08Xinhuanso if i change the framelevels of 500 frames within a single OnUpdate, it doesn't rerender them 500 times in that 1 frame?
06:17.14Shirik|Ecoledid you do anything with limiting string concats at all?
06:17.15Irielif you have 500 frame levels, it has to do 500 submits of things to draw
06:17.28Shirik|EcoleBecause I want to add this function but I need to do it like along 10 lines to make it fit in IRC
06:17.28LukianXinhuan, can you make whatever comes out of hud node points into a library? :) I could be useful in a few other/future addons
06:17.31Shirik|Ecole(Legit use)
06:17.46Xinhuanpossibly extensible
06:18.03Xinhuanwe've made Routes extensible to any addon that cares to write a plugin file for it
06:18.27batrickShirik|Ecole: break it up into strings and load them part by part
06:18.32batrickthen loadstring the result
06:18.53Shirik|Ecolethat's what I'm doing
06:18.54batrickbatbot gets reset pretty often so I dunno if you should even bother >.>
06:19.28Shirik|EcoleI need it to calculate my FCSes for me!
06:20.10Shirik|EcoleMy bot argues that the FCS should be 76, my host argues that it should be 31, and I don't know which is right
06:20.15Shirik|Ecolebut it doesn't match so my bot is ignoring it
06:23.15*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
06:23.15batrickthere i fixed it
06:23.20Shirik|Ecoleyou're kidding right?
06:23.29Shirik|EcoleI typed all those lines
06:23.34Shirik|Ecoleand then you reset batbot
06:23.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Gilded (
06:23.37batrick--> foo = function() return pcall(foo) end return foo()
06:23.37batbotbatrick: > true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, nil, ead shirik
06:23.42Shirik|Ecole--> s
06:23.42batbotShirik|Ecole: > nil
06:23.44batricki won't reset it again tonight
06:24.03Shirik|Ecoleoh btw
06:24.25Shirik|Ecolehm, I think I'll do this in bytecode so you have to figure it out on your own
06:24.31Shirik|Ecoleam I cruel?
06:24.42Shirik|Ecolenah I won't
06:26.11ThraeHmmmm, what am I -really- missing...
06:26.21ThraeRight, more PerfectRaid frames
06:26.29*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
06:32.33Shirik|Ecole--> return dallas("\0")
06:32.33batbotShirik|Ecole: @ [string " local dt = loadstring("return {""]:1: Expected byte table
06:32.39Shirik|Ecole--> return dallas({0})
06:32.39batbotShirik|Ecole: @ [string " local dt = loadstring("return {""]:1: attempt to index global 'bit' (a nil value)
06:32.46Shirik|Ecoleyou don't have the bit library installed?!
06:34.01Shirik|Ecolebatrick, you're killing me smalls
06:34.03*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck (
06:34.24Shirik|Ecole5g to anyone that knows what movie that quote is from
06:35.19Shirik|Ecolegood man
06:35.26art3misgood google ;P
06:35.35Shirik|Ecolein my family, sandlot is like the bible
06:35.44art3misyer mormon?
06:36.37art3misoh wait, you didnt mean that it was ficticious, contained nice stories but generally was created by a delusional person who wants his own cult
06:36.49Shirik|Ecoleoh hey, they have a misquote in here
06:36.53Shirik|EcoleDIE WIKIQUOTE
06:37.06Shirik|Ecole"Ham Porter: You play ball like a girl!" no, he definitely said "baseball" not "ball"
06:37.12Shirik|Ecolethe two syllables was very important in that line
06:37.29art3misquick tell me everything thats happens so far!!
06:37.56art3miswell first the earth cooled, then the dinosaurs came but they got to big and fat and turned into oil, and then the arabs came and the all bought mercedes benz
06:37.57*** join/#wowi-lounge [KzM]Fatalis (
06:38.18art3misname the movie or be cast to the pits of hell
06:38.23Shirik|Ecolethat's a movie?
06:38.31art3mis~lart shirik
06:38.31purlDoSes shirik
06:38.37art3misAirplane 2
06:39.29Shirik|Ecoleno that's wrong
06:39.32Shirik|EcoleGOOGLE FAILURE
06:39.51Shirik|Ecoleit was airplane 2 :(
06:40.10art3misone of the best scenes in that movie
06:40.53art3mis <-- the dinosaurs speech
06:41.17art3missome of jacobs best quotes
06:42.09art3misthatday over macho grande
06:42.12art3misover macho grande?
06:42.15Shirik|Ecolebatbot's ignoring me again =(
06:42.25art3misi dont think ill ever be over macho grande... wounds like that run pretty deep
06:43.43Shirik|EcoleAnyone want to check my "and"ing algorithm?
06:43.49Shirik| = function(n1, n2) local r = 0; while n1 > 2 and n2 > 2 do r = r * 2; if (n1 % 2 == 1 and n2 % 2 == 1) then r = r + 1; end n1 = math.floor(n1 / 2); n2 = math.floor(n2/2); end return r; end
06:44.02Shirik|,3) is coming out as 1,,1) is coming out as 0
06:44.13art3mis'What have you got on Elaine Dickenson?' 'Well, I'm two inches taller, a better dancer, and much more fun to be with'
06:44.21ThraeAlright, I did some math and all I need is a Target Frame.
06:44.59ThraeWhat does everyone use for their unit frames? I need a simple one just for Target.
06:47.09*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (
06:47.27*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3 (
06:47.28Shirik|Ecolewoot, works!
06:48.41Shirik|Ecoleand bit.bxor works!
06:48.43Shirik|Ecolenow for dallas
06:49.02*** join/#wowi-lounge soufron (
06:51.01Shirik|Ecole--> dallas{77, 80, 68, 66, 16, 0}
06:51.02batbotShirik|Ecole: @ [string " local dt = loadstring("return {""]:1: Unexpected bytecode value
06:51.17kd3damn it... no matter how I set it up azu always wants to use the wrong connection
06:51.42Shirik|Ecole--> "Test"
06:51.42batbotShirik|Ecole: > Test
06:52.30Shirik|Ecolebatrick: Are you sure debug.getupvalue works?
06:52.56Shirik|Ecole--> local foo = 1; function bar() return foo; end; print(debug.getupvalue(foo, 1), debug.getupvalue(foo, 0))
06:52.56batbotShirik|Ecole: @ ./sandbox.lua:55: bad argument #1 to 'getupvalue' (function expected, got number)
06:53.28Shirik|Ecoleokay..... is there a reason my PMs work differently than in here? o.o so wierd
06:53.41Shirik|Ecoleoh I fail at typing
06:53.48Shirik|Ecole--> local foo = 1; function bar() return foo; end; print(debug.getupvalue(bar, 1), debug.getupvalue(bar, 0))
06:53.48batbotShirik|Ecole: foo
06:53.53Shirik|EcoleOkay, I just plain fail
06:57.50Thunder_Child"(22:53:57) (@Shirik|Ecole) Okay, I just plain fail" QFT
06:58.25batrickShirik|Ecole: yes I'm sure :)
06:58.38Shirik|Ecoleyeah :P
06:58.42Shirik|EcoleHey want to check out my code?
06:58.47batrickjust not for global functions
06:58.51Shirik|Ecole--> local dt = loadstring("return {"..table.concat(s,"").."}")(); function dallas(t) assert(type(t)=='table', "Expected byte table"); local crc = 0; for _,v in ipairs(t) do v=v+1; if dt[v]==nil then error("Unexpected bytecode value "..v); else crc = dallas(,v), 0xFF)); end end return crc; end
06:58.58Shirik|Ecoleand it does this:
06:59.07Shirik|Ecole--> dallas{77, 80, 68, 66, 16, 0}
06:59.07batbotShirik|Ecole: @ [string " local dt = loadstring("return {""]:1: Expected byte table
07:00.00Thunder_Child*cough* (22:53:57) (@Shirik|Ecole) Okay, I just plain fail *cough*
07:00.42Shirik|Ecoleoh oops
07:01.04Shirik|Ecole--> dallas{77, 80, 68, 66, 16, 0}
07:01.04batbotShirik|Ecole: > 252
07:01.19Shirik|Ecoleeven if it's totally wrong, yey!
07:02.00Shirik|Ecole--> dallas{77, 80, 68, 66, 16, 0}
07:02.01batbotShirik|Ecole: > 6
07:02.13*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3|hate`net (
07:02.28Shirik|Ecoleno, dallas one-wire
07:02.29Thunder_Childlowest common demoninator
07:02.30art3misno thats wrong
07:02.42art3misheh didnt pay attention to the 77 ;P
07:02.45Thunder_Childnire like most common #
07:02.53Shirik|Ecolean algorithm I'm using in my protocol I designed
07:03.08Shirik|EcoleMy bot is saying it expects one value, my host is sending another, and I need to figure out who's right
07:05.29Shirik|Ecolenow to figure out who's right!
07:05.42Shirik|EcoleMy bot argues it is 76 *drum roll please*
07:08.23Shirik|Ecole--> dallas{77,80,68,66,31,1,1,0,0,0,0}
07:08.24batbotShirik|Ecole: > 189
07:08.30Shirik|Ecolewow, you're all wrong
07:08.37Shirik|EcoleNOW who's right
07:10.51Shirik|EcoleAnyone know a good dallas one-wire calculator?
07:11.01Shirik|Ecolebatrick should have one in his back pocket yeah?
07:11.14Thunder_Child$450 is to much for a knife
07:13.03batrickit'd be really nice if you had a reverse tonumber() with the base calculations
07:13.19Shirik|EcoleI implemented and bit.xor for you
07:13.22Shirik|Ecoleer, bit.bxor
07:13.42batrickbatbot has colours now!
07:13.57Shirik|Ecoleit doesn't in here lol
07:13.58batrick--> tabstr({1,2,3,{1,4,5}})
07:13.59batbotbatrick: > { [1] = 1, [2] = 2, [3] = 3, [4] = { [1] = 1, [2] = 4, [3] = 5 } }
07:14.44Shirik|Ecoleoooh pretty
07:14.48Shirik|Ecoleexcept I have a black background
07:14.50Shirik|Ecoleand I can't see that at all
07:15.25batricku should use #batbot!!!
07:16.09batrickirclogs are so hideous
07:16.14batrickirssi logs*
07:19.16*** join/#wowi-lounge tedrock (
07:22.24Shirik|Ecole(02:22:14) (batbot) Shirik|Ecole: ead shirik
07:22.41art3misthose addons that show levels for areas
07:22.52art3misare those grabbed from blizz or are the fuzzy gen'd
07:26.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Tem (n=tardmrr@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Dongle/Tem)
07:26.47*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Tem] by ChanServ
07:27.42Xinhuanshirik is abusing batbot hehe
07:27.45Xinhuanto the max
07:28.24Xinhuanart3mis, i believe those numbers are grabbed from Blizzard's website's gameguides
07:37.01Shirik|Ecolehm, batrick, your error handler is getting mad
07:37.10batrickO.o ?
07:37.13Shirik|EcoleI think it's my fault though
07:37.22Shirik|Ecole--> function foo() local s, err = pcall(test) if s then foo() else local r, e = pcall(foo) if not r then print(e) end end end function test() end pcall(foo)
07:37.22batbotShirik|Ecole: error in error handling
07:37.37Shirik|EcoleBUG BUG!!
07:38.40Xinhuanlet me try to decipher that!
07:38.50Shirik|Ecolewas going to tell you but have fun
07:40.00Xinhuanok i don't get it ;p
07:40.00art3misi dont like puzzles tell me
07:40.10art3misbut not xin
07:40.13art3mishe's chinese!
07:40.20art3mishe cant have our secrets!
07:40.38\nQUIT\nlua> "Test"
07:40.38lua_bot\nQUIT\n: Test
07:40.41Xinhuandid you try to pcall(test) before it isn't defined/executed
07:40.51Xinhuandid you try to pcall(test) before it is* defined/executed
07:40.58Shirik|Ecoleok basically what I did
07:41.07Shirik|EcoleI pushed the stack to its absolute limit, and then tried to call pcall
07:41.31Shirik|Ecolepcall finds an error (that it can't call the function due to the lack of stack space) then tries to call the error handler. The error handler, however, can't run because there's no stack space!
07:41.38Shirik|EcoleSo it gives up
07:41.46Xinhuanaha, now that makes sense
07:42.22Xinhuanwhy is the "else" part necessary then?
07:42.36art3misbrainbench is having a "free tests and certs til jan 31" thingy again
07:42.37Shirik|Ecolebecause batrick placed a limit on recursive pcalls due to my abusing it
07:45.11Shirik|Ecoleyey I'm an idiot
07:45.20Shirik|EcoleDebugging for an hour due to the FCSes not matching
07:45.28Shirik|Ecolewhen actually I just put a wrong "length" field in my packet >.>
07:46.31batrick--> co = coroutine.create(function() end) return getfenv(co)
07:46.31batbotbatrick: @ [string " co = coroutine.create(function() end) retu..."]:1: bad argument #1 to 'getfenv' (number expected, got thread)
07:46.45art3misThunder_Child: thats pretty fucking cool
07:46.47batrick--> co = coroutine.create(function() end) return debug.getfenv(co)
07:46.47batbotbatrick: > table: 0x807e4b0
07:46.54batrick--> co = coroutine.create(function() end) return debug.getfenv(co), _G
07:46.55batbotbatrick: > table: 0x807e4b0, table: 0x807e4b0
07:46.57Thunder_Childart3mis, thats what i thought
07:47.08art3misim jealous of thier hardware
07:47.10art3misand skills
07:47.11Shirik|Ecoleyou're ok batrick :)
07:47.54batricki'm trying to understand what exactly setfenv(0, {}) does
07:48.03batrickit doesn't change the global table
07:48.04Shirik|Ecolesets the environment table
07:48.09Shirik|Ecolethat's because you jacked with the global table
07:48.20Thunder_Childart3mis, skills can be learned...the hardware on the other hand.....
07:48.22batricktry in regular lua interpretter
07:48.32batricksetfenv(0, {print=print}) print("??")
07:48.35batrickyou get an error
07:49.31Shirik|EcoleI think that's because
07:49.57Shirik|Ecolesetfenv(0, {print=print,tostring=tostring}) print("??")
