IRC log for #wowi-lounge on 20080125

00:00.24batrickpython escaping?
00:00.36Shirik|EcoleCide's Lua interpreter passes the results to python. Python does the escaping.
00:01.24Shirik|EcoleWhy don't you make a nice quit message instead of just "die"
00:01.26*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
00:01.34Shirik|EcoleSomething like "QUIT :Shirik didn't kill me this time!"
00:01.43batricki should
00:01.57bleeterdanslemur: there's also a paint, that was used on some children's toys, that metabolizes to GHB
00:02.11kamdiscogwheel PSA ftw!
00:02.56bleeterooh, shiny wineX11 fixes
00:06.17*** join/#wowi-lounge |pez| (
00:10.00danslemurwtb those toys
00:10.09danslemurfor, uh, cleaning.
00:11.51danslemurthat would mean there's some way of determining whether they're AFK without relying on the AFK flag
00:11.54danslemurand that's what we all want
00:12.39Corrodiasi know just what to do
00:12.54Corrodiasmail webcams to all WoW subscribers and require them to be hooked up
00:13.33Corrodiashire a few 10-thousand or 100-thousand employees to just watch screens of webcams all day
00:13.34bleeterwell, I was actually thinking some mod that saves people's AFK tags, time; date; length afk. then upload the result to a website that processes and names and shames alleged heavy abusers
00:13.40Corrodiasmarking people AFK if they're not at the computer
00:14.11Corrodiasabusers? there's nothing abusive about being AFK in WoW unless you're expected to be doing something
00:14.27bleeterd/l a list of those abusers, then when they're targetted in a BG get like a raid warning type thing
00:15.07bleetersometimes there are legitimate reasons to step afk for say 15-30 seconds, someone might ask in busy /bg 'are you afk' and you miss it.
00:15.18Corrodiasthe problem is that they're -avoiding- the AFK flag
00:15.23Corrodiasor they'd have been removed from the BG already
00:15.36cogwheelhehe... Saint-N: you should get a kick out of
00:17.07Shirik|Ecoletrinket afk?
00:17.18Shirik|Ecolewhat's the benefit of that?
00:17.51bleetertrinket to base, afk while constantly buffing. wait for opposition to enter base who'll then proceed to beat on you and your repeated macro will 'appear' to be an 'offensive' move so will clear your AFK debuff
00:17.53kd3trinket back to the home base, get in combat so you get rid of the debuff then die and go afk for a while til the c/d's up
00:18.05kd3or that
00:18.18bleeterI must admit, there's nothing as satisfying as seeing the opposition waste time on 5 or so folks who've done this, but it's still freakin' annoying
00:18.37bleeter'coz I'm like healing them wsating mana then realise 'gah, they're freakin' afk!'
00:19.46bleetermind you, can't be that hard for blizz to track those who trinket then constantly self buff without moving much and do no *real* defense
00:19.57bleeterso I kinda live in hope
00:20.38CidanShirik|Ecole: woo?
00:20.50CidanShirik|Ecole: Okay good, you're there
00:21.03Shirik|Ecolewho goes "woo"
00:21.20CidanShirik|Ecole: Remember how in RDX.Cid we used to have to compile and parse the names of the people we want to show up in the raid frames?
00:21.39CidanShirik|Ecole: All that is taken care of in the grid system it self now, Grid:AddUnitUID(uid)
00:22.03Cidanand it will add it to the window, be it unit frames, raid headers, party headers, whatever.
00:22.12Shirik|Ecolehow about Grid:AddUnitUID(someCSUnit)
00:22.34Shirik|Ecolesome Conspiracy.Unit object
00:22.52CidanOh, done
00:22.55Shirik|Ecole(provide both options)
00:23.22Cidanalong with Grid:RemoveUnit and Grid:RemoveUnitUID
00:24.36Cidanalso writing Grid:Sort(by) where 0 <= by <= 5 or so, depending, with the last option being "custom" sorting
00:24.41Cidanso you can write your own sort function
00:25.09Shirik|EcoleHey have you picked up netbeans 6 yet?
00:25.16Cidanit's out?
00:25.18Shirik|Ecoleit's awesome
00:25.29Shirik|EcoleI think so, let me check
00:26.17Shirik|Ecoleyup, it's final
00:26.45Cidandoes it run better? D:
00:26.52CidanI dislike swing
00:27.16Shirik|EcoleDAMN IT
00:27.23Shirik|EcoleI am so sick of making stupid mistakes
00:27.37CidanWe all do it, I guess
00:27.38Shirik|EcoleThe last hour of debugging has been because I wrote send(0x10) on my host, and receive(10) on my client
00:27.55Shirik|Ecoleand they don't match so it just sits there saying [PEND] No Data
00:28.58Cidanno updated ubuntu packages on backport
00:30.47Lunessairc is srs bizniz
00:36.24bleeterhmm, new Lua tools for Eclipse. ANyone tried it?
00:36.43*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
00:39.45Shirik|EcoleWhy would I want to use Eclipse
00:39.51Shirik|Ecoledoes it look like I want to gouge my eyes out?
00:41.21bleeterI mean, you DO use netbeans
00:41.34bleeterprobably Win32 as well
00:43.47alestaneI just want a Lua module for Xcode.
00:44.19bleeterEmacs or death!!
00:44.39kamdisi'll have "or death"
00:44.53bleetersome days, I wouldn't blame you ;)
00:45.12alestaneDeath, or profanity addon threads...
00:45.27kamdisactually, emacs are alright.  but i got to spend an evening forum whoring on a mac book air earlier this week
00:45.32kamdisit was lovely
00:45.42Shirik|Ecoleemacs = IDE
00:45.44kamdisalestane: same thing?
00:45.48kamdisOH that
00:46.08kamdisearlier "or death" stmt still applies
00:46.17kamdisfor some reason i parsed that as an i
00:47.00kd3whee, new kernel
00:47.14bleeterkamdis: ;)
00:47.42bleeterkd3: guessed that was what's breaking my rsync ;)
00:48.53kamdisbleeter: hahahaha
00:48.58kamdisit's true!
00:49.13kamdisbut you can't really forum whore with a commodore 64 on your lap
00:49.18kamdiswhile watching tv
00:49.34bleeterthat image is from 'this old box' story
00:49.47bleeterI don't think the SX64 would even fit on anyone's lap
00:49.58*** join/#wowi-lounge spathi (
00:49.59bleetermaybe Andre The Giant, but he's dead
00:52.07LunessaI had one of those.  START 8,*
00:56.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
00:58.44*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
01:04.48bleeterWobwork: sack punter? discuss.
01:06.44Shirik|Ecolebatbot: Is Wobwork a sack punter?
01:06.45batbotShirik|Ecole, Most likely.
01:06.48Shirik|EcoleDiscussion over.
01:13.15*** join/#wowi-lounge Bibi` (
01:13.49bleeteroh, I remember what I was gunna ask. Been a while since I seriously played AV, so hadn't noticed this until last night. But... LocalDefense channel in AB? Surely some joke?
01:14.36kd3there's an LD channel in every zone. even instances for some insane reason
01:14.42Nom_so tempted to buy 1TB HDD
01:15.19kd3what have they come down to, price wise?
01:15.36bleeterkd3: maybe it's some kinda default stress test
01:15.50Nom_$359 AUD
01:15.55Nom_i can probably find better than that too
01:15.58bleeterI've seen the defense chan in instances... now I think about it, yeah, weird
01:16.20Nom_AUD 339 = WD SATA2 1TB
01:16.46Nom_The 500's are best bang for buck though
01:16.53Nom_AUD 129 = WD SATA2 500GB
01:17.12kd3ya, that's what I bought... 6 500GB hdds
01:17.45Nom_i've only got one free HDD bay tho :(
01:18.20LunessaI can not believe someone actually believes this: " I think the problem with men and their unwillinginess to embrace females unconditionally in guilds is that we can't accept that women are biologically required to think differently than men. " *boggle*
01:19.40Nom_You're on the wrong servers if chicks are descriminated against in guilds :/
01:20.05Nom_The last two guilds I was in had like 30% females
01:22.11LunessaIn my guild, a significant portion are female, and females make up 50% of my static Kara team.
01:23.05LunessaI'm baffled that this poster actually believes that.  But then, they're largely given to other insanities too... So I guess I shouldn't be shocked.
01:24.07Shirik|Ecolehm, I must say I like javadocs. They are short and to the point.
01:24.21Shirik|Ecole"InputStream.reset(): This function does nothing except throw an IOException."
01:24.33Paradox500gb spinpoint is best bang for your buck yeah
01:24.41Shirik|EcoleI was hoping it would let me flush the stream, but oh well.
01:25.50bleeterI wonder if Heinlein's assertion about females in battle situations in Starship Troopers is indeed factual
01:28.37*** join/#wowi-lounge Neebler (
01:29.35Nom_omg DDR3
01:29.41Nom_so much want
01:29.43Nom_not enough dollar
01:32.15Nom_man i'm behind... when did quad core cpu's come out??!
01:32.21kd3it's been a while
01:32.25Nom_AMD Phenom QUAD Core 9600 - AUD 299
01:32.48Nom_so much want... probably need a new mobo for them too
01:32.52Nom_i only have dual core
01:33.04MentalPowernot the core2s
01:33.12MentalPoweror should I say not usually
01:33.42kd3depends on the board you have and what pinout it's got
01:33.42Nom_AMD Athlon 62 X2 Dual Core 3800+ <-- mine
01:33.48Nom_2.01GHz x 2
01:34.39Nom_It's AM2 CPU board
01:34.41sacarasc8 core cpus are around too
01:34.45Nom_Dual Core / SLI ready
01:34.54kd3that's an am2... think the 9600 is an am2+
01:35.05kd3dunno how compatible those are. I stick to intel hardware most of the time
01:35.05Nom_sacarasc: I knew about them... they're server processors tho... Xeons
01:35.15Nom_I didn't realise that quads were even on the desktop market
01:35.59kd3fairly reasonable...
01:36.00Nom_I knew coz we're about to get two new blades @ work
01:36.01kd3^ me
01:36.08Nom_They're dual quad xeons
01:36.27Nom_we *almost* got the brand spanking new one
01:39.07bleeterohhhh, you mean x86 junk quad core!!! :P
01:39.30MentalPower~lart bleeter
01:39.30purlhits bleeter with an anvil and laughs with a contralto voice ... Haha Ha HA Ha
01:39.40Shirik|Ecole--> c = {getData=function(n) return {0,1} end} return c.getData()[0] + c.getData()[1] / math.pow(10, 1+(int)(math.log(10)/math.log(c.getData()[1])));
01:39.40batbotShirik|Ecole: > [string "0"]:1: attempt to call global 'int' (a nil value)
01:40.04Shirik|Ecole--> c = {getData=function(n) return {0,1} end} return c.getData()[0] + c.getData()[1] / math.pow(10, 1+math.floor((math.log(10)/math.log(c.getData()[1]))));
01:40.04batbotShirik|Ecole: > [string "0"]:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on field '?' (a nil value)
01:40.27Shirik|Ecole--> c = {getData=function(n) return {0=0,1=1} end} return c.getData()[0] + c.getData()[1] / math.pow(10, 1+math.floor((math.log(10)/math.log(c.getData()[1]))));
01:40.28batbotShirik|Ecole: > [string "0"]:1: '}' expected near '='
01:40.31Shirik|EcoleI give up
01:41.14bleeter~lart MentalPower
01:41.14purlsteals MentalPower's mojo
01:41.42bleeterhas MentalPower got any mojo to steal?! :P
01:43.07MentalPower~whaleblock me
01:43.08purlACTION shields mentalpower with a freakishly huger whale named ollywag
01:43.16MentalPowerno mojo for you!
01:45.18bleetermwhahahahahaa :P
01:45.35Shirik|EcoleAnyone want to recommend a better way to do this?
01:45.41Shirik|EcoleI need the number "45" to become "0.45"
01:45.51Shirik|EcoleI did: hostVersion = c.getData()[0] + c.getData()[1] / (c.getData()[1]==0?1:Math.pow(10, 1+Math.floor(Math.log10(c.getData()[1]))));
01:45.59Shirik|Ecolevariable number of digits, kd3
01:46.10Shirik|Ecoleso "451" needs to become "0.451"
01:46.30MentalPowerthis is Java right?
01:47.36Shirik|EcoleI thought about doing Double.parseDouble(String.format("%d.%d", c.getData()[0], c.getData()[1]))
01:47.41Shirik|Ecolebut that seemed so ugly going through a string
01:48.42Shirik|EcoleI think this is crashing though.... but I have no way of finding out
01:49.00Shirik|EcoleIf a thread crashes it just dies, no indication, and I can't really check whether a thread is locked up or dead
01:50.05Shirik|Ecoleoh great!
01:50.06Shirik|Ecole*** Semantic Error: No method named "log10" was found in type "java.lang.Math". However, there is an accessible method "log" whose name closely matches the name "log10".
01:50.43Shirik|Ecolelua> math.log10(4) == math.log(4)/math.log(10)
01:50.43lua_botShirik|Ecole: false
01:50.50Shirik|Ecolelua> math.log10(4) == math.log(10)/math.log(4)
01:50.50lua_botShirik|Ecole: false
01:51.11Shirik|Ecolelua> math.log10(4)- math.log(4)/math.log(10), math.log10(4)-math.log(10)/math.log(4)
01:51.11lua_botShirik|Ecole: 1.1102230246252e-16, -1.0589040561157
01:51.17Shirik|Ecolestupid floating point imprecision
01:55.36Esamynn|WorkShirik|Ecole: you divide by 10 in a loop until your result is less than 1
01:56.09Shirik|EcoleI think I found my problem though
01:56.14Shirik|EcoleI think c was null
01:57.30Dumanwhat are you doing where "45" need to be 0.45 and "451" needs to be 0.451 ??
01:57.39Shirik|EcoleDecoding a protocol
01:57.50Dumanbut yeah, just keep dividing by 10 until you're <1 *shrug*
01:58.32Shirik|EcoleIt's actually more like {2, 4} needs to become 2.4, and {2,15} needs to become 2.15
01:58.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Arrowmaster (
02:01.23Esamynn|WorkI'd be very tempted to go Double.valueOf(Integer.toString(a) + "." + b), but that's also ugly
02:01.51bleeterwow, french bank's lost $8Bn in fraudulent transactions
02:01.58Esamynn|Workerr, Double.valueOf(a + "." + b) is what I meant
02:02.04Shirik|Ecolewere they by Amazon?
02:02.12bleeterlol Shirik|Ecole
02:02.24ScytheBlade1Anyone here on comcast having general crap opening web pages?
02:02.36ScytheBlade1Like you know, 5-30s to establish a connection to a server
02:02.41ScytheBlade1(Only affecting HTTP)
02:05.08bleeterCairenn: hah, that webcam looks like it's not updated at all since yesterday (but I can promise you, it has, just the same weather pattern! :P )
02:05.40*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
02:07.06*** join/#wowi-lounge micneon (
02:10.15Esamynn|Worklua> local n = 415 print( n / (math.pow(10 ,math.ceil(math.log10(n)))) )
02:10.15lua_botEsamynn|Work: 0.415
02:10.48Esamynn|WorkI'm disappointed in myself that it too me that long to come up with that :/
02:13.22bleeterdid folks just see that DCC spoof disconnect foo in #wikipedia or #freenode. moron got klined, but might be back. just a heads up to all admins
02:13.28Shirik|Ecoleok well I found the problem
02:13.37Shirik|Ecoleapparently my protocol is sending version "-50" instead of version 2
02:15.19Shirik|Ecolespecifically, version "17.-50"
02:15.22Shirik|Ecoleinstead of "0.1"
02:16.35Shirik|EcoleI'm actually really impressed that I got a "-50" considering it's bytes... they shouldn't go negative
02:17.22Esamynn|Workyou lost me with that statement
02:17.58Shirik|EcoleA byte in Java should be 0-255... I'm not sure where the negative came from
02:18.13Esamynn|Workdepends on how you interpret it :P
02:18.18Shirik|Ecolebyte is a variable type
02:18.29Shirik|Ecoleit's Java's interpretation
02:18.34Esamynn|Workyes, but how are you converting it into a number?
02:18.46Shirik|EcoleKinda just appending it to a string :P
02:19.18Esamynn|Workhow much you wanna bet it's using 2's complement then?
02:19.36Shirik|Ecole17 is the command code
02:19.43Shirik|Ecole-50 should be 2....
02:19.54Esamynn|WorkReturns a String object representing this Byte's value. The value is converted to signed decimal representation and returned as a string, exactly as if the byte value were given as an argument to the toString(byte) method.
02:19.55Shirik|Ecoleit's the next two bytes I need
02:21.34Shirik|Ecolehm, "VOK 17.17"
02:21.40Shirik|Ecolebetter... no negative number :P
02:22.15Shirik|Ecoleand it didn't crash
02:24.27Shirik|Ecolecan you make friends in Java?
02:28.01Shirik|Ecolefriend is like
02:28.15Shirik|EcoleMake a private member, but another class can access it because it's a friend
02:28.20Shirik|Ecolebut no other classes can access it
02:28.38Shirik|Ecolec++ thing
02:28.48Esamynn|Workyou just had to refresh my memory
02:28.56Esamynn|Workclosest you can get is protected
02:29.01Esamynn|Workand then you have to be in the same package
02:29.30MentalPowerprotected is sub-classes
02:29.30*** join/#wowi-lounge cogwheel (
02:29.30*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+v cogwheel] by ChanServ
02:31.07cogwheelyou know... I sorta don't miss C++
02:31.56Esamynn|Workprotected allows access from package members as well
02:32.45Shirik|Ecolecogwheel: friends are often considered "evil" and a violation of OOP practices, but actually that's just because 99% of the time they're used for the wrong reasons
02:32.55Shirik|EcoleThere can be good reasons for them, and it's actually a useful feature
02:33.15cogwheeli have no objection to friends in the context of C++... i was just talking generally
02:34.54Shirik|Ecolealso, CRC8 is surprisingly effective
02:34.55Shirik|EcoleI am impressed
02:36.08Shirik|EcoleHere's the reason for my problems:
02:36.10Shirik|Ecolefor (int x = 0; x < VERSION_PACKET.length; ++x)
02:36.10Shirik|Ecolepayload2[x] = VERSION_PACKET[0];
02:36.20Shirik|EcoleVERSION_PACKET[x] >.>
02:36.25buuThat's beautiful.
02:36.29buuSee also, memcpy.
02:36.47Shirik|EcoleI would love to use that
02:36.54Shirik|Ecoleunfortunately, someone was drunk when they built this bot
02:36.57buuSee also: while( *x ) { *x++ = *y++ }
02:36.58Shirik|Ecoleand they didn't put a processor on it
02:37.06buuWait, what?
02:37.21Shirik|EcoleThey put a Java chip on it instead. So I have one language to choose from.
02:37.31Shirik|EcoleThe one language I absolutely despise.
02:37.38Esamynn|WorkShirik|Ecole: did you mean to do ++x instead of x++ ?
02:37.57Esamynn|Workoh wait, doesn't matter here, nm
02:37.59Shirik|Ecolethey're identical in a case like that. It's a habit from C because in C that's actually faster. I doubt in Java it is, it's just a habit
02:38.27Esamynn|Workmy fingers got ahead of my brain ;)
02:40.10Esamynn|Workok, now you have me curious, I don't know C well enough to figure out why ++x is faster than x++
02:40.30MentalPowerJava has to run on something tho
02:40.45MentalPowertheres no (usable) JavaOS afaik
02:40.55Shirik|Ecolex++ ends up being quite a few operations. The variable is pulled to another memory location, it is incremented, then it is put away again.
02:41.02Shirik|Ecole++x ends up being one: Increment in place
02:41.21Shirik|EcoleMentalPower: Java chips are their own OS :)
02:41.36Shirik|EcoleIt literally takes Java bytecode and runs it on its own.
02:41.50Esamynn|WorkShirik|Ecole: and the compiler isn't smart enough to make them equivalent when it doesn't matter?
02:41.58MentalPowerbut there has to be a kernel somewhere
02:42.01bleeterJavaOS is legacy, replaced by JavaME
02:43.39Shirik|EcoleMentalPower: I don't know the internals of how it works
02:43.52Shirik|EcoleI just know that it literally runs on its own. It is the processor and the software to make everything run
02:44.05Shirik|EcoleAside from that chip, there's a few caps, some hardware devices, and that's it
02:44.29Shirik|EcoleAnd I can still multithread, etc.
02:44.43bleeterhmm, there's JX
02:50.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Thelyna (
02:51.12Esamynn|WorkShirik|Ecole: so I had to check, given a smart compiler, there is no difference for built-in types, unless you're doing an assignment on the same line
02:51.36Shirik|EcoleThen compilers have gotten smarter than when I started to do that :)
02:52.56MentalPower-->date("%c", -2000000000)
02:52.57batbotMentalPower: > [string "return date("%c", -2000000000)"]:1: attempt to call global 'date' (a nil value)
02:53.02MentalPower-->"%c", -2000000000)
02:53.02batbotMentalPower: > Thu Aug 16 13:26:40 1906
02:53.08MentalPowerlua>"%c", -2000000000)
02:53.08lua_botMentalPower: Thu Aug 16 15:26:40 1906,
02:53.14MentalPower>>>"%c", -2000000000)
02:53.23MentalPowerwheres cide when you need him...
02:54.39ScytheBlade1Okay, I'm back with more dumb questions!
02:55.02ScytheBlade1Could anyone provide a short *example* using the secure state headers and keybinds?
02:55.17MentalPowercogwheel: ping! ^^^^
02:55.18ScytheBlade1*example code
02:55.41cogwheelMentalPower: gimmegimmegimme
02:55.56MentalPower~lart cogwheel
02:55.56purlbrandishes Excalibur! "With this sword, I vanquish thee, cogwheel!" and lops off cogwheel's head
02:56.19cogwheelScytheBlade1: let me see if i can find something
02:58.54Shirik|Ecole-->"%c", 0),"%c", 2^32)
02:58.54batbotShirik|Ecole: > Wed Dec 31 17:00:00 1969, Fri Dec 13 13:45:52 1901
02:59.06kd3ScytheBlade1, ya. I'm pretty good about warning the GMs to not move stinkyqueue threads to UI if I see it early enough
02:59.20*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
02:59.21Shirik|Ecolewhat's with the stinkyqueue threads?
02:59.25End-->"%c", 0),"%c", 2^31)
02:59.26batbotEnd: > Wed Dec 31 17:00:00 1969, Fri Dec 13 13:45:52 1901
02:59.41ScytheBlade1kd3: hehe, yeah. And we all <3 you for it, too
02:59.50End-->"%c", 0),"%c", 2^31-1)
02:59.50batbotEnd: > Wed Dec 31 17:00:00 1969, Mon Jan 18 20:14:07 2038
03:00.03Shirik|Ecole2038, the new Y2K
03:00.26Dumantaner@crossover:~ >perl -e 'printf("%s\n", scalar localtime(2**31))'
03:00.26DumanFri Dec 13 12:45:52 1901
03:00.26Dumantaner@crossover:~ >perl -e 'printf("%s\n", scalar localtime(2**31 - 1))'
03:00.26DumanMon Jan 18 19:14:07 2038
03:00.40Shirik|EcoleIt's been known about for a while
03:00.44Shirik|Ecolemost APIs have already gone to 64 bits
03:01.06kd3and it's probably going to be worse considering all of the embedded hardware that'll probably be active in 30 years
03:01.14Dumanyes, that
03:01.30Shirik|EcoleAnd that's my field
03:05.55Lunessacogwheel: Nice PSA.
03:16.14Cidanif by Jan 18 2038 we're not using 64 bit (or more) something is wrong
03:17.54Wobwork.. and your point? =P
03:18.07Shirik|EcoleCidan, I still use 16 bit microcontrollers :P
03:18.08bleeterdolby-wowi: did we lose file d/l timestamps in the changeover to the new systems recently?
03:18.19Shirik|EcoleIt wouldn't surprise me a ton if there were still systems on 32 bits
03:18.50Shirik|EcoleAnyone here used RXTX library?
03:19.17*** join/#wowi-lounge Iriel (
03:19.17*** mode/#wowi-lounge [+o Iriel] by ChanServ
03:19.32Shirik|EcoleI bet Iriel's used RXTX
03:20.01Cidanmy point is, even for embedded devices, etc, it won't be an issue
03:20.25Shirik|Ecoleembedded systems don't really have a reason to go to 64 bits
03:20.28Shirik|Ecoleit's a waste
03:20.38CidanFor now, perhaps
03:20.41Shirik|EcoleAnd when you're talking embedded systems, the #1 thing you don't talk about is waste
03:20.43Cidana lot can happen in 30 years.
03:20.46Shirik|EcoleIriel have you used RXTX?
03:21.02Shirik|Ecole(Java library, replacement for javax.comm)
03:21.17Shirik|EcoleDoes it always do this when I call close()?
03:21.22IrielFor playing with some 2wire temperature sensors
03:21.25*** join/#wowi-lounge Paradox (
03:21.29Shirik|EcoleStable Library
03:21.29Shirik|EcoleNative lib Version = RXTX-2.1-7
03:21.29Shirik|EcoleJava lib Version = RXTX-2.1-7
03:21.56IrielHm, spam?
03:22.12Shirik|EcoleIt did that when my program shut down. Not sure if close() or the shutdown triggered it
03:22.46Shirik|Ecoleyeah it was the close(), just tested
03:23.04IrielIs that followed by an 'Exception ..." message?
03:25.58Shirik|Ecolesorry ran away for a second
03:26.00Shirik|Ecoleno it's not
03:26.23Shirik|EcoleJust BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 10 seconds)
03:26.32Shirik|Ecole(That's netbeans' way of saying "the program ended")
03:28.18IrielI think there may be an exception but it's getting blocked
03:28.33IrielSince all of the references to that message I can find include an exception after it
03:28.43*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Dinesh)
03:28.54Irieltry sticking a 'try/catch' around the call and printing the exception
03:29.13Iriel(Sorry for the delay here, I was crawling under my desk to change video cards in my PC)
03:30.07Shirik|Ecoleno message but it could be in the other thread
03:30.26Shirik|Ecolebut I don't know how to trap it if that's where it is (RXTX library appears to spawn a thread)
03:32.24IrielCan you run the program from a command line?
03:33.13Shirik|Ecoleshould be able to
03:34.42Shirik|Ecolethough I get the same thing there (unless you have something else planned)
03:34.46Irielsee if you get an exception there.. possibly redirect to a file
03:35.01Irielin case the program exits before the message is flushed from a buffer
03:43.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Nargiddley (
03:45.10bleeterw... t... f...
03:46.16cogwheeloh yay! they fixed the swamp of sorrows too!
03:46.29bleeterit was broken?
03:46.39cogwheelthe same way bm was
03:46.44cogwheelfor gnomes, anyway
03:46.48bleeterit was broken?
03:46.52Shirik|Ecolewho cares
03:46.55Shirik|Ecolegnomes deserve extra pain
03:46.57cogwheelkd3 does
03:47.05Shirik|EcoleThis "fix" breaks the realism of the world
03:47.09Shirik|EcoleI'm going to cancel my account
03:47.38cogwheelno it doesn't... why would a mechanostrider suddenly turn itself off just 'cause it got ankle deep in some water?
03:47.48Nom_I seem to have broken something in my code for work
03:47.57Nom_But the area that's broken has nothing to do with the changes I was making
03:48.15Nom_Like ... Probem here | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Changes here
03:48.44cogwheelthis is surprise to u?
03:48.58Shirik|EcoleDoes decursive really spam you with five bazillion messages in the middle of the screen at login?
03:50.16Mr_Rabies2<+cogwheel> no it doesn't... why would a mechanostrider suddenly turn itself off just 'cause it got ankle deep in some water?
03:50.27Mr_Rabies2obviously it takes in air for the coolant system from the feet
03:50.39Mr_Rabies2also the azerothian horses and whatnot breathe through their feet
03:50.42Mr_Rabies2it just makes sense
03:50.44cogwheelnostrils, imo
03:51.04Mr_Rabies2those are just for show
03:51.07cogwheeland no, humans don't get dismounted
03:51.09Mr_Rabies2the feet's where the action happens
03:51.19Mr_Rabies2i thought they fixed that
03:51.31cogwheelthat's my whole point :P
03:51.31Mr_Rabies2so that all races swim at the same height
03:51.37cogwheelthey fixed swamp of sorrows too
03:51.49Mr_Rabies2oh /me scrolls up
03:51.57Mr_Rabies2well, black morass is basically swamp of sorrows
03:52.00cogwheeleverybody was lauding the improvement on bm
03:52.07cogwheeli made that connection :P
03:52.38Mr_Rabies2i mean
03:52.45Mr_Rabies2that's what the blasted lands looked like
03:52.49Mr_Rabies2before the portal
03:53.00cogwheelyep... was just mentioning that to my wife XD
03:59.56Corrodiashydross down, yay!
04:00.03Corrodiasnot bad for having 2 offtanks with next to no resistance gear
04:01.32Shirik|Ecolewtb friends
04:01.59Lunessakd3 - Encrypted twice with ROT13. If you can read this, you're breaking the DMCA. Pay me one MIIIILLION dollars. ROFL
04:03.57*** join/#wowi-lounge nymbia (
04:04.57Wobworkisn't it Meeeelion? =)
04:06.01Corrodiasi love the guild names around here. fate, dauntless, colossus, echelon, defiance, casualty...
04:06.13Wobworkaw Shirik|Ecole. I'll give you a good deal =)
04:06.15Corrodiasalliance guild names not so much, though.
04:06.32Shirik|Ecole<LOLZ I PWNZOR JOO>
04:06.37Shirik|Ecole<HORDE FTL>
04:06.43Shirik|Ecole<we dont use caps>
04:06.44WobworkI was a founding member of <Booty Bay Removals>
04:06.58*** join/#wowi-lounge Gargamel (
04:07.22WobworkI miss that as a guild name
04:07.31Wobworkotherwise <Ratchet Surf Club>
04:11.41cogwheelI'm a founding member of fat fluffy chipmunks
04:11.42Corrodiaswe had a <Bad Moo Rising>, but they disbanded. also <Fallen Tears>, but i think they may have migrated
04:11.54Corrodiasgood name, that
04:14.33cogwheelmore legitimately--ffc was something my wife and i made so we wouldn't be spammed with /ginvites--i was also a founding member of Steam... don't know why he wanted to name it that bu t i went along with it...
04:15.20Wobworkkd3: (I can't recall if you were the one mentioning it... but) 1.1.3 jailbreak is available it seems?
04:15.29kd3not I, no
04:15.41Wobworkhm, who was it?
04:16.09Wobworkyes, quite likely
04:17.37Wobworkthey want us to install and run a program called iBrickr =P
04:17.48Cairennbela has one, as does dolby-wowi
04:18.19Shirik|Ecoleand you should all die for even thinking about buying one
04:18.36Shirik|Ecolenot really, they look kinda cool, just too much for me actually
04:18.41cogwheelneighbor and i were working out an electricity bill and i asked if he had a calculator.... = iphone
04:19.27*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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04:20.12cogwheelbut... as fricking cool as it is... I never use my iPod... I never use my PDA... I never use my Cell... not really sure it would do much for me (sorry... i loves me my ellipses.......)
04:20.48Lunessacogwheel: Same here.  I still have my Palm III - in the box.
04:21.02NightHawkTheSane... i use my cell... for making phone calls. >.>
04:21.10*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
04:21.10WobworkI have an iTouch
04:21.28NightHawkTheSaneif i could get a 160gb itouch/iphone, i'd consider it
04:21.39WobworkI wouldn't want an iPhone
04:21.45cogwheelmine's totally overkill for me as it is... i got it 'cause it was free and i really do like my cell service.
04:21.54WobworkI don't want to be listening to my music all day long, then not have battery for a phonecall
04:22.16NightHawkTheSaneWobwork: see, i look at it as a convenient excuse for not talking to someone on the phone ;)
04:23.39Shirik|Ecole// Make myself a daemon (I only thrive off others!)
04:23.39Shirik|Ecole// Now to eat souls.... (oh wait... I'm a daemon, not demon...)
04:31.01bleeterI still use my newton to read ebooks
04:31.38Shirik|Ecoleam I allowed to put "// We need to GTFO" in a school project
04:32.01bleeterCorrodias: how does <Grumpy Old Farts> rate in your Alliance guild name scheme?
04:32.26Shirik|Ecole~nickometer Grumpy Old Farts
04:32.39sdoublemuch better than <I N F A M O U S>
04:32.59bleeter73% non-lame, good enough for me :)
04:33.02sdoubleor <New Order of the Guardian Dragons>
04:33.22sdoublewhich I made up, but I've noticed the same 10 words are used in 80% of all the guilds I encounter
04:33.34Shirik|EcoleIriel: Is there any kind of "friend" in Java?
04:33.44bleeter<Should of Rolled Horde> makes me want to punch players in the face
04:33.46LunessaOk, I'm out for the night.  See you all tomorrow.
04:33.47Shirik|EcoleI feel really dirty making a class a subclass just so I can access a static field....
04:33.51Wobwork~botmail beladona
04:33.51bleeternn Lunessa
04:34.08Wobworkhm, did I spell that right?
04:34.14sdoubleI especially like seeing people not able to spell correctly when they make their guild
04:34.24Shirik|Ecoleit's "botmail for", Wobwork
04:34.26bleetersdouble: indeed, hence me wanting to punch people above ;)
04:34.34sdoubleor they do something like <Order of Silent assassins>
04:34.34Wobworkbut I spelled bela's nick right?
04:34.35Shirik|Ecolesdouble: I know a game where it cost you a fortune to make a guild
04:34.44Shirik|EcoleAnd they did "ChoasLegion"
04:34.51Shirik|EcoleAnd they stuck with it for years because it was that expensive
04:34.53Wobwork~botmail for beladona
04:35.05Shirik|EcoleWobwork: I think so
04:35.09Wobworkta =)
04:35.14Shirik|Ecoleomg, you said ta
04:35.18Shirik|EcoleI can no longer talk to you
04:35.29Shirik|Ecolewho invented "ta" really
04:35.35WobworkIt's a brit/aussieism
04:35.37NightHawkTheSanethe british, i think
04:35.39Wobworkoriginally brit though
04:35.39NightHawkTheSanefucking british
04:35.45Shirik|EcoleLike, how do you even come up with that
04:35.47kd3</3 firefox leaking memory
04:35.52Shirik|Ecoleeven "plox" makes more sense than that
04:35.55kd33.5GB before I killed it
04:36.02NightHawkTheSaneyou have to be british. its a specific british brain pattern that comes up with it
04:36.05Wobworkwell, 'thanks' includes the letters 't' and 'a'
04:36.14Wobworkplease and plox... however... =P
04:36.18Shirik|EcoleI'm surprised there's no "u" in it
04:36.34NightHawkTheSanethunks. *nod*
04:36.48bleeterthat's kiwispeak (thunks)
04:37.01Wobworkthat's "thenks"
04:37.08Cairennno, it's brit thing, that carried over to the commonwealth
04:37.13bleetermmm such a close line, Wobwork
04:37.22Wobworkit's true bru
04:37.26Cairennnot a brit/aussie thing
04:37.36Cairennsince it's canadian too
04:37.36Wobworkcommonwealthian thing =)
04:37.44Wobworkta muchly
04:38.23Wobworkhehe, normally I dislike programs that pretend to be 'alive' and make 'witty' comments
04:38.30*** join/#wowi-lounge dieck_ (
04:38.30Wobworkbut iBrickr is pretty good =P
04:38.43Wobwork"Uploading image. This may take some time."
04:38.48Wobwork<10min later>
04:39.02Wobwork"Seriously, I said it would take a while. Just wait it out. It might be half an hour or something."
04:39.22cogwheeldamn... i came here with the intent to add something to ~emulate art3mis, but I forgot what it was :(
04:39.51bleeterWobwork: so you like the Wine install comment?
04:40.13WobworkI... can't recall one, tbh
04:40.54Wobworkecho "Meanwhile... back at the ranch..."
04:46.43IrielShirik|Ecole: No.
04:47.11kd3wtf. "[Dumbass] Not news: Wisconsin woman busted for DUI. News: She had a .27 blood alcohol level. Fark: she was on her way to work"
04:47.44Shirik|Ecoledo you think it's ok to do that Iriel? Just to extend a class just for that one method?
04:47.53Mr_Rabies2.27 in wisconsin is standard operating BAC
04:47.56Shirik|Ecoleor is there a better way?
04:48.08Irieli'll have to read back...
04:49.24cogwheel"Plzdontbanme has fled from Dontbanme in a duel"
04:49.50Shirik|EcoleIriel: basically I'm writing a library
04:50.10Shirik|EcoleI have a class with some things I don't want to give access to, but it's something that another class in the library needs access to
04:50.34Shirik|EcoleWhile it doesn't really "extend" the features of that class, I had it extend the class just for access to that method
04:50.42IrielWell, by default you can use package level access
04:50.45Irielso maybe that's what you want
04:51.04Irielif it's neither public nor private, then it's package level
04:51.05Shirik|Ecolethis is a new one I was unaware of o.o I only know private protected public
04:51.13Irielclasses in the same package can see package level things
04:51.18Irieloutside the package it's as if it's private
04:51.30Shirik|Ecoleso if I just leave out the specifier it's package
04:57.41bleeterthe more I cry, the more I wanna see 2.4 PTR
04:57.59bleeterMr_Rabies2: you know what I mean? ;)
04:58.05*** join/#wowi-lounge KarlThePagan (n=andross@
04:58.13bleeterbah, not Mr_Rabies2 but MentalPower
04:58.31bleeterI must've really screwed up my irssi tab complete somewhere :/
04:58.38bleeterMentalPower: 311
04:58.48kd3whee, found a new servant of allistarj
04:59.03kd3an ethereum nullifier's bugged out, not taking damage, not striking back, still attackable
04:59.23kd3daggers 306... 307...
04:59.34bleeterI like the current reports of gutripper and matriarch pets, how they're heavily bugged. couldnt help but 'wtf lolz' at that
05:00.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie (
05:00.10bleeterguess it's a side effect of fixing the 'evade' that was happening when they're actual mobs
05:11.05*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
05:16.25CidanSo a friend from school IM's me, bitching about how she hates when people type in numbers and letters, how r u, etc.  So she links to me this forum post on some random love talk forum or whatever.  The original poster was crying and whining about how she was crying coming home from work because she was in a bad mood; so I said, More so than people who type in letters...
05:16.51CidanI hate people who come home and bitch and moan and cry, for what?  Working?  God damned pussy, "I could never be with someone that weak."
05:17.02Cidan...whoops, my friend was the original poster.
05:18.43kd3ahaha at today's xkcd
05:23.09CidanI'm such an awesome friend.
05:23.16CidanSeriously, everyone should have a friend like me.
05:23.31cogwheel/win kd3
05:30.18bleeterahhh, no more /trunk
05:31.57bleeter/trunk/<mod> is now /<mod>/trunk
05:32.33bleeterer ... /<mod>/trunk/<mod> .... :/
05:34.01ShizenO.o new xkcd ?