07:49.58Shirik|Ecoletry that
07:50.00batrickin fact, you can't even return
07:50.12Shirik|Ecole(You will have to restart your interpreter)
07:50.49batricknow i'm curious what exactly it does
07:50.52Shirik|Ecoleso my friend set up this svn server, right? (Well I set it up, but it was his server, but anyway)
07:51.13Shirik|EcoleHe's all like "Yeah my computer's all secure, nobody can get to it" and I'm like "so you won't be worried if I nmap it" he's like "what's nmap?"
07:51.32Shirik|Ecoleso I say "Okay I'll do it." He's all "it's not going to kill my computer right?" I'm like "Yeah I won't do anything with it" so he agrees
07:51.49Shirik|EcoleI be sure to turn OS detection on and as he watches the results he's like WTF?!
07:51.54Shirik|Ecoleas it spits out
07:52.16cladhaireShirik|Ecole: I enjoyed LHF's response on the listserv, to say the least
07:52.31Shirik|EcoleRunning (JUST GUESSING) : Linux 2.6.X (99%)
07:52.42Shirik|EcoleLinux 2.6.19 - 2.6.20 (Gentoo) (94%)
07:52.46Shirik|Ecole(both of which are correct)
07:53.06Shirik|Ecole22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 4.7 (protocol 2.0)
07:53.12Shirik|Ecoleand he's like "okay you're not getting access to my computer anymore"
07:53.25Shirik|Ecolecladhaire: me too :)
07:53.51cladhairebut then again, I cannot stand the way she operates half of the time
07:54.08cladhairebad mix between a script kiddie, and someone dangeous enough to get themselves into trouble.
07:54.28batrickclad do you understand what exactly setfenv(0, ...) does?
07:54.35Shirik|Ecolebatrick: I just told you....
07:54.40batricki'm not satisfied...
07:54.41Shirik|Ecolethe reason you had that error is because print needs tostring...
07:54.50Shirik|EcoleYOUR print needs tostring
07:54.52cladhaireit does exactly what you'd expected it to do
07:54.54batricki realize that, but it changes the env of the thread, i want to know what that means
07:55.04Shirik|EcoleIt changes the global lookup table...
07:55.27batrickthreads don't lookup global values, functions do
07:55.36batrickso what's the point of changing a threads env
07:55.43Shirik|Ecoleall the functions in that thread
07:55.49cladhaireever chunk that is created in that thread
07:55.53cladhaireget that environment
07:55.56cladhairea chunk is a function
07:56.13cladhairei'm not sure what you don't undertsand.
07:56.30batrickso it changes loadstring, and iterators returned from say gmatch environments?
07:57.14Shirik|Ecoleloadstring doesn't allow upvalues, so its environment is entirely dependent upon where it's running
07:57.33Shirik|Ecole(unless you manually set that function)
07:57.45cladhairebatrick: test,. and quit asking?
07:57.51cladhaireyou have three lua interprters in this channel
07:57.57batricki don't know what to test, which is why i asked...
07:58.00cladhaireand ostensibly one at home or wherever you are
07:58.12Shirik|Ecoleit was almost 1 a second ago, cladhaire, I had this really cool idea
07:58.14Shirik|Ecolebut you blocked it =(
07:58.31Shirik|Ecole(02:40:34)  -› @Shirik|Ecole is now known as @\nQUIT\n
07:58.31Shirik|Ecole(02:40:37) (@\nQUIT\n) lua> "Test"
07:58.31Shirik|Ecole(02:40:38) (lua_bot) \nQUIT\n: Test
07:59.05cladhairelua> setfenv(setmetatable({}, {__index=getfenv(0)}); print(getfenv(0)); print(getfenv(string.gmatch("aaa", "a")))
07:59.05lua_botcladhaire: sandbox.lua:298: Compilation failed: [string "setfenv(setmetatable({}, {__index=getfenv(0)}); print(getfenv(0..."]:1: ')' expected near ';'
07:59.20cladhairelua> setfenv(setmetatable({}, {__index=getfenv(0)})); print(getfenv(0)); print(getfenv(string.gmatch("aaa", "a")))
07:59.21lua_botcladhaire: [string "setfenv(setmetatable({}, {__index=getfenv(0..."]:1: attempt to call global 'setfenv' (a nil value)
07:59.41cladhairelua> _G
07:59.41lua_botcladhaire: { ["a"] = 10, ["log"] = function: 0x806f710, ["wow"] = { ["strconcat"] = function: 0x8070358, ["strtrim"] = function: 0x80702b0, ["strsplit"] = function: 0x80702e8, ["getglobal"] = function: 0x815c968, ["strjoin"] = function: 0x8070320, ["debugstack"] = f... (result truncated)
07:59.53cladhairesomeone fix that, i'm gonna go shave
08:00.12Shirik|Ecolelua> setfenv(0, setmetatable({}, {__index=getfenv(0)})); print(getfenv(0)); print(getfenv(string.gmatch("aaa", "a")))
08:00.12lua_botShirik|Ecole: [string "setfenv(0, setmetatable({}, {__index=getfen..."]:1: attempt to call global 'setfenv' (a nil value)
08:00.17Shirik|Ecolelua> setfenv
08:00.17lua_botShirik|Ecole: nil
08:00.21Shirik|Ecoleyeah you removed it :P
08:00.23cladhairei hide that function
08:01.05cladhairebatrick: table: 0x119bc0
08:01.05cladhairetable: 0x119bc0
08:01.16cladhaireit, shockingly, changes the global environment
08:03.32cladhaireeasy enough to sandbox around
08:03.38Shirik|EcoleI just went to the vending machine...
08:03.46Shirik|Ecoleand ran across 5 other people roaming the halls
08:03.49Shirik|Ecolewtf do people have no life?
08:04.08Shirik|EcoleIt's 3 AM, go home!
08:04.27batrickI was trying to understand the point of it
08:04.50Shirik|Ecoleit's quite useful in hiding things
08:04.54Shirik|Ecolesurely you use it
08:05.05batricknot really
08:05.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Hey-WTF (
08:05.25Shirik|Ecolemost people build an environment table on what they want to expose, then do a setfenv(0, table)
08:06.06Shirik|Ecoleit's very nice :)
08:06.08batrickwell it's a lot more work than that as soon as you expose getfenv
08:06.21Shirik|Ecolewhy's that?
08:06.26Shirik|Ecolegetfenv() will just give them that table back
08:06.33batrickbecause all the functions you expose have the old environment
08:06.39Shirik|Ecoleoh right, of course
08:06.53batrickwhich is why i wrapped all the functions in my old sandbox
08:09.45batrick--> for k in pairs(_G) do print(k) end
08:09.46batbotbatrick: co   foo   test   string   xpcall   color   tostring   _VERSION   os   unpack   points   getfenv   pairs   next   assert   ipairs   rawequal   collectgarbage   getmetatable   _G   table   coroutine   decompose   debug   math   rating   pcall...(tldr)
08:09.53batrickyou need any of that shirik?
08:10.49batrick--> = foo
08:10.50batbotbatrick: > function: 0x80e90b0
08:10.53Shirik|Ecolewhat do you mean "do I need any of it"
08:11.01batrickwell will u be pissed if i reset batbot
08:11.01Shirik|Ecoleif I named it foo I don't need it :P
08:11.09Shirik|Ecoledallas would be nice but it seems to calculate wrong anyway
08:11.11batricku've bitched before :)
08:11.17Shirik|Ecolejust restart it :P
08:11.22*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
08:12.08*** join/#wowi-lounge leethal (n=leethal@
08:12.46*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
08:12.47Shirik|Ecolebatrick, we really gotta work on those quit messages
08:13.24batricki just need to add my signal handler to catch sigterm
08:13.31batrickbut i r lazy
08:13.38Shirik|Ecoleand sigsegv
08:13.57Shirik|Ecolehandle("SIGSEGV", function() print("QUIT :Shirik wins T_T") end);
08:14.13Shirik|Ecolethat wouldn't work too well
08:14.16Shirik|Ecolebut it would be cool if it did
08:14.20batrickprobably wouldn't work because of debug hooks
08:14.54Shirik|EcoleYou really just need to write a HAM
08:15.04batricki had a really cool idea for using a coroutine to immediately run lua code on signal receipt instead of using lua_sethook
08:15.25batrickunforunately, as someone on the list pointed out, doing anything non-async safe could easily lead to corrupting Lua
08:15.35batricke.g. Lua was in the process of modifying the global state
08:15.44batrickand then I do something that relies on some invariant
08:16.16batrick--> co = coroutine.running() a = {} setfenv(0, a)
08:16.28batrick--> debug.getfenv(co), a, _G
08:16.28batbotbatrick: > table: 0x80d03d0, table: 0x80d03d0, table: 0x80afb50
08:16.36cladhairei'm using pipes to handle lua code asynchronously
08:16.38cladhaireworks perfectly :P
08:17.00batrickthat's cheating!
08:17.21batrickshirik finds a new problem with luatask monthly
08:17.34cladhairewell i told you i didn't like MT/COOP libraries.
08:17.38cladhaireseems absurdly silly to me
08:17.44cladhaireso instead, I use coroutines and pipes
08:17.52cladhairebecause they work, and work well :P
08:18.40clad|awayand i'm off.
08:18.55Thraecladhaire: Get the chance to do any coding on WatchDog 3000 yet?
08:20.00Thraeclad|away: Aww. See ya.
08:24.58Shirik|EcoleI love how if I type too quickly in netbeans, it autocompletes with the first thing in the list instead of the thing I typed out in entirety
08:25.08batrickuse eclipse.
08:27.50*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
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08:28.17batrick--> co = coroutine.create(function() print"hi" end) debug.setfenv(co, {})  coroutine.resume(co)
08:28.17batbotbatrick: hi
08:29.52batrick--> co = coroutine.create(function() a = function() print"hi"end a() end) debug.setfenv(co, {})  coroutine.resume(co)
08:29.52batbotbatrick: hi
08:30.56batrickya so apparently changing the thread environment only really makes a difference for iterators returned and new chuncks
08:32.05batrick--> co = coroutine.create(function() a = function() print"hi" return getfenv(ipairs(_G)), getfenv(0), getfenv(getfenv),getfenv(string.gmatch("","")) end return a() end) debug.setfenv(co, {}) return coroutine.resume(co)
08:32.05batbotbatrick: > true, table: 0x80d7628, table: 0x80d7628, table: 0x80d7628, table: 0x80d7628
08:32.05batbotbatrick: hi
08:33.16batrick--> co = coroutine.create(function() a = function() print"hi" return getfenv(ipairs(_G)), getfenv(0), getfenv(getfenv),getfenv(string.gmatch("","")) end return a() end) b = {} debug.setfenv(co, b) return b, coroutine.resume(co)
08:33.16batbotbatrick: > table: 0x80d9678, true, table: 0x80d9678, table: 0x80d9678, table: 0x80d9678, table: 0x80d9678
08:33.16batbotbatrick: hi
08:33.45batrickthat's really wierd
08:35.18batrickb is empty and yet it found all those functions, but they all have the environment b
08:36.40batrick--> co = coroutine.create(function() a = function() print"hi" return getfenv(ipairs(_G)), getfenv(0), getfenv(getfenv),getfenv(string.gmatch("","")) end return getfenv(1), a() end) b = {} debug.setfenv(co, b) return b, coroutine.resume(co)
08:36.40batbotbatrick: > table: 0x8085bf0, true, table: 0x80afec8, table: 0x8085bf0, table: 0x8085bf0, table: 0x8085bf0, table: 0x8085bf0
08:36.40batbotbatrick: hi
08:37.37batrick--> co = coroutine.create(function() a = function() print"hi" return getfenv(ipairs(_G)), getfenv(0), getfenv(getfenv),getfenv(string.gmatch("","")) end return getfenv(1),getfenv(a), a() end) b = {} debug.setfenv(co, b) return b, coroutine.resume(co)
08:37.37batbotbatrick: > table: 0x80dc510, true, table: 0x80afec8, table: 0x80afec8, table: 0x80dc510, table: 0x80dc510, table: 0x80dc510, table: 0x80dc510
08:37.37batbotbatrick: hi
08:39.32batrickshirik so i guess if u change the environment of the thread and the starter function, then it can't find your environment?
08:40.56batrickanyways i'm going to sleep night
08:41.11Shirik|Ecoleanyone know if there's a way to turn off the Java GC?
08:41.22batrickthere is
08:41.37Shirik|EcoleDo you think it's at all possible I broke the GCer?
08:41.49Shirik|EcoleOne of my vars is mysteriously disappearing
08:42.03Shirik|EcoleI find it highly unlikely, but I just wanted to be absolutely sure
08:43.20batrickhrm, i may be wrong
08:44.29Shirik|Ecolemy debugger refuses to let me freeze the thread called "Finalizer"
08:44.38batrickWhen you use C++, objects are created without your knowing, in the various libraries. I don't see a difference, apart from a greater chance of memory leaks and segmentation faults in C++." Ya if you're as bad a java programmer
08:44.44batrickdumb fucks
08:45.10Shirik|EcoleI have a memory leak right now in Java...... am I a bad java programmer?
08:45.36Shirik|Ecoleinstead of assuming the GCer picks up everything
08:45.40Shirik|Ecoleincluding what I don't want it to pick up
08:45.40IndustrialI herd u liek mudkipz
08:45.52Industrialdo u liek mudkipz Shirik|Ecole ?