05:34.27bleeter~fail tuller
05:34.28purltuller: Fail.
05:34.59Shizen~lart tuller
05:34.59purlfrags tuller with his BFG9000
05:35.02Shizenmaybe ?
05:39.46Dumanmmm, BFG9000
05:42.04Mr_Rabies2the one from quake 2 of course
05:42.09Mr_Rabies2not the puny quake 3 one
05:42.17Mr_Rabies2the hugely overpowered beast from quake 2
05:42.28bleeteraargh... bagnon_forever is /svn/Bagnon/trunk/Bagnon_Forever ... gunna have to special case that one :/
05:42.47Cairennwell, if it's "puny", then by definition it isn't a BFG
05:43.28Cairennno, it'd be a SPG
05:43.34Shizenoh right rofl
05:43.36Mr_Rabies2i mean it's still quite powerful but nothing compared to the quake 2 one
05:43.49Mr_Rabies2it's basically a slow plasma gun that hits like a truck
05:44.38CairennI know the gun :p
05:44.43bleeterguess I'm just gunna have to install all of Bagnon, and just not enable 3/4 of them
05:45.06Mr_Rabies2sneaking into rcon and adding a xaero bot at nightmare difficulty is really really fun in lan games of quake 3
05:45.08Mr_Rabies2just as an fyi
05:45.29Mr_Rabies2it's like "who's xaero? some guy found the serverOHGOD"
05:50.07*** join/#wowi-lounge Tierrie_ (
05:56.54Nom_ <-- haha so true
05:57.14Shirik|EcoleI really wish people wouldn't mess with standard libraries
05:57.28Shirik|Ecole*** Semantic Error: The method "int[] getStackTrace();" in type "java.lang.Throwable" has private access and is not accessible here.
05:57.33Shirik|Ecolejavadocs disagree
06:00.12NightHawkTheSanehmm, can you programatically cancel auras?
06:00.37MentalPowerwell... auras... define auras
06:00.45NightHawkTheSaneshapeshift forms
06:01.03MentalPowerif you can right click on the buff and it clears yes
06:01.05MentalPowerotherwise no
06:01.36NightHawkTheSaneso, that said, anyone know of an already written addon to auto-cancel shapeshift forms when  talking to a flight master? :)
06:02.18MentalPowermight do it
06:04.14NightHawkTheSanehmm, dont see it on wowi..
06:04.43bleeterohhhh, they're externals now
06:05.03MentalPowerNightHawkTheSane: it be cosmos IIRC
06:05.10NightHawkTheSane... ><
06:05.14bleetersounds about right, MentalPower
06:05.40MentalPowercause its part of cosmos?
06:05.53NightHawkTheSaneno, because i already expended more effort looking on wowi and curse than i care to spend :)
06:06.41NightHawkTheSanethat, and i need something to work on anyway
06:06.56bleeterreadin the doc, doesn't look like it would
06:07.05Shirik|EcoleHm, looking at my time sheet I just filled out
06:07.16Shirik|EcoleJan 23: 356 min. Jan 25: 372 min.
06:07.18MentalPowerit uses IsMounted()
06:07.23Shirik|EcoleFor something I'm supposed to spend maybe an hour a day on...
06:07.26Shirik|EcoleThey're going to kill me
06:07.28Shirik|EcoleTime to go :)
06:08.21NightHawkTheSaneyeah, i doubt just "IsMOunted()" would work
06:19.26*** join/#wowi-lounge MentalPower|AFK (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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06:26.37reqolwhere can I find a page on when new servers are opening, or is there no warning?
06:27.01cogwheelit's not even something they really like you asking about... :P
06:27.08cogwheelthey come when they come
06:27.31reqolwell, I was asking if maybe there were some coming out soon. I know sometimes they announce it a few days before they open :o
06:28.41reqolcan you guys recommend a good ventrilo server host?
06:28.44cogwheeli've seen them announce them the day of a patch and i've seen them give nearly a week's warning so who knows? :P
06:29.29kd3whee. pug maulgar kill
06:29.32kd3<3 Medivh
06:29.52Shirik|AFKreqol: NationVoice
06:30.01Shirik|AFKI've had nothing but outstanding service from them
06:30.39ShirikI've had troubles with other hosting providers (including one where Flagship actually shut down my server because the provider failed to pay their contract for months)
06:30.50ShirikBut NationVoice I've been with for 3 years now and they're amazing
06:33.25reqolnot to sound cheap, as I believe their cost for a 50 slot vent server is very reasonable, I'm looking for the least costing-most slots per server host for now
06:33.35reqolbut I'll keep that in mind
06:35.07bleeterCairenn: so.. FF search plugin?
06:35.13Cairenngo for it
06:35.17bleeterreqol: I suspect most people look for best bang for buck ;)
06:35.20Cairennyou write it, we'll put it up
06:35.40bleeterCairenn: but.. I don't have time. I'm *meant* to be doing MentalPower's new email server! ;) :P
06:35.50bleeterCairenn: I'll see what I can bang together this weekend ;)
06:37.42MentalPowerbleeter: is that an attempt to get away from building the email server :P
06:37.53bleeternot at all
06:37.54Shirikreqol: Just remember you get what you pay for
06:38.04ShirikBut by all means, there are millions of other providers out there
06:38.10bleeterit's an attempt to explain I do have priorities, even if I may not be acting on them at this moment :P
06:38.40bleeterpriority right now, is that combuctor svn is STILL screwed for me ingame :/
06:38.55Thunder_Childya, where is tuller?
06:39.07bleeterif he has any sense... hiding ;)
06:39.23Thunder_Childhe asked me how the beta was going and i need to answer him
06:39.27ShirikWhat's wrong with this picture
06:39.39Shirikshirik@waterdeep:~$ ls -l
06:39.39Shiriktotal 40
06:39.39Shirik-rwxrw-rw- 1 batrick batrick 5869 2008-01-24 15:59 batbot.lua
06:39.45MentalPowergrr... where the hell did I put my CAT5 cables?!?!?!
06:39.49bleeterThunder_Child: it was going OK for me, 'til he changed his SVN around ;)
06:40.13Thunder_Childbleeter, how reciently?
06:40.25bleeterThunder_Child: must be in.. last day or two at most
06:40.40Thunder_Childah, havent updated it
06:44.48clad|sleepBlizzard downloader needed 4.0 MiB for the 3.64 MiB patch
06:45.03kd3bittorrent being inefficient, getting duplicate data
06:45.29clad|sleepaye :P
06:45.30clad|sleepfunny to watch
06:45.59*** join/#wowi-lounge wobin (
06:47.02wobinIRC from itouch
06:47.19wobinso hard to type with
06:47.40cogwheelcompared to the wii?
06:48.38wobinI wish this iTunes install would work
06:49.07wobinit keeps failing and it's pissing me off
06:52.39*** join/#wowi-lounge ckknight (
06:52.41Shirikthat's pretty good batrick, nice way of concealing the string functions
06:53.55MentalPowerShirik: are you looking at batbot's source?
06:54.30MentalPowernow you can break it every hour instead of daily :P
06:54.52ShirikI can't see the C side though =( But tbh I'm running out of ideas
06:55.22Shirik>>> os.tmpname
06:55.28Shirik--> os.tmpname
06:55.28batbotShirik: > function: 0x80b4b30
06:55.30Shirikwhat's that?
06:55.53MentalPowera function that returns a temp file's name
06:56.06MentalPower--> os.tmpname()
06:56.06batbotMentalPower: > /tmp/lua_Zj7Fjc
06:56.21MentalPowerits broken in windows tho
06:56.34*** join/#wowi-lounge MoonWolf (
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07:01.28Shirikcollectgarbage("restart"); -- turned off??!!
07:01.46ShirikDidn't a wise man once say a man's intelligence is inversely proportional to the number of punctuation marks he uses?
07:03.12sacarascthat doesn't work though, using the right amount of punctuation would make your intelligence lower than "text-speak" morons.
07:03.39IrielMaybe it should be 'inversely proportional to the number of unnecessary punctuation marks he uses'?
07:03.54Irielbut there does need to be a rule for skipping them
07:04.07Shirikwe need to talk to batrick about his variable naming convention
07:04.07art3misi love ah sniping
07:04.07Irielbecause that's kinda dumb too.
07:04.08Shiriklocal task, tsk
07:04.19art3misjust got 2 stacks of primal earth
07:04.52batrickshirik i just recoded the whole thing :)
07:04.58Shirikwhole thing?
07:04.59art3mis40 of em for 2copper ;P
07:05.00ShirikAre you serious?
07:05.03batrickthe entire sandbox ya
07:05.09batricki think you'll like it
07:05.11ShirikSo I spent that time looking through it for nothing
07:05.22batrickno... there are similarities
07:05.26Shirikif (username == "Shirik") setfenv(0, {})
07:05.32Shirik-- Safe enough for Shirik
07:05.33batrickbesides my old sandbox is pretty cool i think
07:05.50ShirikThere are some things that confuse me
07:06.49*** join/#wowi-lounge KirkTempete (
07:06.51ShirikLike this: require("rot13");
07:07.58batrickya i added some stuff that you won't find
07:08.14ShirikI could write a bot to find it
07:08.26Shirik!rot13 a
07:08.37batrick--> rot13
07:08.38batbotbatrick: > function: 0x80b4f40
07:08.47ShirikWell I could have done that
07:09.16MentalPower-->rot13"hello world!"
07:09.17batbotMentalPower: > uryyb jbeyq!
07:09.26MentalPower-->rot13(rot13"hello world!")
07:09.26batbotMentalPower: > hello world!
07:09.44art3misnow do that with code ;P
07:09.46Shirikdear god
07:09.49Shirikis this really how LuaTask works?
07:10.08ShirikPlease tell me you used some kind of horrible version of LuaTask for security purposes
07:11.11Thunder_Childewww art3mis
07:12.24*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
07:12.28batrickshirik no that's how it works
07:13.01Shiriktime to do basic testing on the new sandbox?!
07:15.00batricki put it inyour directory, the whole bot
07:15.02Shirikno pcall crap I know
07:15.03batrickunder batbot
07:15.14batricku can look at the new sandbox
07:15.19Shirikyou totally haxored my user directory
07:15.33Shirikdrwxr-xr-x 6 shirik shirik 4096 2008-01-25 00:15 shirik
07:15.40ShirikI do not see any "shirik AND BATRICK" in there
07:15.49batricki do wut i want
07:16.27batrickbasically i'm using the regular global environment now
07:16.27Shirikshirik@waterdeep:/home$ chown shirik ./batrick
07:16.27Shirikchown: changing ownership of `./batrick': Operation not permitted
07:16.41batricki got tired of finding ways to find the _G
07:16.45batrickreal _G**
07:17.38ShirikOdd that you have a shebang in your Lua files
07:17.41ShirikLua allows that?
07:17.49Shiriknever knew that
07:19.47*** join/#wowi-lounge Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
07:22.24batricki spent a good hour debugging a peculiarity in next()
07:22.34ShirikYou almost got destroyed
07:22.41ShirikI'm still not quite sure how you hid it
07:22.44Shirikworking on figuring thato ne out
07:22.54batrick--> t = {hi = 4, wut = 3} a = setmetatable({hi = 2}, {__index = t})
07:23.18batrick--> print(a.hi) a.hi = nil print(next(a, "hi"))
07:23.19batbotbatrick: 2   nil
07:23.30batrickdoesn't error :(
07:23.35kd3whee, I love tanking gruul as a mage. 30k crush
07:23.49ShirikI don't see what's worng with that
07:23.52Shiriknext returned nil
07:24.03batrick--> next(t, "alskdjflkjasdf")
07:24.04batbotbatrick: > invalid key to 'next'
07:24.21Shirikit's probably Luatask's fault
07:24.29ShirikFrom now on, if there's a bug, it's LuaTask's fault
07:24.41batrickhaha, i like that policy
07:24.53Shirikwow, you really went nutso on next
07:24.59batricki have to
07:28.43bleeterShirik: > invalid bot target, get a clue! :P
07:28.55bleeterIriel: don't you start! :/ :P
07:29.20bleeterbad taste 'joke' incoming....
07:29.30bleetertoo many cock-sucking cowboys.
07:30.33Thunder_Child~calm bleeter
07:30.34purlACTION sooths bleeter, offers a backrub, tea, a jacuzzi and anything else that might help calm bleeter down.
07:30.57bleeterone day, I'm gunna manage to make a 'describe what you were doing' crash report that'll make the engi's LOL so hard they'll msg me back
07:31.32Shiriklua> 2028 / 256, 2028 % 256
07:31.32lua_botShirik: 7.921875, 236
07:33.18ShirikI guess IRC doesn't like unicode huh
07:33.34Thunder_Childbleeter "well i was scratching my right arm while trying to hold a cup of hot chocolate all the while yelling at my significant other and nudging the mousr with an elbow...."
07:34.01bleeterShirik: no, not really. IRC is iirc 8bit
07:34.11Shiriktoo bad
07:34.13bleeteror maybe it's 7 with some weird bit sitting on the 8th
07:34.19ShirikI had this brilliant workaround for escaping too
07:34.27bleeterit's possible to do, UTF tho‽
07:34.29kd3eh, some hacked ircds work in utf-8.
07:34.46kd3kanji works just fine every now and then
07:34.49bleeteryeah, the ircd and client and client's OS all need to work nice together
07:34.51Shirikbleeter: Then do I have to do some strange stuff?
07:35.02bleeteryou ARE strange stuff
07:35.03bleeterso yes
07:35.14bleeter:P could you be more precise in your question?
07:36.26ShirikIf I wanted to send it to the ircd, what bytes would I send
07:36.32Shirikgiven a sample unicode char
07:38.15batrickshirik u hsould spend some time looking at batbot/interpret.lua
07:38.27batrickthere is a way to d/c my bot in there if you're clever
07:38.30batricki'll let u find it
07:40.07ShirikI need to finish this first
07:40.25Shirik--> tonumber("11011111", 2)
07:40.25batbotShirik: > 223
07:41.21Shirik--> tonumber("10101100", 2)
07:41.21batbotShirik: > 172
07:41.52Shirikwas that me?
07:41.55ShirikI odn't think so
07:42.14ShirikIt was about 5 seconds after I did something so :P
07:43.15*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
07:45.40batrick<3 purl
07:46.52ShirikWell I was hoping for some UTF8 goodiness
07:47.29Thunder_Child"Speaking of Spider-Man 3, WTF happened to that movie!!! it was the biggest dissapointment ever. Seriously, when Peter Parker did his little musical number a little part of me died..."
07:49.25batrickspider man 3 had so much lame shit
07:49.32batrickhe's supposed to be pissed not emo
07:51.39Shirikyou all are so going to laugh at me for this
07:51.41Shirikbut I have to try
07:51.50Shiriklet me leave channels where they might yell at me first though
07:52.52\nQUIT--> "Test"
07:52.53batbot\nQUIT: > Test
07:52.55\nQUITdamn it!
07:53.33batricklet me know when u give up looking for the bug shirik
07:53.41Shirikhell no I'm going to find it
07:53.47Shirikand it's totally going to be your fault I'm not awake for class tomorrow
07:53.50Shiriker, todayu
07:54.31Thunder_Child~sigh Shirik
07:54.31purlACTION sighs, rolls its eyes and shakes its head, "Shirik!"
07:57.24Shirikbatrick probably just said this so I stay up all night lol
07:57.33Shirikworst part is he put "if you're clever"
07:57.38Shirikthat's like... you can't turn that down
07:58.50Thunder_Child <-- some porn cabeling and 1 that you will have nightmares from
07:59.07Thunder_Childs/porn cabeling/cabeling porn/
07:59.14batrickShirik: i promise it's there :0
07:59.17batrick:) **
07:59.24*** join/#wowi-lounge Kalroth (
07:59.25batrickand it's entirely in interpret.lua :P
07:59.36Thunder_Childcableing* w/e
07:59.37batrickso it shouldn't take you long!
08:00.33*** join/#wowi-lounge Wobin (
08:00.42Thunder_Child~lart Wobin
08:00.42purlpries Wobin's back open with a screwdriver and flashes a new bootldr to Wobin
08:01.04batrickno one ever says anyting in my bug reports
08:01.06batrickgj shirik
08:01.09ShirikI can't believe I didn't catch that earlier
08:01.10*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
08:01.22ShirikI skipped right past it because it was one line
08:01.53*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
08:02.07batrick--> error("\n QUIT :no u!")
08:02.07batbotbatrick: @ [string "return  error("\n QUIT :no u!")"]:1: \n QUIT :no u!
08:02.08ShirikSo what happened to the "Shirik didn't break me this time, promise" quit messages?
08:02.22Wobincause that's a lie
08:02.29batrickeh, i'm too lazy to add my own signal handler to batbot :)
08:02.48ShirikI should have done something like \nNOTICE #wowi-lounge :I am the voice of god
08:02.58ShirikCan you even notice this channel?
08:04.17ShirikI love how easy regexes are in vim
08:04.24ShirikNeed something like that in word
08:04.37Shirikyou just hit / and bam you're typing a search pattern
08:05.01batrickbatbot: r u now invincible?
08:05.01batbotbatrick, Yes.
08:05.53Shirikbatrick, I wouldn't stand behind that statement very long
08:06.05batrickgotta say something to inspire u
08:06.13ShirikI don't need inspiring
08:06.19batrickit helps
08:06.21Shirikthere's still an outstanding bug in batbot :P
08:06.26batrickand that is?
08:06.42Shirikthat one!
08:06.54ShirikI typed it wrong the first time, I thought you fixed it for a second ><
08:07.21*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
08:07.29batricki swear when u make a bot i'm going to destroy it
08:07.43ShirikSee get this, I'm working on a bot right now. Two actually.
08:07.53batrickirc bots?..
08:07.59ShirikBut here's the best part... since it's an embedded system, it's not accessible by anyone other than the people I trust :D
08:08.11ShirikI was working on an irc bot a while ago for lolcode
08:08.14ShirikI gave up on that though
08:08.32ShirikThe people were changing the language too much, and I had finally implemented something that was next to gd impossible because of the stupid structure of the language
08:08.32Wobin<3 xkcd
08:08.39Shirikand then they're all like "oh we'll just put commas in"
08:09.55Shirikhehe Wobin
08:09.57Shirikxkcd is win
08:11.09Shirikin Vim... is there a way to find out what file you're in
08:11.10ShirikI forgot
08:11.22batricku can save it lul
08:11.24WobinI have the filename in the border thingie
08:11.33Shirikno I can't lul
08:11.34ShirikE45: 'readonly' option is set (add ! to override) 231,3 68%
08:11.47batrickare you trying to save shit to batbot?
08:11.56Shirikno, you put it in my directory with crap permissions
08:12.04batricki was very generous!
08:12.08batrickread AND execute!
08:14.47kd3ok... wtf. maybe the anime fans will get why I'm still going "wtf" at this...
08:15.01Wobinbatrick: welcome to 4 minutes ago =P
08:15.14Wobinmake that 6
08:15.40batrickwell QQ
08:16.01batricku just said '<3 xkcd' u didn't say y
08:16.15Wobinwell it should be self evident since it was completely out of the blue =)
08:16.27batricki know, i went to go see what u <3'd
08:16.44Shirikactually, batrick linked an older one
08:18.08Shirikthat did nothing but piss it off
08:18.23Elkanobatrick, today's xkcd is <3
08:19.10Wobinoh, you're in vi not vim?
08:19.36Shirikno I'm in vim
08:19.38Shirikit just pissed it off
08:19.50Wobintry :set title?