08:46.18Industriali liek mudkiepz
08:46.24*** join/#wowi-lounge gnorlish (
08:46.32Shirik|Ecolethere are 3 places that <xx>.callback are used
08:46.44Shirik|Ecolethis.callback = callback; in the constructor
08:46.55Shirik|Ecoleif (packet.callback != null)
08:47.00Shirik|EcoleWhere it's used
08:47.08Shirik|EcoleWHY THE CRAP IS packet.callback BECOMING NULL
08:47.18Shirik|EcoleI think I should go to sleep
08:47.22Thunder_ChildShirik|Ecole, go to sleep
08:47.26Thunder_Childdamn, you beat me
08:49.50Shirik|Ecoleoh hey, check it out! I'm adding it to the queue
08:50.09Shirik|Ecolepacket.callback #167 {data = null, responded = false}
08:50.21Shirik|Ecoleoh hey, I pulled it out of the queue IT'S GONE
08:52.34Shirik|Ecolep.s. I hate garbage collectors
08:52.39Shirik|Ecoleit's the one thing about Lua that's wrong
08:52.59Industrialwhats the alternatice
08:53.08Shirik|Ecolenew, delete
08:53.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Riffage (
08:54.47Industrialthe question is however why are you programming it in java? why would anyone use java anymore when theres other programming languages around :P
08:54.53Industrialoh wait we went over this already
08:55.09Shirik|EcoleThere's no processor on this bot, remember? :)
08:59.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Recluse (
09:01.14Shirik|Ecoleand all of a sudden it works again
09:01.30Industrial/ \
09:02.15Shirik|Ecoleyour body seems to have been moved by a magician saw box or something
09:02.54Industrial\ /
09:03.13Shirik|Ecole(04:01:24) (Industrial) \o/
09:03.13Shirik|Ecole(04:01:26) (Industrial) |
09:03.13Shirik|Ecole(04:01:29) (Industrial) / \
09:03.19Shirik|Ecolestrangely placed body
09:03.22Shirik|Ecoleis that a birth defect?
09:03.23Industrialyour client fails
09:03.33Shirik|Ecoleno, sir, I think it is you who fails
09:03.36Industrialwhy does it strop spaces?
09:03.39Shirik|Ecoleyou do not conform to Microsoft standards
09:03.46Shirik|Ecolebecause it thinks it's being helpful
09:04.02Shirik|Ecole~kill Shirik
09:04.02purlACTION shoots a charged photon gun at Shirik
09:04.02nevcairielshirik is a MS fanboi
09:04.10Shirik|EcoleI really need sleep
09:04.22Shirik|Ecolenevcairiel: Really, I dislike a lot of Microsoft's crap
09:04.28Shirik|EcoleBut I hate people that give them crap without reason
09:04.35Shirik|Ecolea lot of it is justified, but all of the bandwagon crap I hate
09:04.46Shirik|Ecole"Oh everyone says they hate Vista; I'll hate Vista too!"
09:04.59IndustrialI dont like "corporate".
09:05.14Shirik|EcoleSo I called this OS "ibWorks"
09:05.16Industrialif your managers need managing your company is too big.
09:05.16nevcairielI hate Vista not because of MS, but because of Creative and their lack of creating a working driver for me =P
09:05.20Shirik|Ecoledo you think that's a copyright issue against VxWorks?
09:05.37Shirik|Ecolenevcairiel: Yeah, I'm having troubles with Creative too
09:05.42Shirik|Ecolebut it works most of the time; it doesn't for you?
09:05.56Shirik|EcoleI'm probably running a very old driver though
09:06.05nevcairielit didnt back when i tried, maybe 2-3 month ago, didnt try since then
09:06.09Industrialprofite means someone rich gets richer and someone poor gets poorer, indirectly.
09:06.10nevcairielwas planning to try again with SP1
09:06.18Industrialthus all profit is stealing :p
09:06.45Shirik|EcoleI just wish Microsoft would conform to POSIX
09:06.46nevcairielwell plus, i dont really see the advantage i get out of vista
09:06.57Shirik|EcoleI have no problem if they want to add all these bells and whistles
09:07.01Shirik|Ecolebut there's no reason to wtf?
09:07.13Shirik|EcoleThere's no reason to not support pthreads, for example
09:07.19*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (n=skullsho@2002:44cc:9fc2:0:0:0:44cc:9fc2)
09:07.20Shirik|Ecolehell, just translate it into your own calls
09:07.21Shirik|Ecoleit's not hard
09:07.42nevcairieli've always wondered why thats not there
09:07.51Shirik|EcoleI mean, seriously
09:07.59Shirik|EcoleI wrote a pthreads compatibility layer in like an hour
09:08.13Shirik|EcoleI could pastey it, I don't even think it's 200 lines, and that's with my crazy commenting
09:08.35nevcairieli should check the code of that w32 pthreads library
09:09.14Shirik|Ecoleoh wait, I didn't even write a class for it like I thought
09:09.16Shirik|EcoleI used a #define!
09:10.18Shirik|Ecoleah wait, no I didn't, there's the rest :P
09:10.36nevcairielthe code of that w32 pthreads lib is fun, they have every pthread function in one file, the files contain like 50 lines of comments, and 5 lines of code each :D
09:11.48Shirik|Ecolelook at how incredibly difficult it was for me to make a function that supports both Windows's crap and pthreads
09:11.50Shirik|EcoleOh noes!
09:11.56Shirik|EcoleWe can't spend time doing that hard work
09:12.06*** join/#wowi-lounge `-FISKER_Q\ (
09:14.47Shirik|Ecolemy code stopped working again....
09:14.49nevcairielLatest news about Windows "7", integrate web services directly in the OS .. i dont think i'm ever going to use that =P
09:14.51Shirik|Ecolethere must be a timing thing going on here
09:15.10Industrialnevcairiel: no way ever
09:15.33Shirik|Ecolethey're already integrated...
09:15.40Shirik|Ecoleoh do you mean.. like ... IN?
09:15.50Shirik|Ecoleas opposed to just "comes with" ?
09:16.01IndustrialI mean that ill use a browser to browse :p
09:16.13Industrialnone o dat adobe air and silverlight crap
09:16.20Shirik|Ecolethat was directed at nevcairiel
09:16.25Industriali know
09:16.31Industrialbut im bored
09:16.35Industrial2 hours to go
09:16.38Industrialno mouse..
09:16.50Industrialso irc is about my only options :d
09:16.53nevcairielI read some article, where it said that Windows Live Webservices will be a integrated part in Windows 7
09:17.51nevcairielWindows 7 will provide "hooks" for Windows Live to directly plug into the OS
09:18.14nevcairiel(apparently that Hooks are supposed to be open to any web service application .. but you know MS :P )
09:18.29Shirik|EcoleYou know what else I hate about Java?
09:18.34Shirik|EcoleIf a class isn't public, it can't be in its own file
09:18.41Shirik|Ecoleso right now, I have this huge ass file
09:18.44Corrodiasdamn, my modified version of GoGoMount won't run my warlock mount
09:18.48Shirik|Ecolebecause it has a billion classes in it
09:18.50Corrodiasgotta fix it >:/
09:19.00Shirik|Ecolebecause they cannot be exposed
09:19.30nevcairieljava has no namespace thing to use there eh? havent really used it for ages
09:19.50Shirik|EcoleThey also don't have friends, but I'm ok with that because most people think friends are horrible for OOP
09:19.59Shirik|Ecoleeven though I think that is completely wrong; people just don't know how to use them
09:20.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
09:20.11Shirik|Ecolenevcairiel: They have packages for namespaces
09:20.28Shirik|EcoleBut that doesn't prevent someone from importing it and then using it
09:20.59nevcairielI really need to get into java again, got a class next semester on it
09:21.33nevcairieland C++ OpenGL programming .. man thats going to be fun =P
09:21.44Shirik|EcoleI currently have a 571-line file
09:21.53Shirik|Ecolewhich doesn't seem like a lot until you realize that there's only two exposed functions right now
09:21.58Shirik|Ecoleeach of which are about 10 lines long
09:22.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
09:23.41Shirik|EcoleC++ is fun nevcairiel :)
09:23.51nevcairielI know
09:23.56nevcairielbut doing gfx work with it
09:24.03Shirik|Ecoleit's a great language that combines OOP with low-level programming
09:24.05Shirik|Ecolemy dream :)
09:25.37Shirik|Ecolethis is impressive
09:25.40Shirik|EcoleI found the timing issue
09:26.12Shirik|Ecoleunfortunately my code is running too fast =(
09:27.28Shirik|Ecolemaybe I shouldn't use a 10ms timeout
09:27.38nevcairielmake it more java-ish, that will make it slower
09:28.10nevcairielif its too fast, increase timeout.. ?:D
09:28.29Shirik|Ecoleyeah, what's happening is it's assuming there's no data on the serial line and timing out
09:28.34Shirik|Ecolestill 10ms should be far more than it needs
09:28.44Shirik|Ecoleit should be able to send more than 5 packets in 10ms
09:29.08nevcairieldepends on packet size and serial speed ^^
09:29.08Shirik|Ecoleyup, works perfectly now
09:29.19Shirik|Ecolepacket size is something like 10 bytes, serial speed is 115200 baud
09:29.34Shirik|EcoleI made my protocol VERY short
09:29.39nevcairielthat should work then
09:29.44Shirik|EcoleI was concerned about adding a 4 byte preamble
09:29.56Shirik|Ecolebut I needed it for synchronization
09:32.10Shirik|Ecoleso nevcairiel, since you need to learn Java
09:32.16Shirik|Ecolewant to help me find a memory leak?! lol
09:34.18*** join/#wowi-lounge Fisker- (
09:34.45Shirik|Ecole0; isn't a statement in Java? :(
09:34.58Industrialwhy would a programming language dictate where code is placed physically?
09:35.04Industrialeg in what file?
09:35.14Industrialits a damn big string of text, read and interpret it and dont whine, bitch.
09:35.15Shirik|EcoleI have no idea what they did that
09:35.25Shirik|Ecolebut all public classes MUST be in their own file, named the same as the class
09:35.38Industrialweird. actionscript does it too
09:35.40Shirik|Ecoleall non-publicly-accessible classes MUST be in another file
09:36.57Shirik|Ecole"class Host2 is public, should be in a file named"
09:37.27Shirik|Ecole"private class Host" // error: modifier private not allowed here
09:37.36Shirik|Ecole(Because it's in
09:37.45Shirik|Ecolehell I get warnings for my comments, lol
09:38.06Shirik|Ecolewhich I actually think is pretty cool, promoting style
09:38.09Shirik|EcoleI'll give them points for that
09:41.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
09:52.38*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ghost (n=shirik@
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10:16.31*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (n=Joshua@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
10:35.10Thrae!i Reins of the Striped Nightsaber
10:35.12ThraeBotThrae:  Name: [Reins of the Striped Nightsaber]; Rarity: Rare (Blue); BoP; Type: Consumable; Requires L40; Use: Summons and dismisses a rideable Sabre Cat.. || ||
10:36.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
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11:40.26Shirik|Ecolerofl, security came in again asking wtf I'm doing in here
11:40.43Shirik|Ecole"You know, this is a highly secure area, I'll need to see your card to verify that you're allowed in this room" -_-
11:45.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Roath (
11:45.47Roathanyone here who is running 1280x1050 resolution?
11:50.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
11:57.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
12:00.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Gourra (
12:01.11Gourraany hunter here who uses IceHud?
12:01.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
12:10.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Bela|work (n=sluster@
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12:19.46leethaluhm, anyone has an amazon link to clad's upcoming book? can't remember what it's called ><
12:27.14leethalcheers =)
12:27.40nevcairielman that book is so much cheaper in the US then in the EU
12:27.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Telrin (
12:27.50Gourrathat's because of the dollar
12:28.02nevcairielits the wrong way around =P
12:28.23nevcairiel23.99 U.S. dollars = 16.2898078 Euros
12:28.30nevcairielyet it costs 44 euros
12:28.47Shirik|Ecoleok, people confuse me
12:28.58Shirik|EcoleThis guy in #lua, he asks for help, so since nobody's helping him I offer it to him
12:29.01Gourrait stays the same prics in dollars, and dollars is cheaper than euro
12:29.13Shirik|Ecoleafter a few minutes I'm like "ok do you have a debugger?" "yes" "Ok what is this variable at this point in the code"
12:29.14Gourragetting cheaper*
12:29.37Shirik|Ecoleand he goes into this 10 minute discussion of the rest of his code and what it's doing and never answers the question... and then suddenly says "g2g" and vanishes
12:31.16Gourranevcairiel, for example, if a book cost $10 and the dollar price goes lower, it won't affect them. but it will affect everyone outside the US
12:31.26Gourrathem in the US* bleh
12:31.31GourraI'm forgetting vital parts.
12:32.01nevcairielthe book costs 23.99 US Dollars
12:32.12Shirik|EcoleVAT sucks too
12:32.19nevcairielthats 16.28 €
12:32.26Shirik|Ecolehey cool euro sign!
12:32.28nevcairielstill they charge 44
12:32.30Shirik|EcoleI haven't seen one on a computer yet
12:32.47Shirik|Ecoletbh I blame VAT
12:32.55Gourrahuh? they charge you $44 for a $23.99 book?
12:33.05Shirik|Ecolethe US is immune because as far as I'm aware it's coming from the UK
12:33.35Shirik|EcoleAnd import taxes on books are surely minimal to nonexistant
12:34.14Shirik|Ecolebesides, people who use euros suck
12:34.17Shirik|Ecole<3 nevcairiel
12:34.39Gourrago sweden
12:35.14Shirik|Ecoleok I gotta run, take care
12:35.19Bela|workwhat makes you think it is coming from the UK?
12:35.19nevcairiel13.48 uk pounds at, thats 18€, still 44€ at german amazon :P
12:35.30wereHamsteror go uk or switzerland
12:35.30Bela|workWiley is located in the US
12:36.17Bela|workthey have offices in UK, Asia, and several others, but their main HQ is US
12:36.44Gourranevcairiel, that's because the german sucks
12:36.56Gourrawut dubbin?
12:37.19Bela|worknevcairiel: is it possible they are giving you the price without the "instant savings"
12:38.01nevcairieli guess its because we have fixed prices on books here, its still expensive :(
12:39.19nevcairielwonder how much taxes apply if i order from UK
12:39.57*** part/#wowi-lounge JoshBork1 (n=Joshua@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
12:41.03Legorolnevcairiel: if you are in Germany, none
12:41.21Legorolif you order on Amazon UK, all you need to pay in addition to the listed price is shipping costs
12:41.50Legorolthe price discrepancy on the UK and German sites could be due to the amount of VAT on books being different in UK and Germany
12:42.18nevcairielLike i said, in germany its not allowed to give discounts on books, they have a fixed price that needs to be kept *shrug
12:42.38Legoroli see
12:42.48Legorolthen order from UK, if it's still cheaper including shipping
12:43.12Legorolhurray for EU, there is no import duty, tax or other charge if you order from UK
12:57.06*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Shirik] by ChanServ
12:57.48Shiriknevcairiel: Why don't you order from the US
12:57.53Shirikand then have it shipped
12:58.02Shiriksurely with that huge price difference it must be worth it
12:58.05nevcairielbecause US adds like a shitload of taxes
12:58.13nevcairielUK is better
12:58.38Shirikcouldn't you have a friend buy it for you?
12:58.43ShirikI think that's legal
12:59.28nevcairielUK is only like 2€ more, i save that in shipping already
12:59.40ShirikI thought it was like 20 euros..
12:59.57Shirikoh, right
13:00.46ShirikAny anime gurus here?
13:00.50Shirikkd3: read, ping
13:19.46*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
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13:23.05clad|officewell to be fair
13:23.32clad|officecanada never adjusted their prices for the exchange
13:23.37clad|officeso shit is crazy expensive up there :P
13:24.23clad|officebut yeah, i have no idea how wiley/amazon sets their pricing.
13:25.26mikmanevcairiel: did you have time to check out the battlefieldminimap-issue yet?
13:25.40nevcairieli know why its broken
13:25.43mikmaclad|office: and you, did you make the "hide party" actually work? :)
13:25.45nevcairieljust didnt have the time to fix it
13:25.52mikmanevcairiel: lovely
13:26.22mikmanevcairiel: are you planning to add the "fade out the useless crap" in the worldmap/battleminimap?
13:27.14mikmanevcairiel: afaik, it's the same deal in battleminimap as it is in worldmap
13:27.15Lopeppeppymikma, you make me ded of cute.
13:27.27mikmaaww :)
13:28.19clad|officemikma: did you see a commit, or do any testing for me?
13:28.51clad|officenevcairiel: I can buy it and ship it to you :P
13:30.22mikmaclad|office: nope, didn't see a commit, that's why i asked because i thought i have missed some in couple of days
13:30.31clad|officemikma: svn log/svn update :P
13:30.46clad|officeand my internet was down all weekend, so I couldn't test a thing.
13:30.51clad|officeclad|away: you still here?
13:32.48mikmaclad|office: other than that, i did play with PR frames enabled for the whole weekend. i had a "player dead" issue couple of times when we were wiping in alcatraz and we spawned alive in the GY
13:33.03mikmaclad|office: but when i entered instance again, error solved.
13:33.16*** join/#wowi-lounge esteth (
13:33.16Shiriklua> print(1)
13:33.17clad|officeyeah there's an issue when ressing after a wipe in TK
13:33.21clad|officejust need an event to look at
13:33.21Shirikclad|office =(
13:33.26clad|officeShirik: what did you do?
13:33.33Shirikum.... please don't kill me T_T
13:34.01clad|officethe bot is still running
13:34.20mikmalua> print("I is dead?")
13:34.25LopeppeppyShirik, are you killing bots again?
13:34.30*** join/#wowi-lounge lua_bot (n=lua_bot@
13:34.32ShirikI didn't even mean to!
13:34.40clad|officeyou broke it with that before
13:34.42clad|officenothing new or special
13:34.44ShirikI expected to find a vulnerability without killing it
13:34.47ShirikI did?
13:34.53clad|officeokay, i'm off to lab
13:34.55ShirikI was probably drunk
13:35.03Shiriktake care
13:35.11mikmaclad is off to explode stuff
13:35.27LopeppeppyRawr.  Take me with you, Cladhaire....
13:35.53MoonWolfin general, more stuff alway's needs exploding.
13:36.27Shirikbots are for exploding anyway
13:36.29LopeppeppyIn general, I totally need to explode stuff.
13:36.35Shirik~explode Lopeppeppy
13:36.36purlACTION blows up Lopeppeppy with bombs
13:36.51Shirikwho wrote that
13:36.54Shirikthat is incredibly boring
13:36.58Shirik~factinfo Lopeppeppy
13:36.58purllopeppeppy -- created by Shirik <> at Thu Aug 16 15:12:48 2007 (164 days); it has been requested once, last by malreth at Wed Jan  9 12:49:59 2008.
13:37.06Shirik~factinfo explode
13:37.06purlexplode -- created by mETz <> at Sat Jun  8 17:48:01 2002 (2059 days); it has been requested 48 times, last by mikma at Tue Oct 23 21:23:12 2007.
13:37.11LopeppeppyHey, it was more fun than I've had lately.   *grin*
13:37.17Shirikok, his name is as stupid as that factoid
13:37.35LopeppeppyIt's quite old, does that qualify it for re-write?
13:37.36purlI'm a ventrol-lol-iquist-er-izer. -- Lopeppeppy
13:37.43*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Dinesh)
13:37.53Shirikthat must have been a long time ago, I don't remember that
13:39.52LopeppeppyMy desk has become an ancient burial ground for all of the bottle tops my cat steals...
13:40.43Industrialand he took cogwheels image
13:41.22mikmayes, he's quite the monkeyboy
13:41.58LopeppeppyToo many popups, so little time... I have such stupid popup security.
13:42.35*** join/#wowi-lounge [dRaCo] (
13:53.55LopeppeppyThat looks like....  an industrial clothes press.
13:55.11Industrialit should have the text
13:55.14IndustrialUR DOIN IT WRONG
13:55.40mikmathats a good downforce i must say
13:58.14Gourraany hunter here who use IceHud?
13:58.55Industrialwhy a hunter
13:59.08GourraI can't get my pet focus bar text to work
14:00.32Shirikwho. the hell. uses a hammer at 8 in the morning
14:00.35Shiriklike seriously
14:00.48nevcairielpeople that want to kill your brain
14:00.59ShirikI'm so glad I'm not asleep right now or I'd probably grab a knife and go downstairs and do something very bad
14:01.35LopeppeppyBut... you'd be asleep... that could be your defense...
14:08.47mikmamy neighbor decided to drill some holes in the wall yesterday.. sunday..
14:09.24mikmai'm pretty sure he doesn't even realize it's against the law :D
14:12.10LopeppeppyIs it then?
14:12.57mikmayeah it is here
14:14.41LopeppeppyNeat.  I'm moving.
14:21.19IndustrialAnyone here play Tabula Rasa?
14:27.29Shirikretrieving character list lawul!
14:27.59LopeppeppyStuck on that are you, Shirik?  Ouch.
14:28.12Shirikand I just wanted to see if someone's online
14:28.43*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
14:30.29Shirikthere is one person on in the guild
14:30.54LopeppeppyEep.  Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
14:31.12Shirikwell let's see
14:31.18Shirikwebsite statistics
14:31.28ShirikRegistered Users: 3222
14:31.28ShirikGuardian Members: 392
14:31.28ShirikTotal Posts: 131610
14:31.49ShirikI'm pretty sure it's a bad thing... funny thing is there was a little ... scuffle last night which lead to the /gquitting of several members, including myself
14:31.58Shirikand suddenly everyone disappeared (though I know for a fact only 4 people actually quit)
14:32.06malrethguild drama is serious business
14:32.07LopeppeppyYeah, you were mentioning the scuffle last night....
14:32.17LopeppeppyDrama llamas bite you in the ass, hard.
14:33.03malrethour guild master actually has guild drama cycles down to a science. he can predict when the next big blow up is to occur and approximately how many people will /gquit
14:33.45ShirikTG isn't really a drama guild, mostly because is it isn't a guild
14:34.02Shirikin fact the fact that someone /gquit at all is a pretty big thing
14:35.42*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik (n=skullsho@2002:44cc:9fc2:0:0:0:44cc:9fc2)
14:36.04ShirikAnd now someone's haxoring my internet
14:36.08*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Shirik] by ChanServ
14:36.12Shirikout of curiosity what was my quit message?
14:36.21nevcairielconnection reset by peer
14:42.16*** join/#wowi-lounge TS|Skrom_ (n=TS|
14:42.29*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
15:10.35LopeppeppyMagic Shell has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
15:11.17malreththe ice cream topping?
15:11.52LopeppeppyIt is, however, vastly chocolate, and so I sometimes eat it anyway.
15:14.58Shirikthat stuff tastes horrible
15:15.45LopeppeppyYup.  No redeeming qualities at all.
15:17.45*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (n=dylanm@
15:21.24*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (n=dylanm@
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15:26.56*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v alestane] by ChanServ
15:31.15*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck__ (
15:39.01art3misthe carmel vesions is good though
15:47.09*** join/#wowi-lounge |pez| (
15:48.45LopeppeppyCaramel was never my favorite.  there's a Twix, and a strawberry, those are pretty interesting at times.
15:50.16malrethflickr stats is interesting...
15:51.06malrethapparently, there's a strangely large number (relatively) of people that find my photos by googling for some combination of the words, "bloomin" "onion" and "porn"
15:52.21art3missealab 2021 people ;P
15:54.47LopeppeppyGood morning, |Jelly|-dear.
15:55.22|Jelly|hehe <3
15:55.30malrethyou only get a 2 from the French judge. it just didn't do anything for him.
15:55.43LopeppeppyThen he's obviously not REALLY French.  *wink*
15:56.29art3mishow would his ridiculous accent help your score?
15:57.23LopeppeppyIf he doesn't appreciate a bouncing pounce-hug from a wiggly redhead, he's NOT French.
15:57.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Matrix110 (
15:58.29art3misor he's TOO french
15:58.53art3misyou are "amereekan*spit*" ;P
15:59.07LopeppeppyA bundle of woman has no nationality.
15:59.35malrethhe says, "I just didn't feeeeeel eeet," and goes puffing away on his cigarette.
15:59.59Cidanhaha oh wow
16:00.39LopeppeppyMust be a fruit.
16:02.16*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work_ (n=chatzill@
16:02.35art3misthats redundant, he did say he was french ;P
16:02.48LopeppeppyI'm no slinky night elf, but I'm cute and enthusiastic.  Durn Frenchified fussypants judge.  *frump*
16:02.52malrethoh he WENT there!
16:03.19Lopeppeppyart3mis ALWAYS goes there, malreth.
16:04.04art3misi callsem likes i seesem
16:04.38LopeppeppyI read that soooo wronglyful.
16:05.17art3misthats because you're a sexy redheaded trollop with a mind like a sewage canal ;P
16:05.42|Jelly|Gah. Sooo tired. :(
16:06.07LopeppeppyGo to bed, Jelly.
16:06.15|Jelly|I just woke up. lol
16:07.25LopeppeppyGet some Mountain Dew in you then.
16:08.38|Jelly|lol. I need to. :-\
16:08.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Garns (
16:08.46Lukiansomeone send me some US mountain dew
16:08.57Lukianthere's no caffeine in ours ;(
16:09.17malrethwhat's the point then?
16:09.33malreththe stuff tastes like crab piss
16:10.43LopeppeppyThe US stuff tastes like twice-recycled llama piss.
16:14.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Bela|work (n=sluster@
16:14.14*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Bela|work] by ChanServ
16:14.51LopeppeppyHmm, why am I considering buying The Jerk a Valentine's present?
16:15.19zenzelezzprobably because he won't suspect it to be booby trapped
16:15.41LopeppeppyHmm.... maybe I should upgrade what I'm getting so that it's more effectively booby trapped.
16:15.47malreth( . ) ( . )
16:16.12LopeppeppyThat would make no difference in the outcome, malreth.  I was thinking of Gerald's Game.
16:16.47malreth~wiki Gerald's Game
16:16.51malrethmmm... stephen king
16:17.33CidanFIND ME
16:17.34art3misnot with that hair sorry
16:17.37CidanSOMEBODY TOooOOooOooOO LOVE
16:17.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
16:18.27CidanWee, hugs!
16:18.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Hjalte (
16:19.17LopeppeppyYou sing, I hug.  It works out nicely.
16:19.18art3misman i really should burn these sweat pants
16:19.29art3misthey're just too damn comfy
16:19.39zenzelezzI could do without the singing
16:19.41Cidan<3 to sing, more than anything.  I need to do it more now that my tonsils are out.
16:19.47art3miseverytime i put them o i never elave the house and thier warmth and softness
16:19.57CidanThey were the size of golfbals, :/
16:19.59Cidanballs, even.
16:20.01Lopeppeppyart3mis: IMO, buy 5 more pairs.
16:20.13LopeppeppyCidan.... NMK, but yes, I agree that everyone needs to sing more and be happy.
16:20.19art3misLopeppeppy: that drastically hinders my going out and getting new clients though ;P
16:20.34art3mis"sorry i couldnt make out appt today, i've got these super comfy sweatpants you see.."
16:21.02LopeppeppyUse them as rewards AFTER landing a client.  "If I get a new client, I get an hour in my comfy sweats."
16:21.28CidanSinging lets people express a part of them self that most don't even realize exist.
16:21.32*** join/#wowi-lounge cog|work (
16:21.32*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v cog|work] by ChanServ
16:21.38CidanGranted, some are better at it than others. :D
16:22.10art3miscidan yours is akin to a giant spinning glass barrel of cats ;P
16:22.17LopeppeppyI'm decent at it, when I've some time to warm up.  Lots of years of lessons, and i do so LOVE to sing.
16:22.37LopeppeppyMusic is painful during The Breakup Time, however.  I find myself turning off the radio more often than I listen.
16:24.08art3mis <-- i almost always end up singing this on the subway
16:24.08cog|workHAI EBERBUDY!
16:24.09CidanLopeppeppy: The BReakup Time?
16:24.10CidanBreakup, even.
16:24.57LopeppeppyMorning, Cogwheel!
16:25.11LopeppeppyCidan, ongoing male-issues, heading for Singlesville IMO.
16:25.19malrethLopeppeppy: :(
16:26.17cog|workMen, huh?
16:26.18CidanLopeppeppy: I'm sorry to hear that; either way, Music will revive your soul. I've been in two relationships my entire life and have been cheated on by both parties.  The only thing that kept me going was music.
16:26.32CidanLopeppeppy: Keep your chin up, hm?
16:26.44LopeppeppyCheatin' sucks, same boat I'm in.  There's music I can still groove on, but John Mayer is Right Out.