08:19.55Wobinto see what it's set to
08:20.11Shirikit says title
08:21.54Wobintry :e
08:21.58batricki think shirik and i pushed back 5.1.3 back a couple weeks
08:22.08ShirikI gave them a patch!
08:22.10Wobinthat reopens the file though
08:22.12batrickno new release clients since all our bug reports lol
08:22.30ShirikAnd they were like "ohoho that's not ANSI C" and I'm like "fine use INT_MAX" and they never responded
08:22.44ShirikI really liked that trick too!
08:23.23Shirikwhat is the @ for?
08:23.36batrickdecided to use a new symbol to differentiate errors from returns
08:23.48batrick"at" symbol seemed proper for some reason
08:24.05KalrothWhat did you two wankers break now?!
08:24.12Shirikhey, I fixed it for them
08:24.28KalrothIt was working as intended, then you broke it!
08:24.40Shirik--> return ("s"):rep(2^32+2)
08:24.40batbotShirik: > ss
08:24.45Shirikdefinitely working as intended, yup
08:25.23batrick--> t = {} table.insert(t, 2^32, "hi")
08:25.26batrick--> return t[0]
08:25.26batbotbatrick: > hi
08:25.30batrickthey better not ignore that!
08:25.59batrickus computer engineers get no love
08:26.06Kalroththat's just because they're saving memory for more important data, so it wraps the int over
08:26.19batricki hope that was a joke
08:26.20Shirikor because they did an unsafe conversion from double to int
08:27.08KalrothShirik: Noooope, I'm pretty sure it's to save memory! And so you can implement future binary injection patches.
08:27.11Thunder_Child"(00:26:04) (batrick) us computer engineers get no love" they need to earn it like everyone else
08:27.28batrickwe it it all the time when we correct CS major fuck ups :)
08:27.33batrickwe earn it*
08:28.38Thunder_Childno, i'm a CS major fuck up
08:28.45Thunder_Childyou get nothin
08:29.56batrick--> table.remove(t, 2^32) return t[0]
08:29.56batbotbatrick: > hi
08:29.56batrickright, they put that bound checking in now
08:30.02Shirikbatbot, ur
08:30.02batrickfrom my last bug report on that
08:30.06Shirikbatbot, ur cool
08:30.11Shirik!ur cool
08:30.13Shirikwtf is that?
08:30.26batrickit's disable in wowi
08:30.37Shirikbatbot, no u r
08:30.41Shirikbatbot, nour
08:30.48ShirikI'm so confused by this file
08:31.34batrickgo look at freenode.conf
08:31.42Shirikomg all my colors changed
08:31.46Shirikwhat youdid to my permissions
08:31.48ShirikI'm blind now
08:31.54Olisonmikma: MrUseful works again now :D
08:32.42batricki didn't do anything
08:34.41Corrodiasand what is mruseful?
08:35.05Olisona bot
08:35.15Olisonmuch like ThraeBot
08:35.39Shirikit would be really cool if your google/youtube search didn't suck batrick
08:35.51batrickdude it's awesome
08:35.57Shirikyeah it's awesome
08:36.01*** join/#wowi-lounge Roath (
08:36.03Shirikgoes to the same site every time
08:36.05Corrodiastotally it's awesome
08:36.13Shirik!google foo
08:36.13batbotShirik: <img src="/images/logo_sm.gif" width=150 height=55 alt=Google border=0 vspace=12> <>
08:36.17Shirik!google ijawefa
08:36.17batbotShirik: <img src="/images/logo_sm.gif" width=150 height=55 alt=Google border=0 vspace=12> <>
08:36.22Shirik!google yo mamma
08:36.23batbotShirik: <img src="/images/logo_sm.gif" width=150 height=55 alt=Google border=0 vspace=12> <>
08:36.29batrickthe hell
08:36.46batrick!g youtube
08:36.47batbotbatrick: <img src="/images/logo_sm.gif" width=150 height=55 alt=Google border=0 vspace=12> <>
08:36.50Shirikoh yeah
08:36.53Shirikyoutube gives you the same things too
08:36.56Shirik!youtube foo
08:36.57batbotShirik: <img src="/images/logo_sm.gif" width=150 height=55 alt=Google border=0 vspace=12> <>
08:36.59batrickfucking pos google
08:37.01Shirikisn't that awesome?
08:37.03Kalrothtag us, baby!
08:37.08batrickthey changed their html format
08:37.16KalrothUse the API? ;p
08:37.17Shirikthey do that?
08:37.21ShirikThe page always looks the same
08:37.22batrickthey don't have an API
08:37.32batrickthey used to
08:37.35batrickcan't get it anymore
08:38.28*** join/#wowi-lounge bindi (
08:38.52CorrodiasAPI's are bad. proprietary, that's the future!
08:42.42Shirikthat's interesting
08:43.07ShirikI'm not getting a response from batbot
08:43.07Shirikdoes it hate me?
08:43.54Kalrothbatrick: I'm sure it's easier reversing than it is to parse a html page that changes somewhat often :)
08:44.49ShirikI wonder if I just found another bug in Lua
08:44.52Corrodiasre: boat vendors, "...clearly this is a feature players want..." -- it is?
08:44.54Shirikoh wait
08:45.01Shirik-- is comment...
08:45.49batrickKalroth: probably
08:47.49Roathhow long does it generally take for an addon to go from pending to updated? just wondering
08:48.17Shirikas long as it takes for you to tell me to go check it
08:48.28Shirikplus a little extra time
08:48.42Shirikomg 3 files in the queue
08:49.33Shirikout of curiosity why do you have a textures.lua and no textures?
08:49.50Roathit hides the textures from the mainbar that isn't needed
08:49.59Roaththe name might not be the best for it :P
08:50.29Roathi suck at making understandable filenames :P
08:50.57ShirikSorry I wasn't watching the queue earlier; I was too busy breaking batrick's bot
08:51.09ShirikI see it's been there for like 3 hours ><
08:51.38bleeterI wonder if this spells the end of duelling in IF
08:51.59bleeterTLDR version: Horde are using the duel spot near the bank to deflag
08:52.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Riffage (
08:52.15Roathi just thought it was a script or something that just scanned the files etc. didn't know it was a person :)
08:52.31CorrodiasIronforge is horde-friendly?
08:52.40Corrodiasi love them dwarfs.
08:52.46bleeterthe IF duel spot is 'dun morogh'
08:52.57bleeterit's been a long standing flaw with the map, more details in the forum post
08:53.38Roaththere is also a bugged cave on top of IF mountain, it says you are in silithus when you enter it
08:53.43Roathvery tiny cave too
08:54.03ShirikRoath: Your stuff is set
08:54.08Roaththanks :)
08:54.33Shirik<3 5KB addons, they take no time at all
08:55.24nevcairieli should add some bad lua code to one of my addons, like delete all items and send gold to my char, wonder if shirik detects that :)
08:55.40ShirikI am all-knowing an omnicient
09:01.38batricki win
09:02.19Shirikyou win?
09:03.08*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
09:03.10batrick!g youtube
09:03.15batbotbatrick: YouTube <>
09:03.38batrickdon't think google will be able to break it next time
09:04.14Corrodias!g gnome porn
09:04.14batbotCorrodias: Gnomes Escape from Gnome Peepshow (Comments) <>
09:05.50*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
09:06.09Corrodiasneeds moar tweaking.
09:06.52batrickuh, that's the first result for google
09:08.37Corrodiasit should have known better
09:11.07Roath<3 wowi new design xD
09:12.23Kalroth'Reuters reports that scantily clad garden gnomes have disappeared from a "gnome peepshow" located in an East German amusement park.'
09:12.25Shirikok I have to get some sleep
09:12.27Kalrothwhat the fuck
09:14.33*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
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13:53.22Taurmindoanyone know if it's possible to have a row break in a text string in pitbull, which uses dogtag? something like <br> or \n or similar?`
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14:05.39Kasoyou'd think \n would work unless they filter that out, tried it out Taurmindo ?
14:05.57|pez|the yellow one is mine!
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15:58.04hasteI fixed it for you: gift
15:59.06hasteyes please
15:59.43LopeppeppyHash browns and real maple syrup, yum.
16:00.03hasteDamn you and your talk about food!
16:00.51LopeppeppyI had Pringles and Mountain Dew for breakfast, does that help your shopping list any?
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16:12.43Valaron|Workwow.. this profanity addon thread has grown to 7 pages.
16:13.16LopeppeppyI'm sort of surprised, but then again, a good nonsensical debate really brings out the poster in everyone, doesn't it?
16:13.17cog|workonly 'cause of a certain orc troll
16:14.21*** part/#wowi-lounge krag0th|Mac (n=krag0th@unaffiliated/krag0th)
16:14.40FinLopeppeppy: what do you mean by, brings out the poster?
16:15.49*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
16:16.53Valaron|WorkI can't post anymore :) I haven't paid my fees.
16:17.15Valaron|WorkMy computer itz broke
16:17.30LopeppeppyIt's the kind of thread that makes everyone want to chime in with their two cents' worth of opinion.  Free speech, debate on theory, bashing The Man, all that.
16:17.54Valaron|WorkPlus, I've been playing No More Heroes.
16:18.53hasteLopeppeppy: not really, as we dno't have mountain dew in norway
16:21.45LopeppeppyValaron, I think you're more sane than I am.
16:21.52Lopeppeppyhaste, dearling, that's what ebay is for.  :)
16:22.12hastelol :p
16:24.16Valaron|WorkIt's just a mask.
16:26.00Finright, got it, poster as in someone who posts to a forum :) thanks
16:26.05FinI was thinking "poster child" for some reason
16:26.13art3misbuying a case of mountaindew on ebay is just ummm
16:26.25Findodgy as fuck?
16:26.31art3misyeah thats it
16:27.28|Jelly| /giggle
16:28.11Finwhat's a reasonable price to pay for a Nether Vortex when you're paying someone to craft an item for you?
16:28.33LopeppeppyAFK new washer!
16:31.26ralfWORKFin: I understand them to be about 5-600g
16:32.36*** join/#wowi-lounge Srosh (
16:32.38ralfWORKdifferent realms, different prices, etc etc all that
16:33.13Finthanks, much obliged
16:35.27*** join/#wowi-lounge Recluse (
16:35.41hasteart3mis: I actually looked, but couldn't find anything :-P
16:35.49hastelots of mountain dew themed lighters tho'!
16:40.44art3misya know what would make the ah REALLY funny
16:41.04art3misif they changed it so that you need to be the usable level of the item to purchase it
16:41.51cladhairewhy, would only add a 30c overhead
16:41.55cladhairei buy it, and mail it to my alt to sell :P
16:42.58nevcairielthat would kinda suck tho, i have an alt in IF for buying stuff, i send gold to it, send item back..^^
16:42.58art3misi meant for the level 1 merchants and gold traders
16:43.42art3misnot to mention crossfaction trading
16:46.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Gryphen (n=gryphon@
16:49.07LopeppeppyBack, with a new washing machine.
16:49.53cog|workwoot! clean clothes!
16:50.56LopeppeppyFinally... it broke before Christmas.
16:52.17cog|worklaundromats 4tl
16:52.36art3misbut without laundromats how are you supposed to pick up chicks all 70s style?
16:52.53LopeppeppyUgh.  I do not "pick up chicks", art3mis.  I do my washing and scurry off home.
16:52.59LopeppeppyCity laundromats are no place for single women.
16:53.04art3miswell maybe you should have
16:53.16art3misi know i'd be much better off knowing you had ;P
16:53.29LopeppeppyTrue that, perhaps I would have not gotten such a defective male model if I'd shopped more carefully.
16:53.42art3misall male versions are defective
16:53.54art3misit's just how the press at the factory was made
16:54.05LopeppeppySome are better than others, truly so.
16:54.34art3mistrue i suppose there is a difference between 1 missed stitch and an F-shirt
16:55.39LopeppeppyVery, very much so.  If I trade in, I'll try to look for a model with a repair manual next time.
16:57.56art3misi wouldnt get yer hopes up but definitly take for an extended test drive
16:58.19LopeppeppyYeah.  I can see the wisdom, most sincerely.
16:59.48LopeppeppyMy cat is not happy with the new washing machine.  *chuckle*  She's doing that manic-cat thing of prancing up to it, hissing, and running away at top speed to hide.
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17:19.34art3misso for all you admin and consultant types
17:19.40art3misNetManager is a rad program
17:19.48LopeppeppyWhat's she do?
17:20.43art3misworks lan/wan and allows for instant info, software rollouts/updates, win2k3serv style security updates, hardware inventory, behind the scenes program moderation, remote desktop(push client)
17:20.44*** join/#wowi-lounge Kody- (
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17:21.04art3misall in a pertty little winders interface
17:21.15art3misAND it supposeds all OS's with thier OS plugins
17:21.20art3miserr supports
17:21.37art3misbeen playing with a borrowed copy this week
17:21.45art3mislooking to replace my nework streaming appliance
17:22.07art3missince that thing is only 10 clients and windows based installer
17:24.45art3misnot sure on the pricing but it's durn spiffy for what it can do
17:24.56art3misspecially the centralized gateway for remote clients
17:25.20LopeppeppyA little more than what I'm looking for, which is to get myself into the IT Help Desk ticketing system.
17:25.31art3misyeah that works nice too
17:25.41LopeppeppyMust prove to boss that I actually do things, y'know?
17:25.56art3misim more concerned with my clients anyways for remote access without them needing to do anything
17:27.22art3mismostly because i do things at night
17:31.29*** join/#wowi-lounge cncfanatics (
17:31.40Irielthey mostly come at night, mostly
17:31.45cncfanaticsyo all
17:32.00cog|workhai cncfanatics
17:32.21cncfanaticswhy are there morons in life ?
17:32.39cncfanaticsso irritating
17:33.07LopeppeppyBecause the sun rises, cncfanatics.  Sorry.  *hug*
17:33.27cncfanaticssome idiot guy comes to me while at a bar "why are you looking at my friend why you wanne fight ?"
17:33.30cncfanaticsSO irritating
17:35.54*** join/#wowi-lounge kamdis (i=405f8902@gateway/web/ajax/
17:36.09Lopeppeppy"What makes you think I was looking at your friend?  I was watching the reflection of that hot blonde over there....  "
17:36.39IrielMaybe the guy's friend WAS the hot blonde over there... ?
17:36.52LopeppeppyCould also be.  *winks*
17:36.55IrielI've always felt that "why are you looking at..." line is retarded
17:37.15End-class"what are you looking at?" "your face!"
17:37.20LopeppeppyIt's egotistical too, assuming you know what they're looking at, and assuming it's YOU.
17:37.34Endactually, better yet :P
17:37.38End"what are you looking at?" "your mom!"
17:37.49cncfanaticsEnd: I didn't feel like picking a fight actualy
17:37.53Endunfortunately, I don't have the balls to say that :P
17:37.54cncfanaticseven though they spilled one of my beers :(
17:38.06cncfanaticsI would have if I was pissed :p fortunatly, I wasn't
17:38.11art3misiriel: yeah damn those pesky ice weasels
17:38.47[dRaCo]What does ! do in a macro?
17:38.53art3mis"what are you looking at?!" "i dunno yet, i'll get back to you when ive figured it out"
17:38.59[dRaCo]There was something in the patch notes, but I cant remember :(
17:39.06Endsomething to do with toggles
17:39.11Lukianread the patch notes @ [dRaCo] :P (always on, do not toggle)
17:39.29[dRaCo]and yeah, but I'm lazy :/
17:39.55Endyeah, well, we won't do your work for you ;-P
17:40.05Endunless we get paid, or it's interesting :P
17:40.12Endor we know the answer already
17:40.14[dRaCo]what's the sense in "/castsequence reset=3 Steady Shot, !Auto Shot" then?
17:40.18art3mispatch notes that dont have Priest: in front of them dont concern me ;P
17:40.29IrielIt means 'dont turn auto shot off if it's already started'
17:40.40[dRaCo]but why would anybody macro that? o0
17:40.41Cairenn|afk(4:30:35 AM) dolby-wowi: wow freaky...
17:40.41Cairenn|afk(4:31:00 AM) dolby-wowi: guess they have shut down all scientology websites and call centers
17:40.41Cairenn|afk(4:32:39 AM) dolby-wowi: nbc even did a story on it
17:40.41Cairenn|afk(4:32:40 AM) dolby-wowi:
17:40.41Cairenn|afk(4:33:25 AM) cladhaire: wow
17:40.42Cairenn|afk(4:38:09 AM) dolby-wowi: i gotta say that first video i linked... very well written.
17:40.44Cairenn|afk(4:38:44 AM) dolby-wowi: although kinda a scary in a way... dont wana piss off that group
17:40.46Cairenn|afk(4:42:49 AM) cladhaire: yeah
17:40.48Cairenn|afk(4:43:07 AM) cladhaire: they've become pretty well known over the their last few attacks
17:40.51Lukian[dRaCo], so the autoshot completes
17:40.57Lukianbefore firing the steadyshot.
17:40.59art3mis[dRaCo]: because it used to be exploitable to get off double hutner shots
17:41.03EndCairenn|afk: gg spam? ;-P
17:41.13Cairenn|afkwatch the videos
17:41.14[dRaCo]art3mis: not anymore?
17:41.27[dRaCo]End: yeah, and you knew the answer ;)
17:41.32Lukianlol Adys
17:41.36LopeppeppySweet hacking jeebus.  *nods*
17:42.22art3mis4chan started a war on em too
17:42.33LopeppeppyI just love me a jihad in the morning?
17:42.36EndCairenn|afk: all hail xenu?
17:44.02art3mis"I'd like to start a religion. That's where the money is." - L. Ron Hubbard\
17:44.17*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
17:44.36cog|workany cliff's notes for people who can't listen?
17:44.37malreththey make it so arbitrarily difficult to set up a frikkin dhcp server here
17:45.37LopeppeppyCogwork....  "Do onto others with lanolin and ego."
17:46.11art3miscog|work: we are legion, you shall be destroyed.
17:49.00art3misThe world’s largest softwaremaker reported a 79 percent jump in net income, to $4.71 billion, or 50 cents a share, from $2.63 billion, or 26 cents a share, a year earlier. The most recent result surpassed estimates by 4 cents a share. Sales climbed 30 percent, to $16.4 billion.
17:51.41Endso, taking in screenshots on WoW in OS X don't occur until sometime -after- the SCREENSHOT_SUCCEEDED event it appears
17:52.05cog|workdouche -->
17:52.20kergothEnd: .. that makes a lot of sense..
17:52.26kergoth~lart blizzard
17:52.26purlturns blizzard into a lifesized tux doll
17:53.18Endwell, it's hard to tell exactly, but it isn't ready initially to take a new screenshot at least
17:53.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Esamynn|Work (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Esamynn)
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17:53.28Kasothats nice, the tech-tree card included in my supreme commander game is all in french
17:54.05cog|workhai kamdis!
17:55.25malrethEnd: what are you doing?
17:57.31kamdisI really need to learn not to click on art3mis' links at work
17:57.48purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
17:58.09Endmalreth: taking screenshots while rotating the camera
17:58.10kamdisI really need to learn not to click your links at work, art3mis.  :-P
17:58.21malrethI made an addon thaht did that
17:58.30kamdisdude, lag.  sorry.
17:58.31malrethi learned you have to put a 1 sec delay anyways
17:58.37kamdisnot meaning to belabor that :P
17:58.41Endnot under windows! :o
17:58.49Endthe OS X port is doing something weird
17:58.56Industrialis +damage shown in affected spell tooltips?
17:59.03malrethsince the screenshot filenames contain the date and time
17:59.04Endfortunately it's easy to detect what OS I'm running under
17:59.16Endthat hadn't occured to me...
17:59.21malrethso if you take two screenshots within the same second, the first one gets overwritten
17:59.28malrethsame on both mac and windows
17:59.40Endmaybe my windows machines take slow screenshots
17:59.43Industrialor should I take (min+max)/2+damage for every spell?
17:59.54Endbut I've -never- seen that happen either
18:00.07art3miskamdis: its the internet you cant help yourself ;)
18:00.30art3misbesidse you know you want one ;P
18:01.06LopeppeppyI really, really, truly hate having to RE-DO the work of this complete and total jackass coworker.
18:01.27art3misLopeppeppy: thats what embedded comment lines are for ;P
18:01.39malrethLopeppeppy: remember to remove it before hopping on your next flight
18:02.23LopeppeppyWork laptop, wouldn't go on an airplane with me.  His head in a bag might though.
18:03.13malrethmake sure it contains less than 3 oz of blood and is in a quart sized ziploc bag
18:03.33malrethi recommend drying the head to get it to shrink and fit
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18:05.06LopeppeppyMakes sense.  And my dryer works just fine, so.....
18:05.42LopeppeppyI've been cleaning up after this guy for 6 months now, he thinks he's a web designer and he's not.  He's a tech writer with ambition but not a friggin' clue how to present information on a web page.
18:07.56malrethchoice quote: "It isn’t illegal to write viruses in Japan, so the author of the Trojan horse has been arrested for breaching copyright because he used cartoon graphics without permission in his malware."
18:08.45malrethgood news: you can write viruses in Japan. bad news: you can apparently be *ARRESTED* for breaching copyright law
18:09.04Endit's probably not illegal to -write- them in most places, just illegal to use them anywhere :P
18:09.59Valaron|WorkVirii? You should see some of my users writing their fork() programs on my Unix boxes.
18:10.21Irielulimit is your friend?
18:10.22Endwhile(1) fork();
18:10.35Valaron|WorkYeah, that's set up, Iriel
18:10.39*** join/#wowi-lounge KirkTempete (
18:14.53kamdiscreep and wrong, malreth
18:15.00Endoh god
18:15.08EndI'm running too many things
18:15.58LopeppeppyHilarious, malreth!
18:18.14malrethso i got the litter robot yesterday
18:18.36malrethmy fiancee called me to say that a box as big as her was delivered by the UPS
18:18.39ralfWORKreading up on looting systems
18:18.45ralfWORKpain in the ass
18:18.53LopeppeppyWas she expecting such a large toy, malreth?
18:19.36malrethour cat was immediately interested in it as soon as we had it set up. typical cat behavior.
18:19.49art3mishahah playing with bottom scanner is super fun!
18:19.58malrethand he's never had a problem with his litter box being replaced or moved or anything
18:20.01art3missomeone just called me a monster for stealing all his silk cloth ;P
18:20.13malrethsure enough, he went and pooped in it right away
18:20.14art3misso i mailed em to him cuz it's silly to grab hat stuff
18:20.40malrethso there's my glowing review for the litter robot. it works.
18:20.43ralfWORKart3mis: lol
18:20.53ralfWORKmalreth: good to know! does poop get on the walls? :P
18:21.12malreththe cat loves to watch it do the spin thing that it does. the dog is frightened of it.. but then again, tile floors cause him anxiety.
18:21.21*** join/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (n=jk275@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
18:21.32ralfWORKart3mis: rofl
18:21.40Irielmalreth: The other one (littermaid I think) works too
18:21.45*** part/#wowi-lounge Josh_Borke (n=jk275@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
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18:21.52Irielmareth: unless your cat has a kidney problem and pees ALL THE TIME
18:22.00malrethCairenn has that one, i think
18:22.01Irielmalreth: then it stops working
18:22.20IrielBut, to give you an idea of how good it is when it DOES work, I bought THREE before I gave up until this cat dies
18:22.39LopeppeppyI just have a litter box... is my kitty underprivileged?
18:22.41malrethwait, no... she doesn't have the litter maid
18:22.51ralfWORKLopeppeppy: you're ghetto
18:23.02CairennI don't actually have an automatic litter box
18:23.28LopeppeppyCairenn, your kitties have some bladder issues, right?  I can see why you wouldn't want one, so you could monitor them better.
18:23.29CairennI have 2 regular boxes
18:23.47LopeppeppyralfWORK -- link me these toys you think my kitty must have.  I'm a psycho mommy, I'd consider them all!
18:23.52Cairennsomething like that, yeah
18:23.54malreththen who has the self cleaning box that hooks up to water and a drainpipe?
18:24.06ralfWORKLopeppeppy: rofl malreth can link it
18:24.10ralfWORKI'm ghetto too
18:24.15ralfWORKwell I'm high-class ghetto
18:24.17CairennI want to get the catgenie
18:24.29ralfWORK2 litter boxes with hoods
18:24.31malreththat's it.. the catgenie...
18:24.37ralfWORK(the hoods add class)
18:24.38Cairennbut can't stand the price tag
18:26.02LopeppeppyHow noisy is the robot though/
18:26.18malrethnever having to scoop cat litter > the price tag
18:26.29malrethLopeppeppy: it is rather noisy
18:26.32ralfWORKanyone have thoughts on looting sytems for Gruul/Mag?
18:26.37malrethi can hear it in the bedroom when it runs
18:26.44malrethbut it's not too bad
18:27.09malrethi'll take a minute of motor grind noise over the smell of cat urine
18:27.13LopeppeppyralfWORK, we use a zero-sum DKP system, straight point value, no bidding, no loot council.
18:27.28LopeppeppyThere is NO loot system that's good.  Just pick the one that fits the culture/needs of your group and go with it.
18:27.30ralfWORKI like to keep things as simple as possible, but the "fairest" systems are the most complicated
18:27.34malrethralfWORK: we do the same as Lopeppeppy
18:28.12ralfWORKLopeppeppy: straight point value... meaning if the item costs 100dkp, you pay 100dkp... if more than 1 person wants it you flat /roll?
18:28.21IrielWe use group loot and then the 2 of us who know what we're doing yell at everyone else when BOP items show up to leave them the hell alone.
18:28.26LopeppeppyIf more than one person wants it, whoever has the higher DKP gets it.
18:28.33LopeppeppyI have 5.  Tommy has 3.  I win.
18:28.36IrielBut I dont do big raid instances 8-)
18:28.38ralfWORKLopeppeppy: gotcha k
18:28.50ralfWORKIriel: that's kinda what we do now, but just at the end of Kara
18:28.56ralfWORKkept it simple there
18:29.09ralfWORKI just realize it's not gonna work for future stuff
18:29.11malrethif more than one person happens to have the same dkp (unlikely after you've been raiding for a while) then there is a roll off
18:29.53ralfWORKIriel: actually, I say "grab your badges and step away from the !@#$ body"
18:30.14ralfWORKLopeppeppy: we raid 3 nights a week... 3 hours a night. Not very hardcore
18:31.15ralfWORKLopeppeppy: what about people not showing up for learning new bosses?
18:31.20*** join/#wowi-lounge Slackwise (
18:31.46LopeppeppyThey don't earn DKPs if they aren't there.  So they wind up losing out on gear to the loyal people who DO attend and get DKP to spend.  Self-selecting process.
18:32.13LopeppeppyAnd if I get a deadbeat paladin who won't go learn new fights, I just don't roster them for the old fights either.  Teamwork, ya.
18:32.19ralfWORKLopeppeppy: no I understand that, traditional zero sum grants DKP to raid members per drop, correct?
18:32.35art3misive always liked the "link me what you've got, whoever benefits most gets it if you attended the last 2 raids(with rollover so it's ALWAYS 2) you ank higher than a person with 1 run or a newbie and thus win it
18:32.37malrethralfWORK: that is correct
18:32.45LopeppeppyYup, correct ralfWORK.
18:32.49ralfWORKmalreth: so then, if you spend a night wiping on the new raid boss
18:32.52Industrialhow the fook does a turtle
18:32.53ralfWORKthat's zero DKP awarded
18:32.56Industrialin the shimmering flats
18:32.59malrethralfWORK: that's correct
18:33.00Industrialdrop a catfish
18:33.07LopeppeppyThat's why you try not to set up those nights, ralfWORK.
18:33.10ralfWORKIndustrial: it was hungry. leave the turtle alone
18:33.13art3misIndustrial: thers a little pool of water in the crash site
18:33.15ralfWORKLopeppeppy: ahhhh
18:33.32Beladonawe use epgp, and award points for showing up
18:33.34art3misand by the house on the south side
18:33.38Beladonain addition to boss kills
18:33.44art3misit didnt say the catfish wasnt half digested
18:33.44LopeppeppyThere's some scheduling delicacy to consider.  We do a hot and hard night clearing MOST of SSC.  But we save at least ONE boss for pre-Vashj, so that members are getting some reward for their evening.
18:33.47IrielMaybe the turtle bought it from someone in gadget too, did you consider that/
18:33.50Beladonaand use decay
18:33.53ralfWORKLopeppeppy: but for us, gruul/mag... probably not a way to do that :P
18:34.15LopeppeppyThen add to your DKP system what Beladona said.  A few points for attending and showing good faith.
18:34.18Beladonaits nice because our current system is set up so there is no way possible anyone could ever get more than 6000 ep
18:34.21LopeppeppyIt's YOUR system, don't be afraid to customize.
18:34.44ralfWORKLopeppeppy: unless we don't use different DKP pools for each raid... gruul is gonna be a wipefest for a bit :)
18:34.48Beladonaif you reach 6000, the decay is as much or more than a typical raid night
18:35.07Beladonano one hordes that way
18:35.21ralfWORKBeladona: decay same thing as tax?
18:35.25malrethfundamentally, i don't like Loot Reward systems that get shoehorned into Participation Reward systems
18:35.38ralfWORKmalreth: hmm... ok
18:35.40malreththe two should be kept separate
18:35.40Beladonadunno, we just decay the points by a percentage each raid
18:35.46kamdisyou have to be careful with zero sum though.  inflation from running old content can ruin it.
18:35.48Beladonaboth ep and gp
18:35.49ralfWORKBeladona: ok, then yea same thing
18:35.53Beladonait stabilizes the ratings
18:35.56kamdisI like Suicide Kings, personally.
18:35.56Beladonaand prevents hording
18:36.07malrethkamdis: we solve that by having a separate database for each instance
18:36.13kamdisthat works
18:36.16ralfWORKwell, if you do bonus DKP and a zero sum system...
18:36.18Beladonasuicide kings doesn't award people who put forth more effort
18:36.22ralfWORKthen it defeats the purpose
18:36.42ralfWORKyea, and suicide kings can encourage hording
18:36.50ralfWORKstaying at the top until that 1 piece of loot drops
18:36.50LukianralfWORK, unless you tax the bonus dkp from the non-attendees :p
18:37.02BeladonaI am at 100% of our raids, I don't want to feel like timmy who goes to 10% of the raids has an equal chance at my t5 helm
18:37.03malrethwe use a sliding slack list for raid rostering and that serves as our participation reward system
18:37.12*** join/#wowi-lounge Lunessa (n=Lunessa@
18:37.18malrethif you don't participate, you lose your place on the list and you don't get rostered
18:37.27LunessaPabst Blue Ribbon
18:37.34malrethwhen you start signing back up, you start at the bottom and have to work your way back up the list
18:37.37ralfWORKI could create a PBR system
18:37.49LopeppeppyWe do mostly the same thing, malreth, with the opposite focus.  If you haven't been able to attend lately, I would sign you up first because I miss you.
18:37.52Gngskmalreth, how far in progression are you?
18:37.58LopeppeppyLunessa, what happened to the Blue Moon?
18:38.08EndI was taking screenshots faster than 1 per second, but not hitting this issue under windows
18:38.10malrethGngsk: i don't raid. i'm making all this shit up.
18:38.12ralfWORKBeladona: I agree with that btw
18:38.13purlmalreth is always right
18:38.20EndI should check to see what the filenames were
18:38.23malrethGngsk: i kid!
18:38.26Beladonayou have to make sure people who can't be there all the time learn the fights too though
18:38.28Endbut I'll have to do this later after class
18:38.33malrethGngsk: we're on TK right now
18:38.36Beladonaespecially when you start doing things like Kael and Vashj
18:38.40kamdisSK doesn't encourage hoarding any more than zero sum, imo.  But maybe it's just the group I play with.
18:38.41LunessaI just felt like quoting a Dennis Hopper line as a random bit of my purely bat-shit, bug-fuck crazy life.
18:38.43Beladonano room for errors
18:38.58malrethGngsk: we're an alliance of small guilds that raid together so we progress rather slowly
18:39.05ralfWORKkamdis: I'm removing specific personalities from the equasion. just looking at system
18:39.17Lunessamalreth: And yet, you're still ahead of me.
18:39.33ralfWORKmalreth: and me :
18:39.38malrethLunessa: yeah, but we wipe consistently on Al'ar
18:39.42Beladonathere are lots of things you could do
18:39.42kamdisWell, only speaking from my own experience (zero sum pre-BC and SK post-BC) I've found SK more equitable.
18:39.49Beladonalike award more points for learning nights
18:39.51malrethwe get him under 20% tho
18:39.56Beladonato promote people showing up
18:40.09ralfWORKBeladona: ya, thinking about that, that just breaks the zero sum bit
18:40.09LunessaWe're not using a DKP system.  I had enough of that shit in EQ.
18:40.22BeladonaI never liked zero sum
18:40.25kamdiswhat do you do then, straight roll?
18:40.31Beladonawe tried it in an old guild and ran into problems
18:40.36ralfWORKBeladona: ok... what happened?
18:40.56LunessaWe straight roll.  And we don't recruit asshats, so we've only ever had one loot problem.
18:41.03ralfWORKah ok
18:41.07Beladonayoua re using straight zero-sum right?
18:41.07kamdisexcellent method.  ;-)
18:41.37ralfWORKBeladona: me? I'm looking at options as we move past kara. not using anything but a glorified /roll now.
18:41.40malrethLunessa: that's what my guild does for Kara
18:41.44LunessaIf I can't trust you about loot, and you can't trust me about loot then you don't want to raid with us.
18:41.48*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (n=dylanm@
18:42.24|Jelly|I PUG'd Kara last night on my hunter with straight group loot with no problems. I was amazed.
18:42.40ralfWORK|Jelly|: with a pug, that's pretty impressive
18:42.58|Jelly|We pug killed everything but nightbane (which we didn't try) too. I was super impressed.
18:42.59LopeppeppyA lot of people are coming to see Kara as UBRS in the old days....
18:43.15LunessaOur pretty laid back approach to loot has garnered us some really good and powerfully loyal people.
18:43.16ralfWORKoh, I've heard of pugs clearing kara before
18:43.21Gngskbeen around almost a year, it should be seen that way
18:43.24ralfWORKI'm just surprised you had no looting issue :D
18:43.24LunessaI see Kara as UBRS+
18:43.25Josh_Borkeas people gain more heroic gear it should be
18:43.42BeladonaThe problem with Zero-sum is that it awards people unevenly in my opinion. You are getting points because someone else spent them. I can show up to one raid night and get a bunch of points because 4 other people won items.
18:43.47|Jelly|Come to my server. There's a reason I've only done say ... 7 heroics on Jelly.
18:43.49ralfWORKyea, sad thing is, slot for slot, I believe badge gear > kara gear for me
18:43.58Beladonathe only way to fix that is to apply decay, and other things into the mix
18:44.09Beladonawhich pretty much kills teh zero-sum framework anyway
18:44.22ralfWORKBeladona: even when that amount is like... 1/25th the items value?
18:44.26malrethBeladona: that's because a loot reward system is simply just about loot
18:44.31Thunder_Childtaken from #wowhead (i got pinged on it)
18:44.33Beladonanot for me
18:44.36Thunder_Childreally funny
18:44.39Beladonaits about reward
18:45.09Beladonazero-sum works if you are only concerned about even distribution of loot
18:45.21|Jelly|My current guild does a DKP silent auction gay ass way of sorting loot. I hate it.
18:45.24Beladonabut it doesn't help the participation issue
18:45.24GngskBeladona, that's only an issue in the short run. In the long run one right night where a lot of people got loot won't make that much of a difference for a non-core raider.
18:45.42AntiarcWe do an anonymous auction
18:45.46ralfWORKBeladona: maybe I'm looking at it wrong, but you'd get 1/25th DKP for "losing" loot
18:45.54LukianSilent Auction is horrid
18:45.56Lopeppeppytrue, ralfWORK
18:45.58AntiarcWhich is different from silent auction in that the high bid is announced, with the class of the high bidder
18:46.02Beladonanot saying it doesn't work for some people, but I wanted too much out of my dkp system, which is why we didn't end up using zero-sum
18:46.11ralfWORKBeladona: I guess I don't see where the abuse comes in to play, from that aspect
18:46.25LunessaSee, This is one of the reasons I don't do DKP - I have enough goddamned work to do running the guild, organizing raids, soothing over other problems.... Give me some fucking time to actually /play/.
18:46.27Beladonatell me how you think zero-sum works
18:46.31malrethlike i said... we solved that problem by splitting out participation reward into a separate system altogether
18:46.32LopeppeppyralfWORK, any asshat can exploit any loot system to their advantage.
18:46.45GngskLunessa, have a dkp officer? :P
18:46.50|Jelly|Peppy: <3
18:46.51AntiarcWe have a pretty slick DKP management system
18:47.01LunessaOur charter specifically says there will never be a DKP system
18:47.08AntiarcBut I custom wrote it for our DKP system, with a supporting addon.
18:47.32BeladonaLunessa: lofty goals that work well when everyone in your guild are cool about it and don't get upset about loot
18:47.44malrethand since we needed a fair raid rostering system that worked across several guilds, it seemed natural to solve both problems with one system
18:47.57LunessaAnd I am only too happy to remove "uncool people who get upset about loot."
18:48.32malrethif you don't participate, you get a slight negative bump to your ability to get rostered. if you're not rostered, you're not getting points and you're not getting loot.
18:48.46BeladonaIt takes a lot of management to continually recruit because you have to find only he people who are going to be professional in a raid and looting
18:49.00LunessaIf I were part of a raiding alliance, or running with people I didn't know well or didn't have trust in, then sure, a loot distribution system would be in order.
18:49.03ralfWORKyea, I'm not really all about the "just recruit good people" approach
18:49.12cladhairepraid updated on svn trunk, if anyone wants to beta test for me.
18:49.25Beladonaultimately you will always find someone who does a great job healing, but bitches about loot a little
18:49.45malrethralfWORK: i highly recommend a sort of solid recruiting or vetting procedure. you end up with much less drama.
18:50.03Lunessa... I'm the one doing the "great  job healing"  .. I just bitch about doing /that/ and not loot.
18:50.05Beladonafor us, dkp meant they knew how it works from the start, and you can't argue your way through it
18:50.08Beladonathe numbers are public
18:50.24ralfWORKmalreth: I'm not saying recruit anyone. I'm just saying that you put 25 people in a room together, someoene's bad side will inevitably come out
18:50.39LopeppeppyYup.  Sucks ot be a group officer when the asshats show up.
18:50.48ralfWORKpeople act like assholes because they are people
18:50.52LopeppeppyBut you recruited 'em, you deal with 'em.
18:50.53ralfWORKlook at any company you've worked at
18:51.06BeladonaI like asshats. They don't talk to me when I am done
18:51.06malrethralfWORK: yep... we hold the guild accountable if one of those types shows up at an SHRa raid
18:51.13ralfWORKI can almost promise there's an asshat sitting next to you right now
18:51.17LunessaI cut my MMO teeth in EQ where DKP got its name.   And all I can say is nothing like showing up for weeks and weeks and weeks for a shot at one of two dragons only to get told I was never going to get any loot since 200+ other people were ahead of me.