16:26.46malrethLopeppeppy: this is the song you need:
16:27.56malrethlisten... i guarantee you'll be chanting it all day until you stop
16:28.05zenzelezzI don't know about your taste in music peppy, but try "Out of the silent planet" by Iron Maiden. Somehow those lyrics cheer me up
16:29.31LopeppeppyI'm a Jimmy Buffett/Chad Kroeger kinda chicky, but I'll give it a try!
16:31.37*** join/#wowi-lounge a^i`SmaN (
16:34.36*** join/#wowi-lounge MrUseful (
16:35.54CidanOff to class, etc, etc, bleh.
16:36.31*** join/#wowi-lounge Taurmindo (
16:36.55*** join/#wowi-lounge Valaron|Work (n=chatzill@
16:38.17Gourraany hunters here using IceHud?
16:42.38art3misyeah this netmanager program is awesome
16:45.08art3misit  even displays wow decently
16:45.30art3misits this remote hub/client vnc software
16:46.20art3misit setsup a gateway and pushes puhtech to keep it connected, you connect to the gateway to see all connected clients, has all the basics as well as no-login hardware reports patch rollout process log etc
16:46.34kergothhuh, that's neat.  it uses vnc under the hood, not remote desktop?
16:46.56art3misworks on mac nix etc
16:47.04art3misthere's clients for all os's
16:47.07*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
16:48.11*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
16:48.24kergothi bet that'd be useful for IT/support folks
16:48.32art3misyup yup
16:49.47|Jelly|wyvern sting cd is?
16:55.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
16:55.12*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Cide] by ChanServ
16:57.54Valaron|Work2 mins
16:58.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Hjalte_ (
16:59.28|Jelly|rock on. thanks
17:02.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
17:04.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (
17:04.57*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kody-] by ChanServ
17:07.19|Jelly|!ap 1545
17:07.19ThraeBot|Jelly|: Arena points from a rating of 1545 is, 2v2: 300, 3v3: 348, 5v5: 395
17:08.32LopeppeppyUgh.  I have to do arenas with The Jerk tonight.  Ugh.  Forgot.
17:09.03malrethyou're gonna make me cry, peppy
17:09.12LopeppeppyInstance/BG servers were down last night or it would be done already.
17:10.47nevcairielman why is the armory only down the last few weeks
17:11.25LopeppeppyArmory has indeed been a PITA, nevcairiel.
17:13.41cog|workLopeppeppy: UR BF IS STEVE MARTIN!!??
17:13.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Hjalte_ (
17:14.01LopeppeppyI wish, Cogwheel!  Redeeming qualities to Steve Martin.
17:15.23kergoth<3 The Jerk. classic movie
17:15.42kergoth"I was born a poor black child"
17:16.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
17:18.46|Jelly| I love when paladins ... fall off the bridge ... and then afk out. lol
17:20.53*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso (
17:21.44LopeppeppyIf I could win all of mine that easy.
17:21.51LopeppeppyWell, off to be head-shrunk, ttyl!
17:21.53*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
17:26.31Dumanjelly: were they even fighting?
17:27.34|Jelly|the hunter was.
17:27.47|Jelly|the paladin fell off the bridge and couldn't heal the hunter. I pi'd the boomkin and gg.
17:37.48Dumanyeah but like 4800 dmg??
17:39.22ScytheBlade1 <-- gnome power! whoo
17:46.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Taurmindo (
17:49.13ScytheBlade1Reply #10 in that thread is incredible too
17:54.23*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=shirik@conspiracy/developer/Shirik)
17:54.23*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Shirik|Ecole] by ChanServ
17:58.02cncfanaticshello all !
18:02.12kd3oh wow...
18:02.16kd3never thought I'd see the day
18:02.24kd3"Famous anti-gaming crusader Jack Thompson calls the Fox News vs Mass Effect story contrived and self-help author Cooper Lawrence. In other news Hell freezes over."
18:03.27cog|workhai cncfanatics
18:07.18*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
18:10.57KasoJack's position is inheriently incoherent, he always complains about the game producers, when what he says "his issue" is with the games is mature rated games being sold to kids, in that case shouldnt he be persuing the retailers and raitings bodies. Ofc his actions betray his underlying aim which is to censor the content mature consenting adults can view.
18:12.51|pez|I shouldn't do this.
18:13.31|pez|I changed my nick to girl_16 joined the#norge channel on EFNet, and after a while, and a few PMing old guys later, changedmy name to man_35 :P
18:13.58*** join/#wowi-lounge kd3|hate`net (
18:14.02Kasowhat's #norge the channel for?
18:14.11|pez|Oh, I do it ocasionally to see how many losers still exist on EFNet. :P
18:14.32Cides/EFN/the intern/
18:14.43purl"Welcome to IRC: where the men are men, the women are men, and the little girls are FBI agents."
18:15.02|pez|I think the oldest one to contact me was like 30
18:15.07|pez|and this was upon entereing the chat.
18:15.58malreth|pez|: a/s/l
18:16.11|pez|female 21 norway ;P
18:16.20malrethcampix plz
18:16.31|pez|kk ;D
18:16.38|pez|damn, I lost my cam actually
18:16.40|pez|llong time ago
18:16.47malrethlol lamez0r
18:16.48|pez|it's probably in one of the boxes here somewhere.
18:18.11Thunder_Childhey nvidia people
18:18.32*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (n=dylanm@
18:18.41Kaso11 level demo?
18:18.46Kasoisnt that like 90% of the game
18:18.46Thunder_Childfree games ^^
18:18.54Thunder_Child4 of them
18:19.05CideKaso: 18 levels in the story
18:19.25Cidethe levels leading up to the last 3 are just the tutorial, mostly
18:19.52KasoYah that sounds about right
18:19.56Thunder_Childfree peggle extreme. which is good since i didnt have it
18:20.03Cidepeggle is awesome
18:20.05Dumanpeggle is rad
18:20.09Kasoi hate peggle
18:20.09DumanI already had it, tho
18:20.50Kasoits too random, its not entertaining
18:20.57Cideit's not random
18:21.04Cidewell, not too random anyway
18:25.25Thunder_Childit's so very short though
18:28.36Cidebut it would be boring if it was a lot longer
18:28.59*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (
18:30.01Thunder_Childthere you is Lunessa
18:30.12Thunder_Childsomeone was looking for you..malreth maybe
18:30.19Lunessabe excellent to each other
18:30.38LunessaI usually don't IRC on Monday.
18:30.50Thunder_Childmalreth, pic?
18:31.02malrethnope... you're a lying liar
18:31.07purlThunder_Child is an asshole
18:32.07malrethi did a creative crop on your wine tasting pic, Lunessa
18:32.18Lunessaoh noes...
18:32.33malrethnow you have a fine photo fit for a facebook profile
18:32.46LunessaYou made me look good
18:33.33malrethnice, T_C
18:34.31Valaron|WorkYou might want to try sometime.. when it becomes available.
18:34.32Lunessahaha.. someone wants to use that phot for the group about Austin
18:34.46Thunder_ChildValaron|Work, no no you wont
18:34.52malrethLunessa: i thought that one funny, too
18:34.59Thunder_Child"Songs are downloaded to the listener’s computer, but they can only be played back inside of the Qtrax ad-supported player. The player expands to fill the user’s screen, but don’t fret because you can still surf the web with a Mozilla-based browser inside of the player."
18:35.02Valaron|WorkI won't?
18:35.06malrethit's because i tagged the photo with the term "austin"
18:35.07Lunessaespeically since I don't live there.
18:35.12Thunder_Child^^ pure crap
18:35.20malrethhe found it by doing a search
18:35.31kergothThunder_Child, yikes
18:35.35Valaron|WorkIs that an opinion, or fact?
18:35.39Thunder_Childthats Qtrax
18:36.06Thunder_Childfact afaik
18:36.30malrethsame thing with the smiling picture of Jane... although i don't know what's so "austin" about it... yours makes sense since it's at an austin place and evokes a certain austin attitude
18:36.32Valaron|WorkAhhh.. Ad bombardment.
18:37.43LunessaDid you tell them "No?"
18:38.09malrethLunessa: of course not. i'm a comment whore so more exposure is always better for me
18:38.40Lunessahaha... Good on you
18:39.32wereHamstersongbird, on which qtrax is apparently based, is in early beta I'd say, it didn't work very well a couple weeks age when I tried it..
18:39.53Thunder_Child"The BBC reports that three of the four major labels have denied making agreements with the company..."
18:40.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaelten (
18:40.12*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Kaelten] by ChanServ
18:40.30Thunder_Child"Update: Silicon Alley Insider reports that Sony BMG also denies having a deal in place, bringing Qtrax alleged partners to an even 0/4."
18:42.40Dumanman, so many posts on the bug forum are from ebay'ers
18:43.04Lunessathanks mal
18:43.10malrethLunessa: no prob
18:43.23Thunder_ChildwereHamster, songbird still doesnt work well
18:43.25malrethi gotta post my sister's graduation photos next
18:43.59LunessaIt now graces my Facebook profile.
18:44.36Dumanyay facebook
18:44.43malreththe cookie one is on Jane's facebook...
18:44.50Duman<- works at Facebook :)
18:45.02malrethi remain unphotographed and thus enigmatic
18:45.28malrethactually, i have an idea for a good profile picture but it requires a bit of setup
18:45.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Tinyboom (
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18:46.26Lunessahaha.. I'm going to snag the coffee/smokes one
18:46.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Athrun-- (
18:46.45malrethone sec...
18:48.29malrethlicenses for those photos updated to be a little more copylefted
18:49.49ScytheBlade1 <-- I didn't come off to hard on the epic tard, did I?
18:50.16LunessaThanks mal.
18:50.33Cide -- am I the only one seeing two copies of "Macros and /castsequence issues"?
18:50.39LunessaMal knows too many hot wimmins I don't. Must fix this problem...
18:50.46Dumanscythe: people love to whine about shit w/ no supporting evidence :P
18:50.55ScytheBlade1Duman: yeah, so I called him on it.
18:51.01Dumanlunessa: I see 2, too
18:51.04malrethScytheBlade1: you should have been more harsh
18:51.21ScytheBlade1I'm only seeing one copy of the thread..
18:51.46ScytheBlade1malreth: I debated it... if he replies with actual data then it's moot. If he continues mindlessly trolling, well, then maybe. :)
18:51.57LunessaThat's really one of the better pictures of me ever taken.
18:52.09alestaneSame here...only one copy visible to me.
18:52.28Cidethey both link to the same url too. strange
18:52.31malrethLunessa: i'm flattered! :D
18:52.46cog|away(re: 2 copies of the post)
18:53.05Cidewhich in itself is interesting from a coding perspective
18:53.17|pez|Any of you have any good solutions to put ads on a website? (I know I know, horrible doom of doomness, but I'm trying to gather some money for a good purpose)
18:53.20LunessaI hate having my picture taken, but when I'm being social at a thing like that I try to overcome that. And you did a good job of making me look human. :D
18:53.23Cidethis is even more interesting:
18:53.58Lunessa|pez|: Give i to our dark overlords and get googleads
18:54.02Cidenotice how the post in "Modifying a warrior charge macro" bumped one of the copies down, but not both
18:54.10malrethLunessa: i wisely didn't post the one of you sticking your tongue out
18:54.10ScytheBlade1lol good times
18:54.16ScytheBlade1Nuke your cache?
18:54.21LunessaCan you send me that?
18:54.28|pez|Lunessa: Well, yes, but they don't have many related ads to the site I'm going to put ads on.
18:54.32CideScytheBlade1: no way
18:54.33LunessaI'll use it on a dating site...
18:54.34malrethno... it's awful and poorly focused
18:54.34Cidethis is awesome
18:54.38|pez|I'd like some relevant ads.
18:54.39LunessaAhh. ok
18:54.53|pez|cause that'd actually maybe make people click em.
18:54.54malrethi still have trouble nailing the eyes when focusing
18:55.05malrethi need like 5 more years of practice before i'll ever get that right
18:55.21Lunessa|pez|: Then you're going to have to hire someone to do it, or sell the ads yourself, directly.
18:55.21cog|workit's like one of them is still "sticky" in that it stays on top though it's not marked as such...
18:55.52Cidecog|work: aye
18:55.56|pez|Lunessa: yeaaaah...
18:56.03CideI have no idea how one would go about to do that programatically, either
18:56.17CideI mean, you'd usually have a database sorting entries for you...
18:56.18ScytheBlade1Looks fine here.
18:56.42Cidehow it could feed the code the same row twice, but in different positions, is beyond me
18:56.57|pez|I'm collecting money for some friends making a free game, and I'd like it to be looking somewhat proffesional when it's launched. and have some giveaway CDs and such.
18:57.03|pez|and all of this is really pricey. :P
18:57.06Cideand the fact that it's not displaying for everyone is strange too :P
18:57.36DumanScythe: looking at the forum index, you don't see the thread twice?  Once just under thestickies, once farther down?
18:57.51ScytheBlade1Duman: I don't see the same thread twice. I show one thread, unstickied.
18:58.16malrethI, too, only see one copy of the thread. Unstickied.
18:58.54ScytheBlade1My browser also nukes my cache every time I close the browser. If I trusted that cache to function properly, I wouldn't have squid on this box and the cache set to auto-nuke.
19:00.52*** join/#wowi-lounge kamdis (i=405f8902@gateway/web/ajax/
19:01.04ScytheBlade1kamdis: 13:51 <+Cide>
19:01.09ScytheBlade113:51 <+Cide>
19:01.14Cidecopy2 is better
19:01.16ScytheBlade1Err, wrong button! (the second time)
19:01.19ScytheBlade1And yeah, copy2.jpg too
19:01.37kamdisok ok, sorry :P
19:01.44alestaneI see it once, still. OS X.4, Firefox
19:02.11ScytheBlade1SeaMonkey 1.1.7 here
19:03.34*** join/#wowi-lounge Gourra (
19:03.53Gourraany hunter here who is using IceHud?
19:04.50malrethwho plays a hunter? they suck. roll a warlock instead.