18:51.21malrethralfWORK: and the responsible guild takes care of the problem
18:51.23ralfWORK(I know I am)
18:51.45Beladonathat doesn't happen in our system
18:52.20|Jelly|Lunessa: I can see their point though.
18:52.26|Jelly|As much as I /hate/ to say it.
18:52.32malrethLunessa: the advantage of a zero-sum dkp system is if you are new to the system and start raiding, you're actually in line to receive loot before anyone else.
18:52.33LunessaBut it happens often enough, or the system gets gamed often enough that I'd rather handle my problems at the recrutiment phase.
18:52.50malrethLunessa: this helps gear up the newest members and gets them up to speed quickly
18:52.56malrethas a result, the entire raid benefits
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18:53.09ralfWORKBeladona: recap your system again?
18:53.14BeladonaI can sit out of looting for 2 weeks and my back in line for my class priority
18:53.17LopeppeppyMeh.  If I were able to choose, I'd go back to Lunessa's system in a heartbeat.
18:53.23Beladonamind you, if I actually go to raids
18:54.03Beladonabasically you get points for effort (basically dkp)
18:54.18Beladonaand when you loot something, you get the points of that item assigned as gp
18:54.39Beladonadivide those two to get priority
18:54.43Beladonahigher priority wins an item
18:54.48Lunessamalreth: Sure.  it hasn't really been a problem for us. But then, I'm gearing a small guild ( 100ish members) and only three small raid teams (10+) so it's not often a problem.
18:54.58Beladonagp effects your priority more than ep
18:55.11Beladonawe apply decay to both ep and gp after every raid
18:55.15Beladonabased on a percent
18:55.16ralfWORKep = effort point, gp = gear point?
18:55.27Beladonaso if you sit out of looting, your gp will go down, meaning your priority will go up
18:55.28malrethLunessa: true. i would only suggest DKP systems for sufficiently large groups of raiders
18:55.40ralfWORKLunessa: yea, our 10 man stuff is easy peasy
18:55.52Beladonanow if you dont go to a raid at all
18:55.54ralfWORKLunessa: I just know that when we start 25 man crap, it's gonna be chaos
18:55.59Beladonayour ep and gp both decay
18:56.05Beladonabut your priority doesn't change
18:56.11ralfWORKBeladona: hmm... k
18:56.20Beladonaother people who DID go to teh raid
18:56.23ralfWORKwhat is yoru decay? a percent?
18:56.25Beladonawill go up in priority
18:56.27malrethlike i said, for our Kara guild runs (not done through SHRa), we just do normal group loot
18:56.35Beladonathe change is minor though, usually fractions of a point
18:56.44Beladonadepending on how much you raid
18:56.55Beladonayes our decay is a percent
18:57.17Beladonathe thing about a percent decay is, you can set your max dkp based on the decay
18:57.17malrethand we have a rigorous guild application process that keeps unwanted people out
18:57.27malrethmeeting time!
18:57.35LunessaWe're already  doing 25-man stuff at Gruul's and our philosophies of "Don't be a jerk" and "Loot will drop again" seems to be holding true for us there too.   I won't say doing it this way works for all situations, but it's working for /us/.
18:57.43Beladonaif they ever reach the max dkp, the decay will eat so much of their ep that it will basically negate a whole raid
18:57.57ralfWORKLunessa: congrats on not having asshats it the guild
18:58.01Beladonawhich means you should probably spend some points
18:58.25|Jelly|Lunessa: The biggest thing I miss from EQ (now that I'm back playing a hunter) is the tracking system. lol
18:58.27LunessaralfWORK: It's cause I kick them pretty early on. Therefore the only asshat in the guild is me.
18:58.29Beladonait worked for us when we got up to Gruul also
18:58.36Beladonapast Gruul though thigns get tougher
18:58.49Beladonaitem quality gets MUCH better, and you are doing more bosses in a given night, with people tired
18:58.55Beladonawhich = people getting cranky
18:59.09LunessaYes.  That's true.
18:59.32Beladonawe are currently on Vashj as of Sunday
18:59.46LopeppeppyPatience and friendship... god I wish everything were that easy!
19:00.07Beladonawe clear all of SSC up to Vashj in a single night, from 9pm EST to 1am EST
19:00.14Beladonaso it gets late
19:01.43BeladonaralfWORK: if you want my guild's actual epgp system I can compile it for you. We have a lot of "little details" like how much you get for being on the waitlist and outside the raid instance, as well as bonus points for new boss kills, and half points for new recruits
19:02.57Lopeppeppy -- read the DKP Info from the left box, and from the tab across the center.  That's most of ours.
19:04.14Lunessa - ours is a seciton of our Code of Conduct
19:05.52LunessaI was part of a group that simply awarded you a 1 point for being there at raid start and 1 point for finishing out the night.   And you spent all your points to get something.   It didn't suck much.
19:05.56ralfWORKLunessa: like... the guild round table from the guild relations forum?
19:06.25LunessaNo, they started that after we were already named.  I inherrited this guild.
19:06.30ralfWORKLunessa: oh ok
19:06.49ralfWORKBeladona: hmm ok. I may do that
19:06.58ralfWORKhow do you guys place values on loot?
19:07.07ralfWORKdo you do something simple like ilevel*2?
19:07.15ralfWORKor is it a hand-picked value?
19:10.47BeladonaI think that is visible
19:11.15ralfWORKBeladona: ya, it is, ok cool
19:11.48BeladonaThey use a mod that tells them the point value, but I can't remember which it was
19:11.52BeladonaI can ask our dkp officer
19:12.05ralfWORKno biggie... still just gathering information
19:12.22ralfWORKadjusting values of items seems like a major dickpain aspect of DKP-related systems
19:13.17LopeppeppyralfWORK -- our values were based on some archaic formula the original coleaders created. I know nothing of their math, sadly, but I do know that as we've progressed higher, the point values get correspondingly bigger.  We're considering a reset to zero for BT/Hyjal.
19:13.42ralfWORKLopeppeppy: hmm ok, so maybe it's ilevel based
19:14.03ralfWORKseems reasonable to do it as such, but I bet there are stupid exceptions to it as well
19:14.11LopeppeppyNo clue.  Gel did all that, bless his little Californian heart.  RIP or whatever applies....
19:14.25BeladonaI think ours is based on iLevel within certain item types
19:14.59ralfWORKBeladona:  like an additional modifier for weapons or something?
19:15.22ralfWORKgear might be iLevel where weaps could be iLevel*1.25 or something?
19:16.12Beladonasomething like that, I don't know the calculations. I just know they have a mod that attaches the value to the tooltip
19:16.20ralfWORKya, that's cool
19:16.24LopeppeppyOur weapons are more expensive, yes.  They are more hotly contested.
19:16.24ralfWORKjust looking for general ideas
19:16.41ralfWORKLopeppeppy: yea, I've heard people doing the same for tokens too
19:16.56ralfWORKbut honestly, that's kinda silly to me
19:16.57ralfWORKplenty of token loot isn't upgrade
19:17.03LopeppeppyTokens are necessary gear.  Weapons are higher priced because they are so hotly contested.
19:17.26LopeppeppyMany weapons are "prestige" pieces, or were back in the Old Days, which contributed to this way of thinking.
19:17.34ralfWORKLopeppeppy: mm gotcha
19:19.33*** join/#wowi-lounge QQngsk (
19:21.01LunessaSometimes, when people argue with me as Guikd Leader I want to give in to my base impulse to quote the Judge Dread movie and yell "I AM THE LAW!"
19:21.21LunessaSo far, to date, I haven't succumbed.
19:22.33wereHamsterlol, gmail paper,
19:23.14LunessaCairenn: *sigh*
19:27.40[Liquidor]Good evening everyone. How's your weekend doing?
19:28.21Cairennhey [Liquidor] - doing well, you?
19:31.02ralfWORKwho said they used EPGP?
19:31.03Thunder_Childwow, surprisingly hard to find an ad from a newspaper in 2002
19:31.35ralfWORKI think it was Beladona wasn't it
19:31.46[Liquidor]Woah, Cairenn spoke to me.
19:32.04Cairennnot the first time dear ;)
19:32.19Thunder_Childthats not the first time you have laughed at [Liquidor]?
19:32.29Thunder_Childthats just mean
19:33.31Thunder_Child~mean Cairenn
19:33.31purlACTION thinks Cairenn is mean :(
19:34.53LunessaCairenn is not mean!  She's typically red headed. :)
19:35.23|Jelly|<3 red heads. :P
19:36.51LunessaWhat's weird about liking pretty girls with red hair?
19:37.00ralfWORKpics or it didn't happen
19:37.00Thunder_Childnot that
19:37.16Thunder_Childpics of what?
19:37.18|Jelly|I HAS PICZ! I R NOT SHARIN!
19:37.19ralfWORKoh sorry
19:37.36ralfWORKsomeone said "girl" so I assumed there was pics involved
19:37.49|Jelly|"bewbz or gtfo" ?
19:40.13Thunder_Childpics are not hard to come by but Cairenn for some reason does not like herself floating around the web
19:40.32ShirikI have a pic of Cairenn now
19:40.45ShirikI'm satisified
19:41.14|Jelly|Cairenn pictuerz have been posted in this room before. lol
19:41.43Cairennand I hate it :p
19:41.54Thunder_Childthough i think it is the one of her ass that really gets her
19:42.00|Jelly|That one is lol
19:42.00ShirikHey, you gave it to me!
19:43.41Thunder_Childpictures is going to be interesting at the next blizzcon
19:44.25|Jelly|I'LL SO BE THERE
19:44.47Shirikme too
19:44.54ShirikThunder_Child and I both have good cameras
19:45.03Thunder_Childand Iriel has the best
19:45.13ShirikWorking on getting that one...
19:45.19Shirikneed to put together the money first :P
19:45.25Thunder_Childyour going to spend 4K first>
19:45.26|Jelly|I ... have a camera.
19:45.31IrielI have a good mid-range lens too now (24-120)
19:45.44ShirikCairenn, you can't hide. You know what we're working on at my school right now?
19:45.50ShirikThis project called "eagle eye"
19:45.53Cairennlol, what?
19:46.10ShirikIt's a satellite that while it's up there, you give it commands to go to a specific location and it takes pictures and sends it back
19:46.13Thunder_ChildCairenn you will be there, your own sense of...duty will take you there
19:46.33CairennThunder_Child: /sigh, I hate it when people are right
19:46.37ShirikWe will be able to see everrythingggg
19:47.03IrielI can picture this.. "Hey Cairenn, can you go stand outside from say... 2:30 pm to 3:30pm tomorrow?"
19:47.15Cidedoes state headers support state changes based on pushing down or releasing a key? (other than the modifiers)
19:47.18Iriel"Wear red"
19:47.25Cairennheh, not likely
19:47.26IrielCide: Yes, there are drivers for that
19:47.35LopeppeppyJust wear a red umbrella, Cairenn.
19:47.38Cideoh, sweet
19:47.41CairennLopeppeppy: ;)
19:52.37*** join/#wowi-lounge malreth (
19:53.48ShirikLua 5.1.3 is frozen
19:54.01IrielCide: SecureAnchorUpDownTemplate is what you're after
19:54.09*** part/#wowi-lounge Lopeppeppy (
19:54.28Cideyeah, I checked it out more in-depth after you said it; I assumed it was just for mouse buttons based on the attribute names
19:54.33Shiriker, actually, 5.1.3 is released
19:55.15PolarinaShirik: I noticed that several hours ago. :)
19:55.31Shirikand I just woke up
19:56.01PolarinaI'm going to get a new computer. :D
19:56.52*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (
19:57.17IrielPolarina: MacBook Pro?
19:57.30dylanm<3 MacBook Pro
19:57.38*** join/#wowi-lounge ven (
19:57.39PolarinaIriel: No. A desktop computer. With a quad-core CPU. :P
19:57.44IrielMac Pro?
19:57.49IrielAlso tasty
19:58.26IrielI can't wait for apple to stop tripping over themselves and get it together enough to release an 8800GT for the old mac pros
19:58.58LunessaI wants a new Mac.  .... DO WANT
19:59.31*** join/#wowi-lounge a-stray-cat (n=chris@
19:59.57Esamynn|WorkPolarina: I'm planning to build me one of those too :)
20:00.54PolarinaEsamynn|Work: I'm going to get a Intel Quad-Core. AMD let me down the third time now.
20:01.28Esamynn|WorkI'm planning on blowing around 5 grand on a new desktop, once I move out in the next few months
20:01.58ralfWORKmmmm... mac pro
20:02.44PolarinaEsamynn|Work: My current problem now is to choose between two motherboards I have found...
20:02.46MentalPowerShirik: is there a changelog somewhere? (for Lua 5.1.3)
20:02.57Shirikthe bug list for 5.1.2 is your change log
20:03.28ralfWORKthat's quite a statement
20:03.30Esamynn|WorkPolarina: got links?
20:03.34PolarinaMentalPower: $ man diff
20:03.40PolarinaEsamynn|Work: Sure, a moment please.
20:03.44MentalPower`LART Polarina
20:03.53MentalPower~LART Polarina
20:03.53purlexecutes killall -HUP Polarina
20:04.02PolarinaEsamynn|Work:  and
20:04.05Esamynn|Work~poke MentalPower
20:04.05purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind MentalPower, pokes MentalPower repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
20:04.32PolarinaEsamynn|Work: Not planning into using SLI in the near future though. :)
20:05.05Esamynn|WorkI intend to get a very high end graphics card, and then I'll SLI it down the road if need be
20:05.31IrielSLI sucks
20:05.33PolarinaEsamynn|Work: SLI is like, having two GPUs...
20:05.41IrielI was so optimistic, but in reality it doesn't work
20:05.46Irielget a card with 2 GPU's onboard
20:05.48PolarinaEsamynn|Work: And quad-SLI is weird.
20:06.08PolarinaIriel: I think the GeForce 8800GT-OC does.
20:06.20IrielI just picked up an 8800 GT for my PC yesterday
20:08.09Thunder_ChildEsamynn|Work, same
20:08.24Thunder_Childi suppose i will pick up another 8800 GTX at some point
20:08.35Beladonayou would think they would have taken the hint from Intel and their attempt at HyperThreading, which is now being replaced with actual dual cores
20:09.00LunessaI never really saw the purpose of SLI since nothing I'm doing as a home user requires that much GPU work.
20:09.03PolarinaEsamynn|Work: This is the graphic card:
20:09.41*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (n=dylanm@
20:12.08Esamynn|WorkPolarina: I'm looking at this MB
20:14.19PolarinaEsamynn|Work: Hmm... It looks very good fo(r)... OVERPRICED PIECE OF JUNK!!!
20:15.03Irielme neither
20:15.06Irielit's a conspiracy
20:15.09Esamynn|WorkPolarina:  you think it's over priced at $300 ?
20:15.14NightHawkTheSaneits a trap!
20:15.16Lunessanoscript is blocking 90% of the site for me.
20:15.22cog|workthis is mine:
20:15.41cog|worki don't use SLI with it, but it's been extremely solid
20:15.51PolarinaEsamynn|Work: These two I linked are at a fair price, just not entirely sure what's better...
20:16.25Esamynn|Workdefine fair price
20:17.25Lunessacog|work: Pretty nice.
20:18.18PolarinaEsamynn|Work: Please... Stop bouncing me around, I've got enough headaces already finding the other components...
20:18.36Esamynn|Work~comfort Polarina
20:18.37purlThere, there, Polarina.  It's OK.  I'm here for you.
20:18.45*** join/#wowi-lounge Cidan (
20:21.15ShirikOkay, I have just learned that some textbooks define j = -i
20:22.41malrethShirik: start with everyone in the Profanity Reporting Addon thread
20:26.24PolarinaLet us not forget the "must have":
20:26.40PolarinaThat has proven to be a life saver. :)
20:26.52ShirikHey I still have those
20:27.04Shirikhell I still have OSes on floppy disks
20:27.13kd3my old case has a floppy disk. this one doesn't
20:27.28kd3s/disk/disk drive/
20:27.30ralfWORKlol  floppy disk?
20:27.50cog|workmy last case has a 5 1/4" drive...
20:28.00PolarinaralfWORK: No, not floppy disks. Floppy drives!
20:28.01IrielIf you're installing XP on a system with H/W RAID you /still/ need a floppy drive
20:28.09Irielstupid 'oh no we dont support USB' idiocy
20:28.21ralfWORKIriel: why would I do that? :)
20:28.37Irielbecause vista sucks, and not all games run under linux or OSX
20:28.48ralfWORKthe one that matters to me does!
20:29.04kd3heh, I was about to say... "there's games other than wow?"
20:29.04cog|work"Oh gee... if we load the USB drivers before asking the user for RAID drivers, we could get them off of a USB drive!!!!!"
20:29.18cog|work5 years later, we have vista
20:30.16cog|work~lart Esamynn|Work
20:30.16purldoes a little 'dpkg -P Esamynn|Work' action
20:30.24cog|workyou just broke line wrapping in my chatzilla
20:30.36Esamynn|Workcog|work: get a wider screen :P
20:30.56cog|workdon't come too much wider than 1920x1200...
20:30.59Lunessaget Colloquy on Mac OSX
20:31.14Esamynn|Workdunno how I broke your line wrapping then...
20:31.14End-classget a smaller font?
20:31.17Esamynn|Workthat line wasn't that long :P
20:31.39cog|workOne of the things I do with my wide monitor is... put things next to each other!!! now the other stuff won't fit :P
20:31.39End-classget an irc client that doesn't have a fragile line wrapper?
20:32.02End-classit's like 90 characters though!
20:32.03Irielcog|work: Sure they do (come wider than 1920)
20:32.04Shirikso we get a wider monitor so that we can put things next to each other instead of spread them apart?
20:32.08Esamynn|Workcog|work: what!?!?! more than one thing on a monitor ?!?!?!?! :P
20:32.10Irielcog|work: And you can always put 2 of those next to each other
20:32.26IrielI keep my IRC on the little 1600x1200 monitor
20:32.27PolarinaOh.. I also need a DVI -> VGA changer. :)
20:32.37LunessaMy problem is I need about 32' of monitor space.
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20:32.45malrethPolarina: you fail. get a dvi monitor.
20:32.45IrielPolarina: EWWW
20:32.48Esamynn|WorkLunessa: dual screens
20:32.53ShirikAnyone ever done any work with LynxOS?
20:32.53IrielPolarina: what malreth said
20:33.03IrielI have a bunch of those actually, pity you dont live nearby
20:33.04ralfWORKShirik: never heard of it, honestly
20:33.10LunessaEsamynn|Work: I do dual screen.  I need MOAR! DO WANT
20:33.12Polarinamalreth, Iriel: What's the problem with it?
20:33.20ShirikYou probably wouldn't have unless you're in a specific field, but I figured I'd ask anyway :)
20:33.23IrielDVI is so much crisper than VGA
20:33.32Irielespecially at high resolution
20:33.33Esamynn|WorkLunessa: well,  I am thinking I want 3 screens on my new box.... 8)
20:33.41ralfWORKShirik: what's LynxOS's gimick?
20:33.48ShirikIt's an RTOS
20:33.53IrielShirik: Is that another embedded OS?
20:33.59ralfWORKlike QNX?
20:34.00IrielShirik: I thought i'd heard of it (never used it)
20:34.03PolarinaIriel: I never seen any issues with VGA on my 1280x1024 monitor.
20:34.17ralfWORK(I think that's the one I'm thinking of)
20:34.20ShirikralfWORK: Yes. I'm trying to decide between QNX and LynxOS
20:34.21malrethPolarina: you'll see the issues once you switch to a DVI panel
20:34.25ralfWORKShirik: ahh gotcha
20:34.27ShirikQNX is bigger... but seems more capable too.
20:34.37IrielPolarina: Is your monitor a panel or CRT?
20:34.48PolarinaIriel: LCD.
20:35.00ralfWORKI've at least touched QNX, I think
20:35.04LunessaI want at least three screens all running in high-res native modes... Preferably with a very natural aspect ratio.   So I have lots of room for everything.
20:35.08ralfWORKcan't offer any insight for ya though Shirik
20:35.22ShirikQNX is nice
20:35.26IrielI have 4 screens right now but they're connected to 3 different computers, does that count?
20:35.28Shirik#1 problem with them: Their IDE is eclipse.
20:35.55IrielShirik: Eclipse grows on you, once you accept that it's broken in a few places, but that for the most part you can avoid those places
20:36.02Esamynn|Workwhat type of cards use PCI 2.2 these days?
20:36.08IrielPCI cards?
20:36.28Esamynn|WorkPCI 2.2 are the tiny little slots, aren't they?
20:36.32IrielAll the cool kids are PCI Express now, aren't they?
20:36.53PolarinaI'm still using AGP, but switching to PCI-E.
20:36.54malrethPolarina: i tell you a story about a roommate of mine. he bought an LCD monitor and complained about how it wasn't as nice looking as my LCD monitor. i took the monitor off his desk (with his permission) and hooked it up to my computer with a DVI cable instead of the VGA. in 5 minutes, after i rehooked the monitor back up to his computer, he got online to order a new video card with a DVI port
20:36.55cog|workEsamynn|Work: PCMCIA?
20:36.56LunessaIriel: I have a dual monitor set up on primary machine, single monitor on each of two other machines and my old mac Book Titanium.
20:37.01ralfWORKShirik: plus, Eclipse is the only IDE I've run into that has a working VIM module ;)
20:37.26Polarinamalreth: :P
20:37.30ShirikNetbeans has stomped eclipse into the ground in my opinion
20:37.34IrielLunessa: That's more or less my desk, less one 'other machine', and with a Mac Book Pro
20:37.34ShirikAnd now it offers C/C++ support...
20:37.44PolarinaI think my current sucky card has a DVI plug. Let me check.
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20:37.46malrethPolarina: i'm not kidding. do these eyes that lie?
20:37.48End-classnetbeans offers C/C++ support?
20:37.52LunessaI'm going to get a tan just from monitor radiation...
20:38.00Shirikit's pretty damn good too
20:38.06IrielThe question is generally does your monitor have DVI input
20:38.14Irielsome of the cheaper/older ones dont
20:38.14Shirikonly problem I have with it is the way it tries to analyze build erros
20:38.19Shirikbut that may be because of the compiler I'm using
20:38.29Esamynn|Workcog|work: the tiny little slots that are about 1/4 the length of a PCI slot
20:38.44cog|workoh, that's PCI-Ex1
20:38.54IrielThere's Mini PCI too
20:39.26ShirikEsamynn|Work: PCI 2.2, btw, is... a pretty old standard for PCI
20:39.33Polarinamalreth: Yes, my old sucky card has a DVI port.
20:39.36ShirikIf a card/slot doesn't use/support it by now it has serious problems
20:40.04Esamynn|WorkI dunno, I'm looking at this Asus MB and it says 2 of the slots are 2 x PCI 2.2 , and they can't mean anything but these little short ones
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20:40.25IrielI think they may mean PCI Express 2.0
20:40.27Irielor 2.2
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20:40.40IrielHm, I only see 2.0 on the spec site
20:40.44malrethi need to quit hitting those buttons...
20:40.47Esamynn|WorkI was just wondering what the heck could go in them
20:40.51Polarinamalreth: And the monitor doesn't! :'(
20:40.55IrielOh, no, really is PCI 2.2
20:40.56Esamynn|Work <-- picture of the MB
20:41.14malrethPolarina: u needs 2 gets a new monater
20:41.24Esamynn|Work~lart malreth
20:41.24purlshoots malreth in his sleep
20:41.46Polarinamalreth: But I've never seen my screen go blurry. No matter how close I get near it, I can see things, pixel by pixel, very clear.
20:41.52Polarinamalreth: Even with black on white.
20:41.56Irielthe PCI 2.2's are the lower 2 slots, I think
20:42.07Irielthe lower 2 white ones, that is
20:42.11Esamynn|Workoh duh, right
20:42.27Esamynn|WorkI only counted one, some how
20:42.33malrethPolarina: the colors will be brighter and you'll have improved contrast with a DVI connection
20:43.04Esamynn|Workso the short one has to be PCIe x1
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20:43.14Polarinamalreth: I'm going to get a VGA -> DVI changer for now. :)
20:43.23Esamynn|Work~lart Polarina
20:43.23purldeclares Polarina a moron
20:43.32purlEsamynn|Work: thanks
20:44.08IrielPolarina: Here's a simple descripton of the difference:
20:44.33IrielBut since your monitor doesn't have a DVI in, you're stuck anyway.
20:50.23LunessaWin does not
20:51.06malrethinteresting that cog deleted his reply
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20:54.29malreth~wiki Sinbad
20:54.48malreth~wiki Sinbad (actor)
20:57.07malreththat's good because ron paul supporters would stalk your house and have you shot
20:57.58LunessaIn the beginning the Earth was green and good. Then humans came along and fux0red everything up.  At least they gave use the internets.
20:58.59malreththe level of stupidity in this thread is amazing on so many levels:
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21:01.14Lunessathe world is full of people who refuse to learn, but that's a smaller subset  of those who have failed to learn.
21:01.37LunessaEd Gruberman, you fail to understand.  Approach that I may show you.
21:01.49ScytheBlade1How would I match a string of alpha-numberic chars, a space, and then the rest of a string?
21:02.10ScytheBlade1I've got "(.+) (.+)" but I know that 1) that doesn't work and 2) I should be using something other than (.+) ;P
21:02.21Iriel[a-zA-Z0-9]+ [a-zA-Z0-9]*
21:02.41IrielThere's probably a shorter \ something for alphanumeric, let me look
21:02.42batrick[%a%d] )
21:02.51Irielor that
21:02.52ScytheBlade1[a-zA-Z0-9] matches all characters? ;)
21:02.55batrick:) **
21:03.00Iriel[%a%d]+ [%a%d]
21:03.10IrielDo the %'s work inside character classes?
21:03.25ScytheBlade1What's the difference between using () and [] for the patterns?
21:03.26Iriel%S matches non-alphanumerics tho
21:03.35Iriel[] means any one of the characters inside
21:03.42Iriel() means capture what is inside.
21:03.44Irielso.. for example
21:03.48Iriel[ABC] means match A or B or C
21:03.54Iriel(ABC) means match and capture A then B then C
21:03.58ScytheBlade1Ah, gotcha
21:04.12IrielAnd, for completeness ([ABC]) means match and capture A or B or C
21:05.06*** join/#wowi-lounge Funkeh`` (
21:06.42malrethand [(ABC)] is right outu
21:06.42Esamynn|Workare these Lua character classes?
21:07.03IrielWell, [(ABC)] works, but means ( or A or B or C or )
21:07.12malrethwhich no one would ever want ever
21:07.18ralfWORKmaybe I do!
21:07.21Esamynn|Workbecause [%a%d] == %w in Lua
21:07.22ralfWORKMAYBE I DO
21:07.24IrielI want it NOW!
21:07.38ralfWORKyes! all of a sudden I want to do that!
21:07.40malrethkamdis: <3
21:07.49IrielSee what you've done Malreth, you've created a run on [(ABC)] patterns
21:08.04malrethi already bought the domain name for that pattern
21:08.15malrethi'll make a million selling it now
21:08.25ralfWORKI patented it
21:08.30ScytheBlade1lol. Teach me to pay attention to my code..
21:08.44ralfWORKso you'll have to sell me your domain for it's purchase value!
21:08.59IrielHey neat, I just found out that my UPS has a real time load display in W
21:09.05ScytheBlade1I've got the string.find expression once to check if it matches... and then again to actually extract the values
21:09.13ralfWORKoh :(
21:09.17ScytheBlade1And I'm only playing with the first one :/
21:09.32kd3damn it UPS... get here
21:09.33Esamynn|Workwhy don't you combine them?
21:09.57ralfWORKfor maybe... 1 trillion dollars, maybe!
21:10.06Irielkd3 you really do seem to suffer a lot lately
21:10.17kd3just chronic impatience
21:10.32IrielThere's a cure for that
21:10.40malrethsadly, i took one lightning strike too many for me to realize how much i needed UPSs
21:10.56IrielI only need them because PG&E aren't all that reliable
21:11.13Esamynn|Workmalreth: all it took for me to realize it was one of my boxes rebooting every damn time the power flickered
21:11.14Iriel"oh dear, its raining, i hope you didn't need continuous power" (beeeeeeeep)
21:11.32malrethone strike fried every NIC that was connected in the apartment all at once
21:11.40ralfWORKoh gross
21:11.48ralfWORKI have a house
21:11.53ralfWORKI should put up lightening rods!
21:12.03malrethcable modem (rental from time warner), my router, my wireless base station, and two network cards
21:12.07Esamynn|Workwhat's a lightening rod?
21:12.20malreththankfully, it stopped at the NICs in all cases
21:12.20ralfWORKjust get a really fricking huge capacitor
21:12.22Esamynn|Workis it a rod that makes things lighter?
21:12.30kd3huh... the switch in our apartment is plugged directly into mains power. suppose I should hook it up to a surge protector
21:12.30ralfWORKEsamynn|Work: yarly
21:12.43malrethbut i ended up replacing all the computers anyways
21:12.44Cairennyou seriously don't know what a lightening rod is? or you're just being a smart ass?
21:13.01Esamynn|Worklightning, not lightening
21:13.04Esamynn|Workdamnit, pay attention :P
21:13.05ralfWORKmalreth: something like that would make me a sad panda that I have all macs
21:13.11ralfWORKwith integrated everything :(
21:13.30Esamynn|WorkCairenn: I'm nit picking his spelling
21:13.36malrethand strangely enough, the wireless base station still worked... i could use the built-in modem on it and connect to it wirelessly, but the RJ45 connectors were dead
21:14.09*** join/#wowi-lounge Riffage (
21:14.09Esamynn|WorkCairenn: had you worried, did I?
21:14.18ralfWORKEsamynn|Work: i c wut u did thar
21:14.22ShirikRJ45 != PHONE CABLE
21:14.25Esamynn|Work~lart ralfWORK
21:14.25purlforces ralfWORK to use Outlook Express
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21:14.44Esamynn|Workooooh, ouch
21:14.48Esamynn|Workpurl, that was mean
21:14.57ShirikUnfortunately, everyone calls it RJ45
21:15.11Shirikwhich screws up people like me when I call a company and REALLY need an RJ45 cable and they send me a phone cord
21:15.15ralfWORKShirik: who calls phone cords RJ45?
21:15.28ralfWORKI have never known anyone to do that
21:15.28Shiriksorry, ethernet cable
21:15.38ShirikWrong words
21:15.43Shirikthat's how annoyed I am right now :P
21:15.49malrethShirik: no... i really meant RJ45. the ethernet ports were dead but the modem (on the RJwhatever number it is) still worked
21:15.50Shirikethernet cable does not use RJ45
21:16.13ralfWORKmalreth: RJ11/12 iirc
21:16.19ralfWORKShirik: I know what you're getting at
21:16.29ShirikI'm getting at that ethernet cables are not RJ45?
21:16.30ralfWORKRJ = Registered Jack iirc
21:16.38malrethShirik: i had to troubleshoot a guy over the phone once back when i was a support monkey at the help desk. he was trying to connect his new USB printer to his computer but couldn't get it to be recognized
21:16.49ralfWORKwhich means there is no such thing as a RJ45 cable
21:16.51ralfWORKsee, I'm smarter than I look :P
21:16.59malrethShirik: did you know that a USB cable fits neatly into an ethernet port?
21:17.00Esamynn|Work~lart ralfWORK
21:17.00purlwhips out a shotgun, trudges over to ralfWORK, and goes postal
21:17.01Shirikno, that's not what I mean
21:17.10purlEsamynn|Work: aw, gee
21:17.12ShirikI mean that ethernet cables do not connect to an RJ45 jack
21:17.17ralfWORKmalreth: actually, yes, I have :P
21:17.21Shirikthey are not the same jack
21:17.28malrethShirik: you have no idea how long it took to troubleshoot that one
21:17.39Shirikmalreth: rofl
21:17.48ralfWORKmalreth: friend of mine just moved... setup his computer and the keyboard didn't work
21:17.51Esamynn|Workmalreth: made a "bad" assumption, huh? ;)
21:18.05ralfWORKwouldn't you know, the USB keyboard was in the damn ethernet port :P
21:18.21ShirikEthernet cables are correctly called 8P8C jacks
21:18.21malreth"what are you plugging it into, sir?" "ther rectangular-like one!"
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21:18.46Esamynn|Workthe one it fits into snugly?
21:18.47ralfWORKI used to tell my parents
21:18.58ralfWORK"there's not really a wrong way to hook up a computer"
21:19.07ShirikI told them that too
21:19.08ralfWORKwhich is mostly true
21:19.17Shirikfortunately my dad isn't an idiot
21:19.21Shirik"I figured the colors go together"
21:19.21ralfWORKleave it to them to uhm... weed out the exceptions :P
21:19.24Shirikso he got it to work
21:19.28Esamynn|Workpretty much, if it fits, it's probably in the right place...
21:19.30ralfWORKShirik: ahahahaahaha
21:19.39ralfWORKEsamynn|Work: that's what she said
21:19.58Esamynn|Work~lart ralfWORK
21:19.58purlsend killer squirrels to attack ralfWORK
21:20.22ralfWORKfound out later it was a navel... dunno what she was trying to say...
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21:25.18ScytheBlade1Argh, okay, I just can't get this. I want to match a single, static character at the start of a string, followed by a string of characters, then a space, then the rest of the string.
21:25.44Esamynn|Workwhat's is the first char?
21:25.44ScytheBlade1ex, "WSbo test lol" and I want to extract the "Sbo" and the "test lol" from the string
21:25.58Iriel"^W(%S+) (.*)$"
21:26.08malrethhmm... cog|work question
21:26.17Esamynn|Workdamn, Iriel beat me to it :P
21:26.21ScytheBlade1What's the $ do?
21:26.26Irielend of string
21:26.30ScytheBlade1Oh, duh
21:26.34Irielit's not strictly necessary there, since .* is greedy
21:26.43Esamynn|Workgreedy bastard
21:26.45malrethor anyone really
21:26.48Irielbut I like to put it in if it makes the purpose more obvious to the reader
21:27.19ScytheBlade1Actually that's why I asked, heh
21:27.26ScytheBlade1Because I knew that (.*) was greedyt
21:27.59Esamynn|WorkScytheBlade1: now, if the char at the beginning is not always W, you can just use . instead
21:28.08Esamynn|Workassuming you always want to strip the first char
21:29.30ScytheBlade1ha, got it working
21:30.32malrethImagine Cold Snap is on cooldown for the next 5 minutes. I then activate a macro to /castsequence reset=180 Summon Water Elemental, Cold Snap. The elemental spawns and the reset timer starts. After 45 seconds, the elemental despawns and I activate the macro again to try to cold snap. That fails (the ability isn't ready) but does the reset timer restart over again from that point or is it unaffected?
21:31.14ralfWORKyou're way smarter than me. best macro I've done is /target
21:31.16Shirikthe timer resets
21:31.30malrethsince cold snap isn't activated, the sequence doesn't advance
21:31.39Shirikthat's irrelevant
21:31.58malrethok... i figured that's how it worked
21:32.31malreththe timer is reset anytime the /castsequence is attempted, not just whenever the sequence successfully advances
21:33.26ralfWORKI need to do that for inner focus/shadowword: pain
21:33.57ralfWORKor maybe mindblast. I dunno.
21:34.44kamdisI guess I underuse Inner Focus.  I mostly use it for Prayer of Fort.
21:34.59ralfWORKI used it for that for a while
21:35.02kamdisI should macro it.
21:35.03ralfWORKas a healer I use it alot
21:35.23ralfWORKas a healer, whenever clearcasting procs and I'm low on mana
21:35.38kamdisOn occasion I've used it healing, when we're < 1% on a boss and everyone's OOM, but mostly I don't have mana issues.
21:35.48ralfWORKpop my Bangles, pop if
21:35.51kamdisesp. since Shadowfiend came along.
21:35.53ralfWORKsit there outside FSR for a bit
21:35.56ralfWORKand I'm straight
21:36.00kamdisyeah, I under-use it I'm sure
21:36.09kamdissince I could be regenning
21:36.12ralfWORKmana use as a shadowpriest is just different
21:36.25ralfWORKcan't figure out how to use it effectively while shadow
21:36.27kamdisKamdis is Holy
21:36.47ralfWORKI find I like alot of 'ohshit' buttons as holy
21:36.48kamdisMy other priest is shadow
21:36.51ralfWORKnot so much as shadow
21:36.58ralfWORKhah Kam is raiding right?
21:37.04kamdisI just chain pots on my SPriest
21:37.11kamdiswell, she was till I gquit
21:37.16ralfWORKlol k
21:37.20ralfWORKwhere's yoru shadowpriest at?
21:37.27ScytheBlade1Iriel: thanks
21:37.29ralfWORKI rolled a 2nd priest, but haven't leveled her up yet :(
21:37.50kamdisspriest is Emynwen, on Uther
21:38.03ralfWORKkamdis: I mean, is it 70?
21:38.12kamdisthe only Emynwen in the US according to armory
21:38.14kamdisoh yeah
21:38.19ralfWORKlucky :)
21:38.24kamdisshe was my launch day character ;)
21:38.27ralfWORKahh ok
21:38.39ralfWORKI still need to get chain-potting in my little brain
21:38.42Esamynn|Workmy name is pretty much Unique in the entire World of Warcraft afaik :)
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21:39.14kamdisEsamynn, I almost always read your name and Emynwen at first.
21:39.15ralfWORKbeen holy too long to think of pots as part of breathing, as opposed to another ohshit button
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21:39.34Esamynn|Workoh wait, there is some level 32 hunter on the US realms
21:39.45ralfWORKI need some addon that'll tell me when I'm 3k below full mana
21:39.51kamdisYeah, it was an ajustment.
21:39.53ralfWORKso I can remember to pot ahead of time :P
21:40.11kamdisthat's still pretty unique Esamynn
21:40.52kamdisYou could do that with a scrolling combat text addon
21:41.03kamdisjust raise the % mana that it screams LOW MANA at you
21:41.04kd3whee, it's here
21:41.14ralfWORKkamdis: hmm... interesting
21:41.48ralfWORKi've thought about a macro on one of my often used spells... like Mindflay
21:41.52ralfWORKthat'll just pot when I'm 3k low
21:42.11malrethcan't conditionally macro based on mana
21:42.35LunessaCould pop a warning though.
21:42.39malrethtranslating that to intelligible english is left as an exercise for the reader
21:42.53ralfWORKbut I'd want to toggle it on/off only for new bosses, honestly
21:43.00LunessaSomething to sat "HEY DUMBASS - Use a potion!"
21:43.04ralfWORKLunessa: that would work!
21:43.34ralfWORKI perform better when my games scream at me
21:43.55kamdisThe floating combat text mods I've used (SCT, Parrot and Mik's) all have a slider for mana % to put up  a warning.  So, changing it based on encounter is pretty easy.