19:04.51*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
19:04.52Cidethat's a bad question
19:04.58Cidewhat's your problem?
19:05.19GourraI can't get the text under the pet's focus bar to work properly
19:05.22Lunessathen just roll your face on the keybosrd to win!
19:05.32Gourrait's fine with the health, but it won't work with the focus
19:06.04kergothdoes the focus bar itself work properly?
19:06.10Gourrayes, just not the text
19:06.19kergoththat's silly
19:06.24GourraI know
19:06.57Gourrabecause [PercentHP:Round] works fine with the pet's health, but when I do [PercentMP:Round] it shows my mana instead of the pet's
19:07.15Gourraprobably because it's mana, and MP = mana points, but it should work anyway
19:07.17Cideit's not ManaPoints, technically
19:07.22malrethhasn't development on IceHud stopped? i thought the guy abandoned that addon.
19:07.56Gourralast updated 8 days ago appearantly
19:08.54Gourraor 1 day ago
19:09.24kergothshouldve called it PercentPower or somesuch, power is more generic than 'mana'
19:09.26kergothbut /shrug
19:09.56Lunessa"This job fulfilling in creative way; such a load of crap."
19:10.33malrethdogtag support....
19:10.36GourraI tried that kergoth, said "unknown command" or something
19:10.53Dumancog: word
19:11.34GourraI did that.
19:11.56GourraI can't make out how to tell the mod that it's focus, not mana
19:12.22malreththe dogtag engine takes care of that
19:12.40malrethIceHUD may have a bug in it in that regard
19:12.53Gourrahmm okay
19:12.57malrethtry the #wowace channel
19:13.08malrethor the wowace forum
19:13.13malrethtopic for icehud itself
19:14.04malrethdunno if parnic frequents the wowace irc channel
19:14.19malrethbut you should at least be able to get his attention on the forum thread
19:15.30GourraI guess I'll go to the forum thread
19:15.58malrethgood luck, Citizen Gourra
19:16.10Gourrawell they ignored me in the channel
19:17.00malreththat's because you play a hunter
19:17.09Gourraheh. nah it's just an alt
19:17.15malrethyou should have taken my advice and rolled a warlock
19:17.17Gourramy one and only hunter
19:17.26GourraI have one at level 58
19:17.31malretha warlock?
19:17.44malrethugh! get out. I hate warlocks.
19:17.46dylanmWarlocks are automatically geniuses and hunters are struggling to open jars.
19:17.55purlmalreth is always right
19:18.06|pez|<3 my hunter
19:19.00purlkamdis: aw, gee
19:19.35*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
19:19.55malrethpurl, say my name, bitch.
19:19.55purlmy name, bitch.
19:20.07malreth~hug purl
19:20.08purlACTION sneaks up on purl and suddenly hugs purl tightly
19:20.28Lunessamalreth, purl is still never going to sleep with you.
19:21.04*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=shirik@
19:21.14CidanSo much for KDE/QT
19:21.19CidanBack to GTK it is.
19:22.14*** join/#wowi-lounge Kaso| (
19:23.56dylanmWhat happened?
19:26.18CidanNokia just bought out Trolltech
19:27.35|pez|that sounds.. sort of bad?
19:27.49Cidantime will tell
19:28.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Chompers (
19:30.11Thunder_Childtrolltech? interesting name
19:30.24Finthey're the QT guys
19:30.34Finand, wow
19:31.38kergothnokia bought trolltech? seriously?
19:31.46CidanI wonder how the KDE crew feel about it
19:31.51CidanThey must be shitting bricks.
19:31.55CidanOr fuming mad
19:31.56kergoththat's amusing, considering nokia doesn't even use qt on its n700/etc, but x/gtk..
19:31.59kergothwonder what they'll do next
19:32.11MoonWolfthey better not unport qt
19:32.16MoonWolfcause i'll be pissed.
19:32.42*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
19:32.59annerajbQT as the ui library?
19:33.05kergothqt is pretty nice, not sure how i feel about qt4's MVC love, but..
19:33.05PolarinaMoonWolf: No. They'll just break the API every other month or so.
19:33.26MoonWolfPolarina, versions can be worked around... i hope.
19:33.28CidanQT is very nice
19:33.30*** join/#wowi-lounge kadrahil (n=kad@
19:33.34CidanI like it a lot.
19:35.05PolarinaAll developers using Qt and own a Samsung mobile phone will really get mad, really mad.
19:36.25kergothi hacked on qt quite a bit when we started the qtopia fork, opie. and also when i was working on a government contract for land warrior
19:37.53CidanGTK devs need to stop being tightwads
19:38.00Cidanand put in new features
19:38.07Cidannew(er) features, rather
19:38.18kergothi love gtk and GPE, but unfortunately x/gtk add qutie a bit of overhead, performance wise, for embedded use :(
19:39.04CidanAt this rate, GTK will fall out of favor
19:39.07*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (n=ckknight@
19:39.27kergothperhaps, there are still a lot of gtk fanatics though
19:39.28CidanIn particular with such an aggressive desktop market
19:41.02Cidanand now to read Heart of Darkness
19:41.21Cidans/woo./God fucking damn it/
19:41.51zenzelezzwhy read it?
19:41.53malrethEntertaining article on griefing:
19:42.00dylanmI hope we're angry about some time constraint and not the book.
19:42.07zenzelezzwatch Apocalypse Now/listen to Edge of Darkness and you know the important parts
19:42.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
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19:42.33zenzelezzspeaking of important parts, here's peppy!
19:42.49LopeppeppyThanks, zenzelezz.  I needed that smile a lot.
19:43.16CidanHow fair thee, peppy?
19:43.31|Jelly|~hug Lopeppeppy
19:43.32purlACTION hugs Lopeppeppy
19:43.50LunessaAnd now the channel member who needs no introduction ('cause she snarky and has bewbs!) Lopeppeppy ! Yay!
19:44.26CidanLunessa: You're just jealous you don't have boobies.
19:44.35malrethi have boobies
19:44.43CidanMan boobies?
19:44.45LunessaCidIf I had boobies I might never leave the house.
19:45.01malrethwomen's boobies... but they're not with me
19:45.35zenzelezzit's generally best when they stay on the woman
19:45.47LunessaOh god yes
19:45.49*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (n=ckknight@
19:45.52malrethit's not like they're removable
19:46.09Cidehave you tried?
19:46.13malrethbut if they were... imagine the market that would create
19:46.25LopeppeppyYou guys.... *laugh*  I'm still walking and singing the blues, Cidan, that's about the measure of the day.
19:46.27malrethkinda like ipod accessories
19:46.38Lopeppeppymalreth, I am NOT an electronic toy!
19:46.50malrethi never said you were
19:46.57malrethbut *if* you were...
19:47.12dylanmiCans would be tremendously popular in Asia.
19:47.13Thunder_ChildLopeppeppy, your a non-electric toy?
19:47.26LopeppeppyThunder_Child: batteries not required.
19:48.28*** join/#wowi-lounge Recluse (
19:48.35CidanLopeppeppy: D:<
19:49.12LopeppeppyAt least I'm singing something, Cidan.  New songs come in time.
19:49.18*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
19:49.39malreth"This is the song that I sing when I'm scared of something..."
19:49.54malrethtell me you watched that video i linked earlier, pep
19:50.18zenzelezzsomehow you reminded me of "I must not fear. Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death..."
19:51.25kergothhehe. i love those litany's from dune
19:52.07zenzelezzthat one is surprisingly effective
19:52.07kergothi always remember that one.. something like 'The mind commands the body and it obeys.  The mind orders itself and meets resistance...'
19:52.09LopeppeppyI did, malreth.  It's bookmarked so i can wander back and poke at it a bit when I'm in need.  Thanks.  :)
19:52.23Lunessa... I shall face my fear, and let it wash over me and through me.  And when it is gone, only I shall remain.
19:52.39malrethyou should watch all of ze frank if you didn't watch his shows before
19:52.56zenzelezzI very nearly made a Berserker Rage macro with that litany in /say
19:53.24kergothiirc after the little death thing it says fear brings total obliteration, or somesuch
19:53.50zenzelezzthe little death that brings total obliteration (I think)
19:53.53LunessaI haven't read Dune in almost 20 years.
19:54.02malreth~wiki Litany of Fear
19:54.22LunessaMaybe longer
19:54.23malreth~wiki Litany Against Fear
19:54.27LunessaFuck I'm getting old.
19:54.38zenzelezz"    I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
19:55.30LopeppeppyI think I need to go buy Dune.  I've never read it.
19:55.54LunessaJust the first novel.  The rest get ... out there
19:55.55CidanLopeppeppy: One of the best books, but do NOT read anything after the first book.  Seal your mind away from any events after the first book.
19:56.05malrethLopeppeppy: i don't read books
19:56.15malrethi don't find reading pleasurable... also i'm lazy
19:56.15zenzelezzI didn't mind the sequels too much, but the original is by far the best
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19:56.25zenzelezznever touched the prequels though
19:56.27Lopeppeppymalreth: I pity you, darlin'.  There's a lot of fun and nonsense to be found between the covers of a Christopher Moore masterpiece.
19:56.32malrethbut Dune. Dune is one off the few books that I've read and enjoyed.
19:56.38LunessaThough his books "The Jesus Incident" and "The Lazarus Effect" are good reads.
19:56.39dylanmCan't really stand anything but the first one.
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19:57.13LunessaMy favorite character in all of the first novel is actually Shadout Mapes
19:58.21zenzelezzanyone read the Night's Dawn trilogy (The Reality Dysfunction, The Neutronium Alchemist, The Naked God)? I loved the first book, but have only reached about page 200 in the second and the plot turns are pissing me off :-/
19:59.44LunessaHaven't. Sorry.  Might check it out though
19:59.57malrethoh crap... we just lost power on part of campus
20:00.10LunessaYour day is about to suck
20:00.16Cidanmalreth: Does that mean you'll be logging off IRC?
20:00.31malrethi may be running in a bit
20:00.35CidanThank god
20:00.40CidanI JEST
20:02.03malrethmac server is up... pc server is up...
20:02.23malrethi guess the UPS works. ^_^;;
20:02.56malrethat least i know i did my job right when setting those systems up. :D
20:05.18Cidansparknotes for Heart of Darkness rock
20:05.27LopeppeppyOh no, SparkNotes!
20:06.06CidanThis is what happens when you decide to not go to school and wait for the "right time" in life
20:06.32CidanYou realize at the age of 25 that there is no "right time" and go to school; you're put in with a bunch of kids "MY MOM WON'T LET ME GO x,y,z"
20:06.39CidanAnd generally, it sucks.
20:06.45CidanBut hey, lol, I love school anyways.
20:07.07LopeppeppyI sometimes liked those sorts of classes as a senior bunking in with the frosh... I knew more, the class wasn't as hard.
20:07.16kd3so apparently an npc responding with an emote and an item isn't intended
20:07.20malrethunion building has power... my server there is safe
20:07.51Thunder_ChildCidan, i am doing it at 26
20:08.17dylanmWhat a wild bug.
20:08.43CidanThunder_Child: In a way, I like it so much more.  I'm much more aware of the world around me than I was at say, 18.
20:09.04CidanThunder_Child: Not to mention that at this age, I can't be bothered with anything less than a 4.0
20:09.04LopeppeppyAs my therapist says, before 25 "you don't know shit"
20:09.14Thunder_ChildCidan, shit, i can
20:09.38Thunder_Childthough this is my second degree...i guess that slightly mitigates it
20:09.41malrethcrud... power fluctuation at the COM building... that's like where most of the servers are for the entire campus... *that's* not gonna be pretty
20:09.54LopeppeppyIf I went back to school right now, I'd expect some pretty high grades out of myself, I think.
20:10.22malrethpower's back up...
20:10.34Thunder_Childi graduated high school woth a 1.6, so i am happy with less than a 4.0
20:10.35CidanLack of understanding/stupidity aside, I don't see how anyone over the age of 25 or so can get less than an A.
20:10.48CidanBeing lazy isn't an excuse, imo.
20:11.15Thunder_Childif being lazy inst an excuse, what is being lazy?
20:11.24malrethnope... gotta run. you get your wish, Cidan. :p
20:11.45LopeppeppyOoops.  Bad power, bad servers, bad timing.
20:13.58CidanSo for those of us in America, will you be getting a RealID when it comes time?  Are you going to protest?
20:14.17kd3haven't 17 states already said "fuck you!" to that?
20:14.30LopeppeppyI will be.... waiting a goodly while.  And yes, many states are in the "fuck you" boat.
20:14.57*** join/#wowi-lounge Slackwise (
20:15.17Cidanmy state is bending over and taking it in the ass though.
20:15.28LopeppeppyI think mine is too.
20:15.34CidanThat's to be expected though, Virginia == Sucks on DC's cock.
20:15.55LopeppeppyThunder_Child:  Big Brother ID, replaces drivers license/passport, much more personal identification, not happy with the concept.
20:16.05Thunder_Childwho cares
20:16.10CidanI do.
20:16.16Cidanand so do 17 states in the union.
20:16.42CidanWe are becoming the very thing we detested so much.
20:17.04Thunder_Childwe are not the same people that "detested" the germans
20:17.34CidanOur post WW2 culture had a hate for Germany and "central" forms of government.
20:17.48Thunder_Childdifferent culture now
20:17.52LopeppeppyNo.  We're re-learning the mistakes.  It's fun to re-invent the wheel every 50 years or so.
20:18.07CidanClearly; and we have seen MANY times now what happens when we go down the road.
20:18.11kd3that's a rather succinct history of humanity in a nutshell
20:18.23Thunder_Childnothing human made is perfect
20:18.36CidanDoesn't mean we should just give up though.
20:18.54CidanAnd certainly doesn't mean we should simply repeat the same mistakes over and over.
20:19.09Thunder_Childpersonnaly i think humans + democracy = pointlesness
20:19.31CidanDo you mean democracy or a republic?
20:19.36CidanMost people confuse them.
20:19.48Thunder_Childyes, i know what we have
20:19.52*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (n=ckknight@
20:20.11CidanI think a republic works well; it would work even better if we limited the terms of our congress
20:22.31Cidanie: Strom Thurman, 43 years in congress?