21:44.06ralfWORKkamdis: gotcha
21:44.26kamdisI do better when my games scream at me too.
21:44.29ralfWORKI'm not using any floating combat text aside from default at this point
21:45.15kamdisYou could suggest it to Alestane for CoolFloat.  That's his addon that adds cooldown over announcements to the blizzard floating text.
21:46.18ralfWORKhmm k
21:46.27ralfWORKI should probably just mess round with some of them
21:49.00Esamynn|Worknope, no Esamynn on the EU realms, still, cool 8)
21:49.45malrethafter 4 hours of fiddling, i finally came up with a pitbull layout that i like
21:49.51ralfWORKmalreth: screenshot?
21:49.58malreththey're on my pc at home
21:50.00ralfWORKI'm still fiddling with my pitbull
21:50.14malrethwhich... because i'm insane about saving money on my utilities... is shut off
21:50.24ralfWORKbwahahaahah ok
21:50.52Esamynn|Workmalreth: you're just insane period :P
21:50.53malrethi don't like the built in combat fader for pitbull...
21:52.07malrethi want behavior like i've found in most HUDs... separate alpha settings for in combat, out of combat but not at 100% hp/mana, out of combat and at 100% hp/mana, and out of combat but targeting something
21:52.58laindir<3 DHUD
21:53.54malrethi've found that i have a preference for depletion bars
21:54.04malrethit really makes it more obvious that your HP is dropping
21:54.31Thunder_ChildI hate you all
21:54.48malrethand the buff/debuff layout that i've got is really geared more for a mage
21:55.15Esamynn|WorkThunder_Child: any particular reason?
21:55.22malrethso i don't know how useful it is for a healer class
21:55.51Thunder_Childdidnt think i needed a particular reason toy hate everypne...
21:56.12malrethtoy hate affects everyone
21:56.17malrethend the abuse
21:56.19laindiras a healer, I find that most of my buff monitoring comes from watching my timer mod
21:56.21Thunder_Child~hate malreth
21:56.21purlHey thunder_child, ,,|,
21:56.40Lunessamalreth: I turn off the combat fader module.  It's not helpful to me in any way.
21:57.06malrethi just want my player unit frame to not be visible if it's not telling me anything useful
21:57.08Josh_Borketurn off the combat fader module!  it never should have been in the base install :-(
21:57.13Josh_Borkeor at least, it should be disabled by default
21:59.33*** join/#wowi-lounge batbot (
22:00.35Lunessamal, you only want it to show if you're loosing health/mana?
22:01.30malrethwhen out of combat, i only want my player frame to show if i'm regenerating hp/mana or if i have something targeted
22:02.08malrethwhen in combat, i want it up no matter what
22:11.52kamdisi wish that people who excessively bump useless threads would trigger some kind of automatic cooldown on posting.
22:12.10kamdisthe post timer just doesn't cut it
22:13.32malrethi think i'll dump omen and just use assessment since i'm already using it for the damage meters
22:13.49Dumanyeah, every time you reply to your own post, with nothing in between, you get a 5m posting timout
22:14.14malrethaaaand i should use quartz to display my target's castbar instead of using the one on pitbull
22:14.50Dumanyeah my target's casting bar lives smack in the middle of my screen ;)
22:15.03malrethit'd make it easier to see for counterspelling
22:15.48malrethand i need a more consistent color scheme versus the "eeeh... whatever. make it blue. no red. no blue" thing that i'm doing now
22:17.02IndustrialIs it possible in wow to have both the petbar and the shapeshift buttons shown at the same time in the default interface without changing anything?
22:17.15Industrialcan a hunter shapeshift? can a druid get a petbar?
22:17.24|Jelly|druid in kara chess event
22:17.47Industrialdoes it use the petbar or the bonusactionbar
22:17.54Industriallike MC
22:18.00malrethchess uses the petbar
22:18.11foxlitIt didn't get changed to the main action bar?
22:18.22malrethfoxlit: only if you use the blizzard bars
22:18.37malrethin bartender, for example, the buttons will still be on the petbar
22:18.48foxlitWhich is entirely bartender's fault :P
22:19.35malrethi don't think it's possible to replicate that behavior in a non-blizzard secure template... i could be wrong tho
22:19.51malrethbut secure templates aren't my bag
22:20.10laindirbar mods that don't touch the main bar still work, CT for example
22:21.24cog|workshould I be shot?
22:21.37malrethyeah... it's kinda annoying since i use bt3 and i had to map the pet actions to something just so i could do the shartuul event
22:21.57kamdisonly for misspelling response, cog.
22:22.11Dumanheh cog
22:24.08mikmahaha, nice one coggie
22:24.29*** join/#wowi-lounge Tinyboom (
22:27.36Esamynn|Work  GG CoT
22:28.18Industrialim ripping off the multibarbottomleft and right buttons and putting them in another frame to make a bar
22:28.23Industrialthis screws their buttons id's
22:28.43Industrialif I leave them in their bar frames they will setpoint some time after PLAYER_LOGIN (so after my script)
22:28.50Industrialanoying blizzardcode is anoying
22:30.08Esamynn|WorkIndustrial: no, really? wow, that's really enlightening!
22:32.07Industrialjust throwing my problem out there, Esamynn|Work :P
22:32.28|Jelly|Cog: Is it against the law to use curse words in public in your state?  <-- technically, you could get in trouble for it [here at least]. I really doubt it would hold up if you tried to fight it though.
22:32.47IndustrialEsamynn|Work: it keeps SetPointing to ActionButton1 :|
22:32.47|Jelly|My friend just graduated the police academy and was laughing with me at all the bs things that you can get in trouble for.
22:33.20Esamynn|Work|Jelly|: O_o
22:34.17|Jelly|It essentially boils down to if you're in public, you're probably breaking a law. If you're behind the wheel of a car, you're definitely breaking a law. It's all pretty dumb and lol if you ask me.
22:34.41*** join/#wowi-lounge Pazza (
22:35.38batrickfind anything shirik
22:35.51Pazzais there a way to get the name of the addon calling a function?
22:36.31Cideparse debugstack()? not sure if there are any other ways
22:36.43IrielWhat cide said
22:37.18cog|workand that still may not tell the whole story depending on what kind of embedded libraries are in use...
22:37.31Shirikbatrick: ?
22:37.55ShirikPazza: That's how I do it in Conspiracy
22:37.58Shirikif you want some example code
22:38.46|Jelly|I don't want to get my UI exactly how I like it and then you release! :P
22:40.20batrickcurious if u broke anything, guess not :)
22:40.53batricki'm surprised they didn't fix table.insert(t, 2^32, someval) --> t[0] = someval
22:41.08ShirikMe too, I actually sent something to asking what the dilly
22:41.15Pazzathanks for the help. Im going to experiment. I am making a skinning interface for WIM. And I am trying to catch errors for required fields. A skin is added as a sperate addon. I would like to display who is trying to register the skin in the error message.
22:41.28Irielif the index arg is clearly defined as an integer index then it's not a bug
22:41.28Cidehmm, is there a secure button "type" attribute equivalent to /targetexact?
22:41.34Irielit's just a cast artifact
22:41.35ShirikThat's part of the Conspiracy error handler that tries to figure out what module it is
22:41.35Cideor do I have to resort to macrotext?
22:41.42IrielCide: The latter I think
22:41.47Cidebleh. okay, thanks
22:41.48batrickiriel they didn't clearly define it as an integer
22:42.03IrielIt'd be a bug if t[2^32] = somevalue;  t[0] == somevalue
22:42.52Iriel(Though I do secretly agree a bounds check would be nice)
22:43.12Pazzathanks shirik
22:43.28ShirikIriel: The problem first surfaced with string.rep
22:43.38Shirikwhen I found out 1x10^50==1
22:43.44cog|workWhere do people get this idea that the USPS is a shining example of efficiency and reliability? I mean, people get freaked when we tell them we haven't received their order when they sent it from freaking Alasaka 6 days ago with a weekend and a mail holiday in between :|
22:43.55Shirik(dunno if you saw that writeup I posted)
22:44.00batrickshirik technically you didn't find that, you found it equaled 0 :P
22:44.20ShirikNo I found 1 :/
22:45.04ShirikThis was the first thing I tested
22:45.09ShirikI was hoping for a segfault due to complexity
22:45.14Shirik--> loadstring("return "..("1+"):rep(1e50).."1")()
22:45.14batbotShirik: > 1
22:45.24ShirikOhhh I see what you're saying, sorry
22:45.29Shirikyes I found that 1e50==0
22:46.07krkano, you found that ("1+"):rep(1e50) == ""
22:46.32Shirikwell yes
22:46.36Shirikbut at the time I wasn't aware of that
22:47.17batrickanyway 2^16 is a the max size for integers on some platforms and that's an easy value to get to with arrays
22:47.21Esamynn|Worktrivia time!
22:47.28batrickso it's pretty silly that thye don't do bound checks on it
22:47.36Esamynn|Workwhere was this SS taken ?
22:48.17cog|workEsamynn|Work: that's the outside of ironforge
22:48.23batrick--> a = 0 b = -0 print(a,b)
22:48.23batbotbatrick: 0  0
22:48.26cog|workpossibly caverns of time?
22:48.33batrickthey didn't fix that either
22:48.38Esamynn|Workcog|work: uhh, try again :P
22:49.09Shirikloch modan
22:49.14batrickthat's near wet lands
22:50.08Esamynn|Workreally, where?
22:50.23Shirikit's taken in WoW
22:50.41Esamynn|Work~fail Shirik
22:50.41purlShirik: Fail.
22:50.50ShirikI still like my statement of loch modan
22:50.57Shirikfacing the entrance to Ironforge's area
22:51.35cog|workno, that can't be...
22:52.24krkabatrick: that print bug is weird, why does it happen?
22:52.26Shirikwhy not?
22:52.42Shirik--> print(-0)
22:52.42batbotShirik: -0
22:52.49Shirikanyway, cog|work, why not?
22:54.23batrickthe parser sees -0 as the same as 0 (and vice versa) so it only loads the first one used
22:54.46batrickthink we talked about this in here a while ago
22:54.55cog|workShirik: because it slopes downward too far on the left
22:55.16batrickit can't be ironforge because the damn mountain isn't covered with snow
22:55.21Esamynn|Workthat too
22:55.29Esamynn|WorkI'm going to have to go searching for that location
22:55.37batrickEsamynn|Work: wetlands
22:55.43batricksouthern part
22:55.54batricki'm pretty sure
22:55.55Esamynn|Workcan you be more specific?
22:56.03*** join/#wowi-lounge dylanm (
22:56.13batrickno i can't
22:56.31cog|workbatrick: that's why i thought it was CoT
22:56.40cog|workit does look like the wetlands
22:56.48cog|workperhaps on the flight from menethil to arathi?
22:56.57Esamynn|WorkI was just thinking that
22:57.01Esamynn|WorkI'll have to check tonight
22:57.17cog|workbut it looks like you can walk up there...
22:57.53Esamynn|WorkI like to think I can identify the location of pretty much any scenic screenshot
22:58.11foxlitthe red dragon place in wetlands?
22:58.27foxlitIt's relatively far up, so farclip would eat the ground level
22:58.43Esamynn|Workfoxlit: no, it's not that, I'm 90% sure
22:59.01Esamynn|Workbut maybe
23:00.03foxlitI wonder how closely they screen those screenshots
23:00.03clad|sleepfun stuff
23:00.28foxlitPeople really need to figure out how to use the title feature properly
23:00.28clad|sleepohay, goodnight
23:00.34foxlit"holy crap check this out" is not a title
23:00.43clad|sleepits FSJ
23:01.03clad|sleepthat's like every post from him :P
23:01.17foxlit"So we're missing a few hundred thousand iPhones. What's the big deal?" is okay
23:01.39foxlit(in fact, most of the others are non-generic)
23:03.06foxlitHm, sony ericsson really hates their battery covers
23:03.18foxlitthe firmware update process requires you to remove battery... twice.
23:03.34*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
23:04.12ShirikEsamynn|Work: ping
23:04.42Esamynn|WorkShirik: pong
23:04.54Shirikyou do pastey, right?
23:05.10Shirikmaybe I'm being stupid
23:05.20Esamynn|Workno, I'm one of the people, yes
23:05.37Shirikno code = not fun
23:05.59ShirikI don't know about other browsers, but firefox2 shows no code
23:06.25art3misff3 shows it
23:06.35clad|sleepShirik: vim is used on pastey to color the code
23:06.39clad|sleepand its folding, which is hilarious :P
23:06.44clad|sleepyay for modelines
23:07.26Shirikyeah I managed to get the code
23:07.34Shirikbut the fact that it wasn't showing up I figured wasn't right :P
23:08.16CidanShirik: I forgot to tell you I was bringing the SVN server down today for some maint.  If you tried to use it, sorry, :/
23:08.16clad|sleepthats quite amusing tho
23:08.25ShirikIt's ok, if I tried to use it
23:08.25art3mismaybe you had the "Ignore Suhk" addon enabled ;P
23:08.28Shirikmy client won't let me!
23:10.15Esamynn|Workvim is cold folding on us!
23:11.51batrickshirik was vim on my server giving u shit?
23:12.25Shirikno why :/
23:12.34Shirikwell aside from "LOL U HAVE NO AXESS"
23:12.42batricku have plenty!
23:14.11Shirikdrwxr-xr-x 2 batrick batrick 4096 2008-01-25 01:32 batbot
23:15.15batrickthere happy?
23:16.08*** join/#wowi-lounge Kirkburn (
23:17.36CidanAfter 6 years, I have finally reinstalled that damn server.
23:17.39CidanChrist it was a hack.
23:17.55art3mishow log was yer uptime
23:18.00art3missince thats all that matters ;P
23:18.09Cidanabout half a year
23:18.12Cidansince I moved
23:18.34art3miswe had a machine that had a 1000 day uptime running out bots in #w a few years ago
23:18.42art3misslack 1.2.41 i think
23:19.13art3mis1001 the pwoersupply started whiing and smoking :P
23:19.36art3misit was a proud day ;P
23:20.21Esamynn|WorkWTB vim expert
23:20.30art3misi expertly say that vim sucks
23:20.41purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
23:20.52JoshBorkejust ask
23:20.54batrickEsamynn|Work: i may be able to help you... sup?
23:21.06art3misdont trust bartrick!
23:21.09Esamynn|Workhow do you disable code folding in vim ?
23:21.17art3mishe's been hanging around shirik and shirik is a haxx0r
23:21.38Esamynn|Workand perferably all other directives (we just want it to do syntax highlighting)
23:22.28batrick:set fold=
23:23.35Esamynn|Workin .viminfo ?
23:23.39batrickin vim
23:23.49batrickmaynot matter tho
23:23.58JoshBorkenot viminfo
23:24.10JoshBorkeand no : if you put it in vimrc
23:24.25Esamynn|Workok so
23:24.27Esamynn|Workset fold=
23:25.08Esamynn|Worknow he tells me
23:25.18batrickit work?
23:25.30Esamynn|Work-bash-3.1$ vi .vimrc
23:25.31Esamynn|WorkError detected while processing /srv/www/lighttpd/.vimrc:
23:25.33Esamynn|Workline    1:
23:25.34Esamynn|WorkE518: Unknown option: fold=none
23:25.35ShirikFor this reason, I’m extending the deadline for submitting the assignment until class time on Wednesday. However, if you deliver the assignment on the original time (midnight tonight) you will get 2 extra points. These PSP assignments are worth 10 points each.
23:25.36Esamynn|WorkPress ENTER or type command to continue
23:25.49ShirikThe project that I haven't even started on
23:25.54Shirikis extended until wednesday
23:27.29batrickEsamynn|Work: set foldlevel=1
23:28.30Esamynn|Workdidn't do it :(
23:28.31art3misquick shirik youll get 2 bonus points!
23:28.57Shirikscrew that
23:29.00*** join/#wowi-lounge Hobinheim (
23:29.01ShirikI already have a 120% in the class
23:29.04art3misits bonus points!!!
23:29.12art3misyou can never have enough
23:29.37batrickEsamynn|Work: zR (in vim)
23:29.44batrickthen foldlevel should work i think
23:29.51Esamynn|Workwill that be saved?
23:29.59batricki don't really know
23:30.01batricktry it...
23:31.17Esamynn|Workbatrick: nada
23:31.47*** join/#wowi-lounge JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
23:37.04Esamynn|Workahh ha
23:37.09Esamynn|WorkI found the problem
23:37.29Esamynn|WorkShirik: you're second line was // vim:foldmethod=marker
23:37.37Esamynn|Workso we need to disable vim processing those
23:37.39Shiriknot my code, don't get mad at me
23:39.05Esamynn|WorkI know, it's still a valid bug
23:40.59Esamynn|Works/I know/doesn't matter/
23:43.13art3missee i told you that he was a haxxor
23:43.20Esamynn|Workahh ha
23:43.24Esamynn|WorkI found a work around
23:43.31Esamynn|Workset foldminlines=999999999
23:43.32art3misban shirik?
23:43.54ShirikHey batrick, check out this circuit diagram I made in mspaint
23:43.54batrickban art3mis imo
23:44.19purlACTION smacks art3mis upside the head just cuz
23:44.43Esamynn|WorkShirik: thanks for the heads up, that particular problem shouldn't trouble anyone anymore
23:44.45art3misno dont ban me
23:44.49art3misim awesome!
23:45.17Esamynn|Workunless they specify // vim:foldminlines=# in their code, of course :/
23:45.17*** join/#wowi-lounge dinesh-work (n=chatzill@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Dinesh)
23:45.37Shirik(and everyone else)
23:45.51ShirikThat will let you turn off the surge protector
23:45.53Cidan"It's a patent for a mobile phone with removable storage, an internet connection, a camera and the ability to download audio or video files. The patent holding firm who has the rights to this patent wasted no time at all. At 12:01am Tuesday morning, it filed three separate lawsuits against just about everyone you can think of, including Apple, Nokia, RIM, Sprint, ATT, HP, Motorola, Helio, HTC, Sony Ericsson, UTStarcomm, Samsung and a bunch of ot
23:46.11batricki'd need to find an AC high amp transistor
23:46.12ShirikAnd anything on the same circuit of course, but that's mindless details
23:46.21Shirikand if they don't have a circuit breaker
23:46.34ShirikBut anyway, you plug that right into the surge protector
23:46.37Shirikas if it were some other device
23:46.50Shirikand when you send the signal BOOM that'll trip the breaker instantly
23:46.59ShirikHopefully it doesn't fry the transisor
23:47.05Shirikbetter get a pretty good one
23:47.27batricknot like there aren't huge safety concerns voer this either
23:47.40Shirikwho cares about safety these days
23:47.42Shirikobviously not china
23:48.16Shirikmy real solution would work though
23:48.22ShirikIt would just be a pain to do
23:48.42batricki need an AC transistor givve me links lolz
23:49.02Shirikoh I forgot transistors act like diodes
23:49.08Shirik(I don't use AC power much >< )
23:49.12ShirikJust use two
23:49.32batrickdon't see how using two helps
23:49.44Shirikone in each direction
23:49.52batrickeh that's cheating
23:49.58batricki smell electrical fire
23:50.13Shirik(no I'm not really this bad at EE I'm just messing around atm)
23:51.07kergothany hunters around with an owl for a pet?
23:52.48Shirikyou'll need a relay batrick
23:52.51Shirikinstead of a transistor
23:53.32batrickmoving parts
23:54.07batrickbut very well
23:56.26art3misi want a reverse scuba suit for my pet goldfish
23:59.53batrick--> _G._G._G._G._G._G
23:59.53batbotbatrick: > table: 0x80abb58

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