20:23.24CidanAnyways, the idea that RealID can be made, via magical pixie dust or other forms of voodoo, "tamper proof" is absurd.
20:23.56CidanIt's just another waste of billions of our tax dollars that a 12 year old will be able to bypass.
20:24.16LopeppeppyTamper proof my ass.  It's a TARGET that says, "hack me, hack me!" in big bright neon signs with wide open doors and cookies for the thieves
20:24.19annerajbtamper proof pffffffffft
20:24.20ScytheBlade1Oh I have a wicked (if not simply retarded) streak.
20:24.30annerajbagree completely i am waiting for it :D
20:24.43LopeppeppyScytheBlade1, you're a bad code monkey.
20:24.45annerajbjust to order and rfid reader and writer
20:24.53ScytheBlade1Lopeppeppy: Oh you have no idea.
20:25.03LopeppeppyExactly, annerajb.  You can make me into Shirik before I can blink, it's scary.
20:25.05Thunder_Childannerajb, PROM
20:25.09CidanScytheBlade1: rofl
20:25.19ScytheBlade1Lopeppeppy: I looked at my "personal" addons folder today... 18 mods, maybe four of which I would call "complete." Those four all do excessively trivial things.
20:25.30annerajband proof wrong to the congress idiots that tamper proof dosnt exist
20:25.32ScytheBlade1So... I decided to do something with my mods...
20:25.37ScytheBlade1And I updated IllegalAddon...
20:25.41CidanLopeppeppy: You would lose all your sexy-ness though.  I mean, Shirik is cute (really nice eyes!) but he's not my cup-o-tea. D:
20:25.43annerajbon the contrary thats going to make it easier to falsificate stuff
20:25.52annerajbsomebody writes a program goes to turret and we all go to hell :(
20:26.10*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
20:26.16LopeppeppyI do love IllegalAddon... I recommend it a lot to people in my group.
20:26.24LopeppeppyCidan... you make me blush.  :)
20:26.29annerajbillegal addon?
20:26.58Cidan:D Speaking of which, Shirik|Ecole, YOU SIR
20:27.10CidanShirik|Ecole: When are you coming up next?  We didn't get to have lunch over x-mas
20:27.32ScytheBlade1The extend of my "update" consists of changing the event I look for, and then adding "OptionalDeps: Ace2" to the .toc
20:27.57Thunder_Childhuh, i am surprised cali is going along with the RealID system, most of them are lefties
20:28.03annerajblmfaooooooooooooooooooooo @ illegal addon
20:28.11annerajbjust looked at the code
20:28.14LopeppeppyLeft hand, right hand, the RealID movement is still whacking off.
20:28.32ScytheBlade1annerajb: I'm one epic coder, hands down.
20:28.51annerajbi just read the footnote
20:29.00Thunder_ChildLopeppeppy, but like most people, more on the right handed side
20:29.03annerajbfirst the code second the readme p
20:29.25ScytheBlade1Normally I update the addon description to be an exact copy of the readme
20:29.28ScytheBlade1I made an exception in this case
20:30.43annerajbi was expeting a huge table with addons name and info and a huge case for the names or for loop
20:32.31ScytheBlade1I have epic image manipulation skills too
20:32.45ScytheBlade1Take a layer, copy it, enlarge font size by 2px, apply glaussian blur
20:32.55annerajbphotoshop master :p
20:33.00ScytheBlade1gimp actually;)
20:33.20malrethhooray... the server works again. the labs are saved.
20:33.36malrethcomputer labs on this university campus
20:33.39Cidanannerajb: Do you speak spanish?
20:33.43malrethwell... three of them
20:34.13annerajbOo talking about servers my servers have 3days of uptime :D
20:34.13CidanQue bueno, :D
20:34.19annerajbjust installed them :D
20:35.10malrethone of the power plants on campus failed causing an outage across 15 buildings on campus
20:35.18annerajbOo bad
20:35.37LopeppeppyGIMP for the win, my school won't give me Photoshop.  :(
20:36.00ScytheBlade1I'm an epic noob when it comes to image manipulation in all truth
20:36.06CidanI nabbed a copy back at Virginia Tech; mah uncle works there.
20:36.08ScytheBlade1That's really the extent of my "abilities"
20:36.37LopeppeppyI have an old version from grad school (student purchase discount!), but nothing very up to date.
20:37.21malrethmy server shut down gracefully and restarted itself when the power was restored
20:37.21malrethbut the services didn't restart properly
20:37.42Cidanmalreth: l2code
20:38.05Cidanoo, I need to make some pretty icons for conspiracy, hm
20:39.54art3misand make it not suck ;)
20:40.00LopeppeppyIcons are very important, Cidan.
20:40.55Thunder_Childis gmail having issues for anyone else?
20:41.00Thunder_Childlogin issues?
20:41.23Cairenndunno, I never log out
20:42.06ScytheBlade1rofl, I just noticed that IllegalAddon has 16.7k views
20:42.08ScytheBlade1That's awesome
20:47.44ScytheBlade1One of these days the ace channel is going to mass spam me in either praise for the joke or they're simply going to shoot me...
20:49.00kd316c. whee
20:49.21ScytheBlade1~whalenuke kd3
20:49.21purlACTION dons her radiation cloak and tinted glasses while a highly intelligent whale named Ray precipitates critical mass for uncontrolled nuclear fission around kd3 with his mind powers.
20:49.32purlACTION summons a rather dense leaden whale named Billy Bob to shield kd3 from the blast.
20:51.28Lopeppeppyded of cute
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20:55.18LopeppeppyBuh-bye everypeople.
20:55.20*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
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21:21.34ScytheBlade1Good times
21:21.40ScytheBlade11.5 feet of snow in about an hour and a half
21:23.11CidanCan you spot your name in the screenshot? :D
21:23.51Guillotinew00t, conspiracy is finally in alpha :D must try
21:24.10CidanI'd suggest you get the post-alpha release
21:24.34Guillotinewell, should probably get WoW working on this comp first
21:30.14malrethon ./ - World's most powerful rail gun delivered to US navy:
21:30.36malrethchoice comment quote: "It's also capable of propelling ships in reverse at speeds of up to Mach 3."
21:30.42Guillotineanybody here use Pidgin as their primary IRC client?
21:30.47malrethah... Newton
21:31.07GuillotineCairenn: how do you make it join a channel by default?
21:31.32Cairenngo to contact list
21:31.46Cairennunder "buddies" - add chat
21:32.03Guillotineah, and that will join it automatically? Thanks ^_^
21:32.05Cairennthen after you've added it, right click on it, choose "autojoin"
21:32.11Guillotinegot it
21:37.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Shirik|Ecole (n=shirik@
21:37.34Shirik|Ecoledamn it Cidan
21:37.42Shirik|Ecoleall interrupting me during TSP meeting
21:37.57*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Shirik|Ecole] by ChanServ
21:38.15cog|workShirik|Ecole: u gief TSP report nao plx kthxbye
21:38.54Shirik|Ecoleno TSP report until monday
21:38.56*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
21:39.00Shirik|EcoleI still have to meet with the "customer" :P
21:39.46cog|workYeah... I'm gonna need that report on my desk first thing
21:39.51CidanShirik|Ecole: check the website
21:40.23GuillotineCairenn: any idea how to make the icon on the taskbar not flash when a message is sent in IRC, but do so when your name is said in it/you recieve any pm?
21:40.51Shirik|Ecolewtf photoshopped
21:41.01CairennGuillotine: right click on the pidgin icon on your taskbar, go to "preferences"
21:41.11Cairenngo to "conversations"
21:41.17Shirik|Ecoleyou didn't have me in your raid!
21:41.39CidanI'm adding a tracker on the website for SVN changes
21:41.43Cairennhang on
21:41.51Guillotineyah, I tried that already :(
21:41.58Cidanon the main website, anyways
21:42.05kd3eesh... a 4100 lumen flashlight
21:42.23Cairennyou have "guifications"?
21:42.28Cairennas a plugin?
21:42.46Guillotinewas just looking at that and didn't see one that did that. Does one?
21:43.57Cairennoh fiddle, I was just on the wrong tab - go back to "preferences"
21:44.26Guillotinetried that too. It only affects the sounds, not the flashing :(
21:45.07Cairennwhen you right click on the icon, do you have "blink on new message" enabled?
21:45.39Cairennweird, no idea why you are having it flash on everything then
21:45.50Guillotineheh, thanks anyway :)
21:46.03Cairennif you don't have it on in preferences>conversation, don't have it on the right click on the icon
21:46.09Cairennshouldn't be flashing
21:46.33Cairennmine never flashes
21:46.53Shirik|Ecoleyou could get a real IRC client
21:47.18GuillotineI had XChat on my old computer before it was stolen and loved it, but not XChat is for pay :(
21:47.21Cidexchat flashes if you want it to
21:47.26Guillotineand I use Pidgin for everything else anyway
21:47.30CideGuillotine: there's a free version
21:47.30Cairennif he's anything like me, he's got way too many f'ing contacts
21:47.34kd3there's a free version of xchat
21:47.36Shirik|Ecoleyou could use MIRC
21:47.43CideShirik|Ecole: or you could get a real IRC client
21:47.55Cidanyou could use irssi
21:48.01ScytheBlade1mirc can die
21:48.03CidanIf you have shell access to a server
21:48.03ScytheBlade1It needs to die
21:48.09Cidanit's the best, imo
21:48.32Shirik|Ecolehey, hey Cide, hey
21:48.47Cidehi, hi Shirik|Ecole, hi
21:48.57Cideyour name has too many syllables
21:49.14Shirik|EcoleI thought I knew a vulnerability, but I didn't
21:49.14Cairennthe other program I'd recommend for handling multiple IM clients + IRC is trillian
21:49.51GuillotineI tried trillian, and its IRC was a bit worse than Pidgin :/
21:50.08Cairennthat's the reason I switched to Pidgin as well, Guillotine
21:50.21Guillotine<3 Pidgin in most ways though
21:50.22CairennI prefer Trillian for other things, but IRC is slightly better in Pidgin
21:50.23Shirik|EcoleTrillian's IRC is awful
21:50.40Guillotinethink I'll keep poking around with the options in Pidgin and see if I can figure out what is going on
21:50.40CairennI have hopes for their new Astra though (Trillian)
21:50.57Cairennunfortunately, it's still in Alpha
21:51.02GuillotineShirik: And you should probably get that E Coli handled. Nasty parasite
21:51.42CideGuillotine: but pretty useful too :P
21:51.49Cairennit's all bleeter's fault though
21:52.13Cideholy spam, Shirik|Ecole
21:52.18GuillotineSeriously, every time I see your nick Shirik, I think "Shirik has E Coli?"
21:52.27CideGuillotine: everyone does :P
21:52.27Shirik|Ecolesorry Cide
21:52.29Cidebut yeah
21:52.30Cideme too
21:52.31Shirik|EcoleI didn't realize you can see that
21:52.35Cideno worries
21:52.42CideI just see me /notice-ing you
21:52.47Shirik|Ecolewait what?
21:52.56Cideor /msg-ing you rather
21:53.10Shirik|Ecoledo you recognize any of those tables?
21:53.16Shirik|Ecolespecifically the last one
21:53.19Cide{ clock ... } is os
21:53.29Cide>>> os
21:53.29CideCide: { ["clock"] = function: 008E8E28, ["time"] = function: 008E9840 } (#1)
21:53.30Cidanwhen I see the name
21:53.43CidanI think Shirik Therefore has E Coli
21:54.11Guillotine>>> os.clock()
21:54.11CideGuillotine: 0.002
21:54.22*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox_ (
21:55.22Shirik|EcoleI'm not getting very far I don't think
21:55.32CideI have absolutely no idea :P
21:55.36Guillotinebtw, if anyone has a Wii and a computer with bluetooth, playing WoW with the Wiimote is awesome
21:55.43Guillotineand works surpsingly well
21:55.51*** join/#wowi-lounge Fisker- (
21:56.19CidanI really want to spring the cash for a 19' touchscreen
21:56.31*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (n=ckknight@
21:56.38Cidantouchscreen as a second monitor + WoW UI == win.
21:57.14GuillotineI only tried the Wiimote with my mage, I want to try it with a rogue
21:57.27Guillotinemovement while using abilities would probably be kind of hard, but would be pretty cool
21:57.33CidanI should try that, huh
21:57.58CidanHow do you setup the triangulation?
21:57.59Guillotineits surprisingly easy to do with GlovePIE (if you have windows)
21:58.15Guillotinewhat would you need triangulation for?
21:58.26Guillotineaccelerometer ftw
21:58.59Cidaneh, so you can see where it's actually pointing, not just where it moved
21:59.19Guillotinewhat they call the "Sensor bar" is really just an infared emeter
21:59.24CidanYes, I know
21:59.29Guillotineso you just turn on your Wii and put that bar near your computer
21:59.31CidanI've done it with two lightbulbs
21:59.33Cidanjust for fun
21:59.33Guillotineand the program handles the pointing
21:59.40CidanOh neat, okay.
21:59.58Guillotinecheck out, theres a couple scripts on there specifically for playing WoW with the wiimote
22:00.39malrethcan i get banned for using a wii remote to play wow?
22:00.53GuillotineThere is no rule against alternative input
22:00.58GuillotineI used to play with voice commands :P
22:01.01purlnever take malreth seriously
22:01.02Guillotineand asked a couple GMs to make sure
22:02.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
22:02.01*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Lopeppeppy] by ChanServ
22:02.39CidanLopeppeppy: Welcome back
22:02.54CidanLopeppeppy: I've used your name in Conspiracy, I hope you don't mind much.
22:06.08LopeppeppyCidan, I'm flattered!  Thank you for thinking of me.
22:07.48Lopeppeppy... was it in a good way?  :)
22:08.07CidanI think so, I sort of just looked at the channel and used the first names that showed up
22:08.10*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (n=ckknight@
22:08.16Cidanscreenshot is at
22:10.18LopeppeppyI think Cairenn was asleeping at the time.
22:10.32Cairennno love for Cairenn :(
22:10.42CidanCairenn is actually on there, she's the last name on the list under Lopeppeppy.
22:10.50ShirikCide: You broke my internets!
22:10.51CidanShe's offscreen though because of the fading effect
22:10.58CideShirik: oshi
22:11.07Cairennuh huh, sure it is
22:11.17CidanD: I swear it's there!
22:11.24CidanOh fine, I'll just remove art3mis
22:11.33CidanNo one loves him anyways
22:11.48Cairennleave it be, I was just having fun teasing you
22:12.22ShirikCide: I think the worst part of your bot
22:12.33Shirikis even if I defeat it like I think I can, I don't think it'll do anything!
22:12.43Cidethe *best* part, you mean?
22:12.46ShirikI'm fairly certain calling os.exit() on your bot will have no impact
22:13.11Shirikwouldn't it just shut down Lua? Which is kinda like "oh well"
22:13.11Cideit'll just not print anything to chat
22:13.23Shirikepoch fail
22:13.31Cidantoo late, changed it, Cairenn > art3mis
22:14.48Xinhuanwhats with the fascination with trying to break lua sandboxes? :)
22:14.50GuillotineAnd replace Cidan with Guillotine. Nobody likes Cidan anyway
22:17.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight_ (n=ckknight@
22:20.18ScytheBlade1Trevion's posts have been deleted... again
22:20.48LopeppeppyAnd was it malreth who said he couldn't find any of Trevion's negative posts? It's because Trev is a delete-happy fiend.
22:23.41kd3whee, advanced notice for a change
22:23.48kd3extended maint again tomorrow
22:24.55Cidanhow long?
22:25.01Cidanextended early or extended late?
22:25.02kd33-11 pst
22:25.15Cidanthat's not so bad then, I'll be in class
22:27.10GuillotineDamn Vista
22:27.20Guillotineanybody remember how to deprotect the Program Files folder?
22:27.28GuillotineI did it on my old computer, but can't figure out how to do it again ><
22:28.24ScytheBlade1Disable UAC?
22:28.56Guillotineit says its disabled, and it actually acts disabled on admin accounts, but acts like its still active on non-admin accounts
22:31.30ScytheBlade1bleeter: /beat
22:32.22*** join/#wowi-lounge kamdis (i=405f8902@gateway/web/ajax/
22:33.31Guillotinedammit, editing security permissions doesn't seem to work either -_-
22:34.02GuillotineI can't remember how I did it last time for the life of me
22:39.55Shirikdo not disable UAC!
22:40.13Guillotinedoesn't matter, it doesn't remove write-protection anyway :P
22:40.15*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Dinesh)
22:40.34ShirikI don't believe this crap
22:40.39ShirikI have literally unrestricted access to Cide's bot right now
22:40.44Shirikand I can't get the damn thing to get off IRC
22:41.01Cidein your face!
22:41.07Shirikit's not good that I have unrestricted access
22:41.20Cideya well, I can disable it in a heartbeat if you'd like
22:41.27Shirikno, I must win!
22:41.32Cidesee? :P
22:41.37ScytheBlade1Hmm, what's a good name for a priest?
22:41.40ScytheBlade1Human priest, that is
22:41.48Cidebut I may be biased
22:42.00CidanUnrestricted access?
22:42.02Cidanin what manner?
22:42.10ScytheBlade1I'm pretty sure I'm on the same realm as you are for that :P
22:42.16Shiriklike... I can do anything you can do in Lua
22:42.17CideScytheBlade1: true :P
22:42.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Thunder_Child (
22:42.35ScytheBlade1BY YOU I WOULD IMAGINE
22:42.35ShirikWell there are some really bad things I could do.... but I won't do them
22:42.35ShirikI just want the bot to get off irc
22:42.35Cidanloop it?
22:42.39GuillotineShirik: reformat his computer
22:42.41Shirikthat won't get it to DC
22:42.43Cidanjust send it into an infinite loop
22:42.43Shirikno I'm not mean
22:42.52ShirikI want a real disconnect
22:42.52Cideit's run in a separate thread
22:42.54ScytheBlade1Name for a priest... name for a priest...
22:42.55Cidewould do nothing
22:42.55Shirikone that give me praise
22:43.01Shirikand yeah, a different program is running it
22:43.05ScytheBlade1lol... Swedeheartz
22:43.07GuillotineShirik: console.exec("taskkill ..."
22:43.18Cidanor just write random data to disk
22:43.20ShirikTHAT'S what it wasin Windows
22:43.22Shirikyou know
22:43.22Cidanuntil the drive fills up
22:43.25Shirikyou could have told me that like 2 years ago
22:43.27ShirikCidan: I'm not mean!
22:43.34Cidanor overwrite everything you can
22:43.36ScytheBlade1IS going to be a healing priest
22:43.37Cideor Shadower
22:43.41Cidanwhat do you mean you can't get it offline
22:46.13Shirikit refuses to quit
22:46.21ShirikCide are you working on anything important atm?
22:46.32ShirikI don't want to accidentally kill a process I shouldn't
22:46.51Cidenope, everything's saved!
22:47.28ScytheBlade1Sboat is go
22:47.57ScytheBlade1I'm such a creative person
22:48.24ScytheBlade1Sbo Sboo Sboalt Sbooz Sboat
22:49.46CideShirik: who the hell uses IE?
22:49.54ShirikI just wanted to see your reaction
22:50.24Cideoh, you were LAUNCHING ie
22:50.27CideI'd be terrified
22:51.23Shirikoh I gots a good idea now how I can do it
22:52.02CideScytheBlade1: creative. nice work.
22:52.02ScytheBlade1Cide: ty
22:52.02TainAnyone playing Pirates of the Burning Sea and have a trial code they want to share?
22:52.02Shirikwhat did ScytheBlade1 do?
22:52.06Cidehe reversed his name
22:52.06ScytheBlade1Boo name unavailable
22:52.09Cide"Sbo" to "Obs"
22:52.18IrielTain yes and no in that order
22:52.27IrielTain was it supposed to come with a trial code?
22:52.29ScytheBlade1I might have to settle with "Sboat"
22:52.35ScytheBlade1(Sbo --> Sboalt --> Sboat)
22:52.44TainRetail box is supposed to have a 15 day trial code to give to a friend.
22:52.45IrielIt's not that good, I have to say.. It's failed to captivate me thus far.
22:52.53Irielah.. I did a direct download, so no code for me 8-(
22:53.02Cidewhat about Sship?
22:53.09TainYeah.  I'm not thrilled enough by it to buy it without trying it.
22:53.13ScytheBlade1Sship will be the toon I make after
22:54.22ScytheBlade1I heartily approve of these generic non-creative names
22:55.31CidanI did not like PotBS
22:55.37CidanIt was meh.
22:55.45ScytheBlade1Seriously, my only toon named anything remotely different was stolen from a druid trainer NPC in Darnassus
22:56.27ScytheBlade1Sbo Sboalt Sboat Sbank Sbankz... and then Fylerian.
22:57.45LopeppeppyPeppy is very original.
22:57.53ScytheBlade1Peppy is probably taken.
22:58.08LopeppeppyUsually yes.
22:59.58Guillotinealright, I'm going to see if I can get vista working -_-
22:59.59*** part/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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23:04.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Cide (
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23:04.18Shirikthat took way too damn long
23:04.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
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23:05.03LopeppeppyToo long to kill off Cide and force him to rez?
23:05.14ShirikI found the vunlerability like
23:05.16Shirik30 minutes ago
23:05.16*** join/#wowi-lounge cladhaire (
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23:05.23Shirikand it literally took me that long to take it down
23:05.29Shirikthat's a pretty damn good sandbox
23:05.40Esamynn|Workwell, sort of
23:05.43Shirikcladhaire: You missed some fun
23:05.50Esamynn|Worknot very good if you were actually malicious Shirik
23:05.56Shirikwell sure
23:06.01Shirikbut if I just wanted to kill the ircd
23:06.03Shiriker, irc client
23:06.19cladhairesounds fun?
23:06.23cladhairewhats up
23:06.24Duman32768MB OK
23:07.14cladhaireShirik: what did i miss?
23:07.44ShirikWell I found a vulnerability that allowed me to get to os.execute() on Cide
23:07.52Shirikand then it took me 45 minutes to actually manage to exploit that
23:08.05IrielI've decided I have a problem with anyone's addons that suppress the display of errors by default.
23:08.07Shirik(naturally, I wasn't trying to be destructive, just shut down the IRC client)
23:08.09IrielThat includes auctioneer
23:08.24cladhaireIriel: swatter _supresses_ errors?
23:08.33cladhaireShirik: heh
23:08.42Irielcladhaire: By default it doesn't pop up the window
23:08.53cladhaireit always has for me, without changing a single thing
23:08.54IrielUnless there's some annoying option I accidently enabled without knowing i t
23:09.01IrielThen why doesn't it for me?
23:09.05cladhairefresh install too, perhaps it uses "Display Lua errors"
23:09.13cladhairetho i would assume you'd have it checked
23:09.27cladhairecomputer-generated systems might actually mirror nature because
23:09.28cladhaireYou can have a bi/gg er pe \nis
23:09.28cladhaireAs Seen On T V
23:09.32cladhairei love email
23:09.55Shirikanyway, so now that Cide is patched
23:09.59Shirikoh I should check the other bots first
23:10.13IrielI do have it checked.
23:10.22Cidepretty sure my bot was the only one which exposed the debug library to that extent
23:10.30cladhairelua> debug
23:10.31lua_botcladhaire: nil
23:10.36Cideyeah.. :P
23:10.49Shirikmy chat logs
23:10.50Shirik17:26:57) (Shirik) >>> debug.getregistry()
23:10.51cladhairewith people like polarina around acting like script kiddies
23:10.55Shirik(17:27:01) (Shirik) WOAH
23:10.55Shirik(17:27:07) (Shirik) that can't be good
23:10.56cladhairei didn't want that shit in there.
23:11.17Cide>>> debug
23:11.17CideCide: { ["traceback"] = function: 0026AA88 } (#1)
23:11.25CideI figured that one was still useful
23:11.39Shirik~hug Cide
23:11.40purlACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs Cide
23:11.45Cidegee, thanks
23:11.49cladhairemy code shallow copies all those tables anyways
23:11.59ShirikCide doesn't have gcc though
23:12.01Shirikthat was so boring
23:12.05cladhaireno metatables hiding, except in certain places that i haven't dealt with
23:12.12ShirikI used his bot to make some C code for me and then I couldn't compile it
23:12.18Cidehaha, sorry :P
23:12.28Cidewhat'd you call the file?
23:12.47Cidein what dir?
23:12.48Shirikshould be in lua working dir
23:12.52Cidenope, nothing
23:12.56Shirikwhich may be your xchat dir
23:13.00Cideoh, true
23:13.31ShirikSo anyway Cide I've always really wondered what was in debug.getregistry()
23:13.33Shirikthanks for letting me play around
23:13.43CairennShirik: "this is your staff channel wake up call as requested"
23:13.52Shirik~hug Cairenn
23:13.52purlACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs Cairenn
23:15.23CairennDid you hear about the shoe factory that burnt down?
23:15.25sdoublewow, did everything on wowace get updated today?
23:15.42CairennTwo hundred soles were lost.
23:15.55kd3probably some core library got updated and everything got repackaged to include it
23:16.22clad|sleepnight all
23:16.25sdoubleI think all of my ace addons were updated.  37 updates
23:16.35clad|sleept-minus two hours until my connection dies?
23:16.42clad|sleepor is that just me being optimistic :P
23:16.49kamdishas anyone else had issues with Omen not properly reflecting threat lately?
23:17.06sdoubleyou have an idle timeout clad|sleep?
23:17.19kamdisWe had 2 people who weren't even on the top 5 list take Gruul's Hateful Strike or whatever it's called last night
23:17.27clad|sleepsdouble: no, i have a shitty ISP :P
23:17.34clad|sleepi'm up for 2 hours, every 24
23:17.36clad|sleepif that
23:17.38sdoublewell, at least you'll be in bed when it happens
23:17.51sdoublethat is pretty shitty
23:18.07clad|sleepand the new company we're switching to
23:18.13clad|sleepcan't fit us in untl the 18th
23:22.02LopeppeppyKamdis -- we have that problem when our raid gets some wildly outdated Threat libraries.
23:22.59kamdiswe all seemed to be updated.  i dunno, maybe this newest update to Threat1.0 will help.
23:23.27LopeppeppyNot just Omen though... any other mod that uses Threat seems to count in the "let's make threat wonky" rodeo.
23:23.46AnduinLotharkamdis: Gruul hateful strikes the closest non-tank i think...
23:24.00AnduinLotharmelee should be at max range
23:24.12AnduinLotharand the hs tank should be in the middle of him
23:24.55Arrowmasteryou can be inside of one of his legs and not be within HS range
23:25.41*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlKFI (
23:26.21wereHamsterwell obviously gruul would be stupid so swing his weapon between his legs trying to hit someone
23:26.21Shirikkd3: ping
23:26.33wereHamsterhi might hit something else..
23:28.21sdoublekd3's turn to serve
23:28.42Shirikkd3, you're an anime guru
23:28.56Shirikany idea who this is?
23:30.14kd3#1: I'm reminded of Lafiel from crest of the stars, but that's fanart.
23:30.24kd3#2, no idea
23:30.37clad|sleepShirik: ask haste :P
23:31.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Guillotine (
23:31.37*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v Guillotine] by ChanServ
23:32.19Guillotinevista sucks
23:32.44kd3I asked in another channel, if I get a response I'll ping back. going out for dinner now, so poof
23:32.44ShirikYou have 396 messages out of 250 maximum storable messages
23:34.40wereHamsterShirik, isn't #1 'Ren'? the picture appears under that name on several websites
23:34.52Shirikwho's ren?
23:34.56ShirikDefinitely not ren from fsn
23:35.03Shirikleast I didn't immediately recognize it
23:35.32wereHamster - the same girl, under the name 'Ren'
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23:40.58kamdisHai Cog
23:41.26*** join/#wowi-lounge Atriace (
23:42.12cogwheelmeen here the whole time... connection got reset for some reason
23:43.07cog|workthere we go...
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23:57.54kamdiscog|work, fine I rescind my "Hai" :P

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